BG5339 - Mahidol University


BG5339 - Mahidol University
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553
เลมที่ 39/41
Monte carlo--Simulation methods
Potassium chlorate
196 ถนนพหลโยธิน เขตจตุจักร กรุงเทพมหานคร 10900
โทร 0 2561 2445 ตอ 468 โทรสาร 0 2579 3402
โทร 0 2561 2445 ตอ 478
หองสมุดงานวิจัย สวนหนึ่งของศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย ในสํานักงาน
คณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ เปนศูนยกลางของประเทศในการรวบรวมรายงานวิจัย
และวิทยานิพนธไทย เผยแพรอางอิงในหองสมุดงานวิจัย และสืบคนไดผาน
อินเตอรเน็ต หองสมุดงานวิจัยไดจัดทําบรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ
แบบ eBook เผยแพร เพื่อกระจายการเขาถึงการมีองคความรูงานวิจัยของ
ประเทศ บรรณานุกรมถูกจัดทําตามคําคนทั้งหมด แตละคําคนสื่อถึงแตละองค
ความรูงานวิจัย จัดเรียงคําคนตามลําดับอักษร สืบคนไดงาย ละเอียด รวดเร็ว
เขาถึงการมีขอมูลทั้งหมด สืบคนงานวิจัยไดโดยไมตองติดตอเขาระบบงาน
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 ถูกจัดทําและเผยแพร
ตามรอบปงบประมาณ ครอบคลุมตัวเลมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธที่อางอิงใน
หองสมุดงานวิจัย 210,472 ระเบียน (01 ม.ค. 53) แบงเปนรายงานวิจัย 68,690
ระเบียน และวิทยานิพนธ 141,782 ระเบียน เรียงบรรณานุกรมภายใตคําคน รวม
คําคนทั้งหมด 193,118 ชื่อ จัดทํา eBook ไวแบบ PDF รวมทั้งหมด 28,754
หนา แบงเปน 41 เลม
คําคนทั้งหมดจัดทําจากหัวเรื่อง (subject heading) และคําสําคัญ
(keyword) ถูกแยกออกมารวมเปนเลมดัชนีคําคน การที่ผูสืบคนจะพบรายงาน
วิจัยที่ตองการได หมายถึงตองคิดคําคนสําหรับหนังสือเลมนั้นไดตรงกับที่
บรรณารักษบันทึกไว หองสมุดงานวิจัยไดจัดทํา eBook รวมคําคนทั้งหมดเพื่อ
ชวยในการตรวจเลือกชื่อคําคน แตละคําคนกํากับไวดวยเลขเลมและเลขหนาของ
บรรณานุกรมเลมที่แสดงรายละเอียดบรรณานุกรมของคําคนนั้น หรือนําคําคนไป
สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ ขอขอบคุณหนวยงานวิจัย
หนวยงานวิชาการ และนักวิจัย ที่ไดอนุเคราะหสงรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธมา
เผยแพรในหองสมุดงานวิจัย ทําใหหองสมุดงานวิจัยเปนศูนยกลางอางอิง และ
การจัดทําบรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ นอกจากเปนการ
รวบรวมและเผยแพรการสืบคนองคความรูงานวิจัย ยังรวมและแสดงรายชื่อหนวย
งานวิจัยและนักวิจัย ผูรวมสรางองคความรูงานวิจัยของประเทศ และสถิติงานวิจัย
Download บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553
ตารางบรรณานุกรมเลม แบงดัชนีคําคนตามลําดับอักษร
ก. สุรางคนางค [นามแฝง]
โรงพยาบาลสมเด็จพระปนเกลา. แผนกผูปวยนอก
สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล. คณะเกษตรศาสตร
สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล. คณะเกษตรศาสตร
Antimicrubial susceptibility
Competitiveness [Economics]
Complaints column
Immunoglobulin G
Immunoglobulin M
Monte Carlo techniques
Monte carlo--Simulation methods
Potassium chlorate
Potassium Chlorate
SQL [Computer program language]
Squamous cell carcinoma
แบบจัดพิมพเปนเลม เพื่อการใชงานภายในหองสมุดงานวิจัย
รวบรวมคําคนทั้งหมดของเลมนั้นไวดานหนาของเลม เรียงตามลําดับอักษร เพื่อการตรวจเลือกคําคนไดรวดเร็ว
หมายถึง คําคน
บรรณานุกรมเลมที่ 04
334 ของเลม 04
เรียงคําคนตามลําดับอักษร และรายการบรรณานุกรมของคําคนนั้น
หนาของสวนบรรณานุกรม ระบุหนาดวย คําคนแรก - คําคนสุดทาย ของเลม และเลขหนา
“บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 เลมที่ 04
การฝกอบรม--การบริหาร - การเลือกตั้ง--เชียงใหม [หนา 187]”
หมายถึง เลมที่
คําคนแรกในเลม 04
คําคนสุดทายในเลม 04
หนา (ของเลม 04)
แบบ eBook
แบบจัดพิมพเปนเลม เพื่อการใชงานภายในหองสมุดงานวิจัย
แบงออกเปน 3 ตอน (เลม)
ตอน 1 รวมคําคนในบรรณานุกรมเลม 01 – 19
ก. สุรางคนางค [นามแฝง] - ปอดบวม
ตอน 2 รวมคําคนในบรรณานุกรมเลม 20 – 34
ปอดอักเสบ - ไฮยาลูโรแนน ซินเทส
ตอน 3 รวมคําคนในบรรณานุกรมเลม 34 – 41
A DAY magazine - [N-hydroxymethyl]-2-propylpentamide
แบบ eBook
รวมคําคนทั้งหมดเปนเลมเดียว ประมาณ 1,650 หนา
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-1]
Monte carlo--Simulation methods...39-1
Montessori approaces...39-1
Mooban Bor Maung Noi...39-1
Mooban Huay Nam Pak...39-1
Mood disorders...39-1
Moosodium glutanate...39-2
Moral behavior...39-2
Moral behaviors...39-2
Moral camping...39-2
Moral development...39-2
Moral development--Thailand, Northern...39-2
Moral dilemma...39-2
Moral education...39-2
Moral process...39-2
Moral reasoning...39-2
Moral reasons...39-3
Moral responsibility...39-3
Moral right protection...39-3
Moral rights...39-3
Moral rights [Copyright law]...39-3
Morally sensitive enterprises...39-3
Morbidity differentials...39-3
MORE technique...39-4
Morgan, Morgan and Finney model...39-4
Morinda angustifolia...39-4
Morinda citrifolia...39-4
Morinda tomentosa...39-4
Moringa oleifera...39-4
Moringa oleifera--Analysis...39-4
Moringa Pterygosperma--Analysis...39-4
Morning cafe groups...39-4
Morning stiffness...39-4
Morphologic immunologic...39-5
Morphological isozyme...39-5
Morphological systematics...39-5
Morphology [Animals]...39-7
Morphology [Animals] Blood-vessels...39-7
Morphology [Animals]--Chon Buri...39-7
Morphology [Animals]--Thailand, Southern...39-7
Morphology [Plants]...39-7
Morphometric analysis...39-7
Morphotectonics--Chiang Mai...39-8
Mortality analysis...39-8
Mortality--Buri Ram...39-8
Mortality--Karen [Southeast Asian People]...39-8
Morus alba...39-9
Morus rotunbiloba...39-10
Morus [Plants]...39-10
MOS integrated circuits...39-10
Mos transistor...39-10
MOS-1/JERS-1 [Artificial satellite]...39-10
Mosaic diseases...39-10
MOSFET current conveyor circuit...39-10
Mosquito larvae...39-10
Mosquito repellent...39-11
Mosquito vectors...39-11
Mosquitocidal toxin...39-11
Mosquitoes as carriers of disease...39-11
Mosquitoes as carriers of disease--Biological
Mosquitoes as carriers of disease--Myanmar...39-12
Mosquitoes as carriers of disease--Tak...39-12
Mosquitoes--Biological control--Equipment and
Mosquitoes--Integrated control...39-12
Mosquitoes--Larvae--Environmental aspects...39-13
Mossbauer spectroscopy...39-13
Mother and Child...39-13
Mother and child...39-13
Mother and Child Health Hospital...39-15
Mother and Child Health Hospital--Vientiane...39-15
Mother and child--Bangkok...39-15
Mother and child--Cambodia...39-15
Mother and child--Chiang Mai...39-15
Mother and child--China...39-15
Mother and child--Health and hygiene...39-15
Mother and child--Indonesia...39-15
Mother and child--Laos...39-16
Mother and child--Nakhon Ratchasima--Health and
Mother and child--Nutrition...39-16
Mother and child--Pakistan...39-16
Mother and child--Ratchaburi...39-16
Mother and child--Srakeo...39-16
Mother and daughters...39-16
Mother and infant...39-16
Mother and Infant...39-17
Mother and infant--Home care...39-17
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-2]
Mother and infant--Indonesia...39-17
Mother and infant--Laos...39-17
Mother and infant--Nutrition aspects...39-17
Mother and infant--Ratchaburi...39-17
Mother and sons...39-17
Mother's support...39-17
Mother's working status...39-17
Mother-to-child transmission...39-18
Mothers and child...39-19
Mothers and sons...39-20
Mothers' pensions...39-20
Mothers--Chiang Mai...39-20
Mothers--Health and hygiene...39-20
Mothers--Mental health...39-20
Mothers--Nakhon Pathom...39-21
Mothers--Nakhon Ratchasima...39-21
Mothers--Sing Buri...39-21
Moths--Effect of insecticides on...39-21
Motif detection...39-21
Motile apparatus...39-21
Motion path...39-21
Motion picture...39-21
Motion picture film...39-22
Motion picture industry...39-22
Motion picture literature...39-22
Motion picture music...39-22
Motion picture plays...39-22
Motion picture projectors...39-22
Motion picture theaters...39-22
Motion pictures...39-22
Motion pictures in advertising...39-22
Motion Pictures in advertising...39-22
Motion pictures, American...39-22
Motion pictures, Chinese...39-22
Motion pictures, Ducumentary...39-23
Motion pictures, German...39-23
Motion pictures, Thai...39-23
Motion pictures, Thai--History...39-23
Motion pictures--Songs and music...39-23
Motion tracking...39-23
Motivation factors...39-23
Motivation in education...39-23
Motivation in education--Japan...39-23
Motivation language...39-23
Motivation theory...39-23
Motivation therory...39-23
Motivation [Psychology]...39-24
Motor ability in children...39-24
Motor ability--Testing...39-24
Motor activity...39-24
Motor blockade...39-25
Motor claim database system...39-25
Motor development...39-25
Motor dysfunction...39-25
Motor fitness...39-25
Motor learning...39-25
Motor looper...39-25
Motor neurons...39-25
Motor tricycle...39-25
Motor vechicle industry...39-25
Motor vehicle Accident Victim Act B.E.2535...39-25
Motor vehicle accident victims act...39-25
Motor Vehicle Accident Victims Act B.E.2535...39-25
Motor vehicle electrician...39-26
Motor vehicle industry...39-26
Motor vehicles...39-26
Motor vehicles--Fuel consumption...39-26
Motor vehicles--Models...39-26
Motor vehicles--Seat--Manufactures...39-26
Motor vehicles--Spare parts...39-26
Motorboats drivers...39-26
Motorcycle accidents...39-26
Motorcycle assembly line...39-26
Motorcycle driving...39-26
Motorcycle helmets...39-26
Motorcycle industry...39-26
Motorcycle passengers...39-26
Motorcycle patrol police...39-26
Motorcycle repairing entrepreneur...39-26
Motorcycle riders...39-27
Motorcycle riding...39-27
Motorcycle taxi services...39-27
Motorcycle taxis...39-27
Motorcycles--Wounds and injuries--Bangkok...39-27
Motorcycling accidents--Nakhon Pathom...39-27
Motorways design...39-28
Mouhot, Henri...39-28
Mouhot, Henri--Attitudes...39-28
Moulting hormone...39-28
Moungsamsib Hospital...39-28
Mount Popa [Burma]...39-28
Mountain frog...39-28
Mountain people--Chiang Mai...39-28
Mountain people--Diseases...39-28
Mountain people--Thailand, Northern--Sexual
Mountain plants...39-28
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-3]
Mountain village...39-28
Mountainous area...39-28
Mouse monoclonal antibodies...39-28
Mouse oocytes...39-29
Mouth Care and hygiene...39-29
Mouth mucosa--Prevention and control...39-29
Mouth rinse...39-29
Mouth--Care and hygiene...39-29
Mouth--Care and hygiene--Suphanburi...39-30
Move analysis...39-30
Movement disorders...39-31
Movement time...39-31
Movement [Acting]...39-31
Movement [Acting]--Models...39-31
Movement [Philosophy]...39-31
Movie clip...39-31
Movie database...39-31
Movie handbills...39-31
Movie overview writing...39-31
Movie script translation...39-31
Movie subtitle...39-31
Movies recommending system...39-31
Moving camera...39-32
Moving force...39-32
Moving images...39-32
Moving object...39-32
Moving, Housing...39-32
Mozzarella cheese...39-32
MPEG Audio Layer 3...39-32
MR images...39-32
MRA renal artery...39-32
MRI scanner...39-33
MRI technique...39-33
Mrigadyavan Summer Palace...39-33
MRLC phosphorylation...39-33
mRNA stability...39-33
MRP II...39-33
MRP [Manufacturing]...39-33
MRS medium...39-33
MSRV agar...39-34
MSRV method...39-34
Msss exchanger networks...39-34
Mt DNA...39-34
mt DNA...39-34
MTMM model...39-34
MTT method...39-34
MTT reduction...39-34
Mu Ko Surin National Park...39-34
Mu Koh Chang National Park...39-34
Muang District Public Health Center, Lopburi
Muang Sing Historical Park...39-34
Muay Thai training camp...39-34
Mucin like carcinoma associated antigen...39-35
Mucoadhesive film...39-35
Mucoadhesive forms...39-35
Mucor hicmalis...39-35
Mucor rouxii...39-35
Mucosal adjuvants...39-36
Mucous membrane...39-36
Mucuna collettii...39-36
Mucuna macrocarpa...39-36
Mud crab...39-37
Mud crab--Culture...39-37
Mud invasion...39-37
Mud rock...39-37
Mudskippers--Thailand, Southern...39-37
Mukdahan Special Education School...39-37
Mulation [Biology]...39-37
Mulberry extract...39-38
Mulberry paper enterprises--Chiang Mai...39-38
Mulberry paper industry...39-38
Mulberry root extract...39-38
Mulberry wine...39-38
Mulberry--Diseases and pests...39-38
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-4]
Mullins equation...39-39
Mult-axis hybrid manufacturing systems...39-39
Mult-purpose PV-Window...39-39
Multi layer perceptron...39-39
Multi soil layering system...39-39
Multi-agent system...39-39
Multi-agent systems...39-39
multi-agents model...39-39
Multi-agents system...39-39
Multi-attribute utility theory...39-39
Multi-base blocks laboratory...39-39
Multi-component flows...39-39
Multi-component motivational stages model...39-39
Multi-component white cast iron...39-40
Multi-criteria optimization framework...39-40
Multi-detector computed tomography...39-40
Multi-detector computer tomography...39-40
Multi-detector x-ray computed tomography...39-40
Multi-dimension social interaction training
Multi-electron systems...39-40
Multi-Fibre Arrangement...39-40
Multi-fingered robot hand...39-40
Multi-gene families...39-40
Multi-grid method...39-40
Multi-hop communication...39-40
Multi-input muti-output process...39-40
Multi-layer soil systems...39-40
Multi-layered half-space...39-40
Multi-layered media...39-40
Multi-layered systems...39-40
Multi-level analysis...39-41
Multi-linear constrained maximum capacity...39-41
Multi-lingual HTML...39-41
Multi-lingual HTML Browser...39-41
Multi-modalities sensory stimulation program...39-41
Multi-model line...39-41
Multi-nucleoside resistance...39-41
Multi-objective genetic algorithm...39-41
Multi-objective optimization...39-41
Multi-process communication...39-41
Multi-pulse converters...39-41
Multi-ring structure...39-41
Multi-room ventilation...39-41
Multi-soil-layering system...39-42
Multi-stage foam fractionation column...39-42
Multi-story frame structures...39-42
Multi-valued functions...39-42
Multi-Wavelength optical networks...39-42
Multicaltural education...39-42
Multicarrier code division multiple access
Multicast communication...39-42
Multicast protocols...39-42
Multicast routing...39-42
Multicast routing and wavelength assignment...39-42
Multicast routing protocol...39-42
Multicast switch...39-42
Multicast traffic...39-42
Multichannel analysis...39-42
Multichannel analyzer...39-43
Multiclass classification...39-43
Multicomponent calibration...39-43
Multicomponent distillation...39-43
Multicultural education...39-43
Multidimensional analysis...39-43
Multidimensional database...39-43
Multidimensional expression...39-43
Multidimensional tests...39-43
Multidisciplinary care protocol...39-43
Multidisciplinary care team...39-43
Multidisciplinary team...39-43
Multidrug resistance...39-43
Multidrug resistance associated protein...39-44
Multidrug resistance protein...39-44
Multienzyme complex...39-44
Multienzyme complexes...39-44
Multiflex foot...39-44
Multigrade oil...39-44
Multilateral well...39-44
Multilayer coating...39-44
Multilayer films...39-44
Multilayer oil ststem...39-44
Multilayer percepton...39-44
Multilayered half space...39-44
Multilayered poroelastic medium...39-45
Multilayered semiconductors...39-45
Multileaf collimator...39-45
Multilevel analysis...39-45
Multilevel causal analysis...39-45
Multilevel inverter drives...39-45
Multilevel model...39-45
Multilevel Path Analysis...39-45
Multilevel structural equation model...39-45
Multilingual lexical database...39-45
Multilingual machine translation...39-45
Multimachine assignments...39-45
Multimedia computer-assisted instruction...39-46
Multimedia computer-assisted instruction
Multimedia content analysis...39-46
Multimedia courseware...39-46
Multimedia electronic book...39-46
Multimedia information systems...39-46
Multimedia learning package...39-46
Multimedia learning program...39-47
Multimedia lessons...39-47
Multimedia presentation...39-47
Multimedia program...39-47
Multimedia systems...39-47
Multimodal phenylpropanolamine bonded silica
Multimode Liquid Chromatography...39-47
Multinational corporations...39-47
Multinational enterprises...39-47
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-5]
Multinomial regression analysis...39-48
Multiobjective optimization...39-48
Multipath fading...39-48
Multipath routing...39-48
Multiphase flow...39-48
Multiphase flow correlation...39-48
Multiphase plaster...39-48
Multiple access control...39-48
Multiple accessing devices...39-48
Multiple antigenic peptides...39-48
Multiple attribute decision-making...39-48
Multiple cameras system...39-48
Multiple carboxylase deficiency--Patients...39-48
Multiple Choice Question test...39-48
Multiple classifier systems...39-48
Multiple configuration software...39-49
Multiple cropping--Nepal...39-49
Multiple cropping--Philippines--Economic
Multiple detector-row CT...39-49
Multiple directorships...39-49
Multiple disk diffusion...39-49
Multiple draft tubes...39-49
Multiple group structural equation model...39-49
Multiple instance learning...39-49
Multiple linear regression analysis...39-49
Multiple logistic regression analysis...39-49
Multiple logs analysis system...39-49
Multiple matrix sampling...39-49
Multiple microprocessor system...39-49
Multiple partners...39-49
Multiple pass system...39-49
Multiple products system...39-49
Multiple quantum wells...39-49
Multiple regression...39-50
Multiple regression analysis...39-50
Multiple robots...39-50
Multiple scale perturbation analysis...39-50
Multiple SMTP service system...39-50
Multiple solution...39-50
Multiple weighted chromosome mutation
Multiple-input multiple-output...39-50
Multiplex amplification refractory mutation
Multiplex PCR...39-50
Multiplex polymerase chain reaction...39-50
Multiplex real-time PCR...39-50
Multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain
Multiplex RT-PCR...39-50
Multiplication modules...39-51
Multiplicative functions...39-51
Multiplicative hyperrings...39-51
Multiplicity [Mathematics]...39-51
Multiporphyrin array...39-51
Multiprocessor network...39-51
Multiprocessor system...39-51
Multiproduct pipeline network...39-51
Multipurpose plants...39-51
Multipurpose trees...39-51
Multipurposed digital signal processing board...39-51
Multiregionnal hybridization assay...39-51
Multiresolution analysis...39-51
Multiresolution surfaces...39-51
Multiscale analysis...39-51
Multisensory approach...39-52
Multislice computed tomography...39-52
Multisorbent tube...39-52
Multispectral scanner...39-52
Multistep transformation...39-52
Multistory buildings...39-52
Multisyringe flow injection...39-52
Multivariable cascade control...39-52
Multivariable control...39-52
Multivariable control systems...39-52
Multivariate analysis...39-52
Multivariate quality control...39-53
Multivision sound slides...39-53
Multiwavelet transform...39-53
Multriteria scheduling...39-53
Mun basin...39-53
Mun Bon Irrigation Project...39-53
Mun river...39-53
Mun River [Thailand]...39-53
Munbon irrigation project...39-53
Mung bean...39-53
Mung bean--Cytogenetics...39-54
Mung bean--Diseases and pests...39-54
Mung bean--Diseases and pests--Control...39-54
Mung bean--Economic aspects...39-54
Mung bean--Effect of floods on...39-54
Mung bean--Genetics...39-54
Mung bean--Growth...39-54
Mung bean--Losses--Prevention...39-54
Mung bean--Myanmar--Marketing...39-54
Mung bean--Pruning...39-55
Mung bean--Seeds--Quality...39-55
Mung bean--Seeds--Storage...39-55
Mungbean starch...39-55
Municipal abattoir...39-55
Municipal administration...39-55
Municipal boundaries...39-55
Municipal employees...39-55
Municipal finance--Samut Sakhon...39-55
Municipal government...39-55
Municipal government--Administration...39-55
Municipal government--Administration--Citizen
Municipal government--Khon Kaen...39-56
Municipal government--Personnel management...3956
Municipal government--Rayong...39-56
Municipal government--Saraburi--Administration...3956
Municipal government--Thailand, Northeastern...3956
Municipal health centers...39-56
Municipal pawn shops...39-56
Municipal schools...39-56
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-6]
Municipal solid waste...39-56
Municipal solid waste combustion ash...39-57
Municipal wastewater...39-57
Municipal wastewater treatment...39-57
Municipal water supply...39-57
Municipal water supply--Purification...39-57
Municiple solid waste...39-57
Muntiacus muntjak...39-57
Muntingia calabura...39-57
Mural painting and decoration...39-57
Mural painting and decoration, Thai...39-57
Mural painting and decoration, Thai--Conservation
and restoration...39-57
Murdannia loriformis...39-57
Murdoch integrated approach...39-58
Murine leukemia viruses...39-58
Murine typhus...39-58
Murraya paniculata...39-58
Musa AA Group...39-58
Musa balbisiana...39-58
Musa chiliocarpa...39-58
Musa rosea...39-59
Musa sapientum...39-59
Musa suerier...39-59
Musa superba...39-59
Musale damage...39-59
Musca domestica...39-59
Muscadine grape--Diseases and pest resistance...3959
Muscarinic receptor...39-59
Muscarinic receptors...39-59
Muscle activity...39-60
Muscle contraction...39-60
Muscle cramp--Diet therapy...39-60
Muscle damage...39-60
Muscle edurance--Testing...39-60
Muscle fatigue...39-60
Muscle injury...39-60
Muscle load...39-60
Muscle necrosis...39-60
Muscle protein...39-60
Muscle proteins...39-60
Muscle regeneration...39-60
Muscle relaxant...39-61
Muscle relaxants...39-61
Muscle relaxation...39-61
Muscle relaxation training...39-61
Muscle strength...39-61
Muscle strength--Measurement...39-61
Muscle strength--Testing...39-61
Muscular atrophy...39-63
Muscular dystrophy in children--Genetic aspects...3963
Muscular enzymes...39-63
Muscular fatigue...39-63
Muscular strength...39-63
Muscular vibration...39-63
Musculoskelatal system...39-63
Musculoskeletal discomfort...39-63
Musculoskeletal disorders...39-64
Musculoskeletal system--Diseases...39-64
Musculoskeletal system--Diseases--Physical
Museums--Asia, Southeastern...39-64
Museums--Museum exhibits...39-64
Mushroom culture...39-64
Mushroom, Shiitake...39-64
Mushrooms, Button...39-65
Mushrooms, Edible...39-65
Mushrooms, Shiitake...39-65
Mushrooms--Diseases and pests--Biological
Music and language...39-66
Music education...39-66
Music notation...39-66
Music piracy...39-66
Music programs...39-66
Music tape cassette purchasing...39-66
Music Teachers...39-66
Music teachers--Decision making...39-67
Music therapy...39-67
Music trade...39-67
Music videos...39-67
Music, Khmer...39-67
Music, Thai...39-67
Music--Instruction and study...39-67
Music--Study and teaching...39-67
Musical ability...39-68
Musical chord...39-68
Musical form...39-68
Musical instruments...39-68
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-7]
Musical instruments, Thai--Terminology-Encyclopedias and dictionaries...39-68
Musical performance...39-68
Musicians, Thai...39-68
Musielak-Orlicz functions...39-68
Musielak-Orlicz sequence space...39-68
Musielak-orlicz sequence spaces...39-68
Muskmelon--Diseases and pests...39-69
Muslim children...39-69
Muslim community...39-69
Muslim events...39-69
Muslim leaders...39-69
Muslim students...39-69
Muslim Thai children...39-69
Muslim Thais--Chiang Mai--Attitudes...39-69
Muslim women--Bangkok...39-69
Muslim women--Medical examination...39-69
Muslim women--Pathum Thani...39-69
Muslims--Bangkok--Health and hygiene...39-70
Muslims--Nakhon Nayok--Health and hygiene...39-70
Muslims--Pathum Thani...39-70
Muslims--Thailand, Northern--Societies...39-70
Muslims--Thailand, Southern...39-70
Muslims--Thailand, Southern--Ethnobotany...39-70
Muslims--Thailand, Southern--Social conditions...3970
Muslium women--Chiang Mai...39-70
Mustard green...39-71
Mutagenic agents...39-72
Mutagenic analysis...39-72
Mutagenicity testing...39-72
Mutagenicity testing--Chiang Mai...39-72
Mutation analysis...39-74
Mutation detection...39-74
Mutation [Biology]...39-74
Mutational analysis...39-75
Mutations [Algebra]...39-75
Muttiresidue method...39-75
Mutual dictation techique...39-75
Mutual funds...39-75
Mutual funds--Evaluation...39-75
Mutual goal setting...39-75
Mutual information...39-75
Mutual understanding...39-75
MWW structure...39-75
Myalgia--Physical therapy...39-75
Myanmar chronicle...39-76
Myanmar language...39-76
Myanmar--International trade...39-76
Myanmar--Politics and government...39-76
Myb protein...39-76
Mycobacterial diseases...39-76
Mycobacterium avium...39-77
Mycobacterium avium complex...39-77
Mycobacterium bovis...39-77
Mycobacterium granulomas...39-77
Mycobacterium leprae...39-77
Mycobacterium tubeculosis...39-77
Mycobacterium tuberculosis...39-77
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex...39-79
Mycobacterium tuberculosis--Diagnosis...39-79
Mycobacterium tuberculosis--Differentiation...39-79
Mycophenolate mofetil...39-79
Mycophenolic acid...39-79
Mycoplasma diseases...39-79
Mycoplasma gallisepticum...39-80
Mycoplasma pneumoniae...39-80
Mycoplasma-like organisms...39-80
Mycoplasma-like organisms, Phytopathogenic...39-80
Mycorrhizal fungi...39-80
Mycotoxins--Physiological effect...39-80
Mycteria leucocephala...39-80
Myelocytic leukemia...39-81
Myelogenous leukemia...39-81
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator...39-81
Myocardial imaging...39-81
Myocardial infarction...39-81
Myocardial infarction--Patients...39-81
Myocardial infarction--Therapeutics...39-81
Myocardial infection--Patients...39-82
Myocardial ischemia...39-82
Myocardial revascularization...39-82
Myofascial pain syndromes...39-82
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-8]
Myofibrillar protein...39-82
Myriopteron extensum...39-83
Myristyl myristate...39-83
Myrothecium verrucaria...39-83
MySQL program...39-83
Mystus nemurus...39-83
Mystus wyckioides...39-83
Mytus nemurus...39-83
Myxococcus virescens...39-84
N [2-propylpentanoyl] urea...39-84
N, N'-diacetylchitobiose...39-84
n-3 HUFA...39-84
N-Acetyl B D Glucosaminidase...39-84
N-acetyltransferase 1...39-85
N-extendable graphs...39-85
N-linked glycosylation...39-85
N-lithiated imine reagents...39-85
N-nitroso proline...39-85
N-phthanoyl chitosan-g-mPEG...39-86
N-propyl dihydrojasmonate...39-86
N-protected benzimidazole...39-86
N-trusting organizations...39-86
N-[2-hydroxypropyl] methacrylamide copolymer...3986
N-[2-propylpentanoyl] urea...39-86
N-[2-propylpentanoyl] Urea...39-86
N-[Phenylsulfonylalkyl] carbamates...39-86
N1 gene...39-86
Na Hong Basin...39-86
Na So community...39-86
Na, K-ATPase...39-87
NADPH-cytochrome P-450...39-87
Naegleria fowleri...39-87
Naemorhaedus griseus...39-87
Nafion membrane...39-87
Naga fireballs...39-87
Nahaeo National Park...39-88
Nail enamel...39-88
Nail polish...39-88
Nails and spikes...39-88
Naipaul, V.S...39-.88
Naja kaouthia...39-88
Naja kaouthia venom...39-88
Najanaja kaouthia...39-88
Nakagami fading...39-88
Nakano sequence spaces...39-88
Naked DNA...39-88
Nakhon Luang aquifer...39-89
Nakhon Nayok...39-89
Nakhon Nayok River...39-89
Nakhon Nayok Upper Watershed Development
Nakhon Pathom...39-89
Nakhon Pathom Hospital...39-90
Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University--Students-Attitude...39-90
Nakhon Pathom studies...39-90
Nakhon Pathom--Population...39-90
Nakhon Pathom--Population--Attitudes...39-90
Nakhon Phanom...39-90
Nakhon Ratchasima...39-90
Nakhon Ratchasima--Economic conditions...39-90
Nakhon Ratchasima--Population...39-90
Nakhon Ratchasima--Population--Economic
Nakhon Ratchasima--Population--Nutrition...39-90
Nakhon Ratchasima--Population--Social
Nakhon Sawan...39-90
Nakhon Sawan--Population...39-91
Nakhon Si Thammarat...39-91
Nakhonnayok Technical College--Students--Training
Nakhonpathom Hospital--Admission and
Nakhonpathom police station...39-91
Nakkeaw prasumen...39-91
Nakon Nayok River--Environmental aspects...39-91
Nakornchaisi Hospital--Quality control...39-91
Nakornthon Hospital...39-91
Nalidixic acid...39-91
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-9]
Nam Dok Mai Mango...39-92
Nam Dok Mai Si Thong...39-92
Nam Dok Mai Tawai Mango...39-92
Nam Duk Formation...39-92
Nam Et-Phou Loey National Biodiversity Conservation
Nam Nao National Park...39-92
Nam Nao National Park--Environmental aspects...3992
Nam Ngum 1 Hydro Power Plant...39-92
Nam Oon Dam...39-92
Nam Pan forest...39-92
Nam Phong Basin...39-92
Nam Pla...39-92
Nam Pong...39-92
Nam Pong Irrigation Improvement Project...39-92
Nam Pong Irrigation Project...39-92
Nam Pong soil series...39-93
Nam Theun 2 substation...39-93
Nam Tok Pliew National Park...39-93
Nam Wa Kom...39-93
Nam Yao sub-watershed...39-93
Nam-oon Irrigation project...39-93
Name ID...39-93
Name service...39-93
Names, Geographical--Phitsanulok...39-93
Namibia--Race relations...39-93
Naming ability...39-93
Naming in Thai...39-93
Naming system...39-93
Naming the film...39-93
Namjang cave...39-93
Nan Hospital...39-94
Nan language...39-94
Nan River [Thailand]...39-94
Nang Klangwan Mango...39-94
Nang Rong...39-94
Nano composite...39-94
Nano crystal...39-94
Nano fibers...39-94
Nano filtration membrane...39-94
Nano particles...39-94
Nano-alumina powder...39-94
Nano-titanium dioxide...39-94
Nanocomposite film...39-95
Nanocomposite films...39-95
Nanocrystalline dimond...39-96
Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite...39-96
Nanocrystalline materials...39-96
Nanocrystallization magnetic properties...39-96
Nanogold thin films...39-96
Nanoporous carbon...39-98
Nanoporous catalysts...39-98
Nanoscale zerovalent iron...39-98
Nanostructure materials...39-98
Nanostructured catalysts...39-98
Nanostructured lipid carriers...39-99
Nanostructured materials...39-99
Nanostructured materials--Synthesis...39-99
Naphthalene acetic acid...39-99
Naphthalene toxicity...39-99
Naphthoquinone esters...39-100
Napier grass...39-100
Narathiwat--Population--Citizen participation...39-100
Narathiwatratchanakarin Hospital...39-100
Narcissus [Plants]--Nutrition...39-101
Narcotic addicts...39-101
Narcotic addicts rehabilitation...39-101
Narcotic addicts--Bangkok...39-101
Narcotic addicts--Rehabilitation--Evaluation...39-101
Narcotic addicts--Therapeutics...39-101
Narcotic discussion in workplace projects...39-101
Narcotic drug...39-101
Narcotic drug problem...39-102
Narcotic exhibit seized...39-102
Narcotic habit...39-102
Narcotic habit--Nakhon Pathom...39-102
Narcotic laws enforcement officer...39-102
Narcotic problems...39-102
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-10]
Narcotics and crimes...39-103
Narcotics and youth...39-103
Narcotics and youth--Bangkok...39-103
Narcotics case...39-103
Narcotics control program...39-104
Narcotics drug...39-104
Narcotics problems--Citizen participation...39-104
Narcotics, Control...39-104
Narcotics, Control of...39-104
Narcotics, Control of--Bangkok...39-104
Narcotics--Lop Buri...39-104
Narcotics--Prevention--Citizen participation...39-104
Narcotics--Samut Prakan...39-104
Naresuan Univerity--Students...39-104
Naresuan University--Students...39-104
Naresuan University. Field of Study English-Curricula...39-105
Naresuan University. Field of Study English-Students...39-105
Narita Air Regional Office...39-105
Narong Metal Work Co...39-.105
Narration [Rhetoric]...39-105
Narration, roman...39-105
Narrative art [Art movement]...39-105
Narrative pattern written...39-105
Narrative song...39-105
Narrow-leaved cattail...39-105
Narrow-leaved cattails...39-106
Nasal cavity--Cancer...39-106
Nasal cell culture...39-106
Nasal Cytology...39-106
Nasal fossa--Cancer...39-106
Nasal Polyposis...39-106
Nasal spray...39-106
Nasal strips...39-106
Nasalis larvatus...39-106
Naso-gastric tube feeding...39-106
Nasogastric tube...39-106
Nasopharyngeal airway...39-106
Nasopharyngeal cancer...39-106
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma...39-106
Nata de coco...39-107
Nata Production--Manufactures...39-107
Nathalie sarraute...39-107
Nation Junior...39-107
Nation Junior Interactive Radio Programme...39-107
Nation Junior Magazine...39-107
National artist...39-107
National Cancer Institute...39-107
National Carrier of Thailand...39-107
National characteristics, Nigerian...39-107
National characteristics, Thai...39-107
National characteristis...39-107
National development...39-108
National Economic and Social Advisory Council...39108
National Education Act of B.E.2542 [1999]...39-108
National Education ACT of BE. 2542...39-108
National Education Act, B.E.2542...39-108
National Educational Reform Policy...39-108
National essential drug list...39-108
National Family Planning Program...39-108
National forest reserves...39-108
National Gallery...39-108
National health expenditure...39-108
National Health Insurance...39-108
National health insurance program...39-108
National health insurance scheme project...39-108
National Health Recommendation Project...39-109
National Health Security Act, B.E.2545...39-109
National health security scheme project...39-109
National Housing Authority...39-109
National Housing--Employees...39-109
National Human Rights Commission...39-109
National identity...39-109
National income...39-109
National innovation system...39-109
National Institute of Development Administration-Students...39-109
National Institute of Education...39-109
National integration...39-109
National Museum of Thailand...39-109
National Occupation Skills Standards...39-109
National park management...39-110
National parks and reserves...39-110
National parks and reserves--Administration...39-110
National parks and reserves--Chiang Mai...39-110
National parks and reserves--Law and
National Police Bureau...39-110
National reserved forest rehabilitation...39-110
National resources--Management...39-110
National Science Centre for Education in
National Science Week...39-110
National Securities Company...39-110
National security...39-110
National security--Law and legislation...39-110
National skill standard--Testing--Decisionmaking...39-110
National sports development...39-110
National state...39-110
National Statistical Office...39-111
National strategy...39-111
National surveillance...39-111
National transport...39-111
Nationality of ship...39-111
Nationality [Citizenship]...39-111
Native chickens...39-111
Native chickens--Culture...39-111
Native chickens--Food...39-111
Native chickens--Khon Kaen...39-112
Native chickens--Reproduction...39-112
Native chickens--Thailand, Northeastern...39-112
Native language...39-112
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-11]
Native pines...39-112
Native plants...39-112
Native plants web database system...39-112
Native speakers...39-112
Native starch industry...39-112
Natritional promotion program...39-112
Natrual foods...39-112
Natural adsorbent...39-112
Natural adsorbents...39-112
Natural attenuation...39-112
Natural bacterial inhibitors...39-113
Natural brine pumping...39-113
Natural childbirth...39-113
Natural circulation...39-113
Natural colors...39-113
Natural colours...39-113
Natural compounds...39-113
Natural convection dryer...39-113
Natural crisis...39-113
Natural dimond...39-113
Natural dyes...39-113
Natural enemies...39-113
Natural enemy complex...39-113
Natural environment...39-113
Natural fiber...39-114
Natural fibers...39-114
Natural filtration material...39-114
Natural food...39-114
Natural food resources...39-114
Natural foods...39-114
Natural forest...39-114
Natural gas...39-114
Natural gas fields...39-115
Natural gas industry...39-115
Natural gas liquids...39-115
Natural gas pipelines...39-115
Natural gas pipelines--Design and construction...39115
Natural gas reserves...39-115
Natural gas vehicles...39-115
Natural gas--Economic aspects...39-115
Natural gas--Utilization...39-115
Natural gasoline...39-115
Natural hazard...39-115
Natural heritage...39-115
Natural image matting...39-115
Natural immunity...39-115
Natural killer cells...39-116
Natural language...39-116
Natural language processing...39-116
Natural language processing [Computer
Natural light...39-116
Natural materials...39-116
Natural numbers...39-116
Natural organic matter...39-116
Natural oscillation...39-117
Natural parameters...39-117
Natural pesticides...39-117
Natural phenomena...39-117
Natural polymers...39-117
Natural products...39-117
Natural quartz...39-117
Natural resource change...39-117
Natural resource management...39-117
Natural resource management areas...39-117
Natural resource management areas--Chiang
Natural resource management areas--Udon
Natural resources...39-117
Natural resources management...39-118
Natural resources, Communal--Citizen
Natural resources--ASEAN...39-118
Natural resources--Cambodia--Management...39-118
Natural resources--Chanthaburi--Management...39118
Natural resources--Chiang Mai--Management...39118
Natural resources--Environmental aspects...39-118
Natural resources--Environmental aspects-Information services...39-118
Natural resources--Kanchanaburi...39-118
Natural resources--Law and legislation...39-118
Natural resources--Malaysia--Management...39-118
Natural resources--Management...39-118
Natural resources--Management--Planning...39-118
Natural resources--Thailand, Northern...39-118
Natural rubber...39-118
Natural rubber blends...39-123
Natural rubber databases system...39-123
Natural rubber latex...39-123
Natural rubber membrane...39-123
Natural rubber tatex...39-123
Natural rubber--Databases...39-123
Natural selection...39-123
Natural shell...39-123
Natural soil systems...39-123
Natural sweeteners...39-123
Natural ventilation...39-123
Natural-draft stack...39-124
Naturalization requirements...39-124
Nature interpretation...39-124
Nature interpretive--Handbooks, manuals, etc...39.124
Nature journals...39-124
Nature study--Phuket--Handbooks, manuals,
Nature--Study and teaching--Handbooks, manual,
Nauclea cadamba...39-124
Nauclea cordifolia...39-124
Nausea and viomiting...39-124
Nausitora dunlopei...39-124
Naval officers...39-124
Navel orange...39-124
Navier-stokes equations...39-125
Navier-Stokes equations...39-125
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-12]
Navigational tools...39-125
NC code...39-125
NC simulation...39-125
Nd-YAG lasers...39-125
Nd:YAG laser...39-125
Near infrared spectroscopy...39-126
Near-wellbore damage modeling...39-126
Near-zero shrinkage...39-126
Nearest neigbour algorithm...39-126
Nearest neighbor algorithm...39-126
Nearest neighbor analysis [Statistics]...39-126
Nearest neighbor rule...39-126
Nearly codeless miner...39-126
Necessity to maintain the system...39-126
Neck cancer...39-126
Neck pain...39-126
Neck pain--Patients...39-126
Neck pain--Physical therapy...39-127
Nectarivorous bat...39-127
Nederlandse bedrijven...39-128
Need assessment...39-128
Need factor...39-128
Need of care...39-128
Need salience...39-128
Need [Psychology]...39-128
Needle biopsy...39-128
Needs analysis...39-128
Needs assessment...39-128
Neem extract...39-130
Neem extracts...39-130
Neem flower extracts...39-130
Neem oil...39-130
Negative charge polymer...39-131
Negotiatuon sexual power...39-131
Neighbouring countries...39-131
Neisseria gonorrhoeae...39-131
Neisseria gonorrhoeae--Diagnosis...39-131
Neisseria gonorrhoeae--Effect of antimicrobial
Nelumba nucilera...39-132
Nelumbo nucifera...39-132
Nematode diseases of plants...39-132
Nemipterus hexodon...39-132
NEO personality inventory...39-132
Neo-humanism philosophy...39-132
Neochetina bruchi...39-133
Neochetina eichhorniae...39-133
Neodymium-YAG lasers...39-133
Neodymium-yag lasers...39-133
Neomycin phosphotransferase...39-133
Neonatal death...39-133
Neonatal hearing screening...39-133
Neonatal infections...39-133
Neonatal intensive care...39-133
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit...39-133
Neonatal intensive care unit...39-134
Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis...39-134
Neonatal patients...39-134
Neonatal respiration monitor...39-134
Neonatal screening program...39-134
Neonatal sepsis--Diagnosis...39-134
Neonatal tetanus--Prevention and control...39-134
Neonate transferred...39-134
Neopentyl glycol...39-134
Neoprene adhesive...39-134
Neoprene rubber...39-134
Neospora caninum...39-134
Nepa mantis shrimp...39-135
NEPA standard...39-135
Nepal--Economic conditions...39-135
Nepal--Manufacturing processes...39-135
Nepenthes thorelii...39-136
Nephelium lappaceum...39-136
Nephelium lappaceum--Preservation...39-136
Nephelium melliferum...39-136
Nephotettix virescens...39-136
Nephrectomized rats...39-136
Nephrolepis cordifolia...39-136
Nephromopsinic acid...39-136
Nephrotic syndrome...39-136
Nephrotic syndrome in children...39-136
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-13]
Nephrotic syndrome in children--China...39-136
Neptunia oleracealour...39-137
Nerium indicum...39-137
Nerosurgical patients...39-137
Nerve fibers...39-137
Nerve ganglia...39-137
Nerve injury...39-137
Nerve regeneration...39-137
Nerves, Cranial...39-137
Nerves, Peripheral...39-137
Nerves, Peripheral--Diseases--Diagnosis...39-137
Nervous system...39-137
Nervous system,...39-138
Nervous system--Blood-vessels...39-138
Nervous system--Degeneration...39-138
Nervous system--Diseases--Patients...39-138
Nervous system--Surgery--Patients...39-138
Nested PCR...39-138
Net present value...39-138
Net radiation...39-138
NETS method...39-138
Netscape Browser...39-138
Netware 5.1...39-138
Network analysis...39-138
Network analysis [Planning]...39-139
Network backbone design...39-139
Network based intrussion detection system...39-139
Network computers...39-139
Network design...39-139
Network devices management program...39-139
Network drive...39-139
Network equipment maintenance...39-139
Network file system [Computer network
Network for industrial Environment
Network interface card...39-139
Network interface subsystem...39-139
Network links...39-139
Network management...39-139
Network Management Center...39-140
Network on chip...39-140
Network security...39-140
Network system...39-140
Network system of electrical consumption
Network system--Prevention and control...39-140
Network systems...39-140
Network technology...39-140
Network theory...39-140
Network Traffic...39-140
Neumann algebras...39-140
Neural coding...39-140
Neural computers...39-141
Neural crest...39-141
Neural fuzzy networks...39-141
Neural network...39-141
Neural network model...39-141
Neural network [Computer science]...39-141
Neural network [Neurobiology]...39-141
Neural networks...39-141
Neural networks [computer science]...39-141
Neural networks [Computer science]...39-141
Neural networks [Computer Science]...39-143
Neural networks [Computer]...39-143
Neural networks [Neurobiology]...39-143
Neural stimulation...39-143
Neural transmission...39-143
Neural tube defects...39-143
Neuro-dynamic programming...39-144
Neuro-fuzzy control...39-144
Neuro-genetic optimizer...39-144
Neuro-surgical Intensive Care Unit--Cost...39-144
Neurodegenerative disorders...39-144
Neuroendocrine organs...39-144
Neurofuzzy system...39-144
Neurohumoral control...39-144
Neurolinguistic programming...39-144
Neurologic examination...39-144
Neurological patients...39-144
Neuromuscular block agents...39-144
Neuromuscular function...39-145
Neuromuscular junction...39-145
Neuronal adaptation...39-145
Neuronal cell...39-145
Neuronal cell--Death...39-145
Neuronal circuitry...39-145
Neuronal survival...39-145
Neuropathic pain...39-145
Neuropeptide Y...39-145
Neuropsychological tests...39-146
Neurosurgical patients...39-146
Neurotoxic agents...39-146
Neurotransmitter receptors...39-146
Neurotransmitter transporter...39-146
Neuton monitor...39-147
Neutral cytoplasmic phosphatase...39-147
Neutral lipids...39-147
Neutralization assay...39-147
Neutralizing antibodies...39-147
Neutralizing antibody...39-147
Neutralizing epitopes...39-147
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-14]
Neutrino-nucleon scattering...39-147
Neutron activation...39-147
Neutron activation analysis...39-147
Neutron capture...39-147
Neutron collimator...39-148
Neutron imaging scope...39-148
Neutron scattering...39-148
Neutron techniques...39-148
Neutropenic fever...39-148
Neutropenic patients...39-148
Nevanlinna, R...39-.149
Nevirapine interaction...39-149
New Albany Shale...39-149
New antenatal care...39-149
New borrowing...39-149
New chromo...39-149
New cities--Asia...39-149
New encoding scheme...39-149
New entrance...39-149
New expressway projects--Evaluation...39-150
New information center...39-150
New Jersey...39-150
New product development...39-150
New product development process...39-150
New products...39-150
New residential place...39-150
New social order policy...39-150
New system fo university entrance examination...39150
New theory...39-150
New ventures...39-150
New warehouse project...39-151
New York Institute of Technology...39-151
Newborn infants...39-151
Newborn pig...39-151
Newcastle discases virus...39-151
Newcastle disease...39-151
Newcastle disease virus...39-151
Newly formed mudflat...39-151
Newly industrializing countries...39-151
News clipping...39-152
News photo...39-152
News production process...39-152
News sources...39-152
News systems...39-152
Newspaper reading...39-152
Newspapers--Sections, columns, etc.--Editorials...39153
Newton method...39-153
Newton's function...39-153
Newton's law...39-153
Newton-Raphson method...39-153
Nezara viridula...39-153
NGOs [International agencies]...39-153
NH4 NO3...39-154
NH4 [H2 PO4]...39-154
Nham fermentation...39-154
Nhong Hoi Development Center, Chiang Mai...39-154
Nhue river...39-154
Ni-Base superalloys...39-154
Ni/Al2O3 catalysts...39-154
Niacin--Therapeutic use--Testing...39-154
Niche [Ecology]...39-155
Nickel adsorbent...39-156
Nickel aluminate...39-156
Nickel catalysts...39-156
Nickel cobalt alloy...39-156
Nickel compounds...39-156
Nickel over alumina catalyst...39-156
Nickel over aluminum catalyst...39-156
Nickel oxide...39-156
Nickel plating...39-157
Nickel reagents...39-157
Nickel titanium alloy wire...39-157
Nickel-alumian alloys...39-157
Nickel-dolomite catalysts...39-157
Nickel-titanium alloys...39-157
Nickel-titanium alloys--Dynamic testing...39-157
Nickel-titanium arch wire...39-157
Nickel-titanium wires...39-157
Nickel/alumina catalysts...39-157
Nicking activities...39-157
Nicking endonuclease...39-158
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia...39-158
Nicotiana tabacum...39-158
Nicotine--Therapeutic use...39-158
Nicotinic acid...39-158
Nicotinic acid amide...39-158
Nicotinic ligands...39-159
Nicotinyl amide...39-159
Nicotinyl amide--Derivatives--Synthesis...39-159
NIDDM [Diabetes]...39-159
Nidhi Eoseewong--Attitude...39-159
Nielsen family--Grown...39-159
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-15]
Night bazaar...39-159
Night bezaar...39-159
Nikel and palledium leadframe...39-159
Nikom Rayawa...39-160
Nilaparvata lugens...39-160
Nile tilapa...39-160
Nile tilapia...39-160
Nile tilapia--Effect of triphenyltin hydroxide on...39161
Nile tilapia--Eggs...39-161
Nile Tilapia--Food...39-161
Nile tilapia--Reproduction...39-161
Niloparvata lugens...39-161
Nimbic acid...39-161
Nimbolide acid...39-161
Nine-square training...39-161
Nineteenth century...39-161
Niobium oxide...39-162
Nipaecocus viridis...39-162
Nipah virus...39-162
Nipple pain...39-162
Nitrate compound...39-163
Nitrate compounds...39-163
Nitrate reductase...39-163
Nitrate removal...39-163
Nitrate uptake...39-163
Nitrates--Physiological effect...39-164
Nitrative stress...39-164
Nitric oxide...39-164
Nitric oxide synthase...39-166
Nitric oxides...39-166
Nitric-oxide synthase...39-166
Nitridation process...39-167
Nitrifying activated sludge...39-167
Nitrifying bacteria...39-167
Nitrilc oxide...39-167
Nitrile rubber...39-167
Nitrite rubber...39-167
Nitrogen compounds...39-171
Nitrogen cycle...39-171
Nitrogen dioxide...39-171
Nitrogen dioxide test kit...39-171
Nitrogen fertilizers...39-171
Nitrogen fertilizers--Chiang Mai...39-172
Nitrogen fertilizers--Control...39-172
Nitrogen fertilizers--Vietnam...39-172
Nitrogen fixation...39-172
Nitrogen fixation genes...39-172
Nitrogen heterocycles...39-172
Nitrogen impurity...39-172
Nitrogen in agriculture...39-172
Nitrogen in agriculture--Vietnam...39-172
Nitrogen mass...39-172
Nitrogen monooxide...39-172
Nitrogen monoxide...39-173
Nitrogen oxides...39-173
Nitrogen rato...39-173
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria...39-174
Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms...39-174
Nitrogen-fixing plants...39-174
Nitrogenous compounds...39-174
Nitrosated products...39-174
Nitroso compounds...39-174
Nitrous oxide...39-175
NK cells...39-175
NMR imaging systems...39-175
NMR titration...39-175
No confidence debates...39-176
No smoking tobacco...39-176
No-confidence debate...39-176
No-tillage cultivation...39-176
Nociceptin receptor...39-176
Noctiluca scintillans...39-176
Noctiluca scintillants...39-176
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-16]
Nocturnal emissions...39-176
Nocturnally subperiodic...39-177
Nocturnallyt periodic wuchereria bancrofti...39-177
Nodax Copolymer...39-177
Nodulation genes...39-177
Noether's theorem...39-177
Noh plays...39-177
Noise control...39-177
Noise hazard...39-177
Noise induced hearing loss...39-177
Noise level...39-177
Noise pollution...39-177
Noise pollution--Control...39-178
Noise processing...39-178
Noise protection equipment...39-178
Noise reduction...39-178
Noise removal...39-178
Noise-induced hearing loss...39-178
Nom Sao...39-178
Nom-human primates...39-178
Nominal group technique...39-179
Nominal rate of protection...39-179
Nomography [Mathematics]...39-179
Nomuraea rileyi...39-179
Non essential drugs...39-179
Non essentical drugs...39-179
Non nucleotide analog reverse transcriptase
Non resorbable...39-179
Non viable cells...39-179
Non-accelerating inflation rate unemployment...39179
Non-acoustic factors...39-179
Non-binding constraints...39-179
Non-biodegradable organic contaminants...39-180
Non-carbonated soft drinks...39-180
Non-commissioned officers...39-180
Non-commissioned patrol officers...39-180
Non-commissioned police...39-180
Non-commissioned Police Officer--Bangkok...39-180
Non-commissioned police officers...39-180
Non-commutive geometry...39-180
Non-conventional media...39-180
Non-decimal bases...39-180
Non-destructive analysis...39-180
Non-destructive testing...39-180
Non-destructive testing systems...39-180
Non-enzymatic browning...39-180
Non-Euclidean space...39-180
Non-follower force...39-180
Non-formal education...39-181
Non-formal education students...39-181
Non-formal education--Bangkok...39-181
Non-formal education--Chon Buri...39-181
Non-formal education--Khon Kaen...39-181
Non-formal education--Maha Sarakham...39-181
Non-formal education--Nonthaburi...39-181
Non-formal education--Sukhothai...39-181
Non-formal education--Thailand, Eastern...39-182
Non-gaussian distribution...39-182
Non-gaussian fading model...39-182
Non-governmental organizations...39-182
Non-governmental organizations--Thailand,
Non-Halal food producer...39-183
Non-HIV patients...39-183
Non-hodgkin's lymphoma...39-183
Non-hodgkin's lymphoma patients...39-183
Non-homology based method...39-183
Non-homomorphic compression...39-183
Non-insulin-depedent diabetes...39-183
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes...39-183
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus...39-184
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes--Patients...39-184
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes--Patients-Nutrition...39-184
Non-integer bases...39-184
Non-lairy imitation beverage...39-185
Non-life insurance broker...39-185
Non-linear equations...39-185
Non-linear equivalent capacity functions...39-185
Non-linear grid tool path optimization...39-185
Non-linear problems...39-185
Non-linear static method...39-185
Non-literal translation...39-185
Non-meat proteins...39-185
Non-mitoghondrial carboxylase...39-185
Non-native english speaking...39-185
Non-Neuronal cells...39-185
Non-newtonian fluids...39-186
Non-OSHA's guideline designed workstation...39-186
Non-oxidative conversion...39-186
Non-oxidative methane coupling...39-186
Non-parametric statistics...39-186
Non-performing loans...39-186
Non-ploar solvent...39-186
Non-price competitions...39-186
Non-primary key attribute...39-186
Non-reactive mercury...39-186
Non-smoking campaigns...39-186
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents...39-186
Non-surgical periodontal therapy...39-186
Non-surgical periodontal treatment...39-186
Non-target microarthropods...39-186
Non-timber forest products...39-186
Non-traded goods...39-187
Non-transferrin bound iron...39-187
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria...39-187
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-17]
Non-use value assessment...39-187
Non-vascular plants...39-187
Non-wood forest products...39-187
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis...39-187
Nonbook materials...39-187
Noncommissioned officers...39-187
Noncommutative space-time...39-187
Nonconforming behaviors...39-187
Nondestructive fruit inspection...39-187
Nonequilibrium growth models...39-187
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics...39-187
Nonexpansive mapping...39-187
Nonexpansive mappings...39-187
Nonexpansive non-self mappings...39-188
Nonexpansive nonself-mappings...39-188
Nonezymatic browning...39-188
Nong Khai...39-188
Nong Khai--Population...39-188
Nong Sanuan village...39-188
Nong Tao village...39-188
Nong Teng-Chakkarat...39-188
Nong Yao Oilfields...39-188
Nongmuangkai Agricultural Cooperative...39-188
Nonionic surfactant...39-188
Nonisotopic gene detection...39-188
Nonlinear analysis...39-189
Nonlinear boundary value problems...39-189
Nonlinear coefficient...39-189
Nonlinear control theory...39-189
Nonlinear damping...39-189
Nonlinear diffential equations...39-189
Nonlinear differential equations...39-189
Nonlinear dynamic...39-189
Nonlinear dynamic method...39-189
Nonlinear equations...39-189
Nonlinear equations of evolution...39-189
Nonlinear functional analysis...39-189
Nonlinear model...39-189
Nonlinear operators...39-189
Nonlinear optics...39-189
Nonlinear optimization prablems...39-189
Nonlinear partial differential equation...39-189
Nonlinear prediction...39-189
Nonlinear programming...39-189
Nonlinear regression...39-190
Nonlinear regression analysis...39-190
Nonlinear response...39-190
Nonlinear separable programming...39-190
Nonlinear sigma model...39-190
Nonlinear source...39-190
Nonlinear static analysis...39-190
Nonlinear static anlysis...39-190
Nonlinear systems...39-190
Nonlinear theories...39-190
Nonlinear triangular systems...39-190
Nonlinear viscoelasticity...39-190
Nonlinear water waves...39-190
Nonlinear waves...39-190
Nonocrystalline titanias...39-190
Nonogold probe...39-190
Nonparameter estimation...39-191
Nonparametric estimotion...39-191
Nonparametric maximum likelihood...39-191
Nonphagocytic cells...39-191
Nonprinted materials services...39-191
Nonprofit organizations...39-191
Nonprofit organizations--Nakhon Pathom...39-191
Nonresponse problem...39-191
Nonribosomal peptide...39-191
Nonribosomal peptied synthetase...39-191
Nonstandard analysis...39-191
Nonstandard mathematical analysis...39-191
Nonstandard method...39-191
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents...39-191
Nonstructural protein...39-192
Nonthaburi Public Housing Project...39-192
Nonthaburi School for the Deaf...39-192
Nonthaburi--Population--Health and hygiene...39-192
Nonthavej hospital. Diabetic Clinic...39-192
Nontraumatic hemorrhagic stroke...39-192
Nontrivial statistical models...39-192
Nontuberculous mycobacterium...39-192
Nonuniform traffic...39-193
Nonverbal communication...39-193
Nonverbal communication on television...39-193
Nonwoven fabrics...39-193
Noodle products...39-193
Noodles factory...39-193
Noodles--Shelf-life dating...39-193
Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital...39-193
Nopparatrajathanee Hospital--Admission and
Norbisabolane glycoside...39-194
Nork design...39-194
Normal approximation...39-194
Normal children...39-194
Normal distribution...39-195
Normal saline...39-195
Normal spaces...39-195
Normal subskewmodules...39-195
Normal value...39-195
Normal values [Medicine]...39-195
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-18]
North Dakota public school...39-195
Northeast of Thailand...39-195
Northeastern Thai inscriptions...39-195
Northeastern Thailand...39-195
Northeastern Thailand Archaeological Project...39195
Northern Agriculture and Forestry College...39-195
Northern Bangkok Teachers' Council Group...39-195
Northern Khmer...39-195
Northern refined products pipeline project...39-196
Northern Region Industrial Estate--Environmental
Northern Thai language...39-196
Northern Thailand...39-196
Northern Women...39-196
Norway fish flour...39-196
Nosal polyps...39-196
Nosocomial infections...39-196
Nosocomial infections--Databases...39-197
Nosocomial infections--Prevention...39-197
Nosocomial urinary tract infection...39-197
Nostoc paludosum...39-197
Notch receptor...39-197
Notch signaling...39-197
Nothing Hill...39-197
Notopterus blanci...39-197
Notopterus chitala...39-197
Notopterus notopterus...39-197
Noun phrase...39-197
Novel oxalate method...39-197
Novel printing process...39-197
Novice auditors...39-198
Novozyme 435...39-198
NR-NBR blends...39-198
Ns2b protein...39-198
NS2B protein...39-198
NS2B-NS3 protease...39-198
NS3 protease activity...39-198
NS3 protein...39-198
Ns3 protein...39-198
NSAIDs [Pharmacology]...39-199
NSO myeloma cells...39-199
Ntric oxide...39-199
NU-Trim OB...39-199
Nuan noi grass...39-199
Nucellus tissue...39-199
Nucellus tissue culture...39-199
Nuchal arch...39-199
Nuclear accident...39-199
Nuclear activation analysis...39-199
Nuclear energy...39-199
Nuclear grade...39-199
Nuclear interaction...39-199
Nuclear magnetic resonance...39-199
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy...39-200
Nuclear magnetic resonance, Pulsed...39-200
Nuclear medicine...39-200
Nuclear modifier...39-200
Nuclear polyhedrosis virus...39-200
Nuclear power plants...39-200
Nuclear power plants--Refueling...39-200
Nuclear reactors...39-200
Nuclear reactors--Design and construction...39-201
Nuclear receptors...39-201
Nuclear research reactor...39-201
Nuclear ribosomal RNA genes...39-201
Nuclear spectroscopy...39-201
Nuclear spin...39-201
Nuclear techniques...39-201
Nuclear technology...39-201
Nuclear tracking chemicaletching...39-201
Nuclear transfer...39-201
Nucleic acid hybridization...39-201
Nucleic acid probes...39-202
Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification...39-202
Nucleic acids...39-202
Nucleic acids--Synthesis...39-202
Nucleon and antinucleon annihilation...39-202
Nucleophilic reactions...39-202
Nucleoside analog mutations...39-202
Nucleoside diphosphate kinase...39-203
Nucleotide excision repair...39-203
Nucleotide sequence...39-203
Nucleus accumbens...39-204
Nucleus Estate Smallholder project...39-204
Nuisance standard...39-204
Num wa fiber...39-205
Number model...39-205
Number of children everborn...39-205
Number [Grammar]...39-205
Numbers, Natural...39-205
Numbers, Real...39-205
Numeric rating discomfort scale...39-205
Numerical analysis...39-205
Numerical analysis--Acceleration of
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-19]
Numerical calculations...39-206
Numerical controllability...39-206
Numerical design...39-206
Numerical eco-load total standard...39-206
Numerical inference ability...39-206
Numerical integration...39-206
Numerical method...39-206
Numerical methods...39-206
Numerical model...39-206
Numerical prediction...39-206
Numerical recognition...39-206
Numerical simulation...39-207
Numerical solution...39-207
Numerical taxonomy...39-207
Numerical techniques...39-207
Numerical weather forecasting...39-207
Numerical weather prediction...39-207
Nurse administration skill...39-207
Nurse administrators...39-208
Nurse and patient...39-208
Nurse and patient--China...39-208
Nurse and patient--Chon Buri...39-208
Nurse and physician...39-208
Nurse caring behaviors...39-208
Nurse directors...39-208
Nurse managers...39-208
Nurse practitioners...39-208
Nurse scheduling...39-208
Nurse supervisors...39-208
Nurse-assistant students...39-209
Nurse-client relationship...39-209
Nurse-patient relations...39-209
Nurses performance...39-211
Nurses--Ang Thong...39-211
Nurses--Bangkok--Job satisfaction...39-212
Nurses--Bhutan--Job satisfaction...39-212
Nurses--China--Job satisfaction...39-212
Nurses--China--Mental health...39-212
Nurses--In-service training...39-213
Nurses--Indonesia--Job satisfaction...39-213
Nurses--Job satisfaction...39-213
Nurses--Job stress...39-213
Nurses--Khon Kaen--Job satisfaction...39-213
Nurses--Mental health...39-213
Nurses--Nepal--Job satisfaction...39-213
Nurses--Nong Khai...39-213
Nurses--Phitsanulok--Job satisfaction...39-214
Nurses--Rayong--Health and hygiene...39-214
Nurses--Supply and demand...39-214
Nurses--Surat Thani...39-214
Nurses--Thailand, Northern...39-214
Nurses--Training of...39-214
Nursing administration...39-217
Nursing and Midwifery Professional Act
Nursing audit...39-217
Nursing care...39-217
Nursing care during labour and delivery...39-217
Nursing Care Quality Management System...39-217
Nursing career...39-217
Nursing college...39-217
Nursing college administrators...39-217
Nursing colleges...39-217
Nursing colleges--Management...39-218
Nursing diagnosis...39-218
Nursing documentation...39-218
Nursing education...39-218
Nursing graduates...39-218
Nursing homes...39-218
Nursing human resources...39-218
Nursing indicators...39-218
Nursing information...39-218
Nursing information system...39-218
Nursing institutes...39-218
Nursing instructors...39-218
Nursing intervention...39-219
Nursing management...39-219
Nursing management minimal data set...39-219
Nursing midwife students--Laos--Attitudes...39-219
Nursing outcomes classification...39-219
Nursing personel...39-219
Nursing personnel...39-219
Nursing practice...39-219
Nursing practice guidelines...39-219
Nursing predictive model...39-219
Nursing process...39-219
Nursing profession...39-220
Nursing professional...39-220
Nursing quality assurance...39-220
Nursing record forms...39-220
Nursing records...39-220
Nursing records--Databases...39-220
Nursing research...39-220
Nursing schools...39-220
Nursing schools--Admission...39-220
Nursing Science--Curricula...39-220
Nursing services...39-220
Nursing services--Administration...39-221
Nursing services--Costs...39-221
Nursing services--Planning...39-221
Nursing standards...39-221
Nursing students...39-221
Nursing students--America...39-222
Nursing students--Attitudes...39-222
Nursing students--Bangkok...39-222
Nursing students--Chiang Mai...39-222
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-20]
Nursing students--China...39-223
Nursing students--Health and hygiene...39-223
Nursing students--Nakhon Ratchasima...39-223
Nursing students--Nepal...39-223
Nursing students--Nepal--Attitudes...39-223
Nursing students--Surin...39-223
Nursing supervisors...39-223
Nursing team...39-223
Nursing therapeutics...39-223
Nursing units...39-223
Nursing--Ability testing...39-223
Nursing--Chiang Mai...39-223
Nursing--Computer-assisted instruction...39-224
Nursing--Social aspects...39-224
Nursing--Study and teaching...39-224
Nursing-sensitive quality indicators...39-224
Nusselt number...39-224
Nutrient balance...39-225
Nutrient budgets...39-225
Nutrient composition...39-225
Nutrient cycles...39-225
Nutrient elements...39-225
Nutrient intake...39-225
Nutrient requirements...39-225
Nutrients derived...39-225
Nutrients loss...39-226
Nutrion labelling...39-226
Nutrition and dental health...39-227
Nutrition counseling...39-227
Nutrition counseling program...39-227
Nutrition counseling--Suphan Buri...39-227
Nutrition disorders...39-228
Nutrition disorders in children...39-228
Nutrition health promotion...39-228
Nutrition intervention...39-228
Nutrition labeling...39-228
Nutrition policy...39-228
Nutrition policy--Rwanda...39-228
Nutrition promotion...39-228
Nutrition promotion activities...39-228
Nutrition surveys...39-228
Nutrition Training program...39-228
Nutrition--Chiang Mai...39-228
Nutrition--Chiang Mai--Evaluation...39-228
Nutrition--Immunological aspects...39-229
Nutrition--Psychological aspects...39-229
Nutrition--Thailand, Northeastern...39-229
Nutrition--Thailand, Northern...39-230
Nutrition--Thailand, Northern--Requirements...39-230
Nutrition--Ubon Ratchathani...39-230
Nutritional anemia...39-230
Nutritional behaviors...39-230
Nutritional education...39-230
Nutritional knowledge...39-230
Nutritional problems...39-230
Nutritional promoting behavior...39-230
Nutritional promoting group program...39-230
Nutritional promoting program...39-230
Nutritional promotion training...39-230
Nutritional quality...39-230
Nutritional status...39-230
Nutritional status masurement...39-231
Nutritional status measurement...39-231
Nutritional training program...39-231
Nutritionally induced diseases...39-231
Nutritive value...39-231
Nutritive values...39-231
Nutural gradient...39-231
Nutural rubber...39-231
Ny1on6 blends...39-231
Nyah Kur language--Phonetics...39-232
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis...39-232
Nycticion mycticora...39-232
Nyen language--Phonetics...39-232
Nylon 6...39-232
Nylon 6 reactor...39-232
Nylon fibers...39-232
OA [Disease]...39-232
Oats--Diseases and pests...39-232
Ob-Luang Gneiss rocks...39-232
Obese persons...39-233
Obesity in adolescence...39-234
Obesity in children...39-234
Obesity in children--Bangkok...39-234
Obesity in children--Prevention and control...39-234
Obesity--Diet therapy...39-234
Obesity--Drug therapy...39-234
Obesity--Nakhon Pathom...39-234
Object color...39-235
Object indentification...39-235
Object modeling technique...39-235
Object oriented technology...39-235
Object query...39-235
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-21]
Object recognition...39-235
Object shape recognition...39-235
Object tracking...39-235
Object-oriented data model...39-235
Object-oriented databases...39-235
Object-oriented design...39-235
Object-oriented methods [Computer science]...39236
Object-oriented methods [Computer Science]...39236
Object-oriented paradigm...39-236
Object-oriented programming [Computer
Object-oriented software...39-236
Object-oriented software requirements
Object-oriented software--Maintenance and
Object-oriented system development...39-236
Object-oriented technology...39-236
Objective analysis...39-236
Objective Function...39-236
Oblique magnetic field confiquration...39-236
Obscene media...39-236
Observation and Protection Center...39-237
Observation robot...39-237
Observation room...39-237
Observational learning...39-237
Obstetrical emergencies--Vietnam...39-237
Obstetrics gynaecoligy...39-237
Obstracles effect...39-237
Obstructive sleep apnea...39-237
occam 3 [Computer program language]...39-237
Occam inversion...39-237
Occlusal splints...39-237
Occlusion [Dentistry]...39-238
Occlusion [Dentistry]--Thailand, Northern...39-238
Occupation selection...39-238
Occupational accidents...39-238
Occupational asthma...39-238
Occupational development...39-238
Occupational diseases...39-238
Occupational diseases--Prevention...39-238
Occupational exposure...39-238
Occupational group development project...39-238
Occupational group--Chiang Mai...39-238
Occupational groups...39-238
Occupational health and safety...39-239
Occupational health nursing...39-239
Occupational health services...39-239
Occupational hygiene...39-239
Occupational injuries...39-239
Occupational medicine physician...39-239
Occupational minority...39-239
Occupational mobility...39-239
Occupational promoting policy...39-239
occupational purposes...39-239
Occupational safety...39-239
Occupational safety and health...39-239
Occupational stress...39-239
Occupational training...39-240
Occupational training--Phitsanulok...39-240
Occupations--Thailand, Northern...39-241
Ocean colour algorithms...39-241
Ocean currents...39-241
Ocean currents--Climatic factors...39-241
Ocean currents--Forecasting...39-241
Ocean currents--Mathematical model...39-241
Ocean-atmosphere interaction...39-241
Oceanographic buoys...39-241
Oceanograpic characteristics...39-241
Ochna integerrima...39-241
Ochra integerrima...39-241
Ocimum basilicum...39-242
Ocimum canum...39-242
Ocimum canum--Seeds...39-242
Ocimum sanctum...39-242
Octane number...39-242
Octane sulfonic acid...39-242
Octopamine receptor...39-243
Octyl methoxycinnamate...39-243
Ocular toxicology...39-243
Oder-reducing substances...39-243
Odontogenic keratocyst...39-243
Odontoglossum ringspot virus...39-243
Odontotermes feae...39-244
Odor intensity...39-244
Odorant concentration...39-244
Odorous substances...39-244
Oestrous cycle...39-244
Oeuvre romanesque...39-244
Of mice and men...39-244
Off-farm activity...39-244
Off-farm income...39-244
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-22]
Off-line handwriting...39-244
Off-road passenger vehicle...39-244
Offenses against property...39-245
Offenses against the person...39-245
Office buildings...39-245
Office buildings--Laos--Energy conservation...39-245
Office of Accelerated Rural Development...39-245
Office of Central Rubber Market...39-245
Office of Foreign Workers Administration...39-245
Office of Professor Emeritus Dr.Natth
Office of the Board of Investment...39-245
Office of the Civil Service Commission of Thai
Office of the Ombudsman...39-245
Office of the Royal Thai Police...39-245
Office women--Bangkok...39-246
Office workers...39-246
Official Information Act 1997...39-246
Official Information ACT, 1997...39-246
Official Information Act, B.E.2540...39-246
Officials of the Electricity Generating Authority of
Offset ink...39-246
Offset printing...39-246
Offset-printing houses...39-246
Offshore structures...39-246
Og4C3 ELISA...39-246
Ogang laut...39-246
OH masers...39-246
Ohmic contacts...39-247
Ohmic heating...39-247
Oil agglomeration...39-247
Oil analysis...39-247
Oil and fats, Edible...39-247
Oil crops...39-247
Oil fields--Chiang Mai--Surveys...39-247
Oil in water...39-247
Oil industries--Environmental aspects...39-247
Oil industries--Production control...39-247
Oil palm...39-248
Oil palm ash...39-248
Oil palm fibers...39-248
Oil palm meal...39-248
Oil palm--Buri Rum--Planting...39-248
Oil palm--Investments...39-248
Oil palm--Krabi--By-products...39-248
Oil palm--Krabi--Classification...39-248
Oil palm--Malaysia...39-248
Oil products...39-248
Oil pump shaft...39-248
Oil refineries...39-248
Oil Refinery Company...39-248
Oil resistance...39-248
Oil sorbent...39-248
Oil spills...39-249
Oil tankers...39-249
Oil transportation...39-249
Oil well drilling rigs...39-249
Oil wells--Thailand, Northern...39-249
Oil-degrading bacteria...39-249
Oil-immersed distribution transformer...39-249
Oil-immersed transformer...39-249
Oil-soluble vitamins...39-249
Oil-water separation...39-249
Oils and fats...39-249
Oils and fats--Prices...39-250
Oils and fats--Strategic aspects...39-250
Oilseed plants...39-250
Oilseed plants--Thailand, Northeastern...39-250
Oilseed products...39-250
Oilseed products--Ohio...39-250
Oilseeds--Ohio--Economic aspects...39-251
Oily sludge...39-251
Oily waste sludge...39-251
Oily wastewater...39-251
Oka varicella vaccine...39-251
Okra--Diseases and pests--Control...39-251
Olax scandens...39-251
Old age...39-251
Old age homes...39-251
Old age pension system...39-252
Old age--Bangkok...39-252
Old city...39-252
Old-Age Pension Fund for Private Sector...39-252
Old-age social security system...39-252
Older adults...39-252
Older patients...39-252
Older patients--Care...39-252
Older people--Health and hygiene--Care...39-252
Older people--Kanchanaburi--Care...39-252
Older people--Surat Thani--Care...39-252
Older people--Vietnam...39-252
Older persons...39-252
Older prisoners...39-252
older women--Vietnam--Sexual behavior...39-252
Olefin metathesis...39-253
Olefin polymerization...39-253
Oleic acid...39-253
Olfactory perception...39-253
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-23]
Olive oil...39-254
Omega-3 fatty acids...39-255
Omkai Wildlife Sanctuary...39-255
Omphisa fuscidentalis...39-255
Ompok bimaculatus...39-255
On screen display...39-255
On the springboard...39-255
On the Springboard...39-255
On-farm diagnosis...39-255
On-hand inventory...39-255
On-line analytical processing...39-255
On-line approximator...39-256
On-line barrier system...39-256
On-line optimal control...39-256
On-line system...39-256
On-line transaction processing...39-256
On-lined filtration...39-256
On-lone analytical processing...39-256
Onchocerca volvulus...39-256
Oncohynchus mykiss...39-256
Oncomelania quadrasi...39-256
Oncorhynchus mykiss...39-256
Oncosperma Tigillarium...39-257
One cycle control...39-257
One dimensional plasma...39-257
One tambon one product...39-257
One Tambon One Product...39-257
One Tambon One Product enterprises...39-257
One Tambon One Product food products-Purchasing...39-257
One Tambon One Product products...39-257
One Tambon One Product Project...39-257
One tambon one product--Government policy...39257
One tambon one product--Marketing...39-257
One Tambon One Product--Pattani...39-257
One time password...39-258
One-Dimensional white noise model...39-258
One-man bridge operation...39-258
One-on-one conferencing...39-258
One-sided multivariate test...39-258
One-Step RT Real-Time PCR...39-258
One-time password...39-258
ONI0M method...39-258
ONIOM method...39-258
Onion chicken soup...39-258
Online activities...39-258
Online analytical processing...39-258
Online analytical processing system...39-259
Online arithmetic...39-259
Online bibliographic searchings...39-259
Online bidding...39-259
Online chat groups...39-259
Online commercial transactions...39-259
Online database...39-259
Online databases...39-259
Online discussion...39-259
Online english learning...39-259
Online English learning...39-259
Online English placement testing system...39-259
Online information retrieval...39-259
Online inventory management...39-259
Online learning...39-259
Online newspapers...39-259
Online project...39-259
Online public access catalog...39-260
Online purchase...39-260
Online registration system...39-260
Online shopping...39-260
Online social communication...39-260
Online writer recognition...39-260
Only children...39-260
ONTOM method...39-260
Oocyte maturation...39-261
Oolong tea...39-261
Opaque problem...39-261
Open boundary...39-261
Open channel flow...39-261
Open clusters...39-261
Open database connectivity...39-261
Open economy...39-261
Open heart surgery...39-261
Open learning system...39-261
Open reading frame...39-261
Open source software...39-261
Open space development...39-262
Open spaces...39-262
Open university...39-262
Open wound dressing...39-262
Open-angle glaucoma...39-262
Open-heart surgery...39-262
Open-heart surgery patients...39-262
Operant conditioning Theory...39-262
Operating cost...39-262
Operating efficiency...39-262
Operating room...39-262
Operating rooms...39-262
Operating systems [Computers]...39-263
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-24]
Operation control application...39-263
Operation control information system...39-263
Operation executive...39-263
Operation nurses...39-263
Operation parameters...39-263
Operational control factors...39-263
Operational goal system...39-263
Operational planning...39-263
Operational transconductance amplifien...39-263
Operational transconductance amplifier...39-263
Operations research...39-264
Operative pain...39-264
Operator theory...39-264
Ophicephalus striatus...39-264
Ophiocephalus striatus...39-264
Ophiomyia phaseoli...39-264
Ophiophagus hannah...39-264
Ophiorrhiza alata...39-264
Ophiusa janata...39-265
Ophthalmic drugs...39-265
Ophthalmic solutions...39-265
Opical signal...39-265
Opimal control...39-265
Opinion analysis...39-268
Opinion articles...39-268
Opinion leader...39-268
Opioid receptors...39-268
Opioids Receptors...39-269
Opisthorchia viverrini...39-269
Opisthorchis viverrine...39-270
Opisthorchis viverrini...39-270
Opisthorchis viverrini--Infection...39-271
Opium poppy...39-271
Opium poppy--Analysis...39-271
Opium trade--Burma...39-271
Opposed flow method...39-272
Oprx gene...39-272
Opti system...39-272
Optic disc topography...39-272
Optic lobes--Anatomy...39-272
Optic lobes--Penaeus monodon...39-272
Optic nerve...39-272
Optical absorption...39-272
Optical activity...39-272
Optical amplifiers...39-272
Optical beam steering devices...39-272
Optical biosensor...39-272
Optical brighteners...39-272
Optical characters recognition...39-272
Optical coherence tomography...39-272
Optical communications...39-272
Optical contact...39-273
Optical equipment for satellite image
Optical fiber communication...39-273
Optical fiber current sensors...39-273
Optical fiber line interface circuits...39-273
Optical fiber transmission system...39-273
Optical fibers...39-273
Optical instruments--Design and construction...39273
Optical path length...39-273
Optical phase...39-273
Optical phase conjugation systems...39-273
Optical radiology...39-274
Optical sensor...39-274
Optical signals...39-274
Optical switching...39-274
Optical tracking...39-274
Optical transmission...39-274
Optical transmission system...39-274
Optical tweezers...39-274
Optical Uetwork...39-274
Optical wireless communication systems...39-274
Optically active...39-274
Optimal capacity...39-274
Optimal control...39-274
Optimal currency areas...39-274
Optimal experimental design...39-274
Optimal planning method...39-274
Optimal policies...39-274
Optimal power flow...39-275
Optimal routing...39-275
Optimal sampling schedule...39-275
Optimal temperature control...39-275
Optimization method...39-275
Optimization techniques...39-275
Optimization [Mathematics]...39-275
Optimum combining systems...39-275
Optimum currency areas...39-275
Optimum reserve level evaluation...39-275
Optimum solution...39-276
Option value...39-276
Option [Finance]...39-276
Oracle form 6...39-276
Oral cancer...39-276
Oral candidosis...39-276
Oral care...39-277
Oral care services...39-277
Oral cavity...39-277
Oral cephalexin...39-277
Oral communication...39-277
Oral contraception...39-278
Oral contraceptive use...39-278
Oral contraceptives...39-278
Oral contraceptives, Male...39-278
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-25]
Oral contraceptives--Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya...39278
Oral diseases...39-278
Oral English communication...39-278
Oral epithelial cells...39-278
Oral examinations--Phuket...39-278
Oral flora...39-278
Oral fluid...39-278
Oral glucose minimal model...39-278
Oral health...39-278
Oral health behaviors...39-279
Oral health behaviour...39-279
Oral health care...39-279
Oral health delivery system...39-279
Oral health promotion...39-279
Oral health promotion program...39-279
Oral health service...39-279
Oral health services...39-279
Oral health status...39-279
Oral history...39-279
Oral hygiene...39-279
Oral hygiene promotion...39-280
Oral ibuprofen...39-280
Oral inflammatory diseases...39-280
Oral leukoplakia...39-280
Oral lichen planus...39-280
Oral lichenoid lesions...39-280
Oral literature...39-280
Oral malodor...39-280
Oral manifestations of general diseases...39-280
Oral medicine--Laos...39-281
Oral microflora...39-281
Oral mucosa...39-281
Oral mucosal cell...39-281
Oral mucosal lesion...39-281
Oral mucositis...39-281
Oral pathogen...39-281
Oral poliovirus vaccine...39-281
Oral presentation skills...39-281
Oral reading miscues...39-281
Oral rehydration salt...39-281
Oral rehydration solution...39-281
Oral rehydration therapy...39-281
Oral rehydration therapy for children...39-281
Oral rehydration therapy--Srisaket...39-282
Oral squamous cell...39-282
Oral squamous cell carcinoma...39-282
Oral Squamous cell carcinoma...39-282
Oral surgery...39-282
Oral task presentations...39-282
Oral thrush...39-282
oral ulcer healing...39-282
Orange jasmine leaves...39-282
Orange juice...39-282
Orange juices--Preservation--Quality...39-282
Orange plantation expansion...39-282
Orbital apertures...39-283
Orcaella brevirostris...39-283
Orchard plantation...39-283
Orchard prunning machine...39-283
Orchid export...39-283
Orchid farms...39-283
Orchids--Diseases and pests...39-283
Orchids--Orchid culture...39-284
Orchids--Postharvest technology--Diseases and
Order to delivery...39-284
Order tracking...39-284
Order-preserving transformation semigroups...39-284
Ordered structure...39-284
Ordered subset expectation maximization...39-284
Orders transcription...39-284
Ordinary class...39-284
Ordinary crime prevention...39-284
Ordinary shower...39-284
Ordination [Buddhism]...39-285
Ordnance Department...39-285
Ore deposits--Loei...39-285
Oream's the general theory of nursing...39-285
Oreochromis aureus...39-285
Oreochromis mossambicus...39-285
Oreochromis niloticus...39-285
Oreochromis niloticus--Generative organs...39-286
Oreochromis nilsticus...39-286
ORF76 gene...39-286
Organ donation...39-286
Organ dose...39-286
Organ equivalent dose...39-286
Organi ligands...39-286
Organic acids...39-286
Organic additives...39-287
Organic aerosols...39-287
Organic amendments...39-287
Organic anion...39-287
Organic anion transporter...39-287
Organic anion transporters...39-287
Organic anion transporting polypeptide...39-287
Organic cation transporter...39-288
Organic chemical wastes...39-288
Organic chemicals...39-288
Organic composting...39-288
Organic compounds...39-288
Organic Compounds...39-288
Organic compounds--Absorption and adsorption...39288
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-26]
Organic compounds--Analysis...39-289
Organic compounds--Biodegradation...39-289
Organic compounds--Synthesis...39-289
Organic dust...39-289
Organic dyes...39-289
Organic enrichment...39-289
Organic farming...39-289
Organic fertilizer...39-289
Organic fertilizers...39-289
Organic hybrid...39-289
Organic hydroperoxide...39-289
Organic hydroperoxide resistance...39-290
Organic hydroperoxides...39-290
Organic ligands...39-290
Organic light emitting devices...39-290
Organic manures...39-290
Organic matter...39-290
Organic matter in soil...39-290
Organic matter soil...39-290
Organic molecular markers...39-290
Organic molecules...39-290
Organic pasture...39-291
Organic pigments...39-291
Organic soil...39-291
Organic soils...39-291
Organic solute transporters...39-291
Organic solvents...39-291
Organic substances...39-291
Organic synthesis...39-292
Organic volatile...39-292
Organic waste...39-292
Organic wastes...39-292
Organic wastes as soil amendments...39-292
Organic wastes--Degradation...39-292
Organic water pollutants...39-292
Organics molecues...39-292
Organization climate...39-293
Organization commitment...39-293
Organization development...39-293
Organization effectiveness...39-293
Organization effectiveness evaluation...39-293
Organization of securitization management...39-293
Organization Royalty...39-293
Organization structure...39-294
Organizational behavior...39-294
Organizational capabilities...39-294
Organizational change...39-294
Organizational citizenship behavior...39-294
Organizational climate...39-294
Organizational Climate...39-295
Organizational clinate...39-295
Organizational commitment...39-295
Organizational conmitment...39-296
Organizational culture...39-296
Organizational development...39-296
Organizational effectiveness...39-296
Organizational environment...39-296
Organizational forms...39-296
Organizational image...39-296
Organizational learning...39-297
Organizational management model...39-297
Organizational performance...39-297
Organizational structure...39-297
Organizational values...39-297
Organized crime...39-297
Organochlorine compounds...39-298
Organochlorine pesticide...39-298
Organochlorine pesticides...39-298
Organochlorine pesticides residues...39-298
Organocobalt reagents...39-298
Organolithiation reaction...39-298
Organolithium compounds...39-299
Organolithium reagents...39-299
Organomercury compounds...39-299
Organometallic chemistry...39-299
Organometallic compounds...39-299
Organometallic compounds--Oxidation...39-299
Organometallic compounds--Removal...39-299
Organometallic reagents...39-299
Organophilic clay...39-299
Organophosphate compounds...39-299
Organophosphate hydrolase...39-300
Organophosphate insecticides...39-300
Organophosphorus compounds...39-300
Organophosphorus compounds--Analysis...39-300
Organophosphorus hydrolase...39-300
Organophosphorus sensors...39-300
Organosilicate glass...39-301
Organosilicon compounds...39-301
Organosulphur compounds...39-301
Organosulphur compounds--Analysis...39-301
Organotin compounds...39-301
Orgnizational climate...39-301
Orientably balanced graph...39-301
Oriental fruit fly...39-301
Oriental fruit fly--Genetics...39-302
Oriental pear...39-302
Oriental persimmon...39-302
Oriental region...39-302
Oriental slicing melon...39-302
Orientation and mobility...39-302
Orientation program...39-302
Orientia tsutsugamushi...39-302
Origin and destination traffic...39-302
Origin and destination traffic surveys--Bangkok...39302
Original antigenic sin...39-302
Orlicz direct sums space...39-302
Orlicz sequence spaces...39-302
Orlicz spaces...39-302
Orlistat, Wight loss...39-302
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-27]
Ornamental birds...39-303
Ornamental fishes--Disease...39-303
Ornamental fishes--Phuket...39-303
Ornaments [Jewelry]...39-303
Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale...39-303
Ornithogalum saundersiae...39-303
Orobanche ramosa...39-303
Oroendotracheal tube...39-303
Orotate phosphoribosyl transferase...39-303
Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase...39-303
Orotidylate decarboxylase...39-303
Orphans--Chiang Mai...39-304
Orseolia oryzae...39-304
Ortho dichlorobenzene...39-304
Ortho hydroxy acetophenoximes...39-304
Ortho metalation...39-304
Orthodontic anchorage...39-304
Orthodontic appliances...39-304
Orthodontic buccal tubes...39-304
Orthodontic magnets...39-304
Orthodontic patients...39-304
Orthodontic wires...39-304
Orthodontics elastomeric chains...39-307
Orthodontics, Corrective...39-307
Orthodontics--Sakon Nakhon--Diagnosis...39-307
Orthodontics--Treatment--Cost effectiveness...39-307
Orthognathous spiders...39-307
Orthogonal array...39-307
Orthogonal group...39-307
Orthogonal polynomials...39-308
Orthogonal projection approach...39-308
Orthographic errors...39-308
Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst...39-308
Orthonormal set...39-308
Orthopaedic equpment manufacturer...39-308
Orthopedic fixation devices...39-308
Orthopedic nursing...39-308
Orthopedic patients...39-308
Orthopedic surgery...39-308
Orthorhombic distortion...39-309
Orthosiphon grandiflorus...39-309
Oryza minuta...39-309
Oryza Officinalis...39-309
Oryza rativa...39-309
Oryza sativa...39-309
Oryza sativa--Genetics...39-311
Oryza sative...39-311
Oryzias mekongensis...39-311
Oryzias minutillus...39-311
Oryzias minutillus--Variations...39-312
Oscillating chemical reactions...39-312
Oscillator circuits...39-312
Oscillatoria jasorvensis...39-312
Oscillators, Microwave...39-312
Oscillotome--Design and construction...39-312
OSHA's guideline designed workstation...39-312
Osmotic adjustment...39-313
Osmotic Dehydration...39-313
Osmotic distillation...39-313
Osmotic fragility...39-313
Osmotic pressure treatment...39-313
Osmotic pump...39-313
Osmotic pump tablet...39-314
Osmotolerant yeast...39-314
Osphronemus goramy...39-314
Osphronemus guramy...39-314
Osteoarthritis patients...39-315
Osteoarthritis--Exercise Therapy...39-315
Osteoporosis--Patients--Health hygiene...39-317
Osteoporosis--Prevention and control...39-317
Osteoporosis--Risk factors...39-317
Ostracoda, Fossil--Geographical distribution...39-317
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-28]
Ostrich meat...39-317
Ostrich-meat yor...39-317
Ostrinia furnacalis...39-317
Ostrinia furnacalis--Ecology...39-317
Ostrinia nubilalis...39-318
OTA inductor simulation...39-318
Otoacoustic emissions...39-318
Otolaryngologists--Nakhon Nayok--Supply and
OTOP products...39-318
Otop products...39-318
Ouality management...39-318
Ouality system...39-318
Ouline public access catalog...39-318
Our own n-layered integrated molecular orbital and
molecular oechanics...39-318
Out-patient Department...39-318
Out-patient service...39-318
Out-planning birth...39-318
Outcome assessment [Medical care]...39-319
Outdoor education...39-319
Outhouses--Khon Kaen...39-319
Outhouses--Suphan Buri...39-319
Outlier diagnostics...39-319
Outlining technique...39-319
Outoff frequency...39-319
Outpatient department...39-319
Outpatient medical care...39-319
Outpatient services...39-319
Outpatient social security...39-319
Outpatient Unit...39-319
Outpatients medical care...39-320
Output factor...39-320
Output factors...39-320
Output shared buffer...39-320
Output shared buffer ATM switch...39-320
Outside directors of corporations...39-320
Ovarian cancer...39-320
Ovarian cystic teratomas...39-320
Ovarian function...39-320
Ovarian morphology...39-320
Ovariectomized mice...39-320
Ovariectomized rodents...39-320
Over weight and obese dieting program...39-321
Over wide area network...39-321
Overactive bladder...39-322
Overactive bladder--Patients...39-322
Overall English achievement...39-322
Overall thermal transfer value...39-322
Overdrive guitar contest...39-322
Overflow metabolism...39-322
Overhead costs...39-322
Overhead electric lines...39-322
Overhead transmission...39-322
Overheat prevention equipment...39-322
Overjet reduction...39-322
Overland flow...39-322
Overseas construction projects...39-323
Overuse injuries...39-323
Overvoltage protection...39-323
Overweight elderly...39-323
Overweight persons...39-323
Overweight persons--Nutrition aspects...39-323
Overweight women...39-323
Ovis aries...39-324
Ovule culture...39-324
Ovum pick-up...39-324
Oxidation ponds...39-327
Oxidation process...39-327
Oxidation processes...39-327
Oxidation property...39-328
Oxidation reaction...39-328
Oxidation-reduction condensation...39-328
Oxidation-reduction reaction...39-328
Oxidative catalyst...39-328
Oxidative catalysts...39-328
Oxidative coupling...39-328
Oxidative damage...39-328
Oxidative degradation...39-328
Oxidative polymerization...39-328
Oxidative reancidity...39-328
Oxidative sress...39-328
Oxidative status...39-329
Oxidative stress...39-329
Oxidative stress in blood...39-330
Oxide catalysts...39-330
Oxidizing agents...39-330
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-29]
Oxidizing gas...39-331
Oxidoreductive enzymes...39-331
Oxiranyl anion...39-331
Oxiranyl anions...39-331
Oxo-peroxo molybdenum...39-331
Oxolinic acid...39-331
Oxyeleotris marmoratus...39-331
Oxyeleotris Marmoratus Bleeker...39-331
Oxygen heterocycles...39-332
Oxygen monitoring...39-332
Oxygen partial pressure...39-332
Oxygen permeation...39-332
Oxygen saturation...39-332
Oxygen sensor...39-332
Oxygen sensors...39-333
Oxygen separation membrane...39-333
Oxygen therapy...39-333
Oxygen uptake...39-333
Oxygen--Physiological effect...39-333
Oxygen-containing compound...39-333
Oxygen-reducing membrane fragment...39-333
Oxygenated gasoline...39-333
Oxymyoglobin layer depth...39-333
OxyR gene...39-333
Oyono, Ferdinand...39-334
Oyster mushroom...39-334
Oyster plant...39-334
Ozonation process...39-334
Ozone generator...39-335
Ozone generator by solar energy...39-335
Ozone sensor...39-335
P 16 protein...39-335
P controller...39-336
P-3E10 molecule...39-336
P-hydroxybenzoic acid...39-336
p-hydroxyphenylacetate hydroxylase...39-336
P-hydroxyphenylacetic acid...39-336
P-medium problem...39-336
P-menthane monoterpenes...39-337
P-methoxy-trans-cinnamic acid...39-337
P-methoxycinnamic acid...39-337
P. Phibulsongkhram, Field marshal...39-337
P1 gene...39-337
P19 cells...39-337
P24 antigen...39-337
P2P networks...39-337
P3 protein...39-337
P53 gene...39-337
P53 mutation...39-337
P53 protein...39-337
Pa Dong Lann movement...39-338
Pa Khlong Nua Khlong mangrove forests...39-338
Pa-O [Taungthu] language...39-338
Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae...39-338
Pachyrhizus erosus...39-338
Pacific Basin...39-338
Pacific yew--Therapeutic use...39-338
Pacifiers [Infant care]...39-338
Pack bed colum...39-338
Pack carburizing...39-338
Packable resin composite...39-338
Package courier...39-338
Package goods industry...39-338
Package tracking...39-338
Packaged program...39-338
Packaging films...39-339
Packaging industry...39-339
Packaging machinery...39-339
Packaging printing factory...39-339
Packaging--Preservation Basil...39-339
Packed absorber...39-339
Packed bed...39-339
Packed bed external loop airlift bioreator...39-339
Packed bed reactor...39-339
Packed bed scrubber...39-339
Packed Cage RBC...39-339
Packed cage RBC...39-340
Packed capillary...39-340
Packed column...39-340
Packed egg tofu...39-340
Packed towers...39-340
Packed-bed reactor...39-340
Packet based calculation...39-340
Packet-switched networks...39-340
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-30]
Packing powder...39-340
Pad Thai flavor...39-340
PAD [Computer system]...39-340
Padaung language...39-341
Padaung women...39-341
Padaung [Burmese people]...39-341
Paddy dryer...39-341
Paddy drying...39-341
Paddy field...39-341
Paddy field culture...39-341
Paddy fields...39-341
Paddy fields--Pathum Thani...39-341
Paddy rice...39-342
Paddy separator...39-342
Paddy soils...39-342
Paddy spikelets...39-342
Paddy [Plant]...39-342
Padina japonica...39-343
Padina minor...39-343
Padoux, Georges...39-343
Paecilomyces lilacinus...39-343
Paederus fuscipes...39-343
Paenibacillus curdlanolyticus...39-343
Paganini, Niccolo...39-344
PAH [Chemicals]...39-344
Paholpolpayuhasena Hospital--Outpatient
PAHs [Chemical]...39-344
Pai Tong...39-344
Pain coping behavior...39-346
Pain coping behaviors...39-346
Pain experience...39-346
Pain in children...39-346
Pain in infants...39-346
Pain in newborn infants...39-346
Pain in old age...39-347
Pain level...39-347
Pain management...39-347
Pain modulation...39-347
Pain reduction...39-347
Pain response...39-347
Pain score...39-347
Pain, Postoperative...39-347
Paint business--Administration...39-348
Paint factory...39-348
Paint industrial workers...39-348
Paint industry and trade...39-348
Paint manufacturing...39-348
Paint product...39-348
Paint, Antifouling...39-348
Painting, Thai...39-348
Pair potential function...39-348
Paired survival data...39-348
Pak Chong soil series...39-348
Pak Mun Dam...39-348
Pak Mun Dam [Thailand]...39-349
Pak Nam political group...39-349
Pak Phanang Basin...39-349
Pak Phanang River...39-349
Pak-Meng Beach--Citizen participation...39-349
Pak-Panang river basin...39-349
Pak-Panang watersheds...39-349
Pakchong series soil...39-349
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. Out Patient
Pakistan--Economic conditions...39-349
Pakistan--Politics and government...39-349
Palaeographical study...39-350
Palaeozoic carbonate rocks...39-350
Paleoceimatic reconstruction...39-350
Paleodietary change--Thailand, Northeastern...39350
Paleogeographical location...39-351
Paleolithic period--Thailand, Northern--Surveys...39351
Paleomagnetism--Nong Khai...39-351
Pali language...39-351
Pali language--Machine translating...39-351
Pali language--Translating into English...39-351
Palitical information...39-351
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-31]
Palladium acetate...39-352
Palladium catalysts...39-352
Palladium catalyzed reaction...39-353
Palladium-silver catalysts...39-353
Pallegoix, Mgr...39-.353
Pallet wood--Recycling...39-353
Palm diesel...39-353
Palm fatty acid...39-353
Palm oil...39-353
Palm oil fuel ash...39-355
Palm oil industry...39-355
Palm oil industry--Government policy...39-355
Palm oil industry--Microbiology...39-355
Palm oil methyl ester...39-355
Palm oil milling process...39-355
Palm oil mills...39-355
Palm oil plants...39-355
Palm oil shell...39-355
Palm oil shell ash...39-355
Palm oil--Additives...39-355
Palm oil--Economic aspects...39-355
Palm oil--Economic aspects--Mathematical
Palm oil--Malaysia--Economic policy...39-355
Palm olein...39-355
Palm olein oil...39-356
Palm products--Economic aspects...39-356
Palm shell...39-356
Palm stearin...39-356
Palmitic acid...39-356
Palms--Diseases and pests...39-356
Palmyra palm...39-356
Palymer modified bitumen...39-356
Palynology--Mae Hong Son...39-357
Palythoa caesia--Ecology...39-357
Pameing village...39-357
Panax ginseng...39-357
Pancreatic beta cells...39-357
Pancreatic duct--Anatomy...39-357
Pancreatic islets...39-357
Pandanus amaryllifolius...39-357
Pandemic influenza...39-357
Panel method...39-357
Panel reactive antibody...39-357
Panel regression...39-358
Pang-Nga Wildlife Breeding Research Center...39-358
Pangasianodon gigas...39-358
Pangasiidae family...39-358
Pangasins sutchi...39-358
Pangasius conchophilus...39-358
Pangasius gigas...39-358
Pangasius gigas, Chevey...39-358
Pangasius sutchi...39-358
Panic attacks...39-358
Panic diorders...39-358
Panicum maximum...39-358
Panicum miliaceum...39-359
Panitidine hydrochoride...39-359
Pannasa Jataka...39-359
PANORAMA technique...39-359
Pant extracts...39-359
Pantius gonionotus...39-359
Panton-valentine leukocidin...39-359
Panyapat Thummarattana...39-359
Pap smear...39-359
Pap test...39-359
Papaver somniferum...39-359
Papay peels...39-359
Papay pollen...39-359
Papaya fruit-fly...39-360
Papaya glace...39-360
Papaya industry...39-360
Papaya juice...39-360
Papaya latex...39-360
Papaya puree...39-361
Papaya ringspot potyvirus...39-361
Papaya ringspot virus...39-361
Papaya rinqspot potyvirus...39-361
Papaya seed oils...39-361
Papaya--Diseases and pest resistance...39-361
Papaya--Diseases and pests...39-362
Papaya--Economic aspects...39-362
Papaya--Germplasm resources...39-362
Papaya--Propagation--In vitro...39-362
Paper and packagine business...39-362
Paper defect...39-363
Paper drying process...39-363
Paper industry...39-363
Paper industry--Chiang Mai--Waste disposal...39-363
Paper manufactures...39-363
Paper mill industry...39-363
Paper mill sludge...39-363
Paper mills...39-363
Paper mulberry...39-363
Paper Mulberry...39-363
Paper mulberry--Thailand, Northern...39-363
Paper products...39-363
Paper pulp...39-363
Paper sludge-derived flowerpots...39-363
Paper test kits...39-363
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-32]
Paphia undulata...39-364
Paphia [Protapes] irrediviva...39-364
Paphiopedilum concolor...39-364
Papillomavirus diseases...39-364
Papor recycling...39-365
Paprika oleoresin...39-365
Para rubber...39-365
Para Rubber Industrial...39-365
Para rubber wood...39-365
Para sight-F test...39-365
Para wood...39-365
Parabolic antennas...39-365
Paracellular transport...39-365
Paracervical block...39-365
Paracetamol tablet...39-366
Paradigm shift process...39-366
Paradise Lost...39-366
Paraffin wax...39-366
Paraffin waxe...39-366
Paragonimus heterotremus...39-366
Paralichthys olivaceus...39-366
Paralled line plots...39-366
Paralled virtual database...39-367
Parallel algorithm...39-367
Parallel AntNet...39-367
Parallel application...39-367
Parallel baffles...39-367
Parallel computation...39-367
Parallel computers...39-367
Parallel computing...39-367
Parallel corpus...39-367
Parallel coupled-line...39-367
Parallel database system...39-367
Parallel flow...39-367
Parallel multi-resolution...39-367
Parallel processing [Electronic computers]...39-367
Parallel processing [Etectronic computers]...39-367
Parallel processors...39-367
Parallel programming [Computer science]...39-368
Parallel scout search...39-368
Parallel simulated annealing...39-368
Parallel simulation...39-368
Parallel simulation model...39-368
Parallel simulation program...39-368
Parallel text processing...39-368
Parallel virtual file system...39-368
Paralytic shellfish poisoning...39-368
Parambassis siamensis...39-368
Paramedical education...39-368
Parameter design...39-368
Parameter estimation...39-369
Parameter identification...39-369
Parameter-sweep application...39-369
Parameters analysis...39-370
Parametric discriminant analysis...39-370
Parametric pumping...39-370
Parametric wind model...39-370
Paranormed sequence spaces...39-370
Paraoxonase 1...39-370
Parapenaeopsis hungerfordi...39-370
Paraplegic patient...39-371
Pararubber information system...39-371
Paraserianthes falcataria...39-371
Parasite antigens...39-371
Parasitic diseases...39-372
Parasitic diseases--Thailand, Northeastern...39-372
Parasitic insects...39-372
Parasitic plants...39-372
Parasympatholytic agents...39-373
Parathion methyl...39-373
Parathyroid hormone...39-373
Parathyroid hormone-related protein...39-373
Parathyroid hormone-related protein receptor...39373
Paratransit services...39-373
Parawood products...39-373
Parcel delivery business...39-373
Parcel express delivery company...39-373
Parcel theory...39-373
Parcel tracking...39-373
Parchasing information system...39-373
Parecoxib sodium...39-373
Parenchyma, Plant...39-373
Parent and adult child...39-374
Parent and Child...39-374
Parent and child...39-374
Parent and child image...39-374
Parent and child--Bangkok...39-374
Parent and child--Chiang Mai...39-374
Parent and child--Chiang Rai...39-374
Parent and child--Myanmar...39-375
Parent and child--Songkhla...39-375
Parent and children...39-375
Parent education program...39-375
Parent participation...39-375
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-33]
Parent satisfaction...39-375
Parent trees...39-375
Parent-child communication...39-375
Parent-teacher relationships--Pattani...39-375
Parentage test...39-375
Parental hypertension...39-375
Parental readiness...39-375
Parenteral feeding...39-375
Parenteral feeding of children...39-376
Parenteral microemulsions...39-376
Parenteral nutrient solutions...39-376
Parenteral nutrition...39-376
Parenteral nutrition-related complications...39-377
Parenteral product...39-377
Parenteral solutions...39-377
Parenternal nutrition...39-377
Parenting style...39-377
Parenting--Study and teaching...39-377
Parents of AIDS patients...39-377
Parents--Mental health...39-377
Parents--Training of...39-378
Paris polyphylla...39-378
Park management...39-378
Park management planning process...39-378
Parkia speciosa...39-378
Parkia speciosa--Seedlings...39-378
Parkia timoriana...39-378
Parking choice models...39-378
Parking garages...39-378
Parking lots...39-378
Parkinsion's disease...39-378
Parkinson' disease...39-378
Parkinson's disease...39-378
Parkinson's disease--Patients...39-379
Parks--Public use...39-379
Parliamentary teaching...39-379
Parlimentary practice...39-379
Parous rate...39-379
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia...39-379
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria...39-379
Pars distalis...39-380
Parsers [Computer grammar]...39-380
Parsing [Computer grammar]...39-380
Part-time health care service...39-380
Partial decompression...39-380
Partial dentures, Removable...39-380
Partial differential equation...39-380
Partial discharge...39-380
Partial discharge analyzer...39-380
Partial discharges...39-380
Partial exchange transfusion...39-380
Partial least squares regression...39-380
Partial least-squares...39-380
Partial melting...39-380
Partial selection scheduling...39-380
Partially deregulated...39-380
Partially saturated soils...39-381
Partially signted...39-381
Participant observation...39-381
Participation community...39-384
Participation in patient care...39-384
Participation in rural development...39-384
Participation of Community...39-384
Participation of female labour...39-384
Participative management...39-384
Participatory action research...39-384
Participatory communication...39-384
Participatory development communication...39-385
Participatory interaction modes...39-385
Participatory learning...39-385
Participatory learning and action method...39-386
Participatory lerning...39-386
Participatory media production...39-386
Participatory research...39-386
Participatory training...39-386
Particle acceleration...39-386
Particle board...39-386
Particle bombardment...39-386
Particle bombardment technique...39-386
Particle diffusion current...39-386
Particle imaged velocimetry...39-386
Particle residence time...39-386
Particle segregation...39-386
Particle size...39-386
Particle size control...39-387
Particle size distribition...39-387
Particle size distribution...39-387
Particle transport...39-387
Particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...39387
Particles [Nuclear physics]...39-388
Particulate bed...39-388
Particulate composite...39-388
Particulate materials...39-388
Particulate matter...39-388
Particulate matters...39-389
Partition coefficient [Chemistry]...39-389
Partitioning coefficient...39-389
Partupangan irrigation system...39-389
Parvovirus B 19...39-389
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-34]
Pasak basin...39-389
Pasakjolasid dam...39-389
Pasakorn Suwanphan, Captain...39-389
Paseejareun Police Station...39-389
Paspalum atratum...39-389
Passage-based retrieval...39-389
Passenger satisfaction...39-390
Passenger ships...39-390
Passiflora foetida...39-390
Passive education...39-390
Passive equivalent circuit...39-390
Passive hemagglutination...39-390
Passive meaning...39-390
Passive millimeter wave...39-390
Passive progressive muscle relaxation...39-390
Passive samplers...39-390
Passive sampling...39-391
Passive sampling devices...39-391
Passive smoking...39-391
Passivity theorem...39-391
Passivity [Chemistry]...39-391
Pastenrized beverage...39-391
Pasteurella multocida...39-391
Pasteurization process...39-391
Pasteurization system...39-392
Pasteurized beverages...39-392
Pasteurized milk...39-392
Pasteurized-mixed vegetable juice...39-392
Pasture animals...39-392
Pastures--Thailand, Southern--Management...39-392
Patato chips--Freezing...39-392
Patch-clamp techniques [Electrophysiology]...39-392
Patellofemoral pain...39-392
Patent laws and legislation...39-392
Paternal Development...39-393
Paternal support program...39-393
Paternal-fetal attachment perinatalloss...39-393
Paternal-infant attachment...39-393
Paternity testing...39-393
Path analysis...39-393
Path integral...39-393
Path integrals...39-393
Path integration...39-393
Path loss...39-393
Path loss model...39-394
Pathalung agricultural college...39-394
Pathogen-derived resistance...39-394
Pathogen-plant relationships...39-394
Pathogenesis-related proteins...39-394
Pathogenic bacteria...39-394
Pathogenic fungi...39-394
Pathogenic leptospira...39-394
Pathogenic microorganisms...39-394
Pathogenic microorganisms--Identification...39-395
Pathogenic naegleria...39-395
Pathogenic organisms...39-395
Pathogenic yeast...39-395
Pathologic fever...39-395
Pathological laboratories...39-395
Pathology, Experimental...39-395
Pathology, Surgical...39-395
Pathum Thani...39-396
Pathum Thani--Population--Health and hygiene...39396
Pathumthani Hospital...39-396
Pathumthani hospital--Staff...39-396
Pathumthani University--Students...39-396
Pathway reconstruction...39-396
Patiarchy and women rights...39-396
Paticulate materials...39-396
Patient care...39-396
Patient compliance...39-396
Patient dose...39-396
Patient education...39-397
Patient medication records...39-397
Patient monitoring...39-397
Patient outcomes...39-397
Patient rediness...39-397
Patient rights protection...39-397
Patient safety...39-397
Patient safisfaction...39-397
Patient satisfaction...39-397
Patient satisfaction--Indonesia...39-398
Patient satisfaction--Maldives...39-398
Patient satisfaction--Nakhon Sawan...39-398
Patient skin dose...39-398
Patient teaching...39-398
Patient treatment statistics...39-398
Patient's participation...39-398
Patient's rights...39-398
Patient-controlled analgesia...39-398
Patient-controlled epidural analgesia...39-398
Patients on ventilator...39-404
Patients undergoing chemotherapy...39-404
Patients with abdominal surgery...39-404
Patients with limited activity...39-404
Patients' carers...39-404
Patients' rights...39-405
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-35]
Patients--Chiang Mai...39-406
Patients--Drug use...39-406
Patients--Drug use--Evaluation...39-406
Patients--Drug utilization...39-406
Patients--Exercise--Physiological aspects...39-406
Patients--Health and hygiene...39-407
Patients--Khon Kaen...39-407
Patients--Kinship--Mental health...39-407
Patients--Legal status, laws, etc...39-.407
Patients--Loei--Domestic relations...39-407
Patients--Mental health...39-407
Patients--Mental health--China...39-407
Patients--Nakhon Ratchasima--Care...39-407
Patients--Nong Bua Lumphu...39-407
Patients--Nong Khai...39-408
Patients--Nutrition aspects...39-408
Patients--Thailand, Northern...39-408
Patients--Udon Thani--Health and hygiene...39-408
Patriarchal society...39-409
Patrol police officers...39-409
Patron-client relationship...39-409
Patron-client relationships...39-409
Pattana Medical Center--Administration...39-409
Pattani basin...39-409
Pattani Basin...39-409
Pattani Bay...39-410
Pattani dialect [Thailand]...39-410
Pattani dialect [Thailand]--Consonants...39-410
Pattani Malay...39-410
Pattani Malay--Phonology...39-410
Pattani river [Thailand]...39-410
Pattani--Economic conditions...39-410
Pattani--Social conditions...39-410
Pattaya city--User satisfaction...39-410
Pattaya--Description and travel...39-410
Pattern matching...39-410
Pattern of land use...39-410
Pattern of life...39-410
Pattern perception...39-410
Pattern recognition...39-410
Pattern recognition systems...39-411
Patterned ground shield...39-411
Patterned keyword in phrase...39-411
Patumwan Demonstration School...39-411
Patumwan shopping area...39-411
Paul cezanne's techniques...39-411
Paulownia taiwaniana...39-411
Pavement design...39-412
Pavement materials--Recycling...39-412
Pavement recycling...39-412
Pavements brick...39-412
Pavements Evaluation Method...39-412
Pavements, Asphalt concrete...39-412
Pavements, Asphalt concrete--Ohio...39-412
Pavements, Bituminous--Nepal...39-412
Pavine alkaloids...39-412
Pavo muticus...39-412
Pavo muticus imperator...39-412
Pavo--Thailand, Northern...39-412
Pawer availability diagram...39-412
Pawo muticus...39-412
Pay for wastewater treatment...39-412
Pay-TV systems...39-413
Payap University, Faculty of Business
Payap University. Department of English Language-Students...39-413
Payment analysis...39-413
PC-based virtual reality system...39-413
PCI interface logic core module...39-413
PCR cloning...39-413
PCR technology...39-413
PCR [Biochemistry]...39-414
PCR-SSO technique...39-414
PCR-SSP technique...39-414
PCR/ElISA technique...39-414
Pd-Ag catalyst...39-415
Pd-Ni catalysts...39-415
Pd-Ni/SiO2 catalysts...39-415
PDE6A gene...39-415
PDFF controller...39-415
PDL cell...39-415
PDMS membrane...39-415
Peace journalism...39-415
Peace movements--Bangkok...39-415
Peacekeeping forces...39-415
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-36]
Peak bone mass...39-415
Peak demand controler...39-415
Peak hand velocity...39-415
Peak load model...39-415
Peanaeus monodon...39-415
Peanut bud necrosis virus...39-416
Peanut hull...39-416
Peanut mottle virus...39-416
Peanut products--Thailand, Northeastern...39-416
Peanut stripe disease...39-416
Peanut stripe potyvirus...39-416
Peanut stripe virus...39-416
Peanut tempeh...39-416
Peanut--Growth--Models and modelmaking...39-416
Peanuts--Diseases and pests...39-417
Peanuts--Energy consumption...39-417
Peanuts--Host plants...39-417
Peanuts--Thailand, Northeastern...39-417
Peanuts--Thailand, Northeastern--Economic
Pear juice...39-418
Pearl oysters...39-418
Pearl S. Buck Foundation...39-418
Peasant movement...39-418
Peasants in literature...39-418
Peat as fertilizer...39-418
Peat bog plants--Chiang Mai...39-419
Peat gasification...39-419
Peat mosses...39-419
Peat soils--Narathiwat...39-419
Peat swamp forest soil...39-419
Pechini method...39-419
Pecking order theory...39-419
Pecteilis sagarikii...39-419
Pecteilis sagarikii--Growth...39-419
Pectin matrix...39-420
Pectinophora gossypiella...39-420
Pedagogic reading tasks...39-420
Pedagogical content knowledge...39-420
Pediatric AIDS...39-420
Pediatric epidemiology--Pathum Thani...39-420
Pediatric intensive care...39-420
Pediatric intensive care unit...39-420
Pediatric Intensive care Unit...39-420
Pediatric intensive care units...39-420
Pediatric nursing...39-420
Pediatric nursing--Indonesia...39-421
Pediatric nursing--Suphan Buri...39-421
Pediatric patient...39-421
Pediatric patients...39-421
Pediatric radiation...39-421
Pediatric radiation dose...39-421
Pediatric respiratory diseases...39-421
Pediatric urology--Indonesia...39-421
Pediatric ward...39-421
Pediatrics Patients...39-421
Pedigree method...39-422
Pedilanthus tithymaloides...39-422
Pedinomonas noctilucae...39-422
Pediococcus pentosaceus...39-422
Pediococcus pentosaceus BT520...39-422
Peer adjustment scale...39-422
Peer feedback...39-422
Peer gorups...39-422
Peer influence...39-422
Peer pressure...39-422
Peer relationship...39-422
Peer review...39-422
Peer-2-Peer systems...39-422
Peer-to-Peer system...39-423
Peer-to-peer systems...39-423
Peivic radiation therapy...39-423
Pekin ducks...39-423
Pelagic fish...39-423
Pelleted feed...39-423
Peltien element...39-424
Peltier element...39-424
Peltophorum pterocarpum...39-424
Pelvic floor muscle...39-424
PEM fuel cell electrode...39-424
Penacus monodon...39-424
Penaeid shrimp--Diseases...39-424
Penaeidae--Virus diseases...39-424
Penaeus esculentus...39-424
Penaeus merguiensis...39-424
Penaeus merguiensis--Growth...39-425
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-37]
Penaeus monodon...39-425
Penaeus monodon fabricius...39-429
Penaeus monodon ponds...39-429
Penaeus monodon--Anatomy...39-429
Penaeus monodon--Culture...39-430
Penaeus monodon--Diseases...39-430
Penaeus monodon--Food...39-430
Penaeus monodon--Genetics...39-430
Penaeus monodon--Growth...39-430
Penaeus monodon--Physiological aspects...39-430
Penaeus monodon--Reproduction...39-431
Penaeus monodon--Spawning...39-431
Penaeus monodon--Sri Lanka--Microbiology...39-431
Penaeus monodon--Surat Thani--Culture...39-431
Penaeus semisulcatus...39-431
Penaeus vannamei...39-431
Penaeus vannamei--Diseases...39-431
Pencid prawns...39-431
Pencil beam...39-431
Pencil grip...39-431
Pender, N.J...39-.431
Pendulum controllers--Design and construction...39432
Peneaus monodon...39-432
Penetration resistance...39-432
Penetration resistanse...39-432
Penetration technique...39-432
Peng robinson equation...39-432
Penicillin acylase...39-432
Penicillin G...39-433
Penicillin G acylase...39-433
Penicilliosis marneffei...39-433
Penicillium expansum...39-433
Penicillium marneffei...39-433
Penile erection...39-434
Peninsular Malaysia...39-434
Pennac, Daniel...39-434
Pennisetum purpureum...39-434
Pennisetum purpureum--Varieties...39-434
Pentane isomers...39-434
Pentose phosphate pathway...39-435
People living with HIV/AIDS...39-435
People living with HIV/AIDS--Cambodia--Care...39435
People participation...39-435
People with disabilities...39-435
People with disabilities--Education...39-435
People with HIV/AIDS...39-435
People with physical disabilities...39-436
People's participation...39-436
Peoples opinion...39-436
Pepper [Spice]...39-436
Pepper [Spice]--Diseases and pests...39-436
Peppers--Diseases and pests...39-436
Peproductive health--Vietnam...39-436
Peptic ulcer...39-436
Peptic ulcer diseases...39-437
Peptidase E...39-437
Peptide antibiotics...39-437
Peptide design...39-437
Peptide drugs...39-437
Peptide enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay...39437
Peptide hormones...39-437
Peptide mass fingerprinting...39-437
Peptide nucleic acid...39-437
Peptide nucleic acids...39-437
Peptide substrates...39-438
Peptide vaccine...39-438
PERB 11.2...39-439
Perceived barriers...39-439
Perceived barriers to health-promoting behavior...39439
Perceived benefits...39-439
Perceived benefits of health-promoting behavior...39439
Perceived self-efficacy...39-439
Perceived self-efficacy promoting program...39-439
Perception in children...39-441
Perception in consumers...39-441
Perception in infants...39-442
Perceptions and blood screening for
Perceptual attributes...39-442
Perceptual structure...39-442
Percolation process...39-442
Percussion music...39-442
Percutaneous absorption...39-442
Percutaneous ballon valvuloplasty...39-442
Percutaneous balloon coronary angioplasty...39-442
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-38]
Percutaneous mitral valvotomy...39-443
Percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty...39-443
Percutanous transluminal coronary angioplasty...39443
Perennials--Thailand, Northeastern...39-443
Perfermance measurement...39-443
Perfomance measurement...39-443
Perforated plate...39-443
Perforated synapses...39-443
Perforator flap...39-443
Performance analysis...39-445
Performance consequences...39-445
Performance efficiency...39-445
Performance evaluation...39-445
Performance index...39-446
Performance indicators...39-446
Performance Indicators...39-446
Performance management...39-446
Performance measurement...39-446
Performance measurement system...39-446
Performance scores...39-446
Performance standards...39-446
Performance test...39-447
Performance [Law]...39-447
Performance-based optimization...39-447
Performer rights...39-447
Performing compliance behaviors...39-447
Performing duties...39-447
Peri-urban agriculture system...39-447
Periandra dulcis...39-447
Perilla frutescens...39-447
Perinatal death...39-447
Perinatal loss...39-448
Perinatal Transmission...39-448
Perineal dermatitis...39-448
Perinereis nuntia...39-448
Perineum--Care and hygiene...39-448
Period films...39-448
Periodic acid...39-448
Periodic acid schift...39-448
Periodic distribution...39-448
Periodic operation...39-448
Periodic precipitation...39-448
Periodic solutions...39-448
Periodontal disease...39-449
Periodontal disease--Nutrition aspects...39-450
Periodontal disease--Patients...39-450
Periodontal disease--Treatment...39-450
Periodontal dressings...39-450
Periodontal ligament...39-450
Periodontal ligament fibroblast...39-450
Periodontal ligament--Cytology...39-450
Periodontal pockets...39-450
Periodontal pockets--Measurement...39-450
Periodontal probe...39-450
Periodontal splints...39-451
Periodontal therapy...39-451
Periodontal tissue...39-451
Periodontal treatment...39-451
Periodontitis lesion...39-452
Periodotal disease...39-452
Perioperative nurses...39-452
Peripheral arterial disease--Risk factors...39-452
Peripheral arterial occlusion disease...39-452
Peripheral benzodiazepine receptor...39-452
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells...39-452
Peripheral blood stem cells...39-452
Peripheral lymphocytes...39-452
Peripheral nerve stimulator...39-452
Peripheral nervous system...39-453
Peripheral neuropathy...39-453
Peripheral parenteral nutrition...39-453
Periplaneta americana...39-453
Periplasmic flagellin protein...39-453
Perishable item...39-453
Peristatlic pump...39-453
Peristimuslus frequencygram...39-453
Peristimuslus time histogram...39-453
Peritioneal cavity--Surgery--Patients...39-453
Peritoneal cavity...39-453
Peritoneal dialysis...39-453
Peritrophic membrane...39-454
Perlite concrete...39-454
Permanant colostomy...39-454
Permanent income theory...39-454
Permanent magnet synchronous motor...39-454
Permanganic etching...39-454
Permeability cell...39-454
Permeability measurement...39-454
Permeation rate...39-455
Permian carbonate rocks...39-455
Permian rocks...39-455
Permutation polynomial...39-455
Permutation polynomials...39-455
Perna viridis...39-455
Peroneal nerve...39-456
Peronosclerospora sorghi...39-456
Peronosclerospora sorghi--Effect of light on...39-456
Peronospora manshurica...39-456
Peronospora parasitica...39-456
Perovskite membrane...39-456
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-39]
Peroxidase genes...39-457
Peroxidase-antibody conjugate...39-457
Peroxodisulfate digestion...39-458
Peroxy acid...39-458
Persian lilac--Seeds--Quality...39-458
Persistent infection...39-458
Persistent organic pollutants...39-458
Persistent polite aggressive method...39-458
Personal administrators...39-458
Personal air pollution protection...39-459
Personal authentication...39-459
Personal autonomy...39-459
Personal characteristics...39-459
Personal Communication Telephone...39-459
Personal communication telephone...39-459
Personal Communication Telephone [PCT]
Personal computer...39-459
Personal computers...39-459
Personal cordless telephone...39-459
Personal digital assistance...39-459
Personal factors...39-459
Personal growth group...39-460
Personal health promoting behavior project...39-460
Personal Home Page [Computer program
Personal hygiene...39-460
Personal income tax...39-460
Personal income tax application forms...39-460
Personal information system...39-460
Personal interest...39-460
Personal media...39-461
Personal protective devices...39-461
Personal protective equipment...39-461
Personal radiation dosimeter...39-461
Personality development...39-461
Personality disorders...39-462
Personality tests...39-462
Personality traits...39-462
Personality-job satisfaction relations...39-462
Personel factors...39-462
Personnel administration information...39-462
Personnel database development of goat...39-462
Personnel database program...39-462
Personnel development...39-463
Personnel development administration...39-463
Personnel Division...39-463
Personnel information system...39-463
Personnel management...39-463
Personnel management libraries...39-463
Personnel officers...39-463
Personnel Officers...39-463
Personnel section chiefs...39-464
Persons with mental retardation...39-464
Persons with visual impairment...39-464
Persons--Health and hygiene...39-464
Perspective grid...39-464
Persuasion [Psychology]...39-464
Pertussis toxin...39-464
Pertussis vaccines...39-464
Pest management...39-465
Pesticidal plants...39-465
Pesticide applicators [Persons]--Thailand, Northern-Attitudes...39-465
Pesticide contamination...39-465
Pesticide residues...39-466
Pesticide residues in food...39-466
Pesticide residues in soil...39-466
Pesticide residues in vegetables...39-466
Pesticide resistance...39-466
Pesticide-free vegetable...39-466
Pesticides and wildlife...39-468
Pesticides--Chiang Mai...39-468
Pesticides--Environmental aspects...39-468
Pesticides--Nakhon Pathom...39-468
Pesticides--Songkhla--Environmental aspects...39469
Pests--Biological control...39-469
Pests--Effect of botanical pesticides on...39-469
Pests--Integrated control...39-470
Pet bottles...39-470
Pet fiber...39-470
Petch pra Uma...39-470
Petch Sai Rung fraded...39-470
Petchabun Basin [Thailand]...39-470
Petchaburi sub-watershed...39-470
Petersen method...39-470
Petition, Right of...39-470
Petreleum chemicals...39-470
Petrified woods...39-470
Petrochemical complex...39-471
Petrochemical industry...39-471
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-40]
Petrochemical plant...39-471
Petrochemical plant--Design and construction...39471
Petrogenetic relationship...39-471
Petrol pump workers--Chiang Mai...39-471
Petrol station...39-471
Petroleum as fuel...39-472
Petroleum Authority of Thailand...39-473
Petroleum business...39-473
Petroleum chemicals...39-473
Petroleum chemicals industry...39-473
Petroleum chemicals--Tariff...39-473
Petroleum companies...39-473
Petroleum concession...39-473
Petroleum ether...39-473
Petroleum exploration...39-473
Petroleum exploration and production industry...39473
Petroleum fraction...39-473
Petroleum fuel...39-473
Petroleum geology...39-473
Petroleum hydrocarbon...39-473
Petroleum industry and trade--Government
Petroleum markers...39-474
Petroleum pipelines...39-474
Petroleum plants...39-474
Petroleum product...39-474
Petroleum products...39-474
Petroleum products--Prices--Government policy...39474
Petroleum refineries...39-474
Petroleum refineries--Administration...39-474
Petroleum waste...39-474
Petroleum--Distillation process--Mathematical
Petroleum--Economic aspects...39-475
Petroleum--Environmental aspects...39-475
Petroleum--Reserves--Computer programs...39-475
Petrology--Chiang Mai--Geology...39-475
Petrology--Chiang Rai...39-475
Petrology--Nakhon Sawan...39-476
Petrology--Thailand, Central...39-476
Petrology--Uthai Thani...39-476
Petty officer students...39-476
Petunia hybrida...39-476
Pexider type...39-476
pH control system...39-476
pH controller...39-477
pH oscillations...39-477
pH,ionic strengh...39-477
pH-parametric pumping...39-477
Pha Nakhon Si Ayutthaya--Description and
Pha Ngan Island...39-477
PHA synthase...39-477
Pha-Mai rockshelter...39-477
Phachi River...39-477
Phaeoisariopsis griseola...39-477
Phaeoisariopsis personata...39-477
Phage display...39-477
Phage display system...39-478
Phage display technique...39-478
Phage display technology...39-478
Phagocytic activity...39-478
Phagocytic cells...39-478
Phakopsora pachyrhizi...39-478
Pham-Hoang Ho...39-478
Phamacist participation...39-478
Phanerochaete chrysosporium...39-478
Phaneropsolus bonnei...39-479
Phang-Nga Naval Base...39-479
Phangnga bay...39-479
Phanom Rung festival...39-479
Phanom Rung Lintel controversy...39-479
Phantom model...39-479
Phantoms [Rediology]...39-479
Phanyak recitation...39-479
Phaphuttabath Hospital Saraburi...39-479
Pharmacentical manufacturers...39-480
Pharmaceutical care...39-480
Pharmaceutical care plans...39-480
Pharmaceutical chemistry...39-481
Pharmaceutical industry...39-481
Pharmaceutical microbiology...39-481
Pharmaceutical policy...39-481
Pharmaceutical polymers...39-481
Pharmaceutical preparation...39-481
Pharmaceutical products...39-482
Pharmaceutical services...39-482
Pharmaceutical services--Cost...39-482
Pharmaceutical technology...39-482
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-41]
Pharmacists--Job satisfaction...39-484
Pharmacists--Khon Kaen...39-484
Pharmacit community networks...39-484
Pharmacognostic evaluation...39-485
Pharmacognostic rpecification...39-485
Pharmacologic activities...39-489
Pharmacology laboratory...39-490
Pharmacology, Experimental...39-490
Pharmacology--Computer-assisted instruction...39490
Pharmacy education--Curriculum...39-491
Pharmacy intervention...39-491
Pharmacy laboratory...39-491
Pharmacy management...39-491
Pharmacy management--Cost of operation...39-491
Pharmacy management--Rate of return...39-491
Pharmacy service...39-491
Pharmacy students...39-491
Pharmacy technicians...39-491
Pharmacy--Information services...39-491
Pharmacy--Information services--Prachin Buri...39491
Pharmacy--Study and teaching...39-492
Pharmcognostic properties...39-492
Phase angle...39-492
Phase behavior...39-492
Phase change material Solar dryer...39-492
Phase change materials...39-492
Phase coordinates...39-492
Phase diagrams...39-492
Phase doppler anemometer...39-492
Phase equilibrium...39-492
Phase modulation...39-492
Phase noise...39-492
Phase noises...39-492
Phase partition...39-493
Phase separation...39-493
Phase shift [Nuclear physics]...39-493
Phase shifter...39-493
Phase size...39-493
Phase structure...39-493
Phase transfer...39-493
Phase transfer technique...39-493
Phase transformation...39-493
Phase transformations...39-493
Phase transformations [Statistical physics]...39-493
Phase transition...39-493
Phase transition [Statistical physics]...39-494
Phase transitions [Statiscal phyics]...39-494
Phase transitions [Statistical physics]...39-494
Phase-change thermal storage...39-494
Phase-locked loops...39-494
Phase-transfer catalysis...39-494
Phase-transfer catalysts...39-494
Phase-transfer technique...39-494
Phasealus wlgaris...39-494
Phased array antennas...39-494
Phaseoli oxyr...39-494
Phaseolinic acid...39-494
Phaseolus calcalatus...39-494
Phaseolus vulgaris...39-494
Phathalung Hospital...39-494
Phatogalvanic cells...39-495
Phaya Mai...39-495
Phaya Thai 3. Emergency department-Databases...39-495
Phayathai Palace...39-495
Phe Bay...39-495
Phenanthridone alkaloid...39-495
Phenobarbital drug...39-495
Phenol-formaldehyde resins...39-496
Phenolic acids...39-496
Phenolic antioxidant...39-497
Phenolic componds...39-497
Phenolic compound...39-497
Phenolic compounds...39-497
Phenolic content...39-497
Phenolic diazacrown ethers...39-497
Phenolic enones...39-497
Phenolic resins...39-497
Phenolic resins--Thermal properties...39-498
Phenolics resins...39-498
Phenology--Chiang Mai...39-498
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-42]
Phenoxy acids...39-500
Phenoxyacetic acid...39-500
Phenyl butenol...39-500
Phenyl compounds...39-500
Phenyl urea herbicide...39-500
Phenylacetic acid...39-500
Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase...39-500
Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase...39-500
Phenylalanine dehydrogeanase--Fixation...39-500
Phenylalanine dehydrogenase...39-500
Phenylarsine oxide...39-501
Phenylglyoxylic acid...39-501
Phenylion compounds...39-501
Phenylmercuric acetate...39-501
Phenytion compounds...39-502
Phenytoin--Side effects...39-502
Phetchabun municipal...39-502
Phetchabun Teachers College--Students...39-503
Phetchaburi riverbank areas...39-503
Phetchaburi watershed...39-503
Phetchaburi--Description and travel...39-503
Phetchaburi--Rural population...39-503
Phichit Health programing Hospital...39-503
Philadelphia chromosome...39-503
Philik Canal...39-503
Philippines--Economic conditions...39-503
Philips SL 15 linear accelerator...39-503
Philosamia ricini...39-503
Philosopher King...39-504
Philosopher's stone...39-504
Philosophy of criminology...39-504
Philosophy of education...39-504
Philosophy, Buddhist...39-504
Philosophy, Oriental...39-504
Phisanulok basin...39-504
Phisical education colleges...39-504
Phitsanulok basin...39-504
Phitsanulok Hotel...39-504
Phitsanulok Irrigation Project...39-505
Phitsanulok--Manners and customs...39-505
Phitsanulok--Social conditions...39-505
Phlai oil...39-505
Phlebotomine sand files...39-505
Phleng Chin Rajchasan Thao Thai classical
Phleng Dok Mai Sai Tow...39-505
Phleng pracham...39-505
Phleomycin resistant gene...39-505
Phnom Penh Heart Center...39-506
Pho Karen...39-506
Phoenix dactylifera...39-506
Phoma lingam...39-506
Phomopsis mangiferae...39-506
Phonetic system...39-506
Phonological comparison...39-506
Phophoglucose isomerase...39-507
Phophorus fertilizers...39-507
Phormidium angustissimum...39-507
Phosphate buffer...39-507
Phosphate compounds...39-507
Phosphate hydrates...39-507
Phosphate rock...39-508
Phosphate salts...39-508
Phosphatic fertilizers...39-508
Phosphatidylinositol phosphates...39-508
Phospholipase A2...39-509
Phospholipase c...39-509
Phospholipid polymer...39-509
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-43]
Phosphoprotein gene...39-510
Phosphoprotein phosphatases...39-510
Phosphor screens...39-510
Phosphoric acid...39-510
Phosphorus cycle [Biogeochemistry]...39-511
Phosphorus fertilizers...39-511
Phosphorus in agriculture...39-511
Phosphorus in agriculture--Vietnam...39-511
Phosphorus--Physiological effect...39-511
Phosphotransacetylase gene...39-512
Phosphotungstic acid...39-512
Photharam Hospital...39-512
Photharam Hospital. Academy and Quality
Management Department--Automation...39-512
Photo frame factory...39-512
Photo-fenton processes...39-512
Photocatalytic activity...39-513
Photocatalytic decomposition...39-513
Photocatalytic degradation...39-513
Photocatalytic oxidation...39-514
Photocatalytic process...39-514
Photocatalytic reaction...39-514
Photocatalytic reactor...39-514
Photocatalytic reduction...39-514
Photochemical reactor...39-514
Photocurrent spectroscopies...39-515
Photodiode array...39-515
Photofunctional materials...39-515
Photographic dosimetry...39-515
Photographic process wastes...39-515
Photography--Computer-assisted instruction...39-515
Photoinduced alignment...39-516
Photoinduced hydrophilic...39-516
Photon beam...39-516
Photon beams...39-516
Photon correlation...39-517
Photon correlator...39-517
Photon dose calculation algorithm...39-517
Photopositive pelagic fishes...39-517
Photosensitized film...39-517
Photosensitizing compounds...39-518
Photostimulable phosphor plate...39-518
Photosynthesis--Study and teaching...39-518
Photosynthetic bacteria...39-518
Photosynthetic bacterial pond system...39-518
Photosynthetic light...39-519
Photosynthetic systems...39-519
Photosystem I...39-519
Photosysterm II...39-519
Phototransposition reaction...39-519
Photovaltaic power car...39-519
Photovoltaic cells...39-519
Photovoltaic centralized system...39-519
Photovoltaic effect...39-519
Photovoltaic grid connected systems...39-519
Photovoltaic grid counected system...39-519
Photovoltaic module...39-519
Photovoltaic Power Plant...39-519
Photovoltaic power systems...39-520
Photovoltaic power systems--Designs...39-520
Photovoltaic solar tracking--Design and
Photovoltaic system...39-520
Photovoltaic systems...39-520
Photovoltaic water pumping...39-520
Photovoltaic-Diesel hybrid system...39-520
Photovoltaic-diesel hybrid system...39-520
Photovoltaic-diesel hybrid systems...39-520
Photovoltaic-farmer diesel hybrid system...39-520
Photovoltic thermal...39-520
Phou Kao Khouay National Park...39-520
Phou Khao Khoay National Biodiversity
Phou Khao Khuay huay national biodiversity
conservation area...39-520
PHP [Computer program language]...39-521
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-44]
Ajahn Chah--Lineage...39-521
Dhammapitaka [P.A.Payutto]...39-521
Nakhon Kiri...39-521
Nakhon Si Ayutthaya...39-521
Nakhon Si Ayutthaya--Description and
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya--Manners and
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya--Politics and
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya--Rural population-Employment...39-521
Phra Narai Ratchaniwet Royal Place...39-521
Phra Phutthabat Noi community forest...39-521
Phra Racha Wang Derm...39-522
Phra Ram Ratchanivej...39-522
Phrae basin...39-522
Phrae fault system...39-522
Phrae language...39-522
Phragmites karka...39-522
Phrai system...39-522
Phramongkutklao College of Mecicine. Affairs
Phramongkutklao Hospital...39-522
Phramongkutklao Hospital. Inpatient Orthopedics
Phrao Cooperative Land Settlement Project...39-522
Phrapokklao Hospital...39-522
Phrase transfer model...39-522
Phrom water resource development project...39-522
Phromlok waterfall...39-522
Phru Kan Tulee...39-523
Phrukanthulee wetland...39-523
Phthalate esters...39-523
Phthalic anhydride...39-523
Phthalimide derivative...39-523
Phthalimide derivatives...39-523
Phthaloyl chitosan...39-524
Phu Hin Rongkla National Park...39-524
Phu Jong Na Yoi Nation Park...39-524
Phu Khieo...39-524
Phu Kradung National Park--Environmental
Phu Miang-Phu Thong Wildlife Sanctuary...39-524
Phu Phan mountain...39-524
Phu Thab Fah gold deposit...39-524
Phu Thai...39-524
Phu Thai [Southeast Asian people]...39-524
Phu thok formation...39-524
Phu Wiang National Park...39-524
Phuan language...39-524
Phuhin Rongkla National Park...39-524
Phuket Island...39-525
Phuket island...39-525
Phuket vegetarian festival...39-525
Phuket--Description and travel...39-525
Phuket--Description and Travel...39-525
Phuluang Wildlife Sanctuary...39-525
Phutthathat Phikhu...39-525
Phyathai 2 Hospital...39-525
Phyathai2 Hospital...39-525
Phycocyanin biosynthesis...39-526
Phyically handicapped...39-526
Phyllanthus acidus...39-526
Phyllanthus amarus...39-526
Phyllanthus amarus--Therapenuic use...39-526
Phyllanthus emblica...39-526
Phyllanthus oxyphyllus...39-526
Phyllanthus polyphyllus...39-527
Phyllanthus reticulatus...39-527
Phyllanthus toxodiifolius...39-527
Phyllanthus urinaria...39-527
Phyllocnistis citrella...39-527
Phyllocopteuta oleivora...39-527
Phyllodes tumors...39-527
Phyllotaxis model...39-527
Phylogenetic analysis...39-527
Phylogenetic profile...39-527
Phylogenetics relationship...39-527
Phylogeny [Botany]...39-528
Physcomitrella patens...39-528
Physic nut--Buri Rum--Planting...39-528
Physical activity...39-528
Physical activity questionnaire...39-529
Physical aging...39-529
Physical and thermodynamic properties...39-529
Physical anthropology...39-529
Physical carrying capacity...39-529
Physical characteristics...39-529
Physical development...39-529
Physical disabilities...39-529
Physical disability persons...39-529
Physical distribution of goods...39-529
Physical education and training...39-529
Physical education and training--Study and
Physical education colleges...39-529
Physical education games...39-529
Physical education program...39-530
Physical education students...39-530
Physical education teachers...39-530
Physical education teachers--Attitudes...39-530
Physical environment...39-530
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-45]
Physical environment design...39-530
Physical fitness...39-530
Physical fitness for children...39-531
Physical fitness for men...39-531
Physical fitness for the aged...39-531
Physical fitness for women...39-531
Physical fitness--Nutrition aspects...39-531
Physical fitness--Testing...39-531
Physical functioning...39-531
Physical geography--Chanthaburi...39-532
Physical integrated circuits design...39-532
Physical interface...39-532
Physical laws...39-532
Physical measurements...39-532
Physical model...39-532
Physical organic...39-532
Physical performance...39-532
Physical plant...39-532
Physical process...39-532
Physical properties...39-532
Physical property...39-533
Physical quality...39-533
Physical stability...39-533
Physical structure...39-533
Physical therapists...39-533
Physical therapists--Attitudes...39-533
Physical therapy...39-533
Physical therapy unit...39-534
Physical therapy--Equipment and supplies...39-534
Physical trainning...39-534
Physically disabled...39-534
Physically disabled students...39-534
Physically handicapped students...39-534
Physically handicapped women...39-534
Physician shortages...39-534
Physician's orders...39-534
Physician-patient relation...39-534
Physician-pharmacist cooperation...39-534
Physicians--Job satisfaction...39-535
Physicians--Thailand, Northeastern--Behavior...39535
Physicochemical changes...39-535
Physicochemical properties...39-535
Physicochemical property...39-536
Physics teachers...39-536
Physics--Computer programs...39-536
Physics--Computer-assisted instruction...39-536
Physics--Study and teaching...39-536
Physics--Teaching--Aids and devices...39-536
Physiochemical properties...39-536
Physiologic changes...39-536
Physiological adaptation...39-536
Physiological aspects...39-536
Physiological changes...39-536
Physiological characteristics...39-537
Physiological recovery...39-537
Physiological response...39-537
Physiologically based pharmacokinetics model...39537
Physiology, Pathological...39-537
Physiotherapy--Computer-assisted instruction...39537
Physter macrocyphalus...39-537
Phytase C...39-538
Phytic acid...39-538
Phytochemical study...39-538
Phytopathogenic bacteria...39-539
Phytopathogenic fungi...39-539
Phytopathogenic microorganisms--Biological
Phytophthora infestans...39-540
Phytophthora palmivora...39-540
Phytophthora parasitica...39-540
Phytosteryl glucoside...39-541
Phytosteryl glycosides...39-541
Phytotoxic activity...39-541
Piaget's theory...39-542
Piano music--Analysis, appreciation...39-542
Piano students...39-542
Piano teachers...39-542
Piano--Study and teaching...39-542
Piaraclus brachypromus...39-542
PICA test...39-542
Pichia pastoris...39-542
Pichia stipitis...39-543
Pickett-Potter horn...39-543
Pickled foods...39-543
Pickled vegetable factory...39-543
Pickled vegetables...39-543
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-46]
Pico hydro system...39-543
Picocellular radio systems...39-543
Pictet spengler...39-543
Pictorial labeling system...39-544
Picture book for children...39-544
Picture books...39-544
Picture dictionaries, English...39-544
Picture of Thailand...39-544
Picture quality scale...39-544
PID controllers...39-544
Piecewise linear interpolation...39-544
Pierre et Jean...39-544
Piezoelectric arc stator...39-545
Piezoelectric biosensors...39-545
Piezoelectric ceramics...39-545
Piezoelectric immunosensor...39-545
Piezoelectric materials...39-545
Piezoelectric meterials...39-545
Piezoelectric quartz crystal microbalances...39-545
Pig brain...39-545
Pig farms...39-545
Pig manure...39-546
Pigeon pea...39-546
Pigeon pea--Diseases and pests...39-546
Pigeon pea--Planting...39-546
Pigeon pea--Seeds...39-546
Piggery wastewater...39-546
Piggery wastewater treatment...39-546
Pigmented inkjet ink...39-546
Pigmented rice...39-546
Pigments [Biology]...39-546
Pigs--Chiang Mai...39-548
Pikulthong Royal Development Study Centre...39-548
Pilates training...39-548
Pile cap...39-548
Pile foundation...39-548
Pile group...39-548
Pile tip...39-548
Pileated gibbon...39-548
Piles [Civil engineering]...39-549
Pilgrim's Progress...39-549
Pilice officers...39-549
Piling [Civil engineering]...39-549
Pillored clay...39-549
Pilot plants...39-549
Pilot project on the holistic administration...39-549
Pilot schools...39-549
Pilot-pervaporation system...39-549
Pinacol rearrangement...39-549
Pinacol rearrangements...39-549
Pinch analysis...39-549
Pinch technology...39-550
Pine forest...39-550
Pineal gland...39-550
Pineal gland--Blood-vessels...39-550
Pineapple core osmotic dehydration...39-551
Pineapple fibre...39-551
Pineapple glace...39-551
Pineapple juice...39-551
Pineapple peel...39-551
Pineapple powder...39-551
Pineapple waste...39-551
Pineapple wastes...39-551
Pineapple--Diseases and pests...39-551
Pineapple--Thailand, Northern--Planting...39-552
Ping basin...39-552
Ping River...39-552
Ping river...39-552
Ping River [Thailand]...39-552
Ping River [Thailand]--Environmentas aspects...39552
Ping watershed--Classification...39-552
Pink bollworm...39-552
Pink zinnia...39-552
Pinus kesiya...39-552
Pinus Kesiya...39-553
Pinus kesiya--Loei...39-553
Pinus merkusii...39-553
Pinus merkusii--Genetics...39-553
Pinus merkusii--Seeds...39-553
Pinus taeda...39-553
Pipe heat exchanger...39-553
Pipe networks...39-553
Pipe supports--Design...39-553
Pipe system...39-553
Pipe tee...39-553
Pipe, Asbestos-cement...39-553
Pipe--Mathematical models...39-554
Pipeline scheduling...39-554
Pipelines--Design and construction--Computer
Piper aurantiacum...39-554
Piper betle...39-554
Piper nigrum...39-554
Piper nigrum--Analysis...39-554
Piper pedicelatum...39-554
Piper retrofractum...39-554
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-47]
Piper ribesoides--Analysis...39-554
Piper rostratum...39-554
Piper sarmentosum...39-554
Piper [Genus]...39-555
Piperideine-6-carboxylate dehydrogenase...39-555
Pipette shaker...39-556
Piping system...39-556
Piracy [Copyright]...39-556
Pirate music...39-556
Pirimiphos methyl...39-556
Piroxicam gel...39-556
Piroxicam--Therapeutic use--Testing...39-556
Pisa structure...39-556
Pistia stratiotes...39-557
Pistol shooting...39-557
Pisum ksativum...39-557
Pit and fissure sealants [Dentistry]...39-557
Pitch contour...39-557
Pitee rumpee...39-557
Pitfall trap...39-557
Pithi Sampeah Kru...39-557
Pitting corrosion...39-557
Pitting potential...39-557
Pituitary gland...39-557
Pituitary hormones...39-557
Pityriasis versicolor...39-558
Pityrogramma reland...39-558
Pivallic acid...39-558
Pizza public co...39-.558
PK xA. Lu [green]lotus...39-558
PK xA. Lu [green]slip...39-558
Pla Boo Thong...39-558
Pla duk bigoui...39-558
Pla duk-oui...39-558
Pla duk-tes...39-558
Pla nil...39-558
Pla-Som fermentation...39-558
Placebo [Medicine]...39-559
Placement tests...39-559
Placental hormones...39-559
Placental malaria...39-559
Plague vaccines...39-559
Plai oil...39-559
Plai Pong Pang Thai villages...39-559
Plain tiger...39-559
Plakmailai community...39-559
Plam oil...39-559
Plam oil mill effluent...39-559
Plan taxonomy...39-559
Plan technique...39-560
Planar frame...39-560
Planar lipid bilayers...39-560
Planar neea-field measurement system...39-560
Planar source...39-560
Planar steel trusses...39-560
Plane frames...39-560
Plane linear elastic...39-560
Planetarium shows...39-560
Planetary boundary layer...39-560
Plang ethnic group...39-560
Plang language--Usage...39-560
Plankton hyperiids...39-561
Plankton--Chiang Mai...39-561
Plankton--Chon Buri...39-561
Planning process...39-561
Planning--Chiang Mai...39-561
Plant biochemical genetics...39-561
Plant biomass...39-561
Plant breeding...39-562
Plant canopies...39-562
Plant cell culture...39-562
Plant cell microbodies...39-562
Plant cells and tissues...39-562
Plant communities...39-562
Plant community...39-562
Plant defences...39-562
Plant diseases...39-562
Plant diseases bacteria...39-563
Plant diseases--Diagnosis...39-563
Plant diseases--Genetic aspects...39-563
Plant diseases--Prevention and control...39-563
Plant diversity...39-563
Plant ecology...39-564
Plant ecology--Thailand, Northern...39-564
Plant ecophysiology...39-564
Plant enzymes...39-564
Plant extracts...39-564
Plant extracts--Toxicity testing...39-568
Plant family...39-568
Plant fibers...39-568
Plant fibers--Philippines--Supply and demand...39568
Plant filtration method...39-568
Plant foods...39-568
Plant genetics...39-568
Plant growing media...39-568
Plant growing media, Artificial...39-568
Plant growth...39-569
Plant growth inhibiting substances...39-569
Plant growth promotion substances...39-569
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-48]
Plant growth regulation...39-569
Plant growth regulators...39-569
Plant hormones...39-569
Plant identification...39-569
Plant indicators...39-569
Plant inspection...39-569
Plant isozymes...39-569
Plant layout...39-569
Plant layout--Models...39-569
Plant lectins...39-569
Plant lipids--Synthesis...39-570
Plant location decision...39-570
Plant Macerating...39-570
Plant material...39-570
Plant materials...39-570
Plant materials centers...39-570
Plant metabolites...39-570
Plant micropropagation...39-570
Plant molecular biology...39-570
Plant mutation...39-570
Plant nematodes...39-570
Plant nutrients...39-570
Plant nutrients--Analysis...39-570
Plant of latex industries...39-570
Plant parasitic nematodes...39-570
Plant pathogen...39-571
Plant pathogenic fungi...39-571
Plant pathologists...39-571
Plant performance--Monitoring...39-571
Plant phenology--Chiang mai...39-571
Plant physiology...39-571
Plant physiology--Environmental aspects...39-571
Plant pigments...39-571
Plant polyketide synthese...39-571
Plant polyphenols...39-571
Plant products...39-571
Plant propagation...39-571
Plant propagation--In vitro...39-571
Plant proteins...39-571
Plant regulators...39-572
Plant residues...39-572
Plant selection...39-572
Plant spacing...39-572
Plant species...39-572
Plant strain test...39-572
Plant taxonomists...39-572
Plant taxonomy...39-572
Plant tissue...39-572
Plant tissue culture...39-572
Plant tissue culture room...39-573
Plant translocation...39-573
Plant varieties...39-573
Plant variety protection...39-574
Plant viruses--Genetics...39-574
Plant-pathogen relationships...39-574
Plant-soil relationships--Thailand, Northern...39-574
Plant-water relationships...39-574
Plant-water relationships--Malaysia...39-574
Plantago major...39-574
Plantago ovata...39-574
Plantago ovata Forsk...39-574
Plantago psyllium...39-574
Plantar blood flow...39-574
Planthoppers--Insecticide resistance...39-575
Planting materials...39-575
Planting soil...39-575
Planting [Plant culture]...39-575
Planting [Plant culture]--Suphan Buri...39-575
Planting [Plant culture]--Vietnam...39-575
Plants extracts...39-576
Plants genetically modified organisms...39-576
Plants, Cultivated...39-576
Plants, Edible...39-576
Plants, Edible--Manufactures--Appropriate
Plants, Edible--Thailand, Northeastern...39-576
Plants, Effect of acids on...39-576
Plants, Effect of air pollution on...39-576
Plants, Effect of arsenic on...39-576
Plants, Effect of boron on--Genetic aspects...39-576
Plants, Effect of cadmium on...39-577
Plants, Effect of detergents on...39-577
Plants, Effect of floods on...39-577
Plants, Effect of gibberellins on...39-577
Plants, Effect of heavy metals on...39-577
Plants, Effect of herbicides on...39-577
Plants, Effect of lead on...39-577
Plants, Effect of nitrates on...39-577
Plants, Effect of phosphorus on...39-577
Plants, medicinal...39-577
Plants, Ornamental...39-577
Plants, Ornamental--Chiang Mai...39-577
Plants, Ornamental--Research...39-577
Plants, Useful--Thailand, Northeastern...39-577
Plants--Economic aspects...39-578
Plants--Genetic aspects...39-578
Plants--Insect resistance...39-578
Plants--Lead content...39-578
Plants--Thailand, Northern...39-578
Plantwide control...39-579
Plantwide process...39-579
Plantwide process control...39-579
Plaque assay technique...39-579
Plaque fluoride...39-579
Plaque PH...39-579
Plaque reduction assay...39-579
Plaque reduetion assay...39-579
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-49]
Plasma antioxidant...39-580
Plasma chemistry...39-580
Plasma cortisol...39-580
Plasma deposition...39-580
Plasma diagnostics...39-580
Plasma diagnotics...39-580
Plasma EBV DNA...39-580
Plasma etching...39-580
Plasma focus...39-580
Plasma generators...39-580
Plasma glucose...39-580
Plasma homocysteine...39-581
Plasma iron...39-581
Plasma lipids...39-581
Plasma magnesium...39-581
Plasma membrane...39-581
Plasma membranes...39-581
Plasma nitriding...39-581
Plasma oestradiol-17 beta...39-581
Plasma proteins...39-581
Plasma Proteins...39-581
Plasma treatment...39-581
Plasma vascular endothelial growth factor...39-581
Plasma [Ionized gases]...39-581
Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition...39-582
Plasmepsin II...39-582
Plasmid DNA...39-582
Plasmid profile...39-582
Plasminogen activators...39-583
Plasmodium berghei...39-583
Plasmodium berghei--Analysis...39-583
Plasmodium chabaudi...39-583
Plasmodium falciparum...39-583
Plasmodium falciparum--Effect of quinine on...39-588
Plasmodium falciparuum...39-588
Plasmodium falcuparum...39-588
Plasmodium knowlesi...39-588
Plasmodium vivax...39-588
Plasmodium vivax malaria...39-589
Plasmodium yoelii...39-589
Plassive film...39-589
Plastenated brain slices...39-589
Plastering mortar...39-589
Plastic analysis [Engineering]...39-589
Plastic bottles industry...39-590
Plastic cards...39-590
Plastic composite...39-590
Plastic containers...39-590
Plastic corrosion cast technique...39-590
Plastic films...39-590
Plastic films--Conducting...39-590
Plastic forming...39-590
Plastic grinding machine...39-590
Plastic hinge...39-590
Plastic injection mold...39-590
Plastic injection molding manufacture...39-590
Plastic injection process...39-590
Plastic lenses...39-590
Plastic meterials...39-590
Plastic molding...39-590
Plastic mould factory...39-591
Plastic packaging...39-591
Plastic Packaging Company...39-591
Plastic packaging manufacturer...39-591
Plastic recycle industry...39-591
Plastic recycling industry...39-591
Plastic resins...39-591
Plastic roofing...39-591
Plastic sacks...39-591
Plastic scrap...39-591
Plastic scrap--Recycling...39-591
Plastic scrap--Separation...39-591
Plastic shrinkage cracks...39-591
Plastic structure...39-591
Plastic thermoforming process...39-591
Plastic utensil processing line...39-591
Plastic wares...39-591
Plastic waste...39-591
Plastic wastes...39-592
Plasticizer blend...39-592
Plastics industry and trade...39-593
Plastics industry and trade--Location...39-593
Plastics plants--Management...39-593
Plastics--Magnetic properties...39-593
Plate bending...39-594
Plate system...39-594
Platehet-derived growth factor...39-594
Platelet activation...39-594
Platelet activation markers...39-594
Platelet aggregation...39-594
Platelet antibodies...39-594
Platelet rich plasma...39-594
Platelet-associated IgG...39-594
Platelet-associated IgM...39-594
Platelet-bindable IgG...39-595
Platelet-bindable IgM...39-595
Plates [Engineering]...39-595
Plates [Engineering]--Analysis...39-595
Plates [Engineering]--Analysis--Computer
Plates [Engineering]--Computer programs...39-595
Platforming unit...39-595
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-50]
Plating sludge...39-596
Platinized carbon paper...39-596
Platinum alloys...39-596
Platinum catalysts...39-596
Platinum compounds...39-596
Platinum electrocatalyst...39-596
Platinum electrodes...39-597
Platinum nanoparticles...39-597
Platinum on carbon support...39-597
Platinum recovery...39-597
Plation--Waste disposal...39-597
Platoon dispersion...39-597
Platycerium coronarium...39-597
Platycerium ridleyi...39-597
Platydema waterhousei...39-597
Plau Yai...39-597
Plaunotol analogues...39-597
Playground--Design and construction...39-598
Playing cards...39-598
Plea bargaining...39-598
Pleng Korat...39-598
Pleng Napat...39-598
Pleng Oh...39-598
Plenum chamber...39-598
Pleural effusions...39-598
Pleuro ganglion...39-598
Pleuropulmonary complication...39-598
Pleurotus cystidiosus...39-598
Pleurotus erosus...39-598
Pleurotus ostreatus...39-598
Pleurotus sajor-caju...39-598
Pleurotus sapidus...39-598
plied linguistics--Curricula...39-598
Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary...39-598
Plometics training...39-599
Plotosus canius...39-599
Pluchea indica...39-599
Plug flow system...39-599
Plumbago indica...39-599
Plumbago zeylanica...39-599
Plumeria obtusa...39-599
Plural mangement...39-599
Pluronic F-127 gel...39-600
Plutella sylostella...39-600
Plutella xylostella...39-600
Plutella xylostella--Biological control...39-601
Plutella xylostella--Control...39-601
Plutella xylostella--Insecticide resistance...39-601
Plutella--Thailand, West...39-601
Plygesal gel...39-601
Plymeric drug delivery systems...39-601
Plyometric training...39-601
Pneumatic conveyer...39-602
Pneumatic cylinders...39-602
Pneumatic dryers...39-602
Pneumatic-tube transportation...39-602
Pneumatics system...39-602
Pneumocystis carinii...39-603
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia...39-603
Pneumonia in children...39-603
Pneumonia in children--Bangkok...39-603
Pneumonia--Nakhon Phanom...39-603
Pneumonia--Prevention and control...39-603
Pneumonia--Risk factors...39-604
Pocillopora damicornis...39-604
Pocket switching [Data transmission]...39-604
Podocarpus neriifolius...39-604
Poe, Edgar Allan...39-604
Poecilia reticulata...39-604
Poetic messages...39-604
Poetry, Medieval--16th century...39-604
Pogostemon cablin...39-604
Poincare dise...39-605
Point of care testing...39-605
Point-of-sale systems...39-605
Point-to-point radio telephone...39-605
Pointwise bound...39-605
Poisoning materials...39-605
Poisonous agricultural chemicals...39-605
Poisonous animals...39-605
Poisonous plants...39-605
Poisonous plants--Toxicology...39-605
Poisonous shellfish...39-605
Poisonous snakes...39-605
Poisonous snakes--Thailand, Northern...39-605
Poisonous snakes--Venom...39-605
Poisonous substance containers...39-606
Poisonous substances...39-606
Poisson distribution...39-607
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-51]
Pol gene...39-607
Polar coordinates...39-607
Polar solvent...39-607
Polarimetry of the scattered waves...39-607
Polarization mode coupling control...39-607
Polarization modulation...39-607
Polarization [Electricity]...39-607
Polarization [Light]...39-607
Polder system...39-608
Pole-zero placement technique...39-608
Polical news...39-608
Police administration--Citizen participation...39-609
Police administration--Taiwan...39-610
Police Aviation Division...39-610
Police Cadet Academy...39-610
Police cadet academy...39-610
Police Cadet Acadency...39-610
Police cadets...39-610
Police chiefs...39-610
Police constabel students...39-610
Police constable trainees...39-610
Police culture...39-610
Police education--Curricula...39-610
Police ethics...39-610
Police for people project...39-610
Police General Hospital...39-610
Police hospital--Emergency medical services...39-610
Police Immigration Bureau...39-610
Police investigator...39-611
Police officers...39-611
Police organization...39-611
Police patrol...39-611
Police patrol officers...39-611
Police patrol--Bangkok...39-611
Police patrol--Work...39-611
Police private students...39-611
Police recruits...39-611
Police reform...39-611
Police schools...39-611
Police sciences...39-611
Police Sciences...39-612
Police shootings...39-612
Police station...39-612
Police station for people development project...39612
Police stations--Loei--Services...39-612
Police student...39-612
Police traffic...39-612
Police training...39-612
Police, Rural...39-612
Police, Rural--Work...39-612
Police--Job satisfaction...39-613
Police--Job stress...39-613
Police--Mental health...39-613
Police--Nakhon Nayok...39-613
Police--Nakhon Pathom...39-613
Police--Study and teaching...39-613
Police-community relations...39-613
Policy analysis...39-614
Policy and plan analysis officer...39-614
Policy cancellation...39-614
Policy formulation...39-614
Policy implementation...39-614
Policy makers...39-615
Policy research...39-615
Policy sciences...39-615
Policy scienists...39-615
Policy scientists...39-615
Policy-making process...39-615
Polio immunization...39-615
Poliomyelitis vaccine, Oral...39-615
Poliomyelitis--Chiang Mai...39-615
Polishing paste...39-616
Polishing workers...39-616
Political accusation...39-616
Political actor...39-616
Political attitudes...39-616
Political behavior...39-616
Political corruption...39-616
Political culture...39-616
Political development...39-616
Political economics...39-616
Political economy...39-616
Political economy analysis...39-617
Political efficacy...39-617
Political entrepreneurship...39-617
Political events...39-617
Political faction...39-617
Political impact...39-617
Political impacts...39-617
Political Information Research Center...39-617
Political interaction...39-617
Political intergration...39-617
Political leadership...39-617
Political legitimation...39-617
Political news...39-617
Political oratory...39-618
Political participation...39-618
Political participation--Latin America...39-618
Political parties...39-618
Political philosophy...39-618
Political power...39-618
Political pressure groups...39-618
Political recruitment...39-618
Political reform...39-618
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-52]
Political science...39-619
Political science students--Political activity...39-619
Political science--History...39-619
Political sociology...39-619
Political space...39-619
Political succession...39-619
Political thought...39-619
Political violence...39-619
Political vision...39-619
Politics and governmen...39-621
Politics and government...39-621
Politics, Practical...39-621
Politics, Practical--Thailand, Central...39-621
Politics--International cooperation...39-622
Politics--Study and teaching...39-622
Pollen analysis...39-622
Pollination by insects...39-622
Polluter pays principle...39-623
Pollution control industry...39-623
Pollution control industry--Indonesia...39-623
Pollution good...39-624
Pollution prevention...39-624
Pollution--Chon Buri...39-624
Pollution--Environmental aspects...39-624
Pollution--Law and legislation...39-624
Pollution--Nakhon Pathom--Management...39-624
Poloxamer 188...39-624
Poly alpha ester...39-624
Poly butadiene...39-624
Poly ethyl methacrylate...39-625
Poly [1,4-butadiene-b-cis-1,4-isoprene]...39-625
Poly [1,4-phenylene vinylene]...39-625
Poly [2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate]...39-625
Poly [3,4-dialkoxythiopene]...39-625
Poly [3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene]...39-625
Poly [3-alkylthiophene]...39-625
Poly [3-hexylthiophene)...39-625
Poly [3-hexylthiophene]...39-625
Poly [3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate]...39625
Poly [Acrylamide-co-itaconic acid]...39-625
Poly [Acrylamide-co-methacrylic acid]...39-625
Poly [acrylic acid]...39-625
Poly [Dimethylsiloxane]...39-625
Poly [dimethylsiloxane]...39-625
Poly [ester-amide]s...39-626
[ether urethane urea]...39-626
[Ethyl methacrylate]...39-626
[Ethylacerylate methylmethaery late]...39-626
[Ethylene oxide]...39-626
[ethylene terephthalate]...39-626
[isoprehe-b-methyl methacrylate]...39-626
[L-lactic acid]...39-626
[L-lactic acil]...39-626
[Lactic acid]...39-626
[methyl methacrylate-co-2-ethylhexyl
Poly [methyl methacrylate-co-acrylamide]...39-627
Poly [Methyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid]...39627
Poly [Methyl methacrylate]...39-627
Poly [methyl methacrylate]...39-627
Poly [Methylmethacrylate-co-acrylonitrile]...39-627
Poly [Meth] aerylate...39-627
Poly [N-phenylmaleimide-co-p-epoxystyrene-costyrene]...39-627
Poly [phenyl vinyl ketone]...39-627
Poly [Potassium acrylate-co-acrylamide]...39-627
Poly [pyrrole]...39-627
Poly [Sodium 4-styrene sulfonate]...39-627
Poly [Styrene sulfonate]...39-627
Poly [Styrene-co-acrylamide]...39-627
Poly [Styrene-co-acrylonitrile]...39-627
Poly [styrene-co-butylacrylate]...39-628
Poly [styrene-co-maleic anhydride]...39-628
Poly [Styrene-co-methyl methacrylate]...39-628
Poly [Vinyl aclohol]...39-628
Poly [vinyl chloride]...39-628
Poly [Vinyl chloride]...39-628
Poly-O-aminobenzoic acid...39-628
Polyacrylamide gel...39-628
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis...39-628
Polyacrylanide gel electrophoresis...39-628
Polyacrylic acid...39-629
Polyalthia cerasoides...39-629
Polyalthia debilis...39-629
Polyalthia evecta...39-629
Polyalthia jucunda...39-629
Polyaluminium chloride...39-629
Polyaluminum chloride...39-629
Polyamide 6...39-629
Polyamide nucleic acid...39-629
Polyamidoamine dendrimers...39-630
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-53]
Polyaza tris-ferrocene dinuclear cryptates...39-630
Polybutadiene rubber...39-631
Polycaprolactone diol...39-631
Polycavernosa changii...39-632
Polycavernosa fisheri...39-632
Polychlorinated biphenyls...39-632
Polyclonal antibodies...39-633
Polyclonal antibody...39-633
Polyclonal antisera...39-633
Polycrystalline silicon...39-633
Polycyclic aromatic compounds...39-633
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon...39-633
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...39-633
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons--Analysis...39-635
Polycystic kidney disease...39-635
Polydex trose...39-635
Polydimethyl siloxane...39-635
Polydisperse aerosols...39-635
Polyelectrolyte complex...39-635
Polyelectrolyte multilayer...39-636
Polyester fabric...39-636
Polyester fabrics...39-636
Polyester fibers...39-636
Polyester films...39-636
Polyester resin...39-636
Polyethylene film...39-640
Polyethylene foam...39-640
Polyethylene glycol...39-640
Polyethylene graft maleic anhydride...39-640
Polyethylene oxide...39-640
Polyethylene pellet industry...39-641
Polyethylene pipes...39-641
Polyethylene plants...39-641
Polyethylene plastic...39-641
Polyethylene terephthalate...39-641
Polyethylene terephthalate--Recycling...39-641
Polyethylene-poly [ethylene terephthalate]...39-641
Polygenic diseases...39-642
Polygonal plate structures...39-642
Polyhedrosis virus...39-642
Polyhistidine affinity tag...39-642
Polyhydroxy ecdysteroids...39-642
Polyinyl chloride...39-643
Polyketides synthase...39-643
Polylactic acid...39-644
Polymer alloy...39-644
Polymer alloys...39-644
Polymer bead...39-644
Polymer blend...39-644
Polymer Blends...39-644
Polymer blends...39-645
Polymer brush...39-645
Polymer butadiene...39-645
Polymer composite...39-645
Polymer composites...39-646
Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells...39-646
Polymer electrolytes...39-646
Polymer fibers...39-646
Polymer film...39-646
Polymer films...39-646
Polymer fouling layers...39-646
Polymer liquid crystals...39-646
Polymer Marketing and Trading Company...39-647
Polymer matrix...39-647
Polymer melting...39-647
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-54]
Polymer membranes...39-647
Polymer modified bitumen...39-647
Polymer nanocomposite...39-647
Polymer nanocomposites...39-647
Polymer networks...39-647
Polymer resins...39-648
Polymer rheology...39-648
Polymer solar cells...39-648
Polymer solutions...39-648
Polymer synthesis...39-648
Polymer-ceramic composites...39-648
Polymer-clay nanocomposite...39-648
Polymer-clay nanocomposites...39-648
Polymerase chain reaction...39-648
Polymerase Chain reaction...39-654
Polymerase chain reaction--Diagnostic use...39-654
Polymerase chian reaction...39-654
Polymerases chain reaction...39-654
Polymeric composites...39-655
Polymeric drugs...39-655
Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor...39-655
Polymeric matrix...39-655
Polymeric MDI...39-655
Polymeric membrane...39-655
Polymeric nanoparticles...39-655
Polymeric resin...39-655
Polymeric salen...39-655
Polymeric sponge...39-655
Polymerized toner...39-658
Polymers bead...39-662
Polymers in medicine...39-662
Polymers--Electric properties...39-662
Polymers--Thermal properties...39-662
Polymethacrylate ester copolymer...39-662
Polymethyl methacrylate...39-663
Polymicin B...39-664
Polymorphic DNA...39-664
Polymorphic interaction...39-664
Polymorphic transformation...39-664
Polymorphism [Grystallography]...39-664
Polymorphism [Zoology]...39-665
Polynomail functions...39-665
Polynomial coefficients...39-665
Polynomial functions...39-665
Polynomial funtions...39-666
Polynomial regression model...39-666
Polynomial transform...39-666
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons...39-666
Polynuclear aromatics...39-666
Polynuclear carboxyiato-bridge copper [II]
Polynuclear copper...39-666
Polynuclear copper [II] complexes...39-666
Polyol ester...39-666
Polyolefin blends...39-666
Polyoma virus...39-667
Polyoxyethylene nonyl phenyl ether...39-667
Polyoxyethylene sorbitan...39-667
Polypedates leucomystax...39-667
Polyphagotar sonemus...39-667
Polyphagotarsonemus latus...39-667
Polyphenol oxidase...39-667
Polyphenolic compounds...39-668
Polyphophate accumulating organisms...39-668
Polyphosphate kinase...39-668
Polypropylene composites...39-671
Polypropylene fibers...39-671
Polypropylene foams...39-671
Polypropylene fumarate...39-672
Polypropylene/clay nanocomposit...39-672
Polyprotein processing...39-672
Polysaccharide fiber...39-673
Polysaccharide gel...39-673
Polysaccharide gel film...39-673
Polysaccharide hydrolyzing enzyme...39-673
Polysemnatic words...39-674
Polystyrene foam...39-675
Polystyrene plastic...39-675
Polystyrene resin...39-675
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-55]
Polysulfone ultrafiltuation membrane...39-675
Polysyllabic words...39-675
Polytechnic colleges...39-676
Polytene chromosomes...39-676
Polytetramethylene glycol...39-676
Polyunsaturated fatty acids...39-676
Polyurea microcapsules...39-676
Polyurethane elastomers...39-676
Polyurethane foam...39-676
Polyurethane nanocomposites...39-676
Polyvinyl acetate...39-678
Polyvinyl alcohol...39-678
Polyvinyl chloride...39-678
Polyvinyl chloride foam...39-679
Polyvinylidene difluoride...39-679
Pomacea canalicalata...39-679
Pomacea canaliculata...39-679
Pomacea canaliculata--Control...39-680
Pomacea caniculata...39-680
Pomegranate peel...39-680
Pometia pinnata...39-680
Pomprabsatruphai District...39-680
Pond soils...39-681
Pondoh school...39-681
Pong River...39-681
Pontine nuclei...39-681
Pooled DNA...39-681
Pooling of sparse clinical trials...39-681
Poor--Economic conditions...39-682
Poor--Medical care--Needs assessment...39-682
Pop songs...39-682
Popa, Mount [Burma]--Simulation methods...39-682
Popalar music...39-682
Popular music, Shan...39-682
Popular Music, Thai...39-682
Popular wisdom...39-682
Population and community development
Population biology...39-683
Population density...39-683
Population development...39-683
Population distribution...39-683
Population dynamics...39-683
Population education through rural and agricultural
development networks...39-683
Population education--Study and teaching...39-684
Population genetics...39-684
Population indicators...39-684
Population means...39-684
Population model...39-684
Population policy...39-684
Population research...39-684
Population research--Asia, Southeastern...39-684
Population size estimator...39-684
Population variance...39-684
Population--Bangkok--Health and hygiene...39-685
Population--Environmental aspects...39-685
Population--Health and hygiene...39-685
Population--Health and hygiene--Research...39-685
Population--Law and legislation...39-685
Porcelain fused to metal restorations...39-685
Porcelain fused-to-metal crown...39-685
Porcelain insulators...39-685
Porcelain pottery...39-685
Porcelain surface...39-685
Porcine blood curd...39-685
Porcine Blood Curd...39-686
Porcine cirovirus type 2...39-686
Porcine lymphocyte...39-686
Porcine oocyte...39-686
Porcine pancreas...39-686
Porcine renal cortex...39-686
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome...39686
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
Pore reduced cement technique...39-686
Pore size distribution...39-686
Pore water pressure...39-686
Pore-forming fragment...39-686
Porites lutea...39-686
Pork flavor...39-687
Pork quality...39-687
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-56]
Pork--Nutrition aspects...39-687
Porous ceramics materials...39-688
Porous film...39-688
Porous glass...39-688
Porous material...39-688
Porous materials...39-688
Porous materials--Combustion...39-688
Porous materials--Diffusion--Mathematical
Porous medium driven...39-688
Porous NiTi...39-688
Porous silicon...39-688
Porous superabsorbent...39-688
Porphyra vietnamensis--Culture...39-689
Porphyromonas gingivalis...39-689
Porphyromonas gingivalis-specific T cells...39-689
Port health service center--Indonesia-Utilization...39-690
Port scaning...39-690
Portable audio players...39-690
Portable computer...39-690
Portable emergency eyewash...39-690
Portable mobile telephone...39-690
Portfolio assessment...39-690
Portfolios in education...39-690
Portland cement...39-690
Portland cement--Market...39-691
Portland pozzolan cement...39-691
Portunus pelagicus...39-691
Positional information handoff...39-691
Positive skewed distribution...39-692
Positive temperature coefficient of resistivity...39-692
Positive thinking...39-692
Positively spanning...39-692
Positron annihilation...39-692
Pospitals, Proprietary...39-692
Post abdominal operation...39-692
Post abdominal operative pain...39-692
Post abdominal operative patients...39-692
Post abortion...39-692
Post and core technique [Dentistry]...39-692
Post cardiac valvular replacement patients...39-692
Post cyclone...39-692
Post extubation care...39-692
Post mortem inquests...39-692
Post nuptial residence...39-692
Post-abdominal surgery...39-692
Post-marketing study...39-693
Post-mortem investigations...39-693
Post-operative pain...39-693
Post-registration handoff...39-693
Post-tension concrete flat slabs...39-693
Post-tensioned prestressed concrete--Computer
Post-verbal qilai...39-693
Post-weaning period...39-693
Postal counter automation system project...39-693
Postal service--Chinese--Letter carriers...39-693
Postcoital contraceptives...39-693
Posterior segment [Foot]...39-693
Posteroanterior cephalogram...39-693
Postgraduate students...39-694
Postharvest diseases and injuries...39-694
Postharvest physiology...39-694
Postharvest quality...39-694
Postmastectomy patient...39-694
postmastectomy patients...39-694
Postmastectomy patients...39-694
Postmenopausal women...39-694
Postmenopausal women--Sakon Nakhon--Health and
Postmenopause women...39-694
Postmortem changes...39-694
Postmortem examination...39-695
Postnatal care...39-695
Postnatal care--Chiang Rai...39-695
Postnatal diagnosis...39-695
Postnatal handling...39-695
Postnatal mother...39-695
Postnatal mothers...39-695
Postoparative patients...39-695
Postoperative abdominal patients...39-695
Postoperative care...39-695
Postoperative care--Nutritional aspects...39-695
Postoperative complication...39-696
Postoperative complications--Prevention...39-696
Postoperative critical ill patients...39-696
Postoperative duration...39-696
Postoperative pain...39-696
Postoperative patients...39-696
Postoperative recovery...39-696
Postpartal mothers...39-697
Postpartum adaptation...39-697
Postpartum checkups...39-697
Postpartum complications...39-697
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-57]
Postpartum depression...39-697
Postpartum mothers...39-697
Postpartum period...39-697
Postpartum women...39-698
Postpatum depression...39-698
Postural control...39-698
Postural sway behavious...39-698
Posture disorders--Physical therapy...39-698
Posture in daily...39-698
Postweaning pigs...39-699
Postweld solution annealing...39-699
Potable water...39-699
Potamgeton malaianus...39-699
Potanical chemistry...39-699
Potassium carbonate...39-700
Potassium channels...39-700
Potassium chlorate...39-700
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
ดัชนีคําคน [39-58]
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 1]
Monte carlo--Simulation methods
Vu, Minh Tuan. Monte Carlo simulation for estimating hydrocarbon reserves in U-Thong field, Suphan Buri
basin, central Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 112 p. (R E34831)
Montessori approaces
วีณา กวยสมบูรณ. การศึกษาการพัฒนาและการใชหลักสูตรในโรงเรียนอนุบาลที่ใชแนวคิดทางการศึกษาแบบมอนเตส
ซอรี่ และวอลดอรฟ = A study of curriculum development and implementation in kindergarten using
Montessori and Waldorf approaches. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 336 หนา. (วพ
Lampan Khurnpoon. Changes in cell wall composition and enzyme activities in husk dehiscence of
'Monthong' durians. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2007. 80 p. (T E39103)
ธิรา แดงกนิษฐ. การเปลี่ยนแปลงหลังการเก็บเกี่ยวและคุณภาพของผลทุเรียนพันธุหมอนทองสุกที่ระดับอุณหภูมิตางๆ =
Postharvest changes and quality of durians cv. Monthong ripened at different temperatures.
กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2538. 1 แผน (58 เฟรม). (ว MF21949)
พีรพงษ แสงวนางคกูล. การเจริญเติบโตและการพัฒนาของผลทุเรียนพันธุหมอนทอง และอิทธิพลของเอทีฟอนในระยะ
กอนเก็บเกี่ยว = Growth and development of durian fruit cv. Monthong and the effect of ethephon
preharvest treatment. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 116 หนา. (วพ 97215)
สมศักดิ์ อตัญธี. ผลของเอทิฟอนตอการสุกและคุณภาพของทุเรียนพันธุชะนีและหมอนทอง = Effect of ethephon on
ripening and quality of durians (Durio zibethnius murray) cv. Chanee and Monthong. กรุงเทพฯ :
คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2538. 1 แผน (39 เฟรม). (ว MF21955)
Areeporn Ontam. Synthesis and characterization of metal sulfide-montmorillonite intercalation compounds.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 117 p. (T E42723)
Hathairat Benjapornthavee. Preparation of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/montmorillonite nanocomposites
by solution technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 125 p. (T E41611)
Patcharaporn Ngumnunjai. Preparation and properties of poly (methylmethacrylate)/clay nanocomposites.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 83 p. (T E34754)
Piyaporn Kampeerapappun. Preparation of cassava starch/montmorillonite nanocomposite film. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 101 p. (T E23391)
Ratanawan Wibulswas. Removal of organic components from water by Montmorillonite clay. Nakorn
Ratchasima : Suranaree University of Technology, 2001. 53 p. (R E17320)
Sarintorn Limpanart. Surface modification of montmorillonite for polymer-clay nanocomposite preparation.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 109 p. (T E34780)
Sorada Jingjid. Effect of nanoclay compositions on biodegradability fo methyl cellulose/montmorillonite
nanocomposites. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 89 p. (T E35800)
Ka, Fai Wong. Visions of a nation : public moments in twentieth-century Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 214 p. (T E16914)
Mooban Bor Maung Noi
ปยทัศน ทองไตรภพ. การศึกษาระบบการผลิตทางการเกษตรเพื่อการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน : ชนิดพืชที่มีความเหมาะสมใน
หมูบานบอเหมืองนอยและหมูบานหวยน้ําผัก ตําบลแสงภา อําเภอนาแหว จังหวัดเลย = Study of farming
systems for sustainable development : suitable crops for Mooban Bor Maung Noi and Huay Nam
Pak, Tumbon Sangpha, Nahaew district, Loei province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอม
เกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 233 หนา. (วพ 110925)
ศักดิ์ชัย วัฒนศรีรังกุล. การศึกษาระบบการผลิตทางการเกษตรเพื่อการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน : ระบบและรูปแบบการปลูกพืชที่มี
ความเหมาะสมในหมูบานบอเหมืองนอย และหมูบานหวยน้ําผัก ตําบลแสงภา อําเภอนาแหว จังหวัดเลย =
Study of farming systems for sustainable development : suitable cropping system and cropping
patterns for Mooban Bor Maung Noi and Huay Nam Pak, Tumbon Sangpha, Nahaew district, Loei
province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 261 หนา. (วพ 110910)
Mooban Huay Nam Pak
ปยทัศน ทองไตรภพ. การศึกษาระบบการผลิตทางการเกษตรเพื่อการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน : ชนิดพืชที่มีความเหมาะสมใน
หมูบานบอเหมืองนอยและหมูบานหวยน้ําผัก ตําบลแสงภา อําเภอนาแหว จังหวัดเลย = Study of farming
systems for sustainable development : suitable crops for Mooban Bor Maung Noi and Huay Nam
Pak, Tumbon Sangpha, Nahaew district, Loei province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอม
เกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 233 หนา. (วพ 110925)
ศักดิ์ชัย วัฒนศรีรังกุล. การศึกษาระบบการผลิตทางการเกษตรเพื่อการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน : ระบบและรูปแบบการปลูกพืชที่มี
ความเหมาะสมในหมูบานบอเหมืองนอย และหมูบานหวยน้ําผัก ตําบลแสงภา อําเภอนาแหว จังหวัดเลย =
Study of farming systems for sustainable development : suitable cropping system and cropping
patterns for Mooban Bor Maung Noi and Huay Nam Pak, Tumbon Sangpha, Nahaew district, Loei
province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 261 หนา. (วพ 110910)
Mood disorders
เครือวัลย ทรัพยเจริญ. ความเครียดและการเผชิญความเครียดของผูดูแลผูปวยโรคอารมณแปรปรวน = Stress and
coping strategies of caregivers of patients with mood disorders. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542.
88 หนา. (วพ 107876)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 2]
Puriwan Waranusast. A comparative study of the moon image in Chinese and Thai classical poetry.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 158 p. (T E40674)
Jureerat Pholdee. The change of fishing culture in the lower-Mun-basin community after the construction
of the Pak Mun dam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 142 p. (T E18101)
Moosodium glutanate
Aporn Supachok. Effects of monosodium glutamate on developing rat fetuses. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1982. 2 แผน (72 เฟรม). (T MF05567)
Rattanaporn Boonjarat. Protection by extract from Mulberry herb tea strain Burirum 60 against somatic
genotoxicity induced by urethane in Drosophila. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 74 p. (T
Warunee Jirawattanapong. Phytochemical study of Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fosb. wood. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 172 p. (T E10132)
Yaowanit Tarachai. Taxonomy of some figs and their interactions with pollinators. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2008. 183 p. (T E41315)
Moral behavior
Akanit Wangpetch. Moral behavior of nurses under the Act on nursing and midwifery profession B.E.2528
an empirical study for Siriraj hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 126 p. (T E18344)
นิตย บุหงามงคล. การสงเสริมพฤติกรรมจริยธรรมของนักเรียนชั้นอนุบาล 1 ของโรงเรียนในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ =
Improving kindergarten 1 student's moral behavior, north-eastern region. ขอนแกน :
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, [2542]. 112 หนา. (ว 113414)
มณฑลี หนูสีใส. การเปดรับสื่อกับพฤติกรรมจริยธรรมของวัยรุนในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = Media exposure and moral
behavior of adolescents in Bangkok Metropolis. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 116 หนา.
(วพ 108619)
Moral behaviors
Piyada Chaisri. Factors related to moral behaviors among Pratom 5th-6th students of Rattanakosin school
group, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 100 p. (T
Moral camping
พัชรา บุญเลา. ผลของการเขาคายจริยธรรม พรอมทั้งการใหคําปรึกษาแบบกลุมที่มีตอจริยธรรมของนักเรียนชั้น
มัธยมศึกษาปที่ 1, 2, 3 = The effect of moral camping including group counseling on moral of grade
seventh, eighth and ninth students. ปราจีนบุรี : โรงเรียนปราจีนกัลยาณี, 2538. 106 หนา. (ว 93243)
Moral development
Eberhardt, Nancy Jean. Knowledge, belief, and reasoning : moral development and culture acquisition in a
Shan village of Northwest Thailand. Illinois : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1984. ix,
222 p. (T E3040)
Moral development--Thailand, Northern
Darlington, Susan Marie. Buddhism, morality and change : the local response to development in northern
Thailand. Michigan : University of Michigan, 1990. 254 p. (T E8846)
Moral dilemma
Uthaiwan Theerapanphong. A study of ethical issues in sports : overemphasis on winning and
commercialized sports. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 111 p. (T E24128)
Moral education
Hirata, Toshifumi. A study on moral and religious education in Thailand. Kyushu : Kyushu University, 1997.
22 p. (R E12046 c.1; E12047 c.2)
Moral process
ปฬาณี ฐิติวัฒนา. การพัฒนาสันติสุขดวยกระบวนการศีลธรรม = The peace development through moral process.
กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาสังคมวิทยาและมานุษยวิทยา มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 314 หนา. (ว 106592)
Moral reasoning
Chanuttha Ploylearmsang. Development professionalism model of pharmacists and pharmacy students in
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 247 p. (T E33194)
Nalinee Taweewal. Relation of moral reasoning ability to empathy and work experience of nurses in
Pranangklao hospital, Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 71 p. (T E33629)
Orrain Khamkom. Moral reasoning of juvenile delinquents in the observation and protection of
Ubonratchathani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 141 p. (T E33949)
ชลวิทย เชื้อหอม. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบเหตุผลเชิงจริยธรรมของเยาวชนที่ผานการอบรมและไมผานการอบรมในเขต
บางขุนเทียน กรุงเทพมหานคร = Comparative study on moral reasoning of trained and non-trained
youth groups in Bang Khun Thian district, Bangkok Metropolis. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2542. 89 หนา. (วพ 105396)
วิจิตร ชาติกิจเจริญ. การใชเหตุผลเชิงจริยธรรมของตํารวจในการปฏิบัติหนาที่ : (ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีตํารวจภูธรจังหวัด
นครปฐม) = Moral reasoning of the police during on duty : (case study in Nakornpathom provincial
police). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 116 หนา. (วพ 106606)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 3]
Moral reasons
ปริญดา ตี่ดวง. การศึกษาเหตุผลเชิงจริยธรรมของมารดาที่มีแนวโนมทอดทิ้งบุตร = A study of moral reasons of the
mothers who trend to abandon their children. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 116 หนา. (วพ
Moral responsibility
สุทัศน ปงศิริพัฒนา. เจตจํานงเสรีและเหตุวิสัยในพุทธปรัชญาเถรวาท = Free will and determinism in Theravada
Buddhism. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 65 หนา. (วพ 108994)
Moral right protection
เทอดศักดิ์ สีสมาน. กําหนดระยะเวลาการคุมครองธรรมสิทธิ์ของผูสรางสรรคซึ่งเปนนิติบุคคล = Term of moral right
protection of the author being a juristic person. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2542. 112 หนา.
(วพ 112902)
Moral rights
พระมหารัตนะ ปญญาภา. สิทธิทางจริยธรรมของเด็กที่ไดรับเชื้อเอชไอวีจากมารดาในประเทศไทย : ศึกษาแนวคิดจริย
ศาสตรการแพทยและพุทธจริยศาสตร = A study of the moral rights of children with HIV infection from
their mothers in Thailand according to medical ethics and Buddhist ethics. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 212 หนา. (วพ 111258)
Moral rights [Copyright law]
เทอดศักดิ์ สีสมาน. กําหนดระยะเวลาการคุมครองธรรมสิทธิ์ของผูสรางสรรคซึ่งเปนนิติบุคคล = Term of moral right
protection of the author being a juristic person. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2542. 112 หนา.
(วพ 112902)
Apichat Hongpiboon. Factors relating to the morale of noncommissioned officers in the Police Cadet
Academy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 140 p. (T E19882)
Thanee Gesthong. Factors affecting the morale of the public primary school teachers in Phetchabun
province, Thailand. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1993. xv, 126 p. (T
สมภาร พรมทา. ความสัมพันธระหวางศีลธรรมกับกฎหมายในทัศนะของพุทธศาสนาเถรวาท = Relationships between
morality and law in Theravada Buddhism's view. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 87 หนา.
(ว 93128)
Chadin Nuprasert. Theravada Buddhism and Hinduism : a comparative study in morality. Varanasi :
Banaras Hindu University, 2000. 394 p. (T E16132)
Morally sensitive enterprises
Xuan, Minh Le. State policy on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) : a case study of "morally sensitive"
enterprises of district 1 in Ho Chi Minh City. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 101 p. (T
Darika Anudtranonth. An analytical study of moral teaching and ethical concepts in the Parables of Jesus.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 185 p. (T E18624)
Chumpot Amatayakul. Accuracy in health statistic information : a case study on morbidity and mortality of
hepatitis B at Chonburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. vi, 71 p. (T E7304)
Liando, Grace Treesje. Exclusive breastfeeding and infant morbidity in Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 58 p. (T E24553)
Sharma, Sharad Kumar. Assessing the levels of and contextual influences on self-reported obstetric
morbidity and related care seeking behaviour in Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 191 p. (T E37057)
Zhang, Liying. Social capital and cardiovascular disease morbidity in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 181 p. (T E33302)
วรรณภา กางกั้น. ภาวะการเจ็บปวยของสตรีวัยเจริญพันธุในประเทศไทย = Morbidity among females of
reproductive age in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 176 หนา. (วพ 105472)
Morbidity differentials
Gu, He. Morbidity differentials among the adult population in rural Kanchanaburi DSS. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 44 p. (T E24480)
Bavornpon Jansang. Interaction of mordenite with aromatic hydrocarbon : a new embedded ONIOM study.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 86 p. (T E23081)
Jarurat Waitayawan. The effect of aluminum on efficiency of mordenite catalyst for conversion of
methanol to olefins. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 80 p. (T E21524)
Noppakao Ex-un. Orthophosphate adsorption on mordenite and its calcination effect. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2006. 179 p. (T E36265)
Pakapong Pornmanuchatip. Optimization of conditions for polymer cracking using mordenite catalyst.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 79 p. (T E21519)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 4]
Mordenite (ตอ)
Sirinapa Arenamnart. Ethanol conversion to light olefins using mordenite catalysts. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 80 p. (T E27702)
MORE technique
Sompop Srilumpoutong. Heterocyclic synthesis using MORE technique. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
1995. 82 p. (T E9039)
Morgan, Morgan and Finney model
Chalermchai Saengthongpinit. Soil erosion assessment using revised MMF equations with special reference
to terrain parameter (s) : a case study in Nam Chun sub-watershed, Lomsak district, Thailand.
Enschede : International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, 2004. 80 p.
(T E24845)
Morinda angustifolia
Paitoon Aobchey. Production of natural pigments by callus cultures of roots of Morinda angustifolia Roxb.
and leaves of Indigofera tinctoria Linn.. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai Univerity, 2007. 120 p. (T E38559)
Morinda citrifolia
Aporn Charoenpiriya. Subacute effects of Morinda citrifolia fruit extract on hepatic cytochrome P450 and
clinical blood chemistry in rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 122 p. (T E21945)
Boonchai Pongnaravan. Subcritical water extraction of anthraquinones from roots of morinda citrifolia.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 95 p. (T E28960)
Chonlayut Raweewan. Determination of vitamins in fruit of Morinda citrifolia Linn. and Phyllanthus emblica
Linn. and their fermented juices. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 188 p. (T E35183)
Kittisak Kiathevest. Extraction and concentration of anthraquinones from roots of Morinda citrifolia by nonionic surfactant solution. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 93 p. (T E39087)
Phatthanawan Promnim. Antimutagenicity of products prepared from Morinda citrifolia using somatic
mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 123 p. (T E18329)
Saranya Khumwongsa. Endophytic fungi isolated from Morinda citrifolia L. leaves and twigs. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 154 p. (T E25118)
Sasithorn Sirilun. Fermentation kinetics of Morinda citrifolia Linn and antimicrobial activity of its products.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 141 p. (T E34883)
Surasak Hemwimon. Extraction of anthraquinones from roots of Morinda Citrifolia using ultrasound and
microwave. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 78 p. (T E27745)
Thitiporn Anekpankul. Extraction of anti-cancer damnacanthal from roots of Morinda citrifolia by suberitical
water. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 119 p. (T E35336)
Waraporn Wittayasinthana. Microwave-assisted extraction of anti-cancer damnacanthal from roots of
Morinda citrifolia. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 73 p. (T E40149)
Yongkaew Sae-tang. Chemical constituents from Morinda citrifolia and their biological activities. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2005. 145 p. (T E24933)
Morinda tomentosa
Dammrong Santiarworn. Chemical constituents and biological activities of some Rubiaceae. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2005. 106 p. (T E34841)
Moringa oleifera
Dararat Yammuenart. Chemical constituents and their biological activities of Gymnema inodorum Decne.
and Moringa oleifera Lam.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 124 p. (T E40732)
Pilaipark Chumark. Antiatherosclerotic activities of water extract of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2005. 130 p. (T E38741)
ชลาทิพย รัตสุข. การศึกษาการใชเมล็ดมะรุม (Moringa oleifera Lam.) เปนสารสรางตะกอนและสารชวยสรางตะกอน
รวมกับสารสมในการลดปริมาณความขุน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2536. ซ, 91 หนา. (วพ 65842)
Moringa oleifera--Analysis
Junya Intaranongpai. Chemical constituents from the stem bark of Moringa Pterygosperma Gaertn,.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 77 p. (T E10733)
Moringa Pterygosperma--Analysis
Junya Intaranongpai. Chemical constituents from the stem bark of Moringa Pterygosperma Gaertn,.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 77 p. (T E10733)
Morning cafe groups
ชื่นกมล ทิพยกุล. รูปแบบการสื่อสารในสภากาแฟของประชาชนในจังหวัดตรัง = The communication patterns of
morning cafe groups in Trang province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 183 หนา. (วพ
Morning stiffness
Duangjai Boonnun. A study of symptom management in rheumatoid arthritis patients with morning
stiffness. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 73 p. (T E16285)
Hataichanok Apikomonkon. Acute effects of intravenous morphine administration on computorized
electroencephalographic spectra, and neurochemical changes in the cerebrospinal fluid and plasma
of sheep. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 136 p. (T E12461)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 5]
Morphine (ตอ)
Jeratkana Janngam. The efficacy of ginger in prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting after
intrathecal morphine for lower extremity surgery. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 52 p.
(T E24995)
Kanokporn Sripakdee. Comparative determination of morphine and codeine in urine by GC and HPLC.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 63 p. (T E35764)
Marissak Kalpravidh. Effects of butorphanol flunixin, levorphanol, morphine, pentazocine, and xylazine in
horses. Fort Collins : Colorado State University, 1982. 161 p. (T E22514)
Nattinee Navikanon. The study of morphine and codeine in formalin-fixed tissues. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 46 p. (T E23976)
Oranuch Kyokong. The effect of preincisional and postincisional morphine on postoperative pain in major
abdominal surgery : a randomized clinical trial. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 51 p. (T
Pongruk Sribanditmongkol. Inhibition of morphine tolerance and dependence by diazepam and its relation
to opioid peptides. Ohio : cohio State University, 1994. xvii, 127 p. (T E7732)
Sirilak Suksompong. Etoricoxib with flavoxate for reducing morphine requirement after transurethral
prostatectomy : a factorial randomized controlled trial. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005.
62 p. (T E35825)
Somrat Charuluxananan. Comparison of efficacy between 20 mg propofol and 3 mg nalbuphine in
treatment of intrathecal morphine induced pruritus in caesarean-section patients. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 42 p. (T E15571)
Sukit Kaewsuk. The study of G-protein mRNA subunits in different areas of rat brain by RT-PCR and
effects of acute and chronic morphine administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 156 p.
(T E11751)
Surasak Tanudsintum. Can intravenous parecoxib sodium decrease morphine consumption for acute
postoperative pain following total knee arthroplasty. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 33
p. (T E34929)
Wannapa Settheetham. Long term influence of morphine hydrochloride upon serum levels of E2, P, PRL,
cortisol and sexual behaviours in adult female cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xx, 237 p. (T E6848)
Warachate Khobjai. Study of morphine-codeine ratios in whole blood by HPLC. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 65 p. (T E35066)
Suchinda Malaivijitnond. Pharmacokinetics of morphine related to the regulation of gonadal and thyroidal
functions in pubertal and adult male cynomolgus monkeys. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1994. 265 p. (T E8487)
Anak Iamaroon. Characterization of growth and tissue remodelling during the mouse craniofacial and
cardiac development. [S.l.] : University of British Columbia, 1996. 206 p. (T E11087)
Nol Chindapol. A framework for exploring coral morphogenesis using accretive growth model on graphics
hardware. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 78 p. (R E36676)
Rudee Surarit. Control of morphogenesis in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. Dunedin : University of
Otago, 1986. 297 p. (T E22517)
Wannapong Triampo. The studies of morphogenesis by using statistical physics, mathematical modeling
and computer simulations. Bangkok : Department of Physics Mahidol University, 2003. 1 vol. (R
Morphologic immunologic
Sumana Karimee. Systematic classification of acute leukemia using morphologic immunologic and
chromosome studies. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xv, 165 p. (T E7116)
Natthara Duangmardphon. Effect of GM1 on paclitaxel-induced neuropathy in rats. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 57 p. (T E36091)
Piranit Kantaputra. Morphological study of teeth in overian cystic teratomas. Chiang Mai : Department of
Pediatric Dentistry Chiang Mai University, 2002. 17 p. (R E18306)
Sunee Seethamchai. Primate malaria in Thailand : morphological identification, molecular analysis,
endemicity and transmissibility to humans. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 108 p. (T
Morphological isozyme
Prasert Kongkiatngam. Genetic studies of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) using morphological isozyme
and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Montreal : McGill University, 1995. 157 p.
(T E9564)
Morphological systematics
Kamolhathai Phulphong. Molecular and morphological systematics of genus Carex L. (Cyperaceae) in
Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 318 p. (T E42707)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 6]
Adisakdi Chatathanom. The interactions between compatibiliser activity under melt processing conditions
and the morphology and mechanical properties of polyamide 6/polypropylene blends. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 147 p. (T E15234)
Aporn Wongwicharn. Morphology and physiology of a recombinant Aspergillus niger (B1-D). Glasgow :
University of Strathclyde, 1998. 223 p. (T E13593)
Bootsara Parchana. Relationships between the extents of miscibility and the melt-flow induced phase
morphologies of injection moulded polyolefin blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 116 p. (T
Chatchai Kunyawut. Effect of processing conditions on the morphology and mechanical properties of
immiscible polymer blends. London : University of London, 2001. 265 p. (T E16100)
Dujreutai Pongkao. Fabrication and characterization of morphology-controlled calcium phosphate
bioceramics by soft solution processing. Tokyo : Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2002. 103 p. (T
Itsara Preechachon. Effect of interfacial agent on the morphology and properties of polypropylene
composites. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 92 p. (T E14504)
Jantagarn Guaysomboon. A study of relationships between phase morphology, oil resistance, aging
properties and mechanical properties in chlorinated polyethyl and natural rubber blends. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 187 p. (T E19291)
Jareerat Samran. A study of effect of compatibilisers on mechanical properties and morphology of
polypropylene/liquid crystalline polymer in situ composite films. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1997. 148 p. (T E11762)
Kampon Kaeoket. Infiltration by cells of the immune system in the sow endometrium with special
reference to different stages of the oestrous cycle and after pre-and post-ovulatory insemination.
Uppsala : Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2002. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E22233)
Koraon Wongkamhaeng. Morphology and feeding ecology of gammarid amphipods in coral reef and
seagrass communities. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 174 p. (T E27828)
Manit Kidyue. Taxonomic revision of the Hoya parasitica complex in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 127 p. (T E30118)
Manit Unyaphoe. Morphology of seeds and seedling development of some tree species of the
Euphorbiaceae in Mount Makiling, Laguna, Philippines. Los Banos : University of the Philippines Los
Banos, 1999. 195 p. (T E16125)
Montha Kaihirun. The effect of filler upon the phase morphology and properties of
polypropylene/polyamide 6 blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 180 p. (T E13948)
Nilubon Horasith. Dynamic vulcanization and properties of polypropylene/reclaimed tire rubber blends.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 86 p. (T E38234)
Paveena Meesap. Preliminary study of static light scattering behaviors and morphologies of polymer blend
between high-density polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 144 p. (T E20211)
Phisit Khemawoot. Comparative in-vitro study of killing activities and morphological changes of cefpirome,
cefepime, imipenem and meropenem alone and in combination against gram negative bacteria.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 78 p. (T E18661)
Pittapun Vimolsatra. Prevalence of soil Acanthamoeba in Bangkok public service centers and biomolecular
characterization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 93 p. (T E17485)
Ratirat Sinweeruthai. Study of tensile properties, morphology and chemical resistance of thermoplastic
polyurethane/polydimethylsiloxane blends. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 162 p. (T
Roongroj Phoogpan. Morphology and mechanical properties of biaxially oriented films of recycled
polyethylenes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 150 p. (T E15064)
Samornmate Jearanaikoon. Morphological variation in phytoplankton : the effect of different environmental
stresses. Aarhus : Institute of Biological Sciences University of Aarhus, 2007. 1 vol (in various
Pagings). (T E41871)
Sansareeya Wangkulangkul. Morphology, reproductive biology and ecology of the little file snake,
Acrochordus granulatus at Phangnga Bay, Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 96
p. (T E27898)
Sirachaya Kunjara Na Ayudhya. Liquid phase syntheses of niobium oxide and zinc oxide with controlled
morphology. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 163 p. (T E39864)
Sunisa Onpuns. Platelet concentrates : changes of their morphology and function after storage at 20-24 ํC.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 81 p. (T E11755)
Supachai Rinsom. Effect of SAN on the mechanical properties and morphology of ABS. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 65 p. (T E14633)
Supawadee Surangkul. Solid state morphology screening of asiaticoside. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 109 p. (T E41969)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 7]
Morphology (ตอ)
Teeravut Nakinpong. Morphology and mechanical properties of kevlar pulp/styrene (ethylene butylene)
styrene thermoplastic elastomer composite. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 114 p. (T E11138)
Venables, Richard A.. Phase behaviour of polyolefin blends under melt flow. Bangkok : Faculty of Science
Mahidol University, 2003. 69 p. (R E21439)
Worapong Chawalitamporn. Mechanical properties and morphology of polypropylene/aramid fibre
composites. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 137 p. (T E11689)
Morphology [Animals]
Adisai Thongtawat. Effects of some insecticides on physiological, morphological, photosynthesis changes
and residue in Brassica olerocea var. Alboglabra bailey. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1999. 177
p. (T E13913)
Chukiat Dilokrattanatrakul. Morphological and numerical taxonomy of oysters in Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 142 p. (T E12893)
Renu Yashiro. Morphology and fecundity from different strains of artemia = ลักษณะภายนอกและความดกของ
ไขจากไรสีน้ําตาลตางสายพันธุ. Rayong : Brackishwater Division Department of Fisheries, 1985. 37
leaves. (R E4550)
Sanya Thonggamgaew. The morphological study of gastrointestinal tract of Macrobrachium rosenbergii
(De Man, 1879) (Decapoda : Palaemonidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 140 p. (T
Somchai Mahakunlayanakul. Species, distribution and status of dolphins in the inner gulf of Thailand.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 130 p. (T E11303)
Wanchai Itarat. A morphological investigation of perforated synapses in development rat neocortex.
Dunedin : University of Otago, 1992. 217 p. (T E40240)
Wattana Weerachatyanukul. Morphological studies of ovarian development and its seasonal changes in
Rana tigerina. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. ix, 72 p. (T E7202)
Morphology [Animals] Blood-vessels
Worawut Rerkamnuaychoke. Comparative morphological studies on vascular system in mammalian
spermatic cord. Tokyo : University of Tokyo, 1982. 114 p. (T E22572)
Morphology [Animals]--Chon Buri
Tiantip Boonchuay. Morphology and histology of the family littorinidae and potamididae at TBT
contaminated areas, Chonburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 168 p. (T E40033)
Morphology [Animals]--Thailand, Southern
Komsorn Lauprasert. Species diversity, distribution and morphological differences of monitor lizards (family
varanidae) in southern Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 129 p. (T E14684)
Morphology [Plants]
Arthit Chairoungdua. Dominant lethal study of stevioside and steviol in male hamsters. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 159 p. (T E12876)
Anchira Maneevong. Taxonomic revision of terrestrial snails genera Macrochlamys, Cryptozona and
Hemiplecta in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 161 p. (T E16806)
Kanok Limbipichai. Morphometric Studies on eastern honey bee (Apis cerana Fabricius) in Thailand and
Malaysian Peninsula = การศึกษามอรโฟเมตริกของผึ้งโพรง (Apis cerana Fabricius) ในประเทศไทยและ
คาบสมุทรมาเลเซีย. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 3 microfiches ((167 fr.). (T MF20566)
Yotsawate Sirichamorn. Morphometrics and molecular systematics of the genus Afgekia Craib (Fabaceae).
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 74 p. (T E38629)
เสาวนีย เสมาทอง. ฐานขอมูลและการศึกษามอรโฟเมตริกของเตาและตะพาบในประเทศไทย = Database and
morphometric study of turtles in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 210 หนา. (วพ
Morphometric analysis
Sahanat Petchsri. Taxonomic revision of fern Microsorum punctatum (L.) Copel. complex (Polypodiaceae).
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 114 p. (T E40948)
Khantichat Khankasikam. Differences between male and female in the pontine nuclei of sprague-dawley
rats as studied by three-dimensional computer graphic system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005.
158 p. (T E33198)
Supakit Pisitpaibool. Morphometry of the human mandible from Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 61 p. (T E41998)
Trin Suwanvijitr. Leaf morphometry, genetic variation, and phylogeny of White Kwao Krua Pueraria mirifica
in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 156 p. (T E37517)
Preecha Saithong. Characteristics of the Moei-Mae Ping fault zone, Changwat Tak, northwestern Thailand.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 218 p. (T E38225)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 8]
Morphotectonics (ตอ)
Rutchut Nutthee. Young fault movements along the southern segment of Sri Sawat Fault, Amphoe Sri
Sawat, Changwat Kanchanaburi; and their TL-dating results. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 205 p. (T E20105)
Morphotectonics--Chiang Mai
Barr, Sandra M.. Petrology and tectonic implications of upper paleozoic volcanic rocks of the Chiang Mai
belt, Northern Thailand. Nova Seotia : Acadia University, 1988. 11 p. (R E9095)
Chotika Techaniyom. Recits initiatiques de Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio : Mondo et autres histoires.
Bangkok : Universite Silpakorn, 2002. 97 p. (T E21176)
Chumpot Amatayakul. Accuracy in health statistic information : a case study on morbidity and mortality of
hepatitis B at Chonburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. vi, 71 p. (T E7304)
Hagelskjaer, Jens. Predation and mortality in a restocking programme with Tridacna squamosa Lamarck,
1918. [S.l.] : Department of Aquatic Ecology University of Aarhus, 1998. 21 p. (R E19819 c.1;
E19820 c.2)
Kannika Ruangdej. Acute effects of ambient ozone on daily hospital admissions daily mortality for
respiratory and cardiovascular diseases among residents of Bangkok, Thailand. Birmingham :
University of Alabama, 2007. 216 p. (T E40090)
Kitinapa Napakorn. Trends and factors related to road traffic fatal crash in Thailand using police
databases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 116 p. (T E33392)
Nantawan Intachat. Causes of death in Thailand : patterns and differences. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 156 p. (T E33017)
Nawarat Petcharoen. Adult mortality of cardiovascular disease in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2005. 170 p. (T E34010)
Nipa Rojroongwasinkul. Income, income inequality and mortality in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 126 p. (T E33009)
Patchara Rumakom. Premature mortality due to HIV/AIDS in the Thai population. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 173 p. (T E18252)
Pinmanee Reodecha. Screening of malnutrition and risk of postoperative infections and mortality in
patients undergoing abdominal surgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 103 p. (T E20358)
Prisana Luengpugsachati. Association of serum lipid profile and mortality among participants of the
Cardiovascular Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand [CEGAT]. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 113 p. (T E18448)
Somboun Khantivong. Population policy options for Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 73 p. (T
Tipicha Posayanonda. Effects of methomyl on cell cycle and apoptosis in leukocytic cells. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 224 p. (T E19661)
Waraporn Plubplathong. A study of the completeness of death registration : a case study of the
Kanchanaburi project, 2001. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 98 p. (T E20825)
Wassana Im-em. Mortality trends and levels to verify the AIDS epidemic in Thailand : analysis from death
registration statistics 1984-1997. Nakhon Pathom : Institute for Population and Social Research,
Mahidol University, 1999. 179 p. (R E14048 c.1; E14049 c.2)
แสงโฉม เกิดคลาย. ปญหาและการเสียชีวิตของแรงงานไทยในประเทศสิงคโปร (พ.ศ.2530-2539). กรุงเทพฯ : กลุม
งานระบาดวิทยาสิ่งแวดลอม กองระบาดวิทยา, 2540. 53 หนา. (ว 99280)
Mortality analysis
ดารณี คําแหง. การวิเคราะหภาวะการตายในประเทศไทย พ.ศ.2513-2544 = Mortality analysis in Thailand 19702001. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 209 หนา. (วพ 104920)
Mortality--Buri Ram
Warangkana Polprasert. The impact of household and community risk factors on labor force aged mortality
in Nang Rong, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 201 p. (T E34009)
Ram Warisa. Fertility and mortality of the Chinese community in Kabupaten and Kotamadya Pontianak.
Pontianak : University Tanjungpura, 1979. vi, 72 p. (R E1231)
Suthatip Srihirun. A study of mortality data in Sakaeo province by verbal autopsy. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 87 p. (T E20823)
Anak Yomjinda. The determination of microaquatic plants from bronchial scrapping in drowning cases =
การวินิจฉัยการจมน้ําตายโดยวิธีการตรวจหาพืชพันธุไมน้ําในหลอดลมศพ. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1988. 2 microfiches (84 fr.). (T MF20354)
Mortality--Karen [Southeast Asian People]
Tidwell, Dennis Dean. The Relationship of smoking by Karen parents to the mortality of their children
during the first year of life. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 2 microfiches (102 fr.). (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 9]
Nilarat Premmanisakul. Risk factors of mortality associated with motor vehicle accidents in Saraburi
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 61 p. (T E13671)
Suwimol Angkavanich. Life tables construction for Thailand : with applications to government pension
schemes. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1989. xxv, 304 p. (T E8172)
Bancha Kaewrudee. A study on bond strength between mon brick and mortar = การศึกษากําลังยึดหนวง
ระหวางอิฐมอญและมอรตา. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1991. x, 97 leaves. (T E5901)
Jatuphon Tangpagasit. Pozzolanic reaction and packing effect of pozzolans on compressive strength of
mortar. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 163 p. (T E40681)
Jittbodee Khunthongkeaw. Workability prediction model for concrete and mortar with and without mineral
and chemical admixtures. Pathumthani : Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2001. 51
p. (T E15899)
Nutta Pacheerat. Shrinkage of mortar and concrete with fly ash. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 69
p. (T E16860)
Podjanee Inthasaro. Utilization of municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash as a partial cement
replacement. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 76 p. (T E20229)
Saroje Chantanalikit. Influence of Mae Moh fly ash on the cheep of mortar. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2001. 42 p. (T E16678)
ฟองจันทร จิราสิต. การกัดกรอนของมอรตารผสมเถาถานหิน เนื่องจากกรดซัลฟูริก ที่มีความเขมขนตางกัน = Attack of
various concentration of sulfire acid on fly ash-cement mortars. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยี
พระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 197 หนา. (วพ 104074)
สุภิชาติ มาตยภูธร. ผลกระทบของขนาดอนุภาคของเถาถานหินกับกากแคลเซียมคารไบด ที่เผาและไมเผาตอกําลังอัด
ของมอรตาร = Effect of particle size of fly ash with burned and unburned calcium carbide residue on
compressive strength of mortar. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 174 หนา.
(วพ 99720)
รพีพร วนาสัณฑ. ปญหาความรับผิดของผูจํานอง : ศึกษากรณีขอตกลงยกเวน มาตรา 733 ประมวลกฎหมายแพงและ
พาณิชย กับกฎหมายขอสัญญาที่ไมเปนธรรม = Problems related to mortgagor's liability : a study of the
exception agreement, section 733 of the civil and commercial code and unfair contractual terms.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 142 หนา. (วพ 111037)
Rapeeporn Phromgate. Antioxidant activity of Morus alba L.. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 70
p. (T E20686)
Morus alba
Ariya Satrabhandhu. In vitro induction of polyploid in white mulbery (Morus alba var. S54) by colchicine
treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. 2 microfiches (108 fr.). (T MF20556)
Atiya Trabsung. The toxicity study of Morus alba L. leaf extract. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 132
p. (T E24551)
Chanida Hansawasdi. Screening and isolation of carbohydrate digestive enzymes inhibitors from Thai
herbs. Phitsanulok : Department of Agriculture Science Naresuan University, 2003. 56 p. (R
Chulaluck Charunuch. Application of mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves in instant cereal beverage powders
with extrusion process. Bangkok : Institute of Food Research and Product Kasetsart University,
2008. 27 p. (R E42841)
Jinatta Jittiwat. Anticytotoxicity effect induced by ethanol of Morus alba in the rat brain. Khon Kaen : Khon
Kaen University, 2005. 128 p. (T E34620)
Panee Litthilert. Effect of mulberry [Morus alba Linn.] leaves extracts on plasma glucose level in
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 149 p. (T E17532)
Piyanat Thongsuk. In vitro and clinical study of mulberry extract for skin whitening product. Phitsanulok :
Naresuan University, 2007. 107 p. (T E37941)
Sittisak Tongrong. Study the effect of Morus alba extract on the function of sciatic nerve after crush injury
in rats. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2006. 87 p. (T E42705)
Sudarat Sungkamanee. Mechanisms of the vasorelaxations - induced by Morus alba extract of thoracic
aortas in hypertensive rats. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 85 p. (T E34616)
Supol Boonsaner. Antioxidant effect of Cratoxylum formosum Dyer, Eugenia grata wight, and Morus alba
L. on phenylhydrazine-induced anemic rats. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 58 p. (T
ภัทราภรณ ศรีสมรรถการ. ปจจัยที่มีผลตอปริมาณเมทิลแอลกอฮอลและคุณภาพของไวนหมอน Morus alba L. =
Factors affecting methyl alcohol content and quality of mulberry Morus alba L. wine. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 218 หนา. (วพ 106176)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 10]
Morus rotunbiloba
Supannapa Luanghiran. Partial purification and immobilization of mulberry (Morus rotunbiloba) leaf
peroxidase. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 64 p. (T E22275)
Morus [Plants]
Rapeeporn Phromgate. Antioxidant activity of Morus alba L.. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 70
p. (T E20686)
วัลลภ สุระกําพลธร. การออกแบบวงจรรวมเชิงเสนดวยมอสเทคโนโลยี = Linear integrated circuits design basedon MOS technology. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหาร
ลาดกระบัง, 2538. 27 หนา. (ว 97588)
MOS integrated circuits
วีระ เพ็งจันทร. การศึกษาการออกแบบและสรางวงจรรวมสะทอนกระแสโครงสรางมอสแบบเกทโลหะ = Study on
design and fabrication of metal gate MOS current mirror ICs. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอม
เกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 166 หนา. (วพ 95978)
Mos transistor
สมเกียรติ ศุภเดช. การหาพารามิเตอรเพื่อการจําลองแบบอุปกรณมอส = MOS parameterization for device
modeling. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2540.
48 หนา. (ว 92808)
MOS-1/JERS-1 [Artificial satellite]
Yamamoto, Koji. The evaluation of the economic and social significance of the utilization of MOS-1/JERS-1
data and on the improvement of that utilization in Thailand. Bangkok : NASDA, 1994. 6 p. (R
Mosaic diseases
Worayudh [OUI] Pathipanawat. Virus diseases of annual medics (Medicago spp.) in Western Australia with
special reference to resistance to infection and seed transmission of alfalfa mosaic virus(AMV).
Australia : University of Western Australia, 1993. vii, 184 p. (T E6100)
Jitkasame Ngarmnil. Micropower circuit designs for biomedical applications using subthreshold CMOS and
floating-gate MOSFET. Bangkok : Mahanakorn University of Technology, 2003. 72 p. (R E22200)
Sanchai Harnsoongnoen. The impact of simulators and models upon the characteristics of MOSFET with
Gate-Body biasing technique. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2006. 126 p. (T E41946)
ชัยวัฒน จงกุลสถิตชัย. การออกแบบวงจรวัดคาเพาเวอรแฟคเตอร โดยใชวงจรสายพานกระแสแบบมอสทรานซิลเตอร
= Power factor meter design based on mosfet current conveyor. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระ
จอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 95 หนา. (วพ 112923)
ชัยสิทธิ์ อรามมงคลวิชัย. วงจรหารแรงดันเชิงอุปมานสี่ควอดแดรนทโดยใช CMOS = The CMOS four-quadrant
analogue voltage divider. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 117
หนา. (วพ 103232)
พงษศักดิ์ พรอมวงค. วงจรคูณ 4 ควอตแดรนทโดยใชซีมอสแบบแรงดันต่ํา = Low voltage CMOS analogue fourquadrant multiplier. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 163 หนา.
(วพ 106382)
MOSFET current conveyor circuit
ชัยวัฒน จงกุลสถิตชัย. การออกแบบวงจรวัดคาเพาเวอรแฟคเตอร โดยใชวงจรสายพานกระแสแบบมอสทรานซิลเตอร
= Power factor meter design based on mosfet current conveyor. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระ
จอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 95 หนา. (วพ 112923)
Chonticha Klungthong. Molecular evolution and epidemiology of dengue virus type 4 in Thailand. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2005. 125 p. (T E33902)
Songsak Roekring. Study on invertebrate host-viral interaction using a mosquito-parvovirus model.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 89 p. (T E32922)
Supat Wiwatanaratanabutr. Wolbachia bacteria of arthropods : phylogenetic relationship, relative density
and host effects. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 289 p. (T E35504)
Mosquito larvae
Dinh, Pham Xuan. Effects of diflubenzuron against the larval stages of Anopheles (cellia) dirus peyton and
harrison and Anopheles (cellia) Maculatus theobald (diptera : Anophelinae) in the laboratory.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 2 microfiches (117 fr.). (T MF20344)
Kanya Jirajaroenrat. Cloning, expression, and characterization of insect class I glutathione S-transferases
from Anopheles dirus B. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 115 p. (T E14996)
Pongpen Sa-nguankul. Effects of bayluscide, bis (Tri-N-Butyltin) Oxide and tributyltin fluoride on some
medically important snails and mosquito larvae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (118
เฟรม). (T MF09697; MF09320)
Suthep Silapanuntakul. The stability of toxicity of Bacillus Sphaerious strain 1593 and Bacillus
Thuringiensis serotype H-14 against Mosquito larvae.... Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 3 แผน
(136 เฟรม). (T MF09415)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 11]
Mosquito repellent
Tipo, Oreme. Effectiveness of citronella ointment (mosquito repellent) in preventing mosquito borne
diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. ix, 78 p. (T E8109)
Mosquito vectors
Daruna Champakaew. Essential oil-derived larvicides for the control of mosquito vectors. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2006. 70 p. (T E35177)
Mosquitocidal toxin
Boonsan Prasertkulchai. Effect of amino acid substitutions at Asn 89 and Thr 148 of Cyt2Aa2 toxin from
Bacillus thuringiensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 76 p. (T E41528)
Amara Tremongkol Naksathit. Reproductive advantage and nutrient utilization of female aedes aegypti (L.)
(Diptera : Culicidae) fed human blood. Maryland : University of Maryland, 1996. 98 p. (T E11041)
Anan Poopityastaporn. Some biological aspects of the Anopheles virus complex. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1992. xi, 175 p. (T E7689)
Anuluck Junkum. Genetic study of Anopheles aconitus. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai Univerity, 2006. 107 p. (T
Chaiyaphruk Pilakasiri. Isoenzyme electrophoresis and morphological identifications of anthropophilic
Aedes (Finlaya) niveus sub-group in a filariasis endemic area of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1992. vi, 139 p. (T E7371)
Kesara Kasemsuksakul. Studies on dengue-2 virus replication in Aedes Aegypti mosquito, and mosquito
derived inhibitory factors against virus biological activities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2
แผน (90 เฟรม). (T MF09075)
Kidsadagon Pringproa. Potential vectors of PRRSV in mosquitoes genus Culex from a PRRSV-positive swine
farm in Nakhon Pathom Province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 54 p. (T E27897)
Kittichai Kamsuk. Mosquito repellency of volatile oils derived from plants. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2005. 57 p. (T E35252)
Nawarat Nantapong. In vivo recombination in Enterobacter amnigenus : an alternative approach to
transfer mosquito-larvicidal gene from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and Bacillus
sphaericus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 154 p. (T E16370)
Nipaporn Kanthong. Dynamics of persistent coinfections of a densovirus and dengue virus in a mosquito
cell line. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 94 p. (T E39164)
Suppaluck Polsomboon. An automated field device for conducting behavioral tests on two mosquito
populations, Aedes aegypti L. and Anopheles harrisoni Harbach and Manguin (Diptera : Culicidae).
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2008. 75 p. (T E39138)
Tada Juthayothin. Molecular phylogenetic study of Culicine mosquitoes using the mitochondrial
cytochrome oxidase I gene and the relationships with mosquito-borne flaviviruses. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 258 p. (T E24245)
Umnaj Chanama. Identification of Anopheles dirus sibling species by non-radioactive (Digoxigenin) DNA
probes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. ix, 126 p. (T E7925)
Waleerat Laipradithagon. Morphological and genetic studies of Culex pipiens complex in northern Thailand.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 88 p. (T E9263)
Wanchad Sumanochitrapon. Measurement of local populations of Aedes aegypti (L.) for variation in
Dengue-2 vector efficiency in an area of known virus transmission. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1992. xvi, 152 p. (T E7368)
Waraporn Siriprasertkul. A rapid single-tube multiplex RT-PCR using bioinformatically designed primers for
serotyping dengue viruses in human plasma and mosquitoes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
106 p. (T E17198)
Worawit Uamcharoen. Survey and characterization of mosquito-borne flaviviruses in natural populations of
mosquitoes in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 115 p. (T E24453)
แกวมาลา ปาละกูล. พัฒนาการเลี้ยงยุง Mansonia annulata, Ma. bonneae และ Ma. dives ในหองปฏิบัติการ =
Development of colonization of Mansonia annulata, Ma. bonneae and Ma. dives in laboratory.
กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเวชศาสตรเขตรอน มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, [2538]. 19 หนา. (ว 99267)
Mosquitoes as carriers of disease
Jetsumon Prachumsri. Characterization of mosquito salivary gland membrane proteins for susceptibility
and refractoriness to Plasmodium knowlesi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 125 p. (T E10173)
Malinee Prasittisuk. Comparative study of pyrethroids impregnated mosquito nets with DDT residual
spraying for malaria control in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 221 p. (T E8458)
Mongkon Audtho. Identification of Anopheles dirus isomorphic species by chemiluminescent DNA probes.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. ix, 131 p. (T E7418)
Pakavadee Suttajit. The study of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs and mosquito vectors in Amphoe Muang
Changwat Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1993. xvii, 87 p. (T E7980)
Somkid Kaewmanee. Repellent effects of some selected medicinal plant extracts on mosquitoes. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1992. vii, 65 p. (T E8212)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 12]
Mosquitoes as carriers of disease (ตอ)
Theeraphap Chareonviriyaphap. Standardization of excito-repellency escape chamber for mosquito
behavior. Bangkok : Department of Entomology Kasetsart University, 2004. 1 vol (in various
pagings). (R E23907)
Yingsak Swasdipanich. Hybridization experiments of the Anopheles dirus complex. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1989. ix, 63 p. (T E6788)
Mosquitoes as carriers of disease--Biological control
Siriporn Vihokto. Preliminary survey and experimental studies of Mesocyclops spp. as biological control
agents of dengue vectors in a rural Thai community. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 142 p. (T
Mosquitoes as carriers of disease--Myanmar
Aung, Htay. Ecological and genetical studies of the Anopheles dirus complex in relation to mataria
transmission in Mudon Township, Mon State, Myanmar. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 167 p.
(T E8454)
Mosquitoes as carriers of disease--Tak
Ounruan Sirivanichkul. Population dynamics of aedes (finlaya) niveus group and transmission dynamics of
wuchereria bancrofti in Tha Song Yang district, Tak province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1994. 203 p. (T E8444)
Mosquitoes--Biological control--Equipment and supplies
Mayuree Trisrisook. Molecular cloning and expression of mosquito toxin gene from Bacillus thuringiensis
subsp. israelensis in Escherichia oil and Bacillus sphaericus strains 1593 and 2362. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1990. 104 p. (T E8545)
Apiwat Tawatsin. Novel repellents derived from phytochemicals against mosquito vectors and common
cockroaches in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 150 p. (T E35533)
Benjawan Tookyang. Plant extracts for control of mosquito-borne disease vectors. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 1997. 116 p. (T E11808)
Benjawan Tuetun. Topical products of mosquito repellent from Apium graveolens Linn.. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2006. 93 p. (T E37253)
Koranee Boonpirak. Improvement of strains of Bacillus sphaericus 1593 for mosquitoes control. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1987. vii, 89 p. (T E6530)
Oramon Santiwitchaya. Efficacy of volatile oils derived from Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbopogon nardus
and litsea cubeba against mosquitoes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 107 p. (T E33024)
Oranud Chokechaijaroenporn. Studies on chemical constituents and biological effects on mosquitoes
(Aedes aegypti L.) of volatile oils from Ocimum spp. cultivated in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1991. xvii, 91 p. (T E6378)
Sasichai Kangsadalampai. Construction of hybrid endotoxin genes and evaluation of their mosquitolarvicidal activities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. iv, 108 p. (T E6764)
Suthep Silapanuntakul. The stability of toxicity of Bacillus Sphaerious strain 1593 and Bacillus
Thuringiensis serotype H-14 against Mosquito larvae.... Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 3 แผน
(136 เฟรม). (T MF09415)
Suwipa Sree-iam. The development of mosquito-repellent formulations containing citronella oil and plai oil
(Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvi, 165 p. (T E7482)
Amornrat Waitayakul. Detection of antibodies specific to mosquito cells in human and animal serum.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 91 p. (T E20221)
Aung, Htay. Ecological and genetical studies of the Anopheles dirus complex in relation to mataria
transmission in Mudon Township, Mon State, Myanmar. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 167 p.
(T E8454)
Aung, Htay. Ecological and genetical studies of the Anopheles dirus complex in relation to mataria
transmission in Mudon Township, Mon State, Myanmar. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 167 p.
(T E8454)
Mosquitoes--Integrated control
Siripat Limchitti. Introduced fungus, Lagenidium giganteum, for controlling populations of mosquito larvae
; laboratory investigations = การใชราแลคจินิเดียม ไจแกนเตียม ควบคุมประชากรลูกน้ํายุงในระดับ
หองปฏิบัติการ. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1987. 3 microfiches (131 fr.). (T MF20419)
Dinh, Pham Xuan. Effects of diflubenzuron against the larval stages of Anopheles (cellia) dirus peyton and
harrison and Anopheles (cellia) Maculatus theobald (diptera : Anophelinae) in the laboratory.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 2 microfiches (117 fr.). (T MF20344)
Kanya Jirajaroenrat. Cloning, expression, and characterization of insect class I glutathione S-transferases
from Anopheles dirus B. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 115 p. (T E14996)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 13]
Mosquitoes--Larvae (ตอ)
Nirat Pholphana. Chitinolytic enzymes of Bacillus licheniformis ; partial purification, characterization and
mosquito larvicidal property. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 138 p. (T E9998)
Panadda Threeravattanamontree. A study of the expression of Bacillus sphaericus mosquito-larvicidal toxin
genes in Escherichia coli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. xiv, 90 p. (T E7916)
Peerada Prommeenate. Cloning, expression, and characterization of class 1 glutathione S-transferase
isoenzymes in Anopheles dirus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 106 p. (T E14139)
Pongpen Sa-nguankul. Effects of bayluscide, bis (Tri-N-Butyltin) Oxide and tributyltin fluoride on some
medically important snails and mosquito larvae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (118
เฟรม). (T MF09697; MF09320)
Potchara Rattanapreechachai. Bioassay and effective concentration of temephos against Aedes aegypti
larvae and the adverse effect to indigenous predators : Toxorhynchites splendens and Micronecta
sp. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 128 p. (T E21145)
Siripat Limchitti. Introduced fungus, Lagenidium giganteum, for controlling populations of mosquito larvae
; laboratory investigations = การใชราแลคจินิเดียม ไจแกนเตียม ควบคุมประชากรลูกน้ํายุงในระดับ
หองปฏิบัติการ. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1987. 3 microfiches (131 fr.). (T MF20419)
Suthep Silapanuntakul. The stability of toxicity of Bacillus Sphaerious strain 1593 and Bacillus
Thuringiensis serotype H-14 against Mosquito larvae.... Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 3 แผน
(136 เฟรม). (T MF09415)
Suwannee Promsiri. Screening medicinal plant extracts for larvicidal properties and other effects on Aedes
aegypti (Diptera : Culicidae) and toxicity to a non-target organism. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2003. 194 p. (T E33345)
Teerachai Kuntothom. Investigation of a receptor for the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry 4B toxin from Aedes
aegypti Larvae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 74 p. (T E20844)
Panadda Boonserm. Genetically engineering an active hybrid mosquito-larvicidal toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 80 p. (T E10005)
Panadda Boonserm. Structure-function studies of the Bacillus sphaericus binary toxin. Bangkok : Institute
of Molecular Biology and Genetics Mahidol University, 2007. 28 p. (R E37891)
Rachada Kiatfuengfoo. Cloning and expression of cry IVB gene of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
(Bti) in locally isolated cyanobacteria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. xxii, 199 p. (T E8324)
Woraluk Peeranunrungsee. Construction of combined mosquito-larvicidal toxin genes with enhanced
toxicity. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 92 p. (T E10633)
Mosquitoes--Larvae--Environmental aspects
Batzer, Darold. Ecological control of mosquito larvae. [S.l. : s.n., 1992]. 8 p. (R E8859)
Miyagi, Ichiro. New distribution records of mosquitoes from Thailand with a collection list in 1983-1984
surveys. Ohinawa : University of the Ryukyus, [1985]. 22 p. (R E8930)
Patcharee Khongtak. Study of the specific IgE response and allergen analysis of mosquitoes species found
in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 87 p. (T E37056)
Mossbauer spectroscopy
Chaisak Issro. Crystallizations of amorphous ribbon of Fe78B13Si9 monitored by mossbauer spectroscopy.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 83 p. (T E11971)
Somjet Saiseng. Effect of heat treatment on nanocrystalline formation in Fe40 Ni40 (Si+B)19 Mo1-2
amorphous ribbons. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 112 p. (T E23011)
Mother and Child
Somsiri Athaseri. Mothers' perspective and management with children with type 1 diabetes. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2007. 195 p. (T E37721)
Mother and child
Ahmed, Irfan. Psychosocial factors affecting mother's illness behavior related to acute diarrhoea in children
below five years of age. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xvii, 101 p. (T E6482)
Ali S.M., Younus. Behaviour of mothers during their puerperal period a study in Prachinburi provincial
hospital Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xvii, 109 p. (T E6499)
Chanapa Duangfai. Familial female relationships and maternal figures and their legacy in Alice Walker's the
Color Purple, Gayl Jones's Corregidora and Toni Morrison's Beloved. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 105 p. (T E40272)
Chayamon Boonluk. The relationships among selected factors, caregiving burden and family well-being in
mothers of children with autistic disorders. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 90 p. (T E33464)
Chutima Sirikulchayanonta. Studies on child rearing practices in families with working mothers : a
comparison of Thai urban and rural villages. Bangkok : Department of Health, 1991. 55 p. (R
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 14]
Mother and child (ตอ)
Dahal, Sarita. Feeding practice and other related factors among mother's of under two years diarrhoeal
children in Nakhon Chaisi district, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996.
82 p. (T E10115)
Khamsing Vongkhamdy. Knowledge and attitude on the immunization preventable diseases of mothers
with children 6-24 months old and completeness of their children's immunization in Pakse district,
Champasack province, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 68 p. (T E13850)
Lakha Pangnukroh. Factors predicting adaptation of mothers having hospitalized child in pediatric intensive
care unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 98 p. (T E33196)
Luong, Ngoc Khue. Dental health preventive behavior among mothers with children under six years of age
in Donka subdistrict, U Thong district Suphanburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2000. 69 p. (T E15182)
Malaki, Malaki. Utilization of PNC (post natal care) services : case study of Uthai Rat, a community
congested area near Supon Kai in Samsen-Nai district, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1991. x, 162 p. (T E8173)
Molla, Azaher Ali. Knowledge, attitude and practice of mothers in relation to incidence of diarrhoea in their
children below five years of age. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 2 microfiches (80 fr.). (T
Mondha Kengganpanich. Mothers' experience with down syndrome's child : social suffering, context,
meaning and management. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 295 p. (T E32981)
Narumol Gajaseni. Relationships among selected basic conditioning factors, child-care agency, and
maternal care-giving behaviors upon febrile children aged 3 months to 6 years. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 103 p. (T E20511)
Nguyen, Manh Dung. Factors related to mothers' home practices on management of acute diarrhea in
children under five years old, in Namdinh city, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 103 p.
(T E17686)
Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Lan. Self-care of mothers with children under five years of age on acute respiratory
infection in Thanhdong commune of Binhminh district, Vinh Long province, Vietnam. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 61 p. (T E13828)
Nguyen, Thi Thanh Lan. Perception, knowledge and practice of mothers on oral rehydration solution in
under five years children with acute diarrhoea in Bentre province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 89 p. (T E17919)
Prapaipit Singhasame. Effects of an education program on knowledge and caring behavior of mothers with
asthmatic children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 90 p. (T E19558)
Prapeeporn Rattanasiri. The effect of an admission program on anxiety of mothers of hospitalized children
with respiratory disorders. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 90 p. (T E33460)
Rachaneeboon Bornmoung. Factors related to maternal adaptation in caring for infants with congenital
heart disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 115 p. (T E17312)
Rachtawon Orapiriyakul. Struggling to get connected : the process of maternal attachment to the preterm
infant in the neonatal intensive care unit. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 262 p. (T
Rashid, Harunor. Knowledge and self-card practices of mothers associating with the acute respiratory
infections among under five children in Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 142 p. (T E10112)
Rutja Kanchanamonton. Factors related to mother's decisions to stay with their young children in hospital.
Michigan : University of Michigan, 1981. 53 p. (T E22369)
Saleumsak Keochanthala. Knowledge and perception of mothers with children under 2 years of age on
immunization status in Khammuane province, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 92 p.
(T E17700)
Suksont Jittimanee. Factors associated with maternal behaviors about the care of acute respiratory
infections in children under five years in urban and rural areas Nakhon Ratchasima province.
Bongkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 131 p. (T E11008)
Sumampouw, Jonas Edrian. Factors associated with mothers' health seeking behaviour for treatment of
childhood diarrhoeal disease in Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 61 p. (T E15365)
Sumruay Yotawichit. Parental practice of parental role responsibilies in child care and child rearing.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. xvi, 200 p. (T E6727)
Tanakamon Khongim. The effects of an education program on knowledge and preventive behavior of
mothers of children at risk for asthma. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 98 p. (T E39935)
Tasanee Thaipak. Psychosocial needs and received reponses among mothers of critically ill children : a
case study at St. Louis hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 107 p. (T E17602)
Udomya Puntanit. The effect of psychosocial care on anxiety of mothers whose children being hospitalized
in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 104 p. (T E19562)
Usa Chuahorm. Process of coping with childbirth among Thai women. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2006. 148 p. (T E35140)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 15]
Mother and child (ตอ)
Usa Sukhaphan. Marital relationship, newborn behavior, and role stress of first-child mothers. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 100 p. (T E17025)
Warunee Ratanawan. The influence of maternal caregiving behaviors and basic conditioning factors on
severity of asthma in children aged 1-5 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 124 p. (T
Zhao, Xiufang. The dependent-care agent performance of mothers for children with cancer. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1999. 85 p. (T E15764)
กิตติมา สําราญไชยธรรม. การรับรูสมรรถนะในการดูแลบุตรของมารดา พฤติกรรมการดูแลบุตรของมารดาและผลลัพธ
ทางสุขภาพของเด็กโรคหอบหืดวัย 1-5 ป = Maternal perceived self-efficacy, maternal caring behaviors
and health outcomes of 1-5 year old asthmatic children. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 124
หนา. (วพ 99805)
ชุติมา จินตวิเศษ. ผลของการมีมารดาอยูดวยตอปฏิกิริยาตอบสนองของเด็กวัยกอนเรียน ตอการเจาะเลือดจากหลอด
เลือดดํา = Effect of mothers' presence on preschool children's reactions undergoing venipuncture.
เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2540. 87 หนา. (วพ 98772)
ทัดทรวง บุญญทลังค. ผลของระบบการพยาบาลสนับสนุนและใหความรู ตอความสามารถในการดูแลตนเองและบุตร
และความพึงพอใจในการพยาบาล ที่ไดรับของมารดาครรภแรกหลังคลอด = Effect of supportive educative
nursing system on self-care and dependent care agency and satisfaction with nursing care in
primipara. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 85 หนา. (วพ 97835)
สุดคนึง ฤทธิ์ฤาชัย. ผลของกลุมประคับประคองตอความรูสึกมีคุณคาในตนเองและความเชื่อมั่นในตนเองของมารดาที่
ดูแลบุตรตามลําพัง = Effect of support group to self esteem and self confidence on single mothers.
ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 85 หนา. (วพ 99312)
Mother and Child Health Hospital
Onekham Savongsy. Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies among pregnant women at Mother and Child
Health Hospital Vientiane Capital, Lao People's Democratic Republic. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2007. 111 p. (T E41961)
Mother and Child Health Hospital--Vientiane
Phouvanh Vonglokham. Determinants of breastfeeding practices among mothers attending the Well Baby
Clinic at the Mother and Child Health Hospital, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2007. 106 p. (T E37706)
Mother and child--Bangkok
Pacharee Phonyothin. Relations between young Thai children's attachment and their reunion behavior
when picked up by their mothers from early childhood settings. Missousi : University of MissouriColumbia, 1993. viii, 129 p. (T E7290)
Prodhan, Abu Elias. Knowledge, perception and care of the mothers on the occurrence of acute respiratory
infection (ARI) among under 5 children in Taksin Hospital at Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 90 p. (T E8956)
Triyanto, Imam. The relationship of child rearing practice and nutritional status of children under two
years among mother in Rajburana Health Centre, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 78 p. (T E8957)
Mother and child--Cambodia
Samnang, Po. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of mothers of malnourished children in
Cambodia. Khaon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1994. xii, 122 p. (T E8373)
Mother and child--Chiang Mai
Yanai, Hideki. A case study on affecting factors to the performance level of model mothers in rural area of
Chiangmai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. viii, 93 p. (T E8076)
Mother and child--China
Cong, Xiaomei. Impact of the childhood chronic illness on the family : maternal perspective. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1996. 115 p. (T E10462)
Gu, Wei. Self-esteem of fertile and infertile Chinese women. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 67
p. (T E12632)
Wang, Ailing. Uses of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services : a study of HIV-positive
women in Yining, Xinjiang, China. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 112 p. (T E34276)
Mother and child--Health and hygiene
Aikara, Yoko. Effect of maternal and child health handbook on maternal and child health promoting belief
and action. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 101 p. (T E33138)
Muntana Sillapaphan. The impacts of birth spacing on the health of mother and child. Bangkok : National
Institute of Development Administration, 2008. 137 p. (T E41550)
Sakul Sinchai. The effectiveness of coaching model in Maternal and Child Hospital (Health Promotion
Center Region I) Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 95 p. (T E8013)
Mother and child--Indonesia
Gultom, Ramotan. Parental socioeconomic and maternal behavioral factors that influence immunization
coverage among children aged 18-23 months in Banjar district Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1993. vii, 117 p. (T E7779)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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[หนา 16]
Mother and child--Indonesia (ตอ)
Langi, Grace K.L.. Knowledge and perception of mother about nutritional status of children under five
years of age in Bahu Health Center, Malalayang subdistrict, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province,
Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 70 p. (T E40017)
Mother and child--Laos
Angkham Ounavong. Self-medication of antibiotics in mild URI among mothers with children under five
years old, in Naxaithong district, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 75 p. (T
Daokeo Siharath. Utilization of immunization services among mothers with children 2-5 years of age in
Sanakham district, Vientiane province, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 121 p. (T
Mother and child--Nakhon Ratchasima--Health and hygiene
Thike Htun. A study of knowledge, attitude and practice on dental health among mothers with children
under six years of age in Nakhon Ratchasima province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1996. 56 p. (T E10079)
Mother and child--Nutrition
VanArsdell, Heidi. Infant feeding : consequences to mother and infant. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
1983. 1 vol. (R E1258)
Mother and child--Pakistan
Attique, Amer. Utilization of immunization services among mothers with children under five years of age in
Abboltabad district, Pakistan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 66 p. (T E13845)
Mother and child--Ratchaburi
Bari, Tajul Islam Abdul. Knowledge, perception and behavior towards acute respiratory infections among
mothers of under 5 years children at Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1998. 58 p. (T E11997)
Mother and child--Srakeo
Phung, Quang Vinh. Health services utilization among mothers of children under 5 years old in Muang
district of Sakaeo province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 82 p. (T E34093)
Mother and daughters
Kanitra Pruttasarote. An effectiveness of the sexual communication program between the mothers and
adolescent daughters. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 179 p. (T E33257)
Mother and infant
Boonrut Patrakulpiched. The Effect of intravenous infusion on the plasma sodium level of mothers and
newborn infants. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvii, 72 p. (T E6539)
Chapagain, Matrika. Impact of utilization of reproductive health services on child survival in Nepal.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 71 p. (T E14213)
Chayada Thanavisuth. Phonetic and pragmatic characteristics of infant directed speech in Thai : a
longitudinal study. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 190 p. (T E12746)
Chulee Chawalsilp. Effect of mother's age, infant's age and the time of day on the grooming of the infant
.... Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (99 เฟรม). (T MF09432; MF09580)
Fongcum Tilokskulchai. The studies of pertussis agglutinin levels in mothers and their newborns. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (92 เฟรม). (T MF09375)
Jiraporn Sanguanklin. Effects of newborn interactive bath teaching on maternal attachment, role
satisfaction, and competency in infant behavioral learning of first-time mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 109 p. (T E19355)
Junyanee Boonmee Griffin. The experience of mothers of a preterm infant during the first month after the
infant's hospital discharge. Richmond : Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008. 180 p. (T E36189)
Kessanee Koktatong. Factors related to antenatal care services and health status of mothers and infants :
a case study of Maternal and Child hospital, Health Promotion Center region 4 Ratchaburi. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2002. 123 p. (T E18223)
Mayuree Kulwattana. Self-esteem and maternal-fetal attachment during pregnancy. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 99 p. (T E15267)
Napaporn Kala. The relationship between selected factors, anxiety and prenatal attachment in women who
have previously experienced perinatal loss. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 102 p. (T E17847)
Narumon Sriintravanit. Effect of a prenatal attachment promoting program on anxiety and maternal-fetal
attachment in pregnant women experiencing previous prenatal loss. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2005. 83 p. (T E33070)
Narumon Vipuro. Factors predicting maternal self-efficacy in infant care. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2007. 78 p. (T E36627)
Nopparat Kaewboonruang. The relationship between selected factors, self-esteem and maternal-fetal
attachment of pregnant women. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 80 p. (T E17307)
Pissamai Wattanasit. The health beliefs and bottle feeding behavoirs of mothers with children 12-36
months old. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 107 p. (T E15418)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 17]
Mother and infant (ตอ)
Poonsin Charoensri. Effects of multi-modalities sensory stimulation program on the growth of premature
infants and maternal infant attachment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 100 p. (T E19359)
Prakaitip Promasoot. Maternal-newborn attachment in primiparous adolescent mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 130 p. (T E23979)
Rattiya Hankla. The influence of maternal factors, infant behavior, social support on maternal role
performance of postpartum mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 83 p. (T E17674)
Siritida Sripituk. Factors predicting maternal behavior in preventing infant diarrhea. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 79 p. (T E36038)
Sopida Phatthanasiriwethin. Attachment behaviors in mothers of premature infants : a case study in Thai
mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 85 p. (T E15893)
Supawadee Tubglam. Effects of the mother's infant massage with an interaction program on maternalinfant attachment, growth and development of infants born to HIV-positive mothers. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 151 p. (T E17601)
Suporn Kaewsiriwan. Selected factors, anxiety, marital relationship and prenatal attachment in pregnant
women who have experienced perinatal loss. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 84 p. (T E20461)
Sutinee Soakeaw. The influence of marital relationship, complications during pregnancy, and seperation
time on maternal-newborn attachment in postpartum mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007.
67 p. (T E38108)
Vinich Klaiwat. Immunoglobulin levels of serum and colostrum from mothers of small for gestational age
infants = ระดับอิมมูโนโกลบูลินในซีรั่มและในโคลอสตรัมของมารดาที่ใหกําเนิดทารกน้ําหนักแรกเกิดนอยกวา
ปกติ. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 2 microfiches (84 fr.). (T MF20161)
Wanna Phahuwatanakorn. Relationship between health locus of control, food consumption and infant's
birth weight of pregnant teenager in Siriraj Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. 3
microfiches (123 fr.). (T MF20296)
Wichien Thongnop. The effects of a training program about infant developmental promotion on maternal
knowledge, practice and infant development. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 115 p. (T
Mother and Infant
Jariyaporn Wannachot. Attachment behaviors in adolescent mothers and their three month old infants
during breast-feeding. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 65 p. (T E33918)
Mother and infant--Home care
Fongcum Tilokulchai. The relationship of biological risk factors and social factors to developmental
outcome of 6 to 12 month old premature infants in Thailand. U.S.A : University of Texas at Austin,
1993. xvii, 160 p. (T E6617)
Mother and infant--Indonesia
Liando, Grace Treesje. Exclusive breastfeeding and infant morbidity in Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 58 p. (T E24553)
Priyono, Edi. Maternal risk factors for low birth weight infants at Fatmawati General Hospital, Jakarta,
Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 70 p. (T E39447)
Mother and infant--Laos
Southa Chanthalangsy. Psycho-social determinants in breastfeeding among mothers of infants 4-12
months old in Huamuang district Houaphanh province, Laos. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
80 p. (T E21219)
Mother and infant--Nutrition aspects
Le, Dou Wan. Study to determine the factors related to breast feeding practice among mothers in semiurban and rural communities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 65 p. (T E6527)
Mother and infant--Ratchaburi
Somphou Outhensackda. Influence of baby friendly hospital initiative on knowledge, perception and
practice of mothers towards exclusive breast feeding in Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1994. vii, 71 p. (T E7133)
Umakoshi, Machiko. Maternal and child health knowledge of mothers with babies aged 6-12 months and
child health status and care at MCH hospital, Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1999. 69 p. (T E13777)
Mother and sons
Faizah Leesen. Mothers' support and maternal role attainment in first-time mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 94 p. (T E15236)
Mother's support
Sivaporn Panmaung. Self-esteem, mothers' support and maternal role adaptation in first-time adolescent
mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 93 p. (T E19266)
Mother's working status
Haque, Mohammad Raisul. Socio-cultural factors affecting the nutritional status of children in Bangladesh.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 59 p. (T E19312)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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[หนา 18]
Mother-to-child transmission
Sakorn Pornprasert. Modulation of placental cytokine expression by antiretroviral therapies used for the
prevention of HIV-1 mother-to-child transmission. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 243 p. (T
Tanawan Samleerat. Mother-to-child transmission of the immunodeficiency virus type 1 : role of
neutralizing antibodies and molecular characteristics of the transmitted variants. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2008. 187 p. (T E41400)
Kharanee Sutthinoon. Developmental maternity tasks among primigravida in Surathani province. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2002. 126 p. (T E17658)
Nawarat Boonpiam. Experience of motherhood among women with physical disability in Thailand. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2006. 132 p. (T E35784)
Apiwannee Wanthong. Self-esteem, concern, and quality of life of mothers with HIV infection. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 101 p. (T E18378)
Arrunya Ngamvittayapong. Effects of maternal hold and touch on full-term infants' responses towards pain
from heelstick. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19648)
Aungsana Siriwattanametanont. Effects of supportive-educative nursing system on behaviors and duration
of exclusive breastfeeding in the first time mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 102 p. (T
Aye Kyi Kyi. Factors affecting breast-feeding in the Philippines : an analysis of 1998 NDHS data. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 71 p. (T E15366)
Boonta Sukhawadee. Stress and maternal role attainment in adolescent primiparous mothers. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 106 p. (T E19559)
Chananda Koasom. Colostrum composition of mothers delivering small for gestational age infants =
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 2 microfiches (61 fr.). (T MF20167)
Janpen Sakdapetchsiri. Factors influencing maternal behaviors in promoting toddlers' health at Rayong
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 114 p. (T E19895)
Kaunang, Yvonne Margaretha. Factors influencing breast feeding practices of mothers in North Sulawesi
province, Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 51 p. (T E14069)
Khan, Sher Baz. Perception and behavior of mothers on ORS utilization in diarrhoeal disease among
children under five years of age. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 101 p. (T E10087)
Kim Sakulnoom. Effect of an empowerment program on perceived self-efficacy for self-management
among mothers of children with congenital heart disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 121
p. (T E19595)
Le, Minh Thi. Traditional postpartum practices among Vietnamese mothers : a study in Anthi district,
Hungyen province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 132 p. (T E24036)
Naiyana Khadking. Stress and role functional adaptation in primiparas with cesarean section. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 127 p. (T E17393)
Naowanit Poungjuntaradej. The effects of supportive-educative nursing system on mothers' dependentcare agency, growth, development and temperament of premature infants. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 104 p. (T E21091)
Ngo, Thi Nguyen Phuong. Factors related to breastfeeding practice among mothers of children under two
years in Benluc district, Longan province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 83 p. (T
Nutcharat Siridumrong. Factors related to health problems of mothers during the postpartum period at
home. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 109 p. (T E13965)
Parichart Pengkasukuntho. Effects of situational adjustment nursing support program on grief in pregnant
women with miscarriage. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 84 p. (T E33033)
Pennapa Pakdewong. A structural model development of Mercer's maternal role attainment in Thai HIVseropositive mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 152 p. (T E34155)
Plernpit Promrak. The effect of integrated pain management program on labor pain, duration of first stage
of labor, and childbirth experience in primiparous mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 113
p. (T E24304)
Poonsuk Bunsuan. Factors related to preventive behaviors of mothers on acute dengue haemorrhagic
fever in Petchabun province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 104 p. (T E19894)
Porntip Choketaweepanich. Relationships between personal factors, marital relationship, social support,
and maternal role adaptation in postpartum period. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 91 p. (T
Punnee Jongsupangkarat. The effects of mutual goal setting between first time mothers and a nurse on
maternal behavior and infant's health status. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 150 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 19]
Mothers (ตอ)
Ratchanee Mitoitti. Growth patterns in the first five years of children born to HIV-seropositive and HIVseronegative mothers, Chiang Rai province. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 123 p. (T
Sasiya Buaphut. Selected factors, self-esteem, social support, and maternal role adaptation of postpartal
mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 88 p. (T E19358)
Shafeeg, Mariyam. The comparison of knowledge, attitude, practice and social support between exclusive
and non exclusive breastfeeding of maldivian mother. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001.
86 p. (T E17253)
Sharma, Bharat Raj. Factors affecting utilization of antenatal care services in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 77 p. (T E20096)
Sirina Sindamrong. Marital relationship, self-efficacy in labor pain coping, and pain coping behavior during
labor of the first-time mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 69 p. (T E24425)
Siriporn Chudjuajeen. The relationship between personal factors, daily hassles, social support, and
maternal role adaptation in first time pregnant women. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 94 p.
(T E17608)
Siriwan Thantam. Effect of maternal preparing kangaroo infant care on successful breast feeding and
maternal-infant bonding in Phranakornsiayuthaya hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 104
p. (T E20432)
Stuelz, Andre. Pregnancy risk, relative economical household status and perception of the mother versus
site of delivery in Prajinburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvii, 162 p. (T E6598)
Sujitra Tiansawad. Factors associated with outcomes of pregnancy in mothers under 20 years of age.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 4 แผน (216 เฟรม). (T MF09185)
Supakarn Sirikarna. Relationships among personal factors, social support, perception of maternal
competence, perception of newborn behaviors and maternal role adaptation of postpartum
mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 107 p. (T E15056)
Truong, Ngoc Thach. Home care practices of mothers with acute respiratory infected children and fathers'
roles : a study in Quang Ngai province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p. (T
Vorrapun Phadungyotee. Relationships between daily hassles, personal factors and postpartum depression
in mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 101 p. (T E19597)
Wah Wah Aung. Factors affecting breastfeeding practice among Myanmar mothers in northern district of
Yangon. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 129 p. (T E15086)
Wannapa Limsiriwat. The relationships among selected factors, the situational assessment of mothers and
the adaptation of mothers in caring for preschool children with leukemia. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 126 p. (T E21183)
Warunee Tungwiwat. Study on the detection of fetal thalassemia genes using fetal DNA in maternal
plasma. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 98 p. (T E20857)
Wichakorn Langkafha. Factors affecting the state of maternal child-rearing practices toward enhancing
self-esteem of school children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 259 p. (T E14784)
Wipada Sanyanusin. Factors related to the quality of life of 12 to 18-month-old babies of HIV-infected
mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 108 p. (T E17450)
Wipaporn Itsarakunritta. Serum immunoglobulins and protein level from umbilical cord blood and birth
weight from infected mother during pregnancy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. xi, 123 leaves.
(T E5100)
Yubha Temeeteerakul. The effect of breastfeeding-promoting program on successful breastfeeding before
discharge in mothers with cesarean section. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 100 p. (T E38116)
Yupa Jewpatanajun. Needs of home health care of postpartum mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2000. 137 p. (T E15207)
Yupin Aniwatangkoora. Effect of filariasis on pregnancy and its significance to mother and offspring : an
experimental study. Heidelberg : Universitat Heidelberg, 1997. 169 p. (T E11936)
วิไลพรรณ สวัสดิ์พาณิชย. ความสัมพันธระหวางความรูสึกมีคุณคาในตนเองกับการดูแลตนเองของมารดาในระยะหลัง
คลอดที่ติดเชื้อเอชไอวี = Relationship between self-esteem and self-care practice of mothers during
postpartum period with HIV-positive. ชลบุรี : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 2542. 84 หนา. (ว
สายลม เกิดประเสริฐ. ความสัมพันธระหวางปจจัยสวนบุคคล แรงสนับสนุนจากคูสมรสการปรับเปลี่ยนบทบาทการเปน
มารดา และอาการซึมเศราภายหลังคลอด = Relationships among, demographic factors, spouse support,
transition to motherhood and postpartum depression. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 104 หนา.
(วพ 97731)
อรวดี รุกขรังสฤษฎ. ลักษณะรวมทางสัทศาสตรของคําลงทายในมาตุภาษาไทย = The phonetic correlates of final
particles in Thai motherese. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 181 หนา. (วพ 102110)
Mothers and child
Ruangrampai Panmethis. The effects of the implementation of maternal and child promotion at the
provincial level. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 128 p. (T E17565)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 20]
Mothers and sons
Uthumporn Khongchai. Factors related to the practice of children's right of mothers of early adolescents in
Sadao district, Songkhla province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 196 p. (T E20434)
Mothers' pensions
Sivaporn Panmaung. Self-esteem, mothers' support and maternal role adaptation in first-time adolescent
mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 93 p. (T E19266)
Piralrat Pothong. Factors affecting elective cesarean section among nulliparous women. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 106 p. (T E17871)
Sato, Mari. The social and health needs among HIV positive mothers in Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2003. 87 p. (T E20821)
Hasan, Asma. Patient saticfaction with maternal and child health services among mothers attending the
maternal and child health training institute in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2007. 84 p. (T E36159)
Penjor. Influence of mother's education on infant mortality in Bangladesh. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2006. 51 p. (T E35069)
สุจรรยา ทั่งทอง. ปจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธกับพฤติกรรมการปองกันและดูแลบุตรขณะเจ็บปวย ดวยโรคติดเชื้อเฉียบพลัน
ระบบหายในใจเด็กของมารดาในชนบท = Factors related to illness preventive behavior and care of
rural mothers to children with acute respiratory infection. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 149
หนา. (วพ 99311)
Koung Lo. Postpartum practices among Cambodian mothers in Preah Vihear province : a quatitative study
of beliefs and practices. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 134 p. (T E36846)
ฉวี จันทศิลป. พฤติกรรมการดูแลตนเองของมารดาหลังคลอดที่ติดเชื้อเอชไอวี = Self-care behaviors of postpartum
mothers with HIV infection. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 108 หนา. (วพ 97605)
Mothers--Chiang Mai
Suphanne Nualnak. Readiness of middle-class families for transmitting sex educatiion to their children : indept study on mothers in Muang district of Chiang Mai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2003. 92 p. (T E20837)
Lin, Xi Yin. Determinants of breast feeding duration among Chinese mothers. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 1996. 76 p. (T E10474)
Saomony Chhay. Factors influencing postpartum checkups among mothers in Cambodia. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2008. 41 p. (T E40394)
Mothers--Health and hygiene
Jarupa Vongchanglaw. Mothering experiences of incarcerated mothers and health care needs. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 131 p. (T E34157)
Sumardjono, Ervita. Birthing experiences of internally displaced mothers in Aceh. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 97 p. (T E34280)
Seno, Adji. Factors related to mothers behavior in order to give ORS to children under five years old at
Kuma Health Center, Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 79 p. (T E33135)
Kongxay Phounphenghack. Knowledge and perception of mothers about immunization of children under 3
years of age in the Saythany district, Vientiane Lao P.D.R.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 108
p. (T E36162)
Aboobakur, Maimoona. Influence of maternal and service factors on neonatal deaths and still births in the
Maldives. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 50 p. (T E35075)
Mothers--Mental health
Mayuree Nirattharadorn. Self-esteem, social support, and depression in Thai adolescent mothers. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2005. 143 p. (T E33222)
Saranya Withayaprapaipan. Influence of personal factors, life events and social support on depression of
postpartum mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 87 p. (T E21669)
Sirikan Raengkasikorn. The effects of structured information on stress and role adaptation in mothers of
premature infants in NICU. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 78 p. (T E33228)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 21]
Mothers--Mental health (ตอ)
Sopah Pissajarn. The effect of concrete-objective information on maternal anxiety of children undergoing
cardiac catheterization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 97 p. (T E37047)
Rattanaporn Pulpinyo. The internal factors affecting maternal mortality. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1980. 4 แผน (200 เฟรม). (T MF09299)
Moe Sandar. Influence of maternal factors on duration of breastfeeding : case study of Pyay district of
Myanmar. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 52 p. (T E35076)
Mothers--Nakhon Pathom
Bui, Huu Tri. The relationship between social support and breastfeeding practices among mothers in
Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 85 p. (T E16157)
Siswanto, Eddy. Knowledge and perception of pneumonia disease among mothers of children under five
years attending Nakhon Pathom general hospital Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 81
p. (T E36161)
Mothers--Nakhon Ratchasima
Kanokporn Pongcharoen. Factors affecting behavioral change of the HIV infected mothers of HIV Infected
Mother and Child Health Clinic : Maharat Nakorn Ratchasima hospital, Nakorn Ratchasima province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 67 p. (T E10058)
Katiya Ivanovitch. Supportive factors affecting maternal feeding behavior on their children aged 3-6 years
attending private daycare centers in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 106 p. (T
Viparat Areekoonchai. The socio-economic and maternal nutrition as relating to birth weight of Thai
infants. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (93 เฟรม). (T MF09365)
Mollah, Nurul Haque. Utilization pattern and socio-economic and cultural factors affecting utilization of
antenatal care services among the mothers in Ratchaburi Province Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1989. vii, 83 p. (T E6590)
Mothers--Sing Buri
Entos. Factors related to breast feeding practices among mothers in Singburi province, Thailand. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2004. 90 p. (T E23792)
Tran, Tuan Anh. Factors related to preventive behavior on home injury among mothers with children
under 5 years old at communes of Hung Yen province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2007. 114 p. (T E36168)
Ratchai Jivavitoonkit. Studies on maize cultivars resistant to the corn stem borer, Ostrinia furnacalis
(Guenee). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1993. (v), 72 p. (T E7074)
Moths--Effect of insecticides on
Li, Tang. Mechanism of Bacillus thuringiensis resistance in diamondback moth (Lepidoptera :
Yponomeutidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1994. (vi), 107 p. (T E8308)
Motif detection
Siriphan Manocheewa. Combination approach for predicting prokaryotic sigma factor binding sites
[I]/Modeling three-dimensional protein-DNA interactions [II]. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University
of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 93 p. (T E37292)
Motile apparatus
Napa Treetipsatit. Characterization of the motile apparatus in demembranated spermatozoa of rat
epididymis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 แผน (116 เฟรม). (T MF09467)
Sarun Tapananont. Capacity improvement in HGA manufacturing of the Ultra4 product. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 160 p. (T E14634)
Sumalee Prachuab. Site response and seismic ground motion from distant-large earthquake at Bangkok =
การตอบสนอง และการสั่นไหวของพื้นดินเนื่องจากแผนดินไหว บริเวณกรุงเทพมหานคร. Bangkok :
Meteorological Department, 1989. 18 leaves. (R E5211)
Yodchai Tiaple. Prediction of waveload on ship advancing under non-inertial effect using adaptive
numerical integration of green's function. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North
Bangkok, 2003. 145 p. (T E23018)
Motion path
Wasara Sutaweesup. Parallel motion path calculation for animated objects. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2002. 35 p. (T E18614)
Motion picture
Kulachit Visitwanit. An analysis of strategies in translation of the movie subtitle "Behind the Painting".
Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2005. 135 p. (R E41628)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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[หนา 22]
Motion picture (ตอ)
Naovakan Ruktaetrakul. An analysis of translation techniques in non-equivalence at word level in" nothing
hill" Thai subtitles. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2006. 212 p. (R E41632)
Motion picture film
วิวัฒนชัย สุขทัพภ. การสรางและการพัฒนาใชฟลมลูปประกอบการเรียนการสอนวิชาการงานและพื้นฐานอาชีพระดับชั้น
มัธยมตน = Making and improving on using film loop for teaching vocation education in lower
secondary level. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะศึกษาศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 140 หนา. (ว 98232)
Motion picture industry
Songkiat Wongsa. Le role de l'Etat francais concernant le development de son industrie cinematographique
de 1982 a 2001. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2003. 166 p. (T E20543)
Yoshioka, Norihiko. The internationalization of the Thai movie industry : an analysis of the export
competitiveness to the Japanese market. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 101 p. (T
Motion picture literature
Areerat Limwongsuwan. An analysis of the narrative in romantic drama screenplays : a care study of
academy awards nominees for best screenplay 1994-1998. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
285 p. (T E17728)
Motion picture music
Wittaya Woramit. Musical materials and structures of music in the movie "Star Wars" composed by John
Towner Williams. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 388 p. (T E17063)
Motion picture plays
Areerat Limwongsuwan. An analysis of the narrative in romantic drama screenplays : a care study of
academy awards nominees for best screenplay 1994-1998. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
285 p. (T E17728)
Motion picture projectors
Songkiat Wongsa. Le role de l'Etat francais concernant le development de son industrie cinematographique
de 1982 a 2001. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2003. 166 p. (T E20543)
Motion picture theaters
Tiloknard Augkaradacha. Development of competitive marketing strategy : case study of a medium-sized
movie theatre. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 121 p. (T E19709)
วรนุช ตั้งควิวิช. ทัศนคติ และพฤติกรรมของผูรับสารตอการสื่อสารทางดานการตลาดของโรงภาพยนตรระบบมัลติเพล็กซ
เครืออีจีวี. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 203 หนา. (วพ 99205)
Motion pictures
Akiba, Takayuki. The emergence and development of Thai contemporary arts and artists : a case study of
Thai independent cinema. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 184 p. (T E39078)
Hyunjung, Yoon. Thai films made in the 1970s as social commentary on migration-related social issues.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 158 p. (T E23402)
Khumpun Kungwanpradit. An analysis of writing style of movie overviews on web site "Yahoo! movies".
Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2004. 223 p. (T E24285)
Parichat Phromyothi. Influences of Hollywood movies on contemporary Thai films : case studies of actionthriller and horror genres. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 113 p. (T E16803)
Prathumporn Samakthai. Analysis of Thai subtitling : a case study of the movie "Saving Private Ryan".
Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2007. 228 p. (R E39051)
Rongruang Bhasayawan. Liberation and oppression of women in the film Chicago (2002). Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2007. 99 p. (R E39050)
Motion pictures in advertising
โชติรส อุตสาหกิจ. การวิเคราะหเนื้อหาภาพยนตรโฆษณาเพื่อการประชาสัมพันธ (พ.ศ.2539-2541) = The content
analysis of public relations advertising commercials (1996-1998). กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2541. 169 หนา. (วพ 100706)
วรรณรัตน แสงสุรียวัชชรา. การใชภาพที่ไมคาดคิดมากอนเปนเครื่องมือชวยจําและผลที่มีตอการระลึกถึงภาพยนตร
โฆษณาทางโทรทัศน = The effects of unexpected visual as mnemonic device on recall of television
commercial. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 129 หนา. (วพ 100305)
Motion Pictures in advertising
Suwat Itsarothaikul. Propaganda technique and language use in the Michael Moore documentary film :
Fahrenheit 9/11. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 212 p. (T E39516)
Motion pictures, American
Rosawan Chanchenchop. An analysis of the text organization patterns at the phrase and clause levels in
movie handbills from 1991 to 2000. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2002. 87 p. (T E19102)
Motion pictures, Chinese
นฤบดี วรรธนาคม. ผลทางสังคมของภาพยนตรจีนชุด "เปาปุนจิ้น" ที่มีตอผูชมในกรุงเทพมหานคร = The social
effects of the Chinese TV drama, "Judge Pao" on viewers in Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 119 หนา. (วพ 100489)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 23]
Motion pictures, Ducumentary
Suwat Itsarothaikul. Propaganda technique and language use in the Michael Moore documentary film :
Fahrenheit 9/11. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 212 p. (T E39516)
Motion pictures, German
Kanokporn Suriya. The depiction of wowen in contemporary movies : a comparison of the films Lola rennt
and Ruang Talok 69. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2004. 138 p. (T E24283)
Motion pictures, Thai
Atsadaporn Kamthai. Development of Isaan characters in leading roles and their popularity in recent Thai
films. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 81 p. (R E41793)
Chajabhol Choopen. Nationalism in contemporary Thai society : a case study of period films from 1997 to
2005. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 104 p. (T E40888)
Motion pictures, Thai--History
จําเริญลักษณ ธนะวังนอย. ประวัติศาสตรภาพยนตรไทยตั้งแตแรกเริ่มจนสิ้นสมัยสงครามโลก ครั้งที่ 2 = History of the
Thai movies, from the date of beginning, to the end of the Second World War. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ
วารสารศาสตรและสื่อสารมวลชน มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 309 หนา. (ว 99366)
Motion pictures--Songs and music
Wittaya Woramit. Musical materials and structures of music in the movie "Star Wars" composed by John
Towner Williams. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 388 p. (T E17063)
Motion tracking
Dacha Jirawutthiwongchai. 3D human animation from video sequence. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 35 p. (R E37494)
Natthawut Srikatanyoo. Agritourist needs and motivations : the Chiang Mai case. Bangkok : Dhurakij
Pundit University, 2007. 52 p. (R E41287)
Widchuda Chaibandid. The relationship between a new model of job design and work motivation of the
guards in the central Juvenile Observation and Protection Department. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 75 p. (T E24025)
Motivation factors
Apaporn Kitsanapun. Dengue heamorrhagic fever prevention and control performance at sub-district level,
Uthaithanee province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 116 p. (T E14704)
Motivation in education
Namon Srithiphan. Using novel homework assignments to increase students' motivation in completing
homework. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1996. 118 p. (T E12742)
Sayamol Chankhachorn. The motivation of the personel in the activity of development toward hospital
accreditation in accredited hospitals in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 260 p. (T
Somluck Lunsucheep. Motivation to study at Mahidol University International College. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 109 p. (T E18221)
Suparat Walakanon. Using jokes to raise Thai university students' awareness of multiple-meaningness of
vocabulary in English. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 83 p. (T
Suporn Satrattanamanee. Using problem solving activities to motivate students. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 89 p. (R E14857)
Motivation in education--Japan
Sirirat Sukuntapuek. A study in learning styles and learning motivation in primary school in Thailand and
Japan. Tokyo : University of Tokyo, 2005. 24 p. (R E36924)
Motivation language
Saranya Changnaim. Job enrichment level of subdistrict health personnel : Nontaburi province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 145 p. (T E17647)
Motivation theory
ทองทิพย สละวงษลักษณ. การประยุกตทฤษฎีแรงจูงใจเพื่อปองกันโรครวมกับแรงสนับสนุนทางสังคม ในการสงเสริม
อนามัยชองปาก ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 3 อําเภอเมือง จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = An application of the
protection motivation theory and social support to promote oral health among phrathom suksa 3
students in Mueng district Nakhonratchasima province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 241
หนา. (วพ 94504)
สุธีรา เมืองนาโพธิ์. การประยุกตทฤษฎีแรงจูงใจเพื่อการปองกันในการปรับเปลี่ยนพฤติกรรมปองกันโรคเอดส ของ
นักเรียนอาชีวศึกษาหญิง สังกัดสํานักงานคณะกรรมการการศึกษาเอกชน จังหวัดฉะเชิงเทรา = An application
of the protection motivation theory for AIDS preventive behaviors modification among female
vocational students, Office of the Private Commission Chachoengsao province. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 219 หนา. (วพ 102772)
Motivation therory
Chanphen Naowarattanajumnean. The application of the protection motivation theory to breast selfexamination among females attending menopause clinic, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
Medical College and Vajira hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 127 p. (T E17300)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 24]
Motivation [Psychology]
Achirawit Thongjundee. Police culture and motivation of inquiry officers (level 1) under Metropolitan Police
Bureau. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 139 p. (T E20478)
Akarawut Suphaaksorn. An application of protection motivation theory and social support for AIDS
preventive behavior modification among conscripts in Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 121 p. (T E17408)
Dejpat Pailee. The motivation of the international tourists towards the full moon party at the Pangan island
Suratthani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 97 p. (T E24338)
Ideta, Shunsuke. A comparative study between Thai and Japanese workers on motivation and job
satisfaction in relation to productivity enhancement. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 84
p. (T E39070)
Jirada Wudthayagorn. Attitude and motivation of elementary school students in a Japanese flea program.
Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh, 2000. 225 p. (T E16047)
Malai Intongkam. The use of gap principles to create students' motivation and enable students' active
performances. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1991. 205 p. (T E6882)
Nitaya Pruksashewa. Motivation : the learner's affective factor for learning English. Phitsanulok : Naresuan
University, 2008. 111 p. (R E41667)
Niwat Kamtumsai. The relationship between achievement goal orientation and participation motivation in
sport of athletes under the Ministry of Defense and under the National Police Bureau. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2008. 52 p. (T E39978)
Nunthawadee Wongsathian. Effects of formative assessment on motivation and learning outcomes of first
year students at Wang Klai Kangwon Campus, Rajamangala Institute of Technology. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 180 p. (T E14903)
Orapin Choochom. Text comprehension as a function of motivational orientation and reading strategy.
Nashville Tennessee : Vanderbilt University, 1994. vi, 118 p. (T E7260)
Orathai Thongrain. An application of protection motivation theory to behavior modification among diabetic
patients attending Banlaem hospital Phetchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 104
p. (T E21646)
Porntip Coowanitwong. Burnout among professional nurses in Chulalongkorn hospital. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1992. x, 72 p. (T E6870)
Rungporn Rojpalakorn. A study into the typologies of international tourists and their motivations for
staying on Khao Sarn road. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 51 p. (R E37441)
Samarn Futrakul. Factors affecting dengue haemorragic fever prevention and control performance of
health personnel at subdistrict level in Nakhon-Pathom province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 99 p. (T E17672)
Samorn Mateeskunkan. A motivational study of exerciser in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration public
parks. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 91 p. (T E21715)
Sukanya Techawaro. A study of motivational strategies of piano teachers at the Music Campus for general
public, College of Music, Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 102 p. (T E24227)
Wan-arsan Kriangwattanapong. Motivation for graduate studies of female and male graduate students.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 129 p. (T E23826)
จรรยาลักษณ สุขแจม. การสรางแรงจูงใจเพื่อสงเสริมการออกกําลังกายในพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลวชิรพยาบาล
กรุงเทพมหานคร = The motivation to promote exercise among nurses in Vajira hospital, Bangkok.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 154 หนา. (วพ 99112)
นันทิยา ชุมชวย. ความสามารถในการบริหารงานและแรงจูงใจที่มีอิทธิพลตอผลการปฏิบัติงานของหัวหนากลุมงานเวช
กรรมสังคม โรงพยาบาลศูนยและโรงพยาบาลทั่วไป = Administrative competencies and motivations
affecting the social medicine department chief's performances in regional and general hospitals.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 170 หนา. (วพ 97714)
เสกสรรค พรไพรินทร. สิ่งจูงใจที่สนับสนุนการปฏิบัติงานของพนักงานธนาคารไทยพาณิชย จํากัด (มหาชน) สังกัด
สํานักงานพัฒนาธนกิจ 10 ภายใตสถานการณปจจุบัน = Incentives supporting the work performance of
the staff of the Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited Banking Development Office 10
under the current situation. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 86 หนา. (วพ 100112)
Motor ability in children
Saipin Prasertsukdee. Interobserver and test-retest item reliability of motor screening of infant test.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. x, 164 p. (T E7372)
Motor ability--Testing
Wipaporn Santiwiwat. Interference by dynamic motor activity on psychomotor neuronal function. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1998. 130 p. (T E12489)
Motor activity
ชัชวดี ทองทาบ. การศึกษาผลของใบรางจืด (Thunbergia laurifolia, Linn.) ตอ motor activity ของหนูขาว.
เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2521. 1 แผน (30 เฟรม). (ว MF11639)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 25]
Motor blockade
Wimonrat Krisanaprakornkit. Motor blockade associated with postoperative analgesia : a comparison
between 0.1 percent ropivacaine plus fentanyl and 0.2 percent ropivacaine alone for continuous
epidural infusion after abdominal hysterectomy. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 54 p. (T
Motor claim database system
Pathana Kanjanapusit. Management of motor claim database system via internet study case :
Krungthaipanich Insurance Co., Ltd.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 107 p. (T E17323)
Motor development
Rujirawan Sukhata. Comparison between motor development scores obtained from parent question and a
motor development assessment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 62 p. (T E24216)
Motor dysfunction
Julaporn Srinha. Adenosine and the neurotoxicity of dichlorvos in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
133 p. (T E19600)
Motor fitness
ชาญณรงค สุขสุสร. สมรรถภาพทางกลไกของนักเรียนมัธยมศึกษาตอนตน โรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษาสวนกลาง กลุมที่ 5 กรม
สามัญศึกษา = Motor fitness of lower secondary school student in the central fifth group school
under the Department of General Education. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2542. 96 หนา. (วพ
บรรทม พิมพทองครบุรี. ผลการฝกกายบริหารชุดแมไมมวยไทยพื้นฐาน แอโรบิคดานซ และการกระโดดเชือก ที่มีตอ
สมรรถภาพทางกลไกของนักเรียนชายชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 5-6 ในโรงเรียนสังกัดสํานักงานการประถมศึกษา
จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = The effects of fundamental of Mae Mai Mouy Thai calisthenics, aerobic dance
and rope jumping upon the motor fitness of Pratomsuksa 5-6 boy students of primary schools of
Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Office. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 112 หนา. (วพ
สุรสิทธิ์ มิทราวงศ. ผลของกายบริหารทาแมไมมวยไทยที่มีตอสมรรถภาพทางกลไก ของนักเรียนโรงเรียนบานโนนนก
หอ = Effects of Maemaimuaythai calisthenics on motor fitness of the Bannonnoghor school
students. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 162 หนา. (วพ 104094)
อัครเดช ปาปะเถ. เกณฑมาตรฐานสมรรถภาพทางกลไกสําหรับนักเรียนระดับประถมศึกษาชั้นปที่ 1-2 ในจังหวัด
มหาสารคาม = Norms of motor fitness for pratomsuksa 1-2 students in Maha Sarakham province.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 140 หนา. (วพ 113096)
Motor learning
Pattaya Wankaew. Psychomotor patterns of cross-motor learning of upper and lower extremities of Thai
boxers with normal boxing training. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 110 p. (T E17718)
Motor looper
ธีรพงษ หาญวิโรจนกุล. แบบจําลองของมอเตอรลูบเปอรเพื่อการควบคุมแรงดึงในแทนรีดของการรีดรอนตอเนื่อง = A
motor looper model for tension control in the continuous hot rolling mill. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 79 หนา. (วพ 111761)
Motor neurons
Lalipat Chatdarong. The degeneration of sensory and motor neurons after axotomy in young adult rat and
prevention by leukemia inhibitory factor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 69 p. (T
Motor tricycle
อนุสรณ วรศิริ. การเปรียบเทียบในเชิงวิศวกรรมระหวางรถสามลอเครื่องใชกาซ LPG กับใชระบบไฟฟา กรณีศึกษา :
ถนนรอบเกาะรัตนโกสินทรชั้นใน กรุงเทพมหานคร = The comparative engineering aspects between LPG
and electric engines in conventional three wheel vehicles case study the roads around the
Ratanakosin island of Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 159 หนา. (วพ 99319)
Motor vechicle industry
Thipparat Chuthaphisith. Factors affecting the selection of fourth party logistics provider in the automotive
and consumer product industry. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 92 p. (T E39014)
Motor vehicle Accident Victim Act B.E.2535
ไฉไล ศักดิ์วรพงศ. ปญหาและอุปสรรคในการบังคับใชพระราชบัญญัติคุมครองผูประสบภัยจากรถ พ.ศ.2535 =
Problems and obstacles in the enforcement of the protection for Motor Venicle Accident Victims Act
B.E.2535(1992). กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชานิติศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 187 หนา. (ว 108372)
Motor vehicle accident victims act
Amitra Jitranukij. The preliminary compensation claims under the protection for Motor Vehicle Accident
Victims Act, B.E. 2535 (1992), in hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Royal Thai Army. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 139 p. (T E24130)
Motor Vehicle Accident Victims Act B.E.2535
จันทนา อุคคกิมาพันธุ. การประเมินการดําเนินงานเรียกเก็บคาเสียหายเบื้องตน ตามพระราชบัญญัติคุมครองผูประสบภัย
จากรถ พ.ศ.2535 ของโรงพยาบาลทั่วไป = An evaluation on collection of first stage compensation of
general hospital under the protection for Motor Vehicle Accident's Victims Act B.E.2535. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 173 หนา. (วพ 105618)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 26]
Motor vehicle electrician
สมนึก มังกะระ. การศึกษาการเรียนการสอนหลักสูตรประกาศนียบัตรวิชาชีพในสถานศึกษาสังกัดกรมอาชีวศึกษา ตาม
มาตรฐานฝมือแรงงานแหงชาติ : กรณีศึกษาสาขาชางไฟฟาในรถยนต กลุมอาชีวภาคเหนือ = A study on
teaching-learning under vocational education certificate program in college of Department of
Vocational Education in accordance with national occupational skills standard : a case study of
motor vehicle eletrician field in the northern vocational region. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระ
จอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 150 หนา. (วพ 99963)
Motor vehicle industry
Kanchon Techanan. Human resource development in motor vehicle and transportation equipment related
industries for the environmental management system ISO 14000. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 121 p. (T E17073)
Motor vehicles
Nilarat Premmanisakul. Risk factors of mortality associated with motor vehicle accidents in Saraburi
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 61 p. (T E13671)
Motor vehicles--Fuel consumption
มิ่งขวัญ วิเชียรมณี. ทางเลือกเชื้อเพลิงที่เหมาะสมสําหรับทดแทนน้ํามันดีเซลในยานยนต = Suitable fuel alternatives
to diesel oil in vehicles. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 69 หนา. (วพ
Motor vehicles--Models
Chatchai Chumjun. Prediction of verfical vehicle dynamics using single track suspension model with
identified parameters. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 60
p. (T E39818)
Motor vehicles--Seat--Manufactures
Piyanut Kumaddee. Product quality improvement for automotive seat production. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 139 p. (T E38964)
Motor vehicles--Spare parts
Narumon Burapachayanont. Inventory management system : case of fast moving automotive service
parts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 159 p. (T E38252)
Motorboats drivers
Pornpet Panjapiyakul. Predicted model on hearing loss prevalence among long-tall motor boat drivers in
Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. 68 p. (T E6529)
Jureerat Kijsomporn. Cultural construction of risk perception : a case study of motorbike riders in Nakorn
Pathom. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 113 p. (T E23513)
Motorcycle accidents
Janjua, Khalid Abbas. Factors related to motorcycle accidents : a study at three hospitals in Bangkok,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 74 p. (T E17694)
Nuttaphol Sitanonth. Factors affecting and protection against motorcycle accidents : a case study of
Kanchanaburi non-commissioned police. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 105 p. (T E17817)
Motorcycle assembly line
บุญชนะ บรรเทือง. การออกแบบการจัดสายการประกอบรถจักรยานยนต = Process design for a motorcycle
assemble line. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 245 หนา. (วพ 111762)
Motorcycle driving
Phongkultorn Rojviroon. Psychological and safety belief factors related to safety behavior in motorcycle
driving of the young. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 175 p. (T E33941)
Sutthirat Promkham. Behavior of children (age 8-12 years) in using motorcycles : a case study of Ban
Plaibang community, Bangkrouy district, Nontaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005.
89 p. (T E33904)
Motorcycle helmets
Thanapun Na Chiangmai. Attitudes and behaviors of motorcycle helmet use among employees in the San
Kamphaeng district area, Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 74 p. (R E24568)
Motorcycle industry
อดุลย กลิ่นกาเซ็น. โครงสราง พฤติกรรม และผลการดําเนินงานของอุตสาหกรรมรถจักรยานยนตในประเทศไทย =
Market structure conduct and performance of motorcycle industry in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 252 หนา. (วพ 98681)
Motorcycle passengers
Anek Pongsawat. Decision on helmet use by riders and passengers in motorcycle taxi services case study :
Ayuthaya Municipality, Ayuthaya province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 174 p. (T E18865)
Motorcycle patrol police
Phitsanu Sittitoon. Self-esteem toward the job of motor cycle patrol police officer provincial police of
Ratchaburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 102 p. (T E21721)
Motorcycle repairing entrepreneur
Sakan Promsiri. Management on hazardous waste of motorcycle repairing entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai
municipality Chiang Mai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 98 p. (T E17277)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 27]
Motorcycle riders
Anek Pongsawat. Decision on helmet use by riders and passengers in motorcycle taxi services case study :
Ayuthaya Municipality, Ayuthaya province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 174 p. (T E18865)
Sirany, Hok. Factors related to motorcycle accidents among motorcycle riders in Salaya, Phutthamonthon
district, Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 80 p. (T E33132)
Motorcycle riding
Pantip Sangprasert. The factors related to the preventive behaviors of accidents and injuries due to
motorcycle riding among adolescents in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 67 p. (T
Motorcycle taxi services
Anek Pongsawat. Decision on helmet use by riders and passengers in motorcycle taxi services case study :
Ayuthaya Municipality, Ayuthaya province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 174 p. (T E18865)
Motorcycle taxis
Tassumi Yodpratumwan. Suitability of sports model [150 CC] and family model [110 CC] motorcycle taxis
as transportation in Amphoe Phutthamonthon, Nakhonpathom. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
262 p. (T E18562)
Tassumi Yodpratumwan. Suitability of sports model [150 CC] and family model [110 CC] motorcycle taxis
as transportation in Amphoe Phutthamonthon, Nakhonpathom. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
262 p. (T E18562)
ณรงค ณ เชียงใหม. โครงการนํารองศึกษาวิธีการลดอุบัติเหตุจากจักรยานยนต ในนักศึกษาผานครู/อาจารย
วิทยาลัยเทคนิคหาดใหญ สงขลา = Pilot study on the control and prevention of motorcycle accident
among Hatyai College of Technology students, Songkhla. สงขลา : มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541.
17 หนา. (ว 98868)
ณัฐชนก พาละเอ็น. การประเมินประสิทธิภาพสถานตรวจสภาพรถจักรยานยนต ในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = The
evaluation of motorcycle inspection and maintenance program in Bangkok Metropolis. ขอนแกน :
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 118 หนา. (วพ 99308)
อดุลย กลิ่นกาเซ็น. โครงสราง พฤติกรรม และผลการดําเนินงานของอุตสาหกรรมรถจักรยานยนตในประเทศไทย =
Market structure conduct and performance of motorcycle industry in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 252 หนา. (วพ 98681)
Kidaphol Wadhanakul. Factors related to motorcycle accidents among the motorcycle taxi riders in
Phayathai district, Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 43 p. (T E10047)
Motorcycles--Wounds and injuries--Bangkok
Cortina III, Carlos D.. Factors related to motorcycle accidents : a survey at Police General hospital and
Bangkok Metropolitan area. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. vii, 107 p. (T E6445)
Pantip Sangprasert. The factors related to the preventive behaviors of accidents and injuries due to
motorcycle riding among adolescents in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 67 p. (T
Motorcycling accidents--Nakhon Pathom
Sirany, Hok. Factors related to motorcycle accidents among motorcycle riders in Salaya, Phutthamonthon
district, Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 80 p. (T E33132)
Anek Pongsawat. Decision on helmet use by riders and passengers in motorcycle taxi services case study :
Ayuthaya Municipality, Ayuthaya province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 174 p. (T E18865)
Panatda Chumnansook. Speed, violence and sex : marginality, identity and road traffic injuries among
young motorcyclists. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 190 p. (T E37120)
Suchada Gerdmongkolgan. An application of protection motivation theory in promotion of safety helmet
use during motorcycle driving among male students of Sainoi Industrial and Community Education
College, Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 141 p. (T E18197)
Suda Sombatyotha. An epidemiological study of traffic accident among motorcyclists who sought care at
Mahasarakham hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 102 p. (T E10593)
Office of the Board of Investment. The study on investment opportunity in Thailand : manufacturing and
assembling industry of small gasoline engines. Bangkok : ACT.Consultants, 1984. vol.(in various
pagings). (R E6710)
Sukit Chongchokdie. An investment decision support system for energy conservation in small and medium
commercial buildings : installation of Hf electronic ballast and high efficiency motor. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 221 p. (T E18299)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 28]
กัณหดนัย ภูวสวัสดิ์. การศึกษาและสรางแบบจําลองทางคณิตศาสตร สําหรับเสียงจากการจราจรของทางหลวงพิเศษ
ระหวางเมือง-มอเตอรเวย (กรุงเทพฯ-ชลบุรี) = Study and modeling of traffic noise of motorway
(Bangkok-Chonburi). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 528 หนา. (วพ
Motorways design
คงฤทธิ์ ปญญาแกว. การศึกษาการออกแบบทางดวนพิเศษระหวางเมืองในประเทศไทย = Study of the motorways
design in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 207 หนา. (วพ 105386)
Chamnan Jaroensup. Print mottle modelling relevant to human perception. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1999. 59 p. (T E14672)
Mouhot, Henri
Onintra Panlee. Image of Siam in "Voyage dans les Royaumes de Siam, de Cambodge, de Laos et autres
parties centrales de l'Indo-Chine" by Henri Mouhot. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2002. 179 p.
(T E18672)
Waraporn Kor srisuwan. La socie'te' thaie et les Siamois au milieu de xixe siecle d'apres Henri Mouhot.
Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2003. 150 p. (R E23906)
Mouhot, Henri--Attitudes
Waraporn Kor Srisuwan. La societe thaie et les Siamois au milieu du XIXe siecle d'apres Henri Mouhot.
Bangkok : Universite Silpakorn, 2002. 150 p. (T E21227)
Moulting hormone
Tanud Tanachatchairatana. Synthesis and moulting hormone activity of heterocyclic esters of 20hydroxyecdysone. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1999. 185 p. (T E14735)
นรงค ฉิมพาลี. การพัฒนาวิธีการวิเคราะหทองแดงและนิเกิล ดวยวิธีการสกัดโดยใชเทคนิค flow injection. กรุงเทพฯ :
ภาควิชาเคมี มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2540. 65 หนา. (ว 103974)
Moungsamsib Hospital
Parichart Butdeemee. Intensive adverse drug reaction monitoring in Moungsamsib hospital. Khon Kaen :
Khon Kaen University, 2003. 128 p. (T E20643)
Mount Popa [Burma]
Min Thant Zin. A simulation technique for resource management : a case study of Mount Popa, Myanmar.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1998. 187 p. (T E13544)
Mountain frog
Sumon Jungudomjaroen. Chromatin condensation during spermatogenesis in mountain frog, Rana blythii.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 72 p. (T E17459)
Mountain people--Chiang Mai
Boonlert Compan. Effects of repeated reading and self-directed behavior on reading skills and
generalization of the reading skills of the third-grade hill tribe students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1997. 232 p. (T E12438)
Mountain people--Diseases
Igarashi, Akira. Studies in the transmission of Japanese encephalitis virus among hill tribes in northern
Thailand. Nagasaki : Nagasaki University, 1985. 30 p. (R E14178)
Mountain people--Thailand, Northern--Sexual behavior
Methee Payomyong. Interagency coordination and effectiveness of the human immuno-deficiency virus
and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) prevention and alleviation program on
hilltribes people of northern Thailand. Los Banos : University of the Philippines Los Banos, 1999.
287 p. (T E13514)
Mountain plants
Koyama, Hiroshige. Taxonomic studies in the composit of Thailand 3. Kyoto : Kyoto University, 1984. 1
vol. (R E9063)
Mountain village
Symonds, Patricia Veronica. Cosmology and the cycle of life : Hmong views of birth, death and gender in a
mountain village in northern Thailand. [S.l.] : Brown University, 1991. 356 p. (T E12671)
Mountainous area
สุรินทร อนพรม. การจัดการทรัพยากรปาไมรวมของชุมชนในเขตภูเขา ลุมน้ําขาน จังหวัดเชียงใหม = Forest resource
management as common property in mountainous area Nam-Khan-sub-watershed Chiang Mai.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 111 หนา. (วพ 113316)
Paiboon Jungsuwadee. Characterization of relapsing and overt mouse allergic asthma models. Wien :
Universitat Wien, 2001. 112 p. (T E16072)
Ruttachuk Rungsiwiwut. Development of nuclear transfer and embryonic stem cell technology in mouse.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 80 p. (T E40295)
Mouse monoclonal antibodies
Phisanu Pooruk. Production of mouse monoclonal antibodies to HIV-1 Gag epitope(s) by using HIV-1
CRF01_AE as immunogen. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 109 p. (T E23656)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 29]
Mouse oocytes
Preeyalak Rodkaew. Effect of White Gwow [Pueraria mirifica Airy Shaw et Suvatabandhu] extract on in
vitro maturation and fertilization of mouse oocyte. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 90 p.
(T E15946)
Khanal, Nityananda. Agricultural change and agrobiodiversity in the lower hills of Western Nepal. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 169 p. (T E16405)
Saichon Laokhum. Effect of Boesenbergia pandurata (Robx.) extracts and flavonoid derivatives on the
levels of hyaluronan in oral fibroblast. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 97 p. (T E38787)
Somsak Chitmongkolsuk. Fracture strength of posterior all-ceramic and ceramo-metal three-unit bridges
after exposure to the artificial mouth. Freiburg : Albert Ludwigs Unversity, 2001. 80 p. (T E16210)
Suvaparp Chantarasomboon. I.C.U. nurses' care of the oral thrush patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 76 p. (T E19263)
Mouth Care and hygiene
Waranuch Suriyachan. Applying self-efficacy theory and social support to promote oral health for 1st grade
students; Suanmisakawan school. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 137 p. (T E23546)
Mouth mucosa--Prevention and control
Kannika Supachai. Nursing practice guideline to prevent and relieve oral mucositis among patients
receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 95 p. (R E33871)
Mouth rinse
Kesinee Charoenchaikorn. The effect of xylitol mouth rinse with and without sodium fluoride on the
number of mutans streptococci in human saliva. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 50 p. (T
Anak Iamaroon. Aberration of transforming growth factor beta signaling pathway in oral cancer cells.
Chiang Mai : Faculty of Dentistry Chiang Mai University, 2004. 14 p. (R E24586)
Anak Iamaroon. Overexpression of AKT-2 and phosphorylated AKT in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Chiang Mai : Faculty of Dentistry Chiang Mai University, 2009. 31 p. (R E41981)
Ruchadaporn Kaomongkolgit. Iron regulates MMP-9 expression in oral squamous carcinoma cell lines.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 135 p. (T E40286)
Runjuan Sukkavee. Risk factors of oral cancer among Thai people: a hospital-based case-control study.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 127 p. (T E10596)
Suparp Kietthubthew. Genetic and environmental interactions on oral cancer in southern Thailand.
Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, [1999]. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E14751)
Kannika Supachai. Nursing practice guideline to prevent and relieve oral mucositis among patients
receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 95 p. (R E33871)
Mouth--Care and hygiene
Dao, Le Nam Trung. Oral health status and related factors among primary school chidren in Soc Son
district, Hanoi city, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 140 p. (T E39462)
Kannika Sungworawongpana. The effectiveness of dental health education program on child caretakers'
behaviors for promoting oral hygiene care in preschool children. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 226 p. (T E18176)
Kritsanu Komolpis. The effectiveness of a dental health education program on oral health behaviors
modification among primary school students in Muang district, Chachoengsao province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 112 p. (T E17744)
Nguyen, Thi Bach Yen. Economic analysis of school-based oral health programme at primary school in the
North of Vietnam. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 99 p. (T E9963)
Oum Teng. Dental caries experience and prevalence of oral microorganisms among school children in
Cambodia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 45 p. (T E38754)
Panata Luengpattarawong. Dental service utilization among people with oral health problems in Huay-Yod
subdistrict, Huay-Yod district, Trang province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 95 p.
(T E18371)
Patcharin Lekswat. The effectiveness of an oral health promotion program applying community
empowerment among preschool children in Lampang province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
266 p. (T E17234)
Pham, Le Hung. Oral health care performance for inpatients among nurses at Hanoi City Hospitals,
Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 92 p. (T E39461)
Pornvenus Boonmek. The effects of comprehensive oral care on management of oral candidiasis in
HIV/AIDS patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 105 p. (T E34249)
Prapimpan Toowicharanon. The effects of chemotherapy and integrated nursing interventions on oral
mucositis in leukemia patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 91 p. (T E14557)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 30]
Mouth--Care and hygiene (ตอ)
Prasert Limpawittayakul. Relationship between oral health behaviours and oral health status among school
children aged 11-12 years in Bungsampun district Petchaboon province, Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1996. 69 p. (T E10060)
Sirvipa Leangpunsakul. Effects of a dental health education program on oral health care provided to
preschool children by their mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 123 p. (T E14966)
Songchai Thitasomakul. Dental caries, oral hygiene and dietary habits : a study of 2 to 6 years old
Buddhist and Muslim Thai children. Aarhus : Faculty of Health Sciences University of Aarhus, 2001.
160 p. (T E19014)
Songvuth Tuongratanaphan. Biomedical science discourse and dentists' oral health promotion concepts : a
case study in Chiang Mai. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 140 P. (T E24201)
Sukanya Onggabin. A study on child care takers performance in Dental Public Health Program related to
oral hygiene status of 3-6 year old preschool children at Sating Pra district of Songkhla province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 111 p. (T E10905)
Sulistianingsih, Wahya. Oral health behavior among primary school children in Nakhon Pathom province,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 86 p. (T E17803)
Thanwit Sukcharoen. Factors related to toothbrushing behavior of good oral hygiene patients with gingival
recession in Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 79 p. (T
Thongchai Vachirarojpisan. Equity in oral health in Thailand : case study in Kukot Municipality, Pratumtani
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 119 p. (T E18064)
Umawadee Chomkhakhai. Oral health status in a group of Thai patients with metabolic syndrome.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 85 p. (T E37769)
Waranuch Pitiphat. Factors related to dental caries status among 3 years old kindergarten children in
Muang district of Khonkaen province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xii, 115 p. (T E7429)
Yaowaluk Bovonsantijid. Factors associated with the reliability of oral examination by teachers in Phuket
Primary School Oral Disease Surveillance Program. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xi, 123 p.
(T E8114)
[Somsak Sirirungrojying]. Relationship between oral tori and temporomandibular disorders = ความสัมพันธ
ระหวางปุมกระดูกในชองปากและความผิดปกติขอตอขากรรไกร. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University,
[199-]. 20 p. (R E11870)
Mouth--Care and hygiene--Suphanburi
Phenkhae Lapying. The demand analysis of oral care in rural area : a case study of Uthong district,
Suphanburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 175 p. (T E15886)
Nonglak Satitkarn. The development of clotrimazole and triamcinolone acetonide mucoadhesive films for
oral diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xii, 130 p. (T E7112)
Patcharin Dejtaradol. The development of bioadhesive films for oral diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1993. xi, 98 p. (T E7751)
Sengphouvanh Ngonephady. Prevalence of oral diseases in Savannakhet province, Lao People's
Democratic Republic. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 119 p. (T E13287)
Nutchanat Rugsinsat. Breath alcohol values following mouthwash and mouthspray use. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 43 p. (T E32913)
Nutchanat Rugsinsat. Breath alcohol values following mouthwash and mouthspray use. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 43 p. (T E32913)
Kamolrat Hirunrat. The effect of herbal mouthwash on oral malador plaque and papillary bleeding index.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 44 p. (T E24668)
Mullika Sirirat. Effect of chlorhexidine mouthwash on healing after periodental flap surgery. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, [19--]. 10 p. (R E2215)
Siriwan Songwattana. The effects of mouthwash on micronucleus formation in human buccal epithelial
cells and KB cell line. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 90 p. (T E21210)
Move analysis
Budsaba Kanoksilapatham. A corpus-based investigation of scientific research articles : linking move
analysis with mutidimensional analysis. Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University, 2003. 461 p. (T
Jiraporn Oneplee. Genre analysis of scientific abstracts : a comparative study of Science and Nature
journals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 119 p. (T E40493)
Pajaree Lertwonghad. Momentum transfer of trunk and upper extremity in tennis players double-handed
backhand stoke. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 75 p. (T E38758)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 31]
Movement disorders
Helen, Ling. Measurements of serum ceruloplasmin level in patients with different movement disorders.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 106 p. (T E41412)
Movement time
กนกวรรณ ผองแผว. การเปรียบเทียบเวลาปฏิกิริยาตอบสนองและเวลาการเคลื่อนไหว ในกระบวนการประมวลขาวสาร
ระหวางนักกีฬาวอลเลยบอลขั้นเริ่มตนกับขั้นสูง = A comparison of reaction time and movement time in
information processing between beginning and advanced volleyball players. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 120 หนา. (วพ 104358)
Movement [Acting]
Kanitta Potjana-a-ree. The movements and campaigns to promote the rights of homosexual people in
contemporary Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 101 p. (T E21133)
Saipin Prasertsukdee. Interobserver and test-retest item reliability of motor screening of infant test.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. x, 164 p. (T E7372)
Sirinart Laibsirinon. Comparison of hindfoot-forefoot motions and ground reaction forces during walking
between females with normal arch of foot and asymptomatic flexible flatfoot. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 154 p. (T E17518)
Movement [Acting]--Models
Chawisnach Engchatcharoen. Numerical simulation for motion of one dimensional plasma in an
electromagnetic field. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 86 p. (T E16351)
Movement [Philosophy]
Wassana Techovanich. The three dimensional kinematics study of sit-to-stand movement in healthy Thais
aged 20-30 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 101 p. (T E9733)
Chatchai Traithong. The study of movement control in golf putting : empirical test in Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2007. 70 p. (T E38770)
Rutchut Nutthee. Young fault movements along the southern segment of Sri Sawat Fault, Amphoe Sri
Sawat, Changwat Kanchanaburi; and their TL-dating results. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 205 p. (T E20105)
Rungrat Kittiprapas. An analysis of register in movie translation. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 110
p. (T E24071)
Movie clip
Saowaluk Watanapa. A semantic study of emotion-based movie clip classification. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 78 p. (T E38938)
Movie database
Khajeepan Kruawan. A prototype multimedia information system for the entertainment rental industry.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 91 p. (T E16396)
Movie handbills
Rosawan Chanchenchop. An analysis of the text organization patterns at the phrase and clause levels in
movie handbills from 1991 to 2000. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2002. 87 p. (T E19102)
Movie overview writing
Khumpun Kungwanpradit. An analysis of writing style of movie overviews on web site "Yahoo! movies".
Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2004. 223 p. (T E24285)
Movie script translation
กฤตยา นาฑี. การศึกษากลวิธีในการหลีกเลี่ยงภาวะแทรกซอนทางภาษาและวัฒนธรรมในการแปลบทภาพยนตรจาก
ภาษาอังกฤษแบบอเมริกันเปนภาษาไทย : กรณีศึกษาบทบรรยายภาษาไทยของจิระนันท พิตรปรีชา = A case
study of strategies to overcome linguistic and cultural interference in translating movie scripts from
American English into Thai : Chiranan Pitpreecha's Thai subtitles. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล,
2543. 471 หนา. (วพ 110023)
Movie subtitle
Kulachit Visitwanit. An analysis of strategies in translation of the movie subtitle "Behind the Painting".
Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2005. 135 p. (R E41628)
Naovakan Ruktaetrakul. An analysis of translation techniques in non-equivalence at word level in" nothing
hill" Thai subtitles. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2006. 212 p. (R E41632)
Kanokporn Suriya. The depiction of wowen in contemporary movies : a comparison of the films Lola rennt
and Ruang Talok 69. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2004. 138 p. (T E24283)
Movies recommending system
Ekkawut Rojsattarat. Combining content-based prediction and collaborative filtering for movies
recommending system. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 59 p. (T E20977)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 32]
Moving camera
สุรเชษฐ บุญรัตน. การติดตามวัตถุทามกลางวัตถุเคลื่อนที่ดวยกลองเคลื่อนที่ = Visually tracking an object among
multiple moving objects with dynamic camera. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี,
2542. 60 หนา. (วพ 109410)
Moving force
Pattarapong Asnachinda. Dynamic axle loads identification of multiple vehicles moving on continuous
bridge from bending moment responses. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 171 p. (T
Moving images
รําพึง เจริญยศ. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบผลสัมฤทธิ์และความคงทนทางการเรียน จากการใชคอมพิวเตอรสราง
ภาพเคลื่อนไหวและภาพคงที่ จําลองชิ้นงานในการสอน เรื่องการเขียนแบบแผนคลี่ทอระบายอากาศ = A
comparative study of learning achievement and retention in which computer generated moving and
still images of work pieces were used in teaching "Duct pattern layout". กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยี
พระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2543. 406 หนา. (วพ 110781)
Moving object
สุรเชษฐ บุญรัตน. การติดตามวัตถุทามกลางวัตถุเคลื่อนที่ดวยกลองเคลื่อนที่ = Visually tracking an object among
multiple moving objects with dynamic camera. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี,
2542. 60 หนา. (วพ 109410)
Moving, Housing
Manop Limkayan. Attitudes of people towards moving into a new residential place. Bangkok : Thammasart
University, 2007. 38 p. (R E38014)
Apichat Phetmoreekul. Pharmacodynamic comparison of Levofloxacin Gatifloxacin and Moxifloxacin against
bacterial causing human sinusitis in and in vitro pharmacodynamic model. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 105 p. (T E23107)
Mozzarella cheese
Jaruk Srikiatden. Development of a process for shelf stable Mozzarella cheese. Cornell : Cornell University,
1996. 83 P. (T E11009)
นวพร วรรณวิมลศรี. การออกแบบอินเวอรสดิสครีตโคไซนทรานสฟอรมแบบสองมิติ สําหรับตัวถอดรหัส MPEG.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 85 หนา. (วพ 88655)
MPEG Audio Layer 3
เมธี ไมตรี. วงจรถอดรหัส MPEG Audio Layer 3 โดยใช FPGA = MPEG Audio Layer 3 decoder using FPGA.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 114 หนา. (วพ 113347)
Thammanoon Charmjuree. MPEG-2 zero cell loss in ATM networks. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77
p. (T E17381)
Preecha Saithong. Characteristics of the Moei-Mae Ping fault zone, Changwat Tak, northwestern Thailand.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 218 p. (T E38225)
มนตรี พรวสันต. การวิเคราะหความเหมาะสมในการใชระบบเอ็มพีไอบนเครือขายระยะไกล = An analysis on use of
the MPI system over a wide area network. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 38 หนา. (วพ
Jaturaporn Chagkutip. Mechanisms of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium regulate the functional activity of
dopamine transporter : potential insights into parkinson's disease pathogenesis. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 142 p. (T E33098)
Pawinee Klangtakai. Optical and structural characterization of GaAsN thin film and GaAsN/GaAs
multiquantum well with high nitrogen concentration grown by MOVPE. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 80 p. (T E38631)
MR images
Nath Saowadee. Hybrid multispectral-image texture analysis for tissue classification in MR images. Khon
Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2001. 125 p. (T E16960)
Panich Kanchai. Tissue modeling with physical properties using data from MR images. Khon Kaen : Khon
Kaen University, 2001. 94 p. (T E16956)
Patcharin Prapaisilp. Magnetic resonance angiography of renal arteries in Thais. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 184 p. (T E16368)
MRA renal artery
Patcharin Prapaisilp. Magnetic resonance angiography of renal arteries in Thais. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 184 p. (T E16368)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 33]
Ladawan Worapruekjaru. Assessment of distortion in magnetic resonance imaging for stereotactic
radiosurgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 118 p. (T E33354)
MRI scanner
ภาณุศักดิ์ เอกอารีศักดิ์. การพัฒนาวิธีการแยกบริเวณสมองโดยอัตโนมัติสําหรับภาพเอ็มอารไอ = Development of
automatic segmentation of MRI brain images. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 118 หนา.
(วพ 101482)
MRI technique
Tanatta Charoenchai. Mean volume of masseter and temporalis muscles in different facial types using MRI.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 112 p. (T E18767)
Sompong Amnuay-ngerntra. Interpretation of Siamese modernity through three country palaces in
Phetchaburi. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 148 p. (T E37443)
Mrigadyavan Summer Palace
Paramaporn Sirikulchayanont. The interpretation programme for Mrigadayavan Summer Palace. Bangkok :
Silpakorn University, 2003. 100 p. (R E24488)
MRLC phosphorylation
Arunya Jiraviriyakul. Dependence of cancer cell invasion on MRLC phosphorylation. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 89 p. (T E18440)
Kanjana Phattarasakul. Role of myosin in cancer invasion and metastasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 117 p. (T E17768)
Alisa Lowanitchapat. mRNA expression of TNF-alpha, IL-10, TGF-beta, IP-10 and LipL32 in kidney and liver
of hamsters infected with pathogenic Leptospira. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 100 p.
(T E41260)
Monrudee Sukma. The expression and physiological functions of 5-HT2C receptor mRNA in NG 108 - 15
cells : involving RNA editing in neuronal differentiation and proliferation. [S.l] : Institute of Natural
Medicine Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 2003. 65 p. (T E22005)
Panaree Parnpiansil. Maternal exercise enhances BDNF mRNA expression in multiple brain regions in rat
pup including learning and memory. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 151 p. (T E23624)
Patama Thumdee. The prenatal expression of mRNA and protein of the prion protein gene, PRNP, in
sheep. Bonn : Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat, 2006. 127 p. (T E36424)
Thipparat Suwanmanee. Correction of aberrant splicing of thalassemic beta-globin pre-mRNA by antisense
oligonucleotides. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 135 p. (T E23610)
Vorapan Sirivatanauksorn. Molecular detection of mammaglobin mRNA in circulating peripheral blood of
patients with various stages of breast cancer in Thailand. Bangkok : Faculty of Medicine Siriraj
Hospital Mahidol University, 2003. 33 p. (R E21570)
mRNA stability
Sutticha Na Ranong. Effect of modification of 3' end secondary structure on stability of desA mRNA from
Spirulina platensis strain C1. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001.
127 p. (T E16974)
Chainarong Rattanakreetakul. Studies on compatible and incompatible interactions of the host-parasite
system Brassica napus/Leptophaeria maculans : isolation and characterization of differentially
expressed mRNAs. Gottingen : Georg-August University, 2001. 119 p. (T E19398)
วีระศักดิ์ ประสาทเขตตการ. การดําเนินการนําระบบและประเมินผลการใชงาน MRP II ในโรงงานผลิตมอเตอรไฟฟา.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 309 หนา. (วพ 88346)
สมปราชญ อรัญศักดิ์ชัย. การพัฒนาระบบการผลิตสําหรับติดตั้งระบบซอฟทแวร MRP II ในโรงงานผลิตเมลามีนผง.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 392 หนา. (วพ 87438)
MRP [Manufacturing]
Crosby, Stanley. Development of low cost MRP system within SME electronics company. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 79 p. (T E23326)
MRS medium
Duangrath Sareephawong. Medium improvement for biomass production of Pediococcus pentosaceus
BT520. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 142 p. (T E17080)
Pawana Panomket. Comparison of currently available phenotypic methods for detection of staphylococci
and enterococci with reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
99 p. (T E19606)
Benjamas Limprasert. A mediation system for information discovery in distributed environments : an
implementation case of heterogeneity resolution on corbamed. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
175 p. (T E18738)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 34]
Warunee Chaigamphang. Induction of immunity to Plasmodium yoelii MSP119 by intranasal immunization
using different mucosal adjuvants. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 52 p. (T E38107)
MSRV agar
สุรีย นานาสมบัติ. การเปรียบเทียบอาหารเลี้ยงเชื้อ Rambach agar และ MSRV agar กับ differential medium ชนิด
อื่นๆ สําหรับการตรวจหา Salmonella ในอาหารที่มีคาวอเตอรแอคติวิตี้สูง และอาหารที่มีคาวอเตอรแอคติวิตี้ต่ํา.
กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2539. 30 หนา. (ว 82090)
MSRV method
Lampoo Neamthong. Detection of Salmonella in seafood samples by MSRV method. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 77 p. (T E33265)
นวนิตย อภิชลติ. การตรวจสอบระบบผลิตขอมูล MSS. กรุงเทพฯ : กองสํารวจทรัพยากรธรรมชาติดวยดาวเทียม, 2537.
31 หนา. (ว 95110)
Msss exchanger networks
Thippaloj Krirkkraikijporn. Multi-component optimization of simultaneous heat and mass exchanger
networks using GAMs. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 222 p. (T E18604)
Sucheera Insuan. Genetic variation of giant honeybees Apis dorsata Fabricius, 1793 in Thailand analyzed
by DNA markers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 99 p. (T E17203)
mt DNA
Piyamas Nanork. Mitochondrial DNA variability of dwarf honey bee Apis florea Fabricius, 1787 in Thailand
using PCR-RFLP Technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 91 p. (T E17243)
Worarat Chantiempetch. A normative study of the language performance on normal Thai adults relative to
age and educational level by using a Thai version of Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of
Aphasia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 89 p. (T E20064)
Patcharee Lertrit. Nuclear modifier for a mitochondrial DNA disorder : Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy
(LHON). Bangkok : Department of Biochemistry Mahidol University, 2005. 73 p. (R E30285)
Chupong Ittiwut. Association between MTHFR polymorphisms and frontoethmoidal encephalomeningocele
and cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 83 p. (T
MTMM model
วรรณี แกมเกตุ. การพัฒนาตัวบงชี้ประสิทธิภาพการใชครู : การประยุกตใชโมเดลสมการโครงสรางกลุมพหุและโมเดล
เอ็มทีเอ็มเอ็ม = A development of teacher utilization efficiency indicators : an application of the
multiple group structural equation and MTMM models. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 297
หนา. (วพ 95936)
MTT method
Doungjai Roengsanthia. Development and assessment of rifampicin and isoniazid rapid susceptibility
testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using MTT method. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 86
p. (T E16371)
MTT reduction
Anchukorn Jaroinsiri. Effects of insulin-like growth factor I on hypoxia-induced cellular injuries in cultured
rat cerebellar granule neurons. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19761)
Mu Ko Surin National Park
Nualnapa Jinda. Information system for recreation carrying capacity monitoring of Mu Ko Surin national
park, Phang-nga province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 79 p. (T E33934)
Mu Koh Chang National Park
Kanisara Chetbandit. Local involvement in ecotourism development in Thailand : the case of Mu Koh
Chang national park, Trat province. Pathumthani : Asian Institute of Technology, 2003. 95 p. (T
Muang District Public Health Center, Lopburi Provice
Sangdeun Deepiew. Unit cost analysis of health center in Amphuer Muang Lopburi, Lopburi province for
fiscal year 2000. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 150 p. (T E18728)
Muang Sing Historical Park
Supanee Limsuwan. ESR dating of laterite in Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2008. 139 p. (T E42802)
Muay Thai training camp
Belardo, Joy. The attitude of foreigners towards Muay Thai : a survey among foreigners taking Muay Thai
course at a Muay Thai training camp in Bangkok. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 41 p. (R
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 35]
Chitthaporn Sae-Ngow. Design and implementation of Snort IDS rules management. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2007. 70 p. (T E38808)
Mucin like carcinoma associated antigen
Pranee Onsri. Serum levels of carcinoma antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), mucin like carcinoma associated antigen
(MCA) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in primary breast cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1997. 135 p. (T E10878)
Chanchai Boonla. Expression and characterization of cholangiocarcinoma-associated mucins. Khon Kaen :
Khon Kaen University, 2004. 216 p. (T E23435)
Nuethip Dumrongchai. Study of an antibacterial factor from mucus mucin of giant African snail, Achatina
fuliica Bowdich 1822. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1998. 81 p. (T E13099)
Siri Chua-in. Detection of TFF1 trefoil protein and MUC5AC mucin in human cholangiocarcinoma tissues
and cell lines. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 30 p. (R E24594)
Sopit Wongkham. Characterization of mucin expressed in liver fluke associated cholangiocarcinoma. Khon
Kaen : Department of Biochemistry Khon Kaen University, 2004. 114 p. (R E26552)
Boontarika Boonyapiwat. Carbocysteine sulphoxidation and its effect on mucoactivity. London : University
of London, 2005. 318 p. (T E36480)
Nartaya Thirawong. Mucoadhesive properties of pectins and their mechanisms. Bangkok : Silpakorn
University, 2006. 191 p. (T E37449)
Reanu Taweekunthum. Preparation and in-vitro evaluation of lidocaine hydrochloride oral mucoadhesive
films. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 220 p. (T E19450)
Saraporn Harikarnpakdee. Development of spray dried mucoadhesive microspheres as intranasal drug
delivery system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 177 p. (T E23122)
Suchavadee Keongamaroon. Development of lidocaine oral mucoadhesive patches. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 170 p. (T E35312)
Mucoadhesive film
Piyaphak Hiranras. Formulation of Garcinia mangostana Linn. extract buccal mucoadhesive film. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 234 p. (T E34513)
Tanaporn Tachatawepisarn. Property of polysaccharide gel from durian fruit-hulls as a mucoadhesive film.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 94 p. (T E37542)
Mucoadhesive forms
สินีนาถ โรจนพนัส. การพัฒนายาเตรียมแผนฟลมยึดติดเยื่อบุเมือกของตัวยาลิโดเคน = Development of Lidocaine
mucosal adhesive films. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 73 หนา. (วพ 101986)
Suda Tandavanitj. Studies on an extracellular mucopolysaccharide produced by a marine Pseudomonas,
strain No. 9-12. [S.l.] : Ehime United Graduate School, 1992. 134 p. (T E40519)
Supattra Sukcharoen. Biochemical studies on inherited polysaccharide disorder. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 137 p. (T E17637)
Nuanphan Naranong. Production and characterization of chitinolytic enzymes from microorganisms.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 231 p. (T E11000)
Mucor hicmalis
เลิศลักษณ เสถียรรัตน. การศึกษาขบวนการหมักเตาหูยี้โดยใชเชื้อ Aspergillus oryzac และ Mucor hicmalis.
เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2532. ฐ, 114 หนา. (วพ 042933)
Mucor rouxii
Kanchana Rueksomtawin. Development of a transformation system for Mucor rouxii ATCC 24905. Bangkok
: King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1997. 142 p. (T E12300)
Kobkul Laoteng. Molecular cloning of Delta 9-desaturase gene form Mucor rouxii ATCC 24905 and its gene
expression during thermal change. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
1999. 220 p. (T E14259)
Pattsarun Cheawchanlertfa. Physiological and molecular study of fatty acid synthesis in Mucor rouxii
ATCC24905 during temperature change. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2008. 94 p. (T E42230)
Pichit Assawachatchanchai. Metabolic flux analysis of lipid yield improvement in Mucor rouxii ATCC24905.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 73 p. (T E20288)
Pinnarat Rattanavisud. Construction of regulatory network in fatty acid desaturation of Mucor rouxii via
computational approach. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 125
p. (T E34722)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 36]
Mucor rouxii (ตอ)
Rapeeporn Mannontarat. Molecular cloning and functional analysis of the delta6 -desaturase gene of
Mucor rouxii ATCC 24905. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 154
p. (T E18852)
Rapeepun Pongchuachidthai. Characterization of desaturase-defective mutants of Mucor rouxii ATCC
24905 as genetic tools for studying lipid metabolism in fungi. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University
of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 63 p. (T E20334)
Sauvarat Khunyoshyeng. Changes in fatty acid composition and expression of desaturases during
sporangiospore germination in Mucor rouxii ATCC 24905. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2000. 231 p. (T E15804)
Sukanya Jeennor. Genetic transformation of Mucor rouxii ATCC 24905. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 82 p. (T E20262)
Supapon Passorn. Molecular cloning and characterization of the Delta 12-desaturase gene from Mucor
rouxii ATC 24905. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 130 p. (T
Sutticha Na-Ranong. Molecular and biochemical characterization of a delta6-desaturase of Mucor rouxii.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 146 p. (T E35697)
Worapong Keeratisak. The role of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on Mucor rouxii spore
development. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 120 p. (T
เสาวลักษณ วัฒนะชัย. ผลของอุณหภูมิและไอออนของสังกะสีตอการสรางกรดแกมมาลิโนเลนิคในมิวคอร รอคซิไอ =
Effect of temperature and zinc ion on gamma linolenic acid production in Mucor rouxii. กรุงเทพฯ :
สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 93 หนา. (วพ 97243)
Koonphol Pongmanee. Effects of asiatic pennywort (Centella asiatical L. Urban) leaves, a replacement of
antibiotics, on growth performance, mucosal enzyme activities of the small intestine and nutrient
digestibility in broiler chickens. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 65 p. (T E22598)
Perayot Pamonsinlapatham. Evaluation of a synthetic PADRE-ASREAK, MHC-classII binding and M typespecific peptide as an antigen in group a streptococcal (GAS) mucosal vaccine. Bangkok : Silpakorn
University, 2004. 88 p. (T E25094)
Mucosal adjuvants
Warunee Chaigamphang. Induction of immunity to Plasmodium yoelii MSP119 by intranasal immunization
using different mucosal adjuvants. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 52 p. (T E38107)
Mucous membrane
Koonphol Pongmanee. Effects of asiatic pennywort (Centella asiatical L. Urban) leaves, a replacement of
antibiotics, on growth performance, mucosal enzyme activities of the small intestine and nutrient
digestibility in broiler chickens. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 65 p. (T E22598)
Reanu Taweekunthum. Preparation and in-vitro evaluation of lidocaine hydrochloride oral mucoadhesive
films. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 220 p. (T E19450)
Wanida Visuthipanich. Histochemical and pathological changes in rat gastric mucosa following Aloe vera
gel and cortisol administrations. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 154 p. (T E8568)
Wisuda Suvitayavat. Characterization of the sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter in flounder intestinal
mucosa. Chicago : University of Illinois, 1993. xix, 162 p. (T E7273)
Mucuna collettii
Kasem Sookkongwaree. Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors from tubers of Mucuna collettii Lace..
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 90 p. (T E22949)
Kwanta Thansa. Effect of Black Kwao Krua (Mucuna collettii) on serum sex hormone levels and
reproductive organs in adult female and male rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 138
p. (T E24972)
Virasinee Traisup. Evaluation of the estrogenic activity of chemical extracts from Thai's White Kwao Krua
Pueraria mirifica, Red Kwao Krua Butea suberba and Black Kwao Krua Mucuna collettii on breast
cancer cell line MCF-7. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 85 p. (T E38000)
Wandee Sutjit. The antioxidant test, Ames' test and micronuclei test of chemical extract from white kwao
krua Pueraria mirifica, red kwao krua Butea superba, black kwao krua Mucuna collettii and kudzu
Pueraria lobata. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 127 p. (T E37908)
Warakorn Cheewasopit. Antiproliferative effects of Pueraria mirifica, Puraria lobata, Butea suberba and
Mucuna collettii on human mammary carcinoma MCF-7 and cervical carcinoma HeLa. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 88 p. (T E34612)
Mucuna macrocarpa
Jirarach Srijunngam. The effect of crude extract from the black Kwao Krua Mucuna macrocarpa Wall. on
gonadal structure and function of the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linn.. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 177 p. (T E34859)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 37]
Charungchan Sumrongkit. Effects of Aloe vera (Linn.) Burm. F. on the histamine-induced gastric secretion
in rat. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 150 p. (T E11902)
Nuethip Dumrongchai. Study of an antibacterial factor from mucus mucin of giant African snail, Achatina
fuliica Bowdich 1822. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1998. 81 p. (T E13099)
Wisuda Suvitayavat. Effect of cytochalasin E on the gastric secretion of H+, pepsin and mucus in the rat.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 3 microfiches (161 fr.). (T MF20274)
ศิริวรรณ คิดประเสริฐ. การใชประโยชนดินเลนจากบอเลี้ยงกุงกุลาดําที่มีตอการเจริญเติบโต และผลผลิตของขาวโพด
หวาน (Zea mays L. var. saccharata) = Utilization of mud from tiger shrimp pond on growth and
yield of sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata). ชลบุรี : คณะเกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยี
ราชมงคล, 2543. 77 หนา. (ว 113647)
Mud crab
Jintana Salaenoi. Changes of enzymes activities and epidermal components during molting stages of mud
crab (Scylla serrata Forskal 1775). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 122 p. (T E22772)
Jitlada Bootpugdeethum. Activities of chitobiase and proteinase enzymes and carbohydrate content in mud
crab (Scylla cerrata Forskal 1775) during molting cycle. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 77 p.
(T E34384)
Kannika Sirisintruwanich. Morphological study in zoeal stages of mud crabs : Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796)
and Scylla paramamosain Estampador, 1949; and blue swimming crab : Portunus pelagicus
(Linnaeus, 1758). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 166 p. (T E24953)
Sunsanee Yoojun. Proteomic analysis of protein expression in mud crab (Scylla olivacea) hemocytes upon
white spot syndrome virus infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 96 p. (T E39968)
สุภาพ ไพรพนาพงศ. ปริมาณการจัดและชีววิทยาบางประการของปูทะเลในจังหวัดระนอง = Catch and some
biological aspects of mud crab (Scylla serrata Forskal) in Ranong province. ระนอง : สถานีเพาะเลี้ยง
สัตวน้ําชายฝงจังหวัดระนอง, 2538. 25 หนา. (ว 93226)
Mud crab--Culture
Anuwat Rattanachote. Mud crab (Scylla serrata Forskal) fattening in Surat Thani Province. Suratthani :
Department of Fisheries, Coastal Aquaculture Division, Suratthani Coastal Aquaculture, 1993. 20 p.
(R E10629)
Mud invasion
Naruewan Tantipalanonta. Effect of mud invasion on pressure transient obtained from wireline formation
tester. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 146 p. (T E39486)
Mud rock
Thet Naing Win. Correlation between chemical composition of mudrocks and well log data in the Suphan
Buri basin, Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 149 p. (R E38980)
Mudskippers--Thailand, Southern
Udomsak Darumas. Taxonomy and ecology of Mudskippers (Gobiidae : Oxudercinae) in southern Thailand.
Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, 1997. 117 p. (T E20564)
Thet Naing Win. Correlation between chemical composition of mudrocks and well log data in the Suphan
Buri basin, Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 149 p. (R E38980)
Mukdahan Special Education School
Narongdaj Anusaksathien. The effect of group counseling on problem-focus coping style of teachers of
children with special needs : a case study at Mukdahan Special Education school. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 75 p. (T E16455)
Mulation [Biology]
Supawadee Yamsri. HFE mutations and ferritin levels in Thalassemia carriers and pregnancy with and
without Thalassemia genes. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 79 p. (T E42022)
Ariya Satrabhandhu. In vitro induction of polyploid in white mulbery (Morus alba var. S54) by colchicine
treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. 2 microfiches (108 fr.). (T MF20556)
Chanida Hansawasdi. Screening and isolation of carbohydrate digestive enzymes inhibitors from Thai
herbs. Phitsanulok : Department of Agriculture Science Naresuan University, 2003. 56 p. (R
Chulaluck Charunuch. Application of mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves in instant cereal beverage powders
with extrusion process. Bangkok : Institute of Food Research and Product Kasetsart University,
2008. 27 p. (R E42841)
Panee Litthilert. Effect of mulberry [Morus alba Linn.] leaves extracts on plasma glucose level in
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 149 p. (T E17532)
Rapeeporn Phromgate. Antioxidant activity of Morus alba L.. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 70
p. (T E20686)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 38]
Mulberry (ตอ)
Rattanaporn Boonjarat. Protection by extract from Mulberry herb tea strain Burirum 60 against somatic
genotoxicity induced by urethane in Drosophila. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 74 p. (T
Rawiwan Posuwan. Development of cosmetic cream containing mulberry extract. Phitsanulok : Naresuan
University, 2004. 44 p. (T E22878)
Saowapak Kasemsook. Capillary zone electrophoresis of flavonoids and A phenolic acid and its application
for determination of quercetin in mulberry leaves. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 126 p. (T
Sirinda Khumnoi. Vertical transmission of nucleopolyhedrovirus in Thai mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L.
(Lepidoptera : Bombycidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2007. 61 p. (T E39128)
Supannapa Luanghiran. Partial purification and immobilization of mulberry (Morus rotunbiloba) leaf
peroxidase. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 64 p. (T E22275)
Tuanta Getsang. Expression of a recombinant mulberry leaf lectin in bacterial host and computational
structure analysis. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2007. 93 p. (T E39143)
Wayakorn Ngamjunyaporn. Lectin from mulberry leaves. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 102 p. (T
Mulberry extract
Piyanat Thongsuk. In vitro and clinical study of mulberry extract for skin whitening product. Phitsanulok :
Naresuan University, 2007. 107 p. (T E37941)
Mulberry paper enterprises--Chiang Mai
Kanchana Sura. Factors influencing the success of One Tambon One Product mulberry paper enterprises in
Chiang Mai province. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 260 p. (T E39501)
Mulberry paper industry
[Penchit Sangsurasak]. New era of cleaner production in mulberry paper industry = การศึกษาและพัฒนาใน
เชิงวิศวกรรมเพื่อสงเสริมอุตสาหกรรมการผลิตเยื่อกระดาษขนาดเล็กในประเทศไทย. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University Research and Development Institute, 1997. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E14336)
Mulberry root extract
Thanisorn Rojanadilok. Efficacy evaluation of skin whitening lotions in volunteers. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 163 p. (T E18718)
Mulberry wine
ภัทราภรณ ศรีสมรรถการ. ปจจัยที่มีผลตอปริมาณเมทิลแอลกอฮอลและคุณภาพของไวนหมอน Morus alba L. =
Factors affecting methyl alcohol content and quality of mulberry Morus alba L. wine. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 218 หนา. (วพ 106176)
ศิริพร แกวแดง. ปจจัยที่มีผลในการหมักและการเปลี่ยนแปลงองคประกอบทางเคมีระหวางการบมไวนหมอน. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 135 หนา. (วพ 93021)
Mulberry--Diseases and pests
Chirasak Petmesri. A preliminary screening of mulberry varieties resistance to thrips, Pseudodendrothrips
mori (Niwa). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1991. 2 microfiches (66 fr.). (T MF20533)
Yamakawa, Kazuhiro. Studies on the improvement of techniques of mulberry cultivation and the
prevention of root-rot disease in Thailand. Ibaraki-ken : Tropical Agriculture Research Center,
1991. 104 p. (R E5675)
Chantana Kankamol. Molecular cloning and expression of mulberry leaf lectin (MLL) genes. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2003. 177 p. (T E21975)
Chantra Rattanalangkan. Genetic diversification of Thai local mulberry by isozyme technique. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 1997. 75 p. (T E11347)
Khayan Suwan. Effects of leaves nutrient contents in different mulberry varieties on silkworm, Bombyx
mori (L.). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (5), 122 p. (T E6798)
Muroga, Akiyoshi. Studies on the characteristics of mulberry varieties and improvement of techniques of
mulberry cultivation in Thailand. Japan : Tropical Agriculture Research Center Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Japan, 1988. 141 p. (R E5674)
Niyom Boonpikum. Effects of organic amendments, drainage and mulching on the reclamation of salt
affected soil in northeast Thailand. Los Banos : University of the Philippines, 1982. 138 p. (T
Thongma Manakul. Response of wheat to rice straw mulching. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1994.
ix, 62 p. (T E7968)
อนันต พลธานี. ผลของการไถพรวนและการใชวัสดุคลุมดินที่มีตอการเจริญเติบโตและผลผลิตของถั่วเขียวที่ปลูก
ตามหลังขาว = Effect of tillage and soil mulching on growth and yield of mungbean grown following
rice in the post-monsoon season of northeastern Thailand. ขอนแกน : ภาควิชาพืชไร
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 18 หนา. (ว 106596)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 39]
Shafeeg, Mariyam. The comparison of knowledge, attitude, practice and social support between exclusive
and non exclusive breastfeeding of maldivian mother. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001.
86 p. (T E17253)
Mullins equation
Patcharin Tragoonsirisak. Numerical solutions to mullins equation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 80 p. (T E21820)
Kachin Saiintawong. Synthesis of mullite using silica from rice husk. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2003. 113 p. (T E24983)
Narathorn Sukwises. Oxidative coupling of methane to C2-hydrocarbon on Na2WO4-Mn/SiO2, RHA, or
mullite supports. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2007. 114 p. (T E38721)
Mult-axis hybrid manufacturing systems
Kunnayut Eiamsa-ard. Process planning for multi-axis hybrid manufacturing systems using centroidal axis
transform. Missouri : University of Missouri-Rolla, 2005. 159 p. (T E36911)
Mult-purpose PV-Window
วันชาติ ทรัพยเฮง. การศึกษาออกแบบใชงานหนาตางเซลลแสงอาทิตยแบบเอนกประสงค = Designing of a multipurpose PV-window. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 124 หนา. (วพ
Multi layer perceptron
Teraphan Ornthammarath. ANNs-based identification of dynamical systems. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn
International Institute of Technology, 2002. 73 p. (T E18746)
Multi soil layering system
Suphakarn Luanmanee. Alternative components and optimum operation of the multi-soil-layering system
on domestic wastewater treatment. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 197 p. (T E16834)
Paijit Suksomboon. Designing Rajabhat Institutes Information System [RIIS] using an agent-based
approach. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 197 p. (T E17533)
Multi-agent system
Chaiyut Boonpanyos. An XML-MAS architectural medol for web-based application development and
transformation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 255 p. (T E18739)
Multi-agent systems
Gurung, Tayan Raj. Use of multi-agent system to improve irrigation water sharing in Lingmuteychu
watershed, Bhutan. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 146 p. (T E24916)
Kobchai Worrapimphong. Companion modelling for razor clam Solen regularis conservation at Don Hoi
Lord, Samut Songkhram province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 210 p. (T E26691)
multi-agents model
Waraporn Jirapanthong. An XML-based multi-agents model for information retrieval on WWW. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 159 p. (T E16680)
Multi-agents system
Kesorn Sakulwong. Active view agents system for electronic commerce. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 263 p. (T E19787)
Multi-attribute utility theory
ศตรัฐ พลมณี. การประยุกตทฤษฎีอรรถประโยชนพหุลักษณ ในการจัดลําดับความสําคัญของรูปแบบโครงการอาหาร
กลางวันในโรงเรียน = An application of the multi-attribute utility theory in prioritizing types of the
school-lunch program. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 186 หนา. (วพ 101978)
Multi-base blocks laboratory
เพ็ญจันทร เงียบประเสริฐ. การศึกษาประสิทธิภาพของปฏิบัติการบลอกแบบรวมแรงรวมใจที่มีตอการเรียนรูคณิตศาสตร
เรื่องเลขฐานอื่น = The effects of multi-base blocks laboratory with cooperative learning in
mathematics on non-decimal bases. ภูเก็ต : คณะครุศาสตร สถาบันราชภัฏภูเก็ต, 2543. 170 หนา. (ว
Chaporn Punyanitya. A web-based application prototype for multi-branch demand and inventory
management : a case study in Konrakcafe. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 140 p. (T E21009)
Multi-component flows
ปูมยศ วัลลิกุล. การศึกษาการไหลหลายองคประกอบแบบมีปฏิกิริยาดวยวิธีโทโมกราฟฟ = A study of multicomponent reacting flows via tomographic methods. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมเครื่องกล สถาบัน
เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2541. 87 หนา. (ว 109309)
Multi-component motivational stages model
Wanna Ngamprasert. An application of a multi-component motivational stages model to blood pressure
control against complications of hypertensive patients in Surao-Bandon community. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 162 p. (T E17655)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 40]
Multi-component white cast iron
Wanaporn Khanitnantharak. Heat treatment behaviour of multi-component white cast iron for cold work
roll. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 110 p. (T E19468)
Multi-criteria optimization framework
Soorathep Khaewhom. Robust and environmentally benign process design through multi-criteria
optimization. Tokyo : University of Tokyo, 2004. 135 p. (T E24817)
Wanpen Songkham. A study on designed and constructed of multi-cyclone for dust removal in surfboard
sanding process. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 85 p. (T E23771)
Noppol Visitsrisak. Design and development of multi-database system a case study at the petrochemical
industry. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 115 p. (T E17883)
Multi-detector computed tomography
Pimolpun Changkaew. Optimizing radiation dose and image quality in a multi-detector computed
tomography. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 87 p. (T E33455)
Multi-detector computer tomography
Woranut Iampa. Verification of a commercial Monte Carlo based organ and effective doses calculation in
multi-detector computed tomography using thermoluminescent dosimeter. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2008. 75 p. (T E39982)
Multi-detector x-ray computed tomography
Samrit Kittipayak. The measurements of absorbed dose and effective dose by free-in-air method in multidetector x-ray computed tomography. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 100 p. (T E33909)
Multi-dimension social interaction training program
Nongluck Kienngam. Effects of using the multi-dimension social interaction training program on social skill
development of adolescents with autism : case studies. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008.
125 p. (T E41318)
Multi-electron systems
Manoukian, Edouard Berge. Quantum field theory and theoretical physics : applications to cerenkov
radiation and multi-electron systems. Nakhon Ratchasima : Suranaree University of Technology,
1998. 11 p. (R E14425 c.1; E14426 c.2)
Multi-Fibre Arrangement
ศิริพร บุญสิน. ผลกระทบของขอตกลงรอบอุรุกวัยที่มีตออุตสาหกรรมสิ่งทอไทย : ศึกษากรณีการยกเลิกโควตาภายใต
ขอตกลง MFA ของสหรัฐอเมริกาและสหภาพยุโรป = The impacts of the Uruguay round agreement to
Thailand's textile industry : a case study of the MFA phase-out in the USA and EU markets.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 234 หนา. (วพ 112308)
Multi-fingered robot hand
Panya Minyong. Motion control of mechatronics systems concerning with multi-fingered robot hand and
transfer system of linear motor. Toyohashi : Toyohashi University of Technology, 2004. 137 p. (T
Multi-gene families
Jakkarin Suksawatchon. Multiple duplicated gene rearrangement algorithm for arbitrary target. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 64 p. (T E35289)
Multi-grid method
Prapanporn Rattana. The multi-grid method for solving linear partial differential equations. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 81 p. (T E16765)
Multi-hop communication
Phonepaseuth Satahack. A multi-hop borrowing channel assignment for wireless local loop systems.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 59 p. (T E25147)
Multi-input muti-output process
ถวัลย แสงสวาง. การออกแบบตัวควบคุมสําหรับกระบวนการที่มีหลายอินพุทหลายเอาทพุท โดยการใชการควบคุมเชิง
แบบจําลองภายใน = Controller design for multi-input multi-output process using internal model
control. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 113 หนา. (วพ 104490)
Multi-layer soil systems
Nutjariya Srinoi. Leachate treatment using multi-layer soil system. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005.
181 p. (T E24937)
Multi-layered half-space
Yasothorn Sapsathiarn. Vertical vibrations of circular plate in multi-layered poroelastic media. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 80 p. (T E18786)
Multi-layered media
Songkran Siridejachai. The interaction between a circular plate and a multi-layered poroelastic half-space.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 58 p. (T E18797)
Multi-layered systems
Chatrawee Pairatana. Optimal production and water flooding strategy for multi-layered reservoirs.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 120 p. (T E40921)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 41]
Multi-layered systems (ตอ)
Sasithon Pitakthapanaphong. Study of manufacturing-related fracture behaviour of multi-layered systems
used in solid oxide fuel cell applications. Bangkok : Faculty of Engineering King Mongkut's Institute
of Technology North Bangkok, 2003. 73 p. (R E20883)
Multi-level analysis
ทิวัตถ มณีโชติ. การวิเคราะหผลกระทบโครงการพัฒนาทรัพยากรมนุษย สังกัดกระทรวงศึกษาธิการ ดวยวิธีการเอชแอล
เอ็ม = Impact analysis of the basic and occupational education and training programme under the
Ministry of Education with HLM approach. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 211 หนา. (วพ
Somchart Sirichaiwatjanadecha. Multi-lingual HTML browser with dynamic font approach. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 80 p. (T E16681)
Multi-linear constrained maximum capacity
Krit Virojsailee. The multi-linear constrained maximum capacity path problem. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2002. 80 p. (T E17365)
Multi-lingual HTML
Somchart Sirichaiwatjanadecha. Multi-lingual HTML browser with dynamic font approach. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 80 p. (T E16681)
Multi-lingual HTML Browser
Somchart Sirichaiwatjanadecha. Multi-lingual HTML browser with dynamic font approach. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 80 p. (T E16681)
Multi-modalities sensory stimulation program
Poonsin Charoensri. Effects of multi-modalities sensory stimulation program on the growth of premature
infants and maternal infant attachment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 100 p. (T E19359)
Multi-model line
Chekchanita Karnjanasirm. Comparison on cost and line efficiency between multi-model line and mixedmodel assembly line balancing. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 54 p. (T E17956)
Multi-nucleoside resistance
Chutitorn Ketloy. Genotypic resistance to nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in
HIV-1 infected patients by duplex selective polymerase chain reaction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 68 p. (T E19627)
Multi-objective genetic algorithm
Nachol Chaiyaratana. The use of neural networks and evolutionary computation in time-optimal control.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 165 p. (R E17318)
Pasan Kulvanit. Design and realization of bipedal walking robot with optimal fast walking gait. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 155 p. (T E37265)
Multi-objective optimization
Bancha Buddadee. Multi-objective optimization model for excess bagasse utilization focusing on global
warming potential : a case study for Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 167 p. (T
Juksanee Virulsri. Risk-based inservice testing policy using multi-objective optimization with rubustness.
Tokyo : University of Tokyo, 2004. 176 p. (T E24739)
Kittipong Boonlong. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for continuum topology optimization. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 177 p. (T E38339)
Soorathep Kheawhom. Multi-objective process design under uncertainty using a two-stage optimization
framework. Bangkok : Department of Chemical Engineering Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 1 vol
(in various pagings). (R E34637)
Multi-process communication
หัสรังษี ศิริวิมลวรรณ. การสื่อสารระหวางกระบวนการโดยใชสายสัญญาณชุดเดียว = Multi-process communication
on single bus. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 64 หนา. (วพ
Multi-pulse converters
Wattana Kaewmanee. Steady state analysis methods applied to multi-pulse converter for clean power.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2004. 98 p. (T E30178)
Multi-ring structure
ธัญพร เอี่ยมวสันต. การออกแบบโครงขาย WDM บนพื้นฐานของดครงสรางแบบวงแหวนหลายวง โดยใชฮิวริสติก
อัลกอริทึม = WDM network design based on the multi-ring structure using a heuristic algorithm.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 123 หนา. (วพ 112466)
Multi-room ventilation
สุเมธ เหมะวัฒนะชัย. การศึกษาเชิงวิเคราะหเกี่ยวกับการระบายอากาศในระบบหลายหอง = Analytical study on a
multi-room ventilation. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 157 หนา. (วพ 109951)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 42]
Multi-soil-layering system
Pinpetch Boonsook. Purification of domestic wastewater using a multi-soil-layering system and the
characterization of the components in the used system. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 140
p. (T E22924)
Multi-stage foam fractionation column
Sumaeth Chavadej. Surfactant recovery by a multi-stage foam fractionation column. Bangkok : Petroleum
and Petrochemical College Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 67 p. (R E38594)
Multi-story frame structures
Yos Sompornjaroensuk. Analysis of multi-story plane frame structures using equivalent beam theories.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 98 p. (T E14863)
Multi-valued functions
Watchara Teparos. Multi-valued homomorphisms of semigroups and regularity of semigroups of multivalued functions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 33 p. (T E35871)
Multi-Wavelength optical networks
ศิริชัย อารีวานิช. การจัดสรรเสนทางและความยาวคลื่นในโครงขายใยแกวนําแสงแบบหลายความยาวคลื่น ที่มีโครงสราง
เปนรูปวงแหวน 1 วง และแบบวงแหวนหลายวง = Routing and wavelength allocation in multiwavelength single-ring and multi-ring networks. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 96 หนา.
(วพ 110011)
Supakanya Chinprateep. A multi-level multi-item capacitated lot sizing problem (MLCLSP) model. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 130 p. (T E41421)
Multicaltural education
Chanpen Claiymukh. How multicultural are picture books? multicultural perceptions in caldecott medal
books between 1938 and 2000. Ohio : Ohio University, 2000. 225 p. (T E16247)
Multicarrier code division multiple access system
Suwich Kunaruttanapruk. Receiver and parameter estimation techniques for quasi-synchronous reverse
link multicarrier CDMA system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 99 p. (T E25112)
Manutsiri Chansutthirangkool. Performance evaluation of multicast video conference transmission protocol
: a comparision between IPv4 and IPv6. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 60 p. (T E33243)
Multicast communication
Natawut Nupairoj. Multicast communication : from platform-independent modeling to platform-dependent
tuning. Michigan : Michigan State University, 1998. 158 p. (T E11922)
Multicast protocols
Chatchai Khunboa. Mobile ad hoc multicast support for publish/subscribe applications. Fairfax : George
Mason University, 2004. 183 p. (T E24175)
Multicast routing
Dechanuchit Katanyutaveetip. Fault-tolerant multicast routing protocol for real-time traffic on the internet.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 201 p. (T E18782)
Sumonsak Thojun. A design of minimum cost multicast routing algorithm. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2003. 72 p. (T E23602)
Multicast routing and wavelength assignment
Charoenchai Boworntummarat. Wavelength routing and optical network layer protection approaches
against single link failures for multicast traffic on WDM networks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 202 p. (T E23309)
Multicast routing protocol
Tawan Phurat. A large scale reliable multicast. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 108 p. (T E17090)
Multicast switch
พิกุล วชิรธนิต. สวิตชแบบมัลติคาสของโครงขายภาวะถายโอนแบบไมประสานเวลา แบบที่มีการใชบัฟเฟอรที่ดาน
ทางออกรวมกัน โดยใชการจัดการคิวแบบน้ําคิวกลับมาใชซ้ํา = A multicast output-shared buffer ATM
switch with RQM management. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 93 หนา.
(วพ 110920)
Multicast traffic
Charoenchai Boworntummarat. Wavelength routing and optical network layer protection approaches
against single link failures for multicast traffic on WDM networks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 202 p. (T E23309)
Yofy, Andrianus. Performance improvement of paging mobile internet protocol based on multicasting and
regional registration. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 87 p. (T E38360)
Multichannel analysis
Sochan Seng. Application of multichannel analysis of surface wave to shallow site investigation for subsoil
in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 82 p. (T E41221)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 43]
Multichannel analyzer
ราชันย สุรเณร. การพัฒนาอุปกรณแปลงผันสัญญาณพัลสวิลคินสันแบบอารเรย = Development of a wilkinson pulse
height array ADC. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 104 หนา. (วพ 106411)
วิรุฬห มังคละวิรัช. อุปกรณวิเคราะหแบบหลายชอง = Multichannel analyzer. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2536. 84 หนา. (ว 69840)
Multiclass classification
Thimaporn Phetkaew. Multiclass support vector machines using reordering adaptive directed acyclic
graphs. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 64 p. (T E25120)
Kanchana Pattrawiwat. An alternative estimator of ridge regression with multicollinearity. Bangkok :
National Institute of Development Administration, 2004. 122 p. (T E24272)
Nannapas Bhagaman. The bootstrap for multiple regression coefficient estimating with multicollinearity.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 169 p. (T E33462)
Multicomponent calibration
Duangduean Hinsin. Determination of polycyclic oromatic hydrocarbons in water samples by derivative
synchronous spectrofluorimetry. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 104 p. (T E14803)
Multicomponent distillation
Kallaya Klaithong. A comparative study of thermodynamic models for dynamic simulation of continuous
distillation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xiii, 254 p. (T E8355)
Warin Iamteerapaiboon. Dynamics compartmental model for multicomponent distillation. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xvi, 224 p. (T E8354)
Multicultural education
สุธารา โยธาขันธ. การพัฒนาโปรแกรมการศึกษาแบบพหุวัฒนธรรมเพื่อสงเสริมความเขาใจเกี่ยวกับตนเองของเด็กวัย
อนุบาลในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ = A development of a multicultural education program to promote
self understanding of preschool children in the northeastern region. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 268 หนา. (วพ 102908)
Inglis, Christine. Multiculturalism : new policy responses to diversity. Paris : UNESCO, 1996. 70 p. (T
Siriporn Rojanakosol. The development of Mahidol University Student Data Mart System (MU-SDM).
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 189 p. (R E36010)
Multidimensional analysis
Budsaba Kanoksilapatham. A corpus-based investigation of scientific research articles : linking move
analysis with mutidimensional analysis. Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University, 2003. 461 p. (T
Multidimensional database
Somchart Fugkeaw. An object-oriented versioning approach for multidimensional database schema
evolution. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 123 p. (T E24467)
Multidimensional expression
Kwanrung Kerdpiloam. H-Vat system : a vat information analysis tool on handheld devices for Revenue
Department's decision makers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 99 p. (R E36827)
Multidimensional tests
นพมาศ พิพัฒนสุข. การเปรียบเทียบประสิทธิภาพระหวางวิธีแมนเทล-แฮนสเซลกับวิธีถดถอยโลจิสติก ในการตรวจสอบ
การทําหนาที่ตางกันของขอสอบ เมื่อใชเกณฑจับคูเปรียบเทียบแตกตางกันในแบบสอบชนิดพหุมิติ = A
comparision of the efficiency between the mantel-haenszel and logistic regression procedures in
detecting differential item functioning for multidimensional tests with different matching criteria.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 154 หนา. (วพ 102517)
Multidisciplinary care protocol
Prangjai Sontipetch. The development of multidisciplinary care protocol for post coronary artery bypass
graft patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 151 p. (R E38772)
Multidisciplinary care team
Kittiporn Sirichaivatchakul. Outcomes of a multidisciplinary care team in diabetes management. Khon Kaen
: Khon Kaen University, 2002. 121 p. (T E19813)
Multidisciplinary team
Krittiya Stonsaovapak. Roles of pharmacist in providing pharmaceutical care for the infectious disease
consultation team at Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health (QSNICH). Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2008. 204 p. (T E39426)
Multidrug resistance
Kittipong Dhanuthai. P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance expression and functional efflux in
acute myelogenous leukemia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 88 p. (T E15112)
Kunlayanee Surasarang. Risk factors of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii nosocomial infection
in Siriraj hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 70 p. (T E35774)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 44]
Multidrug resistance (ตอ)
Le, Ngoc Hung. Clinical pharmacology of artemisinin compounds in multidrug resistant falciparum malaria.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 181 p. (T E13476)
Patthana Lersaksombat. Risk factors of multidruc-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infection in intubated
patients in Nakhon Pathom Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 118 p. (T E40477)
Penpun Wetwitayaklung. Synthesis and QSAR studies of enantiomerically pure benzopyrano [3,4-b] [1,4]
oxazines. Vienna : University of Vienna, 2001. 489 p. (T E18988)
Ponpun Laochariyakul. Funtional study of drug pumps in multidrug resistant cervical cancer cell lines.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 133 p. (T E20499)
Rommanee Khositnithikul. Studies on in vitro sensitivity to Malarone R (atovaquone-proguanil) and
polymorphisms of cytochrome B gene in Thai isolates of Plasmodium falciparum. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2007. 88 p. (T E36617)
Tavan Janvilisri. Substrate specificities of the human ABC transporters ABCG1 and BCRP. Cambridge :
University of Cambridge, 2004. 147 p. (T E24844)
Yodsoi Kanintronkul. Screening for inhibitors of multidrug resistance from marine and plant sources using
drug resistant cancer cell lines. Bangkok : Chulabhorn Research Institue, 2008. 1 vol (in various
pagings). (R E41843)
Multidrug resistance associated protein
Chitrawina Mahagita. Studies on mechanisms of 4-monohydroxyacetophenone on bile acid independent
secretion, and human liver organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1 and 1B3. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2007. 174 p. (T E37685)
Multidrug resistance protein
Chantarawan Saengkhae. La resistance multiple aux medicaments : determination des parametres
cinetiques caracteristiques du transport des rhodamines par la P-glycoproteine et la MRP1 et de la
fluoresceine et dihydrofluoresceine par la MRP1. [S.l.] : Universite Paris 13, 2004. 97 p. (T E24762)
Multienzyme complex
Patthra Pason. Characterization of xylanolytic-cellulytic enzyme complexes from Paenibacillus
curdlanolyticus strain B-6. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 192
p. (T E35373)
Multienzyme complexes
Paripok Phitsuwan. Bioconversion of agricultural residues to fermentable sugars by a multienzyme complex
producing bacterium. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 87 p. (T
Pharkphoom Panichayupakaranant. Biosynthetic studies of naphthoquinones in Impatiens balsamina root
cultures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 135 p. (T E11700)
Multiflex foot
Piyavit Sorachaimetha. Evaluation of the new multiflex foot by comparison with the current version.
Glasgow : University of Strathclyde, 2005. 100 p. (T E36583)
Multigrade oil
Wanna Rung-Aphinya. Effect of viscosity modifier and base oil composition on the lubricating properties of
four-stroke motorcycles. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 104 p. (T E22797)
Multilateral well
Falan Srisuriyachai. Evaluation and optimization of multilateral well combined with intelligent completion
technology. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 101 p. (T E24773)
Multilayer coating
Thanusit Burinprakhon. Deposition and characterisation of multilayer hard coatings : Ti\TiN
delta\TiCxNy\(TiC) a-C:H\(Ti) a-C:H. Nottingham : University of Nottingham, 2001. 191 p. (T
Multilayer films
Sudarat Pookboonmee. Biofunctional multilayer film on silicon surface-tethered poly(acrylic acid) brushes.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 103 p. (T E41976)
Wipaporn Akkarayanyong. Depth profiling of multilayer films by novel sharp tip diamond uATR sensor.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 70 p. (T E35286)
Multilayer oil ststem
Kittisak Wuttinansantikul. Flow contribution of multilayer oil system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2007. 93 p. (T E40951)
Multilayer percepton
Sirikanok Prasithichokekul. Theoretical investigation and quantitative structure-activity relationships of
HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitor 11-cyclopropyl-5,11-dihydro-4-methyl-6H-dipyrido [3,2b2',
3'e][1,4] diazepin-6-one. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 150 p. (T E16948)
Multilayered half space
Napadon Sornpakdee. Vertical load transfer from pile group to multilayered poroelastic medium. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 67 p. (T E23315)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 45]
Multilayered poroelastic medium
Jaruek Teerawong. Load transfer from axially loaded bar in a multilayered poroelastic medium. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 60 p. (T E11272)
Multilayered semiconductors
Suppasarot Muensit. Electromechanical properties of semiconducting gallium arsenide and multilayered
semiconductors. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, 2002. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R
Multileaf collimator
Krittiya Chantarawanitkul. Physical and dosimetric characterization of rounded-leaf end multileaf collimator
system for clinical implementation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 104 p. (T E23718)
Namfon Bua-iam. Dosimetric characteristics of the mini MLC Elekta Beam Modulatortm linear accelerator
for 6 MV photon beam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 77 p. (T E39955)
Multilevel analysis
เยาวลักษณ แสงสรอย. ปจจัยที่สงผลตอประสิทธิภาพการปฏิบัติงานของผูบริหารโรงเรียนประถมศึกษา โดยใชการ
วิเคราะหดวยโมเดลเชิงเสนตรงระดับลดหลั่น = Factors affecting performance efficiency of primary
school administrators using hierarchical linear model analysis. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2542. 217 หนา. (วพ 110262)
Multilevel causal analysis
ศิริรัตน สุคันธพฤกษ. การวิเคราะหเชิงสาเหตุแบบพหุระดับของพัฒนาการทางการเรียนรูคําศัพทภาษาอังกฤษ = A
multilevel causal analysis of growth in English vocabulary learning. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 182 หนา. (วพ 106518)
Multilevel inverter drives
Surin Khomfoi. Fault diagnostic system for cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter drives based on artificial
intelligent approaches incorporating a reconfiguration technique. Knoxville : University of
Tennessee, 2007. 168 p. (T E36461)
Multilevel model
Danardono. Multilevel model of the diarrhea occurrence in children. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University,
2000. 78 p. (T E14907)
Multilevel Path Analysis
ปกรณ ประจันบาน. รูปแบบของตัวแปรที่มีอิทธิพลตอผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนวิชาคณิตศาสตร ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 3 :
การวิเคราะหเสนทางความสัมพันธเชิงสาเหตุแบบพหุระดับ (Multilevel path analysis) = A model of
variables affecting mathematics achievement of mathayomsuksa 3 students : multilevel path
analysis. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2542. 196 หนา. (วพ 105042)
Multilevel structural equation model
สังวรณ งัดกระโทก. การใชโมเดลสมการโครงสรางพหุระดับตรวจสอบความตรงของโมเดลสมการโครงสรางแสดง
ความสัมพันธระหวางปจจัยครู ปจจัยโรงเรียน กับความพึงพอใจในการปฏิบัติงานของครู = An application of
multilevel structural equation model to validate structural equation model relation teacher and
school factors to teachers' job satisfaction. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 200 หนา. (วพ
Multilingual lexical database
Aree Teeraparbseree. Methode et outils pour la creation automatiques et l'evaluation de structures de
bases lexicales multilingues (symetriques) a lexies et axies. [S.l.] : Universite Joseph Fourier, 2005.
148 p. (T E36387)
Multilingual machine translation
Supeeti Kulchan. Disambiguating English-Thai machine translation by semantic constraint. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 116 p. (R E16531)
Multimachine assignments
Varodom Toochinda. Multi-axis machine control using digital signal processor. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 1994. (9), 184 p. (T E7588)
Anuwat Vichai-Ngern. The effectiveness of multimedia for dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention : a case
study of Tha-wung district, Lopburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 166 p. (T
Chutima Thawornrojpatana. Internet-based interactive learning program : basic Thai conservation for
English literature. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 128 p. (T E19381)
Roengruthai Udomsilp. Comparison of multimedia teaching tools between macromedia flash and
conventional program. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 159 p. (T E21216)
Suchaya Pinyo. The construction of multimedia computer assisted instruction on "ecotourism" for youth.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 161 p. (T E21728)
Varin Achariyakulporn. Multimedia math authoring tool. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 81 p. (T
ประภาพรรณ ศิริวัลลภ. การใชกฎหมายลิขสิทธิ์ในการคุมครองมัลติมีเดีย = The application of copyright law in
protecting multimedia. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 170 หนา. (วพ 97055)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 46]
Multimedia (ตอ)
พิชัย วัฒนศิริ. ผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนวิชาคณิตศาสตรที่สอนโดยใชสื่อประสมสําหรับนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 5 =
Mathematics learning achievement of Prathom Suksa students taught through multimedia. เชียงใหม
: มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 133 หนา. (วพ 96920)
ศรีทัย สุขยศศรี. การใชสื่อประสมเพื่อพัฒนาทักษะการฟงภาษาอังกฤษของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 3 = Use of
multimedia to develop English listening skills of prathom suksa 3 students. เชียงใหม :
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 174 หนา. (วพ 101753)
สมพงษ ปรีชาคม. การสรางสื่อประสมสไลดมัลติอิมเมจ-วีดิทัศน โดยวิธีระบบเพื่อพัฒนาการเรียนการสอนแบบบรรยาย
สําหรับนิสิตปริญญาตรี มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร = A construction of slide/video multi-images by
systematic approach for the development of lecture method for Kasetsart University undergraduate
students. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 174 หนา. (วพ 103721)
สําราญ ใสยอด. การพัฒนาสื่อคอมพิวเตอรชวยสอนฝกความคิดสรางสรรคของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 5 = The
development of computer assisted instruction drills creative thinking of prathom suksa 5 students.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2544. 94 หนา. (วพ 113834)
สุธาทิพย แยมฟก. การพัฒนาสื่อประสมดวยโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอรเรื่อง การจัดการมูลฝอยติดเชื้อ สําหรับนักศึกษา
พยาบาล = The development of the computer multimedia programme on infectious waste
management for nursing students. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 208 หนา. (วพ 102745)
สุรางคนา ณ นคร. สถานภาพ ปญหาและอุปสรรคของนวัตกรรมมัลติมีเดีย ในระบบอุดมศึกษา. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยธุรกิจบัณฑิตย, 2539. 139 หนา. (วพ 78139)
Multimedia computer-assisted instruction
นิวัติ เธียรวุฒิกานต. การพัฒนาบทเรียนคอมพิวเตอรชวยสอนระบบมัลติมีเดียและการเปรียบเทียบผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการ
เรียน ระหวางการเรียนดวยบทเรียนคอมพิวเตอรชวยสอนกับการสอนแบบปกติ เรื่อง ระบบซิกแนลลิ่ง
ชองสัญญาณรวมหมายเลข 7 = The development of a multimedia computer-assisted instruction and
the comparison of learning achievement between a multimedia computer-assisted instruction and
regular teaching entitled common-channel signalling system No.7. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระ
จอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 171 หนา. (วพ 110867)
พิศมัย หาญมงคลพิพัฒน. การพัฒนาบทเรียนคอมพิวเตอรมัลติมีเดีย สําหรับวิชาหลักสถิติ 1 = Development of
multimedia computer-assisted instruction for principle of statistics I. นครปฐม : คณะศิลปศาสตรและ
วิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร วิทยาเขตกําแพงแสน, [2542]. 66 หนา. (ว 105344)
สุเมธ สงวนใจ. การพัฒนาบทเรียนคอมพิวเตอรชวยสอนแบบมัลติมีเดียเรื่องหมอแปลง = The development of
computer assisted instruction multimedia system on transformer. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระ
จอมเกลาพระนคร, 2542. 217 หนา. (วพ 110861)
Multimedia computer-assisted instruction program
สุพัฒน สุกมลสันต. การสรางและพัฒนาโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอรชวยสอนแบบสื่อหลากหลายเพื่อสอนภาษาอังกฤษ
พื้นฐาน 2 = Constructing and developing a multi-media computer-assisted instruction program for
teaching Foundation English II. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันภาษา จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 144 หนา. (ว
Multimedia content analysis
Saowaluk Watanapa. A semantic study of emotion-based movie clip classification. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 78 p. (T E38938)
Multimedia courseware
อํานวย สมตัว. การพัฒนาบทเรียนคอมพิวเตอรมัลติมิเดีย วิชาภาษาฝรั่งเศส เพื่อการทองเที่ยวเรื่อง "นําเที่ยวจังหวัด
สุรินทรใน 1 วัน" สําหรับนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกาาปที่ 6 โรงเรียนสิรินธร จังหวัดสุรินทร = A development of
multimedia courseware of French for tourism on "Visit Surin in One Day" for mathayomsuksa six
students at Sirindhorn school, Surin province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 134 หนา.
(วพ 104086)
Multimedia electronic book
ปลันธนา สงวนบุญญพงษ. การพัฒนาและหาประสิทธิภาพหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกสแบบสื่อประสมเรื่องสื่อสิ่งพิมพเพื่อการ
ประชาสัมพันธ = The development and efficiency validation of a multimedia electronic book on
"Printed media for public relations". กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 174
หนา. (วพ 111271)
Multimedia information systems
Khajeepan Kruawan. A prototype multimedia information system for the entertainment rental industry.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 91 p. (T E16396)
Multimedia learning package
วุฒิชัย ประสารสอย. การเปรียบเทียบความสามารถในการออกแบบบทเรียนคอมพิวเตอรชวยสอนจากการใชชุดการเรียน
แบบสื่อประสมที่ศึกษาดวยตนเองกับศึกษาภายใตการนิเทศ = A comparative study of competencies in
the designing of computer-assisted instructional programs by using a multimedia learning package
with independent study and under supervision. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ
, 2542. 331 หนา. (วพ 113201)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 47]
Multimedia learning program
คนึงนิจ ฉลาดธัญกิจ. การพัฒนาและการวิเคราะหประสิทธิภาพบทเรียนมัลติมีเดียการสอนคําศัพทภาษาอังกฤษเทคนิค
สาขาชางกลโรงงาน = The development and an efficiency analysis of a multimedia learning program
for teaching technical English vocabularies to machine shop students. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยี
พระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 171 หนา. (วพ 111121)
Multimedia lessons
Chulaporn Kongkeo. Effects of rhythmic method in multimedia lessons and learning exposure upon English
pronunciation achievement of Thai and Chinese undergraduates with different learning styles.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 100 p. (T E21822)
พิมพพร อุนผาง. ผลของการใชสิ่งชวยจัดมโนภาพกอนและหลังการนําเสนอบทเรียนสื่อประสมที่มีตอผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการ
เรียนและความคงทนในการเรียนรูวิชาภาษาอังกฤษของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 2 = The effect of using
advanced and post organizers with multimedia lessons on achievement and retention of English
learning of matthayom suksa II students. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 122 หนา. (วพ
Multimedia presentation
Cholyeun Hongpaisanwiwat. The influence of animated characters on comprehension and attention
performance in a multimedia presentation. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh, 2002. 251 p. (R
Multimedia program
ศักดิ์ชัย เอี่ยมกิจสัมฤทธิ์. โปรแกรมมัลติมีเดียชวยในการเรียนการสอนระยะใกลภายใตวินโดวส = A multimedia
program for assisting instruction of windows applications on lans. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริ
หารศาสตร, 2543. 121 หนา. (วพ 112182)
Multimedia systems
Jutarat Maneewattanapluk. Developing an information system of medicinal plant for primary health care
using multimedia technology. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 116 p. (T E13370)
Khajeepan Kruawan. A prototype multimedia information system for the entertainment rental industry.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 91 p. (T E16396)
Meenar Damrongkiatsakul. Development of a multimedia computer assisted instruction on statistical
process control [SPC] for supervisors: the case study of leading electronic company in Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 147 p. (T E17580)
Passawalee Nitikasetsoontorn. The Integration of print, radio and television material in tertiary distance
learning courses with reference to the open University (UNITED KINGDOM) and Sukothai
Thammatthirat Open University (THAILAND). Stirling : University of Stirling, 1996. 319 p. (T
Pisit Sompadung. The development of multimedia computer-assisted instruction for surveying of study
cast in removable partial denture for dental students. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 107 p.
(T E15915)
Piyatida Siridchasombut. The effectiveness of learning English on educational multimedia tell me more
program : a case study on vocabulary and grammar skills Dhonburi Rajabhat students, Thailand.
Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2005. 94 p. (R E41624)
Predaporn Wiriyavoravech. Electronic medical record system using multimedia. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 156 p. (T E21275)
Sarachaya Chiabhakdee. Thai sign language computer-assisted instruction authoring tool [TSL-CAI
Authoring Tool]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 166 p. (T E17378)
Suwimon Sanguansat. A case study of independent use of the real English CD-ROM. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 94 p. (R E14884)
Vorawan Vanicharoenchai. The development of multimedia computer-assisted instruction on
cardiopulmonary resuscitation for nursing students. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 190 p. (T
Multimodal phenylpropanolamine bonded silica column
Sunsanee Sinlapadech. Effect of solvent strength on the chromatographic behavior of certain organic acids
on a multimodal phenylpropanolamine bonded silica column. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1996. 236 p. (T E10696)
Multimode Liquid Chromatography
Nirawan Kitprapiumpon. Development of [R]-phenylephrine bonded silica for multimode liquid
chromatography : synthesis, chromatographic characterization and application in pharmaceutical
analysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 110 p. (T E17424)
Multinational corporations
Parinya Tiawijit. Cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates working in Bangkok. Bangkok : Shinawatra
University, 2007. 105 p. (T E39628)
Multinational enterprises
Rungnapa Opartpunyasarn. The spillover effect of multinational enterprises (NNEs) on export behavior : a
case of Thailand. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 69 p. (T E38083)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 48]
Multinomial regression analysis
สรินยา สําเภาเงิน. การเปรียบเทียบการวิเคราะหจําแนกประเภทกับการวิเคราะหการถดถอยมัลติโนเมียล ในการศึกษา
ปจจัยที่มีผลตอระดับคะแนนของนิสิต มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร ปเขาศึกษา 2538 = The comparison of
discriminant analysis and multinomial regression analysis for studying factors affecting score level
of undergraduate student in Kasetsart University years of admision B.E.2538. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 126 หนา. (วพ 102848)
Kamonratana Buranasiri. Study of interaction between complete genotype and deletion mutant of SeMNPV
baculovirus in insect cell culture. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
2008. 101 p. (T E36682)
Multiobjective optimization
Apichart Suppapitnarm. Asimulated annealing algorithm for multiobjective design optimization. Cambridge
: University of Cambridge, 1998. 96 p. (T E19126)
Apichart Suppapitnarm. Conceptual design of bicycle frames by multiobjective optimisation. Cambridge :
University of Cambridge, 2001. 186 p. (T E19127)
Multipath fading
จิรวัฒน คชสาร. อัตราความผิดพลาดบิตของระบบการเขาถึงหลายทางแบบการแบงรหัสลําดับโดยตรงในชองสัญญาณ
เฟดดิงนาคากามิรวมนัย ซึ่งมีตัวแปรเสริมไมเจาะจงโดยใชรหัสแกการลบและรหัสแกความผิดพลาด = Bit error
rate of coherent direct sequence code division multiple access system in the generalized nakagami
fading channel with arbitrary parameters using erasure-and-error correcting code. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 134 หนา. (วพ 104586)
Multipath routing
Ha, Duyen Trung. Multipath location-aided routing method for ad hoc networks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 60 p. (T E30144)
Wibowo, Sigit Basuki. Jitter management in multipath routing for mobile ad HOC network. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 56 p. (T E27841)
Multiphase flow
Sai Kyaw Kyaw Aung. Application of Guo's four-phase flow model to two-phase and three-phase flow
wells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 123 p. (T E35790)
Multiphase flow correlation
Ruttapone Chanlongsawaitkul. An intelligent system to recommend appropriate correlations for vertical
multiphase flow. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 197 p. (T E39307)
Multiphase plaster
Wichit Prakaypun. Production of gypsum plaster from Mae Moh flue-gas gypsum. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1997. 165 p. (T E20163)
Gunyawee Teekathananont. A Comparative analysis of multiple warrants pricing models. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 55 p. (T E37931)
Multiple access control
Supakit Dangprasert. Reasoning about multiple access control configurations. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 55 p. (R E20318)
Multiple accessing devices
Siam Leewatanahong. The common content gateway for multiple accessing devices. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 53 p. (R E22121)
Multiple antigenic peptides
Srikul Kantajai. Detection of cellular prion protein in animals of economic importance of Thailand. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 90 p. (T E23376)
Multiple attribute decision-making
Sutanit Puttapanom. Fuzzy ranking methods : a review with applications to fuzzy multiple attribute
decision making. Columbia : University of Missouri-Columbia, 2008. 166 p. (T E36179)
Multiple cameras system
Kritsana Uttamang. A real-time 3D tracking system using multiple cameras. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 87 p. (T E37588)
Multiple carboxylase deficiency--Patients
Suphawee Janklat. Biochemical and molecular analysis of Thai patients with multiple carboxylase
deficiency. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 46 p. (T E35294)
Multiple Choice Question test
ลักษมี จันทราช. การเปรียบเทียบคุณภาพแบบทดสอบอัตนัยประยุกต (MEQ) และแบบทดสอบเลือกตอบ (MCQ) เพื่อ
วัดความสามารถในการแกปญหา = The quality comparison of Modified Essay Question test (MEQ) and
Multiple Choice Question test (MCQ) for measuring problem solving ability. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัย
นเรศวร, 2544. 152 หนา. (วพ 112434)
Multiple classifier systems
Widhykorn Asdornwised. Generalized multiple classifier systems with local discriminant bases. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 121 p. (T E27831)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 49]
Multiple configuration software
ชัย หงสเทียมจันทร. การบริหารซอฟแวรหลายโครงรางดวยเทคโนโลยีการปลูกเครื่องดวยซีดี = Multiple
configuration software management using a bootable CD technology. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 84 หนา. (วพ 110274)
Multiple cropping--Nepal
Neupane, Sharad Chandra. Economic analysis of multiple cropping systems in Chitwan, Nepal. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 1990. (x), 127 p. (T E7088)
Multiple cropping--Philippines--Economic aspects
Bote, Florante D.. Economic analysis of the multiple cropping program in the province of Darao del Sur,
Phillippines = การวิเคราะหทางเศรษฐกิจของโครงการปลูกพืชตลอดป ในจังหวัดดาเลา เดล เซอร ประเทศ
ฟลิปปนส. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1984. 2 microfiches (114 fr.). (T MF20019)
Multiple detector-row CT
Chartchai Choeiwattana. Radiation dose Evaluation of multi detector CT for head and neck (excluding the
brain). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 38 p. (T E27803)
Multiple directorships
Wipanuch Ardrugsa. Multiple directorships, firm performace and corporate governance of firms in
Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 70 p. (T E39881)
Multiple disk diffusion
Sirintorn Tengamnuay. Multiple disk diffusion testing for determination of penicillin- and cefotaximeresistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 139 p. (T E19598)
Multiple draft tubes
Nalinee Tanthikul. Hydrodynamics and mass transfer behavior in large scale multiple draft tube airlift
contactors. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 72 p. (T E27716)
Multiple group structural equation model
วรรณี แกมเกตุ. การพัฒนาตัวบงชี้ประสิทธิภาพการใชครู : การประยุกตใชโมเดลสมการโครงสรางกลุมพหุและโมเดล
เอ็มทีเอ็มเอ็ม = A development of teacher utilization efficiency indicators : an application of the
multiple group structural equation and MTMM models. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 297
หนา. (วพ 95936)
Multiple instance learning
Pakaket Wattuya. Solving the syllable segmentation problem in connected-Thai-Digit speech recognition
using multiple-instance learning. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 64 p. (T E22270)
Multiple linear regression analysis
Chaiyavat Chaiyasut. Factors affecting the accuracy and precision of potentiometric titration of weak acid
mixtures by multiple linear regression analysis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 263 p.
(T E10735)
Multiple logistic regression analysis
พรรณี บุญสุยา. การศึกษาปจจัยที่มีตอผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนของนักศึกษาระดับปริญญาตรี มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม โดย
วิธีวิเคราะหการถดถอยแบบพหุโลจิสติค = Factors affecting performance effectiveness of the
undergraduate students at Sripatum University ; an application of multiple logistic regression
analysis. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 150 หนา. (วพ 112587)
Multiple logs analysis system
Sinchai Caravut. Multiple logs analysis for detecting zero-day backdoor trojans. Cleveland : Cleveland State
University, 2008. 82 p. (T E41463)
Multiple matrix sampling
ทิภาวรรณ วงษสมจีน. ผลของการสุมเมตริกพหุคูณในรูปแบบที่ตางกันตอคาพารามิเตอรของผูสอบ = The result of
different multiple matrix sampling designs toward examinee's parameters. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัย
นเรศวร, 2543. 119 หนา. (วพ 109713)
Multiple microprocessor system
Borworn Papasratorn. Performance analysis of a multiple-microprocessor system with shared memory.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. x, 71 p. (T E6956)
Multiple partners
Hendroyono, Agus. The meaning of condom : males' experience of multiple unsafe sex partners in Bekasi,
Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 163 p. (T E36863)
Multiple pass system
Pipat Patamarajvichian. Effect of multiple pass system on cassava starch separation efficiency of
hydrocyclone. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 185 p. (R
Multiple products system
Kittinun Junhom. Inventory policies for raw materials of multiple products system with demand for casting.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 211 p. (T E20085)
Multiple quantum wells
Pawinee Klangtakai. Optical and structural characterization of GaAsN thin film and GaAsN/GaAs
multiquantum well with high nitrogen concentration grown by MOVPE. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 80 p. (T E38631)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 50]
Multiple regression
Supasit Apiwattanapong. Factors related to the delay time over the HTTP environment. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 36 p. (T E17227)
Waraporn Sakornjun. A comparison of model fitting between multiple regression and ordinal logistic
regression for student attitudes towards the elderly. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 75 p. (T
Multiple regression analysis
Kaewta Sriratanaporn. Applied mathematical models forecasting in ground-level ozone of Bangkok.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 117 p. (T E17398)
Klinpratoom Panyaping. Development of a predictive environmental model for wastewater from industrial
paper production using multivariate analysis technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003.
310 p. (T E23304)
Sukrom Cheecharern. Factors related to dorsal angulation of distal radius in extra articular fractures of
distal radius. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 40 p. (T E40929)
สุกฤษฎิ์ ทองบุญฤทธิ์. การศึกษาความถี่น้ําทวมเชิงภูมิภาคสําหรับลุมน้ําปง วัง ยม และนาน = Regional flood
frequency studies of Ping, Wang, Yom and Nan river basins. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระ
จอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 212 หนา. (วพ 110901)
Multiple robots
Manukid Parnichkun. Cooperation of multiple robots by CDCSMA-CD communication method and GSGM
movement model. Tokyo : University of Tokyo, 1999. 213 p. (T E13629)
Multiple scale perturbation analysis
Wirote Chutapirak. Chaos in [Q-xy]2 potential. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 46 p. (T E17709)
Multiple SMTP service system
Sethalat Rodhetbhai. A scalable SMTP service system in distributed environment using packet diversion.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 34 p. (T E18609)
Multiple solution
Somkid Inthap. Existence of multiple solutions of nonliner boundary value problems. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2003. 46 p. (T E20750)
Multiple weighted chromosome mutation technique
Chatchai Thnarudee. ATM network design by using genetic algorithm with multiple weighted chromosome
mutation technique. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 79 p. (R
Multiple-input multiple-output
Pham, Dinh Tan. Optimization algorithms for transmit power minimization based on partial channel state
information in MIMO systems. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 59 p. (T E30142)
Nirachorn Thapnu. Relationship between water quality and multiple-plate collected benthic
macroinvertebrates in the Bang Pakong river. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 239 p. (T
Multiplex amplification refractory mutation system
Khanungnit Thungkham. Optimization of multiplex amplification refractory mutation system technique in
prenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassemia major and beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 108 p. (T E24905)
Multiplex PCR
Duangsamorn Taechamahapun. Development of one-tube multiplex semi-nested PCR for identification
rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 163 p. (T
Siriporn Pongsomboon. Isolation and characterization of tri-and tetranucleotide microsatellite sequences
for application to DNA typing in the black tiger prawn Penaeus monodon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 192 p. (T E20243)
Multiplex polymerase chain reaction
Darunee Jaisawang. Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus hemolysin genes in frozen shrimps using
multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 94 p. (T E33413)
Multiplex real-time PCR
Nipaporn Sankuntaw. Development of multiplex real-time PCR for rapid detection of herpesvirus infection
of the central nervous system. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 96 p. (T E37195)
Multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
Mantana Matharit. A multiplex RT-PCR assay for the detection of chimeric transcripts in pediatric acute
lymphoblastic leukemia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 98 p. (T E21271)
Multiplex RT-PCR
Thipwipha Phonpakobsin. Multiplex RT-PCR for detection of influenza virus and amantadine susceptibility
by hemagglutination inhibition assay. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 100 p. (T E23873)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 51]
Tharathip Ruangvithayanon. Detection of chromosomal trisomies 21, 18, 13, X and Y by using single tube
multiplex-PCR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 73 p. (T E18229)
Multiplication modules
Phannika Leksing. Co-semisimple modules and multiplication modules. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2001. 28 p. (T E18420)
Pradthana Jaipong. Relations between semilocal modules and multiplication modules. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2002. 33 p. (T E18133)
Surisa Srisook. Serial modules and multiplication modules. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 32 p.
(T E18036)
Multiplicative functions
Amornrat Jeepetch. Convolution for multiplicative functions on finite groups. Bangkok : Thammasat
University, 2006. 54 p. (T E38052)
Multiplicative hyperrings
Jongkol Tumsoun. Quasi-hyperideals in multiplicative hyperrings. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 50 p. (T E21577)
Multiplicity [Mathematics]
Surachai Charoensri. Relationship between the characters and the elementary symmetric sums of weights.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 75 p. (T E25119)
Multiporphyrin array
Samart Hongtong. Synthesis and characterisation of multiporphyrin arrays. Bangkok : Silpakorn University,
2004. 79 p. (T E25090)
Multiprocessor network
มงคล รักษาพัชรวงศ. การวัดสมรรถนะของเทคนิคตางๆ ที่ใชในการพัฒนาตัวจัดเสนทางสมรรถนะสูง ในระบบ
เครือขายมัลติโปรเซสเซอร = Performance evaluation of architectural techniques for developing highperformance multiprocessor network routers. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมไฟฟา
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 18 หนา. (ว 107186)
Multiprocessor system
Wichian Premchaiswadi. An application-oriented approach for parallel processing on a multiprocessor
system. Tokyo : Waseda University, 1992. 149 p. (T E40577)
Virasit Imtawil. Bidirectional sequential decoding : a multiprocessor approach. Manchester : University of
Manchester, 1999. 180 p. (T E16022)
Multiproduct pipeline network
Somporn Ananwattananon. Optimization of petroleum product distribution via multiproduct pipeline
network with just-in-time delivery. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
2008. 95 p. (R E42819)
Yatika Somrang. Optimization of petroleum product distribution via multiproduct pipeline network.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 61 p. (R E37486)
Multipurpose plants
Lantican, Celso B.. Design and analysis of MPTS field experiments. Bangkok : Forestry/Fuelwood Research
and Development Project, Kasetsart University, [197-]. 118 p. (R E5949 c.1; E12919 c.2)
Multipurpose trees
Burley, J., ed.. Increasing productivity of multipurpose species. Vienna : International Union of Forestry
Research Organizations, 1985. iv, 560 p. (R E2862)
Multipurposed digital signal processing board
สุรพันธ ยิ้มมั่น. การออกแบบและสรางบอรดประมวลสัญญาณดิจิตอลเอนกประสงค = Design and construction of a
multipurposed digital signal processing board. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตรประยุกต สถาบันเทคโนโลยี
พระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, [2542]. 106 หนา. (ว 100566)
Multiregionnal hybridization assay
Veerachai Watanaveeradej. Molecular epidemiology of HIV type 1 in preparation for a phase III primeboost vaccine trial in Thailand and a new approach to HIV type 1 genotyping. Bangkok :
Department of Pediatrics Phramongkutklao Hosipital School of Medicine, 2006. 1 vol (in various
pagings). (R E34645)
Multiresolution analysis
Schulz, Echart. Multiresolution analysis on the sphere. Nakhon Ratchasima : School of Biology Suranaree
University of Technology, 2002. 27 p. (R E37879c.1; E37880c.2)
Multiresolution surfaces
สมศักดิ์ เขมวิวิธ. การแกไขพื้นผิวแบบหลายระดับความละเอียดโดยใชการแปลงเวฟเล็ต = Multiresolution surfaces
editing by wavelet transforms. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542.
109 หนา. (วพ 106185)
Multiscale analysis
Tanongchai Sookawat. The surface curvedness operator and its applications to image classification and
image retrieval. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 153 p. (T E21433)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 52]
Multisensory approach
Wanlop Youdee. Use of multisensory approach to promote vocabulary knowledge and creative English
writing ability of partially sighted students. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2009. 74 p. (T
Multislice computed tomography
Wallop Makmool. Pediatric radiation dose optimization in 16-multislice computed tomography [MSCT]
whith maintaining image quality. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 54 p. (T E37921)
Multisorbent tube
Saksith Kulwong. The efficiency of multisorbent tube for sampling of toluene and methyl ethyl ketone.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 127 p. (T E21150)
Multispectral scanner
นวนิตย อภิชลติ. การตรวจสอบระบบผลิตขอมูล MSS. กรุงเทพฯ : กองสํารวจทรัพยากรธรรมชาติดวยดาวเทียม, 2537.
31 หนา. (ว 95110)
Multistep transformation
Warangkana Chunglok. Increased iNOS in transformed HPV- immortalized human keratinocytes following
chronic ethanol treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 147 p. (T E33059)
Multistory buildings
Indrawan, Daniel. Seismic analysis of a multistory building yielding at a specified story. Bangkok : Asian
Institute of Technology, 1978. 31 p. (T E22730)
Kuo, Tsung-Yu. Analysis of management model for a multistorey building construction project in Bangkoka case study. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1983. 73 p. (T E22706)
Lee Sek Yean. Finite strip analysis of multistory tall buildings using polynomial functions. Bangkok : Asian
Institute of Technology, 1980. 50 p. (T E22731)
Pipat Pithyachariyakul. Three dimensional analysis of shear wall-frame buildings. Bangkok : Asian Institute
of Technology, 1973. 29 p. (T E22710)
Supaporn Iamsopa. Response of multistory building under wind load. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2002. 168 p. (T E18532)
Multisyringe flow injection
Janya Buanuam. Development and application of dynamic extraction systems with hyphenated techniques
for assessment of elemental fractionation in solid substrates. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007.
164 p. (T E37002)
Multivariable cascade control
ชูเกียรติ ซําคง. วิธีการและเทคนิคในการออกแบบระบบควบคุมหลายตัวแปรแบบคาสเคด = Multivariable cascade
control design procedure and technique. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 99 หนา. (วพ
Multivariable control
ถวัลย แสงสวาง. การออกแบบตัวควบคุมสําหรับกระบวนการที่มีหลายอินพุทหลายเอาทพุท โดยการใชการควบคุมเชิง
แบบจําลองภายใน = Controller design for multi-input multi-output process using internal model
control. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 113 หนา. (วพ 104490)
Multivariable control systems
Somsak Lengsukchai. Interaction analysis for multi-loop control. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2003. 76 p. (R E22935)
Multivariate analysis
Alisa Kaewsongsri. Metabolic footprinting analysis and multivariate analysis of metabolic profiles in
Simutated Thai Fermented Sausage [I]/web interface development of dengue BDM-local genetic
sequcnce database of dengue nucleotides and proteins [II]. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2008. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E42239)
Anawat Kosalprapai. Multivariate attribute p chart for both correlated and uncorrelated quality
characteristics. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 119 p. (T E19608)
Klinpratoom Panyaping. Development of a predictive environmental model for wastewater from industrial
paper production using multivariate analysis technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003.
310 p. (T E23304)
Kusaya Plungpongpun. Analysis of multivariate data using Kotz type distribution. [S.l.] : Old Dominion
University, 2003. 118 p. (T E22162)
Nathpong Israngura Na Ayudhya. Prognostic factors of cervical cencer stage IB treated with radical
hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy at Ramathibodi hospital : a multivariate analysis.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 76 p. (T E14832)
Peerapol Boonyuen. Uniformity improvement of etching process using principal component analysis
technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 81 p. (T E23381)
Samruam Chongcharoen. One-sided multivariate tests. Missouri : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1998.
148 p. (T E13528)
Skorn Koonawootrittriron. Multivariate data analysis for the improvement of dairy cattle in a multibreed
population. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 165 p. (T E20079)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 53]
Multivariate quality control
Anawat Kosalprapai. Multivariate attribute p chart for both correlated and uncorrelated quality
characteristics. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 119 p. (T E19608)
Multivision sound slides
นิรินธน ถ้ําแกว. การกําจัดกากสารพิษจากโรงงานอุตสาหกรรมโดยการฝงกลบอยางปลอดภัย สําหรับนักศึกษา
ประกาศนียบัตรวิชาชีพชั้นสูง กรมอาชีวศึกษา กระทรวงศึกษาธิการ = The multivision sound slides
construction on "Hazardous waste management in securelandfill for the higher certificate students
in Vocational Department, Ministry of Education. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 126 หนา. (วพ
Multiwavelet transform
Watchara Pijayanan. A watermarking technique using zerotrees of multiwavelet coefficients. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 63 p. (R E38939)
Multriteria scheduling
Wijak Srisujjalertwaja. An adaptive agent-based application for quality of service management in wireless
internet network. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 154 p. (T E37794)
Mun basin
Patpida Patcharanuntawat. Optimization for cash crop planning using genetic algorithm : a case study of
upper Mun basin, Nakhon Ratchasima province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 185 p. (T
Mun Bon Irrigation Project
กิตติศักดิ์ เจริญสวัสดิ์. การพัฒนา WASAM เพื่อจําลองกลยุทธในการจัดสรรน้ําชวงวิกฤติ = Development of WASAM
for simulations for water allocation strategy during critical period. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 303 หนา. (วพ 105422)
Mun river
Thanitha Thapanand. Population and reproductive biology of shark catfish and its fisheries in the Mun
river, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 104 p. (T E34130)
Mun River [Thailand]
McGrath, Roger. The geoarchaeology of the Munriver floodplain in Thailand. [S.l. : s.n.], 2000. 1 vol (in
various pagings). (R E14826 c.1; E14827 c.2)
Munbon irrigation project
เลิศชัย ศรีอนันต. การพัฒนาวิธีการประเมินความเสียหายของระบบชลประทานเพื่อการบํารุงรักษา โครงการสงน้ําและ
บํารุงรักษามูลบน = Development of methodology for estimating damage to irrigation system for
maintenance of Munbon Irrigation Project. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 203 หนา. (วพ
Mung bean
Anuchit Tongglum. Productivity of some cassava cultivars intercropping with mungbean and peanut.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1988. (ix), 109 p. (T E7674)
Athitaya Pengnual. Biochemical and molecular basis of glufosinate-resistant mungbean cell line. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2005. 76 p. (T E25045)
Aunchalee Aussanasuwannakul. Phosphorylated mungbean protein concentrate : functional properties and
protential food applications. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 109 p. (T E24349)
Bui, Xuan Tin. Response of mungbean to phosphorous on Yellow-Red Ferralitic soil in hilly zone of Thua
Thien Hue province, Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 104 p. (T E16477)
Egawa, Y.. Phylogenetic differentiation of mungbean germplasm (subgenus ceratotropis of the genus
vigna) and evaluation for breeding program. Tsukuba : Japan International Research Center for
Agricultural Sciences, 1996. 46 p. (R E11451)
Ganga, Maya Rizal. Substitution of mung bean protein concentrate for soybean meal in broilers and laying
hens diets. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 128 p. (T E42776)
Le, Hong Dung. In vitro antimutagenic studies of some sticky rice cooked with ivy gourd leaves,
Momordica cochinchinensis and pumpkin fruits, mungbean and black bean seed. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 75 p. (T E17107)
Maliwan Janyawanichakul. Regeneration and transformation of mungbean. Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania
State University, 1996. 60 p. (T E19199)
Murakami, Toshifumi. Nitrogen uptake in legume-rhizobium symbiosis in Thailand : focused on mungbean.
[S.l] : Tropical Agriculture Research Center, 1992. iv, 76 p. (R E5979 c.1; E12964 c.2)
Naiyana Asvapaka. Effect of germination, soaking and boiling on phytate in mung bean = ผลของการงอก
การแชน้ําและการหุงตมตอปริมาณเกลือไฟเตท. Bangkok : National Research Council of Thailand, 1984.
vii, 25 leaves. (R E2412c.1; E5577c.2)
Paisan Laosuwan. Field crop production at Songkhla. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, 1982. 38 p..
(R E941)
Porntip Suriyakup. Mungbean green manuring in direct seeding and transplanting rice under rainfed
conditions. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 143 p. (T E37185)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 54]
Mung bean (ตอ)
Rahman, Shamsur. Seed-borne Macrophomina phaseolina in mungbean [Vigna radiata] and blackgram
[Vigna mungo] : effects on seed qualities and its control. Chiang Mai : Chianga Mai University,
2001. 226 p. (T E18086)
Ronachai Sitthigripong. Nutritional evaluation of mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek] meal vermicelli
by-product as feed for swine. Los Banos : University of Philippines Los Banos, 1996. 121 p. (T
Sanoe Chairam. Hands-on fabrication of magnetite nanoparticles on mung bean vermicelli coated with
silver nanoparticles by green method for promoting undergraduate student education in chemistry.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 188 p. (T E40325)
Soehendi, Rudy. Genetic, agronomic, and molecular study of multiple leaflet mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.)
Wilczek). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 85 p. (T E34117)
Tomooka, Norihiko. Mungbean and the genetic resources the subgenus ceratotropis in ecological studies
on tropical food legumes in relation to adaptation to cropping system in Thailand. [S.l.] : Tropioal
Agriculture Research Center, 1991. x, 67 p. (R E5867)
ไพรัตน พิมพศิริกุล. อัตราปุยไนโตรเจนที่เหมาะสมกับกิจกรรมของไรโซเบียมตอถั่วเขียวสี่พันธุ ในชุดดินมาบบอนและ
ชุดดินจันทึก. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535. (9), 76 หนา. (วพ 57288)
อภิพรรณ พุกภักดี. การตอบสนองของพันธุถั่วเขียวผิวมันและถั่วเขียวผิวดําตอฤดูปลูกและอัตราปลูก = Response of
genotypes of mungbean and blackgram to planting dates and plant population densities. กรุงเทพฯ :
คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2534. 1 แผน (13 เฟรม). (ว MF20774)
Mung bean--Cytogenetics
Yoshinobu, Egawa. Cytogenetical analysis of interspecific hybrids between mungbean and related species.
Japan : National Institute of Agrobiological Resources, 1990. 5 p. (R E9389)
Mung bean--Diseases and pests
Ksor, Wel Y. Insect species diversity in monoculture and mixed culture of mungbean-upland rice,
mungbean-corn, mungbean-sesame and mungbean-sorghum. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
1994. x, 85 p. (T E7966)
Mung bean--Diseases and pests--Control
Renu Suwanpornskul. Yield loss of mungbean caused by insect pests at different growth stages and their
control. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (vii), 98 p. (T E7650)
Mung bean--Economic aspects
Gedganda Sangsuwan. An economic analysis of agricultural planning for crop production. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 1995. 215 p. (T E9328)
Mung bean--Effect of floods on
Somsong Chotechuen. Waterlogging resistance in mungbean. Los Banos : University of Philippines at Los
Banos, 1992. xxi, 207 p. (T E8214)
Mung bean--Genetics
Peerasak Srinives. Genetic study of yield and yield components in Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)
grown in dry and wet seasons = พันธุกรรมของผลผลิตและองคประกอบผลผลิตของถั่วเขียวที่ปลูกในฤดู
แลงและฤดูฝน. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1987. 23 leaves. (R E2611)
Mung bean--Growth
Sunee Sahaspot. Changes of nutritive values of mungbean during germination = การเปลี่ยนแปลง
สวนประกอบของสารอาหารในระหวางการงอกของถั่วเขียว. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 2
microfiches (103 fr.). (T MF20082)
ทรงศักดิ์ จุนถิระพงศ. อิทธิพลของสารแพคโคลบิวทราโซลตอการเจริญเติบโตและผลผลิตของถั่วเขียว (Vigna radiata
(L.) Wilzect พันธุอูทอง 1 พันธุกําแพงแสน 1 พันธุกําแพงแสน 2 และพันธุชัยนาท 36 = Influence of
paclobutrazol on vegetative growth and seed yield of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilzect) Uthong
1, Kampangsaen 1, Kampangsaen 2 and Chainat 36 varieties. [ชลบุรี : คณะเกษตรศาสตรบางพระ
สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล], 2540. 44 หนา. (ว 100641 2540ฉ.1; 102472 2540ฉ.2; 152835 2542)
ประพฤติ พรหมสมบูรณ. อิทธิพลของเชื้อไรโซเบียมและอัตราปุยไนโตรเจนตอการเจริญเติบโตและการตรึงไนโตรเจน
ของถั่วเขียว พันธุกําแพงแสน 1 = Effects of rhizobium inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer rates on
growth and nitrogen fixation of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) wilczek ; var. Kamphaengsaen I).
[ชลบุรี : คณะเกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล], 2540. 80 หนา. (ว 100616 ฉ.1; 103071
สดุดี วรรณพัฒน. การตอบสนองของถั่วเขียวตอสภาวะขาดน้ํา = Responses of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) to
water stress. ขอนแกน : คณะเกษตรศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 12 หนา. (ว 100922)
Mung bean--Losses--Prevention
Renu Suwanpornskul. Yield loss of mungbean caused by insect pests at different growth stages and their
control. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (vii), 98 p. (T E7650)
Mung bean--Myanmar--Marketing
Soe Ma Ma. Pricing efficiency of pulses markets in Myanmar. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai Univerity, 2007. 113
p. (T E38563)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 55]
Mung bean--Pruning
Sawai Pongkao. Effect of juvenile leaf removal on symbiotic N fixation and yield of Mungbean (Vigna
radiata (L.) wilezek). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1994. vol. (R E8753)
Mung bean--Seeds--Quality
Pranee Rattananupong. Productivity and seed quality of corn and mungbean in relation to pest
management, fertilizer sources and cropping patterns. Los Banos : University of Philippines, 1996.
257 p. (T E10395)
Mung bean--Seeds--Storage
Kitti Wongpichet. Deteriorative changes in soybean and mung bean seed during storage under unfavorable
conditions. Mississippi : Mississippi State University, 1994. ix, 71 p. (T E7874)
Nyein Nyein Phyoe. Physiological responses of cotton [Gossypium hirsutum L.] to the intercropping with
mungbean [Vigna radiata L.]. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 73 p. (T E36282)
Mungbean starch
Waraporn Kumkanokrat. Utilization of sago starch modifications in transparent noodle production. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2001. 138 p. (T E16459)
Napaporn Hual-Alia. Effect of gamma radiation on variation of progenies from crosses between cultivated
and wild mungbeans. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 50 p. (T E16858)
On-Uma Rungnoi. Characterization, inheritance, and molecular study of opaque leaf mutant in mungbean.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 83 p. (T E36234)
Municipal abattoir
Sutida Punstitwong. Prevalence and intensity of helminth and protozoa in swine feces from municipal
abattoirs in the central region of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 92 p. (T E36839)
Municipal administration
รุงอรุณ บุญสายันต. การบริหารเทศบาลและปจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธกับการมีสวนรวมของคณะกรรมการชุมชน ในการ
บริหารจัดการขยะเทศบาลนครขอนแกน = The municipal administration factor affecting the
participation of community committee in the administration and management of the solid waste of
the Khon Kaen municipality. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 220 หนา. (วพ 109823)
Municipal boundaries
Shanvit Pongquan. Municipal boundaries of the towns in Thailand : implication for development planning.
Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1980. 166 p. (T E22487)
Municipal employees
Sunun Sinsuesatkul. An exploration on factors related to hypertension control in African American and
Caucasian municipal employees. Bermingham : University of Alabama, 2008. 188 p. (T E41475)
Municipal finance--Samut Sakhon
Dararatt Anantanasuwong. Financial capacity of local authority in community wastewater management in
Thailand : a case study of Samuth Sakorn Municipality. Bangkok : National Institute of
Development Administration, 1996. 44 p. (R E10194)
Municipal government
Kanya Aditto. Awareness of member of the Municipal Council Nonthaburi Province regarding the
environmental problems. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 104 p. (T E17102)
Kittiwat Kitthawornwong. People's satisfaction towards the public services by the municipals in Chonburi
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 79 p. (T E17522)
Parin Pengsuwan. Good governance and efficiency of municipal administration. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 132 p. (T E33316)
Thanita Thitipakorn. The comparative studies of the transparency of the public administration in Tambon
municipality and Tambon Administrative Organization in Nakornprathom province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 117 p. (T E24026)
Theranun Wannasiri. Development of environmental management standards for municipalities. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19288)
Thikamporn Chulilung. Measurement of municipal performance achievement in Thailand : a comparative
study of three municipalities. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2005.
342 p. (T E30193)
กาญจนา หมาดหลา. การศึกษารูปแบบการดําเนินงานพัฒนาชุมชนในหนวยการปกครองทองถิ่นรูปแบบเทศบาล.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 185 หนา. (วพ 98799)
Municipal government--Administration
Jintana Chuasomboon. The visions of municipal administrators towards the healthy cities project of
Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 152 p. (T E21165)
Maneeparn Rewong. Mayoresses' vision in administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 102 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 56]
Municipal government--Administration (ตอ)
สาธินี ไชยเวช. ปจจัยการตัดสินใจที่มีความสัมพันธกับการบริหารงานพัฒนาเทศบาล ของคณะเทศมนตรีในภาค
ตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ = Decision making factors related to municipality's development administration
of the municipal executive board in the north-east. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 111 หนา.
(วพ 98186)
Municipal government--Administration--Citizen participation
Piyawut Sirirat. The acceptance of public participation in the administration of a Tambon municipality.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 112 p. (T E33517)
Municipal government--Khon Kaen
ฤทธิรงค จังโกฏิ. ระบบการเก็บรวบรวมและขนสงมูลฝอยของเทศบาลนครขอนแกน = Solid waste collection and
transportation system of Khon Kaen City Municipality. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 218
หนา. (วพ 99736)
Municipal government--Personnel management
อาคม ใจแกว. การศึกษาความเปนไปไดเกี่ยวกับความเปนอิสระของการปกครองสวนทองถิ่นในการบริหารงานบุคคล :
ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีเทศบาล = The feasibility study of the independent status of the local government in
personnel administration : a case study of municipality. สงขลา : คณะวิทยาการจัดการ
มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 232 หนา. (ว 99432 ฉ.1; 104690 ฉ.2)
Municipal government--Rayong
Suwit Laoritthikai. A comparison of citizen satisfaction with services in Rayong Municipality. Bangkok :
Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 186 p. (T E39057)
Municipal government--Saraburi--Administration
พวงทอง วัฒนพิมล. การวิเคราะหปญหาและอุปสรรคของการปกครองทองถิ่น : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีการปกครองและการ
บริหารงานของเทศบาลตําบลพระพุทธบาท อําเภอพระพุทธบาท จังหวัดสระบุรี = A local government
problems analysis : a case study of the administration and management of the Municipality of
Tambon Phra Buddha Bat Ampher Phra Buddha Bat, Saraburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
รามคําแหง, 2541. 147 หนา. (วพ 98701)
Municipal government--Thailand, Northeastern
Sagunya Sangtunshai. Municipal readiness for legal enforcement of the public health ministerial regulation
on infectious waste disposal B.E.2545 : a case study in northeastern municipality. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 99 p. (T E24000)
Municipal health centers
Wanida Bunjongjalernlert. Factors affecting pharmacist performance in municipal health centers and
Bangkok metropolitan administration hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 93 p. (T
Municipal pawn shops
จันทรเพ็ญ ตูเทศานันท. ความพึงพอใจของผูใชบริการตอการดําเนินงานของสถานธนานุบาลเทศบาลในประเทศไทย =
The satisfaction of the customers toward municipal pawn shops service in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2542. 152 หนา. (วพ 106667)
Municipal schools
พัชนี แสงภูวงษ. คุณลักษณะของครูแนะแนวตามความคาดหวังของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 6 ครูและผูบริหารใน
โรงเรียนสังกัดเทศบาลนครเชียงใหม = Guidance teachers' characteristics as expected by prathom
suksa 6 students, teachers, and administrators in Chiang Mai Municipality schools. เชียงใหม :
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 89 หนา. (วพ 102189)
Municipal solid waste
Chalita Liamsanguan. Life cycle assessment of integrated solid waste management in Phuket. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 98 p. (T E39609)
Iwase, Daichi. The improvement of anti-source separation performance and municipal solid waste
collection system in the university, Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2007. 145 p. (T E37474)
Nirawan Sanphoti. Enhancing waste stabilization and methane production in simulated landfill by codigestion and combined anaerobic digester. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2007. 160 p. (T E39602)
Nirawan Sanphoti. The effects of leachate recirculation on decomposition rates and methane production in
simulated landfill. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 147 p. (T
Pawena Limpiteeprakan. Heavy metal contamination in leachate from spent batteries in municipal solid
wastes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 110 p. (T E35084)
Penporn Petchsri. Improvements to MSW landfilling operations using leachate recirculation. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 207 p. (T E23471)
Podjanee Inthasaro. Utilization of municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash as a partial cement
replacement. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 76 p. (T E20229)
Wirawat Chaya. Life cycle assessment of municipal solid waste-to-energy schemes in Thailand. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 91 p. (T E23458)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 57]
Municipal solid waste combustion ash
Kritsada Sisomphon. Use of municipal solid waste ash as cement raw material. Pathumthani : Thammasat
University, 2000. 47 p. (T E15534)
Municipal wastewater
Pornwipa Klangsin. Removal of fecal coliform bacteria by zebra mussels. Michigan : University of Michigan,
2000. 161 p. (T E16143)
Municipal wastewater treatment
มณีรัตน อธิราษฎรไพศาล. การศึกษาการตกคางของสารฆาแมลงกลุมออรกาโนคลอรีนในดินและพืชจากการบําบัดน้ํา
ี ืชกรอง = Studies on the residue of organochlorine insecticides in soils and plants in
municipal wastewater treatments by plant filtration. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 75
หนา. (วพ 108544)
Municipal water supply
สายัณต แกวบุญเรือง. การนําสารสมออกจากตะกอนในกระบวนการตกตะกอนของระบบผลิตน้ําประปา = Removing of
filter alum from sedimentation in water supply system. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 140
หนา. (วพ 99310)
Municipal water supply--Purification
Pornpimon Limtrakul. THM precursor removal in raw water by up-flow pelletization process. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 136 p.. (T E19675)
Theranun Wannasiri. Development of environmental management standards for municipalities. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19288)
Municiple solid waste
Wanida Wanichpongpan. Life cycle assessment of municipal solid waste landfill : a case study in Thailand.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 63 p. (T E31356)
Ronglarp Sukmasuang. Ecology of barking deer (Muntiacus spp.) in Huai Kha Khaeng wildlife sanctuary.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 199 p. (T E16644)
Muntiacus muntjak
Pranom Kunsakorn. Fruit production and seed dispersal of Choerospondias axillaris [Anacardiaceae] in
Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 131 p. (T E17413)
Muntingia calabura
นันทนัช พิเชษฐวิทย. ผลของสารชวยติดสีที่มีตอการยอมไหมดวยใบตะขบฝรั่ง. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร
, 2533. (3), 91 หนา. (วพ 61106)
Mural painting and decoration
Listopad, John Andrew. The process of change in Thai mural painting : Khrua In Khong and the murals in
the Ubosoth of Wat Somanasa Vihara. Utah : University of Utah, 1984. 121 p. (T E15753)
Phalla San. A comparison of the Reamker mural painting in the Royal Palace of Cambodia and the
Ramakien mural painting in the Grand Palace of Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2007. 250 p. (T E40927)
Mural painting and decoration, Thai
Matsuura, Kimiko. Significance of Hell scenes in mural paintings during the reign of King Rama I. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 170 p. (T E27717)
Mural painting and decoration, Thai--Conservation and restoration
Ziering, Alexis. Mural conservation in Thailand : priorities and alternatives. Bangkok : Social Research
Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1985. 1 vol(in various pagings). (R E2403)
Listopad, John Andrew. The process of change in Thai mural painting : Khrua In Khong and the murals in
the Ubosoth of Wat Somanasa Vihara. Utah : University of Utah, 1984. 121 p. (T E15753)
Murdannia loriformis
Achara Chatsupang. Subacute effects of Murdannia loriformis ethanolic extract on hepatic cytochrome
P450 and clinical blood chemistry in rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 116 p. (T
Ammararat Narintorn. Phytochemical study of anticancer components from Murdannia loriformis (Hassk.)
Rolla Rao et Kammathy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 147 p. (T E14225)
Kassamaporn Puntaburt. Antimutagenicity of Murdannia loriformis products using somatic mutation and
recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 97 p. (T E18328)
Siriporn Somja. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic actioities of ethanol extract from Murdannia
loriformis. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 72 p. (T E34886)
Tawee Rearungchom. Possible mechanism of inhibition of aflatoxin-B, mutagenesis by Thai medicinal
plants, Murdannia loriformis and Alpinia galanga. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1993. 104 p.
(T E8516)
Weena Jiratchariyakul. Investigation of anticancer components from Murdannia loriformis (Hassk.) Rolla
Rao et Kammathy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, [19--]. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E12222)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 58]
Murdannia loriformis (ตอ)
Wiriya Charoenkunathum. Antimutagenicity and DT-diaphorase inducing activity of Murdannia loriformis.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 105 p. (T E9265)
Yaowarate Intiyot. Effects of Murdannia loriformis extract on azoxymethane-induced DNA-adducts and
aberrant crypt foci in rat colons. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 79 p. (T E13431)
Preecha Srichareon. The analysis of expenditure in the probing of murder : case study in the jurisdiction of
the Metropolitant Police Division. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 59 p. (T E23647)
Murdoch integrated approach
อัจฉรา สินธุโคตร. การเปรียบเทียบความเขาใจในการอานภาษาอังกฤษของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 6 ที่ไดรับการ
สอนโดยวิธี MIA กับวิธีสอนตามคูมือครู = A comparision of English reading comprehension of prathom
suksa VI students through the Murdoch Integrated Approach and the teacher's manual. ขอนแกน :
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 349 หนา. (วพ 110108)
Middelfart, Peter. Reproduction and successive life stages in muricids from South East Asia. [S.l.] : Aarhus
University, 1994. 29 p. (T E12687)
Middlefart, Peter. Reproduction and successive life stage in muricids from South East Asia. Aarhus : Aarhus
University, 1994. 85 p. (R E8844)
Middelfart, Peter. Reproduction and successive life stages in muricids, with emphasis on chicoreus. [S.l.] :
Aarhus University, [1994]. 29 p. (T E9483)
Yaowalak Chaimanee. Plio-pleistocene rodents of Thailand. Bangkok : National Center for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology, 1998. 303 p. (R E14283)
Murine leukemia viruses
Saengchai Akeprathumchai. Virus clearance during microfiltration. Fort Collins : Colorado State University,
2003. 246 p. (T E22156)
Murine typhus
Uraiwon Muktaree. Seroprevalence and factors related to scrub typhus and murine typhus infections in hill
tribe patients at 4 hospitals in Chiang Mai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 201 p. (T
Vongsakorn Poonpiriya. Expression and purification of crystalline surface layer recombinant protein of
Rickettsia typhi for use as antigen in specific antibody detection test in murine typhus. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2003. 93 p. (T E21140)
Murraya paniculata
Arpapan Satayavibul. Use of orange jasmine Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack leaves for monitoring
atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 82 p. (T
Teerawet Titseesang. Leaves of orange jasmine [Murraya paniculata] as bioindicators of airborne heavy
metal pollution in Bangkok area. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 108 p. (T E41240)
ศิริวรรณ แดงฉ่ํา. ผลของ IBA และ NAA ที่มีตอการออกรากของกิ่งปกชําแกว = Effects of IBA and NAA on the
rooting of orang-jessamine (Murraya paniculata) cuttings. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2539. 1 แผน (19 เฟรม). (ว MF21925)
เสาวภา แตงเหลือง. องคประกอบทางเคมีของใบแกว (Murraya paniculata (Linn.) Jack). กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2535. ญ, 166 หนา. (วพ 57779)
ภาสันต ศารทูลทัต. การเปรียบเทียบลักษณะของกลวยไขจากตนปลูกและหนอตาม = Comparative characteristics
of Kluai Khai (Musa AA group) from plant crop to first ratoon. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2538. 1 แผน (22 เฟรม). (ว MF21951)
Musa AA Group
อภิวรา ประยูรวงศ. ผลของอุณหภูมิและความชื้นสัมพัทธที่มีตอการสุกและการหลุดรวงของกลวยไข = Effect of
temperature and relative humidity on ripening and finger drop of "Kluai Khai" (Musa AA Group).
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 105 หนา. (วพ 107327)
Musa balbisiana
Sasivimon Swangpol. Phylogeny of Kluai Tani Musa balbisiana colla, its related cultivars and hybrids based
on DNA analysis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 102 p. (T E34602)
ประศาสตร เกื้อมณี. การศึกษาลักษณะทางสัณฐานและกายวิภาควิทยาของกลวยบางชนิดในประเทศไทย = A study
on morphological and anatomical characters of some bananas in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ
วิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2534. 1 แผน (13 เฟรม). (ว MF21454)
Musa chiliocarpa
ประศาสตร เกื้อมณี. การศึกษาลักษณะทางสัณฐานและกายวิภาควิทยาของกลวยบางชนิดในประเทศไทย = A study
on morphological and anatomical characters of some bananas in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ
วิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2534. 1 แผน (13 เฟรม). (ว MF21454)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 59]
Musa rosea
ประศาสตร เกื้อมณี. การศึกษาลักษณะทางสัณฐานและกายวิภาควิทยาของกลวยบางชนิดในประเทศไทย = A study
on morphological and anatomical characters of some bananas in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ
วิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2534. 1 แผน (13 เฟรม). (ว MF21454)
Musa sapientum
ณิฐิมา เฉลิมแสน. การศึกษาคุณคาทางโภชนะของเปลือกกลวยน้ําวาในสุกรรุน = Study on the nutritive value of
banana peels (Musa sapieutum L.) in growing pigs. พิษณุโลก : คณะวิชาสัตวศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยี
ราชมงคล วิทยาเขตพิษณุโลก, 2541. 28 หนา. (ว 103395)
แสงสวัสดิ์ อุดมเดชวัฒน. สมบัติทางความรอนของกลวยไข (Musa suerier) และกลวยน้ําวา (Musa sapientum).
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2537. ด, 121 หนา. (วพ 68224)
Musa suerier
แสงสวัสดิ์ อุดมเดชวัฒน. สมบัติทางความรอนของกลวยไข (Musa suerier) และกลวยน้ําวา (Musa sapientum).
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2537. ด, 121 หนา. (วพ 68224)
Musa superba
ประศาสตร เกื้อมณี. การศึกษาลักษณะทางสัณฐานและกายวิภาควิทยาของกลวยบางชนิดในประเทศไทย = A study
on morphological and anatomical characters of some bananas in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ
วิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2534. 1 แผน (13 เฟรม). (ว MF21454)
Langhe, Edmond De. Biodiversity of musaceae in northern Thailand : report of an expedition 2 to 24
December 1998. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2003. 64 p. (R E21393)
Musale damage
Daroonwan Chakraphan. Effects of exercise training on lipid peroxidation, scavenging enzymes and muscle
damage in young Thai athletes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 148 p. (T E13940)
Musca domestica
Boonserm Aumauang. Resistance of the house fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera : Muscidae) to some
insecticides in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 103 p. (T E9971)
Noppawan Boonchu. Toxicity of eucalyptol on house fly, musca domestica linnaeus (diptera : muscidae)
and blow fly, chrysomya megacephala (frabicious) (diptera : calliphoridae). Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2003. 53 p. (T E20755)
Sirisuda Siriwattanarungsee. Effect of neem extract against housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera :
Muscidae) and blowfly, Chrysomya megacephala (F.) (Diptera : Calliphoridae). Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2008. 135 p. (T E39548)
Sujitra Wanput. Adulticidal effect of Nerium indicum Mill. Azadiracta indica A. Juss and Annona squamosa
Linn. leaf extracts on Musca domestica Linn.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 56 p. (T E24018)
Suphawadee Bouban. Effect of liquid organic fertilizers from fish and vegetables on developmental stages
of Musca domestica, L.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 71 p. (T E18194)
พรพิมล เตชะวัฒนเศรษฐ. การตรวจสอบประชากรของแมลงวันบานในเขตชุมชนเมือง จังหวัดเชียงใหม และ
ประสิทธิภาพของสารไพรีทรอยด สังเคราะหในการควบคุมระยะหนอน = Monitoring of house fly, Musca
domestica L. (Diptera : Muscidae), population in Chiang Mai urban area and efficacy of synthetic
pyrethroids for the maggot control. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 69 หนา. (วพ 101581)
Muscadine grape--Diseases and pest resistance
Nantana Kummuang. Etiology and epidemiology of berry rot diseases of muscadine grape (vitis
rotundifolia) in Mississippi and histopathology of bitter rot. Mississippi : Mississippi State University,
1993. xii, 143 p. (T E6043)
Chaovalit Chaopanitwet. Protective effects of vitamin E on arsenic induced alterations of muscarinic and
adrenergic responses. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 115 p. (T E11664)
Nattaporn Yoopan. Cadmium-induced hypertension and the protective effect of standardized extracts from
Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 178 p. (T E37019)
Muscarinic receptor
Wantika Chantara. Effects of acrylonitrile on muscarinic receptors and their signalings. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 135 p. (T E35519)
Muscarinic receptors
Banthit Chetsawang. Effects of collagenase on muscarine binding in intact and cultured bovine
adrenomedullary chromaffin cells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 99 p. (T E6781)
Hattaya Dumrongphol. Muscarinic cholinergic receptor in various regions of rabies dog brain. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1993. xi, 139 p. (T E7131)
Rungarune Luankosolchai. The effect of acute and chronic treatment of lithium on muscarinic responses.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 95 p. (T E6272)
Sathaporn Prutipanlai. Cholinomimetic effects of permethrin on cardiovascular and moter functions.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 251 p. (T E34004)
Boonserm Aumauang. Resistance of the house fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera : Muscidae) to some
insecticides in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 103 p. (T E9971)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 60]
Muscidae (ตอ)
Roungthip Masmeatathip. Characterization of Stomoxys spp. [Diptera : Muscidae] population in central
Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 111 p. (T E36275)
Siriporn Youngchaitrakul. An investigation on the effect of using the fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae for the
control of the house fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera : Muscidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
1999. 67 p. (T E13412)
Pakkanaporn Chanthapetch. Abdominal muscle activity during abdominal hollowing in four positions.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 97 p. (T E41975)
Pennapa Matayompong. Interactions of implant strategies and ractopamine on carcass characteristics,
muscle growth, and tenderness. Lincoln : University of Nebraska, 2005. 187 p. (T E36938)
Prasert Sakulsriprasert. Effects of cryotherapy on delayed onset muscle soreness of elbow flexors in
females. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 188 p. (T E21326)
Ratree Tavichakorntrakool. Analysis of muscle proteome in K-depleted northeastern Thais. Khon Kaen :
Khon Kaen University, 2007. 118 p. (T E41947)
Sarita Munchaona. Application of the transtheoretical model on muscle pain prevention of industrial sewing
machine operators. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 107 p. (T E21635)
Sasiporn Kriangchieocharn. Trunk muscle endurance in Thai sedentary workers aged 20-49 years.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 134 p. (T E21093)
Muscle activity
Tossaphon Jaysrichai. Scapular and glenohumeral angles and muscle activity in females with shoulder joint
stiffness. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 146 p. (T E19728)
Muscle contraction
Titaporn Sornin. Influence ethanol on the contraction of skeletal muscle and on the alteration of
cholinergic system in various brain areas of young adult male rats. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 1999. 134 p. (T E13572)
Muscle cramp--Diet therapy
Jintana Sirivarasry. Calcium and magnesium statuses and effects of calcium supplement in pregnant Thai
women suffering from frequent leg cramps. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 106 p. (T E9352)
Muscle damage
Daroonwan Chakraphan. Effects of exercise training on lipid peroxidation, scavenging enzymes and muscle
damage in young Thai athletes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 148 p. (T E13940)
Muscle edurance--Testing
Sasiporn Kriangchieocharn. Trunk muscle endurance in Thai sedentary workers aged 20-49 years.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 134 p. (T E21093)
Muscle fatigue
Kittima Ngammuk. An electromyography study of arm and shoulder muscle in the process of height
adjustment of knitting work. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 118 p. (T E21014)
Supaporn Teppanich. Effects of various size of gloves on boxing related nuscle fatigue in boxer. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 158 p. (T E19876)
Woraluk Somboonnadee. Comparison of muscle fatigue between workstations of retailed store's cashiers
which designed by OSHA's guidelines and non-OSHA's guidelines. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2008. 117 p. (T E38810)
Muscle injury
Khajirat Netnee. Effect of ovariectomy and estrogen supplementation on the recovery from exerciseinduced muscle injury. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 94 p. (T E40413)
Muscle load
Kittima Ngammuk. An electromyography study of arm and shoulder muscle in the process of height
adjustment of knitting work. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 118 p. (T E21014)
Muscle necrosis
กนกวรรณ วรรธนะศักดิ์. Muscle necrosis ในกุงนา (Macrobrachium lanchesteri). นครปฐม : คณะวิทยาศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2529. 17 หนา. (ว 66078)
Muscle protein
Juntipa Purintrapiban. Coordination of protease systems on muscle protein degradation and identification
of calpain substrates using the yeast two-hybrid system. Oregon : Oregon State University, 1999.
94 p. (T E16014)
Muscle proteins
Sitima Jittinandana. Ante-and post-mortem factors affect muscle protein functionality from fish.
Morgantown : West Virginia University, 2001. 251 p. (T E16006)
Muscle regeneration
Khajirat Netnee. Effect of ovariectomy and estrogen supplementation on the recovery from exerciseinduced muscle injury. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 94 p. (T E40413)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 61]
Muscle relaxant
Somsmorn Chittrakarn. Effects of Kratom leaf extract on sciatic nerve and neuromuscular junction.
Songkhla : Faculty of Science Prince of Songkla University, 2007. 24 p. (R E39233)
Muscle relaxants
Pradit Somprakit. Reduction of postoperative residual muscle relaxation using a peripheral nerve stimulator
or a newer relaxant?. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 69 p. (T E9802)
Muscle relaxation
Pitoon Vutiso. The effects of passive progressive muscle relaxation technique on post operative abdominal
surgery pain in the elderly patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 66 p. (T E36152)
Piyada Choorat. The effect of progressive muscle relaxation technique on postoperative pain of patients
undergoing spinal surgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 116 p. (T E17035)
ดวงรัตน วัฒนกิจไกรเลิศ. ผลของการใชอี เอ็ม จี ไบโอฟดแบค รวมกับการผอนคลายกลามเนื้อแบบโพรเกรสสิพ ตอ
ความวิตกกังวลการรับรูสมรรถนะของตนเองในการควบคุมอาการหายใจลําบาก ความทนทานในการออกกําลัง
กาย อาการหายใจลําบากและสมรรถภาพปอดในผูปวยโรคปอดอุดกั้นเรื้อรัง = Effects of EMG biofeedback
and progressive muscle relaxation on anxiety, percieved self efficacy to control dyspanea, excercise
tolerance and lung function in COPD patients. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 157 หนา. (วพ
ทวี นําสกุลวงศ. ผลการฝกผอนคลายกลามเนื้อแบบเกร็งแลวคลาย เพื่อลดความวิตกกังวลในการสอบและความวิตก
กังวลทั่วไป ของนักศึกษาระดับประกาศนียบัตรวิชาชีพชั้นสูง คณะวิชาบริหารธุรกิจ ชั้นปที่ 1 สถาบันเทคโนโลยี
ราชมงคล วิทยาเขตภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ = The effect of progressive muscle relaxation practice to
decrease test and trait anxiety of the first year students in Business Administration Department on
higher certificate level of Rajamangala Institute of Technology Northeastern Campus. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 114 หนา. (วพ 103996)
สมศิริ นนทสวัสดิ์ศรี. ผลของการเตรียมกอนคลอดรวมกับการฝกผอนคลายกลามเนื้อ ตอความเครียดและการเผชิญความ
เจ็บปวดในหญิงตั้งครรภ = The effects of childbirth preparation, progressive muscle relaxation training
towards stress and pain coping in pregnant women. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 146 หนา.
(วพ 104550)
สุเกยูร ชัยยุทธ. ผลของการฝกผอนคลายกลามเนื้อตอระดับความเครียดในผูปวยโรคจิตอารมณแปรปรวน โรงพยาบาล
ศรีธัญญา = Effect of muscle relaxation training on level of stress in affective disorder in-patients
Srithanya hospital. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 174 หนา. (วพ 102063)
Muscle relaxation training
Pawilai Pitakwong. Result of muscle relaxation training to reduce stress of medical nurses at Siriraj
hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 73 p. (T E24524)
Muscle strength
Arpakorn Wongsathapornpat. The changes of contractile properties and some muscle enzymes related to
delayed onset of muscle soreness. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 133 p. (T E7476)
Noppawan Charususin. The pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength in Thai obese children.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 88 p. (T E34199)
Patthanee Settheethanyahan. Effects of muscle strength between single set and multiple sets on strength
training. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 116 p. (T E40329)
Suparoek Nawarat. Effect of inspiratory muscle training on pulmonary function and inspiratory muscle
strength in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 90 p. (T
Thawee Songpatanasilp. Effect of alfacalcidol on muscle strenght in ambulatory elderly Thai women who
have hypovitaminosis D : a randomized controlled trial. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004.
47 p. (T E27737)
Muscle strength--Measurement
Thanyaporn Mandee. Reliability of isokinetic measurement of flexor and extensor muscles of hip, knee and
ankle in young Thai adults. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 96 p. (T E10109)
Muscle strength--Testing
Phuanjai Boonjun. The effect of brief maximal isometric exercise on strength and endurance of quadriceps
femoris. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. viii, 96 p. (T E8125)
Theera Phuangnuch. Neurological responses reaction time, muscle strength and surface integrated
electromyography in male patients with chronic arsenic poisoning. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1990. xii, 143 p. (T E8229)
Weerapong Chidnok. Relationships between respiratory muscle strength and weightlifting performance in
weightlifters. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 92 p. (T E23995)
Achara Jongjareonkumchok. The effects of progressive muscle relaxation technique on postoperative pain
and anxiety in coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005.
85 p. (T E33873)
Anoma Preechawai. Effect of lower extremity exercise on muscle performance and physical capacity in
COPD patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 129 p. (T E33295)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 62]
Muscles (ตอ)
Apiwan Khuntipoke. Prevention of glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy by exercise in rats. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1993. xvi, 92 p. (T E7747)
Arpakorn Wongsathapornpat. The changes of contractile properties and some muscle enzymes related to
delayed onset of muscle soreness. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 133 p. (T E7476)
Chanjira Keidwan. Effect of Hatha yoga training on pulmonary function, trunk muscle endurance, flexibility
and psychomotor speed. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 135 p. (T E35511)
Duanthanorm Promkhatkaew. Effects of free radicals and lipid peroxidation on sarcoplasmic reticulumCa2+-ATPase of rabbit muscle. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 3 microfiches (133 fr.). (T
Jittima Charoenlimprasert. Comparison of shoulder muscle length and structural alignment in hemiplegic
patients with and without shoulder pain. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 80 p. (T
Jittima Muensoongnoen. Microanatomical study of various organs of hamsters [Mesocricetus auratus]
infected with Leptospira interrogans local strain : caused outbreak in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 101 p. (T E17507)
Kanokporn Ooneklabh. Comparative study of pressure pain threshold at upper back region between
sedentary women aged 35-54 years with myofascial pain syndrome and normal women. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 109 p. (T E13121)
Kanokwan Srisupornkornkool. Alterations of respiratory pressure, respiratory muscle force and chest
surface area after swim training in prepubertal children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 106 p.
(T E19264)
Kedsara Phongsumpun. The study of the effect of male sex hormone on skeletal muscle functions in rats.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 171 p. (T E10651)
Narat Pichaiyongvongdee. Comparison of standing balance performance, proprioception and muscle
strength between women with and without symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 178 p. (T E15303)
Naree Kocharoan. A comparison of "back belt and trunk muscel excercise applications" for the back
muscular lifting load. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 148 p. (T E17758)
Onwaree Ingkatecha. The comparison of isokinetic shoulder strength of overhead reaching in frontal plane
and scapular plane of sport players. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 98 p. (T E17810)
Pattama Srithong. Association of pressure pain threshold of trapezius muscle and discomfort scale
between before and after working with computer in subjects without neck and shoulder symptoms.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 94 p. (T E33305)
Pinailug Tantilipikorn. Effects of traditional Thai massage on exercise-induced delayed onset muscle
soreness in Thai females aged 18-25 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 158 p. (T E21002)
Piyanat Toniti. Effect of chronic salbutamol administration on growth and biochemical changes in striated
and cardiac muscles of sprague-dawley rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 84 p. (T E24656)
Pongchai Watcharakeunkhan. Effect of fast eccentric strength training on hamstring muscle performance.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 135 p. (T E39960)
Poolchai Chaiyapong. Effects of muscle and biofeedback training on pistol shooting performance. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2000. 117 p. (T E15212)
Ratree Tavichakorntrakool. Potassium content and Na, K-ATPase isozyme patterns in the skeletal muscle
of potassium-depleted renal stone patients. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1998. 126 p. (T
Rutcharin Limsupavanich. Dynamics of myoglobin layer change during display of color-stable and colorlabile beef muscles. Manhattan : Kansas State University, 2005. 195 p. (T E36929)
Sirikarn Somprasong. Identification of the diagnoses and treatments of Thai traditional massage in terms
of physical therapy in patients with upper quarter musculoskeletal problems. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 150 p. (T E21198)
Supaporn Teppanich. Effects of various size of gloves on boxing related nuscle fatigue in boxer. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 158 p. (T E19876)
Tanatta Charoenchai. Mean volume of masseter and temporalis muscles in different facial types using MRI.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 112 p. (T E18767)
Thummanoon Prodpran. Intrinsic factors affecting the properties of mackerel muscle protein film and the
improvement of its mechanical and water vapor barrier properties. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla
University, 2008. 93 p. (R E41281)
Vitoon Prasongwattana. Potassium content and Na, K-ATP ase isozyme patterns in the skeletal muscle of
potassium-depleted renal stone patients. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University,
1998. 56 p. (R E13191)
Wantana Vattanasilp. The contribution of neural and peripheral factors to muscle stiffness and function
following stroke. Sydney : University of Sydney, 1998. 237 p. (T E13527)
Wattana Jalayondeja. Muscle recruitment patterns during pushing and pulling tasks. New York : New York
University, 1998. 94 p. (T E12342)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 63]
Muscles (ตอ)
Wipavadee Mousri. Analysis of Na, K-Atpase isoform expression in skeletal muscle of K-depleted subjects.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2001. 108 p. (T E17428)
Dalin Pinnoi. Effects of a physical exercise program with family support on pain and health perception of
low back pain patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 143 p. (T E21665)
Khompakorn Limpasutirachata. Effect of duration and number of repetition of passive static stretching on
hamstring muscle flexibility. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 160 p. (T E8963)
ธาดา สืบหลินวงศ. ความผิดปกติดานชีวเคมีของไมโตคอนเดรียในโรคกลามเนื้อ = Biochemical abnormalities of
mitochondria in neuromuscular disease. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะแพทยศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542.
44 หนา. (ว 98238)
Jonggonnee Wattanapermpool. Role of sex hormones in cardiac muscle physiology. Bangkok : Department
of Physiology Mahidol University, 2008. 38 p. (R E41838)
Chalalai Hanchenlaksh. Improvement of workstation for reducing muscular fatique among female handweaving operators. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 122 p. (T E13923)
Muscular atrophy
Apiwan Khuntipoke. Prevention of glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy by exercise in rats. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1993. xvi, 92 p. (T E7747)
Muscular dystrophy in children--Genetic aspects
Chintana Tocharoentanaphol. Analysis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy carriers by CISS-hybridization
using cosmid and YAC clones in the deletion hot spot regions of the dystrophin gene. Heidelberg :
Universitat Heidelberg, 1994. 105 p. (T E9547)
Muscular enzymes
Jaidao Petchthiranon. Changes of muscle enzymes from pre-and post-racing in horses fed with high and
low carbohydrate diets. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 107 p. (T E34024)
Muscular fatigue
Aniruth Manothum. The construction of a ceramic painter's chair for reducing muscular fatigue. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 138 p. (T E14517)
Narongsak Seripanitkan. The design of arm support for dial linking machine operators for reducing
muscular fatigue. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 159 p. (T E17797)
Nipaporn Khamhlom. An improved workstation for reducing muscular fatigue in the warm water heater
assembly line. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 172 p. (T E33319)
Nuntaporn Egtasaeng. Effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on lactate concentration after muscular fatigue
from exercise in healthy male : study in 60 naval cadets. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2000. 50 p. (T E16776)
Phonnipha Boriboonsuksree. Workstation improvement for waterwork cashiers to reduce neck and
shoulder muscular fatique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 156 p. (T E35656)
Waraiporn Boonyapo. Effectiveness of foot massage in reducing muscular fatigue and fatigued feeling in
prolonged standing workers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 135 p. (T E21422)
Yuparat Limmongkon. The improvement of sculptors' workstation in potter handicraft for reducing
muscular fatigue and discomfort. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 174 p. (T E37037)
Muscular strength
Thanomwong Taweeboon Kritpet. The effects of six weeks of squat and plyometric training on power
production. Corvallis : Oregon State University, 1988. 132 p. (T E40534)
ชัชฎาพร พิทักษเสถียรกุล. ผลของการฝกยกน้ําหนักแบบพีระมิดสองรูปแบบที่มีตอความแข็งแรงของกลามเนื้อ =
Effect of two types pyramid weight training upon muscular strength. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 56 หนา. (วพ 108636)
Muscular vibration
Wanvisa Panichaporn. Effect of muscular vibration on postural control in unilateral vestibular hypofunction
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 122 p. (T E24323)
Musculoskelatal system
Siwalee Khunapai. Improvement criteria for hospital meal carts to reduce risk of musculoskeletal problems.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 147 p. (T E34227)
Benjamaporn Hancharoenkul. Acute effects of sport massage and core stabilization on musculoskeletal
pain perception in Thai women national weightlifters. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 87
p. (T E41352)
Musculoskeletal discomfort
Adsada Sae-Ngow. Temporal study of psychosocial works factors, stress, and musculoskeletal discomfort
among computer users. [S.l.] : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001. 308 p. (T E19201)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 64]
Musculoskeletal disorders
Thanyaporn Aranyavalai. Survey of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among Thai physical therapists
in Bangkok and perimeter areas. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 145 p. (T E19729)
วิกรม เสงคิสิริ. การศึกษาปญหาความผิดปกติของระบบกลามเนื้อ กระดูก และขอตอ เนื่องจากการทํางานในโรงงาน
อุตสาหกรรม : ปจจัยเสี่ยงและการแกไขปรับปรุง = A study on musculo-skeletal disorders in industries :
risk factors & its improvements. นนทบุรี : กองอาชีวอนามัย, 2541. 44 หนา. (ว 99612)
Musculoskeletal system--Diseases
Krittika Thepsoda. Carpal tunnel syndrome and other work-related musculoskeletal symptoms in VDT and
non-VDT workers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 114 p. (T E10471)
Musculoskeletal system--Diseases--Physical therapy
Pornpimol Charntaraviroj. The study of effects of continuous ultrasound using stationary technique in
normal subjects. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 145 p. (T E8564)
Tilbury, Eric. The fragmented museum : peassessing spaces for modern and contemporary art in Bangkok.
Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 254 p. (T E37452)
Thom Gatewongsa. A study of the development of Mahasarakham university as shown through a museum
exhibition. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 120 p. (T E23628)
Wasana Chokkriengkrai. An exhibition design proposal for grade 3 visually handicapped children from the
Bangkok School for the Blind : a case study of the natural and environmental room, Children's
Discovery Museum, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 151 p. (T E23533)
Yupaporn Thanyawiwatkul. A design of Dvaravati culture on educational web site for museum. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 165 p. (T E17626)
Museums--Asia, Southeastern
Visit Laohasukpaisal. The exhibition design for Southeast Asia Museum. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 103 p. (T E24249)
Cary, Caverlee. Triple gems and double meanings : contested spaces in the National Museum of Bangkok.
New York : Cornell University, 1994. 401 p. (T E9594)
Nudanai Buranasomphob. Phyathai Palace : the architectural conservation and museum management
plan. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2003. 93 p. (R E24500)
Sunsanee Monmathurapoj. Mom Jao Amorntat Palace : architectural conservation research and museum
management plan. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2003. 70 p. (R E24490)
Yodkaew Termsomkate. The museum management of Bangkhunphom Palace. Bangkok : Silpakorn
University, 2004. 117 p. (R E24492)
Museums--Museum exhibits
Linda Satayothin. A study of the Royal Thai Army Special Forces for a museum exhibition design. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2005. 93 p. (T E33541)
Umaporn Suweeraporn. Effect of some mushroom extracts on urethane induced somatic mutation and
recombination in Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 110 p. (T
Wanwisa Sabaichai. Mutagenic modification effect of some edible mushrooms on nitrite treated beef
concentrate using Ames test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 96 p. (T E40140)
Mushroom culture
Chadaporn Lertprasert. Cultivation of shutake (Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sing.) on sawdust substrates of
various wood species in polythene bags. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xiii, 116 p. (T E6766)
Panida Palagavong Na Ayudhya. The Study on some factors affecting mycelial growth and the some
biological effects of the extracts of Ganoderma lucidum. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. 2
microfiches (89 fr.). (T MF20285)
Sirichai Thepa. Feasibility of evaporative cooling applications for Lentinus Edodes (Berk.) sing house.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1997. 154 p. (T E13303)
Mushroom, Shiitake
Charida Pukahuta. Antagonistic effects between Trichoderma and Lentinula edodes and genetic
improvement of Lentinula edodes for Trichoderma resistance. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996.
197 p. (T E10216)
Charida Pukahuta. Antagonistic effects between Trichoderma and Lentinula edodes and genetic
improvement of Lentinula edodes for Trichoderma resistance. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996.
197 p. (T E10216)
Duangchan Uyakul. Chemical studies on bioluminescence in Lampteromyces japonicus and Dyakia striata.
Nagoya : Nagoya University, 1990. 108 p. (T E40513)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 65]
Mushrooms (ตอ)
Fukuda, Tokuji. Studies on the identification and ecology of plant pathogenic bacteria in Thailand. [S.l] :
Tropical Agriculture Research Center, 1987. 109 p. (R E12691)
Pachara Panyanuan. Effect of mushroom Ganoderma lucidum extract treatment in hypercholesterolemic
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 186 p. (T E13820)
Rutchanee Chantraket. A development of web database system for poisonous plants and mushrooms in
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 95 p. (T E14806)
Siengtong Nutalaya. Adaptive research on shiitake mushroom cultivation as a replacement for opium
poppy in northern Thailand. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research,
1983. iii, 28 p. (R E2052)
Siriwan Jinachai. Relevant biology of Cis chinensis Lawrence [Coleoptera : Ciidae] reared on dried Ling-Zhi
mushroom Ganoderma lucidum [Fr.] Karsten and effects of modified atmospheres on its mortality.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 84 p. (T E18533)
Somporn Mongklon. The enhancement of disinfection efficiency for mushroom substrate preparation with
solar energy : energy efficiency in mushroom farm. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 96 p. (T
Sudarat Boonchan. Studies on formation regeneration and fruiting body formation of pleurotus cystidiosus
protoplasts. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvii, 126 p. (T E6286)
Suvanee Chaveesuk. Effect of mushroom Ganoderma lucidum extract treatment in patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 226 p. (T E13819)
สาโรจน นิตยแสวง. ปริมาณและองคประกอบของคารโบไฮเดรตในเห็ดทองถิ่นบางชนิด = Quantity and composition
of carbohydrate in some local mushrooms. เชียงใหม : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, [2541].
9 หนา. (ว 98219)
Mushrooms, Button
Siengtong Nutalaya. Production of Shiitake and Button mushrooms as replacement crops for the opium
poppy in northern Thailand. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research,
1980. 34 p. (R E18745)
Siengtong Nutalaya. The button mushroom cultivation. Bangkok : Applied Scientific Research Corporation
of Thailand, 1976. 25 p. (R E22410c.1; E22411c.2; E22412c.3)
Mushrooms, Edible
Naranin Markman. Trypsin inhibiting effect and possible formation of nitroso compound of conventional
Thai mushrooms. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xi, 106 p. (T E8247)
Mushrooms, Shiitake
Siengtong Nutalaya. Production of Shiitake and Button mushrooms as replacement crops for the opium
poppy in northern Thailand. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research,
1980. 34 p. (R E18745)
Rungpetch Khaengraeng. Studies the effect of Ganoderma lucidum extraction on DMBA-mammary
tumorigenesis in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 105 p. (T E10236)
Upatham Pengpara. Studies on formation and regeneration of Agaricus bitorquis protoplast. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1990. vix, 78 p. (T E8120)
Mushrooms--Diseases and pests--Biological control
Prapassorn Bussaman. Identification of the mushroom mite, Luciaphorus sp., and evaluation of the
bacteria associated with entomopathogenic nematodes for its biocontrol. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2005. 89 p. (T E42037)
Soanupa Kongamol. Studies natural mushroom in Phukieo wildlife sanctuary. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1989. xvii, 198 p. (T E6349)
Soanupa Kongamol. Studies natural mushroom in Phukieo wildlife sanctuary. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1989. xvii, 198 p. (T E6349)
Siengtong Nutalaya. The button mushroom cultivation. Bangkok : Applied Scientific Research Corporation
of Thailand, 1976. 25 p. (R E22410c.1; E22411c.2; E22412c.3)
Chadaporn Lertprasert. Cultivation of shutake (Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sing.) on sawdust substrates of
various wood species in polythene bags. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xiii, 116 p. (T E6766)
Jane, Lee Yuin Mei. The localization of Christianity in Bangkok Protestant churches : a study on Christian
music. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 164 p. (T E35823)
Jiraporn Panomvana Na Ayudhya. Expectations of mathayomsuksa 3 students from taking music courses
in demonstration schools under the Ministry of University Affairs, Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 111 p. (T E16832)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 66]
Music (ตอ)
Jittapim Yamprai. Music in Roman Catholic Mass of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 334 p.
(T E33570)
Manond Apanich. " Do it yourself" music : its role as a subculture in Thai popular music. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 82 p. (T E23392)
Montarop Srakaethong. The effects of music on pain relief in gynecologic patients undergoing uterine
curettage. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 85 p. (T E33088)
Nantaporn Settakonnukoon. The effects of music on pain and physiological responses in school-aged
children during post open-heart surgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 115 p. (T E37693)
Orawan Wongsatit. Development of clinical nursing practice guideline for increasing quality of sleep in the
elderly. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 112 p. (R E37135)
Pihan Jantarasaard. A study of using mode feature for music emotion detection system. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 29 p. (R E31411)
Poonsuk Payaksiri. The effects of music on patients' pain level during open wound dressing. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 102 p. (T E17584)
Prateep Suphanrojn. Graduate orchestration and arrangement of Thai classical music for the symphony
orchestra recital by Prateep Suphanrojn. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 120 p. (R E36758)
Sarayut Ammaro. Arrangements of Thai traditional music in classical guitar style. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 207 p. (T E15202)
Sukol Sirisak. Graduate double bass recital by Sukol Sirisak. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 89 p. (R
Sunisa Pongam. The effect of music on sleep efficiency among patients during admission in the coronary
care unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 84 p. (T E33484)
Taweesak Booranapanitpan. A Love Supreme : the music of John Coltrane. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2008. 56 p. (R E39946)
Usanee Sotthiwat. Spatial mental imagery in Thai musician and non-musician. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2008. 91 p. (T E40338)
Wacharawalee Dato. The development of web based instruction of music for matthayomsuksa three.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 136 p. (T E21624)
Wittaya Woramit. Musical materials and structures of music in the movie "Star Wars" composed by John
Towner Williams. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 388 p. (T E17063)
Yaowapha Singthong. The instructional package for teaching fundamental Khuli-Peang-Or performance in
the free eletive course of Thai classical music "DurinyangThai 1219[Khuli 1]" for 1st year students
of the middle level in dramatic arts college. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 199 p. (T E18554)
Music and language
Suchada Cox. Applying the melodic approach to enhancement of English creative writing ability and
positive attitudes towards classroom atmosphere. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 111 p.
(T E24913)
Music education
Hattaya Panchaipoom. A study of efficiency of the instructional package, "Musical froms through Listening
Skills" for the first-year students of Payap University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 110 p. (T
Music notation
Narentr Chitpakdee. The efficiency of computer assisted instruction : musical notation for phatom 5
students. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 190 p. (T E24230)
Music piracy
Siwat Auampradit. The effect of music piracy on CDs purchases. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007.
76 p. (T E38085)
Wirach Wessukunmanukul. Consumer attitudes toward music piracy. Bangkok : Thammasat University,
2007. 41 p. (R E38038)
Music programs
Thanutcha Preechaamornkul. Code-mixing of English and Thai in Thai television music programs. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 135 p. (R E37216)
Music tape cassette purchasing
นฤมล เตชะนานาเลิศ. สถานภาพของเทปบันทึกเสียงสําหรับเด็ก และพฤติกรรมการซื้อของผูปกครอง = The status of
music tape cassette for children and parents' purschasing behaviour. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 163 หนา. (วพ 108614)
Music Teachers
Supannee Namwong. The construction of school music curriculum according to 2544 B.E. Basic Education
Curriculum of school groups under the education office's, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 124 p. (T E35518)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 67]
Music teachers--Decision making
Worachet Woraputtinun. Opinions on factors affecting decision-making of music teachers in preparing
students for the standardized musical examination : a case study of piano of Trinity College
London. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 85 p. (T E35628)
Music therapy
Jatuporn Phankein. The effect of music therapy on nausea and vomiting in pediatric cancer patients
receiving chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 73 p. (T E35615)
Jirapee Soonthornkul Na Cholburi. Effects of music therapy on anxiety and pain in cancer patients.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 87 p. (T E20913)
Jiraporn Chontichachalalauk. The effect of music therapy on anxiety, physiological responses, and weaning
parameters in patients during weaning from mechanical ventilation. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 123 p. (T E23752)
Mali Wongman. Effects of music on sleep quality and physiological responses in patients with coronary
artery disease during admission in the critical care unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 81 p.
(T E38729)
Poonsuk Payaksiri. The effects of music on patients' pain level during open wound dressing. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 102 p. (T E17584)
Sumolchat Puang-Ngern. Effectiveness of music therapy on anxiety, physiological responses, vital capacity,
and oxygen saturation in mechanically ventilated patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 94
p. (T E16171)
Supeeda Komenthai. Effect of music on quality of sleep in critically ill patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 87 p. (T E21735)
Wilairat Khampan. The effects of background music on an attention task in AD/HD children : an
electroencephalography study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 177 p. (T E38110)
ดวงใจ ดวงโกสุม. ผลของดนตรีที่ชอบตอความปวดในผูปวยขณะไดรับสลายนิ่ว = The effect of preferred music on
pain in extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy patients. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 89
หนา. (วพ 98728)
Music trade
Ekapach Sithitriwat. Shop floor control improvement for a music instrument factory. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 156 p. (T E39077)
Music videos
Atchara Sojeiya. Youth culture in Thai popular music video. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 148 p. (T
Music, Khmer
Bophary Va. Pithi Sampeah Kru Phleng Mahori at the Royal University of Fine Arts, Cambodia. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2008. 233 p. (T E39439)
Music, Thai
Avarach Cholvasin. Saw Sam Sai : a study on its construction and its survival in contemporary Thai
society. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 100 p. (T E20951)
Chakkapong Nopthaisong. Automatic music classification and retrieval : experiments with Thai music
collection. Bangkok : Shinawatra University, 2006. 79 p. (T E37387)
Myers-Moro, Pamela Ann. Thai music and musicians in Contemporary Bangkok : an ethnography. Berkeley
: University of California of Berkeley, 1988. viii, 498 p. (T E8164)
Chakkapong Nopthaisong. Automatic music classification and retrieval : experiments with Thai music
collection. Bangkok : Shinawatra University, 2006. 79 p. (T E37387)
Ornamphai Asvananda. Factors influencing parents' decision to have children attend junior music course
(JMC), of Yamaha Academy of Music : a case study of Siam Kolkarn music school, Central Rama III
branch, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 81 p. (T E34429)
Patcharee Ploytet. A study of the process and results of the National Education Curriculum B.E. 2544 of
music at secondary education level under the schools of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Educational
Service Area 1 and 2. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 136 p. (T E35008)
Supannee Namwong. The construction of school music curriculum according to 2544 B.E. Basic Education
Curriculum of school groups under the education office's, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 124 p. (T E35518)
Music--Instruction and study
Hattaya Panchaipoom. A study of efficiency of the instructional package, "Musical froms through Listening
Skills" for the first-year students of Payap University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 110 p. (T
Music--Study and teaching
Jaruwan Suriyawan. Attitude of second lower secondary school students in Dramatic Arts College toward
music theory course. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 108 p. (T E16880)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 68]
Music--Study and teaching (ตอ)
Nipan Wannawech. State and problems of teaching music subjects from an elective subjects area at the
upper secondary education level, under the jurisdiction of Department of General Education,
Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 78 p. (T E15910)
Nipon Wiangwalai. A study of Pong-Lang ensemble in the secondary schools in Kalasin province, Thailand :
school cluster 1. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 144 p. (T E24639)
Noppadon Thiammuangphaen. A study of music management in the student activity period in secondary
schools, Roi-Et province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 111 p. (T E24229)
Sukanya Techawaro. A study of motivational strategies of piano teachers at the Music Campus for general
public, College of Music, Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 102 p. (T E24227)
Thanaphorn Tanchareon. Development of a teaching model based on metacognition to improve music
improvisation ability. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xi, 132 p. (T E7379)
Sirikanya Wichaidist. The analysis of western musical instrument technical terminology translation in Thai
music publishing. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1997. 61 p. (R
Sirikanya Wichaidist. The analysis of western musical instrument technical terminology translation in Thai
music publishing. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1997. 61 p. (R
Musical ability
Thanaphorn Tanchareon. Development of a teaching model based on metacognition to improve music
improvisation ability. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xi, 132 p. (T E7379)
Musical chord
พีรกาญจน สิริเวชพันธุ. การพัฒนาโปรแกรมจัดคอรดเพลง = Development of a program to arrange musical
chords. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 75 หนา. (วพ 97119)
Musical form
Hattaya Panchaipoom. A study of efficiency of the instructional package, "Musical froms through Listening
Skills" for the first-year students of Payap University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 110 p. (T
Musical instruments
Boonchai Sawetkittikul. Graduate tuba recital by Boonchai Sawetkittikul. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2008. 27 p. (R E40341)
Montree Nuchdonphai. Data bank of traditional Thai drums sound samplers. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2006. 167 p. (T E34191)
Musical instruments, Thai--Terminology--Encyclopedias and dictionaries
Angsana Inboon. An analysis of English terms of Thai music : Thai musical instruments, Thai musical
ensembles, and types of Thai musical instruments. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 264 p. (T
Musical performance
นิวัฒน วรรณธรรม. การสอนดนตรีปฏิบัติในโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษา = Study of musical performance in secondary
school. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 254 หนา. (วพ 98132)
Rawi-sut Upaman. An analysis of lyrics in 'The Sound of Music'. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000.
87 p. (T E13727)
Usanee Sotthiwat. Spatial mental imagery in Thai musician and non-musician. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2008. 91 p. (T E40338)
Musicians, Thai
Myers-Moro, Pamela Ann. Thai music and musicians in Contemporary Bangkok : an ethnography. Berkeley
: University of California of Berkeley, 1988. viii, 498 p. (T E8164)
Musielak-Orlicz functions
Suthep Suantai. Geometric property and matrix transformations of sequence spaces. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2002. 236 p. (R E19997)
Musielak-Orlicz sequence space
Sompong Dhompongsa. Fixed point property in Banach spaces. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003.
117 p. (R E21440)
Musielak-orlicz sequence spaces
Satit Saejung. Extreme points and strongly extreme points in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces equipped
with the Luxemburg Norm. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 22 p. (T E16487)
Kottearachchi, Nisha Sulari. Transformation of tobacco with replicate gene from papaya ringspot virus.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 97 p. (T E12539)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 69]
Muskmelon (ตอ)
Pongrit Krubphachaya. Transformation and characterization of tobacco and muskmelon with papaya
ringspot virus NIb gene. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 116 p. (T E15866)
บุญทิพย รตโนภาส. การพัฒนาของเมล็ดและผลของการบมผลหลังการเก็บเกี่ยวตอคุณภาพของเมล็ดพันธุแตงเทศ.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 56 หนา. (วพ 78875)
เพชรินทร สุรฤทธิพงศ. อิทธิพลของการใชตนตอพืชตระกูลแตง ชนิดตางๆ ในการเสียบยอดแตงเทศ เพื่อปองกันโรค
เหี่ยว ที่เกิดจากเชื้อรา Fusarium oxysporum f. sp melonis. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535.
(5), 66 หนา. (วพ 55630)
วิจิตร ตันมาละ. การตอบสนองของแตงเทศ ตอความเขมขนของธาตุฟอสฟอรัส โพแทสเซียม และวิธีการจัดการ ใน
ระบบการปลูกพืชโดยไมใชดิน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535. (10), 132 หนา. (วพ 54377)
Muskmelon--Diseases and pests
Niramit Kitroongruang. Genetical and thremmatological studies on the improvement of muskmelons in
Thailand with special reference toaphid resistance and heat tolerance. Matsuyama : Ehime
University, 1992. 121 p. (T E22505)
Muslim children
Aree Jampaklay. Care and protection of children among Thai Muslim families. Nakhon Pathom : Institute
for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, 1999. 63 p. (R E14179 c.1; E14180 c.2)
Muslim community
Sakda U-teh. The concept and practice concerning death in Islam : a study on the Muslim community in
Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 83 p. (T E34308)
เกสรี สุวรรณเรืองศรี. การพัฒนาโปรแกรมความรวมมือระหวางโรงเรียนและชุมชนตามแนวคิดพหุวัฒนธรรม เพื่อ
พัฒนาการสอนระดับอนุบาล ในชุมชนไทยมุสลิม ภาคใต = A development of multicultural school and
community partnership program for the improvement of preschool teaching in southern Muslim
community. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 218 หนา. (วพ 108851)
Muslim events
ธีระยุทธ ลาตีฟ. การสะทอนภาพของเหตุการณที่เกี่ยวกับชาวมุสลิม ในหนังสือพิมพไทย = The portrayal of Muslim
events in Thai newspapers. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 179 หนา. (วพ 107245)
Muslim leaders
ดลมนรรจน บากา. การรับขาวสารจากสื่อมวลชนของผูนํามุสลิมที่มีผลตอการชี้นําประชาชนเพื่อพัฒนาทองถิ่นในจังหวัด
ชายแดนภาคใต = Mass media reception among the Muslim leaders and its effective guidelines
towards rural development in the southern border province of Thailand. ปตตานี : วิทยาลัยอิสลาม
ศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2540. 384 หนา. (ว 94017)
สรัญ เพชรรักษ. บทบาทผูนําชุมชนมุสลิมในกรุงเทพมหานคร : ศึกษากรณีชุมชนสุเหราบานดอน = The roles of
Muslim leaders : a case study of Suraw Bandon community. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2542.
103 หนา. (วพ 107909)
Muslim students
Chavewan Kanchanahalikul. Problems encountered by Muslim students at university level in Thailand.
Pattani : Songkla University, 1973. v, 54 p. (R E5015)
พิทยา มาศมินทรไชยนรา. ทัศนคติทางการเมืองของนิสิตมุสลิมในสถาบันอุดมศึกษาภาคใต = Political attitude of
Thai Muslim students in the institution of higher education in southern Thailand. สงขลา : ภาควิชา
สังคมศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ, 2542. 50 หนา. (ว 100447 ฉ.1; 100469 ฉ.2)
Muslim Thai children
Songchai Thitasomakul. Dental caries, oral hygiene and dietary habits : a study of 2 to 6 years old
Buddhist and Muslim Thai children. Aarhus : Faculty of Health Sciences University of Aarhus, 2001.
160 p. (T E19014)
Muslim Thais--Chiang Mai--Attitudes
Onanong Kawinkul. Attitudes among Muslim Thais in Mueang Chiang Mai district, towards the problems in
the southern border provinces and their ideas about solutions. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2007. 76 p. (R E38398)
Muslim women--Bangkok
Sabir, Abbasi M.. Factors related to the acceptance of temporary contraceptive among married women of
reproductive age in Muslim community in district Min Buri, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1997. 98 p. (T E10938)
Muslim women--Medical examination
Rewwadee Pethsirason. Factors accounting for self-breast examination behavior among Muslim women in
Pattani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 107 p. (T E19357)
Muslim women--Pathum Thani
Haque, Aytal. Factors affecting the acceptance of contraceptive among married women of reproductive
age in the Muslim community in village 12 and 13 subdistrict Klong Song, district Klong Luang of
Pathumthani province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 97 p. (T E10073)
Jitlada Waiyasil. Performance of post mortem inquests on the corpses of Muslims in accordance with
Islamic law. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 96 p. (T E36625)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 70]
Muslims (ตอ)
Nat Bandhurat. Community crime prevention of the Muslim citizens in the responsible area of Prakhanong
metropolitan Police Station. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 95 p. (T E17628)
Nuchalee Upaphai. Majority/minority Muslim/Buddhist adolescent groups : perceived problems, coping
methods and help-seeking patterns. Thessaloniki : Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1995. 220 p.
(T E10722)
Sudanun Sang-gassanee. Health behaviors and plasma lipid levels in Muslim patients with coronary heart
disease during fasting period in the month of Ramadan in Narathiwat province. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 99 p. (T E15055)
Sudarat Teeraworn. The determinants of utilization of maternal and child health services affecting infant
mortality among Muslims in a Southern boder province of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 133 p. (T E17786)
รัตนา เตชามหาชัย. มุสลิมในประเทศไทย : บรรณนิทัศน. [กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร], 2541. 189 หนา. (ว
Amporn Marddent. Sexual ethics in Buddhism and Islam : a comparative study of Buddhist and Muslim
university student's attitudes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 219 p. (T E17301)
Daranee Waraseth. The impact of the insurgency at the southern border of Thailand on the Muslims in
Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 142 p. (T E40480)
Nishii, Ryoko. Muslim communities in Bangkok. Tokyo : Kyoto Univesity, [1990]. 28 p. (R E9060)
Muslims--Bangkok--Health and hygiene
Phajee Meewuthi. Health promoting behaviors of Thai Muslims in Bangkok metropolitan. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 108 p. (T E34169)
Muslims--Nakhon Nayok--Health and hygiene
Supoj Ali-usman. Disparities in health and health care : a case study in Buddhist Thais and Muslim Thais in
Nakorn Nayok province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 162 p. (T E33851)
Muslims--Pathum Thani
Haque, Aytal. Factors affecting the acceptance of contraceptive among married women of reproductive
age in the Muslim community in village 12 and 13 subdistrict Klong Song, district Klong Luang of
Pathumthani province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 97 p. (T E10073)
Muslims--Thailand, Northern--Societies
Imanaga, Seiji. The research of the Chinese Muslim society in northern Thailand. Hiroshima : Hiroshima
University, 1990. 241 p. (R E12953)
Muslims--Thailand, Southern
Chularat Meepien. Field Marshal P. Phibunsongkhram's nation-building policy and its impact on Muslim
identity in southern Thailand (1939-1944). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 99 p. (T
Merli, Claudia. Bodily practices and medical identities in southern Thailand. Uppsala : Uppsala University,
2008. 311 p. (T E39288)
National Research Council of Thailand. Basic knowledge, attitude practice interview schedule for a pilot
study of family health in Thai Muslim communities in south Thailand. Bangkok : NRCT, 1969. 24 p.
(R E2371)
Nipattra Wanotayaroj. Factors affecting fertility in the south of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1997. 77 p. (T E11371)
Soontaree Suvipakit. A pilot study of family health in Thai muslim communities in south Thailand and
attitudes and behavior affecting fertility in two Thai-Muslim communities. Bangkok : National
Research Council of Thailand, 1969. 39 p. (R E21013c.1; E21014c.2)
Muslims--Thailand, Southern--Ethnobotany
Ubonwan Upho. Ethnobotany of Buddhist and Muslim Thais in some locations in the lower part of southern
Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 543 p. (T E37305)
Muslims--Thailand, Southern--Social conditions
Nishii, Ryoko. A consideration on cultural management in a changing society of Muslim-Buddhist coresidence on the west coast of southern Thailand. [S.l : s.n], 1996. 16 p. (R E11440)
Ratana Techamahachai. Muslims in Thailand : an annotated bibliography. Bangkok : Thai Khadi Research
Institute, Thammasat University, 1998. 210 p. (R E13271)
Sirikun Nookua. Thai Muslims' language attitudes in Ban Surao Tambon Talingchan Chana district
Songkhla province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvii, 149 p. (T E6402)
Muslium women--Chiang Mai
Aree Binprathan. The role of Thai Muslim women in managing the household economy : a case study of
Thai Muslim communities in Chiang Mai municipality. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 63
p. (R E39198)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 71]
Songsri Pipitkul. Medicinal plant utilization for the living of hill tribes at Doi Musoe, Tak province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 113 p. (T E17481)
Chinda Parsont. Metallothionein as a biomarker for mercury contamination in mussel, Perna viridis.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 141 p. (T E23214)
Mustard green
Charnya Teerapittayanon. Changes in nitrate and nitrite levels in home and commercially processed
pickled mustard greens. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 73 p. (T E12129)
Bordin Butr-indr. Enhancement of myrosinase production from Aspergillus sp. NR463 by mutagenesis.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 180 p. (T E34870)
Chamaiporn Budriang. Dihydropteroate synthase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis : expression and
characterization of sulfa-resistant mutants. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 92 p. (T E24131)
Chanan Angsuthanasombat. Biochemical and biophysical studies on the molecular mechanism of action of
Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal proteins. Bangkok : Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Mahidol University, 2004. 1 vol. (R E22968)
Chanan Angsuthanasombat. Elucidation of molecular structure and ion-selectivity of Bacillus thuringiensis
toxin-induced channels in phospholipid membranes. Bangkok : Institute of Molecular Biology and
Genetics, 2007. 31 p. (R E35943)
Issara Sramala. Molecular biophysical studies of transmembrane helices in the pore-forming domain of the
Bacillus thuringiensis Cry 4B toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 232 p. (T E19342)
Jeerang Wongtrakul. Structure-function studies in Glutathione S-transferases. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 205 p. (T E21038)
Panida Lungchukiet. Mutagenesis investigation of the arginine residue on helix 5 of the Bacillus
thuringiensis Cry4B toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 106 p. (T E15328)
Phansupa Kerdsuk. Regulatory factor involving in exopolysaccharide synthesis in Burkholderia
pseudomallei : a mutagenesis study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 116 p. (T E20456)
Pimchanok Satapoomin. Effect of site-directed mutagenesis of the ORF2 and coat protein gene on the
replication of rice tungro bacilliform virus-Chainat isolate. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 58
p. (T E24932)
Pornwaratt Niyomrattanakit. Structural and functional studies on the dengue virus NS2B-NS3 twocomponent protease and implications for polyprotein processing and inhibitor development.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 137 p. (T E33923)
Ratchada Sangthong. In vitro selection of somaclonal variations and application of induced mutagenesis in
easter Lily [Lilium longiflorum]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 227 p. (T E18238)
Ratchada Sangthong. In vitro selection of somaclonal variations and application of induced mutagenesis in
easter lily [Lilium longiflorum]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 227 p. (T E18298)
Sahapat Barusrux. Functional characterisation of two beta-hairpins in the receptor-binding domain of the
Bacillus thuringiensis Cry 4B toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 186 p. (T E21102)
Sarinporn Visitsattapongse. Mutagenic analysis of loop residues critical for larvicidal activity of the Bacillus
thuringiensis Cry4Ba toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 108 p. (T E35773)
Satita Tapaneeyakorn. Functional importance of the proline-rich motif and the disulphide bond in the alpha
4-alpha 5 loop of the Bacillus thuringiensis cry 4Aa toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 100
p. (T E33314)
Siriporn Keeratichamroen. Mutagenesis studies of structure-function relationships of the Bacillus
thuringiensis cry 11A toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 162 p. (T E16287)
Somsak Saesoo. Targeted recovery mutagenesis for functional analysis in rice. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2005. 96 p. (T E25048)
Sudawan Kosintrakulchai. Selection of beta-galactosidase producing lactic acid bacteria and their
production enhancement through U.V. mutagenesis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 111 p. (T
Vichien Rimphanitchayakit. Mutagenesis of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase gene that affects
themostability of the enzyme. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 66 p. (R E36960c.1;
Wanisa Salaemae. Contribution of active site residues to key enzyme-substrate interactions of the dengue
virus NS3 serine protease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 133 p. (T E35772)
Yodsoi Kanintronkul. Mutagenesis of alpha 4-alpha 5 loop residues in domain I of the Bacillus thuringiensis
Cry 4B toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 165 p. (T E16286)
Kullanart Tongkhao. Comparison of mutagenic and antimutagenic activities between the extract of
processed and raw Gracilaria sp.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E20029)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 72]
Mutagenic agents
Prapaipat Klungsupya. Research and development on safety evaluation of genotoxins by the short-term
tests. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 2005. 61 p. (R
E23931c.1; E24087c.2)
ประภาศรี เลาหเวชวานิช. ศักยภาพการกอกลายพันธุของน้ําพริกแกง ซึ่งเปนเครื่องปรุงในตํารับอาหารไทย ดวยการ
ทดสอบระยะสั้น โดยใชแมลงหวี่ = Study on mutagenic potential of Thai curry paste in short-term test
by drosophila assay. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยโภชนาการ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 51 หนา. (ว 103377)
Mutagenic analysis
Tipparat Tuntitippawan. Mutagenic analysis of residues critical for toxicity in domain II of the Bacillus
thuringiensis Cry4Ba toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 154 p. (T E33001)
Nanthiya Rattanakhot. Toxicological evaluation of some commercially available herbal preparations in
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 133 p. (T E33961)
Mutagenicity testing
Chaniphun Ieamworapong. Effect of a food preservative nitrite on mutagenicity of Thai medicinal plants
using the Ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 137 p. (T E6545)
Hansa Katipagdeetham. Effect of nitrite on mutagenicity of health foods using the AMES test. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1996. 69 p. (T E10641)
Janpen Saksitpitak. Mutagenicity evaluation of vegetables grown in diesel exhaust contaminated soil using
the wing somatic mutation and recombination test in Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 77 p. (T E12496)
Jittima Pimbua. Mutagenic tests of stevioside and steviol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 148 p.
(T E6761)
Morakot Papassiripan. Mutagenicity of chicken soup, onion chicken soup and their nitrosated products
using the somatic mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 78 p. (T
Nattha Pattanakul. Comparison and prevention on mutagenicity presented after nitrite treatment between
Chicken soup prepared in the presence and absence of Chinese herb recipes. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 77 p. (T E21050)
Orathai Toobuntherng. Mutagenicity of anabolic-androgenic drugs after nitrite treatment and effect of
drugs on mutagenicity of aminopyrene (AP)-nitrite model : studies on the formation of direct
mutagens during 4H AP-nitrite incubation and on the mutagenic product of 4H AP-nitrite reaction.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 98 p. (T E15168)
Pannee Hankimhun. Mutagenic potential of raw and pickled fruits and vegetables treated with nitrite.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 59 p. (T E11536)
Pornphan Wuthikornwanit. Nitrite scavenging activity and antiformation of mutagens from aminopyrene
treated with nitrite by polysaccharides currently used in food industries. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 106 p. (T E11297)
Pranee Kiatsurayanont. Mutagenic and antimutagenic potential of monosodium glutamate production
waste (Bx liquid) treated with nitrite in the ames test and the wing spot test using Drosophila
melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 173 p. (T E15186)
Renu Chongmankongcheep. Effects of Maillard Reaction Products (MRPs) on mutagenicity of nitriteaminopyrene reaction product : studies on formation of mutagen and on final product. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 94 p. (T E13413)
Sirirat Klongpanichapak. Mutagenic tests of steviol and stevioside. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 136
p. (T E9036)
Siriyakorn Onbunma. Mutagenicity of different juices of meat boiled with herbs treated with nitrite.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17056)
Suphaphan Soiphet. Mutagenicity of 4-hexylresorcinol and its modification effects on other mutagens in
two shorts term assays. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 132 p. (T E14729)
Tawee Rearungchom. Possible mechanism of inhibition of aflatoxin-B, mutagenesis by Thai medicinal
plants, Murdannia loriformis and Alpinia galanga. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1993. 104 p.
(T E8516)
Wandee Sutjit. The antioxidant test, Ames' test and micronuclei test of chemical extract from white kwao
krua Pueraria mirifica, red kwao krua Butea superba, black kwao krua Mucuna collettii and kudzu
Pueraria lobata. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 127 p. (T E37908)
Wiriya Charoenkunathum. Antimutagenicity and DT-diaphorase inducing activity of Murdannia loriformis.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 105 p. (T E9265)
Mutagenicity testing--Chiang Mai
Rong, Zhang. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and mutagenicity of airborne particulate in Chiang Mai.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 70 p. (T E10134)
Arnurai Ruksakun. Effects of pectin on blood toxicity of lead and mutagenicity 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine
and sodium azide. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xiii, 108 p. (T E7415)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 73]
Mutagens (ตอ)
Chatchawin Petchlert. Effect of sprouts from some kinds of bean and rice seeds on the mutagenicity of the
nitrosated beef extract in Ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 108 p. (T E16463)
Jontipa Purintrapiban. Study of mutagenic activity of some chilli-paste samples and of their ingredients =
การศึกษาฤทธิ์กอกลายพันธุของน้ําพริกแกงสําเร็จรูปบางชนิดและเครื่องปรุงของน้ําพริกแกง. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1989. xviii, 147 leaves. (T E5096)
Kalyarat Kruawan. Selective inhibition on different direct mutagens by Thai herbal drinks. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 93 p. (T E17484)
Morakot Papassiripan. Mutagenicity of chicken soup, onion chicken soup and their nitrosated products
using the somatic mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 78 p. (T
Nantarit Chokethaworn. Studies on aflatoxins and mutagens in urine = การศึกษาอะฟลาทอกซินและสารกอ
การกลายพันธุในปสสาวะ. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1985. 4 microfiches (208 fr.). (T
Nisita Komsakorn. Effect of some vegetable extracts on mutagenicity of nitrite treated standard mutagen
and beef extract using Ames test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 93 p. (T E35099)
Pattira Kantong. Modulating effects of cooked and fermented rices on urethane induced somatic mutation
and recombination test using Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 116 p.
(T E17653)
Phijitra Mongkolpech. Antimutagenicity of Pilangkasa (Ardisia colorata Roxb.) juice and wine on urethane
induced somatic mutation and recombination in Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 83 p. (T E20026)
Prapatsorn Pakdee. Effects of hot water extract of Ganoderma lucidum [Fr.] karst on nitrosated product of
aminopyrene-notrite model in ames test and on urethane in the somatic mutation and
recombination test using Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 127 p. (T
Prayad Pantasri. Partial characterization of mutagen (s) in shallot (Allium ascalonicum Linn.) and the effect
of some chemicals on its mutagenic activity. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvi, 97 p. (T
Ratiya Charoensakdi. Mutagenic potential of Thai fermented soy bean products and their nitrosated
products. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. x, 102 p. (T E7124)
Salinee Rukkwamsuk. Effect of some amino acids on urethane induced somatic mutation and
recombination in Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 89 p. (T E21128)
Siriyakorn Onbunma. Mutagenicity of different juices of meat boiled with herbs treated with nitrite.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17056)
Sudharat Phoolphithayadhorn. Antimutagenicity of products derived from lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)
on urethane induced somatic mutation and recombination in Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 97 p. (T E20022)
Sutinee Saseelung. Antimutagenicity of water extract from Thai indiginous vegetables using somatic
mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 86 p. (T E21129)
Suwanna Khiewprain. Antimutagenicity of Thai fruit and herbal wines on urethane induced somatic
mutation and recombination in Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 112
p. (T E19842)
Suyanee Suharitdamrong. Food additive-drug interaction induced mutagens and possible prevention.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 81 p. (T E10710)
Umaporn Kaewtong. Antimutagenicity of yogurt and yogurt cultures on cyclophosphamide and urethane in
the wing somatic mutation and recombination test using Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 80 p. (T E14723)
Vasana Jitima. Hazard of beverages interacted with nitrite in the present of vitamin C : direct mutagenic
potential and nitroso compound formation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 111 p. (T
Walairat Pornwiroon. Mutational analysis of selected residues in alpha 4 and the alpha 4 - alpha 5 loop of
the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry4Aa toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 244 p. (T E21682)
Watcharinthon Theansun. Antimutagenicity on cyclophosphamide and urethane in the wing somatic
mutation and recombination test using Drosophila melanogaster of lac and gardenia colors.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 97 p.. (T E13420)
Wimonrat Wisuttisak. Mutagenic potential of nitrite treated cooking oils used in frying some foods.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 69 p. (T E13226)
Rutprapa Pongprasert. Mutagenic and antimutagenic study of Curcuma aromatica. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 98 p. (T E8668)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 74]
สมใจ ศิริโภค. การศึกษาสภาวะที่เหมาะสมตอการผลิตไลซีนของมิวแตนทที่คัดเลือกได = The study optimal
conditions for lysine production by selected mutant. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาชีววิทยา มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนคริ
นทรวิโรฒ, 2544. 36 หนา. (ว 113570 ฉ.1; 113571 ฉ.2)
Duangporn Ungsupravate. Construction of alanine racemase gene knockout mutants of Escherichia coli
BL21(DE3) by using a group II intron. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 118 p. (T
Flood, Adrian E.. A study into the effect of mutarotation on crystal growth of carbohydrates. Nakhon
Ratchasima : Institute of Engineering Suranaree University of Technology, 2008. 101 p. (R
E40997c.1; E40998c.2)
Kamontip Kuttiyawong. Effects of mutation of surface aromatic residues on the mode of action of CHI60
from Serratia sp. TU09. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 109 p. (T E35917)
Somboon Nookhai. Prevalence of mutation in CCR2 and SDF-1 genes in HIV-seronegative Thais. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 70 p. (T E15515)
Mutation analysis
Wipawan Sirigulpanit. Mutation analysis of the 5' noncoding region of dengue type 2 virus. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 97 p. (T E36102)
Mutation detection
Prapaporn Thanootarakul. Detection of mutations in the factor VIII gene by mRNA analysis. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 119 p. (T E14786)
Mutation [Biology]
Chetsada Boonthimat. Identification of NPM1 mutation and its prognostic impact in Thai adult acute
myeloid leukemia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 118 p. (T E39947)
Darat Lauhakirti. Ras gene mutation analysis in Thai patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 105 p. (T E34176)
Jittima Pimbua. Mutagenic tests of stevioside and steviol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 148 p.
(T E6761)
Kriangsak Ruchusatsawat. Analysis of mutations in the S gene, core promoter and precore gene of the
Thai isolates of hepatitis B virus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 114 p. (T E14988)
Kwandao Kerdsaeng. PCR-minigel SSCP analysis of the exons encoding the ligand binding domain of LDLR
gene. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 212 p. (T E20426)
Pannamthip Pitaksajjakul. Mutations in the gyrA and gyrB genes of fluoroquinolone-resistant
Mycobacterium tuberculosis from TB patients in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 72
p. (T E24012)
Phanchana Sanguansermsri. Analysis of 'frameworks' of common beta-thalassemia mutations in northern
Thailand. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2004. 152 p. (T E22882)
Pikun Thepsuriyanont. Analyses of polymorphisms and mutations in exon 9 of the low density lipoprotein
receptor gene in Thai subjects with primary hypercholesterolemia. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2000. 112 p. (T E14566)
Poonsub Palacajornsuk. The expression of A G11778A mutation of mitochondrial gene in lebers hereditary
optic neuropathy (LHON). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 97 p. (T E14428)
Pornsirin Chunhapimon. Identification and confirmation of unknown mutations at low density lipoprotein
receptor locus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 94 p. (T E33030)
Raevadee Siritunyanont. Mutagenesis of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase gene to determine the
thermostability of the enzyme. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 76 p. (T E34864)
Somsak Saesoo. Targeted recovery mutagenesis for functional analysis in rice. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2005. 96 p. (T E25048)
Somsri Auswinporn. Molecular analysis of HIV-1 drug resistant mutation and defective CCR 5 allele in HIV1 infected naive pregnant women and their infants in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
116 p. (T E17101)
Sumalee Oranwiroon. Mutations of factor VIII gene in Thai hemophilia a patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1999. 142 p. (T E14144)
Supasorn Songsomboon. Determination of molecular mutations in dihydrofolate reductase related to
pyrimethamine-resistance in falciparum malaria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 84 p. (T
Vallaya Sutthikhum. Polymorphism analysis in intron 4 and screening for mutation in exon 4 of LDL
receptor gene in Thai hypercholesterdemia subjects. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 96 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 75]
Mutational analysis
Wipawadee Sianglum. Molecular epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli and
enterococci from animals, vegetables and water. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 118 p. (T
Lampoon Kasemsook. Multiplex SSCP analysis of EGF precursor homology domain of LDL receptor gene.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 193 p. (T E20013)
Sorasak Intorasoot. Molecular basis of hemophilia a in 19 Thai patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2000. 149 p. (T E14514)
Worrawut Chinchang. Development of a method for screening unknown beta-globin gene mutations and
its application in Thai families with beta-thalassemias and beta-globin variants. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 144 p. (T E18205)
Mutations [Algebra]
Pisit Tangkijvanich. Prevalence and clinical significance of hepatitis B viral genotypes and mutations.
[Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University], 2005. 60 p. (R E30290)
Muttiresidue method
Sunan Kitjaruwankul. Development of multiresidue method for determination of organophosphorus
pesticides and their metabolites by LC/MS/MS. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 97 p. (T
Mutual dictation techique
Komgrich Supapornpradub. The effect of using a mutual dictation technique to improve reading
comprehension of low achieving readers. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology
Thonburi, 1992. 99 p. (T E6912)
Mutual funds
Chakramon Nitibhon. An analysis of performance, persistence and flows of Thai Equity Funds. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 65 p. (T E27844)
Vorachai Tejapaibul. Investor behavior in Thai equity funds. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 47
p. (T E30155)
ศิริพร ติปยานนท. การใชขอมูลขาวสารในกระบวนการตัดสินใจลงทุนในหลักทรัพย ของผูบริหารกองทุนรวม. กรุงเทพฯ
: มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 207 หนา. (วพ 99176)
Mutual funds--Evaluation
Supachai Srisuchart. Evaluation of Thai mutual fund performance [market timing ability investigation].
Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2001. 62 p. (T E16631)
Mutual goal setting
Punnee Jongsupangkarat. The effects of mutual goal setting between first time mothers and a nurse on
maternal behavior and infant's health status. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 150 p. (T
Mutual information
Suwisa Kophon. Image registration using edge based mutual information. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2007. 135 p. (T E36810)
Mutual understanding
Sakaguchi, Chie. Secondary school socials studies curriculum comparison for mutual understanding : cases
of Thailand and Singapore. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 92 p. (T E41209)
Wallapa Songwattanayut. The study on the influences of mutuality, predictability of caregiving and
personal factors relating to strain from direct care of patients with cerebrovascular disease on
family caregivers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 100 p. (T E19874)
Wallapa Songwattanayut. The study on the influences of mutuality, predictability of caregiving and
personal factors relating to strain from direct care of patients with cerebrovascular disease on
family caregivers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 100 p. (T E19874)
MWW structure
Nuntasri Duangamol. Study on the catalytic properties of aluminosilicate and titanosilicate with the MWW
structure. Yokohama : Yokohama National University, 2003. 127 p. (T E22185)
Kanokporn Ooneklabh. Comparative study of pressure pain threshold at upper back region between
sedentary women aged 35-54 years with myofascial pain syndrome and normal women. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 109 p. (T E13121)
Myalgia--Physical therapy
Pranee Chinwatanachai. The study of effects of interferential current on the contractile properties of the
isometric contraction of the slow and fast muscle in normal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989.
129 p. (T E8563)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 76]
Ahmed, Sultan. HIV/AIDS vulnerability of migrants from Myanmar working at Samut Sakorn in Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 80 p. (T E16360)
Ko Ko Naing. HIV/AIDS knowledge among out of school adolescents in one township of Myanmar.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E20130)
Kyu Kyu Than. Health risk behaviors of selected Myanmar youth. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 60
p. (T E16364)
Myo Thwin. Differentials in gender role expectations in marriage among youth in Yangon division,
Myanmar. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 41 p. (T E37744)
Nyi Nyi Thaung. Myanmar's economic reform and its implications on foreign trade. Bangkok : Thammasat
University, 1996. 186 p. (T E10446)
Ye Yu Shwe. HIV related risk taking sexual behaviors of Myanmar male migrants in Ranong, Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 44 p. (T E37745)
Myanmar chronicle
Sithu Gamani Thingyan. Zinme Yazawin : the Myanmar chronicle of Chiang Mai. [S.l. : s.n.], 1997. 82 p. (R
Myanmar language
Monthira Tamuang. A study of final particles in Myanmar. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 139 p. (T
Yee Yee Sein. The contribution of direct foreign investment and international trade on economic
development in Myanmar. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 143 p. (T E38329)
Myanmar--International trade
Yin Yin Thet. The study of intention to export of entrepreneurs in Myanmar. Bangkok : University of the
Thai Chamber of Commerce, 2006. 122 p. (T E34592)
Myanmar--Politics and government
Ebara, Miki. The fall of military intelligence under Khin Nyunt : an analysis of power dynamics in Myanmar.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 110 p. (T E35563)
Charungthai Dejthevaporn. Long term outcomes of thymectomy in Myasthenia patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 116 p. (T E24601)
Myb protein
Vichanan Yamkamon. Role of Myb and Myb target gene : C/EBPbeta in hematopoiesis. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2008. 129 p. (T E39906)
Chatchai Watthanapiromsakul. Chemical constituents from a Thai sponge, Mycale sp.. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 164 p. (T E9779)
วิมลมาศ บุญมี. การศึกษาการเจริญของเสนใยเห็ดหลินจือในอาหารเหลว = Study on mycelial growth of
Ganoderma lucidum in liquid media. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง,
2541. 86 หนา. (วพ 104741)
Suvit Suwanno. Effect of light on mycelium growth of Ganoderma lucidum Karst. Yamanashi : University of
Yamanashi, 2007. 113 p. (T E36402)
Anchalee La-ard. Species identification of mycobacteria by sequencing of amplified 16s rDNA from
hemocultures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 94 p. (T E18965)
Chulabha Tullatun. Detection of APD-ribosyltransferase [ARR] gene in mycobacteria. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 103 p. (T E18249)
Naiyanawan Prasong. Studies of non-tuberculous mycobacteria in AIDS patients : 16S rRNA gene
sequence, phenotype and drug susceptibility. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 112 p. (T
Saranya Prapatsornpinyo. Isolation and identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degrading
bacteria from river and canal sediments in Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 82 p. (T E23398)
Tanapat Palaga. The roles of Notch signaling in regulating macrophage effector functions and apoptosis
induced by mycobacterial. Bangkok : Department of Microbiology Chulalongkorn University, 2007.
31 p. (R E37886)
Mycobacterial diseases
Boosbun Chua-intra. Immunogenetic study of mycobacterial GroES peptide epitopes. London : University
of London, 1997. 101 p. (T E11094)
Poonpilas Lappayawichit. Differentiation of Mycobacterium species by restriction enzyme analysis of
amplified 16S-23S ribosomal DNA spacer sequences. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 113 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 77]
Mycobacterial diseases (ตอ)
Suwanna Trakulsomboon. The application of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in detection of anti-PPD
antibody in serum and of mycobacterial antigen in sputum of pulmonary tuberculosis patients.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 189 p. (T E8549)
Suwin Wongwajana. Assessment of immunological tests for diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xiv, 160 p. (T E8122)
Arunee Sansila. Identification of Mycobacterium species by amplification of 16S-23S ribosomal DNA spacer
and reverse dot-blot hybridization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 164 p. (T E10992)
Atid Chanpongsri. Studies on dihydrofolate reductase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1991. xvii, 69 p. (T E6595)
Nissara Srisaimanee. Detection and identification of Mycobacterium species by PCR-ELISA method.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 131 p. (T E15522)
Nongnuch Sripathomswat. A typical mycobacterium and nocardia species isolated from clinical specimens
and their in vitro sensitivity test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 19 p. (R E45c.1; E46c.2)
Sanjira Juntarapornchai. Multiplex PCR and reverse hybridization to detect and identify Mycobacterium
species. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 100 p. (T E37595)
เต็มดวง สมศิริ. การศึกษาโรคติดเชื้อมัยโคแบคทีเรียในปลาชอน = Studies on mycobacteriosis in snakehead fish
(Channa striata). กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยสุขภาพสัตวน้ํา กรมประมง, [2540]. 40 หนา. (ว 98873ฉ.1;
Mycobacterium avium
Naowarat Kunyanone. DNA fingerprinting of Mycobacterium avium in HIV-infected patients. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 109 p. (T E23440)
Nifaridah Waba. Comparison of mothods for susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium avium complex to
clarithromycin resistance. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 82 p. (T E29090)
Prawit Ketthong. Identification of mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex to species level by PCR and
drug susceptibility. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 114 p. (T E14076)
Sumol Termsetjaroen. Use of a nested multiplex PCR to detect and identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis
complex and Mycobacterium avium complex bacteremia in AIDS patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 178 p. (T E17078)
Sunisa Siriudom. Detection and differentiation of mycobacterium species in clinical specimens by real-time
poymerase chain reaction. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 74 p. (T E42739)
Mycobacterium avium complex
Oranuch Kongpechsatit. Characterization of rifampicin resistant Mycobacterium avium complex from
Thailand using molecular techniques. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 86 p. (T E24014)
Mycobacterium bovis
Tanapat Palaga. The roles of Notch signaling in regulating macrophage effector functions and apoptosis
induced by mycobacterial. Bangkok : Department of Microbiology Chulalongkorn University, 2007.
31 p. (R E37886)
Mycobacterium granulomas
Niwat Montreewasuwat. Immunological and secretory functions of cells in mycobacterial granulomas.
London : University of London, 1986. 287 p. (T E22394)
Mycobacterium leprae
Arpaporn Sonthithai. Sulfonamide resistance in Mycobacterium leprae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004.
87 p. (T E24219)
Donruedee Wongkuttiya. Comparison of frequency of HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DQB1 alleles between leprosy
patients and normal controls in Northern Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1994. 102
p. (T E8466)
Duangporn Srinak. Analysis of HLA class II allele frequencies in leprosy patients from central Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 138 p. (T E10004)
Lertlakana Bhoopat. Studies of human leprosy lesions in situ using suction-induced blisters : cell changes
with IgM antibody to PGL-1 and interleukin-2 receptor in clinical subgrounds of erythema nodosum
leprosum. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, [1991]. 28 p. (R E9911)
Ranu Sunthad-vanich. The leprosy bacillus-can it be grown?. Kuala Lumpur : Institute for Medical
Research, 1983. 39 p. (T E22434)
Vanida Nopponpunth. Molecular cloning and expression of dihydropteroate synthase from M. tuberculosis
and M. leprae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 240 p. (T E14478)
Mycobacterium tubeculosis
Supalerk Satitthamajit. Flux balance based TB model as virtual laboratory for studying Mycobacterium
Tuberculosis. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 124 p. (R
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Atchara Kittithakorn. Computerized system for evaluating evolutionary relationship between various
Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 76 p. (T E11656)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 78]
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (ตอ)
Benjawan Phetsuksiri. Targeting Mycobacterium tuberculosis desaturase as a new therapeutic target for
antituberculosis agents by antisense technology. Bangkok : National Institute of Health Department
of Medical Sciences, 2006. 1 vol. (R E35934)
Booncherd Kladphuang. Comparison of sputum staining by modified's cold method with Ziehl-Neelsen and
fluorochrome methods for primary diagnosis of tuberculosis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998.
83 p. (T E12520)
Chartchai Changsen. A green fluorescent protein microplate assay (GFPMA) for screening of
antimycobacterial compounds. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 293 p. (T E23702)
Chudaachhara Unhasuta. Genetic characterization of ciprofloxacin resistance in Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 70 p. (T E13491)
Doungjai Roengsanthia. Development and assessment of rifampicin and isoniazid rapid susceptibility
testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using MTT method. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 86
p. (T E16371)
Duangsamorn Taechamahapun. Development of one-tube multiplex semi-nested PCR for identification
rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 163 p. (T
Jutirath Tiyasantiwong. Metabolic pathway analysis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis for drug targets search.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 60 p. (R E20972)
Kittipan Samerpitak. Detection and identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by using DNA probes.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xvi, 143 p. (T E7331)
Klai-upsorn S. Pongrapeeporn. A study on the 165 rRNA gene of mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1995. 172 p. (T E8974)
Mali Wirotesangthong. Development of liquid media for isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from
pleural effesion, ascitic fluid and cerebrospinal fluid. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xvii,
110 p. (T E6359)
Naruemon Sukarrom. Construction of in silico of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 60 p. (R E20795)
Nattaya Popa. Cloning and expression of CFP-10 protein and (CFP-10 : ESAT-6 fusion protein from
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Escherichia coli and cell free system. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2008. 121 p. (T E42048)
Nipa Gengvinij. Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from clinical specimens using one-tube nested
PCR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 100 p. (T E12568)
Ornnipa Patoomkaew. Efficiency of storage sputum impregnated on filter paper at room temperature for 5
days before culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 101 p. (T
Pannamthip Pitaksajjakul. Mutations in the gyrA and gyrB genes of fluoroquinolone-resistant
Mycobacterium tuberculosis from TB patients in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 72
p. (T E24012)
Pongpant Netisingha. Effect of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on the production of interleukin 2. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1993. xii, 70 p. (T E7745)
Preeyawis Na Ubol. Assessment of molecular techniques compared with biochemical tests for identifying
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 197 p. (T E17020)
Preyanuch Boonrat. Efficiency of PCR for rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from sputum on
Ziehl-Neelsen. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 112 p. (T E20348)
Rojana Sukchawalit. Development of PCR based technique for identification of rifampicin resistant
phenotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 88 p. (T E10014)
Sarawut Suttirat. Comparison of elisa and dot blot hybridization with agarose gel electrophoresis for rapid
detection for PCR products from Mycybacterium Tuberculosis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999.
157 p. (T E13817)
Seksit Sungkeeree. Detection and typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Khon Kaen. Khon Kaen : Khon
Kaen University, 2000. 89 p. (T E14908)
Sirikhae Pooprasert. Characterization of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from
patients in Khon Kaen. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 99 p. (T E18080)
Sirimart Subpaiboon. Study of antimicrobial susceptibilities of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by using
resistance ratio method and proportion method. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 104 p. (T
Siriwan Yaemnimnual. Genetic characterization of rifampin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 51 p. (T E14111)
Somying Tumwasorn. Development of test kit for detection of rifampin resistance in Mycobacterium
tuberculosis by PCR-reverse line blot hybridization. Bangkok : Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn
University, 2008. 37 p. (R E38988c.1; E39241c.2)
Songriddh Phongthong. Production of monoclonal antibody to specific glycolipid of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 83 p. (T E37254)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 79]
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (ตอ)
Sulaik, Tahir B. Patient's delay and doctor's delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in TB zonal center II,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. vii, 102 p. (T E7313)
Sumol Termsetjaroen. Use of a nested multiplex PCR to detect and identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis
complex and Mycobacterium avium complex bacteremia in AIDS patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 178 p. (T E17078)
Sunisa Siriudom. Detection and differentiation of mycobacterium species in clinical specimens by real-time
poymerase chain reaction. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 74 p. (T E42739)
Suwin Wongwajana. Assessment of immunological tests for diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xiv, 160 p. (T E8122)
Temu, Mansuet Michael. Differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains by amplification of variable
number of tandem repeats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 69 p. (T E13111)
Thaneeya Duangchinda. DNA analysis of rifampicin resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 140 p. (T E12499)
Therdsak Prammananan. Characterization of a group-specific DNA fragment for detection of
mycobacterium tuberculosis complex by in vitro DNA amplification. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1993. xiv, 135 p. (T E7161)
Unchalee Tansuphasiri. Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from sputum impregnated on filter paper
for 5 days using PCR technique. Bangkok : Department of Microbiology, Mahidol University, 1999.
118 p. (R E14160)
Vanida Nopponpunth. Molecular cloning and expression of dihydropteroate synthase from M. tuberculosis
and M. leprae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 240 p. (T E14478)
Wannapen Pleumpanupat. Prevalence of infectious tuberculosis with drug resistance among prisoners of
three prisons in Bangkok and vicinity. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 114 p. (T E17415)
Waralee Torsuwan. Differentiation of mycobaterial species by amplification of 16s-23s rDNA spacer
comparison to amplification of other genes and improvement of the detection method. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 132 p. (T E13952)
Wimon Chanchaem. Studies of the polymorphisms of alphaisopropylmalate synthase gene of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 142 p. (T E17868)
Wiyada Arjrattanakool. DNA fingerprinting of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Thai isolates. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1997. 109 p. (T E10945)
Worawan Chumpia. Detection and monitoring of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical samples using DNA
amplification. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 97 p. (T E8439)
มธุรส พงษลิขิตมงคล. การพัฒนาวิธีการวิเคราะหเชื้อและตรวจหาความผิดปกติของยีนดื้อยา Rifampicin ในเชื้อวัณโรค
= Development of PCR based techniques for analysis and detection of rifampicin resistant
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, [2538]. 45 หนา. (ว
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
Suphasawatt Puranaveja. Identification and differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
organisms in bovine clinical samples by polymerase chain reaction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 69 p. (T E35806)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis--Diagnosis
Benchapron Chinrat. Efficiency of PCR for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from sputum
impregnated on filter paper at room temperature for 5 days. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999.
150 p. (T E13933)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis--Differentiation
Wises Namwat. Characterization of two DNA probes for differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
strains. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 124 p. (T E10140)
Thirayudh Glinsukon. Mycology and toxicity = เชื้อราและการเกิดพิษ. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 1
vol (in various pagings). (R E12033 c.1; E12034 c.2)
Mycophenolate mofetil
Kessada Tunwongsa. Relationship between gastrointestinal adverse event and plasma concentrations of
mycophenolate mofetil at various sampling times in Thai renal transplanted patients. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 109 p. (T E21943)
Mycophenolic acid
Ratree Takhampunya. Antiviral mechanism of nitric oxide, mycophenolic acid and ribavarin on dengue
virus type 2 infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 150 p. (T E34021)
Mycoplasma diseases
Kanchana Raksakait. A study on viruses, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae in pediatric
cases admitted with lower respiratory tract infection at Siriraj Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1991. xi, 130 p. (T E8044)
Poonpol Songsathaporn. Detection of specific IgM in Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 143 p. (T E8040)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 80]
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Somsak Pakpinyo. Drug sensitivity on various Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) strains differentiated by
randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) from chicken farms in Thailand. Bangkok :
Department of Veterinary Medicine Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Ajcharaporn Sawatpanich. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of genes encoding P1 protein and 16s
rRNA for detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 79 p. (T
Sumanee Sirilertpanrana. Amplification of P1-gene by polymerase chain reaction for detection of
mycoplasma pneumoniae. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 79 p. (T E10750)
Vasunun Chumchua. Bioinformatic analysis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae virulence factors with a potential
role in human brain invasion. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 100 p. (T E37348)
Mycoplasma-like organisms
Hayashi, Takaharu. Investigation on the occurence of mycoplasma-like organisms on sugarcane, sesame
and rice plant in Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1996. 29 p. (R E9787)
Mycoplasma-like organisms, Phytopathogenic
Nakashima, Kazuo. Studies of the occurrences of mycoplasma-like organisms on sugarcane, sesame, and
rice in Thailand. Ibaraki : Tropical Agriculture Research Center, 1991. 14 p. (R E8912)
Punnipa Siripermpool. The importance of chlamydia trachomatis, herpes simplex virus and genital
mycoplasmas in genital tract infections. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 3 microfiches (161 fr.).
(T MF19990)
Mycorrhizal fungi
Pornpimon Athipunyakom. Mycorrhizal fungi of terrestrial orchids : isolation, identification and symbiotic
germination. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 106 p. (T E23173)
Sombun Techapinyawat. Studies on inoculation of IPIL-IPIL [Leucaena leucocephala [Lam.] De Witt.] with
rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungi. Los Banos : University of the Philippines, 1982. 178 p. (T E40525)
Manan, Abdul. The importance of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) in deciduous tropical forest
ecosystems at Doi Suthep-Pui National Park. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1994. xiv, 111 p.
(T E7963)
Chularut Prariyachatigul. Detection and identification of important fungi causing systemic mycoses in
Thailand by PCR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 172 p. (T E10172)
Malee Mekaprateep. Immunoblot analysis of extracellular proteins secreted from mold-and yeast-forms of
Penicillium marneffei. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 87 p. (T E9611)
Nilubol Kitancharoen. Studies on fungal infection in salmonids eggs. [S.l. : s.n.], 1996. 136 p. (R E13626)
Kathawut Sopalun. Production and characterization of phytase from an endophytic fungus MEC1. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2004. 116 p. (T E24437)
Piyajit Watcharasit. Toxigenic and pathogenic activity of aspergillus flavus in the rats. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1990. xvii, 143 p. (T E6547)
Somsri Sinlapanapaporn. Bioassay of cytochalasin E and other eleven mycotoxins using skin of one-day-old
mouse. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 3 microfiches (156 fr.). (T MF20056)
Srisurang Tantimavanich. Production, detection and detoxification of trichothecenes from fusarium
sporotrichioides ITFRC T-592 (ATCC48019, MCH 7452). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. xvii,
106 p. (T E6302)
Sudtanom Homdork. Influence of field application of tebuconazole and different storage conditions on the
mycotoxin content and other characteristics of Fusarium infected wheat grain. Gottingen : GeorgAugust-Universitat, 1996. 99 p. (T E11099)
Mycotoxins--Physiological effect
Chollada Wittayagomol. The effect of T-2 toxin on protein synthesis of AS-30D cells in vitro. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1986. xv, 77 p. (T E6754)
Mycteria leucocephala
Kajornsak Jaiyawat. Study on adaptive behavior and hematological characteristics of captive Painted Stork,
Mycteria leucocephala (Pennant) of Bangpra Waterbird Breeding Research Center. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2003. 99 p. (T E21972)
Sasiwimon Chuntrakul. Mechanisms of "escape phenomenon" of spinal cord and brainstem in human
rabies and study of neuronal cytoskeleton and myelin integrity. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 57 p. (T E38388)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 81]
Myelocytic leukemia
Kittipong Dhanuthai. P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance expression and functional efflux in
acute myelogenous leukemia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 88 p. (T E15112)
Myelogenous leukemia
Kittipong Dhanuthai. P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance expression and functional efflux in
acute myelogenous leukemia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 88 p. (T E15112)
Duangmanee Sanmun. Regulation of hematopoiesis : molecular and genic studies of programmed cell
death in human diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 132 p. (T E37683)
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
อภินันท เวทยนุกูล. ลักษณะบุคลิกภาพของผูบริหารสถานศึกษาระดับมัธยมศึกษาโดยใชเครื่องมือ Myers-Briggs type
indicator = A study of the MBTI personality types of secondary school principals in Thailand.
กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันพัฒนาผูบริหารการศึกษา, 2540. 83 หนา. (ว 102147)
Schwendinger, Peter J.. Further investigations on orthognathous spiders (araneae : Mesothelae,
mygalomorphae) of Thailand at Chiang Mai University. Innsbruck : University of Innsbruck, 1992.
12 p. (R E8762 c.1; E12968 c.2)
Pinphiboon Phiboonvech. Determination of the optimum prefilter for SPECT myocardial perfusion
reconstruction. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 66 p. (T E37016)
Myocardial imaging
Wacharakorn Nakpoonnabutr. Optimum correction techniques in myocardial spect imaging. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2007. 60 p. (T E36105)
Myocardial infarction
Achara Sukonthasarn. Self-management/biofeedback therapy for persons after acute myocardial
Infarction. Washington D.C. : University of Washington, 1996. 263 p. (T E10375)
Puckprink Sangdee. Lactic acid dehydrogenase isoenzymes in myocardial infarction. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1974. 2 แผน (96 เฟรม). (T MF09824)
Santi Sontrapornpol. Volume determination of myocardial infarct by spect using Tc-99m pyrophosphate.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 40 p. (T E8670)
Sirilak Sriprasong. A study of the level of activity during the first six weeks after discharge of patients with
acute myocardial infarction. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 122 p. (T E14798)
Surangsri Boonsomchua. Effects of cardiac rehabilitation on the exercise capacity and quality of life in
patients with myocardial infarction. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 138 p. (T E14978)
Thitima Chinachoti. Risk factors of perioperative myocardial infarction in adult non-cardiac operation,
2002-2004; a case-control study. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 45 p. (T E33684)
Yuan, Haobin. Self-efficacy and health behaviors among myocardial infarction patients. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2000. 109 p. (T E16534)
Myocardial infarction--Patients
Chen, Xianhua. Uncertainty and coping of hospitalized acute myocardial infarction patients. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1999. 72 p. (T E15663)
Li, Zheng. Learning needs of myocardial infraction patients as perceived by patients and nurses. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 89 p. (T E10685)
Panadda Intralawan. The effects of hot compression on fatigue in patients with acute myocardial
infarction. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 65 p. (T E17162)
Patchaneeporn Ungrattanachai. Outcomes of acute ST-elevetion myocardial infarction patients who
underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 134 p.
(T E38739)
Pigultip Honghern. Effects of drinking water of various temperatures, on heart rate and blood pressure in
acute myocaroial infarcted patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (98 เฟรม). (T
Rasee Leenakul. Development of nursing case management model for patients with myocardial infarction.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 200 p. (T E33946)
Siriporn Samsee. Family support in self-care of myocardial infarction patient's after dilate coronary artery.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 94 p. (T E33409)
Sivaporn Sivasinprasasn. Plasma urocortins level in acute myocardial infarction patients. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2008. 91 p. (T E41904)
Wang, Wenru. Family needs of acute myocardial infarction patients during critical phase. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1996. 81 p. (T E10464)
Myocardial infarction--Therapeutics
Patchaneeporn Ungrattanachai. Outcomes of acute ST-elevetion myocardial infarction patients who
underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 134 p.
(T E38739)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 82]
Myocardial infection--Patients
Chantana Lortajakul. The development of the quality of life instrument in Thai patiants with post
myocardial infraction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 248 p. (T E37784)
Myocardial ischemia
Thosaphol Limpijankit. Detection of restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
(PTCA) using the exercise treadmill test and technetium 99 m-sestamibi scintigraphy. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 77 p. (T E11301)
Myocardial revascularization
Natcharaporn Tokkunheng. External diameter of alternative arterial conduit in coronary artery bypass graft
for myocardial revascularization in Thai adult cadavers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001.
69 p. (T E17204)
Sukalya Kritsnakriengkrai. Effect of royal jelly on lipid peroxidation in cardiac and skeletal muscles induced
by exercise in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 155 p. (T E11981)
Taneerath Riabroy. Role of ovarian sex hormones in rat cardiac myofilament activity. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 151 p. (T E12115)
งามผอง คงคาทิพย. การสกัด การแยก และการทดสอบสารที่มีผลในการลดความดันโลหิต และผลตอระบบกลามเนื้อ
หัวใจจากบอระเพ็ด = Extraction isolation hypotensive and cardiotonic activity of substances from
Tinospora crispa. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 99 หนา. (ว 99544)
Surangsri Boonsomchua. Effects of cardiac rehabilitation on the exercise capacity and quality of life in
patients with myocardial infarction. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 138 p. (T E14978)
Myofascial pain syndromes
Kanokporn Ooneklabh. Comparative study of pressure pain threshold at upper back region between
sedentary women aged 35-54 years with myofascial pain syndrome and normal women. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 109 p. (T E13121)
Jantarima Pantharanontaga. The study of cardiac myofilament activation in diabetic ovariectomized rats.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 162 p. (T E15324)
Myofibrillar protein
Kingduean Somjit. Study on the effect of shrimp chitin and shrimp chitin hydrolysate on the state of water
and denaturation of lizardfish [Saurida wanieso] myofibrillar protein during dehydration and frozen
storage. Nagasaki : Nagasaki University, 2004. 103 p. (T E36539)
Surin Preawnim. Mechanism of changes in cardiac myofilament activation in ovariectomized rats. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1999. 132 p. (T E13996)
Narudee Kashemsant. Effects of male sex hormone on cardiac myofilament activation. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 160 p. (T E17155)
Jureerat Juangsamoot. Determination of capsaicinoids in hot peppers and their influence of antioxidant
activity on myoglobin. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 140 p. (T E42799)
Rutcharin Limsupavanich. Dynamics of myoglobin layer change during display of color-stable and colorlabile beef muscles. Manhattan : Kansas State University, 2005. 195 p. (T E36929)
Saksit Chanthai. Studies on thermal stability of fish myoglobins. Tokyo : Sophia University, 1996. 167 p. (T
Umpika Saejang. Purification and characterization of a novel myoglobin from stripped-snake head fish
(Ophiocephalus striatus). Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 90 p. (T E42737)
Juraiporn Somboonwong. Effects of allicin extracted from garlic on the contraction of isolated human
uterine muscle. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xii, 49 p. (T E7052)
Panadda Hatthachote. Preparation of human myometrium for term : the role of signalling associated
proteins. Newcastle : University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1999. 145 p. (T E16227)
Waraporn Sae Lee. Phenyl butenal derivatives : investigation on the uterine relaxant activity. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1990. xv, 117 leaves. (T E5469)
Jiraporn Runglerdkriangkrai. Responsibility of myosin subfragments for the myosin polymerization through
SS bonding upon heating of actomyosin. Matsuyama : Ehime University, 1999. 116 p. (T E13642)
Kanjana Phattarasakul. Role of myosin in cancer invasion and metastasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 117 p. (T E17768)
Usawadee Sakulkhu. Possible involvement of myosin in malaria development and invasion. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 87 p. (T E24264)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 83]
Myriopteron extensum
Witchuda Vejjajiva. A phytochemical study of myriopteron extensum schum. stem. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1990. xii, 108 p. (T E7040)
Myristyl myristate
Montree Tungjai. A study of structure and anticancer activity relationship of flavonoids : behavior in
physiological solution and interaction with myristyl myristate bilayer. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2008. 79 p. (T E41340)
Bordin Butr-indr. Enhancement of myrosinase production from Aspergillus sp. NR463 by mutagenesis.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 180 p. (T E34870)
Prakong Sakorn. Production, purification and characterization of myrosinase from Aspergillus sp. NR-4201.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 198 p. (T E18068)
Myrothecium verrucaria
Chalee Phromnoi. Purification and evaluation of bilirubin oxidase isolated from Myrothecium verrucaria
TISTR 3112 and TISTR 3225. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 103 p. (T E16479)
Wilawan Mahabusarakam. Chemical and biological studies on natural xanthones and derivatives. Sydney :
University of Sydney, 1992. vii, 200 p. (T E8041)
MySQL program
Weeravut Tongsima. Database development on webpage for tracking the maintemance status of
communication equipments. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 90 p. (T E18152)
Anchalee Kunagornwat. Consolidating the Saudi state : the mystification of Islamic discourse and culturalpolitical and political-economic strategy of the al-Saud. London : University of London, 2008. 52 p.
(T E41876)
Mystus nemurus
ธํารงค อมรสกุล. การศึกษาพฤติกรรมการกินอาหารในระยะเริ่มแรกของลูกปลากดเหลือง = Study on feeding
behavior in early stage of Larval Green Catfish, Mystus nemurus (Cuv. & Val.). ปตตานี :
มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2540. 44 หนา. (ว 88618)
ธํารงค อมรสกุล. การศึกษาอัตราการใหอาหารและความถี่การใหอาหารของการเลี้ยงปลากดเหลือง = Study on the
feeding ratio and feeding frequency on green catfish, Mystus nemurus (Cuv. & Val.) culture. ปตตานี
: คณะวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 26 หนา. (ว 97514)
ประสาน พรโสภิณ. การใชความรอนในการลดสารยับยั้งเอนไซมทริปซินในกากถั่วเหลืองเพื่อใชประโยชนเปนอาหาร
ปลากดเหลือง (Mystus nemurus Cuv. & Val.) = Heat treatment to reduce trypsin inhibitor in soybean
meal used as feed for yellow mystus (Mystus nemurus Cuv. & Val.). กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 130 หนา. (วพ 102687)
พรชัย จารุรัตนจามร. ชีววิทยาของปลากดเหลือง = Synopsis of biological data on Mystus nemurus. ขอนแกน :
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, [2539]. 10 หนา. (ว 96486)
เรวดี กลิ่นจันทร. ผลของวิตามินซีระดับตาง ๆ ตอการเจริญเติบโต อัตราการเปลี่ยนอาหารเปนเนื้อและอัตราการรอดตาย
ของปลากดเหลือง (Mystus nemurus) = Effect of vitamin C levels on growth, feed conversion rate
and survival rate of yellow mystus (Mystus nemurus). สงขลา : คณะทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ
มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร วิทยาเขตหาดใหญ, 2538. ช, 38 หนา. (ว 76838)
ศาสวัต วรรคาวิสันต. ชีวประวัติบางประการของปลากดเหลือง Mystus nemurus (Valenciennes, 1839). กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 80 หนา. (วพ 82385)
หทัยรัตน กษมาวุฒิ. การศึกษาพัฒนาการของกระเพาะอาหาร และการอนุบาลลูกปลากดเหลือง (Mystus nemurus
Cuv. & Val.) = Study on stomach development and nursing of yellow mystus (Mystus nemurus Cuv.
& Val.). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 67 หนา. (วพ 97212)
Mystus wyckioides
ธํารงค อมรสกุล. การศึกษาระดับความเค็มที่เหมาะสมในการเลี้ยงปลากดคัง = A study on the optimal salinity for
red-tail catfish, Mystus wyckioides (Chaux & Fang) culture. ปตตานี : ภาควิชาเทคโนโลยีและการ
อุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2543. 22 หนา. (ว 111469)
Nantanit Muang-ngen. Le mythe de la creation du monde dans les contes Thais Lanna. Bangkok :
Universite Silpakorn, 2002. 147 p. (T E21231)
วรรณพิมล อังคศิริสรรพ. สรรนิพนธจาก มายาคติ (Mythologies) ของโรล็องด บารตส : บทแปล และบทวิเคราะหเชิง
วาทศาสตร. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 201 หนา. (วพ 100989)
Reyes, Danilo Francisco M.. An almanac of the Southeast Asian imagination : the territorial symbols and
foundational myths of Indonesia and Thailand. [S.l.] : Ateneo de Manila University, 2004. 69 p. (R
Mytus nemurus
Porntip Prapunpoj. Thyroid hormones treatment to increase production of green catfish (Mytus nemurus).
Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, 2004. 32 p. (R E24574)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 84]
สายสมร ลํายอง. การผลิตสารปฐมภูมิและทุติยภูมิบางชนิดในกระบวนการสรางและการสลายจุลินทรีย : เอนไซมสลาย
เซลลยีสตจากมิกโซแบคทีเรีย = Some primary and secondary metabolites production from
microorganism : yeast lytic enzyme from Myxobacteria. เชียงใหม : สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาวิทยาศาสตร
และเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 27 หนา. (ว 100585 ฉ.1; 100586 ฉ.2)
Myxococcus virescens
จรัสโฉม ทองเหลือง. สภาวะที่เหมาะสมในการผลิตสารปฏิชีวนะของ Myxococcus virescens และ M.macrosporus.
เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2540. 95 หนา. (วพ 87543)
Tran, Thi My Hanh. Assemblages of myxomycetes associated with forest floor and agricultural ground litter
in northern Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 98 p. (T E36287)
นรสิงห เพ็ญประไพ. การศึกษาชนิดและพยาธิสภาพของการติดเชื้อมิกโซสปอรริเดียในปลาดุกทะเล Plotosus canius
Hamilton, 1822 ที่พบในแหลงน้ําธรรมชาติ = Species identification and histopathological change of
myxosporidiosis in wild sea catfish Plotosus canius Hamilton, 1822. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 89 หนา. (วพ 101501)
N [2-propylpentanoyl] urea
Pasharin Siriaroonrat. Solid state characterization of N (2-propylpentanoyl) urea. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2000. 106 p. (T E20164)
N, N'-diacetylchitobiose
Wasinee Prakobkij. Preparation of N,N'-diacetylchitobiose from chitin by enzymatic hydrolysis. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 90 p. (T E38218)
Thitima Maneekul. Preparation of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and N,N-diacetylchitobiose by enzymatic
hydrolysis of squid pen chitin. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 61 p. (T E41973)
Pleonthip Puthongking. Synthesis of 3-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 156 p. (T E18654)
n-3 HUFA
ทัณฑิมา พรหมดิเรก. ผลของความเค็มและอัตราสวนของ n-3 HUFA ตอการเติบโตและการรอดของปลากะพงขาว
Lates calcarifer. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 69 หนา. (วพ 87559)
N-Acetyl B D Glucosaminidase
Kanokwan Mohprasit. Levels of urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase and microalbumin in diabetic
patients. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 77 p. (T E13426)
Bunterng Sinsakunsuk. The study of usinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase isoenzyme in health and
renal diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. xvii, 86 p. (T E6578)
Akamol Klaikherd. Preparation of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and chitooligosaccharide by enzymatic hydrolysis
of chitin and chitosan with serum from para rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 127
p. (T E21517)
Thitima Maneekul. Preparation of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and N,N-diacetylchitobiose by enzymatic
hydrolysis of squid pen chitin. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 61 p. (T E41973)
Churdsak Jaikang. Antitoxic effects of disulfiram with N-acetylcysteine on acetaminophen overdose in rats.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 111 p. (T E23691)
Janeyuth Chaisakul. Neutralizing effects of Curcuma sp. and N-acetylcysteine against cobra (Naja naja
kaouthia) venom : in vitro and in vivo studies. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 83 p. (T
Karunrat Tewthanom. The pharmacodynamic effect of N-acetylcysteine as adjunctive therapy in mild
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 110 p. (T
Suchittra Samuhasaneeto. Effects of n-acetylcysteine on oxidative stress in rats with nonalcoholic
steatohepatitis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 94 p. (T E37811)
Auemduan Prawan. Genetic polymorphism of Cytochrome P450 1A2, N-Acetyltranferase 1 and NAcetyltranferase 2 genes in northeastern Thai population and association with cholangiocarcinoma.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 141 p. (T E21109)
Chorthip Santhanavanich. The function of D1-and D2-dopamine receptors in bovine pineal gland. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2004. 178 p. (T E24220)
Pattira Pongtippatee. Kinetics of the enzyme N-acetyltransferase in the optic lobe of the black tiger shrimp,
Penacus monodon. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. viii, 47 p. (T E8311)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 85]
N-acetyltransferase (ตอ)
Supaporn Ajpru. Sexual dimorphism of N-acetyltransferase and melatonin levels in the optic lobe of the
giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachum rosenbergii de Man. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993.
viii, 45 p. (T E7836)
Vimolsri Manasan. Study on the purification of N-acetyltransferase in the optic lobe of giant freshwater
prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. xi, 81 p. (T
N-acetyltransferase 1
Benjamart Warasiha. Activity of N-acetyltransferase1 (NAT1) in cholangiocarcinoma leulocytes. Khon Kaen
: Khon Kaen University, 2000. 95 p. (T E14938)
Warayuth Sajomsang. Synthesis and antibacteral activities of quaternary ammonium chitosan containing
aromatic moieties. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 130 p. (T E38275)
Sriwai Kanhathaisong. Investigation on the reaction of N-protected benzimidazole with organolithium
reagents. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 71 p. (T E18476)
Wuttinan Puttam. Syntheses of N-containing reporter molecules with chemical informatic properties.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2001. 50 p. (T E20191)
Tanapon Thadtapong. Effects of iodoacetate, N-ethylmaleimide and Fenton's reaction of human
erythrocyte membrane Ca2+-ATPase. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 81 p. (T E23854)
N-extendable graphs
Pongthep Jansena. On cutset's properties of n-extendable graphs. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University,
2004. 29 p. (T E30184)
Mana Amornkitbamrung. Hydro-isomerization of n-heptane using various zeolitic catalysts. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xiii, 105 p. (T E6857)
Nilnate Oung. Aromatic synthesis from n-heptane using modified MFI-type zeolite catalysts. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 98 p. (T E16869)
Apichart Srisirikulwattana. Effects of nitrogen compounds on catalytic reforming of n-hexane. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 121 p. (T E10557)
Pharkpoom Khamnuansiri. Continuous aromatization of n-hexane using Pd/ZSM-5 catalyst. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 117 p. (T E16753)
Tosapol Maluangnont. Cracking of n-hexane over Ce/ZSM-5 catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2003. 94 p. (T E23210)
Sumittra Gomonchareonsiri. Study on the mechanisms of anticonvulsant activity of (N-hydroxymethyl)-2propylpentamide. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 95 p. (T E22744)
N-linked glycosylation
Sirilak Teeraputon. Mutations in ENV gene of HIV-1 that affect sensitivity to neutralizinc antibody. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2005. 131 p. (T E33180)
N-lithiated imine reagents
Phawit Putprasert. Chemistry of iridium complexes with N-lithiated imine reagents : synthesis and
characterization of fused-ring iridapyrroles. Saint Louis : Washington University, 2008. 286 p. (T
อโนชา ตั้งโพธิธรรม. การศึกษาความสามารถของสะตอในการปองกันการเกิดพิษตอยีนของหลอดอาหาร เนื่องจากสาร
เอ็นเมทธิลอะนิลีน และไนไตรท = A study of possible genotoxic protection of sataw (Parkia speciosa)
in oesophagus treated with N-methylaniline and nitrite. สงขลา : คณะวิทยาศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, [2541]. 39 หนา. (ว 97503)
Panee Subprasert. A coupling of superheated water and solid-phase extraction of N-nitrosamine from
frankfurters. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2007. 125 p. (T E38722)
N-nitroso proline
Anchanee Utaipatanacheep. Nitrate in green leafy vegetables and its role on the possible in vivo formation
of N-nitroso proline in school children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 196 p. (T E7479)
Charaswan Vanachamras. Possible exposure to N-nitrosodiethanolamine from cosmetics in Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. ix, 109 p. (T E8277)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 86]
Sunisa Daengniam. Antiformation of toxic compound by some antioxidants : matagenicity of 1aminopyrene treated with nitrite and occurrence of n-nitrosomorpholine. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 102 p. (T E9358)
Ownitee Penpain. Formation of N-nitrosopiperidine in sausages. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii,
109 p. (T E6372 c.1; E8150 c.2)
N-phthanoyl chitosan-g-mPEG
Supa Kotcha. The study and characterization of the nano-encapsulation of clotrimazole into N-phthanoyl
chitosan-g-mPEG self assembly. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 131 p. (T E37154)
N-propyl dihydrojasmonate
Nutthachai Pongprasert. Postharvest n-propyl dihydrojasmonate and abscisic acid application on reducing
chilling injury of banana fruit (Musa sp., cv. 'Grande Naine'). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University
of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 114 p. (T E35410)
N-protected benzimidazole
Sriwai Kanhathaisong. Investigation on the reaction of N-protected benzimidazole with organolithium
reagents. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 71 p. (T E18476)
N-trusting organizations
Mainetti, Matteo. Projective combinatorics and invariant theory. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn International
Institute of Technology, 2003. 37 p. (R E20890)
Chucheep Apirug. Thermal curable film forming of N-vinylpyrrolidone-alkyl methacrylated copolymers as
temporary solder mask. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 86 p. (T E22791)
N-[2-hydroxypropyl] methacrylamide copolymer
Jarunee Hongrapipat. Binary combinations of HPMA copolymer bound anticancer drug conjugates.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 115 p. (T E40463)
Oraphan Wanakhachornkrai. Effects of N-(2-propylpentanoyl) urea on impairment of learning memory and
neuronal cell death after bilateral common carotid arteries occlusion in mice. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 65 p. (T E37574)
Pornchai Rodesittisuk. Synthesis of unsaturated N-(2-propylpentanoyl) urea analogues. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 189 p. (T E12142)
N-[2-propylpentanoyl] urea
Onrawee Khongsombat. Effect of N-(2-propylpentanoy) urea on pilocarpine induced seizure in rats.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 106 p. (T E27845)
Penphimon Ponsup. Effects of N-(2-propylpentanoyl)urea on NMDA receptor subtype NR1A/NR2B
expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 91 p. (T E22947)
Suthep Jenthet. Effect of n-(2-propylpentanoyl) urea on GABAA receptor in acutely dissociated rat
hippocampal neurones. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 112 p. (T E21552)
Thongchai Sooksawate. Anticonvulsant effects of N-(2-propylpentanoyl) urea. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1995. 64 p. (T E9823)
Tipsuchon Chunngam. Preliminary studies of anticonvulsion mechanisms of N-(2-propylpentanoyl) urea.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 99 p. (T E12822)
N-[2-propylpentanoyl] Urea
วัชราภรณ ปชชามาตย. พิษตอตับของ เอ็น-(2-โพรพิลเพนทาโนอิล) ยูเรียในหนูขาว = Hepatotoxicity of N-(2propylpentanoyl) urea in rats. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 104 หนา. (วพ 97272)
Taweesak Dhramaraj. Synthesis of N-(p-aminobenzoyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline derivatives. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 198 p. (T E38205)
N-[Phenylsulfonylalkyl] carbamates
Kassrin Tangdenpaisal. The friedel-crafts reaction of N-[(phenylsulfonyl)alkyl]carbamates. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2007. 118 p. (T E36742)
N1 gene
Alongkot Boonsoongnern. Cloning and expression of N1 gene of avian influenza virus. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2005. 66 p. (T E27855)
Panida Prompinit. Study of Fe-ZSM-5 preparation technique and room temperature N2O decomposition
reaction. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 61 p. (T E26662)
Na Hong Basin
Wickanet Songtham. Palynology of Na Hong basin Amphoe Mae Chaem Changwat Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai
: Chiang Mai University, 2000. 115 p. (T E16423)
Na So community
Usa Thongjang. The contribution of development communication factors to Na So community's
empowerment. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 324 p. (T E23072)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 87]
Pisit Suwannachot. K+ -homeostasis in horses : effects of training and food supply on the Na+,K+-ATPase
concentration in skeletal muscle. Utrecht : Utrecht University, 2001. 203 p. (T E16054)
Na, K-ATPase
Ratanaporn Jerawatana. Effects of vanadate and low potassium diet on renal H, K-AIPase and Na, KATPase protein expression in rat. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 81 p. (T E27804)
ชลทิชา กิตตนันทวรกุล. การศึกษาคากัมมันตภาพและจํานวนโซเดียม โพแทสเซียม เอทีพีเอสในเม็ดเลือดขาวของเด็ก
แรกคลอดเพศชาย ในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ = Studies of the activity and number of Na, K-ATPASE in
leukocyte of male newborns from northeastern Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2537.
78 หนา. (วพ 97155)
Wichai Naiyarakraeree. Changes of Na-K-ATPase, sodium and postassium concentration in erythrocytes
during and after exercise. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 74 p. (T E9847)
ปราโมทย ภูพานทอง. การถลุงฝุนตะกั่วดวย Na2 CO3. กรุงเทพฯ : กองโลหกรรม กรมทรัพยากรธรณี, 2537. 52 หนา.
(ว 83126)
กรรณิกา เกรียงยะกุล. ผลของ BA และ NAA ที่มีตอการแตกหนอของกลวยหินในสภาพปลอดเชื้อ = Effects of Ba and
NAA on shoot multiplication of "Kluai Hin" in vitro. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2538. 1 แผน
(30 เฟรม). (ว MF21825)
กิ่งกานต หฤทัยวิจิตรโชค. อิทธิพลของ IBA และ NAA ตอการเกิดรากของกิ่งตัดชําเจตมูลเพลิงขาว = Effect of IBA
and NAA on softwood cutting of Plumbago zeylanica L.. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535. 1 แผน (18 เฟรม). (ว MF21843)
จรัญ ดิษฐไชยวงศ. ศึกษาระดับสาร NAA ในการปรับปรุงคุณภาพเมล็ดพันธุผักบุงจีน = Application of NAA on seed
quality improvement of Chinese convolvulus. พิจิตร : ศูนยวิจัยพืชสวนพิจิตร, [2541]. 8 หนา. (ว 96330)
บุญสิทธิ์ รุจิรไพบูลย. ผลของ NAA และ BA ตอการเกิดแคลลัสของสมเขียวหวานพันธุโชกุน = Effects of NAA and
BA callus induction of Citrus recticulata CV.Shogun in vitro. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535. 1 แผน (13 เฟรม). (ว MF21762)
ศิริวรรณ แดงฉ่ํา. ผลของ IBA และ NAA ที่มีตอการออกรากของกิ่งปกชําแกว = Effects of IBA and NAA on the
rooting of orang-jessamine (Murraya paniculata) cuttings. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2539. 1 แผน (19 เฟรม). (ว MF21925)
สุธิดา ฉันทานุรักษ. การเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อไผ ; ผลของ 2, 4-D, NAA และ BAP ตอการเกิดแคลลัสและยอด. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2534. 9, 128 หนา. (วพ 50227)
สุภัทร เจริญรัตน. ผลของ IBA และ NAA ตอการออกรากของกิ่งตัดชําเสลดพังพอนตัวเมีย (Clinacanthus nutans,
Lindau) = Effect of IBA and NAA on stem cuttings of Clinacanthus nutans, Lindau. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535. 1 แผน (20 เฟรม). (ว MF21208)
อรุณี ใจเถิง. ผลของ NAA ตอการยับยั้งการแตกหนอของมะนาว = Effect of NAA on sucker inhibition in common
acid lime. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535. 1 แผน (19 เฟรม). (ว MF21764)
ประภาพร อุทารพันธุ. เอนไซมสังเคราะห NADPH ในปาลมน้ํามัน = NADPH-generating enzymer in oil palm.
สงขลา : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2536. 27 หนา. (ว 65206)
NADPH-cytochrome P-450
Dolnapa Kaewpa. Cloning and expression of Anopheles minimus NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase gene
and in vitro study of CYP6P7 enzyme system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 123 p. (T
Naegleria fowleri
Ampai Japa. Development of multiplex PCR for detection and identification of pathogenic free-living
amoebae. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 79 p. (T E22893)
Naemorhaedus griseus
สําเริง การบรรจง. พฤติกรรมของกวางผา (Naemorhaedus griseus) ในสภาพกรงเลี้ยง. เชียงใหม :
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2536. ณ, 221 หนา. (วพ 58512)
ดวงสุดา กสิวัฒน. หัววัดเคลือบฟลม Nafion สําหรับการวัดสารกันหืน TBHQ ในน้ํามันพืช = Nafion coated-probes
for determination of TBHO, antioxidant in vegetable oils. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอม
เกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 51 หนา. (วพ 102644)
Nafion membrane
Janchai Yana. Molecular dynamic simulations of Nafion membrane in a fuel cell. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2008. 95 p. (T E39762)
Naga fireballs
Pattippa Saengpitak. Change in the perception of the Naga fireballs : a case study of Amphoe Phon Pisai,
Changwat Nong Khai. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 84 p. (T E38931)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 88]
Nahaeo National Park
Chinapun Plangsiri. Assessment of forest fire risk in Nahaeo National Park, Loei province. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 94 p. (T E15983)
Kittipong Vubsunthear. Effect of fermentation and microwave heating on survivorship and infection ability
of Trichinella spiralis larvae in fermented pork (NAHM). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 53 p.
(T E40478)
Nail enamel
Aimon Treewisessorn. Effects of major components on the properties of cellulose nitrate-typed nail
enamel. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 159 p. (T E42855)
Nail polish
Wiwut Tanthapanichakoon. Study the effect of water content in raw cellulose nitrate on its film properties
and determine a tolerance water level in the resulting nail polish. Bangkok : Faculty of Engineering
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 73 p. (R E39249c.1; E40611c.2)
Nails and spikes
Somphop Chatchavong. Temporal ensemble of supervised visually-related neurons in lateral
hypothalamus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 96 p. (T E18307)
Uttapon Eiamratanawong. Responsiveness of spiking neurons in lateral hypothalamus to visual stimuli
after dipsogenic agent administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 85 p. (T E18308)
Naipaul, V.S.
Wilailak Saraithong. Citizen of the world : post-colonial identity in the works of V.S.Naipual. Washington,
D.C. : Washington State University, 2001. 223 p. (T E18984)
Taweewan Sidthidet. Estimates of the NAIRU in Canada. Waterloo : University of Waterloo, 2000. 62 p. (T
Chatchawadee Thongtharb. Study of the antagonistic effect of slaed pang porn (Clinacanthus nutans)
Against Thailand cobra venom (Naja naja siamensis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1976. 2 แผน
(118 เฟรม). (T MF09602)
Chatchawadee Thongtharb. Study of the antagonistic effect of slaed pang porn (clinacanthus nutans)
against Thailand cobra venom (naja naja siamensis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1976. 2 แผน
(117 เฟรม). (T MF09793)
Naja kaouthia
Arunrat Srithamma. Neutralization of Naja kaouthia venom by Trigonostemon reidioides Craib. and Areca
catechu Linn. extract in mice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 84 p. (T E23145)
Charoonroj Chotwiwatthanakun. Production of potent polyvalent antivenom against Naja kaouthia,
Ophiophagus hannah and Bungarus fasciatus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 116 p. (T
Ronachai Pratanaphon. Preparation of potent horse therapeutic antivenom against the Thai cobra (Naja
kaouthia). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 110 p. (T E10046)
Senee Yingprasertchai. Studies on the effects of hyaluronidase inhibitors and antivenom antibody on the
local tissue damage caused by Naja kaouthia and Colloselasma rhodostoma venoms. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 160 p. (T E18336)
Naja kaouthia venom
Pakatip Ruenraroengsak. The quantitative studies of anti-snake venom activities of tannin from Thai
medicinal plants and preparation development. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 223 p. (T
Najanaja kaouthia
นันทวดี สุวรรณะบุณย. การเตรียมแอนติซีรัมตอนิวโรทอกซินและคารดิโอทอกซินจากพิษงูเหาไทย (Naja naja
kaouthia). กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2534. ฏ, 80 หนา. (วพ 63129)
Nakagami fading
จิรวัฒน คชสาร. อัตราความผิดพลาดบิตของระบบการเขาถึงหลายทางแบบการแบงรหัสลําดับโดยตรงในชองสัญญาณ
เฟดดิงนาคากามิรวมนัย ซึ่งมีตัวแปรเสริมไมเจาะจงโดยใชรหัสแกการลบและรหัสแกความผิดพลาด = Bit error
rate of coherent direct sequence code division multiple access system in the generalized nakagami
fading channel with arbitrary parameters using erasure-and-error correcting code. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 134 หนา. (วพ 104586)
Nakano sequence spaces
Theeradach Kaewong. Geometry of Nakano sequence spaces. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999.
26 p. (T E13433)
Naked DNA
Rattanaporn Norarat. Effects of low-energy ion beam on naked DNA. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2008. 97 p. (T E39711)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 89]
Nakhon Luang aquifer
Udomporn Chuangcham. Hydrogeology of the Nakhon Luang Aquifer in Bangkok Metropolitan area and its
vicinity. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 320 p. (T E19060)
Nakhon Nayok
Pornpen Chatchaisitikul. Hearing loss among elementary students graed 4-6 in Nakhonnayok province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 73 p. (T E18198)
Ratawan Sudsiri. Readiness to practice of health personnel under the decentralization health policy,
Nakhonnayok province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 167 p. (T E18188)
Roongtiwa Sudsiri. Health promoting school development for dengue haemorrhagic fever prevention and
control among primary school students, Nakhonnayok province. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 216 p. (T E17588)
Nakhon Nayok River
Patcharin Chatprasert. Evaluation of pollution in Nakhon Nayok river using QUAL2E-UNCAS and GIS.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 143 p. (T E16704)
Nakhon Nayok Upper Watershed Development Project
บุญเรือง แพทอง. ความเปนไปไดตามความจําเปนพื้นฐานที่ราษฎรในพื้นที่อพยพจะไดรับจากโครงการพัฒนาลุมน้ํา
นครนายกตอนบน = Possibility of basic needs which people in resettlement area will receive from
Nakhon Nayok Upper Watershed Development Project. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541.
159 หนา. (วพ 104008)
Nakhon Pathom
Atchareeya A-nuegoonpipat. Serological prevalence of flavivirus infection and its determinants among
patients with fever without etiological diagnosis in Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 117 p. (T E17886)
Bui, Huu Tri. The relationship between social support and breastfeeding practices among mothers in
Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 85 p. (T E16157)
Chattarin Bunkerd. Self-reliance group of chemical-free cultivators at Tambon Huay Phra, Amphoe
Dontoom, Nakhonpathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 112 p. (T E18445)
Haque, A.K.M.Enamul. Health seeking behavior of the elderly in rural areas of Nakhon Pathom province,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 100 p. (T E16966)
Hewage, Nimal Karunasiri Mathes. Practice of Thai traditional medicine among health professionals of
community hospitals in Nakhon Pathom province Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 88
p. (T E17546)
Kanittha Chamroonsawasdi. Epidemiological-based health care budget allocation model at the provinicial
level : a case study of Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 479
p. (T E17201)
Kwantoon Panyapiyawit. Factors affecting of the criminal investigation of the capital offense. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 85 p. (T E19365)
Ngeti, Fidelis Lagho. The study on utilization of safe water and sanitation facilitis among households in
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 88 p. (T E16158)
Punyawee Arame. Environmental education management of private vocational schools in Nakhonpathom
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 126 p. (T E18218)
Samarn Futrakul. Factors affecting dengue haemorragic fever prevention and control performance of
health personnel at subdistrict level in Nakhon-Pathom province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 99 p. (T E17672)
Samroung Jamneyom. Factors affecting agricultrual land use pattern change on the flood plain of Thachin
river basin : Nakhonpatom province a case study of Kong Tawad Taiyawat sub-district and Ngewrai
sub-district. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 129 p. (T E18183)
Sharma, Ram Naresh. Sustainable resource management practices on rice farming : a case of Sa See
Moom, Kamphaengsaen district, Nakhon Pathom province, Western region, Thailand. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2000. 186 p. (T E16434)
Sulistianingsih, Wahya. Oral health behavior among primary school children in Nakhon Pathom province,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 86 p. (T E17803)
Sumrueng Porncharoenkulkit. The efficiency of Tambon Administrative Organization implementing
infrastructure projects : a case study of Nakornprathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 102 p. (T E17527)
Supaporn Keardrit. The potential of local government for primary school lunch management in Nakhon
Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 96 p. (T E17549)
Tawatchai Chaima. Readiness in task performance of the police officers in provincial police stations in
Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 72 p. (T E20112)
Yadav, Sanjay Kumar. Potential effects on rural economies of conversion to sustainable farming systems :
a case of Sa See Moom rice farmer group, Kamphaengsaen, Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2000. 133 p. (T E16435)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 90]
Nakhon Pathom Hospital
Pathra Jatiwattanachaikul. Effect of nursing touch on anxiety and satisfaction in the emergency
orthopaedic surgical patients in Nakhon Pathom hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 70 p.
(T E24107)
Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University--Students--Attitude
Wilairat Kirin. The effect of Extensive Reading Plus activities on the development reading and writing skills
and perceptions of undergraduate students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 309 p. (T
Nakhon Pathom studies
Hennequin, Laurent. Nakhon Pathom studies in French documents. Nakhon Pathom : Silpakorn University,
2006. 222 p. (R E39277)
Nakhon Pathom--Population
Sombat Leetragarn. Factors affecting medical herb usage case study : population at Salaya Amphur
Buddhamonthon, Nakornpathom. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 115 p. (T E19329)
Sompong Saimonka. Perception of people towards the role and behavior in task performance of the police
in Nakhorn Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 83 p. (T E18400)
Nakhon Pathom--Population--Attitudes
Kanoungnit Chantarasenanon. The possibility of the established environmental charges for Salaya
Municipality : a case study of solid waste management towards residents's attitude. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 92 p. (T E17074)
Nakhon Phanom
Jirasak Charoenmit. Environmental geology of Changwat Nakhon Phanom in northeasthern Thailand.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 127 p. (T E18834)
Nanta Sitthirach. Productivity of floodplain forest areas under different land use systems : a case study
Ban Pak Yam, Srisongkram district, Nakhon Phanom province. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University,
2002. 111 p. (T E20148)
Nakhon Ratchasima
Chatpimon Choonprasan. An application of social marketing to promote dietary consumption and exercise
behaviors in decreasing hyperlipidemia among non-commissioned officers in Fort Suranaree,
Nakornrajasima province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 122 p. (T E17595)
Marut Promchua. Dietary composition of Bufo melanostictus Schneider, 1799 and Polypedates leucomystax
[Gravenhorst, 1829] at Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, Nakhon Ratchasima province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 143 p. (T E18437)
Pakwan Gajharn. Factors affecting youth conciousness of water resource conservation : a case study of
Nakhonratchasima municipality. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 102 p. (T E19245)
Viroj Lengrugsa. Appropriate guideline for people participation in the promotion of primary health care
case study : Amphoe Pak Chong. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 107 p. (T E18184)
Yaowapha Tiatrakul. The effectiveness of self-efficacy theory for self-care behavior modification among
type 2 diabetic patients attending Soongnurn hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 143 p. (T E17210)
Nakhon Ratchasima--Economic conditions
Uraiphan Wuttishingchai. Impacts of population growth and infrastructure development on land use
evaluation : a case study of Nakhon Ratchasima and Chaiyaphum provinces = ผลกระทบของ การเพิ่ม
จํานวนประชากร และการพัฒนาโครงสรางขั้นพื้นฐาน ตอวิวัฒนาการการใชประโยชนที่ดินกรณีศึกษาจังหวัด
นครราชสีมา และชัยภูมิ. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 2 microfiches (111 fr.). (T MF20346)
Nakhon Ratchasima--Population
Chupasiri Apinundecha. Community participation to minimize HIV/AIDS stigmatization, Nakhon Ratchasima
province, Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 248 p. (T E35462)
Nakhon Ratchasima--Population--Economic condition
Niran Pamapimai. Community Bussiness : a case study of Khanomcin group in Banpradok Muenwai
subdistrict Mueng district Nakhonratchasima province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 95 p. (T
Nakhon Ratchasima--Population--Nutrition
Dusanee Suttapreyasri. The study of vitamin A, C, E supplementation and nutrition education on blood
lipids level in the villages of Soongnern district in Nakorn Ratchasima province = ผลของการเสริม
วิตามินเอ ซี อี และโภชนศึกษาตอระดับไขมันในเลือดในหมูบานในอําเภอสูงเนิน จังหวัดนครราชสีมา. Bangkok
: Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, 1999. 35 p. (R E13210)
Nakhon Ratchasima--Population--Social conditions
Nitinan Kanprom. Social suffering : a case study of impact of Lam Ta Khong pumped storage project on
livelihood. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 207 p. (T E34866)
Nakhon Sawan
Nitima Suparee. The factors affecting health promoting behaviors among elderly in Nakhonsawan
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 127 p. (T E17920)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 91]
Nakhon Sawan (ตอ)
Sangthain Inpayung. Factors related to role of TAO executive committee in developing local occupation :
case study in Nakhonsawan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 139 p. (T E17395)
Sujeeporn Sriwalai. The performance of logistics management in health centre, Nakornsawan province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 48 p. (T E17596)
Sumalee Kittipoom. Effectiveness of primary care provided at midwifery private clinics : Nakhonsawan
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 107 p. (T E17586)
Ubonpun Promprangchai. Criteria and guidelines of appropriate technology for river bank erosion control
case study : Chaophraya river, Nakhonsawan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 116 p.
(T E17109)
Umaporn Sanusanti. An application of transtheoretical model and participatory learning approach to
promote diabetic self-care behavior in Tha-Ta Ko district Nakhonsawan province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 238 p. (T E17512)
Nakhon Sawan--Population
Kamonkan Khumchoo. The acceptance of water supply as drinking water among people in a certified
drinkable water supply area : a case study of Banhnongnoen Moo 4 Tambon Huathanon, Thatako
district, Nakhon Sawan province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 109 p. (T E32967)
Nakhon Si Thammarat
Bussabong Chaijaroenwatana. Ecological planning for sustainable natural resource management : a case
study of Nakhon Si Thammarat, southern Thailand. Washington D.C. : Washington State University,
2000. 152 p. (T E16040)
Chainarong Kaewjumnong. The behavior of sub-district health officers concerning infectious waste
management in the health center Nakhonsrithammarat province. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 80 p. (T E19540)
Supawadee Siripat. The satisfaction of postpartum mothers on discharge planning program, Thungsong
hospital, Nakhonsrithammarat province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 123 p. (T E19356)
Nakhonnayok Technical College--Students--Training of
Kunya Pradprew. The development of cleaner technology training model in environmental management
for students a case study : Nakhonnayok Technical College. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
158 p. (T E18565)
Nakhonpathom Hospital--Admission and discharge
Namthip Wichiramala. Development of discharge planning program for patients with ischemic stroke in
Nakhonpathom Hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 107 p. (R E40415)
Nakhonpathom police station
Chanchai Natsonamai. Factors in performance of the patrol police officers in Ampher Muang provincial
police station in Nakhonpathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 111 p. (T E17815)
Nakkeaw prasumen
Banterng Sittipat. The new Thai musical arrangment of Pleng Nakkeaw Prasumen. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 89 p. (R E33506)
Nakon Nayok River--Environmental aspects
Vanvimol Patarasiriwong. Relationship between aquatic insects, heavy metals and the environment in the
Rangsit Prayoonsak canal and the Nakon Nayok river, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2002. 119 p. (T E19656)
Nakornchaisi Hospital--Quality control
Pirom Leesuwan. The development of a control chart for service quality control in out-patient department
of Nakornchaisi hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 91 p. (T E34210)
Nakornthon Hospital
Yaowared Thongsima. Cost analysis of social security in-patients of Nakornthon hospital. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 139 p. (T E19421)
Decha Tamdee. Comparison of efficacy between nalbuphine, tramadol, and ondansetron in treatment of
postanesthetic shivering after intrathecal morphine for cesarean delivery. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 74 p. (T E21560)
Somrat Charuluxananan. Comparison of efficacy between 20 mg propofol and 3 mg nalbuphine in
treatment of intrathecal morphine induced pruritus in caesarean-section patients. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 42 p. (T E15571)
Nalidixic acid
Umarat Suntisukaseam. Sorption of acetaminophen and nalidixic acid onto polar and nonpolar adsorbents.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 76 p. (T E35870)
Sathit Niratisai. Synthesis of 14beta-amino isosteric analogs of naltrindole and norbinaltorphimine : role of
14beta-amino group and its acyl substituents on delta-and kappa-selective opioid receptor
antagonism. Minnesota : University of Minnesota, 2003. 147 p. (T E22301)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 92]
Nam Dok Mai Mango
นิฤมล สุขุมจิตพิทโยทัย. ผลของ forchlorfenuron ตอการขยายขนาดของผลมะมวงน้ําดอกไมทะวาย = Effect of
forchlorfenuron on fruit size of 'Nam Dok Mai' Tawai mango ( Mangifera indica L.). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ
เกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 1 แผน (22 เฟรม). (ว MF21857)
พรศุลี ศรีวิเชียร. ผลของการพนสารเอทีฟอน (ethephon) กอนเก็บเกี่ยวที่มีตอการเปลี่ยนแปลงสีผิวและคุณภาพผล
มะมวงพันธุน้ําดอกไมทะวายเบอร 4 = Preharvest sparay of ethephon on peel color development and
fruit quality of "Namdok Mai" mango. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 1 แผน (19 เฟรม).
(ว MF21926)
วิเชียร เลี่ยมนาค. ผลของการเคลือบผิวดวยไคโตแซน ตอการควบคุมโรคและคุณภาพหลังการเก็บเกี่ยวของผลมะมวง
พันธุน้ําดอกไมและเขียวเสวย = Effect of chitosan coating on postharvest diseases control and quality
of Nam Dork Mai and Keaw Sawoey mangoes. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 118 หนา. (วพ
Nam Dok Mai Si Thong
Rachit Suwapanich. Application of thermal properties to monitor chilling injury of mango fruit cv. Nam Dok
Mai Si Thong. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 271 p. (T E38684)
Nam Dok Mai Tawai Mango
บุญสิทธิ์ พยุวงศ. ผลของแคลเซียมและโบรอนและ pH ตอการงอกของละอองเกสรมะมวงพันธุน้ําดอกไมทะวายเบอร 4
= Effect of calcium and boron and pH on pollen germination of mongo cv. 'Namdokmai Ta wai#4'.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 1 แผน (19 เฟรม). (ว MF21932)
Nam Duk Formation
Vichai Chutakositkanon. Characteristics of detrital chromian spinels in sandstones from the Nam Duk
Formation, Amphoe Lom Sak and Amphoe Nam Nao, Changwat Phetchabun. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 135 p. (T E15199)
Nam Et-Phou Loey National Biodiversity Conservation Areas
Chanhthavy Vongkhamheng. Participatory wildlife diversity monitoring with different ethnic groups, in Nam
Et-Phou Loey National Biodiversity Conservation Areas, Northern Lao PDR.. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 155 p. (T E18441)
Nam Nao National Park
Tawatchai Sumpradit. Yeast diversity in soils from hill evergreen, mixed deciduous, dry dipterocarp, and
pine forests of Nam Nao National Park. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 260 p. (T E27865)
Nam Nao National Park--Environmental aspects
Saran Boonchirdchoo. Correlative study of Pinus tree ring-widths and climatic variables case study : Nam
Nao and Phu Kradung National Parks, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 61 p. (T
Nam Ngum 1 Hydro Power Plant
Phonepaseuth Vongdara. Vibration monitoring system for optimum operation of hydraulic turbine at Nam
Ngum 1 hydro power plant. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 208 p. (T E41498)
Nam Oon Dam
Jutamas Keeratibumrungpong. Application of box-jenkins models to water allocation : a case study of Num
Oon dam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 153 p. (T E14851)
Nam Pan forest
Phonesavanh Hommabounlat. Participation of villagers in conservation activities of Nam Pan forest in
Bolikhamxay province, Laos PDR. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 128 p. (T E28918)
Nam Phong Basin
Sneddon, Christopher S.. River alteration and conflicts over water : a case study of the Nam Phong basin,
northeast Thailand. Hanover : Dartmouth College, 2001. 200 p. (R E16305)
Nam Pla
Prasert Suntinanalerts. Roles of microorganisms in the fermentation of Nam Pla in Thailand : relationship
of the bacteria isolated from Nam Pla produced from different geographical localities in Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1979. 3 แผน (135 เฟรม). (T MF09506)
Nam Pong
Sakda Supapongpichate. Water quality studies in relation to human settlements : a case study of Nam
Pong Northeast Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1979. 4 แผน (207 เฟรม). (T MF05528)
Nam Pong Irrigation Improvement Project
Ubonwan Charoendee. An economic evaluation of Nam Pong irrigation improvement project in Khon Kaen
province, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1988. 2 microfiches (101 fr.). (T MF20305)
Nam Pong Irrigation Project
Sarote Rookunpanit. Problems and constraints related to agricultural resource management : a case study
of Nam Pong Irrigation Project. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1979. 4 แผน (207 เฟรม). (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 93]
Nam Pong soil series
ธรรมเรศ เชื้อสาวถี. การปรับปรุงสภาพแวดลอมในดิน และการเจริญเติบโตของพืชในดิน ชุดน้ําพอง ดวยมูลฝอยจาก
ชุมชนรวมกับกิจกรรมของไสเดือนดิน Pheretema sp. = Effect of solid waste and the earthworm
Pheratema sp. on potentials improvement of soil environment and plant growth in Nam Pong soil
series. ขอนแกน : ภาควิชาทรัพยากรที่ดินและสิ่งแวดลอม มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2540. 14 หนา. (ว
Nam Theun 2 substation
Thongsavanh Keokhoungning. Transient overvoltage analysis of 500 kV transmission line between Nam
Theun 2 substation and Roi Et 2 substation. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2009. 144 p. (T
Nam Tok Pliew National Park
ศักดิ์พิชิต จุลฤกษ. ศักยภาพในการจัดการทรัพยากรธรรมชาติของชุมชนทองถิ่นรอบแนวเขตอุทยานแหงชาติน้ําตกพลิ้ว
จังหวัดจันทบุรี = Natural resource management potential of local communities surrounding Nam Tok
Pliew National Park, Chanthaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 106 หนา. (ว
Nam Wa Kom
จิตรา ตระกูลนาเลื่อมใส. พัฒนาการของใบกลวยน้ําวาคอม = Leaf ontogeny of 'Nam Wa Kom' banana (Musa
spp. ABB group). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2537. 1 แผน (20 เฟรม). (ว
สิริวรรณ บุญมา. อิทธิพลของการปลิดหวีที่มีตอผลผลิตและคุณภาพของกลวยน้ําวาคอม = Influence of hand
thinning on yield and quality of banana (Musa spp. cv. Nam Wa Kom). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 1 แผน (23 เฟรม). (ว MF21865)
Nam Yao sub-watershed
Prachwanee Pibumrung. Effects of land-use changes on carbon stocks : a case study in Nam Yao subwatershed, Nan province, Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 168 p. (T E40733)
Nam-oon Irrigation project
Danuphol Deelom. Factors influencing farmers' adoption of tomato seed production in Nam-oon irrigated
area, Sakon Nakon, Thailand. Philippines : University of Philippines, 1993. xvii, 102 p. (T E6613)
Pakinee Sangsawang. A linguistic study of the trading business names of the Chinese Thais : a case study
in Samphanthawong district, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 151 p. (T E19899)
Name ID
Attasit Thipsongkhroh. Computer software for assisting biological identification. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 128 p. (T E18526)
Name service
Ladda Preechaveerakul. The intelligent domain name system : a system that supports sharable name
services. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 111 p. (T E34980)
Names, Geographical--Phitsanulok
ไกรเลิศ นามนิตย. การวิเคราะหชื่อบานนามเมือง จังหวัดพิษณุโลก กรณีศึกษา อําเภอวังทอง. พิษณุโลก : โรงเรียน
หนองพระพิทยา, [2541]. 99 หนา. (ว 100457)
Namibia--Race relations
Anti-apartheid Movements. Racism and apartheid in southern Africa : South Africa and Namibia : a book of
data based on material. Paris : Unesco Press, 1974. 156 p. (T E22469)
Naming ability
Supak Koonchit. A study of naming ability in normal Thai adults based on age and educational in Bangkok
using the Thai adaptation of naming test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 65 p. (T E24606)
Naming in Thai
ธีรารัตน บุญกองแสน. การศึกษาการตั้งชื่อภาษาไทยของภาพยนตรอเมริกัน = A study of naming in Thai of
American film. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 222 หนา. (วพ 110025)
Naming system
Ladda Preechaveerakul. The intelligent domain name system : a system that supports sharable name
services. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 111 p. (T E34980)
Naming the film
ธีรารัตน บุญกองแสน. การศึกษาการตั้งชื่อภาษาไทยของภาพยนตรอเมริกัน = A study of naming in Thai of
American film. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 222 หนา. (วพ 110025)
Namjang cave
Panisara Phutong. Mineralogy and isotopic geochemistry of stalagmites in Namjang cave, Pangmapha,
Maehongson province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 128 p. (T E40486)
Nattima Eungruttanagorn. Optimization of growth conditions of Halobacterium salinarium strain AO2 and
Tetragenococcus halophilus strain TS64 related to fish sauce (Nampla) fermentation. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 160 p. (T E16367)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 94]
Chadsuree Waiyarattana. Aflatoxin content in three types of ready-to-eat chili paste from Bangkok markets
and effect of sorbic acid on aflatoxin concentration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 112 p. (T
Adichat Surinkum. Evaluation of mineral deposit potential in Nan-Uttaradit suture zone using geophysical
data. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 228 p. (T E19391)
Noppadol Kasetwethin. Civil society and development : a case study on Hakban Group, Thawangpha
district, Nan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 96 p. (T E18262)
Prichavijy Promjak. Cost-recovery of health facilities for foreign patients in Nan province. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 172 p. (T E20244)
Nan Hospital
Sumalai Wiwatkunoopakarn. Drug compliance among essential hypertensive patients at Nan hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 127 p. (T E16878)
Nan language
Siwaporn Chotecheun. The phonology of Nan with comparisons to Phare. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1986. 231 p. (T E8160)
Nan River [Thailand]
Nakane, Kazurou. Hydrological and micro-meteorological data at the Khuwae Noi river basin in the Nan
river, north-east Chao Phraya river basin, Thailand water year 1996 to 1998. Ibaraki : National
Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, 2001. 3 vols. (R E15735 v.1; E15736
v.2; E15737 v.3)
ชัยวัฒน สุขดี. การศึกษาคุณภาพของน้ําในลําน้ํานาน เพื่อใชในการบริโภคในจังหวัดพิษณุโลก = To study the
quality of water at Nan river for domestic at Phitsanuloke. พิษณุโลก : คณะวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยี
สถาบันราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม, 2542. 87 หนา. (ว 100446)
Nang Klangwan Mango
Warangkana Katawatcharakul. Effect of heat treatment on chilling injury in Nang Klangwan mango fruits.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 94 p. (T E15499)
Nang Rong
Mana Akrapandit. The impact of fertility on child educational attainment : a longitudinal study of a rural
area in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 103 p. (T E21876)
Susanto, Adi. Evaluation of concentrate Nannochloropsis sp. flocculated with NaOH for feeding rotifer
(Brachionus rotundiformis). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 70 p. (T E22785)
Nano composite
Chanathip Desharun. Synthesis of linear low-density polyethylene [LLDPE]/alumina nano composite via in
situ polymerization with metallocene catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 95 p. (T
Nano crystal
Kongkiat Suriye. Defect structure controlling on TiO2 nanocrystal and its applications. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 202 p. (T E37560)
Nano fibers
Jeerapong Watthanaarun. Effects of synthesis parameters and secondary metal doping on physical and
chemical properties of the electrospun titanium (IV) oxide nanofibers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 116 p. (T E27820)
Nano filtration membrane
Aunnop Wongrueng. Groundwater defluoridation by ultra low pressure reverse osmosis membrane and
nano filtration membrane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 187 p. (T E35996)
Nano particles
Panutin Tantichuwet. Preparation and characterization of alumina via gas and liquid phase synthesis.
Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 80 p. (T E37428)
Nano-alumina powder
Chompoonuch Puchmark. Effects of nano-alumina powder on microstructures and physical properties of
lead zirconate and lead zirconate titanate ceramics. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 155
p. (T E37320)
Sutasinee Kityakarn. Preparation and characterization of Nano-LaCoO3 perovskite oxidative catalyst.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 152 p. (T E30185)
Sulawan Kaowphong. Synthesis and analysis of luminescent metal tungstates and lead sulfide with nanoand micro-structures. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2009. 161 p. (T E41681)
Nano-titanium dioxide
Kannikar Juengsuwattananon. Synthesis of nano-titanium dioxide by sol-gel method for photocatalysis
application. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 101 p. (T E38378)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 95]
Wilairat Chuafak. Mechanical properties of natural rubber/nanocalcium carbonate composites. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 75 p. (T E30145)
Nattaporn Anumansirikul. Entrapment of unstable active compounds by chitosan nanocapsules. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 92 p. (T E42885)
Anchalee Jintapattanakit. Intranasal delivery of self-assembly insulin nanocomplexes based on surface
modified trimethyl chitosan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 252 p. (T E41501)
Aimon Treewisessorn. Effects of major components on the properties of cellulose nitrate-typed nail
enamel. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 159 p. (T E42855)
Boonnak Sukhummek. Polyurethane/poly [ethyl methacrylate] interpenetrating polymer network
organoclay nanocomposites. Loughborough : Loughborough University, 2005. 258 p. (T E36445)
Piyaporn Kampeerapappun. Preparation of cassava starch/montmorillonite nanocomposite film. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 101 p. (T E23391)
Santi Maensiri. Processing and properties of alumina-matrix nanocomposites. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2005. 31 p. (R E30284)
Sarintorn Limpanart. Surface modification of montmorillonite for polymer-clay nanocomposite preparation.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 109 p. (T E34780)
Thanittha Samerjai. Characterization of zinc oxide/magnesium oxide nanocomposites synthesized by flame
spray pyrolysis. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2009. 87 p. (T E42070)
Wisitsree Wiyaratn. Electrochemical reduction of organohalides at modified electrodes. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 132 p. (T E39608)
Nanocomposite film
Piyaporn Kampeerapappun. Preparation of cassava starch/montmorillonite nanocomposite film. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 101 p. (T E23391)
Nanocomposite films
Khamkaew Photyotin. Effect of surfactant and organoclay loading on mechanical and gas barrier properties
of EVOH/clay nanocomposite films. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 98 p. (T E37933)
Pinyo Hovilailux. Analysis of permeability of low density polyethylene/clay nanocomposite filme. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 112 p. (T E37592)
Apichart Limpichaipanit. Wear and indentation of Nl2O3/SiC nanocomposites. Oxford : University of
Oxford, 2008. 222 p. (T E41874)
Arunee Tabtiang. Preparation of poly [vinyl chloride]/clay nanocomposites. Bangkok : Department of
Chemistry, Mahidol University, 2000. 35 p. (R E17958)
Attavit Pisitanusorn. Fabrication and characterization of ceramic nanocomposites in dental porcelain-base
systems. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 190 p. (T E38496)
Hathairat Benjapornthavee. Preparation of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/montmorillonite nanocomposites
by solution technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 125 p. (T E41611)
Mongkol Tantiviwattanawongsa. Effect of organoclay on mechanical and gas barrier properties of nylon
6/clay nanocomposite films. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 91 p. (T E38342)
Naowarath Manomaisantiphap. Preparation and characterisation of polymer/clay hybrids through the copolymerisation of methyl methacrylate with glycidyl methacrylate and maleic anhydride. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 124 p. (T E17119)
Nuchjaree Pirotesak. Analysis of young's modulus of polypropylene/clay nanocomposites. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 93 p. (T E37523)
Patcharaporn Ngumnunjai. Preparation and properties of poly (methylmethacrylate)/clay nanocomposites.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 83 p. (T E34754)
Sorada Jingjid. Effect of nanoclay compositions on biodegradability fo methyl cellulose/montmorillonite
nanocomposites. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 89 p. (T E35800)
Sukanya Aphiwantrakul. Synthesis and characterization of polymer-clay nanocomposites. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 94 p. (T E18742)
Walailak Ubankhlong. Solid-state mechanical properties and microstructure of polypropylene/nylon-6 clay
nanocomposites. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 76 p. (T E34985)
On-uma Nimittrakoolchai. Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline ZnS : Mn2+_polyelectrolyte.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 73 p. (T E33300)
Jirathana Phungphadung. Effect of crystallite size and calcination temperature on the thermal stability of
single nanocrystal of transition metal oxides. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 105 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 96]
Nanocrystalline (ตอ)
Kulyakorn Khuanmar. Utilization of nanocrystalline and tin-doped titanium dioxide synthesized by polyvinyl
polymer sol-gel for phenolic compound degradation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 67
p. (T E38623)
Nanocrystalline dimond
Santi Maensiri. Processing and properties of alumina-matrix nanocomposites. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2005. 31 p. (R E30284)
Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite
Siwaporn Meejoo. Modification of properties of bone substitute by means of nanotechnology for
development of advanced nanocomposite materials. Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Mahidol
University, 2006. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E34642)
Nanocrystalline materials
Kritsanu Tivakornsasithorn. Effect of annealing on the magnetic properties of Fe40Ni38B18Mo4 amorphous
ribbons. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 62 p. (T E24137)
Solos Chuwet. Crystal size effects of nanocrystalline-titania catalyst synthesized by glycothermal method
on gas phase-oxidation of 2-propanol. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 70 p. (T E16345)
Nanocrystallization magnetic properties
Kritsanu Tivakornsasithorn. Effect of annealing on the magnetic properties of Fe40Ni38B18Mo4 amorphous
ribbons. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 62 p. (T E24137)
Ei Ei Maw. Effects of different oil types and surfactant concentrations on the physical stability of
nanoemulsions and in vitro release of diclofenac-loaded nanoemulsions. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2007. 146 p. (T E38130)
Pattanasak Nuksawn. Alumina nanofiber synthesis by combined sol-gel and electrospinning techniques.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 63 p. (T E40147)
Chanutporn Dheraprasart. Production of antimicrobial gelatin nanofibers by electrostatic spinning. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 101 p. (T E41971)
Jaturon Supapol. Detailed investigation on titanium (IV) oxide nanofiber synthesized by combined sol-gel
and electrospinning techniques. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 85 p. (T E40148)
Jiradet Suwannakoot. Adhesion of human gingival fibroblast cells on RGD-modified electrospun Thai silk
fibroin nanofibers. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 74 p. (T E41764)
Kunawan Arayanarakul. Effects of processing agents on bead formation of electrospun poly (ethylene
oxide) nanofibers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 72 p. (T E27755)
Manaschuen Patapeejumruswong. Electrospinning of ultrafine cellulose acetate-egg albumen blend fibers.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 61 p. (T E39661)
Nuanchan Choktaweesap. Effect of processing parameters on morphology and diameter of electrospun
gelatin nanofibers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 79 p. (T E25117)
Sutana Sakuldao. Electrospinning of cellulose acetate coaxial nanofibers. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 73 p. (T E42812)
Chalatip Ratasuk. Comparison of haloacetic acid removal between biological activated carbon and
nanofiltration. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 119 p. (T E31461)
Nguyen, Thi Thu Ha. Desalinization of aqueous extract of Acanthus ebracteatus Vahl. by nanofiltration.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 54 p. (T E23029)
Suthatsana Homthian. Numerical study of flow and mixing behavior of nanofluids in impinging streams.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 50 p. (R E40121)
Nanogold thin films
Patcharee Pratumpong. Electrical and mechanical properties of silver polymer nanocomposites and
nanogold thin films. Leeds : University of Leeds, 2001. 216 p. (T E18979)
Anchana Panichuttra. Effect of fluoride released from restorative dental materials on hardness of enamel
dentin. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 363 p. (T E18926)
Rattaporn Thonggoom. Surface characterisation of modified natural rubber using atomic force Microscopy
: new correlation between friction coefficient and surface morphology of rubber. Bangkok :
Department of Chemistry Mahidol University, 2008. 1 vol (in various paging). (R E40970)
Sriprajak Krongsuk. Molecular dynamics of the nanoscale interface. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 98
p. (T E34341)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 97]
Teerawut Ruangsanam. Effects of metal-doping on zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized via Solvothermal
method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 98 p. (T E34796)
Wannapong Triampo. The integrated studies of Leptospira interrogans using statistical physics,
mathematical modeling, computer simulations and nanoscience : effect of magnetic field and
nanoparticles. Bangkok : Department of Physics Mahidol University, 2007. 1 vol. (R E37836)
Amornsak Chanagul. Effects of types of anions and cosurfactants on ZnS nanoparticles synthesis in
microemulsion. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 78 p. (T E27894)
Ananchai U-kaew. Turbulence manipulation in pipe flow by means of swirl, polymer additives and
suspensions of nanoparticles in water. Bethlehem : Lehigh University, 2007. 131 p. (T E41379)
Anongnat Somwangthanaroj. effect of degree of dispersion and particle size of ZnO nanoparticles in
polyimide films on light emitting properties. Bangkok : Department of Chemical Engineering
Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 41 p. (R E40604)
Aranee Torcharoenrungduan. Preparation and characterization of chitosan-coated alginate nanoparticles
containing dacarbazine. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 79 p. (T E40919)
Arnut Ritdath. Detection of natural rubber latex allergens using antibody conjugated with fluorescent dyedoped silica nanoparticles. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 106 p. (T E37564)
Atitaya Siripinyanond. Size characterization of bioactive ingredients in pharmaceutical nanoparticles using
field-flow fractionation. Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Mahidol University, 2008. 43 p. (R
Chaikarn Liewhiran. Synthesis of pure and palladium-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles by flame spray
pyrolysis for use as an ethanol vapor sensor. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 240 p. (T
Chanjira Kitiwiang. Effects of silver doping on photocatalytic activity of cerium dioxide nanoparticles
synthesized by homogeneous precipitation. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2009. 99 p. (T
Channarong Poolperm. Green fabrication of nanoparticles on clear vermicelli. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2007. 64 p. (T E36139)
Chonlada Dechakiatkrai. Titanium dioxide-based nanomaterials and their applications. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2008. 148 p. (T E39547)
Chuleeporn Luadthong. Nanoparticles from cinnamate derivatives of poly(vinyl alcohol). Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 92 p. (T E39089)
Darapond Triampo. Study of TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis and stabilization via chemical force microscopy.
Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Mahidol University, 2007. 74 p. (R E41829)
Mayura Wittayasuporn. Chitosan nanoparticle as all-trans-retinyl acetate carrier : characterization and
controlled release. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 119 p. (T E39065)
Mukdavan Prakobvaitayakit. Comparative study of itraconazole-loaded nanoparticles using
polyisobutylcyanoacrylate and poly (DL-lactide-co glycolide) as drug carriers. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 296 p. (T E23101)
Nipaporn Puangsin. Surface functionalization of magnetite nanoparticles with poly(acrylic acid) and folic
acid. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2009. 127 p. (T E42830)
Panu Danwanichakul. Control of nanoparticle film structure : a theoretical study of sequential quenching of
particles on surface. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2006. 103 p. (R E34649)
Parawee Tonto. Effect of organic solvents on crystal shape and ultraviolet absorption of zinc oxide
synthesized via solvothermal method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 133 p. (T E27768)
Patcharaporn Manopinives. Preparation and characterization of nanoparticles from microemulsion system
for topical delivery of Coenzyme Q10. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 158 p. (T E41670)
Pawinee Noomwong. Enhancement of in vivo transcorneal permeability of acyclovir-loaded poly-lactic acid
and bovine serum albumin nanoparticles. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 110 p. (T E37775)
Phatsawee Jansook. Development of solid lipid nanoparticles and nanostructured lipid carriers containing
amphotericin B. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 294 p. (T E37333)
Poonlasak Muthakarn. Production of carbon nanoparticles using arc discharge in water method. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 116 p. (T E25108)
Pornpan Wannarong. Synthesis of nanocrystallite yttrium aluminium garnet by precipitation method.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 101 p. (T E40156)
Praewpun Boonyasirisri. Preparation and characterization of biodegradable Polymeric nanoparticles
containing curcuminoids. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 174 p. (T E35315)
Prapasri Sinswat. Enhancing the delivery of poorly water soluble drugs using particle engineering
technologies. Austin : University of Texas at Austin, 2006. 289 p. (T E36560)
Rapiphun Janmanee. Effect of palladium on photocatalytic activity of tin dioxide nanoparticles synthesized
by thermal decomposition. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 128 p. (T E39368)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 98]
Nanoparticles (ตอ)
Rathapon Asasutjarit. Effect of solid lipid nanoparticles and chitosan nanoparticles formulation on
physicochemical properties and ability for transdermal delivery of HIV plasmid DNA vaccine.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 130 p. (T E42851)
Rutchanee Nonthabenjawan. Nanoparticles from cinnamate chitosan derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 103 p. (T E38952)
Siwaporn Meejoo. Modification of properties of bone substitute by means of nanotechnology for
development of advanced nanocomposite materials. Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Mahidol
University, 2006. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E34642)
Suda Limvongsuwan. In vitro penetration of lycopene-loaded nanoparticles using chitosan as a stabilizer.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 134 p. (T E35832)
Supa Kotcha. The study and characterization of the nano-encapsulation of clotrimazole into N-phthanoyl
chitosan-g-mPEG self assembly. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 131 p. (T E37154)
Supason Wanichweacharungruang. Nano-particles with UV-filtering property from chitosan derivatives.
Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Chulalongkorn University, [2007]. 40 p. (R E35925)
Supason Wanichwecharungruang. Nano-particles with UV-filtering property from chitosan derivatives.
Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 57 p. (R E39599)
Umnart Sudyajai. Brain delivery enhancement of curcumin via nanotechnology. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 124 p. (T E34051)
Veeraya Jiradilok. Hydrodynamics of fluidization of FCC particles and nanoparticles. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 346 p. (T E35245)
Woragut Thayavivat. Electrocatalysis for methanol oxidation by metal nanoparticles deposited on borondoped diamond thin film electrode. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 81 p. (T E40778)
Yaowalak Boonsongrit. Chitosan drug binding by ionic interaction : preparation, characterization and in
vitro release study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 181 p. (T E38801)
Aranya Manosroi. Development of nanoparticular formulations entrapping mineral water for topical uses.
Chiang Mai : Faculty of Pharmacy Chiang Mai University, 2006. 50 p. (R E35468)
Nanoporous carbon
Chatchai Narawisut. Nanoporous carbon synthesis with a structural Regularity of Zeolite Y. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2005. 64 p. (T E29033)
Nanoporous catalysts
Pinyo Wongthong. Adsorption and diffusion of light hydrocarbons on nanoporous catalysts : quantum
chemical and molecular dynamics investigations. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 77 p. (T
Sukum Eissayeam. Preparation and characterization of mixture of lead zirconate titanate and barium iron
niobate ceramics from their nanopowder precursors. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 136
p. (T E37319)
Nanoscale zerovalent iron
San Chaithiraphant. Polyelectrolyte-modified nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) particles to degrade (I) TCE
as nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) at the interface and (2) aqueous TCE in humic acid. Bangkok
: King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 90 p. (R E40678)
Senee Kruanetr. Development of green analytical technique based on micro-flow for water analysis and
preparation of nanosensors. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 179 p. (T E39546)
Nanostructure materials
Anirut Ruksudjarit. Fabrication of dense hydroxyapatite nanomaterials for bone implant applications.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 225 p. (T E41353)
Parinya Somrang. Comparative effect of crystallite size and calcination temperature on the thermal stability
of spinel type metal oxide. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 99 p. (T E18837)
Patcharee Pratumpong. Electrical and mechanical properties of silver polymer nanocomposites and
nanogold thin films. Leeds : University of Leeds, 2001. 216 p. (T E18979)
Sorapong Pavasupree. New aspects of nanostructured metal oxides as energy materials. Kyoto : Kyoto
University, 2006. 146 p. (T E36568)
Sorapong Pavasupree. Preparation of mixed metal oxides nanostructured materials and their
photocatalytic activity under visible light. Kyoto : Kyoto University, 2004. 62 p. (T E36567)
Yootana Pimtong-ngam. Development of artificial neural networks for semiconductor gas sensors based on
nanostructured SnO2. Bangkok : Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, 2009. 119 p. (R E41889)
Nanostructured catalysts
Supawadee Namuangruk. Molecular design of nanostructured catalysts for industrial reactions. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2007. 143 p. (T E39133)
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 99]
Nanostructured lipid carriers
Jirawat Naweecholniyom. Influence of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) on the stability of rice bran
antioxidant in cosmetic formulation. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 85 p. (T E40130)
Phatsawee Jansook. Development of solid lipid nanoparticles and nanostructured lipid carriers containing
amphotericin B. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 294 p. (T E37333)
Veerawat Teeranachaideekul. Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC)-stability improvement and release
modification of Ascorbyl palmitate and Coenzyme Q10. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 348 p.
(T E39409)
Nanostructured materials
Teerasak Kamwanna. Developments of iron beam analysis techniques for micro and nanoscale materials.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 218 p. (T E41303)
Nanostructured materials--Synthesis
Patcharin Worathanakul. Novel synthesis of nanostructured materials : SiO2-TiO2, SiO2-Al2O3 and SUZ-4
zeolite for environmental applications. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2008. 165 p. (T E39152)
Chorchat Soonthornpalin. Selective catalytic reduction of NOx over nanostructured catalysts. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2004. 69 p. (T E23367)
Naraporn Pankaow. InGaAs nanostructures grown by droplet molecular beam epitaxy. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 55 p. (T E37530)
Naratip Sangkhaprom. A novel method for zinc oxide nanostructure synthesis via combined electrospinning
and solvothermal techniques. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 113 p. (T E40169)
Sanoe Chairam. Hands-on fabrication of magnetite nanoparticles on mung bean vermicelli coated with
silver nanoparticles by green method for promoting undergraduate student education in chemistry.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 188 p. (T E40325)
Anurak Udomvech. The geometry and electronic structure of nanotubes and their application as charge
storage and transport devices. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 75 p. (T E21309)
Praewpun Boonyasirisri. Preparation and characterization of biodegradable Polymeric nanoparticles
containing curcuminoids. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 174 p. (T E35315)
Tanin Tangkuaram. Development of electrochemical sensors for analysis of medical and environmental
analytes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 174 p. (T E38813)
Anurak Udomvech. The geometry and electronic structure of nanotubes and their application as charge
storage and transport devices. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 75 p. (T E21309)
Wilaiwan Chanmanee. Fabrication of TIO2 nanotube arrays by andization and its applications in
photoreduction of chromium [VI]. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 165 p. (T E40846)
Korakot Thathang. Development of a nanovesicular formulation entrapped with plasmid DNA for an
efficient gene delivery system. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 305 p. (T E39783)
Sanitta Thongpang. Vacuum field emission microelectronic devices based on silicon nanowhiskers.
Christchurch : University of Canterbury, 2006. 101 p. (T E41574)
Bawornpong Pornchuti. Prediction of cracking hydrocarbon compounds from palm oil with chemical
equilibria. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 44 p. (T E20224)
Kitti Thamkoson. Feasibility study of the conversion of i-paraffin to n-paraffin for a naphtha cracking
process. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 146 p. (R E24385)
Naphthalene acetic acid
Bootsaya Srianan. Effects of internal donor maturity and auxin on embryogenic callus induction and
polyamines effect on plantlets regeneration from anther-derived embryogenic callus of indica rice
(Oryza sativa L.ssp.indica). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 63 p. (T E37731)
Naphthalene toxicity
Utsanee Chamkate. Development of a physiologically based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) model to probe
naphthalene toxicity in a micro CCA. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
2006. 89 p. (R E35854)
Wasan Damduan. Dimerization of methyl oleate using Thai clays as catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 110 p. (T E23420)
Wilawan Keawniyomchaisri. Liquid phase adsorption separation of a c6 naphthene and paraffin binary
mixture = การแยกนาฟทีนและพาราฟนที่มีจํานวนคารบอน 6 อะตอม ในเฟสเหลวออกจากกันโดยวิธีการดูด
ซับ. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 2 microfiches (107 fr.). (T MF20522)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 100]
Nipa Jongkon. Study on interactions between Naphthol and Naphthoquinone derivatives and
cyclooxygenase by molecular docking calculations. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 129 p. (T
Boonsong Kongkathip. Synthesis of naphthols and naphthoquinone esters isolated from Rhinacanthus
nasutus with anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities including structure activity relationships
[SARs] by computer modeling. Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Kasetsart University, 2007. 189
p. (R E37869)
Jutawatra Aoonpakh. Phytochemical study of Diospyros undulata var. cratericalyx leaves. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 166 p. (T E16712)
Komkrit Hasitapan. Part I : Synthesis of naphthoquinone ester derivatives with anticancer and antimalarial
activities. Part II : Synthesis of naphthol derivatives with anti-inflammatory activity. Part III :
Application of three-component palladium-catalysed cascade reaction of diketopiperazine and 1,4benzodiazepine derivatives. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 344 p. (T E36252)
Nipa Jongkon. Study on interactions between Naphthol and Naphthoquinone derivatives and
cyclooxygenase by molecular docking calculations. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 129 p. (T
Ong-art Thanetnit. Synthesis of naphthoquinones utilizing cobalt-salen catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 46 p. (T E27775)
Pharkphoom Panichayupakaranant. Biosynthetic studies of naphthoquinones in Impatiens balsamina root
cultures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 135 p. (T E11700)
Suwaporn Luangkamin. Part I : Synthesis of naphthoquinones isolated from Rhinacanthus nasutus and
their derivatives with anticancer and antibacterial activities. Part II : Palladium catalysed reactions
of allene with phenols and active methylene compounds. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 374
p. (T E21923)
Wanchai De-eknamkul. Production of naphthoquinones by tissue cultures of garden balsam (impatiens
balsamina). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 79 p. (R E8644)
Naphthoquinone esters
Boonsong Kongkathip. Synthesis of naphthols and naphthoquinone esters isolated from Rhinacanthus
nasutus with anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities including structure activity relationships
[SARs] by computer modeling. Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Kasetsart University, 2007. 189
p. (R E37869)
Napier grass
Jorgensen, Soren Thorndal. Effects of cutting height on yield and quality of five napier cultivars.
Copenhagen : Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, 1996. 47 p. (T E11478)
Niwat Chankul. A study on use of thin napier grass (Pennisetum spp.) as low-cast building boards.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. x, 98 p. (T E8133)
Poosadee Saksopit. A study on the bioavailability of diclofenac and naproxen preparations. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1993. xiv, 72 p. (T E7469)
Sasiporn Dangthongdee. Comparison of renal effects between celecoxib and naproxen in elderly patients
at Rajavithi hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 177 p. (T E20215)
Usa Amornsiripanish. Comparative studies of bioavailability of naproxen tablets commercially available in
Thailand = การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบการเอื้อประโยชนในรางกายของยาเม็ดนาไพรเซนที่มีจําหนายในประเทศ
ไทย. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1988. 3 microfiches (142 fr.). (T MF20483)
Kiyotari, Tsuboi. The historic city of Nara : an archaeological approach. Tokyo : Centre for East Asian
Cultural Studies for UNESCO, 1991. 157 p. (R E8817)
Charnchai Poowong. People practicing according to Public Health Act, B.E.2535 in Amphur Ra Ngae,
Narathiwat province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 160 p. (T E34211)
Narathiwat--Population--Citizen participation
Pongtep Khaimook. People's participation in development at the Pikun Thong Royal Development Study
Centre in Narathiwat province, Thailand. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University,
1999. 158 p. (T E13518)
Phnom Sukchan. Factors influence Brugia malayi infection on endemic areas Sungaipadi district Narathiwat
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 133 p. (T E17486)
Narathiwatratchanakarin Hospital
Wimolwan Dumklai. The development of in-patient nursing record forms in Narathiwatratchanakarin
hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 213 p. (T E17275)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 101]
Khanittha Sitthi. The study on narcissism in Sriburapha's Behind the Painting. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2008. 72 p. (R E39634)
Peerapong Wongupparaj. The role of cognitive-behaviour factors in the prediction of sexual recidivism
among male juvenile sex offenders in Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 204
p. (T E37736)
Narcissus [Plants]--Nutrition
Soraya Ruamrungsri. Physiological studies of plant nutrition and metabolism in Narcissus cv. 'Garden
Giant'. [S.l.] : Niigata University, 1997. 140 p. (T E11075)
Narcotic addicts
Apasiri Suwannanon. Feasible models for collaboration among government and non-government
organizations in implementation of compulsory system on drug treatment and rehabilitation in
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 251 p. (T E21605)
Chantima Tuntisawee. Determination of addict hair by RIA. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. xvii, 58 p.
(T E6305)
Juti Jaroenpak. Diversion of the drug addicts in the criminal justice process. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 80 p. (T E19337)
Matsee Nakornnoi. Community-based therapeutic support program for drug addicts in Phraphutthabath
district, Saraburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 174 p. (T E23705)
Noppadol Sangkanauk. The criminal investigation of narcotics drugs in the Metropolitan Police Subdivision
7. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 64 p. (T E18693)
Pachongchit Intasuwan. Factors related to drug addicts behavior of adolescents : executive summary.
Bangkok : Behavioral Science Research Institute, Sri Nakharinwirot University, 1996. 11 p. (R
Patcharee Kooncumchoo. Alteration of plasma biogenic amines and hormones in amphetamine- and
heroin- addicted subjects. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 124 p. (T E11230)
Prasert Boonyakijmaitree. Solid Extraction and TLC application on addict's urine = การประยุกตใช Solid
Extraction และ TLC ในการตรวจปสสาวะของผูเสพติด. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 2
microfiches (120 fr.). (T MF20348)
Sombat Makun. Factors affecting the acceptance of rehabilitation process and the assessment of
rehabilitation effectiveness in drug addicts. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 222 p. (T E40416)
Usaneya Perngparn. An evaluation of government run substance misuse treatment centers. Bangkok :
Institute of Health Research Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 45 p. (R E19996)
Wichian Sripootorn. The study of organic brain in amphetamine dependence by using the Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale-Third-Edition. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 113 p. (T E36766)
กัลยาณี ตันศฤงฆาร. การศึกษาระดับฮอรโมนเทสโทสเตอโรนและลูทีนไนซิ่งฮอรโมนในผูติดยาเสพติด และหลังจาก
การรักษาดวยเมธาโคน = Plasma testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels in heroin addiction and
methadone detoxification. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรการแพทย จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2538.
26 หนา. (ว 98034)
พรรณศิริ นาวิภา. การแกไขปญหาฟนฟูผูติดยาเสพติดใหโทษในระบบงานคุมประพฤติ. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2540. 204 หนา. (วพ 100274)
รัตนา สินธุภัค. การศึกษาภูมิคุมกันในผูที่เสพติดโทลูอีน = Study on immunoglobulins in toluene abusers.
กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรการแพทย จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2537. 36 หนา. (ว 99791)
Narcotic addicts rehabilitation
Jiraporn Bunshuvong. Problems and needs development in operation of drug addicts rehabilitation.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 165 p. (T E20927)
Narcotic addicts--Bangkok
Busaba Suppawattanabodee. Estimating the number of drug users in Bangkok : a capture-recapture
method. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 116 p. (T E21242)
Narcotic addicts--Rehabilitation--Evaluation
Phongpun Khuanyoung. An evaluation of the rehabilitation for the drug addicts Jirasa program at
Rehabilitation Center Royal Thai Air Force. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 156 p. (T E38828)
Narcotic addicts--Therapeutics
Adisorn Wisal. Life condition of youths after ex-addiction : a case study of the youths at Pracharat
Phattana Rehabilitation Center Nong Pak Long sub-district, Muang district, Nakhon Pathom
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 222 p. (T E20181)
Narcotic discussion in workplace projects
Rungsakul Bunkhapue. Factors influencing of police job under project discussions on problems of narcotic
drugs in workplace. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 86 p. (T E20451)
Narcotic drug
Darunai Changjai. Factors affecting female drug offender inmates' needs and expectations of life before
and after release. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 98 p. (T E20832)
Sutee Rakacheep. The measures of narcotic drugs suppression : a case study of Kanjanaburi province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 71 p. (T E21719)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 102]
Narcotic drug problem
Siriphorn Salapan. Development of instructional package for prevention of narcotic drug problem of lowersecondary students in the expansion opportunity schools in Thailand . Chandigarh : Panjab
University, 2001. 181 p. (T E19111)
Narcotic exhibit seized
Niphon Chansumawong. The managing approach of the narcotic exhibit seized in lis pendens of the police
officers in the Prosecution and Financial Investigation Division Narcotics Suppression Bureau.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 135 p. (T E15401)
Narcotic habit
Sawitri Thayansin. Influence of connectedness to parents and peers on drug use initiation among Thai
male youth. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 101 p. (T E37708)
Siriporn Chantaluk. Factor monitoring a risk group free from drug abuse : case study of the drug addicted
sibling at - risk group. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 146 p. (T E23519)
Narcotic habit--Nakhon Pathom
Sumaj Kitisurakulchai. Development of life skill and morality with Buddhist model applied to prevention of
drug abuse : a case study in secondary level schools in Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2008. 145 p. (T E39183)
Narcotic laws enforcement officer
Garoon Buapheun. Amphetamine network in Thai society : an investigation based on the experience of
narcotic law enforcement officers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 100 p. (T E19341)
Narcotic problems
Sekson Wannasubchue. Results of narcotic problem solving of the third army regiment along Thai-Burma
border. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 136 p. (T E37168)
Chalothorn Wattanachot. Expectations and needs of prisoners who committed narcotic violations before
they are released from prisons and correctional institutions in region 1. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 146 p. (T E15309)
Chantima Tuntisawee. Determination of addict hair by RIA. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. xvii, 58 p.
(T E6305)
Darunai Changjai. Factors affecting female drug offender inmates' needs and expectations of life before
and after release. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 98 p. (T E20832)
Garoon Buapheun. Amphetamine network in Thai society : an investigation based on the experience of
narcotic law enforcement officers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 100 p. (T E19341)
Jakgree Suntharow. Family factors affecting drug use [amphetamine] of male juveniles in the Central
Observation and Protection Center. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 135 p. (T E18516)
Kemigar Vajeesaard. Needs after release of the juvenile delinquency concerning narcotics drugs : a
specific study of the juveniles in Ubekha Training school. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 71 p.
(T E15311)
Navin Sengsomvong. The relationship between offences against the Narcotic Act and offence against
property in female juveniles of Ban Pranee training center for the young women, Bangkok
Metropolis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 88 p. (T E17568)
Nuttapon Suvannavonk. Factors affecting drug use (amphetamines) among drug offenders from the
fishery occupation in Samutsakorn prison. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 87 p. (T E21139)
Piyaporn Boonsophon. The relationship between narcotics and crime against property : a case study of
Ban Pranee training school for girls. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 62 p. (T E36143)
Pongruk Sribanditmongkol. Inhibition of morphine tolerance and dependence by diazepam and its relation
to opioid peptides. Ohio : cohio State University, 1994. xvii, 127 p. (T E7732)
Pramaha Suwatsan Ragkhanto. Solution for substance abuse problems in secondary school by using
structrual-Buddhist sociological perspective : a case study of teacher's roles in the Department of
Non-vocational Education in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 180 p. (T E18066)
Rungsakul Bunkhapue. Factors influencing of police job under project discussions on problems of narcotic
drugs in workplace. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 86 p. (T E20451)
Siriphorn Salapan. Development of instructional package for prevention of narcotic drug problem of lowersecondary students in the expansion opportunity schools in Thailand . Chandigarh : Panjab
University, 2001. 181 p. (T E19111)
Siriporn Chantaluk. Factor monitoring a risk group free from drug abuse : case study of the drug addicted
sibling at - risk group. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 146 p. (T E23519)
Somyat Kumpala. Factors related to substance use of American adolescents. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 168 p. (T E17558)
Suphot Chaosritong. Factors affecting narcotics investigation of the police officers in the Prosecution and
Financial Investigation Division, Narcotics Suppression Bureau. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000.
125 p. (T E14638)
Surapon Klomnoi. The investigation of narcotic drugs offenders under the constitution of the Kingdom of
Thailand B.E.2540. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 64 p. (T E21654)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 103]
Narcotics (ตอ)
Thanuthep Ritiluechai. Factors affecting non-commissioned police officers in Drug Investigation
Subdivision, Metropolitan Police Bureau. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 139 p. (T E19731)
Vipavee Tangthumniyom. The impacts of pethidine during labor on respiratory physiology and
neurobehavior of the neonate : a prospective blind study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 110
p. (T E16576)
Wittaya Pathomneela. Factors affecting the male adolescence's drug use (Amphetamine) in the Medical
Correctional Institution in Pathum Thani. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 162 p. (T E15402)
กรมประชาสัมพันธ. ความคิดเห็นของเยาวชนกับปญหาการขยายตัวของยาเสพติด ระหวางวันที่ 14 มกราคม - 20
กุมภาพันธ 2542. กรุงเทพฯ : กรม, 2542. 123 หนา. (ว 98835)
นัฏรดี พลวัง. การศึกษาสถานการณยาเสพติดในโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษา ระหวางป พ.ศ. 2541-2546 โดยใชเทคนิคการ
สรางภาพอนาคต = Study of narcotic situation in secondary schools during 1998-2003 through the
scenario technique. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 117 หนา. (วพ 99710)
ปฐมพร ลือเสียง. การสอบสวนคดีความผิดเกี่ยวกับยาเสพติด ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี กองบังคับการสอบสวน กองบัญชาการ
ตํารวจปราบปรามยาเสพติด = Narcotic investigation emphasized in the procession and financial
investigation Division Narcotics Suppression Bureau. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 182
หนา. (วพ 99229)
พิชิต พิทักษโลหพิตร. การศึกษาเจตคติของผูบริหารระดับกลางตอการบริหารงานดานการปองกันปราบปรามยาเสพติด
ใหโทษ : กรณีศึกษาสํานักงานตํารวจแหงชาติ = A study on middle managers' attitude toward
management of protection and eradication of narcotics and drugs : a case study of the Royal Thai
Police Headquarters. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 153 หนา. (วพ 99072)
พิมพลักษณ สุวรรณศรี. การพัฒนารูปแบบการสอน เรื่องสิ่งเสพติด ในกลุมวิชาสรางเสริมประสบการณชีวิต ชั้น
ประถมศึกษาปที่ 6 โดยเนนการใชกระบวนการแกปญหาแบบรวมมือกันเรียนรู = The development of an
instructional model for the topic of drugs in the life-experience group of Prathom Suksa VI by using
problem solving and cooperative learning approaches. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 376
หนา. (วพ 98304)
รัตนา สินธุภัค. การศึกษาภูมิคุมกันในผูที่เสพติดโทลูอีน = Study on immunoglobulins in toluene abusers.
กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรการแพทย จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2537. 36 หนา. (ว 99791)
Narcotics and crimes
Noppadol Sangkanauk. The criminal investigation of narcotics drugs in the Metropolitan Police Subdivision
7. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 64 p. (T E18693)
Narcotics and youth
Nipa Neeskul. Development of the service model for amphetamine addicted youths in Thanyarak hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 219 p. (T E16544)
Panisa Lakthong. Effect of family counseling on family functioning in families of adolescent
methamphetamine abuser. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 102 p. (T E33357)
Poatjanee Prommajit. Preventive strategies in a family context for methamphetamines abuse : a case
study of students in public secondary schools in one northern province. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 199 p. (T E16403)
Sawitri Thayansin. Influence of connectedness to parents and peers on drug use initiation among Thai
male youth. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 101 p. (T E37708)
Somyat Kumpala. Factors related to substance use of American adolescents. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 168 p. (T E17558)
Wisit Muensuwan. Factors affecting decision on drug use, narcotic type 1 [amphetamine] of male juveniles
in a central observation and protection center. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 128 p. (T
Narcotics and youth--Bangkok
Somsak Nanta. Influence of family background of children and youths towards inhalant practice in
Bangkok = อิทธิพลภูมิหลังครอบครัวของเด็กและเยาวชนที่มีตอพฤติกรรมการเสพสารระเหย ใน
กรุงเทพมหานคร. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 3 microfiches (124 fr.). (T MF20388)
Supakanda Suksriwong. Factors affacting to juveniles and youths' drug abuse : a case study of juveniles
and youths in Bangkok Metropolitan and peripheral areas. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 143
p. (T E36635)
Surasak Laohapiboolkul. An evaluation of secondary school anti-narcotic programs in Bangkok Metropolis.
Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 170 p. (T E35133)
Narcotics case
ทัดคํา แสงสุกสวาง. ความคิดเห็นของเจาหนาที่ตํารวจตอการปฏิบัติงานดานการสืบสวนคดียาเสพยติด : ศึกษาเฉพาะ
กรณี เจาหนาที่สืบสวน กองบังคับการตํารวจนครบาล 7 = Police's opinion on investigation narcotics
performance : a case study of investigation officers in Metropolitan Police Division 7. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 159 หนา. (วพ 113320)
ธํารงค ชูหมุน. กฎหมายปองกันและปราบปรามการฟอกเงินกับการริบทรัพยสินในคดียาเสพยติด = Money laundering
control act and property forfeiture in narcotics case. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2542. 73
หนา. (วพ 108022)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 104]
Narcotics control program
จเร ผกผา. ความสัมพันธระหวางสภาพทางสังคมของประชาชนบานทอ กับการยอมรับการแกไขปญหายาเสพยติดให
โทษ = Relationship between social characteristics of people at Ban Tho community and acceptance
of narcotics control program. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 78 หนา. (วพ 103550)
Narcotics drug
Nuttapon Suvannavonk. Factors affecting drug use (amphetamines) among drug offenders from the
fishery occupation in Samutsakorn prison. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 87 p. (T E21139)
Narcotics problems--Citizen participation
Thongbai Tatong. People's participation in solving the narcotics problems in Maehug village, Sansai
district, Chiangmai. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 132 p. (T E30215)
Narcotics, Control
Patana Nakatong. Development of a community health nursing practice model : community empowerment
for narcotic prevention, Lampang province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 212 p. (T E33043)
Narcotics, Control of
Adirek Beraheng. A strategic model of community policing applied to counteract narcotic drugs (YABA)
community policing : a case study of Bangkok-Yai community committee, Bangkok. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2003. 120 p. (T E20450)
Pornchai Kuntee. The perception of Thai police toward the drug problem. Sam Houston : Sam Houston
State University, 1995. 194 p. (T E9557)
Wirut Watanaphithuk. The participation of the Ministry of Health staff in preventing the problem of drug
abuse in the project of the board of director for preventing and solving the drug abuse problem of
the province case study in the Prathumthani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 129 p.
(T E21025)
Narcotics, Control of--Bangkok
Prapaipat Komapat. An alleviation of drug abuse problem through neighborhood driving forces : a case
study of Suan-Oy community in Bangkok Metropolitan area. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008.
202 p. (T E39913)
Chaiyod Chansomboon. The criminal investigation of narcotic drugs in the provincial police of
Kanchanaburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 68 p. (T E21889)
Chookiart Kosa. Participation of family leaders in solving narcotics problems : a case study of Koh Kha
district, Lampang province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 124 p. (T E23509)
Narcotics--Lop Buri
Khempat Potipituk. A study of narcotics situation of the Provincial Police of Lopburi. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 91 p. (T E20926)
Patra Supattanawong. Development of seized narcotics management system. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2008. 115 p. (T E39178)
Chaiyarug Chomsinsaap. The roles of community police on drug prevention and suppression : a case study
of Nong Khaem police station. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 82 p. (T E33929)
Kraisook Sinsook. Community participation process in drug prevention through participatory action
research, Tambol Bang Prom, Bang Khonthi district, Samut Songkhram province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p. (T E17990)
ตวงสิทธิ์ ปอมสุวรรณ. การศึกษาความสัมพันธระหวางความรู ทัศนคติและพฤติกรรมการปองกันยาเสพติดใหโทษของ
นักเรียนมัธยมศึกษา สังกัดกรมสามัญศึกษา จังหวัดชัยภูมิ = A study on the relationship between
knowledge attitude and practice concerning drug dependence of upper secondary school students
under Department of General Education Chaiyaphum province. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน,
2541. 112 หนา. (วพ 99735)
Narcotics--Prevention--Citizen participation
Kasem Suppavatcharayothin. Participation of the civil defense volunteers in the prevention of
amphetamine problems in Nakorn Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 147 p. (T
Narcotics--Samut Prakan
Nitipat Tangkittirungruang. The participation of Tambol Administration Organization Councillor in drugs
problem prevention : a case study of Tambol Administration Organization Councillor in Samut
Prakan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 131 p. (T E34327)
Naresuan Univerity--Students
Piyada Noipha. A survey of attitudes towards class presentation in English by graduate students at
Naresuan University. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2007. 61 p. (R E41655)
Naresuan University--Students
Kanjana Phattaratunya. A study of English pronunciation problems of graduate students at Naresuan
University. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2007. 1 vol. (R E41665)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 105]
Naresuan University--Students (ตอ)
Kriengsukdi Syananondh. English for academic purpose of Naresuan University graduate students : a need
analysis. Pitsanulok : Naresuan University, 1993. 20 p. (R E8680)
Pongsakorn Meteetum. Case study of cooperative learning by using jigsaw technique with second-year
English major students at Naresuan University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 135 p. (T
Rattana Yawileong. Clothing accessories advertisements in English : preferences, attitudes, and recall of
first year Naresuan University students. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2002. 76 p. (T E18154)
Sanitpong Moungthong. Purchase of cosmetic products : a study of factors influencing Naresuan University
Graduate Students' purchase behavior. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 81 p. (R E40838)
Naresuan University. Field of Study English--Curricula
Muannirata Cholnop. The study of opinions towards the academic year 2002 curriculum perceived among
graduate students in English program, Naresuan University. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University,
2004. 62 p. (R E41615)
Naresuan University. Field of Study English--Students
Isaraporn Tepjan. A study of cohesion in argumentative writings of English major seniors at Naresuan
University. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 95 p. (T E39735)
Kiattichai Saitakham. A study of English vocabulary learning strategies of the third-year English major
students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Naresuan University. Phitsanulok :
Naresuan University, 2002. 127 p. (T E18158)
Nongnoot Tangjaijaroensap. A study of culturally-appropriate communicative competence of the fourthyear English-Education major students at Naresuan University. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University,
2008. 82 p. (T E39720)
Wipasiri Jaengsaengthong. The study of online reading strategies of graduate students majoring in English
at Naresuan University. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 65 p. (T E39722)
Nuchanat Pramakatay. Effects of quercetin and naringenin on rate and force of contraction of isolated rat
right and left atria. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 92 p. (T E34959)
Kanokorn Sudto. Naringin from Pomelo Citrus grandis [L.] Osbeck peel. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 53 p. (T E40792)
Narita Air Regional Office
Narin Khumkham. The problem at Narita Airport Regional Office. Bangkok : Royal Thai Police, 1997. 42 p.
(R E12040)
Narong Metal Work Co.
Mingmit Rakathamwong. Design and development of web-base application case study : Narong Metal
Work Co., Ltd.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 99 p. (T E24008)
Narration [Rhetoric]
Chuleeporn Suwan. Les techniques du recit dans les oeuvres pour la jeunesse d'Henri Bosco : L'Ane
Culotte, L'Enfant et la riviere et Le Renard dans l'ile. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 151
p. (T E23394)
Tanisaya Jiriyasin. The effects of naprative task repetition on the English oral language performance of
Thai undergraduate students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 346 p. (T E39556)
Narration, roman
Supatcharee Manatat. L'art du recit dans deux romans de Jean Giono : Regain et le Hussard sur le toit.
Bangkok : Universite Silpakorn, 2002. 119 p. (T E21175)
Narrative art [Art movement]
Areerat Limwongsuwan. An analysis of the narrative in romantic drama screenplays : a care study of
academy awards nominees for best screenplay 1994-1998. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
285 p. (T E17728)
Narrative pattern written
Chittima Kaweera. An analysis of narrative pattern written by Thai English major college students.
Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2003. 71 p. (T E20259)
Narrative song
Kritsana Athapanyawanit. A discourse analysis of narrative songs of Jaran Manopetch. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 273 p. (T E23841)
Poomthon Arunyakasemsook. Low-dose versus high-dose narrow-band UVB phototherapy in severe atopic
dermatitis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 78 p. (T E15913)
Narrow-leaved cattail
Siritham Singhtho. Decolorization of basic, direct and reactive dyes by pre-treated narrow-leaved cattail
(Typha angustifolia Lin.). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 96 p. (T E16768)
Sumol Nilratnisakorn. Textile wastewater treatment by narrow-leaved cattail. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 103 p. (T E39391)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 106]
Narrow-leaved cattails
Dussadee Maneesuwannarat. Effect of silicon on treatment of synthetic reactive dye wastewater by
narrow-leaved cattails. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 88 p.
(T E42234)
Nasal cavity--Cancer
Apiwat Mutirangura. Molecular genetics of nasopharyngeal cancer : genetic susceptibility, mechanism of
mutation and clinical application. Bangkok : Department of Anatomy Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E19697)
Nasal cell culture
Saraporn Harikarnpakdee. Development of spray dried mucoadhesive microspheres as intranasal drug
delivery system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 177 p. (T E23122)
Nasal Cytology
Ronnachai Viriyataveekul. The usefulness of nasal cytology test in the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis in
children. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 69 p. (T E16808)
Nasal fossa--Cancer
Apiwat Mutirangura. Molecular biology of nasopharyngeal carcinogenesis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, [1998]. 33 p. (R E13258)
Nattiya Hirankarn. Mapping of cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes within latent membrane protein 1 from
nasopharyngeal careinoma-associaled ebslein-barr virus in Thai population. Bangkok : Faculty of
Medicine Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E20885)
Nasal Polyposis
Winai Wadwongtham. The effectiveness of large middle meatal antrostomy vs small-hole maxillary ostium
widening technique in FESS operation for the prevention of recurrent maxillary sinusitis. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 41 p. (T E16809)
Nasal spray
Bordeesuda Suiwongsa. Formulation, stability and bioequivalence of salmon calcitonin nasal sprays.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 168 p. (T E35266)
Nasal strips
ปนัดดา ฉิมตระกูล. ผลของการใชพลาสเตอรชวยหายใจที่มีตอสมรรถภาพการจับออกซิเจนสูงสุด และอัตราการเตนของ
หัวใจขณะฟนตัว = Effects of using nasal strips on the maximal oxygen uptake and the recovery
heart rate. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 73 หนา. (วพ 109985)
Netra Buakanok. A study of nasalance in normal children aged 6 to 15 years in Bangkok, Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 75 p. (T E18244)
Parichat Pimanthep. The study of nasalance scores in Thai cleft palate patients aged 8 to 15 years.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E17767)
Nasalis larvatus
Ramesh Boonratana. The ecology and behaviour of the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in the lower
Kinabatangan, Sabah. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xxv, 285 p. (T E7218)
Sureerat Thuantavee. Shoot-root allometry and growth of nashi and tomato : the effects of budding,
gibberellins and cytokinins. [S.l.] : Massey University, 1991. 228 p. (T E22535)
Naso-gastric tube feeding
Arissara Sukwatjanee. The effects of different naso-gastric tube feeding flow rates on gastric meal
transference. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 51 p. (R E16164)
Nasogastric tube
Napanan Khummuenwai. Comparison of serum phenytoin levels after administration with Dilantin Infatabs
R and Dilantin Kapseals R via nasogastric tube feeding. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005.
85 p. (T E35897)
Netra Buakanok. A study of nasalance in normal children aged 6 to 15 years in Bangkok, Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 75 p. (T E18244)
Parichat Pimanthep. The study of nasalance scores in Thai cleft palate patients aged 8 to 15 years.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E17767)
Nasopharyngeal airway
Pornkana Sonthilawat. Study of nasopharyngeal airway and its relationship to craniofacial structures in
Thai. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. vii, 154 p. (T E6407)
Nasopharyngeal cancer
Apiwat Mutirangura. Molecular genetics of nasopharyngeal cancer : genetic susceptibility, mechanism of
mutation and clinical application. Bangkok : Department of Anatomy Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E19697)
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Apiwat Mutirangura. Two hits hypothesis study in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2000. 20 p. (R E15554)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 107]
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (ตอ)
Ingorn Kimkong. The association between HLA-E gene and genetic susceptibility of nasopharyngeal
carcinogenesis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 86 p. (T E21751)
Narisorn Kongruttanachok. Genetic susceptibility of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 82 p. (T E19476)
Nattiya Hirankarn. Mapping of cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes within latent membrane protein 1 from
nasopharyngeal careinoma-associaled ebslein-barr virus in Thai population. Bangkok : Faculty of
Medicine Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E20885)
Pattamawadee Yanatatsaneejit. To search for new candidate tumor supressor genes in nasopharyngeal
carcinoma (NPC). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 77 p. (T E42713)
Preechaya Naksawat. Determination of antibody market [s] against epstein-barr virus antigen[s] as a
responsive treatment indicator for nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients in Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p. (T E18540)
Rungnapa Hirunsatit. The association between haplotype of PIGR and genetic susceptibility of
nasopharyngeal carcinogenesis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 93 p. (T E22756)
Nata de coco
Sirinya Thomtong. Formulation of dietary fiber-enriched bakery products from nata de coco. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 133 p. (T E33502)
Wanpen Mesomya. Effects of health food from cereal and nata de coco on serum lipids in human. Bangkok
: Institute of Food Research and Product Development Kasetsart University, 2004. 14 p. (R
Nata Production--Manufactures
วิชุดา ปราชญาภักดิ์. การศึกษาสูตรอาหารที่เหมาะสมสําหรับผลิตวุนมะพราว = Study on the optimum conditions
for nata production. ภูเก็ต : คณะเกษตรและอุตสาหกรรม สถาบันราชภัฏภูเก็ต, [2541]. 19 หนา. (ว 99881
ฉ.1; 99882 ฉ.2)
Nathalie sarraute
Nipaporn Tirasait. Ecriture theatrale de nathalie sarraute. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 271
p. (T E27734)
Nation Junior
ศุภนิตย วงศทางสวัสดิ์. ลักษณะเนื้อหา พฤติกรรมการอานและการใชประโยชนของเยาวชนไทยจากบางกอกโพสต สติว
เดนท วีคลี่และเนชั่นจูเนียร = Types of content, reading behavior and uses of the Bangkok Post
Student Weekly and the Nation Junior among Thai youths. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542.
159 หนา. (วพ 108922)
Nation Junior Interactive Radio Programme
จุฑาทิพย อัครวิเชียร. ทักษะการสื่อสาร ความคาดหวัง และการใชประโยชนของผูฟงจากการฟงรายการเนชั่น จูเนียร อิน
เทอรแอ็คทีฟ = Listeners' communication skills expectation and benefits from Nation Junior
Interactive Radio Programme. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 177 หนา. (วพ 109935)
Nation Junior Magazine
Sarana Bubphachat. A study of readability of language in nation junior magazine features. Bangkok :
Ramkhamhaeng University, 2004. 173 p. (T E26610)
National artist
ไพฑูรย บุญพึ่ง. จําเนียร ศรีไทยพันธุ ศิลปนแหงชาติ : ชีวประวัติและผลงาน = Jumnian Srithaipun, a national
artist : biography and works. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 204 หนา. (วพ 108054)
National Cancer Institute
Wongduern Jindawatthana. Utilization and cost recovery of mammography at National Cancer Institute,
Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 143 p. (T E15543)
National Carrier of Thailand
Bhassakorn Chanpayom. An empirical study of the interrelationships among contingency variables and
organizational structure of the National Carrier of Thailand : a multiple-case study of Thai Airways
International's Departments. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2001.
382 p. (T E18704)
National characteristics, Nigerian
LeVine, Robert Alan. Dreams and deeds ; achievement motivation in. Chicago : University of Chicago
Press, [1966]. 123 p. (R E291)
National characteristics, Thai
กัญญา สวางเรืองศรี. การประเมินผลการปฏิบัติงานตามโครงการสงเสริมเอกลักษณไทยและทองถิ่นในแผนปฏิบัติการ
ประจําป ในชวงแผนพัฒนาการศึกษา ระยะที่ 7 (2535-2539) สํานักงานการประถมศึกษาจังหวัดพิษณุโลก.
พิษณุโลก : สํานักงานการประถมศึกษาจังหวัดพิษณุโลก, 2542. 191 หนา. (ว 100761)
National characteristis
Sugiyama, Shoko. Mass media and national identity in Thailand : newspapers and opinions on national
development (1910-32). Tokyo : Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2000. 125 p. (R E16308 c.1;
E16309 c.2)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 108]
National development
Sugiyama, Shoko. Mass media and national identity in Thailand : newspapers and opinions on national
development (1910-32). Tokyo : Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2000. 125 p. (R E16308 c.1;
E16309 c.2)
National Economic and Social Advisory Council
Sarun Sinuthok. Roles of the national economic and social advisory council as defined by the constitution.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 89 p. (T E33081)
National Education Act of B.E.2542 [1999]
Sirithm Chantapun. Municipal readiness for education organization in accordance with the national
education act of B.E.2542[1999] : a case study in Yala. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 185 p.
(T E17453)
National Education ACT of BE. 2542
Nualanong Butrakaewtang. Personnel expectation towards status changes following the National Education
Act of B.E.2542 a case study of the Office of Rajabhat Institutes Council. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 106 p. (T E17749)
National Education Act, B.E.2542
เฉลิมชัย พันทวีศักดิ์. นโยบายการพัฒนาวิชาชีพครูตามพระราชบัญญัติการศึกษาแหงชาติ พ.ศ.2542 = Teacher
professional development policy for National Education Act 1999. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง,
2543. 168 หนา. (วพ 111280)
เฉลิมพล พินทอง. การศึกษาความพรอมในการจัดการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน ตามพระราชบัญญัติการศึกษาแหงชาติ
พุทธศักราช 2542 ของโรงเรียนสังกัดสํานักงานคณะกรรมการการประถมศึกษาแหงชาติ เขตการศึกษา 5 = A
study of readiness to provide basic education according to the 1999 National Education Law of
school under the Office of National Primary Education Commission, region five. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 155 หนา. (วพ 112515)
ดวงตา พิริยานนท. การเปดรับขาวสาร ความรู และทัศนคติของครู ในสังกัดสถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล ที่มีตอราง
พ.ร.บ.การศึกษาแหงชาติ = Media exposure, knowledge and attitude of the Rajamangala Institute of
Technology Instructors toward the draft of National Education Act, B.E.2542 (1999). กรุงเทพฯ :
สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล วิทยาเขตพณิชยการพระนคร, 2543. 134 หนา. (ว 113662)
National Educational Reform Policy
ศุภชัย ศรีหลา. ประสิทธิภาพขององคกรตอการพัฒนาหลักสูตรและกระบวนการเรียนการสอนตามนโยบายปฏิรูป
การศึกษา = The relationship between organizational effectiveness of the school and curriculum and
instructional development according to the national educational reform policy. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 338 หนา. (วพ 105445)
National essential drug list
Jarurat Petchsong. Factors affecting herbal medicine prescribing of physicians in community hospitals.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 191 p. (T E17855)
Piyanart Moolha. Study of condition and reason to use non essential drug in community hospital, Buriram.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 106 p. (T E37197)
National Family Planning Program
Supawatanakorn Wongthanavasu. Systems dynamics modeling for sustainability of development program
in Thailand : a case of the Thailand's national family planning program. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2003. 118 p. (T E22889)
National forest reserves
ชัยวัฒน จิตกลา. การออกแบบและพัฒนาฐานขอมูลเพื่อการบริหารทรัพยากรปาไม : กรณีศึกษา การขออนุญาตใช
ประโยชนที่ดินในเขตปาสงวนแหงชาติ = Design and development of database for forest resource
administration : a case study of land use permission in national forest reserves. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2544. 96 หนา. (วพ 113822)
National Gallery
Patrawan Vitookijwatana. Good points and weak points of renovating old public buildings for new function
: case study old mint building renovation into the National Gallery in 1977. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 104 p. (T E23532)
National health expenditure
Li, Yaqing. Analysis of national health expenditure in China : experimental model approach. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 96 p. (T E14105)
National Health Insurance
Vasinee Singsa. The client's perception of primary care services under universal health insurance policy in
Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 129 p. (T E23811)
National health insurance program
Loquias, Monet M.. Geographic variations in health care utilization under the national health insurance
program of the Philippines. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 245 p. (T E33683)
National health insurance scheme project
Nattayanee Seingnoo. Unit cost of primary health care service in a selective contracting private clinic
under national health insurance scheme in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 123 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 109]
National Health Recommendation Project
กรกฤตย กิตติสุนทรพิศาล. การศึกษาบทบาทของสื่อตอการยอมรับโครงการสุขบัญญัติแหงชาติของโรงเรียนระดับ
มัธยมศึกษาในจังหวัดชลบุรีและนาน = A study of media roles towards the adoption of national health
recommendation project in secondary schools in Changwat Chonburi and Nan. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 164 หนา. (วพ 102909)
National Health Security Act, B.E.2545
Wimolwan Kaeowijit. Desired practices and characteristics of officials according to National Health Security
Act, B.E.2545. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 96 p. (T E32952)
National health security scheme project
Siyadhorn Bunyadharokul. Budget impact of the thalassemia management under the national health
security scheme. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 64 p. (T E39979)
National Housing Authority
Vimolsiddhi Horayangkura. An evaluation of the Bang Bua community project of the National Housing
Authority (a beneficiary perspective) : final report. Bangkok : Social Research Institute,
Chulalongkorn University, 1985. vi, 105 p. (R E7560)
Vimolsiddhi Horayangkura. An evaluation of the Lad Buakao community project of the National Housing
Authority (a beneficiary perspective) : final report. Bangkok : Social Research Institute,
Chulalongkorn University, 1985. v, 66 p. (R E7561)
วิมลสิทธิ์ หรยางกูร. พฤติกรรมนันทนาการกับสภาพการใชพื้นที่สาธารณะภายในชุมชนอยูอาศัยของการเคหะแหงชาติ =
Recreational behavior and related utilization of public space within residential communities of the
National Housing Authority. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะสถาปตยกรรมศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 80
หนา. (ว 100841)
National Housing--Employees
Khanitta Iamla-or. Media needs for maintaining English language capability and skills of the National
Housing Authority's personnel. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1999. 93 p. (T E13575)
National Human Rights Commission
Stewart, Robb. Civil society and policy advocacy in Thailand : the role of advocacy coalitions in the
establishment of the National Human Rights Commission, 1990-2000. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 217 p. (T E19707)
National identity
Sugiyama, Shoko. Mass media and national identity in Thailand : newspapers and opinions on national
development (1910-32). Tokyo : Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2000. 125 p. (R E16308 c.1;
E16309 c.2)
National income
พิมล สืบปรุ. ผลของการเปลี่ยนแปลงปริมาณเงินตอระดับรายไดประชาชาติ ป พ.ศ.2515-2539 = The impact of
change in money supply on the national income (1972-1996). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง,
2541. 120 หนา. (วพ 98481)
National innovation system
Bounhap Souligno. A study of national innovation systems on information and communication technology
in Lao People's Democratic Republic. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
2005. 136 p. (R E33779)
National Institute of Development Administration--Students
Sumonrat Tosukhowong. Motivation toward English learning and language learning strategies of NIDA
students. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1998. 110 p. (R E13018)
Tuanchai Tan-ngarmtrong. The relationship of English reading proficiency to academic achievement of
NIDA students. Bangkok : NIDA Language Center, 1988. viii, 56 p. (R E9227)
National Institute of Education
Chheang Sangvath. Effectiveness on training information and communication technology by Khmer
language software : a case study of the National Institute of Education Cambodia. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2008. 129 p. (T E40079)
National integration
Nakayama, Sachiko. Education, identity construction and national integration in an ethnic community : a
case study of Yunnanese Chinese in Ban Tham Santisuk village, Mae Sai district, Chiang Rai
province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 152 p. (T E21478)
National Museum of Thailand
Cary, Caverlee. Triple gems and double meanings : contested spaces in the National Museum of Bangkok.
New York : Cornell University, 1994. 401 p. (T E9594)
National Occupation Skills Standards
สมนึก มังกะระ. การศึกษาการเรียนการสอนหลักสูตรประกาศนียบัตรวิชาชีพในสถานศึกษาสังกัดกรมอาชีวศึกษา ตาม
มาตรฐานฝมือแรงงานแหงชาติ : กรณีศึกษาสาขาชางไฟฟาในรถยนต กลุมอาชีวภาคเหนือ = A study on
teaching-learning under vocational education certificate program in college of Department of
Vocational Education in accordance with national occupational skills standard : a case study of
motor vehicle eletrician field in the northern vocational region. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระ
จอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 150 หนา. (วพ 99963)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 110]
National park management
สฤษฏ แสงอรัญ. ศักยภาพและแนวทางการจัดการอุทยานแหงชาติเพื่อการทองเที่ยวเชิงอนุรักษ : กรณีศึกษาอุทยาน
แหงชาติอาวพังงา จังหวัดพังงา = Potentials and national park management guidelines for ecotourism
: a case study of Ao Phang-nga Nation park, Changwat Phang-nga. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 210 หนา. (วพ 102740)
National parks and reserves
Adhikari, Bhim Prasad. Relationship between forest regeneration and ground flora diversity in deforested
gaps in Doi Suthep-Pui National Park. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 111 p. (T E10120)
National parks and reserves--Administration
Benjawan Aransawan. An application of geographic information system on national park management : a
case study of Khao Sam Roi Yod National Park, Prachuap Khiri Khan province. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1993. viii, 113 p. (T E7994)
National parks and reserves--Chiang Mai
Dachanee Emphandhu. Land use conflict and public participation as a conflict management tool in park
management planning process : a case study of Doi Inthanon National Park in Thailand.
Washington, D.C. : University of Washington, 1992. viii, 196 p. (T E7265)
National parks and reserves--Law and legislation
Noppawan Tanakanjana. Analysis of nonconforming behaviors of local people in the national park system
of Thailand. Colorado : Colorado State University, 1996. 156 p. (T E10362)
National Police Bureau
Niwat Kamtumsai. The relationship between achievement goal orientation and participation motivation in
sport of athletes under the Ministry of Defense and under the National Police Bureau. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2008. 52 p. (T E39978)
National reserved forest rehabilitation
วุฒิพล หัวเมืองแกว. การฟนฟูปาสงวนแหงชาติโดยระบบหมูบานปาไม : กรณีศึกษาโครงการหมูบานปาไม โปงกอนเสา
ตําบลทามะปราง อําเภอแกงคอย จังหวัดสระบุรี = National reserved forest rehabilitation by forest village
system : a case study of Pong Kon Sao forest village, Tambon Ta Maprang, Amphoe Kang Koy,
Changwat Saraburi. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 62 หนา. (ว 111453)
National resources--Management
Prapart Pintobtamg. Community rights sitution to natural resources management in global circumstances,
2004-2005. Bangkok : National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, 2006. 89 p. (R E34910)
National Science Centre for Education in Bangkok
รัตนา สนิมทอง. การสํารวจความคิดเห็นและความตองการของประชาชนที่มีตอการจัดกิจกรรมของศูนยวิทยาศาสตรเพื่อ
การศึกษา กรุงเทพมหานคร = Survey on the needs and ideas of people in regard towards the
activities held at the National Science Centre for Education in Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : กรมการศึกษานอก
โรงเรียน, 2541. 93 หนา. (ว 99386 ฉ.1; 104655 ฉ.2)
National Science Week
มะลิวัลย ถุนาพรรณ. การสรางคลังขอสอบทางวิทยาศาสตร-คณิตศาสตร เพื่อใชในงานสัปดาหวิทยาศาสตรแหงชาติ
ภาคตะวันออก = A construction treasury of test in science and mathematics for the national science
week of the east. ชลบุรี : มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 2543. 57 หนา. (ว 110578 ฉ.1; 110579 ฉ.2)
National Securities Company
Karnjanee Prugsanuwongse. Factors relating to job satisfaction of employees in National Securities
Company Limited (NATSEC). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 76 p. (T E23168)
National security
Kuboon Charumanee. Impacts and implications of non-traditional security issues on Greater Mekong
Subregion cooperation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 129 p. (T E39312)
National security--Law and legislation
วิบูลย สุนทรพันธุ. การปรับปรุงกฎหมายเกี่ยวกับความมั่นคงของประเทศไทย : ศึกษากรณีพระราชบัญญัติกฎอัยการศึก
พ.ศ.2457 พระราชบัญญัติวาดวยการบริหารราชการในสถานการณฉุกเฉิน พ.ศ.2495 และพระราชบัญญัติ
ปองกันการกระทําอันเปนคอมมิวนิสต พ.ศ.2495 = The rectification of the Thai security law : case study
in the Martial Law Declaration Act B.E. 2457, the Act Prescribing Government Administration During
Period of Emergency B.E. 2495 and the Prevention of Communism Act B.E. 2495. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 258 หนา. (วพ 98482)
National skill standard--Testing--Decision-making
Saroj Changpien. The study of factors affecting labors' decision making to enrol in the national skill
standard test : case study of labors in the accredited garages. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004.
143 p. (T E33407)
National sports development
Numpung Rungchot. A study of the national sports development program management at Chulalongkorn
University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 160 p. (T E18049)
National state
Sadao Kudo. The social network beyond the boundary of nation-state : a case study of Thai-Lao boundary.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 90 p. (T E18592)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 111]
National Statistical Office
Nitaya Danviriyagul. GIS and Web application in National Statistical Office's basic data dissemination.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 90 p. (T E18224)
National strategy
Supachai Lorlowhakarn. Establishment of Thailand's national organic agriculture strategies : a case study
in organic asparagus production. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 258 p. (T E41202)
National surveillance
Pramuan Sunakorn. National surveillance of antimicrobial resistance of S.pneumoniae and H.influenzae in
Thailand. [Bangkok : Department of Communicable Disease Control], 2000. 46 p. (R E17262)
National transport
Pattarathep Sillaparcharn. National transport modelling : general approach and application to Thailand.
Leeds : Institute for Transport Studies University of Leeds, 2007. 279 p. (T E41476)
Baechtold, Philip A.. From subjects of a king to citizens of a nation : the attempt of Field Marshal P.
Phibulsongkhram to change the mind and behavior of the people during his first term (1938-1944).
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 96 p. (T E35553)
Barme, Scot. Luang Wichit Wathakan : official nationalism and political lecitimacy prior to world war II.
Australia : Australian National University, 1989. vi, 168 leaves. (T E5599c.1; E11708c.2)
Chajabhol Choopen. Nationalism in contemporary Thai society : a case study of period films from 1997 to
2005. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 104 p. (T E40888)
Panutat Yodkaew. The impact of trans-state ethnic Mon nationalism upon Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 97 p. (T E10646)
Solvang, Oystein. Timorese nationalism : a blessing and a curse. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2004. 91 p. (T E31471)
Dao, Minh Trung. The formation and development of nationalism in Vietnam as reflected in literature
during 1900-1954. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 116 p. (T E30219)
Nationality of ship
สิริวิภา อารียสมาน. เขตอํานาจรัฐเหนือเรือที่ชักธงของรัฐภายใตอนุสัญญาสหประชาชาติวาดวยกฎหมายทะเลป 1982 :
ศึกษากรณีเรือไทย = Flag state jurisdiction under the United Nations convention on the law of the
sea : the case study of Thai vessels. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 103 หนา. (วพ
Nationality [Citizenship]
Lin, Jing-Fen. Comparative study on Thailand and Taiwan's naturalization requirements. [S.l.] : Central
Police University, 2008. 204 p. (T E37192)
Native chickens
ชโลบล วงศสวัสดิ์. ผลกระทบของ helminths ที่พบในไกบาน (Gallus gallus domesticus) ในเชียงใหม = The
effects of helminths in domestic fowls (Gallus gallus domesticus) in Chiang Mai. เชียงใหม : คณะ
วิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2537. 120 หนา. (ว 99401)
เทอดชัย เวียรศิลป. การศึกษายีนที่ตานทานตอโรคในไก : เปรียบเทียบความผันแปรทางภูมิคุมกันของไกปา ไกพันธุ
พื้นเมืองและไกสายพันธุทางการคา = Study of gene disease resistance in chicken : comparative
immunological variation of red jungle fowl, native chicken and commercial chicken. เชียงใหม : คณะ
เกษตรศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 12 หนา. (ว 100533 ฉ.1; 100534 ฉ.2)
ไพโชค ปญจะ. การศึกษาระดับโปรตีนที่เหมาะสมตอการเจริญเติบโตของไกพื้นเมืองชวงอายุ 0-6, 7-12 และ 13-18
สัปดาห = A study on the appropriated level of protien on the performance of indigeneous chickens
during 0-6, 7-12 and 13-18 weeks. ปทุมธานี : คณะวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร,
2542. 17 หนา. (ว 100559)
อุไรวรรณ นิลเพ็ชร. การใชแมลงธรรมชาติเปนแหลงโปรตีนสําหรับไกพื้นเมือง 1. การศึกษาชนิด ปริมาณ และคุณคา
ทางอาหารของแมลง = Protien source from natural insect for native hen 1. study on kinds and
nutritive values of insect. อุบลราชธานี : มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี, [2539]. 10 หนา. (ว 95841)
Native chickens--Culture
ปราณี บัวบาน. การศึกษาความรูและสภาพการเลี้ยงไกพื้นเมืองและไกพื้นเมืองลูกผสมของเกษตรกรจังหวัดนครพนม =
Farmers' knowledge and some aspects of Thai native chickens and crossbred Thai native chickens
in Nakorn Phanom province. นครพนม : วิทยาลัยเกษตรและเทคโนโลยีนครพนม, 2539. 81 หนา. (ว
Native chickens--Food
โฉม บุญจันทร. การใชใบกระถินปนเปนแหลงอาหารโปรตีนสําหรับไกพื้นเมือง = Effect of leucaena leaves meal for
substitution in protein source on native chickens. ยโสธร : วิทยาลัยเกษตรกรรมยโสธร, 2539. 24 หนา.
(ว 98338)
ราชันทร บัวบาน. ผลการใชใบผักตบชวาแหง ใบฮามาตาแหงทดแทนใบกระถินปน เปนอาหารไกลูกผสมพื้นเมืองไทย
= Replacing dried leucaena leaf meal in crossbred Thai native chickens diet's by dried water
hyacinth or dried leaf meal. นครพนม : วิทยาลัยเกษตรและเทคโนโลยีนครพนม, 2542. 31 หนา. (ว
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 112]
Native chickens--Khon Kaen
บัญญัติ เหลาไพบูลย. การศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการผลิตไกพื้นเมืองในหมูบานของอําเภอเมือง จังหวัดขอนแกน = Study on
native chickens production in the villages of Amphur Muang, Changwat Khon Kaen. ขอนแกน : คณะ
เกษตรศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 22 หนา. (ว 99762)
Native chickens--Reproduction
รัตนา โชติสังกาศ. การเจริญเติบโตและพัฒนาการทางการสืบพันธุของไกพื้นเมืองเพศผู : ตอนที่ 2 พัฒนาการและ
ความสามารถทางการสืบพันธุของไกพื้นเมืองเพศผู เลี้ยงภายใตชั่วโมงแสงธรรมชาติและชั่วโมงแสง 15 ชั่วโมง
ตอวัน = Reproductive development and performance of male native chickens raised under natural
day length and photoperiod of fifteen hours a day. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาแหง
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 16 หนา. (ว 98325)
Native chickens--Thailand, Northeastern
บัญญัติ เหลาไพบูลย. การศึกษาการปรับปรุงการเลี้ยงไกพื้นเมืองในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ : 1. การปรับปรุงสมรรถนะ
การผลิต = Study on native chicken improvement in the north-east : I Productive performance.
ขอนแกน : คณะเกษตรศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 17 หนา. (ว 99763)
Native language
Sumalee Sawatdirakpong. Native language and differential dimensionality of English as a second language
test proficiency : an exploratory study. Urbana : University of Illinois, 1993. vii, 204 p. (T E7258)
Native pines
Toonsak Wanyaphet. Seasonal variations in the cambial activity of the two native pine (Pinus merkusii and
P. kesiya) in Chiangmai province, Northern Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 88 p. (T
Native plants
Chulanee Kovittaya. The development of native plants web database system of the Botany and Weed
Science Division. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 99 p. (T E18411)
Native plants web database system
Chulanee Kovittaya. The development of native plants web database system of the Botany and Weed
Science Division. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 99 p. (T E18411)
Native speakers
Darinee Sakseranee. A contrastive study of apology strategies in English by native speakers of American
English and Thai EFL learners. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2006. 75 p. (R E41644)
Native starch industry
Sukumal Ahingsako. Application of cleaner technology to reduce starch and electrical energy losses in
native starch industry case study : Tang Song Chua Flour Mill Limited Partnership at Rayong
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 142 p. (T E18023)
Yupaporn Chaiseha. Neuroendocrine regulation of the female native Thai chicken reproductive cycle.
Nakhon Ratchasima : School of Biology Suranaree University of Technology, 2008. 16 p. (R
ศิโรตม ภาคสุวรรณ. นโยบายรัสเซียที่มีตอเนโต : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี การขยายตัวเนโตไปทางตะวันออก = Russian
policy towards NATO : a case study of NATO's eastward enlargement. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะรัฐศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 82 หนา. (ว 110809 ฉ.1; 131322 ฉ.2)
Natritional promotion program
Patcharaporn Aree. Enhancing care by a nutritional promotion training program toward food consumption
and lipid status among hyperlipidemic elderly in urban Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing
Chiang Mai University, 2002. 83 p. (R E19029)
Natrual foods
Soemaryono, Yoes. The potential role of meiobenthos as natural food for the black tiger shrimp (Panaeus
monodon Fabricius) postlarvae. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 83 p. (T E22922)
Mongkol Samanya. Histological studies on the intestinal villi in chickens fed dietary useful substances and
bacillus subtilis var. natto. Matsuyama : Ehime University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19133)
Okada, Noriyuki. Identification and utilization of useful microorganisms for the improvements of Tua-Nao
or Natto in Thailand. [S.l.] : Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, 1994.
114 p. (R E8847; E12655 c.2)
Natural adsorbent
Bordesorn Mungasatkit. Natural adsorbents in oil spill cleanup. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 168 p.
(T E24114)
Natural adsorbents
Peeyanun Noyrod. Efficiency of natural adsorbents for the adsorption of aflatoxin B1. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2008. 77 p. (T E39692)
Natural attenuation
Roongnapa Tongarun. Natural attenuation, biostimulation and bioaugmentation in 4-chloroaniline
contaminated soil. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 108 p. (T E35096)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 113]
Natural bacterial inhibitors
เกรียงศักดิ์ สายธนู. ความสําคัญของสารยับยั้งแบคทีเรียในธรรมชาติ ลัยโซซัยมและแล็คโตเฟอรริน ตอชุดการ
ตรวจสอบยาปฏิชีวนะ "เคเอส 9" = The significance of natural bacterial inhibitors, lysozyme and
lactoferrin on antibiotic residue screening test kit "KS-9". กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543.
35 หนา. (ว 112998)
Natural brine pumping
Rittikrai Bhavabhutanonda Na Mahasarakham. Risk management of subsidence in the salt producing area,
Huai Bo Daeng sub-watershed, Amphoe Ban Muang, Changwat Sakon Nakhon, Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 144 p. (T E24145)
Natural childbirth
Jitra Saisorn. Effect of preare labour of the lamaze theory on pain coping behavior during labour,
perception of the childbirth experience and attachment behavior during 2 hours after birth of
primigra vidarum in Lumsonthi hospital and Chaibadan hospital Lopburi. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 81 p. (T E18596)
Natural circulation
Chaiwat Muncharoen. The effect of flow loop conditions on stabilities of two-phase natural circulation
caused by boiling. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 131 p. (T E20217)
Natural colors
Paitoon Aobchey. Production of natural pigments by callus cultures of roots of Morinda angustifolia Roxb.
and leaves of Indigofera tinctoria Linn.. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai Univerity, 2007. 120 p. (T E38559)
Natural colours
สุริยา สาสนรักกิจ. การผลิตสารสีธรรมชาติจากสาหรายเพื่อใชในอุตสาหกรรมอาหาร = Production of natural colours
from algae for food industry. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศไทย, 2543.
89 หนา. (ว 111204 ฉ.1; 111430 ฉ.2)
Natural compounds
สนั่น ศุภธีรสกุล. การตรวจสอบเบื้องตนของสารธรรมชาติจากสมุนไพรในทองถิ่นภาคใต ที่มีผลตอ T-cell proliferation
= Preliminary study of natural compounds from southern Thailand medicinal plants on T-cell
proliferation. สงขลา : ภาควิชาเภสัชเวทและเภสัชพฤกษศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2544. 29
หนา. (ว 112879)
Natural convection dryer
Chungu, Abdallah Swalehe. Performance analysis of a natural convection grain dryer. Bangkok : Asian
Institute of Technology, 1985. 45 p. (T E22718)
Guarte, Roberto Carino. Design and development of a natural convection dryer for rice. Bangkok : Asian
Institute of Technology, 1984. 72 p. (T E22723)
Natural crisis
Sumalee Suaysaard. Gender differences in natural crisis impacts and their implications for problem
allevations : a case study of flooding in lower central Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of
Development Administration, 2006. 188 p. (T E35406)
Natural dimond
Chittra Kedkaew. Charaetcrization of natural diamond based on ESR spectroscopy. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 84 p. (T E42263)
Natural dyes
ไพศาล คงคาฉุยฉาย. การพัฒนาเทคนิคการยอมไหมดวยสีธรรมชาติจากครามและครั่ง = Development of
techniques for silk dyeing with natural dyes from indigo and lac. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมเคมี
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 59 หนา. (ว 110603)
อนันตเสวก เหวซึ่งเจริญ. การพัฒนากระบวนการยอมสีธรรมชาติสําหรับอุตสาหกรรมครอบครัว = Natural dyes dyeing
process development for small scale industry. เชียงใหม : ภาควิชาเคมีอุตสาหกรรม
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2543. 314 หนา. (ว 110601)
Natural enemies
Siriwan Tunkhumtong. Ecological study of the sugarcane moth borer, Chilo tumidicostalis (Hampson)
(Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) and its natural enemies. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 75 p. (T
Sungwarl Somboon. Biological activities of the constituents of Cleome spp. plants against some rice insect
pests and natural enemies. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 72 p. (T E42012)
Weerana Sompeewong. Pathogenicity and effect of entomopathogenic fungi on natural enemies of tomato
insect pests. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2007. 76 p. (T E38708)
Natural enemy complex
Oraphan Kern-asa. Natural enemy complex of citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera :
Phyllocnistidae), in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 63 p. (T E16652)
Natural environment
Maneerat Sukkasem. A study of international tourists' attitude towards the natural environment on
Khaolak beach, Phang-nga provinee. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2005. 119 p. (T E29040)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 114]
Natural fiber
ปยชาติ ไตรสารศรี. การศึกษาอนุกรมวิธานของพืชใหสียอมเสนใยธรรมชาติในประเทศไทย = Taxonomic study of
dye plants for natural fiber in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 288 หนา. (วพ
Natural fibers
Paritta Rotwiroon. Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from runoff by natural fibers. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 58 p. (T E31455)
Natural filtration material
ชุตินุช สุจริต. การศึกษาตัวกรอง โดยใชวัสดุธรรมชาติซึ่งมีผลตอคุณภาพน้ําในตูปลา = Efficiency of natural
filtration material on the water qualities of fresh water aquarium. ตรัง : คณะวิทยาศาสตรและ
เทคโนโลยีการประมง สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล, 2543. 21 หนา. (ว 113928 ฉ.1; 121962 ฉ.2)
Natural food
Soemaryono, Yoes. The potential role of meiobenthos as natural food for the black tiger shrimp (Panaeus
monodon Fabricius) postlarvae. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 83 p. (T E22922)
Natural food resources
Thitima Neiamsampao. Learning to manage natural food resources : a case study of a women's group in
Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 142 p. (T E32976)
Natural foods
Hansa Katipagdeetham. Effect of nitrite on mutagenicity of health foods using the AMES test. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1996. 69 p. (T E10641)
Kanyarat Wirotpong. Developing a healthy eating policy for preschool children : effects on diet and school
policies in Phrae province, Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 289 p. (T E38552)
Lily Rirermvanich. Hematological and biochemical studies in blood of healthy volunteers and diabetes
mellitus patients consuming royal jelly. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 129 p. (T E7149)
Wongtip Titayastan. Thai food-health food. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 132 p. (T E14024)
Natural forest
Somawan Sukprasert. Soil microarthropod diversity in natural and disturbed forests. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 134 p. (T E32980)
Natural gas
Anchalee Sawangphanyangkul. Prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium of natural gas using a molecular
thermodynamic approach = การทํานายสมดุลไอ-ของเหลวของกาซธรรมชาติโดยใชแนวทางโมเลกุลเทอร
โมไดนามิกส. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1987. 3 microfiches (141 fr.). (T MF20330)
Busarakum Tanomthap. Perception of risk taking by local inhabitants towards the Yadana gas pipeline
project by Petroleum Authority of Thailan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 83 p. (T E17725)
Chaiyot Damrongkijkosol. An experiment study on influence of compression ratio for performance and
emission of natural gas retrofit engine. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology North
Bangkok, 2006. 55 p. (T E39819)
Jutarat Noppuang. Adsorption of hydrogen sulfide from natural gas using copper containing zeolite.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2007. 81 p. (T E37917)
Khanitta Udomrat. Simulated distillation for characterization of gas condensate. London : University of
London, 1993. x, 107 p. (T E6077)
Kitiphat Srimanont. Natural gas reservoir simulation. [S.l. : s.n.], 2007. 96 p. (R E35940c.1; E35941c.2)
Kittipong Chernwattanachai. Treatment of wastewater from natural gas wells by a filtration process.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 120 p. (T E16690)
Kwansuporn Apichartpraculp. Study on the corrosion of carbon steel in natural gas environments. Bangkok
: King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 164 p. (R E21992)
Narongsak Chaiyasit. Behavior of mercury adsorbtion and desorbtion on metal surface used in natural gas
production and exploration. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 217 p. (T E41403)
Nattapon Nampratchayakul. Evaluation of perforation strategies of gas wells in the Gulf of Thailand.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 189 p. (T E38679)
Polpipat Suthichoti. Subsurface water management of multi-stacked gas reservoirs. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 141 p. (T E40880)
Prateep Chouykerd. Technical and economic assessments of compressed natural gas for diesel vehicle in
Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 155 p. (T E40630)
Somchai Chanchaona. Cyclic variability in a natural gas fuelled spark ignition engine. Auckland : University
of Auckland, 1990. 187 p. (T E40239)
Somsak Chamnanthongpaivanh. A prefeasibility study on an ammonia plant utilising natural gas as raw
material. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1981. 135 p. (T E2050)
Suphanai Jamsutee. Optimal injection and production strategy for gas recycling in gas condensate
reservoir. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 107 p. (T E39311)
Sureerat Sriputtiban. Comparison of radon concentrations in dwellings and concrete product factories in
Ubonratchathani. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 126 p. (T E13673)
Thitiroj Rergsumran. Alternative energy : an analysis of natural gas utilization policy implementation.
Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 264 p. (T E35401)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 115]
Natural gas (ตอ)
Tongchit Leesomboon. Scaling down of flash calculations of natural gas with the aid of pseudocomponents
= การลดปริมาณการคํานวณแฟลซของกาซธรรมชาติโดยอาศัยองคประกอบตัวแทน. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1986. xix, 147 leaves. (T E4456)
Natural gas fields
Kamalaporn Phumradab. Life cycle assessment of natural gas power plant : case study at Bang Pakong
Power Plant. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 82 p. (T E39386)
Natural gas industry
นันทนิตย วานิชาชีวะ. การทําปรอทจากอุตสาหกรรมกาซธรรมชาติใหบริสุทธิ์ และผลกระทบตอสภาวะแวดลอมใน
หองปฏิบัติการ = Purification method for mercury from natural gas industry and environmental
impact on laboratory site. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 95 หนา. (วพ 108621)
Natural gas liquids
Pornsawan Prommart. Aromatization of natural gas liquid using fluoride doped platinum catalyst. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 109 p. (T E19479)
Somyot Bannakarnboworn. Isomerization of nutural gas liquid. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996.
94 p. (T E14655)
Natural gas pipelines
ชาคริต ตันพิรุฬห. ผลกระทบทางการเมืองของโครงการทอสงกาซธรรมชาติจากแหลงยาดานา : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี
ตําบลวังกระแจะ อําเภอไทรโยค จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี = The political impact of "Yadana" natural gas
pipeline project : a case study of Wangrajae subdistrict, Saiyok district, Kanchanaburi province.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 118 หนา. (วพ 111134)
Natural gas pipelines--Design and construction
Warasak Phuangcharoen. Controversy in Thailand over natural gas pipeline construction. New South Wales
: University of New South Wales, 2004. 338 p. (T E30266)
Natural gas reserves
Ruengsak Panichakul. Reserve evaluation for multi-layered gas reservoirs using material balance methods.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 177 p. (T E12427)
Natural gas vehicles
Chedthawut Poompipatpong. Effects of intake valve timing and injection timing in a natural gas dedicated
diesel engine. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 107 p. (T
Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli. Removal of H2S and CO2 from natural gas and biogas for utilization in
NGV and fuel cell. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 137 p. (T
Natural gas--Economic aspects
Bunluasak Pussarungsri. Impact of the uncertainty of input supply on the demand for the input : a case
study of natural gas curtailment. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1991.
55 p. (R E9022)
Bunluasak Pussarungsri. Impacts of uncertainty of input supply on production of manufacture : a case
study of natural gas curtailments. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration,
1990. 50 p. (R E9021)
Natural gas--Utilization
Noppanan Nopsiri. Utilization of associated gas from onshore oil field production of Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 227 p. (T E41215)
Natural gasoline
Somsaluay Suwanprasop. Production of aromatic hydrocarbons from n-hexane and natural gasoline over
Pd/ZSM-5 zeolite and oxidation of phenol on fixed bed of active carbon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 203 p. (T E26674)
Natural hazard
Hathaithip Thassanapak. Potential landslide assessment of Changwat Phuket. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 119 p. (T E17206)
Natural heritage
Arana, John. Site diagnostic and visitor facilities improvement recommendations, at Khao Yai National
Park. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 143 p. (R E37438)
Natural image matting
Nuttapol Boonsom. Variable-aperture-based image matting. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 89 p. (T
Natural immunity
Jarunee Chiayvareesajja. Indirect selection parameters to improve disease resistance in Nile tilapia and
Atlantic salmon. [S.l.] : Agricultural University of Norway, 1996. 1 vol(in various pagings). (T
Puttharat Baoprasertkul. Characterization of innate immune genes of catfish : cxc chemokines and toll-like
receptors. Auburn : Aubarn University, 2006. 118 p. (T E36361)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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[หนา 116]
Natural immunity (ตอ)
Rachana Santiyanont. Studies of innate resistance and effect of humoral factors in falciparum malaria.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 แผน (155 เฟรม). (T MF05540; MF05508; MF09373)
Natural killer cells
Duriya Fongmoon. Effect of bitter melon [Momordica charantia Linn.] on level and function of natural killer
[NK] cells in cervical cancer patients with radiotherapy. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001.
64 p. (T E18620)
Jiraporn Jaroenpool. Development of a new technique for natural killer [NK] cell activity assay using nonradioactive material. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 125 p. (T E17514)
Sahapat Barusrux. Functional polymorphism of MICA and NK cell activation. Khon Kaen : Faculty of
Associated Medical Sciences Khon Kaen University, 2007. 29 p. (R E36974)
Surat Jongrakthaitae. Enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-flow cytometric assessment of natural
killer (NK) cell function in HIV-1 infected individuals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 137 p. (T
Natural language
Pornpimon Teekayuphun. A hybrid approach for natural language database query translation. Bangkok :
National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 46 p. (T E38414)
พงษปญญา จงจักรพันธ. ระบบคืนคนขอมูลสารสนเทศโดยใชภาษาธรรมชาติ = An information retrieval system
using natural language. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 75 หนา. (วพ 110277)
Natural language processing
Rungsiya Chanchuar. Message organizer agent. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2005. 27 p. (R E35838)
Siriwan Thongruangrat. Natural language description for object identification. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 35 p. (R E31419)
Natural language processing [Computer science]
Jaruwan Sa-Ngium. Processing natural language queries for web information access. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 28 p. (R E25155)
Krisda Khankasikam. Thai word segmentation : a lexical semantic approach. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 87 p. (T E33792)
Lalida Boonmana. Thai semantic analyzer using conceptual graphs. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
263 p. (T E23521)
Prachya Boonkwan. Performance analysis of SLR-based parsing method on Thai lexical-functional
grammar. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 80 p. (T E38645)
Punprapa Karnjana-o-past. Weather forecasts and reports multilingual generator for air transportation.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 48 p. (R E21989)
Saowalak Sangkae. Question-answering in Thai language using syntactic analysis. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 82 p. (R E21598)
Sunee Pongpinigpinyo. A distributional semantics and latent semantics approach for word sense
disambiguation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 82 p. (T E25104)
Thatsanee Charoenporn. A constraint-based approach for computational lexicon construction. Pathumthani
: Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2006. 58 p. (T E37407)
Wiphada Wettayaprasit. Rule extraction from a trained neural network using principle interval projection
with certainty factor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 60 p. (T E23219)
Natural light
เบญจพร ศักดิ์เรืองแมน. การปรับปรุงการใชแสงธรรมชาติในอาคารพิพิธภัณฑจันเสน = The improvement of the
utilization of natural light in Chansean museum. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 292 หนา.
(วพ 112487)
Natural materials
Sumrit Mopoung. Method of reducing arsenic mobility in contaminated soil using natural materials. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 109 p. (T E23277)
Tanapong Kasamsuk. Community textile wastewater decolorization by immobilized Coriolus versicolor RC3
cells on natural materials. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 109 p. (T E38530)
Natural numbers
Jiraporn Chalermchai. Some representations of natural numbers. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 30
p. (T E20578)
Natural organic matter
San Chaithiraphant. Polyelectrolyte-modified nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) particles to degrade (I) TCE
as nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) at the interface and (2) aqueous TCE in humic acid. Bangkok
: King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 90 p. (R E40678)
Vasuree Jiarsirikul. Relationships between trihalomethane formation potential and natural organic matter
surrogates in raw water and coagulated water of shallow wells near a closed unsanitary solid waste
dumping site. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 152 p. (T E23286)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 117]
Natural oscillation
Chaiwat Muncharoen. The effect of flow loop conditions on stabilities of two-phase natural circulation
caused by boiling. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 131 p. (T E20217)
Natural parameters
Kritwiput Phaobkaew. Performance of thin film solar cell under tropical wet climate conditions. Phitsanulok
: Naresuan University, 2008. 369 p. (T E41454)
Natural pesticides
Sudsiri Katatikorn. Effects of neem seed kernel extract on bradyrhizobium species cultures and on
Bradyrhizobium species nitrogen firation and nodulation of yard-long bean (Vigna sinensis Var.
Sesquipendalis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 73 p. (T E13719)
Natural phenomena
Nuttachai Tipprasert. An interactive rendering method for water-side scene with caustics using level map
method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 106 p. (T E35812)
Natural polymers
Panitta Hiranyaporn. Color and total suspended solid removal from textile wastewater using alum sludge
with natural polymer from tamarind-kernel or litchi-kernel by coagulation and flocculation. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2007. 90 p. (T E36753)
Passakorn Tesavibul. Development of novel biomedical materials for 3DP machine based on natural
polymers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 50 p. (T E24659)
Natural products
Isaka, Masahiko. Natural products chemistry in Thai microorganisms. Pathumthani : National Center for
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 2005. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E35491)
Panadda Tansupo. Reducing of heavy metals toxicity from contaminated soil by bacterial natural products.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 102 p. (T E21110)
Natural quartz
Staporn Klomkaew. The feasibility study of using natural quartz as a radiation dosimeter. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E19866)
Natural resource change
ฐิติมา ตะโกพร. ผลกระทบจากการขยายตัวของธุรกิจสนามกอลฟที่มีตอชุมชนชนบท อําเภอชะอํา จังหวัดเพชรบุรี =
The impact of the golf business on a rural community in Cha-Am district Phetchaburi province.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 166 หนา. (วพ 107215)
Natural resource management
ศักดิ์พิชิต จุลฤกษ. ศักยภาพในการจัดการทรัพยากรธรรมชาติของชุมชนทองถิ่นรอบแนวเขตอุทยานแหงชาติน้ําตกพลิ้ว
จังหวัดจันทบุรี = Natural resource management potential of local communities surrounding Nam Tok
Pliew National Park, Chanthaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 106 หนา. (ว
Natural resource management areas
Matsumura, Masaki. Community characteristics, individual attributes, and participation in natural resource
management among highlanders in Thailand : a cross-village comparison. Ithaca : Cornell
University, 1997. 174 p. (T E17195)
Natural resource management areas--Chiang Rai
Janpanit Surasin. Indigenous knowledge in natural resource management : the case of two villages in
Thailand. Wisconsin : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996. 408 p. (T E11019)
Natural resource management areas--Udon Thani
Janpanit Surasin. Indigenous knowledge in natural resource management : the case of two villages in
Thailand. Wisconsin : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996. 408 p. (T E11019)
Natural resources
Phahol Sakkatat. The role of Tambon Administrative Organizations, community organizations and
individuals in natural resources and environmental conservation. Bangkok : National Institute of
Development Administration, 2003. 202 p. (T E22254)
Sawaeng Jongsutjarittam. Knowledge and opinions of the youths on natural resources and environment :
a case study of Romklao Srakeo Rajamangalapisek School, Amphoe Wattana Nakhon, Changwat
Srakeo. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 114 p. (T E10224)
Songkoon Chantachon. Indigenous knowledge edification of soil water and forest resources among the
Kaloeng ethnic group. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 256 p. (T E17166)
Suchart Prasith-rathasint, editor. Thailand's national development : policy issues and challenges. [S.l.] :
Thai University Research Association, 1987. 204 p. (R E11510)
Wallapak Polasub. Natural resource damage policy : political economy and optimal assessment accuracy.
Urbana : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005. 140 p. (T E36406)
Yoshida, Toshimi. Natural resources development and processed development for their microbial
utilization. Bangkok : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2005. 2 vols. (R E24364v.1;
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 118]
Natural resources (ตอ)
ธนพรรณ สุนทระ. นโยบายรัฐ : บทบาทผูนําทองถิ่นดานการจัดการทรัพยากรธรรมชาติและสิ่งแวดลอม ศึกษากรณี
จังหวัดพระนครศรีอยุธยา = Policy of state : the role of community leader in natural and
environmental management, case study Changwat Pra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัย
สภาวะแวดลอม จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 100071)
Natural resources management
O'Brien-Kelly, Martin J.. The role of natural resources in the Khmer Rouge-Royal Government of Cambodia
peace negotiations and reinegration process. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 147 p. (T
Natural resources, Communal--Citizen participation
Kulvadee Boonpinon. Institutional arrangements in communal resource management : a case study of a
Karen village in a protected area. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 219 p. (T E10867)
Natural resources--ASEAN
Vute Wangwacharakul. Natural resource, production and environmental linkages in ASEAN, with emphasis
on Thailand. Pasir Panjang : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, [n.d.]. 204 p. (R E39897)
Natural resources--Cambodia--Management
Sophorn Ly. Community based natural resources management, gender and livelihood in Cambodia : a case
study of Toul Neang Sav community protected area, Kompong Thom province. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 99 p. (T E42869)
Natural resources--Chanthaburi--Management
ศักดิ์พิชิต จุลฤกษ. ศักยภาพในการจัดการทรัพยากรธรรมชาติของชุมชนทองถิ่นรอบแนวเขตอุทยานแหงชาติน้ําตกพลิ้ว
จังหวัดจันทบุรี = Natural resource management potential of local communities surrounding Nam Tok
Pliew National Park, Chanthaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 106 หนา. (ว
Natural resources--Chiang Mai--Management
Wang, Jianping. The formation and transformation of local institutions in community-based natural
resource management : two case studies in Mae Wang watershed, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Chiang
Mai : Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development Chiang Mai University, 2008.
66 p. (R E36892)
Natural resources--Environmental aspects
Suriya Chinnapong. Factors affecting resources utilization of households in non-hunting area at BuangBoraphet, Nakhon Sawan Province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. x, 75 p. (T E8098)
Natural resources--Environmental aspects--Information services
Aem-on Phitthayayon. The construction and evaluation of training curriculum on environmental
information resource services for academic librarians. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 145
p. (T E6597)
Natural resources--Kanchanaburi
Pongsakorn Ooppapong. The role of Tambon administrative organizational committee for sustainable
natural resources management in Kanchanaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 116
p. (T E18213)
Natural resources--Law and legislation
Surakiart Sathirathai. Laws and regulations concerning natural resources, financial institutions and export :
their effects on economic and social development. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1987. 133
p. (R E10313)
Natural resources--Malaysia--Management
Savinder Kaur Karpal Singh. Traditional knowledge of the environment and natural resource management
: the Jakun of the South-East Pahang Peat Swamp forest, Malaysia. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2008. 340 p. (T E41732)
Natural resources--Management
Bussabong Chaijaroenwatana. Ecological planning for sustainable natural resource management : a case
study of Nakhon Si Thammarat, southern Thailand. Washington D.C. : Washington State University,
2000. 152 p. (T E16040)
Kaneungnit Tubtim. Common property as enclosure : a case study of a community backswamp in southern
Lao PDR. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 219 p. (T E18134)
Natural resources--Management--Planning
Bundit Limmeechokchai. Integrated resource planning with cool storage application : a case study of
commercial sector in Thailand. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology,
1998. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E19613)
Natural resources--Thailand, Northern
Enters, Thomas. Land degradation and resource conservation in the highlands of Northern Thailand the
limits to economic evaluations. [S.l.] : Australian National University, 1992. 248 p. (T E5952)
Natural rubber
Agustin, Melissa B.. Utilization of palm oil mill wastes in the production of natural rubber antioxidant.
Chiang Mai : Maejo University, 2008. 125 p. (T E39578)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 119]
Natural rubber (ตอ)
Amornrat Chanmanit. A study of variability in processing properties of Thai natural rubber. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 109 p. (T E14507)
Arisara Visetsillapanont. Studies on compatibilization of natural rubber and ethylene propylene diene
rubber and effect on their vulcanizate properties. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiii, 34 p. (T
Aungsutorn Mahittikul. Structure and properties of hydrogenated natural rubber latex using
OsHCI(CO)(O2)(PCy3)2 as a catalyst and diimide reduction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2005. 222 p. (T E35437)
Bamrung Jadsadaphongphaibool. A study of preparation of high quality natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1993. x, 73 p. (T E7175)
Bunthoon Laongsri. Development of natural rubber product containing carbon black for ready using.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 150 p. (T E19626)
Chaimongkol Puprasert. Physical and mechanical properties of blends of natural rubber cassava starch and
polyethylene. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2006. 88 p. (T E37081)
Chaiyapong Yaovapak. Coprocessing of lignite and natural rubber using sulfated zirconia catalysis in
hydrogen atmosphere. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 85 p. (T E19083)
Chantima Deeprasertkul. A study of the addition reaction of photosensitive acid onto epoxidised liquid
natural rubber (ELNR) and its photosensitivity. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. x, 107 p. (T
Chidruthai Boonyanate. Mechanical properties of Thai orthodontic elastics. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 125 p. (T E24357)
Chuleekorn Tangjai. A study of temperature cycling effect on the viscoelastic behaviour of natural rubber.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 113 p. (T E24655)
Chuntip Kumnuantip. Investigation into the properties of tire tread reclaimed rubber blended with the
different grades of natural rubber. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
2004. 142 p. (T E31354)
Daranee Nuntivanich. Silica reinforcement of natural rubber by sol-gel process in latex. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 59 p. (T E31475)
Daranee Visitnonthachai. Characterization of lipids and their effects on mixing properties of
unrulcanizedraw natural rubber. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 106 p. (T E28904)
Dararat Mekkriengkrai. Biosynthesis study of natural polyisoprenes -initiation step of rubber formation-.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 240 p. (T E33452)
Jarunee Thunyarittikorn. A study of relationship between mechanical properties, oil resistance, rheological
properties and phase size of rubber dispersed in NR/NBR blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 121 p. (T E17545)
Jirachai Mingbunjerdsuk. Organically-modified layered silicates as reinforcing fillers for natural and
synthetic rubbers. Loughborough : Loughborough University, 2005. 223 p. (T E36490)
Jirawan Siramanont. Reinforcement of natural rubber by silica generated from sol-gel process of silanes in
latex. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 57 p. (T E34999)
Jitlada Sansatsadeekul. Origin of colloidal behavior of natural rubber particles. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 131 p. (T E35535)
Jittima Deeprasertwong. Photooxidative degradation of natural rubber by titanium dioxide. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 65 p. (T E35362)
Jutarat Phanmai. A study of effect of modified natural rubber on adhesion properties of epoxy resin.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 154 p. (T E8964)
Kamalin Kanyawararak. In vitro rubber biosynthesis from fresh bottom fraction formation of polyprenol
and rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 89 p. (T E33490)
Kamolmart Chombanpaew. Surface modification of natural rubber by graft copolymerization of hydrophilic
monomers to improve blood compatibility. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 85 p. (T
Kanchana Eawsuwan. Natural rubber grafted styrene/methyl methacrylate as impact modifier for poly
(Cvinyl chloride). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 101 p. (T E22760)
Kanjanee Nawamawat. Effect of non-rubber cumponents on basic characteristics and physical properties
of natural rubber from Hevea brasiliensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 228 p. (T E40332)
Kanjanee Nawamawat. Properties and structural characterization of small rubber particles in natural
rubber latex. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 107 p. (T E21049)
Kannaporn Pooput. A study to improve oil and thermo-oxidative resistances of natural rubber by blending
with acrylic rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 99 p. (T E24256)
Kanokwan Insongjai. Preparation of deproteinized natural rubber by saponification. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 84 p. (T E15936)
Kesinee Rattanakaran. Formation and reduction of mal-oder from natural rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 106 p. (T E20558)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 120]
Natural rubber (ตอ)
Kitikorn Charmondusit. Hydrogenation of cis-1, 4-poly (isoprene) and natural rubber catalyzed by OsHC1
(CO) (O2) (P Cy3)2 and [Ir (COD) py (PCy3)] PF6. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 115
p. (T E34503)
Kittinan Komolpis. Effect of some non-rubber constituents on discoloration and cure characteristic of
natural rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 112 p. (T E8571)
Kornpat Wattanakul. Pervaporation membrane from epoxidized natural rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 90 p. (T E21547)
Kornteenee Pairpisit. Natural rubber/ethylene propylene diene blends for high insulation iron crossarm.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 111 p. (T E22837)
Ladawan Watthanachote. Use of polyethylene graft maleic anhydride film for binding extractable proteins
from natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 162 p. (T E41512)
Lalita Rodthongkum. Modification of natural rubber with cashew nut shell liquid. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2000. 141 p. (T E16730)
Linda Thiraphattaraphun. Natural rubber-G-methyl methacrylate/poly (methyl methacrylate) blends.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 98 p. (T E14631)
Lucksanaporn Tarachiwin. Structural characterization of natural rubber from Hevea brasiliensis
determination of alpha-terminal group. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 179 p. (T E23883)
Nantida Niyompanich. Effects of silane coupling agent on in situ silica reinforcement of natural rubber by
sol-gel reaction in latex. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 65 p. (T E34755)
Napida Hinchiranan. Hydrogenation of natural rubber catalyzed by OsHCI(CO) (O2) (PCy3)2 and [Ir (cod)
(PCy3) (py)]PF6. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 157 p. (T E29025)
Narisa Na Lumpoon. Controlled degradation of natural rubber by microparticles containing titanium
dioxide. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 56 p. (T E19417)
Natthira Thongnoi. Study of preparation of carbon black/compounded natural rubber masterbatch from
natural rubber latex. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 112 p. (T E15911)
Nilobon Phewthongin. Rheological and mechanical properties in sulphur vulcanised chlorinated
polyethylene and natural rubber blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 196 p. (T E33838)
Nittaya Rattanasom. Further study to improve variability of natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1993. xii, 100 p. (T E7163)
Niyom Thamrongananskul. Grafting of prevalcanized natural rubber latex with ethyl methacrylate by
gamma irradiation for using as soft lining denture base material. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 145 p. (T E34862)
Oranoot Haowuttikul. Effect of gamma radiation on water extractable protein content and physical
properties of concentrated latex and vulcanized rubber film. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2003. 139 p. (T E34507)
Orathai Sroysom. A study of characterisation and homogenisation of natural rubber/nitrile rubber blend.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 134 p. (T E13887)
Pairoj Kriengchieocharn. A study of the influence of modified natural rubber on polyamide 6/natural rubber
blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xv, 142 p. (T E7157)
Pakpum Phewphong. Silica reinforcement in chlorinated polyethylene/natural rubber blends. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2007. 240 p. (T E38820)
Pathomchat Polachan. Monitoring vulcanisation level in natural rubber by ultrasonic measurement.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 85 p. (T E34329)
Pattnaporn Phonpiboon. Preparation of chlorinated rubber from epoxidized natural rubber and sodium
chloride. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 100 p. (T E40943)
Pawin Ngamlert. Development of test kit for protein allergens in natural rubber latex and rubber products.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 127 p. (T E21548)
Phairat Punyacharoennon. Preparation of functional polymers from natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 118 p. (T E17823)
Pimsuda Heamtanon. Improvement of adhesion between natural rubber and nitrile rubber by using
adhesion promoter compound based on chlorosulfonated polyethylene and chlorinated natural
rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 170 p. (T E33281)
Piyawan Surunchanajirasakul. Cassava starch-natural rubber blends as shock absorbing foam. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 84 p. (T E16742)
Prachid Saramolee. Factors influencing shrinkage of natural rubber/EPDM blend. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 90 p. (T E35227)
Prachya Satraphan. Reinforcement of natural rubber and methyl methacrylate grafted natural rubber films
by In Situ silica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 70 p. (T E40751)
Pramoch Rangsunvigit. Silica surface modification by admicellar polymerization with a continuous stirred
tank reactor for natural rubber property improvement. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006.
55 p. (R E35960c.1; E35961c.2)
Preeyanuch Prasopnatra. Recycling of chlorinated polyethylene/natural rubber blends. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2007. 208 p. (T E41707)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 121]
Natural rubber (ตอ)
Rakpao Ponerattana. Viscosity index improving property of low molecular weight polyisoprene from natural
rubber in lubricant. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 97 p. (T E40937)
Rattaporn Thonggoom. Surface characterisation of modified natural rubber using atomic force Microscopy
: new correlation between friction coefficient and surface morphology of rubber. Bangkok :
Department of Chemistry Mahidol University, 2008. 1 vol (in various paging). (R E40970)
Rungaroon Saelim. Preparation of natural rubber/polypyrrole composites by chemical oxidative
polymerization. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 91 p. (T E34975)
Rungnapa Tangthongkul. hydrogenation of synthetic rubber cis-1, 4-polyisoprene and natural rubber
catalyzed by ruthenium (II) complex. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 140 p. (T E34552)
Sa-ad Riyajan. Controlled degradation of cured natural rubber by encapsulated benzophenone as
photosensitizer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 192 p. (T E17285)
Sarocha Khamwijit. Degradation of natural rubber during hydrogenation using RuCl2(PPh3)3. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 71 p. (T E20245)
Sawanit Anuntathanawanich. Natural rubber-polystyrene interpenetrating polymer networks as impact
modifier. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 116 p. (T E14910)
Sirichai Pattanawanidchai. A study of relationships of phase morphology, oil resistance, ageing properties
and mechanical properties in sulphur vulcanised chlorinated polyethylene and natural rubber
blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 145 p. (T E24328)
Sirina Thawornwisit. Properties of styrene-methacrylate copolymer sheet containing modified natural
rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 113 p. (T E37929)
Sirinthorn Thongsang. Material design and processing of fly ash filled natural rubber vulcanizates. Bangkok
: King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 256 p. (T E39674)
Sirisak Suksujaritporn. Characterization and recovery of small rubber particles from skim natural rubber
latex. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 101 p. (T E15330)
Siriwat Radabutra. Surface modification of vulcanized natural rubber and its adhesion to synthetic rubbers.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 176 p. (T E40357)
Somporn Swasdison. Grafting of natural rubber copolymer with ethyl methacrylate by gamma irradiation
for using as soft lining denture base material. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 70 p. (R
E36964c.1; E36965c.2)
Sukanya Nuasaen. Synthesis and modification of epoxidized natural rubber from natural rubber latex.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2006. 109 p. (T E42095)
Sunanta Chuayprakong. Control of film formation and defects of thin film prepared from sulphur
vulcanised NR latex by straight dipping process. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 125 p. (T
Supanee Chantippimarn. Composite material from natural rubber and sticky rice flour. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 77 p. (T E18922)
Suphannipha Nimsuwan. A study of peroxide vulcanization of purified natural rubber and its properties.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 122 p. (T E14058)
Surakit Tuampoemsab. Control of the degradation of natural rubber : analysis and application of naturally
occurring anti- and pro-oxidants in natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 256 p. (T
Susawee Ondam. Degradation of natural rubber by oxidation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000.
93 p. (T E16736)
Suthasinee Pengnarapat. Network formation at Squalene/vinyl-containing silica interfaces. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 93 p. (T E34739)
Suwadee Kongparakul. Modified natural rubber latex by graft copolymerization with methyl methacrylate
or styrene and hydrogenation using OsHCI(CO)(O2)(PCy3)2 as a catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 167 p. (T E40873)
Suwatchai Chiampreecha. Hydrogenation of deproteinized natural rubber latex. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2007. 109 p. (T E37119)
Teeranuch Kochthongrasamee. The effect of redox initiator on graft copolymerization of methyl
methacrylate onto natural rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 131 p. (T E18932)
Thanunya Saowapark. Reinforcement of natural rubber with silica/carbon black hybrid filler. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 148 p. (T E35637)
Thitinat Srisuwan. Preparation of compounded rubber from natural rubber grafted with vinyl acetate.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 112 p. (T E16729)
Thitiporn Hongthong. Rheological and mechanical properties in clay filled chlorinated polyethylene and
natural rubber blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 212 p. (T E41714)
Thitiporn Tanunchai. A study of y-radiation vulcanised natural rubber and skim latices for encapsulation of
urea fertiliser. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 132 p. (T E13916)
Tibhawan Sajjayanukul. A study of factors affecting bulk properties of layered rubber vulcanisates.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 160 p. (T E24329)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 122]
Natural rubber (ตอ)
Uraiwan Thammasiripong. Mechanical properties of gum and black-filled deproteinized natural rubber in
comparison with synthetic cis-1, 4-polyisoprene vulcanizates. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004.
123 p. (T E33454)
Valee Likitbannakorn. Natural rubber-polymethyl methacrylate interpenetrating polymer networks as
impact modifier for polypropylene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 96 p. (T E16904)
Vipavee P. Hoven. Analysis and study of method to reduce mal-odor from natural rubber. [S.l. : s.n.],
2003. 33 p. (R E22953c.1; E22954c.2)
Vipavee P. Hoven. Controlled degradation of natural rubber by microparticles containing titanium dioxide.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 70 p. (R E24561c.1; E24562c.2)
Vorapong Pimolsiriphol. A study of thermal oxidative ageing in natural rubber (NR). Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 108 p. (T E37757)
Wannee Aupaiboon. Natural rubber/methyl methacrylate graft copolymer membrane for used lubricating
oil separation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 78 p. (T E21590)
Wannipha Amatyakul. Photo-degradation of natural rubber films for natural gas application. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 93 p. (T E38255)
Wanniya Channarong. Study on fabrication of artificial wood from poly (vinyl chloride) mixed with natural
rubber fiber. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2002. 120 p. (T
Wanvimon Arayapranee. Grafting of styrene and methyl methacrylate onto natural rubber in batch
emulsion process. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 183 p. (T E16872)
Warawut Tungprasutadol. Silica reinforcement of natural rubber by sol-gel process in latex. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 36 p. (R E30250c.1; E30251c.2)
Warunee Klinklai. Polymer electrolyte prepared from highly purified natural rubber. Nagaoka : Nagaoka
University of Technology, 2003. 82 p. (T E22111)
Weawboon Yamsaengsung. Materials formulations and processing technology of natural rubber-wood
composites for environmentally friendly and energy saving roofs. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 149 p. (T E41986)
Wilairat Chuafak. Mechanical properties of natural rubber/nanocalcium carbonate composites. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 75 p. (T E30145)
Wirach Taweepreda. A study of production parameters affecting consistency in processing properties of
natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 148 p. (T E16558)
Wiwat Suaysom. Studies on thermal, ultraviolet irradiation and ozone resistance of natural rubber for
outdoor application. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 136 p. (T E27863)
Wiyong Kangwansupamonkon. Modification of natural rubber by grafting with hydrophilic vinyl monomers.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 161 p. (T E30134)
Yodthong Baimark. A study to elucidate surface structure of rubber particles in natural rubber latex.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 117 p. (T E12501)
กฤษฎา สุชีวะ. ยางผสมระหวางยางธรรมชาติกับยางไนไตรลและการใชสารชวยเขากัน = Blends of natural rubber
and nitrile rubber with the use of compatibilisers. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล,
[2532]. 27 หนา. (ว 97685)
กันตกนิษฐ ธนศิริวัฒนา. การสรางแบบจําลองทางคณิตศาสตรของการถายโอนปุยยูเรียผานชั้นเคลือบยางธรรมชาติ =
Mathematical modeling of urea fertilizer transport through a natural rubber coat. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 150 หนา. (วพ 95527)
กิตติศักดิ์ ณีศะนันท. การศึกษาคุณสมบัติการเกิดผลึกของยางธรรมชาติและของผสมที่อุณหภูมิต่ํา = Study on
crystallization properties at low temperatures of natural rubber and blends. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบัน
เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 91 หนา. (วพ 95252)
ชุติมา โชติเวศยศิลป. กระบวนการทัศนภาพเพื่อการประเมินการถายโอนไฮโดรคารบอนเหลวเขาไปในยางธรรมชาติ =
Image processing for evaluation liquid hydrocarbons transfer into natural rubber. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 93 หนา. (วพ 97131)
ปรีชา สุนทรเรืองยศ. การกราฟตสไตรีนและเมทิลเมทาคริเลตบนยางธรรมชาติในกระบวนการอิมัลชันแบบกะและกึ่งกะ
= Grafting of styrene and methyl methacrylate onto natural rubber in batch and semi-batch
emulsion process. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 106 หนา. (วพ 106532)
ไพโรจน กลิ่นพิทักษ. การเตรียมผลิตภัณฑยางเหลวจากยางธรรมชาติอีพอกไซดเหลวและกรม 2,4 ไดคลอโรฟนอก
ซีอะซีติก = Preparation of liquid rubber product from epoxidized liquid natural rubber and 2, 4dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. ปตตานี : มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2540. 29 หนา. (ว 95343)
วาทิต ศาสตระวาทิต. การแตกตัวดวยความรอนของยางธรรมชาติโดยใชตัวเรงปฏิกิริยาเหล็ก-คารบอน = Thermal
cracking of natural rubber using iron-carbon catalyst. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 90
หนา. (วพ 106529)
วิไลพร ลักษมีวาณิชย. สมบัติพลวัตเชิงกลของยางธรรมชาติในสถานะหลอม = Dynamic mechanical properties of
natural rubber in molten state. ปตตานี : ภาควิชาวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร วิทยาเขต
ปตตานี, 2543. 61 หนา. (ว 109240)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 123]
Natural rubber (ตอ)
สมคิด อาจเอื้อ. การศึกษาโครงสรางโมเลกุลและขนาดผลึกลาเมลลาของพอลิไอโซปรีน โดยปฏิกิริยาการยอยสลาย =
Study on molecular structure and their lamellar crystals of polyisoprenes by means of degradation
reactions. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 89 หนา. (วพ 94161)
Natural rubber blends
Thanit Treepichetkul. Reinforcement of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber and poly(vinyl chloride) blends by in
situ silica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 95 p. (T E21565)
Weeradej Silpsamrith. Effect of cassava starch on physical properties of natural rubber blends. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 103 p. (T E16868)
Natural rubber databases system
Chariya Mongkonrattanasiri. An analysis and design of a pararubber information system : a prototype
system for economic development. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 148 p. (T E16996)
Natural rubber latex
Am-orn Ruenrengkan. A study to improve characterisation of prevulcanised natural rubber latex. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2000. 102 p. (T E14509)
Kamolchat Charungchitaree. In situ silica reinforcement of radiation prevulcanized natural rubber latex.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 62 p. (T E39018)
Philaiwan Aiamsen. Study of phase transfer/suspension polymerization technique for preparation of high
impact polystyrene [HIPS] based on natural rubber latex. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 84 p.
(T E18130)
Pornchai Kengpanyadee. Peelable solder mask from natural rubber latex. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1999. 107 p. (T E19553)
Sukanya Nuasaen. Synthesis and modification of epoxidized natural rubber from natural rubber latex.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2006. 109 p. (T E42095)
Umawasi Buranabunya. A study of preparation of core-shell latex particles by heterocoagulation technique.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 116 p. (T E14510)
Natural rubber membrane
อัศณี ชลมาตร. สภาพใหน้ําซึมเยื่อแผนยางธรรมชาติ = Water permeability of natural rubber membrane.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 85 หนา. (วพ 112482)
Natural rubber tatex
Porntip Prakaimaneewong. Correlation between solids content, particle size distribution, molecular weight
and rhenological properties of field natural rubber latex. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007.
74 p. (T E41922)
Natural rubber--Databases
Chariya Mongkonrattanasiri. An analysis and design of a pararubber information system : a prototype
system for economic development. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 148 p. (T E16996)
Natural selection
Chadawan Kosaisaevee. Evaluation of food and drug administration campaign for food selection and
rational drug use. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 180 p. (T E11715)
Chompunuch Virunanon. Conversion of crystalline cellulose to solvent by naturally selected and
recombinant Clostridia. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 182 p. (T E40704)
Natural shell
Pawanee Rodboon. Study on shell selection and growth rate of hermit crab (Clibranarius longitarsus) in
natural and artificial shells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 88 p. (T E33206)
Natural soil systems
Napaporn Wongpokhom. Variability of natural soil systems as affected by salinity levels in Thailand.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2007. 352 p. (T E39107)
Natural sweeteners
Chaiyong Arunsuriyasak. Effects of stevioside, a natural sweetener from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni., on
function and morphological change in golden hamster kidney. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993.
xiv, 120 p. (T E7307)
Chutima Srimaroeng. The interactions and transport of the natural sweetener, stevioside, and its
metabolite, steviol, by renal organic anion transporters. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 148 p.
(T E33164)
Natural ventilation
Sompob Punyasompun. Multi solar chimney for building. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2009. 76 p. (T E42246)
Sompong Chaima. Investigation of performance of roof solar collector. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute
of Technology Thonburi, 1997. 67 p. (T E12209)
Sopin Wachirapuwadon. An adapted model of passive roof solar collector for new houses with respect to
traditional Thai style. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1996. 68 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 124]
Natural-draft stack
Sutida Phitakwinai. Numerical analysis of pressure loss and heat transfer in a natural-draft stack. Bangkok
: King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 78 p. (T E40656)
Chaninthon Sawanaphakdi. The Thai naturalization of Lahu people in Chiang Rai province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2003. 96 p. (T E21714)
Naturalization requirements
Lin, Jing-Fen. Comparative study on Thailand and Taiwan's naturalization requirements. [S.l.] : Central
Police University, 2008. 204 p. (T E37192)
Nature interpretation
Pramote Orakit. Nature interpretation guide book in Khao Noi-Khao Pradu non-hunting area. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2003. 144 p. (T E20830)
ชลลดา สิทธิฑูรย. แนวทางพัฒนาการสื่อความหมายธรรมชาติ ในเขตอุทยานแหงชาติแกงกระจาน = Nature
interpretation guideline development in Kangkrajan National Park. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล,
2543. 133 หนา. (วพ 110734)
Nature interpretive--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Witoon Chotikulpisarn. The development of a nature interpretive guidebook of Thalae Noi non-hunting
area for the tourists. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 190 p. (T E33432)
Nature journals
Jiraporn Oneplee. Genre analysis of scientific abstracts : a comparative study of Science and Nature
journals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 119 p. (T E40493)
Nature study--Phuket--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Supitcha Kiatprajak. The development of the Khao Pra Taew nature study handbook for tourists in Phuket
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 174 p. (T E33449)
Nature--Study and teaching--Handbooks, manual, etc.
Nakhon Suwantha. The creation of a nature learning handbook for Laleung-Roiru forest in Dong-Yai
wildlife sanctuary, Buriram province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 167 p. (T
Nauclea cadamba
Dammrong Santiarworn. Chemical constituents and biological activities of some Rubiaceae. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2005. 106 p. (T E34841)
Nauclea cordifolia
Dammrong Santiarworn. Chemical constituents and biological activities of some Rubiaceae. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2005. 106 p. (T E34841)
Ampai Poompu. Symptom management of nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy in pediatric
cancer patients and caregivers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 124 p. (T E19649)
Jatuporn Phankein. The effect of music therapy on nausea and vomiting in pediatric cancer patients
receiving chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 73 p. (T E35615)
Pattiya Chainakin. Effects of hand reflexology on nausea, retching and vomiting in cancer patients
receiving chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 85 p. (T E34257)
Usa Rujiraviroj. Symptom management of nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing
chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 97 p. (T E14524)
Yuwapun Payanta. Comparative efficacy of tropisetron versus ondansetron for prevention of nausea and
vomiting induced by high dose cisplatin-containing regimen : a single-blind, randomized, crossover
study. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 101 p. (T E41933)
Nausea and viomiting
Ampai Poompu. Symptom management of nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy in pediatric
cancer patients and caregivers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 124 p. (T E19649)
Li, Lei. Acupoint injection with 0.9 percent saline for the prevention of nausea and vomiting after total
abdominal hysterectomy : a randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled trial. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 62 p. (T E20214)
Nausitora dunlopei
อภัย รณะนันทน. การศึกษาอันตรายจากเพรียงที่มีตอไมอัดน้ํายาซีซีเอ ในทะเล = Marine borers attack on some
timbers treated with CCA wood preservative in sea water. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2528. 1 แผน (24 เฟรม). (ว MF21378)
Naval officers
ประดับ เปรมดิษฐ. การมีสวนรวมทางการเมืองของขาราชการทหารเรือ : ศึกษากรณีการมีสวนรวมในการปฏิวัติ พ.ศ.
2475 = Political participation of naval officers : a case study of a revolution in 1932. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 271 หนา. (วพ 113107)
Navel orange
Supatana Sakpiyaphan. Modelling consumer quality of oranges. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2004. 137 p. (T E25160)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 125]
ลิขิต ชูชิต. การเตรียมแพลงคตอนพืชในสกุล Navicula และ Nitzschia เพื่อใชเปนอาหารหอยโขงทะเลวัยออน =
Some technique on preparing of navicula and nitzschia for young abalone feed. นครปฐม :
สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาแหงมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร1 แผน (10 เฟรม). (ว MF21091)
Navier-stokes equations
Sudaporn Nimma. Predictability of climate and nonlinear dynamics. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of
Technology Thonburi, 1996. 78 p. (T E12740)
Navier-Stokes equations
Meleshko, Surgey V.. Invariant and partially invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Nakhon
Ratchasima : Suranaree University of Technology, 2002. 2 vols. (R E19618 v.1; E19619 v.2)
Wetchayun Pratoomchart. The preparedness of the Royal Thai Navy's personnel for intranet use : a case
study of Institute of Advanced Naval Studies. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 51 p. (T E18628)
Nipawan Leenanon. Depression among naval personnel and their spouses at Phang-Nga Naval Base,
Phang-Nga province, six months after the Tsunami. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 113 p. (T
Thanuch Putthavarang. Quality of life among the navies, their spouses survivors, six months after the
Tsunami disaster in Phang-Nga Naval Base, Phang-Nga province. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2006. 180 p. (T E36637)
Paweena U-thainual. Position and orientation recovery of intramedullary nail distal holes. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2007. 110 p. (T E38775)
Suwimon Sanguansat. A case study of independent use of the real English CD-ROM. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 94 p. (R E14884)
Thiti Tingmai. The development of training and practice of navigation for advanced ships. Hambury :
World Maritime University, 1998. 102 p. (T E13612)
Yaovares Phainpanitporn. Development of shipment status tracking system via the internet [case study :
food ingredients Department Diethelm Trading Co., Ltd.]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 46
p. (T E33347)
ชัชวาลย ชาติไทย. ระบบเฝาตรวจการณทางทะเลไทย = Thailand's territorial sea defense system. กรุงเทพฯ :
สถาบันเทคโนโลยพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 147 หนา. (วพ 99742)
Navigational tools
Wasu Chaopanon. Semantics, complexity and capability : the use of integrated navigational tools for
information finding in hypertext document space. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh, 2001. 164 p.
(T E16231)
Nongpan Srisai. Factors influencing the effectiveness of Nazi propaganda. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2006. 167 p. (T E34461)
Yaninee Srisuwan. Vulcanization and properties of hydrogenated nitrile rubber/nitrile rubber blends.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 133 p. (T E37802)
NC code
เฉลิมชนม ไวศยดํารง. การพัฒนาไฟล NC สําหรับเครื่องกัดชนิด 3 แกนจากไฟล STL = Developing an NC file for a
vertical milling machine from STL file. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 105
หนา. (วพ 100006)
NC simulation
สมเกียรติ โสภาจารีย. การสรางและหาประสิทธิภาพชุดการสอน วิชาเอ็นซีซิมมิวเลชั่น หลักสูตรประกาศนียบัตรวิชาชีพ
ชั้นสูง พุทธศักราช 2540 สาขาวิชาเทคนิคการผลิต กรมอาชีวศึกษา = The construction and
experimentation of instructional package on NC simulation for curriculum of higher vocational
certificate, 1997 in production technology division, Department of Vocational Education. กรุงเทพฯ :
สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 132 หนา. (วพ 111009)
Yiyun, Zhang. An economic evaluation on the new cooperative medical scheme (NCMS) financing : a case
study of Meedu county, Yunnan province, China. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 144 p. (T
Nd-YAG lasers
Sajee Sattayut. A comparative study of the coagulative and cutting effect of Nd-YAG laser and
electrosurgery. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 94 p. (R E19611)
Supasil Phoungphung. Q-switch pulse Nd : YAG laser. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 121 p. (T
Nd:YAG laser
Jintawat Tanamatayarat. The measurement of the focal length of the thermal lens in the slab laser
medium. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 89 p. (T E33659)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 126]
Near infrared spectroscopy
Nattaporn Suttiwijitpukdee. Determination of chemical compositions and pulp yield of Eucalyptus
camaldulensis wood by near infrared spectroscopy. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 161 p. (T
Near-wellbore damage modeling
Supalak Parn-anurak. Modeling of fluid filtration and near-wellbore damage along a horizontal well. Mexico
: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2003. 129 p. (T E24764)
Near-zero shrinkage
Sujitra Wongkasemjit. Study of synthetic method and properties of spirosilicate/benzoxazine resin.
Bangkok : The Petroleum and Petrochemical College Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 77 p. (R
Nearest neigbour algorithm
Athittaya Chankaew. Electronic help desk system for the Revenue Department of Thailand [RD EHELPDESK]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 341 p. (R E36829)
Nearest neighbor algorithm
Teesid Korsrilabutr. Pseudometrics for time series data classification using the nearest neighbor algorithm.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 54 p. (T E39858)
Nearest neighbor analysis [Statistics]
Narong Boonyopakorn. Nonlinear sigma model of spin chain with next nearest neighbor interactions.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 53 p. (T E18348)
Nearest neighbor rule
Thanapant Raicharoen. A divide-and conquer approach to the Pairwise Opposite Class-Nearest Neighbor
(POC-NN) algorithm for classification and regression problems. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2004. 67 p. (T E27749)
Ruanglak Jongchotinon. Linear transformation semigroups admitting nearring structure. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 36 p. (T E40931)
Nearly codeless miner
Pitchaya Kanhaphala. NCM : a visual programming environment for data classification. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2003. 84 p. (T E21178)
Ngarmcherd Danpattanamongkon. Semigroups admitting nearring structure. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 31 p. (T E35893)
Wee Patanaperadej. Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by thermal reduction of sprayed silver salt. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 85 p. (T E40932)
Sangnapa Rangkasiri. Determinants of capital inflows to Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1996. 86 p. (T E11334)
Necessity to maintain the system
Patarachit Glomchim. Necessity for industries to maintain environmental management system (ISO 14001)
in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 70 p. (T E19282)
Phonnipha Boriboonsuksree. Workstation improvement for waterwork cashiers to reduce neck and
shoulder muscular fatique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 156 p. (T E35656)
Porntip Catiput. The arterial supply of the head and neck of the fat (Lylei's slying fax). Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1981. 3 แผน (144 เฟรม). (T MF09090; MF09124)
Tuangrak Nantawisarakul. Life dosimetry of scattered radiation to the gonads during head and neck
treatments. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1977. 1 แผน (60 เฟรม). (T MF09603)
Neck cancer
Tharin Wattanatornnan. Effects of integrated nursing intervention on side effects in head and neck cancer
patients receiving radiotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 80 p. (T E15413)
Neck pain
Rapepan Uppagan. Pain management in patients with cervical cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000.
70 p. (T E14582)
Rungrudi Jarumanokul. Pressure pain threshold at posterior neck and upper back in normal sedentary Thai
females aged 15-24 and 25-34 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 92 p. (T E10111)
Neck pain--Patients
Manida Kongsawatvarakul. Comparison of the effects of the central posteroanterior mobilization to the
thoracic rotary posteroanterior manipulation in the treatment of bilateral mechanical neck pain.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 84 p. (T E42878)
Thanita Luckumnueporn. Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric testing of the Thai version of the
neck disability index in patients with mechanical neck pain. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2007. 104 p. (T E42870)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 127]
Neck pain--Physical therapy
Roongtiwa Chanpitayanukulkij. A study of the effects of rotatory manipulation during cervical traction in
patients with painful limited neck movement. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 172 p. (T
Chidchanok Leethanakul. Pattern of gene expression in squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 139 p. (T E16609)
Patchariya Khantapura. Polymorphisms in the matrix metalloproteinase-2 and tissue inhibitor of
metalloproteinase-2 gene promoters : implication in susceptibility and aggressiveness of head and
neck cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 109 p. (T E33565)
Wirawat Jalayondeja. Effect of chloroform-methanol extraction and periodic acid oxidation on performance
of the lipid associated sialic acid assay in detection of head and neck cancers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 54 p. (T E16550)
Aimorn Saejew. Fatigue, related factors, and self-care actions to manage fatigue of head and neck cancer
patients receiving radiation therapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 113 p. (T E17038)
Kharel, Aayush. Effects of sodium bicarbonate rinses on dental plaque pH and selective oral microorganisms in radiated head and neck cancer patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 86 p. (T
Mukda Detprapon. Testing the uncertainty in illness theory to predict quality of life in Thai patients with
head and neck cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 157 p. (T E41502)
Siripun Komolprasert. The effects of providing information on oral ulcer healing in the patients with head
and neck cancer during hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 65 p. (R
Tunyakarn Surakupt. Effect of enteral medical food on nutritional status in head and neck cancer patients
during chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 154 p. (T
Anuttra Wunnasawega. Food belief in head and neck cancer patients undergoing irradiation treatment at
Ubonrachathani Cancer Center. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 106 p. (T E23736)
Nantaporn Naiyanet. Measurements of patient's setup variation in intensity modulated radiation therapy of
head and neck cancer using electronic portal imaging device. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2006. 71 p. (T E37832)
Nuntawat Ou-dee. The study of dose at the junction field in head and neck cancer treatment. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 68 p. (T E33317)
Tanaphon Maipang. Combination chemotherapy as induction therapy for advanced resectable head and
neck cancer. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, 1995. p 80-85 . (R E9402)
Prapas Pothongsunun. A comparative study of strength training with concentric and isometric neck
exercise regimens. New York : New York University, 1992. 90 p. (T E17194)
Dent, Wolfgang. Sequential level of TNF alpha and clinical manifestations in severe, non-severe falciparum
and vivax malaria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 73 p. (T E17679)
Helbok, Raimund. Sequential level of tumor necrosis factor alpha and clinical manifestations in severe,
non-severe falciparum and vivax malaria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 65 p. (T E17669)
Kornnika Khano. Morphological and biochemical studies of giant black tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon
infected with yellow-head virus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 117 p. (T E14477)
Senee Yingprasertchai. Studies on the effects of hyaluronidase inhibitors and antivenom antibody on the
local tissue damage caused by Naja kaouthia and Colloselasma rhodostoma venoms. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 160 p. (T E18336)
Thidaporn Senachan. Effects of synthetic sulfuric acid rain on growth of Petunia hybrida. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 108 p. (T E18685)
Watcharaporn Devakul Na Ayutthaya. Hepatotoxicity studies of barakol in mice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 141 p. (T E23204)
Aroonrat Anantathas. Characterisation of protein markers for indicating the maturity stages of plum and
nectarine fruits by HPLC. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 112
p. (T E38456)
Nectarivorous bat
Sara Bumrungsri. The role of the nectarivorous bat, Eonycteris spelaea Dobson, in pollination of economic
food plants [durian, sator, and riang] in southern Thailand. Songkhla : Department of Biology
Prince of Songkla University, 2007. 61 p. (R E37873)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 128]
Nederlandse bedrijven
Ritzema, Marieke. Nederlandse bedrijven in Thailand : een verkennende studie naar het belang van de
Nederlandse bedrijven in de Thaise economie. Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1988. 80
p. (T E12669)
อมรทิพย อมราภิบาล. การใชเทคนิคสนทนากลุมและระเบียบวิธีคิวในการประเมินความตองการของเด็กตางชาติชาวพมา
: กรณีศึกษาชุมชนผูยายถิ่นชาวพมาในจังหวัดระนอง = Using focus group technique and Q-methodology
in assesing the needs of migrant children from Myanmar : a case study of immigrant communities
in Ranong province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 192 หนา. (วพ 109989)
Need assessment
Ratanawadee Chontawan. Need assessment of HIV/AIDS affected children aged 0-6 years in Northern
Thailand. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University, 2008. 167 p. (R E41872)
Need factor
Saneekan Seemanee. The factors related to the clients' satisfaction in primary care unit, Saraburi province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 100 p. (T E21640)
Need of care
Arunsri Chanpradit. Need of care and customer satisfaction from eldercare workers in Metropolitan
Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 105 p. (T E20361)
Need salience
Yubol Chandruang. Life events, need salience and audiences use of television. Columbus : Ohio State
University, 1985. 164 p. (T E40259)
Need [Psychology]
Saravadee Sangsook. Needs of employees for English communication in careers at Bangkok Produce
Merchandising Public Company Limited. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 47 p. (R E38064)
Needle biopsy
Pichet Sampatanukul. Usefulness of tuberculin test in diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis when fine
needle aspiration cytology is inconclusive : Is the combined test efficient?. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 43 p. (T E18929)
บํารุง เพชรสถิตย. อนุกรมวิธานของปลาเข็ม-ปลากระทุงเหว ในนานน้ําไทย. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2535. ฑ, 187 หนา. (วพ 56177)
Channaarong Sachdev. The needs of weapon traders to police operation in security of life and property :
case study in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 110 p. (T E36144)
Jaruwan Sawangsri. Needs and response to needs of parents of children with congenital heart disease.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 123 p. (T E17229)
Kanda Chuangsakul. Police constable students' needs of English. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000.
105 p. (T E15833)
Sakul Ariyachotima. Welfare needs of table tennis athletes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 83 p. (T
Thirapol Vatanapradith. Faculty perception of needs for faculty development programs of selected colleges
in Ramkhamhaeng University. Denton : Texas Woman's University, 1990. 123 p. (T E40209)
Needs analysis
Apiraporn Vasavakul. Business English oral communication (BEOC) for customer-services staff at
international banks : translating needs analysis to a course development. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 263 p. (T E35875)
Muntana Meemark. An analysis of needs and problems of English for tourist police. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 174 p. (T E19310)
Nantaporn Naruenatwatana. Needs analysis of medical students at Rangsit University in the use of
academic English. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 145 p. (T E15734)
Nunnida Sungnim. A study of the needs of English for military organization : a case study of Royal Aide de
Camp Department (RADC). Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 45 p. (R E38045)
Tiraporn Sriboonyong. A survey of the needs and problems of business administration students and of
employees as a basis for materials selection for the English for business course at Ubon
Ratchathani University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 235 p. (T E20363)
Needs assessment
Apakorn Malison. English language needs of Thai students during their participation in the work and travel
USA program in 2005. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 119 p. (T E36300)
Aranya Kengkunchorn. An assessment of the needs for higher education of Karen refugees along the ThaiMyanmar border : a case of Nu Poe camp. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 125 p. (T
Buppha Sirirassamee. Assessment of needs and supply availability for survival and basic services for
mothers and children in remote are of Thailand. Nakhon Pathom : Institute for Population and
Social Research, Mahidol University, 1998. 28 p. (R E19011)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 129]
Needs assessment (ตอ)
Darinthorn Inthapthim. A survey of academic English language needs in relation to problems and wants of
Naresuan University M.B.A. students. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2000. 69 p. (T E14943)
Laura M.Brahmakasikara. The bases of designing an English course for nursing students. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 105 p. (T E11307)
Nantaporn Naruenatwatana. Needs analysis of medical students at Rangsit University in the use of
academic English. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 145 p. (T E15734)
Saneha Deekawong. A case study : a technical English syllabus design for Aeronautical Engineering
students of the Air Technical Training school. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 123 p. (T
Sompong Sucompa. A survey study of current needs and problems in using technical English for tourism
for the higher certificate level students of Rajamangala Institute of Technology (RIT). Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 191 p. (T E11785)
Sudsuang Yutdhana. A survey of English language needs of businesspersons in Chiang Mai. Phitsanulok :
Naresuan University, 2000. 88 p. (T E14737)
Tiraporn Sriboonyong. A survey of the needs and problems of business administration students and of
employees as a basis for materials selection for the English for business course at Ubon
Ratchathani University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 235 p. (T E20363)
Tran, Van Hien. Needs assessment of malaria practice among housewives, in Longan province, Vietnam.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 79 p. (T E17918)
Yongtanit Pimonsathean. Training needs assessment and training design for decentralised physical and
urban development in Thailand. [Rotterdam : International Housing and Urban Development
Studies], [1999]. 1 vol. (R E16177)
Abdullah, MD.. Resistance development and effects of cypermethrin, neem extract and Bacillus
thuringiensis on Spodoptera exigua [Hubner] on vegetable soybean. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2001. 173 p. (T E16923)
Adisai Thongtawat. A studies on the efficacy of neem seed extracts and the mixture of neem seed,
galanga and lemon grass in controlling the American boltworm (Heliothis armigera Hubner).
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1991. (iv), 56 p. (T E8265)
Adisak Choeikamhaeng. Application of Thai neem extracts from pilot plant for the control of major insect
pest of asparagus. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1995. 57 p. (T E9136)
Aksorn Tipyaduangdee. Efficacy test of Thai neem seed extracts from KU pilot plant for the control of
tomato whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 86 p. (T E9970)
Araya Ajchariyapagorn. Simulation of nimbin extraction process by using AspenPlus. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 71 p. (T E23157)
Bangon Tangtong. Haematological alteration of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus after long-term low level
exposure to neem Azadirachta indica seed extract. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 186
p. (T E12254)
Chanpen Boontong. Development of microsatellite markers in Indian neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss. var.
indica) and Thai neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss. var. siamensis). Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2007. 91 p. (T E39127)
Chuleemas Boonthai. Toxicity and residual effects of Azadirachta indica var. siamensis extract and
cyhalothrin on Apis florea and Apis cerana. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xvi, 173 p.
(T E7860)
Duangdean Cheramakara. Management of neem extracts compared to the other insecticides for
diamondback moth [Plutella xylostella L.] control. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 196 p. (T
Hatairatana Boonchaleo. Effect of accelerated aging and osmoconditioning on germination of Melia
azedarach linn. Seeds.. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1986. 2 microfiches (99 fr.). (T MF20550)
Hathaitip Sritanaudomchai. Induction of quinone reductase in hepa 1C1C7 murine hepatoma cell line by
neem [Azadirachta indica A. uss var, siamensis valeton] flower constituents. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 109 p. (T E17426)
Jirarach Srijunngam. Subchronic effects of neem Azadirachta indica A. Juss. seed extract on female
reproductive system of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linn.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1998. 124 p. (T E13938)
Kaew Kangsadalampai. Application of neem extract to prevent housefly worms on salted fish = การ
ประยุกตใชสารสกัดจากสะเดา เพื่อปองกันหนอนแมลงวันในการผลิตปลาเค็ม. Bangkok : Institute of
Nutrition. Mahidol University, [1992]. 57 p. (R E10327)
Ladawan Atipanumpai. Effect of soil moisture content on growth and development of Melia azedarach
linn.. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1982. 2 แผน (102 เฟรม). (T MF09517)
Lop Phavaphutanon. Effects of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi on drought resistance of
neem trees (Azadirachta indica A. Juss). Texas : Texas A&M University, 1996. 166 p. (T E10364)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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[หนา 130]
Neem (ตอ)
P. Hormchan. Integration of resistant mutants with neem extract in cotton insect control. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, [2000]. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E14748)
Pathumthip Tonthubthimthong. Supercritical extraction - a comprehensive experimental and modeling
study. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 163 p. (T E19803)
Pornrutsami Jintaridth. Application of neem seed extracts on the reduction of housefly worms on dried
salted fish. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 100 p. (T E8968)
Roungthip Masmeatathip. Effect of neem tree crude-extracts (Azadirachta indica A. Juss. var. siamensis
Valeton) on house fly (Musca domestica Linnaeus). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 54 p. (T
Sureeporn Kerdkankaew. Annual CO2 uptake in the two tropical tree species : Azadirachta indica A. Juss.
var. siamensis Valeton and Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz.. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2003. 129 p. (T E23459)
Worapun Kuakulkiat. Cancer chemopreventive components from Azadirachta indica A.Juss flowers.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 113 p. (T E15878)
จรรยา จริยานุสรณ. ปฏิกริยาของสารจากสะเดา [Azadirachta indica Juss.] ในการควบคุมไสเดือนฝอยรากปม
[Meloidogyne incognita Chitwood] ของมะเขือเทศ. กําแพงเพชร : วิทยาลัยเกษตรกรรมกําแพงเพชร,
2533. (5), 77 หนา. (ว 51317)
ถวิล แสนตรง. การศึกษาทางกายวิภาคของเลี่ยนผลเล็กและเลี่ยนผลโต. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2533. (4), 132 หนา. (วพ 61954)
Neem extract
Abdullah, MD.. Resistance development and effects of cypermethrin, neem extract and Bacillus
thuringiensis on Spodoptera exigua [Hubner] on vegetable soybean. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2001. 173 p. (T E16923)
Adisak Choeikamhaeng. Application of Thai neem extracts from pilot plant for the control of major insect
pest of asparagus. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1995. 57 p. (T E9136)
Akanit Siripassaraporn. The application of neem extracts in the controlling of insect pests of okra
(Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) on farmer's field. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1995. 55
p. (T E9137)
Handule, Ismail Mohammed. The effect of crude neem extract on cattle tick (Phipicephalus pulchellus,
Gerstacker, 1873) in Eastern Ethiopia. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 51 p. (T E20086)
Phouvong Keomony. Management of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hiibner), on pepper by
nucleopolyhedrovirus, neem extract and cypermethrin. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 45 p.
(T E25124)
มานิตย นาคสุวรรณ. ประสิทธิภาพของสารสกัดสะเดาและน้ํามันสะเดาตอยุงลาย Aedes aegypti (L.) = The efficacy
of neem extracts and neem oil on aedes aegypti (L.). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 73
หนา. (วพ 109350)
ศักดา พรรณา. การยอมรับของเกษตรกรที่มีตอการใชสารสกัดสะเดาในการปองกันกําจัดแมลงศัตรูพืช ในเขตจังหวัด
สุพรรณบุรี = Adoption of farmers to use neem extract for insect pest control in Changwat Suphan
buri. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 74 หนา. (วพ 109837)
Neem extracts
Duangdean Cheramakara. Management of neem extracts compared to the other insecticides for
diamondback moth [Plutella xylostella L.] control. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 196 p. (T
Sirisuda Siriwattanarungsee. Effect of neem extract against housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera :
Muscidae) and blowfly, Chrysomya megacephala (F.) (Diptera : Calliphoridae). Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2008. 135 p. (T E39548)
Neem flower extracts
Buncha Chewasantikan. Effects of neem flower extracts on hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme activities
involved in carcinogenic activation in rats and mice. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 85 p. (T
Neem oil
สุมาลัย ศรีกําไลทอง. การผลิตกรดสเตียริกและกรดโอเลอิกจากน้ํามันสะเดาในระดับหองปฏิบัติการ = Production of
stearic and oleic acids from neem oil on laboratory ale. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและ
เทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศไทย, 2542. 11 หนา. (ว 101065 ฉ.1; 105318 ฉ.2)
Kanutcharee Thanispong. Study on the efficacy of alcohol neem extract (Azadirachta indica var. siamensis
Valeton) and its suitable formulation in the control of its suitable formulation in the control of the
red spider mite (Tetranychus hydrangeae Pritchard and Baker). Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
1991. (vii), 68 p. (T E6382)
Noppadol Thapphan. The application of neem seed extracts in the controlling of insect pests of Chinese
Kale on farmer's field. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (vi), 55 p. (T E7101)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 131]
Dayin Mongkholkhajornsilp. Supercritical CO2 extraction of nimbin from neem seeds : process modelling
and optimisation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 130 p. (T
Jeeranoot Eak-amnuay. Comparison of the efficacy of neem seed kernel extracts and spraying methods for
controlling cabbage insect pests. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1989. 2 microfiches (82 fr.). (T
Sudsiri Katatikorn. Effects of neem seed kernel extract on bradyrhizobium species cultures and on
Bradyrhizobium species nitrogen firation and nodulation of yard-long bean (Vigna sinensis Var.
Sesquipendalis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 73 p. (T E13719)
Sutep Sahaya. Study on neem seed products utilization for cotton insect pests management. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 1999. 103 p. (T E15011)
Weerasak Gesnara. Increasing the efficacy of methanol neem seed extract against american bollworm
(Heliothis amigera Hubner). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1994. (iii), 43 p. (T E7585)
Negative charge polymer
Pimjai Amornsiriratanakul. Microencapsulation of Andrographis paniculata with water-soluble biopolymers.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 104 p. (T E16660)
Pakakrong Makpun. Voices from the Mekong : social networking and identity negotiation in the era of
"regional development" in a Thai-Lao border community. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008.
190 p. (T E41320)
Waraporn Boonkaewwan. Sweets & children : senses, consumer culture, and society. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 154 p. (T E37710)
Negotiatuon sexual power
Penprapa Kreeyindee. Male participation in contraceptive use behavior. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 132 p. (T E17807)
Kasemsarn Chotchakornpant. Interracial friendship and racial tolerance among African and White
American high school students in integrated schools and neighborhoods. [S.l.] : Saint Louis
University, 2003. 159 p. (T E22172)
Thorranin Thansri. Topology of neighborhood complexes of random graphs. Tsukuba : University of
Tsukuba, 2007. 49 p. (T E36982)
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย. โปรแกรมการนําเสนอขอมูลในระดับตําบลจาก กชช. 2ค ป พ.ศ.2539. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 1 เลม (ไมปรากฏเลขหนา). (ว 98257)
Neighbouring countries
รังษิมา เสถียรกิจ. การรวมกลุมทางเศรษฐกิจของไทยกับประเทศเพื่อนบานในโครงการสามเหลี่ยมเศรษฐกิจ = The
economic integration between Thailand and the neighboring countries in the IMT-GT. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 257 หนา. (วพ 113362)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Chantana Chantawong. The effect of temperature, transport time on the recovery of Neisseria
gonorrhoeae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 3 microfiches (161 fr.). (T MF20002)
Chariya Chomvarin. Virulence associated proteins of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Victoria : Monash University,
1993. vi, 176 p. (T E7736)
Patrapee Tongtep. Prevalence of gonococcal infection in HIV-positive patients and antimicrobial resistance
of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 125 p. (T E40495)
Sirichai Pookkapund. Establishment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis detection by
using In-house TaqmanR-based multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2008. 117 p. (T E39689)
Siriwan Kachornchaiyakul. Rapid detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood by using DNA
hybridization assay and PCR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 190 p. (T E12159)
Suchart Chanama. The determination of purified gonococcal pili antigen in clinical isolated neisseria.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1988. xvi, 153 p. (T E6981)
Sumruay Pinkaew. Rapid identification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by fluorescent monoclonal antibody and
fluorescent wheatgerm agglutinin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xii, 137 p. (T E7213)
Thumanut Kongsawadi. Coconut water as an enrichment for cultivation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (96 เฟรม). (T MF09642)
Watana Ditsataporncharoen. The transmission of gonococcal infection from infected husbands to wives.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1983. 85 p. (T E1152c.2)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae--Diagnosis
Yingrit Chantarasuk. Assessment of laboratory diagnosis of chlamydia and gonococcal infection and
development of ELISA for Chlamydia trachomatis diagnosis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University,
1998. 176 p. (T E12158)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 132]
Neisseria gonorrhoeae--Effect of antimicrobial on
Somroeg Kabklang. Comparison of the E-test to agar dilution susceptibility technique and antimicrobial
susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 107 p. (T E8527)
Nelumba nucilera
ณราวุฒิ ปยโชติสกุลชัย. ผลของสารควบคุมการเจริญเติบโต ที่มีการเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อบัวหลวง (Nelumbo nucifera
Gaertn.) ในสภาพหลอดทดลอง. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 82 หนา. (วพ 82396)
Nelumbo nucifera
Kanjana Jittiporn. Effect of Nelumbo nucifera G.embryo extract on cardiovascular system in rats. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2002. 122 p. (T E18257)
Sudharat Phoolphithayadhorn. Antimutagenicity of products derived from lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)
on urethane induced somatic mutation and recombination in Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 97 p. (T E20022)
Woranuch La-ongsri. Taxonomic revision and ethnobotany of the families Nelumbanaceae and
Nymphaeaceae in Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 190 p. (T E42077)
Prapassorn Bussaman. Identification of the mushroom mite, Luciaphorus sp., and evaluation of the
bacteria associated with entomopathogenic nematodes for its biocontrol. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2005. 89 p. (T E42037)
Luechai Arayarungsarit. Relationships between upland rice varieties and root-lesion nematode,
Pratylenchus zeae graham. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1991. 2 microfiches (115 fr.). (T
Pokkwan Hutangura. Development and use of in vitro culture of plant parasitic nematodes to study host
feeding cell formation and function. Perth : Murdoch University, 1999. 227 p. (T E16114)
Praphathip Eamsobhana. Immunological studies on the rat lung-worm Angiostronoylus cantonensis
(Nematoda : Metastrongylidae). Kuala Lumpur : University of Malaya, 1994. iii, 244 p. (T E7867)
Wanlop Kaewkes. Acetylcholinesterase of the two nematodes, Rhabditis maupasi and Angiostrongylus
contonensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1979. 2 แผน (102 เฟรม). (T MF09423)
Nematode diseases of plants
Anan Hirunsalee. Population dynamics of root-knot nematode species in mixed populations on selected
crop sequences and genotypes. [S.l.] : North Carolina State University, 1993. xi, 133 p. (T E6048)
Pongpan Thienhirun. Efficacy of Trichoderma spp. in controlling root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 99 p. (T E10996)
Patchareewan Chongchitmate. Bionomics of entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema siamkayai stock,
somsook and reid (n.sp.) and its efficacy against Helicoverpa armigera hubner (Lepidoptera :
Noctuidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University86 p. (T E29019)
Pokkwan Hutangura. Development and use of in vitro culture of plant parasitic nematodes to study host
feeding cell formation and function. Perth : Murdoch University, 1999. 227 p. (T E16114)
Prapassorn Bussaman. Identification of the mushroom mite, Luciaphorus sp., and evaluation of the
bacteria associated with entomopathogenic nematodes for its biocontrol. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2005. 89 p. (T E42037)
สุภาภรณ เสียงศรี. การศึกษาการทําใหเกิดโรคของไสเดือนฝอย Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) ในแมลงวัน
ผลไม Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) = Pathogenicity of entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema
carpocapsae (Weiser) in fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542.
67 หนา. (วพ 105019)
Nemipterus hexodon
Nisanarth Krasaechol. Characteristics and functional properties of sarcoplasmic proteins from ornate
threadfin bream Nemipterus hexodon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 182 p. (T
สนธยา บรรลือโชคชัย. การออกแบบและสรางเครื่องวัดการตอบสนองประสาทกลามเนื้อ = Design and consturction
of an electromyograph. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตรประยุกต สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนคร
เหนือ, 2539. 25 หนา. (ว 92728)
NEO personality inventory
Dech Nuanta. Personality profile of Royal Thai Air Force aviators by the revised NEO personality inventory
(NEO-PI-R). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 64 p. (T E41743)
Neo-humanism philosophy
วัชรยุทธ บุญมา. การจัดการศึกษาตามแนวปรัชญามนุษยนิยมแนวใหม = A study of educational practices in
accordance with the new-humanism philosophy. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 214 หนา.
(วพ 108969)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 133]
สมศักดิ์ เจริญศรี. ผลการสอนตามแนวคิดนีโอฮิวแมนนิสที่มีตอการเห็นคุณคาในตนเองของนักศึกษาการศึกษานอก
โรงเรียนแบบทางไกล = Effects of teaching by neohumanist's concept on self-esteem of non-formal
distance education learners. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 144 หนา. (วพ 112495)
Feigenblatt, Otto Von. Japan and human security : gaps of realities. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2007. 143 p. (T E40400)
Neochetina bruchi
Srijumnun Pichidsuwanchai. Comparative studies on biology of Neochetina eichhorniae Warner and
Neochetina bruchi Hustache (Coleoptera : Curculionidae), biological control agents of
waterhyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach (Liliales : Pontederiaceae), in
Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 62 p. (T E10591)
Neochetina eichhorniae
Srijumnun Pichidsuwanchai. Comparative studies on biology of Neochetina eichhorniae Warner and
Neochetina bruchi Hustache (Coleoptera : Curculionidae), biological control agents of
waterhyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach (Liliales : Pontederiaceae), in
Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 62 p. (T E10591)
จิตรลดา ผลนิมิตร. การรูจําลายมือเขียนตัวเลขไทยดวยนีโอคอคนิตรอน = Thai numeric handwritten character
recognition by the neocognitron. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง,
2541. 141 หนา. (วพ 99740)
Onanong Prombut. The efficiency of neodymium-iron-boron magnet as a retention unit after casting
process. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 96 p. (T E15433)
Supakorn Boonyuen. Effect of some rare-earth doping on the piezoelectricity of lead zirconate titanate
ceramics. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 160 p. (T E15916)
Neodymium-YAG lasers
Supasil Phoungphung. Q-switch pulse Nd : YAG laser. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 121 p. (T
Neodymium-yag lasers
ชมนเจริญ ทิพยสุวรรณ. การศึกษาและการสรางนีโอดีเมียมแยกเลเซอร = A study and construction of neodymium
YAG laser. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 107 หนา. (วพ
Aranya Jutiviboonsuk. Phytochemical and pharmacological studies of Barringtonia maunwongyathiae W.
Chukul and Bursera tonkinesis Guillaum. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 238 p. (T E36029)
Thavatchai Kamoltham. Siriraj Tulle : the preparation of neomycin-polymixin B tulle gras and its in vitro
and in vivo efficacy test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 2 microfiches (67 fr.). (T MF20003)
Neomycin phosphotransferase
นุจรี สุวรรณมังกูล. การแสดงออกของเอ็นพีทีจีนที่ถูกยับยั้งดวยเมลธิลเลชัน โดยการใช 5-อะซาไซติดีน = Expression
of neomycin phosphotransferase gene being repressed by methylation via the application of 5azacytidine. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2537. 126 หนา. (วพ 107238)
Neonatal death
Aboobakur, Maimoona. Influence of maternal and service factors on neonatal deaths and still births in the
Maldives. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 50 p. (T E35075)
Neonatal hearing screening
Arun Suwannapak. Parental anxiety and attitudes to neonatal hearing screening. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 110 p. (T E24101)
Neonatal infections
Sujitra Jantarakana. Efficacy and safety of the administration of gentamicin adjusted dose base on
gestational age in Thai neonatal patients at the Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai hospital. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 70 p. (T E23362)
Neonatal intensive care
Thidarat Buachuen. Serratia marcescens from a neonatal intensive care unit at Siriraj hospital :
pulsotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 122 p.
(T E18952)
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Atchariya Wonginchan. Relationship between coping strategies and well-being of parents whose newborn
infants were hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
98 p. (T E21732)
Supreeda Kurdrit. The physiological and sleep-wake behavioral responses of premature infants to the
neonatal intensive care unit environment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 105 p. (T E19560)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 134]
Neonatal intensive care unit
ปาริชาต ศิลประเสริฐ. ผลของการพยาบาลระบบสนับสนุนและใหความรูตอการเผชิญความเครียด และความวิตกกังวล
ของบิดามารดาทารกแรกเกิด ในหนวยบําบัดวิกฤตทารกแรกเกิด = Effect of supportive educative nursing
system on parents' coping and anxiety in neonatal intensive care unit. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล,
2542. 99 หนา. (วพ 103749)
Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
Akkrapol Mungnirandr. Neonatal necrotising enterocolitis Results of treatment and developments in
diagnosis and therapy during a 25 year period. Mainz : Johanues Gutenberg-University of Mainz,
2004. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E36930)
Neonatal patients
Sujitra Jantarakana. Efficacy and safety of the administration of gentamicin adjusted dose base on
gestational age in Thai neonatal patients at the Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai hospital. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 70 p. (T E23362)
Neonatal respiration monitor
ประสงค ธูสรานนท. การออกแบบและสรางมอนิเตอรการหายใจของทารก = Design and construction of a neonatal
respiration monitor. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตรประยุกต สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ,
2542. 22 หนา. (ว 99777 ฉ.1; 99902 ฉ.2)
Neonatal screening program
กฤติกา ศรีอําไพ. การวิเคราะหตนทุน/ผลไดของโครงการคัดกรองสุขภาพทารกแรกเกิด จากโรคพรองธัยรอยดฮอรโมน
แตกําเนิดในประเทศไทย (กรณีศึกษา : จังหวัดนาน) = Cost-benefit analysis of neonatal screening
program for congenital hypothyroidism in Thailand : a case study at Nan province. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 103 หนา. (วพ 101717)
Neonatal sepsis--Diagnosis
Husada, Dominicus. Predictive model for diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008.
146 p. (R E39468)
Neonatal tetanus--Prevention and control
Lam, Nu Tra Mi. A predictive model of neonatal tetanus preventive intention among women in Ninh Phuoc
district, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 153 p. (T E40011)
Neonate transferred
Laor Jansuta. The referral system of parturients and neonates in community hospitals in Ubon Ratchathani
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17619)
Amporn Narongsanti. Once daily versus twice daily dosing of gentamicin in Thai neonates. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 112 p. (T E13766)
Chanokporn Boonthariksiri. Pharmacokinetics of amikacin in premature neonates at Phramongkutklao
hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 91 p. (T E21851)
Malee Urharmnuay. Effect of a training program on knowledge and practice regarding developmental care
of neonates among nurses. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University, 2004. 86 p. (R
Preedawan Boonmark. Nuchal arch and holder : an invention for better securing endotracheal tubes in
neonates. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 109 p. (T E14516)
Thiraporn Manon. A comparison of tympanometry by using probe tone frequency 226 and 660 Hz in
normal full term neonates. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 85 p. (T E18246)
Neopentyl glycol
Supaporn Suansawat. Synthesis of lubricating product from palm oil and neopentyl glycol using alkaline
earth metal oxide catalysts. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2007.
89 p. (T E37369)
Neoprene adhesive
นิคม นครเรียบ. การศึกษาสมบัติการยึดเกาะระหวางโฟมพอลิเอทธิลีนกับวัสดุเหล็ก สําหรับระบบฉนวนความรอน =
Studies on peel properties between polyethylene foam and steel for thermal insulating system.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 125 หนา. (วพ 109658)
Neoprene rubber
Nuengruthai Parajai. Effects of carbon black on conductivity of neoprene rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 67 p. (T E40895)
Viriya Nitteranon. Cloning and expression of enzymes from glycosyl hydrolase family (xylanase and
neopullulanase) from the sediments of Bor Khlueng hot spring. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006.
116 p. (T E34214)
Neospora caninum
Aran Chanlun. Epidemiology of neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle in Thailand. Uppsala : Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences, 2006. 44 p. (T E36551)
Jitbanjong Wiengcharoen. Comparative study of toxoplasmosis and neosporosis in pregnant dairy cattle.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 132 p. (T E41703)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 135]
Neospora caninum (ตอ)
Than Kyaw. Identification of Neospora caninum and its impact on reproductive performance in Thai dairy
herds. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 59 p. (T E30159)
Than Kyaw. Seroprevalence of antibodies and diagnosis of abortion related to Neospora caninum in dairy
cattle. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 45 p. (T E21537)
Jitbanjong Wiengcharoen. Comparative study of toxoplasmosis and neosporosis in pregnant dairy cattle.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 132 p. (T E41703)
Pipat Arunvipas. A study to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of Neosporosis and Toxoplasmosis in
dairy cattle in western Thailand. Bangkok : Department of Large Animal and Wildlife Clinical
Sciences Kasetsart University, 2008. 27 p. (R E41827)
Kitti Khaowiset. Neotectonics along the Pua Fault in Changwat Nan, northern Thailand : evidence from
remote sensing and thermoluminescence dating. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 220 p.
(T E40720)
Krit Won-in. Neotectonic evidences along the Three Pagoda Fault Zone, Changwat Kanchanaburi. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 167 p. (T E14669)
Mongkol Udchachon. Neotectonics of the southeastern segment of the Phrae fault system, Phrae basin,
northern Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 231 p. (T E21786)
Viriya Danphaiboonphon. Neotectonics of the thoen fault system, Lampang basin, northern Thailand.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 101 p. (T E34978)
Monnipha Sila-asna. An in vitro angiogenesis : a new model for medical use. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1998. 115 p. (T E12164)
Nepa mantis shrimp
อดิสรณ มนตวิเศษ. การพัฒนาของกั้งตั๊กแตน Oratosquilla nepa (Latreille, 1825) วัยออนจากไขของแมพันธุที่
กระตุนใหวางไขโดยวิธีทําลายกานตา = Larval development of nepa mantis shrimp Oratosquilla nepa
(Latreille, 1825) from eggs masses spawned by eyestalk ablation method. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 100 หนา. (วพ 101763)
NEPA standard
Prarop Maison. A study on the evaluation of electrical safety and testing according to NFPA standard for
hospitals under Bureau of Medicine, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 133 p. (T E18480)
Basnet, Puspa. A study of government family planning program on the use of contraception in Nepal.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E19343)
Dhakal, Megha Raj. Factors related to unmet need for family planning among women in reproductive age
groups in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 62 p. (T E17750)
Gnawali, Devendra Prasad. Cost-effectiveness analysis of public and public-private mix dots treatment
centers in Nepal : a case study of Kathmandu metropolitan city. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 122 p. (T E19702)
Pantha, Ritu. Socio-demographic differentials and the level of knowledge of HIV/AIDS among currently
married women in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E20037)
Pariyar, Bhim Bahadur. The roles of NGOs in the adult education promotion in Nepal. Khon Kaen : Khon
Kaen University, 2001. 171 p. (T E18510)
Pokhrel, Subhash. Cost-effectiveness of early case detection for visceral leishmaniasis in Nepal. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 83 p. (T E15502)
Rana, Sobit Bahadur. Factors influencing contraceptive methods choice in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 85 p. (T E19313)
Sharma, Bharat Raj. Factors affecting utilization of antenatal care services in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 77 p. (T E20096)
Nepal--Economic conditions
Ojha, Pustak Raj. Determinants of household food security under subsistence agriculture in the mid hills of
eastern Nepal. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 156 p. (T E15783)
Nepal--Manufacturing processes
C., Kishore K.. Labor market segmentation in the manufacturing sector of Kathmandu urban area.
Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1991. (vii), 115 p. (T E7892)
Karki, Sujan. Utilization of skilled birth attendants during childbirth in Nepal : an evaluation based on the
2001 and 2006 Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 50 p.
(T E40397)
Dhami, Dhan Singh. Teacher perceptions of diversity management in Nepalese Primary Schools. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2007. 139 p. (T E36845)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 136]
Nepenthes thorelii
Rawiwun Kaewamatawong. Phytochemical study of Nepenthes thorelii lec.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 315 p. (T E11840)
กิตติศักดิ์ ลิขิตวิทยาวุฒิ. สารตานมาลาเรียจากน้ําเตาลม = Antimalarial agents from Nepenthes thorelii Lec..
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 56 หนา. (ว 91499)
Nephelium lappaceum
Panumas Posuya. Changes of abscisic acid and polyamines during fruit development and low temperature
storage of rambutan fruits. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000.
126 p. (T E17535)
Sali Chinsathit. Effect of paclobutrazol on shoot growth flowering fruit set and yield of rambutan
(Nephelium lappaceum L.) VAR. Rongrien. Los Banos : University of Philippines Los Banos, 1995.
139 p. (T E10338)
Supatra Parnrong. Leaf processing rates in three tropical streams of southern Thailand : the influence of
land-use. Songkhla : Department of Aquatic Science, Prince of Songkla University, 2000. 12 p. (R
Surachai Muchjajib. Flower initiation, fruit set and yield of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) var.
'roengrean' sprayed with SADH, paclobutrazol and ethephon. Los Banos : University of the
Philippines at Los Banos, 1988. 143 p. (T E40264)
พนิดา บุญฤทธิ์ธงไชย. ผลของกาซคารบอนไดออกไซดที่มีตอการยืดอายุการเก็บรักษาผลเงาะพันธุโ รงเรียน = Effect
of carbon dioxide on prolong storage life of 'Rong-rien' rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum Linn.).
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 190 หนา. (วพ 109617)
Nephelium lappaceum--Preservation
Prakaidao Yingsanga. Relationship between structure and browning in Rambutan fruit [Nephelium
Lappaceum L.]. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 128 p. (T
Nephelium melliferum
Pimpanas Vimuktayon. The ecology of seed dispersal in wild rambutan [Nephelium melliferum] by whitehanded gibbons [Hylobates lar] and other frugivores in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 144 p. (T E17407)
Nephotettix virescens
Isara Srisaard. Effects of some plant extracts on toxicity and activities of esterase and glutathione-Stransferase in the Green Leafhopper (Nephotettix virescens (Distant)). Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2007. 80 p. (T E38719)
Nephrectomized rats
Nlin Arya. Effects of cereal supplement on renal functions and structural alterations in 5/6 nephrectomized
rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 56 p. (T E19078)
Nephrolepis cordifolia
Nattaporn Sonphueak. Phytoremediation of fuel oil contaminated soil. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007.
155 p. (T E37764)
Somchai Chutipongtanate. Identification of urinary trefoil factor 1 as a novel calcium oxalate crystal
growth inhibitor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 103 p. (T E35005)
Nephromopsinic acid
Wacharee Harnying. Reactions of vicinal dianions of succinic ester derivatives. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 154 p. (T E14589)
Narisa Futrakul. Endothelial cell cytotoxicity induced by nephrotic serum : role of oxidant and antioxidant
imbalance and its therapeutic implication. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 80 p. (T
Nephrotic syndrome
Narisa Futrakul. Endothelial cell cytotoxicity induced by nephrotic serum : role of oxidant and antioxidant
imbalance and its therapeutic implication. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 80 p. (T
Nephrotic syndrome in children
Orarat Maneelert. Factors influencing health status of Thai school-age children with nephrotic syndrome.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 121 p. (T E17676)
Temduang Choyhirun. The effects of computer-assisted instruction in supportive-educative nursing system
on self care practices in school-age children with nephrotic syndrome. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 137 p. (T E18056)
Nephrotic syndrome in children--China
Zhimin, Luo. Self-care practices among Chinese school-age children with nephrotic syndrome. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1998. 88 p. (T E12713)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 137]
Boonyium Kumsorn. Protective effects of fosfomycin on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in patients with
lung cancer. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 58 p. (T E16443)
Jittawadee Kamonput. Evaluation of nephrotoxicity, infusion-related adverse reactions and effectiveness of
amphotericin B deoxycholate administered over 24-hour infusion. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2005. 156 p. (T E33396)
Saisamorn Wongjongjaihan. Monitoring efficacy and nephrotoxicity of gentamicin once-daily treatment
compared to every 8-hour treatment for Thai patient in Rajavithi hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 178 p. (T E10732)
Boonyium Kumsorn. Protective effects of fosfomycin on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in patients with
lung cancer. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 58 p. (T E16443)
Saisamorn Wongjongjaihan. Monitoring efficacy and nephrotoxicity of gentamicin once-daily treatment
compared to every 8-hour treatment for Thai patient in Rajavithi hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 178 p. (T E10732)
Neptunia oleracealour
เลอลักษณ บูรณกาล. การศึกษาบักเตรีตรึงไนโตรเจนในปมรากผักกระเฉด (Neptunia oleracea lour). กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2522. 3 แผน (139 เฟรม). (วพ MF02837)
Nerium indicum
Sujitra Wanput. Adulticidal effect of Nerium indicum Mill. Azadiracta indica A. Juss and Annona squamosa
Linn. leaf extracts on Musca domestica Linn.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 56 p. (T E24018)
Napaporn Thavanapong. The essential oil from peel and flower of Citrus maxima. Bangkok : Silpakorn
University, 2006. 122 p. (T E37431)
Nerosurgical patients
Siriluk Suddhichupaiboon. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for positioning reduced
intracranial pressure in post-operative neurosurgical patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006.
70 p. (R E34352)
Somsmorn Chittrakarn. Effects of Kratom leaf extract on sciatic nerve and neuromuscular junction.
Songkhla : Faculty of Science Prince of Songkla University, 2007. 24 p. (R E39233)
Nerve fibers
Nualnoi Wechbanjong. Cat's vallate papilla. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 22 p. (R E8746)
ปานสิริ พันธุสุวรรณ. เสนประสาทชนิด neuropeptide Y ในตอมไพเนียลของกระแต = The Existence of neuropetide
Y nerve fibers in pineal gland of tree shrew (Tupaia glis). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศรี
นครินทรวิโรฒ, [253-]. 28 หนา. (ว 83697)
Nerve ganglia
Praphaporn Laimek. Structure and development of nerve ganglia, peripheral nervous system and special
sensory organs in Haliotis asinina Linnaeus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 151 p. (T E15083)
Nerve injury
Noppadol Phasukdee. Effects of Pueraria mirifica on axonal regeneration in sciatic nerve crush injury in
rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 71 p. (T E33062)
Nerve regeneration
Pornpen Chaiworakul. Estrogenic effect of phytoestrogen (Genistein and Pueraria mirifica) on rat sciatic
nerve regeneration mediated via extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling pathway.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 141 p. (T E34038)
Nerves, Cranial
Suda Saosudchat. Neuronal origin of cerebellar afferents from motoneurons innervating muscles for head
and neck movements. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 69 p. (T E20417)
Nerves, Peripheral
Praphaporn Laimek. Structure and development of nerve ganglia, peripheral nervous system and special
sensory organs in Haliotis asinina Linnaeus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 151 p. (T E15083)
Siriporn Chattipakorn. Differences in peripheral nerve innervation, inflammation and nociception in
reticular or hypertrophic type of oral lichen planus and in erosive or atrophic type of oral lichen
planus. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 25 p. (R E22346)
Somluk Kongstaponkit. Microvascularization in trigeminal ganglion of the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis).
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. ix, 50 p. (T E7194)
Nerves, Peripheral--Diseases--Diagnosis
Rattiya Tiabteera. Reaction time and overall signal speed in neuronal circuits of patients with brain spinal
cord and peripheral nerve damage. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 149 p. (T E6769)
Nervous system
Chalalai Suwattanasophon. The role of 5-HT 1B/1D and 5-HT 2A/2C receptors in neurovascular response
to nitric oxide in rat trigeminovascular system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 161 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 138]
Nervous system (ตอ)
Julaporn Srinha. Adenosine and the neurotoxicity of dichlorvos in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
133 p. (T E19600)
Pasinee Sanguansit. Neurovascular anatomy of the deep inferior epigastric perforator flap for breast
reconstruction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 45 p. (T E34964)
Supin Menayotin. Ultrastructural and histochemical studies of the nervous system of adult liver fluke,
Opisthorchis viverrini. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 233 p. (T E8557)
Thanakul Wannaprasert. Neurovascular anatomy of the penis for sex reassignment surgery. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 55 p. (T E29024)
ประเสริฐ โศภน. การศึกษาโครงสราง หนาที่ และความสัมพันธของระบบประสาทและระบบสืบพันธุของหอยเปาฮื้อพันธุ
พื้นเมือง Haliotis asinina Linnaeus. = Studies of the structures, roles and relationships between the
nervous and reproductive systems of a tropical abalone, Haliotis asinina Linnaeus.. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ
วิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2540. 128 หนา. (ว 99048)
Nervous system,
Siriphun Kongsawasdi. Cardiovascular autonomic function tests in Thai diabetics. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1993. viii, 114 p. (T E7181)
Nervous system--Blood-vessels
Supawadee Mankhetwit. Dorsal root ganglion microvasculature in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis) as
revealed by SEM of plastic corrosion cast. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiii, 59 p. (T E8028)
Nervous system--Degeneration
Pornprot Limprasert. Molecular and linkage studies in autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxlas.
Louisiana : Louisiana State University, 1995. 175 p. (T E11054)
Nervous system--Diseases--Patients
Aree Buranakul. Pressure ulcer risk factors among hospitalized neurological patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 142 p. (T E18630)
Nervous system--Surgery--Patients
Permsin Sathiropas. Hemostatic alteration and platelet ultrastructure in patients undergoing intracranial
surgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xxii, 340 p. (T E7880)
ณัชพงศ รูตระกูล. อิทธิพลของความเปนกรด-ดาง และความเค็มที่มีตอการวัดปริมาณแอมโมเนียมในน้าํ โดยวิธีเนสเลอ
ไรเซซันและโซเดียมไนโตรปรัสไซด = The effect of pH and salinity on water ammonium determination
by nesslerization and sodium nitroprusside methods. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 115
หนา. (วพ 104156)
Nested PCR
Sompoj Chalermtaranukul. Prevalence of human herpesvirus type 6 in periodontitis lesion in Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 79 p. (T E21018)
Net present value
Kriangsak Rukachantarakul. A feasibility study of investing bunker oil equipment for oil company's
customers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 86 p. (T E13879)
Net radiation
Anurat Saringkarnphasit. Estimation of mixing height using surface meteorological data in Thailand.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 138 p. (T E37810)
Patcharee Vanakrairotj. Netilmicin ; in vitro study and clinical evaluation of therapy in pediatric patients
with serious gram negative infections. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 microfiches (132 fr.).
(T MF20178)
NETS method
Viganda Varabuntoonvit. Life cycle assessment for power generation systems in Thailand using nets
method. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 141 p. (T E20084)
Netscape Browser
ชุลีรัตน จรัสกุลชัย. ซอฟตแวรสงเสริมทักษะการเรียน Netscape Browser = Self tutorial software for Netscape
Browser. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาวิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 11 หนา. (ว 111216)
Netware 5.1
Malaya Puengkeo. Computer assisted instruction for NetWare 5.1 (Administration). Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 50 p. (T E16567)
Network analysis
Nanta Changthongkham. GEO-informatics for wild elephant living space at Kuiburi National Park,
Prajuabkirlkhan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 113 p. (T E33320)
Panatda Kasikitwiwat. Capacity reliability and capacity flexibility of a transportation network. Logan : Utah
State University, 2004. 206 p. (T E36309)
Rachanee Phuwapathanapun. Network analysis with fuzzy and stochastic data. Innsbruck : LeopoldFranzens-Universitat Innsbruck, 2000. 126 p. (T E16060)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 139]
Network analysis (ตอ)
เตือนใจ อาชีวะพนิช. การสรางและหาประสิทธิภาพชุดการสอน วิชา การวิเคราะหวงจรขายหลักสูตรครุศาสตร
อุตสาหกรรมบัณฑิต สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล = Constructing and finding an efficiency of an
instructional package for network analysis. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ,
2542. 290 หนา. (วพ 110871)
Network analysis [Planning]
Boo, Teo Chok. A study of Lead-Lag Precedence Network Technique in construction industry. Bangkok :
Asian Institute of Technology, 1981. 2 แผน (80 เฟรม). (T MF09411)
Hung-Jen, Chang. Construction network compression programming. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1975. 52 p. (T E22729)
Krirerk Tuanpusa. An application of SDLC and GIS in determination of delivery service area : case study of
fast food restaurants in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 75
p. (T E38109)
Satit Tantivattanasatien. Improvement of the project control system : a case study of an interior
decoration company. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 147 p. (T E15859)
Network backbone design
Chaiwat Praphanawarat. Network design for a new Government House master plan. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 100 p. (T E18492)
Network based intrussion detection system
Chaivat Jirapummin. A visual intrusion detection system using self-organizing maps. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 125 p. (R E18850)
Network computers
Pakaket Wattuya. Solving the syllable segmentation problem in connected-Thai-Digit speech recognition
using multiple-instance learning. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 64 p. (T E22270)
Uchot Jitpaisarnsook. An efficient static task mapping model on cluster system and computational grid
system. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 44 p. (T E19488)
Network design
Eakkaluck Tangprasert. Multi-objective design and optimization of outdoor wireless LAN system. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 35 p. (R E37383)
Montree Wongsri. Resilient heat exchanger network design. Saint Louis : Sever Institute of Washington
University, 1990. 234 p. (T E40233)
Narongchai Ungurawanich. Wireless LAN system design and optimization considering average path loss
minimization. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 33 p. (R E24378)
Network devices management program
ชัยวัฒน ฉัตรศิริชัย. การพัฒนาโปรแกรมจัดการอุปกรณทางระบบเครือขายผานบราวเซอรบนระบบปฏิบัติการวินโดวส
เอ็นที = Development of a browser-based network devices management program on the Windows
NT. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 79 หนา. (วพ 110034)
Network drive
เชิดวงศ หงษศรีจินดา. การพัฒนากลวิธีสืบคนฐานขอมูลซีดีรอมผานระบบเครือขายระยะไกล = A development of CD
ROM database searching technique over wide area network. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2541. 48 หนา. (วพ 104560)
Network equipment maintenance
Nowarat Silprasert. Development of data classification tools to support analysis of network equipment
maintenance of the Revenue Department. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 103 p. (R E39992)
Network file system [Computer network protocol]
O-larn Suriyabhumi. SDFS-a design and architecture of highly scalable distributed file system for linux
cluster. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 45 p. (T E16796)
Network for industrial Environment management
Chaiyuth Klinsukont. Testing the niem environmental monitoring guideliness at a Thai pulp and paper mill
: receiving water quality. Bangkok : TISTR, 2000. 89 p. (R E15096 c.1; E15586 c.2)
Network interface card
วราห ธีระปุญโญ. การปรับปรุงประสิทธิภาพของระบบเชื่อมตอเครือขาย = Performance improvement of network
interface subsystem. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 61 หนา. (วพ
Network interface subsystem
วราห ธีระปุญโญ. การปรับปรุงประสิทธิภาพของระบบเชื่อมตอเครือขาย = Performance improvement of network
interface subsystem. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 61 หนา. (วพ
Network links
Kiettipong Jierranaitanakit. An application of logit modeling to the classification of network links for hourly
traffic patterns in emission inventories. Davis : University of California, 2005. 176 p. (T E24729)
Network management
Pham, Huu Nghia. Distributed network management using combination of web services and mobile
agents. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2005. 102 p. (T E24287)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 140]
Network management (ตอ)
Saishon Labchumsri. Local area network resources information monitoring system via web browser.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 105 p. (T E18203)
Witoon Reewarabundith. Software usage monitoring system for workstations on local area network
managing from web browser. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 92 p. (T E17581)
พฤณฑาภรณ แสงดารา. การพัฒนาโปรแกรมแบบเว็บเพื่อชวยการบริหารคอมพิวเตอรสวนบุคคลในเครือขาย = A web
base program development for management of networked desktop computers. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 155 หนา. (วพ 112450)
Network Management Center
มงคล บรรยง. การสรางระบบการรับ-สงขอมูลรายงานแจงเหตุเสียเขาหาศูนยรวมขอมูลดวยโปรแกรมการเชื่อมตอแบบ
ออนไลน = On line single point of contact for network event report distribution. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบัน
เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2541. 248 หนา. (วพ 104924)
Network on chip
Pasakorn Boonyingyongstit. GA-based searching of optimal topology for NoC with data compression.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 91 p. (T E36683)
Network security
Labhidhorn Pangphuthipong. A prototype system in network security for intrusion detection using a decoy.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 84 p. (T E34472)
Sarawut Pipattansakul. A simplified and concrete graph-based model for analyzing the security of firewall
configurations. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 94 p. (T
Sirikarn Pukkawanna. Lightweight detection of DoS attacks. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 127 p. (T
Network system
Boonmee Wattananon. On optimal paths in time constrained networks. [S.l.] : Curtin University, 2002. 168
p. (T E36484)
Network system of electrical consumption measurement
บุญยงค ภูนันทพงษ. การออกแบบและสรางระบบโครงขายการวัดปริมาณไฟฟา = Design and construction of the
network system of electrical consumption measurement. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลา
พระนครเหนือ, 2536. 32 หนา. (ว 92910)
Network system--Prevention and control
Voravud Santiraveewan. A graph-based methodology for analyzing IP spoofing attacks. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 39 p. (T E22817)
Network systems
Aparat Mahakhant. Specification for management and network systems of culture collection of microalgae.
Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 2001. 17 p. (R E17192 c.1)
Network technology
Sanphet Chunithipaisan. The development of generic, topology aware spatial datasets and models.
Newcastle : University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2004. 187 p. (T E24740)
Tavicha Phadvibulya. A development of Hybrid Network Technology-Enhanced Language Learning model
based on social constructivism approach for promoting EFL learner autonomy. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 230 p. (T E38961)
Network theory
Sompong Lertpolpairoj. An improvement of realistic performance of a haptic system with an adaptive
virtual coupling. Bangkok : King Mongkut' University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 69 p. (T
Network Traffic
Mahanta, Anjan Kumar. A comparative study of P2P system architectures. Bangkok : Thammasat
University, 2006. 60 p. (T E35215)
Tun Lin Moe. Managerial networking of public and private sector Thai executives. Bangkok : National
Institute of Development Administration, 2003. 218 p. (T E38434)
Witsanuchai Srijariya. Study of computer networking system at Nakorn-Thai Crown Prince hospital,
Phitsanulok : the aspect of management. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 106 p. (T E14073)
Neumann algebras
Theeradech Mookum. Finite difference methods for finding a control parameter in two-dimentional
parabolic equation with Neumann boundary conditions. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004.
36 p. (T E23349)
Neural coding
Somphop Chatchavong. Temporal ensemble of supervised visually-related neurons in lateral
hypothalamus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 96 p. (T E18307)
Uttapon Eiamratanawong. Responsiveness of spiking neurons in lateral hypothalamus to visual stimuli
after dipsogenic agent administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 85 p. (T E18308)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 141]
Neural computers
Sutat Saetang. Thai type styles recognition. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 59 p. (T E12502)
Neural crest
Promjit Jutabha. Determination of urinary homovanillic acid and vanillylmandelic acid in children for the
diagnosis of neural crest tumors. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xi, 132 p. (T E7117)
Neural fuzzy networks
Nam, Dinh Thi. Forecasting and trading stock using technical analysis and neural fuzzy network. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 103 p. (T E38320)
Neural network
Araree Jirapornanan. Development of an artificial neural network module for enzymatic reaction rate
prediction (I)/computational analysis of mutational sequence variance in VP1 capsid protein of
polyomavirus (II). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 93 p. (T
Chawat Siwaranon. A neural network modeling and control for etherification hybrid process. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 87 p. (T E34750)
Hataitep Wongsuwarn. Computational intelligence to gait generation for biped dynamic walking robot.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 191 p. (T E35851)
Neural network model
Pirapun Juangaroon. Dynamic dispersion model based on neural network for predicting sulfur dioxide
impact at the Mae Moh thermal power plant. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 100 p. (T
Neural network [Computer science]
Sangwan Intasuk. Personal income tax from reading system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 181 p.
(R E36828)
Wimalin Laosiritaworn. The application of neural network for manufacturing facility and supply chain
modelling. Chiang Mai : Department of Industrial Engineering Chiang Mai University, 2008. 68 p. (R
Neural network [Neurobiology]
Maytee Bamrungrajhirun. Modeling and visualizing the quantitative and allometric relationship of individual
parts of rice by an integrated neural network. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 104 p. (T
Neural networks
Atchara Mahaweerawat. Software fault prediction by fuzzy logic and neural network techniques. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 164 p. (T E35803)
Busagarin Rurkhamet. Forecasting of new issued banknotes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997.
212 p. (T E12751)
Jurairat Phromjai. Prediction of the extent of protein secondary structures using neural networks. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 240 p. (T E13716)
Kitisak Ngamjaruskochakorn. Modeling of temperature change of liquid steel in BOF by neural network.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 71 p. (T E12472)
Yootana Pimtong-ngam. Development of artificial neural networks for semiconductor gas sensors based on
nanostructured SnO2. Bangkok : Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, 2009. 119 p. (R E41889)
ปราโมทย พิมเสน. วิธีการรูจําภาพธนบัตรไทยโดยใชสัญญาณ 2 ยานความถีแ
่ ละนิวรอลเน็ตเวิรค = A method of Thai
note picture recognition by using two frequency bands of signal and neural network. กรุงเทพฯ :
สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2539. 119 หนา. (วพ 95928)
Neural networks [computer science]
Yutthana Lila. Region depth ordering in monocular single image using statistical blurring measure.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 79 p. (T E41263)
Neural networks [Computer science]
Adhikari, Naba Raj. Some applications of artificial neural network in Geo-engineering. Pathumthani :
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2002. 51 p. (T E18896)
Akanit Waiyakarn. Phoneme-based Thai leading consonant recognition using neural network and hidden
markov model. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 88 p. (R
Ananta Srisuphab. The development of Quantum Complex-valued Backpropagation Neural Network
[QCBPN]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 105 p. (T E18235)
Anocha Rugchatjaroen. Generalization of an elliptic radial basis function neural network. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 50 P. (T E20203)
Aungsana Duangkaew. Backpropagation neural network simulator tool. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 219 p. (R E16151)
Bui, Van Bien. Teleoperation system using neural network based multiple model adaptive predictive
control. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 75 p. (T E39045)
Chidentree Treesatayapun. Adaptive controller with fuzzy rules emulated structure. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2004. 99 p. (T E23257)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 142]
Neural networks [Computer science] (ตอ)
Ekawat Pasomsub. Qualitative phenotypic resistance prediction from genotypes for human
immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) protease inhibitors using neural networks. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 109 p. (T E24149)
Jun Srisutapan. An application of inductive logic programming, fuzzy set, and artificial neural networks to
Thai printed character recognition. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 50 p. (T E18963)
Jutatip Petcherdsak. Use of multilayer feedforward networks for system identification, function
approximation, and advanced control. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 194 p. (T
Juthatip Chuchuen. Soil temperature forecasting using neural network. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 122 p. (T E18147)
Kitiporn Plaimas. A technique for predicting an ambiguous nucleotide symbol in a DNA sequence. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 53 p. (T E27753)
Kreangkri Ratchagit. Asymptotic stability of delay difference system of neural networks. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 45 p. (T E36699)
Linda Thanasinthana. Neural network-based optimal control strategy for a batch crystallization. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 86 p. (T E40172)
Marut Ratmanee. Estimation of dynamic suspended sediment in the river basin using Artificial Neural
Networks, a case study of upper Lum Ta Kong basin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 163 p. (T
Nachol Chaiyaratana. Thalassaemia classification by neural networks and genetic programming. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2008. 51 p. (R E40617)
Nachol Chaiyaratana. The use of neural networks and evolutionary computation in time-optimal control.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 165 p. (R E17318)
Nam, Dinh Thi. Forecasting and trading stock using technical analysis and neural fuzzy network. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 103 p. (T E38320)
Nantawan Therdthai. Study of consumer acceptance in Bakery products by using modeling approach.
Bangkok : Department of Product Development Kasetsart University, 2006. 30 p. (R E39229)
Oranit Panprasitwech. Short-term electrical load forecasting using an artificial neural network. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 87 p. (T E24384)
Pirawat Watanapongse. Fault tolernt neural network classifiers. Louisiana : University of Southwestern
Louisiana, 1998. 119 p. (T E13654)
Pisit Phokharatkul. Invariant Thai printed characters recognition. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of
Technology Ladkrabang, 2002. 188 p. (T E20601)
Piyamas Kanuan. Prediction of time series using wavelet transform and neural network. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 34 p. (T E40934)
Piyanuch Thitiyasook. Use of neural networks for the control of pervaporative membrane reactor. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 146 p. (T E24978)
Piyawadee Srithip. Neural network solving container loading problem. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2002. 149 p. (T E18456)
Polpipat Suthichoti. Subsurface water management of multi-stacked gas reservoirs. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 141 p. (T E40880)
Poonpat Poonnoy. Using artificial neural network approach for modeling of microwave-vacuum drying of
plant materials. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 101 p. (T
Rachaneewan Talumassawatdi. Imputing large missing rain data by neural networks, similarity measure,
and time synchronization prior to estimation of Ze-R relation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2005. 51 p. (T E37800)
Rapee Supradish Na Ayudhya. Water demand forecasting using the artificial neural network. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 65 p. (T E19632)
Ruttapone Chanlongsawaitkul. An intelligent system to recommend appropriate correlations for vertical
multiphase flow. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 197 p. (T E39307)
Saichon Jaiyen. Weight adjusting for a self-organizing artificial neural network in non-Euclidean space.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 47 p. (T E23063)
Santisouk Phimphachanh. Using artificial neural networks for long term peak load forecasting "a case
study in Vientiane capital of Lao PDR". Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2004. 84 p. (T E25063)
Sathit Nakkrasae. Software component identification specification and classification using formal method
and artificial neural networks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 102 p. (T E26625)
Sathit Wanitchaikit. Learning by imitation for mobile robot applications. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 91 p. (T E31310)
Shutinun Limpanakorn. Voice articulator for Thai speaker recognition. Bangkok : Thammasat University,
2001. 103 p. (T E18144)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 143]
Neural networks [Computer science] (ตอ)
Somchat Jiriwibhakorn. Transient stability assessment of power systems using neural networks. London :
University of London, 2001. 277 p. (T E16108)
Sooktawee Singhtee. Information management system for water resource management of Huai Jorakhe
Mak reservoir Buriram province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 82 p. (T E37159)
Sutat Saetang. Thai type styles recognition. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 59 p. (T E12502)
Sybounheng Rassavong. Lao printed characters recognition by using associative neural network. Bangkok
: Kasetsart University, 1997. 139 p. (T E10809)
Teraphan Ornthammarath. ANNs-based identification of dynamical systems. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn
International Institute of Technology, 2002. 73 p. (T E18746)
Thanapol Intravesn. Classification of mammographic masses using 3D surface texture. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19580)
Thitinan Tantidham. An application of neural networks to optimal path computation in computer networks.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 74 p. (T E11660)
Wachira Daosud. Neural network based model predictive control for a steel pickling process. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 148 p. (T E37515)
Wanlop Visithamakun. Artificial neural networks prediction of PM10 case study : Bangkok area. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 86 p. (T E34172)
Wanyok Atisattapong. Identifying non-binding constraints in linear programming problems using
supervised learning neural networks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 90 p. (T E27785)
Watcharin Monpengpinit. Nonlinear prediction with neural network for speech coding. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 115 p. (T E17359)
Werachai Watcharabusaracum. Developed system for identification of pathogenic enterobacteriaceae and
related organisms using artificial neural network. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 81 p. (T
Wimalin Sukthomya. Manufacturing process improvement using design of experiments and neural
networks with historical data. Nottingham : University of Nottingham, 2004. 278 p. (T E24701)
Wiphada Wettayaprasit. Rule extraction from a trained neural network using principle interval projection
with certainty factor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 60 p. (T E23219)
Wongsapat Chokananporn. Artificial neural network models for determining surface area and volume of
fruit : application to guava. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006.
105 p. (R E37264)
Worawit Saetung. Simulation of metabolic network using artificial neural network. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 83 p. (R E22929)
Yupaporn Thanyakriengkrai. Neural networks for structural design optimization using genetic algorithms.
Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2002. 66 p. (T E18747)
Yuthana Phimolsiripol. Effects of freezing rate and fluctuating storage temperature on quality of frozen
bread dough and applications of artificial neural network for quality prediction. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 247 p. (T E39002)
Neural networks [Computer Science]
Sainatee Champirat. A development of artificial neural network for the rapid assessment of subsurface
contamination. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 117 p. (T E38958)
Neural networks [Computer]
Orawan Tinnungwattana. Statistical feature selection from Chaos game representation for promoter
recognition. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 47 p. (T E38637)
Neural networks [Neurobiology]
Prapaphan Pan-O. A stock price prediction model by the neural network approach. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 118 p. (T E21243)
Neural stimulation
Vipa Verawatnapakul. The mechanism of sympathetic-induced lacrimal secretion in rabbits = กลไกการ
กระตุนการคัดหลั่งน้ําตา ในกระตายโดยระบบประสาทอัตโนมัติซิมพาเตพิค. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1986. 12 p. (R E9177)
Neural transmission
Sutisa Nudmamud. Post-mortem investigations into indicators of gutamatergic neurotranmission in
schizophrenia and affective disorders. Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 2002. 252 p. (T E19178)
Neural tube defects
วัชรี อัตถทิพพหลคุณ. การหาดัชนีจําเพาะเพื่อชวยวินิจฉัยกอนคลอดสําหรับโรค neural tube deffect = Investigation
of specific indices for prenatal diagnosis of neural tube defects. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเทคนิคการแพทย
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, [2535]. 23 หนา. (ว 97357 ฉ.1; 127785 ฉ.2)
Nakachi, Shogo. Outcome of treatment in leprosy reactions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 59 p. (R
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 144]
Neuro-dynamic programming
Piyawadee Srithip. Neural network solving container loading problem. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2002. 149 p. (T E18456)
Neuro-fuzzy control
Watcharin Po-ngaen. Neuro-fuzzy control in tele-robotics. Tyne : University of Newcastle Upon Tyne,
2006. 274 p. (T E36559)
Neuro-genetic optimizer
Thanyalak Iamnarongrit. Application of Neuro-genetic Optimizer for sediment forecasting in Lam Phra
Phloeng reservoir. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 169 p. (T E36774)
Neuro-surgical Intensive Care Unit--Cost
Siriporn Gatanyatapong. Cost and unit cost analysis of neuro-surgical intensive care unit in Ratchaburi
hospital, fiscal year 2002. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 121 p. (T E24019)
Supin Menayotin. Ultrastructural and histochemical studies of the nervous system of adult liver fluke,
Opisthorchis viverrini. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 233 p. (T E8557)
Panida Chutsrinopkun. Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors in N18 neuroblastoma cells. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1997. 96 p. (T E11204)
Sinthuporn Maharan. Study the protective effect of Kaempferia parviflora against neurodegeneration in
stroke condition. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 113 p. (T E41784)
Neurodegenerative disorders
Pornprot Limprasert. Molecular and linkage studies in autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxlas.
Louisiana : Louisiana State University, 1995. 175 p. (T E11054)
Neuroendocrine organs
Viyada Seehabutr. Study on the structure and function of neuroendocrine organs in giant Afrigan snail,
Achatina fulica. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xvii, 365 p. (T E6444)
Yupaporn Chaiseha. Neuroendocrine regulation of the female native Thai chicken reproductive cycle.
Nakhon Ratchasima : School of Biology Suranaree University of Technology, 2008. 16 p. (R
Nualnoi Wechbanjong. Cat's vallate papilla. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 22 p. (R E8746)
Neurofuzzy system
Thoedtida Thipparat. An integration of risk assessment and random-fuzzy network scheduling complex
construction operations. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 311 p. (T E41440)
Piyanuch Wonganan. Effects of piperine on lipopolysaccharide-induced injuries and oxidative changes in
rat brain glial cell cultures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 83 p. (T E21508)
Neurohumoral control
Orawan Wongmekiat. Neurohumoral control of kidney function in diabetes and obesity. Birmingham :
University of Birmingham, 2000. 261 p. (T E16225)
Neurolinguistic programming
Gandour, J.. Neurolinguistic investigation of speech prosody in Thai. [S.l. : s.n.], 1991. 9 p. (R E9066)
Neurologic examination
Supawadee Bolisutthikul. Neuropsychological and neurological alterations in Thai boxers. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1996. 124 p. (T E10025)
Neurological patients
Aree Buranakul. Pressure ulcer risk factors among hospitalized neurological patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 142 p. (T E18630)
Jaitip Chaiyarungrot. A survey of nursing activities for preventing and manipulating constipation in
neurological patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 90 p. (R E18523)
Nuchjaree Kidjawan. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for prevention and
management of perineal dermatitis in neurological patients with incontinence. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 117 p. (R E33401)
Nuchsara Bejraputra. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for swallowing screening in
neurological patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 111 p. (R E34354)
Sadudee Rattanajarasroj. Neuroprotective effects of quercitrin on beta-amyloid-induced neurotoxicity in rat
hippocampal neuronal cultures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 151 p. (T E36082)
Neuromuscular block agents
Datten Bangun. The nature of the neuromuscular block produced by kanamycin. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1975. 2 แผน (71 เฟรม). (T MF09713)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 145]
Neuromuscular function
Chusri Talubmook. The influence of elevated glucose levels and the diabetic state on neuromuscular
function in the gut. Hertfortshire : University of Hertfortshire, 2002. 247 p. (T E19162)
Neuromuscular junction
Somsmorn Chittrakarn. Effects of Kratom leaf extract on sciatic nerve and neuromuscular junction.
Songkhla : Faculty of Science Prince of Songkla University, 2007. 24 p. (R E39233)
Tulaporn Wongtawatchai. Effects of tibial nerve injury on rat neuromuscular junction with or without
electrical stimulation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 89 p. (T E34037)
Neuronal adaptation
Supalak Khemthong. Psychomotor effects of exercise in blind, deaf, and non-handicapped adolescents.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 152 p. (T E14039)
Neuronal cell
Oraphan Wanakhachornkrai. Effects of N-(2-propylpentanoyl) urea on impairment of learning memory and
neuronal cell death after bilateral common carotid arteries occlusion in mice. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 65 p. (T E37574)
Neuronal cell--Death
Wimon Ninyaporn. Effects of Phyllanthus emblica fruits extract on memory impairment and neuronal cell
death induced by bilateral occlusion of common carotid artery in mice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 53 p. (T E39575)
Neuronal circuitry
Wipaporn Santiwiwat. Interference by dynamic motor activity on psychomotor neuronal function. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1998. 130 p. (T E12489)
Neuronal survival
Anchukorn Jaroinsiri. Effects of insulin-like growth factor I on hypoxia-induced cellular injuries in cultured
rat cerebellar granule neurons. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19761)
Kodchakorn Na Nakornphanom. Fault immunization for the central vector of a radial basis function neuron.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 51 p. (T E18927)
Lalipat Chatdarong. The degeneration of sensory and motor neurons after axotomy in young adult rat and
prevention by leukemia inhibitory factor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 69 p. (T
Nongnut Uabundit. Neuroprotective and central nervous system activities of Ham (Coscinium
fenestratum). Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 182 p. (T E28982)
Peenaraya Sunartpin. Neuronal origin of cerebellar afferents from motoneurons innervating extraocular
muscles. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E33614)
Prasit Opas. Effects of piperine on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death in neuronal cell line cultures.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 76 p. (T E39336)
Puckprink Sangdee. Toxicity of mercuric chloride in cultures of neurons and non-neuronal cells derived
from embryonic chick sympathetic ganglia. Utah : University of Utah, 1973. 60 p. (T E22376)
Suriyaphun Sukhchai. The responsiveness to ingestive stimuli of neurones in the zona incerta and lateral
hypothalamus of conscious sheep depleted of sodium. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 200 p.
(T E14207)
Sutthichai Tia. Developmental changes of inhibitory synaptic currents in cerebellar granule neurons.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 172 p. (T E10647)
Yawadee Maneesub. The effect of AF64A on cholinergic neurons in different regions of rat brain. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1991. xiii, 123 p. (T E7435)
Neuropathic pain
Somsak Mitrirattanakul. Site-specific increases in cannabinoid receptors and their endogenous ligands in a
model of neuropathic pain. Los Angeles : University of California, 2005. 173 p. (T E36389)
Neuropeptide Y
ปานสิริ พันธุสุวรรณ. เสนประสาทชนิด neuropeptide Y ในตอมไพเนียลของกระแต = The Existence of neuropetide
Y nerve fibers in pineal gland of tree shrew (Tupaia glis). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศรี
นครินทรวิโรฒ, [253-]. 28 หนา. (ว 83697)
Nanthika Panchan. Production of monoclonal antibody against eyestalk neuropeptide hormones in the
black tiger prawn Penaeus monodon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 122 p. (T E30170)
Sarita Pramaulkijja. Immunocytochemical study of amino acids transmitter and neuropeptide in pineal
gland. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvii, 107 p. (T E6300)
Jintanaporn Wattanathorn. Influence of glucocorticoid on the alteration of cholineacetyltransferase (CHAT)
enzyme in various brain areas of adult male rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 144 p. (T
Nuttiya Werawattanachai. Neuropharmacological profiles of tetrahydrofuran. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 94 p. (T E42884)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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[หนา 146]
Neuropharmacology (ตอ)
Supath Srisawat. Effects of cholinotoxin on rotational movement in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1990. vii, 78 p. (T E6774)
Thaneeya Hawiset. Effect of Centella asiatica on neuropharmacological activity and neuroprotective effect
against Alzheimer's disease. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2006. 111 p. (T E41963)
Supalak Khemthong. Psychomotor effects of exercise in blind, deaf, and non-handicapped adolescents.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 152 p. (T E14039)
Apirada Sucontphunt. Protection of HT-22 neuronal cells against glutamate toxicity mediated antioxidative
activity of Pueraria candollei var. mirifica extract. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 93 p.
(T E40810)
Boonrat Chantong. Effects of valproic acid and valproyl urea on beta amyloid protein-induced cytotoxicity
in P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 107 p. (T E34545)
Maleeruk Utsintong. Design and synthesis of amides of phenolic derivatives as radical scavenging agents.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 114 p. (T E20814)
Parichat On-ong-arj. The neuroprotective effect of quercetin against alcohol toxicity. Khon Kaen : Khon
Kaen University, 2008. 128 p. (T E41781)
Wipawee Boongvang. Evaluation of the neuroprotective effect against alzheimer's disease of CF1. Khon
Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 110 p. (T E42065)
Neuropsychological tests
Somchai Teaukul. Apolipoprotein E genotypes and neuropsychological test performances in patients with
probable alzheimer disease as compared to other types of dementia and normal aging people in
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 159 p. (T E12525)
Supawadee Bolisutthikul. Neuropsychological and neurological alterations in Thai boxers. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1996. 124 p. (T E10025)
Nattatinee Sirimachan. Biological study of green lacewing, Mallada basalis (Walker) (Neuroptera :
Chrysopidae) and mass rearing technique. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 64 p. (T E27862)
Neurosurgical patients
Nuntawan Buddhawan. Factors influencing health status of caregivers of postoperative neurosurgical
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 134 p. (T E18366)
Neurotoxic agents
Sunisa Chaiklieng. The neurotoxic effects of acrylonitrile and nicotine in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2000. 184 p. (T E15340)
Supa Chamapisit. Purification and immunochemical reactivity of the King cobra Ophiophagus hannah
postsynaptic neurotoxins. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 82 p. (T E10932)
Wandee Sirapat. Behavioral and neurobiochemical effects of chronic exposure to low dose of paraquat in
rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. x, 107 p. (T E7818)
Julaporn Srinha. Adenosine and the neurotoxicity of dichlorvos in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
133 p. (T E19600)
Worawan Boonyo. Effects of bergenin on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in cultured rat cerebellar
granule cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 71 p. (T E21812)
Khanitta Sunonta. Neurotoxicity of acrylonitrile and paraquat. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 99 p. (T
Sutisa Nudmamud. Post-mortem investigations into indicators of gutamatergic neurotranmission in
schizophrenia and affective disorders. Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 2002. 252 p. (T E19178)
Neurotransmitter receptors
Chetsada Pothiratana. Molecular cloning of a putative octopamine/tyramine receptor from Penaeus
monodon. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 165 p. (T E33709)
Neurotransmitter transporter
Jitra Kasisith. Determination of an alteration of neurotransmitter transporter gene and protein expression
during rabies virus infection in mouse model. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 90 p. (T E32919)
Chutcharin Ungsuparkorn. Correlations between level of consciousness of head injury patients and
neurotransmitters in cerebrospinal fluid plasma, urine and physiological parameters. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1982. 3 microfiches (127 fr.). (T MF20198)
Chutcharin Ungsuparkorn. Correlations between level of consciousness of head injury patients and
neurotransmitters in cerebrospinal fluid, plasma, urine and physiological parameters. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1982. 3 microfiches (127 fr.). (T MF20231)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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[หนา 147]
Neurotransmitters (ตอ)
Panapa Lekphoo. Evaluation of anticonvulsant activity of N-(4-amino-2-methylphenyl) phthalimide.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 105 p. (T E23115)
Phuwadon Duangto. Study of the effects of Bacopa monnieri extract on neurotransmitter dysfunction
induced by beta amyloid peptide. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2009. 104 p. (T E42831)
Pornnarin Kittisophon. Measurement of amino acid neurotransmitters in vestibular nucleus in albino rat by
microdialysis and high pressure liquid chromatography. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993.
xv, 98 p. (T E6815)
Saisunee Lertkratoke. Alterations of plasma neurotransmitters in heroin and amphetamine-addicted
subjects. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 114 p. (T E18081)
Surisak Prasarnpun. Physiological roles of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on isolated human fallopian
tube smooth muscle activities. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xii, 62 p. (T E6928)
Yaowaluck Roshorm. Molecular cloning and characterization of a putative serotonin receptor cDNA from
black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 150 p. (T E35007)
Rungtip Soiampornkul. The reduction of neurotrophin-3-induced signal transduction by interleukin-1beta
cultured cortical neurons : a model of alzheimer's disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 127
p. (T E33901)
Neuton monitor
Kanin Aungskunsiri. Simulation of physical phenomena in the neutron monitor of the Princess Sirindhorn
Neutron Monitor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 107 p. (T E27747)
Neutral cytoplasmic phosphatase
นงพร โตวัฒนะ. การทําบริสุทธิ์ การศึกษาคุณสมบัติและการนําไปประยุกตใชในการศึกษาชีวโมเลกุลที่มีปริมาณนอย
ของ Neutral cytoplasmic phosphatase จากน้ํายางพารา = Purification, characterization and
applications for detecting biomolecules in small amount of neutral cytoplasmic phosphatase from
rubber latex (Hevea brasiliensis). สงขลา : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 47
หนา. (ว 92896)
Neutral lipids
Pattsarun Cheawchanlertfa. Physiological and molecular study of fatty acid synthesis in Mucor rouxii
ATCC24905 during temperature change. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2008. 94 p. (T E42230)
Neutralization assay
Verapong Paungcharoen. Development of a green fluorescent reduction-based HIV-1 neutralization assay.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 78 p. (T E17144)
Neutralizing antibodies
Tanawan Samleerat. Mother-to-child transmission of the immunodeficiency virus type 1 : role of
neutralizing antibodies and molecular characteristics of the transmitted variants. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2008. 187 p. (T E41400)
Neutralizing antibody
Thippawan Chuenchitra. Humoral immune responses and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)
evolution during the course of infection in Thai individuals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 257
p. (T E19889)
Neutralizing epitopes
Sirilak Teeraputon. Mutations in ENV gene of HIV-1 that affect sensitivity to neutralizinc antibody. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2005. 131 p. (T E33180)
Neutrino-nucleon scattering
Narumon Suwonjandee. The measurement of the quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleon scattering cross section at
the Tevatron. Cincinnati : University of Cincinnati, 2004. 143 p. (T E24171)
Neutron activation
อาภรณ บุษมงคล. การพัฒนาวิธีวิเคราะหหาปริมาณสารหนูในแรวุลแฟรมดวยเทคนิคนิวตรอนแอคติเวชั่น โดยผาน
กรรมวิธีทางเคมี = Development of method to determination the arsenic in wolfram by radiochemical
neutron activation analysis. กรุงเทพฯ : สํานักงานพลังงานปรมาณูเพื่อสันติ, 2540. 16 หนา. (ว 96354)
Neutron activation analysis
Chaidan Pachanon. A study of the elements in Aloe vera powder by neutron activation analysis. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 58 p. (T E33708)
Haruetai Kasiwattanawut. Study of trace elements in human hair from air pollution by instrument neutron
activation analysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 64 p. (T E37121)
Siri Putaraporn. Determination of arsenic in contaminated soil by neutron activation analysis. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2001. 79 p. (T E18070)
Neutron capture
Somsak Wanwilairat. Dosimetry in a 252Cf neutron field for application in boron neutron capture therapy.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 89 p. (T E16432)
Teerasak Veerapaspong. Study on the keV-neutron capture cross sections and capture gamma-ray spectra
of 143, 145, 146Nd. Tokyo : Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1999. 144 p. (T E16142)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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[หนา 148]
Neutron collimator
ทิพาพร อติกานตกุล. การพัฒนาเทคนิคการถายภาพดวยนิวตรอนสําหรับเทอรมัลนิวตรอนความเขมต่ํา = Development
of neutron radiographic techniques for low thermal neutron flux. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2541. 142 หนา. (วพ 102547)
Neutron imaging scope
นพดล นาคเงิน. การพัฒนาระบบถายภาพดวยรังสีแกมมาและนิวตรอน โดยใชกลองมองภาพนิวตรอน = Development
of a gamma-ray and neutron radiography system using a neutron imaging scope. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 100 หนา. (วพ 104726)
Neutron scattering
Duangmanee La-Orauttapong. A neutron study of relaxor ferroelectric (1-x)Pb (Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3xPbTiO3(PZN-xPercentPT). Bangkok : Faculty of Science Srinakharinwirot University, 2006. 1 vol. (R
Neutron techniques
พรรณี เสถียรศรี. การวิเคราะหธาตุหลักบางชนิดในดิน ณ พื้นที่โดยใชเทคนิคนิวตรอน = In situ analysis of some
major elements in soil using neutron techniques. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 121 หนา.
(วพ 110257)
Chanoknan Banglieng. Solar neutron statistical concepts. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 52 p. (T
Nirapai Daenchote. Clastogenic effects of fast neutrons on human lymphocytes. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 1989. xiii, 79 leaves. (T E4835)
Somsak Wanwilairat. Measurement of thermal neutron enhance does using 10B implanted
thermoluminescence dosimeters. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 40 p. (R E14236 c.1;
E14237 c.2)
Sonobe, Taro. Study of the pyrolysis characteristics of Thai lignite and agricultural residues for effective
energy conversion. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 150 p. (T
Udomrat Tippawan. Secondary particle spectra from neutron induced nuclear reaction in the 14-100 MeV
region. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 128 p. (T E23266)
อุดมรัตน ทิพวรรณ. การศึกษาการปลดปลอยนิวตรอนทุติยภูมิ สําหรับการประยุกตการออกแบบเตาปฏิกรณปรมาณูแบบ
ฟวชัน = Study on secondary neutron emission for the design of fusion reactors. เชียงใหม : คณะ
วิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 59 หนา. (ว 100054 ฉ.1; 100055 ฉ.2)
Somsak Wanwilairat. Dosimetry in a 252Cf neutron field for application in boron neutron capture therapy.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 89 p. (T E16432)
Teerasak Veerapaspong. Study on the keV-neutron capture cross sections and capture gamma-ray spectra
of 143, 145, 146Nd. Tokyo : Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1999. 144 p. (T E16142)
Kulvadee Surayuthpreecha. Implementing protocols for neutropenic patient care in a pediatric ward using
participatory action research. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 104 p. (T E17026)
Neutropenic fever
Montira Tantasawat. The development of extended-interval amikacin nomogram for Thai pediatric patients
with neutropenic fever. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 149 p. (T E33171)
Neutropenic patients
Kulvadee Surayuthpreecha. Implementing protocols for neutropenic patient care in a pediatric ward using
participatory action research. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 104 p. (T E17026)
Chuleegone Sornsuvit. Parenteral glutamine-dipeptide supplementation in acute myeloid leukemia patients
receiving chemotherapy : effects on neutrophil functions, prevention of chemotherapy-induced
side-effects and impact on cost-effectiveness. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 119 p. (T
Boonyanit Thaweboon. Neutrophil chemotaxis and chemiluminescence in patients with juvenile
periodontitis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. vii, 75 p. (T E6346)
Kalaya Techapirunpan. Opsonophagocytosis and intracellular killing activities of neutrophils in patients with
human immunodeficiency virus infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. ix, 100 p. (T E7209)
Pahol Sansomchai. Stimulatory effects of plant extracts on phagocytosis intracellular killing and oxidative
stress on neutrophils in normal people. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 127 p. (T
Sakorn Kaewmoon. Flow cytometric assessment of neutrophil functions from peripheral blood of
thalassemia patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 128 p. (T E33742)
Sujin Chanchamroen. Neutrophil responses to Burkholderia pseudomallei in diabetes mellitus. Khon Kaen :
Khon Kaen University, 2008. 75 p. (T E41765)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 149]
Nevanlinna, R.
Waraporn Chatanin. Elementary proof of the Second Main Theorem of Nevanlinna and some applications
to differential equations. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 79 p.
(T E22120)
Kannika Pongthranggoon. Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of 200-mg nevirapine tablet in healthy
Thai male volunteers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 141 p. (T E21434)
Maneerat Luangwattanawilai. Pharmacokinetics of stavudine, lamivudine and nevirapine in a combined
formulation GPO-vir S30 compared to three single original brands and assessment of officacy and
safety of GPO-vir S30 in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 117 p. (T E23038)
Saw Eindani Aung. Incidence and predictors of toxicity among AIDS patients treated with nevirapine based
regimen at Bamrasnaradura Institute, Nonthaburi, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006.
75 p. (R E34295)
Singha Komkham. Synthesis of molecular imprinted polymers for nevirapine detection. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2006. 97 p. (T E38659)
Thanomsak Anekthananon. The efficacy and safety of fixed-dose combination of stavudine plus lamivudine
plus nevirapine in the treatment of HIV infection in adults. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2003. 40 p. (T E22919)
Thaw Htwe Min. Evaluate the efficacy of nevirapine based regimen and boosted PI based regimen
followed by nevirapine based regimen in treatment naive advanced HIV infected patients at
Chonburi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 77 p. (R E34296)
Usawadee Maleewong. Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of Efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy compared
with Nevirapine-based therapy among Thai HIV/AIDS patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2006. 131 p. (T E38917)
Weeranuch Karuehanon. Development of molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction for the rapid
detection of nevirapine levels in biological samples. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 97 p.
(T E38475)
Nevirapine interaction
Mayuso Kuno. Theoretical investigation on HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and nevirapine interaction. Bangkok
: Kasetsart University, 2003. 137 p. (T E21921)
New Albany Shale
Cluff, Robert M.. The new albany shale group of Illinois. Champaign, Illinois : State Geological Servey
Division, Illinois Institute of Natural Resource, 1981. 83 p. (R E21260)
New antenatal care
Trinh, Tuyet Anh. Factors related to the acceptance of the new antenatal care protocal among health
personnel in Suphan Buri province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 80 p. (T E36170)
New borrowing
แสวง จันทราทิพย. การอางขาวของหนังสือพิมพไทยจากแหลงขาวตางประเทศและความเชื่อถือของผูรับสาร = The
news borrowing from foreign news sources and audiences' perception of their credibility. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 131 หนา. (วพ 108967)
New chromo
Yupadee Samorn. Development of new chromo- and fluorogenic probes. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2000. 48 p. (T E15231)
New cities--Asia
Su, Cherng-Tyan. Land use scenarios for planning new cities in Asia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1972. 138 p. (T E22482)
Tuan, Ching-Hao. Planning and programming of new cities in Asia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1972. 197 p. (T E22494)
New encoding scheme
Kasemsant Kuphanumat. Advanced machine learning method for prediction of protein secondary structure.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 67 p. (T E37788)
New entrance
จีรพร ศรีวัฒนานุกูลกิจ. เอนทรานซระบบใหม : ความคิดเห็น การเตรียมพรอม และการปรับตัว = New entrance :
opinions, preparation, and adaptation. เชียงใหม : สถาบันวิจัยสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2544. 190
หนา. (ว 111566 ฉ.1; 111567 ฉ.2)
มานพ รวยลาภ. การจัดทําผลการเรียนตลอดหลักสูตรระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย เพื่อใชในการคัดเลือกบุคคลเขา
ศึกษาในสถาบันอุดมศึกษาระบบใหม ปการศึกษา 2542 ของโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษา สังกัดกรมสามัญศึกษา เขต
การศึกษา 6 = Conducting of students' overall upper secondary education achievement as criterion
for the new higher education institution entrance selection in 1999 of secondary school under the
Department of General Education, educational region 6. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543.
140 หนา. (วพ 112547)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 150]
New entrance (ตอ)
วิไลลักษณ บุญเคลือบ. ความคิดเห็นของบุคลากรเขตการศึกษา 8 เกี่ยวกับการคัดเลือกบุคคลเขาศึกษาใน
สถาบันอุดมศึกษาระบบใหม ปการศึกษา 2543 = The opinions of educational region 8 personnel on the
new system of university entrance examination in 2000. เชียงใหม : คณะศึกษาศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2544. 100 หนา. (ว 111929)
New expressway projects--Evaluation
Preda Pichayapan. A study on evaluation of new expressway projects using real option approach.
Hokkaido : Hokkaido University, 2004. 170 p. (T E36952)
New information center
เขมิกา กมลโชติ. บทบาทของศูนยขอมูลหนังสือพิมพในกระบวนการผลิตขาวในสังคมสารสนเทศ = Role in news
production process of the newspaper information center in information society. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 160 หนา. (วพ 94419)
New Jersey
Nares Chuersuwan. New Jersey PM 2.5 : issues pertaining to the development of effective control
strategies. New Jersey : University of New Jersey, 2001. 298 p. (T E16073)
New product development
Chittipa Ngamkroeckjoti. Environmental scanning, technology strategy, and new product development
among SME exporters in Thailand. Bangkok : Graduate School of Business Assumption University,
2004. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E26578)
Pisit Dhamvithee. Determinants of success in new product development in Thai food industry. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2005. 123 p. (T E38644)
Prisana Suwannaporn. New product development competencies in the Thai food industry. Bangkok :
Department of Food Science and Technology Kasetsart University, 2000. 42 p. (R E20894)
New product development process
Busayawan Ariyatum. New conceptual model for design development of smart clothing. Brunel : Brunel
University, 2005. 232 p. (T E36489)
New products
Apiradee Metharom. Capabilities and new product proactive and reactive strategies of Thai exporters.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 177 p. (T E15572)
Parkinai Mangkalee. The new venture performance : linking legitimation and product innovation. Bangkok
: Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 136 p. (T E39513)
Peerasut Thirakomen. Improvement of double skin Air Handling Unit design for using and manufacturing
in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 180 p. (T E15200)
Pisit Dhamvithee. Determinants of success in new product development in Thai food industry. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2005. 123 p. (T E38644)
Prisana Suwannaporn. New product development competencies in the Thai food industry. Bangkok :
Department of Food Science and Technology Kasetsart University, 2000. 42 p. (R E20894)
Prisana Suwannaporn. New product development in the Thai food industry. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1999. 150 p. (T E13137)
Somdee Hongphisanvivat. Modeling consumer adoption of new foods. Washington, D.C. : Washington
State University, 1993. xiii, 208 p. (T E7269)
Sujitra Luangvangpho. Study of success factors for new product introduction process of electronics
manufacturing service provider. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 185 p. (T E31468)
New residential place
Manop Limkayan. Attitudes of people towards moving into a new residential place. Bangkok : Thammasart
University, 2007. 38 p. (R E38014)
New social order policy
Hatsanee Suriyakul Na Ayuthaya. Students' attitude toward the new social order policy : a case study of
the communication arts students, Rangsit University. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 98 p. (T
New system fo university entrance examination
วิไลลักษณ บุญเคลือบ. ความคิดเห็นของบุคลากรเขตการศึกษา 8 เกี่ยวกับการคัดเลือกบุคคลเขาศึกษาใน
สถาบันอุดมศึกษาระบบใหม ปการศึกษา 2543 = The opinions of educational region 8 personnel on the
new system of university entrance examination in 2000. เชียงใหม : คณะศึกษาศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2544. 100 หนา. (ว 111929)
New theory
Kaesarin Vanavichial. The impact of the royal "new theory" on managing agricultural land on the socioeconomic well being of the farmers in Kaowong district, Kalasin, Thailand. Los Banos : University of
the Philippines Los Banos, 2001. 46 p. (T E36979)
Porntip Yenjabok. Agricultural development communication for new theory concept of His Majesty King
Bhumibol Adulyadej. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 129 p. (T E34400)
New ventures
Parkinai Mangkalee. The new venture performance : linking legitimation and product innovation. Bangkok
: Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 136 p. (T E39513)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 151]
New warehouse project
Duangkhae Vetchasart. Inventory control and storing equipment design : a case study of the Telephone
Organization of Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 148 p. (T E11845)
New York Institute of Technology
Choomjai Sanpiboon. Orientation program on work authorization for F-1 Thai student at NYIT. New York :
New York Institute of Technology, 1990. 198 p. (T E22430)
Newborn infants
Atchariya Wonginchan. Relationship between coping strategies and well-being of parents whose newborn
infants were hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
98 p. (T E21732)
Jiraporn Sanguanklin. Effects of newborn interactive bath teaching on maternal attachment, role
satisfaction, and competency in infant behavioral learning of first-time mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 109 p. (T E19355)
Prakaitip Promasoot. Maternal-newborn attachment in primiparous adolescent mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 130 p. (T E23979)
Supakarn Sirikarna. Relationships among personal factors, social support, perception of maternal
competence, perception of newborn behaviors and maternal role adaptation of postpartum
mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 107 p. (T E15056)
Thitima Hanchokchaiskul. A study of normative characteristics of auditory brainstem respons to boneconduction in normal newborns. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 101 p. (T E15241)
Usa Sukhaphan. Marital relationship, newborn behavior, and role stress of first-child mothers. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 100 p. (T E17025)
Newborn pig
Sarunyoo Songkro. Evaluation of action of p -menthane monoterpenes and related compounds on the
percutaneous absorption of propranolol hydrochloride across newborn pig skin. Dunedin :
University of Otago, 2003. 275 p. (T E22102)
Newcastle discases virus
Ratiya Kukhetpitakwong. Development of vaccine delivery systems for inactivated newcastle disease virus.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 145 p. (T E41797)
Newcastle disease
ธานีรัตน สานติวต
ั ร. การตรวจหาคา Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) titer ตอโรค Newcastle Disease ในไก
กระทงอายุตาง ๆ. [ม.ป.ท. : ม.ป.พ.], [252-]. 33 หนา. (ว 032948ฉ.1; 032949ฉ.2; 032950ฉ.3)
Newcastle disease virus
Apilak Salakkam. Potential of using infectious bursal disease virus produced in primary cell and Newcastle
disease virus produced in continuous cell line for vaccine production. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2006. 119 p. (T E41949)
Atthachai Homhuan. Virosomes and ISCOMs as subunit Newcastle disease vaccine candidates :
preparation, physicochemical characterization and immunological responses. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 126 p. (T E24106)
Newly formed mudflat
Thatinant Sristhita. Effect of barnacle attachment on survival and growth rate of mangrove seedlings in
the newly-formed mudflat at Klong Kone, Samut Songkram province. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2003. 93 p. (T E20493)
Newly industrializing countries
Prapant Svetanant. Management of waste and water pollution in Tokyo Metropolitan area : the model
example of NIC's. Tokyo : Institute of Developing Economies, 1996. 82 p. (R E16334)
Chanya Boonyarak. A study of sentence structures of front-page headlines : a case study of Bangkok Post.
Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2005. 100 p. (R E41625)
Patarawadee Chongyingsiri. An internet-based prototype system for data servicing agency. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 86 p. (T E17525)
Siriporn Woochaiyaphum. An analysis of textual metafunction of Vietnamese online newsreports : a case
study of the Tet festival. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 309 p. (T E40026)
กัญญา เลิศฤดีวัฒนวงศ. การศึกษาความพึงพอใจในการรับขาวสารการโฆษณาประชาสัมพันธของผูใชรถยนต ศึกษา
เฉพาะกรณี บริษัท โตโยตา มอเตอร ประเทศไทย จํากัด. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 120
หนา. (วพ 99439)
จิตรา กออมรทรัพย. การแพรกระจายขาวเหตุการณสําคัญของพนักงานตอนรับบนเครื่องบิน : กรณีศึกษาการสิ้นพระชนม
ของเจาหญิงไดอานา = The diffusion of important news among cabin crew : a case study of the
death of Princess Diana. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 121 หนา. (วพ 94890)
นันทวัน กิจธนาเจริญ. การแสวงหาขาวสาร การใชประโยชน ความพึงพอใจจากขาวสารและการปรับเปลี่ยนพฤติกรรม
การบริโภคในชีวิตประจําวันของประชาชนกรุงเทพมหานคร ในภาวะวิกฤตเศรษฐกิจ = Information seeking,
uses and gratifications and consumption behavior adaptation of Bangkok residents during the
economic crisis. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 181 หนา. (วพ 100707)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 152]
News (ตอ)
วิมลพรรณ ตั้งจิตเพิ่มความดี. ปจจัยและวิธีการที่สื่อหนังสือพิมพคัดเลือกขาวและบทความประชาสัมพันธ ของสถาบัน
เทคโนโลยีราชมงคล. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 128 หนา. (วพ 97879)
สุภัทรา พันธุจันทร. การเปดรับขาวสาร ความพึงพอใจ และความคิดเห็นของเยาวชนที่มีตอวารสารและนิตยสารใน
โครงการสงเสริมผลงานสื่อมวลชนดีเดนเพื่อเยาวชน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 99 หนา.
(วพ 100018)
News clipping
Patarawadee Chongyingsiri. An internet-based prototype system for data servicing agency. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 86 p. (T E17525)
News photo
กิ่งปรางค สมจิตต. ปจจัยและแนวทางที่มีอิทธิผลในการคัดเลือกภาพขาวอาชญากรรมที่มีเนื้อหาความรุนแรง = Factors
and guidelines affecting violence criminal news photo selection. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2542. 228 หนา. (วพ 110369)
News production process
เขมิกา กมลโชติ. บทบาทของศูนยขอมูลหนังสือพิมพในกระบวนการผลิตขาวในสังคมสารสนเทศ = Role in news
production process of the newspaper information center in information society. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 160 หนา. (วพ 94419)
News sources
นรพล ผาเจริญ. ความสัมพันธแบบไมเปนทางการระหวางนักขาวและแหลงขาวกับผลที่มีตอองคการสื่อสารมวลชนแหง
ประเทศไทย (อ.ส.ม.ท.) = The informal relationship between news reporters and news sources and
its impact on organizational rewards to Mass Communication Organization of Thailand (M.C.O.T.).
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 248 หนา. (วพ 113014)
News systems
ศิริพร รัตนบรรเทิง. การจัดการระบบขาวภายในเครือขายสถาบันอุดมศึกษา = News system management in a
campus network. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 73 หนา. (วพ 108806)
Pussadee Thanomsak. An analysis of front page news in an English daily newspaper : a case of Bangkok
Post. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1998. 194 p. (T E13398)
Thanathorn Yongchaiyut. An analysis of English grammatical structures of news headlines a case study of
the CNN website headlines (August, 2nd-August 15th, 2005). Phitsanulok : Naresuan University,
2006. 149 p. (R E41637)
Sirithida Thammakul. The study on the loaded lexicon in case of war coverage in newspaper. Bangkok :
Ramkhamhaeng University, 2006. 116 p. (T E37409)
Newspaper reading
Tassanee Ounvichit. A comparison of the reading perceptions of Thai and North American raters on some
selected Thai and American newspaper editorials. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xiii, 154 p.
(T E8143)
Anchalee Veerachaisantikul. A corpus analysis of multi-word expression in newspapers : a case study of
the Bangkok Post. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 105 p. (T E42025)
Angvara Chanyiew. An analysis of feature articles presenting research on health and fitness in the
Bangkok Post. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 148 p. (T E36245)
Areerat Sanya-arj. Newspaper's political information types needed by undergraduated political science
students in Bangkok. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 90 p. (T E19519)
Arunsri Chansmuch. L'etude stylistique des titres de journaux concemant l'election presidentielle en France
en 1988. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. viii, 116 p. (T E6872)
Duangruthai Mankhong. The effectiveness of one tambon one product (OTOP) news and information
through Thai daily newspapers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 159 p. (T E33919)
Natthawan Kawprapan. A comparative study of front-page headlines in the Nation and Bangkok Post.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 258 p. (T E21901)
Puttanee Kangkun. The representation in the Thai press of the Burmese Embassy and Ratchaburi hospital
hostage crises. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 102 p. (T E24502)
Sugiyama, Shoko. Mass media and national identity in Thailand : newspapers and opinions on national
development (1910-32). Tokyo : Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2000. 125 p. (R E16308 c.1;
E16309 c.2)
Supadtra Kohkaew. Cohesion in economic articles from the Thai newspaper 'Phujatkan'. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 233 p. (T E21188)
Tassanee Puttana. Mechanical properties improvement of polypropylene/surface modified newspaper pulp
composites. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 138 p. (T E17218)
Thanyalak Kumprom. The presentation of Songkran festival in Thai daily newspapers during 1999-2008.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2009. 71 p. (R E42839)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 153]
Newspapers (ตอ)
Waraporn Somboonwanna. The role of Thai newspapers in "public journalism". Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2004. 99 p. (T E22925)
ขวัญรักษ เมงตระกูล. ภาพลักษณของกองทุนการเงินระหวางประเทศ (ไอเอ็มเอฟ) ที่ปรากฏในหนังสือพิมพรายวันฉบับ
ภาษาไทย = Image of international monetary fund appeared in Thai daily newspapers. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 205 หนา. (วพ 100481)
ณัฏฐชา หนอทอง. ปจจัยที่มีผลกระทบตอการจัดทําหนังสือพิมพฝกปฏิบัติในสถาบันราชภัฏ. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 134 หนา. (วพ 99140)
บุบผา เมฆศรีทองคํา. ความสนใจของเยาวชนในเขตกรุงเทพมหานครในการอานขาวสารความรูดานภาษาไทยจาก
หนังสือพิมพ ในปรณรงควัฒนธรรมไทย = Bangkok's youth's interest in the knowledge of the Thai
language will be challenged through their exposure to newspapers during the Thai cultural
promotion year. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะนิเทศศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพ, 2540. 159 หนา. (ว 98838 ฉ.1;
99892 ฉ.2)
พิศาล อินทรทอง. การสรางบทเรียนอานเสริมจากหนังสือพิมพภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 6
โรงเรียนปรางคกู จังหวัดศรีสะเกษ = The construction of English supplementary reading
comprehension materials from English newspapers for Matthayomsuksa six students in Prangku
school, Si Sa Ket province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2541. 414 หนา. (วพ 100097)
วิมลพรรณ ตั้งจิตเพิ่มความดี. ปจจัยและวิธีการที่สื่อหนังสือพิมพคัดเลือกขาวและบทความประชาสัมพันธ ของสถาบัน
เทคโนโลยีราชมงคล. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 128 หนา. (วพ 97879)
สุรสิทธิ์ วิทยารัฐ. บทบาทของผูสอนวิชาหนังสือพิมพในสถาบันราชภัฏ ตอการใชอินเตอรเน็ตในการเรียนการสอน.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 148 หนา. (วพ 99204)
Busba Tonthong. An analysis of communicative functions and grammatical forms of headlines in tourism
advertisement in English printed media from 1986-1988. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii,
105 p. (T E7517)
Nisarat Boonchockhirunmetha. An experiment in using headlines and lead paragraphs to generate prereading questions. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 120 p. (T
Newspapers--Sections, columns, etc.--Editorials
Adisa Teo. Analysis of newspaper editorials : a study of argumentative text structure. Illinois : University
of Illinois, 1995. 202 p. (T E9563)
Pensri Namprasert. Chemi-thermomechanical pulping of acacia auriculaeformis for newsprint. Shikoku :
Government Industrial Research Institute, 1982. 15 p. (R E40269)
Newton method
Prapart Pue-on. Sufficient conditions for a Newton method to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 41 p. (T E23360)
Newton's function
Piyapong Niamsup. Functional relation and dynamical relation of Newton's functions, successive
approximations and Halley's functions. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 1 vol(in various
pagings). (R E15126)
Newton's law
Thitiwan Vijitranuch. The impact of gas production on biomass distribution in high rate anaerobic digester.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 100 p. (R E20970)
Newton-Raphson method
Aungkana Kitichattraporn. A technique for finding and initial approximation to the solution of a system of
nonlinear equations by Newton's iteration. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 1997. 69 p. (T E13159)
Jutanon Kaewmanee. AC-DC power flow analysis with fact devices by unified Newton-Raphson method.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 107 p. (T E40655)
Nezara viridula
Kamala Juwuttanasumran. Crop loss assessment of soybean due to southern green stink bug, Nezara
viridula L. (Hemiptera : pentatomidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1988. 2 microfiches (94 fr.).
(T MF20380)
Kawiya Sintara. Effects of curcumin on gastric microvascular leakage, NF-KB-p65 expression, and change
in VEGF level in Helicobacter pylori infected rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 94 p.
(T E41974)
NGOs [International agencies]
Pandey, Shashi Ranjan. Emerging gender issues and NGOs in Thailand. Madison : University of Wisconsin,
1999. 62 p. (R E15715 c.1; E15716 c.2)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 154]
Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli. Removal of H2S and CO2 from natural gas and biogas for utilization in
NGV and fuel cell. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 137 p. (T
พีรพงษ แสงวนางคกูล. การหาแหลงไนโตรเจนทดแทน NH4 NO3 ในสูตรอาหารเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อตนกลวยหอมพันธุ
วิลเลียมส = Nitrogen sources sa an NH4 NO3 replacement in tissue culture medium for "Williams"
banana. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2537. 1 แผน (18 เฟรม). (ว MF22093)
เยาวลักษณ โชติชัยธนากร. การใช NH4 (H2 PO4) และ KNO3 แทน NH4 NO3 ในสูตรอาหารเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อของ
ตนกลวยพันธุวิลเลียมส = NH4 (H2 PO4) and KNO3 as a NH4 NO3 substitute in a tissue culture
medium for "Willams" banana. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2537. 1 แผน (20
เฟรม). (ว MF21178)
NH4 [H2 PO4]
เยาวลักษณ โชติชัยธนากร. การใช NH4 (H2 PO4) และ KNO3 แทน NH4 NO3 ในสูตรอาหารเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อของ
ตนกลวยพันธุวิลเลียมส = NH4 (H2 PO4) and KNO3 as a NH4 NO3 substitute in a tissue culture
medium for "Willams" banana. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2537. 1 แผน (20
เฟรม). (ว MF21178)
Alisa Kaewsongsri. Metabolic footprinting analysis and multivariate analysis of metabolic profiles in
Simutated Thai Fermented Sausage [I]/web interface development of dengue BDM-local genetic
sequcnce database of dengue nucleotides and proteins [II]. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2008. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E42239)
Apichart Intarawongchot. Evaluation of Nham fermentation model and development of interface software.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 119 p. (R E31412)
Rungtiwa Chiwprasertphol. Bacteriocin of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis from Nham. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 139 p. (T E18862)
Sukun Kunawasen. Molecular typing of lactic acid bacteria isolated during Nham fermentation. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 162 p. (T E14487)
Walairut Chantarapanont. Survival and growth of E. coli O157:H7 in Nham, and effectiveness of thermal
inactivation. Bangkok : Department of Product Development Kasetsart University, 2005. 1 vol. (in
various pagings). (R E40850)
Yanee Srimarut. Mathematical model for predicting fermentation rates of Nham using Lactobacillus sakei.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 104 p. (T E25151)
Nham fermentation
Parichat Phumkhachorn. The use of GFP gene in monitoring bacteriocin-producing Lactobacillus plantarum
No.14, a potential starter culture in nham fermentation. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008.
99 p. (T E42091)
Sasithorn Limsuwan. Effects of starter cultures and temperatures on evolution of biogenic amines in nham
during fermentation and storage. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
2004. 97 p. (T E25067)
มัทนา แสงจินดาวงษ. การผลิตแหนมปลาและจุลินทรียที่เกี่ยวของในกระบวนการหมัก = Processing and
microbiology of Nham-Pla. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะประมง มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 10 หนา. (ว
Nhong Hoi Development Center, Chiang Mai
Woottipong Jantarapratin. System dynamics approach for agricultural sustainability analysis : a case study
of Nhong Hoi Development Center Chiang Mai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 207 p.
(T E17483)
Nhue river
Tuan, Tong Anh. Industrial wastewater management of Nhue river, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 103 p. (T E34083)
Ni-Base superalloys
บุญเลิศ ทองยินดี. คุณสมบัติตานแรงตึงที่อุณหภูมิสูงของนิกเกิลเบสซุปเปอรอัลลอยดเกรด INCONEL 718 ที่ผลิตจาก
กระบวนการอัดขึ้นรูปรอน = High temperature tensile properties of hot-pressed INCONEL 718 ni-base
superalloy. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 69 หนา. (วพ 103888)
Ni/Al2O3 catalysts
Jirachon Maruthajinda. Surface property comparison of Ni/Al2O3 catalysts from metal cluster and metal
salt. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 58 p. (T E19412)
Niacin--Therapeutic use--Testing
Kingkaew Pattarakarn. Effect of nicotinic acid derivative on plasma lipoprotein composition in type II
hyperlipoproteinemia patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 128 p. (T E9132)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 155]
Angkana Kanyanucharat. Determination of the thermal stability of CoAl2O4, ZnAl2O4 and NiAl2O4 single
nanocrystals. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 93 p. (T E18785)
พระมหาแกนเพชร แฝงสีพล. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบทรรศนะเรื่องโมกษะในคัมภีรอุปนิษัทกับนิพพานในคัมภีรพระ
สุตตันตปฎก = A comparative study of the concept of Moksa in the Upanisads and Nibbana in the
Suttantapitaka. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2541. 114 หนา. (วพ 101162)
Kamonate Pukdeebamroong. Prevention of cardiovascular complications by nicardipine and cilazapril in
diabetic rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 99 p. (T E12826)
Niche [Ecology]
Somchai Isichaikul. Studies on the environmental factors influencing on microhabitat and wing
polymorphism in the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera : Delphacidae).
Matsuyama : Ehime University, 1994. 84 p. (T E7760)
Arunee Ewecharoen. Treatment of nickel from electroplating wastewater by coconut coir pith. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 154 p. (T E42226)
Atsadayut Kaewsaiyoy. Hydrocracking of used lubricating oil on Ni-Mo/Al2O3 and HZSM-5 catalysts.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 137 p. (T E23411)
Benjama Ounok. Spectrophotometric determination and flow-injection analysis of nickel (II) as 2(2/thiazolylazo)-p-cresol complex. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 84 p. (T E23178)
Boonyawan Yoosuk. Unsupported transition metal sulfide catalysts for deep hydrodesulfurization of
hydrocarbon fuels. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 156 p. (T E39567)
Buppa Ounsangchan. Removal of nickel from metal plating wastewater with iron scrap column. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 72 p. (T E20250)
Busarawan Sriwanthana. Genetics of nickel ion incorporation into proteus mirabilis urease. Maryland :
University of Maryland, 1995. 122 p. (T E9510)
Chansak Sukkaew. Synthesis of nickel/megnesium/zirconium mixed oxide catalysts by co-precipitation
method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 70 p. (T E34918)
Choprayoon Chulamanee. Application of hexadentate schiff base nickel complex in the synthesis of nickelcontaining polyurethanes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 58 p. (T E34790)
Chutimun Chanmuang. Interfacial phenomena in borosilicate glass and iron-nickel-cobalt alloy joints.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 204 p. (T E39351)
Eakkapon Promaros. Carbon dioxide reforming of methane under periodic operation. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 69 p. (T E34989)
Jirachon Maruthajinda. Surface property comparison of Ni/Al2O3 catalysts from metal cluster and metal
salt. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 58 p. (T E19412)
Krongkaew Jujun. Adsorption and absorption of Cd, Ni, and Zn by top soils = การดูดซับและการปลดปลอย
แคดเมียม นิเกิลและสังกะสีของดินชั้นบน. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 2 microfiches
(120 fr.). (T MF20563)
Maetee Sujiwatthana. Analysis of accretions from the settler of a nickel flash smelting furnace. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 101 p. (T E11839)
Mali Hunsom. Recovery of copper, chromium and nickel from electroplating effluent by electrochemical
technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 257 p. (T E19076)
Nattiree Chiranavanit. Assessment of mechanical properties and transformation behavior of locally-made
Ni-Ti alloys used in orthodontics. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 117 p. (T E40076)
Nonglak Boonrattanakij. Oxidation of aniline by fluidized-bed Fenton process in the presence of calcium
and nickel ions. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 63 p. (T
Nuchanad Aroonjarattham. Nickel recovery from electroplating sludge by using bioleaching of Thiobacillus
ferrooxidans in batch reactor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 103 p. (T E23992)
Padewradda Lohsuwan. The quality of root canal preparation with nickel-titanium files in mesiobuccal
canals of mandibular molar teeth. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 81 p. (T E24641)
Paitip Tantiwachwuttikul. Recovery of nickel from low grade laterites by Biohydrometallurgy. London :
University of London, 1992. xiv, 223 p. (T E7926)
Pan Tongraung. Synthesis of metal-containing epoxy polymers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997.
89 p. (T E11800)
Patummart Chewha. Impact of nickel and zinc on degradation of organic waste. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 131 p. (T E23319)
Peesamai Jenvanitpanjakul. Preliminary study on the use of chitosan in nickel coated pet paper. Bangkok :
Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1996. 25 p. (R E12223 c.1; E13195 c.2)
Phattra Phokasuntarangkoon. The formation of some cobalt and nickel complexes on clay surface. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 116 p. (T E9602)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 156]
Nickel (ตอ)
Phimphaka Harding. Synthesis and electrochemical studies of nickel and cobalt paddlewheel complexes.
Nakhon Si Thammarat : Department of Chemistry Walailak University, 2006. 30 p. (R E34640)
Pisit Apichayakul. Microstructure and mechanical properties of NiCr and stainless steel coatings prepared
by flame and are spray processes. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 140 p. (T E35400)
Piyaporn Waranusantigul. Treatment of heavy metals [nickel and lead] and biosorption of basic dye
[methylene blue] by using giant duckweed [Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid.]. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 157 p. (T E17014)
Pongsaton Amornpitoksuk. Etudes des transformations de phases et des proprietes magnetiques dans le
systeme ternaire Fe-Co-Sb. [S.l.] : University Montpellier II, 2007. 121 p. (T E36466)
Prakaywan Tachaprasertporn. Synthesis of copolyurethane-ureas containing nickel and zinc 4,4'dihydroxysaltrien complexes in the presence of dialcohols or diamines. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 115 p. (T E42880)
Sangrawee Naksawas. Lead and nickel removal from battery industry wastewater using ground fish scales.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 124 p. (T E23850)
Shayapa Jainim. Synthesis of polyurethanes containing manganese and nickel 4,4'dihydroxysalcyclohexane complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 64 p. (T E37953)
Sonruporn Wongnonoi. Activity and selectivity of nickel supported on natural silicates for hydrogenation of
soybean oil. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 109 p. (T E16977)
Surudee Treetepvijit. Modification of boron-doped diamond thin film electrodes by nickel implantation for
the determination of tetracyclines. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 137 p. (T E34759)
Suthasinee Junsavang. Removal of chromium (VI) and nickel (II) in wastewater by modified fine coconut
coir. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 142 p. (T E24653)
Tanwawan Duangthongyou. Complexation of nickel (II) with 4, 4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine and 4,4'bipyridine. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 136 p. (T E27868)
Thussanee Mananunsap. Synthesis of thermally stable polyureas containing zinc and nickel schiff base
complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 95 p. (T E24984)
Wanwisa Aiumwichean. Corprocessing of HDPE, used tires and coal with nickel-molybdenum on alumina
for fuel oils production. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 115 p. (T E18913)
Nickel adsorbent
Udomchai Krisaneepaiboon. Application of different forms of nickel adsorbent for adsorption of mercury
compounds from a liquid hydrocarbon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 95 p. (T E17226)
Nickel aluminate
Angkana Kanyanucharat. Determination of the thermal stability of CoAl2O4, ZnAl2O4 and NiAl2O4 single
nanocrystals. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 93 p. (T E18785)
Nitikon Wongwaranon. Effect of Ni-modified Al2O3 on the properties of Pd/Al2O3 catalyst in selective
acetylene hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 118 p. (T E38358)
Nickel catalysts
Ketthat Sutthitavil. Synergistic effect in catalytic hydrogenation on modified supported nickel catalyst by
platinum. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 103 p. (T E9439)
Niti Leangjan. Continuous hydrogenation of methyl ricinoleate using Ni/Al2O3 catallyst. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 103 p. (T E19777)
Sanguan Srivarahakul. Effect of palladium on activity and selectivity of nickel catalyst in hydrogenation of
castor oil = ผลของแพลเลเดียมตอความวองไวและการเลือกเกิดของตัวเรงปฏิกิริยานิเกิลในไฮโดรจีเนชันของ
น้ํามันละหุง. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. 2 microfiches (119 fr.). (T MF20400)
Tianchai Phrukrungsri. Effect of activated clay on hydrogenation of castor oil by nickel catalyst. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1989. viii, 92 p. (T E7011)
Nickel cobalt alloy
ชูเกียรติ ชัยศรีรัตนกุล. การศึกษาการเตรียมผิวเคลือบวัสดุผสมนิเกิลโคบอลตอัลลอยด-ซิลิกอนคารไบดดวยไฟฟา =
Study of nickel cobalt alloy-silicon carbide electrodeposited composite coatings. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบัน
เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 76 หนา. (วพ 94202)
Nickel compounds
Datchanee Krisiri. Synthesis of polyurethane-ureas containing nickel and zinc 4, 4'-dihydroxysaltrien
complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 78 p. (T E35295)
Nickel over alumina catalyst
Thitiporn Nuam-Nuam. Catalyst improvement for coke reduction in ethanol steam reforming process.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 105 p. (R E16758)
Nickel over aluminum catalyst
Wachira Chaiboonruang. Hydrogen production from palm oil. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2007. 91 p. (R E40104)
Nickel oxide
Panadda Phansamdaeng. Preparation and characterization of doped lithium nickel oxide and doped barium
strontium titanate prepared by sol-gel process. Khon Kaen : Khon kaen University, 2007. 146 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 157]
Nickel oxide (ตอ)
Suriyasit Kean-ngam. Synthesis and characterization of metal-doped nickel oxide powders by diol based
sol-gel process. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 148 p. (T E42029)
Nickel plating
Peesamai Jenvanitpanjakul. Study on Ni and Ni-Cu electroless plating on polyester papers for EMI
shielding. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1998. 25 p. (R
E12344 c.1; E12345 c.2)
Nickel reagents
Arunee Soponrattanapokin. Rearrangement of epoxides by nickel reagents. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 85 p. (T E37528)
Nickel titanium alloy wire
ครรชนะ จรัณยานนท. การศึกษาการเปลี่ยนแปลงอุณหภูมิของการเปลี่ยนเฟสของลวดโลหะนิกเกิลไทเทเนียมที่ผานการ
อบชุบดวยความรอน = The study of transitional temperature change in heat treated nickel titanium
alloy wire. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 73 หนา. (วพ 96713)
Panyawat Wangyao. High temperature properties of wrought nickel base superalloy EI 698 VD in creep
fatigue conditions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 94 p. (T E12777)
Panyawat Wangyao. High temperature properties of wrought nickel base superalloy EI 698 VD in creep
fatigue conditions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 94 p. (T E12777)
Nickel-alumian alloys
Sulaor Athisonbodee. The improvement of catalyst used in ethanol steam reforming process to produce
hydrogen. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 82 p. (R E15244)
Nickel-dolomite catalysts
Anawat Ketcong. Simultaneous gasification and reforming of biomass on Ni/Dolomite in fluidized bed.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 133 p. (T E41406)
Pattaraporn Chaiprasert. Effects of promoters on biomass gasification using nickel/dolomite catalyst.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 114 p. (T E41417)
Ponsak Pongponpriwon. Effects of sulfur compounds on hydrodenitrogenation of quinoline. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 112 p. (T E10569)
Korakot Thaisawat. The recycling of used electroless nickel-phosphorus steel plating solution. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 96 p. (T E20035)
Thanit Veriyaprom. Synthesis and catalytic activity of nickel-silicoaluminophosphate-34 and nickelsilicoaluminophosphate-44 in conversion of methanol to olefins. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 97 p. (T E21753)
Thanit Veriyaprom. Synthesis and catalytic activity of nickel-silicoaluminophosphate-34 and nickelsilicoaluminophosphate-44 in conversion of methanol to olefins. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 97 p. (T E21753)
Nickel-titanium alloys
Thanit Raungthurakit. Flexural strength of nickel-titanium alloy wire after clinical recycling. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1996. 81 p. (T E10166)
Nickel-titanium alloys--Dynamic testing
Boonrat Sattapan. Dynamic properties of nickel-titanium instruments. Melbourne : University of Melbourne,
1997. 81 p. (T E12310)
Nickel-titanium arch wire
Rutchadakorn Isarapatanapong. Study of composition, phase transformation and mechanical properties of
nickel-titanium orthodontic arch wire. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 113 p. (T E34348)
Nickel-titanium wires
Kosit Wattanasukchai. Force-deflection properties of forming spookd nickel-titanium wires. Khon Kaen :
Khon Kaen University, 2004. 173 p. (T E28928)
Subongkoch Tongkoom. Mechanical properties of commercial nickel-titanium orthodontic wires. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 165 p. (T E33652)
Nickel/alumina catalysts
อภิสิทธิ์ สายสาหราย. ผลของตัวแปรที่มีตอการเตรียมตัวเรงปฏิกิริยานิกเกิล/อะลูมินา โดยวิธีอิมเพรกเนชัน = Effects
of variables on nickel/alumina catalyst preparation by impregnation. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 62 หนา. (วพ 106180)
Nicking activities
Lumpueng Raingwong. In vitro study of binding and nicking activities of the replication-associated protein
of tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 61 p. (T E22279)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 158]
Nicking endonuclease
Somchai Pornbunluelap. Identification and purification of novel restriction endonuclease from two hundred
species of unidentified Streptomyces. Bangkok : Department of Biochemistry Kasetsart University,
2003. 35 p. (R E20893)
นรุณ วรามิตร. การใช nicosulfuron ควบคุมหญาโขยง (Rottboellia cochinchinensis) ในขาวโพด = Application of
the nicosulfuron for itchgrass (Rottboellia cochinchinensis) control in maize (Zea mays). กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 121 หนา. (วพ 104017)
รังสิต สุวรรณเขตนิคม. การควบคุมหญาโขยงโดยนิโคซัลฟูรอนในขาวโพดที่ปลูกแบบไมไถพรวน = Itahgrass
(Rottboellia cochinchinensis) control with nicosulfuron in no-till corn. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 35 หนา. (ว 93991)
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia
นุจรี สุวรรณมังกูล. การแสดงออกของเอ็นพีทีจีนที่ถูกยับยั้งดวยเมลธิลเลชัน โดยการใช 5-อะซาไซติดีน = Expression
of neomycin phosphotransferase gene being repressed by methylation via the application of 5azacytidine. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2537. 126 หนา. (วพ 107238)
Nicotiana tabacum
Pritsana Chomchan. Study of DNA methylation and transgene expression in transgenic plant. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 214 p. (T E12887)
Somsuda Setaphan. Molecular markers for determining tobacco Nicotiana tabacum L. varieties. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 116 p. (T E39569)
Supachitra chadchawan. Gene expression of Arabidopsis TGGl promoter in tobacco plant [Nicotiana
tabacum L.]. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 58 p. (R E17180)
Suriya Sarnkhuankaew. Response of three varieties of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) to
varying rates of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation frequencies in northern Thailand. Munoz, Nueva
Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1992. xvii, 168 p. (T E6282)
Tarinee Tungsuchat. Transplastomic system for production of pharmaceutical product in tobacco. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2006. 108 p. (T E38744)
Chanida Pongsanguansin. Formulation of piroxicam injection using cosolvents and complexing agent.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xiv, 141 p. (T E6861)
Orawan Monthakantirat. Synthesis and antiradical activity of prodrugs of chroman amide and coumarin
amide. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 136 p. (T E13881)
Anutep Lerdsakulthong. Use of snake skin as a model membrane for in vitro skin permeation studies of
nicotine. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 106 p. (T E7129)
Mutita Eksomtramate. The response of human gingival epithelial cells to Toll-like receptor ligands and
nicotine. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 83 p. (T E41977)
Pilaiwanwadee Hutamekalin. Nicotine and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons modulate junctional proteins
and paracellular permeability of rat cerebral endothelial cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2006. 105 p. (T E37997)
Praneet Opanasopit. In-vitro study of the release and permeation kinetics of nicotine from transdermal
delivery system with rate-limiting membrane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 136 p. (T
Roongnapha Apinan. Genetic and environmental factors influence cytochrome P450 2A6-mediated nicotine
metabolism. Pathumthani : Thammasat University, 2006. 161 p. (T E37419)
Sunisa Chaiklieng. The neurotoxic effects of acrylonitrile and nicotine in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2000. 184 p. (T E15340)
Thaned Pongjanyakul. Development of acrylic adhesive type nicotine transdermal patches. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 233 p. (T E15318)
Valaiporn Tanapermsook. Development of a method for simultaneous determination of nicotine, propylene
glycol and glycerine in tobacco. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2006. 111 p. (T E37411)
Orawan Deekaew. The study on relationship between cigarette smoking and cervix cancer in Thai women
: case study at Siriraj hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. ix, 71 p. (T E7692)
Nicotine--Therapeutic use
Usanee Tovichakchaikul. The development of nicotine transdermal patches. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1995. 89 p. (T E8982)
Nicotinic acid
Kingkaew Pattarakarn. Effect of nicotinic acid derivative on plasma lipoprotein composition in type II
hyperlipoproteinemia patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 128 p. (T E9132)
Nicotinic acid amide
Orawan Monthakantirat. Synthesis and antiradical activity of prodrugs of chroman amide and coumarin
amide. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 136 p. (T E13881)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 159]
Nicotinic ligands
Arada Chaiyanurakkul. New approaches to nicotinic ligands based on bicyclic heterocycles. Bristol :
University of Bristol, 2007. 171 p. (T E36430)
Nicotinyl amide
Chantana Boonyarat. Synthesis of nicotinyl amide and chroman amide derivatives as inhibitors of lipid
peroxidation II. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 96 p. (T E9997)
Nicotinyl amide--Derivatives--Synthesis
Suwanna Toasaksiri. Synthesis of chroman amide and nicotinyl amide derivatives as inhibitors of lipid
peroxidation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. xi, 73 p. (T E7243)
Vinida Srikusalanukul. Effect of metformin on plasma homocysteine in non insulin dependent diabetic
mellitus patients. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2001. 89 p. (T E19494)
NIDDM [Diabetes]
Chaweewan Deechauy. Effect of Tai Chi Chaun exercise on glycemic control and aerobic capacity in
NIDDM patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 74 p. (T E15507)
Phantipa Sakthong. Cost-effectiveness analysis of an ACE-inhibitor for delaying progression of diabetic
nephropathy in NIDDM patients with microalbuminuria. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998.
69 p. (T E13492)
Wilailak Seekhaow. Non-medical factors determining blood sugar level in NIDDM patients. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 79 p. (T E16557)
Nidhi Eoseewong--Attitude
Chatchadaporn Klumdee. Nidhi Eoseewong's views on Thainess in globalization. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2006. 89 p. (R E37393)
Nielsen family--Grown
Shiozaki, Aya. Family variation in early growth performances of Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen
grown at Lad Krating Plantation, Chachoengsao, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1998. 88
p. (T E13543)
Arom Tattawasart. Development of nifedipine transdermal drug delivery system using gelling agents as
matrics. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 225 p. (T E22800)
Assadang Polnok. Effect of surfactants on nifedipine release from pluronic F-127 gel. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xiii, 87 p. (T E8296)
Chutima Sinsuebpol. Controlled release of nifedipine from combined carriers between Eudragit and
povidone K30 prepared by spray drying technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 237
p. (T E14641)
Gunyarat Viratyosin. Development of nifedipine transdermal delivery system via matrix diffusion technique
using hydrophilic polymers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. xiv, 110 p. (T E7042)
Khanittha Pongpaln. Study of photostability of nifedipine in pluronic F-127 gel using sodium bisulfite.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xiv, 103 p. (T E6940)
Monthip Adunyanon. Enhancing permeation of nifedipine transdermal patch by various surfactants and in
vivo evaluation in rabbits. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 119 p. (T E12136)
Nicha Khusakul. Enhanced dissolution of nifedipine by solid dispersion. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1998. 345 p. (T E20161)
Panaya Banpho. Effects of formulation, light and relative humidity on solid-state stability of nifedipine
spray dried microspheres. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 242 p. (T E19551)
Watcharee Netisingha. Screening of some potential candidates for antihypertensive transdermal
therapeutic system. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 96 p. (R E10271)
กาญจนพิมล ฤทธิเดช. การปรับปรุงอัตราการปลดปลอยของระบบนําสงยาไนเฟดิปนทางผิวหนังโดยใชโพโรซาเมอร
เปนแมทริกซ. [กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย], 2539. 51 หนา. (ว 99793)
Darawan Klangwarnwong. Pharmacokinetics of oral lidocaine and nifedipine in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 82 p. (T E9253)
Night bazaar
Pinthong Kamsaen. English sales talk in Chiangmai : communication strategies of Night Bazaar stall
vendors. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2001. 97 p. (T E15498)
Night bezaar
Pinthong Kamsaen. English sales talk in Chiangmai : communication strategies of Night Bazaar stall
vendors. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2001. 97 p. (T E15498)
Nikel and palledium leadframe
เฉลิมศักดิ์ สรุจิกําจรวัฒนะ. การศึกษาระยะเวลาการคืนทุนของกระบวนการผลิตไอซีโดยใชนิเกิลพาเรเดียมหลีดเฟรม =
The study of pagback period in an integrated circuit manufacturing by using nikel and palledium
leadframe. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 139 หนา. (วพ 111267)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 160]
Nikom Rayawa
Puckpan Tipayamontri. Symbolism and cultural history in Nikom Rayawa's fiction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2000. 100 p. (T E16512)
Nilaparvata lugens
Duangdean Cheramakara. Laboratory investigation on efficacy of extract from sweetflag (Acorus calamus
Linn.) rhizomes on brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.). Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1993. vii, 63 p. (T E8027)
Monpop Tripop. Variation of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal), population from the four
geographical regions of Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 85 p. (T E10648)
Parinya Korsriphithakkul. Searching for brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens [Stal] control agents from
Thai plants. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 100 p. (T E37812)
Sungwarl Somboon. Predation efficiency of the mirid egg predators Cyrtorhinus lividipennis reuter and
Tytthus chinensis tal (Hemiptera : Miridae) on brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal). Khon
Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1999. 61 p. (T E14165)
Thanatip Jansiri. Insecticides resistance monitoring and mapping for brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens
(Stal) in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1994. (V), 65 p. (T E8307)
ขจาริน ศิริหงษสุวรรณ. การใชเชื้อราสองชนิดในสกุล Paecilomyces เพื่อควบคุมเพลี้ยกระโดดสีน้ําตาล (Nilaparvata
lugens) ในสภาพนาขาว = Application of two fungus species in the genus Paecilomyces to control
rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens under paddy field condition. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 78 หนา. (วพ 112481)
นฤมล ศุภวนานุสรณ. การใชราในการควบคุมปริมาณเพลี้ยกระโดดสีน้ําตาลศัตรูขาว Nilaparvata lugens. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 75 หนา. (วพ 90236)
Nile tilapa
Carandang, Rogelio P.. Effect of Butea superba and 17-alpha-methyltestosterone (MT) on sex reversal and
some growth parameters in three strains (Red, Ghana and Chitralada) of nile tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus, L.). Chiang Mai : Maejo University, 2007. 49 p. (T E35912)
Nile tilapia
Bangon Tangtong. Haematological alteration of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus after long-term low level
exposure to neem Azadirachta indica seed extract. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 186
p. (T E12254)
Chalida Khemvaranan. Acute toxicity of synthetic : basic and direct dyes in juvenile Nile tilapia
[Oreochromis niloticus] and their copper bioaccumulation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 108
p. (T E18007)
Jarunee Chiayvareesajja. Indirect selection parameters to improve disease resistance in Nile tilapia and
Atlantic salmon. [S.l.] : Agricultural University of Norway, 1996. 1 vol(in various pagings). (T
Jassada Sakulku. Histopathology of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus liver after long-term exposure to Derris
trifoliata leaves extract. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 165 p. (T E12478)
Jirarach Srijunngam. Subchronic effects of neem Azadirachta indica A. Juss. seed extract on female
reproductive system of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linn.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1998. 124 p. (T E13938)
Lim Choon Kwang. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as a pond input for Nile tilapia culture. Bangkok :
Asian Institute of Technology, 1985. 69 p. (T E22469)
Nacario, Evelyn N.. Sex reversal of Nile tilapia fry in cages in ponds. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1987. 110 p. (T E22470)
Penpun Srisakultiew. Synchronous spawning of Nile tilapia through hypophysation and temperature
manipulation. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1986. 70 p. (T E22640)
Piyanut Peebua. Ecotoxicological assessment of pesticides and heavy metals in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 235 p. (T E34023)
Sirikul Vongsirisopak. Effects of water hardness and temperature on the toxicity of detergents to Puntius
gonionotus Bleeker and Oreochromis niloticus (Linn.). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 163 p.
(T E10021)
Sirinnapa Pumchae. Histopathology of nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus liver and kidney after long-term
low level exposure to distilled liquors 30 degree. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 104 p.
(T E27761)
Sotida Boonsomboone. A selection of appropriate test conditions for whole effluent toxicity testing with
juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 146 p. (T E23983)
Verapong Vuthiphandchai. Effect of dietary carbohydrate levels on growth, feed conversion efficiencies
and body composition of nile tilapia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1986. 68 p. (T
Wang, Shusen. Nutritive value of leucaena leaf meal in pelleted feed for tilapia. Bangkok : Asian Institute
of Technology, 1985. 50 p. (T E22480)
Wannee Jiraungkoorskul. Histopathological and biochemical effects of roundup, a glyphosate herbicide, to
Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 263 p. (T E19362)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 161]
Nile tilapia (ตอ)
ณรรฐพล วัลลียลักษณ. ผลกระทบของผงซักฟอกบางชนิดตอการเจริญเติบโตของปลานิล = Effects of some
detergents on growth of Nile tilapia (Tilapia nilotica Linn.). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2529. 1 แผน (21 เฟรม). (ว MF21368)
ประภาส โฉลกพันธรัตน. การศึกษาการเจริญเติบโตของปลานิลที่เลี้ยงดวยอาหารสําเร็จสูตรตางๆ = Study the growth
the Nile tilapia fed with various artificial feed. ขอนแกน : คณะเกษตรศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน,
2537. (2), 15 หนา. (ว 66576)
ศิริภาวี ศรีเจริญ. การศึกษาระดับอุณหภูมิและเวลาที่เหมาะสมในการเกิดเจลและคุณภาพของซูริมิจากเนื้อปลานิล =
Study on optimum time and temperature for gelation and quality of Surimi for nile, Tilapia,
Oreochromis niloticus (Linn.). ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 68 หนา. (วพ 97609)
สุพิมพ ศิริสายัณห. การเจริญเติบโตของปลานิล (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus) ในบอบําบัดน้ําเสียชุมชนเทศบาล
เมืองเพชรบุรี = Growth of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus) in lagoon treatment of
Petchaburi Manucipality. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 269 หนา. (วพ 105113)
Nile tilapia--Effect of triphenyltin hydroxide on
Teerada Thamamaruitkun. Study on the effects of triphenyltin hydroxide on Pla Nil (Oreochromis nilotica).
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 190 p. (T E8665)
Nile tilapia--Eggs
Kwanprasert Panchai. Aquatic fungi developing on eggs of tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus Linn. and
prevention. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 123 p. (T E37196)
Nile Tilapia--Food
Ek Rakyuttithamkul. Utilization of fermented faether meal replacement of fish meal in fish feed. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 99 p. (T E33188)
Nile tilapia--Reproduction
Penpun Srisakultiew. Studies on the reproductive biology of areochromis niloticus L.. Scotland : University
of Stirling, 1993. xix, 310 p. (T E6050)
Niloparvata lugens
Somchai Isichaikul. Studies on the environmental factors influencing on microhabitat and wing
polymorphism in the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera : Delphacidae).
Matsuyama : Ehime University, 1994. 84 p. (T E7760)
Nimbic acid
Rosenee Somjaree. Acute toxicity of nimbolide and nimbic acid in several animal species. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1984. 3 microfiches (126 fr.). (T MF20122)
Araya Ajchariyapagorn. Simulation of nimbin extraction process by using AspenPlus. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 71 p. (T E23157)
Dayin Mongkholkhajornsilp. Supercritical CO2 extraction of nimbin from neem seeds : process modelling
and optimisation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 130 p. (T
Pathumthip Tonthubthimthong. Supercritical extraction - a comprehensive experimental and modeling
study. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 163 p. (T E19803)
อาภรณ สุราฤทธิ์. การศึกษาการสกัดนิมบินจากน้ํามันสะเดาโดยวิธีสกัดของเหลวดวยของเหลว = A study of nimbin
extraction from neem oil by liquid-liquid extraction. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลา
ธนบุรี, 2543. 58 หนา. (วพ 110906)
Hathaitip Sritanaudomchai. Induction of quinone reductase in hepa 1C1C7 murine hepatoma cell line by
neem [Azadirachta indica A. uss var, siamensis valeton] flower constituents. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 109 p. (T E17426)
Nimbolide acid
Rosenee Somjaree. Acute toxicity of nimbolide and nimbic acid in several animal species. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1984. 3 microfiches (126 fr.). (T MF20122)
Punnee Jitkhatonyu. Effect of nimodipine on attenuation of neuronal damage in global cerebral ischemia in
rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. ix, 102 p. (T E7308)
Sasitorn Roojanavech. The efficacy of metronidazole and nimorazole 2 grams given orally in a single dose
for trichomoniasis at Bangrak hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. vii, 85 p. (T E7139)
Nine-square training
เพสยันดร ทิพรส. ผลของการฝกโดยวิธีเกาจตุรัส ที่ระดับความเร็ว 120 และ 130 ครั้งตอนาที ตอความอดทนของระบบ
ไหลเวียนโลหิต และระบบหายใจ = The effects of nine-square training in the speed level of 120 and
130 beats per minute on cardiorespiratory endurance. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 64
หนา. (วพ 108635)
Nineteenth century
Somporn Boonyabancha. The status of women in nineteenth century British society in the novels of
Charlotte Bronte. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 88 p. (T E16573)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 162]
Uraiwan Intatha. Dielectricity of barium iron niobate based materials. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2008. 148 p. (T E39358)
Domdeat Sripinpoach. Strength improvement of Nb-Ti microalloyed steel by thermomechanical treatment.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 92 p. (T E12745)
Narumol Vachirapatama. Separation and determination of niobium (V) and Tantalum (V) by reversedphase high-performance liquid chromatography. Tasmania : University of Tasmania, 2000. 160 p.
(T E16085)
Piyachon Ketsuwan. Effects of chromium (III) oxide and niobium (V) oxide addition on electrical properties
of lead zirconate titanate ceramics. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 126 p. (T E41312)
Pornsawat Suwimonprecha. Tin and niobium-tantalum deposits associated with granites and pegmatites,
Phuket, Thailand. Bonn : Rheinisch-Westfalischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, 1989. 246 p. (T
Niobium oxide
Sirachaya Kunjara Na Ayudhya. Liquid phase syntheses of niobium oxide and zinc oxide with controlled
morphology. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 163 p. (T E39864)
Rattana Srichaisak. Feasibility study on proniosome development using saquinavir mesylate as a model
drug. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 177 p. (T E37089)
Monchida Kanjanapadit. Evaluation of stability, in vitro release and irritation potential of minoxidil
niosomes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 117 p. (T E36647)
Nattanan Chuansanit. Preparation and characterization of retinyl palmitate niosomes. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 173 p. (T E19423)
Nittaya Rungphanichkul. Preparation and characterization of curcuminoids niosomes. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 70 p. (T E33694)
Plookchit Chetratanont. Effects of formulation and preparation method on drug entrapment of Minoxidil
niosomes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 89 p. (T E35333)
Tasaneeya Supaperm. Effect of charged and non-ionic membrane additives on physicochemical properties
and stability of salicylic acid niosomes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 161 p. (T E33224)
Waraporn Suwakul. Factors affecting topical delivery of propylthiouracil from niosomal system. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 212 p. (T E39870)
Nipaecocus viridis
Adulrat Klaewklad. Biological studies of Anagyrus dactylopii (Howard) (Hymenoptera : Encyrtidae), the
important parasite of the spherical mealybug, Nipaecoccus viridis (Newstead) (Homoptera :
Pseudococcidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 47 p. (T E24782)
Nipah virus
Supaporn Wacharapluesadee. Survey for Nipah virus infection among bats in Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 126 p. (T E34961)
Nipple pain
Ratchaneekorn Santitham. The effects of supportive-educative nursing system on capability of
breastfeeding, nipple pain, frequency and duration of breasfeeding. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 114 p. (T E19254)
Boondarika Sumana. Inhibition of Bacillus licheniformis by nisin in pasteurized milks. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2008. 198 p. (T E41314)
Rungtiwa Chiwprasertphol. Bacteriocin of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis from Nham. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 139 p. (T E18862)
Titarat Lertchaowayuth. Inhibition on certain food-borne bacteria in yoghurt by nisin-producing
Lactococcus lactis WNC20. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 170 p. (T E42866)
Wirjantoro, Tri Indrarini. Shelf life extension of pasteurized orange juice by nisin. Chiang Mai : Department
of Food Science and Technology Chiang Mai University, 2007. 88 p. (R E37066)
Wissanee Supraditaporn. Effect of nisin on the keeping quality of orange juices cv. Sai Nam Pung and cv.
Khieo Waan. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 105 p. (T E38687)
สุมาลี วงศจันทร. การพัฒนาและประยุกตโลหะผสมจํารูปไนไทนอล = Development and application of nitinol
memory alloys. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 44 หนา. (ว 95473)
Faissa, Teklu Baissa. Assessment of micronutrient status of Nitisols and Andisols in some selected areas of
Ethiopia for maize production for maize production. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 181 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 163]
Kittiya Wongkhan. The kinatic study of iodide catalysed reaction between iron (III)-thiocyanate complex
ion by nitrate and nitrite in sulfuric acid. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 62 p. (T E20961)
Kriangsak Pirarai. Enhanced In situ biodegradation of a high concentration phenolics plume : integrated
studies. Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 2007. 105 p. (T E36180)
Nuchnoi Prapaso. Lead, cadmium, nitrate and nitrite content in Nakhonpathom drinking rainwater.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 126 p. (T E32994)
Surasak Laloknam. Effect of salt stress on choline transport into halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece
halophytica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 214 p. (T E35240)
Nitrate compound
Jongchai Vasaruchtragul. Synthesis of dinitrate compounds as cetane number improver. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 71 p. (T E19478)
Nitrate compounds
Chayaporn Pongthanomsak. Synthesis of nitrate compounds from vegetable oils as cetane improver.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 108 p. (T E24068)
Mahidol Phasorn. Synthesis of nitrate compounds from coconut oil as cetane improvers. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 90 p. (T E23425)
Nitrate reductase
Soraya Thaivanich. Purification and partial characterization of nitrate reductase from halotolerant
cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 100 p. (T
Nitrate removal
กนกวรรณ ศุกรนันทน. การศึกษาคุณภาพน้ํา และการกําจัดไนเตรทดวยกระบวนการไบโอโลจิคอล ดีไนตริฟเดชั่นใน
พื้นที่โครงการสรางปาตามแนวพระราชดําริ และปาพันธุกรรมพืช จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = Study on water
quality and removal of nitrate by biological denitrification process at forest-reviving as the royal
suggestions and plant germplasm forest project, Nakhon Ratchasima province. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 131 หนา. (วพ 108940)
ผกาวดี นารอง. การตรึงแบคทีเรียเพื่อกําจัดไนเตรทในน้ําดี โดยใชถังปฏิกรณแบบตัวกลางไมเคลื่อนที่ = The
immobilization of bacteria for nitrate removal in water supply by using fixed bed reactor. ขอนแกน :
ภาควิชาเทคโนโลยีชีวภาพ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 74 หนา. (ว 111987)
สมเพลิน คําศรี. การกําจัดไนเตรทในถังกรองไรอากาศแบบไหลขึ้น ที่มีกิจกรรมดีไนตริฟเคชัน เมธาโนเจเนซิส และแอม
โมนิฟเคชัน = Nitrate reduction in anaerobic upflow filter with denitrification methanogenesis and
Ammonification. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 107 หนา. (วพ 110851)
Nitrate uptake
Jutakae Wangsupa. Nitrate uptake by halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 79 p. (T E18829)
Amphika Poowanasatien. Nitrate and nitrite contents in various types of vegetables from conventional,
hygienic and organic cultivations. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 152 p. (T E34235)
Aran Incharoensakdi. Nitrate transport of the halophilic cyanobacterium, Aphanothece halophytica grown
under normal and salt stress conditions. Bangkok : Department of Biochemistry Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 60 p. (R E20581)
Charnya Teerapittayanon. Changes in nitrate and nitrite levels in home and commercially processed
pickled mustard greens. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 73 p. (T E12129)
Jirasak Threeprom. Microbial conversion study of nitrate to nitrite by modern liquid chromatography.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19292)
Jutakae Wangsupa. Nitrate uptake by halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 79 p. (T E18829)
Jutharat Kulsantiwong. Comparison of growth and nitrate removal rates in synthetic medium and carrot
juice by different denitrification bacterial isolates. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 130 p.
(T E41759)
Jutharat Kulsantiwong. Comparison of growth and nitrate removal rates in synthetic medium and carrot
juice by different denitrification bacterial isolates. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 120 p.
(T E41787)
Montri Kerdprom. Development of mathematical model for prediction of detinning in canned pineapple
caused by nitrate. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 89 p. (R
Nantawan Wongwongsri. Effect of vegetable eating on the levels of nitrate and nitrite in urine and saliva.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 175 p. (T E14713)
Nualchavee Roongtanakiat. The behaviour of ammonium, nitrate and urea fertilizers applied to soils of
different pH values for corn as indicated by 15N. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (xxix), 184
p. (T E7619)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 164]
Nitrates (ตอ)
Nuttira Kongsingha. Comparison of PdCl2 and Pd(No3)2 precursors in catalytic CH4/CO2 reforming.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 92 p. (R E16502)
Orawan Tue-ngeun. Development of flow injection analysis systems for the determination of phosphate
nitrite nitrate chromium and calcium. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 129 p. (T E11346)
Prapaporn Savaraj. Effect of cooking processes on the level of nitrate and nitrite in vegetables. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 75 p. (T E13227)
Rossukon Tongsri-on. Nitrate and nitrite contents in organic, hygienic and conventional Chinese kale.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 117 p. (T E24048)
Sarayut Onsanit. Physiological responses of black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon to nitrate in seawater.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 93 p. (T E23429)
Sarintad Kwanmeung. Geographic information system for assessing land and subsurface water sensitivity
to nitrate and phosphate contamination from swine farms in Muang district, Nakhon Pathom
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19792)
Sukanya Eksakulkla. Effect of short term exercise on serum nitrite/nitrate concentration in postmenopausal
women. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 73 p. (T E22593)
Wanlop Benjachokchai. Nitrates and nitrites in tightly closed container fruit juice available in Thailand and
their daily intake. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17605)
Warin Sangkitikomol. Comparison of the exposure to nitrate, nitrite and volatile N-nitroso compounds of
valunteers with and without opisthorchiasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (116
fr.). (T MF19991)
Wasana Eksuwanjaroen. Effects of nitrate and pH on detinning of canned model food. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 111 p. (R E25173)
Worasaung Klinthong. Diffusion of nitrate from pineapple indicated by total soluble solids. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 81 p. (R E25146)
Tewee Bodhiphala. Factors affecting the nitrate content of foods. Columbia : University of British
Columbia, 1969. 2 แผน(102 เฟรม). (T MF09398)
Nitrates--Physiological effect
Anchanee Utaipatanacheep. Nitrate in green leafy vegetables and its role on the possible in vivo formation
of N-nitroso proline in school children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 196 p. (T E7479)
Choosak Boonlaksiri. Synthesis of diol nitrate compounds from fatty acid wastes as cetane improvers.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 91 p. (T E23293)
Jongchai Vasaruchtragul. Synthesis of dinitrate compounds as cetane number improver. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 71 p. (T E19478)
Sangsom Siraprapakit. Synthesis of dinitrate compounds from alkane diols as cetane improvers. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 85 p. (T E16663)
Theerawat Khankasikham. Synthesis of cycloalkyl nitrate compounds from cycloaliphatic monoalcohos as
cetane improvers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 98 p. (T E19068)
Tinnagon Kaewin. Synthesis of endoperoxide of anthracene derivatives and their biological activities and
chemistry of 4, 6-dimethoxyindole derivatives : photooxidation and nitration. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 323 p. (T E33801)
Nitrative stress
Raynoo Thanan. Role of oxidative and nitrative stress in Opisthorchis viverrini-associated
cholangiocarcinogenesis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 133 p. (T E42793)
Jongchai Vasaruchtragul. Synthesis of dinitrate compounds as cetane number improver. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 71 p. (T E19478)
Nitric oxide
Benjamat Nunthaithaweegon. Cobalt catalysts supported on zeolite beta prepared by solid state ion
exchange for nitric oxide reduction. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 80 p. (T E22896)
Chalalai Suwattanasophon. The role of 5-HT 1B/1D and 5-HT 2A/2C receptors in neurovascular response
to nitric oxide in rat trigeminovascular system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 161 p. (T
Chareeporn Sukwattanapun. Effect of nitric oxide synthesized by inducible nitric oxide synthase on
replication and pathogenesis of rabies virus infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 122 p.
(T E12109)
Chatchai Kunyawut. Reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia on cation-exchanged zeolite catalysts.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. x, 93 p. (T E7624)
Choowong Chaisuk. Study of reaction mechanism of the reduction of nitric oxide by hydrocarbon in excess
oxygen over a platinum catalyst via the investigation of surface species. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 222 p. (T E18841)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2553 Revision-00
เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 165]
Nitric oxide (ตอ)
Chorchat Soonthornpalin. Selective catalytic reduction of NOx over nanostructured catalysts. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2004. 69 p. (T E23367)
Chutima Udom. Changes in renal functions during acute L-arginine loading in dogs. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 57 p. (T E9781)
Duangporn Plasen. The roles of cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide synthase on acute effects of lipid
component activated endothelial cells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 186 p. (T E17840)
Jakrit Rungsimanop. Role of Pd on Cu/HZSM-5 for selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide using noctane under severe condition. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 93 p. (T E15596)
Jintana Tanyong. Role of angiotensin system on renal nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide production in
unilateral ureteral obstructive rat. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 93 p. (T E23388)
Jitreuthai Srepawatakul. Nitric oxide and fibrinolytic activity after arterial occlusion and electrical
stimulation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 104 p. (T E17495)
Juntima Pattamanont. Role of nitric oxide and serotonin in modulation of cortical spreading depressionevoked neurogenic vascular inflammation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 129 p. (T
Kittipong Saenbandit. The proposed structure model of Fe-ZSM-5 zeolite for nitrous oxide decomposition
reaction. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 74 p. (T E24960)
Krissadarut Leekhaosoong. Alterations of nitric oxide production and phagocytic activity of mouse
macrophages by local vegetable extracts. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2007. 90 p. (T
Krongkan Nasee. Modulatory effect of estrogen on microglial activation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 57 p. (T E37572)
Laddawal Phivthongngam. Role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis in
rabbits. Hannover : Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Hannover Medical School, 1997. 131 p. (T
Nakarin Mongkolsiri. Effect on remaining cations in copper ion-exchanged ZSM-5 zeolite for selective
reduction of nitric oxide. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 180 p. (T E13710)
Napaporn Limpitisathaporn. Oxidative strese in beta-thalassemia/HbE. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
169 p. (T E21000)
Natthaya Kiattisirikul. Characteristics and roles of surface species in C3H6-SCR of NO over A Ag/Al2O3
catalyst by temperature programmed technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 79 p.
(T E23229)
Nipon Kanongchaiyot. Effect of tungsten and potassium on the V2O5/TiO2 catalyst for selective catalytic
reduction of no with NH3. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 130 p. (T E13745)
Noparat Promthep. Synthesis of novel neuroprotective compounds : the dual inhibitors of nitric oxide
synthesis and lipid peroxidation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 181 p. (T E24637)
Paisarn Vejchapipat. Role of nitric oxide in biliary atresia. Bangkok : Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 28 p. (R E34647)
Panida Chutsrinopkun. Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors in N18 neuroblastoma cells. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1997. 96 p. (T E11204)
Pattarin Sridulyakul. Effect of vitamin C on endothelial nitric oxide synthase in streptozotocin-induced
diabetic rats : quantitative comparison image using analysis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 99 p. (T E21534)
Pattarin Sridulyakul. Reversal effect of vitamin C on diabetes induced endothelial dysfunction in rats : roles
of reactive oxygen species, tetrahydrobiopterin, and nitric oxide. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 160 p. (T E40294)
Pithi Chanvorachote. The role of nitric oxide in apoptotic susceptibility of human lung cancer and normal
lung cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 188 p. (T E35565)
Pitiporn Chevintulak. Effects of asiaticoside on nitric oxide-induced injuries in neuronal cell line cultures.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 78 p. (T E41999)
Piyarat Sreesawang. The lack of nitric oxide activity modulates renal hemodynamics and renal handling of
water and electrolytes following ischemia/reperfusion in rat. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999.
155 p. (T E13738)
Pongphrom Chalermvanapong. Study of coke formation in selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide with
propylene on MFI catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 98 p. (T E12717)
Pornsawan Kanchanawanichkun. The durability improvement of Co/HZSM-5 catalyst under hydrothermal
pretreatment for selective catalytic reduction of NO by methane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 156 p. (T E18791)
Puangrat Yongvanit. Host factor associated cholangiocarcinogenesis : xenobiotic enzyme activities and
level. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 50 p. (R E20992)
Ratree Takhampunya. Antiviral mechanism of nitric oxide, mycophenolic acid and ribavarin on dengue
virus type 2 infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 150 p. (T E34021)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 166]
Nitric oxide (ตอ)
Sirima Thongruay. The role of nitric oxide in swamp buffalo oocyte maturation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 129 p. (T E29094)
Siriporn Chattipakorn. Effect of nitroglycerin on the animal model of temporomandibular pain. Chiang Mai :
Department of Odontology and Oral Pathology Chiang Mai University, 2007. 24 p. (R E36998)
Smith Teratrakoonwichaya. The development of nitric oxide removal catalysts for exhaust gases from
stationary source. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 89 p. (T E11842)
Suchart Powattanasatiant. Development and characterization of NO reduction and CO oxidation catalyst
for catalytic cleaning of diesel engine exhaust emissions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996.
39 p. (T E10770)
Sukanya Eksakulkla. Effect of short term exercise on serum nitrite/nitrate concentration in postmenopausal
women. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 73 p. (T E22593)
Takol Chareonsirisuthigul. Determination of the significance of nitric oxide during natural dengue virus
infection and host genetic response to nitric oxide susceptible and nitric oxide resistant dengue
virus infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 107 p. (T E36132)
Tapanee Dangsawai. Effect of severe condition on activity of copper ion-exchanged MFI and cobalt-silicate
in nitric oxide removal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 114 p. (T E15012)
Teonchit Nuamchit. Serum nitric oxide levels in patients with coronary artery disease in comparison with
normal subjects. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19379)
Thiraporn Anuntasethakul. Hyposerotonin-induced nitric oxide supersensitivity of trigeminovascular system
in rat : a hypothetic mechanism of migraine pathogenesis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1998. 238 p. (T E13794)
Thitirut Tangam. Effect of nitric oxide on water and electrolyte transport in cauda epididymis of the rat.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p. (T E18481)
Umarat Srisawat. The role of nitric oxide, angiotensin II and endothelin on renal function after
ischemia/reperfusion in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 235 p. (T E23648)
Wanwarang Hiriote. The effect of different forms of nitric oxide radical on rabies virus replication. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2000. 106 p. (T E15353)
Weerawan Charnsilpa. The effect of nitric oxide on dengue virus serotype II replication, in vitro. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 104 p. (T E19322)
Wittaya Engopasanan. Performance of ion-exchanged zeolite and metallosilicate catalysts on nitric oxide
decomposition. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 172 p. (T E14612)
Woraratana Pattaraprakorn. Cu ion-exchanged copper aluminosilicate catalysts for nitric oxide removal
under excess oxygen atmosphere. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 137 p. (T E19550)
Yuyen Seujange. Renal nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide production in renal ischemic reperfusion :
effects of angiotensin system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 85 p. (T E21535)
Nitric oxide synthase
Chantana Boonyarat. Design and synthesis of novel compounds as neuroprotective agents : a dual action
of radical scavenger and nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 189 p.
(T E33822)
Duangporn Plasen. The roles of cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide synthase on acute effects of lipid
component activated endothelial cells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 186 p. (T E17840)
Nitric oxides
Ruechakorn Chantawee. Associations between angiotensinogen and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene
polymorphisms and coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2008. 156 p. (T E40317)
Monticha Putsakum. The relationship of diet, stress, intestinal nitric oxide production, and intestinal
microflora in chickens. Mississippi : Mississippi State University, 2007. 116 p. (T E40087)
Nitric-oxide synthase
Jureeporn Kampan. Expression of nitric oxide synthase and activities of cytochromes P450 in
cholangiocarcinoma liver tissue. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2001. 118 p. (T E17150)
Nitima Chanarat. The association of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and endothelial nitric
oxide synthase (eNOS) gene polymorphisms with homocysteine levels and carotid intima-media
thickness in Thai chronic hemodialysis patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 123 p. (T
Yuyen Seujange. Role of angiotensin in renal dihydrofolate reductase, gtp-cyclohydrolase 1 and nitric
oxide synthase expression in renal ischemic reperfusion. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006.
79 p. (T E37935)
Kanoksak Luyjew. Porous silicon nitride synthesis via the carbothermal reduction and nitridation of
silica/RF gel composite. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 80 p. (T E37989)
Varong Pavarajarn. Effects of residual metals on mechanical properties of sintered silicon nitride articles.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 36 p. (R E26564)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 167]
Nitridation process
Kittichai Sopunna. Improvement of surface properties of MJ12 and MJ47 alloys by high temperature
nitridation process. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 129 p. (T E35150)
Ladda Saengduan. A comparative study of glotamine synthetase in free-living Klebsiella R15 and in
Klebsiella R15 associated with rhizosphere of rice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 74 p.
(T E8572)
Nareerat Plylahan. Development of a low-temperature biofilter for the rainbow trout farm. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 60 p. (R E40691)
Nucharee Rasrikrangkrai. Comparative evaluation fluidized bed airlift bioreactor with conventional systems
for nitrification of seawater. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 114 p. (T E22950)
Panita Charoensuk. Effects of internal recycle of nitrified liquor and dissolved oxygen control in
anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2/O) process for biological nutrient removal. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2007. 119 p. (T E36715)
Siriwan Silapakul. Nitrogen compounds removal in closed recirculating seawater system shrimp pond by
external loop airlift bioreactor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 97 p. (T E34816)
Slil Siripong. Diversity assessment of nitrifying bacterial populations in wastewater activated sludge.
Evanston : Northwestern University, 2005. 341 p. (T E36308)
Somanat Somprasert. Enhanced nitrification and denitrification in combined subsurface flow constructed
wetland system. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 215 p. (T
Suttikarn Sutti. Effects of biofilter on water quality in closed recirculating system for black tiger shrimp.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 101 p. (T E27719)
Nitrifying activated sludge
Panida Sermwaraphan. Degradation of 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2) by nitrifying activated sludge
containing different ammonia-oxidizing bacterial communities. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2006. 99 p. (T E40136)
Nitrifying bacteria
Phayan Tansakul. Removal of ammonia-nitrogen from a recirculation system using immobilization of
nitrifying bacteria into PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol) gel beads. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 130
p. (T E24537)
Nitrilc oxide
Attawut Ruangsri. Synthetic methodology of isoxazole derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2004. 61 p. (T E27751)
Nitrile rubber
Jarunee Thunyarittikorn. A study of relationship between mechanical properties, oil resistance, rheological
properties and phase size of rubber dispersed in NR/NBR blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 121 p. (T E17545)
Orathai Sroysom. A study of characterisation and homogenisation of natural rubber/nitrile rubber blend.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 134 p. (T E13887)
Paiboon Tepumnoysuk. Physical properties of PVC/nitrile rubber blends. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1992. 130 p. (T E9428)
Pairote Jittham. Study of dielectric properties of mixtures of nitrile rubber and liquid crystals. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1996. 108 p. (T E9986)
Patcharin Thamasirianunt. Improvement of bonding between natural rubber and nitrile rubber by
chlorination of natural rubber surface. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 120 p. (T E37144)
Thanit Treepichetkul. Reinforcement of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber and poly(vinyl chloride) blends by in
situ silica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 95 p. (T E21565)
กฤษฎา สุชีวะ. ยางผสมระหวางยางธรรมชาติกับยางไนไตรลและการใชสารชวยเขากัน = Blends of natural rubber
and nitrile rubber with the use of compatibilisers. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล,
[2532]. 27 หนา. (ว 97685)
Vanida Choomuenwai. The ritter reaction of some nitrogen heterocycles. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 220 p. (T E20045)
Yupayao Srikirin. Decarboxylation of sodium glycidate salts via lead tetraacetate and chemistry of alpha
aminonitriles. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 3 แผน (143 เฟรม). (T MF09355)
Nuchnoi Prapaso. Lead, cadmium, nitrate and nitrite content in Nakhonpathom drinking rainwater.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 126 p. (T E32994)
Nitrite rubber
Pimsuda Heamtanon. Improvement of adhesion between natural rubber and nitrile rubber by using
adhesion promoter compound based on chlorosulfonated polyethylene and chlorinated natural
rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 170 p. (T E33281)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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[หนา 168]
AK., Ujang Kamarudin. Acute toxicity of nitrite to Penaeus monodon (Fab.) and Litopenaeus vannamei
(Boone) at low salinity levels. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 100 p. (T E22265)
Amphika Poowanasatien. Nitrate and nitrite contents in various types of vegetables from conventional,
hygienic and organic cultivations. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 152 p. (T E34235)
Atcharaporn Limprasertkul. Effect of some herbal drinks on the mutagenicity of nitrite treated menstrual
regulatory and heamatinic traditional preparations, using Ames test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 86 p. (T E20246)
Chaniphun Ieamworapong. Effect of a food preservative nitrite on mutagenicity of Thai medicinal plants
using the Ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 137 p. (T E6545)
Chanyud Kritsunankul. Nutrient removal by using nitrite as an electron acceptor in biofilm reactor.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 156 p. (T E31358)
Charnya Teerapittayanon. Changes in nitrate and nitrite levels in home and commercially processed
pickled mustard greens. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 73 p. (T E12129)
Chatchawin Petchlert. Effect of sprouts from some kinds of bean and rice seeds on the mutagenicity of the
nitrosated beef extract in Ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 108 p. (T E16463)
Hansa Katipagdeetham. Effect of nitrite on mutagenicity of health foods using the AMES test. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1996. 69 p. (T E10641)
Hataitip Sroysa-ard. Genotoxicity testing of emmanagogues with and without nitrite using the wing
somatic mutation and recombination test (SMART) in Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1997. 98 p. (T E11682)
Jeerapa Lukcompun. Nitrite scavenging activity of four plant fibers incorporated into four different heatprocessed flour-based foods. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 123 p. (T E13230)
Jirasak Threeprom. Microbial conversion study of nitrate to nitrite by modern liquid chromatography.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19292)
Kalyarat Kruawan. Selective inhibition on different direct mutagens by Thai herbal drinks. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 93 p. (T E17484)
Kanocvan Manoonphol. Direct mutagenic potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) treated with
nitrite in simulated gastric condition : comparison between authentic PAHs and PAH-containing
fraction derived from smoked and charcoal-broited foods using ames assay. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1994. 108 p. (T E8526)
Kanokwan Peerawong. Mutagenic potential of various chicken extracts sold in Thailand after treatment
with excess nitrite in the acid condition. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 77 p. (R E11551)
Kittiya Wongkhan. The kinatic study of iodide catalysed reaction between iron (III)-thiocyanate complex
ion by nitrate and nitrite in sulfuric acid. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 62 p. (T E20961)
Kullanart Tongkhao. Comparison of mutagenic and antimutagenic activities between the extract of
processed and raw Gracilaria sp.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E20029)
Le, Hong Dung. In vitro antimutagenic studies of some sticky rice cooked with ivy gourd leaves,
Momordica cochinchinensis and pumpkin fruits, mungbean and black bean seed. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 75 p. (T E17107)
Linna Tongyonk. Mutagenicity modification of oolong tea on nitrite treated filtrate of five-spice seasoned
pork : studies on precursor formed during cooking and on mutagenic product in acid solution using
ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 161 p. (T E17170)
Naiyana Thongsaeng. Effect of young leaves obtained from Vigna radiata, Vigna umbellata and Vigna
unguiculata seeds on the mutagenicity of nitrite treated aminopyrene. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 95 p. (T E12485)
Nantawan Wongwongsri. Effect of vegetable eating on the levels of nitrate and nitrite in urine and saliva.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 175 p. (T E14713)
Nattha Pattanakul. Comparison and prevention on mutagenicity presented after nitrite treatment between
Chicken soup prepared in the presence and absence of Chinese herb recipes. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 77 p. (T E21050)
Nattinee Jitnarin. Nutritive evaluation and mutagenic modification activity of dietary seaweeds. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 109 p. (T E15005)
Nisita Komsakorn. Effect of some vegetable extracts on mutagenicity of nitrite treated standard mutagen
and beef extract using Ames test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 93 p. (T E35099)
Oranuch Wongwattanasathien. Assessment of the mutagenicity of instant noodles and their seasonings,
using Ames test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 91 p. (T E16976)
Orathai Toobuntherng. Mutagenicity of anabolic-androgenic drugs after nitrite treatment and effect of
drugs on mutagenicity of aminopyrene (AP)-nitrite model : studies on the formation of direct
mutagens during 4H AP-nitrite incubation and on the mutagenic product of 4H AP-nitrite reaction.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 98 p. (T E15168)
Orawan Srimuangboon. Antimutagenic potential of methanol extract from soybean tempe on the
mutagenicity of nitrite treated aminopyrene in ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 111
p. (T E16283)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 169]
Nitrites (ตอ)
Orawan Tue-ngeun. Development of flow injection analysis systems for the determination of phosphate
nitrite nitrate chromium and calcium. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 129 p. (T E11346)
Pornphan Wuthikornwanit. Nitrite scavenging activity and antiformation of mutagens from aminopyrene
treated with nitrite by polysaccharides currently used in food industries. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 106 p. (T E11297)
Pranee Kiatsurayanont. Mutagenic and antimutagenic potential of monosodium glutamate production
waste (Bx liquid) treated with nitrite in the ames test and the wing spot test using Drosophila
melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 173 p. (T E15186)
Prapaporn Savaraj. Effect of cooking processes on the level of nitrate and nitrite in vegetables. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 75 p. (T E13227)
Prapasri Laohavechvanich. Nitrite scavengina activity of fibers derived from fruits and vegetables and their
antimulagen formation of aminopyrene and nitrite in simulated gastric condition using ames test.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 99 p. (T E8521)
Ratchadaporn Potiyun. Utilization of lignite fly ash as a substitute for lime materials and ammonia & nitrite
reduction in shrimp pond water. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 75 p. (T E23844)
Renu Chongmankongcheep. Effects of Maillard Reaction Products (MRPs) on mutagenicity of nitriteaminopyrene reaction product : studies on formation of mutagen and on final product. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 94 p. (T E13413)
Rossukon Tongsri-on. Nitrate and nitrite contents in organic, hygienic and conventional Chinese kale.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 117 p. (T E24048)
Siriyakorn Onbunma. Mutagenicity of different juices of meat boiled with herbs treated with nitrite.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17056)
Sukanya Eksakulkla. Effect of short term exercise on serum nitrite/nitrate concentration in postmenopausal
women. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 73 p. (T E22593)
Sunisa Daengniam. Antiformation of toxic compound by some antioxidants : matagenicity of 1aminopyrene treated with nitrite and occurrence of n-nitrosomorpholine. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 102 p. (T E9358)
Suphaphan Soiphet. Mutagenicity of 4-hexylresorcinol and its modification effects on other mutagens in
two shorts term assays. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 132 p. (T E14729)
Vasana Jitima. Hazard of beverages interacted with nitrite in the present of vitamin C : direct mutagenic
potential and nitroso compound formation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 111 p. (T
Wanlop Benjachokchai. Nitrates and nitrites in tightly closed container fruit juice available in Thailand and
their daily intake. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17605)
Warin Sangkitikomol. Comparison of the exposure to nitrate, nitrite and volatile N-nitroso compounds of
valunteers with and without opisthorchiasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (116
fr.). (T MF19991)
Wuttichai Kattubtim. Mutagenic potential of organophosphate insecticides treated with nitrite in and acid
solution using ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 77 p. (T E14491)
Poonsakdi Ploypradith. Nitroalkenes and their applications in organic synthesis and total synthesis of
natural products. Bangkok : Chulabhorn Research Institute, 2003. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R
Paweena Ekkaphan. Quantitative analysis of marker dyes from cardanol and nitro aniline in diesel using
high performance liquid chromatography. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 73 p. (T
Noparat Promthep. Synthesis of novel neuroprotective compounds : the dual inhibitors of nitric oxide
synthesis and lipid peroxidation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 181 p. (T E24637)
Ladaporn Khunikakorn. Oxidation of aniline and nitrobenzene in fluidized-bed fenton process. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 141 p. (T E35999)
Nara Toyam. Competitive degradation behavior between aniline and nitrobenzene in fenton process.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 76 p. (T E30214)
Somboon Chintitanun. Oxidation of nitrobenzene by fluidized-bed fenton process in the presence of
chloride ions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 124 p. (T E39857)
Aimon Treewisessorn. Effects of major components on the properties of cellulose nitrate-typed nail
enamel. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 159 p. (T E42855)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 170]
Amnuaysilpa Suksri. Effects of varying planting distances, nitrogen and potassium rate on growth, yield
and fodder qualities of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench] grown on Yasothon soil series. Khon
Kaen : Faculty of Agriculture Khon Kaen University, 2001. 45 p. (R E19574)
Warawut Tiyapongpattana. Gas chromatographic methods for analyses of nitrofuran in animal tissue and
fatty acid methyl esters in biodiesel. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 174 p. (T E40308)
Amnart Chinchest. The effects of water regimes and nitrogen rates on nitrogen uptake and growth of rice
varieties. Cornell : Cornell University, 1981. 204 p. (T E22544)
Apichat Suratanee. Simulation and visualization of soybean growth affected by different amount of
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 57 p. (T E23138)
Aung Moe Myo Tint. Sugarcane yield response to water and nitrogen management system. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2002. 147 p. (T E19293)
Chairoj Wongwiwatchai. Effects of nitrogen and potassium on growth, yield and soluble carbohydrate
content of cassava = อิทธิพลของไนโตรเจนและโปตัสเซียมที่มีตอการเจริญเติบโต ผลผลิต และปริมาณคาร
บอไฮเดรทของมันสําปะหลัง. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1985. 2 microfiches (113 fr.). (T
Chanan Phonprapai. Effect of rapeseed oil on the nitrogen balance of laboratory and pilot-scale
fermentations of Saccharopolyspora erythraea. London : University of London, 2002. 292 p. (T
Chatchai Srinitiwarawong. Magnetic properties of Smn Com Nx from hysteresis graph. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 79 p. (T E10787)
Duangrath Sareephawong. Medium improvement for biomass production of Pediococcus pentosaceus
BT520. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 142 p. (T E17080)
Hamman, Bryan Roderick. Nitrogen dynamics during rice culture using Sesbania rostrata as green manure
in Northeast Thailand. Edmonton, Alberta : University of Alberta, 1991. 96 p. (T E5984)
Ishida, Hiroshi. Behavior of nitrogen in the upland soils in Thailand. [S.l.] : Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries, 1980. 32 p. (R E858)
Jaroon Junsomboon. Development of electroanalysis incorporating flow systems for determinations of
arsenic phosphorus and nitrogen species and chloride cadmium copper lead and zinc ions. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2009. 223 p. (T E42071)
Kamoltip Promnares. Regulation of phycobilisomes expression of Spirulina platensis C1 by nitrogen
deprivation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 112 p. (T E18813)
Mayadi, Lalu. Nitrogen budget in sea bass (Lates calcarifer Bloch) culture with different level protein diets.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 63 p. (T E21904)
Mengesha, Yihenew G.Selassie. Modeling of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer recommendations for maize
(Zea mays L.) grown on alfisols of northwestern Ethiopia. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004.
217 p. (T E38667)
Mohammed, Tesfaye Ertebo. Influence of soil moisture content, soil texture and quantity of plant residues
applied to soil on nitrogen mineralization. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 94 p. (T E27879)
Narin Ruangpanit. Evaluation of seed storage protein profile of high protein soybeans influencing by
nitrogen and sulfur supply. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 84 p. (T E26630)
Nataya Pariyaprasirt. Gaseous fuels storage on adsorbents part I : ethane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1995. 41 p. (T E9417)
National Research Council of Thailand. Ecology of nitrogen economy in tropical and temperate paddy soil
as affecting the efficient use of lowland soil : agriculture production section NRCT-JSPS cooperative
research project. Bangkok : NRC, 1981. 37 leaves. (R E1021)
Patma Vityakon. Nitrogen and phosphorus availability as influenced by litter of various agroforestry trees
of northeast Thailand : relationship to litter quality. Khon Kaen : Department of Land Resources
and Environment, Khon Kaen University, 2002. 23 p. (R E18700)
Pawinee Klangtakai. Optical and structural characterization of GaAsN thin film and GaAsN/GaAs
multiquantum well with high nitrogen concentration grown by MOVPE. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 80 p. (T E38631)
Ponlakit Jitto. A study of acid deposition in the central region of Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 189 p. (T E25081)
Pornlert yoovatana. Ratoonability of selected rice genotypes as affected by nitrogen management of the
main crop. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1993. xxx, 163 p. (T E6097)
Prateep Krasaesindhu. Nitrogen, potassium, and calcium nutrition effects on ion and dry matter
accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Lexington : University of Kentucky, 1975. 142 p. (T E22546)
Putth Songsangjinda. The role of suspended oyster culture on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in
Hiroshima Bay. Hiroshima : Hiroshima University, 1998. 133 p. (T E11927)
Ratiporn Haruenkit. The use of waste water from tapioca starch industry as a growth medium for nitrogen
fixing bacteria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (120 เฟรม). (T MF09643)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 171]
Nitrogen (ตอ)
Saowakon Hemwong. Effect of sugarcane residue management methods on growth and yield of
groundnut and soybean followed by the residual nitrogen effect of these legumes on growth and
yield of succeeding sugarcane. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2008. 165 p. (T E41959)
Songkiat Visuttipitakul. Accumulation of residual soil nitrogen and its relation to yield and nitrogen content
of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in the lockyer valley. [S.l.] : University of Queensland, 1976. 111 p. (T
Songsak Chumpawadee. Synchronizing the rate of degradation of dietary energy and nitrogen release in
Brahman-native crossbred beef cattle ration. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2006. 299 p. (T
Suparb Paramee. Estimation of regional biogeochemical fluxes of nitrogen in the Chao Phraya river basin.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 250 p. (T E23002)
Tanuwong Sangtiean. Nitrogen source utilisation of ectomycorrhizal fungi, myrtaceous host plants and
cluster rooted Hakca from subtropical Australian plant communities. Brisbane : University of
Queensland, 1999. 153 p. (T E19131)
Vithaya Suriyapananont. Nitrogen requirements for container-grown schefflera (Schefflera actinophylla
Harms) in Bank growth mix. Mississippi : Mississippi State University, 1979. 93 p. (T E22398)
ไตรเทพ วิชยโกวิทเทน. การดูดซับสารประกอบไนโตรเจนในรูปธาตุอาหารในน้ําของหญาทะเล (Enhalus acoroides)
= Absorption of nitrogen compounds as nutrient in water by seagrass (Enhalus acoroides). ชลบุรี :
สถานีวิจัยประมงศรีราชา สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาแหงมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, [2542]. 1 เลม (ไมปรากฏเลข
หนา). (ว 100867)
Nitrogen compounds
Apichart Srisirikulwattana. Effects of nitrogen compounds on catalytic reforming of n-hexane. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 121 p. (T E10557)
Jirdsak Tscheikuna. Influence of nitrogen compounds on hydrogenation of Benzene. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 64 p. (R E9365)
Jumras Limtrakul. H-bond affinities of some nitrogen heterocycles. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1991. 7
p. (R E8786)
Kanchana Watla-iad. Spectrophotometric sequential injection systems for the determination of some
nitrogen compounds. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 139 p. (T E39359)
Narisara Intrachandra. Effects of nitrogen compounds on hydrogenation of benzene using raney nickel
catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xi, 88 p. (T E6809)
Simorn May. An investigation of wet deposition of nitrogen compounds associated with rainfall in Phnom
Penh, Cambodia. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 106 p. (T
Sutida Chantalaka. Influence of nitrogen compounds on hydrodesulfurization of thiophene. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xi, 95 p. (T E6838)
Wanlop Benjachokchai. Nitrates and nitrites in tightly closed container fruit juice available in Thailand and
their daily intake. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17605)
Weeraya Lertwanitch. Identification of a nitrogen-containing compound in flowers of Aglaia odorata Lour.
and synthesis of 1-methyl-2-piperidone derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xx,
165 p. (T E7383)
Nitrogen cycle
Uehara, Yoichi. Improvement of soil fertility through nitrogen cycle in upland soil of Thailand. Bangkok :
Department of Agriculture, 1985. 195 leaves. (R E2409)
Nitrogen dioxide
Apaphan Silprasert. An evaluation of UK-ADMS model for a prediction of NO2 concentration over Map Ta
Phut area. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 96 p. (R E13474)
Shakya, Kabindra Man. Passive sampling of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide in ambient air. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 81 p. (T E24907)
Susira Bootdee. Application of air passive sampler test kit for monitoring of nitrogen dioxide levels in
Chiang Mai province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2009. 121 p. (T E42075)
Wacharapol Boonsiri. A prediction of ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration over Map Ta Phut
area. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 231 p. (R E13460)
Warangkhana Khaodee. Development of passive samplers for determination of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur
dioxide and ozone in ambient air. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 169 p. (T E35149)
Woraphan Puchanyaporn. Development of empirical modeling for nitrogen dioxide prediction in Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 147 p. (T E35746)
Nitrogen dioxide test kit
Patsaporn Chalermrom. Development of test kit for determination of nitrogen dioxide in ambient air using
passive sampling technique. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 86 p. (T E41395)
Nitrogen fertilizers
Dinh, Tran Thi. Nitrogen fertilizer management for soybean in oxisol. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
1997. 102 p. (T E12288)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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[หนา 172]
Nitrogen fertilizers (ตอ)
Gan, Yinbo. Nitrogen fertilizer management in vegetable soybeans. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
1993. xii, 113 p. (T E7799)
Gan, Yinbo. Nitrogen fertilizer management in vegetable soybeans. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
1993. xii, 113 p. (T E7977)
Manas Sanmaneechai. Nitrogen fertilization in sequential cropping. Pullman : Washington State University,
1980. 131 p. (T E40556)
Nualchavee Roongtanakiat. The behaviour of ammonium, nitrate and urea fertilizers applied to soils of
different pH values for corn as indicated by 15N. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (xxix), 184
p. (T E7619)
Nuanchan Eaimpraphan. Effect of mixed nitrogen fertilizer on carbon sequestration of some photoinsensitive rice varieties in paddy field, Pathum Thani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007.
141 p. (T E36776)
Somchit Opastrakul. Effect of genotype, nitrogen fertilizer rate and time of drainage on yield, milling
quality and economic returns of rice production. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 132 p.
(T E10155)
Suriya Sarnkhuankaew. Response of three varieties of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) to
varying rates of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation frequencies in northern Thailand. Munoz, Nueva
Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1992. xvii, 168 p. (T E6282)
Xiagming, Fan. Grain yield assessment of quality protein maize in different environments using a modeling
approach. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 144 p. (T E9608)
ประพฤติ พรหมสมบูรณ. อิทธิพลของเชื้อไรโซเบียมและอัตราปุยไนโตรเจนตอการเจริญเติบโตและการตรึงไนโตรเจน
ของถั่วเขียว พันธุกําแพงแสน 1 = Effects of rhizobium inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer rates on
growth and nitrogen fixation of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) wilczek ; var. Kamphaengsaen I).
[ชลบุรี : คณะเกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล], 2540. 80 หนา. (ว 100616 ฉ.1; 103071
Nitrogen fertilizers--Chiang Mai
Budsara Limnirankul. Assessing nitrogen fertilizer management for red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
in highland. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 102 p. (T E11749)
Nitrogen fertilizers--Control
P. Pannangpetch. Model of N allocation and synthesis of dry matter. [S.l. : s.n.], [19--]. 87 p. (R E9146)
Nitrogen fertilizers--Vietnam
Tran, Thi Thu Ha. Nitrogen fixation of soybean as affected by nitrogen fertilizer application at different
growth stages in Central Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 84 p. (T E12729)
Nitrogen fixation
Boontariga Wongwaitayakul. Purification and characterization of glutamine synthetase in klebsiella spp.
r15. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1988. xiii, 87 p. (T E6955)
จารุรัตน เอี่ยมศิริ. การคัดเลือกแบคทีเรียตรึงไนโตรเจนบนผิวใบขาว = Selection of nitrogen fixing bacteria on rice
phyllosphere. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 111 หนา. (วพ 104569)
บุญฤทธิ์ สินคางาม. บทบาทของเชื้อแบคทีเรียตรึงไนโตรเจนและสารควบคุมการเจริญเติบโตของพืชตอหญาแฝก =
Effect of associative nitrogen fixing bacteria and plant growth regulators on vetiver grass. เชียงใหม
: มหาวิทยาลัยแมโจ, 2542. 140 หนา. (วพ 99333)
Nitrogen fixation genes
Duangporn Emampaiwong. Development of primers for identification of fast- or slow- growing bacteria
isolated from soybean root nodules. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 90 p. (T E35888)
Nitrogen heterocycles
Vanida Choomuenwai. The ritter reaction of some nitrogen heterocycles. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 220 p. (T E20045)
Nitrogen impurity
Chittra Kedkaew. Charaetcrization of natural diamond based on ESR spectroscopy. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 84 p. (T E42263)
Nitrogen in agriculture
Adhikary, Bishnu Hari. Enhancing effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on Azolla (Azolla microphylla) in rice
production in acid sulphate soil. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 157 p. (T E11348)
Nitrogen in agriculture--Vietnam
Tran, Thi Thu Ha. Nitrogen fixation of soybean as affected by nitrogen fertilizer application at different
growth stages in Central Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 84 p. (T E12729)
Nitrogen mass
Vikanda Thongnuckhang. Nitrogen removal from concentrated latex wastewater by land treatment.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 110 p. (T E23476)
Nitrogen monooxide
Woraratana Pattaraprakorn. Cu ion-exchanged copper aluminosilicate catalysts for nitric oxide removal
under excess oxygen atmosphere. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 137 p. (T E19550)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 173]
Nitrogen monoxide
Janthawan Pincharoenthaworn. Effects of hydrocarbons on the performance of Cu/Na-MFI catalyst for NOx
removal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 128 p. (T E19534)
Nitrogen oxides
Chatchai Kunyawut. Reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia on cation-exchanged zeolite catalysts.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. x, 93 p. (T E7624)
Sirinkan Isarangura na ayutthaya. Roles of NOx on the formation and the removal of an intermediate of
the NOx reduction by hydrocarbons on zeolite catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000.
98 p. (T E16689)
Nitrogen rato
Parinya Noomnual. Factors affecting treatment efficiency and growth of Chlorella sp. in treated septage.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 150 p. (T E20175)
Boontariga Wongwaitayakul. Purification and characterization of glutamine synthetase in klebsiella spp.
r15. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1988. xiii, 87 p. (T E6955)
Chanikarn Koomnok. Diazotroph endophytic bacteria in cultivated and wild rice in Thailand. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2006. 161 p. (T E35250)
Chetsadaporn Pitaksutheepong. Association effect of nitrogen-fixing klebsiella sp. and rice on rice lectin.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xiii, 76 p. (T E6844)
Fuglie, Keith. The performance of biological nitrogen fixation technology in the tropics : evidence from
northeast Thailand. Minnesota : University of Minnesota, 1988. 49 p. (R E13050)
Malee Saeguay. Nitrogen fixation and ammonium assimilation in rice inoculated with Klebsiella oxytoca
R15. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 87 p. (T E8491)
Netnaphis Chinanonwait. Homology of nod genes in associative nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 107 p. (T E8504)
Patcharee Jearanaikoon. Selection and characterization of salt-tolerant strains of Rhizobium phaseoli = การ
คัดเลือกสายพันธุและการศึกษาคุณสมบัติของ Rhizobium phaseoli ที่ทนเค็ม. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1985. 2 microfiches (119 fr.). (T MF20028)
Patcharin Tanya. Locating SSR marker linking to QTLs association with N2 fixation components in soybean.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 85 p. (T E34102)
Sawaeng Ruaysoongnern. Nitrogen fixation of leguminous trees and nutrient cycling under agroforestry
system of the northeast. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, [2000]. 6 p. (R
Sawaeng Ruaysoongnern. Nutrient cycling of leguminous tree species through litter fall I. Nitrogen fixation
of leguminous tree species in the Northeast of Thailand. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Agriculture, Khon
Kaen University, [1998]. 7 p. (R E13176)
Sawai Pongkao. Effect of juvenile leaf removal on symbiotic N fixation and yield of Mungbean (Vigna
radiata (L.) wilezek). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1994. vol. (R E8753)
Siras Sulanchupakorn. Expression of nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes in 6 strains of Bradyrhizobium
japonicum under different temperatures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 56 p. (T
Somchoke Kala. Selection of TnAraOut mutants from nitrogen-fixing and heat tolerant Sinorhizobium fredii
S174. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 86 p. (T E27729)
Sudsiri Katatikorn. Effects of neem seed kernel extract on bradyrhizobium species cultures and on
Bradyrhizobium species nitrogen firation and nodulation of yard-long bean (Vigna sinensis Var.
Sesquipendalis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 73 p. (T E13719)
Suwanna Suthisukon. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of nitrogen-fixing bacteria
associated with rice (Oryza sativa L.). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xiii, 82 p. (T
Tran, Thi Thu Ha. Nitrogen fixation of soybean as affected by nitrogen fertilizer application at different
growth stages in Central Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 84 p. (T E12729)
Wang Guofa. Evaluation of soybean in saturated soil culture related to its adaptation and nitrogen fixation
= การปรับตัวและการตรึงไนโตรเจนในถั่วเหลืองปลูกในสภาพดินอมน้ํา. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 1990. 2 microfoches (114 fr.). (T MF20504)
ประทีป เอี๊ยบเจริญ. อิทธิพลของการใสเชื้อแบคทีเรียตรึงไนโตรเจน ตอการเจริญเติบโตของหญาแฝก = Effect of
associative nitrogen fixing bacteria inoculation on the growth of vetiver grass. เชียงใหม :
มหาวิทยาลัยแมโจ, 2542. 148 หนา. (วพ 99622)
ประพฤติ พรหมสมบูรณ. อิทธิพลของเชื้อไรโซเบียมและอัตราปุยไนโตรเจนตอการเจริญเติบโตและการตรึงไนโตรเจน
ของถั่วเขียว พันธุกําแพงแสน 1 = Effects of rhizobium inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer rates on
growth and nitrogen fixation of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) wilczek ; var. Kamphaengsaen I).
[ชลบุรี : คณะเกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล], 2540. 80 หนา. (ว 100616 ฉ.1; 103071
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 174]
Mothinee Aopreeya. Removal of total nitrogen and phosphorus in shrimp farm effluent by burned blood
cockle shell. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 91 p. (T E40322)
Weeraya Lertwanitch. Identification of a nitrogen-containing compound in flowers of Aglaia odorata Lour.
and synthesis of 1-methyl-2-piperidone derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xx,
165 p. (T E7383)
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Sompong Meunchang. Utilization of sugar mill by-products, N2-fixing bacteria and rhizobacteria in plant
production. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 152 p. (T E23034)
Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms
Ladda Saengduan. A comparative study of glotamine synthetase in free-living Klebsiella R15 and in
Klebsiella R15 associated with rhizosphere of rice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 74 p.
(T E8572)
Nitrogen-fixing plants
Poontariga Harinasut. Isolation and characterization of some nitrogen fixing aerobic diaz trophic bacteria
from rice rhizosphere. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1981. 2 แผน (114 เฟรม). (T MF09067)
Somporn Choonluchanon. Preservation of azolla-anabaena symbiotic system as nitrogen fixing biofertilizer
in Thai paddy fields. Fukuoka : Kyushu University, 1995. 163 p. (T E10380)
Piengporn Loratsachan. Performance comparison between cobalt aluminosilicate and cobalt ion-exchanged
MFI catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogenmonoxide with methane in the presence of
excess oxygen. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 151 p. (T E12843)
Nitrogenous compounds
Ongart Pipitharome. Determination of nitrogenous compounds in common cold medicines by capillary
electrophoresis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 177 p. (T E20032)
Siriporn Chattipakorn. Effect of nitroglycerin on the animal model of temporomandibular pain. Chiang Mai :
Department of Odontology and Oral Pathology Chiang Mai University, 2007. 24 p. (R E36998)
Thiraporn Anuntasethakul. Hyposerotonin-induced nitric oxide supersensitivity of trigeminovascular system
in rat : a hypothetic mechanism of migraine pathogenesis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1998. 238 p. (T E13794)
Chalermchai Ruangchainikom. Regeneration of 4-nitrophenol-adsorbed activated carbon by Fenton's
reagent. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 75 p. (T E21955)
Subuntith Makekhayai. Biodegradation of methyl parathion, p-Nitrophenol and p-Aminophenol under
anoxic conditions. New Jersey : University of New Jersey, 2000. 162 p. (T E16246)
Pradit Tungskul. Genotoxicity of five nitrosamines and their inhibition by moist snuff extract in the
drosophila wing spot assay. Illinois : Illinois State University, 1993. ix, 165 p. (T E6056)
Nitrosated products
Morakot Papassiripan. Mutagenicity of chicken soup, onion chicken soup and their nitrosated products
using the somatic mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 78 p. (T
Morakot Papassiripan. Mutagenicity of chicken soup, onion chicken soup and their nitrosated products
using the somatic mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 78 p. (T
Pannee Hankimhun. Mutagenic potential of raw and pickled fruits and vegetables treated with nitrite.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 59 p. (T E11536)
Ratiya Charoensakdi. Mutagenic potential of Thai fermented soy bean products and their nitrosated
products. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. x, 102 p. (T E7124)
Somchai Pinlaor. Oxidative and nitrosative DNA damage in hamsters infected with Opisthorchis viverrini
during acute, chronic and re-infection. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 121 p. (T E23433)
Suppakit Wattanasillapapreecha. A study of antimutagenic and antineoplastic effects of processed and
non-processed teas in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 102 p. (T E12482)
Somchai Pinlaor. Oxidative and nitrosative DNA damage in hamsters infected with Opisthorchis viverrini
during acute, chronic and re-infection. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 62 p. (R E24082)
Nitroso compounds
Kanocvan Manoonphol. Direct mutagenic potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) treated with
nitrite in simulated gastric condition : comparison between authentic PAHs and PAH-containing
fraction derived from smoked and charcoal-broited foods using ames assay. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1994. 108 p. (T E8526)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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เลมที่ 39 : Monte carlo--Simulation methods - Potassium chlorate
[หนา 175]
Nitroso compounds (ตอ)
Naranin Markman. Trypsin inhibiting effect and possible formation of nitroso compound of conventional
Thai mushrooms. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xi, 106 p. (T E8247)
Pensri Pipatchollatee. Determination of volatile N-nitrosamines in industrial air. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1989. xvii, 106 p. (T E6608)
Vasana Jitima. Hazard of beverages interacted with nitrite in the present of vitamin C : direct mutagenic
potential and nitroso compound formation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 111 p. (T
Warin Sangkitikomol. Comparison of the exposure to nitrate, nitrite and volatile N-nitroso compounds of
valunteers with and without opisthorchiasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (116
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Nitrous oxide
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NK cells
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NMR imaging systems
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NMR titration
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No confidence debates
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No smoking tobacco
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No-confidence debate
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No-tillage cultivation
ชัยสิทธิ์ อินทรไพบูลย. การศึกษาการปลู

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