April - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
April - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
BULLETIN BALTIMORE HEBREW CONGREGATION Rabbi Andrew Busch Cantor Robbie Solomon Rabbi Elissa Sachs-Kohen Cantor Ann G. Sacks Rabbi Emeritus Rex D. Perlmeter Number 8 | April 2016 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 BALTIMOREHEBREW.ORG Professor Michael Satlow is the 2016 Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study Scholar-inResidence HOW THE BIBLE BECAME HOLY Friday-Sunday, April 1-3 See page 8 for details. Take a Peek Inside . . . New and Returning Members . . . . . . Todah Rabbah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From the Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May is Mitzvah Month at BHC . . . . . . A Message from the President . . . . . BHC Faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Camp BHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upcoming at BHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Night of the Stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 Carol J. Caplan Award . . . . . . . . . . . . Bereavement Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Risch Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Action Book Club . . . . . . . . . . Yale Gordon Concert . . . . . . . . . . . . . Second Night Seder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yizkor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chai Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 The Hoffberger Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Youth Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Youth Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center . . 9 Brotherhood News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sisterhood in Session . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13 April Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Service Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 WELCOME NEW AND RETURNING MEMBERS! We welcome the following congregants who have joined BHC since January Rachel Schupack & Steven Goodman Jean Fedder TODAH RABBAH The Congregational Kiddush on March 12 was sponsored by Ellyn & Stewart Walden and Marcia & Mark Weisman in honor of the naming of their granddaughter, Brianna. The Congregational Kiddush on April 2 is sponsored by Michele & Jeffrey Ross in honor of their daughter Marissa becoming a Bat Mitzvah. The Oneg Shabbat on April 8 is sponsored by Donna & Mark Wasserman in honor of their grandson Elliot becoming a Bar Mitzvah. The Congregational Kiddush on April 9 is sponsored by Melissa & Mikel Daniels in honor of their son Elliot becoming a Bar Mitzvah. BHC IS COLLECTING... •Non-perishable food for GEDCO Cares Food Pantry • Ties, belts and shoes for Sharp Dressed Men • Sheets for Paul’s Place FROM THE CLERGY A Rebirth of Hope The month of April always raises my spirits with the first signs of spring in bloom all over my lawn. Helen and I were blessed when we purchased a house in Towson, which was once owned by a major figure in the Garden Club. Every year the plantings that Mrs. Edwards arranged around our property delight us with an array of colors, sequenced in their appearance throughout the spring season in a coordinated symphony of beauty. And each year we discover something new and unexpected. One thing we can learn from nature is that sometimes you have to wait for the fruit of your labors to be realized. Only after careful nurturing and the passage of time do some things come happily to fruition. Perseverance and patience is key to any worthy effort. Or as Bishop Gilbert, a preacher in Boston, once put it: “Faith implies waiting.” In the prayer “Ani Ma’amim,” which is included in many of our Haggadahs, we sing: “I believe with perfect faith that the day of redemption will come and although it delay, in spite of all that, I still believe!” Throughout the long winter there have been many dark days. Sometimes the state of our politics, the conflicts in our city and around the world, and the general well-being of our planet seemed to be inexorably gloomy, and solutions seemed unreachable. But as I look around and see the buds on the flowering trees, I can’t help but feel that we may have turned a corner, that some of the long-term initiatives put into motion some time ago are showing signs of bearing fruit. You may call me overly optimistic, and you certainly wouldn’t be the first to do so. Still I believe that it is only a positive outlook that allows us to move forward in what President Obama has called “The Audacity of Hope.” As we approach the Festival of Passover and the season of our freedom, may we fill our senses with the sights, the sounds, and the fragrance of spring, and may we bask in a rebirth of hope. – Cantor Solomon “Please support my Bat Mitzvah project by donating gently used or new sheets to Paul’s Place. There will a collection bin in the synagogue lobby during April and May. Paul’s Place is in Pigtown and they help people in need with food, clothing, job training, computer support, education, social work, and more. My Torah portion is Behar which discusses equality, giving back and taking care of your family. This is my way of fulfilling these themes. Paul’s Place and I thank you for your support and look forward to your donations.” –Stephanie Fishkin MAY IS MITZVAH MONTH AT BHC! Place your donations in the labeled, wooden bins near the Hoffberger Chapel. For lifecycle events and special occasions, BHC has wonderful facilities to rent, such as the Dalsheimer Auditorium, the Goodwin Center and Straus Social Hall. INFO: Francie Gill, [email protected] or 410-764-1587, ext. 226. Why limit doing good things to just one day? For the fourth year, BHC will celebrate Mitzvah Month in May. This year’s projects will be meaningful and effective. Mitzvah Month provides you with multiple opportunities to join your congregation to do good. We hope that you will be part of this important BHC project. More information coming in May. YAHRZEIT REMINDER To have a Yahrzeit name read, call the Temple Office or fill out a card when coming to a service. INFO: Iris Powell, [email protected] or 410-764-1587, ext. 224. LIFECYCLE EVENTS IN THE HOSPITAL? 2 Due to hospital policy, clergy and BHC Cares volunteers have no way of knowing you are in the hospital unless you or a family member inform us. INFO: Iris Powell, [email protected] or 410-764-1587, ext. 224. • DISCLAIMERS • 1. All prices, events and times published in the Bulletin are current at the time of publication, but are subject to change. 2. Publication of an advertisement in the Bulletin is neither an endorsement nor recommendation of any advertisers’ products or services by BHC. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT: MARTHA WEIMAN Another Dimension of Passover At BHC As we approach Passover to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt over 3,000 years ago, it strikes me that this venerated holiday has many correlations to our Jewish history: the enslavement of the children of Israel in Egypt by Pharaoh, the Spanish Inquisition, pogroms, expulsions, Kristallnacht and the onset of the Holocaust. And yet, we gather our families and friends around the Seder table to celebrate redemption, liberation and freedom. Our DNA seems to have a unique, resilient gene that commands us to repeatedly acknowledge our distinctive survival and blessings. BHC adds another dimension with our Second Night Seder on Saturday, April 23, 5 pm (see page 6 for event details); Men’s Seder on Sunday, April 10, 1 pm (see page 10 for event details); and school celebrations throughout the month. We will also have a special event on Sunday, April 10, 3:30 pm: along with the Jewish Museum of Maryland, we will host the 10th annual community-wide Herbert H. and Irma B. Risch Memorial program on immigration, a subject not only relevant today, but a direct link to our aforementioned history (see page 6 for event details). Herbert and Irma Risch, my uncle and aunt, were immigrants to Baltimore in the middle 1930’s who joined BHC in the early 1950’s. Their connection and encouragement resulted in my family’s becoming members several years later. The immigration program is sponsored wholly by the generous support of Frank and Helen Risch. Frank, my cousin, was raised and celebrated his Bar Mitzvah, Confirmation and wedding at BHC. His professional life eventually took him to Dallas, Texas, where he resides, but his deep gratitude to this city and BHC inspired him to honor his parents in the community where they flourished. There is a continuum and connectivity that takes our people from episode to episode in our turbulent history, many of which should have extinguished us many times over. Whether the Exodus from Egypt, one of the earliest movements, or the immigrations of the last century continuing to this day, we endure and thrive as a Jewish people. “What is a Jew?” from the writings of Leo (Lev) Tolstoy: “The Jew is the symbol of eternity....He is the one who, for so long, had guarded the prophetic message and transmitted it to all mankind. A people such as this can never disappear. The Jew is eternal. He is the embodiment of eternity.” Chag Sameach Stay current with all that’s happening at BHC! Send your e-mail address to [email protected]. BHC Faces: Our Board and Staff BHCF ML Doff Hails from: ML was born in Poughkeepsie, NY, and lived there until age 18. She graduated from SUNY New Paltz and went to graduate school at SUNY Binghamton. Her graduate degree is in French Literature. It was in Binghamton that she met her husband, Steven, when the two were intentionally matched up in work groups by a professor. Board Role: She is an active attendee of Board of Electors meetings. Time at BHC: The Doffs joined the congregation in 1997. Profession: ML teaches French at Centennial High School in Howard County. 3 Things to Know About ML: (1) Although many people think that it’s strange and say they could never do it, she teaches right next door to her husband and also teaches her daughter in French 2 every day. (2) ML converted to Judaism while living in Binghamton. At that time, the mother of the rabbi who did the conversion was the president of Temple Oheb Shalom here in Baltimore. (3) She studied French in Quebec for a summer during her years in higher education. Cantor Solomon Hails from: Though he spent most of his career in New England, Cantor Solomon was born in Baltimore. His first singing gig was as the High Holy Day boy soloist at a local synagogue in 1957, at age 10. His higher education studies took him through Gettysburg College (B.S. in Biology), Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati and Israel, Rubin Academy in Israel (music composition) and Berklee College of Music in Boston. He received joint cantorial certification from the Conservative and Reform movements. Staff Role: Cantor Solomon serves as one of the two cantors at BHC. Time at BHC: He has been here since 2008. 3 Things to Know About Cantor Solomon: (1) He cites two main highlights in his musical career. The first is when he performed his song “Leaving Mother Russia” for a crowd of over 300,000 at the UN Plaza in New York City in the late 1980s. The second is composing and producing “The Orphan Queen,” a full-length musical. The show had over a dozen productions, one right here at BHC. (2) Cantor Solomon’s wife, Helen, knows that when he is composing music, she must be prepared for a little bit of forgetfulness. (3) He looks forward to playing tennis and biking with his grandchildren (Nicolas, age 6, and Leo, age 3) when they are older. CAMP BHC BHC Camp BHC is an exciting one-week, Monday-Friday, June 6-10, opportunity to explore Judaism in a safe, fun, and spirited (ruach) atmosphere. Campers will experience an out-of-this-world adventure, living Jewish values (middot), and experience the joy of community (kehillah). Sports, art, drama, social action projects, water play, computers, and interactive camp challenges such as capture-the-flag and obstacle courses, are just a few of our activities. Camp is open to students entering K-8th grade. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, [email protected]. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 3 UPC Upcoming at BHC For more information on any of the programs below, contact Andy Wayne, Director of Communications and Engagement, [email protected] or ext. 246. HOFFBERGER SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE Friday, April 1 through Sunday, April 3 See page 5 for details. RISCH PROGRAM: SILENT WITNESS Sunday, April 10, 3:30 pm See page 6 for details. CHAI LIFE SHABBAT Friday, April 1, 6:30 pm See the “Chai Life” column on page 7 for details. SECOND MONDAY SERIES Monday, April 11, 10:30 am See page 6 for details. BEIT-RJ AT HAR SINAI CONGREGATION Mondays, April 4, 11, 18 & 25, 6:30 pm Our Teen Reform Community High School Program is in session at Har Sinai Congregation. INFO: Cory Hermann, BEIT-RJ Director, [email protected]. SOCIAL ACTION BOOK CLUB Monday, April 11, 7 pm See page 6 for details. TRIPLE TREAT Thursdays, April 7 & 14, 10:30 am & Noon See page 6 for details. BHC STUDENT ART DISPLAY AT JEWISH MUSEUM OF MD Thursday, April 7, 7 pm Join us for the reception of “My Family Story,” an educational initiative from Beit Hatfutsot. All are welcome. INFO & RSVP: Ilene Dackman-Alon, Director of Education, idackmanalon@ jewishmuseummd.org or 410-732-6400, ext. 214. E.B. HIRSH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER DINNER Friday, April 8, 5:30 pm E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center looks forward to its annual Family Shabbat dinner. We will join together for this wonderful Shabbat experience and then enjoy our PJ Shabbat following dinner. PJ SHABBAT Friday, April 8, 6:30 pm Bring your toddlers and young children for BHC’s pajama-clad services the first Friday of every month. 6TH GRADE B’NAI MITZVAH RETREAT Saturday, April 9, 9 am INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, 410-764-1587, ext. 290 or [email protected]. BHeCTY Saturday, April 9, 5 pm See page 9 for details. PEP: PURSUING EDUCATIONAL POSSIBILITIES Sunday, April 10, 9 am PEP is an ongoing Sunday morning learning opportunity, enjoyed by BHC congregants for decades. Every PEP class begins with bagels and sweets and concludes at 11:45 am. INFO: Ruth Spivak, [email protected] or 410-666-1891. ADULT BEGINNER HEBREW CLASS Sundays, April 10, 17 & 24, 9:15 am This class is for adults with little or no Hebrew reading ability. Taught by Cantor Sacks, the class will fulfill the beginner Hebrew requirement for the Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah program. It continues until May. INFO: Becky Gutin, [email protected]. 4 TEEN SOCIAL ACTION TRIP: JEWISH FOOD ETHICS Thursday, April 14, 4 pm through Sunday, April 17 See page 6 for details. BHC PRIDE DINNER Friday, April 15, 7:30 pm Join us for dinner at Arlon’s, 706 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville. FAMILY MITZVAH CORPS Saturday, April 16, 2 pm Join our group of families dedicated to social action and beautifying our city. We meet at Art With a Heart. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, [email protected]. LITTLE JYGE & JR. JYGE (1ST-4TH GRADES) Saturday, April 16, 5 pm Gather for a campfire and s’mores. Cost is $5. RSVP: Leah Bloom, Youth Engagement Associate, [email protected]. GOODNIGHT SHABBAT Saturday, April 16, 5 pm Sing and dance with your friends at this music themed Goodnight Shabbat. This free, young family gathering includes games, crafts, Havdalah, drinks, and dessert. Just pack up your dinner and come to BHC. RSVP: [email protected]. JYGE (5TH-7TH GRADES) Sunday, April 17, Noon JYGE vs The Wild. RSVP: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, [email protected]. SISTERHOOD SHRED EVENT Sunday, April 17, 1 pm See page 10 for details. YALE GORDON CONCERT Sunday, April 17, 4 pm See page 6 for details. RABBI JONAH PESNER EVENT Tuesday, April 19, 1 pm INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, 410-764-1587, ext. 290 or [email protected]. SECOND NIGHT SEDER Saturday, April 23, 5 pm See page 6 for details. BEREAVEMENT GROUP Sundays, April 10 & 17, 11:15 am See page 6 for details. CLERGY VISITS Monday, April 25, 2 pm; Tuesday, April 26, 2 pm, and Thursday, April 28, 3 pm See page 7 for details. ADULT TORAH TROPE CLASS Sundays, April 10 & 17, 11:15 am See page 6 for details. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT MEETING Tuesday, April 26, 7 pm See page 7 for details. BROTHERHOOD MEN’S SEDER Sunday, April 10, 1 pm See page 10 for details. YIZKOR Friday, April 29, 10 am See page 7 for details. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 NOTS Night of the Stars THE ONE AND ONLY JASON ALEXANDER BRINGS HIS UNIQUE BLEND OF COMEDY, MUSIC AND SOME INTERESTING CONVERSATION TO BHC FOR NIGHT OF THE STARS Though best known for his award-winning, nine year stint as the now iconic George Costanza of television’s “Seinfeld,” Jason Alexander is a man of many talents and a diverse background. Aside from that singular performance, Mr. Alexander is a noted entertainer, director, producer, teacher and author, as well as an award-winning magician, notorious poker player and respected political and social advocate. His career as a commercial actor began when he was still a young teenager and quickly moved to the New York theater scene. He made his Broadway debut in the Hal Prince/Stephen Sondheim musical “Merrily We Roll Along” and includes starring roles in the original casts of “The Rink,” “Broadway Bound,” “Accomplice” and his Tony Award winning performance in “Jerome Robbins’ Broadway.” Jason also authored the libretto for that show, which went on to win the Tony Award for Best Musical. He recently starred in the Larry David comedy “Fish in the Dark” on Broadway to sold-out houses. He has played off-Broadway and around the country–most notably starring with Martin Short in the Los Angeles production of Mel Brook’s “The Producers.” His many films include: “Pretty Woman,” “Jacob’s Ladder,” “Love Valour Compassion,” “Rocky and Bullwinkle,” “Dunston Checks In” and “Shallow Hal.” In addition, he directed the feature films “For Better or Worse” and “Just Looking.” He is also a distinguished television director, overseeing episodes of “Seinfeld,” “Til Death,” “Everybody Hates Chris,” “Mike and Molly,” “Criminal Minds” and “Franklin and Bash.” He won the American Country Music Award for his direction of Brad Paisley’s video “Cooler Online.” He is a coveted director of theater in Los Angeles and served for five years as the Artistic Director of the Reprise Theatre Company. For his depiction of George on “Seinfeld,” Jason garnered six Emmy nominations, four Golden Globe nominations, an American Television Award and two American Comedy Awards. He won two Screen Actor Guild Awards as the best actor in a television comedy despite playing a supporting role, and in 2012 he was honored to receive the “Julie Harris Award for Lifetime Achievement” from the Actor’s Fund. Annette Saxon Director of Development BHC’s 6th annual Night of the Stars, An Intimate Evening with Jason Alexander takes place on Thursday evening, May 12. INFO & Tickets: baltimorehebrew.org/nots or 443-524-0284. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CAROL J. CAPLAN SERVICE & COMMITMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS Join us as we celebrate with Betty Fink and Steve Cornblatt, co-recipients, on Friday, May 6 at BHC. The evening will begin at 5 pm with a reception followed by the Annual Meeting and Shabbat service. We continue with dinner (reservations required) and an Oneg Shabbat. Betty Fink has been a member of BHC all of her life; when asked, she stated jokingly “I was born at BHC.” Betty and her family have lived in Baltimore for generations, and her grandfather was one of the founders of Beth Tfiloh. It was when Betty’s father was a student at Hopkins that he branched out became a member of BHC, where his children and grandchildren learned and grew up. Betty is proud to say she went through the Religious School program at BHC and attended services regularly. As Betty became an adult, she kept BHC close to her heart and a part of her daily life. She was married to Edwin, who was her biggest supporter in all of her endeavors, especially at BHC. Together they had two children, who then gave them four grandchildren. Both of Betty’s sons, Saul and Jonathan, took after her, involving themselves with BHC while in Baltimore. They both went through the Religious School program, took mid-week Hebrew classes and both became a Bar Mitzvah. Her children have gone on to be very successful, and are her proudest accomplishments. Betty had a four year scholarship to the University of Maryland, where she earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts. She worked as a social worker in the Children’s Division of the Department of Welfare. When Betty’s children were born, she retired and became a member of BHC Sisterhood. When her children began attending school, Betty went back to school, as well. She earned her Master’s Degree in Education at Johns Hopkins University and began teaching 1st-3rd grades at Pimlico Elementary School, where she stayed for 20 years. She also took Hebrew class at BHC with Cantor Rosenfeld, which she enjoyed greatly. Betty felt these classes were valuable because they helped her to learn much more Hebrew and history than when she was younger. Throughout her years at BHC, Betty has been involved in a bit of everything, helping where and when she could. Betty enjoys being a member of Sisterhood, especially Triple Treat. With an apparent love to learn, she is happy to be associated with such a wonderful program, enjoying the participants and learning from the rabbis. As one of the Chairs of the Blood Drive, Betty feels that this is her biggest achievement, to both BHC and the community. She has run this event for many years and does not see that changing any time soon. The Blood Drive is an important event that Betty enjoys being a part of even though it isn’t as social as other BHC events. The Blood Drive helps people in a different way—it is worthwhile to her, the people she works with, and the people it helps, each time. From when Betty was a child to today, being a part of BHC has always been a wonderful experience for her. Looking back, Betty’s fondest memories of BHC were worshiping as a family, and watching her father become involved in Brotherhood. Throughout her life, BHC has been a comfort to Betty during times of crisis. And today, she enjoys being a part of the congregation where she can be with friends and Sisterhood. Simply put, BHC is a piece of Betty’s life, it is a part of her, and it is where she feels at home. Steve Cornblatt will be featured in our May Bulletin. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 5 TRIPLE TREAT Sisterhood’s Triple Treat gatherings begin with a meet and greet at 10 am. Then, join us for a study session and afternoon program. Everyone is welcome to attend all or part of the sessions. There is no charge except for special trips. Note, if Baltimore County schools are closed or delayed, we will not meet that day. On Thursday, April 7, 10:30 am join us for a Triple Treat trip to the Jewish Museum exhibit, “Beyond Chicken Soup: Jews and Medicine in America,” with lunch out (at your expense) following. Note, there is no education session on this day. On Thursday, April 14, Brad Cohen, Director of Education, concludes his topic on the book “‘Stalking Elijah’ by Rodger Kamenetz–An Exploration of Jewish Leaders” at 10:30 am. Following will be a Baltimore-style Closing Lunch for all educators and participants at noon. Cost is $10. INFO: Harriet Meier, 410-833-8822 or [email protected]. BEREAVEMENT GROUP On Sunday, April 10, 10:30 am, BHC will start another bereavement group, “When You’ve Lost A Loved One,” a chance for congregants and family members to be supported by our community. Robert Cohen, PhD, PA, will be the facilitator. The group continues Sundays, April 17 and May 1, 8, 15 & 22. This program is for members only; there is no charge to attend. INFO & RSVP: Carol J. Caplan, Chair, BHC Cares, 410-764-1587, ext. 270. TORAH TROPE Join BHC’s cadre of Torah chanters by learning to recognize the trope symbols and their melodies. Classes continue on Sundays, April 10 & 17, 11:15 am. INFO: Becky Gutin, [email protected] or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. SOCIAL ACTION BOOK CLUB BHC continues our learning about race and justice with opportunities to read and discuss on a deep level. The group meets on the second Monday of the month. On Monday, April 11, 7 pm, we will be discussing the article “The Case for Reparations,” by Ta-Nehisi Coates, originally published in The Atlantic. BHC congregant Tracie Guy-Decker, [email protected], will facilitate our discussions. All are welcome. Discussions will be serious and intentional. Read the selection in advance. JEWISH FOOD ETHICS All 8-12 graders are invited on this road trip to the Shenandoah Valley to explore food ethics. We leave BHC on Thursday, April 14, 4 pm and return on Sunday, April 17, 5 pm. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, [email protected]. AN AFTERNOON OF CHAMBER MUSIC On Sunday, April 17, 4 pm, BHC will host “An Afternoon of Exquisite Chamber Music,” featuring internationally renowned chamber musicians: Bayla Keyes - violin; Maria Lambros - viola, Marcy Rosen - cello, and Diane Walsh - piano. The musicians are current and former members of Triple Helix, La Fenice and the Muir, Meliora, Ridge and Mendelssohn String Quartets and are presently faculty members at Boston University, the Mannes College of Music, Queens College and the Peabody Conservatory of Music. They will perform the Mozart’s glorious Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, charming, folk-inspired Duos for Violin and Viola by Bartok and Brahms’ thrilling Piano Quartet in G Minor. The concert will take place in the Goodwin Center at BHC. Admission is free. The program is funded by the Peggy and Yale Gordon Trust. INFO: exquisitechambermusic.org PASSOVER SEDER Join Rabbi Busch and Cantor Solomon on the second night of Passover RISCH PROGRAM: SILENT WITNESS The 10th Annual Herbert H. and Irma B. Risch Memorial Program on Immigration: “Silent Witness” is on Sunday, April 10, 3:30 pm. Experience writer/performer Stephanie Satie as she gives voice to four extraordinary women in her award-winning solo play, “Silent Witness.” How do cataclysmic events affect personal lives? Based on interviews and conversations with child survivors of the Holocaust, “Silent Witness” paints an uplifting portrait of human resilience shaped through the eyes of children and infused with the wisdom of the adults they’ve become. Winner of Best Documentary Script from the United Solo Festival in New York, and recipient of the Women in Arts and Media Coalition Collaboration Award. This free play will be performed at BHC, and all are welcome. On Saturday, April 23, 5 pm, all are welcome to share in the celebration. RSVP: return the completed form with a check made payable to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, Attn: Francie Gill, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21208 by Monday, April 11. 2016 Second Night Passover Seder Reservation Form Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone:E-mail: Members: ___ Adults @ $57 Non-Members:___ Adults @ $77 Join us for hot topics during our Second Monday Series, Monday, April 11, 10:30 am. This month, guest speaker Gary Lees, CME, FAMI, Professor and Chair, Department of Art as Applied to Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, will speak on the topic “From Pencil to Digital Imaging: A Little Known Hopkins First.” The cost is $10 per session. INFO: Ferne Rogow, fvrog@aol. com or baltimorehebrew.org/adulteducation. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin Number 8 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 April 2016 • • ___ Children* @ $52 *12 and under List names, including ages of children: SECOND MONDAY SERIES 6 ___ Children* @ $42 • If possible, seat me with: Dietary concerns or special needs: Total Enclosed: $ CLERGY VISITS During Passover our clergy will visit our congregants. On Monday, April 25, 2 pm Rabbi Busch will be at Roland Park Place; on Tuesday, April 26, 2 pm, Cantor Sacks will be at the Atrium, and on Thursday, April 28, 3 pm, Rabbi Sachs-Kohen and Cantor Solomon will be at North Oaks. We look forward to seeing our congregants. INFO: Carol J. Caplan, BHC Cares Chair, 410-764-1587, ext. 270. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP BHC Cares knows that as a caregiver you face many issues that often go unanswered. Because of this, we have formed a monthly support group. We invite you to join this group regardless of whom you care for—a spouse, a parent, a sibling, or a child—at home or in a facility. This group meets at BHC one Tuesday each month. This month’s meeting date is Tuesday, April 26, 7 pm; next month’s is Tuesday, May 24. The group is led by congregant Benjy Dubin who has over six years of experience. INFO: Benjy Dubin, 410-486-3385. Program Highlights PH SHARP DRESSED MAN “Sharp Dressed Man suffered a fire on Tuesday, March 1st at 235 Park Avenue. The cause was faulty electrical wiring to the exterior of the building. Fortunately, no one was hurt and our inventory is intact. However, upon further inspections, it’s been determined that our boutique needs extensive repair work in order to remain operational. We will not be open until we can make repairs or find a new storefront.” This was the message placed on Baltimore non-profit Sharp Dressed Man’s homepage following the electrical fire that swept through their store in early March. The tragic incident occurred just a month after BHC’s Brotherhood and I had agreed to partner with Sharp Dressed Man, starting with the Men’s Seder on April 10. Our collection bin had just been labeled for the drive, requesting ties, belts and shoes. Now, Sharp Dressed Man is in need of significant financial assistance in addition to personal donations of clothes. What is Sharp Dressed Man? From their website: “Sharp Dressed Man was founded by a partnership between the Baltimore Fashion Alliance and the Living Classrooms Foundation in 2012 to support men re-entering the workforce. We have recently established a clothing boutique in downtown Baltimore at 235 Park Ave that is furnished with donations of recycled men’s clothing. Often a nice suit and appropriate business attire is the last hurdle for men getting back on their feet. Sharp Dressed Man collects gently worn suits & business attire and distributes them to men in need. Please support us in empowering men to improve their lives.” Help us support a new non-profit partner in Sharp Dressed Man. Through Sunday, April 10, you can bring in ties, belts or shoes for Brotherhood’s Father’s Day Drive, and you can donate to the worthy cause at sharpdressedman.org. INFO: Andy Wayne, Director of Communications and Engagement, awayne@baltimorehebrew. org or 410-764-1587. Andy Wayne Director of Communications and Engagement YIZKOR On Friday, April 29, 10 am, the service for the last day of Passover will include Yizkor prayers—memorial prayers to those who have died in years gone by. This service occurs twice a year at BHC: during the High Holy Days and at the end of Passover. Special music will grace the Hoffberger Chapel with added voices and instruments to inspire an atmosphere of peace and memory. Chai Life: 20s & 30s Community CL SPRING IS IN BLOOM Spring is in full bloom with Chai Life in April. With an “April Fools” themed Shabbat dinner on the first of the month, things are starting out very festive! This month, we are thrilled to host the fourth annual Chai Life theatre event, as we’ll see “Death of a Salesman” at Everyman Theatre with a pre-show dinner & discussion led by the Everyman dramaturge on Sunday, April 10. And, our Helping Hons event is on Sunday, April 17 at Moveable Feast for an outdoor gardening project. We hope to see you at one or more of these events this month! The Chai Life committee is working hard to plan some great events for the summer. If you have ideas, be in touch! Chai Life CoChairs, Amy Goldberg, [email protected] and Steve Debois, [email protected], are here for you. Amy Goldberg and Steve DeBois Chai Life Co-Chairs Hoffberger Gallery HG “REAL AND IMAGINED “ Work by Baltimore Watercolor Society March/April Exhibit About BWS: The Baltimore Watercolor Society was established in 1885 and is a registered 501(c) (3) organization. “Our mission is to encourage, educate, and promote professional excellence in the creation and development of original works of art, executed in aqueous media. We offer our members many opportunities to exhibit their work and develop professionally.” Learn about the Hoffberger Gallery, upcoming exhibits and more: BALTIMOREHEBREW.ORG/HOFFBERGERGALLERY Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 7 HOW THE BIBLE BECAME HOLY Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Study Scholar-in-Residence Weekend Friday-Sunday, April 1-3 with Professor Michael Satlow Michael L. Satlow is Professor of Judaic studies and religious studies at Brown University. He received his PhD in Ancient Judaism from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and has previously taught at the University of Virginia and Indiana University. He is also an instructor in Me'ah, an intensive adult education program run through Hebrew College. A specialist in the social history of Jews in antiquity, Professor Satlow's most recent book is “How the Bible Became Holy,“ which investigates who gave authority to the texts that would enter our Bible, and why. Previous books include “Creating Judaism: History, Tradition, Practice” and “Jewish Marriage in Antiquity.” The author of many scholarly papers, Professor Satlow also directs an internet project called "Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine" that seeks to collect and make accessible ancient inscriptions, and he has a popular podcast, "From Israelite to Jew," available for free on iTunesU. He is currently researching how ordinary Jews in antiquity practiced their Judaism. Friday, April 1 6:15 pm Saturday, April 2 8:45, 10 & 11:30 am “THE NORTHERN KINGDOM AND THE WRITINGS OF JUDAH” “EZRA AND THE TORAH” Shabbat Evening Service followed by a dinner and lecture. Torah Study, Shabbat Morning Service and lunch. RSVP for dinner: Andy Wayne, [email protected] or 410-764-1587, ext. 246. RSVP for lunch: bit.ly/1PdUYWH or Caitlin Brazner, 443-278-9343 or [email protected] Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, sponsored by BHC and Temple Emanuel Temple Oheb Shalom Saturday, April 2 5:30 pm Sunday, April 3 9:30 am “THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS AND THE BIBLE” “THE RABBIS AND THE HOLINESS OF THE BIBLE” An engaging lecture followed by Havdalah with Wine & Cheese. Learn with Professor Satlow during a Sunday brunch. No RSVP needed No RSVP needed Temple Oheb Shalom Har Sinai Congregation Professor Satlow has received numerous prestigious fellowships, including a Guggenheim and Fulbright. He maintains a blog at mlsatlow.com and lives in Providence, RI with his wife, a Reform rabbi, and three children. baltimorehebrew.org | templeohebshalom.org | harsinai-md.org 8 Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 GRANDPARENTS RETREAT Calling all grandparents and grandkids! Join BHC for our first Grandparent & Grandchild Retreat at Pearlstone Retreat Center, Friday-Sunday, August 19-21. Enjoy Shabbat, explore the outdoors, participate in art projects and get some quality time with your grandparents or grandchildren. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, [email protected]. Youth Education YE NEW ELECTIVES FUEL OUR YOUTH EDUCATION PROGRAM This semester has been amazing in our Youth Education program. The 3rd-6th grade students love their new electives. Have you seen “Shark Tank” on TV? Well, our students are participating in their own version of Shark Tank. They are creating Jewish inventions that they will pitch to investors at the end of the semester. While inventing, they are also studying Jewish inventors and Jewish inventions. There was so much demand we had to break the class into two sections in order to accommodate all of the inventors and creative thinkers we have! In Tof T’filah we are combining drumming and prayer. Our master drummer Zi Smith is teaching the beats while Stuart Cohen is teaching the prayer. This mishmash of drumming and prayer has our students beating beautiful beats on the Djembe drum. Make sure to join us on Friday, May 13 at Shabbat 2.0 to hear them participate in services. L’Shalom (For Peace), Brad Cohen Director of Education Youth Group YG LASER TAG AT REDZONE TIMONIUM BHeCTY 8-12 grade Saturday, April 9, 7:30 pm Laser Tag at Redzone Timonium Calling all laser tag fans! All 8th-12th graders are invited to join BHeCTY for a night of laser tag at Redzone in Timonium! We will be meeting as a group at Redzone on Saturday, April 9, 7:30 pm, for some awesome laser tag, food, and lots of games! Don’t forget to bring a signed waiver for each teen. A copy of the waiver can be found at redzoneadventures.com/art/ player_waiver.pdf or a copy can be signed onsite when you drop off your teen. RSVP: by Friday, April 8 to receive the group discounted rate, to Leah Bloom, Youth Engagement Associate, lbloom@ baltimorehebrew.org, or 410-764-2197. We look forward to seeing all BHeCTYites and friends there! Leah Bloom Youth Engagement Associate E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center EBHECC CELEBRATE PASSOVER The Jewish year 5776 has been a leap year! That means not an extra day but a whole month has been added to the Jewish calendar. Passover (Pesach) will therefore be ‘late’ this year. It begins with the festive Seder meal on Friday, April 22. You have several weeks to plan for your family’s Seder, to include activities that will enrich your holiday celebration and make for a memorable experience! In school we usually begin units of study about 2 weeks prior to a holiday. That gives us time to place provocations around the room…items in the environment that will encourage questions about the upcoming holiday. You will see symbols of the holiday in our rooms and hear us singing holiday songs. Some children will build pyramids in the block corner and others will dress like Pharaoh and Moses in Dramatic Play. Art materials will provide children with the opportunity to make an age-appropriate haggadah to bring home. Perhaps your child will make a matzah plate/cover, Seder plate, Elijah’s cup or other item for your holiday table. Our school activities strive to be experiential to maximize memories, fun and learning. This holiday is focused on asking questions (not just 4!). Involve your children, keep them interested and engaged in the meal and in the telling of the Exodus story. Here are some ideas for you to include in your family celebrations: • Telling stories is one of the best ways of learning for children. Enact the scenes from the Haggadah. Put a baby doll in a basket and pretend to put him in the Nile River. Who will be Miriam and keep an eye on him? Do you have children’s books for Passover that you can begin to read? Not only will your children begin to learn the story but they will be more confident if they are re-enacting and retelling as you read books to them. • The whole family can pretend that they are leaving Egypt together…and hurry before Pharaoh changes his mind! • Make sure that you ask the children about all of the ways that the table looks different than it does for any other meal. Offer a prize to the child/children who can notice the most differences. • Play children’s CDs of Passover songs. Music is a wonderful way to connect to beautiful traditions and holiday music. Here are a few favorite Passover CD’s for kids like “A Singing Seder,” “Celebrate Passover,” “It’s Seder Time.” Here are a few links to Passover that will enhance your understanding and festival planning! • akhlah.com/jewish-holidays/passover • reformjudaism.org/passover-seder-young-children-4-5-years • myjewishlearning.com/holiday/Jewish_Holidays/Passover/ Passover_101.shtml Most importantly, make sure to have fun. Create family traditions that your children will look forward to, enjoy and tell their children about! Renée Stadd Director, E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 9 Brotherhood News BH MEN’S SEDER Join Brotherhood for their annual Men’s Seder on Sunday, April 10, 1-3:30 pm. Brotherhood will host an afternoon filled with food and entertainment as we enjoy this year’s topic, “Jewish Men of Music.” This award-winning event brings men and their sons together for an amazing Pre-Passover Seder (lunch) and program. Jewish men have played (literally and figuratively) an integral part in the American music scene for many, many years. From classical, popular, folk, rock, jazz, rhythm and blues to Broadway, Jewish men have contributed a significant amount. These works will be the subject of this year’s upcoming BHC Men’s Seder, which will also feature live music for the crowd to sing along to. We will be collecting tie donations for Sharp Dressed Man, a Baltimore non-profit organization; please bring one. INFO & RSVP: baltimorehebrew.org/mensseder or Sid Bravmann, 410-952-6352. SH INCOMING EXECUTIVE BOARD induction will take place at the Brotherhood Closing Dinner President Sidney Bravmann Executive Vice President Jack Feintuch Vice Presidents Harvey Schevitz and Roger Wolff Corresponding Secretary Norman Goldschmitt Recording Secretary Marc Plisko and Marc Grossblatt Financial Secretary Marc Grossblatt Treasurer Norman Lorch INCOMING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE induction will take place at the Brotherhood Closing Dinner Term Ending 2017 James Bonnett Richard Fishkin Stanford Gann, Jr. Harvey Goldstock Sidney Rankin Marvin Sakin Term Ending 2018 Dennis Duell Max Geller Paul Fishman John Langrock Harvey Litofsky Jack Richard Term Ending 2019 Stuart Cohen Irwin Epstein Ira Kolman Stanley Levin Harry Macks Oscar Schabb Sisterhood in Session Join Sisterhood Learn the benefits of joining Sisterhood and see what we have to offer—there is an opportunity for everyone. INFO: baltimorehebrew.org/sisterhood/ get-involved. Attend A Program Sisterhood has many programs on a variety of topics—study with us or attend an event. View details on our upcoming programs and events, choose which ones interest you and join us for a good time. INFO: baltimorehebrew.org/sisterhood/ get-involved. Make A Difference 10 From making casseroles to collecting school supplies, BHC Sisterhood members are actively involved in Social Action. Get the details and become involved in these efforts. INFO: baltimorehebrew.org/sisterhood/about. SISTERHOOD SHRED EVENT Sisterhood will host the Spring Shred Event on Sunday, April 17, 1-3 pm or until the truck is full, in the BHC parking lot. You can shred 5 boxes (15”x13”x10”) per drop-off, with an unlimited number of drop offs. There is a suggested a donation charge of $5 per box or $10 per trash bag – cash or checks only. No contractor’s size bags; no wet paper, no plastic or metal: dry paper only. No businesses, please. This event is sponsored by Sisterhood, and proceeds benefit Sisterhood’s many worthwhile projects. INFO: 410-764-1587, ext. 270. HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY Mark your calendars and join us on Thursday, May 19, 9 am at BHC for The Federation of Jewish Women’s Organizations of Maryland’s Centennial Celebration to celebrate the Federation’s 100 year history and all of its constituent organizations. This year’s theme is “Strength in Unity,” and will be exciting and diverse. The keynote morning speaker is Marcia Greenberger, founder and Co-President of the National Women’s Law Center. Baltimore City Councilwoman Rochelle “Ricki” Spector will be honored with the E.B. Hirsh Lifetime Achievement Award. A “Builder of Unity Award” will be presented to an exemplary member from each of our constituent organizations; this year, BHC Sisterhood’s recipient is Karan Engerman, past Sisterhood President. A play has been commissioned to illuminate the wonderful founders and their vision that still guides us. A toast to our Federation will kick off the afternoon program and recognize past presidents who have lit the path. BHC congregant and Sisterhood member Helene H. Waranch will be installed as President. The day includes a special reception and lunch. The cost of the event is $40. INFO: Co-chairs, Eve Vogelstein, [email protected] or Lynda Weinstein, [email protected]. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 BHC Offerings IN MEMORIAM We record with sorrow the passing of Resa Carp Margery Dannenberg Elizabeth Epstein Judith Greenbaum Joan Hoppenstein Eleanor Kilberg Max Miller Myra Petasky Terrence Phillips, Sr. Nathan Rosenthal Howard Lewis Saks Arnold Schaftel Diane Shapiro Marion Ilse Straus Sonia Tendler David Morris Williams Bernice Shapiro Zimmerman May their memories be for a blessing PERPETUAL MEMORIALS April 2-3 Herman Barchenko Cecilia Juster Beck Robert Benjamin Naomi H. Beser Aaron G. Bloom Harry Brown Joseph L. Carmel Barry Leslie Carp Betty R. Carp Esther Carp Jerome B. Cohen Louis Cohen Frank S. Cole Morris Damsky Sylvia Diener Anne R. Dobres Sylvan Dogoloff Lilly S. DuBois David Eisenberg William I. Ellison Hilton Feinsod Carrie Feldenheimer Mae L. Fischler Veronica Ford Ruth N. Frank Rose Gershfeld Ramon F. Getzov Morton A. Goldstein Mr. Paul Greenberg Esther N. Gundersheimer Herbert Gutman Gertrude F. Hanline Ronald H. Hill Charles Bertram Hoffberger Hyman Horn Pauline E. Kahn Benjamin L. Katz Louis Katz Fay Kaufman Frank A. Kaufman, Jr. Abraham Kornspun Isadore Larry Krieger Pearl Lessner Anna R. Levy Sadie Manko Wilbur Matz Amy J. Mayer Leon H. Mayer Dr. Norman L. Miller Martin B. Morrison Sidney B. Needle Carol Bernstein Pryor Solomon Morris Rosenberg Anne-Marie Rudo Blanche S. Rymland Solomon Salabes Joel David Schlecter Bernice Schloss Mary Phyllis Sherman Rosa Silverman Harvey B. Steinbach Ida Whitehill Suls Margaret Sussman Norma S. Weinberg Ida F. White Sarah M. Wiesenfeld Cece Witow April 8-9 Jacob Abraham Amy K. Behrend Abram Benesch Jacob Bernstein Ben Binder General Omar N. Bradley Carrie F. Brafman Albert M. Caplan Maura Engel Chinich Max Cohen Simon Dalsheimer Henry Daniels Dr. Henry Dillon Sidney Feldman Meyer W. Frank Simon Frank Joseph Friedman Fannie P. Gellman Ida Goldberg Aaron H. Goldman Frederica Gutman Hermine Hamburger Jerold C. Hoffberger Anna Levy Hyman Minnie Lampe Isekoff Benjamin Jacobson Louis Jandorf, Sr. Lyons B. Joel Claire L. Kaufman Rebecca Gochrach Kravetz Jeanette Kushner Isaac Lazarus Alfred Lehmann David Marc Levine Mary H. Lewyt Edward M. Likes Sara Rebecca Mandell Anna Lillian Marks Julie Marx Susan Mermelstein Lyn P. Meyerhoff Bessie G. Meyers Sarah Miller Blanche H. Neuman Joseph Ottenheimer Edward I. Paul Marcia J. Pierson Sarah D. Raichlen Abraham G. Rice Eva R. Rimson Mary Rosen Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Ettie Salabes Anna Morganstein Salganik Ray Schaeffer Melvin Schapiro Elliott M. Sherman Sylvan Spandauer Sylvon H. Spear William I. Steinberg Harry M. Stern Ida Stofberg Joseph Troy Blanche F. Uhlfelder Howard H. Weil Ignatz Weisberg Alyse Taubman Zucker April 15-16 M. William Adelson Lillian Rosenberg Ansell Josef Oliver Berlowitz Samuel Berman Melville B. Brown Fannie Cohen Irvin H. Cohen Julius Cohen Estelle Fisher Dorman Shelley Richard Earle Sydney Eichengreen Sylvan O. Feit Ida Fensterwald Bertha M. Fine Samuel Fivel Frederick W. Frank Lillie Gann Ben Goldberg Blanche T. Goldstein Isaac Goldstein Bessie Goldwasser Simon M. Hanline L. Manuel Hendler Murray Robert Hyman Samuel A. Jacobson Herman Kahn Reisa Gayle Kalderon Bernard M. Kaufman Gustav A. Kaufman Freda Lapides Lillian H. Leventon Bertha M. Levi Sylvan Levin Mary Bank Levine Harry Hyman Levy Ruth K. Lewis Jennie L. London Milton Lowenstein Nathan Macks Mary C. Maguire Matilda May Judith K. Miller Eli Millner Edward Jeffrey Morganstein Lena H. Naiditch Ethel Neustadt Rae Schloss Nordlinger Sarah Pumpian Bette L. Rascovar Taubchen Schoeneman Ronsheim Janet B. Sapinkopf Anthony Robert Savanuck Daniel F. Savanuck Paul David Savanuck Hilda Lillian Schlossberg Israel George Schwartz Sidney J. Sharfstein Benjamin Siegel Samuel Siegel Martha Stromberg Bertha G. Swogell Barbara Lion Weinberg Ralph Weinberg April 22-23 Eve Sobelman Ames Maurice Annenberg Edward A. Behrend Maurice E. Belaga Nicholas Beser Louis Bomstein Anne R. Brager Dr. Simon J. Brager* Lillian N. Bransky Nathan Brenner Joseph Carton Harry Cooper Edna Dalsemer Raymond Dinkin* Jeanne L. Dobres Samuel Eichengreen May Feit Samuel Fishman* Joseph B. Fleischman Rose Flocks Cupple Frank Charlotte Freeman* Sue Mechanick Glickman Samuel A. Gorn Pauline Singer Greenhood Steven Simon Gresser Julia Harris* Emanuel Hecht Martin S. Himeles, Sr.* Fannie Jacobs* Phyllis N. Jacobson Estelle Schweiger Jacoby* Jay Stanley Joseph Harriet P. Kalisch Baruch Katz Hannah Berney Katzenberg* Abraham Kaufman Aaron Koenigsburg Aaron M. Kramer Hinda Kushnick* Jennie Kushnick Nevah M. Lazarus Morris Albert Levy Alvin Davidson London Jenny Malachin Nathan Goldsmith Mannes Carol H. Marder* Henry Mayer Eleanore P. Medwedeff Lewis D. Mervis Helen Kahn Miller Carrie Gutman Moses Daniel J. Moses Reuben B. Parran Howard S. Pollack Theresa S. Reinach Freida Levine Richard Eva Rochlin Dorothy E. Rosenstein* Henrietta K. Rosenstock Isabel Rosenstock Florine Rosenthal Ida Rubenstein Louis Stanford Schloss Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 11 Dr. Frank Jacob Schwartz Julius Segall Rose Seltzer Dr. George Silverton Rena Singer* Estelle G. Sinsheimer Morris Sonner Rhea Seif Steele Ellen Sussman Dorothy Swartz Joseph Wagner Joseph Weinstein* Rebecca Weisberg* Lita “Cissy” Whitehouse Milton J. Wilder* Israel Windman *1st Day of Passover April 29-30 Louis Aronin Israel Benjamin Bernice S. Berlin Harry H. Berman* Max L. Berman Erna Brill David H. Cohen Alex Cooper* Minnie Lottie Dogoloff Sigmund Eisenberg Dorothy Epstein Albert Feldman Cecille S. Fine Aaron Straus Fish Harry E. Fleishman Joseph Friedemann Alan A. Frosburg Dr. Mark E. Gann Max Gibson Sarah Goldberg Gustave Goldstein* Leon Greenberg Lilian Sarah Greif Lillie Gross N. Ned Halpert* Leo Hamburger* Samuel Herman Hoffberger Leon Hoffman Philip Horowitz Bernard Melvin Horwitz Louis Jandorf, Jr.* Jack A. JaRo Bernice G. Jules Leon Kahn Miriam Kamenetz Elinor Leibowitz Kaplan Marian “Mahsee” Klein Ben Klotz Marie S. Kolker Bernice Kramer Anne Laskin* Pauline Horkheimer Lazaron Sarah C. Legum Al Leon Jane Levi Millner Milton H. Mitchell Naomi M. Palmbaum Abraham F. Rosenberg Rebecca Aiken Rothman Betty Ruth Saks* Fannie Sapero Jack H. Sapperstein Dr. Irvin Sauber Bertha Schapiro* William Schenthal Frederick Joseph Schiffer Louis B. Schiller Rose Schoeneman Alvin Schwartz Elmer J. Schwartzman* Frank Shapiro Regina S. Shapiro Esther Siegel Louis Skolkin Sylvan H. Solmson Daniel Nathan Stein Dorothy Frank Strauss Nathan Tepper Kate Tossman Rena S. Tralins Isadore G. Trivas Melvin Wasserman Rose Meyer Wasserman* Annie S. Wilson Helen Juliette Wolff* *Yizkor From Generation to Generation L’DOR V’DOR Special Birthdays Elaine Lang, Basya Brisk, Michael Mininsohn, Joel Simon, David Katinsky, Benson Fine, Elaine Salganik, Lauren Wayne, Diane Goldman, George Marcin, Claudia Cameron, Barbara Fox, Carol Asch, Michael Fish, Jeffrey Waranch, Theodore Bayless, Wendy Lippe, Claire Miller, Elizabeth Barry, Sandra Marcin, Jill Feinberg, Judy Stern, Melanie Greenberg, Laurence Weis, Robert D. Waldman, Jamie Caplis, Sally Palmbaum, Philip Abraham, Melanie Harris, Shirley Kaufman, Kathy Epstein, Marlene Trestman, Steven Kemper Special Anniversary 0th Debbie and Norman Goldschmitt 4 Jo Ann and Harry Windman 35th Terese and Howard Robinson 25th Susan and Mark Borinsky 15th Lois and Scott Cohen Janet and Robert Fleishman B’nai Mitzvah April 2 Marissa Ross, daughter of Michele and Jeffrey Ross April 9 Elliot Daniels, son of Melissa and Mikel Daniels, grandson of Donna and Mark Wasserman April 16 Abigail Minkin, daughter of Elizabeth and William Minkin, granddaughter of Patti and Tom Minkin April 30 Lilah Lichtman, daughter of Anath Ranon and Ellen Lichtman Engagements 12 Andrew Frank, son of Stanley Frank, to Mark Benson Robin Janofsky, granddaughter of Pauline Z. Chapin, to Jonathan Robinson Births Molly Abigail Crumpler, daughter of Jesse Stadd and Forest Crumpler, granddaughter of Renée & Barry Stadd Miriam Elizabeth Gross, daughter of Natalie Karas and Robert Gross, granddaughter of Cathy and Richard D. Gross We gratefully acknowledge the following offerings: For the speedy recovery of Margie Chapin, by Esther Ruth Drager • Fran Ludman & Sheldon Laskin Marissa Hawtof, by Becky & Larry Gutin Deborah Shpritz, by Lynda S. & Gerald Weinstein In honor of Jennifer & Adrian Goldszmidt on their daughter Zoe becoming a Bat Mitzvah, by Blanca Goldszmidt • Dorothy & Jason Haberman • Nora & Matthew Hart Cathy Neuman & Richard D. Gross on the birth of their granddaughter, Miriam Elizabeth Gross, by Paula & Martin Himeles, Jr. Barbara & Samuel Himmelrich, Sr. on the marriage of their grandson, Jacob Himmelrich to Sarah Munson, by Joy & Bruce Katzenberg Pam & Samuel Himmerlrich, Jr. on the marriage of their son, Jacob Himmelrich to Sarah Munson, by Joy & Bruce Katzenberg Lisa S. & Allan T. Hirsh, III on the birth of their grandson Theo Adderley Green, by Suzanne Strutt Julie & Jeffrey Janofsky on the engagement of their daughter Robin to Jonathan Robinson, by Margie Chapin • Pauline Z. Chapin Anne & Donald Kahn for all of their support, by Betty Fink Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 Adam Katzenberg on being accepted to Savannah College of Art & Design, by Doreen Alper The special birthday of Michael Mannes, by Sheilah & Simon Kalderon The special birthday of Nancy Millstein, by Karyn & Ken Calvert The 100th birthday of Fannie Marder, by Karan Engerman The engagement of Robin Janofsky & Jonathan Robinson, by Margie Chapin • Pauline Z. Chapin Pam & Harvey Schevitz on the birth of their granddaughter, Naomi Hadar Schevitz, by Diane & Sidney Bravmann Rheta & Barry I. Schloss on the birth of their granddaughter, Sable Miri Schilsson, by Joy & Bruce Katzenberg In memory of Goldie Alper, by Doreen Alper Edward Attman, by Robin Hommel & Mike Simon Aaron Bloom, by Martin Bloom • Sigmund Bloom Ada Bloom, by Sigmund Bloom Samuel Blum, by James David Blum Leona Frank Breitstein, by Elinor Cahn Fannie Burt, by Robert Burt Charles M. Cahn, Jr., by Elinor Cahn Resa Carp, by Betty Fink Carole Cohen, by Sylvan Cornblatt Harry N. Cohen, by Naomi Cohen Sylvan G. Cohen, by Bernice Burkett Walter Cohen, by Jacqueline Cohen Margery Dannenberg, by Betty Feinberg • Ellen Jandorf Stewart Davis, by Lynda S. & Gerald Weinstein Martin Davison, by Betty Davison Jules Dresner, by Liliane Dresner Lily DuBois, by Gwen DuBois & Terry Fitzgerald Sigmund Eisenberg, by Bette Buchdahl Samson Feikin, by Carol & Alan Feikin Mae L. Fischler, by Loraine Lobe Hannah S. Fried, by Kevin Fried & Mark Fried Shandl Futerman, by Leonid Shteyman Lillie Gann, by Eleanore Gann Alan B. Goldberg, by Lynette & Larry Berman Jerome Gottesman, by Lynda S. & Gerald Weinstein Jane W. Herstein, by Linda & Paul Brody Alice Hoffberger, by Marcia Bornfriend & the Hoffberger Gallery Committee • Jamie & Sheldon Caplis Charles Hoffberger, by LeRoy Hoffberger Phillip Horowitz, by Anne Meyers Jay Stanley Joseph, by Carol J. Caplan & Family Alexander S. Katzenberg, Jr., by Carla & Alex Katzenberg, III Berney Katzenberg, by Susan Katzenberg Fay Kaufman, by Stephen Kaufman • Barbara & Steven Sakin Eleanor Kilberg, by Betty Feinberg Stanley Kogan, by Sandra Paul Naomi Legum, by Harriet & Jeffrey Legum George London, by Joan London Jenny Malachin, by Phyllis Troy J. Carl Marder, by Fannie Marder Irwin Meyers, by Jeff Meyers Max Miller, by Ralph A. Brunn • Evelyn Silver Gertrude “Geetze” Myerberg, by Natalie Bricken Lucille Reiter Nass, by Roxane & Sandy Marenberg Terence Phillips, Sr., by James & Alice Dolle Trosch Zachary Wolfe Pressman, by Harriet & I. Howard Diener • Bonnie & Howard Heneson • Sue & Henry Holtzman • Cheryl & Mike Krongard • Susan & Ed Perl • Beatrice & Ronald Shapiro • Froma & Jules Willen Dorothy Rosenstein, by Bette Buchdahl Nathan Rosenthal, by Emily & Spence Levitas Sara Rowland, by Michael Rowland Howard Lewis Saks, by Becky & Larry Gutin Susan Shackman, by Amy Shackman Diane A. Shapiro, by Alma Bergman Genya Shteyman, by Leonid Shteyman Marion Isle Straus, by Susan & Philip Abraham Richard Strauss, by Carole Seidman Dr. Frank Sutland, by Sheila & Lawrence Pakula Sonia Tendler, by Carole Belaga & Edward Fishman Leonard Tossman, by Dr. David I. Tossman Minna “Mickey” Tossman, by Dr. David I. Tossman Joseph Trost, by Carole Seidman Joseph Troy, by Phyllis Troy Ethel S. Waldman, by Alan E. Waldman Ed Wenck, by Betty Feinberg David Morris Williams, by Marlyn & Boris O’Mansky • James & Alice Dolle Trosch Harry Winn, by Brian Mondell EVERLASTING REMEMBRANCE Yahrzeit literally means “year’s time” or anniversary. By the recitation of Kaddish at the time of Yahrzeit, we pay tribute to those who blessed us in life and continue to bless us through memory. In this spirit, our Congregation makes it possible to establish memorials for everlasting remembrance. A page in the Book of Memorial, or in combination with a Sanctuary Seat Plaque, may be dedicated as a memorial to your loved one. INFO: Francie Gill, [email protected], 410-764-1587, ext. 226. Or, simply fill in and return the entire form and mail to BHC, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21208. Everlasting Remembrance Packages Perpetual Memorial: $700 Sanctuary Seat Plaque and Perpetual Memorial: $1100 Perpetual Memorial Name of Deceased M F Relationship of Deceased to Donor Date of Birth Date of Death Observe Hebrew Date Yes Announce name from Bema No Hebrew Date Yes No Dedicated by Send Yahrzeit notices to: 1.Name 2.Name Address Address Relationship of Deceased to Observer Relationship of Deceased to Observer 3.Name 4.Name Address Address Relationship of Deceased to Observer Relationship of Deceased to Observer Sanctuary Seat Plaque Inscription for Engraved Commemorative Plaque Location of Sanctuary Seat Main Side Balcony Other Donor Donor Name Phone Address City StateZip Email Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 13 Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 April 2016 EVENTS MARK YOUR CALENDAR NIGHT OF THE STARS Thursday, May 12 • 8 pm Tickets on Sale Now! An Intimate Evening with Jason Alexander INFO & Tickets: baltimorehebrew.org/nots riday, April 1 F 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Hoffberger Scholar-in-Residence Dinner with Michael Satlow will follow. RSVP required. 6:30 pm Chai Life Shabbat Saturday, April 2 8:45 am Hoffberger Scholar-in-Residence Torah Study with Michael Satlow at Temple Oheb Shalom 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 10 am Hoffberger Scholar-in-Residence Shabbat Service with Michael Satlow at Temple Oheb Shalom 10:30 am Shabbat Service with Bat Mitzvah 11:30 am Hoffberger Scholar-in-Residence Lunch with Michael Satlow at Temple Oheb Shalom. RSVP required. 5:30 pm Hoffberger Scholar-in-Residence Lecture and Havdalah with Michael Satlow at Temple Oheb Shalom Friday, April 8 5:30 pm E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Dinner (RSVP Required) 6:30 pm PJ Shabbat 7 pm Shabbat 2.0, Oneg Shabbat following Saturday, April 9 9 am 6th Grade B’nai Mitzvah Retreat 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 10:30 am Shabbat Service with Bar Mitzvah 5 pm BHeCTY Sunday, April 10 9 am Religious School • Aleph All Stars • Gesher 9 am PEP 9:15 am Adult Beginner Hebrew Class 10:30 am Bereavement Group 11:15 am Adult Torah Trope Class 1 pm Brotherhood Men’s Seder 3:30 pm Risch Program Monday, April 11 10:30 am Second Monday Series 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Har Sinai Congregation 7 pm Social Action Book Club 7 pm Brotherhood Board Meeting Tuesday, April 12 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous Sunday, April 3 • BHC Closed • No 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Religious School 7:30 pm Kol Rinnah 9:30 am Hoffberger Scholar-in-Residence Thursday, April 14 Brunch with Michael Satlow at 10:30 am Triple Treat Class Har Sinai Congregation Noon Triple Treat Closing Lunch Monday, April 4 4 pm Teen Social Action Trip through 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Har Sinai Sunday, April 17 Congregation Friday, April 15 7:30 pm BHC Board of Electors 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Tuesday, April 5 Oneg Shabbat following 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm BHC Pride Dinner 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Saturday, April 16 Al-Anon 9 am Torah Talk 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 10 am Shabbat Shelanu honoring 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Sisterhood 7:30 pm Kol Rinnah 1 0:30 am Shabbat Service with Bat Thursday, April 7 Mitzvah 10:30 am Triple Treat Trip with lunch 2 pm Family Mitzvah Corps following 5 pm Little JYGE & Jr. JYGE 7 pm BHC Student Art Display at 5 pm Goodnight Shabbat Jewish Museum of Maryland 7 pm New Board Orientation Sunday, April 17 9 am Religious School • 7th Grade Meets 9:15 am Adult Beginner Hebrew Class 10:30 am Bereavement Group 11:15 am Adult Torah Trope Class Noon JYGE 1 pm Sisterhood Shred Event 4 pm Yale Gordon Concert Monday, April 18 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Har Sinai Congregation Tuesday, April 19 6 pm Rabbi Jonah Pesner Event 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Friday, April 22 • Passover Evening • Temple Office Closed 5 pm Passover Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following Saturday, April 23 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 5 pm Second Night Seder Sunday, April 24 9 am Religious School • Aleph All Stars 9:15 am Adult Beginner Hebrew Class Monday, April 25 2 pm Clergy Visit Roland Park Place 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Har Sinai Congregation Tuesday, April 26 2 pm Clergy Visit The Atrium 7 pm Caregivers Support Group 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous 7:30 pm Kol Rinnah Thursday, April 28 3 pm Clergy Visit North Oaks Friday, April 29 • Yizkor • Temple Office Closed 10 am Yizkor Service 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following Saturday, April 30 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 10:30 am Shabbat Service with Bat Mitzvah Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 8 • 22 Adar II – 22 Nisan 5776 • April 2016 15 PERIODICALS Postage paid at Baltimore, Maryland OFFICERS Martha Weiman President Steven Sharfstein 1st Vice President Gary P. Aiken Vice President Paula K. Himeles Vice President Jay M. Kramer Vice President Robert D. Waldman Treasurer Linda R. Nathan Assistant Treasurer Marc Plisko Secretary Peggy K. Wolf Immediate Past President COUNSEL Carl S. Silverman STAFF Jo Ann Windman Executive Director Brad Cohen Director of Education Renée Stadd Director, E. B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Annette Saxon Director of Development David K. Weis Controller Andy Wayne Director of Communications and Engagement Jimmy Galdieri Music Director Tracy Ringel Assistant Director of Communications and Design FRIDAY, APRIL 1 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Hoffberger Scholar-in-Residence Dinner with Michael Satlow will follow SATURDAY, APRIL 2 Shemini, Leviticus 9:1-11:47 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu The Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, (USPS No. 040-840) is published monthly by Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208-5448, phone 410-764-1587, fax 410-764-7948, e-mail [email protected]. Periodical Postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208. SERVICES FRIDAY, APRIL 15 FRIDAY, APRIL 29 Rabbi Busch will speak Rabbi Sachs-Kohen will speak 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Kol Rinnah will sing SATURDAY, APRIL 16 Metzora, Leviticus 14:1-15:33 9 am • Torah Talk 10:30 am • Shabbat Service 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu honoring Sisterhood daughter of Michele & Jeffrey Ross Bat Mitzvah of Abigail Minkin Bat Mitzvah of Marissa Ross FRIDAY, APRIL 8 7 pm • Shabbat 2.0 Rabbi Busch will speak 6:30 pm • PJ Shabbat with Rabbi Sachs-Kohen SATURDAY, APRIL 9 Tazria, Leviticus 12:1-13:59 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu 10:30 am • Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Elliot Daniels son of Melissa & Mikel Daniels 10:30 am • Shabbat Service daughter of Elizabeth & William Minkin 5 pm • Goodnight Shabbat 10 am • Yizkor Service 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Rabbi Busch will speak SATURDAY, APRIL 30 Achare Mot, Leviticus 16:1-18:30 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu 10:30 am • Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Lilah Lichtman daughter of Anath Ranon & Ellen Lichtman FRIDAY, APRIL 22 5 pm • Passover Shabbat Service Rabbi Busch will speak SATURDAY, APRIL 23 Passover, Exodus 12:37-42,13:3-10 Videostreaming for Shabbat and High Holy Day services is available by visiting www.ustream.tv/channel/ baltimore-hebrew-congregation. Registration is not necessary. 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu 5 pm • Congregational Seder Hearing loops are available in all of our worship spaces and some of our social halls. Simply turn on the T-coil or ask an usher for a headset.
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