Annual Report to the Community


Annual Report to the Community
Annual Report
to the Community
Thank you all so very much for the support and care given to our mother and
family over the last several months.
We were so blessed to have such a loving and professional team by our side through
this most difficult time. Your genuine concern and care will never be forgotten.
– A grateful family
Now I have graduated Full Circle I want to thank you for your continued support
with the monthly bereavement mailings. I find them most helpful.
I appreciate the care and concern you have given my family especially when we
needed it. I support all the good works you do.
– A grateful bereavement client
Hospice Savannah, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, provides
our community the best services and resources on living with a
life-limiting illness, dying, death, grief and loss.
– Hospice Savannah Mission Statement
2010 - 2011
Board of Directors
Foundation Trustees
Fran Kaminsky, Chair
Holden Hayes, Vice Chair
Floyd Adams, Jr., Secretary
Bruce Barragan, Treasurer
Kacey Ratterree, Member-at-large
Christopher E. Klein, Past Chair
Elizabeth Oxnard, Chair
Samuel Adams, Vice Chair
Myron Kaminsky, Secretary/Treasurer
William A. Baker, Jr.
Jean Beltramini
Kathleen DeLoach Benton
Sister Maureen Connolly
Roenia DeLoach, Ph.D.
Virginia A. Edwards
E. B. (Zeke) Gaines, III
Theodora (T.) Gongaware, M.D.
Martin Greenberg, M.D.
R. Vincent Martin, III
Ramon V. Meguiar, M.D.
Myra Phillips
W. Douglas Skelton, M.D.
Lynn Wirth
Sincere thanks to the following board members who are
rotating off after serving two terms (six years): Floyd Adams,
Jean Beltramini, Sister Maureen Connolly, Zeke Gaines
William A. Baker, Jr.
Randall K. Bart
E. B. (Zeke) Gaines, III
Martin Greenberg, M.D.
Holden Hayes
Myron Kaminsky
Christopher E. Klein
Carolyn Luck
Heys McMath, III
Caroline Nusloch
Myra J. Phillips
James Toby Roberts, Sr.
Joseph R. (Rusty) Ross
Melanie Schaengold
Amy Webb
Sincere thanks to the following board member who is rotating
off after serving two terms (six years): Heys McMath
The Steward Center
for Palliative Care, Inc.
E. B. (Zeke) Gaines, III, President
Christopher E. Klein, Vice President
Eugene D. Swenson, Ph.D., Secretary/Treasurer
Kevin (Bo) Russom
Samuel Adams
James David Baxter, M.D.
Sheri Estes
Pat Neither
Debbie Orne
Hospice Savannah Board Chair Fran Kaminsky
Dear Friends,
Thank you.
Thank you for all that you have done in support of Hospice Savannah,
The Steward Center for Palliative Care, and the Hospice Savannah
Foundation. Because of the generosity of people like you who give
selflessly of their time, talent and treasure, we remain devoted to our
commitment to provide the best services and resources on living with
a life-limiting illness, dying, death, grief and loss.
As the area’s oldest not-for-profit hospice agency, Hospice Savannah,
along with The Steward Center for Palliative Care and the Hospice
Savannah Foundation, relies on partnerships with our community’s
leaders to fulfill our mission. Thank you for ensuring that all of
our community’s citizens have access to our excellent care and
compassionate support during otherwise challenging times.
In the pages that follow, you will find our shared achievements of the
last year, and we hope that you will be as proud as we are of all that we
accomplished together. As we look to the future, Hospice Savannah,
The Steward Center for Palliative Care, and the Hospice Savannah
Foundation are poised to meet the ever-growing needs of our
community through the proposed Center for Living building project.
From a family’s first end-of-life challenge until the last, we will be here
to help family members and loved ones in the most compassionate
and supportive way possible.
Thank you for joining with us to help others. Together we are people
with a gift for helping™.
With gratitude,
Fran Kaminsky
Board Chair, Hospice Savannah, Inc.
Elizabeth Oxnard
Board Chair, Hospice Savannah Foundation, Inc.
E.B. (Zeke) Gaines, III
Board President, The Steward Center for Palliative Care, Inc.
Debra Anthony Larson , M.S.W.
President and CEO, Hospice Savannah, Inc.
Photo Credit: Diane Booker
How We Help.....
Community based Hospice Savannah has been
serving the Coastal Empire for over 32 years...
and is proud that profits are returned in the form of extra
• Acute hospitalizations, emergency admission to Hospice
services to our patients and families rather than in dividends
House, or continuous care in your home for aggressive
to financial shareholders.
pain or symptom management.
We exist to help lift the burden of worry when you or your
• Five-day respite stays in Hospice House to offer caregivers
loved one receives a life limiting diagnosis. Simply call our
a break.
Referral Center at 912.355.2289 and we will answer all your
• Music therapy, story keeping, physical therapy, massage
questions by phone or preferably, come to see you (wherever
therapy, speech therapy and nutritional counseling as needed.
you are) as soon as possible. Medicare, Medicaid and
most private insurance will cover Hospice Savannah’s care;
• The support of two full time physicians, both certified in
however, care is provided regardless of ability to pay.
hospice and palliative care medicine.
We provide:
Bereavement services are provided at no charge to any
child, teen or adult in the five counties served by Hospice
• Medications and therapies related to the terminal illness
Savannah (regardless of the nature of the loss). Contact Full
to provide comfort and independence. Our patients enjoy
Circle at 912.303.9442 for more information regarding
living fully and do not need to be home-bound like home
an individual or group therapy appointment in Savannah,
health patients.
Hinesville, or Rincon.
• 24-hour on-call availability of Hospice Savannah registered
We also help patients with chronic and life limiting medical
nurses, social workers and chaplains.
conditions who are not yet ready to accept, or are not yet
• Durable medical equipment, such as hospital beds, oxygen,
appropriate for, Hospice Savannah’s care. Our Steward
wheelchairs, and other items to improve independence.
Center for Palliative Care staff offer medical expertise and
up to four hours of volunteer support each week. Just call
• Supplies and disposable paper products for patient comfort
912.354.8014 for more information.
and caregiver convenience.
• Direct delivery of medications, therapies, equipment and
supplies to your home at no expense.
at Hospice Savannah
Dr. Robert Martensen, author of “A Life Worth Living: A Doctor’s Reflections on Illness in a
High-Tech Era”, is the guest speaker for the 2nd Annual Hospice Savannah Lecture Series.
Hospice Savannah is proud to receive a three year accreditation and the Gold
Seal of Approval™ from the Joint Commission. Only a few hospices seek Joint
Commission’s endorsement and by doing so we show our patients, caregivers
and community that we strive for excellence.
Hospice Savannah is proud to march in the 186th St. Patrick’s Day Parade!
On the weekend of April 30th, 72 children were helped with their grief by attending Camp Aloha, an
overnight camp underwritten by the Kaminsky Automotive Group.
Helping others! Hospice Savannah supports the American Cancer Society by participating in its
annual Relay for Life fundraiser. Pictured below is our Chief Medical Director, breast cancer survivor
Dr. Kelly Erola and daughter Alix.
Hospice Savannah’s inaugural Summer Night event was held June 19th. Friends and supporters
sponsored dinner parties on our behalf and then gathered with their guests for drinks, desserts and
music at the Round House.
Full Circle’s bereavement staff starts helping clients in our Hinesville (Betsy Kammerud) and Rincon
(Barbara Moss) locations.
The 8th Annual Robbie Smith Golf Outing benefiting Hospice Savannah is held in memory of
27 year-old Robbie, a vibrant young man who died under our care. Pictured below is our CEO
Debra Anthony Larson and Hospice House’s Wilma Rhodan, a Certified Nursing Assistant who
helped care for Robbie.
at Hospice Savannah
A New Orleans themed night of jazz is held in Hospice House as part of the Greater Savannah
Coalition on Aging’s annual Senior Safari.
Local orthopedic surgeon Les Wilkes is honored by the Georgia Medical Society as a HealthCare
Hero. Les volunteers many hours of his time to Hospice Savannah’s Family Photography program and
one of his images wins first place in the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s annual
photography competition.
The 2nd Annual 5x7 Art Show generates more than $7,000 for Hospice Savannah. Thanks to all the
local artists who donated to this fun silent auction.
During National Hospice and Palliative Care Month we take time to honor and thank our 200-plus
volunteers at a fun awards breakfast.
The Coastal Georgia Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals celebrates National
Philanthropy Day on November 18th. We are proud of Gulfstream Aerospace’s win in the “Big
Business” category for its philanthropic support of Hospice Savannah’s palliative care program.
Hundreds of family members join the staff of Full Circle in
Forsyth Park to honor and remember their loved ones during
Hospice Savannah’s 19th Annual Tree of Light ceremony.
Helping our Community
Money Spent on Uncompensated
Care & Services ($1,252,567)
Indigent Care Costs
Indigent Care Costs
Helping our Community
Complementary Therapies
Our certified massage therapists gave 779 massages to patients and caregivers in 2010, and our Story
Keeper recorded the life stories of 86 patients during almost 200 visits. Our board certified music
therapist worked with numerous Hospice House and homecare patients during 589 visits.
Palliative Care
The Steward Center for Palliative Care’s physicians and nurse practitioners focus on providing expert
pain and symptom management long before the end of life. During 2010 we provided 316 in-patient
consults at Memorial Health University Medical Center and conducted 540 consults in our out-patient
clinic in the Anderson Cancer Institute.
Helping our Community
Community Education
By offering and participating in 390 community events in 2010 we educated 25,780 people about how
we can help. Community events included presentations by our allied therapists (massage, story keeping
and music); courses on advance directives; workshops on grief and loss; participation in 43 health fairs;
and offering over 100 “Hospice 101” courses.
Full Circle
Our bereavement counselors and volunteers offer grief support to families for 13 months or longer
following the death of a loved one under our care. In 2010 they counseled 217 individuals after a
Hospice Savannah death, and additionally helped 255 community members. A total of 1,143 group
counseling sessions were conducted for children, teens and adults in Savannah and in our new offices
in Liberty and Effingham counties.
72 children attended our overnight grief camp, Camp Aloha, in late April, and 375 children’s counseling
sessions were offered in the public schools throughout the five counties we serve.
25% of all deaths in the United States...
each year are veterans of our armed forces. They have distinctive,
not only have witnessed trauma but caused it, and may need
often unrecognized needs that sometimes complicate the dying
encouragement to engage in the work of forgiveness.
process and require skilled interventions from hospice clinicians. Thanks to the legacy of MGySgt. Roy L. Strickland, USMC,
For example, veterans may under-report pain or fear because
Ret. (1925-2010), Hospice Savannah is educating its staff and
of deeply held stoic values. Combat veterans may suffer from
volunteers on veteran patients’ needs and is striving to recognize
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or have sustained
each veteran enrolled in our care by showing appreciation for
mental, emotional, social, spiritual or moral injuries. They may
their service to our country.
Photo Credit: Les Wilkes
Helping Veterans
Photo Credit: Les Wilkes
No parent ever wants to “give up” on their child.
Parents of chronically ill children hope the next new protocol,
concurrently receive the hospice Medicaid benefit and continue to
the next treatment, the next surgery, will be the one that restores
receive all other treatments and services for which they are eligible.
them to perfect health.
Hospice Savannah is here to help with its award-winning
And so it is incredibly difficult to introduce the concept of
Butterfly Team made up of specially trained physicians and nurses
hospice care. But now there is a nation-wide Medicaid solution
certified in hospice and palliative care, social workers, chaplains,
called “Concurrent Care for Children.” Children like 11 year-old
volunteers, music therapist, massage therapist and story keeper.
Hospice Savannah patient Terrance (pictured above) can
Volunteer Services in 2010
Thank you for your help...
Volunteers visit our patients in their homes, nursing homes
65% of our patients served in 2010 received volunteer services.
and assisted living facilities, in Hospice House, and in the
Based on the annual value of volunteer time report from
hospital. They provide companionship and respite to exhausted, Hospice Savannah realized a cost savings
caregivers. They make supportive phone calls and visits to
of almost $406,000 or the equivalent of nine full time employees.
bereaved family members.
Several new programs were implemented in 2010: Graduation
They co-facilitate grief support groups and help run our children’s
ceremonies (complete with certificates and graduation caps)
grief camp. They bake and sew. They play music. They bring
for patients who graduate out of our care; recognition of
along their certified therapy dogs. They photograph weddings
141 Veterans for their service to our country with volunteers
and family gatherings. They play cards. They cut and style hair.
photographing 12 patients receiving their certificates and pins;
They do filing and accounting work in our administrative offices.
and the creation of an activity room on the residential wing of
They accompany patients to doctor’s appointments or go the
Hospice House where volunteers can engage with our more alert
grocery store. They give from their hearts.
and oriented patients.
2010 Volunteers
Floyd Adams
Sam Adams
Jane Alpert
Bill Baker
Lois Barnes
Bruce Barragan
Randy Bart
Dr. David Baxter
Dane Becker
Linda Bell
Jean Beltramini
Judith Bender
Holley Bensman
Kathleen Benton
Marcia Berens
Ann Blum
Diane Booker
Kathyrn Bordine
Sally Bradshaw
Luis Branch
Michael Brannin
Jan Brantly
Sally Brown
Sarah Brown
Vicky Bryant
Lee Burroughs
Vickie Callaway
Patrick Cassiday
Charis Chase
Peter Chiofalo
Marcia Churchill
Sister Maureen Connolly
Patti Cooper
George Cox
Hal Cubberley
Ralph Culberson
Keith Curd
Eric Curl
Billie-Jean Curvan
Dana Danielson
Barbara Davis
Peg Davis
Essie DeLoach
Dr. Roenia DeLoach
Kerensa Deterville
Luke Dimou
Jordan Eason
Virginia Edwards
Joanna Ellis
Charles Ennis
Andrew Erola-Rebellato
Sheri Estes
William Etz
Sharon Evans
Mykell Fann
Penny Farley
Jennifer Fell
Betty Anne Foran
Stewart Ford
Shirley Fordham
My Frank
Zeke Gaines
Lisa Gauthier
Jane Gobin
Dr. Theodora Gongaware
Ann Goode
Beverly Goode
Ann Grant
Fran Green
Joan Green
Nelly Greenan
Dr. Martin Greenberg
Alice Hagler
Erin Harper
Lydia Harris
Kimi Haslam
Toledo Hatcher
Holden Hayes
Catherine Henderson
Jayme Hendricks
April Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
LaShea Henry
Claude Heptinstall
Barbara Herceg
Wade Herring
Brittany Hickey
David Higgs
Elaine Hodgkins
Bill Hogan
Katie Holliday
Lind Hollingworth
Ed Holscher
Paula Hudson
Ann Hughes
Amy Hulette
Judy Humphries
Katlyn Hurst
Lawrence Hyde
Gail Levites
Patti Lott
Lynne Jackson
Jyoti Jain
Jill Jasper
Ellie Javel
Patsy Jenkins
Robert Jenkins
Carol Jennings
Angie Johnson
Ralph Johnson
Eileen Jones
Linda Jones
Beverly Jordan
Rebecca Kahr-Willis
Fran Kaminsky
Myron Kaminsky
Ross Kaminsky
Kathy Kanis
Pat Karliss
Sandy Kaskey
Krystelle Katona
Joyce Kilcrease
Lily Kilgore
John Kilshaw
Seokmin Kim
Dave Kintzing
Chris Klein
Jim Kluttz
Ada Kraft
Liz Kulian
Deepti Kundra
Mina Lacanilao
Ruth Lamirande
Briana Lang
Karen Langston
Edith Lanier
Cathy Laube
Hope Lawler
Kathryn Layton
Barbara Lerch
Chris Lewin
Ann Litten
Joseph Lloyd
Carolyn Luck
Sharon Lynch
Anne Madison
Zach Madramootoo
Theresa Maldonado
Betty Malott
Patsy Maltos
Sally Mandel
Joe Marcus
Lee Marmaras
Leslie Marticke
Michael Martin
Vince Martin
Mary Jane Master
David Matthews
Almisha Mattox
Gayle Maze
Sandra Mazzolini
Diane McCarthy
Sallie McClelland
Sarah McCord
Kathy McCurry
Dr. Ramon Megiar
Anita Mei
Colleen Melton
Pat Meyer
Vanesha Middlebrook
Jacob Millican
Claudia Mills
Ashley Mims
Kit Miller
Mary Mistak
Annette Mitchell
Donna Moody
Debra Moore
Ruth Moore
Emily Morgan
Tom Morgan
Diana Morrison
Gordon Morrow
Audry Motlagh
Jim Murphy
Murry, Carol
Pat Neither
Gerri Lee Nelson
Nic Niles
Caroline Nusloch
Katherine Nuttall
Tim O’Connor
Christopher O’Hayer
Joan Oakley
Linda Olbeter
Debbie Orne
Marion Osman
Elizabeth Oxnard
Christian Padgett
Kenette Pamphile
Pat Panosian
Tommy Parker
Walter Parrish
Joel Paskauskas
Ruth Pauley
Bob Peery
Jim Phillips
Myra Phillips
Anna Pierce
Roz Pommenville
LaToya Porter
Julia Pratt
Will Quaile
Lou Quirk
Dr. Fred Rabhan
Kacey Ratterree
Ralph Rawls
Liz Roberts
Toby Roberts
Elga Rodriquez
Rusty Ross
Mary Ellen Rowe
Cynthia Rowland
Priscilla Russell
Joe Russo
Sandy Russo
Cynthia Russom
Bo Russom
Jeff Sasena
Melanie Schaengold
Shannon Schafer
Ila Scholla
Doris Schum
Lynne Schwartz
Mattie Scott
Bill Seymour
Sheila Shealey
Bobbie Shelton
Craig Simpson
Sarah Sires
Dr. Douglas Skelton
Daniel E. Smith
Pam Smith
Tysa Smith
Marilyn Solana
Jeffery Souers
Ria Sparkman
Nancy Sperry
Gloria Stettler
Iris Stewart
Olivia Stiffler
Ronnie Stimson
Bill Stimson
Lori Stone
Eileen Strack
Shirley Strickland
Brenda Swain
Dr. Eugene Swenson
Rod Terry
Eve Thomas
Carolyn Thompson
Rachel Toraya
Linda Trussell
Andrew Tsai
Lashayla Turner
Carole Tutan
Tracey Upton
Betty Usher
Peggy Utley
Cathy Valentine
Nancy Van Gorp
Brianna Vaughn
Art Wagner
Priscilla Walker
Thomas Wallace
Velma Walters
Sandy Warmann
David Warren
Anne Wasselyon
Lynn Webb
Julie Weddle
Joyce Weinzettel
Jean Westfall
Dr. Leslie Wilkes
Essie Williams
Blenda Wilson
Richard Wilson
Mary Lee Winnert
Lynn Wirth
John Wiseman
Cynthia Wisner
Will Wood
Betty Wright
Anthony Yao
Mary Lee Yocca
Shirley Yokum
Penny Young
Thank you for your help
* Multi-year support
† Deceased
$250k - $500k
Colonial Oil Foundation, Inc.*
Courtney Knight Gaines Foundation*
$50k - $99,999
James R. & Polly Strickland, Jr.
Mary Vetter
United Way of the Coastal Empire
$25k - $49,999
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
Robert S. & Alice Jepson, Jr.*
$10k - $24,999
Kaminsky Auto Group
Estate Of Martha B. Fay
Douglas McCoy
The Steward Family Fund
$5,000 - $9,999
Matthew Conner
Excellerx Inc.
Fox & Weeks Funeral Home
Gamble Funeral Service, Inc
Stuart G. Knight
John S. Moore
Elizabeth Oxnard
Rincon Lions Club Building Fund
The Robbie Smith Endowment Fund
Truist (United Way)
$1,000 - $4,999
Nanon A. Anderson
Victor Andrews
Donald Argo
Neil Austing
William A. Baker, Jr.
Bruce Barragan
Carolyn Y. Beebe
Bible Lutheran Church, Inc.
Laurie Bottenfield
Jesse E. Brogdon
Stephen R. Bruce
James M. and Cristeen Causey
Max and Patty Cooper
Agnes Collins
Barbara Dickson
F. Reed Dulany, Jr.
Estate of James Murray Young
Estate of Robert W. Thain
Sheri Estes
Caroll D. Floyd
Linda Gowdy
Yolanda P. Harris
Hendrick Automotive Group
Frank R. Hill, III
Richard Hunt
Islands Christian Church Gen. Fund
John and Emma Derst Foundation, Inc.
William E. Johnston
Michael Lapp
Debra and Greg Larson
Memorial Health University
Medical Center
George P. Montis
Joe Orren
G. Bradford and Virginia Palmer
Louis F. Parent
Mary Parish
Pediatric Foundation of Georgia
Gerald A. Quirk
R.E. Turner
Harold S. and Esther Reed
Renee Malanga Trust
Dennis W. Ronning
Rotary Club of Savannah South
Jay Ryczkowski
Savannah Board of Realtors
Savannah Women On The Go
William Seymour, III
O. Thompson Smith
Smith Barid, LLC
Philip Solomons, Jr.
Philip Solomons, Sr.
Southern States Educational
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Charles L. and Anne Stewart
Andrea Su
The Chatham Foundation
The Gardner Family Foundation, Inc.
The Rourke Memorial Fund
The Sweet Peas Foundation
John Trent
Robert Vogel
Mary Walgamotte
Don L. and Cynthia Waters
Leslie L. and Ge-Juan Wilkes
$500 - $999
Leslie Adair
Samuel B. and Berta Adams
Allstate Giving Campaign
Ambling Companies, Inc.
Carl E. Anderson
Elvin and Catherine Beck
Bible Baptist Church
Blue Ridge Holdings, Inc.
Brad Boston
Sadie Bragg
Robert F. and Virginia Brannen
Robinson Callen
Cardiovascular Stepdown at
Memorial University
Russell W. and Jean Carpenter
Coastal GA Reg Savh AACA
Kenneth C. Coe
Mary J. Duncan
Shirlie I. English
Charles Exley
Sue N. and J.W. Exley
Fogarty Five (Fogarty Family)
Fort Stewart/Hunter
Chaplains Offerings
E. (Zeke) B. Gaines, III
Murray A. Galin
Georgia Power
Ronald and Charlotte Gerken
Bruce J. and Lynne Gracie
Martin H. and Doris Greenberg
Harry J. Haslam, Jr.
Holden T. and Caroline Hayes
Patricia Hayes
Alton Hope
Natalie J. Horton
Sharon Hughes
Bill Hutton
Stephen Inglis
Investment Performance Services, LLC.
Jerry C. Wardlaw Construction Co.
Star Johnson and Fannie Johnson
Myron and Fran Kaminsky
James G. King
Matthew Kowal
Thomas J. Lamas
Carolyn M. Luck
James C. Lynes, Jr.
Myrtle A. and Robert Magnus
Karen S. McCoy
Kay D. Mooney
National Electric Gate Co., Inc.
Wade S. Nease
Haywood Nichols
Jerry P. and Caroline Nusloch
Pamela L. O’Quinn
Oak Ridge Associated Universitites
Charles Osonitsch
Kenneth L. Pate
Paul R. Phillips
Savita K. Raut
Ronald Reed
Reznick Group
Macdonell Roehm
Rembert S. and Martha Roux
Betty Rushing
Savannah Fried Chicken
Earl Segure
Walter Stanton
Sterne Agee
Suntrust Banks, Inc.
Guy Taylor
Tiffani Taylor
The Cartledge Foundation Inc.
The Hardy Family Trust
Bennett H. Thomas
Thomas C. Thompson
Patricia A. Turner
Do Bang Vuong
Debbie Walden
Albert and Brenda Ward
Jack Wardlaw, III
James A. Watson, Sr.
White House Historical Association
Carole B. and John Wilson
Frederick E. Wilson
$1 - $499
Anonymous (3 gifts)
Jane H. Abbott
Lynne Abcug
Mary R. Abercrombie
William H. and Brenda Acebes
Rosalind Acker
Sharon Ackerman
AD-venture Advertising
Dannie Adair
Bruce Adams
John B. and Jane Adams
Joseph V. and Dorothy Adams
Joy G. Adams
Katie N. Adams
Martha O. Adams
Mary E. Adams
ADH Studio LLC
Emma M. Adler
John M. and Leigh Adler
AFFS Accounting Center
Aggregates USA - Georgia Division
Mary A. Aker
Euel and Doris Akins
Ray and Krystina Akins
Malia A. Akiona
Alabama Department of Transportation
Joseph Albert
Patricia A. Alderman
Alex Raskin Antiques
Debra Alexander
Rutha B. Alexander
Joanna Allaire
Francis R. and Florence Allegretti
Cheryl A. Allen
Jane W. Allen
Mark Allen
Tim Allen
Catherine M. Alley
Jennifer L. Alpert
Joseph and Jane Alpert
Ann M. Altman
Sharon Amato
Mildred C. Ambos
Rosemary D. Ambos
Emily H. Amburgey
Amelia Moon Creations
America’s Charities
American Maintance Services
Charles W. and Marlys Amos
Julianne Amos
Paul Amos
Betty T. Anderson
Bob and Janice Anderson
Dorothy Anderson
Elizabeth M. and Curtis Anderson
George H. Anderson
H. Clay Anderson
James M. and Lauren Anderson
James M. and AnnaMae Anderson
Jane S. Anderson
Lauren R. and James Anderson
Louise A. and Jim Anderson
Margaret P. Anderson
Opal P. Anderson
Ruth G. Anderson
Suzanne O. Anderson
Venera U. Anderson
Anderson Jewelers, Inc.
Mary Andrade
Albert R. Andres
Debra G. Andrews
Cynthia L. Angermeier
Clifford N. and Karen Angers
Douglas C. Anthony
Krysten Aquino
L. and Adele Archangeli
David W. Archer
Janet W. Argroves
Holly Armbruster
John and J. Eleanor Armstrong
Armstrong Atlantic State University
Foundation, Inc.
Dan M. and Mary Bo Arnold
Joseph A. and Phyllis Arnold
Alton G. Arnsdorff, Jr.
Charles E. and Connie Arnsdorff
Lois H. Aronson
Edwin and Betty Artia
Annie C. Ash
Royce L. and Lou Ashcraft
Allen and Rita Asher
Nathaniel Ashurst
Eleanor T. Ashworth
Tommy H. Atkins
Barbara L. Attaway
Michael H. Auen
John W. Aufderheide
Barbara S. Austin
William Austin
Harold D. Avant
B & S Feed & Farm Supply, Inc.
Ron Bachner
Brian Bacon
Paul H. Bacon, Jr.
Kenneth E. Baggett
John Bahr
Dorothea M. Bailie
Judith Baker
Gary Balbo
Theresa M. Baldwin
Cheryl A. Ball
Quida Ballard
Bank of America
J.L. Banks
Joy D. Banks
Julie Banks
Michele F. Bankston
Doris M. Banyard
Barbara Wheeler Realty LLC
Daisy E. Barbee
Helene Barbee
Margaret Barbee
George L. Barber
Mary A. Barbieri
Stacy Barbour
Cleveland Barefield
G.W. Bargeron
Frank Barker, Jr.
Mary S. Barlow
Ben S. Barnes
Herman Barnett
Anne A. Baron
Dennis Barr
Donald J. Barras
Jennifer K. Barrett
Julia A. Barrett
Barrett Oil Distributor
Brenda B. Barrow
Craig Barrow. III
George J. Bartell
Carol C. Barthelmess
Evelyn R. Bartlett
Linda Barton
William J. Barton, Jr.
Richard Baszczoski
Marjorie C. Batcheller
Alton Bates
Thomas A. Bates
B. Batt
Bernice Battise
Nancy G. Baumgardner
Anita Baxley
J. D. Baxter
George Bazemore
Scott Bazemore
Richard L. Beacham
Bill Beal
William L. Beal
Brian D. Beasley
Rebecca Beasley
Willene P. Beasley
William Beasley
Bruce Beatty
Maxwell Beatty
Nadine C. Beatty
Angela N. Beck
Becker Holding Corporation
Julie Beckett
Charles E. Beckman
Luhr Beckmann
Priscilla S. Beckwith
Betty Becton
Dorothy K. Beebe
Ronald Beebe, Jr.
C. W. Beeson
Elizabeth B. Beeson
Peter and Petronella Beeton
Jerry M. Beets
Kelli Beisell
Allice P. Bell
G. H. Bell
Gus Bell, IV
Myrtle H. Bell
Albert W. Bellais
George Bellino
Jean Beltramini
Arnold M. Belzer
Sondra D. Bender
2010 Donors
Sharon Benjamin
David Benner
Julius H. Bennett
Karen Bennett
Vickie L. Bennett
William D. Bennison
Karen F. Benson
Mary E. Benson
Michael P. Benson
James B. Benton
Marcia Berens
Jeanette F. Berg
Marsha J. Berger
Lynn Berkowitz
Benjamin W. Berry
Jack K. Berry
Joanna E. Berry
Patricia A. Besser
Jo Best
Michael Beytagh
BHS Reunion Class of 1960
Carolyn Biezenbos
Pat V. Biggerstaff
Evelyn H. Bird
Jean Birnbaum
Gary Bitters
James Black
Black Creek Homeowners
Association Inc.
James B. Blackburn
C. D. Blake
Tommy Blakney
Anne S. Blanco
Harriet H. Bland
Sandra B. Bland
William P. Bland, Jr.
Alice R. Blank
Dale Blankenship
John E. Blanton
Linda Bleicken
Larry M. Blocker
C. A. G. Blomquist
John A. Blount, III
Daniel Blue
Bluecross BlueShield of
South Carolina
Bluffton Men’s Fellowship Club
Ann Blum
Daniel J. Blumenthal
Everette Boaen
Ruth R. Boaeuf
Tracie Bock
Robert G. Bockhold
Kim Bockius-Suwyn
Michael Bodziner
Richard A. Bodziner
Jeanette C. Boehme
Russell W. Boekenheide
Francis X. Boes
Bojangles’ Restaurants, Inc.
Melba R. Bolin
Raymond Bolinger
Carolyn Bolton
Murray S. and Muriel Bond
Sidney W. Boone
Anna Booth
Annette Cason C. Booth
Clifford Booze
Raymond E. Border
Donald R. Bostwick
T. K. Boswell
Steven Boutelle
William C. Bouton
Kay R. Bowers
R. H. Bowley
Mary Bowman
Charles E. Boy
Donald L. Boyce
Philip A. Boyer, III
Robert and Harriet Boyer
William L. Boyette
Edward J. Boyle
April Bozone
Alma Brachel
Janet A. Bradley
Waldo W. and Jenny
Lynn Bradley
Sally A. and John Bradshaw, Jr.
Teddi Bradway
Jack W. Brady
Marilyn Brady
Charles D. Bragg
Charlotte R. Bragg
David W. Bragg
Debra Bragg
Ken D. Bragg
Audrey Brames
Sandy Branam
Helen M. Branch
Hazel Brandenburg
Zenon Brandenburg
Steven H. Brandon
Angelika Brannen
Charles J. Brannen
James Brannen
Marsha and Perry Brannen, Jr.
Robert Brannen
Shirley A. Brannen
Danny Branson
Kay B. Brantley
Dana Braun
Elaine H. Braver
Joseph E. Bravo, Jr.
Carolan Brawner
Bonnie Brazil
M. Jennifer Brearton
Daniel Breitberg
Barry Brennan
James F. Brennan, III
Richard L. Bresee
Marjorie B. Brett
Jane T. Brewer
Larry K. Brewer
Mary F. Brewer
Willene Brewton
Brewton Enterprises Inc.
Ben F. Brian
Richard Brice
Shirley Bridges
Rebecca Brienza
John Brinkman
Kay Brinley
Ruth H. Brisbois
Marian Briscoe
Robert B. Briscoe
Evelyn Bristow
Marilyn M. Brodax
Joyce Brodmann
Lawrence A. Brody
Robert and Lee Bronfman
Pamela Brooker
Carolyn A. Brooks
Charles C. and Martha Brooks
Janet E. Brooks
Polly C. Brooks
Thomas L. Brooks
Mack Brooms
Joyce Broughan
Esther R. Brown
Fay Brown
Francis A. Brown
Gillian M. Brown
Glenda T. Brown
Jack Brown
Jennifer Brown
John A. Brown
Laurel Brown
Mary W. Brown
Mildred B. Brown
Phyllis Brown
Susan Brown
Suzanne K. Brown
Brown County United Way
Win J. Browning
Ruth B. Brownlee
Jeanne C. Bruce
Beverly R. Brucher
Marvin M. Brucker
Joseph B. Bruen
Michelle A. Brumleve
Ronald F. Brunson
Evelyn L. Bruyette
Cecile A. Bryan
Harriet L. Bryan
Janet Bryant
Marie G. Bryant
Walter H. Bryant
Robbin Buchanan
Barbara W. Buchheit
Esther R. Buchsbaum
Donald A. Buckner
William B. Buford
Larry Bugg
James W. Bullock
Priscilla Burdette
Frank Burdick
Deirdre Burford
Nicholas J. Burke
Vonnell R. Burke
William R. Burke
Jeanette Burlock
Mary Burnett
Barbara A. Burns
Dayle W. Burns
Jennifer L. Burns
Jerry L. Burns
Sandra S. Burns
Betty A. Burnsed
Grady Burnsed
Linn Burnsed
Carol D. Burrell
Robin R. Burris
Ernest R. Burriss, Jr.
Carolee F. Bush
Larry N. Bush
Michelle B. Bushell
Thurman O. Butcher
Elnora Butler
Janet Butler
John J. Butler
Richard Buttery
Timothy E. Buttimer
Joan G. Byrd
Mary L. Byrd
Nannette Cafiero
Paul Calamari
Zoila V. Calas
Peter Calder
James Caldwell
Andrew P. and Milree Calhoun, Jr.
Sylvia Calhoun
Ted Callahan
Barney Callaway
Victoria Callaway
Calvary Baptist Temple
and Day School
William J. Calvert
Sally S. Cameron
Nell Cammack
George and Dale Camp
George E. Camp
John Camp
Beatrice W. and Lemuel
Dianne Q. Campbell
Johnny Campbell, Jr.
Meri and Walter Campbell
Pamela S. Campbell
Canady, Richbourg &
Woodward, LLP
Carl and Norma Jean Canicatti
Joyce H. Cannady
Sharon Cannady
William D. Cannady
Ann C. Canney
Canton Baptist Church &
Neighborhood Center
David Capallo
Mya Cape
John and Jeanne Capozzi
Mark R. and Jean Cappo
Gina M. Caraviello
B. J. Carbo
Ana Cardamon
Samuel P. Cargill, Jr.
Stephen C. and Eva Carl
Anita J. Carlson
Michael J. Carman
Carolinas Healthcare Foundation
Donald Carollo
Irene Carpenter
Brenda Carr
James E. Carr
Elaine B. Carsel
Bob L. Carte
Pamela Carte
Alvin and Louise Carter
Andy R. and Marilyn Carter
Cynthia L. Carter
David L. Carter
Gary B. Carter
Gloria D. Carter
Sandra L. Carter
William Casazza
Jerry L. Case
Daphne L. Casey
Ruth V. Casey
Betty Cashwell
Louis W. and Mildred Cason
Lois Cassell
Louis L. and Virginia Castilian
Patricia A. Castle-Hall
Rebecca F. Casto
Leslie C. Cato
Lynne G. Catterton
Mary A. Cavitt
Jessica Cavuoto
Chris Cawthon
Alec Cecil
Simone K. Center
Century 21 / Fox Properties
Susan Cetnar
Paul C. Cetti
Davis Chafin
James Chambers
Gary W. Champagne
Thomas F. Chance
Dennis J. Chandler
Sally Chandler
James M. Chapman
Norman L. and Kathleen
Chapman, Sr.
Ernestine Chapple
Chapter 249 Narfe
Grayce G. Charland
Terry O. Charles
Charles B. Spillane & Co.
Betty J. Charters
Joan T. Chase
Charles E. Chastain
Rebecca A. Cheatham
Carolyn Cheek
Marion U. Cheney
Hugh A. Cheshier
Janet G. Chester
Lamar Chestnut
Alex L. Chew
Armin C. Chisholm
Katherine C. Chisholm
Albert E. Chitwood, Jr.
Shirley and James Chivers
Christian Motorcyclist
Katherine Christiansen
Wayne A. Christiansen
Chu’s Seven-Eleven Mart
Barbara Church
Diana Churchill
Marcia K. Churchill
Jefferson G. Cicia
Marie R. Cignatta
Gloria A. Cirincione
Cisco GGSG Strategic
Marketing Team
Citizens Bank of
Washington County
Bruce Clark
Fyrn Clark
Janet and Robert B. Clark, Jr.
Rue Clark
Sharon Clark
Sherry Clark
Walter T. Clark, III
Classic Groundcovers, Inc.
Claxton High School Class
of 1956
Claxton High School Class
of 1968
Cheryl Clay
Patricia C. Clayton
Clayton Digital
Reprographics, Inc.
Clearwater Pools & Patios, Inc.
Elaine M. Cleary
Kenneth K. Cleeland
Charles E. Cleland
Vanessa Clem
J.C. and Mable Clement
Edwards Clements
Jennifer A. Clements
Russell Clemmons
Stuart C. Clifford
Caryle Clifton
John Q. Clifton
Joseph A. Clifton
Stuart Clifton
Sandra L. Clower
Jeanette M. Cnamara
Katie Coan
Coastal Ice Machines, Inc.
Coastal Medical Billing Inc
Cathy Coats
Bill Cobb
Raymond Cobb
Willene Cobb
Coca-Cola Bottling
Company United
Benjamin G. Cochran
Ralph Cochrane
Peggy P. Coe
Audrey B. Coffin
Caitlin Cogdell
W. D. Cogdell
Harvey M. Cohen
Irvin M. Cohen
Jerald Cohen
Martin Cohen
Randie Cohen
Saul Cohen
Scott A. Cohen
William H. Cohen
Elinor T. Coker
Cokesbury UMC Altar Guild
Jason R. Colbert
Jack Colcock
Coldwell Banker/
Holtzman Realtors
Barbara S. Cole
Jeff Cole
Robert J. and Beatrice Cole
David A. Coleman
Cynthia L. Colley
Paul W. Collin
Lucille and Alvin L. Collins, Sr.
Anne S. Collins
Irma Collins
Joann Collins
Collins Construction Services, Inc
Collins Vacation Rentals, Inc.
Colonial Cadillac
Cheri L. Colson
Edward D. Colson
Sarah Colson
Andrea Combs-McGaha
Commercial Cobra Club
Community Health Mission, Inc.
Key D. Compton
Doy E. and Kathleen Conaway
Kerry S. Conaway
Robert E. Conklin
John W. Conley
Tallulah W. Conn
Harry and Sharon Connolly
Kenneth Conoley
Continental Field System, Inc.
Continental Self Storage
Sherry J. Conway
Andrew Cook
Anthony Cook
Chris L. Cook
Eunice Cook
Evelyn H. Cook
Jack Cook, Jr.
Robert R. Cook
William Cook
Annette Cooler
Dorothy R. Cooler
William A. Coolidge, Jr.
Susan E. Coomer
William C. Coonce
Josephine Cooper
L. D. Cooper
Ruth Cooper
Sima R. Cooperman
Edward L. Cope
Beatrice L. Copeland
Marcia R. Copeland
Sarah S. Copeland
Corinth Baptist Church,
Sunday School Class #5
Fiona B. Cormack
Gary Corrigan
Dolores T. Corvette
Frank E. Coslick
Dee L. Costner
H. A. Cotesworth
Judy Cotner
Robert C. Cotten
R. D. Coulter
Derek N. Council
Betty Coursey
Richard R. Covington
Thank you for your help
Geneva M. Cowan
Walter C. Coward, Jr.
Angela Cowart
Bobby Cowart
Crystal Cowart
Marie Cowart
Phil H. Cowart
Robert F. Cowart
Brenda Cox
Sara M. Coy
Richard E. Coyle
John T. Coyne
Donald E. Crafts
Irene Craig
Richard M. Craig
Claire Cramer
Roger H. Crane
Marilyn K. Cranman
Paul J. and Karen Cranman
Molly Craver
Theodore Craver
Crazy Jack and Grandson
Shoe Repair, LLC
Cynthia Creed
Ken Creighton
Toni Creighton
C. L. and Sue Crews
Henry G. and Suzanne Croci
Bailey A. Cronin
Jackie G. Cronin
Peter M. Crosby
John L. Crow, Jr.
A.J. Crowe
Fay K. Crowe
Crowe-Fields Funeral Home
Robert L. Crowell
Francis Crown
Ida J. Cruse
Ralph Culberson, Jr.
Edwin H. Culver
Edmund L. Curlee, Jr.
Sheila Curley
Edward A. Curran
Janet J. Curran
Frances Curry and Family
John L. Curry
Curry Dry Cleaners
Rose Cutter
Judson P. Cuttino
Nancy Cvetan
Allen Cywin
Dabbs, Hickman, Hill &
Cannon, LLP
Arla Dacamara
Clifford Dales
Christine Dallman
James Daly
Mary Daly
Nancy C. Dancu
Sylvia Dane
Bruce Daniel
Catherine M. Daniel
Cathy Daniel
Linda A. Daniels
Patricia J. Daniels
Chester Dann
Stan Danzig
Darsey, Black Associates LLC
Sarah L. Darwin
George Dasher
James F. Daugherty
Beverly H. Daughtry
Sydney C. Daughtry
Lorena DaVanti
Betty H. Davenport
Jack E. Davenport
Roselle S. Davidson
S. Frank Davidson
Vicki Davidson
Ann C. Davis
Archie H. Davis
Barbara J. Davis
C. O. Davis
Christine Davis
Deborah C. Davis
Dorothy B. Davis
Ernest Davis, Jr.
Frank and Dorothy Davis
Hazel Davis
James Davis
James L. Davis
Janet H. Davis
Jimmy Davis
Joyce S. and Alvin Davis
Magnolia Davis
Maria Davis
Mark K. and Sandra Davis
Robert D. Davis
Sandy S. Davis
Sarah E. Davis
Victor Davis
W. J. Davis
Russell C. and Julia Dawes
Barbara E. Dawson
Beria H. Dawson
Sally M. and Joseph Dayton
Mario De La Guardia
Dolores De Marco
Tom V. De Ven
Dorothy L. De Villars
Mary E. Deal
Edna M. Dean
M. Lisa Dean
Angela E. Dearing
David E. Deason
Staige P. DeBenedetti
Frances L. Decker
Decker, Cardon, Thomas,
Weintraub & Neskis, P.C.
Deemer Dana & Froehle Llp
Donald E. Defeyter
Judy Degenhardt
William J. Degenhart
Kay E. DeGeus
H. R. Deloach
James M. Deloach, Sr.
Linda V. Deloach
William M. Deloach
Harriett B. Delong
M. C. DeMoss
Rita Denardo
Shirley J. Denhard
Thelma Denmark
William M. Denton, Jr.
Derenne Paint Center
H. C. Deriso
Edward and Mildred
D. Derst, III
George J. Deutsch
Dorothy L. Devillars
James W. Dewberry
Betty L. Dewitt
Sid and Carolyn Dex
John Diamond
Robert L. Dibella
Dennis D. Dick
Wesley C. Dicken, Jr.
David Dickerhoff
Jack Dickerson
Clifford H. Dickey
Virginia B. Dickey
Ann L. Dickson
Deborah H. and Alan Dickson
Deborah L. Dickson
Dickson/Monk Circle Chapel
in the Gardens Pres. Church
Janet A. DiClaudio
Gwendolyn Dicroce
Carl V. Dietz, Jr.
J. T. and Mary Dilberger
Herbert P. and Marie Dillon
Lawrence G. and Gloria Dillon
Julie S. Dimond
Betty H. Dionne
Directorate of Morale,
Welfare & Recreation
Alee Shriners
(Directors and Staff)
Nan A. Dismukes
David B. Diver
Dixie Powertrain &
Hydraulics, Inc.
Dixieland Cruisers
Eugene Dixon
Janet B. Dixon
Joey G. Dixon
Ralph Dixon
Thelma Dixon
Dixon Hughes
Ann W. Doddridge
William D. Dodge
Betty Dodman
Roy Dodman
Clayton M. Doherty
Doll Collectors Guild
of Savannah
Andrew S. Dombi
Marcella Dominguez
Joanne Donahue
Michael Donahue
Susan Donahue
Ann G. Donaldson
Philip L. and Yvonne
Shirley O. and Glenn
Marian Donley
William J. and Marion
Lula C. and Howard Dooley
Monica Dorsey
Naomi R. Dorsey
Kenneth M. Dowd
Robert Dowd
Cornelia K. Dowling
Helen Downing
Judith R. Downing
Mary C. Downing
Downtown Garden Club
Ursula Dowse
Kevin Doyle
Terri G. and Michael Doyle
W. B. Doyle
Martha and Michael Drake
Joyce Draper
Frances H. Drew
Julie Driggers
Sherry S. Drilling
Kelly T. Driscoll
Peter Driscoll
Drs. Broderick, Vaugh &
Dusek, P.C.
J O. Drummond
Mark V. Drummond
Sonny Drummond
Paul and Cheryl Drwiega
Allison DuBose
John A. DuBose
Imogene C. Dubree
June Dubreuil
Barbara Duch
Douglas E. Duch
Michael Dudich
E R. Duke
Sheridan Duke
Lewis Dulaney
Dulany Industries, Inc.
W. J. Duncan
Yvonne T. Duncan
Dunham’s Cabinet Shop
James F. Dunn
Joseph E. Dunn
Lottie A. Dunn
Dennis Dunne
Bich and Tuyen Duong
Anne Durant
Frank Durant, III
Helen Durkin
W. H. Durrence, Jr.
Steve Durso
Jean and Wayne Duttenhaver
John and Stephanie
Robin A. Duval
E. Shaver, Bookseller
Stacy D. and Jeff Earhart
Michael Eason
Robert Eason
Wiley Eason
Eastpines Homeowners
Elizabeth F. Eaton
J. T. Eavenson
Allan Ebell
Richard D. and Judy Eckberg
Julius and Danyse Edel
Penny Edenfield
Spencer L. Edleman, Sr.
Spencer L. Edleman, Jr.
Caroline Edwards
Madge L. Edwards
Mary M. Edwards
Matthew A. Edwards
Thomas Edwards, Jr.
Effingham Rehab Services, Inc.
Elizabeth Egan
Robert J. Egan
Donna L. Eichholz
El Paso Corporation
El Paso Energy
Service Company
Marguerite M. Elias
Elizabeth F. Thompson,
Attorney At Law
Pablo Elizalde
A. V. Ellington
Ellen R. Ellington
Harold and Marilyn R.
Elliot, Jr.
Becky Elliott
Howard L. Ellis
J. W. Ellis
Joanna Ellis
William Ellis
Catherine Ellsberry
Amy Elman
Lois A. Elmgren
Jean C. Ely
EM Security Services Inc.
Carolyn Emerick
Frank E. English
Jimmy L. English
Margaret English
Kenneth S. Ennor
Kelly A. Erola
Jamey Espina and
James Ashman
William W. Espy
Betty J. Estes
Richard A. Estus
Kenneth Eugene
Christel Evans
Claire T. Evans
David Evans
Jerry Evans
John Evans
Joyce and Richard Evans, Jr.
Nancy and Richard
G. Evans, Jr.
Everett Dykes Grassing Co., Inc.
Marvin R. Everette
Robert Everette
Sandra K. Everette
Evergreen Tree
Denmond Exley
J. W. Exley
Lucy C. Exley
Exxonmobile Foundation
Ronald Fagin
Frank Fahrenkopf, Jr.
Renee Falduto
Jacqueline Fall
Steven J. Fanger
Mary Ann Farese
Leslie A. Farfour, Jr.
James E. Farmer
Welcome G. Farr
Connie B. Farris
Elizabeth A. Fay
Susan T. Fearon
Jane A. and Edwin Feiler, Jr.
Loreta S. Felix
Fellowship Baptist Church
Jeffery A. Felser
Wanda J. Felton
Robert H. Fennell, Sr.
Carol A. Ferenc
Charles Ferguson
Henry Ferguson, Jr.
Robert B. Ferguson
Robert Ferrari
Harvey C. Ferrelle, III
Ferrier & Ferrier, P. C.
David S. Ferris
Frank E. Fesler
Jerry Feutralle
John T. Fickling
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ezra Field
Phyllis M. Fields
Bruce D. Fielitz
Elizabeth Findley
Cheryl Finger
Marie Finnegan
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church of
Rincon, Mops
First City Capital
Management, Inc.
Walter C. Fisch
Bruce Fischer
Sharon L. Fischer
Fischer Family Trust
Diana N. Fisher
Marsha M. Fisher
Sheila J. Fisher
Jeremy Fishman
Carolyn M. Fitch
Diane Fitch
Edward Fitzgerald
Sara G. Fiveash
Robert F. Flaherty
Carl Flammer
Kelly Flick
Don R. Floyd
Eileen E. Floyd
Marsha S. Floyd
R. L. Floyd
Robert H. Floyd
Charles Flynt
Elizabeth Fogarty
Cathy Foley
Christina Foley
Joseph H. Foley
Mary K. Foley
Peter A. and Emily Foley
Sean G. Foley
Lattie G. Folsom
Jim Forbes
Mary W. Forbes
Barbara K. Ford
Robert M. Ford
Stewart Ford
Fordham Reunion
Colleen Forehand
Nancy S. Forehand
Robert Forrest
Alva Forshee
Robert M. Forssell
Donald E. Forsythe
Faye Fortunato
Carole R. Foster
Charles L. Foster
Margaret Foster
Arnold Foudin
C. M. Fountain
Elizabeth Fox (Denardo)
Theta J. Fraiser
Patricia Fraker
Timothy S. Frame
Myron A. and Sas Frank
Baron Frankel
Elizabeth Franklin
Roger Frazee
Vivian Frazee
Bruce G. Frazier
Miriam M. Free
Deborah L. Freeborn
Kerry Freeman
Mary Freeman
Mitchell E. Freeman
Shirley A. Freeman
Judy F. French
Sandra S. Freyermuth
Judith L. Frick
Ruth M. Frick †
C R. Friedman
Eugene Friedman
Jacqueline K. Friedman
Linda G. Friedman
Mark Friedman
Marty Friedman
Mary W. Friedman
Stanley H. Friedman
Friedman & Martin
William H. Friend
Friends Of Oatland Island, Inc.
David Frisher
Lee Froehle
Christine M. Frye
Gail W. Frye
Christie Fuhrer
Frederick D. Fullard
William Fuller
Kaitlen Fulp
Roni Funk
Charles M. and Lynda
Furchgott, Jr.
Linda G. Futch
Michael D. Gabriele
Gregory H. Gach
Robert Gaddy, III
Courtney K. Gaines
Monisha D. Gaines
David V. Galletta
Joe C. Gamble
Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter
Scott Garber
Garden Club of Savannah
Erin Gardner
H. M. Gardner
Sheila Gardner
Henry F. Garlington
Robert Garner
John T. Garnjost
Edwena I. Garrett
X L. Garrison
Margaret G. Gartelmann
Diana M. Garvey
Mary Alice Garvin
Doug Garwood
Gary G Oetgen Agency
David J. Gaskin
George W. Gasser
Charles D. Gatch
Nancy D. Gates
2010 Donors
W. R. Gattmann
Arthur G. Gautreau
Margaret M. Gaver
Edgar L. Gay
Elizabeth Gay
Mary N. Gay
Joseph Geffen
Morris Geffen
Walter H. Gentry, Jr.
Donald George
Myrna Y. George
Nicholas F. George
George R Stuart Elementary
Georgia Docking Pilots
Georgia Hospital Association
Linda W. Geriner
John Getty
Teresa Gibbons
Barbara Gibson
Dolores M. Giesman
Barbara G. Gilbert
John H. Gilbert
J. E. Gilbreath, Jr.
Anderson B. Giles, Jr.
Patricia Giles
Paul A. Gilker
Dale J. Gilkey
Carlton and Joy Gill
Jerry Gill
Richard B. Gilpin, Jr.
Frederick Gilsdorf
M. G. Ginsberg
A. J. Gipson
Vareta A. Girardeau
Girls Nite Out Group
Jamie Giuliani
Joni S. Giusti
Linda Gladin
Tanya Glaize
Ian Glawson
Kathleen Gleeson
Lionel Gleichenhaus
Charles S. Glenn
Robert S. Glenn, Jr.
Mark H. Glidewell
Dan Glusica
Albert O. Gnann, Jr.
James H. Gnann
Janet B. Gnann
John E. Gnann
Martha J. Gobin
God Abouts Senior Ministry
Sharon H. Godbee
William F. Godley
William F. Godley, Jr.
Sarah W. Goethe
M. G. Goff
Ralph Goldberg
Suzanne D. Goldman
Lauren Goldsberry
Carroll K. Goldstone
Paul R. Gomez, Sr.
Theodora L. Gongaware
Beverly Goode
Jeffery T. Goodman
Lynn Goodman
Richard and Betty Goodnough
Ivan T. and Annette Goodrich
Goodwill Industries
Volunteer Services
Jeffrey A. Goodwin
Bonnie Gordon
Jeanine Gordon
Murray Gordon
Judy Gore
Ben Graham
Howard D. Graham
Jane C. Graham
Pamela Graham
Barbara Granger
Ann L. Grant
Douglas E. Grant
Nancy Grassey
Marsha G. Graves
Mary K. Graves
Thomas S. Gray, Jr.
Mary Anne Gray-Ellison
Jimmy Grayson
Alfonso Green
Daniel Green
Denise Green
Jack K. Green
Russ Green
Scott L. Green
Stephen S. Green
Green Mountain
Coffee Roasters
Nelly Greenan
Brian Greenwood
Terri B. Gregory
Carolyn Griffin
Joan R. Griffin
Nan Griffin
Cecile S. Griffith
Roger L. Griffith
W. Peyton Grimm
Peggy S. Griner
Harold W. Grinstaff
James A. Grismer
Beverly Groner
Carolyn Groover
Jack W. Groover, III
Marian W. Groover
Ellen T. Gross
Angela M. Grosse
Renee’ Grotheer
Cornelia R. Groves
Katherine D. Groves
Bernard and Sharon Grozine
William H. Grumble
Walter T. Grzybowski
Sandy Guhl
Judy Guinn
Gulfstream Retiree Club
Robin W. Gunn
Catherine Gunther
W. D. Guyer
Marlene Haber
Barbara Hacken
Elmore H. Hackney, Jr.
Julian Haddock
Robin L. Haddock
Arden H. Hadwin
Fred W. Haeussler
Therese M. Hafey
Donald S. Hagan
Helen J. Hagan
Alice E. Hagler
Madeline A. Hahn
William Haile
Mil Hailey
Sandy Hair
Virginia B. Hale
Betty H. Hall
Bob Hall
Brenda Hall
Donna H. Hall
Doug Hall
Eva N. Hall
James M. Hall
Laurel Hall
Marie and Leon J. Hall, Sr.
Phyllis E. Hall
Steve R. Hall
Margie D. Hall-Eurand
Michael Halligan
Susan and Juanita Halligan
O. E. Ham
Ronald Hamilton
Sandra Hamilton
Harry Hamm
John Hammit
Elizabeth M. Hammond and
Christopher Hammond †
Donald E. Hanberry
Hancock Askew & Co LLP
Mary F. Hankins
Antoine Hanna
Etta H. Hannaford
Bessie S. Hannah
Helmuth H. Hansen
E. R. Hanson
Fran D. and Ross Hanson
Mark A. and Mary Hanson
Douglas A. and Nancy Hanzel
Rose M. Harbison
James V. Hardbeck
Frank Hardeman III
Richard R. Harding
Donna D. Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Robert S. Hardy
Trinia M. Hardy
Sarah C. Harm
Elizabeth Harn
Mary Harn
Sandra Harn
Fran P. Harold
Vickie Harold
Joseph J. Harper
Donald M. Harris
L. J. Harris, Sr.
Lawrence R. Harris
Lydia Harris
Peter K. Harris
Richard J. Harris
Sherrie Harris
Stanley E. Harris, Jr.
Teresa G. Harris
Thomas A. Harris
Elinor M. Harrison
Jimmy Harrison
A. J. Hartley, Jr.
Danny Hartley
Lynnetta Hartson
Gloria Hartwell
Sheri Hartzell
Ava G. Hartzog
Joseph F. Hasbrouck
Mary P. Haskamp
Frank E. Haskins
Johnny E. Hathaway
Vernon R. Haugen
Mary M. Hawk
L. Hayden
Jean G. Hayes
Wallace C. Hayes
Betty R. Haynes
Kenneth W. Haynes
Robert Hays
Mary Hayse
Carnegia Haysman
Margaret L. Haza
HDE, Inc.
Meredith and Clifford L.
Heaslip, Jr.
Peggy Hebert
Harry J. Heck
Nancy Heck
Margaret O. Hedeman
Betty Heery
Janet Heike
Marianne M. Heimes
Robert J. Heller
John C. Helmken, II
James Helmly, Jr.
Mildred Helton
Helton’s Motor Company, Inc.
Sandra Hembach
Lance W. Hemberger
Catherine Henderson
Sean Hendley
Hendrick Chrysler Jeep
Allen W. Hendricks
Kelly N. and Joyce Hendricks
Darrell Hendrix
Geraldine S. Hendrix
Jerry E. and Alice Hendrix
Mark and Paula Hendrix
D. C. Hendry
Judson L. and Cindy Hendry
Geoffrey Hennessey
Michael F. and Kathy
Hennessy, Jr.
Colleen F. Henry
George W. Henry
Jud Henry
Lauren L. Henry
Robert G. Henry, Jr.
George H. Hensley
Alice O. Herber
Marleen Hernandez
Paul C. Hernandez
Hernandez Auto Painting &
Bodyworks Inc.
Sara Herring
Bobby Herrington
Paulette Herrington
Arthur Herzog
Evelyn K. Heslop
Regina Hess
Thomas A. Hetherington
Harriette H. Heussler
Sheba D. Heyward
Thomas A. Hickey
Thomas Hickling
Eugene Hicks
Marylyn Hiett
Michael J. Higgs
Jeff Highfill
Ken D. Highfill
Nancy Highsmith
Gail M. Hilderbrand
Benjamin Hill
Cathy P. Hill
Dorothy B. Hill
Ed Hill
Elaine B. Hill
Elnora Hill
J. Hill
James J. Hill, Jr.
Jennie Hill
Mary E. Hill
Patricia Z. Hill
Kelli C. Hilliard
Evelyn D. Hillman
Hinesville Area Board
of Realtors
Betty C. Hinson
Mark Hiott
Lena J. Hirsch
Bernard Hirshberg
Bonnie Hirtle
His and Hers Cuts and Curls
Carol Hixson
Jimmy G. Hobbs
Mollie Hobbs
Lila and Bart Hobson
Alice F. Hodges
Billie J. Hodges
Carlton H. Hodges
Virginia and Claude Hodges, Jr.
Elizabeth L. Hodges
Katherine K. Hodges
Kathleen Hodges
Lewis N. Hodges
Robert Hodges
Wilma M. Hodges
Paul T. Hoelderele, Sr.
Grace Hofacre
H. J. Hoffman
Dennis Hogan
Monice M. Hohnerlein
Betty L. Holb
Karen Holbert
Donald A. Holck
Brenda Holland
Glenn V. Holland
Jane O. Holland
Phyllis R. Holland
Toby W. Hollenberg
Don Holley
John M. Holliday
Joan Hollingsworth
Lind Hollingsworth
Pam Holman
Pamela and Jim Holman
M. C. Holmes
Edward J. and Lois Holscher
Doug M. Holstein
Sondra Holt
Gary D. Holthusen
Jules Homans
Patricia R. Homans
Sue Hommel
Mary Hood
Jeff Hook
L. G. Hook
Barbara L. Hooks
Mary Hoover
Hoover Chrysler Jeep
Dodge of Savannah, Inc.
Patsy B. Hopkins
Caroline M. Hopkinson
Chris Horkavi
Francis J. Horkavi
Patricia Horkavi
Mary A. Hornkohl
Iris Hornstein
Frederick W. Horstman
Robert Horstman
Michael Horwitz
John T. Hosey and Family
Hospice of Chattanooga
Belinda Hostetter
Charlotte M. Hough
M. J. Hourihane
David J. and Patricia House
Housing Authority of Savannah
Keith Housman
Thomas D. Houston
John C. Howard, Jr.
John W. and Delores Howard, Jr.
Julia B. Howard
Lieselotte Howard
Marion Howard
Patricia M. Howard
Mary P. Howell
Michele D. Howell
Richard and Gina Howell
Robert R. Howell
Charlotte R. Hubbard
David A. Huber
Albert B. Hucks
Ann Hudson
Marion E. Hudson
Mary S. Hudson
Karen D. and Patricia Hudspeth
Trudi Huebner
Herbert A. Huene
Patricia Huffman
Steve A. Huggins, Jr.
Edward M. Hughes
Theresa S. Huiras
Calvin T. Hull
Harold Hull
Frances Hulse
Bert Hulsey
Charles W. Humphrey
Joni W. Humphries
Judith E. Humphries
Michael S. Hunt
Ernestine L. Hunter
Ricky Hunter
Yung H. Hunton
O. L. Hurley
John H. and Barbara Hurst
Dale Huseman
Hussey, Gay, Bell &
Deyoung Intl.
W. D. Hutcheson
Frieda M. Hutchinson
Simon Hutson, Jr.
Marcia Hutton-Longwater
Stephen Hyde
Norma Hyman
Melanie N. Hynden
IBM International Foundation
ILA Local # 1475
Pamela K. Imholz
Immanuel Baptist Church
Thomas S. Inglesby,Jr.
John C. Ingram
Safronia Ingram
John P. Innes
Janice D. Insley
International Longshoremens
Elwood F. Ireland
John B. Irvin, III
Isle of Hope Baptist
Church, Inc.
Robert Isley
Nell S. Itzkovitz
Stamatia Iverson
Charles E. Izlar
J&M Oil Distributors, Inc
J. Tribble Antiques
J.C. Lewis Ford
J.C. Lewis Foundation Inc.
Addie Jackson
Garrett Jackson
Lynn Jackson
Lynne J. Jackson
Vonicile S. Jackson
Jacksonville Maritime Assoc., Inc.
Linda S. Jaeger
Rondell Jaggers
Aline E. Jakubowski
Gail James
Terri M. Jarrell
Lucy Jarriel
Frank Jarvis
JCB of Georgia
Jeanne Evans Realty LLC
James A. Jeffers
A. F. Jenkins
James T. Jenkins
Barbara S. Jenks
Virginia S. Jennings
Dina L. Jensen
John G. Jensen
Jerry Beets & Associates
Jewish Women
of the Landings
Nancy A. Jilk
Joe Von Waldner Bail Bonds
Janelle Johannesen
Betty A. Johnson
Christine Johnson
Darwin Johnson
Elaine P. Johnson
Glenda M. Johnson
Hilda Johnson
Kenneth L. and Joan Johnson
Lee Johnson
Marcia L. Johnson
Mark Johnson
Mary Johnson
Michael R. Johnson
Monnie Y. Johnson
Nonie P. Johnson
Olive D. Johnson
Otis C. and Patricia Johnson
Sidney S. Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Corp.
Thank you for your help
Johnson Investment
Counsel, Inc.
Jeffrey T. Johnston
Johnston Construction Ext. Inc.
Johnstone Supply
Theresa Jonas
Amy Jones
David Jones
Dianne Jones
Donald and Gale R. Jones
Ellen Jones
George J. Jones
Harrison Jones
Herbert Jones, Jr.
Jack M. and Mimi Jones
Jeanine W. Jones, Jr.
M. T. Jones, Jr.
Marie S. Jones
Mitchell Jones
Regina Jones
Rose A. Jones
Tara Jones
Thomas E. Jones
Trevelene N. Jones
Vanessa D. Jones
Carol A. Jordan
Gloria Jordan
W. P. Jordan, Jr.
William M. Jordan
George B. Jose
Ronald A. Josey
Samuel H. and Sarah Jospin
Cathy C. and James Joyce
Richard Juergens
Nancy C. Julian
Robert M. Juno
Joseph H. Jurgensen
George W. Justice
Mark Justice
Edward Justis
Elzie H. Justiss
Jane G. Kahn
Danny and Lisa Kaminsky
David Kaminsky
Jean S. Kaminsky
Betsy R. Kammerud
Earl Kammerud
P. H. Kandel
John C. Kane
Colyon S. Kaney
Carolyn Kaplan
Zena Kaplan
Gus Karas
Anita Karnibad
Martin L. Karp
Sidney J. Karp
Jack A. Kaster
Ann B. Kastner
Doris P. Kasun
Richard E. Kaylor
Ann R. Kearney
John E. Keating
Harry W. Keene
Charlotte E. and John Keenoy
James J. Kehoe
Joseph D. Kehoe
W. J. Kehoe, III
William J. Kehoe, Jr.
Rebecca Keith
Cheri S. Keller
Keller’s Flea Market
Joseph Kelley
Louise C. Kelley
Inez J. Kelly
Lee E. Kelly
Margaret O. Kelly
Roy Kelly
Terri Kelly
Allen B. Kendall
Bernard L. Kennedy
Beverly E. Kennedy
Linda C. Kennedy
Kathleen Kenny
Judy A. Kent
Charlotte C. Kenton
Brian Kenworthy
James L. Kerby
Joy M. Kerkhoff
Megan and Shawen R. Kerley
Kern-Coleman & Co., LLC
John G. Kersey
Brenda G. Kessler
Derrick Kessler
Robert W. Kessler
James W. Keyes
Maged F. Khalil
Jane Kidd
Judy W. Kidd
Tracy Kieffer
Tim Kiene
Jane A. Kiernan
John Kiger
Christine Kiley
Jack Kiley
Terry M. Kimball
Virginia Kiner
Elizabeth L. King
Karl King
Linda C. King
David Kintzing, Jr.
Edith L. Kirkland
Loyd K. Kirkland
Voncil Kirkland
Faye R. Kirschner
Michael Kirven
Sallie Kirven
Jimmie R. Kiser
James D. Kizer
C. D. Klahr
Deborah Klee
Gunther Klein
Sally R. Klein
Patricia S. Kleinhans
Ernestine D. Kline
Martha Klinghoffer
Peter Knepton
Doris K. Knight
L. G. Knight
James N. Knipe
Hilda Knobloch
John Knox
Primrose Knox
Chris Kobleur
David C. Koch
Donald A. and Kaye Kole
Harriet K. Konter
Michael I. Konter
Nancy Konzyck
Barbara Kooden
Lewis Kooden
Steven S. Koren
Christopher J. Kowal
Stanley J. Kowalski
Harry S. and Jane Kozal
Enzo Krahl
Sadie B. Kramer
Barbara C. Kransnoff
Phyllis Kravitch
Craig W. Kressler
Charleen Krisssman
Raymond C. Krstolic
Carolyn Krulic
Marjorie Krupp
Bernice M. Kuhn
Carol Kuhn
Jack Kuhne
Diane P. Kuhr
Stanley Kujawski
Barry Kumins
Juliana A. Kunkle
Ruth Kurzbach
Trevor Kurzbach
Janet L. Kusche
LA Vida Country Club, Inc.
Wilhelmina Lacanilao
Ladies Wednesday Golf Group
Patricia A. LaGrange
David Lain
Robert Laird
Sandra Lairscy
Catherine Y. Lamas
Lamas Cleaners, Inc.
Charles T. Lamb
Lois H. Lamm
Patsy (Jean) E. Lamson
Shannon G. Lancaster
Leon K. Lance
Roland E. Lance
Landings Association, Inc
Masako D. Landolt
Carolyn E. Lane
Richard K. Lane
Gregory Lanes
Susan Laney
Robert H. Lang
Sara S. Lang
Josephine A. Langan
Stephen J. Lange, Jr.
Donald Langford
Ronald Langford
Karen Langston
Arlene A. Lanier
Edith Lanier
Greg G. Lanier
Lesha L. Lanier
Larkin Professional Plaza LLC
Charles Larsen
Thomas S. Larson
Larry J. Lasky
William Lattimore, Jr.
Kurt Lauer
Claudia Law
Richard H. Law, Jr.
Law Offices of Matthews &
Hawkins, P.A.
Amelia D. Lawley
Douglas R. Lawrence
Patricia M. Lawrence
Geraldine Lawson
Joan A. Lawson
Nancy B. and Randy Lazard
John Leach
Richard E. Leaman
Jennifer Leatherwood
Mary L. Lebey
Paul Lebouef
Betsy Lebrun
Malvina G. Leder
Caren C. Lee
Ed and Melba Lee
Esther M. Lee
Inge L. Lee
Jack D. Lee
Jeanne R. Lee
Lynden Lee
Margaret H. Lee
Martha A. Lee
Nancy E. Lee
Sandi Lee-Williams
Matiel R. Leffler
Jeremy Legg
Charles E. Lehr, Jr.
Harriet Leibowitz
Richard F. Leighton
Harry C. Lentz
George Leon
Mary E. Leonard
Genna Leopard
James S. Lester
Jane B. Lester
Karen M. Levenstein
Katherine Levin
Phyllis A. Levin
Irvin J. Levine
Kathryn M. Levitt
Barbara S. Levy
Henry and Sissy Levy
Levy Restaurants
Caroline Lewis
Donnie W. Lewis
Elizabeth C. Lewis
Frances Lewis
J. C. Lewis
Nancy N. Lewis
Norma Lewis
Roger D. Lewis
Rosemary L. Lewis
Walter N. Lewis
William C. Lewis
William J. Lewis
Horace H. Leysath, Jr.
Louise A. Limbach
Susan Lindley
Ruth D. Lindquist
Catherine T. Lingenfelser
James B. Link
W. W. Linkenhoker
Linwin Holdings LP
Nathaniel W. Lippitt
Dessie Lipsey
Jeanne T. Liska
Ann Litten
Richard Littrell
Lee Lively
Living Circle
James Livingston
Margaret G. Livingston
Gail J. Livingstone
John M. Lloyd
Eileen Lobel
Fred B. Loe
Beth E. Logan
J. Robert. and Virginia Logan
Loretto Lominack
Thomas C. Looney
Dolores Lopez
Linda Lopp
Loring Paul Fluke
Jeanne M. Lotito
Josette L. Louder
Charles C. Love
Brenda B. Loven
James W. Lowe
Joan J. Lowe
Walter and Lillian Lowe
Darrell D. Lowell
Bernard J. Lowenthal
Monique A. Lowman
Philip J. Lucius
Barbara Ludtke
Albert B. Lufburrow
Basil Lukin
Lumpkin Road Baptist Church
James G. Lusk
Richard C. Lutz
Frances H. Lyles
Mary B. Lynch
Robert A. and Ethel Lynch
Linda and Johnie M. Lynes, Jr.
Linda C. Lynes
Lynes Realty &
Development Co Inc.
M G Savannah, Incorporated
Joanne D. Mackey
Robert H. MacLaurin
Judy Macolly
Frank L. Madden
W. F. Madden, Jr.
Thomas C. Madison
Joseph O. and Ellen Maggioni
Joseph P. Maggioni
Donald S. Magill
Richard G. Magune
Jean Mahanes
Claudia A. Maher
Thomas J. Mahoney, Jr.
Mary S. Maier
David W. Mailler
John Major
Theresa Maldonado
Nina R. Mallis
Betty Mallory
Susan Mallory
Phyllis Malphrus
Patsy K. Maltos
Mark J. Mamalakis, Sr.
Paul Mamalakis
Thelma L. Mammele
Tom G. Manasco
P. T. Manchester, Jr.
Sarah B. Mandel
Ken J. Mangelsdorf
Hobart L. Manley, Jr.
Kay L. Mann
Estelle Mannion
Pamela J. Manuel
Vera Marcik
Robert G. Marcotullio
Joe Marcus
Kathryn Marett
Judith Margolin
Neal M. Markowitz
Patricia M. Marlatt
Ernest Marmaras
Stanley C. Marsden, Jr.
Rebecca Marsh
Marsh Hunting Preserve
Barbara F. Marshall
Elsie W. Marshall
Frances H. Marshall
Garland W. Marshall
Helen H. Marshall
Beverly Martin
Dedrick D. Martin
Gean W. Martin
Grace B. Martin
John and Sherill Martin
John F. and Leta Martin
Linda C. and Robert Martin
Lynn R. Martin
Margaret G. Martin
Martin Financial Group, LLC
Michelle Martin-Ward
Donna Martinek
Martinez Baptist Church
Mary Person High School Class
of 1947
Edward N. and Claudia Masa
Barbara L. Mason
Margaret M. Mason
Betty B. Massey
Hubert R. Massey
Michael Matheny
Mark Mathews
Peggy Matlock
Lora D. Matos
Delories Matthews
Steve Matthews
Walter W. Matthews
Gerda M. Mattingly
Marcy Mattis
Almisha S. Mattox
Iva Maxey
Nella H. Maxwell
Virginia E. Maynor
Elizabeth Mayo
Harry M. Mays, III
Julie Mazo
Sandra K. Mazzolini
Lorraine McAleer
Nancy D. McAuley
Michiko McBrayer
Samuel G. McCachern
Susan McCain
Daryl McCall
Jean McCall
Mary J. McCane
Andrew M. McCann
Mary B. McCarthy
Michael F. McCarthy
Ralph M. McCarty
Margaret McClellan
Sara R. McClelland
Lee McCleskey
Donald McCloskey
John W. McCloskey
Harold A. McClung
James A. McClure
Hugh McColl, Jr.
Hunter McComb
Clarence McCoy
Denise McCoy
Patricia McCoy
Steven McCoy
Nell P. McCreery
Lyn L. McCuen
William P. McCuen, Jr.
Donald C. McCulloch
Holly McCullough
Michael E. McCullough
J. C. and Kathryn McCurry
Kathryn H. McCurry
James U McDaniel
Vera B. McDaniel
Michael J. McDevitt
Bridget McDonough
Timothy McFarland
Patti C. McFarlin
Maria B. McGaughey
Mary L. McGinnis
John F. McGinty
Monica McGoldrick
Jody McGovern
Lamont McGowan
Paulette McGowan
Gene W. McGrew
Sandra S. McGuire
David P. McHugh
Gwen S. McKee
Laurel A. McKeith
Herbert A. McKenzie
Ruth McKinley
Eartha McKinney
A.S. McLauchlan
Bill McLauchlan
Lynn A. McLauchlan
Charles B. McLaughlin
James L. McLaughlin, Sr.
Mary E. McLaughlin-Rowe
Donald K. McLaurin
Gerald W. McLean
McLean Engineering Co., Inc.
Donald E. McLendon
Julian C. McLendon
Barry McLeod
Rodman A. McLeod
Thomas McNamara
Kathy McNaughton
James A. McNear
Lauren McNulty
Jewel R. McPhail
Beverly Y. McQueen
Bob and Mary Ann Medford
Medical and Rehabilitation
Psychology Associates, P.C.
Frances L. Meeks
Mickey Meeks
Ramon V. Meguiar
Millicent Melaver
John Mell
Donald Melroy
Judith J. Melroy
Christina T. Melton
Memorial Medical Center
Suzanne F. Mendosa
2010 Donors
Mary F. Menzies
Heather L. Merbs
Catherine O. Merk
Daniel G. Merkel
H. W. Merz, Jr.
Diane Messeroll
Carolyn J. Metzger
Emily Metzger
Cynthia A. Meyer
Nancy Meyer
Richard Meyer, III
William E. Meyer, Jr.
Betty L. Meyers
Gertrude F. Meyers
Roger Michael
Stephen Michigan
Middle Georgia Signs Designeffex, Inc.
Gail C. Middleton
Paul Miehlke
Pam Mier
Roc Miles
Sam Miles
Gary A. and Irene Milewski
Mill Electric/Int’l Paper
Betty E. Miller
Catherine C. Miller
Catherine D. and
George Miller, Jr.
Cheryl Miller
Hugh R. and Nancy Miller
James E. Miller
Joanne Miller
John and Dolores Miller
John Miller
John B. Miller
Marceline T. Miller
Margaret M. Miller
Thomas P. Miller
William A. and Ann Miller
William K. and Joan Miller
Carolyn S. Milligan
Eleanor H. Mills
Irene and Demetrios Miltiades
Najie Mimou
Frances G. and Kelley Mims
Mary Mincey
Velma Miness
Henry H. Minis
Lorane H. Minis
Nancy E. Minor
Anne F. Mintz
Lawrence and Phyllis Mintz
Hazel T. Minus
Kathleen W. and John
Mary F. Mistak
Louise Mitchell
Sharon L. Mitchell
Dale C. Mitchum
Lois Mobley
Vivian Mobley
Bettie Mock
William H. Mock, Jr.
Debra M. Moesch
Randolph R. Moffett
Rudolph A. Mohr
Steven Mojo
Laura S. Mole
John Molite
James C. Monaghan
Tommy Monday, Sr.
Money Hill Ladies Golf
Kathryn L. Monlux
Rick Monroe
Debra Montero
Norman Montgomery
Montgomery County
Health Department
Susan Moody
Judy Mooney
Mildred Mooney
Neal Mooney
Charles A. Moor, III
Ana Moore
Dennis L. Moore
Inge Moore
Margaret C. Moore
Marjorie W. Moore
Michael J. Moore
Robert Moran
Barbara A. Moravec
Cecilia Morett
Dale S. Morgan
Edwin H. Morgan, Jr.
Freida U. Morgan
Joe and Theresa Morgan
Patricia A. Morgan
Robert E. Morgan
Sue Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Richard O. Morin
Bette B. Morris
Clyde Morris, Jr.
Edna P. Morris
Johnnie Morris
Mary Morris
Patricia J. Morris
Robert Morris
Thomas J. Morris
Walter E. Morris
Shelby Morris and Family
Christopher Morrison
James A. Morrison
James F. Morrison
Joyce Morrison
Philip Morrison
Robert Morrissey
Barbara Moss
Mountain Vista
Elizabeth M. Moyer
Annette D. Moylan
Mel Mrochinski
Mt. Zion Missionary
Baptist Church
Mulberry Street United
Methodist Church
Suzanne B. Mulder
Michael Muldoon
Vivian M. Mull
Barbara Mullen
Michael Mullenix
Daniel Muller
John Muller
Stephen C. Muller
Matthew Mullings
Brenda Mullis
James S. Munday
Clint Murphy
James Murphy
Peggy W. Murphy
Robert Murphy
Walter B. Murphy, III
Wayne Murphy
Margot Murray
Morgan W. Murray
Avis G. Mussio
Dinah Myers
Stephen K. Myers, Jr.
Philip R. Nack
Tracy Naftalis
Nashville Novrtis Team
Mildred S. Nassif
Mark J. Nathan
National Association of
Letters Carriers
National Railway Supply, Inc.
Nationwide Better Health
Barbara Naughton
Naval Mobile Construction
Battalion Fourteen
Richard W. Neal
Glenn Neasbitt
A. B. Nease, Jr.
Joanna M. Nease
Tayve G. Neese
Patricia Neither
Doris L. Nelms
Edward W. Nelson
Joseph A. Nelson
Richard A. Nelson
Daniel Nesmith, Jr.
Wendall P. Neville
William D. Neville
Landy New
S. L. Newberry
James A. Newbrey
Mark O. Newell
Aaron Newman
Blondean S. Newman
Jamie Y. Newman
Michael Newman
Phillip M. Newman
William J. Newman
Donna Newton
Mary K. Newton
Pamela Newton
Robin Nichols
Stephen A. Niedbala
William Niven
Christine Noha
Frankie Noonan
Randell K. Nord
Bonnie Nordby
Lynn C. Nordbye
Helen Norton
Rita Novak
NTG Enterprises, Inc.
Barbara Nutting
Barbara W. Nutting
Marget O’Brien
Patricia A. O’Brien
Diane O’Connell
Barbara Z. O’Conner
Diane E. O’Connor
Tim O’Connor
Carolyn M. O’Hayer
Bette R. O’Leary
Dan J. O’Leary
John N. O’Meara
J. H. O’Neal
Susan O’Neal
John A. O’Neil, Jr.
Ronald J. O’Sako
Clem F. O’Toole
Oatland Island Wildlife
Center Staff
Lewis H. Oden
Robert M. Oetgen
Sydney G. Oetgen
Louis Off
Allen D. Oglesby
Pamela H. Oglesby
Beverly F. Ogren
Shaun Ohearn
Shirley Oldham
Gladys E. Oleary
Kathleen A. Olen
Tana M. Olson
Cindy B. Oneal
Online Resources Corporation
Merri K. Orick
Barbara Orr
Charles H. Ortmann
Rosemarie Ortner
Edwin J. and Kathleen Orzada
Hubert W. Osbron
Laurie Osteen
Robert W. and Jane Ostlund
Barry Ostrow
Carol Oswalt
Robert R. Outlaw
James D. Owen
Joan U. Owen
Debbie & Glenda
Owen & McNew
Doyle E. Owens, Jr.
Jared C. Owens
Karen Owens
Ralph A. Owens
Thomas W. Owens
P. P. Patrick Enterprises, Inc.
P.E.O Sisterhood - Chapter S
Nancy W. Pack
Elias P. Packman
Harry J. Padgett, III
Raymond B. Padgett
Carolyn Page
Gary L. Page
Julian Page
Patricia J. Page
Ronald Page
Frances M. Pagliarullo
George R. Painter, Jr.
Aron C. Palefsky
Sharon Palko
Alfred M. Palmer, Jr.
Palmetto State Bank
Elizabeth Palumbo
Joan Pam
Kathryn Pappas
Marianne Pappas
Jeanne D. Papy
John F. Park
Gwennette Parker
Herbert Parker
Lamar Parker
Pamela E. Parker
E. J. Parris
Carol Parrish
Emmitt Parrish
Robert Parrish
Walter W. Parrish
Philip Parsley
Jennifer Parson
Nancy Parsons
Meredith M. Partin
Norvetta A. Passavant
Sharon L. Pate-Hill
J. D. Patterson
Vera S. Patterson
Carol D. Patti
Bobby R. Patton
Frankie E. Patton
Grace M. Paul
Earl Pauley
John W. Payne
Patricia Payne
Jesse F. Payton
George B. Pearse
George G. Pearse
Amy D. Peebles
Millie S. Peele
Elizabeth C. Peeples
P. A. Peeples
Amanda L. Pegram
Barry Pekarsky
Michael Pekarsky
Kathryn C. Pelletreau
Mary Pelliccione
Heather Peloquin
Warren Peluso
Cleta S. Pergament
Andrea Perkins
Cynthia A. Perkins
Gene Perkins
Wayne Pero
Shirley P. Perry
Christine S. Persons
Patricia Persse
A. M. Peterson
David F. Peterson
Nancy L. Peterson
Carol A. and Charles Petrosky
Russell Petrucka
Pfizer Foundation
Matching Gifts Pro
Edward Pflieger
Nell C. Pharis
Bertie L. Phelps
Thomas H. Philbrick
Dianna Phillips
Myra J. Phillips
Ronnie L. Phillips
Phillips Flooring Center
Robert H. Phipps
Gene C. Pickens
Patricia Pickering
Charles W. Pidgeon
Emily A. Pidgeon
Ann P. Pierce
Anna Pierce
J. F. Pierce
James M. Piette
Sarah N. and Miles Pinckney
Sidney Pinckney
Stanley and Agnes Pinckney
Donna C. Piper
Lori Pitkowsky
Sally Pitofsky
Jeanette C. Pittman
Brenda S. Pitts
Dustin Pitts
Planting Hammock
Community Assoc.
Sara Plaspohl
Royce L. Platt
Barry J. Plotkin
Plum Creek
Darris H. Plumb
Donna B. Plumbley
Grace C. Plumstead
Riette Pollack
Donna Pollet
David J. Poore
Maureen A. Poore
Eugene Pope
Pope Construction Company, Inc.
Gwen Poppell
Lynn H. Pories
Saralyn S. Porter
Scott M. Porter
Clifford U. Portis
Barnard M. Portman
Joanne Portman
William R. Potter, Jr.
Thomas T. Potterfield
Claude F. Potts, Jr.
Betty A. Powell
John W. Powell, Sr.
Lee A. Powell
Richard E. Powell
Cheryl Power
Marilyn T. Powers
Powers Baptist Church, Inc.
Jeanne Powley
Emma J. Preer
Paul M. Pressly
Linda Pretz
Andrew Price
Jeanne H. Price
Mary A. Price
BJ Pritchett
Hotel Pro
Kenneth Proctor
Catherine Proenza
Leon E. Proper
Evelyn A. Prosser
G. B. and Ethel Pruden, Jr.
Charlie Pryor
PSEG Nuclear LLC Administration
Dereka Pullins
David Purtle
Will T. Quaile
Albert H. Quante
Carl W. Quante, Jr.
John D. Quante
Cecilia Quattroman
Sally W. Quinn
Louise Quirk
Mary D. Raae
Greg and Maria Rabeler
Brenda Rabhan
Alsie B. Rabun
Grover and Lillian Radke
Margaret Rahn
Robbie B. Rahn
Gerald L. Rainey
Susan Ralston-McCormick
Patricia Ramage
Krishna Raman
Beverly Ramsey
S. N. Ramsey
Peter L. Rancatti
William Rand
Harrison D. Randolph
Ross W. Randolph
Steven C. Raschke
Arlene R. Ratner
Katherine J. Ratterree
Carolyn Ray
Mary B. Ray
George O. Razook
RE/MAX Savannah
Margaret W. Reagan
Karen Reardon
William A. Reardon
Recovery Place, Inc.
Ninagene J. Reddick
Evelyn G. Reddish
Rex A. Redfern
LoriJean Reed
Ralph V. Reeder
Robert A. Rees
Gaye S. Reese
Janet Reese
William D. Reeves
Sonja L. Reiss
James A. Rekowski
Karen L. Remencus
Kay A. Remion
Bruce J. Remler
William I. Remley, Jr.
Richard L. Rerig
Retail Services and Systems
David Reuter
Nancy Reville
Evangelian S. Reynolds
J. W. Reynolds
L. A. Reynolds, Jr.
Louise A. Reynolds
William C. Rhangos
Michael Rhinehart
Robert G. Rhodes
Kristine Rice
Carroll Richard
V. G. Richards, Jr.
Charles B. Richardson
Jack L. Richardson, Sr.
James C. Richardson
Janice Richardson
John D. Richardson
June H. and Louis Richardson
Malinda A. Richardson
Robert L. Richardson, Jr.
William M. Richardson
Judy Richter
Charles R. Ricks
Ridgeland Baptist Church
Linda U. Riggs
Sharon A. Riley
Carol and James Rillema
Thank you for your help
Beth Rinehart
Eugene D. Rinehart
Charles Riner
Mary Riordan
Janet W. Ritter
Ronald A. Rizas
Thomas Roach
Helen G. Robbins
James D. Robbins
Mildred J. Robbins
John M. Roberts
Lillian H. Roberts
LuAnn Roberts
M. Delores Roberts
Tommy Roberts
Roberts Truck Center, Inc.
Alan Robertson
Edith Robertson
James F. Robertson
L. K. Robertson
Michelle F. Robertson
Robertson & Markowitz
Lori S. Robinson
Lucille P. Robinson
Magnus E. Robinson
Marie K. Robinson
Tammy Robinson
Jason E. Rockwell
Lois Rockwell
James C. Roddey
Julie P. Rodewolt
Marianne Roedig
Bob Roemer
Roger Wood Foods, Inc.
Barbara M. Rogers
Evone T. Rogers
J. E. Rollins
Rose M. Romano
William A. Romeiser
Wanda M. Romine
Dennis Rooks
Dan W. Rose
Daniel W. Rose
Gary Rose
John A. Rose
Kelli C. Rose
Mary C. Rose
Ronnie Rosen
Edward Z. Rosenzweig
Ethel Rosenzweig
Joan Ross
John K. Ross
Pamela Ross
Peggy T. Ross
Glenda Rossiter
Jim C. and Patricia Rossiter
Kathryn Rott
Hilda B. Rotureau
Randall C. Roulier
George S. Rountree
Georgia A. Rountree
Jenny C. Rountree
Mickey Rountree
James A. Rourke
Kimberly K. Rouse
Linda W. Rovolis
Clara P. Rowland
John Ruckman
Patty Ruckman
Connie B. Rudd
Stuart Rudikoff
Doris M. Ruff
Diana Rumsey
Donna Rushing
Rebecca A. Rushing
Frances M Russek
Billie R. Russell
Sharon F. Russell
Jessica Russo
Kathryn D. Russo
Kevin and Cynthia Russom
Freda Rutherford
Mary K. Rutherford
Anne F. Ryan
Mary M. Ryan
Sheila B. Ryan
Gladys C. Ryder
S. Davis Associate, PC
Angela M. Sabbatini
John D. Sabey
S. J. Sabey
William Sacks
Sail Harbor Marina & Boatyard
Peter A. Salas
Tassey R. and Margarita Salas
McTyier Salter, Jr.
Velma B. Salter
Sandra K. Sandefur
Burnett R. Sanders, II
Emily W. Sanders
Mazie D. Sandison
Benjamin F. Sands, Jr.
Patricia R. Santacroce
Larry D. Sapp
Janice Saturday
Phyllis Saunders
Savannah Area Chamber
of Commerce
Savannah Arts Academy
Savannah Bridge Center
Savannah Chatham
School System
Savannah Christian Prep School
Savannah College of Art
& Design
Savannah Contract Bridge Club
Savannah Elks Auxiliary
Savannah Golf Club
Women’s Association
Savannah Harley
Owners Group
Savannah Neurology, P.C.
Savannah Perinatology
Savannah Sport Fishing Club
Savannah Striders
Track Club, Inc.
Savannah Tank and MFG., Inc.
Savannah Tire Center
Savannah Visitors Center
Kay L. Saving
Howard Savitt
Brenda H. Saxon
Calvin Saxon
Eunice Saxon
SBG Preferred Health
Resources, Inc.
Camille A. Scaffe
Margaret Scafidi
Alverta W. Scandrick
Horace T. Scandrick
Elaine Scarborough
Katherine M. Scardino
James Y. Schaaf, Jr.
Melanie Schaengold
Elaine Schafer
Beth E. Schanke
Anne Lowman L. Scheer
Lee Scheinman
Annegret M. Schemmel
Jeremy D. Scherer
Robert L. Scheuermann
Kenneth A. Schie
Robert W. Schivera
Mary A. Schlein
William H. Schloenbach
Anita Schlossberg
Ronald L. Schlotzhauer
Cathy Schmid
Edith Schmidt
William E. Schmitt
Barbara M. Schmitz
Richard L. Schneider
William H. Schneider
Richard and Alice Schoch
Mary K. Schoenwald
Ila Scholla
Nancy and Rick Schomburg
Wayne Schomburg
Frank Schotters
Peter R. Schreck
Lori Schrimshaw
Gregg Schroeder
Michael Schroeder
Tiffany Schrum
Schulze Eye Center, P.C.
Laura P. Schuman
Tom J. Schuman
J. M. E Schuster
Vicki L. Schuster
Jerome L. Schutzenhofer
Richard Schutzenhofer
Sherrie W. Schwarz
J. E. Schweistris
Joseph Sciulli
Charles R. Scobee, Jr.
Dendee Scott
Donald J. Scott
Ella G. Scott
Harry E. Scott
Louise Scott
Megan Scott
Michael Scott
Paige O. Scott
Ronald Scott
Shay H. Scott
Sea Island Bank
Norma Seabrook
Archie Seabrooks
Donald L. Sealy
Cecelia G. Sears
Charles E. Seaton
J. M. Seckinger
Pamela S. Seckinger
Chris Seger
Swann Seiler
Misty Selph
John D. Semones
William Semones
William C. Seng
Mary Ann Senkowski
Sylvia F. Severance
Michael M. Sevier
Patricia M. Sevier
John C. Sewell
Winona D. and David Sexton
Cecil S. Seyle
Charles Seyle
Joanne Seymour
Vernon L. Shackelford, Jr.
James and Linda Shad
Donald and Linda Shadel
Jean C. Shafenberg
Randolph Shaffner
Debra H. Shambayati
Judith M. Sharpe
Sara G. Sharpe
Constance B. Sharpley
Jean E. Shatto
Angela Shaw
Margaret Shaw
Sheila P. Shaw
Nancy M. Shea †
Patricia H. Shealy
Celeste C. Shearouse
Earline F. Shearouse
Lester R. Shearouse
Tommy Shearouse
William W. Shearouse, Jr.
Roswell T. and Barbara Sheehan
Barry and Christine Sheehy
Nancy S. Sheets
Barbara J. Shelton
J. B. Shelton
Richard and Judith Shelton
Robert L. Shelton
Lina Shemet
John E. Sheppard, Jr.
Karen L. and Michael Sherbak
Beth A. Sheridan
Virginia M. Sherman
Ann Sherrill
Donald L. Sherwood
J. C. Sherwood
Anne C. Shira
Shirley H. Woods Class of 55
Kay Shockley
Richard W. Shoemaker, Jr.
Patricia A. Sholtes
Cary Shoob
Bettie A. Shore
Ginger and Claude Shore
Lucille Shubeck
Dudley Shultz
Ann Shuman
Cyndy Shuman
Helen Shuman
James T. and Jane Shuman
James N. Shumans
Emma F. Shurling
Joan D. Sibilio
James M. Sibley
Pauline Sienera
Steven Sigal
Penny T. Sikes
Sara L. Sikes
Viola K. Sikes
Barry Silberman
Daniel J. Sills
Joan C. Silver
Silver Bears Breakfast Club
Ramon A. Silverman
C. L. Simmons
Marjorie Simoneaux
Murray Simons
James F. Sims
Susan K. Sinclair
Elizabeth Sinderman
David F. Sipple
Mary M. Sipple
Kay Sirisky
Robert A. Sisk
David Sisson
Phyllis C. Skeffington
W. D. Skelton
Skidaway Golf Car Sales
Skidaway Health and
Living Services
Helen Slade
Robert C. Slagel
Jackie L. Slater, Jr.
Gordon B. Sloane
James R. Slosek
Nancy L. Slotin
Sylvia F. Slotin
Vivian Slotin
Small Business Chamber
of Savannah
Joseph Smalley
Terry I. Smart
Greg Smeltzer
Betty Smiley
Barbara B. Smith
Barbara O. Smith
Betty C. Smith
Carlie L. Smith, Jr.
Charles P. Smith
Cheryl Smith
Dana P. Smith
Danny K. Smith
David R. Smith
Deborah T. Smith
Denny Smith
Dorothy S. Smith
Elaine Smith
Elaine W. Smith
Freda M. Smith
Gael H. Smith
Harold D. Smith
Henry C. Smith
Jackie Smith
James D. and Carol Smith
Nancy John C. Smith, III
Jolene R. Smith
Joseph A. and Linda Smith
Kayton Smith
Lucile K. Smith
Marcia Smith
Maria Smith
Martha B. Smith
Michael B. Smith
Robert C. Smith, Sr.
Penny and Robert C. Smith
Ronald H. Smith
Steven R. Smith
Teresa S. Smith
Treena A. Smith
Tunis M. Smith
Wanda L. Smith
William Smith
Steven Smithberg
Christy and Matthew I. Smoak
William A. Smullen
La Raiia Sneed
Dorothy B. Snelling
John J. and Cheryl Snelling
C. Susan Snider
Douglas Snider
Harry L. Sniffen
Sarah C. Snow
Joseph Sobelman
Jeffrey J. Solem
Richard M. Solomons
Elizabeth Soltysiak
Songbird Consulting LLC
Julius F. Sorrells
Thomas E. Souls
John T. South, III
Orthopedic Center
Southern Champion
Southwest Elementary
Bonnie Navin Southwick
David Sovchen
Myrle Sowell
Anne A. Sowers
Mary F. Space
Spanish Moss Garden Club
Maria T. Sparkman
Pearl M. Spaulding
Carl Speed
Dorothy D. Speed
Georgia E. Spellman
Richard P. Spelman
Evelyn J. Spence
Helen L. Spiers
Janet T. Spillane
Robert E. and
Virginia Spilliards
Florence E. Spirides
Robert Sposito
Mary W. Sprague
Spring Lake Dental Group
Springfield United
Methodist Church
Gail Springstead
Priscilla Sprunt
St Frances Cabrini
St. Andrew’s On The Marsh, Inc.
St. Frances Cabrini
Catholic Church
St. Joseph’s Candler Hospital
St. Joseph’s Hospital
St. Paul’s Greek
Orthodox Church
St. Pius X Catholic High School
Barbara B. Stabe
Nancy M. Stafford
Uberto K. Stagg, Jr.
Jeffery P. Staggs
George G. Staimer
Mark Stall
Barbara H. Stallings
Standard Concrete Products
Frieda B. Stanford
Kenneth Stanford
Ann M. Stanton
Richard D. Starmann
Mary L. Starnes
State Court
Irma L. Steel
Olive N. Steele
Billie H. Steffee
Betty J. Steigerwalt
Gary Steimle
Carla M. Stein
Jacquelyn Stephens
Karlis T. Stephens
Ottis G. Stephens
Harlan E. Sterling
Jo Ann Stern
Christine W. Stetson
James and Gloria S. Stettler
Cindy Stevens
Henry D. Stevens
Henry D. Stevens
Walter and Nancy C. Stevens
Theodora B. Stevens
Trenton K. Stevens
Stevens Hale & Associates
Charlease T. Stevenson
Jane Stevenson
Joan A. Stevenson
Tania L. Steward
Jacqueline Stewart
Patricia Stewart
William C. Stewart
Alice L. Steyaart
Carl N. Stiber
Veronica M. Stimson
Samuel C. Stith
Amy Stoiber
Valerie Stolt
Cye R. Stone
Dale Stone
Janet D. Stone
Dina A. Stoneking
Charles C. Story
Martha F. Story
Angela Straight
Jill Strauss
Willie C. Strickland
Paul D. Strickler
Jody Stringfellow
Josephine Strock
Debra Strouse
Teri Strozzo
Jean Stubb
B. M. Stuckart
Charlie G. Stuckey
Paul A. Stuhlreyer, Jr.
Martha Sullivan
Roger Sullivan
David Summerville
Summerville Community
SDA Church
Summit Cancer Care
Superior Volvo
Supply Chain Management
John and Josette Surczak
Amy Sussman
2010 Donors
Patricia Sutker
Diane L. Sutlive
Bennie Sutton
Cilie Sutton
Dorothy Sutton
John K. Sutton
Edward E. Swain
Bennie Sweat
Laura A. Sweat
Elise Sweatt
Eugene D. and Sherry Swenson
Marion W. Swinford
Meredith Swinford
Lisa Swinson
Timothy G. Swinson
Synovus Trust Company N.A.
T.S. Chu & Company
Helen M. Taggart
April R. Talbott
BettyAnn Talley
Ellen D. Tamaroff
Cassie H. Tanner
Stephanie Tant
Ross Tartell
Christine Tate
Anne Taylor
Betty S. Taylor
C. W. Taylor, Jr.
Carol A. Taylor
Edward Taylor
Ella R. Taylor
Jeannine E. Taylor
K Gordon and KathleenTaylor
Malcolm L. Taylor
Michelle Taylor
Raymond Taylor, Sr.
Rosemary and Creed Taylor
Roslyn D. Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Thomas R. Taylor
David S. Templeton
Bert M. and Nancy Tenenbaum
Sheldon and Zelda Tenenbaum
Helen S. Terndrup
Thomas Thacher
The Bunco Club
The Carson Company
The CHS/Business
Innovation Group
The Coastal Bank
The Crab Shack at
Chimney Creek
The Elizabethan Wednesday
Bridge Group
The Gary Rosenau Foundation
The Georgia Insitute
of Plastic Surgery
The McGowan Family
The Montgolfier Society
of Savannah
The Notables
The Pinyan Company
The Sanderson Realty Trust
The Saturday Golf Group
The Savannah Bank
The University of Michigan
Dexter Thede
William B. Thee
Thomas C. Strickland & Sons
Funeral Home
Clyde M. Thompson, Jr.
Ernest M. Thompson
Eugene Thompson
Mac Thompson
Marguerite Thompson
Mary A. Thompson
Pamela S. Thompson
Richard A. Thompson
Shirley A. Thompson
E. W. Thomson
Robert D. Thorne
Thorne Family Foundation
Thorne Family Foundation
Garrett W. Thornton, Jr.
Communications, Inc.
TIC (The Industrial Company)
Jeanne Tiedemann
Arnold J. Tillinger
Norman E. Tillman
Tim’s Crane and Rigging, Inc.
Laura B. Timko
Judy T. Todd
Peggy Todd
Tom Carr, NettWorth
Financial Group
Leon Tompkins
Linda Tompkins
Patricia Toni-Karam
Tony Reardon
Construction Co, Inc
Elizabeth M. Toraya
Jules Toraya
Mary L. Toraya
Robert S. Toraya
Morris and Judith Torres
Paul Torres
Wanda Torres
Tours By BJ
Peggy A. Towson
Colleen Tracey
Tractor and Equipment
Diane Tracy
Sally Train
Virginia Trapnell
Stephen L. and Elizabeth Traub
Kim Traub Ribbens
Harry W. Trawick, Jr.
Ida Traxler
Nancy T. Traylor
Michael C. and Lisa Traynor
Treasurer of Hampton County
Michelle Trincia
Trinity Lutheran Womens
Miss. League
Gene Tromly
James B. Trowell
Robert Troxell
David Trucksis
Benjamin M. Tucker
Myra C. Tucker
Robert O. Tucker
Tuesday Morning
Circle Independent
Presbyterian Church
Elizabeth Turner
Gloria Turner
John Turner
Mary L. Turner
Tom Turner
Lon E. Turpin
Carole L. Tutan
Jason Tuten
Don Tutt
Charles Tuttle
Joseph B. Tuttle
Z. L. Tuttle
Frank H. Twyeffort, Jr.
Debra Tyler
Sally P. Tyson
William V. Tyson, III
Helen W. Ubele
Burton Udinsky
Dorothy M. Udry
Carl Ulmer
Linda Ulmer
William Ulmer
Jan P. Underwood
United Association Inc.
United Galaxy Associates, LLC
United Way of Metropolitan
Atlanta, Inc.
United Way of Southeastern
Robert C. Upchurch
Urological Associates of
Savannah, PC
Marie H. Ursprung
US Courts CCAM Team
Debbie Usher
Pamela F. Usher
Mark Uzmann
Cathalyn Valentine
James A. Vanfossan
Betty Vanhorn
Julie H. Vann
Anna B. Vanwinkle
2010 Summer Night Event
Thomas C. Varley
Mary and William Varner, III
Amy Vassey
Jason S. Vaughan
Holly Vaughn
Margaret L. Vaughn
Melissa M. Vaughn
Carletta Veasey
Nancy J. Verell
Edward J. and Betty Vertovec
Joe C. Vestal
Charmil Vetter
Sally Vickers
Carlton J. Vickery
Herbert L. Victor
Irving Victor
Helen B. Vinall
Davelyn B. Vinson
Arthur S. and Marylou Vita
Joan Vitner
Anna L. Vogelsang
Tiffany Volovich
Mary Waddell
James D. Wade
Pamela A. Wadley
Raymond Wages
Mary E. Wagner
Monique Wagner
Pamela Wagner
Ronald Wagner
Louis G. Waldhour
Charles M. Waldrop, Jr.
Elaine S. Waldrop
Vivian A. Waldrop
Carl Walker
James Walker
Loretta Y. Walker
Patricia J. Walker
Priscilla A. Walker
Winnie C. Walker
Marie Wall
Nell Wall
William K. Wall
Doris Wallace
Gail and George E. Wallace, Jr.
Paula and Glenn Wallace, Jr.
Linda C. Wallace
Adelaide F. Waller
A J. Walsh
Donald M. and Dianna Walter
Velma and Ronald Walters
Jean and Walter Walz
Dale S. Warbington
G. B. Ward
Thomas L. and Camille Ward
Virginia G. Ward
Ramish P. Warden
Annette Wardlaw
Jerry C. and Teresa Wardlaw
Elizabeth P. and
Michael Ware, Sr.
Lorraine V. Warlick
Joseph H. Warner
Joseph Warren
Richard Warren
Wiley A. Wasden, Jr.
Wiley A. and Anna Wasden, III
Dallas Washburn
Clemontine F. Washington
Brenda S. Waters
Joyce Waters
Rex Waters
Samuel W. Watkins
Candace Watson
Gertrude E. Watson
Barbara Watson & Weber
H. W. Watts, II
Wayne County School Class
of 1949
Douglas Weathers
Lillian and James E. Weaver, Sr.
Lawrence J. Weaver
Teresa Weaver
Janet D. Webb
Margo W. Webb
Robert E. Weber
Julie Weddle
Mary B. Weidler
Daniel C. Weil
Joyce F. Weimar
Weimar Construction Co., Inc.
Aron G. Weiner
Lee R. Weiner
Weiner, Shearouse, & Weitz,
Greenberg & Shawe, LLP
Allen Weiss
Elizabeth Weitz
Helen Weitz
Dewey B. Welch, Jr.
Nancy Welcher
Wellington Healthcare
Blondean Wells
Florence M. Wells
Heyward Wells, Jr.
Loretta Wells
R. G. Wells
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Dorothy J. Wentworth
William Wentworth
Rae E. Werner
Richard Wesley
Wesley Monumental Church
A. C. West
John H. West
Reagan West
Phillip J. Westbury
James R. Westcott
Barbara Westerfield
Anne Westgate
Jack Whalen
Logan H. Wharton
Brenda Wheeler
Whelan’s Home Furnishings
Whispering Pines Baptist
Church of Sebring FL
Ronald C. Whitaker
Charlotte White
Christine White
Cynthia T. White
Edward F. White
James R. White
Julian E. White, III
Konrad White
Lois F. White
Mason White
Suzanne White
William J. White
White Bluff
Presbyterian Church
Sible C. Whitley
Katina Whittier
Wide Awake Bowling League
Jill I. Wieniewitz
Larry and Betty Wiggins
Laura Wiggins
Sandy M. Wiggins
Frank E. Wilcher, Jr.
Sherri Wildstein
Ida S. Wilensky
Donna Wilkerson
Earl and Wilma P. Willhoit
B F. Williams, Jr.
Denise D. Williams
Ghandi Williams
Irene P. Williams
Jackie F. Williams
Jason and Faith Williams
Margaret Williams
Marilyn Williams
Melinda G. Williams
Nicole M. Williams
Richard D. and
Connie Williams
Richard L. Williams
Robert J. Williams
Suzanne H. Williams
T. J. Williams
W. A. Williams
Deborah D. Williamson
Marie Williamson
William H. Williamson
Jessica Williford
Sandra Williford
Barbara O. Willis
Kirby R. and Diane Willis
Linda J. Willis
Osgood P. and Peggy Willis
Willoughby South
Sunshine Fund
Walter J. and Carol Wills
James C. and Suzanne Wilshire
Betty J. Wilson
Blenda J. and Louis Wilson, Jr.
Bruce Wilson
David G. Wilson
Fayrene S. Wilson
Garland and Regina Wilson
Josie P. and Howard Wilson
Laura N. and Thomas Wilson
Leroy Wilson
Lynn W. Wilson
Mike and Donna Wilson
Richard C. Wilson
Sheree C. Wilson
Stella Wilson
Vickie Wilson
Laura C. Wimbish
Emily C. Winburn
Richard A. and
Beverley Windatt
Windmelle Harbor Bible
Study Group
Herbert Windom
Winegrad, Hess, Friedman
& Levitt, LLC
Amy G. Wing
Jeannine and Alfred Wing
Linda L. Wing
Flen R. Wingard
Kenneth G. Winnert
Winston Family
Foundation, Inc
Jane Winter
Thelma S. Winter
Marie Winters
Fremont P. Wirth
Carol Wise
John W. Witts
Denise Wodkowski
Ronald S. Wolf
Edward E. Wolfe, Sr.
Barbara B. Wolling
Samuel M. Wolling
Margaret H. Wollney
Ashleigh L. Womack
Bernard and Janet Womble
Janet E. Womble
Barbara R. Wood
Delma Wood
Ellis G. Wood
Kathleen S. Wood
Nancy Wood
Nancy J. and Louie Wood
Beverly L. Woods
Debra Woods
Janice Woods
Julia F. and Ralph Woods
Kristie Woods
Nancy Woods
Michael A. and Beverly
Woodward Academy Inc.
Heather L. Wooten
Lois Wooten
Robert S. Workman
Louis Worona
Marilyn Worona
Bernice Worsley
William R. Worstell
Dorothy Worthy
Anne C. Wray
Jesse T. Wright
Marie H. Wright
Thomas D. Wright
Vera Wright
Margaret B. Wylly
Wymberley Garden Club
Regina L. Wynn
Ann S. Wynne
Walter S. Wysocki
Xi Delta Beta Chapter
of Beta Sigma
XYZ Liquors
William Yagle
Linda Yang & Bassetti
Agnes Yao
Christopher L. Yarbrough
Gip C. and Janis Yarbrough
Agnes R. Yates
Kristine M. Yates
Wanda Yates
James A. Yeckley
Sylvia K. Yellin
Bessie K. Yentzer
Mary E. Yeomans
Elizabeth L. Yingling
Mary L. Yocca
William M. and Nancy Yocco
Donnie and Linda Youmans
Lee and Patti Young
Louis and Susan C. Young
Lucinda L. Young
Lydia Young
Vicki Young
Donald F. and
Clementine Zabkar
Lawrence Zaslavsky
Veronica A. Zayatz
Mary H. Zeigler
Nancy Zeman
Debbi Zepp
Steven L. Zielke
Zaven Zildjian
Zipperer, Lorberbaum
& Beauvais
Amy S. Zografi
Stephen Zrelak
Arlene Zuckerman
Helping into the Future…
through our endowments
Since its inception, the Hospice Savannah Foundation has
 Dr. Deborah Fulmer & John “Jack” Leigh Fund
promoted the establishment and growth of endowments to help
For the care and support of children under the age of 21 who are
suffering from a life-limiting illness, the bereavement support of
those who have lost someone under the age of 21, or support to
anyone in need who is receiving services at Hospice House.
fund in perpetuity Hospice Savannah’s important and vital work.
Many of our funds were founded by individuals as a meaningful
way for those donors to pay homage to a loved one or to provide
 Jeanne Heard Hunter Fund
for a cherished program. Others have been established by the
For support of Full Circle’s bereavement programming.
Foundation’s Board of Trustees to secure a stable source of
 Kaminsky Auto Group Fund
support for Hospice Savannah.
For support of Camp Aloha and children’s bereavement services.
Endowments are an opportunity to create a permanent legacy,
 Levy Family Foundation Child Bereavement Fund
and Hospice Savannah is grateful to have this support to help
For support of children’s bereavement services.
further its mission.
 Robbie Smith Fund
Donor Restricted Funds:
For the care and upkeep of Hospice House.
 Steward Palliative Care Fund
 Sarah Violet Ellis Fund
For the care and support of those suffering from a chronic disease.
For the care and support of children under the age of 21 who are
suffering from a life-limiting illness and the bereavement support
of those who have lost someone under the age of 21.
 Story Keeping Fund
For the support of Hospice Savannah’s Story Keeping program.
 Technology Fund
 General Fund
For improvements to, and maintenance of, Hospice Savannah’s
information systems and equipment.
For support of Hospice Savannah’s greatest current needs.
 John and Mary Vetter Fund
For the care and support of terminally ill persons.
 Carolyn Hume Fund
For the support of Hospice Savannah’s Music Therapy program.
 Memorial Health Palliative Fund
Board Designated Funds:
For support of The Steward Center for Palliative Care.
 Bereavement Fund
 Anne K. Stewart Fund
For support of Full Circle’s bereavement programming.
For support of any of Hospice Savannah’s programs.
 Building Fund
For the maintenance and upkeep of the Hospice House building
and grounds.
Sarah Violet Ellis Fund
Fulmer & Leigh Fund
General Endowment Fund
Jeanne Heard Hunter Fund
Carolyn Hume Fund
Kaminsky Auto Group Fund
Levy Family Foundation Fund
Memorial Health Palliative Fund
Robbie Smith Fund
Steward Palliative Care Fund
Anne K. Stewart Fund
Story Keeping Fund
Technology Fund
John and Mary Vetter Fund
Bereavement Fund
Building Fund
Non-Profit Org.
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Savannah, Georgia
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Hospice Savannah, Inc.
P.O. Box 13190
Savannah, GA 31416
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