PA Landers of Hanover heard our call for help!


PA Landers of Hanover heard our call for help!
PA Landers of Hanover
heard our call for help!
The Landers family heard that we needed stone to build our castle and they sent
over 88 tons of cut granite to help us build our castle. We had no idea how we
would get the materials to do this .
Our funds go to the children and running our events. There is nothing left to build
with. The people who come out of nowhere who give so much of themselves and
their talents and materials are such a blessing to us. We can’t thank them enough.
They very rarely ask for anything in return and are always there when we need
South Shore Loam and Mulch of Rockland also gave us huge
discounts on the best stone materials to build our castle floor and the mortar and
sand to put it all together.
They have helped us numerous times when asked and never hesitate to say,
“come back if you need more help.”
Paula Doyle and family of Duxbury generously donated the funds to purchase the
bricks for the Great Hall floor. At the time they had heard about what we were doing
and wanted to help. Paula got her Montessori students to have lemonade stands to
help Sir Michael our Sunshine knight with his mission to turn Lemons into Lemonade.
We had no idea how we would get the bricks and she called that same day. We call
that a God Wink from Sir Alison!
Bob Mullen and his crew of masons built a beautiful yin yang shaped design . The
center of the Great Hall floor will be a mosaic of heart shaped rocks from Sir Ricky’s
mission to pave a path of hope around the farm for children with cancer. Below is a
picture of Mark Conroy, brother of Sir Mary, Knight of the First Evening Star. Mark
comes to help at the Magical Moon Farm in memory of his little sister who passed to
the Place Beyond Sadness from a brain tumor three years ago. She was from