Winter 2014 A DV E N T I S T C O M M U N I T Y S E RV I C E S OF GREATER WASHINGTON FOOD BASKETS HELP HUNDREDS CELEBRATE HOLIDAYS Thanks to many organizations and volunteers, the November and December holiday food program was a huge success. ACSGW assisted over 1,100 families at Thanksgiving and 700 more in December. An ACSGW Client and Her One-Year-Old Daughter Wait in Line for the December 2013 Food Distribution It truly does “take a village.” Entrepreneur, Mark Choe, for example, owner of (Continued on Page 3) GAZETTE COVERS PRESENTATION OF CHECKS TO FAMILIES IN PINEY BRANCH FIRE ACSGW Helps Displaced Residents of Apartment Fire and Conducts Holiday Food Drive T he Gazette covered ACSGW projects in November 2013 and highlighted checks presented to families displaced by an August Forest Park Apartment fire and participation in Montgomery County’s Holiday Giving Project. Checks for more than $700 were provided to 27 families who were affected by the fire in Silver Spring. Photo by Greg Dohler of the Gazette “Now I can’t work, and I am really happy *because+ this check is a big help. It is going to pay this month’s rent,” said Flor Ventura Pacheco, one resident who was displaced by the fire. Pacheco is pictured on the left in the photo. The financial assistance resulted from the combined efforts of ACSGW and Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church. See link for more details and information about both projects: http://www.gazette.net/article/20131204/NEWS/131209565/0/gazette&template=gazette. B OARD OF D IRECTORS Zundel Ackie, Frank Bondurant, Stephen F. Brennwald, Gaspar Colon, Sharon Cress, Helen Dundon, Kenneth Flemmer, Sheila Schlisner Hendricks, Christina M. Hudgins, Gary Krause, Allan Manuel, Venice Mundle-Harvey, Les Pitton, Maharajan Ponraj, John Reed, Josh Rosales, Terry Seamens ACSGW C LIENT “P AYS I T F ORWARD ” I n an Interview in December, Gladys Harvey, a senior citizen living in the Takoma Park community and a client of ACSGW, couldn’t stop praising ACSGW for the help it has provided her, is also in the business of helping others. She is an ordained minister. In fact, when she answered the phone for the interview, she had been working on “this Sunday’s sermon.” Although she would probably not describe it as "paying it forward,” Gladys volunteers at ACSGW in the busiest of seasons because she believes in giving back. Even when experiencing hard times herself, Gladys never lets an opportunity to volunteer pass her by. Gladys shared that many times after paying for rent and utilities, there was very little left from her Social Security check for food. Although things are better now, Gladys shared that many times after paying for rent and utilities, there was very little left from her Social Security check for food. “The hard times can be relentless, and sometimes all I could do was just sit down and cry. I depended on Adventist Community Services every month when I didn’t have enough,” she continued, and added that she still takes advantage of ACSGW’s help at Thanksgiving. Gladys has had careers in nursing and teaching and has raised a large family. But illness and a back injury led to job loss and limited income in her senior years. For a number of years Gladys has been overseer and elder of a local Church of God in Christ congregation and is soon to be made Assistant Minister. At the end of the conversation just before we hung up, out of curiosity I asked “What’s the title of your sermon for Sunday, Gladys?” “Stop Worrying,” she responded. "It’s about how God will see you through.” —Alicia Tucker, Editor E NVIRONMENTAL S TEWARDSHIP — A S HARED P RIORITY Since September 2012, the Green Team Ministry at Takoma Park Seventh-day Adventist Church has made significant progress towards advancing its mission: to educate, advocate, and apply biblical principles that encourage responsible management of the earth’s natural resources. The Green Team promotes living by the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Early in its ministry, the Green Team’s recycling program at the church facilities resulted in significant waste reduction. The Takoma Park church is an ACSGW supporting church. Shirley Reed, who heads the church's Green Team Ministry, draws from her Christian roots and the book of Genesis where “God gave man dominion over all living things,” as she shared in a recent interview; and she believes this is a mandate for us to become serious stewards of the environment. Shirley also draws inspiration from memories of the once pristine beauty of the Deep South, where she was raised, and from Rachel Carson, a conservationist in the 1950’s-1960’s and author of the best-selling book, Silent Spring. The team is seeking committed volunteers. Email [email protected] for more information. Concurrently, ACSGW also engages in “green” practices. It has been recycling and donating computers to help avoid adding to the mass accumulation of discarded technological equipment in the environment (see related article on Page 4). Recently, staff retrieved used computers from Jim Lanning of International Relief and Development, which are being refurbished for a local nonprofit computer lab. PLEASE DONATE YOUR USED COMPUTERS to ACSGW. Call 301-585-6556 for more information. —Shirley Reed and Alicia Tucker P AGE 2 F OOD B ASKETS H ELP H UNDREDS C ELEBRATE H OLIDAYS (Continued from Page 1) Mark’s Kitchen in Takoma Park, supported the effort (see Page 4) as well as the Steve Francis Foundation, Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church, other supporting churches and many individuals who gave generously. ACSGW partnered with the Montgomery County Holiday Giving Project to help make the food drive a success. Pictured above right are the Holiday Giving Project Zip Code Coordinators with the County Executive, Ike Leggett. Sligo Seventhday Adventist Church members donated an enormous amount of food, below left. Pictured below right is George Randolph of the Steve Francis Foundation presenting a check to ACSGW Director, Sheila Schlisner Hendricks. ACSGW C ELEBRATES WITH H OLIDAY L UNCHES W EB K IDS P ROGRAM Thanks to Vee Akehurst, Executive Assistant, for planning and preparing a holiday lunch on December 16, 2013, at the Takoma Park Seventh-day Adventist Church. The lunch was in honor of ACSGW staff and volunteers for all their hard work during the year. And thank you to Vee’s family who helped her prepare all the food and the program for the event, as well as the church for providing the space to hold the event. Vee also organized a Thanksgiving pot luck held at ACSGW. ACSGW is sponsoring an after school program for students in Montgomery County ages 10 and up. The program offers help with homework, computer skills training and help building a website. It meets Mondays and Wednesdays at ACSGW, 3-6:00 p.m. through June 2014. The cost is $50/week. Volunteers and staff contribute a great deal of time, especially during the holiday season. Extra effort is required unloading and sorting donated food, filling bags and keeping track of quantities as well as the challenges presented in distributing the food packages to clients. P AGE 3 FOR MORE INFORMATION EMAIL [email protected]. RECYCLED COMPUTERS FOR REBUILDING TOGETHER In November 2013 two rebuilt computers loaded with software were presented to Christina Johnson, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together of Montgomery County, left in the photo. The equipment was presented by ACSGW’s Executive Director, Sheila Schlisner Hendricks, right, and Kevin Ferguson, IT Administration, back. ACSGW rebuilds donated computers for low-income individuals and local nonprofits. Rebuilding Together provides repairs, accessibility modifications and energy efficient upgrades to homes and community centers in the County at no cost. Toys-for-Tots Tops off the Season As a part of ACSGW’s participation in the Montgomery County Holiday Giving Project, over 800 children received toys in December 2013. Toys are provided by Toys for Tots. Thanks to the hard work of Pat Tyser, John Reed, Deon Wright and Robin Taylor, toys were transported from the Toys for Tots Gaithersburg warehouse to the Takoma Park Seventh-day Adventist church, and distributed to families in the Takoma Park area. F UN F UNDRAISER —L UNCH AT M ARK ’ S K ITCHEN Last November patrons of Mark’s Kitchen restaurant in Takoma Park helped feed hungry families in the community at Thanksgiving by dining on Asian and American cuisine. Five percent of one day’s revenue was donated for ACSGW’s annual holiday food project. Mark Choe, Owner, far left, paused for a snapshot with ACSGW staff. Next to Mark, left to right, are John Reed, Pat Tyser and Vee Akehurst. Local Seventh-day Adventist pastors were also among the many supporters of the fundraiser. Pictured to the right, left to right, are Pastors Lopez, Tapp, McFarlane and Esposito. CONTACTS: The following staff members may be contacted by calling 301-585-6556. Sheila Schlisner Hendricks, Executive Director Pat Tyser, Administrative Officer Vee Akehurst, Executive Assistant Kevin Ferguson, Education Programs, IT John Reed, Program Coordinator Joyce Seamens, Food, Clothing, Health and Wellness Alicia Tucker, Communications Community Connections Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington 501 Sligo Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910 www.acsgw.org P AGE 4
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