10th annual BBQ - Sunland Springs Village Active 55+!


10th annual BBQ - Sunland Springs Village Active 55+!
Sunland Springs Village Voice
March 2009 Vol. 4 No. 10
February 2009 I C E
Sunland Springs Village Homeowners Association, Inc. • An Active Adult Community
20 Pages
Enjoy the outdoors while getting some exercise
See Story on page 9.
th annual BBQ
Wednesday, March 11
Farnsworth Development will host the Tenth Annual Sunland Springs Village BBQ on Wednesday,
March 11. All residents are invited to stop by the Sales Office to pick up your free tickets. If you would
like to bring a friend, you may pick up their tickets at the same time. Please, one guest ticket per resident.
Tickets are available until March 6.
The BBQ will be held at the driving range next to the Pro Shop beginning promptly at Noon. There
will be lots of great food, entertainment and prizes. We look forward to seeing you at the BBQ.
Farnsworth’s is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. We have some special things planned
for this BBQ to celebrate this important Anniversary. Come join us!!!
What’s Inside
• On the Manager’s Mind..................................Page 3
• Around the Village.............................................. 3-6
• Clubs and Activities ......................................... 7-16
• Activities Calendar............................................... 13
• Classified Ads . .................................................... 18
Articles are due in the Activities Office
by Noon on Tuesday,
March 10 or by e-mail with
subject including the word VOICE
with Microsoft Word File attached
to [email protected]
February 2009
Sunland Springs Village Voice
Coordinators and Contacts
for Activities
Aerobics (low impact)
Bible Study
Bicycle Club
Billiards, Mens
Billiards, Ladies
Bocce Ball
Book Club
Bridge – Couples
Bridge – Duplicate
Bridge – Ladies Social
Bridge – Mens
Bridge – Open
Bunco – Saturday
Canasta – Ponytail Partners
Canasta – Ponytail Ladies
Cards – “500”
Caregivers/Care Managers
Computer Club
Game Night
Get Fit Stay Fit
Golf – Couples
Golf – Ladies 18 Hole
Golf – Men’s Golf Club
Golf Pro Shop
Hiking Club
Investment Club
LDS Social
Barb & Gary Du Four
Rita Vautrin
Sylvia Hansen
Al Lillie
Ralph Laurel
Judie Rasmussen
Bill Reisenauer
Karl Koch
Belle Myers
Dan Kuleff
Shelley Corthell
Fred & Dorothy Kramer
Marian Felderman
Donna Lenox
Joe Strahl
Rosalie Taylor
Helen Denney
Joe Fusaro
Nancy Patterson
Janice Leber
Jim & Carol Moore
Bev Zamborowski
JoAnne Chapin
Gene Cate
Harlan Steinle
Jane Harrel
Dan Radeka
Marv & Vi Karst
Lowell Satterlee
Toni Shields
Ila Brandli
Roy Brandli
Jim & Shara Hammontree
June Crook
Eldon Junkermeier
Gary Humprey
Dan Fortney
LaVonne Hoover
Monica Rae Stein
Ralph Stokes
Access to
and Services
1pm - 4pm
Mah Jongg – National
Mah Jongg – International
Men’s Billiards
Men’s Breakfast
Mixed Chorus
Motorcycle Club
Needle Crafters
Newcomers Orientation
Pet Pals
Photo Club
Pickle Ball
Pinochle – Double Deck
Poker – Monday
Poker – Wednesday
Quilt Club
Red Hat Society
Scuba Network
Softball – Mens
Softball – Ladies
Stained Glass
Springs Chapel Moderator
Springs Chapel Pastor
Tai Chi
Tennis Club
Terra Travel
Textile Arts Center
VOICE Distribution
Water Aerobics – AM
Water Aerobics – PM
Water Exercise
Water Volley Ball
Jan Orr
Joan Kyro
Essy Kalfus
Karen Johnston (Wed & Sat)
Dan Larson
Bob Schiff
Dee Rabjohn
Gil Franklin
Louise Beighle
Mary Lund
Kay Resetar
Marian Felderman
Maureen Serva
Fran Davidson
George Perry
Judi Taylor
Ron Tymes
Clark Smith
Barbara Pointer
Jan Jelley
Barta Berger
Bob Jelley
Del & Darlene Salls
Jerry Burrow
Bob Bush
Dave Corthell
Joann Shanahan
Rex Smith
Patti Finney
Harley Lemmon
Gene Cate
Milt Zeeb
Bob Jelley
Jim Talbot
Wayne & Judith Konz
Arlyce Nelson
Al & Myra Lillie
Roy Brandli
Janet Will
Judi Bushelman
Mary Kelly
Bev Hyde
Pete Crocenzi
Sammie Michael
Becky Buck
Swimming Pool & Fitness Center
Library, Card Rooms, Billiard Room
Assn. / Activities Office
Woodshop / Open M-F
(480) 380-2712
(480) 354-8758
Sunland Springs Village Voice is published on
the first of each month by Miller Media Services
for the Sunland Village Springs Homeowners
For content information contact the
Sunland Springs Village Homeowners
Association office (480) 354-8758.
For advertising information call Miller Media
Services (480) 361-4431 / Fax (480) 361-4293
or email to [email protected]
The Sunland Springs Village Voice is provided
to the community by Miller Media Services at no cost
to the community association or residents through the
support of its advertisers. Due to the limited amount
of available space, all submitted material may be edited or omitted as deemed necessary by the publisher
and community representatives.
On the Cover: L to R Al Lillie on the bike, Ed Sondrol
and Jerry Nelson. Photo by Ed Leahy
Night 24 hrs
24 hrs
Farnsworth Customer Service Manager (480) 986-1972
Farnsworth Sales Office, Mon-Sat (480) 984-4999
(602) 434-0940
Rossmar Management (480) 551-4300
Rossmar Management Emergency (480) 336-2700
Sunland Springs Village Voice
February 2009 Around the Village
[email protected]
Spring Break
This month is Spring Break month for school children
all across the country, and a few of them find their way to
Sunland Springs Village. Some of the school “children”
are well into their 20’s, but whatever their age, the residents
being visited need to make sure their guests are following
community rules.
Remember that you must accompany your guests of any
age while they are at the Pool, the Fitness Center or the Billiards Room. However, if you have adult guests (age 18 or
older) staying one or more nights with you, you may obtain
passes at the Activities Office that allow them to use the facilities on their own. The passes are $5 per person, and there is
a $15 family rate. The passes are good for 30 days.
Golf Carts
Every year I get reports of children, sometimes very
young children, driving grandma’s golf cart on our streets.
This practice is very dangerous even if you are accompanying
your grandchild, and it freaks everybody else out. Remember,
the streets in Sunland Springs Village belong to the city. To
drive on any city street you must be a licensed driver and
follow the rules of the road.
Swimming Pool Monitors
Again this season, the Recreational Facilities Committee
has organized a group of volunteer homeowners to be Pool
Monitors. Thanks go to JoAnne Chapin and Myra Lillie, the
principal organizers, and to their volunteers. The Pool Monitors will be on duty throughout the month of March and into
April during children’s hours seven days a week. They are
identifiable by their attractive T-shirts.
Their job is to remind people of the rules and to report infractions. Please show the Pool Monitors your respect and your
gratitude for making the pool area a pleasant place to be.
There are other risks we sometimes don’t
think about.
Swimming Pool Rules
This is a good time of
year to review the swimming
pool rules. I am not covering
all the rules here, just the ones
I get the most calls about. The
complete list of rules is posted
at the pool.
The pools at Sunland
Springs Village are not the same as family swimming pools
where Mom and Dad invent rules on the spur of the moment
as needed. Our pools are classified as semi-public pools and,
therefore, we are governed by the health codes established
by Maricopa County. The rules posted in the pool area make
sense from a health and safety viewpoint and also from a “let’s
all get along” viewpoint.
1. No child under the age of three and nobody wearing
diapers is allowed in the pools. Obviously these rules are
based on health concerns. I find it hard to believe that anyone
would take a diapered child into a semi-public pool, but this
violation occurs every year.
2. Children three to 16 may swim in the Main Pool or the
Lap Pool only between Noon - 2 PM and between 5 - 6 PM.
Sunland Springs Village is a 55 and older community as defined
by the Federal Government. People who move here expect that,
with rare exceptions, no one under 18 is living here. Therefore,
children’s hours at the pool are, and should be, an exception
to the standard, established as an amenity so that the residents
can spend some time with their under aged guests at the pool.
3. No children under the age of 16 are allowed in the Spa.
This rule is based on health concerns. Until well into puberty,
children do not have sufficient sweat glands to moderate their
temperature. Children can have a great time in the Spa and be
perfectly safe provided the temperature is no higher than 98
degrees. However, you live in an adult community, and the
Spa temperature is set for adults, close to 104 degrees.
4. No running, diving, rough play, etc. at the pool. This
rule doesn’t just apply to children. I have had reports of middle
aged children of residents acting like children at the pool.
5. No glass containers or food in the pool area. You may
have beverages in other types of containers, but they should
not be placed on the sides of the pool. Put them on a table.
Brokerage risk. At mid-decade, if you had
walked around Manhattan saying Lehman
Brothers would go bankrupt, few would have
paid you any mind. But it happened – not
just because of the financial climate, but
because of decisions management made.
Of course, brokerages only handle your investments; they are prohibited from tapping
into your assets or lending them out when
they get in a jam. The Securities Investor
Protection Corporation protects up to
When an investor or financial advisor thinks
$500,000 of your assets at a brokerage – inabout diversification, it is generally with
market funds,
market risk in mind. It’s worth remembering cluding stocks, bonds, money
and cash up to $100,000.1 In the 39-year
that there are other potential risks to your
history of the SIPC, just 349 brokerage acmoney – and diversification can be valuable
count holders have failed to get their entire
in helping you cope with them.
portfolios back.2 But SIPC coverage doesn’t
Business risk. Even today, there are people
cover everything - fixed annuity contracts,
who have worked for one company for many commodity futures contracts, and certain
years and who own great amounts of corpoinvestment contracts such as limited partrate stock, perhaps as a significant portion of nerships aren’t protected.1 Additionally,
their 401(k) investments or overall portfolio. there have been a few brokerages that have
Are you one of them? Here’s a word for you: lost their SIPC membership, for a variety of
Enron. It is risky to link your financial future reasons. Again, it pays to be vigilant, and to
to the health and viability of one company.
Provided by Kevin Humphrey
Investment advisor risk. We can be thankful, as investors and as a society, that Bernie
Madoff represents an unfortunate aberration
in the financial services industry. Financial
advisors, investment advisors, money managers – hundreds of thousands of them work by
strict legal, ethical, and moral standards. If
they don’t, they risk losing their livelihoods,
or worse. But, very rarely, you do read stories of financial services professionals who
have proved charlatans. One way to combat
this risk is to check out the advisor. You can
do it through the free Broker Check record
search offered by the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority (finra.org/
brokercheck), and through your state securities administrator. This risk, although thankfully rare, does give one pause to think
about the value of having a strong cash position and diversification beyond the standard
investment vehicles.
6. Shower in the pool area before entering the pool. This
applies to everyone, even those among you who, like most
Americans, shower or bathe everyday. Aside from our monsoon dust storms, the biggest contaminates for most pools are
the dead skin cells on your body. The threat of contamination
by skin cells is especially high in small bodies of water, in
particular, spas.
Fitness Center Rules
1. Use equipment at your own risk. Paola Ball, our Fitness Instructor, is available to show you how to use the equipment safely. She is at the Fitness Center the first Thursday
and the third Tuesday of the month from 9 - 11 AM.
2. No one under 18 years of age may use the equipment
at any time.
3. No food or drink except water.
4. No bare feet or wet suits; shirts required.
5. If you sweat on the equipment or floor, wipe it up.
Billiard Room Rules
1. No food or drink except water.
2. No one under 16 years of age may play.
3. Don’t sit on the tables.
[email protected]
Cruise on over . . .
. . . to the Classic Car Show and Sock Hop on Saturday, March 7. This is our annual benefit for Sunshine
Acres Children’s Home. The CAR SHOW starts at 2
PM in the Auditorium Parking Lot with SSV residents
showing off their “classics”. Kettle corn, hot dogs and
soda pop will be available. The SOCK HOP (shoes reContinued on page 4
Inflation risk. Inflation – even moderate
inflation - effectively reduces your purchasing power over time. This is why growth investing can be a priority in retirement.
Bottom line: be diversified. Have many
baskets, not one. Speak to a qualified financial advisor to examine the financial options
before you. There may be many more ways
to invest your assets than you realize.
Just for fun...
Last Months Riddle: What president had electricity installed in the
White House and then didn’t touch
the light switches for fear of electrocution?
Answer: Benjamin Harrison
Riddle of the month for beer
These are the views of Peter Montoya Inc., not
enthusiasts. Established in Pennthe named Representative nor United Planners,
sylvania in 1829, what is the oldest
and should not be construed as specific investment advice. Individual needs vary and require
continuously operating brewery in
consideration of your unique objectives and fithe United States? (It made nonalnancial situation. Certain risks exist with any
type of investment & should be considered care- coholic beer during the Prohibition.)
fully before making any investment decisions. All
The first three emails with the correct aninformation is believed to be from reliable
sources; however, we make no representation as swer sent to [email protected]
to its completeness or accuracy. The publisher is
not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or
other professional services. If other expert assistance is needed, the reader is advised to engage
the services of a competent professional. Please
consult your Financial Advisor for further information.
Political risk. Americans don’t always link
politics and financial pressures, except when
it comes to oil and gas prices. Yet earlier
this decade - I don’t have to tell you the
date - the financial markets were rocked by Citations.
an unimaginable human tragedy and a new
sipc.org/pdf/SIPC_English_2008.pdf [2008]
kind of global threat. The plunge was tempo- 2
rary, and it was a bear market at the time.
But the DJIA fell 685 points in a day and
14.26% across the succeeding week.3 These
risks, too, make you think about the value of 3 the-privateer.com/chart/dow-long.html
Currency risk. Many investors don’t incorporate this factor into risk assumptions. But
fluctuating exchange rates do present a risk
element. If you have stocks in Canada that
gain 6% but the Canadian dollar loses 6% of
its value relative to the U.S. dollar, so much
for that return.
850 S. Ironwood Drive, Suite 122
Apache Junction, AZ 85220
toll free: 877.983.5700
phone: 480.258.6113
fax: 480.983.2602
e-mail: [email protected]
*Investment Advisor, Securities offered through United Planners Financial Services of America (Member FINRA/SIPC).
Investment advisory and financial planning services offered though UPFSA (a registered investment advisor).
February 2009
Sunland Springs Village Voice
Around the Village
City Collection Barrel
• The city provides collection services on
all holidays.
• Each barrel is collected once a week. Barrels need to be at the curb, with handles
facing your house, by 6 a.m. on collection
days and should be removed by 6 a.m. the
following day. Suggested placement is as
follows to allow pedestrians access
Placement exception: Customers residing on streets that have 35 MPH or
higher speed limit should place their containers on the sidewalk.
JOTTINGS FROM JANET Continued from page 3 It’s up to ALL of us. Bring
your socks to the Activities
quired for dancing) starts at 7:30 Office, Car Show or Sock Hop.
PM with disc jockey Steve Smith Concert Series 2010 . . .
spinning those old favorites of the
. . . is going to be dynamite!
50’s and 60’s. Put on those poodle With over 12 different performers
skirts and penny loafers, rub in the ranging from comedians to vocalButch Wax and be part of the fun ists to impersonators to musicians
and festivities on the 7th. Tickets to pantomimist to actor, there is
are only $7, and all proceeds go to something for everybody. Season
the kids.
tickets go on sale Monday, March 9
Again, this year . . .
at 8 AM in the Auditorium. Check
. . . we are collecting new back cover for details.
white socks (any size) for the Give the gift of . . .
children at Sunshine Acres. Last
. . . life on Thursday, March 26,
year we collected 1934 pairs of at the Blood Drive. Sign up in the
socks. Can we top that this year?
Michael Tucker, Chairman, SSV
Security Committee
The Sunland Springs Village
Security Committee encourages
all residents to become acquainted
with their neighbors and to look
out for each other. Our SSV goal
is to maintain 100% participation
in the Neighborhood Block Watch
Program. Over the past six months
we have experienced a slight decline
in participation. The SSV Security
Committee supports rejuvenation of
the Block Watch Program and has
scheduled a meeting on March 9 in
the Superstition Room. All current
Activities Office TODAY!
Clean out those closets . . .
. . . the Spring Yard Sale is
Saturday, March 14. Sellers, there
is a $3 charge which helps pay for
the newspaper advertising. You
still have time to sign up in the
Activities Office.
Opportunity knocks . . .
. . . we need crew for the upcoming Taxpayers’ Soup Kitchen
on April 14. Without YOUR help
there will be no soup. Call the
Activities Office (354-8758) to
lend your hand in making the best
homemade soup in the Valley.
Block Captains, residents interested
in becoming a Block Captain and residents who want to know more about
the program are invited to attend.
Community safety is the responsibility of each and every resident and
the neighborhood Block Captain is
a necessary and integral part of our
partnership with the Mesa Police Department. The temporary downturn
in volunteer Block Captains comes
at a most inopportune time.
The Mesa Police Department
confirms that in February, March and
April they observe sharp spikes in
crimes against property and automobiles theft. Factually, we have already
had several incidents since the first of
this year. Many thieves perceive this
to be the time when winter visitors
begin packing up to return to their
summer residence. Winter visitors
and full-time residents should be
aware that leaving visible valuables
in your unlocked vehicle (GPS units,
wallets, laptops, etc.) attracts thieves.
If your garage door opener is left in an
unlocked vehicle, you have also given
thieves access to your home. Keep
your car locked and report suspicious
The Block Watch program
works. Participants are encouraged
to keep an eye on any activity that is
questionable and if “it does not look
right” they are encouraged to call the
police. Block Watch Captains coordinate activities and dispense timely
information to their neighbors. This
program is the most effective tool
we have to deter crime and keep our
community safe. Mark you calendar.
If you are a Block Captain or are
interested in the program and think
that you might be able to be a Block
Captain, please come and join your
neighbors in the Superstition Room
at 6:30 PM on Monday, March 9.
The Annual Meeting represents the end of term for many
HOA committee members. That means there are openings in
March on the following committees: Architecture, Communications Management, Finance, Landscaping, Recreational
Facilities and Security. If you think you might be interested,
come to the Activities Office and pick up a packet. It describes
each of the committees and includes an application form.
There currently are no openings on the Buildings Committee, but fill out an application anyway if you are interested.
Openings often occur in mid-term.
Sunland Springs Village Voice
February 2009 Around the Village
Sunland Springs
50th Anniversary
Open House
Fitzgerald, John & Betti
Foster, Shirley
Harp, Elmer & Jettie
Peterson, Curtis & Barb
Pohl, Clark & Helen
Revesz, Garry & Gail
Williams, Russ
On January 24, Farnsworth’s hosted a 50th Anniversary
Open House at the Sales Office and Model Home Complex
in Sunland Springs Village. Over 1200 residents, guests and
“future residents” showed up to enjoy the festivities. Rollie
Fingers, (pictured with Craig Ahlstrom), Major League Baseball
Hall of Famer (Class of 1992), was on hand to help celebrate.
Rollie played with the Oakland Athletics and won three World
Series titles, a Cy Young Award and Most Valuable Player. Rollie really “pioneered” the role of the “closer” for Major League
Baseball. He signed autographs and had his picture taken with
dozens of well wishers who attended the event.
Craig, Jr. is also pictured along with Charles Anderson
who won a three-day trip to Las Vegas by hitting a home run
at the baseball booth.
To keep the baseball theme alive, grilled hamburgers
and hot dogs were served, along with peanuts, popcorn and
soda pop. Inflatable games were set up for attendees to be
able to win prizes, such as golf, hats, T-shirts and a weekend
get-away to Las Vegas.
KOY radio personality, Danny Davis, attended the event
and gave away KOY prizes for those who could answer various
trivia questions. The weather was beautiful and everyone had
a great time. Thanks for helping us celebrate!!!
Please join us at the next Newcomers Orientation
Thursday, March 12, 9 AM, Springs Card Room
Sun Master
Masonry, Inc.
Contractor with 20 years experience
specializing in new construction,
reconstruction of old wood or
concrete panel fencing, stucco and
Free Estimates
Summerizing Your Home – Part 2
Jere Barcellina – SSV Security
SUMMER. Your goal is to
make your residence look like
it’s not vacant.
Leaving the electricity
on gives you more options
for security and no one can
tell your schedule by your
lighting, whether you are
home or away.
1. Install outside “dusk to
dawn” lights and/or motion
lights. Make sure the motion
lights are set to detect move-
ment at the point you are
trying to protect, rather than
all the pedestrians walking by
or the stray animals.
2. Use timers for inside lights
and radios to give the appearance of someone being
at home.
3. Install a monitored or unmonitored security alarm.
4. Make sure you lock the
breaker box.
1. Trim back shrubbery that
hides doors or windows.
However, aggressive plants
such as thorny cactus or
bougainvillea planted under
windows or along fences
will discourage anyone from
using those areas as a point of
entry in the yard or home.
2. Do not place a chain across
your driveway or remove the
tires or place a vehicle on jacks,
indicating no one will be driving the vehicle for a while.
3. Make sure porches, entrance areas, house numbers
and yards are well lit.
4. Leave old lawn furniture
on the porch or patio if you
normally have lawn furniture
out. (Ask a neighbor to hose
it off frequently, especially
after one of those pesky monsoon dust storms!).
1. Ask your neighbors to
watch for suspicious activity
Valley Wide • Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Lic 137074 & 137075
and pick up any fliers or articles left on your doorstep.
2. Stop delivery of the newspaper and have your mail
forwarded for the time you
will be away.
3. Leave your contact numbers with trusted neighbors
and friends in case they need
to reach you. Stay in contact
while you are away.
4. Stop by the Activities Office
and let them know you will be
gone. (Very Important!)
YOUR AREA!!! (Very, Very
Have a Great Summer!
Mar 3-5 Rocky Point Mexico “Fun in the Sun”
$238 pp dbl, $338 sgl
Mar 4 Phoenix City Tour/State Capital Museum
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Mar 6 Tucson Air & Space Museum/Aircraft
Reclamation Center- “Boneyard” $78 pp
Personal, Farm & Business
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Very Reasonable Rates
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Mar 16-18 Las Vegas Fun Trip-St. Pat’s Day-Downtown
Freemont St., Sign-up by Mar 1 $162 pp dbl
Mar 17 Spring Training Baseball Game LA Dodgers VS
Chicago Cubs @ Glendale’s New Stadium $52 pp
Mar 24-26 Spring Getaway-Primm/Buffalo Bill’s Casino
$89 pp dbl Book by 17 Mar.
Mar 24-26 Algodones, Mexico/Yuma Overnight
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Holiday Tour: Fabulous Rose Parade; 121st Tournament
of Roses, Dec 30 -1 Jan 2010. Reservations & Deposits
are now being taken for this fantastic trip; $499 pp dbl,
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Attorney, CPA
Probate Avoidance
Living Trusts - Wills
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AZ Attorney 26 Years CPA 35 Years
Evening & Weekend Appointments
(480) 641-3000
Specializing in
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6134 E Main St. Suite #106, Mesa
NE Corner Recker & Main
31 S. 63rd St. #2, Mesa
(SE Corner of Main & 63rd St. 1/2 mile west of Power Rd.)
[email protected]
February 2009
Sunland Springs Village Voice
Around the Village
Come Worship with Your Neighbors
Springs Chapel
Sundays • 9 AM
Milton Zeeb, Pastor
For information call Gene Cate 354-1927 or
Pastor Zeeb 984-1273
Village Voice of Hope
Pastor Milt
Over the years of my pastoral ministry, I have enjoyed
collecting witty quips. One such reminder is this one regarding “growth”:
“Jesus shattered all church growth records. He started
with crowds and ended up with just a few.”
Growth and development in life brings joy in success. We
desire growth in maturity, growth in business adventures and
growth in personal goals. All of these serve as a stimulus to
growth and are gifts from God.
At Springs Chapel, God has honored our faith in the purpose set for a worship ministry. Our desire is to be faithful to
God’s Word and to reach out to our community in the spirit of
Christ. We have been blessed beyond measure with growth
in attendance, growth in faith and growth in our relationship
to Christ. The challenge we live by is found in Peter’s 2nd.
Letter (3:18): “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ.”
Consider joining our non-denominational worship every
Sunday morning at 9 AM, in the SSV Auditorium and experience your personal growth in faith.
Marilyn Donnelley
The Village Voices and
Igor and his Jazz Cowboys
Concert is Tuesday, March
10, at 7 PM in the Auditorium. Tickets are $10 per
person and are available in
the Activities Office.
You will be entertained
with a delightfully fun concert.
Women Of Faith Conference
Janine Mullinnix
The Women of Faith Conference will be held October 2 - 3 at the US Airway Center.
The Friday sessions are from 10 AM - 3:30 PM and 7 - 9:30 PM. The Saturday session
is from 9 AM – 5 PM. The total cost is $95 for both days and includes box lunches.
Tickets are now available. There will be great speakers and fellowship! Call Janine
Mullinnix at 373-6298 for more information.
Az Blankets For Kids Sewing Bee
Barbara Ohler
The SSV Quilt Club will be hosting a sewing bee for
AZ Blankets 4 Kids on Saturday, April 4.
AZ Blankets 4 Kids is a volunteer non-profit organization serving children in need in the Phoenix metropolitan
area. Their goal is to provide blankets and quilts to needy,
seriously ill and traumatized children in our community.
You are invited to come out and join us for this very worthwhile project. If you wish to sew, please bring your own
sewing machine; otherwise, there are a variety of other tasks
you can do. All supplies will be furnished.
The hours are from 9 AM – 3 PM. You may work as
long as you like. Pizza and salad will be available for $5.50
or you may bring your own lunch if you’d prefer.
This is a great opportunity to help those in need in
the community and at the same time meet new people. If
you have any questions, please call Barbara at 354-7054
or JoAnn at 461-8931.
Do You Use a Space Cushion When Driving?
The AARP Driver Safety Program (was ’55 Alive) is Available for You!
Bruce S. Taft
You have the opportunity to learn how
to drive more efficiently and safely! AARP’s
program is the first and most recognized
comprehensive nationwide course designed
especially for the older driver. Participants
can identify individual problem areas and
apply information that is needed to improve
their behavior as drivers. Approximately a
dozen insurance companies in Arizona give a
discount for completion of this course.
The new course is 4½ hours in length and
is held at the Mesa Police Station at 2430 South
Ellsworth, just south of Baseline, on Saturday,
March 14, from Noon until 4:30 PM. Advanced
registration is required. Visit the Activities Office
and register on the posted sign-up sheet for the
above section. The student fee, nationwide, is $14
to cover workbooks, handouts and administrative
fees. AARP members receive a class discount of
$2. The maximum size class is 35 students.
You may also enroll by calling the instructor, Bruce Taft, at 984-3962, or email at
[email protected]. Many other sections are held
in the East Valley area. If the above section
is not convenient for you, just call the above
number for information on other sections.
Evelyn Trokey
The next potluck for the Singles Group
has been planned for Tuesday, March 10.
Our hostesses for the month of March will
be Helen and Gladys. They plan to hold our
March potluck at Helen’s house at 5 PM.
Our hostesses asked that everyone bring a
dish to pass for the potluck.
They would like to announce the plan
to take our group out to eat on March 24 at
On The Border on Power Road. This is a
very nice Mexican Restaurant. There will
be a sign-up sheet at the potluck for you
to sign if you plan to attend. If you do not
Sylvia Hansen
The Wednesday morning
Bible Study is a community,
inter-denominational study
that meets from 8 – 9 AM in
the Superstition Room. There
is no registration and no fee.
We are presently showing
a video series, THE TRUTH
PROJECT, taught by Del
Tackett. It is a lecture format, all scripture is shown
on the screen and there is no
discussion. The goal of this
series is that we might learn to
think Biblically. This is a very
challenging series geared to
stretching your mind and your
way of thinking. This will run
through March 25.
get your name on the sheet, please call one
of the hostesses so your name can be added
to the list for them to make the right count
for reservations. This will also be posted on
Channel 22.
Likewise, please contact one of the hostesses if you are unable to attend after you have
signed up on the list; otherwise they will wait
for you, hoping you will show up in the Parking
Lot. Please be in the Activities Parking Lot so
we can all leave by 4:30 PM SHARP!
In January our hostesses, Rita and Patty,
had to have our potluck at JoAnn’s house
since we were unable to have it in the Super-
stition Room as we planned. We had a new
member attend, Renola, and hope she will
return to our next potluck. Thanks again
to JoAnn for opening her house for all of
us to have our potluck. Later in the month
our hostesses took us to the Grand Buffet
for dinner, and everyone enjoyed our big
If you have any questions regarding the
potluck in March, please contact either one
of our hostesses:
Helen 984-7965 Gladys 354-2596
We hope to see you at our next potluck
on March 10.
News From The
Travel Desk
13-Day Alaska Cruisetour on the Diamond Princess – August 31 – Prices have
been reduced! Call to get details. Space is
limited on the cruisetour, so book early.
Copper Canyon – October 24 – Sixnight all-inclusive tour. Join your friends and
neighbors. $1390 per person includes insurance, all lodging, sightseeing, and meals.
Cruise the Mediterranean on the
Azamara Journey – November 22 – Twelve
nights on this Deluxe Cruise from Rome to
Barcelona. Prices reduced over $1500 per
person! Space is limited.
European River Cruise – Plans are underway for our cruise from Basil to Antwerp
in the spring of 2010. We should have dates
and prices soon. Call us for details.
Motorcoach Tours Available – Kartchner
Caverns, Sedona and Jerome, Verde Canyon
Railroad, University of Phoenix Stadium,
Laughlin, Las Vegas, Algodones, Rocky Point,
San Diego, Palm Springs and more – stop by
the Travel Desk or call for more information.
Judith and Wayne Konz Terra Travel 984-5782
e-mail:[email protected] Golf Condo 120
Sunland Springs Village Voice
February 2009 Clubs and Activities
Holidaze Craft Fair
Read the following book and join us for a fun, friendly
and lively discussion.
Barbara and Jerry Pointer
Attention All Crafters!!! It is already that time of year
to think about our 2009 Fall Holidaze Craft Fair. The Fair
will be held right here in our own Sunland Springs Village
Auditorium on November 14 from 8:30 AM - 1 PM.
Residents of SSV are given the first opportunity to register
and secure a table; however, registration will be opened to
crafters outside of SSV soon. In previous years all the tables
were spoken for and we had a waiting list for crafters wishing
to participate. So please, do not delay; registration forms are
available at the Activities Office now. Completed registration
forms and fees should be returned to the Activities Office as
soon as possible to ensure your space.
Table fees are as follows: Eight-foot table - $15, five-foot
table - $10, six-foot space only - $8, electricity - $2. Please
note that there are a limited number of tables available with
If you have any questions, or for further information, please call Barbara or Jerry Pointer
at 480-393-3814, or e-mail at ssvholidaze@
Billiards News
Joani Baronti
February was a busy month for the Billiards Club.
The leagues are all having a good time. We have a new
scoreboard for the league play. Thanks to Bingo for contributing funds for that.
The annual meeting and pizza party was January 17.
Our new officers are:
President – Dan Larson
Vice President – Ed Sondrol
Secretary – Patti Rolfs
Treasurer – Joani Baronti
Mark your calendars for our dances:
March 1 – Noon to 6 PM – Two bands
March 11 – 7 – 11 PM
Zamborowski and
new scoreboard
When: First Friday of the month
Where: Majestic Card Room
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 PM
03/06/09 Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Contact person: Shelly Corthell 357-8361
JoAnne Chapin
March looks to be the
busiest month this winter for
SSV Ceramics. Our schedule
includes horsehair, raku and
jewelry making. Classes
are given by our instructor
Denise on Thursdays from 9
AM - Noon in the Four Peaks
Room. All residents are invited to participate.
On Monday evenings
from 6 - 8:30 PM and Tuesday
mornings from 9 AM – Noon,
we have open time for our
individual projects. There is
always someone available to
provide individual help.
If you are new to the
community or just haven’t
had the opportunity to check
out SSV Ceramics, please stop
by during any of our scheduled hours. If you have any
questions, please call JoAnne
Chapin at 380-2302.
Sunland Village East
Arts, Crafts & Quilt Show
Sat., March 21, 2009
Lunch & Refreshments
2145 S. Farnsworth Drive
South of Baseline between Sossaman & Ellsworth
We Deliver!!
Spring Fever
Now is the time to make
your deal happen.
Variety of Homes & Condos/Townhomes
throughout the Community.
All available for a private showing at your
Call Bill Barker @
480-926-3400 For Details.
View All SSV Properties at
February 2009
Sunland Springs Village Voice
Clubs and Activities
Eastern States
Patty Scaggs
The States East of the Mississippi would
like to welcome you to a fantastic party on
March 15. It provides a great opportunity to
make new friends and perhaps meet old friends
and neighbors.
Social Hour will begin at 5 PM followed
by dinner at 6 PM. We will have the pleasure
of Sylvia Hansen playing dinner music for
us. On the menu will be Old Pot Roast with
carrots and potatoes, Chicken Cordon Bleu,
Farmers Market tossed green salad, ovenroasted baby Peruvian and Fingerling potatoes, Green Beans Almandine, fresh baked
breads, a variety of cakes, fresh brewed ice
tea and coffee. Participants should bring their
own additional beverages. There will also be
door prizes and 50/50 chances.
Tickets cost $15 and are on sale at the Activities Office until March 11. If you have any
questions, call Patty Scaggs at 292-2402.
We hope to see you there.
States Party
Alaska – Idaho -Oregon – Washington
Barbara and Jerry Pointer
Those residents of the Village who have
made their way from any of the Northwestern
States are invited to get together on March 24
in the Auditorium for the annual Northwestern
States Party. This is a great opportunity to
visit with some friends and neighbors from
up north you may already know. Or maybe
you do not realize they have joined all of
us to enjoy the warmer and drier climate of
Arizona and the wonderful Sunland Springs
Community. Coopers will again be catering
this year’s party and the menu includes roast
beef and chicken, rice pilaf, salad, vegetables
and apple cobbler for dessert. Please bring
your own refreshment.
Tickets are on sale at the Activities Office for just $15 each. This promises to be a
great evening of friendship and smiles. Please
come and join us!!
Allayne Kent
The Springs Chicks April
outing will be on April 1. We
will meet in the Courtyard at
9:15 AM. We are having a
Breakfast/Lunch at Christel’s
Café and Deli, 17 West Main
Street, at Noon.
We are scheduled for a
guided tour of the Mesa Arts
Center plus The Art Gallery.
Tickets will be $13, all inclusive,
and are available in the Activities Office. The cut-off date for
ticket sales will be March 27.
There is some street
parking and a parking lot
behind the Arts Center. If
there are any questions, call
Allayne at 984-9035.
Helen Houchen
Thursday, March 5, at 1 PM will be the regular meeting
for Needlecrafters. Hopefully at that time we will have some
dates for classes to be held in March.
As of this writing, we do have a class scheduled for March
5 after the meeting. Mary Lund will be showing us how to
make a Quilter’s Travel Kit. When it is equipped with a small
cutting board and rotary cutter, along with other sewing tools,
it is a handy item to carry to class, etc.
We are planning a class during March for an embellished
sweat shirt, but I don’t have details or a date for this yet.
Please check the sign-up book and the calendar in the San
Tan Room for details.
Tuesday afternoon Carol is helping with Knitting; Thursday afternoon Kathy is doing the instruction for Hardanger.
Nita is also available to help with Swedish Weaving at the
same time. These activities generally start at 1 PM or soon
after. The third Tuesday of each month at 9 AM is set for
work on Preemie Blankets. All help is appreciated for this
worthwhile endeavor.
Please come and join us for classes, or bring whatever
you are working on and join us for a fun time. If you have
any questions, my phone number is 480-984-3881.
Sunland Springs Village Voice
February 2009 Clubs and Activities
By Ed Leahy
One of the favorite exercise regimens of many SSV residents is walking around the Village. There are others who prefer that mechanized version of walking -- biking around the Village. If you’re one who does either one of these things, you now have a way to do them more precisely. Jerry
Nelson, along with Ed Sondrol, marked out two walking/bicycling paths that wind their way through our Village streets. Path A is five miles long and
Path B is 3.1 miles long. Both paths are delineated with easy to follow yellow markings spray painted on the curbs along the way. They’re always on
the right side of the streets they mark. Here’s how they work.
Path A. Path A begins and ends at the intersection of Springwood and
Marker at the beginning of path A
Marker at the end of Path A
Path B. This path works its way around streets East of Springwood and
south of Medina.
Path B begins on the corner of Waddlewood and Medina near the golf pro shop.
When you see a single arrow, keep going straight ahead.
Follow the multiple single arrows around corners to make a turn. Two
arrows indicate a T-turn.
Path B ends directly across from the corner of Waddlewood where it starts.
On both paths, if you simply follow the markings we’ve illustrated in this
article, you should be able to easily navigate the course. Use the course a
few times, and navigating it will become second nature. If you want a map
of what we’ve discussed here, they’re available in the Activities Office.
“The last 50 years have
been great as thousands of
active adults have embraced
our communities. We offer
our customers the ultimate
active adult experience.
We just keep getting stronger
and building a better home,
all centered on the lifestyle
that active adults want.”
- Ross Farnsworth
Adult Living
at its Best!
Impersonators, vocalists, comedians, musicians, pantomimist
and actor are all part of the line-up
of performers for the 2010 Concert
Series. All of the concerts are
first-class performances with stage,
television and cruise ship billings.
(See back page)
The concert dates are Tuesdays,
January 5 and 19, February 2 and
16 and March 2 and 16 with each
performance beginning at 7 PM.
Season tickets (for all six concerts) are: Gold, $70, Silver, $60
and Blue, $50. By buying season
tickets, you are guaranteed the
same reserved seat for each of the
performances and do not have to
arrive hours early to get the “best”
Season tickets are limited to
SSV residents only. Each resident
may purchase two (2) season tickets. Payment must be either cash or
check, no credit cards accepted.
Season tickets go on sale Monday, March 9 at 8 AM in the Auditorium. Ticket sales are on a firstcome, first-serve basis. After March
9 you may purchase your season
tickets in the Activities Office.
Don’t miss out on these great
performances. Reserve your seat(s)
50th Anniversary!
Now when you buy, virtually everything is included in one low price!*
Tile roof,
roof, granite countertops in kitchens, ceramic tile floors, upgraded cabinets, all appliances and, in some cases, much more!
Here are a few reasons you should come and visit us:
• No one allows their customers to customize their homes and build them the way you want like Farnsworth
• No one has been in the active adult market as long as we have
• No one builds such a quality home and gives you a choice of masonry walls or 2x6 construction
• No one takes care of their customers like we do
• 27-hole golf course, lighted tennis courts, swimming complex and fitness center, and huge recreational center
Located at Baseline & Signal Butte in Mesa • 480-984-4999
* Applies to single-family homes in Unit 6 and golf course condominiums. Sales by Springs Realty.
10 February 2009
Clubs and Activities
Sunland Springs Village Voice
Sunland Springs Village Voice
February 2009 11
Clubs and Activities
& Dance
Photos and captions
by Bob Card.
1. A recent Saturday night dance featured Myron
Summerfeld’s band playing big bands music that
is so familiar to many SSV’ers. The dance, sponsored by the Photo Club, was attended by nearly
200 dancers swinging to many types of music from
the 50’s to 70’s.
2. Two excellent comedians/musicians, Chris
Pendleton and David Levesque, entertained at the
second concert of the season. Both were not only
funny but excellent violinists as well. David was as
likely to be out in the audience as on stage with his
comedy. Then he demonstrated how to stand on his
head and fiddle while Shirley Gerkin held his ankles. Chris’ comedy was not only verbal, but included
a “half price” electronic violin to accompany her
comedy routines.
3. A recent Tuesday night concert featured Mac
Frampton, piano virtuoso, and tenor Sam Hagan. They provided an incredible broad ranging musical
concert from the classics to familiar pop melodies. The full house gave them a much deserved
standing ovation.
12 February 2009
Sunland Springs Village Voice
Clubs and Activities
Fran Davidson
SHOW on Sunday, March
8 from 1 - 3:30 PM at the
Auditorium. This year we
will have another great
array of photos from our
members. We would love
to share our hobby and art
with you. Please add the
date to your calendar.
We have been very
busy in the past few months
with field trips to the Chihuly Glass Art Exhibit and
the St. Anthony Greek
Orthodox Monastery in
Florence, classes in basic
photography and seminars
on how to improve our
work and our monthly
competitions. If you are
interested, please join us
on Monday at 1 PM in the
Superstition Room. Since
we sometimes schedule our
field trips away from the
Village, call for an exact
meeting schedule. For
more information on our
club and meeting schedule,
contact us at [email protected] or call
Fran Davidson at 480-3540601.
1. Isabelle Esposito did some
hiking in our own backyard. Late afternoon sun in the Superstitions gave enough light
to see detail in the saguaro and
2. Vern Rolf framed some snowy
peaks with evergreen trees
in the Rocky Mountains. The
breeze created texture in the
water leading to the peak.
3. The foothills of the Superstition Mountains were highlighted with ripples of poppies.
The side light on the saguaros
and the filmy clouds also came
into view for Bob Waters.
4. Terry Brown photographed
this old wagon in Amana, Iowa.
It was overflowing with baskets
and buckets of flowers, along
with boots and butterflies.
5. Mel Eichhorst found the
slopes of McDowell Mountain
Park carpeted with yellow brittlebush blossoms and accented
by saguaros.
6. The “San Francisco Peaks”
are even more impressive to
Patty Scaggs with a snow cover
on top.
Tai Chi
Bob Jelley
Starting Monday,
March 2, Tai Chi classes
will be held in the Sunland Springs Village Auditorium. The class will
learn the Yang style of
Professor Cheng ManChing’s short form and
runs for eight weeks.
The short form is a series of basic movements
designed to improve
your balance and overall well-being. Wear
loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. Classes
will be lead by Bob Jelley. There is no charge
to participate.
• Part 1 class begins
Monday, March 2 from
7 - 8 AM.
• Part 2 class (for
continuing students) begins Wednesday, March
4 from 7 - 8 AM.
• The movements
taught in Monday’s Part
1 class will be repeated
Friday, beginning March
6 from 7 - 8 AM.
If you have any
questions, please contact Bob Jelley at (480)
Hope to see you
Sunland Springs Village Voice
February 2009 13
March 2009 Clubs, Classes & Activities
9:00 Springs Chapel
Service - AUD
5:00 Volleyball - SC
7:00 Partner Ponytail
Canasta - SPR
7:00 Open Softball Practice
7:30 Low Impact
Aerobics - AUD
8:00 Hiking Club-AUDPL
8:00 Pickle Ball–ADV-SC
8:00 Water Aerobics - POOL
8:00 Women’s 18-Hole
9:00 Ceramics – 4PK
9:00 (1ST) Fitness
Trainer – FIT
9:00 Needlecrafters - SAN
9:00 Terra Travel – CONF
9:00 Water Exercise - POOL
9:30 (1st & 3rd) Machine
Embroidery - SAN
9:30 Pickle Ball-BEG-SC
7:00 Tai Chi Pt. 1-AUD
7:30 Pickle Ball-ADV-SC
8:00 Couples 18-Hole
8:00 Textile Arts –SAN
8:00 Water Aerobics POOL
8:30 Yoga - AUD
9:00 Oil/Acrylic – 4PK
9:00 Water Exercise POOL
9:30 Pickle Ball-INT-SC
10:30 Village Voices
Practice – AUD
Noon Line Dancing – Beg. - AUD
1:00 Line Dancing – Easy
Inter. - AUD
1:00 Ladies Ponytail
Canasta – SPR
1:00 Photo Club – SR
2:00 Line Dancing –
Inter. - AUD
2:00 Water Volley Ball –
Lap Pool
3:15 Village Voices
Practice - AUD –
3:30 Water Aerobics - POOL
6:00 Ceramics – 4PK
6:00 Country Western
Couples – Beg.
Waltz – AUD
6:00 Poker – SUM
7:00 “500” Cards – SPR
7:00 (1st) Genealogy – CONF
7:15 Country Western
Couples – Beginner
Pattern Dancing – AUD
1:00 Dup. Bridge – SUM
1:00 Needlecrafters –
1:00 Open Bridge (Men
& Women) – SPR
2:00 Water Volley Ball –
Lap Pool
3:00 Bocce Ball - SC
3:30 Water Aerobics POOL
6:30 Men’s Billiards-BC
7:00 Double -Deck
Pinochle - SPR
7:00 Games Night-MAJ
12:30 Ladies Social
Bridge – SPR
1:00 Duplicate Bridge –
1:00 Square Dance-AUD
2:00 Water Volley Ball –
Lap Pool
3:00 Bocce Ball - SC
3:00 Square Dance-AUD
3:30 Water Aerobics POOL
5:30 Poker - SUM
6:00 Chapel Bible Study
7:00 Euchre – SPR
7:00 Jam Session-AUD
7:00 (2nd & 4th) MAC
User’s Grp. CONF
7:00 Springs Choir
Practice – SR
1:00 Needlecrafters –
1:00 Square Dance
Workshop – C3A –
1:00 Stained Glass Class
2:00 Water Volley Ball –
Lap Pool
3:00 Square Dance
Concepts Workshop – AUD
3:30 Water Aerobics POOL
6:30 Couples Bridge SPR
6:30 Cribbage – MAJ
1:00 Mah Jongg Nat’l MAJ
1:00 Prayer Group –
1:00 Round Dance
Phase IV Basic –
1:30 (2nd) Book Club –
2:00 Water Volley Ball –
Lap Pool
6:30 Billiards – Mixed
Doubles – BC
7:00 Double Deck
Pinochle - SPR
7:00 Single Deck
Pinochle - MAJ
CY- Courtyard
FIT – Fitness Center­
4PK – Four Peaks Room­
HOSP – Hospitality Room­
LIB – Library­
MAJ – Majestic Card Room­
POOL – Swimming Pool­
SAN – San Tan Room­
SC – Sports Court­
SIL – Silversmith/Stained Glass­
9 AM Security Comm. 8 AM Architecture Comm. 10:45 AM Ladies Luncheon at Brio
Restaurant 1 PM Couples Golf BOD 9 AM Coffee Time – AUD
1 PM Dance – – Check in - CY
Barefoot Becky 4 PM Fun in the Sun Golf 12:30 PM Tennis 3.0 Year-
1 PM Men’s Golf BOD Couples – CY
End Party – SR
– 4PK
5:30 PM Club Cabaret 3 PM Tennis General 1 PM Rec. Fac. Comm. Social – SR
Meeting – AUD
7 PM Concert Series 3:30 PM Communications Jimmy Travis – AUD
Comm. - SUM
9 AM Springs Chapel Service – AUD
1 PM Photo Club Show - AUD
3 PM Twin Home Party - CY
4:30 PM Bingo Helpers Pizza Party - SR
5 PM Montana Party
– McKnight’s Home
9 AM Springs Chapel Service – AUD
8 AM
9 AM
9 AM
4 PM
5 PM
9 AM Golf 2 ARC - MAJ
7 PM
6 PM Block Watch Captains Meeting - SR
7 AM
2010 Concert
Series Ticket Sales - AUD
Caregivers/Care Managers Support Group – SUM
Coffee Time – AUD
Fun in the Sun Golf Couples – SR
Singles Club Dinner – Helen’s home
Village Voices Spring Concert with Igor’s Jazz Cowboys – AUD
5 PM East of the 9 AM
Finance Comm. 8 AM Architectural Comm. – MAJ
Mississippi Party – MAJ
Coffee Time – AUD
5:30 PM Softball Semi-
5 PM Softball Social Annual Meeting 5:30 PM Club Cabaret Social – SR
- SR
- SR
7 PM Concert Series – New Odyssey – AUD
9 AM
Springs Chapel 9 AM Golf 2 ARC - MAJ
Service - AUD
9 AM Springs Chapel Service – AUD
4 PM Tennis End of the Season Party - AUD
7:00 Tai Chi Pt. 2-AUD
8:00 Bible Study - SR
8:00 Men’s 18-Hole
8:00 Pickle Ball – SC
8:00 Water Aerobics - POOL
8:30 Yoga - AUD
9:00 Water Exercise - POOL
9:00 Mah Jongg Inter. – SPR
9:00 Quilt Club – SAN
9:00 Watercolor – 4PK
9:15 Shuffleboard - SC
9:30 Pickle Ball-INT-SC
9:30 Write Your Life Story
– Retired Years - SUM
10:00 Computer Club-SR
11:00 Zumba - AUD
9 AM Springs Chapel Service – AUD
7:30 Low Impact
Aerobics - AUD
8:00 Pickle Ball-ADV-SC
8:00 Water Aerobics - POOL
8:00 Women’s 18-Hole
9:00 Ceramics – 4PK
9:00 Coffee Time-AUD
9:00 (3RD) Fitness Trainer – FIT
9:00 Needlecrafters – SAN
9:00 Terra Travel – CONF
9:00 Water Exercise - POOL
9:00 Write Your Life
Story – Young
Adult Years - SPR
9:30 Pickle Ball-BEG-SC
10:00 Beginning Bridge – SUM
7:00 Tai Chi Pt. 1-AUD
8:00 Men’s 18-Hole
8:00 Pickle Ball – SC
8:00 Water Aerobics POOL
8:30 Men’s Bridge – SPR
8:30 Yoga – AUD
9:00 Quilt Club - SAN
9:00 Water Exercise POOL
9:15 Shuffleboard - SC
9:30 Pickle Ball–INT-SC
AO – Activities Office­
APL – Activities Parking Lot­
AUD – Auditorium­
BC – Billiards Center­
CONF – Conference Room­
10th Annual Farnsworth Barbeque Driving Range next to Pro Shop
7 PM
Dance – Leon Olson - AUD
7 AM
SPR – Springs Card Room­
SR – Superstition Room­
SUM – Summit Card Room­
TC – Tennis Court­
WOOD – Woodshop­
8:00 Open Softball
Practice – Men
and Women
8:00 Tennis All Play-TC
9:15 Shuffleboard-SC
N O T E­ ­
Office HOURS­
9:00 AM to
3:00 PM
1:00 Mah Jongg Inter.MAJ
1-4 PM
8 AM
Buildings Comm. 1 PM Tennis Meeting - SR
9 AM
Springs Chapel BOD – SUM
7 AM Pancake Breakfast – AUD
1 PM Townhomes ARC – 4 PKS
1 PM Tennis Meeting – SR
9:30 AMLandscape Comm. – MAJ
5 PM Couples Golf Social – AUD
2 PM Classic Car Show – APL
4 PM
7 PM Karaoke Party - SR 3 PM AZ Banjo Band APL
Golf Social – SR
7:30 PM Dance – Sock Hop - AUD
6:45 PMBingo - AUD
9 AM
Newcomers Orientation – SPR
4 PM
Golf Social – SR
5 PM
Couples Golf Social - AUD
8 AM
Yard Sale
6:45 PM Bingo - AUD
7 AM
10 AM Golf 1 ARC – CONF
1 PM Advisory Comm. – SR
1 PM
4 PM Golf Social – SR
10 AM Twin Home BOD 7:30 PM Dance – Reign-
– SR
N-Country - AUD
1 PM Townhome ARC Golf 1 BOD - CONF
6:30 PM Get Fit-Stay Fit Celebration - AUD
April 1
9 AM Coffee Time - AUD 10 AM
10 AMHOA Meeting –AUD 10 AMTownhome 1 PM
3 PM
12:30 PM Tennis Board Meeting – SR
4 PM Fun in the Sun Golf Couples - SR
5 PM Northwestern States Party – AUD
6:45 PM Bingo - AUD
5 PM
Couples Golf Social - AUD
7 AM
Twin Homes ARC 7 AM Blood Drive – APL 4:30 PM Mixed Doubles – SUM
Billiard Potluck Noon Ladies Golf Spring - CY
Golf 2 BOD – SR Banquet – SR
5 PM
Couples Golf Men’s Golf 4 PM Golf Social – SR
Social - AUD
Annual Banquet 6:45 PM Bingo - AUD
9 AM Coffee Time – AUD 9:45 AMSprings Chicks 8 AM
Outing – Check 4 PM Fun in the Sun Golf in – CY
Couples - SR
9 AM
Buildings Comm. 1 PM Townhome ARC – MAJ
– 4PK
Springs Chapel BOD – SUM
9:30 AMLandscape Comm. – MAJ
6:45 PM Bingo – AUD
5 PM Couples Golf Social – AUD
9 AM AZ Blankets for Kids Sewing Bee - AUD
14 February 2009
Clubs and Activities
Computer Club
1672 East Guadalupe Rd. #105
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Jane E. Harrel, President
[email protected]
Congratulations are in
order for our new slate of
Officers for 2009-10. Taking
office this month are:
Jane Harrel – President
Ed Houk – Vice President
Sheila Bauer – Vice President
Diane Castelli – Secretary
Richard Simmon – Treasurer
They are already hard
at work getting committees
together so that our club will
run smoothly and always be
interesting. Good luck to all
of them, and thanks for your
Our speaker on the second Wednesday of March
will be Gene Barlow of User
Group Relations who will be
demonstrating Acronis Backup software. This should be
a most interesting subject
as we all need to know how
to backup and save our precious pictures and family
After our election of officers at the first meeting in
February, we did some internet searching demonstrating
adding to favorites, following
links, the SSVHOA website
and more. We will probably
have time for more of that at
the March 4 meeting.
At press time, we haven’t
scheduled any presentation
by club members, but we’re
working on it. How about
you stepping up to the plate
and showing us what you like
to do on your computer?
If you are a Mac user
and haven’t joined the Special Interest Group, contact
Dick Lund at 480-373-8911
or email him at flash_lund@
msn.com. They meet twice
a month on Wednesday evenings. If Genealogy is your
hobby, contact Toni Shields
for information on her group.
Phone is 480-248-7178 or
email cutelittleblond@cox.
net. Monday evenings are
scheduled for them. Anita
Warren leads an AOL users
group. A lot of our new members are AOL users, so this
might interest you. Please
call Anita at 480-354-6275 or
email [email protected].
The SSV Computer
Club is a great mix of users
from the inexperienced to the
guru level. Come join us on
Wednesdays at 10 AM in the
Superstition Room and get
your questions answered.
You might even learn something, but most definitely you
will have fun.
Sunland Springs Village Voice
Yoga is Thriving at Ssv
Chris Marcus
This winter YOGA numbers at SSV are quite large, but
you would be amazed at how peaceful it is during our YOGA
practice. YOGA is the practice of physical postures and poses.
It creates strength and flexibility through poses with specific
benefits. Our certified instructor, Patricia Notestine, guides
us through our YOGA postures.
In addition to our YOGA practice, we have extended
our interest off the mat to other aspects of personal growth.
In February, a group of Yogis attended an Ayurveda lecture.
Ayurveda is an ancient system of health care native to India,
considered to be an alternative medicine approach in the west.
We learned to listen to our bodies to make good health choices
to meet our body’s unique needs.
Additionally, off the mat the Yogis have social gatherings/
parties during the year, such as our recent Valentine’s Party.
Come push your limits, relax your mind and join us in a
YOGA practice at SSV. Wear comfortable clothing, bring a mat
and towel. We meet Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the
Auditorium from 8:30 – 10 AM; the cost is $3.50 per session.
Red Hat Luncheon
Diane VandeSteeg and Marilyn
The “Springs Chicks”
will be going to Anzio Landing Italian Restaurant for
lunch on Thursday, March
12. Not only is the food outstanding, but the restaurant
has an interesting history.
You will have an opportunity
to learn that history as well
as to explore some of the
memorabilia from the landing
at Anzio Beachhead in Italy
during WWII. This will be
our last luncheon as a large
group, so be sure to sign up
in the Activities Office by
Monday, March 9. At that
time you will have a choice
of three entrees. Tickets are
$14 and will include tax and
gratuity. There is a limit of
40 women, so be sure to sign
up early. We will meet in the
Courtyard at 11 AM. Anzio
Landing is located at Falcon
Field on Higley Road north of
McKellips Road in Mesa.
Sunland Springs Village Voice
February 2009 15
Clubs and Activities
“Fergie and Friends” Celebrity Baseball Game
Wednesday March 25 at Mesa HoHoKam Stadium
HOF ‘91 pitcher Ferguson Jenkins will be hosting the
Second Annual “Fergie and Friends” Celebrity Baseball
Game where Hall of Famers and other All-Stars play ball for
charity! The game will be held at Mesa HoHoKam Stadium
(1235 North Center Street, Mesa) on Wednesday March 25.
Game time is 7:10 PM.
Come see Baseball Hall
of Famers Ferguson Jenkins,
Billy Williams, Rollie Fingers,
Juan Marichal, Bob Feller
and Harmon Killebrew, plus
Football Hall of Famer Bobby
Bell and Basketball Hall of
Famer Meadowlark Lemon.
Other All-Stars planning to
attend include Glen Beckert,
Gary Bell, Vida Blue, Byron
Browne, Bernie Carbo, Jody
Davis, Tommy Davis, Bob
Dernier, George Foster, Randy Hundley, Tommy John, Dave
Kingman, Pate Lacock, Rick Miller, Amos Otis, Milt Pappas,
Ron Robinson, Lee Smith, Luis Tiant, Steve Trout, and Jon
Warden. (Players subject to change. Please check the website
www.fergieandfriends.com for details.)
General Admission tickets are $10. VIP tickets are $25
for seating in the VIP section and an on-field meet and greet
with the players prior to the game at 5 PM.
The gates open at 4:30 PM. On-field meet and greet is from
5 - 5:30 PM. There will be an Autograph Session in the concourse from 5:45 - 6:30 PM. The game begins at 7:10 PM.
For information or to reserve tickets, please call (480) 964
4467 or drop by the Box Office
at Mesa HoHoKam Stadium.
For sponsorship information,
please contact FieldWorks
Events and Marketing Inc. at
(480) 609-3978 or email info@
The proceeds support the
Ferguson Jenkins and the Mesa
HoHoKam Foundations. Sunland Springs Village is a big
sponsor of this game.
About the Mesa HoHoKams: The HoHoKams are synonymous with the Chicago Cubs, with their founder Dwight
Patterson playing an instrumental role in attracting the Cubs
to Mesa for their Annual Spring Training – a tradition that is
now in its 57th year! Mesa HoHoKam Stadium is the winter
home of the Cubs, hosting over 175,000 avid Cubs fans to
Spring Training games during the month of March.
Monte Vista on February 7 and hosted an Invitational with
Bruce Evans and Linda Borders
At its monthly meeting on February 4, the Tennis Club
elected new officers for 2009-10 as follows:
President – Bruce Evans
Vice President – Bill Schlimgen
Treasurer – Diane Thompson
Secretary – Linda Miller
Their terms will begin April 1.
President Jim Talbot announced that four new tables have
been purchased by the Club and installed between Courts two
and three at the Tennis facility.
Club members participated in an Invitational Match at
Carriage Manor on February 28.
The Club will hold its END OF THE SEASON Celebration party March 29 in the Auditorium. The 3.5 teams will
host the event, which features dinner and entertainment. Carol
Korver and Janine Mullinix are the chairs for the event. Social
hour begins at 4:30 PM, followed by a dinner of Iowa pork
chops, cole slaw, baked beans and dessert. Coffee, water
and lemonade will be provided, but diners should bring their
own table service. A local singing group will provide the
entertainment for the evening. Tickets are $8 per person and
are available in the Activities Office.
Tennis Tournament
Betsy Recknor
The Ninth Annual Farnsworth’s Sunland Springs Village Tennis
Tournament will be March 16 – 21 and will be played at the Sunland
Springs Tennis Courts. This year a 4+ mixed double team category
has been added to the tournament. The other levels of play will be
1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0. This will make for some very competitive matches. Sixteen Clubs from the East Valley Senior Tennis
League will be participating in the tournament. We’re anticipating
184 mixed double teams to register for the event.
New this year -- the Sunland Springs Tennis Club has
added a pancake breakfast ($4) and breakfast burritos ($1.50)
to their food menu. Breakfast will be served each morning
from 7 – 9 AM. Lunch is served from 11 AM – 2 PM. We
will have hamburger, hot dog, egg salad and tuna salad plates,
which include chips, cookie and beverage at a cost of $5.
Come and join us for great tennis matches and great food.
Come to our
Annual Patio Sale
Saturday, March 14
8 A.M. to 1 P.M.
Shop for:
• Furniture
• Household Items
• Home Decor
• Clothing
• Miscellaneous
Watch for Balloons &”Sale”
throughout the park.
Fountain of the Sun
S. 80th & Broadway, Mesa
Softball Spotlight
Linda “Scooter” Granzow, Coordinator of Team Promotion,
SSV Softball Club
It’s March, the desert is
soon to be in bloom and the
SSV Softball Club continues
its robust seasonal activities. We want to remind our
fans/supporters that the Softball Club sells soda pop and
snacks at all Thursday evening Bingo games, beginning
when Auditorium doors open
around 5:30 PM and ending
after intermission. We also
operate concessions at scheduled dances throughout the
late winter/spring seasons.
Proceeds raised for the
Softball Club treasury are
used toward Softball Field
upkeep (including watering)
and team(s) equipment, etc.
Your generous assistance to
make our varied fund-raisers
successful (including our recent past Pancake Breakfasts
and Hamburger Feast), is
greatly appreciated!
Please mark your calendars
NOW for our third Pancake
Breakfast scheduled for Saturday, March 7, from 7 - 9 AM in
the Auditorium. Four dollars
will buy you pancakes, sausage, orange juice and coffee.
Obtain tickets from ballplayers
or in the Activities Office. This
fundraiser is open to residents
and non-residents/guests, and
is our last scheduled Pancake
Breakfast until next fall.
All Softball Club members and any interested/prospective members are highly
encouraged to attend the
Club’s semi-annual meeting
on Monday, March 16 at 6 PM
in the Superstition Room. We
will be considering important
policy updates and voting on
a new slate of officers for the
upcoming ‘09-’10 season.
Men’s and women’s winter softball season continues
into early March; men’s teams
will transition into spring season before month’s end (check
bulletin boards and Channel
22 for up-to-date schedule information on games scheduled
for play here). Open practices
for residents/Softball Club
members/authorized guests
are slated for 8 AM Saturdays
at the Softball Field.
We are publicizing our
field usage policy for residents/homeowners’ and their
guests only (not applicable
for organized teams not authorized/recognized by the
Softball Club). Residents
who wish to reserve the Softball Field for their personal
use should call Dick Paulin
at 986-7600 for reservations.
Reservations are available
on a non-interference basis
with existing teams’ playing
schedules this season.
16 February 2009
Sunland Springs Village Voice
Clubs and Activities
Jan Orr
This is just a reminder
that the SSV Library is
not an “exchange” library.
We’ve noticed that all of
the books by whole authors
are going out and not coming back. Please, if you
walk out with a book, walk
back in with it. It is very
easy to forget that you have
books from the Library
since there is no check-out
process. Please look over
your shelves to see that you
have returned all those you
have read. SSV Library
books have a white label on
the lower spine identifying
the category plus the first
three initials of the author’s
last name. Thank you for
your cooperation.
We’ve had many positive remarks about how
nice the Library is, and we
work hard to keep it that
way. If you have not had
a chance to check it out,
please do so. We have
books, magazines, movies, puzzles, books on tape
and, of course, it’s a great
place to use your wireless
computer or relax in peace
and quiet before a meeting
or activity.
Get Fit
– Stay Fit
Ila Brandli
FIT challenge is coming to
an end. It’s time to celebrate
your achievement. Nearly
300 SSV residents signed up.
Turn in your 25-day,
50-day and 75-day tickets
by March 13 to be eligible
for some fabulous prizes.
You can estimate the days
between March 13 and May
1. Tickets may be deposited
at the Activities Office or the
Fitness Center.
Our Challenge celebration party will be Wednesday,
March 18, 6:30 - 8:30 PM in the
Auditorium. It is at this event
that drawings of the 25-day,
50-day and 75-day tickets will
determine the prize winners.
Participants in the Challenge
must be present to win.
Pizza and cookies will
be served.
For more information,
call Roy at 600-8086, or Ila
at 766-6310.
Karaoke Party!
Monica Rae Stein
Love was in the air and all around as we celebrated Valentine’s Day with lots of red and pink. Monica was home sick so
Dan Radeka assisted Ivan at the head table and started off the evening with “True Love Ways” and Ivan followed with “Chantilly
Lace.” “Are the Good Times Really Over” was interpreted by
Daryl Miller. Newcomer to our parties, Mo Serva, was in great
voice with “For Once in My Life” and the girls were up with “Mr.
Sandman.” Ivan vocalized on “Earth Angel” and the guys sang
“Hold Me” (and got gonged!). Darrel Johnson chanted “Seven
Spanish Angels” followed by Dan and Ivan joining forces for
“After the Lovin’.” Lots of girls took stage for “All You Need
is Love,” “Bye Bye Love” and “Walkin’ after Midnight.” Our
‘on the scene” reporter’ said the girls got ‘gonged’ too, but she
couldn’t remember which song! Mo entertained with “It’s Now
or Never.” Judi Ofelt teamed up with Daryl Miller for “Hey
Good Lookin’,” and with Roy Brandli for “Save the Last Dance
for Me.” The guys did [“I just] called to say I Love You” and
Darrel Johnson yodeled “Cattle Call.”
Wayne Havelka crooned “Strangers in the Night” and
Dan chanted “Unchained Melody.” Ivan was “Stuck on You”
and sang about “Gina.” Daryl sang about the famous “Marie
Laveau” and Darrel gave us “Streets of Laredo” and “Walk
on By.” Dan and Ivan sang “Elvira” by request of our line
dancers and Dan vocalized on “L-O-V-E.” Ivan enticed Mo
to join him for “Hooked on a Feeling.”
Upcoming parties are scheduled for Friday, March 6 and
April 10 from 7 - 9 PM in the Superstition Room. Faith and
Begorra! We’re going green for our March 6 party in celebration
of St. Patty’s Day. Admission is only $1 and everyone is invited.
Bring your own drinks and a snack to share. You just never know
what to expect, except a good time and lots of laughs.
Ladies 18-Hole Golf
Karen Haifley
Another great season is winding down. How quickly the winter months fly by! Remember, ladies, the cutoff date to sign up for the Golf Tournament is March 10. It will be held on
Tuesdays, March 17 and 24. The Banquet will be Thursday, March 26 at Noon in the Superstition Room. Not only will the awards be presented, but election of next year’s officers will
take place. If you are unable to play in the tournament, come join us at the banquet. Be sure
to check the bulletin board for all notices and further details. We hope to see you there!
Low Impact Aerobics
Rita Vautrin
Why do women need resistance training?
SSV’s Low Impact Aerobics class emphasizes not only
cardio training but also resistance training. Join us Tuesday and
Thursday morning from 7:30 - 8:30 AM in the Auditorium to
strengthen your heart, muscles and bones. Resistance training
is the unglamorous side of exercising, but it is as important has
cardio training. The two biggest reasons are weight management and increased bone density. Studies have shown that if a
woman strength trains two to three times a week for eight weeks,
she will gain 1.75 lbs. of muscle and lose 3.5 lbs. of fat. The
other advantage of an increased muscle mass is that one pound
of muscle burns 35-50 more calories than one pound of fat. As
a tool against osteoporosis, strength training can increase spinal
bone mineral density by 13% in six months. In addition, as you
get stronger with strength training, you feel younger and have
more confidence as you can still perform tasks that were so easy
several years ago. Cardio is more enjoyable than lifting weights,
but strength training has more benefit for the same time spent
exercising. If you have any questions, call me at 634-4784.
Shuffleboard News
Del Salls takes Second Place in Golden Vista Tournaments
Paul Leber
In the Golden Vista Singles tournament played January 19 - 22,
Del Salls (fourth from left in above photo) from Sunland Springs
Village won second place in the Men’s Championship Division.
Congratulations to Del from all of his “Shuffling SSV
Sunland Springs Village Voice
February 2009 17
From the Board
Sunland Springs Village
Homeowners Association
Monthly Manager Meeting
Minutes- Jan. 27, 2009
Ssv Auditorium
Presenter: John Lippert, SSV HOA Manager
Jeff Decker-Vice President SSV HOA Board
The Sunland Springs Village HOA Manager Master HOA
Meeting was called to order at 9:57AM. Mr. Lippert noted
the SSV Townhome HOA and Golf III HOA meeting would
follow the Master HOA meeting in the Auditorium.
Manager’s Report- John Lippert provided the December 2008
and yearend financial report. Those who have not received
their Annual Assessment Bill need to contact John as soon as
possible. Payments were due at Rossmar & Graham by January
15, 2009 or late fees and penalties would be assessed.
John explained that nearly $500,000 of the annual assessment
fees were received in November and December and those
funds were deposited in a system of laddered certificate deposits at FDIC financial institution. Because of a change in
accounting procedures this year Rossmar & Graham will be
reporting the assessment fees as 2009 maintenance fee income
rather than as 2008 income.
The Builder Subsidy was under budget due to reduced costs;
transfer fees and working capital were down because of fewer
homes being sold; and the Cox revenue share. Explaining differences on the expense side: landscaping was down because
of slower development in the new section; propane costs were
up due to price increases and cable costs were down because
of fewer home sales than planned.
Other manager project updates:
-A new commercial grade salt system with 4 cells is being
installed in the main pool, thanks to the funding from Bingo
of $11,135.
-The 2009 Resident directory should be received from the pub-
lisher in late February or early March. Because of advertising
income this year’s directory will be free to the residents.
-Billiards has a new scoreboard paid for by funds from Billiards and Bingo.
-A built-in shelf has been installed in the Springs Card room
to allow for two additional playing tables.
-The Tennis Club has added 4 new octagonal tables near
court 2 and 3 after receiving approval from the Recreation
and Facility committee on placement.
-Jerry Nelson has plotted out a 3.1mile and 5 mile walking course
around the village. Maps are available in the Activity Office.
-The annual club/group and association meeting will be held
February 4 at 1PM in the Superstition room. This is when
forms for signing up for rooms etc. will be distributed. Someone from each group or club needs to attend.
-The annual HOA meeting will be held Wednesday, February
25, 2009 at 6:30PM in the Auditorium. Sign-in is at 6PM.
Craig Ahlstrom, President of the HOA will preside. Each
Chairperson of the SSV standing committees will present an
update at that time.
-We now have a new cleaning crew. The old one was replaced
because of service issues. Let John know as soon as possible if you see any problems so that they can be addressed
Questions and Comments:
Will there be a map included in the new directory? The directory should include a map and this directory will have listings
by name and by street so that you can lookup your neighbor
easier. John again said the directory would be free.
How did the $500 referral fee do? Jeff Decker explained that
approximately 5 to7 homes may have qualified and that funds
will be moved when the homes close.
Can stop signs be added to streets intersecting Wattlewood
from the west, cars just go through the intersection and this has
become hazardous to bicyclists and cars? Since these are city
streets John will contact Mesa and see what can be done.
Resident Jan Jelley thanked Jeff for getting the palm tree
fronds back on the cell phone tower.
Jeff’s Report:
The January Open house went very well. A February event is
planned and will include Cub Hall of Famer Fergie Jenkins.
December sales numbers were better and Farnsworth is proud
to be a solid company. As a whole the community is looking
very good. Jeff said he appreciated John and his great job
and the great help received from the various residents and
There are over 100 volunteers in the Architecture, Building,
Communication, Finance, Landscape, Recreation/Facility and
Security committees. This year because of term limits there
are openings on all the committees. Let John know if you
are interested in participating and fill out the form available
at the office. New committees start March 1.
Watch for news about the Annual SSV Resident Barbeque.
Tickets will be at the Sales Office starting February 1. Residents are allowed to bring a guest to share the fun.
Jeff gave an update on the SE corner of Signal Butte and
Baseline. The parking lot is being paved and Walgreen will
start their building first. The Compass bank will then follow.
There is no information on any other tenants yet.
There being no further questions or comments the meeting
ended 10:20 AM.
Respectfully submitted, Fran Davidson, HOA Advisory Board
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18 February 2009
Sunland Springs Village Voice
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respond the same day! We are
MJM Masonry, INC. At the
office 480-984-8174 or cell
602-702-7391. Ask for Ginny
or Mike. We look forward to
your call.
*All about Bathrooms*
Bathrooms, Kitchens,
Windows, Doors, repairs &
more. We’re Lowe’s installers.
You save big when we’re
your Remodel & Repair
contractor. Call Best Quality
ROC 238961. 20yrs AAA
record 480-677-5845.
Garage Floor Coatings
Flagstone-Vinyl Chip-and
Solid Colors-Cool Deck
Call George 820-8711
We Love Small Jobs
Pure Cold Air Conditioning
& Heating
Licensed, Bonded, Insured
All brands of Air Conditioners.
Install, Repair, Replace.
Reasonable Rates. BBB
Usually same day service.
Electric Service also.
George Richards 480-226-0523.
Free Service Calls. Senior
Always Open Garage Door
LIC# ROC 182785 Bonded/
Jax Pro Pest Control Tired of
your pest tube money going
down the tube? All your pest
control needs done right. 20
years experience. Sunland
resident. Free estimate.
Insured. License C-5051B.
Call Larry 480-892-9563.
Designing Arizona
Sprinkler repair, complete
desert landscaping, trimming,
blowing, removals, Low
Prices for Seniors, Free
Estimates. Arizona license
#243110 bonded & insured.
David’s Clean-up and Tree
Services Yard Clean-up, Tree
Topping, Pruning, Trimming
or Removal. Stump Grinding,
Spread Rock, Palm Trimming.
All work guaranteed. FREE
Estimates. (480) 641-6356.
SERVICE Rock Landscaping,
Re-rocking, Restoration,
Landscape, Remodeling,
Planting, Trimming,
Cleanups, Cactus & Tree
Removal, Stump Removal,
Irrigation Systems, Hauling,
etc. Reliable Friendly Service.
R.O.C. # 216520 Call Gary
982-5623. Free price quotes.
Superb cleanup at every job.
Brothers Landscaping Yard
and Lawn Maintenance.
Trimming and Mowing Service.
Lot Cleaning and Hauling.
Customized Service for your
needs. Free Estimates. Quality
Work. Call Greg 480-215-0249.
Not a licensed contractor.
Picture Perfect Landscape
Tr i m m i n g , p l a n t i n g , o r
removal of plants, trees,
gravel jobs, sheds, fences,
pavers. Yard cleanup and
debris removal. Handyman.
Sun Rooms. Insured. Many
references. Call Michael
Glantz 480-274-2141.
Landscaping Maintenance and
Junk Removal. We will leave
your yard looking like the
model home you fell in love
with! Insured, Bonded and
we E-Verify. In business since
2001. Bryan with Junkbusters
Sprinkler Repair
Designing Arizona
Specializing in all phases of
Sprinkler Repair, PVC, Drip
Systems, Trouble Shooting.
480-380-9966 Arizona
License # 243110
SERVICES. Professional
quality work with outstanding
customer satisfaction since
1984. Trust your interior
or exterior painting needs
to someone who cares.
Free Estimates and Color
Consultation. Call Loren,
owner at 480-985-2754 or 602397-0158. Licensed-BondedInsured. Your satisfaction
begins with our integrity.
Interior ∙ Exterior
Detailed Application
FREE Color Consultation.
FREE Estimates.
Economy Pricing.
If all of the above appeals
to you,
please call Ned 480-296-8962
R.O.C 184452
Robak Painting Interior/
Exterior. Small Jobs Only.
Bathrooms, Kitchens, Ceilings,
Stem Walls, Block Walls,
Garages, Ext. Ceiling Repair,
Paint Popcorn Ceilings, Garage
Floors, Epoxy, Wallpaper
removal. Lic. #104337. Frank
resident-Complete Service;
repair & detail; new batteries
installed; new tires; flat tires
repaired. FREE towing service.
No pick-up charge. Call Del
Ferguson 480-358-0201.
“Entrepreneurial Services”
Need a Personal Shopper?
Need help with…Lite
household tasks? Need weekly
errands run? Call 480-5105958 References Available
CONDO for sale by Owner.
55+ Village of Apache Wells.
2nd floor with balcony & great
mtn views. 2 bdr/2ba split
floor plan/new wood floors.
Nicely decorated. Priced to
sell. Call 480-832-2846 by
appt. only.
Fabulous Fitness DVD’s
Standing or Seated Exercises.
Free fitness ball with
purchase. 602-329-2213
Sunland Springs Village Voice
February 2009 19
Concert Series 2010
20 February 2009
Sunland Springs Village Voice
Tuesday, January 5
Judy & Liza Together Again
Suzanne Goulett and Julie Sheppard perform as the most
famous show business mother and daughter teams of all times,
“Judy Garland” and Liza Minnelli.” Combining all the spectacular musical hits each had throughout two glorious careers you
will be dazzled and amazed at their “spot on” characterizations of
these icons of the TV, Broadway, theater and night club stages
Tuesday, January 19
Double Bill of Great Instrumentalists
Doug Mattock, a superb banjo master with a musical duo, comes
storming out of southern California with one of the happiest
sounds in all music. His virtuosity on stringed instruments is
widely known and respected throughout the instrumental world.
His wonderful down home sense of humor is as infectious as his
playing style. With a swinging back-up duo he will set rhythms
that will reach the musical souls in everyone and leave you
Deborah Offenhauser is one of Arizona’s most prolific musicians. With her strong playing style and her delightful personality she will enrapture all. Be ready for a truly enjoyable evening
of the most familiar melodies in the American songbook. The
coupling of these two masterful artists will be a musical night to
Tuesday February 2
Robert Shields (Comedian/ Pantomimist/ Actor)
Formerly one half of the great TV comedy team of “Shields &
Yarnell” Today, Robert performs some hilarious stand-up monologues as well as many of his award winning mime routines. In
2007, he was awarded the Marcel Marceau award as the world’s
greatest living mime artist. He presents some nostalgic video
clips of the TV years and answers questions from all his inquisitive fans. He has become one of Arizona’s most prolific artisans
with his paintings, sculptures, metal work, woodwork and jewelry
designs which will be available at the concert.
Tuesday February 16
Double Bill of Music and Laughs
Tommy Leadbeater is a delightful singer who hails from Toronto with a huge voice and a personality to match. In his colorful Scottish kilts, he sings and cavorts his way through many
wonderful songs and humorous stories.
Hiram Kasten delivers hysterical monologues about a variety of
subjects. His clean approach to humor is a breath of fresh air. He
is a familiar on TV’s most popular sit-coms, “Everybody Loves
Raymond,” “Seinfeld,” “King of Queens,” “Mad About You.” This
is a face you will recognize the minute he appears on stage.
Tuesday March 2
These Three Tenors
Three of New York City’s greatest voices combined on one stage
that have been rated as good as the original Italian tenors. With
a vast and varied repertoire from operatic and Italian classics to
the most current Broadway and popular favorites they will thrill
you from start to finish. You will leave shouting “Encore” at this
goose-bumps presentation.
Tuesday March 16
Skiles and Henderson
Tickets Go On Sale March 9 at 8 am
in the Auditorium
Prices: Gold $70, Silver $60, Blue $50
One of the funniest and longest running comedy teams in the
history of comedy. They boast over 500 national TV appearances
on “Ed Sullivan Show,” “Johnny Carson Tonight Show,” “Merv
Griffin Show,” “Bob Hope Show,” “Laugh In,” and regulars on
“Hollywood Squares.” Have toured with Kenny Rogers, Andy
Williams and The Carpenters. A must see show!