THIS WEEK ON NET TV THIS WEEK ON NET TV JULY 3RD TO JULY 9TH DAYTIME HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY AT 11 AM MASS AT ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL BASILICA TIME SUNDAY 4:00 PM 4:30 PM CL ASSI C WITH DANI EL ROE B U CK : DI CK TRACY SPECI AL (3 PM START) 5:00 PM WEEKDAYS AT 12 NOON MASS AT ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL BASILICA WEEKDAYS AT 9 AM SPANISH MASS AT ST. JOSEPH CO-CATHEDRAL MONDAY ON E G E N E RATION AWAY ( 3 : 30 PM STA RT) TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY C RISTO PARA TOD OS SI QU IERO / EL C R ED O C R ISTO PARA TOD OS C R ISTO PARA TOD OS M E X I CO : E VE R FA I T HF UL ( 3 : 30 P M STA RT ) FOR TH E G RE ATE R G LORY EL M U ND O VISTO D ESD E EL VATICANO M Y AM E RICAS M ASS AT ST. JAM ES CATHED RAL BASILICA LIV E W IT H PASS ION 5:30 PM HOLY ROSARY 6:00 PM 6:30 PM DAILY D EVOTIONALS J U N I P E RO SER RA THE CHOICES WE FACE 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:30 PM 10:00 PM M ASS AT ST. PATR IC K' S CATHED RAL T H E IN VI SI BL E CHAPEL I N THE ARENA 9:30 PM CU R R ENTS M IL LTOW N PRIDE REEL FAITH B REA K I NG B R E A D C I T Y O F C HURC H ES T H E JO UR NEY WITH JO UM A N A K I D D THE CHOICES WE FACE WA K I NG UP I N A M E R I CA W H E R E GO D W E E P S ON THE BLOCK WITH ED WILKINSON TO O B L ESS E D TO B E ST R ESS E D N E W WO R L D BO R D E R CONVERSATION WI TH CARDI NAL DOL A N A L L T H I NGS CAT HO L I C 10:30 PM VIGIL MASS JULY WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS WEDNESDAY 7/6 MONDAY 7/4 FORTNIGHT FOR FREEDOM CLOSING MASS 12 NOON – LIVE Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the Archbishop of Washington, celebrates the Closing Mass, LIVE from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC. Bishop David Zubik of the Diocese of Pittsburg is the homilist. MILLTOWN PRIDE TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED Will is a young man determined to become a professional baseball player in 1920's South Carolina. As he rises to prominence in his town's mill baseball league, how much will he risk for his chance at the big leagues? David Bisono, Jahaira Rodriguez and DJ David Dorian are in the studio with guest David Junior, to talk about why we are compelled to attend a worship service. 9 PM 7:30 PM THURSDAY 7/7 FRIDAY 7/8 ALL THINGS CATHOLIC REEL FAITH BREAKING BREAD - KERSTI BOWSER Joe goes to a busy street corner in Torrance, California where he visits a small group of people who recite the Rosary in public. He also visits St. Finbar Church and its Filipino community, and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary parish and school. David DiCerto and Steven Greydanus discuss Disney’s The BFG and The Innocents (a WWII-era film about nuns in Poland) that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Fr. Lauder's Movie with a Message is 1956’s The Man Who Knew Too Much starring James Stewart and Doris Day. Kersti Bowser returns to Monsignor Jamie's kitchen to talk about what a culinary producer does. They discuss why it is important to have the family involved in making kitchen as the heart of the home, as they make roasted chicken with quinoa. THE WOR LD SEEN F ROM THE VATICAN 8:00 PM 9:00 PM EVERY DAY AT 7 AM, 1 PM AND 5:30 PM HOLY ROSARY 11:00 PM ON THE B LOCK WI TH ED WI L K I N SON : SEASON FIN A L E 11:30 PM CURRENTS WORL D WA R I M IL ITA RY CH A PL A IN S M IN ISE RIES T HE F RA N C I S E F F ECT M ILLTOW N P RIDE R E E L FA IT H HO L LYWO O D JOE 9 PM 8 PM 9 PM B R E A K I NG BRE AD A L L T HI N GS CAT H O L I C TO O B L ESS E D TO BE ST R ESS E D H E A RT A ND SO UL : T HE TO NY M A N N STORY A MESSAGE FROM: I R R E P L AC E ABLE T he American experiment began two hundred and forty years ago. The conviction that God and not the state had endowed creatures with inalienable rights was a radical concept. We are living in the midst of political upheaval. Many at home and abroad are rebelling against the ruling class. This populism can be dangerous but can also bring about positive change. The danger is that populist sentiment is not grounded in the religious conviction — love of God and neighbor — but instead an irrational sense that we are besieged by forces beyond our control. When populism fosters the former the result is akin to the abolitionist and civil rights movement. When motivated by fear, we notice the rise of national socialism and communism. May God bless you. CLASS IC W IT H DAN IE L ROE BU CK: DICK T RACY S P ECIAL T H E WO R L D S E E N F RO M T HE VAT I CA N CUR R E N TS * This schedule is subject to change Cablevision 30 Time Warner Cable 97 Verizon Fios 48 For full schedule go to: Reverend Monsignor Kieran Harrington, V.E. Vicar for Communications for the Diocese of Brooklyn Follow Msgr. Harrington @MonsignorH Cablevision 30 Time Warner Cable 97 Verizon Fios 48
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