November - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
BULLETIN BALTIMORE HEBREW CONGREGATION Rabbi Andrew Busch Cantor Robbie Solomon Rabbi Elissa Sachs-Kohen Cantor Ann G. Sacks Rabbi Emeritus Rex D. Perlmeter Number 3 | November 2015 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 BALTIMOREHEBREW.ORG NEW MEMBER HAVDALAH See page 3 for details. Take a Peek Inside . . . New and Returning Members . . . . . . Todah Rabbah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From the Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Message from the President . . . . . Annual Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upcoming at BHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chai Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 PEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free to Breathe Yogathon . . . . . . . . . Second Monday Series . . . . . . . . . . . Nominating Committee . . . . . . . . . . . GEDCO Thanksgiving Tribute . . . . . . First Fridays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Hoffberger Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . BHC Cares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 Our New Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Youth Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center . . 9 Brotherhood News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sisterhood in Session . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13 November Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Service Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 WELCOME NEW AND RETURNING MEMBERS! We welcome the following congregants who have joined BHC since August Susan & Joseph Closic Rebecca Brooks & Lynette Cox Barbara & Thomas Finn, daughter Olivia Marina Shapsay & Todd Gennadiy Anne & Marshall Henslee children Eli and Julia Caitlin Weber & Justin Higgins Jolanta Kwapisz Kimberly Letke Megan Smith & Jacob Mishook, children Eleanor and Annelien Rebecca & Simeon Springer Michelle Stein Shana Wolfson TODAH RABBAH The Congregational Kiddush on October 3 was sponsored by Elaine & Marvin Gamerman in honor of their grandson Jules Einhorn becoming a Bar Mitzvah. The Oneg Shabbat on October 9 was sponsored by Svetlana & Jacob Tendler in honor of their son Alex becoming a Bar Mitzvah. The Oneg Shabbat on October 16 was sponsored by the Roberge Family in honor of Madeline Roberge becoming a Bat Mitzvah. The Oneg Shabbat on November 13 is sponsored by Jennifer & Mark Mittelman in honor of their son Zachary becoming a Bar Mitzvah. LIFECYCLE EVENTS For lifecycle events and special occasions, BHC has wonderful facilities to rent, such as the Dalsheimer Auditorium, the Goodwin Center and Straus Social Hall. For information, contact our Facility/Event Coordinator, Francie Gill, 410-764-1587, ext. 226. BHC IS COLLECTING... • Non-perishable food for GEDCO Cares Food Pantry •School supplies for Fallstaff Elementary School 2 Place your donations in the labeled wooden bins near the Hoffberger Chapel. FROM THE CLERGY Giving-of-Thanks November means fallen leaves and maybe some snow, shorter days, longer nights and THANKSGIVING. I’m a big fan of this delicious holiday, and not only because of the yams (which I do adore). I’m a fan of the holiday because it resonates so deeply with the Jewish ideas I value. What’s more important than giving thanks? We do it every Shabbat morning at BHC. We say thanks for our souls, for our bodies, for the opportunity to live another day/week/year. We also do it when we recite the blessing called “Gomel” on Yom Kippur in the Sanctuary. Gomel is a prayer of gratitude for surviving something life-threatening. The ancient commentators knew that if we define it narrowly, in our humility, we might say “Oh, it wasn’t really life-threatening.” So, instead we construe it broadly and say that even if your life wasn’t actually in danger, if you were scared-to-death, then a prayer of gratitude would be in order. Gomel is a particularly interesting prayer because it doesn’t even mention the thing that made you want to say it. For example, if I were in a terrible car accident, I might come up to say that blessing (which can be done at a regular Shabbat service too – not just on Yom Kippur) and I might mention why I wanted to say it. But the blessing isn’t specific to what I went through. It merely says thank you to the One who bestows blessings upon me, and the congregation responds with the wish that the One who bestows all good things upon you will always bestow good things. As we move into this time of apple pies, stuffing and family gatherings, I hope it is the Giving-of-Thanks that takes precedence. – Rabbi Sachs-Kohen • PLEASE LET US KNOW • Due to hospital policy, clergy and BHC Cares volunteers have no way of knowing you are in the hospital unless you or a family member inform us. • DISCLAIMERS • 1. All prices, events and times published in the Bulletin are current at the time of publication, but are subject to change. 2. Publication of an advertisement in the Bulletin is neither an endorsement nor recommendation of any advertisers’ products or services by BHC. RABBI BUSCH’S SABBATICAL Please note that Rabbi Busch will be on sabbatical from December 21 through March 21. He will be in town for part of this time, but on leave from his congregational responsibilities. Rabbi Busch, the rest of our clergy, and congregational leadership have made sure that BHC members will be fully served and supported during his absence. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK see photos and notices of upcoming events Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 AG A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT: MARTHA WEIMAN Annual Giving Gratitude SUPPORT YOUR BHC FAMILY The planning is underway! Families and friends are invited to Thanksgiving dinner, menus are reinvigorated and voluminous amounts of food prepared and, of course, on this day families all over America sit down to dinner at the same moment...half time! But, is that all there is? Are we truly grateful for the bounty bestowed on us and the freedom to enjoy it? Let us step back and take the time to reflect on what we have and the many others who cannot share our fortune. At Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, we have an extension of Thanksgiving in many ways. On November 14, we will recognize new members by welcoming them with our annual New Members Havdalah service. It is our way of sharing our gratitude as they become part of our congregational community. There will be a dinner, music, a special Havdalah on the Bema led by our clergy and a unique tour around the building. Our aim is to welcome all new members, introduce them to each other and provide a warm special experience for them. Isn’t this reminiscent of the fourth Thursday in November (without the turkey)? “Thanksgiving was never meant to be shut up in a single day.” -Anonymous With gratitude, Chag Sameach. Remember Your BHC Family This Thanksgiving – Support Annual Giving 2015. At Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, each congregant is an integral part of the family, a wonderful family where all are welcome. This Thanksgiving, as you enjoy the warmth of family and gain inspiration from all the things for which we are thankful, we ask you to consider making a meaningful gift to Annual Giving. We are grateful to those of you who have already been so generous to this year’s campaign. Congregation dues comprise only 47% of the yearly revenue that is necessary to: CLASSICAL REFORM SERVICE IN MAY Each year, Baltimore Hebrew Congregation members enjoy a Classical Reform Service, using the old Union Prayerbrook, dressing the clergy in robes, and using music from earlier BHC practice. We will now be holding that service in the spring, after holding it in the fall in the past. Mark your calendars for May 20, 2016, 7 pm for this year’s Classical Reform Service. Naturally, all BHC members are welcome at all our worship services, which continue to draw from our historic and newer approaches. · Maintain our facility including our building, utilities, and grounds. · Sustain a dynamic educational program for children and adults. · Uphold our commitment to our wonderful vibrant congregation. Your contribution provides support for all aspects of BHC life, including providing pastoral care and exciting programs to our member families. Annual Giving helps to ensure that no one is ever denied membership because of economic difficulties or hardship. Your gift today will ensure that future generations will grow up in a strong community of Jewish tradition and learning. This year, we have the added incentive of a two-for-one dollar match on gift increases and new gifts. If you increase your gift by $50, the match will bring your total increase to $150. If your gift is new then the entire gift will be matched two-for-one. We all play a vital role in ensuring that BHC has a bright future. Through your generosity, BHC will continue to thrive and be the vibrant community that we all cherish. Thank you. Annette Saxon Director Development A GLANCE BACK AT BHC HIGH HOLY DAYS CELEBRATIONS Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 3 UPC Upcoming at BHC For more information on any of the programs below, contact Andy Wayne, Director of Communications and Engagement, [email protected] or ext. 246. PEP: PURSUING EDUCATIONAL POSSIBILITIES Sundays, November 1, 8 & 15, 9 am See page 6 for details. SECOND MONDAY SERIES Monday, November 9, 10:30 am See page 6 for details. BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST SERIES Sunday, November 1, 9:30 am See page 10 for details. 5TH GRADE DINNER Friday, November 13, 6 pm Bring a dish to share at our Shabbat potluck dinner, followed by Shabbat 2.0 Service. ADULT BEGINNER HEBREW CLASS Sundays, November 1, 8 & 15, 9:15 am See page 6 for details. BEREAVEMENT GROUP Sundays, November 1, 8 & 15, 10:30 am See page 6 for details. ADULT TORAH TROPE CLASS Sundays, November 1, 8 & 15, 11:15 am See page 6 for details. BEIT-RJ AT TEMPLE OHEB SHALOM Mondays, November 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, 6:30 pm Our Teen Reform Community High School Program is in session. INFO: Cory Hermann, [email protected]. UNION FOR REFORM JUDAISM (URJ) BIENNIAL Wednesday, November 4 through Sunday, November 8 See the Program Highlights Column on page 5 for details. TRIPLE TREAT Thursday, November 5, 10:30 am See page 6 for details. K & 2ND GRADE DINNER Friday, November 6, 6:30 pm Bring a dish to share at our K & 2nd grade families potluck dinner, followed by Shake It Up Shabbat. PJ SHABBAT Friday, November 6, 6:30 pm Bring your toddlers and young children for BHC’s pajama-clad services the first Friday of every month. SHAKE IT UP SHABBAT Friday, November 6, 6:30 pm A spirit-filled service for 1st—2nd grade families. We will dance, sing, act out stories, pray, and enjoy Shabbat. 7TH GRADE TORAH STUDY & SHABBAT Saturday, November 7, 9 am 7th graders will join their classmates and teachers for an interactive Torah Study. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, [email protected]. SISTERHOOD AUTUMN SHRED EVENT Sunday, November 8, 1 pm See page 10 for details. CHAI LIFE BREWERY TOUR Sunday, November 8, Noon See the Chai Life Column on page 5 for details. HOFFBERGER ART GALLERY ARTIST’S RECEPTION Sunday, November 8, 2 pm See page 7 for details. FREE TO BREATHE YOGATHON Sunday, November 8, 5 pm See page 6 for details. 4 FOR ALL TASTES Sunday, November 8, 6:30 pm See page 6 for details. SISTERHOOD FEDERATION EVENT Thursday, November 12, 5:30 pm See page 10 for details. FAMILY MITZVAH CORPS Saturday, November 14, 2 pm Join our group of families dedicated to social action and beautifying our city through mosaics and other art projects. We meet at Art with a Heart, 3355 Keswick Rd #104, Baltimore, MD 21211. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, [email protected]. JYGE (5TH-7TH GRADES) Saturday, November 14, 5 pm Join Dr. JYGE and Mr. Challah for a night of mad science experiments and fun. We will enjoy dinner and Havdalah. The cost is $5 and includes dinner. RSVP: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, [email protected]. NEW MEMBER HAVDALAH Saturday, November 14, 5 pm See the President’s Column on page 3 for details. NFTY-MAR FALL KALLAH Friday, November 20 through Sunday, November 22 A Youth Kallah will be held at Temple B’nai Shalom in Fairfax Station, VA for 8th-12th grade students. INFO: or Leah Bloom, Youth Engagement Associate, [email protected] BHC PRIDE DINNER Friday, November 20, 7:30 pm Join us for dinner at Arlon’s, 706 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville following the 6:15 pm Shabbat Service. PARSHA PARTY Saturday, November 21, 11:30 am Families in our Religious School with a child born in 2005, who are eligible to become Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 2018, are invited to the Parsha Party. You will attend Shabbat Shelanu Service, followed by a Kiddush luncheon where you meet with the clergy, find out what happens over the next three years, and receive your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah date. RSVP: Becky Gutin, [email protected] or ext. 250. CHAI SOCIETY AT MUSSEL BAR Saturday, November 21, 6:30 pm See the Chai Life Column on page 5 for details. FAMILY SOCIAL ACTION Sunday, November 22, 9 am Youth Education families volunteer in the community and give back. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, [email protected]. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT MEETING Tuesday, November 24, 7 pm See page 7 for details. BROTHERHOOD TURKEY BOWL Thursday, November 26, 10 am Play in our family-friendly touch football game, Thanksgiving morning, on BHC fields. Admission is one non-perishable item, to be donated to Manna House. INFO: Dave Berenhaus, [email protected]. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 Program Highlights PH Chai Life: 20s & 30s Community CL UNION FOR REFORM JUDAISM (URJ) BIENNIAL GRAB SOME FOOD AND A DRINK WITH CHAI LIFE You might be surprised to learn that there are 5,000-plus Jewish gatherings beyond Rosh Hashanah Under the Stars. Indeed, this month’s Biennial of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) will have an even larger crowd than our humble outdoor service at Oregon Ridge. On November 4-8, thousands of Jews from North America and around the globe will share the incredible Biennial experience in Orlando, Florida. Over 100 learning sessions will be presented on topics such as synagogue engagement, interfaith relationships, Israel and diversity. Shabbat will be shared by this massive group of attendees, with incredible music from the leading performers in our movement. Significant speakers include actor Michael Douglas, NAACP President Cornell Brooks, author Anita Diamant and URJ President Rabbi Rick Jacobs. It’s time to say good-bye to the Baltimore summer, and welcome in the months of fall. November is where it all begins; the changing of the leaves, the cold mornings, and the windy days. The perfect time and the ideal situation for people to come together next to one another for warmth and protection from the elements; the imperative time to huddle together and consume savory food and local beverages. Luckily, Chai Life has two great opportunities in November that fit the bill. This November, Chai Life members tour the beloved Heavy Seas Brewery, Sunday, November 8, Noon, located in Baltimore. Come experience the local flavors at the home of one of Baltimore’s original breweries. Shop through the selection of souvenirs while you sip samples of fresh, and sometimes limited, libations. Also, Chai Society will host its first dinner of two on November 21, 6 pm at Mussel Bar in Harbor East. Mussel Bar offers a unique approach to the cuisine of Brussels. Each location offers a spectacular range of Belgian style beers, an ambiance designed specifically for its home city, and a beer brewed solely for the chef, a Belgian Beer Knight. RSVP for both events: Steve DeBois, [email protected]. I will be attending this year’s Biennial, and am looking forward to presenting in one of the sessions, titled “Communication Technology: Connecting and Engaging Your Congregational Community and Beyond” and I plan to present BHC’s new website, amongst other of our efforts. My co-presenters are Allison Fine, co-author of “The Networked Non-Profit,” and Isti Bardos, Communications Director at Temple Israel in Memphis. I hope to share the great things we are doing here at BHC. Mostly, I am thrilled to attend another URJ Biennial. It is the crown jewel of Reform Judaism’s gatherings, filled with learning, networking and top-notch speakers and musicians. If you are not attending, I hope you will consider being part of the next Biennial in 2017. Andy Wayne Director of Communications and Engagement As always, we want to hear from you! If you have ideas for upcoming events or opinions on Chai Life, feel free to email our Co-chairs Amy Goldberg, [email protected] or Steve DeBois, [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you! Amy Goldberg and Steve DeBois Chai Life Co-Chairs ARE YOU IN YOUR 20s OR 30s? LOOKING FOR SOME GOOD TIMES WITH A FUN CROWD? Be part of Chai Life gatherings such as trivia nights, kickball games, Shabbat dinners, “Helping Hons” and more! INFO: Chai Life Co-Chairs, Amy Goldberg and Steve DeBois, [email protected] or [email protected] Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 ONGOING ADULT LEARNING: PEP Judaism offers us great opportunities to learn about our tradition, the world, and ourselves. PEP is an ongoing Sunday morning learning opportunity, enjoyed by BHC congregants for decades. This year, our teachers will be Rabbis Busch and Sachs-Kohen, Rabbi Amy Scheinerman, a nationally respected teacher of Judaism and Jewish text who has taught PEP before, and Susanna Garfein, PhD, a BHC congregant who teaches at Baltimore Hebrew Institute at Towson University. We offer four different classes, two each semester. The fall courses continue Sundays, November 1, 8 & 15 and December 6 & 20. Every PEP class begins with bagels and sweets at 9 am and concludes at 11:45 am. INFO and RSVP: Ruth Spivak, [email protected] or 410-666-1891. ADULT BEGINNER HEBREW CLASS Can’t read Hebrew? Cantor Sacks is teaching BHC congregants in an Adult Beginner Hebrew class on Sunday mornings. This class is for adults with little or no Hebrew reading ability. The class will fulfill the beginner Hebrew requirement for the Adult Bar/ Bat Mitzvah program. It continues on Sundays, November 1, 8 & 15 and December 6, 13 & 20, 9:15 am, ending in May. INFO: Becky Gutin, [email protected] or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP BHC’s fall bereavement group, “When You’ve Lost A Loved One,” continues on Sundays, November 1, 8 & 15, 10:30 am. This is a chance for congregants and family members to be supported by our community. Robert Cohen, PhD, PA, will be the facilitator. This program is for members only; there is no charge to attend. INFO & RSVP: Carol J. Caplan, Chair, BHC Cares, [email protected] or 410-764-1587 ext. 270. TORAH TROPE Join BHC’s cadre of Torah chanters by learning to recognize the trope symbols and their melodies. Classes continue on Sundays, November 1, 8 & 15 and December 6, 13 & 20, 11:15 am. INFO: Becky Gutin, [email protected] or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. 6 TRIPLE TREAT On Thursday, November 5, meet and greet at 10 am, before we enjoy a special trip to the Baltimore Museum of Art (BMA). Lunch at Gertrude’s will follow. Note, there is no education session on this day. Everyone is welcome to attend all or part of our programs. To see the detailed fall schedule, go to shstudy. INFO: Harriet Meier, 410-833-8822 or [email protected]. FREE TO BREATHE YOGATHON You can help double lung cancer survival; the 7th Annual Lung Cancer Yogathon is on Sunday, November 8. By participating and choosing to fund-raise, you’re helping us raise awareness and fund vital research programs dedicated to doubling lung cancer survival by 2022. Help build the movement! Sign up with Rabbi Sachs-Kohen and many BHC friends for an afternoon of yoga and doing good! Whether you’re a long-time yogi or have never even tried a tree-pose, this event is fun, meaningful and accessible for all ages and skill levels. The Yogathon will take place at the B&O Railroad Museum, 901 W. Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21223. The event will begin with registration and check-in, starting at 4:15 pm. At 5 pm there will be an opening rally, followed by 108 minutes of yoga. The event will conclude at 7 pm with the closing rally. INFO & Registration: FOR ALL TASTES On Sunday, November 8, 6:30 pm, Meir Panim will present For All Tastes, an evening of music, food and wine, at Beth Tfiloh Congregation. This two-pronged event will include an inspiring concert featuring musical selections from Cantors Avi Albrecht, Melvin Luterman, Emanuel Perlman and Avraham Rosenblum, the Beth Tfiloh High School a cappella and the HaZamir choirs followed by a fabulous dairy dessert and wine reception, showcasing foods and wines generously donated by prominent Israeli companies. All proceeds will benefit Meir Panim: committed to ending hunger in Israel. Tickets and INFO:, 410-504-6800, Hadassah of Greater Baltimore or Jake’s Barber Shop. SECOND MONDAY SERIES CONCERT AT HAR SINAI Enjoy a free concert at Har Sinai Congregation, Sunday, November 1, 3 pm. BSO Concertmaster Jonathan Carney will be the featured soloist in Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. Also on the program are works by Vivian Adelberg Rudow and Rossini. This concert is sponsored by The Peggy and Yale Gordon Trust. Tickets are available at Har Sinai Congregation, 2905 Walnut Ave., Owings Mills or by calling 410-654-9393. They will also be available at the door. Join us for hot topics during our Second Monday Series, Monday, November 9, 10:30 am. This month, guest speaker John Sarbanes, Maryland 3rd Congressional District Representative, will speak on the topic, “Money and Elections: Reform Desperately Needed!” The cost is $10 per session; or pay for the whole series–the cost is $25 for BHC & NCJW members and $30 for nonmembers. To register, send a check along with your name, phone, address and email to Arlene Mazer, 6 Halston Ct., 21209. INFO: adulteducation or Ferne Rogow, [email protected]. COMMUNITY-WIDE ADULT INSTITUTE NOMINATING COMMITTEE Enjoy studying with rabbis from across the community at the Baltimore Board of Rabbis 67th Annual Adult Institute. Rabbi Busch will teach about the early rabbinic text Pirke Avot. His colleagues will teach about Jewish history, thought, and texts. The final session of the Adult Institute will meet on November 3, 7-9:15 pm at the Park Heights JCC. Enjoy the chance to take two different courses for four weeks each. RSVP: The BHC Nominating Committee welcomes nominations for the upcoming 2016 Board of Electors. Nominees must be members of the congregation in good standing. Nominations may be delivered to “Secretary,” Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting, Friday, May 6, 2016. Chair: Peggy K. Wolf, David Berenhaus, Rebecca Green, Gerald Macks, Edward Perl, Richard Peterson, Pam Russell, Joel Simon and Sarah Wechsler. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 CONGREGATIONAL WISH LIST GEDCO THANKSGIVING TRIBUTE HONORS RABBI SACHS-KOHEN Each year, GEDCO holds a ThanksGiving Tribute to express its gratitude to individuals and corporate partners who have brought special blessings to the GEDCO community. This year on Thursday, November 12, 6-9 pm GEDCO will honor five individuals who have shown extraordinary commitment to the fulfillment of the mission of GEDCO and to the advancement and well-being of the Baltimore community. The Tribute will be held at Morgan State University, University Student Center, The Calvin and Tina Tyler Ballroom. GEDCO is honored this year to recognize those who are examples of the key tenets of GEDCO: Vision, Compassion, Leadership, Spirit, and Tenacity. Rabbi Sachs-Kohen has been selected as the honorary for her vision. Join GEDCO on Thursday, November 12 to celebrate the honorees. RSVP: INFO: Roxanne Fiddler, [email protected]; 410-433-2442 ext. 15. If you have an iPad, flat-panel computer monitor 19” or larger, PC desktop or laptop computer no more than four years old that you would like to donate to BHC, contact Becky Gutin, bgutin@, or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. Hoffberger Gallery HG “FANTASY FIBER” BY ELAINE KATZ November/December Exhibit Reception: Sunday, November 8, 2-4 pm CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP BHC Cares knows that as a caregiver you face many issues that often go unanswered. Because of this, we have formed a monthly support group. We invite you to join this group regardless of whom you care for—a spouse, a parent, a sibling, or a child—at home or in a facility. This group meets at BHC on the fourth Tuesday of each month. This month’s meeting date is Tuesday, November 24, 7 pm, with Tuesday, December 22, 7 pm, following. The group is led by congregant Benjy Dubin, who has over six years of experience. INFO: 410-486-3385. CHANUKAH Mark your calendar for BHC’s Chanukah dinner and service on Friday, December 11. We will share latkes and more and then light our chanukiyot together during our Chanukah service. More information will be arriving soon. FIRST FRIDAYS With family and friends, create a Shabbat experience just the way you enjoy it! All across Baltimore, people like you are joining the First Fridays movement and making the first Friday of each month a time to reinvigorate a spark of Jewish tradition. First Fridays Baltimore is an independent movement that inspires people to make their Friday night meals a more connected experience. Let’s strengthen Shabbat in our lives and make every first Friday of the month a time to connect with our loved ones. First Fridays Baltimore is a collaborative project with area synagogues and organizations. INFO: ! Artist’s Biography: Elaine Katz was born and raised in the greater NYC area. She attended Hofstra University. After university she married and raised four children while living in various places across the United States. Elaine came to Baltimore in 1998 with her family in order to pursue a Master’s degree in Jewish Education. She teaches art and religious studies. She started creating large art quilts 13 years ago. Congregational Conversations: Our Path Forward Our Conversation Has Begun! Share your Jewish journey and your hopes for BHC. Sign up for a casual 1-on-1 conversation today: WWW.BALTIMOREHEBREW.ORG/CONVERSATIONS. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 7 BHC Cares strives to create and sustain a warm and caring atmosphere in the congregation and among congregants wherever they are. We HELP, CONNECT, SUPPORT. Below are only a few of the BHC Cares initiatives you can get involved with today! SMALL HOME REPAIRS Our caring, talented and generous congregants offer to help other BHC members with small home repairs. INFO: Sidney Rankin, [email protected] or 410-764-1587, ext 270. MEAL MAKERS Offer a gesture of love by providing meals to fellow congregants at difficult life moments. For example: those who have lost a loved one, brought home a new baby or who are recovering from illness. INFO: Maria Kannen, [email protected]. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS BHC Cares offers a variety of educational programs and speakers throughout the year. On Sunday, January 31, Ann Kaiser Stearns, Ph.D., will present “Traits of Triumphant Survivors”. INFO: Carol J. Caplan, BHC Cares Chair, [email protected] or 410-764-1587, ext. 270. CARING WITH CHALLAH Volunteers deliver a challah to members at challenging life moments, whether or not they receive a meal through the Meal Makers Program. Caring with Challah is coordinated by Sharon Edlow and Phyllis G. Lederman. INFO: Sharon Edlow, [email protected]. OUR NEW WEBSITE IS LIVE! HAVE YOU CHECKED IT OUT? We are excited to welcome you to our new digital home; our updated, user-friendly congregational website: BALTIMOREHEBREW.ORG Our fully redesigned website is bright, bold and easy to use. Here are the top five features we are excited to tell you about. Our website is: • Functional with easy to use navigation; • Up to date with organized information; • Current with a brand new design and photos; • Usable on both your computer & mobile devices; • Inviting for everybody to use. 8 We have strived to make our website not only informational, but easily accessible. With that in mind, we have created new menu tabs and subtabs. As you can see on the image to the right, we now have six main tabs. Each subtab has additional information pertaining to the category. Under “PRAYING,” you will find service, music and High Holy Day information. You can view past sermons and learn how to videostream services at any time. The “LEARNING” menu has everything you need to know about E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center, our Youth Education Programs and Adult Education opportunities. You can also learn about our Bar/Bat Mitzvah process and even look up books on our online library catalogue. Under “HELPING” you will find our BHC Cares programs, social action and social justice efforts as well as accessibility at BHC. “CONNECTING” takes you to information about our community groups: Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Chai Life, families, seniors, GLBTQ and more. You can also download a PDF version of this and past Bulletins. The “GIVING” menu lists all of our funds, ways to give and information on Night of the Stars. If you want to make a donation, the “giving” menu is where you should go. Both BHC members and nonmembers can now easily donate online. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 “ABOUT” has all you want to know about BHC. Learn about us as a congregation— our history, values and affiliations; get to know our staff and Board; learn about our cemetery and Hoffberger Gallery, and find out how you can rent a room. And, don’t forget to contact us. Get more tips on using the new website. and to learn more about BHC, go to Also, tell us what your favorite thing about BHC is, to have a chance to be featured on our new website. We know you will enjoy our new website as much as we do. HELP BALTIMORE SCHOOLCHILDREN Sisterhood helps schoolchildren by donating school supplies to Fallstaff Elementary School. Place new composition books, pencils, crayons, folders and notebooks with dividers in the bin in the hallway near the Hoffberger Chapel. OUR KIDS ARE WORKING HARD IN SCHOOL—INSIDE AND OUT—AT E.B. HIRSH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER We are building the future. Youth Education YE CONNECT WITH OTHER FAMILIES We are off to a great start this year as we celebrated Sukkot and Simchat Torah with evening educational programs. All of our opportunities kicked off in October and we are moving full speed ahead. If you missed signing up for any of them it is never too late. There are always creative and inspiring programs to get involved with. Our Youth Education program is strong and growing. One of our goals this year is to connect more families to each other. These relationships are the backbone of our congregation. We want BHC to be a place that is your home and your community. As we try new pilot projects to connect families to each other, all feedback is welcome and helpful. If you have any ideas or ways you would like to connect to other BHC families please let me know. L’Shalom (For Peace), Brad Cohen Director of Education E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center EBHECC 2015 BOOK FAIR EXCITEMENT Our Book Fair this year will be at the Ivy Bookshop! Join us on Sunday, November 1, 10–11 am for our kick-off event! As a special benefit to E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center, 15% of all purchases made in the store on November 1 will be donated to our school! Please self-identify when you make your purchase or place your order. Nancy Patz, well-known author, will join us. A Baltimore-born artist, teacher, lecturer, author, and illustrator, Nancy Patz has dedicated her professional life to writing, entertaining, inspiring, and educating young minds. Her numerous popular books for children are distinguished by rhythmic text and rich illustrations. Nancy will be reading from her own children’s books at this event. Popular children’s books will also be on display in our lobby, and you may place your orders with us in the E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center office, November 2–13. E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center will earn 15% on your order and because you will make your check out to E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center, you will not pay tax. Renée Stadd Director, E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Learn about our school, our programs, and our people on our updated website: I love “mowing the mulch” and enjoying nature. EBHIRSHEARLYCHILDHOODCENTER.ORG Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 BH Brotherhood News BREAKFAST SERIES What do smart people do on Sunday mornings? We treat ourselves to a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, bagels, lox, cream cheese, orange juice, danish and coffee! Not to be missed is the lively question and answer period following the speaker. Jonathan Palevsky, B.M., M.M., Program Director for WBJC, 91.5 FM, will kick off this year’s breakfast series, Sunday, November 1, 9:30 am. He will speak about “Jewish Child Musicians in the 19th Century.” Jonathan Palevsky’s undergraduate studies focused on musicology and his graduate work at Baltimore’s Peabody Institute on instrumental training in classical guitar performance. Jonathan can be heard as host of Face the Music, Past Masters, and occasional afternoon classical programming on WBJC. He was an adjunct faculty member of Baltimore Hebrew University and teaches regularly for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Towson University and for several continuing education programs in Baltimore. All are welcome—free to BHC Brotherhood members and children under 18 and only $5 for guests and nonmembers (payable at the door). We are excited to present a fabulous lineup this year. RSVP: INFO: Sid Bravmann, sidbrav@aol. com or 410-952-6352. Save the dates for our full 2015-16 Breakfast Series line-up: Sundays, December 13, January 10, February 7, March 6 and May 1. On Sunday, December 13, Peter Schmuck, Sports Columnist, Baltimore Sun and Talkshow Host, WBAL Radio, will speak on the topic “The Best Sports Town In America.” Details to come. SH HELP MANNA HOUSE Every year on Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter mornings, Brotherhood members start their day by helping those in need at Manna House, Inc, E. 25th St. in Baltimore. We welcome you to volunteer with us, Thursday, November 26, 8 am. Clients line up outside in anticipation of the door opening for a sumptuous breakfast consisting of eggs, hash browns, sausage, biscuit, orange juice and coffee. We will be setting tables, cooking, serving food and cleaning up. All congregants are invited to participate. Children 12 or older (or mature enough) can help. No experience is necessary. There will be free parking in the on-site lot and on the street. This is a very rewarding opportunity to help others and much appreciated by those we serve. INFO: Bruce Harris, [email protected], 410-978-5333 or Sisterhood in Session THERE ARE A LOT OF WAYS TO GET INVOLVED 50TH WRJ ASSEMBLY The 50th WRJ Assembly, in conjunction with the URJ Biennial, will take place Wednesday-Sunday, November 4-8, 2015 in Orlando, FL. INFO: Carol J. Caplan, 410-764-1587, ext. 270. Join Sisterhood Learn the benefits of joining Sisterhood and see what we have to offer—there is an opportunity for everyone. INFO: get-involved. Attend A Program Sisterhood has many programs on a variety of topics—study with them or attend an event. View details on our upcoming programs and events, choose which ones interest you and join us for a good time. INFO: sisterhood/get-involved. Make A Difference 10 From making casseroles to collecting school supplies, BHC Sisterhood members are actively involved in Social Action. Get the details and become involved in these efforts. INFO: AUTUMN SHRED EVENT BHC Sisterhood’s Paper Shred Event is back by popular demand. Bring your documents to be destroyed at this new drive-through procedure at BHC’s parking lot, Sunday, November 8, 1-3 pm. To make this a successful event, remember: 5 boxes per drop-off with no limit on the number of drop-offs; box size should not exceed 15” x 13” x 10”. Donations per box are suggested, cash or checks only. No businesses. INFO: Suzanne Strutt, [email protected]. THE FEDERATION OF JEWISH WOMEN’S ORGANIZATIONS OF MARYLAND The meeting on Thursday, November 12, 5:30 pm will be on the topic “Organizational Know How: Potpourri of Ideas.” It will be held at Temple Oheb Shalom and is in cooperation with CCEL: The Center for Community Engagement & Leadership, an agency of The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore. The cost is $20. RSVP: Send a check to Arlene Mazer, 6 Halston Court 21209. INFO: Helene Waranch, [email protected] or 410-602-1210. CELL PHONES FOR CHANA Sisterhood is collecting used cell phones to be turned over to CHANA to be given to clients for emergency life-line or recycling. Bring your old phones to BHC, and Sisterhood will take care of the rest. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 Offerings BHC IN MEMORIAM We record with sorrow the passing of Ronnie Barrett Greg Birmingham Howard Joseph Brickman Helen London Stanley Mishook Sandra Steinbach Neborsky Martin Pollinger Albert Rosner Dovera “Dee” Silberman Herbert Shofer Mildred Shulbank Strutt Nancy Dillon Tobias May their memories be for a blessing PERPETUAL MEMORIALS November 6-7 Dr. Harry Adler Paul Judah Bachrach Marguerite B. Baer Eve Terren Ballan Leonard Bass Benson Becker Clara Block Harry Bransky Anne Fisher Brass Samuel H. Brody Sarah G. Caplan Mary B. Castine Milton Bachman Cohen Ruth Salabes Cohen Elaine Rogers Copeland Abraham Fine Philip H. Fisher Blanche Mazor Fivel Joseph Frank Celia Newman Fried Eli Garfink David J. Gitomer Jennie Glass Florence Gluck Louis Y. Goldman Morris Goldstein William L. Gouline Jennie Greenbaum Dr. Manfred S. Guttmacher Samuel Himmelrich Clare Hoeflich Morris Joseph Hoffman Jules Ruben Israel Abraham Jacobs Hirsh Lobe Julius Harry D. Kaufman Rose S. Kaufman Henry Kessler F. Raymond Klaw Samuel Graham Ladensohn Mildred Hyman Lerner Oscar D. Levitt Louis T. Levy Rose Flinder Macks Bernard New Joseph D. Oppenheimer Tily H. Peck Irma Pretzfelder Rebecca Rice Esther Molly Rogers Joseph Rosenfeld Anna C. Rosenthal Isador Rosenthal Amalie Rothschild Harry Louis Seltzer Alexander Shapiro Libby Sharrow Silvert Arthur Shpritz Leni Simon Harry Steiger Gertrude Koblentz Struminger Pauline Tepper Sanders J. Thalheimer Louis Tunick Bessie Smith Umansky LaFayette Weinberg Sadie F. Weinberg Sarah Collector Weiss Margery Stern Wolf Paul Max Wolf November 13-14 Betty Davidov Adler Phyllis I. Berenhaus Byron Berman Dorothy Long Berney Ada Bernstein Isabelle Bravmann Morton Albert Brenner Bertha B. Cohen Ellis Olle Cohen Samuel Collector Mary Cooper Daniel W. Crone, Jr. Ellis Edlow Ruth Caplan Farber Henry J. Fensterwald Sylvia Miller Fox Dr. Moses Gellman Bernice M. Goldberg Nathaniel Goldstein Corine H. Goodman Harry Gordon H. Charles Greene Sophie Elena Hamilton Mary Straus Hartman Samuel Horwitz Emanuel Huchberger Barbara Ikin Sophia E. Isenberg Pauline J. Jacoby Jesse Jandorf Leonard Kabik Sydney G. Kaufman Mathilde Kirchner Fortuna I. Klotz Arthur Levi Ruth C. Levy Evelyn London Norman Sheldon Mechanick Bernard Merfeld, Jr. Isidor G. Meyer Edith W. Mondell Cecile R. Morrell Henry G. Nathan Rosa R. Palmbaum Flora R. Raffel Louis Rice Benjamin Rochlin Cantor Joseph Rosenfeld Edward J. Rosenstein Joseph S. Rosenthal Samuel Rosenthal Carrie S. Rothschild Freddie Rudo Beatrice R. Saks Joseph Seidenman Jacob S. Shapiro Milton Shapiro Sondra “Sunny” Shear Joseph A. Sheff Irvin Shure David Siegel Isaac Simon George Singer Bessie Snyder Smith Daisy B. Sonneborn George W. Spandauer Joan Steinbach Rose Stofberg Ella Straus Minna Tarshish Selma T. Wagner Samuel Weinblatt Dena Zimmerman November 20-21 Lew Aaron Lottie Adleberg Gregory Bachrach Freda Bazensky Audhrie W. Rickie Behrend Gertrude Weinblatt Berman Isaac Berman Rhea Berman Jennie Buxbaum Benjamin V. DuBois David Eichengreen William Eilau Miriam Bas Esther Fasher Sarah Leah Feivish Mildred C. Fishbein Irving L. Fisher Dr. Harris Flinder Elsa K. Fox Rebecca Frank Manuel Freeland Jennie G. Frenkil Benjamin Getlan Helene Gerber Goldstein Herman Gresser Emanuel M. Gross Hannah Hamburger Benjamin Harman Dr. Benjamin L. Harris Rose W. Honkofsky Col. Isaac Hoppenstein Carl Ellsworth Johnson Jennie Judd Jerome Kahn Ferdinand Kastner Grace C. Katz Steven C. Kaufman Cecelia Idov Keiles Carolyn B. Kramer Simon Joseph Levin Marie G. Loewenson Wallace London Ellen Michele Marks Samuel Mendels S. Sidney Meyers Rita Hanauer Millhauser Violet F. Patz Anne Fishman Paulin Nathan Polski Louis Robinson, Jr. Emma Rodberg Anna Roody Sarah Rosenfeld Moses Rothschild Julius M. Rubin Clara M. Sass Jacob Schapiro Samuel A. Schiff Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler Harry Schoeneman Joseph Seidman Mollie Sherman Sydney Siegel Edith S. Silverman Julia Silverman Hyman Snyder Julius H. Snyderman Richard D. Sondheim Ira A. Spear, Sr. Alice M. Stringer Elmer Sussman Milton Talkin Nathan Henry Unger Sofie Weikers Milton Wertheimer, Sr. Morris R. Wilson November 27-28 Carrie Irene Altfeld Anna Annenberg Mary Hornstein Benesch Theodore B. Berman Mayer Joseph Binder Charles Blankenberg Augusta Levy Blondheim Edward Borow Joel Harry Cohen Annie Crohn William Rief DuBois Belle C. Federleicht Samuel G. Feinglass Abraham Feingold Rachel Frank Joseph Freedman Sylvia W. Goldstein Anne London Greenbaum Esther Sarah Hackerman Alexander B. Hamburger Benjamin Hament Jacob Harman Godfrey E. Harris Celia Schindler Hellman Jack R. Heneson Gerald H. Herman Julius Hoeflich Joseph Hollander Benjamin Honigman Blossom Kramer Horowitz Jack Horowitz Edward Jaffe Ollie P. Joseph Rachel Kabik Ellis I. Kahn Dena Swartz Katzenberg Julian Katzenberg Nathan B. Kolman Carol Sue Kramer Harold M. Kropman Marc Lancer Belle P. Landsbaum Marie P. Lebow Esther Levinson Milton A. Lewis Paul H. Loew Lenora C. Mandl Hilda F. Merfeld Jacob Milhiser Germaine Rosenthal Miller Solomon F. Miller Samuel Moskowitz Edward Naden Samuel Herbert Nass Melvin Newman Irene Nusbaum Frances Feldman Oppenheim Joanne Cohn Oppenheimer Esther Schiller Ossermann I. Busch Patz Maurice Pivnick Conrad Pologe Ritalee Woronoff Pressman Annie Pruzan Evelyn Rachliss Nathan A. Rice Samuel S. Robbins Hannah Rosenbaum Dr. Gilbert White Rosenthal Gloria Ross Herman Shapiro Esther Lena Sher Elhardt M. Siegel Frances S. Silberg Ellis Snyder Alonzo Spandauer Levi Spandauer Marian L. Stern George Josef Stiffman Joseph Sussman Charles Swartz Helen Catherine Urban Sophie Weil William Weinblatt Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 11 From Generation to Generation L’DOR V’DOR Special Birthdays Celia Bardoff, Michael Crook, Rabbi Andrew Busch, Barry Schloss, Pam Himmelrich, Garry Slatnick, Laura Hahn, Martin Rothberg, Geoffrey Corb, Heber Watts, Jr., Jean Platt, Josh Bristol, Minna Katz, Anne London, Amanda Ries, Richard Silver, Joanne Eisenstadt, Adrian Goldszmidt, Jenny Fixler, Gerald Loube, David Slotnick, Anne Sterlock, Elaine Jandorf, Estelle Statter, Howard Robinson Special Anniversaries 60th Phyllis and Stuart Bloom 30th Deborah and Robert Margulies 25th Jacqueline and Michael Fish 20th Valerie and Charles Rosenberg 15th Modesta and Louis Kalisch Sherri and Steven Einhorn 10th Anitra and Julius Birnbaum 5th Amy and Marley Simon B’nai Mitzvah September 4 Samantha Haley Breuer, granddaughter of Sandra Raskin September 26 Isak Sharfstein, grandson of Margaret and Steven Sharfstein November 14 Zachary Mittelman, son of Jennifer and Mark Mittelman, grandson of Francine Mittelman Engagement Courtney Framm, daughter of Rhonda Framm and Matthew Lynn, to Chris Agorsor Marriages Sara Roth, daughter of Debra Toby Brooks and David Epstein, granddaughter of Esther and the late Rabbi Murray Saltzman, to Nathan Morelli Ariel Kobren, grandson of Gerri and Lawrence Kobren, to Shilpa Nadimpalli Births Briar Makenzi Landsman, daughter of Beth and Brian Landsman, granddaughter of Jo Ann and Harry Windman, great-granddaughter of Betty Meyers Leah May Levitt, daughter of Amy and David Levitt, granddaughter of Pamm and Richard Peterson Ezra Purvis, son of Julie and Austin Purvis, great-grandson of Joyce and Murray Hankin Matthew Ian Strauss, son of Jamie and Jonathan Strauss, grandson of Janice and Marc Strauss Baerden Elijah Lynn-Weingram, son of Ashleigh Framm Lynn and Mark Weingram, grandson of Rhonda Framm and Matthew Lynn 12 We gratefully acknowledge the following offerings: For the speedy recovery of David Berenhaus, by Diane & Sid Bravmann • Betty Meyers Alan Bernstein, Jr., by Katherine & Beret Dickson • Benjamin Dubin • Susan & Edward L. Perl • Linda G. & Berryl Speert Jan Brinch, by Kol Rinnah Marjorie Goodman, by Kol Rinnah Loraine Lobe, by Carla & Alex Katzenberg, III & Family • Ellen & Alvin J. Levi • Betty Spear Harriet Meier, by Sisterhood Nancy Rubin, by Lynette & Larry Berman William Weinstein, by Carole Seidman & Family Mark Briccetti, by Sharon & Harvey Zelefsky In honor of Ellen Bookstein on the engagement of her son, Andrew to Jessica Renny, by Pam, Theron, Greg & Charlie Russell The 60th wedding anniversary of Ethel & William Braverman, by Sharon Rose Marissa Brodsky, by D. Michelle Kart The special birthday of Rabbi Andrew Busch, by Valerie Binder The special birthday of Essie Cutler, by Sarah M. Kern The special birthday of Allan T. Hirsh, Jr., by Olga & Buddy Foreman Their Aliyah on Yom Kippur, by Gerri & Lawrence Kobren Beth & Brian Landsman on the birth of their daughter Briar Makenzi Landsman, by Ilene Brooks • Carol Hawtof • Minna & Lou Katz • James & Alice Dolle Trosch Their Aliyah on Yom Kippur, by Debra Isser & Fran Leibowitz The Kemper Family in appreciation of the flowers at Rosh Hashanah, by Minna & Louis Katz The special birthday of Norman Lester, by Sarah M. Kern Mr. & Mrs. Barry Mandel on their granddaughter, Avery Porter, becoming a Bat Mitzvah, by Adrianne & Robert Weinblatt Betty Meyers on the birth of her greatgranddaughter, Briar Makenzi Landsman, by Betty Spear • James & Alice Dolle Trosch The birthday of Lois Rosenfield, by Jeanette Parmigiani Esther Saltzman on the marriage of her granddaughter, Sara Roth to Nathan Morelli, by Betty Meyers • Lu & Michel Pierson • James & Alice Dolle Trosch Carrie & Bruce Sprintz on their marriage, by Sarah M. Kern Her special birthday, by Suzanne Strutt Jo Ann & Harry Windman on the birth of their granddaughter, Briar Makenzi Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 Landsman, by Ilene Brooks • Becky & Larry Gutin • Carol Hawtof • Paula K. & Martin Himeles, Jr. • Louise & Richard F. Kemper • Susan & Norman Lorch • Betty Spear • Linda G. & Berryl Speert • Renée Stadd • James & Alice Dolle Trosch The special birthday of Jo Ann Windman, by Sandra Raskin Their Aliyah on Rosh Hashanah, by Susan & Harvey Zeiger In memory of Mina S. Abraham, by Michelle & Rabbi Joel Abraham Louis Adleberg, by Judi & Alan Gillis Joseph Appelbaum, by Diane & Jay Weiss Ronnie Barrett, by Suzanne & Dan Crone, III • Marla & Steve Lipman & Family • Marlyn & Boris O’Mansky • James & Alice Dolle Trosch • Lynda S. & Jerry Weinstein Cecelia L. Bass, by Susan Bass Katz & Lewis Katz Edwin A. Beck, by Merle Ann & Stanley Siegelman Jacob S. Biron, by Naomi Cohen Greg Birmingham, by Carol, David & Emilia Slotnick Selma S. Blade, by Merle Ann & Stanley Siegelman Fannie Blum, by James David Blum Joseph Boris, by Ronald S. Boris Simone Brunn, by Bunny & Alan Bernstein, Jr. • Goddess Sisters • Lois Rosenfield Robert Burkoff, by Rona Burkoff • Carolyn & John Hotz Rabbi Ernst J. Conrad, by Judy & Jerry Macks & Family Ruth Epstein, by Betty Feinberg David Glickman, by Dalia & Emile Nissan • University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc. • Barbara & Howard Woolf Carole Goldberg, by Harriet & Jay M. Kramer • Saundra & Steve Morstein • Ellen & Dennis Uhlfelder Sylvia W. Goldstein, by Judy & Jerry Macks & Family Rose Duke Hendler, by Harriet & Jeffrey Legum Ruth Jordan, by Judi & Alan Gillis Ollie P. Joseph, by Carol J. Caplan & Family Bernard C. Jules, by Shirley Rudo Herman Kabik, by Ruth & Melvin Kabik Leonard Kabik, by Ruth & Melvin Kabik Rachel Kabik, by Ruth & Melvin Kabik Lilyan J. Kalis, by Ilene & Marc Cohen Samuel Kalis, by Sonna & Michael Kalis; Ilene & Marc Cohen Dena S. Katzenberg, by Loraine Lobe Cecelia Idov Keiles, by Carol J. Caplan & Family Henry Kessler, by Deborah & Daniel Hill Elaine Lenet, by Wendy & Ronald Branoff • Betty Feinberg • Leslie & Ira Hantman • Sheilah & Simon Kalderon • Louise Everlasting Remembrance & Richard F. Kemper • Ray Katzen, Jane Krosin & Family • Carole & Aaron Mall • Beverly & Bernard Siegel • Ruth & Robert M. Taubman • Adrianne & Robert Weinblatt • Lynda S. & Gerald Weinstein Ruth Anne Mazer, by Ellen & Dennis Uhlfelder S. Sidney Meyers, by Anne Meyers Stanley Mishook, by Jen, Jon & Dana Strauss; Susan & Philip Abraham Sandra Neborsky, by Betty W. Cohen David M. Oken, by Davida Oken Martin Pollinger, by Betty Fink; Jonathan & Saul Fink • Emily & Howard Goren • Iris Kaufman • Sandra & Joseph Mechanick • Zelda, Leon & Martin Okun • Nancy Pollinger • Marilyn Savage • James & Alice Dolle Trosch Solomon Pressman, by Harriet & Jay M. Kramer Leonard Rosen, by Gloria Rosen Joseph Rosenbaum, by Michael Rosenbaum Albert Rosner, by Betty Fink and Jonathan & Saul Fink Morton Sachs, by Devorah Sachs Olga Abrams Schacht, by Salliann Alborn Amy Rizika Schatzow, by Michael Schatzow Linda Segal, by Emily & Spence Levitas & Family Bernard Shorr, by Jonathan Shorr Dovera “Dee” Silberman, by Phyllis Avis • Sonia Blumberg • Marcia & Marvin Frankel • Evelyn Gorman • Carol Hawtof • Marlyn & Boris O’Mansky • Rhoda E. Pine • Sandra Raskin & Family • Barbara Rogers Daniel M. Silver, by Bernice Seiden Julia Silverman, by Carol J. Caplan & Family Michael Soybelman, Jane & Joseph Soybelman Mildred Shulbank Strutt, by Becky & Larry Gutin H. Leonard Warres, by Melpa & Stephen Warres Robert Weinberg, by Lois M. Weinberg Shirley Weisberg, by Lynda S. & Gerald Weinstein Norma Yaffe, by Leslie & Dr. Ira Hantman In commemoration of the birthday anniversary of Larry Goldschmitt, by Edith Goldschmitt Arthur Mandy, by Sarah M. Kern Acknowledgments Appreciation is expressed for messages of good wishes and Books of Uniongrams received by Oscar Schabb on his special birthday Marty Shayt on his special birthday Jo Ann Windman on her special birthday Susan & Harvey Zeiger on their 50th wedding anniversary Yahrzeit literally means “year’s time” or anniversary. By the recitation of Kaddish at the time of Yahrzeit, we pay tribute to those who blessed us in life and continue to bless us through memory. In this spirit, our Congregation makes it possible to establish memorials for everlasting remembrance. A page in the Book of Memorial, or in combination with a Sanctuary Seat Plaque, may be dedicated as a memorial to your loved one. If you would like to participate, Francie Gill is available to discuss the options with you, [email protected], 410-764-1587, ext. 226 or simply fill in and return the entire form and mail to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21208. Everlasting Remembrance Packages Perpetual Memorial Perpetual Memorial: $700 Sanctuary Seat Plaque in combination with Perpetual Memorial Sanctuary Seat Plaque and Perpetual Memorial: $1100 Perpetual Memorial Name of Deceased M F Relationship of Deceased to Donor Date of Birth Date of Death Observe Hebrew Date Hebrew Date Yes Announce name from Bema No Yes No Dedicated by: Send Yahrzeit notices to: 1)Name 2)Name Address Address Relationship of Deceased to Observer Relationship of Deceased to Observer 3)Name 4)Name Address Address Relationship of Deceased to Observer Relationship of Deceased to Observer Sanctuary Seat Plaque Inscription for Engraved Commemorative Plaque: Location of Sanctuary Seat: Main Side Balcony Other Donor Donor Name Phone Address City State Zip Email Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 13 Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 November 2015 EVENTS Sunday, November 1 9 am Religious School • 7th Grade Bible Rap Artist 9 am PEP 9:15 am Adult Beginner Hebrew Class 9:30 am Brotherhood Breakfast 10:30 am Bereavement Group 11:15 am Adult Torah Trope Class Monday, November 2 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Temple Oheb Shalom 7:30 pm BHC Board of Electors Meeting Tuesday, November 3 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Kol Rinnah Wednesday, November 4 Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) Biennial through Sunday, November 8 Thursday, November 5 10:30 am Triple Treat Trip to the BMA Friday, November 6 5:30 pm K & 2nd Grade Dinner 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following 6:30 pm PJ Shabbat 6:30 pm Shake It Up Shabbat Saturday, November 7 9 am Torah Talk 9 am Religious School 7th Grade Torah Study and Shabbat 10 am Shabbat Shelanu Sunday, November 8 9 am Religious School • Aleph All Stars 9 am PEP 9:15 am Adult Beginner Hebrew Class 10:30 am Bereavement Group 11:15 am Adult Torah Trope Class 1 pm Sisterhood Shred Event 2 pm Chai Life Brewery Tour 2 pm Hoffberger Art Gallery Artist’s Reception 5 pm Free to Breathe Yogathon 6:30 pm For All Tastes Concert Monday, November 9 10:30 am Second Monday Series 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Temple Oheb Shalom 7 pm Brotherhood Board Meeting Tuesday, November 10 5:30 pm BHC Cares Meeting 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous 7:30 pm Kol Rinnah Thursday, November 12 5:30 pm Federation of Jewish Women’s Organizations of Maryland Event at Temple Oheb Shalom Friday, November 13 6 pm 5th Grade Dinner 7 pm Shabbat 2.0, Oneg Shabbat following Saturday, November 14 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 10:30 am Shabbat Service with Bar Mitzvah 2 pm Family Mitzvah Corps 5 pm JYGE (5th-7th Grades) 5 pm New Member Havdalah and Dinner Sunday, November 15 9 am Religious School • Gesher 9 am PEP 9:15 am Adult Beginner Hebrew Class 10:30 am Bereavement Group 10:30 am Sisterhood Board Meeting 11:15 am Adult Torah Trope Class Monday, November 16 4:30 pm Cemetery Committee Meeting 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Temple Oheb Shalom Tuesday, November 17 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous 7:30 pm Kol Rinnah Friday, November 20 NFTY-MAR Fall Kallah through Sunday, Sunday, November 22 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following 7:30 pm BHC Pride Dinner Saturday, November 21 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 11:30 am Parsha Party 6:30 pm Chai Society Sunday, November 22 9 am Religious School Family Social Action Monday, November 23 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Temple Oheb Shalom Tuesday, November 24 7 pm Caregivers Support Meeting 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous 7:30 pm Kol Rinnah Wednesday, November 25 • Temple Office closes at Noon and the E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Closes at 3 pm Thursday, November 26 • Thanksgiving • Temple Office and E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Closed 10 am Brotherhood Turkey Bowl Friday, November 27 • E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Closed 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following Saturday, November 28 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu Monday, November 30 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Temple Oheb Shalom MARK YOUR CALENDAR CHANUKAH DINNER & SERVICE Friday, December 11 • 6 pm Enjoy latkes and more, light our chanukiyot together COMMUNITY MITZVAH DAY Friday, December 25 • 9 am Support Paul’s Place at BHC, volunteer and make mitzvot together WINTER NIGHTS ON PARK HEIGHTS Thursdays in January • 6:30 pm Current events discussions with our clergy and educator Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan – 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 PERIODICALS Postage paid at Baltimore, Maryland OFFICERS Martha Weiman President Steven Sharfstein 1st Vice President Gary P. Aiken Vice President Paula K. Himeles Vice President Jay M. Kramer Vice President Robert D. Waldman Treasurer Linda R. Nathan Assistant Treasurer Marc Plisko Secretary Peggy K. Wolf Immediate Past President COUNSEL Carl S. Silverman STAFF Jo Ann Windman Executive Director Brad Cohen Director of Education Renée Stadd Director, E. B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Annette Saxon Director of Development David K. Weis Controller Andy Wayne Director of Communications and Engagement Jimmy Galdieri Music Director Tracy Ringel Assistant Director of Communications and Design The Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, (USPS No. 040-840) is published monthly by Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208-5448, phone 410-764-1587, fax 410-764-7948, e-mail [email protected]. Periodical Postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208. SERVICES Hearing loops are available in all of our worship spaces and some of our social halls. Simply turn on the T-coil or ask an usher for a headset. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Rabbi Busch will speak 9 am • Torah Talk 7 pm • Shabbat 2.0 Vayetze, Genesis 28:10-32:3 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu 6:30 pm • PJ Shabbat 9 am • Torah Talk Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class of 2018 Rabbi Busch will speak with Rabbi Sachs-Kohen 6:30 pm • Shake It Up Shabbat with Cantor Sacks SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Chaye Sarah, Genesis 23:1-25:18 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu Toldot, Genesis 25:19-28:9 We welcome the 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Bar Mitzvah of Zachary Mittelman, Rabbi Busch will speak 10:30 am • Shabbat Service son of Jennifer & Mark Mittelman FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Rabbi Sachs-Kohen will speak Kol Rinnah will speak 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Vayishlach, Genesis 32:4-36:43 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu
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