Concord Magazine - Parish of Morpeth
Concord Magazine - Parish of Morpeth
Concord Magazine July & August 2015 50p 2 Phil Walker APFS Chartered Financial Planner Specialist advice in a wide range of areas including: Investment Growth Retirement Planning Inheritance Tax Saving Long Term Care Planning St. James's Place Partnership 19E The Milkhope Centre, Berwick Hill Road, Blagdon, Northumberland, NE13 6DA Tel: 01670 789797 or 07711 556332 Fax: 01670 789963 Email: [email protected] Web: Morpeth Mental Health Group 7 Grey's Yard Oldgate Morpeth Northumberland NE61 1QD Offers help for people with mental health problems, their carers and families. Telephone: 01670 510 652 E-mail: [email protected] D C THOMPSON PROPERTY & GARDENING MAINTENANCE All aspects of gardening and property repairs and maintenance Conifers and shrubs re-shaped and levelled For a free quote with no extras or hidden costs Just the price that suits you right Phone at any time for help and advice 7 West Terrace, Stakeford, Northumberland NE62 5UL Tel: 01670 520203 3 Social media who needs it? We live in a world that is just swamped by social media and many people are bewildered by the array of social media applications. For those who are thinking what an earth is social media, the next article is much better, so please feel free to turn the page!) We have Facebook, Snapchat (not a fan of this app as I sent an embarrassing picture to all my links by mistake and have paid the price ever since!), LinkedIN, Twitter, “Snapchat, (not Youtube, Tumblr , Google+, Instagram, Vimto a fan of this app (sorry that’s Vimeo, Vimto is a drink!) and a hundred more that I could name,. But what use are they? Many folk see them as a waste of time and to be honest we have all been on a train or waiting at an airport and surveyed the hundreds of folks with their phones glued to their faces, engaging in a fruitless game of word ping -pong or sending crass one liners to each other. But is social media the wrecker of social values and the 21st century plague that rots brains and makes people walk in front of moving traffic with not a care in the world? as I sent an embarrassing picture to all my links by mistake and have paid the price ever since!)” a Well yes to all that, but like everything social media has its place and yes folks have used it unwisely and got in trouble, but it can be a useful tool. When I was a youth officer , we set up a young people’s Facebook page for Staying Alive, our Diocesan youth event, held over the summer and we now have 160 young people in the group. Many of the young people use the page to ask for prayer help. It has become a lifeline for many. In our own parish we have a Facebook page where you can follow what’s going on and even press’like’ to show that you like what we’re doing. 4 In a bit of a risky move, I decided to put a post from our page onto Morpeth Matters (another Facebook page) suggesting folk might like to get married in one of our wonderful churches. I waited for an explosion of posts having a go at the church for advertising weddings. However, guess what? Not only did we get some lovely responses from folk who had been married in church, but we had over 3500 visits to the page and received a number of calls to ask if they could have a wedding in church which is fantastic. We constantly forget that the God we know and love is a God of redemption; a God who can bring order to the chaos of the world. In the book of Genesis we are told that the spirit of God hovered over the chaos and then created the world. Paul, when writing to the church in Rome, reminds them that “all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Ro 3:24). What he is saying here is that God can make all things new; that God can take anything or anyone, however flawed or broken and make it/them complete, new, whole, and God centered. As part of a campaign against the church, the secular society took an ad out on the London buses that said “There is no God”. This had to be changed by the Advertising Standards Agency to “There is probably no God” . Rather than depleted numbers in the local church, the Diocese of London found more people attending church to check out if there was possibly a God! Thanks to the secular society , numbers in the church grew. God can redeem any situation. So when you think you're not worthy, or the Church is not to your liking, or things just seem to go wrong, remember that God, through Christ Jesus, can make all things new. Oh but don’t use Snapchat because I’m still waiting for those pictures to be redeemed! G Bless. Simon 5 WELCOME TO OUR NEW CURATE It is with great pleasure that we extend the warmest of welcomes to Beth Tash, our new Curate, following her ordination as Deacon on July 5th at the Cathedral. Thanks to her two articles in Concord, we have been able to read of her background and experience, and we hope that she will be very happy in her new home in Stobhill Villas, and as a member of our ministry team. When reading her thought-provoking introduction to Pioneer Ministry one recognises a number of questions similar to those explored by a group from St. Aidan’s Church led and encouraged by our new Rector. We considered how best we might refresh our ministry to the Stobhill community for which our little church was built in the 1950s. We sought to identify salient factors affecting the church and community, and to question how best to connect with everyone in that changing and expanding area of Morpeth. These discussions led to the ambitious Beacon Project which aims to make St. Aidan’s Church a beacon for Christian activity for the developing Stobhill community. Beth is joining our Parish at a very propitious time when the Beacon Project is about to achieve its first two preliminary objectives. Interviews will shortly be held for the appointment of a part-time Community Worker to be based at St. Aidan’s and working in the Stobhill community and on July 18th , the 60th anniversary of the laying of St Aidan’s foundation stone , Bishop Frank will join us for an informal celebration at the Church to mark the event and to enjoy our annual Strawberry Tea. We look forward to Beth joining the Project team, when her experience and expertise as a Pioneer Minister will help us identify ways of our church being part of renewing and restoring people’s lives on many levels throughout the old and new areas of Stobhill. July is an exciting month for Beth, with her new home, her Ordination and Curacy, a new parish with new friends and colleagues, and the most important event of all – on July 25th she and her fiancé Barney will be married! We wish them the joys of a long and happy marriage, and pray for God’s blessing on them both and on Beth’s ministry in Stobhill and throughout the Parish. Roy Beasley 6 If only.. “she said within herself. If I can touch his garment I shall be whole.” St Matthew 9-21 I doubt if there is any word in our language which involves its use in so many shades of meaning as the word 'if'. Frequently it is used with a backward glance and generally involves remorse or regret. “If only I could live my life again'“; “If only I hadn't done that!” “If only I had done this”; “If only I had had this chance or that chance-money-position-education-opportunity.” When the word is used in that sense, it suggests a consciousness of how different life could be under different circumstances. But sometimes it is used in a forward looking glance and involves hope. “If I get better from this illness, I shall be a different person.”; “If I can achieve so and so, the future will be secure and straightforward.” We can all multiply examples of opportunities lost which we regret; hopes expressed which await with faith. The incident recorded by St Matthew tells of the deep longing in the heart of a woman to be healed from a physical disorder. She had sought out the physicians of the day and they had not been successful. So when men and men's methods had failed, she had longed, like many others since her day, to receive the healing touch of Jesus. No incident could be more apt as we take our part in a Communion service, for here we touch Jesus in faith and worship as on no other occasion. The very heart of the service is when we kneel before the altar and receive of his life-giving body and blood. We read that Jesus was conscious that virtue had gone out of him into the life of the woman, equally so must surely be that virtue comes into us, as we take his life into ours. Jesus cleanses, heals, restores, where all else fails. The light which lit up the life of the woman was faith. Faith in the power and love of God. In that same faith let us draw near. Pat Baker (first published in Concord magazine 1982) 7 The Sewing Machine Guy Crafts, Haberdashery And Threads Unit 3, Warkworth Drive, Ellington, Northumberland NE61 5HL Tel. 01670 457150 Mobile 07787 615754 Incorporating Dragon Quilt Studio Button-licious and many more! Come and see us for ………… Sewing machine repairs and servicing, a great range of fabrics and notions Gorgeous handmade children’s garments and alterations Bespoke, traditional and nursery quilts and quilted products. High quality machine embroidery services A fantastic selection of hand crafted decorative folded books. Beautiful handmade soaps, bath bombs and fragranced melts. One to one workshops and classes Check out our website for details of all Special Events Machines Soaps & Handmade Button Fabrics & & Repairs Fragrance Clothes & Art Notions Melts More Quilting & Machine Embroidery 8 A Short History of Pianos and Maritime Safety A Parable In 1893, a man took a trip on an ocean liner that sank in a raging hurricane. Next morning, he found himself floating beside the lid of the ship’s grand piano - and clambered on top. Three days later, he was rescued. The British Government decided to learn from his experience, and quickly legislated that ‘No ship will go to sea without carrying on board enough grand pianos to support the bodies of its entire crew and passengers, should it happen to sink.’ Unfortunately, this caused problems. Smaller vessels such as canoes, rowing boats and sailing yachts couldn’t support the weight of a grand piano. Larger ships found that after taking on the right number of pianos, there was little space left for crew or passengers. ‘Where am I going to fit 150 pianos on my blasted ferry, then?’ demanded one captain. The government decided to think again. Should they make the pianos smaller? Experts were consulted. The Bechstein piano company argued that using lighter wood was completely out of the question, declaring ‘If it’s not mahogany, then it’s not a Bechstein!’ (Mahogany forests in Africa and Asia were quickly being depleted.) Some piano-players also complained about the lack of space to put the piano-stool on a normal-sized yacht, and the watery atmosphere did nothing for the tuning. So the government decided on a reasonable compromise. Larger ships would still have to carry the right number of grand pianos, (one for each person), but they could be made smaller, and would not need to have the full number of piano keys. In extreme cases, large ships would be allowed not to carry any pianos, providing they were accompanied by another ship that carried enough pianos both for itself and its piano-less partner. For every five pianos, a piano-player would need to be employed, and for ships with a crew of ten or less, then one crew-member would need to be given piano lessons to reach at least Grade 3. Smaller vessels would have just one piano that could be towed behind the ship ready for emergencies, whilst the captain would be required to learn the basic notes of ‘Chopsticks’. Very small vessels were told just not to bother going out to sea at all. 9 Further incidents led to more legislation. Every piano was required to be seaworthy, with paddles fitted as standard, and a week’s supply of emergency rations. All sheet music would be printed on rice paper containing 5 essential vitamins. The National Union of Seamen merged with the National Union of Musicians, and every ship’s captain was presented with a conductor’s baton. The outbreak of war in 1914 focussed minds more clearly - and a simple round belt was developed for seamen to ‘wear’ as they abandoned ship, but it was heartily disliked for not being sufficiently British. And if you think this all sounds a little mad- can you think of anything that we continue to do in church today that might once have made sense, but doesn’t, now? Chris Hudson The Three Fs. Faith, friendship, feelings Come from God above. Encouragement we all need. We just have to plant A little seed Then watch how it grows Into something beautiful To be admired, adored. It all has been possible Because we believe In the Lord. By Marguerite Lowder 10 Parsnips and Prayers When was the last time that you had half an hour of total quiet to yourself? Last week? Last month? Last Year? Or perhaps it is a long distant memory before the kids came along. In a world that is increasingly busy and stressful it can seem quite indulgent to take time out for yourself. But we need time to recharge our batteries and for Christians spending time alone with God is central to our faith. For myself and a small group of friends we find that time once a month at Alnmouth Friary as part of a Julian Prayer Group. On the third Tuesday of each month (March to November 7.45pm onwards) we get together to spend half an hour of quiet in a small chapel within that wonderful building. To lead us into our time of prayer one of us does a quick 5 minute presentation. This is nothing heavy and is just to get us slowly into our quiet space. It can be listening to a piece of music, a reading from a book or a simple talk. Recent subjects have been about God’s love, a priest who died on 9/11 and a favourite poem. When this is finished we spend half an hour in silent prayer. I was at first daunted by the thought of this but it is surprising how quickly you get into it. I remember my first time and as everything became quiet and still my mind was filled with thoughts of my daily life: the kids, shopping lists, had I switched the iron off? But after a while your mind empties and you begin to listen and it is a wonderful thing. I am not saying that you will be filled by some revelation straight from God, But who knows, you may get clarity about a problem, you may get peace for a while in an otherwise hectic world or you may simply listen to the birds and think of other times. After our prayer time some people head home and keep their thoughts to themselves, some other join the Brothers at the Friary in their simple night prayer service. I now look forward to Julian group, it relaxes me, refreshes may and keeps me close to God and we are so lucky to use the Friary as our base. If this article has interested you, then please contact Canon Colin Gough (01665 581100 [email protected]). There is no commitment, if you give it a go and find that it is not for you then that’s fine. One more thing, why is this article called Parsnips and Prayers, well my apologies, I couldn’t really think of an exciting headline and I thought that the title might have got people to read it, sorry! Darren Bell. 11 Travers and Grace Plumbing and Tiling Services Plumbing Repairs & Emergency Call Outs Showers & Bathrooms Installed Wall & Floor Tiling Free Estimates Call Derek or Christina 0777 409 4850 / 0781 888 7157 Effective Affordable Websites Web design Small business support Local area networking Wireless networking Database design Dave Pope (Member of International Webmasters Association) Tel: 01670 515806 Fax: 01670 519520 Mob: 0771 414 3640 [email protected] COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE J.W. Peters Family Firm Established 1920 Day & Night Service Very Competitive Prices Chapel of Rest Catering & Flower Arrangements Prepaid Funeral Plans. Written Details on request 53 Bridge Street, Morpeth 01670 517117 12 At Stannington Village Hall th Friday 11 September 2015 Hosted by MORPETH CHARITY EVENTS TEAM (Formerly Morpeth NSPCC Committee) "COLOURS OF THE RAINBOW" Food and Floral Demonstrations by Helen Moran and Sandra Dickinson Coffee on arrival plus Two Course Luncheon Commencing at 10.30 am until 3.00 pm Tickets £15.00 Please contact any member of the Committee or phone Gillian Irvine 01670 515870 13 Scuffs and scratches Dents and minor damage Alloy wheels refurbished Machine polishing We Come To You (At home or at work) Fully equipped mobile workshop Tel: 07591 273898 | JOHN SMAIL & SONS 40 Bridge Street Morpeth Tel. Morpeth 512643 Ironmongery Kitchenware Tools Key Cutting Garden Products Footwear Glass & Chinaware Contemporary & Traditional Furniture Oriental Rugs 14 News from the Boys Brigade The Boys' Brigade has been out enjoying the fine spring weather with some great outdoor activities! The Company Section has been exploring the countryside and cooking outdoors, while the Junior Section has been racing soap box karts in the park. Youngsters from both sections went paintballing and they still have the bruises to prove it, and recently seventeen members of the Junior Section went for a weekend camp at Shilbottle. At the Shilbottle Camp we had games on the beach and on Sunday we joined the local Baptist Church for morning worship. It was a wonderful time of fun and fellowship. Company Section members visited the ‘Big Night Out' event in County Durham for an evening of Christian witness and live music, but this summer the older BB members are mainly focussed on finding the remaining funding for the amazing M 10 house building trip to Mexico in July. Simon our BB Captain said that the last bit of fund raising was often the hardest, but added that he was confident the financial target would be met. 'When we team up to do Gods work then anything becomes possible!' he said. The BB has exciting plans to start the Anchors on Thursday evenings in September, for the younger boys and girls aged 6 to 8. All new BB members are welcome, be they children or helpers! Clive Kemp 15 Aren’t these great? Thanks to everyone who cut, pasted and coloured in! Well done! 16 Celebrating 60 years of ministry in Stobhill with prayers led by Bishop Frank on Saturday July 18th at St Aidan’s church, Stobhill 10.30 am—2.30 pm Live music; Raffle; Tombola; Gift Stalls and THE GRAND STRAWBERRY TEA 17 18 19 Well Done Auntie Jean! Here’s a lovely picture of Jean Mills, complete with floral tribute, being told what a jolly good egg she is, by Morpeth Contact centre manager Audrey Anderson (on the right of the picture). The headline in the Morpeth Herald says “ Charity thanks stalwart duo”. The other one of the stalwart duo is the very lovely David Livesey, who was for many years a committee member and lately served as Chair of Morpeth Contact group. He is also a jolly good egg. Well done to both of you and well done to Contact, too. Jean Has been involved with Contact for almost twenty five years, working as a volunteer, then on the management committee, generally doing what so many kind and selfless people do, which is spending time making sure that people in need are helped and supported. She also does a huge amount of work in our parish, most notably as Sacristan in St James and Chief Executive sweeper-up, tidier-around, flower-arranger extraordinaire and one half of the double act known as the ‘Cheeky Girls’ (the other half being the redoubtable Nancy Flitcroft) giving out the weekly notices before the Sunday service. Oh and she’s the Verger as well. And probably loads more things I can’t remember but she’ll remind me when she reads this! Or wallop me for writing it. Probably. Contact is a phenomenon in our town. The organisation holds a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service and continues to grow and expand, working from premises in Grey’s Yard, Oldgate and offering help not only to people with mental health problems, but also to their families and carers. Gena Fleming, the founder of the organisation, and her husband Alec, are also deserving of the highest praise for the work they and others have done for so many years.. Jean, David and his wife Cynthia, Gena and Alec and others like them are heroes. Not because they seek fame, fortune or recognition, but because they quietly see what needs to be done and do it. They don’t make a fuss, they don’t shout their achievements from the rooftops—they just serve and I can’t find words adequate enough to say how much I admire them all. Thank you for everything you do and bless your cotton socks for doing it. Val Pope 20 Quiz Night with Fish and Chips On Saturday 31st May, in the parish hall a hotly contested Quiz took place, along with a supper of fish and chips. Val Cowan was our imaginative Quiz Master and about seven teams, each bearing compulsory ridiculous names that I can’t remember, competed. At one point I thought we might have slipped into Charades, as being a little slow on the uptake, Val decided to help us out a bit and stood desperately clicking her heels together. Lo! we got it……we were off to see the Wizard. A variety of questions continued which meant there was something for everyone. The competition was lively, particularly at one point when Jean tried to wrestle an answer paper from Jack White. Unfortunately, due to a difference in the length of arms, this was a rather one sided, although very amusing contest. It was a great evening and everyone brought their own tipple with them to wash down the fish and chips, which always taste better straight from the paper. The hall had been beautifully laid out ready by the ladies in the kitchen, who then distributed the meals and served tea and coffee afterwards. A big thank you to them, for all their hard work, both before and on the night. We also managed to fit in a Raffle and together with donations we raised £200 for ‘Contact’. Thanks go to everyone who helped set up, collect the food or stayed to tidy away at the end. It was great fun and I would thoroughly recommend it and urge anyone who wasn’t there to try and come along in the future. Oh and the Rector’s team won!...I can hear the comments now…….. Glynis Pardy I’m having visions of heels clicking and ruby slippers….arrggggh...that yellow brick road, and the dog and those little green men—Ed. 21 Don’t eat me, I’m just the piano tuna That’s my brother! Toto, is this Kansas? Woof. No. Woof. It’s Woof Morpeth! 22 Confirmation Service May 31st 2015 Confirmation at St James Lawrence Brown, Gavin Cape, Robin Gibson, Rachel Stone and Guy Anderson with Elija Engelhardt, Lucas Heslop, Daniel Reynolds, William Stewart, Jenny Walls and Joshua White after their Confirmation by Bishop Frank on May 31st 2015 23 Free Entry Saturday 4th July 11am-1pm Ice Bar Bouncy Castle Cakes Fire Engine Tombola Refreshments Face Painting And much much more... Hot Dogs Sweets And Donuts Morpeth All Saints School, Lancaster Park 24 Leave me alone with God as much as may be. As the tide draws the waters close in upon the shore make me an island, set apart, alone with you, God , holy to you. Then with the turning of the tide prepare me to carry our presence to the busy world beyond, the world that rushes in on me til the waters come again and fold me back to you Amen Prayer of St Aidan of Lindisfarne 25 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ BRIDGE CLASSES IN MORPETH Come and learn the most intriguing game in the world Stimulate your brain and make new friends Classes to suit all levels Beginners - Wednesday morning and Thursday evening. Developing Bridge- Tuesday morning Continuing Bridge - Tuesday morning We are also happy to teach small groups on request. For more information please contact: Tessa Lee Monica Tuke Aileen Bryant Jill Harrison Aileen Cunningham 07773 01670 01670 01670 01670 889 515 504 791 513 597 075 475 183 369 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PRACTISE PLAYING BRIDGE Play and learn sessions with help from teachers. Just drop in – with or without a partner. Thursdays & Fridays 1.30 to 4.30 pm ongoing , including holidays at Hepscott Village Hall 26 North Northumberland Spirituality Network The Network This group exists to promote spiritual exploration for anyone who recognises 'the journey' and to provide support and supervision for those who stand alongside others in their spiritual pilgrimage. The Core Group meets three times a year and these sessions are open to anyone who would like to come. At this we swap notes on events we know of or books we've read. Sometimes we have a talk or a member of the group will introduce to us a spiritual writer or a tradition of which they have experience. These gatherings are held in Alnwick and participants bring a sandwich and a drink is provided. They happen between 12.15pm - 2pm. The next dates are: Wed 1 July when we will be joined by Revd Dr Nicholas Buxton who will talk about meditation and mindfulness. Wed 18 November - theme to be decided Please notify Canon Colin Gough, 01665 581100, [email protected] if you intend to come, a fortnight before the event. Peer Supervision Some of the Network who stand alongside others, meet at regular intervals for peer supervision. Contact Canon Christine Sindall (01665 572287) or the Revd Frances Dower (01670 774297) for further information. The Programme Group meets at intervals to plan a programme of events and opportunities for the year, open to anyone: 27 “Cleave the Wood and There I Am” Saturday July 11th 2015 from 11am till 4pm. at The Old School, Bingfield, NE46 4HR This day will provide an opportunity to explore woodcarving as a spiritual exercise. A completed piece will be used for reflection, and there will be a chance for each person to add to the carving of a work in progress. Music and clay will enhance the experience. The day will be led by Christopher and Janet Lewis, in whose home it will take place. Both have great experience in spiritual direction. The day doesn't require prior experience in woodcarving. Participants will be asked to sign a disclaimer regarding injury from using woodworking tools or any other accidental cause. To book, send a cheque for £15 made payable to NNSN to Canon Colin Gough, 44 Tyelaw Meadows, Shilbottle, NE66 2JJ. Quiet Day at Low Hauxley on November 14th 2015, 10am - 4.00pm Hauxley Chapel & Hauxley Village Hall Low Hauxley, near Amble. "Learn from the birds" Part of the day will be spent birdwatching in the nature reserve and coast at Hauxley . The day will be led by MARK WINTER, founder of Even Sparrows, a keen birdwatcher who originally set up Birdwatch Northumbria as a local guided birdwatching service. Since 2004 he has been running weekend retreats in Northumberland - see Please come dressed and equipped accordingly, with your own packed lunch. Liquid refreshments available. To book, send a cheque for £15 made payable to NNSN (Canon Colin Gough , address above) 28 FRIDAY 3RD JULY 2015 AT MORPETH COMMRADES CLUB STARTS 7.30PM FIRST RACE 8.00PM Join us for a fun filled night including horse racing, raffle, auction, delicious Italian buffet, cheap drinks and lots of fantastic prizes! £5 PER PERSON (INCLUDES ENTRY AND BUFFET) TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM MRS TAYLOR AT THE SCHOOL OFFICE OR MEMBERS OF FOMAS All welcome so please bring family and friends. All profit will go towards new equipment for Morpeth All Saints School 29 Personalised Maths and English Tuition SATs, Functional Skills and GCSEs Specific topic refreshers Vocational maths & English Teaching qualifications Award, Certificate and Diploma in Education and Training Assessor and Internal Quality Assurance qualifications Do you know someone who would benefit from any of these? Then contact: Helen: 07866 742037, Richard: 07547 255344 or Cyril: 07932 365940 Or email [email protected] for more information. Eduworks Ltd 12 Linnet Court Cawledge Business Park Alnwick [email protected] Top quality used vehicles Comprehensive warranty When you produce this advert See our wide selection at Open 7days Tel: 01670 514488 On A197 between Morpeth & the A1 The Parish Cycle 30 of Prayer for July 1st May there be peace in the world 2nd 3rd May all faiths respect one another Thomas, Apostle 4th 5th Reassurance for those in doubt For all who are recently Confirmed 5th after Trinity For Beth Tash and all her fellow Ordinands 6th For our Parish 7th For the work of the Parish clergy 8th For our Churchwardens 9th For the Diocesan Vacancy in See Committee 10th Give thanks for holiday time 11th For all who are homeless 12th 6th after Trinity For the people of Nepal 13th For all victims of violence 14th For all who are anxious 15th Swithun, Bp. Martyr Give thanks for refreshing rain 16th For our town and County Councillors 17th For the young people of Morpeth 18th For Bishop Frank and the Beacon Project blessing 19th 7th after Trinity Thank God for our friends 20th For all patients in our hospitals 21st For the residents of our care homes 22nd Mary Magdalene May we be tolerant towards other people 23rd For the M10 Mexico team 24th May we be channels of Christ’s love 25th James, Apostle For Beth and Barney as they begin their married life 26th 8th after Trinity Lord dwell among us in our homes 27th May we have humility and patience 28th May we be prompt when duty calls 29th Mary, Martha & Lazarus For our brothers and sisters 30th For children separated from their parents 31st For students awaiting exam results The Parish Cycle of31Prayer for August 1st 2nd Safety for all who are travelling 9th after Trinity Thank God for the day the Lord has made 3rd May Christ be our sure foundation 4th Help us to be still and to listen to God 5th Oswald, King, Martyr 6th Transfiguration of our Lord For the leaders of this nation May we reflect the light of Jesus 7th May we know and do your will 8th Pray for all who are newly married 9th 10th after Trinity For those who suffer stress and exhaustion 10th Give thanks for our hospitals and medical services 11th For all medical staff 12th For disabled people 13th For young people seeking careers 14th For the work of aid organisations 15th The Blessed Virgin Mary 16th 11th after Trinity May we walk the path of obedience Support us in our quest for perfection 17th Forgiveness for those we have offended 18th Forgiveness for those we have neglected 19th For faith in family life 20th For all who feel outcast 21st For prisoners of conscience 22nd May we recognise and be ready to mend our faults 23rd 12th after Trinity 24th Bartholomew, Apostle For an end to the exploitation of people May we help to spread the Gospel 25th Give thanks for the beauty of the earth 26th Give thanks for the produce of the earth 27th For hospital Chaplains 28th Comfort for all who are in difficulty 29th Comfort for all who are bereaved 30th 13th after Trinity Comfort for all who have lost hope 31st Aidan. Bp. Missionary Give thanks for the Beacon Project 32 From the Parish Registers for June Baptisms June 14th James Saston June 21st Harry George Wilkinson June 28th Megan Louisa Cuthbertson Weddings 6th June 20th June John William PATRICK and Clare Mary TOWNSLEY Shaun Fraser SCOTT and Melanie Sarah DAVIDSON RIP 1st June John Peter Herzberg 8th June David Elliott 9th June Rosslyn Morgan 16th June William (Andrew)Thornton 22nd June Audrey Green 24th June Margaret Pope Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Rosslyn Morgan 7th July 11.00am at St Mary's 33 34 Please hand your completed form in to Noel Common or give it to one of the Churchwardens. Alternatively, you may send it to the Parish Office (address on the back cover of the magazine) if you wish. 35 36 GIFT AID DECLARATION If you are a UK taxpayer and eligible to Gift Aid your donation, please complete the form below. This will increase your gift by 25p for every £1 given (at current rate), at no extra cost to you or us. Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made from the date of this declaration and in the past four years. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities (including churches) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 Please complete the above form and return it to: The Parish Office, Parish Hall, Grange Road, Morpeth, NE61 2TL or hand it to the churchwarden NAME………………………………………………….. ADDRESS…………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. POST CODE…………………………………… NO……………………………….. TEL SIGNATURE…………………………………… DATE………………………………….. NOTES 1. Please notify the church/charity if you: Want to cancel this declaration Change your name or home address No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. Gift Aid is linked to basic rate tax which currently allows charities to reclaim 25 pence in the pound. 2. Higher rate taxpayers can claim back the difference between basic rate and higher rate or additional rate tax. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code. 37 SERVICES FOR AUGUST 2015 August 2nd St James St Mary St James St Aidan St Mary 9th after Trinity 8.00am 9.30 am 11.15am 4.00pm 6.00pm Holy Communion Family Communion Simply Worship (Non-Eucharist) Family Communion BCP Evensong August 9th St James St Mary St Aidan St James St Aidan St James 10th after Trinity 8.00am 9.30am 9.30 am 11.15am 4.00pm 6.00pm Holy Communion Simply Worship (Non-Eucharist) Family Communion Family Communion Family Communion Evening Prayer August 16th St James 11th after Trinity 8.00am 11.15am 9.30am 4.00pm 6.00pm Holy Communion Family Communion Family Communion Simply Worship (Non –Eucharist) Healing Service St Mary St Aidan 12th after Trinity 8.00am 11.15am 9.30am 4.00pm Holy Communion Family Communion Family Communion Family Communion August 30th St Aidan 13th after Trinity 10.00 am Joint Parish Communion St Mary St Aidan August 23rd St James No Evening Service on 4th & 5th Sundays N.B. ST AIDAN’S WEEKDAY EUCHARIST EVERY THURSDAY AT 9.15am Please check the weekly pew notes for any alterations or amendments to services 38 SERVICES FOR JULY 2015 July 5th St James St Mary St James St Aidan St Mary 5th after Trinity 8.00am 9.30 am 11.15am 4.00pm 6.00pm Holy Communion Family Communion Simply Worship (Non-Eucharist) Family Communion BCP Evensong July 12th St James St Mary St Aidan St James St Aidan St James 6th after Trinity 8.00am 9.30am 9.30 am 11.15am 4.00pm 6.00pm Holy Communion Simply Worship (Non-Eucharist) Family Communion Family Communion Family Communion Evening Prayer July 19th St James 7th after Trinity 8.00am 11.15am 9.30am 4.00pm 6.00pm Holy Communion Family Communion Family Communion Simply Worship (Non –Eucharist) Healing Service 8th after Trinity 8.00am 11.15am 9.30am 4.00pm Holy Communion Family Communion Family Communion Family Communion St Mary St Aidan July 26th St James St Mary St Aidan No Evening Service on 4th & 5th Sundays Please check the weekly pew notes for any alterations or amendments to services SERVICES FOR AUGUST ON p33 39 YOUTH ORGANISATIONS BOYS BRIGADE (Manchester St. HQ) Revd Simon White (Captain) Mr Clive Kemp Tel: 511723 Officer (Juniors & Anchors) Thursdays: Anchors (6-8) & Juniors (8-11) Tuesdays: Company (11-18) GUIDES, BROWNIES & RANGERS Rainbows 2nd St James Monday All Saints School 3rd St Mary's Tuesday Abbeyfields First School Brownies 2nd St James Monday All Saints School St Aidan’s Wednesday Parish Hall 3rd St Mary’s Tuesday Abbeyfields First School Guides 2nd St James Wednesday All Saints School Further information from: Elaine Callaghan Tel 07531900936 BEAVERS, CUBS & SCOUTS Low Stanners HQ 4th Morpeth Beavers- Monday & Thursday 4th Morpeth Cubs - Tuesday & Thursday 4th Morpeth Scouts Monday & Wednesday Morpeth Methodist Church 6th Morpeth Beavers- Thursday s- Thursday 6th Morpeth Scouts- Thursday Explorer Scouts- Friday Further information: Clive Rich 01670 511623 PLAYTIME PLUS Mother and Toddler Group Every TUESDAY during term time from 9.30 am—11 am in St Aidan’s Church, Stobhill Contact: Mrs Pauline Ferguson Tel: 518642 PARISH SUNDAY SCHOOL & JUNIOR CHURCH Contact: Dr Lindsay Gilfillan Tel: 07736108772 MESSY CHURCH Parish Contact: Revd Jeremy Cooper Tel.511593 [email protected] YOU CAN ADVERTISE IN CONCORD £33 for 1/3 page £55 for 1/2 page £66 for 2/3 page £99 for full page You supply your chosen artwork/logo and copy and your ad will appear in eleven editions of the magazine (July & August is a double issue) Contact Dave Pope for details Tel: 01670 519520 Mobile: 07714143640 email: [email protected] 40 PARISH DIRECTORY PARISH OFFICE (ALL GENERAL ENQUIRIES) The Parish Office, The Parish Hall, Grange Road, Stobhill, Morpeth NE61 2TL. Tel: 503326 Email: [email protected] Web: Tuesday—Friday 9.30am to 1.15pm The Office is CLOSED on MONDAY Parish Administrator: Mrs Glynis Pardy PCC SECRETARY Mrs Val Pope Tel: 07710233251 Email: [email protected] MINISTRY TEAM (PASTORAL ENQUIRIES ONLY) Revd Simon White (Rector) (day off Wednesday) The Rectory Cottingwood Lane Morpeth Tel: 01670 517716 email: [email protected] Revd Jeremy Cooper (OLM )13 Curlew Hill, Lancaster Park (Tel.511593) (Mon, Fri & Sun) email: [email protected] READERS Mrs Vivienne Sommerville Tel: 513181 Mrs Wendy McKenzie Tel: 510311 Mrs Harriet Gilfillan Tel: 07736 108771 Mrs Janet Hedley Tel: 514117 Mrs Val Cowan Tel: 07887594161 Mr Chris Hudson Tel: 07739348386 Mrs Muriel Harris Tel: 515579 (Reader Emeritus) MUSICAL DIRECTORS St Mary: Mr Colin Davidson Tel: 513381 St James: Mr David Pope Tel: 519520 St Aidan: Mr Roy Beasley Tel: 514149 MOTHERS UNION Mrs Linda Wheatley Tel: 504655 MENS’ GROUP Mr Cyril Meehan Tel: 512897 PARISH MAGAZINE (CONCORD) Mrs Val Pope Tel: 515806 [email protected] Miss Pat Baker Tel: 503429 Miss Julia Wood Tel: 511192 Mrs Sally Keith Tel: 515098 Revd Maureen Chester Tel: 514569 MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION Mr Eric Fisher Tel: 515401 (St. James) Mr Noel Common Tel: 516208 (St Aidan) Mrs Val Langston Tel: 510779 (St Mary) CHILDREN’S SOCIETY COORDINATOR Mrs Dorothy Tully Tel: 513928 CHAPLAINCY TEAM LEAD CHAPLAIN: Revd Jeremy Cooper Tel.511593) (Mon, Fri & Sun) email: [email protected] CHURCHWARDENS Mrs Sally Keith 515 098 Mr Brian Hedley 514117 Mr Stuart Michie 518057 Mr Roy Beasley 514149 FABRIC COMMITTEE (Chair) Mr Dave Pope Tel: 519520 email: [email protected] FINANCE & RECORDS Gift Aid Sec.: Mrs Barbara Wheeler Tel: 519664 Planned Giving: Mr David Pope Tel: 519520 Electoral Roll: Mr Noel Common Tel: 516208 Pinewood Drive Lancaster Park Morpeth Northumberland NE61 3RD Telephone : 01670 512803 Head Teacher Mrs K Halliday Chair of Governors Mr David Simpson
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