for youth development
for youth development
TODAY, TOMORROW… ALWAYS SUMMER: June 22–August 23, 2014 (9 weeks / 8 Fridays unless otherwise noted. Please see individual departments for specifics.) PROGRAM GUIDE SOUTH SHORE YMCA – EMILSON YMCA THE SOUTH SHORE YMCA IS EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE WE’LL BE SWITCHING TO A NEW SOFTWARE SYSTEM THIS JUNE. With this software conversion, we’re looking forward to enhancing the way we connect and communicate with our members and program participants. FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION: FOR PHONE-IN REGISTRATION: OUR MISSION: OUR FOCUS: The SOUTH SHORE YMCA is a nonprofit association of individuals dedicated to improving the quality of life for all through programs that promote healthy spirit, mind and body. Rooted in Christian tradition and values, the YMCA seeks to serve all people regardless of age, gender, race, religion or economic circumstances. For Youth Development: Our programs and services strive to strengthen the family, guide the youth of today and meet the ever-changing needs of our community. OUR VALUES: Caring: Show a sincere concern for others Nurturing the potential of every child and teen Honesty: Be truthful in what you say and do For Healthy Living: Respect: Improving the nation’s health and well-being Follow the golden rule For Social Responsibility: Responsibility: Giving back and providing support to our neighbors Be accountable for your promises and actions Contact Us SOUTH SHORE YMCA – EMILSON BRANCH Phone: Fax: CAMP BURGESS/HAYWARD GERMANTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER LAURA’S CENTER FOR THE ARTS QUINCY BRANCH EARLY LEARNING CENTER SOUTH SHORE NATURAL SCIENCE CENTER Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: Fax: Fax: Fax: Fax: Fax: Fax: 2 • 2014 SUMMER SOUTH SHORE YMCA • EMILSON BRANCH PROVIDING AN INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENT table of contents FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Please join us in welcoming the SOUTH SHORE YMCA’s first ever Association Director of Inclusion FOR HEALTHY LIVING INSERT 3 REGISTRATION INFORMATION SOUTH SHORE YMCA • EMILSON BRANCH Summer C are 9 lasses unless o weeks th erwise n oted. Fees will be pro-r ated at registr ation. (781) 264-9494 Summer 2014 Registration Dates: Tuesday, June 10 Wednesday & Thursday, June 11 & 12 Friday, June 13 Summer 2014 Session Begins: Sunday, June 22, 2014 for 9 weeks (8 Fridays) ONLINE REGISTRATION PROCESS: ted! stay connec “Like” Who can register online? Full Members and Non-Members 1. 2. Register Online the SOUTH SH OR E YMCA k n o faceboo PHONE-IN REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS (Phone lines will be busy! Please be patient.) Payment is required at time of registration. Please have your credit card ready (MC, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, or DISCOVER). What will I need to register over the phone? 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 CALL: (781) 264-9494 during registration times only REGISTRATION INFORMATION SOUTH SHORE YMCA • EMILSON BRANCH Registration Information Summer C are 9 lasses unless o weeks th erwise n oted. Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. Policies: Program Registration, Cancellations, Make Up Classes, Late Registration, and Credit/Refunds Wait List Policy Financial Assistance My Y is Every Y in New England Reciprocity Program R S V P 5 Aquatics are 9 wCelasses eks unless FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN AQUATICS – YOUTH SWIM LESSONS parent/child Advanced Water Babies otherwis e noted. Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. evaluations are required! Preschool Youth Fees: EVALUATION TIMES Water Babies Parent/Tot June 3, 5, 10 & 12 from 4:00–5:00 p.m. in the Family Pool. Also every Saturday 12:30–1:00 p.m. Pre-Pike Preschool Quick Swims Fees: Pike Ray preschool Fees: Pike Starfish Eel 6 FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN youth Eel Youth Quick Swims Fees: Fees: Polliwog Ray Polliwog Guppy Guppy Minnow Starfish Minnow Fish Flying Fish youth private swim lessons Fees: Fish Flying Fish 7 Aquatics are 9 wCelasses eks unless FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN DROP IN CLASS! otherwis e noted. Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. AMERICAN RED CROSS COURSES Special Needs Swim COURSE: DATE TIME DAY LIFEGUARD L.G. RECERT CPR Fees: CPR / FIRST AID COMBO Fees: Special Needs Swim Lessons Hope Fish Fees: COMPETITIVE SWIMMING — YOUTH/TEEN Summer Strypers Swim Team “Our aim is not to create champions, but to create an environment where champions are inevitable.” Fees: Dates: EMILSON YMCA Branch QUINCY YMCA 8 Visit for all updates! FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN Arts Cla are 9 wesses eks unless o therwis e noted. Fees will be pro-r ated at registr ation. FINE & PERFORMING ARTS — YOUTH Mini Magic Musicals DEAR EDWINA JR. Fees: Performances: Tickets: Private voice, acting, art, dance or music lessons Fees: Don’t miss “Meet the Artist: Gallery Openings” at the LCA See page 23 for more information LCA: 9 FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN CHILD CARE ON TRATI REGIS for 2015 4 1 0 2 l year schoogins be 9th May 1 NORWELL AND SCITUATE BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS NORWELL Before and After School Programs SCITUATE Before and After School Programs End of Summer Vacation Program Dates: Grades: 10 REGISTRATION begins May 19th Gymna Cheer Cslatics & are 9 we sses eks unle FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN GYMNASTICS & CHEERLEADING Toddler Tiny Tumblers ss otherw ise noted . Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. Girls Intermediate Gymnastics Tot 1 Gymnastics Fees: Fees: Climbers Cheer Motions Tot 2 Gymnastics Fees: Fees: Fees: Youth Pre-school Rollers Fees: Boys Gymnastics Fees: Tiny Cheer Girls Beginner Gymnastics Fees: 11 FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN GYMNASTICS & CHEERLEADING CONT. Gymna Cheer Cslatics & are 9 we sses eks unle ss otherw ise noted . Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. Tumbling Fees: BOYS: GIRLS: PRIVATE LESSONS Cheerleading Teams EMILSON YMCA GEMS Fees: Gymnastics Teams SUMMER SESSION Synergy pre-team Synergy Synergy Synergy Synergy Synergy Synergy 12 JULY & AUGUST Health & being ClaWellare 9 wesses eks unless o therwis FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN e noted. Fees will be pro-r ated at registr ation. HEALTH & WELL-BEING — YOUTH & TEENS Youth YOUTH STRENGTH AND CARDIOVASCULAR TRAINING Fit 4 Sports Fees: new! Bruce’s Sports Conditioning Teens Teen Trampoline Fees: Fees: Special Abilities Initiative COMMUNITY COLLABORATION Speed & Agility Training Fees: Special Abilities Fitness and Fun Kids Couch to 5K Fees: 13 FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN Sports C are 9 lasses unless o weeks th erwise n oted. Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. SPORTS PROGRAMS — YOUTH A Taste of Sports Soccer PTUSA Little Kickers Fees: A Taste of Sports Fees: Fees: Outdoor Adventure Flag Football Fees: Fees: Flag Football Fees: Rookie Rugby Fees: Rookie Rugby Fees: 14 PRIVATE BASKETBALL INSTRUCTION FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN SPORTS PROGRAMS — YOUTH Leagues - Fall South Shore YMCA NFL Flag Football League CONT. Martial Arts Beginner Youth Taekwon-Do Fees: Youth Taekwon-Do Fees: Teen/Adult Taekwon-Do Fees: AMERICAN KEMPO KARATE ACADEMY Little Ninjas Fees: Young Adult 6th Annual Race prompstarts 8:00 atly at .m.! youth triathlon Saturday, June 21, 2014 Pre-Registration Fee: Race Day Registration Fee: Register online at: 15 FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN TEENS new! Babysitting Classes Teen Fridays! T h e la s Teen Frid t is J u n e 2 a y 0t h Have a g reat sum me r a nd s e e you in the Fall! Fees: Fees: Teen Programs WE CAN HELP 16 FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN TENNIS — JUNIORS su private/ spemcmiael!r semi-private tennis lessons Match Point Tennis Academies JUNIORS ELITE PROFESSIONAL STAFF Challenger Camps Fees: Futures Camps SENIOR PROFESSIONAL STAFF Hours: Hours: PROFESSIONAL STAFF Player Development Camps Hours: Hours: Hours: Hours: The South Shore Y has come to Hingham! Match Point Tennis Academies South Shore Country Club Futures Camp Player Development Academy JUNIOR PLAYER TEAM TENNIS Fees: Ages: Fees: 17 FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN Tennis C are 9 welasses eks unle ss otherw ise noted . Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. TENNIS — JUNIORS CONT. Futures Quick Starts indoors Challengers Fees: Fees: Fees: Fees: Fees: Fees: Fees: Fees: POLICY: BAD WEATHER Fees: EVALUATIONS ARE REQUIRED! USTA Junior Team Tennis Player Development Clinic Potential Teams: Fees: 18 Summer C are 9 lasses unless o weeks th FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN erwise n oted. Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. YOUTH & FAMILY PROGRAMMING Father & Daughter Dance Fees: new! Youth R.S.V.P Fees: R S V P JOIN THE CLUB! XTREME LEGO Club new! MINECRAFT ULTIMATE Fan Club! new! Chess Club Fees: Fees: DROP IN CLASS! Drop-in fees: Fees: new! Cribbage Club DROP IN CLASS! Drop-in fees: Fees: 19 FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN YOUTH & FAMILY PROGRAMMING CONT. new! TUTORING Diaper Changing Service Fees: Kids’ Time Out Kids’ Morning Out Summer Tune Up Fees: Kids’ Afternoon Out Fees: Kids’ Night Out Fees: Fees: xt. Call e 75re 83m o For fo! in VIP Program Fees: The Playroom Babysitting Youth Areas* The Center The Activity Center Fees: Hours: The Center The Lounge Fees: Hours: Activity Center & Lounge Limit: 20 FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY CHILD AND TEEN YOUTH & FAMILY PROGRAMMING CONT. ore For mation m inforll ext. ca Birthday Parties 8365 Fun & Games Fees: Sports Party Fees: Toddler Birthday Fees: Pirate Party Fees: MineCraft Madness Fees: Super Hero Party Deluxe Birthday Party Package* Fees: Art Party Fees: Fees: LEGO Enthusiasts! Pool Party Fees: Fees: Party Enhancements: Dance Party Tennis Party Fees: Fees: Princess Party Kids Zone Toddler Party at the Early Learning Center! Fees: Did you know? Fees: 21 Aquatics are 9 wCelasses eks unless FOR HEALTHY LIVING IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH AND WELL-BEING otherwis e noted. Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. AQUATICS — ADULTS adults older adults Hydro Power Senior Water Aerobics Adult Swim Lessons Fees: Fees: Fees: Arthritis Program DROP IN CLASS! Aqua Zumba Fees: Water Aerobics DROP IN CLASS! Fees: DROP IN CLASS! Fees: Deep Water Power COMPETITIVE SWIMMING — ADULTS Fees: DROP IN CLASS! Triathlon Swim Technique Class new! Aqua Group Personal Training Fees: Fees: adult private swim lessons Fees: 22 South Shore Y Masters Fees: Arts Cla are 9 wesses eks unle FOR HEALTHY LIVING IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH AND WELL-BEING ss otherw ise noted . Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. FINE & PERFORMING ARTS — ADULTS Meet the Artist: Gallery Openings Join us this Summer - free and open to all ages! Location: Hours: Friday, June 27th 6:00-8:00 p.m.: “Emergence” Visit our facebook page SSYARTS for updates and event invites! Friday, July 25th 6:00-8:00 p.m.: “From the Earth” Saturday, August 23rd 6:00-8:00 p.m.: “Night Photography” Cork & Canvas new! Fees: new! Afternoon Photo Workshop: Finding Inspiration With Your Camera Fees: iPhoneography Workshop new! Fees: Fees: private voice, acting, art, dance or music lessons OIL PAINTING WORKSHOP LCA: 23 Health & being ClaWellare 9 sses unless o weeks therwis FOR HEALTHY LIVING IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH AND WELL-BEING HEALTH & WELL-BEING — ADULTS Structured Exercise Moving Forward after Cancer Fees: Conquer Diabetes Pre and Post Operative Care Fees: Fees: Fees: Cardiac & Pulmonary Transition Active Older Adults Fees: 24 e noted. Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. Health & being ClaWellare 9 sses unless o weeks therwis FOR HEALTHY LIVING IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH AND WELL-BEING HEALTH & WELL-BEING — ADULTS CONT. Personal Fitness Pedal Off The Pounds e noted. Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. Hot Hula Tai Chi Fees: Fees: Qi Gong Fees: Barre Class Pre/Post Natal Yoga Fees: Fees:* Spring Into Shape Fees:* Fees: Foam Rolling for Injury Prevention Fit to the Core Pre and Post Natal Workout Fees: Fees: Fees: 25 Health & being ClaWellare 9 sses unless o weeks therwis FOR HEALTHY LIVING IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH AND WELL-BEING HEALTH & WELL-BEING — ADULTS CONT. e noted. Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. Adult Specialty Classes Spartan Training Eat Pray Love TRX® Boot Camp Fees:* Fees:* Fees: A Taste of Fitness Fees: Fees: Boot Camp! Boot Camp For Men II Boot Camp For Men All Star Strength & Conditioning for Athletes Fees: Fees: Boot Camp with Bruce Co-ed Boot Camp Fees: Fees: Fees: 26 Summer C are 9 lasses unless o weeks th FOR HEALTHY LIVING IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH AND WELL-BEING erwise n oted. Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. PERSONAL TRAINING HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED PERSONAL TRAINING? YOU COULD BE ON YOUR WAY TO WRITING YOUR OWN Y STORY! The Personal Trainers at the SOUTH SHORE YMCA offer: MY Y STORY Personal Training “ I began training in October of 2013, focusing on training as part of my healing after a devastating loss earlier in the year. My trainer is fun, inspiring and talented, even during the dark and cold winter. Being with her has been a huge positive part of rebuilding myself in all ways, not just physically. Training has been a true gift, she cares deeply about her students and knows exactly how far to push them in their quest for greatness. I could not say more positive things about my experience with Personal Training. ” Body Composition Test Fees: Included with Full Membership; Nutrition Counseling Fees: SPORTS PROGRAMS — ADULTS Teen/Adult Taekwon-Do Adult Drop-in Drop-in Adult Basketball Sports C are 9 lasses unless o weeks th erwise n oted. Fees will be pro-r ated at registr ation. Advanced Drop-in Volleyball Coed: Fees: Men’s: Fees:* Drop-in Teen/Adult Volleyball Fees: 27 FOR HEALTHY LIVING IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH AND WELL-BEING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Strengthening individuals of all abilities Who will you be training with? How to join the Partnership Program: Eligible participants include persons with:* What does this program cost? What equipment will you use in our Health and Well-being center? Volunteer: in the Spotlight Laurie Hayes, What Equipment will you use for training in our pools? 28 Tennis C are 9 welasses eks unle FOR HEALTHY LIVING IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH AND WELL-BEING ss otherw ise noted . Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. TENNIS — ADULTS Adult Clinics Beginner & Intermediate Clinics Drill and Play Fees: Fees: drop in cardio tennis DROP IN CLASS! Fees: Men’s Clinic Fees: new! Fees: special needs tennis clinic Men’s Summer Singles Fees: Fees: know your pro stroke of the week Fees: Lucy Dickman Needs Tennis Program Special Evaluations are Required! for all new tennis participants PRIOR to registration! 29 Tennis C are 9 welasses eks unle FOR HEALTHY LIVING IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH AND WELL-BEING ss otherw ise noted . Fees will be pro at registr -rated ation. TENNIS — ADULTS CONT. Adult Leagues Ladies’ Doubles Early Bird Drop in Singles Drop in Mixed Doubles Fees: Fees: DROP IN CLASS! DROP IN CLASS! new! new! Adult Tennis Boot Camp short season ladies doubles league Fees: play with the pro clinic Fees: Fees: private/semi-private tennis lessons Tennis Lessons Stay in the loop Summer 2014 Tennis Court Fees Both Prime & Non-Prime Time $20/ hour 30 Tennis Department Email List SOUTH SHORE YMCA PROGRAM CALENDAR SUMMER 2014 Registration S M 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 6/10 Members | 6/13 Non-Members | 9 weeks (8 Fridays)* *unless otherwise noted. Please see individual departments for specifics. JUNE ’14 JULY ’14 AUGUST ’14 T W T 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 F S M 20 21 27 28 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S 6 7 13 14 T 1 8 15 22 29 W 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 F S 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 S M 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 T W T 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 No program calendar based classes XX Facility Closed FALL 2014 Registration 8/19 Members | 8/22 Non-Members | 10 weeks (9 Sundays & Mondays) SEPTEMBER ’14 OCTOBER ’14 NOVEMBER ’14 S 7 14 21 28 M T W T 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 SOUTH SHORE YMCA ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC S M T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 W T 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 F S 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 S M T W T 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 F 7 14 21 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 Join the South Shore YMCA team as we ride together with the Rodman Ride for Kids to raise funds to support our youth programs. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014 cut out and save July 9, 2014 • Pine Hills Golf Club 31 SOUTH SHORE YMCA EMILSON BRANCH 75 Mill Street, Hanover, MA 02339 PAID TIME DATED MATERIALS SUMMER 2014 REGISTRATION DATES: June 10, 2014 Full Members Jun 13, 2014 Non-Members SAVE THE DATE for the following 2014 ANNUAL CAMPAIGN EVENTS GOLF CLASSIC Wednesday, July 9, 2014 ENCHANTED EVENING Saturday, November 1, 2014 SUMMER 2014 SESSION DATES: June 22–Aug. 23 Seeking volunteers for committees! Please contact Mary Orne at [email protected] or (781) 264-9453 for more information! (9 weeks; 8 Mondays)* *unless otherwise noted. Please see individual departments for specifics MEMBERSHIP SOUTH SHORE YMCA • EMILSON BRANCH Full Membership Options HOUSEHOLD* MEMBERSHIP includes: plus… YOUNG ADULT / ADULT / SENIOR Membership includes: plus… JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (Ages 10–22) includes: plus… YOUTH MEMBERSHIP** (Ages 0–9) includes: plus… i MEMBERSHIP RATES & INFORMATION SOUTH SHORE YMCA • EMILSON BRANCH Full Privilege Membership Rates: EMILSON BRANCH MEMBERSHIP TYPE: MONTHLY RATE* Junior Young Adult Adult 1 Adult / 1 Youth Senior Senior Couple Household Initial Method of Payment: Financial Assistance Available: For information on corporate memberships or additional information: Joiner’s Fee Activation Fee Satisfaction Guaranteed Financial Assistance Facility Hours* Holidays Thanksgiving: Christmas: New Year’s Day: Easter: Memorial Day: 4th of July: Labor Day: For Building Closings and Class Cancellations: Member Responsibilities: ii JOINER’S FEE SOUTH SHORE YMCA LOCATIONS SOUTH SHORE NATURAL SCIENCE CENTER 781-659-2559 Featuring: Nature Center Preschool Nature Adventures Summer Day Camp EcoZone Jose Carreiro Children’s Garden Photosynthesis & Water Exploration Lab Mobile Science Classroom Scout Programs, Birthday Parties, School Programs Home of the Norwell Farmers’ Market Nature Center Preschool June Vacation Week Program [email protected] Nature Center Preschool “Learning Through Nature” Norwell Farmers’ Market at the South Shore Natural Science Center Parents & Tots Nature Walk Family Drop-in Programs Tales from the Wild new! extended day! Discovery Weeks Feed the Animals Summer Discovery Day Meet an Animal iii Youth Programs Hike Jacob’s Pond Trail Animal Tails Adult Programs Photographing Acadia National Park Muck & Slime Safari Beneath the Starry Sky Find the Lost Lady Bugs! Events: Rainforest Reptile Show Sprouts 33rd Annual Martha B. Twigg “Through the Garden Gate” Garden Tour Farmer for a Day Little Farmers, Big Table Save the Date 38th Annual Corn Festival! Sat, Sept. 13 and Sun, Sept. 14 iv SOUTH SHORE YMCA LOCATIONS SOUTH SHORE YMCA EARLY LEARNING CENTER enroll now! CONT. n classreowo ms! Early Childhood Education promotes hands on learning, exploration, and exciting activities to enhance school readiness skills! Programs include: Location: GERMANTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Come Feel the Spirit at CAMP BURGESS & HAYWARD The Germantown Neighborhood Center: Building Destinies Summer 2014 Camp Burgess for boys & Camp Hayward for girls Youth Programs: Fun With A Focus Teen Adventure at Camp Burgess & Hayward Friends & Alumni Reunion ~ July 19, 2014 Adult Avenues: Education and Empowerment Family Life Long Learning Center Women’s Programs Family Camp ~ May 24-26, 2014 and Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 2014 Food Pantry At The Germantown Neighborhood Center, our neighbors develop the skills and confidence to redefine not just their goals, but themselves. Camp Burgess & Hayward Tel v SOUTH SHORE YMCA • EMILSON BRANCH Address, Phone and Fax staff directory: Executive Staff Aquatics Department Fine & Performing Arts Department Before/After School Care Department Business Staff Facility Department Health & Well-being Department Membership Department Program Staff Tennis Department Youth & Family Department vi NAME EXT. EMAIL
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