Welcome - Phillips Academy
Welcome - Phillips Academy
Welcome The Parents of Students of Phillips Academy and the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities/Gap Year Office welcome you to the twenty-third annual Summer Opportunities Fair. We hope this event will help you and your family discover an exciting activity for the upcoming summer. We sincerely thank all the exhibitors and sponsors for their generous support. Inclusion of a program in the Summer Opportunities Fair does not imply endorsement of any kind by Phillips Academy, the Summer Opportunities/Gap Year Office, or the Parents of Students of Phillips Academy. The table numbers are to the left of the program name (in bold). 1 Academy of Media Production 4 640 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215 www.academyofmediaproduction.com [Coed] 2 3 5 Adventures Cross-Country {S} 242 Redwood Hwy Mill Valley, CA 94941 www.adventurescrosscountry.com [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Language, Leadership, Marine Ocean] [Coed] ActionQuest and Lifeworks International {S} 1819 Glengary Street Sarasota, FL 34231, USA www.actionquest.com www.lifeworks-international.com [Adventure, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Leadership, Marine Ocean, Research, Sailing, Scuba Diving, Windsurfing, Water Skiing] [Coed] Advanced Biotechnology Institute at The Roxbury Latin School {S}{E} 7 101 St. Theresa Avenue West Roxbury, MA 02132 www.biotech-institute.org [Academic] [Coed] AcceptU 229 Berkeley Street, 5th Floor Boston, MA 02116 www.AcceptU.com [Academic] [Coed] {S} — scholarship or financial aid 6 African Leadership Academy's Global Scholars Program {S} {E} — employs students ALPS at Kimball Union Academy {S} P.O. Box 361 Meriden,NH,03770 www.kua.org/summer [Academic, Enrichment, Foreign Travel] [Coed] 8 American Collegiate Adventures {E} 1811 W North Avenue. Suite 201 Chicago, Il, 60622 www.acasummer.com [Academic, Community Service, Cultural, Foreign Travel, Internship, Language] [Coed] 1050 Printech Ave Honeydew 2040, South Africa www.alasummer.org [Academic, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Leadership] [Coed] Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 2 9 AMIGOS de las Americas {S}{E} 5618 Star Lane Houston, Tx 77057 www.amigoslink.org [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Internship, Language, Leadership] [Coed] 10 Art on the Farm Cow House Studios, Ballybawn, Rathnure Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Ireland www.cowhousestudios.com [Art, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel] [Coed] 11 Aspire by API {S} 301 Camp Craft Rd., Suite 100 Austin, TX 78746 www.aspirebyapi.com [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Language] [Coed] 12 Barat Foundation Summer in Provence {S} 765 Broad Street Newark, NJ 07102 www.baratfoundation.org [Academic, Art, Cultural, Dance, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Language, Leadership, Music, Theater] [Coed] 13 Beaven & Associartes {S}{E} Building 3, Suite 202 A, Dundee Park Andover, Massachusetts, 01810 Beavenandassociates.com [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Internship, Language, Leadership] [Coed] 14 Berklee College of Music, Summer Programs {S}{E} 1140 Boylston Street, MS 155-SP Boston, MA 02215 www.berklee.edu/summer [Art, Camp, Dance, Music, Theater] [Coed] 15 Boston University Summer Term High School Programs 755 Commonwealth Avenue, Rm 105 Boston, MA, 02215 www.bu.edu/summer/highschool [Academic, Camp, Enrichment] [Coed] 16 Boston University SummerLab {S} 801 Albany St S-4 Boston, MA 02119 www.bumc.bu.edu/citylab/summerlab [Academic, Research] [Coed] 17 Bridgton Sports Camp {S} PO Box 17 North Bridgton, ME. 04057 www.bridgtonsportscamp.com [ice hockey, basketball, baseball, soccer, lax [Male-only] 18 Cambridge Advanced Studies Program {E} 259 Greenwich High Road London, SE10 8NB, UK www.bucksmore.com [Academic, Enrichment, Foreign Travel] [Coed] 19 Cambridge Scholars' Programme {S} 18 Orchard Street Cambridge, CB1 1JS, UK http://cambridgescholarsprogramme.com [Academic, Cultural, Foreign Travel] [Coed] 20 Camp Birch Hill {S} 333C Birch Hill Road New Durham, NH 03855 www.campbirchhill.com [Adventure, Art, Camp, Music, Sport, Theater]Land Sports, Water Sports, Adventure, Specialty Sports [Coed] 21 Camp Burgess & Hayward {S}{E} 75 Stowe Rd, Sandwich, MA 02563 CampBurgessandHayward.com [Adventure, Art, Camp, Community Service, Cultural, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Leadership, Music, Sport] [Coed] 22 Camp KIVU {E} 9658 County Road 501 Bayfield, CO, 81122 www.campkivu.com [Camp] [Coed] 23 Camp Med-O-Lark 82 Medolark Road Washington, ME, 04574 www.medolark.com [Art, Camp, Dance, Music, Theater] [Coed] 24 Camp Stonewall {S}{E} 26 Chase Road Thompson, CT 06277 www.marianapolis.org/campstonewall [Art, Camp, Cultural, Dance, Language, Sport, Theater]All (general) [Coed] 25 Camp Takodah {S} 55 Fitzwilliam Road Richmond, NH 03470 http://camptakodah.org/ [Adventure, Camp, Environmental, Leadership] 26 Career Discovery at the Harvard Graduate School of Design 48 Quincy St Cambridge, MA www.gsd.harvard.edu/careerdiscovery [Academic, Art, Cultural, Environmental] [Coed] 27 Carnegie Mellon University Pre-College Programs 5000 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 www.cmu.edu/enrollment/pre-college [Academic, Art, Enrichment, Music, Theater] [Coed] 28 CIRENAS {S}{E} Apartado 10 Santa Barbara de Heredia, Costa Rica, 3009 www.cirenas.org [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Internship, Language, Leadership, Marine Ocean, Research] [Coed] 29 Class Afloat - West Island College International {S} 97 Kaulbach St, PO Box 10 Lunenburg www.classafloat.com [Adventure, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Leadership, Marine Ocean]Sailing [Coed] 30 Coastal Studies for Girls {S} PO Box 266 Freeport, ME 04032 www.coastalstudiesforgirls.org [Academic, Adventure, Camp, Environmental, Leadership, Marine Ocean] [Female- only] 31 College Apprentice {S} 1 Broadway, Fifth Floor Cambridge, MA 02142 http://collegeapprentice.com [Academic, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Leadership] [Coed] Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 3 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 4 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 5 32 Culver Summer Schools & Camps {S} 1300 Academy Rd. #138 Culver, IN 46511 www.culver.org/summer [Academic, Art, Camp, Dance, Leadership, Music, Sport, Theater] All sports [Coed] 33 Cushing Academy Summer Session 39 School Street Ashburnham, MA 01430 www.cushing.org [Academic, Art, Enrichment] [Coed] 34 Directors Film Camp with Tony Spiridakis & Shannon Goldman,Actors Film Camp with Bob Krakower & Wendy Makkena {E} 450 Harbor Road, PO Box 98 Orient, NY 11957 http://www.manhattanfilminstitute.com/ [Academic, Art, Camp, Enrichment] [Coed] 35 Earthwatch {E} 114 Western Ave, Boston, MA 02134 www.earthwatch.org [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Leadership, Marine Ocean, Research][Coed] 36 EF International Language Schools One Education Street, Cambridge, MA 02141 www.ef.com/centers [Academic, Cultural, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Internship] [Coed] 37 Elk Creek Ranch PO Box 1476 Cody, Wy. 82414 www.elkcreekranch.com [Adventure, Camp] [Coed] 38 Emagination Computer Camps {S} 54 Stiles Road Suite 205 Salem, NH 30379 www.computercamps.com [Academic, Camp, Enrichment, Theater] [Coed] 39 Emerson Pre-College Summer Programs 120 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02116 www.emerson.edu/ce [Academic] [Coed] 40 Envoys {S} 79 Mystic St Arlington, MA 02474, USA www.envoys.com [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Language, Leadership] [Coed] 41 Explo {S} 932 Washington Street Norwood, MA, 02062 www.explo.org [Academic, Art, Dance, Enrichment, Environmental, Leadership, Music, Theater] [Coed] 42 Flying Moose Lodge {S} 15 Waldron Road Bar Harbor,ME 04609 [email protected] [Adventure, Camp, Environmental] [Male-only] Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 6 43 French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts {S} 350 Bouchoux Brook Road Hancock, NY 13783 www.frenchwoods.com [Adventure, Art, Camp, Community Service, Cultural, Dance, Enrichment, Leadership, Music, Sport, Theater]Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, Football, Fencing, Gymnastics, Circus, Martial Arts, Mountain Biking, Skateboarding, etc [Coed] 108 Glassblowing Intensives 123 Terrace Street Boston MA 0210 www.diabloglassschool.com [Art] [Coed] 44 Global Leadership Adventures {S} 3636 Camino del Rio North Suite 120 San Diego, CA 92108 www.experiencegla.com [Adventure, Camp, Community Service, Cultural, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Language, Leadership, Marine Ocean, soccer, baseball] [Coed] 45 Global Public Service Academies {S} 13200 Strickland Ave, Suite 114-145 Raleigh, NC 27613 www.GPSA.org [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Internship, Language, Leadership] [Coed] 46 Global Routes {S} One World Way Windsor, NH 03233 USA www.globalroutes.org [Academic, Adventure, Art, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Language, Leadership] [Coed] 47 Global Works Travel {E} 2342 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304 www.globalworkstravel.com [Adventure, Community Service, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Language, Soccer, Surfing] [Coed] 48 Greek Summer {E} 1133 Broadway, Suite 1226 New York, NY 10010 www.afs.edu.gr/greeksummer [Community Service, Cultural, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Language] [Coed] 49 Harvard Summer Secondary School Program {S} 51 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138 ssp.harvard.edu [Academic] 50 High Mountain Institute {S} 531 County Road 5a Leadville, CO 80461 www.hminet.org [Academic, Adventure, Environmental, Leadership, Research] [Coed] Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 7 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 8 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 9 55 International Seminar Series {S}{E} PO Box 1212 Manchester, VT 05254 http://www.study-serve.org [Community Service, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Language] [Coed] 56 Ivy Leader {E} 62 Alumni Drive, Canaan, NH 03741 www.ivyleader.com [Academic, Community Service, Cultural, Foreign Travel, Leadership] [Male-only] 57 Kutsher's Sports Academy {S} 25 Deerwood Park Road Great Barrington, MA, 01230 www.kutsherssportsacademy.com [Camp, Leadership, Sport] [Coed] 58 Launch {S} 42 8th St #1202, Charleston, MA 02129 http://www.launchsummer.org [Academic, Leadership] [Coed] 59 Leadership Exchange {S}{E} 600 S. Barry Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 10543 www.lecommunity.org [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Leadership] [Coed] 60 Learning Programs International (LPI) {S} 1112 West Ben White Blvd Austin, TX 78704 www.lpiabroad.com [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Language] [Coed] 51 Highland Mountain Bike Park - Ayr Academy {S} 75 Ski Hill Drive Northfield, NH 03276 www.highlandmountain.com [Adventure, Camp, Mountain Biking [Coed] 53 Hurricane Island Outward Bound School {S} 39 Mechanic St, Camden, ME www.hiobs.org [Adventure, Community Service, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Leadership, Marine Ocean] [Coed] 61 Lillard Fly Fishing Expeditions {S}{E} 2540 King Rd. Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 lillardflyfishing.com [Adventure, Community Service, Environmental, Leadership, Fly Fishing] [Coed] 52 Hollywood Prep for Girls P.O. Box 1544 Concord, MA 01742 www.mycampstanley.com [Art, Dance, Music, Theater] [Female- only] 54 INESLE Madrid {E} Avda. Monasterio de El Escorial, 35 Madrid, 28049, SPAIN www.inesle.com [Academic, Art, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Language] [Coed] 62 LITA {S} 58 Bayview St. Burlington, VT 05401 www.experiencelita.com [Academic, Adventure, Cultural, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Internship, Language] [Coed] Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 10 63 Maine Arts Camp P.O. Box 812076 Boca Raton, FL 33481 www.maineartscamp.com [Art, Camp, Dance, Theater] [Coed] 64 Maine Teen Camp 481 Brownfield Road Porter, ME 04068 www.teencamp.com [Adventure, Art, Camp, Community Service, Dance, Language, Music, Sport, Theater]Tennis, Basketball, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball [Coed] 65 Minds Abroad 6000 Brass Lantern Rd Raleigh, NC, 27606 www.mindsabroad.com [Academic, Adventure, Camp, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Internship, Language] [Coed] 66 National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) {S} 284 Lincoln St Lander, WY 82520 www.nols.edu [Academic, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Leadership] [Coed] 67 Oxbridge Academic Programs {S} 49 W45 St, New York www.oxbridgeprograms.com [Academic, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Language, Marine Ocean, Research, Theater] [Coed] 69 Oxford Summer Courses Somerville College, Woodstock Road Oxford, OX2 6HD, United Kingdom www.oxfordsummercourses.com [Academic, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Research] [Coed] 68 Oxford Advanced Studies Program 12 King Edward Street Oxford, OX14HT, United Kingdom www.oasp.ac.uk [Academic, Art, Cultural, Dance, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Music, Research, Football, cricket [Coed] 70 Phillips Academy Summer Session {S} 180 Main Street Andover, MA 01810 www.andover.edu/summer [Academic, Enrichment] [Coed] 71 Phillips Exeter Academy Summer School {S} 20 Main Street Exeter, NH, 03833 www.exeter.edu/summer [Academic] [Coed] Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 11 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 12 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 13 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 14 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 15 72 Power House Theater Training Program at Vassar college {S} Box 225 Vassar College, 125 Raymond Ave Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 www.powerhouse.vassar.edu [Theater] [Coed] 73 Projects Abroad {E} 80 Broad St, Suite 3210 New York, NY 10004 www.projects-abroad.org [Academic, Adventure, Art, Community Service, Cultural, Dance, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Internship, Language, Marine Ocean, Music, Sport, Theater]Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball, Cricket, Rugby, etc [Coed] 74 Putney Student Travel and National Geographic Student Expeditions {S} 345 Hickory Ridge Rd. Putney, VT, 05346, USA www.goputney.com and www.ngstudentexpeditions.com [Academic, Adventure, Art, Community Service, Cultural, Dance, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Language, Leadership, Marine Ocean, Music, Theater] [Coed] 75 Rassias Language Programs PO Box 5456 Hanover, NH 03755 www.rassias.com [Academic, Community Service, Cultural, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Language] [Coed] 76 Rustic Pathways {S}{E} 15345 Chardon Windsor Road Huntsburg, OH 44046 Rusticpathways.com [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Soccer] [Coed] 77 Sail Caribbean 256 Main St, Suite 1203 Northport, NY 11768 www.sailcaribbean.com [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Leadership, Marine Ocean] [Coed] 78 Salisbury Summer School {S} 251 Canaan Road Salisbury, CT 06068 www.salisburysummerschool.org [Academic, Art, Enrichment, tennis, squash, rowing] [Coed] 79 SEA Semester/SEA High School Summer Seminars {S} 86 Summer Study Programs {S} 900 Walt Whitman Rd Melville, NY 11747 www.SummerStudy.com [Academic, Adventure, Art, Camp, Community Service, Cultural, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Internship, Language, Various sports clinics offered.] [Coed] P.O. Box 6 Woods Hole, MA 02543 www.sea.edu [Academic, Adventure, Environmental, Gap Year, Leadership, Marine Ocean, Research] [Coed] 80 Smith College Summer Programs {S} 87 Summerfuel {S} 375 West Broadway, Suite 200 New York, NY 10012 www.summerfuel.com [Academic, Art, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Language, Leadership, Soccer] [Coed] Smith College, Garrison Hall, 42 West Street Northampton, MA 01063 http://www.smith.edu/summer/ [Academic, Enrichment, Environmental, Language, Leadership, Research] [Female- only] 81 Sol Abroad 88 Sustainable Summer {S} 212 S Oxford St #3A Brooklyn, NY 11217 sustainablesummer.org [Adventure, Cultural, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Language, Leadership] [Coed] 503 Oakland Ave. Austin, TX 78703 www.solabroad.com [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Language] [Coed] 82 SPI Study Abroad {S}{E} 89 SYA Summer {S}{E} SYA, 439 S. Union St. Lawrence, MA 01843 www.syasummer.org [Academic, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Language, Marine Ocean] [Coed] 11149 Research Blvd Austin,TX www.spiabroad.com [Academic, Community Service, Cultural, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Language, Leadership] [Coed] 83 Suffolk Madrid High School Summer Program 8 Ashburton Place Boston, MA, 02478 www.suffolk.es/summermadrid [Academic, Adventure, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Language] [Coed] 84 Summer Discovery/Discovery Internships 1326 Old Northern Blvd Roslyn, NY 11576 www.summerdiscovery.com [Academic, Art, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Internship, Language, Marine Ocean, Music, Research, Sport, Theater]Tennis and golf [Coed] 90 Syracuse University Summer College for High School Students {S} 700 University Avenue Syracuse, NY 13210 www.summercollege.syr.edu [Academic, Dance, Enrichment, Theater] [Coed] 91 The Experiment in International Living {S} 1 Kipling Rd. P.O. Box 676 Brattleboro,VT 05301 www.experimentinternational.org [Adventure, Art, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Language, Leadership, Theater] [Coed] 92 The International Film Institute of New York {E} 85 Summer Studios {S} 621 Huntington Ave Boston, MA, 02115 http://www.massart.edu/Continuing_Educati on/Youth_Programs/Summer_Studios.html [Art] [Coed] 4901 Henry Hudson Pkwy Suite 2L Bronx, NY 10471 www.nyfilmschool.com [Art] [Coed] Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 16 93 The Putney School Summer Programs {S} 418 Houghton Brook Rd Putney, VT 05346 summer.putneyschool.org [Art, Camp, Dance, Enrichment, Environmental, Language, Music, Theater] [Coed] 94 The Road Less Traveled {S}{E} 2331 N Elston Ave Chicago, IL, 60614 https://www.theroadlesstraveled.com/ [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Language, Leadership] [Coed] 95 Travel for Teens {S} 900 West Valley Rd Suite 300 Wayne, PA, 19087 http://www.travelforteens.com/ [Academic, Adventure, Art, Camp, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Language, Leadership, Marine Ocean] [Coed] 96 University of Rochester PreCollege Programs {S} 300 Wilson Blvd Rochester, NY 14627 https://enrollment.rochester.edu/admissions/ precollege/ [Academic, Cultural, Enrichment, Language, Music, Theater] [Coed] 97 VISIONS Service Adventures {S} 101 Wilderness Ventures {S} 321 E Main St, Ste 426 Bozeman, MT 59715 www.visionsserviceadventures.com [Adventure, Camp, Community Service, Foreign Travel, Language] [Coed] 98 Walnut Hill School for the Arts {S} 12 Highland Street Natick, MA 01760 www.walnuthillarts.org [Art, Dance, Music, Theater] [Coed] P.O.Box 2768 Jackson, WY. 83001 www.wildernessventures.com [Academic, Adventure, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Language, Leadership] [Coed] 102 Wildwood: A MassAudubon Camp for Outdoor Exploration {S}{E} 208 S Great Rd Lincoln, MA 01773 www.wildwoodcamp.org [Camp, Environmental, Leadership] [Coed] 99 Water Monkey Camp 56 N Shore Road New Durham, NH, 03855 www.watermonkeycamp.com [Camp, wakeboard, wake surf, waterski [Coed] 103 Windridge Tennis and Sports Camps {E} P.O. Box 4501 Burlington, VT 05406 www.windridgecamps.com [Camp] [Coed] 100 Where There Be Dragons {S}{E} 3200 Carbon Place, Unit 102 Boulder ,CO www.wheretherebedragons.com [Academic, Adventure, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Internship, Language, Leadership, Research] [Coed] 107 St. Albans School of Public Service {S} Mount Saint Alban Washington, DC 20016 http://stalbansschool.org [Community Service, Enrichment, Leadership] [Coed] Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 17 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 18 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 19 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 20 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 21 Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 22 INFORMATION ONLY TABLE The following programs sent catalogs and brochures. The materials are located on the table at the INFORMATION ONLY table. Al Campo International GW Pre-College Program 143 S Perry St, Denver, CO 80219 http://alcampointernational.org [Adventure, Camp, Community Service, Cultural, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Homestay, Language, Marine Ocean] [Coed] 1922 F Street, NW Suite 304 Washington, DC 20052 precollege.gwu.edu [Academic] [Coed] Internship Connection Berridge Conservatory {S} 335 West 14th Street #54 New York, NY 10014 www.berridgeconservatory.com [Theater] [Coed] 17 Countryside Rd. Newton, MA 02459 internshipconnection.com [Academic, Community Service, Gap Year, Internship, Leadership] [Coed] Calder Classics Lawrence Academy Summer Programs 126 State Street, Brooklyn , NY 11201 www.calderclassics.com [Academic, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Language] [Coed] 26 Powderhouse Road Groton, MA 01450 www.lacademy.edu/summers [Language] [Coed] Cornell University Summer College {S} Debate Camp Canada {E} B20 Day Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853 www.summercollege.cornell.edu [Academic] [Coed] Super Camp {S} 1938 Anenida del Oro, Oceanside, CA 92056 www.supercamp.com [Academic,Enrichment,Leadership][Coed] The Edge in College Prep {S} 28 W 38th Street, New York, NY 10018 www.edgeincollegeprep.com [Academic] [Coed] 10 Pearson Ave, Toronto, ON Toronto, ON, M6R 1G1, Canada www.debatecamp.org [Academic, Camp, Enrichment, Leadership] [Coed] Outward Bound Costa Rica {S}{E} P.O. Box 1817-2050 San Pedro, 11501 Costa Rica http://costaricaoutwardbound.org [Academic, Adventure, Camp, Community Service, Cultural, Enrichment, Environmental, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Homestay, Internship, Language, Leadership, Marine Ocean, Sport]rafting, kayaking, hiking, surfing, boogie boarding, SCUBA, rappel, zipline] [Coed] Spoleto Study Abroad {S} P.O. Box 13389 Charleston, SC 29422 www.spoletostudyabroad.com [Art, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Language, Music, Theater] [Coed] St. Stephen's School Summer Programs {S} Via Aventina, 3, 00153 Rome, Italy http://sssrome.it/summerprogram.php [Academic, Art, Cultural, Dance, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Language, Music] [Coed] TASIS Summer Programs in Europe 112 South Royal St. Alexandria, VA 22314 www.tasis.com [Academic, Art, Cultural, Enrichment, Foreign Travel, Gap Year, Language, Music, Sport, Theater] AC Milan Soccer [Coed] UVM/GIV Engineering Institute {E} UVM CEMS, Votey 113 Burlington, VT 05405 http://www.cems.uvm.edu/giv/2013/ [Academic, Camp, Community Service, Enrichment, Environmental, Music, Research] [Coed] Williwaw Adventures {S} 51 Greylock Road Bristol, RI 02809 WilliwawAdventures.com [Adventure, Community Service, Environmental, Leadership, Marine Ocean] [Coed] Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 23 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF EXHIBITORS WITH TABLE NUMBER (Programs without table numbers are represented at INFO ONLY table) 1 Academy of Media Production 35 Earthwatch 73 Projects Abroad 2 AcceptU 36 EF International Language Schools 74 3 ActionQuest and Lifeworks International 37 Elk Creek Ranch Putney Student Travel and National Geographic Student Expeditions 4 Advanced Biotechnology Institute at The Roxbury Latin School 38 Emagination Computer Camps 75 Rassias Languae Programs 76 Rustic Pathways 77 Sail Caribbean 78 Salisbury Summer School 79 SEA Semester/SEA High School Summer Seminars 80 Smith College Summer Programs 81 Sol Abroad 82 SPI Study Abroad 5 Adventures Cross-Country 6 African Leadership Academy's Global Scholars Program Al Campo International 7 ALPS at Kimball Union Academy 8 American Collegiate Adventures 9 AMIGOS de las Americas 10 Art on the Farm 11 Aspire by API 12 Barat Foundation Summer in Provence 13 Beaven & Associartes 14 Berklee College of Music, Summer Programs Berridge Conservatory 15 Boston University Summer Term High School Programs 16 Boston University SummerLab 17 Bridgton Sports Camp Brooks School Summer Programs Calder Classics 18 Cambridge Advanced Studies Program 19 Cambridge Scholars' Programme 20 Camp Birch Hill 21 Camp Burgess & Hayward 22 Camp KIVU 23 Camp Med-O-Lark 24 Camp Stonewall 25 Camp Takodah 26 Career Discovery at the Harvard Graduate School of Design 27 Carnegie Mellon University Pre-College Programs 39 Emerson Pre-College Summer Programs 40 Envoys 41 Explo 42 Flying Moose Lodge 43 French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts 108 Glassblowing Intensives 44 Global Leadership Adventures 45 Global Public Service Academies 46 Global Routes 47 Global Works Travel 48 Greek Summer GW Pre-College Program 49 Harvard Summer Secondary School Program 50 High Mountain Institute 51 Highland Mountain Bike Park - Ayr Academy St. Stephen's School Summer Programs 83 Suffolk Madrid High School Summer Program 84 Summer Discovery/Discovery Internships 85 Summer Studios 86 Summer Study Programs 87 Summerfuel Super Camp 52 Hollywood Prep for Girls 88 Sustainable Summer 53 Hurricane Island Outward Bound School 89 SYA Summer 54 INESLE Madrid 90 55 International Seminar Series Syracuse University Summer College for High School Students TASIS Summer Programs in Europe Internship Connection The Edge in College Prep 56 Ivy Leader 57 Kutsher's Sports Academy 58 Launch Lawrence Academy Summer Programs 59 Leadership Exchange 60 Learning Programs International (LPI) 61 Lillard Fly Fishing Expeditions 62 LITA 63 Maine Arts Camp 91 The Experiment in International Living 92 The International Film Institute of New York 93 The Putney School Summer Programs 94 The Road Less Traveled 95 Travel for Teens 96 University of Rochester Pre-College Programs UVM/GIV Engineering Institute 28 CIRENAS 64 Maine Teen Camp 29 Class Afloat - West Island College International 65 Minds Abroad 66 30 Coastal Studies for Girls National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) 31 College Apprentice Outward Bound Costa Rica Cornell University Summer College 67 Oxbridge Academic Programs 32 Culver Summer Schools & Camps 68 Oxford Advanced Studies Program 33 Cushing Academy Summer Session 69 Oxford Summer Courses Debate Camp Canada 70 Phillips Academy Summer Session Directors Film Camp with Tony Spiridakis & Shannon Goldman,Actors Film Camp with Bob Krakower & Wendy Makkena 71 Phillips Exeter Academy Summer School 72 Power House Theater Training Program at Vassar college 34 Spoleto Study Abroad 107 St. Albans School of Public Service 97 VISIONS Service Adventures 98 Walnut Hill School for the Arts 99 Water Monkey Camp 100 Where There Be Dragons 101 Wilderness Ventures 102 Wildwood: A MassAudubon Camp for Outdoor Exploration Williwaw Adventures 103 Windridge Tennis and Sports Camps Visit the Phillips Academy Summer Opportunities website for complete fair listings and student testimonials. www.andover.edu/summerops/fair.htm 24
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