Revision - 00 เล่มที่ 32/37
Revision - 00 เล่มที่ 32/37
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32/37 คําคน : Chiefs of Health Centers English language--Written English หองสมุดงานวิจัย ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32/37 คําคน : Chiefs of Health Centers English language--Written English หองสมุดงานวิจย ั บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 [หนา ii] บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 บรรณานุกรมงานวิจัยเลม 194,903 ระเบียน ภายใตแตละคําสําคัญและหัวเรื่อง 182,394 ชื่อ และทําเนียบผูนิพนธ จัดทําเพื่อ เผยแพรการมีองคความรูงานวิจัยของประเทศ และเกียรติคุณของผูนิพนธ จัดทําโดย --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ 196 ถนนพหลโยธิน เขตจตุจักร กรุงเทพมหานคร 10900 โทร 0 2561 2445 ตอ 468 โทรสาร 0 2579 3402 หองสมุดงานวิจัย โทร 0 2561 2445 ตอ 478 หองสมุดงานวิจัย ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจยั แหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 [หนา iii] คํานํา หองสมุดงานวิจัย สวนหนึ่งของศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย ในสํานักงาน คณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ เปนศูนยกลางของประเทศในการรวบรวมรายงานวิจัย และวิทยานิพนธไทย เผยแพรอางอิงในหองสมุดงานวิจัย สืบคนไดภายใน หองสมุดงานวิจัยและผานอินเตอรเน็ต หองสมุดงานวิจัยไดจัดทําบรรณานุกรม รายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธแบบ eBook เผยแพร เพื่อกระจายการเขาถึงการมี องคความรูงานวิจัยของประเทศ บรรณานุกรมถูกจัดทําตามคําคนทั้งหมดและ เรียงตามตัวอักษร สืบคนไดงาย ละเอียด รวดเร็ว เขาถึงการมีขอมูลทั้งหมด และ สืบคนงานวิจัยไดจากคอมพิวเตอรของตนเองโดยไมตองติดตอเขาระบบงาน ฐานขอมูล บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 ถูกจัดทําและเผยแพร ตามรอบปงบประมาณ ครอบคลุมตัวเลมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธที่อางอิงใน หองสมุดงานวิจัย 194,903 ระเบียน (01 เม.ย. 52) แบงเปนรายงานวิจัย 58,973 ระเบียน และวิทยานิพนธ 135,930 ระเบียน เรียงบรรณานุกรมภายใตคําคน จัดเรียงคําคนตามลําดับอักษร รวมคําคนทั้งหมด 182,394 ชื่อ จัดทํา eBook ไว แบบ PDF เพื่อความสะดวกในการอาน และแบบ XML เพือคนหาและคัดลอกได รวมบรรณานุกรมทั้งหมด 25,566 หนา แบงเปน 37 เลม คําคนทั้งหมดในบรรณานุกรมเลม ประกอบดวยหัวเรื่อง (subject heading) และคําสําคัญ (keyword) ถูกแยกออกมารวมเปนเลมดัชนีคําคน การที่ ผูสืบคนจะพบรายงานวิจัยที่ตองการได หมายถึงตองคิดคําคนสําหรับหนังสือเลม นั้นไดตรงกับที่บรรณารักษบันทึกไว หองสมุดงานวิจัยไดจัดทํา eBook รวมคําคน ทั้งหมดเพื่อชวยในการตรวจเลือกชื่อคําคน แตละคําคนกํากับไวดวยเลขเลมและ เลขหนาของเลมบรรณานุกรมที่แสดงรายละเอียดบรรณานุกรมของคําคนนั้น หรือ นําคําคนไปสืบคนในระบบงานฐานขอมูลเพื่อคนหาขอมูลบรรณานุกรมลาสุด สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ ขอขอบคุณหนวยงานวิจัย หนวยงานวิชาการ และนักวิจัย ที่ไดอนุเคราะหสงรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธมา เผยแพรในหองสมุดงานวิจัย ทําใหหองสมุดงานวิจัยเปนศูนยกลางอางอิง และ สืบคนการมีองคความรูงานวิจัยของประเทศ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและ วิทยานิพนธนี้ นอกจากเปนที่รวมการสืบคนองคความรูงานวิจัย ยังรวมและแสดง รายชื่อหนวยงานวิจัยและนักวิจัย ผูรวมสรางองคความรูงานวิจัยของประเทศ ให ปรากฏเปนเกียรติคุณทั่วกัน สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ หองสมุดงานวิจัย > Download บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 > หองสมุดงานวิจัย ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจยั แหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 [หนา iv] ตารางบรรณานุกรมเลม แบงตามลําดับอักษรของดัชนีคําคน เลม 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 คําคนแรก ก. สุรางคนางค [นามแฝง] การกําหนดชวงโทษ การถดถอยเชิงเสนอยางงาย การเปดเผยความลับ การเรียน--การตัดสินใจ การศึกษาขั้นมัธยม--ไทย [เขตการศึกษา 4] การหางาน ของไหล ครูประถมศึกษา--กรุงเทพฯ--การฝกอบรม ความสัมพันธในครอบครัว--กรุงเทพฯ แคลคูลัส--การศึกษาและการสอน เจาหนี้--กรุงเทพฯ ดัชนีราคาหุน ทฤษฎีสัดสวนปจจัยการผลิต ธุรกิจนําเที่ยว--เชียงใหม น้ํา--กฎหมายและระเบียบขอบังคับ บัณฑิต--การศึกษาตอ ปญญา--แผนผัง ผูนํานักศึกษา--กิจกรรมทางการเมือง พระราชบัญญัติองคการบริหารสวนตําบล ภาพแบบราสเตอร มะมวงน้ําดอกไม--การขยายพันธุ ระบบคนหาคํา โรงงานสิ่งทอ ลิขสิทธิ์--โปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร วิปสสนา สถาบันอุดมศึกษาเอกชน--กรุงเทพฯ--แงสิ่งแวดลอม สารอินทรีย--การกําจัด หลักสูตร--การฝกอบรม--การติดตามผล อารมณ--แบบทดสอบ Abused children Chiefs of Health Centers English language--Written English--Error analysis In flight particle National park management Reactive processing Tissue typing antisera - คําคนสุดทาย การกําหนดชนิดพันธุ การถดถอยเชิงเสนพหุคูณ การเปดเผยขอมูลสวนบุคคล การเรียน การศึกษาขั้นมัธยม--ไทย [เขตการศึกษา 3] การหาคู ของเหลือใช ครูประถมศึกษา--กรุงเทพฯ ความสัมพันธในครอบครัว แคลคูลัส เจาหนี้ ดัชนีราคาหลักทรัพย--อัตราผลตอบแทน ทฤษฎีสัญญาณ [โทรคมนาคม] ธุรกิจนําเที่ยว น้ํา บัณฑิต--การผลิต--คาใชจาย ปญญา--แบบทดสอบ ผูนํานักศึกษา พระราชบัญญัติองคการบริหารสวนจังหวัด พ.ศ.2540 ภาพแบบฉบับ มะมวงน้ําดอกไม--การเก็บและรักษา ระบบคนคืนสารสนเทศ โรงงานสารเคลือบเซรามิกส ลิขสิทธิ์--ดนตรี วิปลาส สถาบันอุดมศึกษาเอกชน--กรุงเทพฯ สารอินทรีย หลักสูตร--การประเมิน อารมณ--ขอมูล Abuse Chief of health centers English language--Written English IMT-GT National Occupation Skills Standards Reactive power [Electrical engineering] Tissue plasminogen activator [N-hydroxymethyl]-2-propylpentamide รวม หองสมุดงานวิจัย ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจยั แหงชาติ หนา 700 700 700 705 702 700 700 708 701 700 700 700 701 700 706 701 704 702 700 705 700 700 700 700 700 700 701 704 701 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 325 25,566 คําคน 5,184 4,042 3,351 3,271 2,288 2,291 3,959 4,128 2,528 4,759 5,994 4,850 4,950 4,647 3,501 4,732 4,929 4,064 4,294 4,444 4,200 5,074 5,333 5,288 4,968 5,778 4,695 4,918 5,345 4,804 7,472 7,408 7,322 8,012 7,645 8,067 3,859 182,394 บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 [หนา v] คําอธิบาย บรรณานุกรมเลม แบงการจัดภายในเลมออกเปนสองสวน สวนแรกเปนดัชนีคําคน รวบรวมคําคนทั้งหมดของเลมนั้นไวดานหนาของเลมเพื่อการตรวจเลือกคําคนไดรวดเร็ว ทายแตละคําคนเปนเลขเลมและเลขหนาของบรรณานุกรมในเลมนั้น เชน “การมีคุณคาในตนเอง...04-334” หมายถึง คําคน การมีคุณคาในตนเอง บรรณานุกรมเลมที่ 04 หนาที่ 334 ของเลม 04 หนาดัชนีคําคน ระบุเลมที่ และหนาของดัชนีคําคนดวยเลขหนาเฉพาะที่ดานบน เชน “................ เลมที่ 02 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x5]” หมายถึง หนาที่ 5 ของดัชนีคําคนของบรรณานุกรม เลมที่ 02 กรณีเปน eBook จะเปนหนาที่ x5 ของ Acrobat pdf ของบรรณานุกรมเลม 02 สามารถใสเลขหนา “x5” เพื่อไปสั่งใหไปที่หนาดัชนีคําคน หนาที่ 5 ได สวนที่สองเปนบรรณานุกรม เรียงคําคนตามลําดับอักษร และรายการบรรณานุกรมของคําคนนั้น หนาของสวนบรรณานุกรม ระบุหนาดวย คําคนแรก - คําคนสุดทาย ของเลม และเลขหนา เชน “บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 เลมที่ 04 การฝกอบรม--การบริหาร - การเลือกตั้ง--เชียงใหม [หนา 187]” หมายถึง สวนบรรณานุกรม เลมที่ 04 คําคนแรกในเลม 04 การฝกอบรม--การบริหาร คําคนสุดทายในเลม 04 การเลือกตั้ง--เชียงใหม หนาที่ 187 ของบรรณานุกรม ของเลม 04 ถาเปน eBook จะเปนหนา 187 ของ Acrobat pdf ของบรรณานุกรมเลม 04 สามารถใสเลขหนา “187” เพื่อไปสั่งใหไปที่หนาบรรณานุกรมเลม หนาที่ 187 ได รวมดัชนีคําคน นําดัชนีคําคนของบรรณานุกรมเลมทุกเลมมารวมกันเปนเลมเดียว จัดทําเพื่อใชคนหาและเลือกคําคนที่ตองการจากคําคนที่มีทั้งหมดไดสะดวก แบบจัดพิมพเปนเลม เพื่อการใชงานภายในหองสมุดงานวิจัย แบงออกเปน 2 ตอน (เลม) เลมละประมาณ 750 หนา ตอน 1 รวมคําคนในบรรณานุกรมเลม 01 - 22 ตอน 2 รวมคําคนในบรรณานุกรมเลม 23 – 37 แบบ eBook รวมคําคนทั้งหมดเปนเลมเดียว ประมาณ 1,500 หนา หองสมุดงานวิจัย ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจยั แหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x1] Chiefs of Health Centers...32-1 Chiefs of health centers...32-1 Chiefs of Police Stations...32-1 Chien Jaune...32-1 Chiggers [Mites] as carriers of disease...32-1 Child abuse...32-1 Child abuse problems...32-1 Child abuse--Reporting...32-1 Child activities...32-1 Child behavior...32-1 Child Care...32-1 Child care...32-1 Child care centers...32-2 Child care services...32-2 Child care workers...32-2 Child care--Bangkok...32-3 Child care--Cambodia...32-3 Child care--Phitsanulok...32-3 Child care--Ratchaburi...32-3 Child care--Songkhla...32-3 Child care--Sukhothai...32-3 Child care--Suphan Buri...32-3 Child development...32-3 Child development Center...32-4 Child Development Centers...32-4 Child development Centers...32-4 Child development committee...32-4 Child development--Testing...32-4 Child emotional abuse...32-4 Child health services...32-4 Child health services--Nakhon sawan...32-5 Child labor...32-5 Child learning...32-5 Child malnutrition control program...32-5 Child medication communication...32-5 Child mental health...32-5 Child mortality...32-5 Child nutrition...32-5 Child obesity...32-5 Child of the Northeastern...32-5 Child patients...32-5 Child physical abuse...32-5 Child prostitues...32-5 Child psychology...32-5 Child rearing...32-6 Child rearing--Thailand, Northern...32-6 Child sexual abuse...32-6 Child socialization...32-6 Child survival...32-6 Child welfare--Thailand, Northern...32-6 Child--Nutrition...32-6 Child-bearing age women...32-6 Child-centered techniques...32-6 Child-centred instructions...32-6 Child-rearing...32-6 Child-rearing pattern...32-6 Child-rearing practices...32-6 Childbearing...32-7 Childbearing motivation...32-7 Childbirth...32-7 Childbirth education...32-7 Childbirth preparation...32-7 Childbirth--Indonesia...32-7 Childbirth--Study and teaching...32-7 Childbirth--Thailand, Southern...32-7 Childcare...32-7 Childhood...32-7 Childhood cancer...32-8 Childlessness...32-8 Children...32-8 Children and death...32-10 Children care...32-10 Children criminal...32-11 Children mental health...32-11 Children of AIDS patients...32-11 Children of Congenital heart disease...32-11 Children patients...32-11 Children rights--Protection...32-11 Children with learning disabilities...32-11 Children with mental retardation...32-11 Children with trainable mental retardation...32-11 Children's books...32-11 Children's clothing--Purchasing--Decision-making...32-11 Children's literature...32-11 Children's rights...32-12 Children's software...32-12 Children, Blind...32-12 Children, Deaf...32-12 Children--Bangkok...32-12 Children--Bangkok--Care...32-12 Children--Bangkok--Growth...32-12 Children--Bangkok--Nutrition...32-12 Children--Bangladesh...32-12 Children--Bhutan--Education...32-12 Children--Chiang Mai...32-12 Children--Chiang Mai--Care...32-12 Children--Chiang Rai--Constitution...32-13 Children--Child care...32-13 Children--China--Health and hygiene...32-13 Children--Comic books, strips, etc...32-.13 Children--Conduct of life...32-13 Children--Death...32-13 Children--Dental care...32-13 Children--Diseases...32-13 Children--Diseases--Bangladesh...32-13 Children--Diseases--Mortality...32-13 Children--Diseases--Nutrition...32-14 Children--Diseases--Prevention...32-14 Children--Diseases--Treatment...32-14 Children--Education...32-14 Children--Employment...32-14 Children--Food habits...32-14 Children--Growth...32-14 Children--Health and hygiene...32-14 Children--Health and hygiene--Care...32-14 Children--Hospital care...32-15 Children--Hospitals...32-15 Children--Hospitals--Bangkok...32-15 Children--Indonesia...32-15 Children--Intelligence testing...32-15 Children--kamphaeng Phet--Growth...32-15 Children--Kanchanaburi...32-15 Children--Kanchanaburi--Employment...32-15 Children--Khon Kaen--Employment...32-15 Children--Language...32-15 Children--Laos...32-15 Children--Laos--Nutrition...32-15 Children--Medical examinations...32-15 Children--Mortality...32-15 Children--Mukdahan--Diseases...32-15 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x2] Children--Nakhon Pathom--Diseases--Treatment...32-16 Children--Nakhon Ratchasima--Health and hygiene...3216 Children--Nakhon Si Thammarat--Health and hygiene...32-16 Children--Nepal--Mortality...32-16 Children--Nepal--Nutrition...32-16 Children--Nepal--Social conditions...32-16 Children--Nonthaburi...32-16 Children--Nutrition...32-16 Children--Nutrition--Psychological aspects...32-17 Children--Patients...32-17 Children--Patients--Care...32-17 Children--Phetchabun--Health and hygiene...32-17 Children--Philippines...32-17 Children--Physiology...32-17 Children--Prachin Buri...32-17 Children--Ratchaburi--Diseases...32-17 Children--Social conditions...32-17 Children--Songkhla--Health and hygiene...32-18 Children--Songkhla--Nutrition...32-18 Children--Sukhothai--Health and hygiene...32-18 Children--Surin...32-18 Children--Thailand, Northeastern...32-18 Children--Thailand, Northeastern--Health and hygiene...32-18 Children--Thailand, Northeastern--Nutrition...32-18 Children--Thailand, Northern...32-18 Children--Thailand, Northern--Manners and customs...32-18 Children--Training of--Evaluation...32-18 Children--Ubon Ratchathani...32-18 Children--Ubon Ratchathani--Social conditions...32-18 Children--Vietnam...32-18 Children--Vietnam--Diseases...32-18 Children--Vietnam--Nutrition...32-18 Children--Yala--Nutrition...32-19 Childs family...32-19 Chili...32-19 Chili con carne--Analysis...32-19 Chili--Diseases and pests--Prevention...32-19 Chilled semen...32-19 Chilled water thermal storage system...32-19 Chilli...32-19 Chilli pepper...32-19 Chilli--Diseases and pests...32-19 Chilli-paste...32-19 Chilling injury...32-19 Chilling process...32-19 Chilling stress...32-19 Chilo polyehrysus...32-19 Chilo tumidicostalis...32-20 Chimeric protease-binding protein...32-20 Chimeric protein...32-20 Chin language--Phonology...32-20 Chin-sha River [China]...32-20 China...32-20 China aster...32-20 China culture...32-20 China fir...32-20 China--Description and travel...32-20 China--Economic conditions...32-20 China--Foreign relations--ASEAN countries...32-20 China--Population...32-20 China--Population--Health and hygiene...32-20 Chinatown...32-21 Chinese...32-21 Chinese Americans...32-21 Chinese astronomy...32-21 Chinese cabbage...32-21 Chinese cabbage--Breeding...32-21 Chinese cabbage--Seeds--Processing...32-21 Chinese convolvulus...32-21 Chinese hamster ovary cells...32-21 Chinese immigrant...32-21 Chinese in Thailand...32-21 Chinese in Thailand--Manners and customs...32-21 Chinese in Thailand--Marriage customs and rites...32-21 Chinese kale...32-21 Chinese language...32-22 Chinese language schools...32-22 Chinese language--Adjective...32-22 Chinese language--Dialects...32-22 Chinese language--Grammar...32-22 Chinese language--Grammar--Study and Teaching...3222 Chinese language--Idioms--Study and teaching...32-22 Chinese language--Idions...32-22 Chinese language--Phonetics...32-22 Chinese language--Phonology...32-22 Chinese language--Prepositions--Study and teaching...32-22 Chinese language--Reading...32-22 Chinese language--Semantics...32-22 Chinese language--Standardization...32-22 Chinese language--Study and teaching...32-22 Chinese language--Usage...32-23 Chinese language--Ussage...32-23 Chinese learners...32-23 Chinese literature...32-23 Chinese Muslim societies...32-23 Chinese poetry...32-23 Chinese shrine conservation...32-23 Chinese sprangletop...32-23 Chinese students...32-23 Chinese style sausage...32-23 Chinese Thai women...32-23 Chinese Thais...32-23 Chinese tourism...32-23 Chinese--Bangkok...32-23 Chinese--Indonesia...32-23 Chinese--Thailand...32-23 Chinese-Thai families...32-23 Chinese-Thai relations...32-23 Chineses herb...32-24 Chips...32-24 Chiral...32-24 Chiral amino alcohol...32-24 Chiral aminoalcohol ligand...32-24 Chiral analysis...32-24 Chiral drugs...32-24 Chiral fragrance compounds...32-24 Chiral salen...32-24 Chiral schiff...32-24 Chiral separation...32-24 Chironomidae...32-24 Chironomids...32-24 Chiropterophily...32-24 Chirstianity...32-24 Chisocheton penduliflorus...32-25 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x3] Chitan deacetylase...32-25 Chitin...32-25 Chitin deacetylase...32-26 Chitin hydrolysis...32-26 Chitin whiskers...32-26 Chitin--Analysis...32-26 Chitinase...32-26 Chitinase A...32-27 Chitinase gene...32-27 Chitinolytic...32-27 Chitinolytic enzymes...32-27 Chitinous materials...32-27 Chitobiase...32-27 Chitooligosaccharide...32-28 Chitosan...32-28 Chitosan derivatives...32-31 Chitosan film...32-31 Chitosan films...32-32 Chitosan membrane...32-32 Chitosan monofimlament fibres...32-32 Chitosan polysulfate...32-32 Chitosan salts...32-32 Chitosan surfactant polymers...32-32 Chitosan-polyacrylic acid...32-32 Chitosanase...32-32 Chitra chitra nutphand--Reproduction...32-32 Chlamydia infections...32-32 Chlamydia infections--Diagnosis...32-32 Chlamydia pneumoniae...32-32 Chlamydia trachomatis...32-32 Chlamydia trachomatis--Diagnosis...32-33 Chlamydiales...32-33 Chlamydomonas gloeogama...32-33 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii...32-33 Chloral hydrate...32-33 Chlorampenicol...32-33 Chloramphenical...32-33 Chloramphenicol...32-33 Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene...32-34 Chloramphenicol base...32-34 Chloramphenicol Chloromycetin...32-34 Chloramphenicol residues...32-34 Chloramphenicol resistance...32-34 Chloramycetin...32-34 Chlorates...32-34 Chlorella...32-34 Chlorella saccharophila...32-34 Chlorella vulgaris...32-34 Chlorella vulgaris--Contamination...32-35 Chlorfluazuron...32-35 Chlorhexidine...32-35 Chloride...32-35 Chloride ingress...32-35 Chloride ion...32-35 Chloride secretion...32-35 Chlorides...32-35 Chlorinated compounds...32-35 Chlorinated hydrocarbons...32-35 Chlorinated organic compounds...32-36 Chlorinated paraffin...32-36 Chlorinated phenolic compounds...32-36 Chlorinated polyethylene...32-36 Chlorinated rubber...32-36 Chlorinated volatile organic compounds...32-36 Chlorinated water...32-36 Chlorination...32-36 Chlorine...32-36 Chlorine dioxide...32-36 Chlorine--Transportation...32-37 Chlorlform...32-37 Chlormequat...32-37 Chlormequat chloride...32-37 Chloroacetanilide...32-37 Chloroaniline...32-37 Chlorobenzene...32-37 Chloroform...32-37 Chloroform film method...32-37 Chlorohydrocarbons...32-37 chlorohydrocarbons...32-37 Chloromethylation...32-37 Chloromycetin...32-37 Chloronitroanilines...32-37 Chlorophenols...32-37 Chlorophenyl acrylates...32-38 Chlorophyceae...32-38 Chlorophyll...32-38 Chlorophyll A...32-38 Chlorophyll degeadation...32-38 Chlorophyll degradation...32-38 Chlorophyllase...32-38 Chlorophyllides...32-38 Chloroquine...32-38 Chloroquine--Controlled release...32-38 Chlorosis...32-38 Chloroviruses...32-39 Chlorpheniramine...32-39 Chlorpheniramine maleate...32-39 Chlorpheniramine meleate...32-39 Chlorpromazine...32-39 Chlorpyrifos...32-39 Chlortetracycline...32-39 Chlorzoxazone...32-39 CHO...32-39 Choangiocarcinoma...32-39 Chocolate agar...32-39 Chodri language--Phonetics...32-39 Chodri language--Verb...32-39 Choerospondias axillaris...32-39 Choheresis...32-39 Choirs [Music]...32-39 Cholangiocarcinogenesis...32-39 Cholangiocarcinoma...32-39 Cholangiocarcinoma cell line...32-41 Cholangiocarcinoma cells...32-41 Cholangiocarcinoma leukocytes...32-41 Cholangiocarrinoma...32-41 Cholangiocercinoma...32-41 Cholecystokinin...32-41 Cholelithiasis...32-41 Cholera...32-41 Cholera--Diagnosis...32-41 Cholera--Immunological aspects...32-41 Cholera--Samut Prakan...32-42 Choleresis...32-42 Cholestasis...32-42 Cholesteatoma...32-42 Cholesterol...32-42 Cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase...32-43 Cholesterol esterase...32-43 Cholesterol lowering effect...32-43 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x4] Cholesterol oxides--Evaluation...32-43 Cholesterol--Evaluation...32-43 Cholesterol--Patients--Health and hygiene...32-43 Cholesterolemia...32-43 Cholesteryl ester transfer protein...32-44 Cholesteryl esters...32-44 Cholestyramine...32-44 Cholic acid...32-44 Choline...32-44 Choline chloride...32-44 Cholineacetyltransferase...32-44 Cholinergic function...32-44 Cholinesterase inhibitors...32-44 Cholinesterases...32-44 Cholinomimetics...32-44 Cholinotoxin...32-44 Chon Buri...32-45 Chon Buri--Description and travel...32-45 Chon Buri--Manners and customs...32-45 Chon Buri--Population...32-45 Chonburi Hospital...32-45 Chonburs Hospital...32-45 Chondeoitin sulfate epitopes...32-45 Chondrogenesis...32-45 Chondroitin sulfate...32-45 Chondroitin sulfate A...32-45 Chondroitin sulfate epitopes...32-45 Chondroitin sulfate K...32-45 Chondroitin-6-sulfate...32-45 Chong language...32-45 Chong language--Phonology...32-45 Chong Mek border market...32-45 Choppers...32-46 Choral music...32-46 Choral singing...32-46 Chorionic gonadotropins...32-46 Choroid plexus...32-46 Choruses--Study and teaching...32-46 Chosts...32-46 Christia vespertilionis...32-46 Christian bible...32-46 Christian community...32-46 Christian ethics...32-46 Christian Lahu--Social conditions...32-46 Christian Science...32-46 Christianity...32-46 Christianity and social...32-46 Christians...32-46 Christmas trees...32-47 Chromaffin cells...32-47 Chroman...32-47 Chroman amide...32-47 Chroman amide--Derivatives--Synthesis...32-47 Chromate ion...32-47 Chromatin...32-47 Chromatium vinosum...32-47 Chromatographic...32-47 Chromatographic analysis...32-47 Chromatography...32-48 Chromatography, Gel permeation...32-48 Chromatogrophic process...32-49 Chrome...32-49 Chrome leather waste...32-49 Chromian spinel...32-49 Chromian spinels...32-49 Chromic active hepatitis...32-49 Chromite--Uttaradit--Geology...32-49 Chromium...32-49 Chromium alloys...32-50 Chromium catalyst...32-50 Chromium complexes...32-50 Chromium compounds...32-50 Chromium detoxification...32-51 Chromium picolinate...32-51 Chromium recovery...32-51 Chromium removal [Sewage purification]...32-51 Chromium--Absorption and adsorption...32-51 Chromium-plating...32-51 Chromium-titanium silicalite...32-51 Chromiun...32-51 Chromobacterium violaceum...32-51 Chromogenic anion sensor...32-51 Chromolaena odorata...32-51 Chromone...32-51 Chromone derivatives...32-51 Chromophore...32-51 Chromosomal...32-51 Chromosome...32-52 Chromosome 11...32-52 Chromosome aberration...32-52 Chromosome abnormalities...32-52 Chromosome markers...32-52 Chromosome polymorphism...32-52 Chromosome X...32-52 Chromosomes...32-52 Chromosomes--Diagnosis...32-53 Chromotropic acid...32-53 Chronic...32-53 Chronic back and neck pains...32-53 Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion...32-53 Chronic diarrheal patients...32-53 Chronic diseases...32-53 Chronic diseases in adolescence...32-53 Chronic diseases in children...32-54 Chronic diseases in children--China...32-54 Chronic diseases in children--Nakhon Si Thammarat...3254 Chronic diseases--Nursing...32-54 Chronic diseases--Patients...32-54 Chronic dyspnea...32-54 Chronic functional instability...32-54 Chronic heart failure...32-54 Chronic hemodialysis...32-54 Chronic hepatitis B...32-54 Chronic hepatitis B infection...32-54 Chronic ill...32-54 Chronic illness...32-54 Chronic irradiation...32-54 Chronic kidney disease...32-54 Chronic low back pain...32-54 Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis...32-55 Chronic myelogenous leukemia...32-55 Chronic myeloid leukemia...32-55 Chronic obstructive pulmonary diesease...32-55 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...32-55 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients...32-55 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease--Patients...32-56 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease--Patients-Nursing...32-56 Chronic opisthorchiasis...32-56 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x5] Chronic periodontitis...32-56 Chronic renal failure...32-56 Chronic renal failure patients...32-56 Chronic renal failure--Complications and sequelae...3256 Chronic renal failure--Patients...32-56 Chronic renal failure--Patients--Food...32-56 Chronic renal failure--Patients--Health and hygiene...3257 Chronic renal failure--Patients--Nursing...32-57 Chronic renal failure--Patients--Treatment...32-57 Chronic renal failure--Treatment...32-57 Chronic wound...32-57 Chronically ill...32-57 Chronically ill children...32-57 Chronically ill--Bangkok--Care...32-57 Chronically ill--Bangkok--Cost...32-57 Chronically ill--Care...32-57 Chronically ill--Care--Cost effectiveness...32-57 Chronically ill--Drug utilization...32-57 Chronically ill--Patients--Home care...32-57 Chronicle history [Drama]--Myanmar...32-57 Chronotherapy...32-57 Chrysanthemum morifolium...32-57 Chrysanthemums...32-58 Chrysomelidae...32-58 Chrysomya megacephala...32-58 Chrysomya rufifacies...32-58 Chrysopidae...32-58 Chrysotile--Analysis...32-58 Chuan Leekpai...32-58 Chuang Tzu...32-58 Chula 2 manipulator arm...32-58 Chula Dent...32-58 Chula Rectus Sheae Lifting Device...32-58 ChulaLift device...32-58 Chulalongkorn Hospital...32-58 Chulalongkorn Hospital--Drug distribution systems...3258 Chulalongkorn Hospital--Outpatient services...32-59 Chulalongkorn Memmorial Hospital...32-59 Chulalongkorn University...32-59 Chulalongkorn University library network...32-59 Chulalongkorn University Normal Form grammars...3259 Chulalongkorn University--Students...32-59 Chulalongkorn University. Faculty of Dentistry-Students...32-59 Chulalongkorn University. Faculty of Medicine...32-59 Chulalongkorn, King...32-59 Chumphon...32-59 Chumphon basin...32-59 Chun tuk soil series...32-59 Church architecture--Thailand, Northeastern...32-59 Church of christ in Thailand...32-59 Chymotrypsin...32-60 Cicadellidae...32-60 Cichlids...32-60 Ciclopirox olamine...32-60 CIECAMO2...32-60 Cieluv and munsell color systems...32-60 Cigarette beetle...32-60 Cigarette package labels--Suphan Buri...32-60 Cigarette smoke...32-60 Cigarette smokers...32-60 Cigarette smokers--Nong Khai...32-60 Cigarette smokers--Training of...32-60 Cigarette smoking...32-60 Cigarette smoking behavior...32-61 Cigarette tax...32-61 Cigarettes...32-61 Cilastatin...32-61 Cilazapril...32-61 Ciliary ganglion...32-61 Cill shape...32-61 Cimetidine...32-61 Cimex hemipterus...32-61 Cimocarpus longana...32-61 Cinchona--analysis...32-61 Cinema...32-61 Cinematography...32-62 Cineole...32-62 Cinnamaldehyde...32-62 Cinnamate...32-62 Cinnamates...32-62 Cinnamic acid...32-62 Cinnamomum...32-62 Cinnamomum camphora...32-62 Cinnamon oil...32-62 CIPP MODEL...32-62 CIPP Model...32-62 CIPP model...32-62 Cipp model...32-62 Ciprofloxacin...32-63 Ciprofloxacin gel...32-63 Ciprofloxacin--Bioavailability...32-63 Circle--Quality control...32-63 Circuit breaker failure relay...32-63 Circuit rerification...32-63 Circuit theory...32-63 Circular cylinder...32-63 Circular dichroism...32-63 Circular plate...32-63 Circular polarization...32-63 Circulating endothelial cell...32-63 Circulating fluidized bed combustor...32-63 Circulating fluidized bed reactor...32-63 Circulating fluidized beds...32-63 Circulation fluidized bed reactor...32-64 Circulation lymphocyte...32-64 Circumplex model...32-64 Circumstances...32-64 Cis chinensis...32-64 Cis-enhancing sequence...32-64 Cis-polyisoprene...32-64 Cisplatin...32-64 Cissampelos pareira...32-64 Cissus quadra...32-64 Cissus quadrangularis...32-64 Citation...32-64 Citation analysis...32-65 Citation of the periodicals...32-65 Cites and towns--Asia...32-65 Cities and towns...32-65 Cities and towns--Bangkok...32-65 Cities and towns--Bangkok--Growth...32-65 Cities and towns--China--Plannig...32-65 Cities and towns--China--Planning...32-65 Cities and towns--Environmental aspects...32-65 Cities and towns--Growth...32-65 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x6] Cities and towns--Pakistan...32-65 Cities and towns--Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya...32-65 Cities and towns--Planning...32-65 Citizen participation...32-65 Citizen suits [Civil procedure]...32-65 Citizenship...32-65 Citrate...32-66 Citrate method...32-66 Citrates...32-66 Citric acid...32-66 Citric acid--Manufacturing processes...32-66 Citronella grass...32-66 Citronella ointment...32-66 Citronella-oil...32-66 Citrullus vulgaris...32-66 Citrus...32-66 Citrus aurantifolia Swingle...32-66 Citrus canker disease...32-66 Citrus fruits...32-66 Citrus fruits--Nepal...32-66 Citrus grandis...32-66 Citrus leafminer...32-66 Citrus reticulata...32-66 Citrus rust mite...32-67 Citrus sinoensis...32-67 Citrus tristeza...32-67 Citrus yillow mite...32-67 Citrus--Diseases and pests...32-67 City and town life...32-67 City and town life--Bangkok...32-67 City children...32-67 City planning...32-67 City planning--Asia...32-67 City planning--Bangkok...32-68 City planning--Chiang Mai...32-68 City planning--China...32-68 City planning--Pakistan...32-68 City Radio FM 96.0...32-68 Civel engineering...32-68 Civic computer networking...32-68 Civic education...32-68 Civic engagement and community...32-68 Civic leaders...32-68 Civic leaders--Samutsakorn...32-68 Civil Aviation Training Center--Students...32-68 Civil court...32-68 Civil defense...32-68 Civil education...32-68 Civil engineering...32-68 Civil law...32-69 Civil law--Juristic persons...32-69 Civil liability...32-69 Civil registration...32-69 Civil rights...32-69 Civil service...32-69 Civil service reform...32-69 Civil society...32-69 Civil society organizations...32-69 Civil society--Indonesia...32-69 Civil society--Phetchaburi...32-70 Civil-minded...32-70 Civilization...32-70 Civilization--History...32-70 Cladiella tuberosa...32-70 Cladistic analysis...32-70 Cladistics...32-70 Cladogynos orientalis...32-70 Cladonia...32-70 Cladoniaceae...32-70 Cladophora fracta...32-70 Claims...32-70 Claisen rearrangement...32-70 Clans...32-70 Claopodium crispifolium...32-70 Clarias...32-70 Clarias batrachus...32-71 Clarias gariepinus...32-71 Clarias macrocephalus...32-71 Clarias Macrocephalus Gunther...32-73 Clarias macrocephalus vs clarias gariepinus...32-73 Clariidae...32-73 Clariidae--Diseases--Vaccination...32-73 Clarithromycin...32-73 Clarithromycin--Therapeutic equivalency...32-73 Clarius macrocephalus...32-73 Clasias Gariepinus Burchell...32-73 Class ceramic...32-73 Class D inverters...32-73 Class E rectifiers...32-73 Class III malocclusion...32-73 Class scheduling...32-73 Class size...32-73 Class-room timetable...32-73 Classic estimation...32-73 Classic Zinnia...32-73 Classical decomposition method...32-73 Classical distal renal tubular acidosis...32-74 Classical guitar...32-74 Classical limit...32-74 Classical literature...32-74 Classical method multilevel path analysis...32-74 Classical numbers...32-74 Classical reactor...32-74 Classical swine fever virus...32-74 Classification...32-74 Classification and coding system...32-74 Classification--Books...32-74 Classification--Books--Thailand...32-74 Classifications...32-74 Classifiers [Linguistics]...32-74 Classroom climate...32-74 Classroom environment...32-75 Classroom interaction...32-75 Classroom practices...32-75 Classroom scheduling and reservation system...32-75 Classroom teachers...32-75 Classrooms...32-75 Classrooms--Ventilation...32-75 Clastogenicity...32-75 Clause structure...32-75 Clausena cambodiana...32-75 Clausena excavata...32-75 Clausena guillauminii...32-75 Clausena lansium...32-75 Claviceps purpurea...32-75 Clavicipitaceae...32-75 Clavicle...32-75 Clavulanic acid...32-76 Clay...32-76 Clay minerals...32-77 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x7] Clay minerals--Thailand, Northern...32-77 Clay modification...32-77 Clay smear...32-77 Clay soils...32-77 Clay--Bangkok...32-77 Clay--Chiang Mai...32-77 Clay--Creep...32-77 Clay--Lampang...32-77 Clay--Nakhon Nayok...32-77 Clays...32-77 Clean development...32-77 Clean development mechanism...32-77 Clean food good taste standards...32-77 Clean power...32-77 Clean technology...32-78 Cleaner energy...32-78 Cleaner production...32-78 Cleaner technology...32-78 Cleaning...32-78 Cleaning schedule...32-78 Cleanup method...32-78 Clear glass bottles...32-78 Clear sky model...32-78 Clearance...32-78 Clearer technology...32-79 Clearly proteinaceous beverages...32-79 Cleft lip...32-79 Cleft palate children...32-79 Cleft palate--Patients...32-79 Cleidion spiciflorum...32-79 Cleistantha-4,13 (17)...32-79 Clenshaw-Lord-Sidi approximations...32-79 Clerodane...32-79 Clerodane compounds...32-79 Clerodendrum petasites...32-79 Clerodendrum serratum...32-79 Clezio, Le...32-79 Clibranarius longitarsus...32-79 Client...32-79 Client satisfaction...32-79 Client/Server...32-80 Client/server computing...32-80 Client/server databases...32-80 Client/server system...32-80 Clients' satisfaction...32-80 Clifford semigroup digraphs...32-80 Climacteric syndrome...32-80 Climacteric, Female...32-80 Climacteric, Male...32-80 Climacteric--China...32-80 Climate...32-80 Climate change...32-80 Climate changes...32-81 Climate variability...32-81 Climatic changes...32-81 Climatic zones--Classification...32-81 Climbers...32-81 Clinacanthus nutans...32-81 Clinacanthus siamensis...32-81 Clindamycin...32-82 Clindamycin hydrochloride gel...32-82 Clinical bacterial...32-82 Clinical blood chemistry...32-82 Clinical budget halding project...32-82 Clinical chemistry...32-82 Clinical chemistry--Charts, diagrams, etc...32-.82 Clinical decision-making...32-82 Clinical effects...32-82 Clinical enzymology...32-82 Clinical enzymology--Charts, diagrams, etc...32-.82 Clinical examination...32-82 Clinical genetics...32-82 Clinical immunology...32-82 Clinical laboratories...32-82 Clinical nursing...32-83 Clinical nursing practice guideline...32-83 Clinical nursing research...32-83 Clinical pharmacist...32-83 Clinical pharmacology...32-84 Clinical pharmacy service...32-84 Clinical practice...32-84 Clinical practicum achievement...32-84 Clinical problem solving ability...32-84 Clinical psychology--Curricula...32-84 Clinical quality composite index...32-84 Clinical teachers...32-84 Clinical teaching...32-84 Clinical trials...32-84 Clinics...32-85 Clinics--Utilization...32-85 Clinker...32-85 Clippings [Books, newspaper, etc.]...32-85 Clitoria ternatea...32-85 Clobetasol...32-85 Clochicine...32-85 Clocked schroedinger equation...32-85 Clonal seed orchards...32-85 Clone...32-85 Clone cells...32-85 Clone [Mathematic]...32-85 Clones [Plants]...32-85 Clonidine...32-85 Clonidine hydrochloride...32-85 Clonidine-displacing substance...32-85 Cloning...32-85 Clopidogrel...32-88 Close female relative...32-88 Close-end mutual fund...32-88 Closed boundary condition...32-88 Closed caption...32-88 Closed caption decoder...32-88 Closed caption encoder...32-88 Closed caption TV systen...32-88 Closed chamber technique...32-88 Closed recirculating reawater system...32-88 Closed recirculating seawater system...32-89 Closed recirculating seawater systems...32-89 Closed shell metal...32-89 Closed-loop control of stepping motor...32-89 Closes economy...32-89 Closest string...32-89 Clostridium acetobutylicum...32-89 Clostridium botulinum...32-89 Clostridium difficile...32-89 Clostridium perfringens...32-89 Clostridium thermoaceticum...32-89 Clothing...32-89 Clothing and dress...32-89 Clothing consumption behavior...32-90 Clothing trade...32-90 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x8] Clotrimazole...32-90 Cloud cluster...32-90 Cloud point extraction...32-90 Clouding agent...32-90 Clove oil...32-90 Cloxacillin...32-90 Cloze...32-90 Cloze procedure...32-90 Cloze tests...32-90 Clubs...32-90 Clupeichthys aesarnensis...32-90 Cluster analysis...32-90 Cluster calculations...32-91 Cluster computer...32-91 Cluster ions...32-91 Cluster methods...32-91 Cluster of differentiation...32-91 Cluster rampling...32-91 Cluster sampling...32-91 Cluster system...32-91 Cluster systems...32-91 Clustering fill-in technique...32-91 CMM system...32-91 CMOIS...32-91 CMOS...32-91 CMOS integrated circuits...32-91 CMOS static latch circuit...32-91 Cmos technology...32-91 CMOS [Electronics]...32-92 Cmputer-aided design...32-92 CMV monitor test...32-92 Cnaphalocrocis medinalis--Control...32-92 CNC lathe...32-92 CNC Machine...32-92 CNC machine center...32-92 CNC machine controller...32-92 CNC machine tool...32-92 CNC Milling...32-92 CNC system...32-92 CNC turret punch press machine...32-92 CNG...32-92 Cnidaria...32-92 CNPs...32-92 Cnstructed wetland...32-93 Cntraceptive...32-93 Co hydrogenation...32-93 Co oxidation...32-93 Co-combustion...32-93 Co-culture...32-93 Co-digestion...32-93 Co-expressed genes...32-93 Co-generation...32-93 Co-hydrogenation...32-93 Co-Mg-O supported catalyst...32-93 Co-Mg-O/Al2O3 catalyst...32-93 Co-precipation...32-93 Co-precipitation...32-93 Co-semisimple modules...32-93 Co-spray dried powder...32-93 Co-trimoxazole...32-94 Coacervate...32-94 Coacervation...32-94 Coach...32-94 Coaching...32-94 Coagent...32-94 Coagglutination kit...32-94 Coaglutination kit Streptococci...32-94 Coagulants...32-94 Coagulated water...32-94 Coagulation...32-94 Coagulation device...32-94 Coagulation process...32-95 Coagulation-flocculation process...32-95 Coal...32-95 Coal ash...32-95 Coal briquette...32-95 Coal fly ash...32-95 Coal mine waste--Environmental aspects...32-95 Coal mine waste--Leaching--Statistical methods...32-95 Coal mines and mining--Environmental aspects...32-95 Coal mines and mining--Illinois...32-95 Coal--Carbonization...32-95 Coal--Geology...32-95 Coal--Geology--Illinois...32-95 Coal--Illinois...32-95 Coal--Illinois--Geology...32-96 Coal--Indiana--Geology...32-96 Coal--Kentucky--Geology...32-96 Coal--Songkhla--Model...32-96 Coal--Vietnam...32-96 Coal-fired boilers...32-96 Coal-fired power plants...32-96 Coal-fired power plants--Risk assessment...32-96 CoAl2O4...32-96 Coalescence...32-96 Coalition formation E-commerce...32-96 Coalition perspective...32-96 Coarsening [Chemistry]...32-96 Coarticulation...32-96 Coaructure...32-96 Coast Changes...32-96 Coastal...32-96 Coastal Aguaculture Development Center...32-96 Coastal animals...32-97 Coastal ecology...32-97 Coastal ecology--Chon Buri...32-97 Coastal ecology--Rayong...32-97 Coastal ecology--Songkhla...32-97 Coastal engineering...32-97 Coastal erosion...32-97 Coastal fisheries...32-97 Coastal fishing rights...32-97 Coastal resource conservation...32-97 Coastal resource management...32-97 Coastal resources...32-97 Coastal tourism...32-97 Coastal zone management--Asia...32-97 Coastal zone management--Pacific...32-97 Coastline--Prachuap Khiri Khan...32-98 Coasts...32-98 Coasts--Chon Buri...32-98 Coasts--Management...32-98 Coasts--Nakhon Si Thammarat...32-98 Coasts--Phangnga...32-98 Coasts--Research...32-98 Coasts--Thailand...32-98 Coasts--Thailand, Eastern...32-98 Coat protein...32-98 Coated pellets...32-98 Coated tablets...32-98 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x9] Coater machine...32-98 Coating concrete...32-98 Coating pan...32-98 Coating processes...32-98 Coatings...32-98 Cobalt...32-99 Cobalt alloys...32-100 Cobalt aluminate...32-100 Cobalt catalyst...32-100 Cobalt catalysts...32-101 Cobalt complex...32-101 Cobalt dispersion...32-101 Cobalt magnesium oxide catalyst...32-101 Cobalt phthalocyanine...32-101 Cobalt Therapeutic use...32-101 Cobalt--Isotopes...32-101 Cobalt--Isotopes--Therapeutic use...32-101 Cobalt--Physiological effect...32-101 Cobalt-60...32-101 Cobalt-60 output calibration...32-102 Cobalt-salen catalyst...32-102 Cobalt-titanium silicalite...32-102 Cobas amplicor...32-102 Cobra venom...32-102 Cobra venom inhibiting activity...32-102 Cobras...32-102 Cobras--Venom...32-102 Coca Cola [Registered trademark]...32-102 Cocaine...32-102 Cocatalyst...32-102 Coccidiosis...32-102 Coccinella transversalis...32-102 Coccinellid...32-102 Coccinellidae...32-102 Coccinia indica...32-102 Coccobius fulvus...32-103 Cochlea...32-103 Cochlea--Blood-vessels...32-103 Cochliobolus heterostrophus...32-103 Cochran's test...32-103 Cockroach...32-103 Cockroaches...32-103 Cockroaches--Control...32-103 Coco-2 cells...32-103 Cocoa...32-103 Cocomo II...32-103 Coconus meal...32-103 Coconut...32-103 Coconut as feed...32-104 Coconut coir...32-104 Coconut haustorium...32-104 Coconut juice...32-104 Coconut milk...32-104 Coconut oil...32-104 coconut oil...32-104 Coconut palm...32-104 Coconut shell...32-105 Coconut shell char...32-105 Coconut sugar...32-105 Coconut wood...32-105 Coconut--Drying...32-105 Coconut--Quality...32-105 Coconutcarp...32-105 Cocoons...32-105 Cocos nucifica...32-105 COD...32-105 Code division multiple access...32-105 Code generator...32-105 Code mixing...32-105 Code switching [Linguistics]...32-106 Code switching [Linguistics]--Chiang Mai...32-106 Code-mixing...32-106 Codebook...32-106 Codeine...32-106 Codeine phosphate...32-106 Codes...32-106 Codiaeum variegatum...32-106 Coding...32-106 Coding system...32-106 Coding theory...32-106 Codon mutation...32-106 Coefficient diagram method...32-106 Coefficient estimation...32-106 Coefficient of variation...32-107 Coefficients...32-107 Coelomomyces indicus...32-107 Coelomycetes...32-107 Coenzyme Q10...32-107 Cofactor...32-107 Coffee...32-107 Coffee arabica...32-107 Coffee beans...32-107 Coffee ground waste...32-107 Coffee habit...32-107 Coffee residue...32-107 Coffee stem borer...32-107 Coffee--Diseases and pests...32-107 Coffee--Genetics...32-107 Coffee--Lao--Planting...32-108 Coffee--Philippines--Economic aspects...32-108 Coffee--Planting...32-108 Coffee--Vietnam...32-108 Coffee--Vietnam--Processing...32-108 Cogeneration of C2 hydrocarbons and electric power...32-108 Cogging torque...32-108 Cognition...32-108 Cognition and culture...32-108 Cognition in children...32-108 Cognitive appraisal...32-108 Cognitive behavior...32-108 Cognitive development...32-108 Cognitive domain...32-108 Cognitive load theory...32-108 Cognitive models...32-108 Cognitive psychology...32-108 Cognitive response...32-108 Cognitive strategies...32-108 Cognitive therapy...32-108 Cognitive-behavior therapy...32-109 Cognitive-behavioral approaches...32-109 Cognitive-developmental theory...32-109 Cognitives-behavioral program...32-109 Cohabitation...32-109 Coherence [Linguistics]...32-109 Coherence [Optics]...32-109 Coherent states...32-109 Cohesion...32-109 Cohesion [Linguistics]...32-109 Cohort analysis...32-109 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x10] Coins...32-110 Cointegration...32-110 Coir...32-110 Coir fiber...32-110 Coir-fibre boards...32-110 Coitus...32-110 Coix lachryma-jobi...32-110 Coke...32-110 Coke--Combustion...32-110 Coke--Permeability...32-110 Cola drinks...32-110 Colchicine...32-110 Cold...32-111 Cold compression...32-111 Cold forging...32-111 Cold forming...32-111 Cold isostatic pressing...32-111 Cold medicine ingredients...32-111 Cold moderator system...32-111 Cold rolling...32-111 Cold storage...32-111 Cold storage industry--Energy consumption...32-111 Cold storage workers...32-111 Cold strain...32-111 Cold war...32-111 Cold work tool steels...32-111 Cold [Disease]...32-112 Cold--Analysis...32-112 Cold--Therapeutic use...32-112 Cold-set gelation...32-112 Cold-storage workers...32-112 Cole crops...32-112 Coleoptera...32-112 Colette...32-112 Coleus amboinicus...32-112 Coliform bacteria...32-113 Coliiform bacteria...32-113 coliiformes...32-113 Coliphage...32-113 Colistin...32-113 Colitis--Treatment...32-113 Collaboration...32-113 Collaboration system...32-113 Collaborative...32-113 Collaborative Action Research Project...32-113 Collaborative care...32-113 Collaborative environment...32-113 Collaborative filtering...32-113 Collaborative information server agent...32-113 Collaborative learning...32-113 Collaborative management...32-114 Collaborative symptom management...32-114 Collaborative system...32-114 Collaborative teaching...32-114 Collage of the dramaticarts--Administration...32-114 Collagen...32-114 Collapsible soil...32-114 Collateral thermal spread...32-114 Colleagues cooperation...32-114 Collection trucks...32-114 Collectional personnel...32-114 Collective behavior...32-115 College administrators...32-115 College administrators--Bangkok...32-115 College administrators--Rating of...32-115 College education...32-115 College freshman...32-115 College graduates...32-115 College graduates--Attitudes...32-115 College graduates--Chiang Mai--Follow up studies...32115 College graduates--Economic conditions...32-115 College graduates--Follow up studies...32-115 College graduates--Manufactures...32-115 College graduates--Performance...32-116 College librarians...32-116 College librarians--Information services...32-116 College of Agriculture and Technology...32-116 College personnel management...32-116 College science...32-116 College sports...32-116 College students...32-116 College students--Attitudes...32-116 College students--Bangkok--Sexual behavior...32-116 College students--China--Sexual behavior...32-116 College students--Lampang...32-116 College students--Laos--Sexual behavior...32-116 College students--Philippines--Attitudes...32-116 College students--Vietnam--Attitudes...32-116 College teachers...32-117 College teachers--Attitudes...32-117 College teachers--expenditure...32-117 College teachers--Income...32-117 College teachers--Job satisfaction...32-117 College teachers--Maha Sarakham--Work...32-117 College teachers--Thailand, Northeastern...32-117 College teachers--Thailand, Northern...32-117 Collembola...32-117 Colletotrichum...32-117 Colletotrichum capsici...32-118 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides...32-118 Colletotrichum lindemuthianum...32-118 Collimator...32-118 Collimators [Optical instrument]...32-118 Collision damages...32-118 Collision detection...32-118 Collocalia fuciphaga--Histology...32-118 Collocalia fuciphagus...32-118 Collocation...32-118 Colloidal...32-118 Colloidal drug...32-118 Colloidal gas aphron...32-118 Colloidal silica...32-118 Colloidal silicon dioxide...32-118 Colloidal sol method...32-118 Colloidal solution...32-118 Colloidal systems...32-118 Colloids...32-119 Colocasia...32-119 Colocasia esculenta...32-119 Colon cancer...32-119 Colon [Anatomy]--Cancer...32-119 Colon [Anatomy]--Cancer--Patients...32-119 Colon [Anatomy]--Cancer--Prevention...32-119 Colonic epithelium...32-119 Colonies...32-119 Colonization...32-119 Colonoscopy...32-119 Colony hybridization...32-120 Color...32-120 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x11] Color appearance mode...32-120 Color chang...32-120 Color change...32-120 Color cluster...32-120 Color combination...32-120 Color communication...32-120 Color constancy...32-120 Color degradation...32-120 Color digital image...32-120 Color formation...32-120 Color harmony...32-120 Color histogram...32-120 Color image...32-120 Color image retrieval...32-120 Color in clothing...32-120 Color mode...32-121 Color of food...32-121 Color perception...32-121 Color photography--Printing processes...32-121 Color printing...32-121 Color prints...32-121 Color removal...32-121 Color removal from sewage...32-121 Color sensation...32-121 Color temperature histogram...32-121 Color textile industries...32-121 Color transformation...32-121 Color vision...32-121 Color--Fading...32-122 Coloration...32-122 Colorectal cancer...32-122 Colorectal cancer patients...32-122 Colored progressive matrices...32-122 Colorimeter...32-122 Colorimetric analysis...32-122 Colorimetric values...32-122 colorimetric values...32-122 Colorimetry...32-122 Coloring matter...32-123 Coloring matter in food...32-123 Colorings...32-123 Colors...32-123 Colossal magnetoresistance...32-123 Colostomy...32-123 Colostrum...32-123 Colour copier...32-123 Colour fastness...32-123 Colour gamut...32-123 Colour photographic developer solutions...32-123 Coloured petri nets...32-123 Coloured progressive matrices test...32-124 Colouring matters...32-124 Colposcopy...32-124 Columba livia...32-124 Columbo livia...32-124 Column...32-124 Column Liquid Chromatography...32-124 Column semi-rigid connection...32-124 Columnaris disease...32-124 Columns...32-124 Columns--Dynamics...32-124 Comaf media...32-124 Combat boots...32-124 Combination controller...32-124 Combination tablets...32-124 Combination therapy...32-124 Combinations...32-124 Combinatorial central limit theorem...32-125 Combinatorial chemistry...32-125 Combinatorial design...32-125 Combinatorial library...32-125 Combinatorial search...32-125 Combined...32-125 Combined anaerobic reactors...32-125 Combined cycle...32-125 Combined cycle power plants...32-125 Combing machines...32-125 Combodian people--Attitudes...32-125 Combretaceae...32-125 Combretastatins...32-125 Combretum decandrum...32-125 Combretum latifolium...32-125 Combretum quadrangulare...32-125 Combusion...32-125 Combustion...32-126 Combustion activation...32-126 Combustion chambers...32-126 Combustion measurement...32-126 Combustion--Measurement...32-126 Comedy...32-126 Comet assay...32-126 Cometabolism...32-127 CoMFA...32-127 Comic book for environmental promotion...32-127 Comic books...32-127 Comic books and children...32-127 Comic books, strips, etc...32-.127 Comic books, strips, etc.--Japanese...32-127 Command radio...32-127 Commander...32-127 Commelinaceae...32-127 Commelinaceae--Classification...32-127 Commerce...32-127 Commerce--Environmental aspects...32-127 Commerce--History...32-127 Commercial banks...32-128 Commercial buildings...32-128 Commercial buildings--Thailand, Northeastern...32-128 Commercial buildings--Ventilation...32-128 Commercial college teachers...32-128 Commercial colleges...32-128 Commercial correspondence...32-129 Commercial credit...32-129 Commercial districts...32-129 Commercial documents...32-129 Commercial magnets...32-129 Commercial orchids...32-129 Commercial pilots...32-129 Commercial Policy...32-129 Commercial policy...32-129 Commercial products...32-129 Commercial products--Purchasing...32-129 Commercial products--Transportation...32-129 Commercial sex...32-129 Commercial sex worker...32-129 Commercial treaties...32-129 Commercial zone development master...32-130 Commercialized sport...32-130 Commingled wells...32-130 Commission merchants...32-130 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x12] Commission merchants Manufocturers'agents Factors [Algebra]...32-130 Commissioner police...32-130 Commitment...32-130 Commitment [Psychology]...32-130 Committee of saving groups for production...32-130 Committees...32-130 Committees for the defence of the revolution...32-130 Committees of the House of Representatives...32-130 Commodity production cycles...32-131 Common agricultural policy...32-131 Common bean...32-131 Common carotid artery...32-131 Common cold...32-131 Common cold medicines...32-131 Common content gateway...32-131 Common Currencies...32-131 Common cutworm...32-131 Common property...32-131 Common property management...32-131 Common risk difference estimators...32-131 Common scab...32-131 Common sense...32-131 Common stock--Price...32-131 Common tree shrew...32-131 Common Tree-shrew...32-131 Common tree-shrew...32-131 Common vegetable...32-132 Communal element...32-132 Communal irrigation systems...32-132 Communal saving system...32-132 Commune health centers...32-132 Communicable disease...32-132 Communicable disease control programes...32-132 Communicable disease in old age...32-132 Communicable diseases...32-133 Communicable diseases in animals...32-133 Communicable diseases in children--Kanchanaburi...32133 Communicable diseases in children--Prevention...32-133 Communicable diseases infection...32-133 Communicable diseases--Diagnosis...32-133 Communicable diseases--Hospitals...32-133 Communicable diseases--In infancy and childhood-Nursing...32-133 Communicable diseases--Tak...32-133 Communicable diseases--Thailand, Northeastern...32133 Communicable diseases--Transmission...32-133 Communicable--Patients...32-133 Communication...32-133 Communication and sex...32-136 Communication and traffic...32-136 Communication and traffic--Bangkok...32-136 Communication and traffic--Chiang Mai...32-136 Communication and traffic--Control...32-136 Communication and traffic--Khon Kaen...32-136 Communication and traffic--Laos...32-136 Communication and traffic--Management...32-136 Communication and traffic--Phuket...32-136 Communication and--Bangkok...32-136 Communication anxiety...32-136 Communication approach...32-136 Communication arts student...32-136 Communication behaviors...32-136 Communication campaign...32-137 Communication constraints...32-137 Communication effectiveness training prograin...32-137 Communication equipments...32-137 Communication games...32-137 Communication in agriculture...32-137 Communication in birth control--Vietnam...32-137 Communication in community development...32-137 Communication in drug prevention...32-137 Communication in fisheries...32-137 Communication in foreign language education...32-137 Communication in marketing...32-137 Communication in medicine...32-138 Communication in nursing...32-138 Communication in organization...32-138 Communication in organizations...32-138 Communication in politics...32-138 Communication in public health...32-138 Communication in the family...32-138 Communication in tourist trade...32-138 Communication innovation...32-138 Communication laboratory...32-138 Communication media...32-138 Communication media exposure...32-139 Communication network design...32-139 Communication networks...32-139 Communication patterns...32-139 Communication policy...32-139 Communication problems...32-139 Communication radio...32-139 Communication skills...32-139 Communication stock...32-139 Communication stock prices...32-139 Communication strategies...32-139 Communication system...32-139 Communication systems...32-139 Communication technology...32-140 Communication--Social aspects...32-140 Communication--Study and teaching...32-140 Communication--Study and teaching--Roi Et...32-140 Communications software...32-140 Communicative Competence...32-140 Communicative competence...32-140 Communicative disorders...32-140 Communicative english...32-140 Communicative language teaching...32-140 Communities participation...32-140 Community...32-140 Community 4-H clubs...32-142 Community access center...32-142 Community administration...32-142 Community and college...32-142 Community and forest...32-142 Community and Urban Area Fund--Government policy...32-142 Community attachment...32-142 Community backswamp...32-142 Community based DOTS...32-142 Community based rehabilitation program...32-142 Community based resource...32-142 Community based tourism...32-142 Community business...32-142 Community business--Nakhonpathom...32-143 Community changes...32-143 Community committees...32-143 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x13] Community compositions...32-143 Community culture...32-143 Community dental services--Bangkok...32-143 Community development...32-143 Community Development Department-Administration...32-144 Community development personnel...32-144 Community development workers...32-144 Community development, Urban...32-144 Community development--Chaiyaphum...32-144 Community development--Chiang Mai...32-144 Community development--Chiang Rai...32-144 Community development--China...32-144 Community development--Chon Buri--Political participation...32-144 Community development--Indexes...32-144 Community development--India...32-144 Community development--Khon Kaen...32-145 Community development--Lop Buri...32-145 Community development--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-145 Community development--Phuket...32-145 Community development--Planning...32-145 Community development--Thailand Southern...32-145 Community development--Thailand, Education Region 11...32-145 Community development--Thailand, Northern...32-145 Community development--Thailand, Northern-Evaluation...32-145 Community development--Thailand, Southern...32-145 Community development--Vietnam...32-145 Community dispute resolution...32-145 Community dynamics...32-145 Community economic...32-145 Community economy...32-145 Community education centers...32-145 Community education--Khon Kaen...32-146 Community empowerment...32-146 Community enterprise...32-146 Community enterprise--Samut Prakan-Management...32-146 Community environment...32-146 Community environmental...32-146 Community forest conservation...32-146 Community forest conservation--Surin...32-146 Community forest management...32-146 Community forest--Kanchanaburi...32-147 Community forests...32-147 Community forests management...32-147 Community forests management--Citizen participation...32-147 Community forests--Khon Kaen...32-147 Community forests--Krabi...32-148 Community forests--Krabi--Conservation...32-148 Community forests--Lampang...32-148 Community forests--Management...32-148 Community forests--management...32-148 Community forests--Nepal...32-148 Community forests--Surin...32-148 Community forests--Ubonratchathani--Citizen participation...32-148 Community health...32-148 Community health aides...32-148 Community health aides--Chiang Mai...32-149 Community health aides--Chon Buri...32-149 Community health aides--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-149 Community health aides--Pakistan...32-149 Community health aides--Prachin Buri...32-149 Community health aides--Suphan Buri...32-149 Community health aides--Surin...32-149 Community Health Center...32-149 Community Health Center [Puskesmas]--Indonesia-Utilization...32-149 Community Health Centers...32-149 Community health education program...32-149 Community health nurses...32-149 Community health nursing...32-149 Community health nursing--Curricula...32-149 Community health Services...32-149 Community health services...32-149 Community health services--Administration...32-149 Community health services--Government policy...32-149 Community health services--Nakhon Pathom...32-150 Community health services--Nepal...32-150 Community health volunteers...32-150 Community health workers...32-150 Community hospital...32-150 Community hospital director...32-150 Community hospital, Region 2...32-150 Community hospital--Waste disposal...32-150 Community hospitals...32-150 Community hospitals--Chiang Mai...32-150 Community hospitals--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-150 Community hospitals--Nakhon Si Thammarat...32-150 Community hospitals--Staff...32-151 Community housing's authorities--Employees...32-151 Community industrial business...32-151 Community initiated rehabilitation...32-151 Community key...32-151 Community knowledge...32-151 Community leaders...32-151 Community leadership...32-151 Community leadership participation...32-151 Community leadership--Bangkok...32-151 Community leadership--Kamphaeng Phet...32-151 Community leadership--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-152 Community leadership--Nonthaburi...32-152 Community leadership--Samut Songkhram...32-152 Community leadership--Sukhothai...32-152 Community medicine auxiliary...32-152 Community mental health...32-152 Community networks...32-152 Community organization...32-152 Community pari...32-152 Community participant...32-152 Community participation...32-152 Community participation--Chanthaburi...32-153 Community pharmacists...32-153 Community pharmacy...32-153 Community pharmacy--Study and teaching...32-153 Community police...32-153 Community policing...32-153 Community Primary Health Care Center...32-153 Community punishment order...32-153 Community radio...32-153 Community radio management...32-154 Community radio station...32-154 Community relations...32-154 Community reporters...32-154 Community resource management projects...32-154 Community resources...32-154 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x14] Community responses...32-154 Community self-reliance...32-154 Community strength...32-154 Community strueture...32-154 Community way of life...32-154 Community--Chaiyaphum...32-154 Community--Chiang Rai...32-154 Community--China...32-154 Community--Databases...32-154 Community--Economic aspects...32-154 Community--Economic conditions...32-154 Community--Environmental aspects...32-155 Community--Nakhonsithammarat...32-155 Community--Social aspects...32-155 Community--Social conditions...32-155 Community--Thailand, Northeastern...32-155 Community-base finance project...32-155 Community-based...32-155 Community-based anti-narcotics volunteer project-Evaluation...32-155 Community-based care...32-155 Community-based care program...32-155 Community-based controls...32-155 Community-Based Ecotourism Project...32-155 Community-based forest management...32-155 Community-based forest management--Vietnam...32155 Community-based management...32-155 Community-based management of common property...32-155 Community-based rehabilitation...32-155 Community-cultures...32-156 Commuters--Pakistan...32-156 Commuting...32-156 Commuting equivalence relations...32-156 Commuting--Bangkok...32-156 Commuting--Pakistan...32-156 Compact car...32-156 Compact discs--Purchasing...32-156 Compact metric space...32-156 Compact sets...32-156 Compacting...32-156 Companies...32-156 Comparative advantage [International trade]...32-156 Comparative education...32-156 Comparative genomic approach...32-156 Comparative genomic hybridization...32-156 Comparative linguistics...32-156 Comparative molecular field analysis...32-156 Comparative religions...32-157 Comparison...32-157 Comparison [Grammar]...32-157 Compasite...32-157 Compatibility...32-157 Compatibility testing [Hematology]...32-157 Compatibilization...32-157 Compatibilizer...32-157 Compatibilizers...32-157 Compatible order...32-157 Compensation...32-157 Competence...32-157 Competency...32-157 Competency assessment scale...32-158 Competency base...32-158 Competency based skill training...32-158 Competency based training--Cost effectiveness...32-158 Competency inventory...32-158 Competency model...32-158 Competition...32-158 Competition, International...32-159 Competitive advantage...32-159 Competitive behavior...32-159 Competitive bidding...32-159 Competitive binding assay...32-159 Competitive exclusion...32-159 Competitiveness...32-159 Competitiveness analysis...32-159 Competitiveness [Economics]...32-159 Complaints column...32-159 Complaints handling officers...32-159 Complant management system...32-159 Complement activation...32-159 Complement fixation...32-159 Complement [Immunology]...32-159 Complement [immunology]...32-159 Complementarity problem...32-159 Complementary...32-160 Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid...32-160 Complementary food...32-160 Complementary foods...32-160 Complementary learning book...32-160 Complementary medicine...32-160 Complementary metal oxide intrinsic semiconductor...32160 Complementary therapy...32-160 Complete data...32-160 Complete graphs...32-160 Complete metric space...32-160 Complete sublattices...32-160 Completed genome...32-160 Completeness...32-160 Complex agroecosystem...32-160 Complex coacervation...32-160 Complex compounds...32-160 complex compounds...32-163 Complex compounds--Physiological effect...32-163 Complex compounds--Synthesis...32-163 Complex distillation arrangement...32-163 Complex ions...32-163 Complex maize bran heteroxyan...32-164 Complex multi-system model...32-164 Complex polynomails...32-164 Complexation...32-164 Complexation analysis...32-164 Complexation of siderophore...32-164 Complexes...32-164 complexes...32-166 Complexing agents...32-166 Complexion...32-166 Complexity...32-166 Compliance...32-166 Compliance behaviors...32-166 Compliane...32-166 Complication...32-166 Complication of Diseases...32-166 Complication prevention...32-166 Complications...32-166 Compliments...32-166 Component enzyme...32-167 Component integration...32-167 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x15] Component metadata...32-167 Component-based software development...32-167 Compositae...32-167 Composite...32-167 Composite beams...32-167 Composite construction...32-167 Composite fibers...32-167 Composite film...32-168 Composite films...32-168 Composite food...32-168 Composite keam-columns...32-168 Composite material...32-168 Composite materials...32-168 Composite materials--Effect of environment on...32-169 Composite matrix...32-169 Composite membrane...32-169 Composite meterials...32-169 Composite oxide...32-169 Composite polymer...32-169 Composite resin...32-169 Composite steel channel beam...32-169 Composite wood...32-169 composites [Plants]...32-169 Composition series...32-169 Composition [Language arts]...32-169 Compositional...32-170 Compositional mapping...32-170 Compost...32-170 Compost bricks...32-170 Compost inoculum...32-170 Compost plants...32-170 Compost technique...32-170 Composting process...32-170 Compound B...32-170 Compound parabolic collectors...32-170 Compounded rubber...32-170 Compounds...32-170 Compounds, Unsaturated...32-170 Comprehension...32-170 Comprehension in children...32-171 Comprehension in children--Testing...32-171 Comprehension--Testing...32-171 Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography...32-171 Comprehesion...32-171 Compresible flow...32-171 Compressed audio...32-171 Compressed hologram...32-171 Compressed natural gas...32-171 Compressed reference images...32-171 Compressed speech...32-171 Compression...32-171 Compression ratio...32-172 Compressional waves...32-172 Compressive strength...32-172 Compressive strength models...32-172 Compressive strength of concrete...32-172 Compressive strength test...32-172 Compressive streugth...32-172 Compulsory Licensing...32-172 Compulsory licensing...32-172 Compulsory system...32-172 Computable general equilibrium...32-172 Computable general equilibrium model...32-172 Computation fluid dynamics...32-172 Computational effort...32-172 Computational fluid dynamic...32-172 Computational fluid dynamic program...32-173 Computational fluid dynamics...32-173 Computational fluid dynamics technique...32-173 Computational geometry...32-173 Computational grids [Computer systems]...32-173 Computational lexicography...32-173 Computational method...32-173 Computational neuroanatomy...32-173 Computed radiography...32-174 Computed tomography...32-174 Computer ability...32-174 Computer adaptive testing...32-174 Computer aided design...32-174 Computer aided software enginerring...32-174 Computer algebra systems...32-174 Computer and education...32-174 Computer animation...32-175 Computer application...32-175 Computer architecture...32-175 Computer assisted Instruction...32-175 Computer assisted instruction...32-175 Computer assisted instruction--Design and construction...32-175 Computer assisted system...32-175 Computer based...32-175 Computer based system...32-175 Computer based training...32-175 Computer based writing...32-175 Computer business...32-175 Computer classroom...32-175 Computer conferencing...32-175 Computer control system...32-175 Computer crimes...32-175 Computer engineering...32-175 Computer equipment management...32-176 Computer fraud...32-176 Computer games...32-176 Computer graphic software...32-176 Computer graphics...32-176 Computer graphics modeling...32-176 Computer hackers--Ethics...32-176 Computer hardware...32-176 Computer industry...32-176 Computer information...32-176 Computer interfaces...32-176 Computer learning center...32-176 Computer managed instruction...32-177 Computer modelling...32-177 Computer network protocols...32-177 Computer networks...32-177 Computer networks--Design...32-178 Computer networks--Security measures...32-178 Computer networks--Thailand, Northern...32-178 Computer numerical control...32-178 Computer package...32-178 Computer peripheral industries...32-178 Computer planning system...32-178 Computer programmers...32-178 Computer programming...32-178 Computer programs...32-178 Computer programs--Correctness...32-180 Computer programs--Testing...32-180 Computer saftware...32-180 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x16] Computer science...32-180 Computer science--Curricula...32-180 Computer security...32-180 Computer simulation...32-180 Computer software...32-181 Computer software--Design...32-182 Computer software--Development...32-182 Computer software--Testing...32-182 Computer solfware...32-182 Computer teachers...32-182 Computer technology...32-182 Computer users...32-182 Computer uses in education...32-182 Computer utilization...32-182 Computer viruses...32-182 Computer vision...32-183 Computer-aided design...32-183 Computer-aided diagnosis...32-183 Computer-aided engineering...32-183 Computer-aided facility management...32-183 Computer-aided process planning...32-183 Computer-aided scheduling system...32-183 Computer-assisted instruction...32-183 Computer-assisted instruction authoring tool...32-186 Computer-assisted instruction--Authoring programs...32186 Computer-assisted instruction--Computer programs...32186 Computer-assisted instructional programs...32-186 Computer-assisted learning...32-186 Computer-assisted testing...32-186 Computer-assited language learning...32-186 Computer-based instruction...32-186 Computer-based training...32-186 Computer-mediated communication...32-186 Computerized charging system...32-187 Computerized instruments...32-187 Computerized maintenance management system...32187 Computerized posturography...32-187 Computerized puzzle game...32-187 Computerized tomography...32-187 Computers...32-187 Computers, Pipeline...32-188 Computers--Access control...32-188 Computers--Acess control...32-188 Computers--Curricula...32-188 Computers--Design and construction...32-188 Computers--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc...32-188 Computers--Management...32-188 Computers--Sri Lanka--Surveys...32-188 Computers--Study and teaching...32-188 Computers--Valuation...32-188 Computing...32-189 Comservation partners...32-189 Comtaminate...32-189 Concentrate language encounter...32-189 Concentrated...32-189 Concentrated Language Encounter...32-189 Concentrated language encounters...32-189 Concentrated natural rubber latex...32-189 Concentration...32-189 Concentration inequality...32-189 Concentration of vegetable washing...32-189 Concentration polarization...32-189 Concentric...32-189 Concentric isokinetic...32-189 Concept learning...32-189 Concept mapping...32-190 Concept mapping activities...32-190 Concept-based reading instruction...32-190 Concept-oriented reading instruction...32-190 Conception...32-190 Concepts...32-190 Concepts in children...32-190 Conceptual graphs...32-190 Conceptual metaphor...32-190 Conceptual structure...32-190 Conceptual survey...32-190 Conceptual systems [Information theory]...32-190 Conceptual understanding...32-190 Concern...32-190 Concessions...32-190 Concordance...32-191 Concordancer...32-191 Concordances...32-191 Concordancing program...32-191 Concrete...32-191 Concrete beams...32-192 Concrete beams--Design and construction...32-192 Concrete block walls...32-192 Concrete blocks...32-193 Concrete boats...32-193 Concrete bridge...32-193 Concrete bridges...32-193 Concrete curing compound...32-193 Concrete flat sheet...32-193 Concrete industry--Location...32-193 Concrete Masonry Unit--Manufactures...32-193 Concrete rubbish...32-193 Concrete slabs...32-193 Concrete solar collector...32-193 Concrete waste...32-193 Concrete--Dewatering...32-193 Concrete--Effect of temperature on...32-193 Concrete--Formability...32-193 Concrete--Thermal properties...32-193 Condensate...32-193 Condensate oil wells...32-194 Condensation...32-194 Condensed tannins...32-194 Condenser...32-194 Condert audience...32-194 Condida cylindracea...32-194 Condida vaginitis...32-194 Condidemia...32-194 Condiments...32-194 Condiments--East Asia...32-194 Condition training...32-194 Conditional access system...32-194 Conditions...32-194 Conditoners...32-194 Condom preparedness...32-194 Condom use...32-194 Condominium Act, B.E.2522...32-195 Condoms...32-195 Conduct of life...32-195 Conduct of life--Laos...32-195 Conduct of life--Vietnam...32-195 Conducting...32-195 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x17] Conducting polymer...32-195 Conducting polymers...32-195 Conducting sphere...32-196 Conductive compounds...32-196 Conductive polymer...32-196 Conductive polymer composites...32-196 Conductive toner...32-196 Conductometer...32-196 Conductometric analysis...32-196 Conductors...32-196 Cone...32-196 Cone Penetration Test...32-196 Conex...32-196 Confectionary...32-196 Confectionary products...32-196 Conference XP...32-196 Conferencing...32-196 Confidence intervals...32-196 Confidential unit exclusion...32-197 Configuration management...32-197 Configurations...32-197 Configurations--Design...32-197 Confined concrete...32-197 Conflict...32-197 Conflict in organization...32-197 Conflict management...32-197 Conflict management--Chiang Mai...32-197 Conflict management--Thailand, Southern...32-197 Conflict resolution...32-197 Conflict [Psychology]...32-198 Conflict [Psychology] in literature...32-198 Conflict6 management...32-198 Conflicts...32-198 Conflicts [Psychology]...32-198 Confocal microscopy...32-198 Confocal scanning laser...32-198 Conformal mapping...32-198 Conformal mapping--Computer programs...32-198 Conformation...32-198 Conformational analysis...32-198 Conformational energy surfaces...32-198 Confrontation...32-198 Congenital heart disease...32-198 Congenital heart disease in children...32-199 Congenital heart disease in children--Nutritional aspects...32-199 Congenital hypothyroidism...32-199 Congestion control...32-199 Congestion management...32-199 Congestive heart failure...32-199 Congresses...32-199 Congresses and conventions...32-199 Conical beam antenna...32-199 Conical rotating screen extractor...32-199 Conical shell...32-199 Conidia...32-199 Coniferyl alcohol derivatives...32-199 Conjectural variations...32-199 Conjectural variations analysis...32-199 Conjugal relations...32-199 Conjugate gradient methods...32-199 Conjugated bilirubin...32-200 Conjugation [Biology]...32-200 Conjugative plamid...32-200 Conjunctival impression cytology...32-200 Connaraceae...32-200 Connectedness...32-200 Connection database...32-200 Connection splitting...32-200 Connection tests...32-200 Connection-oriented communication network...32-200 Connector assembly factory...32-200 Conners'Rating Scales...32-200 Connotation [Linguistics]...32-200 Connseling...32-200 Conscientization...32-200 Consciousnees...32-200 Consciousness...32-201 Conscript labor...32-201 Conscripts...32-201 Consequences...32-201 Conservation...32-201 Conservation forest...32-201 Conservation of Don Hoi Lod...32-201 Conservation of endangered biological resources...32201 Conservation of natural resources...32-201 Conservation of natural resources--Buri Ram...32-202 Conservation of natural resources--Chiang Mai...32-202 Conservation of natural resources--Research...32-202 Conservation of natural resources--Thailand, Northeastern...32-202 Conservation of plant genetic resources project...32-202 Conserved natural site...32-202 Conserved regions...32-202 Consitution of the Kingdom of Thialand, B.E.2540...32202 Consolidation...32-202 Consolidation algorithm...32-202 Consolidation and merger of corporations...32-202 Consolidation of land holdings...32-202 Consolidation settlement...32-203 Consolidations and merger of corporations...32-203 Consonants...32-203 Consortium...32-203 Constant spring...32-203 Constipation...32-203 Constipation in adults--Prevention and control...32-203 Constipation in aged--Prevention and control...32-203 Constipation in children...32-203 Constitution drafting...32-203 Constitution Drafting Assembly...32-203 Constitution of the King of Thailand, B.E.2540...32-203 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand...32-203 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2540...32204 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E.2475...32204 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E.2540...32204 Constitution of the kingdom of Thailand, B.E.2540...32204 Constitutional amendments...32-204 Constitutional Court of Thailand...32-204 Constitutional law...32-204 Constitutionalism...32-204 Constitutions...32-204 Constitutive model...32-205 Constitutive modeling...32-205 Constitutive modelling...32-205 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x18] Constrnction workers...32-205 Construct validity...32-205 constructed wetland...32-205 Constructed wetlands...32-205 Construction...32-205 Construction claim assistance...32-205 Construction contracts...32-205 Construction cost...32-205 Construction cost estimates...32-205 Construction delays...32-205 Construction equipment...32-206 Construction industry...32-206 Construction industry--Cambodian--Surveys...32-206 Construction industry--Cost...32-206 Construction industry--Graphic methods...32-206 Construction industry--Laos...32-206 Construction information...32-206 Construction management...32-206 Construction management--Computer programs...32-206 Construction materials...32-206 Construction networks...32-206 Construction project...32-206 Construction site managers...32-206 Construction system...32-206 Construction workers...32-206 Construction workers--Bangkok...32-207 Construction workers--Bangkok--Health and hygiene...32-207 Construction workers--Laos...32-207 Construction workers--Sexual behavior...32-207 Construction workers--Taiwan...32-207 Constructive algorithms...32-207 Constructivism theory...32-207 Constructivism [Education]...32-207 Constructivist learning theory...32-207 Consultant system...32-207 Consultation...32-207 Consumer...32-207 Consumer affairs departments...32-207 Consumer and firm relationships...32-207 Consumer behavior...32-207 Consumer behavior--Bangkok...32-208 Consumer behaviours...32-208 Consumer culture...32-208 Consumer involvement...32-209 Consumer product industry...32-209 Consumer protection...32-209 Consumer protection administration...32-209 Consumer protection--Law and legislation...32-209 Consumer rights...32-209 Consumer satisfaction...32-209 Consumerism...32-209 Consumers...32-209 Consumers--Attitudes...32-210 Consumers--Bangkok...32-210 Consumers--Bangkok--Behavior...32-210 Consumers--Bangkok--Decision-making...32-210 Consumers--Behavior...32-210 Consumers--Egypt...32-210 Consumers--Kalasin...32-210 Consumers--Khon Kaen...32-211 Consumers--Nonthaburi...32-211 Consumers--Testing...32-211 Consuming behaviours...32-211 Consumption...32-211 Consumption based capital asset pricing model...32-211 Consumption behavion...32-211 Consumption behavior...32-211 Consumption behavior--Phitsanulok...32-211 Consumption behaviors...32-211 Consumption of food...32-212 Consumption symbolism...32-212 Consumption [Economics]...32-212 Consumption [Economics]--Indonesia--Surveys...32-212 Consumptive use...32-212 Contact...32-212 Contact farmers--Sing Buri...32-212 Contact flocculation-filtration...32-212 Contact resistance...32-212 Container index...32-212 Containers...32-212 Contaminant transport...32-213 Contaminant--Removal...32-213 Contaminated soil...32-213 Contaminated soils...32-213 Contamination...32-213 Contamination of environmental...32-213 Conte family...32-213 Contemporaneity...32-213 Contemporary art...32-213 Contemporary game...32-213 Contemporary Thai cinema...32-214 Contemporary, The...32-214 Content analysis [Communication]...32-214 Content area reading--Kamphaeng Phet...32-214 Content-based image retrieval...32-214 Content-based prediction...32-214 Contestation...32-214 Contesting rights over land...32-214 Context [Linguistics]...32-214 Contingent ranking method...32-214 Contingent valuation...32-214 Contingent valuation method...32-214 Continous-flow system...32-214 Continuation methods...32-214 Continued fractions...32-214 Continuing education...32-215 Continuing education--China...32-215 Continuing educaton--Thailand, Northern...32-215 Continuing medical education...32-215 Continuing professional development...32-215 Continuity...32-215 Continuity equation...32-215 Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis...32-215 Continuous and discontinuous exercise program...32-215 Continuous flow system...32-215 Continuous fluidizedbed...32-215 Continuous functions...32-215 Continuous hot rolling...32-216 Continuous hydrogenation...32-216 Continuous infusion...32-216 Continuous modules...32-216 Continuous passive motion...32-216 Continuous process...32-216 Continuous reinforcement...32-216 Continuous rolling theory...32-216 Continuous speech recognition...32-216 Continuous stirred tank reactor...32-216 Continuous tabu search...32-216 Continuous variation method...32-216 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x19] Continuous vibrofluidized bed dryer...32-216 Continuous-flow extraction system...32-216 Continuous-time filters...32-216 Continuum approach...32-216 Continuum topology optimization...32-216 Contour analysis...32-217 Contour information...32-217 Contour matching...32-217 Contraception...32-217 Contraception--Combodia...32-217 Contraception--Failures...32-217 Contraception--Indonesia...32-217 Contraception--Khon Kaen...32-217 Contraception--Laos...32-218 Contraception--Malaysia...32-218 Contraception--Nigeria...32-218 Contraception--Philippines...32-218 Contraception--Side effects...32-218 Contraception--Srakeo...32-218 Contraception--Thailand, Southern...32-218 Contraception--Vietnum...32-218 Contraceptive devices, Female...32-218 Contraceptive drugs...32-218 Contraceptive drugs, Injectable--Vietnam, Northern...32218 Contraceptive drugs--Analysis...32-218 Contraceptive drugs--Effectiveness...32-218 Contraceptive pill...32-218 Contraceptive use...32-219 Contraceptives...32-219 contraceptives...32-220 Contraceptives, Postcoital...32-220 Contraceptives, Vaginal...32-220 Contraceptives--Bangladesh...32-220 Contraceptives--Benin...32-220 Contraceptives--Cambodia...32-220 Contraceptives--Chiang Mai...32-221 Contraceptives--China...32-221 Contraceptives--India...32-221 Contraceptives--Indonesia...32-221 Contraceptives--Laos...32-221 Contraceptives--Myanmar...32-221 Contraceptives--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-221 Contraceptives--Nepal...32-221 Contraceptives--Pathum Thani...32-221 Contraceptives--Philippines...32-221 Contraceptives--Ratchaburi...32-221 Contraceptives--Sterilization...32-221 Contraceptives--Thailand, Southern...32-221 Contraceptives--Vietnam...32-221 Contraceptives--Vietnam, Northern...32-221 Contract farming...32-221 Contractile proteins...32-222 Contractility [Biology]...32-222 Contracting out...32-222 Contraction...32-222 Contraction of muscles...32-222 Contractors...32-222 Contractors--China...32-222 Contracts...32-222 Contrast enhanced computed tomography...32-222 Contrast error...32-222 Contrastive analysis...32-222 Contributing factors to smoking...32-222 Control...32-222 Control and instrumentation...32-222 Control chart...32-222 Control charts in quality control...32-222 Control design...32-223 Control drug store...32-223 Control engineering...32-223 Control materials...32-223 Control mechanisms...32-223 Control of electroosmotic flow...32-223 Control parameter...32-223 Control parameters...32-223 Control performance...32-223 Control strategies...32-223 Control structure design...32-223 Control system...32-223 Control system assessment...32-223 Control systems research laboratory...32-223 Controlled air incinerator...32-223 Controlled atmospheres...32-223 Controlled atmospheres [Industrial processes]...32-223 Controlled drug delivery...32-223 Controlled drug delivery system...32-223 Controlled release...32-223 Controlled release agent...32-224 Controlled release preparations...32-224 Controlled release technology...32-224 Controlled-air incinerator...32-224 Controller...32-224 Controller module...32-224 Controlling...32-224 Controlling matrix polymer...32-224 Controlling membrane...32-224 Controlling morphology...32-224 Conve on biological diversity 1992...32-224 Convective cloud...32-224 Convective parameterization...32-224 Convenience foods...32-224 Convenience stores...32-225 Convention on biological diversity...32-225 Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992...32-225 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora...32-225 Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road 1956...32-225 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [CEDAW]...32-225 Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide of 1948...32-225 Conventional anaerobic digester...32-225 Conventional culture procedure...32-225 Conventional heating...32-225 Conventional laboratory sheet...32-225 Conventional therapy...32-225 Convergence...32-225 Convergence in probability...32-225 Convergence set...32-225 Conversation...32-226 Conversation analysis...32-226 Conversion...32-226 Conversion Dircete de l'energie solaira en electricite...32226 Conversion disorder...32-226 Conversion matrix...32-226 Converter...32-226 converters...32-226 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x20] Convex cone method...32-227 Convex subgroups...32-227 Convexity...32-227 Conveying dryer...32-227 Conveyor roller making factory...32-227 Convolution equation...32-227 Convolution matrix...32-227 Convolutional code...32-227 Convolvulaceae...32-227 Convulsions...32-227 Cook-in-bag product...32-227 Cookbook translation...32-227 Cooked rice...32-227 Cookery...32-227 Cookery for the sick...32-227 Cookery [Vegetables]...32-227 Cookery [Vegetables]--Nutritional aspects...32-227 Cookery, Thai...32-227 Cookie containing sun-dried banana...32-228 Cookies...32-228 Cooking...32-228 Cooking gas burner...32-228 Cooking oil...32-228 Cooking oil--Recycling...32-228 Cooking stoves...32-228 Cooking time...32-228 Cool storage...32-228 Cool storage air-conditioning systems...32-228 Cooling...32-228 Cooling load reduction...32-229 Cooling rate...32-229 Cooling system...32-229 Cooling system design...32-229 Cooling tower fill--Mathematical models...32-229 Cooling towers...32-229 Cooling wall...32-229 Coombs'test...32-229 Cooperation...32-229 Cooperation of the citizen...32-230 Cooperative bank...32-230 Cooperative center for promulgating research in local development...32-230 Cooperative learning...32-230 Cooperative learning model...32-231 Cooperative societies...32-231 Cooperative Societies Act, B.E.2542...32-231 Cooperative societies--Khon Kaen...32-231 Cooperative--Members--Attitude...32-231 Cooperattive learning...32-231 Coordinate indexing...32-231 Coordinate measurement...32-231 Coordinate measuring machines--Dynamics...32-231 Coordinate transformations...32-231 Coordinates, Curvilinear...32-231 Coordinates, Polar...32-231 Coordination...32-231 Coordination between Academy Institute and Corporation...32-231 Coordination of protective equipment...32-232 Copalyl diphosphate synthase...32-232 COPD patients...32-232 Copepoda...32-232 Copied paintings...32-232 Copillary zone electrophoresis...32-232 Coping...32-232 Coping Behavior...32-232 Coping behavior...32-232 Coping behaviors...32-232 Coping process...32-232 Coping resources...32-233 Coping strategies...32-233 Coping stress...32-233 Coping style...32-233 Copolyesters...32-233 Copolymer...32-233 copolymer...32-233 Copolymer film...32-233 Copolymerization...32-233 Copolymers...32-233 Copper...32-234 Copper (II) ion...32-236 Copper alloys...32-236 Copper carbamate stain...32-236 Copper catalysts...32-236 Copper chromite...32-236 Copper compounds...32-236 Copper electrodes...32-236 Copper in the body...32-236 Copper indium gallium diselenide...32-236 Copper indium selenide...32-236 Copper ions...32-236 Copper modification...32-236 Copper oxide...32-236 Copper oxide-pillared clay...32-236 Copper plating...32-236 Copper resistant bacteria...32-236 Copper sulphate--Environmental aspects...32-237 Copper sulphide...32-237 Copper wire...32-237 Copper [II] complexes...32-237 Copper [II] ion...32-237 Copper--Environmental aspects...32-237 Copper--Isotopes...32-237 Copper--Metabolism--Disorders...32-237 Copper--Metallurgy...32-237 Copper--Nong Khai...32-237 Copper--Oxidation...32-237 Copper--Toxicology...32-237 Copper-iron mattes...32-237 Copper-silver alloys...32-237 Copping systems...32-237 Coprecipitation...32-237 Coproantigen...32-237 Coprocessing...32-237 Coptotermes gestroi...32-237 Copy-back cache...32-238 Copying machines...32-238 Copyright...32-238 Copyright Act B.E.2537...32-238 Copyright Act, B.E.2537...32-238 Copyright law vialation...32-238 Copyrolysis...32-238 COQ10...32-238 Coral reef conservation...32-238 Coral reef degradation...32-238 Coral reef ecology...32-238 Coral reef ecology--Thailand, Southern...32-238 Coral reef ecosystem...32-238 Coral reefs...32-238 Coral reefs and islands...32-238 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x21] Coral reefs and islands--Phuket...32-238 Coral reefs and islands--Surat Thani...32-239 Coral reefs and islands--Thailand, Southern...32-239 Coral resource...32-239 Coralline hydroxyapatite...32-239 Corals...32-239 Corals--Phuket...32-239 Corals--Reproduction...32-239 CORBA...32-239 Corba...32-239 Corbicula...32-239 Corcum domestca...32-239 Cord blood...32-239 Cordia globifera...32-239 Cordyceps...32-239 Core competency...32-239 Core job dimensions...32-240 Core labour standards...32-240 Core shill...32-240 Core-based tree...32-240 Coriander...32-240 Coriander--Asia, Southeastern...32-240 Coriander--India--Utilization...32-240 Coriandrum sativum...32-240 Coriolus versicolor...32-240 Coriolus versicolor RC3...32-240 Corn...32-240 Corn borer--Control...32-241 Corn cob particleboard...32-241 Corn combined harvester...32-241 Corn earworn...32-241 Corn husker and sheller...32-241 Corn industry--Zambia...32-241 Corn milk powder...32-241 Corn oil...32-241 Corn products...32-241 Corn Products--Asia--Economic aspects...32-242 Corn trade...32-242 Corn weevil...32-242 Corn--Breeding...32-242 Corn--Cambodia...32-242 Corn--Chiang Rai--Economic aspects...32-242 Corn--Contamination...32-242 Corn--Control...32-242 Corn--Cost effectiveness...32-242 Corn--Diseases and pests...32-242 Corn--Diseases and pests--Control...32-242 Corn--Drying...32-242 Corn--Economic aspects...32-243 Corn--Economic aspects--Philippines...32-243 Corn--Effect of herbicides on...32-243 Corn--Effect of insecticides on...32-243 Corn--Effect of radiation on...32-243 Corn--Ethiopia...32-243 Corn--Ethiopia--Growth...32-243 Corn--Ethiopia--Management...32-243 Corn--Ethiopia--Planting...32-243 Corn--Fertilizers...32-243 Corn--Genetics...32-243 Corn--Germplasm resources...32-243 Corn--Growth...32-244 Corn--Harvesting...32-244 Corn--Harvesting--Machinery...32-244 Corn--Host plants...32-244 Corn--Indonesia--Marketing...32-244 Corn--Insect resistance...32-244 Corn--Manufacturing processes...32-244 Corn--Microbiology...32-244 Corn--Milling--By-products...32-244 Corn--Milling--Machinery...32-244 Corn--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-244 Corn--Nakhon Sawan...32-244 Corn--Philippines--Economic aspects...32-244 Corn--Philippines--Fertilizers...32-244 Corn--Philippines--Prices...32-244 Corn--Planting...32-244 Corn--Postharvest technology--Diseases and injuries...32-245 Corn--Postharvest technology--Energy consumption...32245 Corn--Preservation...32-245 Corn--Ratchaburi--Economic aspects...32-245 Corn--Research...32-245 Corn--Residues...32-245 Corn--Seedlings...32-245 Corn--Seeds...32-245 Corn--Seeds--Quality...32-245 Corn--Selection...32-245 Corn--Soils...32-245 Corn--Songkhla...32-245 Corn--Supply and demand...32-245 Corn--Varieties--Testing...32-245 Corn--Vietnam...32-246 Corn--Vietnam--Planting...32-246 Corn--Yields...32-246 Corn--Yunnan--Quality...32-246 Corncobs...32-246 Corneal dystrophies...32-246 Corona...32-246 Corona discharge...32-246 Corona discharge photography...32-246 Corona discharge reactor...32-246 Corona discharge reator...32-246 Corona ion...32-246 Corona treatment...32-246 Coronal loops [Sun]...32-246 Coronary arteries...32-246 Coronary arteries disease...32-247 Coronary arteries--Dilation...32-247 Coronary arteries--Patients...32-247 Coronary arteries--Patients--Nursing...32-247 Coronary arteries--Surgery--Patients--Health...32-247 Coronary arteriolar responses...32-247 Coronary arterioles...32-247 Coronary artery bypass...32-247 Coronary artery bypass graft...32-247 Coronary artery disease...32-247 Coronary artery disease--Patients...32-248 Coronary Care Unit...32-248 Coronary care unit...32-248 Coronary disease...32-248 Coronary heart disease...32-248 Coronary heart disease--Diagnosis...32-249 Coronary heart disease--Mortality--Tables...32-249 Coronary heart disease--Patients...32-249 Coronary heart disease--Patients--Mental health...32-249 Coronary heart disease--Patients--Nutrition...32-249 Coronary heart disease--Prevention...32-249 Coronary heart disease--Prevention and control...32-249 Coronary heart disease--Surgery--Patients--Care...32- หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x22] 249 Coronary insufficiency...32-250 Coronary vessels--Surgery--Cost effectiveness...32-250 Coronaviruses...32-250 Coronene...32-250 Corpetgrass...32-250 Corporate...32-250 Corporate bond...32-250 Corporate culture...32-250 Corporate diagnosis...32-250 Corporate diversification...32-250 Corporate governace...32-250 Corporate governance...32-250 Corporate performance...32-251 Corporate reorganizations...32-251 Corporate responsibility...32-251 Corporate social responsibility...32-251 Corporation law...32-251 Corporations...32-251 Corporations, Dutch...32-251 Corporations, Foreign...32-251 Corporations, Government...32-251 Corporations, Japanese...32-251 Corporations, Nonprofit...32-251 Corporations, Thais...32-252 Corpus...32-252 corpus...32-252 Corpus analysis...32-252 Corpus callosum...32-252 Corpus callosum--Anatomy...32-252 Corpus-based analysis...32-252 Correction officers...32-252 Correctional personnel--Job satisfaction...32-252 Corrective action...32-252 Corrective feedback...32-252 Corregidora...32-252 Correlation...32-252 Correlation coefficient...32-252 Correlation function...32-252 Correlationships...32-252 Correspondence training courses...32-252 Corrosion...32-252 Corrosion and anti-corrosives...32-253 Corrosion cast technique...32-253 Corrosion casting [Microscopy]...32-253 Corrosion potential...32-253 Corrosion products...32-253 Corrosion resistance...32-253 Corrosion resistant alloys...32-253 Corrugated plate oil separator...32-253 Corrugated plates...32-253 Corrugated-box...32-253 Corruption...32-253 Corruption [in politics]...32-254 Corsets...32-254 Cortical bone...32-254 Cortical granule exocytosis...32-254 Cortical spreading depression...32-254 Corticosteroids...32-254 Corticosterone...32-254 Cortisol...32-254 Corundum...32-254 Corundum--Lao...32-254 Corundum--Madagascar...32-254 Corundum--Tanzania...32-255 Corynebacterium glutamicum...32-255 Corynebacterium urealyticum...32-255 Corynespora cassiicola...32-255 Coscinium fenestratum...32-255 Coscinium fenestratuml...32-255 Coscinodiscus...32-255 Cosmetic active...32-255 Cosmetic products--Quality control...32-255 Cosmetic surgery...32-255 Cosmetics...32-255 Cosmetics--Purchasing...32-256 Cosmetics--Testing...32-256 Cosmetics--Vocabulary...32-256 Cosmic evolution...32-256 Cosmic microwave background...32-256 Cosmic rays...32-256 cosmic rays...32-256 Cosmology...32-256 Cosmos...32-257 Cosmos bipinnatus...32-257 Cosmos sulphureus...32-257 Cost...32-257 Cost accounting...32-257 Cost analysis...32-257 Cost analysis of service...32-258 Cost and standard of living...32-258 Cost and standard of living--India...32-258 Cost benefit analysis...32-258 Cost comparison...32-258 Cost control...32-258 Cost data...32-258 Cost effectiveness...32-258 Cost effectiveness analysis...32-260 Cost function...32-260 Cost of Illness...32-260 Cost of illness...32-260 Cost of treatment...32-260 Cost recovery...32-260 Cost reduction...32-260 Cost structure...32-260 Cost underestimation...32-260 Cost waste...32-260 Cost-benefit analysis...32-260 Cost-recovery...32-260 Costing module...32-261 Costume...32-261 Costus lacerus...32-261 Costus speciosus...32-261 Costus speciosus smith...32-261 Cosumer satisfaction...32-261 Cosurfactant...32-261 Cotesia flavipes...32-261 Cotesia plutellae...32-261 Coton fabrics...32-261 Cotrimoxazole...32-261 Cottage industries...32-261 Cottage industries--Kalasin...32-261 Cottage industries--Khon Kaen...32-261 Cottage industry...32-261 Cotton...32-261 Cotton bollworm...32-262 Cotton buds--Quality...32-262 Cotton dyeing...32-262 Cotton fabrics...32-262 Cotton fabrics--Printing...32-262 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x23] Cotton fiber...32-262 Cotton Leaf...32-263 Cotton leafworm...32-263 Cotton manufacture...32-263 Cotton textiles--Environmental aspects...32-263 Cotton--Breeding...32-263 Cotton--Diseases and pests...32-263 Cotton--Economic aspects...32-263 Cotton--Effect of anthocyanin on...32-263 Cotton--Effect of flavoniods on...32-263 Cotton--Ethiopia...32-263 Cotton--Insect resistance...32-263 Cotton--Planting...32-263 Cotton--Supply and demand...32-263 Cotton--Uganda...32-263 Cotton--Varieties--Testing...32-263 Cotton--Weed...32-263 Cotton-worm...32-264 COTTONS...32-264 Cottonseed meal...32-264 Cotugnia...32-264 Coturnix coturnix japonica...32-264 Cough...32-264 Cough solutions...32-264 Coumarin...32-264 Coumarins...32-264 Councillors...32-264 Counseling...32-264 Counseling column...32-265 Counseling program...32-266 Counseling service...32-266 Counseling theory...32-266 Counseling--Cambodia...32-266 Counseling--China...32-266 Counselling...32-266 Counselling testing service...32-266 Counselors...32-266 Counter flow bagasse dryer...32-266 Counter service...32-266 Counterinsurgency...32-266 Country and city police department--Consolidation...32266 Country homes...32-266 Country life--Thailand, Northern...32-266 Country risk...32-266 Country services...32-266 Countryside...32-266 County services...32-266 Couple relationship...32-267 Coupled flow...32-267 Coupled problems...32-267 Couplers...32-267 Couples...32-267 Couples--Bangladesh...32-267 Coupling...32-267 Coupling agent...32-267 Coupling constants...32-267 Coupling media...32-267 Coupling reaction...32-267 Couplings...32-267 Course book...32-267 Course effectiveness...32-267 Course for fundamental research...32-267 Course management...32-267 Course planning...32-268 Course registration...32-268 Course registration system...32-268 Course scheduling...32-268 Course syllabus...32-268 Courseware...32-268 Court ladies...32-268 Court of Justice...32-268 Courtship of animals...32-268 Covalent binding...32-268 Covariance matrix...32-268 Covariates...32-268 Cover rocks...32-268 Covered group...32-268 cow manure...32-268 Coworker communication...32-268 Coworker group...32-268 Cowpea...32-268 Cowpea weevil...32-269 Cowpea--Seeds--Quality...32-269 Cows...32-269 Cows--Breeding...32-269 Cows--Cytogenetics...32-269 Cows--Diseases...32-269 Cows--Food...32-269 Cows--Growth...32-269 Cows--Reproduction...32-269 Cows--Vietnam--Feeding and feeds...32-270 COX-2...32-270 CPE gene...32-270 CpG island...32-270 CpG oligodeoxynucleotide...32-270 CPM...32-270 CPN...32-270 CPR [First aid]...32-270 CPR [First aid]--Computer-assisted instruction...32-270 CPSS...32-270 CPW-fed...32-270 Crab meat...32-270 Crab shell...32-270 Crabs...32-270 Crabs--Behavior...32-270 Crabs--Databases...32-270 Crabs--Eggs...32-270 Crabs--Growth...32-271 Crabs--New Zealand...32-271 Crabs--Phuket--Collection and preservation...32-271 Crabs--Phuket--Geographical distribution...32-271 Crabs--Ranong...32-271 Crabs--Reproduction...32-271 Crack...32-271 Crack connections...32-271 Crack detection...32-271 Crack patterns...32-271 Cracking...32-271 Cracking localization...32-271 Cracking of polypropylene...32-271 Cracking process...32-271 Cracking reaction...32-271 Cramer-rao bound...32-272 Cranes...32-272 Cranial nerve motor...32-272 Craniofacial...32-272 Craniofacial anthropology...32-272 Craniofacial complex...32-272 Craniofacial dysostosis...32-272 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x24] Craniofacial morphology...32-272 Craniometry...32-272 Cranioscopy...32-272 Cranium...32-272 Crank-Nicolson method...32-272 Crankshaft...32-272 Craseonycteris thonglongyai...32-272 Crassna plantation...32-272 Crassostrea...32-272 Crassostrea belcheri...32-272 Crassostrea belcheri--Reproduction...32-273 Crassostrea blecheri...32-273 Crassostrea commercialis...32-273 Crassostrea lugubris...32-273 Crater bed...32-273 Crates...32-273 Cratoxylum arborescens...32-273 Cratoxylum cochinchinense...32-273 Cravs...32-273 Crayfish shells...32-273 Crayfish--Diseases...32-273 CRC International company--Computer programs...32273 Cream...32-273 Creams...32-274 Creatine...32-274 Creatinine...32-274 Creatinnine...32-274 Creation [Literary, artistic, etc.]...32-274 Creative ability...32-274 Creative ability in mathematics...32-274 Creative dance...32-274 Creative goal setting...32-274 Creative problem solving...32-274 Creative thinking...32-275 Creative writing exercises...32-275 Credibility...32-275 Credit...32-275 Credit card crimes...32-275 Credit card holders...32-275 Credit card payment system...32-276 Credit card users...32-276 Credit cards...32-276 Credit multiplier...32-276 Credit programme for rural development...32-276 Credit resolution policies...32-276 Credit--Chiang Mai...32-276 Credit-based congestion control...32-276 Credulity...32-276 Creep...32-276 Creep compliance...32-276 Cremation...32-276 Crescentia alata...32-276 Crevicular fluid...32-276 Crewmen...32-276 Crime...32-276 Crime detection...32-277 Crime examining specialists...32-277 Crime news...32-277 Crime prevention...32-277 Crime prevention--Bangkok...32-278 Crime prevention--Citizen participation...32-278 Crime prevention--Khon Kaen--Citizen participation...32278 Crime prevention--Maha Sarakham...32-278 Crime prevention--Nakhon Pathom...32-278 Crime problems...32-278 Crime reporters...32-278 Crime scene...32-278 Crime scene protection...32-278 Crime suppression...32-278 Crime Suppression Division...32-279 Crime victims...32-279 Crime watch volunteers...32-279 Crime--Nakhon Ratchasrima...32-279 Criminal abortion...32-279 Criminal act...32-279 Criminal and Criminology...32-279 Criminal case...32-279 Criminal cases...32-279 Criminal information system...32-279 Criminal investigation...32-279 Criminal justice...32-280 Criminal justice personnel--Attitude...32-280 Criminal justice system...32-280 Criminal justice, Administration of...32-280 Criminal law...32-280 Criminal law--Indonesia...32-280 Criminal news...32-280 Criminal photos...32-280 Criminal photos seeking system...32-281 Criminal procedure code...32-281 Criminals...32-281 Criminology...32-281 Crine prevention...32-281 Crisis...32-281 Crisis management...32-281 Crisis negotiation...32-281 Crisp set...32-281 Cristobalite...32-281 Criteria...32-281 Criterion-referenced tests...32-281 Critical care neonatal...32-281 Critical care nursing...32-281 Critical care testing...32-282 Critical care units...32-282 Critical consciousness...32-282 Critical control point...32-282 Critical current density...32-282 Critical current density measurement...32-282 Critical epidemiology...32-282 Critical literacy...32-282 Critical load for sulphur...32-282 Critical path analysis...32-282 Critical path method...32-282 Critical reading...32-282 Critical reading ability...32-282 Critical study...32-282 Critical success factor...32-282 Critical success factors...32-282 Critical surgical patients...32-283 Critical temperature...32-283 Critical thinking...32-283 Critical thinking ability...32-283 Critical thinking skills...32-283 Critical--Evaluation...32-283 Criticallimit...32-283 Critically ill...32-283 Critically ill children...32-283 Critically ill patient...32-284 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x25] Critically ill--Communication...32-284 Critically ill--Kinship...32-284 Critically ill--Patients...32-284 Critically ill--Patients--Mental health...32-284 Critically ill--Transportation...32-284 CRM...32-284 Crocodile farming--Cambodia...32-284 Crocodile jerky...32-284 Crocodiles...32-284 Crocodiles--Reproduction...32-284 Crocodylus...32-284 Crocodylus porosur...32-284 Crocodylus siamensis...32-284 Crop improvement...32-284 Crop improvement--Vietnam...32-284 Crop production...32-284 Crop production planning...32-284 Crop residues...32-285 Crop residues as feed--Laos...32-285 Crop residues--Utilization...32-285 Crop rotation...32-285 Crop rotation--Economic aspects...32-285 Crop simulation models...32-285 Crop substitution...32-285 Crop yields...32-285 Crop zones...32-285 CROPGRO-Soybean model...32-285 Cropping systems...32-285 Cropping systems--Cambodia...32-286 Cropping systems--Chachoengsao...32-286 Cropping systems--Chachoengsao--Design...32-286 Cropping systems--Chiang Mai...32-286 Cropping systems--Ethiopia...32-286 Cropping systems--Indonesia...32-286 Cropping systems--Mae Hong Son...32-286 Cropping systems--Nepal...32-286 Cropping systems--Philippines...32-286 Cropping systems--Planning...32-286 Cropping systems--Ratchaburi...32-287 Cropping systems--Suphan Buri...32-287 Cropping systems--Thailand, Northern...32-287 Cropping systems--Vietnam...32-287 Crops...32-287 Crops and climate--Thailand, Northern...32-287 Crops and soils...32-287 Crops and soils--Models...32-287 Crops and soils--Thailand, Northeastern...32-287 Crops and water...32-287 Crops--Economic aspects...32-288 Crops--Maps...32-288 Crops--Philippines...32-288 Crops--Postharvest losses...32-288 Crops--propagation...32-288 Crops--Soils...32-288 Croscarmellose...32-288 Cross border listing...32-288 Cross cultural reproduction...32-288 Cross culture...32-288 Cross infection...32-288 Cross infection--China...32-288 Cross infection--Khon Kaen...32-288 Cross linked...32-288 Cross linked PVC...32-288 Cross media ownership...32-288 Cross sections...32-288 Cross sections [Nuclear physics]...32-288 Cross-bordor migration...32-288 Cross-cultural...32-289 Cross-cultural adjustment...32-289 Cross-cultural communication...32-289 Cross-cultural orientation...32-289 Cross-cultural studies...32-289 Cross-impact analysis...32-289 Cross-language information retrieval...32-289 Cross-linked...32-289 Cross-polarized signal variation...32-289 Crosses...32-289 Crosslink reaction...32-289 Crosslinked...32-289 Crosslinked polymers...32-289 Crosslinking...32-289 Crosslinking agents...32-289 Crosslinking density...32-290 Crosslinking reaction...32-290 Crosslinking [Polymerization]...32-290 Crossmatch...32-290 Crossover network...32-290 Crosstalk...32-290 Crotalaria juncea...32-290 Crotalaria straita...32-290 Croton...32-290 Croton birmanicus...32-290 Croton hutchinsonlanus...32-290 Croton kongensis...32-290 Croton oblongifolius...32-290 Croton oblongifolius--Analysis...32-291 Croton oblongifolius--Therapeutic use...32-291 Croton robustrs...32-292 Croton roxbur...32-292 Croton roxburghii...32-292 Croton stellatopilosus...32-292 Croton sublyratus...32-292 Croton sublyratus--Propagation--In vitro...32-292 Croton [Plant]...32-292 Crotonic acid...32-292 Crovatin...32-292 Crown ether...32-292 Crown ethers...32-293 Crown rot diseases...32-293 Crown-down preparation...32-293 Crown-of-thorns starfish...32-293 Crowns [Dentistry]...32-293 Crucibles...32-293 Cruciferae...32-293 Crucuma longa...32-293 Crude barakol...32-293 Crude beta...32-293 Crude drugs...32-293 Crude extracts...32-293 Crude fiber...32-293 Crude oil...32-293 Crude oil mud...32-294 Crude palm oil...32-294 Crude palm oil industry...32-294 Cruise lines...32-294 Crushed ice...32-294 Crusher...32-294 Crushing unit...32-294 Crustacea...32-294 Crustacea--Anatomy...32-295 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x26] Crustacea--Phuket...32-295 Crustacean hyperglycemic hormone...32-295 Crustaceans...32-295 Cry 11 A...32-295 Cry 4 B...32-295 Cry gene...32-295 Cry genes...32-295 Cry IVB gene...32-295 Cry toxin...32-295 Cry toxins...32-295 Cry11Aa1...32-295 Cry4Aa...32-295 Cry4B...32-295 Cry4Ba toxin...32-295 Cry4Ba toxins...32-296 Cryatlline surface layer...32-296 CryIVA...32-296 CryIVB...32-296 CryIVB gene...32-296 Cryobiology...32-296 Cryogel...32-296 Cryogenic air separation process...32-296 Cryogenic piping system...32-296 Cryogenics...32-296 Cryomechanical...32-296 Cryomechanical freezing...32-296 Cryopreservation...32-296 Cryopreservation of organs, tissues, etc...32-.296 Cryoprotectant...32-296 Cryoprotection...32-297 Cryotherapy...32-297 Cryptand...32-297 Cryptococcal infected patients...32-297 Cryptococcal meningitis...32-297 Cryptococcosis...32-297 Cryptococcus...32-297 Cryptococcus larentii...32-297 Cryptococcus laurentii...32-297 Cryptococcus neoformans...32-297 Cryptographic protocols...32-298 Cryptography...32-298 Cryptography verifiable secret sharing...32-298 Cryptograpy...32-298 Cryptoregiochemistry...32-298 Cryptosporidium...32-298 Cryptosporidium parvum...32-298 Cryptosporidium--Infection...32-298 Cryptovalsa...32-298 Cryptozona...32-298 Crystal chemistry...32-298 Crystal field theory...32-298 Crystal lattices...32-298 Crystal protein...32-298 Crystal proteins...32-299 Crystal structures...32-299 Crystal violet...32-299 Crystalline cellulose...32-299 Crystalline phase composition...32-299 Crystalline structure...32-299 Crystalline surface...32-299 Crystallinity...32-299 Crystallite size...32-299 Crystallization...32-299 Crystallization analysis fractionation...32-300 Crystals...32-300 Crystals--Growth...32-300 CSCUR tool...32-300 CSP singulation...32-300 CT assessment program...32-300 Ctenopharyngodon idella...32-300 CTL epitope mapping...32-300 Ctx gene...32-300 CU 73-14-08...32-300 CU 73-14-11...32-300 Cu 763-15-13...32-301 CU(1-x)SnxA102...32-301 CU-76-10-01...32-301 CU-763-10-01...32-301 Cubic inN films...32-301 Cubic phase...32-301 Cubic spline...32-301 Cubic splines...32-301 Cubitus interruptus...32-301 Cucumber juice brine...32-301 Cucumber--Seeds...32-301 Cucumbers...32-301 Cucumbers--Culture...32-301 Cucumbers--Seeds--Testing...32-301 Cucumis melo...32-301 Cucumis sativus...32-301 Cucurbita...32-302 Cucurbitaceae...32-302 Cucurbitaceae--Diseases and pests...32-302 Cucurbitacin...32-302 Cudrania cochinchinensis...32-302 Cudrania javanensis...32-302 Cuduniella indica...32-302 Cuisine...32-302 CUK converter...32-302 Culex...32-302 Culex peus...32-302 Culex pipiens...32-302 Culex pipiens--Genetics...32-302 Culex pipiens--Morphology...32-302 Culex quinguefasciatus...32-302 Culex quinquefasciatus...32-303 Culex quinquefasciatus--Control...32-303 Culex salinarius...32-303 Culicidae...32-303 Culicidaes...32-303 Cullular mobile telephone...32-303 Culticle-degrading enzymes...32-303 Cultivar chanee...32-303 Cultivars...32-303 Cultivated mushroom...32-303 Cultivated plants...32-304 cultivation of soils...32-304 Cultivation theory...32-304 Cultivors...32-304 Cultural...32-304 Cultural adaptation...32-304 Cultural anthropology...32-304 Cultural capital...32-304 Cultural change...32-304 Cultural community...32-304 Cultural construction...32-304 Cultural context...32-304 Cultural development...32-304 Cultural dissemination...32-304 Cultural ecology...32-304 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x27] Cultural environment conservation...32-305 Cultural environment conservation--Citizen participation...32-305 Cultural forest...32-305 Cultural heritage...32-305 Cultural heritage environmental conservation...32-305 Cultural heritage invironmental conservation...32-305 Cultural history...32-305 Cultural identity...32-305 Cultural information...32-305 Cultural knowledge...32-305 Cultural landscape...32-305 Cultural promotion...32-305 Cultural property...32-305 Cultural relations...32-305 Cultural resoure management--Citizen participation...32306 Cultural revival...32-306 Cultural schemata...32-306 Cultural significance...32-306 Cultural status...32-306 Cultural tourism...32-306 Cultural tourism management...32-306 Cultural-psychological factor...32-306 Culturally coherent...32-306 Culture...32-306 Culture in literature...32-307 Culture landscape...32-307 Culture--Preservation...32-307 Culture--Study and teaching...32-307 Culture--Surat Thani...32-307 Cultures [Biology]...32-307 Culturing conditions...32-307 Culturing depth...32-307 Cumene synthesis...32-307 Cuminum cyminum...32-308 Cumulative effects assessment [Environmental assessment]...32-308 Cumulative environmental effects assessment...32-308 Cunaxidae...32-308 Cunninghamia lanceolata...32-308 Cupola slag...32-308 Cuprates...32-308 Curative services...32-308 Curculionidae...32-308 Curcuma...32-308 Curcuma alismatifolia...32-308 Curcuma alismatifolia gagnep...32-309 Curcuma alismatifolia--Diseases and pests...32-309 Curcuma alismatifolia--Growth...32-309 Curcuma Aromatica...32-309 Curcuma aromatica...32-309 Curcuma comosa...32-309 Curcuma domestica...32-309 Curcuma germplasm...32-309 Curcuma logna...32-310 Curcuma longa...32-310 Curcuma mangga...32-310 Curcuma parviflora...32-310 Curcuma products...32-310 Curcuma rhizome...32-310 Curcuma sparganifolia...32-310 Curcuma xanthorrhiza...32-311 Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb...32-311 Curcuma zedoaria...32-311 Curcumin...32-311 Curcuminoid compounds...32-312 Curcuminoids...32-312 Curcuminoids tablets...32-312 Cure characteristic...32-312 Cure rate...32-312 Cured fish...32-312 Cured natural rubber...32-312 Curie temperature...32-312 Curing...32-313 Currency Board System...32-313 Currency crisis...32-313 Current comparator...32-313 Current control...32-313 Current conveyor...32-313 Current conveyors...32-313 Current measurement...32-313 Current sensor...32-313 Current transformers [Instrument transformer]...32-313 Current-mode...32-313 Current-mode circuit...32-313 Curricula...32-313 Curricula [Coures of study]...32-313 Curricula--Evaluation...32-314 Curriculum administration...32-314 Curriculum development...32-314 Curriculum enrichment...32-314 Curriculum evaluation...32-314 Curriculum implementation...32-314 Curriculum planning...32-315 Curriculum planning--Thailand, Northeastern...32-315 Curtain wall...32-315 Curve comparison...32-315 Curves...32-315 Curves in engineering...32-315 Curvilinear coordinate...32-315 Curvilinear coordinates...32-315 Curvilinear grid...32-315 Curvularia...32-315 Curvularia lunata...32-315 CUSO Thailand [NET] Project...32-315 Cuspids...32-315 Custard apples...32-315 Custodial procedure...32-315 Custodials...32-315 Customary land rights...32-315 Customer...32-316 Customer acceptance...32-316 Customer experience management...32-316 Customer loyalty...32-316 Customer order process...32-316 Customer relations...32-316 Customer satisfaction...32-316 Customer satisfation...32-316 Customer service E-commerce [CSEC] systems...32-316 Customer service--Quality...32-316 Customer services...32-317 Customer services--Computer programs...32-317 Customers--Attitude...32-317 Customers--Registers...32-317 Customhouses...32-317 Customs administration...32-317 Customs administration and tourists...32-317 Customs criminal proceeding...32-317 Customs Department...32-317 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x28] Customs houses...32-317 Cusum control chart...32-317 Cut flowers...32-317 Cut size diameter...32-317 Cut-off score...32-317 Cutaneous blood flow...32-317 CUTe...32-318 Cuticle...32-318 Cutouts...32-318 Cutting black sapphires...32-318 Cutting machines...32-318 Cutting Oil...32-318 Cutting oil...32-318 Cutting stock problem...32-318 Cutting tools...32-318 Cutting--Manufactures...32-318 Cuu Long Basin...32-318 Cuu Long basin...32-318 Cuu Long basin--Vietnam...32-318 CuZSM-5...32-318 CVD...32-318 CVD risk factors...32-318 CVM...32-318 CVP2A13...32-318 Cyanide oxidation...32-319 Cyanides...32-319 Cyanoacrylates...32-319 Cyanobacteria...32-319 Cyanobacteria--Biotechnology...32-320 Cyanobacterial blooms...32-320 Cyanobacteriria...32-320 Cyanobacterium...32-320 Cyanogen compounds...32-321 Cyanotic heart disease...32-321 Cyanotic spells...32-321 Cyanotic tuberosa...32-321 Cyanotoxins...32-321 Cyathus striatus...32-321 Cyber banking...32-321 Cyber communities...32-321 Cybex 6000...32-321 Cybister limbatus...32-321 Cybocephalus binotatus...32-321 Cycads...32-321 Cycas--Species diversity...32-321 Cycle ergometer...32-321 Cycle homomorphisms...32-321 Cycle of life...32-321 Cyclea barbata...32-321 Cyclen...32-322 Cycles...32-322 Cyclic adenylic acid...32-322 Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase...32-322 Cyclic beta-diketones...32-322 Cyclic compounds...32-322 Cyclic esters...32-322 Cyclic load...32-322 Cyclic loading...32-322 Cyclic peptide...32-322 Cyclic peptides...32-322 Cyclic trajectory...32-322 Cyclic voltammetry...32-322 Cyclically injective rings...32-323 Cyclin...32-323 Cyclin D1...32-323 Cyclin E...32-323 Cyclin-dependent protein kinases...32-323 Cycling...32-323 Cycling network...32-323 Cyclists--Nutrition...32-323 Cyclization...32-323 Cyclization [Chemistry]...32-323 Cyclo-oxygenase...32-323 Cycloaddition...32-323 Cycloaddition reactions...32-323 Cycloalkyl nitrate compounds...32-323 Cyclobutane ring...32-323 Cyclocheilichthys armatus...32-323 Cyclodex trins...32-323 Cyclodexfrin glycosyltransferase...32-324 Cyclodextrin...32-324 Cyclodextrin degradating...32-324 Cyclodextrin derivative...32-324 Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase...32-324 Cyclodextrin glucanotransferases...32-324 Cyclodextrin glucosyltransferase...32-324 Cyclodextrin Glyclosyltransferase...32-324 Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase...32-324 Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase...32-324 Cyclodextrinase...32-325 Cyclodextrins...32-325 Cyclodextrins glucanotransferases...32-326 Cyclodextrins glycosyltransferase...32-326 Cyclodextrins in pharmaceutical technology...32-326 Cyclodextrins--Derivatives...32-326 Cyclofunctionalization...32-326 Cyclograpsus lavauxi...32-326 Cycloheptapeptide...32-326 Cyclohexane...32-326 Cyclohexanone...32-327 Cyclohexanone oxime...32-327 Cyclohexene...32-327 Cyclohexene oxide...32-327 Cyclohexenes...32-327 Cyclohexenones...32-327 Cycloheximide...32-327 Cyclomatic complexity...32-327 Cyclone...32-327 Cyclone design...32-327 Cyclone separators...32-327 Cyclones...32-327 Cyclones [Machines]...32-327 Cyclones--Bangladesh...32-327 Cyclones--Tropics...32-327 Cyclonic furnace...32-328 Cyclooctane...32-328 Cyclooctene...32-328 Cyclooxgenase...32-328 Cyclooxygenase...32-328 Cyclooxygenase inhibitors...32-328 Cyclooxygenase isoform...32-328 Cyclooxygenase-2...32-328 Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor...32-328 Cyclooxygenases...32-328 Cyclopentadienones...32-328 Cyclopentanone anthracene adduct...32-328 Cyclopentene...32-328 Cyclopentenoid...32-328 Cyclopentenone...32-329 Cyclopentenones...32-329 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x29] Cyclophanes...32-329 Cyclophoridae...32-329 Cyclophorus...32-329 Cyclophosphamide...32-329 Cyclopropane...32-329 Cyclopropane-antharcene adducts...32-329 Cyclosporine...32-329 Cyclotrons...32-329 Cylic AMP phosphodiesterase...32-329 Cylinders...32-329 Cylindrical inclusion...32-329 Cylindrical rod...32-330 Cylindrospermopsis...32-330 Cymbidium mosaic virus...32-330 Cymbopogon...32-330 Cymbopogon citratus...32-330 Cymbopogon nardus...32-330 Cymbopogon winterianus...32-331 Cynomolgus monkeys...32-331 Cynopterus brachyotis...32-331 Cyons...32-331 Cyp 2E1...32-331 CYP2C19...32-331 CYP2D6 [Enzyme]...32-331 Cyperaceae...32-331 Cypermethrin...32-331 Cypermethrin--Metabolic--Detoxication...32-331 Cyperus Corymbosus...32-331 Cyperus corymbosus...32-331 Cyperus rotundus...32-331 Cyperus strigosus...32-332 Cyphoderus...32-332 Cyprinid fishes...32-332 Cyprinidae...32-332 Cyprinidae--Growth...32-332 Cyprinus carpio...32-332 Cyproheptadine...32-332 Cyproterone acetate...32-332 Cyptococcus neoformano...32-332 Cyrtorhinus lividipennis...32-332 Cyrtostachys lakka...32-332 Cystatin C...32-332 Cystein proteinases...32-332 Cysteine...32-333 Cysteine protease...32-333 Cysteine proteases...32-333 Cysticercosis...32-333 Cysticercosis infections...32-333 Cystine...32-333 Cysts...32-333 Cytidine monophosphate kinase...32-333 Cytoadherence...32-333 Cytochalasin B...32-333 Cytochalasin E...32-333 Cytochalasins...32-333 Cytochemical...32-334 Cytochemical bioassay...32-334 Cytochemistry...32-334 Cytochrom P-450...32-334 Cytochrome B...32-334 Cytochrome b5...32-334 Cytochrome b5 reductase...32-334 Cytochrome c...32-334 Cytochrome c release...32-334 Cytochrome oxidase...32-334 Cytochrome P 450...32-334 Cytochrome P-450...32-334 Cytochrome p-450...32-335 Cytochrome P-450 2C19...32-335 Cytochrome P-450 2C8...32-335 Cytochrome P-450 2E1...32-335 Cytochrome P-450 hydroxylase...32-335 Cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases...32-335 Cytochrome P-450-2A6...32-335 Cytochrome P-450-2E1...32-335 Cytochrome P450...32-335 Cytochromes...32-335 Cytodiagnosis...32-335 Cytogenetics...32-336 Cytogenetics--Evaluation...32-336 Cytokine...32-336 Cytokines...32-336 Cytokinins...32-336 Cytology...32-336 Cytology--Research...32-337 Cytolytic...32-337 Cytomegalovirus infections...32-337 Cytomegaloviruses...32-337 Cytomegaloviruses retinitis...32-337 Cytoplasm...32-337 Cytoplasmic...32-337 Cytoplasmic filaments...32-337 Cytoplasmic incompatibility...32-337 Cytoplasmic male sterility...32-337 Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus...32-337 Cytoskeletal...32-337 Cytoskeleton...32-338 Cytosol...32-338 Cytosolic...32-338 Cytosolic phase II...32-338 Cytotaxonomy...32-338 Cytotoxic...32-338 Cytotoxic activity...32-338 Cytotoxic effect...32-338 Cytotoxic rhinacanthin-M...32-338 Cytotoxic T lymphocyte...32-338 Cytotoxic T lymphocytes...32-339 Cytotoxicity...32-339 Cytotoxicity testing...32-340 Cytotoxity...32-340 Czech Republic...32-340 D-amidase...32-340 D-amino acid dehydrogenase...32-340 D-amino acids...32-340 D-dimer for detection...32-340 D-gluconamides...32-340 D-glucose...32-340 D-panthenol...32-340 D-penicillamine...32-340 D-phenylglycine...32-340 D-phenylglycine aminotransferase...32-340 D-phenylglyeine...32-340 Daboia russellii siamensis...32-340 Dacarbazine...32-340 Dactylospongia...32-340 Dacus...32-340 Dacus dorsalis...32-340 Dacus zonatus...32-341 Dacus--Genetics...32-341 Dahlias...32-341 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x30] Daidzein...32-341 Daily employees...32-341 Daily hassles...32-341 Dairy...32-341 Dairy cattle...32-341 Dairy cattle--Breeding...32-342 Dairy cattle--Diseases...32-342 Dairy cattle--Ethiopia--Feeding and feeds...32-342 Dairy cattle--Feeding and feeds...32-342 Dairy cattle--Food...32-343 Dairy cattle--Immunology...32-343 Dairy cattle--Maha Sarakham--Feeding and feeds...32343 Dairy cattle--Myanmar--Diseases...32-343 Dairy cattle--Nakornsawan--Nutritional aspects...32-343 Dairy cattle--Nepal--Feeding and feeds...32-343 Dairy cattle--Parasites...32-343 Dairy cattle--Phatthalung--Reproduction...32-343 Dairy cattle--Reproduction...32-343 Dairy cattle--Vietnam...32-343 Dairy cooperatives members...32-343 Dairy cows...32-343 Dairy cows--Feeding and feeds...32-343 Dairy farm project...32-344 Dairy farmers...32-344 Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand...32344 Dairy farming--Chiang Mai...32-344 Dairy farming--Economic aspects--Chiang Mai...32-344 Dairy farming--Nakhon Pathom...32-344 Dairy farming--Ratchaburi...32-344 Dairy farms...32-344 Dairy farms--Economic aspects...32-344 Dairy farms--Khon Kaen...32-344 Dairy farms--Nakhon Pathom...32-344 Dairy goats...32-344 Dairy heifer...32-344 Dairy industry...32-344 Dairy milk production...32-344 Dairy processing...32-344 Dairy processing--Nepal...32-344 Dairy products...32-344 Dairy products industry--Developing countries-Forecasting--Statistical methods...32-345 Dairy products--Ratchaburi--Cooperative marketing...32345 Dairy promotion project...32-345 Dairying...32-345 Dairying, Cooperative...32-345 Dairying, Cooperative--Ratchaburi...32-345 Dairying--Economic aspects--Chiang Mai...32-345 Dairying--Research...32-345 Dalayed onset muscle soreness...32-345 Dalbergia cochinchinensis...32-345 Dalbergia cochinchinensis pierre--Seeds...32-345 Dalbergia oliveri...32-345 Daldinia eschscholzii...32-345 Dalits...32-345 Dam-break problem...32-345 Damage analysis...32-345 Damage assessment...32-345 Damage mechanic...32-346 Damaged textiles...32-346 Damages...32-346 Daminozide...32-346 Damnacanthal...32-346 Damneon Saduak Floating Market...32-346 Damnernsaduak Hospital...32-346 Damnernsaduak Hospital--Laboratories--Cost...32-346 Dampers...32-346 Damping controllers...32-346 Damping-off diseases...32-346 Dams...32-346 Dams--Design and construction--Cost effectiveness...32346 Dams--Earthquake effects...32-346 Dams--Kanchanaburi--Earthquake effects...32-346 Damselflies...32-346 Dana [Buddhism]...32-346 Danaus chrysippus...32-347 Dance...32-347 Dance notation...32-347 Dance vocabulary...32-347 Dancing--Study and teaching...32-347 Dandruff...32-347 DANIDA...32-347 Dankhunthod Hospital...32-347 Dankhunthot Hospital...32-347 Dankwean...32-347 DAP meter...32-347 DAPI...32-347 Daptomycin...32-347 Darris malaccensis...32-347 Darwinian...32-347 Dasheen mosaic virus...32-347 Dasymaschalon lomentaceum...32-347 DAT...32-347 Data acquisition...32-347 Data analysis...32-348 Data analysis--Statistical methods...32-348 Data base design...32-348 Data base system...32-348 Data classification...32-348 Data clustering...32-348 Data collection agency...32-348 Data collection system...32-348 Data compression [Computer science]...32-348 Data compression [Computer scince]...32-349 Data decryption [Computer science]...32-349 Data encryption standard...32-349 Data encryption [Computer science]...32-349 Data encryption [Computer science]--Design...32-349 Data entry system...32-349 Data entry tool...32-349 Data Envelopment Analysis...32-349 Data envelopment analysis...32-349 Data envilopment analysis...32-349 Data flow diagram...32-349 Data flow diagrams...32-349 Data grid...32-349 Data integration system...32-349 Data linear decomposition transform...32-349 Data logger...32-349 Data logger system...32-349 Data logging system...32-350 Data management system...32-350 Data mart...32-350 Data marts...32-350 Data mining...32-350 Data model integration...32-350 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x31] Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data on worlddata network...32-350 path design...32-350 preparation...32-350 reconciliation...32-350 representation...32-350 security...32-350 servicing agency...32-350 terminal for digital switching exchange...32-350 transformation...32-350 transmission in I.C.U...32-.351 transmission systems...32-351 transmission systems--Computer-assisted instruction...32-351 Data warehouse...32-351 Data warehouse framework...32-351 Data--Quality...32-351 Database...32-351 Database application...32-351 Database design...32-351 Database development...32-351 Database for resource administration...32-351 Database management...32-352 Database management systems...32-352 Database nursing documentation...32-352 Database searching...32-352 Database system...32-352 Database transformation...32-353 Databases...32-353 Databases--Design...32-355 Databases--Models and modelmaking...32-355 Dating...32-355 Dating couples...32-355 Dattapara squatter re-settlement project...32-355 Datura innoxia...32-355 Datura metal...32-356 Datura metal fastuosa--Harvesting time...32-356 Datura metel...32-356 Datura meteloides...32-356 Daucus carota...32-356 Daudet, Alphonse...32-356 Daughter-father relationship...32-356 Daughters...32-356 Davallia...32-356 Davallia solida...32-356 Dawn Project...32-356 Day care centers...32-356 Day care centers--Bangkok--Employees...32-356 Day evergreen forest...32-356 Day-fine system...32-356 Dayak [Indonesian people]...32-356 Daylight...32-356 Daylighting...32-357 Daylighting techniques...32-357 DBS-MNI...32-357 DC link...32-357 DC magnetron sputtering...32-357 DC motor...32-357 DC motor speed...32-357 DC motor speed control...32-357 DC-DC converters...32-357 DC-DC parallel loaded resonant converter...32-357 DDT [Insecticide]...32-357 De Bono's six thinking hats...32-358 De Moliere, Dom Juan...32-358 Deacetylation...32-358 Deacetylisoipecoside...32-358 Dead...32-358 Deadly force...32-358 Deaf...32-358 Deaf children...32-358 Deaf children--Economic conditions...32-358 Deaf children--Social conditions...32-358 Deaf students...32-358 Deaf--Social conditions...32-358 Deaf-blind...32-359 Deafness...32-359 Deafness, Noise induced...32-359 Deafness, Noise induced--Bangkok...32-359 Deafness--Genetic aspects...32-359 Deafness--Prevention...32-359 Deagrarianisation...32-359 Dealmination...32-359 Dealumination...32-359 Deans [Education]...32-359 Death...32-359 Death certificate...32-359 Death in literature...32-359 Death penalty...32-359 Death sentencing...32-360 Death [Islam]...32-360 Death--Causes...32-360 Death--Religious aspects--Islam...32-360 Debao dialect...32-360 Debates and debating...32-360 Debittering...32-360 Debottleneck...32-360 Debranching enzyme...32-360 Debris...32-360 Debris flood...32-360 Debris flow...32-360 Debt...32-360 Debt equity ratios...32-360 Debt-to-equity ratio...32-360 Debtor...32-360 Debts, External...32-360 Debts, External--Nepal...32-360 Debts, Public...32-361 Debutanizer...32-361 Decameron...32-361 Decanol...32-361 Decapoda...32-361 Decapoda [Crustacea]...32-361 Decapoda--Phuket...32-361 Decapterus...32-361 Decarburization...32-361 Decarestrictine J...32-361 Decay...32-361 Decentralization health policy...32-361 Decentralization in government...32-361 Decentralization in government--Bangladesh...32-361 Decentralization in government--Thailand, Southern...32-361 Decentralization in government--Vietnam...32-361 Decentralization policy...32-362 Decentralized control...32-362 Decentralized one-dimensional cutting...32-362 Dechlorination...32-362 Decidual...32-362 Decidual leucocytes...32-362 Deciduous dipterocarp forest...32-362 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x32] Deciduous dipterocarp-oak forests...32-362 Deciduous forest...32-362 Deciduous teeth...32-362 Decision analysis...32-363 Decision latitude...32-363 Decision making...32-363 Decision making behavior...32-363 Decision making in adolescence...32-363 Decision support system...32-363 Decision support systems...32-363 Decision tree...32-364 Decision-making...32-364 Decision-making process...32-365 Decision-making, Group...32-365 Decoherence...32-365 Decolorization...32-365 Decomposed human tissues...32-365 Decomposition...32-365 Decomposition rate...32-365 Decomposition [Biology]...32-365 Decomposition [Chemical]...32-365 Decomposition [Chemistry]...32-365 Decomposition [Mathematics]...32-366 Deconstructing monogamy...32-366 Decoration and ornament, Prehistoric...32-366 Decorrelating decision feedback multiuser detection...32366 Decoupling index...32-366 Decoy system...32-366 Decubitus ulcers...32-366 Dedicated engine...32-366 Dedicated retrofit...32-366 Deductive databases...32-366 Deductive ofject-oriented database systems...32-366 Deeds...32-366 Deep ecology paradigm...32-366 Deep excavation...32-366 Deep fat frying...32-366 Deep purple corn...32-366 Deep vertically vibrated bed...32-366 Deep-sea ports--Thailand, Southern...32-367 Deepwater rice...32-367 Deepwater rice--Breeding...32-367 Defatted dried...32-367 Defatted rice bran...32-367 Defatted white sesame powder...32-367 Default...32-367 Default [Finance]...32-367 Defecation...32-367 Defect detection...32-367 Defect reduction...32-367 Defected ground structure...32-367 Defence Energy Department...32-367 Deferiprone...32-367 Deferoxamine...32-368 Defibrillators...32-368 Deficit financing...32-368 Defined LME growth medium...32-368 Defining...32-368 Deflection yoke...32-368 Deflocculant...32-368 Defluoridation...32-368 Deforestation...32-368 Deforestation--Cambodia...32-368 Deforestation--Chiang Mai...32-368 Deforestation--Control...32-368 Deforestation--Lop Buri...32-368 Deforestation--Thailand, Northeastern...32-368 Deforested sites...32-368 Deformable template...32-368 Deformable template matching...32-369 Deformation behavior...32-369 Degas, Edgar...32-369 Degassing of metals...32-369 Degeneration [Pathology]...32-369 Degenerative diseases...32-369 Degenerative joint disease...32-369 Degenerative joint diseases...32-369 Degestive enzymes...32-369 Degestive system...32-369 Deglutition...32-369 Degradation...32-369 Degradation kinetics...32-369 Degraded area...32-369 Degraded products...32-370 Degranulation...32-370 Degration...32-370 Degree of annoyance...32-370 Degree of internationalization...32-370 Degree recognition...32-370 Dehulling...32-370 Dehumidification...32-370 Dehumidifying conditions...32-370 Dehydration...32-370 Dehydration process...32-370 Dehydration [Physiology]...32-370 Dehydro chilling method...32-370 Dehydro histidinohydroxymero desmosine...32-370 Dehydrochlorination...32-370 Dehydroepiandrosterone...32-370 Dehydrogenase...32-371 Dehydrogenases...32-371 Dehydrogenation...32-371 Dehydropentenomycin...32-371 Dehydroreticuline...32-372 Dehydroroemerine...32-372 Delay...32-372 Delay differential equations...32-372 Delay system...32-372 Delay time...32-372 Delay-constrained...32-372 Delayed compaction...32-372 Delayed development children...32-372 Delayed onset muscle soreness...32-372 Delayed treatment...32-372 Deletion...32-372 Delftia acidovorans...32-372 Delinquency...32-372 Delinquency children...32-372 Delinquency youth...32-372 Delinquent juveniles...32-372 Delinquent tax collection...32-373 Delinquent tax collectors...32-373 Delirium...32-373 Delivery delay...32-373 Delivery orders...32-373 Delivery planning...32-373 Delivery services...32-373 Delivery units...32-373 Delivery [Obstetrics]...32-373 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x33] Delmarva Peninsula--Population--Economic conditions...32-373 Delocalization...32-373 Delphacidae...32-373 Delphi method...32-373 Delta 5-desaturase...32-373 Delta aminolevulinic aciddehydratase gene...32-374 Delta endotoxin...32-374 Delta opioid receptor...32-374 Delta plain soil zone...32-374 Delta scuti...32-374 Delta-aminidevulinate dehydrase...32-374 Delta-endotoxin...32-374 Delta-endotoxin gene...32-374 Delta-endotoxin [bt]...32-374 Delta-endotoxins...32-374 Deltamethrin...32-374 Deltas...32-374 Demand...32-374 Demand and supply...32-374 Demand Assign multiple access system...32-374 Demand flow technology...32-374 Demand for housing...32-374 Demand for money...32-375 Demand forcasting...32-375 Demand forecasting system...32-375 Demand management...32-375 Demand [Economic theory]...32-375 Demand-side management [Electric utilities]...32-375 Dematologic agents--Effectiveness...32-375 Demembranated...32-375 Demensional solid mechanic problems...32-375 Dementia...32-375 Dementia screening test...32-375 Dementia--Care of the rick...32-375 Dementia--Patients...32-375 Demestic enterprise...32-375 Demethylation...32-375 Demineralized freeze-dried bone...32-376 Democracy...32-376 Democracy development...32-376 Democracy--Combodia...32-376 Democracy--Taiwan...32-376 Democracy-oriented groups...32-376 Democratic...32-376 Democratic behavior...32-376 Democratic life style...32-376 Democratic space--Myanmar...32-376 Democratic transition...32-377 Democratisation...32-377 Democratization...32-377 Demographic...32-377 Demographic analysis...32-377 Demographic aspects...32-377 Demographic data...32-377 Demographic impact...32-377 Demographic surveillance system...32-377 Demographic surveys...32-377 Demographic surveys--Asia, Southeastern...32-377 Demographic surveys--Decision-making...32-377 Demographic surveys--Lamphun...32-377 Demographic surveys--Malaysia...32-377 Demographic surveys--Nepal...32-377 Demographic surveys--Philippines...32-377 Demographic surveys--Thailand, Central...32-377 Demographic surveys--Thailand, Northern...32-377 Demographic transition...32-378 Demographic transition--Kanchanaburi...32-378 Demographic transition--Research...32-378 Demography...32-378 Demography--Field work...32-378 Demography--Philippines...32-378 Demonstration set...32-378 Demonstration teaching...32-378 Demorgraphic...32-378 Demospongiae...32-378 Demulsification...32-378 Denaturation of proteins...32-378 Dendrimers...32-378 Dendrites...32-379 Dendritic cells...32-379 Dendritic spines...32-379 Dendrobium...32-379 Dendrobium cruentum...32-379 Dendrobium Jaquelyn Thomas...32-379 Dendrobium pomadour...32-379 Dendrobium Sonia...32-379 Dendrobium spray...32-379 Dendrobium Watter Oumae...32-379 Dendrobium--Breeding...32-379 Dendrobium--Diseases and pests...32-379 Dendrobium--Preservation...32-380 Dendrocalamus asper...32-380 Dendrochronology...32-380 Dendrochronology--Loei...32-380 Dendrochronology--Surin...32-380 Dendroclimatology...32-380 Dendrocygna javanica...32-380 Dendrodium...32-380 Dendrogram...32-380 Dendrolobium lanceolatum...32-380 Dendrophthoe pentandra...32-380 Dendrophtoe pentandra...32-380 Deng-polymerinteraction...32-380 Dengue...32-380 Dengue fever...32-381 Dengue haemorrhagic fever...32-381 Dengue haemorrhagic fever--Prevention...32-381 Dengue haemorrhagic fever--Prevention and control...32-381 Dengue Heamorrhagic fever--Prevention and control...32-382 Dengue hemorragic fever...32-382 Dengue hemorrhagic fever...32-382 Dengue hemorrhagic fever--Prevention and control...32382 Dengue infection...32-382 Dengue shock syndrome...32-382 Dengue virus...32-382 Dengue virus envelope protein...32-383 Dengue virus serotupe...32-383 Dengue viruses...32-383 Dengue viruses serotype 2...32-385 Dengue viruses--Ang Thong...32-385 Dengue viruses--Receptors...32-385 Dengue--Buri Rum...32-385 Dengue--Prevention and control...32-385 Dengue--Prevention--Citizen participation...32-386 Dengue--Vietnam--Prevention...32-386 Dengue--Vietnam--Prevention and control...32-386 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x34] Denial of services...32-386 Denitrification...32-386 Denitrogenization of steel...32-386 Dense membrane...32-386 Dense nonaqueous phase liquids...32-386 Dense plasma focus...32-386 Densitometer...32-386 Densitometer [Meteorological instrument]...32-386 Densitometry...32-386 Density...32-386 Density data...32-386 Density functional theory...32-386 Density functionals...32-387 Density matrices...32-387 Density matrix renormalization group...32-387 Densonucleosis...32-387 Densonucleosis virus...32-387 Densovirus...32-387 Dental amalgams...32-387 Dental anxiety...32-387 Dental arch form...32-387 Dental bonding...32-387 Dental card...32-387 Dental care...32-388 Dental care--Bangkok...32-388 Dental care--Kamphaeng Phet...32-388 Dental care--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-388 Dental care--Utilization...32-388 Dental caries...32-388 Dental caries in children...32-388 Dental caries in children--Bangkok...32-388 Dental caries in children--Khon Kaen...32-388 Dental caries in children--Songkhla...32-388 Dental caries--Bangkok...32-388 Dental casting alloys...32-388 Dental ceramic metals...32-388 Dental ceramics...32-389 Dental clinics...32-389 Dental composite...32-389 Dental enamel...32-389 Dental enamel microabrasion...32-389 Dental erosion...32-389 Dental ethics...32-389 Dental films...32-389 Dental fluorosis...32-389 Dental glass ionomer cements...32-389 Dental graduates...32-389 Dental hard tissues...32-389 Dental health...32-389 Dental health care behaviors...32-390 Dental health education...32-390 Dental health education program...32-390 Dental health education--Myanmar...32-390 Dental health education--Nakhon Nayok...32-390 Dental health education--Study and teaching...32-390 Dental health preventive behavior...32-390 Dental hygiene...32-390 Dental hygiene--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-391 Dental implants...32-391 Dental impression materials...32-391 Dental impressions...32-391 Dental information...32-391 Dental materials...32-391 Dental nurses...32-392 Dental occlusion...32-392 Dental pain...32-392 Dental personnel...32-392 Dental personnel and patient...32-392 Dental plaque...32-392 Dental prosthesis...32-392 Dental public health...32-392 Dental public health--Songkhla...32-392 Dental puld...32-392 Dental pulp...32-392 Dental pulp cavity...32-393 Dental pulp cell...32-393 Dental pulp tissue...32-393 Dental radiation...32-393 Dental resins...32-393 Dental scaling...32-393 Dental service...32-394 Dental stone...32-394 Dental students...32-394 Dental students--Attitudes...32-394 Dental students--Khon Kaen...32-394 Dental surveys...32-394 Dental technology...32-394 Dental therapeutics...32-394 Dentate nucleus...32-394 Dentigerous cyst...32-394 Dentin...32-394 Dentin hypersensitivity...32-394 Dentinal fluid...32-394 Dentine...32-395 Dentine bonding...32-395 Dentist and patient--Kamphaeng Phet...32-395 Dentistry...32-395 Dentistry--Study and teaching...32-395 Dentists...32-395 Dentition...32-395 Dentoalveolar heights...32-395 Denture base...32-395 Dentures...32-395 Dentures base...32-396 Dentures, Immediate...32-396 Deoxy ecdysteroids...32-396 Deoxycholic acid...32-396 Deoxygenation...32-396 Deoxyketone...32-396 Deoxynucleoside triphosphates...32-396 Deoxynucleotide kinase...32-396 Deoxyribonuclease B...32-396 Deoxyribonucleic acid...32-396 Deoxyuridine...32-396 Deparment of Legal Aid and Civil Rights Protection...32396 Department of Agricultural Extension...32-397 Department of Agricultural Extension Central Office...32397 Department of Community Development--Officials and employees...32-397 Department of Corrections...32-397 Department of Employment...32-397 Department of Employment--Officials and employees-Political activity...32-397 Department of Highways...32-397 Department of Local Administration...32-397 Department of No-Formal Education...32-397 Department of Probation...32-397 Department of Public Welfare...32-397 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x35] Department store rent area...32-397 Department stores...32-397 Department stores--Bangkok...32-397 Departmental chairmen [Universities]...32-397 Dependability...32-397 Dependence...32-397 Dependent care behaviors...32-398 Depo-provera...32-398 Depolymerization...32-398 Deposit contract...32-398 Deposit insurance...32-398 Deposition...32-398 Depositions...32-398 Depositor's right...32-398 Deposits...32-398 Deposits [Law]...32-398 Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate...32-398 Depressed patients...32-398 Depressed persons...32-398 Depressing economy...32-398 Depression...32-398 Depression in adolescence...32-399 Depression in adolescence--Bangkok...32-399 Depression in old age...32-399 Depression in the aged...32-399 Depression in women...32-399 Depression, Mental--Treatment...32-399 Depressions...32-399 Depressions--Patients...32-400 Depressive...32-400 Deproteinization...32-400 Depth profiling...32-400 Depudecin...32-400 Deputy superintendent [investigation]...32-400 Der tod in venedig...32-400 Der zauberberg...32-400 Deregulated power system...32-400 Deregulation...32-400 Derivative market...32-400 Derivative method...32-400 Derivative securities...32-400 Derivatives...32-400 Derivatives [Chemicals]...32-401 Derivatization...32-401 Derivatvies...32-401 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus...32-401 Dermatopharmacology...32-401 Dermatophytes...32-401 Derris elliptica...32-401 Derris indica...32-401 Derris malaccensis...32-401 Derris reticulata...32-401 Derris reticulata--Analysis...32-401 Derris root...32-402 Derris thorelii...32-402 Derris trifoliata...32-402 Dervative...32-402 Des A gene...32-402 DesA3 gene...32-402 Desalinization...32-402 Desaturas6 genes...32-402 Desaturase...32-402 Description [Rhetoric]...32-402 Desertification--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-402 Desertification--Thailand, Northeastern...32-402 Deserts--Research...32-402 Deseusitizing agent...32-402 Desferal...32-402 Desferrioxamine...32-402 Deshay family...32-402 Desiccants...32-402 Design...32-403 Design and construction...32-403 Design criteria...32-403 Design of process layout...32-403 Design quidelines...32-403 Design technique...32-403 Design-build contract...32-403 Designated schools...32-403 Designers...32-403 Desimetry...32-403 Desirable characteristics...32-403 Desire...32-404 Deslorelin...32-404 Desmoid...32-404 Desmopressin...32-404 Desolvation technique...32-404 Despair...32-404 Desserts--Nutrition aspects...32-404 Destination loyalty...32-404 Destination marketing...32-404 Desulfurization...32-404 Desulphurization...32-404 DET...32-404 DETA-silane...32-404 Detainees...32-404 Detectability...32-404 Detection...32-405 Detection system...32-405 Detective police officers...32-405 Detector tube...32-405 Detergent pollution of rivers, lakes etc...32-.405 Detergents...32-405 Detergents, Synthetic...32-405 Detergents--Advertising...32-405 Detergents--Toxicity testing...32-405 Deterioration...32-405 Determinants...32-405 Determination...32-406 Determine...32-406 Determining...32-406 Determinism...32-406 Detoxification...32-406 Detrital chromian spinels...32-406 Detrusor pressure...32-406 Devaluation of currency...32-406 Develop...32-406 Developers...32-407 Developing countries...32-407 Developing countries--Economic conditions...32-407 Developing countries--Foreign economic relations...32407 Developing critical reflection...32-407 Development administration...32-407 Development communication...32-407 Development discourse...32-407 Development model...32-407 Development of people's organizations project...32-407 Development of quality of life project...32-408 Development of the organization effectiveness หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x36] evaluation model...32-408 Development of tourism...32-408 Development organization...32-408 Development oriented research on agrarian systems...32-408 Development planning of schools...32-408 Developmental disabilities--Khmers...32-408 Developmental guidelines of excellence...32-408 Developmental tasks...32-408 Deviant behavior...32-408 Deviational techniques...32-408 Deviator stress...32-408 Devil...32-408 Devolatilization...32-408 Dexamathasone...32-408 Dexamethasone...32-409 Dexfenfluramine...32-409 Dextranolytic activity...32-409 Dextrins...32-409 Dextrinzing...32-409 Dextromethorphan...32-409 Dextromethorphan hydrobromide...32-409 DHA...32-409 Dhaka City Corporation...32-409 Dhamma activities project at night...32-409 Dhammadhuta course...32-409 Dhammakaya temple...32-409 Dhammathayat monks...32-409 Dhammika Raja...32-409 Dharma [Buddhism]...32-409 Dharma [Buddhism]--Discourse analysis...32-409 Dharma [Buddhism]--Study and teaching...32-410 DHL import formality customer service agents...32-410 DHMEQ analogues...32-410 Dhurakijpundit University--Students...32-410 Diabetes...32-410 Diabetes in adolescence...32-412 Diabetes in animals...32-412 Diabetes in old age--United States...32-412 Diabetes in old aged...32-413 Diabetes in old aged--Nutrition aspects...32-413 Diabetes in youth...32-413 Diabetes mellitus...32-413 Diabetes mllitus...32-414 Diabetes web site...32-414 Diabetes--Care...32-414 Diabetes--Chemotherapy...32-414 Diabetes--Complications...32-414 Diabetes--Diagnosis...32-414 Diabetes--Diagnosis--Cost effectiveness...32-414 Diabetes--Health and hygiene...32-414 Diabetes--Health behavior...32-415 Diabetes--Khon Kaen...32-415 Diabetes--Nutritional aspects...32-415 Diabetes--Patients...32-415 Diabetes--Patients--Care...32-416 Diabetes--Patients--Complications...32-416 Diabetes--Patients--Drug utilization...32-416 Diabetes--Patients--Nutrition...32-416 Diabetes--Prevention...32-416 Diabetes--Prevention and control...32-416 Diabetes--Research...32-416 Diabetes--Treatment--Costs...32-416 Diabetic clinics...32-416 Diabetic embryopathy...32-416 Diabetic mellitus...32-416 Diabetic nephropathies...32-416 Diabetic patients...32-417 Diabetic retinopathy...32-417 Diabetics...32-417 Diabetics--Care...32-419 Diabetics--Chinese--Health and hygiene...32-419 Diabetics--Control...32-419 Diabetics--Diet therapy...32-419 Diabetics--Drug use...32-419 Diabetics--Employment...32-419 Diabetics--Health and hygiene...32-419 Diabetics--Nutrition...32-419 Diabetics--Nutrition aspects--Evaluation...32-419 Diabetics--Patients...32-419 Diabetics--Therapeutics--Cost effectiveness...32-419 Diabetogenic agents...32-419 Diacamma...32-419 Diacetylene...32-419 Diachasmimorpha...32-419 Diachasmimorpha longicandata...32-419 Diachasmimorpha longicaudata...32-419 Diadema...32-420 Diafenthiuron...32-420 Diagenesis...32-420 Diagnosis...32-420 Diagnosis microbiology...32-420 Diagnosis Related Groups...32-421 Diagnosis, Differential...32-421 Diagnosis, Electron microscopic...32-421 Diagnosis, Laboratory...32-421 Diagnosis--Data processing...32-421 Diagnostic...32-421 Diagnostic imaging...32-421 Diagnostic microbiology...32-421 Diagnostic reagents and test kits...32-421 Diagnostic specimens...32-421 Diagnostic system...32-421 Diagnostic Test...32-421 Diagnostic test...32-421 Diagnostic test kit...32-421 Diagnostic tool...32-421 Diagnostic x-ray machine...32-422 Diakoptic method...32-422 Dial linking machine operators...32-422 Dialect literature, Thai...32-422 Dialect mapping...32-422 Dialectology...32-422 Dialects...32-422 Dialklbenzalmalonate...32-423 Dialkyl dithiophosphate...32-423 Dialkyltin chloride...32-423 Diallyl sulfide...32-423 DIALOG [Information retrieval system]...32-423 Dialogue...32-424 Dialogue video program...32-424 Dialogue--Religious aspects--Buddhism...32-424 Dialogue--Religious aspects--Christianity...32-424 Dialogue-base system...32-424 Dialysis...32-424 Dialyzer cleaner...32-424 Dialyzers [Artificial kidney]...32-424 Diamicron...32-424 Diamine...32-424 Diamine dioxime...32-424 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x37] Diamine oxidase...32-424 Diamino...32-424 Diamino-anilinoacridines...32-424 Diaminotetraphenylporphyrin...32-424 Diamon-back moth...32-424 Diamond...32-424 Diamond electrode...32-425 Diamond films...32-425 Diamond micro-ATR...32-425 Diamond product...32-425 Diamond-back moth...32-425 Diamond-back moth--Biological control...32-425 Diamond-back moth--Biological control--Thailand, West...32-425 Diamond-back moth--Control...32-425 Diamond-back moth--Insecticide resistance...32-426 Diamonds...32-426 Diapause...32-426 Diaphania indica...32-426 Diaphragm wall...32-426 Diaporthe...32-426 Diaporthichalasin...32-426 Diaries...32-426 Diarrhea...32-426 Diarrhea in children...32-427 Diarrhea in children--Bangkok...32-427 Diarrhea in children--Bangladesh--Cost...32-427 Diarrhea in children--Care...32-427 Diarrhea in children--Indonesia...32-427 Diarrhea in children--Khon Kaen...32-427 Diarrhea in children--Malaysia--Risk factors...32-427 Diarrhea in children--Mukdahan...32-427 Diarrhea in children--Nakhon Pathom...32-427 Diarrhea in children--Prevention...32-428 Diarrhea in children--Prevention and control...32-428 Diarrhea in children--Ratchaburi...32-428 Diarrhea in children--Samut Songkhram...32-428 Diarrhea in children--Srisaket...32-428 Diarrhea in children--Thailand, Northeastern...32-428 Diarrhea in children--Treatment...32-428 Diarrhea in children--Vietnam...32-428 Diarrhea in infants...32-428 Diarrhea in swine...32-428 Diarrhea, Infantile...32-428 Diarrhea, Infantile--Bangkok...32-428 Diarrhea, Infantile--Nakhon Pathom...32-428 Diarrhea, Infantile--Vietnam...32-428 Diarrhea--Chemotherapy...32-428 Diarrhea--Costs...32-428 Diarrhea--Diagnosis...32-428 Diarrhea--Patients...32-429 Diarrhea--Prevention...32-429 Diarrhea--Prevention and control...32-429 Diarrhea--Srisaket...32-429 Diarrhea--Thailand, Northeastern...32-429 Diarrhea--Trang...32-429 Diarrhea--Trang--Evaluation...32-429 Diarrhoea diseases...32-429 Diary cattle--Manures...32-429 Diastereoselective cyclization...32-429 Diastereoselective synthesis...32-429 Diathermy...32-429 Diatomaceous earth...32-429 Diatomite...32-430 Diatoms...32-430 Diaza dioxa dithia...32-430 Diazadithiol calix [4] arene...32-430 Diazepam...32-430 Diazepam capsules...32-430 Dibenzazepine...32-430 Dibenzo-p-dioxins...32-430 Dibenzofurans...32-430 Dibenzothiophene...32-430 Dibetics...32-430 Dibromochloropropane...32-431 Dibromodulcitol...32-431 Dibutyltin...32-431 Dibutyltin oxide...32-431 Dicaboxylate...32-431 Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate...32-431 Dicamba...32-431 Dicarboxylate anion receptors...32-431 Dicerorhinus sumatrensis...32-431 Dichanthium willemet...32-431 Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane...32-431 Dichloromethane...32-431 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid...32-431 Dichloropropane...32-431 Dichlorvos...32-431 Dicing...32-431 Dickinson, Emily...32-432 Diclofenac...32-432 Diclofenac diethylamine...32-432 Diclofenac diethylammonium...32-432 Diclofenac diethylammonium gel...32-432 Diclofenac sodium...32-432 Diclofenac--Bioavailability...32-433 Dicloxacillin...32-433 DICOM...32-433 DICOM viewer...32-433 Dicotyledons...32-433 dicoumaral...32-433 Dicoumarol...32-433 Dicrotophos...32-433 Dictionaries...32-433 Dictionary definitions...32-433 Dicumyl peroxide...32-433 Dicyandiamid...32-433 Dicyclomine hydrochloride...32-433 Didactic literature...32-433 Didanosine...32-433 Didemnum...32-433 Didital watermarking...32-433 Didymella bryoniae...32-434 Didymocarpus...32-434 Die attach machine...32-434 Die Guidance Systems...32-434 Dielectric...32-434 Dielectric ceramics...32-434 Dielectric plasma discharges...32-434 Dielectric properties...32-434 Dielectrics...32-434 Dielectrophoretic technique...32-434 Diene...32-434 Diene conjugution...32-434 Dienophile...32-434 Dies [Metal-working]...32-434 Diesal motor exhaust gas...32-434 Diesel...32-434 Diesel additive...32-435 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x38] Diesel engine...32-435 Diesel fuels...32-435 Diesel fuels--Cost effectiveness...32-435 Diesel fuels--Environmental aspects...32-435 Diesel generator...32-435 Diesel hybrid system...32-436 Diesel locomotive drivers...32-436 Diesel motor...32-436 Diesel motor exhaust gas...32-436 Diesel motor--Fuel systems...32-436 Diesel motor--Valves...32-436 Diesel vehicle...32-436 Diester...32-436 Diet...32-436 Diet therapy...32-437 Diet--Control...32-437 Dietaries...32-437 Dietaries--Planning...32-437 Dietary behavior...32-437 Dietary calcium intake...32-437 Dietary carbohydrate-fat proportions...32-437 Dietary consumption...32-437 Dietary counseling...32-437 Dietary fiber...32-438 Dietary fiber concentrate...32-439 Dietary folate...32-439 Dietary formulations...32-439 Dietary habits...32-439 Dietary intake patterns...32-439 Dietary lipid...32-439 Dietary service...32-439 Dietary supplements...32-439 Dietary supplements--Databases...32-440 Dietary supplements--Therapeutic use...32-440 Dietary supplments...32-440 Dietetic foods...32-440 Diethanolamide...32-440 Diethy ether...32-440 Diethylcarmazine...32-440 Diethylene glycol...32-440 Diethylene glycol bis [allyl carbonate]...32-440 Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid...32-440 Diffasion...32-440 Difference equation...32-440 Difference equations...32-440 Difference method...32-441 Difference multiset...32-441 Different ages...32-441 Different lithological models...32-441 Different ownership structures...32-441 Differentiable functions...32-441 Differential box-counting method...32-441 Differential display...32-441 Differential equations...32-441 Differential equations, Linear...32-442 Differential equations, Nonlinear...32-442 Differential equations, Partial...32-442 Differential evolution...32-442 Differential gamma-ray scattering spectroscopy...32-442 Differential heating...32-442 Differential medium...32-442 Differential model...32-442 Differential probe...32-442 Differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry...32-442 Differential scanning calorimetry...32-442 Differential scheme...32-442 Differential spectrophotometry...32-443 Differential thermal analysis...32-443 Differential treatment...32-443 Differentiated thyroid carcinoma...32-443 Differentiated thyroid carcinomar...32-443 Differentiation...32-443 Differntialy display PCR...32-443 Differtial association...32-443 Difficidin...32-443 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma...32-443 Diffuse reflectance infrared fourier transform spectroscopy...32-443 Diffusion...32-443 Diffusion absorption refrigerator...32-444 Diffusion cell...32-444 Diffusion coefficient...32-444 Diffusion coefficients...32-444 Diffusion equation...32-444 Diffusion in foods...32-444 Diffusion of AIDS...32-444 Diffusion of innovations...32-444 Diffusion of innovations--Sri Lanka...32-444 Diffusion process...32-444 Diffusive sampler...32-444 Diffusivity...32-444 Diflubenzuron...32-444 Difluoromethylene...32-444 Difluoromethylene radical...32-444 Difluoromethylornithine...32-445 Digenea...32-445 Digest fish...32-445 Digestion...32-445 Digestive enzymes...32-445 Digestive organs...32-445 Digestive organs--Blood-vessels...32-445 Digital...32-445 Digital camera...32-445 Digital cameras...32-445 Digital cameras--Purchasing--Decision making...32-445 Digital circuits...32-445 Digital communications...32-445 Digital communications--Design and construction...32445 Digital densitometer...32-445 Digital divide...32-445 Digital electronic learning set...32-446 Digital electronics...32-446 Digital electronics--Computer-assisted instruction...32446 Digital elevation model...32-446 Digital film...32-446 Digital game...32-446 Digital GSM...32-446 Digital image...32-446 Digital image processing...32-446 Digital image retrieval...32-446 Digital imaging and communication in medicien...32-446 Digital imaging and communication in medicine...32-446 Digital integrated circuits...32-446 Digital libraries...32-446 Digital libraries--Library services...32-447 Digital model analyzer...32-447 Digital modem...32-447 Digital multiplex...32-447 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x39] Digital networks...32-447 Digital photography...32-447 Digital printing...32-447 Digital radiation ratemeter...32-447 Digital reticulocyte counter...32-447 Digital signal processing...32-447 Digital signature...32-447 Digital signatures...32-447 Digital specklegrams...32-447 Digital speech coding...32-447 Digital subtraction angiography...32-447 Digital subtraction radiography...32-447 Digital systems...32-448 Digital terrain models...32-448 Digital timestamp...32-448 Digital video...32-448 Digital video broadcasting network...32-448 Digital video broadcasting system...32-448 Digital video coding...32-448 Digital watermark...32-448 Digital watermarking...32-448 Diglossia [Linguistics]...32-448 Dignity...32-448 Digoxigenin...32-448 Digoxin...32-448 Digraph technique...32-448 Digraphs...32-449 Digraphs [Graph theory]...32-449 Dihydofluorescein...32-449 Dihydro...32-449 Dihydro-3 [2H]-furanones...32-449 Dihydroartemisin...32-449 Dihydroartemisinin...32-449 Dihydroartemisinin capsules...32-449 Dihydroartemisinin [Drug]...32-449 Dihydrochalcone...32-449 Dihydrofolate...32-449 Dihydrofolate reductase...32-449 Dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase...32-450 Dihydrofuran...32-450 Dihydrofurans...32-450 Dihydroorolate dehydrogenase...32-450 Dihydroorotase...32-450 Dihydroprotolichesterinic acid...32-450 Dihydropteroate synthase...32-450 Dihydropyrimidine...32-450 Dihydroxyacetophenone...32-450 Diimide...32-450 Diimide reduction...32-450 Diimine-dioxime complexes...32-451 Diisocyanate...32-451 Diketopiperazine...32-451 Dilantin infatabs...32-451 Dilatometry...32-451 Diltiazem...32-451 Diltiazem hydrochloride...32-451 Diltiazen hydrochloride...32-451 Dilution...32-451 Dim sum sold--Chiang Mai--Microbiology...32-451 Dimenhydrinate...32-451 Dimension hierarchy...32-451 Dimensional analysis...32-452 Dimensional exchange...32-452 Dimerisation...32-452 Dimerization...32-452 Dimethoate...32-452 Dimethyl ether...32-452 Dimethyl itaconate-anthracene adduct...32-452 Dimethyl sulfide...32-452 Dimethyl sulfoxide...32-452 Dimethyl sulphide...32-452 Dimethyl sulphoxide...32-452 Dimethylaminophenyltin...32-452 Dimethylbenz anthracene...32-452 Dimethylformamide...32-452 Dimethylhydrazine...32-452 Dimethylnitrosamine...32-452 Dimethylsulfoxide...32-453 Diminished airway irritation...32-453 Dimocarpus longan...32-453 Dimond-back moth...32-453 Dimonds...32-453 Dinitrate compounds...32-453 Dinitrogen oxide...32-453 Dinners and dining...32-453 Dinoprostone...32-453 Dinosaur fossils conservation...32-453 Dinosaur museum...32-453 Dinuclear copper...32-453 Dinuclear hydroxo-bridged...32-453 Dinuclear oxalato-bridged copper II...32-453 Dinuclear zinc...32-453 Dinucleotide microsatellite...32-454 Diode mixer...32-454 Diodes...32-454 Diodes, Switching...32-454 Diol...32-454 Diolefins...32-454 Diorite...32-454 Dioscorea...32-454 Dioscoreaceae--Cassification...32-454 Dioscorine...32-454 Diosgenin...32-454 Diospyrol...32-454 Diospyros...32-454 Diospyros decandra...32-454 Diospyros ehretioides...32-454 Diospyros gardneri...32-454 Diospyros glandulosa...32-454 Diospyros Kaki...32-454 Diospyros montana...32-455 Diospyros rhodocalyx...32-455 Diospyros rubra...32-455 Diospyros undulata...32-455 Diospyros variegata...32-455 Dioxane--Toxicology...32-455 Dioxime...32-455 Dioxolane...32-455 Dip coatings...32-455 Diphenhydramine...32-455 Diphenhydramine hydrochloride...32-455 Diphenyl ethers...32-455 Diphtheria...32-455 Diphtheria--Immunological aspects...32-455 Diphtheria--Phrae...32-455 Diploma holders...32-455 Diplomacy...32-456 Diplomatic relations...32-456 Diplomatics, Thais...32-456 Dipstick...32-456 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x40] Dipstick [Comb]...32-456 Diptera...32-456 Diptera--Genetics...32-457 Dipterocarpaceae...32-457 Dipterocarpaceae--Planting...32-457 Dipterocarpus alatus...32-457 Dipterocarpus turbinatus...32-457 Dipypridamole...32-457 Dipyridamole--Pharmacokinetics...32-457 Dipyridodiazepinone...32-457 Diquat...32-457 Direct antiglobulin test...32-457 Direct chill casting process...32-457 Direct compression filler...32-457 Direct contact heat transfer...32-457 Direct controller...32-457 Direct costing...32-457 Direct filtration...32-457 Direct immunofluorescence...32-458 Direct immunoperoxidase staining...32-458 Direct injection analysis...32-458 Direct nitridation...32-458 Direct selling...32-458 Direct selling business...32-458 Direct sequence code division multiple access...32-458 Direct sequence spread spectrum...32-458 Direct sequence spread-spectrum...32-458 Direct sequence-Code division multiple access...32-458 Direct simulation Monte Carlo...32-458 Direct torque control...32-458 Direct-sequence spread-slotted ALOHA system...32-458 Direct-sequence spread-spectrum systems...32-458 Directed graphs...32-458 Directed remote metalation...32-459 Directed-mutagenesis...32-459 Directly observed tratement short course...32-459 Directly observed treatment...32-459 Directly observed treatment short...32-459 Directly observed treatment short course...32-459 Director of Provincial Primary Education...32-459 Directors...32-459 Directory service [Computer network technology]...32459 Dirofilaria immitis...32-459 Dirofilariasis...32-459 Disabilities of arm...32-459 Disability...32-459 Disability days...32-460 Disability evaluation...32-460 Disability status...32-460 Disabled children...32-460 Disabled from spinal cord injury...32-460 Disabled people...32-460 Disabled persons...32-460 Disabled students...32-460 Disaccharidase...32-460 Disaccharidases...32-460 Disadvantaged child care centers in temples...32-460 Disaggregate prices...32-460 Disarmament...32-460 Disaster...32-460 Disaster victims...32-460 Disasters--Chiang Mai...32-461 Disc drive manufacturing...32-461 Disc jockeys...32-461 Discarded mobile phone batteries...32-461 Discharge coefficient...32-461 Discharge planning...32-461 Discharge planning program...32-461 Discharge process...32-461 Disciplinary abusement...32-461 Disciplinary misconduct...32-461 Discipline...32-461 Disclosure in accounting...32-461 Discomfort...32-462 Discotheques...32-462 Discount store...32-462 Discourse...32-462 Discourse analysis...32-462 Discourse analysis, Narrative...32-462 Discourse analysis--Bibliography...32-462 Discourse analysis--Buri Rum...32-462 Discourse markers...32-463 Discourses...32-463 Discovery...32-463 Discrete contact points...32-463 Discrete cosine transform...32-463 Discrete dynamics...32-463 Discrete GB-splines...32-463 Discrete generalized splines...32-463 Discrete hidden markov...32-463 Discrete modules...32-463 Discrete predator-prey system...32-463 Discrete tension splines...32-463 Discrete wavelet transform...32-463 Discrete wavelet transformation...32-463 Discrete-time H-infinity controller...32-463 Discretion...32-463 Discretization...32-463 Discriminant...32-463 Discriminant analysis...32-464 Discriminant bases...32-464 Discriminant functions...32-464 Discrimination...32-464 Discrmination...32-464 Discussion...32-464 Disease control...32-464 Disease free state...32-464 Disease mapping...32-464 Disease progression...32-464 Disease resistance...32-464 Disease susceptibility...32-464 Disease--Risk factors...32-464 Diseases...32-464 Diseases--Animal models...32-465 Diseases--Bangkok--Risk factors...32-465 Diseases--Complications...32-465 Diseases--Patients...32-465 Diseases--Prevention...32-465 Diseases--Prevention and control...32-465 Diseases--Relapse...32-465 Diseases--Risk factors...32-465 Diseases--Vietnam--Risk factors...32-465 Diseases-causes and theories of causation...32-465 Disel engine...32-465 Disel motor...32-466 Disinfectants...32-466 Disinfection and disinfectants...32-466 Disintegrin...32-466 Disjoint path approach...32-466 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x41] Disk diffusion...32-466 Disk mover and leaves pick-up...32-466 Disks, Rotating...32-466 Dislocations in metals...32-466 Dismissal protection of the employees along...32-466 Disney animated films...32-466 Disocyanate...32-466 Disordered compounds...32-466 Dispatching rules...32-466 Dispensing...32-466 Dispensing model...32-467 Dispersant...32-467 Disperse dye...32-467 Dispersion...32-467 Dispersion model...32-467 Displaced person from fighting...32-467 Displaced persons...32-467 Displacement...32-467 Disposable credit card number...32-467 Disposed fly ash...32-467 Disposition...32-468 Dispute resolution [Law]...32-468 Dispute settlement...32-468 Disruptive passengers--Behavior...32-468 Dissertation, Academic...32-468 Dissertations, Academic...32-468 Dissertations, Academic--Abstracting and indexing...32468 Dissipation...32-468 Dissipation [Physics]...32-468 Dissolution...32-468 Dissolution rate...32-468 Dissolve sound slide...32-468 Dissolved air flotation [Water purification]...32-469 Dissolved organic matter...32-469 Dissolved oxygen...32-469 Distal forearm...32-469 Distal radius...32-469 Distal renal tubular acidosis...32-469 Distance calculation...32-469 Distance education...32-469 Distance education--Nonthaburi...32-470 Distance education--Research...32-470 Distance judgyement...32-470 Distance learning...32-470 Distance measurement...32-470 Distance relay...32-470 Distance Secondary Education Via Sattellite Project...32470 Distance training...32-470 Distillation...32-470 Distillation column...32-471 Distillation control system...32-471 Distillation sequence...32-471 Distillation sequence synthesis...32-471 Distillation tower...32-471 Distilled liquors...32-471 Distilled water...32-471 Distillery slop...32-471 Distinct element analysis...32-471 Distinct element method...32-471 Distinctive features [Linguistics]...32-471 Distortion...32-471 Distress...32-471 Distress [Psychology]...32-471 Distressed families...32-472 Distributed computing...32-472 Distributed control system...32-472 Distributed control system project...32-472 Distributed databases...32-472 Distributed file service...32-472 Distributed inference engine...32-472 Distributed memory...32-472 Distributed network model...32-472 Distributed object technology and E-learning...32-472 Distributed parameter system...32-472 Distributed Raman amplification...32-472 Distributed system...32-472 Distribution...32-472 Distribution automation system...32-473 Distribution centers...32-473 Distribution control module...32-473 Distribution function...32-473 Distribution functions...32-473 Distribution plan...32-473 Distribution space...32-473 Distribution system--Planning...32-473 Distribution [Probability theory]...32-473 Distributional samantics...32-474 Distributional semantic based information retrieval...32474 Distributions, Theory of [Functional analysis]...32-474 Distributors...32-474 Distributted system...32-474 District development planning...32-474 District fishery officers...32-474 District forest...32-474 District Health Coordinating Committee...32-474 District Health Office...32-474 District health officers...32-474 District health workers...32-474 District livestock development officials...32-474 District municipality committees...32-474 District officcers...32-474 District organization...32-475 District public health officers...32-475 Disturb state concept model...32-475 Disturbance...32-475 Disulfide bond...32-475 Disulfiram...32-475 Disyllabic synonymous compounds...32-475 Ditary fiber...32-475 Diterpene lactone...32-475 Diterpenes...32-475 Diterpenoid compounds...32-475 Diterpenoids...32-476 Dithioaren...32-476 Dithiocarbamates...32-476 Dithiophosphate...32-476 Dithiothreitol...32-476 Ditopic receptor...32-476 Diuretics...32-476 Diversification...32-476 Diversified farming...32-476 Diversified process...32-476 Diversion...32-476 Diversity...32-476 Diversity combining techniques...32-476 Diversity control...32-477 Divide and conquer aligument...32-477 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x42] Dividend announcements...32-477 Dividends...32-477 Divinylbenzene...32-477 Divorce...32-477 Divorce family...32-477 DNA...32-477 DNA amplification...32-480 DNA antibodies...32-481 DNA clones...32-481 DNA compression...32-481 DNA damage...32-481 DNA fingerprint...32-481 DNA fingerprinting...32-481 DNA fingerprinting of plants...32-481 DNA fingerprints...32-481 DNA hybridization...32-481 DNA hybridization assay...32-482 DNA hypomethylation...32-482 DNA immunization...32-482 DNA ligases...32-482 DNA makers...32-482 DNA marker technologies...32-482 DNA markers...32-482 DNA methylation...32-482 DNA methyltransferase...32-482 DNA metthylation...32-482 DNA microarray...32-482 DNA mimics...32-483 DNA polymerase...32-483 DNA polymerases...32-483 DNA primer...32-483 DNA probes...32-483 DNA repair...32-484 DNA replication...32-484 DNA requences--Databases...32-484 DNA sensor...32-484 DNA sequence...32-484 DNA sequencing...32-485 DNA sequencing techniques...32-485 DNA squenee...32-485 DNA Topoisomerase II...32-485 DNA topoisomerase II...32-485 DNA transfer...32-485 DNA typing...32-485 DNA typing kit...32-485 DNA vaccine...32-485 DNA vaccines...32-485 DNA viruses...32-485 DNA--Methylation...32-486 DNA--Synthesis...32-486 dNTPs...32-486 DOC-1R gene...32-486 Docking...32-486 Docosahexaenoic...32-486 Docosahexaenoic acid...32-486 Doctor-patient relationship...32-486 Doctoral program...32-486 Doctors...32-486 Document alignment...32-486 Document clustering...32-486 Document engineering...32-487 Document image analysis...32-487 Document imaging system...32-487 Document management...32-487 Document on microfilm...32-487 Document relation discovery...32-487 Document selection...32-487 Documentary video program...32-487 Documentation based care...32-487 Documentation system...32-487 Documents...32-487 Dodal parameters...32-488 Dog contraception...32-488 Dog heart model...32-488 Dog owners...32-488 Dogs...32-488 Dogs--Diseases...32-488 Dogs--Diseases--Chiang Mai...32-488 Dogs--Motility...32-489 Dogs--Testing...32-489 Doi inthanon...32-489 Doi Inthanon National Park...32-489 Doi Inthanon National Parks...32-489 Doi Khun Tan...32-489 Doi Pui National Park...32-489 Doi Sulhep-Pui National Park...32-489 Doi Suthep...32-489 Doi Suthep National Park...32-489 Doi Suthep National Park--Environmental aspects...32490 Doi Suthep-Pui National Park...32-490 Doi Suthep-Pui National Park--Management...32-490 Doi Suthep-Put National Parks...32-490 Doi Tao reservoir...32-490 Dollar, American...32-490 Dolomite...32-490 Dolphins...32-490 Domain name...32-490 Domain Name System and IP...32-490 Domain referenced...32-491 Domain referenced test...32-491 Domestic animals...32-491 Domestic animals--Bangkok...32-491 Domestic animals--Diseases...32-491 Domestic banking...32-491 Domestic cats...32-491 Domestic demand...32-491 Domestic fowls...32-491 Domestic greywater...32-491 Domestic hot water...32-491 Domestic investment...32-491 Domestic relations...32-491 Domestic relations in literature...32-492 Domestic relations--Bangkok...32-492 Domestic relations--Kanchanaburi...32-492 Domestic relations--Ratchaburi...32-492 Domestic resource...32-492 Domestic resource cost...32-492 Domestic violence...32-492 Domestic wastewater...32-493 Domestically-owned firms...32-493 Domestics--Ratchaburi--Waste disposal...32-493 Domestics--Sewage disposal...32-493 Domestis violence...32-493 Dominant selectable marker...32-493 Domocracy development...32-493 Don Deang village...32-493 Don Hoi Lord...32-493 Don Hoi Lot...32-493 Don Muang International Airport...32-493 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x43] Donation of organ, tissues, etc.--Decision-making...32493 Doncing--Thailand, Southern...32-493 Donepezil hydrochloride...32-493 Dong Nai watershed...32-493 Donmuang Tollway...32-494 Donwai Market...32-494 Dopamine...32-494 Dopamine--Receptors...32-494 Dopants...32-494 Doped semiconductors...32-494 Doped silica...32-494 Doping...32-494 Doping agents...32-495 Doping materials...32-495 Dorab wolf-herring fish...32-495 Doraemon...32-495 Doramectin...32-495 DORAS...32-495 Doritis pulcherrima...32-495 Dormitories...32-495 Dormitories--Waste disposal...32-495 Dorris root...32-495 Dorysthenes buqueti...32-495 DOS attack...32-495 DOS [Computer operating system]...32-495 Dosage adjustment...32-495 Dosage and duration...32-495 Dose area product meter...32-495 Dose-response...32-495 Dose-response curve...32-496 Dosimeters...32-496 Dosimetric measurement...32-496 Dosimetric verification...32-496 Dot hybridization...32-496 Dot-ELISA...32-496 Dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay...32-496 Dotilla myctiroides...32-496 DOTS...32-496 Double calix [4] arenequinone...32-496 Double haploid...32-496 Double tax...32-496 Double-cell model...32-496 Double-ended forwa converter...32-496 Double-label fluorescence in situ hybridization...32-496 Double-pipe heat exchanger...32-496 Dough...32-496 Doughnuts...32-496 Douglas fir--Genetic aspects...32-497 Douglas fir--Ohio--Seeds...32-497 Douglas-fir...32-497 Dowel design...32-497 Down commer...32-497 Down syndrome...32-497 Down syndrome--Patients...32-497 Down's syndrome...32-497 Downsizing...32-497 Downy mildew diseases...32-497 Dowry...32-497 Doxazosin...32-497 Doxorubicin...32-497 Doxycycline...32-497 DP curve...32-497 Dperession, Mental...32-498 Dpph radical scavenging activity...32-498 Dprotonation...32-498 DPT vaccine...32-498 DQDB MAN...32-498 Dracaena loureiri...32-498 Dracaena lourieri...32-498 Draft--Ratchaburi...32-498 Draft-down furnace...32-498 Drafts...32-498 Drainage...32-498 Drainage design...32-498 Drainage feature...32-498 Drainage system...32-498 Drama...32-498 Drama equipments...32-499 Dramatic Arts College...32-499 Dramatic arts students...32-499 Dramatic criticism...32-499 Draw a person...32-499 Draw abilities...32-499 Draw ratio...32-499 Draw-A-person test...32-499 Drawbead...32-499 Drawing...32-499 Drechslera...32-499 Dredging--Pattani...32-499 dReinforced concrete walls...32-499 Dreochromis niloticus...32-499 Dressing film...32-499 Dried banana chips...32-499 Dried banana fruit cakes...32-500 Dried banana processing...32-500 Dried banana--Contamination...32-500 Dried brewers grains...32-500 Dried fish...32-500 Dried flesh logan...32-500 Dried food package...32-500 Dried house fly larva...32-500 Dried milk...32-500 Dried milk--Marketing...32-500 Dried okara...32-500 Dried ornamental plants...32-500 Dried ornamental products...32-500 Dried plasma spots...32-500 Dried spentwash liquor...32-500 Driers--Research...32-500 DRIFTS...32-501 Drilling and boring...32-501 Drilling rigs...32-501 Drink water...32-501 Drinking...32-501 Drinking behavior...32-501 Drinking of alcoholic beverages...32-501 Drinking of alcoholic beverages--Kanchanaburi...32-501 Drinking water...32-501 Drinking water--Chiang Mai...32-502 Drinking water--Contamination...32-502 Drinking water--Purchasing--Decision-making...32-502 Drinking water--Quality...32-502 Drinking water--Tak...32-502 Drinking yogurt consumption...32-502 Drip irrigation...32-502 Drip lass...32-502 Driploss...32-502 Driver behavior...32-502 Driver seat design...32-502 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x44] Drop hammer...32-502 Drop number...32-502 Drop size distributions...32-502 Drop-jump...32-502 Drop-weight method...32-502 Dropouts...32-503 Dropping probability...32-503 Drops...32-503 Drosophila...32-503 Drosophila kikkawai--Cytogenetics...32-503 Drosophila melanogaster...32-503 Drosophila melanogaster--Cytology...32-503 Drosophila nasuta...32-503 Drosophila--Environmental aspects...32-504 Drosophilla...32-504 Drought areas...32-504 Drought condition...32-504 Drought problem...32-504 Drought relief--Government policy--Sudan...32-504 Drought risk area--Buri Ram...32-504 Drought risk area--Lop Buri...32-504 Droughts...32-504 Droughts--Ethiopia--Government policy...32-504 Droughts--Sudan...32-504 Drow and write technique...32-504 Drowning...32-504 Drug abuse...32-504 Drug abuse counseling...32-505 Drug abuse--China...32-505 Drug abuse--Prevention...32-505 Drug abuse--Udon Thani--Prevention...32-505 Drug addiction problems...32-505 Drug addicts...32-505 Drug and therapeutics committees...32-505 Drug antagonism...32-505 Drug benefit plans...32-505 Drug bill...32-505 Drug carriers [Pharmacy]...32-505 Drug cooperatives...32-505 Drug delivery...32-505 Drug delivery devices...32-506 Drug delivery system...32-506 Drug delivery systems...32-506 Drug dependence...32-506 Drug efflux...32-506 Drug free zone...32-506 Drug industry...32-506 Drug information...32-506 Drug information responses...32-506 Drug infusion pumps...32-506 Drug interactions...32-506 Drug inventory...32-507 Drug investigations...32-507 Drug loaded chitosan films...32-507 Drug management cost...32-507 Drug management information system...32-507 Drug monitoring...32-507 Drug permeability...32-507 Drug procurement system...32-507 Drug reactions...32-507 Drug release...32-507 Drug resistance...32-508 Drug resistance in microorganisms...32-509 Drug resistance in microorganisms--Genetic aspects...32-510 Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug Drug resistance--Testing...32-510 resistant...32-510 screening...32-510 sellers...32-510 sensitivity...32-510 stability...32-510 susceptibility...32-510 synergism...32-510 tablet counter--Design and construction...32-510 targeting...32-510 testing...32-511 therapy...32-511 therapy problem...32-511 tolerance...32-511 trade...32-511 traffic...32-511 trafficking...32-511 transport...32-511 treatment...32-511 use...32-511 use evaluation...32-511 use initiation...32-511 users...32-512 utilization...32-512 utilization--Bangkok...32-513 utilization--Chanthaburi...32-513 utilization--Counseling...32-513 utilization--Evaluation...32-513 utilization--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-514 utilization--Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya-Evaluation...32-514 Drug utilization--Reporting...32-514 Drug utilization--Testing...32-514 Drug--Matabolism...32-514 Drug-induced...32-514 Drug-polymer interaction...32-514 Drug-related problems...32-514 Drugs...32-514 Drugs database...32-518 Drugs of abuse...32-518 Drugs--Absorption and adsorption...32-518 Drugs--Administration...32-518 Drugs--Adverse effects...32-518 Drugs--Advertising...32-518 Drugs--Analysis...32-518 Drugs--Bioavailability...32-519 Drugs--Chanthaburi--Economic aspects...32-519 Drugs--Coatings...32-519 Drugs--Contamination...32-519 Drugs--Controlled release...32-519 Drugs--Costs...32-520 Drugs--Databases...32-520 Drugs--Dosage...32-520 Drugs--Dosage forms...32-520 Drugs--Dose-response relationship...32-520 Drugs--Effectiveness...32-520 Drugs--Equipment and supplies...32-521 Drugs--Inventories--Control...32-521 Drugs--Law and legislation...32-521 Drugs--Management...32-521 Drugs--Metabolism...32-521 Drugs--Microbiology...32-521 Drugs--Packaging...32-521 Drugs--Physiological effect...32-521 Drugs--Prescribing...32-521 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x45] Drugs--Prices...32-521 Drugs--Purchasing...32-522 Drugs--Side effects...32-522 Drugs--side effects...32-522 Drugs--Structure-Activity Relationships...32-522 Drugs--structure-activity relationships...32-522 Drugs--Testing...32-522 Drugs--Testing--In vitro...32-523 Drugs--Therapentic equivalency...32-523 Drugs--Therapeutic equivalency...32-523 Drugs--Utilization...32-523 Drugs-Side effects...32-523 Drugstore...32-523 Drugstore development project...32-523 Drugstores...32-523 Drugstores--Customer service...32-524 Drugstores--Evaluation...32-524 Drum dryer...32-524 Drum granulator...32-524 Drum solid fermentation...32-524 Drum-buffer-rope...32-524 Drungs--Physiological effect...32-524 Dry banana...32-524 Dry cell battery...32-524 Dry cell battery industry...32-524 Dry deciduous dipterocarp forest...32-524 Dry deposition...32-524 Dry deposition velocities...32-524 Dry deposition velocity...32-525 Dry dipterocarp forest...32-525 Dry dipterocarp forests...32-525 Dry emulsion...32-525 Dry evergreen forest...32-525 Dry evergreen rain forest...32-525 Dry Flo PC...32-525 Dry fruits...32-525 Dry gel...32-525 Dry milling...32-525 Dry mixing...32-525 Dry powder...32-525 Dry powder coating...32-525 Dry powder inhaler...32-525 Dry season...32-525 Dry season cropping system...32-526 Dry season rice production system...32-526 Dry sludge...32-526 Dry syrup...32-526 Dry tropical forest...32-526 Dry type transformer...32-526 Dry valleys...32-526 Dry zone--Sri Lanka...32-526 Dry-cleaning workers...32-526 Dry-season cropping patterns...32-526 Dryer...32-526 Dryer for agricultural and pharmaceutical products...32526 Drying...32-526 Drying agents...32-527 Drying apparatus...32-527 Drying kinetics...32-528 Drying oils...32-528 DS/CDMA cellular mobile telephone system...32-528 DS/SS system...32-528 DSP...32-528 DSS...32-528 DSSAT Program...32-528 DT-diaphorase...32-528 DTPA...32-528 Dual angle...32-528 Dual channels audiometer...32-528 Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry...32-528 Dual fuel...32-528 Dual fuel diesel engine...32-528 Dual head SPECT...32-528 Dual level access scheme...32-528 Dual media filter...32-528 Dual reciprocity method...32-529 Dual series equations...32-529 Dual system...32-529 Dual Vocational Training...32-529 Dual vocational training management...32-529 Dual vocational training of college...32-529 Dual vocational training system management...32-529 Dual water systems...32-529 Dual-culture agar diffusion assay...32-529 Dual-exponential profile...32-529 Dual-isotopes technique...32-530 Dualism...32-530 Duality [Logic]...32-530 Duboisia myoporoides...32-530 Duchenne muscular dystrophy...32-530 Duck cholera vaccine...32-530 Ducks...32-530 Ducks--Diseases...32-530 Ducks--Eggs...32-530 Ducks--Feeding and feeds...32-530 Duckweeds...32-530 Duct pattern layout...32-530 Ductile iron...32-531 Ductus arteriosus...32-531 Dugong...32-531 Dugong dugon...32-531 Dugong dugon--Feeding and feeds...32-531 Dumb cane...32-531 Dumping [International trade]--Poland...32-531 Dunaliella...32-531 Dunaliella salina...32-531 Dunaliella sp...32-.531 Dunaliella tertiolecta...32-531 Dung beetles...32-531 Duodenum...32-532 Duodenum Non-genomic...32-532 Duplex polymerase chain...32-532 Duplex selective pcr...32-532 Durability...32-532 Durable press...32-532 Durantav repens...32-532 Duration...32-532 Duration of traction...32-532 Duration of treatment...32-532 Durian...32-532 Durian fibers...32-533 Durian flour...32-533 Durian maturity inspection...32-533 Durian peel...32-533 Durian rind...32-533 Durian rind extracts...32-533 Durian--Drying...32-533 Durian--Physiology...32-533 Durian--Planting...32-533 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x46] Durians--Diseases and Pest resistance...32-533 Durians--Therapeutic use...32-533 Durianwood...32-533 During labor...32-533 Durio...32-533 Durio Zibethinus...32-533 Durio zibethinus...32-533 Durio zibethinus Murr "Chanee"...32-534 Durio zibethinus--Thinning...32-534 Durio zibethinusPolysaccharide gel...32-534 Durio zibethnius murray...32-534 Dust...32-534 Dust Collection...32-534 Dust collection...32-535 Dust collector...32-535 Dust control...32-535 Dust control system...32-535 Dust explosions...32-535 Dust exposure...32-535 Dust mite...32-535 Dust mites...32-535 Dust particles...32-535 Dust--Bangkok...32-535 Dust--Cambodia...32-535 Dust--Chiang Mai...32-535 Dust--Chiang Mai--Lead content...32-535 Dust--Environmental aspects...32-535 Dust--Forecasting...32-535 Dust--Measurement...32-535 Dust--Removal...32-535 Dusty rose...32-535 Dutch--Economic conditions...32-536 Duthula...32-536 Duties revenue...32-536 Dvaravati culture...32-536 Dwarf Jamaican...32-536 Dwarfism, Pituitary...32-536 Dwellers...32-536 Dwellings...32-536 Dwellings, Prehistoric--Kanchanaburi...32-536 Dwellings--Bangkok...32-536 Dwellings--Bangkok--Evaluation...32-537 Dwellings--Heating and ventilation...32-537 Dwellings--Social aspects...32-537 Dyakia striata...32-537 Dye...32-537 Dye adsorption...32-537 Dye plants...32-537 Dye plants--Nutrition...32-537 Dye plants--Toxicology...32-537 Dye-based ink...32-537 Dyeability modification...32-537 Dyeing...32-537 Dyeing factories...32-537 Dyeing industry...32-538 Dyeing process...32-538 Dyeing wastewater...32-538 Dyes...32-538 Dyes and drying...32-538 Dyes and dyeing...32-538 Dyes and dyeing--Chemistry...32-538 Dyes and dyeing--Cotton...32-539 Dyes and dyeing--Silk...32-539 Dyes and dyeing--Textile fibers...32-539 Dyes and dying...32-539 Dyestuffs...32-539 Dyhydrofolate reductase...32-539 Dymamic programming...32-539 Dynamic adjustment...32-539 Dynamic behaviour...32-539 Dynamic channel allocation...32-539 Dynamic classifier...32-539 Dynamic climatology...32-539 Dynamic compartmental model...32-539 Dynamic cone penetration...32-539 Dynamic continuous cold rolling theory...32-539 Dynamic dictionary...32-539 Dynamic endurance training...32-539 Dynamic equations...32-540 Dynamic font...32-540 Dynamic impedance...32-540 Dynamic load balancing method...32-540 Dynamic matrix control system...32-540 Dynamic maximum energy recovery...32-540 Dynamic mechanical properties...32-540 Dynamic model...32-540 Dynamic models [Computer program language]...32-540 Dynamic motor activity...32-540 Dynamic niche sharing...32-540 Dynamic nuclear magnetic resonance...32-540 Dynamic optimization...32-540 Dynamic parameter optimization...32-540 Dynamic pipeline...32-540 Dynamic process layout planning...32-540 Dynamic process simulation...32-540 Dynamic programming...32-540 Dynamic properties...32-541 Dynamic quantization...32-541 Dynamic rescheduling algorithm...32-541 Dynamic response...32-541 Dynamic responses...32-541 Dynamic scaling...32-541 Dynamic settlement simulation model...32-541 Dynamic shear rheometer...32-541 Dynamic simelation...32-541 Dynamic simulation...32-541 Dynamic simulation model...32-541 Dynamic soil-structure interaction...32-541 Dynamic stabilization...32-541 Dynamic surface tension detector...32-541 Dynamic topology networks...32-541 Dynamical systems...32-541 Dynamics...32-542 Dynamics--Government policy...32-543 Dynamics--Models and modelmaking...32-543 Dynamo fisheries...32-543 DYNAMO [Computer program language]...32-543 DYS 19...32-543 Dysentery...32-543 Dysentery, Amebic--Patients...32-543 Dysentery--Diagnosis...32-543 Dyslipidemia...32-543 Dysmenorrhea...32-543 Dysoxylum cyrtobotryum...32-543 Dysoxylum grande...32-543 Dyspepsia...32-543 Dyspeptic--Patients...32-544 Dysphagia...32-544 Dysplasia...32-544 Dyspnea...32-544 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x47] Dyspuea...32-544 Dyssodia tenuiloba...32-544 Dzao community...32-544 E dysone...32-544 E party...32-544 E-business...32-544 E-business module...32-544 E-Commerce...32-544 E-commerce...32-544 E-commerce store...32-545 E-complaint...32-545 E-democracy...32-545 E-forum...32-545 E-glass...32-545 E-government...32-545 E-health...32-545 E-information...32-545 E-learning...32-545 E-mail...32-546 E-mail systems...32-546 E-office...32-546 e-ONIOM...32-546 E-procurement...32-546 E-PTFE membrane...32-546 E-saew songs...32-546 E-sign Act...32-546 E-test...32-546 E-transactions Act...32-547 E-voting...32-547 E. coli [Bacterium]...32-547 E. variegata...32-547 E.C.G. database system...32-547 E.C.G. pattern simulator...32-547 E.coli [Bacterium]...32-547 E.M. microorganism...32-547 E.N.T patients...32-547 Ear...32-547 Ear cells...32-547 Ear hygien...32-547 Ear training...32-547 Ear--Diseases...32-547 Earleaf acacia...32-547 Early antigen...32-547 Early Bangkok period...32-548 Early childhood...32-548 Early marriage...32-548 Early mixed dentition...32-548 Early onset periodontitis...32-548 Early Rattanakosin period...32-548 Early retirement...32-548 Early retirement program...32-548 Early warning fire detection...32-548 Early working-aged group...32-548 Earned value concept...32-548 Earnings...32-548 Earnings forecasting...32-548 Earth...32-548 Earth reforcement...32-548 Earth resistance...32-548 Earth resources technology satellites...32-549 Earth slope...32-549 Earth tube...32-549 Earth tube heat exchanger...32-549 Earth--Legands...32-549 Earth-satellite paths...32-549 Earthquake...32-549 Earthquake hazard analysis...32-549 Earthquakes...32-549 Earthquakes and hydraulic structures...32-549 Earthquakes--Bangkok...32-549 Earthquakes--Chiang Mai...32-549 Earthquakes--Kanchanaburi...32-549 Earths, Rare--Magnetic properties...32-549 Earths,Rare...32-549 Earthworks [Archaeology]--Lampang...32-549 Earthworms...32-549 East Asia...32-550 East Asian counties...32-550 East Asian financial crisis...32-550 East asian financial crisis...32-550 Easter lily...32-550 Eastern Seaboard...32-550 Eastern seaboard...32-550 Eastern Seaboard Development Program...32-550 Eastern Seaboard Project...32-550 Eating...32-550 Eating behavior...32-550 Eating culture...32-550 Eating habits...32-550 Eavesdropping...32-550 Ebenaceae...32-550 Eberlonium...32-551 EBPR process...32-551 Ebullition...32-551 EBV DNA...32-551 EBXML...32-551 Eccentric...32-551 Eccritotarsus catarinensis...32-551 Ecdysanthera rosea...32-551 Ecdysone...32-551 Ecdysone--Structure...32-551 Ecdysteroid...32-551 Ecdysteroids...32-551 ECF-bleaching...32-552 ECG data compression...32-552 Echinococcosis...32-552 Echinococcus granulosus...32-552 Echinoderms...32-552 Echinostoma...32-552 Echinostoma malayanum...32-552 Echocardiography...32-553 Echolocation...32-553 Echysone...32-553 Eclipsing binaries...32-553 Eco-cultural system...32-553 Eco-efficiency...32-553 Eco-industrail park...32-553 Eco-industrial estate...32-553 Eco-industrial park...32-553 Eco-packaging...32-553 Eco-packaging laws...32-553 Eco-physiological...32-553 Ecocriticism...32-553 Ecological aspects...32-553 Ecological genetics...32-553 Ecological indicators...32-553 Ecological model...32-553 Ecological movement...32-553 Ecological surveys--Indonesia...32-553 Ecological systems theory...32-554 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x48] Ecology...32-554 Ecology--Bangkok...32-554 Ecology--Chiang Mai...32-554 Ecology--Colombia...32-554 Ecology--Databases...32-554 Ecology--Planning...32-555 Ecology--Research...32-555 Ecology--Teaching--Aids and devices...32-555 Ecology--Thailand, Northern...32-555 Ecology--Thailand--Public relations...32-555 Econometric analysis...32-555 Econometric models...32-555 Econometrics...32-555 Economic analysis...32-555 Economic anthropology...32-556 Economic articles...32-556 Economic aspects...32-556 Economic assistance, Indonesia...32-556 Economic assistance--Japan...32-556 Economic benefit...32-556 Economic change...32-556 Economic cooperation...32-556 Economic Cost...32-557 Economic crime...32-557 Economic Crime Division...32-557 Economic Crisis...32-557 Economic crisis...32-557 Economic crop...32-559 Economic development...32-559 Economic development--Bangladesh...32-560 Economic development--Bhutan...32-560 Economic development--Cambodia...32-560 Economic development--Environmental aspects...32-560 Economic development--History...32-560 Economic development--Myanmar...32-560 Economic development--Research...32-560 Economic development--Social aspects...32-560 Economic development--Sociological aspects...32-560 Economic development--Taiwan...32-560 Economic dicision making...32-560 Economic dispatch...32-560 Economic downturn...32-560 Economic environmental...32-560 Economic evaluation...32-560 Economic expenditures...32-560 Economic factors...32-561 Economic fluctuations...32-561 Economic forest...32-561 Economic forest plantation project...32-561 Economic fundamentals...32-561 Economic geography...32-561 Economic growth...32-561 Economic history...32-561 Economic incentives...32-562 Economic indicators...32-562 Economic inequality...32-562 Economic instrument...32-562 Economic interest...32-562 Economic investment...32-562 Economic loss...32-562 Economic news...32-562 Economic organization...32-562 Economic performance...32-562 Economic plantation...32-562 Economic policy...32-562 Economic policy--Asia...32-563 Economic policy--Australia...32-563 Economic policy--Soviet...32-563 Economic preparation...32-563 Economic problem...32-563 Economic quadrangle...32-563 Economic reform...32-563 Economic regression...32-563 Economic role of women...32-563 Economic security--Laos...32-563 Economic self-reliance...32-563 Economic surveys...32-563 Economic surveys--Thailand, Northeastern...32-563 Economic threat...32-563 Economic tree...32-563 Economic unionism...32-564 Economic valuation...32-564 Economic value...32-564 Economic welfare...32-564 Economical analysis...32-564 Economics...32-564 Economics of scale...32-564 Economics--Asia...32-564 Economics--Evaluation...32-564 Economics--Malaysia...32-565 Economics--Sociological aspects...32-565 Economics--Sri Lanka...32-565 Economics--Study and teaching...32-565 Economizer...32-565 Economy...32-565 Ecophysiological processes...32-565 Ecophysiology...32-565 EcoRI endonuclease...32-565 Ecosystem integrity...32-565 Ecosystems...32-565 Ecotourism...32-566 Ecotourism development...32-566 Ecotourism management...32-566 Ecotourism--Chiang Mai...32-566 Ecotourism--Chonburi--Citizen participation...32-566 Ecotourism--Computer assisted instruction...32-566 Ecotourism--Curricula...32-567 Ecotourism--Kanchanaburi...32-567 Ecotourism--Mae Hong Son--Management...32-567 Ecotourism--Management...32-567 Ecotourism--Nakhon Pathom...32-567 Ecotourism--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-567 Ecotourism--Nakhon Si Thammarat...32-567 Ecotourism--Nonthaburi...32-567 Ecotourism--Phetchaburi...32-567 Ecotourism--Phuket...32-567 Ecotourism--Prachuapkhirikhan...32-567 Ecotourism--Ratchaburi...32-567 Ecotourism--Samut Songkhram...32-567 Ecotourism--Surat Thani...32-567 Ecotourism--Thailand, Northern...32-567 Ecotourism--Ubon Ratchathani--Supply and demand...32-567 Ecotourists...32-568 Ecstasy [Drug]...32-568 Ecteinascidia...32-568 Ecteinascidins...32-568 Ectodermal dysplasia...32-568 Ectomycorrhizal...32-568 Ectomycorrhizal fungi...32-568 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x49] Ectomycorrhizas...32-568 Edamame...32-568 Eddies...32-568 Eddragit...32-568 Eddy current testing...32-568 Eddy flux...32-568 Edema...32-568 Edema--Effect of antiinflamatory agents on...32-568 Edentulous mandible...32-569 Edge localized mode...32-569 Edge-magic total labeling...32-569 Edgewise technique...32-569 EDI...32-569 Edi Siam Crop.--Customer services...32-569 Edible bilayer films...32-569 Edible canna...32-569 Edible film...32-569 Edible films...32-569 Edible plants...32-569 Edible snails...32-569 Edited American English...32-569 Editorials...32-569 EDTA...32-569 Educable mentally retarded children...32-569 Education...32-569 Education and state...32-570 Education and state--Buri Ram...32-570 Education and state--Buri Rum...32-571 Education and state--Thailand, Northern...32-571 Education change...32-571 Education change--Udon Thani...32-571 Education disadvataged children...32-571 Education for in-service personnel project...32-571 Education management...32-571 Education Manpower pslicy...32-571 Education of women...32-571 Education officers...32-572 Education opportunity...32-572 Education opportunity extension school...32-572 Education promotion...32-572 Education quality assurance...32-572 Education reform...32-572 Education standard...32-572 Education student...32-572 Education teachers...32-572 Education, Bilingual...32-572 Education, Compulsory...32-572 Education, Compulsory--Economic aspects...32-572 Education, Elementary...32-572 Education, Elementary--Ang Thong...32-572 Education, Elementary--Buri Rum--Aims and objectives...32-573 Education, Elementary--Chiang Mai...32-573 Education, Elementary--Kanchanaburi...32-573 Education, Higher...32-573 Education, Higher--Activity programs...32-575 Education, Higher--Bangkok...32-575 Education, Higher--Chiang Mai...32-576 Education, Higher--China...32-576 Education, Higher--Evaluation...32-576 Education, Higher--Hanoi...32-576 Education, Higher--Japan...32-576 Education, Higher--Khon Kaen...32-576 Education, Higher--Lampang...32-576 Education, Higher--Laos...32-576 Education, Higher--Management...32-576 Education, Higher--Nakhon Pathom...32-576 Education, Higher--Nakhon Si Thammarat...32-576 Education, Higher--Pathum Thani...32-576 Education, Higher--Phitsanulok...32-577 Education, Higher--Planning...32-577 Education, Higher--United State--Curricula...32-577 Education, Higher--United States--Curricula...32-577 Education, Preschool--Research...32-577 Education, Preschool--Samut Sakhon...32-577 Education, Primary...32-577 Education, Primary--Ang Thong...32-579 Education, Primary--Chaiyaphum...32-579 Education, Primary--Chiang Mai...32-579 Education, Primary--Evaluation...32-579 Education, Primary--Kalasin...32-579 Education, Primary--Khon Kaen...32-579 Education, Primary--Maha Sarakham...32-579 Education, Primary--Nakhon Phanom--Evaluation...32579 Education, Primary--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-579 Education, Primary--Pathum Thani...32-580 Education, Primary--Phetchabun...32-580 Education, Primary--Roi Et...32-580 Education, Primary--Sakon Nakhon...32-580 Education, Primary--Sing Buri...32-580 Education, Primary--Sukhothai...32-580 Education, Primary--Suphan Buri...32-580 Education, Primary--Thailand, Education Region 6...32580 Education, Primary--Thailand, Northeastern...32-580 Education, Primary--Udon Thani...32-580 Education, Primary--Udon Thani--Administration...32-581 Education, Primary--Uttaradit...32-581 Education, Rural...32-581 Education, Rural--Vietnam...32-581 Education, Secondary...32-581 Education, Secondary--Bangkok...32-584 Education, Secondary--Chaiyaphum...32-584 Education, Secondary--Chiang Mai...32-584 Education, Secondary--Curricula...32-584 Education, Secondary--Kalasin...32-585 Education, Secondary--Kanchanaburi...32-585 Education, Secondary--Khon Kaen...32-585 Education, Secondary--Lampang...32-585 Education, Secondary--Laos...32-585 Education, Secondary--Management...32-585 Education, Secondary--Nakhon Pathom...32-585 Education, Secondary--Nakhon Ratchasima...32-585 Education, Secondary--Nakhon Si Thammarat...32-585 Education, Secondary--Nan...32-585 Education, Secondary--Narathiwat...32-585 Education, Secondary--Nonthaburi...32-585 Education, Secondary--Parent participation...32-585 Education, Secondary--Pathum Thani...32-585 Education, Secondary--Phayao...32-585 Education, Secondary--Phetchabun...32-586 Education, Secondary--Phitsanulok--Curricula...32-586 Education, Secondary--Sri Lanka...32-586 Education, Secondary--Thailand, Education Region 10...32-586 Education, Secondary--Thailand, Education region 12...32-586 Education, Secondary--Thailand, Education Region 6...32-586 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x50] Education, Secondary--Thailand, Education Region 9...32-586 Education, Secondary--Trang...32-586 Education, Secondary--Udon Thani...32-586 Education--Administration...32-586 Education--Administration--Community participation...32-586 Education--Aims and objectives...32-586 Education--Appropriations and expenditures...32-586 Education--Cost...32-586 Education--Curricula...32-586 Education--Curricula--Public relations...32-587 Education--Data processing...32-587 Education--Demographic aspects...32-587 Education--Evaluation...32-587 Education--Government policy...32-587 Education--Laos--Administration...32-587 Education--Nepal...32-587 Education--Parent participation...32-587 Education--Philippines--Economic aspects...32-587 Education--Phitsanulok--Administration...32-587 Education--Quality...32-587 Education--Research...32-588 Education--Standards...32-588 Education--Study and teaching...32-588 Education--Thailand, Northeastern...32-588 Education--Thailand, Northern...32-588 Education--Vietnam...32-588 Education--Yala--Administration...32-588 Educational administration...32-588 Educational administrators...32-588 Educational admistrative reform...32-588 Educational attainment...32-588 Educational change...32-588 Educational change--Chiang Mai...32-589 Educational change--Government policy...32-589 Educational change--Laos...32-589 Educational chief officers...32-589 Educational enrichment...32-589 Educational environment...32-589 Educational equity...32-589 Educational evaluation...32-589 Educational extension schools...32-589 Educational inequality...32-589 Educational inequlity...32-589 Educational information center for occupation and labor market...32-589 Educational innovations...32-589 Educational institutions...32-590 Educational management...32-590 Educational media center...32-590 Educational officers...32-590 Educational oppertunities...32-590 Educational opportunity extension project...32-590 Educational opportunity extension school...32-591 Educational opportunity extension schools...32-591 Educational philosophy...32-592 Educational planning...32-592 Educational planning--Evaluation...32-592 Educational policy...32-592 Educational practices...32-592 Educational project...32-592 Educational quality...32-592 Educational quality assessment...32-592 Educational Quality assurance...32-592 Educational quality assurance...32-592 Educational quality assurance project...32-593 Educational quality assurance--Government policy...32593 Educational reform...32-593 Educational reform policy...32-593 Educational reform schools...32-593 Educational rehabilitation...32-593 Educational researchers...32-593 Educational rights...32-593 Educational services...32-593 Educational standard...32-593 Educational supervisory tasks...32-593 Educational technology...32-593 Educational Technology Center...32-594 Educational technology personnel...32-594 Educational television programs...32-594 Educational tests and measurements...32-594 Educational wastage...32-594 Educational web site...32-594 Educative-supportive program...32-594 Educaton program...32-594 Educators...32-594 EEC...32-595 EEG...32-595 Eeg-biofeedback...32-595 Eeology...32-595 Eexercises...32-595 Efavirenz...32-595 Efavirenzs...32-595 Effacts of implementation...32-595 Effect of a food preservative nitrite on...32-595 Effect of aloe vera on...32-595 Effect of antibiabetic agents on...32-595 Effect of Antifolates on Escherichia coli...32-595 Effect of Cholecystokinin[CCK]on...32-595 Effect of compatibilizers on...32-595 Effect of diuresis on...32-595 Effect of exercise on...32-595 Effect of family environment on...32-595 Effect of hemin and antimalarial drugs on...32-596 Effect of insecticides on...32-596 Effect of intravenous infusion on...32-596 Effect of juvinile leaf removal on...32-596 Effect of malaria immune plasma on...32-596 Effect of mass transfer...32-596 Effect of N-[2propylpentanoyl] urea on...32-596 Effect of neonatal application...32-596 Effect of palladium on...32-596 Effect of pesticides...32-596 Effect of supportive educative nursing system on...32596 Effect of temperature and surfactant on...32-596 Effect of Thai curry paste on...32-596 Effect of water hardness and water temperature on...32596 Effect on seed coat color on...32-596 Effective diffusivities of water...32-596 Effective diffusivity...32-596 Effective mass...32-596 Effective mass [Physics]...32-596 Effective microorganism...32-597 Effective rainfall model...32-597 Effectiveness...32-597 Effectiveness microorganisms...32-597 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x51] Effectiveness of organization...32-597 Effects of Cu-763-14-07...32-597 Effects of Cu-763-14-10...32-597 Effects of stevioside and steviol on...32-597 Efficacy expectations...32-597 Efficiency...32-597 Efficiency of service...32-598 Efficiency test...32-598 Efficient...32-598 Effluent quality--Chiang Mai...32-598 Effort...32-598 EFL students...32-598 Egalitarian...32-598 EGCG...32-598 Egg albumen...32-598 Egg shell...32-598 Egg white...32-598 Egg yolk...32-598 Egg-laying hormone...32-598 Eggplant...32-598 Eggs...32-598 Eggs--Incubation...32-599 Eggs--Quality...32-599 Eggs--Residues...32-599 EGTA...32-599 Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier...32-599 Ehrlich-schwoebel barrier...32-599 Ehtnic groups...32-599 EIA...32-599 Eichhornia crassipes...32-599 Eicosanoic acid...32-599 Eicosapentaenoic...32-599 Eicosapentaenoic acid...32-600 Eigenfaces...32-600 Eigenvalues...32-600 Eigenvectors...32-600 Eimeria tenella...32-600 EIS...32-600 Ejection fraction...32-600 Ejection fractions...32-600 Ejector refrigeration system...32-600 Ekachai Nopchinda...32-600 El Nino...32-600 El Nino phenomena...32-600 El Nino Southern Oscillation phenomena...32-600 El nino-southern oscillation...32-600 Elaboration likelihood model...32-601 Elaeis guineensis...32-601 Elaenia guineensis...32-601 Elaeocarpus grandiflorus...32-601 Elaeocarpus hygrophilus...32-601 Elastases enzyme...32-601 Elastic...32-601 Elastic analysis [Engineering]...32-601 Elastic arch...32-601 Elastic bandage...32-601 Elastic impression materials...32-601 Elastic limit...32-601 Elastic moduli...32-601 Elastic plate...32-601 Elastic plates and shells...32-601 Elastic shear modulus...32-601 Elastic tape...32-601 Elastic waves--Diffraction...32-601 Elastic-plastic analysis...32-601 Elastica...32-602 Elastica theory...32-602 Elasticity...32-602 Elastics [Rubber bands]...32-602 Elastomer...32-602 Elastomer industry...32-602 Elastomeric ligature...32-602 Elastomers...32-602 Elastomers in dentistry...32-602 Elastomers--Biodegradation...32-602 Elateriospermum tapos...32-603 Elder persons...32-603 Eldercare worker...32-603 Eldercare workers...32-603 Elderly...32-603 Elderly care...32-604 Elderly care workers--Training...32-605 Elderly club...32-605 Elderly health care service...32-605 Elderly olub...32-605 Elderly patients...32-605 Elderly patients--Care...32-605 Elderly persons...32-605 Elderly Social Service Center...32-606 Elderly support...32-606 Elderly women...32-606 Elderly workers...32-606 Elderly's cares...32-606 Elderly--Kanchanaburi...32-606 Eleastase...32-606 Eleasticity...32-606 Election...32-606 Election behaviors...32-606 Election commission...32-606 Elections...32-606 Electpophoresis...32-606 Electret fiber...32-606 Electri equipment installation...32-607 Electric apparatus and appliances...32-607 Electric arc...32-607 Electric arc furnace...32-607 Electric arc furnace dust...32-607 Electric arc heating...32-607 Electric batteries...32-607 Electric board...32-607 Electric circuit analysis...32-607 Electric circuits...32-607 Electric circuits--Design...32-607 Electric circuits--Direct current...32-607 Electric circuits--Study and teaching...32-607 Electric conductivity...32-607 Electric current converters...32-608 Electric currents...32-608 Electric currents, Alternating...32-608 Electric currents--Manufactures...32-608 Electric dipole moment...32-608 Electric discharge machining...32-608 Electric discharge mechining...32-608 Electric energy conservation...32-608 Electric energy meter...32-608 Electric energy--Utilization--Curricula...32-608 Electric engineering...32-608 Electric field...32-608 Electric field motor...32-609 Electric fields...32-609 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x52] Electric filters...32-609 Electric filters, Bandpass...32-609 Electric fishing...32-609 Electric fitelds...32-609 Electric generators...32-609 Electric generators--Maintenance and repair...32-609 Electric industries...32-609 Electric insulators and insulation...32-609 Electric insulators and insulation--Oil...32-609 Electric insulators and insulation--Polymers...32-609 Electric inverters...32-609 Electric lighting...32-610 Electric lines...32-610 Electric measurements...32-610 Electric meters...32-610 Electric motor drive, Induction...32-610 Electric motors...32-610 Electric motors, Direct current...32-610 Electric motors, Induction...32-610 Electric networks...32-610 Electric oven...32-610 Electric power...32-610 Electric power comsumption--Cambodia...32-611 Electric power conservation...32-611 Electric power consumption...32-611 Electric power consumption--Forecasting...32-611 Electric power distribution...32-611 Electric power distribution system...32-611 Electric power plants...32-611 Electric power production--Appropriate technology...32611 Electric power production--Vietnam...32-611 Electric power system stability...32-611 Electric power systems...32-611 Electric power systems--Installation...32-612 Electric power systems--Load--Model...32-612 Electric power systems--Measurement...32-612 Electric power transmission...32-612 Electric power--Conservation...32-612 Electric power--Management...32-612 Electric power--Quality...32-612 Electric power-plants...32-612 Electric power-plants--Load...32-612 Electric power-plants--Mathematical model...32-612 Electric railroads...32-612 Electric railroads--Brakes--Recycling [Waste, etc.]...32612 Electric resistance...32-612 Electric stimulation...32-613 Electric supply industry...32-613 Electric three wheel vehicles...32-613 Electric tricycle...32-613 Electric utilities...32-613 Electric vehicles...32-613 Electric waves...32-613 Electrical conductivity...32-613 Electrical contact resistance...32-613 Electrical discharge machining...32-613 Electrical distribution system...32-614 Electrical energy...32-614 Electrical energy conservation...32-614 Electrical energy management...32-614 Electrical energy saving...32-614 Electrical energy saving equipment...32-614 Electrical engineering...32-614 Electrical industries...32-614 Electrical installation contraction business...32-614 Electrical instrument and measurement...32-614 Electrical load forecasting...32-614 Electrical means...32-614 Electrical method...32-614 Electrical mobility technique...32-614 Electrical power technology...32-615 Electrical properties...32-615 Electrical Pumping Irrigation Project...32-615 Electrical safety...32-615 Electrical submersible pump...32-615 Electrical supply for household...32-615 Electrical switchboard...32-615 Electrical terminals...32-615 Electrical transport...32-615 Electricity...32-615 Electricity bill payment...32-615 Electricity cost...32-615 Electricity demand...32-615 Electricity generating...32-615 Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand...32-615 Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand's project...32-616 Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Mining Business Unit--Communication...32-616 Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand-Employees...32-616 Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand-Planning...32-616 Electricity generating system...32-616 Electricity generation...32-616 Electricity saving...32-616 Electricity tracing...32-616 Electricity--Congresses...32-616 Electricity--Curricula--Evaluation...32-616 Electricity--Fields...32-616 Electricity--Manufactures...32-616 Electricity--Marketing...32-616 Electricity--Supply and demand...32-617 Electrification...32-617 Electro-acupuncture...32-617 Electro-Fenton...32-617 Electro-Fenton process...32-617 Electro-fenton process...32-617 Electro-migration...32-617 Electro-thermal...32-617 Electroacupuncture...32-617 Electroanalysis...32-617 Electrocardiography...32-617 Electrocatalysis...32-617 Electroceramics...32-617 Electrochemical...32-617 Electrochemical analysis...32-617 Electrochemical anion sensors...32-618 Electrochemical cells...32-618 Electrochemical conversion...32-618 Electrochemical corrosion...32-618 Electrochemical detection...32-618 Electrochemical detectors...32-618 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy...32-618 Electrochemical method...32-618 Electrochemical precipitation...32-618 Electrochemical preciptiation...32-618 Electrochemical process...32-618 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x53] Electrochemical reaction...32-618 Electrochemical sensing...32-618 Electrochemical sensor...32-618 Electrochemical sensors...32-618 Electrochemical techniques...32-619 Electrochemically...32-619 Electrochemistry...32-619 Electrochromatography...32-619 Electrocoagulation...32-619 Electrocochleography...32-619 Electrocomposite coating...32-619 Electroconvulsive therapy...32-619 Electrocyclic...32-619 Electrocyclic reaction...32-619 Electrode...32-619 Electrode/electrolyte interface...32-620 Electrodeposition...32-620 Electrodes...32-620 Electrodes, Carbon...32-620 Electrodes, Copper...32-620 Electrodes, Enzyme...32-620 Electrodes, Ion selective...32-620 Electrodes, Platinum...32-620 Electrodiagnosis...32-620 Electrodialysis...32-620 Electroencephalogram...32-620 Electroencephalography...32-621 Electrofishing...32-621 Electrohydrodynamics...32-621 Electrokinetics...32-621 Electroless...32-621 Electroless plating...32-621 Electroluminescence...32-621 Electroluminescent divices...32-621 Electrolyte...32-621 Electrolyte materials...32-621 Electrolyte solutions...32-621 Electrolyte UNIQUAC model...32-621 Electrolyte-UNIQUAC model...32-621 Electrolytes...32-621 Electrolytic corrosion...32-622 Electrolytic decolourization...32-622 Electrolytic oxidation...32-622 Electromagentic devices...32-622 Electromagentic fields...32-622 Electromagentics...32-622 Electromagnetic fields...32-622 Electromagnetic fields--Models and modelmaking...32622 Electromagnetic interference...32-622 Electromagnetic interpretation program...32-622 Electromagnetic simulation...32-622 Electromagnetic waves...32-622 Electromagnetics...32-623 Electromagnets...32-623 Electromechanical properties...32-623 Electromic portfolio...32-623 Electromyographic diagnosis...32-623 Electromyography...32-623 Electron...32-623 Electron acceptor...32-624 Electron attachment...32-624 Electron attachment reaction...32-624 Electron attachment reactor...32-624 Electron beam evaporation...32-624 Electron beams...32-624 Electron beams--Testing...32-624 Electron compounds...32-624 Electron crystallography...32-624 Electron donor...32-624 Electron dosimetry...32-624 Electron energy loss spectroscopy...32-624 Electron gas...32-624 Electron microscopes...32-625 Electron microscopy...32-625 Electron paramagnetic...32-625 Electron paramagnetic resonance...32-625 Electron spin resonance...32-625 Electron spin resonance dating...32-625 Electron transfer...32-625 Electron transport...32-625 Electronic and electrical industry...32-625 Electronic apparatus and appliances...32-625 Electronic auction...32-626 Electronic auction systems...32-626 Electronic ballasts...32-626 Electronic banking...32-626 Electronic books...32-626 Electronic business...32-626 Electronic cammerce...32-626 Electronic cash...32-626 Electronic cash system...32-626 Electronic circuit...32-626 Electronic circuit design...32-626 Electronic circuits...32-626 Electronic clearing system...32-626 Electronic commerce...32-626 Electronic commerce protocol...32-627 Electronic computers...32-627 Electronic control unit...32-627 Electronic controlled shower...32-627 Electronic cooling...32-627 Electronic courseware...32-627 Electronic data capture...32-627 Electronic data management system...32-627 Electronic data processing--Distributed processing...32627 Electronic dental anesthesia...32-627 Electronic dictionaries...32-627 Electronic dictionary...32-628 Electronic distance measurement...32-628 Electronic document...32-628 Electronic document delivery service...32-628 Electronic documents...32-628 Electronic education...32-628 Electronic engineers...32-628 Electronic exchange...32-628 Electronic excitation...32-628 Electronic factories...32-628 Electronic funds transfer...32-628 Electronic government...32-628 Electronic government procurement...32-628 Electronic industries...32-628 Electronic industries--Government policy...32-629 Electronic industries--Location...32-629 Electronic industry workers...32-629 Electronic industry workers--Job stress...32-629 Electronic industry workers--Mental health...32-629 Electronic information resources...32-629 Electronic journal...32-629 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x54] Electronic journals...32-629 Electronic journals--Databases...32-629 Electronic learning...32-629 Electronic libraries...32-629 Electronic mail...32-630 Electronic mail message...32-630 Electronic mail security...32-630 Electronic mail systems...32-630 Electronic maps...32-630 Electronic marketing...32-630 Electronic mathematics dictionary system...32-630 Electronic medical record system...32-630 Electronic multimedia book...32-630 Electronic noise...32-630 Electronic nose...32-630 Electronic office...32-630 Electronic packaging...32-630 Electronic parts industry...32-630 Electronic payment systems...32-631 Electronic payments systems...32-631 Electronic placement center...32-631 Electronic portal imaging device...32-631 Electronic presentation...32-631 Electronic products...32-631 Electronic registration...32-631 Electronic repeaters...32-631 Electronic sanghayana...32-631 Electronic service...32-631 Electronic sounds--Databases...32-631 Electronic spectra...32-631 Electronic structure...32-631 Electronic technicians...32-631 Electronic warefare...32-631 Electronic welder...32-631 Electronics...32-632 Electronics and IC industry...32-632 Electronics appliance manufacturing company...32-632 Electronics equipment...32-632 Electronics program...32-632 Electronics workbench...32-632 Electronics workbench program...32-632 Electronics--Industries...32-632 Electronics--Research...32-632 Electrons...32-632 Electrons--Therapeutic use...32-632 Electronystagmography...32-632 Electrophiles...32-633 Electrophilic...32-633 Electrophilic aromatic substitution...32-633 Electrophoresis...32-633 Electrophoretic...32-633 Electrophoretic karyotyping...32-633 Electrophoretic techniques...32-633 Electrophotographic printers...32-633 Electrophotographic system...32-633 Electrophotography...32-633 Electrophysiology...32-633 Electroplating...32-634 Electroplating industry...32-634 Electroplating industry--Chiang Mai...32-634 Electroplating plants--Waste disposal...32-634 Electroplating sludge...32-634 Electropoly merization...32-634 Electropolymerization...32-634 Electroporation...32-634 Electroprecipitation...32-634 Electroretinography...32-634 Electrospinning...32-634 Electrospinning process...32-635 Electrospray...32-635 Electrospray deposition...32-635 Electrospray ionisation...32-635 Electrospun...32-635 Electrostatic coating...32-635 Electrostatic discharge...32-635 Electrostatic discharge awareness...32-635 Electrostatic interaction...32-635 Electrostatics...32-635 Electrosurgery...32-635 Electrosurgical apparatus...32-635 Electrosurgical bipolar vessel sealing...32-635 Electrotherapeutics...32-635 Electrothermal atomic absorption...32-635 Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometer...32-636 Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry...32-636 Electrothermal model...32-636 Eleiodoxa conferta...32-636 Elemental analysis...32-636 Elemental diet...32-636 Elementary flux mode...32-636 Elementary mode analysis...32-636 Elementary osmotic pump tablet...32-636 Elementary school administration...32-636 Elementary school administration--Phetchabun...32-636 Elementary school facilities--Planning...32-636 Elementary school students...32-636 Elementary school teachers...32-637 Elementary school teachers--Ang Thong...32-638 Elementary school teachers--Japan...32-638 Elementary school teachers--Kanchanaburi--Mental health...32-638 Elementary school teachers--Khon Kaen...32-638 Elementary school teachers--Nakhon Pathom...32-638 Elementary school teachers--Nakhon Pathom-Attitudes...32-638 Elementary school teachers--Nan...32-638 Elementary school teachers--Thailand, Education Region 11...32-638 Elementary school teachers--Thailand, Education Region 7...32-638 Elementary school teachers--Ubon Ratchathani...32-638 Elementary Schools...32-638 Elementary schools...32-638 Elementary schools--Administration...32-639 Elementary schools--Bangkok...32-639 Elementary schools--Chiang Mai...32-639 Elementary schools--Chiang Rai...32-639 Elementary schools--Khon Kaen...32-639 Elementary schools--Khon Kaen--Administration...32-639 Elementary schools--Loei...32-639 Elementary schools--Loei--Administration...32-639 Elementary schools--Luzon...32-640 Elementary schools--Nakhon Ratchasima--Curricula...32640 Elementary schools--Nakhon Ratchasima--Security measures...32-640 Elementary schools--Nan--Administration...32-640 Elementary schools--Nong Khai--Administration...32-640 Elementary schools--Phetchabun...32-640 Elementary schools--Phitsanulok...32-640 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x55] Elementary schools--Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya...32-640 Elementary schools--Sakon Nakhon...32-640 Elementary schools--Samut Prakan--Administration...32640 Elementary schools--Sing Buri...32-640 Elementary schools--Students--Rating of...32-640 Elementary schools--Suphan Buri...32-640 Elementary schools--Thailand, Education Region 10...32640 Elementary schools--Udon Thani...32-640 Elementary schools--Uthai Thani...32-641 Elementary schools--Uttaradit...32-641 Elementary schools--Water-supply...32-641 Elementary sehools--India...32-641 Elementary students...32-641 Elementary students--Bangkok...32-641 Elementary symmetric sums...32-641 Elementary teachers--Phatthalung...32-641 Elementary thai In-country course designed...32-641 Elements in soil...32-641 Elemetary schools...32-641 Eleocharis dulcis...32-641 Eleotron attachment reaction...32-641 Elephant...32-641 Elephant pacification poems...32-642 Elephant welfare...32-642 Elephant yam...32-642 Elephantiasis...32-642 Elephantopus...32-642 Elephants...32-642 Elephants--Asia--Artificial insemination...32-642 Elephants--Asia--Reproduction...32-642 Elephants--Conservation...32-642 Elephants--Manures...32-642 Elephas maximus...32-642 Eletrical current level...32-642 Eletrical energy saving...32-642 Eletricity...32-642 Elevated temperatures...32-643 Elexibility training programs...32-643 ELIAS...32-643 Elicitation...32-643 Elimiantion...32-643 Elimination reactions...32-643 ELISA...32-643 ELISA value...32-644 Elispot...32-644 Elispot assay...32-644 Elixirs...32-644 Ellipanthus tomentosus...32-644 Ellipeiopsis cherrevensis...32-644 Ellipse fit...32-644 Ellipsometry...32-644 Elliptic integrals...32-644 Elmetacin...32-644 Eluard, Paul...32-644 Elucidation...32-644 Elution...32-644 Elymu canadensis...32-644 Elymu trachycaulus...32-645 Elymus...32-645 EM...32-645 Emanation...32-645 Embankments...32-645 Embankments--Phayao...32-645 Embankments--Prachin Buri--Failures...32-645 Embankments--Sukhothai...32-645 Embedded cluster...32-645 Embedded cluster model...32-645 Embedded computer systems...32-645 Embedded generation...32-645 Embedded ONIOM...32-645 Embedded oniom...32-645 Embedded processors design...32-645 Embedded system...32-645 Embedded systems [Computer systems]...32-645 Embedded web server...32-645 Emblica officinalis extract...32-645 Embolization...32-645 Embryo...32-646 Embryo biopsy...32-646 Embryo transfer...32-646 Embryo transplantation...32-646 Embryogenesis...32-646 Embryology...32-646 Embryonic...32-646 Embryonic development...32-646 Embryonic stem cells...32-646 Embryos...32-646 Embryotoxicity...32-647 Embyotoxic...32-647 Emerald Buddha [Statue]...32-647 Emerald Triangle Area...32-647 Emeralds...32-647 Emergency contraceptive pill...32-647 Emergency contraceptive pills...32-647 Emergency core cooling system...32-647 Emergency Department...32-647 Emergency eyewash...32-647 Emergency medical care...32-647 Emergency medical services...32-647 Emergency nurses...32-647 Emergency nursing...32-647 Emergency patients...32-647 Emergency plan...32-647 Emergency surgery...32-647 Emergency unit head...32-648 Emergent plants...32-648 Emerging market...32-648 Emetics...32-648 EMG biofeedback...32-648 Emigration and Immigration...32-648 Emigration and immigration...32-648 Emigration and immigration policy--Japan...32-648 Emigration and immigration--Singapore...32-648 Eminent domain...32-648 Emission...32-648 Emission charge...32-648 Emission Factor...32-648 Emission factor...32-648 Emission inventory...32-648 Emissions...32-648 Emissivity...32-649 Emlpoyee empowerment...32-649 Emm typing...32-649 Emmenagogues...32-649 Emotion detection...32-649 Emotion recognition...32-649 Emotional appeal...32-649 Emotional eating...32-649 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x56] Emotional Intelligence...32-649 Emotional intelligence...32-649 Emotional intelligence scale...32-650 Emotional quatient...32-650 Emotional quotient...32-650 Emotional quotient test...32-650 Emotional support...32-650 Emotions...32-650 Emotions--Classification...32-651 Emotions--Psychological aspects...32-651 Emotions--Religious aspects...32-651 Empathy...32-651 Emperor system...32-651 Empirical model...32-651 Empirical modeling...32-651 Employee empowerment...32-651 Employee fringe benefits...32-651 Employee health promotion...32-651 Employee morale...32-651 Employee morale--Chiang Rai...32-651 Employee motivation...32-651 Employee of Petroleum Authority of Thailand...32-651 Employee participation...32-652 Employee perception...32-652 Employee satisfaction...32-652 Employee selection...32-652 Employees...32-652 Employees' Congresses...32-653 Employees--Attitudes...32-653 Employees--Bangkok...32-653 Employees--Bangkok--Substances...32-653 Employees--Census...32-653 Employees--Chiang Mai...32-653 Employees--Combodia--Health and hygiene...32-653 Employees--Health and hygiene...32-653 Employees--Job satisfaction...32-653 Employees--Job stress...32-653 Employees--Laos...32-653 Employees--Laos--Census...32-654 Employees--Medical care...32-654 Employees--Medical examinations...32-654 Employees--Myanmar--Sexual behavior...32-654 Employees--Nakhon Pathom...32-654 Employees--Nakhon Pathom--Health and hygiene...32654 Employees--Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya...32-654 Employees--Rating of...32-654 Employees--Resignation...32-654 Employees--Samut Prakan--Behavior...32-654 Employees--Samut Prakan--Health and hygiene...32-654 Employees--Songkhla...32-654 Employees--Thailand, Eastern--Health and hygiene...32654 Employees--Training of...32-654 Employees--Transfer...32-655 Employer attitude surveys...32-655 Employers' Confederations...32-655 Employment agencies...32-655 Employment in foreign countries...32-655 Employment promotion...32-655 Employment stabilization...32-655 Employment workflow system...32-655 Employment [Economic theory]...32-655 Empoasca formosana--Ecology...32-655 Emporium...32-655 Empowermant...32-655 Empowerment...32-656 Empowerment concept...32-656 Empowerment education...32-656 Empowerment policy...32-657 Empowerment process...32-657 Empowerment program...32-657 Empowernent...32-657 EMS...32-657 Emulsifiers...32-657 Emulsifying polymer...32-657 Emulsion...32-657 Emulsion paint...32-657 Emulsion polymerization...32-657 Emulsion polymerization--Mathematical models...32-658 Emulsion stability...32-658 Emulsions...32-658 En 1893 crise...32-658 EN 29000...32-658 Enalapril...32-658 Enalapril maleate...32-658 Enamel and enameling...32-658 Enamel surface treatment...32-659 Enameled glass...32-659 Enamide...32-659 Enantiomer recognition...32-659 Enantiomeric drugs...32-659 Enantiomerically pure drugs...32-659 Enantiomers...32-659 Enantioselectivity...32-659 Encapsulated ALCL3...32-659 Encapsulated cells...32-659 Encapsulating polymers...32-659 Encapsulation...32-659 Encapsulation, Particle...32-660 Encephalitis...32-660 Encephalitis--Transmission--Environmental aspects...32660 Encephalitis--Vaccination...32-660 Enclosure...32-660 Enclosures...32-660 Encoding gene of thermostables peroxidase...32-660 Encompassing...32-660 Encounter group...32-660 Encrasicholina heteroloba...32-660 Encrusting machine...32-660 Encyclopedia...32-660 End mill...32-660 End of life patients...32-660 End-stage renal disease...32-661 Endangered language...32-661 Endangered plants...32-661 Endangered species...32-661 Endemic animals...32-661 Endemic distal renal tubular acidosis...32-661 Endemic goiter--Mae Hong Son...32-661 Endemicity...32-661 Endemism...32-661 Endless Ocean Gallery...32-661 Endocrine glands...32-661 Endocrine profiles...32-661 Endocrinology, Experimental...32-661 Endodontics...32-661 Endogenous hormones...32-661 Endoglucanase...32-661 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x57] Endoglycosidases...32-662 Endolymphatic hydrops...32-662 Endometrial epithelial cells...32-662 Endometrial vascular permeability...32-662 Endometrium...32-662 Endometrium--Cytology...32-662 Endomorphism rings...32-662 Endomycopsis fibuligera...32-662 Endoperoxide...32-662 Endophytes...32-662 Endophytes--Classification...32-662 Endophytic bacteria...32-662 Endophytic fungi...32-662 Endophytic xylaria...32-663 Endoplasmic reticulum...32-663 Endorphins...32-663 Endoskelatal knee unit...32-663 Endospores...32-663 Endosulfan...32-663 Endothelial...32-664 Endothelial cell...32-664 Endothelial cell culture...32-664 Endothelial cell cytotoxicity...32-664 Endothelial cells...32-664 Endothelial dysfunction...32-664 Endothelial nitric oxide synthase...32-664 Endothelins...32-664 Endothelium...32-664 Endotoxin...32-665 Endotoxins...32-665 Endotracheal anesthesis...32-665 Endotracheal suctioning...32-665 Endotracheal tube...32-665 Endoxylanases...32-666 Endurance...32-666 Endurance athletes...32-666 Endurance performance...32-666 Endurance sports...32-666 Energy...32-666 Energy analysis...32-666 Energy and environmental conservation...32-666 Energy auditing...32-666 Energy balance [Biology]...32-666 Energy conservation...32-666 Energy conservation building...32-667 Energy conservation--Laos...32-667 Energy consumption...32-667 Energy consumption--Government policy...32-668 Energy controller...32-668 Energy crops...32-668 Energy crops--Materials...32-668 Energy demand...32-669 Energy density...32-669 Energy development...32-669 Energy dissipation...32-669 Energy efficiency...32-669 Energy enterprises...32-669 Energy expenditure...32-669 Energy industry...32-669 Energy information exposure...32-669 Energy management...32-669 Energy management in building...32-669 Energy materials...32-669 Energy metabolism...32-669 Energy parks...32-669 Energy policy...32-669 Energy recuperation...32-670 Energy resistance curve...32-670 Energy saving...32-670 Energy sector...32-670 Energy sources...32-670 Energy spreading...32-670 Energy storage...32-670 Energy supplement...32-670 Energy system design...32-670 Energy transfer...32-670 Energy utilization [Biology]...32-670 Energy--Study and teaching...32-670 Energy-Band theory of solids...32-670 Energy-dependent...32-671 Energy-Utilization diagram...32-671 Energy-utilization diagram...32-671 Enfant...32-671 Engine oil industry...32-671 ENGINE [Information retrieval system]...32-671 Engineer education students...32-671 Engineering...32-671 Engineering ceramics...32-671 Engineering Computer Center...32-671 Engineering Curriculum...32-671 Engineering design...32-671 Engineering dynamics...32-671 Engineering geology...32-672 Engineering industry...32-672 Engineering mechanics...32-672 Engineering metallurgy--Computer-assisted instruction...32-672 Engineering models...32-672 Engineering properties...32-672 Engineering soil exploration database...32-672 Engineering students...32-672 Engineering students--Bangkok...32-672 Engineering students--Evaluation...32-672 Engineering value...32-673 Engineering--Management...32-673 Engineering--Methodology...32-673 Engineering--Textbooks...32-673 Engineers...32-673 Engineers group...32-673 Engineers--Laos...32-673 Engines...32-673 Engines--Computer-assisted instruction...32-673 Engines--Lubrication...32-673 England--Social conditions...32-673 English ability...32-673 English as a foreign language...32-673 English as a foreign language students...32-673 English as a Second Language Achievement Test...32673 English classroom...32-674 English communication...32-674 English composition...32-674 English composition test...32-674 English concepts...32-674 English contemporary novels...32-674 English conversation schools...32-674 English drama--Study and teaching...32-674 English educational programs...32-674 English feature articles...32-674 English fiction...32-674 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x58] English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English for Agricultural Technology...32-674 for civel engineers...32-674 for Communication...32-675 for communication...32-675 for employee...32-675 for science...32-675 for Scine and Technology III...32-675 grammar...32-675 grammar 1...32-675 in agricultural technology...32-675 is Fun...32-675 is fun...32-675 Language...32-675 language...32-675 language ability...32-677 language newspapers...32-677 language skills...32-677 language teachers...32-677 language--Accent...32-677 language--Acquisition...32-677 language--Activity programs in education...32677 English language--Adjective...32-677 English language--Adverb...32-678 English language--Article...32-678 English language--Assimilation...32-678 English language--Business English...32-678 English language--Business english...32-678 English language--Business English--Curricula...32-678 English language--Bussiness English...32-678 English language--Composition and exercises...32-679 English language--Computer-assisted instruction...32679 English language--Conjunctions...32-679 English language--Context...32-679 English language--Conversation and phrase books...32679 English language--Conversation and phrase books-Examinations...32-679 English language--Curricula...32-679 English language--Curricula--Evaluation...32-680 English language--Dictionaries and Glossaries, Vocabularies, etc...32-.680 English language--Discourse analysis...32-680 English language--Errors of usage...32-680 English language--Examinations...32-680 English language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc...32-.680 English language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.--Activity programs in education...32-681 English Language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.--Study and teaching...32-681 English language--Glossaries, Vocabularies, etc.--Study and teaching...32-681 English language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.--Study and Teaching...32-681 English language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.--Study and teaching...32-681 English language--Glossaries, vocabularies,etc.--Study and teaching...32-682 English language--Glossaries, Vocabulary, etc...32-.682 English language--Glossaries, Vocabulary, etc.--Study and teaching...32-682 English language--Grammar...32-682 English language--Grammar--Study and teaching...32682 English language--Grammar--Study and teaching-Foreign speakers...32-682 English language--Handbooks, manuals, etc...32-.682 English language--History...32-682 English language--Idioms...32-682 English language--Idioms, corrections, errors-Translating...32-682 English language--Listening...32-683 English language--Machine translating...32-683 English language--Orthography and spelling...32-683 English language--Paraphrase...32-683 English language--Passive voice...32-683 English language--Phonetics...32-683 English language--Prepositions...32-683 English language--Programmed instruction...32-683 English language--Pronoun...32-683 English language--Pronuciation...32-683 English language--Pronunciation...32-683 English language--Reading...32-683 English language--Reading--Computer-assisted instruction...32-685 English language--Reading--Computer-assited instruction...32-685 English language--Reading--Examinations-Evaluation...32-685 English language--Reading--Study and teaching...32-685 English language--Reading--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers...32-687 English language--Reading--Study and Teching...32-687 English language--Reading--Testing...32-687 English language--Reading--Tests...32-687 English language--Remedial teaching...32-687 English language--Rhetoric...32-687 English language--Semantics...32-687 English language--Sentences...32-687 English language--Sentences--Study and teaching...32687 English language--Speaking...32-687 English language--Speech--Study and teaching...32-688 English language--Spoken English...32-688 English language--Spoken English--Study and teaching...32-688 English language--Spoker English...32-688 English Language--Study and teaching...32-688 English language--Study and Teaching...32-688 English language--Study and teaching...32-688 English language--study and teaching...32-693 English language--Study and teaching --Thai speakers...32-693 English language--Study and teaching--Activity programs...32-693 English language--Study and teaching--Activity programs in education...32-693 English language--Study and teaching--Chachoengsao-Thai speakers...32-693 English language--Study and teaching--Evaluation...32693 English language--Study and teaching--Failure...32-693 English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers...32-693 English language--Study and teaching--Handbooks, manuals, etc...32-.694 English language--Study and teaching--Research...32694 English language--Study and teaching--Thai หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x59] speakers...32-694 English language--Study and teaching--Thai students...32-694 English language--Syntax...32-694 English language--Teaching--Aids and devices...32-694 English language--Technical English...32-694 English language--Technical English--Research...32-695 English Language--Technical English--Study and teaching...32-695 English language--Technical English--Study and teaching...32-695 English language--Telematics...32-695 English language--Tense...32-695 English language--Tenses...32-695 English language--Testing...32-695 English language--Tests...32-695 English language--Textbooks...32-695 English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers...32695 English language--Textbooks--Evaluation...32-696 English language--Textbooks--Reading...32-696 English language--Texts...32-696 English language--Translating...32-696 English language--Translating into Thai...32-696 English language--Translation...32-696 English language--Usage...32-696 English language--Verb...32-698 English language--Vocabulary--Study and teaching...32698 English language--Writing...32-698 English language--Writing--Study and teaching...32-700 English language--Written English...32-700 หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 1] Chiefs of Health Centers Nopparat Morsup. Transformational leadership characteristics of chiefs of health centers affecting organizational climate of health centers in Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 155 p. (T E34421) Chiefs of health centers บัณฑิต ชาตะกูล. วินัยและการรักษาวินัย ตามพระราชบัญญัติระเบียบขาราชการพลเรือน พ.ศ.2535 ของหัวหนาสถานีอนามัยใน 5 จังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต = Discipline and order according to the Civil Servants Act. B.E.2535 of chiefs of health centers in five border southern provinces. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 137 หนา. (วพ 108749) Chiefs of Police Stations Parkpoom Rawirot. Factors related with emotional quotient of chiefs of police stations in Metropolitan Police Bureau. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 111 p. (T E21037) Chien Jaune Penlak Wongchongchaiharn. Etude de l'espace dans "Le Chien Jaune" de Georges Simenon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 118 p. (T E15729) Chiggers [Mites] as carriers of disease Siriporn Mungviriya. Transmission of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi in infected Leptotrombidium (L.) imphalum and Leptotrombidium (L.) new sp. #1 collected in Northern Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 172 p. (T E9445) Child abuse Daorueang Kongkaew. Child abuse and effects of abuse on physical, psychological, and social well-being among primary school children, 1st-4th grade in Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 134 p. (T E17288) Matalak Seramethakun. Laprotection de l'enfant centre l'exploitation sexuelle : e'tude comparative du droit Francais et du droit Thailandais. [S.l.] : Universite des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse I, 2001. 487 p. (T E16079 v.1; E16080 v.2) Niran Ngernyam. A study of abuse in children by House-Tree-Person and Draw-A-Person : a quantitative scoring system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 68 p. (T E33216) Ratchaneeporn Chaiming. Child abuse by family caregivers and physical, psychological, and behavioral health consequences among 7th-9th graders. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 94 p. (T E33411) Srisudawan Chantapattarangure. Early adolescent abuse : evidence from junior high schools in Nakorn Prathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 212 p. (T E23977) Supatra Skulphan. Mental health status of physically and/or sexually abused senior primary school students : Bangkok Noi district, Bangkok Metropolitan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 95 p. (T E15891) Child abuse problems อาภาพรรณ ถาวโรฤทธิ์. ทัศนคติตอปญหาการทารุณกรรมเด็กในครอบครัว = Attitudes toward the problem of child abuse in family. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 196 หนา. (วพ 112120) Child abuse--Reporting Aree Petchpud. Causes, forms and consequences of child abuse and neglect in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1987. 17 p. (R E9206) Child activities Nittaya Paoleng. Activities for preparation of child development at the pre-school level under the Office of Primany Education, Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 90 p. (T E20824) Child behavior Nithivadee Noochaiya. Factors relate to the parental perceptions of child behavior patterns at kindergarten level II in schools under the Office of Primary Education of Bangkok Metropolitan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 192 p. (T E18354) Child Care Parichat Suwalak. Single mother and child rearing : an interpretative study of Prajan Seenamngeon [Blue Moon] by Suwannee Sukhonta. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 42 p. (R E37236) Child care Boonlert Butchan. Factors of mothers' health behavior related to severity of acute respiratory infection in children under 5 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 87 p. (T E14976) Chutima Sirikulchayanonta. Studies on child rearing practices in families with working mothers : a comparison of Thai urban and rural villages. Bangkok : Department of Health, 1991. 55 p. (R E8926) Dahal, Sarita. Feeding practice and other related factors among mother's of under two years diarrhoeal children in Nakhon Chaisi district, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 82 p. (T E10115) Karuna Sookkasem. Factors influencing severity of pneumonia in children aged 2 months to 5 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 100 p. (T E21258) Khan, Sher Baz. Perception and behavior of mothers on ORS utilization in diarrhoeal disease among children under five years of age. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 101 p. (T E10087) Laddawan Rodmanee. Female labor force participation, fertility and quality of child care for pre-school children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 81 p. (R E037) Narumol Gajaseni. Relationships among selected basic conditioning factors, child-care agency, and maternal caregiving behaviors upon febrile children aged 3 months to 6 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 103 p. (T E20511) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 2] Child care (ตอ) Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Lan. Self-care of mothers with children under five years of age on acute respiratory infection in Thanhdong commune of Binhminh district, Vinh Long province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 61 p. (T E13828) Nittaya Passornsiri. The IEA preprimary project Thailand phase 2 study findings. Nonthaburi : Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, 1998. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E19987) Phatcharin Raojutitham. Marital relationship, attitude toward sex role, and paternal involvement in child-rearing of 6-12 month first-born infant. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 74 p. (T E35621) Puangporn Kojaranjit. The effectiveness of the self-help group towards the child care behaviors of HIV-infected mothers with anxiety at Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 100 p. (T E14967) Rahman, Nasreen Safdar. Decision on choosing future childcare and the knowledge and perception on prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS by HIV positive pregnant women. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 87 p. (T E12542) Rashid, Harunor. Knowledge and self-card practices of mothers associating with the acute respiratory infections among under five children in Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 142 p. (T E10112) Richler, Kerry. Child care in urban Thailand : choice and constraint in a changing society. Bangkok : Institute for Population and Social Research. Mahidol University, 1992. 94 p. (R E8802) Richter, Kerry. Child care in urban Thailand : choice and constraint in a changing society. Nakhon Pathom : Institute for Population and Social Research Mahidol University, 1992. 95 p. (R E19040) Shields, Linda. A comparative study of the care of hospitalized children in developed and developing countries. Brisbane : University of Queensland, 1998. 305 p. (T E14873) Suksont Jittimanee. Factors associated with maternal behaviors about the care of acute respiratory infections in children under five years in urban and rural areas Nakhon Ratchasima province. Bongkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 131 p. (T E11008) Sumruay Yotawichit. Parental practice of parental role responsibilies in child care and child rearing. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. xvi, 200 p. (T E6727) Supattra Kuntaros. Effects of family-centered care on self-efficacy in participatory involvement in child care and satisfaction of mothers in PICU. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 82 p. (T E33964) Truong, Ngoc Thach. Home care practices of mothers with acute respiratory infected children and fathers' roles : a study in Quang Ngai province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p. (T E17967) Wasike, Ronald Walela. Maternal and child care practices related to the nutritional status of under-five year old children in Banpong hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 117 p. (T E17904) กุศล สุนทรธาดา. การเลี้ยงดูเด็กในสังคมไทย = Child care in Thai society. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2540. 55 หนา. (ว 98055) ชนินทร จารุจันทร. "ผูเฒามีลูก" แบบชีวิตและการปรับตัวของยายเลี้ยงหลาน กรณีศึกษาบานภูเหล็ก หมู 6 ตําบลภูเหล็ก อําเภอ บานไผ จังหวัดขอนแกน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 109 หนา. (วพ 98911) พิมพพรรณ ศิลปสุวรรณ. การพัฒนาแบบแผนการดูแลที่บานสําหรับเด็กอายุแรกเกิดถึง 4 ป ปวยดวยโรคอุจจาระรวงอยาง เฉียบพลันในเขตเมือง = The development of home health care model for under 5 years children with acute diarrhoeal in Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2538. 96 หนา. (ว 99889) สุจรรยา ทั่งทอง. ปจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธกับพฤติกรรมการปองกันและดูแลบุตรขณะเจ็บปวย ดวยโรคติดเชื้อเฉียบพลันระบบหาย ในใจเด็กของมารดาในชนบท = Factors related to illness preventive behavior and care of rural mothers to children with acute respiratory infection. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 149 หนา. (วพ 99311) Child care centers ศิริรัตน โกศัลวัฒน. ความตองการของผูปกครองเด็กที่ใชบริการศูนยพัฒนาเด็กปฐมวัย อําเภอหาดใหญ จังหวัดสงขลา = Parents' needs in child care center services at Hat Yai Songkhla province. สงขลา : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, [2542]. 65 หนา. (ว 100537) สุดารัตน แสงเทียน. ความคิดเห็นของผูบริหารธุรกิจที่มีตอสถานรับเลี้ยงเด็กในสถานประกอบการ = Managerial opinions toward childcare center in business enterprises. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 131 หนา. (วพ 100730) Child care services วันทนีย อิสระไพจิตร. การพัฒนางานบริการคลินิกสุขภาพเด็กดี โรงพยาบาลสุโขทัย = Nursing service development in well baby clinic, Sukhothai hospital. สุโขทัย : กลุมงานการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลสุโขทัย, 2541. 107 หนา. (ว 98352) อากร แสนไชย. ความตองการของบุคลากรสาธารณสุขตองานการตรวจสุขภาพ และคัดกรองพัฒนาการเด็กในโรงพยาบาล ชุมชน และโรงพยาบาลทั่วไปในเขต 10 = The requirements of public health personnel to physical, mental and child developmental evaluation in 10th regional hospital. เชียงใหม : ศูนยสงเสริมพัฒนาการเด็กภาคเหนือ, 2541. 31 หนา. (ว 99286) Child care workers Pravit Yampong. The effectiveness of a health education program on preventive behavior concerning infantile diarrhea among caregivers in Klongthom district, Krabi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 179 p. (T E17232) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 3] Child care workers (ตอ) เทพฤทธิ์ เพ็ญสุข. ปจจัยที่มีผลตอการปฏิบัติงานของผูดูแลเด็กในศูนยพัฒนาเด็กเล็ก : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีอําเภอเขื่องใน จังหวัด อุบลราชธานี = Factors affecting child attendant's performance in child development centers : a case study of Khaungnai district, Ubonratchathani province. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะพัฒนาสังคม สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร , 2541. 107 หนา. (ว 99331) Child care--Bangkok Prodhan, Abu Elias. Knowledge, perception and care of the mothers on the occurrence of acute respiratory infection (ARI) among under 5 children in Taksin Hospital at Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 90 p. (T E8956) Child care--Cambodia Samnang, Po. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of mothers of malnourished children in Cambodia. Khaon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1994. xii, 122 p. (T E8373) Child care--Phitsanulok ปรีชา สุกใส. การศึกษาเจตคติเกี่ยวกับจริยธรรม คานิยม ประเพณี และวัฒนธรรมของครอบครัวที่มีผลตอการอบรมเลี้ยงดูบุตร : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีในเขตจังหวัดพิษณุโลกและสุโขทัย = A study of attitude about moral value custom and culture of the family result to raise the child : a case study in Changwat Phitsanulok and Sukothai. กรุงเทพฯ : สํานักงานสภาสถาบันราชภัฏ, 2542. 103 หนา. (ว 100779) Child care--Ratchaburi Bari, Tajul Islam Abdul. Knowledge, perception and behavior towards acute respiratory infections among mothers of under 5 years children at Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 58 p. (T E11997) Pradit Sukomol. The effectiveness of social support from husband on pre-natal care, post-natal care and child health care of Health Promotion Center Region 4 Ratchaburi province. Ratchaburi : Health Promotion Center Region 4, 1991. 113 p. (R E11235) Truong, Ty. The relationship of psycho-socialfactors on child carer's behavior related to diarrheal diseases among children under five years of age, Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 93 p. (T E10027) Child care--Songkhla Wigittra Cumpirod. Nutritional status, food intake and food habits of preschool pupils as bases for enhancing the nutrition program in Songkhla Municipal School, Thailand. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1997. 178 p. (T E11555) Child care--Sukhothai ปรีชา สุกใส. การศึกษาเจตคติเกี่ยวกับจริยธรรม คานิยม ประเพณี และวัฒนธรรมของครอบครัวที่มีผลตอการอบรมเลี้ยงดูบุตร : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีในเขตจังหวัดพิษณุโลกและสุโขทัย = A study of attitude about moral value custom and culture of the family result to raise the child : a case study in Changwat Phitsanulok and Sukothai. กรุงเทพฯ : สํานักงานสภาสถาบันราชภัฏ, 2542. 103 หนา. (ว 100779) Child care--Suphan Buri Singh, Khushmer. Knowledge, perception and child care practices by mothers of preschool children for acute respiratory infections in Sriprachan district, Suphanburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. vii, 104 p. (T E6464) Child development Chancha Suvannathat. Summaries of the study of social influences on the development of Thai children.... Bangkok : Institute for Child Study, 1971. 19 p. (R E2598) Charus Karakes. Health personnel competency in development promotion of children 0-5 years in Buriram province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 139 p. (T E20925) Jiraporn Tangkittipaporn. The effects of malnutrition and social stimulation on mental development during the first two years of life. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 แผน (151 เฟรม). (T MF09223) Kandavasee Maleevong. A comparison of the effects of selected factors upon growth and development between children attending self-supported and externally-supported child development centers : a case study in Lumpang province = การเปรียบเทียบปจจัยตาง ๆ ที่มีผลตอการเจริญเติบโตและพัฒนาการของเด็กในศูนยพัฒนาการ ของเด็กในศูนยพัฒนาเด็กเล็กที่ชวยเหลือตนเอง และไดรับเงินชวยเหลือจากองคกรภายนอก. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 3 microfiches (132 fr.). (T MF20425) Kullapungha Chosivasakul. The effectiveness of participatory learning process on the father's role in promoting preschool child emotional and cognitive development Nongmuang district, Lopburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 248 p. (T E17520) Nittaya Paoleng. Activities for preparation of child development at the pre-school level under the Office of Primany Education, Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 90 p. (T E20824) Ponpawee Uraisawat. A comparative study of the effectiveness of child care attendants who attended and not attended the capacity building for early childhood care and development with participatory approach program in Bang Pa-in district, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 162 p. (T E33503) Saowanee Sritirakul. The effect of early stimulation on child development = ผลของการกระตุนเราตอพัฒนาการของ เด็ก. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 3 microfiches (171 fr.). (T MF20096) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 4] Child development (ตอ) Sumogue-Hegenauer, Ellen Charity. The relationship between selected demographic and psychosocial factors and developmental delay among Khmer children at site II camp. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. ix, 119 p. (T E7807) Tippavan Surinya. The study on the relationship between intelligence quotient abtained from the coloured progressive matrices and piaget's theory on the stages of cognitive development of Thai children, Age 511 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 แผน (145 เฟรม). (T MF09693) Tisana Khemmani. Principles and models of early childhood development in Thai cultural ways. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 256 p. (R E10702) Wanlaya Yanumet. The development of short-term and incidental memory of children in urban areas. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1974. 2 แผน (105 เฟรม). (T MF09637) Wantanee Puntongpun. Playthings and their factors influences on child development age 0-5 years of Din Daeng housing project = เครื่องเลนและปจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลตอพัฒนาการเด็กอายุ 0-5 ป ในอาคารสงเคราะหดินแดง. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 4 microfiches (225 fr.). (T MF20126) ฉันทนา ภาคบงกช. การสรางชุดฝกอบรมพอแมเพื่อการพัฒนาเด็กอยางมีคุณภาพ = The construction of parental training packages for quality child development. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยพฤติกรรมศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ ประสานมิตร, 2541. 75 หนา. (ว 98072 ฉ.1; 102713 ฉ.2) สินีนาฏ จิตตภักดี. พัฒนาการเด็กที่มารับบริการในคลินิคเด็กดีของโรงพยาบาลชุมชน จังหวัดเชียงใหม = Developmental milestone of the cliental children at community hospital's well baby clinics in Chiang Mai province. เชียงใหม : ศูนยสงเสริมพัฒนาการเด็กภาคเหนือ กรมสุขภาพจิต, 2541. 124 หนา. (ว 99609) อากร แสนไชย. ความตองการของบุคลากรสาธารณสุขตองานการตรวจสุขภาพ และคัดกรองพัฒนาการเด็กในโรงพยาบาล ชุมชน และโรงพยาบาลทั่วไปในเขต 10 = The requirements of public health personnel to physical, mental and child developmental evaluation in 10th regional hospital. เชียงใหม : ศูนยสงเสริมพัฒนาการเด็กภาคเหนือ, 2541. 31 หนา. (ว 99286) Child development Center Ponpawee Uraisawat. A comparative study of the effectiveness of child care attendants who attended and not attended the capacity building for early childhood care and development with participatory approach program in Bang Pa-in district, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 162 p. (T E33503) Child Development Centers Kandavasee Maleevong. A comparison of the effects of selected factors upon growth and development between children attending self-supported and externally-supported child development centers : a case study in Lumpang province = การเปรียบเทียบปจจัยตาง ๆ ที่มีผลตอการเจริญเติบโตและพัฒนาการของเด็กในศูนยพัฒนาการ ของเด็กในศูนยพัฒนาเด็กเล็กที่ชวยเหลือตนเอง และไดรับเงินชวยเหลือจากองคกรภายนอก. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 3 microfiches (132 fr.). (T MF20425) Child development Centers Naiyana Bhuseerat. The impact of child development center on physical and mental development of the first grade school children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 แผน (85 เฟรม). (T MF09303) Child development committee ชาตรี พันธุรัส. การพัฒนาสมรรถนะของคณะกรรมการพัฒนาเด็กในการบริหารศูนยพัฒนาเด็กเล็ก ในเขตอําเภอนิคมคําสรอย จังหวัดมุกดาหาร = Strengthening child development committee in the administration of small child development center in Nikom Kham Soi district Mukdahan province. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 129 หนา. (วพ 105636) Child development--Testing Somchai Teaukul. The performance of children in different intelligence levels and brain-diseased children on administration A of the revised visual retention test with form. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (83 เฟรม). (T MF09300) โกสม สูสุข. การสรางแบบสอบวัดความสามารถเลือ ่ นไหลสําหรับวัยเด็กตอนกลาง = A construction of fluid ability test for middle childhood. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 209 หนา. (วพ 100137) Child emotional abuse Kamonrut Krongyuth. Child abuse among students grade 5-6 : a situation analysis in Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 128 p. (T E17562) Child health services Attique, Amer. Utilization of immunization services among mothers with children under five years of age in Abboltabad district, Pakistan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 66 p. (T E13845) Le, Thanh Hoang. Satisfaction of mothers towards child health services at Health Center 58 Ratburana district, BMA, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 64 p. (R E13839) Malee Charoenmuang. Factors affecting antenatal care attendance among pregnant women at Maternal and Child hospital, Health Promotion Center Region V, Chiangmai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 129 p. (T E6379) Perveen, Feroza. Cost-effectiveness analysis of antenatal care under MCH program at Thana health complex and health and family welfare center in Bangladesh : a case study of Fultala Thana. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 95 p. (T E15560) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 5] Child health services (ตอ) Saroj Prasad. A comparative study of knowledge, attitude and practice of women in reproductive age concerning maternal and child health care (Antenatal care) child health care activities with blue card and without blue card program in Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. xvii, 119 p. (T E6399) Sudarat Teeraworn. The determinants of utilization of maternal and child health services affecting infant mortality among Muslims in a Southern boder province of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 133 p. (T E17786) Sukra, IPutu. Study roles of VHV social marketing on maternal and child health at Sampran district, Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 78 p. (T E11986) Child health services--Nakhon sawan Siripon Kanshana. The development of effective maternal and child health model in Nakhonsawan province. Nakhonsawan : Health Promotion Center, 1993. 39 p. (R E12694) Child labor Baker, Simon. 'Child labour' the state of play : a case study of Changwat Khon Kaen : Thailand. Canberra : Australian National University, 1998. 287 p. (T E14366) Jintana Yhoung-aree. Relationship between household structure, household resources and dairy farm production : a case study in Nakorn Pathom. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 298 p. (T E13882) Sarita Srimaroeng. Sexual health behavior of female child workers in Samutprakan province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 107 p. (T E33810) Sukanya Sripho. The behavior of using child labour outside the household during the period of economic crisis : a case study of Buriram province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 211 p. (T E15356) Taneeya Runcharoen. The situation of children of irregular migrant workers : legal status, the right to education and vulnerability to child labour. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 130 p. (T E32985) Vittawan Sunthornkajit. Thailand child labour in illicit drug activities : a rapid assessment. Geneva : International Labour Office, 2002. 75 p. (R E20342) Child learning Nittaya Paoleng. Activities for preparation of child development at the pre-school level under the Office of Primany Education, Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 90 p. (T E20824) Child malnutrition control program Nguyen, Thu Huong. Performance of village health workers in the child malnutrition control program in Thai Binh province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 113 p. (T E16161) Child medication communication Wararat Anuwong. Community pharmacist-child medication communication : magnitude, influences, content, and determinants of the pharmacist's decision to communicate with children. Toronto : Purdue University, 2000. 313 p. (T E16252) Child mental health Supatra Skulphan. Mental health status of physically and/or sexually abused senior primary school students : Bangkok Noi district, Bangkok Metropolitan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 95 p. (T E15891) Child mortality Khatiwada, Durga Prasad. Consequences of child mortality on subsequent fertility in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 62 p. (T E14077) Child nutrition Hashimah BT. Basri. Phychosocial factors of caretakers and nutritional status among children age 1-5 years in Yala province, Thialand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 115 p. (T E17434) Child obesity Patima Pornpojamarn. The influence of parental child rearing practices on childhood obesity in primary schools in urban Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 107 p. (T E20346) Child of the Northeastern Vararat Boonchote. An analysis of the translation of "a child of the northeast". Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 148 p. (T E15074) Child patients Soraya Maskoto. Parents' satisfaction with the pediatric intensive care unit services of Siriraj hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 97 p. (T E36002) Child physical abuse Kamonrut Krongyuth. Child abuse among students grade 5-6 : a situation analysis in Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 128 p. (T E17562) Child prostitues Somchat Sachan. Factors affecting investigation on female child sex-sale service (child prostitute) of noncommissioned police under 1-5th Divisions of Metropolitan Police Bureau. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 103 p. (T E24310) Child psychology Uraporn Kottapat. School factors affecting child adaptation entering kindergarten. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 75 p. (T E21690) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 6] Child rearing Chutima Sirikulchayanonta. Studies on child rearing practices in families with working mothers : a comparison of Thai urban and rural villages. Bangkok : Department of Health, 1991. 55 p. (R E8926) Pairoa Pongchoke. Factors related to development of Thai children 0-6 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 114 p. (T E6404) Parinya Santima. Factors related to developmental tasks of fathers in rearing school-aged children in the community, Din-Daeng district, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 175 p. (T E19863) Patima Pornpojamarn. The influence of parental child rearing practices on childhood obesity in primary schools in urban Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 107 p. (T E20346) Pornratshanee Weerapong. Effects of exercise and training on growth and sexual maturation of Thai Children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 144 p. (T E11259) Richler, Kerry. Child care in urban Thailand : choice and constraint in a changing society. Bangkok : Institute for Population and Social Research. Mahidol University, 1992. 94 p. (R E8802) Sumruay Yotawichit. Parental practice of parental role responsibilies in child care and child rearing. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. xvi, 200 p. (T E6727) Wannara Chuenwattana. Community empowerment on child rearing in child under 6 years old by using participatory action research. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19855) Wichakorn Langkafha. Factors affecting the state of maternal child-rearing practices toward enhancing selfesteem of school children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 259 p. (T E14784) Child rearing--Thailand, Northern Usaneya Perngparn. Impact of health development on child rearing of the hilltribes : Karen and H'Mong. Bangkok : Institute of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 16 p. (R E11287) Child sexual abuse Voralux Vorapuksirikool. Lived experiences of sexually abused children : a case study of the Center for the Protection of Children's Rights Foundation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 202 p. (T E34224) Child socialization จินตนา งามสวาง. การอบรมเลี้ยงดูบุตรของสตรีไทยเชื้อสายจีนในกรุงเทพมหานคร = The child socialization of Chinese Thai women in Bangkok Metropolis. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 355 หนา. (วพ 109078) Child survival Chapagain, Matrika. Impact of utilization of reproductive health services on child survival in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 71 p. (T E14213) Child welfare--Thailand, Northern Taylor, Lisa Rende. Globalization, parental decisionmaking, and child welfare in rural Northern Thailand. Washington, D.C. : University of Washington, 2003. 121 p. (T E22980) Child--Nutrition Prayoon Ongkulna. The Study of food supplement program on the nutritional status of preschool children in the slum area of Bangkok Metropolitan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 แผน (118 เฟรม). (T MF09097) Child-bearing age women Kannatcha Madjupa. The relationship between preconceptional dietary folate intake and serum folate status among suburban Thai women of child-bearing age in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 90 p. (T E20021) Child-centered techniques Manu Kitchalong. The construction and trial of a students' manual for environmental science using child-centered techniques. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 191 p. (T E18870) Child-centred instructions สมนึก จุยดอนกลอย. บทบาทที่รับรูของผูบริหารโรงเรียนในการสงเสริมการจัดการเรียนการสอนที่เนนผูเรียนเปนศูนยกลางใน โรงเรียนประถมศึกษา สํานักงานการประถมศึกษาในเขตการศึกษา 7 = The perceived role of primary school administrators in promoting the management of child-centred instructions in Phitsanulok Provincial Elementary Education Offices of educational region 7. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2544. 146 หนา. (วพ 112424) Child-rearing พลนุช พุมไสว. การศึกษารูปแบบการอบรมเลี้ยงดูที่มีผลตอความรูสึกภาคภูมิใจในตนเองของนักเรียนระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนตน = A study of the effects of child-rearing patterns on self-esteem of lower secondary school students. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 106 หนา. (วพ 106685) Child-rearing pattern Rassamee Buamahasak. Ralationship among family relation, child-rearing pattern with emotional quotient. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 169 p. (T E19758) Child-rearing practices ฉัตรทองกร วิบูลยประพันธ. การศึกษาความสัมพันธระหวางการอบรมเลี้ยงดู การสนับสนุนทางสังคม การบรรลุงานตามขั้น พัฒนาการและพฤติกรรมพลเมืองดี ของวัยเด็กตอนตนในภาคตะวันออก = A study of relationships among childrearing practices social support, achieved developmental tasks and good-citizenship behavior of Thai early childhood in the east of Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2540. 136 หนา. (วพ 96898) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 7] Child-rearing practices (ตอ) ชลันดา สาสนทาญาติ. การศึกษาความสัมพันธระหวางการอบรมเลี้ยงดู การสนับสนุนทางสังคมการบรรลุงานตามขั้นพัฒนาการ และพฤติกรรมพลเมืองดี ของวัยรุนในภาคเหนือ = A study of relationships among child-rearing practices, social support, achieved development tasks, and good-citizenship behavior of Thai adolescence in the north of Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2540. 147 หนา. (วพ 96899) นัชกร ลับบัวงาม. การศึกษาความสัมพันธระหวางการอบรมเลี้ยงดู การสนับสนุนทางสังคม การบรรลุงานตามขั้นพัฒนาการและ พฤติกรรมพลเมืองดี ของวัยเด็กตอนกลางในภาคกลาง = A study of relationships among child-rearing practices, social support, achieved developmental tasks, and good-citizenship behavior of Thai middle childhood in the central of Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2540. 135 หนา. (วพ 96897) Childbearing Suchman, Lauren. The relationship between racial differences in American men's views of marriage and childbearing and their informal marital status at first birth. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 49 p. (T E37748) Childbearing motivation Toirov, Farrukh. Effects of contraception knowledge aand childbearing motivation on the contraceptive method choice of married women in Tajikistan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 55 p. (T E24477) Childbirth Chotika Techaniyom. Recits initiatiques de Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio : Mondo et autres histoires. Bangkok : Universite Silpakorn, 2002. 97 p. (T E21176) Jatuporn Tuntanokij. The effects of childbirth training program for pregnant women and supporters on pain level, pain coping behaviors, laboring period, and childbirth experience. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 116 p. (T E34218) Jitra Saisorn. Effect of preare labour of the lamaze theory on pain coping behavior during labour, perception of the childbirth experience and attachment behavior during 2 hours after birth of primigra vidarum in Lumsonthi hospital and Chaibadan hospital Lopburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E18596) Mukda Samnuanklang. The roles of men in reproductive process. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 199 p. (T E15319) Poulsen, Anders. Pregnancy and childbirth, its customs and rites in a north-eastern Thai village. Copenhagen : Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1983. 269 p. (R E1389) Siriwan Yuenyong. Effects of a close female relative support during labour and delivery on duration of active labour, incidence of spontaneous delivery, and satisfaction with childbirth experience. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 166 p. (T E40897) Usa Chuahorm. Process of coping with childbirth among Thai women. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 148 p. (T E35140) Childbirth education Gao, Lingling. Effect of childbirth education on knowledge and practice of pregnant women during labor. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 105 p. (T E16496) Childbirth preparation Kotchakorn Tampawiboon. Effects of childbirth preparation on fear, labor pain coping behaviors, and childbirth satisfaction in primiparas. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 104 p. (T E33739) สมศิริ นนทสวัสดิ์ศรี. ผลของการเตรียมกอนคลอดรวมกับการฝกผอนคลายกลามเนื้อ ตอความเครียดและการเผชิญความ เจ็บปวดในหญิงตั้งครรภ = The effects of childbirth preparation, progressive muscle relaxation training towards stress and pain coping in pregnant women. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 146 หนา. (วพ 104550) Childbirth--Indonesia Sumardjono, Ervita. Birthing experiences of internally displaced mothers in Aceh. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 97 p. (T E34280) Childbirth--Study and teaching Gao, Lingling. Effect of childbirth education on knowledge and practice of pregnant women during labor. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 105 p. (T E16496) Childbirth--Thailand, Southern Merli, Claudia. Bodily practices and medical identities in southern Thailand. Uppsala : Uppsala University, 2008. 311 p. (T E39288) Childcare Aree Jampaklay. Care and protection of children among Thai Muslim families. Nakhon Pathom : Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, 1999. 63 p. (R E14179 c.1; E14180 c.2) Khamsing Vongkhamdy. Knowledge and attitude on the immunization preventable diseases of mothers with children 6-24 months old and completeness of their children's immunization in Pakse district, Champasack province, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 68 p. (T E13850) Childhood Penkhae Limsila. Childhood schizophrenia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1976. 4 แผน (194 เฟรม). (T MF09804) Waraporn Boonkaewwan. Sweets & children : senses, consumer culture, and society. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 154 p. (T E37710) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 8] Childhood cancer Kaitsara Sen-Ngam. Factors predicting maternal coping with childhood cancer in Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 154 p. (T E37240) Childlessness Paranee Vatanasomboon. Childlessness among married women in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 131 p. (T E33804) Children Ahamad, Shihab Uddin. Non-formal primary education in Bangladesh : an examination of its compliance with the right to education. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 120 p. (T E23551) Ali, Mokshed. The effect of selected socio-demographic characteristics on desire for additional children among couples in Bangladesh. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 50 p. (T E15092) Ampai Poompu. Symptom management of nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy in pediatric cancer patients and caregivers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 124 p. (T E19649) Aree Petchpud. Causes, forms and consequences of child abuse and neglect in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1987. 17 p. (R E9206) Bari, Tajul Islam Abdul. Knowledge, perception and behavior towards acute respiratory infections among mothers of under 5 years children at Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 58 p. (T E11997) Benjamas Aiamkitsumrit. Identification of immunological factors which determined disease progression in pediatric AIDS in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 154 p. (T E15346) Busadee Banchongratsena. Parents' perception of the behavior of an only child. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 105 p. (T E21658) Daraporn Amornkraisee. Appropriated model for prevention and solution of human trafficking : a case study of women and children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 171 p. (T E33866) Denpong Patanasethanont. Buccal and rectal pharmacokinetics of diazepam for treatment of seizures in children. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 99 p. (T E18660) Dinh, Thi Dieu Hang. Factors related to diarrhoea occurrence among rural children under two years of age at Tan Hung commune, Gia Loc district, Haiduong province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 106 p. (T E16963) Duangporn Benjanarasut. Physical activity and development of skeletal mass in Thai children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 142 p. (T E11268) Fan, Ling. Self-care behaviors of school-age children with heart disease. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 82 p. (T E16537) Haque, Mohammad Raisul. Socio-cultural factors affecting the nutritional status of children in Bangladesh. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 59 p. (T E19312) Harahap, Juliandi. Factors affecting childhood immunization in North Sumatra province, Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 64 p. (T E15368) Jantapa Sanguanpan. Influences of socioeconomic factors on ideal family size of just married women in Kanchanaburi demographic surveillance system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 58 p. (T E35636) Jatuporn Phankein. The effect of music therapy on nausea and vomiting in pediatric cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 73 p. (T E35615) Jintana Suwanmanee. Pharmacokinetic parameters of valproic acid monotherapy in pediatric patients with epilepsy : estimation from total and unbound serum concentrations. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 119 p. (T E20222) Kanokwan Srisupornkornkool. Alterations of respiratory pressure, respiratory muscle force and chest surface area after swim training in prepubertal children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 106 p. (T E19264) Kesara Khemawut. Effect of age maturation on distortion product otoacoustic emissions in normal hearing school children aged 4 to 10 years old. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 97 p. (T E15357) Knodel, John. Family size and the education of children in the context of rapid fertility decline. Bangkok : Institute of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 38 p. (R E12920) Kritsana Chuchuay. The development of the Lumpinee Park nature learning guide for the family. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 91 p. (T E20141) Kukkong Disavatana. Factors affecting the aggravated assult of male juvenile offeders in the central observation and protection centers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 127 p. (T E19338) Ladda Mo-suwan. A control-trial of a school-based exercise program on the obesity indices of preschool children. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, [1997]. 17 p. (R E12073) Matalak Seramethakun. Laprotection de l'enfant centre l'exploitation sexuelle : e'tude comparative du droit Francais et du droit Thailandais. [S.l.] : Universite des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse I, 2001. 487 p. (T E16079 v.1; E16080 v.2) Mathuros Tipayamongkholgul. Factors associated with development of tuberculosis in BCG immunized children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 90 p. (T E23540) Netra Buakanok. A study of nasalance in normal children aged 6 to 15 years in Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 75 p. (T E18244) Ngo, Thi Nguyen Phuong. Factors related to breastfeeding practice among mothers of children under two years in Benluc district, Longan province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 83 p. (T E17599) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 9] Children (ตอ) Nguyen, Manh Dung. Factors related to mothers' home practices on management of acute diarrhea in children under five years old, in Namdinh city, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 103 p. (T E17686) Nongyouw Srinangyam. The comparative study of characteristics of P300 in normal children and children with learning disabilities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 82 p. (T E18110) Nuntanee Satiansukpong. Reliability and validity of Dunn's sensory profile among Thai children living in large metropolitan areas. New York : New York University, 2001. 114 p. (T E19141) Nuttakaan Leelarungrayub. Effects of physical therapy on biochemical markers in pediatric patients with lung infection. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 130 p. (T E18039) Orratai Rhucharoenpornpanich. The impact of HIV/AIDS epidemic on the Thai population : a focus on the demographic impact and on children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 166 p. (T E17708) Panitda Porananont. Zine status in normal Thai infant and children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1977. 2 แผน (83 เฟรม). (T MF09773) Panya Pinsook. Factors affecting to drug use [amphetamine] of female juveniles in Central Observation and Protection Center. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 109 p. (T E17736) Parnritai Parnvijit. Daily intake of caffeine from snack and confectionary in children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 80 p. (T E20847) Paweena Pichetsin. Standing balance in Thai children measured by pediatric clinical test of sensory interaction for balance, single limb stance and tandem walk tests. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 143 p. (T E24214) Piangpen Chanatepaporn. Dosage regimen of amikacin for cancer children with febrile neutropenia in Srinagarind hospital. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 150 p. (T E22900) Pornpimon Suttisomboon. A contextual analysis of self-control, differential association and routine activity theories of juvenile and youth forcible rape offenders. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 124 p. (T E35540) Pranee Katanyutita. Factors related the parental readiness of the married couple having the first child receiving service at Nakorn Pathom hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 150 p. (T E21656) Puchraporn Chauytong. The role of the Buddhist monk in ethics education of children and youth regarding prevention of drug abuse : a case study of students in Buddhist Universities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 102 p. (T E34492) Puchrin Kittipibul. In vitro antibacterial activity of piperacillin against gram negative bacteria and its therapeutic efficacy in children with severe bacterial infection. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1986. 2 microfiches (118 fr.). (T MF20468) Ratikan Ngampiam. Sleep pattern and sleep disturbance factors of 1 to 2 year old ill children in the general pediatric unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 73 p. (T E19646) Roongpet Tangrassamaeprasert. A study of vitamin B1, vitamin A, and zinc levels in children with acute diarrhea at Srinagarind hospital. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 114 p. (T E20683) Saleumsak Keochanthala. Knowledge and perception of mothers with children under 2 years of age on immunization status in Khammuane province, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 92 p. (T E17700) Samarnsri Komsamarn. Determinants of pneumonia in children under five years old at Maharat Nakorn Si Thammarat hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 74 p. (T E17573) Saowanee Sritirakul. The effect of early stimulation on child development = ผลของการกระตุนเราตอพัฒนาการของ เด็ก. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 3 microfiches (171 fr.). (T MF20096) Sasichol Kamproh. The effectiveness of health education program upon maternal behaviors in caring for children with ventricular septal defect at Queen Sirikit Institute of Child Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 105 p. (T E15818) Sirilak Wiriyaukaradecha. Cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic analysis in acute childhood leukemia and PraderWilli syndrome. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 106 p. (T E15905) Siriporn Sangkhamal. The effect of the preoperative preparation program on anxiety in caregivers of one-month to six-year-old children undergoing open-heart surgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 114 p. (T E18046) Sirirat Panphunpho. Lung function in sport trained and untrained Thai children and adolescents. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 103 p. (T E13889) Siriwan Pooltawee. Risk factors of unintentional injury at home in children one to four years of age.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 74 p. (T E15457) Songchai Thitasomakul. Dental caries, oral hygiene and dietary habits : a study of 2 to 6 years old Buddhist and Muslim Thai children. Aarhus : Faculty of Health Sciences University of Aarhus, 2001. 160 p. (T E19014) Supawan Pimpayorm. Factors related to fatigue in leukemic children receiving chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 107 p. (T E19645) Surangkana Poltana. Crisis, coping and family adaptive problems of the family with chronically ill children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 99 p. (T E17313) Surawut Sangrungroung. Effects in the participation of hearing the indicted delinquent youth of social welfare worker toward interrogation officer : a case study of interrogation officer under the headquarter of Metropolitan Police Division . Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 97 p. (T E19353) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 10] Children (ตอ) Suvipa Nittayangoon. The feasibility of measles vaccination in children with minor illness = การศึกษาความเปนไปได ของการใหวัคซีนปองกันโรคหัดในเด็กปวยเล็กนอย. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 3 microfiches (126 fr.). (T MF20452) Suwanna Warakamin. The readiness of parents to provide sexuality education to their children. Nonthaburi : Family Planning and Population Division Department of Health, 1999. 52 p. (R E19007) Tassanee Attharos. Development of a family-centered care model for the children with cancer in a pediatric cancer unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 220 p. (T E23806) Temduang Choyhirun. The effects of computer-assisted instruction in supportive-educative nursing system on self care practices in school-age children with nephrotic syndrome. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p. (T E18056) Thanaporn Intasiri. The construction of the Thai syntactic development test for children 3-7 : 11 years old in Bangkok Metropolitan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 196 p. (T E15336) Thanyamai Angsuwattananont. The concept and the production of web sites for Thai children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 116 p. (R E19603) Thike Htun. A study of knowledge, attitude and practice on dental health among mothers with children under six years of age in Nakhon Ratchasima province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 56 p. (T E10079) Tippawan Vipamaneeroj. Effect of role preparation of spouse support on family member well-being in family with chronically ill child. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 148 p. (T E18013) Triyanto, Imam. The relationship of child rearing practice and nutritional status of children under two years among mother in Rajburana Health Centre, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 78 p. (T E8957) Umakoshi, Machiko. Maternal and child health knowledge of mothers with babies aged 6-12 months and child health status and care at MCH hospital, Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 69 p. (T E13777) Ung Sophal. The clinical diagnosis of denque hemorrhagic fever in Thai children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 60 p. (T E17693) Urairat Sumreungwong. Preservice elementary teacher's attitudes toward the characteristics and needs of gifted children. Greeley : University of Northern Colorado, 2003. 191 p. (T E22235) Uraporn Kottapat. School factors affecting child adaptation entering kindergarten. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 75 p. (T E21690) Vipavee Sathirangkul. A study of the adaptive behavior of pediatric patients age newly born to five years old at Siriraj hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 225 p. (T E21200) Wansit Bamrungrasd. Factors affecting to female juvenile's against property [Larceny theft] in Bangkok Observation and Protection Center and surrounding area. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 95 p. (T E19333) Warunee Ratanawan. The influence of maternal caregiving behaviors and basic conditioning factors on severity of asthma in children aged 1-5 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 124 p. (T E17311) Yan, Hu. Selected factors influencing self-concept among hospitalized Chinese school-age children with chronic illness. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 92 p. (T E10684) Yoshida, Sumiko. Preventive behavior for diarrheal diseases among caregivers with children under 6 years of age in Klong Toey slum, Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 73 p. (T E20409) Yukon Muangchang. Care behaviors of school-age children's mothers regarding prevention of symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 90 p. (T E14400) ชวาลา เธียรธนู. การศึกษาวัยวิกฤตของเด็กไทยที่ขาดสารไอโอดีนในแงสติปญญา พฤติกรรมการปรับตนและแนวทางแกไข = The study of critical age on the adversity of iodine deficiency on intelligence and adaptive behavior in Thai children, including the intervention guideline. กรุงเทพฯ : โรงพยาบาลราชานุกูล, 2541. 64 หนา. (ว 98160 ฉ.1; 100643 ฉ.2) สมบัติ ศรีทองอินทร. การพัฒนาเกณฑมาตรฐาน สมรรถภาพทางกายและความสูงของเด็กและเยาวชนไทย = The developing norms of physical fitness, height of the Thai students and youths. [ม.ป.ท. : ม.ป.พ.], [2541]. 109 หนา. (ว 97908) Children and death Suntharavadee Petchareon. Factors associated with late fetal death. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 3 แผาย (160 เฟรม). (T MF09502) Children care กุศล สุนทรธาดา. สถานการณและองคความรูเกี่ยวกับการอบรมเลี้ยงดูเด็กในประเทศไทย = Child-care situation in Thailand : a synthesis report. นครปฐม : สถาบันวิจัยประชากรและสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 166 หนา. (ว 98859 ฉ. 1; 98860 ฉ.2) ฉันทนา ภาคบงกช. การสรางชุดฝกอบรมพอแมเพื่อการพัฒนาเด็กอยางมีคุณภาพ = The construction of parental training packages for quality child development. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยพฤติกรรมศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ ประสานมิตร, 2541. 75 หนา. (ว 98072 ฉ.1; 102713 ฉ.2) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 11] Children care (ตอ) รัตนชฎาวรรณ มั่นกันนาน. ผลของโปรแกรมการพัฒนาศักยภาพในการดูแลตนเองตอความพรองในการดูแลตนเองและภาวะ สุขภาพของผูปวยเด็กโตโรคธาลัสซีเมีย = Effect of self-care agency developing program on self-care deficit and health status of older children with Thalassemia. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 91 หนา. (วพ 97711) รุจา ภูไพบูลย. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบพัฒนกิจการครองเรือนของคูสมรส ระหวางครอบครัวในระยะเลี้ยงดูบุตรวัยทารก วัยกอน เรียน วัยเรียน และวัยรุน = A comparison of marrital developmental task of spouses between childrearing families with infants, preschoolers, schoolagers, and adolescents. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 59 หนา. (ว 98781) สุมาลี จันทรชลอ. การศึกษารูปแบบการอบรมเลี้ยงดูที่เกี่ยวของกับพฤติกรรมนักเรียน. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะครุศาสตรอุตสาหกรรม สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 149 หนา. (ว 97907) Children criminal Toon Detkunmark. Problems and obstacles in performing of investigating police for children criminal cases according to the criminal procedural law (amendment). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 106 p. (T E33120) Children mental health Yan, Jin. Selected factors associated with medical fear among hospitalized Chinese school-age children. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 89 p. (T E11776) Children of AIDS patients Newman, Christopher John. Assessment of pain in children with HIV/AIDS, a pilot study (with emphasis on pain scales). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 75 p. (R E21067) Children of Congenital heart disease Jaruwan Sawangsri. Needs and response to needs of parents of children with congenital heart disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 123 p. (T E17229) Children patients Rattanasuda Yotwongratsamee. Factors influencing uncertainty in illness of parents with children admitted in intensive care unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 83 p. (T E34070) สุดารัตน ประเสริฐสังข. ผลของการเตรียมผูปวยเด็กวัยเรียนอยางมีแบบแผนตอความกลัวการไดรับสารน้ําทางหลอดเลือดดํา = Effect of planned preparation on fear of intravenous infusion among school aged patients. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 80 หนา. (วพ 113260) Children rights--Protection Pongsak Jitchanwichai. Youths' right protection in investigation process in criminal case. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 83 p. (T E34071) Children with learning disabilities Nongyouw Srinangyam. The comparative study of characteristics of P300 in normal children and children with learning disabilities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 82 p. (T E18110) Children with mental retardation Rojravee Lekvicheon. Development of daily life skills of the educable mentally retarded children through task analysis training approach focusing on school and family cooperation. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 158 p. (T E39719) Children with trainable mental retardation Theeraphorn Jitwiriyatham. A study of learning achievement about personal hygiene of students with mental retardation by using electric board : case study of special education school in Nakhon Si Thammarat province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 114 p. (T E21325) Children's books Worasuda Wattanawong. The comparative study of gender ideologies in Thai contemporary children's books. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 73 p. (R E24570) Children's clothing--Purchasing--Decision-making จุฬาลักษณ เทพหัสดิน ณ อยุธยา. ปจจัยที่สัมพันธกับการตัดสินใจซื้อเสื้อผาเด็กกอนวัยเรียน = Factors related to purchasing decision of clothing for pre-school child. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 110 หนา. (วพ 99533) Children's literature Amattaya Thongserm. An analysis of English books sold in Thailand for 7-12-year-old children. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 59 p. (T E40814) Chuleeporn Suwan. Les techniques du recit dans les oeuvres pour la jeunesse d'Henri Bosco : L'Ane Culotte, L'Enfant et la riviere et Le Renard dans l'ile. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 151 p. (T E23394) Morakot Vattasingha. L'Enfance malheureuse dans Le Petit Chose et Jack d'alphonse daudet. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 147 p. (T E9845) Saranya Pathanasin. A survey of problems in translation of structurally complex sentences in fantasy literature for children. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 116 p. (T E24862) Worasuda Wattanawong. The comparative study of gender ideologies in Thai contemporary children's books. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 73 p. (R E24570) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 12] Children's literature (ตอ) อุดมพร สุพรรณวงศ. ผลของการวางตําแหนงคําถามที่แตกตางกันสองชนิด ในหนังสือการตูนเสริมการอานที่มีตอความเขาใจใน การอาน ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 4 = The effect of two different questioning positions in supplementary comics books on reading comprehension of Prathom Suksa IV students. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 181 หนา. (วพ 98495) Children's rights Amara Pongsapich. Child rights and protection : five case studies. Bangkok : Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 72 p. (R E15750) Chawandhorn Muangmee. Educational opportunities of Burmese migrant children in Samut Sakhon province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 81 p. (T E30231) Kantana Tangmanustrong. Nursing practice to protect rights of sexually abused children and women in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration hospitals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 101 p. (T E32953) Uthumporn Khongchai. Factors related to the practice of children's right of mothers of early adolescents in Sadao district, Songkhla province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 196 p. (T E20434) Children's software Sutat Nakjan. A content analysis of reading software commercially available for pre-K to 3rd grade children. Texas : University of North Texas, 2002. 200 p. (T E19198) Children, Blind Virongrong Fangsa-ard. Self-esteem of students with visual impairment in Bangkok school for the blind. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 73 p. (T E19335) Vithaya Hanvareevongsilp. Graphics for the blind : a children's book. [S.l.] : Pratt Institute, 1994. 26 p. (T E7875) Children, Deaf Patanee Kalasuwan. Educational opportunities for 6-17 years old children with hearing disability in rural Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 57 p. (T E14711) Children--Bangkok Mullika Santayayon. Angular profile of lower extremity in Bangkokian children aged 3 to 7 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 77 p. (T E40324) Pitthaya Chomputong. A comparative study of maximum phonation time in Thai children aged 6 to 12 years at Saimai district, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 75 p. (T E20127) Sompis Oatwaree. Hepatitis B antibody of 9-24 month children after hepatitis B vaccination in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 123 p. (T E9735) Somsak Nanta. Influence of family background of children and youths towards inhalant practice in Bangkok = อิทธิพลภูมิหลังครอบครัวของเด็กและเยาวชนที่มีตอพฤติกรรมการเสพสารระเหย ในกรุงเทพมหานคร. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 3 microfiches (124 fr.). (T MF20388) Children--Bangkok--Care รุจา ภูไพบูลย. พัฒนกิจและปจจัยที่สงผลกระทบตอการปฏิบัติพัฒนกิจของครอบครัวในการดูแลบุตรตั้งแตวัยทารกจนถึงวัยรุน = Developmental task and factors effecting family developmental task performance in child care for children and adolescents. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, [2542]. 94 หนา. (ว 99427 ฉ.1; 104957 ฉ. 2) Children--Bangkok--Growth Jintana Yhoung-aree. Child growth and weaning practices mothers' models and processes in a Bangkok slum. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 39 p. (R E10793) Children--Bangkok--Nutrition Kanistha Chanchay. A self-regulation program on decreasing junk-food consumption among students in Bumrungwitthayathonburi primary school, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 158 p. (T E34471) Tada, Yuko. Nutritional status of children [1-5 years old] living in Bangkok congested area. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 101 p. (T E17435) Children--Bangladesh Hassan, Sufi Ahammad. Evaluation of programme factors affecting childhood immunization in Bangladesh. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 46 p. (T E33666) Shaikh A., Shahed Hossain. Risk factors for severe acute respiratory tract infections (ARI) in children under five years of age in an urban Bangladesh community. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 110 p. (T E10756) Children--Bhutan--Education Sonam, Chophel. The basic education oppertunity of children in Bhutan : a comparison between male and female headed household. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 51 p. (T E35071) Children--Chiang Mai S. Pongsiriwet. Prevalence of oral manifestations of vertically HIV infected children in Chiang Mai, Thailand : a pilot cross-sectional study. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, [2002]. 15 p. (R E18598) Children--Chiang Mai--Care กนกวรรณ เพียงเกต. บทบาทของผูสูงอายุในการดูแลเด็กที่ไดรับผลกระทบจากโรคเอดส : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีอําเภอสันปาตอง จ.เชียงใหม = The elder's role in taking care of children affected by AIDS case study in Sanpatong district Chiengmai. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 155 หนา. (วพ 99236) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 13] Children--Chiang Rai--Constitution Wanwipa Saowalak. Parental reaction on their children's becoming prostitutes in Chiangrai province, Thailand. [S.l.] : University of Philippines, 1982. 3 แผน (141 เฟรม). (T MF09474) Children--Child care Somtawin Sirireung. Effects of supportive-educative nursing system on dependent care behaviors and the occurrence of complications among children with long-term tunneled catheter. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 78 p. (T E33221) Children--China--Health and hygiene Cong, Xiaomei. Impact of the childhood chronic illness on the family : maternal perspective. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 115 p. (T E10462) Children--Comic books, strips, etc. Sor Wasna Pravalpruk. Influences of Japanese Manga on shaping behavior of the Thai and Japanese children. Bangkok : Sri Nakharinwirot University, 1992. 74 p. (R E9071) Children--Conduct of life Duangsmorn Asavatanabodee. The effects of cooperative learning on cooperative attitudes and cooperative behaviors of children = ผลการฝกการเรียนรูแบบรวมมือตอทัศนคติและพฤติกรรมความรวมมือในเด็ก. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (106 fr.). (T MF20511) Children--Death Hashimoto, Masanori. Effects of child death on fertility in ThailandThailand's tourism : an analysis of visitor length of stay and expenditures. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1978. 25, 36 p. (R E1662) Children--Dental care Pavinee Phinainitisatra. Factors influencing dental anxiety in relation to treatment under general anaesthesia in 5 to 8 year-old children. Liverpool : University of Liverpool, 1997. 303 p. (T E11570) Children--Diseases Ahsan, M.Gias Uddin. Study on the factors affecting ORS utilization of mothers in diarrhoeal diseases of children under five years of age in Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vi, 76 p. (T E7996) Chamaiporn Tawichasri. Neutralizing antibody titers to polioviruses comparison between completely vaccinated and unvaccinated children in Chiang Mai. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 72 p. (T E6576) Desta, Abayeneh Tamer. Cost implications of compliance with treatment guideline for children with acute upper respiratory infection : a case study of King Chulalongkorn Memorial hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 83 p. (T E17954) Jintana Hanprasitkam. Caregivers' needs for caring cerebral palsy children at home. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 109 p. (T E15237) Karuna Sookkasem. Factors influencing severity of pneumonia in children aged 2 months to 5 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 100 p. (T E21258) Larik, Zahid. Study of self-care in enteric fever amongst the guardians of children in Pakistan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. viii, 103 p. (T E7142) Napaporn Jiraphongsa. Maternal perception and socioeconomic factors associated with severity of acute respiratory infection in children aged under five years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. vi, 112 p. (T E7417) Penchit Ngernprasertsri. The study of measles antibody levels in Thai children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. vii, 71 p. (T E6568) Penkhae Limsila. Childhood schizophrenia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1976. 4 แผน (194 เฟรม). (T MF09804) Pornsri Ingcharoensunthorn. Clinical pharmacy activity in parenteral nutrition support for pediatric patients in a newborn surgery ward at the Queen Sirikit national Institute of Child Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 153 p. (T E15410) Rachaneeporn Toncharoensuk. Respiratory syncytial virus infection in children and its antibody response. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 122 p. (T E9968) Sukanya Kiatthitinun. Effects of supportive-educative nursing system on self-care behaviors and asthmatic control in school-age children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 104 p. (T E33219) Truong, Ty. The relationship of psycho-socialfactors on child carer's behavior related to diarrheal diseases among children under five years of age, Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 93 p. (T E10027) Walai Kirdpole. The study of measles antibody levels before and after vaccination in children 6 to 14 months of age. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 3 microfiches (131 fr.). (T MF20454) สุรีพร แซเฮ็ง. การศึกษาจุดบกพรองและปจจัยเกี่ยวของของการใชยาพนสูดชนิด metered dose inhaler ในผูปวยเด็กโรคหืด = Errors and factors related to metered dose inhaler usage in asthmatic children. ขอนแกน : คณะ แพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2539. 17 หนา. (ว 97980) Children--Diseases--Bangladesh Begum, Shamim Ara. Cost analysis of childhood diarrhoeal inpatients : a case study of Narayanganj District Hospital, Bangladesh. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 79 p. (T E10128) Children--Diseases--Mortality Pramuan Sunakorn. Risk factors to pneumonia mortality in Thai children. Nonthaburi : Department of Communicable Disease Control, 1991. 22 p. (R E12853) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 14] Children--Diseases--Nutrition Tasanee Sonchaem. Implementation of a centralized parenteral nutrition admixing service for pediatric patients at Ramathibodi Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xiv, 170 p. (T E8094) Children--Diseases--Prevention Poonsuwan Rojanakiratikarn. The study of results of rubella immunization to school girls of the sixth grade in Suphanburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. xi, 100 p. (T E7690) Children--Diseases--Treatment Bari, Abdul. Efficacy of precooked rice-ors and glucose-ors to treat acute watery diarrhoea of children in Bangladesh. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 113 p. (T E11362) Pailin Nukulkij. How Thai families define and manage childhood heart disease. Chicago : University of Illinois, 1993. xii, 258 p. (T E7254) Children--Education Pimchai Suwanarat. The effects of pictorial stimuli on learning selected English words by Thai fifth grade children. Indiana : Indiana University, 1978. 106 p. (T E22580) Children--Employment Chantana Banpasirichote. Child workers in hazardous work in Thailand. Bangkok : Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 99 p. (R E6658) Vittawan Sunthornkajit. Thailand child labour in illicit drug activities : a rapid assessment. Geneva : International Labour Office, 2002. 75 p. (R E20342) รัชนี บุญเรือง. การศึกษานอกโรงเรียนสําหรับแรงงานเด็ก : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีโครงการแรงงานเด็ก มูลนิธิเพื่อการพัฒนาเด็ก. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 204 หนา. (วพ 99151) Children--Food habits Petcharee Cholpranee. Comparative study of food habit to tooth development between high and low socioeconomic status. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 microfiches (85 fr.). (T MF20150) Children--Growth Banchong Withayametha. Effect of level of milk consumption and energy expenditure in physical exercise on height and nutritional status of boys aged 10 to 18 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 144 p. (T E10043) Kandavasee Maleevong. A comparison of the effects of selected factors upon growth and development between children attending self-supported and externally-supported child development centers : a case study in Lumpang province = การเปรียบเทียบปจจัยตาง ๆ ที่มีผลตอการเจริญเติบโตและพัฒนาการของเด็กในศูนยพัฒนาการ ของเด็กในศูนยพัฒนาเด็กเล็กที่ชวยเหลือตนเอง และไดรับเงินชวยเหลือจากองคกรภายนอก. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 3 microfiches (132 fr.). (T MF20425) Pairoa Pongchoke. Factors related to development of Thai children 0-6 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 114 p. (T E6404) Pornratshanee Weerapong. Effects of exercise and training on growth and sexual maturation of Thai Children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 144 p. (T E11259) Uraiporn Chittchang. Development of simple anthropometric tools for growth monitoring in primary school children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 168 p. (T E7882) Children--Health and hygiene Ahsan, M.Gias Uddin. Study on the factors affecting ORS utilization of mothers in diarrhoeal diseases of children under five years of age in Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vi, 76 p. (T E7996) Kanchana Raksakait. A study on viruses, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae in pediatric cases admitted with lower respiratory tract infection at Siriraj Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xi, 130 p. (T E8044) Laddawan Rodmanee. Female labor force participation, fertility and quality of child care for pre-school children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 81 p. (R E037) Maine, Deborah. Family planning : its impact on the health of women and children. New York : Center for Population and Family Health, Columbia University, 1981. 56 p. (R E21061c.1) Olarn Chankham. Behavior of chemical application in orchid farms on child health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 53 p. (T E35750) Saowaree Aeamlaor. Quality of life of HIV infected orphaned children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 82 p. (T E17230) Sumogue-Hegenauer, Ellen Charity. The relationship between selected demographic and psychosocial factors and developmental delay among Khmer children at site II camp. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. ix, 119 p. (T E7807) Watinee Petchudomsinsuk. Discharged counseling for individual pediatric patients with asthma at Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 136 p. (T E21672) กิตติมา สําราญไชยธรรม. การรับรูสมรรถนะในการดูแลบุตรของมารดา พฤติกรรมการดูแลบุตรของมารดาและผลลัพธทาง สุขภาพของเด็กโรคหอบหืดวัย 1-5 ป = Maternal perceived self-efficacy, maternal caring behaviors and health outcomes of 1-5 year old asthmatic children. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 124 หนา. (วพ 99805) Children--Health and hygiene--Care Jaruwan Sawangsri. Needs and response to needs of parents of children with congenital heart disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 123 p. (T E17229) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 15] Children--Hospital care Liu, Ke. Needs and received responses among parents of hospitalized children. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 106 p. (T E12759) Naraumon Pichaipanich. Effects of caregiver preparation on separation anxiety in hospitalized children and caregivers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 101 p. (T E13962) Shields, Linda. A comparative study of the care of hospitalized children in developed and developing countries. Brisbane : University of Queensland, 1998. 305 p. (T E14873) Children--Hospitals Nungruthai Thummasonthicharoen. Antibiotic dry syrup counseling to guardians at Children's hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 99 p. (T E10502) Unchalee Thadapark. Drug utilization evaluation of the parenteral cephalosporins in Children's Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. ix, 123 p. (T E7993) Wararat Anuwong. Adverse drug reactions monitoring in children's hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiii, 154 p. (T E7495) Children--Hospitals--Bangkok Shrestha, Murari Man. Risk-factors contributing to pneumonia in children under 5 years of age at Children's Hospital Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. v, 83 p. (T E8020) Children--Indonesia Seno, Adji. Factors related to mothers behavior in order to give ORS to children under five years old at Kuma Health Center, Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 79 p. (T E33135) Children--Intelligence testing Somchai Teaukul. The performance of children in different intelligence levels and brain-diseased children on administration A of the revised visual retention test with form. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (83 เฟรม). (T MF09300) Children--kamphaeng Phet--Growth ชูรัตน คูสกุลรัตน. การประเมินผลการเจริญเติบโตของนักเรียน ตามโครงการสงเสริมการเจริญเติบโตสมวัยในเด็กนักเรียน มัธยมศึกษาตอนตนป 2540 ของจังหวัดกําแพงเพชร = The evaluation of student growth on nutritional status's secondary education project in Kamphaengphet, 1997. กําแพงเพชร : สํานักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดกําแพงเพชร, 2540. 90 หนา. (ว 98414) Children--Kanchanaburi Nuntaporn Thompitak. Household characteristics and children life quality : case study in Kanchanaburi DSS, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 111 p. (T E39420) Children--Kanchanaburi--Employment Uraiwan Amornimit. Child labor force participation : a case study of rural households in Kanchanaburi province. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1996. 215 p. (T E12267) Children--Khon Kaen--Employment Baker, Simon. 'Child labour' the state of play : a case study of Changwat Khon Kaen : Thailand. Canberra : Australian National University, 1998. 287 p. (T E14366) Children--Language Carpenter, Kathie Lou. How children learn to classify nouns in Thai. Oregon : Stanford University, 1987. x, 193 p. (T E5521) Peerapat Yangklang. The development of serial verb constructions in Thai children's narrative. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 130 p. (T E23113) Sorabud Rungrojsuwan. First words : communicative development of 9-to 24-month-old Thai children. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 220 p. (T E23105) Supatra Pansottee. Fricative perception of six and eight year old Thai children. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xiv, 130 p. (T E7378) Children--Laos Angkham Ounavong. Self-medication of antibiotics in mild URI among mothers with children under five years old, in Naxaithong district, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 75 p. (T E21289) Daokeo Siharath. Utilization of immunization services among mothers with children 2-5 years of age in Sanakham district, Vientiane province, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 121 p. (T E21290) Children--Laos--Nutrition Heuankham Sangsomsak. Change in nutritional status among school children during one academic year in a boarding school in Vientiane, Lao P.D.R. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 140 p. (T E12487) Children--Medical examinations Unchalee Lohmaneeratana. Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) in normal hearing children a normative study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 113 p. (T E6600) Children--Mortality Subranti. Breastfeeding and child morbidity in Indonesia : a secondary data analysis of the 1991 Indonesian demographic and health survey. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vi, 58 p. (T E7777) Children--Mukdahan--Diseases Arkart Choopanya. Determinants of diarrhoeal disease occurrence in children under 5 years of age in Mukdaharn province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 94 p. (T E10973) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 16] Children--Nakhon Pathom--Diseases--Treatment Paudel, Radha Krishna. Utilization of ORS by mothers in the treatment of acute diarrhoeal diseases among children under five years of age. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 80 p. (T E10978) Children--Nakhon Ratchasima--Health and hygiene Thike Htun. A study of knowledge, attitude and practice on dental health among mothers with children under six years of age in Nakhon Ratchasima province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 56 p. (T E10079) Children--Nakhon Si Thammarat--Health and hygiene Tsukamoto, Katsuyuki. Preventive behaviours among health promoting primary school children under soiltransmitted helminthiasis control program in Nakhon Si Thammarat province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 92 p. (T E24045) Children--Nepal--Mortality Khatiwada, Durga Prasad. Consequences of child mortality on subsequent fertility in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 62 p. (T E14077) Children--Nepal--Nutrition Bangdel [Shakya], Radha Devi. Community survey : knowledge and practice of mothers of children aged sixmonths to three years on supplementary feeding in Harisiddi village, Nepal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 91 p. (T E11725) Children--Nepal--Social conditions Sharma, Sarita. Relationship between gender of existing children and desire for additional children by Nepalese women. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 51 p. (T E13164) Children--Nonthaburi Sutthirat Promkham. Behavior of children (age 8-12 years) in using motorcycles : a case study of Ban Plaibang community, Bangkrouy district, Nontaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 89 p. (T E33904) Children--Nutrition Benjawan Mouleekoonpairoj. The formulation of rice-based supplementary foods for Thai infants. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (91 เฟรม). (T MF09360; MF09445) Jeshda Kittikool. Factors influencing nutritional status of infants and pre-school children Province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 แผน (130 เฟรม). (T MF05559) Jiraporn Tangkittipaporn. The effects of malnutrition and social stimulation on mental development during the first two years of life. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 แผน (151 เฟรม). (T MF09223) Jurairat Ouaarun. A study on nutritive value of school lunch and packed lunch of school children in ThainiyomSongkroh school = การศึกษาคุณคาสารอาหารของอาหารกลางวันโรงเรียน และอาหารกลางวันจากบานของนักเรียน โรงเรียนไทยนิยมสงเคราะห. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 3 microfiches (124 fr.). (T MF20456) Kanya Sinthawat. Establishment and evaluation of centralized parenteral nutrition admixing service for pediatric patients at pharmacy department of Ramathibodi Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 154 p. (T E9454) Kesharat Deemana. Changes in the riboflavin status of school children after protein supplementation = การ เปลี่ยนแปลงของสถานภาพไรโบฟลาวินในเด็กนักเรียนหลังจากการเสริมโปรตีน. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 2 microfiches (93 fr.). (T MF19986) Khanum, Parveen A.. Nutritional status of children in Khulna and Sylhut Divisions in Bangladesh : a comparative analysis from the Bangladesh demographic and health survey 1996-1997. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 90 p. (T E14082) Kiatirat Kunarattanapruk. Adequacy of Thai habitual weaning food to supply protein need in young children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1979. 2 แผน (104 เฟรม). (T MF09239) Laddawan Limpijarnkit. Behavior of snack consumption among school children in rural. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 50 p. (T E9738) Nam-oy Puttinun. The impact of "PROD" programme implementation on nutritional status and morbidity of the underfive children in Kongyang and Korat subdistrict = ผลกระทบของโครงการสงเสริมและพัฒนาการอนามัยแม และเด็กและภาวะโภชนาการ ตอภาวะโภชนาการและการเจ็บปวยของเด็กวัยต่ํากวา 5 ป ในตําบลโคงยางและตําบล โคราช. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 3 microfiches (143 fr.). (T MF20185) Narisara Sangthien. The effectiveness of the nutrition counseling intervention on weight control program in obese school-aged children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 150 p. (T E34436) Nissawan Ajmanwra. Long term study of the adequacy of Thai habitual weaning food in young children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (100 เฟรม). (T MF09456) Nutawan Chaolilitkul. Effect of calcium supplementation on bone status in healthy Thai children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 236 p. (T E13926) Pham, Thi Dau. Factors related to nutritional status in children from 2 to 5 years old in Tantru districts, Long An province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 109 p. (T E17600) Pranee Inthivorn. The study of school lunch program on nutritional aspect in primary schools of Border Patrol Police General Headquarters. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 163 p. (T E12888) Roongsiri Kamtrakul. Effects of dietary fat and B-carotene from green leafy vegetable supplementation on vitamin A nutrition in preschool children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. xvii, 76 p. (T E6582) Samnang, Po. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of mothers of malnourished children in Cambodia. Khaon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1994. xii, 122 p. (T E8373) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 17] Children--Nutrition (ตอ) Somkiat Kosulwat. Nutritional and safety evaluation of supplementary foods = การประเมินคุณคาและความปลอดภัย ในอาหารเสริมเด็ก. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 microfiches (107 fr.). (T MF20154; MF20156) Somsri Charoenkiatkul. Role of green leafy vegetables in prevention of vitamin A deficiency in Thai children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 76 p. (T E573c.1) Sukanya Sangwirach. The study of the impact of school lunch and school milk programs on nutritional aspects in primary schools of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 141 p. (T E12890) Suwa, Keiko. Approaches to mobilize community participation in nutrition promotion of children under five among village health volunteers, Wang Nam Yen district, Sakeo province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 116 p. (T E24043) Suyanee Pongthananikorn. "Get to Win" : an integrated nutrition and behavior modification model for weight management in children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 167 p. (T E23810) Thongplew Pleumpanya. Viscosity and nutrient content of germinated rice and its weaning food product. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 79 p. (T E6551) Tippawan Areeswangkij. The study of nutritious snack recipe for school-age children = การศึกษาตํารับอาหารวางที่มี คุณคาทางโภชนาการสูงสําหรับเด็กวัยเรียน. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. 2 microfiches (97 fr.). (T MF20293) Tippawan Pongcharoen. Household food acquisition and nutritional status of children 0-5 years old in forest and nonforest communities : a case study of Pha Taem National Park, Ubon Ratchathani. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 175 p. (T E13122) Wanvimol Kittidilokkul. Factors influencing obesity in school children in Bangkok Metropolitan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xi, 176 p. (T E7843) Wasike, Ronald Walela. Maternal and child care practices related to the nutritional status of under-five year old children in Banpong hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 117 p. (T E17904) Wasoontara Ratanopas. Self-discipline and factors related to over-nutritional status of school children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 98 p. (T E34185) Wigittra Cumpirod. Nutritional status, food intake and food habits of preschool pupils as bases for enhancing the nutrition program in Songkhla Municipal School, Thailand. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1997. 178 p. (T E11555) Children--Nutrition--Psychological aspects Ueda, Misaki Akasaka. Child feeding and caring behavior of mothers with 1-3 year old children of urban poor communities in Bangkok : a socio-behavioral perspective. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 134 p. (T E10961) Children--Patients Chayanuj Chaiyaratana. The effects of pediatric triage training course on nurses' triage knowledge, performance accuracy and waiting time of pediatric patients in emergency department. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 117 p. (T E15895) Suraphong Leaungwutiwong. Preventive health behavior regarding acute respiratory tract infections among caregivers of children of age 0-5 years at Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 100 p. (T E24608) Children--Patients--Care Pimpaporn Klunklin. Child-rearing practices among primary caregivers of HIV infected children aged 0-5 years in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 252 p. (T E23191) Children--Phetchabun--Health and hygiene Prasert Limpawittayakul. Relationship between oral health behaviours and oral health status among school children aged 11-12 years in Bungsampun district Petchaboon province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 69 p. (T E10060) Children--Philippines De Guzman, Ma. Theresa R.. Effectiveness of measles vaccination among filipino children in Pila, Laguna, Philippines. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. 2 microfiches (75 fr.). (T MF20279) Children--Physiology Sinipun Kiatpongsan. A prediction of the width of cuspid and bicuspids from lower incisors among a selected Thai grout. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. vii, 66 p. (T E8282) Children--Prachin Buri Ashraf, Uddin Ahmed. Factors affecting immunization acceptance amongst mothers of one year old children in Kabinburi district, Prachinburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 2 microfiches (98 fr.). (T MF20320) Children--Ratchaburi--Diseases Pusadee Sri-aroon. Maternal beliefs and behavior on the use of impregnated bednets to prevent malaria for their children in Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 104 p. (T E10914) Children--Social conditions Bechstedt, Hans-Dieter. Change and persistence in Thai rural society : an on empirical study of hierarchical interpersonal relations and their psychological manifestations. Bielefeld : [s.n.], 1987. x, 411 p. (R E6711) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 18] Children--Social conditions (ตอ) Ketkeo Boupha. Smoking prevalence and its correlates on smoking behavior among male secondary school children in Viantaine Municipality, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 84 p. (T E13849) Sujintana Hemtasilpa. An exploration of social work support for the family of children with learning disabilities. Canterbury : University of Kent, 1996. 44 p. (R E11473) Children--Songkhla--Health and hygiene Watcharee Pornruksadee. A study of factors affecting nutritional status of school children in Songkhla province, the southern part of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 118 p. (T E8560) Children--Songkhla--Nutrition Watcharee Pornruksadee. A study of factors affecting nutritional status of school children in Songkhla province, the southern part of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 118 p. (T E8560) Children--Sukhothai--Health and hygiene วันทนีย อิสระไพจิตร. การพัฒนางานบริการคลินิกสุขภาพเด็กดี โรงพยาบาลสุโขทัย = Nursing service development in well baby clinic, Sukhothai hospital. สุโขทัย : กลุมงานการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลสุโขทัย, 2541. 107 หนา. (ว 98352) Children--Surin บุรินทร ทองแมน. การศึกษาศักยภาพของเด็กไทย : กรณีศึกษาในจังหวัดสุรินทร. กรุงเทพฯ : กองวิจัยทางการศึกษา กรม วิชาการ, 2541. 96 หนา. (ว 99509) Children--Thailand, Northeastern Supaporn Pengnonyang. Vitamin A, iron, zinc, iodine deficiencies, and their coexistence among rural northeast school children, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 100 p. (T E33821) Children--Thailand, Northeastern--Health and hygiene Petchsavai Limtragool. The Impact of a health intervention program upon immunization in Northeast Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1990. 69 p. (R E11181) Children--Thailand, Northeastern--Nutrition Fuchs, George J.. Relationship between vitamin A deficiency, nutritional status, and conjunctival impression cytology in northern Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1994. 17 p. (R E8763) Lerluck Steinrut. Validation of modified simplified dietary assessment with biochemical and functional parameter of vitamin A status in northeastern preschool children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 134 p. (T E12495) Somsri Charoenkiatkul. Functional and biochemical responses to zinc and/or vitamin A supplementation in school children of northeast Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xvii, 148 p. (T E6421) Children--Thailand, Northern สมัย ศิริทองถาวร. ปญหาพฤติกรรมทางสังคม เชาวนปญญาของเด็กและเยาวชนสภาพแรกรับในสถานพินิจและคุมครองเด็กและ เยาวชนภาคเหนือ = The study of social behavior problems and intelligent levels of the children and adolescences at remand homes of observation and protection centers in the northern part of Thailand. เชียงใหม : ศูนยสงเสริมพัฒนาการเด็กภาคเหนือ, 2541. 73 หนา. (ว 99287) Children--Thailand, Northern--Manners and customs Kato, Yutaka. Illiness of children and the notion of rebirth : person, merit, and power in northern Thailand part III. Kyoto : University of Tokyo, 1994. vol. (R E8756) Children--Training of--Evaluation Niramon Worapornsumrit. The assessment of the training process in female juvenile delinquency : a case study of Ban Pranee Training Center. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 148 p. (T E21655) Children--Ubon Ratchathani Vallapa Sangveraphunsiri. Effect of vitamin B2 supplementation in Ubon school children = ผลของการเสริมวิตามินบี สองในเด็กวัยเรียน จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (110fr.). (T MF20270) Children--Ubon Ratchathani--Social conditions Wiriya Wiriyaprasit. The impact of the income generating project on Amerasian children and families under the Pearl S. Buck Foundation : Ubon Ratchathani province. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1992. ix, 62 p. (T E7404) Children--Vietnam Thach, Duc Tran. Nutritional status in children under 18 months and associations with community's characteristics in 5 provinces in Vietnam. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 72 p. (T E38959) Children--Vietnam--Diseases Do, Van Binh. Psychosocial factors affecting mothers' choices of childhood diarrhoeal treatment among slum families in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 129 p. (T E11225) Children--Vietnam--Nutrition Doan, Phuoc Thuoc. The relationship between feeding practices and maternal child health care services with nutritional status of under-five children at Phong Son village of Thua Thien province in Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 74 p. (T E13795) Pham, Thi Nhuyen. Psycho-social factors affecting the performance of village health volunteers in nutrition promotion activities for children under five years of age in Haiduong province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 124 p. (T E16160) Vu, Ngoc Long. Socio-economic factors affecting nutritional status among children under five years old in Vuthu district, Thai binh province, Vietnam in 2004. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 85 p. (T E30210) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 19] Children--Yala--Nutrition Hashimah BT. Basri. Phychosocial factors of caretakers and nutritional status among children age 1-5 years in Yala province, Thialand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 115 p. (T E17434) Childs family Jingshan, You. The impact of sex preference on the acceptance of the one-child certificate in Shaanxi Province, China. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vi, 56 p. (T E8051) Chili Orarat Mongkolporn. The development of molecular markers for resistance to antracnose in the interspecific hybrid chilli between Capsicum annuum L. and C. chinese Jacquin. Nakhon Pathom : Department of Horiculture Kasetsart University Kamphaengsaen Campus, 2003. 1 vol. (R E22241) Chili con carne--Analysis Yuvadee Leelahuta. In vitro capsaicin metabolism in the rat. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 แผน (108 เฟรม). (T MF09207) Chili--Diseases and pests--Prevention เสาวลักษณ พงษไพจิตร. การศึกษาสารสกัดหยาบจากพืชสมุนไพรเพื่อใชควบคุมโรคแอนแทรคโนสของพริก = Study of plant crude extracts for control of chilli anthracnose. สงขลา : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 41 หนา. (ว 98159 ฉ.1; 104948 ฉ.2) Chilled semen Suppawiwat Ponglowhapan. Influence of glucose and fructose in the extender on long - term storage of chilled canine semen. Uppsala : Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2003. 53 p. (T E22090) Chilled water thermal storage system ภาณุ สุวิชาเชิดชู. การศึกษาและประเมินศักยภาพการใชงานระบบกักเก็บความเย็นดวยน้ําในอาคาร ท.101 กฟผ. สํานักงานใหญ = The potential study on the effectiveness of using chilled water thermal storage for T.101 building, EGAT head office. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2541. 212 หนา. (วพ 101263) Chilli Wiriya Phomkong. Mathematical model for equilirium moisture content of chillies cv. Huarau Yon. Ubon Ratchatani : Faculty of Agriculture Ubon Ratchatani, 2008. 62 p. (R E40999) Chilli pepper Suchila Techawongstien. Studies on drought resistance in chilli pepper with reference to characteristics for breeding program. Kyoto : Kyoto University, 1992. 119 p. (T E40224) Chilli--Diseases and pests Le, Thi Kieu Oanh. The pathogenesis of chilli anthracnose, colletotrichum spp. on various Thai varieties and their induced resistance. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 77 p. (T E30265) Than, Po Po. Interaction of Colletotrichum spp. in anthracnose infection of chilli. Chiang Mai : Maejo University, 2008. 142 p. (T E39047) Chilli-paste Jontipa Purintrapiban. Study of mutagenic activity of some chilli-paste samples and of their ingredients = การศึกษาฤทธิ์กอกลายพันธุของน้ําพริกแกงสําเร็จรูปบางชนิดและเครื่องปรุงของน้ําพริกแกง. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1989. xviii, 147 leaves. (T E5096) Chilling injury Panumas Posuya. Changes of abscisic acid and polyamines during fruit development and low temperature storage of rambutan fruits. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 126 p. (T E17535) Peerasak Chaiprasart. Physiological and biochemical changes during occurrence of chilling injury in banana fruits and applicable techniques to reduce its damage. Tsukuba : University of Tsukuba, 2001. 110 p. (T E19192) Samanun Kaewjulapat. Changes of antioxidants and their activities during fruit development and storage of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.), jujube (Ziziphus jujuba L.) and dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus (Haw) Britt. & Rose). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 121 p. (T E31421) Wanvisa Ponrod. Abscisic acid and polyamines content during growth of mangosteen and the effect of spermine application on chilling injury during low temperature storage. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 111 p. (T E20677) Warangkana Katawatcharakul. Effect of heat treatment on chilling injury in Nang Klangwan mango fruits. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 94 p. (T E15499) Chilling process เปยมสุข สุวรรณกูฏ. การถายเทความรอนและมวลสารขณะเดียวกันในกระบวนการลดอุณหภูมิไก = Simultaneous of heat and mass transfer in chilling process of chicken. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 143 หนา. (วพ 103812) Chilling stress Prapaporn Tangkitchote. Proline accumulation, peroxidase activity and isozyme profiles of sweetpotato callus subjected to chilling stress, water stress, proline and abscisic acid. Mississippi : Mississippi State University, 1998. 100 p. (T E13623) Chilo polyehrysus Sompong Pongprasert. Resistance to the dark-headed stem borer, Chilo palyehrysus (Meyrisk)(Lepidoptera : Pyralidae), in rice varieties. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1985. 3 microfiches (122 fr.). (T MF20128) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 20] Chilo tumidicostalis Siriwan Tunkhumtong. Ecological study of the sugarcane moth borer, Chilo tumidicostalis (Hampson) (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) and its natural enemies. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 75 p. (T E21915) Chimeric protease-binding protein Wimol Petkanchanapong. Significance of proteases from Burkholderia pseudomallei, development of monoclonal antibody and engineering of a chimeric protease-binding protein. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 189 p. (T E15501) Chimeric protein Chartchalerm Isarankura Na Ayudhya. Engineering of chimeric protein for binding to metal ions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 163 p. (T E15190) Chin language--Phonology Khoi Lam Thang. A phonological reconstruction of Photo Chin. Chiang Mai : Payap University, 2001. 173 p. (T E20322) Chin-sha River [China] Tawach Prechthai. Relationship between phytoplankton and water quality in the Tha Chin river. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 130 p. (T E17148) China Aroonwadee Chanawong. Molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum beta-lactmases among gram-negative bacilli isolated from Thailand and the People's Republic of China. Leeds : University of Leeds, 2001. 255 p. (T E19146) Janette Techathanapol. The role of People's Republic of China and the United States in the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) from 1994-2004. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 98 p. (T E35584) Li, Fei. Market orientation analysis of rural enterprises in Henan province, P.R. China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 96 p. (T E16467) Nguyen, Thi Kim Xuan. The effects of power control on decision making from the coalition perspective : a case study of the representation of China in the United Nations in 1971. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 201 p. (T E38304) Pishayasinee Mulapruk. Implications of China's globalization for Asean trade and economic growth. Madison : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005. 190 p. (T E36460) Su, Yufang. Building collective tenure for sustainable forest management in a multi-ethnic community : a case study in Taohua Administrative Village of Lijiang, Yunnan, People's Republic of China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 139 p. (T E16497) Wu, Yan. The evolution of consumer behavior in the life insurance business : a case study of consumers in Shanghai, the People's Republic of China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 168 p. (R E18157) China aster Luckana Phetpradap. Seed production in China aster (Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees.). Palmerston North : Massey University, 1992. xxv, 280 p. (T E7907) China culture Cai, Li. Local perceptions on the impact of tourism development on Bai culture in Dali Old Town of Dali Bai autonomous prefecture, Yunnan, China. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 70 p. (T E28967) Dung, Thi Phuong Nguyen. China's cultural diplomacy in Southeast Asia from the 1990s to the present : a case study of Thailand and Vietnam. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 117 p. (T E39316) China fir Roongreang Poolsiri. Soil properties and nutrient cycling in four plantations of temperate tree species in northern Thailand. Vienna : University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, 2003. 176 p. (T E22108) China--Description and travel Cai, Li. Local perceptions on the impact of tourism development on Bai culture in Dali Old Town of Dali Bai autonomous prefecture, Yunnan, China. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 70 p. (T E28967) Chanin Yoopetch. Chinese tourism research. Bangkok : Faculty of Business Administration University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, 2002. 37 p. (R E39206) China--Economic conditions Dongyi, Liu. An analysis of foreign direct investment in China's special economic zone : a case study of Shenzhen. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1991. (ix), 223 p. (T E7894) Nyi Nyi Thaung. Myanmar's economic reform and its implications on foreign trade. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1996. 186 p. (T E10446) China--Foreign relations--ASEAN countries Ornjira Phupaiboon. An analysis of China's relations with ASEAN : from hostility to hospitality?. Montreal : Department of East Asian Studies, 2006. 52 p. (T E36928) China--Population Anuson Chinvanno. Thailand's policies towards the People's Republic of China, 1949-1957. Oxford : University of Oxford, 1988. 372 p. (T E39833) China--Population--Health and hygiene Tang, Songyuan. On using health information website to improve the reproductive health in rural Yunnan of China : perceived attributes of innovation and its utilization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 145 p. (T E24041) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 21] Chinatown Pakinee Sangsawang. A linguistic study of the trading business names of the Chinese Thais : a case study in Samphanthawong district, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 151 p. (T E19899) Siriyanee Siriyananthorn. Shophouses of the Chinese in Bangkok's Chinatown 1960-2000. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 77 p. (T E30167) Chinese Li, Zhinan. Institutional sustainability for water resource management : a case study of Dong people's water resource management in Zengchong village, Congjiang country, Guizhou province, P.R. China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 161 p. (T E23195) Pailin Chernpech. Problems concerning tourism in Thailand faced by the Chinese from the People's Republic of China. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 179 p. (T E39577) Pakinee Sangsawang. A linguistic study of the trading business names of the Chinese Thais : a case study in Samphanthawong district, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 151 p. (T E19899) Wang, Fang. The utilization of hormone replacement therapy for menopause : a community-based study in urban Wuhan, China. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 200 p. (T E18680) Wilasinee Fungladda. Mate selection among Thais of Chinese origin : case study in the municipal area, Ayutthaya province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 92 p. (T E19366) Xia, Haiou. Postpartum adaptation of Chinese women. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 93 p. (T E15673) ยุทธนา วรุณปติกุล. พิธีกรรมกินเจในสังคมชาวจีนภาคใต : กรณีชาวจีนใน อ.ตะกั่วปา จ.พังงา. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 160 หนา. (วพ 98917) Chinese Americans Kajornkiat Kwanthong. A study of the needs of Chinese immigrants in Amy Tan's novels. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2004. 140 p. (T E22106) Chinese astronomy Kwantip Sa-nguanpong. Horoscope writing styles of Chinese astrology : a case of the 1999 guide to Feng Shui. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2001. 317 p. (T E16925) Chinese cabbage Wannee Apirukkhit. Study on storage life extension of vegetable by aloe vera gel solution. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 94 p. (T E19325) Chinese cabbage--Breeding Prasit Noree. Breeding behaviors of parental inbreds for seed production of Chiness cabbage hybrid ASVEG #1. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (4), 68 p. (T E8235) Chinese cabbage--Seeds--Processing Prasit Noree. Breeding behaviors of parental inbreds for seed production of Chiness cabbage hybrid ASVEG #1. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (4), 68 p. (T E8235) Chinese convolvulus จรัญ ดิษฐไชยวงศ. การผลิตเมล็ดพันธุผักบุงจีน = Seed production of Chinese convolvulus. พิจิตร : ศูนยวิจัยพืชสวนพิจิตร , 2536. 11 หนา. (ว 96328) จรัญ ดิษฐไชยวงศ. การศึกษาผลผลิตและคุณภาพเมล็ดพันธุผักบุงจีนจากระยะเวลา และวิธีการปลูกที่ตางกัน = Study on yield and quality of Chinese convolvulus seed from different planting dates and cultural practices. พิจิตร : ศูนยวิจัยพืชสวนพิจิตร, [2535]. 15 หนา. (ว 96326) จรัญ ดิษฐไชยวงศ. ศึกษาระดับสาร NAA ในการปรับปรุงคุณภาพเมล็ดพันธุผักบุงจีน = Application of NAA on seed quality improvement of Chinese convolvulus. พิจิตร : ศูนยวิจัยพืชสวนพิจิตร, [2541]. 8 หนา. (ว 96330) Chinese hamster ovary cells Saengchai Akeprathumchai. Virus clearance during microfiltration. Fort Collins : Colorado State University, 2003. 246 p. (T E22156) Chinese immigrant Kaewkarn Silphiphat. The origin and development of the Phuket Vegetarian Festival. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 95 p. (T E38676) Chinese in Thailand Hill, Ann Maxwell. Familiar strangers : the Yunnanese Chinese in northern Thailand. Illinois : University of Illinois, 1982. 3 แผน (157 เฟรม). (T MF09727) Chinese in Thailand--Manners and customs Bao, Jiemin. Marriage among ethnic Chinese in Bangkok : an ethnography of gender, sexuality and ethnicity over two generations. Berkeley : University of California, 1994. 282 p. (T E8735) Chinese in Thailand--Marriage customs and rites Bao, Jiemin. Marriage among ethnic Chinese in Bangkok : an ethnography of gender, sexuality and ethnicity over two generations. Berkeley : University of California, 1994. 282 p. (T E8735) Chinese kale Weeraya Karnpanit. Lead and cadmium contents in organic, hygienic and conventional chinese kales. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 152 p. (T E33387) Wipada Plodkornburee. Residual studies of methamidophos and profenofos in chiness kale and green kuang fotsoi by biochemistry method for safety applications. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1998. 99 p. (T E14103) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 22] Chinese language Apisara Pornrattananukul. Every Chinese listening proficiency guidelines : a case study of Chulalongkorn University students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 128 p. (T E38273) Jurairat So-Bha. A phonological study of Hsing-ning Hakka at Muang district, Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 153 p. (T E17291) Pattra Pichetsilpa. Everyday Chinese speaking proficiency guidelines : a case study of Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 134 p. (T E37526) Pitchanee Sawattayawong. Chinese auspicious signs : a study of semantic representations and application in the Chaozhou Chinese community of Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 160 p. (T E21649) Yadaakhunut Wangset. The use of addressing terms by Chaozhou people in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 143 p. (T E20119) Chinese language schools Marisa Kotani. The changing role of Chinese language schools in Thailand before and after the 1990s. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 90 p. (T E21962) Chinese language--Adjective Jaranya Wichaiprasertsri. A comparative study of adverbs "Jiu" and "Cai" in Mandarin Chinese and their Thai equivalents. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 149 p. (T E40215) Paisan Sukjairungwattana. A comparative study of adverbs "Zai" and "You" in Mandarin Chinese and /i : k/ in Thai. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 130 p. (T E39020) Chinese language--Dialects wandee Saengtummachai. A phonological study of the Meixian Hakka dialect in Bangkok, Thailand, in comparison with Hashimoto's study of the Meixian Hakka dialect in China. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 154 p. (T E20350) Chinese language--Grammar Duangkamon Mongkhonlarpcharoen. Pedagogical grammar of Chinese pivotal sentences for Thai university students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 133 p. (T E39007) Wakul Theerawongsakorn. Pedagogical grammar of the aspect "ZHE" in Mandarin Chinese for Thai University students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 124 p. (T E37556) Chinese language--Grammar--Study and Teaching Phornphan Thongbanchachai. Pedagogical grammer of Mandarin Chinese negation "BU" and "MEI(YOU)" for Thai university students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 122 p. (T E36087) Chinese language--Idioms--Study and teaching Theerawat Theerapojjanee. A corpus-based study of commonly used chinese idioms and their pedagogical design : a case study of Thai university students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 179 p. (T E37932) Chinese language--Idions Pattarapong Purnngam. A comparative study of Chinese and Thai idiomatic expressions as reflecting images of women. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 145 p. (T E40279) Waralak Saeueng. A comparative study of Chinese and Thai idiomatic expressions as related to birds. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 138 p. (T E40287) Chinese language--Phonetics Wichet Atchariyasucha. A phonological study of swatow of chinese as spoken in Bangkok with comparisons to Thai. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 microfiches (134 fr.). (T MF20449) Chinese language--Phonology Panchai Poonwathu. The Yunnanese Chinese phonology. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (120 fr.). (T MF20129) Chinese language--Prepositions--Study and teaching Chi-fen, Chen. Syntactic and semantic analysis of Mandarin Chinese preposition "GEI" and its teaching applications. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 135 p. (T E41267) Chinese language--Reading Sansanee Ek-atchariya. Chinese reading proficiency guidelines : a case study of Chulalongkorn University students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 150 p. (T E38364) Chinese language--Semantics Kamolwan Noppadolsathan. A comparative study of the meanings of words and idiomatic expressions relating to colors in Chinese and Thai languages. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 171 p. (T E39010) Chinese language--Standardization Guo, Dingjun. Developing of an IMMCAI package for learning the Chiness language. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 86 p. (T E13456) Suwanna Sombunsukho. Creating of an IMMCAI package for learning the Chinese language. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 86 p. (T E15679) Chinese language--Study and teaching Chen, Shu-Chuan. A methodology of teaching Hanyu pinyin for elementary students at international schools in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 143 p. (T E39011) Nicha Sintateeyakorn. A study of Chinese near synonym and its teaching design. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 126 p. (T E36085) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 23] Chinese language--Usage Nontaporn Prompitukporn. The daily use of Mandarin among the Chinese-Thais in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 144 p. (T E17779) Chinese language--Ussage Suree Choonharuangdej. BA and BEI constructions in Chinese : implications of development and usage in comparison with Thai. Wisconsin : University of Wisconsin Madison, 2003. 202 p. (T E24792) Chinese learners Li, Xuan. A study of language learning strategies used by Chinese graduate students of science at Qingdao Technical University in the PRC : a quantitative and qualitative study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 199 p. (T E33876) Chinese literature ไพรัตน เทศพานิช. ความคิดทางการเมืองในสามกกและเจาผูปกครอง = The political thought of the three kingdoms in relation to machiavelli's the prince. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 188 หนา. (วพ 100316) Chinese Muslim societies Imanaga, Seiji. The research of the Chinese Muslim society in northern Thailand. Hiroshima : Hiroshima University, 1990. 241 p. (R E12953) Chinese poetry Puriwan Waranusast. A comparative study of the moon image in Chinese and Thai classical poetry. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 158 p. (T E40674) Chinese shrine conservation รุง สุจินันทกุล. การศึกษาเพื่อเสนอแนวความคิดในการอนุรักษศาลเจาจีนในกรุงเทพฯ ที่สรางขึ้นชวงสมัยรัชกาลที่ 1 ถึงรัชกาล ที่ 5 = The study for conservation concept of Chinese shrines in Bangkok : between the Reign of King Rama I and King Rama V. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 272 หนา. (วพ 108986) Chinese sprangletop Supatida Sirisawat. Molecular aspects of fenoxaprop-resistant Chinese sprangletop (Leptochloa chinensis L. Nees). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 69 p. (T E24869) Chinese students Chulaporn Kongkeo. Effects of rhythmic method in multimedia lessons and learning exposure upon English pronunciation achievement of Thai and Chinese undergraduates with different learning styles. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 100 p. (T E21822) Chinese style sausage Pimkasem Soom-im. Effect of tomato powder on lipid oxidation of vacuum packaged Chinese-style sausage. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 68 p. (R E39652) Chinese Thai women จินตนา งามสวาง. การอบรมเลี้ยงดูบุตรของสตรีไทยเชื้อสายจีนในกรุงเทพมหานคร = The child socialization of Chinese Thai women in Bangkok Metropolis. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 355 หนา. (วพ 109078) Chinese Thais Nontaporn Prompitukporn. The daily use of Mandarin among the Chinese-Thais in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 144 p. (T E17779) Chinese tourism Chanin Yoopetch. Chinese tourism research. Bangkok : Faculty of Business Administration University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, 2002. 37 p. (R E39206) Chinese--Bangkok Janida Eiampailin. The phonological interference of Swatow in Standard Thai by Chinese speakers in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 260 p. (T E23842) Siriyanee Siriyananthorn. Shophouses of the Chinese in Bangkok's Chinatown 1960-2000. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 77 p. (T E30167) Chinese--Indonesia Mahmud, M. Syoib. Knowledge, attitude and practice of family planning of an ethnic Chinese community in Kotamadya.... Palem : University of Sriwijaya, 1978. 53 p. (R E40) Ram Warisa. Fertility and mortality of the Chinese community in Kabupaten and Kotamadya Pontianak. Pontianak : University Tanjungpura, 1979. vi, 72 p. (R E1231) Chinese--Thailand Pananda Lerlertyuttitham. Chinese proverbs in Tae'tsiw society in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 130 p. (T E17290) Chinese-Thai families กมลาศ สาลี. อิทธิพลของคานิยมของครอบครัวที่มีผลตอความสัมฤทธิ์ทางการศึกษาของบุตร : กรณีศึกษาครอบครัวไทยเชื้อ สายจีนเขตบางรัก กรุงเทพมหานคร = The impact of families' values on children's academic achievement : a case study of Chinese-Thai families living in Bangrak district Bangkok Metropolis. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 127 หนา. (วพ 112382) Chinese-Thai relations Boonchai Kosolthanakul. Changing patterns of Chinese-Thai relations : a case study in contemporary application of the balance of power. Virginia : University of Virginia, 1993. ix, 513 p. (T E7262) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 24] Chineses herb Nattha Pattanakul. Comparison and prevention on mutagenicity presented after nitrite treatment between Chicken soup prepared in the presence and absence of Chinese herb recipes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 77 p. (T E21050) Chips อานุภาพ บุญสงศรีกุล. การออกแบบชิปการประชุมทางโทรศัพทโดยใชภาษาวีเอชดีแอล. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 127 หนา. (วพ 93201) Chiral Nantakan Wongkasem. Computational and theoretical investigation of micro- and nano-scale chiral electromagnetic metamaterials. Lowell : University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2006. 190 p. (T E36431) Suppattanapong Dumrongrattana. Characterization of a chiral smectic C liquid crystal. Minnesota : University of Minnesota, 1985. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E22383) Chiral amino alcohol Paethong Srikaenjan. Asymmetric michael reaction catalyzed by metal-chiral amino alcohol complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 91 p. (T E27883) Chiral aminoalcohol ligand Vorawit Banphavichit. Synthesis of novel chiral ligands for catalytic asymmetric reactions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 320 p. (T E35873) Chiral analysis Thumnoon Nhujak. Quantitative aspects of capillary electrophoresis and chiral analysis. York : University of York, 2001. 203 p. (T E19180) Chiral drugs Ornuma Konghuirob. Enantiomeric separation of alcohols by gas chromatography using cyclodextrin derivatives as stationary phases. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 108 p. (T E38373) Penpun Wetwitayaklung. Synthesis and QSAR studies of enantiomerically pure benzopyrano [3,4-b] [1,4] oxazines. Vienna : University of Vienna, 2001. 489 p. (T E18988) Roongnapa Suedee. Evaluation of stereoselective dissolution of salbutamol from the formulations with chiral excipients. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, [1999]. 26 p. (R E14424) Todsapon Pothisamutyothin. Gas chromatographic enantiomeric separation of alcohols using derivatized alphacyclodextrin stationary phase. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 112 p. (T E37539) Wiranee Iamsam-ang. Enantiomeric separation of aromatic alcohols by gas chromatography using derivatized beta-cyclodextrins as stationary phases. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 87 p. (T E21588) Chiral fragrance compounds Tapanee Hongratanaworakit. Effects of chiral fragrance compounds on human physiological parameters and on mental and emotional condition by inhalative and massage administration. Vienna : University of Vienna, 2000. 267 p. (T E16068) Chiral salen Arpornrat Nanatalaksakul. Novel polyether containing chiral salen complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 74 p. (T E20548) Chiral schiff Woraluk Mansawat. Synthesis of alpha-aminonitrile using novel chiral schiff base catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 135 p. (T E34793) Chiral separation Nadnudda Rodthongkum. Enantiomeric separation of phenoxy acid methyl esters by gas chromatography using derivatized beta-cyclodextrins as stationary phases. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 131 p. (T E38331) Chironomidae Rojana Surakarn. Biological studies of some chironomids (diptera : chironomidae) dwelling in paddy fields. Japan : Tottori University, 1997. 241 p. (T E11028) นุกูล แสงพันธุ. การเลี้ยงหนอนแดงในถาดดวยวิธีการยายไขจากบอวางไข = The culture of midge (Chironomid) larvae in the shallow round tray by collecting the eggs from spawning pond. สุพรรณบุรี : วิทยาลัยเกษตรและเทคโนโลยี สุพรรณบุรี, 2540. 24 หนา. (ว 92356) Chironomids Deacha Tapunya. Impact of pesticides use on macroinvertebrate community and cholinesterase activity of chironomids at Ban Mae Sa Mai Chiang Mai province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 99 p. (T E16258) Chiropterophily Sara Bumrungsri. The role of the nectarivorous bat, Eonycteris spelaea Dobson, in pollination of economic food plants [durian, sator, and riang] in southern Thailand. Songkhla : Department of Biology Prince of Songkla University, 2007. 61 p. (R E37873) Chirstianity นิภา เมืองรัตน. ความสัมพันธระหวางพฤติกรรมการสื่อสาร ความทันสมัยและความเชื่อ ความศรัทธา และการปฏิบัติศาสนกิจของ คริสตศาสนิกชนคาทอลิก = The relationship of communication behavior, modernization and the people's belief, faith, religious practice among Catholics. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 149 หนา. (วพ 100359) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 25] Chisocheton penduliflorus Jarinporn Phongmaykin. Bioactive chemical constituents from Chisocheton penduliflorus and cf. Aglaia erythrosperma. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 335 p. (T E37543) Chitan deacetylase นันทนา นิ่มเจริญนิยม. การผลิตและการทําไคติน-ดีอะเซทิลเลส จาก Rhizopus oligosporus NS1 ใหบริสุทธิ์ = Production and purification of chitin deacetylase from Rhizopus oligosporus NS1. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 113 หนา. (วพ 105589) Chitin Abhinya Plikomol. Antifungal activity from chitinolytic enzymes producing microorganisms. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, [1999]. 38 p. (R E13334 c.1; E13335 c.2) Akamol Klaikherd. Preparation of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and chitooligosaccharide by enzymatic hydrolysis of chitin and chitosan with serum from para rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 127 p. (T E21517) Alisa Vangnai. Immobilization of papain on chitin for natural rubber latex deproteinization. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 142 p. (T E9801) Amporn Chalouydumrong. Screening of chitinases in some crops and partial purification of the enzyme from angled loofah Luffa acutangual Roxb.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 98 p. (T E12433) Apanchanid Thepouyporn. Study of nucleotide sequence and expression of chitinase gene from Bacillus circulans No.4.1 in Escherichia coli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 106 p. (T E14224) Chirasak Kusonwiriyawong. Application of chitin and chitosan as film formers in propranolol hydrochloride sustained-release film coated tablets compared with celluloses. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 267 p. (T E12576) Jintana Chamnanmanoontham. Adsorption of water-soluble dyes on chitin and chitosan. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 157 p. (T E15250) Kessuda Luengteerapap. Preparation and properties of chitosan microspheres from giant black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon shell. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 82 p. (T E21870) Kingduean Somjit. Study on the effect of shrimp chitin and shrimp chitin hydrolysate on the state of water and denaturation of lizardfish [Saurida wanieso] myofibrillar protein during dehydration and frozen storage. Nagasaki : Nagasaki University, 2004. 103 p. (T E36539) Krisana Siraleartmukul. Effects of degree of deacetylation and molecular weight of chitosan and bead preparation on the controlled drug release. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 102 p. (T E25107) Krissana Auynirundronkul. Production of aminosugar from squid pen chitin by fungal biocatalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 68 p. (T E38385) Niramol Sakkayawong. Application of chitin in textile wastewater treatment. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 130 p. (T E28935) Nirat Pholphana. Chitinolytic enzymes of Bacillus licheniformis ; partial purification, characterization and mosquito larvicidal property. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 138 p. (T E9998) Parichart Laixuthai. The preliminary study on the preparation of water-soluble chitin and chitosan derivatives. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1998. 44 p. (R E12077 c.1; E12078 c.2) Parichat Chomto. Application of chitin and chitosan as disintegrant in paracetamol tablet. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xviii, 179 p. (T E7458) Patcharaporn Siwayaprahm. Purification and characterization of chitinase from Escherichia coli harboring recombinant plasmid containing chitinase encoding gene from Bacillus circulans NO.4.1. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 123 p. (T E33572) Paweena Pongclontri. Purification and characterization of chitin-specific lectins from fruit pericarp and seedlings root of angled loofab (Luffa acutangula Roxb.). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xiv, 111 p. (T E7625) Phanphen Aojanepong. Enhancement of dissolution of hydrochlorothiazide by chitin and its derivatives via various dispersion techniques. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xvii, 154 p. (T E8291) Pongdej Ekwanijcha. Adsorption of copper(II) and zinc(II) in 0.01 M hydrochloric acid solution by chitosans. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 125 p. (T E14922) Ratana Rujiravanit. Preparation and characterization of hydrogel from chitin derivative and silk fibroin. Bangkok : Petroleum and Petrochemical College Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 94 p. (R E20882) Rewadee Nakdee. Determination of characteristics of chitin and chitosan = การศึกษาคุณสมบัติของไคตินและไคโต ซาน. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1997. 33 p. (R E12031) Rujira Dolphen. Adsorption of synthetic reactive dye wastewater by modified chitin. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 87 p. (T E31404) Rungtiwa Chidthong. Wet spinning of chitosan fibres and their characterisation. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 132 p. (T E16409) Sasitorn Prugmahachaikul. Release characteristics of the matrices prepared from co-spray dried powder of propranolol hydrochloride and chitosan. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 143 p. (T E9835) Siwaphorn Jaiyongka. Effects of deacetylation variables of chitin on characteristics of chitosan products in relation to tablet-disintegrating properties. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xi, 146 p. (T E6816) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 26] Chitin (ตอ) Sorachon Yoriya. Effects of processing variables in the production of chitosan monofilament fibres via the wet spinning process. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 139 p. (T E17975) Suchada Natesuwon. Immune response in mice produced by lecithin and carboxymethyl chitin walled tetanus toxoid microcapsules. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xii, 191 p. (T E7381) Sumet Kittipoom. A study of modified chitosan for binding of iron (III). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 128 p. (T E12586) Supida Tubtimthep. Screening and cloning of crystalline chitin degrading chitinase gene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 84 p. (T E19056) Surakit Chunharotrit. Chitin derivative for controlled release system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 41 p. (T E13091) Wanpen Tachaboonyakiat. Chemical modification of chitin/chitosan; an approach for processing thermoplasticchitin blend. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 48 p. (T E13093) Wasinee Prakobkij. Preparation of N,N'-diacetylchitobiose from chitin by enzymatic hydrolysis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 90 p. (T E38218) นวลพรรณ ณ ระนอง. การคัดเลือกเชื้อกลายพันธุของ Paecilomyces sp. ที่ผลิตเอนไซมยอยไคตินสูงและมีเอนไซมยอยโปรตีน ต่ํา = Isolation of Paecilomyces sp. chitianase-overproducing mutants with low protease production. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 29 หนา. (ว 100831) Chitin deacetylase Srisurang Tantimavanich. Cloning and sequencing of chitin deacetylase. Bangkok : Faculty of Medical Technology Mahidol University, 2001. 18 p. (R E19913) Chitin hydrolysis Wipa Suginta. Functional and structural characterisation of Vibrio carchariae : medical application from bioconversion of chitin. Nakhon Ratchasima : Institute of Science Suranaree University of Technology, 2004. 39 p. (R E26579) Chitin whiskers Wicharanee Tongsima. The development of chitosan buccal patch formulatiion for verapamil hydrochloride. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 188 p. (T E33322) Chitin--Analysis Virunpob Supab. Effects of chitin synthesis inhibitor on the larval stages of aedes aegypti linnaeus culex quinquefasciatus say and their natural enemies. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. vii, 90 p. (T E6294) Chitinase Amporn Chalouydumrong. Screening of chitinases in some crops and partial purification of the enzyme from angled loofah Luffa acutangual Roxb.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 98 p. (T E12433) Chompunut Kanjanakorn. Nucleotide sequence of chitinase gene from Pseudomonas maltophilia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 105 p. (T E12483) Chutima Kuekulvong. Antifungal activity against Sclerotium rolfsii by antagonistic microorganisms isolated from soil and Dendrobium orchid. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 118 p. (T E40363) Janjaras Sermsatanaswadi. Characterization of chitinase and partial gene cloning from Microbacterium sp. TUO5. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 98 p. (T E18933) Kamontip Kuttiyawong. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of chitinase gene from Burkholderia cepacia TU09. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 99 p. (T E18930) Kamontip Kuttiyawong. Effects of mutation of surface aromatic residues on the mode of action of CHI60 from Serratia sp. TU09. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 109 p. (T E35917) Monthon Lertcanawanichakul. Co-expression of chitinase and Cry3A encoding genes in Bacillus thuringiensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 228 p. (T E15279) Monthon Lertcanawanichakul. Expression of recombinant chitinase genes from Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas maltophilia in Bacillus thuringiensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 142 p. (T E10036) Navaporn Posayapisit. A molecular study of chitinase gene of Thai isolated baculovirus Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 120 p. (T E19804) Nuntaree Sirichotpakorn. Coexpression of chitnase and the cry11Aa1 Toxin genes in Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 212 p. (T E17440) Panutda Youdsang. Cloning and characterization of chitinase gene from hepatopancreas from black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 137 p. (T E34996) Patcharaporn Siwayaprahm. Purification and characterization of chitinase from Bacillus No.4.1. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 158 p. (T E10901) Patcharaporn Siwayaprahm. Purification and characterization of chitinase from Escherichia coli harboring recombinant plasmid containing chitinase encoding gene from Bacillus circulans NO.4.1. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 123 p. (T E33572) Phetrung Phanphiriya. Purification and characterization of chitinase from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HD1(G). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 133 p. (T E14678) Prakarn Ruldeekulthamrong. Design of DNA primers for chitinase gene cloning from Bacillus licheniformis PR-1. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 111 p. (T E18937) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 27] Chitinase (ตอ) Ratchaneewan Aunpad. Halophilic chitanase : cloning of its gene and characterization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 162 p. (T E23506) Santhana Nakapong. Nucleotide sequencing and expression of chitinase gene from Bacillus sp. PP8. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 144 p. (T E23592) Sanya Kudan. Chitinase from thermotolerant bacteria : enzyme characterization and gene cloning. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 148 p. (T E19414) Sanya Kudan. Protein engineering of bacterial chitinase for N-acetylchitooligosaccharide production. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 173 p. (T E38226) Saranya Thaithanun. Study of chitinase enzyme from Bacillus thuringiensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 161 p. (T E12470) Srisuda Trakunaleamsai. Cloning and characterization of chitobiase from Aeromonas caviae D6. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 140 p. (T E40942) Supat Chareonpornwattana. The study of chitinase gene silencing in homozygous transgenic rice. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 197 p. (T E12390) Supida Tubtimthep. Screening and cloning of crystalline chitin degrading chitinase gene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 84 p. (T E19056) Surang Thamthiankul. Characterization and production of chitinase from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. pakistani and its transformants. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 148 p. (T E14200) Surang Thamthiankul. Construction of chromosomal engineered Bacillus thuringiensis serovar aizawai expressing a transcriptionally fused chitinase gene during sporulation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 165 p. (T E23753) นันทา เชิงเชาว. การแสดงออกของยีนตานเชื้อรา (เบตา-1, 3-กลูคาเนสและไคติเนส) ในยางพารา = Expression of antifungal genes (beta-1, 3-glucanase) and chitinase in Hevea brasiliensis. สงขลา : ภาควิชาชีวเคมี มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2543. 39 หนา. (ว 111464) นารีลักษณ นาแกว. การผลิตไคติเนสโดยเชื้อราในการหมักแบบแหงบนอาหารแข็งเปลือกกุง = Chitinase production by mold in solid-substrate fermentation of prawn and shrimp shells. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 86 หนา. (วพ 113469) พูนศุข ศรีโยธา. เอนไซมสลายไคตินและคุณสมบัติในการเรงปฏิกิริยา = Chitin degrading enzymes and their catalytic properties. นครราชสีมา : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสุรนารี, 2539. 47 หนา. (ว 95344) มณีรัตน มีพลอย. การเตรียมใหบริสุทธิ์บางสวนและสมบัติของไคทิเนสจาก Bacillus cereus = Partial purification and characterization of chitinase from Bacillus cereus. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 105 หนา. (วพ 108811) Chitinase A Wipa Suginta. Functional and structural characterisation of Vibrio carchariae : medical application from bioconversion of chitin. Nakhon Ratchasima : Institute of Science Suranaree University of Technology, 2004. 39 p. (R E26579) Chitinase gene Apanchanid Thepouyporn. Study of nucleotide sequence and expression of chitinase gene from Bacillus circulans No.4.1 in Escherichia coli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 106 p. (T E14224) Apinan Sirirattanathon. Expression of recombinant chitinase genes from Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas maltophilia in Escherichia coli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 97 p. (T E11260) Kuakarun Krusong. Cloning of DNA fragment containing chitinase gene from burkholderia cepacia. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 101 p. (T E14700) Srisurang Tantimavanich. Cloning of chitinase gene from Bacillus licheniformis TP-1 in Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Aizawai and study of its effect towards spodoptera exigua. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 165 p. (T E11723) Sujaree Son-ngay. Sequence analysis and expression of chitinase gene from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. pakistani in Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 228 p. (T E10908) Thongchai Taechowisan. Cloning and heterologous expression of chitanase gene from an endophytic actinomycete for antifungal activity improvement. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 268 p. (T E21473) Chitinolytic Nuanphan Naranong. Production and characterization of chitinolytic enzymes from microorganisms. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 231 p. (T E11000) Chitinolytic enzymes Nirat Pholphana. Chitinolytic enzymes of Bacillus licheniformis ; partial purification, characterization and mosquito larvicidal property. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 138 p. (T E9998) Chitinous materials Narisa Lehduwi. Study on utilization of chitinous materials. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 2002. 20 p. (R E18122) Chitobiase Srisuda Trakunaleamsai. Cloning and characterization of chitobiase from Aeromonas caviae D6. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 140 p. (T E40942) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 28] Chitooligosaccharide Akamol Klaikherd. Preparation of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and chitooligosaccharide by enzymatic hydrolysis of chitin and chitosan with serum from para rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 127 p. (T E21517) Narisa Lehduwi. Study on utilization of chitinous materials. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 2002. 20 p. (R E18122) Chitosan Akamol Klaikherd. Preparation of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and chitooligosaccharide by enzymatic hydrolysis of chitin and chitosan with serum from para rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 127 p. (T E21517) Ampai Chanachai. Synthesis of chitosan based polymer membranes and transport model development in dehydration of aqueous ethanol solution by pervaporation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 195 p. (T E15574) Apinee Dvitiyananda. Study of spray-dried chitosan acetate as adsorptive carrier of mango leaf extract. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 142 p. (T E33743) Aranee Torcharoenrungduan. Preparation and characterization of chitosan-coated alginate nanoparticles containing dacarbazine. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 79 p. (T E40919) Arisara Muangkum. Comparative safety and efficacy of chitosan as nasal absorption enhancer of salmon calcitonin. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 187 p. (T E13220) Atchareeya Chomchoei. Effects of chitosan on food spoilage bacteria. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 117 p. (T E21491) Atchariya Faikrua. Development of matrix from collagen/chitosan or collagen/PVA blended for application in skin tissue engineering. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2007. 163 p. (T E37938) Atchariya Jarusruangnil. Microencapsulation of indomethacin by complex coacervation of chitosancarboxymethylcellulose and chitosan-pectin. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 177 p. (T E12779) Banthita Saengsitthisak. Epigallocatechin gallate loaded chitosan nanoparticles. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai Univerity, 2007. 165 p. (T E38576) Borarin Buntong. Effects of coating materials on postharvest quality of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 170 p. (T E23564) Budiraharjo, Rusdianto. Loofa reinforced gel carriers for yeast immobilization in ethanol fermentation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 106 p. (T E35902) Chalonglarp Tangsadthakun. The influence of molecular weight of chitosan on physical and biological properties of collagen/chitosan scaffolds. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 148 p. (T E37930) Chamaiporn Mutchapato. Preparation of biocompatible polymeric thin films by layer-by layer assemblies of Chitosan and poly (Styrene sulfonate). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 68 p. (T E34792) Chanchit Leesatjakul. Formulation development and evaluation of hydrophobic base containing herbal extracts for oral ulcers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 120 p. (T E39345) Chanikan Kantahan. Effect of chitosan coating on storability of tangerine orange. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 92 p. (R E23151) Chinanat Sasisil. Improvement of the mechanical properties of chitosan monofilament fibres by blending with poly (ethylene oxide). Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 144 p. (T E23348) Chirasak Kusonwiriyawong. Application of chitin and chitosan as film formers in propranolol hydrochloride sustained-release film coated tablets compared with celluloses. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 267 p. (T E12576) Cholwasa Bangyekan. Preparation of laminated film from cassava starch and chitosan. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 102 p. (T E23585) Chotiros Eiamsa-ard. Removal of water-soluble dyes by absorption using chitosan. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 116 p. (T E20807) Chutima Saratid. Effect of surfactants on the formation of chitosan nanoparticles.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 79 p. (T E30141) Jarupa Viyoch. Development of isosorbide dinitrate transdermal patch using crosslinked-chitosan as ratecontrolling membranes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 192 p. (T E14653) Jintana Chamnanmanoontham. Adsorption of water-soluble dyes on chitin and chitosan. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 157 p. (T E15250) Kamonwan Chucheep. Effects of chitosan coating on quality of harvested strawberry. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 103 p. (T E15490) Kanignun Kotchadat. Effects of chitosan on Fusarium solani causative a soybean related-sudden death syndrome pathogen. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 92 p. (T E33480) Kanokwan Toma. The effect of crosslinking methods on performance of chitosan/hydroxyethylcellulose (CS/HEC) blended membrances for dehydration of ethanol solution by pervaporation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 75 p. (R E15987) Kanya Anantakul. In vitro release characteristics of indomethacin chitosan beads. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 108 p. (T E10064) Kessuda Luengteerapap. Preparation and properties of chitosan microspheres from giant black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon shell. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 82 p. (T E21870) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 29] Chitosan (ตอ) Kongsak Pannguen. Smart material from chitosan hydrogel containing barakol. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 94 p. (T E36089) Kotchanat Vongtip. Synthesis of catalysts-supported chitosan for catalytic remediation of lindane. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 119 p. (R E40860) Krisana Siraleartmukul. Effects of degree of deacetylation and molecular weight of chitosan and bead preparation on the controlled drug release. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 102 p. (T E25107) Kwanjai Satchatham. Decolorization of dyeing wastewater by chitosan from dried shrimp shell. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 96 p. (T E23295) Lakkana Julsaeng. Study on the efficiency of total arsenic removal by molybdate-impregnated chitosan gel beads. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 83 p. (T E21132) Maleenart Petchsangsai. Development of a novel gene carrier using water soluble chitosan derivatives. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 123 p. (T E37426) Marasri Phetdee. Development of chitosan coated liposomes for delivering tamarind fruit pulp's AHAs to skin. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2007. 106 p. (T E38248) Mayura Wittayasuporn. Chitosan nanoparticle as all-trans-retinyl acetate carrier : characterization and controlled release. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 119 p. (T E39065) Nang Kyu Kyu Win. Effects of plant extract, chitosan coationg, hot water treatment and their combinations on postharvest crown rot diseases of banana cv. Kluai Hom Thong. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 111 p. (T E25080) Narongsak Kowi. Study of column performance of biosorbent from immobilization of Sargassum polycystum in chitosan matrix for cadmium removal. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 95 p. (T E21794) Nichakorn Khondee. Treatment of oily wastewater by chitosan immobilized bacteria. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 125 p. (T E40881) Noppong Pongchaisirikul. Functional group modification on the surface of chitosan film via reaction of amino group. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 62 p. (T E19048) Paitoon Seanbualuang. Effects of chitosan on growth and production of rice Oryza sativa Pathum Thani 1. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 60 p. (T E38972) Parichart Laixuthai. The preliminary study on the preparation of water-soluble chitin and chitosan derivatives. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1998. 44 p. (R E12077 c.1; E12078 c.2) Parichat Chomto. Application of chitin and chitosan as disintegrant in paracetamol tablet. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xviii, 179 p. (T E7458) Parkpoom Tengamnuay. Efficacy and mechanistic studies of chitosan as nasal absorption enhancer of peptide drugs. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 141 p. (R E12361) Parkpoom Tengamnuay. Efficacy and mechanistic studies of chitosan as uasal absorption enhancer of peptide drugs. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 144 p. (R E14304) Peerapong Hanpichanchai. Controlled release of granular fertilizer using chitosan coating. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 82 p. (T E20764) Peesamai Jenvanitpanjakul. Preliminary study on the use of chitosan in nickel coated pet paper. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1996. 25 p. (R E12223 c.1; E13195 c.2) Piyaphak Hiranras. Formulation of Garcinia mangostana Linn. extract buccal mucoadhesive film. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 234 p. (T E34513) Pongdej Ekwanijcha. Adsorption of copper(II) and zinc(II) in 0.01 M hydrochloric acid solution by chitosans. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 125 p. (T E14922) Prachanart Kittikaiwan. Encapsulation of Haematococcus pluvialis using chitosan for astaxanthin stability enhancement. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 70 p. (T E35810) Prajuporn Sinchaikit. Comparision of chitosan and polymetracrylate ester copolymer as drug released controlling film in propranolol hydrochloride pellets using chitosan as binding agent. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 93 p. (T E10885) Prapasri Sinswat. Effect of chitosan on nasal absorption of salmon calcitonin in rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 266 p. (T E14627) Preeyanat Vongchan. Synthesis and purification of chitosan polysulfate for determining the anticoagulant activities and in vitro immune response. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 230 p. (T E19295) Ratana Rujiravanit. Preparation and characterization of hydrogel from chitin derivative and silk fibroin. Bangkok : Petroleum and Petrochemical College Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 94 p. (R E20882) Rattana Miphokasap. Controlled release of lidocaine and diclofenac from chitosan particles. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 63 p. (T E39073) Rewadee Nakdee. Determination of characteristics of chitin and chitosan = การศึกษาคุณสมบัติของไคตินและไคโต ซาน. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1997. 33 p. (R E12031) Rungtiwa Chidthong. Wet spinning of chitosan fibres and their characterisation. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 132 p. (T E16409) Rutchanee Nonthabenjawan. Nanoparticles from cinnamate chitosan derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 103 p. (T E38952) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 30] Chitosan (ตอ) Sakon Punwittayakool. Immobilization of horseradish peroxidase in mesoporous silica/silver nanoparticle/chitosan composite material for biosensor application. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 110 p. (T E41211) Sasitorn Prugmahachaikul. Release characteristics of the matrices prepared from co-spray dried powder of propranolol hydrochloride and chitosan. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 143 p. (T E9835) Sawitri Iamtrakoon. Using chitosan from crab shell for industrial wastewater treatment : a case study of electronics industry. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 133 p. (T E14473) Sirikarn Prisawong. Development of terbutaline sulfate transdermal patch by using chitosan and polyvinyl derivatives as adhesive matrices. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 184 p. (T E19481) Sirimarn Palawooth. Dissolution improvement of artemisinin using chitosan as a solubilizer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 93 p. (T E33323) Siwaphorn Jaiyongka. Effects of deacetylation variables of chitin on characteristics of chitosan products in relation to tablet-disintegrating properties. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xi, 146 p. (T E6816) Somruethai Channasanon. Preparation and protein adsorption of polyion complex thin film of chitosan and chitosan derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 58 p. (T E38384) Somying Boonwan. Preparation of chitosan beads containing auxin hormones. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 113 p. (T E18960) Sopida Hirunshotipong. Synthesis of quaternary ammonium chitosan and its application to fruit coating. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 45 p. (T E34761) Sorachon Yoriya. Effects of processing variables in the production of chitosan monofilament fibres via the wet spinning process. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 139 p. (T E17975) Suchada Ampin. Adsorption of mercuric chloride and phenylmercuric acetate from aqueous solution using chitosan beads. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 75 p. (T E20765) Suchada Boonlertnirun. Effects of chitosan on agronomic characters and some physiological responses of rice [Oryza sativa L.] cultivar Suphanburi 1 under drought condition. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 89 p. (T E36277) Suchawadee Wiratthikowit. Quality improvement of edible film produced from chitosan extract from black tiger shrimps [Penaeus monodon Fabricius]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 79 p. (T E17366) Suda Limvongsuwan. In vitro penetration of lycopene-loaded nanoparticles using chitosan as a stabilizer. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 134 p. (T E35832) Sumalai Srikumlaithong. Preparation of chitosan from shell of black tiger shrimp and synthesis of its derivatives for enhancement of heavy metal adsorption = การเตรียมไคโตซานจากเปลือกกุงกุลาดําและการสังเคราะห อนุพันธเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการดูดซับโลหะหนัก. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1998. 12 p. (R E12346 c.1; E12347 c.2) Sumet Kittipoom. A study of modified chitosan for binding of iron (III). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 128 p. (T E12586) Sumitra Ratananontachai. Physical and drug permeability characteristics of chitosan-anionic polymer complex films. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 156 p. (T E12108) Sunisa Panboon. Electrospinning of poly (vinyl alcohol)/chitosan fibers for wound dressing applications. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2005. 87 p. (T E30181) Supaporn Iabhuay. Preparation of copolymer of low molecular weight polylactic acid and chitosan using crosslinking agents. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 107 p. (T E40748) Supason Wanichweacharungruang. Nano-particles with UV-filtering property from chitosan derivatives. Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Chulalongkorn University, [2007]. 40 p. (R E35925) Supason Wanichwecharungruang. Nano-particles with UV-filtering property from chitosan derivatives. Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 57 p. (R E39599) Suppajit Sukkunta. Physical and mechanical properties of chitosan-gelatin based film. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 107 p. (T E33546) Surakit Chunharotrit. Chitin derivative for controlled release system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 41 p. (T E13091) Sutthiwal Setha. Effect of chitosan coating on delayed ripening of Cavendish banana. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 115 p.. (T E13812) Suwimon Kwunsiriwong. Preparation of n-butyl-chitosan crosslinked microspheres as a stationary phase for high performance hydrophobic interation chromatography. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2007. 90 p. (T E37370) Tantawan Kachanechai. Effects of chitosan and protein hydrolysates on cold-set gelation of salt soluble proteins and raw restructured chicken meat. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 234 p. (T E37591) Taveesak Kamolsiripichaiporn. Preparation of diclofenac sodium-chitosan microspheres and their matrix tablets by spray drying and pelletization techniques. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 227 p. (T E20151) Teerawat Sahasathian. Controlled release of amoxicillin from alginate-gelatin-chotosan beads. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 110 p. (T E39572) Temsiri Wangtaveesab. Photocrosslinkable chitosan as a scaffold for tissue engineering. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 71 p. (T E34798) Thawatchai Phaechamud. Effect of variables in chitosan film formulations on propranolol hydrochloride tablets. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 265 p. (T E12515) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 31] Chitosan (ตอ) Thawatchai Phaechamud. Film-coating of chitosan onto propranolol hydrochloride tablets : approach to fast and extended drug releases. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 523 p. (T E19548) Thawatchai Phaechamud. Mechanism of drug release from layered matrix containing chitosan and xanthan gum. Nakhon Pathom : Faculty of Pharmacy Silpakorn University, 2006. 78 p. (R E34659) Thirawan Sitthai. A study of functionalization of chitosan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 88 p. (T E8524) Thorsak Kittikorn. Modification of chitosan for anionic dyes removal from waste water. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 98 p. (T E16657) Tidarat Pattanothai. Design of a permeability cell for measuring the permeability of VOC. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 160 p. (R E19801) Tidarat Vijithuttagune. Preparation and characterization of blends of chitosan and tyrosine-derived polycarbonate. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 63 p. (T E21550) Varaporn Cholumpai. Utilization of chitosan for chelation of lead in waste water. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 76 p. (T E11982) Vasavis Punnasukhirom. Investigation on structural and energetic properties of chitosan membrane surface of PEM fuel cell by quantum chemical calculations. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 68 p. (T E36269) Verachai Kositchaiyong. Controlling the release of diclofenac sodium from the pellets coated with a complex of chitosan and sodium alginated or pectin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 150 p. (T E12182) Vichit Thammawan. Adsorption of mercuric chloride and phenylmercuric acetate from aqueous solution using chitosan flakes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 73 p. (T E18798) Vuthipong Puengpipat. Use of ATR FT-IR spectroscopy technique to determine the crosslinking density of chitosan film at various depths. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 88 p. (T E17215) Walailak Namwijitphan. Controlled release of chitosan film coated tablets by osmotic and diffusion mechanisms. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 171 p. (T E37958) Wanpen Tachaboonyakiat. Chemical modification of chitin/chitosan; an approach for processing thermoplasticchitin blend. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 48 p. (T E13093) Wanravee Chantore. Capacities of some chitosans for adsorption with iron (II) in 0.01 M hydorchloric solution. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 130 p. (T E14712) Waradda Mattanavee. Immobilization of biomolecules on surface of polycaprolactone for artificial skin application. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 87 p. (T E34960) Warayuth Sajomsang. Synthesis and antibacteral activities of quaternary ammonium chitosan containing aromatic moieties. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 130 p. (T E38275) Waree Tiyaboonchai. Preparation and evaluation of chitosan-carboxymethylcellulose sustained release microcapsules containing indomethacin. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 137 p. (T E12177) Warunee Leesajakul. Application of chitosan as release rate-controlling membrane in isosorbide dinitrate transdermal patch. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 134 p. (T E12154) Wasan Sirisungworawong. Determination of trace heavy metals by flow injection analysis with in-line preconcentration on chitosan. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 88 p. (T E20145) Wicharanee Tongsima. The development of chitosan buccal patch formulatiion for verapamil hydrochloride. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 188 p. (T E33322) Wichit Nosoongnoen. The study of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intranasal and intrarectal insulin in rat using various sources of chitosans as a permeability enhancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 187 p. (T E14527) Wiwat Pichayakorn. Development of oral Japanese encephalitis vaccine delivery systems by micro/nanoparticle technology using chitosan and solid lipid as rate controlling materials and adjuvants. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 126 p. (T E39322) Wudtichai Wisuitiprot. Development of chitosan microparticle containing assum tea extract. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2007. 70 p. (T E38246) Yaowamand Angkitpaiboon. Preparation of surface-charged chitosan for selective bioresponses. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 65 p. (T E34527) Yupaporn Kitkulnumchai. Enhancement of reactive dye uptake on cellulose fabric with chitosan. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 91 p. (T E34976) Yuvaree Chuentongaram. Chemical treatment of the slaughterhouse wastewater with chitosan and/or ferric chloride as a preliminary treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 138 p. (T E24204) สุมาลัย ศรีกําไลทอง. การผลิตไคโตซานจากหัวกุงกุลาดําและการใชประโยชนในการดูดซับโลหะหนัก = Production of chitosan from carapace of black tiger shrimp and its utilization for heavy metal adsorption. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศไทย, 2540. 16 หนา. (ว 97627) สุมาลัย ศรีกําไลทอง. ปจจัยของการผลิตที่มีผลตอคุณสมบัติของไคโตซาน = Effect of process conditions on properties of chitosan. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศไทย, 2540. 12 หนา. (ว 97617) Chitosan derivatives Maleenart Petchsangsai. Development of a novel gene carrier using water soluble chitosan derivatives. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 123 p. (T E37426) Chitosan film Akasith Leerahawong. Physical and antimicrobial properties of chitosan film containing cinnamaldehyde. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 82 p. (T E40949) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 32] Chitosan film (ตอ) Jurmkwan Sangsuwan. Development of chitosan/methylcellulose film for fresh-cut fruit. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 141 p. (T E41272) Nirun Jatupaiboon. Bacteria cellulose-chitosan film from microbial synthesis by Acetobacter xylinum. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 64 p. (T E39015) Noppong Pongchaisirikul. Functional group modification on the surface of chitosan film via reaction of amino group. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 62 p. (T E19048) Sununta Atsawasuwan. Organic solvent resistance of glutaraldehyde crosslinked chitosan film. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 77 p. (T E20556) Chitosan films Jurairat Nunthanid. Physicochemical characterization of chitosan films and drug loaded chitosan flims. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 199 p. (T E17824) Saranya Jongaroontaprangsee. Comparative study of effects of different drying techniques and conditions on properties of chitosan films. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 66 p. (R E35843) Wimonsiri Amornchai. Surface modification of chitosan films by grafting with aldehyde derivatives of ethylene glycol. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 47 p. (T E34919) Chitosan membrane Tidarat Pattanothai. Design of a permeability cell for measuring the permeability of VOC. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 160 p. (R E19801) Chitosan monofimlament fibres Sorachon Yoriya. Effects of processing variables in the production of chitosan monofilament fibres via the wet spinning process. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 139 p. (T E17975) Chitosan polysulfate Preeyanat Vongchan. Synthesis and purification of chitosan polysulfate for determining the anticoagulant activities and in vitro immune response. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 230 p. (T E19295) Chitosan salts Porawan Aumklad. Effect of molecular weight and salt forms of chitosan on epithelial permeability using Caco-2 cells. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 98 p. (T E37429) Chitosan surfactant polymers Pimpun Chumningan. Modification of urinary catheter surface to improve infection resistant property. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 111 p. (T E33210) Chitosan-polyacrylic acid Visith Chavasit. Studies in food science for industrial applications : chemical and sensory analysis of fermented cucumber ; insoluble chitosan-polyacrylic acid complexes. Corvallis : Oregon State University, 1990. 161 p. (T E40591) Chitosanase Santhana Nakapong. Nucleotide sequencing and expression of chitinase gene from Bacillus sp. PP8. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 144 p. (T E23592) Chitra chitra nutphand--Reproduction Wachira Kitimasak. Natural history and captive breeding of the Siamese Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle Chitra chitra Nutphand, 1986. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 128 p. (T E21743) Chlamydia infections Maitree Pakarasang. Chlamydial infection in normal rural women : an assessment of laboratory diagnosis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1996. 98 p. (T E10124) Suphat Pecharatana. The application of molecular technology in the study of human chlamydia trachomatis infections. Southampton : University of Southampton, 1993. xv, 184 p. (T E7730) Chlamydia infections--Diagnosis Somchai Lokpichat. Polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic tool for Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 95 p. (T E10185) Chlamydia pneumoniae Chanyuth Pongkun. Direct immunofluorescence for diagnosis of upper respiratory tract infections by Chlamydia pneumoniae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 70 p. (T E37733) Khuanjai Ketwong. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of major outer membrane protein and 16S rRNA genes for detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 92 p. (T E16903) Somying Ngamurulert. Detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute respiratory illness. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 98 p. (T E14971) Chlamydia trachomatis Kanchana Raksakait. A study on viruses, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae in pediatric cases admitted with lower respiratory tract infection at Siriraj Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xi, 130 p. (T E8044) Kanlaya Wongworapat. Nucleotide sequence variation of the genital Chlamydia trachomatis MOMP gene. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 99 p. (T E16484) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 33] Chlamydia trachomatis (ตอ) Karnjana Hrimpeng. Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis by polymerase chain reaction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xi, 113 p. (T E7851) Maitree Pakarasang. Chlamydial infection in normal rural women : an assessment of laboratory diagnosis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1996. 98 p. (T E10124) Pranee Leechanachai. Typing of chlamydia trachomatis by using molecular biology technique. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences Chiang Mai University, 2001. 99 p. (R E19612) Punnarai Veeraseatakul. Genotyping and nucleotide sequence polymorphism of the VD4-MOMP gene of Chlamydia trachomatis detected in Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 99 p. (T E13445) Punnipa Siripermpool. The importance of chlamydia trachomatis, herpes simplex virus and genital mycoplasmas in genital tract infections. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 3 microfiches (161 fr.). (T MF19990) Sirichai Pookkapund. Establishment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis detection by using Inhouse TaqmanR-based multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 117 p. (T E39689) Somchai Lokpichat. Polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic tool for Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 95 p. (T E10185) Suphat Pecharatana. The application of molecular technology in the study of human chlamydia trachomatis infections. Southampton : University of Southampton, 1993. xv, 184 p. (T E7730) Wimolporn Boonyaung. Laboratory diagnosis and genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis by using polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 77 p. (T E10511) Wimon Chanchaem. Evaluation of rapid immunoperoxidase assay for detecting Chlamydia trachomatis infections in non-specific urethritis patients = ประเมินผลการใชวิธี rapid immunoperoxidase สําหรับตรวจการติดเชื้อ Chlamydia trachomatis ในผูปวยหนองในเทียม. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 3 microfiches (125 fr.). (T MF20537) จริยา ชมวารินทร. การใชเทคนิคดีเอนเอไฮบริไดเซชั่นและการปรับปรุง EIA สําหรับใชตรวจหาเชื้อคลามัยเดีย ทราโคมาติส จาก สิ่งสงตรวจปากมดลูก = DNA hybridization and development of EIA for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis from cervical specimens. ขอนแกน : คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 74 หนา. (ว 99387 ฉ.1; 104953 ฉ.2) Chlamydia trachomatis--Diagnosis Yingrit Chantarasuk. Assessment of laboratory diagnosis of chlamydia and gonococcal infection and development of ELISA for Chlamydia trachomatis diagnosis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1998. 176 p. (T E12158) Chlamydiales Yingrit Chantarasuk. Assessment of laboratory diagnosis of chlamydia and gonococcal infection and development of ELISA for Chlamydia trachomatis diagnosis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1998. 176 p. (T E12158) Chlamydomonas gloeogama Gunyavee Saipun. Detection of copper, zinc-superoxide dismutase in Chlamydomonas gloeogama and Chlorella vulgaris. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 100 p. (T E22899) Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Suporn Nuchadomrong. Paraquat resistance in chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xvii, 194 p. (T E6507) Surasak Siripornadulsil. Molecular characterization of heavy metal metabolism in transgenic microalgae [Chlamydomonas reinhardth]. Ohio : Ohio State University, 2002. 275 p. (T E19152) สุคันธรส ธาดากิตติสาร. เฟอริดอกซินเอนเอดีพีรีดักเตสใน Chlamydomonas reinhardtii สายพันธุตานพาราควอท. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2535. ณ, 126 หนา. (วพ 56252) Chloral hydrate Suneerat Kongsayreepong. " Oral ketamine plus midazolam" Vs. "Oral chloral hydrate" as a sole sedative agent for short diagnostic radiological procedure in pediatric patient : a blinded, randomized (1:1) controlled trial. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 51 p. (T E33676) Chlorampenicol Chompoonut Tiansiripipat. Development of sequential injection analysis method for determination of norfloxacin and chloramphenicol. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 310 p. (T E39541) Chloramphenical Anong Patmasiriwat. Improvement of chemical stability of chloramphenicol base by B-cyclodextrin complexation = การปรับปรุงความคงตัวทางเคมีของยาคลอแรมเฟนิคอลเบสโดยการทําเปนสารประกอบเชิงซอนของเบตาไซโคลเด็กซ ทริน. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 2 microfiches (104 fr.). (T MF20523) Chloramphenicol Chatchai Tayapiwatana. Establishment of competitive ELISA for the detection of chloramphenical. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences Chiang Mai University, 2004. 36 p. (R E24583) Nuntaree Sirichotprakorn. The effects of cryIVB terminator fragments on expression of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene (cat) in bacillus thuringiensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xvii, 180 p. (T E7238) Siriwan Ruengsawad. Improving stability of chloramphenicol eye drops via vehicle compositions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. xviii, 181 p. (T E6988) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 34] Chloramphenicol (ตอ) Sukanda Sanohniti. Characterization of the novel hexachlorobenzene dechlorination anaerobic consortia from a contaminated canal. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 111 p. (T E35378) Ubonwan Jotekratok. Molecular analysis of chloramphenicol resistance in staphylococci. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 80 p. (T E18207) Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene Nuntaree Sirichotprakorn. The effects of cryIVB terminator fragments on expression of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene (cat) in bacillus thuringiensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xvii, 180 p. (T E7238) Chloramphenicol base Anong Patmasiriwat. Improvement of chemical stability of chloramphenicol base by B-cyclodextrin complexation = การปรับปรุงความคงตัวทางเคมีของยาคลอแรมเฟนิคอลเบสโดยการทําเปนสารประกอบเชิงซอนของเบตาไซโคลเด็กซ ทริน. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 2 microfiches (104 fr.). (T MF20523) Chloramphenicol Chloromycetin Siriwan Ruengsawad. Improving stability of chloramphenicol eye drops via vehicle compositions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. xviii, 181 p. (T E6988) Chloramphenicol residues Benjawan Kongcheep. Development of chromatographic methods for determination of chloramphenicol residues in milk powder and shrimp. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 79 p. (T E26634) Chloramphenicol resistance Sasinee Bunyarataphan. Identification of membrane transporter gene [s] in Burkholderia pseudomallei. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 164 p. (T E19790) Chloramycetin Varisada Silaon. Chloramphenicol for ophthalmic solution containing 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 115 p. (T E12139) Chlorates Bist, Narayan Bahadur. Monitoring of chlorate in soil and water of some longan orchards in Chiang Mai province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 87 p. (T E35191) Sarawut Somnam. Development of stopped-flow injection methods for determination of phosphate and chlorate. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 64 p. (T E23255) Thanyarat Chuesaard. Determination of copper and chlorate by flow injection analysis. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 124 p. (T E21369) Chlorella Chaunjit Chanchitpricha. The use of microalgae for color and chemical oxygen demand removal in treated molasses wastewater. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 108 p. (T E14592) Lunchakorn Prathumratana. Removal of Chlorella sp.. in treated septage by moina macrocopa. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 215 p. (T E21013) Nonticha Jamkangwan. Molecular characterization of cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. and micro-algae Chlorella spp. and Scenedesmus spp. isolated in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 130 p. (T E27721) Parinya Noomnual. Factors affecting treatment efficiency and growth of Chlorella sp. in treated septage. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 150 p. (T E20175) Piralada Bunnag. Removal of arsenic from water by freshwater algae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 134 p. (T E14839) Piyavadee Srivichai. Removal of bisphenol A by Chlorella vulgaris var. vulgaris and Hapalosiphon hibernicus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 116 p. (T E33649) Ratana Asawasinsopon. Removal of Chlorella sp. in treated synthetic swine wastewater by Moina macrocopa. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 129 p. (T E14033) Somchit Suknunta. Toxic effects of salinity and surfactant on the growth of algae, Chlorella sp. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. ii, 107 p. (T E6778) Supatarawanit Sawangdee. DNA fingerprints and beta-carotene and Quercetin contents in green micro-algae Chlorella spp. and Scenedesmus spp.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 68 p. (T E35867) วชิรัคณา เจริญสักสวรรค. การศึกษาการสะสมสังกะสีและแคดเมียมโดยสาหรายสีเขียวเซลเดียว Chorella sp.. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2531. 3 แผน (133 เฟรม). (วพ MF22748) วีนา ชูโชติ. การศึกษาสภาวะที่เหมาะสมในการเพิ่มปริมาณสาหราย Chlorella sp. = Optimization of growth and cultivation in microalgal, Chlorella sp.. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 31 หนา. (ว 100830) Chlorella saccharophila Chaunjit Chanchitpricha. The use of microalgae for color and chemical oxygen demand removal in treated molasses wastewater. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 108 p. (T E14592) Chlorella vulgaris Chaunjit Chanchitpricha. The use of microalgae for color and chemical oxygen demand removal in treated molasses wastewater. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 108 p. (T E14592) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 35] Chlorella vulgaris (ตอ) Gunyavee Saipun. Detection of copper, zinc-superoxide dismutase in Chlamydomonas gloeogama and Chlorella vulgaris. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 100 p. (T E22899) Paitip Thiravetyan. Adsorption of gold from bioleaching process by chlorella vulgaris. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 132 p. (R E19617) Woranan Nakbanpote. Thioureation of chalcopyrite ore and gold-thiourea adsorption by Chlorella vulgaris and rice husk. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 225 p. (T E16521) Chlorella vulgaris--Contamination Guntharee Sripongpun. Effects of mercuric chloride and zinc sulphate on chlorella vulgaris. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 microfiches (139 fr.). (T MF20183) Chlorfluazuron Wipit Nasaree. Evaluation of the response of plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera : Yponomeutidae) to continuous selection pressure by diafenthiuron and chlorfluazuron. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1993. (26), 238 p. (T E7885) Chlorhexidine Amornrat Wonglamsam. Properties of an alginate (Jeltrate) mixing with various concentrations of chlorhexidine solutions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 117 p. (T E15004) Chureerat Kanchanakaew. Assessment of leakage of roots filled with EpiphanyR and ResilonR after final irrigation with 2 percent chlorhexidine. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 88 p. (T E40280) Jinda Winarukwong. The effects of chlorhexidine on the migration of human periodontal ligament fibroblast. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 54 p. (T E18488) Mullika Sirirat. Effect of chlorhexidine mouthwash on healing after periodental flap surgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, [19--]. 10 p. (R E2215) Sanutm Sutdhibhisal. One year private practice clinical trial of a chlorhexidine local delivery agent. Minnesota : University of Minnesota, 2000. 84 p. (T E19165) Sittichai Koontongkaew. Amphiphilic property of chlorhexidine and its toxicity against streptococcus mutans GS-5. Songkhla : Prince Songkla University, 1994. 6p. (R E9395) Thalerngsak Samaksamarn. Antibacterial effect on Enterococcus faecalis of Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation compared to two irrigating solutions in root canals of extracted human teeth. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 80 p. (T E40673) Chloride Nguyen, Bao THACH. Estimate of service life of concrete structures in marine environment. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 110 p. (T E35319) Chloride ingress Rangsan Wongjeeraphat. Effect of fly ash on chloride ingress. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 102 p. (T E18555) Chloride ion Somboon Chintitanun. Oxidation of nitrobenzene by fluidized-bed fenton process in the presence of chloride ions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 124 p. (T E39857) Supasin Suwannachoat. Investigation of reduction of iodate to iodide prior to kinetic determination of iodine using cerium [IV]-arsenic[III] reaction. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 151 p. (T E17099) Chloride secretion Chatsri Deachapunya. The role of calcium-dependent signaling pathways on ion transport in endometrial epithelial cells. Bangkok : Department of Physiology Srinakarinwirot University, 2002. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E19695) Chlorides Chakrit Sirisinha. A study to develop plastic magnets based on poly (vinyl chloride) and barium ferrite composites. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xi, 105 p. (T E7515) Nuttira Kongsingha. Comparison of PdCl2 and Pd(No3)2 precursors in catalytic CH4/CO2 reforming. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 92 p. (R E16502) Peti Thuwajit. Studies in chloride-bicarbonate exchanger gene AE1 mutations in subjects with Southeast Asian ovalocytosis and distal renal tubular acidosis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 220 p. (T E14096) Pornpimol Chinaratanavetch. Effects of cadmium chloride on isolated rat hepatocytes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1984. 2 microfiches (103 fr.). (T MF20039) Somchet Chewcharoen. Acceleration of chloride ingress into fly ash concrete. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 78 p. (T E19425) Suchinda Chaturapit. The effects of 8. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1977. 2 แผน (66 เฟรม). (T MF09666) Chlorinated compounds Niwat Athiwattananont. Catalyst development for polyethylene synthesis : effect of chlorinated compounds on ziegler catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 60 p. (T E14295) Chlorinated hydrocarbons Tassimon Wiriyachan. Measurement of chlorinated hydrocarbons adsorbed on polyethylene film by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 87 p. (T E21562) Wutichai Yentongchai. Analysis of some chlorinated hydrocarbons in water by headspace technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 155 p. (T E6810) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 36] Chlorinated hydrocarbons (ตอ) แกวตา กิตติกนกรัตน. การกําจัดคลอริเนเตดไฮโดรคารบอนจากน้ําเสียหองปฏิบัติการเคมี โดยใชผงเหล็ก = Dechlorination of chlorinated hydrocarbons from laboratory wastewater by zero-valent iron. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 119 หนา. (วพ 109940) Chlorinated organic compounds โสฬส สุวรรณยืน. การบําบัดสารอันตรายประเภทสารประกอบคลอไรดในน้ําทิ้งโรงงานพิมพกระดาษ โดยกระบวนการทาง ชีววิทยา = Biological treatment of chlorinated organic compounds in wastewater from printing paper industry. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันพัฒนาและฝกอบรมโรงงานตนแบบ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, [2542]. 117 หนา. (ว 113299 ฉ.1; 127106 ฉ.2) Chlorinated paraffin Aree Siriputtichaikul. Preparation of chlorinated paraffins from light distillate. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 88 p. (T E12703) Chlorinated phenolic compounds สาวิตรี ผาตยานนท. การกําจัดสารประกอบคลอริเนเตตฟนอลจากน้ําทิ้งโรงงานผลิตเยื่อและกระดาษโดยใชผงเหล็ก = Dechlorination of chlorinated phenolic compounds from pulp and paper mills wastewater by zero-valent iron. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 104 หนา. (วพ 109949) Chlorinated polyethylene Jantagarn Guaysomboon. A study of relationships between phase morphology, oil resistance, aging properties and mechanical properties in chlorinated polyethyl and natural rubber blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 187 p. (T E19291) Nilobon Phewthongin. Rheological and mechanical properties in sulphur vulcanised chlorinated polyethylene and natural rubber blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 196 p. (T E33838) Sirichai Pattanawanidchai. A study of relationships of phase morphology, oil resistance, ageing properties and mechanical properties in sulphur vulcanised chlorinated polyethylene and natural rubber blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 145 p. (T E24328) Chlorinated rubber Kittima Wongtawatchai. Preparation of chlorinated rubber from epoxidized natural rubber using sodium hypochlorite/sodium chloride. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 107 p. (T E27763) Pattnaporn Phonpiboon. Preparation of chlorinated rubber from epoxidized natural rubber and sodium chloride. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 100 p. (T E40943) Sumittra Samingprai. Blending poly (vinyl chloride) with used rubber tire. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 108 p. (T E35324) Chlorinated volatile organic compounds Wichai Suriyakrai. Adsorption behavior of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in an aqueous solution by mesoporous molecular sieves. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 99 p. (T E19413) Chlorinated water Wuttinant Nanthaprayoon. Attitude of industrial entrepreneur toward utilization of chlorinated water substituting for groundwater as a factor of production : a case study of Krathumban district, Samut Sakhon. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 123 p. (T E35727) Chlorination Aree Siriputtichaikul. Preparation of chlorinated paraffins from light distillate. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 88 p. (T E12703) Mukda Chea. Factors affecting the occurrence of halogenated hydrocarbon pollutants in swimming pools. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 101 p. (T E10786) Siriwat Radabutra. Surface modification of vulcanized natural rubber and its adhesion to synthetic rubbers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 176 p. (T E40357) Tussanee Sriwilailert. Properties of partially chlorinated rubbers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 59 p. (T E22737) Chlorine Chalatip Ratasuk. Comparison of haloacetic acid removal between biological activated carbon and nanofiltration. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 119 p. (T E31461) Kanokkarn Sa-nguanwong. Determination of chlorine-containing anions by ion chromatography. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 162 p. (T E20704) Nares Anannavee. A relative risk study using route segment for chlorine transportation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 184 p. (T E20438) Oranuch Thanaketpaisarn. In vitro studies on effects of octyl methoxycinnamate and some chemical substances on human hair qualities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 165 p. (T E12395) Orapat Phrudthaparmoke. Water dechlorination by activated carbon adsorption. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 108 p. (T E12405) Pangpen Luengektin. A comparision of the risks of automatic and manual chlorine feeding in swimming pool workers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 89 p. (T E33579) Chlorine dioxide Duangporn Sangplang. Efficacies of using a mixture of organic acids and chlorine dioxide in reducing the numbers of Salmonella Typhimurium in processing of frozen chicken. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E18682) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 37] Chlorine--Transportation Sawang Limsuta. A relative risk study for a chlorine transportation route from Samut Prakan province to Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 227 p. (T E17368) Chlorlform Chayanand Khongcharoensuk. Detoxification of chlorobenzene and trichloromethane via hydrodechlorination over catalysts based MCM-48. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 99 p. (T E22895) Chlormequat ประนอม พฤฒพงษ. การผลิตแกลดิโอลัส : ผลของสาร Chlormequat ที่มีตอการเจริญเติบโตของแกลดิโอลัส. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, [2527]. 1 แผน (8 เฟรม). (ว MF21128) Chlormequat chloride ฉลอง นามทิพย. ผลของการใชสาร chlormequat chloride ที่มีตอการเจริญเติบโตและการหอปลีของกะหล่ําปลีที่ปลูกนอกฤดู = Effect of chlomequat chloride on growth and heading of cabbage grown during off-season. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 1 แผน (19 เฟรม). (ว MF21856) Chloroacetanilide Tunlawit Satapanajaru. Remediating chloroacetanilide-contaminated water using zerovalent iron. Nebraska : University of Nebraska, 2002. 95 p. (T E22152) Chloroaniline Kitipol Thowongs. Marker dyes from cashew nut shell extract and chloroanilines. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 107 p. (T E19455) Chlorobenzene Chayanand Khongcharoensuk. Detoxification of chlorobenzene and trichloromethane via hydrodechlorination over catalysts based MCM-48. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 99 p. (T E22895) Chloroform Panot Tangsucharit. The protective role of garlic oil on chloroform-induced toxicity in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 155 p. (T E14494) Sirisak Somsri. Gas phase catalytic hydrodechlorination of trichloromethane to hydrocarbons over mesoporous MCM-41. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 96 p. (T E21226) Sophaphan Intahphuak. Anti-inflammatory and toxic activities of chloroform extract and cycloheptapeptide from Mallotus spodocarpus airy shaw. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 150 p. (T E35108) Wirawat Jalayondeja. Effect of chloroform-methanol extraction and periodic acid oxidation on performance of the lipid associated sialic acid assay in detection of head and neck cancers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 54 p. (T E16550) Chloroform film method Doungdaw Chantasart. Physicochemical properties of tetracaine liposome prepared by chloroform film method. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 95 p. (T E10066) Somsak Tungjairukkandee. Physicochemical properties of liposomal amphotericin B prepared by chloroform film method. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xxiv, 191 p. (T E7233) Chlorohydrocarbons Wutichai Yentongchai. Analysis of some chlorinated hydrocarbons in water by headspace technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 155 p. (T E6810) chlorohydrocarbons Tassimon Wiriyachan. Measurement of chlorinated hydrocarbons adsorbed on polyethylene film by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 87 p. (T E21562) Chloromethylation Wachira Sumonpun. Synthesis of hydrophilic polyethersulfone membrane by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 64 p. (R E40864) Chloromycetin Anong Patmasiriwat. Improvement of chemical stability of chloramphenicol base by B-cyclodextrin complexation = การปรับปรุงความคงตัวทางเคมีของยาคลอแรมเฟนิคอลเบสโดยการทําเปนสารประกอบเชิงซอนของเบตาไซโคลเด็กซ ทริน. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 2 microfiches (104 fr.). (T MF20523) Nuntaree Sirichotprakorn. The effects of cryIVB terminator fragments on expression of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene (cat) in bacillus thuringiensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xvii, 180 p. (T E7238) Ubonwan Jotekratok. Molecular analysis of chloramphenicol resistance in staphylococci. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 80 p. (T E18207) Chloronitroanilines Sewika Chongpiyawarang. Marker dye from cashew nut shell extract and chloronitroanilines. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 160 p. (T E22860) Chlorophenols Nuttakan Nitayapat. Assessment of the toxicity of chlorophenols to the anaerobic microorganisms of landfilled refuse. Glasgow : University of Strathclyde, 2003. 268 p. (T E22320) Sivawan Phoolphundh. The degradation of 2-chlorophenol in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. Karlsruhe : Universitat Fridericiana zu Karlsruhe, 1997. 107 p. (T E11584) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 38] Chlorophenols (ตอ) Somshy Kinakul. High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of phenolic compounds and photooxidation of chlorophenols using titanium dioxide as photosensitizer. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 111 p. (T E18886) Chlorophenyl acrylates Pakamas Tongjareonsirikul. Copolymerization of the fungicidal chlorophenyl acrylates with vinyl acetate. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1987. xix, 109 p. (T E6964) Chlorophyceae Sorawit Powtongsook. Strain selection and culture of Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyceae) for beta-carotene production. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xii, 121 p. (T E6817) วราทิพย วงศพินทุ. การศึกษาสภาวะที่เหมาะสมตอการผลิตเบตาคาโรทีนของสาหราย Dunaliella sp.(Chlorophyceae). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 126 หนา. (วพ 83238) Chlorophyll Hathaitip Sritanaudomchai. Induction of quinone reductase in hepa 1C1C7 murine hepatoma cell line by neem [Azadirachta indica A. uss var, siamensis valeton] flower constituents. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 109 p. (T E17426) Saichol Ketsa. Biochemical studies of pigment changes in normal and green ripening mango fruits = การศึกษา ปจจัยควบคุมการเปลี่ยนสีผิวของผลมะมวงสุกพันธุทองคํา. Bangkok : Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, 1997. 12 p. (R E11949) Wannarat Phoomwongpitak. Meteorogical factors associated with chlorophyll - a concentration in the gulf of Thailand as studied by remote sensing technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 77 p. (T E22840) Chlorophyll A อิชฌิกา พรหมทอง. พลวัตและความหลากหลายของแพลงกตอนพืชในบริเวณปากแมน้ําทาจีน จังหวัดสมุทรสาคร = Dynamics and diversity of phytoplankton in Tha Chin estuary, Samut Sakhon province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 141 หนา. (วพ 108912) Chlorophyll degeadation Thitima Sukonwimonmal. Effect of chemicals on chlorophyll degradation of ball fern (Davallia sp.). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 128 p. (T E13706) Chlorophyll degradation Samak Kaewsuksaeng. Involvement of Mg-dechelating substances in chlorophyll degradation of broccoli [Brassica oleracea L. Italica Group] florets and its control by heat treatment. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 107 p. (T E37460) Tin Ohnmar Win. Physiological and biochemical changes during chlorophyll degradation in lime (Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle, cv. 'Paan'). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 281 p. (T E35677) Chlorophyllase Tin Ohnmar Win. Physiological and biochemical changes during chlorophyll degradation in lime (Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle, cv. 'Paan'). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 281 p. (T E35677) Chlorophyllides Tin Ohnmar Win. Physiological and biochemical changes during chlorophyll degradation in lime (Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle, cv. 'Paan'). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 281 p. (T E35677) Chloroquine Chonnanit Choopayak. The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit III gene and protein sequence analysis in chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 186 p. (T E11211) Nantarudee Juabsamai. Studies on adenylate translocase of the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum and energy requirement for chloroquine action. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xi, 123 p. 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Effects of synthetic sulfuric acid rain on growth of Petunia hybrida. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 108 p. (T E18685) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 39] Chloroviruses Niti Chuchird. Genomic variability and host-range selection of Chloroviruses. Hiroshima : Hiroshima University, 2002. 82 p. (T E18969) Chlorpheniramine Asmuni, Suprihati. Comparison of once daily dose of chlorpheniramine (8 mg) and cetirizine (10 mg) in the treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 84 p. (T E10810) Saowalak Sawangdee. Effect of phenylpropanolamine alone and in combination with chlorpheniramine on blood pressure in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 133 p. (T E34049) Chlorpheniramine maleate Prasarn Manitpisitkul. Effect of amino acids monosaecharides and lipid on the absorption of chlorpheniramine maleate across the rabbit cleum in vitro. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (89 เฟรม). (T MF09274; MF09744) Chlorpheniramine meleate Chorthip Yaempracha. Influence of content and viscosity grades of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and compression force on the release of chlorpheniramine maleate from matrix tablets. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 247 p. (T E17622) Chlorpromazine Cha-onsin Sooksriwongse. The effect of chlorpromazine on peritoneal dialysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 microfiches (129 fr.). (T MF20179) Chlorpyrifos Aran Ngampongsai. Fate to diflubenzuron and chlorpyrifos in a laboratory water-sediment system. Burlin : Humboldt-Universitat, 1998. 144 p. (T E13700) Chlortetracycline Lucksagoon Ganranoo. Development of flow injection and sequential injection systems for the determination of tetracycline, oxytetracycline and chlortetracycline. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 52 p. (T E35161) ทวีศักดิ์ เตชะเกรียงไกร. ผลของการเสริมแบซิทราซิน เมทีลีน ไดซาลิไซเลท รวมกับคลอเตตราซัยคลิน หรือไทโลซีน-ซัลฟา เม็ทธาซีน ในอาหารสุกรระยะหยานม และระยะรุน-ขุน = Effects of bacitracin methylene disalicylate in combination with chlortetracycline or tylosin-Sulfamethazine supplementation in weanling and growingfinishing pig diets. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 53 หนา. (วพ 112094) Chlorzoxazone Woragott Prasertsak. Simultaneous determination of chlorzoxazone and paracetamol in pharmaceutical preparations by absorption spectrophotometry using principal components and partial least-squares multivariate calibration. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 83 p. (T E34614) CHO Tawatchai Ekjeen. The application of channelized hotelling observer in lesion detection in hepatic spect images. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 52 p. (T E40372) Choangiocarcinoma Pithai Kanbutra. Study of tumor restricted antigens in cholangiocarcinoma. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000. 199 p. (T E14916) Chocolate agar อรุณวดี ชนะวงศ. การเตรียมอาหารเสริมสําหรับ Chocolate agar ในรูประเหิดแหง = Preparation of chocolate agan supplement in lyophilized form. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2537. 12 หนา. (ว 74176) Chodri language--Phonetics Vembu, R. Vasantha. A study of clause and sentence structure in the Chodri language, Gujarat, India. Chiang Mai : Payap University, 1999. 176 p. (T E13243) Chodri language--Verb Thomas, P. Christopher. A study of the verb phrase in Chodri. Chiang Mai : Payap University, 1999. 247 p. (T E13244) Choerospondias axillaris Pranom Kunsakorn. Fruit production and seed dispersal of Choerospondias axillaris [Anacardiaceae] in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 131 p. (T E17413) Choheresis Khwanchit Tanphichai. Stimulatory effect and mechanisms of acetophenones on bile secretion in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 157 p. (T E15523) Choirs [Music] Sukchai Pawakarnkadee. Extra curricular elementary school choirs : a case study of Bangkok Christian College boys' choir. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 90 p. (T E33418) Cholangiocarcinogenesis Puangrat Yongvanit. Host factor associated cholangiocarcinogenesis : xenobiotic enzyme activities and level. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 50 p. (R E20992) Cholangiocarcinoma Anunya Nawinprasert. The partial characterization of immunosuppressor [s] derived from cultured human cholangiocarcinoma and cultured human gliomas. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 132 p. (T E17834) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 40] Cholangiocarcinoma (ตอ) Apa Juntavee. The potential role of sialyl Lewisa in cell adhesion and transmigration of cholangiocarcinoma cell lines. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 137 p. (T E23346) Auemduan Prawan. Genetic polymorphism of Cytochrome P450 1A2, N-Acetyltranferase 1 and N-Acetyltranferase 2 genes in northeastern Thai population and association with cholangiocarcinoma. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 141 p. (T E21109) Chanchai Boonla. Expression and characterization of cholangiocarcinoma-associated mucins. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 216 p. (T E23435) Kamoltip Krissadarak. Molecular alterations of genes ; p53, hMSH2 and hMLH1 in patients with cholangiocarcinoma. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000. 90 p. (T E15748) Kanha Muisuk. Alkaline phosphatase isozymes in serum of patients with cholangiocarcinoma. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1998. 111 p. (T E13877) Kanokkan Wattanasin. Plasma tissue factor level in hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 113 p. (T E33236) Kanuengnuch Muenpol. Detection of allelic imbalance on chromosomal region 21q22-qter in cholangiocarcinoma patients using quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 90 p. (T E23437) Nalinee Prempracha. Identification and characterization of tumor markers with potential for diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma in a hamster model. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 169 p. (T E8973) Nanthanit Hongsrijinda. Identification of tumor specific antigens from human cholangiocarcinoma cell line and evaluation of its potential in the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 137 p. (T E10934) Nisana Tepsiri. Investigation of the mechanistic effect of chemotherapeutic drug resistance on human cholangiocarcinoma cell lines in vitro. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Medicine Khon Kaen University, 2004. 54 p. (R E26563) Nopparat Songserm. Antibody to Opisthorchis viverrini : a possible marker for early detection of cholangiocarcinoma, histopathological proven in hamsters with chronic opisthorchis and cholangiocarcinoma. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 93 p. (T E29044) Pakasit Pratoomtone. Effects of vitamin E on the development of cholangiocarcinoma induced by combined nitrite and aminopyrine. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 61 p. (T E9468) Peti Thuwajit. Metastatic effect of TFF1 trefoil protein and MUC5AC mucin on human cholangiocarcinoma cells in vitro. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 43 p. (R E24575) Phoungrat Yongvanich. Investigation of CYP2E1 and CYP2A6 gene expression in cholangiocarcinoma liver tissues. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 97 p. (R E24592) Prattana Samasilp. Characterization of ion channels in Thai cholangiocarcinoma cell lines. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 126 p. (T E24146) Siri Chua-in. Detection of TFF1 trefoil protein and MUC5AC mucin in human cholangiocarcinoma tissues and cell lines. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 30 p. (R E24594) Siriporn Patrakitkomjorn. Two-dimensional electrophoretic patterns of plasma proteins derived from cholangiocarcinoma patient. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000. 100 p. (T E15747) Somkiat Luengpailin. Detection of specific glycoprotein markers in cholangiocarcinoma using lectin blotting. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1995. 130 p. (T E9629) Somkiat Wattanasirichaigoon. The incidence of K-ras codon 12 mutations in cholangiocarcinoma by polymerase chain reaction technique = อุบัติการณการกลายพันธุของยีน-แรส ตําแหนงที่ 12 ในมะเร็งทอทางเดินน้ําดี ซึ่งตรวจ พบโดยวิธีการเพิ่มปริมาณดีเอ็นเอ ดวยปฏิกิริยาลูกโซ. Bangkok : Sri Nakharinwirot University, 1995. vi, 22 p. (R E10329 c.1; E10330 c.2) Sopit Wongkham. Characterization of mucin expressed in liver fluke associated cholangiocarcinoma. Khon Kaen : Department of Biochemistry Khon Kaen University, 2004. 114 p. (R E26552) Sopit Wongkham. Cholangiocarcinoma associated biomolecules and clinical application. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000. 49 p. (R E19937) Sopit Wongkham. Cholangiocarcinoma-associated carbohydrate antigens. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, [1994]. 47 p. (R E13186) Sumonta Tapdara. Microsatellite alterations on the chromosomal region 1p36-pter in cholangiocarcinoma patients. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 100 p. (T E23903) Urai Pongchairerk. The study on association of focal adhesion kinase in HGF-mediated cell proliferation and invasion in human cholangiocarcinoma cell line, HuCCA-1. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 154 p. (T E33703) Wanphen Wannapapho. Induction of inflammatory cytokine expression in epithelial cells and cultured cholangiocarcinoma cells in response to Opisthorchis viverrini antigen stimulation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 117 p. (T E23898) Watinee Chavengrattanachote. The roles of TFF1 trefoil protein in migration of cholangiocarcinoma cell lines. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 113 p. (T E22898) Wichuda Bamrungphon. Evaluation of the potential use of the monoclonal antibody against cholangiocarcinoma associated antigen to detect tumor markers in patient sera by ELISA test. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 89 p. (T E23698) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 41] Cholangiocarcinoma (ตอ) Yupa Kerdpuech. Detection of a possible specific serum marker in opisthorchiasis-associated cholangiocarcinoma patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 101 p. (T E19371) จรีรัตน เอี่ยมสะอาด. ความสามารถในการทํางานของเอนไซม N-acetyltransferase 2 และ P4501A2 ในผูปวยมะเร็งทอ ทางเดินน้ําดี = Metabolic activity on N-acetyltransferase 2 and cytochrome P4501A2 in cholangiocarcinoma. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 84 หนา. (วพ 105631) เต็มดวง ลิ้มไพบูลย. การตรวจวิเคราะหแอนติบอดีตอโปรตีนพี 53 ในซีรัมของผูปวยมะเร็งทอน้ําดี = Analysis of P53 antibodies in sera of patients with cholangiocarcinoma. ขอนแกน : ภาควิชาเคมีคลินิก มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 20 หนา. (ว 103980) รัตนา ธาตุอาภรณ. การเพาะเลี้ยงและการศึกษาคุณลักษณะพื้นฐานของเซลลมะเร็งทอน้ําดี = Establishment and characterization of human cholangiocarcinoma cell line. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 117 หนา. (วพ 109548) วันชัย ไอรารัตน. การศึกษาประสิทธิผลของน้ําสกัดใบฝรั่งและเปลือกผลทับทิมตากแหงในการรักษาอาการทองรวง = A study of the effectiveness of guava leaf (Psidium guajava Linn.) and pomegranate friut bark (Punica granatum Linn.) in antidiarrheal. ขอนแกน : ภาควิชาเภสัชวิทยา มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 20 หนา. (ว 103972) Cholangiocarcinoma cell line มลวิภา วงษสกุล. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบคุณสมบัติของ Cholangiocarcinana cell line ในอาหารเลี้ยงเซลลตางกัน 2 ชนิดใน หองปฏิบัติการ. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2540. 13 หนา. (ว 89383) Cholangiocarcinoma cells Nisana Thepsiri. Examination of the effect of chemotherapeutic drugs on human cholangiocarcinoma cells in vitro. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 31 p. (R E24593) Punsa Khayaiklang. Cytotoxicity of Thai medicinal plants on human cholangiocarcinoma cell lines. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 122 p. (T E26544) มลวิภา วงษสกุล. การศึกษาบทบาทและความเปนไปไดของสารทูเมอรเนโครซีสแฟคเตอร ชนิดแอลฟาตอการทําลาย เซลลมะเร็งคลอแรงจีโอคารซิโนมา (ในหองปฏิบัติการและในสัตวทดลอง) = Study on the possible cytotoxic effect of alpha tumor necrosis factor (แอลฟา=alpha TNF) on cholangiocarcinoma cells (in vitro and in hamster model). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, [2539]. 26 หนา. (ว 89078 ฉ.1; 89079 ฉ.2) Cholangiocarcinoma leukocytes Benjamart Warasiha. Activity of N-acetyltransferase1 (NAT1) in cholangiocarcinoma leulocytes. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000. 95 p. (T E14938) Cholangiocarrinoma Adisak Wongkajornsilp. The identification of immunosuppressor (s) derived from cultured cholangiocarcinoma and other cultured solid tumors. Bangkok : Department of Pharmacology Mahidol University, 2002. 15 p. (R E20074) Cholangiocercinoma Anusorn Krungmee. Local tumor immunology in human cholangiocarcinoma. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 193 p. (T E20662) Cholecystokinin Panupen Sitthisomwong. The effect of Cholecystokinin (CCK) on masseter muscle activity in cat. New Jersey : University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, 1998. 65 p. (T E13507) Cholelithiasis Pongsiri Prathnadi. Inicidence of cholelithiasis in the northern part of Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1991. 15p. (R E9922) Cholera Anongphan Junkuy. PCR detection of Vibrio cholerae serogroups O1 and O139. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 118 p. (T E10968) Jirayut Jaipaew. Characterization of Vibrio cholerae Thailand isolates by ribotyping and detection of genes of VPIII. Pathum Thani : Thammasat University, 2007. 95 p. (T E38090) Jittra Saesor. Quartz crystal microbalance DNA sensor for detection of Vibrio cholerae ctx gene. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 79 p. (T E35060) Natharinee Horata. Development of rapid detection method for vibrio cholerae 01 antigens using amperometric immunosensor technique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 151 p. (T E19845) Nitaya Indrawattana. Novel DNA-based biosensor system for rapid detection of Vibrio cholerae 01. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 105 p. (T E18413) อาภัสสรา ชมิดท. การศึกษา Genomic RNA ของ Hog Cholera Virus Strain ที่พบในประเทศไทย = Study of genomic RNA of hog cholera virus strain in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะสัตวแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 11 หนา. (ว 100658) Cholera--Diagnosis Pipop Maungsiri. Rapid diagnosis for detection of cholora toxin gene by using digoxigenin labeled oligonucleotide probe in frozen shrimp samples. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 170 p. (T E10948) Cholera--Immunological aspects Sunee Teachaarpornkul. Study of CU strain pasteurella multocida for duck cholera vaccine. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. xii, 76 p. (T E6959) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 42] Cholera--Samut Prakan Udomsak Imsawang. Effect of environmental sanitation on cholera morbidity among Thai workers at Samutprakan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xvii, 103 p. (T E6290) Choleresis Khwanchit Tanphichai. Stimulatory effect and mechanisms of acetophenones on bile secretion in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 157 p. (T E15523) Cholestasis Chatsuda Tubtim. Study of acute and subacute toxicity of 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone and its effect on hepatic excretory function. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 167 p. (T E15299) Cholesteatoma Satit Chayaphum. Hearing manifestations of middle ear cholesteatoma : review of the literature and case study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1979. 3 แผน (122 เฟรม). (T MF09142) Cholesterol Boonpa Sukiam. Effects of alendronate on uterine weight and serum cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose and calcium levels in ovariectomized rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17445) Chatpimon Choonprasan. An application of social marketing to promote dietary consumption and exercise behaviors in decreasing hyperlipidemia among non-commissioned officers in Fort Suranaree, Nakornrajasima province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 122 p. (T E17595) Chaveewon Porntadavity. Effect of vitamin E on cholesterol metabolism in rabbits. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. xvii, 94 p. (T E6199) Chawhiwan Kaviruch. Effects of frying methods and types of cooking oil on total fat, cholesterol content and fatty acid pattern of five species of commonly consumed marine fish. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 131 p. (T E18293) Chotirot Chatkaew. Effect of cigarette smoking on lipid profiles in Metropolitant Waterworks employees. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. x, 72 p. (T E8092) Chutima Tippayakul. In vitro study on entrapment of lipids within polysaccharide gel from fruit-hulls of durian. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 98 p. (T E20169) Dusanee Suttapreyasri. The study of vitamin A, C, E supplementation and nutrition education on blood lipids level in the villages of Soongnern district in Nakorn Ratchasima province = ผลของการเสริมวิตามินเอ ซี อี และโภชน ศึกษาตอระดับไขมันในเลือดในหมูบานในอําเภอสูงเนิน จังหวัดนครราชสีมา. Bangkok : Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, 1999. 35 p. (R E13210) Jainuch Kanchanapoo. Studies on the intestinal handling of bile acids : effects of choleretic hydroxyacetophenones on ileal bile acid absorption and the mechanisms of bile acid-induced colonic chloride secretion. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 193 p. (T E33704) Jeeradach Intajarurnsan. Effects of cooking on cholesterol content of various cephalopod and a survey of cephalopod consumption. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 154 p. (T E21199) Kingkarn Boonsuya. Protective effects of thyroid hormones on atherosclerotic formation in rabbits. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 85 p. (T E34997) Koson Sim. Evaluation of partially purified cholesterol esterase for dinical assay of cholesterol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. vii, 61 p. (T E6351) Kunchit Judprasong. Nutritive value of commonly consumed fish : proximate composition, fatty acids and cholesterol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 114 p. (T E10240) Laddawal Phivthongngam. Role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis in rabbits. Hannover : Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Hannover Medical School, 1997. 131 p. (T E11563) Nareerat Chanta. The effectiveness of health promoting program on low density lipoprotein control among the health team personnel in Pathumthani hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 174 p. (T E23825) Narumol Vangvithya. Preparation of ibuprofen liposomes using soybean lecithin by mechanical dispersion method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 157 p. (T E14403) Nongnuch Chupukcharoen. Effect of vitamin E deficiency and vitamin E supplementation on cholesterol metabolism in rabbit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1983. 2 microfiches (111 fr.). (T MF20218) Noppadol Prasertsincharoen. Comparative study of the characteristics of cholesterol esterase isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens, Candida cylindracea, bovine pancreas and porcine pancreas for the kinetic determination of total serum cholesterol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 78 p. (T E18265) Nopparat Thitiwatanakarn. The effects of pravastatin on rat hepatic microsomal and peroxisomal enzymes activity. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 95 p. (T E9993) Nuntaree Chaichanawongsaroj. The role of exercise on serum lipid concentrations varies with Apo E genotype : a study in Thais subjects. Bangkok : Department of Transfusion Medicine Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 47 p. (R E35467) Orapin Choothawornchaikul. Effect of ispaghula husk (Fybogel R) on body weight and biochemical profiles of the obese NIDDM patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 187 p. (T E14728) Phakakrong Areerob. Effects of crude plam oil supplementation on tocopherol and tocotrienal concentrations in blood, adipose tissue, liver, egg yolk and cholesteral concentration in egg yolk of laying hens. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 109 p. (T E27808) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 43] Cholesterol (ตอ) Pikun Thepsuriyanont. Analyses of polymorphisms and mutations in exon 9 of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene in Thai subjects with primary hypercholesterolemia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 112 p. (T E14566) Pilaiwan Siripurkpong. The effects of supplements and Thai herb ingredients on the expression of ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter A1. Bangkok : Medical Technology Department Thammasat University, 2007. 96 p. (R E36977) Pongtorn Sungpuag. Nutritive value of commonly consumed fish : proximate composition, fatty acids and cholesterol = คุณคาทางโภชนาการในปลาที่นิยมบริโภค : สารอาหารหลัก กรดไขมัน และโคเลสเตอรอล. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xiv, 114 p. (R E10267) Sappanyoo Charoensook. Formulation of Vienna sausages containing reduced fat and sodium and modified fatty acid pattern. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 76 p. (T E11907) Siriporn Tanomchart. Study on the effect of 2, 6-dihydroxyacetophenone on cholesterol metabolism in hyperlipidemic hamsters. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 125 p. (T E14985) Somchai Boonpangrak. Semicovalent synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers for cholesterol and engineering of metal binding polymers for biological and biophysical studies. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 129 p. (T E35040) Somsong Lawanprasert. Subchronic exposure of Pueraria mirifica in normal and high cholesterol diet-fed rats : influence on hepatic cytochrome P450, lipid profile and toxicity. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 82 p. (R E35470c.1; E35471c.2) Supaporn Kanathep. Effects of oral administration of terbutaline on serum lipid levels in normal and hypercholesterolemic rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 101 p. (T E15868) Suparat Jirapattarasakul. Occupational stress and health status among traffic policemen in Samutprakarn province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 97 p. (T E21639) Supreeya La-ong. Development of pig brain lipids for drug delivery system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 197 p. (T E13808) Vimonruth Supitug. Production of cholesterol oxidase for clinical assay of cholesterol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. viii, 68 p. (T E8142) Wandee Kahawong. Nutritional health-promoting behavior among hyperlipidemic women. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 233 p. (T E33573) Wanpen Mesomya. Effects of health food from cereal and nata de coco on serum lipids in human. Bangkok : Institute of Food Research and Product Development Kasetsart University, 2004. 14 p. (R E39228) Wattanaporn Suprungruang. Influence of cholesterol analogues on transmembrane pH gradients in trapping of amine drug in liposome. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 95 p. (T E10791) Yaovalak Jantaveesirirat. Comparative study of enzymatic reagents using cholesterol oxidase from Nocardio, Streptomyces and Pscudomonas species for total serum cholesterol determination and preparation of pooled serum for the technicon SMA II primer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. v, 159 p. (T E8206) Cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase Juree Charoenteeraboon. Role of 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone on cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) expression in human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 109 p. (T E33235) Cholesterol esterase Koson Sim. Evaluation of partially purified cholesterol esterase for dinical assay of cholesterol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. vii, 61 p. (T E6351) Noppadol Prasertsincharoen. Comparative study of the characteristics of cholesterol esterase isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens, Candida cylindracea, bovine pancreas and porcine pancreas for the kinetic determination of total serum cholesterol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 78 p. (T E18265) Cholesterol lowering effect Kittiya Charoenkul. Effects of subchronic exposure of Pueraria mirifica on hepatic cytochrome P450 and blood clinical biochemistry parameters in rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 82 p. (T E18751) Cholesterol oxides--Evaluation Pornpen Nithipaichit. Evaluation the performance characteristic of cholesterol oxidase isolated from Streptomyces sp., Pseudomonas sp., Brevibacterium sp. and Cellulomonas sp. for the kinetic determination of total serum cholesterol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 81 p. (T E10969) Cholesterol--Evaluation Wanpen Mesomya. Serum lipid level evaluation in rats fed high dietary fiber from cereal and nata de coco = การ ประเมินระดับไขมันในเลือดหนูทดลองที่เลี้ยงดวยอาหารที่มีใยอาหารสูงจากธัญพืชและวุนน้ํามะพราว. Bangkok : Institute of Food Research and Product Development, Kasetsart University, 1997. 24 p. (R E13209) Cholesterol--Patients--Health and hygiene Kanjana Anutariya. The effect of health beliefs on nutrition and exercise behaviors of hyperlipidemia persons. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 93 p. (T E33808) Cholesterolemia Patcharin Supapsophon. Assessment of a drug use evaluation (DUE) program for HMG CoA reductase inhibitors at Ramathibodi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 111 p. (T E15405) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 44] Cholesteryl ester transfer protein Nimmitta Choochuenmanakit. Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) gene in Thai population. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 98 p. (T E33060) Cholesteryl esters Chiraphot Anothai. Cholesteryl esters for porous film forming. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 93 p. (T E16668) Cholestyramine Chantaratsamon Dansirikul. Efficacy and safety of fluvastatin alone and in combination with fenofibrate or cholestyramine in CHD patients with hypercholesterolemia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 178 p. (T E11212) Wibool Ridtitid. Influence of cholestyramine resin administration on single dose quinine pharmacokinetics. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, 1998. 25 p. (R E12743) Cholic acid Chanokporn Sukonpan. Influence of cholic acid on drug dissolution. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xxii, 196 p. (T E7628) Choline Aphichart Thartdee. Uptake of choline and its oxidation in halotolerant cynobacterium Aphanothece halophytica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 103 p. (T E17002) Nuchanat Wutipraditkul. Glycine betaine synthesis and its role for salt tolerance in a halotolerant cyanobacterium aphanothece halophytica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 70 p. (T E13784) Surasak Laloknam. Effect of salt stress on choline transport into halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 214 p. (T E35240) Choline chloride คาร เจตยะคามิน. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบการใชผลผลิตจากจุลินทรีย สมุนไพรผสม ไบโอโทนิค R โคลีนคลอไรด และเบตา-อะ โกนิสต ตอคุณภาพของเนื้อสุกร = Comparative studies of microorganism products, mixed herb, biotronic R, choline chloride and beta-agonist on quality of pork. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 62 หนา. (วพ 103683) Cholineacetyltransferase Jintanaporn Wattanathorn. Influence of glucocorticoid on the alteration of cholineacetyltransferase (CHAT) enzyme in various brain areas of adult male rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 144 p. (T E9030) Cholinergic function Tawit Suriyo. Modification of central cholinergic controlling motor activity during subchronic exposure to paraquat in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 207 p. (T E17643) Cholinesterase inhibitors Ladda Tangbunleukal. The comparative methods of serum cholinesterase determinations. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (65 เฟรม). (T MF05565; MF09021; MF09293) Pungasam Paporn. The protective effect of fructose-1, 6-diphosphate against anticholinesterase-induced lethality = ฤทธิ์ของ ฟรุคโตส-1, 6-ไดฟอสเฟต ในการปองกันการตาย ซึ่งเกิดจากแอนตี้โคลีนเอสเตอเรส. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 3 microfiches (123 fr.). (T MF20332) Cholinesterases Atchara Chaiyawat. The Effects of antimalarial drugs on cholinesterase activity in malarial infected rodents. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. 2 microfiches (76 fr.). (T MF20239) Au, Bich Thuy. Cholinesterase screening test among organophosphate exposure of rice farmers in southern Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 99 p. (T E20846) Deacha Tapunya. Impact of pesticides use on macroinvertebrate community and cholinesterase activity of chironomids at Ban Mae Sa Mai Chiang Mai province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 99 p. (T E16258) Kusuma Khatikarn. Toxicities of some insecticides and cholinesterase inhibitions in the freshwater fish, Puntius Gonionotus (Bleeker). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 แผน (108 เฟรม). (T MF09680) Maneewan Tanruttanavijitara. Effect of some organophosphorus compounds on inhibition of serum cholinesterase. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (81 เฟรม). (T MF09013; MF09218) Suphalugsana Sathientananond. Effects of cholinesterase reactivator on some organophosphorus compounds in treated dogs. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (70 เฟรม). (T MF05504; MF35725) Surasak Janchawwarit. Levels of cholinesterase enzyme and related factors among agricultural workers exposed to insecticide in Satun province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 196 p. (T E10495) วรา พานิชเกรียงไกร. การศึกษาระดับเอนไซมโฆลีนเอสเทอเรสในซีรั่มและเนื้อปลาดุกดาน = Study of cholinesterase activity in serum and muscle of the catfish. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะสัตวแพทยศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 17 หนา. (ว 99788) Cholinomimetics Sathaporn Prutipanlai. Cholinomimetic effects of permethrin on cardiovascular and moter functions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 251 p. (T E34004) Cholinotoxin Supath Srisawat. Effects of cholinotoxin on rotational movement in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. vii, 78 p. (T E6774) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 45] Chon Buri Ekarin Itthiwatana. Cause of juvenile delinquency in eastern provinces : Cholburi, Rayong and Chantaburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 87 p. (T E15310) Kalyanee Phumchusree. Working status of disabled persons after vocational training from the redemptroist vocational school for the disabled, Pattaya. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 115 p. (T E18180) ปรีชา มายุศิริ. การศึกษาสภาพปจจุบันและสภาพที่คาดหวังของผูบริหาร โรงเรียนเอกชนที่มีตอการบริหารการศึกษาเอกชน ของ สํานักงานศึกษาธิการจังหวัดชลบุรี = A study of present situation and expectations of school administrators towards private school administration in Chonburi Provincial Education Office. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย รามคําแหง, 2541. 138 หนา. (วพ 98668) Chon Buri--Description and travel Amara Pongsapich. Institutional and human resources development in the Chonburi region. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1979. 479 p. (R E18375) Chon Buri--Manners and customs Jesda Sunalai. Revitalization of Wan Lai tradition : factors and consequences Bang Saen, Chonburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 130 p. (T E24126) Chon Buri--Population Kittiwat Kitthawornwong. People's satisfaction towards the public services by the municipals in Chonburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 79 p. (T E17522) Chonburi Hospital Ahmed, Muneer. Fever with elevated alkaline phophatase in HIV/AIDS patients at Chonburi Regional hospital Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 64 p. (T E17689) Piam Soukhanouvong. Causes of fever in non-HIV patients in Chonburi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 82 p. (T E17697) Shimizu, Kenichiro. Fever with elevated alkaline phosphatase in HIV/AIDS patients at Chonburi Regional hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 79 p. (T E17681) Chonburs Hospital Piya Siripanyachan. The value proposition assessment of outpatient medical service at Chonburi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 117 p. (T E33512) Chondeoitin sulfate epitopes Imjai Intachai. Monitoring of chondroitin sulfate epitope (WF6 epitope) levels in peri-miniscrew implant crevicular fluid under orthodontic forces. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 54 p. (T E39696) Chondrogenesis Hathaitip Sritanaudomchai. Parthenogenesis-derived embryonic stem cells from buffalo and chondrogenic differentiation induced by growth factors. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 124 p. (T E36013) Nitaya Indrawattana. In vitro chondrogenesis by adult stem cell induction. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 143 p. (T E33123) Chondroitin sulfate Keittisak Suwan. Study on chondroitin sulfate pattern in cancer patient serum by capillary electrophoresis. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 137 p. (T E23597) Kittiwan Kalayanamitra. Investigation of the epitope in chondroitin sulfate chains recognized by monoclonal antibody MO-225. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 145 p. (T E39543) Chondroitin sulfate A ศันสนีย ไชยโรจน. การศึกษากลไลการเกาะติดของเม็ดเลือดแดงที่ติดเชื้อ Plasmodium falciparum กับ Chondroitin sulfate A. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาจุลชีววิทยา มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 22 หนา. (ว 111997) Chondroitin sulfate epitopes Peraphan Pothacharoen. The quantitative analysis of chondroitin sulfate epitopes and hyaluronan as diagnostic markers for degenerative joint diseases by ELISA technique. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 98 p. (T E16418) Siriporn Peansukmanee. Changes in serum chondroitin sulfate epitopes and hyaluronan in normal horses and horses with osteoarthritis. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 83 p. (T E21778) Chondroitin sulfate K Duriya Fongmoon. Identification and biochemical property of chondroitin sulfate-K. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 148 p. (T E39364) Chondroitin-6-sulfate Nikom Jaito. A longitudinal study of chondroitin-6-sulfate levels in human gingival crevicular fluid during orthodontic canine movement. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 54 p. (T E35115) Chong language Isara Choosri. Mapping dialects of chong in Chanthaburi province, Thailand : an application of geographical information system [GIS]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 139 p. (T E18108) Chong language--Phonology Siripen Ungsitipoonporn. A phonological comparison between Khlongphlu Chong and Wangkraphrae Chong. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 246 p. (T E17296) Chong Mek border market Tippawadee Sareeruangrong. The border market role in tourism promotion : Chong Mek border market. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 107 p. (T E35034) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 46] Choppers Alam, Murshed. A high capacity chopper for water hyacinth. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1985. 70 p. (T E22713) Handaya, Remigius. Design and development of water hyacinth chopper and blender. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1984. 70 p. (T E22725) Choral music Sukchai Pawakarnkadee. Extra curricular elementary school choirs : a case study of Bangkok Christian College boys' choir. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 90 p. (T E33418) Choral singing Pawasut Piriyapongrat. Problems reported by traditional Thai music students during participation in western choral ensembles at a Thai university. Los Angeles : University of Southern California, 2005. 47 p. (T E36597) Chorionic gonadotropins Sarintip Rajatasriprasert. Partial purification of HCG and analysis of protein components in vesicular fluid of molarplacenta. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 microfiches (124 fr.). (T MF20142) Choroid plexus Thaworn Mingsakul. Ultrastructure and microangioarchitecture of the choroid plexus in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis) = การศึกษาโครงสรางละเอียดและโครงหลอดเลือดของคอรอยดเพล็กซัสในกระแต. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 113 p. (T E13045) Choruses--Study and teaching Chatchawan Pluemsumran. The development of instructional package for teaching group singing prathomsuksa 5 level. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 125 p. (T E14401) Chosts Paveena Chunnasart. Damonisierung des weiblichen-gestaltungen der Frauenfiguren in der romantischen literatur. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 92 p. (T E18659) Christia vespertilionis Somchit Niumsakul. Chemical constituents of leaves of Christia vespertilionis Bakh. f.. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2001. 109 p. (T E18535) Christian bible Prateep Kiratibodee. The study of key words translation from English into Thai in Christian Bible. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1999. 62 p. (R E15350) Christian community วิภาวดี พงษประพันธ. ชุมชนคริสเตียนในสังคมไทย : กรณีศึกษาการปรับตัวและเปลี่ยนแปลงของชุมชนคริสเตียนในเขตอําเภอ เมือง จังหวัดพิษณุโลก = The role and relationship of the Christian community in Thailand : a case study of the adjustments and changes in the city district of Phisanulok province. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2541. 312 หนา. (วพ 98367) Christian ethics Wattanasak Srivorakul. Christian ethics on human cloning : the dehumanization and the family devaluation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 119 p. (T E34238) Christian Lahu--Social conditions Nishimoto, Yoichi. Northern Thai Christian Lahu narratives of inferiority : a study of social experience. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 173 p. (T E12423) Christian Science Dusanee Boonyasangawong. The development of Christian hymn service in the church of Christ in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 123 p. (T E15240) Christianity Jane, Lee Yuin Mei. The localization of Christianity in Bangkok Protestant churches : a study on Christian music. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 164 p. (T E35823) Prasetyo, Teddy. Doctrinal and social interaction of Buddhism and Christianity in contemporary Thailand as reflected at Samsen district in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 3 microfiches (147 fr.). (T MF20234) Christianity and social วิภาวดี พงษประพันธ. ชุมชนคริสเตียนในสังคมไทย : กรณีศึกษาการปรับตัวและเปลี่ยนแปลงของชุมชนคริสเตียนในเขตอําเภอ เมือง จังหวัดพิษณุโลก = The role and relationship of the Christian community in Thailand : a case study of the adjustments and changes in the city district of Phisanulok province. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2541. 312 หนา. (วพ 98367) Christians Chumnan Tongkaew. The relationship between married couple's love expression and marital satisfaction : a case study on Thai Christian married couples in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 132 p. (T E23542) Somboon Satalalai. The comparative studies of allegory in Vessantara Jataka and in the Pilgrim's Progress. Surin : Rajabhat Institute Surin, 1996. 115 p. (R E19002) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 47] Christians (ตอ) นิภา เมืองรัตน. ความสัมพันธระหวางพฤติกรรมการสื่อสาร ความทันสมัยและความเชื่อ ความศรัทธา และการปฏิบัติศาสนกิจของ คริสตศาสนิกชนคาทอลิก = The relationship of communication behavior, modernization and the people's belief, faith, religious practice among Catholics. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 149 หนา. (วพ 100359) Christmas trees Yanee Chawanisakul. Resilience property improvement of rigid PVC thin sheet. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 97 p. (T E15138) Chromaffin cells Banthit Chetsawang. Effects of collagenase on muscarine binding in intact and cultured bovine adrenomedullary chromaffin cells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 99 p. (T E6781) Chroman Orawan Monthakantirat. Synthesis and antiradical activity of prodrugs of chroman amide and coumarin amide. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 136 p. (T E13881) Chroman amide Chantana Boonyarat. Synthesis of nicotinyl amide and chroman amide derivatives as inhibitors of lipid peroxidation II. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 96 p. (T E9997) Chroman amide--Derivatives--Synthesis Suwanna Toasaksiri. Synthesis of chroman amide and nicotinyl amide derivatives as inhibitors of lipid peroxidation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. xi, 73 p. (T E7243) Chromate ion Supamanee Chaiatchanarat. Aminocalix[4]arene derivatives as extractant for chromate ion. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 148 p. (T E34810) Chromatin Aran Ingharoensakdi. Mechanism of human sperm chromatin decondensation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1979. 2 แผน (119 เฟรม). (T MF09266; MF09408) Chotika Smathajitt. Molecular analysis of plant proteins that are involved in the regulation of transcriptional gene silencing. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 125 p. (T E34301) Napa Siwarungson. Studies on the structure of rat testicular chromatin containing TH1 and TH2B. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (86 เฟรม). (T MF09426) Sarawut Sringam. A study on sperm quality and chromatin condensation in domestic cat (Felis catus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 65 p. (T E20182) Sirikul Manochantr. Spermatogenesis and chromatin organization in the male germ cells of Rana tigerina. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 268 p. (T E20482) Sumon Jungudomjaroen. Chromatin condensation during spermatogenesis in mountain frog, Rana blythii. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 72 p. (T E17459) Wattana Weerachatyanukul. Studies of mammlian sperm membrane molecules involving in fertilization and chromatin organization during spermatogenesis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 166 p. (T E18473) Worawit Suphamungmee. Chromatin organization and packaging in the male germ cells of the common tree shrew, Tupaia glis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 100 p. (T E17515) Chromatium vinosum Kobchai Pattaragulwanit. Molekularbiologische untersuchung der schwefelkugelproteine aus Chromatium vinosum. Bonn : Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Boon, 1998. 137 p. (T E13657) Chromatographic Kitsana Poonpanitupatam. Chromatographic techniques for quality control of raw materials and cosmetic products from Curcuma spp.. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 107 p. (T E39707) Maliwan Sookseam. An optimization of sample preparation for the high performance liquid chromatographic determination of phenolic compounds and their antioxidant activity in jasmine rice. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 118 p. (T E34570) Chromatographic analysis Benjamapawn Promthong. Boron-doped diamond : sensor for chromatographic analysis of inorganic anions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 88 p. (T E34331) Chamras Promptmas. Haloperoxidases and their analytical diagnostic applications. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 122 p. (T E8460) Chumni Sangphagdee. Determination of carbaryl in treated vegetables by high performance liquid chromatography. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1994. xvii, 83 p. (T E7958) Duangpen Puchinda. Direct measurement of thyroid hormones in post-radioiodine (I-131) whole-body scan of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma by gel chromatography. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 90 p. (T E12166) Maliwan Amatatongchai. Determination of oxalate in urine and plasma samples by ion chromatography. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 120 p. (T E13255) Manida Stitmannaitham. Isolation and structural determination of compounds from roots of Harrisonia perforata Merr.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 194 p. (T E8570) Napaporn Youngvises. Development of spectrophotometric and modern chromatographic techniques for determination of some pharmaceuticals. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 146 p. (T E23269) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 48] Chromatographic analysis (ตอ) Nisakorn Thongkon. Chemical constituents of the leaves of Bridelia ovata Decne. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 140 p. (T E9836) Patjaraporn Wongvithoonyaporn. Separation, characterization, and specificity study of alpha-mannosidases from Vigna umbellata. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 229 p. (T E11646) Pichet Bunyongyod. High performance liquid chromatographic determination of conjugated bile acid in various types of gallstone bile. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. viii, 68 p. (T E8058) Piyaporn Srisom. Development of micellar liquid chromatographic and capillary electrophoresis techniques for quantitative analysis of some antimicrobial agents. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 123 p. (T E38510) Pravit Singtothong. Isolation and structural elucidation of compounds from root bark of Harrisonia perforata Merr.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xv, 119 p. (T E7616) Ratchaneewan Aunpad. Halophilic chitanase : cloning of its gene and characterization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 162 p. (T E23506) Sirimat Boonyuit. Simultaneous determination of some metal ions by ion chromatography. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 128 p. (T E9615) Somsak Sirichai. Effect of solvent strength on the chromatographic behavior of certain phenolic compounds in reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 157 p. (T E9848) Sudarat Kanperm. Determination of sulfied in environmental samples by chromatographic technique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 76 p. (T E17496) Surapote Wongyai. Development of method for determination of mefloquine in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. xvi, 85 p. (T E6755) Surusawadee Lohwithee. Determination of stimulants and other drugs in urine by high performance liquid chromatography. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 97 p. (T E13156) Suvipha Sermboonsang. Formulation of asiaticoside obtained from Centella asiatica in microemulsion gel. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 134 p. (T E19629) Wanna Srichuanchuenskul. Modern chromatography of some metal chelates. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1994. 197 p. (T E9271) Wanphen Janyaphisan. Platinum metalsion chromatography using a new pyridylazo stationary phase. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1998. 69 p. (T E14127) Watsaka Siriangkhawut. Solid phase extraction of metals and analysis of phenolic compounds by ligand exchange chromatography using aminophosphonic acid silica as the chelating phase. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 138 p. (T E20673) Wilairat Suensun. High performance liquid chromatographic determination of urinary citric acid cycle intermediates in normal and diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. vii, 57 p. (T E7577) Wisanu Thongchai. Development of high performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of Arbutin in cream and medicinal plant extracts. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 130 p. (T E34843) สาโรจน นิตยแสวง. ปริมาณและองคประกอบของคารโบไฮเดรตในเห็ดทองถิ่นบางชนิด = Quantity and composition of carbohydrate in some local mushrooms. เชียงใหม : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, [2541]. 9 หนา. (ว 98219) Chromatography Benjamapawn Promthong. Boron-doped diamond : sensor for chromatographic analysis of inorganic anions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 88 p. (T E34331) Dutsadee Suttho. Quality testing of radiopharmaceutical in Siriraj hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 79 p. (T E24265) Jirasak Threeprom. Microbial conversion study of nitrate to nitrite by modern liquid chromatography. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19292) Suvipha Sermboonsang. Formulation of asiaticoside obtained from Centella asiatica in microemulsion gel. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 134 p. (T E19629) Wachirawan Pimrote. Analysis of metal-Nitro-PAPS complexes using ion-pair reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 124 p. (T E34561) Wanphen Janyaphisan. Platinum metalsion chromatography using a new pyridylazo stationary phase. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1998. 69 p. (T E14127) Watsaka Siriangkhawut. Solid phase extraction of metals and analysis of phenolic compounds by ligand exchange chromatography using aminophosphonic acid silica as the chelating phase. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 138 p. (T E20673) Chromatography, Gel permeation Duangpen Puchinda. Direct measurement of thyroid hormones in post-radioiodine (I-131) whole-body scan of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma by gel chromatography. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 90 p. (T E12166) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 49] Chromatogrophic process Teerapat Ondee. Development of a chromatographic process for purification of recombinant human growth hormone produced from Pichia pastoris. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 167 p. (T E39645) Chrome Chavinthorn Maiyapakdee. Removal of chromium from chrome tanning wastewater by electrochemical precipitation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 111 p. (T E20509) Chrome leather waste Jittima Khorungkul. Reduction of chrome leather waste and isolation of valuable protein product and chromium by enzymatic treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 102 p. (T E23851) Chromian spinel Vichai Chutakositkanon. Characteristics of detrital chromian spinels in sandstones from the Nam Duk Formation, Amphoe Lom Sak and Amphoe Nam Nao, Changwat Phetchabun. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 135 p. (T E15199) Chromian spinels Weerasak Lunwongsa. Chromian spinal from some ultramafic igneous rocks in northern and eastern Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 122 p. (T E25113) Chromic active hepatitis Sopaporn Niemhom. Detection for hepatitis Be antigen and antibody to hepatitis Be antigen by microelisa system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. x, 79 p. (T E7525) Chromite--Uttaradit--Geology Sawaeng Jeenawut. Geology of chromite deposits at Ban Ngom Tham Tambon Tha Faek Amphoe The Pla Changwat Uttaradit. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 96 p. (T E10105) Chromium Apichon Watcharenwong. Preparation and characterization of tungsten trioxide-titanium dioxide composite film and its applications in heterogeneous photocatalysis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 161 p. (T E40293) Apinya Tisavipaksakul. Effect of thin film titanium dioxide characteristics on photocatalytic reduction of chromium [VI] using fixed bed photoreactor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 110 p. (T E37806) Audtapon Piyasasichok. Effect of operlational parameters on photocatalytic reduction of chromium [VI] using fixed bed photocatalytic reactor [FBPR]. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 86 p. (T E37805) Aungsiri Klinmalee. Comparison of leaching concentrations of chromium from solidified sludge in sea, brackish, and fresh water. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 135 p. (T E15113) Benjaporn Boonyapookana. Toxicity and biosorption of chromium and cadmium by using duckweed Wolffia globosa Hartog & Plas. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 193 p. (T E15128) Chaiwat Rungsipanodorn. Stabilization/solidification of chrome-tanning sludge using cement and rice husk ash. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 109 p. (T E21209) Chavinthorn Maiyapakdee. Removal of chromium from chrome tanning wastewater by electrochemical precipitation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 111 p. (T E20509) Chuleeporn Veerakajohnsak. Arsenic, chromium, and copper leaching from CCA-treated wood. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 124 p. (T E40899) Darika Pansuk. Reusing electric arc furnace dust as reductant to remove chromium ions from electroplating wastewater. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 270 p. (T E23748) Darin Jarusang. Reduction of hexavalent chromium by zero-valent iron. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 70 p. (T E31338) Eakawut Poompichate. Preparation of chromium-titanium silicalite-1. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 84 p. (T E34776) Jirapat Ananpattarachai. Effect of diethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol (M.W. 600) on synthesis of Tio2 nanopowder and its application for chromium (VI) removal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 113 p. (T E38635) Jiraporn Yongpisanphop. Accumulation and toxicity of lead and cromium in Hydrocotyle umbellata L.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 111 p. (T E21076) Jittima Khorungkul. Reduction of chrome leather waste and isolation of valuable protein product and chromium by enzymatic treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 102 p. (T E23851) Mali Hunsom. Recovery of copper, chromium and nickel from electroplating effluent by electrochemical technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 257 p. (T E19076) Manop Sriuttha. Study on complexation of siderophore from Pseudomonas aeruginosa with copper, lead, vanadium and chromium. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 93 p. (T E18404) Nattawut Yongpruksa. Selective oxidation of natural products catalyzed by chromium complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 66 p. (T E34548) Ngarmnet Worakijcharoenchai. Method development for speciation of arsenic and chromium by flow injection analysis. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 182 p. (T E15776) Nualnit Wichien. Serum zinc, copper, and chromium concentration in normal subjects and surgical patients with cancer in Siriraj hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 133 p. (T E16722) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 50] Chromium (ตอ) Orawan Kitjabuncha. Microextraction for speciation of chromium by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 110 p. (T E17554) Orawan Tue-ngeun. Development of flow injection analysis systems for the determination of phosphate nitrite nitrate chromium and calcium. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 129 p. (T E11346) Panomchai Weerayutasil. Chromium recovery of tanning wastewater by precipitation with saline groundwater and acidification. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 93 p. (T E22738) Parinda Suksabye. Treatment of chromium contaminated wastewater by coir pith. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 143 p. (T E39383) Phojaman Keittiwetee. Treatment of chromium [VI] by titanium dioxide-sensitized photoreduction. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2001. 111 p. (T E17049) Pisachai Yooprasert. Chromium recovery from chrome tanning wastewater using solvent extraction process. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 98 p. (T E24260) Pisit Apichayakul. Microstructure and mechanical properties of NiCr and stainless steel coatings prepared by flame and are spray processes. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 140 p. (T E35400) Prapaipim Hanmungthum. Electronic spectra of sapphires. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 123 p. (T E19524) Saowanee Virayaveskul. Study of blood and urinary chromium levels in non-exposed and occupationally exposed workers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 102 p. (T E16555) Sirawan Ruangchuay. Utilization of bagasse and bagasse fly ash as adsorbents for removal of lead and chromium and subsequent utilization as construction materials. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 268 p. (T E35592) Siriwan Pongpom. Preparation of titanium dioxide thin film on glass plate using sol-gel technique for photocatalytic reduction of chromium (VI). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 88 p. (T E35348) Sorawit Ngampromphun. Chromium removal efficiency by Colocasia esculenta [L.] Schott in constructed wetlands for tannery post-treatment wastewater. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 170 p. (T E18961) Suchathit Viroonpinyo. Utilization of oil-palm ash for solidification/stabilization of chromium from steel blasting dust. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 105 p. (T E24258) Sudsakorn Inthidech. Heat treatment characteristics of high chromium cast iron for abrasion wear resistance. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 95 p. (T E20204) Sujaree Bureekul. Chromium contamination in marine ecosystem at Bangpoo, Muang district, Samutprakarn province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 82 p. (T E28965) Supharphorn Kasiwad. Development of flow injection system for determination of chromium (III) and on-line proconcentration. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 56 p. (T E35176) Suriya Ounnunkad. Site preference and magnetic properties of chromium substituted barium ferrites prepared by sol-gel method. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 157 p. (T E24347) Suthasinee Junsavang. Removal of chromium (VI) and nickel (II) in wastewater by modified fine coconut coir. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 142 p. (T E24653) Sutthiporn Thanakarnviroaj. Stabilization and solidification of chromium from steel blasting dust with portland cement and sand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 122 p. (T E20142) Urasa Sriboonlue. Effects of cadmium, chromium, and their combinations on Puntius gonionotus Bleeker. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 117 p. (T E10604) Veeramol Vailikhit. Comparative oxidation of alcohols with cerium (IV) and chromium (VI) by spectrophotometry. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2000. 130 p. (T E15541) Wanwarang Ritdhiwanna. Removal of chromium and murcury from COD analysis watsewater by electrochemical precipitation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 154 p. (T E20092) Wilaiwan Chanmanee. Fabrication of TIO2 nanotube arrays by andization and its applications in photoreduction of chromium [VI]. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 165 p. (T E40846) Wuttinan Lerkmangkorn. Speciation analysis and preconcentration of chromium using chemically modified silica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 88 p. (T E35878) นภา ศิวรังสรรค. การสกัดโครเมียมออกจากเศษหนังฟอกโครม โดยวิธีการยอยสลายดวยเอนไซม เพื่อการนําโปรตีนกลับมาใช ประโยชน = Chromium removal from chrome-containing leather waste by enzymatic hydrolysis for protein recovery. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 79 หนา. (ว 100082) Chromium alloys Suthasinee Kasemsarn. Shear bond strength and microleakage of four commercial adhesive resins bonded to CoCr alloy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 84 p. (T E10609) Chromium catalyst Siriwan Asavavisitchai. Selective benzylic oxidation catalyzed by chromium carboxylate complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 70 p. (T E35307) Chromium complexes Uthumporn Thong-in. Selective oxidation of saturated hydrocarbons, alcohols and sulfur-containing compounds by transition metal complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 125 p. (T E37785) Chromium compounds Somying Leelasubcharoen. Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl chromium complexes in ethylene polymerization and oxidation reactions. Baron : University of Delaware, 2001. 212 p. (T E15961) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 51] Chromium detoxification Siriphon Thaweephongathikun. Chromium detoxification and phenol degradation by bacterial isolates. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 140 p. (T E15013) Chromium picolinate สาวิตรี วงศตั้งถิ่นฐาน. ผลการเสริมโครเมียม พิโคลิเนทรวมกับการใชน้ํามันรําขาวหรือไขวัวในอาหารตอสมรรถนะการผลิตและ คุณภาพซากของไกเนื้อ = Effects of chromium picolinate in combination with rice bran oil or tallow supplementation on broiler performance and carcass quality. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 111 หนา. (วพ 100813) Chromium recovery Sakaodurn Wuttisathien. Recovery of chromium from tanning liquor using coagulants and sulphuric acid. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 140 p. (T E19847) Chromium removal [Sewage purification] Panatda Pibul. Removal of chromium from electroplating wastewater using peat moss as a tertiary treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 108 p. (T E18677) Chromium--Absorption and adsorption มงคล เพ็ญสายใจ. การดูดซับโครเมียมโดยยีสต = Biosorption of chromium by yeast. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, [2541]. 41 หนา. (ว 100240) Chromium-plating Thunyaluck Liewrungruang. Application of the modified allium test using shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) for screening toxicity and genotoxicity of chrome plating wastewater. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 102 p. (T E20492) Chromium-titanium silicalite Em-orn Phromphet. Synthesis methodology affecting chromium-titanium silicalite-1 catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 111 p. (T E37524) Chromiun Waraporn Som-aum. Flow injection on-line sorption preconcentration on trace elements using knotted/serpentine reactor for atomic spectrometric detection. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 139 p. (T E20756) Chromobacterium violaceum Putthapoom Lumjiaktase. Identification of the quorum sensing genes in Burkholderia pseudomallei. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 79 p. (T E18386) Chromogenic anion sensor Thawatchai Tuntulani. Anion sensors controlled by UV light and cations. Bangkok : Faculty of Science Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 1 vol (in various paging). (R E35939) Chromolaena odorata Kanitta Thakong. A study on the antimalarial constituents and chemical composition of Eupatorium odoratum (L.). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 120 p. (T E14028) Waree Naengchomnong. Chemical constituents of Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae) and Eupatorium odoratum (Compositae). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. iii, 208 p. (T E6721 c.1) Wilaiwan Chaengcharoen. Comparision of heavy metals removal from contaminated soil by siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) and vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 118 p. (T E39489) ธนิต ผิวนิ่ม. ศึกษาสารจากพืชสมุนไพรในเขตลุมน้ําทาจีน เนนสมบัติทางเคมีและชีววิทยา = A study on medicinal plants of the Thachin basin with an emphasis on the chemical and biological properties. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2529. 18 หนา. (ว 60867) มนัญญา เพียรเจริญ. ผลของสารสกัดจากใบสาบเสือ Chromolaena odorata (L.) ตอการเปลี่ยนแปลงระดับเอนไซมขจัดพิษ ของหนอนใยผัก Plutella xylostella L.. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 148 หนา. (วพ 90274) Chromone Weerasak Samee. Synthesis, evaluation and molecular modeling of chromone derivatives as HIV-1 protease inhibitors and molecular modeling of phthalimide derivatives as HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 196 p. (T E21681) Chromone derivatives Narumol Phosrithong. Synthesis and evaluation of new potent HIV-1 protease inhibitors. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 99 p. (T E33599) Chromophore Parawan Chuichay. Structural and electronic properties of DNA-intercalated aromatic chromophore complexes : a combined quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics study. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 145 p. (T E34854) Sutiam Kruawan. Synthesis of indoaniline-derived calix[4]arenes as alkali cation sensors. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 52 p. (T E38256) Chromosomal Damrongpan Thongwat. Genetics and morphology of Anopheles maculatus having chromosomal form K. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 99 p. (T E39717) Sarunya Laovitthayanggoon. Effects of cadmium level on chromosomal structure of snakehead-fish (Ophicephalus striatus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 82 p. (T E34173) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 52] Chromosome Apinporn Kulasakpakanun. Detection of gene amplification on chromosome 6q23-24 in breast cancer by hybridization probe real-time polymerase chain reaction. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 83 p. (T E35633) Sareeya Wongpa. Effect of piperline on the mutagen-induced chromosome aberations in rat bone marrow cells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 119 p. (T E33962) Chromosome 11 Pattama Wiriyasermkul. Linkage analysis using DNA markers on chromosome 11 in primary angle-closure glaucoma. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 146 p. (T E24358) Chromosome aberration Wannee Wannaphahun. Chromosome aberration in peripheral lymphocytes of hospital personnel occupationally exposed to antineoplastic drugs. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 157 p. (T E15045) Chromosome abnormalities Aida Boonserm. Chromosome aberrations and DNA damage in petrol pump workers in Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 76 p. (T E35186) ดาวรุง กังวานพงศ. การวินิจฉัยความผิดปกติของโครโมโซมในผูปวยโรคมะเร็งเม็ดโลหิตขาวดวยวิธี High resolution = High resolution chromosome analysis in leukemic patients. [ม.ป.ท. : ม.ป.พ.], 2532. 36 หนา. (ว 98789ฉ.1; 155334ฉ.2) Chromosome markers Thavorn Supaprom. Cytogenetics of amphibians in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 123 p. (T E23625) Chromosome polymorphism Salisa Sathapanawath. Chromosomal polymorphism in Drosophila albomicana and drosophila sulfurigaster in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 101 p. (T E6579) Vichit Somsarp. Chromosome polymorphisms in a hill tribe population in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1976. 3 แผน (128 เฟรม). (T MF09721) Chromosome X Naowarat Nantachoat. The analysis of short tandem repeats on the X chromosome in the Thai population. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 68 p. (T E34312) Chromosomes Anchalee Punpuckdeekoon. Chromosome patterns in plasmodium falciparum by pulsed field gradient gel electrophoresis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xiii, 116 p. (T E6930) Aphornpirom Ketupunya. Amnifiltration in early amniocentesis for cytogenetic evaluation : randomized clinical trial. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 43 p. (T E9778) Axara Apilugsanachit. Analysis of chromosomal imbalances by comparative genomic hybridization. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 82 p. (T E28971) Busaba Panyarachun. Studies on the effect of inhibiting factor-hypoxanthine on the in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes using light and transmission electron microscopy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 110 p. (T E15108) Chaiwat To-anun. Electrophoretic karyotyping of Fusarium fungi. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 58 p. (R E19692) Chalao Sumrandee. Metaphase karyotypes of ten new species within the Bactroera dorsalis [Diptera : Tephritidae] complex in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 96 p. (T E18289) Chantima Piyapong. Karyotypes and distribution of nucleolus organizer regions in four cyprinid species from Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 85 p. (T E14698) Jatupol Kampuansai. X-, Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA variations among Tai speaking peoples of northern Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 190 p. (T E38532) Jumnian Saikhun. Sexing of in vitro produced bovine embryos by chromosome analysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 52 p. (T E11911) Kannikar Kamolrat. Segmentation of chromosome images using an adaptive thresholding technique and a watershed algorithm. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 131 p. (T E18362) Kom silapajarn. The study on polyploidy induction in Takrom oyster crassostrea belcheri (sowerby) by thermal shock. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xi, 93 p. (T E7245) Lalana Pitchayaphan. Application of micro-fish for characterization of structural chromosome abnormalities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 60 p. (T E17113) Metawee Srikummool. X-, Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA variations of the Karen, Hmong and Lu Mien in the upper northern part of Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 155 p. (T E34900) Nantana Intarajalermsak. The salivary gland chromosomes of Anopheles (Cellia) indefinitus ludlow and Anopheles (Cellia) vagus donitz. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1981. 2 microfiches (78 fr.). (T MF19974) Nirapai Daenchote. Clastogenic effects of fast neutrons on human lymphocytes. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1989. xiii, 79 leaves. (T E4835) Patcharin Eurvivatsakul. Chromosome study in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vii, 84 p. (T E7119) Pornpimon Angkasekwinai. The characteristics of cytoadherence and chromosome 9 deletion of plasmodium falciparum in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 128 p. (T E11790) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 53] Chromosomes (ตอ) Pornprot Limprasert. Molecular and linkage studies in autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxlas. Louisiana : Louisiana State University, 1995. 175 p. (T E11054) Rachanee Wongchanachit. Chromosome study on spontaneous abortions in Ramathibodi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. vii, 97 p. (T E6416) Rapeepan Anekvorapong. Rapid detection of bcr and abl fusion gene in Philadelphia chromosome. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 91 p. (T E10608) Sukanya Horpaophan. Production of chromosome 9 and 22 probes by micro-FISH techniques. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 71 p. (T E24920) Sumana Karimee. Systematic classification of acute leukemia using morphologic immunologic and chromosome studies. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xv, 165 p. (T E7116) Vithaya Buaprasert. A study of chromosomal changes in shoe workers exposed to toluene and benzene in adhesive. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 121 p. (T E6371) Wanna Tanglakanavanich. Effects of organotin compounds on chromosomal damage and sperm abnormality in rodents. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 151 p. (T E10501) Weerapong Koykul. Factors affecting germ cell survival in mammals. [S.l.] : University of Guelph, 1996. 163 p. (T E10390) ชงโค แซตั้ง. ผลของการเพิ่มชุดโครโมโซมที่มีตอลักษณะของปลาดุกลูกผสมระหวางปลาดุกอุย กับปลาดุกเทศ = Effect of polyploidy on performance of hybrids between Clarias macrocephalus and Clarias gariepinus. ชลบุรี : คณะ เกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล, 2538. 20 หนา. (ว 100617 ฉ.1; 100618 ฉ.2) ละเอียด คงกุง. คาริโอไทปของบุกวงศ Araceae = Karyotype of elephant yam in family Araceae. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 124 หนา. (วพ 109073) Chromosomes--Diagnosis Nathaporn Pangjaidee. Identification of marker chromosomes by micro-fish techniques. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 70 p. (T E23598) Chromotropic acid Saowapa Chumanee. Study of some 2, 7-bis (2-hydrox nitrophenylazo) derivatives of chromotropic acid as spectrometric reagents for bismuth (III). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 129 p. (T E12476) Chronic Naovarat Tarasub. Effects of chronic paracetamol administration on serotonergic neurotransmission. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 261 p. (T E12733) Chronic back and neck pains Phonraphee Thummaphan. A study of effectiveness of evidence-based practice (EBP) for the patients with chronic back and neck pains in Bangkok. Bangkok : Shinawatra University, 2007. 74 p. (T E39626) Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion Khwanjai Thong-a-sa. Spatial learning and memory in rats under chronic cerebral hypoperfusion state and electrical stimulation treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 106 p. (T E20394) Chronic diarrheal patients Supornsri Sepmongkollert. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium parvum in chronic diarrheal patients with and without HIV infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 80 p. (T E17341) Chronic diseases Manupat Lohitnavy. Program development for counseling in diabetic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 124 p. (T E10874) Nilawan Upakdee. Purchasing for outpatient care at tertiary level : a case study in Bangkok Metropolitan. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 195 p. (T E39733) Piyathida Duangjai. Effects of collaborative symptom management between an asthmatic patient and a nurse. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 110 p. (T E13961) Poompat Chumchia. Cost analysis of diabetic outpatients of health card holders and non-health card holders in Sena hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 90 p. (T E15556) Pralomporn Tantiwongse. Flavonoids and total polyphenols content in selected Thai dishes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 130 p. (T E23865) Sukunya Srangnok. Factors influencing maternal behaviors in caring for pre-school asthmatic children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 82 p. (T E14092) Tawatchai Laungsopaparn. Pharmaceutical care for chronic disease at a drugstore in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 130 p. (T E15043) Tippawan Vipamaneeroj. Effect of role preparation of spouse support on family member well-being in family with chronically ill child. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 148 p. (T E18013) Yuwaret Saiseesub. A study of perceived self-efficacy and situational influences on exercise behavior in coronary artery disease patients at Uttaradit hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 106 p. (T E14532) Zhu, Mingxia. Quality of life of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 92 p. (T E11728) Chronic diseases in adolescence Renu Pookboonmee. Perceptions of adult social role development among adolescents with chronic illness. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 213 p. (T E12900) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 54] Chronic diseases in children Tasanee Poolwech. The effects of teaching primary school teachers on knowledge and caring management of students with asthmatic symptoms. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 119 p. (T E14399) Chronic diseases in children--China Cong, Xiaomei. Impact of the childhood chronic illness on the family : maternal perspective. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 115 p. (T E10462) Chronic diseases in children--Nakhon Si Thammarat Unchalee Siripitayakunkit. Association between chronic arsenic exposure and schoolchildren's growth and intellectual ability at Ronpiboon district, Nakorn Si Thammarat province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 166 p. (T E10599) Chronic diseases--Nursing ประนอม รอดคําดี. การศึกษากิจกรรมการพยาบาลผูปวยเรื้อรังเพื่อการดูแลตอเนื่องที่บานของสถานบริการสาธารณสุข เขต กรุงเทพมหานคร = A study of nursing services activities in chronically ill patients for continuing care at home of health services institutes, Bangkok Metropolitan area. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 79 หนา. (ว 99466) Chronic diseases--Patients Daranee Intajuk. Perception of fatigue in chronically ill patients undergoing weaning from mechanical ventilation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 83 p. (R E17864) Raviwan Wittawassamrankul. Asessment of mail service pharmacy for outpatients with chronic diseases at Lerdsin hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 124 p. (T E21675) Yukonthorn Wangruangsatit. Home health care analysis of community health nurses in the regional and general hospitals in zone no. 9 : a case study of chronic patient care. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 107 p. (T E23708) Chronic dyspnea Supaporn Duangpaeng. Chronic dyspnea management of Thai adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 243 p. (T E20904) Chronic functional instability Nattaya Pugdeecharoenrit. Effects of wobble board training on subjects with chronic functional instability of ankle joint. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 140 p. (T E33294) Chronic heart failure Apinya Wongpiriyayothar. Effects of home-based care program on symtom alleviation and well-being among persons with chronic heart failure. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 189 p. (T E38610) Supa Chomchang. The comparative of frequency and duration in interval exercise training program on exercise capacity changes in patients with chronic heart failure. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 86 p. (T E15932) Chronic hemodialysis Lalita Meephol. A study of relaxation training on stress response in chronic hemodialysis patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 120 p. (T E15420) Chronic hepatitis B Nattiya Hirankarn. Immunogenetic factors influencing susceptibility and disease progression of chronic hepatitis B infection. Bangkok : Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 48 p. (R E35938) Chronic hepatitis B infection Pittaya Kummee. Association between polymorphisms of HLA-DRB1 gene and TNF-alpha gene with susceptibility and/or disease progression of chronic hepatitis B infection in Thai population. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 104 p. (T E26695) Chronic ill Chanettee Milintangul. Measuring individual, family and social impacts of chronic illness. [S.l] : University of East Anglia, 2003. 53 p. (T E22078) Chronic illness Yan, Hu. Selected factors influencing self-concept among hospitalized Chinese school-age children with chronic illness. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 92 p. (T E10684) Chronic irradiation Siranut Lamseejan. Mutation induction in chrysanthemum through in vitro acute and chronic irradiations with gamma rays. Bangkok : Department of Applied Radiation and Isotopes Kasetsart University, 2002. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E19915) Chronic kidney disease Phataraporn Rodkhem. Microalbumin : the potential screening test for detection of early kidney dysfunction. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 73 p. (T E33078) Chronic low back pain Rotsalai Kanlayanaphotporn. Effects of chronic low back pain, age and gender on vertical spinal creep. [S.l.] : University of South Australia, 2002. 223 p. (T E22322) Sureeporn Peangnakorn. Experience, management, and effects of pain in chronic low back pain patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 110 p. (T E20962) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 55] Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis Winai Wadwongtham. The effectiveness of large middle meatal antrostomy vs small-hole maxillary ostium widening technique in FESS operation for the prevention of recurrent maxillary sinusitis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 41 p. (T E16809) Chronic myelogenous leukemia Aekabut Sirijampa. A mathematical model of periodic chronic myelogenous leukemia with delay differential equations. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 67 p. (T E38327) Chronic myeloid leukemia Supaporn Wiwattanakul. Comparison of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique to identify the bcr/abl fusion gene in chronic myeliod leukemia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 82 p. (T E12555) Tanawan Kummalue. A multivariate analysis of prognostic factors in chronic myeloid leukemia in Thai patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 95 p. (T E7823) Chronic obstructive pulmonary diesease Jarunee Warahut. Nutritional status and food consumption behavior of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 93 p. (T E14001) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Hongnuttha Sittikool. Effect of respiratory muscle training on functional capacity and quality of life in COPD patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 91 p. (T E24218) Jiang, Xiaolian. Family social support and self-care behaviors among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 106 p. (T E15782) Kanittha Kaslungka. Health locus of control, health behavior and life satisfaction in COPD patients : a study at Phrae hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 109 p. (T E15239) Laiad Jarusombat. The effectiveness of discharge planning on self-care behaviors, exercise tolerance and perception of dyspnea in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 103 p. (T E20963) Somying Ngamurulert. Detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute respiratory illness. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 98 p. (T E14971) Supaluck Parinyavutichai. Effects of nursing therapeutics on dyspnea in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 83 p. (R E16166) Supaporn Duangpaeng. Chronic dyspnea management of Thai adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 243 p. (T E20904) Suvimon Tanpradech. Quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 109 p. (T E15527) Wirote Kotchagrit. The effects of nurse-patient collaborative care on facilitating transitional process of patients with COPD. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 109 p. (T E17583) จารุณี บรรลือ. คุณภาพชีวิตที่สูญเสียไปของผูปวยโรคปอดอุดกั้นเรื้อรังจากการสูบบุหรี่ = Quality of life lost in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by smoking. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 158 หนา. (วพ 104140) ดวงรัตน วัฒนกิจไกรเลิศ. ผลของการใชอี เอ็ม จี ไบโอฟดแบค รวมกับการผอนคลายกลามเนื้อแบบโพรเกรสสิพ ตอความวิตก กังวลการรับรูสมรรถนะของตนเองในการควบคุมอาการหายใจลําบาก ความทนทานในการออกกําลังกาย อาการหายใจ ลําบากและสมรรถภาพปอดในผูปวยโรคปอดอุดกั้นเรื้อรัง = Effects of EMG biofeedback and progressive muscle relaxation on anxiety, percieved self efficacy to control dyspanea, excercise tolerance and lung function in COPD patients. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 157 หนา. (วพ 96717) เนตรนภา กาบมณี. ผลของโปรแกรมการพยาบาลอยางมีแบบแผนตอสุขภาพกาย ขวัญกําลังใจ และการทําหนาที่ในสังคมของ ผูปวยโรคปอดอุดกั้นเรื้อรัง = Effects of structured nursing intervention program upon somatic health, morale and social functioning of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 155 หนา. (วพ 98452) สิรินาถ มีเจริญ. ผลของการใชเทคนิคผอนคลายรวมกับการหายใจแบบเปาปาก ตอความสุขสบายในผูปวยโรคปอดอุดกั้นเรื้อรัง = Effects of relaxation technique and pursed lips breathing on comfort in patients with chromic obstructive pulmonary disease. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 101 หนา. (วพ 102525) สุรางครัตน พองพาน. คาใชจายของผูปวยดวยโรคปอดอุดกั้นเรื้อรังจากการสูบบุหรี่ = Financial expenditure of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by smoking. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 177 หนา. (วพ 103296) อรภรณ ดํารงวัฒนกุล. การรอดชีพของผูปวยโรคหลอดเลือดหัวใจและปอดอุดกั้นเรื้อรัง = Survival in patients with coronary heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 144 หนา. (วพ 106636) อัมพรพรรณ ธีรานุตร. ผลการพัฒนาความสามารถในการดูแลตนเองตอพฤติกรรมการดูแลตนเอง และคุณภาพชีวิตในผูปวยโรค ปอดอุดกั้นเรื้อรัง = Effects of self-care ability development on self care behaviors and quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ขอนแกน : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, [2542]. 77 หนา. (ว 98245) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients Zeng, Hui. Family support and self-concept of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 87 p. (T E16465) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 56] Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease--Patients Anoma Preechawai. Effect of lower extremity exercise on muscle performance and physical capacity in COPD patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 129 p. (T E33295) Chanphen Kamsee. Effects of supportive educative program on self-care practice of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease after hospitalization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 86 p. (T E32909) Naiyana Noonill. The effectiveness of a community-based care program on health outcomes and satisfaction with care in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 144 p. (T E35617) Suwimol Bhokalai. Factors related to quality of sleep in hospitalized COPD patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 87 p. (T E21734) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease--Patients--Nursing Nawarat Rungruangsri. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline to promote readiness for weaning from mechanical ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 108 p. (R E34497) Chronic opisthorchiasis Nopparat Songserm. Antibody to Opisthorchis viverrini : a possible marker for early detection of cholangiocarcinoma, histopathological proven in hamsters with chronic opisthorchis and cholangiocarcinoma. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 93 p. (T E29044) Chronic periodontitis Kitiman Chanarat. Adjunctive subgingival administration of Andrographis paniculata gel in the treatment of chronic periodontitis : microbiological and 3-hydroxy isobranced c17:0 study in hopeless teeth. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 63 p. (T E18219) Chronic renal failure Jarunee Jareunsangrung. Development on measuring instrument of the quality of life for end-stage renal disease in hemodialysis patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 168 p. (T E13985) Kanlaya Tiensong. The pharmacologic effect of oral alpha tocopherol supplementation on oxidative stress in chronic renal failure. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 108 p. (T E10106) Rosama [Thumchai] Pusoonthornthum. The role of metabolic acidosis on parathyroid hormone secretion, and changes in calcium-phosphorus homeostasis in Siamese cats with naturally occurring feline chronic renal failure. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 110 p. (R E23932) Sirithanya Klabcharone. Relationship between attitude towards nutritional behavior, family support and food consumption behavior of chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 87 p. (T E19851) Waraporn Ittiros. Quality of life of end-stage renal disease patients with hemodialysis at Pramongkutklao hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 58 p. (T E11988) Chronic renal failure patients วรวรรณ ทิพยวารีรมย. ผลของการใหการพยาบาลระบบสนับสนุนและใหความรูตอความสามารถในการดูแลตนเอง และคุณภาพ ชีวิตของผูปวยไตวายเรื้อรังที่รักษาดวยเครื่องไตเทียม = The effectiveness of a supportive-educative nursing system on self-care capabilities and quality of life in patients with chronic renal failure treated with hemodialysis. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 143 หนา. (วพ 109922) Chronic renal failure--Complications and sequelae Juckrapong Paiboon. Oral administration of calcitriol treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic renal failure patients with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xii, 42 p. (T E7604) Chronic renal failure--Patients Cha-onsin Sooksriwongse. The effect of chlorpromazine on peritoneal dialysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 microfiches (129 fr.). (T MF20179) Jirarat Habkonglek. A study of perceived self-efficacy and health promoting behavior of chronic renal failure patients with continuous ambulatory peritoneal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 110 p. (T E14534) Panchit Chokephichit. Self-care of chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 123 p. (T E21215) Supaporn Kritsaneepaiboon. Factors affecting survival among end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1999. 96 p. (T E13374) Thanyawee Pengpan. A study on design and construction of simulation program of urea concentration during and between hemodialysis for end stage renal disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 117 p. (T E18479) Ubol Chibsamanboon. A study of perceived self-efficacy and self-care behavior of chronic renal failure patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 86 p. (T E14702) ศรินยา พลสิงหชาญ. การปรับตัวของผูปวยไตวายเรื้อรังที่รักษาดวยการลางไตทางชองทองแบบถาวร = Adaptation of the chronic renal failure patients maintenance with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 113 หนา. (วพ 98494) Chronic renal failure--Patients--Food Jarunee Thirawitayakom. Effects of dietary counseling on the nutritional status of chronic renal failure patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 221 p. (T E10052) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 57] Chronic renal failure--Patients--Health and hygiene Jirarat Habkonglek. A study of perceived self-efficacy and health promoting behavior of chronic renal failure patients with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 110 p. (T E14528) Chronic renal failure--Patients--Nursing Nuntana Youngprang. Nursing care needs of chronic renal failure patients on hemodialysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 64 p. (T E14539) Chronic renal failure--Patients--Treatment Kwannapa Preechamanitkul. Social stratification, medical welfare and medical treatment patterns for end-stage renal disease patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 189 p. (T E23807) Chronic renal failure--Treatment Danai Kue-a-pai. Development of a control module with a capability of converting an acetate hemodialysis machine into a bicarbonate system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 77 p. (T E8456) Chronic wound Puangtong Tanwongwan. Perceived facilities and barriers encountered by patients in care for chronic wound. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 77 p. (T E14576) Chronically ill Daranee Intajuk. Perception of fatigue in chronically ill patients undergoing weaning from mechanical ventilation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 83 p. (R E17864) Renu Pookboonmee. Perceptions of adult social role development among adolescents with chronic illness. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 213 p. (T E12900) Tippawan Vipamaneeroj. Effect of role preparation of spouse support on family member well-being in family with chronically ill child. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 148 p. (T E18013) Zhu, Mingxia. Quality of life of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 92 p. (T E11728) Chronically ill children Surangkana Poltana. Crisis, coping and family adaptive problems of the family with chronically ill children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 99 p. (T E17313) Yan, Hu. Selected factors influencing self-concept among hospitalized Chinese school-age children with chronic illness. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 92 p. (T E10684) Zhao, Yan. Perceptions of health care needs among chronically ill school-age children and their parents. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 95 p. (T E15675) Chronically ill--Bangkok--Care ประนอม รอดคําดี. การศึกษากิจกรรมการพยาบาลผูปวยเรื้อรังเพื่อการดูแลตอเนื่องที่บานของสถานบริการสาธารณสุข เขต กรุงเทพมหานคร = A study of nursing services activities in chronically ill patients for continuing care at home of health services institutes, Bangkok Metropolitan area. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 79 หนา. (ว 99466) Chronically ill--Bangkok--Cost Nilawan Upakdee. Purchasing for outpatient care at tertiary level : a case study in Bangkok Metropolitan. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 195 p. (T E39733) Chronically ill--Care Kong, Min. Factors related to self health care of the chronically ill elderly attending Outpatient Department of Chulalongkorn hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 85 p. (T E10090) Chronically ill--Care--Cost effectiveness Napassanun Limsantithum. Cost-effectiveness analysis of chronic disease management : comparison between King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital and Public Health Center 16 Lumpini. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 98 p. (T E30207) Chronically ill--Drug utilization Ruangthip Tantipidoke. Rationality and cultural reasoning in self-medication among the chronically ill poor elderly in a congested community in Bangkok. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 130 p. (T E39338) Chronically ill--Patients--Home care Orawan Katekaew. Home health care quality indicator development in chronic disease for health team by participatory action research. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 319 p. (T E33091) Chronicle history [Drama]--Myanmar Sithu Gamani Thingyan. Zinme Yazawin : the Myanmar chronicle of Chiang Mai. [S.l. : s.n.], 1997. 82 p. (R E14335) Chronotherapy Roongtiwa Laohathienpratan. Effect of timing of enalapril administration on 24-hour blood pressure control : morning versus evening. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 105 p. (T E15848) Chrysanthemum morifolium ชุตินทร บูรณะกนิษฐ. การชักนําใหเบญจมาศกลายพันธุโดยใชเทคนิคการเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อรวมกับการฉายรังสี. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2532. (6), 66 หนา. (วพ 60063) ลักษณา ขันธวิไชย. อิทธิพลของวันปลูก การพนสารเมปควอตคลอไรด กอนการเก็บเกี่ยว และการทําพัลซิ่ง ตอคุณภาพดอก เบญจมาศ. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2533. (5), 79 หนา. (วพ 55340) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 58] Chrysanthemums Siranut Lamseejan. Mutation induction in chrysanthemum through in vitro acute and chronic irradiations with gamma rays. Bangkok : Department of Applied Radiation and Isotopes Kasetsart University, 2002. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E19915) Chrysomelidae Orawan Sirichote. Theoretical studies of some attractants for corn rootworms, diabroticite beetles. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, [1999]. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E14422) Chrysomya megacephala Nophawan Bunchu. Modification of a wind tunnel with dual-choice flight tunnel for studying behavioral responses of the blow fly, Chrysomya megacephala, to airborne olfactory stimuli. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 193 p. (T E38581) Noppawan Boonchu. Toxicity of eucalyptol on house fly, musca domestica linnaeus (diptera : muscidae) and blow fly, chrysomya megacephala (frabicious) (diptera : calliphoridae). Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 53 p. (T E20755) Sirisuda Siriwattanarungsee. Effect of neem extract against housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera : Muscidae) and blowfly, Chrysomya megacephala (F.) (Diptera : Calliphoridae). Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 135 p. (T E39548) Chrysomya rufifacies Sirisuda Lertthamnongtham. Biology of the fly Chrysomya rufifacies [Macquart] : prevalence, morphology of larva and developmental rate of larva in laboratory. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 70 p. (T E17994) Chrysopidae Nattatinee Sirimachan. Biological study of green lacewing, Mallada basalis (Walker) (Neuroptera : Chrysopidae) and mass rearing technique. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 64 p. (T E27862) Chrysotile--Analysis Sansuda Chaiyasingh. The ascertaining of asbestos fibers from asbestos cement pipes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 75 p. (T E6567) Chuan Leekpai Jirajet Wongnorraset. Human rights diplomacy of Thailand towards Burma comparison of two administrations : Chuan and Thaksin. Colchester : University of Essex, 2005. 63 p. (R E36936c.1; E36937c.2) พรภิรมณ เชียงกูล. การศึกษาในเชิงประวัติศาสตรเรื่อง รัฐบาลนายชวน หลีกภัย (2535-2538) = A historical study on Chuan Leekpai government (1992-1995). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะสังคมศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 106 หนา. (ว 100561) Chuang Tzu ศริญญา อรุณขจรศักดิ์. ภาษาและความเปนจริงในคัมภีรเตาเตอจิงและคัมภีรจวงจื๊อ = Language and reality in the Tao Te Ching and Chuang Tzu. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 161 หนา. (วพ 108976) Chula 2 manipulator arm Pravit Phongsopa. Design and implementation of a continuous path tracking controller for the Chula2 manipulator arm. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. vii, 165 p. (T E7449) Chula Dent Supaporn Chongvisal. Clinical equivalence study of Chula Dent sealant versus an imported sealant on first permanent molars assessed at 6 months. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 69 p. (T E21566) Chula Rectus Sheae Lifting Device Tanvaa Tansatit. Efficacy of the Chula Rectus Sheath Lifting Device [ChulaLift] for diagnostic laparoscopic gynecologic procedure. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 87 p. (T E19420) ChulaLift device Tanvaa Tansatit. Efficacy of the Chula Rectus Sheath Lifting Device [ChulaLift] for diagnostic laparoscopic gynecologic procedure. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 87 p. (T E19420) Chulalongkorn Hospital Apinya Vijitmakthong. The value proposition of outpatient service by outpatient in civil servant medical benefit scheme (CSMBS) perspective at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 96 p. (T E24678) Puangpen Ritteeverakul. Situation of medical service utilization among the insured according to the Social Security Act 1990 : a case study at Chulalongkorn hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 112 p. (T E15545) Sarit Namwong. Development of causality assessment criteria in drug-induced blood dyscrasia at King Chulalongkorn Memorial hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 120 p. (T E21940) Suksiri Prasomsuk. The study of selected factors affecting anticipated turnover among professional nurses in Chulalongkorn hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. x, 135 p. (T E7050) Suvimon Panananunt. Cost analysis of heart transplantation at Chulalongkorn hospital in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 62 p. (T E9957) Chulalongkorn Hospital--Drug distribution systems Praradchaya Pasook. Factors affecting patient satisfaction with outpatient pharmacy service at Chulalongkorn hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 102 p. (T E10068) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 59] Chulalongkorn Hospital--Outpatient services Praradchaya Pasook. Factors affecting patient satisfaction with outpatient pharmacy service at Chulalongkorn hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 102 p. (T E10068) Chulalongkorn Memmorial Hospital Nutta Sreshthaputra. Cost-benefit analysis of congenital hypothyroidism neonatal screening : a case of Chulalongkorn memorial hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 136 p. (T E15505) Chulalongkorn University Pimrumpai Premsmit. Information needs of academic medical scientists at Chulalongkorn University. Simmons : Simmons College, 1989. 112 p. (T E40253) สมหวัง พิธิยานุวฒ ั น. ประสิทธิภาพในการผลิตมหาบัณฑิตของจุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย = Production efficiency of master's degree graduates of Chulalongkorn University. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะครุศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2525. 84 หนา. (ว 98268) Chulalongkorn University library network ฉัตรวรุณ เหมฤดี. การประเมินระบบหองสมุดอัตโนมัติอินโนแพคในเครือขายหองสมุดจุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย = An evaluation of the INNOPAC automated library system in Chulalongkorn University library network. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 149 หนา. (วพ 108964) Chulalongkorn University Normal Form grammars Meta Citsawat. A development of deterministic parser using data-directed grammar. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 95 p. (T E17011) Chulalongkorn University--Students Apisara Pornrattananukul. Every Chinese listening proficiency guidelines : a case study of Chulalongkorn University students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 128 p. (T E38273) Pattra Pichetsilpa. Everyday Chinese speaking proficiency guidelines : a case study of Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 134 p. (T E37526) Premvadee [Yampeka] Mullins. Successful English language learning strategies of students enrolled at the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. San Diego : United States International University, 1992. viii, 108 p. (T E7934) Sansanee Ek-atchariya. Chinese reading proficiency guidelines : a case study of Chulalongkorn University students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 150 p. (T E38364) Siriyupa Puakpong. L'audition et la prononciation des voyelles Francaises (e), ( ), (o), ( ) chez les etudiants de la faculte des lettres de l'Universite Chulalongkorn. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. vii, 164 p. (T E7629) Suphara Sanguanchokchai. Prevalence of the use of internet radio : a servey among Chulalongkorn University (CU) students. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 56 p. (R E38042) Chulalongkorn University. Faculty of Dentistry--Students Pagaporn Pisarnturakit. Source of stress in Chulalongkorn University dental students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 82 p. (T E26619) Chulalongkorn University. Faculty of Medicine Thosporn Vimolket. Cost of producing a medical student at Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 103 p. (T E16839) Chulalongkorn, King Vasina Anchalisangkas. La societe francaise de la Belle Epoque d'apres le roi Chulalongkorn dans "Klai Ban". Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 168 p. (T E37444) Chumphon Wachira Suktawonjarearnpon. Distribution of northern and southern honeybees Apis cerana populations in borderline region at Prachuap Khiri Khan and Chumphon provinces using DNA markers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 100 p. (T E16993) Chumphon basin กฤติมา ลี่รัตนวิสุทธิ์. การวางแผนการใชที่ดิน เพื่อบรรเทาความเสียหายจากอุทกภัยในพื้นที่ลุมน้ําชุมพร = Land use planning for mitigating disaster from flooding in Chumporn basin. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 184 หนา. (วพ 108755) Chun tuk soil series Kemkaeng Yutidhammadamrong. A study on efficiency of vetiver grass in comparison with other methods for alleviating runoff and soil loss on Chun Tuk soil series. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 65 p. (T E10650) Church architecture--Thailand, Northeastern พิทักษ นอยวังคลัง. โลกทัศนของชางที่ประกอบอาชีพการทําลวดลายประดับสถาปตยกรรมทางศาสนาในภาคอีสาน = The artisans' worldviews of decorative art for religious architecture in the north-eastern region of Thailand. มหาสารคาม : คณะมนุษยศาสตรและสังคมศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม, 2541. 171 หนา. (ว 99421 ฉ.1; 104684 ฉ.2) Church of christ in Thailand Dusanee Boonyasangawong. The development of Christian hymn service in the church of Christ in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 123 p. (T E15240) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 60] Chymotrypsin Saowarath Jantaro. Purification and characterization of trypsin and chymotrypsin from viscera of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and enzyme application. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, 2000. 147 p. (T E20570) Surin Peyachoknagul. Isolation, characterization and analysis of the expression of chymotrypsin inhibitor gene in winged bean [Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L. (DC.)]. Tokyo : Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 1989. 111 p. (T E40504) Wimon Pornsawatchai. Synthesis and evaluation of amino acid derivatives as protease inhibitors on cathepsin G, trypsin and chymotrypsin. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. xviii, 121 p. (T E6968) Cicadellidae Arunya Teerakapong. Ecological study of the castor leafhopper, Empoasca-formosana Paoli (Homoptera : Cicadellidae), and its natural enemies in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (vii), 58 p. (T E6384) Cichlids Panom Krachangpoj Sodsuk. Molecular genetics and systematics of tilapiine cichlids using allozymes and morphological characters. Stirling : University of Stirling, 1993. xiv, 269 p. (T E7790) Ciclopirox olamine ภาวาส เทียมเศวต. ประสิทธิภาพของการใชยาทาเคลือบเล็บ 8 เปอรเซ็นต ciclopirox olamine วิธีใหมเปรียบเทียบกับการ ทายาวันละ 2 ครั้ง ในการรักษาโรคเชื้อราที่เล็บมือ = The effectiveness of new method of applying 8 percent ciclopirox olamine nail lacquer compared to previous twice daily application in the treatment of fingernail onychomycosis. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 49 หนา. (วพ 107244) CIECAMO2 Mati Bunterm. Applying CIECAM02 to images with unknown reference white. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 92 p. (T E35264) Cieluv and munsell color systems Pannapa Paotanom. Color quality classification of ruby and blue sapphire by CIELUV and Munsell color systems. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 143 p. (T E20238) Cigarette beetle Titima Kongrat-arpon. Effects of gamma radiation on the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (F.). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 44 p. (T E20089) Cigarette package labels--Suphan Buri Ricardo, Edgardo M.. Awareness of cigarette pack warning labels among ex-smokers and current smokers in Suphan Buri province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 82 p. (T E8985) Cigarette smoke Suparp Kietthubthew. Genetic and environmental interactions on oral cancer in southern Thailand. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, [1999]. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E14751) Cigarette smokers Boonerb Khettsakorn. Pulmonary function in smokers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. viii, 78 p. (T E6750) Chotirot Chatkaew. Effect of cigarette smoking on lipid profiles in Metropolitant Waterworks employees. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. x, 72 p. (T E8092) Kanjana Suriyaprom. Homocysteine, B vitamins, vitamin C and dietary pattern in healthy Thai smokers : as risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 111 p. (T E33913) Katthaleeya Nirungsan. High-performance liquid chromatographic method development for determining plasma alpha-tocopherol in Thai smokers and non-smokers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 89 p. (T E23040) Luckana Amonsin. A study on cadmium in Thai cigarette and the estimation of the time-occurrence of lung emphysema to smokers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 2 microfiches (107 fr.). (T MF20375) Suchada Tungthangthum. The political economy of tobacco products and optimal cigarette taxation : the case of Thailand. Hawaii : University of Hawaii, 1997. 238 p. (T E11048) Sukhum Poothong. Pesticide exposure and cigarette smoking as the risk factors in lung cancer = ยาปราบศัตรูพืช และบุหรี่เปนปจจัยเสี่ยงตอโรคมะเร็งปอด. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (110 fr.). (T MF20032) Yaowalak Anothayanont. Psychophysiological alteration and vasomoter responses of cigarette smokers to stimuli used in conventional vascular response testing. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 141 p. (T E34221) Cigarette smokers--Nong Khai Anchaleeporn Boonpongsri. Cigarette purchasing behavior of serm secondary school students Phonphisai district, Nongkhai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 74 p. (T E11989) Cigarette smokers--Training of กาญจนศรี สิงหภู. ประสิทธิผลการอบรมเชิงปฏิบัติการเพื่อการเปลี่ยนแปลง ความรู ทัศนคติและพฤติกรรมในการเลิกสูบบุหรี่ = The effectiveness of the operational training program for changing knowledge, attitude and behavior in smoking cessation. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 149 หนา. (ว 97943) Cigarette smoking Tanida Meetongpun. The development of smoking cessation strategies among male students, Rajabhat Institute Bansomdejchaopraya. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 192 p. (T E17124) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 61] Cigarette smoking behavior Noraluk Ua-kit. Factors influencing cigarette smoking behavior among Thai adolescents in Metropolitan Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 246 p. (T E33063) Cigarette tax Suchada Tungthangthum. The political economy of tobacco products and optimal cigarette taxation : the case of Thailand. Hawaii : University of Hawaii, 1997. 238 p. (T E11048) Cigarettes Anchaleeporn Boonpongsri. Cigarette purchasing behavior of serm secondary school students Phonphisai district, Nongkhai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 74 p. (T E11989) Kanpirom Wiboonpanich. Factors affecting the university students' attitude towards the cigarette warning labels. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 108 p. (T E36283) Narumol Nunthapol. Factors relating to cigarette smoking behavior of the conscripts in Adisorn Fort, Saraburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 96 p. (T E21644) Niorn Ariyothai. Cigarette smoking related to pulmonary tuberculosis in adults. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 103 p. (T E18208) Somyat Kumpala. Factors related to substance use of American adolescents. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 168 p. (T E17558) Sukhum Poothong. Pesticide exposure and cigarette smoking as the risk factors in lung cancer = ยาปราบศัตรูพืช และบุหรี่เปนปจจัยเสี่ยงตอโรคมะเร็งปอด. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (110 fr.). (T MF20032) Tanida Meetongpun. The development of smoking cessation strategies among male students, Rajabhat Institute Bansomdejchaopraya. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 192 p. (T E17124) Weena Chanchong. Factors affecting cigarette and alcohol use among Thai students. Wisconsin : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004. 256 p. (T E24190) Cilastatin Nawaporn Vimolsarawong. Drug utilization evaluation of imipenem/cilastatin at Children's hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 78 p. (T E10578) Suree Saengtong. Implementation of a drug use evaluation (DUE) program for imipenem/cilastatin at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 125 p. (T E15460) Cilazapril Amporn Jariyapongskul. Effects of cilazapril on cardiac function and on coronary artery structure in diabetic rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 88 p. (T E12794) Kamonate Pukdeebamroong. Prevention of cardiovascular complications by nicardipine and cilazapril in diabetic rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 99 p. (T E12826) Orasa Vechakarn. Treatment of cardiovascular complications in diabetic rats by various doses of cilazapril. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 127 p. (T E11306) Ciliary ganglion Somneuk Nilbu-nga. Blood supply of the ciliary ganglion and other intraorbital organs in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 53 p. (T E11652) Cill shape Waraporn Promwikorn. Regulation of gene expression and cell cycle progression by cell shape. Liverpool : University of Liverpool, 2002. 251 p. (T E18980) Cimetidine Chaturaporn Naveera. Effect of raw material sources and manufacturing processes on polymorphism and tablet properties. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 171 p. (T E15879) Ekarat Jantratid. Feasibility studies on biowaiver extension of in vivo bioequivalence of class III drugs based on the biopharmaceutics classification system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 234 p. (T E34007) Siriphan La-ongphanich. Ulcer-healing effect of Aloe vera gel, Aloe vera whole leaf extract and cimetidine on rat gastric ulcers induced by fasting, refeeding and cortisal injections = ผลของวุนและสารสกัดทั้งใบของวานหาง จรเข และ cimetidine ตอแผลในกระเพาะอาหารของหนู ที่เกิดจากการอดอาหาร และจากการฉีด Cortisal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 3 microfiches (104 fr.). (T MF20551) Cimex hemipterus Srettapong Thimaharn. Transinfection of bed bug (Cimux hemipterus) wolbachia into dengue vector mosquito (Aedes aegypti) by microinjection. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 79 p. (T E39885) Cimocarpus longana Kanapol Jutamanee. Effects of potassium chlorate and girdling on flowering of longan [Dimocarpus longana Lour.] cv. Pet Sakorn. Bangkok : Department of Botany Kasetsart University, 2005. 15 p. (R E37978) Cinchona--analysis Anusara Vattanajun. Effect of 3alpha-dihydrocadambine isolated from wild cinchona (Anthocephalus chinensis) leaves on blood pressure and heart rate in tree shrew (tupaia glis). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xiv, 64 p. (T E6806) Cinema Akiba, Takayuki. The emergence and development of Thai contemporary arts and artists : a case study of Thai independent cinema. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 184 p. (T E39078) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 62] Cinematography Songkiat Wongsa. Le role de l'Etat francais concernant le development de son industrie cinematographique de 1982 a 2001. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2003. 166 p. (T E20543) Cineole Sirikul Tungjitlikitskul. Efficiency of penetration enhancers in the skin permeation of ketoprofen. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 161 p. (T E20815) Cinnamaldehyde Akasith Leerahawong. Physical and antimicrobial properties of chitosan film containing cinnamaldehyde. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 82 p. (T E40949) Cinnamate Chuleeporn Luadthong. Nanoparticles from cinnamate derivatives of poly(vinyl alcohol). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 92 p. (T E39089) Thitinun Monhaphol. Synthesis of cinnamate derivatives and related compounds as ultraviolet filters. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 86 p. (T E37569) Cinnamates Rutchanee Nonthabenjawan. Nanoparticles from cinnamate chitosan derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 103 p. (T E38952) Thitinun Monhaphol. Photochemical and photophysical properties of cinnamate derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 111 p. (T E38265) Cinnamic acid Arnon Olankitwanit. Synthesis and structure-bioactivity relationship of cinnamic acid derivatives as insect control agents. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 96 p. (T E35314) Nawarat Thedpitak. Anti-phytopathogenic fungal activity of benzoic acid and cinnamic acid derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 52 p. (T E37990) Rachsawan Mongkol. Antifungal activity of benzoic acid and cinnamic acid derivatives against Pineapple heart rot disease. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 80 p. (T E40770) Sujittra Deesamer. Synthesis and herbicidal activity of cinnamic acid and related compounds. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 133 p. (T E31482) Cinnamomum Benja Chaveevanchol. Chemometric study of essential oils from Thai Cinnamomum species. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 136 p. (T E39562) Cinnamomum camphora Roongreang Poolsiri. Soil properties and nutrient cycling in four plantations of temperate tree species in northern Thailand. Vienna : University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, 2003. 176 p. (T E22108) Cinnamon oil Narumol Matan. Utilization of cinnamon oil and clove oil as antifungal agents in active packaging for intermediate moisture food products. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 217 p. (T E36256) CIPP MODEL หวาน พรหมผาง. การประเมินหลักสูตรประกาศนียบัตรครูเทคนิคชั้นสูง (ปทส.) สาขาวิชาไฟฟา พุทธศักราช 2533 วิทยาลัยชาง กลปทุมวัน = A curriculum evaluation on electrical program of higher diploma in technology, 2533 B.E. (Higher, Dip. Tech.) at Pathumwan College. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 196 หนา. (วพ 99178) CIPP Model นิลพันธุ ภารศิลป. การประเมินหลักสูตรผูกํากับการของสถาบันพัฒนาขาราชการตํารวจกองบัญชาการศึกษา โดยใชแบบจําลอง CIPP Model. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2540. 184 หนา. (วพ 87283) CIPP model เกศริน มารัตนะ. การประเมินผลหลักสูตรการศึกษาโรงเรียนนายเรือ พ.ศ.2535 (ฉบับแกไข) = An evaluation of the Royal Thai Naval Academy curriculum B.E.2535 (revised). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 174 หนา. (วพ 101958) ชินวัฒน สินธุชล. การประเมินหลักสูตรฝายอํานวยการตรวจ สถาบันพัฒนาขาราชการตํารวจ กองบัญชาการศึกษา โดยใช แบบจําลอง CIPP Model = The curriculum evaluation on police general staff course Institute of Police Administration Development by using CIPP Model. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 189 หนา. (วพ 113799) เนติ เฉลยวาเรศ. การประเมินอภิมานการใชแบบจําลองซิปในการประเมินโครงการการศึกษา = Meta evaluation of utilization of the CIPP model in educational project evaluation. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 133 หนา. (วพ 101919) พเยาว สุผล. การประเมินหลักสูตรนายสิบอาวุโสเหลาแพทย พุทธศักราช 2535 ของกรมแพทยทหารบก. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 217 หนา. (วพ 93351) Cipp model Chamchun Thedsing. The evaluation of environmental study course management of the nursing science programme Ministry of Public Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 210 p. (T E14932) Nanta Supanakorn. An evaluation of the master of arts program in applied linguistics (teaching English for specific purposes) Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 184 p. (T E20364) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 63] Ciprofloxacin Chudaachhara Unhasuta. Genetic characterization of ciprofloxacin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 70 p. (T E13491) Saranjit Duangseesai. In vitro antibacterial activity of imipenem in combination with amikacin or with ciprofloxacin against imipenem resistant-Acinetobacter baumannii. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 148 p. (T E30109) Siriluk Jaisue. Study of the appropriateness of ciprofloxacin use pattern in inpatients at Lerdsin hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 163 p. (T E17753) Sununta Lojanapiwat. Determination of ciprofloxacin in drug formulation by complexation with metal ion. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 94 p. (T E21426) Supawadee Na-pompet. Sequence analysis of gyrA and parC homologues of Vibrio parahaemolyticus ciprofloxacin resistant mutants from patients and environment. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 115 p. (T E18958) Wichunee Pitragool. Determination of bioequivalence of 250 mg oral ciprofloxacin using urinary drug level. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 136 p. (T E12512) Ciprofloxacin gel Eua-apha Harnvanich. Development of ciprofloxacin gel and antibacterial activity of ciprofloxacin gel against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 93 p. (T E41206) Ciprofloxacin--Bioavailability Srisutha Peemanee. Comparative bioavailability of ciprofloxacin tablets. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xvii, 107 p. (T E6997) Circle--Quality control Saowalux Singhakowin. Quality control circle and its implication on workers : a case study of Thailand. Hague : Institute of Social Studies, 1984. 122 p. (R E2800) Circuit breaker failure relay Sittha Suksawat. Modeling & simulation of circuit breaker failure protection. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 93 p. (T E39039) Circuit rerification เดนดวง ประดับสุวรรณ. การทวนสอบวงจรอสมการแบบควอไซดีเลยอินเซนซิทีฟ โดยซิกแนลทรานสิชันกราฟ = Verification of quasi-delay-insensitive asynchronous circuits by the signal transition graph. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 105 หนา. (วพ 106150) Circuit theory Tanya Sattaya-aphitan. CCII-based immittance function synthesis and their applications. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 105 p. (R E14854) Circular cylinder Paramase Nitatvijit. Free vibration of an infinitely long laminated transversely isotropic circular cylinder. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 64 p. (T E17980) Circular dichroism Apichai Bourchookarn. Site-directed mutagenesis and stability characterization of selected residues in Cry4B domain I. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 109 p. (T E20474) Circular plate Teerapong Senjuntichai. Dynamic interaction between circular plate and multi-layered poroelastic soil. Bangkok : Department of Civil Engineering Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 100 p. (R E19092) Yasothorn Sapsathiarn. Vertical vibrations of circular plate in multi-layered poroelastic media. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 80 p. (T E18786) Circular polarization จาตุรนต โชคสวัสดิ์. การวิเคราะหความถี่เรโซแนนซคูและการโพลาไรซแบบวงกลมของสายอากาศแบบไมโครสตริปรูปวงรี = Analysis of dual-resonant frequency and circular polarization of elliptical microstrip antenna. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 97 หนา. (วพ 110914) Circulating endothelial cell Sirichan Chunhakan. Assessment of circulating endothelial cells in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 88 p. (T E35611) Circulating fluidized bed combustor Chutima Montatip. Optimization of co-combustion in circulating fluidized bed combustor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 113 p. (T E40874) Natthapong Ngampradit. Modeling and simulation of size reduction of fuels in Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor by considering attrition and fragmentation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 250 p. (T E27707) Circulating fluidized bed reactor Pareena Pantaraks. Modeling and simulation of circulating fluidized bed reactor with catalytic ozone decomposition reaction. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 223 p. (R E17539) Circulating fluidized beds Morakot Pongboriboon. Modeling and simulation of small-scale circulating fluidized beds. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 160 p. (R E22901) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 64] Circulation fluidized bed reactor Apichai Therdthianwong. The mathematical modelling and application of computational fluid dynamic [CFD] program for circulating fluidized bed reactor design. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, [2002]. 132 p. (R E19034) Circulation lymphocyte Janpen Udom. Apoptosis of circulating lymphocyte in unilateral ureteral obstructive rat : role of angiotensin system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 112 p. (T E20192) Circumplex model Vucharree Yokanit. Family functioning of army families with no children in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 157 p. (T E23849) Circumstances Chawalit Jivacate. An efficiency of the biofilter system to reduce total VOCs concentration of light cracker bottom storage tank. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 68 p. (T E35626) Cis chinensis Siriwan Jinachai. Relevant biology of Cis chinensis Lawrence [Coleoptera : Ciidae] reared on dried Ling-Zhi mushroom Ganoderma lucidum [Fr.] Karsten and effects of modified atmospheres on its mortality. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 84 p. (T E18533) Cis-enhancing sequence Prasert Auewarakul. Characterization of a cis-regulatory element of HIV-1. Bangkok : Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University, 2005. 1 vol. (R E26570) Cis-polyisoprene สมคิด อาจเอื้อ. การศึกษาโครงสรางโมเลกุลและขนาดผลึกลาเมลลาของพอลิไอโซปรีน โดยปฏิกิริยาการยอยสลาย = Study on molecular structure and their lamellar crystals of polyisoprenes by means of degradation reactions. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 89 หนา. (วพ 94161) Cisplatin Boonyium Kumsorn. Protective effects of fosfomycin on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in patients with lung cancer. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 58 p. (T E16443) Jirapan Moungiaroen. Protective effects of alpha-Lipoic acid and its polyrotaxanes complexes against cisplatin induced DNA damage and its apoptotic mechanism inducing in human lung epitherial cancer cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 168 p. (T E38967) Pithi Chanvorachote. The role of nitric oxide in apoptotic susceptibility of human lung cancer and normal lung cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 188 p. (T E35565) Punnee Klowutthiwatt. A study on stability of cisplatin preparations and pharmacokinetics in Thai patients. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 49 p. (T E10151) Cissampelos pareira Morrakot Intarata. Feasibility of utilizing polysaccharides from Moo-noi (Cissampelos pareira) leaves as prebiotics. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 85 p. (T E38512) อภิรักษ เพียรมงคล. การขยายพันธุเครือหมานอย โดยการเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อ = Clonal propagation of Cissampelos pareira through tissue culture. มหาสารคาม : มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ, 2536. ค, 21 หนา. (ว 79570) Cissus quadra Juthamas Thiangtham. Determination of antioxidant constituents in medicinal plant Cissus quadrangularis Linn.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 74 p. (T E22940) Cissus quadrangularis Jittima Leelatheerakul. Comparison of risk ratio in hemorrhoids patients treated by Cissus quadrangularis L. versus the conventional treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 69 p. (T E33412) Khemchat Apipalakul. Effects of the dried-stem powder of Cissus quadrangularis on hepatic cytochrome P450 and clinical blood chemistry in rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 102 p. (T E26618) Sintip Vudhironarit. Analgesic effects of the ethanolic extract from Cissus quadrangularis dried stem. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 109 p. (T E35091) Wanicha Supraditaporn. Anti-inflammatory activity and vascular effect of methanol extract from Cissus quadrangulasis Linn.. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 83 p. (T E24918) สรศักดิ์ เหลี่ยวไชยพันธุ. การตรวจสอบหาฟลาโวนอยด ในตนเพชรสังฆาต (Cissus quadrangularis L ; Vitidaceae) = A screening test for flavonoids in Cissus quadrangularis L. Vitidaceae. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2538. 21 หนา. (ว 74494) สรศักดิ์ เหลี่ยวไชยพันธุ. การทดสอบความเปนพิษแบบเฉียบพลัน ของตนเพชรสังฆาต(Cissus quadrangularis L.; Vitidaceae) = An acute toxicity testing of Cissus quadrangularis, Vitidaceae. เชียงใหม : คณะเภสัชศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2528. จ, 15 หนา. (ว 53018) สรศักดิ์ เหลี่ยวไชยพันธุ. การศึกษาเภสัชเวทของตนเพชรสังฆาต (Cissus quadrangularis L., Vitidaceae). เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2530. ฉ, 49 หนา. (ว 51862) Citation ศศิธร ทันศรี. พฤติกรรมการอางถึงสิ่งพิมพรัฐบาลไทยในเอกสารวิจัยสวนบุคคลของนักศึกษาวิทยาลัยปองกันราชอาณาจักร = Citation behavior of Thai government publications in research papers of the National Defence College students. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 248 หนา. (วพ 106489) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 65] Citation analysis อัญญาดา ตันติรัตนานนท. การวิเคราะหการอางถึงวารสารใน Food science and technology abstracts กับความตองการใช วารสารของผูใชหองสมุดกองสนเทศวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยี กรมวิทยาศาสตรบริการ. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย รามคําแหง, 2540. 204 หนา. (วพ 93015) Citation of the periodicals อัญญาดา ตันติรัตนานนท. การวิเคราะหการอางถึงวารสารใน Food science and technology abstracts กับความตองการใช วารสารของผูใชหองสมุดกองสนเทศวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยี กรมวิทยาศาสตรบริการ. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย รามคําแหง, 2540. 204 หนา. (วพ 93015) Cites and towns--Asia Su, Cherng-Tyan. Land use scenarios for planning new cities in Asia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1972. 138 p. (T E22482) Cities and towns Sudawan Sindhuprama. Dic deutsche GroBstadtlyrik 1880-1925 = การศึกษาเรื่องเมืองใหญในกวีนิพนธลิริคเยอรมัน 1880-1925. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1980. v, 70 leaves. (T E19303) ดวงจันทร อาภาวัชรุตม เจริญเมือง. เมืองในสังคมไทย : กําเนิด พัฒนาการและแนวโนม = The city in Thai society : its origins, developments, and prospects. เชียงใหม : สถาบันวิจัยสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 390 หนา. (ว 100719) Cities and towns--Bangkok Kawakami, Kunio. Urban areas and urban society in Thailand. Tokyo : Institute of Developing, 1985. 59 leaves. (R E2402) Korff, Riidiger. Markets, trade and state : urbanism in Bangkok. Bielefeld : University of Bielefeld, 1992. 172 p. (R E6045 c.1; E12698 c.2) Sim, Chin Siew. Coping in the city : a study of low income households in three squatter settlements, Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1987. 110 p. (T E22493) Cities and towns--Bangkok--Growth Asnee Thaosuwan. Correlation among the factors influencing urban growth case study : Bangkhen district, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. x, 149 p. (T E8088) Cities and towns--China--Plannig Lau, Yit-Hung Kenny. Small town development in China : an exploratory study of Guandong province. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1982. 78 p. (T E22485) Cities and towns--China--Planning Sopa Sutanadhan. Planning for small towns in Thailand : the role of local administration. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1979. 80 p. (T E22486) Cities and towns--Environmental aspects Pornpun Futrakul. The environmental history of pre-modern provincial towns in Siam to 1910. [S.l.] : Cornell University, 1989. xv, 405 p. (T E5453) Cities and towns--Growth Byoung-Hak, Khil. Urban development by land readjustment in Seoul, Korea, with particular reference to the Gaepo and Garak projects. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1987. 139 p. (T E22622) Kampanart Piyathamrongchai. A dynamic settlement simulation model : applications to urban growth in Thailand. London : University of London, 2006. 367 p. (T E36307) Cities and towns--Pakistan Sualehi, Azhar M.. Can we afford urban conservation? an assessment of the walled city project in Lahore. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1987. 101 p. (T E22478) Cities and towns--Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Chuthatip Maneepong. Urban governance in peri-urban area of Thailand : a case study of Ayutthaya. Pathumthani : Shinawatra University, 2007. 1 vol. (R E38593) Cities and towns--Planning Shanvit Pongquan. Municipal boundaries of the towns in Thailand : implication for development planning. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1980. 166 p. (T E22487) Citizen participation Niran Pamapimai. Community Bussiness : a case study of Khanomcin group in Banpradok Muenwai subdistrict Mueng district Nakhonratchasima province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 95 p. (T E17427) Varunee Pimpa. The participation of local people in environmental performance : healthy city project for Banmee Municipality Lopburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 140 p. (T E19538) Yongyudha Supon. Local people's participation in the conservation of environment at Budha Udhayan water reservoir Amnatcharoen province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 105 p. (T E19437) Citizen suits [Civil procedure] Apiwon Insorn. Medical malpractice litigation in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 267 p. (T E19361) Citizenship Baechtold, Philip A.. From subjects of a king to citizens of a nation : the attempt of Field Marshal P. Phibulsongkhram to change the mind and behavior of the people during his first term (1938-1944). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 96 p. (T E35553) Cogan, John J.. Multidimensional citizenship : educational policy for the 21st century : an executive summary. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota, 1997. 21 p. (R E12004) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 66] Citrate Maneewan Suksomtip. The role of citrate synthase encoded gene on virulence of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 220 p. (T E33233) Citrate method Jinda Yeyongchaiwat. Synthesis and characterization of La1-xSrxGa1-yFeyO3-delta perovskite membrane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 138 p. (T E20213) Citrates Piyarat Srisawang. Functional characterization of sodium-carboxylate cotransporters in human hepatoma cell lines. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 144 p. (T E39410) Sudjai Jaipakdee. The effects of potassium and magnesium supplementation on crythrocyte Na-K ATPase activity and urinary composition of renal stone subjects. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 92 p. (T E18511) Vitoon Prasongwattana. การศึกษาซิเตรตเมแทบอลิซึมในผูปวยโรคนิ่วไต. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, [1995]. 1 vol.(in various pagings). (R E13192) Citric acid Apipreeya Kongsuwan. Recovery of copper (II) from copper-lead mixture solution using adsorption and desorption. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 101 p. (T E38211) Chinawut Wongwijitkaesorn. Citric acid production from tapioca starch in stirred tank bioreactor by Aspergillus niger. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 135 p. (T E11262) Pranee Rattanawaleedirojn. Finishing of cotton fabric with citric acid. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 116 p. (T E11359) Thitima Rujiralai. Development of sequential injection analysis for acidity in fruit juice. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 77 p. (T E16186) Citric acid--Manufacturing processes Chiranan Hempulsert. The preliminary study on conversion of waste and low cost raw material to citric acid by Candida lipolytica. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. vii, 83 p. (T E8065) Citronella grass ศศิธร วสุวัต. การศึกษาประสิทธิภาพปองกันยุงกัดของครีมตะไครหอม วท. = Study on mosquito repellant activity of TISTR citronella oil cream. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศไทย, 2532. 10 หนา. (ว 66049 ฉ.1; 66356 ฉ.2) Citronella ointment Tipo, Oreme. Effectiveness of citronella ointment (mosquito repellent) in preventing mosquito borne diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. ix, 78 p. (T E8109) Citronella-oil Suwipa Sree-iam. The development of mosquito-repellent formulations containing citronella oil and plai oil (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvi, 165 p. (T E7482) Citrullus vulgaris คํานูณ กาญจนภูมิ. อิทธิพลของออกซิน ไซโทไคนิน ตอการเกิดรากและลําตนจากแคลลัสของแตงโม ในสภาพปลอดเชื้อ = Effects of auxins and cytokinins on root and shoot formation in watermelon callus culture in aseptic condition. สงขลา : มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร วิทยาเขตหาดใหญ, 2537. ฉ, 61 หนา. (ว 67490) Citrus Juta Mookdasanit. Studies on the development of analysis and isolation techniques for the aroma components in citrus. [S.l] : Ehime University, 2003. 125 p. (T E22020) Citrus aurantifolia Swingle Ariya Satrabhandhu. In vitro polyploidy induction in common acid limes (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 110 p. (T E11636) Citrus canker disease Udomsak Lertsuchatavanich. Detection, identification and control of Xanthomonas smithii subsp. citri in Citrus spp. in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 77 p. (T E36224) Citrus fruits Wimonrut Insuan. Extraction of aromatic compounds from citrus fruit peel by using superheated water. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 107 p. (T E21910) Citrus fruits--Nepal Gauchan, Devendra. An optimum planning for integrating citrus in Napalese hill farming systems. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1994. 132 p. (T E8468) Citrus grandis ศิริวรรณ ศรีสัจจะเลิศวาจา. สารตานเชื้อราจากเปลือกสมโอ. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2539. 84 หนา. (วพ 80889) Citrus leafminer Oraphan Kern-asa. Natural enemy complex of citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera : Phyllocnistidae), in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 63 p. (T E16652) Citrus reticulata Piriya Rodart. Reduction of limonin in tangerine Citrus reticulata Blanco juice by beta-cyclodextrin polymer. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 164 p. (T E17242) Suchada Sumroiphon. Extraction of citrus seed for control of mosquito-borne diseases larvae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 77 p. (T E23892) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 67] Citrus reticulata (ตอ) Suksawat Ponpinij. Taxonomic studies of predaceous coccinellid [Coleoptera : Coccinellidae] on citrus [Citrus reticulata Blanco] in Lampang province, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 103 p. (T E16950) Tawisa Pipatthitikorn. Scale-up of-debittering tangerine Citrus reticulata Blanco juice by fluidized beta-cyclodextrin polymer process. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 156 p. (T E30133) ขันติพร ฟงนภาแกว. การถายจีน bacteriolytic เขาสูสมเขียวหวาน = Bacteriolytic genes transformation in tangerine (Citrus reticulata blanco). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 67 หนา. (วพ 107301) ชูพงษ สุกุมลนันทน. การเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อนิวเซลลัสสมโชกุน = In vitro culture through nucellus tissue of Citrus reticulata cv. Shogon. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 18 หนา. (ว 103034) มงคล แซหลิม. การศึกษาปญหาและแนวทางการปรับปรุง การปลูกสมจุก = Studies on problems and improvement of neck orange (Citrus reticulata Lin.) cultivation. สงขลา : คณะทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร วิทยาเขตหาดใหญ, [2533]. 31 หนา. (ว 59081) วชิราพร เถินมงคล. การตรวจสอบอาการฟามของสมเขียวหวาน โดยใชวิธีการสองผานของแสง = Detection of dry juice sac and granulation of tangerine (Citrus reticulata Blanco) by visible light transmittance techniques. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2543. 65 หนา. (วพ 107042) วิสุทธิ์ พงษศิริศักดิ์. การเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อนิวเซลลัสและการขยายพันธุสมฟรีมองท ในสภาพปลอดเชื้อ = In vitro propagation of Citrus reticulata blanco. through nucellus culture. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 70 หนา. (วพ 109638) ศรีสุดา เจนจารุวงศ. การเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อนิวเซลลัสสมโชกุน = In vitro culture through nucellus tissue of Citrus reticulata cv. Shogun. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 65 หนา. (วพ 109637) สรสิทธิ์ วัชโรทยาน. การใชวิธีวิเคราะหพืชเพื่อบอกระดับความตองการธาตุสังกะสีของสมเขียวหวาน (Citrus reticulate). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, [25--]. 46 หนา. (ว 013435) สัญญา กันเกตุ. อิทธิพลของ paclobutrazol ตอการเจริญเติบโตทางกิ่งใบและการออกดอกของสมเขียวหวานโดยไมงดน้ํา (ฤดู ฝน) = Effect of paclobutrazol on vegetative growth and flowering of "Khiew-Waan" Tangerine (Citrus reticulata blanco) in rainy season. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 1 แผน (16 เฟรม). (ว MF21899) Citrus rust mite Saowanit Maimala. Mass production of a fungus, Hirsutella thompsonii var. synnematosa on various media and its efficacy to control the citrus rust mite [Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead)]. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 81 p. (T E10807) Citrus sinoensis วนิดา หาญบุญเศรษฐ. ตนทุนและผลตอบแทนจากการลงทุน ปลูกสมตราเชิงการคาในจังหวัดราชบุรี. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2533. ฑ, 162 หนา. (วพ 53916) Citrus tristeza Ampaiwan Paradornuwat. Characterization of Citrus Tristeza Closterovirus isolates in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 145 p. (T E22926) Citrus yillow mite Sirima Sornlek. Isolation of acaricidal constituents aganist the citrus yellow mite, Eotetranychus cendanai Rimando [Acarina : Tetranychidae] from undeveloped fruit of Piper nigrum L.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 110 p. (T E17866) Citrus--Diseases and pests Ohtsu, Yoshihiro. Development of methods for the diagnosis and control of citrus greening disease in Thailand. Bangkok : Plant Pathology and Microbiology Division Department of Agriculture, 1995. 63 p. (R E11453) City and town life Askew, Marc. Bangkok : transformation of the Thai city. [S.l. : s.n.], 1991. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E9085) Richler, Kerry. Child care in urban Thailand : choice and constraint in a changing society. Bangkok : Institute for Population and Social Research. Mahidol University, 1992. 94 p. (R E8802) City and town life--Bangkok Paritta Chalermpow Koanantakool. Urban life and urban people in transition. Bangkok : Thailand Development Research Institute, 1993. xi, 72 p. (R E10300) City children นิตยา กัทลีรดะพันธุ. การศึกษาพฤติกรรมเสี่ยงของเด็กในเมือง. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยสังคม จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 121 หนา. (ว 99773) City planning Shanvit Pongquan. Municipal boundaries of the towns in Thailand : implication for development planning. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1980. 166 p. (T E22487) Yongtanit Pimonsathean. Training needs assessment and training design for decentralised physical and urban development in Thailand. [Rotterdam : International Housing and Urban Development Studies], [1999]. 1 vol. (R E16177) โสภารัตน จารุสมบัติ. ผังเมืองกับการอนุรักษพื้นที่สีเขียวในกรุงเทพมหานครและปริมณฑล. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะรัฐศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2542. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 99373) City planning--Asia Su, Cherng-Tyan. Land use scenarios for planning new cities in Asia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1972. 138 p. (T E22482) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 68] City planning--Asia (ตอ) Tuan, Ching-Hao. Planning and programming of new cities in Asia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1972. 197 p. (T E22494) City planning--Bangkok Dusdi Chanlikit. The application of a land information system to land readjustment for city planning in Thailand. Edinburgh : University of Edinburgh, 1995. 300 p. (T E9536) ลือชัย ครุธนอย. การศึกษาผลกระทบสิ่งแวดลอม การเปลี่ยนแปลงพื้นที่สีเขียวใหมีสิ่งปลูกสรางประเภททาวนเฮาสและอาคาร พาณิชย กรณีศึกษา : ผังเมืองรวมกรุงเทพมหานคร = Environmental impact assessment on green area resulting from townhouse and commercial building construction case study : the Bangkok plan. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 97657) City planning--Chiang Mai Uraivan Tan-kim-yong. Mini slums in Chiang Mai city : a study of family growth and housing conditions. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1979. 11 p. (R E1228) City planning--China Sopa Sutanadhan. Planning for small towns in Thailand : the role of local administration. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1979. 80 p. (T E22486) City planning--Pakistan Dogar, Nasir Mehmood. The twin city of Rawalpindi-Islamabad : an evaluative study of twenty five years of plan implementation. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1985. 154 p. (T E22468) City Radio FM 96.0 Kitirom Kasemsri. Participatory communication in city radio FM 96.0. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 85 p. (T E26664) Civel engineering Naret Limsamphancharoen. Condition monitoring of structures by using ambient dynamic responses. Urbana : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003. 119 p. (T E22237) Civic computer networking อําไพ พงศวัฒนธรรม. เครือขายผูใชคอมพิวเตอรเพื่อชุมชนในฐานะกลไกเสริมสรางพลังกระบวนการประชาสังคม : ศึกษาเฉพาะ กรณี เว็บไซตจังหวัด = Civic networking as a tool for civil society empowerment : a case study of province websites. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร, 2543. 149 หนา. (วพ 113050) Civic education สุปราณี ไกรวัตนุสสรณ. การพัฒนาหลักสูตรพลเมืองศึกษาโดยใชขอมูลจากชุมชน สําหรับนักเรียนมัธยมศึกษาตอนตน สังกัด กรมสามัญศึกษา ในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = The development of civic education curriculum using community oriented approach for lower secondary school students under the jurisdiction of General Education Department, Bangkok Metropolis. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 351 หนา. (วพ 104746) Civic engagement and community Nutta Vinijnaiyapak. Institutions and civic engagement : a case study of Thai community in Los Angeles. California : University of Southern Colifornia, 2004. 306 p. (T E24767) Civic leaders Puricha Charoenkul. An empowerment program on AIDS prevention and control provision for community leaders in Bantoek subdistrict of Srisatchanalai district, Sukhothai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 113 p. (T E20421) Somrudee Sukudom. An empowerment program for amphetamine abuse prevention and control among the community leaders in Kao-Jan sub-district, Chonburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 115 p. (T E18195) Civic leaders--Samutsakorn Kittitee Putsiri. Problems and impacts of the foreigner labour : a case study of community leaders in Samutsakorn province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 114 p. (T E17103) Civil Aviation Training Center--Students Pattarawadee Yoopan. The instructional media needs of air traffic control students at civil aviation training center, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 129 p. (T E18569) Civil court Wipawan Sinsuntia. Development of a microfluidic microbial biosensor for environmental monitoring. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 50 p. (R E40685) Civil defense Kasem Suppavatcharayothin. Participation of the civil defense volunteers in the prevention of amphetamine problems in Nakorn Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 147 p. (T E15403) Civil education Wanna Chongdarakul. The relationships between Thai secondary school social studies teachers' beliefs about civic education, epistemological beliefs, and classroom practices : a model for Thai in-service professional development. [S.l.] : Portland State University, 2003. 295 p. (T E22155) Civil engineering Natthapong Areemit. State monitoring of civil engineering structures by modal identification with ambient vibration measurement. Saitama : Saitama University, 2005. 71 p. (T E36322) Pramuk Piyakapanta. Behavior of beam to column semi-rigid connection with welded connection. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 63 p. (T E16912) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 69] Civil engineering (ตอ) Thanan Jarupoom. Boundary integral method applied to rectilinear flat plates. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. x, 82 p. (T E6864) Tinnakorn Monprapussorn. Influence of axial and radial deformations and fluid transportation on behaviors of marine risers with large displacements. Bangkok : King Mongkut' University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 192 p. (T E16983) Civil law ศิริรัตน สุขภูติ. การคืนทรัพยตามหลักกฎหมายแพง = Restitution of things under the Thai Civil Law. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 209 หนา. (วพ 100364) Civil law--Juristic persons สังคม ฮอหรินทร. ปญหาขอกฎหมายในการจดทะเบียนจัดตั้งนิติบุคคลและมาตรการลงโทษผูบริหาร กรณีนิติบุคคลลมละลาย : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีบริษัทจํากัดและบริษัทมหาชนจํากัด = Legal problems in registration of legal entity and legal measures to punish the board of directors in the event of bankruptcy : a study of the case of the limited liability company and public limited company. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 331 หนา. (วพ 100320) Civil liability Pranit Bhumithavara. Le droit de la responsabilite civile et les accidents survenus dans les magasins. Strasbourg : Universite Robert Schuman, 1989. 308 p. (T E40579) ปราณีต ชุมแกว. ความรับผิดทางแพงตาม พ.ร.บ.สงเสริมและรักษาคุณภาพสิ่งแวดลอมแหงชาติ พ.ศ.2535 = Civil liability Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act, 1992. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย รามคําแหง, 2541. 136 หนา. (วพ 99519) ปญจพร โกศลกิติวงศ. ความรับผิดทางแพงของผูกอมลพิษในคดีสิ่งแวดลอม = Civil liabilities of polluters in environmental cases. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 176 หนา. (วพ 100356) Civil registration Waraporn Plubplathong. A study of the completeness of death registration : a case study of the Kanchanaburi project, 2001. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 98 p. (T E20825) Civil rights ประยุทธ นีระพล. การถวายฎีกาของราษฎรตามนิติราชประเพณี = The people's right to petition according to royal tradition. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 190 หนา. (วพ 100318) Civil service Chindalak Vadhanasindhu. The Thai National Civil Service Training Center : a study of policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Indiana : Indiana University, 1988. ix, 189 leaves. (R E5937) Supaluck Liamvarangkoon. Effect of gender role on career advancement in Thai civil service. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2002. 225 p. (T E20004) Civil service reform Jiraporn Meewasana. Work attitudes and work behaviors of the forestry officials in Chiang Mai towards the bureaucratic reform. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 84 p. (R E24567) Civil society Makawan Suwannaruang. Thai middle class and civil society. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 150 p. (T E34139) Noppadol Kasetwethin. Civil society and development : a case study on Hakban Group, Thawangpha district, Nan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 96 p. (T E18262) Pandey, Shashi Ranjan. Emerging civil society in Thailand issues and challenges. [S.l. : s.n.], 2000. 116 p. (R E37863) Prachatip Kata. The study on social capital and the role of social capital in social movement : case study of healthy civil society in one village in north-eastern region of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 89 p. (T E32997) Stewart, Robb. Civil society and policy advocacy in Thailand : the role of advocacy coalitions in the establishment of the National Human Rights Commission, 1990-2000. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 217 p. (T E19707) Theerasak Prompunjai. The existence of civil society organizations fighting violence against women : a case study of one organization in northeast of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 115 p. (T E33813) Wirat Kamsrichan. Civic-minded in the context of Thai civil society. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 119 p. (T E16382) กิติพร ศรีวงศชัย. บทบาทประชาคมตําบลตอการพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจชุมชน = Roles of local civil society in community economic development. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 137 หนา. (วพ 101372) ชุติมา สุมน. กลุมพลังประชาธิปไตยในประชาสังคม : บทบาทในการผลักดันนโยบายปฏิรูปการเมือง พ.ศ.2536-2538 = Democracy-oriented groups in the civil society : roles in pressuring for the political reform policy, 19931995. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 191 หนา. (วพ 101431) Civil society organizations Tay Zar Moe Myint. Creating democratic space in Myanmar : the role of civil society organizations. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 148 p. (T E40889) Civil society--Indonesia Sumarlan, Yanuar. A history of governmentality imposed on autochthonous peoples in West Kalimantan 17712006. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 459 p. (T E39472) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 70] Civil society--Phetchaburi มนู อุดมเวช. แนวทางศึกษาและพัฒนาประชาสังคมเพชรบุรี = The way for studying and development of Phetchburi civil society. เพชรบุรี : สํานักศิลปวัฒนธรรม สถาบันราชภัฏเพชรบุรี, 2542. 124 หนา. (ว 97898) Civil-minded Wirat Kamsrichan. Civic-minded in the context of Thai civil society. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 119 p. (T E16382) Civilization Boyd, W.E.. Geoarchaeological research within the origins of the civilisation at Angkor Archaeological Project. New South Wales : Southern Cross University, 2000. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E14830 c.1; E14831 c.2) Higham, C.F.W.. The origins of the civilisation of Angkor. Dunedin : University of Otago, 2000. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E14828 c.1; E14829 c.2) Patmawan Buranamat. The decline and fall of Angkor (12th Century to 15th Century). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 94 p. (T E31487) Civilization--History Puckpan Tipayamontri. Symbolism and cultural history in Nikom Rayawa's fiction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 100 p. (T E16512) Cladiella tuberosa Nisit Pisutthanan. Chemical constituents from the soft coral cladiella tuberosa tixier-durivault. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 171 p. (T E10833) Parnhathai Nobchinwong. Sexual reproduction of a soft coral, Cladiella tuberosa Tixier-Durivault [Cnidaria : Anthozoa : Alcyonacea], in coral communities in the inner and the eastern Gulf of Thailand. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2001. 84 p. (T E18844) Cladistic analysis Sakboworn Tumpeesuwan. Taxonomy of snorkel snails genus Rhiostoma Benson, 1860 in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 178 p. (T E22808) Yupa Hanboonsong. A comparative phenetic and cladistic analysis of the genus Holcaspis Chaudoir (Coleoptera : Carabidae). [S.l.] : Lincoln University, 1994. x, 149 p. (T E7765) Cladistics BEDOS, Anne. Les collemboles edaphiques du massif du Doi Inthanon [Thailande] : biodiversite et ecologie en foret tropicale. Toulouse : Universite Paul Sabatier, 1994. 348 p. (T E18127) Cladogynos orientalis Butsarakham Supudompol. Chemical constituents from the roots of Cladogynos orientalis Zipp. ex Span. and their biological activity. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 143 p. (T E19530) Mayuree Kanlayavattanakul. Chemical constituents and biological activities of Pterocaulon redolens and Cladogynos orientalis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 212 p. (T E27809) Cladonia Sittiporn Panmen. Morphology, chemistry and molecular evolution of lichens in the genus Cladonia (Cladoniaceae) in northern and northeastern Thailand. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2006. 178 p. (T E36381) Cladoniaceae Sittiporn Panmen. Morphology, chemistry and molecular evolution of lichens in the genus Cladonia (Cladoniaceae) in northern and northeastern Thailand. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2006. 178 p. (T E36381) Cladophora fracta Chantana Lamai. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of lead and cadmium in green macroalgae Cladophora fracta. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 155 p. (T E18291) Claims Amitra Jitranukij. The preliminary compensation claims under the protection for Motor Vehicle Accident Victims Act, B.E. 2535 (1992), in hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Royal Thai Army. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 139 p. (T E24130) Kongkoon Tochaiwat. Information-oriented employer's construction claim management. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 363 p. (T E35273) Claisen rearrangement Preecha Moonsin. Study on the synthesis of allyl vinyl ethers under basic condition and subsequence Claisen rearrangement. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 58 p. (T E25138) Clans Kanchana Juntongjin. Marine bacteria producing paralytic shellfish poisons and tetrodotoxins with emphasis on the association with the toxicity of marine sand clan (Asaphis violascens) in the coastal area of Thailand. [S.l. : s.n.], 1994. 156 p. (R E9215) Claopodium crispifolium Khanit Suwanborirux. Cytotoxic constituents from the higher plants Spathelia sorbifolia, Psorospermum febrifugum and the mosses Claopodium crispifolium, Anomodon attenuatus. West Lafayette : Purdue University, 1989. 206 p. (T E40547) Clarias Kingkaew Wattanasirmkit. Histological studies on the effects of triphenyltin hydroxide pesticide to liver and kidney of catfish (Hybrid of clarias gariepinus and c.macrocephalus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xv, 330 p. (T E7231) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 71] Clarias (ตอ) Nanthiya Graipaspong Unprasert. An Evaluation of the use of "ideal" protein concept to estimate essential amino acid requirements of the Clarias hybrid (Clarias macrocephalus x Clarias gariepinus). Mississippi : Mississippi State University, 1994. ix, 119 p. (T E7872) นันทิยา อุนประเสริฐ. เปรียบเทียบอาหารชนิดตางๆ ตอการเลี้ยงปลาดุกอุย = Comparison for various diets for clarias. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันประมงน้ําจืดแหงชาติ, 2532. 17 หนา. (ว 67180) Clarias batrachus Oratai Peturiyawate. Effects of hydrogen sulfide on catfish (Clarias batrachus, Linnaeus).... Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 แผน (90 เฟรม). (T MF05555) Prairung Mektrairat. Tetracycline in catfish (Clarias batrachus) : emphasis on pharmacokinetics, prophylaxis and the minimal inhibitory concentration of tetracycline to Aeromonas hydrophila = เตตราซัยคลินในปลาดุกดาน เนนการศึกษาเภสัชจลนศาสตร การทดสอบการปองกันโรคและความเขมขนต่ําสุดของยาที่สามารถยับยั้งเชื้อ แอโรโม นาส ไฮโดรฟลา. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1985. 3 microfiches (127 fr.). (T MF20025) อํานวย จรดวง. การวิเคราะหความหลากหลายทางพันธุกรรมของปลาดุกดานดวยวิธีพีซีอาร = Analysis of genetic diversity of Pla-Dukdan (Clarias batrachus Linnaeus) by PCR technique. [กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร], 2543. 22 หนา. (ว 110566 ฉ.1; 127089 ฉ.2) Clarias gariepinus Kasame Chetawan. Effect of protein levels on the growth performance of three to five months age African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) : input to technology management in aquaculture production. Manila : Technological University of the Philippines, 1998. 108 p. (T E13513) Nanthawan Chanwanna. Study of appropriate condition for in vitro growing of catfish cells (hybrid of clarias gariepinus and c.macrocephalus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xii, 142 p. (T E7159) Nanthiya Graipaspong Unprasert. An Evaluation of the use of "ideal" protein concept to estimate essential amino acid requirements of the Clarias hybrid (Clarias macrocephalus x Clarias gariepinus). Mississippi : Mississippi State University, 1994. ix, 119 p. (T E7872) Oratai Peturiyawate. Effects of hydrogen sulfide on catfish (Clarias batrachus, Linnaeus).... Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 แผน (90 เฟรม). (T MF05555) Oudom Phonekhampheng. Use of glandless cottonseed as an ingredient in hybrid catfish (Clarias macrocephalus x Clarias gariepinus) feed. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 100 p. (T E10232) Prairung Mektrairat. Tetracycline in catfish (Clarias batrachus) : emphasis on pharmacokinetics, prophylaxis and the minimal inhibitory concentration of tetracycline to Aeromonas hydrophila = เตตราซัยคลินในปลาดุกดาน เนนการศึกษาเภสัชจลนศาสตร การทดสอบการปองกันโรคและความเขมขนต่ําสุดของยาที่สามารถยับยั้งเชื้อ แอโรโม นาส ไฮโดรฟลา. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1985. 3 microfiches (127 fr.). (T MF20025) Ronnarong Palasoon. Comparative testicular structure and spermatogenesis between the hybrid catfish [Big Oui] and their parental species, Clarias macrocephalus and Clarias gariepinus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 87 p. (T E18465) Sapphasit Klomklao. Isolation and characterization of proteinases from hybrid catfish [Clarias macrocephalus x Clarias gariepinus] viscera. Songkhla : Faculty of Technology and Community Development Thaksin University, 2008. 36 p. (R E40613c.1; E40614c.2) Sitdhi Boonyaratpalin. Effect of MS-222 and sodium chloride in commercial fish handling. Bangkok : Department of Fisheries, 1987. (6), 33 leaves. (R E4457) กรรณิกา โลหทอง. ผลของเมททิลพาราไธออนและไนไตรทตอระดับไซโนโครมพี 450 ไซโตโครมบี 5 และสมรรถนะของไซโต โครมซีรีดักเตสในปลาดุกพันธุผสม (Clarias macrocephalus VS Clarias gariepinus = Effect of methyl parathion and nitrite on the level of cytochrome P450,cytochrome B5 and cytochrome C reductase activities in crossbred catfish (clarias macrocephalus VS Clarias gariepinus). กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 125 หนา. (วพ 103212) ชงโค แซตั้ง. ผลของการเพิ่มชุดโครโมโซมที่มีตอลักษณะของปลาดุกลูกผสมระหวางปลาดุกอุย กับปลาดุกเทศ = Effect of polyploidy on performance of hybrids between Clarias macrocephalus and Clarias gariepinus. ชลบุรี : คณะ เกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล, 2538. 20 หนา. (ว 100617 ฉ.1; 100618 ฉ.2) ฐิติลาวัณย กลิ่นคลายกัน. ระดับของไซโตโครมพี 450 และไซโตโครมบี 5 ในปลาดุกพันธุผสม (Clarias macrocephalus VS Clarias gariepinus) ภายหลังสัมผัสเมททิลพาราไธออนและไตรบิวทิลติน. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 85 หนา. (วพ 89167) พรรณิภา อริยกุลกาญจน. การศึกษาเทคนิควิธีผาตัดเพื่อเก็บน้ําเชื้อปลาดุกยักษ = A surgical method for milt collection in Clarias gariepinus (Burch.). นครปฐม : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2536. ช, 45 หนา. (ว 67519) Clarias macrocephalus Amonrat Sermwatanakul. Practical diet formulation for common carp (cyprinus carpio) and walking catfish (clarias macrocephalus) larvae in Thailand. Vancouver : University of British Columbia, 1993. xiii, 193 p. (T E6084) Nanthawan Chanwanna. Study of appropriate condition for in vitro growing of catfish cells (hybrid of clarias gariepinus and c.macrocephalus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xii, 142 p. (T E7159) Nanthiya Graipaspong Unprasert. An Evaluation of the use of "ideal" protein concept to estimate essential amino acid requirements of the Clarias hybrid (Clarias macrocephalus x Clarias gariepinus). Mississippi : Mississippi State University, 1994. ix, 119 p. (T E7872) Nontawith Areechon. Immune response of walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus, Gunther) to vaccination by injection methods. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1989. 11 p. (R E9212) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 72] Clarias macrocephalus (ตอ) Oudom Phonekhampheng. Use of glandless cottonseed as an ingredient in hybrid catfish (Clarias macrocephalus x Clarias gariepinus) feed. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 100 p. (T E10232) Ronnarong Palasoon. Comparative testicular structure and spermatogenesis between the hybrid catfish [Big Oui] and their parental species, Clarias macrocephalus and Clarias gariepinus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 87 p. (T E18465) Sapphasit Klomklao. Isolation and characterization of proteinases from hybrid catfish [Clarias macrocephalus x Clarias gariepinus] viscera. Songkhla : Faculty of Technology and Community Development Thaksin University, 2008. 36 p. (R E40613c.1; E40614c.2) Sitdhi Boonyaratpalin. Effect of MS-222 and sodium chloride in commercial fish handling. Bangkok : Department of Fisheries, 1987. (6), 33 leaves. (R E4457) Surintorn Boonanuntanasarn. Transfer for growth hormone gene into fertilized egg of catfish, clarias macrocephalus, by mycroinjection. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 150 p. (T E9806) Uthairat Na-Nakorn. Gene-centromere mapping at four microsat and five isozyme loci in Clarios macrocephalus based on genogenetic offspring. Bangkok : Department of Aquaculture Kasetsart University, [2002]. 12 p. (R E20281) Wagle, Suresh Kumar. Selection response and genetic changes in Thai walking catfish [Clarias macrocephalus Gunther] after two generations of selection as revealed by isozyme variation. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 75 p. (T E19655) กรรณิกา โลหทอง. ผลของเมททิลพาราไธออนและไนไตรทตอระดับไซโนโครมพี 450 ไซโตโครมบี 5 และสมรรถนะของไซโต โครมซีรีดักเตสในปลาดุกพันธุผสม (Clarias macrocephalus VS Clarias gariepinus = Effect of methyl parathion and nitrite on the level of cytochrome P450,cytochrome B5 and cytochrome C reductase activities in crossbred catfish (clarias macrocephalus VS Clarias gariepinus). กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 125 หนา. (วพ 103212) ชงโค แซตั้ง. ผลของการเพิ่มชุดโครโมโซมที่มีตอลักษณะของปลาดุกลูกผสมระหวางปลาดุกอุย กับปลาดุกเทศ = Effect of polyploidy on performance of hybrids between Clarias macrocephalus and Clarias gariepinus. ชลบุรี : คณะ เกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล, 2538. 20 หนา. (ว 100617 ฉ.1; 100618 ฉ.2) ฐิติลาวัณย กลิ่นคลายกัน. ระดับของไซโตโครมพี 450 และไซโตโครมบี 5 ในปลาดุกพันธุผสม (Clarias macrocephalus VS Clarias gariepinus) ภายหลังสัมผัสเมททิลพาราไธออนและไตรบิวทิลติน. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 85 หนา. (วพ 89167) เดนนภา รัษฐปานะ. การศึกษาคาอัตราพันธุกรรมของลักษณะความตานทานโรค น้าํ หนักตัว และความยาวลําตัวของปลาดุกอุย (Clarias macrocephalus). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 66 หนา. (วพ 77047) ธวัช ดอนสกุล. การศึกษาโครโมโซม ของปลาดุกดานและปลาดุกอุย ที่พบในประเทศไทย = A chromosome study on two species of clariid catfishes, Clarias batrachus and Clarias macrocephalus, from Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ วิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ บางเขน, 2531. 27 หนา. (ว 59156) นิภาพร กานทอง. สภาวะหลากรูปแบบของไมโตคอนเดรีย-ดีเอ็นเอในปลาดุกอุย (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 89 หนา. (วพ 77192) บัญญัติ ศิริธนาวงศ. อัตราการเจริญเติบโตของลูกปลาดุกอุย (Clavias macrocephalus Gunther) ที่เลี้ยงดวยอาหารผสม ที่มี อัตราสวนของโปรตีนตอพลังงานตางๆ กัน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2532. (5), 73 หนา. (วพ 61676) พรรณศรี จริโมภาส. การคัดพันธุปลาดุกอุยโดยดูลักษณะตัวเองจากการเจริญเติบโต 4 รุน = Mass selection of Clarias macrocephalus Gunther for growth (4 generations). กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันประมงน้ําจืดแหงชาติ, 2533. 1 เลม(ไม ปรากฎเลขหนา). (ว 67183) เรณู เวชรัชตพิมล. ผลของฮอรโมนจากตอมใตสมอง และโฆริโอนิกโกนาโดโทรปน ตอการตกไขและอัตราการรอดชีวิต ของปลา ดุกอุย = Effects of pituitary hormone and chorionic gonadotropin on ovulation and survival rate of Clarias macrocephalus, Gunther. นครปฐม : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2535. (4), 72 หนา. (ว 57594) วราภรณ แจงสุทธิวรวัฒน. ระดับของคารโบไฮเดรตที่เหมาะสม ในอาหารสําหรับการอนุบาลลูกปลาดุกอุย (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2536. (7), 99 หนา. (วพ 64457) วิกรม รังสินธุ. การศึกษาเวลาหลังผสม อุณหภูมิและชวงเวลาในการช็อค ที่เหมาะสมในการเหนี่ยวนําไจโนเจเนซีส ในปลาดุกอุย (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2537. (6), 58 หนา. (วพ 64131) อํานวย จรดวง. การวิเคราะหดีเอ็นเอจากไมโตคอนเดรียของปลาดุกอุยในธรรมชาติ = Mitochondial DNA analysis of nutural populations of walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร1 แผน (6 เฟรม). (ว MF21010) อุทัยรัตน ณ นคร. การปรับปรุงพันธุกรรมปลาดุกอุย (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther) ที่มีความตานทานตอโรค ที่เกิดจาก เชื้อแบคทีเรีย = Genetic improvement of walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther) for bacterial disease resistance. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะประมง มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2531. (12), 163 หนา. (ว 55566) อุทัยรัตน ณ นคร. การศึกษาผลของชวงความยาวแสงในรอบวัน และอุณหภูมิตอการฟนตัวของรังไขหลังการวางไขในปลาดุกอุย (Clarias macrocephalus) = Study on effects of photoperiod and temperature on ovary recrudescence of Thai walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 66 หนา. (ว 97355 ฉ.1; 98848 ฉ.2) อุธร ฤทธิลึก. การเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพแวดลอมของบอเลี้ยงปลาดุกในสภาพการเลี้ยงที่ใชน้ําจํากัด = The variation of pond environment in walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus (hybrid), Clarias macrocephalus) cultured using limited water. ชลบุรี : คณะเกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล, 2535. 30 หนา. (ว 103385) เอนก โสภณ. การใชเวอรจิเนียมัยซิน เปนสารเรงการเจริญเติบโต ในปลาดุกอุย (Clarias macrocephalus gunther). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535. (8), 114 หนา. (วพ 55418) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 73] Clarias Macrocephalus Gunther ศุภรัตน ฉัตรจริยเวศน. ผลของความหนาแนนที่มต ี อการเลี้ยงปลาดุกอุยเทศ (Clarias Macrocephalus Gunther X Clarias Gariepinus Burchell). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 83 หนา. (วพ 89916) Clarias macrocephalus vs clarias gariepinus กฤติยา อินทรเผือก. ผลของไดคลอรวอสตอการทํางานของอะเซทิลโฆลีนเอสเทอเรส คาทางโลหิตวิทยา และการทํางานของ ตับในปลาดุกพันธุผสม (Clarias macrocephalus vs clarias gariepinus). กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 77 หนา. (วพ 83070) Clariidae ชงโค แซตั้ง. ผลของการเพิ่มชุดโครโมโซมที่มีตอลักษณะของปลาดุกลูกผสมระหวางปลาดุกอุย กับปลาดุกเทศ = Effect of polyploidy on performance of hybrids between Clarias macrocephalus and Clarias gariepinus. ชลบุรี : คณะ เกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล, 2538. 20 หนา. (ว 100617 ฉ.1; 100618 ฉ.2) Clariidae--Diseases--Vaccination Nontawith Areechon. Immune response of walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus, Gunther) to vaccination by injection methods. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1989. 11 p. (R E9212) Clarithromycin Nifaridah Waba. Comparison of mothods for susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium avium complex to clarithromycin resistance. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 82 p. (T E29090) Somwai Leetranont. Detection of clarithromycin resistance in Helicobacter pylori isolated from Thai patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 89 p. (T E21526) Clarithromycin--Therapeutic equivalency Sudaporn Kumlai. Quantitative determination of clarithromycin in human serum by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection : development and validation of the method for application in bioequivalence study. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2005. 58 p. (T E25178) Clarius macrocephalus Jittima Hirunrussamee. Investigation of toxic cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa, and its toxin metabolite in cultivated pond water and the skin and meat of Gunther's walking catfish, Clarius macrocephalus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 51 p. (T E24542) Clasias Gariepinus Burchell ศุภรัตน ฉัตรจริยเวศน. ผลของความหนาแนนที่มต ี อการเลี้ยงปลาดุกอุยเทศ (Clarias Macrocephalus Gunther X Clarias Gariepinus Burchell). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 83 หนา. (วพ 89916) Class ceramic Naruporn Kanchanarat. Chain silicate glass ceramics for biomedical applications. Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 2005. 198 p. (T E36347) Class D inverters Kamon Jirasereeamornkul. Synthesis and design of Class E rectifier-based power-factor correctors. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 63 p. (T E33787) Class E rectifiers Kamon Jirasereeamornkul. Synthesis and design of Class E rectifier-based power-factor correctors. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 63 p. (T E33787) Class III malocclusion Woranat Amnuaiphanwilai. Craniofacial morphology of Thai adults with class III malocclusion. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 100 p. (T E21497) Class scheduling Pakorn Santakij. A design and development of the class scheduling system using object-oriented technology and relational database. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 174 p. (T E18303) Tanongsak Gulyanon. Principle of compatibility and requirement analysis for timetable scheduling for Thai university. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 125 p. (T E15407) Class size Prapai Klinkhachorn. A survey of problems and practices of teaching English in large classes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 153 p. (T E7809) Class-room timetable Nguyen, Cong Danh. Course scheduling in multiple faculties using a grid computing environment. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2005. 145 p. (T E35329) Classic estimation ชุติมา โศจิพันธุ. การประมาณคาองคประกอบความแปรปรวนแบบเบสสําหรับตัวแบบสุมตลอดในบลอกสมบูรณ = Bayesian estimation of variance components for randomized complete block model. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 97 หนา. (วพ 108987) Classic Zinnia จิรดา รามนู. ผลของสารแพคโคลบิวทราโซลตอการเจริญเติบโตของบานชื่นหนูพันธุดอกสีขาว = Effect of paclobutrazol on growth of classic Zinnia (Zinnia angustifolia). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 1 แผน (19 เฟรม). (ว MF21897) Classical decomposition method ยุพาภรณ อารีพงษ. การพยากรณสินคายุทธศาสตรเกษตร : กรณีผักและผลไม = Forecasting of strategy agriculture products : vegetables and fruits. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 384 หนา. (วพ 113030) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 74] Classical distal renal tubular acidosis Chairat Shayakul. Molecular pathologic studies of the anion exchanger 1 mutation as the cause of distal renal tubular acidosis in Thailand. Bangkok : Department of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, 2001. 38 p. (R E17319) Classical guitar Sarayut Ammaro. Arrangements of Thai traditional music in classical guitar style. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 207 p. (T E15202) Classical limit Supitch Khemmani. Semiclassical limit and separability of the jaynes-cummings model. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 52 p. (T E27788) Classical literature Penlak Wongchongchaiharn. Etude de l'espace dans "Le Chien Jaune" de Georges Simenon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 118 p. (T E15729) Classical method multilevel path analysis สวาสดิ์ ศรีเมืองแกว. การเปรียบเทียบการวิเคราะหเสนทางพหุระดับดวยวิธีดั้งเดิมและโมเดลลดหลั่นเชิงเสน : ศึกษารูปแบบ ปจจัยที่สงผลตอประสิทธิภาพการทํางานของขาราชการ สํานักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัด กระทรวงสาธารณสุข = A comparison of multilevel path analysis between classical method (ols separate equation approach) and hierarchical linear model (HLM approach) : the study factors influencing in the effectiveness of civil service under the Provincial Public Health Office. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2543. 222 หนา. (วพ 109721) Classical numbers Supredee Dangskul. Kummer's congruences for classical numbers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 42 p. (T E41208) Classical reactor Mali Hunsom. Recovery of copper, chromium and nickel from electroplating effluent by electrochemical technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 257 p. (T E19076) Classical swine fever virus Gunnaporn Veerachato. Studies on Escherichia coli expression of classical swine fever virus gp55 and its antigenic characterization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 138 p. (T E13223) Classification Amattaya Thongserm. An analysis of English books sold in Thailand for 7-12-year-old children. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 59 p. (T E40814) Apichai Therdthianwong. The utilization of hydrocyclone for particle classification. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 138 p. (R E19846) Jatupon Thammachaisopit. A classification and coding system for radial tire components. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 96 p. (T E23427) Nattapol Ukkarachaneeyakorn. Hydrocyclone as a classifier. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 125 p. (R E13457) Pramual Suteecharuwat. A classification methodology of intelligent manufacturing systems. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 138 p. (T E12538) Thanapant Raicharoen. A divide-and conquer approach to the Pairwise Opposite Class-Nearest Neighbor (POCNN) algorithm for classification and regression problems. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 67 p. (T E27749) Classification and coding system Sutas Suksermsongchai. Implementation of classification and coding system in machine spare part manufacturing. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 157 p. (T E30220) Classification--Books รัชนีกร อินเล็ก. รูปแบบที่เหมาะสมในการลดจํานวนหนังสือคางรอการวิเคราะหหมวดหมูและทําบัตรรายการ ของหองสมุด มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน = The suitable model for decreasing backlogs of books in Khon Kaen University Libraries. ขอนแกน : สํานักวิทยบริการ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 67 หนา. (ว 99636) Classification--Books--Thailand Patcharaporn Khoosomboonsuk. An analysis of books on Thailand acquired by the Library of Congress Bangkok Office from 1998 to 2000. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 374 p. (T E23301) Classifications Wanchai Loturatana. Thai speech classification based on embedded emotion using pitch parameter. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 42 p. (R E35856) Classifiers [Linguistics] Premjit Ngansathin. Classifiers in Burmese. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xi, 220 p. (T E7513) Classroom climate นพมาศ เพราพันธ. บรรยากาศทางสังคมในชั้นเรียนวิทยาศาสตรตามความคิดเห็นของนักเรียน ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 1 จังหวัด ชุมพร = The opinion of mathayom suksa 1 students in Chumphon concerning the social climate in science classroom. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 64 หนา. (วพ 111856) ผจงกาญจน ภูวภ ิ าดาวรรธน. ความสัมพันธระหวางบรรยากาศชั้นเรียนและความคิดสรางสรรคของนักเรียนมัธยมศึกษา อําเภอ เมือง เชียงใหม = The relationship between classroom climate and creativity of secondary school students in Amphur Muang Chiang Mai. เชียงใหม : คณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 35 หนา. (ว 98566) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 75] Classroom environment Kanyarat Dadphan. A design of virtual classroom environment for project-based learning in higher education. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 149 p. (T E40183) วีณา วโรตมะวิชญ. สภาพแวดลอมหองเรียนและปฏิสัมพันธเพื่อการเรียนรูคณิตศาสตรของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 4 ใน โรงเรียนประถมศึกษา อําเภอเมืองเชียงใหม = Classroom environment and interaction of mathematics learning of prathom suksa 4 students in schools of Muang Chiang Mai district. เชียงใหม : ภาควิชาประถมศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2543. 47 หนา. (ว 109707) Classroom interaction Phalangchok Wanphet. Developing teaching through comparison of teacher's and learners' perceptions of learning. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 74 p. (R E16972) Classroom practices Wanna Chongdarakul. The relationships between Thai secondary school social studies teachers' beliefs about civic education, epistemological beliefs, and classroom practices : a model for Thai in-service professional development. [S.l.] : Portland State University, 2003. 295 p. (T E22155) Classroom scheduling and reservation system Poramin Nuyongpuck. A design and development of classroom scheduling and reservation system for teaching and learning case study of the Public Health Faculty, Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 74 p. (T E18204) Classroom teachers Thosapol Arreenich. A study of factors influencing the burnout syndrome as perceived by North Dakota public school classroom teachers. Grand Forks : University of North Dakota, 1981. 120 p. (T E39899) Classrooms Patcharee Sridakum. An investigation into the effect of classroom feedback on students' language awareness in letter-writing. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 82 p. (R E13988) Tharinee Boonyuen. A comparison of real and media-based classroom discourse. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 79 p. (T E35381) ผจงกาญจน ภูวภ ิ าดาวรรธน. ความสัมพันธระหวางบรรยากาศชั้นเรียนและความคิดสรางสรรคของนักเรียนมัธยมศึกษา อําเภอ เมือง เชียงใหม = The relationship between classroom climate and creativity of secondary school students in Amphur Muang Chiang Mai. เชียงใหม : คณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 35 หนา. (ว 98566) Classrooms--Ventilation Chanawat Nitatwichit. Analysis of thermal comfort and particulate matter dispersion in a classroom under natural ventilation. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 277 p. (T E39781) Clastogenicity Patchaya Masomboon. Clastogenic and anticlastogenic potential of raw and cooked Amaranthus species. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 70 p. (T E23530) Wiravan Kumvan. Clastogenic and anticlastogenic potentials of dietary seaweeds Porphyra spp. and Gracilaria spp. using erythrocyte micronucleus assay in the mouse and their nutritive value. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E18551) Clause structure Waraporn Chaikuna. The analysis of clause structure in Lahu Shi. Chiang Mai : Payap University, 2003. 126 p. (T E20668) Clausena cambodiana Prasan Tangyuenyongwatthana. Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance of coumarins from clausena cambodiana guill. root bark. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1988. xv, 135 p. (T E6949) Somchai Mekaroonreung. Chemical inuestingation of coumarins from root bark of Clausena cambodiana = การ สืบเสาะคุณสมบัติทางเคมีของสารจําพวกคูมารินจากเปลือกรากของตนสมุยหอม. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1987. 2 microfiches (100 fr.). (T MF20401) Clausena excavata Thaworn Jaipetch. Chemical constituents of Irvingia malayana and Clausena excavata. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 235 p. (T E13753) Clausena guillauminii Krongkaew Naowsaran. A phytochemical study of the root of Clausena guillauminii Tanaka = การศึกษาทางพฤกษ เคมีของรากสองฟา. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1985. 3 microfiches (130 fr.). (T MF20029) Clausena lansium Pratheung Chokeprasert. Studies on development of Mafai Jeen [Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels] products. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 134 p. (T E36236) Claviceps purpurea Supachai Ratanopas. Variability and nutrition of claviceps purpurea in culture. Manitoba : University of Manitoba, 1976. 141 p. (T E40508) Clavicipitaceae Suparp Artjariyasripong. Biological and molecular studies on invertebrate-pathogenic fungi (Clavicipitaceae, Ascomycotina) of Thailand. Portsmouth : University of Portsmouth, 1999. 347 p. (T E13659) Clavicle Ekamol Thumroj. An accuracy of pin insertion point for distal clavical fixation : a cadaveric study. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Medicine Khon Kaen University, 2004. 47 p. (R E22957) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 76] Clavulanic acid Yuwadee Sirisomboon. Bioequivalence of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid tablets. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 159 p. (T E23224) Clay Arunee Tabtiang. Preparation of poly [vinyl chloride]/clay nanocomposites. Bangkok : Department of Chemistry, Mahidol University, 2000. 35 p. (R E17958) Atinut Saejiew. Evolution des sols de bas fonds au nord-est de la Thailande. Etude des interactions entre sodisation et ferrolyse. [S.l.] : L' Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique de Montpellier, 2003. 114 p. (T E22232) Khamkaew Photyotin. Effect of surfactant and organoclay loading on mechanical and gas barrier properties of EVOH/clay nanocomposite films. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 98 p. (T E37933) Kittirat Laohaledsakda. Regeneration of spent bentonite clay for treatment of BTX feedstock. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 66 p. (T E14382) Kok-Hooi Chan. Determination of strain dependency of shear modulus of soft clays using bender element. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 149 p. (T E40152) Krishna Neaupane. Analysis of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical systems in Unsaturated soil subjected heat. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2005. 25 p. (R E30277) Nampol Chaowalittrakul. Strength and deformation characteristics of cement admixed clay under compression unloading stress condition and its constitutive model. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 119 p. (T E35413) Naowarath Manomaisantiphap. Preparation and characterisation of polymer/clay hybrids through the copolymerisation of methyl methacrylate with glycidyl methacrylate and maleic anhydride. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 124 p. (T E17119) Nartwara Chirandorn. Adsorption of mercury using bentonite, china clay and ball clay. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 81 p. (T E23588) Nuchjaree Pirotesak. Analysis of young's modulus of polypropylene/clay nanocomposites. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 93 p. (T E37523) Parichat Damrongpong. Clay supported iron compound catalysts for oxidation of cyclooctane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 100 p. (T E27834) Patcharaporn Ngumnunjai. Preparation and properties of poly (methylmethacrylate)/clay nanocomposites. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 83 p. (T E34754) Pennapa Klurvudtikul. Adsorption of olefins in BTX feedstock using clays. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 88 p. (T E20237) Phattra Phokasuntarangkoon. The formation of some cobalt and nickel complexes on clay surface. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 116 p. (T E9602) Pinkaew Kanfook. One dimensional consolidation on Bangkok clay under cyclic loading. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 204 p. (T E35202) Pinyo Hovilailux. Analysis of permeability of low density polyethylene/clay nanocomposite filme. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 112 p. (T E37592) Saisamorn Lumyong. Modification of swelling clays for use as reinforcing additives in poly (vinyl chloride). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 141 p. (T E13672) Suched Likitlersuang. A hyperplasticity model for clay behaviour : an application to Bangkok clay. Oxford : University of Oxford, 2003. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E30272) Sukanya Aphiwantrakul. Synthesis and characterization of polymer-clay nanocomposites. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 94 p. (T E18742) Surat Srichan. Compressive strength of cement-fly ash stabilized Bangkok clay mixtures under static and cyclic loading. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 323 p. (T E18916) Thanapun Jirasupanun. Refining of local ball clay by spray drying. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 174 p. (T E14325) Thaweesak Jirathanathaworn. Stabilization of clayey sand with lime and fly ash for landfill liners. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 79 p. (T E21908) Walailak Ubankhlong. Solid-state mechanical properties and microstructure of polypropylene/nylon-6 clay nanocomposites. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 76 p. (T E34985) Wanpen Wiriyakitnateekul. The properties of clays in red and yellow soils of Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 141 p. (T E29010) Wasan Damduan. Dimerization of methyl oleate using Thai clays as catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 110 p. (T E23420) Wimolnan Kanket. Properties of the clay fraction of alfisols and ultisols in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 165 p. (T E36201) Winunta Poopunpanich. Separation of carotenoids from palm oil by adsorption on clays. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 115 p. (T E23026) Wiwut Tanthapanichakoon. Study the effect of water content in raw cellulose nitrate on its film properties and determine a tolerance water level in the resulting nail polish. Bangkok : Faculty of Engineering Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 73 p. (R E39249c.1; E40611c.2) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 77] Clay (ตอ) Yongyuth Taesiri. A study on strength of lime-stabilized clay = การศึกษาเกี่ยวกับกําลังรับแรงอัดของดินผสมปูนขาว. Bangkok : Department of Highways, 1989. 32 p. (R E5331) Clay minerals Anchalee Suddhiprakarn. Clay minerals and iron oxides of selected red and yellow soils in Northeast Plateau and Southeast Coast, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1983. 10 p. (R E8627) Prachak Charoen. Studies on parent material, clay minerals and fertility of paddy soils in Thailand. Tokyo : Kyoto University, 1974. 155 p. (T E22675) Pranorm Saejueng. Cation-exchange properties of some clay minerals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 108 p. (T E13822) Sakda Trisak. Chemical properties of some clay minerals. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1987. xiv, 92 p. (T E6929) Supara Tokunalai. Intercalation in some clay minerals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 135 p. (T E13824) Clay minerals--Thailand, Northern Prasan Seesamrurng. Induced polarization characteristics of sulphide graphite and clay minerals in Northern Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 140 p. (T E10210) Clay modification Sarintorn Limpanart. Surface modification of montmorillonite for polymer-clay nanocomposite preparation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 109 p. (T E34780) Clay smear Thammasak Koednok. Influence of clay and shale smear in fault zone on the potential sealing of hydrocarbon in Block B8/32, Pattani basin, Gulf of Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 257 p. (T E21782) Clay soils Aphiphan Pookpakdi. Soil moisture and plant establishment as an important factor in soybean planted after rice at Kampangsaen district. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1984. 10 p. (R E8799) Surachat Sambhandharaksa. Development of theory and practice in geotechnical engineering = การวิเคราะหและ ออกแบบทางปฐพีกลศาสตร. Bangkok : Department of Highways, 1988. 68 p. (R E5406) Yuwaree Phadungchewit. The role of pH and soil buffer capacity in heavy metal retention in clay soils. Montreal : McGill University, 1990. 180 p. (T E40981) Clay--Bangkok Prakainetra Insai. Holocene diatom analysis of the Bangkok clay. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 66 p. (T E15123) Clay--Chiang Mai ประเสริฐ ติญญนนท. พฤติกรรมไมระบายน้ําของดินเหนียวแข็งเชียงใหม ภายใตการทดสอบความเครียดระนาบ = Undrained behaviour of stiff Chiang Mai clay under plane strain test. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 133 หนา. (วพ 100192) Clay--Creep Teeracharti Ruenkrairergsa. Creep behavior of clay shale by in-situ direct shear test. Bangkok : Materials and Research Division, Department of Highways Thailand, 1987. 24 p. (R E4407) Clay--Lampang Kyaw Kyaw Aung. Factors controlling the thickness of clay smear on faults in the Mae Moh coal mine, Lampang, Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 131 p. (R E38979) Clay--Nakhon Nayok Paramita Punwong. Pollen deposit in Bangkok clay from Ong Kharak District, Nakhon Nayok Province, and their implication on paleophytogeography. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 117 p. (T E40776) Clays Panintorn Dechfoong. Separation of carotenoids from palm oil using Ag-treated clays. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 127 p. (T E35284) Clean development Patcharaporn Charusombat. The potential of Clean Development Mechanism for petroleum Exploration and Production industry in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 119 p. (T E40803) Clean development mechanism Naratip Dabbaransi. The optimum solution for clean development mechanism (CDM) of municipal solid waste incineration power plant at Nontaburi province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 128 p. (T E40176) Salmela, Sanna. Transaction cost reduction for small-scale clean development mechanism (CDM) projects in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 123 p. (T E36078) Sima Sanrak. A feasibility study of reforestation project in Clean Development Mechanism under Kyoto Protocol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 123 p. (T E24529) Clean food good taste standards Klitsanee Vijitagul. Factors relating to acquired clean food good taste standards of food establishments, Chumporn province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 81 p. (T E34065) Clean power Wattana Kaewmanee. Steady state analysis methods applied to multi-pulse converter for clean power. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2004. 98 p. (T E30178) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 78] Clean technology Jariyaporn Punkkom. Increasing efficiency of pasteurize machine in bael drink production by clean technology. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 99 p. (T E24448) Narongdech Chailungka. Application of cleaner technology in packaging printing factory (offset lithography system) case study : Printing Innovation Co., Ltd.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 113 p. (T E34439) Nathawut Thunthong. The prototype of clean technology assessment program for paper industry. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 131 p. (R E16530) Orathai Chavalparit. Optimization of clean technology practices for the Thai crude palm oil industry. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 194 p. (T E31460) Piyawit Manopornsirikul. The development of instructional game-tutorial for clean technology. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 100 p. (T E23622) Supareak Susangeim. Application of export system to clean technology. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 176 p. (R E20261) Yingjarern Khusakulrat. Application of waste minimization system in dyeing process. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 152 p. (T E18542) สมศักดิ์ แซเตีย. การผลิตสารเคมีมูลคาเพิ่มจากถานหินลิกไนต โดยใชเทคโนโลยีสะอาด = Value-added chemicals production from lignite by clean technology. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 116 หนา. (วพ 108474) Cleaner energy Tiwaree, Ram Sharma. Input-output assessment of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission in Thailand. Nakhon Ratchasima : Suranaree University of Technology, 2001. 89 p. (R E19939 c.1; E19940 c.2) Cleaner production Bach, Le Ba Viet. Application of cleaner production at a coal preparation facility in Vietnam. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 123 p. (T E39606) Peesamai Jenvanitpanjakul. Thailand programme on cleaner production in pulp and paper mills. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific Technological Research, 1999. 38 p. (R E13349 c.1; E14459 c.2) Cleaner technology Kunya Pradprew. The development of cleaner technology training model in environmental management for students a case study : Nakhonnayok Technical College. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 158 p. (T E18565) Patcharat Saralamp. Application of cleaner technology to reduce energy use in pig farm case study : Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 130 p. (T E21618) Saard Pradprew. Factors affecting the adoption of cleaner technology for environmental management industrial sector : a case study of textile bleaching and dyeing factories under the pilot project of the Department of Industrial Works. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 139 p. (T E18502) Sompong Hanvajanawong. The effects of institutional factors, organization capabilities, and perceived advantages to the adoption of cleaner technology by manufacturing firms in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 140 p.. (T E19677) Sukumal Ahingsako. Application of cleaner technology to reduce starch and electrical energy losses in native starch industry case study : Tang Song Chua Flour Mill Limited Partnership at Rayong province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 142 p. (T E18023) Cleaning Kanyaluk Ao-ekkasit. Algorithm development for dynamic optimization of heat exchanger network cleaning using continuous time formulation approach. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 102 p. (T E41234) ชูรัตน เพงพินิจ. การพัฒนาประสิทธิภาพการบริหารหนวยงานราชการดวยวิธีการจางเหมาบริการ : กรณีศึกษาเปรียบเทียบการ จางเหมาทําความสะอาดในจังหวัดขอนแกน = The development of management efficiency of government organizations by utilising the contrating-out method : a comparative case study of the contracting-out of cleaning in Khon Kaen province. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 121 หนา. (วพ 98457) Cleaning schedule Slita Nusong. Algorithm development for optimal cleaning of heat exchanger network using time diseretisation approach. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 121 p. (T E39856) Cleanup method Nitirat Chimnoi. Development of a cleanup method for determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in selected samples. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 135 p. (T E16408) Clear glass bottles Surapol Chamatr. Reusing potential of 750 cubic centimeters clear glass bottles for fish enterprises : a case study of Samutprakan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 109 p. (T E17380) Clear sky model Pansak Amarananwatana. An assessment of the Ashrae clear sky model for irradiance prediction in Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 271 p. (T E31329) Clearance Anusak Kijtawornrat. Comparison of measurements of glomerular filtration rate using single-injection of inulin and standard creatinine clearance in dogs with renal arteries stenosis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 15 p. (R E19026) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 79] Clearer technology Somchit Pattamasirikun. The development and experiment of supplementary reading book on cleaner technology for diploma in vocational education students. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 209 p. (T E20435) Clearly proteinaceous beverages มาลิน จุลศิริ. การใชจุลินทรียเพื่อผลิตเครื่องดื่มโปรตีนชนิดใสพรอมกลิ่นหอมจากถั่วเหลือง = Contributions of microbial cultures for production of clearly proteinaceous beverages with pleasantly flavor from soybeans. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเภสัชศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, [2542]. 42 หนา. (ว 107039) Cleft lip Chalurmpon Srichomthong. Association between polymorphisms in TGFbeta-3, IRF6, SKI and MTHFD1 and frontoethmoidal encephalomeningocele and oral cleft. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 79 p. (T E31483) Chupong Ittiwut. Association between MTHFR polymorphisms and frontoethmoidal encephalomeningocele and cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 83 p. (T E31484) Parichat Pimanthep. The study of nasalance scores in Thai cleft palate patients aged 8 to 15 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E17767) Cleft palate children Thipsuda Rattanaphimon. Speech problems in Thai cleft palate children aged 3 to 8 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E20031) Cleft palate--Patients Parichat Pimanthep. The study of nasalance scores in Thai cleft palate patients aged 8 to 15 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E17767) Cleidion spiciflorum Supotchana Menkham. Phytochemical study of Cleidion spiciflorum [Burm.f.] Merr. leaves. Bangkok : Chulalognkorn University, 2001. 172 p. (T E18650) Cleistantha-4,13 (17) Smithtichai Sriyangnok. Chemical constituents and biological activity from the stem barks of Croton oblongifolius Roxb. from Amphoe Pranburi, Prachuabkhirikhan province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 73 p. (T E16731) Clenshaw-Lord-Sidi approximations Rotchana Chieochan. Rational approximations by the methods of Pade', Maehly and Clenshaw-Lord-Sidi. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 73 p. (T E16763) Clerodane Pravit Singtothong. Chemistry and biological activity of diterpenoid compounds from Croton oblongifolius Roxb.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 285 p. (T E19454) Praworada Cholsuk. Chemical constituents of the stem bark of Croton roxburghii from Chaiyaphum province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 107 p. (T E23112) Clerodane compounds Kusalin Musikul. New clerodane compound from stem bark of Croton Oblongifolius Roxb. from Amphoe Sai Yok Kanchanaburi province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 87 p. (T E22793) Clerodendrum petasites Parinyanee Chatluang. Bronchodilator activity of the exthanol etract from Clerodendrum petasites S. Moore. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 92 p. (T E16480) Thitikarn Wongcome. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities of methanol extract from Clerodendrum petasites S.Moore. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 75 p. (T E18041) Clerodendrum serratum Arun Phacharoen. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and vascular effects of Clerodendrum serratum Linn. extract. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai Univerity, 2007. 65 p. (T E38569) Clezio, Le Kasidit Watcharaphan. La quete de l'ideal dans trois oeuvres de Le Clezio : Mondo et autres histoires, Desert et La ronde et autres faits divers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 224 p. (T E23432) Clibranarius longitarsus Pawanee Rodboon. Study on shell selection and growth rate of hermit crab (Clibranarius longitarsus) in natural and artificial shells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 88 p. (T E33206) Client พรพรรณ อิทธิรัตนสุนทร. การพัฒนาระบบฐานขอมูลแบบผูใชบริการ ผูใหบริการสําหรับการปฏิบัติงานของบุคคลใน สถาบันการศึกษา กรณีศึกษา : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล วิทยาเขตบพิตรพิมุข จักรวรรดิ = Development of client/server databases for personnel performance in educational institute case study : Rajamangala Institute of Technology Borpitpimuk Chakrawad Campus. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 169 หนา. (วพ 110499) Client satisfaction Jama, Ahmed Ismail. Clients' satisfaction towards curative services provided by the primary care units in Sakaeo province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 92 p. (T E23780) Roy, Partha Pratim. Client satisfaction on outpatient medical care service in Sampran community hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 71 p. (T E17695) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 80] Client satisfaction (ตอ) Wungchun Kittipadakul. Client satisfaction towards oral health services under universal health coverage project in Singburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 90 p. (T E23781) Client/Server จเร เลิศสุดวิชัย. การเชื่อมโยงระบบฐานขอมูลแบบไคลเอ็นตเซอรฟเวอรบนเครือขายนนทรีเน็ต = The Client/Server Database on Nontrinet. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2538. 1 เลม (ไมปรากฏเลข หนา). (ว 86995) Client/server computing Paricha Ingongngam. Collaborative information server agent prototype. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 36 p. (T E20576) Pornchai Ackarasoranee. Remote console with an iterative, connection-oriented multiprocess server via TCP/IP on windows. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 91 p. (T E13556) Somchai Pichaiyongvongdee. Hospital database system development on the client/server environment case study on the hospital for tropical diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 111 p. (T E14025) Yongyut Ngamnate. Application program for personnel information system : a case study of Udornthanee Provincial Primary Education Office. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 105 p. (T E14679) Client/server databases พรพรรณ อิทธิรัตนสุนทร. การพัฒนาระบบฐานขอมูลแบบผูใชบริการ ผูใหบริการสําหรับการปฏิบัติงานของบุคคลใน สถาบันการศึกษา กรณีศึกษา : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล วิทยาเขตบพิตรพิมุข จักรวรรดิ = Development of client/server databases for personnel performance in educational institute case study : Rajamangala Institute of Technology Borpitpimuk Chakrawad Campus. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 169 หนา. (วพ 110499) Client/server system ปรีชา ฤทธิรงคขจร. การพัฒนาระบบผูใชบริการ/ผูใหบริการสําหรับธุรกิจสิ่งทอ = Development of a client/server system for textile business. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 150 หนา. (วพ 97133) Clients' satisfaction Mpemba, Cyprian Gervas Clement. A study of family planning clients' satisfaction through non governmental organization health facilities in Tanzania : a focus of pathfinder international. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 68 p. (T E15361) Saneekan Seemanee. The factors related to the clients' satisfaction in primary care unit, Saraburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 100 p. (T E21640) Clifford semigroup digraphs Sayan Panma. Characterizations of Clifford semigroup digraphs. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 20 p. (T E23268) Climacteric syndrome Lakana Sriboonwong. Perception of menopausal symtoms, impact and symtoms management of menopausal women. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 101 p. (T E19314) Climacteric, Female Kittana Chanda. The effects of soy-rich diet on lipid profile, lipid peroxidation and menopausal symptoms in climacteric women. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 107 p. (T E24136) Climacteric, Male Boonsong Cheewaroungroj. Factors associated with menopausal symptoms : a study at health clinic, health promotion center region 1. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 108 p. (T E14927) Busaba Consunsi. The effectiveness of health promotion program for menopause clinic clients, King Chulalongkorn Memorial hospital the Thai Red Cross Society. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 154 p. (T E15386) Climacteric--China Shao, Wenli. Adaptation to menarche among Chinese adolescent girls. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 82 p. (T E10463) Wang, Honghong. Climacteric experience among Chinese women in Changsha city. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 89 p. (T E10460) Climate Atsamon Limsakul. Seasonal - to - interdecadal climate variability and its influence on the lower trophic ecosystems of the Western North Pacific. Nagoya : Nagoya University, 2003. 139 p. (T E22076) Auttapol Golaka. The utilization of radiation to the sky at night for cooling an underground tank of water in the climate of Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 160 p. (T E39382) Chompunoot Kongkanoi. Subsurface correlation of formation 1, platform B, Arthit Project, Gulf of Thailand using the climate stratigraphic approach. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 101 p. (R E41273) Climate change Brown, Barbara E.. Potential inpacts of climate change on corals and coral reefs. Newcastle upon Tyne : Newcastle University, 2000. 23 p. (R E16328 c.1; E16329 c.2) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 81] Climate change (ตอ) Somvang Bouttavong. An application of climate change scenario in studying the effect of climate change on crop water requirement and water balance in a reservoir : a case study of the planned Nam Nga Gnai reservoir project, Sanakham district, Vientiane province, LAO PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 164 p. (T E33984) Climate changes Office of Environmental Policy and Planning. A study of climate change impacts on various sectors. Bangkok : Office, [2002]. 63 p. (R E19922) Thailand Environment Institute. Thailands country study on climate change 1990 : mitigation options, climate change scenarios, vulnerability and adaptation. Bangkok : Institute, 1999. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E19919) Climate variability Somkhit Boulidam. Vulnerability and adaptation of rainfed-rice farmers to impact of climate variability in Lahakhok, Sebangnuane Tai, Dong Khamphou, and Koudhi villages of Songkhone district, Savannakhet province, LAO PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 97 p. (T E33327) Climatic changes Barbetti, Mike. Climatic change in Southeast Asia inferred from tree rings October 1992 to June 1999. Sydney : University of Sydney, [2000]. 1 vol. (R E15723 c.1; E15724 c.2) Brown, Barbara E.. Potential inpacts of climate change on corals and coral reefs. Newcastle upon Tyne : Newcastle University, 2000. 23 p. (R E16328 c.1; E16329 c.2) Godley, David S.. Flood regimes in northern Thailand : an inter-disciplinary approach. Clayton : Monash University, 1997. 178 p. (T E11947) Kruamas Smakgahn. Estimating methane emissions from rice fields using emission factors and a geographical information system. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 120 p. (T E15486) McPhaden, Michael. Scientific design for the common module of the global ocean observing system and the global climate observing system : an ocean observing system for climate : final report of the Ocean Observing System Development Panel. Texas : Texas A&M University, 1995. 265 p. (R E8835) Office of Environmental Policy and Planning. A study of climate change impacts on various sectors. Bangkok : Office, [2002]. 63 p. (R E19922) Thailand Environment Institute. Thailands country study on climate change 1990 : mitigation options, climate change scenarios, vulnerability and adaptation. Bangkok : Institute, 1999. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E19919) Climatic zones--Classification Arnusorn Sangprajak. Development of Thailand climatic zones. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 95 p. (T E14864) Climbers เจษฎา เต็งรัง. การสํารวจพรรณไมเลื้อยที่ใชประโยชนโดยชาวกะเหรี่ยงบริเวณหมูบานเขาเหล็กและพื้นที่ใกลเคียง = Ethnobotancial surver of climbers used by Karen tribe at Khao Lek village and dajacent areas. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2538. 1 แผน (42 เฟรม). (ว MF21821) วัชนะ บุญชัย. ความสัมพันธระหวางวัลยชาติและสภาพแวดลอมบริเวณปาผลัดใบสวนพฤกษศาสตรสมเด็จพระนางเจาสิริกิติ์ จังหวัดเชียงใหม = Relationship of climbers and their environment in deciduous forest at Queen Sirikit Botanic Graden, Chiangmai province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 183 หนา. (วพ 106527) Clinacanthus nutans Chatchawadee Thongtharb. Study of the antagonistic effect of slaed pang porn (clinacanthus nutans) against Thailand cobra venom (naja naja siamensis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1976. 2 แผน (117 เฟรม). (T MF09793) Sumitra Suntararuks. The study of immunotoxic effects of Clinacanthus nutans extract in male Wistar rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 108 p. (T E13903) Wipa Tanasomwang. The screening of anti-inflammatery action of Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.t.) Lindau : a critical evaluation of carrageenan-induced hind paw edema model. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. x, 133 p. (T E7579) Yawalak Panpisutchai. Investigation of anti-herpes simplex virus activities of Barleria lupulina Lindl. and Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. F.) Lindau extracts using plaque inhibition and yield reduction assays. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 88 p. (T E13986) รัชนี รอยทา. ผลของไนโตรเจนตอการเจริญเติบโตของเสลดพังพอนตัวเมีย = Effect of nitrogen on growth of clinacanthus nutans (Burm) Lindau. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2538. 1 แผน (22 เฟรม). (ว MF21163) สุภัทร เจริญรัตน. ผลของ IBA และ NAA ตอการออกรากของกิ่งตัดชําเสลดพังพอนตัวเมีย (Clinacanthus nutans, Lindau) = Effect of IBA and NAA on stem cuttings of Clinacanthus nutans, Lindau. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535. 1 แผน (20 เฟรม). (ว MF21208) Clinacanthus siamensis Jiranuch Jamtaweekul. Pharmacognostic evaluation of Clinacanthus siamensis leaves. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 115 p. (T E18752) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 82] Clinacanthus siamensis (ตอ) Warangkana Lertsupwichit. Chemical constituents of Clinacanthus siamensis leaves. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 111 p. (T E22944) Clindamycin Narumon Wichianpanya. Clinical isolation and susceptibility of Propionbacterium acnes against topical clindamycin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 75 p. (T E9029) Pavena Wongtrakul. Formulation of clindamycin hydrochloride gel. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 154 p. (T E14623) Sujitra Leatwimonlak. Study of the skin permeation of clidamycin phosphate micoremulsion. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 105 p. (T E14089) Clindamycin hydrochloride gel Pavena Wongtrakul. Formulation of clindamycin hydrochloride gel. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 154 p. (T E14623) Clinical bacterial Malyn Chulasiri. Efficacy of alkalinized glutaraldehyde solution in disinfection of clinical bacterial and fungal strains. Bangkok : Mahidol University, n.d.. 1 vol. (R E8944) Clinical blood chemistry Khemchat Apipalakul. Effects of the dried-stem powder of Cissus quadrangularis on hepatic cytochrome P450 and clinical blood chemistry in rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 102 p. (T E26618) Clinical budget halding project Parinda Rohitasthira. Knowledge and attitudes of government officials toward the clinical budget holding project at Sena hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 101 p. (T E14071) Clinical chemistry Aporn Charoenpiriya. Subacute effects of Morinda citrifolia fruit extract on hepatic cytochrome P450 and clinical blood chemistry in rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 122 p. (T E21945) Chatchanee Phongjit. Subacute effects of Centella asiatica ethanolic extract on hepatic cytochrome P450 and clinical blood chemistry in rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 135 p. (T E23114) Oomchoo Saiphet. Subacute effects of Tinospora crispa stem extract on hepatic cytochrome P450 and clinical blood chemistry in rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 123 p. (T E21953) เฉลียว ศาลากิจ. คาเคมีคลินิกของกวางรูซาในประเทศไทย = Clinical chemistry values of rusa deer (Cervus timorensis russa) in Thailand. นครปฐม : คณะสัตวแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 17 หนา. (ว 98324) Clinical chemistry--Charts, diagrams, etc. Veeravan Lekskulchai. Effect of decimal point on quality control chart in clinical chemistry and elimination of bilirubin interference on enzymatic serum cholesterol assay by using potassium ferrocyanide. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. 114 p. (T E8104) Clinical decision-making Pattarada Wattananonpratan. A clinical decision-making algorithm for physical therapist in patients with low back pain. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 106 p. (T E33453) Clinical effects Panida Boonchaipanichwatana. The comparative clinical and microbiological effects of Andrographis paniculata gel and minocycline ointment as adjunct in the treatment of early onset periodontitis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 125 p. (T E16928) Clinical enzymology Piyanad Promchutima. Purification of delta-aminolevulinate dehydrase from human erythrocytes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 103 p. (T E9133) Clinical enzymology--Charts, diagrams, etc. Veeravan Lekskulchai. Effect of decimal point on quality control chart in clinical chemistry and elimination of bilirubin interference on enzymatic serum cholesterol assay by using potassium ferrocyanide. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. 114 p. (T E8104) Clinical examination สุปาณี สุนทรีโลหะนะกูล. การตรวจทางคลินิก เพื่อวินิจฉัยความสัมพันธของกระดูกโครงสรางใบหนาในแนวหนา-หลัง ในผูปวย ที่หมดการเจริญเติบโตแลว : ศึกษาความแมนยําใน 3 วิธี = Clinical examination for antero-posterior skeletal relationship study in nongrowing patients : test of accuracy for three different methods. สงขลา : มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร วิทยาเขตหาดใหญ, 2543. 25 หนา. (ว 108362) Clinical genetics Piranit Kantaputra. Clinical genetics and molecular genetics research. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Dentistry Chiang Mai University, 2005. 12 p. (R E24196) Clinical immunology Wanpen Chaicumpa. Selected methods in clinical immunology. Bangkok : Mahidol University, [n.d.]. vol (in various pagings). (R E10720 c.1; E12014 c.2) Clinical laboratories Angkasawati, Tri Juni. Cost recovery and utilization of automated clinical analyzer in public hospital and clinical laboratory in East Java, Indonesia. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 84 p. (T E15548) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 83] Clinical nursing Anongnud Sasok. Development of clinical nursing practice guideline for increasing drug compliance in schizophrenic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 171 p. (R E33770) Jarunya Sanguanpour. Development of clinical nursing practice guidelines for a psychoeducational program for patients with epilepsy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 85 p. (R E33768) Jaruwan Heapthamai. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for a psycho-educational program for caregivers of schizophrenic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 96 p. (R E34078) Kulnida Ratananalin. The clinical nursing practice guideline to manage sleep problems in patients with breast cancer undergone chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 100 p. (R E35761) Manee Sakunpunphuk. Clinical nursing practice guideline for post extubation care in infant patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 142 p. (R E34219) Mayuree Moonsawade. Clinical nursing practice guideline for promoting self-care ability of persons with hypertension. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 170 p. (R E33756) Namfon Songboon. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for intrahospital transportation in emergency and critically ill patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 117 p. (R E34353) Nuchjaree Kidjawan. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for prevention and management of perineal dermatitis in neurological patients with incontinence. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 117 p. (R E33401) Nuchsara Bejraputra. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for swallowing screening in neurological patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 111 p. (R E34354) Nuttagan Jaiboon. Development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for the symptom management of auditory hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 102 p. (R E35765) Panida Kumbua. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for sensory stimulation in patients with traumatic brain injury. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 106 p. (R E34366) Prawida Patanun. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for post suicide attempt adults. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 107 p. (R E33767) Samruay Nawarak. The development of clinical nursing practice guideline for managing pain in patients with cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 182 p. (R E34069) Siriluk Suddhichupaiboon. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for positioning reduced intracranial pressure in post-operative neurosurgical patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 70 p. (R E34352) Sudarat Kongboon. The development of clinical nursing practice guideline for falls prevention intervention in geriatric psychiatric patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 108 p. (R E34253) Supaporn Hirunpuchchong. The clinical nursing practice guideline for pain reduction in total knee replacement patient. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 70 p. (R E35758) Suthada Kunha. The development of clinical nursing practice guideline by utilization of research findings to facilitate communication among the intubated patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 136 p. (T E21079) Suthathai Kamsap. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for informational and emotional support in coping for families of traumatic brain injury patients in intensive care units. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 145 p. (R E35038) Treeamorn Visuttisiri. The clinical nursing practice guideline for prevention of stroke hemiplegia shoulder pain. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 64 p. (R E35759) Wannapa Kenwong. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for preparation of families in dealing with crises in the emergency department. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 127 p. (R E34355) Wannipar Kandee. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for reducing stress in patients with diabetes mellitus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 73 p. (R E33769) Wantanee Dithapan. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for preoperative education to decrease anxiety. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 94 p. (R E35037) Yukontorn Suphimaros. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for promoting wound healing in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 76 p. (R E34364) Clinical nursing practice guideline Jintana Penchan. The development of clinical nursing practice guideline by utilization of research findings to prevent constipation among elderly. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 124 p. (R E21416) Thipsuda Chamnansripetch. The effects of nursing intervention on safe swallowing among stroke patients with dysphagia utilizing a clinical nursing practice guideline. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 91 p. (R E21415) Clinical nursing research Wang, Chenguang. Attitudes of nurses toward clinical nursing research. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 89 p. (T E16464) Clinical pharmacist Payom Wongpoowarak. Parenteral nutrition in critical care neonatal and paediatric patients-role of the clinical pharmacist. Wales : University of Wales, 1998. 262 p. (T E13664) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 84] Clinical pharmacist (ตอ) Pornsri Ingcharoensunthorn. Clinical pharmacy activity in parenteral nutrition support for pediatric patients in a newborn surgery ward at the Queen Sirikit national Institute of Child Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 153 p. (T E15410) Suchada Khamkongkhun. Impact of warfarin-monitoring service by a clinical pharmacist in patients undergoing cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 160 p. (T E36058) Clinical pharmacology Duangsamon Thanasrivilai. Clinical pharmacology database system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 104 p. (T E13919) Le, Ngoc Hung. Clinical pharmacology of artemisinin compounds in multidrug resistant falciparum malaria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 181 p. (T E13476) Naeti Suksomboon. Impact of clinical pharmacist intervention on clinical outcomes and quality of life in elderly hypertensives. Aberdeen : Robert Gordon University, 2002. 182 p. (T E19202) Clinical pharmacy service Totsaporn Kraitep. Roles of pharmacists in clinical pharmacy services in the pediatric intensive care unit at Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 197 p. (T E23670) Clinical practice Nouvarat Suknalum. Factors related to adaptation to clinical practice of nursing students at Srimahasarakham Nursing College. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 66 p. (T E33372) วารุณี เกตุอินทร. สัมพันธภาพเชิงชวยเหลือและไววางใจกับความเครียดในการฝกปฏิบัติการพยาบาลทางคลินิกของนักศึกษา พยาบาลในวิทยาลัยพยาบาล สังกัดกระทรวงสาธารณสุข = Helping-trust relationship and stress in clinical practice among nursing students in College of Nursing, Ministry of Health. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 72 หนา. (วพ 105451) สมใจ เจียระพงษ. ผลการใชโปรแกรมกลุมการบําบัดเชิงเหตุผลและอารมณตอความวิตกกังวลในการฝกปฏิบัติงานของนักศึกษา พยาบาล = Effects of group rational emotive therapy programme on nursing students' anxiety in clinical practice. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 107 หนา. (วพ 105949) Clinical practicum achievement Seree Rungvechvuttivittaya. Factors related to clinical practicum achievement of dental students of Khon Kaen University. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. viii, 112 p. (T E6866) Clinical problem solving ability สุชีวา วิชัยกุล. ผลการสอนโดยอาจารยพี่เลี้ยงตอความสามารถในการแกปญหาทางคลีนิกของนักศึกษาพยาบาล วิทยาลัย พยาบาลสังกัดสถาบันพระบรมราชชนก กระทรวงสาธารณสุข = Effects of teaching by preceptors on clinical problem solving ability of nursing students, nursing colleges under the jurisdiction of Praboromrajchanok Institute, the Ministry of Public Health. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 160 หนา. (วพ 112312) Clinical psychology--Curricula Rungarun Anupansupsai. A follow-up study of graduates of Master of science program in Clinical Psychology. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 83 p. (T E39428) Clinical quality composite index Kumutinee Pairat. Physical and clinical performance characterization of Fuji XG-1 computed radiography system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 75 p. (T E35744) Clinical teachers ภัทรจิตร ตันกูล. การสอนฝกประสบการณของอาจารยพยาบาล ระดับความเครียดที่มีความสัมพันธกับผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียน ภาคปฏิบัติ และความรูสึกมีคุณคาในตนเองของนักศึกษาพยาบาลชั้นปที่ 4 โรงเรียนพยาบาลรามาธิบดี = A study of coaching, stress level related to achievement od clinical practive, and self-esteem of fourth year nursing students in Ramathibodi Nursing school. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 160 หนา. (วพ 106641) Clinical teaching กิตติยา สีออน. ผลการสอนในคลินิกโดยใชแฟมสะสมงานการปฏิบัติการพยาบาล ตอความสามารถในการแกปญหาทางการ พยาบาล ของนักศึกษาพยาบาล = Effects of clinical teaching by using portfolio of nursing practice on problem solving ability of nursing students. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 157 หนา. (วพ 103572) จริยา ตันติกรกุล. ผลของการฝกคิดสะทอนกลับ ในการสอนภาคปฏิบัติตอความสามารถในการแกปญหาทางการพยาบาลของ นักศึกษาพยาบาล = Effect of reflective thinking in clinical teaching on nursing students' problem solving ability. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 114 หนา. (วพ 103747) ศรีไพร ไชยา. ผลของการสอนในคลินิกโดยใชแฟมสะสมงานตอความสามารถในการคิดวิจารณญาณและความพรอมในการ เรียนรูดวยตนเองของนักศึกษาพยาบาล = Effects of clinical teaching by using portfolio on critical thinking ability and self directed learning readiness of nursing students. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 146 หนา. (วพ 101440) Clinical trials Aphornpirom Ketupunya. Amnifiltration in early amniocentesis for cytogenetic evaluation : randomized clinical trial. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 43 p. (T E9778) Sanutm Sutdhibhisal. One year private practice clinical trial of a chlorhexidine local delivery agent. Minnesota : University of Minnesota, 2000. 84 p. (T E19165) Supaporn Chongvisal. Clinical equivalence study of Chula Dent sealant versus an imported sealant on first permanent molars assessed at 6 months. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 69 p. (T E21566) Varunee Kerdvongbundit. Clinical new attachment in human furcation involvement by guided tissue regeneration versus coronally positioned flap. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 90 p. (T E8988) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 85] Clinical trials (ตอ) Yong, Yang. The efficacy of acupuncture combined with physical therapy compared with physical therapy alone in the conservative treatment of patellofemoral pain in sports medicine clinic. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 87 p. (T E12749) Clinics Nantawat Chanput. Clinic management system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 96 p. (R E14842) Patchanee Thumvanna. Financial sustainability of evening clinics in public hospitals : a case study of Khon Kaen hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 118 p. (T E12796) Clinics--Utilization Angkasawati, Tri Juni. Cost recovery and utilization of automated clinical analyzer in public hospital and clinical laboratory in East Java, Indonesia. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 84 p. (T E15548) Clinker วันชัย บูรพา. การนําเถาถานหินหยาบมาใชในการผลิตปูนซีเมนตปอรตแลนดปอซโซลาน = Use of coarse fly ash to produce portland pozzolan cement. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2543. 134 หนา. (วพ 112229) Clippings [Books, newspaper, etc.] Varuttaya Julprasert. The development of web-based application for newspaper clipping system case study : the Center for Learning Resources and Education Media, Mae Fah Luang University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 109 p. (T E33290) Clitoria ternatea เพ็ญศิริ พุมทาอิฐ. ผลของสารสกัดจากดอกอัญชัญตอโครโมโซมของคนในหลอดทดลองและการเกิดไมโครนิวเคลียสในหนู. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2539. 79 หนา. (วพ 80925) Clobetasol Supreeya La-ong. Development of pig brain lipids for drug delivery system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 197 p. (T E13808) Clochicine Vimolmas Lipipun. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the determination of colchicine in Gloriosa superba. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 87 p. (R E8635) Clocked schroedinger equation Sutee Boonchui. Derivation of the clocked schroedinger equation by using directly the schroedinger equation and applications. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 60 p. (T E34988) Clonal seed orchards Finkeldey, Reiner. The mating system and pollen dispersal of teak (Tectona grandis) in natural forests and breeding populations. Birmensdorf : Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Zuercherstr., [1998]. 17 p. (R E15707) Clone Worakrit Supaporn. Category equivalence of variety and clone. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2005. 50 p. (T E35349) Clone cells Manee Pookanjanatavip. Some approaches for the molecular cloning of Plasmodium vivax DNA in Escherichia coli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. xii, 132 p. (T E8129) Marasri Ruengjitchatchawalya. A butyrolactone autoregulator binding protein in streptomyces sp. FRT-5 : the IM2 binding protein. Osaka : Osaka University, 1995. 52 p. (R E9585) Shanop Shuangshoti. Clonal analysis of unilater multicentric mammary carcinoma. Bangkok : Department of Pathology Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 1 vol. (R E39250) Clone [Mathematic] Chawewan Ratanaprasert. Monotone clones of strings = Clones ทางเดียวของ strings. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 1997. 27 p. (R E12084) Clones [Plants] Wisatre Kongcharoensuntorn. Isolation and analysis of cotton genomic clones encompassing a fatty acid desaturase (FAD2) gene. Texas : University of North Texas, 2001. 162 p. (T E16243) Clonidine Ranee Sachdev. The role of clonidine-displacing substance (CDS) extract from porcine cerebral cortex on alpha 2adrenoceptor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 95 p. (T E14793) Clonidine hydrochloride Charassri Ruangsuksriwong. Influence of plasticizer and surfactant on release of clonidine from ethyl cellulose film. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. xiv, 105 p. (T E7244) Clonidine-displacing substance Ranee Sachdev. The role of clonidine-displacing substance (CDS) extract from porcine cerebral cortex on alpha 2adrenoceptor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 95 p. (T E14793) ดาราวรรณ ปนทอง. การศึกษาสาร clonidine-displacing substance และการออกฤทธิ์ที่ alpha2-adrenoceptor และที่ imidazoline receptor. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาเภสัชวิทยา มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2544. 55 หนา. (ว 135663) Cloning Akradech Urupongsa. Cloning and characterization of trimethoprim resistance determinants in clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant staphylococci. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 96 p. (T E18541) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 86] Cloning (ตอ) Alongkot Boonsoongnern. Cloning and expression of N1 gene of avian influenza virus. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 66 p. (T E27855) Bifani, Juan Pablo. Design, synthesis, and cloning of industrial lipase. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 217 p. (T E7473) Chalermporn Ongvarrasopone. Characterization of putative serotonin receptor from Penaeus monodon. Nakhon Pathom : Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, 2003. 23 p. (R E20891) Chanikarn Boonchoy. Investigation, cloning and expression of alpha-MKN and beta-MKN genes from Momordica charantia L. locally cultivated in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 142 p. (T E23882) Chotirote Seeanukun. Molecular cloning and characterization of peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase in Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and its physiological study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 153 p. (T E16575) Chutima Thepparit. Molecular cloning and sequencing of cDNA's of black tiger shrimp haemocytes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 111 p. (T E16279) Dauenpen Meesapyodsuk. Molecular cloning and characterization of the allophycocyanin gene from Spirulina platensis C1. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1996. 118 p. (T E12726) Doojdao Boonyod. Cloning and expression of an outer membrane protein of Leptospira, LipL32. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 122 p. (T E22839) Janjaras Sermsatanaswadi. Characterization of chitinase and partial gene cloning from Microbacterium sp. TUO5. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 98 p. (T E18933) Jantipa Jobsri. Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding a potential effector of the mammalian unfolded protein response. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 84 p. (T E18867) Jeerasak Tuasakul. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of alcohol dehydrogenase (adh) gene from thermotolerant acetic acid bacterium, Acetobacter pasteurianus SKU1108. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 111 p. (T E22782) Jessada Denduangboripant. Cloning and sequencing of acetate kinase gene (ack), a gene involved in propanediol utilization from Salmonella typhimurium. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 171 p. (T E10995) Jittima Chareonpanich. Nucleotide sequencing and cloning of the phenylalanine dehydrogenase gene from thermotolerant Bacillus badius BC1. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 166 p. (T E18925) Jumnian Saikhun. Somatic cell cloning in swamp buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 120 p. (T E23847) Kaemwich Jantama. Cloning and characterization of the NS3 serine protease domain of dengue type 2 virus expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 185 p. (T E17070) Kamontip Kuttiyawong. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of chitinase gene from Burkholderia cepacia TU09. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 99 p. (T E18930) Kannipa Limpiputchai. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of truncated alcohol dehydrogenase [adh] gene from A thermotolerant acetic acid bacteria, Acetobacter pasteurianus SKU1108. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 107 p. (T E16951) Kanokrat Srikijkasemwat. Cloning and expression of porcine interleukin-2 (Il-2). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 115 p. (T E34109) Kanya Jirajaroenrat. Cloning, expression, and characterization of insect class I glutathione S-transferases from Anopheles dirus B. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 115 p. (T E14996) Krit Tantanarat. Gene cloning and characterization of the cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase from thermotolerant Paenibacillus sp. BT01. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 106 p. (T E37814) Kuakarun Krusong. Cloning of DNA fragment containing chitinase gene from burkholderia cepacia. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 101 p. (T E14700) Kulwadee Phannachet. Cloning, expression and purification of a bacillus thuringiensis putative pore-forming fragment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 96 p. (T E11714) La-aied Prapanthadara. Cloning expression and characterization of glutathione S-transferases in the mosquito Anopheles dirus B. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E15550) Malee Apimeteetumrong. Cloning in cattle and goats : the first DNA replication and the development of nuclear transfer embryos. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 103 p. (T E27848) Mayura Thongchuang. Cloning and expression of phenylalanine dehydrogenase gene from Bacillus lentus. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 181 p. (T E37807) Narut Thanantong. Cloning and expression of 18-kDa cytoplasmic protein of Brucella canis for immunological diagnosis. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 65 p. (T E18795) Natwadee Poomipark. Nucleotide sequencing and cloning of alanine dehydrogenase gene from Aeromonas hydrophila. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 77 p. (T E15937) Niwat Supsamran. Cloning of catalase gene (kat) from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae isolate 8736. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 120 p. (T E9453) Orntipa Sethabutr. A search for Beta-globin gene from A patient with beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E by DNA cloning. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1983. 3 microfiches (139 fr.). (T MF20233) Parichart Praipue. Development of genetic markers of tropical abalone in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 173 p. (T E18924) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 87] Cloning (ตอ) Patama Monkongdee. Cloning and sequencing of hepatitis B virus genome ADR subtype isolated in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 128 p. (T E10093) Patcharaporn Deshnium. Molecular cloning of the gene for 12 desaturase from Spirulina platensis Italy strain. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1992. xiv, 71 p. (T E8350) Patthama Pongpom. Cloning and analysis of genes encoding antigenic proteins from Penicillium marneffei. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 224 p. (T E23352) Pattra Moonjit. Cloning and expression of canine parvovirus VP2 capsid protein gene. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 65 p. (T E36222) Phataraporn Khumphai. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the protease encoding gene from halotolerant bacterium, pseudoalteromonas flavipulchra MFKU 126. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 94 p. (T E22280) Phornnapa Chareonkij. Cloning, overexpression, and purification of T4 DNA ligase, EcoRI, and BglII endonucleases. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 121 p. (T E24942) Porntip Poolswat. Phytase from a thermophilic bacterium. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 151 p. (T E17888) Pornwaratt Niyomrattanakit. Construction of a constitutively activated single chain protease NS2B[H]-NS3[PRO] of dengue virus type 2 and biochemical analysis of the NS2B stimulatory effect on protease activity in vitro. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 153 p. (T E18871) Prajuab Chaimanee. Cloning and expression of Burkholderia pseudomallei exotoxin gene in Escherichia coli. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2001. 92 p. (T E16954) Prakarn Ruldeekulthamrong. Design of DNA primers for chitinase gene cloning from Bacillus licheniformis PR-1. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 111 p. (T E18937) Preecha Leangaramgul. Complementary DNA cloning of Aspergillus niger glucoamylase gene. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 110 p. (T E10095) Preeya Puangsomlee. Characterization, cloning and expression studies of Curly Leaf, a gene involved in leaf and flower development of Arabidopsis thaliana. Cambridge : University of East Anglia, 1997. 158 p. (T E11013) Rabuesak Khumthong. Development of an in vitro assay system for the analysis of dengue virus type 2 NS2B-NS3 protease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 186 p. (T E21101) Rachada Kiatfuengfoo. Cloning and expression of cry IVB gene of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) in locally isolated cyanobacteria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. xxii, 199 p. (T E8324) Ratchaneewan Aunpad. Halophilic chitanase : cloning of its gene and characterization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 162 p. (T E23506) Ratiya Charoensakdi. Gene cloning and characterization of the cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase gene from thermotolerant Paenibacillus. sp. RB01 and Paenibacillus sp. T16. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 150 p. (T E37936) Roongrueng Jarumanokul. Cloning and expression of dengue virus envelope protein gene in Escherichia coli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 101 p. (T E10108) Saengchan Senapin. Cloning and DNA sequencing of flagellin genes of Pseudomonas species. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 134 p. (T E10935) Sawatdirak Phongtananant. Cloning and expression of phospholipase A2 from Russell's viper. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 106 p. (T E22915) Sirina Pongtintongngam. Cloning of dengue virus envelope-protein gene fragments and expression of peptide domains as fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 118 p. (T E10864) Siripen Sirimontree. Cloning and expression of Burkholderia pseudomallei genes in Escherichia coli and its application in immunodiagnosis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1996. 108 p. (T E10228) Somchai Pornbanlualap. Cloning and expression of a novel adenosine deaminase gene from Streptomyces antibioticus. Bangkok : Department of Biochemistry, Kasetsart University, 2001. 12 p. (R E15694) Somrudee Onto. Cloning of DNA fragments specific to the A and B genomes of bananas. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 63 p. (T E21933) Songsak Roekring. Isolation, analysis, and expression of cephalosporin C deacetylase gene from Bacillus cereus strain BT-24. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 160 p. (T E15122) Srirat Vutthiwatthanakul. Cloning, expression and purification of BamHI endonuclease from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 61 p. (T E19483) Srisuda Trakunaleamsai. Cloning and characterization of chitobiase from Aeromonas caviae D6. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 140 p. (T E40942) Sumalee Nuangplee. Cloning and expression of dengue virus proteins in a prokaryotic system : an experience using polyhistidine as carrier peptide. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 101 p. (T E10951) Sumet Wajanarogana. Cloning and sequencing of flagellin gene(s) from different isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 120 p. (T E12168) Supachai Samappito. Cloning and expression of polyketide synthase genes from Cassia alata, Plumbago indica and Rheum tataricum. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 183 p. (T E20210) Supaporn Cheevadhanarak. Cloning and characterization of the alkaline protease gene (alpA) from Aspergillus oryzae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 149 p. (T E6460) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 88] Cloning (ตอ) Supida Tubtimthep. Screening and cloning of crystalline chitin degrading chitinase gene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 84 p. (T E19056) Suttiphan Prasartkaew. Studies on cloning and expression of the genes coding Plasmodium falciparum primase small subunit and topoisomerase II. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 213 p. (T E10980) Suttipun Kaewsompong. Cloning of a cellobiohydrolase II gene and its expression in Pleurotus sajor-caju. Nottingham : University of Nottingham, 2001. 180 p. (T E19129) Thiranan Wongsombat. Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding neuropeptide hormone in the CHH/MIH/GIH family from Penaeus monodon. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 109 p. (T E14492) Uraiwan Intamaso. Cloning of an esterase gene from Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 102 p. (T E9704) Vanida Nopponpunth. Molecular cloning and expression of dihydropteroate synthase from M. tuberculosis and M. leprae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 240 p. (T E14478) Vipawan Vitayakritsirikul. Subcloning of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase gene from Bacillus sp. A11 into Bacillus vectors. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 99 p. (T E9769) Voraratt Champattanachai. Cloning and sequence analysis of beta-glucosidase/beta-fucosidase enzyme from Thai rosewood. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 143 p. (T E11702) Wanchai Kanitwithayanun. Cloning and sequencing of PDK13 vaccine candidate of dengue virus type1. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 126 p. (T E8450) Wattanasak Srivorakul. Christian ethics on human cloning : the dehumanization and the family devaluation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 119 p. (T E34238) Wilas Nirunsuksiri. Cloning of plasmids from Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis in Escherichia coli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 4 microfiches (216 fr.). (T MF20188) Wintai Kamonsukyunyong. Construction of a physical map in rice : the submergence tolerance QTL as a model. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1999. 114 p. (T E14615) Wipa Suginta. Functional and structural characterisation of Vibrio carchariae : medical application from bioconversion of chitin. Nakhon Ratchasima : Institute of Science Suranaree University of Technology, 2004. 39 p. (R E26579) Clopidogrel Naowakun Ariyapim. Dosing effects of aspirin and clopidogrel for secondary prevention in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 156 p. (T E35544) Close female relative Siriwan Yuenyong. Effects of a close female relative support during labour and delivery on duration of active labour, incidence of spontaneous delivery, and satisfaction with childbirth experience. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 166 p. (T E40897) Close-end mutual fund สรสิทธิ์ วรรณประเสริฐ. พฤติกรรมการลงทุนในหลักทรัพยของกองทุนปด และผลกระทบตอราคาหลักทรัพย = The investment behavior of Thai closed-end mutual funds and its effect on stock prices. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 54 หนา. (วพ 112837) Closed boundary condition Wikanda Suphasanun. The numerical primitive equation oceanic model study of the Gulf of Thailand circulation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 70 p. (T E35839) Closed caption นันทกฤษณ วัฒนเลี้ยงใจ. ระบบวีดีโอที่ซอนภาพบรรยายได = A closed picture caption video system. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 158 หนา. (วพ 112394) Closed caption decoder อัษฎางค แทนสถติย. การพัฒนาทีวีไมโครคอนโทรลเลอร ที่สามารถถอดรหัสคําบรรยายภาพไทย-อังกฤษแบบซอนได = Development of a television microcontroller with Thai-English closed caption decoding capability. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 124 หนา. (วพ 104558) Closed caption encoder ศิริสรรพ เหลาหะเกียรติ. การพัฒนาเครื่องเขารหัสคําบรรยายภาพแบบซอนไดที่ใชรหัสเวลา = Development of a closed caption encoder using time code. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 72 หนา. (วพ 97199) Closed caption TV systen เอกชัย ลีลารัศมี. การพัฒนาระบบโทรทัศนที่สามารถซอนคําบรรยายภาษาไทย-อังกฤษ = Development of Thai-English closed caption TV system. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 96 หนา. (ว 110230ฉ.1; 143536ฉ.2) Closed chamber technique Parichat Wetchayont. Interannual variability of carbon dioxide circulation in paddy field soil, Sukhothai province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 117 p. (T E26699) Closed recirculating reawater system Nucharee Rasrikrangkrai. Comparative evaluation fluidized bed airlift bioreactor with conventional systems for nitrification of seawater. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 114 p. (T E22950) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 89] Closed recirculating seawater system นภาพร กิติมศักดิ์. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบคุณภาพน้ําระหวางระบบหมุนเวียนน้ําทะเลแบบปดที่มีตัวกรองชีวภาพแบบไบโอดรัม และแบบใตน้ําเพื่อการเพาะเลี้ยงสัตวน้ํา = Comparative study of water quality between closed recirculating water system with biodrum and submerge biofilter for aquaculture. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 92 หนา. (วพ 102395) Closed recirculating seawater systems Piamsak Menasveta. Maturation and larviculture of penacid prawns in closed recirculating seawater systems = การ เจริญพันธุและการเพาะพันธุกุงทะเล ในระบบหมุนเวียนน้ําแบบปด. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. 14 p. (R E9174) Closed shell metal Aimorn Saksaengwijit. Studies on the interactions of proton-cryptand, lithium-cryptand and some closed shell metal-biuret complexes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 118 p. (T E18285) Closed-loop control of stepping motor อานนท ศรีสวาง. การควบคุมสเตปปงมอเตอรแบบวงปดดวยเทคนิคลีดแองเกิล = Closed-loop control of stepping motor with lead angle technique. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 80 หนา. (วพ 103297) Closes economy Tanapong Potipiti. The dynamic responses to shocks : a comparison of a closed and an open economy. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1999. 80 p. (T E14450) Closest string Tanachai Pathomrat. Closest string matching. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 239 p. (T E23512) Clostridium acetobutylicum Parichat Janthong. Control of biomass concentration for enhancement of butanol productivity in a continuous membrane bioreactor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 85 p. (T E10556) Clostridium botulinum Ekkawit Saenkhum. Development of appropriate educational tools and safe production processes for food products packed in hermetically sealed containers for the cottage industry in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 152 p. (T E33423) Clostridium difficile Siriporn Rugdeekha. Detection of Clostridium difficile toxin A and B genes from stool samples of diarrheal patients by polymerase chain reaction [PCR] technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 136 p. (T E18945) Sriwanna Huttayananont. Toxin A-producing clostridium difficile isolated from feces of premature infant, full-term infant, children with anticancer drug and adult with diarrhea. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 114 p. (T E15849) Clostridium perfringens Chirawan Saruprad. Enterotoxin gene detection by polymerase chain reaction and genotyping of Clostridium perfringens by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 127 p. (T E15851) Gumphol Wongsuvan. Rapid detection of enterotoxigenic Clostridium perfringens from primary faecal spore isolation of diarrhea patients using duplex PCR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 102 p. (T E17503) Wiriya Matra. PCR identification and antimicrobial susceptibility studies of Clostridium perfringens isolated from human and animal feces and other environmental samples. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 83 p. (T E33958) Clostridium thermoaceticum Sorakhom Khammee. Production of acetic acid by Clostridium thermoaceticum using molasses as substrate to replace petroleum used. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2005. 43 p. (T E29015) Clothing Aree Lempan. DNA recovery from forensic clothing samples by tape-lift. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 98 p. (T E37777) Clothing and dress Lay Chreav. An analysis of trade growth, poverty reduction, and private sector development in Cambodia : a case study of export performance of footwear and garment products. Bangkok : University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, 2004. 128 p. (T E23461) Nittaya Teerajareonpunya. The effect of various types of exercise and clothes on scrotal temperature. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 106 p. (T E7720) Panupong Pudthasa. Physiological responses of fabric color dressing under solar heat load. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 91 p. (T E13155) Sumapa Phrombubpha. Change of women's costumes in Chiang Mai society (1879-1933). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 175 p. (T E16623) Thinada Piamphongsant. A cross-cultural study of fashion clothing behaviors : specific situations and in-group differences among career women in cosmopolitan city contexts. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2006. 502 p. (T E35992) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 90] Clothing consumption behavior ชงคสุดา มะอาจเลิศ. พฤติกรรมการบริโภคเครื่องแตงกายของ นิสิต นักศึกษาหญิง มหาวิทยาลัยของรัฐและมหาวิทยาลัยเอกชน ในกรุงเทพมหานคร = Clothing consumption behavior of female students of state and private universities in Bangkok Metropolis. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 149 หนา. (วพ 109261) Clothing trade Somsak Tambunlertchai. Manufactured export promotion the case of Thailand. Tokyo : Institute of Development Economics, 1983. 188 p. (R E5091) Clotrimazole Nonglak Satitkarn. The development of clotrimazole and triamcinolone acetonide mucoadhesive films for oral diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xii, 130 p. (T E7112) Siriwan Thiwthong. High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of imidazole antimycotic drugs in the presence of degraded products in oil-in-water cream. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 67 p. (T E23282) Suchalinee Juntawong. Utilization feasibility of emulsifying polymers as cream base for clotrimazole. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 110 p. (T E37430) Cloud cluster Jerawan Saerour. Fractal structure of cloud clusters in satellite images. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 102 p. (T E25158) Cloud point extraction Kanda Wongwailikhit. Cloud point extraction of gold [III] ion with polyoxyethylene nonyl phenyl ether. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 147 p. (T E18822) Clouding agent พัชรินทร อรัญวัฒน. การผลิตและการใชประโยชนของสารใหความขุนในเครื่องดื่ม = Production and utilization of clouding agent in beverage. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 91 หนา. (วพ 102799) Clove oil Hanggono, Bambang. Application of clove oil as anesthetic for sea bass (Lates calcarifer Bloch). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 83 p. (T E21909) Narumol Matan. Utilization of cinnamon oil and clove oil as antifungal agents in active packaging for intermediate moisture food products. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 217 p. (T E36256) Cloxacillin Benjawan Phetsuksiri. Pharmacokinetic study of intramammary ampicillin and cloxacillin in dairy cows and detection of their residues in milk. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 170 p. (T E9124) Cloze ศิริพร ลิมตระการ. การใชเทคนิค Cloze เปนขอสอบ Placement. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหาร ลาดกระบัง, 2524. 1 แผน (57 เฟรม). (ว MF13057) Cloze procedure Bamrung Torut. The use of Burmuth Cloze readability procedure for evaluating the suitability of an English external reading book. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 1981. 39 p. (R E212) Metee Kansa. The use of the modified cloze procedure as a teaching technique to improve reading skills. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1990. 79 p. (T E6886) Sumalee Sawatdirakpong. The effectiveness of cloze in teaching reading comprehension. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (103 เฟรม). (T MF09669) Tuanchai Tan-ngarmtrong. Cloze procedure as a measure of reading ability of Thai learners in an English intensive course. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1984. vi, 45 p. (R E1956) Cloze tests ทรงศักดิ์ ภูสีออน. การเปรียบเทียบคุณภาพของแบบทดสอบโคลซในการวัดความเขาใจในการอานภาษาไทย โดยใชวิธีการตัด คําและเกณฑการใหคะแนนที่แตกตางกัน = A comparison of the quality of cloze tests different word deletion and scoring methods used in measuring Thai reading comprehension. ชัยภูมิ : โรงเรียนบานหนองตานา, 2542. 108 หนา. (ว 101311) Clubs Chaicharn Wongsamun. Analysis of selected factors affecting the success of community 4-H clubs in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania State University, 1983. 274 p. (T E22502) Thanaporn Hongsakula. Web support for clubs and societies. [S.l.] : City University, 2002. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E22145) Clupeichthys aesarnensis Tuantong Jutagate. Thai river sprat : biology and management in Sirinthorn reservoir, Thailand. Warrnambool : Deakin University, 2002. 217 p. (T E19130) Cluster analysis Benchamas Pinwisase. The prediction of potential area for ancient settlement in mountainous area, Amphoe Pangmapa, Mae Hong Son province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 99 p. (T E18518) Jutakarn Promwichit. Application of cluster analysis for evolutionary tree construction. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 101 p. (R E22905c.1; E22906c.2) Kesinee Ramingwong. Identification of longan var. Daw using isozyme patterns. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 60 p. (R E21378) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 91] Cluster calculations Narong Pannorad. Determining point charges that produce accurate electrostatic potential from the infinite crystal lattice for embedded cluster calculations. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 66 p. (T E34378) Cluster computer Suntichai Silpngarmlert. The development of computational engine for air pollution model on cluster computer. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 91 p. (R E13967) Cluster ions V. Parasuk. An initio study of electronic and molecular structures of small iron clusters and iron cluster ions. Bangkok : Department of Chemistry, Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E14367) Cluster methods Wasinee Panjan. Adsorption of hydrocarbons on catalytic surfaces : QM/MM vs. cluster methods. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 123 p. (T E21983) Cluster of differentiation Nattawat Onlamoon. Cytokine expression during activation of T lymphocytes in patients with HIV infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 124 p. (T E21006) Cluster rampling Nipaporn Pochai. Double and resampling in adaptive cluster sampling. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 108 p. (T E38408) Cluster sampling ณัฏฐิกา ศรีเล็กดี. ประสิทธิภาพของการสุมตัวอยางแบบเลือกลําดับที่ของชุดตัวอยาง : ศึกษากรณี เปรียบเทียบกับการสุม ตัวอยางแบบงายและการสุมตัวอยางแบบสุมกลุม = Efficiency of ranked set sampling : a case study of comparison with simple random sampling and cluster sampling. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 135 หนา. (วพ 112346) Cluster system Uchot Jitpaisarnsook. An efficient static task mapping model on cluster system and computational grid system. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 44 p. (T E19488) Cluster systems Theewara Vorakosit. Development of robust and high speed message passing interface on cluster systems. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 85 p. (T E20522) Clustering fill-in technique Sirapat Chiewchanwattana. Incomplete time-series data forecasting based on clustering fill-in technique and ensembling neural network model. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 112 p. (T E35805) CMM system จิตรา วัฒนรัตน. การออกแบบการพัฒนาองคกรซอฟตแวรเขาสูระบบ ซี เอ็ม เอ็ม = A design of software organization development into the CMM system. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 276 หนา. (วพ 97040) CMOIS ภควัต สรวยสุวรรณ. วงจรกําเนิดความถี่ควบคุมดวยความดันอากาศโดยใชโครงสรางทรานซิสเตอรแบบ CMOIS. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2540. 133 หนา. (วพ 90238) ศุภกัลย วัฒนการุณ. การศึกษาและวิจัยทรานซิสเตอรโครงสรางแบบ CMOIS ที่มีชองทางเดินกระแสรูปวี = The study and research of V-channel CMOIS structure transistors. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหาร ลาดกระบัง, 2542. 86 หนา. (วพ 106117) CMOS Apisak Worapishet. Design of switched-current (SI) complex filter for bluetoothTM for short range radio link. Bangkok : Mahanakorn University of Technology, 2004. 49 p. (R E26553) ชัยสิทธิ์ อรามมงคลวิชัย. วงจรหารแรงดันเชิงอุปมานสี่ควอดแดรนทโดยใช CMOS = The CMOS four-quadrant analogue voltage divider. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 117 หนา. (วพ 103232) สมเกียรติ ศุภเดช. การออกแบบคุณสมบัติการสวิทชิ่งทรานเซี้ยนของวงจรเกทพื้นฐานแบบซีมอส = Design the transient switching characteristics of CMOS basic logic gates. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอม เกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, [2538]. 80 หนา. (ว 97568) สมเกียรติ ศุภเดช. การออกแบบและสรางอุปกรณทางตรรกแบบซีมอส = Design and fabrication of CMOS bistable logic elements. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, [2537]. 51 หนา. (ว 97555) CMOS integrated circuits ชาญวิทย เดชอัศวนง. การออกแบบวงจรรวมซีมอสสําหรับถอดรหัสบัตรแมเหล็ก = CMOS integrated circuit design for magnetic card decoder. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 148 หนา. (วพ 95979) CMOS static latch circuit ฐิตินาฏ ปยาวรานนท. คุณสมบัติเมตาสเตเบิลและการประมาณคาของวงจรแลทชสเตติกชนิดซีมอส = Metastable characteristics and evaluation of cmos static latch circuit. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณ ทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 75 หนา. (วพ 103147) Cmos technology Khanittha Kaewdang. On the design of CMOS true RMS-to-DC converter and linear electronically tunable OTA. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2006. 157 p. (T E37204) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 92] CMOS [Electronics] Jitkasame Ngarmnil. Micropower circuit designs for biomedical applications using subthreshold CMOS and floatinggate MOSFET. Bangkok : Mahanakorn University of Technology, 2003. 72 p. (R E22200) พงษศักดิ์ พรอมวงค. วงจรคูณ 4 ควอตแดรนทโดยใชซีมอสแบบแรงดันต่ํา = Low voltage CMOS analogue four-quadrant multiplier. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 163 หนา. (วพ 106382) Cmputer-aided design Piti Treesukol. Computer aided materials design and characterization of heterogeneous catalysts. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 123 p. (T E19521) CMV monitor test Yongyuth Poolpanichupatam. Investigation of active cytomegalovirus infection in HIV-1 infected cases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19841) Cnaphalocrocis medinalis--Control Wantana Telvapuchom. Effects of sublethal doses of insecticides and host plant age on Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1990. (vii), 82 p. (T E6386) CNC lathe จิตตกร ทรงตอศรีสกุล. การพัฒนาระบบควบคุมเครื่องกลึงซีเอ็นซีโดยใชคอมพิวเตอรสวนบุคคล = Development of PCbased controller for CNC lathe. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 85 หนา. (วพ 110985) ณวัชร พงษพานิช. การจําลองการทํางานของเครื่องกลึงซีเอ็นซีบนคอมพิวเตอร = Simulation of CNC lathe on personal computer. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 93 หนา. (วพ 110955) สมศักดิ์ พรหมดํา. การสรางชุดฝกอบรมเครื่องกลึงซีเอ็นซี (1) = The construction of CNC lathe (1) training package. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2541. 180 หนา. (วพ 105402) CNC Machine ไพโรจน สถิรยากร. สมรรถภาพทางวิชาชีพ และคุณลักษณะที่พึงประสงคของชางเทคนิคที่ปฏิบัติงานดานเครื่องจักรกลอัตโนมัติ ควบคุมดวยคอมพิวเตอร (CNC Machine) ตามความตองการของผูบริหารสถานประกอบการ. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบัน เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2537. 92 หนา. (วพ 74718) CNC machine center ศุภเอก ประมูลมาก. การออกแบบฟกเจอรและการออกแบบขั้นตอนการปฏิบัติการบนเครื่องซีเอ็นซีแมชชีนเซ็นเตอร = An integration of fixture design and process planning for workpiece manufactured on CNC machine centre. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 169 หนา. (วพ 98479) CNC machine controller จิตตกร ทรงตอศรีสกุล. การพัฒนาระบบควบคุมเครื่องกลึงซีเอ็นซีโดยใชคอมพิวเตอรสวนบุคคล = Development of PCbased controller for CNC lathe. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 85 หนา. (วพ 110985) CNC machine tool วิฑูรย อบรม. การพัฒนาฟกซเจอรรักษาศูนยงานบนเครื่องจักร ซีเอ็นซี = Development of the fixture on CNC machine tool to retain work piece zaro point (G54-G59). กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 97 หนา. (วพ 111282) CNC Milling เฉลิมชนม ไวศยดํารง. การพัฒนาไฟล NC สําหรับเครื่องกัดชนิด 3 แกนจากไฟล STL = Developing an NC file for a vertical milling machine from STL file. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 105 หนา. (วพ 100006) CNC system สมศักดิ์ แกนทอง. การวิเคราะหและตรวจสอบความแมนยําของเครือ ่ งแมชชีนนิ่งเซ็นเตอร ควบคุมดวยระบบซีเอ็นซี = Analysis and inspection of accuracy of CNC machining center. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2540. 114 หนา. (วพ 96113) CNC turret punch press machine นราธิป วีระกิจพานิช. การวางแผนกระบวนการผลิตโดยใชคอมพิวเตอรชวยสําหรับเครื่องจักรเจาะรูแบบซีเอ็นซีเทอรเรตพันช = Computer-aided process planning for the CNC turret punch press machine. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 170 หนา. (วพ 112306) CNG Chaiyot Damrongkijkosol. An experiment study on influence of compression ratio for performance and emission of natural gas retrofit engine. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 55 p. (T E39819) Cnidaria Nontivich Tandavanitj. Species diversity and abundance of rhizostome scyphozoans [phylum cnidaria] along the coasts of Chon Buri and Phetchaburi provinces. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 113 p. (T E18959) Wanchamai Karntanut. Effects of heavy metals and pharmaceuticals on the freshwater cnidarian, Hydra. Cardiff : University of Wales, 2002. 191 p. (T E22208) CNPs Ekapong Phattarapongsant. Synthesis of carbon nanoparticles by arc discharge in liquid using metallic cathode and their applications as filler for polymer nanocomposite. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 82 p. (T E34949) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 93] Cnstructed wetland รัตนา ตรีรัตนภรณ. การกําจัดแคดเมียมจากน้ําเสียโดยใชระบบบําบัดบึงประดิษฐแบบน้ําขังใตดิน = Treatment of cadmium from wastewater using subsurface-flow constructed wetlands. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 155 หนา. (วพ 107295) Cntraceptive Basnet, Puspa. A study of government family planning program on the use of contraception in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E19343) Co hydrogenation Tanuchnun Burakorn. Characteristics and catalytic properties of mixed nano-gamma-Al2O3 based-supported cobalt catalyst during carbon monoxide hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 93 p. (T E35424) Co oxidation Jiraporn Leerat. Low temperature CO oxidation by supported gold and silver catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 62 p. (T E20540) Co-combustion Chutima Montatip. Optimization of co-combustion in circulating fluidized bed combustor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 113 p. (T E40874) Co-culture Chanitra Thuwajit. Effects of excretory/secretory products(s) from Opisthorchis viverrini on co-culture cells in vitro. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 27 p. (R E24084) Co-digestion Nirawan Sanphoti. Enhancing waste stabilization and methane production in simulated landfill by co-digestion and combined anaerobic digester. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 160 p. (T E39602) Co-expressed genes Sarunya Suebtragoon. System development for detecting and profiling of Plasmodium falciparum regulatory DNA motifs (I) / rigorous assignment and integration of confidence for automated function prediction methods for yeast and worm (II). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 143 p. (T E34730) Co-generation Wuchara Kanidtabud. Applications of generalized reduced gradient method to the cogeneration problem in a synthetic fibre plant. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. xiv, 189 p. (T E6917) ศุภกิจ ศรีวัฒรางกูร. การศึกษาการปรับปรุงระบบผลิตไอน้ําเพื่อการผลิตไฟฟาในโรงงานน้ําตาล = A study of steam system improvement for electricity generation in sugar mill factories. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 149 หนา. (วพ 103473) สันติภาพ ธรรมวิวัฒนุกูล. ศักยภาพในการใชระบบ Cogeneration ในโรงพยาบาล. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลา ธนบุรี, 2535. ฑ, 262 หนา. (วพ 58790) Co-hydrogenation Soipatta Soisuwan. Effect of defected zirconia support on catalytic activity of carbonmonoxide hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 119 p. (T E30163) Co-Mg-O supported catalyst Sirinya Chaiharn. Stability of Co-Mg-O/TiO2 and Co-Mg-O/Al2O3 catalysts on the selective oxidation of 1-propanal and 2-propanal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 154 p. (T E19829) Co-Mg-O/Al2O3 catalyst Surangkana Umpo. An application of Co-Mg-O/Al2O3 catalyst on the combustion of anhydrides. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 100 p. (T E19467) Co-precipation Siriphan Nilpairach. Effects of doping materials and heat treatment on the morphology and magnetic properties of m-type barium hexaferrite produced by co-precipatation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 101 p. (T E29077) Co-precipitation Chansak Sukkaew. Synthesis of nickel/megnesium/zirconium mixed oxide catalysts by co-precipitation method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 70 p. (T E34918) Pornthip Parinayok. Recovery of platinum group metals from automobile catalytic converters. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 95 p. (T E39862) Romchat Chairaksa. Recovery of gold and silver in secondary slag from gold refining process by co-precipitation with metal hydroxides. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 82 p. (T E34974) Co-semisimple modules Phannika Leksing. Co-semisimple modules and multiplication modules. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 28 p. (T E18420) Co-spray dried powder Sasitorn Prugmahachaikul. Release characteristics of the matrices prepared from co-spray dried powder of propranolol hydrochloride and chitosan. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 143 p. (T E9835) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 94] Co-trimoxazole Muslim Limpanasitthikul. Zeta potential characteristic of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xiii, 103 p. (T E7485) Coacervate Naritsara Sriklueab. Photodegradation of ldpe containing gelatin encapsulated benzophenone. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 133 p. (T E37955) Coacervation Dusadee Vanichtanunkul. Microencapsulation of ascorbic acid by concervation and solvent evaporation techniques. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 178 p. (T E12557) Pimjai Amornsiriratanakul. Microencapsulation of Andrographis paniculata with water-soluble biopolymers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 104 p. (T E16660) Suthon Chuenchokesant. Factors influencing particle size of polyamide microcapsules synthesized via interfacial polycondensation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 292 p. (T E9443) Warophat Kimchuwanit. Use of surfactant coacervate phase to extract trichloroethylene from water. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 39 p. (T E9418) Coach วิชิต เผือกนอก. การศึกษาการใชวิทยาศาสตรการกีฬาของผูฝกสอนกีฬาในโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษา สังกัดกรมสามัญศึกษาจังหวัด ขอนแกน = A study of sport science implementation of the coach in secondary schools under the Department of General Education Changwat Khon Kaen. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 75 หนา. (วพ 99309) Coaching On-uma Tanong. Junior executives' coaching patterns in the Bank of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 114 p. (T E20043) Coagent Suphannipha Nimsuwan. A study of peroxide vulcanization of purified natural rubber and its properties. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 122 p. (T E14058) Coagglutination kit นิสา บุตรดา. การพัฒนา Coagglutination kit เพื่อตรวจหาเชื้อกรุฟเอ บี ซี และ จี สเตรฟโตคอคไค จากสิ่งสงตรวจโดยตรง = Development of coagglutination kit for rapid identifying of group A, B, C and G streptococci from specimens directly. ชลบุรี : มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 2539. 63 หนา. (ว 88884) Coaglutination kit Streptococci Subuntish Nimrat. Development of Coaglutination kit for rappid serogrouping of streptococci = การพัฒนา Coaglutination kit เพื่อตรวจหาซีโรกรุฟของเชื้อสเตร็ฟโตคอคไค. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. 2 microfiches (110 fr.). (T MF20591) Coagulants Sakaodurn Wuttisathien. Recovery of chromium from tanning liquor using coagulants and sulphuric acid. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 140 p. (T E19847) Coagulated water Vasuree Jiarsirikul. Relationships between trihalomethane formation potential and natural organic matter surrogates in raw water and coagulated water of shallow wells near a closed unsanitary solid waste dumping site. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 152 p. (T E23286) Coagulation Bunyarit Panyapinyopol. Characterization treatment and removal of trihalomethane precursors in Bangkok source water. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 122 p. (T E33688) Charongpun Musikavong. Reduction of trihalomethanes formation potential in reclaimed water from treated industrial estate wastewater. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 112 p. (T E21836) Kulwarang Suwanasri. Removal efficiency of humic acid in raw water by using potassium permanganate and alum in coagulation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 76 p. (T E13827) Pariyapat Nilsalab. Improving the efficiency of the water system in ceramic tile manufacturing. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 76 p. (R E39374) Permsin Sathiropas. Hemostatic alteration and platelet ultrastructure in patients undergoing intracranial surgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xxii, 340 p. (T E7880) Somkiat Thitipanont. Pollution prevention in textile industry : recycling wastewater from textile dyeing preparation process. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 86 p. (T E14844) Suwanna Mukem. Treatment of textile dyeing wastewater by coagulation with fenton's reagent. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 101 p. (T E13901) Thamnoon Sittichaimanee. Coagulation by an electrical means. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1973. 3 แผน (152 เฟรม). (T MF09599) Vicha Surakamolleart. Factor VII deficient substrate preparation and Coagulation studies in malaria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 3 microfiches (126 fr.). (T MF20007) Yuwadee Ketmanee. Color removal of textile wastewater by coagulation-floculation using alum and tamarindkernel powder. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 80 p. (T E24646) Coagulation device ธงชัย ศิริประยุกต. การออกแบบและสรางเครื่องวัดการแข็งตัวของเลือด = Design and construction of a coagulation device. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2537. 26 หนา. (ว 92726) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 95] Coagulation process เจษสุดา ประดิษฐ. การบําบัดโลหะหนักจากน้ําเสียหองปฏิบัติการวิทยาศาสตร โดยวิธีตกตะกอนและโคแอกกูเลชันในระบบ บําบัดขนาดทดลอง = Treatment of heavy metals from chemical laboratory wastewater by precipitation and coagulation in pilot plant. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2543. 139 หนา. (วพ 113474) Coagulation-flocculation process สัญญา วองไวอมรเวช. ประสิทธิภาพการบําบัดน้ําทิ้งจากโรงงานขนมจีน โดยกระบวนการโคแอกกูเลชั่น-ฟลอคคูเลชั่น = The efficiency of rice noodle waste water treatment by coagulation-flocculation process. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 77 หนา. (วพ 109856) Coal Nisa Rattanadilok Na Phuket. Engineering properties of the mixture of water treatment sludge, coal fly ash and bentonite for use as alternative landfill liner. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 125 p. (T E40390) Virote Boonamnuay Vitaya. Adsorption of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius on coal and pyrite surfaces and its role in desulfurization. [S.l. : S.n.], 1991. 72 p. (T E40554) Wanwisa Aiumwichean. Corprocessing of HDPE, used tires and coal with nickel-molybdenum on alumina for fuel oils production. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 115 p. (T E18913) Wasant Tankaya. Implication of geochemistry on depositional environments in Mae Moh coal field Changwat Lampang. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 139 p. (T E18090) Coal ash Wichian Chalee. Effect of fly ash finenesses and W/B ratios on concrete in marine environment. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 112 p. (T E39586) Coal briquette Soraya Yongparyun. Development of a solar paddy dryer with auxiliary heat from combustion. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2003. 104 p. (T E20968) Coal fly ash Ronbanchob Apiratikul. Sorption of heavy metals by green macro alga, Caulerpa lentillifera and modified zeolite from coal fly ash. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 153 p. (T E38680) Coal mine waste--Environmental aspects Roy, William R.. Geochemical properties of coal wastes and the toxicological effects on-aquatic life. Champaign : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1984. viii, 124 p. (R E2219) Coal mine waste--Leaching--Statistical methods Roy, William R.. Geochemical properties of coal wastes and the toxicological effects on-aquatic life. Champaign : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1984. viii, 124 p. (R E2219) Coal mines and mining--Environmental aspects Roy, William R.. Geochemical properties of coal wastes and the toxicological effects on-aquatic life. Champaign : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1984. viii, 124 p. (R E2219) Coal mines and mining--Illinois Nelson, W. John. Faults and their effect on coal mining in Illinois. Champaign, Ie : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1981. 38 p. (R E713) Treworgy, Colin G.. Availability of coal resources for mining in Illinois middletown quadrangle, central Illinois. Illinois : Illinois State Geological Survey, 1994. 48 p. (R E10657) Coal--Carbonization Natchira Saimongkol. Propane dehydrogenation over lithium promoted platinum-tin catalysts : influence of promoters on activity and coking. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 47 p. (T E11631) Supachai Kruayatidee. Propane dehydrogenation over lithium promoted platinum-tin catalysts : influence of promoters on decoking performance. Bangkok : Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 46 p. (T E11861) Coal--Geology Miniye Betru. Sedimentology petrology and geochemistry of coal and oil shall deposits in delbl-moye basin south western ethiopia. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1992. xvii, 195 p. (T E6209) Coal--Geology--Illinois Nelson, W. John. The Hornsby district of low-sulfur Herrin coal in central Illinois (Christian, Macoupin, Montgomery, and Sangamon countries). Champaign : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1987. 40 p. (R E5323) Coal--Illinois Nance, Roger B.. Strippable coal resources of Illinois ; Part 8-Central and southeastern counties. Champaign, Illinois : State Geological Survey Division, Illinois Institute of Natural Resource, 1981. 32 p. (R E21257) Nelson, John W.. The cottage grove fault system in Southern Illinois. Champaign, IL : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1981. 65 p. (R E712) Nelson, W. John. Faults and their effect on coal mining in Illinois. Champaign, Ie : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1981. 38 p. (R E713) Treworgy, Colin G.. Deep-minable coal resources of Illinois. Illinois : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1982. 62 p. (R E714) Ward, Colin R.. Mineral matter in the Springfield-Harrisburg (no.5) coal member in the Illinois basin. Urbana, Illinois : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1977. 35 p. (R E8245) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 96] Coal--Illinois--Geology Jacobson, R.J.. Stratigraphic correlations of the Seelyille, Dekoven, and Davis Coals of Illinois, Indiana, and western Kentucky. Illinois : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1987. 27 p. (R E5324) Coal--Indiana--Geology Jacobson, R.J.. Stratigraphic correlations of the Seelyille, Dekoven, and Davis Coals of Illinois, Indiana, and western Kentucky. Illinois : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1987. 27 p. (R E5324) Coal--Kentucky--Geology Jacobson, R.J.. Stratigraphic correlations of the Seelyille, Dekoven, and Davis Coals of Illinois, Indiana, and western Kentucky. Illinois : Illinois State Geological Survey Division, 1987. 27 p. (R E5324) Coal--Songkhla--Model Bussakorn Pongorapin. Application of computer programs to some coal quality modeling at Sin Pun deposit, Changwat Nokhon Si Thammarat and Saba Yoi deposit, Changwat Songkhla. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 426 p. (T E12813) Coal--Vietnam Bach, Le Ba Viet. Application of cleaner production at a coal preparation facility in Vietnam. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 123 p. (T E39606) Coal-fired boilers Vicharn Tanetsakunvatana. Influence of coal quality and operating conditions on thermal efficiency and environmental performance of coal-fired boilers of a thermal power plant. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 196 p. (T E31345) Coal-fired power plants Loi, Dinh Chinh. Life cycle assessment of Uong Bi extension coal-fired power plant. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 139 p. (T E31349) Coal-fired power plants--Risk assessment Huyen, Thi Do. Dispersion of lignite fly ash in the surrounding area of the Mae Moh power plant in Lampang province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 111 p. (T E9246) CoAl2O4 Angkana Kanyanucharat. Determination of the thermal stability of CoAl2O4, ZnAl2O4 and NiAl2O4 single nanocrystals. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 93 p. (T E18785) Coalescence Kittipon Wiwattanangkul. Continuous demulsification of crude palm oil in water using fiber coalescer. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 53 p. (T E34925) Prasert Tapaneeyangkul. Etude et modelisation d'une nouvelle generation de coalesceurs liquide-liquide : "le coalesceur a garnissage fibreux dynamique". Toulouse : Institut National des sciences appliquees de Toulouse, 1989. 127 p. (T E41298) Supaporn Nimjaroen. Continuous demulsification of palm oil in water by low electric field. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 73 p. (T E39810) Coalition formation E-commerce Laor Boongasame. The price negotiation scheme for forming community buyer coalitions. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 46 p. (T E38459) Coalition perspective Nguyen, Thi Kim Xuan. The effects of power control on decision making from the coalition perspective : a case study of the representation of China in the United Nations in 1971. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 201 p. (T E38304) Coarsening [Chemistry] Noree Phochalam. The influence of polymer microstructure upon mixing in the melt state. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 185 p. (T E24409) Coarticulation Nuttakorn Thubthong. A study of various linguistic effects on tone recognition in Thai continuous speech. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 125 p. (T E18783) Coaructure Nuttakorn Thubthong. A study of various linguistic effects on tone recognition in Thai continuous speech. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 125 p. (T E18783) Coast Changes Krittika Bunyachatphisuth. Relationship between land use and coastline change in Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khiri Khan provinces as investigated by remote sensing technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 72 p. (T E14646) Coastal Thotsaporn Maneeratana. An opinion analysis of farmer groups role in agricultural resources management on coastal lands in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 230 p. (T E20048) Coastal Aguaculture Development Center Hagelskjaer, Jens. Predation and mortality in a restocking programme with Tridacna squamosa Lamarck, 1918. [S.l.] : Department of Aquatic Ecology University of Aarhus, 1998. 21 p. (R E19819 c.1; E19820 c.2) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 97] Coastal animals Siri Tookwinas. Aquatic environmental management in an intensive marine shrimp pond for mitigation the impact of discharged water on coastal area. Chanthaburi : Kung Krabaen Bay Royal Development Study Center, Department of Fisheries, 1999. 20 p. (R E13252) Coastal ecology Ray, G. Carleton. A preliminary classification coastal and marine environments.. Morges, Switzerland : IUCN, 1975. 26 p. (R E1267) Coastal ecology--Chon Buri Waewtaa Thongra-ar. Coastal water quality in Chon Buri province (Sriracha-Muangmai) and red tide phenomena in 1992-1993. Chon Buri : Burapha University, 1995. 44 p. (R E10402) Coastal ecology--Rayong Waewtaa Thongra-ar. An integrated management of watersheds in relation to the coastal and marine environment of the Prasae River basin, Rayong province, Thailand-a case study. Chon Buri : Burapha University, 1995. (5), 64 p. (R E9683) Coastal ecology--Songkhla ชาญชัย ธนาวุฒิ. ระบบนิเวศและการใชทรัพยากรชายฝงปญหาการตื้นเขินของทะเลสาบสงขลา : สาเหตุ ผลกระทบและ แนวทางในการแกไข = Coastal ecosystem and resource use sedimentation in Songkla lake : causes, impacts and mitigation measures. สงขลา : มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 130 หนา. (ว 97559 ฉ.1; 97560 ฉ.2) Coastal engineering Piyamarn Leangruxa. Wave height transformation across shore. Pathumthani : Thammasat University, 2000. 34 p. (T E15533) Coastal erosion Apichart Suphawajruksakul. Coastal erosion at the Pak Phanang river basin, Changwat Nakhon Si Thammarat. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 151 p. (T E35439) Coastal fisheries เขียน สินอนุวงศ. สภาวะการประมงชายฝง = The status of coastal fisheries. กรุงเทพฯ : กรมประมง, 2527. 9 หนา. (ว 040548) Coastal fishing rights เมธี จันทโรปกรณ. ปจจัยที่มีผลตอความคิดเห็นของชาวประมงพื้นบาน และชาวประมงอวนรุนตอสิทธิประมงชายฝง : กรณีศึกษา จังหวัดสุราษฎรธานี = Factors related to the opinions of small scale fishermen and push net fishermen on coastal fishing rights : a case study of Suratthani province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 145 หนา. (วพ 98746) Coastal resource conservation เฉลิมพร ชูศรี. การมีสวนรวมของชาวประมงพื้นบานในการอนุรักษทรัพยากรชายฝง กรณีศึกษา : อาวปตตานี จังหวัดปตตานี = The small-scale fishermen participation in conservation of coastal resources : a case study of Pattani bay, Pattani province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 132 หนา. (วพ 107986) Coastal resource management Manus Hamala. Local capacity in coastal resource management : a case study of fishing villages in Rayong bay. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 107 p. (T E23805) Wantana Chenkitkosol. Development of the locally based coastal resource management through decentralization : case of Thai fishing communities. Hiroshima : Hiroshima University, 2007. 174 p. (T E36588) Coastal resources Benjamas Chotthong. Using biophysical characteristics for coastal resources zoning, Phangnga Bay case study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 1 vol. (T E10896) เฉลิมพร ชูศรี. การมีสวนรวมของชาวประมงพื้นบานในการอนุรักษทรัพยากรชายฝง กรณีศึกษา : อาวปตตานี จังหวัดปตตานี = The small-scale fishermen participation in conservation of coastal resources : a case study of Pattani bay, Pattani province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 132 หนา. (วพ 107986) ชาญชัย ธนาวุฒิ. ระบบนิเวศและการใชทรัพยากรชายฝงปญหาการตื้นเขินของทะเลสาบสงขลา : สาเหตุ ผลกระทบและ แนวทางในการแกไข = Coastal ecosystem and resource use sedimentation in Songkla lake : causes, impacts and mitigation measures. สงขลา : มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 130 หนา. (ว 97559 ฉ.1; 97560 ฉ.2) เสาวภา อังสุภานิช. ระบบนิเวศและการใชทรัพยากรชายฝง : การศึกษาเขตตอเนื่องชายฝงทะเลสาบสงขลาตอนนอกบริเวณ คลองพะวงและคลองอูตะเภา = Coastal ecosystem and resource use : ecotone studies of the Phawong canal and U-Taphao canal areas, outer Songkhla lake. สงขลา : คณะทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2539. 114 หนา. (ว 97566 ฉ.1; 97567 ฉ.2) Coastal tourism Siridhorn Suwanlert. A study of carrying capacities for tourists of coastal tourism : a case study of Ko Phangan, Surat Thani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. viii, 69 p. (T E7416) Coastal zone management--Asia Pattama Chaituchvanich. Guideline formulation for coastal zone management in Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 81 p. (T E6311) Coastal zone management--Pacific Pattama Chaituchvanich. Guideline formulation for coastal zone management in Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 81 p. (T E6311) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 98] Coastline--Prachuap Khiri Khan Wasuntra Chairat. Coastline change due to storm surge during 1989-2006 at Amphoe Hua Hin, Changwat Prachuap Khiri Khan, southern Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 95 p. (T E41220) Coasts Nimit Pornraksamanee. Economical strengthening of fixed platform subjected to lateral loads caused by additional conductors. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 113 p. (T E18474) Coasts--Chon Buri Saowarose Prajamgid. Effectiveness of the training workshop among the local people towards coastal resource conservation : a case study of Koh Lan, Chonburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 129 p. (T E18356) Coasts--Management Tipparat Pongthanapanich. Coastal land use management in Thailand : policy development tools for a better environment. [S.l.] : University Press of Southern Denmark, 2007. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E37864) Coasts--Nakhon Si Thammarat Apichart Suphawajruksakul. Coastal erosion at the Pak Phanang river basin, Changwat Nakhon Si Thammarat. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 151 p. (T E35439) Coasts--Phangnga Benjamas Chotthong. Using biophysical characteristics for coastal resources zoning, Phangnga Bay case study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 1 vol. (T E10896) Coasts--Research Kelletat, Dieter H.. German geographical coastal research : the last decade. Tubingen : Institute for Scientific Cooperation, 1998. 448 p. (R E12334; E13275 c.2) Coasts--Thailand Hines, Ellen. Population and habitat assessment of the dugoung (Dugong dugon) off the Andaman Coast of Thailand. Victoria : University of Victoria, 2000. 81 p. (R E16307) Coasts--Thailand, Eastern เรณา พงษเรืองพันธุ. ปจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธกับความพึงพอใจในชีวิตของผูสูงอายุในเขตพัฒนาชายฝงทะเลภาคตะวันออก = Factors related to life satisfaction of the elderly in eastern region of Thailand. ชลบุรี : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 2541. 51 หนา. (ว 98029) สุวิชัย โกศัยยะวัฒน. วิเคราะหนโยบายของรัฐบาลดานการศึกษาและสังคมที่มีตอการพัฒนาภูมิภาค และบริเวณพื้นที่ชายฝง ทะเลตะวันออกของไทย ระหวาง พ.ศ.2475-2535 = An analysis of the educational and social policy of government towards Thai easten region and eastern sea board area's development during B.E.2475-2535. ชลบุรี : คณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 2541. 348 หนา. (ว 98031) Coat protein Srimek Chowpongpang. Development of genetically engineered resistance to Papaya Ringspot Potyvirus (PRSV) in Thailand. Queensland : Queensland University of Technology, 2002. 200 p. (T E22028) Coated pellets Suparpun Chungcharoenwattana. Physico-chemical and mechanical properties and controlled release in coated pellets of mixing films between ethylcellulose and ammonio methacrylate copolymer in organic and aqueous dispersion systems. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 230 p. (T E14310) Coated tablets Nuntachai Hanpramukkun. Comparison of the optimizing conditions of tablet coating in perforated pan coater and in fluidized bed bottom spray coater. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 97 p. (T E13886) Coater machine Thitiwat Tananuprawat. Web cutter system design for coater machine in paper manufacturing. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 111 p. (T E21961) Coating concrete Vichaya Vichayapai Bunnag. Influences of curing factors on mechanical properties of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy composite for coating concrete and mortar. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 149 p. (T E20168) Coating pan Chatuphon Charoenkitpaiboon. Development of dry powder coating technique for pellets. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 270 p. (T E34740) Coating processes Wandee Im-Emsap. In vitro and in vivo properties of injectable biodegradable in situ forming microparticle systems. Berlin : Freien Universitat Berlin, 2002. 293 p. (T E22187) Coatings Borarin Buntong. Effects of coating materials on postharvest quality of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 170 p. (T E23564) Chairat Manuyakorn. Synthesis of new acrylic polyols and study of the film properties fo NBDI isocyanurate on the two-package polyurethane coating system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 189 p. (T E14311) Dusit Ngamrungroj. Plasma focus modification for material surface treatment. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 91 p. (T E21585) Haruthai Tungudomwongsa. Development of alumina coating on a ceramic monolith. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 141 p. (T E12404) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 99] Coatings (ตอ) Kawee Srikulkit. Organic/inorganic composites materials for coating applications. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 22 p. (R E14158) Kittisak Phuengsomboonying. Development of a fluidized-bed coater for pharmaceutical application. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 112 p. (T E18787) Naparatn Rojtinnakorn. Sythesis of organic/inorganic hybrid materials for coating applications. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 81 p. (T E14694) Sariyamon Tirapat. The influences of coated materials and brick wall on air conditioning load. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 98 p. (T E17759) Somchoke Lauhasurayotin. Preparation of conductive polypyrrole composites by chemical oxidation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 114 p. (T E13410) Somsak Supasitmongkol. Coating on aluminum for corrosion protection by electrochemical techniques. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2001. 108 p. (T E19436) Sujarinee Kochawattana. Strengthening of hydroxyapatite by coating. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xvi, 128 p. (T E6803) Suparpun Chungcharoenwattana. Physico-chemical and mechanical properties and controlled release in coated pellets of mixing films between ethylcellulose and ammonio methacrylate copolymer in organic and aqueous dispersion systems. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 230 p. (T E14310) Sutthiwal Setha. Effect of chitosan coating on delayed ripening of Cavendish banana. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 115 p.. (T E13812) Thanusit Burinprakhon. Deposition and characterisation of multilayer hard coatings : Ti\TiN delta\TiCxNy\(TiC) aC:H\(Ti) a-C:H. Nottingham : University of Nottingham, 2001. 191 p. (T E16109) Thidawan Sa-Uram. Influence of seasoning particle sizes on coating properties and sensory perceptions of fried flat potato chips. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2004. 101 p. (T E25092) Wera Kiettikul. Thin-film coating of polystyrene through vapor phase monomer deposition. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 72 p. (T E14717) นิภาพร สุนทรพิทักษกุล. การเปรียบเทียบสารเคลือบผิวไมเพื่อการอนุรักษไมสักโบราณ = Comparison of surface coating materials for conservation of antique teak. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 86 หนา. (วพ 99223) Cobalt Apinpus Rujiwatra. Preparation and structural characterization of organically hybrid transition metal oxide frameworks prepared by modified hydrothermal technique. Chiang Mai : Department of Chemistry Chiang Mai University, 2008. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E40996) Apiwat Panit. Removal mechanism of intermediates in selective catalytic reduction of nitrogenmonoxide with propylene in the presence of excess oxygen over cobalt ion-exchanged MFI catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 61 p. (T E15850) Aroonsri Lieosuwan. Assessment of reliability in conventional methods for cobalt-60 output calibration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 57 p. (T E6473) Benjamat Nunthaithaweegon. Cobalt catalysts supported on zeolite beta prepared by solid state ion exchange for nitric oxide reduction. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 80 p. (T E22896) Boonyawan Yoosuk. Unsupported transition metal sulfide catalysts for deep hydrodesulfurization of hydrocarbon fuels. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 156 p. (T E39567) Chutimun Chanmuang. Interfacial phenomena in borosilicate glass and iron-nickel-cobalt alloy joints. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 204 p. (T E39351) Jinda Yeyongchaiwat. Synthesis and characterization of La1-xSrxGa1-yFeyO3-delta perovskite membrane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 138 p. (T E20213) Jutakorn Srisawat. Characteristics and catalytic properties of alumina-silica bimodal pore supported cobalt catalyst for carbon monoxide hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 95 p. (T E39092) Nantaphol Klansorn. Preparation, characterization and catalytic properties of cobalt phthalocyanine encapsulated in zeolite EMT and zeolite BEA. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2003. 178 p. (T E21970) Narisara Thongboonchoo. Hydrodesulfurization of toluene containing thiophene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xiii, 95 p. (T E6828) Nattaporn Jiravasavanich. Factors affecting the synthesis of cobalt-titanium silicalite-1 catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 146 p. (T E38387) Nithinart Chitpong. Characteristics and catalytic properties of boron-medifed zirconia-supported cobalt catalyst for carbon monoxide hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 67 p. (T E39080) Nungruetai Chaiyasit. Application of Co-Mg-O/TiO2 catalyst on selective oxidation of alcohols. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 106 p. (T E16843) Nuttakarn Taochaiyaphum. Characteristics and catalytic properties of glycothermal-derived zirconia supported cobalt catalysts in carbonmonoxide hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 125 p. (T E29054) Nutthita Chuankrerkkul. Powder injection moulding of WC-Co hardmetal using a PEG/PMMA binder. Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 2006. 201 p. (T E36507) Pan Tongraung. Synthesis of metal-containing epoxy polymers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 89 p. (T E11800) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 100] Cobalt (ตอ) Phattra Phokasuntarangkoon. The formation of some cobalt and nickel complexes on clay surface. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 116 p. (T E9602) Phimphaka Harding. Synthesis and electrochemical studies of nickel and cobalt paddlewheel complexes. Nakhon Si Thammarat : Department of Chemistry Walailak University, 2006. 30 p. (R E34640) Piengporn Loratsachan. Performance comparison between cobalt aluminosilicate and cobalt ion-exchanged MFI catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogenmonoxide with methane in the presence of excess oxygen. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 151 p. (T E12843) Pleawtein Jirakansuvan. Synthesis of light olefins from methanol on Co/ZSM-5 catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 87 p. (T E40133) Pongchart Buranaprasertsuk. Catalytic epoxidation with cobalt[II] calix[4] pyrrole and cobalt[II] schiff base complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 119 p. (T E40724) Rongpha-nga Sriwan. Hydrodesulfurization of benzothiophenes catalyzed by molybdenum/cobalt/ruthenium. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 66 p. (T E22846) Saijai Chirachotechuentaweechai. Spectrophotometric determination of mercury and cobalt. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1989. (vii), 139 p. (T E6720) Sakchai Kittikerdkulchai. Application of the Co-Mg-O catalyst on the selective oxidation of alcohols. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 107 p. (T E15016) Sanchai Luachan. New crystal structures of cobalt-diamine derivatives framework materials prepared by solvothermal technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 126 p. (T E41271) Santi Thohinung. Synthesis and crystal structures of two diimine-dioxime complexes of cobalt. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2000. 106 p. (T E15538) Sompop Srivannavit. Low temperature co oxidation by reducible metal oxide supported silver catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 43 p. (T E10767) Sukamon Hinchiranan. Metal oxide promotion of Co/SiO2 for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 98 p. (T E35243) Sumonmal Rungrojwittayakul. Separation of lead and cobalt ions from solution by 2-(2'-thiazolylazo)-p-cresol chelating resin. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 88 p. (T E22867) Supawan Supawanitchmongkol. Effects of bulk and surface defects of TiO2 support on the physico-chemical properties of Co/TiO2 catalyst via methanation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 77 p. (T E40143) Tanuchnun Burakorn. Characteristics and catalytic properties of mixed nano-gamma-Al2O3 based-supported cobalt catalyst during carbon monoxide hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 93 p. (T E35424) Tapanee Dangsawai. Effect of severe condition on activity of copper ion-exchanged MFI and cobalt-silicate in nitric oxide removal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 114 p. (T E15012) Tipnapa Wongsalee. Characteristics and catalytic properties of cobalt catalyst over titania supports. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 157 p. (T E30123) Wanida Youngwanishsate. Oxidation property of the Co-Mg-O catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 119 p. (T E13973) Warangkana Kanjina. Polystyrene supported cobalt schiff base catalysts for hydrogenation of cyclooctene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 88 p. (T E23573) Wasan Damduan. Dimerization of methyl oleate using Thai clays as catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 110 p. (T E23420) Wiboon Praditweangkum. Development in flow injecting analysis for anionic surfactants, hyoscine butylbromide, yttrium, cobalt and manganese. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 167 p. (T E16407) Yupa Tangsakol. Epoxidation of alkenes catalyzed by cobalt calix [4] pyrrole complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 85 p. (T E34515) ประไพพิศ ชัยรัตนมโนกร. ผลของฝนกรดและปุยในดินตอการดูดซึมสารกัมมันตรังสีซีเซียม-134 และโคบอลต-60 ในดิน โดย หญาขน = Effects of acid rain and soil fertility on caesium-134 and cobalt-60 uptake by paragrass. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 105 หนา. (วพ 99179) Cobalt alloys Suthasinee Kasemsarn. Shear bond strength and microleakage of four commercial adhesive resins bonded to CoCr alloy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 84 p. (T E10609) Cobalt aluminate Angkana Kanyanucharat. Determination of the thermal stability of CoAl2O4, ZnAl2O4 and NiAl2O4 single nanocrystals. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 93 p. (T E18785) Sirirat Rojanapipatkul. Synthesis of cobalt on cobalt-aluminate and its catalytic properties for carbon monoxide hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 120 p. (T E40179) Tatiya Sangkhum. Effect of Fe- and Co-modified Al2O3 on the properties of Pd/Al2O3 catalyst in selective acetylene hydrogenation reaction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 93 p. (T E40151) Cobalt catalyst Kamonchanok Pansanga. Effect of alumina support modification on performance of cobalt and iron catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch reaction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 126 p. (T E38242) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 101] Cobalt catalyst (ตอ) Sujittra Kittiruangrayub. Physicochemical properties of cobalt dispersed on mixed nano-silica-based supports. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 102 p. (T E34926) Supawan Supawanitchmongkol. Effects of bulk and surface defects of TiO2 support on the physico-chemical properties of Co/TiO2 catalyst via methanation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 77 p. (T E40143) Wiraporn Srangsukdee. Ethanol steam reforming for hydrogen production using Co/SiO2 catalyst. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 61 p. (R E35375) Cobalt catalysts Chitlada Sakdamnuson. Cobalt-support compound formation in titania-supported cobalt catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 124 p. (T E23311) Pimchanok Tupabut. Effect of boron-modified MCM-41 on cobalt/MCM-41 catalyst for carbon monoxide hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 106 p. (T E37536) Sirirat Rojanapipatkul. Synthesis of cobalt on cobalt-aluminate and its catalytic properties for carbon monoxide hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 120 p. (T E40179) Sujaree Kaewgun. Influence of cobalt precursors on the characteristics and catalytic properties of MCM-41 supported cobalt catalysts for carbon monoxide hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 152 p. (T E23305) Wiboon Chuchepchunkamon. Low temperature total hydrocarbon oxidation on silver/cobalt oxide (Ag/Co3O4) catalyst. Bangkok : Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 36 p. (T E9775) Cobalt complex Sumonrut Thipthinnakorn. Selective epoxidation of terminal alkenes catalyzed by cobalt complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 54 p. (T E37575) Cobalt dispersion Wilasinee Kongsuebchart. Effect of crystallite size on the surface defect of titania prepared via solvothermal synthesis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 151 p. (T E40162) Cobalt magnesium oxide catalyst Surangkana Umpo. An application of Co-Mg-O/Al2O3 catalyst on the combustion of anhydrides. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 100 p. (T E19467) Cobalt phthalocyanine ธีรวัฒน มงคลอัศวรัตน. การสังเคราะหตัวเรงปฏิกิริยาซีโอไลตที่มีสารประกอบเชิงซอนของโลหะทรานซิชั่นแฝงตัวอยู = Synthesis of zeolites encapsulated transition-metal complex catalysis. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร สถาบัน เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 45 หนา. (ว 100834) Cobalt Therapeutic use Chumpot Kakanaporn. Computer calculation of dose for irregularly shaped fields for cobalt-60 teletherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. vi, 67 p. (T E8153) Cobalt--Isotopes Supoj Ua-apisitwong. Accuracy of equivalent square method in Cobalt-60 output calculation for various field sizes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xi, 48 p. (T E7507) Cobalt--Isotopes--Therapeutic use Chanida Phaettut. Comparison of the dose distribution from Cobalt-60 in spinal cord from different block techniques used for the treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 95 p. (T E13761) Kriangdate Boonlerluk. Dose distribution in chest wall irradiation by Cobalt-60 teletherapy machine : comparison between traditional and couch rotation techniques. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. vi, 50 p. (T E8326) Cobalt--Physiological effect Pravit Sudkeaw. Buffer effect on the kinetics of substitution reaction of agno cobalt (11) cation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (83 เฟรม). (T MF09370) Cobalt-60 Amporn Funsian. Dose perturbation of metal/tissue interface from teletherapy treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xi, 73 p. (T E7480) Chanida Phaettut. Comparison of the dose distribution from Cobalt-60 in spinal cord from different block techniques used for the treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 95 p. (T E13761) Chumpot Kakanaporn. Computer calculation of dose for irregularly shaped fields for cobalt-60 teletherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. vi, 67 p. (T E8153) Kanjanee Sunyapridakul. Computer calculation of cobalt-60 teletherapy planning. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 4 แผน (186 เฟรม). (T MF09178) Kriangdate Boonlerluk. Dose distribution in chest wall irradiation by Cobalt-60 teletherapy machine : comparison between traditional and couch rotation techniques. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. vi, 50 p. (T E8326) Supoj Ua-apisitwong. Accuracy of equivalent square method in Cobalt-60 output calculation for various field sizes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xi, 48 p. (T E7507) ประไพพิศ ชัยรัตนมโนกร. ผลของฝนกรดและปุยในดินตอการดูดซึมสารกัมมันตรังสีซีเซียม-134 และโคบอลต-60 ในดิน โดย หญาขน = Effects of acid rain and soil fertility on caesium-134 and cobalt-60 uptake by paragrass. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 105 หนา. (วพ 99179) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 102] Cobalt-60 output calibration Aroonsri Lieosuwan. Assessment of reliability in conventional methods for cobalt-60 output calibration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 57 p. (T E6473) Cobalt-salen catalyst Ong-art Thanetnit. Synthesis of naphthoquinones utilizing cobalt-salen catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 46 p. (T E27775) Cobalt-titanium silicalite Nitiporn Sangngaen. Preparation of cobalt titanium silicalite 1 catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 94 p. (T E34986) Cobas amplicor Chamaiporn Suwanasophon. Diagnosis of cytomegalovirus : correlation between viral load and immunostaining in patients with post renal transplantation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 60 p. (T E21045) Yongyuth Poolpanichupatam. Investigation of active cytomegalovirus infection in HIV-1 infected cases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19841) Cobra venom Janeyuth Chaisakul. Neutralizing effects of Curcuma sp. and N-acetylcysteine against cobra (Naja naja kaouthia) venom : in vitro and in vivo studies. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 83 p. (T E23338) Pimtida Ruangpaisal. Purification and study on mechanism of action of cobra venom antidote from Wan-nak-kharat (Curcuma sp.) and Wan-ngu (Curcuma sp.). Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 82 p. (T E23334) Cobra venom inhibiting activity Pattara Tophrom. Study of the extract from Curcuma L. containing cobra venom inhibiting activity. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2001. 96 p. (T E15929) Cobras Supa Chamapisit. Purification and immunochemical reactivity of the King cobra Ophiophagus hannah postsynaptic neurotoxins. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 82 p. (T E10932) Cobras--Venom Chatchawadee Thongtharb. Study of the antagonistic effect of slaed pang porn (clinacanthus nutans) against Thailand cobra venom (naja naja siamensis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1976. 2 แผน (117 เฟรม). (T MF09793) Pratanporn Chua-anusorn. Effects of cobra (Naja naja kaouthia) venom and its cardiotoxic fraction on renal functions in anaesthetized dogs. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 87 p. (T E10822) Ronachai Pratanaphon. Preparation of potent horse therapeutic antivenom against the Thai cobra (Naja kaouthia). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 110 p. (T E10046) Coca Cola [Registered trademark] Pattraradanai Inpongnuwat. Creative strategy of cola soft drinks (Coca-Cola & Pepsi) employed in television commercials airing in Thailand between 1982-1997. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 534 p. (T E15079) Cocaine Watchareewan Thongsaard. Plant extract and the treatment of drugs addiction in rats. Bangkok : Department of Physiology Srinakharinwirot University, 2005. 42 p. (R E30247) Watchareeworn Thongsaard. Action of thunbergiaceae in the treatment of drugs addiction. Bangkok : Department of Physiology Srinakharinwirot University, [2004]. 21 p. (R E35474c.1; E35475c.2) Cocatalyst Nawaporn Intaragamjon. Comparative study of solvent effect and activators with titanocene catalysts on ethylene/alpha-olefins polymerization. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 129 p. (T E35451) Coccidiosis Thularath Krongyuit. Study of Eimeria tenella in experimentally infected chickens and its control. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 50 p. (T E16792) Coccinella transversalis Lawan Junsung. Study on the coccinellid, Coccinella transversalis F. (Coleoptera coccinellidae), and its role as biological control agent. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 56 p. (T E16797) Coccinellid Lawan Junsung. Study on the coccinellid, Coccinella transversalis F. (Coleoptera coccinellidae), and its role as biological control agent. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 56 p. (T E16797) Coccinellidae Lawan Junsung. Study on the coccinellid, Coccinella transversalis F. (Coleoptera coccinellidae), and its role as biological control agent. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 56 p. (T E16797) Ratana Roongfar. Study on the coccinellid, menochilus sexnaculatus (F.) (coleoptera : coccinellidae) and its role as biolotical control agent. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1980. 2 แผน (91 เฟรม). (T MF09143) Suksawat Ponpinij. Taxonomic studies of predaceous coccinellid [Coleoptera : Coccinellidae] on citrus [Citrus reticulata Blanco] in Lampang province, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 103 p. (T E16950) Coccinia indica Suwit Wipakan. The hypoglycemic active principle of Coccinia India. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. iii, 56 leaves. (T E2322) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 103] Coccinia indica (ตอ) Suwit Wipakan. The hypoglycemic active principle of Coccinia indica Wight & Arn.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (67 fr.). (T MF20260; E2310c.2) Coccobius fulvus Wimolwan Chotiwong. Potential of Cybocephalus binotatus grouvelle and Coccobius fulvus (compere & annecke) for biological control of cycad scale, Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi, in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 43 p. (T E20159) Cochlea Puangkaew Sarapoke. Immunohistochemical study of opioid receptor subtypes in the rat inner ear. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E20125) Cochlea--Blood-vessels Uraporn Yimkoom. Cochlear angioarchitecture in common tree shrew (Tupaia glis) as revealed by corrosion cast technique/SEM. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 41 p. (T E9110) Cochliobolus heterostrophus Thipa Asvarak. Functional analysis of genes at the Cochliobolus heterostrophus Tox1 locus and evaluation of a remi mutant altered in conidium development. New York : Cornell University, 2003. 219 p. (T E22213) Cochran's test Sineenart Taejaroenkul. An empirical comparison of the powers of Bartlett's test, Levene's test and Cochran's test under violation of assumptions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 107 p. (T E20183) Cockroach Nitat Sookrung. Towards the cockroach allergens : allergen detection, alergenomes and allergy vaccine. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2005. 185 p. (T E35351) Cockroaches Arunrat Khomkam. Taxonomic study of cockroaches in urban area of central Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 84 p. (T E19654) Onruedee Khantisitthiporn. Production of recombinant troponin T, a novel American cockroach allergen. Pathum Thani : Thammasat University, 2007. 148 p. (T E38078) Patchara Sriwichai. Survey of indoor cockroaches in some dwellings in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 74 p. (T E17199) Pratoomtip Damsuwon. Some environmental factors and inhabitant behaviors affecting cockroach infestation in Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 96 p. (T E20934) Yaowaluk Chanbang. Monitoring of cockroaches (Orthoptera : Blattidae) population in Bangkok urban area and effective used of insecticides. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 57 p. (T E11676) Cockroaches--Control Apiwat Tawatsin. Novel repellents derived from phytochemicals against mosquito vectors and common cockroaches in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 150 p. (T E35533) Coco-2 cells Porawan Aumklad. Effect of molecular weight and salt forms of chitosan on epithelial permeability using Caco-2 cells. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 98 p. (T E37429) Cocoa Siree Chaiseree. Effect of soaking of cocoa beans after fermentation on microbial counts and flavor compound concentration. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, [2006]. 49 p. (R E34681) ไพบูลย ธรรมรัตนวาสิก. การวิจัยและพัฒนาประสิทธิภาพตูอบเมล็ดโกโกและการใชประโยชนของผลพลอยได = Research and development on efficiency of cocoa bean drier and by-product utilization. สงขลา : คณะอุตสาหกรรม เกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 170 หนา. (ว 99972 ฉ.1; 101237 ฉ.2) Cocomo II ศรินทร วัชรบุศราคํา. การพัฒนาเครื่องมือชวยประเมินคาใชจายของการพัฒนาซอฟตแวรโดยเทคนิคโคโคโม 2 = Development of a software tool for estimating software development cost using COCOMO II. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 211 หนา. (วพ 106151) Coconus meal Chatchai Sa-nguansook. Quality improvement of coconut meal by enzyme for applications in feed production. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19393) Coconut Chanakan Asasutjarit. A study of heat and mass transfer of fiber-based lightweight composition concrete. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 149 p. (T E33789) Mayura Phaengkham. Preparation of high quality powder activated carbon from coconut shell char. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technology Research, 1995. 36 p. (R E9364) Noppanun Nankongnab. Development of low thermal conductivity particleboards with optimized durian peel and coconut coir mixture ratio. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 83 p. (T E20263) พิเชต โรจนวงศ. การลดขนาดเปลือกมะพราวสดที่เหลือจากการผลิตมะพราวแกวของเกษตรกร จากการใชเครื่องตีและเครื่องตัด เปลือกมะพราว โดยไมทําใหเกิดมลภาวะสิ่งแวดลอม ของอําเภอเชียงคาน จังหวัดเลย = The ruduce particle of coconutcarp from sugarcoconut product of farmer by milling and cutting machine without environment pollution in Amphur Chengkan Changwat Leoi. ชัยภูมิ : วิทยาลัยเกษตรและเทคโนโลยีชัยภูมิ, 2541. 67 หนา. (ว 100101) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 104] Coconut as feed Chatchai Sa-nguansook. Quality improvement of coconut meal by enzyme for applications in feed production. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19393) Coconut coir Noppanun Nankongnab. Development of low thermal conductivity particleboards with optimized durian peel and coconut coir mixture ratio. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 83 p. (T E20263) Ratanakorn Rawangkul. Long-term performance analysis of Coconut coir desiccant. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 168 p. (T E40818) Sarocha Charoenvai. Development of new particleboard from durian peel and coconut coir with low thermal conductivity. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 74 p. (T E15861) Suthasinee Junsavang. Removal of chromium (VI) and nickel (II) in wastewater by modified fine coconut coir. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 142 p. (T E24653) Coconut haustorium สุพัตรา บุญประเสริฐ. การพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑอาหารวางจากจาวมะพราว = Formulation of snack foods from coconut haustorium. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 158 หนา. (วพ 108713) Coconut juice Suthira Soongsawang. Potential utilization of herb for microbial growth inhibition in coconut juice. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 137 p. (T E20448) Thumanut Kongsawadi. Coconut water as an enrichment for cultivation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (96 เฟรม). (T MF09642) Coconut milk Hataichanok Kantrong. Determining of fat content milk using a non-destructive ultrasonic technigue. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 99 p. (R E35690) Jaruvan Simuang. Effects of heat treatment and fat content on flow properties of coconut milk. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 60 p. (R E20325) Karunthapat Jirapeangtong. Effects of coconut sugar and stabilizing agents on physical properties of high-fat coconut milk. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 59 p. (R E35694) Kornpaka Arkanit. Mechanism and prevention of off-flavor development in unsaturated lipid-filled coconut milk. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 198 p. (T E22784) Nattapol Tangsuphoom. Formulation of canned coconut milk product with modified fatty acid profile. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 121 p. (T E19563) Nednapis Vatanasuchart. Use of oat derivative : Nu-Trim OB as fat substitute for coconut milk in Thai desserts. Bangkok : Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute, 1999. 13 p. (R E14406) Neeranart Naksagul. Performance of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket treatment of coconut milk wastewater with hydraulic retention times. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 110 p. (T E33658) Patsaraporn Lipikanjanakul. Effects of fat content and temperature on density and thermal diffusivity of coconut milk. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 136 p. (R E25167) Phavanee Narataruksa. Monitoring and modeling of coconut milk fouling at pasteurization temperatures. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 156 p. (R E35488) Siripan Srithunma. Effects of fat content and homogenization pressure on apparent viscosity of coconut milk. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 56 p. (R E20327) Thitima Peamprasart. Effects of fat content and preheat treatment on the apparent viscosity of coconut milk after homogenization. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 63 p. (R E25165) Waraporn Pichitvittayakarn. A study on the effects of Reynolds number and fluid temperature in coconut milk fouling for pasteurization processes. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 142 p. (T E39616) Coconut oil Chiraphot Anothai. Cholesteryl esters for porous film forming. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 93 p. (T E16668) Naiyachan Vatanaputi. Synthesis of lubricating oil from coconut oil. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 116 p. (T E14652) Pattra Maneesin. Development of retail packaging for soap bars from coconut oil. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 2005. 22 p. (R E25035) Poompol Pu-on. Analysis of coconut oil mixed with kerosene as a substitute for conventional diesel : a case study in the Saeng Arun agricultural group, Thap Sakae, Prachuap Khirikhan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 73 p. (T E33124) coconut oil Mahidol Phasorn. Synthesis of nitrate compounds from coconut oil as cetane improvers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 90 p. (T E23425) Coconut palm Prapatsri Punsri. Characterization of the lipid and protein membrane components of the natural emulsifeer of coconut(Cocos nucifera L.) milk. Los Banos : University of Philippines los Banos, 1995. 104 p. (T E10419) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 105] Coconut shell Peesamai Jenvanitpanjakul. High quality activated carbon in powder and granular forms from lignite, peat and coconut shell. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1996. 63 p. (R E13200) Coconut shell char Mayura Phaengkham. Preparation of high quality powder activated carbon from coconut shell char. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technology Research, 1995. 36 p. (R E9364) Coconut sugar Kanokporn Rungsimunwong. Development of coconut sugar syrup. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 127 p. (T E33848) Karunthapat Jirapeangtong. Effects of coconut sugar and stabilizing agents on physical properties of high-fat coconut milk. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 59 p. (R E35694) Ornanong Mahakkapong. Sulphite content in coconut sugar and development for safe product. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 99 p. (T E23709) Coconut wood Sudarat Kaolawanich. Physical and mechanical properties of coconut wood poly[styrene-co-methyl methacrylate] composites. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 131 p. (T E16992) Coconut--Drying Wichuda Wisawasukmongchol. Effects of fat content and drying conditions on qualities of coconut flake. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 90 p. (R E23149) Coconut--Quality Chatchai Sa-nguansook. Quality improvement of coconut meal by enzyme for applications in feed production. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19393) Coconutcarp พิเชต โรจนวงศ. การลดขนาดเปลือกมะพราวสดที่เหลือจากการผลิตมะพราวแกวของเกษตรกร จากการใชเครื่องตีและเครื่องตัด เปลือกมะพราว โดยไมทําใหเกิดมลภาวะสิ่งแวดลอม ของอําเภอเชียงคาน จังหวัดเลย = The ruduce particle of coconutcarp from sugarcoconut product of farmer by milling and cutting machine without environment pollution in Amphur Chengkan Changwat Leoi. ชัยภูมิ : วิทยาลัยเกษตรและเทคโนโลยีชัยภูมิ, 2541. 67 หนา. (ว 100101) Cocoons Pranee Setthasook. Studies on the performance of Luang Piroon hybrid (TH14xKU8) in farmer rearing houses. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1995. 63 p. (T E9622) Cocos nucifica เจริญศรี เบญจมาลา. ผลของสารชวยติดสีที่มีตอการยอมไหมดวยเปลือกมะพราวออน = Effects of mordants in dyeing silk with fibrous husk of young coconut (cocos nucifira linn.). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 78 หนา. (วพ 103562) COD Wanwarang Ritdhiwanna. Removal of chromium and murcury from COD analysis watsewater by electrochemical precipitation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 154 p. (T E20092) ธีรวีร จันทรชนะ. การบําบัดคาซีโอดีในน้ําเสียจากโรงงานอุตสาหกรรมสิ่งทอ โดยวิธีออกซิเดชั่น และการตกตะกอน = Treatment of COD in wastewater from textile industry by oxidation and coagulation. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 98 หนา. (วพ 109062) สวีณา เกตุสุวรรณ. การลดคาซีโอดีในน้ําทิ้งจากอุตสาหกรรมสิ่งทอดวยกระบวนการตกตะกอนทางเคมีกับโพลีอลูมิเนียมคลอไรด เฟอรริกซัลเฟตและแคลเซียมไฮดรอกไซด = COD removal of textile wastewater by chemical precipitation with polyaluminium chloride, ferric sulphate and calcium hydroxide. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 132 หนา. (วพ 113378) สุรัสวดี บุบผะเรณู. การศึกษาประสิทธิภาพการบําบัด บีโอดี และ ซีโอดี ในน้ําเสียชุมชนเมืองเพชรบุรี โดยวิธีหญากรองน้ําเสีย = The efficiency study of BOD and COD removal in Phetchaburi Municipal wastewater by grass filtration method. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 155 หนา. (วพ 108479) อําพัน บุญฤทธิ์รุงโรจน. การศึกษาปจจัยทางเคมีที่มีผลตอคา Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ในน้ําทิ้งจากโรงงาน อุตสาหกรรมฟอกยอม และการพัฒนาวิธีการหาคา COD โดยวิธี Flow Injection Analysis (FIA). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2539. 133 หนา. (วพ 83729) อุรชา เศรษฐธีรกิจ. ผลของความเขมขนซีโอดี และซัลเฟตตอระดับการเกิดซัลเฟตรีดักชัน = Effects of COD and sulfate concentrations on sulfate reduction level. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 271 หนา. (วพ 108960) Code division multiple access Wiklom Teerapabkajorndet. Game theoretic approach to radio resource management on the reverse link for multi-rate CDMA wireless data networks. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh, 2004. 130 p. (T E24176) Code generator Chirawan Ronran. A Java-application code generator from data flow diagram. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 99 p. (T E33521) Code mixing Rattana Jantao. Code-mixing between central Thai and Northeastern Thai of the students in Khon Kaen province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 143 p. (T E19900) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 106] Code switching [Linguistics] Piyawan Dandee. Code switching between Thai and English in students at International College of Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 100 p. (T E20362) Sumittra Suraratdecha. Thai-English codeswitching Hawai'i case study. Hawai : University of Hawai'i, 2005. 185 p. (T E36399) Yawalak Yim-on. Language shift and language maintenance in a Sgaw Karen community in Thailand = การ เปลี่ยนแปลงและการคงตัวของชนที่ใชภาษากะเหรี่ยงสะกอ. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 3 microfiche (146 fr.). (T MF20040) Code switching [Linguistics]--Chiang Mai Rachadaporn Natboon. Codeswitching in Northern-Thai (Chiang Mai province). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vii, 113 p. (T E7366) Code-mixing Thanutcha Preechaamornkul. Code-mixing of English and Thai in Thai television music programs. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 135 p. (R E37216) Codebook Pornsri Limboonruang. Zero redundancy error protection of images using self organizing map. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 86 p. (R E15992) Codeine Kanokporn Sripakdee. Comparative determination of morphine and codeine in urine by GC and HPLC. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 63 p. (T E35764) Nattinee Navikanon. The study of morphine and codeine in formalin-fixed tissues. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 46 p. (T E23976) Warachate Khobjai. Study of morphine-codeine ratios in whole blood by HPLC. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 65 p. (T E35066) Codeine phosphate Amornrat Ratanakietthavorn. Quantitative analysis of codeine phosphate in preparations using 31P-NMR techniques. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. viii, 63 p. (T E6986) Promporn Jamnongtanachot. The development of micellar electrokinetic chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of codeine phosphate and promethazine hydrochloride in cough solutions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 83 p. (T E18776) Codes ประสพโชค นวพันธุพิพัฒน. การใชรหัสที่ปรากฏในงานของนักเขียนการตูนไทย. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 151 หนา. (วพ 93476) Codiaeum variegatum ประยูร ปญญะ. ผลของวัสดุปลูกและปุยแอมโมเนียซัลเฟตตอการเจริญเติบโตของโกสน = Effect of growing media and ammonium sulfate on growth of croton (Codiaeum variegatum). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2538. 1 แผน (20 เฟรม). (ว MF21947) มุกดา สุขสวัสดิ์. การทดสอบวัสดุปกชําอัดแทงตอการออกรากของกิ่งปกชําโกสน = Test of various plugs on rooting of Codiaeum variegatum Bl. cuttings. พิษณุโลก : คณะพืชศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล วิทยาเขตพิษณุโลก, 2543. 6 หนา. (ว 113699) Coding Nipaporn Panya. Search improvement based on similar sounding words in Thai. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 37 p. (R E35859) Pradenan Chaivoraporn. Intelligent coding tool for physical interface. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 83 p. (T E37481) Coding system บัณฑิต เตชะแสนศิริ. ระบบสารสนเทศการวัดเนื้องานและควบคุมราคางาน โดยหลักการโครงสรางการจัดแบงงาน = Information system of construction progress measurement and cost control using work breakdown structure concept. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 148 หนา. (วพ 103804) Coding theory Nakamon Ruamsook. Very low bit rate video coding. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 131 p. (T E16790) Somphong Lerwongrat. Text compression by sorting transformation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 86 p. (T E10931) Codon mutation Duangnapa Arworn. Study of HIV-1 drug resistant mutation in GPO-VIR treated HIV-1 infected Thais. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 92 p. (T E33971) Coefficient diagram method Cahyadi, Adha Imam. Design of servo system for rotational inverted pendulum by CDM approach. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2005. 83 p. (T E24288) Peerapon Pattanavijit. Simplified design of PID-family controller based on CDM. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2007. 61 p. (T E38319) Coefficient estimation อัชฌา อระวีพร. การเปรียบเทียบการประมาณคาสัมประสิทธิ์ในการถดถอยเชิงเสนพหุคูณเมื่อเกิดพหุสัมพันธ = A comparison of coefficient estimation in multiple linear regression with multicollinearity. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 217 หนา. (วพ 101865) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 107] Coefficient of variation อดิศัย ธรรมวิชัย. การเปรียบเทียบตัวประมาณคายอดรวมประชากรจากวิธี Mark-recapture สําหรับประชากรที่เคลื่อนที่ไดโดย ใชการจําลองแบบ = A simulation to compare the estimators of population total from Mark-recapture methods for mobile populations. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2542. 111 หนา. (วพ 108872) Coefficients Sasiwimol Hoontrakul. Evaluation of coefficients related to floc strength in multilayer floating plastic media flocculator. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 127 p. (T E34128) Coelomomyces indicus Jariya Winyasopit. Ecology of coelomomyces indicus iyengar. Los Banos : University of the Philippines, 1983. 132 p. (T E22568) Coelomycetes Narumol Plaingam. Ultrastructure and biodiversity of tropical coelomycetes. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 345 p. (T E21986) Coenzyme Q10 Angkana Wichit. Effect of curcumin and coenzyme Q10 as antioxidants in red blood cells of beta-thalassemia/HbE patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 184 p. (T E17636) Sompop Jirathsuthitham. Effect of conventional cooking methods on CoQ10 contents in selected animals and vegetable oils, and bioavailability of commercial CoQ10 solution evaluated in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 74 p. (T E24664) Suvimon Rungsimakarn. Development of coenzyme Q10 formulation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 137 p. (T E17857) Veerawat Teeranachaideekul. Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC)-stability improvement and release modification of Ascorbyl palmitate and Coenzyme Q10. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 348 p. (T E39409) Cofactor Katzenmeier, Gerd. Enzyme-substrate interactions, cofactor requirement and inhibitor development with the dengue virus sevine protease complex NS2B/NS3, a model target enzyme essential for flavivirus replication and pathogenesis. Bangkok : Institute of Molecular Biology & Genetics Mahidol University, 2006. 24 p. (R E37982) Coffee Kodama, Mika. The emergence and development of new coffee culture in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 144 p. (T E35577) Pornpol Romayanukool. Manufacturing and improvement of green coffee. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 92 p. (T E6318) Saritsak Paditporn. Incremental cost analysis on substitution of whole milk powder by fresh milk in canned liquid coffee product. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 95 p. (T E20239) Coffee arabica นิธิ ไทยสันทัด. การเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อโดยใชสวนตาง ๆ ของกาแฟอราบิกา (Coffea arabica L.) บางพันธุ = In vitro propagation by using various part of some arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) cultivars. เชียงใหม : คณะ เกษตรศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 44 หนา. (ว 101658ฉ.1; 153486ฉ.2) Coffee beans Benjawan Thanuwattana. An analysis of market share and elasticities of substitution for Thai coffee bean exports. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 116 p. (T E22928) Coffee ground waste Thanittha Khantisuk. Upgrading coffee ground waste as activated carbon using chemical activation with zinc chloride and potassium carbonate. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 87 p. (T E33183) Coffee habit Songpon Ratanapan. Caffeine drink consumption behavior of male workers and laborers in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 83 p. (T E8997) Coffee residue Nopporn Sudjaitham. Briquette fuel made from coffee residue. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 64 p. (T E20835) Coffee stem borer Jariya Visitpanich. Studies of the coffee stem borer Xylotrechus quadripes Chevrolat (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae), with special references on their ecology, injury to coffee trees and methods of control in Thailand. Matsuyama : Ehime University, 1994. 229 p. (T E9221) จริยา วิสิทธิ์พานิช. การปองกันกําจัดหนอนเจาะลําตนกาแฟโดยวิธผ ี สมผสาน = Integrated control of coffee stem borer. เชียงใหม : คณะเกษตรศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2540. 200 หนา. (ว 85700) Coffee--Diseases and pests Jariya Visitpanich. Studies of the coffee stem borer Xylotrechus quadripes Chevrolat (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae), with special references on their ecology, injury to coffee trees and methods of control in Thailand. Matsuyama : Ehime University, 1994. 229 p. (T E9221) Coffee--Genetics Pornrayab Soonthornkamol. Effect of different species, processing procedure and degree of roasting on volatile compounds production in Thai coffee. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2004. 69 p. (T E25088) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 108] Coffee--Lao--Planting Somlitko Vilavong. The coffee production systems in three southern provinces of Lao People's Democratic Republic. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 106 p. (T E26537) Coffee--Philippines--Economic aspects Contreras, Donald Perez. An analysis of the supply response of coffee in the Philipines = การวิเคราะหการตอบสนอง ของอุปทานกาแฟในประเทศฟลิปปนส. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1984. 3 microfiches (137 fr.). (T MF20018) Coffee--Planting Bui, Tuan. Sustaining coffee production through intercropping systems in Daklak province, Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 150 p. (T E21351) Coffee--Vietnam Do, Ngoc Sy. Impact of agricultural extension on coffee production in Daklak province, Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 159 p. (T E20760) Coffee--Vietnam--Processing Nguyen, Ngoc Chau. Economic efficiency of coffee processing firms in the central highlands, Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 122 p. (T E15998) Cogeneration of C2 hydrocarbons and electric power Warapon Kiatkittipong. Co-generation of C2 hydrocarbons and electric power from methane in a sold oxide fuel cell type reactor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 111 p. (T E27733) Cogging torque Sisuda Chaithongsuk. Design and construction of a permanent magnet synchronous motor [PMSM]. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 68 p. (T E37212) Cognition Prasert Kanawattanachai. Formation and development of socially-shared cognition and its impact on performance of virtual teams over time. [S.l] : Case Western Reserve University, 2002. 247 p. (T E19117) Cognition and culture Deevey, Brian. Cognitive variability and Change in Southern Thailand. U.S.A. : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1985. xviii, 246 p. (T E4465) Cognition in children Napapon Karnchanakanon. Attitude and cognition toward, and, interest in, Buddhism of the youth of the observation and protection centers in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. xvii, 289 p. (T E6733) Cognitive appraisal สุดารัตน ศิริพงษ. การประเมินคาทางปญญาเกี่ยวกับการเรียนการสอนของนักศึกษาในหลักสูตรพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม = Cognitive appraisal of studying master program among master degree nursing students Chiang Mai University. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 61 หนา. (วพ 113732) Cognitive behavior Patchanee Makmuang. Effects of cognitive behavior modification program on stress in diabetes patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 86 p. (T E24466) Cognitive development Arphaporn Rutchatawat. A comparison of the cognitive development of school-age children reared by their grandparents and those reared by their parents in the rural area of Phaisali district, Nakhon Sawan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 116 p. (T E23672) Cognitive domain กาญจนา สุภารี. ปญหาการสรางขอสอบวัดความสามารถทางพุทธิพิสัยของอาจารยผูสอนวิชาศิลปะกับชีวิต (ดนตรี) ระดับ มัธยมศึกษาตอนตนในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = Teacher's constructing cognitive domain test problem of art and functional life course (music) in Bangkok region' secondary school. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 133 หนา. (วพ 110756) Cognitive load theory Kanda Sakul-thanasakdi. Applying cognitive load theory to second language acquisition. New South Wales : University of New South Wales, 2001. 205 p. (T E16131) Cognitive models Takahashi, Kiyoko. Expressions of emanation fictive motion events in Thai. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 177 p. (T E16692) Cognitive psychology Kanda Sakul-thanasakdi. Applying cognitive load theory to second language acquisition. New South Wales : University of New South Wales, 2001. 205 p. (T E16131) Cognitive response Chalor Puriansil. Cognitive response of long period surgical resident work. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 86 p. (T E35528) Cognitive strategies Arpaporn Powwatana. Sexual behavior model of young adult Thai women in overpopulated communities in Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 123 p. (R E30240) Cognitive therapy Artchara Mungpanich. Case study of effect of cognitive behavioral therapy program on insight of schizophrenic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 150 p. (T E35051) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 109] Cognitive-behavior therapy Artchara Mungpanich. Case study of effect of cognitive behavioral therapy program on insight of schizophrenic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 150 p. (T E35051) Cognitive-behavioral approaches Sudruk Chitthathairatt. Cognitive-behavioral approach and Buddhist practice in amphetamine prevention among adolescents. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 191 p. (T E23800) Cognitive-developmental theory Sumalee Klinman. Development of a family protective-risk index to assess the cognitive development of students in matthayom suksa 2 Muang district, Nakhon Sawan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 138 p. (T E19864) Cognitives-behavioral program Putchaneporn Samarnmit. The effect of cognitive-behavioral program to reduce aggressive behavior of adolescent students. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 146 p. (T E21222) Cohabitation Jitmanat Sommano. College students' cohabitation. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 78 p. (R E37220) Kulchanok Chantaramongkol. Attitudes of Khon Kaen University's undergraduates towards cohabitation. Bangkok : Thammasart University, 2007. 34 p. (R E38015) Suchman, Lauren. The relationship between racial differences in American men's views of marriage and childbearing and their informal marital status at first birth. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 49 p. (T E37748) Coherence [Linguistics] Natjiree Nujoy. Coherence in students' e-mail writing. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 73 p. (R E15920) Wiboonsiri Khongpool. The effects of teaching a schema of stories on the organization, coherence, and cohesion of students' writing. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 88 p. (R E13946) Coherence [Optics] Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai. Study of reflectance measurement based on optical coherence variation technique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 154 p. (T E18731) Coherent states Sarun Phibanchon. Coherent state representation approaches to fractional quantum hall effect. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 68 p. (T E16902) Cohesion Janyaporn Phumjan. Effect of communication skill among spouse upon the cohesion and adaptability in the family. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 176 p. (T E36061) Kritsana Athapanyawanit. A discourse analysis of narrative songs of Jaran Manopetch. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 273 p. (T E23841) Sirinee Hongwisitkul. A theory of cohesion in metals. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1979. 3 แผน (134 เฟรม). (T MF09374) Cohesion [Linguistics] Chaiyathip Katsura. An analysis of cohesion in Sgaw Karen folk narratives. Chiang Mai : Payap University, 1993. 180 p. (T E11144) Isaraporn Tepjan. A study of cohesion in argumentative writings of English major seniors at Naresuan University. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 95 p. (T E39735) Jutamad Theppreeda. An analysis of cohesion in English and Thai short stories : a comparative study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 179 p. (T E11980) Natjiree Nujoy. Coherence in students' e-mail writing. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 73 p. (R E15920) Somkiet Poopatwiboon. Discourse level cohesion in Northern Khmer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 microfiches (107 fr.). (T MF20093) Sriura Loylom. ESL adult Thai readers' comprehending of cohesive ties in English and in Thai texts. Albuquerque : University of New Mexico, 1994. xiii, 205 p. (T E7733) Suksiri Danthanavanich. Cohesive devices in Vietnamese folktales. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 199 p. (T E15205) Supadtra Kohkaew. Cohesion in economic articles from the Thai newspaper 'Phujatkan'. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 233 p. (T E21188) Wiboonsiri Khongpool. The effects of teaching a schema of stories on the organization, coherence, and cohesion of students' writing. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 88 p. (R E13946) Yajai Chuwicha. Cohesion in Thai. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 163 p. (T E8148) Cohort analysis Nimanong Ngamprapasom. The first sexual intercourse of Thai men. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 149 p. (T E16545) Pramote Prasartkul. Estimated generation life tales for Thailand of five-year birth cohorts : 1900-2000. Bangkok : Institute for Population and Social Research Mahidol University, 2002. 49 p. (R E18164 c.1; E18165 c.2) Suvipa Kosumwatcharaporna. Birth cohort analysis of dengue hemorrhagic fever reported cases in Thailand, 1968-1988. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. v, 85 p. (T E8090) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 110] Coins Wanna Yindeeyangyurn. Public acceptance of low denomination coins in circulation : a case study of 25-Satang, 50-Satang and 2-Baht coins. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 75 p. (R E38035) Cointegration Santi Kiranand. An investigation of Asian stock markets integration. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 148 p. (T E15510) Coir Parinda Suksabye. Treatment of chromium contaminated wastewater by coir pith. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 143 p. (T E39383) Srinoi Lekuthai. Modification on adhesion property of coir fiber for reinforced plastics. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. ix, 40 p. (T E6950) Coir fiber Kongsak Dokbua. On enhancement of interfacial adhesion induced by coupling reaction of s-triazine in polyester composite. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 178 p. (T E12133) Wacharaporn Polsaen. Preparation of high impact polystyrene/carbon black/coir fiber composites for electronic packaging applications. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 113 p. (T E36084) Coir-fibre boards Mutunayagam, Nirmal Brito. Towards principles for the control of squatter settlements in Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1974. 133 p. (T E22630) Coitus Nipa Krisawekwisai. Sexual behavior among M.S. 3 students in Ubonratchathani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 103 p. (T E21609) Coix lachryma-jobi สนั่น ศุภธีรสกุล. ศึกษาคุณสมบัติในการเปนสารยึดเกาะ และสารชวยแตกกระจายตัวของแปงจากเดือย เผือก มันเทศ และเมล็ด ทุเรียน = Study on binder and disintegrant properties of starchs prepared from job's tears, taro, sweet potato and durian seed. สงขลา : คณะเภสัชศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 57 หนา. (ว 93771) Coke Bualom Jaikaew. Effect of alkali metals in dehydrogenation catalysts for coke reduction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 99 p. (T E12148) Duangrat Saowapark. Development of infrared spectroscopy technique for deposited carbon study. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 84 p. (T E11732) Narong Lim. Effect of promoters on coke formation on metal site of propane dehydrogenation catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 70 p. (T E11397) Natchira Saimongkol. Propane dehydrogenation over lithium promoted platinum-tin catalysts : influence of promoters on activity and coking. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 47 p. (T E11631) Nonglak Pinitniyom. Characterization of coke on dehydrogenation catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 119 p. (T E10554) Pudjakom Choungchaisukasam. Role of alkali metal and co-promoter on coke reduction on an active site of the Pt/r-Al2O3 catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 68 p. (T E15099) Sunee Srihiranpullop. Determination of probability of chain growth of coke formation on metals and on supports of Pt/gamma-Al2O3 by using the Schulz-Flory distribution theory. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 196 p. (T E16870) Wilaiwan Yuangsawatdikul. Effect of reactants on coke formation in dehydrogenation reaction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 102 p. (T E12528) Coke--Combustion Atchara Saengpoo. Combustion of coke on dehydrogenation catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 155 p. (T E19556) Coke--Permeability Somsak Amornchanthanakorn. Coke formation on dehydrogenation catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 119 p. (T E9433) Cola drinks Pattraradanai Inpongnuwat. Creative strategy of cola soft drinks (Coca-Cola & Pepsi) employed in television commercials airing in Thailand between 1982-1997. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 534 p. (T E15079) Colchicine Ariya Satrabhandhu. In vitro induction of polyploid in white mulbery (Morus alba var. S54) by colchicine treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. 2 microfiches (108 fr.). (T MF20556) Jaruwan Duangnet. Mutational breeding of Curcuma longa for medicinal purposes using colchicine and gamma rays. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 100 p. (T E35619) Nudchanart Kitcharoen. Study on colchicine content in the seeds of Thai Gloriosa superba L.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. 117 p. (T E11727) Siripan Limsirichaikul. Comparative study of colchicine content of Gloriosa superba L. from various sources : tissue culture, abiotic elicitor treated tissue culture and natural. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 143 p. (T E9340) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 111] Colchicine (ตอ) ถกลวรรณ ศิริสวัสดิ์. การชักนําใหเกิดโพลีพลอยดในนอยหนา (Annona squamosa Linn.) ดวยสารโคลชิซินในสภาพปลอด เชื้อ = In vitro Annona squamosa Linn. polyploid induction by colchicine treatment. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, [2542]. 40 หนา. (ว 100676 ฉ.1; 100677 ฉ.2) Cold Laddawan Napataratip. Comparison of cold stress reduction between imported and designed socks. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 73 p. (T E24270) Cold compression Somluck Sukmuang. Effects of cold compression and capsaicin application on pain reduction in patients with soft tissue injuries. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 74 p. (R E17862) Yuphawan Chittapiwat. A comparison of pain reduction methods in knee replacement patients : using cold compression before or both before and during exercise on continuous passive motion machine. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 118 p. (T E21737) Cold forging ไพแสง ฉันทสกุลเดช. การศึกษาการขึ้นรูปเย็นหัวสลักเกลียวหกเหลี่ยม = A study of hexagonal bolt heading by cold forging. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2543. 62 หนา. (วพ 113450) Cold forming วชิร ฉายสุวรรณ. การศึกษาอิทธิพลของซิลิกอนและสังกะสีที่มีตอสมบัติทางกลของโลหะเงินสเตอรลิง 925 ภายหลังการขึ้นรูป เย็น = Study of influence of silicon and zinc on the properties of sterling silver 925 after cold forning. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 73 หนา. (วพ 111266) Cold isostatic pressing สุรศักดิ์ ไวทยวงศสกุล. วิธีการเตรียมและขึ้นรูปอลูมินาเซรามิกสําหรับฉนวนหัวเทียน ดวยวิธีโคลดไอโซสแททิกเพรสซิ่ง = Preparation and forming of alumina ceramic for spark plug insulator by cold isostatic pressing. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2538. 115 หนา. (วพ 95270) Cold medicine ingredients Ongart Pipitharome. Determination of nitrogenous compounds in common cold medicines by capillary electrophoresis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 177 p. (T E20032) Cold moderator system Phichai Kritmaitree. Study of volumetric scroll pump for the cold moderator system. [S.l.] : Utsunomiya University, 2002. 127 p. (T E19211) Cold rolling Noparat Kanjanaprayut. Study of the effect of cold rolling on pitting corrosion of austenitic stainless steels. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2003. 52 p. (T E23016) นุโรจน พานิช. แบบจําลองวิเคราะหความหนาของชิ้นงานรีดโดยทฤษฎีการรีดเย็นตอเนื่อง แบบพลวัตสําหรับเหล็กแผน = Thickness analysis simulation by dynamic theory of continuous cold rolling for steel sheet. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 95 หนา. (วพ 112457) เอกพจน ปทมสัตยาสนธิ. การวิเคราะหความหนาของเหล็กกลาแผนบางจากการผลิตแบบรีดเย็นโดยกระบวนการแบบจําลองจาก ทฤษฎีรีดตอเนื่อง = Thickness analysis of steel sheet cold rolling using the continuous rolling theory modeling. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 98 หนา. (วพ 112301) Cold storage ศุภกิจ บุญศิริ. คาดัชนีการใชพลังงานจําเพาะของอุตสาหกรรมหองเย็นและแชแข็ง = Specific energy consumption index of freezing industries. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะพลังงานและวัสดุ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 75 หนา. (ว 100288) Cold storage industry--Energy consumption ศุภกิจ บุญศิริ. คาดัชนีการใชพลังงานจําเพาะของอุตสาหกรรมหองเย็นและแชแข็ง = Specific energy consumption index of freezing industries. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะพลังงานและวัสดุ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 75 หนา. (ว 100288) Cold storage workers Suphoj Kangchai. Physiological recovery from working in cold storage. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 76 p. (T E14730) Cold strain Orawich Kongsuk. The effectiveness of protective clothing to reduce cold strain in canned food workers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 133 p. (T E13277) Ornchulee Chantra. The comparative study of the ordinary and the new-designed cold-protective gloves among frozen food workers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 100 p. (T E14511) Cold war Akkharaphong Khamkhum. Border tourism between Thailand and Cambodia after the end of the cold war : identity, spirit and prospect. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 109 p. (T E41252) Shiokawa, Makoto. Foreign policy change of Thailand under Chatichai Choonhavan's administration : from a cold war style to a regional power style. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 219 p. (T E38907) Cold work tool steels สมศักดิ์ ปานสกุล. ผลกระทบอุณหภูมิอบคืนตัวของเหล็กกลาเครื่องมืองานเย็นที่มีตอการสึกหรอและความเหนียว = Effects of tempering temperature on wear resistance and toughness properties of cold work tool steels. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 102 หนา. (วพ 110987) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 112] Cold [Disease] Angkham Ounavong. Self-medication of antibiotics in mild URI among mothers with children under five years old, in Naxaithong district, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 75 p. (T E21289) Jaruwan Rattanamongkolkul. Symtom experiences and management strategies in older adults with common cold or influenza. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 103 p. (T E20447) Cold--Analysis Songsak Pongpunviroj. Flow injection analysis of gold by spectrophotometry. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (vii), 52 p. (T E6385) Cold--Therapeutic use Prasert Sakulsriprasert. Effects of cryotherapy on delayed onset muscle soreness of elbow flexors in females. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 188 p. (T E21326) Saowapa Thumapun. Changes of lower-leg blood flow and skin temperature in response to cold application in middle aged to elderly men. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 61 p. (T E37803) Cold-set gelation Tantawan Kachanechai. Effects of chitosan and protein hydrolysates on cold-set gelation of salt soluble proteins and raw restructured chicken meat. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 234 p. (T E37591) Cold-storage workers Chayachai Aim-iam. A study of a practical work-rest regimen in cold storage workers at-15 Celsius. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 79 p. (T E33441) Cole crops Adisai Thongtawat. Effects of some insecticides on physiological, morphological, photosynthesis changes and residue in Brassica olerocea var. Alboglabra bailey. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1999. 177 p. (T E13913) Sawaros Kijja. Antimutagenicity of raw and cooked Brassica oleracea vegetables using somatic mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 92 p. (T E18550) Coleoptera Buntika Areekul. Insect succession and diversity on carrion in different habitats at Khao Yai National Park. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 96 p. (T E14787) Chamnan Pitaksa. Ecological studies, crop loss assessment and potential control of sugarcane stem boring grub, Dorysthenes buqueti guerin (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1993. (xii), 126 p. (T E7079) Janya Jadejaroen. Post-dispersal of seeds in feces of white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) by dung beetles (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 88 p. (T E21063) Nisakorn Intiam. Effect of modified atmospheres on mortality of Platydema waterhousei Gelbien [Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae] reared on dried Ling-Zhi mushroom Ganoderma lucidum [Fr.] Karsten. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 72 p. (T E36220) Prakit Somta. Genetic analysis of the resistance to bruchids (Coleoptera : Bruchidae) in the genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 102 p. (T E26670) Ratana Roongfar. Study on the coccinellid, menochilus sexnaculatus (F.) (coleoptera : coccinellidae) and its role as biolotical control agent. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1980. 2 แผน (91 เฟรม). (T MF09143) Sangkhae Nawanich. Some insecticidal plant extracts for controlling maize weevil Sitophilus Zeamais motschulsky (Coleoptera : Curculionidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1999. 63 p. (T E14109) Srijumnun Pichidsuwanchai. Comparative studies on biology of Neochetina eichhorniae Warner and Neochetina bruchi Hustache (Coleoptera : Curculionidae), biological control agents of waterhyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach (Liliales : Pontederiaceae), in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 62 p. (T E10591) Suksawat Ponpinij. Taxonomic studies of predaceous coccinellid [Coleoptera : Coccinellidae] on citrus [Citrus reticulata Blanco] in Lampang province, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 103 p. (T E16950) Thotsaporn Maneeratana. Efficacy of Curinus coeruleus Mulsant (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae) for biological control of leucaena psyllid, Heteropsylla cubana Crawford (Homoptera : Psyllidae) in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1989. (viii), 88 p. (T E7669) Yanyong Chalearmsan. Ecology and population dynamics of Acanthoscelides spp. [Coleoptera : Bruchidae] in Mimosa pigra L. infested area of Phitsanulok, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1998. 61 p. (T E14112) Yupa Hanboonsong. A comparative phenetic and cladistic analysis of the genus Holcaspis Chaudoir (Coleoptera : Carabidae). [S.l.] : Lincoln University, 1994. x, 149 p. (T E7765) วัฑฒนา จันทรจรัสวัฒนา. ประสิทธิผลของสื่อวีดีทัศนที่ใชในการประชาสัมพันธเผยแพรโครงการอีสานเขียว. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2533. ฌ, 134 หนา. (วพ 48770) Colette Maliwan Senawong. L'image de la femme dans quatre romans de Colette : La Vagabonde, Cheri, La Naissance du jour et La Seconde. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 136 p. (T E39744) Coleus amboinicus Ratiphan Laungsuwon. Phytochemical study of Coleus amboinicus Lour.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 130 p. (T E12735) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 113] Coliform bacteria Atika Rongsawad. Survival of coliform bacteria in soil applied with fecal sludge and sewage sludge after passing through various drying processes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 141 p. (T E16769) Uraiwan Inmuong. Decreases of Coliform bacteria in drinking water stored in large cement jars. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. viii, 72 p. (T E8224) Coliiform bacteria มานิดา โชรัมย. การวิเคราะหคุณภาพน้ําทางชีวภาพโดยใชแพลงกตอนพืชและโคลิฟอรมแบคทีเรียในอางเก็บน้ําอางแกว มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม ป 2539-2540 = Biological analysis of water quality using phytoplankton and coliformbacteria in Ang Kaew reservoir, Chiang Mai University 1996-1997. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 117 หนา. (วพ 105436) coliiformes Vatana Gadmongkonchavee. Simplified method for detecting faecol coliform in water. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. ix, 145 p. (T E8066) Coliphage ณัฐวสา เต็งพงศธร. ประสิทธิภาพของระบบบําบัดน้ําเสียแบบเอสบีอารในการบําบัดสารอินทรีย และจุลินทรียในน้ําเสียจาก โรงพยาบาล = Efficiency of a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) in the removal of organic compounds and microorganisms from hospital waste water. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 88 หนา. (วพ 96620) Colistin Sakulthip Panapakdee. In vitro antibacterial activity of imipenem in combination with colistin against multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 94 p. (T E39097) Sirinat Phanuwong. In vitro antibacterial activity of imipenem in combination with colistin against multidrugresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 109 p. (T E39830) Colitis--Treatment มณเฑียร เปสี. การรักษาผูปวยลําไสใหญสวนปลายอักเสบจากรังสี โดยการสวนดวยวานหางจระเขรวมกับการรักษาแบบอนุรักษ = Treatment of radiation proctitis patients by using stabilized aloe gel solution in addition to conservative method. ขอนแกน : คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2538. 20 หนา. (ว 97979) Collaboration Apasiri Suwannanon. Feasible models for collaboration among government and non-government organizations in implementation of compulsory system on drug treatment and rehabilitation in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 251 p. (T E21605) Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp. A study of the process and outcomes of collaboration between nursing service and nursing education in Thailand. Songkhla : Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, 1996. 30 p. (R E10533) Collaboration system Sukit Voranuch. A basic collaboration system for technical education institutes. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2004. 99 p. (T E30179) Collaborative Thitinai Susantitanon. Assessing the effectiveness of knowledge sharing for collaborative software development in virtual workplace. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 32 p. (R E35842) Collaborative Action Research Project Avorn Sansak. Empowering women in rural development : a collaborative action research project in northern Thailand. Hawkesbury : University of Western Sydney, 1996. 345 p. (T E11574) Collaborative care Wirote Kotchagrit. The effects of nurse-patient collaborative care on facilitating transitional process of patients with COPD. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 109 p. (T E17583) Collaborative environment Tiranee Achalakul. A collaborative environment for distributed data analysis and fusion. Bangkok : Department of Computer Engineering King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 1 vol. (R E23927) Collaborative filtering Ekkawut Rojsattarat. Combining content-based prediction and collaborative filtering for movies recommending system. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 59 p. (T E20977) Collaborative information server agent Paricha Ingongngam. Collaborative information server agent prototype. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 36 p. (T E20576) Collaborative learning Mongkolchai Wiriyapinit. A case study of using online discussion to support learners through an online E-business module. Warwick : University of Warwick, 2004. 308 p. (T E24717) Punnarumol Temdee. Of collaborative learning : an approach for emergent leadership roles identification by using social network analysis. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 117 p. (T E35700) ชินะพัฒน ชื่นแดชุม. ผลของการใชกระบวนการเรียนการสอนตามแนวคิดการพัฒนาความสามารถในการเรียนรูของไวกอตสกี ที่มี ตอทักษะทางภาษาไทยและการกํากับตนเอง ของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาตอนตน = Effects of using instructional process based on Vygotsky's zone of proximal development on Thai language skills and self-regulation of lower secondary school students. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 279 หนา. (วพ 108983) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 114] Collaborative management Islam, Tohidul. Potential for collaborative management of Doi Suthep-Pui national park. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 103 p. (T E34389) Collaborative symptom management Rungrawee Navicharern. Effects of collaborative symptom management between a patient with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and a nurse. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 127 p. (T E13963) Supaporn Inthisang. Effects of collaborative symptom managment between a patient with peptic ulcer or ulcerlike dyspepsia and a nurse. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 109 p. (T E13964) Collaborative system Nion Nuttaworakul. The design and development of a distributed collaborative environment. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 32 p. (R E21789) Collaborative teaching Sudarat Srirak. Student teachers' reflective thinking : an exploration on collaborative teaching of experienced and inexperienced EFL student teachers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 109 p. (T E40313) Collage of the dramaticarts--Administration Patummal Songsakul. Education management in the College of Dramatic Arts, Bangkok : a case study of western vocal music. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 136 p. (T E21090) Collagen Atchariya Faikrua. Development of matrix from collagen/chitosan or collagen/PVA blended for application in skin tissue engineering. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2007. 163 p. (T E37938) Chalonglarp Tangsadthakun. The influence of molecular weight of chitosan on physical and biological properties of collagen/chitosan scaffolds. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 148 p. (T E37930) Choowong Auesukaree. Analysis of binding region of HSP47 on type I collagen. Kyoto : Kyoto University, [1998]. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E11942) Juthamas Ratanavaraporn. Physical and biological properties of collagen/gelatin scaffolds. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 122 p. (T E38266) Ladda Wongwerawinit. In vitro effects of Aloe vera on cell proliferation and collagen synthesis of rat dental pulp cells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 60 p. (T E23969) Manee Vittayanont. Isolation and characterization of collagen from chicken feet. Songkhla : Department of Food Technology Prince of Songkla University, 2008. 40 p. (R E40968) Neeracha Ruangpanit. Collagen requirements of cell surface activation of gelatinase A by fibroblasts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 168 p. (T E16855) Niraporn Chompootaweep. The effect of type I collagen and insulin-like growth factor-I on osteopontin expression in human periodontal ligament cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 57 p. (T E25111) Paweena Noitup. Collagen extraction from fish skin by-product in frozen the fish industry : study of some characteristic. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 88 p. (T E26648) Phanthakarn Tit-oon. Inhibition of collagen production in keloid fibroblasts using RNA interference. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 82 p. (T E40334) Piyamas Sumrejkanchanakij. The influence of collagen I on insulin-like growth factor-I induced osteopontin expression in human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 21 p. (R E36962c.1; E36963c.2) Sittiruk Pitpreecha. Gelatin production from large animal raw hide using proteolytic enzyme extracted from papaya latex. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 115 p. (T E34756) Suchaya Pornprasertsuk. Roles lysyl hydroxylase - 2 in collagen cross - linking, fibrillogenesis, and mineralization. Carolina : University of North Carolina, 2003. 82 p. (T E22007) Waradda Mattanavee. Immobilization of biomolecules on surface of polycaprolactone for artificial skin application. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 87 p. (T E34960) Collapsible soil Chakkapong Toprom. A study of settlement of building on shallow foundation in the northeast by finite element method. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 100 p. (T E18475) Collateral thermal spread Depicha Jindatip. Comparison between two systems of electrosurgical bipolar vessel sealing for the hemostasis of medium-sized arteries. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 64 p. (T E38469) Colleagues cooperation ชาตรี บวรเวสสะ. การพัฒนาโปรแกรมการพัฒนาตนเองแบบรวมมือระหวางเพื่อนรวมงานในโรงเรียนประถมศึกษาวัดโปรยฝน จังหวัดปทุมธานี = A development of a self-development program through colleagues cooperation in Wat Proyfhon elementary school, Changwat Pathum Thani. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 225 หนา. (วพ 109174) Collection trucks Patcharin Lorartayakul. Decision support system for the procurement of municipal solid waste collection trucks : case study in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 104 p. (T E33107) Collectional personnel Rathawadee Nimitkasemsupak. The use of healthtron for reducing occupational stress in the correction officers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 123 p. (T E23981) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 115] Collective behavior Kanda Pooput. An investigation of the relationships among personal resources, coping styles, and depression in college students. Columbia : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1992. x, 122 p. (T E8217) College administrators Araya Jeranukul. The perception of administrators concerning role expectation and role performance of nurses with a master's degree in nursing in university hospitals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 142 p. (T E20025) Bampen Phongphetdit. Factors relating to the success of ISO 9000 implementation at Nursing Colleges of PraBorommarajanock Institute, Ministry of Public Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 221 p. (T E15302) Boontiwa Ngowsirimanee. The relationships between conflict management styles of higher education administrators and organizational communication climate. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2003. 224 p. (T E22262) Fontip Mulpramook. A study of the leadership behaviors of public university administrators as perceived by faculty members in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 103 p. (T E16887) Tipawan Prasertphan. The role of department chairpersons in teacher colleges in Thailand. Edmonton : University of Alberta, 1994. 243 p. (T E7792) College administrators--Bangkok ปรีชา ดาดี. ความคาดหวังและบทบาทที่ปฏิบัติจริงของครูพลศึกษาโรงเรียนอาชีวศึกษาเอกชน ตามการรับรูของผูบริหาร สถานศึกษาอาชีวศึกษาเอกชน สังกัดสํานักงานคณะกรรมการการศึกษาเอกชน ในกรุงเทพมหานคร = The expectation and the practical role of a physical education instructor perception of a private vocational education director being under the committee of Private Education in Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 93 หนา. (วพ 98697) College administrators--Rating of Sudarat Sarnswang. Work values and job satisfaction of academic deans in Thailand's universities. Missouri : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1995. 160 p. (T E9532) College education Suwimon Kiokaew. Comparing college freshmen's concepts of covalent bonding and structure in the college of science and the college of education at prince of songkhla university, Thailand. Columbia : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1989. 121 p. (T E40973) College freshman Suwimon Kiokaew. Comparing college freshmen's concepts of covalent bonding and structure in the college of science and the college of education at prince of songkhla university, Thailand. Columbia : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1989. 121 p. (T E40973) College graduates Arom Nawagarn. Productivity of graduates of auto-mechanics and electrical power diploma of Private Technical Colleges in Bangkok, Thailand. [S.l.] : Technological University of the Philippines, 1992. 104 p. (T E22428) Boonsong Bunmark. Les qualifications des jeunes diplomes recherchees par les entreprises francaises eu Thailande. Bangkok : Institut Rajabhat Chandrakasem, 1999. 127 p. (R E18161) Rugira Klawtanong. Work values and the productivity of vocational college graduates in the home economics program, region 3, southern Thailand. [S.l.] : Technological University of the Philippines, 1991. 113 p. (T E22427) College graduates--Attitudes คีรีบูน จงวุฒิเวศย. สภาวะการทํางาน ความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับการจัดการเรียนการสอนและแนวทางการพัฒนาวิชาชีพศึกษาศาสตร ของบัณฑิตที่สําเร็จการศึกษาจากคณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร = Working status and opinions concerning teaching and learning, and the development of educational professions of the graduates from the Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2541. 94 หนา. (ว 98226 ฉ.1; 98227 ฉ.2) College graduates--Chiang Mai--Follow up studies วิรัตน ไวยกุล. การติดตามผลบัณฑิตสาขาวิชาประถมศึกษา คณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม ที่สําเร็จการศึกษา ระหวางป 2521-2541 = Follow-up study of the elementary education program graduates of the Faculty of Education Chiang Mai University during the academic year 1978-1998. เชียงใหม : คณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 67 หนา. (ว 99549) College graduates--Economic conditions Onishi, Yoshinobu. The impact of middle class and open university graduates in Thailand on its economy. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 158 p. (T E30122) College graduates--Follow up studies ทัศนีย นะแส. การติดตามผลบัณฑิตหลักสูตรวิทยาศาสตรบัณฑิต (พยาบาลและผดุงครรภ) คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร = A follow-up study of graduates from the Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University. สงขลา : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 69 หนา. (ว 98225) College graduates--Manufactures สุกัญญา โฆวิไลกูล. การศึกษาระบบการผลิตบัณฑิตทางการศึกษา = A study of undergraduate system in teacher education. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะครุศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 205 หนา. (ว 99775) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 116] College graduates--Performance Suwit Amnakkittikul. Professional competences of the new graduates from bachelor degree programs of physical therapy in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. 699 p. (T E7001) College librarians อารีย เพชรหวน. การใชเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศในงานบริการตอบคําถามของบรรณารักษ หองสมุดมหาวิทยาลัยเอกชน = The uses of information technology in reference works of libraries in the private universities. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 133 หนา. (วพ 100337) College librarians--Information services Aem-on Phitthayayon. The construction and evaluation of training curriculum on environmental information resource services for academic librarians. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 145 p. (T E6597) College of Agriculture and Technology Surachet Narapat. The development of web pages on soil resource and conservation for college of agriculture and technology students. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 114 p. (T E23716) College personnel management Woranat Sangmanee. Job satisfaction of full-time business administration faculty of higher education institutions in Bangkok and suburban area, Thailand. Missouri : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1993. 127 p. (T E7295) College science Suwimon Kiokaew. Comparing college freshmen's concepts of covalent bonding and structure in the college of science and the college of education at prince of songkhla university, Thailand. Columbia : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1989. 121 p. (T E40973) College sports Artchara Tankapanich. A study on the 32nd Suranaree University Games management. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 157 p. (T E34246) College students Ali, Mukhtar. Preventive behavior of Mahidol University students on HIV infection and AIDS. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 93 p. (T E15117) Nguyen, Thi Lan Anh. Condom use intention for HIV/AIDS prevention among polytechnic college students in Danang, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 98 p. (T E17970) Orawan Mekkamol. Towards developing an instructional material to improve the spoken English of Thai college students. Munoz : Central Luzon State University, 2001. 179 p. (T E18989) Tin Tun. Sexual behaviour among first year university students in Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 109 p. (T E17412) Wallance, Merle. Cultural themes of northern Thailand : knowledge and emotion in everyday life and the life goals of college students. Illinois : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996. 285 p. (T E14358) Warapan Noisuwan. The effects of the interaction between college student characteristics and study guides on learning outcomes. Oregon : University of Oregon, 1979. 130 p. (T E22411) Wisa Chattiwat. A psycholinguistic study of the oral reading miscues of Thai college students reading in English and Thai. Columbia : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1990. 164 p. (T E40596) College students--Attitudes Kulchanok Chantaramongkol. Attitudes of Khon Kaen University's undergraduates towards cohabitation. Bangkok : Thammasart University, 2007. 34 p. (R E38015) Pornpen Rinswat. A comparison between Thai student attitudes toward English as a foreign language and their English proficiency at four public [state] university in Bangkok, Thailand. Los Angeles : University of Southern California, 1996. 162 p. (T E36600) Yuthana Sariya. A study of college students' attitudes toward computers. Columbia : University of MissouriColumbia, 1991. 124 p. (T E40560) College students--Bangkok--Sexual behavior Pham, Hung Luc. Knowledge, attitudes and sexual behavior of Mahidol University students on AIDS. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 78 p. (T E8962) College students--China--Sexual behavior Ailan, Li. Psychosocial factors associated with sexual and contraceptive behavior among unmarried university students in Beijing, China. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 156 p. (T E12116) College students--Lampang Jitmanat Sommano. College students' cohabitation. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 78 p. (R E37220) College students--Laos--Sexual behavior Phommachanh Phyakeo. Sexual behavior of young male college students living in the government dormitory in Vientiane, Laos. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 142 p. (T E34281) College students--Philippines--Attitudes Reoma, Joseto M.. A profile of college students' information sources, .... Cebu City : University of San Carlos, 1981. iv, 48 p. (R E496) College students--Vietnam--Attitudes Dang, Vu Canh Linh. Study on HIV/AIDS knowledge and sexual attitude among university students in Viet Nam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 88 p. (T E16562) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 117] College teachers Jitlekha Teerajarmorn. Development of methodologies to evalate the performance scores of university instructors : a case study in two universities. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 167 p. (T E21864) Kamonkan Witayangkoon. Secondary social studies teaching competencies as perceived by student-teachers instructors, and administrators in Thailand. Denton : University of North Texas, 1990. 195 p. (T E40242) Keartipong Meepiarn. Thai police cadet perceptions of effective teaching characteristics of instructors in the Royal Thai Police Cadet Academy of Thailand. Illinois : Illinois State University, 1995. 110 p. (T E10246) Sa-ngop Prasertphan. Transformation of role of faculty in teachers colleges in Thailand. Edmonton : University of Alberta, 1994. 171 p. (T E7798) ณรงค ณ เชียงใหม. โครงการนํารองศึกษาวิธีการลดอุบัติเหตุจากจักรยานยนต ในนักศึกษาผานครู/อาจารย วิทยาลัยเทคนิค หาดใหญ สงขลา = Pilot study on the control and prevention of motorcycle accident among Hatyai College of Technology students, Songkhla. สงขลา : มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 17 หนา. (ว 98868) ทวิพล สวัสดิยากร. การสํารวจปญหาและความตองการการใชสื่อการสอน ระดับปริญญาตรีของอาจารยคณะสถาปตยกรรมศาสตร ในสถาบันอุดมศึกษา สังกัดทบวงมหาวิทยาลัย = The survey of problem and need on instructional media utilization of the undergraduate architectural instructors in the higher educational institutes, the Ministry of University Affairs. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 134 หนา. (วพ 99437) รําไพพรรณ ประสมพืช. การใชบริการคนขอสนเทศดวยซีดี-รอม ของอาจารยคณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน = The use of CD-ROM search service of the faculty members of the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 117 หนา. (วพ 98458) วินัย ดําสุวรรณ. การศึกษาตัวแปรที่สงผลตอการมุงวิจัยเพื่อความเปนเลิศทางวิชาการของอาจารยมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร = A study of variables affecting the intention of the Faculty of Kasetsart University to achieve academic excellence in research. กรุงเทพฯ : โรงเรียนสาธิตแหงมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, [2542]. 15 หนา. (ว 100872) อัศนี วันชัย. ความสัมพันธระหวางการเสริมสรางพลังอํานาจในงาน กับความยึดมั่นผูกพันตอองคกรของอาจารยในวิทยาลัย พยาบาลบรมราชชนนี พุทธชินราช = The relationships between job empowerment and organizational commitment of teachers in Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Buddhachinnaraj. พิษณุโลก : วิทยาลัย พยาบาลบรมราชชนนี พุทธชินราช, 2542. 64 หนา. (ว 100961) College teachers--Attitudes Vithita Prachanukul. A survey of perspective of persons with visual impairment and instructors on orientation and mobility training : case studies at Skills Development Center for the Blind and the Sampran Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Center for the Blind Women. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 113 p. (T E23501) College teachers--expenditure ชาลี เต็มสงสัย. การวิเคราะหรายไดและรายจายของอาจารยสถาบันราชภัฏในภาคเหนือ = An analysis of income and expenditure of faculty members of Rajabhat Institutes in northern Thailand. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 110 หนา. (วพ 100147) College teachers--Income ชาลี เต็มสงสัย. การวิเคราะหรายไดและรายจายของอาจารยสถาบันราชภัฏในภาคเหนือ = An analysis of income and expenditure of faculty members of Rajabhat Institutes in northern Thailand. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 110 หนา. (วพ 100147) College teachers--Job satisfaction พิศมัย ถีถะแกว. ความพึงพอใจในการปฏิบัติงานของอาจารยสถาบันราชภัฏสวนดุสิต = Work satisfaction of staff members in Rajabhat Institute Suan Dusit. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะครุศาสตร สถาบันราชภัฏสวนดุสิต, [2542]. 215 หนา. (ว 99547) College teachers--Maha Sarakham--Work วิรัตน พงษศิริ. สภาพและปญหาการทํางานของบุคลากรมหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ วิทยาเขตมหาสารคาม ปการศึกษา 2537. มหาสารคาม : มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ, [2538]. 59 หนา. (ว 97922) College teachers--Thailand, Northeastern สุวัฒน ชางเหล็ก. บทบาทที่คาดหวังและบทบาทที่ปฏิบัติจริงของอาจารยตามทรรศนะของนักศึกษาสถาบันราชภัฏ ในเขตภาค ตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ = Desirable and current roles of instructors as perceived by Rajabhat Institute students in the northeast. นครราชสีมา : คณะมนุษยศาสตรและสังคมศาสตร สถาบันราชภัฏนครราชสีมา, 2541. 98 หนา. (ว 99577) College teachers--Thailand, Northern Kornphassorn Intarabumrung. Relationship of self-concept, work motivation, and job satisfaction to teaching performance of Rajabhat Institute teachers in the lower northern part of Thailand. Munoz : Central Luzon State University, 2002. 178 p. (T E22173) Collembola BEDOS, Anne. Les collemboles edaphiques du massif du Doi Inthanon [Thailande] : biodiversite et ecologie en foret tropicale. Toulouse : Universite Paul Sabatier, 1994. 348 p. (T E18127) Colletotrichum Chutchamas Kanchana-udomkan. Development of molecular markers for resistance to anthracnose in Capsicum. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 45 p. (T E23484) Than, Po Po. Interaction of Colletotrichum spp. in anthracnose infection of chilli. Chiang Mai : Maejo University, 2008. 142 p. (T E39047) กรองจิต แซหงอ. การศึกษาลักษณะความตานทานของเชื้อ Colletotrichum spp. ตอสารเคมีปองกันกําจัดเชื้อราประเภทดูดซึม บางชนิด. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2530. (17), 155 หนา. (วพ 044527) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 118] Colletotrichum capsici Le, Thi Kieu Oanh. The pathogenesis of chilli anthracnose, colletotrichum spp. on various Thai varieties and their induced resistance. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 77 p. (T E30265) Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Boonyawadee Chirawut. Antifungal compounds and mechanism of resistance of mango peel against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 86 p. (T E27854) ธิติมา วงษชีรี. ผลของกาซคารบอนไดออกไซดตอการควบคุมการเนาเสียเนื่องจากเชื้อ Colletotrichum glocosporioides ของ ผลมะมวงหลังการเก็บเกี่ยว. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2538. 93 หนา. (วพ 73136) Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Yesuf, Mohammed. Seedborne nature of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and its epidemic on common beans in the major bean growing areas of Ethiopia. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 142 p. (T E24954) Collimator Chotika Jumpangern. Dosimetry for the half-beam block defined by independent jaws. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 56 p. (T E10625) Collimators [Optical instrument] Chatchai Navikhacheevin. The measurement of hole angulation for collimator used in SPECT. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. vii, 87 p. (T E7440) Collision damages เจตน คุมคงอมร. การชดใชคาสินไหมทดแทนในกรณีเรือโดนกัน = The compensation for collision damages. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 120 หนา. (วพ 100301) Collision detection Nida Saenghaengtham. Collision detection algorithm for deformable objects using particle-base'd method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 69 p. (T E34749) Collocalia fuciphaga--Histology Prapassorn Boonsoongnern. Gross anatomical and histological study on digestive organs of the edible-nest swiflets. [Collocalia fuciphage]. Bangkok : Department of Anatomy Kasetsart University, 2008. 16 p. (R E41285) Collocalia fuciphagus Anchalee Aowphol. Phylogeography of the white-nest swiftlet Aerodramus fuciphagus [Thunberg, 1812] in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 121 p. (T E40759) Collocation Varaporn Kamjanatawee. Investigation of the collocation and galerkin boundary element methods to heat equation of mixed type. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 56 p. (T E40822) Colloidal Jitlada Sansatsadeekul. Origin of colloidal behavior of natural rubber particles. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 131 p. (T E35535) Saithan Thongphrom. Factors affecting colloidal stability of ceramic glaze. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 140 p. (T E21337) Colloidal drug Wiwat Pichayakorn. Solid lipid nanoparticles as colloidal drug carriers for parenteral administration : study on preparation parameters and their physicochemical characteristics. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 324 p. (T E20162) Colloidal gas aphron Panitan Jutaporn. Removal of pyrene in pumice by biodegradable surfactant in the forms of colloidal gas aphron and aqueous solution. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 91 p. (T E21838) Colloidal silica Rachada Pattayawan. Trace oil treatment via colloids. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 151 p. (T E25128) Theerayuth Kaewamatawong. Pulmonary toxicity of ultrafine colloidal silica in mice. Yamaguchi : Yamaguchi University, 2006. 92 p. (T E36587) Colloidal silicon dioxide Photchanart Toprasri. Factors affecting physical properties and drug release from hydrophilic and hydrophobic colloidal silicon dioxide gels. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2003. 107 p. (T E24771) Colloidal sol method Kotechakorn Wannarong. Preparation of Pt electrocatalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cell by colloidal sol method. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 119 p. (R E25084) Theridsak Janpoonsap. The influence of colloidal preparation step on particle size and activity of Pt/C electrocatalyst. Bangkok : Chemical Engineering King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 80 p. (R E35363) Colloidal solution Prapasri Theprugsa. Factors affecting the efficiency of the progressive freeze-concentration of true and colloidal solution. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 116 p. (T E34957) Colloidal systems Pakawadee Narong. The influence of electrokinetics on membrane micro/ultra filtration of colloidal systems. Manchester : University of Manchester, 2005. 261 p. (T E36571) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 119] Colloids Achara Jongautchariyakul. Structural design and synthesis of some modified poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) hydrogel copolymers for use as temporary skin substitutes. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 186 p. (T E12269) Nuchnapa Tungboriboon. Preparation and sintering of silica glass from rice-husk ash by hydrogel method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. ix, 180 p. (T E6858) Ratana Rujiravanit. Preparation and characterization of hydrogel from chitin derivative and silk fibroin. Bangkok : Petroleum and Petrochemical College Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 94 p. (R E20882) Saravadee Eamchan. Synthesis and properties of some synthetic hydrogels for potential use as artificial skin in wound dressings. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 125 p. (T E10204) Yirgalem Bonger Memre. Encapsulated CdSe Quantum Dots for the detection of pollutants. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 97 p. (T E40624) Colocasia Sorawit Ngampromphun. Chromium removal efficiency by Colocasia esculenta [L.] Schott in constructed wetlands for tannery post-treatment wastewater. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 170 p. (T E18961) Colocasia esculenta Ekkasit Aksorn. Selection of the emergent plants suitable for removal of arsenic from arsenic contaminated water. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 124 p. (T E20369) Jirawan Jampanil. Efficiency of arsenic removal from soil by Colocasia esculenta [L.] Schott [dark violet and green]. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 99 p. (T E16935) Kiattisak Duangmal. Purification and characterisation of polyphenol oxidase from taro (Colocasia esculenta). Leeds : University of Leeds, 2000. 238 p. (T E16024) Sorawit Ngampromphun. Chromium removal efficiency by Colocasia esculenta [L.] Schott in constructed wetlands for tannery post-treatment wastewater. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 170 p. (T E18961) Witchanan Tambamroong. Phytoextraction of arsenic from contaminated soil by Colocasia esculenta (L.) schott; taro and wild taro. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 71 p. (T E19760) สนั่น ศุภธีรสกุล. ศึกษาคุณสมบัติในการเปนสารยึดเกาะ และสารชวยแตกกระจายตัวของแปงจากเดือย เผือก มันเทศ และเมล็ด ทุเรียน = Study on binder and disintegrant properties of starchs prepared from job's tears, taro, sweet potato and durian seed. สงขลา : คณะเภสัชศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 57 หนา. (ว 93771) Colon cancer Pattaraporn Khongboon. Effect of piperine on dimethylhydrazine-induced aberrant crypt foci in colon carcinogenesis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 166 p. (T E18135) Suthasinee Sriwanna. Effects of administration of matoom juice with stevia extract on preneoplastic lesion of colon cancer and level of some detoxification enzymes. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 89 p. (T E18093) Colon [Anatomy]--Cancer Kawin Leelawat. Immune evasion strategies of colorectal cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 128 p. (T E23710) Patcharee Jearanaikoon. Study on genetic alterations in a Thai family affected with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 185 p. (T E10465) Pattaraporn Khongboon. Effect of piperine on dimethylhydrazine-induced aberrant crypt foci in colon carcinogenesis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 166 p. (T E18135) Sawitree Chiampanichayakul. Effect of Momordica charantia extract on preneoplastic lesion of colon cancer in rats. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 83 p. (T E13383) Colon [Anatomy]--Cancer--Patients Phensri Rodporm. Physiological adaptation in patients with colon cancer undergoing surgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 102 p. (T E24517) Colon [Anatomy]--Cancer--Prevention Teera Chewonarin. Production of lactoferrin-producing Bacteroides uniformis and its effect on preneoplastic lesion of rat colon cancer induced by azoxymethane. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 143 p. (T E18132) Colonic epithelium Apinun Supersert. Histochemical detection of glycoconjugates in colonic epithelium of the ruminant. Bangkok : Department of Anatomy, Kasetsart University, 1999. 10 p. (R E15756) Colonies Oranuch Wongwattanasathien. Assessment of the mutagenicity of instant noodles and their seasonings, using Ames test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 91 p. (T E16976) Colonization Kabkaew Likitvong. Colonization, hybridization and insecticide susceptibility studies of Culex salinarius coq. (Diptera : Culicidae). Texas : Texas A&M University, 1996. 163 p. (T E11006) Colonoscopy Savit Kositchaiwat. Comparison of two bowel preparations for colonoscopy : senna versus sodium phosphate solution. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 56 p. (T E23220) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 120] Colony hybridization Rungrot Cherdtrakulkiat. Transposon mutagenesis as a tool for isolating Salmonella specific probe. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 95 p. (T E14835) Color Chumroon Benchawan. A suitable configeration and color of solid waste container for kindergarten students a case study : Samutprakarn province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 84 p. (T E19244) Yutthana Munklang. Image retrieval using feature vectors of color cluster. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 47 p. (R E18667) Color appearance mode Nathapong Janchidfah. Color mode change of cathode-ray-tube monitor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 147 p. (T E20153) Color chang Marisa Rattanathanalerk. Effect of thermal processing on the quality loss of pineapple juice. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 88 p. (R E22139) Color change Sukunlaya Palakul. Effects of thermal processing and storage temperature on the quality of pineapple chunk in light syrup packed in non-metal containers. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 123 p. (T E39684) Color cluster Yutthana Munklang. Image retrieval using feature vectors of color cluster. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 47 p. (R E18667) Color combination Chalerm Tosiribundit. Quantitative analysis of Thai and Japanese sensation on color combination. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 124 p. (T E35819) Pisut Srimork. Quantitative analysis of Thai sensation on color combination. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 192 p. (T E38220) Color communication Sanichar Koonawoot. Application of numerical expression of color perception on the internet. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 143 p. (T E35262) Yannawit Bangchokdee. Numerical expression of color perception for cross culture comparison. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 243 p. (T E16866) Color constancy Pruthaporn Haocharoen. Effects of window size on color appearance of test patches under colored illumination. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 111 p. (T E35272) Color degradation Ekkaluk Bordeerat. Kinetics of color degradation of papaya puree undergoing various heating methods. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 170 p. (R E37285) Oranuch Sangteanchai. Color degradation of pineapple juice during heat treatment. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 47 p. (R E21798) Color digital image Pattamas Sukkaew. Selection of the optimum offset ink set for colour digital image reproduction by gamut matching. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 192 p. (T E21515) Color formation Nipon Suyao. Factors influencing color formation of some ternary complexes of fluoride, metals and alizarin fluorine blue. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 56 p. (T E39694) Color harmony Pisut Srimork. Quantitative analysis of Thai sensation on color combination. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 192 p. (T E38220) Color histogram Lekha Chaisorn. Image retrieval system. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, 2000. 98 p. (R E14235) Yutthana Munklang. Image retrieval using feature vectors of color cluster. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 47 p. (R E18667) Color image Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn. Image feature extraction invariant to color intensity, rotation and scaling using eigenvector-guided self-organizing mapping neural network. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 86 p. (T E25000) Pradit Pinyopasakul. Color image input using a black-and-white image input device. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 122 p. (T E9748) Color image retrieval Chareerat Prachaktham. Comparison of color texture features based on parallel and intergrative approaches for image retrieval. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 205 p. (T E34029) Color in clothing Panupong Pudthasa. Physiological responses of fabric color dressing under solar heat load. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 91 p. (T E13155) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 121] Color mode Yuwadee Thiangthangtum. Color mode change of color charts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 265 p. (T E16701) Color of food Mai, Thi Nam. Status of the use of colors in beverages, candies, and snacks made by small scale private producers in Hanoi markets. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 84 p. (T E11705) Color perception Daungrat Ngampatipatpong. Quantitative assessment of color perception in CIE L*, C*, h color space for Thai observers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 192 p. (T E15255) Olarn Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn. Arrangement of Thai words for color perception into the Munsell and CIE L*C*h color spaces. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 148 p. (T E18940) Sanichar Koonawoot. Application of numerical expression of color perception on the internet. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 143 p. (T E35262) Yannawit Bangchokdee. Numerical expression of color perception for cross culture comparison. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 243 p. (T E16866) Color photography--Printing processes Kunnatee Kreprasertkul. Development of colour management system for producing a proof from colour copier as an offset proof. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 147 p. (T E14958) Color printing Krisada Kitisaragulchai. RGB to CMYK color transformations using combination of linear function and black printer look-up table. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 114 p. (T E14643) Prasit Cunthasaksiri. High accuracy color matching method using matrix transformation in sub-divided color space. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 94 p. (T E16611) Color prints Kunnatee Kreprasertkul. Development of colour management system for producing a proof from colour copier as an offset proof. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 147 p. (T E14958) Color removal Massakul Kitmongkonsak. Textile dyeing wastewater treatment by fluidized-bed fenton process. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 131 p. (T E35824) โกมล เอี่ยมเสมอ. ประสิทธิภาพในการกําจัดสีของสียอมรีแอกทีฟชนิดอาโซ โดยกระบวนการเอสบีอาร แบบแอนแอโรบิก-แอโร บิก ซึ่งมีและไมมีสารอาหารที่สงเสริมกระบวนการอีบีพีอาร = Color removal efficiency of an azo-reactive dye by an anaerobic-aerobic SBR process with and without EBPR promoting substrates. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 198 หนา. (วพ 105096) ชนิตา เสมรัตน. ประสิทธิภาพการกําจัดสีของน้ําทิ้งอุตสาหกรรมสิ่งทอดวยกระบวนการดูดติดผิวโดยใชถานที่ผลิตจากวัสดุเหลือ ใชทางการเกษตร = Color removal efficiency for textile mill wastewater by agricultural waste as carbon adsorbent. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 160 หนา. (วพ 113379) สิวลี โปรงทอง. ประยุกตใชวิธีทางเคมีและชีวภาพในการบําบัดน้ํากากสาจากโรงงานสุรา = Application of chemical and biological process for treatment of stillege. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 164 หนา. (วพ 99967) อําพล เตโชวาณิชย. ประสิทธิภาพการกําจัดสีของสีรีแอกทีฟชนิดอะโซโดยระบบเอสบีอารแบบแอโรบิกและแอนเอโรบิก-แอโร บิก ภายใตภาวะการปฏิบัติการที่ตางกัน = Color removal efficiency of a reactive azo dye aerobic and anaerobicaerobic SBR systems under different operating conditions. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 175 หนา. (วพ 104332) Color removal from sewage Chaunjit Chanchitpricha. The use of microalgae for color and chemical oxygen demand removal in treated molasses wastewater. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 108 p. (T E14592) Color sensation Chalerm Tosiribundit. Quantitative analysis of Thai and Japanese sensation on color combination. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 124 p. (T E35819) Pisut Srimork. Quantitative analysis of Thai sensation on color combination. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 192 p. (T E38220) Color temperature histogram Somjit Chaisriya. Color-based image retrieval. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 84 p. (T E33763) Color textile industries Poonsri Limchupornvikul. Colouring matters from the leaves of Terminalia catappa Lin. and their applications in textile dyeing. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1993. 61 p. (T E8544) Color transformation Prasit Cunthasaksiri. High accuracy color matching method using matrix transformation in sub-divided color space. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 94 p. (T E16611) Color vision Daungrat Ngampatipatpong. Quantitative assessment of color perception in CIE L*, C*, h color space for Thai observers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 192 p. (T E15255) Olarn Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn. Arrangement of Thai words for color perception into the Munsell and CIE L*C*h color spaces. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 148 p. (T E18940) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 122] Color vision (ตอ) Yannawit Bangchokdee. Numerical expression of color perception for cross culture comparison. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 243 p. (T E16866) Color--Fading Kitirochna Rattanakasamsuk. Effect of light stabilizer and UV absorber on light fastness of inkjet ink. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 101 p. (T E22735) Coloration Nantharat Bunnag. Crystal chemistry of coloration in corundum. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 397 p. (T E39475) Colorectal cancer Aporacha Lumdubwong. The relationship between the characteristics of information and uncertainty in illness in post-operative colorectal cancer patients during hospitalization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 85 p. (T E17027) Kawin Leelawat. Immune evasion strategies of colorectal cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 128 p. (T E23710) Supattar Poeaim. Molecular cytogenetic abnormalities in colorectal cancer by comparative genomic hybridization technique. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 111 p. (T E26637) Colorectal cancer patients Nattaya Suteerawut. A study of sense of coherence, perceived benefits of action in health-promoting behaviors and health-promoting behaviors on colorectal cancer patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 78 p. (T E17612) อพัชชา ผองญาติ. การสงเสริมการปฏิบัติสมาธิแนวพุทธศาสนาเพื่อลดความวิตกกังวลในผูปวยมะเร็งลําไสใหญและทวารหนัก = Facilitation of Buddhist meditation training to relieve anxiety among colorectal cancer patients. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 293 หนา. (วพ 107207) Colored progressive matrices Benjawan Runseawa. The characteristics of the colored progressive matrices (CPM) and the advanced progressive matrices (APM) in Thai students age 6-18 years old : the southern region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 85 p. (T E33381) Chantanee Mungkhetklang. The characteristics of the colored progressive matrices (CPM) and the advanced progressive matrices (APM) in Thai students age 6-18 years old : Bangkok (The Metropolitan). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 106 p. (T E33473) Siree Udomphol. The characteristics of the Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM) and the Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) in Thai students age 6-18 years old : the northern region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 68 p. (T E33508) Sudarat Sirisakpanit. The characteristics of the colored progressive matrices (CPM) and the advanced progressive matrices (APM) in Thai students age 6-18 years old : the central region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 87 p. (T E33524) Sureerat Palakas. The characteristics of the colored progressive matrices (CPM) and the advanced progressive matrices (APM) in Thai students age 6-18 years old : the western region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 74 p. (T E33525) Wararat Intuptim. The characteristics of the Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM) and the Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) in Thai students age 6-18 years old : the eastern region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 105 p. (T E33507) Witchayar Moleechart. The characteristics of the Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM) and the Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) in Thai students age 6-18 years old : northeast region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 85 p. (T E33509) Colorimeter นารีรัตน พิริยะพันธุสกุล. การสรางคัลลอริมิเตอรอยางงายสําหรับการเรียนการสอน = Construction of a simple colorimeter for teaching purposes. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2529. 2 แผน (62 เฟรม). (ว MF13492) Colorimetric analysis Daungrat Ngampatipatpong. Quantitative assessment of color perception in CIE L*, C*, h color space for Thai observers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 192 p. (T E15255) Niwadee Nititham. Determination of sulfur dioxide using 1-[(5-nitro-2-thiazolyl) azo]-2-naphthol as the colorimetric reagent. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 86 p. (T E10251) Colorimetric values Yannawit Bangchokdee. Numerical expression of color perception for cross culture comparison. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 243 p. (T E16866) colorimetric values Olarn Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn. Arrangement of Thai words for color perception into the Munsell and CIE L*C*h color spaces. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 148 p. (T E18940) Colorimetry Arunya Sribusarakum. Chromatographic determination of active constituents of Centella asiatica (Linn.) urban in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 95 p. (T E11850) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 123] Coloring matter Sombat Chowwanapoonpohn. Selectivity of electrocoagulation process and recovery of coagulated compounds with application to isolation of colouring matters from tree barks. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 200 p. (T E20966) Wongsakorn Charoenpanitseri. Total colorings of glued graphs. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 55 p. (T E40789) Coloring matter in food Mai, Thi Nam. Status of the use of colors in beverages, candies, and snacks made by small scale private producers in Hanoi markets. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 84 p. (T E11705) Nawanwat Sinseubpol. Antimutagenicity of some natural red colors introduced to steamed starchy dessert by somatic mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 104 p. (T E39082) Supen Asawatreratanagun. Nutritional and toxicological aspects of some food colors : effects on in vitro protein and starch digestibilities and the mutagenic potential using AMES Test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 121 p. (T E8536) Yanisa Rat-a-pa. Extraction of colorants from the cob of deep purple corn = การสกัดสีจากซังขาวโพดพันธุสีมวง. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, [1991]. 11 p. (R E9164) Colorings Wongsakorn Charoenpanitseri. Total colorings of glued graphs. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 55 p. (T E40789) Colors Kamolwan Noppadolsathan. A comparative study of the meanings of words and idiomatic expressions relating to colors in Chinese and Thai languages. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 171 p. (T E39010) Nawanwat Sinseubpol. Antimutagenicity of some natural red colors introduced to steamed starchy dessert by somatic mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 104 p. (T E39082) Panya Sinsakjarungdet. Analysis of colour fastness models relevant to perception of a Thai group. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 104 p. (T E19418) Prasit Cunthasaksiri. High accuracy color matching method using matrix transformation in sub-divided color space. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 94 p. (T E16611) Suchitra Sueeprasan. Evaluation of colour appearance models and daylight illuminant simulators to provide predictable cross-media colour reproduction. [S.l.] : University of Derby, 2002. 289 p. (T E22212) Weerin Chaiariyakul. The study of the use of black-and-white in magazine advertisements. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 80 p. (R E37226) Colossal magnetoresistance Taweesak Sudyoadsuk. Preparation and investigation of the effect of isovalent and nonisovalent substitutions on the electrical and magnetic properties of manganese perovskite oxides. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 137 p. (T E24140) Colostomy Chulaporn Prasungsit. Effects of social support program on improvement of body image perception in adult rectal cancer patients with permanent colostomy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 119 p. (T E17624) Colostrum Chananda Koasom. Colostrum composition of mothers delivering small for gestational age infants = องคประกอบ ของสารอาหารในโคลอสตรัมจากมารดาที่ใหกําเนิดบุตรครบกําหนดแตน้ําหนักแรกเกิดต่ํากวาปกติ. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 2 microfiches (61 fr.). (T MF20167) Vinich Klaiwat. Immunoglobulin levels of serum and colostrum from mothers of small for gestational age infants = ระดับอิมมูโนโกลบูลินในซีรั่มและในโคลอสตรัมของมารดาที่ใหกําเนิดทารกน้ําหนักแรกเกิดนอยกวาปกติ. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 2 microfiches (84 fr.). (T MF20161) Colour copier Kunnatee Kreprasertkul. Development of colour management system for producing a proof from colour copier as an offset proof. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 147 p. (T E14958) Colour fastness Panya Sinsakjarungdet. Analysis of colour fastness models relevant to perception of a Thai group. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 104 p. (T E19418) Colour gamut Niramol Kasadesinchai. Simulating the colour gamut of ink-jet ink systems on coated and uncoated substrates. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 102 p. (T E21779) Colour photographic developer solutions Somsak Sirichai. Miniaturised electrophoresis chips for the analysis of colour photographic developer solutions. London : University of London, 2001. 190 p. (T E16106) Coloured petri nets Panupong Sornkhom. Security analysis of Micali's fair contract signing protocol by using Coloured Petri Nets. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 61 p. (T E40819) Pongtosaporn Junlobol. Modeling and security verification of SSL using Coloured Petri Nets. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 72 p. (R E37493) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 124] Coloured progressive matrices test Niyot Sangtongluan. A study of the correlation of intellectual ability measures between draw a person test and the coloured progressive matrices test in primary school students in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 68 p. (T E23955) Colouring matters Kanlaya Jumpatong. Electrocoagulation of some colouring matters in aqueous alcoholic solutions and its application. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 191 p. (T E39777) Colposcopy Rawin Boonsodakorn. Sensitivity of colposcopy in diagnosis of cervical neoplasia in abnormal pap smear women. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xii, 105 p. (T E7104) Columba livia Damrongdej Piyabongkarn. Genetic diversity of Cryptococcus neoformans isolates from pigeon (Columba livia) droppings in Bangkok. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 65 p. (T E35260) Columbo livia Phimphann Ngoented. Haemoparasites of rock pigeon Columba livia Gmelin, 1789 in Bangkok and Chonburi. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 138 p. (T E19831) Column Tarinee Leepulsap. Removal of zinc using foundry sand waste in packed columns. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 117 p. (T E35883) Column Liquid Chromatography Nirawan Kitprapiumpon. Development of [R]-phenylephrine bonded silica for multimode liquid chromatography : synthesis, chromatographic characterization and application in pharmaceutical analysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 110 p. (T E17424) Column semi-rigid connection Pramuk Piyakapanta. Behavior of beam to column semi-rigid connection with welded connection. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 63 p. (T E16912) Columnaris disease Anisa Kaenjak. Mutation and selection of Aspergillus flavus var. columnaris for soy sauce production = การผาเหลา และคัดเลือกสายพันธุจากเชื้อรา Aspergillus flavus var. columnaris เพื่อใชในขบวนการผลิตซีอิ๊ว. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 3 microfiches (149 fr.). (T MF20083) Columns Jaruek Teerawong. Cyclic behavior of reinforced concrete plane frames considering concrete core-longitudinal bar-transverse steel interaction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 63 p. (T E22917) Sakol Taesiriwech. Ultimate strength of square steel tube columns filled with high-strength concrete subjected to biaxial bending. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 67 p. (T E15811) Somnuk Tangtermsirikul. Experimental study on beam-column joint of a prefabricated building project. Pathum Thani : Department of Civil Engineering, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, [2001]. 69 p. (R E16401) Supathra Lilitchan. Prediction of capillary column efficiency in gas chromatographic system. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 155 p. (T E21162) Columns--Dynamics Unnop Limpaiboon. Simulation of distillation column dynamics and control. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 68 p. (T E9751) Comaf media Panan Pattiyathanee. Development of a novel combined assimilation-fermentation media for identification of medically important yeasts. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 70 p. (T E20378) Combat boots วชิรพล มนตมณีรัตน. แนวทางการกําหนด ความตองการ ขนาดและจํานวนที่เหมาะสมสําหรับวางแผนการผลิตรองเทาสูงครึ่ง นองหนังสีดํา ของทหารกองประจําการในกองพลที่ 1 รักษาพระองค = Guideline for requirement planning of combat boots for the enlisted men of the First Division Royal Guard. กรุงเทพฯ : โรงเรียนเสนาธิการทหารบก, 2543. 109 หนา. (วพ 110824) Combination controller Bundit Sugkluem. A study for developing electrical energy saving equipment : the combination controller of airconditioner. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 58 p. (T E18873) Combination tablets Nyo Mi Swe. Spectral characteristics of ethambutol-copper (II) ion complex and its application for quantitative analysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 106 p. (T E37774) Combination therapy Carrara, Verena Ilona. Epidemiological impact of the large scale deployment of early diagnosis and combination treatment of falciparum malaria on the northwestern border of Thailand ; the Tak malaria initiative : Mahidol University, 2006. 165 p. (T E34430) Combinations Anantaporn Srisawat. Learning algorithrms for predicting HIV-1 phenotypic drug resistance. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 104 p. (T E39851) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 125] Combinations (ตอ) Sirinat Phanuwong. In vitro antibacterial activity of imipenem in combination with colistin against multidrugresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 109 p. (T E39830) Suwannee Boonthong. Development of rapid method to detect Listeria monocytogenes in meat by using the combination of membrane fraction and immunomagnetic separation technique. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2000. 133 p. (T E15801) Waliluk Matapatara. Selective immuno-detection of amphetamine and/or methamphetamine by principle of heterologous combinations. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 124 p. (T E14911) Combinatorial central limit theorem Jiraphan Suntornchost. A uniform bound in a combinatorial central limit theorem. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 46 p. (T E23030) Combinatorial chemistry Neungrutai Saesaengseerung. Synthesis of solution phase combinatorial libraries of 4,6-diamino-1,2-dihydro1,3,5-triazines. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 189 p. (T E19527) Combinatorial design Prachaya Jongjoho. Balanced ternary designs from difference multiset. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2001. 39 p. (T E18528) Combinatorial library Neungrutai Saesaengseerung. Synthesis of solution phase combinatorial libraries of 4,6-diamino-1,2-dihydro1,3,5-triazines. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 189 p. (T E19527) Combinatorial search นงเยาว ประชุมรัตน. กฎฟซซี่สําหรับการยกเลิกการคนหาเชิงจัดหมู = Fuzzy rules for combinatorial search termination. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 111 หนา. (วพ 103597) Combined Jumphol Mitrchai. Study on combined effects of ethanol and borax during high and low protein diet in the rat. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1978. 3 แผน (123 เฟรม). (T MF09649) Nongluk Eksuwan. Effects of noise and organic solvent exposure on upper limit of hearing in male workers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 81 p. (T E21709) Combined anaerobic reactors Nirawan Sanphoti. Enhancing waste stabilization and methane production in simulated landfill by co-digestion and combined anaerobic digester. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 160 p. (T E39602) Combined cycle Kawin Simaviboon. Simulation and comparison of solid oxide fuel cell combined power cycle. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 79 p. (R E40690) Combined cycle power plants Kamalaporn Phumradab. Life cycle assessment of natural gas power plant : case study at Bang Pakong Power Plant. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 82 p. (T E39386) Combing machines Somprasong Parsapratet. The measurement of impurities in combed webs. Leeds : University of Leeds, 1994. 251 p. (T E9508) Combodian people--Attitudes Sodany Tan. Attitudes of the Cambodian people toward the Vietnamese : a case study of young educated Cambodians. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 129 p. (T E35817) Combretaceae Supattra Rungsimakan. Pharmacognostic properties of Khamin khruea. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 188 p. (T E16975) Combretastatins Namphung Vongvanich. Bioactive compounds from the fungus Hirsutella kobayasii BCC 1660, and from higher plants, Getonia floribunda and Camchaya calarea. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 174 p. (T E33058) Combretum decandrum Worawan Thiansuwan. Effect of Combretun decandrum Roxb on blood glucose level in hyperinsulinemic rats. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 88 p. (T E34598) Combretum latifolium Supattra Rungsimakan. Pharmacognostic properties of Khamin khruea. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 188 p. (T E16975) Combretum quadrangulare พีระพล อยูสวัสดิ์. การศึกษาประสิทธิภาพของเมล็ดสะแกนา (Combretum quadrangulare Kurz) ตอพยาธิตัวกลมในลูก กระบือ. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะสัตวแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2530. 1 แผน (23 เฟรม). (ว MF21380) เอมอร โสมนะพันธุ. การศึกษาสารประกอบเคมีที่มีฤทธิ์ตานเชื้อจุลินทรียในตนสะแกนา = An investigation on the antimicrobial constituents from combretum quadrangulare kurz. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, [25--]. 44 หนา. (ว 73433 ฉ.1; 73434 ฉ.2) Combusion Phan, Minh Duc. A study on the LPG dual fuel combustion characteristics of an indirect compression ignition engine. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 284 p. (T E38251) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 126] Combustion Atchara Saengpoo. Combustion of coke on dehydrogenation catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 155 p. (T E19556) Jittigan Nugoolchit. Effects of MgO on the combustion of phthalic anhydride over transition metal oxide catalysts. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 80 p. (T E20742) Karn Romphol. The fundamental study on characteristic of palm diesel spray combustion. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 238 p. (T E35274) Kriengkrai Suksankraisorn. Co-combustion of municipal solid waste and Thai lignite in a fluidized bed. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2002. 223 p. (T E21301) Nalinpan Charoenruay. Combustion of phthalic anhydride over V2O5/TiO2 catalysts promoted with transition metal and MgO. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 74 p. (T E23317) Natsuda Lerdpatchareekul. Optimization of combustion process for a steam boiler at an oil refinery. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 71 p. (T E20088) Pautreau, Jean-Pierre. Structure of contemporary traditional combustion in Thailand : physico-chemical studies and ethno-archeological approach : field mission. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology of North Bangkok, 1992. vol.. (R E12939) Pautreau, Jean-Pierre. Structure of contemporary traditional combustion in Thailand physico-chemical studies and ethno-archaeological approach : report field mission survey. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology of North Bangkok, 1993. vol.. (R E13011 c.1; E13012 c.2) Pongskorn Tongsang. The application of V-Mg-O/TiO2 catalyst on the combustion of anhydrides. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 85 p. (T E20166) Roomgrueng Bhidayasiri. Control of combustion. London : University of London, 1998. 255 p. (T E11931) Soraya Yongparyun. Development of a solar paddy dryer with auxiliary heat from combustion. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2003. 104 p. (T E20968) Surakit Punjasamud. Effects of hexane addition on phthalic anhydride combustion over V2O5/TiO2 catalysts impregnated with transition metal and magnesium oxide. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 107 p. (T E23382) Surangkana Umpo. An application of Co-Mg-O/Al2O3 catalyst on the combustion of anhydrides. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 100 p. (T E19467) Suteera Nuampituk. Effects of transition metal and magnesium loading sequence on the combustion of phthalic anhydride over MgO promoted transition metal oxide catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 90 p. (T E20810) Watchara Permchart. Development and study of a conical fluidized-bed combustor firing biomass fuels. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 140 p. (T E23006) Combustion activation Piyanuch Sommani. Synthesis of flattened diamond crystals by combustion activation method. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2004. 85 p. (T E22994) โยธิน วงศประเสริฐ. เทคโนโลยีการสังเคราะหฟลมเพชรดวยวิธี Combustion activation = The synthesis of diamond films by combustion activation technology. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 133 หนา. (วพ 106351) Combustion chambers Phaisan Lertsalaluck. Combustion study of the incineration of major components of infections waste in a controlled-air incinerator : the influence of bed temperature and feed rate on the evolution of temperature and gaseous emission. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E23004) Woranuch Jangsawang. Study on the combustion of infectious waste in a controlled-air incinerator : optimization of its operating conditions and flow modeling. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 159 p. (T E23005) Combustion measurement ปูมยศ วัลลิกุล. โลคัทโทโมกราฟฟอัลกอริธึมสําหรับการสรางฟงกชันความหนาแนน ความนาจะเปนในเปลวไฟเทอรบิวเลนซ = Local tomographic algorithms for reconstructing probability density function in turbulent flames. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมเครื่องกล สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 71 หนา. (ว 111213) Combustion--Measurement Pumyos Vallikul. Reconstruction from computer simulated optical absorption measurement data in combustion : a comparative study. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 1992. (xi), 89 p. (T E7937) Comedy Chalermchai Parasuk. Humor in Lan Na jokes : a linguistic study. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 97 p. (R E38499) อัจฉรา ยุตตานนท. การรับรูและความเขาใจในมุขตลกของโนต อุดม แตพานิช กับการใชประโยชน และความพึงพอใจของผูชม เดี่ยวไมโครโฟน = The perception and understanding in Note-Udom Taepanich comedy to the audience's use and gratification. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 139 หนา. (วพ 100477) Comet assay Araya Pranprawit. Effect of dietary lycopene from tomato and tomato products on plasma lycopene and oxidtive DNA damage in Human lymphocytes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 122 p. (T E18294) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 127] Cometabolism เบกพล กานสังวร. การบําบัดน้ําชะมูลฝอยแบบโคเมตาบอลิคดวยระบบยูเอเอสบี = Cometabolic treatment of landfill leachate by UASB system. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 142 หนา. (วพ 109945) CoMFA Pathanakarn Sothipatcharasai. Quantitative structure-activity relationships of phthalimidoalkyl derivatives as potential HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 113 p. (T E13958) Comic book for environmental promotion ณันธนีย เกษมมงคล. การสรางหนังสือการตูนสงเสริมสิ่งแวดลอมเรื่อง "ปญหาสิ่งแวดลอมในทองถิ่นและการอนุรักษปาชายเลน" สําหรับนักเรียนในระดับชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 4-6 โรงเรียนในตําบลแหลมผักเบี้ย อําเภอบานแหลม จังหวัดเพชรบุรี = The construction of comic book for environmental promotion on "Environment problem in Local and Mangrove Conservation" for Prathomsuksa 4-6 students in Tumbon Laempakbeer, Amphoe Ban Laem, Changwat Phetchaburi. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 281 หนา. (วพ 105471) Comic books ศราวุธ จักรเปง. การเปรียบเทียบผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนวิชาภาษาไทย ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 4 ระหวางการสอนโดย ใชหนังสือการตูนกับการสอนปกติ = A comparison of learning achievement in Thai of Prathom Suksa IV students between using the comic books and the conventional instruction. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 142 หนา. (วพ 98712) Comic books and children Yuwapa Thawonsanitkul. Influences of Japanese comic books toward the student's behavior. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 110 p. (T E23444) Comic books, strips, etc. ศราวุธ จักรเปง. การเปรียบเทียบผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนวิชาภาษาไทย ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 4 ระหวางการสอนโดย ใชหนังสือการตูนกับการสอนปกติ = A comparison of learning achievement in Thai of Prathom Suksa IV students between using the comic books and the conventional instruction. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 142 หนา. (วพ 98712) อุดมพร สุพรรณวงศ. ผลของการวางตําแหนงคําถามที่แตกตางกันสองชนิด ในหนังสือการตูนเสริมการอานที่มีตอความเขาใจใน การอาน ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 4 = The effect of two different questioning positions in supplementary comics books on reading comprehension of Prathom Suksa IV students. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 181 หนา. (วพ 98495) Comic books, strips, etc.--Japanese Kunnikar Ketkaew. The relationship between the exposure to sexully explicit Japanese comic books and sexual relations among co-ed secondary school students in the Bangkok metropolis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 108 p. (T E20505) Command radio นัทที ฉุยฉาย. การออกแบบและสรางชุดควบคุมเชื่อมตอระบบวิทยุสั่งการ = A design and implementation of an interfacing controller command radio. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 94 หนา. (วพ 106183) Commander Manud Sriwongsa. The perceptions of subordinates toward leadership behaviors of commander of Economic and Technological Crime Suppression Division. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 115 p. (T E34361) Commelinaceae วิไลวรรณ มนูศิลป. พรรณไมวงศผักปราบในอุทยานแหงชาติภูพาน = The family commelinaceae in Phu Phan National Park. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 146 หนา. (วพ 98185) Commelinaceae--Classification Thaweesak Thitimetharoch. Taxonomic studies of the family commelinaceae in Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 211 p. (T E26503) Commerce Chanin Mephokee. Three essays on informal markets. [S.l.] : University of Kansas, 1993. vi, 134p. (T E6085) Chayun Tantivasadakarn. Three essays on North-south trade, growth and development. Victoria : University of British Columbia, 1994. 166 p. (T E8417) Kanithar Pisitkasem. The competitive behaviour of department stores in the Bangkok Metropolitan area. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1991. (8), 154 p. (T E7888) Lawan Kemapunmanus. The effects of the differences in national tax system and double tax treaties on intra ASEAN trade and investment. Brussel : Vrije Universiteit Brussel University Brussel, 1989. 167 p. (R E40971) Riggs, Michael B.. Trade as a factor of productivity growth in Thailand's agricultural sector. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 65 p.. (T E19663) Commerce--Environmental aspects Sompong Hanvajanawong. The effects of institutional factors, organization capabilities, and perceived advantages to the adoption of cleaner technology by manufacturing firms in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 140 p.. (T E19677) Commerce--History Iioka, Naoko. Siamese junk trade with Japan from the 17th to the early 18th century. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 146 p. (T E18777) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 128] Commercial banks Poonlert Thipchartyothin. Capital liberalization and financial fragility : a case of Thailand. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2002. 167 p. (T E18384) Prasan Jansila. Factors related to job security and the working efficiency of commercial bank staff. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 115 p. (T E24119) Sineenart Suongtee. Downsizing trend in Thai commercial banks : in case of the large-size banks. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2002. 202 p. (T E18379) Sutut Chitmonkongsuk. The performance of commercial lending bank ratios analysis : an empirical investigation of an integrative credit rating model. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 296 p. (T E39505) Visarut Sribunnak. Essays on maturity gap disclosures by commercial banks. Berkeley : University of California, 2003. 173 p. (T E22225) จิราภรณ ถิรปญญาเลิศ. การแสวงหาขาวสารในภาวะวิกฤตทางเศรษฐกิจและระดับความรูสึกมั่นคงในอาชีพของพนักงานธนาคาร พาณิชยไทยและธนาคารพาณิชยตางชาติในไทย = Information seeking during the economic crisis and job security of employees in the Thai and the foreign commercial banks. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 148 หนา. (วพ 110256) นิเวศน เชื้อพรรณงาม. ปจจัยในการตัดสินใจเลือกธนาคารพาณิชยในเขตสุขาภิบาลอําเภอแมสะเรียง จังหวัดแมฮองสอน ของผู ประกอบธุรกิจเพื่อใชบริการเงินฝาก = Entrepreneurs' decision factors in using deposit services of commercial bank in Maesariang district, Maehongson province. เชียงใหม : คณะธุรกิจการเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยแมโจ, 2542. 103 หนา. (ว 100805) บวร กิติไพศาลนนท. พัฒนาการของกิจการวิเทศธนกิจและผลกระทบของเงินกูกิจการวิเทศธนกิจ ที่มีตอสินเชื่อในประเทศไทย = The development of Bangkok international banking facilities and its impact on domestic loans in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 173 หนา. (วพ 98878) วิศิษฏ มังกรแกว. ปจจัยที่มีผลกระทบตอการเลือกใชบริการเงินฝากธนาคารพาณิชยของประชาชนในเขตอําเภอเมือง จังหวัด เชียงใหม ในชวงภาวะวิกฤต ป 2541-2542 = Factors affecting selecting of deposit services of commercial banks in Amphur Muang, Chiangmai province during the economic crisis 1998-1999. เชียงใหม : คณะธุรกิจ การเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยแมโจ, 2542. 135 หนา. (ว 100842) สัญญลักษณ ศิรินาม. โครงการเงินออมและสินเชื่อของธนาคารพาณิชยไทยในภาคเหนือ. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยแมโจ, 2541. 145 หนา. (วพ 92935) สุภัทรา อภัยวงศ. ผลกระทบของการใชจายผานบัตรเครดิตตอปริมาณเงินฝากในธนาคารพาณิชย = Impact of credit card transaction on bank deposits. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 137 หนา. (วพ 94240) สุมนา วรสูตร. ภาพลักษณธนาคารพาณิชยไทยในชวงวิกฤตการณ ทางเศรษฐกิจป 2540 = The image of Thai commercial banks during the economic crisis in 1997. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 99 หนา. (วพ 94234) Commercial buildings Bundit Limmeechokchai. Integrated resource planning with cool storage application : a case study of commercial sector in Thailand. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 1998. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E19613) Sudaporn Chungloo. An assessment of energy conservation opportunities in Thai commercial buildings : analysis of building envelope. Pathumthani : Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2001. 110 p. (T E15898) Sukit Chongchokdie. An investment decision support system for energy conservation in small and medium commercial buildings : installation of Hf electronic ballast and high efficiency motor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 221 p. (T E18299) บุตรบํารุง ธรรมโชติ. การประหยัดพลังงานในอาคารพาณิชย : กรณีศึกษาอาคารพหลโยธิน ธนาคารกสิกรไทย = Energy saving in commercial building : a case study of Paholyotin Building, Thai Farmers Bank. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบัน เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2541. 240 หนา. (วพ 105401) Commercial buildings--Thailand, Northeastern วารุณี ภูสนาม. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบสวนประดับของอาคารพาณิชยในแถบจังหวัดหนองคาย, นครพนม, มุกดาหารและ อุบลราชธานี = Comparasion study of architectural decoration in shophouse case study : Nong Khai, Nokhon Phanom, Mukdahan and Ubon Ratchathani. ขอนแกน : คณะสถาปตยกรรมศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, [2542]. 111 หนา. (ว 99766) Commercial buildings--Ventilation Chumnan Boonyaputthipong. A parametric study of the interlocking stack effect ventilation with building thermal mass in commercial buildings. Illinois : Illinois Institute of Technology, 2002. 194 p. (T E22321) Commercial college teachers จิราภรณ มุขลาย. ความตองการพัฒนาของอาจารยวิทยาลัยพณิชยการ สังกัดกรมอาชีวศึกษา = Development needs of commercial college teachers Department of Vocational Education. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลา เจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 138 หนา. (วพ 113772) Commercial colleges ประชุม ตันติสุขารมย. ปจจัยในการกําหนดผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนของนักศึกษา สาขาวิชาคอมพิวเตอรธุรกิจ ระดับ ประกาศนียบัตรวิชาชีพชั้นสูง สังกัดวิทยาลัยพณิชยการ กรมอาชีวศึกษา = Factors motivating achievement in studies of business computer studies (Diploma in vocational education program) at commercial college of Vocational Departments. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 170 หนา. (วพ 98431) สมพิศ อยูสุขสวัสดิ์. การควบคุมคุณภาพการเรียนการสอนของวิทยาลัยพณิชยการสังกัดกรมอาชีวศึกษาในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = Quality control of teaching and learning in commercial colleges Department of Vocational Education, in Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2541. 114 หนา. (วพ 96954) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 129] Commercial correspondence Kulaporn Hiranburana. Cross-cultural strategies and the use of english in international business correspondence. Australia : Flinders University of South Australia, 1996. 531 p. (T E11042) Pornchanok Kittiprasert. An error analysis of business letters written by vocational students. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1998. 82 p. (R E13234) Supawadee Santipraditkul. Frozen phrases of goodwill in the English language : sales letters written by Bangkok hotel sales staff. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1999. 115 p. (T E14546) Commercial credit Prajak Ponroung. Factors affecting decision making of groups of production credit. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1993. xiv, 96 p. (T E7592) Commercial districts สาริยา ศรีเชื้อ. แนวทางการวางแผนพัฒนายานการคาหลักในเขตชั้นกลางของกรุงเทพมหานคร : กรณีศึกษาเขตบางกะป = The development planning for major commercial districts in the intermediate area of Bangkok : a case study of Bangkapi district. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 158 หนา. (วพ 94428) Commercial documents Achara Chandrachai. An analysis of trade documentation and information system in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. 166 p. (R E9632) Commercial magnets Waraporn Wattanakit. The composition and forces generated by orthodontic and commercial magnets. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 74 p. (T E18422) Commercial orchids พรรณี อัศวตรีรัตนกุล. การถายโอนลักษณะดีของกลวยไมหอมเขาสูกลวยไมเศรษฐกิจ = Transferring of genuine characteristics from fragrance orchids to commercial orchids. สงขลา : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร วิทยาเขตหาดใหญ, 2543. 35 หนา. (ว 110082) Commercial pilots Supanwadee Chanthopas. Appropriate linear models of a factors influencing occupational stress among commercial pilots in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 140 p. (T E33942) Commercial Policy Montri Nathananan. Theoretical essays on trade policies, mergers and foreign direct investment. Nottingham : University of Nottingham, 2003. 161 p. (T E22149) Commercial policy Thamavit Terdudomtham. The political economy of trade protection in Thailand (1960-present). Madison : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994. 259 p. (T E8383) Commercial products Suchart Thada-Thamrongvech. Paretian optimum in characteristics and in goods : a theory of new and old commodities = จุดเหมาะสมแบบพาเรโตในคุณลักษณะของสินคาและในตัวสินคา : ทฤษฎีของสินคาใหมและสินคา เกา. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1985. 28 leaves. (R E4534) Teerin Vanichseni. A system analysis for sustainable and commercial uses of biodiesel from palm oil production in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 164 p. (T E21976) พลเทพ ตัณธวัชชารมน. การวิเคราะหสาเหตุและผลกระทบของการขาดเสถียรภาพในการสงออกสินคาของประเทศไทย. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2540. 166 หนา. (วพ 100273) Commercial products--Purchasing วรชัย เกียรติกองขจร. การทดสอบแบบจําลองการกระทําดวยเหตุผลตามแนวทฤษฎีของ มารตน ิ ฟชบายน ในดานที่เกี่ยวกับ พฤติกรรมการซื้อสินคาของผูบริโภคในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 57 หนา. (วพ 99249) วราภรณ พงษไพบูลย. การเปดรับขาวสารโครงการรณรงคใหนิยมไทย ความตระหนักถึงการแกไขปญหาเศรษฐกิจและพฤติกรรม การซื้อสินคาของผูบริโภคในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = Exposure to "Thai product promotion" campaign, realization of economic problem solving and purchasing behavior of Bangkok consumers. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 156 หนา. (วพ 100399) Commercial products--Transportation สมภพ มานะรังสรรค. การขนสงสินคาผานแดนไทยไปยังประเทศอินโดจีน. กรุงเทพฯ : ศูนยบริการวิชาการแหงจุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 2 เลม. (ว 99502 ล.1; 99503 ล.2) Commercial sex Or Vathanak. Unsafe sex practices and its correlates among commercial sex worker in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 55 p. (T E13844) Commercial sex worker Ameporn Ratinthorn. Being a commercial sex worker in Thailand : experiences and health care seeking behaviors. San Francisco : University of California San Francisco, 2000. 255 p. (T E16217) Commercial treaties Praipol Koomsup. The impact of the Tokyo round trade agreement on Thai exports to Japan. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1985. 117 p. (R E8725) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 130] Commercial zone development master พิชิต ตรีเทพาสัมพันธ. การจัดการที่พักอาศัยของขาราชการตํารวจ สถานีตํารวจนครบาลปทุมวันและสถานีตํารวจดับเพลิง บรรทัดทอง เมื่อมีการยายตามแผนแมบทเขตพานิชยของจุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย = Accommodation management for the relocation of Patumwan Police Station and Bunthat-Thong fire brigede effective from the commercial zone development master for Chulalongkorn University's implementation. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 145 หนา. (วพ 112399) Commercialized sport Uthaiwan Theerapanphong. A study of ethical issues in sports : overemphasis on winning and commercialized sports. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 111 p. (T E24128) Commingled wells Tuan, Anh Nguyen. Performance evaluation of commingled wells with production data. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 199 p. (T E36073) Commission merchants Hong, Hu. Factors influencing malaria endemicity in Yunnan province, China (a pilot study of application of geographical information system in disease mapping). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 62 p. (T E12541) Pornsri Disorntatiwat. Factors affecting postpartum women's anxiety-depression in Ramathibodi hosptial : logistic regression analysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 123 p. (T E13854) Commission merchants Manufocturers'agents Factors [Algebra] Anchalee Yamklin. Survey of osteoporosis in the elderly in Chonburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 89 p. (T E21620) Commissioner police Jakrit Daengsurisri. Morale in practice of the commissioner police offices in Economic Crime Division. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 75 p. (T E18102) Narongdej Moolasartsathorn. Satisfaction in job performance of the commissioner police in Police Cadet Academy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 63 p. (T E17737) Commitment Narumon Sriintravanit. Effect of a prenatal attachment promoting program on anxiety and maternal-fetal attachment in pregnant women experiencing previous prenatal loss. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 83 p. (T E33070) Commitment [Psychology] Jariyaporn Wannachot. Attachment behaviors in adolescent mothers and their three month old infants during breast-feeding. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 65 p. (T E33918) Jiraporn Sanguanklin. Effects of newborn interactive bath teaching on maternal attachment, role satisfaction, and competency in infant behavioral learning of first-time mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 109 p. (T E19355) Napaporn Kala. The relationship between selected factors, anxiety and prenatal attachment in women who have previously experienced perinatal loss. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 102 p. (T E17847) Phakdee Tawinno. Factors affecting organizational commitment of the Seventh-Day Adventist Institutional staff in Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2003. 143 p. (T E22257) Sawitri Thayansin. Influence of connectedness to parents and peers on drug use initiation among Thai male youth. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 101 p. (T E37708) ประภาพร ดํารงคสุข. ความสัมพันธระหวางความเชื่อในการควบคุมและรูปแบบการใชอํานาจของผูบังคับบัญชากับความผูกพันตอ งานของผูใตบังคับบัญชา : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีธนาคารนครธน จํากัด (มหาชน). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 120 หนา. (วพ 100758) วรกานต เสี่ยงอารมณ. อิทธิพลของความยากงายของเปาหมายและรางวัลที่มีตอผลิตภาพการทํางานและความผูกพันใจใน เปาหมาย. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 89 หนา. (วพ 100757) Committee of saving groups for production มาลีรัตน สุคโต. ปจจัยที่มีผลตอการปฏิบัติงานของคณะกรรมการกลุมออมทรัพยเพื่อการผลิต : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี อําเภอลานสัก จังหวัดอุทัยธานี = Factors that have influence on the operation of the committee of saving groups for production : a case study of Lansak district, Uthaithanee province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 110 หนา. (วพ 113365) Committees Duangporn Hengboonyaphan. The strategic issues affecting the achievement of mission of district health coordinating committee (DHCC) in Khonkaen. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 89 p. (T E10730) Prathan Luecha. Standard procedure of the pharmacy and therapetic committee in antihypertensive drug selection for hospitals use. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 137 p. (T E14795) Committees for the defence of the revolution Kittipod Hongsombud. Ghana's committees for the defence of the revolution (CDRs). Birmingham : University of Birmihgham, 2001. 278 p. (T E15958) Committees of the House of Representatives ปธาน สุวรรณมงคล. บทบาทของคณะกรรมาธิการสามัญ สภาผูแทนราษฎร = The role of the standing committees of the house of representatives. กรุงเทพฯ : สํานักงานเลขาธิการสภาผูแทนราษฎร, 2540. 1 เลม (ไมปรากฏเลขหนา). (ว 100726 ฉ.1; 125985 ฉ.2) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 131] Commodity production cycles Tran, Ngoc Thanh. A state space study of comodity production cycles. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1976. 58 p. (T E22687) Common agricultural policy Pongthep prasopchokechai. The EU and Asean on the perspective of the common agricultural policy. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 362 p. (T E38094) Common bean Bichai Somboonwong. Yield performance of seven varieties of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown after wetland rice as affected by inoculation and fertilizer application. Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1990. 85 p. (T E40211) Sampun Campiranon. Oscillations in the susceptibility of Phaseolus vulgaris L. to 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Minnesota : University of Minnesota, 1975. 57 p. (T E22557) Common carotid artery Wimon Ninyaporn. Effects of Phyllanthus emblica fruits extract on memory impairment and neuronal cell death induced by bilateral occlusion of common carotid artery in mice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 53 p. (T E39575) Common cold Angkham Ounavong. Self-medication of antibiotics in mild URI among mothers with children under five years old, in Naxaithong district, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 75 p. (T E21289) Jaruwan Rattanamongkolkul. Symtom experiences and management strategies in older adults with common cold or influenza. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 103 p. (T E20447) Sabpanich Palabun. Symptom experiences and management strategies in adults with common cold or influenza. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 121 p. (T E20515) Common cold medicines Ongart Pipitharome. Determination of nitrogenous compounds in common cold medicines by capillary electrophoresis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 177 p. (T E20032) Common content gateway Siam Leewatanahong. The common content gateway for multiple accessing devices. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 53 p. (R E22121) Common Currencies กรกรัณย กังพานิชกุล. เงินสกุลรวมในกลุมประเทศอาเซียน = Common ASEAN currency. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 130 หนา. (วพ 112578) Common cutworm Nuttapon Theskayan. The study of potential elimination of a common cutworm (Spodeptera litura, Farbr) by cyanide extracted from cassava. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 97 p. (T E34340) Common property Kaneungnit Tubtim. Common property as enclosure : a case study of a backswamp in southern Laos. Bangkok : Thailand Research Fund, 2003. 23 p. (R E26585) Kaneungnit Tubtim. Common property as enclosure : a case study of a community backswamp in southern Lao PDR. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 219 p. (T E18134) Common property management Pommerenke, Lori La Vonne. Eucalyptus in the community forest : the social and ecological implications of an exotic plantation on common property management in northeastern Thailand. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota, 2000. 187 p. (T E16317) Common risk difference estimators Puntarika Pornprasit. A comparison of common risk difference estimators when data are sparse. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 92 p. (T E23733) Common scab ธวัชชัย พิชิตชัยกุล. การพัฒนาเครื่องนับฟาผาแบบซีเกร. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2534. ฑ, 109 หนา. (วพ 53646) Common sense Sirilak Kitsripisarn. Perspectives of Thai nurses in wisdom-health. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 148 p. (T E39823) Common stock--Price Vasuthep Bhanavavatana. The relevance of the dividend policy on common stock price in the sfock exchange of Thailand. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2006. 173 p. (T E35914) Common tree shrew Sununta Chuncher. Types of vascular wall as related to vasa vasorum in common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 62 p. (T E33639) Common Tree-shrew Somneuk Nilbu-nga. Blood supply of the ciliary ganglion and other intraorbital organs in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 53 p. (T E11652) Common tree-shrew Ampai Nussati. Penile microvascularization in common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 54 p. (T E10634) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 132] Common tree-shrew (ตอ) Busaba Panyarachun. Study on trachea epithet epithelial cell of common tree shrew (Tupaia glis) by scanning electron microscopy. Bangkok : Srinakharinwirot University, [1998]. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E14419 c.1; E14420 c.2) Churairat Duangchan. Microvascularization of the midbrain in common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 101 p. (T E14982) Decha Buranajitpirom. Angioarchitecture of medulla oblongata in the common tree-shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 78 p. (T E15326) Ittipon Phoungpetchara. Microvascularization of pons in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 82 p. (T E14926) Koumkrit Pisetpaisan. Microangioarchitecture of seminal vesicle and prostate gland in common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 106 p. (T E15304) Natthiya Khomphatraporn. Cerebellar microvascularization in common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 94 p. (T E11972) Panjit Chunhabundit. Scanning electron microscropic study on pineal vascularization of common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. vii, 57 p. (T E6403) Raksawan Poonkhum. Angioarchitecture of the common tree shrew lung as revealed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Bangkok : Faculty of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot University, 1999. 1 vol(in various pagings). (R E15142 c.1; E15143 c.2) Raksawan Poonkhum. Cerebral angioarchitecture in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 70 p. (T E11912) Sirinun Pongmayteegul. Ultrastructure and microvascularization of sphenopalatine ganglion in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 67 p. (T E11909) Somjintana Toutip. Microvascularization of the esophagus in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. xi, 52 p. (T E7154) Sununta Chuncher. Microvascularization of thalamus and metathalamus in common tree shrew (Tupaia Glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 98 p. (T E14083) Supawadee Mankhetwit. Dorsal root ganglion microvasculature in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis) as revealed by SEM of plastic corrosion cast. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiii, 59 p. (T E8028) Thaworn Mingsakul. Ultrastructure and microangioarchitecture of the choroid plexus in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis) = การศึกษาโครงสรางละเอียดและโครงหลอดเลือดของคอรอยดเพล็กซัสในกระแต. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 113 p. (T E13045) Waraporn Promwikorn. Angioarchitecture in celiac ganglion complex of common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 72 p. (T E10002) Wisuit Pradidarcheep. Testicular microvascularization in common tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. ix, 52 p. (T E7184) Common vegetable Pahol Kosiyachinda. In vitro studies of metal homeostasis in local lead hyperaccumulator plant species. Bangkok : Department of Biology Mahidol University, 2008. 64 p. (R E39217) Communal element อภิชัย กาบทอง. กระบวนการเปลี่ยนแปลงขององคประกอบชุมชนในกรุงรัตนโกสินทร : กรณีศึกษายานบางลําพู = Transformation process of communal elements in Krung Rattanakosin : a case study of Banglumpoo district. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 224 หนา. (วพ 108911) Communal irrigation systems Pearson, Ross E.. A political economy analysis of the impact of agrarian change and urbanisation on communal irrigation systems in the Chiang Mai valley, northern Thailand. Sydney : Macquarie University, 1999. 298 p. (T E16313) Communal saving system Sevilla, Ramon Cavada. " Share" economies : a study of communal saving system in a Bangkok slum. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1976. 106 p. (T E22607) Commune health centers Nguyen, Ngoc Diep. Factors affecting the promotion of curative care at Commune Health Centers in Dong Thap province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 74 p. (T E10981) Communicable disease Chompu Sriudomkajorn. Web based reporting system for the communicable disease surveillance of Samutprakarn Provincial Public Health Office. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 98 p. (T E33398) Communicable disease control programes วิโรจน เอี่ยมระหงษ. การวิเคราะหรูปแบบและแนวทางการพัฒนาการบริหารงานปองกันและควบคุมโรคติดตอของฝายสุขาภิบาล และปองกันโรค โรงพยาบาลชุมชน ในเขต 1 = An analysis and development guidelines model for communicable disease control programmes administration of the community hospital sanitation and prevention section in region 1. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 164 หนา. (วพ 104034) Communicable disease in old age Supranee Choeichom. Elderly health service utilization : the study of Kanchanaburi demographic surveillance system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 156 p. (T E33470) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 133] Communicable diseases Bachani, Damodar. Perspectives and potential of graduate health volunteers in expanded programme on immunization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 132 p. (T E6523) Kanchana Kongchak. Field evaluation of two diagnostic antigen tests for Wuchereria banchofti among various groups in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 66 p. (T E18446) Mareeya Udom. Diphtheria immunity prevalence in population of Phrae province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 117 p. (T E10612) Pande, Shanta Bahadur. Association between gonorrhea and HIV infection in Bangkok Hospital, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. x, 75 p. (T E8011) Communicable diseases in animals Sitdhi Boonyaratpalin. Bacterial pathogen involved in the epizootic ulcerative syndrome of fish in Asia. Bangkok : Department of Fisheries, 1987. (4), 15 leaves. (R E4347) Somkiat Kanchanakhan. Field and laboratory studies on rhabdoviruses associated with epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) of fishes. Scotland : University of Stirling, 1996. 278 p. (T E11067) Communicable diseases in children--Kanchanaburi Yeahia, Saieef Uddin. Study on factors affecting the use of oral rehydration therapy by mothers in diarrhoeal disease of under five years children in Kanchanaburi provincial hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 70 p. (T E11999) Communicable diseases in children--Prevention Attique, Amer. Utilization of immunization services among mothers with children under five years of age in Abboltabad district, Pakistan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 66 p. (T E13845) Communicable diseases infection Krithakron Pratomvong. Studies on reinfection of Opisthorchis viverrini infection after biannual mass treatment at Namon district, Kalasin province = การติดเชื้อซ้ําของโรคพยาธิใบไมในตับ (Opisthorchis viverrini) หลังจากการ รักษา 2 ครั้งตอปที่อําเภอนามน จังหวัดกาฬสินธุ. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 2 microfiches (97 fr.). (T MF20433) Sasamon Hiranratananakin. Oral roselle-electrolyte powder for treatment of infections diarrhea. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 75 p. (T E15070) Sumet Wajanarogana. Cloning and sequencing of flagellin gene(s) from different isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 120 p. (T E12168) Communicable diseases--Diagnosis Somboon Srimuang. Standardization of candida antigen and homologous antiserum and their application in diagnosis of systemic candidosis by immunodiffusion test = การเทียบมาตราฐานแอนติเจนและแอนติบอดีย ของ เชื้อแคนดิดา และประโยชนในการชวยวินิจฉัยโรคติดเชื้อแคนดิดาที่อวัยวะภายใน โดยวิธีตกตะกอนในวุน. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 2 microfiches (101 fr.). (T MF20370) Communicable diseases--Hospitals Siriluk Salukum. Randomized control trial of application of the CDC. control guidelines category I and education for reduction of nosocomial UTI in CMU. hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. xiii, 134 p. (T E7014) Communicable diseases--In infancy and childhood--Nursing สุจรรยา ทั่งทอง. ปจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธกับพฤติกรรมการปองกันและดูแลบุตรขณะเจ็บปวย ดวยโรคติดเชื้อเฉียบพลันระบบหาย ในใจเด็กของมารดาในชนบท = Factors related to illness preventive behavior and care of rural mothers to children with acute respiratory infection. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 149 หนา. (วพ 99311) Communicable diseases--Tak Satinee Lertprapai. Factors which effect the transmission of malaria and its control in the rainy season : a case study in Tak province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 222 p. (T E11901) Communicable diseases--Thailand, Northeastern Elkins, David B.. Containing the spread of aids in northeast Thai communities Phase 2. migration and the seroepidemiology of sexually transmitted infections in rural northeast Thailand. Queensland : [s.n.], 1993. 64 p. (R E8664) Communicable diseases--Transmission Igarashi, Akira. Studies on the pathogenesis and transmission of dengue hemorrhagic fever. Nagasaki : Nagasaki University, 1998. 32 p. (R E14173 c.1; E14174 c.2) Suporn Foongladda. Genetic and biological characterization of HIV-1 subtype E in vertical transmission. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 135 p. (T E11384) Communicable--Patients ปนวิน ปนรารัยนนท. สถานการณผูปวยโรคติดตอกลุมแรงงานตางชาติที่จังหวัดภูเก็ต ในเดือนกันยายน 2539-กุมภาพันธ 2540. ภูเก็ต : กลุมงานพยาธิวิทยากายวิภาค โรงพยาบาลวชิระภูเก็ต, [2541]. 8 หนา. (ว 99516) Communication Anchalee Chaiwongsa. Study on English communication problems of guesthouse front desk staff at Khoa San Road, Bangkok. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2006. 59 p. (R E34595) Anchana Sriraungrith. Communication and participation in community-based ecotourism (CBET) project in selected villages of Phetchabun province, Thailand. Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 2006. 204 p. (T E36334) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 134] Communication (ตอ) Anuchit Boonyapatipark. Communication strategies employed by Thai tourist officers in the process of interviewing foreign tourists. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2000. 126 p. (T E15956) Arunee Namamuti. A study of English communication between hotel front desk staff and ASEAN guests. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1999. 149 p. (T E14849) Arunee Puengpornsawan. University students' use of mobile phones and pagers in Thai society. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1998. 140 p. (R E12871) Benjaporn Loketsathian. A stady of english conversation problems between register staff and foreigh customers at Bangkok Hospital. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 568 p. (R E40833) Chalita Manisri. Media exposure and practice of dwellers in Samakki Thewasoonthorn crowded community towards solid waste seperation at source campaign. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 131 p. (T E19657) Chen, Chun-Shiu. Attitudes of Taiwanese tour operators towards communication aspects of Thai tourism marketing promotion. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 94 p. (T E22282) Chuucheep Beadnok. A study of communication strategies of Isan in-migrants in coffee plantations in southern Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 109 p. (T E21007) Duenden Viboolphant. The needs for the English communicative competence of non-native English speaking front-line staff of international airlines in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 105 p. (T E25054) Golomb, Louis. Curing and communication in multiethnic Thailand. Hawaii : University of Hawaii, 1980. 225 p. (R E12932) Jirapan Udomkit. Communication anxiety for the basic signal officers in the English classroom at the Signal school. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 174 p. (T E21186) Jiravadee Bunpabut. A study of emoticons meaning through Internet communication among university students. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 120 p. (T E20517) Jumnongruk Udomsade. Interagency communication, coordination and participation in promoting ecological concerns in Thailand. Los Banos : University of Philippines Los Banos, 1993. xv, 122p. (T E6076) Kanyanart Boonprasit. Factors affecting high school students' attitudes toward premarital sexual intercourse. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 110 p. (T E23164) Kitirom Kasemsri. Participatory communication in city radio FM 96.0. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 85 p. (T E26664) Manee Jiranapakul. A survey of language needs for communication by Thai engineers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 114 p. (T E10546) Monta Chatupote. Communicative strategies : their potential in communication and learning. Sydney : University of Sydney, 1990. 248 p. (T E40227) Natawut Nupairoj. Multicast communication : from platform-independent modeling to platform-dependent tuning. Michigan : Michigan State University, 1998. 158 p. (T E11922) Nongnoot Tangjaijaroensap. A study of culturally-appropriate communicative competence of the fourth-year English-Education major students at Naresuan University. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 82 p. (T E39720) Orawan Pusukhon. Satisfaction on interactive : "Mom's line" service of SAMART Info Media Company Limited. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 114 p. (T E23494) Pairote Wilainuch. Communication between nurses and patients in HIV/AIDS counselling, in Thailand. York : University of York, 2006. 427 p. (T E38544) Panrattana Chenaksara. Needs analysis for english communication skills of Thai Airways International cabin crew. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 90 p. (T E28908) Parkinson, Sarah. Telecentres, access and development experience and lessons from Uganda and South Africa. Kampala : ITDG Pub, 2005. 148 p. (R E25099) Patrarawan Limsuwan. Factors affecting information needs on SMEs policy of hotel employees in Pataya area. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 102 p. (T E21234) Piyanart Akkhakraisri. A corpus-based approach to the genre analysis of marketing copy posted on the hotel chain websites. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 149 p. (T E22866) Pongpan Suwannant. Approche communicationuelle dans I'enseignement du francais de specialite (tourisme) en Thailande. Paris : Universite Rene Descartes, 1996. vol. (T E11017 c.1; E11187 c.2) Pornpattana Rakjit. Communication methods and people participation in promoting mangrove conservation of Bangkaew Sub-district Administration Organization Samut Songkhram province. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 69 p. (T E23131) Reza, Rokhsana. Factors influencing fertility preference of men in Bangladesh. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 64 p. (T E16361) Rochana Nantayapirom. Private and public sector employees' and graduate students' attitudes toward the language and communication program at NIDA. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1997. 78 p. (R E12258) Rong Phoophuangpairoj. Verification of message exchange in a model of office communication. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 61 p. (T E10922) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 135] Communication (ตอ) Sarika Ketklao. Persuasive communication in insurance sales. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 128 p. (T E21125) Siripen Srimandakul. Setting up of coordination and communication systems in the production department for a plastic packaging company. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 257 p. (T E21966) Siriwan Jitlaoarporn. A study of the relationship between personal characteristics, video games exposures and behavior of adolescent. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 154 p. (T E18603) Sumonthip Ruksaphol. An analysis of lie-telling in communication : aspects of its necessities and roles. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2003. 123 p. (T E23025) Suthada Kunha. The development of clinical nursing practice guideline by utilization of research findings to facilitate communication among the intubated patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 136 p. (T E21079) Terdsak Rojsurakitti. Antecedents, consequences and mediating roles of trust in relationships between customers and insurance companies in Thailand. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 136 p. (T E39056) Thanu Udomwatana. Communication factors related to employee perceptions on the occupational health and safety system. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 76 p. (T E23183) Trun Sirikanchana. Development communication students' attitude toward the application of television corporate advertising. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 99 p. (T E18457) Urapa Prasertsaruay. Factors affecting internet chatting of Kasetsart University Laboratory School students. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 127 p. (T E18899) Veeravarn Kulchol. Communication problems between Thai and Froeign flight attendants on international airline flights. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 189 p. (T E40841) Voogt, Paul. Public opinion in a Thai village. Bangkok : National Research Council of Thailand, 1985. 42 leaves. (R E2420) Vuthichai Napasab. Studies on polarization-state control in coherent optical fiber communications = การศึกษาการ ควบคุมสถานะของโพลาไรเซชันในระบบการสื่อสารดวยเสนใยแสงแบบรวมนัย. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1988. 4 microfiches (211 fr.). (T MF20404) Yuwapa Thawonsanitkul. Influences of Japanese comic books toward the student's behavior. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 110 p. (T E23444) กาญจนา เชี่ยววิทยการ. พฤติกรรมการเปดรับขาวสาร การรับรูประโยชนและความพึงพอใจในการสื่อสารระบบการประชุม ทางไกลผานจอภาพ = Media exposure, perceived utility and satisfaction obtained through video conference system. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 131 หนา. (วพ 95553) กุนนที อนุรักติพันธุ. ประสิทธิผลของการใชสื่อเพื่อการประชาสัมพันธ ของการไฟฟาฝายผลิตแหงประเทศไทย ศึกษาเฉพาะ กรณี โครงการบันไดปลาโจน ที่เขื่อนปากมูล จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 172 หนา. (วพ 99146) ชนาธิป โสมะเกษตริน. การสื่อสารความเปนไทยของบริษัท การบินไทย จํากัด (มหาชน) = Thai conceptualization in communication of Thai Airways International Public Company Limited. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 214 หนา. (วพ 100705) ชนินทร ตวนชะเอม. การเปดรับขาวสาร ความรู ทัศนคติและการมีสวนรวมในโครงการ "รักไทยใหถูกทาง" ของนิสิตนักศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยรัฐบาลและเอกชนในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = Media exposure, knowledge, attitude and participation in the campaigh "Do it right for Thailand" for the students in the government and private universities in the Bangkok area. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 196 หนา. (วพ 100475) นพรัตน มุณีรัตน. การสื่อสารในการจัดการทองเที่ยวเชิงนิเวศของชุมชนคีรีวง อ.ลานสกา จ.นครศรีธรรมราช = Communication for ecotourism management at Keereewong community, Lansaka district, Nakhon Sri Thammarat province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 133 หนา. (วพ 100367) นิภา เมืองรัตน. ความสัมพันธระหวางพฤติกรรมการสื่อสาร ความทันสมัยและความเชื่อ ความศรัทธา และการปฏิบัติศาสนกิจของ คริสตศาสนิกชนคาทอลิก = The relationship of communication behavior, modernization and the people's belief, faith, religious practice among Catholics. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 149 หนา. (วพ 100359) ภาวี กรีใจวัง. การสื่อสาร ทัศนคติและการมีสวนรวมขององคกรพัฒนาเอกชนในโครงการ "นักเรียนนายรอยตํารวจสัมผัสปญหา ชุมชน" = Communication attitude and participation of NGOs in "Police Cadet Academy students and community relation" project. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 122 หนา. (วพ 100488) มนตรี สุดสม. กลยุทธการสื่อสารเพื่อสงเสริมความปลอดภัยทางการจราจรในจังหวัดภูเก็ต = Communication strategy for traffic safety in Phuket province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 149 หนา. (วพ 100333) วรภัทร สังขนอย. ปจจัยที่มีผลตอการตัดสินใจบริจาคอวัยวะของญาติผูเสียชีวิต = Factors affecting the decision of family to donate organs. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 205 หนา. (วพ 100484) ศิรสา สอนศรี. การศึกษากลยุทธการประชาสัมพันธปทองเที่ยวไทยของจังหวัดเชียงใหม การเปดรับขาวสารการรับรู การมีสวน รวมสนับสนุนการทองเที่ยวในปทองเที่ยวไทยของประชาชน ในเขตอําเภอเมืองจังหวัดเชียงใหม = Public relations tourism strategies, and media exposure, perception and participation of people in Muang district, Chiangmai province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 212 หนา. (วพ 100303) สมควร กวียะ. การสื่อสารและประชาสัมพันธเพื่อสนับสนุนงานเคหะชุมชนตามแผนพัฒนาที่อยูอาศัย ในชวงแผนพัฒนา เศรษฐกิจและสังคมแหงชาติ ฉบับที่ 8 (พ.ศ.2540-2544) = Communication strategies to support the housing community work according to the housing development under the Eighth Naitonal Economic and Social Development (B.E.2540-2544). กรุงเทพฯ : ศูนยวิชาการที่อยูอาศัย การเคหะแหงชาติ, 2541. 172 หนา. (ว 100265) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 136] Communication (ตอ) สุวรรณี เตชะวิรัชชน. พฤติกรรมการสื่อสารกับความพึงพอใจในการทํางานและการปรับตัวในการทํางานของคนญีป ่ ุนที่เขามา ทํางานในประเทศไทย = Communication behavior, job satisfaction and adaptation of Japanese working in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 116 หนา. (วพ 100312) เสนห นครสันติภาพ. พฤติกรรมการเปดรับขาวสารดานวัฒนธรรมไทย เกี่ยวกับคานิยมพื้นฐานของนักศึกษาสถาบันราชภัฏบาน สมเด็จเจาพระยา. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 128 หนา. (วพ 99137) Communication and sex Punnamee Sornampon. Sex and humor in Thai humorous paperback. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2000. 86 p. (R E15339) Communication and traffic Dechanuchit Katanyutaveetip. Fault-tolerant multicast routing protocol for real-time traffic on the internet. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 201 p. (T E18782) Somthida Siriratnapan. Public awareness of human trafficking : Thailand's case study. [S.l.] : Central Police University, 2006. 116 p. (T E36370) Sorasak Thongmee. Factors affecting traffic performance of police traffic in the Metropolitan Police Subdivision 9. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 89 p. (T E20113) Soynapa Harnmetta. Drivers' opinions of participation in solving air pollution problems caused by ground traffic in Nonthaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 167 p. (T E24440) Communication and traffic--Bangkok Khan, Malik Mohammad Saeed. Acceleration noise as a measure of traffic operations on arterials in Bangkok. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1970. 114 p. (T E22652) Sonchai Lobyaem. The effectiveness of jobs-housing balance as a strategy for reducing traffic congestion : a study of metropolitan Bangkok. Texas : Texas A&M University, 2006. 89 p. (T E36529) Communication and traffic--Chiang Mai Phongpan Mokmued. Effect of tatal suspended particles on pulmonary function and their toxicity to DNA of inhabitants from heavy traffic area in Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 89 p. (T E35107) Communication and traffic--Control Vongchai Jarernswan. The simulation of traffic to evaluate the efficiency of the intersection control system. Oklahoma : Oklahoma State University, 1976. 142 p. (T E22363) Communication and traffic--Khon Kaen ธนาวัชร ดีบุญมี. การจัดระบบสัญญาณไฟจราจรในเขตเทศบาลขอนแกน = Development of traffic light control system in Khon Kaen municipality. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 135 หนา. (วพ 97775) Communication and traffic--Laos Vivath Sauvaly. The impact of integrated transport network on urban development in Lao PDR.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 217 p. (T E39342) Communication and traffic--Management Segschneider, Karl H.. Mitigating the traffic problem at Chiang Mai University through environment management measures based on the polluter pays principle [PPP]. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 232 p. (R E16637) Communication and traffic--Phuket มนตรี สุดสม. กลยุทธการสื่อสารเพื่อสงเสริมความปลอดภัยทางการจราจรในจังหวัดภูเก็ต = Communication strategy for traffic safety in Phuket province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 149 หนา. (วพ 100333) Communication and--Bangkok Lin, Tyh-Ming. Dispersion of platoons of vehicles in Bangkok traffic. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1981. 90 p. (T E22449) Communication anxiety Camik Hayeepaji. A case study of an anxious speaker. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 111 p. (T E37897) Communication approach เปรมจิตต ปตุรักษพงษา. ผลของการเสนอตัวอยางในการสอนตามแนวสื่อสารตอความเขาใจมโนทัศนภาษาอังกฤษ ของ นักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 1 ที่มีผลการเรียนแตกตางกัน = Effects of instances presentation using communication approach on understanding English concept of mathayom suksa one students with different learning achievements. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 131 หนา. (วพ 110267) Communication arts student สุภาวดี ศิริสรรหิรัญ. การวิเคราะหระดับความเกี่ยวพันกับสิ่งแวดลอมและการรับรูความหมายของเนือ ้ หาสารในการทองเที่ยวเชิง อนุรก ั ษ ของนิสิตนักศึกษานิเทศศาสตร = An analysis of environmental involvement and communication arts students' perception towards the "Ecotourism" message meaning. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 117 หนา. (วพ 94230) Communication behaviors พิชญา รัตนพล. พฤติกรรมการสื่อสาร ความคาดหวังผลประโยชนและความนาเชื่อถือ ของรายการวิทยุเพื่อสังคมและชุมชน : ศึกษากรณีสถานีวิทยุชุมชน = Communication behaviors, benefits expectation and the perceived source credibility of the audiences on the radio programme for society and community : a case study of the city radio station. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 117 หนา. (วพ 95237) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 137] Communication campaign Chalita Manisri. Media exposure and practice of dwellers in Samakki Thewasoonthorn crowded community towards solid waste seperation at source campaign. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 131 p. (T E19657) Communication constraints Yenying Chongchit. Communication constraints between foreign exchange students and their Thai host families. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 41 p. (R E38058) Communication effectiveness training prograin Chinanaj Jittarom. The effect of communication effectiveness training program on communication of family with adolescences. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 176 p. (T E17678) Communication equipments Supreecha Suk-on. Database development on webpage for tracking the specification and stock number assignment of communication equipments. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 117 p. (T E18301) Communication games Chantisa Chanprasert. Using communication games to promote students' grammatical competence. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 144 p. (R E13401) Tanom Tiensawangchai. An Investigation into the effects of using communication games with the preparation of feed-in language towards the oral interaction in English of EST students at the Faculty of Engineering Technology, ITVE, Dhevet, Bangkok. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1988. 155 p. (T E8181) Communication in agriculture Nuttakaew Khongrod. Communication analysis of sweet tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) technology utilization in Phetchabun, Thailand. Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 2003. 165 p. (T E22316) อุมาพรรณ สุรนาคะพันธุ. การใชอินทราเนตในการแลกเปลี่ยนขอมูลขาวสารของผูสื่อขาวเกษตรชุมชน = The use of intranet for information exchange by community reporters. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 147 หนา. (วพ 100483) Communication in birth control--Vietnam Le Thi, Phuong Mai. Couple communication on family planning in Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 76 p. (T E10086) Communication in community development Genilo, Jude William. Community-based communication in a Thai rice farm village : constructing and managing local knowledge and practices. Mandaluyong City : Advocates for Community-Based Communication and Development, 2005. 52 p. (R E25038) Communication in drug prevention Aveephan Sumitra. Communication factors related to effective prevention of drug abuse in the Khlong Takien community project. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 116 p. (T E23036) Communication in fisheries Sirilak Thampatjai. Fishery volunteers on communication performance for aquatic resources conservation development : a case study in Chon Buri province. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 89 p. (T E20305) Communication in foreign language education Nantavit Pornpibul. The ability in using English for communication of undergraduate students majoring in English teaching in Higher Education Institutions under the Jurisdiction of the Ministry of the University Affairs. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1994. 25 p. (R E11552) Communication in marketing Benjaporn Leenakul. The organizational communication of the event organizer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 114 p. (T E34406) Siriphen Chantarasathit. A study of the influence of English-Thai-language brand names of cosmetics on attitudes and buying decisions by working women. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1997. 246 p. (T E12268) Sukanda Ngamkham. The persuasive language strategies on shampoo labels : attitudes and buying decisions of Thai teenagers. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1999. 141 p. (T E13533) กนกนาฏ สงาเนตร. การเปดรับขาวสารที่มีอิทธิพลตอการตัดสินใจซื้อเครื่องสําอางในระบบขายตรง = Information exposure and its influence upon purchasing decision of direct selling cosmetics. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 106 หนา. (วพ 100718) ชรีรัตน ประจักษธรรม. ความตองการขอมูลขาวสารในเว็บไซตโรงภาพยนตรของนิสิตนักศึกษาในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = Needs of information in theatre's website among university students in Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 143 หนา. (วพ 100451) ปรีชาวุฒิ ขุมทรัพย. กลยุทธการสื่อสารการตลาด ดานกองทุนสวนบุคคล กรณีศึกษาบริษัทเงินทุนหลักทรัพยเกียรตินาคิน จํากัด (มหาชน). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2539. 138 หนา. (วพ 100270) รื่นฤดี เตชะอินทราวงศ. การสื่อสารการตลาด ณ จุดขายและพฤติกรรมการซื้อของผูบริโภคในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = Point-ofpurchase marketing communication and consumer's purchasing behavior in Bangkok Metropolitan area. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 175 หนา. (วพ 100358) วรนุช ตั้งควิวิช. ทัศนคติ และพฤติกรรมของผูรับสารตอการสื่อสารทางดานการตลาดของโรงภาพยนตรระบบมัลติเพล็กซเครืออีจี วี. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 203 หนา. (วพ 99205) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 138] Communication in marketing (ตอ) วสิษฐ ดวงสงค. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบการเปดรับสื่อ พฤติกรรมการไปหางสรรพสินคาและการเปนเจาของสินคาคงทน ของ ลูกคาหางสรรพสินคา ในเขตกรุงเทพมหานครกอนและหลังวิกฤตเศรษฐกิจ = The comparative study of media exposure shopping behavior and durable goods owning of department store and supermarket patrons in the Bangkok Metropolitan area : before and after economic crisis. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 83 หนา. (วพ 100309) สุรัฏฐา จารุพันธุ. บทบาทของงานการสื่อสารการตลาดครบรูปแบบ (Integrated Marketing Communication) ในการสราง ภาพพจนรถยนตเกาหลีของผูใชรถยนตนั่งสวนบุคคลใน กทม.. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 158 หนา. (วพ 98960) Communication in medicine Wararat Anuwong. Community pharmacist-child medication communication : magnitude, influences, content, and determinants of the pharmacist's decision to communicate with children. Toronto : Purdue University, 2000. 313 p. (T E16252) Communication in nursing Krittiya Chitraphan. Patients' opinions regarding the communication between medical staff and patients at the Orthopedic Clinic, Institute of Orthopedics, Lerdsin hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 65 p. (T E14578) Tipporn Sae-Choen. Interaction between nurses and patients with endotracheal intubation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 97 p. (T E19872) Worawanna Petchkij. A study of the problems of ward nurses in private hospitals in Bangkok in communicating English with foreign patients. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2001. 114 p. (T E16679) Communication in organization Benjaporn Leenakul. The organizational communication of the event organizer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 114 p. (T E34406) Communication in organizations Bovernluk Satayapongthiti. Employee's attitudes towards communication in Imperial Queen's Park hotel. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 88 p. (T E28906) Chanokamon Ruyaporn. The organizational communication and job satisfaction of the Bangkok Bank staffs, Metropolitan Branch. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 158 p. (T E20958) Nuchanida Pattamapassapong. Attitude of employees towards the organizational communications : the study in Thai Union Manufacturing Company Limited (Head Office). Bangkok : Thammasart University, 2007. 50 p. (R E38009) Patchareeya Torpradit. Satisfaction of the personnel in the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, toward the flow of in-out documents. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 60 p. (R E38023) Poramaphorn Prongjai. Selected demographic and communication factors related to job motivation of baggage screening officers at Bangkok International Airport (BIA). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 151 p. (T E23132) Rungtip Jantanakul. A study of communication during retirement in the Thai organizational context. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1998. 94 p. (R E12863) Suchanya Sridhup. Communication factors affecting job satisfaction of foreign airline employees at Bangkok International Airport. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 107 p. (T E20314) Communication in politics Sureerat Thong-in. Communication and political participation of political science students in Thammasat University : their perception and belief. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 54 p. (R E38031) Communication in public health Duangjai Mahantasanapong. The use of a specialized media for public health development in Surin : a case study of the cassette tapes during 1997-2001. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 147 p. (T E18626) Communication in the family Chinanaj Jittarom. The effect of communication effectiveness training program on communication of family with adolescences. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 176 p. (T E17678) Communication in tourist trade Sa-nguan Ampaipisut. Comminication problems of foreign tourists with travel services in Thailand. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 42 p. (R E38065) Communication innovation นฤมล ชยาธารรักษ. ผลกระทบของนวัตกรรมการสื่อสารตอสถาบันครอบครัวไทย = The effects of communication innovation towards the Thai family institution. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2542. 144 หนา. (วพ 111359) Communication laboratory ศักรินทร โสนันทะ. การสรางและหาประสิทธิภาพชุดประลองวิชา 111-363 ปฏิบัติการไฟฟาสื่อสาร = Construction and evaluation of the efficiency of training kits for communication laboratory. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระ จอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 248 หนา. (วพ 112596) Communication media Unnop Sangpoo. Communication media utilization in the teaching-learning process in Rajabhat Universities of Thailand. Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 2005. 187 p. (T E36339) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 139] Communication media exposure Pathu Suwannachart. Communication media used in the promotion of international tourism in Songkhla province. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 107 p. (T E24780) Communication network design Suwan Runggeratigul. Communication network design with the consideration of existing network. Pathum Thani : Electrical Engineering Program Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2001. 112 p. (R E20298) Communication networks กมลรัฐ อินทรทัศน. การสรางรูปแบบการสื่อสารแบบเครือขายหรือการสื่อสารแบบมีสวนรวมสําหรับใชในการประสานงานรวมกัน เพื่อพัฒนาดานการเกษตรของประเทศไทย = The communication network or the participatory communication model for agricultural development of Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 142 หนา. (ว 109023 ฉ.1; 127769 ฉ.2) จารุณี พัชรพิมานสกุล. การศึกษาเครือขายการสื่อสารของกลุมชีวจิต = The communication network of Chevajit group. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 148 หนา. (วพ 109938) ชวนวล คณานุกล ู . พฤติกรรมการเลนและเครือขายการสื่อสารของผูเลนหวยใตดิน = Gambling behaviors and communication networks of the underground lottery gamblers. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 172 หนา. (วพ 109102) Communication patterns ชื่นกมล ทิพยกุล. รูปแบบการสื่อสารในสภากาแฟของประชาชนในจังหวัดตรัง = The communication patterns of morning cafe groups in Trang province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 183 หนา. (วพ 108583) Communication policy สรอยทิพย ไตรสุทธิ์. นโยบายดานการสื่อสารโทรคมนาคมของประเทศไทย ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีแผนแมบทการพัฒนากิจการ โทรคมนาคม (ระหวางป พ.ศ.2538-2540). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 427 หนา. (วพ 99203) Communication problems Boonyarat Perkdetch. The influences of amount of care, communication problems, and caregivers' factors on role strain of stroke patients' caregivers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 111 p. (T E19878) Communication radio Wanicha Chaiwong. Radio usage and the needs of the community radio in Satun province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 110 p. (T E19274) Communication skills Narisara Pasitwilaithum. A study of importance and level of English communication skill competency as perceived by employers working in the Thai tourism industry. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2005. 101 p. (T E25186) Panida Yoochadchawal. Effect of promotive relationships and communication skills on knowledge, perception, and practice--violence reduction among couples. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 196 p. (T E20910) Communication stock ปริญญา บุญยกิจสมบัติ. ปจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลตอราคาหุนกลุมสื่อสาร = The factors affect communication stock prices. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 153 หนา. (วพ 105037) Communication stock prices ปริญญา บุญยกิจสมบัติ. ปจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลตอราคาหุนกลุมสื่อสาร = The factors affect communication stock prices. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 153 หนา. (วพ 105037) Communication strategies Choawalak Chaiwirattana. Communication strategies for sustainable development of community business for women farmer groups in the central region of Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 101 p. (T E16911) Napaporn Ngamwilaipong. Communication strategies in writing. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 81 p. (R E21790) Sirinit Chanawong. Oral English communication strategies employed by first-year medical students, Mahidol University, in the 2004 academic year. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 115 p. (T E37712) กนกรัตน วงศลักษณพันธ. กลยุทธการสื่อสารของเจาหนาที่บําบัดฟนฟู กับการมีสวนรวมในกิจกรรมฟนฟู ของผูเขารับการบําบัด ฟนฟูเพื่อเลิกยาเสพติด = Communication strategies of rehabilitative officers and the participation in rehabilitative activities of rehabilitative members for drug addiction quitting. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 245 หนา. (วพ 110254) ปณิธา รื่นบรรเทิง. กลยุทธการสื่อสารอันนําไปสูการกอตัวเปนชุมชนพัฒนาของชุมชนมุสลิมกุฎีขาว แขวงวัดกัลยาณ เขตธนบุรี กรุงเทพมหานคร = Communication strategies leading to the formation Muslim development community of Gudeekhow, Watkalaya subdistrict, Thonburi district, Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 138 หนา. (วพ 109116) ศรินลักษณ สวัสดีมงคล. กลยุทธการสื่อสารของทหารในการพัฒนาชุมชน = Military communication strategies for community development. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 142 หนา. (วพ 110429) Communication system Kimtho Po. Performance improvement in low latency handoff scheme in mobile IP communication system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 56 p. (T E23046) Communication systems Pasu Kaewplung. Performance improvement of fiber-optic transmission system by replacing electronic repeaters with optical amplifiers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 135 p. (R E24059c.1; E24060c.2) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 140] Communication technology Wiparat Tharateerapab. The effects of the people's network in communication technology on the development of democroxy in Burma. [S.l. : s.n.], 2001. 64 p. (T E19220) สมิทธินันท ไทยรุงโรจน. ปจจัยที่มีผลตอพัฒนาการของนิตยสารดานเทคโนโลยีการสื่อสาร = Factors affecting the development of communication technology magazines. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 176 หนา. (วพ 97105) Communication--Social aspects Juthamas Tangsantikul. Women, friendship & strangers : understanding Thai women's experiences of online social communication. Westminster : University of Westminster, 2003. 255 p. (T E24705) Communication--Study and teaching Sittiporn Niyomsrisomsak. Communication climate and teacher participation in organizational decision-making, ONPEC, Region 1, 6 and 12, Thailand. Ilocos Sur : University of Northern Philippines, 1991. xix, 198 p. (T E7905) Communication--Study and teaching--Roi Et Prayong Nouwabudra. Communication style of Thai elementary school supervisors. Missouri : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1992. xii, 122 p. (T E7927) Communications software Pakawat Nilapong. A development of software for DICOM communication. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 86 p. (T E17138) Peerayuth Charnsethikul. The development of an algorithm and a software for the Mixed Chinese Postman problem. Bangkok : Department of Industrial Engineering, Kasetsart University, 2000. 53 p. (R E14747) Communicative Competence Busaya Wacharabutr. A device to assess Thai Airways International Co. Ltd. cabin attendant's pragmatic and socio-linguistic communicative competence. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 256 p. (T E36204) Communicative competence Busba Tonthong. An analysis of communicative functions and grammatical forms of headlines in tourism advertisement in English printed media from 1986-1988. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 105 p. (T E7517) Mai Ton. Communicative strategies employed by Thai learners of English at university level in interaction with native speakers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. vii, 169 p. (T E6562) Nongnoot Tangjaijaroensap. A study of culturally-appropriate communicative competence of the fourth-year English-Education major students at Naresuan University. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 82 p. (T E39720) Communicative disorders Apinya Treekittichai. The comparison of communication performance of normal elderly and young adults on the Thai adaptaion of the arizona battery for communication disorders of dementia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 121 p. (T E17711) Sirirat Prayoonperaput. The comparison of communication performance of dementia patients and control elderly subjects by using Thai adaptation of the Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 87 p. (T E24234) Communicative english Prasert Jindaborisuti. A study of English-Thai code-mixing in public relations officers of Thai Commercial Banks functioning in the head offices. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1998. 169 p. (T E13488) Communicative language teaching Saowapha Wongnoppharatlert. A study of the implementation of communicative language teaching at the lower secondary school level in Bangkok public schools. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 147 p. (T E17104) Communities participation ชํานาญ ปาณาวงษ. ปจจัยที่สงผลตอการมีสวนรวมของชุมชนในการจัดการศึกษาโรงเรียนประถมศึกษา สังกัดสํานักงานการ ประถมศึกษา จังหวัดกําแพงเพชร : การศึกษาพหุกรณี = The effect factors to the communities participation in education management of primary schools under the Office of Kamphaengphet Provincial Primary Education : multi cases study. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2544. 152 หนา. (วพ 113845) Community Ampan Prombutr. Participation in agricultural training program of Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Surin, Thailand and its contribution to rural trainees and the community. Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1991. 191 p. (T E40201) Athapol Anunthavorasakul. A study of development of learning source in natural area and community : multiple case study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 178 p. (T E32978) Black, Heather. Monumental problems : cultural heritage and communities in Indonesia and Thailand. Ontario : University of Waterloo, 1997. 255 p. (T E14357) Haque, Aytal. Factors affecting the acceptance of contraceptive among married women of reproductive age in the Muslim community in village 12 and 13 subdistrict Klong Song, district Klong Luang of Pathumthani province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 97 p. (T E10073) Heath, Marc J.. Tourism development and the effects on local communities : a case study of Ko Chang. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 188 p. (T E38993) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 141] Community (ตอ) Jureerat Pholdee. The change of fishing culture in the lower-Mun-basin community after the construction of the Pak Mun dam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 142 p. (T E18101) Kanokkan Anukansai. An analysis and synthesis of community business in Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2001. 336 p. (T E18709) Kriengsak Sueluerm. The role played by the community in the development of quality of life for the elderly. : a case study of Bansamphran community, Amphoe Somphran, Nakhonpathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 57 p. (T E18508) Matsumura, Masaki. Community characteristics, individual attributes, and participation in natural resource management among highlanders in Thailand : a cross-village comparison. Ithaca : Cornell University, 1997. 174 p. (T E17195) Natefa Rukmanee. Reappearance pattern of Plasmodium vivax malaria in the community near Thai-Myanmar border, Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 102 p. (T E34165) Niran Pamapimai. Community Bussiness : a case study of Khanomcin group in Banpradok Muenwai subdistrict Mueng district Nakhonratchasima province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 95 p. (T E17427) Onwujekwe, Obinna Emmanuel. An approach for determining the ability and willingness of communities to finance the control of onchocerciasis using ivermectin in Nigeria. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 109 p. (T E10131) Phisal Phongsiriphisal. The evaluation of the volaunary sport development programme management and community participation in Singburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 99 p. (T E17241) Prapart Pintobtamg. Community rights sitution to natural resources management in global circumstances, 20042005. Bangkok : National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, 2006. 89 p. (R E34910) Premchai Vungsiriphisal. Death and attitudes toward preparation to death among Thai elderly : a case study of Klongtoey crowded area, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 109 p. (T E17755) Ratchaporn Rattanaphumma. A development of community-based English course to enhance English language skills and local cultural knowledge for undergraduate students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 313 p. (T E39302) Remero, Alejandro Soto. Assessment of health status of the villagers by using SF-36V2 questionnaire in a community in iimc catchment areas in Sonarpur province, Calcutta, India. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 62 p. (T E17437) Siriporn Homkanjun. The effectiveness of the life-skills development program on stress coping behaviors among adolescents in the community. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 152 p. (T E17504) Somsanouk Phommakhot. Impacts of paper mill industry on community : a case study of the Asian Pulp Paper Mill, Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1997. 126 p. (R E10553) Sriparinya Toopgrajank. Factors affecting the empowerment of communities in rural Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2001. 189 p. (T E18711) Srisuda Rassmeapong. Development of primary care model in the community. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 254 p. (T E33075) Sucharee Aroonsit. The effects of life skills program on promotion of adolescent's leisure time activities in Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 101 p. (T E17806) Suwat Srisorrachatr. Domestic violence : socio-cultural pespective and social intervention in a Thai community. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 218 p. (T E17591) Sythala Pathammavong. Perceived management capability of the Lao Women's Union Team through the integrated village development project in Barikhamxai province, Lao People's Democratic Republic. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1996. 142 p. (R E10549) Tanapong Kasamsuk. Community textile wastewater decolorization by immobilized Coriolus versicolor RC3 cells on natural materials. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 109 p. (T E38530) Usa Charuthawai. Comparative study between the central and the on-site treatment of domestic wastewater in Bangkok metropolitan a case study : sub-zone 2-A Bangruk and some part of Pathumwan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 3 microfiches (138 fr.). (T MF20385) Varaporn Pumsuvan. The hepatitis a antigen prevalent in drinking water, using water and risk behaviors of Bangplad Chaophraya river community, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 121 p. (T E8535) Vimolsiddhi Horayangkura. An evaluation of the Bang Bua community project of the National Housing Authority (a beneficiary perspective) : final report. Bangkok : Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1985. vi, 105 p. (R E7560) Vimolsiddhi Horayangkura. An evaluation of the Lad Buakao community project of the National Housing Authority (a beneficiary perspective) : final report. Bangkok : Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1985. v, 66 p. (R E7561) Wanchak Kongprom. The problem of management and participation of community in sports voluntary development project, a case study of educational region 8. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 67 p. (T E18107) รังสรรค ปติปญญา. ผลกระทบของการพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมตอการทําธุรกิจชุมชน. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเศรษฐศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 195 หนา. (ว 100560) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 142] Community (ตอ) อัฏฐพร ศรีฟา. บทบาทของผูหญิงในการดูแลสุขภาพของตนเอง ครอบครัว และชุมชน ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี ชุมชนซอยพิพัฒน 2 เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพมหานคร = The role of women in self-care, family care and community care targeting Soi Pipat 2 community, Bangrak district, Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 148 หนา. (วพ 99232) Community 4-H clubs Chaicharn Wongsamun. Analysis of selected factors affecting the success of community 4-H clubs in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania State University, 1983. 274 p. (T E22502) Community access center Chatchawan Panpradit. A study of rural area in readiness to establish community information access center case study : Saithong subdistrict, Pamok district, Angthong province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 121 p. (T E21884) Community administration วรพงษ เอี้ยวฉาย. ความพึงพอใจของผูอยูอาศัยตอการบริหารชุมชนของสํานักงานเคหะชุมชน กรณีตัวอยาง : เคหะชุมชนแฟลต คลองจั่น = Residents satisfaction with Estate Management Office : a case study of Klongchan flat community. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 161 หนา. (วพ 111918) Community and college ศิริชัย อิสสระโชติ. ความตองการชุมชนและความสามารถของวิทยาลัยครูภูเก็ตในการพัฒนาทองถิ่น. ภูเก็ต : คณะวิชาครุศาสตร วิทยาลัยครูภูเก็ต, 2535. 115 หนา. (ว 99396) Community and forest Wiyada Tangtakoolpanish. The development of supplementary book for prathomsuksa 6th students on community and forest : case study of Samakae forest. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 95 p. (T E32911) Community and Urban Area Fund--Government policy Nawita Direkwut. Community and urban area fund policy : a study on major factors affecting the granting of loans in Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 219 p. (T E38314) Community attachment ศักดิ์ชัย เกียรตินาคินทร. ความสัมพันธระหวางคุณคาศิลปกรรมกับการสรางทัศนคติตอตนเองและความผูกพันกับชุมชน = The relationship between artistic values and the formation of self attitude and community attachment. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 306 หนา. (วพ 111787) Community backswamp Kaneungnit Tubtim. Common property as enclosure : a case study of a community backswamp in southern Lao PDR. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 219 p. (T E18134) Community based DOTS Nepal, Anant Kumar. Compliance with dots among TB patients under community based dots strategy in Palpa district, Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 130 p. (T E33145) Community based rehabilitation program Nguyen, Quoc Thoi. Acceptance of community based rehabilitation [CBR] program for disabled people among family members living in Mocay district of Ben Tre province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 73 p. (T E17971) Community based resource กชกร ชิณะวงศ. ผลกระทบของแรงงานคืนถิ่นตอฐานทรัพยากรในชุมชน กรณีศึกษา บานหนองมน ตําบลบานหลวง อําเภอดอน พุด จังหวัดสระบุรี = The impact of returning migrants on community-based resources : a case study of Ban Nongmon Ban Luang subdistrict, Donphut district, Saraburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 266 หนา. (วพ 109766) Community based tourism Pimrawee Rocharungsat. Community-based tourism : perspectives and future possibility. Townsville : James Cook University, 2005. 442 p. (T E36486) Usa Atipokaboon. Satisfaction of tourists with community based tourism : a case study of Plai Pong Pang Thai villages, Samut Songkram province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 164 p. (T E21724) Yanisa Wattanakumnuan. Labour skills for community based tourism management : a case study Plai Pong Pang Thai villages, Samutsongkram probince. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 142 p. (T E20960) Community business Choawalak Chaiwirattana. Communication strategies for sustainable development of community business for women farmer groups in the central region of Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 101 p. (T E16911) Kanokkan Anukansai. An analysis and synthesis of community business in Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2001. 336 p. (T E18709) Mingkhwan Kanchanavises. Business operation of community industrial business : a case study of community industrial business of paengkhanomchin production Nakhonsithammarat province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 105 p. (T E21019) Naritchaporn Methasut. A study of the community business of a Siamese fighting fish farmer group at Baan Thong Sai community, Laembua subdistrict, Nakhonchaisi district, Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 133 p. (T E21652) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 143] Community business (ตอ) Niran Pamapimai. Community Bussiness : a case study of Khanomcin group in Banpradok Muenwai subdistrict Mueng district Nakhonratchasima province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 95 p. (T E17427) รังสรรค ปติปญญา. ผลกระทบของการพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมตอการทําธุรกิจชุมชน. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเศรษฐศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 195 หนา. (ว 100560) Community business--Nakhonpathom Chatchai Luechapongthip. A potential study of the community business development process : a case study of fruit business, Klong Chinda, Sampran, Nakhonpathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 109 p. (T E32907) Community changes กนกพร แสงแกว. การเปลี่ยนแปลงชุมชนหลังการรื้อยาย : ชุมชนหมูบานพัฒนา 70 ไร คลองเตย = Community changes after relocation : 70 Rais Patana village, Klong Toey. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 140 หนา. (วพ 111901) Community committees Thapakorn Hanumard. Knowledge and attitude of the public and the committee for local administration under the jurisdiction of the Laksong Police Station on environmental management for prevention of crimes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 99 p. (T E39431) จิตติมา อินทะทํามา. การพัฒนาการเรียนรูของคณะกรรมการชุมชนในการจัดการสิ่งแวดลอมเมือง โดยใชกระบวนการ AIC : กรณีศึกษา ชุมชนในเขตเทศบาลนครราชสีมา = Learning development of community committees in urban environmental management by using the AIC process : a case study of communities in Nakorn Rachasima Municipality. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 203 หนา. (วพ 109821) รุงอรุณ บุญสายันต. การบริหารเทศบาลและปจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธกับการมีสวนรวมของคณะกรรมการชุมชน ในการบริหาร จัดการขยะเทศบาลนครขอนแกน = The municipal administration factor affecting the participation of community committee in the administration and management of the solid waste of the Khon Kaen municipality. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 220 หนา. (วพ 109823) Community compositions Tassanai Prachuabmon. Community compositions of periphyton on the water hyacinth in relation to water quality in the Chao Phraya river at Pathumthani. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 146 p. (T E21023) Community culture แสงระวี อนันตพานิช. การใชวัฒนธรรมชุมชนในการพัฒนาหมูบานของชาวไทยลื้อ บานลวงเหนือ จังหวัดเชียงใหม. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยแมโจ, 2541. 234 หนา. (วพ 94056) Community dental services--Bangkok Asprer, Meredith Anne M.. Dental needs, demands, and utilization of dental services : a case study of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's Health Center number 30. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. xvii, 145 p. (T E6336) Community development Benchama Yooprasert. Participation of tambon council in tambon development planning in Northeast Thailand. Los Banos : University of Philippines Los Banos, 1993. xiv, 143 p. (T E6088) Chatchai Budharugsa. Perceived organizational climate and work performance of Community Development District staff in Region 2, Thailand. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Lozon state University, 1993. xvii, 178 p. (T E6621) Community Development Department. A manual of the preliminary survey analysis and the five-year community development planning process. Bangkok : Department, 1970. 76 p. (R E5028) Duangrat Kamalobol. Managerial capacity and people empowerment : the key mechanisms of community organizations towards community development. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2003. 175 p. (T E38411) Iwami, Takashi. A study of regional difference in diffusion of broadcasting and development strategy in Thailand. [S.l. : s.n.], 1983. 16 p. (R E9299) Kitjakaan Chuaychuwong. Graphic-based participatory methodology for community development. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 140 p. (T E15220) Kittipat Pengsri. Efficiency of officials in the Department of Community Development : a case study of Saraburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 106 p. (T E18317) Kontogeorgopoulos, Nick. Roughing it in Phuket, but the Jones' haven't been there (yet) : reconceptualizing tourism and community development in southern Thailand. Vancouver : University of British Columbia, 1998. 372 p. (T E16315) Narong Sinsawasdi. Local leaders and community activeness : an empirical study of 40 Thai rural communities. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1980. 65 p. (R E17776c.1; E18577c.2) Noppadol Kasetwethin. Civil society and development : a case study on Hakban Group, Thawangpha district, Nan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 96 p. (T E18262) Paisarn Nimsuwan. Role expectation and role performance of Thai community school teachers in community development program. Los Banos : University of the Philippines, 1982. 205 p. (T E40257) Panita Kambhu. A comparative study of performance, problems and needs of village development volunteers in Roi Ed and Mahasarakham provinces, Thailand. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1986. 128 p. (T E22492) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 144] Community development (ตอ) Phiphat Thaiarry. Trade union as a tool for community development a case study : Bangchak township, village number three Prapradang district, Samut Prakarn province. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1975. 71 p. (T E22671) Prachoom Mathuramon. Participatory process in determining environmental education strategy for community development in self-defense border village Ban Thung Maseryor Bongty subdistrict Saiyok district Kanchanaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 126 p. (T E18856) Shutima Saengngern. Learning networks of resource and environmental management for self-reliance. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 182 p. (T E18396) Suwira Songmetta. Effects of a community drug prevention program on drug resistance community and residents : a quasi-experimental study. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2003. 324 p. (T E22256) Wester, Lyndon. Community lore and biological diversity. Hawaii : University of Hawaii, [1995]. 75 p. (R E9305) กาญจนา หมาดหลา. การศึกษารูปแบบการดําเนินงานพัฒนาชุมชนในหนวยการปกครองทองถิ่นรูปแบบเทศบาล. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 185 หนา. (วพ 98799) บุญมาก ชางโสภา. ลานคาชุมชน : แหลงสนับสนุนการพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจชุมชนในทองถิ่น. กําแพงเพชร : สํานักงานพัฒนาชุมชน อําเภอคลองขลุง, 2542. 46 หนา. (ว 100680) พระมหาสุภา อุทโท. บทบาทของพระสงฆไทยใน 2 ทศวรรษหนา (2541-2560). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 167 หนา. (วพ 98798) ศักดิ์ศรี บริบาลบรรพตเขตต. การศึกษารูปแบบการพัฒนาชุมชนเพื่อรับการแปรเปลี่ยนจากชุมชนเกษตรกรรมสูชุมชน อุตสาหกรรม. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะสังคมสงเคราะหศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 111 หนา. (ว 99372) ศิริ เกิดอินทร. การศึกษากิจกรรมพัฒนาสตรีในงานพัฒนาชุมชน ในทัศนะของนักบริหารงาน นักวิชาการ และนักปฏิบัติการ พัฒนาชุมชน. กรุงเทพฯ : กรมการพัฒนาชุมชน, 2541. 80 หนา. (ว 97991) ศิริ เกิดอินทร. ความจําเปนของโครงการและกิจกรรมพัฒนาชุมชนตามระบบ กนภ. ในชวงแผนพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจและสังคม แหงชาติ ฉบับที่ 8 (2540-2544). กรุงเทพฯ : กรมการพัฒนาชุมชน, 2540. 167 หนา. (ว 97995) ศิริชัย อิสสระโชติ. ความตองการชุมชนและความสามารถของวิทยาลัยครูภูเก็ตในการพัฒนาทองถิ่น. ภูเก็ต : คณะวิชาครุศาสตร วิทยาลัยครูภูเก็ต, 2535. 115 หนา. (ว 99396) Community Development Department--Administration Rumjuan Benjasiri. The implementation of public sector standard management system and outcomes (PSO) : a case study of the Community Development Department. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2002. 466 p. (T E22247) Community development personnel Sombat Yotatip. Factors associated with the job performance of community development workers in women development program in Narathiwat province, Thailand as assessed by the tambon women development committee. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1997. 157 p. (T E11074) Community development workers Surapol Kanchanachitra. Some factor related to role perception and job satisfaction among Thai community development workers. Cornell : Cornell University, 1973. 212 p. (T E22435) Community development, Urban Chantana Banpasirichote. Community integration into regional industrial development : case study of Klong Ban Pho, Chachoengsao. Bangkok : Thailand Development Research Institute, 1993. v, 64 p. (R E10297) Dalad Sengthong. Ant distribution based on air quality variation in urban community of Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 72 p. (T E21630) Community development--Chaiyaphum Community Development Department. The evaluation report on occupational group development project B.E.2514. Bangkok : Community Development Department, 1972. 89 p. (R E2624) Community development--Chiang Mai Chomnard Potianamart. The relationship between psycho-social factors and the level of community participation of villagers in village drug co-operatives a case study in Amphoe Muang, Chiangmai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 2 microfiches (103 fr.). (T MF20450) Community development--Chiang Rai มงคล จันทรบํารุง. การศึกษาและติดตามผลโครงการรวมกันเปนหนึ่งเปนที่พึ่งของประชาชน. เชียงใหม : สถาบันวิจัยชาวเขา, 2542. 25 หนา. (ว 99574) Community development--China Wang, Jing. Local development practice as discourse of conservation : a case study of Yi people in Wuliangshan nature reserve, Yunnan province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 225 p. (T E39347) Community development--Chon Buri--Political participation Wandee Rakchat. Factors affecting the participation on local development of TAO. committee in Chon Buri province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 103 p. (T E17704) Community development--Indexes Chaiyong Mongkolkitngam. The construction of a development index for rural villages in Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2007. 135 p. (T E38425) Community development--India Foster, Phillips. Change in an agricultural village in India : Bhanapur in 1955, 1968 and 1973. College Park : University of Maryland, 1978. 110 p. (R E13586) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 145] Community development--Khon Kaen Ongmo, Kinga. Women's participation in community forestry : a case study of the population and community development association (PDA) in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1996. 142 p. (T E9853) Phacharaporn Phisuthisuwan. Socio-economic impacts of community-based tourism on the rural community : a case study at Ban Khok Sa Nga, Nam Pong district, Khon Kaen province. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 125 p. (R E34566) Yudiono, Sugeng. The impact of a non-governmental organization on development of a village community forestry : a case study of the population and community development association (PDA) in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1996. 217 p. (R E10437) Community development--Lop Buri Prathana Theerakul. The acquisition of suitable areas to accommodate the crowded community using potential surface analysis technique : case study of Sra Manora Crowded Community, Lopburi province, Kingdom of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xii, 211 p. (T E7706) Community development--Nakhon Ratchasima Community Development Department. The evaluation report on occupational group development project B.E.2514. Bangkok : Community Development Department, 1972. 89 p. (R E2624) Community development--Phuket Kusuma Swangpun. The readiness of local people for ecotourism development a case study Kohsirae community Amphurmuang Phuket province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 204 p. (T E24319) Community development--Planning Thanawat Khwanboon. Potentiality of local people in ecotourism management case study : Bann Rongkla, Phu Hin Rong Kla National Park, Phisanulok province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 81 p. (T E21081) Community development--Thailand Southern Adul Adulphakdee. Formation of saving for production group a community development programe in South Thailand. Nova Scotia : St. Francis Xavier University, 1988. 51 p. (T E40592) Community development--Thailand, Education Region 11 อัจฉรา แปนประโคน. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบบทบาทครูในการพัฒนาชุมชนระหวางหมูบานที่มีระดับการพัฒนาแตกตางกัน ใน เขตการศึกษา 11 = A comparative study of teachers' roles in community development among villages of different stages of development, educational region eleven. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 185 หนา. (วพ 94228) Community development--Thailand, Northern Wang, Jian Ping. Community-based Ecotourism development in northern Thailand. Kunming : Yunnan University, 2004. 36 p. (R E22982) Community development--Thailand, Northern--Evaluation Knoll, Nathan. An evaluation of model village development programs in northern Thailand implemented by nongovernment organization : a case study of the Mckean Rehabilitation Institute villages extension service = การประเมินผลหมูบานพัฒนาตัวอยางในภาคเหนือของประเทศไทยที่ดําเนินการโดยองคการพัฒนาเอกชน : กรณีศึกษา หมูบานที่ไดรับการสงเสริมของสถาบันแมคเคนเพือ ่ การฟนฟูสภาพ. Chiang Mai : Payap University, 1997. 112 p. (R E11365) Community development--Thailand, Southern สุทธิพงศ พรหมไพจิตร. การมีสวนรวมของประชาชนในโครงการพัฒนาชุมชนแบบพึ่งตนเองในภาคใต = People participation in the "self reliance" community development project in southern Thailand. ปตตานี : คณะมนุษยศาสตรและ สังคม มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 60 หนา. (ว 97808) Community development--Vietnam Nguyen, Thi My Van. Negotiating livelihood strategies for development of a multi-ethnic community in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 174 p. (T E34869) Community dispute resolution Rakkit Rattachumpoth. Enforcement of community-based resolution in criminal cases. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 79 p. (T E29023) Community dynamics Chongrak Wachrinrat. Community dynamics of building phase in fire and non-fire protected secondary dry dipterocarp forest, Nakhon Ratchasima. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2000. 206 p. (T E16433) Community economic กิติพร ศรีวงศชัย. บทบาทประชาคมตําบลตอการพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจชุมชน = Roles of local civil society in community economic development. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 137 หนา. (วพ 101372) Community economy ไพวรรณ ทิพยสนเทห. การวิเคราะหเชิงผลไดผลเสียเศรษฐกิจชุมชนโครงการโคราชพัฒนา : กรณีศึกษาหมูบานหนองกก = Cost-benefit analysis of the community economy in the Korat development project : case study Nongkok village. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2542. 105 หนา. (วพ 104425) Community education centers บุญสง บุญทศ. การมีสวนรวมของคณะกรรมการศูนยการเรียนชุมชนในการดําเนินงาน ศูนยการเรียนชุมชน : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี จังหวัดมุกดาหาร = Participation of community education center committee members in center management : a case study of Mukdahan province. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะพัฒนาสังคม สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร, 2543. 76 หนา. (ว 111822) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 146] Community education--Khon Kaen จํารัส ปตตานัง. การศึกษาการปฏิบัติงานดานการสงเสริมการศึกษา ศาสนาและวัฒนธรรมขององคการบริหารสวนตําบล ใน อําเภอพล จังหวัดขอนแกน = A study of work performance concerning the support for education religion and culture of Tumbol Administrative Organization in Phon district, Khon Kaen province. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 193 หนา. (วพ 100153) Community empowerment Patcharin Lekswat. The effectiveness of an oral health promotion program applying community empowerment among preschool children in Lampang province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 266 p. (T E17234) Wannara Chuenwattana. Community empowerment on child rearing in child under 6 years old by using participatory action research. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19855) อุทิศ จิตเงิน. แนวคิดการสรางพลังชุมชนในพุทธปรัชญา = The concept of community empowerment in Buddhist philosophy. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 146 หนา. (วพ 113197) Community enterprise Duangporn Wongpaibool. A study of community enterprise at Ban-Khlong-Luang, Amphaeng sub-district, BanPhaeo district, Samutsakhon province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 120 p. (T E34494) Community enterprise--Samut Prakan--Management Kritsana Leelasribanchong. A guideline for community enterprise potential development : case study of Bangkachao area in Prapadaeng district, Samutprakarn province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 188 p. (T E24449) Community environment นดา ดําริหเลิศ. การมีสวนรวมในการพัฒนาสิ่งแวดลอมชุมชนของประชาชนในชุมชนบานครัว กรุงเทพมหานคร = Participation in the community environmental development of people in Ban Khrua community, Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 114 หนา. (วพ 103739) Community environmental Charnwet Chotikitsomboon. Evaluation of the utilization and efficiency of sustainable community environmental indicators : a case study of the municipality of Krabi, Krabi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 166 p. (T E19072) Kriengkai Julrat. The study of role on community environmental management of community housings' authorities in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 124 p. (T E32977) Community forest conservation นิภาพร จุนถิระพงศ. ปจจัยทางเศรษฐกิจและสังคมที่มีผลตอระดับการมีสวนรวมของประชาชนในการอนุรักษปาชุมชนโคกสะอาด อําเภอเมือง จังหวัดบุรีรัมย = Socio-economic factors affecting people participation in Khok Sa-at community forest conservation in Amphoe Muang, Changwat Buri Ram. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 107 หนา. (วพ 113315) ปาริชาต ศิวิไล. การสรางและทดลองใชหลักสูตรฝกอบรมสิ่งแวดลอมศึกษา เรื่อง การอนุรักษปาชุมชน สําหรับนักเรียนโรงเรียน ทุงฝางวิทยา ระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาตอนตน = The formulation of environmental education training curriculum on the conservation of community forest for student at Thung Phang Wittaya secondary school. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 169 หนา. (วพ 109728) พระมหาจําเนียร ผะคังคิว. การอนุรักษปาชุมชนแนวพุทธ : กรณีศึกษาวัดปาบานชาด ตําบลนาคู กิ่งอําเภอนาคู จังหวัดกาฬสินธุ = Community forest in the Buddhist way : a case study Watpabanchad Tambonnakhu Nakhu district Kalasin province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 188 หนา. (วพ 111022) สุพจน พงษพิสุทธิ์บุบผา. การมีสวนรวมของราษฎรในการอนุรักษปาชุมชนภายใตการชี้นําของพระสงฆ : กรณีศึกษาปาชุมชนวัด ชลประทานราชดําริ ตําบลสูงเนิน อําเภอกระสัง จังหวัดบุรีรัมย = People participation in community forest conservation under the guidance of the monk : a case study of Watcholpratanratchadamri community forest, Amphoe Krasung, Changwat Buri Ram. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 86 หนา. (วพ 113082) Community forest conservation--Surin Katcharin Intrarungsri. Indiginous knowledge of community forest conservation : a case study of Aloe-Doenban in Surin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 78 p. (T E20930) Community forest management ไกรสร วิริยะ. การพิจารณาหาความสัมพันธระหวางตัวแปรทางเศรษฐสังคมกับการมีสวนรวมในการจัดการปาชุมชนของราษฎร บานสวนพลู ตําบลทับหลวง อําเภอบานไร จังหวัดอุทัยธานี = Determination of the relationship between socioeconomic variables and participatory in community forest management of Ban Suan Plue villagers, Tambol Tab Luang, Amphoe Ban Rai, Changwat Uthai-Thani. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 131 หนา. (วพ 113310) เผด็จ ขําเพ็ง. การมีสวนรวมของชาวบานในการจัดการปาชุมชน : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีหมูบานทุงยาว ตําบลศรีบัวบาน อําเภอเมือง จังหวัดลําพูน = People's participation in the management of community forest : a case study of Ban TungYao village, Sribuaban subdistrict, Muang district, Lamphun province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 121 หนา. (วพ 112807) ภูมิ พิณเทพ. การจัดการปาชุมชนโดยองคกรชุมชน : กรณีศึกษา ปาชุมชน บานรมโพธิ์ทอง ตําบลคลองตะเกรา อําเภอทา ตะเกียบ จังหวัดฉะเชิงเทรา = Community forest management by local organization : a case study of Rom Pho Thong community forest in Tambon Klong Ta Krao, Amphoe Tha Ta Kuaeb, Changwat Chachoengsao. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 113 หนา. (วพ 109276) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 147] Community forest management (ตอ) มาโนชญ อุปสินธุ. การมีสวนรวมของประชาชนในการจัดการปาชุมชน : กรณีศึกษาโครงการปาชุมชนบานสะมะแก ตําบลนาสวน อําเภอศรีสวัสดิ์ จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี = People participation in community forest management : a case study of Community Forestry Project, Ban Samakae Tambon Na Suan, Amphoe Si Sawat, Changwat Kanchanaburi. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 105 หนา. (วพ 109280) สมชาย วิริภิรมยกูล. การมีสวนรวมของประชาชนในการจัดการปาชุมชน กรณีศึกษา : ปาชุมชนบานโคกสันติสุข ตําบลวังหมี อําเภอวังน้ําเขียว จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = People's participation in community forest's management : a case study of Bancok-Santisook community forest Tambon Wangmee Wangnumkeaw district Nakornrachasrima province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 155 หนา. (วพ 111020) อภัย วิภาตะโยธิน. การพัฒนาการมีสวนรวมของประชาชนในการจัดการปาชุมชน : กรณีศึกษาบานศิลาแลง ตําบลศิลาแลง อําเภอปว จังหวัดนาน = Participation development of the people in community forest management : a case study in Ban Silalang, Pua district, Nan province, Thailand. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยแมโจ, 2543. 284 หนา. (วพ 110718) เอกสิทธิ์ เผาวัฒนา. ระบบสารสนเทศเพื่อสนับสนุนการจัดการปาชุมชน = Information system for supporting community forest management. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 82 หนา. (วพ 110749) Community forest--Kanchanaburi Nuttee Rajpreeja. Criteria ranking for setting up forest community with field test at Sa Ma Kae community forest, Srisawat, Kanchanaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 187 p. (T E33937) Community forests Adcharaporn Pagdee. What makes community forestry successful : a meta-study worldwide and the analysis of the Northern Arizona University Centennial Forest. Arizona : Northern Arizona University, 2003. 135 p. (T E22236) Athuek Prasenmoon. Community forestry : the positive strategy for extending forest resources in Thailand. [S.l.] : University of Reading, 2004. 58 p. (T E24168) Bencha Yoddumnern-Attig. Population dynamics and community forestry in Thailand. Bangkok : Instituted for Population and social Research, Mahidol University, 1999. 55 p. (R E14190 c.1; E14191 c.2) Bos, Laura. Building bridges for the trees setting up a community forestry network in Pred Nai, Thailand. Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2002. 97 p. (T E19235) Komon Pragtong. Community forestry : village level models for sustainable production and community management in Thailand. Tsukuba : University of Tsukuba, 1991. 225 p. (T E7908 c.1; E8364 c.2) Poffenberger, Mark, ed.. Community allies : forest co-management in Thailand. Berkeley : University of California, 1993. 62 p. (R E14188) Pommerenke, Lori La Vonne. Eucalyptus in the community forest : the social and ecological implications of an exotic plantation on common property management in northeastern Thailand. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota, 2000. 187 p. (T E16317) Pumisit Suwannasak. Views of Lao, Khmer, and Kuay ethnic groups on conservation and rehabilitation of community forest. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 82 p. (T E17471) Uchida, Tomohiko. Constraints to tree growing in community forest in northeast Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 115 p. (T E11698) Watanabe, Moriaki. The use of local knowledge community forest management : a case study of a temple group in northeast Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 148 p. (R E20108) Wathinee Sawatdee. Plant diversity and ecotourism resource potential in the community forest and home stead : a case study of Ban Thung Soong village, Krabi, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 119 p. (T E18584) ชูพักตร สุทธิสา. การจัดระบบแนวคิดในการอนุรักษปาชุมชนของชาวบาน = Onceptual system management of the villagers in the conservation community forest. มหาสารคาม : คณะมนุษยศาสตรและสังคมศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัย มหาสารคาม, [2540]. 157 หนา. (ว 97822) Community forests management ถิร จองตระกูล. การจัดการปาชุมชนโดยองคกรชุมชนตําบลดานขุนทด จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = Community forest management by Tumbon Dankhuntod Community Organization, Changwat Nakhon Ratchasima. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 113 หนา. (วพ 109629) Community forests management--Citizen participation Npha Krissadaruengsri. People's participation in community forest management : a case study of Khok Yai community forest, Mahasarakham province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 125 p. (T E20829) Community forests--Khon Kaen Ongmo, Kinga. Women's participation in community forestry : a case study of the population and community development association (PDA) in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1996. 142 p. (T E9853) Sila, Phung. Roles of forest extensionists in community forestry : a case study of Khon Kaen regional and provincial forest extension offices, Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1993. xiii, 90 p. (T E7802) Yudiono, Sugeng. The impact of a non-governmental organization on development of a village community forestry : a case study of the population and community development association (PDA) in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1996. 217 p. (R E10437) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 148] Community forests--Krabi Rahman, Mahbubur. Environmental ethics on community forestry in Ban Thung Soong community, Krabi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 148 p. (T E34390) Community forests--Krabi--Conservation Bhuiyan, Enamul Haque. Communication and people participation in the conservation of community forest at Ban Thung Soong village, Ao Luek district, Krabi province. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 82 p. (T E34392) Community forests--Lampang ศุภรัตน รัตนมุขย. โครงการปาชุมชน : รูปแบบและการจัดการโดยนักพัฒนาและชาวบาน ต.วังทอง อ.วังเหนือ จ.ลําปาง. กรุงเทพฯ : สํานักบัณฑิตอาสาสมัคร มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2538. 51 หนา. (วพ 98895 ฉ.1; 98896 ฉ.2) Community forests--Management Rames Khanhiran. Evaluation of the economic incentives of the Khao Wong Community Forest Management Cooperation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 111 p. (T E21187) Community forests--management Adcharaporn Pagdee. What makes community forestry successful : a meta-study worldwide and the analysis of the Northern Arizona University Centennial Forest. Arizona : Northern Arizona University, 2003. 135 p. (T E22236) Community forests--Nepal Poudel, Tirtha Raj. Relationship between household's economic status and benefit sharing in community forest user group : a case study in Tal Danda community forest user group, Tanahun district of Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 93 p. (T E34084) Community forests--Surin Prawat Sompen. Participation and utilization of resources in the community forestry development program in Surin, Thailand. Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1991. 135 p. (T E40229) Community forests--Ubonratchathani--Citizen participation Supis Kotamas. A model for the promotion of local people participation in community forest management : a case study of a village in Ubonratchathani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 158 p. (T E34183) Community health Sasithorn Chanloha. Opinions of the community in Ranong province concerning foreign migrant workers and public health problems. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 75 p. (T E14530) Soontaree Inturn. Knowledge of mental health promotion and prevention in community. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 111 p. (T E18365) สราวุธ วลัญชพฤกษ. ศักยภาพของอาสาสมัครสาธารณสุขประจําหมูบาน (อสม.) ในการวางแผนพัฒนาและแกไขปญหา สาธารณสุขระดับชุมชน จังหวัดอุดรธานี = A potential of the village health volunteers (VHVs) in the community health planning in Udon Thani province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 207 หนา. (วพ 110187) Community health aides Chainat Jitwatna. Strengthening of health manpower development in drug utilization : a case study of health workers at Tambon Level in Chantaburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 88 leaves. (T E4878) Chanchai Phanngarm. Socio-economic and political involvement and the level of community participation to achieve the basic minimum needs standard. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. vii, 120 p. (T E6495) Emang, Andrew. Factors affecting knowledge, attitude and practice of village health volunteers towards primary health care promotion. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. vii, 59 p. (T E8082) Hounye, Felicien Hotekpo. Economic analysis of community health workers' performance for malaria control at village level in Benin : a methodological approach. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 109 p. (T E10799) Pagasa, Michael. Basic minimum needs (BMNs) trends in appropriate shelter and safe environmental conditions in Suphanburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. vii, 68 p. (T E6500) Palloge, Salahuddin Andi. The relationships between knowledge, attitude and practice concerning diarrhoeal diseases and oral rehydration salt utilization among village health volunteers and village health communicators at Rasisalai district, Srisaket province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. x, 103 p. (T E8075) Pradit Winichakoon. Use of microcomputer to improve health information system at district level. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 2 microfiches (68 fr.). (T MF20317) Salera, Jane C.. The barangay health workers : factors affecting their decision to continue or discontinue as health volunteers, Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. vi, 101 p. (T E8078) Samad, Syahril. A Study on health center personnel's knowledge on referring patients in the Referral system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 2 microfiches (110 fr.). (T MF20290) Shrestha, Jagat Man. Factors influencing the knowledge and attitudes of the village health communicators toward primary health care promotion : a case study of Ang Thong province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. vii, 97 p. (T E6470) Wandee Thongnopakhun. Delivery of iron supplementation to rural pregnant women through primary health care. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xvii, 195 p. (T E6110) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 149] Community health aides--Chiang Mai Yanai, Hideki. A case study on affecting factors to the performance level of model mothers in rural area of Chiangmai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. viii, 93 p. (T E8076) Community health aides--Chon Buri Shrestha, Dirgha Raj. Factors affecting utilization of health center in rural area of Chonburi Province Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vii, 113 p. (T E8007) Community health aides--Nakhon Ratchasima Hoesin, Maya F.. The study on hookworm infestation after primary health care implementation at Pong village, Saema subdistrict, Soong Nern district, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. vi, 74 p. (T E8170) Vithaya Kulsomboon. A study on the relationship between level of drug cooperative activities and knowledge, attitude and behavior of villagers in self medication treatment in Soongnern district, Nakornrajsima. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. v, 109 p. (T E8132) Community health aides--Pakistan Manzoor, Tahir. Knowledge, attitude and practice of lady health workers on primary health care activities in district Lahore of Pakistan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 97 p. (T E10972) Community health aides--Prachin Buri Admodjo, Bambang Saparyono Karto. A study on the effectiveness of village drug funds in Prachinburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vii, 66 p. (T E8008) Community health aides--Suphan Buri Rahman, Mahmudur. Knowledge attitude and practice of village health workers in nutritional surveillance. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. vii, 76 p. (T E8261) Community health aides--Surin Serey, Pen Sok. A focus group study of health education model on primary health care in Surin province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. vii, 79 p. (T E8320) Community Health Center Panida Sennun. Supervision model of community health center in Chiang Mai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 303 p. (T E33160) Community Health Center [Puskesmas]--Indonesia--Utilization Watuseke, Phebe. Utilization of community health center (Puskesmas) among the people in Langowan subdistrict of Minahasa district, North Sulawesi province, Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 70 p. (T E39451) Community Health Centers Kongpetch Imjai. Job performance assessment in role of public health officers at community health centers in public health region 1. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 143 p. (T E18579) Community health education program Pornpimon Pongputtanaumpai. Nursing work force & tobacco Control & Community health education & schoolbased health program. Tulane : Tulane University, 2001. 12 p. (R E16017) Community health nurses Yukonthorn Wangruangsatit. Home health care analysis of community health nurses in the regional and general hospitals in zone no. 9 : a case study of chronic patient care. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 107 p. (T E23708) Community health nursing Pornpimon Pongputtanaumpai. Nursing work force & tobacco Control & Community health education & schoolbased health program. Tulane : Tulane University, 2001. 12 p. (R E16017) Community health nursing--Curricula Yuwayong Yaowapanon. A comparison between community health nursing curricula and expected performance of community health nurse. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xvi, 231 p. (T E7003) Community health Services Sutarga, I Wayan. Satisfaction of in-patients towards community hospital services in Sena hospital, Ayutthaya province Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 66 p. (T E12098) Community health services Hussam, Al Tibi. Factors affecting community hospital services utilization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 2 microfiches (97 fr.). (T MF20465) Yupapun Munkratok. Directors and pharmaceutical section chiefs attitudes towards the integration of Thai traditional medicine in the health service systems of community hospitals in Northeast Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 103 p. (T E8955) Community health services--Administration Dorji, Tshering. Leadership factors affecting development in technical co-operation among developing villages. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. viii, 68 p. (T E8110) Community health services--Government policy Madayag, Claro S.. A study of the indicators of coverage by primary health care : a case study in Chonburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vii, 138 p. (T E8017) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 150] Community health services--Nakhon Pathom Heryandi. Factors influencing the activeness levels of Village Health Communicators (VHCs) in Nakorn Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. vii, 115 p. (T E6447) Community health services--Nepal Maharijan, Hira Bahadur. A study on expected performance of community medicine auxiliary in health post in Nepal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xi, 121 p. (T E7848) Community health volunteers Silalahi, Maria. Assessment of community health volunteers in dental care activities in Paktongchai district Nakornrajchasima Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 70 p. (T E13841) Community health workers Pariyada Chokewinyo. Factors affecting performances of community health workers in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 2 microfiches (120 fr.). (T MF19979) Community hospital Kanin Lomsai. The information system readiness to support the universal coverage assurance system in region 4 community hospitals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 210 p. (T E21625) Napaporn Jaranai. The study of nursing activities in accordance with process standard related to therapeutic nursing intervention at health promotion section of the community hospitals in the northeast region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 150 p. (T E17798) Pirudee Pavananunt. Efficiency of public community hospitals in Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2004. 228 p. (T E35402) Rath Ruangchotevit. Water recycling from wastewater treatment system in community hospital Phathumtani province : case study Nong Sue hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 69 p. (T E18324) Raveewan Thongsanit. A development of decision making support for patients of primary health care units. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 77 p. (T E36049) Saranya Mararoje. A comparative study on methods employed for unit costs analysis of medical services in a community hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 113 p. (T E21674) Siriporn Lunsai. Work conditions and problem analysis in postmortem examination in community hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 116 p. (T E33008) Community hospital director Permsri Atichat. The readiness of community hospital directors in participating in the universal coverage. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 114 p. (T E18730) Community hospital, Region 2 Daranee Junjaroenwongsa. Performance of emergency nurses in relation to the standard of emergency nursing, community hospital, region 2. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 106 p. (T E18139) Community hospital--Waste disposal Suradej Praditbatuka. The wastewater treatment plant management of community hospital, Ministry of Public Health in central region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 161 p. (T E33006) Community hospitals Charun Boonyarithikarn. Knowledge, attitude and acceptance of 30 baht scheme among health care providers at community hospitals, Sakaeo province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 89 p. (T E24046) Kasame Tungkasamesamran. Unit cost and cost recovery analysis of community hospitals : a case study of Thongsaenkhan hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 115 p. (T E16754) Khongdej Leethochawalit. Physician shortages in community hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 287 p. (T E14975) Monthaka Tasilasathean. Cost analysis of two community hospitals in Buri Ram under Thailand's universal coverage system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 99 p. (T E19703) Nattaya Pansang. Efficiency evaluation of herbal production in community hospitals : a case study of U-thong hospital, Suphan Buri province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 83 p. (T E24679) Punnipa Chuenklintoop. Personnel's readiness for continuous quality improvement in community hospitals in Nakhonchaisi district, Nakhompathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 135 p. (T E17735) Supang Thongmun. Factors relating to quality of work life of nurses in community hospitals in Angthong province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 120 p. (T E17357) Yuvadee Rodjarkpai. Quality improvement model for community hospitals health education programme in Chantaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 295 p. (T E18853) Community hospitals--Chiang Mai Chupen Viboonsunti. The assessment of service quality, patient satisfaction and behavioral intention relationship in pharmacy service of highly-active antiretroviral therapy program in Chiang Rai community hospitals, Thailand. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Pharmacy Chiang Mai University, 2007. 158 p. (R E37974) Community hospitals--Nakhon Ratchasima Khanidtha Wanleepong. Use of HIVQUAL-T program to assess quality of care among HIV patients at community hospitals, Nakhonratchasima province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 101 p. (T E41250) Community hospitals--Nakhon Si Thammarat Kraisorn Tohtubtiang. Patterns of health examination services provided by physicians in community hospitals of Nakornsri thammarat, Trang and Pattalung provinces. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 104 p. (T E33149) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 151] Community hospitals--Staff Adtaporn Tantiwut. Factors related to job security among the community hospitals' officials in Lopburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 70 p. (T E24513) Community housing's authorities--Employees Kriengkai Julrat. The study of role on community environmental management of community housings' authorities in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 124 p. (T E32977) Community industrial business Mingkhwan Kanchanavises. Business operation of community industrial business : a case study of community industrial business of paengkhanomchin production Nakhonsithammarat province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 105 p. (T E21019) Community initiated rehabilitation Sathaporn Mongkhonsrisawat. Development of community initiated rehabilitation model for persons with disabilities in the northeast of Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 137 p. (T E29046) Community key ปริญญา ผกานนท. การสรางพลังแกนนําชุมชนเพือ ่ ควบคุมลูกน้ํายุงลาย อําเภอทุงศรีอุดม จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี = Community key person empowerment for aedes aegypti larvea control in Toungsriudom district Ubon Ratchathani province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 130 หนา. (วพ 110170) Community knowledge สืบพงศ ธรรมชาติ. วิทยาการชุมชนลุมทะเลสาบสงขลาเพื่อการพัฒนา = Community knowledge of Songkhla lake basin for development. [สงขลา : มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ], 2542. 141 หนา. (ว 101525 ฉ.1; 101526 ฉ.2) Community leaders Kittitee Putsiri. Problems and impacts of the foreigner labour : a case study of community leaders in Samutsakorn province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 114 p. (T E17103) Puricha Charoenkul. An empowerment program on AIDS prevention and control provision for community leaders in Bantoek subdistrict of Srisatchanalai district, Sukhothai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 113 p. (T E20421) Somrudee Sukudom. An empowerment program for amphetamine abuse prevention and control among the community leaders in Kao-Jan sub-district, Chonburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 115 p. (T E18195) Community leadership Julasak Norkaew. The effectiveness of empowerment program provided for community leaders in control of malnutrition among children with age 1-5 years in Amnatcharoen province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 105 p. (T E24504) Narong Sinsawasdi. Local leaders and community activeness : an empirical study of 40 Thai rural communities. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1980. 65 p. (R E17776c.1; E18577c.2) Panida Muangkhum. An empowerment of community participation for hookworm prevention in Lua community leaders in Chalermphakiart district, Nan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 140 p. (T E21027) Panupan Panumas. Safety in life and property : a case study of the community leaders in Thama Sala police station area. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 93 p. (T E34052) Suwin Kulratkitiwong. The participation of community's leader in crime provention : a case study in Bangplad, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 73 p. (T E16892) Yanan Chai-ardhan. Learning process for promoting the participation of community-leaders in health development planning of self-help community . Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 146 p. (T E19377) ธนพรรณ สุนทระ. นโยบายรัฐ : บทบาทผูนําทองถิ่นดานการจัดการทรัพยากรธรรมชาติและสิ่งแวดลอม ศึกษากรณีจังหวัด พระนครศรีอยุธยา = Policy of state : the role of community leader in natural and environmental management, case study Changwat Pra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยสภาวะแวดลอม จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 100071) วิชาญ เสนขวัญแกว. ความรูความเขาใจเกี่ยวกับบทบาทการเปนผูนําของคณะกรรมการบริหารองคการบริหารสวนตําบล : ศึกษา เฉพาะกรณีอําเภอหัวไทร จังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช = Percention of the leadership role of Tambon Administrative Organization : a case study of Huasai district, Nakhon Sithammarat. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 116 หนา. (วพ 98693) วิบูลย กิตติอัมพานนท. ตํารวจกับผูมีอิทธิพลในทองถิ่น : ศึกษากรณีจังหวัดนนทบุรี = Police and the local influential : a case study of Nonthaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 115 หนา. (วพ 100742) Community leadership participation Kittiya Tachapiroj. A development model of urban community leader participation to improve out-patient department service quality : Udonthani hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 280 p. (T E33161) Community leadership--Bangkok Peera Meephol. The participation of community leaders on crime prevention and suppression : a case study of Phasri Charoen District, Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 94 p. (T E33933) Surapong Putkhao. The needs of the community leaders towards the patrols of Bangkhunnont Police Station. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 101 p. (T E33978) Community leadership--Kamphaeng Phet Biao, Yang. Factors affecting the village headmen's knowledge and attitude in promoting water supply in Kamphaeng Phet province of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. viii, 92 p. (T E7426) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 152] Community leadership--Nakhon Ratchasima Dorji, Tshering. Leadership factors affecting development in technical co-operation among developing villages. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. viii, 68 p. (T E8110) Community leadership--Nonthaburi Panida Khamsamroeng. Opinion of Sainoi district community leaders toward Internet Tambon Project. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 108 p. (T E23077) Community leadership--Samut Songkhram ประสิทธิ์ แดงสกุล. ระดับความรู และการมีสวนรวมในการอนุรักษทรัพยากรปาชายเลนของผูนําและประชาชน จังหวัด สมุทรสงคราม = Knowledge and participation levels on mangrove forest resource conservation of leaders and villagers in Samut Songkhram province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2541. 122 หนา. (วพ 100993) Community leadership--Sukhothai Srisopar Mejaroen. Participation of village headmen in the non formal education program of Sukhothai, Thailand. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1993. xvii, 144 p. (T E7268) Community medicine auxiliary Maharijan, Hira Bahadur. A study on expected performance of community medicine auxiliary in health post in Nepal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xi, 121 p. (T E7848) Community mental health สมบัติ สกุลพรรณ. ความรูและการปฏิบัติกิจกรรมของพระสงฆ ดานสุขภาพจิตชุมชน = Knowledge and activities of Buddhist monks regarding community mental health. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 75 หนา. (วพ 105737) Community networks Sombat Ungcharoensap. An application of self-efficacy theory and community network to change tuberculosis patients' behaviors at Somdejprasangkaraj XVII hospital Suphanburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 83 p. (T E15816) Community organization Duangrat Kamalobol. Managerial capacity and people empowerment : the key mechanisms of community organizations towards community development. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2003. 175 p. (T E38411) Kawase, Junichi. Systematic analysis of factors related to the community self-reliance : a case study of Ratchathani Asoke community in Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 125 p. (R E19807) Pamornrat Sutum. A study of the strengthened people's organizations in the western region of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 256 p. (T E19349) Phahol Sakkatat. The role of Tambon Administrative Organizations, community organizations and individuals in natural resources and environmental conservation. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2003. 202 p. (T E22254) Prapee Kerdpermpoon. Strengths and weaknesses of rural community organizations : cases of two sub-districts in Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2004. 183 p. (T E24076) เทียบ เหลาสุวรรณ. การศึกษาลักษณะองคประกอบของการจัดการธุรกิจขององคกรชุมชนในชนบทที่สามารถพึ่งตนเองได ในทางธุรกิจ : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีสหกรณการเกษตรทานางแนว จํากัด ต.ทานางแนว อ.แวงนอย จ.ขอนแกน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 145 หนา. (วพ 98842) Community pari Panida Muangkhum. An empowerment of community participation for hookworm prevention in Lua community leaders in Chalermphakiart district, Nan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 140 p. (T E21027) Community participant Thatchanan Jaruvatthanaphong. The community participant in eco-tourism management Phromlok Waterfall, Tambon Phromlok, Amphoe Phromkhiri, Nakhonsithammarat province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 89 p. (T E17778) Community participation Patama Vajamun. A model of eye care for the elderly by community-based nursing in Pakthongchai district, Nakhonratchasima. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 214 p. (T E23808) Sunantha Ruksakaew. Community needs for participation on peat swamp fire protection in Koun Kreng Nakhon Sri Thammarat. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 131 p. (T E24667) Supada Kumsuchat. The development of alliances for health promotion among the older persons in an urban community in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 204 p. (T E23801) Suwa, Keiko. Approaches to mobilize community participation in nutrition promotion of children under five among village health volunteers, Wang Nam Yen district, Sakeo province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 116 p. (T E24043) นิสภัทร นวลกําแหง. การศึกษาการมีสวนรวมของชุมชนในการพัฒนาลําตะคอง กรณีศึกษา : ชุมชนทุงสวาง-ศาลาลอย อําเภอ เมือง จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = The study of community participation on Lamtakong development : a case study of Tungsawang-Salaloy community, Muang district, Nakhon Ratchasima province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 126 หนา. (วพ 107907) ประนัย โสมวงศ. การมีสวนรวมของชุมชนในการควบคุมไฟปาที่แหลงมรดกโลกหวยขาแขง = Community participation in forest fire control at Huai Kha Khaeng world heritage site. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 75 หนา. (วพ 109625) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 153] Community participation (ตอ) พรทิพา จุลสุคนธ. การมีสวนรวมของชุมชนในการจัดการศึกษา : กรณีศึกษาโรงเรียนชุมชนวัดคีรีนาครัตนาราม ตําบลชอนสาร เดช อําเภอหนองมวง จังหวัดลพบุรี = Community participation in education management : a case study of Wat Khirinakrattanaram community school Chonsaradet subdistrict Nongmuang district Lopburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 175 หนา. (วพ 106640) พอชม ฉวีวัฒน. การมีสวนรวมของชุมชนตอโครงการ "ประชารวมใจปองกันและควบคุมโรคไขเลือดออกเฉลิมพระเกียรติ ใน วโรกาสที่พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจาอยูหัว พระชนมายุ 72 พรรษา" กรณีศึกษา : อําเภอเมือง จังหวัดนนทบุรี = Community participation in an appraisal of dengue haemorrhagic fever control program for the celebration of His Majesty the King's 72 years anniversary in Muang district Nonthaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 148 หนา. (วพ 112829) รักชาติ วัฒนาประชากุล. การมีสวนรวมของชุมชนในการจัดการสวนปากลางดง อําเภอปากชอง จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = Community participation in management of Klangdong forest plantation, Amphoe Pakchong, Nakhon Ratchasima province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 156 หนา. (วพ 105695) Community participation--Chanthaburi Ratchaneekon Donsawai. Community participation in sub-district master plan development : the case of Klongplu, Chanthaburi, Thailand. Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 2007. 235 p. (T E36428) Community pharmacists Puchrin Kittipibul. Extent of pharmaceutical care-based pharmacy practice among community pharmacists in Thai context and it's influencing factors. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 232 p. (T E34772) Saksit Sripa. Factors affecting community pharmacist's knowledge, attitude, and perception of barriers toward pharmaceutical care in community pharmacy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 90 p. (T E14843) ศรัณย กอสนาน. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบมิติทางอารมณที่มีตอสถานภาพการทํางานของเภสัชกรชุมชน ในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร สมุทรปราการ และนนทบุรี. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 103 หนา. (วพ 99195) Community pharmacy Kednapa Thavorn. A development of cost-effectiveness analysis model for the evaluation of smoking cessation program in community pharmacy. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2007. 81 p. (T E37943) Kraisorn Chairojkanjana. Development & provision of patient medication records (PMRs) in community pharmacy in Thailand. Cardiff : University of Wales, 1998. 233 p. (T E13594) Lawan Bunajinda. Client and pharmacist perceptions about community pharmacy service quality. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 165 p. (T E30203) Saksit Sripa. Factors affecting community pharmacist's knowledge, attitude, and perception of barriers toward pharmaceutical care in community pharmacy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 90 p. (T E14843) Waraporn Sanguanvorapong. Customers' satisfaction in service of accredited community pharmacies in the Bangkok area. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 41 p. (R E38034) Community pharmacy--Study and teaching Nunthaluxna Sthapornnanon. Effect of social constructivist learning environment on student performance in online community pharmacy course. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 198 p. (T E39314) Community police เสรี เย็นสวัสดิ์. การสงเสริมบทบาทตํารวจชุมชนในการปองกันอาชญากรรม = The promotion of community police roles in crime prevention. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 113 หนา. (วพ 106696) Community policing Adirek Beraheng. A strategic model of community policing applied to counteract narcotic drugs (YABA) community policing : a case study of Bangkok-Yai community committee, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 120 p. (T E20450) Community Primary Health Care Center Boonlert Tiewsuwan. Performance effectiveness of village health volunteers in Community Primary Health Care Centers in Petchaboon province, Thialand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 94 p. (T E17671) Ittipol Soongkhang. Determining factors of the effectiveness of Community Primary Health Care Center (CPHCC) Nongbualumphu province Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 118 p. (T E10059) Vasuton Tanvatanakul. Factors affecting utilization of community primary health care centre in Panthong district of Chonburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. viii, 107 p. (T E7248) Ziba, Charles C.. Utilisation of Community Primary Health Care Centre (CPHCC) and its affecting factors in Podharam district in Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 88 p. (T E15072) Community punishment order Chart Chaidejsuriya. International comparison of laws and perspectives relating to the community punishment order. Canterbury : University of Kent at Canterbury, 2002. 44 p. (T E22067) Community radio จิระวรรณ ตันกุรานันท. การมีสวนรวมและบทบาทผูนําชุมชนชาวไทยภูเขา ในการจัดการวิทยุชุมชน จังหวัดแมฮองสอน = Participation and role of hill tribe opinion leaders in Mae Hong Son province's community radio management. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 150 หนา. (วพ 108703) สวภัทร ปุยพันธ. การมีสวนรวมแกไขปญหาของประชาชนในกรุงเทพมหานคร ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีสถานีวิทยุชุมชนรวมดวย ชวยกัน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2543. 135 หนา. (วพ 111867) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 154] Community radio management จิระวรรณ ตันกุรานันท. การมีสวนรวมและบทบาทผูนําชุมชนชาวไทยภูเขา ในการจัดการวิทยุชุมชน จังหวัดแมฮองสอน = Participation and role of hill tribe opinion leaders in Mae Hong Son province's community radio management. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 150 หนา. (วพ 108703) Community radio station พิชญา รัตนพล. พฤติกรรมการสื่อสาร ความคาดหวังผลประโยชนและความนาเชื่อถือ ของรายการวิทยุเพื่อสังคมและชุมชน : ศึกษากรณีสถานีวิทยุชุมชน = Communication behaviors, benefits expectation and the perceived source credibility of the audiences on the radio programme for society and community : a case study of the city radio station. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 117 หนา. (วพ 95237) Community relations อนุชา ประคองวิทยา. การประสานสัมพันธชุมชนที่พึงปฏิบัติของผูอํานวยการวิทยาลัยเทคนิค กรมอาชีวศึกษา ในเขต กรุงเทพมหานคร = Technical college directors' community relations performance, Department of Vocational Education in Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 150 หนา. (วพ 107370) Community reporters อุมาพรรณ สุรนาคะพันธุ. การใชอินทราเนตในการแลกเปลี่ยนขอมูลขาวสารของผูสื่อขาวเกษตรชุมชน = The use of intranet for information exchange by community reporters. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 147 หนา. (วพ 100483) Community resource management projects Adisorn Promthep. Prediction of success in village fish framing in northeast Thailand. Canada : University of Waterloo, 1996. 218 p. (T E11059) Community resources กฤษณา สวางแสง. ความตองการการใชทรัพยากรทองถิ่นในการบริหารงานวิชาการของโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษา สังกัดกรมสามัญ ศึกษา จังหวัดปทุมธานี = Needs for utilization of community resources for academic administration of secondary schools under the jurisdiction of the Department of General Education in Changwat Pathum Thani. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 360 หนา. (วพ 104092) Community responses Chittaphong Ackhavong. Community responses to cultural heritage conservation in Luang Prabang city, Luang Prabang province, Lao PDR. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 203 p. (T E39704) Community self-reliance Kawase, Junichi. Systematic analysis of factors related to the community self-reliance : a case study of Ratchathani Asoke community in Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 125 p. (R E19807) Community strength Varisara Boonma. The success of OTOP occupational groups in a dimension of strong community. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 206 p. (T E34362) Community strueture Preecha Pachunchai. Comparison of plankton community structure occurring in Mahidol University, Salaya campus and an agricultural area, Phutthamonthon district Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 158 p. (T E14269) Community way of life สนอง จอมเกาะ. ปาวัฒนธรรมโคกดงเค็งกับวิถีชีวิตชุมชน = The Dong Kheng cultural forest and community way of life. มหาสารคาม : สถาบันวิจัยวลัยรุกขเวช มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม, 2543. 113 หนา. (ว 111406 ฉ.1; 127127 ฉ.2) Community--Chaiyaphum Grassman, Lon I.,. Ecology and conversation of the carnivore community in Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Chaiyaphum province. Bangkok : Department of Forest Biology Kasetsart University, 2003. 1 vol. (R E21384) Community--Chiang Rai Jaturong Boonyarattanasoontorn. Poverty alleviation and empowerment : a case study of rural community in Chiang Rai province. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2006. 302 p. (T E34828) Community--China Huang, Juan. Tourism in a Tibetan community : a study on social differentiation, identity and gender. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 188 p. (T E21341) Community--Databases Anchalee Teerakititana. Community database system for basic minimum needs : a case study of Thungkhru district. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 125 p. (T E18047) Community--Economic aspects Tanakorn Apornpong. Development of a socioeconomic score in rural slum and urban areas in Thai community. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 82 p. (T E20425) Community--Economic conditions Kwanhathai Sukwilai. A comparative socio-economic study of local communities in Laem Chabang port, part of the eastern seaboard development project a case study : Ban Laem Chabang community and Ban Nong Khla Mai community. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 234 p. (T E21648) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 155] Community--Environmental aspects Charnwet Chotikitsomboon. Evaluation of the utilization and efficiency of sustainable community environmental indicators : a case study of the municipality of Krabi, Krabi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 166 p. (T E19072) Community--Nakhonsithammarat Thatchanan Jaruvatthanaphong. The community participant in eco-tourism management Phromlok Waterfall, Tambon Phromlok, Amphoe Phromkhiri, Nakhonsithammarat province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 89 p. (T E17778) Community--Social aspects Tanakorn Apornpong. Development of a socioeconomic score in rural slum and urban areas in Thai community. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 82 p. (T E20425) Community--Social conditions Kwanhathai Sukwilai. A comparative socio-economic study of local communities in Laem Chabang port, part of the eastern seaboard development project a case study : Ban Laem Chabang community and Ban Nong Khla Mai community. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 234 p. (T E21648) Community--Thailand, Northeastern Watanabe, Moriaki. The use of local knowledge community forest management : a case study of a temple group in northeast Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 148 p. (R E20108) Community-base finance project มัลลิกา บุณฑริก. การศึกษากระบวนการพัฒนาที่อยูอาศัยในแนวทางพึ่งพาตนเองของผูมีรายไดนอ ยในเขตเมือง กรณีศึกษา โครงการที่องคกรชุมชนไดรับการสนับสนุนดานการเงินเพื่อพัฒนาที่อยูอาศัย = The study of urban poor participation in housing development procedure : a case study of community-based finance project. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 207 หนา. (วพ 94332) Community-based Matsee Nakornnoi. Community-based therapeutic support program for drug addicts in Phraphutthabath district, Saraburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 174 p. (T E23705) Community-based anti-narcotics volunteer project--Evaluation Sarawut Lijchaveeraj. An evaluation of the community-based anti-narcotics volunteer project : a case study of Klong Toey community network. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 124 p. (T E21657) Community-based care Naiyana Noonill. The effectiveness of a community-based care program on health outcomes and satisfaction with care in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 144 p. (T E35617) Community-based care program เกียรติคุณ เผาทรงฤทธิ์. การไดรับตามความตองการของผูติดเชื้อเอดส ที่อยูในโครงการการดูแลผูติดเชื้อเอดสในชุมชนของ จังหวัดเชียงราย = Met need of people with AIDS in a community-based care program in Chiangrai province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 121 หนา. (วพ 98598) Community-based controls Artitaya Lophatananon. Prostate cancer : a case-control study of lifestyle and dietary factors using BPH and community-based controls. Nottingham : University of Nottingham, 2004. 2 vols. (T E24794 v.1; E24795 v.2) Community-Based Ecotourism Project Anchana Sriraungrith. Communication and participation in community-based ecotourism (CBET) project in selected villages of Phetchabun province, Thailand. Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 2006. 204 p. (T E36334) Community-based forest management Nguyen, Cong Thanh. Persistence of community-based forest management (CBFM) in changing forest tenure system in the highland of Nghe An province, Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 189 p. (T E20712) Community-based forest management--Vietnam Truong, Quang Hoang. Development and performance of community-based forest management in Quang Binh province, Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 159 p. (T E21402) Community-based management Senyk, Jason. Lessons from the equator initiative : community-based management by Pred Nai community forestry group in the mangroves of southeastern Thailand. Winnipeg : University of Manitoba, 2005. 60 p. (R E35129) Community-based management of common property Kaneungnit Tubtim. Common property as enclosure : a case study of a community backswamp in southern Lao PDR. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 219 p. (T E18134) Community-based rehabilitation Nguyen, Van Oai. Caregiver's performance for disabled children and it's related factors under community based rehabilitation program in Binh Son district of Quang Ngai province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 95 p. (T E39459) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 156] Community-cultures Weera Rawang. Community-cultures based environmental education : a case study for the world cultural heritage of Ayutthaya historic city. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 268 p. (T E17867) Commuters--Pakistan John, Everest Javed. Decentralization of Lahore : feasibility of resettlement of commuters in the Lahore-Muridke Corridor, Pakistan. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1983. 131 p. (T E22495) Commuting Jaturapat Bhiromkaew. Examining the effects of transit service of commuting mode choice and residential location choice. Portland : Portland State University, 2006. 198 p. (T E36561) Ratchapan Choiejit. The relationships between population density and commuting patterns in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 206 p. (T E19888) Commuting equivalence relations Mainetti, Matteo. Projective combinatorics and invariant theory. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2003. 37 p. (R E20890) Commuting--Bangkok Sureeporn Punpuing. Correlates of commuting patterns : a case study of Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, [19--]. 38 p. (R E9158) Commuting--Pakistan John, Everest Javed. Decentralization of Lahore : feasibility of resettlement of commuters in the Lahore-Muridke Corridor, Pakistan. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1983. 131 p. (T E22495) Compact car Kavin Techavises. Enhancement of competitiveness for compact car production. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 98 p. (T E35822) Compact discs--Purchasing Siwat Auampradit. The effect of music piracy on CDs purchases. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 76 p. (T E38085) Compact metric space Gun Sunyeekhan. A fixed path theory for level-contraction maps of the cylinder of a compact metric space. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 21 p. (T E21595) Compact sets มิตรประชา ทะรังศรี. ความนับไดและภายในของคอมแพคทเซ็ต ในโพรดักทสเปชของเสนซอรเจนฟรี่ = Countability and interior of compact sets in product spaces of the Sorgenfrey lines. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 24 หนา. (วพ 105065) Compacting Penporn Petchsri. Improvements to MSW landfilling operations using leachate recirculation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 207 p. (T E23471) Companies Manatip Chankitisakul. Segment reporting in practice and quality of segment information of listed companies in Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 229 p. (T E38436) Sarawut Pornpatanarak. A comparative study of service quality between local Thai firms and international companies in the automotive paint industry from the retailers' perspective in Thailand. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2008. 163 p. (T E40786) Comparative advantage [International trade] Surasak Pannop. Economic incentives in comparative advantage in beef production in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1989. (ix), 134 p. (T E7670) Voravannee Tangsirikusolwong. The comparative and competitive advantage of semiconductor industry : a case study of Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 142 p. (T E12747) Comparative education Jaranya Wichaiprasertsri. A comparative study of adverbs "Jiu" and "Cai" in Mandarin Chinese and their Thai equivalents. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 149 p. (T E40215) Somboon Satalalai. The comparative studies of allegory in Vessantara Jataka and in the Pilgrim's Progress. Surin : Rajabhat Institute Surin, 1996. 115 p. (R E19002) Comparative genomic approach Papapit Ingkasuwan. Pathway reconstruction of starch biosynthesis using comparative genomic approach. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 88 p. (R E24394) Comparative genomic hybridization Axara Apilugsanachit. Analysis of chromosomal imbalances by comparative genomic hybridization. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 82 p. (T E28971) Comparative linguistics Chotiros Permpikul. A comparative analysis of Thai and English contrastive discourse markers : with a discussion of the pedagogical implications. Boston : Boston University, 1999. 210 p. (T E13540) Comparative molecular field analysis Kanda Nivesanond. Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) of HEPT derivatives as HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors and molecular dynamics simulations of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 120 p. (T E16650) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 157] Comparative religions Jutakarn Yothasamuthr. Inter-religious relations : a comparative study of Buddhism and Islam in Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 162 p. (T E19732) Comparison Peera Charoenporn. Automotive part procurement system in Thailand : a comparison of American and Japanese companies. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2001. 135 p. (T E16600) Comparison [Grammar] Siripen Ungsitipoonporn. A phonological comparison between Khlongphlu Chong and Wangkraphrae Chong. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 246 p. (T E17296) Compasite Sunan Tiptipakorn. Modification of mechanical properties of poly [methyl methacrylate] used for denture base material by using bamboo fiber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 145 p. (T E19500) Compatibility Wanna Yoksuwan. Effect of plasticizer blend on properties of flexible PVC compound. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 142 p. (T E20167) Compatibility testing [Hematology] Ratchaneewan Maneemaroj. Analysis of HLA class II allele frequencies in the Kamphaengphet population using the PCR-SSO technique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 131 p. (T E9117) Compatibilization Asira Chirawithayaboon. Compatibilization of high impact polystyrene/high density polyethylenc blends by styrene/ethylene-butylene/styrene block copolymer. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 102 p. (T E19061) Compatibilizer Waroonsiri Jarkarbutr. Effect of compatibilizer on mechanical properties of PP/nylon 6/EVA blends. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 71 p. (T E20248) Compatibilizers Watcharaporn Kirdudom. Comparative studies of the effect of compatibilizers on HDPE/Nylon6 blends. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2000. 85 p. (T E15229) กฤษณา มีสวัสดิ์. อิทธิพลของสารชวยผสม และการฉายรังสีที่มีตอสมบัติเชิงกลของพอลิโอลิฟนผสม = Influence of compatibilizers and irradiation on mechainical properties of Polyolefin blends. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยี พระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 142 หนา. (วพ 104210) Compatible order ฉวีวรรณ รัตนประเสริฐ. Clones ทางเดียวชนิดกอกําเนิดแบบจํากัด = Finitely generated monotone clones. นครปฐม : ภาควิชาคณิตศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2544. 15 หนา. (ว 111589 ฉ.1; 146155 ฉ.2) Compensation Suwadee Wongbuddha. A study on the opinions of the competent authorities concerned and of the appellants towards the process of administrative system in payment of compensation : appealed cases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 172 p. (T E24463) Competence Adisak Luecha. Understanding and implementation of educational reforms, job competencies of administrators and job satisfaction of technology educators in north-eastern, Thailand. Manila : Technological University of the Philippines, 2005. 99 p. (T E36377) Competency Jarunan Srijandee. Health teaching competency bases for nurses. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 145 p. (T E35056) Kamonkan Witayangkoon. Secondary social studies teaching competencies as perceived by student-teachers instructors, and administrators in Thailand. Denton : University of North Texas, 1990. 195 p. (T E40242) Kittipat Chachaeng. Evaluation of competency of the crime watch volunteers in the Samreah Police Station area. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 149 p. (T E20117) Liu, Ying. Nursing competency and organizational climate as perceived by registered nurses in Affiliated Zhongshan hospital People's Republic of China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 98 p. (T E37252) Nattiya Kapol. Evaluation of pharmaceutical educational outcomes in Thailand. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 186 p. (T E37451) Patarapol Aisi. International tourists and stakeholders' expectations of competency and ability of monastery tour guides. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 140 p. (T E33165) Somchai Punyajaroen. The competencies of senior executive officers (SEOs) : a case study of Ministry of the Interior, Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 201 p. (T E38431) Sukhumvit Saiyasopon. The competency of provincial integrated administration committee : a comparative study between Udon Thani and Khon Kaen province Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 179 p. (T E38410) Suni Kolsatayasmit. Prefessional nurse competency in the universal coverage health insurance in health centers, the Health Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 117 p. (T E23988) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 158] Competency (ตอ) Surapee Hemvanich. Competency development approaches addressing workers in the informal sector : a case study of the Thai traditional massagers at tourist seaside resorts. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 258 p. (T E34140) Swanya Cheusuwan. Trainees' opinions towards a desirable competency base of trainers case study : Probation Department Ministry of Justice. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 93 p. (T E18233) Theerachai Pobhirun. The effectiveness of management results of primary care unit chiefs in Nakhon Ratchasima province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 185 p. (T E35055) Wilavan Phusing. Competeney on operational planning of health center head in Ubon Ratchathanee province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E19259) จริยา พิชญชยะนนท. การพัฒนาแบบประเมินสมรรถนะของหัวหนากลุมงานการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลชุมชน กระทรวง สาธารณสุข = Development of competency assessment scale among nursing directors in community hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 148 หนา. (วพ 109762) Competency assessment scale จริยา พิชญชยะนนท. การพัฒนาแบบประเมินสมรรถนะของหัวหนากลุมงานการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลชุมชน กระทรวง สาธารณสุข = Development of competency assessment scale among nursing directors in community hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 148 หนา. (วพ 109762) Competency base Suda Bulsuk. Trainees' opinions towards a desirable competency base of trainers case study : Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 83 p. (T E18006) Thera Kanchanarak. Training officers' opinions towards a desirable competency base of trainers case study : Ministry of Education. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 85 p. (R E19045) Competency based skill training ยุทธศักดิ์ สัณฑมาศ. บทเรียนคอมพิวเตอรชวยฝกความสามารถแบบอิงเกณฑ โปรแกรมโฟโตชอป เรื่อง การตกแตงภาพดวย อุปกรณในกลองเครื่องมือ = Competency based skill training CBT for the photo finishing within photoshop tools box. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 177 หนา. (วพ 113783) Competency based training--Cost effectiveness Sultan. Cost-effectiveness analysis of competency based training (CBT) and conventional training (CT) for midwives in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 86 p. (T E31463) Competency inventory Komgrit Jumpasut. An academic competencies of industrial arts primary school teachers in Thailand. Cardiff : University of Wales, 1987. 223 p. (T E40597) Liu, Ming. Development of competency inventory for registered nurses in the people's republic of China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 195 p. (T E35247) Competency model Rungsiyaporn Mitaree. An evaluation of a competency model developed and implemented for executives at a Thai service business state enterprise. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2006. 263 p. (T E35905) Competition Chanchana Payungwong. Interaction of organic acid in biogas production II : a modeling of synergism and/or competition. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 164 p. (R E13835) Deunden Nikomboriak. Competition policy under the new constitution and the role of the government. Bangkok : Thailand Development Research Institute, 2002. 1 vol.(in various pagings). (R E19238) Dort, Lois Ann. Sport, tradition and women in competitive Muay Thai. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 102 p. (T E23571) Kanyarat Chanyapunsub. The competitive behavior in a retailing sector : a case study of Suphanburi. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2003. 127 p. (T E20626) Kittikorn Khattirat. Interaction of organic acid in biogas production : a modeling of synergism and/or competition. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 89 p. (R E13453) Panadda Pradniwat. Competition strategy between proprietary and open source software and optimal copyright protection in the presen of software piracy and network externalities. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 134 p. (T E38079) Sittichai Saelem. Competitive strategies for tank farm operations. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 92 p. (T E10560) Suthiket Thatpitak-kul. The improvement of Thai toy industry's competitiveness : a benchmarking approach. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 153 p. (T E23308) Tanormsak Senakham. Energy demands during competition of Thai National Sepak Takraw athletes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 58 p. (T E13480) Witada Anukoonwattaka. Manufacturing export competitiveness and performance of Thailand. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1999. 157 p. (T E14414) Yoshioka, Norihiko. The internationalization of the Thai movie industry : an analysis of the export competitiveness to the Japanese market. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 101 p. (T E41204) Yuthaphong Geeratayaporn. Measuring competition in Thai banking : a new approach. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2001. 60 p. (T E16597) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 159] Competition, International Nit Chantramonklasri. Science and technology development strategy and policy for promoting industrial competitiveness : Thailand case. Bangkok : Thailand Development Research Institute, [1995]. 31 p. (T E9359) Competitive advantage Phongthep Srisopachit. International strategy, human resource management practices, and competitive advantage : a case study of the electronics industry in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 148 p. (T E14954) Competitive behavior Kanyarat Chanyapunsub. The competitive behavior in a retailing sector : a case study of Suphanburi. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2003. 127 p. (T E20626) Competitive bidding พรเทพ ลําธารวงศ. ระบบสนับสนุนการเลือกราคาประมูลเพื่อการแขงขัน = Decision support system for competitive bidding. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 242 หนา. (วพ 110352) Competitive binding assay Thanaphorn Tanchareon. Turnover of pyrimethamine in mice infected with sensitive and resistant plasmodium chabaudi measured by competitive binding assay. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1986. xv, 106 p. (T E6967) Competitive exclusion Kris Angkanaporn. Effect of various techniques of giving competitive exclusion products on growth performance, cecal short-chain fatty acid concentrations and fecal Salmonella spp shedding in broilers. Bangkok : Department of Physiology Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 28 p. (R E19027) Competitiveness ศุภสิทธิ์ จําปาวงษ. การวิเคราะหความสามารถในการแขงขันของอุตสาหกรรมกระจกแผนของประเทศไทย = An analysis of competitiveness of flat glass industry in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 174 หนา. (วพ 113025) สุรพจน ลิ้มสุวรรณเกสร. ความสามารถในการแขงขันของอุตสาหกรรมเครื่องรับและหลอดภาพโทรทัศนที่ผลิตในประเทศไทย = Competitiveness of Thai television receiver and cathode ray tube industries. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 149 หนา. (วพ 113027) Competitiveness analysis นิติเวท เพิ่มพูลโชคคณา. การวิเคราะหความสามารถในการแขงขันการสงออกผลิตภัณฑอาหารทะเลไทย : กรณีศึกษา เนื้อปลา แชแข็งและปูกระปอง = Competitiveness analysis of Thai seafood exports : a case of frozen fish meat and canned crab. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 258 หนา. (วพ 112471) Competitiveness [Economics] Piriya Pholphirul. Competitiveness, income distribution, and growth in Thailand : what does the long-run evidence show?. Bangkok : Thailand Development Research Institute, 2005. 40 p. (R E34628) Witada Anukoonwattaka. Manufacturing export competitiveness and performance of Thailand. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1999. 157 p. (T E14414) Complaints column โสภา จิรพัฒนานันท. เนื้อหาและแนวทางการคัดเลือกจดหมาย ในคอลัมนรองทุกขของหนังสือพิมพรายวันไทย = Content and selection of letters in complaint columns in daily newspapers. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 176 หนา. (วพ 94498) Complaints handling officers Doungnapa Pichetkul. Performance of the complaints handling officers in the universal health coverage project. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 94 p. (T E24252) Complant management system Dechakorn Boonma. Design of a customer complaint management system : a case study of steel manufacturing. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 141 p. (T E20208) Complement activation Chusana Suankratay. The lectin pathway of complement activation in man. Chicago : Rush University, 1998. 182 p. (T E12311) Complement fixation Nuanthip Kamolvarin. Topological study of human complement terminal complex. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 3 microfiches (124 fr.). (T MF20159) Complement [Immunology] Suchat Udomsopagit. Allotypes of the fourth component of complement (C4) in normal Thai and patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), and IgM nephropathy = อัลโลทัย พของคอมพลีเมนตองคประกอบที่ 4 (C4) ในคนไทยและผูปวย Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), ไขเลือดออก และ IgM nephropathy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 2 microfiches (89 fr.). (T MF20328) Complement [immunology] Wanpen Chaicumpa. Selected methods in clinical immunology. Bangkok : Mahidol University, [n.d.]. vol (in various pagings). (R E10720 c.1; E12014 c.2) Complementarity problem Krung Sinapiromsaran. Practical optimization of simulations : computation and tools. Madison : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000. 116 p. (T E16041) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 160] Complementary Nugroho, Prapto. Analysis and design of a 3-stage CMOS current controlled ring oscillator. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 57 p. (T E37509) Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid Khemmanun Cenphakdee. Cloning and sequencing of cDNA encoding major royal jelly protein family 4 and 5 of Apis cerana in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 131 p. (T E34520) Complementary food Phouvanh Vonglokham. Determinants of breastfeeding practices among mothers attending the Well Baby Clinic at the Mother and Child Health Hospital, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 106 p. (T E37706) Complementary foods Montana Chitpan. Formulation of fortified dried broken rice as complementary food. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 96 p. (T E21883) Orraya Porniammongkhon. Development of appropriate complementary food for infants in Ubon Ratchathani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 166 p. (T E15481) Pornphan Sakharin. Formulation of complementary food for infants in vitamin A-deficient areas. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 111 p. (T E19564) Souwanee Souvaphapsopha. Formulation of canned complementary food using locally available materials. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 188 p. (T E15885) Complementary learning book Panida Chalermpornchai. Development of a learning book on surveillance of the Rayong river for Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 196 p. (T E20454) Complementary medicine Saijai Pintobtang. Complementary and alternative therapy using in hospitalized HIV/AIDS patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 97 p. (T E19873) Complementary metal oxide intrinsic semiconductor ศุภกัลย วัฒนการุณ. การศึกษาและวิจัยทรานซิสเตอรโครงสรางแบบ CMOIS ที่มีชองทางเดินกระแสรูปวี = The study and research of V-channel CMOIS structure transistors. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหาร ลาดกระบัง, 2542. 86 หนา. (วพ 106117) Complementary therapy Piriyalux Sirisupluxana. Experiences of using complementary therapy among Thai women with breast cancer. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 197 p. (T E39482) Complete data บุษยมาส นันตสุคนธ. การประมาณคาฟงกชันอัตราภาวะภัยสําหรับขอมูลสมบูรณ = Estimation of hazard rate function for complete data. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 177 หนา. (วพ 94312) Complete graphs Boonsong Gomasnaratorn. An extremal problem related to graphs having complete subgraphs. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. vi, 54 p. (T E6823) Complete metric space สมยศ พลับเที่ยง. รูปทั่วไปของคอนแทรกชันแบบไมร-คีลเลอร และทฤษฎีบทจุดคงที่รวมกัน = A generlization of the mierkeeler type contraction and common fixed point theorems. พิษณุโลก : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, [2542]. 23 หนา. (ว 98832ฉ.1; 155308ฉ.2) Complete sublattices Srichan Arvorn. Complete sublattices of subvariety lattices of semigroup varieties. Chiang Mai : Department of Mathematics, Chiang Mai University, 2001. 122 p. (R E15699) Completed genome Wantida Homthawornchoo. Drug targets identification for tuberculosis by in silico gene deletions. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 110 p. (T E22816) Completeness Sy, Marie Irene R.. Completeness and accuracy of death certificates at Ramathibodi hospital in 1999. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 58 p. (T E17547) Complex agroecosystem Nitima Bintammangong. Energy-economic analytical approach pertaining to sustainable development of complex agroecosystem. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 112 p. (T E10620) Complex coacervation Atchara Maimansomsook. Microencapsulation of amoxycillin trihydrate by complex coacervation and spray-drying techniques. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 261 p. (T E17225) Complex compounds Aimorn Saksaengwijit. Studies on the interactions of proton-cryptand, lithium-cryptand and some closed shell metal-biuret complexes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 118 p. (T E18285) Amporn Tripatara. Structure function relationship of human pyruvate dehydrogenase. [S.l.] : Case Western Reserve University, 1997. 179 p. (T E11046) Anchulee Suwandee. A study of the compounds found in scientific texts. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (122 เฟรม). (T MF09233) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 161] Complex compounds (ตอ) Anong Patmasiriwat. Improvement of chemical stability of chloramphenicol base by B-cyclodextrin complexation = การปรับปรุงความคงตัวทางเคมีของยาคลอแรมเฟนิคอลเบสโดยการทําเปนสารประกอบเชิงซอนของเบตาไซโคลเด็กซ ทริน. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 2 microfiches (104 fr.). (T MF20523) Anothai Suphanpong. Spectroscopic and x-ray crystallographic studies of metacycloprodigiosin complexed with DNA. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 87 p. (T E34181) Arpornrat Nanatalaksakul. Novel polyether containing chiral salen complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 74 p. (T E20548) Chak Sangma. Study on chemical and physical properties of some isonicotinoylhydrazone compounds. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (67 fr.). (T MF20109) Chan Inntam. Cluster model studies of d-metal species relevant to catalysis and of their adsorption complexes. Munchen : Technischen Universitat Munchen, 2005. 148 p. (T E36388) Chatchai Srinitiwarawong. Magnetic properties of Smn Com Nx from hysteresis graph. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 79 p. (T E10787) Chatkaew Chailuecha. The synthesis, crystal structure, spectroscopic and magnetic properties of dinuclear triplybridged copper (II) compounds containing the Di-2-pyridylamine ligand with the carboxylato bridge. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 173 p. (T E23453) Chayaporn Pongthanomsak. Synthesis of nitrate compounds from vegetable oils as cetane improver. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 108 p. (T E24068) Chomchai Suksai. Speciation and structural characterization of meso-HMPAO metal complexes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 134 p. (T E18525) Chuleeporn Puttnual. Complex formation constants of zine halides in aqueous solutions = คาคงที่การเกิด สารประกอบเชิงซอนของสารละลายสังกะสีเฮไลดในน้ํา. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1988. 3 microfiches (140 fr.). (T MF20555) Chunjit Jiravinyu. Asymmetric reduction of ketones with chiral hydride complexes and asymmetric synthesis of butenolides. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. i, 137 leaves. (T E2321c.1) Damrong Sommit. Structure analysis of diterpenoid compounds from stem bark of Croton oblongifolius Roxb.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 90 p. (T E12437) Dujreutai Pongkao. Fabrication and characterization of morphology-controlled calcium phosphate bioceramics by soft solution processing. Tokyo : Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2002. 103 p. (T E18967) Kannikar Damnatara. The synthesis, crystal structure, spectroscopy of mono and bis (di-2- pyridylamine) copper (II) complexes with oxyanions. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 163 p. (T E20682) Karaked Tedsree. Preparation and catalytic property of cyclodextrin ferrocenylamine inclusion compounds. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 162 p. (T E14362) Kasree Namkane. Appropriate methods for volatile organic compounds and phenolic compounds analysis in water and sediment samples. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 100 p. (T E20663) Khajadpai Thipyapong. The influence of copper (II) ion on the complex of technetium-99m-MAG3. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xii, 79 p. (T E6869) Kiatkong Ngoensanga. Studies on synthesis and complexation of multidentate macrocyclic compound. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 54 p. (T E18407) Laddawan Pdungsap. Energy transfer studies and charge transfer excited state reactivity of some d6 organometallic complexes. [S.l.] : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1976. 131 p. (T E22574) Mahidol Phasorn. Synthesis of nitrate compounds from coconut oil as cetane improvers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 90 p. (T E23425) Maliwan Sookseam. An optimization of sample preparation for the high performance liquid chromatographic determination of phenolic compounds and their antioxidant activity in jasmine rice. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 118 p. (T E34570) Manit Kidyue. Taxonomic revision of the Hoya parasitica complex in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 127 p. (T E30118) Matinee Jamkratoke. Synthesis of 1,3-alternate calix [4]-cyclen-benzo-crown-6 and its complexation with metal cations and organic molecules. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 82 p. (T E16725) Monchanok Thongthep. Fortran programming to generate and calculate complexation energy for the development of intermolecular pair potential function. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 65 p. (T E19049) Nantaphol Klansorn. Preparation, characterization and catalytic properties of cobalt phthalocyanine encapsulated in zeolite EMT and zeolite BEA. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2003. 178 p. (T E21970) Nantaya Chanma. Synthesis of epoxy polymer using schift's base metal complexes as crosslinking agents. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 65 p. (T E14046) Nart Promrangsan. High performance liquid chromatographic separation of ecdysteroids from some vitex plant species. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1998. 160 p. (T E13448) Nawee Farkrachang. Synthesis of some multifunctional crosslinking agents for polyurethane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 133 p. (T E11825) Neeranat Thienthong. Synthesis and evaluation of a reporter molecule based on heterocyclic conjugated moieties. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2000. 99 p. (T E15233) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 162] Complex compounds (ตอ) Nguyen, Thi Bich Thuy. Changes in phenolic compounds and activities of polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia yase during the development of chilling injury in banana stored at low temperature. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 168 p. (T E21973) Nisakorn Kamjaikittikul. Chemical constituents of the leaf of amoora gigantea pierre ex. laness. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 190 p. (T E10749) Nopporn Thasana. 12a-Hydroxyelliptone, a new compound, from the stems of Derris malaccensis Prain, and synthetic studies of Benz[b] indano [1,2-e] pyran and derivatives. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 258 p. (T E10592) Patcharapha Usit. Synthesis of bis (tributyltin) oxide. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 82 p. (T E15763) Phittaya Sisot. Theoretical studies on solvation behavior of monovalent metal ion complexes. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1994. 82 p. (T E9500) Pimprapun Gunnasoot. The synthesis, crytal structure, spectroscopic and magnetic properties of dinuclear oxalato-bridged copper (II) complexes containing the 2, 2-bipyridylamine ligand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 118 p. (T E20679) Pipat Khongpracha. Structure and reactivity of nanostructured materials and their metal complexes with co molecules. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 110 p. (T E36202) Ponwason Eamchan. Study of some ortho hydroxy acetophenoximes as spectrometric reagents. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1985. 3 microfiches (142 fr.). (T MF20202) Preecha Boonchoong. Synthesis of manganese-based superoxide dismutase mimics and evaluation for the antioxidant properties and neuroprotective actions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 239 p. (T E21680) Rodjana Burakham. Simplex optimization of high performance liquid chromatographic analysis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2001. 121 p. (T E17050) Sareyaporn Udomsub. A Monte Carlo study on the influence of macrocyclic compound on the structure of water and ammonia mixture. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 100 p. (T E8473) Sirilux Poompradub. Complexation of anions with tripodal ammonium capped calix[4]arenes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 116 p. (T E16608) Siwalak Kwanthong. Intramolecular cyclization of some phenolic enones. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 116 p. (T E34574) Somsak Angdonka. Hydrodesulfurization of aromatic sulfur compounds catalyzed by ruthenium hydirde complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 106 p. (T E18951) Somying Leelasubcharoen. Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl chromium complexes in ethylene polymerization and oxidation reactions. Baron : University of Delaware, 2001. 212 p. (T E15961) Songwut Yotsawimonwat. Debranched waxy rice starch-fatty acid complexes and their pharmaceutical applications. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 136 p. (T E23279) Soottawat Benjakul. Effect of phosphate compounds on setting and gel-forming ability of surimi. Songkhla : Department of food Technology Songkla University, 2007. 122 p. (R E41279) Suchada Chantrapomma. Synthesis and crystal structure of novel transition metal complexes of Schiff base macrocyclic ligands. Songkhla : Department of Chemistry Prince of Songkla University, [2003]. 82 p. (R E20285) Sudarath Veravong. Synthesis of 25,27-[N,N'-di-((ethoxy)benzyl) propylenediamine]-26,28-dimethoxy-p-tertbutylcalix[4] arene dihydrochloride and investigation of its basicity and complexation with some transition metal ions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 111 p. (T E14201) Sujittra Tongkratok. Electrochemical and catalytic properties of transition metal-schiff base complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 58 p. (T E18953) Sumarat Tassanapreecha. Simultaneous determination of inorganic anions and equally charged complexes of heavy metals with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid by ion chromatography. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2001. 211 p. (T E18530) Sumitra Ratananontachai. Physical and drug permeability characteristics of chitosan-anionic polymer complex films. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 156 p. (T E12108) Sunaiyana Sathantriphop. Irritancy and repellency by Culex quinquefasciatus say (Diptera : culicidae) to three different classes of compounds. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 45 p. (T E34110) Sureeporn Homvisasevongsa. Synthesis of brassinosteroid analogues from ecdysteroids : chemical modifications of rings A and B of 20-hydroxyecdysone. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2000. 184 p. (T E17403) Suthad Tanboriphan. Synthesis and properties of electron deficient diene ironcarbonyl complexes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 117 p. (T E15323) Suwannee Junyapoon. Analysis and sources of toxic volatile compounds from landfill sites. Leeds : University of Leeds, 2001. 272 p. (T E15968) Tanshisa Inpornvichitr. Oxidation of saturated hydrocarbons catalyzed by metal porphyrin complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 69 p. (T E19066) Teerapat Rojsajjakul. Synthesis of calix [4] arenes for anion separations. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 146 p. (T E10751) Thanaporn Boonchoo. Investigation of basicity of calix[4]-cyclen-benzo-crown-6 and stability of its complexes with metal ions by potentiometric method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 64 p. (T E21853) หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 32 Chiefs of Health Centers - English language--Written English [หนา 163] Complex compounds (ตอ) Thanaporn Radeethanakul. Selective epoxidation of alkenes catalyzed b
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