PRODUCTS - Pentair Aquatic Eco
PRODUCTS - Pentair Aquatic Eco
307 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/ TREATMENTS PRODUCTS 308 Algaecides/Weed Control/Herbicides 312 Surfactant/Fertilizer 313 Colorants/Dyes 314 Pond Logs/Microfloc Alum Injection System 315 Clarifiers 316 Barley Straw/Bacteria 320 Salts/Sands 322 Chlorine and Ammonia Neutralizers 323 Ammonia Removers 324 Zeolite/Carbon/Calcium/Sodium Bicarbonate 325 Phosphate Remover/Fish Tranquilizers 326 Fish Hauling 327 Anesthetics/Disinfectants 328 Parasite Control 308 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS Algaecides/Weed Control SECLEAR ALGAECIDE AND WATER QUALITY ENHANCER® SeClear is the first aquatic algaecide and water quality enhancer in one designed to replace routine algaecide treatments. SeClear provides effective control of a broad-range of algae species while reducing in-water phosphorus levels with each application. The result is longer lasting control, improved water quality and aesthetics with reduced maintenance through time. The mode of action for SeClear is uptake through the algal cells where the copper ion inhibits photosynthesis providing a fast-acting result. MODEL EACH SEC1 $32.75 1 GALLON CAPTAIN® LIQUID COPPER ALGAECIDE Captain is a chelated copper product that is effective on both filamentous and planktonic algae in a wide range of fresh water applications. Algae control occurs in 3 to 7 days following a Captain application and there are no restrictions on treated water, even immediately after use for swimming, fishing, watering livestock, irrigating turf or ornamental plants. The mode of action for Captain is uptake through the algal cells where the copper ion inhibits photosynthesis providing a fast-acting result. Algae is an aquatic plant that can grow anywhere moisture, light and nutrients combine to support growth. You certainly can't control how wet your pond is; and there's not much you can do about how much sunlight hits the water. You can, however, avoid fertilizing near the pond or anywhere rainwater runoff may enter the water. MODEL EACH CPT1 1 GALLON $36.25 ACCU-CLEAR® POND CLEANER Accu-Clear® causes dirt particles, debris and bacterial blooms to clump together and settle to the bottom to be either vacuumed up or picked up by the filter. Safe for use with all fish and plants. 16 ounces treat 4,800 gallons. MODEL AC128 1 GALLON EACH 4+ $57.95 $54.58 Note: International customers: Check with your customs agent to determine whether this product can be shipped to your country. ERASER-AQ NUFARM® DIQUAT HERBICIDE HAZMAT AG R 37% diquat formula, fast-acting and water-soluble. EPA-registered. MODEL RW1 EACH 1 GALLON $99.95 R A systemic herbicide that targets common shoreline weeds, including cattails and torpedo grass. Apply 3 oz of Eraser AQ per gallon of water. Works best when used with a nonionic surfactant like Cide-Kick II. This item cannot be sold to customers in the following states: CA, CT, IA, ME, MT, NE, NH, NJ, VT and WA. MODEL RRERG EACH 1 QUART $54.00 SeClear Algaecide and Water Quality Enhancer® and Captain® are registered trademarks of SePRO Corp. Accu-Clear® is registered trademarks of Mars Fishcare North America, Inc. Nufarm® is a registered trademark of Nufarm Australia Limited. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 309 SECTION CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS 309 Products / Products / Products Algaecides / Herbicides CUTRINE-PLUS® ALGAECIDE AND HERBICIDE HAZMAT A R Cutrine Plus Liquid with copper ethanolamine complexes is a rapid acting, hard water stable, contact algaecide. Cutrine Plus in this liquid formulation is Ideal for control of surface algae in lakes, ponds, fish hatcheries, irrigation canals, and drainage ditches. Do not use with salmon or cyprinids. Average application rate is one gallon per acre-foot. Ship weight per gallon is 11 lbs. *For best results, use with a surfactant such as Cide-Kick™ II, Red River 90 or Organic-Kick. MODEL AQA9-C 1 GALLON EACH 4+ $40.15 $38.14 GREENCLEAN® PRO GRANULAR ALGAECIDE HAZMAT AG R This non-copper-based algaecide eliminates algae on contact. Designed for lakes, ponds and unpainted surfaces. Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate destroys algal cell membranes and chlorophyll within 60 sec. Biodegrades completely and adds 13% bioavailable oxygen to the water. For spot treatments apply at a rate of 20–50 lbs/acre-foot; for algae blooms apply at a rate of 9–30 lbs/acre-foot; for filamentous algae blooms treat at a rate of 50–90 lbs/ acre-foot. Safe for use with koi and trout. EPA-approved. MODEL GC51-C 50 LBS EACH 4+ $129.00 $119.97 GREENCLEAN® ALGAECIDE GreenClean® works on contact to control algae in water gardens, ornamental ponds, fountains and other water features. Does not harm aquatic life, and its formula releases oxygen into the water as it biodegrades. GreenClean® also eliminates algae on a wide variety of surfaces. 2 lbs treat a 1,000-gal pond for an entire season. EPA-approved. MODEL GC81-C 8 LBS R In certain states, herbicides and algaecides are restricted. Products with this symbol cannot be sold into the states of California, Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Nebraska, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont or Washington. EACH 4+ $44.99 $40.49 CUTRINE-PLUS® GRANULAR ALGAECIDE Great for spot-treating R Cutrine-Plus® Granular Algaecide controls bottom-growing algae. Clean, dry, granular algaecide sinks rapidly and works evenly over the affected area. Easily spread from the bag (wear gloves) or with a crank-type rotary spreader. EPA-approved for use in lakes and potable water reservoirs, farm fish ponds and fish hatcheries. For spot treatment, apply at the rate of 1 lb per 720 ft2 (1 kg per 147 m2). 30-lb bag. Made in USA. MODEL AQA3 30 LBS EACH 4+ $91.09 $86.54 Do not use copper-based products in waters with koi, carp, goldfish or trout. Cutrine-Plus® is a registered trademark of Arch Chemicals, Inc. GreenClean® is a registered trademark of Biosafe Systems, LLC. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 310 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS Weed Control WEEDTRINE®-D HERBICIDE HAZMAT A R This is a form of diquat (8.5%), an aquatic herbicide that is not absorbed by fish. Controls bladderwort, cattail, coontail, duckweed, elodea, naiad, pennywort, pithophora, pond weeds, salvinia, spirogyra, water hyacinth, water lettuce and water milfoil. Also recommended for top-kill of shoreline emergent weeds and as a grass and broadleaf weed killer in noncrop areas. Absorption and herbicidal action are usually quite rapid, with visible effects in a few days. Ideally suited for use in small bodies of water. Apply only to water where there is no overflow. Do not use treated water for animal consumption, spraying, irrigation or domestic purposes for 14 days after treatment. For marginal weed problems, apply at the rate of 2 oz/gal of water. Check local laws prior to ordering, as use of this product may not be legal in your area. D.O.T. rating is hazardous when shipped by air. Weighs 8 lbs. Made in USA. • For best results, use with a surfactant such as Cide-Kick II, Red River 90 or Organic-Kick. MODEL WTD1 SHORE-KLEAR® HERBICIDE 1 GALLON EACH 4+ $69.99 $65.82 R A systemic postemergence herbicide used in controlling undesirable vegetation growing in and adjacent to aquatic sites. Apply 3 oz of Shore-Klear® per 1 gal of water (24 mL per liter) for control of most postemergent weeds. • For best results, use with Red River 90 surfactant. MODEL EACH RD1 1 QUART RD25 2.5 GALLONS $23.99 $22.50/6+ 89.99 81.82/4+ RD1 SONAR® HERBICIDE R Can control weeds up to one full year Sonar controls target weeds in almost any body of water. It usually takes 30 to 90 days for Sonar to work. Susceptible plants absorb Sonar through their leaves, shoots and from roots. Within a short period (seven to ten days) injury symptoms begin to appear. Susceptible weeds will start to show chlorosis, a deficiency of green pigment. Sonar’s selectivity lets desirable aquatic plants become reestablished. Won’t restrict swimming, fishing or drinking, even immediately after application! Rates depend on target species and habitat conditions. As always, follow label rates and restrictions. MODEL SN1 AQUATHOL® K HERBICIDE (LIQUID OR GRANULAR) SHIP WT (LBS) 1 PINT 1 EACH 6+ $427.44 $384.70 R Elective contact control for submerged aquatic weeds, including Najas species, coontail, milfoil and most pond weed species. Carries no turf irrigation restrictions. Granular formulation recommended for spot treating small weed patches and deep growing plants. Liquid formula supplies most active ingredients per dollar. Apply 1 gallon per acre-foot (1 liter/326 m3) for control of most plant species. As always, read and comply with product labels. AQT25 ships motor freight only, AQT10 ships Ground. • For best results, use with a surfactant such as Cide-Kick™ II, Red River 90 or Organic-Kick. MODEL EACH 4+ AQT25 2.5 GALLONS HAZMAT AG SHIP WT (LBS) 25 $244.42 $232.20 AQT10 10 LBS 11 290.16 261.14 AQT25 Aquathol® is a registered trademark of United Phosphorus, Inc. Shore-Klear®, Weedtrine® are registered trademarks of Arch Chemicals, Inc. Sonar® is a registered trademark of SePro, Inc. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 311 SECTION CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS 311 Products / Products / Products MODEL SHIP WT (LBS) Algaecide/Weed Control ALGAEFIX® ALGAECIDE FOR PONDS EACH 16916 16 OZ 2 $9.99 16964N 64 OZ 5 26.99 169G 1 GAL 10 43.99 1692G 2.5 GAL 24 83.99 • Effectively controls "green water" in ponds. • EPA-approved herbicide. AlgaeFix® effectively controls many types of green water algae (Chlorella), blue-green algae (Aphanizomenon), string and hair algae (Cladophora) and blanketweed (Oedogonium). Formulated to keep ornamental ponds and water gardens clean and clear, it can be safely used with aquatic plants and will not harm fish. Dosage is one teaspoon (5 mL) per 50 gal. Dilute with warm water before adding to pond. Cannot be sold into Canada. AlgaeFix is registered trademark of Mars Fishcare North America, Inc. ® SEAKLEAR® AQUARIA WATER TREATMENT MODEL Natural Clarifier clears up cloudy water by causing particulates to clump together and be easily caught on mechanical filters. It also removes excess oils to prevent scum at the water line. Biodegradable and usable with all sanitizers, it is safe for plants, animals, fish and the environment. 55-gal drum also available; call for price. Clarifier Phosphate Remover eliminates phosphates by binding them in an insoluble form so they are no longer available for algae growth. Removes algae-causing orthophosphates and keeps salt generators working properly. Nontoxic—100% safe for plants, animals, fish and the environment. 3,000 ppb. Note: Will cloud water when applied. 55-gal drum also available; call for price. SK0404 American Lotus Nelumbo lutea F Bulrush Scirpus spp. G Cattail Typha spp. G Common Reed Fragrant Waterlily Nymphaea odorata G Giant Cutgrass Zizaniopsis miliacea G E G G SK0401 1 GAL 170.00 HAZMAT A 5 GAL 750.00 HAZMAT AG Southern Watergrass Cladium jamaicense G G Slender Duckweed Wolffiella floridana E Waterhyacinth Eichhornia crassipes E Waterlettuce G Watermeal G Bladderworts E Coontail G Egeria Egeria densa E Elodea Elodea canadensis G E G Eurasian Watermilfoil Fanwort Cabomba caroliniana Horned Pondweed Zannichellia palustris E E G Hydrilla G E E Naiads F E Parrotfeather E G Pondweeds E Water buttercup G Widgeongrass F Wildcelery Panicum repens E Water Pennywort Hydrocotyle umbellata F F F Water Primrose Ludwigia uruguayensis G G F Watershield Brasenia schreberi F Waterwillow Justicia americana F G F Myriophyllum spicatum E G F Paspalum fluitans Ultricularia spp. Ceratophylium demersum G G Torpedograss Pistia stratiotes Wolffia columbiana G Nuphar luteum Water Paspalum F = Fair; G = Good; E = Excellent E Salvinia rotundifolia G Hydrochloa caroliniensis F G F F Polygonum spp. Weedtrine® D or Reward® Salvinia Panicum purpurascens Smartweeds Aquathol® E Paragrass F Lemna minor Azolla caroliniana Pickerelweeds Pontederia spp. AQUATIC PLANT Spirodela polyrhiza G Spatterdock G SK0405 Mosquito Fern G G G HAZMAT A Giant Duckweed G G F 49.80 E Setaria magna F G 1 QT G Panicum hematomon E E SK0404 G Maidencare Sawgrass F 215.00 G Giant Foxtail G F 47.94 5 GAL Duckweed F G G 1 GAL E G F E F Phragmites australis Leersia hexandra Cutgrass E SK0101 SK0102 FLOATING PLANTS E G F Sonar Alternanthera philoxeroides G E $16.32 Hydrilla verticillata Najas spp. SUBMERSED PLANTS G Shore-Klear Alligator Weed EMERSED PLANTS E AQUATIC PLANT F G E 1 QT HERBICIDE Weedtrine® D or Reward® Aquathol® Sonar Shore-Klear HERBICIDE G SK0104 SeaKlear® is a registered trademark of Halosource, Inc. HERBICIDE GUIDE G EACH Phosphate Remover SK0104 G KOI Myriophyllum aquaticum Potamogeton spp. Ranunculus aquatilis Ruppia maritima Vallisneria americana NOTE: This is a guide only; read and follow manufacturer's labels. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 312 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS Surfactant/Fertilizer CIDE-KICK® II SURFACTANT Makes your spray application more effective. A nonionic additive mixed with herbicides to break down the waxy coating on the leaf surface, effectively penetrating the cell wall of the plant. Use 1 ounce of Cide-Kick™ II per 1 gallon of spray solution (8 mL/L). Available in 1-quart (1 liter) containers only. MODEL WTD2 1 QUART EACH 4+ $19.75 $18.69 PERFECT POND PLUS FERTILIZER Maintains the perfect balance of plankton in your pond This mixture is easy to apply, water soluble (dissolves in the upper two feet of water) and will not clump. It can be broadcast from a bank or pier or poured out of a boat; up to a 5-acre pond can be fertilized from just one location. The formulation for Perfect Pond Plus is 12-48-8 (N-P-K). Includes the scientifically designed Micro-Nutrient package. Do not fertilize if undesired vegetation is present because the fertilizer will only stimulate growth. Warning: The purpose of Perfect Pond Plus fertilizer is to increase algal growth. Use only if you want “green water” in your pond. • Fast acting & easy to apply pond fertilizer •Promotes healthy bloom and helps control aquatic weeds • Water soluable 12-48-8 MODEL PFP25 EACH 25 LBS $64.95 Cide-Kick® is a trademark of Brewer International, Inc. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 313 SECTION CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS 313 Products / Products / Products Colorants/Dyes CONCENTRATED WATER COLORANTS Super-concentrated water colorant that’s as friendly to animals and fish as it is to the eye. Requires only one-fourth as much compared to other dyes. Helps prevent the growth of vegetation. Store in cool dry location. Wear rubber gloves when applying to protect hands from staining. Case contains 12 quarts. Blue Vail™ turns water to a sparkling sapphire blue; ideal for ponds, lakes, fountains, and lagoons. OWD5 Blue/Black Vail™ is the most natural looking dye possible as it mimics the hues and tones of a natural lake. Filters sunlight more than standard blue dyes. Not recommended for fountains. Black Vail™ turns water a mirror black, simulating clear dark bottomed lakes; ideal for controlled waterways like private ponds and lakes. Provides the darkest shading possible. Not recommended for fountains. OWD7 • Non-toxic and safe for fish, humans, plants and birds • Contains no herbicides or algaecides • 1 quart treats 1,000,000 gallons of water for up to 4 months MODEL SHIP WT (LBS) EACH CASE (12 QTS) OWD5 BLUE VAIL QUART 3 $33.99 $369.00 OWD7 BLUE/BLACK QUART 3 35.99 379.00 OWD8 BLACK VAIL QUART 3 35.99 379.00 OWD8 WEED CONTROL WATER COLORANT R Aquashade® is a water dye that filters sunlight to reduce the growth of aquatic weeds and algae. It is also useful for coloring water an attractive blue to enhance its aesthetic quality. Apply to controlled waterways such as ornamental and golf course ponds, lakes, fountains and fish farms. Use in conjunction with herbicides or algaecides for control of surface algae mats or shallow-water plants. Not for use in drinking water; no restrictions for animal/ livestock drinking, irrigation, swimming or fish consumption when used at label rates. Results appear immediately and last up to four months in nonflowing waters. Wear rubber gloves and protective eye wear for cleanliness and safety. Case contains 4 gallons • EPA-registered for aquatic plant growth control • Easy to apply • 1 gallon treats 1,000,000 gallons of water MODEL SHIP WT (LBS) OWD2 GALLON 11 EACH CASE (4 GALS) $52.99 $189.00 Aquashade is a registered trademark of Arch Chemicals, Inc. ® CRYSTAL BLUE® WATER COLORANT Crystal Blue® is a water colorant that produces a more vibrant blue color than some other dyes. The typical application rate is one gallon per 1,000,000 gallons of pond water (equals one acre, 3' deep or approximately one acre, 4' deep with sloping sides). Four gallons per case. MODEL CB64 EACH 1 GALLON $33.44 4+ $31.10 Crystal Blue® is a registered trademark of Bluewater Chemgroup, Inc. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 SECTION 314 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS Products / Products /Alum Products Pond Logs/Microfloc Injection System NUTRIENT-BINDING POND LOGS Water clarification and erosion control made easy! These semisolid blocks are environmentally safe, nontoxic and formulated for specific water environments. They work in conjunction with your bottom-based aeration system, floating fountain or waterfall to improve the water quality in your lake or pond. Benefits include increased water clarity, reduced algae, odor control, decreased suspended solids and metal reduction. One log treats up to 500,000 gallons. Float Pond logs are specific to your water's chemistry. Send us a sample of your water and bank soil. Based on that, we'll send you the pond log(s) best suited to your lake or pond's specific needs. For pond sample analysis forms and procedures, contact Pentair AES. CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION AND PRICING. Diffuser Pond Log Aeration: Pond Logs are simply tied to a float, keeping them in line with the upward bubble movement enabling the polymer blend to dissolve. SWEETWATER® COMPRESSOR MICROFLOC ALUM INJECTION SYSTEM Continuous algae control ALMIS • Great for small recreational lakes, farm ponds and golf courses. • Safe for swimmers and harmless to fish and wildlife. Dramatically improve water clarity and quality with this easy-to-install and maintain system. The Sweetwater® Microfloc Alum Injection System eliminates nuisance algal blooms in ponds by continually removing the nutrients (food) that feed algae. 2" Stone Pad Weighted Alum and Air Lines Microfloc Generator Shore Station The system's small shore station delivers particles of alum (aluminum sulfate) into the water column and evenly distributes them throughout the pond. On contact with the water the alum particles form a floc of aluminum hydroxide, which removes phosphorus, making it unavailable to algae. Each system includes a microfloc generator with alum metering pump, air compressor, alum storage tank and timers. Everything is enclosed within a sound-reducing, ventilated, weatherproof, heavy-duty metal cabinet. 115V/60 Hz. CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION AND PRICING. TECH TALK 102 Alum Lake Treatments Every lake/pond is unique. If the water is clear, with little submerged weed growth, we’d call it “clean” and its primary productivity would be low. You might think of it as starving for plant nutrients. If the water is turbid, due to planktonic algae, its productivity would be high. This would be considered bad if you wanted to swim in it. It could be considered good if you were using it for aquaculture. To some small farm ponds and fishing ponds that are 100% on private property, with no outflow, the owners actually add phosphorus to increase their productivity so they will grow more fish. If you want to have clear water, you must reduce the productivity. In short, you need to withhold nutrients that feed the algae. Phosphorus is typically the nutrient that can limit plant and algae growth in freshwater lakes. To reduce the phosphorus level is to reduce the plant and algae growth, resulting in clear water. Phosphorus, nitrogen and other nutrients enter the lake from four sources: 1. Watershed runoff. 2. Sediment nutrient cycling. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 3. Atmospheric loading. 4. Point source (typically sources known by the owner—can be things such as fish food, cleaning stations, fertilizer additions, etc.). To identify and quantify the sources of phosphorus, it is necessary to do a total nutrient budget. Since most people can’t afford that professional service, they typically ask a limnologist or other lake expert to “eyeball it” and give them their recommendation. Some remedial action can be inexpensive and other suggestions can be cost-prohibitive. If the low-cost fixes are not sufficient to bring about the desired improvement in water clarity, consider an alum treatment to reduce phosphorus in the water and reduce its cycling out of the sediments. It is probably cheaper than you think. Phosphorus binds tightly to the alum, which becomes incorporated into the sediments of the lake. It is totally safe from a human, animal and environmental standpoint. Aluminum, like silica sand, is one of the most common elements on the face of the earth. It is used in cooking and drinking water filtration. CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS 315 Clarifiers PHOSCLEAR® WATER TREATMENT Phosclear® (buffered aluminum sulfate) is a convenient phosphorus removal and water clarification solution for murky waters. Use in lakes, ponds and reservoirs. Simply broadcast the granules evenly across the surface of the water. Typical application rate is 80 lbs per acre-foot (25 ppm). A buffering agent prevents pH drops. Note: pH should be between 5.5 and 8.0, alkalinity between 50 and 200 ppm and salinity below 3 ppt. Large quantities ship from factory. Made in USA. MODEL EACH PC40-AQ $89.62 40-LB PAIL MICROBE LIFT® WATER TREATMENT MICROBE LIFT® is composed of several strains of bacteria that begin immediately to attack the materials in the water or soil that cause pollution and unpleasant odors. It is a nontoxic, biodegradable, nonpathogenic, USDA-authorized product that is extremely effective in the treatment and clean up of environmental waste. MICROBE LIFT® complies with even the strictest of environmental regulations. MICROBE LIFT® 4X is specially formulated for use in septic tanks. Use will enhance the breakdown of organic wastes and sludge and reduce hydrogen sulfide and odor problems. MICROBE LIFT® IND is specially formulated for industrial and municipal wastewater systems. The highly concentrated formula can solve the most difficult waste management problems when used in a controlled maintenance program. It significantly reduces odors, improves BOD and COD removal efficiency, degrades hydrocarbons and volatile organic carbons and accelerates plant startups and recovery from upsets or shock loads. It has a high ability to improve organic removal efficiency and stimulate nitrification/denitrification. MODEL EACH 4+ ML3-AQ 4X, QUART SHIP WT (LBS) 3 $13.95 $13.00 ML5-AQ IND, GALLON 11 41.75 37.62 ML5-AQ MICROBE LIFT® PL For over 20 years, MICROBE LIFT® PL has been unique in the marketplace. It is specifically formulated for fish ponds, decorative ponds and lagoons. It is a mixture of beneficial bacteria, including nitrifiers and photosynthetic bacteria,that reduces ammonia levels, eliminates noxious odors and reduces the buildup of wastes. MICROBE LIFT® PL is completely safe and will help to maintain a balanced pond environment. For 501- to 1,000-gal ponds, use 12 oz for first application, 4 oz/week for 4 weeks and 4 oz after that for monthly maintenance. For 1,001- to 5,000-gal ponds, use 16 oz for first application, 6 oz/week for 4 weeks and 6 oz after that for monthly maintenance. MODEL ML6 EACH ML6 QUART ML7 GALLON $22.52 63.00 ML7 Phosclear® is a registered trademark of M2 Polymer Technologies, Inc. Microbe Lift® is a registered trademark of Ecological Laboratories, Inc. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 316 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS SECTION Products Barley Straw/Bacteria / Products / Products BARLEY STRAW KOI Year after year, we hear good comments from barley straw users. A natural and ecologically sound method to clear water, use one 1⁄2-lb bag per 1,000 gallons. Works for up to 6 months. 1⁄2-lb bags are designed for easy placement directly in your pond, sump or filter. MODEL BST5 1⁄2-LB BAG EACH 4+ $9.50 $8.30 BARLEY STRAW PELLETS KOI Barley straw pellets are made from concentrated, organic barley straw enriched with peat and humate. About 2 lbs will treat 150 gallons for up to one year or 400 gallons for up to four months. For 150 gallons of clear water, apply 4 ounces every six weeks. For 150 gallons of turbid water, apply 9 ounces every six weeks. Each bag includes a graduated measuring cup. MODEL BSP10 EACH 10.5 LBS $30.50 TECH TALK 37 How Barley Straw Works How much barley straw to use? Research through Aquatic Weeds Research Unit UK indicates that barley straw is highly effective in the control of algae. How about that? An organic approach to algae control! It takes six to eight weeks for barley straw to become active after it is placed in moving water. After that, barley straw will remain an active algaecide for approximately six months. Microbial growth, oxygen and warm water temperatures activate the decomposition of the straw. With sufficient water flow through the straw, lignins oxidize into homic acids and, with sunlight and oxygen, destroy algae, with no effect on higher plant and aquatic life. Barley straw is most effective in shallow (1 m) water with sunlight and good circulation. Clear water needs less straw, but with turbid, muddy water and less sunlight, more straw is required. Low temperatures are less effective. Barley straw decomposes slowly, so its oxygen demand does not cause problems unless an excessive amount of straw is used. Stagnant water will go anaerobic inside the straw bundle, killing the microbes, so be sure to keep the water moving. NITRAFIX FOR AQUACULTURE Water surface area is used to calculate dosage. In still water ponds, the minimum quantity of straw needed to control algae is 2.5 grams (.09 oz) of straw per square meter of water surface. In water with a severe algae problem, high first treatments up to 50 grams (1.8 oz) per square meter may be required. Start with small quantities and monitor effects. Barley straw may be prestarted in nonalgae problem areas with good oxygenated water flows. The research unit suggests you tie the straw in small bundles, make flat sheaves or stuff it into net bags. Weight or stake them to the bottom in an area with water movement. NEW! Nitrafix is a natural biological product focused on keeping nitrogen, often a limiting factor in pond systems, low. Nitrafix is a consortium of autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms and denitrifying organisms that lowers all types of nitrogen. Applications include migratory waterfowl ponds, koi ponds and koi farming, shrimp farming, retention and decorative ponds, and golf courses. Do not use as an adjuvant with algaecides and herbicides. Temperature of water 55 -70°F (12.8-21.1°C): Initial Dose: 4 gallon per 4 acre feet twice per month Maintenance Dose: 1 gallon per 4 acre feet twice per month Temperature of water 70°F (21.1°C) and up: Initial Dose: 1 gallon per 4 acre feet twice per month Maintenance Dose: ½ gallon per 4 acre feet twice per month MODEL 770002 EACH 1 GALLON Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 $49.00 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS 317 Bacteria PONDZILLA BLACK NEW! PondZilla Black is an all-natural biochemical catalyst that enhances the breakdown of proteins and complex carbohydrates found in aquatic plants. PondZilla Black releases specific biostimulants that allow the naturally-occurring bacteria and fungi to take over degradation of the dead flora and fixation of available nutrients. This product is designed specifically to complement algaecide treatments for aquatic plants and filamentous green algae like Pithophora. Although these products do not kill aquatic plants or algae, the molecular make up of PondZilla Black will boost algaecides so they can penetrate the resting structures while it enables naturally-occurring bacteria to degrade dead organic matter. This treatment is followed up with a dose of MD Pellets to digest what is left. Applications include ponds, lakes, canals, retention and koi ponds, hatcheries, raceways, and golf course ponds. PondZilla Black works over a wide pH range, but for best results use citric acid or a low-pH surfactant to adjust tank mix to a pH of 4 to 6: Monster Dose: 15 gallons per acre Regular Dose: 3 gallons per acre initially and 1-3 gallons per month thereafter Pollen Dose: 2 gallons per acre sprayed on the surface Leaf Degradation: 1-3 gallons per acre per month followed by 10 lbs of MD Pellets MODEL 770004 MD PELLETS FOR AQUACULTURE EACH $99.00 1 GALLON NEW! MD Pellets are slow-release pellets that sink into and degrade muck that builds up in the bottom of fish ponds. This product is a nice alternative to physical cleaning of the ponds. They contain safe and beneficial bacteria, which will not harm aquatic species, fish, waterfowl, or people. This product will also reduce sulfide and mercaptan odors found in muck. Applications include lakes, decorative ponds, retention ponds, shorelines, aquaculture, and golf courses. MD Pellets work best when water temperature is 60° F (17°C) to 130°F (54°C). The warmer it is the faster they reproduce and digest sludge: Traditional Dose: Feed 10 lb to 25 lb per surface-acre once per month depending on depth of muck or extent of surface debris. Super Dose: For ponds or lakes where they would like to degrade up to 1 foot per month. Feed 50 lb per acre once per month. MODEL 770005 EACH $289.00 30 LBS. VITASTIM FISHERY BLEND NEW! VitaStim Fishery Blend is a high-performance probiotic with a beneficial bacterial blend that lowers ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, and degrades fecal matter on the bottom of ponds. The combination of probiotics plus the select bacteria keeps the environment healthy and reduces the stress on fish. In aquaculture environments with high fish density, VitaStim Fishery Blend will also work to stabilize healthy bacterial populations. This blend also works well in saline environments. VitaStim Fishery Blend works in a wide range of temperatures from 41° on up and while these organisms appreciate aeration, it is not required: Dosage at 72°F (22°C) and up: 1 lb per surface acre to start followed by ½ lb bi-weekly. Dosage below 72°F (22°C): 2 lb per surface acre to start followed by ½ lb bi-weekly. MODEL 770006 WATER COLUMN CLARIFIER FOR AQUACULTURE EACH $379.00 30 LBS. NEW! Water Column Clarifier is a high-performance liquid bacterial blend that fixates nitrogen and phosphorus to clarify water. This product contains a synchronistic blend of 12 different bacteria with a higher growth rate than any dry blend. Because these bacteria fit together so well, they confuse the quorum sensing that limits bacteria growth and are able to coat the entire water body. This makes Water Column Clarifier an especially good treatment for planktonic algae when combined with a low dose chelated copper algaecide. Applications include decorative ponds, large ponds and lakes. Works best when temperature of water is 60°F (15.6°C) or higher: Initial Dose: 20 oz per acre foot once per month Maintenance Dose: Repeat initial dose monthly MODEL 770003 EACH 1 GALLON $69.00 Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 SECTION 318 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS Products Bacteria / Products / Products PROLINE AQUACULTURE BACTERIA CONCENTRATE FW TECH FAV SW ProLine Bacteria Concentrate is a high concentration of live bacteria specifically formulated for ammonia emergencies. Live bacteria begin ammonia removal immediately, possibly saving an entire system from disaster. One gallon of freshwater concentrate can treat up to 4,800 gallons (use freshwater for salinity of 7 ppt or lower). One gallon of saltwater concentrate can treat up to 2,400 gallons. The concentrate must be refrigerated at all times and has a shelf life of 3 months. All concentrate ships Next Day Air, orders placed by early AM will either ship that day or next day. Weighs 11 lbs. MODEL EACH 239310 FRESHWATER, GALLON 239300 SALTWATER, GALLON $317.00 317.00 239310 PROLINE BIOFILTER START-UP KIT FW SW Accelerate biofilter start-up by weeks using the ProLine Biofilter Start-Up Kit. Each kit comes complete with ProLine Aqua Coat water conditioner, ProLine ammonium chloride, ProLine nitrifying bacteria, nutrients and trace elements required for optimizing the seeding of biological filters. Components of the kit may also be used for reseeding biofilters in cases of shock load or system upsets. Biofilter start-up is initiated by adding the components of the kit to an offline biofilter. Instructions for use are included with each kit. Two separate kits are available, freshwater and saltwater. Use with any biofilter with up to 50 cubic feet of media. Additional kits may be added for larger biofilters. All kits must ship by Next Day Air (shipping cost not included in price). Orders placed by early AM will either ship that day or next day. The concentrate must be refrigerated at all times and has a shelf life of 3 months. MODEL 239001 EACH 239001 FRESHWATER $120.00 239002 SALTWATER 120.00 *Shipping cost not included in price. PROLINE AMMONIUM CHLORIDE Great source of ammonia to initiate the growth of nitrifying bacteria. Should not be used when fish or other culture animals are present in the water. Maintain 1 mg/L while seeding bacteria until nitrates appear. Do not exceed 4 mg/L and do not add fish until ammonia level is at zero. Not FDA-approved. Sold in 500-gram bottles. Made in USA. MODEL 239100 EACH 4+ $13.39 $12.05 PROLINE BACTERIA FW SW ProLine Nitrifying Bacteria can be used to rapidly seed biological filters and correct ammonia and nitrite imbalances. Treatment rates are 4 ounces per 10 gallons for freshwater systems (use freshwater for salinity of 7 ppt or lower) and 8 ounces per 10 gallons for saltwater systems. For garden pond applications (fewer than 1,000 gallons), add four ounces per 20 gallons of water. For lightly loaded ponds or lakes, add two gallons per surface acre of water. For older or heavily loaded lakes, call a Pentair AES technician. MODEL 239211 Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 SHIP WT (LBS) 239201 SALTWATER, GALLON 8 $42.90 239210 FRESHWATER, 16 OZ 1 10.25 239211 FRESHWATER, GALLON 8 44.68 Should not be shipped Ground if chance of freezing exists. CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS 319 Bacteria PROLINE "BACTERIA IN A BAG" FW ProLine "Bacteria in a Bag" is a good product for elimination of pond sludge and odors. Natural bacteria and enzymes biodegrade bottom sludge in ponds. Simply calculate water volume and dispense at the rate of one 1-oz bag per 600 gallons of water or one 8-oz bag per 4,800 gallons in ornamental ponds, biofilters or raceways. When treating large ponds/lakes, dose 1 lb per acre-foot of water every two weeks while temperatures are above 50°F; double dose on the first application of the season. MODEL EACH 239400 $14.45 SIX 1-OZ BAGS 239410 ONE 8-OZ BAG 10.50 239425 ONE 25-LB BAG 347.00 239410 SALTWATER "BACTERIA IN A BAG" SW "Bacteria in a Bag" Saltwater Formula is the perfect choice for water quality improvement, sludge elimination and odor removal in high-salinity applications (>18 ppt). Like the original ProLine "Bacteria in a Bag," this formulation is a one-step maintenance program for aquaculturists working in high-salinity environments. Simply calculate water volume and dispense at the rate of one 1-oz bag per 400 gallons or one 8-oz bag per 4,800 gallons in all home and public aquariums. MODEL EACH 239805 SIX 1-OZ BAGS $15.75 239810 ONE 8-OZ BAG 12.00 239810 TECH TALK 25 Bacteria Notes WHAT IS THEIR SIZE? That’s 100,000,000,000 in a milliliter! (For instructions on counting method, contact us or IET.) WHAT DO THEY DO? Some bacteria form floc, the slippery material one feels on a tank wall. Although many involved in water purification may get trapped in the floc they typically flow through the system. The bacteria on a biofilter are immobile, and water movement is essential to ensure that food is brought into contact with them. There are thousands of strains and two major groups. Heterotrophs use organic carbon (as we do). They are elongated, often rod-shaped bacteria, typically .2 µ (micron) wide and 4–6 µ long. Autotrophs use inorganic carbon (carbonate or carbon dioxide) as plants do. They are cocci-shaped (round to oval) bacteria, typically .2–.4 µ in diameter. Like all other living things, they have a biological directive to eat and reproduce. They must compete with each other and with predators. Each strain does only one job, so it takes a coordinated team of strains to purify water, for example. Bacteria work best when the following conditions exist: pH between 6 and no higher than 8.5 (optimal is 7.5), temperature between 34ºF (1ºC) and 104ºF (40ºC) (optimal is 86ºF/30ºC), alkalinity above 100 and oxygen above 3 ppm (optimum is above 5 for nitrification); some bacteria will utilize oxygen from any nitrate when there is no oxygen. WHAT DO THEY EAT? An individual strain may digest a specific type of fat, certain proteins, carbohydrates, cellulose or hydrocarbons. Together the right team can eat sludge, animal wastes, etc. HOW FAST DO THEY GROW? A population of heterotrophic bacteria can double every 20 minutes. Nitrobacter can double every 8 hours. This rapid reproduction (with mutations) quickly evolves new strains. WHERE CAN YOU BUY THEM? From Pentair AES. Bacta-Pur® bacteria are guaranteed to have a minimum of 1011 cells/mL. DO THEY MOVE AROUND? WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? Bacteria can live in most places, but all strains are not everywhere all the time. Water purification cannot be optimized if all the required strains are not present. Bioaugmentation with Bacta-Pur® guarantees the presence of the balanced team. If a proper environment exists, they will multiply. HOW ARE THEY ELIMINATED? Freezing can kill over 99% of some strains, such as Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. Spore-forming bacteria are less affected, at least the spores survive. UV light, disinfectants, heat, acids, bacteriacides and oxidizers (ozone, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate) will also kill them. WHAT IS THE RELATION BETWEEN LIGHT AND BACTERIA? Light is not only unnecessary for the growth of beneficial bacteria that improve water quality, but also will inhibit the growth of nutrifiers, particularly Nitrobacter. Biological filters should be kept in the dark. Ultraviolet light is used to kill bacteria. The toxicity of the UV light is a function of the wavelength, intensity and exposure duration. Assistance on this Tech Talk was provided by IET, Inc. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 320 SECTION 320 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS Products Salts/Sand/ Products / Products PROLINE SUPER SALT CONCENTRATE Contains everything but the salt—save on shipping! This synthetic salt mixture contains all the necessary elements and buffers (except sodium chloride) required to make up to 4,400 gallons of synthetic seawater. Each phosphate- and nitrate-free batch is individually tested to generate consistency and high quality. Because sodium chloride is a major component of most synthetic sea salt mixtures, it is also responsible for a large amount of the weight. This concentrated mixture contains everything but the sodium chloride, which you can add locally to save money on freight charges. Applications • Public aquariums • Saltwater fish holding systems • Aquarium stores • Recirculating systems ProLine Super Salt Concentrate is packaged in a semiliquid form and sold in resealable buckets. One bucket mixes with 80 lbs of noniodized, high-purity sodium chloride to make 400 gallons (1,514 liters) of salt water. Pallet quantities available. • Seafood holding systems • Research labs 239500 EACH 4+ 239500 MODEL 400 GALLONS SHIP WT (LBS) 63 $75.50 $68.79 239510* 4,400 GALLONS 600 638.00 — *Ships by motor freight. POND SALT Made from evaporated seawater, this all-natural sea salt replaces electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium and magnesium. Pond salt can also temporarily block the toxic effects of nitrite. Ideal for all ornamental koi and goldfish ponds. MODEL PDS145 EACH 9 LBS $14.95 ARAGAMAX Sugar-sized sand Grain size is .2–1.2 mm diameter. Also known as "oolitic sand," this product is ideal for shallow beds, allowing denitrification in as little as a 1" depth of water. The fine grain size can pass easily through the gills of gobies and other sand-sifting organisms. The smooth round grains are gentle to soft-bellied sharks and rays. White in color and metal-free. No ash or silica. MODEL SS30 30 LBS EACH 4+ $22.75 $20.48 TECH TALK 27 Mixing Artificial Seawater Artificial seawater is a complex mix of many purified salts formulated to have a composition similar to natural seawater when dissolved in fresh water. Seawater cannot be evaporated to a dry salt and then be reconstituted by adding water. It just doesn’t work, so artificial blends were developed. There are many formulas, each with its own characteristics. The quality of a brand of sea salt is dependent on the formula, the quality of the raw materials and the uniformity of the blending. The salinity is the sum of all of the dissolved ions. Natural seawater is generally considered to have a salinity of 35 parts per thousand (ppt) or grams of salt per kilogram of water. Several mistakes are common when calculating how much sea salt to use. First, do not assume that ppt is the same as grams per liter (g/L). Because seawater is heavier than fresh water, this assumption causes an error of about 2.5% lower salinity than expected. A second, more serious error is to assume that the salt mix is anhydrous (water free), since all brands of sea salt use some hydrated salts (for cost and solubility reasons). This causes an error of about 12% lower salinity than expected. A third source of error is adding the salt to the desired volume, as the volume increases about 1% after adding the salt. What this means is adding 35 g of sea salt to a liter of water (1,000 g) will result in a 1.01 liter solution at 29.1 ppt salinity! Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 Gallon designations for commercial brands are not calculated at 35 ppt. There is no standard. The weight per fifty gallon package varies among brands from 13.7 lbs to 16 lbs, giving salinities between 27 and 32 ppt. For calculation purposes, it takes 41.8 grams of sea salt mix to one liter fresh water for 35 ppt salinity. To calculate salt needed for lower salinities, multiply the 41.8 g/L by the ratio of the desired salinity, divided by 35 ppt. Example 1: To mix at 32 ppt solution, solve: 41.8 g/L x 32 ppt/35 ppt = 38.2 g/L. Example 2: To mix a 1,000 gallon batch at 32 ppt, multiply the 38.2 g/L (from example one) x 3.78 (liters/gallon) x 1,000 to get 144,396 g or 318 lbs (144 kg) of sea salt. When purchasing and mixing sea salts, remember to base mix ratios on the weight of salt mix, not the advertised gallon ratings. The weight is the legal unit of measure. The information in this Tech Talk was provided by Thomas Frakes, Technical Consultant, Aquarium Systems, Inc. CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS SECTION 321 Products / Products / Products Salts INSTANT OCEAN® SALTS Instant Ocean® has been the preferred salt mix of public aquariums and home aquarists for many years. It is scientifically blended to contain every minor and major trace element required to make artificial seawater. Phosphate- and nitrate-free, it dissolves quickly without insoluble residue. Each package will make a 32-ppt salt solution at listed volume. Contains no chlorine remover. Pallet quantities available. MODEL IS50 SHIP WT (LBS) 50-GALLON MIXTURE 15 IS160 160-GALLON MIXTURE 50 IO200 200-GALLON MIXTURE 65 EACH 4+ PALLET $18.29 $17.38 — 45.99 43.69 41.50 (36) 45.99 43.69 — IS50 IS160 CRYSTAL SEA® SALTS Salt, like fish food, is not all the same! This product is a perfect mixture of essential compounds and trace elements to make seawater (contains no anticaking agents). Use it with confidence when setting up any saltwater ecosystem. Crystal Sea® is preferred by many public aquariums, universities, biological research facilities and professionals. CM2B is a 150-gallon mixture specifically formulated for bioassay research. Does not contain de-chlorinator. Quality Assured Crystal Sea® Marinemix is manufactured under the most stringent quality control guidelines using a superior computer control blending system. This ensures exact mixing of anhydrous ingredients throughout each batch. • No ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, silicate or EDTA added. • Attains a proper pH of 8.3 upon hydration. • Contains chlorine remover. CM2B MODEL SHIP WT (LBS) EACH 2+ CM2-AQ 150-GALLON MIXTURE 44 $39.65 $35.69 CM2B 150-GALLON BIOASSAY MIXTURE 44 43.95 39.54 REEF CRYSTALS® REEF SALT Developed for reef aquariums, Reef Crystals® is an enriched blend of sea salt that contains extra levels of calcium, vitamins and selected trace elements that are commonly depleted in living reef aquariums. It has superior dissolvability and is compatible with all marine aquariums. A special additive helps to detoxify excess heavy metals, such as copper, that are often found at elevated levels in domestic water supplies. Every batch is carefully analyzed to guarantee composition, consistency and uniformity. Contains no chlorine remover. Biodegradable box includes four bags, each for a 50-gal mixture. MODEL RC200 SHIP WT (LBS) 200-GALLON MIXTURE 65 Making Salt Water? Start by mixing at these levels, then aerate for over an hour before measuring salinity, pH, etc. Add more salt if needed. 41⁄2 cups per 10 gallons 1 kg per 10 gallons 36 oz per 10 gallons 21⁄4 lbs per 10 gallons 10 gallons = 37.5 liters EACH 2+ $57.25 $52.58 All salts are available in pallet quantities. Call for quotation. Instant Ocean® and Reef Crystals® are registered trademarks of United Pet Group, Inc., Crystal Sea® is a registered trademark of Marine Enterprises International. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 SECTION 322 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS Products / Products / Products Chlorine and Ammonia Neutralizers ULTIMATE® WATER CONDITIONER KORDON® NOVAQUA® PLUS WATER CONDITIONER FW FW SW This convenient, fully functional water conditioner instantly removes chlorine, chloramines and ammonia from fresh or salt water. It also detoxifies copper and heavy metals, boosts alkalinity and adds essential electrolytes needed for proper fish growth. It is excellent for conditioning new water in ponds. Can also be used in shipping bags during transport. When testing for ammonia, a salicylate test kit must be used. One gallon treats approximately 7,680 gallons. SW Improve your fish’s health, reduce nitrite toxicity, detoxify heavy metals and buffer tap water with NovAqua® Plus’s enhanced formula. This conditioner neutralizes chlorine (up to 3.75 ppm) and breaks the bond between chlorine and ammonia in chloramines (use AmQuel® Plus water conditioner to remove leftover toxic ammonia). New ingredients include organic herbs and vitamins, electrolytes and polymer colloids that combine to boost immune systems, reduce stress and build up stronger slime coatings on fish. Also removes iodine and promotes biofiltration. MODEL NovAqua® Plus contains stabilizers for long-term storage and is compatible with other water conditioners. One 16-oz bottle treats 960 gallons; 1-gal container treats 7,680 gallons. Not FDA-approved. SHIP WT (LBS) EACH UT32 32 OZ 3 $13.95 — UT1 1 GALLON 11 45.00 40.42/4+ 5 GALLONS 50 131.67 120.70/2+ UT5 Ultimate is a registered trademark of Aquascience Technologies, LLC. ® Why NovAqua® Plus? • New polymer colloids for fish protection. • Increased ability to remove chlorine. • New electrolytes for stress reduction. • New remover of heavy metals, including increased ability to remove toxic zinc, iron, aluminum, copper, etc. • New herbal ingredients for immune health aids and viral and protozoan infection inhibition. NA16P • New vitamin ingredients for health aids. MODEL EACH NA16P 16 OZ $8.87 $8.25/4+ NA5P 5 GAL 159.00 147.87/2+ NA64P 1 GAL (128 OZ) 46.45 43.20/4+ UT1 Kordon , NovAqua and AmQuel are registered trademarks of Kordon, LLC. ® PRIME ® FW ® DECHLORINATOR, SODIUM THIOSULFATE SW A complete water conditioner that removes chlorine and chloramines.It detoxifies ammonia and nitrite and enhances nitrate removal. Provides essential ions and stimulates natural slime coat on fish. Prime does not cause a pH drop or overactivate skimmers. 500 mL-bottle treats over 5,000 gallons (19,000 liters). Not FDA-approved. MODEL SHIP WT (LBS) EACH 2+ $10.50 — SC433 500 ML SC438 2 LITERS 6 41.95 — SC439 4 LITERS 11 69.85 66.36 2 MODEL ST1A 4-LB JAR ST1 50-LB BUCKET ST1A SC438 Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 FW SW Sodium thiosulfate is the main compound in most chlorine neutralizers. Any time municipal water must be used for aquaculture, use sodium thiosulfate for instant neutralization of chlorine (do not add directly to water containing fish). Dosage rates vary with the pH of the water, but rates between 1.6 to 2.6 parts sodium thiosulfate per one part chlorine should be adequate (excess levels of sodium thiosulfate up to 100 ppm will not harm fish). Made in USA. EACH 4+ $17.40 $16.07 89.00 82.50 ST1 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS 323 Ammonia Removers PROLINE DRY AMMONIA REMOVER FW AMQUEL® PLUS WATER CONDITIONER SW Formulated in a highly concentrated powder, ProLine’s complete dry ammonia remover is ideal for large volume applications. It works in the same way as AmQuel® Plus water conditioner. One level tablespoon treats 473 liters (125 gallons), 32 grams will treat 1,000 liters (264 gallons), 1 kg will treat 31,250 liters (8,250 gallons). MODEL SHIP WT (LBS) APP1 2.2 EACH $19.00 — APP5 11 90.75 81.68/4+ APP25 55 375.00 356.25/2+ MODEL APP1 APP5 AMMO-LOCK® WATER CONDITIONER FW SHIP WT (LBS) 16 OZ 2 FW $7.99 AMQUEL PLUS, GALLON 11 41.99 40.62/4+ AM75P AMQUEL PLUS, 5 GALLONS 50 178.88 169.94/2+ AMD2P DRY AMQUEL PLUS, 11 LBS 11 158.35 142.18/4+ AMD3P DRY AMQUEL PLUS, 55 LBS 55 481.95 457.85/2+ 1 AM64P — AMD2P POND AMQUEL® PLUS WATER CONDITIONER EACH 6+ $7.95 $7.44 SW KOI A concentrated water detoxifier that eliminates ammonia, chlorine, chloramines, nitrates, nitrites and other nitrogen compounds. Does not affect beneficial bacteria. Compatible with other water conditioners and medications. 16 oz treat 2,400 gal (9,000 liters). 32 grams of Dry AmQuel® Plus will treat 264 gal (1,000 L). Water treated with Pond AmQuel®+ cannot be accurately tested using Nessler’s-type ammonia tests or Winkler-type D.O. kits. MODEL PQ16 SHIP WT (LBS) POND AMQUEL PLUS, 16 OZ 1 EACH $11.65 AmQuel® is a registered trademark of Kordon, LLC. This highly concentrated powder completely neutralizes ammonia, chlorine and chloramines from fresh and salt water. It is nontoxic to fish and invertebrates. Dosage rate: 1 oz ClorAm-X® per 235 gallons of water removes 1 mg/L of total ammonia. A 5-lb box treats 18,749 gallons. Note: Water treated with ClorAm-X® cannot be accurately tested using Nessler’s-type ammonia tests or Winklertype D.O. kits. MODEL SHIP WT (LBS) CAX5 5 $58.99 CAX10 10 99.99 CAX25 55 442.00 EACH ClorAm-X® is a registered trademark of Aquascience Technologies, LLC. CAX10 EACH AM64P AM16P Ammo-Lock® is a registered trademark of Mars Fishcare North America, Inc. CLORAM-X® WATER CONDITIONER Safe for use on food fish and shellfish SHIP WT (LBS) AMQUEL PLUS, 16 OZ SW What could be better for shipping fish and showing fish? One teaspoon (5 mL) of Ammo-Lock® will instantly neutralize 3 ppm ammonia, 4 ppm chlorine or 1 ppm chloramine in 10 gallons of water. It’s safe enough to be used with all medications and does not harm saltwater invertebrates. Filtration with activated carbon, zeolite or ozone does not affect its properties. One 16-oz bottle treats 960 gallons. Note: Ammo-Lock® will alter ammonia test kit readings that are not the salicylate type. Not FDA-approved. Not for food fish. AML2 SW AM16P Here is a product to keep handy at all times. Ammo-Lock® is a liquid water conditioner that eliminates the toxic effects of ammonia in both fresh and saltwater systems. Lab tests have shown that Ammo-Lock® actually locks the ammonia in a harmless state and does not release it from that state. It remains active to complex and neutralize ammonia for two weeks! MODEL FW Considered to be one of the most effective dechlorinators on the market, AmQuel® Plus instantly removes all forms of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, chlorine and chloramine from both fresh and salt water. The active ingredient in AmQuel® Plus reacts with nitrogen compounds like ammonia and nitrite to form a nontoxic, stable substance that does not interfere with beneficial bacteria and can be oxidized by nitrifying bacteria in the biofilter. AmQuel® Plus uses no sodium thiosulfate, contains no formaldehyde and is nontoxic to all fish and invertebrates (not FDA-approved for use with food fish). Water treated with AmQuel® Plus cannot be accurately tested using Nessler’s-type ammonia tests or Winkler-type D.O. kits. The amounts of toxic components removed by AmQuel® Plus vary depending on water conditions. Recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon (5 mL) for each 10 gallons. This dose will remove chlorine, 1.2 ppm of ammonia, 2 ppm of nitrite, 13 ppm of nitrate. A 16-oz. bottle treats 960 gallons. TECHNICIAN PROFILE Gmerice Lafayette Gmerice received her B.S. in biology and environmental health science from the University of Georgia and earned a master’s degree in environmental health too. She has experience in aquatic toxicity, coral growth and nutrient uptake, aquatic plant mineral uptake, water quality testing and water quality adjustment with various types of chemical filtration media. CAX5 Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 324 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS SECTION Products /Removers/Carbon/Calcium/Sodium Ammonia Products / Products Bicarbonate PROLINE ZEOLITE AMMONIA REMOVER Fresh water only PROLINE SODIUM BICARBONATE FW Raise alkalinity and pH (when conditions are right) of fish-raising water. FCC food-grade complying with National Science Foundation Standard 60. Powdered to dissolve quickly and completely. To increase total alkalinity 10 ppm in 1,000 gallons of water requires 0.15 lb. Made in USA. Clinoptilolite filter media, otherwise known as zeolite, is an effective means of removing ammonia. It also provides a large surface area for nitrifying bacteriain recirculating systems. ProLine high-performance zeolite may be regenerated several times by overnight immersion in a salt solution and/or oven drying (not effective in salt water). Made in USA. MODEL EACH 4+ ZAR10 10-LB BUCKET $21.20 — ZAR5 50-LB BAG 42.00 36.50 Note: Increases H2 O temperature slightly when mixed in high concentrations. MODEL SC12A ZAR10 PROLINE ACTIVATED CARBON FW Can be retained using window screen size mesh. 4+ 1.5-LB CONTAINER $11.50 — AC412 15-LB BUCKET 79.95 71.96 AC55 55-LB BAG 156.00 140.40 CCB1 35-LB BUCKET 57.28 FW SC12A SW A high-grade blend of activated carbon and ion exchange resins prepackaged in a convenient, nylon filter bag. It is an excellent chemical adsorption media and ion generator that will keep pH at a stable level, helping fish resist osmotic shock. Replace every six months. One 10-oz bag is ideal for tanks up to 50 gallons. EACH 10 OZ $7.77 Note: AC412A Use of any conditioners, additives, treatments or medications is "at your own risk." Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems highly recommends the following: • Fish should ALWAYS be properly examined and diagnosed for disease by a licensed veterinarian or fish lab. PROLINE CALCIUM CHLORIDE 3.5-LB JAR — 63.13 Chemi-Pure® is a registered trademark of Aquatic Futures, LLC. Technical-grade calcium chloride can be used to raise the calcium hardness in recirculating systems. Depending upon the water’s buffering capacity, it may raise or lower the pH. Normal calcium hardness levels should be maintained between 100–250 mg/L, depending on the species. Fast-dissolving pellets. Made in USA.Note: Increases H2 O temperature slightly when mixed in high concentrations CC1AB $15.74 16705 EACH MODEL 4-LB JAR 40-LB BUCKET MODEL Approximately .625 m2 of surface area per gram. Bulk density is approximately 24 lbs/ft3. AC412A 4+ CHEMI-PURE® FILTERING GRANULES SW A superior, high-purity, bituminous coal-based activated carbon. Preferred by public aquariums, research centers and government fisheries. The small particle size (approximately 1⁄16” to 1⁄8”) provides a large surface area for rapid uptake and reduces water travel distances to interior adsorption surfaces. Adsorbs full range of organic contaminants, pesticides, odors, colors, chlorine, dissolved organics, ozone and many heavy metals. Carbon is dry-packed. MODEL SC12 EACH EACH 4+ $12.24 — 49.63 44.67 • ALWAYS double-check your chemical calculations and dosage rates. • ONLY dose at rates prescribed by a licensed veterinarian or the manufacturer. • NEVER mix chemicals or medications with other chemicals. Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems Inc. is not liable for any damages or consequential damages resulting from any chemical or medication treatments. CHEMICAL Waiver Form Required This symbol designates those products that require a completed Chemical Waiver Form before purchase (Visit Pentair AES will only sell medications to those customers who certify that they will control the usage of these products. Medications are for use with ornamental fish only and are not for use with food fish or for human consumption. CC1AB REEF CARBON FW SW TECHNICIAN PROFILE This high-grade carbon contains no phosphates and is excellent for removing dissolved organics, organic chemicals and heavy metals. Highly recommended for saltwater reef systems. Use 1⁄4 lb per 100 gallons. MODEL EACH 4+ KC6 15 LBS $81.25 $75.00 KC55 44 LBS 186.00 167.40 Richard D. Jones, EIT KC6 Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 Rick received his M.S. in biological and agricultural engineering from North Carolina State University. His graduate work included extensive research on filtration and water recirculation. He has also participated in the design, construction and maintenance of commercial-scale aquaculture facilities and public aquariums. Rick is a certified Engineer-in-Training (EIT). CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS 325 Phosphate Remover/Fish Tranquilizers PHOSPHATE SPONGE FW SW Removes phosphates quickly from water TRANQUIL This ceramic media can be used in marine and freshwater systems, including koi ponds and recirculating aquaculture systems. One quart (650 g) of media will reduce 1 ppm phosphates or silicates to less than .5 ppm in 120 gallons of water. Media particle size is 2–5 mm and can be retained using an 800-micron or smaller mesh bag. Made in USA. MODEL KPS8 5 LBS (2,500 GAL) EACH 4+ $119.85 $113.57 PURIGEN® SYNTHETIC FILTRATION FW SHIP WT (LBS) 100 ML 1 $7.39 P186 250 ML 1 12.40 P187 1 LITER 3 42.95 AQUACALM SEDATIVE/ANESTHETIC EACH SL141 8 OZ $22.68 SL142 1 GALLON 261.95 SL142 FILTER BAGS These polyester monofilament filter bags are excellent for retaining carbon, zeolite and other media. Perfect for sumps, trickle filters, pond filters and many other places with high water flow. Bags feature drawstring closing tops. Select 250- or 800-micron mesh size. Sold in packs of 10. Ship weight is 1 lb. P186 CHEMICAL Waiver Form Required Aquacalm™ is used for the sedation and anesthesia of ornamental finfish. Fish sedation may be necessary in situations such as strip spawning for hatchery rearing, transporting fish, photographing fish, or removal of fish from exhibition tanks prior to cleaning. Anesthesia may be necessary in situations where detailed fish examination or minor surgical procedures are to be conducted. Aquacalm™ has been tested on representative ornamental finfish species, but has not been tested on all fish species. The effect of Aquacalm™ may vary between (and within) species, depending upon age and physical condition of fish, and under different water conditions. Always test the dosage on a small group of fish first to make sure no unintended or adverse effects occur. Aquacalm™ has been granted Indexed status by the FDA for the sedation and anesthesia of ornamental finfish (MIF 900-002). Aquacalm™ is not for use in fish intended for human or animal consumption. MODEL Waiver Form Required SL141 Purigen® is a registered trademark of Seachem Laboratories, Inc. ™ CHEMICAL SW EACH P165 KOI MODEL This is a premium, synthetic absorbent that is unlike any other filtration product. It is not a mixture of ion exchangers or absorbents, but a unique macro-porous synthetic polymer that removes soluble and insoluble impurities and exceeds all others by over 500%. Purigen® removes proteins, ammonia, nitrates and a broad spectrum of organics, yet its impact on trace elements is minimal. It progressively darkens as it exhausts and is renewed by treating with household bleach. 100 mL purifies up to 100 gallons (400 L) of water for up to 6 months. Use with a fine mesh bag (included with P165). MODEL FW Reduce injury and loss during shipping and handling of baitfish. Ship more baitfish per volume of water. Tranquil liquid fish calmer slows fish metabolism, so less oxygen is required. Great for bait holding tanks, hauling truck tanks and shipping bags. Six drops of Tranquil treat one gallon of water. Baitfish recover immediately upon removing them from Tranquil-treated water. MODEL WXL MB01A 250 MICRONS 3" X 4" EACH $10.70 MB02 800 MICRONS 3" X 4" 10.70 MB1A 250 MICRONS 6” X 10” 18.72 MB2 800 MICRONS 6” X 10” 14.98 MB3A 250 MICRONS 8" X 12" 16.53 MB4 800 MICRONS 8" X 12" 16.53 MB5A 250 MICRONS 12” X 15” 21.28 MB6 800 MICRONS 12” X 15” 21.28 MB7A 250 MICRONS 12" X 18" 23.78 MB8 800 MICRONS 12" X 18" 23.78 MB9A 250 MICRONS 16" X 24" 31.27 MB10-AQ 800 MICRONS 16" X 24" 31.27 EACH AC10 10 GRAM $229.00 AC50 50 GRAM 899.00 Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 SECTION 326 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS Products / Products / Products Fish Hauling BRIGHTWELL AQUATICS FISHAUL-C FW CHEMICAL Waiver Form Required Reduces stress and mortality caused by fish hauling and holding. Also reduces the accumulation of ammonia, nitrate and prevents foam buildup caused by hauling tank crowding. Safe for use on all freshwater fish, it has a low regulatory status and is safe for use on food fish. Ideal for fish transport, bait tanks, minnow farms and fishing/bass tournaments. This concentrated, salt-free formula will save you in shipping costs. Simply mix 2.5 kg container with 50 lbs of noniodized salt (purchased locally) to treat 2,230 gallons (8,441 liters). Not a dechlorinator. MODEL EACH 6+ HL1A $24.05 22.95 Note: ALL products below are for use with nonfood fish only. Our Chemical Waiver Form is required to purchase these products. BETTER-BAIT HOLDING FORMULA FW CHEMICAL FW CHEMICAL Waiver Form Required This holding formula is designed for use with wild shiners, hatchery shiners and hard-scaled baitfish. It is heavily formulated with potassium, which hardens fish scales and makes sure bait lasts longer during captivity. It also removes tapwater chlorine, removes harmful metals and pesticides and stimulates a natural slime coat. Finer-Shiner is commonly used in bait tanks, hauling tanks, holding vats, live baitwells and minnow buckets. One tablespoon treats 50 gallons. SHRIMP-KEEPER FW CHEMICAL Waiver Form Required This saltwater conditioner will help keep saltwater bait alive, including shrimp, ghost shrimp, croakers, mullet, piggy perch and menhaden. The formula totally conditions salt water. It removes ammonia and surface foam, stimulates natural slime coat and reduces water surface tension so that more oxygen can enter the water. One tablespoon treats 25 gallons of salt water. MODEL SL103 BETTER-BAIT GALLONS TREATED SHIP WT (LBS) 2,400 3 $25.65 $22.70/6+ EACH SL104 BETTER-BAIT 9,600 12 81.88 72.46/4+ SL313 SHRIMP-KEEPER 1,200 3 49.50 44.18/6+ SL314 SHRIMP-KEEPER 4,800 12 146.73 130.59/4+ SL203 FINER-SHINER 2,400 3 31.50 28.15/6+ SL204 FINER-SHINER 8,000 12 93.95 82.68/4+ NEVER RELEASE BAITFISH INTO THE WILD! SL103 SL203 MODEL VLC1 EACH 1 GALLON $35.00 TECH TALK 22 Waiver Form Required This complete bait conditioner was developed for use on soft-scaled baitfish such as fathead and Missouri minnows. Its dark blue granular formulation readily dissolves and is ideal for bait holding tanks, raceways, hauling tanks, live wells and minnow buckets. The formula provides instant removal of chlorine, adds electrolytes, removes heavy metals and pesticides and stimulates the minnows’ natural slime coat. One tablespoon treats 50 gallons. Turns water blue. FINER-SHINER VIDALIFE WATER CONDITIONER Vidalife is a specially formulated water conditioner for use in fish hatcheries, broodstock facilities, transport tanks, and on handling equipment and handling surfaces. When applied as directed, Vidalife will help protect fish from abrasions by preserving the fish’s natural mucous layer and can be used whenever fish are handled or moved. SL313 Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 Hauling Tanks To successfully transport fish requires an understanding of the physiological aspects of what happens to the fish as well as their temporary environment—the hauling box water. If the fish die shortly after delivery, it's usually the hatchery that takes much of the blame but, all too often, it is the hauler's fault. Typically, at least 24 hours before the fish are to be moved, they are taken off feed. This reduces fouling of the hauling tank water. The fish are then counted by weighing (a pretty accurate method) and placed into the appropriate chamber of the hauling truck. It is here that attention to detail can make the difference between a good delivery and a debacle. Overcrowding can describe symptoms that occur from having too much of something (ammonia or CO2) or not having enough of something (oxygen). For average travel times, the general rule of thumb is no greater than 2 lbs of fish per gallon of water. Some fish, like muskie or walleye, do better at only 1 lb of fish per gallon. These densities typically require the use of pure oxygen systems over the agitator or compressor/diffuser aerators. However, short trips with cool water (55ºF or below) will allow higher carrying densities with just an aerator. We've heard of fish haulers carrying up to 5 lbs of catfish per gallon of water on short trips to the processors! Remember that these fish are not intended to live very long. Cooler water temperatures play an important part in keeping fish in their best condition. As cold-blooded animals, their metabolism slows as the temperature drops. This means oxygen intake decreases, along with ammonia and carbon dioxide. Of course, just the opposite happens as the temperature increases. To counter the stress associated with fish transport, many haulers rely upon salt to boost the fish's electrolytes and enhance mucous production, which will ward off bacterial infections and parasites. A rough rule of thumb for dosage rates is 3 lbs of noniodized salt per 100 gallons of water. For nonfood fish, haulers often use anesthetics, ammonia removers and defoamers. There are three main types of oxygen replenishment techniques: Agitators/aspirators, compressors with air diffusers and pure oxygen. Agitators/aspirators rely upon a mechanical disturbance to splash water or create bubbles to drive oxygen into the water. They are not very efficient, take up space in the tank and may have mechanical problems because of exposure to the elements. Compressors with air diffusers are the most popular method of aerating low stocking densities or for short haul trips. Easily sized for the situation, diffuser systems rely upon bubble size and bubble contact time to transfer oxygen. If more oxygen is needed, more diffusers are added. You can never "over aerate" by putting too much air into the water. The maximum stocking density for this type of aeration is 1 lb of fish per gallon of water. Pure oxygen systems are intended for high stocking densities, long trips and sensitive fish. To give you an idea of how well pure oxygen works, remember that bags of tropical fish are shipped around the world for periods of time up to 30 hours in a plastic bag containing 1⁄3 water and 2⁄3 oxygen. The key to pure oxygen efficiency in the hauling tank is in the diffuser. The finer the bubble, the better the diffusion into the water. The best micropore diffusers now on the market are less than 50% efficient in their ability to transfer oxygen into the water at these shallow depths. Simply put, for every dollar's worth of oxygen bought, you get fifty cents worth of it in the water. But it does allow very high carrying capacities, where the cost is far outweighed by the return in healthy fish delivered. Larger trucks and/or longer runs can benefit from the compact nature of liquid oxygen. CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS 327 Anesthetics/Disinfectants TRICAINE-S TOPICAL ANESTHETICS FW SW AQUATIC DISINFECTANT KOI This is an FDA-approved, ANADA #200-226, high-grade brand of MS-222 (tricaine methanesulfonate), which is an anesthetic/ tranquilizer of fish and other cold-blooded aquatic organisms. When used properly, it induces a temporary state of immobilization that is rapidly reversed when the animal is placed back in clean water. It is commonly used when handling fish during manual spawning (stripping), tagging, measuring, weighing and surgical operations. It is a great sedative for transporting, sorting and grading fish. MODEL TRS4 10 G 29.95 TRS1 100 G 119.77 TRS2 1 KG 649.00 OVADINE IODINE MODEL VKS10 TRS5 FW SHIP WT (LBS) 1 GALLON SW HAZMAT AG $91.52 $80.54 TRS1 FW 11 EACH 4+ $39.00 $35.49 SW 10K Technical grade KMnO4 (97% minimum potassium permanganate) is a strong oxidizer that works by oxidizing organic and inorganic materials that are major consumers of oxygen (does not add oxygen to the water). Sold in 5-lb (2.2 kg) bucket. Ships Hazmat. Not FDA Approved. 5 LB 64 OZ EACH 4+ $29.49 $26.54 EACH 4+ $ 43.35 $ 37.58 ® METHYLENE BLUE MODEL 37344 4+ DFA 1 PINT 1 LB $9.40 — DFB 1 GALLON 11 LBS 32.90 30.30 CHEMICAL SW Waiver Form Required 4 OZ EACH 4+ $3.90 $3.63 MELAFIX® ANTIBACTERIAL TREATMENT Our defoamer is a high-quality, 5% food grade, silicone-based product that will instantly eliminate surface foam in tanks, ponds, hauling tanks, etc. Use sparingly, as one teaspoon treats 100 gallons or more. This is a great price on a high-quality defoamer. EACH FW Aids in general disease prevention with tropical fish, fry and eggs. Also used for detoxification of fish suffering from nitrite or cyanide poisoning. One teaspoon treats 10 gallons (3 ppm concentration). Toxic to plants and bacterial beds; recommended for use in quarantine tanks. Not FDA-approved. PROLINE DEFOAMER Instantly eliminates foam MODEL Waiver Form Required PimaFix and MelaFix are registered trademarks of Mars Fishcare North America, Inc. Waiver Form Required MODEL CHEMICAL MODEL ® CHEMICAL KOI A natural botanical remedy made from West Indian Bay oil, PimaFix rapidly treats fungal infections on fish bodies and fins and also treats internal and external bacterial infections. Works in both fresh and salt water, will not discolor water. Dosage rate is 16 oz per 960 gallons. Not FDA-approved for use with food fish, chemical waiver form required. KOI PTP5 4+ PIMAFIX® ANTIFUNGAL TREATMENT KOI SW POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE FW 10-LB CONTAINER EACH Tricaine-S is a USFDA registered drug of Western Chemical Inc. a subsidary of Aquatic Life Sciences, Inc. This product is an FDA low-enforcement priority fish egg disinfectant that works well when applied to the egg surface of salmonids. It is effective against a wide variety of fungi, viruses and bacteria. 1% minimum titratable iodine. MODEL TECH FAV $19.95 5G TRS5 ID10 SW Mix at a rate of 1.3 ounces per gallon of water. One gallon of solution treats 135 sq.ft.; 10-lb container makes 123 gallons of solution. Solution remains stable for seven days. EPA-registered (registration pending in California). TRS2 EACH FW This is a highly effective disinfectant specifically formulated for use in aquaculture facilities. Generally used for cleaning equipment and instruments, but may also be used in footbaths. Ideal for controlling a wide variety of viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens. FW SW KOI CHEMICAL Waiver Form Required Rapidly repairs open wounds, damaged fins, red ulcers and cloudy eyes. Safe for freshwater and saltwater tanks. MelaFix contains all natural ingredients and is beneficial when introducing new fish. The 16-oz bottle treats 960 gallons; the 64-oz bottle is concentrated and treats 19,000 gallons. Not FDA-approved. MODEL EACH 4+ 11J 16 OZ $7.95 — 11P 64 OZ 32.89 30.26 DFA 11J 11P Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 SECTION 328 CONDITIONERS/ADDITIVES/TREATMENTS Products / Products / Products Parasite Control TRICIDE-NEO® ANTIBIOTICS KOI FW TECH FAV CHEMICAL MINNFINN® KOI AND GOLDFISH TREATMENT HAZMAT AG Waiver Form Required Goodbye to bacterial ulcers! Tricide-Neo® is a dip to aid in the treatment of superficial bacterial infections such as ulcer disease. It breaks the bacteria’s resistant outer layer to allow the antibiotic to stop the bacteria. The product is shipped dry and mixed with distilled water. Fish can be dipped every other day for one week. Healed ulcers can typically be seen within 15 days. Also used as a prophylactic dip prior to introducing new fish. Ineffective against Mycobacterium spp. For external use on nonfood fish only! Try it! It works great! TN22 (22 grams) makes one gallon, TN110 (110 grams) makes 5 gallons. Not FDA-approved. MODEL EACH TN22 TN110 22 GRAMS $30.80 110 GRAMS 68.60 CHEMICAL KOI FW Waiver Form Required MFREG Environmentally safe, nontoxic treatment for koi, goldfish and tropical fish. Treats external parasites (Trichodina, Costia, ich, flukes, anchor worms), external bacterial infections (mouth and fin rot, bacterial gill disease) and external fungal infections. Can be used in conjunction with salt treatments and in cold temperatures. Most infections are eradicated in one or two treatments! Easily and quickly neutralized with included NeuFinn neutralizer. 1-liter bottle of MinnFinn® treats 2,240 gal of water; 1 liter of MinnFinn® Max treats 8,000 gal. MODEL Tricide-Neo is a registered trademark of Molecular Therapeutics. ® TN22 EACH MFREG MINNFINN $65.00 MFMAX MINNFINN MAX 110.00 MinnFinn® is a registered trademark of AquaFinn, LLC. PONDCARE® MELAFIX® ANTIBACTERIAL TREATMENT FW SW KOI CHEMICAL Waiver Form Required Safe, natural treatment Koi with ulcer infected with multiantibiotic resistant bacteria before and 15 days after 5 to 10 min dips in Tricide-Neo on days 0, 2 and 4. POND RID-ICH®+ MEDICATION FW KOI CHEMICAL Waiver Form Required This is a combination of two medications effective in the control of many diseases caused by freshwater external protozoan parasites, including ich, Costia, Trichodina and Chilodonella. Can also treat fungal infections in fish. Contains formalin and malachite green; 16 oz (473 mL) treat 960 gallons (3.6 cubic meters). Pond Rid-Ich®+ is not FDA-approved for use on food fish. Cannot ship when temperature is below 40ºF. MODEL MODEL 16 OZ $8.99 PR64 GALLON 43.95 Rid-Ich® is a registered trademark of Kordon, LLC. EACH 17664 $38.95 64 OZ PondCare and MelaFix are registered trademarks of Mars Fishcare North America, Inc. ® ® MICROBE-LIFT® LICE & ANCHOR FW SW WORM TREATMENT PR16 MODEL EACH FLAW16 PROFORM-C MEDICATION FW KOI CHEMICAL Waiver Form Required FW 1 QUART P1003 1 GALLON $22.95 KOI This blend of nonpathogenic bacteria, enzymes and micronutrients works on the established principle of competitive exclusion. When used as directed, KoiZyme will reduce the bacterial count of Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and other pathogenic bacteria to such low levels that they will not have an effect on koi. KoiZyme will not harm biofilters and has a 4–6 month shelf life (18 months if kept refrigerated). Use weekly at 4 teaspoons per 1,000 gallons. Not FDA-approved. EACH P1002 $12.50 Microbe-Lift® is a registered trademark of Ecological Laboratories, Inc. KOIZYME® WATER CONDITIONER ProForm-C is a broad spectrum treatment that is safe and effective for the control of diseases caused by Ichthyophthirius (ich), Costia, Trichodina, Chilodonella, Oodinium and fungal infections. It is a malachite green and formalin combination that is considerably less toxic to koi and goldfish than other similar products in the market. Required treatment time is generally three days and bypassing the biofilter is not required. One quart treats a 3,200-gallon system three times and one gallon treats a 12,800-gallon system three times. Not for food fish. Cannot ship when temperature is below 40ºF. MODEL KOI Treats pond fish affected by common external parasites such as lice and anchor worms. Safe for use on all ornamental pond fish, reptiles, amphibians and mollusks. Will not harm pond biological filtration. Recommended dosage: 1 ts per 20 gallons. 16 oz bottle treats up to 1,920 gallons of pond water. For ornamental fish only. EACH PR16 Antibacterial remedy for the treatment of koi and goldfish diseases. Derived from the leaves of the tea tree (Melaleuca), this antibacterial remedy will treat ulcers, open wounds and fin and tail rot. It will also rapidly repair damaged fins. It has powerful antibacterial properties that treat wounds and promote rapid tissue growth. MelaFix will not harm biological filters, plants, snails or other invertebrates. Not FDA-approved. P1002 62.95 KoiZyme® is a registered trademark of Koi Care Kennel, Inc. Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 MODEL EACH 4+ KZ16 16 OZ $25.00 — KZ32 32 OZ 48.00 44.00 KZ16 KZ32 ?? 511 ??? Online Orders: I Phone Orders and Tech Advice: 877.347.4788 IMMERSE YOURSELF AT PENTAIRAES.COM PENTAIR AT A GLANCE
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