Issue 23 - The Riviera Gazette
Issue 23 - The Riviera Gazette
€0.20 inennewsagents/ magasins de presse 9 January 2003 • Number 23 The Côte d’Azur’s English-language newspaper Classified ads page 7 Film Guide See Leonardo DiCaprio in ‘Gangs of New York’in English – movies, p7 Tram Trouble Shopkeepers in head on with bus drivers, p3 Happy New Laws Price hikes and proposed new bills explained, p4 Grand Prix Tickets Price guide and how to buy your tickets, p4 Adaptable Friends How to make the most of moving to France, p5 Joe Millionaire Would you marry for love or for money? p4 Film Guide 25 English-language films showing in 11 cinemas this week, p7 What’s What’ s On? on? page 8 Cannes Regional Orchestra is just one of this weeks musical treats, p8 The English Estate Agents in France See our sales and rentals on p7 My Riviera page 6 My Riviera The Forum’s Simon Glynn tells how he loves getting people together, p6 WIFE SWAPPING RISE ON RIVIERA OVER 600,000 people now take part in partner swapping in France, twice as many as three years ago. And what’s more, local expats are enthusiastically adopting this newly fashionable aspect of French culture, along with buying baguettes and drinking rosé. “The ‘échangistes’ have realised there is a difference between love and sex,” British born swinger Briony Tapsell, 41, of Nice told The Riviera Gazette. “My partner and I always attend together and so it is still a shared experience. Jacuzzis “A friend who works at a local school got chatting to parents of his pupils and was then inundated with offers from couples willing to supply their villas with pools and jacuzzis for parties if he could provide the guests. “It is all very safe and condoms are often available free in clubs.” And it’s much better then just going to a bar and drinking loads on a Saturday night,maintains Briony.“We are just being open about sleeping with other people.There’s no deceit or illicit affairs and the divorce rate tends to be far lower among couples who practice échangisme.” Partner swapping, known by participants as ‘swinging’, is completely legal in France and there are more organised clubs here than in any other country in the world. Locally, there are clubs in Nice, By JENNY PAUL Mougins and Le Cannet and échangisme is becoming so popular that swinging restaurants are now opening up. At one restaurant in Cannes, the owner takes an active role in getting to know couples and matching them up with swinging partners. The couples start by sharing a Chateaubriand and a Bordeaux, then the willing parties slip off their matrimonial bonds to pair off after dessert. Most clubs are strictly ‘couples only’ although single men are sometimes allowed in if they are willing to pay a substantial premium. Often there is a discreet ‘club privé’ notice on the door and a sign saying ‘couples only’. The clubs are typically equipped with a bar and dance floor, while downstairs there are rooms with mattresses and showers. Fashionable The new popularity of swapping amongst young couples is in part due to the fashionable novel,The Memoirs of Catherine M, published in French last year and now available in English. In her memoirs, an instant bestseller, Catherine frankly details her group couplings in locations that include museums and offices. Now Italian documentary film maker Bucco Menotti, famous for films on Paris street prostitution and SWINGER... Brit Briony enjoys attending local échangiste evenings with her partner for the award winning Being Gay in Beijing, is to make the popularity of swinging in France the subject of his next film. “I was shocked that three or four women at a dinner I had been invited to by friends had been to a swinger’s club,Menotti told The Riviera Gazette. “I was impressed by their openness on the subject.I know that these clubs are all over Europe,but in Italy people who frequent these places would be very discreet.Some might never even admit to it.” The new WEEKLY Riviera Gazette: 10,000 copies distributed this week. Look for the next issue on Thursday January 16 2 The Riviera Gazette Thursday 9 January 2003 The Year Ahead YOUR DESTINY IN 2003 TV’s John Garlandtells what the stars hold for you in the coming year... AQUARIUS 20 Jan–18 Feb PISCES 19 Feb–20 Mar ARIES 21 Mar–20 Apr TAURUS 21 Apr–20 May n energetic year for practical and wim out of whatever pool you’re in,and 003 should be a far better year, and ou can expect more money,career and A domestic ideas. Launch new projects in March, May and September. The fact that you’re about to have another try at improving your overall outlook, will give 2003 a bright start, with more in the offing.Financially you’ll notice a buoyant trend, with plenty of scope to enhance your income, particularly in June, July and December. Romance won’t be without some testing phases, but if you’re single, motivate your charisma in March, August,September and December.The main thing is not to mix business with pleasure. Star celebrity John McEnroe (16 February 1959) — A special career boost. S 2 Star celebrity Bruce Willis (19 March 1955) — Taking up other options. Star celebrity Sarah Michele Geller (14 April 1977) — An unexpected event will recharge her creative abilities. head for fresh shores of opportunity. That’s the message for 2003.As you were born under one of the zodiac’s three water signs,you are imaginative and hard-working. Property, home and money endeavours are on the upswing in February, August, and N o v e m b e r . Remember that difficulties evaded continually return.So, if something isn’t slotting into place, cut your losses and explore other options. Affections of the heart are worth pursuing during March, August and September. Healthwise, slow down in June. January, February, May and November will focus this trend on your social, creative and money expectations. Travel to faraway places won’t be without some sparky moments.You will gain through the enthusiasm and insights of others, particularly if you’re on the move. New people will become attracted to you and become close friends. As if by magic, your potentials for making a success of relationships, are star-strengthened during February,April,and October.However,don’t overtire yourself in June. Y creative benefits this year. Push your prospects and you’ll prosper between June and August, but refuse to sign, or agree to anything without professional advice. Romance is promising and you can look forward to some enchanting moments during March, April, September and December. There are numerous possibilities for advancing your goals, providing you don’t lose your nerve. For best results on the work front,take direct action in January,May, September and October.Despite the ups and downs,there’ll be some hectic and rewarding occasions. Star celebrity Tony Blair (6 May 1953) — Unforeseen incident. Y twirls. Even so, one of this year’s benefits will come as a sweet surprise. If you are single, then extend your social schedules and let fate guide you. Whatever happens will be for the best in the long-run. The planets are set to support whatever career, money and domestic arrangements are in the wind. Be flexible during all important discussions and meetings during January,June,July and October. The planets will be adventurous, and if you’re single, circle January,April and December for getting out and about. Star celebrity Anna Kournikova (7 June 1981) — News to celebrate. M Y Obviously, everything has its limits, but if you take the lead, you could surprise yourself with what happens. Not until mid-spring will you begin to see some of your personal ambitions in their true perspective. Even so, if you maximise your creative skills, much will be accomplished between now and the summer.If you want to impress the right people, the best months are March, May and September. Meanwhile, romantic comings and goings will be extra intense during January, February, and October. Cut out any extravagant temptations. part in your career and other professional spheres. Underline January, and September, for making headway. Finances will be erratic in March, June, and August, so be careful how much you spend. However, earnings will be on the mend, particularly in October and November. If you’re single, there’ll be some delightful moments, provided you step into the social spotlight during February, July, September and December. Certain adjustments will have to be made concerning long-term matters, but most of your targets will fall neatly into line. Star celebrity George W. Bush (6 July 1946) — Fulfilment of a specific aim. Star celebrity Pete Sampras (12 August 1971) — Another lucky break. Star celebrity Jarvis Cocker (19 September 1963) — Adjustments to be made. come and go. Best of all, you’re in for some marvellous moments.You will feel a lot better, knowing that many of your home and family developments will continue to brighten. Obviously you cannot be answerable to everyone’s pushing and pulling. Don’t force anything, to ensure that progress is given a chance to develop naturally.January, March, April, and July are opportune for ironing out career and financial affairs. If you’re seeking someone to share your dreams,then activate your optimism during February, June, July, and December. T LIBRA 23 Sept–22 Oct SCORPIO 23 Oct–22 Nov SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov–20 Dec CAPRICORN 21 Dec–19 Jan oom in on what appear to be the least ake advantage of this year’s top trends. ake your pick. Jobs and money here are magical stars shining with Z attractive invitations,or ideas,because you never know what might develop. In fact, it’s often the most insignificant suggestions that can lead to a fresh friendship, or something you’ve been waiting for. Just how important money and romance turn out to be,depends on your willpower to network your aims between January and May. Regardless of certain highs and lows, this is one of your most auspicious years.There will be golden opportunities on all fronts. Remember, the more decisive you are, the greater the rewards. T There are bound to be months when you’ll wonder why you tolerated certain obstacles.January,April,and October, paint a brilliant picture for career, professional and creative outlets. Financial gains are likely, if you’re shrewd during January, June and November. The planets headline your talents, so use your wonderful ability to sense the feelings of other, particularly if you’re single. March, April, May and December are starred for romance.Just ensure that you decide on what you want, rather than be led by others. T connections are best in January, April, August and September. Go all-out to make career contacts.Your effort to achieve a specific aim, should start to shape up in May and July,although you need to take any stressful challenges in your stride. Romance twinkles for singles during February, June and October. Stretch your social horizons and the stars won’t let you down, especially if you link up to any adventurous outdoor,or other high stamina, activities.Forget the downbeat days and take control of your goals. T opportunities. It’s a happy year for romance,and good fortune.Friends of your own age will be particularly helpful to you in January and June. However, watch what you spend on the domestic front. In fact, put money aside to cope with mid-year cash niggles. Work, social and travel arrangements become much brighter during June, September and October. If you’re unattached, mix and mingle between April and August.Regardless of whatever else is on your mind,push your potentials throughout 2003,and happiness will flow when you least expect it. Star celebrity Catherine Zeta Jones (25 September 1969) — A new type of role. Star celebrity Demi Moore (11 November 1962) — New directions. Star celebrity Britney Spears (2 December 1981) — Reviewing her career. Star celebrity Mel Gibson (3 January 1956) — Another blockbuster. CMYK GEMINI 21 May–20 June CANCER 21 June–20 July LEO 21 July–21 Aug VIRGO 22 Aug–22 Sept ou face an amazing maze of twists and oods and mediocre months will our built-in boldness will reap success. his year’s planets play an even bigger The Riviera Gazette Thursday 9 January 2003 3 News Shop posters and bags say ‘No to Tramway’but bus drivers give plan thumbs up TRAM PLAN PROTEST TAKES TO THE STREETS CMYK 2003 will be ‘the year of the Irish’ in Villefranche,with festivities throughout the year to celebrate the historical links between France and Ireland. Conferences on Irish culture and art will be held,and the citadel will be transformed into an Irish pub for St Patrick’s day on March 17. Super-lottery FRANCE, Spain and the UK have joined forces for a European ‘superlottery’with a weekly draw on Fridays and no limit to the number of times a “Progress,security,tramway,health!” jackpot can be rolled over, to be “Our drivers are very supportive of launched in early 2004. the tram system,” Michel Ottobruc of the Urban Transport Syndicat of Nice confirmed to The Gazette.“Over 90% CELEBRATED Var chef Bruno has of our members are pro-tram, and bought the disused manor at Aups. consider the improvement of the pubHe plans to turn it into an internalic transport network to be beneficial tional truffle institute,teaching others to everyone in the community. how to cook using the rare delicacy. Tourists and residents will benefit The €2 million complex will also offer from improved traffic flow, and the luxury hotel accommodation. reliability of trams which have priority and can more easily keep to timetables. It is a move for the better and a move to the future.” Ottobruc ONLY three people were arrested and had their licences suspended concluded. Residents are mainly in favour of after armies of gendarmes took to the the system. “I think the tram system roads to catch drink-drivers over the sounds like a very good idea,” com- festive period. The Police also carried out roadside mented Lawrence Stringer, 31, a Nice tests for drugs,but no-one tested posresident who works in Sophia itive. Meanwhile, the French governAntipolis.“It will be much cleaner for ment is urging motorists to “drive BAGS NOT . ..Nice shopkeepers show their customers how they feel about the trams the environment and better for traffic. more like les Anglais” in a bid to I don’t have a car so any improveencourage safe driving. ans for up to one year while the instal- continued Evelyne, who has had ments in public transport will be lation work is completed,” Evelyne 20,000 plastic bags printed with the great for me.” Grac, proprietor of Alpes Fruits in anti-tram slogan to issue to her cusAvenue Borriglione told The Riviera tomers. ● Meanwhile the new generation CLIVE Stokes of the Antibes Squash Gazette.“We will have no business – Nice bus drivers, however, have regional express train was unveiled at & Fitness Club is the British Chamber and we will not be able to survive.We jumped on the pro-tram bandwagon, the Nice train station on Monday. of Commerce’s Business Personality don’t even know if we will receive any painting slogans on the side of their Ultra-modern and roomy, it will go of the Year, after winning a vote by members. compensation from the government,” buses promoting the message into service next year. Truffle teaching Driving down Nice Matin/Franck Fernandes PROTESTERS for and against the planned Nice tram network have stepped up their activities this week as the public enquiry phase comes to an end and the first stage of the four year building programme begins. Running from the Nice Nord motorway junction into the centre of Nice via the University district, Place du Gaulle, the railway station, Nice Etoile and Place Masséna, the tram system is designed to reduce congestion and pollution and is due to come into service at the end of 2006. But Nice residents and local businesses now face four years of disruption whilst the €305 million tram network infrastructure is installed. In some areas, roads will be closed for a year while buildings are demolished and roads are re-routed to accommodate the trams. Shopkeepers along the proposed tram routes are collecting signatures for a petition protesting against the new system, and several have placed large banners decorated with skulls bearing the slogan “No to the Tramway”across their shop fronts. “We have been told that our road will be closed to traffic and pedestri- Irish festival Fit for business 4 The Riviera Gazette Thursday 9 January 2003 News New year,new laws more than 8.5% alcohol have also been hit with extra taxes, taxi fares have increased by 2.2% and it is now illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana. Across the EU, more wine and food labelling measures mean packaged meat products must now state the animal’s origin,differentiate between mus- cles and offals and stipulate fat content.Wines must specify the method of production, vineyards and any traditional accreditation. Travellers entering the EU may no longer bring in any foodstuffs containing meat or milk, unless they have an official health certificate from their country of origin. Nice Matin/P Lapoirie A SLEW of new laws, rules and regulations came into effect on January 1. Tax on cigarettes has increased to 17.7%, putting around 8% on the most expensive brands and 16% on the cheapest. A pack of 20 cigarettes now costs between €3.40 and €4. Strong beers containing BIG RACE ... Better move fast if you want to see the Monaco Grand Prix Monaco GP tickets on sale TICKETS for the 61st Monaco Grand Prix, which will be held from Friday May 29 to Sunday June 1, went on sale this week. The Monaco race weekend is regarded as the most glamorous event on the Formula One circuit,and always sells out early.But the Automobile Club de Monaco told The Gazette that only one hundred tickets were snapped up on Monday, so there are still plenty of good seats to be had. The cheapest tickets for Sunday’s F1 Grand Prix are €50 – holders will watch the race from the steep ‘Rocher’ hillside – and grandstand seats range from €250 to €420.Tickets can be bought in person at the ACM shop at 46 Rue Grimaldi, Monaco. Race fans can also call +377 93 25 26 00 or fax +377 93 25 80 08 to request an order form, which has to be posted back to the club with cheque or credit card payment before tickets can be allocated. New year,new car for many as night flares up across France REVELLERS set fire to 379 vehicles in 60 departments during the last night of 2002 in what is becoming an unfortunate New Year’s Eve tradition in France. Seven cars went up in flames in Nice,where 37 rubbish bins were also burned out. The total represents a slight improvement on last year, when 388 vehicles were destroyed on the same night. ● A bouncer at The Cat’s Corner nightclub in Cannes was rushed to hospital with knife wounds on New Year’s Eve. He was attacked by four youths who had earlier been refused entry because they didn’t meet the dress code. A NEW US ‘reality TV’ show has recently completed filming in secret at a chateau on the Riviera. Joe Millionaire,which started its run on the Fox network on Monday night,features twentyfive women competing to marry Evan Marriott, a goodlooking American multi-millionaire who lives in a huge French castle. But in a cruel twist the hunky 28-year-old bachelor is in fact a near-penniless construction worker who has had coaching to help him persuade the girls he’s a toff. The winner will be Fox TV Gold diggers meet ditch digger HUNKY HEIR . . . Digger driver Evan Marriott ‘inherits’ a $50M fortune in Fox TV’s ‘Joe Millionaire’ told in the final programme. In the first episode Marriott was treated to a style makeover and lessons in horse riding and wine appreciation to allow him to exude the air of someone who has had a privileged upbringing. Producers hope for ratings success as viewers tune in to see the tension between the women competing for his love and Marriott’s struggle to maintain the façade of a wealthy man. Fox has also promised a surprise for the last episode; the US press is speculating that a double bluff is in operation and that Marriott may actually be very wealthy after all. CMYK AFP/Pierre Verdy SPRING IS COMING . . . While the rest of France shivers in the snow (and let’s not even mention that it’s just hit minus twenty in Scotland!),the Riviera will soon be glowing yellow as the region’s famous Mimosas have started blooming around three weeks earlier than usual.Growers put the early flowering down to a mild,wet autumn.The plant was introduced from Australia by British residents in Cannes in the 1850s. The Riviera Gazette Thursday 9 January 2003 5 News Man dies as ski slopes fill over holiday LOCAL ski stations were beset with problems over the busy New Year period, reports Jenny Paul. A man from Nice was killed in an avalanche whilst skiing off-piste at Pra Loup, while in Valberg a woman suffered serious back injuries and had to be airlifted to hospital following an accident on the slopes. Auron,Isola and Valberg racked up record numbers of visitors during the festive season,putting strain on resort resources. “Last weekend Auron was crazy; I’ve never seen the place so packed — the ski-hire place we went to actually ran out of skis,” Lucy Richard of Nice told The Riviera Gazette. “We were starving when we came off the slopes at the end of the day,but everywhere had run out of bread so we couldn’t even get a sandwich,” she continued. CMYK CURRENT RESORT CONDITIONS ❆ Auron 40/160cm, 31 pistes open (2 green, 12 blue, 13 red, 4 black) and 19 lifts operating. ❆ Greolieres No significant snowfall this low yet; station still closed. ❆ Isola 2000 100/180cm, 45 of 50 pistes open (7 green,20 blue,15 red and 3 black) and 18 of 23 lifts operating. ❆ Pra-Loup 40/110cm, 90% of pistes are open and 24 of 29 lifts operating. The link with Foux d’Allos is open. ❆ Valberg 30/40cm, 35 pistes open (9 green, 10 blue, 15 red and 1 black) and 18 of 26 lifts operating. ADAPTING MADE EASY By Jenny Paul ADAPT in France, the non-profit association that helps newly arrived expats settle in on the Riviera, begins a new programme of educational workshops on January 17. The fourteen seminars run over a six week period and cover everything from buying and renting property, insurance, banking, motoring, childcare, healthcare and education to social rights and culture shock. “Each workshop promises a fortyfive minute talk by an expert in each subject, a ‘question and answer’ opportunity afterwards and the chance to meet people who are new to the area and those who have been happily settled here for years,” Adapt in France’s Sylvie Kermin-Coffier told The Riviera Gazette. The resource centre in Sophia also provides information in English (as well as in Spanish, German, Danish, etc) on a wide range of topics and staff are available to answer questions. Multinational “We have Chinese, Mexican and multi-nationality clients. The most commonly used language is English though,” Mme Kermin-Coffier continued. Sylvie explained that the cultural exchanges are a good opportunity to practice your French and meet French people. Many residents who have been here a long time come along to these workshops as they have an established circle of friends and just don’t get the Euro hikes ONE year after the introduction of the Euro, 96% of French people think it has led to higher prices,while café staff are dismayed that tips have suffered. The French also think the new notes, which depict monuments, are cold and impersonal in contrast to the old Franc notes showing celebrated figures from French history. Wine ban ONE in ten wines could lose its appellation d’origine controlée label as the National AOC Institute begins ramping up the number of inspections of accredited vineyards. AOC wines cost more to produce than ordinary plonk,giving producers an incentive to cheat by labelling ordinary table wines as AOC. Parking rises THE cost of parking in Nice has risen by between 5% and 11% in 17 different public car parks. The increases affect both long and short term parking, with many making increases in the cost of the first hour. Ski compy winners SHOCK ABSORBER...Sylvie helps newcomers adjust to French culture and lifestyle chance to brush up on their French in a welcoming environment, Mme Kermin-Coffier told The Gazette. As workshops are extremely popular Sylvie strongly advises booking in advance. The Cultural Exchanges take place twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays from September through June in Antibes (there is plenty of parking!).Meetings are held from 19h00 to 21h00. Contact the office for further information about how to join and where they meet on 04 93 65 33 79. Membership of Adapt in France costs €150 a year for the top,blue level of membership which includes access to all workshops. The lowest price is €50 and includes two personalised support sessions,or €80 for the workshop series alone. TEN lucky readers each won a pair of ski passes for either Auron or Isola 2000 in last issue’s competition. Auron winners are Jeremy Andain (Antibes), Esta Cueni (Nice), Laurent Chivallier (Le Rouret), Niamh O’Connor (Antibes), and Alban l’Honneur (Vallauris). Isola winners are Paul Chandley (Juan Les Pins), Christopher Cook (Biot), Sylvie Kermin-Coffier (Valbonne), Lisa Mounition (Antibes) and Patrik Swanljung (St Paul de Vence). Each correctly identified the park area containing Auron and Isola as The Mercantour. 6 The Riviera Gazette Thursday 9 January 2003 My Riviera The Forum’s Simon Glynn talks to Jenny Paul about matchmaking on the Riviera... Classifieds ❝ Reply to box numbers at: Box [write number clearly] The Riviera Gazette 738 Route Notre Dame, Cidex 47, 06330 Roquefort les Pins Replies are forwarded unopened. AUTO TRG/Mike Clark Four wheels+ CHEERS . . . Simon Glynn toasts life on the Riviera,Forum-style than anything too serious. If things didn’t work out here I wouldn’t move back to England, I’d rather move on somewhere else. I think travelling and living in countries and cultures other than your own expands you as a person. We live in Mougins. We moved out of our cramped apartment in Antibes as we’ve got two labradors, Presley and Simba, and we needed the space. There’s a Thai restaurant near us, the ‘Bang Noi’ which we visit often. We miss the ‘English-Chinese’ take-away and that’s the closest we’ve found. I’ve never skied before but this year I’m going to try. I love the fact that you can be in the snow in an hour and a half but still live on the sunny Riviera. ❞ ● VOLVO 340 DL automatic 1987, 06 registered, only 80,000 kms, €1000. Tel: Simon 06 22 82 16 18 ● TOYOTA runner 3 litre turbo diesel, electric pack. 1994, 164000km, good condition. Tel: 04 94 19 38 02 ● RANGE Rover Vogue 3.9 1992, ABS braking, British reg, no rust €5,500. Tel: 04 93 40 06 82 (Grasse) ● MERCEDES E320 Avant Garde 1996, GPL, royal blue and blue leather, 5 speed auto, excellent condition, 150,000 kms, €17,000. 06 09 84 45 63 ● VOLVO 740 lhd turbodiesel estate, good cond, metallic gold, alloys, elec windows & s/roof. Manual 4 spd o/drive 5th. Many new parts. Only €1950 for quick sale. Robert 06 13 92 22 63/ [email protected] ● Book your classified ad online at ● JP 4 Renault cabriolet 2 pl, white, complete hood, good condition, €2999. Tel: 04 93 41 17 56 ● VW GOLF Cabrio ‘94, perfectly maintained, €4000. Cannes, 06 14 30 44 57 ● MERCEDES C200K 02/01 avant garde silver, luxe pack, 20,000km as new €25,000. Tel: 04 93 60 07 32 ● CITROEN XM 1991, 52000kms, excellent cond., radio/K7, power steering, a/c, CT ok, €3300. Tel: 06 72 89 48 57 ● TRAILER: 950 kg payload, inside 237x130x65cm, removable cover, mechanical brakes, €600. Tel: 04 93 20 29 09 or 06 23 27 68 18 Two wheels ● HONDA CBX 550,1995, 60,000 km, excellent condition: new tyres, battery, pads etc. Garaged in Auribeau sur Siagne. Please call 06 15 42 46 95. BUSINESS Business opportunities EXPANDING local company serving the superyacht fleet seeks potential mergers with or acquisitions of similar companies. Principals only please call 06 63 21 12 70 Business services ● NEED help writing and typing up your CV? Professional recruiter able to offer advice concerning content and presentation of your CV. Full typing and printing services also available. Contact 06 68 76 27 55 CLUBS & SOCIETIES ● INTERNATIONAL Baptist Church welcomes you! NICE: 13, rue Vernier, services every Sunday evening at 18:30, information 0493 24 92 61, SAINTPAUL: Espace Saint Claire Commercial Centre, Level 0, services every Sunday morning at 10:45, information 0493 77 31 45 ● ENSEMBLE Vocale Syrinx choir is looking for members. Call Kate Cobb on 04 93 20 68 94 for information ● SINGLES 35-55 who Practice Kindness! Join weekly bilingual discussions. FREE. 06 63 63 34 38 (Nice) COMPUTERS NEED HELP installing or maintaining your computer, printer, scanner, ADSL? Any other software/hardware problem to solve? Qualified system administrator living on the Côte d’Azur, available 7/7, speaks fluent English, Swedish and competent French. Call me for any job: 06 76 94 71 44 / [email protected] / http:// ● Book your classified ad online at COURSES ● FRANCOPHONIE Institut in Mougins. Learn or improve your French with your native French highly experienced teacher in a lively and informal atmosphere. All levels and nationalities welcome. Business French also available. Tel: 06 60 18 41 47 ● FRENCH immersion courses for adults at family-run centre: 04 90 94 43 87 or WANT TO LEARN FRENCH FAST? English speaking teacher with expertise of foreigners call Roger 06 83 20 62 96 (Nice) or ENTERTAINMENT ● PROFESSIONAL jazz group available for concerts, parties, events (public/ private). CD also available. 06 62 47 12 32 ● Book your classified ad online at EVENTS ● NICE yacht club - nautical jumble sale 27th April 2003 in Nice port. Amateurs only, registration €20 per 3 linear metre stall – proceeds go to local lifeboat. A well known nautical personality will open the sale at 9am and there will be an evening barbecue for all participants and friends. Contact [email protected] FINANCIAL SERVICES MITCHELL JOHNSON Independent financial advice. We are holding weekly workshops on French tax from NOW till March. “I’d wish I’d spoken to Mitchell Johnson” Call 04 92 29 29 60 to find out more CMYK I’M originally from the British Midlands. My wife Dawn and I moved here from Amsterdam in September 2000. I fell in love with the place straight away. It’s a huge contrast to life in Amsterdam. We had a very hectic lifestyle there and here the weather is really nice and the beaches are so accessible. But after about six months here we started to realise the Riviera could be quite a lonely place for some people. A lot of couples are in a situation where one works and the other is at home all day. This was the main reason we started The Forum. I met my co-founder, Heather, over the internet and she suggested an informal get-together. We had thirty people on the first night and now we’ve got over 400 members. The Forum is a non-profit organisation for ex-pats of all ages. We’ve also branched out into support groups, such as The Senior Forum which we started when we were contacted by an older lady who had recently been widowed. We’ve also just started doing singles nights after many requests. It’s been a great success and we’ll be hosting another one very soon. We’re not a formal association,we want to keep things on a fun, informal basis rather IT SERVICES PROVIDER Troubleshooting, installations, software/hardware supplies, I also build websites, databases & bespoke software, Fluent in English, French, German & Japanese PROFESSIONALLY QUALIFIED Contact James Erven on. Tel: 06 18 39 52 51 or [email protected] The Riviera Gazette Thursday 9 January 2003 7 Classifieds HOBBIES & SPORT ● WINDSURFER bic astrorock 285 slalom board, 6m2 fully battened sail €500. Tel: 06 16 95 84 29 FITT Physique * Ski instruction * CSIA * 1 to 1 or small groups * Sports & relaxation massage * ITEC * Alleviate stress, strains & spinal problems * Personal fitness training at your home or business. Call Rich on 04 93 77 60 72 / 06 19 28 80 99 FILM GUIDE The Riviera Gazette’s guide to this week’s “version originale” films with English-language soundtracks... Le Casino Av.du 24 aout,Antibes INSOMNIA Tue 20:30 Les Arcades Rue Felix Faure,Cannes GANGS OF NEW YORK Daily 13:50, 17:00, 20:15 SWEET SIXTEEN Daily 18:00 THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS Daily 14:00, 20:00 Olympia Rue d’Antibes,Cannes GANGS OF NEW YORK Daily 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 plus Sat & Sun Matinee at 10:00 Studio 13 Ave.du Docteur-Picaud,Cannes DR. STRANGELOVE Thu 20:30, Sat 20:30, Mon 18:00 THE KILLING Fri 20:30, Sat 18:00, Tue 12:15 KILLER’S KISS Fri 18:00, Tue 20:30 Le Cannet Toiles Rue Victorien Sardou,Le Cannet CALLAS FOREVER Fri 15:00, Sun 14:30, Tue 16:00 Cinema Sporting Place du Casino,Monte-Carlo THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS Fri 17:30, Sat 17:00, Mon 17:30, 21:00 GANGS OF NEW YORK Thu 17:30, 21:00, Sun 17:30, 21:00, Tue 17:30 CMYK Cinémathèque Esplanade Kennedy,Nice HORNE COLLEGE & THE ELECTRIC HOUSE Fri 18:30 HOLLYWOOD ENDING Sat 22:00 THE UNKNOWN Sat 20:00 STEAMBOAT BILL JR & THE BALLOONATIC Wed 14:00 FORGOTTEN SILVER Wed 20:15 Mercury Place Garibaldi,Nice ABOUT A BOY Thu 15:30, Tue 21:40 KISSING JESSICA STEIN Mon 20:10 ALL OR NOTHING Thu 20:10, Mon 20:10 THE GREAT DICTATOR Sun 19:25 BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE Sat 17:00, Mon 20:10 CALLAS FOREVER Sun 17:00 THE PIANIST Fri 14:30, Sat 19:10 MINORITY REPORT Sun 21:40 MULHOLLAND DRIVE Sun 21:40 UGC Rialto Rue de Rivoli,Nice GANGS OF NEW YORK Daily 14:00, 17:30, 21:00 THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS Daily 14:00, 17:35, 21:00 DIE ANOTHER DAY Daily 21:45 SWEET SIXTEEN Daily 13:50, 18:00, 20:05 Lido 1-2-3 Rue Amiral Baux,Saint Raphael SWEET SIXTEEN Thu 14:30, 17:45, Fri 17:45, Mon 17:45, Tue 14:30, 20:45 Cinéma Les Visiteurs du Soir Vallis Bona,Valbonne BLOODY SUNDAY Sun 18:00, Mon 20:30 HOUSEHOLD ● LARGE outdoor teak lattice dining table, 2.5m by 1m (1.9m with leaves extended). €1000 ono. 06 84 58 20 14 ● FREE KITCHEN, all you need to do is come and take it away. Tel: +377 93 15 93 86 ● Two 1930’s worn gold plated brass mixer taps, 1 spout, bakelite temp control knobs for 2 baths. Off sunken cruise liner, would look wonderful on lions paw cast iron bath! Offers. [email protected] ● ANTIQUE oblong mirror, regency style, classic mahogany with frame & carved frieze, supported by two slim pillars, and with bevelled glass 1m77cm high x 1m05cm wide €1220. Matching restored antique bed, provenance around 1840, 4 ft (large single), carved mahogany with new handmade mattress, €2290. Tel: +377 93 15 93 86 ● COFFEE table, sofa, bed & tv stand for sale, from €15. Call 06 03 88 74 11 ● MOVING SALE! Large L-shaped sofa €150, pine wall unit €150, excellent condition.Tel: 06 80 86 59 61 ● CELLAR/private storage space with 24hr access wanted for furniture etc. in Nice area. Tel: 04 93 37 10 36 ● SELLING apartment contents, leaving end Jan. To request complete item list contact [email protected] Everything must go! ● FINE fitted kitchens supplied and installed. Call Gilbert Giordano in Sophia 0493 95 81 11 or 06 20 40 30 84, JOBS Jobs offered ● EXPERIENCED telesales people wanted to join an energetic sales team. Must speak good French, have a proven track record in phone sales and bundles of enthusiasm. Send CV and cover letter to [email protected] ● FREELANCE graphic designers wanted. Previous print media experience an advantage. Send cv and covering letter to [email protected] ● REGULAR Thursday work available, distributing The Riviera Gazette. Email [email protected] for details MAGNIFICENT furnished villa for rent by the week or month on the riviera at St Jeannet. Fabulous sea views and complete privacy, 3 double bedrooms, living room, dining room, American kitchen, sat TV, pool, pool house, solarium & sauna, only 15 mins from Nice airport.PS - You can even work from home in this luxurious villa which features a complete executive office with separate entrance Tel 06 07 42 01 79 or e-mail [email protected] TRAVEL ● Ref 7490 FOR SALE ANTIBES - New build apt, Antibes centre, pool, 61sqm living area, 90sqm garden, 2 beds, completion July 2003. €189,000 ● Ref 7777 FOR SALE ANTIBES Furnished apt, pool + tennis, 58sqm living area, 25sqm gdn + terr., 2 beds, American kitchen. €234,100 ● Ref 6734 FOR RENT MOUGINS – 45sqm furnished apt, 36sqm terr., 1 bed, pool+parking in residence. Long term, €991/m ● Ref 7865 FOR RENT MOUGINS – 48sqm furn. apt, 23sqm terr., 1 bed, roof pool and fitness room. Long term, €701/m ● CANNES studio apartment – old town, immaculate, reasonable rates. Contact Alan on 06 11 98 12 16 ● VILLEFRANCHE wonderful large studio apt, stunning views, great balcony €795pcm. e-mail timothygburgess@ and leave tel. no. MOUGINS 04 92 92 47 50, NICE 04 92 04 98 99, ST TROPEZ 04 94 54 78 48 See 500 properties at Property for sale MANDELIEU la Napoule, lovely 3rm apart, 65m2, 100m from beach, newly fitted, nr shops & school, v. calm, double glazing, air con, equipped kitchen, balcony, living rm with chimney, bathroom, separate WC, €235,000. Tel: 06 63 49 07 39 / [email protected] ● ANTIBES, 3 bd apart, 80 sqm, 2 terr., garden, huge pool, 2 tennis courts, nr shops. [email protected] ● ROQUEFORT LES PINS 3000m2 of constructible land 200m2 panoramic sea view, sun all day. €526,000/ 3,450,000FF. Call owner: 06 07 32 05 08 ● COTTAGE in Cannes 220m2, 3 bed & separate 1 bed apmt 35m2, garden, 5 mins to sea, €457,000. 04 94 47 75 19 ● MONS (83) on private domain, 6000m2 of land, 160m2 living space, 3 beds, swimming pool, €380,000. Tel: 04 92 38 30 64 Property wanted ● RELIABLE couple urgently looking for 2/3 room appartment in Nice up to €800/month. Tel: 06 19 30 30 82 ● Book your classified ad online at SERVICES ● HOMESTYLE CURRY: In your home! Traditional curry made to your personal taste using the finest fresh ingredients. Romantic dinners for two to cocktail/ dinner parties with a “kick”! Call 06 14 66 12 24 or email curryandspice@ for info & bookings ● GENUINE British handyman, many years experience, now available for more work. You name it, I do it! Tel/fax Robert 04 93 76 83 44/06 18 73 69 05 LONDON: Not another pokey hotel room – rent a luxury Kensington apartment! Newly renovated and furnished, sleeps 6 (2 dbl, 1 twin), available 1-4 wks at €1050/wk. 2 mins tube, nr museums. Tel: 04 93 09 69 07 TRAFFIC UPDATE ● YOUR next adventure? Try a hot air balloon safari in Africa! MOUNTS BAY, Cornwall 6 cottages available in pretty village 400m from sandy cove, open all year. From £140 to £600 per week. For brochure ring 0044 1344 621 220 ● Book your classified ad online at CYPRUS: NO Crime – NO Stress – NO Pollution. With property prices half or less compared with the Riviera and with secure title deeds investing in Cyprus is safe and highly rewarding. Cyprus offers the lowest profit and income tax in the entire EEC. For information: Or call Ido on 06 76 51 76 98 Motorways Get real-time traffic information on line at or listen to regular traffic reports in English on 107.7fm whilst you’re on the motorway Local roads ● Antibes Access severely restricted on Rue Thuret until Mar 20,2003 ● Antibes The road around the ramparts in the old town is closed for extensive works until later this year ● Villeneuve-Loubet Long-term 50Km/h limit and delays likely on the RN98 coast road TV & SATELLITE ● SKY digital satellite system for sale with card for BBC1&2, ITV, C4 & C5 etc. €300. Tel: 06 79 69 63 79 ● PHILIPS 28” (71cm) TV (PAL system) €100. Tel: 06 12 06 49 57 ● Book your classified ad online at Jobs wanted ● ENGLISH babysitter/nanny, speaks French, experienced & reliable, own transport. Claire, 06 09 06 88 38 TRILINGUAL PA looking for secondary properties to manage in Valbonne to Vence area. Skills: translations, receiving intl clients & supervising construction. Languages: English, German & French. Attributes: trustworthy, reliable & available immediately! Call Irene on 06 10 44 04 50 or email [email protected] ● CHINESE/Malaysian lady seeks work in preparation of Asian cooking and other. Tel: 04 93 85 57 98 ● ENGLISHMAN, fully trained butler/ manager, working for large estate in Var, looking for good & challenging post in Nice to Menton area. No dreamers or time-wasters please. Excellent current references. 06 32 02 32 97 Classified ads Private users save €10 with this form Save €10 on 5 simple steps to a speedy sale! This is the perfect marketplace for your palace or your Porsche, gold-fish bowl or golfclubs. Just fill in this form and send us your ad with payment (if applicable) and we’ll print it in the next issue. Classified Advertisement Order Form ❶ Compose your advert Please write in capitals, one letter in each box, with an empty box between each word. Minimum charge for trade ads is three lines/96 characters. Free private ads LONELY HEARTS ● FRENCH lady, 54, would like to meet English gentleman for friendship and to improve her English. 06 13 16 27 37 ● MATURE French gentleman, well travelled and fluent in English, seeks friendship/companionship. Reply Box 231 PERSONAL Optional extra lines: ❷ Choose your options ❹ About you,and payment Name: PROPERTY Type of advert: ■ Private ■ Trade Optional extras – see section 3 for prices. ■ Use all BOLD type ■ Put a box around the advert Property rentals ■ Reply box number (for privacy; personal ads only) ● SEEKING van going North who would share costs for dropping of a sofa in Paris. Tel: 06 22 90 34 06 ● LOVELY large light 1 bd apart. nr sea, great loc. Old Nice, Easter & summer hols, short lets Jan-Apr, suit resp. couple, refs. Tel: 04 93 80 11 89 ● VILLEFRANCHE town, single room to rent in apartment with stunning views, near sea. Tel: 06 32 20 22 67 ● ANTIBES 1 bd apart 56m2, avail. Feb 1st 2003 for 3 yr lease, parking/storage, unfurnished. €760 + €120 charges. Tel: 04 93 07 45 15 ● THEOULE-SUR-MER Small two bedroomed house for holiday rental. Tel 04 93 75 27 01 or 06 78 76 47 49 ● VILLEFRANCHE centre, 2 dbl bedroom apartment, lounge, furnished €215 pw inc. Tel: [email protected] “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it” Winston Churchill private ads ❸ Work out the price I’d like my ad to appear Up to 96 chars (3 lines) Extra 32 char lines, each All bold type Box round ad times (Free ads run only once) Private per issue TTC FREE! €10.00 Trade per issue Hors Taxes €10.00 +€2.50 +€5.00 +€7.50 €2.50 +€5.00 +€7.50 Tax is included in private ad prices, but must be added for trade ads. If you’d like us to work out the price for you, fax or email your ad to us and we’ll call you back. Terms: All ads must be legal, decent and honest. Ads are run at the sole discretion of the publisher. Free offer applies to private ads only. Payment due with booking. Free ads will be published in first available issue. Ad deadline: Midday Tuesday ❺ Address: Tel: Payment: ■ Cash ■ Cheque, in euros, drawn on a French bank, payable to ‘The Riviera Gazette’ ■ Carte Bleue/Credit card (enter number and expiry date below) Expiry Signature: Date: MAIL to: Riviera Gazette Classifieds, 738 Route Notre Dame (Cidex 47), 06330 Roquefort les Pins, France • EMAIL to [email protected] • FAX to 04 93 09 66 53 • or submit ONLINE at 8 The Riviera Gazette Thursday 9 January 2003 What’s On and Where To Go... ● The Club Bien Vivre of Menton hosts a ball today to celebrate the New Year at 14:00 at the town’s Salon de Grande Bretagne. Tel: 04 92 41 76 76. Thursday 9 ● The Dante Alighieri Association in Monaco is hosting a piano concert, including the music of Martucci, Chopin and Liszt, at 18:15 at the Salle des Varietes. Tel: +377 93 25 67 83. ● The Bastide Saint-Antoine, Grasse is hosting its annual truffle market. From 9:30 to 17.30 you can enjoy truffles at wholesale prices, truffle dog training shows and truffle meals. Tel: 04 93 36 66 66. ● The British Association of Monaco is hosting their Happy Hour tonight between 18:00 and 20:00 at Le Bistroquet in the Galerie Charles III (by the Metropole Hotel). Call Aisling on +377 93 50 19 52 for information. ● Still feeling the Christmas spirit? In Theoule sur Mer there’s a Provençal crèche on display until Sunday at l’Eglise Ste-Germaine. Tel: 04 93 49 28 28 ● An art exhibition called Window on the Sea showcasing the work of three artists – Nancy van Dijk from Holland, Michele Kleijnen from Belgium and Barbara de Mora from Canada – and their impressions of the sea is on at the l’Espace d’Art, 10 Quai Antoine 1er, in the port at Monaco from 14:00 to 18:00 daily until January 18. Tel: +377 97 70 26 72. Monday 13 ● A photographic exhibition called just Jazz, featuring the work of Eric Biard, opens today and continues through to February 7 at the MJC Picaud in Cannes. Tel: 04 93 06 29 90. ● One of the big meets of the horseracing season is on today from 13:30 with the Grand Prix de la Ville de Nice – a steeplechase event — at the Hippodrome de la Cote d’Azur in Cagnes sur Mer. Tickets are €4.50, with under 16’s getting in free.Tel: 04 92 02 44 44. Tuesday 14 ● Laura Corolla gives a violin concert tonight at 21:00 at the Baroque Bar in VieuxNice. Entry is €8.00. Tel: 04 93 80 08 74 ● The Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra performs a lunchtime concert playing Tchaikovsky and Borodine at the Monaco’s Salle des Varietes at 12:30. ● Tonight at 19:30 there’s a US Democrats Abroad political meeting at 11 bis rue de la Buffa, Nice where there will be a chance to meet representatives of the Paris branch, elect officers and meet other members. Call Jeanne on 06 68 51 89 41 to find out more. ● Continuing today is Tremplin Musical in Valbonne; tonight Arsen, Sikh, Broken Down and Jean Paul Trash are performing. Friday 10 ● The Studio Phebes are performing an acoustic music concert tonight at 21:00 at the Salle des Varietes, Monaco. Tickets are €8. Tel: 06 22 41 42 59. ● Continuing today is the Jazz exhibition in Cannes. Wednesday 15 Coming up... ● Head along to Bar en Biais Jazz Club for an evening of world music with Alain Panteleimonoff on the guitar, and Esraj and Gérard Kurdjian playing percussion. It starts at 21:30. Call Aurelie Herbere on 04 93 74 10 98. ● Jazz fans can head to Villeneuve Loubet tonight for a concert at the Salle Escoffier at 21:00. Tickets are €10, including a drink. Tel: 04 92 02 60 50 for more info. MEXICAN WAVE ... A piquant taste of Mexico arrives in Cannes on Friday night Sunday 12 ● The Orchestre Regional de Cannes, under conductor Philippe Bender, is performing the music of Rodrigo, Ennio Morricone and more today at 16:30 at the Theatre Claude Debussy in Cannes. Tickets start at €20:00. Tel: 04 93 99 19 77. Saturday 11 ● The Compagnie Nationale de Mexico is performing the music and dance of Mexico today at 14:30 and 20:30 at the Grand Auditorium of the Palais in Cannes. Tickets start at €24:00 from 04 92 98 62 77. ● La Colle sur Loup is hosting a Brocante – an antiques market – today on rue Ancienne Gare. Tel: 04 93 32 68 36. ● The Bridge Club de Menton has organised a tournament, the Tournoi des Citrons, which is open to the public today at the Salons de la Résidence du Louvre. Tel: 04 92 41 76 76. ● The Valberg ski station hosts the Slalom Grand Prix of Nice tonight starting from 5pm. Tel: 04 93 23 24 25. ● Nice take on Lille tonight at the Stade du Ray at 20:00 in the National French Football league competition. Tickets start at €7 from 04 93 18 07 27. Monaco are also playing at home against Bastia at the Stade Louis II at 20:00. Tel: +377 92 05 40 00. ● The Monte Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra is in concert today at 18:00 at Monaco’s Auditorium Rainier III. Tickets start at €15.00. Tel: +377 92 16 22 99. ● Valberg hosts a triathlon in the snow today from 13:00. Registration opens at 10am for 6km of running, 12km of mountain biking and 10km cross-country skiing. Tel: 04 93 23 24 25 for more information. ● The Colmiane ski station hosts The Big Border Tour – a regional snowboarding competition – all day today.Tel: 04 93 23 25 90. ● Christine and Sacha Chymkov are performing accordion classics including the ● Monaco’s world-famous circus festival, the 27th Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo, is on between January 16 and 23 at the big top in Fontvieille. ● All the thrills and excitement of top-level international rallying arrive in Monaco on January 22 until the 26th as the Principality plays host to the first round of the 2003 World Rally Championship. ● Burns Night is January 25, and local Scots are spoiled for choice. The Auld Alliance is holding its traditional celebration and the British Association of the Var will be gathering at the Relais de Trans in the Var. Call Brian McDowell for the Auld Alliance on 04 93 08 32 78 or Selwyn Glick on 04 94 47 06 28 for the British Association to book your seat. ● The Glenn Miller Memorial Orchestra performs at the Nice Acropolis on January 26. Now booking... The Palais Nikaia in Nice is the local venue for ‘stadium’ concerts and shows, and will host several international stars over the coming weeks. Call 08 92 69 70 73 to book. ● Toto on January 26 – tickets from €35.50. ● Tracy Chapman on February 9 – tickets from €34.40. ● Hot on the heels of Riverdance, Lord of the Dance comes to Nice from February 28 to March 1. Tickets from €35.85 ● Ennio Morricone on March 5 – tickets from €40.00 ● And Dire Straits frontman Mark Knopfler will appear on April 28 – tickets are €38.75. Call 08 99 70 11 11 for today’s weather in your town, or to get a three-day forecast in English. Calls cost €0.34 per minute Thursday 9 Friday 10 Saturday 11 Sunday 12 Monday 13 Tuesday 14 JANUARY IN NICE... AM 4°C Cloudy 2°C Cloudy -1°C Cloudy 0°C Partly Cloudy 1°C Partly Cloudy 6°C Partly Cloudy Avg. high: 13°C Avg. low: 5°C PM 10°C Cloudy 5°C Cloudy 6°C Cloudy 8°C Partly Cloudy 8°C Partly Cloudy 9°C Partly Cloudy Remember to put your snowchains in the boot if you’re off to the mountains. Avg. sea temp: 14°C Avg. rainfall: 83mm The Riviera Gazette • 738 Route Notre Dame, Cidex 47, 06330 Roquefort les Pins, France • Tel: 04 93 09 66 43 • Fax: 04 93 09 66 53 • Editor Sarah Clark, [email protected] Editorial The Riviera Gazette welcomes your news, letters and comments. Contact us at the address above. Advertising Rates and data available on request. Call 04 93 09 66 43 for further information. Legal © 2003 The Riviera Gazette SARL. Copyright in The Riviera Gazette (including but not limited to text, photographs and illustrations) is owned by or licensed to the publishers. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photograph or illustration without prior written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The Riviera Gazette name and logo are trademarks belonging to The Riviera Gazette SARL. All other trademarks are the property of their next issue out respective owners. Due care is taken to ensure that the content of The Riviera Gazette is accurate but The Riviera Gazette SARL, its employees, agents and contractors cannot accept liability arising from errors or omissions. Published by The Riviera Gazette SARL • SARL de Presse au capital de €300 • Siège social: 738 Route Notre Dame, 06330 Roquefort les Pins, France • RCS Grasse B 442 181 251 • Siret: 442181251 00012 • Publisher/Directeur de la Publication: Mike Clark • ISSN: 1634-3379 • Dépôt légal: a parution • Printed in France by see you Imprimeries IPS, ZI des Iscles, BP 50, 13834 Châteaurenard Cedex Contributors Richard Baker, Alison Craddock, Susannah Hickling, Jenny Paul, Bent Røiseland, Julia Uprichard Ne pas jeter sur la voie publique thursday january 16 next week! CMYK ● Today and tomorrow there’s a free concert called Tremplin Musical at 20:30 in Valbonne Village featuring Muska’D, Freygolo and Zinke Zakeou. Tel: 04 93 00 34 48. Riviera Weather music of Vivaldi, Gridin and Shmykov today at 18:00 at the Théâtre de La Cité in Nice. Tickets are €10. Tel: 04 93 16 82 69.
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