Twinning 2020 - Ontario Girl Guides of Canada


Twinning 2020 - Ontario Girl Guides of Canada
Twinning 2020
Let's meet Chile!
Your Instant Meeting Activity Guide
Over the next two years, Ontario will be partnering with Chile as part of the
"Twinning 2020" initiative. With a goal of connecting girls, celebrating our
cultures, and promoting a shared sisterhood among girls in Canada and Chile,
this activity package has aims to inspire you to learn more and get involved!
We hope you take advantage of these opportunities to get to know our Twinning
2020 partner, and hopefully make some new friends!
Language Activities
Matching Activities
Guiding in Chile-Asociación De Guías Y Scouts De Chile
Age groups
"Golondrina" Swallow 8-11
"Guía" Guide 11-15
"Pionera" Pioneer 15-17
"Caminante" Walker 18-20
The Guide Promise
In English:
On my honour, I promise before all of
you, that I will do my best:
To serve God and my country,
To help other people at all times, and
To keep the Guide Law.
En Español:
Por mi honor prometo hacer todo lo
que de mí dependa para cumplir mis
deberes con Dios y la Patria, ayudar a
los demás en toda circunstancia y vivir
la Ley Guía.
Fun facts about Chile
~Chile is the longest country in the world!
~Because it is so long, Chile has many
different climates, ranging from desertlike to cool and damp.
~The Andes Mountains cover one-third of
~Easter Island, famous for its large
statues, is an island that belongs to Chile.
~Both chinchillas and penguins live in
The Andes Mountains
~The national flower of Chile is the
copihue (koh-PEE-hway).
~All Chilean girls wear uniforms to
school. This might include a white blouse
and a navy blue skirt.
~Santiago is the capital of Chile. Over
40% of Chileans live here.
The copihue
Easter Island
All Branches
Craft: Safety Pin Flag
The colours on the flag of Chile represent the blood of soldiers who fought
for Chile's independence, the snow of the Andes Mountains, and the blue
of the sky. The star in the top left corner represents government, as Chile is
a Unitarian republic.
Materials (per flag):
 15 safety pins, 14 small, 1 large
 Small beads to fit on safety pins; 20 blue beads, 50 white beads, 70
red beads
Follow the pattern below to complete this project. Each number represents
one vertical pin. For example on pin three, you would place five red beads,
then one blue bead, three white beads, then one blue bead. When you
have filled all fourteen pins, thread these beaded pins into your larger pin.
All Branches
Game: Atrapar la Cola
A popular children's game in Chile is "Grap the Tail", a fun and active game
for any unit!
 2 cloths to be used as "tails"
 Area to run around in
Girls form two teams. Each team them makes up a chain, linked by one
player’s hands on the hip of the player in front. The goal is to keep your
chain all together while trying to link up to the opposing chain, before it links
up to you! Check out the example on YouTube.
All Branches
Recipe: Hallullas, the Chilean "Biscuits"
Hallullas are a very popular form of bread in Chile. They are round and
simple looking, but filled with flavour!
3 cups all purpose flour
2 1/4 teaspoons yeast (1 packet)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup warm milk
1/4 - 1/2 cup warm water
1/4 cup lard (or vegetable shortening), softened
Full recipe
All Branches
Language Activity
The main language in Chile is Spanish, let's practice our Spanish! Cut
these word or phrase squares out and scatter them on the floor. Have girls
try matching up the English and Spanish words, and have them read both
cards out loud.
Good bye
Thank you
You're welcome
I don't speak Spanish
Do you speak English?
Where is the bathroom?
I'm from Canada
Hello, my name is...
De nada
Por favor
Yo no hablo español
¿Habla inglés?
¿Dónde está el baño?
Soy de Canadá
Hola mi nombre es...
Sparks and Brownies
Craft: The Magellanic Penguin
The Magellanic penguin is the largest warmweather penguin, at just over 2 feet tall.
Materials (per penguin):
Black and white construction paper
Googly eyes
See stencils on following pages. Have each girl cut out a large circle for
their penguins body out of black construction paper. Then, have each girl
cut out a slightly smaller heart out of white construction paper. Next they
will cut out 3 hearts out of black or orange construction paper, to be used
as the feet and beak. Glue these pieces together, add googly eyes, and
Sparks and Brownies
Game: Corre, Corre la Guaraca
The name of this game translates to "run, run, la guaraca", la guaraca
being a made up, silly word.
 One handkerchief
 Area to run around in
All of the girls sit in a circle facing inwards,
while one girl jogs around the circle
holding a handkerchief. The girls sitting
must keep their eyes closed, and sing
"Corre, Corre, la Guaraca who looks back
will be bopped on his head!" The goal of
the jogger is to drop the handkerchief on
one girls back without them noticing, and
then running around the circle. If she
makes it around the circle before the
player realizes that it's on her back, the
seated girl is out. If the seated girl catches
on, she must get up and tag the runner. If she succeeds, the runner is out.
If she fails to tag the runner, they play again, but this time the girl who had
a handkerchief dropped on her is the runner.
Sparks and Brownies
Recipe: Ponche (Berry Punch)
Tea time is a popular time!
1½ quarts cranberry juice
½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
½ teaspoon nutmeg
6 whole cloves
1 lemon peel
1 orange peel
In a pot, simmer the cranberry juice
with the cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves,
and the lemon and orange peels for 15
minutes. Let it cool and throw away
the cloves and fruit peels. Pour into
small glasses and serve. Recipe may
need to be doubled depending on unit
Sparks and Brownies
Language Activity:
Let's Learn our Numbers! Check out the fun and easy ‘repeat-after-me’
song on YouTube to learn number 1-10 in Spanish. Once the girls feel they
have mastered these numbers, try playing a game with them to test their
knowledge. For example have numbers taped to the wall, and call out a
number in Spanish, then ask the girls to go to the number that you called.
Craft: The Andes Mountains
The Andes are the world's longest mountain range and is home to many
creatures like the Vicuñas, the chinchilla, and the Andean condor. Let's
make some Andes!
Materials (per girl):
 Half a paper plate
 Grey or brown, green, and white paint or markers to represent the
mountains, grass, and snow-covered peaks
 Toothpicks and paper if girls wish to make a sign labeled "The Andes
 Blue construction paper
 Tape or glue
Give each girl a semi circle, made from cutting a paper plate in half. Have
the girls decorate their mountains, by painting or colouring them, as seen in
the image below, while leaving a "snow-covered peak" at the top. Glue or
tape their completed mountain to a piece of blue construction paper, which
will represent the sky, and have them decorate this however they like. To
finish it off, use a toothpick and a rectangle of white paper to make a sign
that reads "The Andes Mountains", so they know where they are, and stick
it into the paper plate!
Game: El volantín
El volantín is the Spanish word for kite! Being near the Andes Mountains
during the spring it can get pretty windy, and kite flying is a very popular
activity, in all areas of Chile.
 Kites (girls can bring their own, share, or even make them!)
 A semi-windy meeting night
Take your kite outside, and with a running start get it up in the air!
Recipe: Cocadas
These traditional coconut cookies are delicious year round!
Ingredients/ Materials:
4 egg whites
1 1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon honey
2 cups shaved coconut (unsweetened)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
Medium sized pot
Full Recipe
Language Activity:
Print this page out, and have girls match the English words and phrases
with the Spanish words and phrases.
Speak slowly, please
I don't understand
Buenas noches
Good morning
Buenos días
Good evening
Yo soy una niña
Good night
How are you?
Cómo estás?
No entiendo
Thank you very much
Dónde está el baño?
I don't speak Spanish
Buenas tardes
I am a girl
Where is the bathroom?
Excuse me
Lo siento
Yo no hablo español
Habla despacio por favor
Muchas gracias
Pathfinders and Rangers
Craft: Pottery
The village of Pomaire, near Santiago, is famous for their handmade
pottery. If you can, get your unit out to a class and make some pottery. If
that is not possible, try this fun and easy clay pottery craft, so the girls can
take home their own creation.
 Polymer clay in lots of
 Wax paper
 Plastic knives
 Needles and other
sculpting tools
Give each girl a piece of wax
paper, spread out on a flat
surface. Let the girls choose the clay
they wish to use, and knead this clay
before making your item of pottery. This
can be a bowl, or whatever comes to
mind-- be creative! Follow baking
instructions on the polymer clay
packaging to set it.
Pathfinders and Rangers
Game: Corre El Anillo
This name translates to "pass the ring". A Spanish song generally goes
along with this game.
 One small ring
Have girls stand or sit in a circle facing inwards with their hands cupped
and eyes closed. One girl will be the leader, holding the ring. She will stand
in the circle, and go to each girl, pretending to drop the ring in their hands,
but only actually dropping the ring in one person’s hands. The last person
that the leader pretends to give the ring to, then has to guess who has the
ring. If they guess right, they become the new leader.
Pathfinders and Rangers
Recipe: Brazo de Reina
This Chilean dessert's name translates to "queens arm" and is also known
as a Swiss Roll.
4 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup sifted all purpose
 1 teaspoon baking
 1/4 teaspoon salt
 powdered sugar
 1 cup Manjar
Full Recipe
Pathfinders and Rangers
Language Activity:
If your unit has access to a computer or smart phones, check out Duolingo,
an online app that teaches words and phrases in another language. It is
free to use; simply have the girls create a profile, and start your learning! It
incorporates both visual and oral learning, and will have the girls wanting to
learn more!
Photo Challenge – Is it Chile or Canada?
Valparaiso-- Chile
Niagara Falls-- Canada
Toronto-- Canada
Pucon-- Chile