2012 Annual Report to the Community
2012 Annual Report to the Community
Photo Credit: Les Wilkes Hospice Savannah’s 2012 Annual Report to the Community Photo Credit: Les Wilkes Our mission: Hospice Savannah, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, provides the best services and resources to the community on living with a life-limiting illness, dying, death, grief and loss. Photo Credit: Les Wilkes Dear Friends, Since 1979, Hospice Savannah has provided the best services and resources to our community on living with a life-limiting illness, dying, death, grief, and loss. We have helped thousands and thousands of people – patients, their families, and loved ones – during challenging and difficult moments. None of this would be possible without you… …Because of you, families relive fond memories through our Story Keeping program… …Because of you, patients receive compassionate care in our home-like Hospice House… …Because of you, pain is alleviated through the Steward Center for Palliative Care… …Because of you, grieving children receive caring bereavement support at Full Circle… …Because of you, families are comforted knowing their loved ones receive the best possible care… You help us achieve this every day…This, and so much more. We present to you our 2012 Annual Report, which highlights all we accomplished together last year. We hope you are as proud as we are to realize what a tremendous difference we make in the lives of our community’s citizens. Thank you for joining with us to help all who need us. Our work would not be possible without your continued generous support of Hospice Savannah. Thank you for sharing our commitment to our mission. Together, we are people with a gift for helping. With gratitude, Kacey Ratterree, Chair Hospice Savannah, Inc. Board of Directors James David Baxter, MD, Chair Steward Center for Palliative Care, Inc. Board of Directors Samuel Adams, Chair Hospice Savannah Foundation, Inc. Board of Trustees Debra Anthony Larson, MSW, President & CEO Hospice Savannah, Inc. Kacey Ratterree Samuel Adams James David Baxter Debra Anthony Larson We are proud that for over 34 years our profits have been returned to our community in the form of extra services to our patients and families, rather than in dividends to financial shareholders. We exist to lift the burden of worry when you or your loved one receives a life-limiting diagnosis. Simply ask for our Referral Center and we will answer all your questions. Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance cover the costs of our care, but care is provided regardless of ability to pay. We help by providing: • Peace of mind through round-the-clock on-call availability of registered nurses, social workers and chaplains. • Admission to Hospice House or continuous care in your home for aggressive pain or symptom management. • Music therapy, story keeping, physical therapy, massage therapy, speech therapy, and nutritional counseling. • The support of physicians and nurse practitioners certified in hospice and palliative care medicine. • Medications and therapies related to the terminal illness to provide comfort and independence delivered to your home at no expense. Our patients enjoy life fully and do not need to be homebound. • Five-day respite stays in Hospice House to offer caregivers a much needed break. • Medical equipment such as hospital beds, oxygen, wheelchairs and supplies and disposable paper products for patient comfort and caregiver convenience delivered to your home at no expense. • Help for patients with chronic and life-limiting medical conditions who are not yet ready to accept, or are not yet appropriate for, hospice care. Our Steward Center for Palliative Care offers medical expertise and Steward Center Companion volunteers can support weary caregivers or patients for up to four hours a week. Contact 912.354.8014 or visit www.StewardCenter.org for more information. • Bereavement services for any child, teen, or adult in the five counties we serve, regardless of the nature of the loss. Contact Full Circle at 912.303.9442 or visit www.HospiceSavannah.org/Griefsupport for more information regarding individual or group therapy appointments in Savannah, Rincon or Richmond Hill. Photo Credit: Les Wilkes How We Help 2012 Highlights January April Daniel Sulmasy, MD, PhD, was our honored speaker at the 4th Annual Hospice Savannah Lecture Series. A Wells Fargo Insurance Services generously sponsored the inaugural 2012 Hospice Savannah Golf Franciscan friar, internist and ethicist, Dr. Sulmasy spoke on both the spiritual issues and ethical issues of Tournament at The Savannah Golf Club. caring for the dying. Our Hospice Savannah Art Gallery presented a Low Country Art Show to benefit the Steward Center for Palliative Care. Featured artists were Samantha Claar, Richard Law, Carol Lasell Miller and jeweler Carlyle Buelvas. May Camp Aloha, our annual overnight camp to help children ages 6-17 who have experienced the death of a loved one, was held on the first weekend of the month. 60 campers attended. February Work was completed on a pergola on the grounds behind the west wing of Hospice House. Similar to the June one Doug and Terry McCoy enjoyed together in their Wilmington Island garden, Doug and his children Warm thanks to community volunteer Jane Kahn for researching and writing a Savannah Morning News commissioned the pergola and plantings in memory of Terry who died at Hospice House in late 2010. article explaining our Pet Peace of Mind© program, which helps patients enrolled in our care to stay with their beloved pets. March At the Hospice Savannah Annual Meeting held at The Savannah Golf Club, board president Holden Hayes passed the baton to community member and long time supporter Kacey Ratterree. Honorary Volunteer Chair, Jacqueline Pierson Tomlin, did an outstanding job of helping us coordinate our annual Hospice Savannah Summer Night event. 15 fund-raising and friend-raising parties were held following the kick-off event at Local11Ten’s rooftop lounge Perch. July October Christmas in July! Knowing that our patient would not live to experience them again, our staff and We were proud to be recognized as only the second hospice in the State to attain the “We Honor volunteers helped her celebrate the holidays of Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas during her Veterans” Partner Level Four – the highest level of recognition offered by the National Hospice and stay in Hospice House. Palliative Care Organization – for our work with veteran patients. Our CEO, Debra, was interviewed about our cutting-edge work in integrating palliative care into the acute The walls of the Hospice Savannah Art Gallery were filled to overflowing with miniature masterpieces care hospital setting of Memorial Health UMC in an article in the National Hospice and Palliative Care during our 4th Annual 5 by 7 Art Show. Thanks to the many generous artists who contributed work for Organization’s Newsline publication. silent auction. August November The 10th Annual Robbie Smith Golf Outing was held, and sport fishermen enjoyed the 1st Annual Coastal Traditionally we honor and thank our volunteers during November, National Hospice and Palliative Care Empire Kingfish Classic at the Fort McAlister Marina in Richmond Hill. Both benefited Hospice Savannah. Month. Our 2012 awards ceremony and dinner had a “Dancing with the Stars” theme! September December Bereavement counselor Betsy Kammerud, LCSW, began seeing clients in the United Way offices in The 21st Annual Tree of Light was held by the band shell in Forsyth Park on the first Sunday of December. Richmond Hill. This annual event raises funds for Full Circle’s services, but more importantly, offers a time for families to The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association held its inaugural “Vets Helping Vets” Poker Run benefiting Hospice Savannah’s veteran recognition program. gather to grieve and remember those no longer with them during the upcoming holiday season. Also, thanks to the Gulfstream employees who decorate Hospice House each year. Santa and Mrs. Claus enjoyed their hard work when they stopped by for photographs the week before Christmas! Photo Credit: Les Wilkes 2012 Dollars Spent on Uncompensated Care and Services ($1,189,466) Volunteers helping …every day…in every way Volunteers provide companionship to our patients wherever they reside…They offer respite and friendship to exhausted caregivers…. They take patients to doctor visits… Complimentary Therapies $178,877 They make supportive phone calls to the recently bereaved and Indigent Care $343,579 facilitate grief support groups…They help run Camp Aloha… They bake and sew…They play music…They provide the companionship of their certified therapy dogs….They style hair and take photographs of family reunions….. They play cards…They play games…They honor our veteran patients and swap war stories….They file paperwork….They enter data and they scan medical records… ….They give from their hearts. Palliative Care $214,360 Volunteers helping in 2012 Community Education $181,092 Bereavement Services $269,546 Leslie Adair Floyd Adams Sam Adams Paul Agnew Chris Anders Jennifer Anderson Ben Asmerom Bill Baker Lois Barnes Bruce Barragan Randy Bart David Baxter Jean Beltramini Holley Bensman Kathleen Benton Marcia Berens Pat Besser Pam Bestler Kelly Bianco Ann Blum Diane Booker Betty Bradley Molly Bridges Selma Brown Barbara Bruin Kyla Burke Lillian Burke Mark Burns Marie Butler Cassandra Cannon Allie Smith Carson Janet Carswell Lillian Cawthon Sara Childers Peter Chiafalo Lori Clarke Janyce Cobbs Patti Cooper Marie Cothren Ellie Cowan Lyndsay Cowart George Cox Jane Cronin Hal Cubberley (deceased) Ralph Culberson Sherry Danello Connie Darbyshire Barbara Davis Essie Deloach Roenia DeLoach Vanessa Deshpande Pearl Doles Fran Dotton Katherine Dukes LuAnn Eaker Jordan Eason Stacie Eller Joanna Ellis Sandie English Charles Ennis Sheri Estes William Etz Elisabeth Everett Shirley Fail Penny Farley Jennifer Fell Michael Flynn Marie Foley Betty Ann Foran John Forbes Stewart Ford My Frank Diana Friedlander Zeke Gaines Dorothy Gay Harvey Gilbert Jane Gobin Theodora Gongaware Angnetter Goode Beverly Goode Ann Grant Quanesha Grant Gene Graves Joan Green Martin Greenberg Tressie Hall Jim Harbeck Lydia Harris Sherrie Harris Justin Hart Kimi Haslam Toledo Hatcher Lea Hawkins Holden Hayes LaShea Henry Barbara Herceg Wade Herring Haley Herrington Lars Hershberger Margaret Hester Stephanie Hiatt David Higgs Myra Hill Kathy Hodges Bill Hogan Lind Hollingsworth Ed Holscher Hope Housman Ann Hughes Judith Humphries Thomas Hurst Lan Huynh Patti Iott Janet Irwin Lynne Jackson Sarah Jarrell Morgan Jenkins Patsy Jenkins Polly Johansen Carrie Johnson Ralph Johnson Toni Johnson Chuck Jones Ebony Jones Eileen Jones Beverly Jordan Jane Kahn Fran Kaminsky Myron Kaminsky Dan Kamykowski Kathy Kanis Pat Karliss Joyce Kilcrease Bill Kirkland Chris Klein Nita Ann Klein Jim Kluttz Wesley Kramer Liz Kuilan Wilhelmina Lacanilao Mirrisa Lastinger Cathy Laube Hope Lawler Kathy Layton Amanda Lee Barbara Lerch Gail Levites Betty Lewis Grant Lewis Harris Lewis Kristin Lewis Caron Linton Joseph Lloyd Bernice Loman Carolyn Buck Pamela Majette Betsy Malott Sally Mandel Joe Marcus Lee Marmaras Diana Martin Vincent Martin Almisha Mattox Sandy Mayer Daria Magar-Miller Diane McCarthy Sallie McClelland John McCollister Doug McCoy Vanessa McCulley Kathy McCurry Brittany McDaniel Carolyn Luck McElveen Carol McGregor Mary Ellen McLaughlin Margo McLeod Ramon Meguiar Anita Mei Michelle Melton Valerie Metor Paul Meyer Susan Jane Miller Wanda Miller Claudia Mills Mary Mistak Annette Mitchell Emily Moran Tom Morgan Diana Morrison Alexandra Moses Jim Murphy Carol Murry Katie Nance Pat Neither Kyle Nikola Caroline Nusloch Doc O’Connor Timothy O’Connor Christopher O’Hayer Joan Oakley Pamela Odum Linda Olbeter Marion Osman Barbara Owens Elizabeth Oxnard Kenette Pamphille Pat Panosian Tommy Parker Joel Paskauskas Ruth Pauley Bob Peery Amy Peirsol Victoria Pendergraph James Phillips Pam Phillips Anna Pierce Magyn Pietrzykowski Roz Pommenville Julia Pratt Will Quaile Lou Quirk Kacey Ratterree Mary Bell Rhames Joe Roberts Amber Robinson Bob Rosen Rusty Ross Cynthia Rowland Cynthia Russom Bo Russom Brandi Schiffman Ila Scholla (deceased) Nancy Schomburg Doris Schum Lynne Schwartz Sae Scott William Seymour Rick Shay Bobbie Shelton Daniel E. Smith Pam Smith Marilyn Solana Ria Sparkman Nancy Sperry Gloria Stettler Jim Stettler Helen Steward Diana Stewart Iris Stewart Ronnie Stimson Shirley Strickland Brenda Swain Gene Swenson Sherry Swenson Leanne Taillon David Taylor Eve Thomas Carolyn Thompson Georgianne Thornburgh Rachel Toraya Nikki Troxclair Linda Trussell Ashley Turk Elaine Turner Carole Tutan Peggy Utley Cathy Valentine Terri Vigrass Art Wagner Priscilla Walker Thomas Wallace David Warren Anne Wasselyon Julie Weddle Claudia Welch Alice Whaley Joe Whitehead Les Wilkes Essie Williams Margaret Williams Ron Williams Rebecca Kahrs Willis Suzy Willis Zinna Willis Blenda Wilson Caroline Wilson Mary Lee Winner Lynn Wirth Sara Anne Workman Betty Wright Mary Lee Yocca Helping People to Live: The Campaign for Hospice Savannah Hospice Savannah has a 34-year legacy of identifying the needs of our community as they relate to living with a life-limiting illness, dying, death, grief, and loss and creating solutions to meet those needs. We brought hospice care 34 years ago, Hospice House 21 years ago, Grief and Loss services 15 years ago, Hospice House expansion 12 years ago, and Palliative Care services 11 years ago. 4. A relocated Steward Center for Palliative Care, allowing this community resource to more effectively coordinate its activities and patient information with other program staff and to be better positioned to grow the palliative care services that mean so much to our patients and their loved ones. Looking forward, Hospice Savannah has identified additional and unaddressed needs of our community and has developed the solution – The Center for Living. For us to realize our potential to serve the people of our region, we must secure $3 million in philanthropic support from the community. As of December 31, 2012, $2.1 million had already been committed. As a nonprofit organization, we rely on our partnership with the community to help us provide the best possible facilities and services to individuals and families who can benefit from our help. Hospice Savannah’s Center for Living will make four much-needed improvements possible: 1. The Edel Caregiver Institute, providing area caregivers with what will become one of the country’s finest sources for information, training, and support. This community institute will launch standard-setting, innovative programs to help caregivers learn how to best deal with their impending or current challenges as they care for loved ones. 2. Expanded Full Circle programs to reach more people, including new programs for entire families, for those who have lost a family member in military service, and parents who have lost a child, to name just a few. 3. Through extensive educational programs available at the Center for Living, healthcare professionals, community volunteers and professional caregivers will be able to take advantage of invaluable training programs to enhance their skills. $500,000 $10,000 - $24,000 Belinda & Arthur Gnann Colonial Foundation Samuel B. & Berta G. Adams Dr. Theodora Gongaware Sheri & Steve Estes Holden Hayes Courtney Fetz Cindy & Jud Hendry Drs. Doris & Martin Greenberg Myra & Robert Hill The Hodge Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William Keightley The Kaminsky Family Mr. & Mrs. R. Vincent Martin, III John G. Kennedy Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Stevens Peirsol (Amy) Megan & Shawen Kerley Mary Demere Raae Edith Lanier Cynthia & Bo Russom $250,000 - $499,999 Courtney Knight Gaines Foundation $100,000 - $249,999 Danyse & Julius Edel John Howard, DDS Alice & Bob Jepson Hospice Savannah’s $3 million Center for Living capital campaign will be an investment in the whole community, as we grieve the loss of a loved one or care for someone terminally or seriously ill, we can find guidance and support through this wonderful community resource. $50,000 - $99,999 Debra Anthony Larson Dr. Gene & Sherry Swenson The Chatham Foundation Doug McCoy SunTrust Bank Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baker, Jr. Liz Anne & Joe Roberts Burke Wall For more information, please contact Megan Kerley, VP Foundation, at 912.629.1025 or [email protected]. Mary Allen Lindsey Brannen Foundation Savannah Benevolent Association Yates Astro Thank you to all who have joined with us! Renee Lehrberger $5,000 - $9,999 $999 and below Barbara & Randy Bart Anonymous Kelly Erola, MD Arizona Prevention Research Center Grace Gaines Gattis Kathleen DeLoach Benton $25,000 - $49,999 Mrs. Julia G. Martin Marcia Berens Bruce Barragan Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mayer Pamela Brooker The Bradley Foundation Kathy & Cliff McCurry Reva Granthem Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Brown Ruth McKinley Sandra Hagin The Estate of Leon Deich Dr. & Mrs. Ramon V. Meguiar Arleen Lee Lisa & Zeke Gaines Paul D. & Jennifer M. Meyer Laurel McKeith Gamble Funeral Service Kacey Ratterree Pat & George Neither Ann Lytle Mrs. Frank Wooten, Jr. Greg Parker Kaye & Don Kole Toby Roberts Helen R. Steward & Family Elizabeth Oxnard The Savannah Bank Mr. & Mrs. John T. South, III Mrs. Maria T. Sparkman $1,000 - $4,999 Anonymous Frank Slotin Susan Mason Catering, Inc. Alton Wright Ken & Joe Dunn Supporters as of December 31, 2012 Endowments are Forever Our endowments represent a powerful and stable source of funding for Hospice Savannah’s vital services, projects, and programs. This support lasts not just for one year, or even a generation, but forever. For 34 years, Hospice Savannah has provided the best services and resources to our community on living with a life-limiting illness, dying, death, grief and loss. And, our endowments will ensure that we will continue our mission well into the future. Endowments are a meaningful way for donors to provide for a much-appreciated program, like our veterans initiative or our music therapy program, or to pay tribute to a loved one, like the Sarah Violet Ellis Fund. Regardless of the name or the usage, these endowments provide a significant and enduring way to make a difference in the lives of current and future patients, their families and loved ones. In 2012, nearly $180,000 in additional support of our services and programs was made possible as a result of the following funds: While there are guidelines for establishing a named endowment (please contact Hospice Savannah Foundation for more details), gifts of any amount can be added to any of these established funds at any time. Donor Restricted Funds: Sarah Violet Ellis Fund – For the care and support of children under the age of 21 who are suffering from a life-limiting illness and the bereavement support of those who have lost someone under the age of 21 Dr. Deborah Fulmer & John “Jack” Leigh Endowment Fund – For the care and support of children under the age of 21 who are suffering from a life-limiting illness, the bereavement support of those who have lost someone under the age of 21, or support to anyone in need who is receiving services at Hospice House Jeanne Heard Hunter Fund – In support of Full Circle’s bereavement programming Kaminsky Auto Group Endowment Fund – For support of Camp Aloha and children’s bereavement services Levy Family Foundation Child Bereavement Endowment Fund – For support of children’s bereavement services Story Keeping Endowment Fund – For the support of Hospice Savannah’s Story Keeping program Technology Endowment Fund – For improvements to and maintenance of Hospice Savannah’s information systems and equipment John and Mary Vetter Endowment Fund – For the support of Hospice Savannah’s Music Therapy program Board Designated Funds: Bereavement Fund – In support of Full Circle’s grief and bereavement programs and services Building Fund – To support the maintenance and upkeep of the Hospice House building and grounds General Endowment Fund – In support of Hospice Savannah’s greatest current needs Endowments Steward Palliative Care Fund Story Keeping Fund Technology Fund Sarah Violet Ellis Fund Robbie Smith Fund MGySgt Strickland Veteran Education Fund Memorial Health Palliative Fund John and Mary Vetter Fund Kaminsky Auto Group Fund Anne K. Stewart Fund Bereavement Fund Carolyn Hume Fund Fulmer & Leigh Fund John and Mary Vetter Fund Carolyn Hume Endowment Fund – For the care and support of terminally ill persons Memorial Health Palliative Fund – In support of the Steward Center for Palliative Care Anne K. Stewart Fund – In support of any of Hospice Savannah’s programs Jeanne Heard Hunter Fund Robbie Smith Endowment Fund – For the care and upkeep of Hospice House Steward Palliative Care Fund – For the care and support of those suffering from a chronic disease MGySgt Roy L. Strickland, USMC, Ret. Education Fund – For the education of Hospice Savannah staff and volunteers about the unique needs of veterans and their families during end-of-life care, and for the education of the veteran community about Hospice Savannah’s programs and services General Endowment Fund Hospice House Fund $500,000 Drs. Doris and Martin Greenberg Mr. F. Reed Dulany, Jr. Savita K. Raut Johnnie Mae M. Davis BB&T Kaminsky Auto Group Joseph and Linda Dunn Macdonell Roehm Patricia K. Davis Robertson & Markowitz Advertising & Public Relations, Inc. Francis and Florence Allegretti Colonial Foundation* Anthony B. Allen Laurence W. Beamer Kaminsky Family* Excellerx Inc. Rolls-Royce NA Sally D. Davis Rembert and Martha Roux Spencer and Lisa Allen Christie M. Beasley John G. Kennedy Foundation* John Fogarty Preston and Barbara Russell Karen Haase Barry D. Russell Alloy Industrial Contractors, Inc Thomas Beasley Megan and Shawen Kerley* Orie Futch Cynthia and Bo Russom Miriam L. Diamond K. A. Alvarez Becker Holding Corporation Edith Lanier Murray and Sharon Galin Savannah Board of Realtors Joey G. Dixon Savannah Council Navy League of The United States Melissa Alvarez Carolyn Y. Beebe $100,000 - $249,999 Debra and Greg Larson* Benjamin J. Goggins Savannah Women On The Go E. R. Duke American Funds C. W. and Betty Beeson United Way of the Coastal Empire Doug McCoy Theodora Gongaware Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Solomons, Jr. Erickson Association, Inc. American Legion Benton Bejach Liz Anne and Joe Roberts* Belinda and Art Gnann* Richard and Helen Solomons Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors American Petroleum Institute Gus and Diana Bell Julius and Danyse Edel* Savannah Benevolent Association Brenda Hadwin Allen Rochelle Frank Charley Anderson Jean Beltramini Margaret J. Handiboe Southern States Educational Foundation, Inc. Curtis and Elizabeth Anderson Marcia Berens $5,000 - $9,999 E. R. Hanson Ellen Spitz FS/HAAF Chaplains Tithes & Offerings Lois Berg Holden and Caroline Hayes* SPT Inc. and SPT Offshore LLC Robert and Sheila Garvey Southeastern Air Conditioning, Co. Lester Anderson Charles and Suzanne Anderson Bernard Williams & Company, LLC Ludell M. Hazel St. Barbaras Philoptochos Society Charles and Dorothy Gay Southern Roof & Wood Care Corp. Anderson Jewelers, Inc. Patricia A. Besser Cindy and Judson Hendry* Charles and Anne Stewart Ronald and Charlotte Gerken John Spaulding, Jr. Leo and Elaine Biedermann James P. Hedrick James A. Streater, Jr. Carlton and Joy Gill Robert and Carol Sprunger Karen and Clifford Angers Frank and Barbara Ansede James and Mercer Blackburn Doris M. Hettler Andrea Su Glatfelter Insurance Group St Frances Cabrini Catholic Church Elizabeth M. Arata William and Harriet Bland Natalie J. Horton Dr. Gene & Sherry Swenson Golden Considerations, Inc. Donna C. Staubes Jody Blazer Myra and Robert Hill* George Tassey, Jr. Karen Haase SunTrust Bank Janet W. Argroves Arizona Prevention Research Center Linda M. Bleicken Richard Hunt The Gardner Family Foundation, Inc. Kimi and Harry Haslam, Jr. C. W. and Jane Taylor John and Lisa Armstrong Blessed Sacrament School Islands Christian Church Gen. Fund Thomas J. Usher and Sandra L. Usher Charitable Foundation Jennifer Hulsey The Cartledge Foundation, Inc. The Dunn Foundation, Inc. Armstrong Atlantic State University Foundation, Inc. Susan Blizzard John and Emma Derst Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth Traub The Waters Foundations, Inc. ASAE Robert Vogel Ilene S. Bond Mrs. Frank Wooten, Jr. Cheri and Hubert Keller Timothy and Rachelle Astor Charlie Jordan Burke Wall Murray and Muriel Bono James G. King AT&T - NDR Dick and Sue Bordenkircher Caroline P. Walling AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Mark and Lisa Boswell Jack and Bonnie Wardlaw Tamara L. Atkins Leslie L. and Ge-Juan Wilkes Atlantic Container Service, Inc. Rebecca K. Willis Atlantic Great Dane, Inc. Louis and Blenda Wilson John W. Aufderheide John and Carole Wilson William and Barbara Austin Dorothy B. Wilson Neil and Tina Austing Paul and Marie Wilson Barbara Baccello $100 - $499 Anthony H. Baker Courtney Knight Gaines Foundation John C. Howard, Jr.* Alice and Bob Jepson $50,000 - $99,999 Banfield Charitable Trust The Chatham Foundation* Barbara & Randy Bart* Mr. and Mrs. William A. Baker, Jr* Grace G. Gattis* Mary Allen Lindsey Brannen Foundation Kaye and Don Cole* Mrs. Julia G. Martin* Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mayer Kathy & Cliff McCurry* Renee Lehrberger Ruth McKinley Memorial Health University Medical Center* Dr. & Mrs. Ramon V. Meguiar* Toby Roberts Helen R. Steward & Family $25,000 - $49,999 Paul D. and Jennifer M. Meyer* Kacey and Clay Ratterree* George Jorgenson Martin L. Karp Bruce Barragan* Truist The Bradley Foundation Wells Fargo Insurance Services Nancy Frye and Bob Kiner Barbara and Shelly Williams David Litten $1,000 - $4,999 Michael K. Lapp Yates Astro Adele Locke Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Brown* The Estate of Leon Deich Lisa and Zeke Gaines* Gamble Funeral Service* Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Jane Alpert Michael Anderson Dr. Victor L. Andrews Barbara Baroni Ann Lytle* Bart, Meyer & Company, LLP Elizabeth Oxnard* Bible Lutheran Church, Inc. The Savannah Bank* Jane Bragg Mr. and Mrs. John T. South, III* Stephen R. Bruce Mrs. Maria Sparkman Ellen R. Byck Estate of E. Wilson Dennis and Terre Carter $10,000 - $24,999 Simone K. Center Coastal Cancer Care, LLC Samuel B. and Berta G. Adams* Coastal GA Reg Sav AACA Steve and Sheri Estes* Courtney Fetz Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Georgia 25-2 George M. Flanagan Cindy M. Cupp The Hodge Foundation, Inc. Ken and Joe Dunn Mr. and Mrs. William Keightley Legends Hospitality, LLC Harris Lewis Larry S. Malphrus, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. R. Vincent Martin* Mary B. Demere Fund Gary and Leny Meeks Gerard Meyer John S. Moore Brian and Leah Nixon NTG Enterprises, Inc./ McDonald’s Wantoot Foundation Inc. $500 - $999 Debra Allison Allstate Giving Campaign America’s Charities Carl E. Anderson Cathy M. Anderson David Beasley James and Eleanor Benton Kathleen DeLoach Benton* Elliott Berv Curt and Carolyn R. Oertel Juleikha Bham Louis F. Parent Donna Bowling Dr. and Mrs. Stevens Peirsol (Amy)* Carter Funeral Home Bryan Chapel, Inc. Christine Pierce Chartering Services, Inc. Stanley and Arlene Plonchak Frances M. Curry Charlie and Julia Pryor James Daly Michael and Nancy Lindberg Anne M. Maxwell and Bill Hussey McDonald’s Maria B. McGaughey Laurel A. McKeith Jack and Barbara McMaken Donald Miles Milestone Partners Management Co. LP National Electric Gate Co., Inc. Savinis, D’Amico & Kane, LLC Daniel Schwartz Sea Island Bank William Seymour III Skidaway Island United Methodist Church The Steward Family Fund Robert and Mary Thomasset Tim and Yvonne R. Tramell Patricia A. Turner 100 Black Men of Savannah Inc A.J. & C. Garfunkel, LLC Jane and Bob Baker, Tammy Baker, Debbie Baugher Christopher Bloomstran Fred and Amy Boyd William J. Boykin Daniel and Judith Bradley Bradley-Dixie Companies Tommy J. Brady III Dr. and Mrs. Harold Branam Harold and Marsha Brannen Robert and Elaine Braver Edward T. Brennan James and Regina Brennan Clark Ballard Marcie F. Brennan Jerry H. Ballengee Brennan & Wasden, LLP Bank of America United Way Campaign Brewton Enterprises Inc. Jay and Dana Adams Office Services Honorable and Mrs. Floyd Adams, Jr. Alexander and Helene Barbee Carol Bright Oliver Maner LLP Marjorie H. Adams Suzanne Barber Dorothy Bright John Rabun, Jr. Airco Industrial Contractors, Inc. William G. Barraclough Tammie Brinkley Ronald M. Reed †Leopold and Emma Alder Ly Bass Herbert Brito John and Louise Basso †Shirley E. Brodley Mr. George and Patricia Neither NETS New York Yankees Pamela L. O’Quinn Jane H. Abbott AccounTax Bridgemill Dentistry Photo Credit: Les Wilkes $250,000 - $499,999 Photo Credit: Les Wilkes Gene and Carole Brogdon David and Deborah Checketts John and Judith Crisp Sherry S. Drilling Margaret and Jim Forman Jane C. Graham Jerry and Alice Hendrix Pamela Brooker Sue Chisholm Peter and Carol Crosby Paul and Cheryl Drwiega Robert and Mary Forrest Patricia Grant-Singleton George and Coleen Henry International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Thomas and Barbara Brooks Leda Chong James Crosson Fredy and Margaret Ducey Shirley Franzen Reva Granthem George and Iris Hensley Peter Iott Bradley and Carolyn Brookshire George and Beverly Christensen Richard and Sara Culbreth Dwayne and Sherry Duff Julian R. Friedman Great Dane Trailers Helen Hess Brouillette & Cowan Rosemary and John Christensen Janet Cully Alice A. Dugger Dollie B. Fulghum Ruskin and Linda Green Roland and Nancy Hessel Isle of Hope Volunteer Fire Dept. Inc. Glenda T. Brown Keith J. Christensen Thomas and Jane Cundy Patricia Dulles Cary C. Fuller Terri B. Gregory L. R. and Peggy Hester Thomas and Hazel Brown Curry Dry Cleaners W. J. Duncan Jeffrey Fulton Grieg Star Shipping (USA), Inc. Gary and Patricia Hibner Monica Brown CI Partners, LLC - Coastal Insurance Partners D.M.S. Kathy Dunn Abbey Funk Alice Griffin Austin Hill Roy C. Brownlow Citgo Petroleum Corporation Bill and Delaine Dalzell Dennis Dunne Linda Funk Marsha Griner Frank R. Hill III Janie B. Bruin Samantha Claar Alan Dasher E.C.Y.C. Friends G31 Exercise Branch Robert and Charlene Grisson James and Claudine Hill Barbara Buckner Mallie and Diane Clark Deanna Dasher Herb and Carol Easley Myra and Robert Hill Carlyle L. Buelvas Deborah C. Davis Nancy J. Groover Paul and Frances Hinchey Charles and Joey Burel Donald F. Clawson Thomas and Dorothy Davis Ebenezer United Church of Christ, Inc. GA Power AmbassadorsSavannah Chapter Sam and Beverly Grizzle Ruby V. Clark Martin and Sheila Grossman Loretta B. Hinely B. D. and Alice Burford Clearwater Pools & Patios, Inc. Mark and Sandra Davis Economic Opportunity Authority Gallea Golf Properties, LLC DBA Crosswinds Golf Club Hinesville Area Board of Realtors James and Angela Burling Robert and Patsy Davis Gregory and Victoria Guenther Lena J. Hirsch Primus and Elnora Butler Russell Clemmons Effingham County LCMC Men’s Group J. Edward Gamble III Stacey Gruber Elaine M. Cleary Carlton H. Hodges Joseph and Shawna Clifton James R. Gardner Guerry Lumber Co. Eugene and Ann Buttle El Paso Corporate Foundation Garfield Park Academy Elizabeth L. Hodges Grace S. Cabaniss Bruce P. Ellen II Scott Guibord Coastal Sports Club Barbara Gatens Robert Hodges Linda Caine Howard and Susan Elliott Bob Hall Coastal Waste Services Robert Hodges Douglas and Harriet Cobb Edgar L. Gay Brenda Hall Calvary Assembly of God William and Virginia Ellis GE (General Electric) Foundation Harold D. Holifield Tom and Anita Campbell Mary Ellison Nadine D. Hall Raymond T. Coe Amy Gellins Dale Holland Johnny Campbell, Jr. Michael and Sharyn Ellison Walter and Carol Hall Coffee Bluff Marine Rescue Squadron 2-A EMD Millipore Corporation Lee Gellins Susan Halligan Lynn Hollenbach Charles Ennis Jenny Gentry Troy R. Halligan Toby W. Hollenberg Kathy and Drew Ernst W. F. George Laura Hallman John M. Holliday James and Dorothy Dewberry Georgia Ports Authority Leon and Teresa Ham Dorothy Holtz Susan Dewberry Estate of Elizabeth T . Wilson Kenneth and Wendy Eugene Georgia Power Company Brian E. Hamor Robert and Ruth Honeycutt Aletta Diamond Bob and Catherine Evans William and Linda Geriner Chip and Barbara Hanback Henry and Jamie Horowitz Diamond Concrete Products LLC Frank Giacobbi Antoine and Karen Hanna Horst and Company Janice Dierker Tom and Kathy Evans Lynne Everett Robert Gidel, Jr. Bessie Hannah Joseph G. Hough Robert and Ellen Dietz Lucy C. Exley Arthur and Molly Gignilliat Douglas and Nancy Hanzel Paula D. Hough Diane DiVanna & Family Kathy Gilkey Timothy C. Hargus Ervin and Diane Houston Dixieland Cruisers Fancy Plants, Inc. Jeffery and Deborah Farmer Robert S. Glenn, Jr. Robert Harman Donald and Lynne Howe Donnie Dixon Welcome G. Farr Paula M. Hudson Peggy and Stanley Harris Patrick and Karen Hudspeth J. J. and Susan Dixon Kurt and Anne Faxon Glenn Drive S. Traverse Partnership Mary M. Harn Eugene Dixon David and Elizabeth Fay Richard and Gail W. Glover Thomas and Debra Harris Tom and Elizabeth Huffman Judy Dixon JuJu’s Tennis Shop D/B/A The Tennis Shop Bonnie Ferguson Albert and Elizabeth Gnann John Harry Haslam III Elizabeth Huger Warren Dixon III Jane Kahn Toledo Hatcher Judith E. Humphries James and Tricia Dobbins David and Charlotte Ferris Larry Goggins Kurt and Carol Kalwitz Bruce and Nancy Fielitz Ruth C. Haupert-Lengemann Bill and Judy Humphries Terry and Barbara Donohue John L. Golden Colyon and Patsy Kaney Lita Gonzales Wallace C. Hayes Deborah B. Huncke William F. Dordelman Cheryl R. Finger Patricia and Stacey Karliss Natalie Goodall Michelle Hays Angela Hunter John and June Douglas First Citizen Jack and Doris Kasun First City Capital Management, Inc. Margaret O. Hedeman Yung H. Hunton Martha V. Dow Richard and Betty Goodnough Peter and Louise Kaufman Bruce and Sherion Goodson Cynthia Heil Dale and Lois Huseman Janis R. Keller Janet Fisher Thomas Gould, Jr. John and Melanie Helmken Hutson Plumbing Company, Inc. Kellogg Creek Dental Studio Nancy S. Forehand Duane and Beth Graham Sandra B. Helmly Intercat David and Sharyn Kerschner Harry E. Cane William and Sue Cannady Coldwell Banker Platinum Partners Capitol Materials of Savannah, Inc. Heather Collins Robert and Sandra Capps Colonial Life Virginia Carlyle Reba B. Colson Alvin and Louise Carter Andrea Combs-McGaha Douglas and Laura Carter Comfort Keepers James and Maryann Carter Key D. Compton P. M. and Virginia Caruso Brian and Elizabeth Concepcion Jerry and Gail Case Robert and Gertrude Conklin Case Veterinary Hospital Harriet Connelly Rita and Tim Caskey Dareus and Berta Conover Ronald Cason Continental Field System, Inc. Century 21 / Fox Properties Hurley and Brenda Cook Joe and LaNae Ceryanec Gerard and Susan Cornish CH-47F NETT Team R. D. and Julia Coulter Ron Chadwick Allen Cowart Thurman and Alice Chance Lisa Cowart Grace Chanpong Dalpha A. Cox, Jr. Dawn Chasse Creative Catering Chatham Artillery Corp Chatham Capital Group Crescent Towing Hutchinson Island Rebecca A. Cheatham C. L. and Sue Crews Thomas G. Davis III Tim Davis Joseph and Sally Dayton Mario and Donna De La Guardia William and Janice Degenhart Delta Metals, Inc. William M. Denton, Jr. Department of the Army (Office of LTC Anthony T. Roper) Michael and Martha Drake Elijah Drayton Clarice C. Drexler Elly Gardner Hendricks Interiors, Inc. Charles E. Izlar J. C. Lewis Ford J.T. Turner Construction Co., Inc. Jack In The Box Check Cashing, Inc. Aline E. Jakubowski Jani-King of Augusta/Savannah JanPak Charitable Foundation, Inc. R. G. Jaudon Edwin Jenkins Mary M. Jenkins Arthur and Barbara Jenks Jet Aviation Joe’s Homemade Cafe Johnnie Ganem, Inc. Becky Johnson Lee Johnson Johnson Construction Ext. Inc. Rebecca Johnston Thomas and Jettie Johnston William and Kathie Johnston Theresa Jonas Ann C. Jones Hollie Jones Regina Jones Bradford D. Jordan Gloria J. Jordan Naomi B. Jordan William and Patricia Jordan Peggy Joyner Dana Kester Linwin Holdings LP James and Mary McClure Snelling Staffing Services Juanita Teasley Robin A. McCormick Paula Deen Enterprises, LLC Ressurection of Our Lord Catholic Church Donald and Mary Schoenwald Lions Club of Savannah NBAA (National Business Aviation Association) Nayna Patel Kingsway Ready Mix Inc. Don Schomburg Armelia Snyder David S. Templeton USPC - Louis Moore (CECT E. Contracting Div.) Alan and Rhonda Kinney Lewis M. Little, Jr. Donald and Margaret McCulloch A B. and Terry Nease Sherri W. Peavy Richard B. Reuss Carl and Nancy Schomburg Bill and Lillian South Sheldon and Zelda Tenenbaum Anna B. Vanwinkle Beth A. Kinstler Beth E. Logan L. D. and Betty McCullough Virginia A. Neidermier Pembroke Telephone Company, Inc Ray Reynolds Barbara E. Schulz Southern Dredging Co., Inc. David and Barbara Teschner Nancy J. Verell Patricia Kinzel Robert and Virginia Logan John L. McDonald, Jr. Dennis and Catherine Nelson Pepper Hamilton LLP Michele Richard Lynda Schuman Peter and Jane Thacher Thomas and Louise Wagner Jeff Kirkland Long Bay Villa Association Eileen McDonough Edward and Phyllis Nelson W. R. Perkins Jack and June Richardson Seacrest Partners Inc. Southside Fire Department/Skidaway The Allen Groupe Marie Wall Charles and Nell Seaton Spanish Hammock Community Association The Crab Shack At Chimney Creek Mahlon Wallace The Development (1988), Inc. Patricia A. Waller The Gardens on Jones Ken and Jerry Walters The Godchaux Family Fund Ray and Mary Ward The Hammond Family Foundation Maureen M. Ward The Hartford Annette D. Wardlaw The Krystal Breakfast Club Jerry and Teresa Wardlaw The Millionaire’s Women’s Club Lorraine V. Warlick The Olbrysh Family Living Trust Wiley and Anna Wasden Ron and Karen Washburn Faye and Christine Kirschner Robert Lorio Art and Judy McDougal Duane Neverman Barbara Perry Terry Riggs John and Karen Kitchell Sondra Love Herbert and Joan McKenzie New Hope Christian Church Edward and Carolyn Pevey Angela M. Ring Alfred G. Seeger C D. and Carroll Klahr Paul Lovezzola Barbara McKinley New York State Assoc for Superintendent of School Bldg Juanita B. Phillips Summer Roberson B. J. Seigler Patricia Pickering †L K. Robertson James and Rebecca Sentman Miles and Sarah Pickney Rock Springs Church John and Patricia Sewell Charles W. Pidgeon Neal and Julie Rodewolt Springfield United Methodist Church Allison R. Sharpe Priscilla Sprunt Stanley and Agnes Pinckney Thomas C. Rogers Mike and Kathy Sharpe Sally Pitofsky Michael and Rebecca Rolfes Wyman H. Sharpe Adele S. Pittman Joanna Roller Lester R. Shearhouse Mark Pizzariello Edna M. Ronan Tommy and Gwen Shearouse Dick and Audrey Platt Laura M. Rosenblum Elizabeth C. Sheehan Norton Lily International Joseph (Rusty) and Coren Ross Ray and Irene K. Stanford Gary Poff Leon Shelkoff The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc. Steadfast Marine M. J. Porter Shell Solomon Properties, Inc. Zachary H. Thomas Jerry and Caroline Nusloch Rosser International, Inc. Joanne Weather J. H. O’Neal Jim and Patricia Rossiter Jacquelyn Stephens Dennis and Martha Pounder Barbara J. Shelton Jim and Gloria Stettler Larry and Julie Weddle John and Cynthia Obanks Charles and Melinda Powell Rotary Club of Savannah East Thomas C. Strickland & Sons Funeral Home Perry Shelton James and Deena Stevens Thomas Financial Group. LLC OECI Corporation Carl and Vivian Poythress Joel M. Rotkow David and Ben Shephard Robert and Mary Thomasset Albert Oelschig III Martin and Michele Ruby Stevens Hale & Associates Steven Price Cheri Sheridan Donald and Nancy Thompson PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Robert and Claire Runger Jim and Janet Stevenson Robert and Susan Oetgen Judith S. Sherry Michelle Thompson Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Sydney G. Oetgen Madison and Jane Prickett Cindy B. Rushing James and Cynthia Stewart Richard W. Shomaker, Jr. John Tierney Dianne M. Wergley Melba M. Priestley Josephine B. Rust Carl and Shirley Stiber John and Margaret Ogilvie Bettie A. Shore Cameron C. Todd Gilbert and Lynda Werntz Bob Oliphant Cynthia Pringle Gladys C. Ryder Charles and Marjorie Story Joseph J. Sidoti Dale Tomhave A C. and Rust West Donald and Joyce Orden Marian B. Prokop S L Construction Company Donald and Helen Streett Sigma-Tau Pharmceuticals, Inc. Robert Tompkins A.P. West Laurie Osteen Provident OB/GYN Steven Salayi Strength of Nature, LLC. Sara L. Sikes Michael and Peggy Towson John and Kay West Robert and Jane Ostlund Jean L. Puskas Gerald Sams Tommy and Terri Strickland Frank and Tammy Simmons Louise A. Quirk William and Emma Simon Thomas and Katherine Owens Judy Rahn Larry and Ima Sapp Studebaker & Brackett PC Travelers Community Connections West Gulf Maritime Association Overcoming By Faith Ministries James H. Sams, Sr. Strickland Funeral Home Laura M. Simpson Cathy Rainwater Patricia Siska J. R. Paddison Jack and Hayden Rauch Chris Savage Kathleen Swendsen Trinity Lutheran Womens Missionary League Charles Whalen Margaret Pacifici Susan Sato Susan Mason Catering Inc Porter and Kimberly Raulston Savannah Elks Auxiliary Marion W. Swinford Philip Palmer Skidaway Health and Living Services PAMCO, Inc. Maria S. Ray Savannah Harley Owners Group Herbert and Bertie Skinner Kimberly Pappas Ray Repage, LLC Savannah Harley-Davidson, Inc. Frank Slotin Michael and Marianne Pappas Maryanne Raye Savannah Tire Center Wanda J. Small Allen and Gay Park Tony Reardon Savannah Wine Cellar, LLC Claudia Smalls Mr. Gregory M. Parker Jennie Reese Mark and Cathy Schaefer Vernon and Connie Smart Pamela E. Parker Dennis Rehrig Anne L. Scheer Bonnie Smith Jacquelyn B. Pate Remer Lane Insurance Sarah Schenkman Joyce Smith Divyakumar Patel Christopher and Kay Remion Robert and Nena Schivera Lorna Smith Jitendra Patel Bruce and JoAnne Remler William H. Schloenbach Ronald and Loy Smith Jeanne M. Repage Mary B. Schmalz Ronald L. Smith Lowcountry Medical Group Roger and Carolyn McLaughlin Constance M. Knight Candy Lowe Gregory and Geraldine McLean Elizabeth L. Knipe Helen Lowe Julian C. Mclendon Hilda Knobloch Lulu’s Chocolate Bar James McNaughton Nancy S. Knorr Lunch Bunch Buddies Karin Mead Virginia Knorr Brian Lundgren Carol A. Medinger Peter Knudsen Sue C. Lutes Mednax Services, Inc. Jason and Ann Koettel Lutheran Church of the Messiah Suzanne F. Mendonsa Morgan Kuhn Wanda J. Lydecker Merck Charles and Janet Kusche M.J. Hogan & Company, Inc. Peter Messina Ed and Sharon LaCasse MacAulay-Brown, Inc Metlife Kathleen J. Lally Ann R. MacIver Robert and Judith Meuleman Jerry and Maria Lancaster Mertha Maddox Richard Meyer Donald Landford Thomas C. Madison Landmark 24 Homes Joseph and Ellen Maggioni Miami Police Relief & Pension Fund Josephine A. Langan Rolland and Lucinda Malott Micro, L.L. C. Jan F. Langston Paul and Debra Mamalakis Microbiological Services LLC Inman L. Lanier, Jr. Joe and Diane Marcus Charles and Julia Mikell Ruth A. Lanier James and Lori Marcus Gary and Irene Milewski Thomas H. Lanier Richard Marcus William and Ann Miller Robert and Diane Lapsley Marine Rescue Squadron John B. Miller Richard and Mary Larson Ernie and Lee Marmaras Nancy E. Minor Lauran Lasseter Jeanette Marsh Vivian A. Mobley Billy and Lisa Laube Keith Marsh Margie Mongin Steven Lawler Robert K. Marsh Cynthia Moore Christina Lazano Mark and Brenda Marshalok Dale S. Morgan Walter and Caren Lee Alethea R. Martin Philip G. Morgan, Jr. Jack D. Lee Grace B. Martin Lane and Lucille Morrison Jeanne R. Lee Walter Martin Virginia E. Mulhall Randy Levine Susan Mason Phillip and Melissa L. Mullins Judith P. Lewis Mark and Andrea Mathews Multicell Packaging Inc. W. S. Lewis Melody Mauldin Denis Munro Walter N. Lewis Robert W. May Loris S. Murdaugh Liberty County School System Virginia Maynor Peggy Murphy Margaret Licavoli Morgan M. McAlpin Mildred S. Nassif Patricia Linton Cynthia McBryde Blondean S. Newman Phillip and Sandra Newman Mary K. Newton Leslie B. Nissen Janice Norman Barbara C. Norris Norsouth Construction Company of Georgia Benjamin and Allison Spitalnick St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church Craig and Laura Stafford Mary H. Stafford Monica L. Stallworth Synergy Coverage Solutions, LLC David and Elizabeth Trucksis Marion H. Tucker Lafe and Norma Ward Gloria N. Watson Daniel and Loyce Weil Weinberg, Wheeler, Hudgins, Gunn & Dial, LLC Westair Aviation Johnny Whitaker Barbara S. White Deanie N. White T.S. Chu & Company Tuesday Morning Circle Independent Presbyterian Church Sam Tach Carole L. Tutan Robert E. White Lennie R. Talley Yvonne K. Tyson Asa Whitehead David E. Tanner U.S. Trust Deborah and Henry Whitfield Lori W. Tatum Timothy and Sharon Ubben Horace P. Whitworth Sheldon and Ann Taylor William H. Ulmer Jim and Betty Whitworth Betty S. Taylor United Transportation Union Wild Azalea Garden Club Don and Vicki Teague United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania †Ida S. Wilensky Warren Teague John and Ann White Richmond Wilhoit Photo Credit: Les Wilkes George J. Klarman Pearl M. Spaulding Charles Williams Charles M. and Rozanne Aimone Donald and Carole Arpin Howard Bellinger Bonnie T. Bolin Pamela Brooker Martha Buttimer †Leo and Simone Center Sue Cole Richard and Judith Craig Russell and Julia Dawes James and Verbia G. Asbell Virginia Belliveau E. Bonaparte-Morris JoLisa Brooks Rochelle and Ellen Buttimer R. D. Chapman W. A. and Connie Coleman Jean E. Crane Edith Dawson Richard and Connie Williams Alan H. Jones D/B/A Cecil Jones Construction, LLC Christopher and Barbara Donnelly East Georgia College Frankalene Williams Alan and Rita Asher Martha L. Bennett Marie Bonneman Douglas and Betsy Broome †David and Ellen Byck Chapter 249 Narfe Albertha Collier Ronald and Gayle Crawford Mario and Hilda De La Guardia Dick and Rose Donnelly Homer and Sally Eckerson Andrew and Suzy Willis Wilburn and Sue Albright David and Eloise Aspinwall William V. Bennett Tommy and Kathryn Bono Betsy Brown Byck Management Company Charity Sunday School Class Kathleen Colligan John and Virginia Crawford Dopson and Liz Deal William and Eileen Donovan Carol Eckes Winston and Barbara Willis Eugene Albrycht Diane Benson Raymond and Connie Border D. S. and Debra Brown Betty Byrd Terry O. Charles Mary C. Colligan Margaret Crews Sharon Deal Vernon and Melissa Donovan Geraldine Eddins William Willy Ernest Alds, Jr. AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign John and Joan Benton Marjorie C. Borders Donald and Melissa Brown Anne Cabanniss Charlotte Lewis-Goetz Agnes W. Collins Annette Cribb Thomas and Gail Dean Alexandra T. Dotson Paige M. Eden Edwin J. Wilson Harvey J. Alexander Lynn Atkins Berean Women’s Auxiliary Pauline Bosco Ellen S. Brown Nannette Cafiero Tom and Joan Chase Anna M. Collins Henry and Suzanne Croci David and Terri Deason Norma F. Douglas Avant Edenfield Lillian Wilson Rutha B. Alexander Donald H. Atwell Marcia Berens John and Mary Boshier Esther R. Brown Mary Ellen Caggiano William and Patricia Chatfield Patricia H. Collins Rickey and Tammy Crosby Rocelia S. Deborde Virginia C. Douglass Johnny and Suzanne Edenfield Marie Wilson C. F. Allen Auburn University Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Berens Donald and Rebecca Bostwick Harry W. Brown Andrew and Milree Calhoun Robert and Joan Collins CrossRoads Community Church Norman and Leota Decker Frank C. Dow Rita S. Edenfield Randolph and Fayrene Wilson Dorothy L. Allen Audio Warehouse, Inc. Ruth E. Berges Alzada Boudreaux Kathleen K. Brown Bob and Anita Calhoun Chatham County Mosquito Control Ed and Theresa Collins James and Ruthann Crowley Dolores Dees Clinton and Sharon Dowd Caroline Edwards Tyra H. Wilson Jane W. Allen Brian L. Bacon Marie Dowling Bergheimer Maury Bowen Robert Brown Francis and Janet Callahan Marion U. Cheney Ricardo and Linda Conklin Theona Culhane Martha G. Deines Kenneth M. Dowd Glenda Edwards Shacke and Laura Wimbish Laurie Allen Cinda W. Baker Elisa Berkowitz Robert and Marian Bowen Juanita S. Browne Raymond B. Callaway Janet and Jimmy Chester Kim Connell April S. Cullen Mary E. Delegal Judith R. Downing Kevin Edwards Emily C. Winburn Catherine M. Alley Laura K. Baker Charlene Berman Paula Bowers Andrea Brownell Suzanne Cambre Alex L. Chew Donna E. Conner †Thomas and Joyce Cullen James M. Deloach, Sr. Michael and Terri Doyle Sandra A. Edwards Herbert and Tricia Windom Ally Financial Miriam B. Baker Benjamin and Catherine Berry Scott and Emma Bowling Kevin and Sharon Browning Mark and Linda Camel John Chew Carita C. Connor Edwin H. Culver Joe and Jenny DeLoach Sue Draper Wayne Ehret Wallace V. Wingate John G. Alston, Sr. Tyrone and Rebecca Ball Lynne Bethune Mary Bowman Mary E. Brumley Deborah E. Cameron Ruth Chitwood Larry and Beverly Culver Margie DeLoach Amelia W. Dreese Jerry and Patricia Elders Dr. and Mrs. Fremont P. Wirth Arthur Altman Greg and Terry Barker James and Ann Beurle Philip and Jane Boyer Judith B. Brunger Sally S. Cameron Doris Christensen Convention Consultants Hist. Sav’h William T. Cunningham Mary E. DeLong Billy Drinkwater Gary and Lisa Elkin Joyce Wisemiller Roger R. and Nancy Altmeyer William and Marilyn Barnard Melanie Bevere Fred and Lynn Bozeman Emily Bruno Mary N. Camp Roy and Hazel Christie Conwareco Logistics Inc Edmund and Gray Curlee Cecil and M. C. Delorme Daniel and Anne Drum Ellen R. Ellington Jill Witherspoon Rosemary D. Ambos Laurie Barnett Debbie S. Beverly Jessica Brack Michael Bruno Lenuel and Beatrice Campbell Chu’s Seven-Eleven Mart Sherry J. Conway James and Angela Curry Gilda Demott J. O. Drummond Valerie K. Ellington Richard and Marilyn Wixson A. M. Ambrose George and Judith Barney Philip and Karen Bickley Myra Bradbury Paul and Regina Brunson Marshall F. Campbell Barbara A. Church Emma J. Conyers Kenneth and April Curry Robert E. Dennard, Jr. Carroll J. Dubose Elliott Davis, LLC Edward E. Wolfe, Sr. American Healthcare Mgmt. Group, LP Anne A. Baron Anita M. Bradley Ronald F. Brunson William and Deborah Campbell James Ciprich Eunice G. Cook Glenn and Cathey Cuttino William H. Dent Kay Dubose J. Wiley and Claire Ellis John D. Barre Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago Evelyn L. Bruyette Anna B. Canady City Market Artists’ Association Robert and Jane Cook Joyce A. Cvitak Department of The Air Force Vivian Dubuc Freida Amos Jay and Helen Bradley Jack H. Ellis Robert and Lucy Barrett Edward and Gerry Bilik David Bryan Norma A. Canady City of Pembroke Debbie Coolidge H C. Deriso Joanna Ellis George and Ruth Bartell Suzi Bird John R. Bryan Donna Cantrell David Clark Arthur L. Cooper Edward and Mildred Derst Robert and Linda Duensing Carol A. Anderson Rosalind P. Brady Dabbs, Hickman, Hill & Cannon, LLP Barbara Duch Mr. and Mrs. Anchors James D. Brady Ralph and Elizabeth Ellis Stacey Basford Carlton and Joyce Bishop Lucinda Bryan Bernard and Betty Carbo Ted S. Clarke Coley and Brenda Cooper Catherine Daly Roger Deschenes John J. Duggan Dale Anderson Charles and Anita Bragg Batteries Plus, LLC Karen D. Bishop Alland and Linda Bryant Elizabeth S. Cooper Jack and ‘Jennifer Damron Ryan P. Deuel Glenn Dugger Ellis, Painter, Ratterree, Adams LLP Nancy G. Baumgardner Sara M. Black Howard and Lynn Bram Burch and Marie Bryant Bernard and Linda Cleary William and Pamela Cooper Robert H. Daniels Betty L. Dewitt Roger Duke Ellsworth-Hallett, LLC Jane S. Anderson Robert Bayless Mary K. Blackshear Aaron and Esther Buchsbaum Stanley and Judith Clegg Sima R. Cooperman †Thomas M. Daniels Nancy J. Emmerson Vera P. Bazemore J. R. and Diane Blakely Sue H. Buckley Stuart and Susan Clifford Judy D. Corbet W. H. and Mary Dantzler William R. Emsweller BB&T Lamurl S. Blakely John and Sherry Buckman Margie Clisbee Cecelia Corbin Patricia Darley John Engleman Nancy Beam Shirley L. Blakewood Jeffrey Burcaw Sandra and Jack Clower Patt C. Corbin Donald E. Dasher Mehmet and Kimberly Ergul Anne Beasley Paula Z. Blalock Robert Burchard David H. Ermer Kenneth and Angela Burgstiner Walter and Patty Corish Judith Erola Anthony and Denise Beasley Moonyeen G. Blanton Nick and Lisa Burkart Coastal Logistics Inc. Jennifer Corwell Bob and Sydney Daughtry Jamey Espina and James Ashman John J. Beasley Blessed Sacrament Conference Walter R. Bravo Nick and Patricia Burke Ronald C. Carrico Coastal Sams Chapter 27 Derek N. Council Lorena P. DaVanti Gwendolyn DiCroce Lottie A. Dunn Adele Andrews Lynette Bratovogel Carpentry Services, Inc. Barbara E. Dicola Leslie J. Dunn Owen and Lessie Anderson Edith Branscomb Russell and Jean Carpenter Regena Dickson William and Harriet Bland Daughters of America Augusta Council #19 Mitchell and Elizabeth Dunn Barbara A. Beasley Coastal Empire Trading Company, LLC Anne Cordein Nancy Anderson Robert and Dorothy Brannen Carolina Shipping Company, Inc. Virginia B. Dickey Duncker Streett & Co., LLC Muriel Anderson Marjorie Brannen Candace Carlyle-Jenkins Roberta W. Dickey Sonja Duncan Kathy Anderson Charles W. Brannen Alice Carlyle Ritchie A. Dickey, Sr. Elizabeth Duncan Jean B. Anderson Richard and Pam Branham Anita J. Carlson Jeff Dial Margaret Dulohery Janet S. Anderson Carole Branch Care and Share Wesley Monumental United Methodist Church Dallas and Hilda Claxton Dorothy Anderson David and Charlotte Bragg Richard and Frances Estep Kathryn D. Cobb-Elliott Mary M. Council Ann Davis Herbert and Marie Dillon Renee P. Dunn Maureen P. Carroll David and Marcia Durben Richard and Suzanne Estus Sydney Carroll Joan Coburn Joanna M. Counts Archie and Sally Davis Keith and Julie Dimond Durden Rental & Service Center, Inc. Eutectic Corporation Paul and Jeni Carson Kelly A. Cochran Betty B. Coursey Betty S. Davis Betty H. Dionne Christel P. Evans Betty R. Carter Daniel C. Cohen †Martha G. Cowart Corrie Davis Nan A. Dismukes Jamie Durrence Edward P. Dutko Kristin A. Evans Curtis Carter Martin Cohen Richard and Nancy Evans Patricia Cohen Sandi Dixon Robin A. Duval Dorothy Carter Cowboy’s Bar-B-Q DBA Deetie Rahn Real Estate M. J. Davis Janet B. Dixon Rosalind G. Evans Mary A. Cashin Elinor T. Coker Kitty A. Cox Mary D. Davis Linda Dobbs John and Pauline Dyches Dyches Construction Company Elizabeth Everett Cason Family RVCBLE Trust Angela Colaluca Walter M. Cox III Neva Davis Richard and Leanne Dodd Justin and Stacy Dye Stephen A. Everett Casting Solutions, LLC Barbara S. Cole Richard E. Coyle Susan B. Davis William D. Dodge Delores Exley Joan Caterino Marcia A. Cole Carol Craft Wes Davis Helen R. Doherty Margie Eades Krozer and Edna Earley Cordell and Shirley Exley Cellular Sales - Central Florida Market Martha Cole David and Kitty Craig Ronald G. Davison Marcella Dominguez Philip and Yvonne Donaldson Maureen F. Eason Jane Faber Sarah K. Wong Paul and Beth Woodward Sharon Workman Anne C. Wray Vera Wright Steven and Regina Wynn Mindy Yates Janet R. Yeager Richard Yow Robert Zacour Winifred T. Zara Sharon Zeagler Zimmerman/Edelson, Inc Photo Credit: Les Wilkes Linda Zittrouer Barbara Andrews Jack and Linda Beasley Pat Blitch $1 - $99 John and Sandra Andrews Doyle and Jane Brewer Margaret L. Burkhalter Ken and Rebecca Beasley Richard and Susanne Blosser 12 O’clock Water Aerobics Sunshine Club Francis Antosca Mary Jane Furlong Brewer Jeanette Burlock Tommy and Lynn Beasley Robert and Ann Blum APAC Southeast Jerry and Linda Bridgforth Joan D. Burns A A LaRocco & Associates, Inc. Maxwell and Elizabeth Beatty Lucille A. Boaen George Appenzeller Harry and Barbara Brigdon Lois N. Burns Robert and Frances Abernathy George and Marianne Beck Sherry Boatright Linda Apple †Henry P. Bright Mary Ann Burns Eugene and Reta Adams Mary Beck Tracie Bock Sally H. Arman Arthur and Linda Brill Sandra S. Burns Joseph V. and Dorothy Adams Alice J. Becton Dan and Mary Bo Arnold Elana Brink †E J. Burnsed Katie N. Adams Jerry and Linda Beets Body-Builders’ S.S. Class of Emit Grove Baptist Church Debra Arnold Steve Burrell Mary E. Adams Angela Bejarano Richard and Meredith Bodziner Bette Brinson Mark Arnold Jean Bogena Alfred W. and Ann Adcox Lane Bell Lois H. Aronson Patricia W. Bell Frederick and Ellen D. Bogler John and Beverly Britt Ernest and Ethel Burriss Joy G. Broderick Ellen Busch Debra Brook Elaine S. Butrymowicz Charles and Maria Davis Ebenezer Middle School Jack and Cate Fahey Fred and Zeline Foster Alan and Gail Garland Samuel and Barbara Goldberg Katherine D. Groves Debbie Hayes His and Hers Cuts and Curls Humane Society for Greater Savannah Johnson, Kraeuter & Dunn, LLC Bruce and Michelle Kinloch Steven and Stephanie Fanger Parkie C. Foster Edwena I. Garrett Arnold and Doris Goldstein Marion Gruber Claretha J. Haynes Jerry and Nellie Hobbs Sue Hunnings Jeffrey and Margaret Johnston Norman and Bonita Kirby Crystal Farmakis Arnold and Laurie Foudin Jeffrey and Connie Garrett Toby Goldstein Perrilee D. Grumish Kenneth and Joyce Haynes Mary Hodge John M. Hunt Johnstone Supply Amy Kirk Ann Farr Jean H. Fountain Karen Garrick Goldwing Road Riders Association Donald and Kathleen Gruver Jane M. Hazen Dianne Hodges Kelly Hunt Joiner-Anderson Funeral Home, Inc. Carolyn Kitchens Susan M. Farr Bernice Foust X. L. and Jane Garrison Wilfred and Eleanor Gonye Ronald Gudbrandsen Sandra T. Head Gregory Hodges Bruce and Janice Hunter Jack and Mari Jones Mintford and Patricia Kitchens Iris Farroni Victoria Fowler Stacy A. Gates Jeffery and Cheryl Goodman Matthew and Janice Guglielmi Bobby J. Heard Richard S. Hodges Mark and Becky Hurst Karen Jones Robert and Mary Kitchings Jean B. Fasano James and Lillian Fox Chris and Lisa Gay Lynn H. Goodman Gulfstream (Friends of Terri Nelson) Darrell and Jettie Hearne Ilse H. Hodgson Rebecca Hursrt M. T. and Barbara Jones Patricia Knight Faulkville Baptist Church Myron and Shirley Frank Dianne Gay James Goodwin †W D. Guyer Norman and Linda Heidt Rosalind Hodgson William Hurst Melrose T. Jones Glenda T. Knox Pamela D. Faunce Brenda G. Franz Morris and Marla Geffen Jeffrey and Julie Goodwin Hester A. Haas Antoinette Height John Hoffman W D. Hutcheson Sharon Jones Nancy Kochanik Federal Bureau Investigation Arthur and Dotti Fraps Brian and Linda Gendreau Carol Gordon Katherine C. Haeberle Marianne M. Heimes Dennis Hogan Frieda M. Hutchinson Vanessa Jones Claudia Kocher Audrey G. Federbush Kenneth and Anne Fraser Eva Gendreau Thomas Gould Sandra Haga Edwin J. Heitman Christa Hyatt Hubert and Roberta Josey Faye Kolgaklis Edwin and Jane Feiler Kevin Frawley Mary A. Graddick Ennis and Jane Hagin Sabrina Z. Heller Joseph M. Hymon Samuel and Sara Jospin Barbara Kooden Gerald Ferguson Mike and Candy Frawley General Aviation Manufacturers Association William Hogan and Barbara Moss-Hogan Joy E. Graham Sandra Hagin William H. Helmken, Jr. Donald and Elizabeth Holck Gay S. Inglesby James and Cathy Joyce James and Cathleen Korzik JoAnn Ferguson David and Frances Freedman General Dynamics Pamela Graham David and Cynthia Hagist Patricia Helmly Jane O. Holland Cheryl W. Jackson Robert and Joy Jue Lillian Kowalczyk Robert and Pamela Ferguson Jennifer Freedman Leo Gentile Tom and Deborah Graham Eva N. Hall David L. Helmreich Judith Holland Jackson Family (Frederick F. Jackson) Hazel C. Justus William and Pamela Ferro Caroline Freeman Nicholas and Mary George Lauren Grant James Hall Sandra Hembach Phyllis R. Holland Garrett and Catherine Jackson Martin Kanowitz Koyo Torrington Needle Poler Bearings Harvey Fields Jennifer D. Freeman Janet M. Gerbode Shelby Grant William and Joan Hall Kelly and Joyce Hendricks Margaret C. Hollar Jacqueline A. Jackson Danny and Charline Kanupp Marijo Kraisinger Corinne Fifer Van Freeman Kristin Geriner Reva Granthem Hancock Askew & Co., LLP Jamie and Nedra Hendrix Susan Holliday Janet B. Jackson Giannis Kapeleris Sadie B. Kramer Elizabeth Findley Janet French Rozan B. Gerken Mary K. Graves Murall and Peggy Hancock Preston and Connie Henne Patricia Holloway Jerry Jackson Arnold and Chrissie Karp Phyllis A. Kravitch Mary F. Finocchiaro Ernie and Mary Friedman John and Susan Getty Kay Gray Rebecca Hancock John and Cathy Henry Edward and Lois Holscher Joan L. Jackson Linda H. Karpf Raymond and Diane Krstolic Giulio Fiorenza Jacqueline K. Friedman GH Tool & Mold, Inc. Melinda Gray Cindy Hanks Roy and Susie Henson Jules and Patricia Homans Judith A. Jackson Walt and Janet Kearney Ruth Kurzbach First Catholic Slovak Union (Branch 200) Stanley and Janna Friedman Gian Ghuman Meredith Gray Steven and Ellen Hansen Richard and Margaret Herburger Betty A. Hood William Jackson W J. Kehoe III L. Rochelle Ainsworth, LLC Friends of Massie, Inc Cynthia S. Gibson Dorothy Grayson Stewart and Paula Harden Douglas and Jennifer Herman L. G. and Laura Hook William and Nancy Jackson Leigh A. Keith Gregory Laabs First Federal Bob and Nancy Frye Rob and Caroline Gibson Alice C. Green Cecilia O. Hardin Al Hernandez Alton N. Hope James and Valerie Jaenicke Keller Williams Walter and Ann Fisch Frederick and Linda Fullard †W C. Gilbert Jeff Green Amanda Hargrove Jeffrey Hero Jon Horey John and Beverly Jakubowski Carrie L. Kellog Lakeview Associates of Savannah, Inc. Bruce and Mary Fischer Elizabeth W. Fuller J. E. and Bonney Gilbreath Geraldine I. Greenberg W. C. Harman Douglas and Joyce Herolt Martha Horgan Patricia B. James Anna Kelly †Bert and Mary Herrin Chanda Horne William T. James Bobby and Frances Kelly Terri M. Jarrell Broughton and Jean Kelly Michael and Nancy Fleischmann Mary L. Fulton Ellis and Linnie Gilliam Kenneth and Joann Griffin Lonnie and Jennie Harn Diane M. Herrin Cindy Horne Stephen Fleming Charles and Lynda Furchgott Donna Gilliland L F. Griffin and Claudette Graham and Fran Harold Katheryn Hess Mary A. Hornkohl Scott Javetz Jane Kelly Karen A. Heubeck Carol Horton David and Tracy Jaynes Joe Kelly Jebaily Law Firm Margaret O. Kelly Joan R. Griffin David and Sandra Harn Jane S. Furchgott James L. Gillis III Hugh and Joan Floyd Debbe Furey Claude and Frances Gills William and Carol Griffis Harp & Callier, LLP A. M. and Sue Heusner Phillip and Mary Horton Shannon S. Floyd John and Mary Futral Frederick Gilsdorf Leonard and Celie Griffiths Henry and Mary Harper Herman and Harriette Heussler Neil and Robin Houck James and Phennie Jeffers Elizabeth Kemper Lee A. Hewitt Michael and Elizabeth Houlihan Rabun Jeffers Barbara P. Kennedy Barbara D. Jenkins Jon and Nikki Kenney Dianne Floyd Miriam S. Griffin Vickie D. Harold Glenn and Catherine Futrell Eloise W. Gingrich Edward J. Fogarty III Constance Gabrielli James Gingrich Hal and Carolyn Griner Lydia M. Harris Gary and Karen Hickman Ronald and Betty House Marsha B. Fogarty Michelle S. Gaddy Barbara Gleaton Bruce and Nellie Groberg Paul Harris Katie A. Hiers Warner and Wisteria Houston Louis and Sara Jenkins Edward and Holly Kenreich Anne Hietbrink Harry and Louise Howard Vicki Jenkins Joan R. Keppler Michael J. Jiran Larry and Kathy Kersey Jerr and Terry Floyd Alisa R. Griner Donald and Lucy Harris George and Candyce Gagel Dianne Glen Peter and Emily Foley Monisha D. Gaines Lori Glen Will and Beth Groover Gary and Belinda Hart Ervin H. Hietbrink Lee and Julia Howard John and Mary Forbes Jeri Gale Ann S. Glendenning Diane Gross Joyce Hart Marylyn J. Hiett Lori Howard Joel Enterprises Joe and Ester Kerwick Miechael and Kathleen Higgs Ron C. Howard Homer L. Johnson Allen C. Kessler Kenneth Johnson †Vera Kessler James and Pattylynn Fogle Ann Groover Sheryl Harris Susan Gale James and Theresa Gnann Todd Ford Tommy Gale Walter and Carolyn Gnann John Grotheer Ann Hartley Kem D. Highfill Robert R. Howell Charlotte Fordham Peter F. Gallagher Martha J. Gobin Robert A. Grotheer John and Nancy Hartzell Allan D. Hill Stephen and Sheryl Howell Kenneth and Susan Johnson Harris and Nancy Kicklighter Don Hill Ann Hudson Michael and Roseann Johnson Christine T. Kiley Patricia Johnson Scott Kimball Roy R. Forbes Angela M. Grosse Thomas and Marilyn Harter Fran Galloway Sarah W. Goethe Robert and Shirley Forssell Kathryn Galusha Earl and Shirley Goff Janet Grove James and Rebecca Hatcher Fitz Hiltzheimer Dan and Phyllis Huffer Perb and Kay Fortner Laurence and Linda Gamble William and Susan Goffman John D. Hinely Thomas M. Hughes Pharris and Ann Johnson Terry and Barbara Kimball Judy N. Ganem Grove Hill Homeowners Association Tommy Hatcher Cynthia Goldberg Marcia G. Hirsch Edward and Louise Hull Tammy Johnson Debbie King Tommy Foreman Dan and Mary Jo Foster Spencer P. Grotheer B. R. Hatcher Sandra Hawkins Georgia F. Lamas Linda S. Lamb Ken and Linda Lambert Stacy Lamm Katherine M. Lampros Patsy E. Lamson Leon and Jane Lance Robert and Sheila Landau Betty Lane Leland and Grace Lane Robert and Pamela Lane Stephen and Catherine Lange Ronald Langford Joyce Langley Stephen and Katie Langmade Ellison and Melinda Lanier G. G. and Rachel Lanier Lucy Lanier Loyce Lariscy Douglas and Annette Laroche Photo Credit: Les Wilkes Mary Lou Fuller Anderson and Carol Giles Jack and Doris Fisher Photo Credit: Bob Rosen Margaret W. Reagan Nicholas and Betty Robinson Derrell L. Sapp Albert J. Seidl Sherri O. Simmons Wendy M. Rears Octavius Robinson Mildred U. Sapp Carole Seitz Karen Simon Ninagene J. Reddick Patricia W. Robinson Steve and Lora Sapp David and Carole Seitz Lorraine Simpson R E. and Marian Reddick Cleve and Mickie Roby Joseph and Patricia Saseen Diane P. Sellers Marjorie M. Simpson Reddick, Riggs, Hunter and Kennedy, P.C. Barbara M. Rogers Ronald C. Sass Mary Sellers Arnold and Ann Sims DeeDee Rogers John Anthony Sasser Senator Jack Hill Campaign Luke and Linda Sims Robert and Sharon Redding W. B. Rogers Bob and Paddy Satter Angela Sergi Tony and Nancy Singleton James and Cynthia Reddoch Grace J. Rohland Cynthia V. Sauers Shirley Sessions David and Pam Sipple Harold and Esther Reed Susie Rohlfs Phyllis Saunders Andrea Settimio Mary M. Sipple Keelie Reed Rose Romans Savannah Bicycle Campaign Jake and Sylvia Severance Kathleen H. Skea Michael Pollard Robert and Faye Rees Marlyse A. Roper Savannah Parrothead Club Robert and Esther Sexson Shirley B. Skea Pamela J. Parker Kress James and Shirley Polychrones Sally Reeves Daniel and Mary Rose Charles and Ann Seyle Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Daniel and Linda Nolan Ronald and Sylvia Parnell Agnes (Donnie) Porterfield Mary A. Rehbock Evelyn D. Rose Savannah Technical College Health Sciences Division Jean C. Shafenberg Skinner, Barndollar & Lane, P.C. Norcross Tag Company Emmitt and Peggy Parrish Lynn Potter Karen E. Rehn Thelma R. Rosen Thomas Sayers Edward and Marjorie Shaner J. E. and Martha Sloan Robert Moran H. C. and Nancy Norman Leslie Parrish Pamela A. Potts Alberta Reid Mires and Betty Rosenthal Eleanor L. Scarbrough Sharon Shapiro Leon and Nancy Slotin †Betty L. Meyers Eva J. Morgan David B. Norris James Passmore John and Michele Powell Beate E. Reintzell Sanford and Nancy Rosenthal Katherine M. Scardino Henrietta Shasteen Sylvia F. Slotin Nell P. McCreery Donald A. Michael Lisa M. Morgan Kevin and Valerie North Anasuyaben Patel Leland A. Powell, Jr. Dora Reiser Carolyn M. Ross Sally K. Scharf Ray and Jean Shatto Vivian Slotin Claudia A. Maher William and Lyn McCuen Mike Albert Fleet Solutions Robert and Shirley Morgan Ann Norton Bipin Patel William and Jo Powell William and Jenanu Remeta Joan Ross Carlic C. Schiffner Fred W. Shaver Rosalyn Smalls Kenneth and Rebecca Lentz Thomas and Judy Mahoney McDonald’s Coffee Club Russ and Ellen Miles James and Gay Morison Norton Trailer Park Nina Patel Michael B. Precht William and Jean Remley Steven and Beth Roth Annette Schiller Ann Shaw Allison C. Smith George and Patricia Leon Michael Maker †Hue D. McDougald Susan Miles Phillip and Mary Mork Paul and Kimberly Nott Pankaj Patel Paul and Jane Pressly Bobbie and Patricia Renfro Georgia A. Rountree Bruno S. Schirmacher Cheryl Shaw Barbara O. Smith Jerry and Pauline Leonard Rebecca Malcom Don and Carolyn McElveen Cheryl Miller Harry and Barbara Morris Nu Chptr Delta Kappa Gamma Chris and Jennifer Pavlo Novodeen Pritcher Clint and Rhonda Revennaugh Mickey and Gail Rountree William and Barbara Schmitz George Shaw Robert and Carolyn Smith David LeRow John and Mary Mallory Joan McElveen David and Kay Miller James and Jean Morris Barbara W. Nutting Darrell G. Payne Brenda Prokop Beverly C. Reynolds Jane M. Roupe Richard O. Schoch J. P. Shay Carolyn Smith Patricia Leslie Micheal and Susan Mallory Maxine McElveen Donald C. Miller Jewel Morris Michael and Diane O’Connor Troy and Christina Payne Patrick and Mary Prokop Candice Richardson James and Joyce Rourke Rick Schomburg Harry and Phyllis Shearouse Donna R. Smith Wanda L. Levangie Kaaren Malone Duane H. McEwen Elsa S. Miller Wayne and Joyce Morris Pamela O’Connor Jesse and Christine Payton Wynelle Purcell Louis and June Richardson Rembert and Martha Roux Betty G. Schroder Charles and Oscelia Shearouse Stephen and Fay Smith Henry and Sissy Levy P T. and Ann Manchester Lowell McEwen Heather Miller Dean Morrison Connie O’Donnell Kenneth and Joan Pearl Lombard R. Puri Robert and Sandra Richardson George R. Rovolis Virginia C. Schroder Jean M. Sheehan Frederick and Constance Smith Jane E. Levy Sarah B. Mandel Warren McEwen James and Margaret Miller Joyce I. Morrison Lillian O’Donovan Margaret R. Pearson Georgia F. Pyron Ruby T. Richbourg Lindsay Rowe, Jr. Daniela Schukart Margaret Sheehan George Smith Karen Levy Oliver Maner R. S. and Renee McGehee John and Dolores Miller Stephanie Muga Carolyn M. O’Hayer Cynthia Pederson Albert H. Quante Catherine Richie Amy Rowland Karl Schuler Therese Sheehan H. C. and Miriam Smith Beate Lewis Hobart L. Manley, Jr. Carol D. McGregor Mary M. Miller Susan M. Mulvaney Joseph and Ann O’Heaney Gloria L. Peeples Merritt Quarles Richmond Hill Church of Christ Rubnitz and EbenConcepts William P. Schultze Cathy Sheffield Helen M. Smith Christine A. Lewis Pamela J. Manuel Laura McIntosh Shirley Miller James and Roberta Mundschau Bette R. O’Leary Harry Penfield Ruth A. Quattlebaum Richmond Hill Wildcat Tennis Team Martha R. Rudd Doris A. Schum James and Darlene Sheffield Henrietta M. Smith Nancy N. Lewis Vera Marcik William and Jean McKinney William and Ann Miller Robert A. Mundy Ellen O’Leary Mary Pennington Albert and Toni Rideout Doris M. Ruff Marie Schumann Wesleigh Shellman Jacqueline J. Smith Ronald and Jean Lewis Margaret H. Lee, LLC Mary E. McLaughlin-Rowe Ronald Millis Chip and Jean Murphy Frances O’Leary David and Margaret Penoyer Queensborough National Bank & Trust Company Thomas E. Rushing Vicki L. Schuster Barbara H. Sheppard Jamie M. Smith Ronald and Kriss Lewis Marine Rescue Squadron Auxillary Joan McLeod Claudia T. Mills Wayne and Barbara Murphy John S. O’Leary Cleta S. Pergament Turid Quegan Ridgeland High School Class of 1953 Marcia Schuyler Elise Shernoff Jane S. Smith William and Rosemary Lewis Edwin and Iris Marion Jeanette M. McNamara James and Eleanor Mills Rita K. Murphy Jerry and Jenny O’Neil James and Joyce Perryman Sally W. Quinn Wendy Rigsby Rust Consulting, Inc. Stephen and Lynn Schwartz Jackson and Ann Sherrill Judy P. Smith Lewis Frasier Middle School Mike McNamara Charles and Rebecca Milmine Carol E. Murray Edward and Betty Odgers Wilton and Christine Persons Pamela Raines Edward Ryan Rick Schwartz Tate and Terri Shiver Karen Smith Liberty United Methodist Marjorie E. and B.H. Levy, Jr. Charitable Fund James and Laura McNeely Mr. Henry H. Minis Morgan and Anne Murray Eva S. Odrezin Patricia A. Persse W C. and Belle Ralston River Forest Ladies Golf Association Johnnie Rutledge S. Davis Associates, P.C. Walter and June Schwartz Kay T. Shockley Lucile K. Smith John G. Lientz Neal and Ruth Markowitz Jewel R. McPhail Lorane H. Minis Albert and Mary Myers Judith Odrezin Melissa Peters Jack and Diane Ramage Jeanine Roach Donald and Brenda Scott Claude and Ginger Shore Mary L. Smith Jack R. Lindley Thelma C. Marshall Beverly Y. McQueen Robert Minis Dorothy Nallow Carol Ogle Richard and Marguerite Pettway Annette Ramsberger Lawrence and Evelyn Roane James and Pamela Sahr Tassey and Margarita Salas Elaine C. Scott Don and Lucille Shubeck Jay and Nancy Smith Caroline A. Lindner Elizabeth S. Martin S. T. Mcteer William and Anne Mintz Andy and Cindy Naranjo George and Sandra Oglesby Bruce Pevey S. N. Ramsey Roane County High School Katherine L. Sale Lila Scott James and Jane Shuman Robert and Joan Smith Sandra Livernois Fran Martin Elizabeth McVey Micheal and Angelei Minutelli NATCA Local Savannah Beverly F. Ogren Carol J. Pezzi Spier and Patricia Ramsey Lillian H. Roberts Nicole Scott William Shuman Ronald and Lucy Smith Janet F. Livingston Frank and Leslie Martin Carol Meacham Phoenicia Miracle Celia D. Nathan Shirley H. Oldham John and Roberta Pezzuti Theodore and Sandra Ramstad Suzy Roberts James and Linda Sams Jeffrey R. Samuels Bonnie Screws Genevieve B. Sikes Sue Smith Pamela Logue Philip Martin Robert and Barbara Meddings John and Kathleen Miskiewicz Mark J. Nathan Furman and Iris Oliver P.C. and Bertie Phelps Sharon Rankin Roberts Truck Center, Inc. Herb and Sally Sanders Sears Retiree Club Glenn and Michelle Sikes Tenella Smith Mary W. Loncon Antoinette S. Marwitz Richard and Sandra Meek Mary R. Mixon Alvin W. Neely Jeanne Olson Ronnie and Melanie Phillips Shawn Rath James F. Robertson John M. Seckinger, Sr. David and Anne Silberman Teresa S. Smith Daniel Long Bob and Nina Massey Patricia Meharry Shirley E. Mixson Don and Helen Nelson Elizabeth L. Osborne Robert and Florence Phipps Janice J. Ratliff Herbert E. Robinson Lisa Sanders Daniel Sandler Security Specialist, Inc. Larry and Sarah Silbermann Tracie G. Smith Dolores Lopez Robert and Amy Massey Phyllis Melamed Cornell and Camille Mock Raymond and Vicki Neno Jane C. Ostlund J. C. Pickels Allan and Arlene Ratner Linda B. Robinson Lillie M. Sands Marilyn A. Seeman James E. Silva Treena and Daniel Smith William Lord Nick P. Mastopoulos Donald and Judith Melroy H C. Mock, Sr. Raymond and Carla Nesbitt Teresa and Lawrence Otwell Mary E. Pickford Harold R. Raymond Harold and Loretta Robinson Carol Santosus Seese Enterprises Inc. Robert and Ardie Simmons Trey and Kingsley Smith Richard and Mary Larson Linda Love Peter N. Mastopoulos Russell and Kaye Melroy Mock Plumbing & Mechanical Inc. Daniel and Gail Nesmith Jewel C. Owens Emily A. Pidgeon Thomas S. Larson Virginia H. Love Michael and Jean Mastroberti Emory and Vilette Melton Randolph and Ann Moffett Kathlyn G. Neverman Patsy C. Pace Martha D. Pike William and Hope Lawler William R. Love Christina R. Matias Memorial Hospital (HR Dept.) Rudolph A. Mohr Wendall P. Neville Mary K. Pacifici Miles and Sarah Pinckney Patricia M. Lawrence Carl Loven Steve and Kerrie Matthews Travis and Patti Mensik Gloria J. Molella W. L. and Shirley New Larry and Brenda Pack Louise H. Pippin Robert and Blair Lawrence Ray and Hallie Lovett Almisha S. Mattox Robert and Nancy Merchen Carrie Monday Sally Newkirk Nancy Paderewski Robert Pisarski Ann L. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lowe Henery Mausolf Bernice H. Meridth F. D. Mongin Charles and Nancy Newman Gary and Angela Page Lori H. Pitt Clara Leavengood Albert and Bette Lufburrow Linda F. Maxwell Barbara H. Merritt Kathryn L. Monlux Haywood Nichols Margee Page Robert and Barbara Plank Esther M. Lee James G. Lusk William and Jane Mayo Gail Meshaw Ivy S. Monroe Nickajack Elememtary School June L. Palmer Plumbers-Steamfitters Nancy E. Lee Vickie M. Lutes Bernice K. Mazo Joseph and Rhonda Metz Henry and Patricia Monsees Mary E. Nicol Kenneth and Constance Palmer William B. Podres Robert and Betty Lee Richard and Ann Lutz Samuel G. McCachern Patricia E. Metz Moriah Monsif Joseph and Marie Nicolato Joan Pam Riette Pollack Walter and Martha Lee Maryann Lutz Dawn M. McCall Susan E. Metzger Harry G. Moore II Stephen Niedbala John and Helen Parker Rene Lehrberger Lyn Bonham Photography, LLC. Diane McCarthy William and Melisa Metzger Barney and Margaret Moore Rich and Stephanie Noel Beth F. Leino Theresa Lynn Virginia W. McClain John Meyer Robert and Ruby Moore Danyel Lendrum Karen Macek Jeanne McCormick William and Patricia Meyer Rebecca L. Morales Thespina B. Lenehan Janet MacIver Greg McCracken Eric and Harriet Meyerhoff Ethel M. Lengyel J. W. MacKay Wiley and Jane McCrary Phillip and Rose Lengyel Michael and Ethel MacKrell Harry and Betty Lentz Julia S. Stepp Eileen Tatum Lawrence J. Weaver Elizabeth M. Wilkes A. H. and Ann Wood Frank W. Stetson Isaac and Sylvia Taubenfeld Tom Voglesonger Consulting, LLC Bobby and Deborah VanBrackle Steven Smithberg DeAnna C. Vande Linde Susan Webb Rachel Wilkes Anna Wood Christine L. Smoak Henry D. Stevens IV Beverly Taylor Deborah Tomkiewicz C. F. and Jan Vandenbulck Ken and Mary Weber Evelyn H. Willard Kathleen S. Wood Dorothy B. Snelling James and Debby Stevens Dandy Taylor Patricia Tomlin Virginia VanHouten Claire Weimmer A. R. Williams Lynn and Marshall Wood Snelson Golden Middle School Leita H. Stevens Drexel and Jenni Taylor Lara Topolski James and Ruth Vanzandt Aron G. Weiner Anne C. Williams Harriet Woodcock Barbara A. Snider Nancy and Walter Stevens Raymond Taylor, Sr. Diane Tornberg James W. Varnedoe, Jr. Barbara Williams Woodlawn Baptist Church Donald and Janice Snipes Catherine Stewart Tilmon and Verna Taylor Sharon Toth Lori A. Vaught Weiner, Shearouse, & Weitz, Greenberg & Shawe, LLP Chester and Annette Williams Judi and Ralph Woods Juene M. Snook Edwin and Iris Stewart Timothy R. Taylor John and Susan Traendly Patricia Veraldo Steve and Rosalind Weiss Frank Williams Julia F. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Snow Alice L. Steyaart Ronald and Shirley Teeple John Trakowski Gail P. Vergoz H. M. and Joy Weitman Franklin H. Williams, Jr. Peggy H. Woods Jon Weitman Kacey Ratterree, Chair Charmil Vetter Geraldine Williams Nannette J. Wray William A. Baker, Jr., Vice Chair Samuel B. Adams, Chairman Board Members and Community Members Hospice Savannah, Inc. Hospice Savannah Foundation, Inc. Charles Snyder Martha Stidham Opal Templeton L. J. and Jeanne Trapani Harry and Carol Snyder Barbara A. Stimmel Robbie and Miriam Terrell Nancy E. Treanor Kathleen Viall Charlotte M. Weitz John Q. Williams Bobbie J. Wright Paul and Jacqueline L. Soderberg Dale and Elizabeth Stone Charles Treat Herbert and Teresa Victor Elizabeth Weitz Patrick and Kristy Williams Debra N. Wright Myra Hill, Secretary E. B. (Zeke) Gaines, III, Vice Chairman †Robert and Donna Triozzi Amy Peirsol, Secretary/Treasurer Michael and Elizabeth Soltysiak Janet Stone The Exchange Club of Savannah, Inc. Irving Victor Barbara Welch Sharon Williams Tori Wright Angela H. Straight The Peiffer Family Trust Judy Triplett Paul Meyer, Treasurer Sarah Sommers Gertrude F. Viers Nancy Welcher Shirley Williams Walter G. Wright Gerald and Nancy Sonenshine Rita Strange Stacey Tripp Kathy and Steven Virant Jane T. Weldy Alan and Kay Williamson William and Carla Wurst Bruce Barragan, Member-at-Large Mildred B. Soneshine Carolyn I. Streater The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Gene and Barbara Tromly Andy and Traci Wells Deborah D. Williamson John and Margaret Wylly Julius and Agnes Sorrells Joe Strickland The Savannah Volunteer Guards Arthur and Marylou Vita Robert and Amy Tropfenbaum Benjamin S. Wells Elizabeth F. Williamson Wymberley Garden Club Jackie and Phyllis Souders Margaret Strickland The Sophisticates, Inc. - Savannah Chapter Tiffany L. Volovich Mark and Lynn Troughton Southbridge Women’s Club Carolyn L. Stripling Southeastern Freight Lines Willy and Susan Strohl Darcy Thielemann Southeastern Systems, Inc. dba Secom Melissa Strumlauf Clarence Tholstrup, Jr. Edward and Monna Suess Spanish Moss Garden Club Zena C. Tholstrup Joan C. Sullivan Dominic Spano Archie L. Thomas Joseph and Helen Sullivan Mrs. Maria T. Sparkman Ray and Sandra Thomas Luke L. Sullivan Anna Spegal Carolyn Thompson Martha L. Sullivan †Clyde M. Thompson, Jr. Max Spencer Sue E. Sullivan William B. Thee Dr. Kathleen Deloach Benton Randall K. Bart Deborah L. Wade Kirby and Diane Willis Cate Yates James and Linda Wade Wells Fargo Bank Mark Burns Pat Besser Betty Tucker Osgood and Peggy Willis Peggy A. Yates Bobby and Carolyn Tucker Wells Fargo Foundation Wilmington Island Lions Club Yates Astro Office/Sales Connie Darbyshire Dr. Martin Greenberg Robyn Wainner Robert Tucker Joan B. Waite Douglas Wendt H. A. and Susan Yeilding Dr. Roenia DeLoach Holden Hayes Robert Tucker Vicci S. Waits William and Dorothy Wentworth Wilmington Island United Methodist Church Sylvia K. Yellin Debbie B. Walden William and Karen Wessinger Barry and Kay Wilson E. B. (Zeke) Gaines, III Myra Hill Robert and Gail Tucker Mary E. Yeomans Charles and Sharlene Turner Mark West Carolyn Wilson YMCA of Coastal Georgia, Inc. Harvey Gilbert Fran Kaminsky Elaine Walden Vick and Lena Turner Roxie Walker Mary A. Westley Charles R. Wilson Matthew L. Yoakum Dr. Theodora (T.) Gongaware Myron Kaminsky David and Karen Wilson Christopher E. Klein William and Doris Wallace William and Martha Youmans Mary Tyson John and Pennelope Wilson R. Vincent Martin, III Thomas and Judith Waltman Alan White Fran Kaminsky Michaela Young William and Melissa Tyson Joan M. Wambold Gail White Larry and Caren Wilson Teri Zahn Nita Ann Klein Sandra Mayer Burton and Sylvia Udinsky Lafe P. Ward Lee A. White Doris S. Windsor Don and Edna Zehnder Judge Harris Lewis Doug McCoy Dr. David Baxter, President Helen Steward Jer Udvadia Ray and Mary Ward Mary White Edward and Amy Wing R. J. and Peggy Zeigler Eugene D. Swenson, Ph.D. Betty M. Warren Mason and Lisa White Olive L. Wing Kathy McCurry Sheri Estes, Vice President Annie M. Ulmer Carolyn Luck McElveen Joey Zglinicki Amy Underwood Robert E. White Flen and Cornelia Wingard Lauren Ziller Dr. Ramon Meguiar Caroline Nusloch E. B. (Zeke) Gaines, III, Secretary/Treasurer Burton and Patricia Warren E W. Thomson United Way of Greater Milwaukee Kermit and Joyce Warren Thomas and Ann White Kenneth and Mary Winnert Bobby and Dorothy Zipperer Joseph Roberts Elizabeth Oxnard Archie and Alta Thoria W. H. Warren, Jr. Virginia S. White Carol Wise Cliff and Suzanne Upchurch Harry B. Zittrouer Kacey Ratterree Francis and Linda Thorne Wayne E. Wise Urological Associates of Dothan, P.A. Warren Baptist Church Ray Whitehead Kevin (Bo) Russom Warwick Farms Melvin E. Whitfield Gary and Elizabeth Wisener Lynn Wirth Joseph R. (Rusty) Ross Patricia W. Whitlock Brenda Withers Sincere thanks to Dr. T. Gongaware, Dr. Elizabeth F. Thompson Spivey, Pope, Green & Greer, LLC. Ernest and Sandra Thompson Edmund N. Summers George and Patty Thompson Edward and Marguerite Swain Betty Yates Dr. Martin Greenberg Mary Summerford Gilbert and Louisa Stacy Robert G. Williamson Thurman and Sherry Wells Tina Youmans Lee and Mary Summerford Paula Swailes Jeremy and Sally Wells Garland and Regina Wilson Dan and Martha Spiro Carol S. Suttle Katherine C. Von Hollen Richard and Nancy Truluck William and Mary Wheeler Virginia O. Spilliards St. Andrew’s On The Marsh, Inc. Marcia Thompson Peter Thompson Richard and Mary Thompson D. M. and Ann Stafford Meredith L. Swinford George and Carole Staimer Timothy G. Swinson Augusta Stalnaker James and Kathleen Swittenberg Timothy Stambaugh Thoroughbred Communications, Inc. Charles and Jean Tuttle Betty Symonds Marie H. Ursprung Wiley and Judy Wasden R. E. and Amy Thorpe June B. Waters Jennifer Woelber Eugene and Katherine Szewc Jack Usher Donald and Barbara Whitman Carole Stasiulewicz Phyllis L. Tilders Samuel W. Watkins Daniel R. Woerner T. W. Erickson Foundation, Inc. Phyllis Z. Usher Patty and Robert Whitmarsh Steeps Tina L. Watkins Denise Tancredi Ronald and Lillian Usry Robert and Judy Wolf Mark and Betty Steigerwalt Norman and Eileen Tillman Laura N. Wiggins Sarah B. Tillman James A. Watson, Sr. O. A. and Andrea Wiggins Joan H. Wolfe Steve and Debbie Tant Cathalyn H. Valentine Frances Todd Leigh Watson Sandy M. Wiggins Stuart Wolfe Betty Tatgenhorst Tom Van de Ven Jeff Toline G. D. Weaver James and Elizabeth Wilbanks Edward and Barbara Wolffe Martin Stephen Lillian Stephens William A. Baker, Jr. Jerome and Nikki Wall Dolores Thompson Ralph and Emma Sprouse Floyd Adams Tybee Island Garden Club Diane C. Thompson Tom and Pattie Sullivan Thomas Spradlin Holden Hayes, Past Chair Jack Whalen Janet T. Spillane Surrency High School Class of 1947 Photo Credit: Bob Rosen Winona Smith Hospice Savannah Foundation makes every effort to report donations accurately. Please contact the Foundation at (912) 629-1055 with any questions. * Multi-year support † Deceased The Steward Center for Palliative Care, Inc. Sincere thanks to Chris Klein who is Samuel B. Adams rotating off after serving one term (three Kathleen Benton years) and Zeke Gaines who is rotating Sherry Danello off after serving two terms (six years), and Sincere thanks to Rusty Ross who is Dr. Martin Greenberg special thanks to Dr. Eugene Swenson Martin Greenberg, and Fran Kaminsky rotating off after serving six years and Christopher E. Klein who resigned (retired and moved out of who are rotating off after serving two Chris Klein who is rotating off after Dr. Grant Lewis the area) after serving a combination of serving five years. Pat Neither more than 20 years on all three boards. terms (six years). 912.355.2289 HospiceSavannahHelps.org Hospice Savannah, Inc. P.O. Box 13190 Savannah, GA 31416 Forwarding Service Request Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Savannah, Georgia Permit No. 1025
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