March 22, 2015 - Basilica of Regina Pacis
March 22, 2015 - Basilica of Regina Pacis
St. Rosalia - Regina Pacis Parish Brooklyn, New York March 22, 2015 - FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT St. Rosalia Church 6301 14th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 Pastor Monsignor Ronald T. Marino, E.V. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a Catholic faith community who believes in God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and who follows Christ’s teaching of love and service. As a parish founded by immigrants, we recognize that we continue to be a multi-ethnic parish. We welcome everyone by ministering to their various needs and provide all with the opportunity to grow intellectually in Christ. Through our sacramental life, we are empowered to build up the Body of Christ and to become a more vibrant and faith-filled community. Email: [email protected] Mass Schedule St. Rosalia Church Parochial Vicars Father Juan Ruiz Basilica of Regina Pacis Email: [email protected] Father Sijo M. George, C.M.I. Email: [email protected] --------- Sunday: Monday - Friday: Saturday: Monsignor Joseph Grimaldi, E.V. Email: [email protected] In Residence 9:00 am (Italian) 10:30 am (Chinese) Sunday: --------- Deacon Mr. John Dolan 7:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:00 pm 7:30 pm (Spanish) 8:00 am 9:15 am (Spanish) 10:30 am 12:00 pm 7:00 pm Holy Days Faith Formation Directors Mrs. Jackie Tepedino Email: [email protected] Mr. Valentin Canales Email: [email protected] Music Director Mr. Jonathan Fields Email: [email protected] Facility Manager Mr. Walter Astudillo Phone: 347-645-5750 Please consult the bulletin. Regina Gift Shop Inside the Basilica Conference Center (enter through the Church lobby) Phone: 718-234-0140 Fax: 347-492-0217 Website: Business Hours: Monday: Closed Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Basilica of Regina Pacis 1230 65th Street Brooklyn, NY 11219 Regina Pacis Rectory 1230 65th Street Brooklyn, NY 11219 Phone: 718-236-0909 Fax: 718-236-5357 Email: [email protected] Administrative Office Hours: Monday Friday: 9:00 am to 12 noon 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm For an appointment with a priest, call the Rectory at any time. Saturday: Sunday: Closed Closed PAGE TWO Are You New to the Parish? WELCOME! SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION MARCH 22, 2015 Please stop into the rectory office and register! DEVOTIONS, PRAYER GROUPS & MEETINGS Confessions: Every weekday morning after Mass in the Basilica. Saturdays from 4-4:45 p.m. in the Basilica. Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal: Mondays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Marriage: Couples must arrange their wedding ceremony at least 6 months beforehand. Every couple must attend a Pre-Cana meeting. Log on to: for dates and registration. Novena in honor of St. Anthony: Tuesdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Sacrament of the Sick: If you know you are going to be hospitalized, consider receiving the Sacrament of Anointing beforehand at any weekday Mass. Ask the priest before Mass in the sacristy. Communion to the Homebound: Our Eucharistic Ministers are happy to bring Holy Communion to the homebound. To arrange this, please call the Rectory. Baptism: Baptisms are celebrated in English on the third Saturday of the month and in Spanish on the second Saturday of the month at noon in the Basilica of Regina Pacis. Parents are required to attend a pre-Baptism instruction session before the Baptism of their child. These sessions are held in English in the Conference Hall next to the Church on the second Sunday of each month following the 10:30 A.M. Mass. The Spanish instruction sessions are held on the Friday before the Baptism. To register for Baptism please call or visit the rectory. You may call the rectory for Chinese or Italian Baptisms. The Holy Father speaks….. A lot of people, even Catholics, think that talking about the devil is completely oldfashioned, but anyone who wants to follow Jesus needs to know that Satan exists and will keep putting up obstacles to faith. The prince of this world — the devil — doesn’t want our holiness, he doesn’t want us to follow Christ. The devil exists even in the 21st century. And we shouldn’t be naïve, should we? The devil tempted Jesus and he will tempt those who try to follow Jesus. We, too, are objects of the demon’s attacks because the evil spirit doesn’t want our holiness, he doesn’t want Christian witness, he doesn’t want us to be disciples of Jesus. Temptation begins small but it grows. Then it infects another, it is transmitted to another, and finally, it includes selfjustification so the person who gives in to temptation and sin doesn’t feel so bad about it. In Jesus Name Prayer Group: Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. in the Basilica of Regina Pacis. Divine Mercy Devotions: every Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. in the Basilica of Regina Pacis. Prayers for Peace to Our Lady Queen of Peace: Wednesdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. The Legion of Mary: Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Basilica Conference Center / Room 1. Prayers for Vocations: Thursdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Prayers to St. Peregrine-Patron Saint of Cancer Patients: Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in honor of the Sacred Heart: First Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. St. Padre Pio Prayer Group: First Saturdays 8:30 a.m. for Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. We wish to thank the following parishioners and all the anonymous parishioners who have been donating for the Altar Server vestments: Mario & Angela Frangella Michele & Concetta Lepore ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL The Bishop asks all the parishes to participate in the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA). We do this by making pledges which are paid off each month during the year until December. As you know, once we pay the goal of the Diocese everything pledged and paid over the goal comes back to the parish for our needs. No money needs to be paid at that time, you just have to fill out the pledge form in Church. The diocese will mail you monthly reminder bills to collect the payments. Many of you already received the pledge forms in the mail and have begun to send them in. Thank you for this. Pledge forms are in the Church and in the Rectory. We hope every family will try to make at least some pledge to help the Bishop and help our parish to take care of our needs. PAGE THREE MARCH 22, 2015 Tradizionale Processione del Venerdi` Santo 3 Aprile 2015 -- 8:00 PM Sara` presente S.E. REV.MA NICHOLAS DI MARZIO VESCOVO della Diocesi di Brooklyn con Sacerdoti, Diaconi e Parrocchiani del Vicinato BASILICA OF REGINA PACIS Holy Thursday, April 2, 7:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (English, Italiano, Español, 中文) Eucharist Adoration until Midnight No Morning Masses, No Masses in St. Rosalia BASILICA OF REGINA PACIS Good Friday, April 3, 3:00 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (English, Italiano, Español, 中文 ) 8:00 pm GOOD FRIDAY PROCESSION (Italian) No Masses BASILICA OF REGINA PACIS Holy Saturday Easter Vigil, April 4, 7:00 pm (English, Italiano, Español, 中文) No Morning Masses, No Masses in St. Rosalia ******************** EASTER SUNDAY April 5, 2015 ST. ROSALIA 9:00 AM (Italian) 10:30 AM (Chinese) BASILICA OF REGINA PACIS 8:00 AM (English), 9:15 AM (Spanish), 10:30 AM (English), 12 NOON (English) No Evening Mass CERIMONIA FINALE Chiesa di San Finbar 138 Bay 20.Ma Strada - Brooklyn OMELIA PREDICATA DAL VESCOVO DI MARZIO BENEDIZIONE CON LA RELIQUIA DELLA SANTA CROCE OGNI FEDELE E` PREGATO DI PORTARE UNA CANDELA La processione avrà inizio dalla Strada e 16 th Avenue. Proseguira’ fino alla 18.Ma Avenue per proseguire fino alla 75.Ma Strada dove girera’ a sinistra fino a 19 Ave. A 19 Ave. destra fino a Benson Ave. fino a San Finbar sulla Bay 20 Strada. PARTECIPIAMO NUMEROSI Traditional Procession of Good Friday April 3, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. IN ITALIAN Main Celebrant and Homilist Most Rev. Nicholas Di Marzio, Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn with Priests, Deacons and Parishioners of the Cluster Closing Ceremony at St. Finbar 138 Bay 20th Street, Brooklyn Blessing with the Relic of the True Cross All participants are requested to carry a candle. Procession will start at 66th Street and 16th Ave. Proceed to 65th Street. Right at 18th Avenue to 75th Street. Left at 75th Street to 19th Avenue to Benson Avenue. Make a right turn on Benson Ave. to St. Finbar Church on Bay 20th Street. ALL ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS BEAUTIFUL DEVOTION. PAGE FOUR MARCH 22, 2015 CELEBRACIONES SACRAMENTAL Y OTRA INFORMACION PARA LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Confessiones: Los Domingos después de la Misa de la 9:15 de la mañana en la Basilica de Regina Pacis o con cita contactando Padre Juan Ruiz. Matrimonios: Favor de contactar la rectoría por lo menos 6 meses antes del Matrimonio. Bautismos: Se celebran el Segundo Sábado de cada mes. Favor de contactar la rectoría. Instrucción Religiosa para los Niños: Los padres que quieren inscribir sus niños a las clases de catecismo, llamen a Valentin Canales a 347-560-6876. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Los que necesitan recibir el Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación por favor de contactar Valentin Canales a 347-560-6876. Hora Santa Lectio Divina: Todos los Martes a las 7:30 de la noche en la Iglesia de Santa Rosalía - 6301 14th Avenue. Clases de Iniciación Cristiana: Todos los Miercoles a las 7:30 de la noche Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street. Clases de Teologia Biblica: Todos los Jueves a las 7:30 de la noche Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street. Grupo de Jóvenes -Jornada: Todos los Jueves a las 7:30 de la noche en Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street. Centro Familiar: Todos los Viernes a las 7:30 de la noche en Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street. En Sintonía El misterio de la glorificación del hijo de Dios. Jn 12, 20-33. A la solicitud de un grupo de peregrinos griegos de obtener un encuentro, Jesús contesta con una profecía de la Pasión, en la cual interpreta su muerte inminente como «glorificación», una glorificación que se demostrará misteriosamente con la cruz. Ellos verán su "gloria": encontrarán en el Jesús crucificado al verdadero Dios que estaban buscando en sus mitos y en su filosofía. La universalidad de la que habla la profecía de Isaías se manifiesta a la luz de la cruz: a partir de la cruz, el único Dios se hace reconocible para los pueblos; en el Hijo conocerán al Padre y, de este modo, al único Dios que se ha revelado en la zarza ardiente. En el Evangelio de este quinto domingo de Cuaresma, nuestro Señor nos habla del misterio de la vida y del secreto de la fecundidad espiritual: "Os aseguro que si el grano de trigo cae en tierra y muere, , da mucho fruto". Es la necesidad de morir para tener vida. Este tema nos introduce directamente en las celebraciones de la Pascua, que estamos ya para conmemorar y revivir dentro de una semana: el misterio de nuestra vida a través de la muerte de Cristo. Cristo, tenía muy presente esta hora suprema de su vida, y sabía que había venido a la tierra precisamente para cumplircon esta mision. Él "ofrecerá su espalda a los que lo golpeaban y sus mejillas a los que le arrancaban la barba"-como diría el profeta Isaías, refiriéndose a los sufrimientos del Siervo de Yahvéh. Y, contrariamente a lo que nosotros pudiéramos pensar –si juzgamos según los criterios del mundo- es en esta humillación suprema de su pasión y de su muerte en cruz cuando llega al culmen de su "glorificación". Sólo quien contempla este misterio con fe puede llegar a comprenderlo. De lo contrario, es un absurdo. Por eso la cruz fue piedra de escándalo para los judíos y locura para los paganos; pero el poder, la sabiduría de Dios son salvación para los cristianos. Por este grande misterio, llegamos a la vida, por el sufrimiento al gozo, por la cruz a la resurrección. Es ésta la lección más importante que nos ha dado Jesucristo con su Pasión y la fuerza necesaria para seguir sus huellas, recorriendo su mismo camino. Éste es el poder de nuestra fe, el que vence al mundo y nos da,vida,eterna. •El Viernes 27 de Marzo a las 7:00pm. el Via cruces. •Marzo 29 Domingo de Ramos, inicio de la semana Santa. •A las 8:00am. Debemos estar en la Iglesia de S. rosalia, para iniciar con la processión hacia la Basilica Regina Pacis. PAGE FIVE BASILICA OF REGINA PACIS Monday, March 23-St. Turibius of Mogrovejo 7:30 am Rev. Joseph Mendoca 8:30 am Michael Braccio Tuesday, March 24 7:30 am Marie Lemma 8:30 am In Honor of the Annunciation MARCH 22, 2015 LENT IS FOR LISTENING Will you be inviting a priest to your home? Call the Rectory 718-236-0909 to give us a date and time. Wednesday, March 25-ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD 7:30 am Rev. Jerry 8:30 am Members of Regina Pacis Perpetual Mass Assoc. Thursday, March 26 7:30 am Carmine De Rubeis 8:30 am Moltisanti & Pisano Families Friday, March 27 7:30 am Rev. Adolfo Borgia 8:30 am Ermenegildo Everisto Saturday, March 28 8:30 am Pasquale Catanzariti (Memorial Mass) 5:00 pm Agata, Alfonso & Nicholas Genovese 7:30 pm (Spanish) Sunday, March 29-Palm Sunday / Passion of the Lord 8:00 am Maria Teresa Panetta 9:15 am (Spanish) 10:30 am Francesco & Yvette Russo 12:00 pm Nick & Robert Maldarelli and Angelina & Charles Maldarelli 7:00 pm Petronilla & Felice Sarcona In Lent we are asked to prepare for the celebration of the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord by means of fast and abstinence from meat on certain days. These regulations unite us to the prayerful activities of the whole church throughout the world. They are binding on people from 14 - 59 years of age--except for those who are ill. 1. Meat should not be eaten on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. 2. Fasting, that is, eating only one full meal during the day, is required on Good Friday and may be practiced on any other days. SAINT ROSALIA CHURCH Sunday, March 29-Palm Sunday / Passion of the Lord 9:00 am Salvatore Marchese (Italian) 10:30 am (Chinese) BASILICA OF REGINA PACIS SATURDAY, March 28, 2015 4:00—4:45 P.M. The Sick of the Parish Amanda J.,Vincent A. Aurigemma, Baby John Paul Munoz, Carmela Boccadifuoco, Ann Bosco, Mary Cannuci, Frances Caridi, Regina Caridi, Vincent Castaldo,Concetta Coda, Anna Codispoti, Judy Cragnolin, Joe DeVito & Regina DePaolo & Family, Daniel DiMartino, Angela Drossinos, James Essman, Mary Essman, Rose Essman, Vera Fox, T. Guida, Vincent Giordano, Phyllis Guadagno, A. Jencsik, John Kafkalas, Li Min Kang, Mary Lamanna, Rose LoBello, Jean Menna, Catherine Mary Moncello, James Carlos Moncello, Vincent Moncello, Vito Moncello, Baby Arthur William Norris, Ed Pisano, Albert Romano, Jason Michael Rousell, Tom Vilardo and William Zang MONDAY, March 30, 2015 7:00 P.M.—9:00 P.M. This is the last opportunity before Easter Sunday. PRAY FOR OUR SOLDIERS ANDRES UGUNA ANDREW ARTHUR PASSIONE PAGE SIX MARCH 22, 2015 The gift of the Holy Spirit: KNOWLEDGE During Lent, open ——— and use ——— the gift of KNOWLEDGE It is important to know things. We know how to use our phones, how to do our jobs, how to cook, how to drive a car. The gift of Knowledge helps us know which things are important and which are not. An adult should know how to do, to some degree, the things we mentioned. The Holy Spirit’s gift of Knowledge, however, is not to know how to do things but rather allows us to be able to understand God’s purpose in our lives and His reason for placing us in particular circumstances. A good way to tell if we are really using the Gift of Knowledge is to examine whether or not the things we know lead us to charity in our actions. Idea: This week I will make a concrete act of charity each day, then pray about what are the most important things in my life. Prayer: God of Knowledge, you know when we sit and when we stand; you know the hidden secrets of the universe. May you Holy Spirit of Knowledge enlighten us to know how we are to love all you have made. ONE LIFE, Youth Ministry March 25—Movie Night 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. (EARLIER TIME) at Basilica Conference Center April 1—Game Night 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Basilica Conference Center Fight for Others: During Lent, our Youth Ministry Program will be living out almsgiving by fundraising for four different charities. Please support these charities by sponsoring kids in the Youth Ministry Program in our Fight for Others Tournament. On April 7, 2015 our teams will be competing in Archery Tag Tournament at Indoor Extreme Sports, Long Island City, to determine which of these charities will receive a percentage of the total amount raised. 100% of all the money raised will be split amongst the four different charities. Students in grades 1-12 are invited to participate in the Christ is Risen Art Contest. ALL ART MUST BE IN BY MARCH 25, 2015. Diocesan Pilgrimage The Passion Play in Sordevolo, Italy Rome, Assisi, Venice, Padua & the Piamonte Region September 3—13, 2015 Bishop Chappetto and Msgr. Aguggia Chaplains For a brochure call Nettie at Central Holidays 1-800-935-5000 x5244 [email protected] CONFIRMATION SERVICE HOURS We need help getting the church ready for the Easter Season Wednesday, March 25th — 6:00pm-6:30pm Sunday, March 29th —8:30am to 10:30am Tuesday, March 31st —4:00pm-7:00pm Friday, April 3rd…..time to be announced SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL has already given back! For every car, truck or van, running or not, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will give back to St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis $50/$100 for each vehicle donated. If you, a family member, friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of, call the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 718-491-2525. Thank you for your participation. PAGE SEVEN MARCH 22, 2015