
Acting Headteacher: Mr Anthony Sappong
We wish you all a very Happy Easter
from Castle View School Academy Trust
Mr A Sappong – Acting Headteacher, Governors, Staff & Students
Events 2016
24 March
Break up for Easter
at 2.50pm
11 April
Students return to
school at normal time
2 May
May Day
27 May
Break up for Half
6 June
Students return to
school at normal time
Year 11 Football
to our Year 11
Football squad
who beat The
King John School
last week.
They will all
receive a
for this
Well Done!
Careers Week
In line with National Careers Week this year,
students in Years 7-10 had a careers assembly
which was led by outside providers to help them
understand the importance of selling yourself in a
positive manner in job interviews and on CVs and
application forms. Students said it was good to
get views from experts in the fields of business and
recruitment to help them in the future.
The school had also arranged for every Year 10
student to take part in a 30 minute mock interview
process during careers week. An impressive
number of professionals from a variety of business
and recruitment backgrounds kindly gave up their
time to interview the students, who all took the
process very seriously, dressing formally and
completing a lengthy application form beforehand.
Each student was given verbal feedback on the day
regarding: their performance in the interviews,
their application form and personal presentation.
Interviewers said “Castle View Students were
outstanding and will look forward to coming back
next year.”
They couldn’t praise them highly enough.
Student feedback was really pleasing with many
students feeling they really learnt much about
themselves throughout the process; the volunteers
were also very impressed with the way students
promoted themselves and the maturity they
displayed on the day.
Well done to all involved.
Mrs C Ebden-Smith
Parents Evening
Thursday 17 March was the last
parents evening for our current Year
11 students.
A time of reflection and realisation
has now come, with less than 6
weeks until the exam season starts
it was a way of students and
parent/carers to find what needs to
be done before the big event starts.
I wish all Year 11's all the best
for their exams and their
remaining time at Castle View.
Mrs L Hendy
Well done to our
Year 7 & 8 Form
time Numeracy
achievers of this
Mrs Fordham
BRONZE - Year 8
Abbie Mason
Shannon Greenhill
Krystal Trundle
Molli-Leigh Soper
Kian Stacey
emy Tru
ool Acad
iew Sch
Castle V
e of
SILVER - Year 7
Ellis Powell
Joe Athey
Izzy Nicholls
Peace Jubril
Laney Whelan Jessica Lawrence
Paige Lingard
Mia Balmer
Bryony Dalby
Shelby Johnson
Jessica Burgess Molly Claydon
Scarlett Ashdown
William O'Sullivan-Hill
Oliver Spencer-Dixon
GOLD - Year 7
Abi Mara
Stacie Davies
Joe Goyns
Shaun Dabbs
Louie Hall
Callum Rogers
Josephine Hart
Phoebe Holding
William Sharp
Gemma McArthur
Madison Brooks
Jack Rising
Charlie Moore
Callum Liston
Charlie Crimmen
Candice Littlechild
Haydn Acraman
Demi Kelis Patmore
Form M
ement in
ng Achiev ry 2016
For Out
John Townsend Author Visit
We are all looking
forward to another
truly spellbinding
Music Show on
Thursday 28 April
2016 at 7.00pm.
Last year the
audience were
mesmerized by the
array of
outstanding talent
we have at Castle
Students from
Year 7 to Year 11
will be involved so
please support all
of our fantastic
Tickets will soon be
on sale at
Year 7 & 8 were very lucky last week to have a visit from best-selling Author John
Townsend. John has written over 200 books and on this visit he concentrated on fears
and phobias. He has written to the school saying how much he enjoyed his visit and
this is an extract from his online blog:
“Did you know the third week of March each year is National Science Week?
Many schools get extra excited about all things sciency, so it’s always fun to
drop in and tell a few tales to add to the bubbling mix of fascinating science
going on – especially in Essex. For almost ten years I’ve been going back to
Essex for Science Week where there’s more than a whiff of wow science in the
air. Last year they even arranged a solar eclipse! This year I spent a delightful
day on Canvey Island at Castle View School in the Celebration Theatre with
Years 7 and 8, then in the fantastic library (with its very impressive student
librarians). But I also found out about The Canvey Island Monster – a weird
creature that washed up on the beach and got the scientists guessing. Needless
to say, I met no monsters at Castle View – but an enthusiastic bunch of
Accelerated Readers (many of those I spoke to are called Alfie). There was
plenty of interest in arachnids (to say nothing of nervous teachers with
arachnophobia)”. John Townsend
Cross Country for KS2 pupils
On Tuesday 3rd March we hosted the Castle Point and Rochford Cross Country Event for KS2 pupils from Junior and
Primary Schools on Canvey Island. The KS2 pupils had an amazing day and our Student Ambassadors were outstanding.
The top 5 entries of the Design a Bookmark for World Book Day competition are listed
below, the winner will get a £5 book token and a book and the others will get a book in
Achievement Assembly.
Rebecca Rix - Year 7
Jessica Taylor - Year 10
Lani Barks - Year 7
Matthew Krepka-Syrett - Year 8
Thomas Broomfield - Year 8
All the entries were of a very high standard and the winning entries are now available in
the LRC.
Well done to all students that entered.
Pop up Literacy Event
As many of you are aware, Castle View
School is involved in a Literacy program
called Pop-Up which aims to instil a love of
reading and promote Literacy skills to our
Year 7 and 8 students. Each English group
was given a novel, chosen especially for
their reading level, which we have been
reading together as a class. Students were
then given the amazing opportunity to
then meet the author of their novel in
workshops which took place throughout a
These workshops gave our students the
chance to ask the authors questions about
their novel and about being a writer.
Feedback from the workshops was very
positive, with students expressing how
inspired they were to speak to the author
of a novel they had read.
The authors were equally as impressed
with our students and commented on how
well they participated in the sessions.
Well done to everybody involved.
Mrs Sansom
Sport Relief Week - Monday 14 to 18 March
Last week, Castle View's students and staff participated in Sport Relief 2016. During break times the students got
to challenge the staff in a football penalty shoot-out and basketball challenge. The students could pick the staff that
they wanted to challenge with Mr Newman being a popular choice.
On Wednesday lunchtime the students got to watch the Staff Vs Senior basketball/netball teams. The atmosphere
was intense and staff claimed an early victory over the students in the basketball game. However the senior
netball team stepped it up and, due to Mr Mann's poor shooting, the staff lost out narrowly. Wednesday after
school, students participated in the Sport Relief Mile. Students wore fancy dress and some even completed it
three-legged. Mr Savage was the first person to cross the finish line. Well done to all of those who joined in.
On Thursday Lunchtime the Year 7 & 8 students got to battle it out in a dance battle in the celebration hall. There
were some strong contenders, but the final was drawn between Abbie Mason Vs Thomas Broomfield and Kaci
Chelton. They both put in strong performances but the winners were Thomas and Kaci, well done.
Can we say a huge 'Thank you' to all the students and staff that supported last week’s charity events. Every event
was such a great success and both students and staff really enjoyed themselves raising money for a good cause.
A total of £250 has been raised so far
with more sponsors due in!!
Also Congratulations to Mrs Hendy, who
won the staff sweepstake! Well done Castle View.
On Friday lunchtime the students were
extremely excited to see the staff battle it out
in the Lip Sync Battle. All staff put in a great
performance, and the acts ranged from Queen
to Rihanna. The winners were Miss Hobbs and
Mr Stevenson with their performance from
A massive well done to all students and staff
that participated in Sport Relief, what a
fantastic week of events at school.
View More Issue 17 March 2016