915 Oct 7~20, 2011 - Metropolis Magazine


915 Oct 7~20, 2011 - Metropolis Magazine
Beauty Special
Building the perfect gyaru
Japan’s Nº1 English Magazine
The roots
of Japan’s
#915 Oct 7~20, 2011
Dining Out
options for
dinner & drinks
The Last Word
Cigs in the city
Tech Know
David Stanley Hewett
Exhibition of Painting and Ceramics
Takashimaya Gallery Shinjuku, October 5~18, 2011
JR Takashimaya Gallery Nagoya, January 25~31, 2012
David Stanley Hewett is one of the most well known foreign artists
in Japan. His works can be seen in the permanent collections
of the Imperial Hotel, The Okura Hotel, The Peninsula Hotel,
and numerous other public and private collections
around the world.
Do eye spy...
Metropolis Members Club
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One lucky MMC
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two in the Westin Deluxe Room
Courtesy of The Westin Tokyo
Register on the beta site for your chance to win:
Oct 7~20, 2011
Photo of the week
Send us your snaps. Check metropolis.co.jp/photo for submission guidelines.
Courtesy of Tokyo Metro
The MetPod Radio Report: your daily 3-min dose of all things
Tokyo. Listen now on our homepage or subscribe via iTunes
Public Enemy #1
Japan’s antismoking lobby
falls foul of government
By Jane kitagawa
05 Upfront
08 Global Village
08 Tech Know
12 Arts & Entertainment
Clubbing, Books, Music
27 Dining out
Restaurant Reviews,
Bar Reviews
31 ClassifiedS & JOBS
37 horoscope & mediabox
38 the last word
cover design: kohji shiikI
Gatekeeping on Ontake-san, by Bence Kovács
METROPOLIS is Japan's No.1 English magazine, founded
by Mark and Mary Devlin in 1994 and published weekly
for Japan’s international community by Metropolis KK, a
subsidiary of Japan Inc Holdings.
METROPOLIS is the only English-language magazine
in Japan certified by ABC, Audit Bureau of Circulations.
30,000 copies per printed issue guaranteed
CEO/PUBLISHER Terrie Lloyd CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Neil Butler EDITORIAL Jeff W. Richards (managing Editor)
David Labi (Editor) Akane “Margarita” Ichikawa, Kazuki Koizumi (editorial assistants) Anna Cock Gibson, Kyle
Hedlund (Proofreaders) Lisa Wallin, Helen O’Horan (INTERNS) CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Dan Grunebaum (Music &
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Tel 03-4550-2929 Fax 03-4550-2859 web www.metropolis.co.jp
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The Small Print This week’s required reading, by Reg Dunlap
It was a crucial
moment when I
wasn’t sure whether
Japan could continue to
function as a state.”
—Former PM Naoto Kan, recalling the day he was
warned Tokyo might need to be evacuated because of
the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant
Cheeky devils
ćć Customs officials at Kansai Airport busted a
Nigerian man attempting to enter the country with 86 bags of an unspecified drug in
his stomach. The would-be smuggler said “he
picked up the drugs in Paris and spent four to
five hours swallowing the small bags, washing
them down with water.”
ćć After being arrested for throwing his wife’s
corpse in Tokyo’s Oyoko River, a 61-year-old
man reportedly told police, “there is no doubt I
dumped her in the river. I’ll discuss the details
ćć A Tokyo-based software company has released
an app called Karelog that allows PC users to
monitor “the current whereabouts, phone call
logs, remaining battery power and other personal data of a smartphone’s owner.”
ćć A Tokyo woman was arrested for counterfeiting ¥10,000 bills the old-fashioned way—with a
color photocopier.
Coming and going
Louise Rouse
ćć A 65-year-old researcher at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics in
Tokyo is believed to be the last living speaker of
Worrongo, an Australian aboriginal language.
ćć The Hiroshima Prefectural Medical Association
wants to send a team of doctors to North Korea
to perform checkups on A-bomb survivors
who moved to the country.
ćć A labor ministry survey found that 74 percent
of Japanese temporary workers and part-timers
earn less than ¥2 million a year.
ćć Japan’s most unlikely new tourist destination
is a lake in Nikko that was created by rains from
a typhoon in late August.
ćć In a survey of 58 free magazines and newspapers
aimed at foreigners, the National Police Agency
found 736 advertisements promoting criminal
acts, such as overstaying visas or working in the
sex industry. (You’d never see anything like that
in Metropolis, of course.)
Foreign intrigue
ćć A 27-year-old Japanese woman studying English
at a language school in Fiji was found dead in
“unexplained circumstances.”
ćć Meanwhile, three Cameroon nationals in
Malaysia pleaded not guilty in the death of a
male Japanese tourist there in August.
ćć The Philippines deported a 34-year-old Japanese man who was wanted in Wakayama for
stealing “more than ten cars” in 2005. The man
had been living in the Philippines on an expired
passport since 2006.
ćć A 71-year-old Japanese tourist was killed after
he fell off a sightseeing trolley in Honolulu.
Your tax dollars at work
ćć It was reported that the government has allocated ¥1.5 billion in its new supplementary
budget to “counter harmful rumors relating to
the nuclear crisis.”
ćć One of the ways it will accomplish this is by
inviting “prominent users of social media sites
to Japan.”
ćć A report by the UN Human Rights Council has
found that “although the vast majority of the
population in Japan enjoys continuous access
to safe drinking water and sanitation, there are
pockets of exclusion which must be addressed.”
ćć The internal affairs ministry has announced
that Japanese people aged 65 or older spend an
average of ¥17,112 shopping online each year.
ćć The good news: TEPCO has finally started the
process of compensating individuals affected by
the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant.
ćć The bad news: the application form for receiving
compensation is 60 pages long, and it’s accompanied by a 160-page instruction manual. Locals
are said to be “furious” about the red tape.
Here and there
ćć For the third year in a row, private-sector salaries in Japan have risen. The average worker
now takes home ¥4.12 million per year.
ćć Japan and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement that will pave the way for Japanese firms
to provide “desalination of seawater, measures
against water leaks and treatment of sewage” in
the Middle Eastern kingdom.
ćć Three hundred and sixty-three passengers on
a recent ANA flight from Naha to Haneda got
an unwelcome surprise when the plane’s full
complement of emergency oxygen masks were
accidentally deployed.
ćć It was reported that the government is mulling
on a plan to discharge 70,000 mental patients
from hospitals nationwide as a way to lower its
¥1.8 trillion annual mental-health bill.
Field of screams
ćć Demonstrating a severe lack of salaryman spirit,
Nippon Ham Fighters head coach Masataka
Nashida announced that he was quitting at
the end of the season. “It’s stressful doing this
for eight years,” Nashida told reporters. “I want
to take some time off for myself.”
ćć At the time of his announcement the Fighters
had a 66-47-4 record, good for second place in
the Pacific League and all but sewing up a spot
in the Climax Series playoffs.
ćć A female high school student from Tokyo won a
gold medal at the International Earth Science
Olympics, held in Modena, Italy.
ćć For the third consecutive year, DoCoMo was
number one in JD Power’s survey of top mobile
phone services.
What’s German for
ćć It was reported that 80 out of 400 members of
the Bavarian State Opera company refused
to travel to Japa n for a tou r last mont h
because of fears of radiation. The company
airlifted bottled water from Germany for the
rest of the troupe.
ćć The incoming administration of PM Yoshihiko
Noda decided that it would not increase sanctions against North Korea, at least for now.
ćć The government has released about one-third
of the $4.4 billion in Libyan assets it had frozen
in June. It is hoping the money will be used for
humanitarian purposes.
ćć Bottom Story of the Week: “Newly Discovered
Gold Beetle Named After Author Morio Kita”
(via The Mainichi Daily News).
Compiled from reports by AP,
Japan Today, The Japan Times, The
International Herald Tribune, The Asahi
Shimbun, The Mainichi Daily News, Daily
Yomiuri, AFP, Reuters and Kyodo
� 23,000 Estimated number of visitors to “Dinosaur Kingdom Nakasato,” a fossil exhibit in the town
of Kanna, Gunma Prefecture, which opened in April � 2,500 Residents of Kanna � 8.66 million
Number of Japanese aged 80 or older, the highest total ever, according to the internal affairs ministry
� 195 Whales caught for “research purposes” by Japanese fishermen during this year’s three-month
Pacific expedition, according to the fisheries agency
04 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
people, trends & miscellany
Hiroshi Kawano
President, Sony Computer
Entertainment Japan
C. B. Liddell
Tokyo Game Show seems very busy
today. It’s almost as if the earthquake
had no effect. How did the earthquake
impact your company’s development
and launch schedule? It affected us
because a lot of the companies supplying
our components are located in affected
areas. It also affected us psychologically,
because in the springtime we thought:
can we advertise? Can we promote these
types of games? We had to stop some
titles and new software. Launch dates
were postponed. But in a lot of aspects,
we thought we had to push on, because
it’s really important to help the Japanese
economy recover. We thought our sales
in Tohoku region would be down. But we
heard voices from people in trouble, and
they wanted our products, so we saw
great sales in that area as well.
With so much new game info online,
what’s the point of a big expo like
Tokyo Game Show? It’s so fans and consumers can have a hands-on experience
with games that have not been released
yet. All these products will be launched
in December. These titles are only available here and a lot of fans really look
forward to coming here and doing this.
ways. Sometimes it’s technology-driven;
sometimes content-driven. Maybe we
wouldn’t have developed the new technology without the strong demand from
the content side.
Some game makers have decided that
3-D is the way forward. How about
Sony? We’re not Nintendo! But if you
check our picture quality, you’ll feel
some 3-D effects from the depth, and the
beautiful, detailed pictures. 3-D is sometimes artificial. It can be difficult for the
customer because, if they move, the 3-D
doesn’t work. We don’t call our picture
3-D—but it’s still amazing.
There are three major game shows in
the world. Unlike E3 in North America
and Gamescom in Europe, is Tokyo
Game Show more for the domestic
market? As you see here most of the visitors are Japanese and this show is for
Japan. For example, if we had this type
of exhibition in Hong Kong, very few
Japanese consumers would go to Hong
Kong. Even though this is in Tokyo, we
also get a lot of requests from people in
the rest of Japan, asking us to come to
them. So, after TGS, we are going to have
a caravan show to bring the Vita to five
different cities.C. B. Liddell
movie news
Cinema fans hell-bent on scaring themselves senseless ahead of Halloween
will be sitting on the edge of their seats
on October 8, as Shin-Bungeiza in Ikebukuro (3F, 1-43-5 Higashi-Ikebukuro
Toshima-ku; www.shin-bungeiza.com)
runs a late-night marathon of classic
Italian horror flicks. Festivities kick off
at 10:30pm with Mario Brava’s Bay of
Blood (1971; pictured), which is believed
to have inspired the Friday the 13th
franchise, and wind up at 6am, when
everyone in the audience will likely be
too scared to get any shuteye… A taste
of Latin cinema can be savored as the
2011 Cinema Brasil Festival is held at
Shibuya’s Eurospace (1-5 Maruyamacho, Shibuya-ku; www.eurospace.co.jp),
October 15-21. Highlights include The
© Nuova Linea Cinematografica
cinematic underground
What kind of feedback have you
been getting? We get a lot of feedback
through our community site after the
show, but we have already heard that
fans are really excited. We are launching
our new platform, the PlayStation Vita,
with 26 new titles. In the past, when new
platforms were launched, only two or
three titles were available—this coming
December, there will be 26 titles. It’s a
more integrated approach, and satisfies
different needs.
Do the 26 new games designed specifically for the Vita use its new features?
Mostly yes. For example the back touch
panel, the front touch panel, and the gyro
sensor—those are the unique features
that only Vita has, so a lot of game publishers have updated existing games and
made new ones. About half the titles are
entirely new, but in the case of existing
games, the new experience is so different that, from our point of view, they’ve
become totally different games. Anyway,
the customer will decide whether this is
exciting or not, and this is something they
are checking now.
It sounds like console hardware development is driving gaming software
development. I think it works both
Supreme Happiness, a family drama set in
the last days of WWII, and One Night in 67,
a documentary about a singing contest
that had a lasting influence on Brazilian
popular music. (http://2011.cinemabrasil.info/)… A film will offer a glimpse into
a little-known country when Shibuya’s
Image Forum (2-10-2 Shibuya, Shibuyaku; www.imageforum.co.jp) screens the
Kyrgyz drama Light Thief from October
8. Director Aktan Arym Kuba plays an
electrician in rural Kyrgyzstan, often providing villagers with power by stealing it
from the town hall, and helping them with
their non-electric problems as well.
Unless otherwise noted, Japanese films
are shown without English subtitles and
non-English language films are shown
with only Japanese subtitles. Kevin Mcgue
Tom Yoda, the chairman of the
Tokyo International Film Festival
(TIFF), has launched the Arigato
Project as a way of thanking
members of the international film
community for their messages of
hope and support following the
March 11 natural disasters. Yoda
visited the Cannes Film Festival
in May to announce the project.
“I believe that film is important in
difficult times and has the power
to heal and encourage Japan,”
Yoda said, explaining his decision
not to cancel the festival despite
the ongoing reconstruction. “Our
mission this year, therefore, is to
seek out and exhibit the same level
of high-quality films that we did
last year.” Festival goers at Cannes
who made donations to the Arigato
Project received lime-colored
wristbands with “thank you” written
in Japanese and several other
languages. Donations were also
accepted at the Japanese Movie
and TV Week in Shanghai in June,
and flashes of green were spotted
around the wrists of directors such
as John Woo and Sang-Il Lee. The
project will wrap up during the 24th
TIFF, which will be held October
22-30 at Roppongi Hills and other
nearby venues. Proceeds go to the
Japanese Red Cross. http://www.
tiff-jp.net/en KM
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 05
people, Trends & MIscellany
Five ways to kick your habit
Buying an ashtray in order to stop
smoking may not be such a ridiculous
contradiction—at least according to
trinket-factory Sunart. Adorned with
explanatory graphs and charts, the
Risks of Tobacco Ashtray lets its users
know exactly what dangers their habit
could lead them into. ¥1,365, available
from Rakuten.
When you feel the urge to buy smokes, put
the cash instead into the cigarette vending machine-like Nonsmoking Bank.
Within a month you’ll have enough to
buy your child a new bike, or embark on
a 12-hour drinking binge—whichever you
prefer. ¥1,050, available from Amazon.
Battle of the vices: to satisfy one’s sweet
tooth or those pesky nicotine cravings?
At only 15 calories a pop, packed full of
piney goodness and, apparently, perfectly suitable for children, Maruman’s
No Smoking Support Candy should
help you make the right choice. ¥278 (7
pieces), available from www.kenko.com
If therapy is too expensive, your loved
ones can't stand you and your friends
are bored, seek support in everyone's
new best mate, the smartphone. Since
iQuit will support you in your nonsmoking, keeping track of the time, estimating
the amount of money you save and generally being an electronic shoulder to cry
on when you've bitten your nails through
to the knuckle. Free, from iTunes.
EBES Corporation
"You can fool everyone but not yourself,”
is the convincing argument of My Figure, who—get this—will hand make your
Kin’en Figure based on photos of your
face and head. This little charlie will then
sit on your desk, proudly grinning over a
proportionally massive cigarette that he
or she has broken over their knee. How
could you spark one up with your motivational mini-me staring you in the face?
¥6,970, from myfigure.jp.
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 07
Global Village The International Community’s Bulletin Board
Amnesty Internatio
AI celebrates 50
years of fighting
for human rights
and dignity
By Gianni Simone
Gianni Simone
Courtesy of Amnesty International Japan
mnesty International, one
of the largest non-governmental organizations in
the world, has been monitoring and fighting human rights
abuses since 1961. To celebrate its
50th anniversary, AI Japan will be
hosting a solo concert by famous
violinist Atsuko Tenma on October
12. Prize-winning veteran Tenma
took up the instrument at six years
old, and is admired for her strong
stage presence and prolific and highselling releases. Famously, she plays
with a late Stradivarius violin and
employs the bow used by legendary
master Eugene Ysaye.
For AIJ’s newly appointed executive director, Hideki Wakabayashi
(pictured), this milestone is a chance
both to look back at what has been
achieved so far and to look forward
to the challenges lying ahead. “One
of our top priorities,” Wakabayashi
says, “is to expand the concept of
human rights. The death penalty and
discrimination against minorities
are probably the two main things
that come to mind, but we can’t forget other issues. So, in accordance
with AI’s international Demand Dignity campaign, we are concentrating
on problems such as women’s reproductive rights, gender inequality,
and temporary labor.
“Think about karoshi (death by
overwork), or the huge discrepancy
between regular workers on one side
and temporary or part-time workers
on the other. We believe that these
too are human rights violations that
need to be addressed.”
Wa kabayash i’s u nique background is probably one of the reasons
for his particular interest in social
and economic problems: after graduating from Waseda University he first
joined Yamaha Corporation, where
he became assistant secretary of the
company’s labor union, before going
Other tremendous uses, seen on
thousands of vids already up on YouTube, are multiplayer shooting games
and maneuvering competitions where
your drone flies around sensor-equipped
obstacles. Expect way more in the future,
though what disappointed us for now
was the impossibility of recording or
streaming the video taken by the drone’s
cameras. Apparently this is just a limitation of the iPhone 4, and it’s currently
possible with the iPad 2—one presumes
the iPhone 5 might have something to
say about this.
Don’t worry about evolving technology making your drone obsolete,
firmware updates are available and can
be effected neatly through your smart
device. Check out some video of us
wreaking havoc with the AR. Drone at
Tech Know
Parrot AR. Drone
Wi-Fi-controlled smart-powered
By David Labi
eeing the “augmented reality”
quadrocopter hovering in front
of you, sussing you out on its
front-end camera, gives you one
of those “my god the future is here” tingles
down your spine. It’s reminiscent of the
buzzing seeker robots in Terminator’s
vision of the future, and its not hard to
imagine these things put to military use.
You might think of it as a remotecontrol f lyin g vehicle —we do — but
Parrot bills their AR. Drone as “The Flying Video Game,” which speaks to the
potential they see for its exploitation
by all manner of independently created
games and applications. Right now,
we’re content to use it for its crazy flying
and filming capabilities.
On the touchpad of your iPhone, iPad
or iPod Touch—and in the future, anything with Wi-Fi capabilities will be made
compatible—the feed from the drone’s
front-facing and down-facing cameras
appears (you can switch between them
or view split screen). There are two touch
screen buttons for control on the iPhone
app. One swivels, elevates and descends.
The other accelerates—quite terrifyingly
for newbies. The device comes with an
aerodynamic hull for outdoor swooping
and a four-ring lightweight protector for
indoor operations (caveat: don’t use anywhere where a mini windstorm could
pose a problem).
08 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
onal Japan
probably need to tackle some more
intermediate issues first.”
Domestically, AIJ is currently
working for the establishment of a
Human Rights Commission that,
ideally, would be independent from
the Ministr y of Justice. Another
important issue is the taping of interrogations to avoid police abuse and
miscarriages of justice. “My hope,”
Wakabayashi says, “is that through
these little steps people will eventually understand what human rights
are and why t hey are so important. Hopefully more people in the
future will realize that the only way
in which we can affect a change is
through direct participation.”
AIJ will also continue to act as a
watchdog on international issues.
Among the events for the half-centenary celebrations, AIJ has organized
a national “speech tour” featuring two
activists from Nigeria and Myanmar.
The tour will touch nine cities nationwide and will take place in Tokyo
twice: on October 29 and November 6.
• Atsuko Tenma’s solo violin
concert. Oct 12, 6:30pm, ¥4,500
(¥4,000 advance). Tsuda Hall,
1-18-24 Sendagaya, Shibuyaku. Tel. 03-3402-1851. Nearest
stn: Sendagaya or Kokuritsu
• Speech tour in Tokyo. Oct 29 &
Nov 6. Tel: 03-3518-6777.
Email: [email protected].
• www.amnesty.or.jp
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on to work for the Japanese Electrical
Electronic and Information Union
(Denki Rengo). Then, after being
elected to the Upper House of the
National Diet in 2001 as a member
of the Democratic Party of Japan, he
became the shadow cabinet’s Senior
Vice Minister of Finance.
Wakabayashi insists t hat his
past political activity with the DPJ
is not going to affect his work with
AIJ. “Amnesty is an independent
organization with no political affiliations. For example, even though we
don’t have a lot of resources, we don’t
accept any kind of financial aid from
the government.”
Unfortunately, Japan is one of
the weak links in AI’s three millionstrong international organization.
Although representing the tenth
most popu lated cou nt r y i n t he
world, the AIJ’s members number
a paltry 6,500. Part of the reason for
this is that NGOs in Japan don’t have
a long history. Most were founded in
the 1980s or later, and many people
still don’t know what they really are
or what they do. Neither do they have
much of a conception of Amnesty
outside its famed struggle against
the death penalty. But Wakabayashi
aims to broaden the issues under
examination. “The death penalty is a
symbol of our struggle but it is also
very divisive,” he explains. “This
doesn’t mean we won’t keep fighting
toward its abolition; it’s just that we
Bespoke Tailor
Find the latest prices at:
DIRECT • 10/15-12/15 DAILY
Parrot AR. Drone, ¥30,780 from Amazon. Also available from Toys R Us.
Call center. Tel: 03-3585-6609. Email: [email protected].
Open Mon-Fri 9:30-noon & 1-6:30pm. http://ardrone.parrot.com
DIRECT • 11/15,16,18,22-25,28-12/16 MON,WED-FRI
DIRECT • 10/11-14 DAILY
FRANKFURT/ ¥52,000~
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HANOI 10/11-31 DAILY
10/14-12/16 MON-FRI
DELHI *Jet Airways ¥49,500~
DIRECT • 10/10-31 DAILY
• Price rather proscriptive
• The excitement might fade after
a couple of weeks
• You need really big spaces to
truly zoom
• Some will not get the hang of
the controls
• No streaming or recording of video
possibilities on iPhone 4
DIRECT • 10/16-31 DAILY
DIRECT • 10/16-31 SUN,MON
• You’ve never seen anything
so exciting
• Potential is huge—open development
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• Fairly easy to control—after a fashion
DIRECT • 10/10-31 DAILY
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DIRECT • 10/11-30 DAILY
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BUSAN *until 10/13 ¥16,000~ MADRID/
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Taxes are not included in the above prices. Prices may change depending on your return date.
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#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 09
Public Enemy #1
Courtesy Tokyo Metro
Antismoking proposals
are stubbed out by
the government-big
business alliance
By Jane Kitagawa
or Japanese fashion designer Juri Satou,
who recently moved to New York City,
recently-passed laws there banning smoking in city parks, beaches, and other public spaces
took her by surprise. “Lots of people ignore the
laws, risking the $50 fine,” she told Metropolis.
“Anyway, you can smoke when you’re walking on
the street. It’s strange! But for me, the most annoying thing is that I can’t smoke in nightclubs.”
Yet in Japan, these rules are inversed—smoking is highly regulated in public spaces, but a
practical free-for-all indoors. This can cause horror in visiting nonsmokers, or pleasure for those
tobacco fiends among us.
“It all harks back to a decision made in 2002
by Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, penalizing smoking in
busy areas,” begins Dr. Manabu Sakuta, chairman
of the Japan Society for Tobacco Control (JSTC).
Established in 2003, the JSTC is an NGO comprised
mostly of health and legal professionals, which
boasts tobacco industry whistleblower Dr. Jeffrey
Wigand (The Insider) as honorary advisor. Chiyoda’s
law, the first of its kind, classified 25 percent of the
ward as nonsmoking, including the surroundings
of Akihabara and Ochanomizu stations.
“Governments realized it was easier to enforce
smoking laws in public spaces, and Japan Tobacco
[JT] has lobbied vigorously against changes being
made to smoking laws in restaurants and pubs,”
adds JSTC executive secretary Kyoichi Miyazaki.
A telling example is that of Kanagawa Prefecture, whose April 2010 law banning smoking
in public facilities such as hotels, restaurants
and pubs, was watered down after an outcry. In
the end, the provision of nonsmoking areas was
allowed in place of a total ban.
“JT created a scare campaign and told restaurant owners that they would lose customers if they
became nonsmoking,” says Miyazaki. He goes
on to cite figures disproving this claim. Newly
nonsmoking venues even stand to gain new customers—for example from families. “We’ve heard
that even smokers appreciate the taste of food in
nonsmoking restaurants!” Miyazaki laughs.
n a country where the Ministry of Finance
controls a majority stake in Japan Tobacco
and determines all tobacco business policies, it’s no surprise that further nonsmoking
legislation is difficult to pass. Add the Tobacco
Business Law of 1984, created to “promote the
sound development of the Japanese tobacco
Kin'en Time (“Nonsmoking time”), 1982
industry,” and it’s no surprise the JTSC’s lobbying doesn’t get very far.
Though the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)
calls for abolishing the Tobacco Business Law,
which allows the government to own more than
half of Japan Tobacco’s outstanding shares and
recommends that tobacco-related issues be
included in the health portfolio, the Finance Ministry is extremely reluctant to let go of its money.
10 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
One of JTSC’s aims is to move tobacco jurisdiction
from the Finance Ministry to the Health Ministry.
Doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
Although Japan signed and ratified the WHO’s
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
(FCTC) in 2004, it was successful in passing through
amendments. In turn, the JSTC has submitted its
own bills—four of them to be exact—as proposed
amendments to the Tobacco Business Law.
Smoke Stats
Courtesy Tokyo Metro
But don’t expect too much change from a government that only acknowledged the health risks
of smoking in 1987, when antismoking groups
convinced WHO to sponsor a global tobacco conference in Tokyo. Discussions that the Finance
Ministry sells its stake in Japan Tobacco (also
part of the DPJ manifesto) might be the only hope,
though this plan would need the support of opposition parties to go ahead.
Japan Tobacco is the world’s third biggest tobacco
company (behind Philip Morris International and
British American Tobacco)
JT’s yearly profit: nearly $3 billion
Source: Al Jazeera
BEATING The bad guys
53.6% of smokers questioned stocked up on
cigarettes before last year’s price hike
Source: www.dims.ne.jp
Gaman kuraiwa heno kappa (“I can resist”), 1979
Courtesy Tokyo Metro
oth the DPJ and rival party the Liberal
Democratic Party (LDP) have connections with the tobacco industry or unions,
whose income they claim to be in favor of protecting. Though proposed antismoking legislation
contains provisions to find alternative crops for
tobacco farmers in order to safeguard their livelihood, JT’s aggressive international outsourcing
proves that protecting local industry is not what is
really at stake here. Farms in Japan supply a third
of JT’s tobacco needs, with the rest sourced from
Africa, India and other countries.
No. of people who smoke in Japan: nearly 30 million
Percentage of men: 43%
Percentage of women: 13%
Percentage of Japan Tobacco controlled by the
Finance Ministry: 50.2 %
No. of cigarettes consumed per year: around 350
Per capita cigarette consumption per year: 2770
Average cost of pack: ¥420
Current revenues from tobacco in Japan: around
¥2.3 trillion
Tobacco tax per year: about ¥1.5 trillion
Percentage of govt. total revenue: 3%
Source: http://factsanddetails.com
Anti up
Non- and antismoking groups and resources
Japan Society for Tobacco Control
30-5-201 Ichigaya-Yakuoji
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Email: [email protected]
Metropolitan Association on Smoking or Health
2-1-4-203 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 03-32226781. Email: [email protected].
Dr. Manabu Sakuta, chairman
Japan Society for Tobacco Control
Tobacco nanka su monkey (“You can't dare
me to smoke”), 1980
Courtesy Tokyo Metro
Domestically, JT is active on a corporate social
responsibility level, though this tends to lend
an extra perversity to their insidious methods.
Miyazaki tells of when he was asked to give a talk
for a heart disease foundation at a JT-funded university in Shibuya.
The Tax Commission held hearings during September to discuss ways in which to raise funds for
reconstruction in the wake of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, as well as how to ameliorate
the nation’s ballooning public debt and social welfare costs. Health Minister Yoko Komiyama said
tobacco taxes should be raised until the average
price for a pack of cigarettes is about ¥700 or 75 percent more than now—to help with medical costs.
Naturally the JSTC wholeheartedly supports this
measure. Komiyama also tabled the idea of increasing tobacco levies by ¥100 annually for three years.
In the end, it might well be the pocket that is the
most effective antismoking measure of all. In an
October 2010 Dimsdrive Research survey, 31.3 percent of respondents said they would quit smoking if
a packet of cigarettes cost between ¥701 and ¥999.
Homu de concon (“Can-can smoke”), 1979
Saitama citizens’ Meeting for Health and Nonsmoking
Contact: Yukio Soneda. Tel: 048-654-7422.
TMKC (Chiba citizens’ nonsmoking group)
Contact: Yoichi Shimasaki. 301-59, Maekaizukacho,
Funabashi-shi, Chiba. Email: [email protected].
Tobacco Problems Information Center (TOPIC)
TOPIC holds regular meetings, with themes including
how to encourage nonsmoking; changes needed to
combat Japan’s cigarette problem; analysis of tobaccorelated media; passive smoking and health-related
issues, etc.
Contact: Bungaku Watanabe. 2-1-4-203 Iidabashi,
Chiyoda-ku. Tel: 03-3222-6781.
Email: [email protected].
Next meeting: Fri, October 21, 6:30-8:30pm. Fujimi
Citizens’ Hall, 1-6-7, Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku. 03-3263-3841.
Closest station: Iidabashi. Entry ¥300, ¥200 (students).
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 11
Arts & Entertainment All the best in arts & culture across the metropolis
Nightlife hasn’t
been the same
since Tokyo
Hottie hit town
By Don Crispy
okyo has its trainspotting, head-in-the-mixer
DJs. Then there’s Tiffany
Rossda le, a ka Tok yo
Hottie. As often as not
spotted behind the decks in a bikini,
Rossdale has breathed new life into
our city’s club scene since starting her
Tokyo Fashionista events a few years
back. Metropolis caught up with the
Filipino-American fashion modelcum-impresario on the eve of her
third anniversary event—which also
happens to be her birthday party.
Who exactly is DJ Tiffany Rossdale and how did you come to be
the Tokyo Hottie? DJ Tiffany Rossdale or Tokyo Hottie is a fun, witty,
energetic model/entertainer/producer who plays funky, danceable
tracks in her hot bikini! My closest
friends conv inced me to use the
nickname Tok yo Hottie. It might
have something to do with the provocative outfits…
What was the motivation to start
Tokyo Fashionista? W hen I first
hosted Tokyo Fashionista, I never
expected it would be a hit. But the
first time it was a huge success.
Doing a fashion event is not easy
because you have to deal with so
many things. I get tired sometimes
Reimagining Japan:
The Quest for a
Future that Works
Reviewed by Jeff W. Richards
Edited by Clay Chandler, Heang
Chhor, and Brian Salsberg (VIZ
Media LLC, 2011, 452pp, ¥3,180)
t would be nice if people considered Metropolis a “think
tank.” Then, when we called
for submissions on “reimagining Japan,” we would receive
articles not only from our fantastically talented pool of underpaid
contributors, but also from Pulitzer
Prize winners like John W. Dower,
Paul J. Ingrassia and David E. Sanger;
like Softbank’s Masayoshi Son and
Fast Retailing’s Tadashi Yanai; topselling au courant Japanese culture
stars like Natsumi Iwasaki (What if
a Female Manager of a High School
Baseball Team Read Drucker’s ‘Management’?); alpha dog CEOs from
12 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
companies as varied as Nissan, Cisco
and even Starbucks, all alongside a
liberal dose of high-end academics
and foreign policy experts vying to
have their opinions heard.
Global management consulting firm McKinsey, however, does
have think tank cred and when they
decided to tackle Japan’s struggle
w ith change—the rise of China,
and an increasingly competitive
global economy—they tapped the
aforementioned luminaries for contributions. Now, they have published
over 80 of them in Reimagining Japan:
The Quest for a Future That Works.
As they were going to print in
March, the trifecta of disasters hit—
earthquake, tsunami and nuclear
meltdown. Re-editing the articles
probably didn’t make much difference, as the bulk of contributions
hammer home familiar topics: how
Japan needs to become more “open,”
how it needs to expand its biggest
untapped workforce—women, how
it needs stop relying on manufacturing and become more innovative in
its exports, and how the political
system is in dire need of true leaders. Indeed, these themes reappear
page after page in Reimagining
Japan, and reflections on the disaster are often just lip-service intros
to the articles, especially in the
first chapter.
Ever ybody, it seems, has an
opinion on change for Japan. Howard Shultz of Starbucks uses his
column inches (“Finding The Perfect Blend”) as marketing blag for
his ubiquitous coffee behemoth,
concluding only that Japan should
rely on its traditional values of
work ethic and attention to detail
(I’m not sure he has ever truly seen
a Japanese office at “work”…).
Others opinions are not so mild.
Masayoshi Son’s brief missive
(“Beyond Nuts and Bolts”) sums up
the thoughts of most Japan techies:
that IT and pharmaceuticals are the
bankable industries, and that fishing and farming are dying ones. Oh,
and everyone should emulate Apple
and reward entrepreneurship by
thought it would be the end. Most
of my crew are gaijin and half the
people who come to my events are,
too. Some left for a while, but most
came back. When we did our Tokyo
Fashionista Model Charity Auction
last spring, we were able to gather
some cash to send to Tohoku. A few
of my crew even went to Tohoku to
help: people like my regular models Dean Newcombe, Justin Berti
and DJ Dominic Allen.
What is right and wrong with the
Tokyo club scene? I still don’t get
the strictness of the Japanese when
it comes to loud music. As an event
producer, it’s hard to find spots to do
Tokyo Fashionista. I also think that
it’s right to check IDs, but some clubs
make too much of it. Spiking drinks
around Roppongi bars and clubs has
also been an issue for years. How
can we get more people going out
in the area if this keeps happening?
What kind of vibe can we expect
when Tiffany Rossdale is behind
the decks? I play fresh Billboard top
tracks or sexy electro. I am not really
a pro DJ, but I know what my crowd
wants to hear. And I feel happy when
I see everyone on the dance f loor,
and the smiles on their faces. It’s a
different kind of excitement and I
really enjoy it.
Tokyo Fashionista Third Anniversary Party “The House of Bunnies”
at Space Shower Diner TV, Oct 15.
See club listings for details. www.
lifting taxes on stock options, thereby
encouraging young companies and
IPOs to sprout. At least he adopts an
“it’s not too late” tone.
Fast Retailing’s Tadashi Yanai’s
simple takeaway? “My advice to young
people is simple: get out of Japan.”
Ot her standouts in t he book
include contributions from popular
foreign writers Robert Whiting and
Alex Kerr. The former’s piece looks
at how Hideki Nomu changed the
perception of the Japanese towards
international professional sports,
paving the way for the superstar
Ichiro Suzukis, Mao Asadas and Ryo
Ishikawas of today. He goes on to
explore the perception of Japanese
people on their countr y’s global
competitiveness in general. Meanwhile, Kerr’s “Japan After People” is
a sci-fi piece spin off of the History
Channel documentary series Life
After People, which projects how the
world would change were humankind to disappear.
Other highlights were the chapters “Refreshing The Talent Pool”
a nd “Rei nv igorat i ng Societ y.”
T he s e pre s ent more for w a rd
t h i n k i ng , opposi ng , but em inently readable articles about the
directions Japan can and should
be taking.
If you have even a passing interest on what some of Japan’s—and
the world’s—movers and shakers
think about the country’s future,
there’s plenty to digest here. Unfortunately, this is not a book easily
read on a packed train during your
morning commute. At 452 glossy
hardbound pages, Reimagining
Japan packs a lot of weight, both
literally and figuratively. It might
be a good idea then to heed the
contributors arguing that Japan
ride the technological bandwagon,
and purchase the more portable
e-reader edition. That might make
reimagining Japan—and rereading the book—easier, especially if
you navigate the country’s societal
and technological changes daily.
Available at major bookstores
and via Amazon.
Owl City
Small-town boy Adam Young makes
good with a big heart
By Dan Grunebaum
da m You ng , ot her w ise
known as the electronic pop
artist Owl City, wasn’t prepared for the quadruple-platinum
success of his 2009 hit single “Fireflies.” But how do you ready yourself
for the kind of attention generated by
50 million YouTube hits?
“At the time this started to catch
fire, I hadn’t really done anything
to prepare for what was to come,”
he answers down the line from his
hometown of Owatonna, Minnesota,
where he found success writing songs
in his folks’ basement. “I did play in a
handful of local bands in high school
in people’s basements and coffee
shops, but that was about the only
experience I’d had performing.”
Young adds that he was the least
likely of candidates for a whirlwind
pop career. “I am a very introverted,
homebody of a guy,” he says. “The
first time I flew on an airplane was
when I went to New York. But the first
show I played as Owl City, I showed
up at a sold-out room of about 700
people and I remember thinking,
‘Wow, despite it being terrifying, that
was so much fun.’ I called my manager and told him, ‘if there is a way, I
want to keep doing this.’”
As small as his ambitions may
have initially been, Young’s songs
had the effortlessly catchy hooks,
t he clever, idiosy ncratic ly rics,
and easily digestible electronic
pop signatures—he cites US band
The Postal Service and Europop as
influences—that allowed them to
resonate worldwide.
What he did need was an avenue
to reach beyond rural Minnesota—
something that MySpace provided
in spades at the time of its peak
penetration around 2007. “When
the music started to connect with
people,” he says about nights spent
uploading songs after finishing his
day job loading Coke onto trucks,
“I thought, ‘I am going to do everything I can to make this music thing
work for as long as I can, because I
really don’t love the whole warehouse lifestyle.’”
With this sudden success, Young
moved out of his folks’ place—but
he decided to stick with his hometown. “It feels so right for me that I
never found myself entertaining the
thought of moving anywhere else,”
he says. “Whenever I’m in a big city
on tour—a place like New York or
LA—it just feels too big. My hometown really is just a perfect match.”
Young returns for a second tour
of Japan with his new album All
Things Bright and Beautiful, the
follow-up to his 2009 smash Ocean
Eyes. While not charting as consistently, it’s still generating millions
of views on YouTube.
Among its songs is the upbeat
and overtly religious “Galaxies.”
Young’s Christianity is likely lost
on Japanese listeners, but it’s something he doesn’t attempt to hide.
“For me, the fact is that I’m a person
of faith and that my faith has always
been very influential in my life,” he
explains. “I feel like if I were ever to
mask that fact, it would be almost
a crime. It’s never been something
that I’ve wanted to go out and preach
to somebody, but for me it’s always
been influential on the art I create.”
What words of advice does one
of the early social networking stars
have for those who would follow in
his footsteps? “I would say make sure
that you are creating the sort of music
you want to hear both as an artist and
as the audience,” he answers.
“I’ve t ried to make sure I’m
writing heartfelt and pure songs,
regardless of whether radio stations
or record labels are into them.”
Stellar Ball, Oct 22. See concert
listings (popular) for details.
Courtesy of Smash
and think of stopping. But people’s
warm support keeps us doing it.
Tell us about your first Tokyo Fashionista and how it has evolved. The
first time I did Tokyo Fashionista I
only had female gaijin bikini models in my show. It was a hit with the
guys. But then I thought: how about
the girls? So I put male gaijin models in the show and they loved it. We
also started having clothing brands
sponsor the show, like Desigual,
Billabong, and Von Zipper. Now, I’m
starting to release my own line.
What have been the wildest and
sexiest Fashionista moments? Oh,
t here’s plent y. W hen we did our
first anniversary, I asked two of my
sexy models (one male, one female)
to do naked sushi. It was a big hit!
Another time I was wearing this fab
kimono dress for the show finale,
guarded by my two hunk models.
I took of f my k i mono a nd went
topless while a professional calligrapher drew on my back.
Give us a peek backstage at Tokyo
Fashionista. That’s a place you don’t
want to go! Clothes and makeup
everywhere; performers and models
all over the place. I guess it’s because
me and my crew have all bonded,
so we can do all the crazy stuff, like
drinking Jäger bombs… walk ing
around naked… making out… But
before we hit the stage, I remind
everyone to be serious.
How has t he qua ke i mpac ted
upon Tokyo Fashionista? I never
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 13
In celebration of
This fall, enjoy the most esteemed races of
the JRA racing calendar
Note: No minors allowed.
Dress code: Suit and tie for gents, suitable dress
for ladies.
Listen to InterFM’s JRA Sound of Thoroughbred for
information about the next event Sunday, Nov 13
n entry fee of just ¥200 gets you through the
door and gives you access to almost all the
facilities and activities the racecourse has to
offer. Whether you’re there for business (that is,
betting) or leisure, stop by the information desk
first thing and pick up all the English goodies that
the JRA has on offer, including maps, guides and
betting-card overlays. Betting is as easy for the
beginner as it is for the expert, and many have
been known to experience a bit of “beginner’s
luck” on their first visit. Betting can be made
easily at several machines around the ground,
with step-by-step help from your pamphlet.
With betting card in hand, it’s time to head
for the stands. The main Fujiview Grandstand,
te 2 0
HigashiFuchu stn
Fuchukeiba-seimon-mae stn
Keio lin
Main Gate
Shinto Shrine
Whereas the spring showcases the
youngsters, the fall season’s drop
in temperatures brings high points
of racing for the older horses, and with them,
three of the Japan Racing Association’s (JRA)
most prestigious events—the Tenno Sho, the
Japan Cup, and the Arima Kinen. On Sunday,
October 30, Tokyo hosts the autumn version of
the Tenno Sho, or Emperor’s Cup, considered
by many of Japan’s horsemen to be racing’s most
coveted prize. It is also considered one of the
most difficult races due to its starting point just
before the turn into the backstretch. Tenno Sho,
while the very name stirs feelings of national
pride, it is its roll call of champions that stirs the
hearts of racing fans, for they remember not only
the giants that made it to the winner’s circle but
also the giants who raced alongside them. It’s
history—and history in the making.”
Ro u
Fuchu Street
For details visit:
Fuchu stn
ino li
Date: Sunday Oct 23
Venue: JRA Tokyo Racecourse
Access: Take the Keio line from Shinjuku station to
Higashi-Fuchu and transfer to the Keio Keibajo line,
getting off at Fuchu Keiba Seimon-mae station.
s a sh
horoughbred racing returns to
Tokyo for the Emperor's Cup and
InterFM wil be there broadcasting
exclusive coverage of the events live
from the racecourse to help you get
the most enjoyment out of these
prestigious and historical races.
JRA Sound of Thoroughbred is an
all-English show hosted by Tokyo-expat-scene
guru Guy Perryman. Enjoy some foreignercentric info about the race, a guide for beginners,
and of course, all of the up-to-date breaking
news. The second show of the series promises
to bring the excitement and electric atmosphere
of the Tenno Sho (Autumn Emperor’s Cup) to
life as fans cheer on their favorites! Last year’s
Emperor’s Cup winner was Buena Vista—who
will take her place in the winner’s circle this year?
Don’t miss any of the action with InterFM’s
JRA Sound of Thoroughbred live coverage, on-air
from 3pm on October 30. InterFM will follow
up these broadcasts with two others this year:
the International Invitational Japan Cup race on
November 27, and the Grand Prix Arima Kinen
on Christmas Day.
West Gate
East Gate
South Gate
Featured Race Schedule
@ Tokyo Racecourse
Oct 9
Oct 10
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 22
Oct 23
Oct 30
Mainichi Okan (G2)
Mile Championship Nambu Hai
Tokyo High-Jump (J-G2)
Fuchu Himba Stakes (G2)
Saudi Arabia Royal Cup Fuji Stakes (G3)
Kikuka Sho (Japanese St. Leger) (G1)
(Simulcast from Kyoto)
Tenno Sho (Autumn) (G1)
combined with the connected Memorial 60
Grandstand, is an enormous ten-story complex
that’s like a cross between a gleaming airport
terminal and a Las Vegas shopping mall.
Stretching for what seems like miles, this
coliseum-like hub offers race-goers a number of
venues to chow down, shop or just lounge around.
It also has what may be the largest public seating
area in Greater Tokyo, with benches, chairs and
tables filling open spaces and lining hallways.
This is the perfect place to kick back and relax,
or take a hint from the locals and give some
intense study to that betting guide and event info.
Either way, you’re off to the races at the Autumn
Emperor’s Cup, an enjoyable and exciting event
for the whole family—and the most anticipated
day of racing on the calendar!
#915 ● wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP ● 15
By Dan Grunebaum
Nevin Aladag Raise the Roof, 2007
Digital Content
Expo 2011
Playing among
the Ruins
� Where is Japanese high technology headed?
Join 20,000 or so curious people in taking a peek
at the future of hi-tech at the upcoming Digital
Content Expo 2011. Beginning with gaming, the
three-day event goes on to take in everything from
virtual reality to the latest in biotechnology. This
year’s version is themed around bridging the gap
between prototype technology and real world
applications, meaning there will be a lot of booths
featuring technology that is not yet on the market.
Also on the menu is an “Asiagraph” section, which
will try to come to grips with the concept of panAsian technology.
Miraikan, Oct 20-22. See forums & expos listings (other areas) for details.
� Before Berlin loses its uber-hip status as the
world’s current artistic capital, the city is cashing in some of its German cool in the form of this
Goethe Institute-supported exhibition. The show
looks at Berlin’s status as a symbol of liberation
via the videos, paintings and performances of 18
artists who make the city their home. Among their
ranks are artists such as John Bock and Anri Sala,
while Saâdane Afif, Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda,
Christian Jankowski, and the Institute for Spatial
Experiments will all appear together in an event
taking place on October 29.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, until
Jan 9. See exhibition listings (other areas) for
Courtesy of Creativeman
� Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado,
herself an eminent scholar on the subject, will
grace the opening of an exhibition devoted to
the miniature sculptures known as netsuke.
Designed as carrying cases attached to kimonos, netsuke took on highly artistic forms during
the 18th century, and were
cra f ted f rom ivor y,
ceramic and materials such as shell
or cora l. G oi ng
out of fashion
with the introduction of European
clothing, netsuke
found a home at the
Sagemonoya Gallery,
Japan’s only showroom
devoted to the lost art,
wh ich celebrates its
20th anniversary with
a special ex hibition
and sale.
Sagemonoya Gallery,
Oct 13-16. See exhibition
listings (Shinjuku/Ikebukuro) for details.
Courtesy of Shakti Studio
Loud Park 11
BrötzFest 2011
Classique Nu
� With nu-metal group Linkin Park, hoary hard
rockers Whitesnake, and Christian glam metal
outfit Stryper all on this year’s bill, long-running
metal fest Loud Park is taking a step out in new
directions. It would have been rather tricky to top
last year’s bill of Ozzy Osbourne and Motorhead
for pure metal-ness—so promoter Creativeman
seems not to have even attempted it. Instead,
Linkin Park will be flogging their new album A
Thousand Suns, which shows the band in a more
progressive, electronic state of mind, on a bill that
also extends to such acts as Arch Enemy and The
Saitama Super Arena, Oct 15. See concert listings (popular) for details.
� German free-jazz sax giant Peter Brötzmann
turns 70 this year. To fete the occasion, the royalty
of Japan’s avant-garde music scene will join him in
a series of gigs at Shinjuku jazz temple Pit Inn. The
self-taught Brötzmann earned his stripes playing
with key US free-jazz innovators like Ornette Coleman in the 1960s. BrötzFest kicks off with his trio,
including drummer Paal Nilssen-Love and cellist
Fred Lonberg-Holm, joined by adventurous guitarists Keiji Haino and Yoshihide Otomo. Further
guests include avant-koto player Michiyo Yagi and
onetime Sonic Youth guitarist Jim O’Rourke in a
tour also hitting Yokohama, Chiba and Ogikubo.
Pit Inn, Oct 14-16. See concert listings (jazz/
world) for details.
� Indian traditional dance comes together
with Western classical music in Japanese-Indian
dancer Shakti’s latest piece Classique Nu. Known
for erotic choreography that brings Indian techniques to contemporary dance, Shakti this time
will dance naked, juxtaposing sculpturesque
poses reminiscent of Hindu temples against a
soundtrack including famous compositions by
Bach, Beethoven, and Yann Tierson. Her husband Jörg M. Hacker, director and chief scientist
of Airborne Research Australia, provides the
videography and lighting to accompany the
Shakti Studio, Oct 20-23. See dance listings for
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 17
Agenda Listings
hot list
18 Concerts
21 Stage
21 Dance
21 Clubbing
21 Exhibitions
22 Sports
22 Festivals
22 Forums & Expos
23 Bazaars &
23 Community
23 Learning
23 Other Events
23 TV Picks
Email your event information to [email protected]
The Beat Motors
Japanese power pop band. Oct
8, 6:30pm, ¥2,500. U.F.O. Club.
Nearest stn: Higashi-Koenji.
Tel: 03-5306-0240.
J-rock. Oct 8, 6pm, ¥5,000.
Yokohama Arena. Nearest stn:
Shin-Yokohama. Tel: 04-54744000.
Post-rock band with vocalist
and cello player Yukko. Oct
8, 6pm, ¥3,500. Club Quattro.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
Youth of Today
American hardcore punk
band. Oct 9, 7pm, ¥4,000 (adv).
O-Nest. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: H.I.P.: 03-3475-9999.
R-N Express
Raster-Noton label electronica.
Oct 9, 11pm, ¥4,000. Womb.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
Joe Bataan
German dance punk
duo. Oct 7, 7pm, ¥6,000.
Shibuya-AX. Nearest stn:
Harajuku. Tel: Smash:
Urban culture music. Oct
7, 8:30pm, ¥3,000 w/1d.
SuperDeluxe. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-54120515.
Canadian soul funk. Oct 7,
9:30pm, ¥2,500. Crocodile.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
Extreme the Dojo vol.28
Vader, Watain and other
death metal bands. Oct
7, 6:45pm, ¥7,500 (adv).
Club Quattro. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: Smash:
Japanese alternative garage
rock. Oct 7, 7pm, ¥2,500.
Fever. Nearest stn: Shindaita.
Tel: 03-6304-7899.
Crazy Ken Band
Funk, rock and pop. Oct 7,
7pm, ¥6,300. Yokohama Red
Brick Warehouse. Nearest
stn: Minatomirai. Tel:
Sasaki Hidemi
Transvestite chanson singer
from Nagano. Oct 7, 6:30pm;
Oct 8-10, 1pm, ¥6,500.
Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall.
Nearest stn: Nihonbashi.
School Food Punishment
Japanese post rock
electronica. Oct 7, 7pm,
¥3,800. Liquidroom. Nearest
stn: Ebisu. Tel: 03-54640800.
J-pop singer song writer
from Ibaraki. Oct 7, 7pm,
¥3,500. Akasaka Blitz.
Nearest stn: Akasaka. Tel:
Gilbert O’Sullivan
Irish singer-songwriter.
Oct 6-7, 7 & 9:30pm, ¥6,500
-¥8,500. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Polish death metal band. Oct
8, 7pm, ¥5,500. Unit. Nearest
stn: Daikanyama. Tel: Smash:
Foreign Volunteers
Live music and guest
speakers. Oct 8, 7pm, ¥2,000
w/1d. Biervana. Nearest
stn: Akasakamitsuke. Tel:
Filipino-African American
Latin R&B musician from
New York. Oct 9, 7pm, ¥7,000
(adv)/¥7,500 (door). Asahi Art
Square. Nearest stn: Asakusa.
Tel: 090-9118-5171. http://
Han Hyo-joo
South Korean actress and
model. Oct 10, 3pm, ¥9,800.
C.C. Lemon Hall. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: Sunrise
promotion: 0570-00-3337.
Beat Circuit 2011 Asa & Tete
Pop-folk-bluesy French
musician from Senegal. Oct 10,
5pm, ¥3,500. Roppongi Hills
Arena. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-6406-6611.
Fest Vainqueur
Visual-kei band. Oct 10,
5:30pm, ¥3,200. Blackhole.
Nearest stn: Ikebukuro. Tel:
J-rock. Oct 10, 6pm, ¥7,560.
Nippon Budokan. Nearest
stn: Kudanshita. Tel: 03-32165100.
Japanese alternative rock.
Oct 10, 6pm, ¥4,000. Hibiya
Outdoor Theater. Nearest stn:
Hibiya. Tel: 03-3591-6388.
Extreme the Dojo vol.29
Unearth, Every Time I Die and
other metalcore bands. Oct
11, 6:45pm, ¥7,500. O-East.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
Smash: 03-3444-6751.
James Blake
British electronic composer
on his first Japan tour. Oct 12,
8pm, ¥5,500. Liquidroom.
Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel: Smash:
Alison Brown
American banjo player and
guitarist. Oct 13, 7pm, ¥6,000.
Mt. Rainer Hall Shibuya
Pleasure Pleasure. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5790-0557.
Stanley Smith
Bluesy jazz American singer
who debuted at age 57. Oct 14,
7pm, ¥5,000 (adv)/¥6,000. Club
Quattro. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3477-8750.
Namie Amuro
Queen of J-pop. Sep 22 & Oct
15 & Nov 26, ¥7,800. Yoyogi
National Gymnasium. Nearest
stn: Meijijingumae. Tel: Kyodo:
Loud Park 11
All-day metal fest featuring
Whitesnake, Stryper and many
others. Oct 15, 11am, ¥14,500¥16,500. Saitama Super Arena.
Nearest stn: Saitamashintoshin.
Tel: Creativeman: 03-3462-6969.
Scott Henderson/Jeff
Berlin/Dennis Chambers
Veteran guitarist, bassist
and drummer. Oct 16, 6pm,
¥5,000/¥8,000. O-East. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54584681.
Oct 25, 7:30pm, ¥3,500. Unit.
Nearest stn: Daikanyama. Tel:
Creativeman: 03-3462-6969.
Sakamoto Fuyumi
Enka. Oct 16, 6pm, ¥6,500¥7,500. Showa Women's
University Hitomi Memorial
Hall. Nearest stn: Sangenjaya.
Tel: 03-3411-5120.
Iwasaki Hiromi
Visual-kei noise band. Oct
25, 6:30pm, ¥2,200. Shelter.
Nearest stn: Shimokitazawa.
Tel: 03-3466-7430.
BBQ Chickens
J-pop. Oct 16, 4:30pm, ¥6,000.
Tokyo International Forum.
Nearest stn: Yurakucho.
Crossover And Over tour. Oct 27,
7pm, ¥2,800 (adv). Liquidroom.
Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel: Smash:
Magokoro Brothers
Yumi Matsutoya
J-pop. Oct 16, 5pm, ¥5,000.
Star Pine’s Cafe. Nearest stn:
Kichijoji. Tel: 0422-23-2251.
Kumi Koda
Urban and R&B singersongwriter from Kansai.
Oct 16, 6pm, ¥7,800. Tokyo
International Forum Hall
A. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
The Human League
UK new wave legends. Oct
17-18, 7 & 9:30pm, ¥6,500¥8,500. Billboard Live. Nearest
stn: Roppongi. Tel: 03-34051133.
Ayumi Hamasaki
J-pop diva. Oct 18-19,
6:30pm; ¥8,500. Saitama
Super Arena. Nearest stn:
Saitamashintoshin. Tel:
Legendary J-pop singersongwriter. Oct 27 & 28, 7pm,
¥8,400. Tokyo International
Forum. Nearest stn:
Anata Bolivia
Bolivian folklore band’s
first visit to Japan. Oct 27,
6:30pm, ¥4,800 (S)/¥4,300
(A). Katsushika Symphony
Hills. Nearest stn: Aoto. Nov 30,
6:30pm, ¥4,800. U-Port Hall.
Nearest stn: Osakihirokoji. Tel:
Min-On: 03-3226-9999.
Who the Fuck v.11
J-Rock bands. Oct 27, 7:30pm,
¥2,800. Shelter. Nearest stn:
Shimokitazawa. Tel: 03-34667430.
Luna Sea
Japanese rock band. Oct
22, 5pm, ¥9,000. Saitama
Super Arena. Nearest stn:
Saitamashintoshin. Tel:
Owl City
American electronica musical
project by Adam Young. Oct
22, 7pm, ¥6,000. Stellar Ball.
Nearest stn: Shinagawa. Tel:
Smash: 03-3444-6751.
Oliver Mann
Melbourne-based singersongwriter. Oct 7, 7:30pm,
¥1,500. Nanahari. Nearest stn:
Hacchobori. Tel: 03-68066773. Oct 22, 8pm, ¥2,500
(door). Club251. Nearest stn:
Shimokitazawa. Tel: 03-54814141.
The Muffs
Southern Californian
rock band. Nov 2, 9pm,
¥4,500 (adv)/¥5,000 (door)
w/1d. Shelter. Nearest stn:
Shimokitazawa. Tel: 03-34667430. Nov 6, 7pm, ¥4,500
(adv)/¥5,000 (door)w/1d. Loft.
Nearest stn: Shinjuku. Tel:
Laforet Sound Museum
Jazz and flower arrangement
by Naruyoshi Kikuchi,
Hiroshi Minami and Makoto
Azuma. Nov 3, 4 & 7pm,
¥5,500 (adv)/¥6,000 (door).
Laforet Museum. Nearest stn:
Meiji-jingumae (Harajuku). Tel:
Hiromitsu Agatsuma
Tsugaru-Shamisen player.
Nov 3, 5:30pm, ¥6,300. The
Garden Hall. Nearest stn:
G.Love & Special Sauce
Alternative hip-hop band from
Philadelphia. Nov 4, 7pm,
¥6,000 (adv). Liquidroom.
Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel: Smash:
Double Titans
Two grindcore bands, Brutal
Truth and Lock Up. Nov 4, 7pm,
¥6,800 (adv). O-East. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: Smash:
Instrumental electronica
band from France. Nov 5, 7pm,
¥3,000 (Adv)/¥3,500 (door).
SuperDeluxe. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-5412-0515.
Frontier Backyard
Japanese rock. Oct 21, 7:30pm,
¥3,300. Club Quattro. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-34778750.
Go to www.meturl.com/listings
Sun Dec 4, 5pm
Metropolis presents
Saiko vol.9 “Psychotic”
The Girl, Uhnellys,
Merpeoples, Whiskey Tales,
Pop Chocolat, Hajime Kinoko
(rope artist), Jack McLean
(performance artist), DJs
Muthafunka & Duck Rock.
¥2000 (adv), ¥2500 (door)
+ drink charge. Milkyway.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-4550-2929. www.
Loud Lesson
C.B.S. and other hardcore
rock bands. Oct 27, 6:30pm,
¥1,600 (adv), ¥2,100 (door).
F.A.D. Yokohama. Neare st stn:
Ishikawa. Tel: 045-663-3842.
Brainfeeder 2
Not Squares & miaou
Japan Tour
Electro dance and J-post rock
band. Nov 6, 6:30pm, ¥2,800
(adv)/¥3,300 (door). Era.
Nearest stn: Shimokitazawa.
Tel: 03-5465-6568.
This Is Brass & New Sounds
in Brass in Concert
Michael Jackson covered
in brass band style. Nov 6,
2pm, ¥5,000/¥4,000/¥3,000
(student). Fumon Hall. Nearest
stn: Hounancho.
Experimental rock group
from N.Y. Nov 11, 7pm, ¥5,800
(adv). Shibuya-AX. Nearest
stn: Harajuku. Tel: Beatink:
03-5768-1277. www.beatink.
Electronic music and
instrumental hip hop bands.
Oct 28, 11pm, ¥4,000 (adv).
Eleven. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: Beatink: 03-5768-1277.
Noriyuki Makihara
J-pop singer and actress. Oct
22-23 & 27, 6 & 9pm; Oct 26,
7 & 9pm, ¥8,000-¥10,000.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
V-Rock Festival
Longbeach Rehab
The Album Leaf
Miki Imai w/ Nobuo Kurata
Mucc, Vivid, Black Veil Brides
and others. Oct 23, 11am,
¥12,000/¥16,000 (VIP).
Saitama Super Arena. Nearest
stn: Saitamashintoshin. Tel:
Hiromi Go
Veteran Japanese pop singer.
Reserve: www.bluenote.co.jp.
Oct 23, 4:30 & 9pm, ¥13,650¥21,000. Blue Note. Nearest
stn: Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
Celtic Woman
Irish female vocal group. Oct
24-26, 7pm; ¥10,500 (S)/¥9,500
(A). Tokyo Dome City Hall.
Nearest stn: Korakuen. Tel:
Melodic acoustic indie band.
Oct 24, 7:30pm, ¥2,500. Shelter.
Nearest stn: Shimokitazawa.
Tel: 03-3466-7430.
Jang Keun-Suk
South Korean model, actor
and singer. Oct 25 & 26,
6:30pm, ¥9,800. Saitama
Super Arena. Nearest stn:
Saitamashintoshin. Tel:
Russian Red
Indie and folk singersongwriter from Madrid.
18 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
Hardcore reggae band from
L.A. Oct 28, 6:30pm, ¥2,500
(door). FNV. Tel: 03-58798145. Nov 2, 6:30pm, ¥2,500
(door). Earthdom. Nearest stn:
Shinokubo. Tel: 03-3205-4469.
Japanese reggae unit. Oct 29,
5pm, ¥4,200. Unit. Nearest stn:
Daikanyama. Tel: 03-54598630.
Mo’Some Tonebender
Japanese alternative noise
rock. Oct 29, 6pm, ¥3,500.
Liquidroom. Nearest stn: Ebisu.
Tel: 03-5464-0800.
Nikoten & the Nampa Boys
presents Kingdom Nagisa
Japanese indie bands. Oct 29,
7pm, ¥2,800. Shelter. Nearest
stn: Shimokitazawa. Tel:
Shelter 20th Countdown:
nil x oh sunshine x Full
Scratch x Electric Eel Shock
Japanese rock bands. Oct
30, 7:30am, ¥3,000. Shelter.
Nearest stn: Shimokitazawa.
Tel: 03-3466-7430.
Brutal Truth
Grindcore band from NY. Oct
31, 7pm, ¥5,500 (adv). Loft.
Nearest stn: Shinjuku. Tel:
Smash: 03-3444-6751.
Heart to Heart concert tour. Nov
17, 7pm; Jan 22, 5pm, ¥7,350.
Tokyo International Forum.
Nearest stn: Yurakucho. Jan
9, 6pm, ¥7,350. Sonic City.
Nearest stn: Omiya.
American solo musical project
by Jimmy LaValle. Nov 17,
7pm, ¥5,500. O-East. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54584681.
Atari Teenage Riot
Digital hardcore group from
Berlin. Nov 17, 8pm, ¥5,500
(adv). Liquidroom. Nearest stn:
Ebisu. Tel: Beatink: 03-57681277. www.beatink.com/
Ken Yokoyama The Rags to
Riches Tour IV
Punk guitarist of Hi-Standard.
Nov 21, 7pm, ¥3,000. Studio
Coast. Nearest stn: Shin-Kiba.
Tel: 03-5534-2525.
Boyz II Men
Double Titans Tour Vol. 4
Metal bands: The Haunted &
Ihsahn. Dec 5, 7pm, ¥6,800
(adv). O-East. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: Smash: 03-34446751.
Tamas Walles
Australian acoustic guitarist
and pianist. Dec 8, 7:30pm,
¥4,000 (adv)/¥4,500 (door).
Vacant. Nearest stn: Harajuku.
Tel: 03-6459-2962.
Tomoyasu Hotei
Veteran rock guitarist plays
solo. Dec 9, 7pm, ¥7,350.
Tokyo International Forum
Hall A. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
Liam Ó Maonlaí
Former member of alternative
rock band Hothouse Flowers.
Dec 12, 7pm, ¥5,000 (adv). Cay.
Nearest stn: Omotesando. Tel:
Active Child / How to Dress
Two pioneer indie rock
musicians. Dec 12, 7pm,
¥4,500 (adv). Unit. Nearest
stn: Daikanyama. Tel: Smash:
NY heavy metal band. Dec
13-14, 7pm; ¥7,350. O-East.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
Japanese drum group put on
a kids’ show. Dec 14, 11am &
5pm, ¥2,500 (parent)/¥1,000
(child). Aoyama Round
Theatre Children's Castle.
Tel: Sony Music Foundation:
Gerald Clayton Trio
Jazz pianist and composer
from N.Y. Oct 5-7, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥7,500-¥8,000. Cotton Club.
Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
Toots Thielemans
Veteran harmonica player
and band. Oct 8, 6pm, ¥7,000¥8,000. Sumida Triphony Hall.
Nearest stn: Kinshicho. Tel:
Yokohama Jazz
Japan’s biggest jazz festival.
Various concert locations.
Oct 8-9, 9pm, ¥5,000
(general)/¥1,000 (HS, MS).
Various venues. www.
Nothing But The Funk –
Various funk bands. Oct 8, 6
& 9pm; Oct 9, 4:30 & 7:30pm,
¥5,000/¥7,000. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Jazz singer. Oct 9-10, 6 &
8:45pm, ¥8,500. Blue Note.
Nearest stn: Omotesando. Tel:
Bobby Caldwell
American singer-songwriter
and multi-instrumentalist. Oct
10-11 & 13-15, ¥9,000/¥11,000.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Tania Maria
Brazilian singer and pianist.
Oct 10, 5 & 8pm, ¥8,400. Cotton
Club. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
R&B trio in their 20th year.
Nov 24, 7pm, ¥8,500. Tokyo
International Forum Hall A.
Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel: Kyodo:
Palena’Ole with Nicole Fox
Scottish post-rock. Nov 25,
7pm, ¥6,500 (adv). Zepp Tokyo.
Nearest stn: Tokyo Teleport.
Tel: Smash: 03-3444-6751.
Experimental rock group.
Dec 1, 7pm, ¥4,800 (adv).
Liquidroom. Nearest stn: Ebisu.
Tel: Smash: 03-3444-6751.
Hawaiian music & dance. Oct
12 & 13, 7pm, ¥6,000-¥7,000.
Cotton Club. Nearest stn:
Tokyo. Tel: 03-3215-1555.
French world beat singersongwriter. Oct 13, 7:30pm,
¥5,500 (adv)/¥6,000 (door).
Club Quattro. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: Plankton:
Sophie Milman
Toronto-based jazz singer.
Oct 14, 7 & 9:30pm; Oct
for complete listings
15-16, 6 & 8:45pm; ¥7,350.
Blue Note. Nearest stn:
Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088. Oct 18, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥7,350. Cotton Club. Nearest
stn: Tokyo. Tel: 03-32151555.
Peter Brötzmann
German free-style jazz
saxophonist and clarinetist. Oct
14-16, 8pm, ¥4,500 (adv)/¥5,000
(door)w/1d. Pit Inn. Nearest
stn: Shinjuku Sanchome. Tel:
Marcos Valle
Brazilian style fusion. Oct 15
& 16, 5 & 8pm, ¥7,500-¥9,500.
Cotton Club. Nearest stn:
Tokyo. Tel: 03-3215-1555.
Oct 18 & 19, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥7,350. Blue Note. Nearest stn:
Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
David Foster & Friends
Asia Pacific Tour 2011. Oct 19
& 20, 7pm, ¥10,500-¥14,500.
Tokyo International Forum.
Nearest stn: Yurakucho. Tel:
Kyodo: 0570-064-708.
Matt Bianco
Mid-’80s jazz & Latin-inspired
pop band from UK. Oct 20
& 21, 7 & 9:30pm, ¥6,500¥8,500. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Johnny A.
American instrumental rock
guitarist and songwriter. Oct
20 & 21, 7 & 9:30pm; Oct 22, 6
& 8:45pm, ¥6,300. Blue Note.
Nearest stn: Omotesando. Tel:
Christian McBride & Inside
Acoustic jazz session. Oct
22-25, ¥7,500/¥9,500. Cotton
Club. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
Miki Imai with Nobuo
Japanese pop vocalist
and pianist. Oct 22 & 23,
¥8,000/¥10,000. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Moreno Veloso & Saigenji
Soul and jazz by Brazilian
folk musician. Oct 25, 7 &
9pm, ¥5,000. Motion Blue.
Nearest stn: Nihon Odori or
Bashamichi. Tel: 045-2661919.
Natalia Yurkanova
Piano recital charity concert.
Oct 27, 7:30pm, ¥4,000. Tiara
Koto. Nearest stn: Sumiyoshi.
Tel: Yuna Japan: 03-66610344.
Kaki King
Jazz-tinged guitarist. Oct
27 & 28, 7pm; Oct 29 & 30,
6:30pm, ¥6,500-¥8,500. Cotton
Club. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
Japanese jazz vocalist. Oct 28,
¥4,800/¥6,800. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Japanese-American ukulele
player from Hawaii. Oct 29,
4pm, ¥6,500. Yakult Hall.
Nearest stn: Shinbashi. Tel:
Tomorrow house: 03-54569155.
Dirty Dozen Brass Band
Jamaica Jazz
Ernest Ranglin featuring
Monty Alexander and Sly &
Robbie. Nov 3, 5 & 8pm; Nov 4,
7 & 9:30pm, ¥8,400-¥10,500.
Cotton Club. Nearest stn:
Tokyo. Tel: 03-3215-1555. Nov
5 & 6, 6 & 8:45pm; Nov 7, 7 &
9:30pm, ¥8,400. Blue Note.
Nearest stn: Omotesando. Tel:
Keiko Lee
Japanese jazz pianist and
singer. Nov 7 & 8, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥6,000/¥8,000. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Michael Camilo
& Tomatito
Jazz, Latin and classical
pianist and guitarist. Nov 8-11,
7 & 9:30pm; Nov 12, 6pm,
¥9,450. Blue Note. Nearest stn:
Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
American R&B singer. Nov
9-12, ¥11,500-¥13,500.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Dianne Reeves
Legendary jazz singer. Nov
13, 6 & 8:45pm; Nov 14-15, 7
& 9:30pm, ¥8,400. Blue Note.
Nearest stn: Omotesando.
Tel: 03-5485-0088. Nov 17,
7 & 9:30pm, ¥8,400. Cotton
Club. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
Wouter Hamel
Dutch pop singer. Nov 14, 7
& 9:30pm, ¥5,000/¥7,000.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Phat Phunktion
Jazz funk band. Nov 15-16,
7 & 9:30pm, ¥6,500-¥8,500.
Cotton Club. Nearest stn:
Tokyo. Tel: 03-3215-1555.
Nov 19, 5:30 & 8:30pm,
¥6,000. Motion Blue.
Nearest stn: Nihon Odori or
Bashamichi. Tel: 045-2661919.
Jazzy house and crossover
music festival starring
Shuya Okino. Dec 16,
6pm, ¥4,500 (adv)/¥5,000
(door). The Garden Hall.
Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel:
03-5481-6092. www.
593rd Tokyo Symphony
With Jonathan Nott
conducting & Yu Kosuge
on piano, performances
of Debussy, Schoenberg &
Ravel. Oct 7, 7pm, ¥2,000¥7,000. Suntory Hall. Nearest
stn: Roppongi Itchome. Tel:
Chisako Takashima
Classical violinist gives a
babies-welcome concert.
Oct 8, 11:30am & 2 & 4:30pm,
¥5,000. Tokyo Midtown
Hall. Nearest stn: Nogizaka
or Roppongi. Tel: Kyodo
Ariadne auf Naxos
Bavarian State Opera
performance in Japan. Oct
5, 7pm; Oct 8 & 10, 3pm,
¥26,000-¥54,000. Tokyo
Bunka Kaikan. Nearest stn:
Ueno. Tel: NBS: 03-37918888.
Edita Gruberová
Performance from Slovak
soprano Gruberová. Oct
9, 6pm, ¥5,000-¥22,000,
¥3,000 (student). Suntory
Hall. Nearest stn: Roppongi
Itchome. Tel: 03-3584-9999.
Music Week in Tokyo
Jaco Pastorius Big Band
Suono Italia
Ben E. King
Schellenberger & Yu
Richard Bona and Peter
Erskine. Nov 17-18, 7 &
9:30pm; Nov 19, 6 & 9:30pm;
Nov 20, 4 & 7pm, ¥8,400.
Blue Note. Nearest stn:
Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
Legendary soul and R&B
singer. Nov 19, 6 & 9pm,
¥7,000/¥9,000. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Chihiro Yamanaka
Japan Gold Disk nominated
jazz pianist. Nov 20, 4:30
& 7:30pm, ¥4,800/¥6,800.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Post-rock band formed in
Chicago. Nov 21-22, 7 &
9:30pm, ¥6,000/¥8,000.
Billboard Live. Nearest Stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Quincy Jones Presents
Alfredo Rodriguez Trio
Marc Almond
Irma Thomas
Acid jazz and funk group
from England. Nov 2, 7 &
9:30pm; Nov 3, 4 & 7:30pm,
¥7,500/¥9,500. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Tokyo Crossover/Jazz
Performed by Super Chorus
Tokyo, organized by Roberto
Gabbiani. Oct 10, 3pm,
¥1,000-¥5,000. New National
Theatre. Nearest stn:
Hatsudai. Tel: 03-3234-9999.
Cuban jazz trio. Nov 24-25, 7 &
9:30pm; Nov 26, 6 & 8:45pm,
¥8,400. Blue Note. Nearest stn:
Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
The Brand New Heavies
Jazz big band. Dec 14 &
16-17, ¥6,400/¥8,400.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-34051133.
American soul singersongwriter. Nov 16, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥4,500/¥6,500. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Mayer Hawthorne
Brass band from Louisiana. Oct
30, ¥5,500/¥7,500. Billboard
Live. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-3405-1133.
English pop, rock and cabaret
singer-songwriter. Nov 1, 7
& 9:30pm, ¥6,500/¥8,500.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
The Vanguard Jazz
Grammy award-winning soul
and rhythm and blues singer.
Dec 1-2, time: 7 & 9:30pm,
¥7,500-¥9,500. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Johnny Gill & Keith Sweat
R&B and new jack swing
singers from US. Dec 8-10,
¥11,800/¥13,800. Billboard
Live. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-3405-1133.
By Italian and Japanese
classic musicians. RSVP
basis. Oct 17-19, 7pm, free.
Italian Cultural Institute.
Nearest stn: Kudanshita.
Tel: 03-3264-6011. www.
Charity duo concert. Oct 25,
7pm, ¥10,000 (SS)/¥8,000
(S)/¥6,000 (A). Yamaha Ginza
Studio. Nearest stn: Ginza.
Tel: SMF: 03-3261-9933.
Taro Hakase
Japanese violinist. Nov 1 &
2, 7pm, ¥7,000. Nakano Sun
Plaza. Nearest stn: Nakano.
Tel: 03-3388-2893. Dec 17,
5:30pm; Dec 18, 3pm, ¥7,800.
NHK Hall. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3465-1751.
64th Tokyo Opera City
With Naoto Otomo
conducting & Harvard Gimse
on piano. Performances of
Holst, Greig & Sibelius. Nov 3,
2pm, ¥3,000-¥6,000. Tokyo
Opera City Concert Hall.
Nearest stn: Hatsudai. Tel:
Calefax Reed Quintet
ensemble. Nov 5, 4pm,
¥3,500/¥1,500 (student).
Saitama Arts Theater.
Nearest stn: Yonohonmachi.
Tel: 0570-064-939.
David Fray
Young French pianist. Nov
26, 3pm, ¥3,500/¥1,000
(student). Saitama Arts
Theater. Nearest stn:
Yonohonmachi. Tel:
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 19
Agenda Listings
Japanese only. Part of
Festival/Tokyo (F/T). Oct 7,
10-12 & 14, 7pm, Oct 8-9 &
15-16, 5pm, ¥5,500/¥3,000
(HS). Seibu Ikebukuro Honten.
Nearest stn: Ikebukuro. www.
Referendum Project
F/T. Akira Takayama’s
“meta-theater” engages
Tokyoites in a nuclear power
debate. Oct 11-Nov 11, , . www.
Total Living 1986-2011
F/T. A man emerges to be
confronted with Fukushima.
Directed by Naoto Takenaka.
Until Oct 24, various times,
¥5,000. Nishi-Sugamo
Arts Factory. Nearest stn:
Nishi-Sugamo station or ShinKoshinzuka. Tel: 03-59615200.
F/T. Young internet-based
art unit Chaos*Lounge
portrays the reaction of
Akihabara to 3/11. Oct 22-30
& Nov 1-6. Akihabara. www.
Hemispherical Red and
F/T. Peru-born Yudai
Kamisato's 3/11-inspired
work. Oct 28, 7:30pm; Oct
29-30, 5pm; Oct 31, 2 &
7:30pm, ¥4,000/¥3,000 (univ).
Nishi-Sugamo Arts Factory.
Nearest stn: Nishi-Sugamo
station or Shin- Koshinzuka.
Tel: 03-5961-5200. www.
Citizen of Seoul 1939: The
Contrapuntal Music of
Japanese and S. Korean actors.
Until Dec 4, various times,
¥4,000/¥3,000 (student).
Kichijoji Theatre. Nearest stn:
Kichijoji. Tel: 0422-22-0911.
Ah, Kohya
Produced by Yukio Ninagawa,
performed by Keisuke Koide
and Jun Matsumoto. Oct 29-30,
6pm; Oct 31, 1 & 6pm; Nov 4,
11:30am; Nov 5-6, 1 & 6pm,
¥10,500 (S)/¥9,500 (A). Saitama
Arts Theater. Nearest stn:
Yonohonmachi. Tel: 04-88585500.
Blue Sky of Edo 2
Japanese storytelling style
play. Until Nov 20, various
times, ¥6,500 (S)/¥5,000 (A).
Setagaya Public Theater.
Nearest stn: Sangenjaya. Tel:
G2 produce: 03-5738-0637.
Email your event information to [email protected]
See www.metropolis.co.jp for more listings
Modern & Ballet
Art dance exhibition. Oct
16, 4pm, ¥6,000/¥5,000.
Kanagawa Kenmin Hall.
Nearest stn: Nihonodori. Tel:
Ticket Kanagawa: 045-6628866.
Hope Japan: Sylvie Guillem
on Stage 2011 Gala
Charity gala show in aid of
restoring areas damaged by
March 11 earthquake. Oct
19, ¥13,000-¥23,000. Tokyo
Bunka Kaikan. Nearest stn:
Ueno. Tel: 03-3828-2111.
Classique Nu
Nude, Indian-influenced dance.
Oct 20-21, 7pm; Oct 22-23, 3pm,
¥4,000. Shakti Studio. Nearest
stn: Horikiri Shobuen. Tel:
Sylvie Guillem on stage
Hope Japan Tour. Oct 22-23,
3pm; Oct 25-26, 6:30pm,
¥6,000-¥18,000. Tokyo Bunka
Kaikan. Nearest stn: Ueno. Tel:
NBS: 03-3791-8888.
Swan Lake
Performed by K-Ballet
company. Until Oct 23, 2pm,
¥8,000-¥18,000. Fuchu-noMori Art Theatre. Nearest
stn: Fuchu. Tel: Ticket Space:
By Carlotta Ikeda with the
text and the reading of Pascal
Quignard. Oct 21-22, 7:30pm,
¥4,500 w/1d (general).
SuperDeluxe. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-5206-2500
(French Institute).
Hope Japan
Dances choreographed by
Frederick Ashton, and others.
Oct 22-30, various times,
¥6,000-¥18,000, ¥2,500
(student). Tokyo Bunka
Kaikan. Nearest stn: Ueno. Tel:
Boyz Ballet Fantasy
Alternative boys’ ballet
group. Oct 26-28, 7pm; Oct
29, 2 & 6pm; Oct 30, 1 & 5pm,
¥8,000 (S)/¥6,500 (A). The
Galaxy Theatre. Nearest stn:
Kitashinagawa. Tel: 03-57690011. http://gingeki.jp/special/
Bintley’s The Prince of the
Conductor: Paul Murphy. Oct
30, 2pm; Nov 1, 7pm; Nov 2-6,
2pm, ¥3,150-¥12,600. New
National Theatre. Nearest stn:
Hatsudai. Tel: 03-5352-9999.
By Sylvie Guillem, Robert
Lepage, Russell Maliphant. Nov
17-18, 7pm; Nov 19-20, 3pm,
¥5,000-¥15,000. U-Port Hall.
Nearest stn: Osakihirokoji. Tel:
NBS: 03-3791-8888.
The Show Must Go On
F/T. French director/
choreographer Jerome Bel
obliterates expectations.
Until Nov 13, 4pm, ¥3,500.
Saitama Arts Theater.
Nearest stn: Yonohonmachi.
Tel: 04-8858-5500. www.
Don Giovanni
Mozart’s opera starring Hiroshi
Kuroda and Masumitsu
Miyamoto. Nov 23, 5pm;
Nov 24, 6:30pm; Nov 26-27,
2pm, ¥2,000-¥16,000. Nissay
Theatre. Nearest stn: Hibiya.
Tel: 03-5685-0650.
90 Minutes
Comedy play by veteran
director Koki Mitani. Dec 3-30,
¥8,000. Parco Theatre. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-34775858.
Romeo and Juliet
Performed by St. Petersburg
State Academic Ballet
Theatre. Oct 15, 2pm, ¥6,500
(general)/¥3,500 (under MS).
Mori no Hall. Tel: 042-775-3811.
stn: Roppongi. Tel: 03-57756206. www.go-to-eleven.com
Micro Cosmos
Honey Drippin’. Hip-hop, funk:
DJs Ita-Cho, Ryuhei, etc. From
midnight, ¥2,000 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-57845496. www.microcosmostokyo.com
Neon. Deep flow drum ‘n’
bass: DJs Velocity, Heavy1,
etc. From 11pm, ¥2,500 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-3464-8432. www.moduletokyo.com
The New Matrix Bar
Friday 7
Fever. Hip-hop: DJs HASEBE,
KANGO, etc. From 11pm,
¥3,500. Nearest stn: Shin-Kiba.
Tel: 03-5534-2525. www.
Tachytelic. All mix: DJs Taku,
Alyn, etc. From 10pm, ¥3,000
w/1d. Nearest stn: Daikanyama
or Shibuya. Tel: 03-5784-3384.
Tokyo Shake. All mix, hip-hop:
DJs Various DJs. From 7pm,
price TBA. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5428-5195.
Club Asia
El Nino. Dubstep, dub: DJs The
Lefty, Baba, etc. From 11pm,
¥3,500 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5458-2551.
Soulphiction. House, techno:
DJs Soulphiction, Hikaru, etc.
From 10pm, ¥3,500. Nearest
Bunka Vibe. House, techno
DJs Robag Wruhme, Taguchi,
etc: Live: Akufen and more.
From 11pm, men ¥3,500 w/1d,
women ¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Azabu Juban. Tel: 03-62300343. www.warehouse702.
Arpa Showcase. House, techno:
DJs Tim Xavier, Christian
Burkhardt, etc. From 11pm,
¥3,500. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-5459-1383. www.
Sunday 9
Matrix Friday. Old school
hip-hop, west side, south side,
all mix DJ Ykk and more. From
6pm, ¥1,000 (after 11:30pm).
Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-3405-1066. www.
The Room
Zettai Mu. Dubstep, dub: DJs
Joker, Kuranaka, etc. From
10pm, ¥3,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Daikanyama or Shibuya.
Tel: 03-5784-3384.
Breakthrough. Hip-hop: DJs
Jin, Ladi Dadi, etc. From 10pm,
¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3461-7167.
Jack in the Friday. House:
DJs Darren Emerson, Phil
Hartnoll, etc. From 10pm,
men ¥3,500 w/1d, women
¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Azabu Juban. Tel: 03-62300343. www.warehouse702.
Sterne. Techno: DJs Gel Abril,
Ishino, etc. From 11pm, ¥3,500.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-5459-1383. www.womb.
Saturday 8
Universal Sounds of Orchestra.
House: DJs Jerome Isma-Ae,
Pig & Dan, etc. Time TBA,
¥4,000. Nearest stn: Shin-Kiba.
Tel: 03-5534-2525. www.
Saw. House, tech house: DJs
Audiofly, Endo, etc. From
10pm, ¥3,500. Nearest stn:
Daikanyama or Shibuya. Tel:
Tokyo Rave. All mix, hip-hop:
DJs Various DJs. From 7pm,
price TBA. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5428-5195.
Club Asia
Cadissh. Techno, house: DJs
Asano, Veevee, etc. From
11pm, ¥3,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54582551. http://asia.iflyer.jp
Travelling. House, techno: DJs
Tama Sumo, Dske, etc. From
10pm, ¥3,500. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-5775-6206.
Micro Cosmos
Eternal Gold. New classics:
DJs Watsui, Takuya, etc. From
midnight, ¥3,000 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-57845496. www.microcosmostokyo.com
Mass. Funky, acid techno: DJs
Kn, Enokin, etc. From 10pm,
¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3464-8432.
The New Matrix Bar
Saturday Night Fever. Hip-hop,
R&B, reggae: DJ Ykk and more.
From 6pm, ¥1,000 (after
10pm). Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-3405-1066. www.
Bonjour Music School.
Hip-hop: Verbal, Dexpistoles,
etc. From 10pm, ¥3,500.
Nearest stn: Daikanyama.
Tel: 03-5459-8630. www.
Asobinite. House: DJs Nakata,
Tomoyuki Tanaka. Time
TBA, price TBA. Nearest stn:
Shin-Kiba. Tel: 03-5534-2525.
Carnival. All mix, hip-hop: DJs
Various DJs. From 7pm, price
TBA. Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-5428-5195. www.clubatom.
Club Asia
Kiok. Techno, house: DJs Ken
Ishii, Wagatsuma, etc. From
11pm, ¥3,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54582551. http://asia.iflyer.jp
Ra X. House, techno DJs X,
Sammy Dee, etc: Live: Mathew
Jonson. From 10pm, ¥3,500.
Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-5775-6206. www.
Date Course Pentagon Royal
Garden. Funk, electro DJ
Crystal and more Live: Date
Course Pentagon Royal
Garden. From midnight,
¥3,500. Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel:
Micro Cosmos
Boogie & Soul. All good music:
DJs Nozaki, Watarai, etc. ,
¥2,500. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-5784-5496. www.
Numbers. UK funky, bass
music: DJs Girl Unit, Dexpistols,
etc. From 11pm, ¥3,500 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-3464-8432. www.moduletokyo.com
The Room
Em. Nu classic: DJs Sazanami,
Cbtek, etc. From 10pm, ¥2,000
w/1d. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3461-7167. www.
The Ruby Room
Beat Wagon. Rock DJ
Kanamura: Live: Loud
Preacher and more.
9-10:30pm, ¥1,500 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3780-3022. www.
Secretsundaze. House
DJs Giles Smith, James
Priestley, etc. From 10pm, men
¥3,500 w/1d, women ¥2,500
w/1d. Nearest stn: Azabu
Juban. Tel: 03-6230-0343.
Monday 10
Salon de Disco. All mix, j-pop:
DJs Various DJs. From 7pm.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-5428-5195. www.clubatom.
Club Asia
Asopara. Pop, electro: DJs
Hiroyama, Kyoko, etc. From
11pm, ¥3,000 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54582551. http://asia.iflyer.jp
Afternoon. House: DJs
Yamachi, Sachiho, etc. From
5pm, ¥1,000. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3464-8432.
The Room
Steppa. Reggae, latin: DJs
Matsuoka, Satol, etc. ¥1,000
w/1d. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3461-7167. www.
Us. House, techno: DJs Mayuri,
Loud One, etc. From 10pm,
¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Azabu Juban. Tel: 03-62300343. www.warehouse702.
Moder. House, techno: DJs
Otokawa, Sano, etc. From
10pm, ¥1,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54591383. www.womb.co.jp
Tuesday 11
Style. All mix, hip-hop: DJs
Various DJs. From 7pm, price
TBA. Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-5428-5195. www.clubatom.
Sdm. Bass music DJs Mal,
Yahman, etc: Live: Che
Sudaka. From 10pm, ¥1,500
w/1d. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-5775-6206. www.
The Room
In the Jungle Groove. Afro
beats DJs Osada, Sato, etc:
Live: K-Boss and more. , ¥2,000
w/1d. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3461-7167. www.
The Ruby Room
Open Mic. Rock, indie. From
7pm, ¥1,000 w/2d. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3780-3022.
Wednesday 12
Red room. Hip-hop: DJs Kango,
Nobuo, etc. From 10pm, ¥2,000
w/1d. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-5775-6206. www.
Black Wednesday. Black music:
DJs Hokuto, Sugi, etc. From
10pm, ¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Azabu Juban. Tel: 03-62300343. www.warehouse702.com
Thursday 13
Dna. All mix, hip-hop: DJs
Various DJs. From 7pm, price
TBA. Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-5428-5195. www.clubatom.
Soundpost. House, disco: DJs
Max Essa, Dubby, etc. From
10pm, ¥2,000 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Roppongi. Tel: 03-57756206. www.go-to-eleven.com
The Room
Deep Enough. Deep jazz, deep
funk: DJs Ogawa, Kuroda, etc.
, ¥1,000. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3461-7167. www.
Red Trash x Sleeping Bag.
Techno, tech house: DJs
Sayuka, Hiro, etc. From 10pm,
¥1,500 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5459-1383.
Friday 14
Bush Hunter Release Party.
Reggae: Live: Ryo the
Skywalker and more. Time
TBA, price TBA. Nearest stn:
Shin-Kiba. Tel: 03-5534-2525.
Motivation. Electro, techno DJs
Towa Tei, Moodman, etc. From
11pm, ¥3,500. Nearest stn:
Daikanyama or Shibuya. Tel:
Club Asia
Danzoo. Electro, techno: DJs
De De Mouse, Ram Rider, etc.
From 11pm, ¥3,000 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-5458-2551. asia.iflyer.jp
Sound of Berghain. Techno:
DJs Marcel Fengler, Nobu, etc.
From 10pm, ¥3,500. Nearest
stn: Roppongi. Tel: 03-57756206. www.go-to-eleven.com
Micro Cosmos
Around Feel. House: DJs Ayumi,
Daijiro, etc. , ¥2,000. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-57845496. www.microcosmostokyo.com
Innocence. Deep minimal, tech
house: DJs Kaito, Crazyneo,
etc. From 10pm, ¥2,500 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-3464-8432. www.moduletokyo.com
The Room
Double Cider. All mix: DJs
Bobo James, Kuroda, etc.
From 10pm, ¥2,500 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-3461-7167. www.theroom.
Hed Kandi. House: DJs Greg
Myers, Mitomi, etc. From 10pm,
men ¥3,500 w/1d, women
¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Azabu Juban. Tel: 03-62300343. www.warehouse702.
Rhythmholic. Techno, house:
DJs Anton Pieete, Quma, etc.
From 11pm, ¥4,000. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54591383. www.womb.co.jp
Clash. Techno, tech house: DJs
Booka Shade, Ken Ishii, etc.
Oct 15, from 11pm, ¥3,500.
Nearest stn: Shin-Kiba. Tel:
03-5534-2525. www.ageha.
Space Shower TV
Tokyo Fashionista Event's 3rd
Year Anniversary Party "The
House of Bunnies." Fashion
shows, burlesque/cabaret
performances, belly dance and
much more. Oct 15, from 10pm.
E-mail k.tokyofashionista@
gmail.com for tickets. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-3463-0220.
21_21 Design Sight
Irving Penn and Issey Miyake.
Visual Dialogue. Until Apr
8, ¥1,000 (general)/¥800
(univ)/¥500 (HS,MS).
Open Mon & Wed-Sun
11am-8pm. 9-7-6 Akasaka,
Minato-ku. Nearest stn:
Nogizaka. Tel: 03-3475-2121.
Mori Art Museum
Metabolism, The City
of the Future. Various
media. Until Jan 15,
¥1,500 (general)/¥1,000
(HS, univ)/¥500 (MS and
under). Tsang Kinwah.
Installations. Until Jan 15,
¥1,500 (general)/¥1,000
(HS, univ)/¥500 (MS and
under). Open Mon & Wed-Sun
10am-10pm, Tue 10am-5pm.
6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
03-5777-8600. www.mori.art.
Nichido Contemporary
NCA Collection. Various media.
Until May 5, Semi-permanent
exhibition, free. 4-3-3
Hachobori, Chuo-ku. Nearest
stn: Takaracho. Tel: 03-35552140. http://www.nca-g.
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 21
Agenda Listings
The National Art Center,
American Art from the
Phillips Collection. Painting.
Until Dec 12, ¥1,500/¥1,200
(univ)/¥800 (HS). Noda
Hiroji. Abstract Paintings.
Until Apr 2, ¥1,000 (general),
¥500 (univ). Open Wed-Mon
10am-6pm, closed Tue.
7-22-2 Roppongi. Nearest
stn: Roppongi. Tel: 03-68129900. www.nact.jp
Tokyo Tower
Queen Forever. Costume
exhibition, video screening
and goods on sale. Until
Dec 11, ¥1,800. Open daily
10am-6pm. 4-2-8 Shibakoen,
Minato-ku, Tokyo. Nearest
stn: Akabanebashi.
Galerie Sho
Kaiga no Kettou: Blood of
painting. Painting. Until Oct
8, . Open Mon-Fri 11am-7pm,
Sat 11am-5pm, closed
Sun. B1 Sansho Bldg, 3-2-9
Nihombashi, Chuo-ku.
Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
03-3275-1008. www.g-sho.
Inax Gallery
Go to www.meturl.com/listings for complete listings
The National Museum of
Modern Art, Craft &
Guerrino Tramonti, the
Magician of Color Raised in
Faenza, Italy. Exhibition.
Until Nov 13, ¥800/¥500
(univ)/¥300 (HS). Open
Tue-Thu 10am-5pm,
Fri 10am-8pm, Sat-Sun
10am-5pm. 3-1 Kitanomarukoen Chiyoda-Ku. Nearest stn:
Takebashi. Tel: 03-5777-8600.
Vanilla Gallery
Keiryu Asakura. Pencil
drawing. Until Oct 22, free.
L’aventure de Mademoiselle
Pipi. Erotic drawings for girls.
Until Oct 8, free. Ikeuchi Kowa
Exhibition. Photography. Until
Nov 5, free. Open Mon-Fri
noon-7pm, Sat noon-5pm,
closed Sun. 4F 2nd Kamata
Bldg, 6-10-10 Ginza, Chuo-ku.
Nearest stn: Ginza. Tel:
Vanilla Mania Gallery
Chihiro Yuasa: Odori Kuruu
Watashi. Photography. Until Oct
29, order drink. 7pm-11:30pm.
7-7-7Ginza, Chuo-ku. Nearest
stn: Ginza. Tel: 03-3571-3337.
Houses for Comfort: The
Architecture of Isaku
Nishimura. Architecture.
Until Nov 19, free. 3-6-18
Kyobashi, Chuo-ku. Nearest
stn: Takaracho. Tel: 03-52506530. www.inax.co.jp/
Lapnet Ship
Italian Cultural Institute
Ukiyo-e War Picture
Scroll: Castle and Military
Commanders. Until 26. ¥1,000
(general), ¥700 (univ & HS),
free (MS & under). Until Jan 1,
¥1,000 (general), ¥700 (univ
& HS), free (MS & under). Open
Tue-Sun 10:30am-5:30pm,
closed Mon. 1-10-10 Jingumae,
Shibuya-ku. Nearest stn:
Harajuku. Tel: 03-5777-8600.
The Uffizi by Giorgio
Vasari: The Factory And
Representation. Painting.
Until Oct 12, free. Suono
Italia. Musical instruments.
Until Oct 19, free. 2-1-30
Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-ku.
Nearest stn: Kudanshita.
Tel: 03-3264-6011. www.
Mitsubishi Ichigokan
Museum, Tokyo
Toulouse-Lautrec: The
Maurice Joyant Collection.
Painting. Until Dec 25, ¥500
(elem, MS)/¥1,000 (HS,
univ)/¥1,500 (general). 2-6-2
Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku.
Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
03-5777-8600. www.mimt.jp
Mitsui Memorial
Luxurious Kyoto Maki-e.
Crafts. Until Nov 13, free
(MS and under)/¥700 (HS,
univ)/¥1,200 (general).
7F Mitsui Main Bldg, 2-1-1
Chuo-ku. Nearest stn:
Mitsukoshimae. Tel:
03-5777-8600. www.mitsuimuseum.jp
National Museum of
Modern Art Tokyo
Leiko Ikemura:
Transfiguration. Painting.
Until Oct 23, free (HS
and under)/¥450
(univ)/¥850 (general). Leo
Rubinfien: Wounded Cities.
Photography. Until Oct 23,
free (HS and under)/¥130
(univ)/¥420 (general).
Undressing Paintings:
Japanese Nudes 1880-1945.
Painting. Until Jan 15, ¥420
(general), ¥130 (univ). Valerio
Olgiati. Architecture. Until
Jan 15, ¥420/¥130 (student).
Open Tue-Thu & Sat-Sun
10am-5pm, Fri 10am-8pm.
3-7-6 Kyobashi Chuo-ku.
Nearest stn: Takebashi. Tel:
03-5777-8600. www.momat.
Shiodome Museum
Wiener Werkstatte
1903-1932, Multiplicative
Decoration. Furniture. Oct
8-Dec 20, ¥200 (elem, MS)/
¥300 (HS, univ)/ ¥400 (65
and over)/ ¥500 (general).
Open Tue-Sun 10am-6pm,
closed Mon. 4F, 1-5-1
Higashi-Shimbashi, Minatoku. Nearest stn: Shimbashi.
Tel: 03-5777-8600. www.
Sootome Keiko. Painting.
Until Nov 3, free. 1F, 1-9-11
Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.
Nearest stn: Meiji Jingumae.
Tel: 03-5411-3330.
Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial
Museum of Art
Base Gallery
O Seok-Keun. Photography.
Until Oct 22, free. Open
Mon-Sat 11am-7pm, closed Sun
and Hols. 1-1-6 NihombashiKayabacho, Chuo-ku. Nearest
stn: Kayabacho. Tel: 03-56236655. www.basegallery.com
Bunkamura Gallery
The Love Letter From Vermeer.
Painting. Until Mar 14, ¥1,500
(general)/¥1,000 (univ,
HS)/¥700 (under HS). Open
daily, 10am-7pm. 2-24-1
Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku.
Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3477-9111. www.
Tokyo Metropolitan
Museum of Photography
Photographs Of Children: The
Child Within Us. Photography.
Until Dec 4, ¥200 (HS, MS, 65
and over)/¥400 (univ)/¥500
(general). Open Tue-Wed &
Sat-Sun 10am-6pm, Thur-Fri
10am-8pm, closed Mon. 1-13-3
Mita Meguro-ku Tokyo. Nearest
stn: Ebisu. Tel: 03-3280-0099.
Yamatane Museum of Art
Masterpieces of Modern Japan
Paintings from Kabuki-za
Theater Collection Painting.
Painting. Until Nov 6, ¥1,200
(general)/¥900 (univ, HS)/
free (under MS). The Best of
Yamatane Collection. Edo to
modern painitngs. Until Dec
25, ¥1,200/¥900 (univ, HS)/
free (under MS). Open Tue-Fri
11am-5pm, closed Mon & hols.
3-12-36 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku.
Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel: 03-57778600. www.yamatanemuseum.or.jp
Zen Foto Gallery
Lin Shu. Photography. Until
Oct 13, free. 2-17-3 Shibuya,
Shibuya-ku. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 050-5531-9536.
Imura Art Gallery
Fumio Yamazaki. Sculptures
of animals. Until Nov 19, free.
Open daily 10:30am-6pm.
Minato-Daisan Bldg. 4F, 3-7
Nishi-gokencho, Shinjuku-ku.
Nearest stn: Kagurazaka. Tel:
03-6457-5258. http://www.
Roonee 247 Photography
Kaze to Hikari no Sanpomichi
Bo. Photography. Until Oct
16, free. Nihon no Shiki.
Photography of four seasons
of Japan. Until Oct 9, free.
5-18-11 Shinjuku. Nearest
stn: Yotsuya-Sanchome. Tel:
03-3341-8118. www.roonee.
Sagemonoya Gallery
Sagemonoya Exhibition and
Sale. Exhibition and sale of
ivory and wood carvings
at the only antique shop
in Japan specializing in
Netsuke and Sagemono.
Oct 13-16, 11am-7pm, free.
Open 1:30-6pm Wed-Sat.
Yabane K.K. Yotsuya 4-chome
28-20-704 Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo. Nearest stn: Shinjuku
Gyoenmae. Tel: 03-3352-6286.
Sompo Japan Museum of
Maurice Denis. Painting. Until
Nov 13, ¥1,000 (general)/¥600
(univ, HS)/free (under MS).
42F Sompo Japan Bldg, 1-26-1
Nishi-Shinjuku. Nearest stn:
Shinjuku. Tel: 03-5405-8686.
Tokyo Opera City Art
Feel and Think: A New Era of
Tokyo Fashion. Fashion. Until
Dec 25, ¥600 (elem, MS)/¥800
(HS, univ)/¥1,000 (general).
Younger Generation. Various
media. Until Dec 25, free.
Open Tue-Thu 11am-7pm,
Fri-Sat 11am-8pm. 3-20-2
Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku.
Nearest stn: Hatsudai. Tel:
03-5353-0756. www.operacity.
Amuse Museum
Japanese Beauty. Textiles. Until
Oct 10, free. 2-34-3 Asakusa,
Taito Ku. Nearest stn: Asakusa.
Tel: 03-5806-1181. www.
Edo-Tokyo Museum
World Heritage Venezia.
Various media. Until Dec
1, ¥700 (under univ and
seniors)/¥1,120 (univ)/¥1,400
(general). Open Tue-Fri &
Sun 9:30am-5:30pm, Sat
9:30am-7:30pm, closed Mon &
hols. 1-4-1 Yokoami, Sumidaku. Nearest stn: Ryogoku.
Tel: 03-3626-9974. www.
The National Museum of
Western Art
Lights and Shadows, Goya.
Painting. Until Jan 29,
¥1,500/¥1,200 (univ)/¥800
(HS). Open daily 9:30am5:30pm. 7-7 Ueno-Koen,
Taito-ku. Nearest stn: Ueno.
Tel: 03-3828-5131. www.
Tokyo National Museum
Cultural Exchange Day for
Foreign Students. Japanese
traditional art. Student ID
required. Oct 8, free (foreign
student)/¥600 (general)/¥400
(univ). Open Tue-Sun 9:30am5pm. 13-9 Ueno Park, Taito-ku.
Nearest stn: Ueno. Tel: 03-57778600. www.tnm.jp
Other Areas
Madame Tussauds. London’s
famous wax doll collection.
Sep 30-Jan 4, ¥500 (general)/
¥300 (under MS). 1-6-1 Daiba,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 135-0091.
Nearest stn: Odaiba Kaihin
Koen. Tel: 03-3599-6500. www.
22 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
Hara Museum of
Contemporary Art
Art Scope 2009-2011:
Invisible Memories. Japanese
and German artists featured.
Sep 10-Nov 27, ¥1,000/¥700
(univ, HS). Open Tue-Sun
11am-5pm, closed Mon.
4-7-25 Kita-Shinagawa,
Shinagawa-ku. Nearest stn:
Kitashinagawa. Tel: 03-34450651. www.haramuseum.
Hiromart Gallery
Paddy Shaw. Mixed-media.
Until Oct 16, free. Mimura
Bldg 1F, 1-30-7, Sekiguchi,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0014.
Nearest stn: Edogawabashi.
Kawamura Memorial
Museum of Art
Moholy-Nagy in Motion.
Photography. Until Dec 11,
¥500 (HS and under)/¥900
(univ, 65 and over)/¥1,100
(general). Open Tue-Sun
9:30am-5pm, closed Mon.
631 Sakado, Sakura-shi.
Nearest stn: Sakura. Tel:
04-3498-2131. kawamuramuseum.dic.co.jp
Mirai Tube
Post Oil City. Photography.
Until Oct 10, free. 1-1-56
Sakuragicho, Naka-ku,
Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa.
Nearest stn: Minato Mirai.
Tel: 045-227-7915 .
International Children's
Painting Competition on the
Environment. Paintings by
children. Oct 8-14, free. 2-3-6,
Aomi, Koto-ku. Nearest stn:
Telecom Center station.
Tel: 03-3570-9151. www.
Museum of
Contemporary Art
Berlin 2000-2011: Playing
Among the Ruins. Various
media. Until Jan 9, ¥1,100
(general), ¥850 (Students
and seniors), ¥550 (MS & HS),
free (elementary and under).
Architectural Environments
for Tomorrow. Architecture.
Until Jan 15, ¥1,100/¥850
(univ)/¥550 (HS & MS). 4-1-1
Miyoshi, Koto-ku. Nearest
stn: Kiyosumi-shirakawa. Tel:
03-5245-4111. www.mot-artmuseum.jp
The Container
K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Chim Poms
art installation exploring
issues relating to the 3/11
disaster. Until Dec 19. 1F
Hills Daikanyama, 1-8-30
Kami-Meguro, Meguro-ku.
Nearest stn: Naka-Meguro.
Tel: 03-3770-7750. http://
The Museum of Modern
Art, Saitama
100th British Anniversary,
Q Ei. Painting. Until Nov 6,
¥800 (general)/¥500 (univ,
HS). 100th Birth Anniversary
Q Ei. Oil Painter/Printing
artist, Q Ei. Until Nov 6,
¥800 (general)/¥640 (univ,
HS). Ei Q:Yumeni Takushite.
Oil painting. Sep 10-Nov 6,
¥800 (general), ¥640 (univ).
Open daily 10am-5pm.
9-30-1 Tokiwa, Urawa-ku,
Saitama-shi. Tel: 048-8240111. www.momas.
Tokyo Metropolitan
Teien Art Museum
Art Deco in the Former
Prince Asaka Residence.
Various media. Until Oct
31, ¥500 (HS, MS, elem and
under, 65 and older)/¥800
(HS)/¥1,000 (general). 5-21-9
Shirokanedai, Minato-ku.
Nearest stn: Meguro. Tel:
03-3443-0201. www.teien-artmuseum.ne.jp
Yokohama Museum
of Art
Yokohama Triennale 2011.
Various media. Until Nov 6.
3-4-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku,
Yokohama. Nearest stn:
Minato Mirai. Tel: 03-57778600. www.yaf.or.jp/yma
American Football
X League
––All Tokyo Gas Creators vs.
Nojima Sagamihara Rise. Oct
8, 1:30pm, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Asahi Beer Silver Star vs.
Nihon Unisys Bulls. Oct 8,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Obic Seagulls vs. IBM
Big Blue. Oct 9, 1:30pm,
¥2,000-¥3,000. Chiba
Marine Stadium. Nearest stn:
Kaihinmakuhari. Tel: 04-32961189.
––All Mitsubishi Lions vs. Fuji
Xerox Minerva AFC. Oct 10,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Meiji Yasuda Pirates vs.
Bullseyes Tokyo. Oct 10,
1:30pm, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Kajima Deers vs. Fujitsu
Frontiers. Oct 13, 7pm,
¥2,000-¥3,000. Tokyo Dome.
Nearest stn: Suidobashi or
Korakuen. Tel: 03-5800-9999.
formula one
Japanese Grand Prix
––Pre-tournament. Oct 7, TBA,
¥11,000-¥62,000. Suzuka
Circuit. Nearest stn: Suzuka
Circuit Inou. Tel: 059-378-1111.
––First match. Oct 8, TBA,
¥11,000-¥62,000. Suzuka
Circuit. Nearest stn: Suzuka
Circuit Inou. Tel: 059-378-1111.
––Final match. Oct 9, TBA,
¥11,000-¥62,000. Suzuka
Circuit. Nearest stn: Suzuka
Circuit Inou. Tel: 059-378-1111.
Central League
––Tokyo Yakult Swallows
vs. Hiroshima Toyo Carp.
Oct 7, 6pm, ¥1,500-¥4,500.
Jingu Stadium. Nearest stn:
Shinanomachi. Tel: 03-34048999.
––Yokohama BayStars vs.
Hanshin Tigers. Oct 7, 6pm,
¥1,800-¥6,500. Yokohama
Stadium. Nearest stn: Kannai.
Tel: 04-5661-1251.
––Yomiuri Giants vs.
Hanshin Tigers. Oct 10, 6pm,
¥1,000-¥6,500. Tokyo Dome.
Nearest stn: Suidobashi or
Korakuen. Tel: 03-5800-9999.
––Yomiuri Giants vs. Chunichi
Dragons. Oct 14, 6pm,
¥1,000-¥6,500. Tokyo Dome.
Nearest stn: Suidobashi or
Korakuen. Tel: 03-5800-9999.
Pacific League
Saitama Seibu Lions vs. Chiba
Lotte Marines. Oct 12, 6pm,
¥1,000-¥4,500. Seibu Dome.
Nearest stn: Seibukyujomae.
Tel: 04-2925-1141.
Pro Wrestling
WWE Presents RAW World
Tour 2011
Stadium. Tel: 047-162-2250.
––Kawasaki Frontale vs. Albirex
Niigata. Oct 16, 3pm, ¥2,500¥5,000. Todoroki Stadium.
Nearest stn: Musashikosugi. Tel:
FIVB World Cup
––Women’s fourth match: Site
A. Nov 16-18. ¥2,000-¥9,800.
Yoyogi Gymnasium. http://
––Men’s fourth match: Site
A. Dec 2-4. ¥2,000-¥9,800.
Yoyogi Gymnasium. http://
Fukuro Matsuri
Owl Festival. Oct 8-9.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park.
Nearest stn: Ikebukuro.
PhotoFest Japan 2011
Three-day pro photography
workshop in English with
classroom and outdoor
sessions. All levels. Oct 21-23.
¥39,000-¥45,000. Yokohama
Athletic & Country Club.
Nearest stn: Yamate. Tel:
045-623-8121. photofestjapan.
German Festival
Oct 23, 10am. Arisugawa
Park. Nearest stn: Hiroo. Tel:
Yokohama Triennale 2011
Art festival. Until Nov
6, 11am-6pm, ¥1,600
(general)/¥1,000 (univ)/¥600
(HS). Yokohama Museum of
Art. Nearest stn: Minato Mirai.
Tel: 03-5777-8600.
Forums & Expos
King of Tattoo 2011
Three-day tattoo
convention Oct 8, 1-11pm;
Oct 9, 11am-11pm; Oct 10,
11am-9pm, ¥5,000 (adv.
one day), ¥12,000 (adv.
three days). The Room
Daikanyama. Nearest stn:
Nakameguro. Tel: 03-54599571. http://tokyohardcore.jp/
Digital Content 2011
Join 20,000 or so curious
people in taking a peek at
the future of hi-tech, from
virtual reality to the latest
in biotechnology. Oct 20-22,
10am-5pm, free. Miraikan.
Nearest stn: Telecom Center.
Tel: 03-3512-3901.
Tokyo International
Industry Exhibition
Trade show for small/
medium-sized businesses. Oct
26-28, 10am-5pm, free (RSVP).
Tokyo Big Sight. Nearest stn:
Kokusai-Tenjijo-Seimon. Tel:
03-5530-1111. www.sangyokoryuten.jp/en
Electric Motorcar
Industry Exhibition
Car lovers unite. Oct 27-29,
10am-5pm, ¥1,000. Tokyo Big
Sight. Nearest stn: KokusaiTenjijo-Seimon. Tel: 03-55301111. www.truck-x.com
Nov 30-Dec 1, 7:30pm, ¥20,000
(SS)/¥15,000 (S)/¥10,000
(A)/¥5,000 (B)/¥3,000 (C).
Yokohama Arena. Nearest
stn: Shin-Yokohama. Tel:
Kyodo: 0570-064-708. http://
BioFach Japan
J. League, Division 1
––Urawa Reds vs. Omiya
Ardija. Oct 15, 4pm,
¥2,000-¥4,500. Saitama
Stadium. Nearest stn:
Urawamisono. Tel: 048-8122002.
––Yokohama F. Marinos vs.
Avispa Fukuoka. Oct 15,
3pm, ¥2,600-¥5,000. Nissan
Stadium. Nearest stn: Kozuke.
Tel: 04-5477-5000.
––Kashiwa Reysol vs.
Montedio Yamagata. Oct 16,
2pm, ¥2,500-¥5,500. Hitachi
Organic and natural products.
Nov 1-3, 10am-5:30pm,
¥1,000/ free (RSVP). Tokyo Big
Sight. Nearest stn: KokusaiTenjijo-Seimon. Tel: 03-55301111. www.biofach-japan.
Largest interior design fair in
Japan. Nov 9-11, 10am-6pm.
¥1,000/free (RSVP). Tokyo
Big Sight. Nearest stn:
Kokusai-Tenjijo-Seimon. Tel:
03-5530-1111. www.japantex.
Design Festa vol. 34
International art event. Nov
12-13, 11am-7pm, ¥1,000.
Tokyo Big Sight. Nearest stn:
Tel: 03-5530-1111. www.
Bazaars & Markets
Recycle in Fashion
Welcome clothing donations.
Oct 13, 8-10pm, free. Peace
Boat Office. Tel: 03-3363-8047.
Umi no Koen Flea Market
Every third Sun, 10am-4pm,
Umi no Koen. Nearest stn:
Umi No Koen. rinpodan@
umino-kouen.net Tel: 03-32266800.
Nogi Shrine Market
Every second Sun, 5:30am3pm, Nogi Shrine. Nearest stn:
Nogizaka. Tel: 03-3478-3001.
Oedo Antique Fair
Japan’s largest outdoor
antique market. Every first
and third Sun, 8am-4:30pm,
Tokyo International Forum
Hall C. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
Metropolis presents
Halloween Glitterball
tv Get the full Metro TV guide online!
picks http://metropolis.co.jp/multimedia
Friday 7
CBS Evening News________________________________________ 7:30-8am BS6
Golf: Sankyo Ladies Open_____________________________1:25-3:25pm
Soccer: Kirin Challenge Cup Japan vs. Vietnam_ 7:30-9:48pm
I am Legend (M)__________________________________________ 9-10:54pm 4
Saturday 8
Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior: Season 1____________10-11am BS9
Formula 1: Japanese Grand Prix qualifier____________ 4:05-5pm 8
Avatar (M)__________________________________________________ 6-8:45pm BS9
Rugby World Cup: Quarterfinal_____________________ 1:35-3:30am 4
Sunday 9
Tennis: Rakuten Open final day___________________ 11:45am-7pm BS9
Baseball: Chunichi Dragons vs. Yomiuri Giants_____7-8:54pm 6
Die Hard (M)_______________________________________________ 9-11:10pm
J-MELO_ ______________________________________________________1-1:30am
Monday 10
Boat race: All Japan Championship final______________4-4:55pm
News Watch 9_________________________________________________ 9-10pm
Gymnastics: World Championships quarterfinal_1:15-2:15am
Wear kinky costumes and
compete for the grand prize: a
pair of round-trip tickets to NY!
One-coin drinks available. Oct
27, 7pm, ¥2,000 (adv)/¥2,500
(door). Vanity Lounge. Nearest
stn: Roppongi. Tel: 03-54740091. metropolis.co.jp/event/
CSI Miami: Season 7__________________________________ 12:30-1:25pm
Planet of the Apes (M)__________________________________1:25-3:25pm
Soccer: World Cup qualifier Japan vs. Tajikistan____7-9:48pm
Supernatural the Animation: Season 1_ ___________ 2:59-3:54am
Patagonia DJ Contest
Wednesday 12
One lucky artist gets to travel
to Chile with Peace Boat. Nov 5,
8pm, ¥3,000/¥2,500 w/flyer. M
Bar. Tel: 0120-95-6638. www.
Open Mike Night
Try out your new material
with the Tokyo Comedy Store.
Every first Tues, 8pm, free.
Double Tall Café. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. www.tokyocomedy.
Global Business in the
Media Mix
Tuesday 11
Thursday 13
Friday 14
Adam (M)____________________________________________________9:15-11am BS9
Golf: Japan Open_______________________________________ 3:15-4:50pm
How I Met Your Mother: Season 1_ _________________________ 6-7pmBS12
The Good Wife: Season 2________________________________11-11:45pm BS3
Japan Market Expansion
Competition (JMEC)
Sunday 16
Speech by Andrew DeWit,
Professor of Rikkyo University.
Must reserve: [email protected].
Oct 14, 7pm, free. Temple
University. Tel: 03-5441-9800.
Other Events
Rockin’ on presents
Food fair with 100 vendors.
Oct 8-10 & 14-16, 11am-7:30pm,
¥500 (door), ¥400 (adv), free
(elementary & under). Tokyo
Rinkai Disaster Prevention
Park. Nearest stn: Ariake. Tel:
The Green Hour
Absinthe-themed halloween
party with pole dance. Oct 14,
10pm, ¥2,500 (ladies)/¥3,500
(men). SuperDeluxe. Nearest
stn: Roppongi. Tel: 03-54120515. iflyer.tv/superdeluxe/
Tokyo Grand Tea Ceremony
Oct 22-23, 9:30am-3:30pm,
¥300. Hamarikyu Gardens. Tel:
Movie ReviewS
& cinemas P. 24
Cardless International
Calling Service
Step 1 Registration
Call 003271777 & wait until you hear a disconnection tone to
complete your registration. Your phone number will be stored &
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Step 2 Call for Recharge
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The Patriot (M)_ _________________________________________1:25-3:25pm
Sherlock Holmes (M)____________________________________ 7:50-10pm BS9
Soccer: Euro 2012 qualifier Spain vs. Scotland____10pm-12am BS9
Saturday 15
The Political Economy of
Power Policy in Japan
Tennis: US Open W/M singles final (R)____________ 10am-1:10pm BS9
Cruel Intentions (M)____________________________________1:25-3:25pm
Gymnastics: World Championships final_____________7-9:24pm 8
MMA: UFC136 Frank Edgar vs. Gray Maynard____10pm-12am BS9
How Nissan and other firms are
driving DIY news-making. Oct
12, 7-9pm, free (RSVP basis).
Temple University Mita Hall.
Tel: 03-5441-9800. www.tuj.
All sessions are free but
registration on the JMEC
website is required: www.
jmec.gr.jp. Oct 13, 8am; Oct
18, 7:30pm, free. Temple
University. Tel: 03-5441-9800.
CSI Miami: Season 7_________________________________________ 11-noon BS9
Hotel Rwanda (M)_________________________________________ 6:30-9pm BS6
Beverly Hills, 90210: Season 2________________________ 10-10:45pm
Lie to Me: Season 1_____________________________________ 3:15-4:05am
Baseball: Yomiuri Giants vs. Chunichi Dragons_____3-4:55pm
Die Hard 2 (M)______________________________________________ 9-11:10pm
Formula 1: Korean Grand Prix final____________ 11:50pm-1:30am
Rugby: World Cup semifinal_________________________ 1:55-3:50am
Monday 17
CSI Miami: Season 7__________________________________ 12:30-1:25pm
War Dance (M)______________________________________________ 1-2:50pm BS3
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi (M)__________________ 8-10:48pm
Before and After (M)_______________________________________ 1:59-4am 4
Tuesday 18
CSI Miami: Season 7__________________________________ 12:30-1:25pm
iCarly_____________________________________________________ 7:25-7:50pm
Figure skating: Japan Open_________________________________9-11pm BS7
Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story (M)_ 10-11:35pm BS3
Wednesday 19
World Wave____________________________________________________ 5-9am
Mother Teresa (M)_____________________________________________ 1-3pm
BBC Documentary____________________________________________ 8-9pm
Friday the 13th (M)______________________________________ 1:30-3:15am
Thursday 20
Rock in Japan Fes: Day 2________________________________ 10am-1pm BS9
Young@Heart (M)______________________________________________ 1-3pm BS3
The Quick and the Dead (M)__________________________1:25-3:25pm
Supernatural: Season 2_____________________________________ 9-10pm BS11
channel guide
5=TV Asahi
8=Fuji TV
7=TV Tokyo
BS5=BS Asahi
BS7=BS Japan
BS8=BS Fuji
*Shop ID:
01 → SevenEleven
02 → FamilyMart
03 → Lawson
04 → Other
You’ll receive an SMS to confirm the call, along with
a recharge code. Take this code to a branch of your
chosen convenience store to complete the process.
Step 3 How to Use
Call 0032717 + country code + area code + local number
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Australia (mobile—Telstra)
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Brazil, Rio De Janeiro
Brazil (mobile)
India, Bombay
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Malasya, Kuala Lumpur
Philippines, Manila
Philippines (mobile)
South Korea, Seoul
South Korea (mobile—Ktf)
Taiwan, Taipei
Taiwan (mobile)
Thailand, Bangkok
Thailand (mobile)
UK, London
UK (mobile)
United States
ibattle Co., Ltd. 9F Daiichi Ikebukuro White
Bldg, 2-9-9 Minami-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku,
Tokyo 171-0022.
Tel: 03-5400-2256 (Japanese)
[email protected] • www.ibattle.jp/en
Programming may change at the discretion of each station
#833 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 23
Agenda Movies By Don Morton
Final Destination 5
I actually liked the first few Final
Destination flicks. If you don’t know,
the decade-old franchise has to do
with one person having a precognitive experience that saves several
stereotypical friends from horrible
deaths, only to have Death (thy
name is Rube Goldberg) pick them off later in elaborate, gleefully
gory ways. But recent FD flicks have been coasting in cheapthrills land. This time the theme is skewering, and it is revealed
that you can trade fates and life spans with another person by
murdering them. Nice. Nifty snake-biting-its-tail ending bit that
cleverly relates to the first movie. Japanese title: Final Dead Bridge.
(92 min)
Cinemas 42 80 84 97
Friends with Benefits
As the title indicates, this is about
a com m it ment-averse couple
of best friends who agree to a
relationsh ip more com mon ly
referred to with a term that ends
in “-buddy.” Golly, you think they’ll
fall in love before the end credits?
It’s formulaic romantic comedy to a fault, but likeable leads Justin
Timberlake and Mila Kunis generate enough real chemistry to
make it work. The dialogue is naughty without being lewd, as are
the sex scenes, it makes fun of its own genre, and the filmmakers
had the good sense to include Patricia Clarkson, Richard Jenkins
and Woody Harrelson in the supporting cast. Japanese title: Stay
Friends. (109 min)
Cinemas 21 40 63 80 81 85 91 95 97
Rise of The Planet
of the Apes
his is a truly uplifting and inspiring film.
Unless you’re a human. As the title suggests,
it chronicles the events that led up to the
topsy-turvy state of affairs encountered by Charlton
Heston in the 1968 movie. You could say it’s all setup,
but never has setup been so flat-out entertaining. A
scientist develops an Alzheimer’s drug that boosts ape
intelligence in tests but turns out to be fatal to humans.
It’s a pity that CG tech teams are not eligible for Best
Actor Oscars, because the guys that animated Caesar
the chimpanzee would win hands down. It’s the
expressive eyes. In Caesar they have created a truly
three-dimensional, brilliantly executed character that
No impact Man
The Last Exorcism
Is your carbon footprint still too
large despite recycling, etc.?
Meet Colin Beavan, a preachy,
self-congratulatory wonk who
is especially irritating for being
exasperatingly right. In an orgy
of radical nonconsumption,
Beavan and his (comically reluctant) family eschewed, for a
year, such things as toilet paper, electricity, motorized transportation, and (gasp) coffee. Colin does not expect us to follow
suit. We, after all, lack his motivations of celebrity, a book and
a movie. His purpose was to raise our awareness of overconsumption, and this he does, compellingly and entertainingly
so. Japanese title: Chikyu ni Yasashii Seikatsu. (90 min)
Cinemas 5 40
I n ye t a n o t h e r low- b u d g e t
Blair Witch “found-film” chiller,
a noted eva n gelist /exorcist
(Patrick Fabian), who no longer
believes in God, now performs
bogus exorcisms for gullible
yokels for money. But he’s getting
out of the demon-banishment business and having his last
such rite filmed in order to expose its inherent fakery. Let’s just
say that this final job, involving a possessed 16-year-old girl (a
versatile Ashley Bell), renews his faith. This is a nicely creepy
bit of psycho-horror, at least until the silly, cop-out payoff, with
a believable cast and a modicum of originality despite the tired
subgenre. (85 min)
Cinemas 43 50 53 62 83 84 91 92 94 97
Renegade priest vampire killer battles new
race of bloodsuckers. Certain amount of
campy fun if you go drunk. (90 min)
Cinemas 17 43 86 97
easily out-acts the human lead James Franco—which
is admittedly not that hard to do. (Franco has since
stated that the role was beneath his, um, creative
talents. Right.) The story follows Caesar from infancy,
to awareness, to prison activist, to simian Che
Guevara. The animators build their creation around
motion-capture maestro Andy Serkis, who was also
“inside” Gollum and King Kong. This smart popcorn
flick offers originality and spectacle as well as food for
thought, and will not insult your measly unenhanced
intelligence. Japanese title: Saru no Wakusei. (110 min)
Cinemas 1 45 46 53 61 78 79 62 63 80 84 85 87 88
92 93 95
The Speak
In still another weak Blair Witch/
Cloverfield/Paranormal Activity
clone, an amateur film crew gains
access to a purportedly haunted
hotel for a bit of ghostbusting,
and lives (or perhaps doesn’t) to
regret it. They bring along a Native
American, who knows a chant (a “speak”) that will bring entities
over from the spirit world. She cautions against this but goes
ahead and performs the ritual anyway. This is a paragon of logic
compared to the rest of this tedious film, which consists mostly
of repetitive POV shots of rushing through the hotel’s darkened
corridors. Unspeakably lame. (83 min)
Cinemas 51 63
Fast Five
Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, and Jordana
Brewster drag a bank vault through
the streets of Rio (don’t try this at
home), steal hot cars from a speeding train (this either), and perform
a number of other physics-defying
stunts, but I’d still have to call this
the most grounded of the five (or is it three?) Fast and Furious flicks.
Reason being that the vroom-vroom franchise has done to death
the street-racing thing and moved on to a heist flick—albeit a skillfully made one—with very cool fast cars and sexy babes. Dwayne
Johnson is amusing trying to out-macho Diesel, and the Brazilian
setting is gorgeous. Big screen. Japanese title: Wild Speed. (130 min)
Cinemas 1 4 20 35 43 53 61 62 63 76 78 80 81 82 83 84 86 87 88
90 91 92 93 95 97
Dear John
More emotional button-pushing from sapmeister novelist Nicholas Sparks, directed by the
once-great Lasse Hallstrom. Japanese title:
Shin’ai Kimie. (105 min)
Cinemas 2 7 27 51 61 62 78 80 81 82 86 91
92 97
24 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
5 Days of War
Pulpy war-cliché movie about
the brief 2008 flare-up between
Georgia and Russia that, according to this flick, the world ignored
because it was so engrossed in the
Beijing Olympics. Right. It starts out
promising, with a stirring ambush
scene in Iraq, but this is a Renny Harlin movie, and in the onceeffective action director’s quest for clearly defined villains and
heroes, he abandons objectivity and treats the complex conflict
with insulting simplicity. There’s something deeply repugnant
about turning real-life horrors into blow-stuff-up popcorn entertainment. Unforgivably tasteless coda. (112 min)
Cinema 33
A blocked writer tries out an
almost-legal designer drug that
immediately boosts his intelligence. He finishes his novel and
moves on to become a Wall Street
guru. This attracts the attention of
a legendary financier but also that
of a nasty Russian gangster. And then the side effects kick in. It’s
an intriguing premise, and one that’s been explored before in the
movies. The script, however, is not nearly as smart as the main
character. But it’s rarely dull, the actors are good, the visual effects
are inventive, and if you ignore the gaping plot holes, it’s a briskly
paced, pretty fun head trip. (105 min)
Cinemas 53 86 91
The Next Three Days
Russell Crowe plays an everyman
ju n ior- col lege teacher whose
wife is accused and convicted
of murder. After exhausting all
appeals, he decides to break her out
of jail. There ensues a logistically
complex Felonies-for-Dummies
segment, where he learns how to do illegal stuff. The guy has
no friggin’ idea what he’s doing, but the film’s suspense hinges
on this very ineptitude. Last quarter morphs into a fairly whiteknuckle thriller. The story relies overmuch on coincidence, but
most heist/action films do, and if you can work up the required
suspension of disbelief, you’re in for some solid entertainment.
Japanese title: Three Days. (122 min)
Cinemas 3 16 35 48 60 63 66 80 84 85 88 91 92
James Cameron was one of six exec producers
of this competent if unoriginal flooded cave
movie. Don’t be expecting The Abyss. (109
Cinemas 43 53 62 63 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 86
90 91 97
Battle: Los Angeles
Okay, it ’s always fun watching El Lay get
blowed up good, but this loud, stupid flick
makes it seem tedious. (116 min)
Cinemas 2 19 35 43 45 50 53 61 62 63 65 76
78 79 80 81 82 84 85 87 88 91 94 97
(inside Mullion)
Printemps Ginza
Dept Store
Dept Store
Tobu Hotel
The Company Men
This horror film for corporate
climbers cycles among the stories
of three upper-level executives
(Ben Affleck, Tommy Lee Jones,
Chris Cooper) who are fired amid a
tanking economy in order to affect
a short-term stock uptick that their
once-friend, ridiculously compensated CEO (Craig T. Nelson)
deems necessary. Unabashedly told from a viewpoint above the
glass ceiling, it effectively details the woes of execs struggling to
replace the careers that defined them. The ensemble cast is ably
augmented by Maria Bello, Rosemarie DeWitt and a very good
Kevin Costner doing a bit of character work. (104 min)
Cinemas 5 27 84
A n A merican-born Muslim—a
for me r S p e c i a l Force s b om b
expert—threatens to detonate three
nuclear devices if his demands are
not met. FBI counter-terrorism
agent Carrie-Anne Moss tracks
him down but is dismayed and
disgusted by the truth-acquiring techniques used by a black-ops
operative known as “H” (Samuel L Jackson). The movie tries to
raise ethical questions about torture and its use, but its attempts
to appeal to the broadest possible audience limit its political
depth. Despite a weak and obvious script, the actors almost carry
the film, with special kudos to Michael Sheen as the terrorist.
Japanese title: 4 Days. (97 min)
Cinemas 13 86 91
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World
Fourth SK movie is not great, but it’s good-natured, silly
without being stupid and will not bore adults too badly.
(89 min)
Cinemas 45 61 80 81 83 84 90 91 92 95 97
Hachiko Shibuya
Tokyu Plaza
Keio Inokashira
JR Yamanote line
& subway
1. Toho Cinemas Nichigeki (033574-1131) www.tohotheater.jp
2. Marunouchi Piccadilly
(03-3201-2881) www.
3. Marunouchi Louvre (03-32147761) www.tokyucinemas.net
4. Toho Cinemas Yurakuza (033571-1946) www.tohotheater.jp
5. Human Trust Cinema
Yurakucho (03-6259-8608)
6. Yurakucho Subaruza
(03-3212-2816) http://subarukougyou.jp/movies
7. Toho Cinemas Chanter (033591-1511) www.tohotheater.jp
8. Toho Cinemas Scala-za/
Miyuki-za (03-3591-5358)
10. Marunouchi Toei (03-35354741) http://theaters.toei.co.jp
11. Cine Switch Ginza (03-35610707) www.cineswitch.com
12. Ginza Theatre Cinema (033535-6000) www.ttcg.jp
13. Ginza Cine Pathos
14. Togeki (03-3541-2711) www.
15. Shibuto Cine Tower (03-54894210) www.tohotheater.jp
16. Shibuya Tokyu (03-3407-7219)
17. Shibuya Toei (03-54675773/5774) http://theaters.
19. Shibuya Cine Palace (03-34613534) www.mitsuba-inc.
20.Shibuya Humax Cinema
21. Cine Quinto (03-3477-5905)
22.Cinema Rise (03-3464-0051)
24.Uplink X (03-6825-5503)
25. Le Cinema (03-3477-9264)
Toshima Ward Office
Dept Store
JR Yamanote line
Met Art Space
50 49
uk Gyoenmae
u D (subway)
Sunshine 60,
Sunshine City
Seibu Ikebukuro line
JR Saikyo line
Cerulean Tower
other areas
(no map)
Cinema Key
29, 30
Aoyama Dori
Shibuya Tokyu Inn
When Japan’s space agency JAXA re-energized its
cosmic exploration program eight years ago and
launched an unmanned probe to collect samples
from an asteroid, one could imagine this (supposedly) chest-thumping accomplishment as a Japanese
feature film. What would have been hard to imagine
is that three major, big-budget pics would be planned
within two years of the craft, called Hayabusa, returning to earth. Well, that’s what’s happened. Toei studios
have poured ¥1.5 billion into their Hayabusa: Harukanaru Kikan extravaganza and it will feature mega-star
Ken Watanabe. Shochiku studios are adding 3-D to try
and enhance the deep space effect but 20th Century
Fox is first to market with their simply titled Hayabusa.
The story centers on an erstwhile researcher (Yoko
Takeuchi) who lives and dies with every development
and space movement of this eponymous spaceship.
Replete with all the melodrama, over-acting and
sentimentality one can handle, the flick encompasses
some of the worst of blockbuster J-film techniques.
There are reports Fox will release this in the US. Good
luck with that. (140 min)
Cinemas 45 50 53 61 62 76 78 80 81 82 84 85 86 88
91 92 93 95 97
By Rob Schwartz
41 Shinjuku
42 Sanchome
iji D
Part 3
Hands 21
Ginza Daiichi Hotel
i Do
Chuo Dori
Studio Yas
Dept Store
Nikko Hotel
Koma Theater
Prince Hotel
1, 2, 3, 5
Seibu Shinjuku Line 35
Ginza Itchome
JR line
Seibu Shinjuku
Bic Camera
ji D
Ginza • Hibiya • Yurakucho
Rise of The Planet of the Apes: © 2011 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation; No impact Man: © Oscilloscope; The Last Exorcism: © 2010 STUDIOCANAL & STRIKE ENTERTAINMENT; The Speak: © 2010 THE SPEAK PRODUCTIONS LLC; Fast Five: © 2011 Universal
Pictures. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.; Final Destination 5: © 2011 NEW LINE PRODUCTIONS, INC.; 5 days of war: © 2011 IRON LION FILM PRODUCTION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED; Limitless: © 2011 RELATIVITY MEDIA.; The Next Three Days: © 2010 Lions Gate Films Inc. All
Rights Reserved.; The Company Men: © 2010-JOHN WELLS PRODUCTIONS; Unthinkable: © 2009 Unthinkable Clock Borrower, LLC. All Rights Reserved.; Hayabusa: © 2011「はやぶさ/HAYABUSA」フィルムパートナーズ
27. Human Trust Cinema Shibuya
29.Cinemavera Shibuya
(03-3461-7703) www.
30.Eurospace (03-3461-0211)
33. Theater N Shibuya (03-54892592) www.theater-n.com
34. Theatre Image Forum
(03-5766-0114) www.
35. Shinjuku Tokyu Milano
Building (03-3202-1189)
36. Shinjuku Cinema Square
Tokyu (03-3202-1189)
40.Shinjuku Musashinokan
(03-3354-5670) http://
41. Kadokawa Cinema Shinjuku
(03-5361-7878) www.
42.Cinemart Shinjuku
43. Shinjuku Wald 9
44.Theatre Shinjuku
45. Shinjuku Piccadilly
(03-5367-1144) www.
46.Ikebukuro Humax Cinemas
47. Shin Bungeiza (03-3971-9422)
48.Ikebukuro Tokyu
49.Ikebukuro Theatre Dia
(03-3983-9793) www.ttcg.jp
50.Cinema Sunshine Ikebukuro
51. Ikebukuro Cinema Rosa
52. Cine Libre Ikebukuro
(03-3590-2126) www.ttcg.jp
53. Toho Cinemas Roppongi Hills
54. Cinemart Roppongi
57. Iwanami Hall (03-3262-5252)
58.Jimbocho Theater (03-52815132) www.shogakukan.co.jp
60.Ueno Tokyu (03-3831-6620)
61. Shinagawa Prince Cinema
62. United Cinema Toyosu
63. Cinema Mediage Odaiba
64.Pole-Pole Higashi-Nakano
65. Kichijoji Toa Kogyo
66.Kichijoji Baus Theater
67. Kichijoji Plaza
(04-2222-5336) http://movie.
68.Kineka Omori
(03-3762-6000) www.ttcg.jp
69.Waseda Shochiku
70.Ginrei Hall (03-3269-3852)
71. Shinbashi Bunka
(03-3431-4920) http://movie.
77. Toho Cinemas Kinshicho
72. Meguro Cinema (03-34912557) www.okura-movie.co.jp
73. Sangenjaya Cinema
(03-3421-3322) http://movie.
74. Sangenjaya Chuo
(03-3421-4610) http://movie.
76. Rakutenchi Cinemas
78.Heiwajima Cinema Sunshine
79. 109 Cinemas Kiba
80.United Cinema Toshimaen
81. Warner Mycal Cinemas
Itabashi (03-3937-1551)
82.Toho Cinemas Minami-Osawa
83.Warner Mycal Cinemas ShinYurigaoka (044-965-1122)
84.Cinecitta Kawasaki
85.109 Cinemas Kawasaki
(0570-007-109) 109cinemas.
86.Toho Cinemas Kawasaki
87. Movil (045-311-0330)
88.109 MM Yokohama
89.Yokohama New Theatre
(045-261-2995) http://
90.Warner Mycal Cinemas
Minato Mirai (045-222-2525)
91. Toho Cinemas Lalaport
Yokohama (045-929-1040)
92.Movix Saitama
93. United Cinema Iruma
94.Toho Cinemas Ichikawa
Colton Plaza (047-314-0055)
95.Cinema Ikspiari
96.Kyosei Roza
97. YokohamaBurg 13
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 25
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Courtesy of Hortensia
Courtesy of Le Sample
the latest dish on food & drink in the big city
word of mouth
We trawled some recent back
issues to bring a selection of Tokyo
dining spots where the only thing
that’s smoked is the salmon
Bama Lohas Café
courtesy Manna
restaurant review
Courtesy of Koichi Torimura
Yutoku Soba
French, Azabu-Juban
Hemp cuisine, Ginza
Soba, Meguro
Lunch ¥4,775; dinner ¥8,40012,600
A French fine dining experience
with an interesting lunch menu—
four items of your choice to mix and
match at your pleasure. Skilled chef
Tetsuji Koga allows any combination
of his delicately prepared dishes,
served by bilingual waitstaff in an
elegantly designed interior.
Tapas, dim sum from ¥500;
entrées from ¥1,300
Hemp, hemp, everywhere and not a
leaf to smoke. It’s in the food, hanging from the ceiling, and in the spirit
of the place, as the durable fiber is
famous for improving health and
longevity—at least in China’s Bama
Yao County.
Mains from ¥740
W hen a restaurant is famous for
its design, the food can often be
an afterthought. At Yutoku Soba,
where handmade noodles are made
fresh twice a day, no such excuses
are necessar y. Nonet heless, t he
architecture and décor provide a
stunning setting.
Le Sample
French/Japanese, Ebisu
Dinner from ¥6,300 (excl. drinks)
Inspired by jazz pianist Joe Sample,
this restaurant presents a harmonious fusion between food and music.
The interior is minimalist and subtle,
the dishes a harmony of French and
Japanese ingredients served with the
utmost attention to detail.
Az Finom
Hungarian, Harajuku
Raw food, Yoyogi
Lunch ¥1,200-2,500; dinner
¥5,000 (incl. wine)
Hearty staples of a Hungarian home
kitchen, such as gulyás (goulash)
and pörkölt (stew), come artfully
arranged on fine Zsolnay porcelain
and finished with modern culinary
flourishes at this little-known Jingumae restaurant.
Lunch from ¥1,300
Vegan dishes consisting of fruits,
vegetables, nuts a nd seeds a re
blended, juiced, dehydrated and artfully arranged—but never heated to
over 48°C. Wash them down with a
detoxifying vegetable smoothie, and
find out it’s possible to fill up without
meat—or heat.
Dining Out
Who says toys are just for kids?
Certainly not Toique (2k540 AkiOka Artisan, 5-9 Ueno, Taito-ku;
www.toique.com). Spark your
creative juices at this new café-bar
in 2k540 Aki-Oka Artisan, a new
hotspot for craftspeople underneath
the elevated railway tracks between
Akihabara and Okachimachi station.
It’s an unconventional space—
children are not allowed, so as not
to disturb adults who come to play
with toys like Lego, Naef and LaQ.
Desserts such as coffee jelly topped
with Lego piece-shaped milk jelly
(¥450), and brown rice blancmange
garnished with Lego figure-shaped
jellies (¥450), foster play. You can
always buy your favorite toy if you
get hooked.
Next to a creaky bridge on the
Tama River is Gallery Poppo (662-3
Tanazawa, Hatonosu, Okutama-cho,
Nishi-Tama-gun; www.gallerypoppo.
com), a timber building that looks
out to the Hatonosu valley. Forget
you’re in Tokyo while you listen to
the birds and treat yourself to the
limited lunch set (¥1,200), which
includes tempeh, eggplant steak
with tomato and mushroom sauce,
a side dish, rice, salad, pickles,
soup, and a dessert. Chunky curry
with salad (¥1,200) and pizza toast
with salad and soup (¥1,000) are
also additive-free and made with
seasonal ingredients. Organic coffee
(¥250) and tea (¥300) are good deals
for diners and the Fairtrade products
and handcraft goods on display
might make choice souvenirs.
Amidst the neon-lit love hotel
district of Hyakkendana, past the
adult toyshops and strip theaters,
stands an anachronistic café called
Meikyoku Kissa Lion (2-19-13
Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku; lion.main.
jp), which was built in 1926, burnt
down in an air raid during WWII,
and rebuilt in 1950. Time-travel to
the early Showa period as you kick
back on high-back burgundy chairs,
all facing a wooden two-story hi-fi
sound system that plays classical
music all day long. As no talking is
allowed, the people scattered inside
this double-height atrium sip cups of
coffee (¥500) and other soft drinks
(from ¥500) while being engulfed
by the music, napping or reading
quietly. Margarita
Sponsored by
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 27
James Hadfield
James Hadfield
the latest dish on food & drink in the big city
keeping tabs
Matsunao Kokubo
courtesy of Kura-Kura
Does drinking in Tokyo have
to include a lungful of carbon
monoxide? “No!” says Metropolis,
after consulting some of our recent
bar reviews.
Ongaku no Jikan
Lounge bar, Mitaka
Ongaku no Jikan hosts a wide variety
of live events and DJ parties, many
free entry; the bar also doubles up
as a niche/world music record store,
with obscure reading materials lining the shelves, too. Customers can
bring their own food to accompany
the wide range of gourmet beers and
spirits on offer.
How High the Moon
Wine bar, Koenji
Would you like some dumplings
with your wine and jazz, sir? Find
an eclectic mix of Spanish sangria,
Eastern European cuisine and modern jazz at this cozy Koenji wine bar,
run by past owner of the area’s wellloved Studio Café Bocoboco.
NZ Bar
Wine bar, Nezu
To say that the wine selection at
NZ Bar is good would be an understatement—the shop, located in this
shitamachi neighborhood, also runs
an online store specializing in New
Zealand vintages, and enjoys a close
relationship with many of the country’s top vineyards.
Craft beer, Kanda
Kura-Kura’s biggest claim to fame
is its “Perfect Beer Server,” an ingenious device that allows the pub to
keep 12 different brews on tap at all
times. Kura’s kitchen churns out
mainly izakaya-st yle grease fodder to soak up the drink menu good
and proper.
courtesy of VEGa Café Wine Bar
Nakameguro Beer Kitchen
bar review
Dining Out
5 Nakameguro Beer Kitchen
Dive bar, Nakameguro
NBK boasts a rotating selection of
“outlet beer”—import bottles less
than three months shy of their expiration date—starting at just ¥420. While
t he food includes beer-steamed
mussels and wine-marinated spareribs, the real specialty is the yakitori
grilled inside coconut shells.
VEGa Café
Wine bar, Ebisu
A n a l l-you-ca n-d r i n k w i ne ba r
(Monday nights only) w it h ecofriendly wines and equally friendly
owners. Enjoy a variety of both vino
and music to suit your own personal
taste—and place requests to their
iTunes DJ via your smartphone.
The key to finding an underground
café/bar like Omega Algea (B1
Tenjin 5-1-15 Nakano, Nakano-ku;
omega-swiez.co.jp) is to sharpen
your artistic instincts. Appropriately
located in the midst of a residential
area in Nakano—a Tokyo subcultural
mecca—it’s actually only a sevenminute walk alongside the hippyish
mural that stretches eastward from
the station. But even with your
almighty iPhone, you could easily
get lost trying to find it. Chandeliers,
red walls, antique chairs,
bookshelves, a bar counter and
adjoining gallery space feature in an
interior designed by the owner and
self-proclaimed “skull researcher.”
Drinks are about ¥600 and zesty
herb-seasoned dishes are no more
than ¥1,000.
The back bar at Dressroom (2-1314-3F Kitazawa, Setagaya; www.
dress-room.jp) is stocked with
jars of fruit soaked in vinegar,
which almost look like specimens
in formalin. These jars of ginger,
peach, pineapple, grapefruit,
yuzu, and lemon are used to
make their homemade vinegar
fizz (¥500) and original cocktails
such as ginger beer (¥750) and
yuzu pepper beer (¥750). It is
another one of those places which,
though not the easiest to find, may
easily make you a regular if you
like warm chandelier lighting,
large couches to lounge on, and
addictive snacks like homemade
pickles and beef jerky.
The season for yuzu, an aromatic
citrus fruit grown mainly in
Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, is just
beginning. At Neboke (1-26-249F Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku;
www.katsuo.co.jp), you’ll find a
wide selection of Kochi beverages
made from this tart fruit, such as
yuzu shochu (from ¥500), liqueur
(¥700), chuhai (¥650), and juice
(¥350). Other prefectural drinks
include imo shochu (from ¥500),
jizake (from ¥650) from a local
sake brewery, and regional festival
cuisine such as sawachi—a large
plate, 30cm-1m in diameter, used to
dish up sashimi, skewers, tempura,
sushi and deep-fried food. Indulge
in the gluttony with a 49th-floor
night view. Margarita
Sponsored by
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 29
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US dental school graduate. 20
years’ experience in hospital
dentistry, over 2000 dental
implants. Native English
speaker. Parking available.
3min from JR Harajuku stn.
Will fill out insurance forms.
www. adve nti stde ntal . jp
Acupuncture in Tokyo/
Aoyama/Shibuya area .
Non-invasive, gentle
treatment. Soothing &
relaxing. Only disposable
needles used. Fluent/
native-level English.
Individual assessment,
personalized therapy
p ro g ra m . N u r tu ri n g a n d
s up p o r tive atm o s p h e re .
Fully integrated w/
conventional practices
and medication. Covered
by most foreign insurance.
Te l : 03 - 5 4 69 - 0 810
Approved by the Japanese
Government. Highq u a l i t y “ wa gyu ” l e a t h e r
a n d s e i s m ic a lly i solate d
structured insoles. Control
pelvic alignment and relieve
knee, hip, lower back and
toe pain. Sizes 21-30cm (US
4-12). Open 10am- 6pm.
03 - 59 9 6 - 0 4 8 8 . ht tp : //e ecol.jp
¥1,000!! Regular price:
¥3000. Remove wrinkles and
reshape your face instantly.
We offer better deals than
any other salon! Reserve
by phone only. 0120 - 50 9091 www.rakutendou.jp/
as low as ¥44,600/year. 3-,
6- and 12-month plans to fit
your needs. Comprehensive
coverage: inpatient/
outpatient, ICU, surgery,
prescriptions, emergency,
X-rays, MRI, CAT, lab tests.
Claims processed in Japan
and paid in yen. Optional
Accidental Death & Disability.
E a sy e n ro l l m e n t ; p ay by
credit card or at convenience
stores. Sign up for HealthOne
today! www.healthone.jp
[email protected] 06-62638688
( p h y s i c a l t h e r a p y) c a r e
in Hiroo. Native Engli sh speaking therapists,
specializing in sports
i n j u r i e s , p o s t- o p e ra t ive
rehabilitation, back/neck
pain, running-related,
headaches, orthotics,
ergonomic consultations,
and women’s health.
w w w.tokyophysio.com
917 Issue
Fri, oct 21
Fri, Nov 4
Oct 13, 3pm
Oct 27, 3pm
are no longer needed. Just call
us or email. [email protected] www.recycle-boy.
com 0120-234-666
Find short or long-term
s tay s i n f u r n i s h e d /
unfurnished apartments
for singles and families in
the Kasai and Nishi-Kasai
area. Urban Renaissance
prop e r tie s in Roppongi ,
N i n g yo c h o , Ts u k i s h i m a
and Nishi-Ojima available.
B uy c o n d o m i n i u m s a n d
i nve s t m e n t p r o p e r t y.
c o . j p w w w. f u j i t o m o - f h .
com 03-5696-2341
2.1 Guesthouse
1.2 Hair & Beauty
03-5932-7777. Great rates
and efficient moves. Disposal
service of furniture and
appliances also available.
Sophisticated Private
Hair Salon. Bondz Salon’s
owne r ha s expe rie nce in
NY. H i g h q u a l i t y s e r vi c e
and natural products. Cut:
¥5,000, Color: ¥5,000 ~ .
All menu 20% of f on first
visit. 1min from Azabu-juban
stn. www.bondzsalon.jp/
index_.html Reservation:
O n ly C u t Z o n e s a l o n
provides a hair cut
service for only ¥1000. 5min
walk from Kita se nju stn .
Friendly English-speaking
staff is available. Contact
us at 03-3882-1550. Open
from 10am until 7pm, 7 days
a week. http://meturl.com/
2.3 Moving
Call ECONOSHIP! With over
30 years of experience, you
can count on Econoship for
courteous, efficient, reliable
s e r vi c e a n d r e a s o n a b l e
prices. For real peace of
mind, move with the best.
Move with Econoship! Call,
email, or see our new website.
Ask for the Metropolis
special. 0120 -222-111
[email protected]
* M OVI N G I N TO K Y O ? *
For hom e re loc ation or
sayonara sale delivery, call
Steve at 090-3801-8083 or
MOVING? Experienced staff
will assist you at reasonable
prices. Transportation for
overseas/domestic moving.
Packing and warehousing
with care. Customs
clearance. Air or sea freight
f o r w a r d i n g wo r l d w i d e .
03 - 5 8 51 - 93 3 1/0 9 0 -12 16 0012 [email protected]
1.8 General Services
Choreographed wedding
dance, Argentine tango,
salsa, waltz, cha-cha,
foxtrot, swing, hustle,
merengue, samba, tango,
quickstep, Viennese
waltz. Fun lessons, 5min
from Shibuya stn.
G roup l e s so n : ¥2000/h .
t o k y o @ j s d c . o r g
H A N D YM A N .
Disposal services. Furniture
assembly. Removal support.
Pets . Garde ning . Aircon .
Plumbing. House cleaning.
Repairs. Painting. Any type
of reform. Please call Aki
Matsumoto on 080-56783215. I’m happy to consider
any request you may have.
R ECYC L E BOY. W e a r e a
in Tokyo/ Yokohama.Our
services include small
to l a rg e (fa m i ly/o f f i c e )
domestic moving. We also
buy recyclable goods that
¥ 1 9 , 0 0 0 / M C A MPA I G N !
All furnished private
rooms ¥19,000 for the
first month. Normal
price ¥49,000 ~/m. In
downtown Tokyo, Asakusa,
Roppongi, Ginza, Akasaka,
S an g e njya , Kom azawa ,
Fu t a g o -Ta m a g a w a , a n d
Y o g a . 女 性 も 安 心 。都 心 の
国 際 ハウス 全 室 I n t e r n e t . 家
具付個室. 03 -3707- 8 8 8 8
2.2 Rent Under
200,000 yen
RO P P O N G I .
Ginza ¥53,000~. Gotanda
¥48,000 ~. Kachidoki
¥48,000~. Utilities
¥7000/m. Fully furnished, w/
f r e e I n t e r n e t . Yo t s u y a
¥68,000 (utilities ¥10,000).
Dormitory ¥45,000 (utilities
¥ 5 0 0 0). N o key m o n ey,
¥10,000 refundable deposit.
w w w . r o p p o n g i mayflowerhouse.com
Azabu, Roppongi, Asakusa,
Ki c h i j o j i , Yo ko h a m a
¥49,000~/m. No key money/
guarantor/brokerage fee.
O ve r 1 0 0 g u e s t h o u s e s
(Internet, utilities included)
and apartments. Call
Oakridge : 03 -3 502-23 51
com www.oakridge-housing.
Over 600 affordable,
apartments in central
To k yo l o c a t i o n s . N o key
m o n ey/g u a ra nto r/a g e nt
fe e re quire d . New, clean
apartments, simple contract
system, full English support.
Call us today 03-5437-5233
LOFT (25㎡) IN
l o f t i n
m o d e r n
building in
Line). 5min to Shinagawa,
1 5 m i n to G i nza , 1 5 m i n to
To k yo s t n , 2 0 m i n t o
S h ib uya . NO Key m o n ey,
m a n a g e m e nt /a g e nt fe e .
Only 1 month deposit.
gmail.com http://
A P A RTMENT S . O d a k y u
l i n e , M u k o g a o k a -Yu e n /
Yomiuri-Land-Mae, 20/30
min from Shinjuku. Keikyu
line, Haccho-Nawate, 15min
from Shinagawa. 1K~2LDK,
¥58,000/m ~ ¥120,000/m.
Tel: 044-933-7000 Email:
[email protected]
w w w. minowagroup. jp/
To Advertise In Japan’s
No.1 English magazine,
log on at www.metropolis.
co.jp/classifieds or email
your co m m e rc ia l a d s to
Metropolis reserves the right to refuse, cancel or edit any ad without notice. Metropolis takes no responsibility for the quality of items or services advertised. Please carefully examine vendors or
items offered before commitment. Please be careful when contacting and arranging to meet people.
Visit classifieds.metropolis.co.jp for complete listings.
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 31
Many more Classified ads online! Please visit classifieds.metropolis.co.jp
in a quiet, residential area of
Hiroo. Studio & suites. 4min
from Hiroo stn. Rates: Daily
¥ 7 5 0 0 . We e k l y ¥ 6 5 0 0 - /
day. Monthly ¥5500-/day.
Over three months ¥4950-/
day. Over one year ¥4400-/
d a y, (t a x , u t i l i t i e s i n c l ) .
f r o n t d e s k@ a z a b u c o u r t .
com w w w. azabucour t .
com/ 03-3446-8610
¥60000/m. 8min from
Odakyu Yomiuriland-mae
stn. ¥30000 deposit plus
monthly utilities. Wi-Fi,
kitchen, laundry, garden, and
bathrooms part of common
area. fleetofdreams@
gmail.com 080-1672-7210
Facebook@”Villa Saranda”
A sa k u sa / K u r a m a e a r e a
roommate wanted. Private 6-mat
room available now. 1min walk to
Kuramae stn, Oedo subway, 4min
walk to Tawaramachi, Ginza subway.
Furnished, internet, large dining,
lounge & kitchen. ¥57,000/m + share
bills. Contact Shige. northcote1950@
hotmail.co.jp 080-4118-9903
Roomshare in 2LDK. Room share
available 22min from Shinjuku.
6-mat room in 2LDK. Male or female,
nonsmoker. Rent ¥40,000/m plus
utilities. Closest stn: Hikarigaoka,
Oedo line. Contact 090-3249-6571
or email: lookingforroom2011@
N e a r I k e b u k u r o p r i v at e
apartment. Private apartment
¥55,000/m at Seibu line Shiinamachi
stn next to Ikebukuro, Yamanote
Mejiro stn and subway line also
accessible. Quiet residential area.
Your own room, kitchen, shower.
Fully furnished. No key money Free
internet. mandaringogo@excite.
co.jp www.shiinamachihouse.jp/
2.3 Rent Over 200,000 yen
2.6 Buy/Sell Premises
O F L A KE S I D E , t o t a l l y
private wilderness, partly
terraced for hut sites, but
only 10min from the stn. One
hour to Tokyo, and 15min
f r o m s u r f . ¥6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
fre e h ol d . Al so n e at t wo storey 3LDK Japanese style
house nearby, ¥6,500,000.
Contact [email protected]
[email protected]
2.7 Office Space
Bilingual real-estate agency,
o f fe ri n g fu rn i s h e d a n d
unfurnished apartments
throughout central Tokyo.
Also providing shortstay serviced apartments,
relocation service, furniture
rental and property
management services.
Please call 0120-957-520
2.4 House Share
Great value, quality design,
new, serviced office space
in Shibuya. Open concept,
all the facilities you need,
lounge area, private meeting
room, pricing starting
from ¥55,000/month.
Please contact us for more
information or to arrange a
visit: 03-6855-7115 inquiry@
a g o r a - t o k y o . c o m w w w.
3.2 Japanese Teachers
single rooms ¥45000-
TEACHERS. Highly qualified,
exp e rie n ce d in struc to r s
offer individual/small group
lessons at your home/office/
instructor’s home. Business/
daily conve r s ation/J LPT
available. Lesson fee from
¥ 2 2 0 0 / h a t i n s t r u c t o r ’s
h o m e , f r o m ¥2 , 7 0 0 / h +
transportation fee at other
places. Discount negotiable
for longer/frequent/group
lessons. 03-3918-0876, 044855-5039 ajtkyokai@yahoo.
co.jp http://ajt.rakurakuhp.
net/ ajtk
Group of volunteers offer basic
Japanese lessons for foreigners.
Every Wednesday, 10am-noon.
¥2 ,000/month. Kudan Shogai
Gakushuukan, Kudan. Nearest stn:
Kudanshita. Tel: 03-6379-6898.
[email protected]
Excellent Japanese Teacher
Avai lab le . E xce ll e nt fe m a l e
Japanese teacher available in the
Saitama area. Reasonable rates
and great results. I have several
years of experience and will tailor
your classes to both your schedule
and expectations. Let’s start your
new Japanese education soon!
[email protected]
Japanese teacher offering
enjoyable Japanese lessons around
Ikebukuro, Ueno, and Nippori. All
levels are welcome. ¥3000/hour
including email language support.
For further information, email Ami:
[email protected]
3.4 English Teachers
EN G L I S H TE A CHER . E n g l i s h
language teacher teaching English
to students through Skype.
Experienced professional teacher
graduated from Pedagogical Faculty,
American University. ¥2,000/hour
[email protected]
3.5 Language
Chinese and English. Chinese
beginner keen to learn Chinese.
Denentoshi line preferred.
[email protected]
Chinese for English I’m a Chinese
speaker who is new to Japan. I am looking
for an English speaker for language
exchange. [email protected]
English and Japanese. I’m a 31 y/o
Irish guy. I want to meet people near
Shinjuku for language exchange. Let’s
help each other improve our level. now_
[email protected]
32 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
English and Japanese. JM, 20s, living
in Tokyo, seeking English speakers who
can talk with me in English. Let’s talk in
a cafe or someplace. baggio-azzurri@
English and Japanese. I’m seeking
serious language exchange. I need to
correct my written advanced Japanese
and will help you with your advanced
English. Not for beginners, sorry.
I’m a British finance professional.
Omotesando or Gaienmae. Daytime
ok. [email protected]
English and Japanese. JF studying
English alone seeks chat buddy from
overseas. Meet at cafes on the Hibiya line
from Soka to Toyoko line. Prefer female.
[email protected]
English and Japanese. English
man, 35, would like to find a Japanese
conversation partner. If you can help
me with my Japanese, I can help your
English. [email protected]
English and Japanese. Native English
speaker, 40, learning Japanese, seeking
a language exchange friend in central
Tokyo. [email protected]
English and Japanese. Married
JM, 30, in Tokyo, seeking someone
to practice my Japanese. I lived and
worked in Canada for three years. I
want only to study. edu_taylor1116@
English and Japanese. JM, 35, seeks
people who want to learn the Japanese
language. I can go to Tokyo, Chiba and
Saitama. Only web-chatting also ok.
[email protected]
English, French and Japanese. JM
seeking English or French speaker
to practice with. spherefriends7@
English, French and Spanish. JM,
living in Tokyo, seeking E, F or Sp
speaker who I can practice with. I will be
glad to help you in Japanese in return.
[email protected]
English/Spanish and Japanese JF
seeking language exchange and friends to
go for a drink in central Tokyo. Preferably
native speakers who are interested in
learning Japanese culture. What’s your
hobby? Let’s get to know each other by
email first. [email protected]
French, English and Japanese.
European man seeking a language
exchange partner to improve his
Japanese. I can teach you French or
English. Let’s enjoy sharing our cultures
and interests. West of Tokyo preferable,
but Yokohama or central Tokyo are ok.
[email protected]
German and Japanese. JM, 27, seeks
language exchange partner in central
Tokyo. If you are interested in learning
Japanese, please respond. I want to
learn German seriously. t.n1575@
3.9 Teach Me!
English lessons. JM, 30, seeks native
English teacher for reasonably-priced
lessons at a cafe in central Tokyo or
Skype. [email protected]
English teacher. I need a native
English teacher who can teach me
somewhere along the Yamanote line.
I can pay some money and for your
coffee. [email protected]
Forex teacher sought. I am looking
for someone who can teach me forex. I
know the basics so I need some expert
improvements in exchange for Italian or
English lessons. [email protected]
Seeking English speaker. JF seeking
English speakers in Kawasaki or
Yokohama for language exchange to
improve her English. Prefer female.
Fee negotiable. Serious only. I can help
you with your Japanese in return, if you
want. [email protected]
Teach me basic cooking. Can you
teach me very basic home cooking?
I just want to learn to cook meat
and vegetables on Sunday. I’m an
American male, mid 30s, in Koto ward.
[email protected]
3.10 Language
Piano lessons in English
Classic piano, Jazz piano, and
Singing lessons. Instructors
visit your place for weekly
lessons. Taking lessons at
our studio also possible.
Welcome beginners. Any
ages. One trial lesson ¥1,000.
More info? Contact us now!!
4.1 Furniture &
Chair. Ergohuman deluxe office chair,
just purchased from IDC. New ¥79,800.
Sell ¥29,000. [email protected]
Chest of drawers, Ikea Kullen
(70x40x72cm), w/three drawers,
birch wood color, about one y/o, in
perfect condition, perfect for small
spaces. Pick up close to Hikawadai
stn. [email protected]
Desk. Brand new solid wood computer
desk from IDC (W60xH70cm). New
¥32,000. Sell ¥16,000. Pics available.
[email protected]
Mattress, high-quality (medium to
hard), queen size (190x140x29cm),
used one month ¥10,000. Photos
available. [email protected] 0803446-9725
Screen panel. Four beautiful antique
Chinese screen panels, wood-carved
artwork, beautiful with light in the
background ¥19,000/each. matcajp@
Sofa, small, black, very good condition
¥3000. [email protected] 0904522-1855
Table, a n t i q u e a t e l i e r
(W140xD67xH75cm), old pine, pretty
old, but has style ¥23,000. Minato-ku.
[email protected]
4.2 Appliances
Dishwasher, Panasonic NP-TR1,
bought in 2010. New ¥60,000. Sell
¥25,000. Delivery within Tokyo.
[email protected]
Iron and sandwich maker. Muji
iron, new ¥1000. Waffle and sandwich
maker, new ¥2000. Photos available.
[email protected] 080-34469725
Vacuum. Twinbrid cyclone no-bag
vacuum cleaner, about two y/o, good
condition. Delivery depending on
location. [email protected] 0906179-3204
4.3 Sayonara Sale
Sayonara sale! Air filter, child-proof
floor heater, hot pot, Casio keyboard,
coffee pot, financial books, dumbbells,
etc. List w/photos available. Sugamo,
Yamanote line. shognuneye@hotmail.
Sayonara sale! Electronics, audio,
furniture,clothes, shoes, bags,
and more. Pick up by Oct 21. List/
info available (English/Japanese).
[email protected]
Sayonara sale! Panasonic iron,
Delonghi coffeemaker, phone, baby
car seat, baby high chair, small wooden
sidetable, modern glass ceiling light
(Muji), boy’s mountain bike, juicer,
small Christmas tree, toddlers desk
and two chairs. Prices, dimensions and
photos available. j_d_h_7_3@yahoo.
co.uk 09024513105
Sayonara sale! Fridge, 470L, fivedoor, w/ice maker ¥40,000. Sharp
7KG washer/dryer ¥18,000. Microwave
¥15,000. Digital 17” multi-media PC and
TV ¥15,000. Wall mount A/C ¥20,000.
And more. [email protected]
Sayonara Sale! Fridge, two-door
¥13,000. Washer ¥6000. Microwave
¥ 5 0 0 0. Ri ce co o ke r ¥ 2 0 0 0.
Window unit aircon ¥12,000. Wall
unit hot/cold/dry aircon ¥15,000.
Digital 20” TV ¥15,000. And more.
[email protected]
4.4 TV & Home Theater
Blu-ray player, Sony BDP-S370,
region 1 (U.S.), plays Japanese Bluray discs but not Japanese DVDs,
w/manual and all accessories, mint
condition, six m/o ¥8500. maturin@
in.com 080-5008-5911
at half usual price: only ¥640,000.
[email protected]
13.1 Let’s Party
Plasma TV, Pana s o nic Vie ra
TH-42PZ80, full HD, 1080p, excellent
condition, guarantee until Dec ‘13
¥60,000. Pick up Kawagoe, or pay
delivery. [email protected]
TV, Panasonic, 50” (TH-50PZ750SK),
w/free TV stand, great condition.
Denon music/stereo/DVD system,
w/speakers. I live at Tokyo Midtown.
[email protected] 09031032077
TV, Sharp, 17”, multi-media, ok for
PC hook-up ¥15,000. kuma4love@
4.6 For Kids
Bed. High quality kid’s bed, loft style
or normal, from Team 7. Ecological
wood, mattress is organic cotton and
sheep’s wool. New ¥520,000. Sell
¥35,000. [email protected] www.
2011 NISSAN MARCH Nissan March,
2011 March, 1,300cc, automatic, red,
eco drive. Only 2,500km, English
navigation, TV, CD player, 2.5yrs
Shaken, mint condition. Bought:
¥ 1,600,000. Sell: ¥ 900,000.
[email protected] https://
NissanMarch 090-4129-8221
Infant carrier, Baby Bjorn Air, graywhite, new ¥7000. Photos available.
[email protected] 080-34469725
Various kids’ items. Kid’s bike,
doll house, ski set, and more. Photos
available. [email protected]
4.7 For Free
NISSAN ELGRAND Nissan Elgrand,
2009 Feb 3,500cc, automatic, only
9,000km. Dual sun roof, original
dual TV, Bose theater system,
wireless headphones, black color,
bluetooth (iPhone4) connectivity,
mint condition. Bought:
¥5,500,000. Sell: ¥3,750,000/
obo. [email protected] https://
NissanElgrand 090-4129-8221
6.1 Cars, Parts, &
Specializing in car sales,
buy-backs, door-to - door
s h i p p i n g , l o n g - te r m c a r
storage and any other
car-related matters. If you
need assistance with your
c a r, we a re h e re to h e l p.
Tel: 03-6868-3366 or 0909362-5098 [email protected] www.jce-autos.jp
2000 CLK Convertible - perfect
and must sell Gorgeous black
2 0 0 0 AVA NT G A R D E m o d e l
CLK320 convertible. Two-tone
grey leather interior, all options,
GPS Navi & VICS traffic system &
ETC system. 5 speed automatic and
tiptronic. Automatic roof in perfect
condition as garaged. 51,000kms
in fantastic condition, just renewed
shakken. Leaving Japan, so selling
Connect with us
on twitter
Sat, Oct 22, 6:30-9pm, Devi
Fusion (Roppongi). Japan’s
biggest international party.
Meet 250 new people. All-youcan-drink and free snacks.
Mobile: www.getyourfriend.
com/mobile/emtop. htm .
¥ 3000. Japane se male :
¥3500. [email protected]
8.1 Services
Bed. Free double bed, about 10 y/o
but good condition. We live near
Toride (Ibaraki) and can arrange cheap
delivery on Sunday night, other days
delivery is on you. amkras@hotmail.
com 090-6179-3204
S ofa b e d , t a n , l e a t h e r- l o o k
(210x100cm). Pick up Oshiage. Photos
available. [email protected]
15, 6-8:30pm, at Caspa Ginza.
Ginza’s only full-scale and the
biggest international party.
200 people expected. All-youcan-drink and free snacks.
¥3000. [email protected]
High chair. Stokke high chair, unused,
brand new ¥17,000/obo. Serious
inquiries only please. ady_adefris@
noandt.com 090-6546-2285
Highchair/cot, Combi, variable
height, very versatile, converts into
newborn day cot, classic compact,
w/spare covers ¥6000. Wooden crib
for infant-toddler, w/mattress ¥3000.
Baby Bjorn baby carrier ¥3000. All in
excellent condition. bfjohnson278@
gmail.com 090-1791-6888
T o ky o IT S e r v i c e s
We fix all kinds of computer
problems and also offer data
recovery service in Tokyo. We
provide a range of computer
services to corporate,
small and medium - sized
businesses, and individual
PC and Mac users as well.
O n s i te c a l l a n d E n g l i s h
c o m p u te r s fo r s a l e a n d
rental is also available. 1min
walk from JR Yamanote line,
Hamamatsucho stn S5 exit,
3min from Daimon subway
B4 exit. 10am-6:30pm. Call:
03-3437-2312 www.tokyoit.
10 HELP!
10.2 Support
NEED TO TALK? We’re here to
listen. TELL (Tokyo English Life
Line) provides free, anonymous
telephone counseling everyday
9am to 11pm by trained volunteers:
03 - 57 74 - 09 92 . Af fo rd a b l e
and professional face -to -face
c o u n s e l i n g i n To k y o a n d
Yokohama in multiple languages:
03-4550-1146. Invaluable
information & links, resources for
parents & teachers, and materials
on how to cope after a disaster in
several languages are available on
the TELL website: www.telljp.com.
If you have a problem with drinking,
we can help. English speaking
m e e t i n g s d a i ly. 0 3 -3 97 1 -147 1
[email protected] http://
aatokyo.org [email protected]
http://aatokyo.org 03-3971-1471
O.G.A. FOR AID Charity Event
in Tokyo for Tohoku Proceeds
go to Community Center in
Minamisanriku. Come and
support! 東京での東日本大震災チ
ャリティイベント、10月12日! 収益金
下さい! http://www.wazoo.jp/
Sat , Oct 8 , 7-9 :30 pm @
Seven Ebisu. Biggest
international party
by Japan’s biggest
inte rn atio n a l frie n d s h ip
site. 250 people. Everybody
welcome! All-you-candrink and snacks. ¥3,000.
[email protected] www.
PARTY. Fri, Sep 30, 7~9:30pm
Single s Par t y at S hibuya
Xanadu, Sat , Oct 1, 6:30 ~
Roppongi Int ’l Party at
Bar Quest, and Sat, Oct
8, Omotesando Sushi
Party! Also Speed Dating
on Oct 2 & Oct 16. Plea se
check website! best@
i n t e r n a t i o n a l p a r t y. c o m
To Advertise In Japan’s
No.1 English magazine,
log on at www.metropolis.
co.jp/classifieds or email
your comme rcial ad s to
[email protected]
Tours to taste
the essence
The Japan Tourism Agency is offering
foreigner-friendly trips to experience
Japanese life and culture, and interact
with local people. Visit farming and
mountain villages, and experience the
agriculture, forestry and fishing industries,
traditional towns and art performances,
and health trips to hot springs.
Join us now to see the REAL JAPAN.
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 33
Many more Classified ads online! Please visit classifieds.metropolis.co.jp
14.1 Sports
Nihon Unisys Bulls, X league
Central Division, seeks fit
players w/ US college football
experience for all positions.
Practice every Sat/Sun from
10am-3pm (including meeting)
in Tokyo/Saitama (time & venue
subject to change). Attendance
at practice must be over 60%.
Please contact for tryout info
and send your profile to team
admin. bullsxleague@gmail.
com http://www.unisys.co.jp/
Azabu-Juban School
Private & Course lesson
We make Japanese language lessons fun!
• Excellent English-speaking
instructors with plenty of experience.
• No registration fee
• Private lesson: NIC school, your office
or home. Free trial lesson
30 sec walk
from AzabuOctober Beginner’s, BJT & JLPT N1, Juban stn.
Tully’s Coffee
Drug store Nanboku/Oedo Line
N2, N3 courses start now!
Hotel the Glanz
Contact us for details. Metropolitan Area.
Azabujuban Stn exit 1
Nanboku/Oedo Line
Tel 03-3454-5002 • Email [email protected] • www.nicjapanese.com
Kali Majapahit – Southeast
Asian Martial Arts Seminar.
Sat& Sun , October 15&16,
Shinkiba. Fee: ¥10,000 for 2
days (8 hours). Master Fred
Evrard, founder, will hold first
ever seminar in Japan. 0804173-7544 or [email protected] to reserve.
Badminton club in Tokyo. Small,
international group seeks players from
abroad. If you know basic footwork and
strokes, you could definitely enjoy playing
with us. [email protected]
FOOTBALL . N o n - co nt a c t
tag rugby (OZ tag) and
Rugby League players. We
play every Sat from 10am in
Tatsumi. M/F and beginners
welcome! Good exercise and
fun! Many other activities
such as BBQs, and drinking
parties! Email for details.
hotmail.com http://ameblo.
Quality football. Interested in playing
football at the weekend and training
midweek? Want to enjoy a few beers
after a good run out? If you consider
yourself a quality player, please drop us
a note. [email protected]
P L AYER S J a p a n A N Z AC S
rugby league team is looking
for rugby league players for
J a pa n e s e Ru g by Le a g u e
official game from April to
September. Anyone welcome.
C o n t a c t m o r e d e t a i l s to
[email protected]
YMC A F e n c i n g Te a m i s
looking for new members!
Fencing is both a mental and
physical sport that is fun and
challenging! Both Japanese
and foreigners, beginners
and advanced fencers
welcome! [email protected].
ne.jp for more information!
English inquiries welcome.
h t t p : // m e m b e r s 3 . j c o m .
home.ne.jp/tokyo -ymcafencingteam/home.html
R-DX.CO., LTD. Now hiring PC-operators
& net models. ¥3000/h plus ¥10,000/
day bonus depending on your potential.
Open 24 hours, flexible time, flexible
place. Work at Ikebukuro, Fussa,
Shinkoiwa office, or telecommute.
Conversational Japanese required.
Call 090-6256-9339 or Email:
[email protected]
kumon japanese
[email protected] ⁄ 0120 - 49 - 4625 (toll-free) ⁄ fax: 03 - 3234 - 4389
34 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
@ LEAFCUP (Tokyo, Yokohama, Omiya).
Seeking enthusiastic & proficient
Korean, French, Spanish, German, and/
or English speakers who can teach and
lead lively conversations @ chat tables
and group lessons. ¥1000-¥1800/hr
Apply online: www.leafcup.com/job.
Phone Operator/Coordinator
Wanted. P a r t- t i m e , o p t i o n t o
telecommute . Job entails taking
customer calls, e-mails, answering
inquiries, and coordinating schedules.
Ideal candidate is a mature, detail
orientated, open-minded multi-tasker
with a flexible schedule. Must be able
to work nights, *including weekends*
a n d h ave f u n c t i o n a l Ja p a n e s e .
[email protected]
Tokyo Crusaders (21 this year)
are a friendly but keen international
rugby club. Devoted to the game and
its social side, the “Cru” welcomes all
players and supporters of all shapes,
sizes and IQs. Regular games, recent
tours to Bali, Thailand. Domestically
to Sapporo, Nagoya, Fukuoka. Email:
[email protected] www.facebook.
Volleyball Club Intervoll. Japanese
and foreign volleyball players gather in
Takadanobaba to enjoy playing. Have
at least a basic level and want to play
volleyball in a friendly atmosphere?
[email protected] http://
13.2 Leisure
Classic & Easy Japanese
f o o d c o o k i n g c lass
in Hiroo. Sun, Oct 23,
10:30am ~12:30pm @My
R o o m KIR A R A ( U p s t a i r s
from Homeworks). ¥4,000.
Learn Japanese traditional
home-style foods in English.
com http://kskitchenjpn.
To advertise:
[email protected]
Editors! The ACCJ Journal, one
of Japan’s leading English business
publications is looking for full-time
editorial staff. We need experienced
business writers to join our team. Email
[email protected] for more details or
see http://metropolis.co.jp/staff
B us i ness de v elopment
consultant, AHA Corp. urgently
requires a Business Development
Consultant. Key result areas: 1. To list
out and survey prospect facilities for
sports and large area lighting systems;
2. To develop the market by finding
distributors, electrical contractors,
pro sp e ct ive cu stome r l i st s , a nd
various other support activities; 3. To
support dealers’ activities to achieve
sales targets; 4. To set up service
team(s) for system maintenance,
repairs and warranty claims. pipat@
musco-thailand.com www.musco.
com/ +6614361798
MODEL WANTED! Photographer is
looking for Nude Models for an Art
Project. Privacy is 100% respected! If
interested, please email: strikeapose@
nifty.com Serious only apply. Willing to
offer attractive modeling fee.
G RE E NG RAS S , a n i nte r n at ion a l
hostess club in Roppongi, seeks female
English speakers and international
ladies. Good salary of ¥3500/hour and
good bonus. Please call 03-3401-3788
or 090 -7202-9208. 日本人歓 迎
[email protected]
SEWING CLASSES. Interested in
learning sewing and tailoring
te c h n i q u e s u s i n g t h e s ewi n g
machine and pattern making?
Various workshops and classes can
be booked at http://sewingcircle.
wordpress.com tokyo.workshop@
13.3 Arts
MO D E L NEE D E D Fo r f a s h i o n
art photography by individual
photographer. No pay but will
provide a DVD or prints for your
time in return. Please contact for
more details. E-mail: dreamforart@
Artist brainstorming. Calling
international and Japanese artists
who are willing to meet every two
weeks to brainstorm and help each
other for artistic projects whatever
the field. A great opportunity to make
your project come true! Cafe meetings
in Shinjuku. rodscenography@gmail.
com www.atelier-efimero.weebly.com
Tokyo English otaku club. Love
sci-fi? Know the difference between an
android and a cyborg? Want to know?
Join us geeks/otaku for discussions
about geek culture and watch movies,
play games and have fun with other
geeks. [email protected] 0803470-1255
13.4 Music
Chorus girl wanted. Japanese soul
band seeks chorus girl who really
understands the importance of the
role and can correctly pronounce
English. We rehearse twice/month in
Yoyogi. pride-prejudice_darcy-lizzy@
Percussionist wanted. Cajun player,
human beat box or tap dancer wanted
by guitarist to play as a duo. exitz@leaf.
Place to play jazz. Jazz/world music
group, w/violin, piano, bass and
percussion, is seeking a place to play
in Tokyo. Prefer to have a piano in the
place. [email protected]
Seeking drummer. We play mainly
original songs influenced by soul/R&B
classics from the 60s and 70s, British
rock, and some jazzy stuff. info@
13.5 Mind, Body, Spirit
DUNCAN. What is awakening?
How can we experience it for
ourselves? Achariya Doug
Duncan will demonstrate.
Tokyo classe s Oct . 7-10.
Please see our website for
details. www.dharma-japan.
org [email protected]
13.6 Religious
Jewish Sunday School. Located
near Hiroo, our Jewish Sunday
School welcomes kids from ages 3-13
from around the world regardless of
affiliation. Taught by professional
educators, kids learn about their
history and culture in an interactive
and fun environment. Please contact
us at [email protected] to arrange a
visit. http://etzchaim.jp/
13.9 International
Intercultural activities. JII (Japan
Intercultural Institute) is a nonprofit, member-run organization
that sponsors activities (seminars,
cultural events, conferences) for
those wanting to further develop
intercultural competencies and
meet other interculturalists. yuko.
[email protected] www.
14.1 Friends
Autumn activity. English speaking
Japanese female, late-20s. Seeking
company to explore places this nice
autumn. Concerts, museums, sports.
I’m quite open to new things, available
weekends, nonsmokers preferred.
[email protected]
Email friend. A Japanese studying
English by watching movies and living
in Tokyo seeks someone from overseas
to talk about culture, movies, music and
any topic via mail. No sexual replies s’il
vous plait. language_exchange3@
Jogging partner wanted. Male
caucasian, 40s, seeking partner(s)
to jog with me around the palace on
evenings and weekends. simonjfch@
Life is not about waiting for the
storm to pass but learning to dance
in the rain. If this is you then this JF is
waiting to hear from friends like you.
No crazy gaijin, and nonsmokers only
please. [email protected]
Lunch, around Maru/Shin-Maru bldg
area, for casual conversation.leading
to good friendship. Let’s have coffee/
drinks after work also. I’m an openminded, single, 30, Latin guy fluent in
E/Sp/J and salsa. mike.photomatrix@
Married or single mother sought by
married father with three y/o boy for
meeting and having fun on Sundays
with the kids. If your child is three,
that would be best. Boy or girl ok.
[email protected]
Movie matinee? I’m a freelance writer
who often has time to see movies on
weekday afternoons. I prefer not to
go to theaters alone, so I’d like to find
company for films and conversation.
Any age/sex/nationality ok. khed67@
Thai cooking. Seeking people who like
to eat Thai food for monthly cooking
gatherings in the Yokohama/Kawasaki
area. [email protected]
Visual-kei friends. JM, 24, seeks
visual-kei mates to talk in English and
Japanese over a cup of tea and karaoke,
and someone to go to gigs together.
[email protected]
14.2 Men Looking For
Affectionate American Man.
I’m 182cm, blue-eyed, healthy, and
handsome. Looking for a casual
love hotel relationship with a
healthy, honest, kind lady. Let’s
meet, talk, relax, and have a great
time. You won’t be disappointed.
No smokers please. badflyingv69@
handsome male, 33, seeking no
strings but respectful fun. Let’s meet
Mon-Thu nights after work, have a
drink and go to a hotel. Email and tell
me about you. [email protected]
S UBMI S IVE S J M C u t e , 3 2 ,
submissive SJM is seriously
s e e kin g a wom a n wh o i s into
or interested in dominating
men. I am so submissive with
6-year experience that I can take
whatever and can serve you in
any way. [email protected]
[email protected]
アラフォー? Cheerful, nice-looking
American, 44, seeks attractive
Japanese female, any age, in Tokyo/
Yokohama area for friendship,
dining out or more. I am 183cm, 73kg,
w/brown hair and blue eyes. I enjoy
good food, wine, movies, etc. 日本語ち
ょっとOK. [email protected]
Bilingual SJM, 41, in Setagaya, seeks
bilingual lady for a serious relationship.
I’m fit, smart and financially stable.
I lived in NYC for ten years, so I can
communicate in English. Please email
me and let’s start talking! dubstone79@
British male, 31, friendly, tall, slim,
seeking a nice girl to hang out with.
Nationality/race unimportant, but
should be 20-35 and have a nice
personality. Interested in music and
film. [email protected]
California style. Hello ladies, I’m from
SF, California, 35, just arrived in Tokyo.
I’m looking for a cool, open-minded
lady to spend time with. Send your
picture. [email protected]
Cool and cheerful JM, 28, funny and
discreet, a professional educated in
Malta, is seeking an attractive and cute
Caucasian sweetheart, under 35, who
enjoys music, dancing, going out and
having fun. English and Spanish ok.
Let’s have passionate and romantic
times! [email protected]
Curvy legs. Calling all ladies with
nice, curvy legs. UK male, educated
and trustworthy, would like to date
you. Yokohama or Tokyo. alhupforit@
#915 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 35
Many more Classified ads online! Please visit classifieds.metropolis.co.jp
European man. Tall, good-looking
European, 36, although most people
tell me I look younger, professional
job, cheerful, kind-hearted. Seeking a
positive, cheerful, attractive girl for a
relationship. [email protected]
Female swimming mate sought. I
seek a female swim mate for periodical
practice after work and weekends. I
am a JM, 40, working in central Tokyo.
Western female under 45 is preferred.
[email protected]
For something a bit different. I’m
Thai/Chinese/American, well-traveled,
into food, fashion, art, culture, pop
culture, music, movies, photography,
and travel. Good relationships
start from friendship...your move.
[email protected]
Handsome Italian man, in Tokyo,
seeks long-term relationship with a
feminine, intelligent, and fun person.
Must be feminine and sexy. No games
or wasting time. Your photo first,
thanks. [email protected]
Let’s be friends. Expat, 42, in
Minato-ku. I live alone in Japan, love
movies, photography, computers,
driving and outdoor activities. Seeking
JF for friendship and going out together.
[email protected]
Let’s enjoy life. SWM, American, 35,
170cm, average build, seeking a woman
in her 20s who is open-minded, fun,
cute, down-to-earth yet fashionable,
has an interest in wine bars, museums,
singing karaoke, and traveling.
[email protected]
Lost in translation? Say “bye” to your
lonely life in Japan. I am a confident JM
who eagerly seeks a western girl for
friendship or possibly more. Let me
make your life in Japan extraordinary.
[email protected]
Love English and Spanish. JM, 40s,
w/decent English and some Spanish
ability, not very handsome, w/good
sense of humor and tenderness,
seeking Japanese girlfriend w/similar
interests. [email protected]
Seeking fun. SWM, 28, French, seeking
people who want fun like me. My life is
stable, but boring and stressful. I need
excitement for my mental health balance.
If you feel the same way, contact me,
please. [email protected]
Seeking girlfriend or someone for
adventure. Seeking a sweet girl, 22-38,
to enjoy Tokyo with. I am tall, European,
arguably good-looking, 27, can speak
English and Japanese fluently. psp_
[email protected]
Seeking outdoors type girl. Nicelooking white Canadian, blue eyes,
seeking girlfriend, 20-35, who likes the
outdoors, camping, fishing, bbq, sports.
No smokers please. Your photo gets
mine. [email protected]
Short skirt and heels? British man
seeks JF for fun dates and friendship,
possibly leading to more. Enjoys music,
books, football, drinking, and eating.
[email protected]
free pamphlet in English or
Japanese. [email protected].
ne.jp http://tma-marriage.
com 0120-937-909
Classical music enthusiast. Bilingual,
good-looking, fit, nonsmoker, 32,
slim with long hair, seeks SWM to
enjoy classical music, dining out,
sports. If we like, we’ll go to a concert
together. Single, nonsmoker only.
[email protected]
Cuddle up to me. I f yo u ’re
warmhearted, healthy-minded,
sensible, tall, Caucasian, 25-45, with a
professional job, I’m SJF, mid-30s, who
needs nice food, beautiful sky, nice
friends and a nice lover (family later) in
life. [email protected]
Lo n g - h a i r e d b e a u t y s e e k s
sophisticated beast. Very sexy SJF,
42 seeks sensible, hard-working, funloving, international and adventurous
man. Please show your class first then
you can share your wildness. I will do
the same. Single only. kiss_heaven11@
Mature gentleman. SWM professional
sought by attractive bilingual beauty
around 40 enjoying exercise and travel,
easygoing enough to find happiness
in everything. You are confident and
strong enough to feel always content
and know you are lucky. Try me. pink_
[email protected]
Professional BM sought by smart
and sweet JF in late 30s living in Tokyo.
Nonsmoking, SMB from the U.S, around
40 y/o preferred. Let’s enjoy an autumn
date. [email protected]
Romantic winter together? Elegant
and educated SJF, 30s, in central Tokyo,
seeks a sophisticated and intelligent
single gentleman with a nice smile. How
about talking and laughing over a glass
of wine on a sparkling night in Tokyo?
Serious only. [email protected]
Serious relationship. JF, early 30s,
seeks a well-educated French guy over
30 for serious relationship, possibly
leading to marriage. I wish to have a
family with kids in the future. Serious
only. [email protected]
Single man? I’m 38, but look young.
I’m slim, active, sincere, friendly, like
travel, music, sports, talking, hanging
out, laughing. Please tell me about
yourself. [email protected]
SJF in Tokyo, 34, would like to find
someone who is single, unique, around
my age and has common interests
like music, trips, art, etc. E/J speaker
preferred. I’m seeking friendship
and, hopefully, a serious relationship.
[email protected]
Want a boyfriend. Intelligent, pretty,
carefree JF, 36, seeks attractive man
for dating. Let’s go to a museum or
beach to talk about everything. Prefer
someone in the Tokyo/Kanagawa
area who loves dogs. You won’t be
disappointed. [email protected]
14.5 Escorts
Sophisticated and cute SJM seeks
interesting, warmhearted, western lady
for friendship or possibly more. If you seek
a genuine and ideal JM, let’s start with our
communication. [email protected]
Starting afresh. White male, 30s,
recently separated, wanting to start
afresh with the right lady. I am fit, active,
polite, empathic, jovial and passionate.
Looking for lady with similar qualities
aged 25-35. Serious only. Your photo
gets mine. dreamluva2010@gmail.
14.3 Women Looking
For Men
MEN for serious relationships
possibly leading to marriage.
Confidential & affordable,
since 1994. Contact TMA for
36 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
Gorgeous and beautiful young
Japanese ladies. Clean and
discreet. Nurses, OLs, models.
Over 19 years only. Call: 0801262-8080. Open: 5pm-12am.
Check out real images at
A A A D E A R S IR S .
To p - q ua l it y g i rl s fo r to p
d e m a n d a r e w i s h i n g fo r
the opportunity to share
e n j oy a b l e , w o n d e r f u l l y
satisfying times with
generous, classy gentlemen.
Our best attention at all times.
Te l : 03 -3 5 8 8 -1 5 9 0.
Prompt Referrals. Seeking
new girls. 応募歓迎.
Japan’s complete Adult
Nightlife Guide for
foreigners! Having trouble
finding a Japanese girl for
fun? Come to http://erolin.net
and check all possible clubs,
b roth e l s a n d e sco r t s fo r
foreigners! When you visit,
don’t forget to mention “Erolin
Guide”! [email protected]
CH AT ! Wa n t to t a l k w i t h
Japanese mature women?
R e g i s t e r F REE a n d s e n d
email to [email protected]
saying “I saw Metropolis” to
get ¥1,000 worth of BONUS
p o i n t s ! ! Va l i d o n c e p e r
person. www.madamu.tv
[email protected]
Asian Mystique provides
“girl-next-door” type escorts
in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya.
S exy, frie n dly, Ja pa n e s e
e s co r t s p rovi d e t h e fu n ,
professional staff provide
peace of mind. Open 24-7,
same day orders welcome.
co.jp www.asianmystique.
com 080-5454-9795
BEAUTIES 24/7. All Aged
18-27 Japanese and European
upscale flight attendants,
actresses, dancers, models
are offering GFE. Dominatrix &
fetish play. Friendly & prompt.
Credit cards welcome. Always
best quality & fresh faces,
with class & style. You will be
amazed! Available 24hours.
090-8304-1888 www.missplatinum.com
15.1 Job Wanted
HOME HELPER Experienced
Excellent service with a smile.
References available. ¥1500/
hr. Please contact Joy Kawi at
090-1211-7479. maryjoylaus@
バイリンガルベビーシッター I’m looking
for a babysitting job. I love to play
with kids! ¥4,000/h at least 6 hours,
everyday. ringo_sakurannbo2001@
yahoo.co.jp 080-5490-4518
The Last Word
We asked you what you thought about smoking in
Tokyo. Here’s some of what you had to say…
@osa kaadam—In t he U K, pr ice
h i kes never worked. Ba n n i ng
[smok ing] in all bars and restaurants did well though. Hope that’s
tried here in the future!
@Va n A lenbu rg— Coug h i ng g uy
(smelled badly of smoke) worried
about c a nc er f rom r ad ioac t i ve
food. Weird for a heavy smoker.
@helepon—Really missing outside
smok i ng a reas si nce com i ng to
Tokyo. Less chance to have a break
& chat away from the club.
@TheWatanabes—It would be nice
to play a gig that didn’t feel as if it
was impacting our health. For nonsmokers, the Tokyo nightlife is like a
night out in a gas chamber... And the
daytime ain’t much better! Performers possibly feel the effects more than
anyone. Non-smoking Karaoke lovers will sympathize I’m sure! ;)
Smoking is too widely accepted in
Tokyo. If the rules were more strict
and people felt more negat iv it y
towards it, I would definitely be able
to quit.—Sarah Brave
@a_d_fensom—Quit please!
@jkendy tokyo—Overall t he cit y
has ha nd led it wel l, hav ing pr ivate businesses ma ke t heir ow n
decisions rather than legislating
needlessly. But t he whole “don’t
smoke outdoors” t h i ng is qu ite
odd, an embarrassment of twisted
@sha r p_w r it i ng—“Smok i ng
is not normal behav ior for
or a n g u t a n s” [R e : T i m e a r t ic l e
about ora ng ut a n forc ed to qu it
@Shogannai—I feel bet ter
about myself already.
@kezzachan—Lots to say! Being
pregnant in Tokyo means I can’t go
out to eat in many places, I have to
hold my breath walking down the
street... Japan needs to join the rest
of the world and wake up to nonsmok ing laws. Feel li ke I live in
1985 sometimes...
@Sarah Brave—you’re kidding,
right?—Metropolis Magazine
No, I’m not. I’ve been trying to quit
for months now, but it’s too damn
cheap, and too much a social thing,
to be a smoker. I honestly feel there
are more smokers than non-smokers nowadays.—Sarah Brave
I hate the smoking rooms. I wish
there were more outdoor smoking
areas—like balconies and rooftops.
That way you don’t always come
home from a night out smelling like
an ashtray, with burning, red eyes.—
Kelly Williamson
If you as a parent force your children
to sit with you in the smoking section
of a restaurant in Tokyo, and they
have no say in the matter, couldn’t
that be considered a form of child
abuse/neglect?—Mark Flanigan
I have to go with Mark on this one.
I have seen babies in a cloud of
smoke because their parent(s) were
holding their fags below the table so
smoke did not drift over their food.
VERY hard to hold your tongue...
— Janelle Truman
My experience is that people are very
considerate in Japan and even more
so than my hometown Melbourne,
Australia (people regularly defy the
new anti-smoking laws in public
places to the detriment of others).—
Laura Stevens
Love to see true smoke-free sections,
definitely. I simply don’t eat in restaurants where smoke will waft into
my space...—Jamie Paquin
Since 3/11 smokers seem to revel in
blowing smoke and f linging their
still-smoldering butts from sidewalks, bicycles, car windows and
balconies. The consensus seems to
be: “if the government can’t protect
us from nuclear fallout, why should
we care about cigarette smoke?”.
Ca ncer is ca ncer, whet her selfinflicted or otherwise. Ditto for the
trouser burns!—John Munroe
Last but not least…
an old fashioned email
It’s got to t he poi nt now where
I choose to be unsociable at the
weekend rather than ruin the next
day with a sore throat and a lungfull of nicotine. During the nuclear
crisis I constantly asked myself: why
are people so worried about radiation when they are so content to
eat, drink and live in toxic smoke?
In my opinion the health impacts
of passive smok ing are far more
serious.—Duncan Walsh
38 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
OCT 21
BEauty special
special advertorial section
False eyelashes
cost from ¥100 in Daiso to about ¥2,500 for
one or more pairs from your local drugstore,
or DonQui. The Shinjuku Doll Series is probably
one of the most popular at the moment
because Kyari Pyamu Pyamu (the PONPONPON
girl) is promoting them.
Circle Lenses
were featured in Metropolis on Sep 23. Will
enhance the size of your irises and make you
resemble an animated deer. Try Tsubasa’s
range, or Venus.
Eyelash extensions
can be done at a salon from around ¥8,000 for
80 lashes (that’s 40 on each eye), and they last
about a month. Gyaru tend to have around 100120 lashes done at a time. Try specialist www.
venuslash.com—who even do colored lashes.
range from cheapo
stick-on to acrylic
to the expensive,
long-lasting and nonnail-damaging Calgel,
which will set you back
around ¥10,000, and
way more for jewels,
etc. The more wacky
the decoration, the
more gyaru you are.
Make Up
is a multifaceted genre that could never
be covered in this limited space. Just go
to Shibuya and look around.
Lisa Wallin reveals
all how to beautify
yourself on a budget.
are favored in cheaplicious brands
like Peach John and Aimer Feel,
which have a lot of padding for a
low price. Grab bra and matching
panty sets from about ¥2,500. You
can also buy extra silicon (from
¥1,050) to add into your already
padded bra.
Hair extensions
vary in price, from about ¥160 per
piece (depending on length). Most
girls have at least 50, probably more.
Price varies depending on whether
they weave or glue the stuff in.
You also have to pay to have them
removed—after they get tattered in
about two months.
offer a cheaper option, with
Cyperous.com providing some
essential options from ¥5,00030,000.
Hair pieces
for that partial extra, range from
about ¥4,000 upwards.
Dying/bleaching is a staple and will
set you back around ¥10,000 every
4-6 weeks.
Curling irons
are an essential part of a gyaru’s
day, and could take about an hour
and a half in the morning. Some will
even go to hairdressers to get their
beehives/insane ringlets set.
like Egg, Jelly and Ranzuki will keep you
up with the latest trends, and the latest
miscellaneous accessories, such as last
year’s furry tail. What’s it going to be
this autumn? Gyaru only knows.
Butt padding
could double as hard-chair
comforter. Costs around ¥3,0008,000. Add girdles and other
strapping/slimming/padding items
such as leg slimming socks from
Model: Yoshiko Ichikawa, PHOTO: KOHJI SHIIKI
Gyaru magazines
Cosmetic Surgery
Laser Treatment
Skin Care
Board Certified
Plastic Surgeon
and Dermatologist
Other cosmetic procedures available. For fees and detailed
information services, please refer to our homepage.
Is a board-certified plastic surgeon and
an associate professor of the Plastic and
Reconstructive department of Showa
University in Tokyo. Trained at Harvard
Medical School, Akai has over twenty
years of experience.
Is also a board-certified plastic surgeon
and skin care specialist, and the Akai
Medical Clinic offers a range of
cosmetic surgery and laser treatments,
including the latest techniques and
state-of-the-art technology.
Hair Growth (HSC Treatment)
HSC treatment is a
new hair regenerative
medical care
developed in the US
by Histogen Inc and
we are the only clinic
in Japan that practices this treatment. Solutions
are based on the products of newborn cells grown
under embryonic conditions called Hair Stimulating
Complex (HSC). Clinical trials showed significant
new hair growth in HSC-treated subjects at
follow-up one year after their single HSC treatment.
In addition to the number of new hairs, a
significant increase in hair density, which is directly
related to hair count over the treatment areas, was
also seen at the one-year timepoint. Other efficacy
factors, such as hair thickness and terminal hair
density, showed an upward trend at this timepoint
as well. The pilot trial tested two formulations of
HSC and, although one formulation was determined
to be superior, significant new hair growth was seen
in both groups.
(laser-assisted lypolysis)
The AccuSculpt is a
state-of-the-art piece of
equipment that can help you
secure a trim, sexy body
without putting in hours at the gym. The new kind of
laser-assisted lypolysis it effects, known as
Laser-Lipo, removes excess fat deposits in typical
areas such as chest, jowls and hips. This innovation
uses a specific wavelength to
eliminate fat with a minimum of
collateral tissue damage. Stop in
at AMC to be one of the first in
this country to try the
AccuSculpt, already a hit
AccuSculpt, already a hit in the
US market.
Breast Procedures
Take care of your breasts with a range of procedures at
AMC. Augmentation can increase bustline by one or
more cup size, at a cost of ¥700,000-900,000. Reduction
can reduce back and neck pain, skin irritation and bra
strap grooving. And the breast lift can raise them or firm
them up nicely. Get in touch for more info.
• EndyMed Pro: 3D RF skin tightening NEW!
• Portrait Plasma (Plasma Skin Regeneration)
• Affirm / Affirm Multiplex
• eMax (Aurora Pro, Refirm, Polaris WRA)
• Aurora Pro • Polaris
• Portrait Plasma (Plasma Skin Regeneration)
• Photo Dynamic Therapy
• Chemical Peeling, Microdermabrasion
• AccuSculpt (laser-assisted lypolysis) NEW!
• EndyMed Pro: 3D RF Body Contouring
• Vela Smooth, MesoTherapy
• Glabeller Lines, Crow’s Feet, Hyperhydrosis, etc.
• Laugh Line, Lip Augmentation, Nasal Reshaping
for Skin Rejuvenation and Breast Reconstruction
• Upper Eyelid, Lower Eyelid, Baggy Eye
• Minimal Invasive Lifting Surgery with
Special Thread
• Breast Augmentation, Lift, Reduction,
Nipple Reduction
for Breast Augmentation or Facial Contouring
→ LIPOSUCTION with the Latest Ultrasonic Device
• Mole / Cyst / Wart / Skin Cancer
• Biopsy, Excision, Laser Surgery
KNK Bldg. 3F 3-5-17,
Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku,
Tokyo. 1 min. walk from
Omotesando stn, A3 exit.
Katsukou Bldg. 4F 1-2-8,
Houraicho, Naka-ku,
Yokohama-shi. 3 mins.
walk from JR Kannai stn.
Tel: 03-5771-4114
Clinic hours:
11AM~8PM (Mon~Sun)
Tel: 045-252-9455
Clinic hours:
11AM~7PM (Tue~Fri)
& 11AM~5PM (Sat)
We welcome email and phone inquiries | [email protected]
Cosmetic Surgery
Akai Medical Clinic
As the air grows colder and
the trees begin to lose their
leaves, thoughts tend to turn
to the fragility of life and the
inevitable passing of youth
and beauty. But it doesn’t have
to be that way. Those keen to
take their destiny into their
own hands should march
straight into the clinic of Dr.
Hidemi Akai, a latter-day necromancer skilled in the occult art of reversing time’s ravages.
Just a skip from the fashionable high street of Omotesando, Akai Medical Clinic
offers all the typical cosmetic procedures, as well as boasting some fantastic innovations not to be found elsewhere in the country.
AccuSculpt is a new state-of-the-art piece of equipment developed to help you
win the fight to a trim, sexy body, without the hours of gym time. Representing a new
kind of laser-assisted lypolysis (Laser-Lipo), it can remove excess fat deposits in all
the typical areas, such as jowls, hips, arms and chest. This innovation uses a specific
wavelength to eliminate fat with a minimum of collateral tissue damage. Stop in at
Akai Medical Clinic and be one of the first in Japan to try the AccuSculpt, already
making waves in the US market.
For those males who are concerned about thinning—or totally thinned—tops,
AMC offers a new technique called Hair Stimulating Complex (HSC). Based on the
products of newborn cells operating in embryonic conditions, this groundbreaking
solution is offered by Dr. Akai, who has already helped many a balding man in other
ways. Other treatments range from topical use of lotions and intra-oral treatment to
injections and—if you’re totally hairless—transplantation.
The clinic has recently added CO2 fractional laser treatment to its already impressive lineup of options. This skin ablation laser method can be used to treat the effects
of aging and sun damage on skin, as well as scars, large pores and stretch marks.
Unlike traditional CO2 laser treatment, it causes minimal discomfort and has fast
recovery times. If lasers aren’t your thing, Akai is still the only place in Japan with an
EndyMed PRO machine, a high-tech radio frequency device that provides non-ablative skin tightening, body tightening, body contouring and cellulite treatment.
Liposuction is offered at ¥250,000 per area. For general aging treatment such as
removal of bags under the eyes or tear troughs, you can get a course of non-surgical
growth factor injections. Taken from your blood, the growth factor comes from your
own platelets and tells the skin to repair itself. This is definitely the biggest craze
in cosmetic surgery in recent years, as it uses the body’s own natural elements to
reverse the aging process.
These are just a few of the services on offer at Akai Medical Clinic, but they go
some way to showing the range of solutions on offer. The staff offer consultations
in English and are accustomed to dealing with people from around the world. The
procedures are fast, effective and increasingly sought-after among both women and
men, both Japanese and international alike.
• Omotesando: 3F KNK Bldg, 3-5-17 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku. Tel: 03-5771-4114.
Email: [email protected]. Open daily 11am-8pm. Nearest stn: Omotesando.
• Yokohama: 4F Katsukou Bldg, 1-2-8 Horai-cho, Naka-ku. Tel: 045-252-9455.
Email: [email protected]. Open Tue-Fri 11am-7pm, Sat 11am-5pm,
closed Sun-Mon. Nearest stn: Kannai.
special advertorial section
Azabu Skin Clinic
As the fall sets in, skin problems that have been lingering
beneath the surface all summer typically come to light.
Azabu Skin Clinic provides a course to moisturize,
firm up, and regain the shine of your skin through the
combination of IPL and CET thermal therapy, plus their
new electroporation treatment. For those concerned
about wrinkles, collagen and hyaluronic acid injections
are available. They also offer a course to increase the
lightness and transparency of skin while tightening and
smoothing, too.
Cavitation RF uses ultrasonic sound beams that
reach the skin and fat layers. Radio frequency energy
tightens up and ultrasonic sound destroys bloated fat cell membranes and cellulite.
These techniques provide great results with no risk of side-effects or reversal. The
clinic also offers BHRT (bioidentical hormone replacement therapy) to improve your
Titan XL, a very popular treatment among patients, has been newly launched
as an exclusive course with electronic therapy for not only skin tightening and
lifting, but also for fascia work. There is also a variety of beauty products for individual needs.
At Azabu Skin Clinic you will receive treatment of the highest quality, with a full
range of individual counseling services so you are fully informed of the details of
your treatments. All staff speak English, and with 30% of patients being foreigners,
they have the expertise to treat all skin tones. The director, Dr. Chiaki Kawashima,
travels the globe to keep abreast of all the latest technology. Visit their site to find out
about current special discounts.
7F Hagiwara Bldg 1, 1-3-1 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku. Tel: 0120-005-327 (toll-free). Open
Thu-Mon 10am-7pm, Tue-Wed 11am-8pm. Nearest stn: Ebisu. www.azabu-skinclinic.com/english
Shinagawa Cosmetic Surgery Yokohama
People from all over Japan,
plus a fair few from Asia and
even Europe, make the voyage over to Yokohama just to
take advantage of the top-ofthe-range cosmetic equipment
and techniques to be found at
Shinagawa Cosmetic Surgery.
If you have a pressurized
lifestyle and cannot afford to
take days off to recover from
invasive surgery, why not take advantage of the clinic’s fantastically popular “OneDay Lift?” With this procedure you can get your features tightened and be back in
the swing of your activities by the very next day. It leaves you with no kind of obvious swelling, meaning you are free to get back to the grind with renewed vigor.
The One-Day Lift is only one of the various procedures available at this trusted
Yokohama clinic. Almost all types of beauty treatment, from dermatological cures
to cosmetic surgery, are possible. The clinic is decked out with all the latest mod
cons that are happening in the global cosmetic industry, and plenty of nice, shiny
surfaces too.
Any lack of Japanese ability need not hamper your quest for a more streamlined
appearance. Shinagawa Cosmetic Surgery Yokohama has a charming, personable
team whose language skills are on a par with their fine aesthetic sculpting skills.
7F Ekinia Yokohama, 1-1-8 Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa. Tel.
0120-44-9700. Open daily 10am-7pm. Nearest stn: Yokohama. www.shinagawa.
Plaza Plastic Surgery
The end of summer can be a great time to start
new projects and get around to things you’ve
been meaning to do for some time. If you are considering cosmetic surgery, then why not choose
Plaza, conveniently placed at the Hiroo Crossing,
just by Starbucks.
Head Surgeon Dr. Robert Kure’s résumé will
leave you in no doubt as to his capability. He
holds certification from the American Board of
Plastic Surgery, and was Chief Resident in Plastic
Surgery at UCLA. Together with his colleague Dr.
Mineo Orito, also certified by the US Board, Dr.
Kure is always working hard to stay on top of the
game and ensure that Plaza is offering the very
best in modern cosmetic care.
Plaza is well experienced in helping patients with a smorgasbord of cosmetic processes, including Botox hyperhidrosis removal in armpits and hands, the easing of
frown lines and crow’s feet, and Western-style skincare using Retin-A and the Obagi
system for removing blemishes and wrinkles. Plaza also offers facelifts, liposuction,
tattoo and freckle removal, and double eyelid procedures. To do all this, they employ
up-to-the-minute equipment such as groundbreaking lasers.
Naturally, for such a cosmopolitan clinic, English consultations are offered, and
foreign insurance can be used for reconstructive and certain dermatological cases.
If you’ve been considering a procedure, why not give it a try? There is a 50% offer on
laser hair removal, as well as 20% discounts on many other treatements. But once
you’re been, Plaza is confident you’ll return.
4F, 5-5-1 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku. Tel: 03-5475-2345. Email: [email protected].
Open Fri-Wed 10am-7pm (by appointment), closed Thu & Sun. Nearest stn: Hiroo.
Shonan Beauty Clinic
The slogan of this cosmetic surgery clinic translates roughly as “bringing the beauty clinic closer
to you.” Their aim is to create a soothing space
that rids patients of the anxiety associated with
surgery. To this end, Shonan Beauty Clinic uses
the very latest technology, offers in-depth counseling, and has an extraordinarily detailed
website packed with profiles of the staff, explanations and videos of various techniques, and over
21,000 pictures of previous patients—including
the clinic’s Dr. Yoshiyuki Aikawa, who has firsthand experience of various liposuction and
anti-aging procedures.
For the last five years, Shonan Beauty Clinic
has also asked each patient to complete a customer satisfaction survey, then used the results to improve their service. The clinic
has been such a success that it now boasts 19 locations across Japan, including a
recently opened branch in Osaka’s Shinsaibashi district.
Dr. Aikawa says the secret to the clinic’s success is pursuing his mission to tackle
people’s complexes, while never offering any procedure that he wouldn’t perform on
his own family. “The great joy of this job is to see the patients regaining their confidence and able to live a brighter, more positive life,” he says.
The clinic has several discount offers for students, senior and test models—ask for
Shinjuku clinic: 12F Shinjuku Island Tower, 6-5-1 Nishi-Shinjuku. Tel: 0120-548909. Treatment times 10am-7pm (advance reservation only). www.s-b-c.net
● Special advertising section
special advertorial section
Hair & Beauty
Whether you prefer open shoes, heels, or if you
wrap your tootsies in designer boots, a sexy foot
begins with good foot care.
The Boudoir Day Spa pedicure is to feet as
Yves Saint Laurent was to fashion—worshipped
by fans and envied by rivals. Their total foot
makeover is a divine way to enjoy some rest
and relaxation, so get ready for the ultimate in
foot pampering.
Your feet are dry buffed to remove dead
skin, then your nails filed and buffed smooth.
That’s followed by full cuticle work and a wonderful warm paraffin wax soak to leave your
feet baby soft. A cooling gel is applied to invigorate and stimulate, and lastly, your toenails are
painted to perfection. You’ll be amazed at how wonderful your feet will look and
feel in just one hour.
This fall, you can treat your feet for the special price of ¥6,000. Better still, enjoy the
manicure and pedicure combination package for just ¥8,000. That’s two hours of pure
indulgence—because you deserve it. This offer is exclusively for Metropolis readers,
so be sure to mention the magazine when making your reservation.
Boudoir’s nail parlor is an intimate salon with only two pedicure and two manicure stations—it’s no wonder the staff remember their regular clients’ favorite nail
polish shades or preference for chamomile over peppermint tea. Stop by Boudoir Day
Spa and let resident nail technicians Chie and Tomoko transform your feet.
Sun Beauty Harajuku B1, 3-25-6 Jingumae,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001
101 Maison Kawai, 2-25-3 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku. Tel: 03-3478-5898. Mon-Fri
10:15am-8:30pm, Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 10am-6pm, closed Tue. Nearest stn: Harajuku. www.boudoirtokyo.com
A common complaint among
foreigners going to have their
hair cut in Tokyo is that they
find it very difficult to relax or
enjoy the experience.
The moment they walk
in the door they are overwhelmed by a barrage of
“irashamase,” bellowed by the
entire staff of the salon. Then,
after the shampoo, comes
more awkwardness. The client is sat down in front the mirror with three assistants
silently staring. Meanwhile, the hairdresser makes a painful attempt at polite conversation. The fascinating topics range from such gems as “can you use chopsticks?” to
“can you eat raw fish?”
It seems that running through the Tokyo hairdressing business is the belief that
paying unflinching attention to the customer like some kind of five-star hotel waiter
is the way to fully satisfy his or her desires. However, those coming from abroad might
be used to something a little different.
Fortunately, there exists a salon where the priorities are in the right place. Dude, in
the friendly neighborhood of Shimokitazawa, holds onto the firm belief that the most
important thing is creating a long-lasting, good-quality haircut. They also believe in
providing a totally relaxing atmosphere which leaves their customers in peace.
To have a smooth and relaxing ride to a great haircut—in a totally chilled environment—give it a try at Dude.
2-26-10 Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku. Tel: 03-3468-9116. Open Wed & Fri 10am-7:30pm,
Thu 10am-8:30pm, Sat-Sun & hols 10am-7pm, closed Mon-Tue. Nearest stn:
Shimokitazawa. www.dude.jp
Hayato Tokyo
Machine Private Lessons available at our Roppongi studio
Clients come from the four corners of the globe
to visit Hayato Tokyo. And, stepping inside this
salon in Minami-Aoyama, you might even forget that you’re in Japan. All of the staff is
bilingual, having completed two years of work
and language training at Hayato in New York or
London prior to making their debuts as professional hairstylists here. Net result: when it
comes to non-Japanese hair, these guys are the
cream of the crop. An ethnic hair care specialist
has also recently joined the lineup, ensuring
that you’ll be in safe hands—however unorthodox your mane.
Hayato’s core philosophy is to provide simple and natural hair designs for any type of hair
texture. All of the premium products and solutions used at the salon are imported
directly from the United States, and are not to be found in any shops. Unique touches
like that have garnered the salon a strong following, and it is now patronized by
famous celebrities as well as your average man or woman on the street.
Hayato is currently busy spreading its brand to other international cities. And in
January, they will be looking forward to seeing you at the renewed Hayato Tokyo in the
febrile zone of Roppongi. Stop by and find out what they can do for you and your hair.
BASI PILATES, open in 20 countries worldwide. We have a
special Pilates Reformer/Cadillac machine, and provide
productive lessons. English lessons with our experienced
native teachers are available.
3F, 5-9-3 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku. Tel: 03-3498-9113. Email: [email protected]. Open Mon & Wed-Fri 10am-7pm, Sat-Sun & hols 10am-7pm, closed Tue.
Nearest stn: Omotesando. www.hayato-ny.com
Change your body and
Offering you “Authentic Pilates”
Metropolis Campaign
Admission Fee: ¥13,650 ¥0
Machine Private Lesson: ¥10,000 ¥8,400
Tel: 03-6425-7054
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.basipilates.jp/english/
Studios in Roppongi,
Shibuya, Yokohama, Ginza,
Nakameguro, Jiyugaoka,
Shimokitazawa, Yoga &
Many men around Tokyo
keen on looking good have
come to rely on Top Jen, the
latest facial and body contouring solution available at
Ho’me. Based on TriPollar, it’s
the world’s most advanced
3rd generation RF technolog y, cl i n ica l ly proven to
deliver wrinkle, cellulite and
circumference reduction, and
skin tightening to boot. What’s more, the price has been slashed from ¥21,000 per
hour to just ¥10,000. Among its bag of tricks, Ho’me also offers Alex-S, the “ultimate
diet and relaxation machine.” It’s an electromagnetic, infrared light system that burns
fat and cellulite, stimulates muscles, and drains lymph nodes—all while you do absolutely nothing. The Alex-S burns off the same as a 15km jog in just 30 minutes, and can
work on your entire body or perform spot treatments, with the option to choose your
own specialized course, too. The cost is ¥10,000 for a one-hour session.
Get your taste of the sun at Ho’me in the form of airbrush tanning, which gives an
immediate, even coloration to make you look like you just flew in from Ibiza. You’ll
also avoid exposure to dangerous UV rays and the possibility of ending up like a lobster. Ho’me’s airbrush tanning has the staying power of a real tan—ten days to two
weeks—because of its deep skin penetration. For a full-body bronze, Ho’me charges
only ¥6,000; for a partial tan, prices start at ¥4,000.
103 Odakyu Minami-Aoyama Bldg, 5-12-3 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku. Tel:
03-5467-0191. Email: [email protected]. Flexible opening hours/days.
Nearest stn: Omotesando. www.hometokyo.com
● Special advertising section
special advertorial section
International Beauty Salon/Estetica
Brasil Beauty
When Carrie from Sex and the City had a Brazilian wax, she famously said she felt “bare down
there.” No surprise that the Brazilian became
the favorite form of waxing in the US. What’s
more it is said that this type of hair removal
increases sexual pleasure, and improves the
intimate experience for both men and women.
At Estética Brasil Beauty, the quality of the
Brazilian wax treatment is one of the best in
Japan in terms of hygiene, professionalism, and
consistency. How do they know? Because the
customers keep on coming back.
Estética Brasil Beauty has a 100% no re-dip
policy for all waxing treatments, complying with
all health regulations. All tools are disposable
and never re-used. The treated area is first disinfected, and only premium grade hot
waxes are used. Types of wax include chocolate, strawberry, kiwi, passion fruit, seaweed, acai, and Amazonian fruits, with an exclusive anesthetic you will never find
anywhere else. Waxes are moisturizing, leaving your skin soft and hydrated after the
procedure. Then, a relaxing cream is applied to reduce irritation.
The salon’s staff are fast and well-trained, reducing any pain during the 20-30-minute procedure. And to the bottom line (excuse the pun), the rates are very economical at
¥6,000 for women, with your sixth session free when you buy five in advance. For your
first time visit, Estetica Brasil Beauty offers ¥4,500 for Brazilian Wax for women only.
Brazilian laser hair removal is also available for that clean, sexy feeling forever.
3F Sanki Bldg, 2-2-12 Azabudai, Minato-ku. Tel: 03-3505-2558 / 090-1210-8222.
Open Tue-Sun 11am-8pm, closed Mon. Nearest stn: Akabanebashi. http://
Curly Hair Specialist & Colorist
Special offer for
Metropolis readers
¥10,000  ¥8,000
20% off color price
Cut ¥6,300~
Single Color ¥6,300~
Half Head ¥8,400~
Full Head ¥12,600~
Blow Dry ¥3,675
Nepenji Ebisu: 03-3793-2357
Nepenji Ikejiri: 03-3421-3202
Email: [email protected]
Ken’s Nail
Those suffering from pincer
nails might experience pain
while wearing socks and
shoes. It’s important to get this
treated as soon as possible
but it’s worth making sure you
go to the right place for the
Located in Azabu-Juban,
Ken’s Nail is the Englishspeaking nail specialist for
men and women in Tokyo, equipped to deal with medical concerns such as pincer
nails, as well as grooming matters such as basic nail care, and gel nails.
Therapy for pincer nails is totally painless. Ken’s nail-care specialists will analyze
the cause behind the condition, give you the appropriate treatment, and advise on
aftercare. In keeping with the motto of “total care,” the staff consider each individual’s
lifestyle when providing treatment. Please note that there are some cases when Ken’s
are unable to provide the treatment due to the customer’s nail condition.
For other types of cosmetic nail care, the basic course involves removing the dry,
hardened outer cuticle and trimming your nails to a good shape and length. Ken’s
promotes the philosophy that healthy, clean nails can boost your self-confidence,
helping you make a fantastic first impression.
Ken’s offers flat-rate plans allowing customers to come in for multiple treatments.
Pincer nail care costs ¥5,250 per nail. Monthly plans include unlimited hand care,
buffing sessions and color (¥8,295) or gel nail treatments with one color (¥12,495;
removal fee included). Metropolis readers can get an extra 20 percent off any of Ken’s
services (except medical care) on their first visit.
4F ABA Asami Bldg, 2-18-8 Azabu-Juban, Minato-ku. Tel: 03-6435-1900. Email:
[email protected]. Open daily 11am-10pm (last appointment 9pm). Nearest
stn: Azabu-Juban. www.kensnail.com
La Plage Tokyo
Found between Meguro and Shirokanedai in an
intimate, cozy room, La Plage offers you an experience much like visiting a close friend’s house.
Though highly private and to the highest professional standards, the salon is proud of its informal
atmosphere and affordable prices. If you are
interested in experiencing the ultimate in massage and beauty therapy, then look no further
than head therapist Mai, whose friendly and welcoming demeanor complement top-grade skills
gleaned from 12 years of multi-faceted experience around the world.
La Plage’s premier service is sunless tanning, aiming to provide a beautiful, healthy
and natural-looking skin color to fashion- and
beauty-conscious clients. For those after strikingly glamorous eyes, they offer eyelash and eyebrow tinting, which will eliminate the need to apply mascara for two to
three weeks. An officially licensed Japanese hair stylist, Mai will also create the perfect look complementary to your bone structure, skin, eye and hair color.
Chaps thinking that all this is just girl stuff should think again. Everyone knows
a woman loves a man who takes care of his appearance—which is why La Plage is
always available for masculine fine tuning, too.
Other essential treatments include the re-energizing and detoxifying hot stone
massage and the non-surgical facial lift treatment that gives visible results after only
one session.
But the really gratifying aspect of La Plage is that every treatment is different and
customized to the individual needs of the client. Appointment times vary and are by
reservation only.
In this country of straight hair, those blessed with
ringlets can have trouble finding stylists skilled
enough to manage their manes. Turn to the
pages of Greek antiquity and you will find out
about nepenthe, a potion that will obliterate your
worries. Curly-haired folk who have attended
the same-named salon in Tokyo have found
their own preoccupations magically erased.
Specialized in dealing with all types of hair,
owner Kiyoko—who has worked in New York’s
curly-hair specialist Devachan—and the Nepenji
staff have the right skills for any head. Customers
should come with their hair down and in its natural state, so it can be examined and diagnosed,
and a “hair silhouette” created. This ensures that
the hair stays in place for a long time with no split ends and great hair strength. Aftercare advice is also given so that customers can maintain their style.
The salon’s head massages with Kérastase products, or Nepenji’s brand new aesthetic treatment service for face and body, can ensure your worries are well and truly
out the window. The latest detoxification and lymphatic techniques are used to stimulate cellulite, improve blood circulation and heal your body in a natural way.
If all this sounds like paradise, get in touch to book yourself an appointment.
Metropolis readers can also get 20% off coloring when purchasing a cut and color, and
a 30% discount for your first lymphatic massage.
1 Kamiosaki, Shinagawa-ku. Tel: 03-5422-6430. Email: webinfo@laplage-beauty.
com. Nearest stn: Meguro. www.laplage-beauty.com
• Ebisu: 2-6-14 Ebisu Minami, Shibuya-ku. Tel: 03-3793-2357. Open Mon & WedSat 11am-9pm, Sun 10am-8pm, closed Tue & 2nd & 3rd Mon. Email: info@
nepenji.net. Nearest stn: Ebisu.
• Ikejiri: B1, 3-1-3 Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku. Tel: 03-3421-3202. Open Mon & Wed-Sat
11am-9pm, Sun 10am-8pm, closed Tue & 2nd Mon. Email: [email protected].
Nearest stn: Ikejiri Ohashi. www.nepenji.net
MDSA IPL laser Hair Removal Salon
Only Cut Zone
Not a lot of people know that
the seasons of autumn and
winter—when you are not
likely to tan much—are the
best times to start depilatory
treatment. So take this seasonal opportunity to get rid of
those unwanted hairs once
and for all, at MDSA Hair
Removal Salon.
At just a two-minute walk
from Azabu-Juban station, MDSA offers only private operating rooms, and admits
clients through advance reservation only, to ensure a high degree of privacy and comfort. Twenty percent of the clientele are foreigners, and the staff at MDSA can happily
chat in English to work out exactly what treatment will best suit you. The equipment
used to remove unwanted hair from backs, shoulders, bellies and bikini lines comes
straight from the US and is calibrated to suit foreign skin perfectly.
The cozy atmosphere—combined with reasonable prices and excellent equipment—is bound to satisfy even the most particular of customers. Why not come in
for a free consultation and a localized hair removal trial to see for yourself how the
equipment works? You’re bound to be impressed by the efficiency and minimal pain,
as well as the good value for money that MDSA represents. Operating rooms can service two people at one time, so ask a friend or family member if they want to benefit
from the top-class MDSA service alongside you.
Among the well-coiffeured
inhabitants of this metropolita n cit y, lo ok i n g go o d i s
paramount. But getting your
hair into shape can be tricky
when your Japanese is rusty—
or non-existent—and hand
signals can only do so much.
But thank the hair gods,
for they have provided you
with succor, in the form of
Only Cut Zone, where your nihongo limitations need not reduce your chances of looking good. This Kita-Senju salon offers fantastic haircuts for the amazingly low price of
¥1,000—with service in English to boot. So why spend more to go to one of those fancy
international salons, when you can get the same service for a fraction of the price?
Only Cut Zone is run by Ichiro, who lived and worked in California as a stylist for
ten years. He enjoys speaking English with his customers and providing fantastic service to go along with his stylish cuts.
The procedure is simplicity itself: just walk in, write down your name in English or Japanese, and indicate if you need service in English. Ichiro will arrange the
appropriate staff to assist you. Your cut will begin with a spritz of water and finish with
a thorough vacuum blow to remove the loose hairs. Cuts for ladies and kids are just
¥1,000, too, so the whole family can enjoy a nice cut at a low, low price.
2F Ishihara Bldg, 3-7-1 Azabu-Juban, Minato-ku. Tel: 03-6435-1276. Email: info@
mds-a.jp. Open Mon-Fri noon-11:30pm, Sat-Sun, hols 10am-11:30pm. Nearest
stn: Azabu-Juban, exit 1. http://mds-a.jp/english
● Special advertising section
1F MK Bldg, 2-5-14 Senju, Adachi-ku. Tel: 03-3882-1550. Open daily 10am-7pm.
Nearest stn: Kita-Senju. http://meturl.com/onlycutzone
special advertorial section
Sin Den
Renowned Tokyo salon Sin Den offers the ultimate in hair and nail services in private and
relaxing surroundings, with perfect professional
care. Sin Den’s super stylists and nail specialists
are dedicated to helping clients look and feel
stunning from top to toe.
From its modest start in 1994 to the current iconic Klien Dytham-designed building in
Jingumae, the salon started by Australian Dene
Sinden has established itself as a Tokyo leader of
statement and style.
Specializing in foreign hair, bespoke color,
enriching treatments, and styles that suit the
customer, Sin Den handles a wide clientele of all
ages, including bankers, divas, fashionistas and
famous folk such as Yoko Ono, U2, Alanis Morissette, and Coldplay.
Current director Fabio Alfano staffs the salon with gifted cutters who can hold
consultations in English, Japanese, Italian, and Spanish, and snip styles from timeless
classics to cutting edge. The salon also holds occasional art exhibitions and manages
styling for fashionable events such as the International Pole Dancing Competition.
Stylists have also shown their commitment to community by taking several trips to
the Tohoku region to offer free haircuts and raise the spirits of residents there.
This autumn, Sin Den has a special offer for Metropolis readers. With any regular
haircut, add a manicure for only ¥2,000 (¥1,000 with a cut and color). This offer is
valid until the end of November, so treat yourself and turn over a new leaf this fall.
3-9-3 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku. Tel: 03-3405-4409. Open Mon-Sat 10am-8pm, Sun
10am-7pm. Nearest stn: Omotesando. www.sinden.com
Nail Care
Qualified curer
of pincer nails
Nail Care ¥4,200
Coloring ¥210/nail
Bio Gel ¥525/nail
All menu 20% off
(first-time visit only; excludes medical care)
03-6435-1900 • www.kensnail.com
ABA Asami Building 4F, 2-18-8 Azabujuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Watanabe Hair Dressing
Yo u c o u l d d e s c r i b e A k i
Watanabe’s rise as “meteoric.”
A t h i rd- g e n e rat io n h a i rdresser, he began his career in
the salons of Tokyo before
embarking on a path that
reads like a Who’s Who of hair
Watanabe trained at the
academies of Vidal Sassoon
and Toni&Guy, as well as
studying at the prestigious London Hair Academy. At the world-famous Windle Salon
in London’s Covent Garden, Watanabe worked alongside such styling giants as Paul
Windle, Eugene Soulieman and Johnnie Spong. He even introduced shiatsu as part of
the service at Windle.
Inevitably, this rising star was noticed by fashion mags and brands. Watanabe
found himself styling for editorials in The Face, i-D and Sky, as well as for catwalk clients such as Red or Dead.
Fast-forward a couple of decades, and the chap now runs a salon in Harajuku, styling for clients as diverse as Beat Takeshi, Yohji Yamamoto Collections and Nike.
And while it’s Watanabe’s name on the door, he shares the styling spotlight with
partner Chie Funakura, another veteran of London’s styling scene with a resume that
includes editorials for GQ, i-D and FHM, among others.
Forbes magazine called Watanabe the “best hairdresser in Tokyo”; Harper’s Bazaar
Australia gave that same plaudit to Chie. One thing’s for sure: whoever you choose at
Watanabe Hair Dressing, you’ll be getting incomparable styling and advice.
B1 Sun Beauty Harajuku, 3-25-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku. Tel: 03-3405-1188. Open
Tue-Fri 11am-9pm, Sat 10am-9pm, Sun & hols 10am-8pm, closed Mon. Nearest
stn: Harajuku or Meiji-Jingumae. www.watanabe-hair.com
Health & Exercise
Aoyama St Omotesando Dental Clinic
Closed Wed. & Hols.
1F Osakabe Bldg, 5-46-12
Jingumae, Shibuya-ku.
Tel: 03-3486-4484.
[email protected]
1F Osakabe Bldg, 5-46-12 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku. Tel: 03-3486-4484. Open MonTue & Thu-Fri 11am-1:30pm and 3-8pm, Sat-Sun 10am-1pm and 2-5pm, closed
Wed & hols. Nearest stn: Omotesando. www.aoyama-omotesando.jp
Wine from one of Japan's most experienced
importers. Order during the week and
receive your wine next day. Huge single
bottle selection available.
+ Free
Last of the Summer Wine
5 bottles PLUS an extra bottle of
Sauvignon Blanc, all for just ¥7,860
*tax and delivery included
● Special advertising section
The first step to a better smile
is finding a dentist you’re
comfortable with. If you’ve
been hesitant about visiting a
dentist in Japan—then it’s time
to visit Aoyama St. Omotesando Dental Clinic. There’s
no need to be nervous here, as
Dr. Toshimitsu Ootara and his
easy-going staff take things
slowly, getting to know you
and your dental needs first before starting any treatments. Dr. Ootara, a certified dentist in both Asia and Europe, and his English-speaking staff, will ask how you feel
about your smile and explain your options simply. They even offer a free counseling
session for Metropolis readers.
On your first visit, Dr. Ootara and his staff will ask a little about your dental history
and your reasons for visiting (if you’ve broken a tooth or lost a filling, for example).
They even want to know if you’ve had any bad experiences at the dentist in the past—
all to help make your visits as stress-free as possible. From there it’s step-by-step:
checking your teeth and gums, discussing possible options and what should happen
on your next visit.
From simple checkups to major consultations on a range of aesthetic treatments
such as whitening, implants and orthodontics, Dr Ootara provides painless treatment
using the latest techniques and equipment so you can be confident in the care you
will receive—and the health of your smile.
Basi Pilates
When German nurse Joseph
Pilates created a new technique for body conditioning,
he probably never imagined
that more than 20 million
people around the world
would start using it. Now, the
place to go in Tokyo to try it
out is Basi Pilates, with studios
all over the city.
The method uses the mind
to control the muscles, helping not only build flexibility, but also strength, endurance,
and coordination in the legs, abdominals, arms and back.
Not just your surface muscles are toned up, but the muscles that lie deep inside
your body and support your skeletal system. The strong body that is ultimately created releases the power stored in those muscles when you move. It can help you, for
example, to manage your muscles’ contraction in everyday moments, such as standing on a crowded train or sitting at your desk at work. Learning to use your muscles
properly through Pilates can improve your posture, your muscles, and your joint
Using the Pilates method, your mind is directed inwards, and you will feel calm
and relaxed during sessions. You will release stress through concentration and the
use of deep breathing exercises to create a focused mind. The lesson times will seem
to fly by quickly–but you will be left feeling totally refreshed and ready to continue
with your busy week.
Basi Pilates. Studios in Roppongi, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Yokohama, Ginza,
Na k a m e g u ro, Jiy u g aok a , S h i mok it a z awa , Yog a , S a n g e njyaya , F ut a gotamagawa and Sendagaya. Tel: 03-6425-7054. Email: roppongi@basipilates.
jp. www.basipilates.jp/english
special advertorial section
Osteopath D.O TOkyo
Osteopathy stimulates the
body to improve its capacity
for self-healing. The process
considers the whole person,
based on a thorough knowledge of anatomy and
More and more people
h ave b e e n f i nd i n g rel ie f
through osteopathy for such
complaints as back and joint
pain, headaches, pain during pregnancy, pregnancy and childbirth sequelae,
infertility, painful menstruation, burn-out, sleep disorders, digestive disorders,
sports injuries, and many others. Naturally, prevention is always the best measure, and if problems are nipped in the bud they can be prevented from becoming
much more serious.
Osteopathy can treat patients from infants to 100 years old. An osteopath must
master a wide variety of tools in order to choose the one that best fits both the
patient, in order to treat the problem, as well as embrace each patient’s particular
mood and timing.
Treatments begin with an interview and examination concerning the present
complaint and the medical history of patient, in order to continue without any risk.
Then, the osteopath observes, tests and treats the body. Finally he will give some
guidance or exercises to resolve the specific complaint.
Consultations can be carried out in Japanese, English and French. Treatments
can be done in the office or at your home.
David Brisson graduated from IdHEO in France. This institution is accredited
by the Ministry of Health, Youth and Sports and is a member of the Great Schools of
404 Castle Mansion, 7-22-48 Nishi-Shinjuku. Shinjuku-ku. Tel: 080-2073-6406.
Nearest stn: Shinjuku. Email: [email protected]. www.osteopath-tokyo.
Ecol’s Encouragement for good walking
Our bodies are not bilaterally
symmetrical, and legs of different lengths cause unstable
walking patterns. Thus, as
age sets in, knee and hip
problems increase as bone
density decreases. Previou s ly, i n t he s p or t s a nd
health shoe industries, there
was almost no understanding of these simple facts.
Now, fortunately, things are changing for the better.
Ecol has been authorized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and
the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to produce shoes for healthy walking.
Rather than being a simply commercial enterprise, Ecol’s main ethos is to improve
the health and quality of life of their customers. Their “seismic isolated insole” is
10-20mm thick and inspired by the quake-absorbing materials used in this geologically stricken country.
These insoles absorb the normal impacts the body suffers daily while walking,
thus alleviating the strain on your knees and hips. On top of that, it makes use of
muscles that you do not normally use, helping to increase your physical activity
and exercise.
Similar to earthquake-proof constructions, the human body has a flexible structure with a hard skeleton and cartilage to withstand shocks. With Ecol’s shoes, the
skeleton has an absorbent base to underpin the structure. The net result: a well-balanced posture, and a healthy, stable gait. Elderly people can reduce the risk of falling
over and developing further bone problems.
These shoes are made in Japan and available in US sizes 4-12.
3-18-8 Shimo-Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku. Tel: 03-5996-0488. Open daily 10am-6pm.
Nearest stn: Mejiro. http://e-ecol.jp
Brazilian & Upper lip wax ¥4,000
Mens back & Sholder wax ¥ 3,000
Eyelash & Eyebrow tinting ¥ 2,500
Detox Hot Stone massage 80min ¥ 5,000
Lifting Facial 70min ¥ 4,000
Deep Cleansing 40min ¥ 3,000
Affordable international beauty studio—La Plage Tokyo
1 Kamiosaki,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Parking available
Tel: 03-5422-6430
Email: [email protected]
special advertorial section
Studio Tron
Orthopedic shoes specially
designed to improve posture
and support the pelvis.
Licensed by the
Japanese economy
and health ministries.
High-quality leather
Natural dyes
Help relieve pain in
the knees, hips,
lower back and toes
isolated structure
Available in sizes
21-30cm (US 4-12)
The problem with most exercise is that it’s boring. That’s
why it can be so difficult to
maintain a routine. But find
something you enjoy doing,
and then it all becomes much
easier. And what could be
more enjoyable than shaking
a leg on the dance floor?
Studio Tron is popular for
its many top-class dancers—
including world champions—and its dance classes, which cater for everyone from
aspiring professional dancers to kids and beginners.
Now, this popular studio is beginning a new program, the Day Time Program,
targeted at people keen to get fit via groovy dance techniques. Just for adults, the program also offers babysitting services by reservation.
The classes involve a variety of great ways to get moving, such as turbo kick,
which is immensely popular in the US. You can also partake of the sexy boot camp
class, hip hop, bellydance, and more. This is not just a way to get fit, but to release the
pent-up stress of your busy week.
At the moment there is a special promotional campaign so you can try Studio
Tron’s program at a cut-price rate. One trial lesson is available for just ¥1,000, with two
costing ¥2,000.
There is also an Italian restaurant on second floor of the same building, which
accepts group bookings integrated with lessons, and party plans.
3-17-11 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku. Tel: 03-5770-2535 / 03-5785-1673. Email:
[email protected]. Open daily 2-9pm. www.studiotron.jp
3-18-8 Shimo-Ochiai Shinjuku-ku.
Tel: 03-5996-0488.
Open daily 10am-6pm
Tokyo Adventist Dental Clinic
Upload details
about your own
favorite spots
and add photos,
menu details
and more.
Metro Dining, our fully searchable
database featuring hundreds of
Tokyo’s best bars and restaurants,
plus photos, maps, ratings,
comments and more.
● Special advertising section
There are many ways to attain a good-looking
smile. Teeth whitening, home or in-office, is available at a reasonable cost at Tokyo Adventist
Dental Clinic. More extensive approaches
include resin-bonded veneers, porcelain
veneers, and crowns. They will do everything
possible to conserve healthy oral structures
while providing you with many options to
choose from.
Meanwhile, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of each treatment
option. For example, veneers are less invasive,
although there is an increased risk of chipping
and fractures, compared to porcelain crowns.
Resin-bonded veneers are inexpensive, though
they tend to pick up more stains, meaning replacements are necessary in five to
seven years, or three to five years for smokers.
Porcelain crowns come in two basic types: all-porcelain (porcelain jacket), and
porcelain fused to metal (PFM). In general, all-porcelain crowns are more translucent in color and more natural looking, while PFM crowns are more durable. Dental
implants are now becoming more aesthetically pleasing than before. Feel free to contact the clinic for more details.
Your examination will cost ¥6,300, with resin-bonded veneers from ¥21,000, porcelain veneers from ¥94,500, porcelain crown from ¥105,000, and teeth whitening
from ¥42,000.
Tokyo Adventist Dental Clinic is set up to serve the city’s English-speaking population. While they do not accept Japanese insurance, they will fill out your insurance
forms. Call in advance for parking.
1-11-1 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku. Tel: 03-3402-1501. Open Mon, Wed & Fri 9am4:30pm. Nearest stn: Harajuku or Meiji-Jingumae. www.adventistdental.jp