Shopper News `Best of Monadnock` Results
Shopper News `Best of Monadnock` Results
4 MONADNOCK SHOPPER NEWS Readers’ Choice Awards BEST OF MONADNOCK 2015 “Thank you for your vote and continued trust and support. It is an honor and a privilege representing the people of the Monadnock Region.” The Poll COMMUNITY Readers’ Choice Awards Senator Readers’ Choice Awards Attraction/event Molly Kelly (102 different attractions received votes) ?MN*I=;F .-*'2'!', GOLD: Art In The Park Keene Pumpkin Festival SILVER: Keene Music Festival BRONZE: Cheshire Fair Readers’ Choice Awards Thank You! SILVER 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards FLORIST Beautiful Flowers, Plants & Gifts for All Occasions! Charitable contributor (66 different places received votes) GOLD: C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc. SILVER: Savings Bank of Walpole see ad on page 55 84 Marlboro St., Keene, (603) 355-1667 BRONZE: Fenton Family Dealerships see ad on page 33 (888) 278-0447 >Ì ÞÊ7 ÌiÞ £xÊ>Ê-ÌÀiiÌÊUÊ7V iÃÌiÀÊUÊÓÎ{ÓÎ >Ì ÀÞÃyÀÃÌ>`}vÌÃJÞ> °V Ted’s Shoe & Sport see ad on page 3 115 Main St., Keene, (603) 357-8337 Event for charity (116 different places received votes) GOLD: Mon. Humane Society Hair Ball see ad on page 63 Route 10, Swanzey, (603) 352-9011 ◆ Dressers, Dining Room Sets ◆ Sofas, Accent Pieces, Lamps ◆ Vintage Decor & Much More SILVER: Pick Up and Delivery Services Available Fine artist MoCo Arts - Lights, Camera see ad on page 32 76 Railroad St., Keene, (603) 357-2100 BRONZE: HCS Yoga Weekend /LD(OMESTEAD(WY2TE3WANZEY.(s4HURS3UN (79 different artists received votes) Many Thanks To Our Loyal Customers GOLD: Whitney, Richard - Studios at C.P. see ad on page 47 100 Chalet Dr., Stoddard, (603) 446-7476 www. SILVER: Hulslander, Wendy BRONZE: Campbell, Tim Monadnock Shopper News columnist (20 different writers received votes) Open by phone 7 days a week Free Quotes GOLD: Cook, Lori SILVER: Lapointe, Sherri BRONZE: Stephenson, Skye 8 MONADNOCK SHOPPER NEWS BEST OF MONADNOCK 2015 Thank You! COMMUNITY New Business 2014-2015 (55 different places received votes) Readers’ Choice Awards GOLD: ROOFER (:L,DD;>C<,:E6>GH DBB:G8>6A,:H>9:CI>6A JAAN#CHJG:9 G::HI>B6I:H ;Vb^andlcZYVcYdeZgViZYh^cXZ&.+. 7ESTMORELAND.( /ÊÊUÊÊ- ÊÊUÊÊ,1,ÊÊUÊÊ-/ÊÊUÊÊ-/ Ê- D?9AÊI H;IJ7KH7DJ I[W\eeZWdZIj[Wai Area’s Favorite Seafood Restaurant Thanks for Your Votes! GOLD 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Open Tues.-Sat. 4-9, Sun. 11:30-8, Closed Mon. 73WANZEY2OAD2TEs73WANZEY.(s352-6664 GOLD BRONZE 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Chiropractor Alternative Brooks Seaman Health Care Beeze Tees see ad on page 43 116 Main St., Keene, (603) 357-1400 SILVER: Full Throttle Repair see ad on page 52 439 W. Swanzey Rd., Swanzey, (603) 357-7999 BRONZE: Dark Mark Tattoo Keene Yoga Center see ad on page 31 80 Roxbury St., Keene, (603) 354-3159 BRONZE: Rock Paper Scissors Hair Salon Non-profit organization (128 different places received votes) GOLD: Monadnock Humane Society see ad on page 63 Route 10, Swanzey, (603) 352-9011 SILVER: MoCo Arts see ad on page 32 76 Railroad St., Keene, (603) 357-2100 BRONZE: Hundred Nights Shelter Monadnock United Way Thank You Readers’ Choice Awards for Your Votes! JEWELRY, NEW 82 Washington St. Keene, NH 0ARK!VENUEs+EENE.( 352-0811 To our many customers and friends: THANK YOU THANK YOU !NDY´S#YCLE for taking the time to vote and making us #1 again! From the staff at Andy’s Cycle Readers’ Choice Awards BICYCLES OPEN 7 DAYS 165 Winchester St. Keene, NH 603-352-3410 26 MONADNOCK SHOPPER NEWS BEST OF MONADNOCK 2015 LIFESTYLE 4-2#" Art gallery (16 different places received votes) Best of the Monadnock Region Again! GOLD Readers’ Choice Awards "%34 4)2%34/2% GOLD: Syd’s Carpet & Snooze Room see ad on page 64 43 St. James St., Keene, (603) 352-4315 SILVER: Thorne-Sagendorf Art Gallery BRONZE: Creative Encounters see ad on page 23 18 Main St., Keene, (603) 352-3724 Bowling alley (6 different places received votes) GOLD: Yankee Lanes SILVER: Bowling Acres BRONZE: Brattleboro Bowl E.L.M. Community Center Camping (18 different places received votes) GOLD: Cheshire YMCA see ad on page 58 32 Lake St., North Swanzey, (603) 352-0447 SILVER: Woodmore Campground BRONZE: Wheelock Park Concert/live theater (16 different places received votes) 4 Years in a row! GOLD: SILVER: Colonial Theatre MoCo Arts see ad on page 32 76 Railroad St., Keene, (603) 357-2100 Redfern Art Center BRONZE: Mole Hill Theater Readers’ Choice Awards Oil Change Readers’ Choice Awards Readers’ Choice Awards Mechanic Brakes/ -UFmER3HOP Over 40 years of good, old-fashioned hometown service! THANK YOU &/29/526/4%3 DUBE’S TIRE CENTER 0ARK!VE+EENE.(s -ONDAY&RIDAYTOs3ATURDAYTO Family fitness center (15 different places received votes) GOLD: Keene Family YMCA see ad on page 10 200 Summit Rd., Keene, (603) 352-6002 SILVER: Total Fitness Zone see ad on page 34 17 Bradco St., Keene, (603) 358-6606 BRONZE: Keene Yoga Center see ad on page 31 80 Roxbury St., Keene, (603) 354-3159 MONADNOCK SHOPPER NEWS BEST OF MONADNOCK 2015 LIFESTYLE 27 THAI GARDEN Exotic Thai Cuisine Fitness trainer (47 different places received votes) GOLD: Clough, Pam – Keene Fusion Studios see ad on page 31 The Center at Colony Mill, Keene, (603) 358-0405 SILVER: Forcier, Dawn BRONZE: Little, Thomas Fun place, adult (PG rated!) (33 different places received votes) GOLD: Colonial Theatre SILVER: Yankee Lanes BRONZE: Keene Family YMCA see ad on page 10 GOLD BRONZE 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Vegetarian Ethnic Restaurant Food Thank You for choosing us as one of your favorite restaurants. Fun place, kids Offering a wide variety of vegetarian, chicken, beef, and seafood dishes, prepared to order, as spicy (or not!) as you like. We look forward to serving you in the future. Thanks for your support! The Staff and Management (26 different places received votes) /0%.$!93!7%%+,5.#(30%#)!,3$)..%2 200 Summit Rd., Keene, (603) 352-6002 GOLD: Cheshire Children’s Museum see ad on page 32 222 West St. Colony Mill Marketplace, Keene, (603) 903-1800 SILVER: ,UNCHs$INNERs2ESERVATIONS!CCEPTED 4AKE/UT/RDERS!VAILABLEsMajor Credit Cards TELsFAXs-AIN3T+EENE.( (Across from Colonial Theatre) MoCo Arts see ad on page 32 76 Railroad St., Keene, (603) 357-2100 BRONZE: Yankee Lanes Golf course (8 different places received votes) GOLD: Bretwood Golf Course SILVER: Keene Country Club BRONZE: Pine Grove Springs Country Club see ad on page 41 292 Route 9A, Spofford, (603) 363-4433 You picked US first 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards because we put YOU first! GOLD to All The Monadnock Shopper Readers For Voting Us THE BEST OF THE BEST IN THE MONADNOCK REGION 10 Years in a Row! Readers’ Choice Awards Readers’ Choice Awards Radio Personality Radio Personality Radio Personality WKBK/107.5 FM/AM 1290 103.7 KNE FM Morning Show WKBK/107.5 FM/AM 1290 Readers’ Choice Awards Readers’ Choice Awards Readers’ Choice Awards Radio Station 98.7 WINK COUNTRY Radio Station 103.7 KNE-FM Radio Station WKBK/107.5FM/1290AM DAN MITCHELL STEVE HAMEL Readers’ Choice Awards AL KULAS The Monadnock Radio Group Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:30 2TE3POFFORD.(s603-363-4325 or sWWWHOWARDSLEATHERNHCOM Sun. 12:00-5:30 28 MONADNOCK SHOPPER NEWS BEST OF MONADNOCK 2015 # Thank You For Voting Us LIFESTYLE GOLD Gym/health club 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards (25 different places received votes) Children’s Clothing GOLD: 17 Bradco St., Keene, (603) 358-6606 SILVER: & now for women too! Total Fitness Zone see ad on page 34 Keene Family YMCA see ad on page 10 200 Summit Rd., Keene, (603) 352-6002 BRONZE: Downtown Fitness for Women 7%34342%%43(/00).'#%.4%2s+%%.%s603-352-4924 Local band (47 different places received votes) Cheshire Cleaning A professional clean with a personal touch COMMERCIAL Fully Insured & Bonded (603) 209-9735 5 years in a row! GOLD 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards CLEANING SERVICES GOLD: The Nines Band SILVER: Version 6 BRONZE: The Shana Stack Band Martial arts studio (15 different places received votes) GOLD: Shaolin Studios see ad on page 60 294 West St., Keene, (603) 354-7850 SILVER: Monadnock Aikikai BRONZE: R & H Tae Kwon Do Movie theater (13 different places received votes) GOLD: Colonial Theatre SILVER: Keene Cinemas BRONZE: Peterborough Community Theatre Music/dance locale (16 different places received votes) GOLD: SILVER: Colonial Theatre MoCo Arts see ad on page 32 76 Railroad St., Keene, (603) 357-2100 BRONZE: Grand Monadnock Ballroom MONADNOCK SHOPPER NEWS LIFESTYLE Ski/snowboard area (13 different places received votes) GOLD: Granite Gorge see ad on page 24 341 NH Rte. 9, Roxbury, (603) 358-5000 SILVER: Crotched Mt. Ski & Ride BRONZE: Pat’s Peak Social media presence BEST OF MONADNOCK 2015 29 ) (2.'--!thru 8/31/15 AS A "THANK YOU" FOR YOUR VOTES! Simply Massage '6HH6<: .=:G6E>HI -EGAN-OSBAUGH-ERRITT,-4s,0. -ARLBORO3T+EENEs “Where massage is a necessity, not a luxury.” (25 different places received votes) GOLD: SILVER: Ed’s Crossroads Pizza & Subs MoCo Arts see ad on page 32 76 Railroad St., Keene, (603) 357-2100 BRONZE: Monadnock Food Co-Op see ad on page 38 34 Cypress St., Keene, (603) 355-8008 Bronze for the BEST AUTOMOTIVE SALESPERSON Congratulations, Jaime! THANKS FOR THE VOTES! Sports bar (25 different places received votes) GOLD: JAIME RIOS Scores Bar & Grille see ad on page 51 BRONZE 201 Readers’ Choice5 Awards Rt. 12S, just South of Keene 603-354-5000 82 Main St., Keene, (603) 354-3260 SILVER: Twenty One Bar & Grill BRONZE: Lab ‘n Lager Tattoo/body piercing (17 different places received votes) GOLD: Dark Mark Tattoo SILVER: Malloy Creations BRONZE: Art For Life Tattoo & Piercing Connie Joyce - Real Estate Broker BRONZE 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards REAL ESTATE AGENT Door to Door for 33 Years Joseph D. Durell, CFP® Vice President Financial Advisor (800) 543-2035 20 Grove Street Peterborough, NH 03458 [email protected] Retirement Planning Wealth Management Planning College Funding Asset Allocation Strategies Thank You So Much! [email protected] Cell 603-209-4431 Town & Country 603-357-4100 x130 © 2015 RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC. 32 MONADNOCK SHOPPER NEWS BEST OF MONADNOCK 2015 4HANK9OUFOR6OTING5S4HE # &5.0,!#% &/2+)$3 CHESHIRE CHILDREN’S MUSEUM SERVICES GOLD 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards GOLD 2014 Readers’ Choice Awards Bank (15 different places received votes) GOLD: 84 Marlboro St., Keene, (603) 355-1667 GOLD 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards Savings Bank of Walpole see ad on page 55 SILVER: Service Credit Union see ad on page 59 403 Winchester St., Keene, (800) 936-7730 #OLONY-ILL-ARKETPLACEsND&LOOR 7EST3T+EENEs WWWCHESHIRECHILDRENSMUSEUMORG TD Bank see ad on page 57 194 West St., Keene, (603) 354-2040 BRONZE: People’s United Bank TROY ARCTIC CAT #!.!-s3+)$// Parts - Sales - Service We service all makes and models SILVER 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Recreational Vehicles I]Vc`hidVaadjg XjhidbZghVcY[g^ZcYh Banquet/reception facility (24 different places received votes) GOLD: Rt. 12S, North Swanzey, (603) 352-9400 BRONZE 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Motorspor ts Sales/Ser vice 136 N. Main Street, Troy, NH ÈäÎÓ{ÓÎÎÇÊUÊÜÜÜ°ÌÀÞ>ÀVÌVV>Ì°V Papagallos Restaurant see ad on page 2 SILVER: Alyson’s Orchard see ad on page 10 Rt. 12, Walpole, (603) 756-9800 BRONZE: Stonewall Farm Brakes/muffler shop (32 different places received votes) GOLD 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Pizza We Appreciate Your Votes! SILVER GOLD: Dube’s Tire Center see ad on page 26 300 Park Ave., Keene, (603) 352-1445 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Outdoor Dining/Patio Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center see ad on page 17 119 Monadnock Hwy., Swanzey, (603) 283-5950 SILVER: Leon’s Auto Center / J&L Auto Body see ad on page 11 600 Main St., Keene, (603) 357-7004 BRONZE: City Tire Company of Keene see ad on page 48 124 Main St., Keene, (603) 357-1332 -AIN3TREETsKeene, NH 603-357-3555 Complete Menu Online at 36 MONADNOCK SHOPPER NEWS Thank You For Your Votes! BEST OF MONADNOCK 2015 SERVICES Dance school (11 different places received votes) ROOFER 5 Years In A Row! ROOFING By Experts Since 1932 GOLD: MoCo Arts see ad on page 32 76 Railroad St., Keene, (603) 357-2100 SILVER: Ann’s Studio Of Dance BRONZE: Grand Monadnock Ballroom Day care provider (37 different places received votes) GOLD: Footsteps Daycare & Learning Center see ad on page 33 407 Winchester St., Keene, (603) 357-1475 SILVER: Keene Family YMCA see ad on page 10 200 Summit Rd., Keene, (603) 352-6002 Commercial Residential & Service SOLAR DESIGN & INSTALLATION 353 West St., Keene (603) 352-4232 BRONZE: Sophia’s Hearth Family Center Dentist (97 different people and places received votes) GOLD: Keene Family Dental see ad on page 18 67 Mechanic St., Keene, (603) 357-6767 SILVER: Hastings Dental Health see ad on page 16 116 Monadnock Hwy., Swanzey, (603) 357-7707 BRONZE: Dr. Michael Ledoux, DDS see ad on page 14 821 Court St., Keene, (603) 352-1993 Dog/cat groomer (25 different places received votes) GOLD GOLD: 89 Main St., Marlborough, (603) 876-4733 SILVER: 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Pearly Pond Pet Salon see ad on page 54 1855 NH 119, Rindge, (603) 899-9663 Beautiful Baskets Gift Baskets for Every Age & Occasion GOLD BRONZE 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Paws To Groom see ad on page 45 BRONZE: Patch’s Kindred K9 Dog/cat kennel or boarding (16 different places received votes) GOLD: Fast Friends see ad on page 47 14 W. Swanzey Rd., Keene, (603) 355-1556 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Gifts, Unique Children’s Toys 41 Central Square, Keene, NH 603.352.0400 SILVER: Paws To Groom see ad on page 45 89 Main St., Marlborough, (603) 876-4733 BRONZE: Monadnock Humane Society see ad on page 63 Route 10, Swanzey, (603) 352-9011 44 MONADNOCK SHOPPER NEWS BEST OF MONADNOCK 2015 SERVICES 1:WG: -D"6EEN 3DJ0DI:9 DG/H Court Street Veterinary Hospital Stock broker/financial planner (41 different places received votes) BRONZE 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Visit for information on how lasers can help your pet GOLD: SILVER: Edward Jones - Ed Morenz Edward Jones - Ceil Goff see ad on page 22 57 Main St., Walpole, (603) 756-2513 BRONZE: Durell, Joseph - RBC Wealth Management see ad on page 29 20 Grove St., Peterborough, (603) 543-2035 0:I:G>C6GNA>C>8 #/524342%%4s+%%.%s357-2455 Summer kids’ camp (43 different places received votes) GOLD: MoCo Arts see ad on page 32 76 Railroad St., Keene, (603) 357-2100 SILVER: !UCTIONS& !PPRAISALS Thank You for Your Votes & Patronage! 32 Lake St., N. Swanzey, (603) 352-0447 BRONZE: Stonewall Farm Tanning (10 different places received votes) GOLD: Purchase or Consign Single Items to Entire Estates & Collections 2OUTEs7EST3WANZEY.( sWWWKNOTTYPINEANTIQUESCOM RA Tanning Sunbelievable Tanning Salon see ad on page 28 149 Emerald St., Keene, (603) 357-4631 GOLD 55 Years of 2015 Buying & Selling Readers’ Choice Awards Antiques & Fine Art AUCTIONS Camp Takodah - Cheshire YMCA see ad on page 58 Tanning Resort Tax preparer (40 different people and places received votes) GOLD: H & R Block see ad on page 18 65 Roxbury St., Keene, (603) 352-4102 SILVER: Talon Financial BRONZE: Rust, Lynn see ad on page 50 217R Old Homestead Hwy., Swanzey, (603) 358-6565 THE TOADSTOOL BOOKSHOPS Enchanting Selections of Wonderful Books & Music Thank You to everyone in the Monadnock Region. Colony Mill Marketplace, 222 West St. +EENE.(s603-352-8815 $EPOT3Q0ETERBOROUGH.(s603-924-3543 ,ORDEN0LAZA-ILFORD.(s603-673-1734 and at where you can place orders, see what’s in stock, and check out our events anytime. GOLD BRONZE 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Books CDs/Tapes/Records
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