2013 Annual Report
2013 Annual Report
Camp Oochigeas Camp Oochigeas 464 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5T 2S6 P (416) 961- 6624 | 1-888-GO-4-OOCH | F (416) 961-2267 www.ooch.org | [email protected] www.facebook.com/campooch THANK YOU & for creating this Annual Report at no charge to Camp Oochigeas. Annual Report 2013 “Camp Ooch provides my daughter with a place where she is not different from any other child, Where she can focus on being who she is and not what she has.” Table of contents Camper Parent 3............... 5............... 6............... 7............... 9............... 11............. Message from the Executive Director and Chair of the Board 2013 by the Numbers – Program Highlights Program Overview Camper Stories: Yaqoub and Christian Program Volunteers Thank You To learn more about Ooch, visit OOCH.ORG or join the conversation at facebook.com/campooch @campooch The Magic of Ooch provides Confidence, Friendship, Hope, Joy, Laughter and Memories that last a lifetime. Most importantly, it provides kids with and affected by childhood cancer with what they need most – the chance to be a kid. MISSION Camp Oochigeas is a privately funded, volunteer-based organization that provides kids with and affected by childhood cancer with unique opportunities for growth through challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences. Each year, about 1500 new cases of childhood cancer are diagnosed.1 Camp Ooch Program Specialists ensure every child diagnosed with cancer at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) has the opportunity to access Camp Ooch programs. Our vision is to reach every child in the province of Ontario. 1. “Facts and Figures,” Childhood Cancer Canada Foundation, accessed July 2, 2014, http://childhoodcancer.ca/education/facts_figures. 1 Founded in 1983, Camp Oochigeas (Ooch), has been providing magical camp experiences for children with and affected by childhood cancer for 30 years. We offer year-round programs in Muskoka, at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), at three other regional cancer centres, and at Ooch Downtown in the heart of Toronto. As a registered charity that does not receive government funding, Camp Ooch is made possible by the generous support of donors and volunteers. Ooch is the only residential camp in Canada to offer on-site chemotherapy IV treatment and blood transfusions. Activities like canoeing, archery, swimming and waterskiing allow children with and affected by childhood cancer opportunities to challenge themselves in a safe environment and get back to what they need most – the chance to be kids! 2 The attitude kids develop coming out of Camp is an important part of their therapy and healing process. Message from the executive director and chair of the board Dr. Jim Whitlock, SickKids Division Head, Haematology and Oncology It’s amazing to think another year has passed by, and yet, as we reflect on the incredible work that continues to happen at Camp Ooch, we are reminded that one year is actually a short period of time. It is a short period of time to make a meaningful difference in the life of a child with or affected by childhood cancer; to listen closely to the ongoing and increased needs of the kids and families we are privileged to serve; or to build on the success of 30 years past to ensure the friendship, fun and Magic of Ooch remains relevant 30 years from now. This is the work we are committed to each day and we are happy to report that even in a short period of time, there is much to celebrate. This past year has seen incredible growth at Camp Ooch. Meeting every child diagnosed with cancer at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids); increasing the number of programs at Ooch Downtown to accommodate the growing number of kids and families we serve; expanding our summer programs to offer more activities, more fun and more life-changing experiences; each day of 2013 provided new opportunities for us to impart more Ooch, more often, to more kids. Celebrating 30 years of impact, we are both humbled and thrilled to connect and reconnect with campers, parents and volunteers who blazed the trail for what Ooch has become today. It is always inspiring to hear their stories of impact and gratitude affirming that Camp Ooch truly changes lives. Standing in a room surrounded by 30 years of history, it is surreal to think of the potential the next 30 years hold. We are reminded that as we celebrate each step forward, there is still much work to be done. Here are the facts as we know them in 2014: •Today in Canada, 10,000 children are living with the realities of childhood cancer. •1,500 new cases will be diagnosed in Canada in 2014. •Because of significant advances in medical therapy, 78 per cent of these children will survive five years or more, an increase of almost 46 per cent since the early 1960s. For some, these numbers may be staggering. For others, they are an encouragement affirming the great progress that has occurred in the field of paediatric cancer. For Ooch, they challenge us to do more. Currently reaching 35 per cent of kids diagnosed with cancer in Ontario, there are still 65 per cent who are unreached. As we look to the future, we remain committed to our mission to provide more Ooch, more often to more kids. Our aggressive mandate is to reach every child in Ontario diagnosed with cancer and to support them, their siblings and their families in a way that is life-changing. We are building a sound financial structure to ensure children diagnosed with cancer today continue to receive the same specialized care years from now. We are immensely grateful for your investment in Camp Ooch as your commitment makes a big difference in the lives of children with or affected by childhood cancer. We hope you will take pride in this annual report as it reflects the incredible work you help to make happen. On behalf of every child we serve, thank you. alex robertson Executive Director 3 “ Here are the facts as we know them in 2014. At no cost to families, Camp Ooch provides programs, friendship •Today in Canada, 10,000 children are living with the realities of childhood cancer. and fun to more than •Fifteen hundred new cases will be diagnosed in Canada in 2014. •Because of significant advances in medical therapy, 78% of these children will survive five years or more, an increase of almost 46% since the early 1960s. 1000 kids with cancer and their families each year. ” In response to this increased demand, Camp Ooch continues to offer camp programs that provide friendship and fun through what we fondly refer to as the Magic of Ooch. ANdrew Irvine Board Chair 4 2013 by the numbers program overview board of directors highlights 300 Over 300 families participated in Camp Ooch Family Programs 450 120 new campers had their first Ooch experience in 2013. Over 450 campers took advantage of Summer Camp during 2013 3,699 3699 In-City and Residential Camp experiences* 10,000 2014 Andrew Irvine, Chair Andrew Irvine, Chair Don McCreesh, Vice Chair Don McCreesh, Vice Chair Frank Magliocco, Treasurer John Langhorne, Chair, Audit Committee James Bunting, Secretary Alison Chick Averill Clarke, RN Allan Mark Dr. David Malkin Dr. David Malkin Andrea Metrick Theo Michalarias Andy Redmond, Past Chair IN-CITY PROGRAMS RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS CAPITAL ADMINISTRATION Founding FRIENDS of ooch downtown Maintenance & Site Occupancy *Each Camp Ooch experience equals 20 minutes. 12% 12% 14% 17% 22% 23% Dr. James A. Whitlock Mark Redmond Doug Turney Steve Turvey Dr. James A. Whitlock management Alex Robertson Michelle Afinec Alison Booth Aimee Bruner Brian Edmonds Sarah Nelles Executive Director Director, Finance & Corporate Services Director, Operations Director, Development Director, Site Expansion & Special Projects Director, Programs OOCH IN MUSKOKA – RESIDENTIAL CAMP Facing cancer can make a kid grow up awfully fast. When they are faced with difficult circumstances, Camp Ooch gives these kids what they need most – the chance to just be kids. Summer Camp: Three, two-week traditional sessions for children with cancer (ages 6-14). Teomul: A one-week residential camp for bereaved siblings (ages 6-18). 7 Scape: A one-week residential camp for recently diagnosed teens (ages 15-18). Weekends at Camp (WACs): These fall and winter weekends refuel campers with friendship and fun! OOCH DOWNTOWN – IN-CITY PROGRAMS AND Summer Specialties In-City Programs happen in the evenings and on weekends for the whole family. Ooch Downtown is the only facility of its kind in North America! Summer Specialties Week is a day camp program for campers (ages 8-12). Activities may include cooking classes, rock climbing, ball hockey and plenty of arts and crafts. Day Camp Summer Day Camp - Camp Robin Hood in Markham, Ontario offers two, two-week sessions of day camp specifically designed for young cancer patients (ages 4-7). Activities include swimming, arts and crafts, music, archery and much more. March Break Day Camp at Ooch Downtown IN-HOSPITAL PROGRAMS The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) Camp Ooch provides year-round fun and interactive programs at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) (ages 3-18). Program Specialists alongside committed volunteers deliver camp-style programs, seven days a week and four evenings a week, to children on the Oncology/Haematology floor. In addition to providing programming at SickKids, we also offer weekly programming at the following healthcare facilities: Southlake Region Hospital 5 Theo Michalarias Jamie Scarlett Doug Turney 2013 EXPENSES BASED ON REVENUE James Bunting, Secretary Alison Chick Averill Clarke, RN Jamie Scarlett Over 10,000 Camp Ooch experiences in 2013* FUNDRAISING & DEVELOPMENT 2013 Rouge Valley Centenary Credit Valley 6 yaqoub christian As told by Christian Yaqoub was a little shy when he first met the In-Hospital team at SickKids in the fall of 2011. He didn’t like being the centre of attention, but he did enjoy the opportunity to be in the playroom with other kids. In true Ooch fashion, the Program Specialists got to know Yaqoub and his family very well. “Discovering his love of trains, cars and music created the foundation we needed to engage with Yaqoub at his level,” says Taylor, Program Specialist. “Building a trust and rapport with our campers is where the Magic of Ooch starts.” The following spring, Yaqoub and his family came to their first Ooch Downtown programs. “It was so great to see them,” says Olivia, an Ooch staffer. “They came to our Bluegrass Breakfast, Dinner and a Movie and started to feel more comfortable with the idea of sending Yaqoub to programs on his own.” After learning more about Ooch and the summer day camp program, Yaqoub's parents registered him for a full two-week session. Yaqoub’s first day of day camp was both exciting and scary. “Many of our first-time camper’s step off the bus with hesitation,” says Hil, Program Specialist. “They explore their new surroundings wide-eyed with delight and fear, but it doesn’t take long before the 7 fear subsides and joy and laughter overshadow any reservations they may have had.” As the hours passed, it became clear that Yaqoub was not only comfortable with the routine of day camp, he was going to love it! The volunteer counsellors noticed this quiet, shy guy coming out of his shell. “Yaqoub was making new friends, learning new skills and tackling opportunities with enthusiasm and confidence. Activities like archery, mini golf, tag and arts and crafts became Yaqoub’s favourite things to do. Nothing, however, could top his enthusiasm for swimming,” says Olivia. “The smile on his face was intoxicating. In fact, trying to keep up with Yaqoub when it was time to go to the pool kept us all on our toes!” “Yaqoub’s growth over his next two weeks at day camp was simply amazing,” says Olivia. “The trust he had in his fellow campers, the safety he felt in a community that celebrated his achievements as well as the friends he made brought so much joy to both him and his family.” day camp and Ooch are a place where Yaqoub enjoys the friendship and fun of being a kid. Cancer has been forced to take a back seat on this incredible journey. At the age of 12, my life was on hold. At a time when I was playing competitive hockey, keeping active and living my life, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a type of treatable cancer that affects people of all ages. As I look back on this gloomy event, I began to think that it was predestined for me. Growing up, my mom’s favourite saying consisted of “Christian, know that everything in life happens for a reason.” I knew in my mind that nothing could hurt me; I was determined to win this fight. In the summer of 2009 – still undergoing treatment – I experienced a great lift in my spirits. I was invited to go to a summer camp called Camp Oochigeas. Over the past two years now, no longer am I a camper, but a leader in the “Ooch” community. I have partaken in the first of two leadership programs aimed to shape campers into future leaders. In order to complete the program, I needed to complete two main components. The first component involved demonstrating teamwork and leadership skills while on a three-day backcountry canoe trip in Algonquin Park. Throughout this multi-day voyage, I treated my fellow Leaders in Training (LITs) like family. Most of all, I provided support to those who required both physical and mental assistance. This support was achieved by taking the initiative to do things like prepare meals, portage canoes, and provide entertainment. The second element of the LIT program consisted of spending the duration of a week with a junior boys cabin group. During this weeklong test, my primary objective was to prove to my Leadership Coordinator that I was equipped with enough leadership experience to guide, mentor and connect with young children whose lifetime struggles reflected those of my own. So far, this experience has been the epitome and by far, the happiest moment of my life. Not only was I giving back to Camp Oochigeas, I was realizing my purpose in life – that it is my duty to lead by example and help others reach their potential. Clearly, the LIT program is an experience at Camp Oochigeas that I will never forget. In the future, I plan on pursuing other leadership roles within the Oochigeas community. 8 Program volunteers Over 350 volunteers make our programs possible every year. Thank you to the following individuals who contributed their time & energy in 2013: ∙ Brad Emes ∙ Marissa Enge ∙ Melanie Evans ∙ Peter Evans ∙ Megan Ewing F Kate Faber ∙ Chris Feasby ∙ Dana Fedderson ∙ Lindsay “Ooch was a light on a dark journey for us.” Camper Parent CANCER Melissa Rathier ∙ Jessica Rathwell ∙ Joseph Recupero ∙ Karen Reich ∙ Danielle Reinhardt ∙ Zahra Remtulla ∙ Alaina Robertson ∙ John Fedderson ∙ Benji Feldman ∙ Shawna Fenner ∙ Pat Firth ∙ Shane DOESN’T Robertson ∙ Barb Robertson-Mann ∙ Michael Rosenberg ∙ Adam A Ken Aldridge ∙ Kelly Allen ∙ Laura Amendola ∙ Jamal Amin Fisher ∙ Andrew Fitzpatrick ∙ Heather Fleming ∙ Ana Fonseca ∙ Ross ∙ Bev Rosser ∙ Mitchell Rozen ∙ Luc Rubinger ∙ Natalie Rubinger ∙ Katie Anderson ∙ Erin Andrews ∙ Julie Andrews ∙ Chad Angeli Valerie Fordyce ∙ Elyse Francey ∙ Julia Francey ∙ Jonathan Frank ∙ DEFINE ME ∙ Kelly Anthony-Brown ∙ Sophie Arkell ∙ Jennifer Arnold ∙ Majury Alex Frankel ∙ Leslie Fraser ∙ Lindsay Freeman ∙ Marla Friedman ∙ Arumai ∙ Oona Ashmore ∙ Colin Asselstine ∙ Brittany Attar Zoey Friedman G Kristen Gage ∙ Anil Ganguly ∙ Christine Gauthier B Shabari Banerji ∙ JP Beaudoin ∙ Kyle Beaudry ∙ Lydia Beck ∙ ∙ Jennifer Gleed ∙ Hayley Goldsand ∙ Courtney Good ∙ Shannon Spenser Bell ∙ Pat Belleau ∙ Candace Benedet ∙ Katie Bermingham Gordon ∙ David Gould ∙ Diana Gourley ∙ Janice Greenshields ∙ ∙ Kristin Berry ∙ Mara Berzins ∙ Sara Bianchini ∙ Graham Birt ∙ Lena Sarah Gregory ∙ Alicia Grigaitis ∙ Adam Guirguis H Sina Hadipour Black ∙ Andrew Blanchette ∙ Stephanie Bloomberg ∙ Kerri Boehmer ∙ Michael Haltrecht ∙ Jason Handelsman ∙ Rachel Handelsman ∙ ∙ Ben Boggs ∙ Samantha Boggs ∙ Andre Boothe ∙ Elissa Borrelli ∙ Jonny Handler ∙ Lisa Harkot ∙ Gillian Harnick ∙ Jacqueline Harper ∙ Jonathan Borrelli ∙ Ashley Botting ∙ Dillon Boucher ∙ Diana Jeff Harris ∙ Kim Hart ∙ Gillian Hill ∙ Kayren Hill ∙ Catherine Hindson- Brenchley ∙ Cait Brenchley ∙ Lacey Brennan ∙ John Ross Briggs ∙ Cox ∙ Anne Hogarth ∙ Bethany Holescheck ∙ Jimmy Holland ∙ Sue Katrina Brightling ∙ Alex Brown ∙ Lisa Brown ∙ Mia Brown ∙ Randall Holland ∙ Brendan Howarth ∙ Lauren Huggins ∙ Jennika Hunsinger Brown ∙ Magdalena Brzoska ∙ Travis Buckley ∙ Lisa Burt ∙ India ∙ Kyla Hunter J Joanna Jackson ∙ Dan Johnson ∙ Amy Johnston ∙ Erin Burton ∙ Chris Bynoe C Andrew Cain ∙ Elizabeth Cain ∙ Julia Cain Johnston ∙ Jennifer Johnston ∙ David Jones ∙ Sean Jones ∙ Stephanie ∙ Lowrey Cain ∙ Stephen Cain ∙ Lucy Caldwell ∙ Nina Caldwell ∙ Jones K Sarah Kanani ∙ Bonnie Karges ∙ Louie Katsis ∙ Ben Kaye ∙ Heather Campbell ∙ Sarah Cannell ∙ Geoff Capelle ∙ Adam Caplan Melissa Kaye ∙ Zoe Keefer ∙ Tracey Keighley-Clarke ∙ Daniela Keren ∙ Katrina Carruthers ∙ Lindsay Carter ∙ Mike Carter ∙ Liane Catalfo ∙ Nada Khatib ∙ Melody Khodaverdian ∙ Renee Kieltyka ∙ Meg ∙ Rahael Chester ∙ Kate Chippindale ∙ Laura Churchman ∙ Mary Kilvert ∙ Karen King ∙ Christoph Klaiber ∙ Joshua Klein ∙ Amber Knabl Churchman ∙ Stephanie Cini ∙ Candice Clarfield ∙ Ilana Clark ∙ ∙ Kris Knorr ∙ Lindsay Knox ∙ Tanya Kololian ∙ Jeff Kopas ∙ Judy Nicholas Clarridge ∙ Anne Clinkard ∙ Amanda Coffey ∙ Noam Kramer ∙ Gillian Kufsky ∙ Gillian Kuriyan L Genevieve La Cute ∙ Cohen ∙ Jessica Coke ∙ Alexander Cole ∙ Paul Cole ∙ Aaron Shazya Ladak ∙ Chris Laing ∙ Jonathan Laski ∙ Nikki Latta ∙ Brad Comstock ∙ Bradley Connelly ∙ Heather Conolly ∙ Kieran Cooley Lawrence ∙ James Leckie ∙ Jenny Lee Shee ∙ Kaila LeMaitre ∙ Erin ∙ Jacqueline Cooper ∙ Marley Cooper ∙ James Cosentino ∙ Andrea Leonard ∙ Caroline Leps ∙ Lee-Anne Leslie ∙ Karla Lhotsky ∙ Heather Cote ∙ Mary Ellen Cotter ∙ Steph Couperthwaite ∙ Candace Covent Libbey ∙ Kevin Limeback ∙ Justin Lintern ∙ Rishaal Lodhia ∙ Samuel ∙ Kerry-Ann Cummings ∙ Leah Cunningham D Victoria Dale ∙ Loeb M Francis Macapagal ∙ Oliver Macapagal ∙ Andrew Danielle D’Alessandro ∙ Teri Dallimore ∙ Caitlin Davey ∙ Hilary Macdonald ∙ Charise MacDonald ∙ Rob Mackay ∙ Meaghan Davidson ∙ Lindsay Davies ∙ Ryan Davies ∙ Angela Dawson ∙ Madge ∙ Elizabeth MaGee ∙ Matthew Mahoney ∙ Hilary Mair ∙ Zim Jessica Delgado ∙ Eric Démoré ∙ Samantha deSouza ∙ Megan Maizlin ∙ Maria Makris ∙ Evan Malach ∙ Adrienne Maniezzo ∙ Devlin ∙ Peter Dilworth ∙ Darcie Dixon ∙ Normand Doan ∙ Heather Christine Mann ∙ Bart Maracewicz ∙ Sondra Marcon ∙ Allan Mark Dockrill ∙ Craig Dodd ∙ Anthony Donoghue ∙ Mike Doris ∙ Sepanta ∙ Eric Mark ∙ Kelly Mark ∙ Justine Marks ∙ Jessica Marsh ∙ Anna- ∙ Brittany Owens P Heidi Parfitt ∙ Carissa Parravani ∙ Mike Parravani Zaccheo ∙ Erika Zammitti ∙ Evan Zehnal ∙ Jillian Zeppa ∙ Jennifer ∙ Dave Passmore ∙ Jim Passmore ∙ Vanessa Pastoric ∙ Krupesh Patel Zuccaro ∙ Rebecca Zur Dorri ∙ Michael Douglas ∙ Ashton D’Silva Marcon ∙ Juliana Duffy Maria Mastrogiacomo ∙ Ian Matthews ∙ Tammy Maxwell ∙ Hilary ∙ Chelsea Paulo ∙ Michelle Pearlman ∙ Katie Pearson ∙ Tyler Pearson ∙ Kath Duncan ∙ Brooke Duval E Joanne Eddy ∙ Brian Edmonds ∙ McCain ∙ Christine McDonald ∙ Matthew McDonald ∙ Anne ∙ Lyndsey Pickering ∙ Michael Pignanelli ∙ Alex Piilonen ∙ Alana Helen Edmonds ∙ Michael Edmonds ∙ Lauren Edwards ∙ Kirsten McDougall ∙ Keith McEwen ∙ Jaime McGowan ∙ Bridget McIlveen Podreciks ∙ Cynthia Poon ∙ Sally Poon ∙ Adam Potts ∙ Katharine Efremov ∙ Laura Egglestone ∙ Arash Ejtemaee ∙ Cristina Emanuele ∙ Darryl McKenzie ∙ Nicole McKibbon ∙ Jacqueline Menagh ∙ Krystal Powell R Zoe Radden ∙ Golbahar Rafinejad ∙ Kathryn Ramnarine ∙ 9 ∙ Ryan Rukavina ∙ Andrew Rytel S Tory Sageloly ∙ Katherine Sainsbury ∙ Kimberly Saltsman ∙ Jonathan Salvatore ∙ Paula Sanderson ∙ Claire Sargeant ∙ Jennifer Saundercook ∙ Jennifer Saunders ∙ Kim Saunders ∙ Claire Saxton ∙ Laura Scadding ∙ Stephanie Schreiber ∙ Lindsay Scott ∙ Poonam Sehmbi ∙ Bobbi Seigmiller ∙ Emily Sellan ∙ Nick Senst ∙ Kimberly Service ∙ Jenna Shamata ∙ Michael Sharp ∙ Alex Sherman ∙ Caitlin Shields ∙ Meghan Shields ∙ Alice Shipton ∙ Kerry Shopiro ∙ Kimberly Shopiro ∙ Jordan Silverman ∙ Laura Simmons ∙ Jagdamba Singh ∙ Katie Sisam ∙ Ryan Sless ∙ Alyssa Smith ∙ Carolyn Smith ∙ Jacqueline Smith ∙ Jessica Smith ∙ Carla Smyth ∙ Megan Snell ∙ Jeff Snowden ∙ Sara Son Hing ∙ Andrew Soren ∙ Tamara Spinatsch ∙ Alexis Stern ∙ Natasha Stern ∙ Danielle Stevens ∙ Erin Stevens ∙ Kally Suggitt ∙ Melissa Sukhoo T Lynsey Tait ∙ Catherine Talbot ∙ Ulana Tarapacky ∙ Yasmina Tehami ∙ Johnny Teolis ∙ Carly Thompson ∙ Jacqueline Thompson ∙ Lesley Thompson ∙ Michelle Thompson ∙ Benjamin Thorek ∙ Caitlin Tino ∙ Julie Trahan ∙ Matthew Tran ∙ Judy Tripp ∙ Taylor Tripp V Vladimir Vallecilla ∙ Shana Valo ∙ Sin Varatharajah ∙ Reggie Vasquez ∙ Russanthy Velummailum ∙ Kimberly Veneziale ∙ Emilia Verdoliva ∙ Joanna Verweel ∙ Sarah Vingoe ∙ Kyra Vitko ∙ Claire Vivier ∙ Kristen Vujacic W Natalie Waddell ∙ Ashley Warias ∙ Virginia Warner ∙ Caitlin Watson ∙ Emily Watson ∙ Tim Watson ∙ Katie Watts ∙ Darcy Menezes ∙ Diana Merino ∙ Selena Micic ∙ Kate Mihaljevic ∙ Kerry Wefers ∙ Gillian White ∙ Julia White ∙ Andrew Wicken ∙ Alexandra Millar ∙ Emma Miller ∙ Grant Minkhorst ∙ Andy Montague ∙ Craig Wilbee ∙ Dave Wiley ∙ Kate Wiley ∙ Stephanie Wilkinson ∙ Cameron Moore ∙ Elizabeth Morrow ∙ Ryan Muir ∙ Maeve Mungovan ∙ Sue Williams ∙ Denise Williams ∙ Natalie Wilson ∙ Stephanie Wilson ∙ Munro ∙ Frances Murray N Lisa Nethercott ∙ Philip Nicho ∙ Briar Jeremy Winkler ∙ Leah Winter ∙ Diana Withrow ∙ Renee Wong ∙ Nielsen ∙ Joce Noël O Eddy Okun ∙ David Opiola ∙ Drew Osborne Claudia Woronko ∙ Adam Wyprysky X Lauren Xuereb Z Kathleen 10 “The group of kids that come to Camp Ooch support one another throughout the year. Camp never really ends.” THANK YOU ALEX ROBERTSON Individual fundraisers & in celebration tributes INDIVIDUAL DONORS Listed below are individuals who raised funds or received donations in their name of $1,000 or more during the 2013 fiscal year (January 2013 – December 2013). Thank you for your support! Listed below are donors who contributed $1,000 or more during the 2013 fiscal year (January 2013 – December 2013). A Billy & Joelle Anderson ∙ Bernice Augusto ∙ Terry Axelrod B JP $10,000 – $24,999 Beaudoin ∙ Spenser Bell ∙ Lindsay Bergeron ∙ Lesley Bloor ∙ Dave Britton ∙ David Brooks ∙ Laurel Brooks ∙ Alan Brown ∙ Tyler Burtch C Naz Cavallaro ∙ Archie Chase ∙ Ivano Ciciarelli ∙ Emi-Lee DEVELOPMENT AND WORK CAMP VOLUNTEERS Commisso ∙ Ben Crocker D Trevor Dawes ∙ Lynn Digiacomo ∙ Kevin Dobbin E The Eby Family ∙ Kheir El-Dakkak ∙ Paul Emerson F John Faggiani ∙ Gary Fenske ∙ Rosa Forgione ∙ Pamela Forsyth G Michael Gary ∙ Lorraine Gibson-Alcock ∙ Gillian Grand ∙ Russell Gray H Judy Haladay ∙ Louise Hammond ∙ Jennifer & Daniel Heffernan ∙ Rob Hern ∙ Morgan Hicks ∙ Elizabeth Hill ∙ Jamie Holland ∙ Kate File Bank ∙ Leader Financial Group ∙ Rexall Foundation ∙ Rotary Club Holloway ∙ Ross Huggins K Lynn Keane ∙ Michele & Gary Kelly ∙ of Palgrave ∙ The Nielsen Company ∙ Heather Adam ∙ Sheila Allen Jim Kinnie ∙ Peter & Lori Kofman ∙ David Kogan ∙ James & Lianne ∙ Ben Anderson ∙ Emily Armstrong ∙ Dianne Boehm ∙ Asha Bora ∙ Krane ∙ Heidi Kreiner-Ley L Paul LaRose ∙ Patricia Leahy ∙ David Cait Brenchley ∙ Andrea Bunker ∙ Bruce Butler ∙ Emma Butler ∙ Jeremy Lecourt ∙ Debbie Lennie M Tim Mackay ∙ The MacKenzie Family ∙ Chan ∙ Rosie Coelho ∙ Louise Colley ∙ John Cook ∙ Pat Davidson ∙ Cheryl Ann Madeira ∙ Patti Matetich ∙ Rob Mathews ∙ Lorne McBride Mark Edmonds ∙ Arash Ejtemaee ∙ Carly Ely ∙ Melanie Evans ∙ Drew ∙ John & Gretta McConnell ∙ Rob McConnell ∙ Jennifer McCuaig ∙ Gulyas ∙ Cheryl Hammond ∙ Louise Hammond ∙ Jeff Harris ∙ Cathy Stuart McKinnon ∙ Roger & Sandra Meeks N Frank Nocera O David Hitchcock ∙ Doug Hitchcock ∙ Jimmy Holland ∙ George James ∙ Opiola ∙ Adrian Osmir P Geoff Patchell ∙ Bob Peacock ∙ Deb Heather Jones ∙ Bob Kozak ∙ Rosemary Kozak ∙ Warren Lang ∙ Lia Peacock ∙ Dan & Alexandra Petr ∙ Steve Petsinis ∙ Michael & Susy MacLeod ∙ Stephen Malesovich ∙ Dale McIntosh ∙ Dianne McLean Picco ∙ The Pileggi Family ∙ Jason Prendergast ∙ Lloyd Proctor ∙ Sarah Mediouni ∙ Anna Miller ∙ Rachael Mirvish ∙ Andy Montague S Sergio Sain ∙ Robert Saliba ∙ Ezio Sbrizzi ∙ Jan Simmons ∙ William ∙ Tracy Morley ∙ Juda Nalevka ∙ Jen Palacios ∙ Chaitram Ramnarine & Kay Sinclair ∙ Laura Skain ∙ The Skretkowski Family ∙ Warren ∙ Mathew Ramnarine ∙ Hugh Rennie ∙ Bev Rosser ∙ Maureen Smith ∙ Anne Stevens ∙ John Stevens T The Thompson Family ∙ Josh Shaughnessy Kitts ∙ Mike Sitter ∙ Hilary Smith ∙ Sara Taylor ∙ Judy Title ∙ Kirk Tobias ∙ Kris Tobias U Tim Usher-Jones & Jessica Shain Tripp ∙ Sheryl Yip ∙ Noah Wolfe ∙ Jessica Zufferli V The Vigna Kids – Mya, Layla & Owen W Greg Wallace ∙ Marilyn & Bruce Wharram ∙ Amy Williams ∙ Trudy Wilson Y Verna Yu ∙ Mitchell Yurkiw Z Susan Zikman Wise & Steven Wise Eric & Keddy Bushell ∙ Jennifer & Larry Clark ∙ The Estate of David John Darwent Harris ∙ Greg Mills ∙ Nigel Wright $5,000 – $9,999 Brian Harris ∙ Liz Hathway ∙ David & Lenore Hawkey ∙ Maria & Bernhard Hollen ∙ David & Mariella Holmes ∙ Charles Hounsell ∙ Lenny & Evelyn Binder ∙ Oliver & Shirin Bock ∙ Richard & Marilyn Ernest Howard ∙ Randal Hughes & Nancy Main I Andrew & Coles ∙ Michelle Connolly & Carlo Odorico ∙ David Eby & Kim Plato Stephanie Irvine ∙ Kenny Ives J Laurie Jennings K Mike & Carolyn ∙ Ori & Trish Goldman ∙ Joan & Andrew Hill ∙ Frank & Rosalia Kellie ∙ Neville Kirchmann ∙ Bobby Kofman ∙ Stan Krawitz L John Magliocco ∙ Michael McCain ∙ Vincent Mercier & Kirsten Halpin ∙ Langhorne & J. Gibson ∙ Carolyn & Don Langill ∙ Richard LaPrairie Steven Turvey & Elizabeth Duncan ∙ Robert Wiseman & Virginia Roy ∙ Karyn Lau ∙ Simon Lee ∙ Gary Lengyel ∙ Don & Susan Lowe ∙ Mark $1,000 – $4,999 Lucas ∙ Paul & Meagan Lynch M Andrew MacDougall ∙ David Malkin ∙ Michael Matthews & Jane Crow ∙ Jens Mayer ∙ John & A Richard Abboud ∙ Louis Alexopoulos ∙ Mike Alviano ∙ Maureen Gretta McConnell ∙ Don & Susan McCreesh ∙ Anne McDougall & Armstrong ∙ Hugh Atkin ∙ Marly Atkins B Michael Back & Mia Brown Doug McGill ∙ Dale McFarland ∙ James A. McIntyre ∙ Anne ∙ Daniel Barclay ∙ Noah Barlow ∙ John Barnes ∙ Paul & Kathleen McKenzie ∙ Michael McLaughlin ∙ Tony Medeiros ∙ Bradley & Beeston ∙ Murray & Ann Beynon ∙ Auguste Bolte ∙ Carla Brewer & Jacqueline Meiers ∙ Brian Mosko N George Nightingale P Greg & Curtis Cusinato ∙ Teresa & Gordon Briggs ∙ Delores Buka-Huculak Laurie Patchell ∙ Vincent & Rosa Pileggi ∙ Kathryn Podrebarac ∙ David ∙ John David Burnes C Martin Caplan ∙ Ron Carlton ∙ Lincoln & Poole R Michael & Amy Raven ∙ Sapna Rawal & Nicolas Mayer ∙ Melissa Caylor ∙ Sue Cheek ∙ Gabrielle Chevalier ∙ Stephen Aaron Regent ∙ Hugh & Janice Rennie ∙ Lou Rocca ∙ Marsha Rogers Chisholm ∙ Aubrey Choi & Mable Chang ∙ Ruth Clark ∙ Christine ∙ Mary & Michael Rolland ∙ Tony Rutten S Erik & Sophie Saeys ∙ Cole ∙ Michael Cummins D Pat Davidson ∙ Douglas Dawson ∙ Peggy Sarjeant ∙ Kris Sarkissian ∙ Jamie Scarlett & Vanessa Yeung Sandra Deike ∙ Leo & Sandra DelZotto ∙ George Dembroski ∙ Steve ∙ Tony Shamata ∙ John Shannon ∙ Mary Anne Shaw ∙ Jeffrey Silver Dent ∙ Heather Dickenson ∙ Dianne Domelle ∙ Reg Driscoll ∙ William & Kay Sinclair ∙ Eric & Ingrid Sinclair ∙ Stephen Smith E Jim Earle & Chris McDonald ∙ Richard & Beverley Eastwood ∙ N. T Nima Taghavi ∙ Linda Turvey U Tim Usher-Jones & Jessica Shain Murray & Heather Edwards ∙ Rosemary J Egolf ∙ Bob Else F Dario V Andrea Venneri Heayn W Mark Wellings ∙ Marilyn & Bruce Favot ∙ Christina Field ∙ Joe Froio G Peter Gilgan ∙ Jonathan Wharram ∙ Ian, Lynda, Katie & Emma Wookey ∙ Ed Wyzykowski Goodman ∙ Robert Goss ∙ Jennifer Grossklaus ∙ Doug Grundy ∙ Judy 11 Haladay & James Douglas H Brad & Louise Hammond ∙ Valerie & Y William & F. Joyce Young 12 “Camp is Ava's favourite thing in the world. Nothing makes her happier and more excited than hearing she is going to summer camp at Ooch, a WAC or even a one-day event.” SPORTING LIFE 10K Camper Parent Thank you for making the 2013 Sporting Life 10k a success, raising over $2 million for Camp Ooch! Listed below are the 2013 Sporting Life 10k fundraisers who raised $1,000 or more. SPORTING LIFE 10K INDIVIDUAL FUNDRAISERS SPORTING LIFE 10K FUNDRAISING TEAMS A Michele Adam ∙ Stephanie Agelopoulos ∙ Gurdeep Ahluwalia ∙ M Charise MacDonald ∙ Nancy Macdonald ∙ James MacIntosh ∙ Yianni Alexopoulos ∙ Maxwell Altman ∙ Heather Anderson ∙ Joelle Ivana MacIsaac ∙ Tony Marcello ∙ Allan W. Mark ∙ Susan Marlow C. Anderson ∙ Leigh Anderson ∙ Brandy Andrews ∙ Susan Angelidis ∙ Rob Marsh ∙ Lyranda Martin Evans ∙ Meghan Massad ∙ Wiley ∙ Maria Virginia Anzola ∙ Mica Arlette ∙ Laura Ashley ∙ Colin Matteo ∙ Ian Matthews ∙ Susan McCreesh ∙ Barbara McDonald ∙ 3girls1cause ∙ 8B-BMT! A accenture ∙ Altus Group ∙ Alvarez and Oxford Properties P PIMCO ∙ Planning Team ∙ Pura Vida ∙ Asselstine ∙ Nori Ayer B Judy Bagshaw ∙ Scott Bainbridge ∙ Lauren Anne McDougall ∙ Scott McGillivray ∙ Bridget McIlveen ∙ John Marsal ∙ Archaeological Services Inc. ∙ Assterisk Kickers ∙ AuRico PwC R RBC ∙ RFC ∙ Rosedale Day School ∙ Royal Nickel ∙ Run for Baker ∙ Antonia Barbaric ∙ Nicole Barbosa ∙ Kristy-Anne Bélanger McKeown ∙ Betty Ann McPherson ∙ Trent Mell ∙ Patrick Merrin ∙ Gold B Barrick Gold Corporation ∙ BBDO/Proximity ∙ BCE23 ∙ BDO Slim ∙ RX10000 S Scotiabank ∙ Segal LLP ∙ Slo Mo for Robin & Em ∙ Kathy Bell ∙ Bobbie Bentley ∙ Michael Bergmann ∙ Shalla Bhakoo Amanda Millward ∙ Kyle Moffatt ∙ Ashley Monaghan ∙ Jennifer Mississauga ∙ Bennett Jones ∙ Benson Percival Brown ∙ Bentall ∙ Softchoice ∙ Sony Computer Entertainment ∙ Sotos LLP ∙ Steel ∙ Sara Bianchini ∙ Cindy Bianco ∙ Jully and Chantelle Black ∙ Nicole Morin ∙ Anne Murray N Tracy Nguyen O Matthew O’Neil ∙ Mairi Kennedy ∙ Black Sutherland LLP ∙ Blakes ∙ Blue Willow Wildcats ∙ Magnolias ∙ Straticom Speedsters ∙ Sun Life Financial T TD Blain ∙ Chiara Bradstreet ∙ Olga Brilant ∙ Mia Brown ∙ Tom Browne Omand ∙ Kathy Orlando ∙ Beverley Osburne ∙ Brittany Owens BMO Capital Markets C Cambridge Crew ∙ Camp Robin Hood ∙ Commercial Banking – CNA ∙ TD Securities ∙ Team Brave ∙ Team ∙ Reid Buchanan ∙ Brenda Burton ∙ Douglas Butcher C Laura and P Anna Pal ∙ Jeffrey Parr ∙ Sophia Pasalis ∙ Sarah Peacock Cassels Brock ∙ CBRE Limited ∙ Centerra Gold ∙ Chaitons ∙ Circle of Bryan ∙ Team Jacob ∙ Team Jennifer ∙ Team Kiehl’s ∙ Team Lucas ∙ Bill Carrigan ∙ Paulette Casey ∙ Brian Chan ∙ Denise Chang ∙ Julia ∙ Zachary Pearse ∙ Jessica Philip ∙ Vincent Pileggi ∙ Steve Pimentel Hope ∙ Collective Point of Sale Solutions ∙ Colliers ∙ Counterpoint ∙ Team Markham ∙ Team Megan ∙ TEAM STRANO ∙ Team Tamara Chang ∙ Kathy Cherian ∙ Katherine Chewchuk ∙ Ling Chhor ∙ Crestwood ∙ Crowe Soberman LLP D Danforth Children’s Dentistry ∙ Team Wood ∙ Team Wookey ∙ TeamTina ∙ Telus ∙ TMIG ∙ Torkin Geoffrey Chisholm ∙ Aubrey Choi ∙ Alex Cobb ∙ Joanne Collins ∙ Breanna Pugh R Karry-Lee Racki ∙ Debi Raine ∙ Patricia Rakic ∙ Danforth Community Fitness ∙ Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg Manes LLP ∙ Toromont CAT ∙ Torys U U of T School of Continuing Jacqueline Cooper ∙ Brandon Couldrey ∙ Beth Coulson ∙ Wendy ∙ Karen Reid ∙ Chris Riddell ∙ James Ritchie ∙ Barb Robertson-Mann LLP ∙ The Del Vistas ∙ Dhuga Dental Centre ∙ Dinosaur Wins! ∙ Studies ∙ Ubisoft Toronto ∙ Uken Games W Warner Bros. Craft ∙ Jasmine Cuff ∙ Hayley Cunneyworth ∙ Amanda Cutler ∙ Jeff Rogers ∙ David Ross ∙ Bev Rosser ∙ Sean Rottman ∙ Christopher Downtown Orthodontics ∙ DraftFCB ∙ DundeeWealth E Ernst & ∙ Wildeboer Dellelce LLP X Xstrata Y You & Me 73 D Melanie D’Alessandro ∙ Alyssa Dais ∙ Julie Daniluk ∙ Kathleen Rouleau S Heather and Jason Saltzman ∙ Danielle Sanders ∙ Claire ∙ Lee-Anne Pires ∙ Alison Polan ∙ Sarah Polan ∙ Andrew Posluns ∙ Young F Fasken Martineau ∙ Foresters G GABrown ∙ George Davies ∙ Trevor Delaire ∙ Jessica Delorme ∙ Pete Dilworth ∙ Dominique Sargeant ∙ Mitchell Sarjeant ∙ James Scarlett ∙ Jonathan Scarlett ∙ Weston Limited ∙ GHD ∙ Giddy Goats ∙ Glam Zone ∙ GMP Securities Dionne ∙ Mike Doris ∙ Sepanta Dorri ∙ Dennis Duke ∙ Heidi Dunn Michael Scarlett ∙ Andrew Shaw ∙ Tyler Shaw ∙ Alanna Silver ∙ Goldcorp Inc. ∙ Goodmans ∙ Gowlings ∙ Grant Thornton LLP ∙ E Melanie E. Evans ∙ Peter Evans ∙ Matt Eves F Mary Jo Fader ∙ ∙ Brian Slomka ∙ Robyn Small ∙ Daniel Sorger ∙ Erica Spencer ∙ Griffith Labs H Hatch ∙ Heart and Sole for Nolan ∙ Heenan Blaikie Benji Feldman ∙ Noreen Flanagan ∙ Katherine Flemming ∙ Penny Katie St. Louis ∙ Ana Stephenson ∙ Danielle Stevens ∙ Victor Strano ∙ Hennes ∙ HJS ∙ The Hot Chicks are running for Brave Little Jordon Forbes ∙ Laurence Fourchet ∙ Peter Friis ∙ Gerald Fuhrer G Sam ∙ Tina Svistunenko ∙ Lloyd Switzer ∙ Marlene Sykes T Lynsey Tait ∙ ∙ HudBay Minerals I in-sync and friends ∙ It’s All Downhill J Jack’s Gagliardi ∙ Venka Galic ∙ Raquel Gaspar ∙ Jared Goldberg ∙ Hayley Catherine Tam ∙ Deborah Tanaka ∙ Romy Terkel ∙ Farzana Thawer Pack ∙ Jennikas Dream Team ∙ Jerry’s Angels ∙ Johnstone Periodontics Goldsand ∙ Ian Grundy ∙ Robbie Gunn H Shana Haberman ∙ ∙ Donna Toth ∙ Sidney Troister ∙ Ozen Turkekul ∙ Keith Turpin ∙ Steve ∙ JUSTICE LEAGUE K kbs+p toronto ∙ Kinross Gold ∙ KPMG – TMT Amanda Hathway ∙ Erin Hathway ∙ Jen Heakes ∙ Murray Henderson Turvey U Jason Ungeran V Panda V. Vallecilla ∙ Dale Varney L Lakefield College School ∙ LEA Consulting Inc. ∙ Lenczners Slaght ∙ Natalie Hodgins ∙ Moira Holmes ∙ Lauren Hounsell ∙ Heidi Hughes W Laurie Wasser ∙ Darcy L. Wefers ∙ Chinyere Welsh ∙ Brent LLP ∙ Lerners M MacLaren McCann ∙ Make Dreams Happen ∙ Matt, ∙ Jennika Hunsinger ∙ Wendy Hurst I Laura Iannacci J Emily Jarrett Weyers ∙ Tara Williams ∙ Diana Withrow ∙ Steve Wolfe ∙ Jimmy Rommi & Dan Page Connection ∙ McCarthy Tetrault ∙ McKinsey & ∙ Jennifer Johnston ∙ Andrea Johnstone ∙ David A. Jones ∙ Ksenija Wong ∙ Paul Wong ∙ Andrew Wood ∙ Emma Wookey ∙ Jesse Company ∙ McMillan ∙ Minden Gross ∙ Moira & Max ∙ Monitor Jurcic ∙ Mario Jurcic K Ilana Kaczmarek ∙ Melody Khodaverdian ∙ Wright ∙ Leslie Wright ∙ Peter Wright ∙ Gary, Valeria and Emily Deloitte ∙ MoRoCo Chocolat ∙ MVM Runners 2013 N NikeFinTrackers Mona Khorasani ∙ Sarah Kohman ∙ Henry Korenblum ∙ Angela ∙ NKPR ∙ Nolan’s Dream Chasers ∙ Norton Rose Canada ∙ Nothing Koszuta ∙ Emma Krause ∙ Gillian L. Kuriyan ∙ Dennis Kwong L Ken Drops O Onondaga Camp ∙ OOCH 464 Second Floor ∙ Ooch Labine ∙ Karyn Lau ∙ Caitlin Lee ∙ Sandra Lennon ∙ Chloe Leonard ∙ Costume Vote ∙ Ooch Volunteers ∙ Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP ∙ Bethany Lerman ∙ Catherine Liwanpo ∙ Meagan Lynch ∙ Paul Lynch 13 Wuschnakowski Y Walter Yim Z Julia Zucker 14 “Ooch = fun” THANK YOU Camper Panneton Family Foundation ∙ Jaytex of Canada Ltd. ∙ John Bruce Robinson Construction Limited ∙ John Street Inc. L Labatt Breweries Corporations, foundations & Associations of Canada ∙ The Larkins Family Foundation ∙ Legacy Private Trust ∙ Lerners LLP ∙ Lexus On the Park ∙ Lions Club of Mount Albert & District donationS in kind ∙ LIUNA Ontario Provincial District Council ∙ London Life Insurance Company ∙ Lubricon Industries M M Partners Inc. ∙ Manufacturing Listed below are donors who contributed in-kind goods or services valued at $1,000 or more during the 2013 General Contracting Ltd. ∙ The Marjorie and Joseph Wright fiscal year (January 2013 – December 2013). & Technology Centre ∙ Maple Drywall Inc. ∙ Mar A Painting & Listed below are donors who contributed $1,000 or more E Enterprise Holdings Foundation G The Geoffrey H. Wood during the 2013 fiscal year (January 2013 – December 2013). Foundation ∙ The Great-West Life Assurance Company H The Hylcan $250,000 – $499,999 Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation ∙ Sporting Life Inc. $100,000 – $249,999 Canada Limited N The Norman and Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation T Target Park Group Inc. ∙ The Toronto Star Fresh Air ∙ Moatfield Foundation ∙ Molson Coors Canada ∙ Monteith Building Bayview Chevrolet Pontiac Buick GMC ∙ Bonne Bouche ∙ Michael Fund ∙ Travelers Insurance Company of Canada Group Ltd. ∙ Moosehead Breweries Ltd. ∙ MoRoCo Chocolat ∙ Bradley ∙ Mike Brown ∙ Brown-Forman Canada C Cate and Levi BMO Financial Group ∙ Prime Restaurant Inc. ∙ Sony Computer $1,000 – $4,999 Entertainment Canada ∙ Westwell Inc. A Accenture Inc. ∙ Alice and Murray Maitland Foundation ∙ Altus $50,000 – $99,999 Group Ltd ∙ The Andy and Beth Burgess Family Foundation ∙ The Jays Care Foundation, Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club ∙ KRG Children’s Charitable Foundation ∙ Rexall Foundation $25,000 – $49,999 Aubrey and Marsha Baillie Family Fund ∙ Aurora Montessori School B Baeumler Family Foundation ∙ Barrick Gold Corporation ∙ BASF Canada Inc. ∙ Bayer Inc ∙ Belor Construction Ltd ∙ Benson Percival Brown LLP ∙ The BLG Foundation ∙ Bousfields Inc. ∙ Bruce W. The Bedolfe Foundation ∙ The Grocery Foundation ∙ Nike Canada Etherington Agencies Inc. C C.J. Graphics Inc. ∙ Cate and Levi ∙ Corp. ∙ Sprott Asset Management LP Cecconi Simone Inc ∙ CH2M Hill ∙ Clif Bar & Company ∙ The Clorox $10,000 – $24,999 Company Foundation ∙ Cobourg Lakeshore Lions Club ∙ Colossus D Donner Canadian Foundation H HudBay Minerals Inc. K Kiehl’s Since 1851 ∙ Kinross Gold Corporation L The Lawrason Foundation ∙ The Leonard and Gabryela Osin Foundation M Manulife Financial ∙ The Mary & Gordon Christopher Foundation ∙ Michael Albert Garron Foundation O Odyssey Reinsurance Company R RBC Foundation S Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada T TD Securities Underwriting Hope Fund W The W. Garfield Weston Foundation X Xstrata Nickel $5,000 – $9,999 A Aqueduct Foundation ∙ Arrell Family Foundation ∙ AuRico Gold Minerals Inc. ∙ Complete Packaging Systems Inc. ∙ Computershare ∙ Corporate Wakefield Canada Inc. ∙ Crazy Canuck Events Corp. ∙ Creaghan McConnell Group Ltd. ∙ Credit Suisse ∙ Crystal Fountains D Dael Thermal Group ∙ The De Boer Foundation ∙ Design Lab Inc. ∙ Diageo Canada Inc. ∙ Dillon Consulting ∙ DM Weller Consultant ∙ Durham Instruments Inc. E E. W. Polci Insurance Agency Ltd. ∙ Elmica Holdings ULC ∙ The Empire Life Insurance Company ∙ Evoy Production Control Limited F Ferraro – Division of Mar – Guil Holdings Inc. ∙ FileBank Record Centre Ltd ∙ Forum Equity Partners G George Weston Limited ∙ Gibson’s Cleaners Co. Limited ∙ Gillam Group ∙ Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP ∙ Greenwin Inc. H High Inc. B The Ben and Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation ∙ Blair Franklin Reach Inc. ∙ Hollister Family Fund ∙ The Howard and Carle Asset Management Inc. ∙ Brian and Susan Thomas Foundation Tanenbaum Family Charitable Foundation ∙ Hughes Amys LLP ∙ The C Centerra Gold · The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Hunt Family Charitable Foundation I Invesco Canada Ltd. ∙ Izusa Ontario D David William Moore Enterprizes Incorporated 15 Memorial Foundation ∙ Mazda Canada Inc. ∙ MCW Consultants Ltd. ∙ Medcan Clinic ∙ Millcroft Financial Group Ltd. ∙ Mitchell A à la Carte Kitchen Inc. ∙ Algonquin Electrical Services ∙ International Information Services, Inc. ∙ MLSE Team Up Foundation Archaeological Services Inc. ∙ JP Arencibia B Barrie Days Inn ∙ Foundation J John Brooks Company Ltd. L Lubricon Industries Investments Inc. J J & L Rogers Family Charitable Foundation ∙ J.E. Mortgage Alliance Performance Group ∙ Mount Albert Lumber and ∙ Cavalcade Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. ∙ Challenges Unlimited Inc. ∙ Building Supplies Inc. N NCRS Ontario Chapter ∙ Nelson Arthur Coca-Cola Ltd. ∙ Coleman Canada ∙ Cottage Life Media Inc. ∙ Hyland Foundation ∙ New York Fries Kids Fund at The Toronto Craft Toronto D David William Moore Enterprizes Incorporated Community Foundation ∙ North American Produce Buyers Ltd. E Peter Evans F Jane Ferguson ∙ Filebank ∙ Frito Lay Canada G O O’Neil Electric Supply ∙ Ogilvy & Ogilvy (Ontario) Inc. ∙ Ontario Green For Life ∙ The Hospital for Sick Children I ICON Digital Power Generation Inc. ∙ Oxford Properties P Pelican Woodcliff Inc. Productions Inc. K Nazem Kadri ∙ Christine Kemper ∙ Kenaidan ∙ Pioneer Energy Foundation at Hamilton Community Foundation ∙ Contracting Ltd. ∙ Phil Kessel ∙ Kiehl’s Since 1851 L LifeLabs, Primary Energy Recycling Corporation ∙ Proteus Performance Headquarters M MacLaren McCann Canada Inc. ∙ Mark Anthony Management Inc. ∙ PSP Sports R R. Galati Contracting Ltd. ∙ Ralph Brands Ltd. ∙ Mazda Canada Inc. ∙ McCain Foods (Canada) ∙ & Maureen Phillips Family Foundation ∙ Raymond James Canada Andy Montague ∙ Moosehead Breweries Ltd. ∙ Muskoka Chrysler Foundation ∙ Regupol America, LLC ∙ Robert L Conconi Foundation Sales ∙ Muskoka Lakes Marine Inc. ∙ Muskoka Woods ∙ Rosedale Day School ∙ Rotary Club of Palgrave ∙ Roy Foss Motors N Neal Brothers Foods Inc. ∙ NewRoads Chevrolet ∙ Nobis Inc. ∙ RPIA S The Salden Foundation ∙ Saputo Dairy Products ∙ Scotiabank O OPEN a Constellation Brand ∙ Colton Orr P Tim Peters ∙ Pride ∙ Serad Holdings Limited ∙ Sierra Building Group ∙ Siga International Pak Canada Ltd. R RR Donnelley S shomi! ∙ Sirius XM Canada ∙ SmartPrint Inc. ∙ Splash Modelling Marketing ∙ St. Joseph’s College Inc. ∙ Sole Power Productions ∙ Sony Computer Entertainment School ∙ Sun Life Financial T TACC Construction Ltd. ∙ Temerty Family Canada T TalentEgg ∙ Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club – Jays Foundation ∙ Tony and Caley Taylor Family Fund ∙ Toromont Care Foundation ∙ Toronto Police Service Marine Unit ∙ trevor// Industries Ltd. ∙ Toronto Central Dental Society ∙ Trailers Canada ∙ peter communications ∙ Trimark Sportswear Group ∙ The Tyler Trimark Sportswear Group W Warner Bros. Entertainment Canada Ellis Band V Volkswagen Group Canada Inc. W West Parry Inc. ∙ Winberg Foundation Sound Health Centre ∙ Nigel Wright Because of the generous support of our donors and volunteers, Camp Ooch continues to provide magical programs at our Residential Camp in Muskoka, at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), at three other regional cancer centres across Southern Ontario and at Ooch Downtown, our urban recreational facility in the heart of Toronto. Cancer changes a child’s life. So does Camp. 16 “The arts and craft activities were a way for Lily to work through what was happening to her during treatment and an escape from the procedures that were coming.” community events Camper Parent Listed below are the amazing Community Fundraising Events that raised funds of $1,000 or more during the 2013 fiscal year (January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013). Over $1 Million IN MEMORiam TRIBUTES Sporting Life 10k $250,000 - $499,999 Donations of $1,000 or more have been made in celebration of the life of the following individuals: Tour For Kids $100,000 – $249,999 Annual Charity BBQ at the Queen’s Quay LCBO ∙ Prime Restaurant Golf Tournament $50,000 – $99,999 4th Annual PlayStation Charity Golf Tournament ∙ McConnell Classic Golf Tournament ∙ Muskoka Rocks Road Race $25,000 – $49,999 of Tammy Wharram V Village Pizza Golf Tournament Y York Regional Police Association Golf Tournament $1,000 – $4,999 A Annual Guelph Charity Fashion Show ∙ Anthony Pileggi 2nd Annual Memorial Hockey Game B Battle of the Badges Charity Anthony Pileggi Katherine J. Beetham Hockey Game: Oro-Medonte Fire Fighters vs. County of Simcoe Courtney Eakett Matthew McFarlane Paramedic Services ∙ Bill Muir Memorial Golf Tournament – Oakland Craig Montross Peter Turvey Canadian Insurance Claims Managers’ Association Golf Greens Golf Club B BSäR Auction C Canadian Italian Golf Drew Robinson Robert Cappadocia Tournament ∙ Coleman Canada Hike-a-thon ∙ Corvettes for Kids Association Tournament ∙ Court Services 23rd Annual Baseball Iris L. Winter Tamara Bernstein Road Tour ∙ Erace Cancer Cycling Team ∙ KRG Children’s Tournament – Toronto Police Service ∙ Credit Suisse Fundraising Isobel Slan Zoe Slayer Charitable Foundation – Jump for Ooch ∙ Ride For Karen Campaign ∙ Crescent School Grub Day D Diamond Dogs Concert Jackson White $10,000 – $24,999 E Eagle Plains Public School Dance-a-thon & Dress Down Days ∙ A Atlas Canada’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Convention B Brad Stevens Memorial Golf Tournament C Clarkson Secondary School Cancer Drive I In Memory of Robb Thompson Fundraiser R Ready Mixed Concrete Association of Ontario AGM & Convention T TeraMach Chipping in for Charity Golf Tournament ∙ Travelers Insurance Company of Canada Fundraiser Y The York School $5,000 – $9,999 Ernst & Young Fundraiser F Fall Colours Classic G George Weston Limited – Weston Cares H Haddan Eby Endowment Fund Trunk Show J John Cabot Catholic Secondary School K Keep on Swimming 5K Walk/Run ∙ Kingsway College School Walk-a-thon L Lemons Aide – Blythe, Bryn, Elyse & Emily M Mackenzie Glen Public School Relay Race ∙ Magnus Pen Extreme BBQ ∙ Marmora Curl for Kids ∙ Marmora KOA Annual Labour Day Auction ∙ Muskoka Lakes Marine Community BBQ ∙ Muskoka Paramedic Association Softball Tournament N Nike FuelBand All Employee Meeting ∙ Notre B Brownridge School Move-a-thon ∙ Bugsy & Ken Charity Golf Dame Catholic Secondary School Dress Down Days P Peterborough Tournament C Construction Credit Group Golf Tournament H The County Cattlemen`s Association Annual BBQ S Salit Steel Employee Honourable Order of the Blue Goose – Golf Tournament K Katie’s Fundraising ∙ The Skretkowski Family Penny Drive T TD Waterhouse Birthday Fundraiser M MLSE/Humber Business School Partnership Client Golf Tournament V The Vigna Kids Skate – Mya, Layla & and Sales Simulation ∙ Mooks Fishing Derby ∙ Mud Hero Owen W Wasaga Beach Garage Sale ∙ West Ferris Secondary N Nike’s Defeat Winter Event ∙ Norwood Curl for Kids - In Memory School “Trojan Parade for Cancer” ∙ Wheels Logistics Employee BBQ 17 Thank you for your support. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these listings. Please let us know if you have any concerns. 18
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