Local Cocktail Waitress Sues Bellagio, Denies Fellating Patron on


Local Cocktail Waitress Sues Bellagio, Denies Fellating Patron on
Santa Barbara shootings:
Would a ‘gun restraining
order’ have helped?
Our Point of View
Think carefully
before voting!
Al Qaeda terrorists at
Guantanamo treated
better than our vets
Volume 16, Issue 12
May 28-June 3, 2014
Ward 5 Chamber of Commerce Member
Local Cocktail Waitress Sues Bellagio,
Denies Fellating Patron on Casino Floor
By RE-TOX Staff
A former Las Vegas cocktail
waitress is suing the Bellagio for
assault, battery, false imprisonment,
and sex discrimination, claiming
she was falsely accused of openly
performing oral sex on a man inside the casino... fired... then held
against her will and ruthlessly interrogated for seven hours.
Lindsay Gambit filed the lawsuit
in Clark County, Nevada, claiming
she was abruptly fired in 2011, after eight years of faithful service,
when her superiors falsely accused
her of “getting fingered,” “giving a
blowjob,” and “having sex” in plain
view inside the casino.
Gambit claims she was given her
job back after surveillance video
showed she was innocent, but the
harassment from her Bellagio supervisors continued. Gambit claims
they continually spread rumors
about her engaging in sexual conduct at the casino, even though she
insists she did not.
Gambit says she complained and
was eventually fired again in 2012,
My Point
of View
By Rolando Larraz
If I were to list the things I despise in life, I would have to start
with lies, betrayals and snitches,
just to name a few.
When Judge Vincent Ochoa
looked me straight in the eyes and
told me that he is not a client of
Dave Thomas, he hurt my feelings
because I had always believed that
most of those individuals wearing
a black robe on the bench were
people of integrity that I could respect, and who ought to inspire us,
yet I knew he was lying to me.
One day, when Judge Bill
Gonzalez’ was leaving my office
after our pleasant visit, I walked
him to his car and in front of the
building we talked a little bit more
about things that I didn’t think were
proper to talk about in front of the
staff. That’s when the topic of Dave
Thomas came to light.
Judge Gonzalez honestly and
straightforwardly told me that he is
a Dave Thomas client and I respect
him for that honesty and for not hiding the truth that sooner rather than
later I was to find out anyway.
I like Judge Gonzalez; we’ve
always had a very good communication, and even if I may not support him in this election, I respect
him for being honest and for not
hiding his connection to Dave Thomas.
Judge Gonzalez, as well as many
others in this community, is aware
of my feelings towards Dave Thomas and what I think about those
who I believe are controlled by him,
but he was honest and sincere and
gave me the respect of not lying to
my face; I may not recommend him
for reelection because of the control Dave Thomas may have over
him, but my opinion of Judge
Gonzalez has not changed and my
respect for him has doubled.
Judge Ochoa could have done
the same and I would not have lost
my respect for him, but he went all
out to appear he was Dave Thomasfree.
Judge Ochoa has given Dave
Thomas a total of $12,500 in five
payments of $2,500 each for his
services (if there IS any real service
to speak of) and promises of endorsements from different unions
and organizations.
Judge Ochoa paid five payments
of $2,500 each on January 1st, February 1st, March 1sr, April 1st, and
(See My Point of View, Page 2)
except this time she was dragged
into an interrogation room by
Bellagio security guards. She
claims the director of security, Ray
Brown, subjected her to an “abusive and unlawful” 7-hour interro-
gation about her alleged involvement in a credit card fraud scheme.
According to the lawsuit, Brown
suspected Gambit was in cahoots
with a casino customer who was
using a fraudulent credit card.
During the interrogation, Gambit claims Brown repeatedly called
her things like “white trash,” “piece
of sh*t,” and “low life.” Gambit
says she was terrified and tried to
contact her lawyer, but Brown
ripped her phone out of her hands.
She says that’s when cops showed
up and continued the interrogation.
According to the lawsuit, Lindsay was ultimately booked and
charged in connection with the alleged credit card scheme, but she
continues to fight the charges.
After she left Bellagio for good,
Gambit says Brown continued to
spread rumors about her working as
a prostitute in the casino. She claims
the entire ordeal has left her emotionally scarred. She claims she
can’t eat, she can’t sleep, and her
reputation has been permanently
She’s suing for big money...
Palm, Ozzi Fumo and Thomas
Pitaro, seeking to overturn OJ
Simpson’s 2007 armed robbery
conviction, filed an appeal with the
Nevada Supreme Court last week.
The newest appeal seeking OJ
Simpson’s release and a new trial
was submitted Wednesday and it is
clear his lawyers had a lot to say.
Prosecutors offered a reduced
charge with a ten-month sentence
in prison, as published in the Las
Vegas Tribune, but later it was
learned that his previous defense
attorney never informed Simpson
of the offer.
Lawyer Patricia Palm, who filed
the appeal, told the Las Vegas Tribune that she believes they’ll accept
the appeal despite the long length
of the filing because the State Supreme Court often approves overthe-limit filings.
Simpson, 66, was sentenced to
nine to 33 years in prison for the
armed robbery of sports memora-
bilia from a memorabilia dealer at
the Palace Station Hotel-Casino.
Lawyers for Simpson are arguing his prior lawyers were deficient
at trial and in his first appeal. Judge
Linda Bell of Nevada rejected the
arguments in November, saying any
errors would not have changed the
outcome given the “overwhelming”
evidence against Simpson.
Simpson has claimed he was trying to recover property stolen from
him in the hotel confrontation, and
he didn’t know that the men with
him were carrying guns.
Testimony in the hearing before
Bell revealed that most of the items
taken in the 2007 episode were
found to belong to Simpson, and according to court records the items
have been returned to Simpson.
New Appeal Filed on Behalf of OJ Simpson
By Rolando Larraz
Las Vegas Tribune
OJ Simpson may have been
wrong for not calling the police to
retrieve his property from the Palace Station Casino, but many local
attorneys and judges have told the
Las Vegas Tribune that at the most,
he committed a gross misdemeanor
punishable with probation, and the
newspaper has maintained that his
sentence is far too excessive for that
Simpson was excessively punished because those involved in that
Las Vegas case have refused to accept the jury’s decision from years
ago and continue to look at him as
the murderer of his former wife and
her friend.
Las Vegas Attorneys Patricia
Senate Democrats declare war on Vets
By William Sullivan
Special to The Las Vegas Tribune
In the past weeks, the current
administration has found itself in
the middle of a new scandal. No
need to be taken aback by that, because this administration has been
a complicit player in a number of
scandals. But this one is particularly
damning, because if there’s one
thing Americans of most stripes
treasure, it is our soldiers in the
Armed Forces who have always
been, and continue to be, the guarantors of our way of life.
Honestly, even the staunchest
anti-war activists’ condemnations
will generally stop short of condemning American soldiers en
masse. So sensitive is the subject
in the public eye that even if they
truly hate our soldiers’ actions overseas, they will not outwardly espouse those feelings (with a few
exceptions like Abu Ghraib) for fear
of touching that deep nerve which
derives from America’s central
Clearly, our vets are not among those the Senate Dems seek to protect.
foundation as a nation of citizen
Yet in the years of this
administration’s tenure, as we now
have evidence, the government has
“falsified data to hide how long
veterans were waiting to see doctors at VA (Veterans Administra-
tion) hospitals.”
Which is to say, evidence of an
healthcare program for our veterans was hidden from John Q. Public at a time in which such evidence
would have been crippling to the
advocates of government-run
healthcare. Barack Obama, in 2008,
even held up the VA as model for
his proposed reformation, which
required government oversight of
the American healthcare system. So
there’s no surprise in the
government’s attempting to bury
the failings of the system. While
Obamacare clung for dear life due
to its own inefficiency, many veterans died as a result of a lack of
the proper care they deserved, having been bogged down by a messy
and inefficient government system
administered by public bureaucrats.
Rush Limbaugh absorbed flak
for calling this a foreshadowing of
the “death panels” to come with
Obamacare. Can’t imagine why.
Rush simply stated the obvious.
This is nothing less than a government panel of administrators deciding, based upon State-approved
guidelines, who shall receive care
and who shall be denied. The writing on the wall at Belshazzar’s feast
(See War on Vets, Page 00)
Good or bad policing, it is your choice
By Gordon Martines
It is coming down to the nitty
gritty, June 10, 2014, primary election time for Sheriff of Clark
County, Nevada. There is just one
big question that you have to ask
yourself: Do you want your police
force to continue the extremely dubious work that it has been doing
over the past ten years, or would
you like to see your police force
cleaned up, become righteous and
honorable again? The choice is
clear: If you unthinkingly vote for
anyone other than Gordon
Martines, your police force will
likely continue to unlawfully shoot
and kill your family, neighbors,
friends and even your pets, without
any regard for accountability, transparency, or moral conscience or obligation to perform in a way that is
lawful and right.
The police culture needs an
overhauling big time, like never
before, and Gordon Martines is the
person to do it. In fact, Martines
started years ago trying to internally
set things right and keep Metro on
the straight and narrow. In January
of 2011, Martines filed a Federal
Lawsuit (Gordon Martines vs Sheriff Douglas Gillespie, et al.), against
the current sheriff and fourteen
other high-ranking defendants on
the grounds of Corruption, Dis-
crimination, Evidence Tampering,
Malfeasance, False Police Reports,
Unlawful Termination, False Arrest, Malicious Prosecution, Theft,
Police Misconduct, and a First
Amendment violation, which included coercion to lie about a criminal incident and false arrest of multiple suspects in a high-profile case,
and four unsolved Murders, which
resurfaced from legal depositions
(See Political Analysis, Page 4)
Page 2 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / May 28-June 3, 2014
My Point of View
(Continued from Page 1)
May 1st, and I assume that there
will be more payments coming for
the general elections, making those
endorsements the most expensive
endorsements in any race.
This is not a personal vendetta
against Dave Thomas. Just take a
look at the endorsements obtained
by his clients — they all have the
same union and organizational endorsements; is that a coincidence?
That is why the Las Vegas Tribune has ended the charade of endorsements, because we have realized that such endorsements may be
just another politically motivated
business transaction.
What are we doing for those candidates whom we believe are the
best candidates for the job instead
of endorsements? We gave them the
VOL. 16, NO. 12
Rolando Larraz
Rolando Larraz
Perly Viasmensky
Don Snook
Maramis Choufani
opportunity to display their messages at a very reasonable price and
we promote them one-on-one with
our friends, our readers and our radio audience by inviting them over
and over to appear on our radio
shows, allowing them a chance to
be themselves and present their plan
for the better of the community.
I know there’s an organization
that criticizes this newspaper because we sell advertising to the candidates; but we ask ourselves, and
ask them also: is that not what
newspapers do? We do not sell
memberships, we sell advertising
— and if it is a candidate we like, I
deal with that candidate personally
to enable him or her to save money
as we give them our support.
As I have said before, considering all the years I have resided in
this beautiful city that I love, and
all the people I have met during
those years, both the important and
the very important, if I had been
willing to play their games and be
their puppet I could be as wealthy
and important (or even more important) as some of them are because,
being part of the elite Latino community that every politician nowadays wants to pamper, my seniority in the community would give me
an edge.
Unfortunately (?), I don’t know
how to kiss the rear ends of those
who think they are more important
than me; and quite frankly, they
would all be under the wrong assumption anyway if they thought
that their money could buy or control me.
My commitment to the community is far more important that any
money or any connections I might
gain by pleasing someone who
thinks he/she is very important; I
always find a way to publish my
message on behalf of those who
may not have a voice otherwise.
When a campaign manager has
a client that I think is a good asset
to the community, I have no objection to working with that campaign
manager — as long as the campaign
manager is aware that we are both
on the same level.
However, when any campaign
manager makes the mistake of believing that he is doing me a favor
by allowing one of “his” candidates
to appear on our radio station instead of realizing that it is we, at
the Las Vegas Tribune and Radio
Tribune, who are doing that campaign manager the favor of giving
their client one extra opportunity to
voice his or her message to the voters, I cut them off and tell the candidate why.
The campaign team for congressional candidate Niger Innes
emailed us requesting an invitation
for their candidate to be on our radio show; after checking both their
schedule and ours, we settled for
May 23.
Late in the afternoon on May 22,
another campaign team member,
who identified himself as “scheduling director” (or some such title),
called us, blaming the previous
team for booking the candidate for
the day he would have a debate on
the Jon Ralston show and he needed
to “rehearse” for that 6 p.m. show.
They wanted to know if we
could instead take another guest —
who never arrived at our office,
showing a great deal of disrespect
to us, even after I was generous
enough to introduce the candidate
on another radio show that is more
on the democratic side, even if the
candidate is a Republican running
against another Republican who is
already spending lots of money on
that radio show trying, intelligently
enough, to convey her message to
a democratic audience.
Regardless of how much people
may try to diminish our position in
the community, we saw clearly how
people responded to our invitation
for last week’s meet and greet the
candidates event, where several
hundred people came by — some
for a minute or five, some for an
hour or so, and some stayed for the
whole event — and the candidates
and spouses of campaign managers
would not let me lie, even if I
wanted to.
Most of these kinds of events last
no more than two hours, but thanks
to the great work of the team at Las
Vegas Tribune, this one lasted four
hours. Why? Because we are not
about getting behind just one candidate or another; we are about allowing the candidates who are best
for the office for which they are
running AND best for the community to find their public voice and
be seen and heard.
My name is Rolando Larraz, and
as always, I approved this column.
Rolando Larraz is Editor in
Chief of the Las Vegas Tribune. His
column appears weekly in this
newspaper. To contact Rolando
[email protected] or
at (702) 699-8111.
Colleen Lloyd
Kenneth A. Wegner
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Quote of the Week:
“Chance favors the
prepared mind.”
—Louis Pasteur
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May 28-June 3, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 3
Plant World Nursery Hosts Free Kid’s Flower Potting Session
Every Third Saturday of the Month, Beginning Saturday, June 21
Three-year-old Kane Ellis learns the basics of flower potting at Plant World Nursery’s Spring Growing Day
on March 1, 2014. Photo submitted by Plant World Nursery.
Children can develop a green
thumb while having fun!
Plant World Nursery, the longest-running establishment for Las
Vegas’ gardening and landscaping
needs, introduces a free monthly
kid’s flower potting session beginning Saturday, June 21 from 10 a.m.
- 2 p.m. Open to all children ages 3
to 12, children will have the opportunity to plant various types of
seeds that they will be able to take
home and nurture, while their parents have the convenience to shop
for gardening needs. Taking place
every third Saturday of the month,
the kid’s flower potting session will
allow kids to experience the joy of
gardening, and offer them a chance
to spend time visiting Plant World
Nursery’s tropical birds, turtles and
desert tortoises. Limit one pot per
Join @PlantWorldUSA every
3rd Saturday for a Kids Flower Potting session. While the parent shop,
The Kids Flower Potting schedule for the summer is as follows:
—Saturday, June 21
—Saturday, July 19
—Saturday, August 16
“We pride ourselves in being an
establishment that is family
friendly,” said Tim Reynolds, General Manager of Plant World. “We
also feel it’s important for kids to
learn gardening at a young age, so
they understand how to properly
grow and maintain plants and flowers at home, and can appreciate nature.”
New EPA rules would
reduce air pollution
from oil refineries
People living in the Southwest
and other parts of the nation could
breathe a little easier, advocates say,
if new Environmental Protection
Agency standards are put in place
that would require oil companies to
clean up the toxic pollution their
refineries release into the atmosphere.
Some of the pollutants, particu-
Nevada and across the U.S., who
may take better care of others than
themselves, to take steps to live
healthier lives.
Dr. Kellie Donahue, a physician
at Nevada Health Centers, says
many women neglect their health
because they’re constantly caring
for their families.
“The very first thing they might
want to think about is how they
manage their stress,” she says.
“Because I think that is what
dovetails into some of the health
problems we see with hypertension,
high cholesterol, elevated weight
being hard on joints and knees, back
problems from weight and lack of
exercise, and lack of flexibility.”
Donahue says it can be a difficult transition but women should
take the time to decompress and try
to not let the stress of life overwhelm them.
She adds that some women
dread exercise because they don’t
see themselves as athletic. Donahue
says the trick to being active is finding something you really enjoy doing.
“It’s important, and it doesn’t
have to be calisthenics or the gym,”
she stresses.
“It should be something they
find restorative and lovely. So, for
some women it may be dance. For
some women it may be yoga. For
some women who are very, very
overwhelmed it may be getting up
an extra half hour and taking a
Donahue adds that women
should be getting regular
mammograms, bone density tests
and a colonoscopy.
Fruitful Container Gardens
Picture yourself harvesting a few
fresh strawberries for your cereal in
the morning or perhaps picking a
few apples from your own backyard
tree to cook up into a pie. It is possible, even if you garden on a balcony or small lot. And even if you
have plenty of space, you will still
appreciate the fun and convenience
of reaching out the back door and
harvesting some homegrown fruit.
Strawberries are excellent container plants. Grow everbearing or
day neutral varieties, so you will be
harvesting strawberries throughout
the growing season. Reduce your
workload and increase success with
a self-watering hanging basket . Or
dress things up a bit more with a
decorative container. The haystack
hanging baskets have the beauty of
the coco fiber-lined planters, but
require half the watering. The
AquaSav liner is a combination of
coir and recycled plastic designed
to conserve moisture. This means
better results with less watering.
But don’t stop there. Add some
dwarf fruit trees to your patio
plantings. A dwarf apple, peach or
pear will provide beautiful spring
flowers, nice foliage for the summer and fruit for you to enjoy. Select self-fertile varieties, those that
only require one plant to produce
fruit, if space is limited. Grow your
dwarf trees in large weather-proof
pots with drainage. Those in cold
climates will need to provide some
winter protection, but the first harvest will make that extra bit of work
well worth the effort. So survey
your patio, deck, balcony or garden
for space to add a container or two
of fruiting plants that are sure to add
beauty and flavor to your garden
and meals this season.
Bango Oil Refining Company in Fallon
larly benzene, are believed to cause
It’s “National Women’s
Health Week” In Nevada
Attorney Emma Cheuse with
It’s National Women’s Health
Earthjustice said the EPA is taking Week, which encourages women in
a step in the right direction.
“The first step to being able to
protect our communities’ health,”
she said, “is to at least know what’s
going into the air from all different
kinds of sources that can leak and
put pollution out at oil refineries.”
The EPA is asking for public
comments this summer, with final
rules expected to be in place next
spring. The newly proposed standards come after Earthjustice and
the Environmental Integrity Project
filed a lawsuit on behalf of groups
in California, Texas and Louisiana.
Nevada has one oil refinery, in
Churchill County.
The proposed rules would require companies to monitor toxic
air pollution on-site as it is emitted. Cheuse said she thinks it’s especially important for protecting
children’s health.
“As Americans, none of us
wants our kids to have to face extra
cancer risk just because we happen
Nevada women are encouraged to take steps to be healthier during National Women’s Health Week.
to live near an industrial plant,” she
Photo courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
said, “and EPA is taking a really
important, common-sense step.”
The proposal calls for improved
monitoring and combustion efficiency requirements when waste
gas is burned. It says flaring is a key
source of air pollution in the refining process.
The proposal is online at
Page 4 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / May 28-June 3, 2014
Political Analysis
(Continued from Page 1)
taken in June/July of 2013, and that had occurred in 1996, 2001, 2002,
2007. One of the murders was especially egregious in that the severed
head of LVMPD Officer Kevin Scott Dailey, 39 years old, was found 300
feet from Dailey’s burned out personal vehicle, near Lake Mead in the
Henderson Police Department’s jurisdiction, on or around December 5,
2007. Henderson PD was notified and so was LVMPD, even though Dailey
had been missing for approximately one month prior, and was listed as
AWOL from work, being a full-time LVMPD correction’s officer. What
makes this so outrageous is that no missing persons’ report was taken, no
homicide investigation was ever started, and no media coverage was ever
published about this incident. It was covered up completely by LVMPD,
Henderson PD, and the media, and a gag order was put in place for all
LVMPD employees not to discuss this disappearance and murder.
A casual look at the circumstances reveal that this was probably a
“Mob hit,” since Officer Dailey had come into approximately three million dollars from a medical malpractice settlement in or around 2006,
quit work, and then shortly thereafter, lost all the money in bad real estate
investments, and then was reinstated, murdered — his head severed —
and dumped into the usual Mob dumping ground, near Lake Mead.
The HOA Scandal crew, the Russian Mafia, and the LVMPD Intelligence Section may all have been involved, as most all have a common
link to a certain scheme and practice regarding the main players, most of
whom either kill themselves or are murdered, if they become state’s witnesses, after they are indicted. What a tangled web!
Back to the election for Sheriff. Something tells me that the untimely
retirements of high-ranking upper management police officials in 2013,
such as Asst. Sheriff Ted Moody, Captain Larry Burns, Deputy Chief
Greg McCurdy, Asst. Sheriff Ray Flynn, Asst. Sheriff Michael McClary,
and the sudden change of mind and sudden anointment by Sheriff Douglas Gillespie, to now not run for a third term for Sheriff, makes me think
that my little 2011 Federal lawsuit, and the following legal depositions
taken in June/July of 2013, has made an impression on the upper police
management of the LVMPD in that they seem to be running for the hills
for no reason, unless they are involved in that criminal conduct, of course.
The FBI had requested and received, in August 2013, the legal depositions which depict the four unsolved murders that allegedly make the
LVMPD Administration complicit. Something tells me that the FBI is
holding back on the forthcoming indictments, so as not to affect the
Sheriff’s race, and thus destroy what is left of the police infrastructure in
our community, and its election process. If the hoped-for miracle occurs
and I am elected to proceed to the general election, then the FBI could
easily and quietly go ahead and indict the other sheriff candidates and
nobody would be the wiser.
If the voters elect one or more of the current and former police administrators and candidates (Burns, Moody, or Lombardo), that would pose a
serious problem for the two candidates going to the general election —
meaning they might be in handcuffs! (Only in Las Vegas.)
I would appreciate your vote, and you can count on me. I will never
stab you in the back, let you down, commit a felony crime, or violate
your Constitutional Rights.
To show my sincerity, if elected Sheriff, I will donate one half of my
first year’s salary to three of my favorite charities: Salvation Army, Safe
Nest, and STOP DUI INC.
Your devoted Constitutional Sheriff Candidate, Gordon Martines.
Gordon Martines is a former LVMPD detective who has served in
many capacities over his 39-year career in law enforcement. He has been
a candidate for sheriff in 2002, 2006, and 2010, is currently running for
sheriff with the intention of bringing integrity and accountability back to
the department, and filed a federal lawsuit against LVMPD in 2011.
Martines now contributes his opinions and ideas to the Las Vegas Tribune to keep the public informed and help improve policing in Las Vegas.
He has also appeared on the Face the Tribune radio program several
times to share his plan for a better LVMPD if he should be elected sheriff.
War on Vets
(Continued from Page 1)
was far more subtle than the evidence we have witnessed of the
coming nightmare.
So this bears repeating endlessly.
Our heroic veterans have died on
the ends of our government bureaucrats’ stamps. Are we to believe that
our fates portend something different under the supposedly grand
healthcare vision that is
House Republicans decided to
take the VA administration officials
to task, in the same way a business
owner might, if one of his workers
had been implicated in such a scandal that required the firing of incompetent leadership. Representatives in the House, including numerous Democrats, resoundingly
approved the prudent order.
And yet, Democrats in the Senate have crushed the bill which
would hold those at fault accountable. Marco Rubio remarked that
we “have an opportunity right now
to take up the bill that the House
just passed with an overwhelming
majority, enact it into law by unanimous consent, and send it to the
president so he can sign it.”
Vermont’s Bernie Sanders (who
is technically an Independent, but
whose voting record aligns with
Senate Democrats) rebutted, after
having voted against accountability for these deaths perpetrated by
the VA administration, saying that
“some of us are old-fashioned
enough to know that maybe folks
in the Senate might want to know
what’s in the bill before we’ve
voted on it.”
This comment should go down
in history among the greatest hy-
pocrisies ever uttered. Bernie Sanders voted for Obamacare in 2010,
and he, like the Democrats who also
voted for it, did not know what was
in the unreadable bill, because he
did not, nor could he have, read that
monstrosity before it was visited
upon us in the form of law. “We
have to pass the bill to find out
what’s in it,” as another Democrat
champion of Obamacare famously
trumpeted. And yet Bernie Sanders
voted for it anyway. But when it
comes to something as simple as
removing the obviously incompetent administrators of the VA? Suddenly, knowledge of the bill’s content is important.
For the record, H.R. 4031 is
three pages, and it can be read in
less than two minutes. I would expect Senate Democrats could have
done that, if they had the interest.
Conservatives have been accused of politicizing this scandal to
paint the Obama administration in
a negative light. But in reality, the
issue is political by nature, if only
because government officials have
chosen to provide healthcare for
some and not for others. What we
have witnessed is nothing more
than a selective process to delineate
who deserves healthcare at the cost
of taxpayers, and who does not.
Given that those deemed unworthy of care by these government officials died, a “death panel” analogy is hardly out of line.
But there is a larger question
raised by Senate Democrats’ refusal
to demand accountability in this
instance. Just who do they care
They can’t muster the gumption
to hold VA officials accountable for
the blood that is clearly on their
hands? Is that not a moral imperative on par with ensuring that a
mother on welfare, whose lifestyle
Americans already subsidize, has
assured access to healthcare and
even abortions should she require
them? Why would Senate Democrats champion this woman to the
extent that they would vote for a bill
that they haven’t read, but have no
such zeal when seeking justice for
the deaths of our military veterans
who died [as a result of Senate
Democrats who simply did not
have] the interest or ability to read
the bill? Not likely. No, Bernie
Sanders, after having voted down
H.R. 4031, callously remarked
“People die every day.” The VA, he
posits, “works reasonably well for
veterans.” And if it works “reasonably well,” why sternly address it?
Of course, those families whose
loved ones died as a result of the
VA’s inefficiency would probably
beg to differ. In fact, they’re angry.
And we Americans are angry with
What we can take away from
this is that the targets of the government benevolence, at least in
Senate Democrats’ eyes, are becoming more defined. Unlike the
voting bloc of millions of government dependents that Democrats
champion with fierce rhetoric, our
brave veterans are actually entitled
to healthcare benefits that they have
earned, and they and their families
deserve justice for being wrongfully
denied those benefits.
Clearly, our veterans are not
among those the Senate Democrats
seek to protect. And what’s more,
they are an obvious impediment to
the betterment of our veterans’
May 28-June 3, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 5
Santa Barbara shootings: Would a
‘gun restraining order’ have helped?
The Santa Barbara shootings show how hard it is to tailor laws to keep guns out of the hands of
people who shouldn’t have them. But the case is also highlighting the push for a middle ground.
By Amanda Paulson
Christian Science Monitor
In retrospect, there seem to have
been plenty of signs that Elliot
Rodger was disturbed and perhaps
a danger to himself or others.
Nearly a month before Mr.
Rodger went on a deadly rampage
in Isla Vista, Calif., killing six
people and injuring 13 more before
taking his own life, his mother was
concerned enough by videos
Rodger had posted on YouTube,
including one titled “Why do girls
hate me so much?” that she called
the police and asked them to check
on her son.
But despite stricter gun-control
laws in California than in much of
the rest of the country — including
greater restrictions for individuals
with serious mental illness or those
who have been convicted of violent
misdemeanors — Rodger was able
to legally purchase his three semiautomatic handguns.
It’s a case, say experts, that
points both to the difficulties of
keeping guns out of the hands of
dangerous individuals as well as the
need to do more.
“We had a chance here,” says
Robyn Thomas, executive director
of the Law Center to Prevent Gun
Violence. “This was a case where
there was an opportunity and, the
way the laws are written, we as a
society weren’t able to take advantage of the opportunities.”
Ms. Thomas and others emphasize that it can be complicated identifying who is dangerous — and that
zeroing in on mental illness, often
the focus of such debates, can be
“Although mass violence committed by people with mental illness
is horrifying and galvanizes public
attention, most instances of multiple murder are not perpetrated by
people with mental illness, and only
around 4 percent of the violence in
this country is attributable to mental illness,” says Paul Appelbaum,
director of the division of law, ethics, and psychiatry at Columbia
University in New York, in an email response to questions.
The vast majority of even those
individuals with a serious psychiatric disorder never commit violence of any sort, he adds, and “in
the absence of a previous history of
violence, which has been true for
most of the recent mass shooters, it
is almost impossible to determine
People hug in front of the IV Deli Mart on Tuesday in the Isla Vista area near Goleta, Calif., where part of Friday’s mass shooting took place.
And when police went to
who will commit violence and who tors of the Sandy Hook and Aurora who is then required to report the
movie theater shootings — fall into threat to law enforcement.
Rodger’s apartment in late April at
will not.”
But none of those instances ap- the request of his mother, he was
Under federal law, individuals that category.
California law goes further: In- plied in the case of the Isla Vista calm and polite and offered no inwho have been involuntarily com(See Santa Barbara, Page 6)
mitted to a mental institution or “ad- dividuals are temporarily banned shooting.
judicated as a mental defective” are from gun possession if they’re
prohibited from possessing fire- placed on a psychiatric hold or if
arms, but relatively few people — they’ve made a specific threat to an
including Rodger and the perpetra- identifiable person to a therapist,
Tune in to
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Page 6 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / May 28-June 3, 2014
Santa Barbara
(Continued from Page 5)
dication that he was a danger.
“He just didn’t meet the criteria
for any further intervention at that
point,” Sheriff Bill Brown told
CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “He was able to convince the
deputies that this was all a misunderstanding.”
In the lengthy manifesto he titled
“My Twisted World” that Rodger
e-mailed to about a dozen people,
including his parents and his therapist, Rodger cited that visit from the
police, saying that “I had the striking and devastating fear that someone had somehow discovered what
I was planning to do, and reported
me for it. If that was the case, the
police would have searched my
room, found all of my guns and
weapons, along with my writings
about what I plan to do with them.”
Daniel Webster, director of the
Johns Hopkins Center for Gun
Policy and Research, says that it’s
a mistake, when looking at violence
prevention, to focus too much on
the details of any one case, but he
also says that seeing tragedies like
Isla Vista or Sandy Hook as inevitable is a mistake.
The more general problem, says
Dr. Webster, is that “there are a lot
of people who have access to guns,
who don’t meet the current legal
prohibiting condition, and yet anyone who knew the person and the
circumstances at that time would
say it’s prudent for everyone involved that this person not have
access to guns.”
As one way of addressing that
challenge, Webster advocates a sort
of “gun violence restraining order,”
modeled after the current system of
domestic violence restraining orders, in which a family member
could petition the court to temporarily remove firearms from an individual they think poses a credible
risk of harm to himself or others.
On Tuesday, two California
State Assembly members, Nancy
Skinner and Das Williams, announced their plans to introduce a
bill creating such a mechanism in
“When someone is in crisis, the
people closest to them are often the
first to spot the warning signs but
almost nothing can now be done to
get back their guns or prevent them
from buying more,” Assemblymember Skinner said in a statement.
“Parents, like the mother who tried
to intervene, deserve an effective
tool they can act on to help prevent
these tragedies.”
Such a process was a major recommendation of the Consortium for
Risk-Based Firearm Policy, which
brought together researchers, legal
experts, and clinicians, of which
both Webster and Appelbaum were
“It’s not as though it’s permanently taking people’s guns away,
but recognizing that, as we see in
so many of these cases, there are
clearly signs that something is
amiss, that danger is there, and
sometimes there just needs to be
enough time to assess the situation
and keep firearms from that individual,” says Webster. “To us, it’s a
very sensible balance between public safety and individual rights, because of its temporary nature and
the ability to go before a judge and
argue their case if the person feels
they’re not a danger.”
The Consortium also advocates
that state laws should be strengthened to temporarily restrict individuals from possessing or purchas-
ing firearms after short-term involuntarily hospitalization, and to enact prohibitions around other risk
factors, such as violent misdemeanors, drug or alcohol abuse (linked
to DUI convictions or misdemeanors involving a controlled substance), and being the subject of a
temporary domestic violence restraining order.
Police also need to be given the
power to remove guns from people
they think are dangerous, says
Appelbaum — something that is
currently not the case in most states.
He cites Connecticut and Indiana as
models for such laws, in which police can act quickly to remove a
gun, and the person whose gun was
taken can go to court to prove he is
not dangerous.
California and Texas also allow
(or in the case of California, require) law enforcement to seize firearms when they take a dangerously
mentally ill person into custody.
And New York and Illinois both
enacted laws last year with more
stringent reporting requirements for
mental health professionals, when
they think a patient is likely to cause
harm to himself or others. Law enforcement must revoke any handgun license and remove firearms
from the person’s possession.
Still, most laws around mental
health and gun possession are
“underinclusive,” says Adam
Winkler, a professor at the University of California at Los Angeles
School of Law, and the author of
“Gunfight: The Battle over the
Right to Bear Arms in America.”
But efforts to expand such laws
risk being overinclusive and infringing on the constitutional rights
of too many of the very large — and
generally nonviolent — population
of people with mental illness.
“Having someone who is a serious threat to others is a strong reason” to curtail those rights, Professor Winkler says. “Having a mental illness is not... We definitely
have to rethink our approach to
mental health and guns, but the answer is difficult to know in advance.”
Both Winkler and Ms. Thomas
emphasize that even the current,
basic rules are riddled with holes.
States aren’t required by law to report mental-health data to the federal government, and only a
handful provide comprehensive
mental health adjudication data,
says Winkler.
And about 40 percent of gun
sales occur privately and involve no
background check at all, says Thomas of the Law Center to Prevent
Gun Violence.
Something like a gun violence
restraining order might help, says
Winkler, as could better data reporting and background checks, and
perhaps better law enforcement
policies. For instance, the call from
Rodger’s mother could have
prompted a visit from someone with
mental health training or a search
of social media.
But he and others also emphasize that preventing every tragedy
is going to be impossible.
“We’ve made a decision in this
country to allow very easy access
to firearms and, as a result, our cities and communities are inundated
with firearms,” says Winkler.
“People will be able to get their
hands on guns.”
May 28-June 3, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 7
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. — Thomas Jefferson
Our Point of View
Think carefully
before voting!
We are in the middle of the early voting process. We
have but one week left till Election Day; the residents, constituents and voters need to realize how important it is to
be knowledgeable about those running for office, especially those running in the judicial race, where the life and
future of many appearing before those judges will depend
on the outcome.
We remember Judge Susan Johnson as the judge who, a
few years back, put a mother with small children behind
bars because she picketed in front of a local jewelry store
that had made her a bad deal.
Why would anyone re-elect a judge that has no compassion and would allow small children to be without their
mother just to prove a point and maybe to please a campaign donor?
If we were to analyze that race more closely, we’d say
that Bruce Gale, a perennial candidate, may be under the
impression that because he once was connected with the
powerful Greenspun family, he will now get the most votes;
we hope that is not the case.
That is why we keep insisting that it is very important
to know the truth behind every candidate on the ballot so
the community does not have to suffer later for electing
the wrong candidate.
A good example of what we are trying to say here can
be shown by considering family court judge candidate,
Linda Marquis. When interviewed by one of the unions
that her campaign manager influenced, she was asked why
they should endorse her. She arrogantly responded, “Because I am going to win”; and on a followup, when they
asked her why she thinks she is going to win, she responded
that she is going to win because she has a lot of money and
she is going to use it.
Is this candidate under the impression that she can buy
the position she is running for in Family Court? What experience does this candidate have in that court?
Linda Marquis has been in Family Court maybe as many
times as we have fingers on our hands and that was only to
substitute for the attorney in the case who was busy on
another case at the Regional Justice Center. Marquis believes that because she has served a few times as Justice of
the Peace and as an alternative in Municipal Court dealing
with misdemeanor crimes that have nothing to do with family court or related issues, that she would make the best
In Department 28, the people of Clark County don’t have
many choices: the incumbent Ron Israel is controlled by
his campaign manager, Dave Thomas; and the other one is
using the election to get even with Judge Israel, who found
him guilty in the Constable’s case and very well can be
controlled by the office of the Constable — so the only
choice the voters have is a young, independent candidate
by the name of Susan Bush.
Keep in mind that the mainstream media and the powers-that-be only want the public to hear about the candidates that spend money with them and the candidates that
they want to win to keep what we call the inheritance cycle
going, with the control of one office or another.
This is a very important election; it’s even more important than the general election because if the good candidate does not advance to the general, that opportunity is
Many candidates listen to the advice of their campaign
managers and “want to see how the primary goes” — but,
if they don’t double their efforts and campaign hard to win
the primary, there would not be a general election for them.
Every time that expression comes out of any candidate,
we wonder who is advising them or why they are getting
that type of advice, or whom else they are trying to help.
The good candidates do not have much of a chance until they take control of their campaign because the campaign manager only wants what is good for the campaign
manager, and the campaign manager’s pocket or bank account.
Anyone can manage the campaign for a candidate that
is going to win and even a very well-liked and popular
candidate can lose a race, such as happened to Judge Tony
Abbatangelo in the last election, or the very popular and
well-liked Bobby G. four years ago. The outcomes shocked
the voters when they lost their respective elections.
It is imperative that the constituents of this county realize that it is up to them to elect the right candidate; it is not
up to the campaign managers or to the mainstream media
to “elect” the candidates of their choice, which means selecting the candidate with money and the one tapped on
the shoulder by the outgoing office-holder as the viable
Who gave the mainstream media the authority to classify the viable candidates anyway?
Think about it voters!
The new book about the
luxury life of Fidel Castro
By Perly Viasmensky
The former bodyguard to Fidel Castro, Juan
Reinaldo Sanchez, decided to help with the book written by French journalist Axel Gylden, “The Secret Life
of Fidel Castro,” published last Wednesday in France.
Numerous reporters around the world are writing
about the new book as something out of the ordinary.
The book claims, according to Mr. Sanchez, that Fidel
Castro lives in a luxury that most Cubans can’t even
imagine, with a luxury island turtle and dolphin farm,
because Fidel loves turtle meat. He claims that the frugal life Fidel claims to have is all lies.
We all know the kind of life Fidel Castro lives, but
are we going to talk about lies? Or better yet — liars?
For seventeen years Juan Reinaldo Sanchez enjoyed
the luxury that most Cubans can’t even imagine, but
someone stepped on his toes and now he is crying wolf.
This man, Juan Reinaldo Sanchez, who now lives
in the United States of America, claims that he is 65
years old, that he fought with Fidel Castro in the mountains of Sierra Maestra, and that he served the animal
for 17 years as his bodyguard.
If mathematics doesn’t fail me, if in fact this man is
65 years old, in 1957-1958 he was just 8 or 9 years
old. Is he telling us that at such a tender age he was
already a revolutionary fighting shoulder to shoulder
with Fidel Castro?
In my book that is a LIE.
Seventeen years serving the animal that destroyed
our country and he claims he was thrown into jail like
a dog in a cockroach-infested cell and tortured after
asking to retire.
In those seventeen years and all the years before
(remember he was just a child when he was fighting
in the mountains with Fidel) Juan Reinaldo Sanchez
never thought about the thousands of his fellow coun-
trymen killed on the execution wall and the several
thousands of other innocents who also shared such
cockroach-infested cells.
Now, 55 years later, he is coming out with a book
telling the world that Fidel Castro has a private island,
Cayo Piedra, south of the Bay of Pigs, which he describes as a Garden of Eden. He claims that Fidel has
never renounced capitalist comforts or ever lived in
Axel Gylden, a senior journalist at L’Express magazine in France and co-author of the book, said that “this
is the first time someone from Castro’s intimate circle,
someone who is part of the system and a firsthand witness to these events, has spoken.”
This is another misrepresentation, misconception,
and source of misinformation (and maybe even some
more “mis-” words in the dictionary), in order to sell
this book to naive people who believe they are going
to read something different than we already know. The
streets of Miami, Florida are full of Castro’s former
servants, and they have already spoken to whoever
wants to listen to their lies.
No, this is not the first time someone from Fidel
Castro’s intimate circle has spoken. I hope Mr. Gylden
remembers the old saying: “Fool me once, shame on
you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
It is time to investigate the United States authorities that allow all these communists to enter and live
freely in our country after serving Fidel Castro for so
many years. We cannot forget how the daughter of Raul
Castro comes and leaves New York at her pleasure.
Perly Viasmensky is the General Manager of the
Las Vegas Tribune. She writes a weekly column in this
newspaper. To contact Perly Viasmensky, email her at
pviasmensky@lasvegas tribune.com.
Musing about War on Memorial Day
By Maramis
this country holds forth as worth savMany people — in their desire to
ing, and step up to the plate in whatrecognize and commemorate this day
ever way they can to see that those
— will wish us a “happy” Memorial
principles and values never die. Yet
Day. They do not mean to trivialize
sometimes the very ones stepping up
it or turn it into “that kind” of a holito the plate die in service to their
day; perhaps they just do not know
country. We call them fallen
how to state their recognition of the
servicemembers, of any persuasion,
day to others.
and they are the ones we remember
Memorial Day is not about fun,
on this day.
joy, or happiness. It is about meanYears ago, as we may remember,
ing. It is a solemn day of rememthis day was called Decoration Day
brance and recognition. If one had
because of the graves that were decoto make a case for “happy,” one
rated with flowers in remembrance
could always say that everyone who is fortunate of those fallen servicemembers. It has changed its ofenough to live in this free (or almost-free) country is ficial date for such recognition and its way of being
happy to live here because of the freedoms we have, “celebrated” over the years, but the core concept rewhether or not there are days and times when they mains the same. War costs lives, and this official holimay want to scream because of the way certain situa- day is about those who went off to war and lost their
tions are handled by our government or government lives. We want to always remember those who put
agencies — the present VA healthcare scandal per- themselves in danger’s way for what they truly felt was
haps being the latest one. Freedom is a very big thing, the good of this country. Whether you are a peacenik
and no one would willingly and knowingly give it up or a warrior at heart, surely you can still appreciate the
or just let it be taken away.
sincerity and dedication of those who served, and pause
Those who died in any of the wars to presumably long enough — not just on Memorial Day, but any day
preserve that freedom well know there was no happi- — to remember those no longer with us because of
ness involved in “their” war, or in any other wars. But their personal sacrifice.
the good that comes out of such unhappy situations,
Wars of times past seem so long ago that many may
at least as we might see it from one perspective, is be all but forgotten. Yet for their families, the fallen
that we are considered a free country. And as they say, servicemember’s picture may still be on the wall and
“freedom is not free.”
the memories of good times past are probably still in
It is amazing how many men and women still sign their hearts.
up for the opportunity to help our country stay free.
For the families of those who will not be returning
Of those who have died, all did not die in battle or home this year — or of those who didn’t make it home
even on foreign soil, yet they still died while wearing last year or any previous year during this current war,
the uniform, so to speak, and because in some way wherever they served — no doubt they will feel the
they believed in doing their duty for their country. They gap in the newest family photo, at their dinner table, or
are the fallen servicemembers (not veterans) we honor while watching their child play ball outside without
on this day — not because they were all heroes, but his or her mom or dad, as it used to be. That loss is
because they were all willing to be part of the vast keenly felt today and will continue to be felt even when
fellowship that stood for something they believed in. the next war comes around and today’s conflict is a
Whether we all believe in war or not, we all do thing of the past.
believe in freedom. And whether or not our country
War is hell, we’ve all heard it said, even without
goes about it in the way that is best — at least to our knowing what such “hell” might really be. Losing a
way of understanding — we all know that there are loved one to war must be like experiencing a slice of
(See Maramis, Page 9)
those who stand behind the principles and values that
Page 8 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / May 28-June 3, 2014
Editors note: The views expressed are entirely those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Las Vegas Tribune.
Citizen Outreach PAC
announces 2014 endorsements
government. And as
By Chuck Muth
we’ve seen in legislative
With early voting startsession after legislative
ing tomorrow, Citizen Outsession, Republicans
reach PAC is announcing
don’t do that by nominattoday endorsements for
ing “Democrat-lite” canvarious 2014 Nevada
statewide and legislative
On the other hand, we
primary races.
are perfectly grounded in
In addition to weighing
the reality that “majorithe conservative bona
ties get to lead.” As such,
fides of the candidates and
we generally embrace the
their triple “bilities” —
strategic notion that the
credibility, viability and
GOP should nominate the
believability — we also
implemented a litmus test this cycle: No most conservative candidate who can win
endorsement unless the candidate has in the general election.
signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
With that in mind, and in looking at the
Why? Two reasons...
voter registration figures and estimated
1.) If they won’t sign the Pledge, his- turnout for 2014, all of our endorsed cantory has shown they are FAR more likely didates below would be competitive in the
to vote to raise our taxes, and...
general election. In only one case — the
2.) If they can’t get the tax hike issue Senate District 20 seat — could the argucorrect, they are FAR more likely to get a ment be made that the conservative candibunch of other issues wrong, as well.
date would have a tougher time holding the
Such as how Assemblyman Randy seat than the incumbent.
“Kirner Tax” Kirner (District 26) blew the
However, in Senate District 20 the in“parent trigger” bill in the 2013 legislative cumbent is Sen. Moderate Mike Roberson.
session — the only legitimate education And Roberson, as regular readers know,
reform bill that would have made a real dif- broke his word and betrayed the very conference in our kids’ educations and actu- servatives who helped him get elected in
ally had a shot to pass.
Thanks for nothing, Randall.
The reality is that Roberson is all about
That said, some other things to consider Roberson and only Roberson. He’s all about
about these endorsements:
the power and the ego gratification. In my
For those keeping score, we are NOT opinion, he’ll lie, cheat and steal to hold
picking our candidates based on their odds onto the power he’s accrued to himself and
of winning. In fact, every one of our en- doesn’t give a damn about the conservadorsed candidates has the odds greatly tive movement, the Republican Party or
stacked against them. Indeed, with the ex- even his very constituents.
ceptions of incumbent Assemblyman John
Someone so bereft of character and
Hambrick and Assemblywoman Michele honor is of no value to conservatives or
Fiore, it’s quite possible that every single Republicans, even if it means gaining the
one of our endorsed candidates could lose majority in the upper house. If Roberson
in the GOP primary on June 10th.
was willing to sell us out as minority leader
But for us, it’s not just about winning — and he sure as Hades did! — he’d surely
and losing. It’s about moving the ball for- sell us out as majority leader.
ward and advancing our strongly held beThe conservative movement and the
lief that the best government is the least
(See Muth, Page 9)
The World’s Worst Jobs
a swirl of human waste
By Michael A. Aun
and sediment. How low
I’ve had some really
does your life have to be
weird jobs in my lifetime
to suffer that humiliaranging from being a nighttion?
shift jailer at the Lexington
Another disgraceful
County Sheriff’s Departendeavor would be to
ment to running ambulance
measure the quality of
service for the local funeral
sperm in animals utilizhome.
ing artificial equipment
It’s the latter job that
to bring the sperm to fruiwas one of the most untion. How much do you
usual. When I was in high
love animals or how
school, the local Harry
badly do you need work
to earn a living to do this?
Caughman hired guys to
All miserable jobs don’t necessarily inwork the night shift at Caughman-Harman
volve distasteful odors. Think about being
Funeral Home in Lexington.
Since we had no ambulance service in a guard at Buckingham Palace; that one
those days, the responsibility of transfer- isn’t exactly a walk in the park. They enring the injured and sick fell to the night dure cursing, humor, laughter and even
shift guys at Caughman-Harman. Of course nude people that attempt to distract them.
These poor guys spend several hours a day
none of us had any medical experience.
Those weren’t the worst jobs a person just pressing their uniforms.
Beyond the realm of the obvious “worst
could have. You could be in charge of removal of road kill from the side of the high- jobs” one could have are some you might
way. I believe I’d just shovel it off to the not think are so bad. Take newspaper reside and let the buzzards have a decent porting for example. ABC News ranked it
as one of the worst jobs you could have.
Another job with low pay and high risk
How about having to do quality control
on cat food? The first step is to bury you is that of a lumberjack. They make an avmug into a huge barrel of cat food and to erage income of $32,870 per year, $3,000
sniff it to make sure it’s fresh. Right... I re- less than the median income of a reporter.
If you ranked the quality of a job by the
ally want to do that. Next, you plunge your
arms in it up to your elbows grope for bonny income earned, one would have to conclude
bits that need to be removed. Finally, you that serving in the military is one of the
have to scoop up a huge dollop and smear worst jobs one could have, earning a meit on a flat surface to find the gristle con- dian income of just over $41,000 per year.
The hardest jobs I ever had was my first
tent. And you thought your job was a lousy
and last acting assignment. I dedicated a
That’s not the worst odor job you could week of my life to appearing in the madehave. Gastroenterologist Michael Levitt for-Broadway production of Lizzie, about
recently took it to a whole new level. How Lizzie Borden who took an axe to her parwould you like to sit next to the rear end of ents. I earned $100.00 for the entire week,
16 people who voluntarily ate plates of an average of $1.19 per hour. So-called sepinto beans? Your job is to rank the odor of rious actors only earn about $17 an hour
the emissions. To borrow an expression... for their work. You can keep acting.
You could volunteer to be a mosquito
that job really stinks!
A similar testing of garbage is still an- tester studying the biting habits of various
other distasteful version of the same “odor kinds of mosquitoes to determine the most
job” analysis. A worst job would be the guy severe breed. Before you bellyache about
that one, how would you like to be the guy
who has to clean the port-o-john.
As bad as that career is, you could do who tests snake bites?
Michael Aun is a syndicated columnist
worse. You could be in charge of cleaning
the sewer in places like Calcutta. You get and writes a weekly column for this newsto sit in a low crouch at the bottom of a paper. To contact Michael Aun, email him
seven-foot-deep manhole, sloshing away in at [email protected].
House Votes to Limit N.S.A.’s
Collection of Phone Data
By Mace Yampolsky
turning many technology
Its about time! The
companies and advocates
House on Thursday, May
against it. It figures!
22, voted overwhelmingly
“If House leaders had
to rein in the National Sebacked up their members
curity Agency’s sweeping
and stood behind the bill
collection of telephone
that passed unanimously
records, approving scaledout of two committees,
back legislation that
rather than caving to the
sharply divided the techintelligence community’s
nology sector and civil liblist of demands, a much
ertarians, but united the
stronger reform bill would
White House, conservative
have passed the House this
Republicans and liberal
morning,” said Kevin
Democrats. It’s about time!
Bankston, the policy director at the Open
The 303-121 vote sent an unambiguous Technology Institute, a technology advosignal that both parties are no longer com- cacy group. “This is not the surveillance
fortable with giving the N.S.A. unfettered reform that Americans deserve and have
power to collect bulk surveillance data. A demanded.”
year ago, a divided House nearly voted to
But civil libertarians pleaded for pastrip all money from the N.S.A. for such tience as the political world moves toward
surveillance, over the protests of the Repub- more stringent controls. “While far from
lican leadership.
perfect, this bill is an unambiguous stateWith anger over the leaks from Edward ment of congressional intent to rein in the
J. Snowden cooling, House Republicans out-of-control N.S.A. While we share the
and Democrats and the White House were concerns of many — including members
able to work out a compromise that fully of both parties who rightly believe the bill
satisfied few but did advance a push to limit does not go far enough — without it we
the surveillance efforts of the era ushered would be left with no reform at all,” said
in by the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Laura W. Murphy, the director of the
“People are a lot more comfortable with American Civil Liberties Union’s Washinga government that is not storing all this ton legislative office. One step at a time.
metadata,” said Speaker John A. Boehner At least it is a good start. I would rather
of Ohio, praising a bill that he said “makes have 20 percent of something instead of
it clear there will be no access to this data 100 percent of nothing.
without a court decision and the standards
Civil liberties groups said the changes
for that decision are higher than they were.” left the door open for the government to
But in the last days before the vote, in- obtain enormous volumes of records.
telligence and Obama administration offiThe bill’s centerpiece focuses on the
cials watered down the original bill by the power of the Foreign Intelligence SurveilJudiciary and Intelligence Committees,
(See Mace, Page 11)
Facing Down Your Fears
By Doug Dickerson
bad depending on how
In order to succeed,
you respond. Healthy atyour desire for success
titudes and fears can serve
should be greater than
you well if you use them
your fear of failure. — Bill
properly. So what is the
A story is told of two
Two Common
explores who were on a
jungle safari when sudWhile countless exdenly a ferocious lion
amples could illustrate the
jumped in front of them.
point let’s look at two.
“Keep calm” the first exThese people embody
plorer whispered. “Rewhat can happen when we
member what we read in
allow our fears to motithat book on wild animals?
vate us rather than disDOUG DICKERSON
If you stand perfectly still and look the lion courage us.
in the eye, he will turn and run.” “Sure,”
A famous “failure”
replied his companion, “You’ve read the
He first went into politics at the age of
book, and I’ve read the book. But has the 23. He ran for a seat in the Illinois General
lion read the book?”
Assembly. He lost. He later ran a General
Most leaders I know are familiar with Store. It failed. But today, not too many
fear. Not that they live in a constant state people look back upon those events and use
of fear or paranoia, but it is a part of the them to label the 16th President of the
leadership experience that defines them. United Sates as a failure. Abraham Lincoln
Fear will either motivate you or it will dis- is recognized as one of our most beloved
hearten you. How you choose to react to presidents in history. He experienced failthe fears you face will determine its effect ure, but he was not a failure. And he did
on you.
not allow those failures to define him.
Your success as a leader will come when
A famous “reject”
you embrace your fears and turn them into
He dropped out of high school and appositives. Do you know what your fears plied to attend three film schools but was
are? Are you willing to confront them? unsuccessful due to his C grade average.
Until you honestly confront them you will But if you have been entertained by such
never overcome them. So what are the most movies as E.T., Jurassic Park, Schindler’s
common forms of fear for leaders? Let’s List, Saving Private Ryan, and many more,
look at two common fears among leaders then you’d agree with me and the critics
and their surprising connections.
that Steven Spielberg is one of the greatest
Two Common Fears:
film directors of all time. Spielberg was
Fear of failure
rejected, but he was not a reject. He didn’t
Every business person, entrepreneur, allow his setbacks to hold him back.
athlete, leader, etc. has a desire to be sucThe connection between fear and successful. Regardless of how that success is cess comes down to this: every successful
measured the desires are still the same. But movie director, politician, athlete, entreprea fear of failure is the most commonly neur, etc. have all faced their fears and have
shared fear that prevents those dreams from overcome them. Your success as leader will
being fulfilled. If left unchallenged it will not be characterized by an absence of fear
always hold you back.
but by what you did with it.
Often the fear of failure is a pride issue.
Denis Waitley said, “Failure should be
The rationale is rooted in what others will our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is
say or think if you try something and fail. delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour,
Certainly other considerations are at stake not a dead end. Failure is something we can
such as financial, etc. but fear of failure will avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothground you every time.
ing, and being nothing.”
Fear of rejection
Do you have fears? Welcome to the club.
Besides a fear of failure the fear of re- It’s time to roll up your sleeves, dig deep,
jection is an all too common fear that many and stare them down. Don’t allow your
struggle with. When the humiliation of re- fears to hold you back, turn them into stepjection is a more powerful deterrent than ping stones to take you to the places you
the potential for success then fear has won. want to go.
So what happens? People hold back. They
Doug Dickerson is a syndicated columsit out. They allow fear to dictate their de- nist. He writes a weekly column for this
newspaper. To contact Doug Dickerson,
Like your attitude, fear is a neutral emo- email
tion that is turned into something good or lasvegastribune.com.
May 28-June 3, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 9
Editors note: The views expressed are entirely those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Las Vegas Tribune.
Sheriff Gillespie: Employees Are Paying Attention
By Norman Jahn
I received some feedback reference on my recent column. The author is a former Metro supervisor
who retired honorably and would
NOT describe himself as having
any kind of ‘grudge’ against the department. I know that it is pretty
easy for the clowns that run the current circus to write me off as a disgruntled former employee. I was involuntary separated after being targeted for termination and there certainly is bitterness. Bitterness because those who were able to orchestrate the termination were able
to get away with it! Disappointment
because the union was such a joke
and advocated for management instead of their member. Shock that
the department, the union (PMSA),
Internal Affairs, Employment Diversity, Labor Relations, Metro’s
wanna-be cop attorney, and even
the arbitrator, ALL ignored a halfdozen written requests for clarification about NORM JAHN NOT
Whether anyone who criticizes
Metro has a valid reason or not, the
content of their complaints should
be heard. Quality organizations listen to information provided at exit
interviews and other feedback.
They try to improve when problems
are so obvious. I’m pretty sure that
the former supervisor who wrote
the following to me...didn’t get a
chance to lay it on the line...and if
he had that opportunity, I’m pretty
sure that Duh-G would say, “We
don’t have a morale problem at
Metro.” Things just “ain’t right” for
the regular folks at Metro.
Those flying high are fortunate
and probably have not faced the
same levels of adversity as others.
We can accept that Metro World
isn’t always fair, but don’t pretend
that things are fine or they will
never get fixed.
The letter I received follows:
Another great article. If only the
agency would listen instead of ignoring the problem or playing a
blame game. Here are my comments to the world on your article:
I do believe that many Metro
officers, during their career, give
their entire lives to the agency
(LVMPD). They spend countless
off duty hours, working toward
Metro’s mission to “Protect the
community through prevention,
partnership, and professional service”. The agency fails to recognize
that employees do this while balancing a marriage or relationship,
raising children of all ages, preventing a home foreclosure, taking care
of an elderly parent, and many other
tasks that life has dealt. Higher
ranking officers are just “expected”
to work while off duty with no compensation. The agency will tell you
that you are not expected to work
beyond your 10 hours, but will hold
you to the standard that can only
be achieved by working well beyond your work shift.
On several occasions off duty
while hosting my children’s birthday parties or just having my family from out of town visiting me at
my home, or while at my kid’s
sporting events, I would answer
work related phone calls or answer
work related emails on my department issued Blackberry. In some
instances, one phone call would
lead to making phone calls and re-
(Continued from Page 8)
GOP gain NOTHING from his continuation in office.
So even if Republicans fail to
hold the seat in the general if
Roberson is defeated in the primary
— it’d be worth it in the long term
to rid ourselves of such a cravenly
unprincipled Republican. Many
will disagree with that assessment.
Fine. Vote for him. Support him.
Help re-elect him. And then be prepared for another one of my patented “I told you so’s” next legislative session.
OK, enough of that. Back to the
Again, the odds are stacked
against every one of these conservatives other than Hambrick and
Fiore. The amount of money poured
into the campaigns of their goalong-to-get-along, wishy-washy,
moderate establishment hand puppet and lap dog opponents is staggering.
Over $1 million to beat conservative Sue Lowden — clearly the
most qualified candidate for the office of lieutenant governor? Really?
The fact is Gov. Brian Sandoval,
Senate Minority Leader Roberson
and Assembly Minority Leader Pat
Hickey have raised a ton of money
and recruited a bevy of do-asyou’re-told candidates to either
keep conservatives out of our state
government or, in the case of Assemblyman Jim Wheeler, to kick a
solid conservative out of government.
That’s fine. That’s the way the
game’s played. They have all the
cards. We need to pull an inside
straight flush. So they’ll definitely
win more than they’ll lose... and
will maybe even run the table.
But here’s the thing...
The ONLY reason there are so
many viable, credible and believable challengers in the 2014 election cycle — a record in modern
Nevada politics — is because conservatives are fed up with Republicans voting like Democrats in
Carson City. Conservative are mad
as hell and they’re not going to take
it anymore.
And a record number have
stepped forward — like Lowden —
to give GOP primary voters a
choice, not an establishment echo.
That alone is a moral victory for
the conservative movement in Nevada. The establishment Gumbies,
after this election cycle, will have
to think twice — and maybe three
or four times — before they again
vote to again extend the “sunsets”
or any other tax hikes in 2015. Or
grow government. Or increase
spending. Or trample on our constitutional rights.
(Continued from Page 10)
that “hell” on the most personal level. Those who have lost their life in
war have already paid the ultimate price: their deeds have been done.
They are now gone. Let us not belittle what they did or criticize them in
any way. We can’t unring any bells, but perhaps we can find ways to
avoid all wars in the future.
Maybe someday we can cut right to the chase and seek the solution we
desire without going through the process of negating so many lives in the
current operational mode this country has of dealing with major international threats and crises.
Someday, perhaps, Memorial Day will be a day of remembering that
we were able to bypass war; that we were able to achieve our goals without a single soul losing his life. But in the meantime, we know that what
is, is.
The “holiday” is now long over, but let us not forget.
Maramis Choufani is the Managing Editor of the Las Vegas Tribune.
She writes a weekly column in this newspaper. To contact Maramis, email
her at [email protected].
ceiving more phone calls. My wife
would just look at me and shake her
head, knowing that I was going to
be busy. I remember telling the person I was talking to that I would call
them right back so I could finish
watching my child play sports or cut
a birthday cake. I also remember
driving through Nebraska while on
vacation and stopping for gas. I received a phone call from one of my
employees asking for guidance with
an operation we had been working
on for quite some time. I could have
ignored the phone call or directed
the employee to someone else, but
they called ME for a reason — because I told them I would be there
for them ANYTIME they needed
me. I also remember being on vacation in California and answering
work related phone calls. Within the
last year, I was asked to participate
in a conference call regarding a case
I had investigated. I was in Florida
on vacation. I could have told them
not to bother me, but that is not my
I was one of the LUCKY ones!
My wife didn’t work outside of our
home and was able to take care of
our children. She came to terms that
my extended work hours were just
part of my job. She is amazing and
without her I am sure I would have
You were expected to answer
these calls but rarely asked for compensation, knowing that you would
be frowned upon by the administration because you were told that
there was little or no money to pay
overtime. Forget compensating
yourself with time off. Compensatory time, usually unofficial
“Comp” time, would just increase
in hours and you would never be
able to take all the time that you had
I remember working in an assignment where we NEVER asked
for overtime. We were called out
and submitted for callback overtime. You would have thought my
fellow detectives and I had just
committed treason. I was challenged by a superior. They told me
that I signed up for the job, knew
what I was getting into, and
“Bought the T-Shirt”... I responded
by saying that he was correct, but I
didn’t agree I would do it for FREE.
Although we were paid the overtime, this is an example of the mentality the administration has toward
working extended hours without
We all knew the employees that
had an Administration TARGET on
their back. If they were challenged
with a question and didn’t have the
correct answer, they knew their
head would be on the chopping
block. Imagine dealing with this
along with all of life’s challenges,
which some of these were more
challenging than others. Some employees aren’t LUCKY, and have
difficulties balancing work and
their personal lives. You knew it
was just a matter of time before the
administration would finally GET
the employee.
Every Metro officer has their
own weakness or tipping point. We
have all seen employees who spend
so much time working together that
they turn a work relationship into a
personal relationship, ruining their
marriage. The administration tries
to separate personal issues with
work. However, work is what has
caused the personal issues. Even
though they won’t admit to it, Metro
expects you to give them hours of
your personal time, but also expects
your personal life to not interfere
or get intertwined with your work
performance. I’m sure in a lot of
cases, working extended hours and
sacrificing your entire life during
your career at METRO has adversely affected the employee’s
personal life and well being. This
is now Metro’s problem.
When will METRO wake up and
realize they have employed human
beings that have or will have prob-
lems that are exasperated by being
a police officer. Officers say they
are working to keep their mind off
of their problems, but the JOB only
makes is worse. Again I say, “Metro
can literally suck the life out of its
I’m not writing this because I am
a disgruntled retired employee or
have a grudge against the administration. I was very fortunate while
working for Metro, but I always
kept my distance from the administration. I felt that most employees had a good side and many who
were discharged could have used
mentoring. I never used a mentor
while at LVMPD and achieved my
rank and positions through hard
work and my own personal dedication. I didn’t use relationships to
achieve rank or position as you have
seen so many employees do in this
administration. I see good people
sit idle for years while others have
been spring boarded to positions
that should take years longer to
achieve. And the administration either believes employees will just
accept it or that employees are not
paying attention. Let me tell you,
that employees are paying attention! Many Metro employees did
not know me as I kept a low profile
and listened more that I spoke. I
paid attention to all the things an
LVMPD employee should to survive. I did have to dodge a few bullets in the latter part of my career,
but was attentive enough to see
them being fired at me.
Keep writing those great articles!
Norm Jahn is a former LVMPD
lieutenant, who has also served as
a police chief in Shawano, Wisconsin, and has nearly 25 years of police experience. Jahn now contributes his opinions and ideas to help
improve policing in general, and in
Las Vegas in particular, through his
weekly column in the Las Vegas
They’ve been served.
Vote the way you campaign,
fine. Break your word, flip us the
bird... and you’re prime primary
And while this time around the
establishment candidates were able
to swamp our conservative challengers in the money game, don’t
be so sure that advantage will be
there again in 2016. Again, most of
the following conservative challengers are likely to come up short
on primary Election Day. Maybe
not. Maybe a miracle will happen.
But probably not.
But this is just round one of a
12-round bout. We conservatives
are here for the long haul — and
many of us will still be around and
active after many of the establishment types who will “win” on June
10th are long gone.
So Governor, Senator and Assemblyman — savor the victories
you “bought” while you can. Because this is just the beginning, not
the end. As the late, great Sen.
John “Bluto” Blutarsky famously put it, “Nothing is over until WE say it is.”
And with that, I give you Citizen Outreach PAC’s 2014 endorsements...
Lieutenant Governor: Sue
Controller: Ron Knecht
State Senate 8: Lisa Myers
State Senate 9: Vick Gill
State Senate 20: Carl Bunc
Assembly 2: John Hambrick
Assembly 4: Michele Fiore
Assembly 22: Richard Bunce
Assembly 25: Rick Fineberg
Assembly 26: Lisa Krasner
Assembly 29: Amy Groves
Assembly 31: Jill Dickman
Assembly 35: Brent Jones
Assembly 38: Robin Titus
Assembly 39: Jim Wheeler
The odds may not be in your favor. But we conservatives are in
your corner!
Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public
policy grassroots advocacy organization. He may be reached at
[email protected].
Page 10 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / May 28-June 3, 2014
Al Qaeda terrorists at Guantanamo
treated better than our vets
By J.D. Gordon
President Obama finally addressed the nation Wednesday
about the growing scandal at the
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. After meeting with VA Secretary Eric Shinseki he pledged to
hold folks accountable.
Thanks, Mr. President.
By now most American have
heard about the VA’s infamous patient “secret wait lists” which reportedly contributed to the deaths
of up to 40 veterans in the Phoenix
area alone. Those patriots were
American heroes who served our
country proudly. Yet they were left
to die waiting to see a doctor.
While the Gitmo ratio is 1.5 to
1, for America’s 9 million veterans
receiving VA health care and
267,930 VA employees, the ratio is
35 to 1.
Here’s another secret the White
House doesn’t want you to know
about the VA. Al Qaeda detainees
get better medical treatment than
our veterans.
Say what?
Yes, it’s true. I know because I
served as a Pentagon spokesman
from 2005-2009 and visited
Guantanamo Bay Naval Base over
30 times during those years.
Despite the fact that Al Qaeda
terrorists carried out the Sept. 11
terror attacks, killing 3,000 people
in America, the admitted co-conspirators and their roughly 150 fellow jihadists at Gitmo have approximately 100 doctors, nurses
and health care personnel assigned
to them.
Doctors and medical personnel
are at their beck and call. Got a cold,
a fever, a toothache, a tumor, chest
or back pain, mental health issues,
PTSD? No problem, come right on
in. Military doctors are waiting to
see you.
The VA and Gitmo eligible patient-to-health care provider ratios
speak volumes.
But beyond the Gitmo numbers,
the situation at the VA is also a
bright, shining example of misguided priorities and terrible mismanagement.
In late 2008, when Obama was
VA. If it were in the private sector,
it would have been shuttered long
Today’s VA has near zero accountability, while labor unions
fight to protect employees who
aren’t doing their jobs. Shinseki and
his senior staff should be the first
to go.
President Obama needs to refocus his priorities. There must be less
time, effort and energy caring for
Al Qaeda and Taliban detainees at
Gitmo and much more attention put
president-elect, he and his staff
were warned not to trust the wait
times reported by VA health care
facilities. But instead of fixing the
problem, their focus was closing
Guantanamo and improving the
comfort of detainees. Even though
they already lived under some of the
best prison conditions ever seen.
While some who see “2008”
may reflexively say, “blame Bush,
not Obama” the fact is that the VA’s
health system has been fatally
flawed for years, regardless of who
has been the president.
The VA is a classic example of
big government gone wild. It is
America’s second largest cabinet
agency after the Defense Department.
Since civil service promotions
are traditionally based more on seniority than performance, and it’s
near impossible to fire anyone,
there’s a punch-the-clock mentality
that’s pervasive. Not surprisingly,
there’s little to no sense of urgency.
So to instill incentives, the VA shells
out high salaries and bonuses, deserved or not.
According to a Fox News report,
Phoenix VA hospital paid staff up
to $357,000 for doctor executives
and $147,000 for nursing staff. On
average, doctors and nurses in
Phoenix make just over half those
Meanwhile, the gardening budget at Phoenix VA hospital was over
$180,000 in 2013. The facility also
spent $211,000 on interior design
over the past three years.
If any government entity ever
needed a complete overhaul, it’s the
Have you been embarrassed lately when someone pointed
out to you that you misspelled a word in your report or maybe
had a whole sentence all messed up? Have you personally
felt that you could’ve done a much better job on that manuscript
but just didn’t have the time?
Why put off doing what you know you should have done before:
call in an editor! As a word-, sentence-, and document-doctor,
she will fix what needs fixing by adding a little of this or that,
and taking out what shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
Give yourself the luxury of looking your best in print!
[email protected]. 702-706-6875.
on caring for America’s veterans.
Our veterans have served the
nation proudly. In many cases they
were gravely wounded during their
service and now will require a lifetime of medical support. Every one
of them deserves better.
J.D. Gordon is a retired Navy
Commander who served as a Pentagon spokesman in the Office of the
Secretary of Defense from 2005-09.
He serves as senior adviser to several Washington-based think tanks.
May 28-June 3, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 11
Full disclosure is not for the mainstream media
By Jerry Schafer
I find it interesting that the mainstream media has refused to write
even one word about sheriff candidate Gordon Martines.
Like the rest of the candidates,
Gordon has paid his entry fee, filed
according to the law, and run his
campaign honestly, openly, and
above board; yet for some reason
(which I find interesting) the media refuses to mention that he is one
of the candidates running for the
office of Sheriff of Clark County.
The question is, WHY? The answer lies in the fact that our media
is controlled by factions that dictate who they can and cannot write
about. Believe me, if Gordon
Martines is elected that kind of yellow news reporting will not be tolerated by the department.
Certainly a detective such as
Gordon Martines, who has over
thirty years’ experience in law enforcement, is qualified to run for the
office of Sheriff.
Maybe Gordon doesn’t have the
kind of financial support that other
candidates — such as Larry Burns
or Joe Lombardo — have, yet he is
listed on the Clark Country Nevada
Election Ballot and voters can place
their mark alongside his name if
they wish.
Being retired from Law Enforcement, having served for over thirty
years, I had the experience of working with many Metro Officers, FBI
Agents, DEA Agents, NHP Troopers, and officers from many other
I’ve had the experience of being
on patrol with Gordon Martines and
so I have firsthand knowledge of
what he’s all about inasmuch as
being one of the hardest working,
zero tolerance honest officers I have
By Amy Bennett
The Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) is a critical law for making
sure the public has a fighting chance
to get copies of records the government might not want it to see. For
more than 40 years, people have
used the FOIA to uncover evidence
of government waste, fraud, abuse
and illegality. More benignly, FOIA
has been used to better understand
the development and effects —
positive and negative — of the federal government’s policies.
The importance of open government and the dangers of excessive
and unnecessary secrecy are paramount now.
The FOIA was created to help
strike a balance between protecting
the government’s legitimate interests and making sure that we the
public have the information we
need to make informed decisions
about what we will allow the government to do in our name. Unfortunately, in some important ways
that delicate balance has swung too
far in favor of the government, especially through the overuse of the
“deliberate process privilege.” And
we need Congress to provide a
counterweight on the side of the
public’s right to know by putting
tight boundaries around its use.
This privilege, covered by
FOIA’s Exemption 5, is intended in
large part to allow agency officials
the freedom to share ideas and advice
government’s reliance on the privilege is much more extensive, however. Over time, the government has
expanded the scope of material they
consider subject to Exemption 5 to
the point that it covers practically
anything that is not a final version
of a document. Among many
people who frequently file FOIA
requests, Exemption 5 is referred to
as the government’s “We don’t want
to give it to you” exemption.
In one particularly egregious
example, the government has been
relying on Exemption 5 to deny the
public access to copies of opinions
by the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel. Although the
government argues that these
memos are simply advice from the
president’s lawyers, the reality is
that these memos include the
government’s reading of what agencies are allowed to do under statute. And, once OLC opinions are
adopted, they have the effect of law.
In recent years, we have seen the
government use Exemption 5 to
hide the legal basis of controversial
government practices, including the
torture of detainees, the use of
drones to kill American citizens
abroad, and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation’s ability to easily access American’s telephone records.
Congress cannot continue to allow the government to abuse
FOIA’s exemption to keep the public in the dark about the law of the
land. The first step toward reigning
in the use of Exemption 5 is to add
a public interest balancing test to
the exemption. If the government
is not convinced that the requested
(See Bennett, Page 12)
We need congress to fix the FOIA
ever known.
As far as I’m concerned, Gordon Martines has the knowledge
and experience to run the LVMPD
in a straightforward honest way that
will give the residents of Las Vegas and Clark County, and every
tourist that visits our city, the kind
of security this city must provide.
No, Gordon isn’t one of the good
ol’ boys; he isn’t one of the anointed
ones (as they are called) who are
part of the group of sheriff candidates who, if elected, will continue
to give the residents of Clark
County the same exact thing they
have now, as far as the kind of law
enforcement the LVMPD presently
provides its citizens.
Voters can be certain that if Gordon Martines is elected as Sheriff
of Clark Country Nevada, they will
find that things will be quite different from the way they are now! And
they will be different in many different respects including, but not
limited to, their personal safety and
police response time, including accident investigation and more.
The good ol’ boys who run the
department today will no longer be
in a position to make the kind of
decisions that have been made in
the past, including their decisions
to influence the media regarding
who or what they can and cannot
report on. Yellow news reporting as
far as the LVMPD will be concerned will become a thing of the
As Gordon says: Everyone
wants things to be the way they
want them to be, but things are the
way they are! That that is, is! That
that is not, is not!
He knows the inside workings
of the department, he knows where
the bodies are buried (so to speak)
and he won’t make any bones about
making changes that will insure the
pubic that their police department
is in business to protect and serve
the residents and tourists that visit
our city.
(Continued from Page 8)
lance Court to issue orders allowing the government to obtain business records deemed relevant to a
national security investigation.
The court secretly interpreted
that provision as allowing the
N.S.A. to systematically collect
calling records for the purpose of
hunting for hidden associates of terrorism suspects. The bill instead
would allow the agency to obtain
only the calling records of people
up to two links from a suspect, a
change President Obama has endorsed.
The bill also seeks to limit bulk
collection more broadly by saying
that such court orders — as well as
administrative subpoenas for
records, known as national security
letters — may be used only to obtain records associated with a “specific selection term.”
So now maybe Big Brother
needs to pull his omnipresent paws
back a bit.
Mace J. Yampolsky is a Board
Certified Criminal Law Specialist,
625 South Sixth St., Las Vegas, NV
89101; He can be reached at:
Phone 702-385-9777 or fax 702385-300. His website is located at:
JUNE 12, 2014
at the
American Club
2333 East Sahara Avenue
Our guest speaker
BILL FAYNE has been musical
director of more than 50
musical theater productions,
operas,and T.V. shows over the
past forty years and has
appeared as guest conductor
with the Atlanta, Buffalo,
Colombus and Delaware
Symphony Orchestras.
As an arranger,he has worked with Clint Holmes,
Susanne Sommers, Gloria Loring, Ann Jillian, Hal
Linden, Mickey Rooney and Kathie Lee Gifford.
Bill’s T.V. credits include various Bob Hope specials,
Dick Clark Productions, The Tonight Show, The Joan
Rivers Show, and many others.
His accomplishments are too many to list here.
Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
Great buffet
Live music:
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$25.00 per person
(cash or check only. No credit cards)
RSVP to [email protected] is a must
The NON CLUB CLUB F.I.O.R.E. is not for everyone.
Before committing yourself to any of our events
we suggest you visit:
Page 12 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / May 28-June 3, 2014
University presidents are laughing all the way to the bank
while the people who work for them are on food stamps
By Lawrence S. Wittner
Is economic inequality growing
in American higher education?
A report just issued by the Institute for Policy StudiesThe One Percent at State U indicates that it is.
Surveying public universities, the
report finds that the 25 highest-paid
presidents increased their income
by a third between fiscal 2009 and
fiscal 2012, bringing their average
total compensation to nearly a million dollars each. Also, the number
of these chief executives earning
over a million dollars in 2012 more
than doubled over the previous year.
In 2013, the best-paid among them
was E. Gordon Gee of Ohio State
University, who raked in
$6,057,615 from this employment.
The lucrative nature of these
positions appears to have had little
to do with the intellectual distinction of the universities. For example, in 2013 the second most lavishly-rewarded public university
president (paid $1,636,274) headed
up Texas A&M University at College Station and the eighth (paid
$1,072,121) headed up the University of South Alabama, two institutions that are not usually considered
the acme of intellectual achievement. By contrast, the presidents of
some of the nation’s most respected
public universities the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, the University
of California-Berkeley, UCLA, and
the University of MassachusettsAmherst received total annual compensation that ranged from
$400,664 and $467,699.
Nor is it at all clear that the top
income recipients at universities
merit their extraordinary compensation. Graham Spanier, the highest-paid public university president
(Continued from Page 11)
documents would advance the public interest, a requester would still
have the opportunity to ask the
court to independently consider the
public interest in release. Secondly,
Congress should specify that the
exemption should not be used to
withhold information forever. In the
case of the president’s records, the
law only allows records to be kept
from the public for 12 years. Surely,
we should not accord more secrecy
to agency business than we allow
the president of the United States.
Bennett is assistant director of
in 2012 (Penn State, $2.9 million),
was fired from his post for his apparent role in the cover-up of sexual
abuse of children by his university’s
assistant football coach. E. Gordon
Gee, the highest-paid public university president in 2013, resigned his
position amid a trustee uproar over
his disparaging remarks about
Meanwhile, as the incomes of
the 25 best-paid public university
presidents soared, the livelihoods of
their faculty deteriorated. This deterioration resulted largely from the
fact that tenured and tenure-track
faculty were replaced with adjuncts
(part-time instructors, paid by the
course) and contingents (temporary
faculty). Median pay for adjuncts
in the United States is reportedly
$2,700 per course, forcing them to
cobble together enough courses or
jobs to ensure their survival. Many
have incomes below the official
poverty level and receive food
stamps. As for contingents, they
face low pay, few if any benefits,
and no job security. In recent years
as the income of the 25 best-paid
public university presidents grew
dramatically their hiring of adjunct
and contingent faculty far outstripped their hiring of regular faculty at their institutions. Consequently, although tenure and tenureline faculty at these 25 universities
outnumbered contingent and parttime faculty prior to the fall of 2009,
the situation was reversed by the
fall of 2011.
Of course, this change in the
working conditions and economic
circumstances of college and university faculty is not unusual. In
1969, tenured and tenure-track faculty comprised 78 percent of all in-
structional staff in higher education.
Today that situation has been turned
on its head, and the American Association of University Professors
estimates that 76 percent of college
and university instructors are contingents, adjuncts, and graduate students. Consequently, most college
and university teachers are now in
an economically marginal status.
The plight of the faculty is particularly remarkable at the 25 public
universities with the highest-paid
presidents, where its growing marginality occurred in the context of
soaring incomes for the top administrators.
And the inequality may be even
greater at private universities,
where a great many more presidents
have outlandish incomes. According to the data provided by the
Chronicle of Higher Education,
there were fourteen times as many
private as public university presidents receiving more than a million
dollars each in 2011 (the latest year
for which statistics seem to be available). Consequently, the enrichment
of top administrators, coupled with
the shift to adjunct and contingent
faculty, means that economic inequality is thriving on private campuses, as well.
Students comprise another university constituency that is faring
poorly. The rapidly-rising tuition at
public and private institutions has
sent student debt climbing to unprecedented levels. In 2012, students owed a staggering $1.2 trillion, an amount that surpassed
Americans’ credit card debt. Indeed, it is estimated that, in 2013,
71 percent of college seniors who
graduated had student loan debt,
with an average of $29,400 per bor-
rower. Meanwhile, university
spending on scholarships lagged far
behind spending on non-academic
administration, such as executive
administration, general university
administration, legal and fiscal operations, public relations, and development. Between fiscal 2007
and fiscal 2012, the University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities reduced
spending on scholarships by 55 percent while increasing spending on
non-academic administration by 44
Looked at in the framework of
individual campuses, it is a disturbing picture.
From fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2012,
Ohio State paid its president a total
of $5.9 million. Student debt
soared, rising 46 percent from summer 2006 to summer 2011. From
fall 2005 to fall 2011, the number
of adjunct and contingent faculty
increased 62 percent nearly three
times faster than the national average.
In fiscal 2012, Penn State
awarded $2.9 million in salary and
severance pay to its disgraced president. From fiscal 2006 to fiscal
2012, it provided another $4.8 million in executive compensation,
while student debt grew by 49 percent.
From fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2012,
the University of Michigan paid its
top executive more than $2.6 million. The number of its adjunct and
contingent faculty grew by 1,777,
or 64 percent, between fall 2005
and fall 2011, and by the summer
of 2012 student debt was well above
the national average.
Lawrence Wittner is Professor of
History emeritus at SUNY/Albany.
FILED 8:00 a.m.
May 12, 2014
Canyon County Clerk
T. Crawford, Deputy
By Publication
To Jerry Lynn Pepper
You have been sued by
Saundra Jeanette Pepper, the
plaintiff, in the District Court in
and for Canyon County, Idaho,
Case No. CV-2014-0004732-C.
The nature of the claim
against you is for annulment.
Any time after 20 days following the last publication of this
Summons, the court may enter a
judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that
time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including case number, and paid any
required filing fee to the Clerk of
the Court at 208-454-7300, 1115
Albany St., Caldwell, ID 83605
and served a copy of your response on the other party, whose
mailing address and telephone
number are 524 S. State St.,
Nampa, ID 83686.
A copy of the Summons and
Complaint/Motion can be obtained by contacting either the
Clerk of Court or the other party.
If you wish legal assistance, you
should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter.
Date: 5-12-14
Canyon County District Court
T. Crawford
Deputy Clerk
Summons by Publication
CAO Cv 1-2x 2/12/2008
Printed in the Las Vegas
Tribune May 28, 2014
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May 28-June 3, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 13
EarthTalk, c/o E – The Environmental Magazine, P.O. Box
5098, Westport, CT 06881; [email protected]. E is a
nonprofit publication. Subscribe: www.emagazine.com/subscribe; Request a Free Trial Issue: www.emagazine.com/trial.
Dear EarthTalk: One of the
objections to wind power has been
that the turbines can kill birds. Has
there been some progress in developing bird-friendly wind power? —
Marcie Mahoney, Boston, MA
Bird collisions have been one of
the primary negatives of the recent
growth in wind power across the
United States and beyond. The U.S.
Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)
estimates that almost a half million
birds are killed each year in the U.S.
by wind turbines. “Birds can die in
collisions with the turbine blades,
towers, power lines, or related
structures, and can also be impacted
through habitat destruction from the
siting of turbines, power lines, and
access roads,” the non-profit
American Bird Conservancy reports. “Some birds, such as sagegrouse, are particularly sensitive to
the presence of turbines, and can be
scared away from their breeding
grounds several miles away from a
wind development.”
In response to this growing problem, the USFWS released new federal guidelines in March 2012 for
land-based wind developers trying
to avoid or minimize impacts to
birds and their habitats. The guidelines are voluntary at this point, but
U.S. wind developers interested in
a smoother ride through various
permitting processes and the blessing of environmental groups — several were consulted extensively in
drawing up the new guidelines —
are doing their best to make their
designs and implementations comply.
The federal government’s 22member Wind Turbine Guidelines
Advisory Committee, which in-
cluded experts from the National
Audubon Society, Nature Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, Massachusetts Audubon and Bat Conservation International, developed
the guidelines. Committee members report they are optimistic that
the new guidelines provide a path
to better protection for birds and
their habitats.
“The guidelines steer wind turbines away from vital habitat... and
toward land already marked by development,” says David Yarnold,
National Audubon’s President.
“They give the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service a place at the table for
siting decisions; they help protect
sites with high potential risk for
birds; and they minimize habitat
fragmentation.” He adds that the
guidelines are based on the best
available science and “provide a
roadmap to better bird protections
across each of America’s four great
Audubon pushed to ensure that
the guidelines address habitat fragmentation, one of the biggest potential impacts of wind development on birds. Wind developers that
cooperate with the guidelines will
avoid dividing important habitats
like forests and grasslands, thus
maintaining their suitability for
“These first-ever federal guidelines are a game-changer and big
win for both wildlife and clean energy,” says Yarnold. “By collaborating with conservationists instead
of slugging it out, the wind power
industry gains vital support to expand and create jobs, and wildlife
gets the protection crucial for survival.”
Pesticide Action Network’s “What’s On My Food” website and iPhone app help consumers know specifically
which pesticide residues are likely ending up on their foods (and in their bloodstreams).
For its part, the American Bird that can be peeled and discarded are their bloodstreams). In creating the
Conservancy would like to take the the safest in terms of pesticide resi- database, PAN linked pesticide food
voluntary out of the guidelines and dues. Most pesticides are sprayed residue data with the toxicology for
instead require wind developers to on the outside of produce. So if you each chemical and made the comcomply. The group recently filed a are going to toss the rind of that bined information easily searchpetition with the U.S. Department cantaloupe, you might as well save able. “Pesticides are a public health
of the Interior calling for manda- money and buy a conventional ver- problem requiring public engagetory rules protecting millions of sion. But a red pepper would be a ment to solve,” the group reports,
birds from the negative impacts of different story: For those items con- adding that “What’s On My Food”
wind energy and rewarding respon- sider it money well spent to go or- can be an important tool in raising
sible wind energy development.
The non-profit Environmental
While the website version of
Dear EarthTalk: How do I Working Group (EWG) lists a “What’s On My Food” is helpful for
learn about what pesticides may be “dirty dozen” of fruits and veg- advance planning, the iPhone app
on the food I eat? — Beatrice etables with the highest pesticide is handy while plying the supermarOlson, Cleveland, OH
load so that consumers know to ket produce aisles to help decide
Along with the rise in the popu- look for organic varieties of them whether to go for organic veglarity of organic food has come an when possible. The dirty dozen are: etables or stick with the cheaper
increased awareness about the dan- apples, celery, strawberries, conventional ones. For instance, the
gers lurking on so-called “conven- peaches, spinach, nectarines, database shows that conventionally
tionally produced” (that is, with grapes, sweet bell peppers, pota- grown collard greens likely conchemical pesticides and fertilizers) toes, blueberries, lettuce and kale/ tains residues of some 46 different
collard greens.
chemicals including nine known/
“There is a growing consensus
Another non-profit working probable carcinogens, 25 suspected
in the scientific community that hard to raise awareness about pes- hormone disruptors, 10 neurotoxsmall doses of pesticides and other ticide residues on foods is the Pes- ins and eight developmental/reprochemicals can have adverse effects ticide Action Network (PAN). The ductive toxins — not to mention 25
on health, especially during vulner- group’s recently launched website different compounds known to be
able periods such as fetal develop- and accompanying iPhone app harmful to honeybees. Spending a
ment and childhood,” reports author called “What’s On My Food” helps little quality time on the website or
and physician Andrew Weil, a lead- consumers know specifically app is enough to drive anyone to
ing voice for so-called integrative which pesticide residues are likely more organic food purchasing.
medicine combining conventional ending up on their foods (and in
and alternative medical practices.
He adds that keeping one’s family
healthy isn’t the only reason to
avoid foods produced using chemical inputs: “Pesticide and herbicide
use contaminates groundwater, ruins soil structures and promotes erosion, and may be a contributor to
‘colony collapse disorder,’ the sudden and mysterious die-off of pollinating honeybees that threatens
the American food supply.”
In general, fruits and vegetables
with an outer layer of skin or rind
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service estimates that almost a half million birds are killed each year in the U.S. by
wind turbines. In March 2012 the agency released new federal guidelines that steer wind turbines away from
vital habitat and toward land already marked by development.
Open Mic
with Gordon Martines
11:00 a.m.
Tuesday and
Page 14 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / May 28-June 3, 2014
“Vegas! the Show” has
everything you would want
By Sandy Zimmerman
Las Vegas Tribune
Photos by Sandy Zimmerman
during the live show
“Vegas! The Show” is all about
Las Vegas, not the Las Vegas we see
today but those wonderful years of
its colorful past. “Vegas! The
Show” reminded me of the Las Vegas I knew, in the ’80s, when I began reviewing shows.
Those spectacular production
shows of the Dunes, Desert Inn, and
Stardust were vividly recreated in
“Vegas! The Show,” with a cast of
40 performers, an orchestra, and a
feast of musical numbers, and specialty acts.
I appreciated Broadway star Eric
Jordan Young, host and impressionist, for his uncanny performance. I
saw Sammy Davis, Jr., many times
and can say his impression held all
of the emotion, the sound and feeling of Sammy, when he sang
“Candy Man” and “Once in a Life
The show focused on the stars
with impressions of Louie Prima
and Keely Smith singing “Old
Black Magic” continuing to Lena
Horne’s famous “Singing the
Blues,” Sonny and Cher’s “The
Beat Goes On.”
The mood transported us from
the Sahara Hotel’s Casbar Lounge
to the big showrooms. The impressionists brought all the star backFrank Sinatra singing “Luck Be a
Lady,” Dean Martin’s “That’s
Amore,” “Mambo Italiano,” and
singing together for their “Ain’t
That a Kick in the Head?”
With impression after impres-
sion, they concentrated on the best
of the era.
Some of the other numbers were
“Midnight Train to Georgia,”
“Pussycat,” “The song is you,”
“Blues in the Night” (My Mama
done tol’ me), “Tequila,” and many,
many more.
As the showgirls walk down the
grand staircase, the nights of the
spectacular production shows are
back! Producer David Saxe has suc-
ceeded in capturing the PAZAZZ
and essence of the times.
“Vegas! The Show” brings everything you would want in a show!
These were some of the best impressions of the greats, the supertalented stars.
The dazzling choreography was
like the topping on a cake of entertainment. The show will thrill everyone whether you experienced
the Las Vegas of yesterday or are
seeing the era for the first time. This
is a musical tribute worth seeing.
Vegas, the Show appears at the
V Theater, inside the Planet Hollywood Hotel.
SUGGESTIONS: Do you have a
fave singer, comedian, magician,
hypnotist, group,production show
or any entertainer in Las Vegas?
Please let us know your choice and
you may win free show tickets or
other prizes. Send the reason for
your choice, your name, e-mail and
[email protected]
or call (702)-735-5974. Award winning Sandy Zimmerman is a syndicated columnist featuring Show and
Dining reviews, travel, health, spas,
luxury and more. Sandy is talk show
host of the Las Vegas Today Show
programs and Discover the Ultimate Vacation travel specials. If you
want to suggest topics for articles,
for information or to ask any questions about Sandy’s articles, call
(702)-735-5974 or email her at
[email protected]
May 28-June 3, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 15
‘Pin Up’ added Kelley at Stratosphere
This Week
in Las Vegas
By Mike Kermani
can be purchased at any Boyd Gaming box office, by calling
702.636.7075, or visiting
By Mike Kermani
Las Vegas Tribune
Kelley to join cast for limited
engagement July 24-31. International pin up model, professionally
trained dancer and celebrity judge
on Oxygen Network’s “Best Ink”
Sabina Kelley will join the cast of
Stratosphere’s original production
show PIN UP for six special performances in late July 2014, when
starlet and 2011 PLAYBOY Playmate of the Year Claire Sinclair is
at Comic-Con in San Diego promoting her comic book, Wondrous:
The Adventures of Claire Sinclair.
“Sabina is the perfect guest star
for PIN UP,” said Sinclair. “With
her gorgeous tattoos and striking
platinum-blonde hair, she will bring
a rockabilly edge to the show that I
know all of our PIN UP fans will
Kelley will guest star in PIN UP
during Sinclair’s absence Thursday,
July 24, 2014 through Thursday,
July 31, 2014. (PIN UP is dark
Tuesdays & Wednesdays.)
“I am so grateful to my good
friend Claire and the Stratosphere
for the opportunity to appear in PIN
UP,” said Kelley, who performed as
a showgirl in the classic Las Vegas
show “Jubilee!” for two years. “I
absolutely love the sexy, flirty and
fun way this talented cast and crew
has brought the iconic pin up girl
calendar to life.”
Kelley has graced dozens of
magazine covers, and appeared in
numerous television shows, music
videos and calendars. Most recently, she was celebrity judge on
the Oxygen TV series “Best Ink”
for three seasons and hosted the
online series “Best Ink Redemption.”
Kelley owns and operates
Bombshell Tattoo Removal, a laser
tattoo removal business located in
Carey Hart’s tattoo shop, Hart and
Huntington, and is an active member of the pitbull rescue “Pinups for
Pitbulls.” Because of her involvement with the nonprofit, a portion
of ticket sale proceeds from
Kelley’s limited engagement will be
donated to “Pinups for Pitbulls” by
Stratosphere on her behalf.
“We are happy to support an organization that aims to educate the
public about the history and temperament of these dogs, and look
forward to Kelley’s performances
in PIN UP,” said Matthew Mascali,
VP of Entertainment and Food &
Beverage at Stratosphere Casino,
Hotel & Tower.
Kelley will be joined on stage by
PIN UP singer Lisa Marie Smith
who provides powerhouse vocals,
and a swingin’ six-piece band led
by trumpeter David Perrico. An
impressive cast of gorgeous gal
dancers, along with hunky guy
dancer Ryan Kelsey, create a fastpaced, high-energy original show.
PIN UP was recently named “Best
Showgirls” by the Las Vegas Review-Journal Best of Las Vegas
See PIN UP at 10:30 p.m.,
Thursdays through Mondays in the
Stratosphere Theater. Tickets are
$49.99, plus taxes, per person. VIP
seating upgrade is available for $10
Visit the Stratosphere Ticket
Center, call 702.380.7777 or go
online and visit their website
www.StratosphereHotel.com for
tickets. Stratosphere Hotel Guests
receive 2-for-1 show tickets and
locals receive a 25 percent discount.
Themed cocktails add an additional element to a night of great
live music, at the Foundation Room
inside Mandalay Bay Resort and
‘Live Music with a View’ Series
at Foundation Room continues with
an eclectic music mix of sounds for
any music lover with their upcoming line up in May and June against
the majestic Strip backdrop on the
For additional event details and
general Foundation Room information,
Thursday, May 22 - Havana
Time: 6 — 9 p.m.
Cuban Fusion Music By: Rick
Arroyo Trio Featuring Cuban-Inspired Cocktails
Thursday, June 5 - Dazed and
Time: 6 — 9 p.m.
Jazz Music by Phil Stendek &
John Celentano Featuring Infused
Thursday, June 19 - Sunset In
Time: 6 — 9 p.m.
Reggae Hits Music by Lady
Reiko & The Sin City Prophets Featuring Jamaican Libations
Scott Keo, soulful singer and
Scott Keo
notable DJ, will perform his tribute
to Michael Bublé at the Suncoast
Showroom June 28 and 29.
A veteran in the music industry,
Scott Keo is a distinguished singer,
performing his Michael Bublé tribute around the country, and serves
as an experienced wedding DJ. In
the past 15 years, Keo has performed at thousands of weddings
and special events.
In 2010, Keo recorded and released his first original song titled
“All To You.” Since the release,
more than 14,000 copies have been
sold and more than 750,000
Youtube views have been acquired.
The track has gained popularity in
the wedding world, being listed as
a top “Groom/Mother Dance” on
the popular site, WeddingWire.com.
Keo began developing his
Michael Bublé tribute act after hearing the artist’s emotional song
“Home.” Later, Keo studied
Bublé’s stage presence and mannerisms. He started incorporating more
Bublé songs into his wedding DJ
sets, and later began experimenting
with his own performances of the
popular songs.
In 2011, Keo began performing
his Michael Bublé tribute act at
various venues displaying accuracy,
energy and encouraging audience
Throughout his career, Keo has
shared the stage with numerous
high profile performers, including
Nelly Norris, Cookie Watkins,
Damian Brantley, Gary Anthony,
and the cast of “Million Dollar
Showtime for the evening is
7:30 p.m. Tickets are available from
$15.95, plus tax and fees. Tickets
The witty Kathy Griffin will return to the Aces of Comedy lineup
at The Mirage Saturday, Aug. 9 at
10 p.m. The two-time Emmy winner, New York Times best-selling
author and three-time GRAMMY
nominee has made audiences laugh
for years discussing Hollywood
gossip and celebrity blunders. Griffin starred in her own reality show
“My Life on the D-List,” which
aired for six seasons on Bravo.
Tickets priced at $59.99, $69.99
and $79.99, plus tax and service
fees, are now on sale. Visit
mirage.com to purchase tickets or
for more information. For high-res
images, visit The Mirage online
Zowie Bowie is proud to celebrate eight years in Las Vegas with
a special performance at Rocks
Lounge inside Red Rock Resort and
an official proclamation from the
City of Las Vegas, declaring Friday,
May 23, 2014 as Zowie Bowie Day.
Doors open at 10 p.m. and guests
must be 21 years or older.
Zowie Bowie features the musical talents of lead singer Chris
Phillips, violinist Lydia Ansel, vocalists Nieve Malandra and Chris-
Zowie Bowie
tina Amato and a high-voltage band
that creates an entertaining and sexy
sound that has become a Las Vegas
Zowie Bowie performs today’s
hottest dance music, top-40 hits and
hip hop every Friday night at Rocks
Lounge inside Red Rock Resort.
There is no cost for admission and
entry is first-come, first-served and
based upon venue capacity. For
more information, please visit
“We’re elated to celebrate Zowie
Bowie’s eighth anniversary in Las
Vegas,” said Station Casinos’ Vice
President of Entertainment Judy
Alberti. “Since arriving at Red
Rock Resort, Zowie Bowie has
grown into one of Las Vegas’ top
entertainment offerings, while continuing to epitomize the Las Vegas
spirit on a weekly basis. We look
forward to their continued success
at Red Rock Resort.”
“I could not be more thrilled and
proud to be celebrating our eighth
anniversary at Red Rock Resort,”
said Chris Phillips of Zowie Bowie.
“We love being part of the Las Vegas community and wish to thank
Judy Alberti and Station Casinos for
making a lifelong dream come
Mike Kermani is an entertainment writer for the Las Vegas Tribune newspaper. He writes a weekly
column in this newspaper. To contact Mike Kermani, email
mkermani@ lasvegas tribune.com
Page 20 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / May 28-June 3, 2014
Garrett brings “Diamond” to “Dallas”
By Jerry Fink
Las Vegas Tribune
Tribute artist Rob Garrett brings
his class Neil Diamond show to the
Dallas Event Center at Texas Station on Saturday, May 31.
Showtime is 8 p.m. Tickets are
$23.45. Call 800-745-3000.
Vegas entertainer Tony Sacca
will sign copies of his biography,
“Tony Sacca: A 50 Year Journey
From The City of Brotherly Love
to the Entertainment Capital of the
Worlds,” at two locations on Saturday, May 31.
From 2-4 p.m. he will be at
Barnes & Noble, 567 N. Stephanie
St. in Henderson and from 6-8 p.m.
he will be at the Italian American
Club, 2333 E. Sahara Ave. or Laugh
Factory comedian/impressionist,
Harry Basil, the month of May,
2014, is a very special and important milestone for him, as it marks
the 30th year that the entertainer has
been working on the Las Vegas
Strip. Basil will be performing the
week of May 26—June 1, at the
Tropicana Hotel, along with Dean
Delray and Traci Skene.
It was the week of May 4. 1984,
when Harry Basil was hired by
Mitzi Shore, owner of the world
famous Comedy Store in Los Angeles, to perform at The Dunes
Hotel on the Strip. This was an experiment by Mitzi, to see if she
could fill the 500-seat showroom,
and make a profit doing it. It was
also the very first comedy club to
open on the Vegas Strip. The lineup that opening week consisted of:
Louie Anderson, Jim Carrey, Blake
Clark, Paul Rodriguez, Argus
Hamilton, Andrew Dice Clay, and
Basil. All of whom went on to become huge stars.
This was the first time for most
of them to play Vegas. “It was very
exciting, because we were in the
main showroom,” Basil explained.
“The Dunes was still old school
too... you still had to tip a Maitre d’
to get a good seat, and everyone
dressed to the nines to see the
Headliners on the Strip started
to make it a ritual to catch the late
show. Harry said the word was out
that the Comedy Store had five new
acts every week, instead of the normal two or three. Mitzi had Basil
close the show that first week, because his high energy act was a real
crowd-pleaser. She continued to
book Basil, one week a month, for
the entire run at the Dunes. Basil
continued to perform on the Las
Vegas Strip, opening for many of
the leading stars of the day, including legends like Liza Minnelli and
Rodney Dangerfield.
Today, Basil is one of the partners and producers of The Laugh
Factory at The Tropicana Hotel.
Going on its second year, The
Laugh Factory has quickly become
the hottest comedy club on the
Strip. Currently it has a 4 p.m.
Magic Show starring Murray
SawChuck. The 7 p.m. “Headliner
show,” that starred comedy legend
Roseanne Barr for four months,
followed by a six month run by
prop legend, Gallagher, will soon
announce another comedy star
opening this summer.
Of course, the staple 8:30 &
10:30 p.m. nightly Comedy Show,
starring three of the hottest comics
in the business today continues.
Tickets priced at $34.95 and $44.95
can be reserved by calling 702-7392411
Top-selling hard rockers Staind
will perform at The Pearl inside
Palms Casino Resort on June 7,
2014 at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $50,
plus any additional service fees.
It’s been more than a decade
since Staind first exploded onto the
hard rock vanguard. In that time,
the Massachusetts-based quartet
has staked a claim as one of modern music’s most powerful and provocative outfits, combining aggressive hard rock energy with singer/
songwriter Aaron Lewis’ raw, heartfelt lyricism. Marked by 15 million
album sales worldwide, eight top
10 singles across multiple formats
with three songs hitting number
one, and the most-played rock song
of the past decade, “It’s Been
Awhile,” Staind has solidified its
name as a top hard rock act.
Doors at the Pearl will open at 7
p.m. and show time is 8 p.m. The
Pearl Box Office is open daily from
noon until 7 p.m. with extended
hours on select event days. Follow
The Pearl on Twitter at
@PearlatPalms for concert announcements and event information.
To purchase tickets, please visit
the Pearl Box Office, call 702-9443200, visit any Ticketmaster location, call 1-800-745-3000 or visit
On the eve of his return to The
Colosseum at Caesars Palace, Rod
Stewart announced plans to close
out the 3rd year of his record-breaking residency “Rod Stewart: The
Hits.” with 18 new shows added
Sept. 20 through Nov. 23, 2014.
Since his debut performance in
2011, the two-time Rock & Roll
Hall of Famer has taken Las Vegas
audiences by storm with high-energy performances of his iconic hits
including “Maggie May,” “You
Wear it Well,” “Hot Legs,” “You’re
in My Heart,” “Do You Think I’m
Sexy,” “Some Guys Have All the
Luck,” “Young Turks,” “Forever
Young” and more.
Dates include: Sept.: 20, 21, 24,
26, 27, 30; Oct.: 2, 4, 5 and Nov.: 5,
8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23
Tickets may be purchased in person at The Colosseum at Caesars
Palace Box Office, or by calling 1888-9-AXSTIX (1-888-929-7849),
www.axs.com, keyword “Rod
Stewart.” Orders are subject to additional service charges and fees.
Ticket prices are $49/ $69/ $99/
$165/ $250 (all prices include 10%
Live Entertainment Tax). For
groups of 10 or more, call 1-866574-3851. All shows begin at 7:30
Crazy Horse III will celebrate
Father’s Day with a “Who’s Your
Daddy” party awarding one lucky
gentleman $500 Diamond Dollars
on Sunday, June 15.
The gentlemen who orders the
most bottles will win the ultimate
Father’s Day prize of Diamond
Dollars, valued at $500 towards any
purchase at Crazy Horse III. The
award-winning gentlemen’s club
will have hundreds of gorgeous entertainers to keep the “Who’s Your
Daddy” bash going strong all night
Fathers can take advantage of the
club’s complimentary limo service,
pending availability, by calling 702673-1700.
Reggae in the Desert, Las Vegas’
largest Reggae festival showcasing
both the unifying power of Reggae
music and the Caribbean lifestyle,
announces the 13th annual music
festival on Saturday, June 14 at the
Clark County Amphitheatre (500 S.
Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas).
The all-ages music festival features Barrington Levy, Collie
Buddz, Tarrus Riley, Morgan Heritage, Don Carlos, Fortunate Youth,
Las Vegas’ own Barry Black and the
Senzuals and more.
Doors open at noon and the
event concludes at 11 p.m. General
admission tickets are $25 in advance and $30 day of show and are
on sale now.
VIP tickets are $100 and include
an event t-shirt, event poster, meetand-greet with select artists and an
air conditioned VIP Lounge with
free wine tasting and complimentary appetizers (while supplies last).
Only cash is accepted at the door
for tickets on the day of the show.
Children ages five (5) or younger
are free. All seats are general admission and available on a firstcome, first served basis. No re-entry is permitted. To purchase tickets, visit www.ticketfly.com. For a
complete list of performance times
and additional information, visit the
Blankets for lawn seating are
permitted, as well as one unopened/
factory sealed bottle of water per
person, still cameras (no video) and
sunscreen. Vendors in the Caribbean Islands Vendor Village will
have a wide assortment Caribbeanstyle food including jerk chicken,
peas & rice and fried plantains. In
addition to water and non-alcoholic
refreshments, domestic and imported beers will be available. Various exhibits and Caribbean-inspired
vendors will also be on site. ATMs
are available.
Barrington Levy is one of the
biggest stars to come out of Jamaica. Beginning his career with
The Mighty Multitude in 1977, he
quickly transitioned to being a
popular dancehall performer by the
age for 14. By 16, he was recording with the Roots Radics and recorded several duets with Toyan Jah
Thomas and Trinity Levy released
four albums before 1980 including
“Shaolin Temple,” “Bounty
Hunter,” “Shine Eye Gal” (United
Kingdom) and the critically-acclaimed “Englishman.” By the time
his 1980 album “Robin Hood” was
released, Levy was one of the biggest Jamaican stars, and saw his
international fame growing as well,
especially in the United Kingdom.
Taking a break from albums in
the early eighties, Levy then released a series of hit singles and
toured the UK in 1984, where he
enjoyed a big hit on the reggae
charts with “Under Mi Sensi,” followed by the crossover hit “Here I
Come,” which reached number 41
on the UK Singles Chart in 1985.
He returned to LPs with “Lifestyle”
and “Money Move Levy received
the Best Vocalist prize at the British Reggae Awards in 1984. The
late 1980s saw Levy, now in his
twenties, slow down his recorded
output, though he continued to perform and record regularly, and
played at Sunsplash every year
from 1987 to 1995. In the 1990s,
Levy continued to release periodic
hits in Jamaica, and more rarely in
the UK although his vocals were
sampled and used in many underground and released jungle tunes.
In 1998, he released “Living
Dangerously which included a collaboration with one of Jamaica’s
most prolific deejays Bounty Killer
and with Snoop Dogg The release
was one of Levy’s most successful
since the start of the 1990s, and saw
him finally achieve some success
in the U.S. In 2004, he contributed
to a track on the album White
People by Handsome Boy Modeling School a project by Prince Paul
and Dan the Automator.
He also collaborated with
Slightly Stoopid on their 2005 album “Closer To The Sun In 2007
Levy made a guest appearance on
the single “No Fuss” by Red-1 of
the Rascalz In September 2013 he
released the single “Love the Way
She Love,” a collaboration with Mr.
Vegas and announced an acoustic
album featuring new songs and reworkings of old songs such as
“Prison Oval Rock” and “Black
Born Colin Harper in New Orleans, Collie Buddz was raised in
his mother’s home country of Bermuda beginning at the age of four.
It wasn’t long before Buddz discovered more than his Bermudian heritage. By the age of 12, he quickly
learned his way around a music studio and became apparent to everyone within earshot of the boy that
his voice was unique in a way that
lingers long after you’ve heard him.
By the age of 19, he was attending
Full Sail Academy in Orlando pursuing his own audio engineering
degree that he received in a mere
13 months. With dreams of becoming a major music producer, Buddz
joined his brother in Canada. As a
producer, Buddz was the most comfortable in the studio. But he
couldn’t find any artists that could
really pull off the sound he desired
so Buddz far too often found himself just running back and forth
from the vocal booth to the mixing
booth as he layered his own vocals
for his production work. After a
while, it just became easier for him
to just do it all by himself. At this
juncture, Colin Harper became Collie Buddz. With his independent
spirit guiding his journey, Buddz
has traveled as far possible from his
little corner of the earth. He’s honed
his craft while in support of several
tours with artists such as Cypress
Hill, Rebelution and Matisyahu.
Buddz has performed in front of
thousands at the largest music festivals such as Lollapalooza,
Boomtown, Summer Jam and the
California Roots Festival. Buddz’s
release “Light It Up,” is a new anthem spreading across every col-
lege campus and radio stations, but
the artist that created the tune has a
name that may sound familiar to
some music fans.
Son of veteran Reggae singer
Jimmy Riley, *Tarrus Riley *was
surrounding by music from an early
age and his foray into music was
inevitable. Making his recording
debut as a teenager with 2004’s
“Challenges,” he credits his success
to simply “singing for the people.”
Known for his ‘healing’ music,
Riley released his sophomore album “Parables” in 2006. Riley has
consistently racked up awards for
his work including honors from the
Youth View Awards, The Star
People’s Choice Awards, EME
Awards, and the Reggae Academy
awards. Riley is the proud holder
of CVM’s 15th Anniversary Award
from 2009 for the ‘Most Admired
Song in the Past 15 Years’ for the
hit, “She’s Royal.” In 2009 Riley
released his third opus “Contagious
on Cannon Production” which included the hits “Start Anew,” “Contagious,” “Good Girl Gone Bad”
featuring Konshens and “Superman,” a cover of a Robin Thicke
original. 2010 saw the release of the
chart topper “Protect the People,”
which scaled several charts in Jamaica and across the Caribbean. His
performances have drawn credible
reviews from the media in the Caribbean, North America, the United
States and Europe. Riley’s most recent high profile performances include the 2011 Jamaica Jazz and
Blues Festival, Reggae Sunfest
2010, Betty Wright and Friends in
concert and the Palmyra
Foundation’s Fundraising event.
Reggae in the Desert is presented by Frederic Apcar Productions. Sponsors include Miller Lite,
Sailor Jerry, Las Vegas Review
Journal and “Neon,” CW Las Vegas, myLVTV. The VIP Lounge is
sponsored by Bin 702.
Jerry Fink is an entertainment
columnist for the Las Vegas Tribune
newspaper and writes a weekly column. To contact Jerry Fink, email
him at jfink@ lasvegastribune.com.
May 28-June 3, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 17
Make the Elixir Lounge your
quick cure for boredom
By Sandy Zimmerman
Las Vegas Zimmerman
Photos by Sandy Zimmerman
The Elixir Lounge invited the
media and VIP’s to their party for
libations, laughs, food and fun.
Tasting the different selections
on the buffet offered the Elixir’s
special recipes not served anywhere
Bobbie Rihel, Director of Operations, discussed their food. “Our
meatball appetizers are a blend of
pork and meat with three different
sauces. We usually serve three to a
portion with garlic bread. The
mushrooms are stuffed with bacon
and blended cheeses baked to order. We try to stand-out with our
specialties. Our mashed potato bites
are prepared with blends of cheeses.
Of course we serve the classic
chicken fingers, wings and other bar
The menu features appetizers,
salads, fish & chips, street tacos,
burgers, seared jalapeno poppers,
New York steak, wraps, sandwiches
and more.
Order from their assortment of
bites, pizza, stuffed deviled eggs,
spinach & artichoke dip and other
selections for $5 or less.
Elixir’s Friday nights special is
prime ribs and Saturday shrimp.
Live entertainment is scheduled on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday with
different performers each evening.
Bobbie feels, “Our VIP Gaming
Club is what it is all about. There
are points just for playing and
scratch cards. New players get a
$20 match play when they sign up.
Every hour lotto bucks are announced with cash prizes. Specials
are featured during televised games.
This is a local’s place to hang out.”
There are 15 new 20-inch LCD
gaming machines carrying more
than 55 poker, blackjack, slot and
keno games.
Games are especially exciting
Bobbie Rihel, Elixir Lounge Director of Operations, discussed their
food, entertainment and VIP Slot Club at their party.
when seen on the huge projector
screen and any of the 14 high-definition televisions. Cheer your favorite team while meeting new friends.
They call the Elixir, one part
speakeasy, two parts casual fun and
shaken with new entertainment options.
With more than 5,000 square
feet, the rooms are designed to allow views of the lounge, entertainment and restaurant from most
The dictionary says, “Elixir
means a cure-all, a panacea or a
quick or magical cure.” Make the
Elixir Lounge your quick cure for
From the creators of Remedy’s
Tavern and Distill, Elixir joins them
duplicating an old-Las Vegas vibe
with a modern twist.
The Elixir, a Local Lounge, is at
2920 N. Green Valley Parkway,
#611, Henderson, NV. 89014.
SUGGESTIONS: Do you have a
fave singer, comedian, magician,
hypnotist, group, production show
or any entertainer in Las Vegas?
Please let us know your choice and
you may win free show tickets or
other prizes. Send the reason for
your choice, your name/e-mail and
telephone number. Email Sandy at
[email protected].
Award winning Sandy Zimmerman
is a syndicated columnist featuring
Show and Dining reviews, Travel,
Health, Spas, Luxury, Spas, Fashion, Automobiles and more. Sandy
is talk show host of the Las Vegas
Today Show programs and Discover the Ultimate Vacation travel
specials. If you want to suggest topics for articles. For information or
to ask any questions about
Zimmerman’s articles, call (702)735-5974 or email her at
[email protected]
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Edwards, On-Air Talent, KUNV Radio.
Page 18 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / May 28-June 3, 2014
Stay in a 300-year-old inn
By Sandy Zimmerman
Las Vegas Tribune
Photos by Sandy Zimmerman
We drove only 15 minutes from
the early Roman city of Chester to
a beautiful setting and arrived at the
Pheasant Inn, a historic coachman’s
inn. Imagine eating eggs, chicken,
vegetables and fruit from farms that
are from only 5-10 minutes down
the road! You will not find any
fresher or tastier.
The Cheshire countryside holds
a historical interest with nearby
Beeston and Peckforton Castles
built hundreds of years ago. Among
some of the activities you can enjoy, The Pheasant Inn is a stone’s
throw from the Cheshire Candle
Workshops, a chance to learn how
to make candles.
Walkers will enjoy the 32-mile
sandstone trail to watch for birds
and wildlife. One unique stop just
a three miles drive is at the Cheshire
Farm Ice Cream, after watching
them demonstrate how to make ice
cream you can experience the falconry to see falcons, hawks and
man eating owls.
Their farm also includes pygmy
goats, mini-Sicilian donkeys, pot
bellied pigs, llamas, rabbits, guinea
pigs, and other animals for the kids.
The lakes are stocked weekly with
rainbow trout fed by pure spring
water. You get away from the city
but not too far away.
With The Pheasant Inn’s 300year-old Cheshire sandstone buildings, open fireplaces, a terrace,
solid oak bar, and a wonderful
flower filled courtyard for dining,
what else could you want? Their
motto, “Good traditional locally
sourced food presented in a traditional country pub with an informal,
friendly staff. Our quality is consistent.”
The Pheasant Inn’s food brought
a recommendation in the Michelin
Pub Guides, as one of the top 10
destinations for pubs. Mike tried the
sea bass with prawns topped with a
sauce reduction of white wine, tarragon, parsley, lemon juice, and
capers. I ate a gigantic 28-day aged
rib eye on a sizzling platter.
After the meat is aged, Executive Chef Lee Meyers adds another
week and cuts the meat himself in
the kitchen. Chef Lee’s menu offered a variety of 21 different good,
simple main courses that also includes British favorites.
Gaddsbie Farm free-range sausage, corn-fed Goosnargh chicken,
hot house salmon, roasted rack of
Bowland lamb, and smoked haddock are just a few of the selections.
Chef Lee says, “We listen to what
the customer wants.”
Some of their classic desserts
date back to the 18th century. You
can choose from lemon possett with
fresh raspberries, rhubarb and apple
crumble with custard, sticky toffee
cafe, brulee, warm chocolate fudge
cake, and more.
In 1650, there were three alehouses in Burwardsley, The Pheasant Inn has been open ever since.
There was no running water until
1936 and electricity was started in
1947. This is the perfect place for a
party in the dining room or outside.
Come to the Pheasant Inn for a
few hours of fun in the country, just
to dine, or stay in one of their 12
en-suite country-style bedrooms,
with special rooms for honeymooners and romantic getaways. They
provide complimentary wireless
broadband Internet.
I enjoyed looking out at the
Cheshire plains; at times we could
even see Liverpool. For the charm
of the country within reach of the
city, The Pheasant Inn B&B is located in the country, Higher
Burwardsley, Tattenhall and
Cheshire. For additional information
w w w. t h e p h e a s a n t i n n . c o . u k ,
and www.visitenc.com.
SUGGESTIONS: Do you have a
favorite city in the United States or
around the world? Please send the
reasons for your choice, your name,
telephone number, email and you
may win tickets to a free show or
other prizes. Award winning Sandy
Zimmerman has been involved in
producing television programs,
television commercials and travel
specials for 28 years. Sandy is a
syndicated Show and Dining Reviewer, travel writer, professional
photographer and talk show host of
the Las Vegas Today Show and Discover the Ultimate Vacation travel
specials. For information or questions about any of Sandy’s columns,
contact Sandy Zimmerman: (702)735-5974 or email her at
[email protected]