2015 Archive - Erie County Federation
2015 Archive - Erie County Federation
Rich Davenport, 2015 ECFSC Recording Secretary Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs ECFSC January 2015 General Meeting Minutes Date: January 21, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Elma Conservation Club, Elma, NY Call to Order: 7:23PM Pledge to Flag: Completed Quorum of Clubs: Yes Excused: Dan Tone, Rose Barus, Steve Aldstadt, Larry Jones, Dave and Paula Wharton In attendance: 7 Officers, 10 directors, 25 delegates, 3 guests Installation of Officers will be done at the Banquet Reading of the Minutes Minutes are all on the website Motion to approve Frank Miskey Tom Fischer 2nd Motion carries Secretary's Report – Rich Davenport None at this time Membership Report – Antoinette Grote 23 Clubs have renewed thus far Please get teh dues in as soon as possible, nice to have the dues paid before the banquet Treasury Report – Rose Barus Year end report (9 pages), plus monthly report and balance submitted Motion to approve Tom Marks 2nd Hope Melnyk Motion carries Correspondence Report – Dave Barus None Presidents Report – Chuck Godfrey Will defer until later in the meeting Upcoming Meetings Date 2/26/2015 - BM Time 6:30 - GM Time 7:00 Location Gen Meet George Washington Club, Buffalo, NY 3/26/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Open – TDB 4/23/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet West Falls Conservation, West Falls, NY 5/28/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Erie County Cons. Society, Chafee, NY 6/25/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet TBD 7/23/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet TBD August No Meeting 9/10/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Springville Field & Stream, Springville, NY 10/8/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Hawkeye Bowmen, Marilla, NY 11/12/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Boston Valley Conservation, Boston, NY 12/10/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Bison City Rod & Gun, Buffalo, NY Need a March location, will contact Evans Need June and July, will speak to Glencoe and Niagara River Station Guests Mike Bartoshevich - NFFNRA Annual banquet April 11, 2015 at Salvatore's Fund raiser for Friends of NRA, funds get dispersed back to sportsmen with grants for range improvements, etc. Deadline for next grant applications is in August 2015 Gun of the Year is Kimber 45 or Ruger American Rifle, or $500/ cash ($10 per, 3/$20, 7/$40) Poster/ Flyer will be sent to Rich for posting Will vote at February meeting for NRA Banquet, get attendees, etc Niagara County Banquet is April 18 Chautauqua County Banquet is Marhc 28, Musky Assn Banquet Pearl Street Grille 2 Law Enforcement – Jeff Jondle Erie County is overbooked, 8 Catt County took one Look good at strength and equipment Archery – Jim McCann None Crossbow – Frank Miskey, Jr None Fish Committee – Dave Barus ECFAB meeting, funding could be pretty good - first time in a long time, should get @ $17,500.00 from Erie County 3 counties will be in the reprint (Erie, Niagara, Chautauqua) We should be able to get a reporint, plus more Normally put our rod & reel orders in by end of Feb. May not know what funding we will have This supplies the fishing events, raffles, giveaways Fishing Clinics – Bison City, last Sunday in April East Aurora - 1st Sat in June 2nd Saturday at Tifft (may use Ellicott Creek Park again, that was successful) 4th Saturday at Chestnut Ridge - will have the commissioners cabin, rent-free, donated by current parks commish, from now on! Ice is nice, fishing getting good Steelhead - vitamin B deficiencies, possibly, hurting the runs into the Salmon River, alewife are low in vitamin B This looks like what is happening, but this is the first year they have seen this happen. Looking into the reasons, Cornell. Capturing salmon, holding at hatchery, and giving them vitamin B supplement shots Small Game – Dan Tone No grant from NFFNRA - did not get the application in on time Looking for donations from the clubs - need resources, please donate Youth Pheasant Hunt - will send 4 Turkeys showing signs of a disease, not pox, but LCDV 3 Big Game – Paul Stoos No report as of yet Proposed regulations coming on deer management, looks like they are looking to expand AR in NYS, maybe throughout NYS Rich breaks down the 5-year deer management plan, WMU aggregates, DMP program is not working, AR on the table NYSCC is opposed, both in R9 and statewide Will have to wait and see what is proposed, and we will need letters, everyone to shut this down New deer group - National - Forming to push AR Trapping – Patti Wattengel Legislation is in Assmebly Waterfowl – Paul P Parks Dept left small boat harbor open this year for waterfowl Problems with folks hunting off the walls? <insert waterfowl report from Ken Z> NYSCC – Dan Tone The council really needs funding again and has set up a committee of about six people to work on funding activity. We really need clubs to support the Buck A Member Program and if your club gave in the past check and see if they are still doing it. The council's Annual Convention will be held at the Syracuse Sportsmen's Center this September and meetings will be open to the public while the show goes on. This will include NYSDEC reports and the commissioner will probably be there too. This will give the NYSCC exposure and also get the departments information out. Directors meeting, we could not get there due to the weather Directors Meeting on Jan 10, no one from R9 could make it, Thruway was closed Jan 28 - DEC quarterly planning meeting Environment & Pollution – Tom Marks Thiamanese in alewives - robs vitamin B May not have fish dying in Lake Erie, but vitamin B is needed for spawning Wind Mills - across the NYS Yates and Somerset, planned windmill projects Process already started Notice given in October, lots of projects Need to fight it and will be soon. Not in the lake, but in the flyways 4 Channel 4 showed this on the news Will be continuing to go to the town board meetings How can they do this without the PTC? Expired in 2013, they added it for 2014 projects, retroactive Since these new projects weree already in motion, paperwork started, not being built, they can apply. We will be fighting it again. Federal budget Down the road from Dave Barus are the two TV antennas, over 2000 birds a year run into those antenna, and those do not move. Imagine the numbers of birds killed by the moving blades. Legislation – John Susz, Jr Nothing will change Silver still in charge of Assembly Senate - slim GOP majority, but not much hope there Federal Bill - Lots of pro gun provisions in the last omnibus bill Stops Dept of Justice to target ammo, IRS from targeting gun owners, EPA from regulating lead bullets, stops CDC medical BS, etc. Protected through Sept 2015. Hopefully we will keep seeing this. Looking for a reciprocity bill for handgun permits As a result of NY SAFE, 3924 arrests (54 in Erie County) total in NYS Resolutions – Rich Davenport Crossbow Resolution Frank Jr motion to accept Tom Fischer 2nd Discussion How about education, still need archery? Yes, you would need archery now No changes to the structure of usage Those who have the permit already, what do they do? Get archery stamp Motion carries unanimously Therefore be it resolved, to Extend coyote season to end of May (thru May 31) So long as it states extend to May 31 5 Tom Marks motions to vote on it, where the therefore remains the same 2nd Frank Miskey, Jr Motion carries unanimously Sportsmen's Education – Frank Miskey, Sr 3 more candidates for instructor, but not in this county. Posters being printed this weekend 5 classes fewer than last year, due to an instructor not getting the info, will not be on posters, but should be there No longer register at first class, no more walk ins, pre-register for classes only, open registration 30 days before the class. As of last year, trapping classes are now home study class. Gives more hands on time outdoors. Spetember 13 is the Instructors Award Banquet, Sunday afternoon Nominations – Paul Stoos None Awards – Frank Miskey, Sr Get your nominations in!!! Banquet - Frank Miskey, Jr Meet after meeting to discuss the banquet Folks are doing a wonderful job. Debbie Godfrey - no one can do a better job than her on the baskets Clubs - please donate baskets and let Debbie know the theme Tickets are with Paula Wharton she handles all the sales Banquet ADs, get a hold of Dave Barus - get the ADs in Looks good, in good shape Please volunteer to help set up, to running games and such We will step away from the silent auction Will do some different things on the silent auction Will have guns! at least 3 How much are the ADs $50/ $100 For other groups banquets, a recomposition charge is in play for taking paper to electronic, just send electronic 6 All others are raising prices on ADs, SCOPE, Sportsmen's Ed, at some point we need to increase this to make a little more money, current cost is peanuts This should be the last year at the rates of $50/ $100. Move it up Need good graphics for ADs, email them please, or incur a fee NO TICKET SALES AT THE DOOR! PRE-SALES ONLY Slingers for the Banquet Will be done and sent to Rich to be emailed out to the Federation One hour of open bar previous to dinner, then cash bar Deadline is February 1 3 nominations from one club, and that's it email Frank Sr, [email protected] Joe - deadline for ad submission - February 28 is the deadline for AD submissions Costs for ADs sent to the PO box Paula has mailed tickets out to the clubs, if you have not received the tickets, we may not have up to date information Paula's phone number is 716-941-6159 Educational Opportunities – Chuck Godfrey Received 3 applications for scholarships, will be sending out the checks and names will go in minutes Fund Raising – Larry Jones Larry is heading to S America for 6 weeks FWMB – Paul Stoos Nothing new Paul will stay with end of year term Shows & Expos – Dave Wharton March 5-8, need volunteers please sign up Dave and Paula will take care of the 7th Elma will handle Friday Need Thursday and Sunday T, F 12-9 S 10-8 Sun 11-5 7 National Hunting and Fishing Day – Rich Davenport Will crank it up in March Elma good 9/26 10-4 Youth Lifetime License – Chuck Godfrey is new chair Raffle tickets are available thank you Joe again for the work on printing the tickets Budget and Finance None Website Joe is working on a redesign using the Word Press platform Content control and permissions come with this, easy to upload and manage, etc Should be completed in the next few weeks Recommend the Federation develop policy-driven security matrix before going live with the new site as to avoid issues Old Business Federation will buy 4 tickets to Southtowns Banquet, need a fourth to go Please see Chuck G New Business Any new delegates Deer Search is starting the 6th annual 30 gun raffle. All money cleared comes back Tickets cost $20 Drawing is April - gun a day Two new delegates Sheryl Scime Region 9 Hunters Educators - Assn will be joining as soon as Frank submits the application Larry Cleary - West Falls Conservation Jim Legal - West Falls Conservation Get with Rich for contact info to get input Good & Welfare ELECBA awards given from Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce Community Service award! Mention the award from the Conservation Council? Yes we got that in September Joe Fischer listened to Ray Gwarek, he is doing well, has a monitor on him, don't know what caused the stroke, but he is doing better 8 Thank you Elma Conservation Winner of 50/50 is WelOveOutdoors, $31.00 Hope Melnyk motion to adjourn 2nd Debbie Godfrey Motion carries Meeting adjourned at 8:55PM 9 NYSCC RESOLUTION 2014 - 2015 FROM: ERIE COUNT FEDERATION OF SPORTSMEN’S CLUBS RE: CROSSBOW USE TO ARCHERY PRIVILEGES Whereas, a crossbow propels its projectile in the same fashion as a compound or recurve bow, and, Whereas, the effective range of a crossbow is similar to that of a compound or recurve bow, and, Whereas, the minimum age to hunt big game in NYS with a compound or recurve bow is age 12 under supervision of parent, legal guardian or qualified mentor, and, Whereas, a muzzleloader is a firearm, and, Whereas, the minimum age for youth hunters to hunt big game under supervision with a firearm is age 14, and, Whereas, under Governor Cuomo’s NY Open for Hunting and Fishing initiative the muzzleloader privilege now carries a cost lower than the archery privilege, and, Whereas, maximizing revenue into NYS Conservation Fund helps maintain the operational health of fish and wildlife work done by NYS on behalf of the People, Therefore, be it resolved That the NYSCC pursue legislation to amend the NYS Crossbow Law to change the requirements for crossbow use from the muzzleloader privileges, and to require archery privileges for lawful hunting with a crossbow, as to provide youth hunters age 12 and 13 the same opportunity to hunt big game with their parent, legal guardian or qualified mentor as they have with compound or recurve bows, while strengthening revenue into the NYS Conservation Fund. Submitted by: WeLoveOutdoors Contact: Rich Davenport 716-510-7952 [email protected] NYSCC RESOLUTION 2014‐2015 FROM: ERIE COUNTY FEDERATION OF SPORTSMEN’S CLUBS RE: EXTENSION OF CURRENT COYOTE SEASON Whereas, Predator‐prey relationships between the white‐tailed deer/turkey and the coyote have been extensively studied throughout the United States Whereas, Studies in Texas have shown 70% of a coyote’s diet during the months of June and July to consist of fawns and that fawn survival in a coyote proof enclosure was significantly higher than outside the enclosure. Maine food habitat studies showed that white‐tailed deer make up 50‐60% of the coyote’s diet and this predation had the potential to have significant negative effects on the deer herd. Fawn survival studies in Centre County Pennsylvania during 2000‐2001 showed that of the 218 fawns that were followed with telemetry equipment, predators killed 22%, the leading source of mortality. Of the fawns killed by predators, most were killed by coyotes (49%). Studies in Northern Alabama and Southwest Georgia studied fawning on similar parcels of land, one where coyotes were aggressively removed during fawning season and the other where no removal was done. The results showed a staggering difference. In the removal areas, 2 out of every 3 does were observed with fawns and in the non‐removal areas, only 1 out of 28 does were observed with fawns. Whereas, The impacts of predation on turkey populations vary by season, location and land use patterns but, predation may significantly impact these populations when faced with our State’s growing problems of poor nesting cover, exposure to severe weather for extended periods of time and a growing predator population. Studies conducted on stomach contents of coyotes taken in Mississippi and of coyote scat have shown that the coyote’s best chance for a turkey dinner is during the poult‐rearing season when the young poults are unable to fly Whereas, By extending a portion of the coyote season out into the more favorable Spring weather conditions of April and May would help to put more hunters afield in search of coyotes. Actively removing coyotes during the critical fawning period for the white‐tailed deer herd will help to reduce predation on the herd’s fawn population. Having the coyote season available during the entirety of Spring turkey season would create opportunities for Spring turkey hunters to harvest a coyote whether actively in search of them or as a consequence of a coyote coming in to attack a turkey set‐up. Actively removing coyotes during the critical nesting period for the wild turkey flock will help to reduce predation on the flock’s poult population. Therefore, be it resolved That the NYSCC pursue legislation to amend the NYS furbearer hunting regulations to extend the coyote hunting season from its’ current October 1st – March 31st time frame to an October 1st – May 31st timeframe, thereby creating additional protections from predation for our white‐tailed deer herd and wild turkey flocks and creating additional opportunities for hunters to harvest a coyote. Submitted by: Alden Rod & Gun Club; Hawkeye Bowmen Archery Club Contact: Mark A. Alessi 716‐998‐4893 [email protected] Waterfowl Committee Report WNYEF Meeting 11 January 2015 Prepared By: Kenneth R. Zolnowski Region 9 Representative NYSCC Waterfowl Committee 2014 Iroquois NWR Waterfowl Harvest Summary Number of Hunters 662 Average Number of Hunters/Day 55.2 Waterfowl Harvested 1628 Waterfowl Harvested/Hunter 2.47 Number of Participants in Youth Hunting Day 12 Waterfowl Harvested in Youth Hunt 34 Season Stands Available Oct 18 - Nov 13 (12 Hunt Days) 29 Regular 3 Free Roam 1 Handicap Iroquois NWR Waterfowl Harvest 2002-2014 1800 1600 1628 1569 1448 1381 1400 1200 955 1000 800 858 697 650 637 600 400 666 635 516 241 200 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Iroquois NWR 2002-2014 Birds Per Hunter Per Day Iroquois NWR 2014 Birds Per Hunter Per Day 2014 Waterfowl Season Summary • Good numbers of ducks on FED areas throughout season – Water levels a problem, especially on State WMAs • Birds Per Hunter @ Iroquois NWR was the 2nd highest in Iroquois history – Despite free roam area in South Mohawk Pool closed due to low water • November storm pushed many birds out of area early – even geese moved out • Diving ducks late in arriving on Niagara River – Big push south from Canada during final week of 2nd half of duck season due to massive cold front Rich Davenport, 2015 ECFSC Recording Secretary Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs ECFSC February 2015 General Meeting Minutes Date: February 26, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: George Washington Club, Buffalo, NY Call to Order: 7:15PM Pledge to Flag: Completed Attendance: Excused: Joe Fischer, Larry Jones, Dan Tone, Don Davis 6 Officers, 11 Directors, 25 delegates, 2 guests First order of business Don Davis is no longer able to serve as Sgt at Arms, due to the health of his wife Need to find a new one, Paul Stoos was asked and he has accepted Paul Stoos is our new Sgt at Arms Please turn cell phones off Quorum of Clubs: Yes Reading of Minutes Dave Wharton motion to approve 2nd Paula Wharton Motion carries Secretary's Report – Rich Davenport Website does not have 2015 minutes links Membership Report – Antoinette Grote 35 clubs paid Hawkeye has not submitted due to letter not being received letter now submitted Membership sheet with dues has updated information - we do not have update from Hawkeye, wrong address Send to regular address not the PO box, that is gone Treasurer Report – Rose Barus Received $1700 from dues No serious bills going out ($540) All else is still being held until after banquet We are doing ok Correspondence Report – Dave Barus No letters out Letters received Thank you letter from East Aurora HS PTO SCI - donation of $2000 for Family fishing clinics President's Report – Chuck Godfrey Gary Huber brought $500 donation from Deer Search to Federation For general use Pat Gallivan is speaking with us on Sportsmen's Issues Input from Sportsmen on outdoors issues - improvement Received call from associate counsel for Senate Ppsl for putting some CF funds for actual habitat and access work on public/ state lands WMAs, In Governor's budget Up to $1.5 million transfer to account to deal with presently permitted for H/A Stamp money Transfer of $260K from the H/A program Not from CF, rather the F&W Trust, by law only the interest on the money Losing value each year due to inflation Would this take a separate action by legislature, as this is set up by law to be untouchable If in CF in General, no issue Clarification is to money coming in this year from Lifetime Licenses, would take $1.5 mil before deposit (diversion of funds) Jeff Jondle - think of the history of this Setting a bad precedence Legislature assured they would make sure it went where it should go 2 Rich does not get the proposal, is it going to be recurring? WMA's can be managed using timber sales In statute law - they have things that are to do certain things, and the track record is terrible. Not a good thing to endorse Paul Stoos motions the Federation opposes this diversion of funds as written 2nd Jeff Jondle Motion carries Jeff Jondle suggests we recommend other ways to make the money Rich concurs <break for dinner 7:35PM> Sportsmen's Ed posters are available Meeting resumed at 8:07PM Need to start looking for another President for next year Next Meetings Date 3/26/2015 - BM Time 6:30 - GM Time 7:00 Location Gen Meet Evans Rod & Gun, Evans, NY 4/23/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet West Falls Conservation, West Falls, NY 5/28/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Erie County Cons. Society, Chafee, NY 6/25/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet TBD 7/23/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Niagara River Station, Grand Island, NY August No Meeting 9/10/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Springville Field & Stream, Springville, NY 10/8/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Hawkeye Bowmen, Marilla, NY 11/12/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet TBD 12/10/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Bison City Rod & Gun, Buffalo, NY June TBD Need November (TBD) Waterfowl – Paul P None 3 NYSCC - Dan Tone NYSCC Legislative Meeting, March 7, 2015, Herkimer, NY FWMB State Meeting, March 26 & 27, Pulaski, NY Erie County Fair Booth Chairman Meeting - Conservation Building, Held in the lower grandstand on April 22, 2015. 4-H Pheasant Program Informational Meeting plans are being worked on at the present time and Youth interested in raising Day Old Pheasant Chicks should call...Tami at 6525400 or Dan at 655-0975. Erie Counties two Resolutions are in the hands of Steve Wowelko, NYSCC Resolution Committee Chairman and be forwarded to council committees for their recommendations. Small Game/ Trapping – Dan Tone Fisher Mgmt Plan is out comments end March 21 The NYS Trappers disagree with the major components of the draft plan. They are opposed to all quotas except for pine martin, and feel the length of the season will manipulate the harvest numbers without the use of limits. They want the season later when the pelts are prime. They oppose the shortening of the Adirondack season if half without any sound science to justify it. They oppose 3 separate season dates with in the state and feel that will create a law enforcement nightmare, and also contribute to increased illegal activity. I am told the NYS Trappers are opposed to any bag limits on the proposal for the Fisher management. Who told me is a good source, but, I would appreciate if you would contact the NYS Trappers and see if this true. In my letter I forwarded on the topic I felt they could have a bag limit, but, a little more then the department is offering. Dan is seeking comments from ECFSC on this several meetings ago We had discussions on this Rich motions to oppose the plan as written, and take the trappers position to support them 2nd Dave Wharton Discussion Dan Tone would like to support the plan with higher bag limits Motion carries to oppose the plan as written supporting the trappers position 4 Environment and Pollution – Tom Marks PTC will most likely get renewed at Federal level Wind developers are buying leases Lots of wind projects - NY Green Bank issues Legislation – John Susz, Jr. Silver out as speaker, new speaker is in place Senate is GOP control but a couple indictments could sway it back Budget proposal includes upgraded fishing platform in Dunkirk, and repair Randolph hatchery, and Caledonia hatchery November elections turnout lowest in decades, 16% of total eligible voters voted 150 bills introduced in legislature that impact sportsmen Genesee County as rifle bill on the docket Hoping bipartisan sportsmen's act will be taken up as well as reciprocity act for handguns Universal background checks being pushed Ammunition bans being pushed Only way to do universal background check would need a National firearms registration US Appeals court dismissed antigun suit, was to have EPA regulate lead in ammo and fishing tackle 42 states are now shall issue states Repeal of NY SAFE virtually impossible Trade-offs with getting rent control in NYC to weaken SAFE? Assembly will not make moves on this Only way to do this is through the courts SCOPE is sponsoring a bus for the sportsmen's lobby day March 3 We have good representatives, need to get the bad ones to turn We have to vote! We did win many of the battles Do not be deflated, because despite this, we did make gains 50th Anniversary of SCOPE Going to be doing flags $30, 3x5 flag for outside Banquet is Oct 17-18, limited to 504 5 Speaker will be Rob Astorino List of officers directors and committees being sent around Make corrections Resolutions – Rich Davenport Our resolutions have been submitted to NYSCC Outreach & Education – Chuck Godfrey Chuck will come to your meeting Sportsmen's Ed – Frank Miskey, Sr. Posters are out Landscaped instead of portrait out on the front table Will be around next month as well Class numbers are down Limits in effect next year - will not be able to register more than 30 days ahead Youth archery Aug 31, Sept 1, 2 at West Falls Will be some in Federation booth at the expo Kids age 12-15 Combo courses for hunting/ archery combo - home study class, online for gun get a workbook for bow, then come to class 6 hour gun, 7 hour bow, both certs Nominations - Paul Stoos None Banquet - Frank Miskey, Jr 175 tickets sold for the banquet at present 1 request for a gluten-free meal, contact Frank so this is taken care of Banquet ADs listed Must contact and submit by Sunday, Mar 1 [email protected] S&S has donated a Barnett Vengeance Crossbow, value $900 Elma has sponsored a gun for the banquet, plus two more purchased by Federation No silent auction this year, large raffle table instead Will have surveys at the banquet as well 6 Received call yesterday from Jim Hunt, he will be making a stop at the Banquet so long as he is not on a call Will introduce everyone to his new partner Bear Sat morning 10AM setup No NICS check at banquet Separate set of tickets for the large raffle table Feel free to shoot Frank an email or phone call with any questions Fund Raising - Larry Jones None Educational Opportunities – Chuck Godfrey 3 kids turned in apps FWMB – Paul Stoos Meeting coming up, then the State meeting follows, nothing new Shows & Expos – Dave Wharton March Sportsmen show upcoming next week Need some help Sunday for two shifts get in for free Looking for the list at present Need names for Elma for Friday shifts Get to the side door, south side of building - vendors entrance Southtowns people manning the door Last month the new Sportsmen Show in Niagara Falls, great show, 12,000 people by the count Gave away youth apps for LTL for Erie County visitors at our booth Unique event, 3 days, Sat and Sun had 12 seminars going on all the time Great show Reviews on the show was fantastic Not too early to talk about the fair Frank Jr picked up a couple boxes of pin on ball compasses. $0.25/ each $6/ box, have 5 boxes for the show if needed Pete from Triple S has sportsmen's tissues at $0.03/ pk Do you want the items We also have flag pins @ $0.20/ ea. Free with donation Hooks and hats to sell 7 Fish tanks are gone at the fair Used the wrong silicone seal. Sticker shock on the replacements Were told that they needed to use the right stuff, and now they screwed it up Vendors coming in this week to discuss, but this year no fish tanks NHFD – Rich Davenport Nothing new yet Joe Jemiolo Jr. YLTL – Chuck Godfrey Need people to sell tickets, have 1500 to sell 6 nice prizes, please pick some up Drawing is in December Will these be sold at the show? Yes, but did not sell too many We also sell at the fishing programs and the banquet Cannot sell them at the fair Maggie is donating bird houses for the YLTL Chuck will communicate certificate needs Budget and Finance Any bills need to be paid? No George Johnson on ECFAB runs a teach me to fish for inner city kids, free fishing weekend Will have 5000 kids Spent $1200 for Federation Spent another $3000 for inner city kids We will see how this works, bills are made out to ECFSC He has also gotten Bob Rich involved This will be a real good thing Plan down the road next year is to pick one weekend and call it Erie County Free Fishing weekend, multiple events at different sites simultaneously Dave Barus motion to get repaid Hope Melnyk 2nd On the 14th, you'll get it! Motion carries 8 Website - Open Progress is slow Will be done in Word Press Joe is new committee chair Law Enforcement – Jeff Jondle Albany is in a cost cutting move, lopping off OT Dispatch is closed, all routed through Albany DEC Region 9 Environmental Conservation Police 2014 Hunting Season Report Since the start of the regular deer season through the end of the late special muzzleloading season (Nov. 15 through Dec 16, 2014), Environmental Conservation Officers (ECOs) in Region 9 report a total of 294 hunting-related enforcement actions, in addition to responding to approximately 430 calls for service. "Enforcing hunting and trapping laws helps to ensure suitable populations of deer, bear and other wildlife in the region and throughout the state," said Regional Environmental Conservation Police Captain Frank Lauricella. "It also ensures that the large majority of law-abiding hunters are provided with fair opportunity to pursue game that these poachers are taking. We appreciate the thousands of hunters who consistently adhere to hunting regulations and guidelines, and who pass on the traditions of safety, responsibility and conservation to the next generation." Of the 294 charges issued, 89 were classified as misdemeanors and included the illegal taking of deer, discharging firearms within 500 feet of dwellings, shooting across roadways, possessing loaded firearms in vehicles, using spotlights at night to hunt deer, hunting after closed hours and others. These charges carry potential fines of up to $2,000 and up to one year in jail. Officers also issued tickets for 205 violations including trespassing, hunting over bait, improper tagging, hunting without a license, transport of untagged deer, hunting in the wrong Wildlife Management Unit or in a closed area, and others. Officers investigated one hunting-related shooting incident (HRSI) involving property damage within Region 9 during this year's big game season; consistent with last year, zero incidents occurred involving personal injury. In addition to responding to a high volume of calls for service throughout the hunting season, ECOs in Region 9 also served a significant role in emergency response efforts during the severe November snowstorm. Anyone with information about potential illegal hunting practices or other environmental crimes is encouraged to contact DEC's 24-hour dispatch hotline at 1-844-DEC-ECOS (1844-332-3267). Region 9 covers Erie, Niagara, Wyoming, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties. 9 No longer an ECO in Buffalo answering calls Archery & Bow – Jim McCann Nothing Crossbow – Frank Miskey, Jr. Nothing Two years ago we joined NYCC Last year we budgeted Rich motions we renew NYCC membership 2nd Tom Fisher Motion carries Fish – Dave Barus Erie County Federation Youth Fishing/Outdoor Events for 2015 • Bison City Rod & Gun, 511 Ohio St., Buffalo, NY, last Sunday in April, 250 kids • East Aurora Fish & Game, 1016 Luther Rd., East Aurora, NY, 1st Saturday in June, 150 kids • Erie County Federation of Sportsmen, PO Box 560, East Aurora, NY, Tifft Nature Farm, Lake Kirsty – 2nd Saturday in June, 150 kids • "GEORGE JOHNSON" Youth Fishing Program, Buffalo kids, Foot of Ontario Street, 4th Saturday & Sunday of June - estimated 5,000+ kids • Erie County Federation of Sportsmen, PO Box 560, East Aurora, NY, Chestnut Ridge Park Commissioners Cabin Lake – 4th Saturday in June, 150 kids • East Aurora Fish & Game, 1016 Luther Rd., East Aurora, NY, 3rd Saturday in September, 75 kids • National Hunting & Fishing Day, Elma Conservation Club, 4th Saturday of September, 200 kids • CALL 716-597-4081 for additional INFO High Lake Erie Lake Trout Abundance An annual cold-water assessment gill net survey on Lake Erie found the highest abundance of lake trout in the 30-year time series. This long term annual netting program began in 1985 and is our principal measure of the progress of a binational lake trout rehabilitation program. The survey also monitors other coldwater species such as burbot and whitefish, and provides a means of monitoring sea lamprey attacks on cold-water fish species. A total of 632 lake trout were caught in 49 gill net lifts. The 2014 relative abundance (12.9 lake trout/lift) represents a 35% increase over 2013 abundance (8.4 lake trout/lift) and well above the rehabilitation target of 8.0 lake trout/lift established in a bi-national Lake Erie Lake Trout Management Plan. The 10 abundance of adult lake trout (age 5 and older) was also the highest observed in the time series, mainly due a high number of age-5 lake trout caught in the survey. Sea lamprey wounding on lake trout (17.6 wounds/100 lake trout <21 inches) remained high and well above the target value of 5.0 wounds/100 fish. A comprehensive summary of results will be available by the beginning of April 2015 in the NYSDEC Lake Erie Unit’s Annual Report. Lake Erie Unit, James Markham, 716-366-0228 Lake Erie boat angler survey measures record fishing quality in 2014 Final angler survey results have been assembled to describe 2014 boat fishing activity on the New York waters of Lake Erie. Overall fishing effort was measured at 371,000 angler-hours, the highest level since 2001. Walleye anglers (50 %), yellow perch anglers (21%), and bass anglers (17%) contributed the largest portions to this 2014 Lake Erie boat angling effort total. Yellow Perch effort was the highest recorded in the 27 year survey. Angling quality for Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, and Yellow Perch in 2014 were all at or near record levels. Walleye and Yellow Perch catch rates were at the highest levels ever recorded in the survey, and the Black Bass catch rate was the second highest ever recorded. Yellow Perch anglers harvested approximately 212,000 fish, the highest harvest of the 27 year survey. Walleye anglers harvested approximately 62,000 fish, a level of harvest not seen since 1989. This annual survey has now been completed for 27 consecutive years and is an invaluable information source for pursuing informed management of Lake Erie’s important fisheries. New York’s angler effort and harvest data for Walleye and Yellow perch are also compiled with companion data from neighboring jurisdictions to produce annual lake-wide assessments of the status of these species and provide essential information for establishing lake wide safe harvest limits. Lake Erie Unit, Jason Robinson, 716-366-0228 DEC and NY Sea Grant Announce $89,000 in Grants for Great Lakes Basin Projects Funding will help Great Lakes Basin communities increase resiliency to extreme storm events In partnership with New York Sea Grant, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens today announced $89,000 in grants for four projects that will help Great Lakes coastal communities to increase storm resiliency and protect water quality. "New York remains vulnerable to the effects of climate change, especially from more frequent severe storms," said Commissioner Martens. "Each project receiving funding has proposed a solution to address these problems locally, to ultimately reduce risk to communities and ecosystems and will help our communities become stronger and more resilient." "New York Sea Grant looks forward to administering these awards and working with the recipients to ensure that the documents produced, data generated, and 11 lessons learned are available to all of our Great Lakes communities and stakeholders," said New York Sea Grant Associate Director Katherine E. Bunting-Howarth. Coastal communities along 700 miles of New York Great Lakes' shoreline are vulnerable to storm surges, flooding, shoreline erosion, and the impact of overdevelopment. Inland communities also experience flooding and erosion as a result of wetland loss and degradation, improper stream management, and excessive development of floodplains. Grants will be awarded to the following organizations: Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper: $24,482 to improve coastal resilience and community stewardship along Grand Island's shoreline by engaging shoreline property owners and municipal officials through a combination of technical assistance, and public outreach and education. Program activities will target stretches of shoreline experiencing significant erosion and habitat degradation problems. Wayne County Soil & Water Conservation District, in partnership with the Village of Sodus Point: $25,000 to use a combination of natural vegetation and rock to stabilize an eroding section of shoreline and protect nearby at-risk sewage infrastructure in the Village of Sodus Point. Ultimately, this project will strengthen coastal resiliency by protecting wastewater infrastructure and reducing vulnerability to erosion and coastal storm impacts. Oswego County Soil & Water Conservation District: $25,000 to use an ecosystem-based management approach to identify and assess available shoreline management methods for the North Pond inlet and coastal dune barrier of Eastern Lake Ontario. The project's findings will be used to inform an inlet management plan that balances the needs and uses of the local community, while achieving ecological stability within this unique barrier-pond ecosystem. Stony Brook University: $14,985 to investigate the potential impact of seiches--standing waves commonly caused by wind--on beach erosion along New York's Lake Erie shoreline. This project may have important resiliency implications for coastal engineering practices, which have not typically considered seiches in shoreline protection design. New York's Great Lakes Basin Small Grants Program is a project of the state Environmental Protection Fund's Ocean-Great Lakes Ecosystem Conservation Program. Grant projects support the goals of an Interim NYS Great Lakes Action Agenda, a plan for applying ecosystem-based management to complex environmental problems in order to conserve, protect and enhance our irreplaceable Great Lakes natural resources. For more information on the Interim NYS Great Lakes Action Agenda, visit DEC's website. For more information on the grant projects (Offsite Link), go to www.nyseagrant.org. 12 If anyone trout fishes on Wiscoy creek angler diary going on this year contact biologist in Allegany Office NY looking to redo trout stocking protocol Big Game – Paul Stoos Deer regs - story relayed about the meeting on Jan 28 Letter sent to DEC by Big Game Committee caused the delay Batcheller said NYON article was inaccurate, but only mentioned timing Need to get feedback from hunters in R9, talk to folks, questions, where do you hunt WMU How has the hunting been over the past 5-10 years? Why do you think it is bad? What do you think should be done to fix? Rich will send out Q's Outreach could have happened and avoided misunderstandings but didn't (concerning NY ON article) Buffalo News article in Next Rich motions ECFSC write letters to Lauren Tone and Grace Brach thanking them and encouraging them to continue speaking about hunting as they have. 2nd Hope Melnyk Motion carries Old Business Ice fishing conditions Chautauqua has been hit and miss Slush over the Valentines weekend had sleds getting stuck Lake Erie hit and miss, snow deep, machines getting stuck, light penetration could be issue with the fishing Cayuga Lake, Oneida Lake, machines getting stuck Wheelers predominantly New Business Membership application Hunters Ed to join Motion to accept Dave Wharton 2nd Tom Fisher Motion carried Welcome to the Federation 13 Parcel of property at headwaters of 18 mile creek, trying to be purchased to preserve the headwaters area info 716-481-4977 Thank you Joe McAdams for the posters! Good & Welfare None 50/50 NY Walleye Thank you George Washington Club Rich motions to adjourn 2nd Dave Wharton Meeting adjourned 9:37PM 14 Rich Davenport, 2015 ECFSC Recording Secretary Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs ECFSC March 2015 General Meeting Minutes Date: March 26, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Evans Rod & Gun, Evans, NY Call to Order: 7:43PM Pledge to Flag: Completed Moment of silence for Len Bigaj Roll Call: Joe Fischer, Mark Allessi, Dan Tone, Steve Aldstadt, Frank Miskey Jr, and Sr, Larry Jones Guests Mike Bartosheich - NFFNRA Georgina - NFFNRA Banquet coming up at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens April 11, 2015 Looking to raise money for the grant program, kids and women, law enforcement, et al 5PM start ends past 10PM Tickets are $45 Big Shooter package is $150 Charlton Heston Table $1750 for 10 10 big shooter packages plus gun raffles and an exclusive gun raffle for the table 19 firearms to choose from $175 for a ticket at a Charleton Heston table Live auction has two vacations Africa and Belize Some tickets available tonight. Reading of the Minutes Some late additions to the minutes have been received, will be republished and sent out in attachment form Secretary's Report – Rich Davenport Minutes will go out this weekend Rich is now admin of NYSCC Facebook Page Membership Report – Antoinette Grote 41 clubs 9 left to chase Treasury Report - Rose Barus Banquet income $12,453.00 raised Expenses $7919 - most for the hall We made some money Any questions about the report, or last month's report, just ask Made $4533.00 on banquet Need to tweak the banquet a bit next year We did allow for reserved tickets paid at the door. Estimated 220, but less than 200 showed Looking to maybe pay in advance, rather than reserve and pay at the door. Move up awarding the Lifetime Licenses, too late for the kids, as they were getting cranky Also set a table or two aside for them to sit at, easier to find seats Will be addressed next year Still made more money than last year with lower turnout Correspondence Report - Dave Barus Wrote a bunch of thank you notes, one to Deer Search, S&S Taxidermy, Elma Conservation, sent letter to DEC Fisher Management Plan Took data from other states, rather than data collected here CC to Erie County Trappers and NYS Trappers Received letter back from the State Trappers thanking us for the letter we sent Another letter from Chuck Godfrey written to West Seneca DEC appreciative of the letter Received thank you letter from Male Youth of the Year Award: 2 From: Kevin Morgan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 8:00 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Thank You Dear Mr. Godfrey I want to thank you for nominating me for the youth of the year award this past Saturday. I was unaware of this award and shocked to receive it. I really appreciate that you think of me and enable me to get involved in stream projects. I enjoy it. Please pass along a thank you to Mr. Miskey and the ECFS officers for considering me for this award. I also attached a picture my dad took of us at the banquet. See you soon. Kevin Morgan President's Report – Chuck Godfrey Tomorrow is a stakeholder meeting at BNRK from 11A-12P, explaining where they are in the process of Buffalo River cleanup and what is to be done this year and other steps in the future Looks like it might be done this fall, but having some issues with one land owner. Should still be on track 721 Main Street at their new offices in Buffalo Upcoming Meetings Date 4/23/2015 - BM Time 6:30 - GM Time 7:00 Location Gen Meet West Falls Conservation, West Falls, NY 5/28/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Erie County Cons. Society, Chafee, NY 6/25/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet TBD 7/23/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Niagara River Station, Grand Island, NY August No Meeting 9/10/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Springville Field & Stream, Springville, NY 10/8/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Hawkeye Bowmen, Marilla, NY 11/12/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet TBD 12/10/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Bison City Rod & Gun, Buffalo, NY Nominations – Paul Stoos None Awards – Frank Miskey, Sr None 3 Banquet – Frank Miskey, Jr Discussed, Frank Jr is not here to make report Fund Raising – Larry Jones None Educational Opportunities – Scholarship – Chuck Godfrey None FWMB – Paul Stoos Meeting last month, Lance Robeson - head of FWMB, spoke with him concerning the money from lifetime licenses FWMB region voted it down, request to reconsider this. Would also get money from P&R funds. Would not be setting a precedent, only one time Hope asks if we could get Lance to come speak about this to explain? He is not local Bottom line is we do not trust the people in Albany FWMB also approves of the Fisher Plan, but the trappers do not Not the right letter - we did not send a letter Paul Stoos motions to amend our position to now support the transfer of funds one time from lifetime licenses 2nd Hope Melnyk Discussions concerning the F&W Trust Fund, and the diversion of new lifetime license funds to a new account Question is do we trust them Motion defeated - we stand opposed to this plan to take LT money Shows & Expos – Dave Wharton Fair is coming up We cost ourselves some money at the Outdoors show, forgot to sell shotgun crhistmas lights NHFD – Rich Davenport Event listed on Website WNYEF – Dan Tone June 14 at Hoak's 1PM Joe Jemiolo YLTL - Chuck Godfrey Raffle is going on right now. Need to get tickets sold! Drawing is in December 4 Budget and Finance $1495 left in YLTL Tom Fischer brought 2 checks $100 for YLTL $200 for pheasant program Thank you Tom Received thank you from Excalibur for donation of $50 Request from WITO - $250, Hope Melnyk motions to donate 2nd Tom Fischer Motion carries Need new plastic signs, Debbie getting them Debbie motions to spend $39 and change on the sign holders 2nd Hope Melnyk Motion carries Website - Joe McAdams Working on updating this site Law Enforcement – Jeff Jondle Promotional test for investigators is April Fools Day Officers one day a month would do office duty, etc No longer happening Albany is trying to save money on overtime Someone calls R9 for complaints, routed to Albany Officers are not happy Gary - had 3 ECOs in Cabelas yesterday, voicning the concerns on this, too Sometimes Deer Search has to get a hold of ECOs in a hurry ECOs are upset about this Gary Huber wondering if a motion to write about this Certainly we should do this soon Also, opening promotions for Lts. We will lose some staff do to this, hopefully we will get staff back Unknown where the money will be come deer season Cuomo wants the license money, cannot stand he cannot touch it. 5 Union contracts are up Holding up State Police contracts until they support his SAFE Act ECO Union contract also up, probably doing the same thing Need to have the local ECOs handle the local complaints Gary Huber motions to write a letter objecting to moving this interaction to Albany 2nd Rich Davenport Motion carries unanimously - will craft the right wording after the meeting Archery & Bowhunting – Jim McCann None Crossbow – Frank Miskey, Jr None Fish Committee – Dave Barus Rod & reels ordered for all youth fishing events Order base has grown, now ordering for 10 organizations Chautauqua Niagara Rushford Conservation Bison City DU Buffalo United Front Fishing with Heroes More Discussions on ECFAB and funding and all that crap If you want to help stock fish, get with Chuck and he will get with Mike Todd to add your name New stocking this year is Como Park in Lancaster - rainbow trout from dam to upstream end of the park Looking to give more trout fishing opportunity Not on the list yet, as these were Randolph fish, no rainbows from Randolph, just browns and brookies Unknown when the fish will be going in April 9 State of Lake Erie at SWA 7-9 Small Game – Dan Tone We had out 4-H Pheasant meeting and most of the Small game committee was there and we should have enough raisers this year. 6 Q - When will the turkey studies be completed? No clue as of now 3 year studies should be ending now, but when the data is ready is unknown Reminder to get the grant in Have Dan get a hold of Mike to get the grant done Big Game – Paul Stoos State meeting on April 11 Stakeholder meeting on April 8 to discuss the Structured Decision-Making process NYSCC Pres was not invited This is concerning mandatory AR Waterfowl – Paul P Migration north is on, tons of snow geese moving NYSCC – Dan Tone It was great news to here from the NYSDEC at the our Legislative Meeting in March that there seems to be a commitment from the department to do positive things with Habitat and Access. Commissioner Martens spoke about these topics at various local meetings around the state last year and it seems like he is going to make things happen Habitat Conservation and Access Account is a new account and replaces the existing Habitat and Access Account in the Conservation Fund that is funded by the sale of the Stamps. This item is intended to focus on the projects as the existing H&A account and to provide increased and more stable funding as the existing and can be used to support habitat projects, primarily in Wildlife Management Areas. These funds could be matched by federal dollars. The change here is the account would be funded annually with the first $1.5 million received from the sale of lifetime licenses. The remainder of the lifetime license sales above $1.5 million would continue to go to the trust account . The announcement for $4 million for the hatcheries improvements was also great news and while some people would have liked more this is still a lot of funding to improve the hatcheries. NYSCC submitted resolutions for this year are as follows. Expand the types of wildlife that can currently be hunted with centerfire rifle in Onondaga County to include big game. Implement a spring bear season. Extension to the coyote season. Allow crossbow use to have archery privileges in NY. Allow muzzleloader or archery big game tag to be used with crossbow. 7 NYSCC Dates. Spring Meeting. Council Committees meet and also discuss resolutions. (Herkimer College April 11, 2015. Fall Convention September 18-20, 2015 Syracuse, NY vote on resolutions and elections. This year the council had to increase the membership dues slightly to keep up the cost of doing business these days, however it is still a bargain considering what they do for the sportsman and women of New York State. For more information www.nyscc.com Legislation – John Susz, Jr Gallavan presenting 7 bills to repeal and/ or change the SAFE Act SCOPE lobbied to defund parts of the SAFE Act on March 3 Asking Legislators to standardize pistol permit law across the State, rather than having county discretion Asking to oppose microstamping, gun owner liability insurance and safe storage bills. Legislators very receptive to SCOPE Tim Kennedy was the difference, not receptive did not meet Mute Swan bill is moving forward Resolutions – Rich Davenport Nothing different Membership Outreach – Chuck Godfrey Any Club wants to have Chuck there, he will go Sportsmen’s Education – Frank Miskey, Sr 2014 HRSI, 2nd safest year on record 22 HRSI in 2014, 1 fatality during squirrel hunting No fatalities during big game season Hunting is definitely getting much safer. Environment & Pollution – Tom Marks Bald Eagle Management Plan is out in draft ppsl Please comment - until April 10, many issues with the plan New Business Guns, Beer BBQ May 16, $25/ ticket SWA will hold their 1st free kids fishing seminar on April 4 8 Arcade Chamber of Commerce, trout contest on upper Catt 2 day derby, 400 tagged fish, $25 entry 399 are worth between $25-$99, community fish one tagged fish, $1 to get in on that Springville Field & Stream - following week, Jake's Day APril 19, $10 Hawkeye bowman April 11-12, wild animal shoot, no crossbows Niagara County 20th Annual kids fishing derby at Niawanda Band Shell 9-12, 1 day event, $3000 in prizes, see the calendar Bison City Flea Market, tables free, admission free Call Paul Stoos or Willie Siefert December meeting will be on the 15th (Tuesday?) Still have a few fund raiser tickets for 30 gun raffle, few left, $20 See Gary Hawkeye will host October meeting 50/50 Winner Niagara Musky Thank you Evans Rod & Gun! Motion to adjourn John Susz 2nd Debbie Godfrey Meeting adjourned 9:21 PM 9 Rich Davenport, 2015 ECFSC Recording Secretary Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs ECFSC May 2015 General Meeting Minutes Date: May 28, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Erie County Conservation Society, Chaffee, NY Call to Order: 7:32PM Pledge to Flag: Completed Officers and Directors who do not have their badge on pay Rose $1.00 6 paid up tonight Roll Call: Excused - Paula Wharton, Dave Barus, Hope Melnyk, Gary Melnyk, Joe Fischer Quorum of Clubs: Yes Reading of Minutes Up but site is still not up to date Website is not up to date at the present New site should be up this weekend Secretary's Report - Rich Davenport None - already covered Membership Report - Antoinette Grote Currently have 41 Clubs - updated sheets will be provided to Chuck Treasury Report - Rose Barus Treasury Report sent out No real major expenses - Bison City donated to help West Falls, thank you We have some money in the checking account - not sweating Dave Wharton motion to accept 2nd Tom Fischer Motion carries Correspondence Report - Dave Barus Dave is excused, received a thank you letter from Riley Gardner, one of three scholarship winners Names of all recipients will be sent President's Report - Chuck Godfrey Dick's and ammo - SAFE ACT related, someone's grandchild went to get ammo at Dick's, buying 40 cal, for the pistol - was told he would have to show a valid pistol permit to buy it, then responded by telling them it was for a 40 cal Rifle, and then all of a sudden no problem. Photographing fish out of season - DEC will not ticket anglers for taking pictures of fish Council Resolutions - Looking for the resolutions, should be sent out ny Monday June 1. Renewed our USSA membership Sign up if you wish to get email alerts from USSA Fair Sign up list (8/12 - 8/23) Added an extra hour each day, building opens at 9 instead of 10, except for first day when it opens at noon. Please sign up, talk to your club members, if clubs can take a day, please do 5 days of fair filled so far. Sign in sheet at the June meeting as well Will provide parking pass, etc This above will also serve as the Fair report. Next Meetings Date 6/25/2015 - BM Time 6:30 7/23/2015 - 6:30 - GM Time 7:00 Location Gen Meet Hamburg Rod & Gun, Hamburg, NY - 7:00 Gen Meet Niagara River Station, Grand Island, NY August No Meeting 9/10/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Springville Field & Stream, Springville, NY 10/8/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Hawkeye Bowmen, Marilla, NY 11/12/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet SWA? 12/10/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Bison City Rod & Gun, Buffalo, NY Guests Mark Mazurkiewic - NYS DEC ECO Fred Langdon Committee Reports Waterfowl - Paul Pietraszewski None 2 NYSCC - Dan Tone Chuck Parker on vacation Environment & Pollution - Tom Marks Microbeads – tiny pieces of plastic designed to leave your face or teeth feeling scrubby clean – create a big environmental problem. The plastic pieces – even ones labeled “biodegradable” – don’t break down, a wide range of studies show, and the plastic material acts like a toxic-chemical sponge, magnifying the pollution threat. Since last year, New York’s Legislature has worked to pass a bill that would prohibit the distribution and sale of personal cosmetic products containing microbeads less than 5 millimeters in size. The bill, Microbead-Free Waters Act, passed the Assembly in April. The Senate bill, which had been watered down to allow certain plastics, has been realigned to match the Assembly version. That’s good news. The bad news: In a session so far upstream with little true legislative action – thanks to a series of ethics scandals – a bill that tackles the issue of tiny plastic pollutants will likely slip away without a vote. The microbead concern was underscored last year, in a report by the Attorney General’s office that outlined the risks from these tiny items Bill numbers. S3932 or A5896 The State legislature is moving slow in regards to this issue. The Erie County Legislature is now considering a bill to bad products containing microbeads. Patrick Burke joined environmental experts in saying that the synthetic exfoliants have been found to pose a serious threat to the environment, including fish and other organisms. "There's been state legislation that's sat for about a year now, and as the testimony showed, we can't wait for that any longer," said Burke, D. "There's serious contaminants in our waterways and we need to get this thing moved forward." Feds quarantine New York-Vermont border to stem flow of invasive emerald ash borer The state's new system to confront the invasive emerald ash borer, which relies on quarantine zones drawn around forests known to be infested, is unique among the 25 states in the eastern U.S. where the ash-devouring pest is found. As a consequence of no longer lining up with federal control rules, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has added the border between New York and uninfested Vermont to a federal quarantine zone, which will bar transport of ash that up this point has been unfettered. Other states infested by the insect use a county-by-county quarantine system to control the movement of ash timber, which New York this month changed over concerns that a 40-county quarantine south of the state Thruway was regulating too much forest where the borers have not been found. This month, the state replaced it with a system of 14 "restricted zones" encircling areas of known infestation that covers much less forest than county-based bans, the system used by other infested states. For six years, New York State has waged a war against a serious threat to trees. 3 The existence of the emerald ash borer was confirmed in 2009. The adult beetles feed on the leaves of ash trees, which presents little threat. But the eggs they lay turn into larvae, which can destroy the trees from the inside. The first instance of infestation in the United States occurred near Detroit in 2002. The pests can now be found as west as Colorado, as north as Minnesota, as east as Massachusetts and as south as Louisiana — and everywhere in between. The spread of emerald ash borers has been advanced by people moving infested wood from one area to another. Governmental agencies have had to establish regulations for transporting wood to limit the possibility of increasing the presence of these beetles. To make this process more efficient in New York, the state Department of Agriculture and Markets worked with the state Department of Environmental Conservation to revise management regulations. The agencies created 14 restricted zones, made up of five-mile buffer areas. The new rules will allow for infested wood materials to be transported within the boundaries without compliance agreements or permits. This should make it easier for municipalities, forestry workers and residents to dispose of infested wood. These new rules will streamline the work being done to contain the infestation of this beetle. The infestation has yet to be reversed. Invasive species once established are very difficult to control, elimination is nearly impossible. 18 Mile Creek BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB)- A state senator has a plan to preserve and protect Eighteen Mile Creek through southern Erie County. Senator Marc Panepinto wants to designate the creek “an inland waterway”. He told News 4 the designation would free up state and federal money to make the creek more accessible to visitors. He also believes the money would help maintain the purity of the water. Eighteen Mile Creek is the second largest tributary in Lake Erie. It runs around Hamburg and opens into the lake near the Town of Evans. Senator Panepinto introdued the bill in the Senate. He has co-sponsors in the Assembly. He says lawmakers must do a better job of fighting for clean water and making Lake Erie and the creek more accessible. Panepinto is calling on Republicans to work with him and put policy over politics. “It’s a very important designationm” he said. “It would free up federal funds, it would free up money from the Environmental Protection Agency fund. It’s really a no-brainer piece of legislation. The people in Hamburg and in the Southern Tier have been fighting for it for several years.” Lawmakers only have four weeks left in the session to pass the bill. Comment to the story on WIVB.COM LisaBuff • 2 days ago So...now that they (NYS, town of Hamburg) let someone from Canada purchase all of the land surrounding the outlet of 18 mile creek into Lake Erie (Derby) for $100k ....now they are focusing on 18 mile creek?? Instead of purchasing this land several years ago from the estate of the former private owner, Hamburg built a $90k watchtower. NYS didn't even acknowledge the heavily marketed land for sale on both sides of creek. So 4 anyhow, right where you need to walk on the land on the left when facing the lake because the creek becomes deep and sludge. ...there are now No Trespassing signs along the paths and the beach. ...all of which the public USE to use. Mr. Canada is not nearly as community minded as the former private owner. Even the town homes on the bluff cannot use the beach below that they built steep stairs to reach. Everyone knew this land was for sale...at a very fair price...and no one...no generous private person, not one town, Erie County or NYS stepped in to preserve the outlet of 18 mile creek into Lake Erie. Why someone can even own land within feet of a large public creek and around the mouth of the creek is beyond me. The new Canadian owner, as of last summer, had no less than 20 No Trespassing signs. So thanks NYS and Hamburg for your top notch efforts on preserving 18 mile creek. Now for my comments….. Will the designation free up money for the waterway? The Federal Government is broke, it will take more than an act of congress to get any money for the 18 Mile Creek waterway. The federal government promises billions of dollars every year for the Great Lakes, it is very hard to get the money to fund projects, consider the $15 to $25 billion needed to stop Asian Carp. We have bigger problems. Will the designation improve access? I doubt it, access requires to private lands to be bought or agreements with landowners to allow access. We do not need a special designation to accomplish this. Money will improve water quality, in my opinion doubtfully. Runoff from farms needs to be controlled, greater buffers to protect the drainage are needed. I agree with Panepinto, lawmakers must do a better job… and part of that better job is fighting for clean water and making Lake Erie and the creek more accessible. Dan Tone motions to write to EC Legislature to straighten this and get it done - ban microbeads Copy Burke, Mills, Williams, Poloncarz 2nd George Rockey Motion carries Blue-green algae - Barley farming could be one answer DEC posts it as a natural algaecide Calleri uses it in his pond, effective product. Perhaps the microbrewing will bring this back? West Seneca wetlands mitigation money from National Grid - will be writing another letter to Chuck Rosenberg concerning this issue, no project movement, West Seneca does not administer the money. Copies will be provided Legislation - John Susz, Jr. Dean Skelos and son officially indicted today Police raiding the home of Steve Pigeon, the Chief of Staff for Chris Collins 5 New Leader in Senate is John Flanagan Made deal with 6 upstate Senators to vote for Flanagan. Majority wanted DiFransicso A week after that - called in SCOPE to discuss Young Seward and Nozzolio All very nervous - worried about retribution from gun owners Most threatened with primary challenges Pandering to us If you pass a one house bill, pass the repeal bill. We want something done that will pass both houses Rid the ammo database and the re-cert law to be administrated by State Police. Recently won the FOIL case They have to release the numbers or file an appeal by June 22 Another case Montgomery vs. Cuomo going on, "Secret" Integrated Safe Act Reporting System (ISARS) - health thing Trying to make the general public aware of this Only those who have a pistol permit are being notified, everyone else is completely unaware of this information sharing in blatant violation of the laws protecting this information Fill out FOIL request, turn into SCOPE, or you can send directly Want to bury them in requests Will be in Albany June 9 Have stacks now, fill in tonight if you so desire Other items on the docket sent over by Bill Gibson, insert in minutes Nominations – Paul Stoos Nothing Banquet – Frank Miskey, Jr Nothing new Awards - Frank Miskey, Sr. Nothing Sportsmen's Ed - Frank Miskey Sr. Classes winding down for Spring. Overwhelming response, more classes going online, shortening the class for the educator Students like the online class, and are better prepared coming to class. 35%-50% less failures with the home study Working well Banquet coming up Sept 6 at the Holland Willows at 3PM (Sunday) Gun raffle - 150 tickets per color, 3 colors, 3 guns 6 Draw is on Monday June 1 Also, if anyone knows of anyone interested in becoming an instructor, please let them know - need new blood DEC youth archery clinic - switch the locations, Hawkeye, Elma, West Falls, confusing for fund raising, can this be done through Federation? Yes we have done that in the past, just need to make sure when we receive the money that it is dedicated to that, archery camp. 30 kids will be taking the archery course at the camp. Looking for donations to give the kids in a new hunter package to help them out. Please let them know if you can help. Camp costs roughly $5000 to run for 3 days! Frank Miskey, Sr. motions ECFSC buy an AD for the Sportsmen Banquet Program and 4 tix to banquet 2nd Larry Jones Motion carries Let Rose know who to make the payment to Fund Raising - Larry Jones Meat Raffle to raise money for general funds - LECBA doing on Federation's behalf Bring by July meeting, runs through Labor Day Will be doing a gun show Aug 1 and 2 and will be selling youth raffle tix Received many youth lifetime raffle tickets Please - clubs, buy some tickets as a Club, or sell a bunch of tickets Educational Opportunities – Chuck Godfrey 3 recipients of scholarships FWMB - Paul Stoos Nothing new, meeting next Thursday Shows & Expos – Dave Wharton New fish tanks are being built NHFD – Rich Davenport Meeting June 10 Need to get fliers out at Fishing Clinics, Fair Press Release going out in July DEC personnel will be contacted soon WNYEF – Dan Tone June 14 meeting 7 Budget and Finance Covered Joe Jemiolo Youth Lifetime Raffle Covered Website Covered Law Enforcement - Mark Mazerkeuwicz, NYS DEC NYSCOA raffle tix Big prizes $20.00 per ticket SWN – comm. system installed post 9/11. Now there is no standard radio comm.. systems, agencies still cannot talk to each other, no SOP, no standard frequencies, etc, state and feds, and locals ECOs have 25-30 year old radios Sen Gallavan added $5MIL for DEC for radios. Got chopped Governor not spending any money Cars are ok Looking to start an academy, down 80 ECOs and 30 Forest Rangers, approval for combined academy Director of LE is again retiring, due to problem with the waiver Academy is this year? Supposed to start this fiscal year, but who knows, could be into 2016 Would you like the tickets brought back up in July? Yes Archery and Bowhunting – Jim McCann Youth archery camp hosted at Hawkeye 5 week program, Monday evenings, starts June 9 Kids 10-15 Pre-registration is required, limited participation Send ASAP Crossbow – Frank Miskey, Jr None Fish Committee – Dave Barus Musky season starts inland Saturday Family Fishing Clinics Tifft June 13 Chestnut June 27 Volunteers please arrive by 8:30AM 8 Small Game - Dan Tone Youth pheasant hunt Clubs - WNYTU, ELECBA, HRG, Hawkeye Please make sure you can have a youth participate Application needs to be filled out, but the kids are in Must be confirmed by June 11, so we get people there to make it worth the cost of then slot Looks like all have a kid. Get the info to Chuck as early as possible Is there room for others? Doubtful Will be giving the day old chicks out within another week or so Still looking for donations Turkey issues, appear to be too low. Trying to find out the study results. All info is there, looking to cut the turkey season in the fall by 2 weeks - eastern end Fisher proposal is exactly what we will get Comment period ends June 29 Turkey proposal - Dan Tone motions to write a letter to favor that proposal 2nd Jeff Jondle Discussion Tony Gonnello - we did do trap and transfer, successful NY says that LY was bad, PA said it was good Regulated Hunting has never led to extinction of any animal Never have seen as many turkeys as he has the last few weeks Jeff Jondle - If they have the science that shows we need to help the stocks, then do it, but let's see the science and ask some questions Rich mentions that science should be shared before the regulations are written, this is hey the study is done, here are the regulations, never mind about that report Dan Tone - Hunting has no affect on the populations at all, documented. General population of hunters felt they were way down, gave the DEC this info, and ths is the result 9 Chuck Godfrey - feels that the biologists had a feeling they would see what they would see, and started the regulatory crafting, but this is only speculation based on what we know from past experiences. Tony - Last September - Emilio mentioned they would go to 1 bird already. Discussion closed 12 voted for 9 opposed 1 abstain Motion passes Big Game - Paul Stoos Total take down 2% for the State No CWD found in NYS Regulations discussed Buffalo News article discussed Motion by George Rockey write to oppose the regulation proposal for the antlerless only areas for 9A and 9F 2nd Paul Stoos To eliminate our peers in 8, 3 and 4, is not right, we should oppose the whole thing George amends to oppose the whole thing John Susz, this will clobber the ML hunters the most Motion carries 1 abstain Trapping – Patti Wattengel Reminder for National Trappers Convention - Hamburg July 30-Aug1 Already an anti-trapping billboard directly across from the fairgrounds Rich motions to resend the Fisher letter opposed as written 2nd George Rockey Motion carries Youth trapping camp this year? Yes, we have already donated, Columbus Day Weekend, three places 10 Old Business None New Business None New Delegates None Good & Welfare None 50/50 Winner is SWA $25.00 Thank you ECCS Debbie Godfrey motion to adjourn 2nd Steve Aldstadt Meeting adjourned 9:38PM 11 Rich Davenport, 2015 ECFSC Recording Secretary Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs ECFSC June 2015 General Meeting Minutes Date: June 25, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Hamburg Rod & Gun, Hamburg, NY Meeting called to order – 7:07 p.m. Pledge to Flag Roll call – Officers and Directors: Excused: Joe McAdams, Larry Jones, Rich Davenport, Frank Miskey Sr., Steve Aldstadt Quorum of member clubs – Present: YES Guests: Troop 59, Scoutmasters Don Lombardo (right), Wayne Dieter (left), restored 5-station sporting clays trailer run by Boy Scouts for rent at your club or any facility. Received a tour of this device that was originally manufactured by the NRA and has been restored to near new condition by this energetic Boy Scout group. Donations are needed and appreciated to maintain operations. Motion by Jeff Jondle for donation of $250, 2nd by Hope Melnyk, unanimous approval. Approval of previous month’s minutes Motion to approve - Minutes not yet posted. TBD Membership report – Antoinette Grote: 42 clubs have paid their dues, 9 clubs are still unpaid for 2015. Treasurer’s report – Rose Barus Formal 2-page written report of all account activity and balances have been e-mailed to the officers and directors. Motion to approve – Dave Wharton, 2nd Debbie Godfrey Correspondence report – Dave Barus Dave announced that he and Rose Barus will allow their officer terms to expire and not run for re-election at the end of December, 2015. Requested that nominating committee consider requesting members to consider filling the position of Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, as well as the Fish Committee Chairman. Rose Barus said she would be willing to train someone in the next 6 months as co-treasurer to learn the easy-to-use software (Quicken) that we use to keep the ECFS books. Chuck requested that we form a multiple person Fish Committee for fishing program event planning into the future. Tom Fischer volunteered to be a part of that committee. Letters received: 1) Crow’s Nest with $200 donation to be used for ECFS Youth Fishing Programs 2) East Aurora Moose Lodge 370 thank you letter for our donation of 6 rods/reels/tackle for their youth fishing tournament held on May 30, 2015 Letters Sent: 1) Thank you letter to Crow’s Nest 2) Thank you letter to Erie County Conservation Society for hosting the last meeting See attachments for copies of letters. President’s Report – Chuck Godfrey 1) State Police Foil request response written. see attachments for copy of letter. 2) Sent letter requesting that micro-bead products to EC legislator Patrick Burke with copies to Mark Poloncarz - county executive, John Mills - majority leader, Betty Jean Grant - minority leader, regarding letter that ECFS supported sending at last meeting in May. 3) EC Fair coming up August 12-23. New hours this year, starting at 9AM and running thru 10PM each day except first day, August 12, which is 12 noon thru 10PM. Next meetings; Date 7/23/2015 - BM Time 6:30 - GM Time 7:00 Location Gen Meet August Niagara River Station, Grand Island, NY No Meeting 9/10/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Springville Field & Stream, Springville, NY 10/8/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Hawkeye Bowmen, Marilla, NY 11/12/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet TBD 12/10/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Bison City Rod & Gun, Buffalo, NY 2 SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Nominations – Paul Stoos Looking for nominations for President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Nominating Committee Chairman, Fish Committee Chairman, Big Game Committee Chairman and FWMB Representative. Awards – Frank Miskey Sr. N/A Banquet – Frank Miskey, Jr. N/A Fund Raising – Larry Jones N/A Educational Opportunities – Chuck Godfrey 1) Have received thank you letters from the last 3 recipients 2) Dve Barus reported that East Aurora Fish and Game will sponsor their 15th annual NRA Youth Sportsfest at their club location on Luther Road in East Aurora on July 25th for kids aged 12 to 18. Only 75 spaces are available, call Dr. Conrad Boyle to register. Kids will learn about how to reload a shotgun, then shoot trap, skeet, small bore rifle, black powder, long bow, recurve bow, crossbow and learn about dog training. To register and find out more information, contact Dr. Conrad Boyle at 716-652-0229. FWMB - Paul Stoos 1) No news, all old business rehashed Shows – Dave Wharton 1) Erie County Fair- Chuck has schedule 2) Dan Tone mentioned that new fish tanks are installed and are functional in the Conservation Building for this year and they look real good. So lve fish will be returned to the fair this year. National Hunting and Fishing day – Rich Davenport 1) Meeting held last week at Smokey Bones, Event will be held last Saturday in September at Elma Conservation Club. Dave and Rose will be in Minnetonka, MN during this event and wil notn be able to participate. 2) Next meeting for ECFS on Friday, July 29, 7PM, meet at, Smokey Bones parking lot near Cabela’s 3) Tom Fischer and Chuck Godfrey shared that the 42 year heritage NHF Day that was held in Region 8 in Avon, has been cancelled by the Region 8 NYSDEC office. The Region 8 director is not a particularly big fan of hunting and the Region 8 wildlife resources director, a woman, is a proponent of anti-hunting. The Region 8 NHF Day is being considered to be held by the Livingston County Federation at a private club in Region 8.More later. WNY Environmental Federation – Dan Tone 1) Rich Davenport has minutes to be published. 3 2) Question on the floor from Tony Gonello regarding use of crossbow for 12 yr olds. DEC not opposed, but requires legislator hold up in Assembly with Sweeney and New York Bowhunters support. 3) John Susz reminds us that this WNFEF next meeting is Sep. 13 at Hoaks, agenda includes election of officers. Youth Lifetime License – Chuck Godfrey 1) Raffle tickets for same $5 ea or 3 for $10. Heavy prize list. 2) Drawing to be held at Bison City in December Budget and Finance – Rose Barus – (motion to pay bills) 1) Motion to approve - no bills to pay currently, reimbursements to pay for usual expenses related to ECFS events with receipt provided do not require a vote. Website – Joe McAdams - eriectyfsc.org 1) Website has been redesigned by Joe and the format is warm and complete. 2) Joe McAdam requested historical pictures from previous ECFS events be sent to him for posting on the new ECFS website. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Law enforcement – Jeff Jondle 1) Not too much this month. New Region 9 Lieutenant is Bruce Hummel, now has taken his position. Archery & Bowhunting – Jim McCann 1) No news Crossbow –Frank Miskey, Jr. 1) President of NY Bowhunters sent a letter out to NYSDEC opposing the possibility of using crossbows during the NYS archery season. Quite a few inaccuracies were in NYB letter and NYSDEC Jeremy Hurst responded to point out corrections, with regulations implemented by legislature, not DEC. Comments also included kinetic energy for arrow weight and stroke of bow differences. Hurst point of letter was to identify that DEC did not do what the NYB letter says. Fish – Dave Barus 1) NYSDEC - Free Fishing Weekend, On June 27th and 28th, anyone (resident or non-resident) can fish the fresh or marine waters of New York State and no fishing license is required! Since no license is required, it’s the perfect time to take a friend or relative fishing. Anglers must still abide by New York State fishing regulations during the free fishing weekend. 2) Walleye Reward Tag Program, The New York State DEC Lake Erie Research Unit, along with other fishery management groups around Lake Erie are conducting a walleye movement study. If you catch a tagged walleye, there is a 4 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) $100 reward for the return of the whole fish and its internal transmitter. Tag handling and reward information are displayed on an easily visible orange-colored external loop tag on the back of each tagged walleye. Chautauqua Lake , DEC reports that lake temperatures have climbed to above 70 degrees in south basin, slightly less north of Long Point. Muskellunge anglers have enjoyed good action along weed lines, with several musky caught that measured more than 50 inches, true trophy fish and most anglers are measuring and releasing these legacy fish after a picture. According to DEC fisheries biologist, Mike Todd, the musky folks are trolling at around 2 mph or casting with large stickbaits. Bass fishing is hot around the docks and near shore while fishing from a boat with tube jigs and plastic worms. Musky Season Changes, Statewide (general) regulation changes for muskellunge covering most inland waters were revised with the 0pening date moved to the last Saturday in May (May 30, 2015), the minimum length limit increased to 40 inches, and then anglers need to check their specific waterway for special regulations. For the Great Lakes and tributaries, the opening date remains UNCHANGED: third Saturday in June (June 20, 2015), but the minimum size limit has been increased to 54 inches on Lake Ontario and the Niagara and St. Lawrence River, this makes regulations consistent with Lake Erie. Lake Erie Border Check-In, Anglers fishing in boats on Lake Erie need to be aware that they need to check into Canadian waters by calling the Canadian Border Service agency at 1-888-226-7277 and when returning to USA waters, need to check back in to the United States Border Patrol by calling 1-800-8272851. Failure to do so may result in a Homeland Security issue. Record NYS Walleye Identified, While assessing Ashokan Reservoir in the Catskills in a late April study, NYSDEC fisheries biologists and crews recorded a whopper walleye that measured 32 inches and tipped the scales at 17 lbs-7oz. That would be a new state record! The current NYS walleye record is 16 lbs-9oz, 34 inches long, caught by Thomas Reed in January 2009 on Mystic Lake in Cattaraugus County. The nighttime fish survey crew carefully released the potential new record fish back into the Ashokan Reservoir east basin and there will likely be more fishing activity on that waterway in the future. Erie County Fish Habitat Restoration – At the Erie County Fish Advisory Board meeting in June, guest V. Haas reported that she is managing two county-owned habitat park restorations funded by the US EPA/Great Lakes Restoration Initiative at Red Jacket Natural Habitat Park (foot of Smith Street) and the Bailey Peninsula Natural Habitat Park. Both projects are being restored post-dredging of toxic sediment with the goal of restoring fish and wildlife to the Buffalo River. While these are public parks, there is going to be a balance between limited public use and fish/wildlife conservation. Concept plans are underway with 30% plans expected in July 2015. She would like to return to a future meeting to review the draft plans and get the input from this board as to any ideas that could improve the projects. Teach Me To Fish Report - East Aurora Fish and Game, We had a beautiful day on Saturday, June 6, with 87 kids registered and with parents we had about 160 people around the pond. Kid’s ages ranged from 3 - 15 years old. We had a good 5 amount of fish caught including several bass over the 12" mark. From East Aurora Fish and Game we had about 18 volunteers. Elaine Winter and her kitchen crew put on a great spread with Sahlen’s hot dogs, grill and tent donated by Sahlen's for use in this event too, and all of the sides dishes and fixings including a great cake!!! 9) Teach Me To Fish Report - Tifft Nature Preserve, The NYSDEC/ECFS Kids Teach-Me-To-Fish family fishing clinic at Tifft Nature preserve took place on June 13th and was a nice success. Some 81 children attended and the good news is that they were all new to the event, so we reached a lot of new people. Volunteer staffing was extremely low with only 6-10 ECFS people on hand. Tifft staff helped out, it went smoothly. Extreme hearty thank you to those ECFS volunteers that were on hand: Tom Fischer, Jeff Jondel, Joe Fischer, Paul Stoos, Hal Lawrence, Rose Barus, Joe McAdam and Willie Sieber. Special thanks to our resident 85 year old volunteers from East Aurora Fish & Game: Russ Johnson and Bob Carlson. See event summary report in the ECFS newsletter. 10) Buffalo Harbor State Park (old Small Boat Harbor) Launch Access - Offers New Problems, Bass professional anglers and recreational anglers alike have been voicing complaints about the revised boat launch service at Safe Harbor Marina at the Buffalo Harbor State Park (old NFTA Small Boat Harbor). Recently, New York State transferred management of the marina and boat launch access. According to bass pro, Scott Callen, “The shuttle bus that ran to assist the speed of launching during busy boat launch ramp periods was terminated. The shuttle was also a nice security measure, because it ran much of the time. The close-tolaunch parking areas have also been reduced or eliminated, and now only parking lot E is allowed for boat trailers (a ¼ mile walk).” Notable improvements are in the works. The shuttles are proposed to return if the NYS will agree to a $1 launch fee increase from $7 to $8, competitive with other WNY marinas. A special meeting was held at Southtowns Walleye clubhouse on June 24 at 7PM, to discuss the issues of interest. Callen is asking anyone with boat launch issues to contact legislator Mike Kearns at [email protected] to help with collecting data and making improvements to the new procedures in place right now. The small boat harbor launch site is the only viable boat launch for high numbers of weekend recreational boaters and anglers to launch their boats. Continued inefficiency and restrictions would also reduce or eliminate tournament fishing opportunities for the Erie County and Western New York regions, affecting economic impact. Interested boaters can talk directly with Callen at https://www.facebook.com/scott.callen.737?fref=ts or by phone at 716-481-4434. Additionally, see the attached Harbor Minutes report in this newsletter. 11) Remaining Erie County Federation & Clubs Youth Fishing/Outdoor Events for 2015 • June 27: Family Fishing Clinic, Teach-Me-To-Fish, Erie County Federation of Sportsmen, PO Box 560, East Aurora, NY, Chestnut Ridge Park Commissioners Cabin Lake, 150 kids, Info: Dave Barus, 716-597-4081 • June 27: Southtowns Walleye Kids Fishing Derby, Tifft Nature Preserve, 10AM2PM, Fuhrmann Blvd., Buffalo, NY, info: Ron Wutz: 716-649-8202 6 • June 27/28: Family Fishing Weekend, Youth Fishing Program, Buffalo kids, Foot of Ontario Street, Black Rock Canal Park, estimated 5,000+ kids, info: George Johnson, 716-818-3410 • July 17-19: Fishing With Heroes, SPECIAL ADULT MILITARY WOUNDED VETERAN SURVIVOR PROGRAM, open program for USA purple heart award military personnel from any era, includes all accommodations, food, charter fishing services, fishing gear, beverages, all inclusive, FREE to attendees, info: Captain Fred Forsythe, 716-560-9216 • July 31-Aug. 2: The 21st Annual Youth Archery Camp, FREE for kids 12-15 years old that want to learn about archery and the outdoors, kids with NYS Bowhunter Ed Certificates are NOT eligible, West Falls Conservation Society, 55 Bridge St., West Falls, NY, contact Jerry Lewandowski via email at [email protected] • Sep. 19: Kids Fishing Derby, East Aurora Fish & Game, 1016 Luther Rd., East Aurora, NY, 11AM-12:30PM, 75 kids, info: Dave Smyczynski, 716-364-9082 • Sep. 26: National Hunting & Fishing Day, Elma Conservation Club, fly tying, trapping, casting, dogs, trap shooting, NYSDEC, more, 200 kids, info: Rich Davenport, 716-510-7952 • CALL Dave Barus: 716-597-4081 for additional INFO ECFS is now the HQ for rods/reels for 10 organizations, including Chautauqua County (Zen Olaw), Niagara County (Bill Hilts) and 8 additional organizations in Erie County that include Rushford Conservation (Rick Walczyk), Southtowns Walleye (Ron Wutz), Bison City Rod & Gun (Dave Barus), East Aurora Fish & Game (Dave Smyczynski), ECFS (Dave Barus), Ducks Unlimited (George Rockey), Buffalo United Front (George Johnson) and Fishing With Heroes (Fred Forsythe). The new Fish Committee Chairman will need to reconsider continuing this practice to discount purchases and free shipping for the other groups. 12) Wiscoy Creek Angler Diary Program, DEC Region 9 Fisheries Unit is again conducting an angler diary program for Wiscoy Creek in Allegany and Wyoming Counties during 2015. DEC is currently looking for anglers to keep diaries. If you fish Wiscoy Creek (even once) and would like to keep a diary, please call DEC Fisheries at (716) 372-0645 or email at [email protected]. The program will run March 1st through October 31st. This program duplicates the 2012 dairy program on this waterway (see 2012 Survey at: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/92948.html) and will be used in conjunction with a late-summer electrofishing survey to evaluate the fishery's overall quality. 13) DEC Looking for Fishery Info from ANGLERS, Anglers that need more fishing information or would like to contribute to the weekly Lake Erie or WNY Fishing Hotline report, please call or e-mail Mike Todd (716-851-7010; [email protected]). Good Luck Fishing! The fishing hotline audio version can also be heard at (716) 679-ERIE or (716) 855-FISH. MOTION: Paul Stoos - ECFS write a letter of support for $1 increase in boat launch fee increase if the shuttle is returned to service to improve efficiencies there. 2nd Dave Wharton. Unanimous approval. Tom Marks suggests copies to all WNY legislators. 7 Comments on economic advantage for putting the shuttle back into service. Will notify Scott Callen of intent and request best time to do this. ACTIVITY: Chuck mentioned that ECFS needs to set up a new committee for youth fishing events. Tom Fischer volunteered to be a part of that committee. Small Game – Dan Tone 1) Chuck noted that the forms for the youth pheasant hunt have been sent in,all OK. 2) Dan reported that 600 pheasant chicks given out to 4H youth raising pheasants. Also reported that a single beautiful bird was turned in after getting hit by a car in Niagara County, it was a bird that was stocked in fall of 2015. 3) Have received donations from Murray Roofing, Collin Borngraber and others in support of this program. ECFS will reapply to Friends of NRA for grant for 2016, this was not filed in time for 2015. Big Game – Paul Stoos 1) Discussion in NYSCC regarding expanding antler restrictions in NYS for the 2015 season. Rich Davenport is on top of info for this. DEC has indicated that there are so many minor changes to this legislation that it was not possible to get it into the syllabus this year. It will more likely be started in 2016, following a series of public meetings starting in July 2015 (per NY Outdoor News, says Tom Fischer). 2) Antlerless deer hunt for Region Trapping – Rick Wattengel 1) Rick motion for request ECFS consider a $250 donation to the Pat Arnold Youth Trapping Camp set for July 30 to August 1. Motion was 2nd by Tom Fischer. Unanimous approval. Waterfowl – Paul Pietraszewski 1) Our dry/wet spring will likely results in a good hatch of waterfowl for this year. Nothing else. Conservation Council - Dan Tone 1) There are 5 other region in NYS that are conducting fund-raising or are sending donations to NYSCC in support of the operation. This is encouraging. 2) The Federation has decided to promote the voluntary “Buck A Member Program” proposed by the Council. This, if successful, will insure a reliable source of income to meet the future needs for our only “conservation rights” lobbying organization in our state. For those clubs who feel this is a worthwhile cause, please make checks payable to - “New York State Conservation Council” and send to – NYSCC, 8 East Main St., Ilion, NY 13357. To those clubs that donated last year, we hope that your commitment will carry on. Please don’t wait until the Council solicits for your help. They need the resources now to fund the year’s budget needs. Also, to those clubs who chose not to participate, please consider what the Council is asking for: “a dollar a member.” A buck doesn’t buy much 8 these days, not a beer at a bar, not a pack of cigarettes or a good cigar, not a decent fishing lure, or even a couple dozen worms. Perhaps it’s time we sportsmen and women consider putting this all in perspective! Clubs wishing to receive the Council’s “Grass Roots News” monthly publication, which gives updated information on state legislation and conservation issues, should contact the Council at 315-894-3302. You can also e-mail them at - [email protected] with the information. Clubs can send their “club’s news” for publication to NYSCC, 8 East Main St., Ilion, NY 13357 - or e-mail them by the 2nd Monday of the month. The Council also has a policy of not arbitrarily giving or selling private club information. Finally, there is an ongoing new member/renewal drive for individual Council memberships, with prizes available. Contact the Council or visit their website for details. Environment & Pollution – Tom Marks 1) No changes and no additional news. Legislation – John Susz 1) The legislature has voted out all calls to repeal the NY Safe Act. 2) Dave Wharton said that Steve Aldstadt indicated that other firearm bills are in limbo as the legislature is busy with the new rent control bills that are tying up both the house and senate in Albany. 3) To keep in touch with what’s going on with firearm legislation in New York, check out SCOPE’s website at - www.scopeny.org Resolutions – Rich Davenport 1) All clubs and representatives should have received copies of this year’s NYSCC proposed resolutions. Roll call vote for all clubs that have paid dues can vote ballots due to ECFS Chuck Godfrey by next meeting, 7/23/15 at Niagara River Station. OK to send by mail to Chuck Godfrey at 29 Yvette Dr., Cheektowaga, NY 14227, or by email to Chuck at [email protected]. Results will be available within the following week. 2) LIST OF RESOLUTIONS: 9 2015 NYSCC Resolutions Crossbows 2015-01 CROSSBOW USE TO ARCHERY PRIVILEGES 2015-01 ERIE COUNTY FEDERATION OF SPORTSMEN’S CLUBS Whereas, a crossbow propels its projectile in the same fashion as a compound or recurve bow, and; Whereas, the effective hunting range of a crossbow is similar to that of a compound bow, and; Whereas, the minimum age to hunt big game in NYS with a compound or recurve bow is age 12 under supervision of parent, legal guardian or qualified mentor, and; Whereas, a muzzleloader is a firearm, and; Whereas, the minimum age for youth hunters to hunt big game under supervision with a firearm is age 14, and; Whereas, under Governor Cuomo’s NY Open for Hunting and Fishing initiative the muzzleloader privilege now carries a cost lower than the archery privilege, and; Whereas, maximizing revenue into NYS Conservation Fund helps maintain the operational health of fish and wildlife work done by NYS on behalf of the People; Therefore, be it resolved: That the NYSCC pursue legislation to amend the NYS Crossbow Law to change the requirements for crossbow use from the muzzleloader privileges, and to require archery privileges for lawful hunting with a crossbow, and to provide youth hunters age 12 and 13 the same opportunity to hunt big game with their parent, legal guardian or qualified mentor as they have with compound or recurve bows, while strengthening revenue into the NYS Conservation Fund. Contact: Dan Tone, [email protected], (716)655-0975 Firearm Committee: support; Big Game Committee recommends SUPPORT, vote was 7 For, 1 Opposed, 1 Abstain 2015-02 Move the Southern Zone late muzzleloader and late bow/crossbow season to the end of December. Yates County Federation of Conservation Clubs Whereas, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is responsible for regulating hunting within New York State, and; Whereas, the NYSDEC sets regulations, quotas, and seasons to help manage our natural resources, and; Whereas, the NYSDEC employs trained wildlife biologists and managers and they have years of experience managing our fish and game resources, and the expertise to do so, and; 10 Whereas, the White-tailed deer is primarily crepuscular, active at twilight. Deer activity changes with the length of the day peaking during the rut. Hunting pressure, the rut nearing its end and short days cause deer to become more nocturnal, and; Whereas, moving the late muzzleloader and late bow season, which run concurrently, would allow the deer population over two weeks to go back to normal activity. Deer in December, during many hunting seasons, appear to be much less active during daylight or to seemingly have become nocturnal, and; Whereas, other states Pennsylvania and Ohio already have a successful late hunting season during the last week of December and/or into January, and; Whereas, a late season in the last week of December when sportsman have time off from school and work will allow college students hunting opportunities they otherwise may not have during their college years. This would put more hunters afield and prevent some from giving up hunting entirely. This would be a time when three generations of a family are able to hunt together, Therefore be it resolved: that the NYSCC seek to change legislation to move the Southern Zone, 9 day late muzzleloader and late bow/crossbow season from its current dates on or about December 8th to the 16th to a new season of on or about December 26th to January 3rd in order to give late season hunting opportunities to sportsman and to meet the deer management goals of the NYSDEC. Contact: Steve Weckelman, [email protected], (315)526-3788 Big Game Committee: OPPOSE, vote was 0, 7, 1 – really revolves around trail usage and snowmobile rules, which falls under the Parks Dept. We do recommend that a summit between NYSCC and NYSSA be conducted to discuss changing of trail rules to allow for snowmobile trails open when the regular big game season closes, rather than when the last big game season closes. 2015-03 Allow muzzleloader or archery big game tag to be used with crossbows New York State Muzzleloaders Assoc. WHEREAS, Hunting with a crossbow as a legal implement for big game was passed into law in 2014 under Environmental Conservation Law, Article 11, and; WHEREAS, Hunting with a crossbow outside of the regular firearms or early bear seasons requires a “Muzzleloader Privilege” to participate, and; WHEREAS, Archers have the ability to harvest a deer with a Bow tag and then also purchase a “Muzzleloader” tag which could be used to harvest another deer during the defined special crossbow seasons, and; WHEREAS, Muzzleloaders have long been denied comparable opportunities for special use seasons when compared to the archery hunters despite paying the same fees for privileges, and; WHEREAS, Muzzleloaders who have an interest in hunting with a crossbow must now choose to harvest a deer with either a crossbow or muzzleloader, and; THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: that the NYSCC support a change to Environmental Conservation Law to allow crossbow hunters to be able to use either a Muzzleloader Privilege tag or an Archery privilege tag instead of being limited to the current “Muzzleloader” tag allowing more flexibility for tag use and not making the 11 muzzleloaders choose between taking a deer with a crossbow OR taking one with a muzzleloader. In addition, this resolution in no way proposes to change the existing season structure or dates, only the tag structure for use of the crossbow. Article 11 Title 7 (New language is in bold italics) 11-0701 3. A bowhunting privilege when included on a hunting license entitles a holder: (4) who is fourteen years of age or older to hunt wild deer and bear with a crossbow, in a special muzzle-loading firearm season, as provided in title 9 of this article. Contact: NYS Muzzleloaders Assoc Eric Bratt, [email protected], phone (518)895-8551 Firearm Committee: support; Big Game Committee: SUPPORT, vote was 5, 2, 1. It was discussed that this would be unnecessary if the Erie County Resolution is acted upon by the Legislature (bills in both houses already exist to do this, sent along that info earlier), and the DEC agrees the Erie County Resolution would be a “cleaner” way to go. COYOTE SEASON 2015-04 EXTENSION OF CURRENT COYOTE SEASON ERIE COUNTY FEDERATION OF SPORTSMEN’S CLUBS Whereas, Predator‐prey relationships between the white‐tailed deer/turkey and the coyote have been extensively studied throughout the United States, and; Whereas, Studies in Texas have shown 70% of a coyote’s diet during the months of June and July to consist of fawns and that fawn survival in a coyote proof enclosure was significantly higher than outside the enclosure. Maine food habitat studies showed that white‐tailed deer make up 50‐60% of the coyote’s diet and this predation had the potential to have significant negative effects on the deer herd. Fawn survival studies in Centre County Pennsylvania during 2000‐2001 showed that of the 218 fawns that were followed with telemetry equipment, predators killed 22%, the leading source of mortality. Of the fawns killed by predators, most were killed by coyotes (49%). Studies in Northern Alabama and Southwest Georgia studied fawning on similar parcels of land, one where coyotes were aggressively removed during fawning season and the other where no removal was done. The results showed a staggering difference. In the removal areas, 2 out of every 3 does were observed with fawns and in the non‐removal areas, only 1 out of 28 does were observed with fawns, and; Whereas, The impacts of predation on turkey populations vary by season, location and land use patterns but, predation may significantly impact these populations when faced with our State’s growing problems of poor nesting cover, exposure to severe weather for extended periods of time and a growing predator population. Studies conducted on stomach contents of coyotes taken in Mississippi and of coyote scat have shown that the coyote’s best chance for a turkey dinner is during the poult‐rearing season when the young poults are unable to fly, and; 12 Whereas, By extending a portion of the coyote season out into the more favorable spring weather conditions of April and May would help to put more hunters afield in search of coyotes. Actively removing coyotes during the critical fawning period for the white‐tailed deer herd will help to reduce predation on the herd’s fawn population. Having the coyote season available during the entirety of spring turkey season would create opportunities for Spring turkey hunters to harvest a coyote whether actively in search of them or as a consequence of a coyote coming in to attack a turkey set‐up. Actively removing coyotes during the critical nesting period for the wild turkey flock will help to reduce predation on the flock’s poult population. Therefore, be it resolved: That the NYSCC pursue legislation to amend the NYS furbearer hunting regulations to extend the coyote hunting season from its’ current October 1st – March 31st time frame to an October 1st – May 31st timeframe, thereby creating additional protections from predation for our white‐tailed deer herd and wild turkey flocks and creating additional opportunities for hunters to harvest a coyote. Contact: Dan Tone [email protected] (716)655-0975 Bear Season 2015-05 Spring Bear Season Delaware County Federation of Sportsmen WHEREAS: The negative impact to agriculture has increased with the increased population of black bears in NYS, and; WHEREAS: Human/bear conflicts have increased with the increase in the population of black bears in NYS, and; WHEREAS: We believe this would increase opportunities for sportsmen to harvest bears and reduce the number of unwanted bears killed with nuisance permits, and; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The New York Conservation Council pursue the necessary legislation and regulations to develop and implement a spring bear season in New York State. Contact: Daniel Owen, [email protected] Firearm Committee: support; Big Game Committee: SUPPORT, vote was 7, 1, 1 Rifle for Big Game in Onondaga County 2015-06 Expand the types of wildlife that can currently be hunted with centerfire rifle in Onondaga County to include big game. Onondaga County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs Whereas, centerfire rifles have been a legal hunting implement for the taking of small game (with the exception of migratory fowl and turkey) and varmints and predators for many years in Onondaga County, and; Whereas, centerfire rifle cartridges have been legal for use in pistols with a barrel length of less than 16 inches for many years for the taking of big game in Onondaga County, and many of these pistols are ballistically superior to some of the banned centerfire rifles, and; Whereas, in all of the counties contiguous to Onondaga County, centerfire rifles are classified as a legal hunting implement for the taking of big game, and; 13 Whereas, there was never any published scientific evidence presented to show that banning rifles as a legal hunting implement for the taking of big game would improve or increase public safety, and; Whereas, current regulations, banning centerfire rifles as a legal hunting implement for the taking of big game, were created under the assumption that shotguns are always safer than rifles, a scientifically conducted, peer reviewed study done for the Pennsylvania Game Commission proved that assumption to be incorrect (Do Shotguns and Muzzleloaders Pose Less Risk Than Centerfire Rifles for Hunting Deer in Pennsylvania? March 2007), and; Whereas, Counties that have a higher population density allow the use of centerfire rifles for hunting big game (Orange County has a population density approximately three (3) times that of Onondaga County), and; Whereas, open big game seasons are the only time, in Onondaga County, that centerfire rifles are not allowed to be carried afield, with the exception of centerfire rifles less than .22 caliber, and; Whereas, New York State Department Of Environmental Conservation and other law enforcement agencies records show no increase in number, or severity, of firearm related hunting incidents attributed to centerfire rifles as a legal hunting implement for the taking of big game in counties which have recently changed to allowing centerfire rifles for big game hunting, and; Whereas, all current state and local laws pertaining to use of shotguns would, also, pertain to use of centerfire rifles, and; Whereas the Onondaga County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, passed a resolution requesting that centerfire rifles be allowed for hunting big game in Onondaga County in April 2013, and; Whereas, NYSCC Policies on resolutions state that "Resolutions are policy declarations and are not meant to solve local problems unless all other avenues of remedy have been investigated on the local level,” and; Whereas, the Onondaga County Legislature has failed to propose a "home rule" resolution asking the state legislature to "Expand the types of wildlife that can currently be hunted with centerfire rifle in Onondaga County to include big game" even after several requests over several years from the Onondaga County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New York State Conservation Council support legislation to amend the New York State Environmental Conservation Law, § 11-0907, relating to allowing the use of centerfire rifle for hunting big game in the County of Onondaga. Contact Information: Stephen Wowelko, [email protected], (315) 506-2117 Big Game Committee: SUPPORT, vote was 7, 1, 1; Firearm Committee: unanimously support Membership Outreach – 1) The membership secretary would like all club presidents to consider attending at least one regular Federation meeting a year. This might not only prove to be a learning experience, but may also provide a better insight as to the importance of 14 having representation on behalf of their clubs. If any club would like a visit from a Federation spokesman, please contact President Chuck Godfrey at 440-6995 or [email protected] . The president will also try to visit one club or so per month. 2) IF ANYONE KNOWS OF AN ERIE COUNTY CLUB WHICH IS NOT A MEMBER, PLEASE LET THE PRESIDENT KNOW SO HE CAN CONTACT THEM ABOUT MEMBERSHIP Sportsman/woman Education – Frank Miskey Sr. 1) Calendars are out and on-line schedule is at NYSDEC website. Old Business: 1) Nothing that has not been covered tonight. New Business: 1) East Aurora Fish and Game offers Civilian Marksmanship Program training (CMP) at their rifle range, open to the public, from May to September on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. $20 per session includes rifle and 50 rounds of amo. $5 for session with your own rifle and ammo. Rifles used are M1 Garand and participants can learn standing, sitting, prone positions and basic care and maintenance and disassembly and reassembly of this rifle. For info call Jim Dobies at 716-937-6235, Dave Zell 716-649-2926, or Dave Dudziak 716-6755860. 2) The Niagara County Tourism group has provided ECFS with 1,000 tickets that provide a $1 discount for those attending the Niagara County Winter Outdoor Show in January 2016. If they use the card, $1 will be sent to ECFS in support of ECFS Youth Programs for each card sent in. Attendees can take 50-100 cards to their clubs today. Good and Welfare of the Organization: 1) Joe McAdam requested more help for Teach-Me-To-Fish events, especially for this weekend at Chestnut Ridge. 50/50 Raffle 1) Winner: West Falls Motion for Adjournment Motion to adjourn – Hope Melnyk, Debbie Godfrey Thanks to Host Club! Hamburg Rod and Gun Respectfully Submitted, Dave Barus Cell: 716-597-4081 15 Kids Learn “All about Fishing” at Bison City Rod & Gun 192 Kids Learn About the Fun of Fishing! April 26, 2015; 465 Total Attendance; 38 volunteers; 6-Learning Stations and live Sheriff Horses! Warming sunny skies helped bring kids and families from Buffalo and all over Western New York to the Bison City Rod & Gun Club to learn all about the outdoors through the fun of fishing at the 11th Annual Memorial Jimmy Griffin Teach-MeTo-Fish event at 511 Ohio Street, located directly on the rejuvenated Buffalo River. Kids, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, even single adults, all came ready to discover the fun and adventure of “how-to-fish”. Retired NYS Environmental Conservation Officer, Jeff Jondle, assisted Rose Barus, Katherine Voss and Lynda Cooley at the registration station where the entrance line went right out into the parking lot for over 45 minutes. Master youth fishing educator, Tom Fischer, had pre-set the rods, reels, bobbers, hooks, split shot and plenty of night-crawler bait supplied by Weekley’s Worms in Blasdell, New York, for use at the Bison City fishing pier. Western New York bass pro, Scott Gauld, conducted the “How-To-Fish” learning station and took time to assure each and every adult and youth in the program, that catching a fish with the right rod and reel and an artificial lure was not only possible, it was easy. Gauld provided a level of confidence that only a professional angler might be able to share with onlookers. There were Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts that attended in uniform, some of them working toward their fishing merit badge. Craig Meyers and Joe Mills were assisted by two young 80-year old gentlemen anglers, Russ Johnson and Bob Carlson - members of the East Aurora Fish & Game Club, who have perfected the system of educating kids and parents on how to tie the Palomar Knot using a training rope tool. After they completed a simple 5-minute learning station on how to set up a weedless plastic worm and make it fun to fish on a large inverted hook, teacher mentors, Mike Smith and Collin Voss – a junior master angler, provided each youth with a souvenir plastic bait sample to fish with later. Given a choice of plastic bait forms, including grubs, worms, crayfish and other types of plastics, most girls choose the brightly color baits, the guys picked the bigger and darker colored artificial molded creature baits. Go figure! Lifetime youth outdoor license program supporter, Paul Stoos, provided details and opportunity for kids to enter a free raffle for a free NYS lifetime fishing or hunting license, through the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen. With instruction from Jerry May and Ted Malota and others, kids used a spincast rod and casting plug to learn about casting a fishing line. After a few minutes of instruction, the kids were sailing their hookless casting baits a very long way toward hula-hoop targets. Was fun for everyone! Kids visited the "Feed-The-Fish" station with Earl Farrel Sr., here they learned about the Bison City floating fish pens and the 5,000 steelhead maintained this year. The fish “scent-imprint” to the Buffalo River waterway as the fingerlings grow from 3 inches to 7 inches before they are released to the river. After 3 years, they will return each year to swim far upstream to spawn and procreate, helping with the fish restoration and conservation effort. The "Fishing Pier" experience provided the kids hands-on time with everything they had learned during their learning station sessions. Donna and Stacey Kayes assisted kids with putting on mandatory life preservers before providing a loaner rod/reel and bait from "Fishing Pier" Captains Larry D. Jones, Earl Farrel Jr., and multiple Bison City volunteers on the fishing pier team. At the end of the session, with over 70 ides in a constant show-n-tell program displayed on the auditorium screen, folks totally new to fishing asked lots of good questions about the small things they wanted to know more about a sure sign they plan to return to the friendly waterways of Western New York with their new rods and reels. Over 75 youths were awarded a free rod/reel combo, where-to-fish maps and tackle to take home. Every youth took home a fishing prize from the Bison City Tackle Treasure Chest. The kids and parents were ALL WINNERS! This special youth event was coordinated by the Bison City Rod & Gun Club with extra special thanks and support from Cabela’s, the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen, WNY Safari Club, Crow’s Nest Fishing Club, East Aurora Fish & Game, First Ward Community Center, Sahlen's Meat Packing, the Future Fisherman Foundation of America, the Norby Antonik family, Pure Fishing, Weekley’s Bait and 38 volunteers who donated their time to help our youth and their families learn more about fun of the outdoors through fishing! Thanks TEAM! Dave & Rose Barus 2015 Program Chairpersons Teach-Me-To-Fish Clinic at Tifft Nature Preserve 2015 Magical Fishing Moments for 241 Learning To Fish! June 13, 2015; 81 kids registered; 11 volunteers; 7-Learning Station format! There was excitement! There was expectation! There was also a nasty forecast of possible rain, thunder and high wind too that held youth attendees this year to under 100. Some 81 girls and boys from the Buffalo urban area challenged the weather ringmaster and were wide-eyed and ready for the outdoor action challenge of Fishing. The clinic challenges kids to encounter the adventure of a series of 7 Learning Stations. Encouraged by the adults, the kids learned about the science, biology and physics that comprise the basic secrets of how to catch fish. They explored the exciting life cycles of fish, arthropods, invertebrates and other pond life at Lake Kristy, part of the 246 acre Tifft Nature Preserve. Attendees lined up right out the main entrance door to the registration station in the lobby of the new and exciting Tifft Nature Preserve Learning Center Lodge. Rose Barus and Evie Derry provided free fishing beads to all the kids with information of the good news for outdoor adventure and happy fishing fun just ahead. The Learning Stations were expanded to include “Tifft Goes Green”, with Tifft Learning Facility Director, Meghan Dye, who explained the modern efficiency of geothermal and solar energy with LED light bulbs and other manners of the evolution for modern energy saving. Kids learned about Knot-Tying, learning to tie a Palomar Knot with Russ Johnson and Bob Carlson. At the Plastic Baits station, kids learned to rig a Cabela’s plastic worm and jig tail on a hook with master-angler, Paul Stoos. “At the “Fish & Fauna” station, DEC Biologist Mike Todd and intern Alex Kulakowski explained identifying traits of common fish species, aquatic insects and other pond life in a friendly faceto-face discussion”. Joe Fischer provided Where-ToFish details for Erie County sites and answered curious questions from the kids and adults too. Jeff Jondle taught kids the right way to cast a fishing line, then the kids tried it until they were satisfied they could achieve the same feat on the lake. Bass Angler Professional, Scott Callen, provided the kids and adults hands-on lessons on HowTo-Fish, explaining bobber stop adjustments, hook size choices and fishing essentials, all from his 18-foot bass boat, where parents had lots of questions about modern electronics. At the Live Bait Station, Tom Fischer provided a fresh supply of more than 500 worms to the youngsters where they were also offered a free rod/reel to borrow for the day. Here too, the kids learned how to bait a hook with live worms all donated by Weekley’s Wholesale Bait in Hamburg, New York. Junior Bassmaster, Collin Voss, helped kids find their confidence as he provided hearty congratulations and identified, measured, recorded and placed the fish that kids caught into the aerated Lunker Pool. Kids that did not catch a fish could view fish that lived in the lake. The Lunker Pool was hopping with fish! The kids caught yellow perch, bluegills, sunfish, rock bass and largemouth bass, mostly using live worms. More than 100 fish were measured through the event, including nearly 50 kids who caught their first fish ever! At the end of the 4-hour session, kids that did not catch a fish were asked to help put the fish from the Lunker Pool back into the lake, instilling the idea of “Catch & Release.” The “biggest fish” landed was a 14-inch largemouth bass, the “smallest fish” was a 3-3/4” sunfish, that viewers had to search to find! Both youth catch entries were judged to be an instant winner and the kids that landed these fish were awarded a brand new rod/reel rig to a rousing round of audience applause. Every boy and girl that attended the outreach fishing event was awarded a Shakespeare, Mitchell or Zebco rod/reel rig drawn by random raffle. That kept the kids who successfully completed the expanded program on the edge of their seats until their name was picked, followed by yelps, screams and verbal expressions of complete happiness from the kids as their names were drawn. Parents and kids all enjoyed Sahlen's backyard barbecue hot dogs, thanks to chefs Hal Lawrence, Joe McAdam and Willie Sieber. Special thanks to our event sponsors at Pure Fishing, Cabela’s, WNY Safari Club, Weekley’s Wholesale Bait, TripleS, Crow’s Nest, Bison City Rod & Gun, Will Elliott (Buffalo News), the Future Fishermen Foundation of America, to moms & dads, and most of all, to our determined volunteers who donated their Saturday to help kids learn more about how to have fun in the outdoors through fishing. God Bless! Thanks TEAM! Dave Barus 2015 Federation coordinator. Mike Todd 2015 NYSDEC coordinator. Buffalo Harbor State Park – Access Improvement Meeting Meeting Minutes Date: June 24, 2015. Meeting started: 7:06 p.m. Location: Southtowns Walleye Clubhouse, 5895 Southwestern Blvd., Hamburg, NY, 14075 Objective: Discuss CHANGES MADE that have created safetyrelated distress for taxpayer shareholders with specific concern for security, cost and user well-being for trailered recreational boat access and accident-free parking at Buffalo Harbor State Park. Attendees: Scott Callen - Erie County Bassmasters, Bass Pro; Chris Guenther – director, Southtowns Walleye; Dave Barus - Erie County Fish Advisory Board, Erie County Federation of Sportsmen, Bison City Rod & Gun, East Aurora Fish and Game, Northern Chautauqua County Conservation Club, Syndicated Outdoor Columnist as AKA Forrest Fisher: affiliated with Professional Outdoor Media Association, Outdoor Writers Association of America, Association of Great Lakes Outdoor Writers, New York State Association of Outdoor Writers, others; Scott Gauld - ECFAB, WNY Bassmasters, Bass Pro; Patrick Slosser - WNY Bassmasters; Kent Kaczowski Secretary Erie County Bassmasters; Mike Schmidt – President, Erie County Bassmasters; Larry Ash – President, Niagara Frontier Bassmasters; Kent Christy – Treasurer, New York State B.A.S.S. Federation., Niagara Frontier Bassmasters; Ed Gwynn, director, Southtowns Walleye; Dave Gwynn – director, Southtowns Walleye; Rob Crowe - director, Southtowns Walleye; Paul Stoos – Erie County Fish Advisory Board, NYS Region 9 Fish & Wildlife Management Board, Alden Rod & Gun Club; Dave Signs - Regional Manager for Safe Harbor Marina; Cody Meyers - representative for NYS Assemblyman Sean Ryan; Tom Marks – Erie County Fish Advisory Board, director Great Lakes Sportfishing Council; David Woodworth – President, Southtowns Walleye Association; Jack Schultz – Secretary, Southtowns Walleye Association; Bob Merritt – Treasurer, Southtowns Walleye Association; Franklin Thompson – director, Southtowns Walleye Association; Ron Wutz – director, Southtowns Walleye Association; Several others - various organizations Information Shared Dave Signs is regional manager for SAFE HARBOR David Sign, Safe Harbor MARINA and addressed the group with a brief Marina Manager statement of how the marina is coordinated as follows: “Safe Harbor was awarded the NYS contract in late 2014 and has observed function of the old NFTA operation from September 2014 through the end of the season. The SAFE HARBOR MARINA contract includes the property area from the Freezer Queen building to the north to the “C-lot” parking area to the south. The “Blot” and “D-lot” parking areas are officially part of the State Park. The marina is operated with paid staff, staff is local. Safe Harbor Marina was accepted by the State of New York as the contractor for leasing the marina function and operation of the State Park, and this includes boat launch portion for angle boaters and recreational boaters and the boat slip-holder portion of the State Park to safely operate the facility for a profit. The Marina is operated as a private enterprise, not as a part of NYS Parks, as per the negotiated contract. Safe Harbor Marina will regulate cost fees for recreational boaters and slip holders, and organize function of traffic flow, suggest and recommend improvements for security, parking, operational efficiency and safety. Buffalo State Park Marina is home to 1,037 boat-holder slips. Please note that the NYS State contract with Safe Harbor does not call for Safe Harbor Marina to run a shuttle. Safe Harbor must allow free launching for holders of Empire Pass, Veteran Pass and Golden Pass. In 2017, there is a plan to build all new docks that will not be required to be removed during winter, improving the operation.” Rich Davenport and Scott Callen stated: “Erie County is home to more than 105,000 registered boat owners. Buffalo Harbor State Park boat launch is the singular boat launch facility in Erie County capable of handling state, regional, national and international angler fishing tournaments and waterway events, such as B.A.S.S., FLW, Crappiethon, Redman BassEye, Bass America, Cabela’s, many other types of organized watercraft-related activities. Inefficient operation of this facility will generate a negative economic impact for Western New York. If Safe Harbor Marina is here to make a profit and make money, it is the responsibility of the management to make sure that their Scott Callen, Bass Pro operation is maximizing the potential for successful investment. Use of multiple shuttles would help improve the boat launch traffic flow and positively affect the economic impact possible.” Specific Concerns Discussed 1) Boat ramp use, inbound and outbound confusion (8 ramps in and 8ramps out): new system red/green is non-standard with buoy marking systems; long delays at ramp, long boat in/out lines 2) Lack of personnel shuttle - was previously utilized to transport anglers to and from boat launch to parking lot D. Older or handicapped anglers are delaying efficiency of boat launch 3) Traffic flow changes - Safe parking for tow vehicle and boat trailer. 4) Property location of State Park Land vs leased land for marina operation not well known or misunderstood by Marina personnel 5) Assemblyman Sean Ryan has responded to coordinate communication with other legislators and NYS Parks. Lack of response from legislative supporters of the State Park operation. Congressman Brian Higgins, Assemblyman Michael Kearns, Senator Tim Kennedy, local Erie County legislators. 6) Need a “Prep-Area” to be identified, not at the boat ramp. 7) The “C-lot” is too big and is designated for slip holders only. 8) Need better signage all the way around. 9) Be great to drive in past “A-lot”, allowing anglers to buy bait, stop at restaurant for breakfast sandwich, etc., launch. More for discussion. 10) Some boat-slip holders and non-angler recreational boaters dislike trailered angler boats because they say it ties up the marina and they do not like it. 11) Consider raising the price of the launch from $7 to $8. 12) Consider offering clean-fish vendor to allow station to stay open later and not close at 6:00 p.m. 13) Restrooms in fish cleaning building is open to boat launch users 24 hours a day. 14) Clients of charter captains are now required to park in “D-lot” with no shuttle. Inefficient, unsafe. Consider revise to parking area, consider use of slip-holder parking area (C-lot). 15) Concerns for late night launch site delay, and related loss of security, to reach parking lot and return, takes 20-25 minutes and there is $20,000 of gear that could be taken in short order during that time. Conclusions/Agreements: 1) Dave Signs officially requesting a representative person or persons of boat launch user groups to walk through the marina function for traffic flow, parking efficiency and related concerns the week of July 15th (2015). He wants to identify and make improvements. 2) User groups said, “Tentative agreement reached for increase in boat launch cost of $1, from $7 to $8, to allow function of a transportation shuttle for boat launch users.” 3) Boat launch user groups may need to help Safe Harbor communicate $1 cost fee increase with NYS and local WNY legislators and, also, to negotiate possible contract change with NYS to allow users of special pass to consider compensation for these pass types to Safe Harbor Marina. 4) Dave Signs said, “New signage is planned.” 5) Dave Signs said, “If we can raise launch fee $1, we will have 4-man shuttles operational by July 4th weekend (2015).” 6) Dave Signs said, ”Re-striping of parking areas this week, parking flow efficiency will improve this week.” 7) Dave Signs said he truly appreciated the professional style review of the situation by all usergroups present. 8) Consider official “Activity Communication Form” on website for announcement to Safe Harbor Marina staff that a public-use event is planned. Announce activity dates, expected boater attendance, related information. Respectively submitted, Dave Barus, cell: 716-597-4081 Rich Davenport, 2015 ECFSC Recording Secretary Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs ECFSC September 2015 General Meeting Minutes Date: September 10, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Springville Field & Stream, Springville, NY Call to order – 7:00 Pledge to Flag: Completed Roll call – Officers and Directors: Excused: Joe Fischer, Tony Gonnello, Rose Barus, Dan Tone, Larry Jones In Attendance: 4 Officers, 13 Directors, 23 delegates, 13 guests In addition, 12 volunteers from Springville Field & Stream! Quorum of member clubs – Present: Yes Approval of previous month’s minutes Not up yet, don’t know how – what interface to use Secretary’s report – Rich Davenport Nothing to report Membership report – Antoinette Grote Nothing new Treasurer’s report – Rose Barus We have it Correspondence report – Dave Barus Nothing sent out for Federation from Dave Nothing received Letter to Jeremy Hurst – new antlerless restrictions in 9A and 9F Copies went out to officers and directors, all delegates as well Response from Chuck Rosenburg of DEC, wetlands mitigation in West Seneca, assurances of this being done properly. We shall see. Was the letter sent concerning 9C? Typed up, ready to do, the letter has disappeared from the computer It will get out President’s Report – Chuck Godfrey SCOPE Banquet – bought four tickets, already reserved Hunter Ed. Assoc. Banquet is coming up this Sunday, people are already signed up Meetings and locations; Date BM Time 10/8/2015 - 6:30 11/5/2015 - 6:30 12/17/2015 - 6:30 - GM Time 7:00 Gen Meet 7:00 Gen Meet 7:00 Gen Meet Location Hawkeye Bowmen, Marilla, NY Southtowns Walleye, Hamburg NY Bison City Rod & Gun, Buffalo, NY GUESTS: various DEC personnel, present and retired – Russ Biss (ret), Gary Bobseine (ret), Emilio Rende, Paul McKeown, Mike Clancy, Ken Baginski, ECO Bruce Humel, Greg Eckert – Young Forest Biologist, Justin Kindt – Forester, Nick Brown, forestry technician Tim Spierto is currently ill. Paul McKeown – N R Super Discussion of antlerless deer reg.’s for WMU’s 9A and 9F Keep in mind some things the DEC does not have authority over legislative matters Paul states region could have done a better job communicating these changes Process was followed, with comment period It currently is what it is, for what that is worse Jeff Jondle – what other process can be done to get this changed? Paul – Part of Deer Management Plan, that is really when it should have been done Phases of the process have been followed No CTF to be held, changing this Who supported this – archers or gun hunters? Over half of each group supported the move – for antlerless only Rich – we understand the reasons and processes, what we have are dynamic changes, we cannot get to the populations that are problematic Paul McKeown - Access is an issue, and it is difficult to manage a resource you cannot get to Cheektowaga, due to food, deer are shot out, and more move in. Cheektowaga Police can take 175 from Stiglemeier park. Cannot touch Reinstein Woods Another 65 acre town property being bait and shot, as well as near William and Walden 2 Mark Alessi – why not use guns as these are more effective? More preferable to in archery to do this, not gun Is this done based on science or preference? Concerning the plan, perhaps no one believed steps 2 and 3 would be implemented when they filled out the survey. In a survey, you find out what you want, when it impacts your backyard, it brings out your true feelings Perhaps an Earn a Buck program would be better? Rich asks about the SDM process, 7/31/2015, still being evaluated. Emilio says part of the SDM is being used. Albany stated otherwise, and this is in writing Ken Baginski - must be different SDMs? Rich will ask Jeremy concerning this as it appears we have too many similar terms applying to different things Ohio – does a great job, does NY look at this? How is access in Ohio? Unknown Frank Miskey Sr – Co Op hunting in Wyoming County – used to be done, State would fund access to private land, now not being done. Why not revisit this? Used to have half dozen co-ops, now we have none is R9 Many reasons why, bad experiences, leasing, etc, and that what happens Why not use DMAP issuance tied to access? Cannot deny by law the issuance based on access Paul S - Why not extend the ML season to Christmas? Set by law Needs an act of legislation Jeff Jondle – Is there a part-time tech that can compile where these problem places are, identify those areas, and provide info to hunters as to where the problem areas are, and how to contact the land owners in this area Emilio – Rarely is the question answered affirmatively, making name available for hunters to ask about help filling tags DEC did ask one of the staff to compile this, the permit applicants wanting to be contacted. Chuck Godfrey – The arrogance of the statement from Albany, that this is not an elimination of opportunity to harvest bucks, as clearly losing 24 days out of a 60day season is indeed losing opportunity 3 Send the emails to Jeremy Hurst letters of displeasure with the 9A and 9F regulations Send your own letter, form letters only work based on what Albany wants. Emilio Rende Finishing up third year of hen survival study Report provided SDM for turkey hunting employed Science was at a point where DEC could act on it Reduction of hen harvest through reducing bag limit to 1 across state and reduce fall season to protect more hens Need to establish more young forest habitat – young forest initiative Much support from sportsmen, got 3 new hires to do this, will be focusing on total of 17 of 24 areas, 15,000 acres Ken Baginski Sportsmen’s Ed and Furbearer Biologist Sportsmen’s Ed classes are running great, thanks for supporting the banquet Furbearer management – Fisher study completed, got in S Erie and Wyoming Counties Estimates of occupancy, where they are, is known. Population not yet 65% of areas are occupied. Surprising Comments received of 200 comments, opening a Fisher Season in S. Tier, from 8,000 trappers, that is significant. Lots of concerns, no implementation of the proposed regulations, coming up with a different proposal, hope to have S Tier season on Fisher in S Tier in 2016. 65% means 65% of sites surveyed, detecting Fisher in 65% of the 140 sites monitored. Are Fishers and Fisher Cats different? No they are the same. On the Wiki, two separate animals, that’s Wikipedia. Not true What were the concerns received? Timing of season was biggest concern (Oct 25), concerned too early, Fisher not in the prime. Bag limit of 1 (2 or 3). Trappers dead set against bag limits in the State Adirondacks shortened season, wanted shortened on front end, not back end. Mark Alessi – What about the resolutions, any chances of coyote season resolution will be acted upon? Ken Baginski – extending the coyote season year round will be tough Current resolution is to extend to end of May, not adopted yet by the NYSCC 4 Hunting coyote with dogs, treeing Fishers is becoming more common. Any chance of a hunting season on Fisher? No discussion on that as of yet? Trappers value them greatly, may be difficult. Also wondering why Bobcat season came so quickly? Data collection on Bobcat observation and incidental trapping more plentiful that on Fisher, no need for a specific study. R4 had a three year pilot season for sustainability study. Sunset, lost season, Bobcat can sustain, could not have season without management plan, so first came the bobcat management plan, before fisher. R9 – Allegany, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, took 19 first year. 11 this year Hopefully next year on Fishers Mike Clancy – Fisheries Erie County Creel Survey planning for UNR, starting LNR and LO. Chinook snout collection again, pen reared fish showing good returns Received funding from NYS $2.5 MIL for Scoby Dam project. EC $500,000, Feds/ USF&W balance. Trying to decide who will be responsible for the dam maintenance after the work is done. Until this is done, no design phase cannot more forward. Reg package is in. Will keep Springville Dam as cutoff for trout fishing, and inland regs will remain in place from dam upstream until spawning is established and successful Other regs, Walleye and perch regs Perch limits, looking to manage perch fishery yearly instead of bi-annually We are up against the quota right now – recruitment issue, lots of big ones, few little ones. Dunkirk Pier, work being done again Last time this was done used H/A money, will this be used again? Need to get the costs, have $175,000. In design phase, do not know about costs yet H/A Stamp account – H/A plus some lifetime licenses Planning phase for UNR/ Erie County Lt. Hummel – Took over for Lt Powell. Started in R9 in 2002. Promoted 3.5 years ago NYC, then R6, lives in Rochester, now in Erie County LE is behind on new hires, working on a new academy, by the time it starts, will be down @ 65 ECOs All regions are 1 Lt short, as an example. 5 Promised this academy this year, plus perhaps another one next year What is your viewpoint on the deer reg changes? Publicity not very good, some may not know, what will be the thoughts on this? If a hunter doesn’t know because it wasn’t communicated? The hunter, if harvesting a buck in the antlerless only area during the restriction time will have a problem. Committee Reports STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS: Waterfowl – Paul Pietraszewski Dates for seasons have been released Conservation Council - Dan Tone Please consider BAM Convention next weekend in Syracuse Collecting and listing questions for DEC for the NYSCC to ask at convention Received communications from Chuck Parker on this. Resolutions suggestion as well, timing The Federation has decided to promote the voluntary “Buck A Member Program” proposed by the Council. This, if successful, will insure a reliable source of income to meet the future needs for our only “conservation rights” lobbying organization in our state. For those clubs who feel this is a worthwhile cause, please make checks payable to “New York State Conservation Council” and send to – NYSCC, 8 East Main St., Ilion, NY 13357. To those clubs that donated last year, we hope that your commitment will carry on. Please don’t wait until the Council solicits for your help. They need the resources now to fund the year’s budget needs. Also, to those clubs who chose not to participate, please consider what the Council is asking for: “a dollar a member.” A buck doesn’t buy much these days, not a beer at a bar, not a pack of cigarettes or a good cigar, not a decent fishing lure, or even a couple dozen worms. Perhaps it’s time we sportsmen and women consider putting this all in perspective! Clubs wishing to receive the Council’s “Grass Roots News” monthly publication, which gives updated information on state legislation and conservation issues, should contact the Council at 315-894-3302 . You can also e-mail them at - [email protected] with the information. Clubs can send their “club’s news” for publication to - NYSCC, 8 East Main St., Ilion, NY 13357 - or e-mail them by the 2nd Monday of the month. The Council also has a policy of not arbitrarily giving or selling private club information. 6 Finally, there is an ongoing new member/renewal drive for individual Council memberships, with prizes available. Contact the Council or visit their website for details. Environment & Pollution – Tom Marks 30th Annual Beach Sweep coming up, contact Sharen Trembath to help out NOAA wants to establish National Marine Sanctuaries in the Great Lakes. Looking for establishing one outside of Presque Island Pushing for an Erie/ Niagara National Marine Sanctuary About the paperwork, promotes what sounds like something that can be done already without a sanctuary Need to know more Research the Marine Sanctuary thing TU has a Great Lakes Workgroup Proposal by two companies in MI to set up aqua-culture, raising salmon and trout IN THE LAKE. The DNR is currently asking them to hold off while they decide what the permitting process would be to do this Anyplace that this is done on the West Coast, it is a disaster for fishermen, and that is in an ocean! Need more information Legislation – John Susz To keep in touch with what’s going on with firearm legislation in New York, check out SCOPE’s website at - www.scopeny.org Lower age across board to 12 Obama’s admin has been forwarding names, SSN, etc. who gets SSN through a beneficiary, names going to NICS stating you are incompetent to own firearms. So much for helping the elderly! Resolutions – Rich Davenport Report on Resolutions vote from July All resolutions passed. Membership Outreach – The membership secretary would like all club presidents to consider attending at least one regular Federation meeting a year. This might not only prove to be a learning experience, but may also provide a better insight as to the importance of having representation on behalf of their clubs. If any club would like a visit from a Federation spokesman, please contact President Chuck Godfrey at 440-6995 or steelheader03@#hotmail.com . The president will also try to visit one club or so per month. IF ANYONE KNOWS OF AN ERIE COUNTY CLUB WHICH IS NOT A MEMBER, PLEASE LET THE PRESIDENT KNOW SO HE CAN CONTACT THEM ABOUT MEMBERSHIP 43 clubs Sportsman/woman Education – Frank Miskey Sr. 7 Waves of people coming into the classes fall is insane. Classes filling up online in 3 days ECOs attendance is excellent Jeff Jondle now a master instructor – Congrats! SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Nominations – Paul Stoos All officers positions are for one year only, so all are open again. Chuck Godfrey as president, Rose Barus as Treasurer, and Dave Barus as Corresponding Secretary have indicated a desire to not run again. The 5 directors whose 3-year terms are concluding are: Tony Gonnello, Tom Marks, Hope Melnyk, George Rockey, and John Susz Need someone to run for President Others have been showing some interest in the remaining positions Will need to get the nominations started in Oct. Awards – Frank Miskey Sr. Starting on the awards nominations, pick up the document Banquet – Frank Miskey , Jr. Will like to update at NHFD, before or after. Fund Raising – Larry Jones 150 calendars ordered – 85 are sold already Will place another order in Oct. Minimum is 100 Cost is $4.00 per Educational Opportunities – Chuck Godfrey Scholarship form will be in the minutes, on the site, drawing in December FWMB - Paul Stoos Did not have normal meeting, will be Oct 17. Labor Day conflicts Shows – Dave Wharton The Fair was successful $300-$400 in sales of merchandise, mostly profit. Tons of Christmas Lights Federation Hats we had, we have about a 25 year supply at $10, sold for $5.00, and darned near sold them all, Many donations as well Would like to propose that the money we get in donations to put towards the program, and also take the extra $1.00 from calendars Paul Stoos motions to do this 2nd Tom Marks Motion carries 8 Need permission to buy new hats, lucky hooks (already permitted), new American Flag pins, and pin on compasses Paul Stoos motions to secure these Hope Melnyk 2nd Motion carries How many flag pins are left? Under 100 National Hunting and Fishing day – Rich Davenport Covered, meeting 9/23 at Smokey’s WNY Environmental Federation – Dan Tone Hoak’s 1:00PM This Sunday Will ask Dan that the letter gets brought up at the meeting Joe Jemiolo, jr. Youth Lifetime Licenses – Chuck Godfrey Already discussed Raffle tickets are here, please buy/ take to sell Budget and Finance – Rose Barus – (motion to pay bills) None Website – Joe McAdams - eirectyfsc.org Up and looks very good Getting little traffic. Communication vehicle, please use it. Forms, FTP repository – we have some good tools Stephan Myjyloew will draw the LT License Winners STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) Law enforcement – Jeff Jondle Covered Archery & Bowhunting – Jim McCann Covered West Falls instructor named Archery Educator of the Year Dave will check out if the article is on the web Crossbow –Frank Miskey, Jr. Nothing new 9 Fish – Dave Barus NYSDEC highlights of Fishing Rule Changes: • Sauger season is closed statewide. • Increased minimum size limit to 9 inches and reduced daily limit to 25 for American eel. • Increased minimum size limit and extended season for muskellunge, statewide, as well as for specific waters including Lake Champlain and St. Lawrence County rivers and streams, and for both muskellunge and tiger muskellunge in Chautauqua Lake. • Increased minimum size limit for muskellunge to 54 inches for the Niagara River, Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River. • Increased minimum size limit for walleye in Honeoye Lake from 15 to 18 inches. • Year-round trout seasons, with catch-and-release fishing only, from October 16 through March 31, have been established for streams in Western New York: Chenunda Creek, Oatka Creek, Clear Creek, Fenton Brook, Prendergast Creek, and waters in Allegany State Park. • Catch-and-release seasons for trout have been established for sections of the Salmon River (Franklin County) and Ninemile Creek (Onondaga County). With the exception of the Salmon River, the use of floating lures with multiple hooks with multiple hook points is permitted on all Lake Ontario tributaries. • Any weight added to the line, leader, swivels, artificial fly or lure shall not hang lower than the hook when line or leader is held vertically from September 1 through March 31 on all Lake Ontario tributaries. • The use of multiple hooks with multiple hook points on Lake Erie tributaries is legal. • The use of artificial flies with up to two hook points is legal on all Great Lake tributaries. Walleye Reward Tag Program The New York State DEC Lake Erie Research Unit, along with other fishery management groups around Lake Erie are conducting a walleye movement study. If you catch a tagged walleye, there is a $100 reward for the return of the whole fish and its internal transmitter. Tag handling and reward information are displayed on an easily visible orange-colored external loop tag on the back of each tagged walleye. Chautauqua Lake Musky: DEC reports that muskellunge action has been decent around the north basin. Most catches come along deep weed edges, but some anglers, like Captain Larry Jones, are catching suspended musky over deeper water. Panfish: Off Mayville and down the west side towards Lighthouse Point, anglers see fast panfish action around weed beds in 8-12 feet of water. Worms or small minnows produce good catches of keeper yellow perch and sunfish, including some saucer-size sunfish in the mix. Any patch of weeds around the lake are a good bet for panfish. Musky Telemetry Study …..coming In a report during the August NMA meeting, John Jarosz reported that NMA members will take NYSDEC Chris Legard on a tour of Buffalo Harbor to identify possible sites for muskellunge spawning habitat, nursery habitat building and setting up a musky telemetry study. Jarosz explained that one spot in the Buffalo Harbor near the Bell Slip showed two young of the year muskies and they were twice as big as those netted in the Niagara River. One thought on this was that the harbor is shallower and warms up faster, allowing the muskies faster growth. Jarosz added, at the Chautauqua Hatchery, when muskies need to grow faster, the water temp is increased, which increases the fish rate of growth (they feed more). The larger the musky from hatchery settings are, the better chance they have at survival. Jarosz added that the harbor tour with Legard has already been postponed three times. Chris Legard is also heavily involved in the sturgeon telemetry study, so a large number of underwater receivers is already in place that will allow this study to occur at less cost. Not sure how they will tell the difference between the two fish species. Lake Erie Border Check-In 10 Anglers fishing in boats on Lake Erie need to be aware that they need to check into Canadian waters by calling the Canadian Border Service agency at 1-888-226-7277 and when returning to USA waters, need to check back in to the United States Border Patrol by calling 1-800-827-2851. Failure to do so may result in a Homeland Security issue. Lake Erie Walleye: According to the NYSDEC Lake Erie Hotline with NYSDEC biologist Mike Todd, the last 2 weeks has offered a hot walleye bite out of Dunkirk, where trollers have done well in 90-110 feet of water due north of the harbor and west for three or four miles. See the NY Outdoor News (Sep 4 issue) for a good article and advice from Dan Dietzen about the why the walleye are located here at this time of year. Worm harnesses have been hot, stickbaits as well, when run 60-80 feet down. Walleye fishing off Barcelona has been slow, but anglers working over 80 feet have averaged a couple walleye per outing and often have some nice lake trout and steelhead mixed in. From Cattaraugus Creek and to the west, anglers are picking up decent walleye catches in 70-90 feet of water. Sturgeon Point trollers do best outside 70 feet of water on lures run just off the bottom. Closer to Buffalo, walleye catches have picked up in 45-50 feet of water off Myers Reef and to the west. Yellow Perch: Since the 1st weekend in September, anglers fishing out of Cattaraugus Creek have picked up decent perch catches in deep waters of 70 feet plus. Small pods of bottom hugging perch are on the move following bait, so anglers need to be prepared for a little searching. Emerald shiners are the key baitfish, but dippers have struggled to find them lately. Smallmouth bass: fish the rocky structure in 35 to 55 feet of water. Try a drop-shot rig with live crayfish, shiners, tubes and plastics that imitate crayfish, gobies or shiners, and in those colors. Lake Ontario NYSDEC Mike Todd reports that Niagara County trollers are catching the first round of staging mature king salmon (Chinook) in the nearshore area at depths of 60-120 feet of water. Some brown trout and lake trout are mixed in. Look for kings at the shallower end of that zone at first light. By 8AM, the deeper end of that zone is a better bet. J-plugs, flasher-fly combos, cut bait rigs and large spoons run above the bottom 10 feet, are good offerings for staging king salmon. Anglers have seen a decent deep water bite over depths of 300-500 feet. Large spoons, flasherfly combos and especially cut bait rigs have worked well for steelhead and king salmon of mixed ages, run 60-90 feet down. Anglers have started to catch some king salmon along the Niagara Bar ledge on select days. Anglers are picking up some walleye and smallmouth bass in the vicinity of the green buoy. Trolling or bottom bouncing with worm harnesses is a good bet for walleye, and smallmouth bass anglers connect with a 3-way rig with shiners or tubes. Buffalo Small Boat Harbor The small boat harbor launch site is the only viable boat launch for high numbers of weekend recreational boaters and anglers to launch boats. Early in the season, users had initially reported loss of shuttle services, operational changes that led to inefficiency and a host of new restrictions with no signage directing users of the new rules, lack of properly supervised parking lots with an increased number of accidents between boat trailers and vehicles, and loss of adequate space that will reduce or eliminate tournament fishing opportunities for the Erie County and Western New York regions, affecting economic impact. Since then, facility manager, David Signs, a Tennessee resident, has made several trips to discuss improvements with area groups that included the Erie Federation, Southtowns Walleye, Niagara Musky Association, Lake Erie Bassmasters and many others, all in joint meetings. Many changes have been revised and improved. Interested boaters can talk directly with local angler advocate leader, Scott Callen, at https://www.facebook.com/scott.callen.737?fref=ts or by phone at 716-481-4434. Remaining Erie County Federation & Clubs Youth Fishing/Outdoor Events for 2015 Sep. 19: Kids Fishing Derby, East Aurora Fish & Game, 1016 Luther Rd., East Aurora, NY, 11AM-12:30PM, 75 kids, info: Dave Smyczynski, 716-364-9082 Sep. 26: National Hunting & Fishing Day, Elma Conservation Club, fly tying, trapping, casting, dogs, trap shooting, NYSDEC, more, 200 kids, info: Rich Davenport, 716-510-7952 11 Wiscoy Creek DEC Region 9 Fisheries Unit will be running an angler diary program for Wiscoy Creek in Allegany and Wyoming Counties during 2015, and is currently looking for anglers to keep diaries. If you fish Wiscoy Creek (even once) and would like to keep a diary, please call DEC Fisheries at (716) 372-0645 or email at [email protected]. The program will run March 1st through October 31st. This program duplicates one run in 2012 (2012 survey summary) and will be used in conjunction with a late-summer electrofishing survey to evaluate the fishery's overall quality. DEC Looking for Fishery Info from ANGLERS Anglers that need more fishing information or would like to contribute to the weekly Lake Erie or WNY Fishing Hotline report, please call or e-mail Mike Todd (716-851-7010; [email protected]). Good Luck Fishing! The fishing hotline audio version can also be heard at (716) 679-ERIE or (716) 855-FISH. Small Game – Dan Tone Approached at Fair by Sheriff’s Dept. County Correctional in Wende, interested in starting pheasant rearing and stocking program at the prison. Found out about this opportunity during a visit to Allegany County Dan Tone has the info. Will be seeing what is envisioned and how we can help. DEC still has neeting from John Whyte. Dan Tone will deal with it. Big Game – Paul Stoos Covered Trapping – Patti Wattengel covered Old Business: None New Business - any new delegates present? Thursday Sept 24, meet the candidates night, 299 Lydecker Road, West Seneca, Chicken Coop VFW, starts at 6:00PM No new delegates Good and Welfare of the Organization: Green Wings Day excellent 50/50 Raffle Winner is Boston Valley Conservation $31.00 Motion for Adjournment Hope motion to adjourn 2nd Debbie G Motion carries Meeting adjourned 9:18PM 12 Thanks to Host Club Springville Field and Stream 13 Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc. Member of NEW YORK STATE CONSERVATION COUNCIL 8/31/15 Jeremy Hurst NYSDEC 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-4754 Mr. Hurst, The Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs is an umbrella group representing nearly 50 hunting, fishing, trapping, and conservation groups, with nearly 10,000 individual members. We are adamantly opposed to the new regulations imposed on deer hunters in WMU’s 9A and 9F. I stopped counting phone calls to me at 40 and emails to me at 50, every one of which was negative toward this change. Even the SAFE Act did not generate this number of complaints in such a short time. In this letter I will not waste the time of either of us by addressing WHY we think these regulations will not work. By reading a stream of emails between sportsmen and Department personnel, including you, we realize you have dismissed that line of reasoning out of hand. Since you have seen fit to implement these regulations, the next year or two should tell us whether or not you were right about this. I will however address the manner in which this decision was carried out and publicized. To start with, it is our belief that this is such a huge change that it should only have been instituted after public hearings on it in each and every affected WMU. I realize that would have been time-consuming and perhaps expensive, but it would have been the right thing to do. This would have lent a transparency to the process that was sadly lacking and just leads to distrust of the Department’s decision making process. I understand that the Department may feel that this process/decision was well-publicized, but it doesn’t matter how many things you list that you did to publicize it. What was publicized, and not all that well, was that it was being considered. I know there was an article in the NY Outdoor News about this. Don’t get me wrong – I love that publication and have been a subscriber to it since the beginning and Steve Piatt does a great job of keeping us informed. However it is a limited distribution publication and does not reach every deer hunter in the State, and that’s who you needed to get the word out to – every deer hunter in the State. If the average deer hunter in this area didn’t know this decision was coming, then the Department did not do a good enough job publicizing it - period. We at this Federation try to stay on top of everything that is affecting us as best we can. The last thing we can remember hearing officially from the Department was from Doug Stang in the spring. To quote an email from you: “After we formally proposed the rule change in May this year, the NY Outdoor News ran an article in which Doug Stang was quoted expressing uncertainty as to whether the changes could be adopted in time for the 2015 seasons given the late start to the rule making process. But his statement was not definitive and clearly we were able to adopt the rule prior to the season.“ At whatever time this decision was made, that decision should have been immediately communicated to the public. I assume the decision must have been made before the proofs for the syllabus were sent to the printer. That was when we should have been notified and clearly this was not done. Having said that, I think that most of our people would agree the deer population in these two WMU’s is probably higher than desired. However, isn’t that a conclusion to be reached by the Citizen Task Force for each WMU? The following statement is from the DEC’s website link about the CTF’s: “In most cases, DEC attempts to convene a task force in each WMU about once every five years. As a result of local circumstances, it may be decided to convene a task force in some WMUs on a slightly different schedule.” The last CTF meeting in 9A was held in 2004, the previous one was in 1994, and I believe the last in 9F was in 2003. This is not even close to “about once every five years.” Twice in 24 years and once in eleven years is also not even close to what anyone I know would consider “a slightly different schedule,” and is completely unacceptable. Whatever goals were set at the most recent CTF meetings can hardly be considered valid after so much time has passed, so what goals for herd population were used? (On a related matter, why are the Citizen Task Forces being considered for elimination? Were we – the deer hunting public - or maybe the NYS Conservation Council consulted on this and made part of the process? Were landowners, drivers, and other interested parties?) This is a statement from the DEC website announcing the changes: “DEC is asking hunters for greater cooperation in meeting the management needs by focusing their hunting effort on antlerless deer during these periods.” There is not a single person I know who would agree that the Department is “asking” for the help of hunters in decreasing the number of antlerless deer in these WMU’s. It is being demanded that if we want to hunt deer there during 24 of the 60 possible days of early archery/ late archery/muzzleloader season, we can only shoot antlerless deer. That is in no way, shape, or form a request. Additionally, I find the next statement, which comes from a DEC source as well: “However, there is a critical need to increase harvest of antlerless deer in these WMUs. The proposed rule does not eliminate buck harvest opportunities but simply changes when it can occur to emphasize the necessity of antlerless harvest.” to be even more egregious. I simply cannot believe that there is anyone at the DEC who can possibly believe this, and we insulted that someone in Albany obviously thinks that the average deer hunter in NY is dumb enough to believe this statement. We had 60 days to harvest bucks in 9A and 9F under the old regulations, and now there are 24 fewer. This is absolutely elimination of the opportunities to harvest a buck in those two WMU’s, and to state otherwise reflects very badly on DEC leadership in Albany and does nothing to foster a feeling of trust in Albany decision-makers from us. I’ve heard speculation, and this is what I personally think may be happening, that the Department knows all too well that this attempt – at least in 9A and 9F – will fail, and that that will encourage the Department to proceed to “phase three” of the deer management plan – implementation of an antlerless only early muzzleloader season. Our Federation is actually in favor of such a season, but we would like to see it happen because people believe it’s the right thing to do, not as a result of the Department’s setting up a program which most of us believe is doomed to failure. On another topic, when the news of implementation of this proposal first broke, the DEC’s website listed WMU 9C as being under the new regulations also. This is huge news, since that WMU has been off limits to deer hunters for as long as most of us can remember. How was such a mistake allowed to happen? Surely someone in Albany should be required to make sure this type of thing doesn’t happen on the Department’s website? Just as surely, someone there noticed it later, since the map was correct the next day. This is such a colossal error that there should have been press releases sent out to every media outlet in the state letting people know the mistake had been made, and that WMU 9C was NOT open to deer hunting. There are many of us in Region 9 who know landowners in 9C who would gladly let us hunt deer on their property with archery equipment, if it were legal. What’s going to happen if a conscientious hunter saw this on the Department’s website, proceeds to get permission to hunt on property in 9C, and harvests a deer? This is a real possibility. There certainly would be no reason for him to go back to the website to check to see if 9C was still listed as an open area several days later, since the presumption of any reasonable person would be that information the Department listed on its website would be correct. Does he get cited by an ECO despite the fact that the Department’s website told him 9C was open? This type of mistake on the Department’s website just can’t possibly be made. The fact that this mistake was made, and then not widely publicized and corrected, is another example of very poor public relations by the Department. We expect better. Sincerely, Chuck Godfrey-President 29 Yvette Dr. Cheektowaga, NY 14227-3415 440-6995 [email protected] PS: Finally, on an unrelated topic, in the last couple of days I’ve received 13 phone calls/emails and counting from people concerned that they have not yet received their lifetime licenses for the 2015-16 season. At least 1 hunting season starts on September 1, which is tomorrow. What are people supposed to do about back tags? There is absolutely no legitimate excuse for this. This is the kind of bureaucratic inefficiency that is just not acceptable. These people bought their licenses in good faith and should have them on time. I checked with a few other people I know who have lifetime licenses, and they told me that they got theirs in mid-August. I have to admit I don’t understand that either. I’ve been told they used to be received in mid-August when the license year began on October 1. Now that the license year starts on September 1, why wouldn’t they now be received in mid-July? I can understand that that may not have been possible last year in the first year of the implementation of the new season structure, but surely that should have been corrected by now. And as long as I’m asking that question, why aren’t the annual licenses and DMU permit applications available on July 10 instead of August 10? And why isn’t the deadline for DMU permits a month earlier than it used to be? Then you would be able to issue surplus DMU permits on October 1 instead of November 1. Since it seems there are always surplus permits available in 9F that might increase the doe harvest there. Cc: Marc Gerstman Abby Snyder Paul McKeown Emilio Rende Dale Dunkelberger Chuck Parker Rich Davenport Lance Robson Will Elliott Dave Barus Bill Hilts, Sr. ECFSC Officers and Directors ECFSC Delegates Brian Krawczyk Larry Becker Ron Barvian Douglas Walk Zen Olow Bill Lindbergh Rich Davenport Hurst, Jeremy E (DEC) [[email protected]] Friday, July 31, 2015 1:50 PM Rich Davenport [email protected]; 'Chuck Godfrey'; 'Dan Tone'; 'Dunkster5'; Riexinger, Patricia (DEC); 'Eric Bratt'; Swift, Bryan (DEC) RE: Buck Management Zones FOIL_15-132.zip; FOIL_15-1348.zip From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Rich and others, It is unfortunate that the NYON article infers that DEC has a final report of the structured decision making (SDM) process. That is not the case. Our evaluation of the SDM process and discussion about next steps is ongoing. It is also unfortunate that we tentatively scheduled two stakeholder meetings and then had to postpone them both. In hindsight, it is clear that the meetings were proposed prematurely. Fortunately, the ensuing time has been valuable for continued review and refinement of the SDM analysis. As you can imagine, with busy spring/summer schedules and other urgent, priority work at all levels, these things take time. But rest assured that when the SDM process is complete and we have a final report, we will make it available to NYSCC and the public. We do now have results of the Cornell hunter survey, through which hunters quantified and prioritized their values related to buck hunting. The survey report is available on Cornell's website (www2.dnr.cornell.edu/hdru/pubs/HDRUReport15‐5.pdf). Because these data were collected specifically to feed into the SDM process, we intend to broadly announce the survey results along with the SDM report, when finished. You'll notice the Cornell report is dated April 2015, which I believe was the date of the 1st draft, but we were still reviewing in May and the report wasn't finalized until mid‐June. At that time, we were expecting to wrap up the SDM process in short order. But of course, our analysis continues. Our short article on buck management in the upcoming Hunting & Trapping Guide will include a summary of key survey results. To alleviate your concern about information sharing, I've attached the material we provided in response to two recent FOIL requests. Have a good weekend. Jeremy Hurst Certified Wildlife Biologist®, Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4754 P: 518-402-8867 | F: 518-402-9841 | [email protected] www.dec.ny.gov | | From: Rich Davenport [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 10:21 AM To: Hurst, Jeremy E (DEC) Cc: [email protected]; 'Chuck Godfrey'; 'Dan Tone'; 'Dunkster5'; Riexinger, Patricia (DEC); 'Eric Bratt' Subject: RE: Buck Management Zones 1 Thanks for the speedy reply Jeremy. Back on June 19, I did send over an email, both thanking you for your reply to NYB’s latest publications concerning crossbow, and also asked about the SDM documentation. Your response back was “nothing yet” on that front. In the documentation, power point presentation that was provided during the Spring meeting, WMU aggregates were in there, but not one mention of viewing, or calling these aggregates, which originally was being done to get more continuity with habitat types (from what I recall), as buck management zones. To the outsider looking in, “buck management zones” can appear to be trophy management zones. From the article, it appears some information concerning the SDM document has been completed, yet we have nothing to review. We are also anticipating public meetings to discuss the results of the SDM, and what impacts this document/ opinion survey will have on deer management future decision‐making. Please release the documentation. Of will we need to submit a FOIL request for this info as well (I would certainly hope not, but I will file one this week, if need be). Yes, Steve Piatt is a news hound, and that is a fine service he is providing to the sportsmen and women of NYS. Again, thank you so very much for the quick response, and please release all the documentation that is evidently being used to guide some decision‐making, which seems to be a gigantic secret – does not look good on the transparency front. Thanks Rich Davenport From: Hurst, Jeremy E (DEC) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 9:54 AM To: Rich Davenport Cc: [email protected]; 'Chuck Godfrey'; 'Dan Tone'; 'Dunkster5'; Riexinger, Patricia (DEC); 'Eric Bratt' Subject: RE: Buck Management Zones Rich, Steve Piatt is a news hound. How he gets all his information, I don’t know, but clearly he is paying attention and anticipating steps of our buck management decision process as it has been previously described to NYSCC and the public (see articles and presentation at www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/27663.html). In regard to our formation of Buck Management Zones for use with structured decision making analysis of potential yearling buck management strategies, that concept was presented in 2013 and has been available on our website for anyone interested to review (see slide 17 ‐ www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/buckppt2013.pdf). You may notice in the NYON January article (www.outdoornews.com/January‐2015/Deer‐regs‐changes‐in‐motion), that the author references WMU aggregates rather than Buck Management Zones. Though these two processes are related, the article confuses their purpose. Recently, Steve Piatt asked me to clarify the difference between WMU Aggregates and Buck Management Zones. I’ve attached that correspondence. Had you or another hunter asked, I would have provided a similar response. It is from this correspondence that Piatt drew the quote from me, used in his July 23 article. We finalized delineation of Buck Management Zones for the SDM process this past spring, though because James Kelly, our biometrician, and I got tied up with other issues, we have not yet finalized the report detailing how the Buck Management Zones were established. Draft documents about Buck Management Zones were circulated internally as we 2 discussed formation of the zones, and we sent a copy of an incomplete, draft report (attached) to John Rybinski at the end of May in response to a FOIL request. Presumably, Steve Piatt may have seen this copy. Regardless, we have another article related to buck management decision making in the forthcoming 2015‐16 Hunting & Trapping Regulations Guide, which should be available at license issuing outlets in the next couple weeks. A map of Buck Management Zones is included there, so all hunters will have opportunity to see the zones and their purpose at that time. Regards, Jeremy Hurst Certified Wildlife Biologist®, Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4754 P: 518-402-8867 | F: 518-402-9841 | [email protected] www.dec.ny.gov | | From: Rich Davenport [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2015 7:18 PM To: Hurst, Jeremy E (DEC) Cc: [email protected]; 'Chuck Godfrey'; 'Dan Tone'; 'Dunkster5'; Riexinger, Patricia (DEC); 'Eric Bratt' Subject: Buck Management Zones Importance: High Dear Mr. Hurst; Back in January 2015 an article appeared in NY Outdoor News which stirred up quite a bit of controversy, disclosing information regarding deer management changes in NYS. The NYSCC first learned of these plans from this article, versus hearing about that information firsthand from the DEC. It appears once again the NYS DEC, and specifically the big game unit of the DEC, has failed in their charge to adequately inform the sportsmen and women, choosing once again to let NY Outdoor News bring the setting of “Buck Management Zones” to the readership, including Council representatives such as myself. Late last month I reached out to you for some updates, at which time you informed me you had none. Please explain this sudden, falling from the sky, formation of “Buck Management Zones” without disclosure to the public for consideration, and especially not providing any “heads up” for the Big Game Committee members of the NYSCC so we can act as somewhat intelligent buffers. Please send along all information you have regarding this “Buck Management Zones”, its intent, and any and all supporting documents referred to by this article in the July 24, 2015 issue of NY Outdoor News. Thank You So Very Much Rich Davenport WeLoveOutdoors.org 208 Walter Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150 Ph: (716) 510‐7952 website: www.weloveoutdoors.org 3 4 Rich Davenport, 2015 ECFSC Recording Secretary Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs ECFSC November 2015 General Meeting Minutes Date: November 5, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Southtowns Walleye Association, Hamburg, NY Call to order – 7:35PM (called to order after dinner) Pledge to Flag: Completed Moment of silence for Paul Kersdorfer Moment of silence for ECO Tom Becker Roll call – Officers and Directors: Excused: Hope Melnyk, Tony Gonnello, Tom Marks, Dave and Rose Barus, Paula Wharton, Larry Jones, Mark Alessi In attendance: 4 Officers, 9 Directors, 20 Delegates, 4 guests Quorum of member clubs – Present: Yes Approval of previous month’s minutes Received from Chuck not compiled yet Secretary’s report – Rich Davenport No report Membership report – Antoinette Grote Currently have 43 members 55 at one time, 3 or 4 have dissolved Archery group, WNYFA which has 9 or 10 clubs under their umbrella Joe McAdams Reason – should actively pursue the clubs in EC that are active but not members Joe willing to make calls to get them Treasurer’s report – Rose Barus Rose is excused, bank doesn’t send statements until next week Correspondence report – Dave Barus Dave is excused – Chuck will be sending a letter to legislators to get parts of 9C open to archery hunting, letter goes out tomorrow Letter written to P Rex and Stang concerning not hearing back from Jeremy Hurst on our letter concerning 9A and 9F, and we have not heard back Received thank you from BSA Troop 59 for help in getting in the conservation building for fair, and the donation of $250 President’s Report – Chuck Godfrey See above Cabela’s offer to Federation members, sale is 13-15 of November, sent $20 off $150 coupons. Next meetings and locations; I’m working on sites for the 2016 meetings. We will put out announcements as soon as we confirm dates. - Chuck Date BM GM Location Time Time 12/17/2015 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Bison City Rod & Gun, Buffalo, NY Drawing for lifetime license prizes and youth lifetime licenses at the December meeting GUESTS: STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS: Law enforcement – Jeff Jondle Two things of note ECO Rogers retirement Don Becker passed away Academy on track for 37 officers. Interviewing now Archery & Bowhunting – Jim McCann Nothing 9A hunters did not hunt the antlerless only period – fishing instead Crossbow –Frank Miskey, Jr. Crossbow season starts this Saturday Fish – Dave Barus Argo research showed good results Perch and walleye spawn 2015 excellent TAC for NY did not exceed the allotment, talks of limit reductions to 30 per day not happening Boat cleaning station –steamer – at Lake George, Honeoye may be the next lake 2 Safe Harbor article coming up – boat registrations talked about – article should be in Sunday Fish Committee chair has always taken care of kids fishing days – should be a separate committee Will create a separate committee for handling the kids fishing clinics Dave Barus will not be doing any of it any more. Someone will need to chair fish committee and also someone to chair the kids clinics committee. Small Game – Dan Tone Pheasant rearing in the prisons, looking for someone to coordinate and locate stocking areas. Need someone to spearhead this Dan Tone would help. Think it over – get with Dan in the next couple days State pheasant stocking twice in areas, third stocking would have been last week, but no one was there. Could have been postponed due to the windy weather. Unknown if a third stocking took place as of yet. Will Elliott contacted Dan Tone yesterday concerning the feral cat bill that Cuomo vetoed. Article on this bill being vetoed should be in the Sunday paper Big Game – Paul Stoos Firearms season starts soon – crossbow starts this Saturday. Regular opens 21st Crossbow – use earlier in the season and use archery stamp. Latest legislative proposal would amend crossbows to use under archery stamp, not ML, but would not change the season use as that would require another law. Trapping – Patti Wattengel Letters to be sent for Pat Arnold’s trapping camp – Columbus Day Weekend, now 3 camps very successful. Started in 2010 with one camp Last year a bear cub was caught, released unharmed. This year a Fisher was trapped, and released unharmed Annual fur handling – Collins Conservation Jan 2 – 9a-1p. Great event to learn about fur handling – free, flyers available, will be in the minutes Waterfowl – Paul Pietraszewski Duck season is open. Ducks Unlimited website has migration reports, where a report exists a marker is on the map. Good reports and interesting stuff. During board meeting – phone calls of complaints of low water levels at Tonawanda WMA. Ongoing problem from the folks managing the unit. Chuck will call Ken Z. Harvest figures show low water impacts at Tonawanda, while Iroquois across the street showed 4 times the harvest success on opening day Conservation Council - Dan Tone The Federation has decided to promote the voluntary “Buck A Member Program” proposed by the Council. This, if successful, will insure a reliable source of income to meet the future needs for our only “conservation rights” lobbying organization in our state. 3 For those clubs who feel this is a worthwhile cause, please make checks payable to “New York State Conservation Council” and send to – NYSCC, 8 East Main St., Ilion, NY 13357. To those clubs that donated last year, we hope that your commitment will carry on. Please don’t wait until the Council solicits for your help. They need the resources now to fund the year’s budget needs. Also, to those clubs who chose not to participate, please consider what the Council is asking for: “a dollar a member.” A buck doesn’t buy much these days, not a beer at a bar, not a pack of cigarettes or a good cigar, not a decent fishing lure, or even a couple dozen worms. Perhaps it’s time we sportsmen and women consider putting this all in perspective! Clubs wishing to receive the Council’s “Grass Roots News” monthly publication, which gives updated information on state legislation and conservation issues, should contact the Council at 315-894-3302 . You can also e-mail them at - [email protected] with the information. Clubs can send their “club’s news” for publication to - NYSCC, 8 East Main St., Ilion, NY 13357 - or e-mail them by the 2nd Monday of the month. The Council also has a policy of not arbitrarily giving or selling private club information. Finally, there is an ongoing new member/renewal drive for individual Council memberships, with prizes available. Contact the Council or visit their website for details. Report from Chuck Parker found $8,000 they thought they did not have. Good news. Still need money, but please send more. Hal Lawrence bait issue Canada waters Meeting initiated by Sen Gallavan, Niagara River Station Club, met with the Canadian Consulate and the enforcement on bait regulations – cannot use minnows dipped yourself from the River. Must have receipt from Canadian store. Also crayfish and everything else. Most receptive to our plight. Brakes on until government changed hands. All new people on the top. Looks like they will be most open to eliminating these problems. Thanks to Sen. Gallavan for taking the initiative Also looking for NYSCC involvement Thanks to Gallavan for his efforts May not be a big issue with the change of hands. The problem appears to be Provincial not Federal. NYON – good to see the council report and resolution report. Making strides Environment & Pollution – Tom Marks: Wind farm Somerset – town is suing State for way the citing process is handled Will be a presentation 6-8p on November 18 on progress and concerns of Scajaqueda Creek. Sewer overflows, etc. Riverkeepers holding an update meeting on Buffalo River 4 Legislation – John Susz To keep in touch with what’s going on with firearm legislation in New York, check out SCOPE’s website at - www.scopeny.org Appellate Court rules the magazine capacity of 7 in a 10 round mag is lunacy. Stated LE reps are killed by these types of weapons, ridiculous, looks like it is going to the SCOTUS. Will the court hear the case. Pistol permit renewable licenses still in the works. Supposed to be free, under SAFE Act. 3 years are gone, two years left. Nothing coming out of Albany on this – same thing with ammo background check. Cannot use NICS – prohibited by Federal Law. Liability insurance requirement and microstamping, plus smart guns New Jersey has a bill to establish smart hand guns, if passed all handguns not smart will become illegal. Resolutions – Rich Davenport Need the resolutions next month Good ones ideas – legislative change to allow BGH in 9C Archery hunting – appropriate areas in 9C Resolution perhaps to direct NYSCC to work with DEC to develop archery hunting program for towns Membership Outreach The membership secretary would like all club presidents to consider attending at least one regular Federation meeting a year. This might not only prove to be a learning experience, but may also provide a better insight as to the importance of having representation on behalf of their clubs. If any club would like a visit from a Federation spokesman, please contact president Chuck Godfrey at 440-6995 or [email protected] . The president will also try to visit one club or so per month. IF ANYONE KNOWS OF AN ERIE COUNTY CLUB WHICH IS NOT A MEMBER, PLEASE LET THE PRESIDENT KNOW SO HE CAN CONTACT THEM ABOUT MEMBERSHIP Sportsman/woman Education – Frank Miskey Sr. New changes coming up – classes will have some sort of home study – all classes. Get more knowledge and less time in classroom. Next year new manuals focused on NYS and wildlife, crossbow will be taught in gun and bow classes, next year you cannot register for a class more than 30 days before class. SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Nominations – Paul Stoos The following people have all accepted nominations to run for office for 2016: Chuck Godfrey-pres., Frank Miskey,sr-1st vice-pres., Joe Fischer-2nd vice-pres., Debbie Godfrey-Treas., Rich Davenport – recording sec., Joe McAdams – corr. sec., Antoinette Grote – memb. sec. 5 The following have accepted nominations as Directors: Tony Gonnello, John Susz, Frank Jr., Tom Marks, Hope Melnyk. George Rockey has elected not to run for director. 5 seats are done Dan Tone and Joe Fischer will continue to represent the Fed. at the NYSCC. Next meeting secretary will cast a ballot Awards – Frank Miskey Sr. Nomination form will be in the minutes, also on the web for download. None received yet Web form to be created and approved by Frank if this makes sense to do. Banquet – Frank Miskey, jr. Meeting – October had to be cancelled. Slating banquet meeting – Nov 12 at Elma 7:30PM Few ideas ran past some folks. One idea – trying to get better handle on tickets for better head count. Pre-sale only. March 5 is the banquet, postmarked Feb 10. Incentivize paying by then by giving gun raffle tickets – one per paid ticket Working with Joe closely on AD pricing for Banquet book. Try to make the book make us some money. Letters and such should be ready for December meeting Have we capitalized on our non-profit status to seek the donations from businesses – we need to do this more. Joe would be happy to make it part of his job to write letters to businesses to seek donations Educational Opportunities – Chuck Godfrey Scholarship applications due 12/15. Fund Raising – Larry Jones Nothing – excused – would like to continue, got something cooking after his return from South America Prizes for the youth raffle detailed FWMB - Paul Stoos Nothing new Chuck Godfrey nominating to be the sportsmen’s rep Shows – Dave Wharton March Sportsmen’s EXPO March 10-13, 2016 National Hunting and Fishing day – Rich Davenport Great day, day went by fast Web form will be out earlier Federation thanks Rich for how the event was run, went off without a hitch 6 A family held a B-Day party there, awesome. County may provide $1000 funding grant for NHFD next year WNY Environmental Federation – Dan Tone Jan 10 – 1PM Hoaks Youth Lifetime Licenses - Chuck Godfrey Drawing will be Dec. 17 at the Dec. Federation meeting at Bison City Rod and Gun Budget and Finance – Rose Barus – (motion to pay bills) None Website – Joe McAdams - eriectyfsc.org Drop box for agendas, software available YLTL Apps – All electronic this coming year Would benefit in making videos of Kids Fishing Clinics, NHFD Joe will donate a small movie camera if need be Will donate a laptop for the treasurer to use Old Business: Debbie spoke to two gentlemen at Cabela’s this evening, the deal is between 10% and 25% New Business - any new delegates present? No, no new business Good and Welfare of the Organization: SCI – Game dinner Friday Dec 11. Federation buying 4 tickets, if we get more than 4, we will buy the tickets, people going split cost of additional 3 have committed, anyone else interested? Will check License fees in NYS are horrendous South Carolina – age 64, Lifetime Sportsman, all around, plus WMA fee, $7.00! Also got permission from feds to hunt cormorants. They have a season, liberal limit, do not dispose of them in the water. They hunt them and helping out the river systems If anyone looking for .22 LR ammo, CCI Blazers, tons of ammo in SC. Limit of 5 bricks of 500. $23.99 each Unreal. 50/50 Raffle Winner is Bison City 7 Motion for Adjournment Motion to adjourn – Dave Wharton 2nd – Rich D Meeting adjourned 9:22 PM Thanks to Host Club Southtowns Walleye Assn. 8 ERIE COUNTY FEDERATION OF SPORTSMEN’S CLUBS INC. COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS As part of the Erie county Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs efforts to enhance our environment and wildlife appreciation, we award up to five $200 college scholarships yearly. To qualify for a scholarship you must be a high school senior enrolled in an accredited college, or attending an accredited college with your major in any one of these areas: environmental conservation, law enforcement, or environmental pollution and must be a resident of Erie County. Scholarships are awarded based upon need and the area of study. To be considered for one of these scholarships complete the form below and return with a short essay telling of need, any projects you have engineered or participated in, your future goals, and proof of enrollment (i.e., course enrollment, course schedule, report card, etc.) to the address below prior to December 15. SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN 29 YVETTE DRIVE CHEEKTOWAGA, NY 14227 NAME:_______________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________ CITY:______________________________ COUNTY:_____________ NY ZIP:________________ HOME TELEPHONE:__________________________ OTHER:______________________________ COLLEGE:____________________________________________ GRADE LEVEL:______________________________ MAJOR:_____________________________ ERIE COUNTY FEDERATION OF SPORTSMENS CLUBS NOMINATIONS FOR AWARDS FOR 2015 List of Categories: Valerie E. Gonnello Sportswoman of the Year Sportsman of the Year Youth of the Year Club of the Year Volunteer of the Year Public Servant of the Year Public Relations of the Year Dedicated Service Award Lifetime Achievement Award Stanley Spisiak Conservationist Award Name of Candidate Address Contact person if applicable Person’s history and why they should be chosen Greatest Achievement Submitted by: Phone Number: Send to: Frank Miskey Sr. 62 Boll Drive Elma, New York 14059 DEAD LINE 2/1/2015 E-MAIL WILL BE ACCEPTED CANDIDATE CAN ONLY BE NOMINATED FOR ONE AWARD Rich Davenport, 2015 ECFSC Recording Secretary Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs ECFSC December 2015 General Meeting Minutes Date: December 17, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Bison City Rod & Gun, Buffalo, NY Call to order – 7:05PM Please turn off all cellphones. Please remember committee reports should be restricted to 5 minutes. We’ll obviously spend more time on a given topic if it is warranted. Pledge to Flag: Completed Roll call – Officers and Directors: Excused: Larry Jones In attendance: 7 Officers, 11 Directors, 28 Delegates, 6 guests Quorum of member clubs – Present: Yes Joe Jemiolo Memorial Youth Lifetime License – (OPEN) 1) Drawing of raffle prizes Youth Lifetime Fundraiser Raffle winners a. First Prize Winner – Cathy Miskey b. Scott Klubek – 6 hr walleye charter with Lance Erhardt c. Andrew B – 6 Hr. Musky Charter with Larry Jones d. Bill Filsinger – Half day on LNR with Frank Campbell e. Dennis Shoemaker – 4 hour family fun with Dave Barus f. Steve Spitz – Camera System 2) Drawing of youth lifetime license winners - 1189 entries a. 8281 – She is 12 YO – Fishing – Emily Enterleine, Eden, NY b. 8915 – He is 6 YO – Fishing – Xavier Salazar, Lancaster, NY c. 8069 – She is 3YO – Fishing (will get LT Sportsmen) – Gianna Becker, Lancaster, NY d. 8808 – He is 5 YO – Big Game (will get LT Sportsmen) – Brian Pedicone, Angola, NY e. 8729 – He is 5 YO – Big Game (will get LT Sportsmen) – Mason Molnar, West Seneca, NY f. 8174 – He is 1 YO – Big Game (will get LT Sportsmen) – Joseph Golonke III, Lakeview, NY g. 8068 – She is 12 YO – Fishing – Mackenzie Champman, Depew, NY h. i. j. k. l. m. 8283 – She is 14 YO – Fishing – Elizabeth Becker, Hamburg, NY 8688 – She is 14 YO – Big Game – Elizabeth Enterleine, Eden, NY 8983 8215 8012 8203 Came in with $5100 for the license program, Deer Search donated $1000 for our program AND $1000 for Chautauqua County’s program, too Approval of previous month’s minutes Motion to approve - Hope Melnyk 2nd Dave Wharton Secretary’s report – Rich Davenport No report this month Membership report – Antoinette Grote Membership level the same, letters going out for renewals Treasurer’s report – Rose Barus Motion to approve – Rich D 2nd Hope Melnyk Board recommended that Debbie Godfrey take over the Treasurer’s duties immediately as to not leave a gap in duties. Tom Marks motions to accept the recommendation, 2nd Hope Melnyk Motion Carries Correspondence report – Dave Barus Thank you letters to Southtowns for the meeting, Hawkeye for their hosting, and Deer Search for their support of the JJYLTLP Received one letter of note for $5000 grant approval from Assemblyman Sean Ryan Asked for $10K, gave us $5K, all good news Received thank you from Trappers Assn for donating to the Youth Camp Thank you from West Falls for the R9 Youth archery Camp Thank you from Chuck’s granddaughter for the youth pheasant hunt, she had a ball Letter sent out to Patti and Doug concerning 9A and 9F nonsense, see in the back of the minutes President’s Report – Chuck Godfrey Banquets that we normally go to, let : Southtowns Walleye – Sat, Feb 13 Jeff Jondle motions to buy 4 tickets, 2nd Hope Melnyk Motion carries 2 Next meetings and locations; I’m working on sites for the 2015 meetings. We will put out announcements as soon as we confirm dates. - Chuck Date 1/28/2016 - BM Time 6:30 - GM Time 7:00 Gen Meet Elma Conservation, Elma, NY 2/25/2016 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet George Washington Club, Buffalo, NY 3/24/2016 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet TBD 4/28/2016 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet TBD 5/26/2016 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Erie County Conservation Society, Chafee, NY 6/23/2016 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet TBD 7/28/2016 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Niagara River Station, Grand Island, NY August - No Meet No Meeting due to EC Fair 9/8/2016 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Springville Field & Stream, Springville, NY 10/13/2016 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Hawkeye Bowmen, Marilla, NY 11/3/2016 - 6:30 - 7:00 Gen Meet Southtowns Walleye Assn, Hamburg, nY 12/16/2016 - 6:30 - 7:30 Gen Meet Bison City Rod & Gun, Buffalo, NY - Location GUESTS – Will Elliott from the Buffalo News STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS: Waterfowl – Paul Pietraszewski Decent report – state of current waterfowl season, seems like the past 3 or 4 years have been poor. Canada Season runs from end of Sept – January. Traditional waterfowl hunting area. Also up north, poor the last few years. DU has reports available across the US. Throughout the NE and also NE Canada, birds just aren’t migrating during normal times. There are calendar birds and weather-driven migrators. Many of the migrating based on weather like mallards, just have not been moving. Season timing may need to be adjusted. This could also be contributing to the lack of birds at Tonawanda Refuge, as many are mallards. Jeff Jondle – indicates the birds here in the first part of the season are resident birds, migrators don’t move until November/ regular season openings Check DU website, get the reports, very interesting Letter written to TWR, response came back, will be in the minutes, in the back 3 Conservation Council - Dan Tone The Federation has decided to promote the voluntary “Buck A Member Program” proposed by the Council. This, if successful, will insure a reliable source of income to meet the future needs for our only “conservation rights” lobbying organization in our state. For those clubs who feel this is a worthwhile cause, please make checks payable to “New York State Conservation Council” and send to – NYSCC, 8 East Main St., Ilion, NY 13357. To those clubs that donated last year, we hope that your commitment will carry on. Please don’t wait until the Council solicits for your help. They need the resources now to fund the year’s budget needs. Also, to those clubs who chose not to participate, please consider what the Council is asking for: “a dollar a member.” A buck doesn’t buy much these days, not a beer at a bar, not a pack of cigarettes or a good cigar, not a decent fishing lure, or even a couple dozen worms. Perhaps it’s time we sportsmen and women consider putting this all in perspective! Clubs wishing to receive the Council’s “Grass Roots News” monthly publication, which gives updated information on state legislation and conservation issues, should contact the Council at 315-894-3302 . You can also e-mail them at - [email protected] with the information. Clubs can send their “club’s news” for publication to - NYSCC, 8 East Main St., Ilion, NY 13357 - or e-mail them by the 2nd Monday of the month. The Council also has a policy of not arbitrarily giving or selling private club information. Board Meeting January 9, 2016 WNYEF – Jan 10 at 1PM CANY is dissolving, we need to reach out to Allegany County – Council received $4000 from the dissolution Environment & Pollution – Tom Marks Legislation that passed the House – Microbeads – ban nationally, up to the Senate – need a bill number, contact your Senator. Good for the Great Lakes Invasive Species Reg proposal – Boats and such – Comment Period runs through end of January 2016. Boater responsibility for cleaning boat and compartments, reasonable precautions, before launching, No person shall launch or attempt to launch unless reasonable precautions taken. Exemptions exist. Difficult to see how well this could work, there are penalties and other remedies provided by EnCon Law. Examine the current law referenced for the penalties. http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/104431.html 4 Penalties: http://codes.findlaw.com/ny/environmental-conservation-law/env-sect-710703.html <break for dinner – thanks Bison City Rod & Gun> Legislation – John Susz To keep in touch with what’s going on with firearm legislation in New York, check out SCOPE’s website at - www.scopeny.org Steve Aldstadt – Bill introduced in Senate S6279 – Jeff Klein – Pushed by Cuomo and Schumer Stop terrorists from getting guns – BS – Targets pistol owners despite this group being more law abiding by 6 times than that of the law enforcement community. Check against terrorist no fly list – no process, will not tell you, no due process, and the list is not accurate, they will put the full court press on this starting in the new session. Please call Majority Leader John Flannigan and oppose this bill. No charges, no crime, no nothing, take you guns, rights property, etc. SCOPE will hold press conference next Tuesday in Rochester in front of Federal Court, major lawsuit coming related to all this! More details will be coming via emails. If anyone wants to watch a good video, Google search on Trey Gowdy and DHS official. Congressional hearing on due process, about 5 minute video. Resolutions – Rich DavenportAmend 9C for big game hunting. St. Lawrence County Resolution – Firearms Should we craft one similar? Membership Outreach – The membership secretary would like all club presidents to consider attending at least one regular Federation meeting a year. This might not only prove to be a learning experience, but may also provide a better insight as to the importance of having representation on behalf of their clubs. If any club would like a visit from a Federation spokesman, please contact President Chuck Godfrey at 440-6995 or [email protected] . The president will also try to visit one club or so per month. IF ANYONE KNOWS OF AN ERIE COUNTY CLUB WHICH IS NOT A MEMBER, PLEASE LET THE PRESIDENT KNOW SO HE CAN CONTACT THEM ABOUT MEMBERSHIP Sportsman/woman Education – Frank Miskey Sr. Nothing different from the last report 5 SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Nominations – Paul Stoos The following people have all accepted nominations to run for office for 2016: Chuck Godfrey-pres., Frank Miskey,sr-1st vice-pres., Joe Fischer-2nd vice-pres., Debbie Godfrey-Treas., Rich Davenport – recording sec., Joe McAdams – corr. sec., Antoinette Grote – memb. sec. The following have accepted nominations as Directors: Tony Gonnello, John Susz, Hope Melnyk, Tom Marks, and Frank Miskey, jr.. Additionally Dan Tone and Joe Fischer will continue to represent the Fed. at the NYSCC. Paul Stoos motions to have Secretary cast one ballot to approve the slate Rich Davenport casts the ballot to approve the 2016 officers and directors slate Awards – Frank Miskey Sr. Looking for nominations – have received nothing – get them in. Chuck will compile the running list of past winners Banquet – Frank Miskey, jr. We need to start asking clubs and/or individuals to consider donating baskets to the Federation for use at the Federation Banquet in March. This has become a major fundraiser for us. Please let Chuck or Debbie Godfrey know if your club would be willing to do this, and if possible, what the theme of the basket might be, so Debbie can try to avoid making a duplicate basket. Our goal would be to have at least 30 baskets, with Debbie supplying 10 to 15 of them, but more is better. We can also use any other donations that an individual or club may wish to give. Contact Frank Miskey, jr. about that. March 5, 2016 – have to insist that reservations must be in and tickets paid for by February 25 2016 or no go. No more pay at the door, cost us $600 last year. Flat $35/ head. Lost $174 on the LTL recipients who get tickets and they didn’t show – so we will seek $35 deposit and return their check when they show up. We are not doing a silent auction, so more baskets, and higher end baskets will be separate Fund Raising – Larry Jones Nothing Larry is excused Educational Opportunities – Chuck Godfrey One application has been received. Has another one coming 6 FWMB - Paul Stoos Meeting last week, ECO Lt. Schultz gave good report on R9 enforcement. Not much else going on in addition to what we discussed here Thank you Paul for your years of service on FWMB Letter will be sent nominating Chuck Godfrey as the delegate and Joe Fischer as the alternate Shows – Dave Wharton The EXPO is March 10-13. We will begin asking for volunteers at the Dec. and Jan. meeting. Need volunteers National Hunting and Fishing Day – Rich Davenport Confirmed again for Elma, Sept 24, 2016 WNY Environmental Federation – Dan Tone Meeting at Hoak’s 1PM January 10, 2016. Looking to get Allegany County back in the fold. Budget and Finance – Rose Barus – (motion to pay bills) Motion to approve - No Bills, no motions needed Rose thanks the Federation for the support and patience over the last few years. Hope that now we are on more solid footing, we can restore the savings account. Special thank you to Steve Aldstadt for the Quikbooks install and the help over the years in getting it working. Thank you Rose for all your hard work Website – Joe McAdams: eriectyfsc.org Website going well, vehicles set up to bring traffic to the site are nice and quick. Well improved. We have a drop box set up, send email to webmaster, goes to 5 people. 201,000 hits, 33,358 unique visits, over 3,000 per month. Hope to drive more traffic. It is working! Two forms will be coming Sunday – Lifetime License. And the nomination form as well STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) Law enforcement – Jeff Jondle Good cases going on. Anti-poaching effort in Catt County Archery & Bowhunting – Jim McCann Extended archery season now underway, only antlerless in 9A and 9F Crossbow –Frank Miskey, Jr. Extended season now underway 7 Fish – Dave Barus Access to Lake Erie – Group called Save our Harbor Last night a meeting at Tifft Farms with 20 or so people in attendance, boat launchers, slip holders and vendors, along with State Parks and Safe Harbor Many issues predominantly revolving around the slip holder concerns. State Parks will have a Ranger there to handle issues next year. Changes in parking will occur in 2016, Lots A&B will be gated. Will remove 2 docks at the corner, and then put some boat launches in the corner to make lots C&D the parking areas. New vendor for the restaurant Fish cleaning station will remain in operations, and improved water pressures will be there. Slip holders wanted it gone, They were reminded that the building was paid for by sportsmen’s dollars, and the issue was resolved. It remains. Pushing to get another launch site, have 103,000 registered boats in Erie County. Only 1000 slip holders. Issues could get worse. BASS and FLW want to come here, we have done a good job getting our word out. Looking to target the Union Ship Canal for additional slippage. Multiuse sites are coming around Dave Signs with Safe Harbor very receptive to the boat launchers Kids Fishing Days – 1) ECFS Teach Me To Fish Project – We are looking for new Chairman for 2016. This is a time-proven Learning Station Program for kids and parents where every youth goes home with a fishing tackle prize or a rod/reel rig, and a free lunch sponsored by Sahlen’s Meat Packing (1st contact is Jennifer - 716852-8677 ext. 123, or Kevin Slovenski, 716609-3269; supervisor is Mark Battistoni. Delivery man for grill and dogs to site is Tyler at 716-359-1561). Sahlen’s provides 225 pounds of hot dogs to ECFS for youth events free of charge. This donation was approved by Sahlens Vice-President Chris Cauley 7 years ago and still stands, but may change with economic conditions. Additional hot dogs needed are purchased at a wholesale rate TBD at time or purchase. Rods and Reels are purchased from three sources: i. Triple-S Sporting Supplies Distributor, 325 Creekside Dr., Amherst, NY 14228, Our management contact for the 8 winter tackle show is Dave Jackson (manager) and our sales contact is usually Peter at 716-691-3777, email: [email protected]. The Triple S Winter Trade Show will be held January 26 - January 29, 2016, at the Adam’s Mark Hotel, 120 Church St., Buffalo, NY, 14202. The following people have ECFS badges reserved to make purchases (credit card or purchase order): Joe Fischer, Tom Fischer, Chuck Godfrey, George Johnson, Zen Olaw, Gene Pauszek, Mark Arena (NMA). The Super-Close Out Sale is Wednesday, Jan. 27, starting at 9AM530PM, but be there in line at 8AM for best tackle and rod/reel rig values in Close-Out store sector. ii. Pure Fishing - Youth Program, 7 Science Court, Columbia, SC 29203; contact is Roxanne Coleman, phone 803-451-3479 direct, or toll free: 1-800-334-9105, X3146; fax: 803-227-0420; email: [email protected]. Requires TAX EXEMPT status and payment by credit card or purchase order, sign-up as 501C3 ID and Organization Fed ID number to obtain website access to youth pricing inventory. Website is below and only for confidential access, requires secure password: http://mpf.shakespearefishing.com/youth_program_sign_in; iii. Zebco Family Fishing Program - visit www.zebcofishing.com to obtain order form, send back to [email protected] or US Mail to: ZEBCO Family Fishing Program, P.O. Box 270, Tulsa, OK, 74101, or call order in with credit card to Ms. Bonnie Dick, 1-800-426-2235. Program features standard rod/reel/tackle packages for about $10 each. Shipping charges apply. iv. Future Fisherman Foundation – visit http://www.futurefisherman.org, informational educational resources, books, partners to raise funding, etc., for info contact Mark Gintert at 580.716.4251 or Keith Sutton, email: [email protected]. a) Sponsor: Bison City Rod & Gun - May 22, 2016 ‐ 511 Ohio St., Buffalo, NY,: Dave Barus, chairman (716-597-4081), 14th Annual Jimmy Griffin Memorial Teach‐Me‐To‐Fish Program is moved from the 4th Sunday in April to the 4th Sunday in May ‐ May 22, 2016 ‐ to accommodate better fishing catches from the Buffalo River, since bass, crappie and other species will be in the river at that time. Kids will catch fish to remember! With over 500 people in attendance, this program is supported by more than 40 volunteers each year. BUDGET for 75 RODS/REELS + Tackle, 18 from ECFS. b) Sponsor: East Aurora Fish and Game ‐ June 4, 2016 ‐ Luther Rd., East Aurora, NY: Dave Smyczynski, chairman (716‐364‐9082) set for the 1st 9 Saturday in June ‐ June 4, 2016 – has been revised to family friendly morning of short lessons on fishing, then fishing a pond stocked with bass and crappie, a free lunch, and a random drawing to give away 30 free rod & reel rigs, and tackle; about 250 people in attendance. BUDGET for 40 RODS/REELS + Tackle, 12 from ECFS. c) Sponsor: NYSDEC with ECFS, Tifft Nature Preserve ‐ June 11, 2016 ‐ Furhmann Blvd., Buffalo, NY: LOOKING FOR A CHAIRMAN –TBD, always set for the 2nd Saturday in June‐ June 11, 2016 – coordinated with NYSDEC Fisheries Biologist, Mike Todd (607‐382‐3493) and with site interface from Tifft Learning Facility Director, Meghan Dye (716‐896‐ 5200, x338), this program always attracts a local Boy Scout troop and inner city youth, with about 225 people in attendance. BUDGET for 100 RODS/REELS + Tackle. All ECFS. d) Sponsor: ECFS with NYSDEC, Chestnut Ridge Park Lake ‐ June 23, 2016 ‐ Orchard Park, NY: LOOKING FOR A CHAIRMAN – TBD, always set for 4th Saturday in June – June 23, 2016 ‐ the NYS free fishing weekend, with reservations already made for use of the Commissioners Cabin, approved by Erie County Park Commissioner (Troy Schinzel), and supported by the NYSDEC with Mike Todd and with assistance of Chestnut Ridge Conservancy members (6 people) headed by Ron Smith (716‐573‐7314), this is a great program and is well attended by an average of 325 people I attendance. NOTE: EC Parks Commissioner Troy Schinzel recently relocated to Texas and was replaced by Dan Rizzo. See article Buffalo News 12/3/2015. BUDGET for 100 RODS/REELS + Tackle. All ECFS. e) Sponsor: United Buffalo, 2 sites, Foot of Ferry St. and Foot of Ontario St., June 23/24, 2016 ‐ George Johnson, Chairman (716‐818‐3410), expanding to 2 sites in 2016, at the Foot of Ferry St. and the Foot of Ontario St. parks. Supported by City of Buffalo and Erie County Legislators financial support, and ECFS, this program accommodates more than 5,000 kids, largely from the inner city. BUDGET for 700 RODS/REELS + tackle. 24 from ECFS. f) Sponsor: East Aurora Fish and Game ‐ September 17, 2016 ‐ Luther Rd., East Aurora, NY: Dave Smyczynski, chairman (716‐364‐9082) set for the 3rd Saturday in September – September 17, 2016 – is held in conjunction with EAFG family picnic day, kids are guests of EAFG, for about 100 people fishing in attendance. BUDGET for 25 RODS/REELS + tackle. 10 from ECFS. g) OTHER Youth Fishing Program EVENTS SUPPORT: i. Outdoor Show – March 2016, Agricenter, 8 rod/reel packages 10 ii. ECFS Banquet – March 2016, 8 rod/reel packages for Lifetime License Winners, 2 rod/reel deluxe spinning outfit packages with lures, box, etc. iii. OFW Old First Ward Youth/Family Fishing Day – June 2016, 6 rod/reel packages iv. Rushford Conservation‐July 2016, Rick Walczyk, 6 rod/reel packages v. Erie County Fair – August 2016, 24 rod/reel packages (2/day free drawing) vi. NYS Outdoorsmen’s Hall of Fame – April 2016, 2 rod/reels packages and tackle for drawing donation vii. Region 9 Instructors Banquet – September 2016, 2 rod/reels packages and tackle for drawing donation viii. NWTF Green Wings – July 2016, 6 rod/reel packages ix. Elks Club Youth Fishing Program – May 2016, 6 rod/reel packages and tackle for youth events x. East Aurora Moose Fishing Program – June 2016, 6 rod/reel program and tackle for youth events xi. West Falls Region 9 Summer Camp Archery/Fishing – August 2016, youth fishing, 12 rod/reel packages xii. Misc Additional Benefit Events (approx. 2‐5/year) – 1 or 2 rod/reel youth tackle packages 2) Financial Grant Assistance Received – NYS Assemblyman Sean Ryan’s office (716‐885‐9630) was the sponsor for requesting grant money assistance for support of the Erie County Teach‐Me‐To‐Fish programs, and ECFS was granted approval for $5,000 for 2016. The forms have all been filed and we just need to wait or arrival of the check. The money will be delivered to ECFS bank account for use with all of the above programs over the next several years. We can reapply for this amount each year. The initial request is attached in correspondence, was for $10,000. It is the first time that ECFS has been supported by grant funding from NYS Child & Protective Services. Big thank you to Assemblyman Sean Ryan. 3) NEW KIDS EVENT - Sponsor: Buffalo Riverworks ‐ DATE: SPRING, tbd ‐ 359 Ganson St., Buffalo, NY: Mark Arena – chairman (716‐997‐8970), from Niagara Musky Association, date planned for spring 2016 with financing by owner of Riverworks and with hopeful assistance by NYSDEC and United Buffalo ‐ George Johnson (716‐818‐3410), and with support of Buffalo Riverkeepers, designed expressly for kids with attention to especially, inner city kids, possible Kayak excursions, and more. Details TBD. The NYSDEC Summary Fish-Wildlife report for September-October 2015 may be the best summary of fishing activities we have received in quite some time. Hats off to 11 our Region 9 NYSDEC Fish-Wildlife staff! Much of the information below is from that report. Lower Niagara River Fisheries Survey The Region 9 Fisheries staff conducted an electrofishing survey of the lower Niagara River in June – July 2015. The survey covered the entire New York shoreline from Lewiston to the mouth of the river and was divided into nine separate electrofishing runs. All fish were collected during three runs and game fish were collected during six runs. We captured a total of 1034 fish representing 21 species during 3.75 hours of electrofishing. Smallmouth Bass were the most abundant game fish collected and we caught 291 Smallmouth Bass for an average catch rate of 76 fish/hour. The catch rate of Smallmouth Bass is exceptional when compared to the statewide average of 4 fish/hour. Anglers targeting Smallmouth Bass should expect to find outstanding fishing for Smallmouth Bass in the lower Niagara River. Other notable catches include several large Walleye, four species of Sucker, Freshwater Drum and 13 American Eel. American Eel are a species of greatest conservation need and the lower Niagara River is one of the few places in the Great Lakes where they can be reliably caught. Bureau of Fisheries, Christopher Legard, 716-851-7010 Sampling Wild Trout in Clear Creek - Ellington In August, Region 9 Fisheries staff, assisted by USFWS staff and angler volunteers sampled Clear Creek, which flows through Cattaraugus and Chautauqua Counties. This survey was done, utilizing electrofishing equipment, to monitor the wild brown trout and rainbow trout populations. Five sites were sampled which duplicated sites done in 1995, 2005 and 2010. Due to a high wild trout population, stocking of hatchery brown trout ceased on this creek after 2005. For all sites, abundance of yearling and older (adult) wild brown trout in 2015 (935 fish/mile) was higher than in 2010 (689 fish/mile), near that found in 2005 (940 fish/mile) and much higher than found in 1995 (393 fish/mile). However, changes in trout abundance were not consistent 12 between sites in 2015. At the lower two sites, where adult trout habitat was similar to 2010 and 2005, lower numbers of trout were found this year. At the upper three sites, adult trout habitat increased substantially from 2010 and 2005, as did the abundance of adult brown trout. It appears the overall increased abundance for adult brown trout was primarily a result of improved habitat (new, deep pools) at three of the sampling sites. Biomass of adult wild brown trout in 2015 (83 pounds/acre) was very similar to 2010 and 2005, but substantially higher than in 1995 (39 pounds/acre). Abundance of larger trout has increased steadily from 1995 to 2015 with the values for trout >12” (148/mile) (16% of the total adults captured), >14” (58/mile) and >16” (25/mile) being found this year. Of the 385 adult wild brown trout captured in 2015, eight of them (2%) were >16”, with four over 18” and the largest at 19.4”. Wild rainbow trout (probably from illegal stocking by anglers) were found in the Clear Creek for the first time in 2005 and were again found at two sampling sites in 2010 (25 adult fish/mile). However, in 2015 no adult or young-of-year rainbow trout were captured. It is unknown if they still exist in the creek, nor what caused them to be absent from sites where they appeared to be increasing in abundance from 2005 to 2010. The abundance of young-of-year brown trout in 2015 was the lowest we have measured in the four sampling years (183/mile) and is consistent with low abundance of young brown trout seen in other western NY streams this year. Bureau of Fisheries, Scott Cornett, 716-372-0645 Another Strong Year Class of Walleye in Chautauqua Lake Region 9 fisheries staff surveyed the Walleye population in Chautauqua Lake in late September by boat electrofishing. This assessment has been done every year since the early 1990’s and serves as an index of abundance for the Walleye population. We caught a total of 261Walleye for a catch rate of 34.8 fish per hour. The catch in 2015 was similar to last year and above the long term average of 19.7 fish per hour. The last two years have shown two of the largest year classes of Walleye ever documented in Chautauqua Lake. In 2014 we caught 267 young-of-year Walleye and in 2015 we caught 183 youngof-year Walleye. The 2014 year class was well represented as one year olds in 2015, which indicates good survival through their first winter. 13 Walleye in Chautauqua Lake typically reach legal size of 18” by age 6 so anglers won’t see these fish for a few years. Walleye fishing should remain good in Chautauqua Lake in the near future with some exceptional fishing in a few years. Bureau of Fisheries, Christopher Legard, 716-851-7010 Monitoring Wild Trout in Wiscoy Creek Region 9 Fisheries staff assisted by USFWS staff and angler volunteers sampled Wiscoy Creek and two important tributaries in southern Wyoming and northern Allegany Counties. Ten sites were sampled along Wiscoy Creek from near the mouth in Allegany County to the Village of Bliss. Three sites were also sampled on the N. Branch Wiscoy Creek and two on Trout Brook. These sites duplicated those done in 2006, 2009 and 2012. Several of the sites on Wiscoy Creek have also been sampled multiple times from the 1970s through 2001. Reports from this season of very poor angling success appeared to be backed up by our electrofishing results. The abundance of yearling and older (adult) wild brown trout (496 fish/mile) was half the density in 2009 and 2012 and one third of that found in 2006. Average biomass of trout for all ten sites (50 pounds/acre) was also much lower than recent surveys. Particularly low in abundance this year were fish in the 9-13 inch range (age 2 and 3 fish), which are the bread and butter of this wild trout fishery. This is somewhat unexpected since we found very good reproduction in 2012 (three year old fish this year). Young-of-year brown trout abundance this year was average to high at most sites, with low abundance found in the upper most sites of the main stream. Similar A nice Chautauqua Lake walleye. A young-of-year Walleye (bottom) and a one year old Walleye (top). Large Wiscoy Creek wild brown trout. 14 Results for abundance of young-of-year and adult brown trout were found at the tributary sampling sites on the N. Branch Wiscoy and Trout Brook. On the positive side, we are finding a higher number of larger, older brown trout than in surveys prior to 2012. Fish >15 inches used to be quite rare on Wiscoy Creek. This year the percentage of the adult trout catch >15” was 6.4% compared to 0.7% in 2006. The largest fish captured this year was 22.5 inches, with 6 of the 10 sites producing at least one fish >18 inches. The reason, or reasons, for the decline in wild brown trout abundance in the Wiscoy Creek system is not known at this point. With sampling only occurring every three years, it is hard to know whether poor reproduction in 2013 and 2014 lead to fewer age 1 and 2 fish in this year’s catch. However, we did find good reproduction in 2012 and 2015. It is more likely that survival after the trout’s first year, either from predation and/or a lack of adult trout habitat is causing the reduction in abundance. Excessive angler harvest is not a likely cause, as the stream is managed with a 10 inch size limit/three fish per day creel regulation. Also, recent angler surveys indicate that voluntary release rates of legal size fish usually exceed 80%. A biological stream assessment by the DEC’s Division of Water in 2014 did indicate slight impacts to water quality (excessive nutrients and sediment) at one site on the N. Branch Wiscoy Creek and two sites on the upper portion of the main stream. While possibly playing some role in the population decline, it is unlikely that these water quality impacts are enough to account for the population declines we found in 2015. In conjunction with the fish population survey, we are conducting an angler diary program on Wiscoy Creek in 2015. The diary program runs through October and results of this will be reported on later this fall. Bureau of Fisheries, Scott Cornett, 716-851-7010 15 Rushford Lake Fishery Assessment From May to September 2015, Region 9 Fisheries staff sampled Rushford Lake’s entire fish community utilizing a variety of standardized equipment and methods. In May, fyke nets were used to sample the littoral zone, producing a catch of numerous brown bullhead, white suckers and a few rock bass and yellow perch. In August, Rushford Lake’s shallow, near shore habitat was sampled via bag seine, producing a catch of numerous young-of-year (YOY) smallmouth bass and YOY yellow perch. Gill netting in mid-September sampled the lake’s deep, off shore habitat and produced a catch of numerous walleye that were just under legal size (15 inches). Smallmouth bass of all sizes were prevalent in the gill net catch, as well as numerous rainbow trout over 12 inches. In late September, the lake’s shoreline was actively sampled via boat electrofishing, producing a catch consisting primarily of smallmouth bass and walleye. Yellow perch and rainbow trout were also captured, but in lesser numbers. Bureau of Fisheries, Amanda Wagner, 716-851-7010 Lake Ontario Chinook Salmon Fall Headhunting Region 9 Fisheries staff worked cooperatively with Lake Ontario Fisheries staff to coordinate and implement efforts for monitoring angler-caught Chinook salmon in two Niagara County tributaries, the lower Niagara River and Eighteen Mile Creek. Collection efforts were conducted during the spawning run, when salmon numbers and catches were at their highest in the respective tributaries; September 20th through October 17th on the lower Niagara River and October 8th through October 26th on Eighteen Mile Creek. The primary purpose of this concerted effort is to recover coded wire tags (CWT), which were embedded in the snouts of a proportion of stocked salmon. Hatchery salmon were batch-marked with CWT in 2010, 2011 and 2013 in order to 16 assess the relative effectiveness of two different salmon stocking methodologies, direct stocking and pen-rearing. This landmark assessment effort is being conducted for eight salmon pen-rearing locations along the south shore of Lake Ontario and will continue until 2016 when all three marked salmon year classes will have passed through the sport fishery. During the 2015 fall salmon run, Region 9 Fisheries staff and Lake Ontario staff processed approximately 185 Chinook salmon from the lower Niagara River and recovered 100 CWT. At Eighteen Mile Creek, staff processed about 350 salmon and recovered 160 CWT. For preliminary findings of the Mass Marking Studies of Chinook Salmon, see Section 3 of the 2014 Lake Ontario Unit Annual Report at www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/27068.html. Bureau of Fisheries, Michael Todd, 716-851-7010 17 Discount Ticket to Fishing & Outdoor Expo: Clip and Use for Admission Discount Rod & Reel purchase supports 17 organizations! Need 352 rods or more each year Buffalo United kids fishing weekend will be at two sites, can accommodate now 8000 kids! Buffalo Riverworks now getting on board, hoping to tie in with Buffalo United Front Trying to convince Mayor, CE and Legislators to have an Erie County Free Fishing Weekend Rich - Spoke to Bill and Pat Van Camp – emerald shiner study done, upshot was bad winter, minnows are all over now. Perch, same thing, DEC didn’t find many YOY perch, and Big Catch had to pick thousands of YOY perch out of collected minnow Can resume selling minnows in Ohio, but cannot transport through PA. PA is working on this and we could see the bait regs go back to where they were pre-VHS, as no VHS has been detected since the outbreak Small Game – Dan Tone Turkey survey – winter broods, contact Emilio Rende and DEC for cooperator information. Insert. Turkey take, eastern part of state, harvest down 50%, in western part of the state down 65% due to 2 week season. Fisher regs proposal has been altered. No bag limit and a shorter season, will have another comment period coming up on the revised proposal. Mark Alessi – Coyote email sent out, looking to let counties regulate coyote take and seasons. Legislator wants no closed seasons, and leave it up to each county for dates. Tony Gonnello – Eastern part of the state, harvest down 50%. 18 Big Game – Paul Stoos Nothing new to report Big Bore Air Rifles regulation proposal coming – Hurst sent along in a proactive status DMPs in 9A and 9F, stopped issuing permits, should not have if they wanted to fill more DMP. Cut down issuance 11% in 9F and smaller cut but a cut in 9A Trapping – Patti Wattengel Fischer – As Dan Tone alluded to, although we have not seen the latest proposal, the idea of the Fischer season is for DEC to hands on bodies. Quotas would have resulted in tags being shared, and this could have skewed results of harvest. Season reduction and no quota makes sense. Don’t know about the timing, wanted a later season. Old Business: None New Business - any new delegates present? Southtowns Banquet? Handled – if you want to go, see Chuck before you leave tonight Corresponding with Dave Notaro, issue with Town of Pendleton, noise ordinance being considered, if passed, would shut the club down. Public comment meeting is Monday January 11 at 6:30PM. The Town’s sole goal is to shut the club down in retribution for land sale to National Fuel. Need to support the club. Good and Welfare of the Organization: Three different placed for grants that clubs can apply for to assist in running a youth shooting program. We can apply for a grant for the clubs, combine the clubs and we could write a master if you are not 501c3. Deadline for applications are spring 2016, should start now. If you get a paper Forrest Fisher writes for, an excellent article about mass shootings vs. guns. Very well dealt with, sane logical and good. NY Times conducts opinion polls weekly. Conducted a poll concerning AR bans. First time ever that public opinion opposes “assault weapons” bans. Joe McAdams – look around – membership and participation – same people always. Need new blood. Programs are very successful. Asking for the organization to change the meeting nights from Thursday to Saturdays. Have 4 meetings out of the year, during an event? Fish Committee chair – just wanted the Federation future chair to understand we have 2 events to focus on, not 17. 19 Steve Aldstadt announces that he is on ballot for NRA National BOD. Anyone eligible to vote please vote for Steve! 50/50 Raffle Winner Alden Rod & Gun 20 Additional fishing prizes courtesy of Dave Barus/ Triple S Motion for Adjournment Motion to adjourn – Dave Wharton Meeting adjourned 10:03PM 2nd – Hope Melnyk Thanks to Host Club: Bison City Rod and Gun 20 ERIE COUNTY FEDERATION OF SPORTSMENS CLUBS NOMINATIONS FOR AWARDS FOR 2015 List of Categories: Valerie E. Gonnello Sportswoman of the Year Sportsman of the Year Youth of the Year Club of the Year Volunteer of the Year Public Servant of the Year Public Relations of the Year Dedicated Service Award Lifetime Achievement Award Stanley Spisiak Conservationist Award Name of Candidate Address Contact person if applicable Person’s history and why they should be chosen Greatest Achievement Submitted by: Phone Number: Send to: Frank Miskey Sr. 62 Boll Drive Elma, New York 14059 DEAD LINE 2/1/2015 E-MAIL WILL BE ACCEPTED CANDIDATE CAN ONLY BE NOMINATED FOR ONE AWARD ECFS Correspondence Report, December 2015 – Dave Barus Letters Received: None Received to ECFS, PO Box 560, East Aurora, NY, 14052 Letters Sent: Hi folks! As some of you know, Rose and I are heading south for the winter and, as such, to facilitate no loss of services for ECFS and also for our member clubs (regarding tackle orders for youth events), December 2015, will be my last month as Corresponding Secretary and officer for ECFS, and same for Rose as Treasurer and officer. I will be replaced by Joe McAdam and Rose will be replaced by Debbie Godfrey. This will also be my last month as ECFS Teach‐Me‐To‐Fish program coordinator, as well, I will miss all that unforgettable fun with our local first‐time fishing kids and their first‐time fishing parents! ECFS is looking for a replacement, please pass the word. We will still be around WNY in summer months to do some fishing and volunteer as best we can, and we will still try to be involved with ECFS as much as we can be during that time. Ordering tackle for your events is now up to you individually. My previous sources for huge discount tackle purchase are noted below. Thanks for all of your support of youth educational outreach. Wishing the best to everyone! Pass it on! Dave Barus, Cell: 716‐597‐4081 (please feel free to call anytime) Tackle Buying Info from Dave Barus and Erie County Federation of Sportsmen to our member clubs and related groups for Chautauqua County and Niagara County: 1) For Youth Fishing Events, our Rods and Reels are purchased from three sources: i. Triple‐S Sporting Supplies Distributor, 325 Creekside Dr., Amherst, NY 14228, Our management contact for the winter tackle trade show is Dave Jackson (manager), our sales contact is usually Peter at 716‐691‐3777. The Triple‐S Winter Trade Show will be held January 26 ‐ January 29, 2016, at the Adam’s Mark Hotel, 120 Church St., Buffalo, NY, 14202. The following people have ECFS badges reserved to make purchases (credit card or purchase order): Joe Fischer, Tom Fischer, Chuck Godfrey, George Johnson, Zen Olaw, Gene Pauszek, Mark Arena (NMA). The Super‐Close Out Sale is Wednesday, Jan. 27, 9AM‐530PM, but be there in line at 8AM for best tackle and rod/reel rig values in Close‐Out store sector. Please call me for Account Number if you plan to attend. OR, you can register as your own organization by calling Dave Jackson. I will be out of town for this time period. No shipping fees. ii. Pure Fishing ‐ Youth Program, 7 Science Court, Columbia, SC 29203; contact is Roxanne Coleman, phone 803‐451‐3479 direct, or toll free: 1-800‐334‐9105, X3146; fax: 803‐227‐ 0420; email: [email protected]. Requires TAX EXEMPT status and payment by credit card or purchase order, sign‐up as 501C3 ID and Organization Fed ID number to obtain website access to youth pricing inventory. Website is below and only for confidential access, requires secure password: http://mpf.shakespeare‐fishing.com/youth_program_sign_in; Free shipping with $3,000 order. iii. Zebco Family Fishing Program ‐ visit www.zebcofishing.com to obtain order form, send back to [email protected] or US Mail to: ZEBCO Family Fishing Program, P.O. Box 270, Tulsa, OK, 74101, or call order in with credit card to Ms. Bonnie Dick, 1‐800‐426‐2235. Program features standard rod/reel/tackle packages for about $10 each. Minor shipping charges apply. 2) Future Fisherman Foundation – good supporting youth fishing education information. Visit http://www.futurefisherman.org, informational educational resources, books, partners to raise funding, etc., for info contact Mark Gintert at 580.716.4251 or Keith Sutton, email: [email protected]. Request for funding support for Youth Lifetime LICENSE PROGRAM Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc. Member of NEW YORK STATE CONSERVATION COUNCIL 8/31/15 Jeremy Hurst NYSDEC 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-4754 Mr. Hurst, The Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs is an umbrella group representing nearly 50 hunting, fishing, trapping, and conservation groups, with nearly 10,000 individual members. We are adamantly opposed to the new regulations imposed on deer hunters in WMU’s 9A and 9F. I stopped counting phone calls to me at 40 and emails to me at 50, every one of which was negative toward this change. Even the SAFE Act did not generate this number of complaints in such a short time. In this letter I will not waste the time of either of us by addressing WHY we think these regulations will not work. By reading a stream of emails between sportsmen and Department personnel, including you, we realize you have dismissed that line of reasoning out of hand. Since you have seen fit to implement these regulations, the next year or two should tell us whether or not you were right about this. I will however address the manner in which this decision was carried out and publicized. To start with, it is our belief that this is such a huge change that it should only have been instituted after public hearings on it in each and every affected WMU. I realize that would have been time-consuming and perhaps expensive, but it would have been the right thing to do. This would have lent a transparency to the process that was sadly lacking and just leads to distrust of the Department’s decision making process. I understand that the Department may feel that this process/decision was well-publicized, but it doesn’t matter how many things you list that you did to publicize it. What was publicized, and not all that well, was that it was being considered. I know there was an article in the NY Outdoor News about this. Don’t get me wrong – I love that publication and have been a subscriber to it since the beginning and Steve Piatt does a great job of keeping us informed. However it is a limited distribution publication and does not reach every deer hunter in the State, and that’s who you needed to get the word out to – every deer hunter in the State. If the average deer hunter in this area didn’t know this decision was coming, then the Department did not do a good enough job publicizing it - period. We at this Federation try to stay on top of everything that is affecting us as best we can. The last thing we can remember hearing officially from the Department was from Doug Stang in the spring. To quote an email from you: “After we formally proposed the rule change in May this year, the NY Outdoor News ran an article in which Doug Stang was quoted expressing uncertainty as to whether the changes could be adopted in time for the 2015 seasons given the late start to the rule making process. But his statement was not definitive and clearly we were able to adopt the rule prior to the season.“ At whatever time this decision was made, that decision should have been immediately communicated to the public. I assume the decision must have been made before the proofs for the syllabus were sent to the printer. That was when we should have been notified and clearly this was not done. Having said that, I think that most of our people would agree the deer population in these two WMU’s is probably higher than desired. However, isn’t that a conclusion to be reached by the Citizen Task Force for each WMU? The following statement is from the DEC’s website link about the CTF’s: “In most cases, DEC attempts to convene a task force in each WMU about once every five years. As a result of local circumstances, it may be decided to convene a task force in some WMUs on a slightly different schedule.” The last CTF meeting in 9A was held in 2004, the previous one was in 1994, and I believe the last in 9F was in 2003. This is not even close to “about once every five years.” Twice in 24 years and once in eleven years is also not even close to what anyone I know would consider “a slightly different schedule,” and is completely unacceptable. Whatever goals were set at the most recent CTF meetings can hardly be considered valid after so much time has passed, so what goals for herd population were used? (On a related matter, why are the Citizen Task Forces being considered for elimination? Were we – the deer hunting public - or maybe the NYS Conservation Council consulted on this and made part of the process? Were landowners, drivers, and other interested parties?) This is a statement from the DEC website announcing the changes: “DEC is asking hunters for greater cooperation in meeting the management needs by focusing their hunting effort on antlerless deer during these periods.” There is not a single person I know who would agree that the Department is “asking” for the help of hunters in decreasing the number of antlerless deer in these WMU’s. It is being demanded that if we want to hunt deer there during 24 of the 60 possible days of early archery/ late archery/muzzleloader season, we can only shoot antlerless deer. That is in no way, shape, or form a request. Additionally, I find the next statement, which comes from a DEC source as well: “However, there is a critical need to increase harvest of antlerless deer in these WMUs. The proposed rule does not eliminate buck harvest opportunities but simply changes when it can occur to emphasize the necessity of antlerless harvest.” to be even more egregious. I simply cannot believe that there is anyone at the DEC who can possibly believe this, and we insulted that someone in Albany obviously thinks that the average deer hunter in NY is dumb enough to believe this statement. We had 60 days to harvest bucks in 9A and 9F under the old regulations, and now there are 24 fewer. This is absolutely elimination of the opportunities to harvest a buck in those two WMU’s, and to state otherwise reflects very badly on DEC leadership in Albany and does nothing to foster a feeling of trust in Albany decision-makers from us. I’ve heard speculation, and this is what I personally think may be happening, that the Department knows all too well that this attempt – at least in 9A and 9F – will fail, and that that will encourage the Department to proceed to “phase three” of the deer management plan – implementation of an antlerless only early muzzleloader season. Our Federation is actually in favor of such a season, but we would like to see it happen because people believe it’s the right thing to do, not as a result of the Department’s setting up a program which most of us believe is doomed to failure. On another topic, when the news of implementation of this proposal first broke, the DEC’s website listed WMU 9C as being under the new regulations also. This is huge news, since that WMU has been off limits to deer hunters for as long as most of us can remember. How was such a mistake allowed to happen? Surely someone in Albany should be required to make sure this type of thing doesn’t happen on the Department’s website? Just as surely, someone there noticed it later, since the map was correct the next day. This is such a colossal error that there should have been press releases sent out to every media outlet in the state letting people know the mistake had been made, and that WMU 9C was NOT open to deer hunting. There are many of us in Region 9 who know landowners in 9C who would gladly let us hunt deer on their property with archery equipment, if it were legal. What’s going to happen if a conscientious hunter saw this on the Department’s website, proceeds to get permission to hunt on property in 9C, and harvests a deer? This is a real possibility. There certainly would be no reason for him to go back to the website to check to see if 9C was still listed as an open area several days later, since the presumption of any reasonable person would be that information the Department listed on its website would be correct. Does he get cited by an ECO despite the fact that the Department’s website told him 9C was open? This type of mistake on the Department’s website just can’t possibly be made. The fact that this mistake was made, and then not widely publicized and corrected, is another example of very poor public relations by the Department. We expect better. Sincerely, Chuck Godfrey-President 29 Yvette Dr. Cheektowaga, NY 14227-3415 440-6995 [email protected] PS: Finally, on an unrelated topic, in the last couple of days I’ve received 13 phone calls/emails and counting from people concerned that they have not yet received their lifetime licenses for the 2015-16 season. At least 1 hunting season starts on September 1, which is tomorrow. What are people supposed to do about back tags? There is absolutely no legitimate excuse for this. This is the kind of bureaucratic inefficiency that is just not acceptable. These people bought their licenses in good faith and should have them on time. I checked with a few other people I know who have lifetime licenses, and they told me that they got theirs in mid-August. I have to admit I don’t understand that either. I’ve been told they used to be received in mid-August when the license year began on October 1. Now that the license year starts on September 1, why wouldn’t they now be received in mid-July? I can understand that that may not have been possible last year in the first year of the implementation of the new season structure, but surely that should have been corrected by now. And as long as I’m asking that question, why aren’t the annual licenses and DMU permit applications available on July 10 instead of August 10? And why isn’t the deadline for DMU permits a month earlier than it used to be? Then you would be able to issue surplus DMU permits on October 1 instead of November 1. Since it seems there are always surplus permits available in 9F that might increase the doe harvest there. Cc: Marc Gerstman Abby Snyder Paul McKeown Emilio Rende Dale Dunkelberger Chuck Parker Rich Davenport Lance Robson Will Elliott Dave Barus Bill Hilts, Sr. ECFSC Officers and Directors ECFSC Delegates Brian Krawczyk Larry Becker Ron Barvian Douglas Walk Zen Olow Bill Lindbergh Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc. Member of NEW YORK STATE CONSERVATION COUNCIL Dec. 17, 2015 Ms. Riexinger and Mr. Stang, In this email I have sent you a copy of a letter which I emailed and snail-mailed to Jeremy Hurst on August 31 about the new “antlerless only regulations” for WMU’s 9A and 9F. To date, I have not received any response from him on any of the questions/concerns which we brought up in the letter. We also have not received any official response from any other DEC personnel, although we have had informal conversations with several Region 9 DEC personnel. I wouldn’t really expect those other people to formally respond, since the questions were directed specifically to Mr. Hurst. We really think that when any Federation in the State contacts someone like Mr. Hurst in Albany with such serious concerns, it deserves the courtesy of an answer, whether he thinks it’s one we will agree with or not. I have seen several emails he exchanged with others about this matter in general, which were in response to emails of theirs, but none of those addressed our concerns either. I know that our original letter was discussed at the state level FWMB meeting in September, but the person who did the presentation – a gentleman from Cornell – didn’t address any of our specific issues either. Indeed our representatives at the meeting said that the consensus was reached that our discontent came from being poorly informed because we didn’t do our homework on this issue - that the hunters were at fault for not knowing about it. This gentleman seemed to think that our August letter was criticizing the fact the proposed regulations were implemented. I don’t see how anyone reading that letter could come to that conclusion. I very clearly stated in the letter that our main problem was that once the regulations were adopted, we were not informed in a timely manner. I can’t speak for any other Regions, but the organized sportsmen/women in Erie County were very well informed on this issue. I was also told by a representative of another statewide organization that we shouldn’t be complaining because we took until August 31 to comment on the proposal. I know this person was not a DEC representative, but I take great exception to that criticism. We actually commented with our objection to the proposed regulations on May 25, just six days after they were first announced, and had forwarded your original press release to our membership on the day it was issued. As you’ve read our first letter, you will see that our major complaint is that once the regulations were adopted, we were not informed of that until a press release on August 6th. That is far too late in the planning stages for hunters who are taking vacations, individual days off, etc. to hunt bucks in the first days of the archery season when the deer will have had their patterns least disturbed. A great disservice was done to the hunters in those two WMU’s. Consequently we would like to know on what date the decision to implement the regulations was made. As stated in our original letter, we see no reason why the press release announcing that decision should not have gone out to the general public the next day. Doug, I know that you addressed the issue of how the Department handled this whole process at the NYS Conservation Council meeting. I commend you for that and for what it’s been reported to us that you said, but we still feel Mr. Hurst should have responded to our letter and given specific answers to our specific questions. It has also been suggested to me that once regulations are proposed by the Department – this, by the way, was NOT done by a DEC employee - sportsmen should expect that they are going to be put in place. Believe me, this is not a position that the Department would like to have made public, at least in our area. The sportsmen/women in our Federation, and I assume in many others, do not wish to feel that their input into the regulatory process doesn’t count, which is what that implies. There is already a distrust by many people in this part of the State for Albany in general, although there is generally more respect for the DEC than many other branches of the State government. I must once again emphasize that the statement in the DEC publication that said the DEC was “asking” for cooperation was simply not true. It was being mandated. Also that the statement that this new regulation did “not eliminate buck harvest opportunities but simply changes when it can occur to emphasize the necessity of antlerless harvest” was not only untrue, but insulting to our intelligence. Finally, could we please have answers to our other questions also? Specifically: 1) Why were so many lifetime licenses delivered to people so late? 2) Why hasn’t the timetable for license sales and issuance been moved a month earlier, now that the license year begins a month earlier? 3) What numbers were used for the decision that the deer herd needed to be reduced? Were the Citizen Task Force numbers involved at all? And if they were, was any adjustment made to those numbers, since the CTF’s numbers would have been at least ten years old, and most of us would think that would have invalidated them? 4) Most of us think that the CTF’s were a good idea and would work fine, IF THEY WERE ACTUALLY HELD. Why hasn’t an effort been made to hold them before experimenting with a new system? 5) While the experiment on the proposed replacement program for CTF’s is being conducted, are the other WMU’s in the state going to continue to have/use CTF’s? Or are the CTF’s gone no matter whether the new system works well or not? 6) As to the next step – Phase 3 – of the Deer Management Plan. If an early muzzleloader season is proposed, will there be a much better job done of soliciting public input and subsequently informing the hunting public of the decision, whatever it may be? 7) Why was there no press release stating that the Department’s website had mistakenly listed WMU 9C as open to deer hunting? Sincerely, Chuck Godfrey-President 29 Yvette Dr. Cheektowaga, NY 14227-3415 440-6995 [email protected] Cc: Abby Snyder Paul McKeown Jeremy Hurst Emilio Rende Dale Dunkelberger Chuck Parker Rich Davenport Lance Robson Will Elliott Dave Barus Bill Hilts, Sr. ECFSC Officers and Directors ECFSC Delegates Brian Krawczyk Larry Becker Ron Barvian Dave Kern Douglas Walk Zen Olow Bill Lindbergh MEDIA RELEASE Susan Swiatkowski Director of Marketing The Conference & Event Center Niagara Falls -and- Old Falls Street, USA [email protected] 716.278.2121 For immediate release Salmon School Gives In-‐Depth Training at Greater Niagara Fishing & Outdoor Expo Training Highlights Activities on Jan. 23 at The Conference & Event Center NIAGARA FALLS, NY (Dec. 15, 2015) -‐-‐ The Lake Ontario Trout and Salmon Association (LOTSA) will host its ninth annual Salmon School on Jan. 23, 2016, as part of the annual Greater Niagara Fishing & Outdoor Expo, at The Conference & Event Center Niagara Falls (101 Old Falls St., Niagara Falls, NY). This in-‐depth and educational session is designed to “pick the brains” of some of the best salmon fishermen on the Great Lakes. The Greater Niagara Fishing & Outdoor Expo runs Jan. 22 through 24, 2016. Tickets to the expo are now available at www.NiagaraFishingExpo.com. “This is not for novice anglers,” says Joe Yaeger, LOTSA president. “This is a ‘hard core’ class targeted at the serious fisherman. Preregistration is required for this full-‐day of instruction. It’s a perfect complement to the Greater Niagara Fishing and Outdoor Expo, an event planned with great focus on education. This class usually sells out so register early.” At the top of the list of Salmon School teachers is Capt. Pete Alex of Erie, PA, the skipper aboard Vision Quest. His track record of winning fishing tournaments on Lake Ontario is huge. He won the first weekend of the 2014 Pro-‐Am Salmon Team Tournament out of Niagara and he is also one of the top money winners on the Canadian tournament circuits on the lake. While he fishes out of Wilson every spring, he moves around to compete. As a result, his knowledge about putting together a king salmon program in a short amount of time in a new area is invaluable for anglers that also like to move around or have a limited amount of time to spend on the water. Capt. Pete Lahosky, also from the Keystone State, operates his Prime Time fishing operation out of Oswego in the Eastern Basin of the lake. He, too, is a big name in the tournament circuit and his fishing knowledge of the entire lake is impressive. In addition to being an expert salmon fisherman, he also specializes in light tackle brown trout fishing. The third amigo for this year’s School is Capt. George Freeman of Ludington, Michigan. He brings 32 years of salmon fishing on that Great Lake to the table – all the techniques used to catch those fish under a wide variety of conditions. One of his specialties is the use of cut bait in his king salmon program, a tactic he has been fine-‐tuning for more than 10 years. To find out more information on the Salmon School and how to register, go to www.lotsa.org. The cost is $85 per person, which includes LOTSA membership for 2016, lunch, admission to the Greater Niagara Fishing & Outdoor Expo on Saturday and Sunday, as well as a goody bag of popular trolling baits. For more information on the expo itself, visit www.NiagaraFishingExpo.com “Michael Hay of Lake Luzerne, NY, fished with two friends who attended the Salmon School last year and they were so impressed with the school and the area, they returned to fish the Spring Lake Ontario Counties Trout and Salmon Derby on the Niagara Bar,” said Bill Hilts, outdoor promotions director for the Niagara Tourism & Convention Corporation. “The rest is history when the trio reeled in a $15,000 Grand Prize king salmon, thanks to LOTSA and the Salmon School instructors. They even caught the winning fish on a lure that was handed out for attending the school. Sign up today!” The Conference & Event Center Niagara Falls is owned by USA Niagara Development Corporation (USAN), a subsidiary of Empire State Development. In 2004, USAN developed the $20 million Conference & Event Center, which generates an estimated $13-$19 million in annual direct spending on local hotels, food and beverage and transportation in the region. USAN is solely dedicated to the support and promotion of economic development initiatives in Niagara Falls by leveraging private investment and encouraging growth and renewal of the tourism industry in the City of Niagara Falls. The Conference & Event Center and Old Falls Street, USA, are managed by Spectra by Comcast Spectacor (www.SpectraExperiences.com). ##### 101 Old Falls Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14303 / Tel: (716) 278-2100 / Fax: (716) 278-0008 / www.ccnfny.com