SNEC Special Report - Spring 2013


SNEC Special Report - Spring 2013
Special Report
Table of Contents
Message From The President
I am pleased to present this special report from the 2013 SNEC Board of Directors (BOD). Our
goal is to inform new and old members alike of our exciting accomplishments and plans for
the future. Included in these pages are the bios of all our directors, some of our chapter
accomplishments in 2012, and an overview of our plans and aspirations for our chapter in
2013. This year is a special year, our 30th Anniversary!! With this anniversary comes great
pride and gratitude to those who have committed their time, enthusiasm and energy to making
this the best chapter ever!
In spite of the challenges of the economic environment over the past few years, the Southern
New England Chapter of the Project Management Institute (SNEC-PMI) organization has
remained focused on delivering value to our membership by increasing our offerings, reaching
out to the membership for feedback and engaging and growing talented volunteers.
Our reach has extended to new partnerships, new venues and new content in ever increasing
value-add services for our members.
Membership Value
Strategic Planning Work
Portfolio Descriptions
Voice of the Membership
Organization Chart
Leadership Profiles
Our Aspirations
Our Accomplishments – Something to be Proud of!
Fifty-seven different events held by SNEC-PMI in 2012 were attended by over 2,126 member and non-member attendees. We added
many new offerings this year, improved the quality of our standard offerings and programs and continued performance advances in
Professional Development, Membership, Outreach, Operations and Administration. All of this was accomplished by our passionate
and dedicated SNEC-PMI volunteers!
Here is a summary of our accomplishments:
• Sponsored more educational and networking events than ever before, conducted in Cromwell, Hartford, East Hartford, Shelton,
Stamford, and Springfield, MA
• Hosted our 2012 Annual PM Conference and ½ day of workshop sessions attracting over 690 attendees
• Supported multiple one-day educational events focusing on Leadership and Communications in Project Management
• Held 39 Monthly Meetings in four state counties: Hartford, Middlesex, & Fairfield County in CT and Hampden County in MA
• Launched the Local Leadership Institute, a 9 day program for enhancing and building leadership self-awareness and leadership development
• Hosted a PMBOK refresher educational series on Integrated Procurement Management
• Continued and expanded our SNEC-PMI PMP Certification Preparation Courses (which are conducted in multiple locations)
• Supported and participated in a corporate Project Management Day
• Refined our organizational structure for greater efficiency and effectiveness
• Grew other membership offerings including: Mentoring, Job Search Assistance, Communications and Technical Infrastructure, Operational
and Financial Management, Volunteer Recognition, Leadership Training, and more.
Our chapter programs, services, events and meetings are the “mechanisms” that we offer our membership to continue to grow and
develop their expertise in project management. We value your feedback on these events.
We hope you find this special report informative. If you would like a hard copy to share with your company,
management or a non-member please let us know. On behalf of the Board, we thank our members for their
continued support and attendance at our events and for the knowledge and experience they bring to
our organization.
Happy 30th Anniversary SNEC!
Best Regards,
Carin Salonia, PMP
Southern New England Chapter of PMI
Membership Value
Active participation in the PMI Southern New England Chapter contributes to:
• Enhancing your project management skills
•Making you more marketable and enhancing your image
• Providing a support network of seasoned project management professionals
• Finding solutions to the roadblocks that impede your success, and
•Obtaining or maintaining your PMI certification
SNEC membership gives you a perspective on local
industries and their needs for project managers. Participating
in SNEC assists you in discovering local project management
openings and opportunities and understanding local project
management practices and expectations.
SNEC offers lectures, seminars, courses, document libraries
and personal contacts to help enhance your project
management skills.
SNEC activities provide you with PDUs for earning or
maintaining your PMI certification. Simply attending SNEC
chapter meetings can earn you half of the PDUs to maintain
your PMI certification. You can also attend a PMP
prep course offered by talented and proven instructors,
whether you have your PMP certification or are working
to obtain it. Our testimonials tell it all; participant success
and achievement of the most desirable designation in
project management.
• Want to meet other professionals with diverse backgrounds
and experience?
SNEC members receive discounts on events. The member
discount on an SNEC-sponsored one-day event will typically
cover the cost of your annual SNEC membership. It’s worth it!
The SNEC membership, over 1,800 strong, provides an
instant network of individuals who have most likely faced the
same issues and problems that confront you. They can help
you clarify and resolve issues that stand in the way of meeting
your professional goals, whether they are specifically around
project management or are generally business-related. Your
input is valued by your fellow project management colleagues
and is a form of giving back to the profession.
• Want to understand Agile methodologies better?
• Need to improve your leadership and communication skills?
SNEC can be a one-stop source for your professional development!
There is nothing better than working with other project
management professionals and the sense of accomplishment
that it brings! Becoming a part of SNEC provides you with
many opportunities to learn from others, give your insights
and volunteer in various capacities in the chapter. Like no
other, the sense of accomplishment in supporting our
membership and our chapter is rewarding and is a
developmental opportunity.
Actively participating in SNEC events, especially through
volunteering, shows other professionals and businesses that
you are a high-value resource who is serious about project
Membership in PMI’s Southern New England Chapter demonstrates to employers, peers and team members that you
are a dedicated professional committed to the highest standards and practices of project management, to continued
education, and contribution to the profession of project management.
Strategic Planning Work
The leadership of SNEC comes together on a biennial basis to
review the chapter’s mission, vision, and strategic initiatives.
SNEC’s Board of Directors (BOD), SNEC Past President,
Committee VPs and our Region 3 Component Leader meet to
discuss and review the chapter’s performance and set initiatives
for the upcoming calendar year. These sessions promote
discussion, brainstorming and review of the annual membership
survey, conference, special event and chapter meeting
feedback. This session also prompts discussion of trends seen
by PMI chapters in the U.S. and throughout the world, in the
areas of membership, professional development, outreach,
sponsorship and networking.
Outcomes of the planning session are used to:
• review/update the chapter mission and vision statement
• develop initiatives for enhancing value of chapter offerings
• explore methods to engage members, sponsors, speakers
and volunteers
• share corporate insights and volunteer experiences
• extend community and corporate relationships
Mission Statement:
To provide resources, professional development and
networking opportunities to enhance project management.
Vision Statement:
A better Southern New England through Project Management
Get Involved – Get Rewarded!
Throughout SNEC’s history, volunteer members who share
their time, skills and passion in support of events and member
services are responsible for critical contributions to SNEC’s
success and continuing expansion.
Volunteers plan and implement events including PMP Prep
courses, Mentoring sessions, Job Skills ‘Tips and Techniques’,
Resume reviews, and Outreach into our local community.
Volunteers also introduced Roundtable meetings, the World
Café format, chapter presentations (including pre-meeting
educational sessions and main presentations) in addition to
several Special Events and one-day workshops.
Volunteers make possible our largest and most popular
annual event – the SNEC Project Management Professional
Development Days conference, held each spring at the
Connecticut Convention Center.
Our volunteers share a wealth of knowledge and tools to help
fellow project management professionals, organizations and
associations become more efficient and promote our
profession. Rewards are great for our membership and even
greater for volunteers; in the form of added PDUs. The Project
Management Institute (PMI) has increased the number of
PDUs for volunteerism; now offering one PDU for each hour
of volunteer work completed.
How to get involved?
Get to know our committees and their members; seek them
out at chapter meetings (warning; their enthusiasm can be
contagious!) In casual conversation, you may pick up on an
opportunity of immediate relevance to work responsibilities.
Check the listing of current volunteer openings on the
Volunteer Relationship Management System (VRMS) on our
website, or better yet—propose your own role to the Volunteer
Committee for review. We welcome innovative ways in which
you might contribute to your chapter!
Share and recognize contributions by our volunteers.
The monthly SNEC e-newsletter is a prime opportunity to
recognize volunteers and their contributions. In the coming
months, the newsletter will help you learn more about these
individuals and their work on newly implemented or planned
projects for the chapter. The SNEC Board of Directors thanks
all chapter volunteers for their dedication and focus outside
of family and the workplace. Without your professional
contribution and commitment of time, we would not be
able to offer our membership the quality selection of
presentation speakers and educational and career
advancement opportunities. The future of SNEC depends on
the continued growth of our volunteer base, and our
responsiveness to your feedback requesting high-value
learning opportunities. Get involved, be a part of the chapter!
Portfolio Descriptions
Portfolios are comprised of Board of Directors representatives, Committee Vice Presidents and
members supporting initiatives of the chapter. Each portfolio has a charter, and/or sub-charters
describing the overall mission, vision, initiatives, committees and goals.
The summary below describes the intention and activities supported by each Portfolio. For more
information, contact the Board of Directors Portfolio Lead or Committee VP to learn more about the
portfolio, initiatives and the volunteer opportunities available.
Governance Committee plans, directs and oversees Portfolio activities and
supports the development of the strategic plan, portfolio initiatives and
operating budgets. The Governance committee is comprised of the President,
COO/VP, CFO, Secretary, board member from Membership and from
Professional Development and Past President. Additional members are called
upon to assist with chapter activities.
The Professional Development Portfolio is made up of several work streams
designed to provide meaningful educational opportunities for existing and aspiring
project managers. Our goal is to meet the needs of our members in terms of content,
geographic diversity and price point. We are a large portfolio and as such, have
divided it into the following groups: Special Events/Annual Conference, Programs
and Education.
The Special Events Committee hosts three or four full day events during the year.
Our Annual Conference and half-day of Workshops is being held on Monday, April
29th and Tuesday, April 30th at the Connecticut Convention Center. This is our
premier chapter event, attracting over 700 participants, sponsors and speakers.
The format provides multiple breakout sessions on a diverse range of topics relevant
to project managers, with two keynote speakers at either end of the day.
The Programs Committee coordinates and hosts monthly Chapter meetings
in Cromwell, CT, typically including a chapter update, dinner and a speaker.
Additionally, Programs offers regional meetings in East Hartford, Springfield,
Shelton and Stamford in two formats; Exchanges and Roundtables. All are
PDU-earning opportunities.
The Education Committee offers programs and courses each year that help members
attain academic credentials and fulfill their continuing education goals while
providing a cost effective means to earn PDUs. The portfolio of classes currently
consists of basic and advanced project management training, refresher courses and
new advanced certification programs. In 2013 we offer four PMP Exam Preparation
Courses, multiple ACP and SCRUM certification courses, a PMBOK Education Series
and a Fundamentals of Project Management course, all in multiple locations.
The Conference Portfolio is responsible for our largest event: the annual SNEC
PM Professional Days Conference held each spring. Multiple subcommittees
manage planning and implementation, which includes speaker selection, facilities
planning, communications, day of event coordination, sponsorship and marketing
and public relations.
The Marketing Portfolio team plans and executes all activities that promote
awareness, develop relationships and broaden SNEC brand image to clearly identify
our organization. We seek to inform constituents throughout Southern New England
of events and resources that advance project management excellence and career
development. The team is responsible for communications through media including
the web, newsletters and other publications, email and social media to markets
spanning corporate, non-profit, education, government, professional associations
and special interest groups.
The Membership Portfolio consists of Membership services, Volunteer services,
Outreach, Mentoring and Young Professional Development. The teams are
responsible for recruitment, retention and recognition of members and volunteers,
as well as development of relationships with organizations and development of
leadership talent within the chapter. Several initiatives under this portfolio focus on
the “voice of the membership” and increasing awareness of membership value.
The Operations Portfolio consists of four committees: Financial Management,
Operations, Sponsorship and Technical Infrastructure. Portfolio objectives are to
continuously improve the efficiency and transparency of chapter operations.
These teams create the chapter budget, administer contracts for services, execute
chapter elections, and support metrics reporting to Board of Directors’ Governance
Committee and chapter operations. Functions also support the Chief Financial Officer
(CFO) and Chief Operating Officer (COO).
Teams develop and maintain a strategic plan for technical infrastructure and maintain
file sharing and collaborative tools. They develop and maintain corporate policies
and documentation and by-laws as appropriate. All work is aligned with strategic
initiatives of the chapter.
Goals for 2013 include improving the ease of use and accessibility of SharePoint,
updating event registration software and establishing a new sponsorship model.
Voice of Our Membership
Results of an SNEC Membership Survey inspired our first
World Café, a facilitated session for obtaining member
feedback. A series of questions were explored with over
70 participants, yielding more than 80 opportunities for
the Chapter to consider implementing! The key “questions”
for facilitated brainstorming included:
What can we do to increase membership value?
How can we recruit new volunteers, get them
excited, motivated and active?
What can we do to increase participation at
monthly meetings?
What can we do to get YOU involved in SNEC
Improvement activities continue in 2013 to recognize and
reflect the Voice of the Membership (VOM). We utilize
the survey, World Café feedback, event surveys and the
PMI global survey results to form our strategy and
initiatives for the upcoming year.
Increase content relevant to new methodologies,
soft skill development and networking offered
to membership
The chapter offers content-specific programs including
presentations, pre-conference workshops and special
events. Additions this year focus on communications,
leadership, training to new methodologies and
certification prep courses.
Offer more PMBOK Prep opportunities throughout the
calendar year and the region
The chapter continues to expand its popular PMP Prep
course offerings; several PMBOK sessions have run in
multiple locations; Fairfield University, Central Connecticut
State University, Quinnipiac and Western New England
College. Testimonials and test results demonstrate a high
success rate and satisfaction with the quality of our
instructors and outcomes in PMP certifications.
Increase low cost opportunities to brainstorm and share
PM experiences and ‘lessons learned’
The chapter offers meetings at various locations including
the monthly chapter meeting in Cromwell and regional
meetings in East Hartford, Shelton, Stamford, and
Springfield. With two formats, these ‘Exchange’ or
‘Roundtable’ sessions allow attendees to share ideas,
experiences and resources in smaller groups. High
interest topics include leadership development,
negotiation and conflict resolution, offshore and near
shore resource management, procurement and vendor
Increase transparency of Volunteer Opportunities Improve follow up to ensure placement alignment with
skills and goals
During our annual operational planning process, a list
of volunteer opportunities is formalized and refreshed
monthly for posting on the website. The volunteer
committee maximizes communication of openings by
reaching out to membership at regular meetings, via
monthly newsletters and updates to the GET INVOLVED
section of our website. A volunteer advocate contacts
those who express interest to discuss opportunities.
Chapter members can search our website or utilize the
Volunteer Relationship Management System (VRMS) to
get involved locally or participate in project management
activities throughout the world.
Share and recognize contributions by our volunteers
SNEC hosts an annual celebratory dinner at Saint
Clements Castle, Portland to recognize the contributions
of over 100 volunteers and the significant others who
support them. Additional ways to recognize ‘above and
beyond’ volunteer work are in planning.
Become a volunteer – the next hand you shake
could change your future!
Broaden reach of the membership experience by offering
events in multiple locations
Both the traditional chapter meetings held in Cromwell, and
Exchange meetings in five regional locations (Greater
Hartford, East Hartford, Springfield, Shelton and Stamford)
give SNEC members in Connecticut and Massachusetts the
opportunity to network and present content on such topics
as leadership, project competencies and risk management.
Members can also view chapter business updates and
speaker presentations on SNEC’s website. Webinars are
being considered as an option for convenient delivery of
information; members wishing to participate in pilot
webinars are invited to contact [email protected].
Promote awareness of leadership roles in SNEC and
offer more transparency to the SNEC BOD and to the
Election Process
Comments from membership have indicated a lack of understanding
and familiarity with our SNEC leadership, the election process
and the work of the BOD and committee VPs. In response,
many chapter events and activities are available in the Download
section at and noted in the Events Calendar.
Annually we present a low-cost option chapter meeting to
review accomplishments, objectives and initiatives for each
portfolio. Look for program and service offering updates in the
SNEC Newsletter online at and at meetings.
Expand presentation offerings and cost options at meetings
The Professional Development Portfolio team seeks
experienced speakers and diverse locations, continually
gathering and comparing member recommendations for
topics, lower cost venues and menu ideas. Currently,
offerings range from full service menus to light or no meals.
All meetings are a great opportunity to contribute
suggestions on speakers or to express interest in presenting
on a particular topic. The team welcomes feedback by
email: [email protected].
The Annual Meeting provides insight to the BOD and operations
of SNEC. At this event, members hear from SNEC’s president
on key objectives, accomplishments and challenges facing
the chapter. Members are invited to attend and network with
SNEC leadership. Members are invited to attend and network
with SNEC leadership.
Identify and Attract Speakers
Our speakers graciously volunteer to present, out of
dedication to continuing PM education and to providing
insights to SNEC members. Our conference, programs,
chapter meeting and special events team share speaker
referrals and topics that improve content and give members
a fresh take on PM methodologies, issues and trends. To
date, this process has enriched our offerings in Agile, Six
Sigma, Scrum, PMP Prep, Effective Communications and
Presentations, and Leadership Development Programs. We
have featured well known speakers including Dr. Jerry
Brightman, “Sustainable Leadership – the 10 Most
Important Leadership Skills for Successful Projects”; Richard
Sheridan, “Agile, Lean, PMBOK and the Business Value of
Joy”, Bill Fouret on “How to Stop Herding Cats: Leading
Project Teams through Chaos”: Halina St. James with
“Universal Strategies for Compelling Communications”:
and Jason Turner presenting “What Happens to Project
Managers When Organizations Adapt Agile”.
Our special events, continuing education and monthly
meeting committees do a fantastic job of attracting diverse
experienced speakers for SNEC attendees.
A Call for Elections is held annually, when members are invited
to submit a Statement of Interest for election to the BOD.
The calendar of events/timeline is published online early in the
year and ongoing election coverage appears in the newsletter 6
and updates in email blasts. Additional focus at chapter
meetings and special events include Q & A sessions regarding
the Election process, and provides networking time with
Another member suggestion to publish our chapter vision,
mission and planning resulted in the first edition of this Special
Report. This second edition introduces new BOD members and
their roles and responsibilities.
Offer leadership development and mentoring programs
and opportunities to grow our bench strength and enhance
competencies in the Southern New England PM community
In 2012, several monthly meetings, special events and
workshop/conference programs explored effective program
and portfolio leadership and communications. We also
launched the SNEC Local Leadership Institute.
The chapter is committed to providing both content and
volunteer opportunities to develop and mature leadership
skills including topics on planning, negotiation,
communication, career development, self-awareness and
specialty skill development (such as agile and scrum). We
continually look for new mentoring/coaching experiences
with leaders throughout the chapter and opportunities to
network and build our leadership competencies
2013 Organization Chart
Carin Salonia
Kevin Riley, VP & COO
Lynn Van Sweden, Treasurer & CFO
Norman K. Prevost
Susan Parente, Secretary
Sarah Schneiderman
Cecily Vasington
Svetlana Veprinsky
Kippy West
Neil Weiss
Lisa Nabulsi
Anthony Falsetta
Denise Muggleston
Yan Lachowicz
Michael Smith
Abby Bosacker
Darwyn Azzinaro
Daniel Cappetta
Don Black
Steve Teebagy
Genevieve Guilmette
Jodette Bentley
Joseph Katucki
Leadership Profiles
Carin Salonia, PMP
President & CEO
Carin has been a PMI member and PMP since 2003 and on the SNEC Board of Directors since 2009. She has served as COO
and VP (2012), BOD member for Membership and Elections, Chairperson for the 2008 SNEC Conference and 2011 Local
Leadership Institute. She facilitated and implemented a “voice of the member” continuous improvement program for SNEC in
2010 that focused on membership survey input, facilitated dialogue and brainstorming continuous improvement opportunities
across the chapter’s operations and service offerings.
Carin has several years of increasing leadership responsibility for program and project management across healthcare, IT and
business. She is an Assistant Vice President at The Hartford in the Internal Audit Department and works closely with Enterprise
Risk Management. She holds an M.S. in Organizational Behavior, a Risk Management Assurance Certification, George Washington Project
Management Certification, and is a Six Sigma Greenbelt. You can contact Carin via email at [email protected]
Leadership Profiles
Kevin Riley, PMP
Vice President & COO
Kevin is an IT Program Director at The
Hartford. He has a proven range of
technology, business, and consulting
experience in strategic planning, project
and program management, process
management, application delivery,
quality, and leadership. In his current role,
he leads enterprise-wide initiatives to simplify and transform the
IT organization by developing and executing on a strategy
focused on improving core IT processes, transforming IT
infrastructure, and achieving growth through execution of
project capabilities to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
He received his BS from American University and his MBA from
Long Island University. Kevin has served as an SNEC volunteer
in several portfolios including Operations, Professional
Development, and Membership. Kevin looks forward to sharing
his passion for project management to impact our membership
in a way that promotes purpose, meaning, delivering on results
and individual fulfillment.
“Talent determines what you can do in life. Motivation
determines what you are willing to do. Attitude determines how
well you will do it.”
- Jim Calhoun, Hall of Fame basketball coach
You can contact Kevin at [email protected]
Lynn Van Sweden, PMP
Chief Financial Officer
Lynn has over 17 years of successful project
and program management experience for
business and technology initiatives,
including defining and implementing
best practices. She is currently involved in
project management at United Illuminating.
Her prior experience includes project and
program management at GE, Diageo, Coca-Cola, Northrop
Grumman, and Millennium Chemicals as well as for non-profit
organizations in a volunteer capacity. She has been a member of
SNEC-PMI for 4 years and has served as an SNEC-PMI Board
member in the Marketing portfolio for two years, and the
Professional Development portfolio last year. In this role she has
facilitated speed-networking sessions, re-designed our sponsorship
approach, supported enhanced Career Day events as a response to
member needs, enhanced our branding presence and supported
our Outreach efforts. Lynn was also involved with SNEC-PMI's effort
to reorganize the board structure and update the By-Laws. Recently
Lynn has presented at PMI Leadership conferences on Sponsorship
and has worked with several other chapter's to develop their
sponsorship program and approach. You can contact Lynn via
email at [email protected]
Susan Parente, PMP, PMI-RMP
Corporate Secretary
Susan has been a PMI Member and a PMP
for 5 years. She comes from the D.C.
Chapter of PMI and was part of the Risk
Management SIG of PMI National. She is a
project engineer, consultant, speaker,
author, and mentor who leads large
complex IT software implementation
projects, and the establishment of Enterprise PMOs. She has 13+
years experience leading software and business development
projects. She is currently the owner of S3 Technologies, LLC, and an
adjunct professor at Post University, CT. In her board role, Susan
enjoys supporting the leadership development of members and non
members who participate in regional PMI programs. Her passion is
for engaging volunteerism and mentoring project managers to grow
their skills and abilities. Volunteering has always been a major
aspect of Susan's project management with the community. At the
University of Rochester she was on the team which re-established a
chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, a national service fraternity, which
she continues to support. Susan has volunteered for the Girl
Scouts and is a current volunteer for the Boy Scouts of America.
Susan also volunteers the resources of S3 Technologies, LLC, to assist
a variety of charitable organizations in project management, risk
management, software development, and IT services.
You can contact Susan via email at [email protected]
Norm Prevost, PMP
Past President
Norm has over 20 years of successful
project management experience for
business and technology initiatives. Norm
has been with The United Illuminating
Company since 1998 and is currently
Manager of Project Management Process
and Standards for UI's Center of Project
Excellence. His prior experience includes project management and
IT architecture at Bristol Myers Squibb and Cowles Business Media.
Norm teaches PM courses internally at UIL including Core Skills for
Project Managers, Project Chartering and Change Management,
Risk Management, Presentation Skills and Earned Value. Norm is
a graduate of PMI's Leadership Institute's Master Class of 2008.
Norm served as SNEC Treasurer from 2004 - 2008 when he
became Vice President and COO until 2010 when Norm became
President and CEO. Norm has served as President and Treasurer
for several sports leagues and charity groups in Connecticut.
You can contact Norm via email at [email protected]
Leadership Profiles
Sarah Schneiderman
Cecily Vasington, PMP
Operations Portfolio
Professional Development Portfolio
Sarah brings years of experience with
various organizational boards and an
enthusiasm for learning more about
SNEC. Previously, Sarah served as
Corporate Secretary of the SNEC-PMI
Board of Directors. She has made many
contributions to SNEC including updated
website content and email communications and facilitating the
Hartford Eastside Project Management Roundtable. Now retired,
Sarah has over 8 years of PM experience with an IT emphasis,
with companies including Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Nationwide
Insurance, Nike, and as Senior Project Manager with American
Eagle Federal Credit Union. Sarah is dedicated to improving
her PM skills and utilizing PM knowledge at work and in her
personal life. She holds a PMP and a B.A. from the Corcoran
School of Art in Washington, D.C. and an MA in sculpture from
California Institute of the Arts.
You can contact Sarah via email at [email protected]
Cecily has over 20 year of experience
in the financial services industry, with a
focus in operations management, change
management, process improvement and
program management. She is currently
implementing The Hartford's Enterprise
Operations remote work, real estate and business resiliency
strategy. She has held leadership positions on the SNEC-PMI
Annual Conference committee, including chairing the event for
the past 3 years. She is a graduate of the College of the Holy
Cross with a degree in Economics/Accounting, is a Certified
Public Accountant and holds a Six Sigma Green Belt
designation. She has also been a PMP since 2006. Her outside
interests include gardening, golfing and cooking as well as
spending time with her family.
You can contact Cecily via email at [email protected]
Dorothy “Kippy” West, PMP
Svetlana Veprinsky, PMP
Professional Development Portfolio
Professional Development Portfolio
Kippy has 20+ years experience
managing projects in both the IT and
Financial industries. Most recently, at IBM,
she managed IT Service Management
transformation projects in support of CIO
investment initiatives, as well as security
compliance and service excellence
improvement projects. She previously managed the account
relationship between IBM Global Technology Services (ITS) and
two internal IBM business units (IBM Research and Business
Transformation/CIO) and also served as a resource manager
for a team of project managers who provided support to the IBM
account. During her banking career at Centerbank, Bank of
Boston Connecticut and Bank of Boston, Kippy managed
application development teams, coordinated bank examinations
and served as a product manager and a business process
improvement consultant. Outside of her business career and
her involvement with SNEC-PMI, Kippy is serving as the chair
of the 50th Anniversary Steering Committee for Flander’s
Nature Center in Woodbury, CT and has served as a
committee member for the Connecticut Community Foundation
Non Profit Assistance Initiative Committee and as a site
coordinator for local, annual United Way campaigns. Kippy
earned her Bachelor’s degree at Arcadia University. She also
has completed the requirements necessary for IBM and PMI
project management certification. You can contact Kippy via
email at [email protected]
Svetlana is a senior level manager with
20 years of broad-based, progressive
leadership experience. Her areas of
expertise include business process
engineering and redesign of IT enabled
business processes, exceptional success
rate in delivery of IT and business
projects, implementation and management of regulatory and
compliance programs, and implementation of quality processes
including FDA, PDMA, SOX and ISO 9000. She is versatile in
a variety of industries and business models, both domestic and
international, including specialty commercial and health
insurance, pharmaceutical supply chain, engineering services,
commercial facilities maintenance management, medical
document processing and customer service. She currently holds
the position of Applications Release Manager in the Information
Management Technology Solutions Group at Cigna and is
responsible for a variety of multi-platform implementations
utilizing both traditional and agile methodologies. She is also
responsible for SOX compliance as the Control Owner for
that group. Svetlana has been a member of SNEC and
previously held the position of VP of Public Relations in the
Marketing Portfolio and as Board Member leading the
Education Portfolio. She has a passion for delivering results,
efficiency, quality outcomes, and advocating the value of project
management. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in
Mechanical Engineering. You can contact Svetlana via email
at [email protected]
Leadership Profiles
Anthony Falsetta, PMP
Lisa Nabulsi, PMP
Membership Portfolio
Marketing Portfolio
Anthony has over 15 years of successful
project management working in the
Information Technology area and has been
supporting financial systems projects for
United Rentals since 2000. At United
Rentals, he has managed software
implementations, upgrades, customizations
and enhancements. Anthony has been a member of SNEC since
2008. He joined the SNEC Board in 2010 after serving as the VP
of the Continuing Education portfolio.
Currently, Anthony serves as a Board Member supporting the
Membership portfolio. For 2012, Anthony and his team
introduced the SNEC Local Leadership Institute program
including training, coaching and leader seminars. Anthony
holds the Project Management Professional designation and a
Master of Business Administration with a concentration in
Finance. You can contact Anthony via email at
[email protected]
Lisa is a highly energetic, motivated and
effective project manager with seven years
progressive project management experience
for Fortune 500 companies. Managing
business and IT focused implementation
projects on behalf of National Accounts, as
well as technical analysis.
Major accomplishments include:
• Evaluated and implemented various actuarial models/
components and re-engineered associated business processes
• Managing and monitoring multiple state actuarial reserve
and AG38 calculation audits
• Managing multiple projects in a matrixed environment to
enhance system functionality while simultaneously reducing
the number of resources required to successfully carry out
the enhancements
Speaking Engagements include the Hartford Eastside Roundtable
and the SNEC Spring Job Fair. You can contact Lisa via email at
[email protected]
Portfolio Vice Presidents
Professional Development
VP Finance Management: Open
VP Technical Infrastructure: Michael Smith
VP of Operations: Daniel Capetta
VP Sponsorship: Open
VP Administration: Don Black
VP Continuing Education: Neil Weiss
VP Programs: Open
VP Special Events: Abby Bosacker
VP Conference: Genevieve Guilmette
VP Leadership Development: Joseph Katucki
VP Communications: Denise Muggleston
VP Marketing: Open
VP Branding/PR: Open
VP Volunteers: Darwyn Azzinaro
VP Membership: Yan Lachowicz
VP Outreach: Steve Teebagy
VP Mentoring: Jodie Bentley
Our Aspirations
What drives us!
Reinvent, Reinvigorate and Reconnect this year!
Our aspirations for the Chapter are based on a set of
beliefs of why we exist – we believe that Project
Management is a strategic competency that has a
positive impact on achieving business results. We
believe that through a professional network we can
advance the project management discipline and foster
individual growth and expertise. Our chapter is
committed to ethical and professional behavior.
We are committed to providing opportunities that bring
the project management community together to learn,
network and contribute to the success of each member
and our chapter. That includes providing opportunities
to volunteer, engage corporate stakeholders, and learn
from one another and from leaders in various practices
and topic areas. From that foundation we can apply that
knowledge to various environments and improve upon
our skills.
We believe that project management makes a difference
in every aspect of our lives – from our work, to our
11 communities, to our country and our globe. The most
successful endeavors have commitment to disciplined
project and portfolio management.
This year, make a commitment to Reinvent yourself,
Reinvigorate your career and Reconnect with project
management professionals in our chapter and in PMI.
Each month, I will highlight the differences I think we
make. The difference that commitment, focus and
community can make in Southern New England, and in
the world! Membership in PMI’s Southern New England
Chapter demonstrates to employers, peers and team
members that you are a dedicated professional
committed to the highest standards and practices of
project management, to continued education, and to
contributing to the project management profession.
With gratitude to all those who have volunteered in
helping our chapter reach its 30th year anniversary,
Carin Salonia, PMP
SNEC President & CEO
SNEC Presidential Timeline
President Name
Thomas Gearing
1992-1993 Ralph Young
2006-2008 Mike Smith
1984-1985 Lenore Bernsley
1994-1995 James Cashman
2008-2010 Darwyn Azzinaro
1986-1987 Peter Santoro
2010-2012 Norm Prevost
1997-2000 Matthew Bovell
Edward Davis
1989-1991 Kenneth Keisling
President Name
Christine Shortell
President Name
Carin Salonia
2001-2006 Jorge Gelabert
1245 Farmington Ave #218
West Hartford, CT 06107