Our Blessed Mother Pray for us.
Our Blessed Mother Pray for us.
Our Blessed Mother Supreme Semantics Supreme Council Columbiettes Pray for us. Spring Edition 2016 A Message from our Supreme President Since spring has finally arrived we can prepare ourselves to enjoy the sun, warm air and the lush green grass. Our season of spring has also painted everything for us in a fresh coat of colors. Let us enjoy the magic of this season and the fun times it is about to bring our way. It is hard to believe that another Columbiette year will be coming to an end. As the States prepare for their Conventions, our Chapters and Auxiliaries are holding their elections for officers for the upcoming year. A special Thank You to all our Officers and committee chairpersons for all they did for our organization this past year. We truly appreciate your dedication and hard work. I would like to extend a warm welcome to our newly instituted Territories. On December 12, 2015, All Saints Auxiliary from Puyallup, Washington was instituted followed by Blessed John 23rd Auxiliary in Knoxville, Tennessee on February 27, 2016. We wish these two auxiliaries much success and happiness. I am happy to say that we are still receiving many inquiries from Grand Knights requesting information on Columbiettes. Through my monthly letters, frequent e/mail blasts reminding us of changes and the Let’s Learn Together Newsletter we have been able to open up the lines of communication between the Supreme Board and our members. Supreme continues to upgrade the Computer System so we can service you more efficiently and continue to make the job of the Financial Secretaries more manageable. Our Supreme Advocate, Anne Sullivan, has re-typed and updated the Constitution and By-Laws of our Organization. All the State, Chapter and Auxiliary Presidents will be receiving a copy to be placed in their President’s manual. Please do not hesitate to contact the Supreme Office if you need help with anything. My officers and I are always ready to assist you in any way possible. 1 Packets of the application for the Margaret Mary J. Mangan Award have been mailed out. Every single auxiliary works very hard and does so much good that they should take the time to submit an application. Good Luck to all!! If you know of a Sister Columbiette who is continuing her education please encourage her to apply for the Past Supreme Presidents Scholarship Award. The award is open to all Columbiettes in good standing with a minimum of two years of membership. Supreme will not be sending out copies of the Officers List any more to our State, Chapter and Auxiliary Presidents or Financial Secretaries. We are requesting that you go onto our Website on June 30th after your elections to update your Officers List for the 2016-2017 Columbiette Year. I hope to see many of you at our Supreme Convention on August 19 through the 21 of 2016 at the Princeton Hyatt Regency in Princeton, New Jersey. My Convention Committee is working very hard to make sure that your weekend with us in New Jersey will be an enjoyable and memorable one. Let us not forget our Blessed Mother during the month of May and remember to pray the Rosary at least once a day. I wish all our Mothers, Grandmothers and Aunts a very happy and healthy Mother’s Day. May spring bring her blessings and fill your life with light. Once again, thank you for all you do and all that you continue to do for our organization. Have a safe and enjoyable summer with your families and friends. May Saint Theresa, the Little Flower of Jesus, shower upon all of you her promised Roses of virtue and grace. Patricia Zellner 2 A Message from our Supreme Chaplain My dear Columbiettes, "Christ is Risen. Alleluia!" It is in the joy of the Easter Season that I write to you in the Semantics newsletter. And what an appropriate way to begin with the joyful greeting that we first shared on Easter Sunday and we will continue to share throughout the fifty days of the Easter Season, culminating with the Solemnity of Pentecost, this year on May 15. Each of us learned about faith in God from our parents and others who taught us about God. As you read this newsletter in the month of May, our nation celebrates Mother's Day on May 8. May God bless all of our Moms and all "maternal hearts”. May our Heavenly Mother Mary intercede on your behalf to her beloved Son for your good health and prosperity. And may you continue to enjoy the blessings and graces of the Easter Season! Be assured of my prayers and affection. Msgr. Andrew L. Szaroleta On the Sundays of the Easter Season the First Reading at Mass is taken, not from the Old Testament, but from the Acts of the Apostles, the New Testament book that follows the four Gospels in the Bible. It records the life of the Early Church after Our Lord's Ascension into Heaven and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. In Acts 2:42-45 we read: "They [the disciples] devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to everyone's need." The above three verses certainly relate to the good and noble works of you, dear Columbiettes. When the disciples became aware of the needs of their brothers and sisters in the Lord they shared what they had so that others had food, drink, clothing, and a roof over the heads. Your many charitable endeavors respond in kind. Your prayers and spiritual activities keep you in touch with the Lord. Your works of charity flow from that. This is how we put our "faith in action," as we read In James 2:14-17. 3 4 A Message from our Immediate Past Supreme President A Message from our Supreme Vice President To all my Sister Columbiettes, I would like to wish you a Happy Easter Season and a Happy Mother’s Day. Sister Columbiettes, With the close of the Columbiette year fast approaching, I would like to say congratulations to the outgoing Officers for all their work and support to our order. I wish everyone the best of luck at their Conventions and especially to the newly elected Officers for the coming year. To my Sisters out West, I wish you much success in becoming California State Council Columbiettes in June. I wish you much happiness and success in the future. I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to all my Sisters for all the wonderful works that you do in the name of the Columbiettes. Your invested involvement is reflected in the accomplishments we have succeeded in. I am truly blessed to be a member of this fine organization with the opportunity to work with my Columbiette family. May God bless and keep you all in His care. Ronnie Albert Congratulations to our new Sister Columbiettes in the states of Washington and Tennessee. I wish you much success in the future. Symphony of Spring In this dogwood-blossom season, when the earth comes alive again, My spirit soars on winds of hope as I listen to Nature’s symphonic refrain. I hear the singing voice of the wind, a song of hope within my heart. Nature rehearses for a season of joy… Springtime is a welcome time to start. By Charles Clevenger I am looking forward to seeing you at the Supreme Convention in August. May our Blessed Mother shower all of you with Her Love always. Barbara Ann Lucarelli 5 6 A Message from our Supreme Secretary HAPPY SPRING from Supreme Secretary Micki Magee: Well here in the Northeast, we had SPRING weather for a few days, and then it turned cold again. I sure hope our weather gets warmer real soon. Happy Spring to all and in the words of Charles Kettering “Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress.” As we continue on our way, sometimes ladies no longer want to stay with us. Please take a few minutes to read the information below. Some auxiliaries continue to struggle when it comes to Withdrawals and some only rarely encounter this. Here is a refresher for all. Which payment shall be certified by the Financial Secretary and President of her Auxiliary = A 100 form must be signed by FS and President. The withdrawal Card will be forwarded to the member by the Supreme Office = Supreme Secretary will update the members status on our website and send the Withdrawal Card directly to the now former member. I am here to help you with any questions that you may have. Contact me at [email protected] or [email protected] Happy Spring Micki Withdrawal: Chapter XXI Section 155 Withdrawal Card. Any member in good standing desiring to withdraw from the Order may have issued to her a withdrawal card signed by the Supreme Secretary upon payment of all dues, fines and assessments or contributions charged against her, together with the current fee for said card, which payment shall be certified by the Financial Secretary and President of her Auxiliary. The withdrawal Card will be forwarded to the member by the Supreme Office. Let’s break this down further: Any member in good standing = members who have paid their dues to the auxiliary for the current year in which they are requesting a withdrawal. If they have not paid, they would be suspended. Together with the current fee = A completed A 100 (with the members ID #, Name and current address) and fee (as of March 2016 the fee is $3.47) must be sent into the Supreme Office. A 100’s sent in without a fee will not be processed until the fee is received. Please send Auxiliary Checks only. No cash. 7 8 A Message from our Supreme Financial Secretary Dear Sister Columbiettes, I hope everyone and your families and friends had a Blessed and Joyous Easter! Our Columbian year is rapidly coming to a close. All of the States are excitedly getting ready for their conventions and Auxiliaries are electing officers for the new Columbian year. 4. All Auxiliary Financial Secretaries should be using the website to order supplies. Send an e-mail to Sandy Bohinski at [email protected] with the username and password you wish to use. In the very near future, paper order forms will no longer be accepted. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at the Supreme Convention in August. Thank you for all you do for Columbiettes! Thursa Sotak It has been an exciting and busy year for me as Financial Secretary, as well. There are a few things I would like to bring to your attention to make sure all orders are filled and all checks are posted to the correct Auxiliary. 1. If your Auxiliary checks do not have your actual Auxiliary name on them, please write it on your check. Since there are quite a few names of auxiliaries duplicated across the States, also write your city and state on the check. As always, include a copy of the bill you are paying along with the check in the envelope you send to Supreme. 2. Please remember that you do not need a vote at your auxiliary meeting to pay Supreme bills. Whenever you receive a bill from Supreme, please pay as soon as possible; i.e. Travel Card bills, Per Capita tax bills, or bills for any supplies you have ordered. 3. Some of the Auxiliaries are using abbreviations of their Auxiliary names; such as, OLSS and OLQA. When you reorder your checks, please write out the full name of your auxiliary. In the meantime, please write your auxiliary’s actual name on the check with the city and state. 9 10 A Message from our Supreme Treasurer A Message from our Supreme Advocate Easter came early this year and spring has arrived, even though it doesn’t feel like it, as the weatherman predicts snow this weekend. I can’t wait for the May flowers and the warmer weather. Before you know it Mother’s Day will be here, the summer, and then our Supreme Convention. Time does indeed fly. Dear Sister Columbiettes, It’s been a busy year as Supreme Treasurer working closely with the Financial Secretary. All checks are forwarded by her to me as are all request for payments. Checks are deposited in TD Bank as soon as I receive them and all payments sent out. I keep a record of all the Remittance Advice and Payment Vouchers sent to me by the Financial Secretary. A Treasurers Report is made at all the board meetings and a yearly report at our annual convention. The bank statements are reconciled and all the books are available for audit. As always, it’s been a pleasure working side by side with Thursa Sotak, our Financial Secretary. I am also chairman of the Margaret Mary J. Mangan Achievement Award. Applications were mailed out on April 1st to all the Auxiliary Presidents, with the assistance of Committee Kathleen Donahue, Kathleen LoFrese and Madam President Patricia Zellner. Please follow the directions so your auxiliary can get credit for all their wonderful achievements. Deadline for returns are to be made to my home and not the Supreme office, postmarked no later than July 3, 2016. I would like to wish all my Sister Columbiettes a warmer spring, Happy Mother’s Day, and a great summer. I look forward to seeing you at the Supreme Convention in August. Till then, God Bless you all. Ronny Pliszak 11 It is a pleasure to have this opportunity to send a message to you during this wonderful time of the year. In our liturgical world, we celebrated Easter back in March and are now looking forward to the feast days of the Ascension of Our Lord and Pentecost, the birthday of our church. In our Columbiettes world, it is time to elect our new Officers for the coming Columbian year and to offer our thanks for all who were Officers this past year. State Advocates are reminded that any Resolutions passed at the State Convention concerning your State Bylaws need to be sent to the Supreme office in duplicate for approval as soon as possible after your convention. These Resolutions need to be signed by the State President and the State Secretary and must include the date of approval by your states. Resolutions passed by your State that need to be submitted at the annual Supreme Convention in August also need to be sent in as soon as possible after your convention but no later than July 10th. All Resolutions sent in must be in duplicate and be signed by the State Presidents and the State Secretaries and include the date the Resolutions were voted and approved at your annual meeting. Sooner is better and will be a great help to me as Advocate in preparing, printing and distributing the Resolutions in a timely manner to the Delegates and Alternates and Supreme Officers for the Supreme Convention. Thanks for your cooperation with the Resolutions and my prayer as always is that God will continue to bless all Columbiettes. 12 I hope to see many of you at the Supreme Convention in August in New Jersey. A Message from our Supreme Sentinel To My Sister Columbiettes: Anne Sullivan As Supreme Sentinel, I continue to review websites – so please review yours and keep it up-to-date. Some thoughts as we approach Mother’s Day by Kathleen Shields, May 14, 2006. “There are Angels God put on this Earth who care for us and guide us. You can feel their love and gentleness as they walk through life beside us. “They do great things for us every day, they whisper in our ears, they even hold us in their hearts when we are filled with all our fears. “They are always there to give a hug and try to make us smile, they treat us with respect and love; they treat us like their child. “God blessed me with an Angel, I’m proud to call my own. She’s been with me throughout my life, been with me as I’ve grown. “She’s guided me the best she can, she’s taught me like no other, And I’m thankful I’m the lucky one who gets to call her Mother.” Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being (and a Columbiette) to do the impossible. By Marion C. Garretty May God Bless you all! Happy Mother’s Day! Jean Breyer 13 14 A Message from our Past Supreme Presidents A Message from our Supreme Directors The close of another Columbiette year is fast approaching. Spring is upon us which means State Conventions. We would like to offer our sincere appreciation to the outgoing Officers for their hard work and dedication this past year. Congratulations to all the newly elected Officers, we wish you much success in the coming year and we are looking forward to seeing you at the Supreme Convention in August. Dear Worthy Supreme President, Officers, Directors and Sister Columbiettes, Special congratulations to the State of California which will be celebrating their 1st Convention in June. Wishing all of you a Happy and Healthy Spring. May you also enjoy the upcoming summer months. We would also like to thank all our Sister Columbiettes for all you do for our Order. Witnessing the many acts of charity from our membership is a true testament of what a wonderful organization we are all a part of. May our Lord and Blessed Mother keep watch over you as you continue with any and all endeavors. Blessings, May our Blessed Mother, St. Joan of Arc and St. Theresa the Little Flower continue to shower us all with their Blessings. Sandy Bohinski Ann Seleski Rose Marie Oliveri Pam Desaulniers Patricia Boyle My Dear Sister Columbiettes, It has been my pleasure to publish the Supreme Semantics this year! I’ve loved reading about the wonderful things everyone is doing in the name of the Columbiettes. You’ve accomplished so much this year. You should be proud of all your good works. May our patron saints, the Blessed Virgin, St. Theresa and St. Joan of Arc, bless you and your families. I wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day and a wonderful summer! Kathy Donahue 15 16 Dear Sister Columbiettes, Hope everyone had a Blessed Easter and as mother’s day approaches I would like to wish you a very happy Mother’s Day! Now we’re into spring and Mother Nature is telling us it’s too soon to pack away winter. It just doesn’t want to go away. But spring is all about cleaning our homes, cars etc. It also could be a time for a little spring cleaning in our personal lives. Every day is a new beginning. Plan ahead for what you would like that beginning to look like. Remember that everything is about the choices we make. Happy spring and happy spring cleaning! By now Lent and Easter have passed. Before you know it Pentecost and Mother’s Day will be here. How fast the year goes by. We are already experiencing the signs of Spring here in South Carolina. Flowers are blooming and birds are serenading us with their beautiful voices. On behalf of my husband Vinnie, who has had a couple of medical emergencies, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my sister Columbiettes for their prayers, healing cards and phone calls. There is nothing more powerful than families coming together in prayer. There’s an old saying “we make plans and God laughs”. It’s all in His hands. Have a Joyous Pentecost and a very Happy Mother’s Day. Flo Mucci Claudette B. Apple Dear Sister Columbiettes, Isn’t it amazing how fast the time goes by? Here we are at Easter time. We can now look forward to warmer weather and flowers in bloom. I wish you all a wonderful Spring and Summer. May our Blessed Mother look down on our efforts and continue to bless each and every one of us and our families. Happy Easter, Shirley Gayford 17 18 Mother's Love There are times when only a mother's love Can understand our tears. Can soothe our disappoints And calm all of our fears. There are times when only a mother's love Can share the joy we feel When something we've dreamed about Quite suddenly is real. There are times when only a mother's faith Can help us on life's way And inspire in us the confidence We need from day to day. Wishing you all the joys Spring and Summer may bring you. With the flowers blooming and the sun shining it brings new beginnings and a hopeful start to the seasons upon us. May the sun shine bright on your joyous days, And the rain refresh you through peaceful nights; May summer show you God's wondrous ways, And prepare you for heaven's great delights. Happy Mother’s Day to all A Mother is one who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take Wishing you much success at your conventions and looking forward to seeing everyone in August at the Supreme Convention. Cathe Nicholson For a mother's heart and a mother's faith And a mother's steadfast love Were fashioned by the angels And sent from God above. --Author Unknown I would like to wish all the Mothers a wonderful day. To our Moms in Heaven: Thank you for watching over us and keeping us on track. God Bless: Johanna Anzalone 19 20 A Message from our Territorial Deputies Blessed John Auxiliary #14341 The ladies of Blessed John from the University of Tennessee, are off and running. A second 1st Degree ceremony for 11 new members was held on Tuesday, April 12, 2016. Standing Committees have been put in place. Activities planned include a clothing drive, a Women's Retreat, Bake Sale, participation in the Knight's Formal and Perpetual Adoration. A discussion was also held on methods to attract additional members. A great start to the ladies from the University of Tennessee. Patti Dmuchowski Both Auxiliaries are very busy this time of year. In both areas we continue to help homeless shelters and hungry families by supplying and donating to food pantries and shelters. We are also busy continuing to support our Knights in their good works as well. Here in San Antonio, we are helping them plan the church festival, which is no easy feat, but fun all the same and to see the benefits for the church is very rewarding. We are also working with our chaplain to prepare a half day retreat for us this summer. We have had a difficult year and many of us continue to face difficulties in our everyday lives and need to refill our hearts and minds spiritually. God is Good all the time! We want to wish all of our Columbiette Sisters everywhere, especially our new territories like Washington and Tennessee a welcome and safe summer. With God Plan and blessing I look forward to seeing all of you in August. May God Bless you always, Maria A. Cruz Territorial Deputy of Texas Past President St. Rose of Lima Columbiettes Texas Columbiettes Hello Columbiette Sisters, All Saints Columbiette Auxiliary 1629 Hardy Howdy Sister Columbiettes. We hope this finds everyone in good health and good spirits. It’s been for most of us, very busy, growing in size and activities for our Knights, Church and Communities. I have worked a few more inquires of possible new auxiliaries in Texas, but so far, no return calls to say they are ready to move forward. The good news is that the Columbiette name is spreading in Texas. In the meantime, I will follow up, continue to sing our praises to anyone that will listen and be patient. Happy Mothers’ Day to All! The ladies of All Saints Auxiliary 1629 in Puyallup, WA are most excited to announce a current membership of 61 members. Our next Exemplification Ceremony is set for May 12, 2016 anticipating 15 to 20 more ladies to be initiated into this wonderful ministry! Our auxiliary encompasses four parishes in the area: All Saints Church, St. Andrew’s, St. Martin of Tours and Sts. Cosmas and Damian. 21 22 As the newly appointed Territorial Deputy, Deb Ramirez, is getting her feet wet by making her first contact in the Anacortes area originating as a request of information from a parishioner at St. Mary’s Parish. Work has begun on meeting with the Grand Knight of St. Mary’s to start up a second auxiliary in Washington State! Five of their ladies plan to attend our Exemplification ceremony on May 12, 2016. The Knights of Columbus Washington State Convention is scheduled for May 13 – 15, 2016 in Vancouver, WA. Territorial Deputy Deb Ramirez plans to attend with Auxiliary 1629 Knight Liaison, Jorge Ramirez, to offer information on the Columbiettes as part of her recruitment efforts. Deb hopes to reach out to a potential attendance of 136 Councils. The members, officers, and liaisons of our Auxiliary are truly amazing women and it is evident of their dedication to making our ministry a success by serving our parishes and communities. Since we became official on December 12, 2015, we have assisted at five All Saints’ Knights of Columbus parish breakfasts, four of their parish potluck socials, the 125 year Celebration of the Eucharist in the Puyallup Valley, assisted with a sister Columbiette who lost her mother and father-in-law within two months by cleaning her house and taking food to her family of 8 during the funeral services, hosted four scrapbooking/crafts sessions to make welcome gifts for our new members, helped with the Valentine’s Day Breakfast at St. Martin of Tours Parish, participated in Christmas wreath sales at St. Andrew’s parish, conducted a recruitment weekend in April, 2016 at four parishes (covering 12 masses) with securing 12 new ladies for our upcoming Exemplification ceremony. Our first fundraiser, selling Jamba Juice gift cards in December 2015, brought in $1500.00, followed by our most recent Bake Sale, which raised approximately $445 to go toward our All Saints Catholic School Scholarship Fund. For Mothers’ Day, we plan to distribute pink carnations to all the mothers in our 4 parishes. 23 Our near future plans include setting up a mentoring opportunity for each of our new members to hook up with a senior member to help guide her through all the special opportunities and work our ministry offers; to set up visits to our local nursing homes and rehab centers to spend quality time with residents who may not have many visitors; attendance to two selected Masses each month as a Columbiette ministry group; arts/crafts sessions every third Tuesday; and a Columbiette womans’ group (Spiritual Connections) to discuss special faith topics, prayers, meditations, etc. on every fourth Thursday. Our Auxiliary remains most excited that we have made history in the Pacific Northwest by establishing the first Columbiette ministry group here in Washington State. We welcome all of your ideas and recommendations which would facilitate an even stronger commitment and dedication toward serving others in need, as well as to improve our own faith and spirituality. We look forward to Deb bringing home our Charter from this summer’s Supreme Council Convention! Our prayers are with all of you, always! I submit this update in honor of our patronesses, the Blessed Mother Mary, St. Joan of Arc, and St. Therese, the Little Flower. May they bless and protect the Supreme Council and all Auxiliary members! Sincerely in Christ, Deb Ramirez, Territorial Deputy for WA State President, All Saints Columbiette Auxiliary 1629 204 6th Avenue SW Puyallup, WA 98371 (253) 720-8861 Email: [email protected] Website: www.columbiettes-asc.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/columbiettes.Recruitment.WA.State/ 24 A Message from our Supreme Committee Chairpeople Supreme Council Columbiettes REPORT OF CEREMONIALS COMMITTEE Once again our Supreme Ceremonials Committee has been very busy. With the completion of the updated First Degree Ceremony and Installation Ceremony last year, we now focus on the Major Degree Ceremony. We have received many suggestions with regards to better instructions for the team members. Our focus has been to make the Major Degree flow smoothly so our candidates with will walk away with the lessons we attempt to teach. The updated Major Degree Ceremony should be completed and distributed by the end of Spring. We wish to thank our Supreme President Patricia Zellner for giving us the opportunity to serve our Order. Wishing all Mothers, Grandmothers, Godmothers and those who have a role as Mother, a Happy Mother’s Day. Ceremonials Committee 58th Annual Convention August 19, 20, 21, 2016 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The 58th Annual Supreme Council Convention will be held August 19th to 21st at: The Hyatt Regency Princeton 102 Carnegie Center Princeton Junction, NJ 08540 609-734-4086 www.princeton.hyatt.com Preparations are underway for an informative and enjoyable weekend. Reservation packets were mailed early April and we look forward to seeing all representatives from our States and Territories in New Jersey. The committee will show the diversity of the state as Columbiettes will share the unity of Sisterhood. We hope you will attend. Union of Prayers, Jeanne Mucci Shirley Gayford Lisa Koenig Joanne Kurek Janet Schuler 25 Carol Bohinski RoseMarie Nafus Convention Chairman Convention Co-Chairman Nancy Fallon Nicole Markus Hospitality Chairman Hospitality Co-Chairman Mary Ann Sweet Barbara Liona Raffles Chairman Raffles Co-Chairman 26 IRS COMMITTEE The IRS Committee has been working hard trying to help all the Auxiliaries to get in compliance with their tax filings. We appreciate all your patience as this is no easy task with the government changing dates and requirements for everyone. The filing list has been completed and sent to the IRS, now we wait for them to complete their work so that we can continue to get all Auxiliaries on track. A special thanks to those individuals and Committees working within each State to help us get this done. IRS Committee Ronnie Albert Pam Desaulniers Donna Byron SQUIRETTE REPORT by Lisa Koenig The Squirettes in Canada celebrated their 18th Annual Convention the weekend of April 22-24, 2016. The Convention was held in London, Ontario, Canada. I was fortunate enough to attend and this was quite an experience for me. The Convention was attended by approximately 75 of the most talented, bright and respectful young ladies. The host Circlette for the Convention was the Tilbury Circlette. The theme for the Convention was “City on the Hill” and their song was “Do Something” by Matthew West. Matthew West wrote this song after he had seen the work one of his friends was doing for the children in Uganda and at least once a day the girls would sit in a circle, guitar in hand and sing this beautiful song. Of course, all of their Counselors and Board members were there for guidance but the entire Business part of the Convention was run by their Provincial Board which is made up of elected Officers from each of the Circlettes. The Business Meeting was like watching a miniature of 27 ourselves. The Provincial Chief Squirette runs the meeting. They have a roll call of Officers, roll call of Delegates (each Circlette has four Delegates), Rules of the Convention, Election of Officers, Installation of Officers. We went to Mass as a group at a beautiful little chapel across from the Hotel. It was all so impressive. They also had a Guest Speaker, Mary Johnston. Mary, along with her brother Peter who is a Priest have been traveling back and forth to Uganda for the past couple of years. Mary did a presentation on their work in Uganda that had the girls mesmerized. At the end of the presentation the girls presented Mary with a huge box of all of the items they had collected for the children of Uganda that are needed there along with monetary donations. I also made a donation on behalf of the Supreme Council Columbiettes. I would like to thank Rose Renaud who has been a part of the Squirettes in Canada for over 25 years and has such love for these girls and the Provincial Board for their kindness and hospitality for the weekend. And of course, our Supreme President Pat Zellner for having me represent her at this Convention. It was an experience I will not forget. SUPPORT CLUB COMMITTEE Just a reminder Supreme Support Club Tickets have been mailed out. Drawing will be held at Supreme Convention on Saturday August 20, 2016. Remember you have to be in it to Win!! To all our Sister Columbiettes who purchased tickets or will be taking tickets THANK YOU for Supporting Supreme. Lastly wishing all my Sisters A Happy Mother’s Day. Barbara Lasek – Support Club Chairlady 28 A Message from our State Presidents Florida State hopes everyone had a very Happy Easter. Dear Sister Columbiettes, With Spring upon us we are busy planning our 38th annual State Convention which will be held in Boca Raton the end of April. As I take my daily walk at this time of the year I am amazed at the beauty that surrounds me. I see the flowers blooming, the trees budding and the grass growing and realize that God in His Greatness has created all this for us. Florida has brought in a new Auxiliary in December and another scheduled for this April. It is time for each of us to take stock of ourselves. We need to find out where we are in our life’s journey, who we are today and determine where we are going. May Our Blessed Mother continue to shower us with many blessings throughout the year. The State Board is also planning a State cruise in October for Halloween and looking forward to sharing this experience with our sister Columbiettes. We wish all mothers and grandmothers a wonderful Mother's Day. May God watch over all of you and keep you happy and healthy. Lucille Meyers Florida State President Fraternally, Diane Baaden Delaware State President 29 30 Dear Sister Columbiettes, Greetings to all my sister Columbiettes and Welcome Spring!!! It’s hard to believe that another fiscal year is about to end. The things that we have accomplished in the past year include First Degrees, Major Degrees, and starting new Auxiliary’s. I smile when I think about all of the new sister Columbiettes joining our ranks. As I write this message, I am amazed at how fast this past year has gone. We are in the home stretch of this Columbian year as we approach our Annual State Convention in June. Elections will be coming soon and some of us will move forward and other will get to wear that “Past something” badge. They say it the best badge to wear because it shows where you have been. I don’t know, but I think it’s a little sad and this truly has been one of the best times for me. I don’t know if I could have had the impact without all the support I have had from my State of Georgia Columbiettes, State Officers, Auxiliary President’s, the Knights of Columbus and those “Special Ladies” at Supreme. On behalf of the Columbiettes of the State of Georgia I would like to wish everyone a very Blessed and successful State Convention and we are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Supreme Convention in August. Crystal Vliek Georgia State President Over the past several months, NJ State Council has been very busy. NJSCC has found it very productive to send out a January mailer with the information regarding the second half of the year committees and events. The auxiliaries, chapters and committee chairladies find it extremely helpful to ensure they meet the required deadlines and requirements for the various state events, programs and awards. The Recruitment Team was very happy to be invited to the NJ State Knights mid-year Grand Knights meeting on January 9th. A brief presentation was provided to a very engaged group of Knights. They were provided with a takeaway of information with answers to frequently asked questions and a post card to send to Sandra Bohinski, chairlady with an inquiry for more information and a face to face meeting with the council. To date we have had several inquiries with hopes of more to come. The team will be hosting a table at the upcoming NJ State Knights convention in Wildwood, NJ. Please keep them in your prayers for great success and prosperity in spreading the news of Columbiettes. In the next couple weeks we will be enjoying the Charity Awards Luncheon, where we will honor three ladies for their great works in Humanitarian Works, Education and Corporate Ethics. This event will show how empowered Catholic Women are a strong and positive influence on the goals and ideals of the Columbiettes. The message of the event is “Catholic Women Honoring Catholic Women.” 32 31 During the weekend of April 8th – 10th, I joined with many Columbiettes and friends, at the San Alphonso weekend retreat. It was a wonderful weekend, although a bit cool, sharing in the spiritual messages and teachings of Mercy. Thank you Barbara Ann for chairing this event. Congratulations to so many that achieved 5, 10, 20 and 25 year anniversaries. We also had 10 ladies that attended retreat for the first time. We are very happy to have ladies from Delaware join us for this spiritual and restful weekend. Next year’s retreat is April 21st to 23rd. Over the next few months I will be travelling to attend the state conventions in North Carolina, Florida, Delaware, New York and Connecticut and am very excited to see my sister Columbiettes. I want to wish the other states great success at their annual meetings and special congratulations to California for the inaugural convention and institution of their achievements as a State Council. Our best wishes to all the "States" on their upcoming conventions. Plans are underway for our annual Convention which will be at the Crowne Plaza, Suffern, NY on June 3-5, 2016. New York has been honored to welcome a new auxiliary, St. Dominic's Columbiettes in Westchester/Putnam Chapter on April 10th and looking forward to having St. Lawrence Columbiettes in Suffolk Chapter join us on April 30th. On behalf of the entire New York State Board of Officer's, we wish all Mother's Grandmother's, Godmother's and those who care for children who are called Mom, a Happy Mother's Day. Lisa Roberts New Jersey State President Hope to see everyone at convention in August. God Bless. Dee Wych NYS President 33 34 Dear Sister Columbiettes, North Carolina will be holding its 17th annual convention on April 22-23, with the theme “We are many parts, We are all one body, The gifts we have we were given to share.” We are looking forward to welcoming Supreme President Patricia Zellner and Jim Zellner to our convention. As we come closer to the end of this Columbian year the State, Auxiliaries and Chapters are busy trying to fill the slate of officers for the next year. We would like to thank all the outgoing officers for all they have done for our order and congratulate the new officers and wish them well. North Carolina wishes all our sister Columbiettes a Happy Spring and a very Happy Mother’s Day. Marlene Korn, President North Carolina State Council Columbiettes Pennsylvania State Council Columbiettes I am happy to report that the state of Pennsylvania welcomed our 10th auxiliary on Saturday April 9, 2016. Welcome to the Columbiettes of St. Joseph Marello Parish in Pittston, PA. Our degree team braved the elements to travel in a spring snow storm to institute this wonderful new auxiliary. I am sure they are going to do great things. Welcome to our ranks. State Officers are busy preparing for our convention on April 30, 2016 in Bridgeville PA. Sincere thanks to Holy Child auxiliary for being our hosts for the day. I know that many states are planning their state conventions. I wish you all a great time. Safe travels and blessings to you all. God bless you and Our Blessed Virgin keep you. Fraternally, Joellen Dodson Pennsylvania State President 35 36