S ad,ilnn roolcet G drwnlog! CU^lr N evt
S ad,ilnn roolcet G drwnlog! CU^lr N evt
S ad,ilnn roolcet G drwnlog! CU^lr N evt*I.efitsr Voh,unetNoz 7O It*t'rp:Na.4 Aprfu2O7o Editor: Richard McQuate Proofreader: Fran McQuate Published 12 months a year, to provide information relating to genealogy and other special interest subjecb for members and friends of the SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club. Send comments and conections to SaddleBrooke Geneal€y Club, 63714 East Edgeview Lane, Tucson, AZ 85739-1307 e-mail: rimac@wbhsi,net, The SaddleBrooke Genealogy club is open to all SaddleBrooke residents who wish to research their ancestors. The membership consists of people just beginning their research to people who have a great deal of experience in ancestral research. Membership is limiH to residents of HOA #1 and HOA #2. Fiscal year (June l to May 31) dues are $20 per indMdual and $30 per couple. SaddleBrooke residents are invited to attend two meetings before becoming a dues paying member. Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at l:00 PM in the Coyote Room of the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse. 2009-2010 Omcers: President - Gloria Quigg; Vice-President - Dave Tiefenbach; Treasurer - Dennis Holt: Secretary - Sue NiE; Board Member-at-Large - Joann Porter. We are on the Web at sb-qenealoqy.o THURSDAY, APRTL 1,2010 SBGC MONTHLY MEETING 1:00 PM lN COYOTE ROOM OF SADDLEBROOKE CLUBHOUSE "EVALUATING GENEALOGICAL EVIDENCE' by Suzanne Young Brayer The goal of all family historians is accuracy. We want to "get it right." To do that, we need to look at all the evidence, analyze it and draw conclusions. Analyzing evidence is the topic of Suzanne Young Brayer's presentation this month. A graduate of Arizona State University, with a Bachelor of Arts in History, Suzanne continued on to receive a Master of Arts in History/Secondary Education, also from ASU. She has been a teacher of history and psychology in Arizona public schools since 1980. She and her father worked together gathering the pieces of their ancestry "puzzle" for over 20 years. Like most of us, her ancestry represents the "melting pot' of 3/29/2010 Page 2 of 4 American culture. She has Mayflower ancestors, Revolutionary War patriots and soldiers, Society of Friends, German immigrant ancestors, and the illusive Scots. She is a currently the Vice President of the Family History Society of Arizona, and President of the Paradise Valley chapter. She's also a member of the West Valley Genealogical Society, The Federation of Genealogical Societies, The lndiana Genealogical Society and the New England Historic and Genealogical Society. She not only has taught beginning genealogy classes but also history and research techniques to many groups around the Valley. TUESDAY, APRIL 6,2010 SBGC WORKSHOP by Marsha Allen 9:00 AM lN BALLROOM WEST OF THE MOUNTAINVIEW CLUBHOUSE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS APRIL 1,2O1OI The topics for this 4-hour workshop are'. 'Things I Wsh I Knew at the Beginning of My Research" and "Why Research Collateral Lines". lf you have an elusive relative, this workshop may be your answer. lf you are new to genealogy this workshop will help you get started. lf you have been doing genealogy for a while, this workshop may help you organize your approach as to who to look for and where to look for them. The cost for this workshop is $10.00 for SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club members and $15.00 for non-members. Fill out the form below and submit it to Sue Nitz, along with the workshop fee, at our April meeting. Please retum registration form and payment by April l, 2010 Mail to: Sue Nitz, 37975 S. Elbow Bend Dr., Tucson, AZ 85739 Name: Address: _State: City: Phone: Total Enclosed: Zip:_ e-mail: Make checkpayable to SBGC ELECTION OF SBGC OFFICERS FOR 2010.2011 The following slate of officer nominees will be presented at our meeting on April 1: 3/29/20t0 Page 3 President: Vice-President: Member-at-Large: Secretary: Treasurer: of4 Gloria Quigg Jim Smith Cynthia Karcher Dianne Hoedel Dennis Holt The election willtake place at our May meeting. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2O1O GREEN VALLEY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY MONTHLY MEETING 1 TO 3 PM AT ST. FRANCIS IN THE VALLEY EPISCOPAL CHURCH,600 S. LA CAfiADA DRIVE, GREEN VALLEY. From Reed Sanderson, GVGS Bob Vint will present a short talk: "Google Your Family Tree - A Must-have Book". Bob will describe the value of Google beyond searching for surnames including searching the Google online library, historical news archives, image and video archives, and maps; foreign language capabilities; blog postings; and much more! Gordon Gray will present the Main Program: "British lsles - Tips and Tools for On-Line Research". Gordon will share tips he has found useful in his British lsles research plus on-line sources. Gordon is owner of the Grayline Group, a genealogy and family history research business. He was born and raised in the Ozark Hills of Southwest Missouri and has been involved in genealogy and family history for over 40 years. He retired from a €reer in telecommunications with MCI Communications Corporation. He and his wife, Becky, divide their time between their homes in Green Valley and Colorado Springs. This is the last meeting for our 2009-10 schedule. The first meeting of the 201 0-1 1 will be October 21; we are planning for a Genealogy Fair in November. All of our meetings are open to anyone interested in searching for their ancestors. Refreshments will be served. For additional information go to www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/-azovqs/ or contact Susan at 393-3466. NEWSPAPER RESEARCH From Sandy Chan, ASGS The Bowling Green State University library has a great collection of web guides that include links to national and international online newspaper archives as well as to other primary historical sources. Many of the newspaper archives are free. lnternet Sites With Primary Sources for History (homepage): http://libgu ides. bgsu. edu/H istorvl nternet 3/29/2010 Page4 of4 U.S. Newspapers by State (one of the many pages in the United States guide): http://libquides. bgsu.edu/content. php?pid=58961 &sid=749706 THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2O1O SBGC MONTHLY MEETING "WRITE TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER FOR GENEALOGISTS' By Anna Dalhaimer Bartkowski 3/29/2010