Programa de Pós-Graduação em Patologia Ambiental e
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Patologia Ambiental e
COMPORTAMENTO DE CAMUNDONGOS SOB INFECÇÃO SIMULADA DE LPS PERINATAL TRATADOS POR ZINCUM METALLICUM SILVIO LEITE MONTEIRO DA SILVA SILVIO LEITE MONTEIRO DA SILVA COMPORTAMENTO DE CAMUNDONGOS SOB INFECÇÃO SIMULADA DE LPS PERINATAL TRATADOS POR ZINCUM METALLICUM Trabalho de conclusão de curso para obtenção do título de doutor em Patologia Ambiental e Experimental apresentado à Universidade Paulista – UNIP. Orientador: Prof.a Leoni Villano Bonamin SÃO PAULO 2015 Silva, Silvio Leite Monteiro da. Comportamento de camundongos sob infecção simulada de LPS perinatal tratados por Zincum metallicum / Silvio Leite Monteiro da Silva. - 2015. 84 f. : il. color. + CD-ROM. Tese de Doutorado Apresentada ao Programa de Pós Graduação em Patologia Ambiental e Experimental da Universidade Paulista, São Paulo, 2015. Área de Concentração: Patologia Ambiental. Orientadora: Prof. Dr. Leoni Villano Bonamin. 1. LPS. 2. Perinatal. 3. Comportamento Zincum metallicum. 4. Altas diluições. 5. Homeopatia. 6. Depressão. 7. Infecção. Bonamin, Leoni Villano (orientador). III. Título. I. SILVIO LEITE MONTEIRO DA SILVA COMPORTAMENTO DE CAMUNDONGOS SOB INFECÇÃO SIMULADA DE LPS PERINATAL TRATADOS POR ZINCUM METALLICUM Trabalho de conclusão de curso para obtenção do título de doutor em Patologia Ambiental e Experimental apresentado à Universidade Paulista – UNIP. Aprovado em: __________________ BANCA EXAMINADORA: ______________________________ _________ _________ ______________________________ _________ _________ ______________________________ _________ _________ ______________________________ _________ _________ ______________________________ _________ _________ AGRADECIMENTOS Agradeço aos animais; Aos meus pais Waldemar e Sara pelo apoio incondicional desta trajetória, a Dora e a Jandira; Aos amigos Adeline, Paulo de Poços, Rodrigo, Aline, Jefferson, Ricardo e Andreia de São Paulo; A Giang, Eduardo, Stefano, Ignazio, Maria Rosa, Tudor, Emanuele, Alessandro, Filipo, Nico, amigos e colegas de Verona/estudantes da UNIVR; Loris e colegas da ONAV - Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori di Vino; Aos colegas da UNIP Aloísio, Marlene, Chris, Toshie, Su, Cleide, Fabi, Thayná, Tica, Paulo, Rodolfo, Osvaldo, Leandra, Kleber; A Karina e Monique da equipe do pillattes em São Paulo, aos instrutores da natação do SESC/SP; a Bulé e Donizete (Clube Caiçaras de Rio Pomba/MG) e equipe multidisciplinar, e a equipe do Centro Federale di Alta Specializzazione di Verona “Alberto Castagnetti”; A Marta Marzotto, Clara Bonafini e Débora Olioso pelos momentos inesquecíveis de convivência, pela recepção internacional, amizade, além da oportunidade concedida por Paolo Belavitte da UNIVR; Ao Tiago Berti Kirsten (USP/UNIP) pelo LPS; a Amarilys de Toledo Cesar (HNCristiano) pelas potências; e a Carla Holandino (UFRJ) pela matriz do Zincum metallicum; A Maristela Dutra Correa e Vanessa Gallego Arias Pecorari da Odontologia da UNIP que apoiaram incondicionalmente; Ao Claudio Costa e Emiko Saito Arita da Faculdade de Odontologia da USP pelos equipamentos de raios-X digital e MicroCT; Ao Cassio Roberto Silva Noronha pelas valiosas sugestões; As pessoas que fazem parte da equipe do GIRI e do grupo de estudo internacional do Zincum metallicum; A Capes pelo apoio com bolsa sanduíche no exterior (PDSE- 6225/14-4) e pela taxa (PROSUP-1187970), a UNIP e o IF Sudeste MG pelo suporte geral; A Maria Martha Bernardi por sua especial experiência na condução organizacional do ambiente e admiração dos fenômenos e pessoas; A Leoni Villano Bonamin pela sua atenção e referência ímpares como pessoa e profissional com as quais pude desfrutar durante este período memoriável. “Nós estamos diante da arte das verdadeiras histórias Conectadas ao intrigante mistério da vida Originais Iluminadas pelo caminho que acontece Mudam, se reinventam e se auto-organizam Mas nunca terminam” (Silvio Leite Monteiro da Silva) RESUMO Este é um estudo exploratório perinatal que aborda o comportamento de camundongos BALB/C sobre efeito de infecção simulada por LPS durante o 9,5 dia de gestação, com tratamento de zinco diluído. Foram avaliados o comportamento de depressão aparente e de doente através do teste de suspensão pela cauda e campo aberto, além da massa corporal. A geração parental foi cruzada com seleção polarizada pelo tempo de imobilidade ao teste de suspensão pela cauda, considerado validado pelo uso, e com delineamento em blocos inteiramente casualizados. O comportamento de depressão aparente teve correlação inversa com o peso vivo à 2ª semana de gestação. A prole apresentou redução significativa do comportamento de depressão aparente em relação à geração parental de forma global. Os fatores de interferência LPS e parto interagiram com o tratamento proposto e demonstraram afetar evidentemente a geração parental. Dimorfismo sexual foi observado na geração filial. Houve transmissão vertical deste efeito para a geração filial fêmea das mães tratadas com o zinco diluído em 200cH. A identificação de parâmetros de interferência potencialmente sensíveis neste modelo apresenta seu potencial para estudo de depressão pós-parto. Palavras-chave: LPS; perinatal; comportamento; Zincum metallicum; altas diluições. ABSTRACT This is an exploratory perinatal study addressed to the behavior of BALB / C for mice with simulated infection by LPS effect during pregnancy treated with diluted zinc. The depression-like behavior and sickness behavior were evaluated by the tail suspension test and open field arena, as well as live body mass. The parental generation was mated with polarized selection by immobility time from spontaneous tail suspension test, and randomized in blocks. The depression-like behavior was inversely correlated with body weight at the second week of gestation, when they received LPS. The offspring during adulthood showed a significant reduction of depression-like behavior in relation to parental generation globally. The interference factors LPS-delivery interacted with the factor treatment and demonstrated clearly affect the parental generation. Sexual dimorphism was observed in the filial generation. There was vertical transmission of this effect to the female branch generation of mothers treated with diluted zinc to 200cH. The identification of potentially interfering sensitive parameters in this model has potential for the study of post-partum depression. Keywords: LPS; perinatal; behavior; Zincum metallicum; high dilutions. SUMÁRIO INTRODUÇÃO ................................................................................................... 9 CAPÍTULO 2 – Block randomization and tail suspension test as a method to select parental mice mates to perinatal studies of depression-like behavior. ... 14 1. 2 Introduction ....................................................................................... 15 1.1 The depression-like behavior .......................................................... 15 1.2 Objectives ........................................................................................ 17 Material and methods ........................................................................... 17 2.1 Ethics............................................................................................... 17 2.2 General conditions........................................................................... 17 2.3 The behavior tail suspension test .................................................... 18 2.4 Statistical analysis ........................................................................... 19 3. Results ............................................................................................... 20 4. Discussion: ........................................................................................ 25 5. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 26 CAPÍTULO 3 – Exploratory study with simulated infection to perinatal murine model for depression-like and sickness behaviors treated with diluted zinc. .... 28 1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 29 1.1. The simulated infection by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ...................... 29 1.2 The zinc and diluted zinc effects...................................................... 30 1.3 The depression-like and sickness behaviors ................................... 32 1.4 Grooming, defecation and stand up................................................. 33 1.5 Objectives ........................................................................................ 33 2. Material and methods ....................................................................... 34 2.2 Experimental design ........................................................................ 34 2.3 The tail suspension tests and open field arena ............................... 36 2.3.1 Parental female generation (first experiment).................................. 37 2.3.2 Filial generation after adulthood (second experiment) ..................... 38 2.4 3. Statistical analysis ........................................................................... 38 Results ............................................................................................... 39 3.1. Comparison between maternal and filial immobility time ................ 39 3.2 Parental female generation ............................................................. 40 3.2.1 The parental female depression-like behavior ................................. 40 3.2.2 Suspension immobility time and weight ........................................... 44 3.2.3 The parental female sickness behavior ........................................... 46 3.2.4 The parental female grooming, stand up and defecation parameters.. ........................................................................................................ 48 3.2.5 The delivery ..................................................................................... 50 3.3 The filial generation at adulthood..................................................... 51 3.3.1 The filial immobility time by the tail suspension test ........................ 51 3.3.2 The filial walking and immobility time............................................... 52 3.3.3 The filial grooming, stand up and defecation parameters ................ 55 4. 5. Discussion: ........................................................................................ 56 4.1. Parental females.............................................................................. 56 4.2 The filial generation at adulthood..................................................... 57 Conclusion ......................................................................................... 59 CAPÍTULO 4 - Considerações finais................................................................ 61 REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS ................................................................ 62 APÊNDICE A – Apresentação de resultados parciais sobre comportamento no GIRI 2014 (Romênia/Sighisoara). .................................................................... 73 APÊNDICE B – Apresentação de resultados parciais sobre densitometria femoral no GIRI 2015 (Verona/Itália)................................................................ 74 APÊNDICE C – Apresentação de resultados parciais sobre citocinas intraperitoneais na conferência do HRI 2015 (Roma/Itália). ............................. 75 APÊNDICE D – Publicação do resumo no 2nd HRI Research Conference ..... 76 APÊNDICE E – Imagens dos fêmures esquerdos aos raios-X. ....................... 77 APÊNDICE F – Tabela de dados da microtomografia computadorizada (MicroCT) de fêmures. ..................................................................................... 78 APÊNDICE G – Microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (MEV-EDS) de uma amostra de fêmur corte transversal. .. 79 ANEXO A – Certificado de aprovação pela (CEUA-UNIP) protocolo 156/13. .. 80 ANEXO B – Laudo de análise laboratorial externa da concentração de zinco. 81 ANEXO C – Carta com decodificação dos tratamentos em cego. ................... 82 ANEXO D – Parecer do Prof. Paolo Belavitte sobre o estágio de doutoramento internacional na Università Degli Studio di Verona - Ospetale Policlinico. ....... 83 9 INTRODUÇÃO O estado-da-arte atual das pesquisas científicas de homeopatia e altas diluições encontra-se em um momento em que se observa ser de extrema importância a coleção de diferentes dados experimentais. Dados sobre o uso tradicional da homeopatia em humanos e animais são ferramentas que incitam vários campos da pesquisa, pois seus fundamentos nascem da observação de que muitas doenças e seus processos são passíveis de cura pela própria resposta orgânica. Assim, tais princípios também podem ser estendidos do reino animal para o vegetal, conforme demonstrado em diversos modelos experimentais. Estudos experimentais com foco na compreensão dos fenômenos naturais que cercam a ação biológica das altas diluições alimentam a curiosidade científica exploratória. Tais estudos têm potencial particularmente elevado e de impacto para oferecer novos tratamentos para doenças que ainda não têm solução conhecida. A compilação de teorias construídas a partir da abordagem fenomenológica de dados experimentais oferece pistas para o desenvolvimento evolutivo esperado nesta intrigante área do conhecimento. Neste estudo, o delineamento experimental escolhido foi da infecção simulada por LPS em modelo perinatal em camundongos, tratados ou não com diferentes potências (ou diluições) homeopáticas de zinco (Zincum metallicum 5cH, 30cH e 200cH), ou seja: tais tratamentos são o principal fator de interferência para o modelo LPS-perinatal, cujas consequências foram mensuradas em diferentes níveis e sistemas. Controle de tais medicamentos foi feito pela administração do veículo dinamizado em via e posologia idênticas, ou seja, preparado com os mesmos métodos farmacotécnicos utilizados para os medicamentos. O controle da infecção simulada, per se, foi feito com a adição de alguns animais em cada grupo que não receberam a injeção de LPS. Os resultados obtidos a partir deste modelo são organizados em diferentes artigos científicos, a serem submetidos para publicação em revistas especializadas, de acordo com as variáveis estudadas. Assim, compõem o volume desta tese de Doutorado, os capítulos concernentes à: 10 a) Estratégias de parâmetros comportamentais e fatores de interferência no modelo experimental; b) Efeitos comportamentais (parentais e filiais) do tratamento com diferentes potências homeopáticas de Zincum metallicum. A fim de refinar o uso de animais de laboratório, concorrendo a favor da regra dos “3Rs”, outros parâmetros podem ser também avaliados amiúde a partir de material colhido nas necropsias realizadas ao final dos experimentos sem que, para isso, haja a necessidade de se utilizar mais animais. Tais parâmetros, uma vez analisados e discutidos oportunamente, poderão compor outros artigos derivados do mesmo modelo, além daqueles apresentados nesta tese. São eles: a) Parâmetros referentes à avaliação da estrutura óssea nas gerações prental e filial tratadas com Zincum metallicum, mensurados por técnicas de raios-X digital para avaliação da densidade óssea, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (MEV-EDS), micro-tomografia e dimensões ósseas macroscópicas. b) Parâmetros referentes à relação comportamento x inflamação, levando-se em conta a expressão de GFAP em áreas específicas do SNC relacionadas aos comportamentos observados e a mensuração de células inflamatórias e citocinas peritoniais (esta já realizada, com a co-orientação do Prof. Paolo Bellavite da Universidade de Verona, com auxílio do programa PDSE-CAPES). Os resultados comportamentais que são apresentados neste volume mostram como certas características individuais associadas ao histórico perinatal interferem na eficácia do tratamento homeopático. Esse ponto de vista enquadra exatamente no escopo da revista “Personality and Individual Differences”, o qual valoriza o desenvolvimento de metodologia adequada ao estudo dos fatores de interferência e de suas relações com as respostas comportamentais individuais. Assim sendo, a organização desse volume mereceu um formato exclusivo e completamente original, que permitisse elucidar, passo a passo, como tais variáveis podem interferir na susceptibilidade a transtornos comportamentais e na capacidade de resposta 11 desses indivíduos ao tratamento homeopático. Por esse motivo, vê-se que o discurso utilizado nos dois artigos apresentados a seguir inclui resultados e discussão apresentados em conjunto e ordenados didaticamente ao longo da narrativa. Para maior compreensão, o escopo da revista está apresentado no quadro a seguir*: Personality and Individual Differences is devoted to the publication of articles (experimental, theoretical, review) which aim to integrate as far as possible the major factors of personality with empirical paradigms from experimental, physiological, animal, clinical, educational, criminological or industrial psychology or to seek an explanation for the causes and major determinants of individual differences in concepts derived from these disciplines. The editors are concerned with both genetic and environmental causes, and they are particularly interested in possible interaction effects. Ultimately they believe that human beings are bio-social organisms and that work on individual differences can be most fruitfully pursued by paying attention to both these aspects of our nature. They believe that advances are more likely to be made by the use of the hypothetical-deductive method, though empirical data based on sound research and providing interesting new findings, would of course not be rejected simply because they might not have a good theoretical underpinning. All in all, the traditional type of work on traits, abilities, attitudes, types and other latent structures underlying consistencies in behavior has in recent years been receiving rather short shrift in traditional journals of personality; Personality and Individual Differences aims to reinstate it to its proper place in psychology, equal in importance with general experimental work, and interacting with it to make up a unitary science of psychology. *Escopo da revista Personality and Individual Differences. As partes sublinhadas no texto correspondem aos Durante desenvolvimento o pontos em comum das com o trabalho atividades aqui apresentado. propostas, após a apresentação no GIRI da Romênia (2014) – apêndice A, dos resultados parciais de comportamento e nascimento de animais, a demanda de quantificar a concentração de zinco evoluiu. Este micro elemento está presente nos tecidos ósseos dos fêmures e deparamos com a oportunidade de utilizar uma metodologia não destrutiva antes da quantificação. Com a hipótese de que poderia haver alteração da disponibilidade de zinco nos tecidos ósseos do fêmur, tanto pela demanda deste metal no pool metabólico na gestação quando em situações de infecção, a demanda metabólica de macro elementos pode 12 alterar. Nesta linha, foram realizadas análises de raios-X dos fêmures esquerdos de todos os camundongos. Para surpresa, observamos alterações com tripla interação que inclui efeitos do Zincum metallicum sobre a deposição mineral nos fêmures dos mesmos camundongos utilizados nos experimentos de comportamento, publicado no Simpósio do GIRI seguinte em Verona (2015), organizado pelo Groupe Internacional de Recherche Sur L’infinitésimal, apêndice B. A relação de imagens de raios-X realizadas em parceria com demais co autores está apresentada no apêndice E. A relação dos parâmetros detectados pelas análises de microtomografia computadorizada (microCT) em decorrência da parceria anterior está apresentada no apêndice F. A análise da presença de zinco presente na porção cortical do tecido ósseo em relação às demais moléculas foi realizada pelo módulo de espectroscopia de energia dispersiva presente no microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV-EDS) está ilustrada com um exemplo da amostra 43 no apêndice G. Os resultados parciais da determinação da concentração de citocinas peritoneais realizada no período de estágio de doutoramento internacional sob orientação do Prof. Paolo Belavitte com supervisão de Marta Marzotto foi apresentada no 2nd. HRI International Homeopathy Research Conference, organizado pelo Homeopathy Research Institute, appendices C e D. Todos os procedimentos experimentais com animais foram realizados após a obtenção do certificado de aprovação pelo comitê de ética em pesquisa com animais sob o protocolo 156/13 (CEUA-UNIP) de acordo com a legislação brasileira. A alimentação, a água e a medicação foram avaliadas pelo teor de zinco em suas composições. Como a medicação é composta por zinco diluída, é esperado apenas traços, assim como na água. Isso quer dizer que a ração era a única fonte exclusiva de zinco, mas não a água e os medicamentos, o que foi confirmado pelas análises externas. Como o limite de detecção do teste é 0,3 mg/Kg, foi possível afirmar que a concentração das amostras onde eram esperados traços era inferior a 0,3 mg/Kg. O nível de zinco mínimo garantido na ração era de 70 mg/Kg e foi detectado 119 mg/Kg pelo método de absorção atômica realizado no laboratório externo. Esta constatação foi de igual influência entre todos os grupos e a influência deste aumento é considerada limitada sobre os parâmetros avaliados. 13 O tratamento com Zincum metallicum aconteceu em cego, assim como as análises estatísticas. A revelação da codificação entre o nome dos grupos (A, B, C e D) e a relação das medicações utilizadas em cada frasco foi revelada com a abertura da carta em posse de um funcionário sem vínculo direto ao experimento, o conteúdo desta carta é apresentado no anexo C. As atividades desenvolvidas durante o período do estágio de doutoramento internacional foram relatadas e comentadas pelo professor responsável e este documento é apresentado nos anexos D e E. 14 CAPÍTULO 2 – Block randomization and tail suspension test as a method to select parental mice mates to perinatal studies of depression-like behavior. Silvio Leite Monteiro da Silva, UNIP, IF Sudeste MG Maria Martha Bernardi, UNIP Leoni Villano Bonamin, UNIP Abstract Introduction: there are individual factors that are neglected in quantitative analysis on depression studies developed on mice models. Parental generation block randomization considers each subject and their inter-individual variations towards a refined control over experimental variables. This method is useful to evaluate the vertical transmission to maternal and offspring behavior in the perinatal set up. Methods: all 37 mice were previously accessed by spontaneous depressionlike behavior, observed by the immobilization time in Tail Suspension Test. They were categorized in depressed-like; intermediate and healthy. The females (n=28) were randomly blocked into four groups and the males selected by complementary immobilization time to the mates. The aim of this procedure is to control the individual parental influence over filial depression-like behavior. Results/discussion: the parental generation was mostly in the intermediate category which is good for depression studies with interference factors to reach expected homogeneity of filial generation. The planned mating was performed with more than one male option to be available in a 1:3 harem method, and pregnancy was confirmed by the presence of vaginal plug. The mating plan resulted in a significant inverse correlation between the female and the male immobility time (p-value<0.01), in which the distribution of female and male mice was similar in the four groups, considering behavior and body weight (pvalue>0.05). The block randomization method is useful to reduce the sample size and increase the sensitivity of variables control of any proposed treatments. 15 Conclusion: the mating plan performed under controlled randomness and selection increased the accuracy of the spontaneous depression-like behavior observation in parental mice to be used in transgenerational studies. Highlights • Spontaneous depression-like behavior of parental selection mice may affects the filial generation; • The block randomization design is a refinement method to control the inter-individual variation of mates for perinatal studies; • The planned mates strategy reached an inverse correlation between parental mates; • The parental and expected filial generation of further experiments are more confident to study interference factors on depression-like behavior Keywords: Mice model; inter-individual; depression-like behavior; Tail Suspension Test; perinatal; block randomization 1. Introduction 1.1 The depression-like behavior The depression is a world-wide disease that reduces the quality of life and influence the death risk in humans. The treatment and exploration of influent parameters on depression are currently relevant because of its social demand thus, it is a hot topic (MACÍAS-CORTÉS et al., 2015; OSTERMANN et al., 2015; VIKSVEEN & RELTON, 2014; ADLER et al., 2013; IJICHI et al 2013; BAWDEN, 2012; LONGACRE et al., 2012; VAN DE VELDE et al., 2010). The behavioral study using experimental models is a tool to evaluate how the crosstalk complexes of neuronal and physiological functions respond over a context (ROSENBLAT et al., 2012). Mice can be objectively assessed by behavioral tests focused on correspondence effects with the human depression 16 (ENNACEUR, 2014; PINHEIRO et al., 2007; PRUT & BELZUNG, 2003). The mice depression-like behavior model was validated 30 years ago, for antidepressant drugs evaluation. The method measures the immobility time by the tail suspension test and the paradigm is the continuous inescapable situation during 5 minutes hanged: as more time the mouse take to give up and keep immobile, more evident is the depression-like behavior. In mice population, the spontaneous response in two equivalent tests, the tail suspension test and the forced swimming test, classifies them in three categories: depressed-like, intermediate and healthy subjects (REIS-SILVA, 2013). This parental and filial behavior are linked with the possibility of vertical transmission as to humans as to mice (HAMMERTON, et al. 2015; MARS, et al. 2015; CRYAN et al 2005). REIS-SILVA (2013) showed that 70-75% of male and female mice of three filial generations from depressed and non depressed-like parents measured in tail suspension test presented the same behavior profile than their parents. This author also revealed differential response to immune activation by lipopolyssacharide in the offspring. Due to these observations, in perinatal studies, a block randomization strategy instead of simple sorting is needed to balance the individual parental effect related to these parameters to expect the presence of controlled filial generation (KAHAN et al., 2015). The proposed procedure reduce the risk of sorting artifact to group treatments, for an example, the presence of more depressed-like parental mice in one group than others and its potential impact over the filial generation (KAHAN & MORRIS, 2012). The strategy of individualizing the mates is a refinement technique of the simple random mating arrangement. Such control increases the reliability of the results and reduces the potential use of individuals. These concepts are adherent to the 3R (Replace, Reduce and/or Refine) directives to works with participation of laboratory animals (SCHIFFELERS et al., 2012). Thus, in order to feed further experiments by the same author reported elsewhere and to improve the quality of perinatal model studies we suggest the matting plan one by one, according to each subject. The aim is to produce more than a balanced group to evaluate the treatments: there is an individuality set up of the parental generation and an expected reduction of bias from each 17 parental couple to their offspring. This way it is possible to evaluate carefully the effects of different treatments to each individual and evaluate in detail choosen interference factors. 1.2 Objectives The objective of this work is to propose a method to individualize the mice depression-like behavior to balance the mates in among experimental groups. The specific objectives are: (1) to evaluate the immobility time from the tail suspension test of all animals; (2) to randomize the female mice in blocks by the immobility time among four groups; (3) to choose the male mice to mates by polarization, according to the female immobility time. 2 Material and methods 2.1 Ethics The participation of mice in this research was performed in accordance to international protocols. The experiment was previously submitted and approved by the CEUA-UNIP ethical committee in April, 17th 2013, under the protocol 156/13, appendix A. 2.2 General conditions Thirty seven mice were enrolled to the experiment, 9 male mice and 28 female mice from the lineage BALB/C ICB-USP originated from the Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo-SPBrazil). All mice were kept at the Universidade Paulista bioterium (São PauloSP-Brazil) for at least 13 days to ambient. The sanitary status was conventional: irradiated feed and bed (wood shaves), filtered water and micro isolators under controlled temperature mean set to 24°C degrees, exclusive artificial illumination program set to 12-12h, turning on at 7:00 am (local time). The tests to access the individual immobility time were performed entirely in one day at a separate room of the experimental cages; the animals were brought to 18 the new room and waited a minimum time of 30 minutes to adapt to the ambient. The sequence order of the enrolled females also distributed the animals in the four groups among the test queue. 2.3 The behavior tail suspension test The tail suspension test (TST) was performed as described previously (CASTAGNE et al., 2011; STERU et al., 1985). Briefly, mice were suspended by the tail using a tape attached to a hook connected to a strain gauge. Immobility time, defined as the mouse not struggling, was recorded in a single 6 min trial using a manual chronometer, registered after the end of each animal assay. The data collected by the immobility time in seconds was grouped in categories to the set the random blocks by the depression-like behavior according to the immobilization time: 1) from 1 to 100 seconds – mice are considered healthy; 2) from 101 to 180 seconds – mice are considered intermediate and 3) higher than 180 – mice are classified as depressed-like behavior. 2.4. Experimental design After the male and female were categorized, the animals were weighted and put into individual micro isolator cages, where they received identification numbers and an unique long-term color marks at hair coat back. The females’ mice from each category were randomly sorted into four groups. This way each group has the randomly homogeneous number of healthy, intermediate and depressed-like females influence. The sorted numbers were obtained by a validated live random numbers generator service ( The second step was the choice of individuals to mate, intentionally done by the opposite immobilization time of the male mice regarding to the female mice. For example, the female with immobility time equal to 201 seconds (depressed-like) mated with the male whose immobility time was 66 seconds (healthy). Thus, the 180 seconds-scored female mated with the 124 seconds-scored male (all intermediate); the 154 seconds-scored female mated with the 147 secondsscored male; and the 105 seconds-scored female mated with the 161 secondsscored male. There was always a first and a second male options indication to each female in case of recurrent absence of mating. The aim was to reach an 19 expected F1 balanced generation around a mean time of immobilization, thus expected homogeneous depression-like behavior of F1 to control this parameter for the evaluation of interference factors. After all, the body weight was controlled by its distribution among the sorted groups. To the mating, the female mice cycles were synchronized by the Lee-Boot and Whitten effects (VAN DER LEE & BOOT, 1955; WHITTEN, 1956) using the smell of the male urine, adsorbed by the bed wood shavings, put in the respective female cage 3 days before the mating time. The controlled queue mates were set by harem, setting by the maximum proportion of 1 male to 3 females. After mating, the females presented dried secreted liquids called “vaginal plug” at early morning. The females presenting vaginal plug were put into individual cage and this day was considered the gestational zero day (G0), counting for the beginning of the following experiment. The procedure was repeated after all mates finished. The male mice were submitted to euthanasia after finishing their mating participation in the experiment. In short, mice were mated with 93±10 days of age, the estrous cycle had 4 to 5 days and the gestational time was 21 days. The presence or absence of delivery was recorded, the parental females were considered non-pregnant (without delivery) 10 days after the expected 21th day of pregnancy. Fully gestational mothers were considered by the presence of delivery. The result from this procedure is inner model characteristic to next experiments and will be mentioned further. After this experiment, all animals were enrolled to another experiment presented elsewhere. 2.4 Statistical analysis Validated random numbers were obtained by generator. Descriptive analysis, Shapiro-Wilk normality test, Student’s T test, one-way ANOVA, Kruskall-Wallis and Linear correlation had the calculations done by the BioEstat 5.0 software (AYRES et al., 2007). Graphics were performed using BioEstat 5.0 software (AYRES et al., 2007) and GraphPad Prism version 5.00 for Windows, Graphpad Software, San Diego California, USA, The MS® Excel was used exclusively for data organization and illustrative diagrams. The two tail p-value was considered to all tests and pvalues less than 0.05 were considered significant. 20 3. Results The Tail Suspension Test showed 8 male mice out 9 classified as the intermediate category; 1 out 9 as healthy category and 0 out 9 presented occurrence of high immobility range to the depressed-like category; 23 out 28 female mice were classified by the intermediate category, 3 out 28 to the depressed-like category and 2 out 28 to the healthy category. This means that the female group was well distributed by the immobility time parameter (Graphic 1). TST Immobility time (s) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Males Females n=9 n=28 Graphic 1. Tail Suspension Test immobility time. The dot-plot graphic shows the mean and standard-deviation distribution of the depression-like behavior among the experimental mice. Male and female mice were considered similar by the statistics (p-value>0.05; p-value=0.2870, n=37, Student’s T test). Most of the animals were classified as the intermediate category (100180 seconds), the healthy category is set below 100 s., and the depressed-like behavior is set above 180 s. The animals of each category received a continuous number for auxiliary identification. The randomization was performed and mice were distributed as shown in the Figure 1. The block distribution of the previous tail suspension test 21 were homogeneous, without significant difference for both, female mice (Kruskall-Wallis p-value>0.05; p-value=0.1829, H=4.8522) and male mice (Kruskall-Wallis p-value>0.05; p-value=0.4386, H=2.7098) (Graphic 2). The body weight of the animals were also checked and presented absence of significant difference for its distribution (one-way ANOVA p-value>0.05; pvalue=0.2074, F=1.6318). A table containing the immobilization time with the respective categories and the weight graphic are reported in the appendix B. 22 Figure 1. Schematic parental mice distribution to mates according to its time of immobility by the tail suspension test to randomized blocks set up. The aim of this procedure is a refinement of the technique to control the vertical influence by the individual parental mates in a balance to expect as closest as possible mean value homogeneity to F1 depression-like behavior born among the groups. (A) The mice had 13 days to adapt its physiology to the arriving bioterium before to perform the test. (B) The mice were distributed by 3 categories according with each immobility time into Healthy; Intermediate; and Depressed categories. (C) The animals of each category were randomized into 4 groups. The equivalent mean immobilization time among the treatment groups after all were similar confirmed by statistical analysis with a p-value > 0.05. 23 Parental female depression-like behaviour Immobilization time (s) 200 150 100 50 0 A B C D Groups Parental male depression-like behaviour Immobilization time (s) 200 150 100 50 0 A B C D Groups Graphic 2. The distribution of immobility time among groups after the Tail Suspension Test (female and male mice). The randomly sorted female groups were similar (p-value>0.05). The ponderal male participation to groups was also similar (p-value>0.05). The strategy of polarized mating is detailed by the Figure 2. The immobility time from each gender by mating are highly correlated (p-value<0.01, pvalue=0.0021), as presented by the Graphic 3. 24 Crossed category sorting males mates for each group Males Healthy Intermediate Females Healthy Intermediate Depressed Expected balanced distribution to homogeneous F1 arround the mean Mean±SD 142±28 Figure 2. The individual mates set up. The males from the healthy category mated with the females from the depressed category and the Intermediate to each other. As no male mice were found in the depressed category, the intermediate category was used instead. The mates strategy objective was checked by correlation (p-value<0.05). Graphic 3. Inverse correlation of male and female immobility time. Male mice were mated with more than one female, according to the experimental queue. The choice of male to each female was intentionally done to have inverse correlation, p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0021. 25 The female distribution by the immobility time was mainly of intermediate depressed-like category. The randomization distributed all females in three categories and four groups were performed. The mating selection method reached the negative correlation by immobilization time. The correlation was inversely proportional. 4. Discussion: There is a continuous effort to discover human depression markers as interference factors able to change treatment outputs, worldwide considered as a social need. Some of the reported causes and markers are infection during pregnancy, nutritional influence, social behavior of the couple, weight loss, among others, but the high variability of real life situations implicate in limitations of classical methodological solutions (HARRO, 2010), and this suggests a strong clue towards individualized treatments. This work suggests a refinement to the commonly used models and methodology, considering the individualized control of the animals. The technique refinement of random blocks is reported to reduce sorting bias, reduce the width of confidence interval and the p-value in experiments published in medical journals (KAHAN & MORRIS, 2012; KAHAN et al., 2015). The refinement is part of the 3R acceptance model (Replace, Reduce and/or Refine), is adherent to studies that refers to individual people and models, leading to a possible reduction of the sample universe (N) (SCHIFFELERS et al., 2012). The overall immobility time of the enrolled animals was around the intermediate category and this is a good sign of sample distribution to general experiments. All mates were performed by 1:3 harems with the first and second male choice for each female. The parental male mice distribution to mating was designed according to the absence of a depressed-like category representative, but the mating strategy done with the closest category reached significant negative correlation. This is important because the individual factor demonstrates high impact on the depression subject (HARRO, 2010; DUCLOT et al. 2011). In this way, the 26 expected filial generation has the same inter-individual conditions among all groups by their individually controlled parental mates. The observed effects to the treatments are more reliable because considers the parental individuality variations. The methodology of randomly blocks according to the depressionlike behavior can be extended not only to behavioral studies with pre- and/or post-natal depression, but also to bio-molecular and immunity works. 5. Conclusion The depression is currently in need of a solution worldwide. The random block design applied individuality as a refinement method, increases the mice model reliability and adheres to the 3R guidelines. The individual immobilization time could be balanced in random blocks to four groups of mating. This model set up was identified as potentially useful to evaluate pre and post partum interference factors. 27 Appendix B Auxiliary figure: immobility time by the TST for parental mating after female's randomization. Auxiliary graphic: at left is presented the homogeneous weight (g) for parental distribution after females randomization by TSC, the difference was not significant (one-way ANOVA p-value>0.05; p-value=0.2074, F=1.6318, n=28). 28 CAPÍTULO 3 – Exploratory study with simulated infection to perinatal murine model for depression-like and sickness behaviors treated with diluted zinc. Silvio Leite Monteiro da Silva, UNIP, IF Sudeste MG Maria Martha Bernardi, UNIP Leoni VillanoBonamin, UNIP Abstract Introduction: this is a perinatal exploratory study about behavior of BALB / C mice under the effect of simulated infection by lippopolissacharide (LPS) administered at the 9.5 days of gestation (100 µg/Kg i.p.) as a stress factor. The treatment proposed is with diluted zinc (5cH, 30cH and 200cH dilutions). Methods: the depression-like behavior and the sickness behavior were assessed by tail suspension test (TST) and open field arena, respectively. The body weight was registered weekly. All treatments were done in blind. The parental generation was mated with polarized selection by immobility time in TST for depression like behavior with completely randomized blocks. Results/discussion: the depression like behavior was inversely correlated with body weight at the second week of gestation. The offspring showed a significant reduction of the TST immobility time comparing to the parental generation. Parental LPS treatment and delivery interacted statistically with diluted zinc treatment, as revealed by two-way ANOVA test. Sexual dimorphism was observed in the filial generation. The mother’s treatment with Zincum metallicum 200cH changed the filial female sons. The identification of potentially interfering sensitive parameters in this model has potential for the study of post-partum depression homeopathic treatment. Keywords: mice model; perinatal; simulated infection; lipopolysacharide (LPS); depression-like behavior; sickness behavior; sex dimorphism; diluted zinc. 29 1. Introduction This is a randomized blind exploratory perinatal study focused on mice behavior after lipopolysacharide (LPS) exposition and high diluted zinc treatment during pregnancy, with the possibility to affect the filial generation in the adulthood. The perinatal setup is a classical model of human and animal interests. Some of them are used in toxicology tests during pregnancy (AHMAD et al., 2013; KIRSTEN et al., 2015), to mimetize mental diseases, like autism (KIRSTEN et al., 2013). This model is important to other areas as veterinary because of absence of drugs residues contamination of animal derived food such as eggs, milk and meat (SATO et al., 2012; AMALCABURIO et al. 2009; ALMEIDA et al., 2014; BONAMIN et al. 2012). The evaluation of the subjects of the parental generation offers the opportunity to assess direct effects of the treatment, while for the filial generation indirect vertical transmitted effects of their mother’s treatments. 1.1. The simulated infection by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Inflammation triggered by a bacterial disease during the pregnancy is known to perturb the mother-fetus complex (BIESMANS et al., 2013). Experimentally, the simulation of an infection can be done with the injection of sterile purified lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria wall, one of the main components responsible for the classical inflammatory symptoms and response. Lipopolysaccharide activates the immune system to release proinflammatory cytokines (interleukin-1, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factoralpha, and others). LPS is known as agent able to stimulate monocytes, neutrophils, blood platelets, endothelial cells, and first activities of macrophages. A high dose of LPS can be lethal (PUJOL LOPEZ et al. 2015), but a mild range dose affects central nervous system activity leading to sickness behavior in many species (SALUK-JUSZCZAK & WACHOWICZ, 2005; ADEREM & ULEVITCH, 2000; AVITSUR et al., 1997). Systemic inflammation or infection presents acute sickness symptoms, in which the innate immune system is responsible for many of them (RIVEST, 2003; MEDZHITOV & JANEWAY, 2000;). LPS-induced sickness behavior is generally accompanied by a decrease in exploratory activity, social behavior, feeding behavior, sexual behavior, induced anhedonia and poor learning and cognitive functions (LARSON & DUNN, 2001). 30 The effects of maternal LPS exposure on the developing fetal brain have been suggested to be mediated by the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines within the maternal circulation and placenta, reducing the born litter size (ASHDOWN et al., 2006; CAI et al., 2000; URAKUBO et al., 2001). Cytokines can also activate the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, leading to increased glucocorticoid levels in peripheral blood, crossing the blood brain barrier and influencing brain development processes (CRUDO et al. 2012). Some of those effects can be strong enough to keep up to adulthood (KIRSTEN et al., 2012; SCOTLAND & STABLES, 2011) and subject the offspring to mental disorders (MEYER, 2013). Thus, LPS exposure in female mice can also be considered as a source of stress. On the other hand, cytokines produced after LPS exposure induces metallothionein, which retains zinc and induces maternal and fetal hypozincemia (COYLE et al., 2009). Coyle’s group reported that hypozincemia induced by LPS leads to teratogenesis, and zinc supplementation prevented some of the reproductive and offspring behavioral impairments (COYLE et al., 2009; GALVÃO et al., 2005; CAREY et al. 2003). In a behavioral model of autism, prenatal zinc administration appears to have a beneficial effect on the prevention of autism (KIRSTEN et al., 2015). Indeed, in human studies have previously investigated nutritional supplementation with zinc for autism treatment (BILICI et al. 2004; AKHONDZADEH, 2004). However, according to Theoharides and colleagues (THEOHARIDES, 2009), these studies are not representative because they utilized a small number of subjects and did not include appropriate controls, what keeps the subject controversial. 1.2 The zinc and diluted zinc effects The zinc discovery as an essential trace element was convinced first in rodent models than in humans, by previous empirical and observational studies. Deprived human subjects present low stature, growth retardation, hypogonadism, mental lethargy and higher susceptibility to infectious diseases, which will eventually cause death (PRASAD, 2001). In Life Sciences, zinc functions are well known, as to be required in pregnancy and lactation, to actiovation of the psycho-inflammatory hormonal response axes, neuronal and reproductive development, embryogenesis, tissue growing and reparation, some of them due to DNA translating by the zinc finger molecule 31 (DONANGELO & KING, 2012; SBARDELLA et al. 2012; CAULFIELD et al., 1998). Excess of zinc due to over supplement or as environmental pollutant intoxication change the metal distribution in the body and brain but low zinc availability can be related to mental disorders (YASUDA et al., 2013; CRADDOCK et al., 2012; WHITTLE, 2009; ANDREWS, 1990). The zinc is well known by its anti-oxidant properties: as a supplement, it improves immunological response, improves the depression behavior and is recommended to prevent deaths from certain diseases in both pregnant woman and child presenting diarrhea (intestinal inflammation). Also, in nutrients deprived populations, this fact made zinc as one of the 20 program recommendations by WHO (LIBERATO et al., 2015; OSENDARP et al., 2001). Strong observational reports are used by the empirical traditional knowledge to link zinc to ultra dilution phenomena (MICB, 1895; ALLEN, 1880; HERING, 1872; HAHNEMANN, 1845). The treatment with high dilutions of zinc interferes in inflammation of nervous system, depression and behavior (BOLOGNANI, 2011; SAELENS, 1997; BADULICI et al., 1994; JACK, 1984; GIBSON, 1967), as do other high diluted compounds to behavior and psychiatry (BELLAVITE, et al., 2012; MARZOTTO, et al., 2012; DAVIDSON, 1994), different from the placebo effect (TEIXEIRA et al., 2010). The reports from previous toxicology experiments about diluted zinc in human subjects, repeated many times in the past, presented tiredness, prostration, depression and inflammation effects, among others. The interference of this medicine to the subject can increase or decrease the symptoms according to the concentration and administration frequency over the time; the psychological and somatic data collecting of such experiments with highly diluted medicines are called proving (TEIXEIRA, 2009), they are systematically organized in databases traditionally called material medica (VAN WIJK & ALBRECHT, 2007), and are an empirical paradigm of knowledge with pure natural phenomena observations (SCHMIDT, 2014). The individuals registered effects are used to counteract the same symptoms to be treated cancelling, reducing or increasing. The diluted zinc preparation method for the release of medicinal effects is described by the Farmacopéia Brasileira (BRASIL, 2011). Typical dilutions are reported in the proper centesimal Hahnemannian (cH) scale of 5cH, 30cH and 200cH (BELAVITTE et al., 2014). Drugs are named in Latin 32 language and the original oxide zinc transformed by the high dilution process is called Zincum metallicum (BRASIL, 2011). 1.3 The depression-like and sickness behaviors The behavior is strategic to test because evaluates the psychopathology: it is the result of neuronal and physiological crosstalk complex responses over a context (ROSENBLAT et al., 2014). Mice can be objectively assessed by behavioral tests and there are partial and limited animal to human correspondence of effects (ENNACEUR, 2014;PRUT & BELZUNG, 2003). The depression-like behavior is classically validated after 30 years of use with antidepressants drugs. It measures the immobility time by the tail suspension test in mice. The paradigm is the continuous inescapable situation during 6 minutes hanged, as more time the mouse give up and keeps immobile, as more express the depression-like behavior. The spontaneous tail suspension test exposition show results that occur three behavioral profiles: depressed-like, intermediate and healthy subjects. These parental and filial behaviors are linked to the possibility of vertical transmission in humans and mice (CRYAN et al 2005; HAMMERTON, et al. 2015; MARS, et al. 2015), and the live weight is reported as strong predictor to humans depression (MARS et al., 2013). Depression treatments with ultra dilutions are a hot topic and a social demand (MACÍAS-CORTÉS et al., 2015; OSTERMANN et al., 2015; Gadassi, R., &Rafaeli, E. (2015); OLIOSO et al., 2014; VIKSVEEN & RELTON, 2014; VILHENA, 2014; ADLER et al., 2013; IJICHI et al 2013; BAWDEN, 2012; LONGACRE et al., 2012; ADLER et al. 2011; VAN DE VELDE et al., 2010). The sickness behavior is evaluated by the walking space-temporal parameters at the open field arena. The paradigm to explore the new ambient counts the walking at the mapped squares on the device ground is interpreted with the immobility time. As high the first counting as high the animal walked, it is expected that tired animals walk less and stay more time immobile than the counterparts, as reported to more ultra dilutions effects (MARZOTTO et al, 2012; BOUSTA, D. et al., 2001). 33 1.4 Grooming, defecation and stand up The time spend grooming and the stand up position counting are markers to their alertness to the ambient in the presence or absence of explore and the danger. The full and relaxed grooming is a signal that shows absent of perception of danger to the animal, but the incomplete and fast grooming indicates anxiety, both processes are directly related to stress and GABA (KALUEFF & TUOHIMAA, 2005). The stand up demonstrates their interest to explore or alertness to the dangerous as hunted behavior. The defecation shows the emotionality of the animal, as more bolus identified, as more expression of emotionality presented (HONG et al. 2014; KALUEFF & TUOHIMAA, 2005). Herein, a treatment of pregnant mice is proposed to evaluate its effects to both generations, using behavioral tests. The maternal treatment with diluted zinc was evaluated as a possible transgenerational factor to reverse the effects of prenatal treatment with 100 µg/Kg i.p. of LPS administered on between the 9th and the 10th days of pregnancy. Thus, the open field behavior and the tail suspension test were observed in the filial mice generation (F1), during the adulthood. The maternal treatment with diluted zinc was performed from the mating day up to 10 days after the delivery, total of 31 days. 1.5 Objectives The objective of this work is to explore behavioral aspects of the perinatal model under maternal simulated infectionby LPS and the possibility of influence by the treatment with Zincum metallicum. The specific objectives are: to simulate the infection by lipopolyssacharide (LPS) in pregnant parental female mice; to treat the parental female with diluted zinc with the control, 200cH, 30cH and 5cH potencies; to evaluate the animals by the tail suspension test, open field arena and weight. 34 2. Material and methods 2.1Ethics The participation of mice in this research was performed in accordance to international protocols. The experiment was previously submitted and approved by the CEUA-UNIP ethical committee in April, 17th 2013, under the protocol 156/13. All efforts were done to minimize animal suffering and discomfort. 2.2 Experimental design Thirty seven mice were enrolled: 9 males and 28 female BALB/C mice lineage ICB-USP originated from Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo-SP-Brazil) were kept at the Universidade Paulista experimental animal house (São Paulo-SP-Brazil). The 28 females were distributed into four balanced groups (n=7 each) by the immobility time from the tail suspension test in a random block set up as described elsewhere (MONTEIRO DA SILVA et al., [capítulo 2]). Each group with the 7 parental females hat 5 to 6 animals with the LPS simulated infection and 1 or 2 not. All animals of each group received one of the four diluted zinc treatment: control, 200cH, 30cH or 5cH, see figure 1. The pups originated from these experiment were enrolled to the next experiment with all born 35 filial mice, 16 males and 19 females, see figure 2. The sanitary status is conventional, it was used irradiated feed and bed (wood shaves), filtered water and micro isolators under controlled temperature mean set to 24°C degrees, exclusive artificial illumination program set to 12-12h, turning on at 7:00 am (local time). All animals waited 13 days for to begin any experimental procedures for the animals adapt and stabilize their physiology to the new house. 35 Figure 1.Time line of the experimental steps and main procedures. Legend: Zm = Zincum metallicum; G# = gestational day; OF = open field arena; TST = tail suspension test; F1 = filial; M = males; F = females. Parental females n=28 LPS + n=20 Pf Control n=4 Pf Zm 200cH n=5 No LPS n=8 Pf Zm 30cH n=6 Pf Zm 5cH n=5 Pf Zm Control n=3 Pf Zm 200cH n=2 Pf Zm 30cH n=1 Pf Zm 5cH n=2 F1m ♂ n=2 F1m ♂ n=5 F1m ♂ n=3 F1m ♂ n=0 F1m ♂ n=3 F1m ♂ n=3 F1m ♂ n=0 F1m ♂ n=0 F1f ♀ n=2 F1f ♀ n=4 F1f ♀ n=2 F1f ♀ n=2 F1f ♀ n=3 F1f ♀ n=4 F1f ♀ n=0 F1f ♀ n=2 Figure 2. Pups born according to the model characteristic. Sex and sample universe shown by parental female treatments. Legend: :Zm = Zincum metallicum; Pf = parental females; LPS = simulated infection group by lippopolissacharide. 36 2.3 The tail suspension tests and open field arena The depression-like behavior was evaluated by the tail suspension test immobilization time parameter after the sickness behavior evaluation by time-space walking parameters in open field arena. Complementary behavior parameters as grooming, defecation, and stand up were controlled to all animals. Open field arena Tail suspension test Walking area Immobilization time Immobilization time Grooming time Stand up position Defecation bolus Table 1. Behavior tests in order of performance and observational parameters. The tail suspension test is done at an opaque box with a hook on the top and the test begins when the mouse is hanged fixed by tail with a tape. The only opening side is to the evaluator that measures the total time of immobilization in contrast to movement when the mouse is trying to escape from the situation. The total time of 6 minutes hanged has the measure of the immobilization time during 5 minutes after the first minute to pre-exposition to suspension without counting, both times were controlled by manual chronometry. This test was performed with the parental female mice, the first time to the previous experiment for the random blocks set up, then to evaluate the treatments of the first and second experiments. Both previous and current experiment data by treatment are shown here. The open field arena performed with a device with delimited area by its ground and begins with the mouse put in the middle. This case the arena had opaque walls and measures 40cm of diameter. The walking area counting is considered after the last footpad is removed from the delimited area. The stand position and defecation is observed by events occurrence and fecal bolus eliminated. The time spent grooming; the immobile time and the total time of 6 minutes are controlled by manual individual chronographs. The evaluations of open field arena were video recorded. After each animal test the devices were cleaned to remove the smell from the previous animal. The tests were performed one by each day in a separate room from the experimental cages; the animals were brought to a new room and waited a minimum time of 30 minutes for to ambient. The parameters were directly observed by two persons with 37 the use of manual counters and chronometers, registered after the end of each animal assay. 2.3.1 Parental female generation (first experiment) All the animals came from the previous experiment (MONTEIRO DA SILVA et al., 2015a) after the proof of mate by the presence of vaginal plug. The individual treatment by the Zincum metallicumbegan at the day when the mate is detected, keep during the 21 days of pregnancy and finished after 10 days of lactation, total of 31 days. The administration was continuous by the only drinking water source exclusive to the mated females. Each labeled bottle received 250mL of drinking water and then 100microL from the respective treatment flask with proper pipette and disposable tips. Rigorous control of the water containers and tips is cared to avoid cross-contamination between the groups. The 7 females from each group received the respective treatment, total of 28 mated female, and one of these groups were the placebo controlled. The Zincum metallicum matrix was prepared from the zinc oxide according to the Brazilian Pharmacopeia. The doses were prepared in liquid from the powder matrix 4cH up to the 5cH, 30cH and 200cH and the vehicle lactose at the 5cH as control. The four identical flasks were relabeled in codes and the original identification was kept with a staff personnel unrelated directly to the experiment; it was revealed only after the statistical analysis, so the experiment and data analysis ran completely in blind. The LPS is single administrated by the intraperitoneal way at the dose of 100 micrograms/Kg between the 9th and 10th gestational day (G9.5). The LPS solution is stored in -80°C freezer at special glass containers each one with 1.2 mL of to the concentration of 50 microgram of LPS / mL of saline. The 5 to 6 animals received LPS out 7 for each group. Fully gestational mothers were considered by the presence of delivery. The absence of delivery was evaluated together with the factor LPS/Delivery since LPS can affect litter size and reproductive performance. The weaning after 21 lactating days separated the mothers from their pups. Mice from the parental female generation 38 belonging to the same treatment group were put back together for recovering. A hard paper card roll was put inside the cage for ambient enrichment at this time. The behavior tests as described previously were performed from the 146 to the 149 days of age. The evaluation of the depression-like behavior represented by the immobility time during the post natal period was compared to the pre natal period, observed in a previous experiment, considering the interaction factors. The weight was controlled weekly and was evaluated by correlation with the immobility time. The number of pups, abnormalities and their gender were recorded and the animals forwarded to the next experiment by the same authors. 2.3.2 Filial generation after adulthood (second experiment) The born puppies were feed during the first 10 days exclusively with the mother’s milk, which supplies all requirements, including water source. The treated mother’s drinking water was still available at the cage but unavailable to the pups up to the 10th day of life. This is possible because the pups barely walks and cannot reach the mother’s treated drinking water hanged by the middle of the cage. They developed since the uterine conception to the 10th day of age with their mother having the oral treatments. The weaning happened by the 21 days of lactation, filial males and females were uniquely marked to track their respective mother. Then, they were divided by sex and treatment groups; a hard paper card roll was put into the cage for ambient enrichment at this time. They were kept up to the age of 71±10 days for filial males and 74±19 days for filial females, when the behavior tests were performed with one week interval from each sex, as described previously. After the behavior tests all filial mice were enrolled to another experiment, which is presented elsewhere. 2.4 Statistical analysis Descriptive analysis, Linear correlation, matrix correlation, Shapiro-Wilk normality test, Student’s T-test, Mann-Whitney, one/two/three-way repeated measures by ANOVA, Bonferroni’s or T-test post-tests, Kruskall-Wallis (K-W), and median test were performed as described by the results, the calculations were done by the 39 BioEstat 5.0 software (AYRES et al., 2007). Graphics were performed using BioEstat 5.0 software (AYRES et al., 2007) and GraphPad Prism version 5.00 for Windows, Graphpad Software, San Diego California, USA, Two tail pvalue was considered to all tests and p-values less than 0.05 were considered significant. 3. Results 3.1. Comparison between maternal and filial immobility time Independent to the simulated infection by LPS or Zincum metallicum treatment received, the depression-like behavior to the F1 generation was evaluated and compared to the parental results, as shown elsewhere (MONTEIRO DA SILVA et al., 2015a). The immobility time overall of the all filial generation was significantly lower in relation to all parental generation time; the filial male was lower than the parental male time; and the filial female was lower than parental female, all detected by oneway ANOVA, p-value<0.05; p-value<0.0001, F=13.5004, Figure 3. Immobility time by the tail suspension test with filial and parental generations by sex TSC Immobility time (s) 250 Filial males and females, n=35 Filial males, n=16 200 Filial females, n=19 Parental males and females, n=37 150 Parental males, n=9 100 Parental females before mates, n=28 50 Parental female after weaning, n=25 0 F1 F1m F1f Pm+f Pm Pf<m Pf>d Generational groups Mean±SD one-way ANOVA, p-value<0.001; p-value<0.0001, F=13.5004. Figure 3.Immobilization time at tail suspension test. Values shown represents mean, SD and max./min. range presented in box-plots for all the filial and generational sub-groups. The generational data points were highly significantly different between them (one-way ANOVA, *** p-value<0.001, pvalue<0.00001). 40 All filial mice (males and females) presented lower values of immobilization time at tail suspension test, regarding to the parental ones. All filial mice males were similar to the filial females (p-value>0.05, p-value=ns, T test LSD post-test), the same result occurred to the all parental male mice compared to the parental female. The filial males group were significantly different with lower values in comparison to the male parental group (p-value<0.05, p-value=0.0021, T test LSD post-test), as the F1 female group was different from the female parental group (p-value<0.05, pvalue<0.001, T test LSD post-test). This means that the F1 were healthier than the parental group. To perform the statistical analysis, the filial interference factor were: a) mother’s simulated infection by lipopolyssacharide (LPS- or LPS+); b) the sex of the filial generation; c) mother’s treatment of Zincum metallicum (Control, Zm 200cH, Zm 30cH, Zm 5cH). Theoretical parameters Parametertested Depression-like behavior TST immobility time (s) Increased Live weight (g) Reduced Table 2. Resume of the theoretical parameters from literature. The expression of depression-like behavior is increased as the time of immobility by the tail suspension test increases. The reduction of weight is a predictable parameter to depression in humans and was found to this mice model. 3.2 Parental female generation 3.2.1 The parental female depression-like behavior The depression-like behavior is presented in details in the graphic 1 and in the table 3. The three-way ANOVA analysis did not identify differences among the factor treatment, factor LPS/Delivery, and/or factor time of TSC. The three-way ANOVA identified significant interaction between the factor Zincum metallicum treatments and the factor LPS/delivery, p-value<0.05 (p-value=0.0124, F=5.079). The factor Zm treatments and the factor previous/later immobility time did not interact p-value>0.05 (p-value=0.5137, F=0.8859). The factor LPS/delivery and the factor previous/later immobility time did not interact p-value>0.05 (p-value=0.5741, F=0.7065). 41 Zincum metallicum treatments effect at parental female Tail Suspension Test before and after to simulated infection and/or delivery status to the control group 250 Control - 1st TSC n=7 Immobility time (s) Control - 2nd TSC n=7 200 150 100 50 LPS-D- LPS+D- LPS-D+ LPS+D+ n=2 n=6 n=4 n=2 Groups Zincum metallicum treatments effect at parental female Tail Suspension Test before and after to simulated infection and/or delivery status to the control group Immobility time (s) 250 Zm200C - 1st TSC n=7 Zm200C - 2nd TSC n=5 200 150 100 50 LPS-D- LPS+D- n=0 n=4 LPS-D+ n=4 Groups LPS+D+ n=6 42 Zincum metallicum treatments effect at parental female Tail Suspension Test before and after to simulated infection and/or delivery status to the Zm 30C group 250 Zm30C - 1st TSC n=7 Immobility time (s) Zm30C - 2nd TSC n=5 200 150 100 50 LPS-D- LPS+D- LPS-D+ LPS+D+ n=2 n=7 n=0 n=3 Groups Zincum metallicum treatments effect at parental female Tail Suspension Test before and after to simulated infection and/or delivery status to the Zm 5C group Immobility time (s) 250 Zm5C - 1st TSC n=7 Zm5C - 2nd TSC n=6 200 150 100 50 LPS-D- LPS+D- LPS-D+ LPS+D+ n=2 n=8 n=2 n=1 Groups Graphic 1. The filled circles and full lines represents the parental female mice immobilization time effects of the Zincum metallicum treatments influence (graphics A, B, C and D).The modelcharacteristic LPS and delivery are represented by each X axis. The open circles and line represents the spontaneous immobility time prior to mate. 43 The Control group represented in red in Graphic 1 shows the depression-like behavior in pre and post-natal period and the effect of LPS. The Zincum metallicum treatments factor interacts with the LPS/Delivery factor by the three-way ANOVA. The pre and post natal factor does not interact significantly with the Zincum metallicum treatments neither with the LPS/delivery factor. 1st TST immobile Control Zm 200cH Zm 30cH Zm 5cH Total Mean±SD; dot-plot (n=1) LPS-D180, n=1 n=0 129, n=1 199, n=1 169±36, n=3 LPS+D156±44, n=3 169±0, n=2 124±31, n=4 146±9, n=3 145±29, n=13 LPS-D+ 129±24, n=2 169±8, n=2 n=0 99, n=1 139±33, n=5 LPS+D+ 154, n=1 141±36, n=3 163±26, n=2 128, n=1 147±27, n=7 Total 152±32, n=7 157±26, n=7 135±31, n=7 157±26, n=7 147±29, n=28 2nd TST immobile Mean±SD; dot-plot (n=1) LPS-D135, n=1 n=0 173, n=1 81, n=1 130±46, n=3 LPS+D108±25, n=3 141±30, n=2 99±37, n=3 113±15, n=4 113±26, n=12 LPS-D+ 167±30, n=2 125±35, n=2 n=0 115, n=1 146±31, n=5 LPS+D+ 115, n=1 180±38, n=3 117, n=1 n=0 154±44, n=5 Total 130±33, n=7 153±39, n=7 117±41, n=5 113±24, n=6 130±36, n=25 Table 3. Tail suspension tests immobility time (s) in two times (before mating and after weaning). The ratio between the second and the first immobility time measured by the Tail Suspension Test considers how much the value changed to the central value, thus, ratio = 1 means no change, less than 1 means that the depressed-like behavior was reduced, and more than 1 means that is increased. nd st 2 /1 TST Ratio Control Zm 200cH Zm 30cH Zm 5cH LPS-D0.75 1.34 0.41 LPS+D0.69 0.83 0.80 0.77 LPS-D+ 1.29 0.74 1.16 LPS+D+ 0.75 1.27 0.72 Table 4. Tail Suspension test immobility time (s) ratio after/before to parental females under LPS and/or Delivery (D) conditions among Zm treatments. 44 Qualitatively, the interpretation of the TST ratio indicates that the control group shows that the LPS increased the immobility time while the delivery reduced, the additive effect of LPS and delivery (LPS+D+) slightly reduced the immobility time, which is curiously the same effect seen when both conditions were absent (LPS-D-). Comparing the absent of LPS and Delivery conditions, the Zm30cH doubled the ratio in comparison to the control and the Zm5cH keep it unchanged. The LPS reduced by the half the time seen in mice submitted to all Zm treatments, in comparison to the control. The delivery effect on the immobility time was neutralized by the Zm200cH but increased, in non significant way, when the LPS was added. 3.2.2 Suspension immobility time and weight The evaluation of the immobility time previous to mates was correlated to the body weight. There were 5 weight (g) measurements: the first by the tail suspension test day previous to mates, the second by the mating day, the others then weekly, up to the 3rd week. The matrix correlation test identified significant correlations to the immobility time and weight factors. The global data with all Zincum metallicum groups show that the first immobility time was correlated with significance to the mating day weight (p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0462, R2=0.1617, n=25) before the treatments and correlated with highly significance to the 2nd week weight (pvalue<0.05; p-value=0.0041, R2=0.3055, n=25) as shown in graphic 2A-B. For both, there were inverse correlations as reported to human markers: as high as the depression-like behavior is as more the observed week weight was reduced (MARS et al., 2013), what can be observed by the first weight evaluation. The LPS given to 5 or 6 out 7 females may expose their effect to reduce weight by the second week and changed the significance level. The first immobility time was not correlated to the second with border p-value (pvalue>0.05; p-value=0.0537; R2=1523; n=25). Three animals’ data had to be censured due to missing values to be possible the matrix correlation. The analysis by Zincum metallicum (Zm) groups in the 1st tail suspension test and 2nd week of pregnancy revealed that there were significant inverse correlation to the control (p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0025, R2=0.8619, n=7) and Zm 200cH group (p- 45 value<0.05; p-value=0.0414, R2=0.5981, n=7) and the curve fit is not linear (graphic 2C-D). There is no significant correlation between Zm 30cH (p-value<0.05; pvalue=0.3737, R2=0.2011, n=6) and Zm 5cH in the 2nd week (p-value>0.05; p- value=0.0895, R2=0.4690, n=7), but there is significance in relation to the Zm 5cH 1st week (p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0029, R2=0.8543, n=7). In this case, the curve fit is not perfectly linear (graphic 2E-F-G). 2nd gestationalweek Live weight (g) Live weight (g) Previousto mate week TST Immobility time (s) A TST Immobility time (s) TST Immobility time (s) D G Zm 30cH 2nd gestationalweek Live weight (g) Live weight (g) F Zm 200cH 2nd gestationalweek Live weight (g) Control 2nd gestationalweek C TST Immobility time (s) B TST Immobility time (s) E TST Immobility time (s) TST Immobility time (s) Graphic 2.Tail suspension test immobility time (s) and live weight (g) correlation as marker for the depression-like behavior. (A) Inverse correlation to all parental female immobility time (s) previous to 2 the mates and the live weight (g) at the mating day, p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0462, R =0.1617, n=25. 46 Curves are best fit to linear correlation. (B) Inverse correlation to all parental female immobility time (s) previous to the mates and the live weight (g) at the 2 nd gestational week, p-value<0.05; p- 2 value=0.0041, R =0.3055, n=25. (C) Parental female from Control group inverse correlation at the 2 nd 2 gestational week p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0025, R =0.8619, n=7 (D) Parental female from Zm 200cH group inverse correlation to 2 nd 2 gestational week p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0414, R =0.5981, n=7(E) Parental female from Zm 30cH group with absent of correlation to 2 nd gestational week p-value>0.05; 2 p-value=0.3737, R =0.2011, n=6 (F) Parental female from Zm 5cH group with absent of correlation to nd 2 2 week p-value>0.05; p-value=0.0895, R =0.4690, n=7 (G) Parental female from Zm 5cH inverse st 2 correlation to 1 week p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0029, R =0.8543, n=7. All animals were assumed to be pregnant after the mating with the presence of vaginal plug. The expected weight gain due to the beginning of pregnancy, from the 2nd week to the 3rd one, is remarkable. So, there is a direct impact of the depressionlike status on the weight in the 2nd week, what means that the depressed animals gain less weight and may be not pregnant. It is noticeable that the weight may be influenced due to method of mating: the 1 male/3 female harem, set up synchronized by the Lee-Boot and Whitten effects (VAN DER LEE & BOOT, 1955; WHITTEN, 1956). 3.2.3 The parental female sickness behavior The expression of sickness behavior is measured in open field arena. Few walking squares and high time of immobility are the main marker of this sickness (Graphic 3 and table 5). The pregnancy with delivery or the simulated infection does not change this pattern. The 3-way ANOVA could not detect significant difference to the open field arena walking parameters (p-value>0.05) and the Mann-Whitney could not detect significant differences to the open field arena immobility time (M-W, pvalue>0.05; p-value=0.0574, U=16.50). Despite the statistical analysis accepted the nullity hypothesis, the reduced time of immobility is compatible with the increase of pregnant mice exposed to LPS and treated with Zincum metallicum in all tested dilutions. This fact shows the Zincum metallicum as a reversion factor of the sickness behavior within this population. Such effects are not identified in females without delivery, independent of the presence or absence of LPS injection. 47 Zincum metallicum Treatments Effect at Parental Female Open Field to LPS Simulated Infection and/or Delivery Status 250 Zm 5cH n=7 Zm 30cH n=7 Zm 200cH n=7 Control n=7 OF Walking 200 150 Mean±SD and dot-plot 100 50 0 LPS-D- LPS+D- n=3 n=13 LPS-D+ n=5 LPS+D+ LPS=Simulated infection D=Delivery "-" absent "+" present n=7 Model condition Zincum metallicum Treatments Effect at Parental Female Open Field to LPS Simulated Infection and/or Delivery Status 210 Zm 5cH n=7 Zm 30cH n=7 Zm 200cH n=7 Control n=7 OF Immobility Time (s) 205 20 Median and dot-plot 15 LPS=Simulated infection D=Delivery "-" absent "+" present 10 5 0 LPS-D- n=3 LPS+D- n=13 LPS-D+ LPS+D+ n=5 n=7 Model condition Graphic 3. The sickness behavior effects evaluated at the open field arena by space-temporal parameters. The expression of sickness behavior is observed by walking reduction (A) and high time of immobility (B). Legend: LPS- or LPS+ refers to the absent of presence respectively to LPS to simulate an infection during the 9.5 days of pregnancy. The D- or D+ refers respectively to the presence of delivery. The point plot represents the mean and median respectively or single value. 48 OF Walking Mean±Std. Deviation dot-plot LPS-DLPS+DLPS-D+ LPS+D+ Total OF Immobile time Median (max.-min.) dot-plot LPS-D- Control 126, n=1 97±66, n=3 97±80, n=2 80, n=1 110±56, n=7 Zm 200cH Zm 30cH n=0 113±4, n=2 127±3, n=2 169±40, n=4 141±36, n=7 133, n=1 106±21, n=4 n=0 124±74, n=2 115±36, n=7 Total Zm 5cH 123, n=1 111±36, n=4 139, n=1 213, n=1 131±45, n=7 127±5, n=3 106±34, n=13 117±44, n=5 161±49, n=7 124±43, n=28 3 (3-55), n=3 3.5 (3-4), n=2 4.5 (0-6), n=4 1 (0-2), n=4 3 (2-4), n=3 16.5 (5-28), 4 (0-8), n=2 n=0 7, n=1 3 (0-55), n=13 LPS+Dn=2 LPS-D+ 1, n=1 3 (1-4), n=4 0 (0-0), n=2 207, n=1 7 (0-28), n=5 LPS+D+ 3 (3-55), n=3 3.5 (3-4), n=2 4.5 (0-6), n=4 1 (0-2), n=4 1 (0-207), n=7 Total 3(1-55), n=7 3(0-8), n=7 4(0-6), n=7 2(0-207), n=7 3(0-207), n=28 Table 5.The detailed data of the sickness behavior effects evaluated at the open field device by space-temporal parameters. 3.2.4 The parental female grooming, stand up and defecation parameters The data of the complementar paramenters from the open field arena are presented by the graphic 4 and table 6. The parental female stand up at Open Field under effects of simulated infection and/or gestational status influenced by the Zincum metallicum 20 Zm 5cH n=7 Zm 30cH n=7 Zm 200cH n=6 Control n=7 Stand up 15 10 Median and dot-plot 5 0 LPS-D- n=3 LPS+D- LPS-D+ LPS+D+ n=5 n=7 n=12 Groups LPS=Simulated infection D=Delivery "-" absent "+" present 49 The parental female grooming at Open Field under effects of simulated infection and/or gestational status influenced by the Zincum metallicum Grooming time (s) 15 Zm 5cH n=7 Zm 30cH n=7 Zm 200cH n=7 Control n=7 10 Mean±SD and dot-plot 5 0 LPS-D- n=3 LPS+D- LPS-D+ LPS+D+ n=5 n=7 n=13 LPS=Simulated infection D=Delivery "-" absent "+" present Groups The parental female defecation at Open Field under effects of simulated infection and/or gestational status influenced by the Zincum metallicum 8 Zm 5cH n=7 Zm 30cH n=7 Zm 200cH n=7 Control n=7 Defecation 6 4 Mean±SD and dot-plot 2 0 LPS-D- LPS+D- n=3 n=13 LPS-D+ n=5 LPS+D+ LPS=Simulated infection D=Delivery "-" absent "+" present n=7 Groups Graphic 4. Grooming time, defecation, stand up for the parental females. The grooming time and the standing up of the mothers that had simulates infection and had puppies under the treatment of Zm 200cH is noticeable. Legend: LPS- or LPS+ = absent or presence of mother’s simulated infection by LPS; D- or D+ = absence or presence of mother’s delivery; Zm = Zincum metallicum. 50 OF Grooming Mean±SD/dotplot LPS-D- Control Zm 200cH Zm 30cH Zm 5cH 3.0, n=1 4.3±3.5, n=3 n=0 2.5±0.7, n=2 0.0, n=1 6.0±4.5, n=4 2.0, n=1 5.5±2.4, n=4 2.5±3.5, n=2 11.0, n=1 2.0±2.8, n=2 4.7±1.5, n=3 n=0 3.5±4.9, n=2 4.0, n=1 0.0, n=1 4.6±3.9, n=7 3.3±2.0, n=7 4.4±4.4, n=7 4.0±2.8, n=7 4.1±3.2, n=28 6, n=1 3±3, n=3 4±1, n=2 3, n=1 n=0 3±1, n=2 2±1, n=2 3±1, n=3 2, n=1 2±2, n=4 n=0 4±1, n=2 3, n=1 3±2, n=4 0, n=1 1, n=1 4±2, n=3 7±2, n=13 2±2, n=5 3±1, n=7 Total 4±2, n=7 2±1, n=7 2±1, n=7 2±2, n=7 3±2, n=28 OF Stand up Median/dot-plot LPS-DLPS+D- 11, n=1 5 (1-8), n=3 n=0 8 (6-10), n=2 5, n=1 6 (2-8), n=4 2, n=1 5 (0-18), n=4 LPS-D+ 8 (3-13), n=2 3, n=1 n=0 9, n=1 LPS+D+ 4, n=1 18 (9-30), n=3 2 (1-3), n=2 1, n=1 5 (2-11), n=3 6 (0-18), n=13 6, (3-13), n=4 4 (1-30), n=7 5 (1-13), n=7 9 (3-30), n=6 5 (1-8), n=7 2 (0-18), n=7 LPS+DLPS-D+ LPS+D+ Total OF Defecation Mean±SD/dotplot LPS-DLPS+DLPS-D+ LPS+D+ Total Total 1.7±1.5, n=3 4.9±3.2, n=13 2.6±2.4, n=5 4.6±4.0, n=7 5 (0-30), n=27 Table 6. Detailed data of grooming time, defecation, stand up for the parental female. 3.2.5 The delivery The puppies born were forwarded to the next experimentand are shown in the figure 3. The birth was low particularly to parental females treated with the Zincum metallicum dilutions of Zm 30cH and Zm 5cH. No male mice were born to the parental female that received the LPS and had the Zm 5cH treatment, no pups were born to the parental female that did not received LPS and had the Zm 30cH treatment. 51 3.3 The filial generation at adulthood 3.3.1 The filial immobility time by the tail suspension test Female mice presented decrease in TST immobility time, in comparison to the control group, mainly those exposed to LPS during the intra-uterine time. However, those born from mothers treated with Zm200cH had this effect reverted, in order to present values comparable to the male ones (Median testFisher, p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0152; Median=94). The males born from mothers treated with Zm 200cH had similar immobility time to the control group. This is shown in Graphic 6 and detailed by Table 7. The F1 male and female immobility time at the Tail Suspension Test by parental simulated infection and sex under the effects of Zincum metallicum TST Immobility time (s) 200 Control n=10 Zm 200cH n=16 150 * 100 50 Control x Zm200cH 2-way ANOVA, p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0319 0 F1m LPS- n=6 F1m LPS+ n=7 F1f LPS- n=7 F1f LPS+ n=6 Groups Graphic 6. Filial immobility time observed by the Tail Suspension Test. The perinatal LPS exposition during their development and thepup sex influenced the effect of Zincum metallicum 200cH mother treatment. Legend: *Median test-Fisher, p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0152; F1m = Filial male; F1f = filial female; LPS- = absent of mother’s simulated infection by LPS; LPS+ = presence of mother’s simulated infection by LPS; Zm = Zincum metallicum. 52 TST Immobile time Mean±std. deviation dot-plot (for n=1) F1m LPSF1m LPS+ F1f LPS- Control Zm 200cH Zm 30cH 94±9, n=3 74, n=1 128±17, n=3 143±5, n=2 95±33, n=3 81±35, n=3 81±19, n=4 * 77±19, n=4 83±25, n=16 n=0 122±14, n=3 n=0 235±48, n=2 Zm 5cH total n=0 n=0 64±4.5, n=2 103±20, n=2 94±21, n=6 92±38, n=10 93±31, n=9 107±36, F1f LPS+ n=10 97±33, 110±35, 115±17, n=5 99±48, n=4 Total n=35 n=10 Table 7.The immobility time at TST of filial generation by sex and maternal simulated infection under the effect of all treatment groups. The Zincum metallicum 200cH reverted the immobility shown by the control, Median test-Fisher, p-value<0.05; p-value=0.0152; Median=94). 3.3.2 The filial walking and immobility time Sexual dimorphism was identified in relation to total locomotion in open field arena, but not to the immobility time (Graphic 7-8 and table 8). Total walking by the open field test with filial generations by sex OF Walking squares 400 Filial males and females 300 Filial males Filial females 200 Mean±SD 100 p-value<0.001, p-value=0.0045, Student's T-test 0 F1 (all) F1 males F1 females 182±57 n=29 145±60 n=11 204±43 n=18 Model groups Graphic 7. Open field arena walking squares of male and female filial generation represented by mean, SD and max./min. range. Filial (F1) male mice presented reduction in locomotion measurements, comparing to filial (F1) female mice (Student’s T-test, pvalue<0.001, p-value=0.0045, n=11 and 18), indicating the existence of sex dimorphism in the general activity of filial generation. 53 Immobility time by the Open Field test to filial and parental generations by sex OF Immobility time (s) 200 F1 (all) F1 males, n=11 F1 females, n=18 180 40 30 Median 20 Mann-Whitney, p-value>0.05; p-value=0.1009 10 0 F1 (all) F1 males F1 females 4 n=29 7 n=11 3 n=18 Model groups Graphic 8. Open Field arena immobility time of male and female filial generation.Data is median, quarters and max./min. range. The filial male group were identified as similar to the filial female (Mann-Whitney, p-value>0.05, p-value=0.1009, n=11 and 18 respectivelly). 54 OF Walking Mean±standard deviation; dot-plot (for n=1) Control Zm 200cH Zm 30cH Zm 5cH F1m LPS- 151±26, n=3 229±82, n=2 n=0 n=0 F1m LPS+ 127, n=1 121±61, n=3 95±18, n=2 n=0 F1f LPS- 178±28, n=3 216±33, n=4 n=0 188±88, n=2 F1f LPS+ 228±11, n=2 225±27, n=3 235±48, n=2 152±43, n=2 Total 174±40, n=9 197±62, n=12 166±85, n=4 170±60, n=4 182±57, n=29 OF Immobile time Median or dot-plot (for n=1) F1m LPSF1m LPS+ F1f LPSF1f LPS+ 6, n=3 7, n=1 1, n=3 1.5, n=2 12, n=2 2, n=3 1, n=4 5, n=3 n=0 23.5, n=2 n=0 15.5, n=2 n=0 n=0 3.5, n=2 4.5, n=2 7±16, n=5 6.5±26, n=6 1±183, n=9 5±25, n=9 Total 182±62, n=5 114±42, n=6 197±43, n=9 212±43, n=9 2.5±16, 22.5±21, 3.5±5, n=4 4±183, n=12 n=4 n=29 Table 8. Open field arena total walking and immobility time of male and female filial Total 3±183, n=9 generation. Data showed by sex, mother’s simulated infection by LPS and Zincum metallicum treatments. Legend: OF = Open Field test; Zm = Zincum metallicum. 55 3.3.3 The filial grooming, stand up and defecation parameters OF Grooming Median (max.min.);dot-plot (for n=1) Control Zm 200cH F1m LPS- 0(0-1), n=3 F1m LPS+ F1f LPS- 0, n=1 2(0-3), n=3 0(0-0), n=2 11(7-15), n=2 0(0-5), n=3 0(0-6), n=4 0(0-6), n=3 F1f LPS+ Total Zm 30cH Zm 5cH Total n=0 n=0 1(0-15), n=5 0(0-0), n=2 n=0 1.5(0-3), n=2 n=0 0(0-0), n=2 4.5(4-5), n=2 0(0-5), n=6 0(0-6), n=9 0(0-6), n=9 0(0-3), n=9 0(0-15), n=12 0(0-3), n=4 2(0-5), n=4 0(0-15), n=29 24(19-53), n=3 0, n=1 10(8-12), n=2 10(0-25), n=3 15(3-24), n=4 9(7-20), n=3 n=0 n=0 0(0-1), n=2 n=0 19(8-53), n=5 0(0-25), n=6 n=0 9(6-13), n=2 10(10-11), n=2 17(3-31), n=2 11(3-27), n=9 13(3-31), n=9 OF Stand up Median (max.min.); dot-plot (for n=1) F1m LPSF1m LPS+ 13(5-14), n=3 17(14-21), n=2 F1f LPSF1f LPS+ Total OF Defecation Mean±std. deviation dot-plot (for n=1) F1m LPSF1m LPS+ F1f LPSF1f LPS+ 14(0-53), n=9 10(10-27), n=12 3(0-13), n=4 10(3-31), n=4 11(0-53), n=29 3±3, n=3 5, n=1 2.3±1, n=3 5±1, n=2 5±1, n=2 3±3, n=3 4±1, n=4 9±4, n=3 n=0 9±5, n=2 n=0 4±2, n=2 n=0 n=0 1±0, n=0 7±3, n=2 4±3, n=5 5±4, n=6 3±1, n=9 7±3, n=9 3±2, n=9 5±3, n=12 7±4, n=4 4±4, n=4 5±3, n=29 Total Table 9. Open field arena grooming, stand up and defecation parameters of male and female filial generation. Data showed by sex, mother’s simulated infection by LPS and Zincum metallicum treatments. Legend: OF = Open Field arena; Zm = Zincum metallicum. 56 4. Discussion: All parental female entered to the experiment after show the vaginal plug that is composed by the male seminal liquids. All female mice survived after the simulated infection by the lipopolyssacharide (LPS), injected at 9.5 days of expected pregnancy; and all females without receiving LPS also survived. The females that did the delivery from both control and the Zincum metallicum 200cH groups produced the highest number of pups, while the Zm 30cH and Zm 5cH remarkably not. LPS has potential to reduce the number of pups to the delivery and this is a factual observation in results. The experimental design to evaluate the effects to reproductive performance is specific and the data obtained should be considered as indicative of impairment to the reproductive performance. 4.1. Parental females The depression-like behavior had statistical interaction between the factor LPS and/or delivery and the treatments by Zincum metallicum and the control; the LPS interaction with depression-like behavior is in agreement to PITYCHOUTIS et al. (2009). The control group presented all the typical features of this model and it was reliable to compare with other treatments, in the previous and later tail suspension test analysis of the same animals, but the difference among treatments could not be detected by the three-way ANOVA. The absence of change of depression in human parental females during pregnancy is reported by VILHENA (2014), in which other high dilutions medicines were chosen by individualized methodology treatments. The mice body live weight corresponded inversely as predictor to depressionlike behavior, similarly as reported to depression in humans. This correspondence occurred during specific window time of the experiment, by the day prior to the beginning of mates and strongly by the second week of all animals, when they received LPS. Larson & Dunn (2001) report the reduction of live weight by LPS and MARS et al. (2013) to depression. The correspondence was also consistent to the control and Zincum metallicum 200cH groups, but not to the Zm 30cH and Zm 5cH ones. Such modifications could be attributed to the 57 later observation of few pups delivery caused by the LPS. This was also reported by Kirsten et al. (2013) in rats. The low pups delivery or absent of delivery could be possibly due to interaction between the LPS with Zincum metallicum 30cH and 5cH treatments. The sickness behavior of mothers presenting LPS-simulated infection and treated with Zincum metallicum 200cH was different in relation to the control, but undetected by the statistical analysis, whose evaluation was done by the walking and the immobility time parameters. Penteado et al. (2014) report no change in open field arena parameters in rats under effect of LPS, which partially corroborates the absence of effect in the immobility time, as seen herein. Thus, the observed results regarding the walking count are divergent, suggesting an effect of the treatment. The mechanism of action related to such modifications can possibly occur by changes in the cytokine expression or in the modulation of their effects, markedly IL-1beta, as reported by Larson & Dunn (2001) and Kirsten et al. (2013). Indeed, the key symptom of a person that would receive Zincum metallicum treatment in a homeopathic consultation is the “tiredness” (HERING, 1872; HAHNEMANN, 1845). The present result show that animal models can also be responsive to such treatments. The authors observed an inverse effect between grooming and stand up behavior to parental females submitted to simulated infection, that presented delivery (LPS+D+) and were treated with Zincum metallicum 200cH, but it was not statistically significant. While the stand up behavior increased, the grooming reduced - in a no significant way - in relation to the control. We understand that emotionality did not change in relation to the control. The mother’s grooming, in control, had a central moderator role in relation to the effect of LPS and the Zincum metallicum 200cH treatment. The structure of grooming should be evaluated in further works, to check the presence of stress with impaired grooming or not (HONG et al. 2014; KALUEFF & TUOHIMAA, 2005). 4.2 The filial generation at adulthood The spontaneous immobility time in an overall comparison of all data (split just by generation), from the previous and current experiments (MONTEIRO DA SILVA et al. 2015ab), shows that the filial mice were significantly less 58 depressed-like than their parents. When exploring the differences by generation and sex, one can observe significant reduction of the immobility time in filial males regarding to all parental males; the same phenomenon occurs in the filial female, if compared to all parental females. All filial males were significantly similar to all filial females, as all parental males were significantly similar to all parental females. These sex similarities in immobility time are in contrast with the sex dimorphism, as shown by Dalla et al. (2009), in rats. The parental female data from the first tail suspension test was significantly similar the second one, with marginal p-value. In short, the global filial time of immobilization by tail suspension test is reduced in relation to the parental time. The immobility time is estimated as a complex response with multiple causes. The results from the parental and filial generations showed significantly lower values, most of them fit the healthy category established for the depression-like behavior. The literature mentions the phenomenon of selection as an important factor that can influence this parameter (DALLA et al., 2009; CRYAN et al 2005; HAMMERTON, et al. 2015; MARS, et al. 2015), what possibly happens to the current filial generation. Observing deeply the influence of the treatment with Zincum metallicum on filial mice behavior, the most noticeable effect was a decrease of immobility time in tail suspension test exclusively in the filial females that were LPS injected (F1f LPS+) and treated with Zincum metallicum 200cH. Similar findings were noticed by KIRSTEN et al., 2015 using zinc as food supplement, however, this parameter was neutral to males (no significant differences). The same increase range was seen with the Zincum metallicum 5cH treatment in the filial females without LPS inoculation (F1f LPS-). It means that the treatment with 200cH diluted zinc followed the effects obtained by the zinc treatment reported in the literature. The females demonstrate this effect by the immobility time, while the males don’t. It was also reported by PITYCHOUTIS et al. (2009) using the same generation of rats. This fact suggests that there is a sex dimorphism to the female expression of the immobility time after the mother treatment with Zincum metallicum 200cH, but it is not valid for males. The males are known to present more clearly the effects of perinatal LPS exposition and they walk significantly less than females, even if the immobility time are similar (Kirsten et al., 2013). When the Zincum metallicum interference 59 is evaluated there is a much higher filial male grooming range, what can be indicative of changes in grooming brain mechanisms such GABA (KALUEFF & TUOHIMAA, 2005). In short, the treatment of mothers with Zincum metallicum 200cH reverted the depressive-like behavior of filial female mice, showing that the effects of Zincum metallicum 200cH can assume a trans-generational feature and influence the sexual dimorphism related to certain behavioral parameters. The absence of effects of Zincum metallicum 200cH on the general activity, as observed in open field arena, shows the effect-specificity on depressive-like behavior, without relation to a possible interference of motor functions changes. This result is in accordance to the literature, in which there is interference of individualized maternal treatment by high diluted medicines during pregnancy on neonatal parameters. In humans, the babies born from mothers treatedhomeopathically presented increase of vitality, measured by the APGAR score, after the 5th minute of life (VILHENA, 2014). In this study, an experimental design is proposed to identify susceptible individuals to post-delivery depression after simulated infection by LPS exposition and their sensitivity to Zincum metallicum homeopathic treatment. The statistical interaction among behavioral parameters using 3-way ANOVA, correlation and non-parametric methods were crucial tools to reach this aim. Pregnant mice exposed to LPS injection at the 9.5 day of gestation were more responsible to the effects of Zincum metallicum treatment, especially at the 200cH dilution. Similar experimental designs could be useful to study other biological aspects highly related to individuality. 5. Conclusion The Zincum metallicum 200cH perinatal treatment can influence filial behavior, with sexual dimorphism. Herein, the maternal treatment with Zincum metallicum 200cH reverted the filial female depressed-like behavior. The absence of effect of the Zincum metallicum 200cH on the general mobility, observed by the open field arena, rules out the hypothesis of unspecific action on motor functions and reinforces the specificity on the depression-like behavior. The body weight is identified as a potential marker to the depression-like behavior during the pre- 60 mating time. The body weight reduction was stronger after the simulated infection with lipopoyssacharide (LPS) in the second week of pregnancy. 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Table 1, p. 1199, 2013. 73 APÊNDICE A – Apresentação de resultados parciais sobre comportamento no GIRI 2014 (Romênia/Sighisoara). 74 APÊNDICE B – Apresentação de resultados parciais sobre densitometria femoral no GIRI 2015 (Verona/Itália). 75 APÊNDICE C – Apresentação de resultados parciais sobre citocinas intraperitoneais na conferência do HRI 2015 (Roma/Itália). 76 APÊNDICE D – Publicação do resumo no 2nd HRI Research Conference 77 APÊNDICE E – Imagens dos fêmures esquerdos aos raios-X. 78 APÊNDICE F – Tabela de dados da microtomografia computadorizada (MicroCT) de fêmures. neg Quali/ BV Res pix 8.71057 9.82257 Controle f1 femea neg 8.71057 5.64846 49.77854 -68.99550 0.06879 7.23638 0.34860 2.65014 3,850.00000 0.07677 49.54487 5.62194 5.69872 Controle f1 macho neg 8.71057 9.80527 61.43858 -48.12799 0.12333 4.98169 0.41961 2.74871 2,721.00000 0.11361 37.84953 6.04058 6.15420 2 geracao/ genero Controle f1 femea 3 7 Amostras Grupo LPS % BV 4.39780 TBPF TBTH TBN TBSP FD -4.86075 0.24877 0.17678 2.13833 2.77320 PON 234.00000 % POop POV op POVtot 0.02242 95.59217 213.50697 213.52939 14 200ch f1 macho neg 8.71057 8.26947 48.47661 -42.57113 0.10091 4.80392 0.25597 2.67241 0.02221 51.39318 8.76700 8.78922 15 200ch f1 macho neg 8.71057 9.36854 65.21088 -52.79293 0.11953 5.45558 0.34715 2.76175 2,520.00000 0.11060 34.01930 4.88739 4.99799 18 200ch f1 femea neg 8.71057 8.01552 62.47161 -48.25101 0.13007 4.80300 0.46512 2.75135 2,016.00000 0.08643 36.85479 4.72872 4.81514 27 5ch f1 femea neg 8.71057 8.48359 61.56661 -50.96248 0.12328 4.99397 0.39826 2.74304 1,725.00000 0.06865 37.93646 5.22747 5.29594 28 5ch f1 femea neg 8.71057 9.83995 61.63749 -49.16015 0.12838 4.80100 0.48111 2.75610 2,562.00000 0.14275 37.46833 5.98153 38.36251 36 200ch f1 macho positivo 8.71057 8.46703 61.92240 -43.28702 0.12933 4.78805 0.38628 2.73703 1,499.00000 0.06091 37.63213 5.14567 5.20658 37 200ch f1 femea neg 8.71057 7.31448 61.73267 -49.11240 0.12128 5.08997 0.44069 2.74550 2,078.00000 0.10917 37.34599 4.42499 4.53415 41 Controle f1 femea neg 8.71057 8.20043 64.67124 -56.19065 0.11337 5.70461 0.34665 2.75466 2,465.00000 0.12878 34.31313 4.35097 4.47975 43 Controle f1 macho neg 8.71057 8.18756 64.86262 -51.47879 0.11974 5.41715 0.34172 2.74593 2,015.00000 0.08415 34.47074 4.35121 4.43536 f1 macho animal2 8.71057 7.19116 61.99649 -55.55427 0.11708 5.29511 0.34447 2.73899 1,446.00000 0.06136 37.47455 4.34679 4.40814 9.65466 9.68630 63 71 200ch 8.71057 11.21545 53.65796 -34.56297 0.10094 5.31575 0.38254 2.63492 497.00000 POV cl 845.00000 0.03164 46.19066 79 APÊNDICE G – Microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (MEV-EDS) de uma amostra de fêmur corte transversal. 80 ANEXO A – Certificado de aprovação pela (CEUA-UNIP) protocolo 156/13. 81 ANEXO B – Laudo de análise laboratorial externa da concentração de zinco. 82 ANEXO C – Carta com decodificação dos tratamentos em cego. 83 ANEXO D – Parecer do Prof. Paolo Belavitte sobre o estágio de doutoramento internacional na Università Degli Studio di Verona - Ospetale Policlinico. 84 ANEXO D (Continuação) – Parecer do Prof. Paolo Belavitte sobre o estágio de doutoramento internacional na Università Degli Studio di Verona - Ospetale Policlinico.