JEFFREY K. BARTON Clerk to the Board INDEX TO MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF AUGUST 16, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER..............................................................................................................................1 2. INVOCATION ....................................................................................................................................1 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ............................................................................................................1 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA/EMERGENCY ITEMS ....................................2 M OVE : I TEM 8.Q.Q. TO I TEM 11. C OUNTY A DMINISTRATOR M ATTERS .................................. 2 D ELETION : I TEM 14.A.4. S AND M INE B UFFERS ......................................................................... 2 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS ..............................................................................2 5.A. P RESENTATION OF F LORIDA C OMMISSION FOR THE T RANSPORTATION D ISADVANTAGED 2011 C OMMUNITY T RANSPORTATION C OORDINATOR OF THE Y EAR A WARD TO I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY S ENIOR R ESOURCE A SSOCIATION AND ITS 5.B. CEO, K AREN D EIGL ................................................................................... 2 P RESENTATION OF F LORIDA C OMMISSION FOR THE T RANSPORTATION D ISADVANTAGED 2011 V OLUNTEER OF THE Y EAR A WARD TO I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY L OCAL C OORDINATING B OARD V ICE C HAIRMAN W ILLIAM “L UNDY ” P ARDEN .................................................................................................................. 3 5.C. P RESENTATION BY L INDA C ARLSON , C ROSS L IFE I NTERNATIONAL , ON 2 ND A NNUAL F AMILY J AMBOREE OF I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY ........................................... 3 August 16, 2011 1 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ..............................................................................................................4 6.A. M EETING OF J UNE 21, 2011 ..................................................................................... 4 6.B. M EETING OF J ULY 5, 2011 ....................................................................................... 4 6.C. M EETING OF J ULY 12, 2011 ..................................................................................... 4 7. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS FROM STAFF OR COMMISSIONERS NOT REQUIRING BOARD ACTION ...............................................................................................................................5 7.A. E ARLY L EARNING C OALITION OF I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY ......................................... 5 7.B. O UTSIDE A TTORNEY B ILLINGS ................................................................................ 5 7.C. P ROOF OF P UBLICATION OF U NCLAIMED M ONIES FOR C ASH B ONDS D EPOSITED WITH THE C LERK OF THE C IRCUIT C OURT P RIOR TO J ANUARY 1, 2010 IS ON F ILE IN THE O FFICE OF THE C LERK TO THE B OARD ................................................... 5 8. CONSENT AGENDA ........................................................................................................................5 8.A. A PPROVAL OF W ARRANTS AND W IRES – J ULY 8, 2011 TO J ULY 14, 2011 .................. 5 8.B. A PPROVAL OF W ARRANTS AND W IRES – J ULY 22, 2011 TO J ULY 28, 2011 ................ 6 8.C. A PPROVAL OF W ARRANTS AND W IRES – J ULY 29, 2011 TO A UGUST 4, 2011 ............. 6 8.D. I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY I NVESTMENT A DVISORY C OMMITTEE Q UARTERLY I NVESTMENT R EPORT FOR THE Q UARTER E NDING J UNE 30, 2011 .............................. 6 8.E. OPEB T RUST R EPORT FOR THE P ERIOD O CTOBER 1, 2010 THROUGH J UNE 30, 2011 ....................................................................................................................... 7 8.F. Q UARTERLY S UMMARY R EPORT FOR A SSESSMENT OF A DDITIONAL C OURT C OSTS I N A CCORDANCE WITH 318.18(13) F LORIDA S TATUTES ................................. 7 8.G. D ORI S LOSBERG D RIVER E DUCATION S AFETY A CT – I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY T RAFFIC E DUCATION P ROGRAM T RUST F UND .......................................................... 7 8.H. R ECOMMENDATION OF A WARD FOR C ONTINUING E NVIRONMENTAL AND B IOLOGICAL S UPPORT S ERVICES FOR C IVIL AND E NVIRONMENTAL E NGINEERING P ROJECTS ......................................................................................... 8 8.I. R ELEASE OF R ETAINAGE – W ORK O RDER N O . 9, S ECTOR 3 N EARSHORE S EA T URTLE M ONITORING C OASTAL T ECHNOLOGY C ORPORATION .................................. 8 8.J. R ELEASE OF R ETAINAGE FOR D ONADIO AND A SSOCIATES – S PATIAL N EEDS A SSESSMENT FOR S HERIFF ’ S A DMINISTRATION F ACILITY ......................................... 9 August 16, 2011 2 8.K. W ORK O RDER N O . 13 WITH B RIDGE D ESIGN A SSOCIATES , I NC ., IRC P ROJECT N O . 0545 57 TH S TREET B RIDGE OVER L ATERAL “A” C ANAL C ONSTRUCTION P HASE – R ELEASE OF R ETAINAGE ............................................................................ 9 8.L. 2011 O BLIQUE A ERIAL I MAGERY A CQUISITION P ROJECT .......................................... 9 8.M. V. B. D EVELOPMENT , I NC .’ S R EQUEST FOR F INAL P LAT A PPROVAL FOR A S UBDIVISION TO BE K NOWN AS S EGOVIA L AKES PD .............................................. 10 8.N. T RAFFIC C ONTROL D EVICE L EDGER ...................................................................... 10 8.O. R EQUEST FOR A UTHORIZATION TO O BTAIN B IDS FOR A T ENANT L EASE OF THE P RINCIPAL R ESIDENCE ON THE J ONES ’ S P IER P ROPERTY AT 7770 J UNGLE T RAIL ..... 10 8.P. M ISCELLANEOUS B UDGET A MENDMENT 019 .......................................................... 11 8.Q. A PPROVAL OF P UBLIC S AFETY I NTEROPERABLE C OMMUNICATIONS (PSIC) I NTERLOCAL A GREEMENT ..................................................................................... 11 8.R. P ROCLAMATION AND R ETIREMENT A WARD H ONORING R ALPH B URON ON H IS R ETIREMENT FROM I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY B OARD OF C OUNTY C OMMISSIONERS O FFICE OF M ANAGEMENT & B UDGET P URCHASING D IVISION ....... 12 8.S. P ROCLAMATION AND R ETIREMENT A WARD H ONORING E SROM D ORSETT ON H IS R ETIREMENT FROM I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY B OARD OF C OUNTY C OMMISSIONERS D EPARTMENT OF P UBLIC W ORKS R OAD & B RIDGE D IVISION WITH 8.T. T HIRTY -F OUR Y EARS OF S ERVICE ................................................................ 12 P ROCLAMATION AND R ETIREMENT A WARD H ONORING T ESSA L. K OTHMAN ON H ER R ETIREMENT FROM I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY B OARD OF C OUNTY C OMMISSIONERS D EPARTMENT OF U TILITY S ERVICES WITH N INE Y EARS OF S ERVICE ............................................................................................................... 13 8.U. P ROCLAMATION AND R ETIREMENT A WARD H ONORING P ETER H. M C L EOD ON H IS R ETIREMENT FROM I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY B OARD OF C OUNTY C OMMISSIONERS B UILDING D IVISION WITH T WENTY -F OUR Y EARS OF S ERVICE ...... 13 8.V. P ROCLAMATION AND R ETIREMENT A WARD H ONORING A RTHUR Z YSKOWSKI ON H IS R ETIREMENT FROM I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY B OARD OF C OUNTY C OMMISSIONERS D EPARTMENT OF E MERGENCY S ERVICES /F IRE R ESCUE WITH T WENTY -S IX Y EARS OF S ERVICE ........................................................................... 14 8.W. P ROCLAMATION AND R ETIREMENT A WARD H ONORING S AMUEL B ROOKE ON H IS R ETIREMENT FROM I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY B OARD OF C OUNTY C OMMISSIONERS D EPARTMENT OF E MERGENCY S ERVICES /F IRE R ESCUE WITH T WENTY -T WO Y EARS OF S ERVICE ......................................................................... 14 August 16, 2011 3 8.X. P ROCLAMATION AND R ETIREMENT A WARD H ONORING J AMES M ICHAEL O WENS ON H IS R ETIREMENT FROM I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY B OARD OF C OUNTY C OMMISSIONERS D EPARTMENT OF P UBLIC W ORKS V EHICLE M AINTENANCE D IVISION WITH T HIRTY -S IX Y EARS OF S ERVICE ..................................................... 15 8.Y. A PPROVAL OF B ID A WARD FOR IRC B ID N O . 2011050 S LUDGE T ANK C LEANING ............................................................................................................ 15 8.Z. A PPROVAL OF B ID A WARD FOR IRC B ID N O . 2011053 C ENTRAL W ASTEWATER O DOR C ONTROL M EDIA R EPLACEMENT ................................................................. 16 8.AA. A PPROVAL OF FLO-380C4H091000 – N EW 2010 H.U.D. F AMILY S HELTER P LUS C ARE C ONTRACT .......................................................................................... 16 8.BB. F INAL P AYMENT TO M ASCI C ORPORATION FOR C ONVERSION OF A 16” B RINE L INE ON 77 TH S TREET TO A W ATER M AIN , B ID N UMBER 2009064, UCP-3086 .......... 17 8.CC. R EQUEST TO C ONVEY A FFORDABLE H OUSING P ROPERTY B ACK TO I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY FROM E VERY D REAM H AS A P RICE , I NC . ....................................... 17 8.DD. R ESOLUTION C ANCELING T AXES ON P ROPERTY A CQUIRED BY THE C ITY OF F ELLSMERE FOR U SE IN C ONJUNCTION WITH A DJACENT W ATER T REATMENT P LANT .................................................................................................................. 18 8.EE. M OONEY D OCK L ICENSE A GREEMENT C OUNTRY C LUB P OINTE S UBDIVISION ......... 18 8.FF. D EDICATION OF R IGHTS - OF -W AY AND D RAINAGE AND U TILITY E ASEMENTS FOR 24 TH C OURT AND 25 TH A VENUE BY E VERY D REAM H AS A P RICE , I NC . ............... 19 8.GG. M ISCELLANEOUS B UDGET A MENDMENT 021 .......................................................... 19 8.HH. G IFFORD Y OUTH A CTIVITY C ENTER , I NC ., L EASE A GREEMENT – R ENEWAL AND R EPLACEMENT F UND , M AINTENANCE AND R EPAIRS , M ISCELLANEOUS B UDGET A MENDMENT 020 .................................................................................................. 20 8.II. R EQUEST FOR A PPROVAL OF A J OINT P ARTICIPATION A GREEMENT B ETWEEN I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY AND THE I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY H OUSING A UTHORITY ..... 20 8.JJ. W ORK O RDER N O . 1 – C REECH E NGINEERS , I NC ., I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY V ERTICAL C ONTROL N ETWORK (B ENCHMARK ) D ENSIFICATION , IRC P ROJECT N O . 1050 .............................................................................................................. 21 8.KK. T HE Q UAIL C REEK S UBDIVISION – B ID # 2011012 C HANGE O RDER N O . 1 F INAL P AY AND R ELEASE OF R ETAINAGE , T IMOTHY R OSE C ONTRACTING , I NC . ................ 21 8.LL. L IBRARY S YSTEM L ONG R ANGE P LAN U PDATE ...................................................... 21 8.MM. 2011-2012 S TATE A ID A PPLICATION /A GREEMENT ................................................. 22 August 16, 2011 4 8.NN. R IGHT - OF -W AY A CQUISITION , SR A1A & 17 TH S TREET I NTERSECTION I MPROVEMENTS , P ARCEL ID #33-40-05-00010-0000-00000.1 O WNER : N ORTHERN T RUST , N.A. F ORMERLY KNOWN AS N ORTHERN T RUST OF F LORIDA , N.A. ..................................................................................................................... 22 8.OO. A PPROVAL OF B ID A WARD FOR IRC B ID N O . 2012002 – A NNUAL B ID FOR I NSTRUMENT C ONTROL T ECH FOR W ATER AND W ASTEWATER U TILITIES ................ 23 8.PP. A WARD OF RFP N O . 2011043 – F ULL S ERVICE A UTOMATED T ELLER M ACHINE (ATM) I NSTALLATION AND M AINTENANCE ............................................................ 23 8.QQ. 2011-2012 F INAL B UDGET H EARING S CHEDULE C HANGE ....................................... 24 9. CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS AND GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES - NONE .................25 10. PUBLIC ITEMS ................................................................................................................................25 10.A. PUBLIC HEARINGS ............................................................................................ 25 10.A.1. G RACE C LARK -L A P ORTA ’ S R EQUEST FOR A BANDONMENT OF A P ORTION OF 129 TH P LACE B ETWEEN 81 ST C OURT AND R OSELAND R OAD (L EGISLATIVE ).............. 25 10.B. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS ............................................................................ 26 10.B.1. R EQUEST TO S PEAK FROM S USAN K ROL R EGARDING E LIMINATION OF F INE OF $1500.00 .............................................................................................................. 26 10.C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS .................................................................................... 28 10.C.1. N OTICE OF S CHEDULED P UBLIC W ORKSHOP A UGUST 23, 2011: .............................. 28 A P UBLIC W ORKSHOP R EGARDING THE I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY D ECENNIAL R EDISTRICTING HAS BEEN S CHEDULED FOR T UESDAY , A UGUST 23, 2011, AT 6:30 P . M . T HE P UBLIC W ORKSHOP WILL BE H ELD AT S EBASTIAN C ITY H ALL , C ITY C OUNCIL C HAMBERS , 1225 M AIN S TREET , S EBASTIAN , F LORIDA ................... 28 11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS ...................................................................................29 11.A.1. 12. L EGISLATIVE P RIORITIES ...................................................................................... 29 DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS ......................................................................................................30 12.A. C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT ................................................................................. 30 12.A.1. C ONDEMNATION , D EMOLITION AND R EMOVAL OF U NSAFE S TRUCTURES ................ 30 August 16, 2011 5 12.A.2. C ONSIDERATION OF INEOS N EW P LANET B IO E NERGY LLC’ S P ROPOSED A MENDMENT TO I TS A PPROVED L OCAL J OBS G RANT ............................................. 31 12.A.3 C ONSIDERATION OF A GREEMENT B ETWEEN I NDIAN R IVER H ABITAT FOR H UMANITY AND I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY FOR N EIGHBORHOOD S TABILIZATION P ROGRAM 3 (NSP3) C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT B LOCK G RANT (CDBG) P ROGRAMMATIC S ERVICES AND NSP3 S INGLE -F AMILY P URCHASE , R EDEVELOPMENT AND S ALES P ROGRAM M ANUAL ................................................. 33 12.A.4. R EQUEST FOR A PPROVAL OF A R ESOLUTION U RGING THE F LORIDA I NLAND N AVIGATION D ISTRICT TO A DDRESS C ONCERNS R AISED BY C OUNTY C ITIZENS ABOUT 12.A.5. D REDGED M ATERIAL M ANAGEMENT A REA IR-2 ......................................... 34 R EQUEST TO A PPROVE A P URCHASE OF 350 A CRES FROM P RESSLEY R ANCH , I NC . FOR C ONSERVATION P URPOSES , U SING G RANT F UNDS A WARDED U NDER THE N ORTH A MERICAN W ETLANDS C ONSERVATION A CT ....................................... 35 12.A.6. C ONSIDERATION OF I MPACT F EE I SSUES ................................................................ 37 12.B. E MERGENCY S ERVICES - N ONE .............................................................................. 40 12.C. G ENERAL S ERVICES - N ONE .................................................................................. 40 12.D. H UMAN R ESOURCES - N ONE .................................................................................. 40 12.E. H UMAN S ERVICES - N ONE ..................................................................................... 40 12.F. L EISURE S ERVICES - N ONE .................................................................................... 40 12.G. O FFICE OF M ANAGEMENT AND B UDGET - N ONE ..................................................... 40 12.H. R ECREATION - N ONE ............................................................................................. 40 12.I. P UBLIC W ORKS – N ONE ........................................................................................ 40 12.J. U TILITIES S ERVICES .............................................................................................. 40 12.J.1. A PPROVAL OF B ID A WARD FOR IRC B ID N O . 2011034 S OUTH R EVERSE O SMOSIS P LANT C HEMICAL S YSTEM U PGRADE ...................................................... 40 12.J.2. C HANGE O RDER N O . 1 TO IRC B ID N O . 2011032 TO D ATA F LOW S YSTEM I NC . FOR U PGRADE AND A UTOMATION OF THE R EUSE D ISTRIBUTION S YSTEM UCP 4065 ..................................................................................................................... 41 12.J.3. A MENDMENT #1 TO W ORK O RDER N O . 26 WITH G EOSYNTEC C ONSULTANTS , I NC . FOR G ROUND W ATER A SSESSMENT AND M ONITORING P ROPOSAL N ORTH C OUNTY W ATER P LANT ........................................................................................ 41 12.J.4. 82 ND A VENUE B RIDGE AT 4 TH S TREET F ORCE M AIN AND R EUSE F ORCE M AIN C ONFLICT , R ESOLUTION AND I NTERCHANGE FOR L IFT S TATION N O . 19 F ORCE M AIN P RESSURE R EDUCTION , A PPROVAL OF W ORK A UTHORIZATION N O . 2010002-UCP 4070, WIP N O . 471-23536-044699-11503 ............................................... 42 August 16, 2011 6 13. COUNTY ATTORNEY MATTERS ...............................................................................................43 13.A. P ROPOSED O RDINANCE E LIMINATING ALL R EFERENCES TO F IREARMS FROM THE 13.B. C ODE OF I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY .................................................................... 43 P URCHASE OF R IGHT - OF -W AY L OCATED AT 5265 66 TH A VENUE , P ARCEL 105, O WNED BY THE E STATE OF E RMA L EE L EWIS ........................................................ 44 13.C. C OST S HARING A GREEMENT B ETWEEN M ARSH I SLAND AND THE C OUNTY FOR D EMOLITION OF U NCOMPLETED H OME , L OT 15 M ARSH I SLAND S UBDIVISION , 9250 E AST M ARSH I SLAND D RIVE ......................................................................... 45 13.D. C OST S HARING A GREEMENT B ETWEEN I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY AND R USSELL J. K ELLY .................................................................................................................. 45 13.E. I NITIAL B OARD R EVIEW OF C OMMITTEE T ERMS I SSUES ......................................... 46 13.F. Q UASI -J UDICIAL P ROCEEDINGS ............................................................................. 48 14. COMMISSIONER ITEMS ...............................................................................................................50 14.A. C OMMISSIONER B OB S OLARI , C HAIRMAN .............................................................. 50 14.A.1. P UBLIC R ECORDS .................................................................................................. 50 14.A.2. F LORIDA T REND A RTICLE ..................................................................................... 50 14.A.3. L EMONADE F REEDOM D AY .................................................................................... 51 14.A.4. S AND M INE B UFFERS - D ELETED ........................................................................... 51 14.B. C OMMISSIONER G ARY C. W HEELER , V ICE C HAIRMAN - N ONE ................................ 51 14.C. C OMMISSIONER W ESLEY S. D AVIS ........................................................................ 51 14.C.1. S ECONDARY M ETALS R ECYCLERS ......................................................................... 51 14.D. C OMMISSIONER J OSEPH E. F LESCHER - N ONE ........................................................ 52 14.E. C OMMISSIONER P ETER D. O’B RYAN ...................................................................... 52 14.E.1. A RTIFICIAL R EEF S TUDY W ORKSHOP .................................................................... 52 15. SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS .........................................................................................54 15.A. E MERGENCY S ERVICES D ISTRICT .......................................................................... 54 15.A.1. D ESIGN /B UILD C ONTRACT WITH B ARTH C ONSTRUCTION FOR THE R ENOVATION AND C ONSTRUCTION OF E MERGENCY S ERVICES F IRE R ESCUE S TATIONS (RFQ #2011036) ............................................................................................................ 54 15.B. S OLID W ASTE D ISPOSAL D ISTRICT ........................................................................ 54 15.B.1. A PPROVAL OF M INUTES M EETING OF J UNE 21, 2011 .............................................. 54 15.B.2. A PPROVAL OF M INUTES M EETING OF J ULY 12, 2011 .............................................. 54 August 16, 2011 7 15.B.3. A PPROVAL OF B ID A WARD FOR IRC B ID NO. 2011055, F ENCING I MPROVEMENTS AT I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY L ANDFILL R ECYCLING C ENTER ............ 54 15.B.4. R EQUEST TO R ENEW L EASE BY MWI C ORPORATION .............................................. 54 15.B.5. A GREEMENT FOR P ROCESSING AND R ECYCLING OF Y ARD W ASTE WITH C ONSOLIDATED R ESOURCES R ECOVERY ................................................................ 55 15.B.6. W ASTE O IL S ERVICE A GREEMENT WITH FCC E NVIRONMENTAL ............................. 55 15.C. E NVIRONMENTAL C ONTROL B OARD - N ONE ........................................................... 55 16. ADJOURNMENT .............................................................................................................................55 August 16, 2011 8 JEFFREY K. BARTON Clerk to the Board August 16, 2011 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, met in Regular Session at the County Commission Chambers, 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, August 16, 2011. Present were Chairman Bob Solari, Vice Chairman Gary C. Wheeler, and Commissioners Wesley S. Davis, Joseph E. Flescher, and Peter D. O’Bryan. Also present were County Administrator Joseph A. Baird, County Attorney Alan S. Polackwich, Sr., and Deputy Clerk Maureen Gelfo. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Solari called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. INVOCATION County Planning Director Stan Boling delivered the Invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE County Attorney Alan S. Polackwich, Sr., led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. August 16, 2011 1 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA/EMERGENCY ITEMS Chairman Solari requested the following changes to today’s Agenda: MOVE: ITEM 8.Q.Q. TO ITEM 11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS DELETION: ITEM 14.A.4. SAND MINE BUFFERS ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, the Board unanimously approved the Agenda as amended. 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.A. PRESENTATION OF FLORIDA COMMISSION FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED 2011 COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD TO INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SENIOR RESOURCE ASSOCIATION AND ITS CEO, KAREN DEIGL Chairman Solari read and presented the Proclamation and Award to Senior Resource Association President and CEO Karen Deigl. August 16, 2011 2 5.B. PRESENTATION OF FLORIDA COMMISSION FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED 2011 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD TO INDIAN RIVER COUNTY LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD VICE CHAIRMAN WILLIAM “LUNDY” PARDEN Chairman Solari read and presented the Proclamation to William “Lundy” Parden, Vice President. 5.C. PRESENTATION BY LINDA CARLSON, CROSS LIFE INTERNATIONAL, ON 2ND ANNUAL FAMILY JAMBOREE OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY Don Burzynski, CEO, Cross Life, presented a brief overview of the Cross Life Counseling Center, and background information on the Annual Family Jamboree. Linda Carlson, Event Coordinator, provided a handout (copy on file) to the Board, and outlined the details of the 2nd Annual Family Jamboree of Indian River County to be held on Saturday, October 8, 2011, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. She related that the event is affordable, with no admission or parking fees, and that the vendors are limited to County residents. She recapped the success of the 1st Annual Family Jamboree, and asked the Board to become a corporate sponsor, help publicize the event, and consider assisting with fairgrounds rental costs. Administrator Baird reported that information and a link to the event would be posted at the County’s website. August 16, 2011 3 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6.A. MEETING OF JUNE 21, 2011 The Chairman asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes of the Meeting of June 21, 2011. There were none. ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, the Board unanimously approved the Minutes of the Meeting of June 21, 2011, as written. 6.B. MEETING OF JULY 5, 2011 6.C. MEETING OF JULY 12, 2011 The Chairman asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes of the Meetings of July 5, 2011 and July 12, 2011. There were none. ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, the Board unanimously approved the Minutes of the Meetings of July 5, 2011 and July 12, 2011, as written. August 16, 2011 4 7. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS FROM STAFF OR COMMISSIONERS NOT REQUIRING BOARD ACTION 7.A. EARLY LEARNING COALITION OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY Noted for the record was the appointment of Louise Hubbard as the Indian River County representative to the Early Learning Coalition. 7.B. OUTSIDE ATTORNEY BILLINGS Noted for the record was the amount of $1,973.35 invoiced to the County by outside attorney Bush Ross, P.A. (general bankruptcy advice) and $5,170.00 to Attorneys Messer, Caparello & Self, P.A. (general utilities advice). 7.C. PROOF OF DEPOSITED PUBLICATION WITH THE JANUARY 1, 2010 OF UNCLAIMED MONIES CLERK IS ON FILE OF THE IN THE FOR CASH BONDS CIRCUIT COURT PRIOR OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO TO THE BOARD 8. CONSENT AGENDA 8.A. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS AND WIRES – JULY 8, 2011 TO JULY 14, 2011 ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the list of Warrants and Wires as issued by the Clerk to the Board for the time period of July 8, 2011 to July 14, 2011, as requested in the memorandum of July 14, 2011. August 16, 2011 5 8.B. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS AND WIRES – JULY 22, 2011 TO JULY 28, 2011 ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the list of Warrants and Wires as issued by the Clerk to the Board for the time period of July 22, 2011 to July 28, 2011, as requested in the memorandum of July 28, 2011. 8.C. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS AND WIRES – JULY 29, 2011 TO AUGUST 4, 2011 ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the list of Warrants and Wires as issued by the Clerk to the Board for the time period of July 29, 2011 to August 4, 2011, as requested in the memorandum of August 4, 2011. 8.D. INDIAN RIVER COUNTY INVESTMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30, 2011 ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously accepted the Investment Advisory Committee Quarterly Report for the period of April 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011, as recommended in the memorandum of July 22, 2011. August 16, 2011 6 8.E. OPEB TRUST REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 1, 2010 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2011 ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously accepted the OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits) Trust Report, as recommended in the memorandum of July 22, 2011. 8.F. QUARTERLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR ASSESSMENT OF ADDITIONAL COURT COSTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH 318.18(13) FLORIDA STATUTES ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously accepted the Quarterly Summary Report for Assessment of Additional Court Costs for the quarter ending June 2011, as recommended in the memorandum of July 22, 2011. 8.G. DORI SLOSBERG DRIVER EDUCATION SAFETY ACT – INDIAN RIVER COUNTY TRAFFIC EDUCATION PROGRAM TRUST FUND ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously accepted the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances for the Traffic Education Program, from the inception of the fee (October 1, 2002) through June 30, 2011, as recommended in the memorandum of July 18, 2011. August 16, 2011 7 8.H. RECOMMENDATION AND BIOLOGICAL AWARD OF FOR SUPPORT CONTINUING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING PROJECTS ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved: (1) the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Selection Committee’s ranking; and (2) authorized the Chairman to execute the Continuing Service Agreement for Environmental and Biological Support Services with G.K. Environmental, Inc., as recommended in the memorandum of July 13, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.I. RELEASE OF RETAINAGE – WORK ORDER NO. 9, SECTOR 3 NEARSHORE SEA TURTLE MONITORING COASTAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the release of retainage for Work Order No. 9, Coastal Technology Corporation’s Invoice No. 184017, in the amount of $900.50, as recommended in the memorandum of July 25, 2011. August 16, 2011 8 8.J. RELEASE OF RETAINAGE FOR DONADIO AND ASSOCIATES – SPATIAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR SHERIFF’S ADMINISTRATION FACILITY ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the release of retainage amount of $8,532.92 to Donadio and Associates, Architects, P.A., for the Sheriff’s Master Plan and Space Needs Study, as recommended in the memorandum of July 19, 2011. 8.K. WORK ORDER NO. 13 WITH BRIDGE DESIGN ASSOCIATES, INC., IRC PROJECT NO. 0545 57TH STREET BRIDGE OVER LATERAL “A” CANAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE – RELEASE OF RETAINAGE ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved payment of Bridge Design Associates, Inc. Invoice No. 05-619F/R dated July 6, 2011, in the amount of $2,413.75 for final release of retainage for Work Order No. 13, as recommended in the memorandum of July 18, 2011. 8.L. 2011 OBLIQUE AERIAL IMAGERY ACQUISITION PROJECT ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner approved: (1) Flescher, the the 2011 Board Oblique unanimously Aerial Imagery Acquisition Project, as outlined in Schedule A in the amount of $109,200.00; and (2) authorized the Chairman August 16, 2011 9 to execute the schedules and related documents, as recommended in the memorandum of August 1, 2011. DOCUMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.M. V. B. DEVELOPMENT, INC.’S REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR A SUBDIVISION TO BE KNOWN AS SEGOVIA LAKES PD ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously granted final plat approval for the Segovia Lakes Planned Development (PD), as recommended in the memorandum of July 25, 2011. 8.N. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE LEDGER ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved Resolution 2011-051 approving traffic control devices authorized by the Director of Public Works. 8.O. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO OBTAIN BIDS FOR A TENANT LEASE OF THE PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE ON THE JONES’S PIER PROPERTY 7770 JUNGLE TRAIL ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously authorized staff to solicit bids for rental of the principal residence (only) on the Jones’s Pier property by a August 16, 2011 10 AT qualified tenant, as more particularly described in the bid documents, as recommended in the memorandum of August 9, 2011. 8.P. MISCELLANEOUS BUDGET AMENDMENT 019 ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved Resolution 2011-052, amending the Fiscal Year 20102011 budget. 8.Q. APPROVAL OF PUBLIC SAFETY INTEROPERABLE COMMUNICATIONS (PSIC) INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Interlocal Agreement, as recommended in the memorandum of June 1, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD August 16, 2011 11 8.R. PROCLAMATION AND RETIREMENT AWARD HONORING RALPH BURON ON HIS RETIREMENT FROM INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT & BUDGET PURCHASING DIVISION ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the Retirement Award and Proclamation honoring Ralph Buron on his retirement from the Indian River County Office of Management & Budget Purchasing Division. 8.S. PROCLAMATION DORSETT OF ON AND RETIREMENT AWARD HONORING ESROM HIS RETIREMENT FROM INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROAD & BRIDGE DIVISION WITH THIRTY-FOUR YEARS OF SERVICE ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the Retirement Award and Proclamation honoring Esrom Dorsett on his retirement from the Indian River County Department of Public Works Road & Bridge Division. August 16, 2011 12 8.T. PROCLAMATION AND RETIREMENT AWARD HONORING TESSA L. KOTHMAN ON HER RETIREMENT FROM INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DEPARTMENT OF UTILITY SERVICES WITH NINE YEARS OF SERVICE ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the Retirement Award and Proclamation honoring Tessa L. Kothman on her retirement from the Indian River County Department of Utility Services. 8.U. PROCLAMATION MCLEOD OF ON AND RETIREMENT AWARD HONORING PETER H. HIS RETIREMENT FROM INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BUILDING DIVISION FOUR YEARS OF SERVICE ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the Retirement Award and Proclamation honoring Peter H. McLeod on his retirement from the Indian River County Building Division. August 16, 2011 13 WITH TWENTY- 8.V. PROCLAMATION AND ZYSKOWSKI HIS RETIREMENT BOARD OF ON RETIREMENT AWARD HONORING ARTHUR FROM INDIAN RIVER COUNTY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES/FIRE RESCUE WITH TWENTY-SIX YEARS OF SERVICE ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the Retirement Award and Proclamation honoring Arthur Zyskowski on his retirement from the Indian River County Department of Emergency Services/Fire Rescue. 8.W. PROCLAMATION BROOKE OF ON AND RETIREMENT AWARD HONORING SAMUEL HIS RETIREMENT COUNTY FROM INDIAN COMMISSIONERS RIVER COUNTY BOARD DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES/FIRE RESCUE WITH TWENTY-TWO YEARS OF SERVICE ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the Retirement Award and Proclamation honoring Samuel Brooke on his retirement from the Indian River County Department of Emergency Services/Fire Rescue. August 16, 2011 14 8.X. PROCLAMATION AND RETIREMENT AWARD HONORING JAMES MICHAEL OWENS ON HIS RETIREMENT FROM INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DIVISION WITH THIRTY-SIX YEARS OF SERVICE ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the Retirement Award and Proclamation honoring James Michael Owens on his retirement from the Indian River County Department of Public Works Vehicle Maintenance Division. 8.Y. APPROVAL OF BID AWARD FOR IRC BID NO. 2011050 SLUDGE TANK CLEANING ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously: (1) approved the Bid Award to SWS Environmental Services as the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder, meeting the specifications as set forth in the Invitation to Bid; (2) approved the sample agreement; and (3) authorized the Chairman to execute said agreement after receipt and approval of the required Certificate of Insurance and after the County Attorney has approved the agreement as to form and legal sufficiency, as recommended in the memorandum of August 8, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD August 16, 2011 15 8.Z. APPROVAL OF BID AWARD FOR IRC BID NO. 2011053 CENTRAL WASTEWATER ODOR CONTROL MEDIA REPLACEMENT ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved: (1) the Bid Award to Biorem Environmental, Inc. as the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder, meeting the specifications as set forth in the Invitation to Bid; (2) approved the sample agreement; and (3) authorized the Chairman to execute said agreement after receipt and approval of the required Certificate of Insurance and after the County Attorney has approved the agreement as to form and legal sufficiency, as recommended in the memorandum of August 9, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.AA. APPROVAL OF FLO-380C4H091000 – NEW 2010 H.U.D. FAMILY SHELTER PLUS CARE CONTRACT ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved: (1) the new 2010 Shelter Plus Care Contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); (2) authorized the Chairman to execute the Contract accordingly; and (3) allowed the Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council to submit the grant contract on behalf of the County, as recommended in the memorandum of August 8, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD August 16, 2011 16 8.BB. FINAL PAYMENT TO MASCI CORPORATION FOR CONVERSION OF A 16” BRINE LINE ON 77TH STREET TO A WATER MAIN, BID NUMBER 2009064, UCP-3086 ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved Final Payment to the Masci Corporation in the amount of $9,016.08 for construction associated with this project. The final payment of $9,016.08 will release the retainage and complete the County’s obligations to the contractor, as stated and recommended in the memorandum of July 11, 2011. 8.CC. REQUEST TO CONVEY AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPERTY BACK INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FROM EVERY DREAM HAS A PRICE, INC. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously: (1) accepted the Quit-Claim Deed from Every Dream Has A Price, Inc. conveying to the County, Lot 8, Block 5, Spruce Park Subdivision, 4265 24th Court; and (2) authorized the Chairman to execute same indicating acceptance by the County, as recommended in the memorandum of July 27, 2011. DEED ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD August 16, 2011 17 TO 8.DD. RESOLUTION CANCELING TAXES CITY OF FELLSMERE FOR USE ON IN PROPERTY ACQUIRED CONJUNCTION WITH BY THE ADJACENT WATER TREATMENT PLANT ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved Resolution 2011-053, cancelling certain taxes upon publicily owned lands, pursuant to Section 196.28, Florida Statutes. (Wayne Yates a/k/a/ Roy Wayne Yates) 8.EE. MOONEY DOCK LICENSE AGREEMENT COUNTRY CLUB POINTE SUBDIVISION ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously: (1) approved immediate termination of the License Agreement with Robert G. Mooney III and Stefanie M. Mooney; (2) authorized the Chairman to execute the Termination/Revocation of License Agreement for recordation in the public records of Indian River County; (3) agreed to provide a recorded copy of the Termination/Revocation of License Agreement to the Mooneys at their last known address; and (4) authorized the County Attorney’s Office to offer a similar License Agreement for the dock and space to the next interested Country Club Pointe resident from the waiting list on file with the County Attorney’s Office, with the condition that the delinquent fees are brought current by the new August 16, 2011 18 licensee, all as recommended in the memorandum of August 9, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.FF. DEDICATION OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR 24TH COURT AND 25TH AVENUE BY EVERY DREAM HAS A PRICE, INC. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously: (1) approved and accepted the dedications from Every Dream Has A Price, Inc., of the rights-of-way and drainage and utility easements along 24th Court and 25th Avenue; and (2) authorized the Chairman to execute the documents on behalf of the Board, as recommended in the memorandum of July 26, 2011. 8.GG. MISCELLANEOUS BUDGET AMENDMENT 021 ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved Resolution 2011-054, amending the Fiscal Year 20102011 Budget. August 16, 2011 19 8.HH. GIFFORD YOUTH ACTIVITY CENTER, INC., LEASE AGREEMENT – RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS, MISCELLANEOUS BUDGET AMENDMENT 020 ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved: (1) reimbursement to the Gifford Youth Activity Center in the amount of $48,500 to be used for the roof replacement; and (2) Resolution 2011-055, amending the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget. 8.II. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY AND THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved and authorized the Chairman to execute the proposed Joint Participation Agreement with the Indian River County Housing Authority, for Rental Assistance (Section 8) Program activities under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), as recommended in the memorandum of July 29, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD August 16, 2011 20 8.JJ. WORK ORDER NO. 1 – CREECH ENGINEERS, INC., INDIAN RIVER COUNTY VERTICAL CONTROL NETWORK (BENCHMARK) DENSIFICATION, IRC PROJECT NO. 1050 ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved and authorized the Chairman to execute Work Order No. 1 with Creech Engineers, Inc., authorizing IRC Project No. 1050 as outlined in the Scope of Services, as recommended in the memorandum of August 3, 2011. WORK ORDER ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.KK. THE QUAIL CREEK SUBDIVISION – BID # 2011012 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FINAL PAY AND RELEASE OF RETAINAGE, TIMOTHY ROSE CONTRACTING, INC. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved Change Order No. 1 and payment of Timothy Rose Construction, Inc., Application for Payment No. 3 in the amount of $17,269.95 for final payment and release of retainage, as recommended in the memorandum of August 3, 2011. 8.LL. LIBRARY SYSTEM LONG RANGE PLAN UPDATE ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously: (1) approved the update to the Library System Long Range August 16, 2011 21 Plan; and (2) authorized return of the Plan to the Library Services Director to be forwarded to the appropriate State Library staff, as recommended in the memorandum of July 20, 2011. 8.MM. 2011-2012 STATE AID APPLICATION/AGREEMENT ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously authorized the Chairman to execute the State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement and State Aid to Libraries Grant Application Form, and return to the Library Services Director to be forwarded to the appropriate State Library staff, , as recommended in the memorandum of July 20, 2011. APPLICATION ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.NN. RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION, SR A1A & 17TH STREET INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS, PARCEL ID #33-40-05-00010-0000-00000.1 OWNER: NORTHERN TRUST, N.A. FORMERLY KNOWN AS NORTHERN TRUST OF FLORIDA, N.A. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously: (1) approved the purchase of the needed right-of-way at a price of $25,400; and (2) authorized the Chairman to execute the Purchase and Sale Agreement with Northern Trust, NA (F/K/A Northern Trust Bank of Florida N.A.), as recommended in the memorandum of August 8, 2011. August 16, 2011 22 AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.OO. APPROVAL OF BID AWARD FOR IRC BID NO. 2012002 – ANNUAL BID FOR INSTRUMENT CONTROL TECH FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITIES ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved awarding the bid as follows: (1) award to Control Systems Design, Inc. as the lowest and most responsive bidder meeting the specifications as set forth in the Invitation to Bid; (2) authorized the Purchasing Division to issue blanket purchase orders for the period of October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012 with the recommended bidder; and (3) authorized the Purchasing Manager to renew this Bid for two (2) additional one (1) year periods subject to satisfactory performance, bidder acceptance, and the determination that renewal of this annual contract is in the best interest of Indian River County, as recommended in the memorandum of August 8, 2011. 8.PP. AWARD OF RFP NO. 2011043 – FULL SERVICE AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE (ATM) INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously: (1) awarded the Request for Proposal (RFP) to Oculina Bank, August 16, 2011 23 Vero Beach, FL as the highest ranking most responsive and responsible proposer meeting the specifications as set forth in the Request for Proposal; (2) authorized staff to enter into a three (3) year agreement with the option for two, one (1) year renewals for a total of five (5) years; and (3) authorized the Chairman to execute the agreement with Oculina Bank, which has been approved as to form and legal sufficiency by the Deputy County Attorney. The Bank Certificate of Insurance has been received and approved and is on file in the Purchasing Office, all as stated and recommended in the memorandum of August 1, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.QQ. 2011-2012 FINAL BUDGET HEARING SCHEDULE CHANGE (Clerk’s Note: This item was heard under Item 11. County Administrator Matters and is placed here for continuity). County Administrator Joseph Baird asked whether the Commissioners wished to reschedule the September 14, 2011 Final Budget Hearing because the date conflicts with the Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association Conference in Miami on September 14 – 16, 2011. He thereafter presented the rescheduling options for Board consideration. The Commissioners deliberated the pros and cons of rescheduling. August 16, 2011 24 The Board CONSENSUS was to retain the original Final Budget Hearing date (and time) of Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 5:01 p.m. 9. CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS AND GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES - NONE 10. PUBLIC ITEMS 10.A. PUBLIC HEARINGS 10.A.1. GRACE CLARK-LAPORTA’S REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF 129TH PLACE BETWEEN 81ST COURT AND ROSELAND ROAD (LEGISLATIVE) PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD Planning Director Stan Boling used a PowerPoint Presentation (copy on file) to present description, conditions, and analysis pertaining to Grace Clark-LaPorta’s request for the County to abandon a portion of right-of-way located at 129th Place between 81st Court and Roseland Road. He thereafter conveyed staff’s recommendation for the County to abandon the right-ofway, with the caveat of retaining a 20’ wide drainage and utility easement over the center twenty feet of the site for possible drainage or utility improvements in the future. Director Boling noted that the proposed Resolution for the abandonment includes language about retaining the drainage and utility easement. Commissioner O’Bryan confirmed with Director Boling that the neighboring property owners had no objections to the proposed right-of-way abandonment. August 16, 2011 25 The Chairman opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no one, the Chairman closed the Public Hearing. ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Wheeler, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved Resolution 2011-056, providing for the closing, abandonment, vacation and discontinuance of a segment of 129th Place lying northwest of 81st Court and lying between Lot 10, Block 12 and Lot 6, Block 11 of the Townsite Plat of Roseland as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 43 of the public records of St. Lucie County, as described herein, said land now lying in Indian River County, Florida. 10.B. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.B.1. REQUEST TO SPEAK FROM SUSAN KROL REGARDING ELIMINATION OF FINE OF $1500.00 Susan Krol related the circumstances that had prompted her to remove three stormdamaged scrub palm trees from her property at 2055 South U.S. Highway 1. She advised that she had spent almost $1,000 to replace the three trees that were taken out, and asked the Board to waive the Code Enforcement Board fine that had been levied against her for the tree removal. Community Development Director Robert Keating explained why the removal of the trees had constituted a code violation, and attested that the fine was consistent with the penalty section of Chapter 927 of County Code, the “Tree Protection and Land Clearing Ordinance.” Commissioner Davis advocated waiving Ms. Krol’s fine, recalling the reasons that he had voted against the Tree Protection Ordinance. August 16, 2011 26 MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, to waive the $1500 Code Enforcement Board fine levied on Susan Krol. Vice Chairman Wheeler voiced his reasons for supporting the fine waiver, stressing that Ms. Krol had purchased three replacement trees and had not intentionally violated County Code. Roland DeBlois, Chief of Environmental Planning and Code Enforcement, revealed that the Code Enforcement Board had met twice on this matter, and the second time had reduced Ms. Krol’s fine from $3,000 to $1,500, in view of her replacement of the three original trees. Commissioners O’Bryan, Solari, and Flescher provided individual explanations on their reasons for opposing the Motion. Discussion points included concerns about granting the subject appeal despite the Code Enforcement Board’s review and final determination, and suggestions to re-examine the Tree Protection Ordinance, including the fine structures therein. Chairman Solari indicated that although he would vote against the current Motion, he would support a Motion reducing the fine. Joseph Paladin, President Black Swan Consulting, believed this type of situation should be handled on a case-by-case basis, and supported the fine waiver for Ms. Krol. County Administrator Joseph Baird felt that it was the duty of the Code Enforcement Board to uphold the Ordinances as written. He observed that if the Board wished to see changes, the Tree Protection Ordinance may require changes. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and by a 2-3 vote (Commissioners Flescher, O’Bryan, and Solari opposed), the Motion failed. August 16, 2011 27 ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Wheeler, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, the Board unanimously approved to reduce Susan Krol’s $1500 Code Enforcement Board fine to $500.00. ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously directed staff to bring back for Board review, Chapter 927 of County Code, the “Tree Protection and Land Clearing Ordinance”, including the fine structure for violations. 10.C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS (Clerk’s Note: The following notification occurred during Item 4 Additions/Deletions to the Agenda/Emergency Items and is placed here for continuity). Chairman Solari reminded citizens of the upcoming public hearings regarding the 20112012 Decennial Redistricting for the five County Commissioner districts, and announced that redistricting maps were on view in the lobby. 10.C.1. NOTICE OF SCHEDULED PUBLIC WORKSHOP AUGUST 23, 2011: A PUBLIC WORKSHOP REGARDING DECENNIAL REDISTRICTING AUGUST 23, 2011, HELD AT AT THE HAS BEEN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SCHEDULED TUESDAY, 6:30 P.M. THE PUBLIC WORKSHOP WILL BE SEBASTIAN CITY HALL, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Attorney Alan S. Polackwich, Sr. read the notice into the record. August 16, 2011 FOR 28 11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS 11.A.1. LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES Administrator Baird reported that staff has begun compiling a list of items to be brought up at the 2012 State Legislative Session, as follows: Trim Notices – Separate the Constitutional Officers. Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRA) – The County should receive a greater percentage of CRA Funds to assist in providing Government services. Florida Retirement System (FRS) – The Legislature needs to look at maintaining the low rates in view of a proposed significant increase in July 2012. Florida Statutes Chapter 720 Homeowners Associations (HOA) – Strengthen the law governing Homeowners Associations to ensure proper maintenance of the common areas Defined Contribution Plan for New Employees - Mandate a defined contribution plan for all new employees in the FRS retirement plan. Administrator Baird invited the Commissioners to keep him abreast of any additions to the list. He thereafter responded to concerns expressed by Commissioner Davis about the proposed increase in the FRS rates. Chairman Solari remarked on the State mandates that required many County departments to prepare and submit lengthy reports, and asked for ideas on eliminating or reducing those documents. He also wanted to explore the possibility of having any extensive data put on CD to reduce expensive mailings. Commissioner Davis suggested that department heads who produce a State-mandated report every 12 months or less should analyze the value of the reports. August 16, 2011 29 12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS 12.A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 12.A.1. CONDEMNATION, DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF UNSAFE STRUCTURES José Guanch, Building Official, provided background conditions and analysis pertaining to two structures proposed for demolition, located at 9250 East Marsh Island Drive and 4855 34th Avenue, respectively. He recalled that the Marsh Island Homeowners Association had volunteered to pay 50% of the demolition costs for the East Marsh Island Drive structure (approved at the June 21, 2011 Board of County Commission meeting), and presented staff’s recommendation for demolition of both structures. A brief discussion ensued as Mr. Guanch, with input from Deputy County Attorney William DeBraal, provided further details on the East Marsh Island Drive property, which is currently in foreclosure. Attorney Polackwich explained why the County would be unlikely to recover the costs if a lien is recorded on the property. Mr. Guanch confirmed for the Commissioners that the demolition of the East Marsh Island Drive structure would include removal of the slab. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved Resolution 2011-057, providing for the demolition of unsafe structures and the recovery of costs. Shoquist, 9250 E. Marsh Island Drive; Clark, 4855 34th Avenue August 16, 2011 30 12.A.2. CONSIDERATION OF INEOS NEW PLANET BIOENERGY LLC’S PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ITS APPROVED LOCAL JOBS GRANT Director Keating provided background, conditions, and analysis regarding the request of INEOS New Planet BioEnergy LLC to modify its existing Local Jobs Grant, which was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on March 23, 2010. differences between the current and proposed jobs grant, He outlined the and relayed that in addition to requesting amendments to the Local Jobs Grant, INEOS has requested a one-year extension of its Qualified Target Industry (QTI) Grant from the State. Director Keating reported that the Economic Development Council (EDC) reviewed this matter, and along with staff, recommends Board approval of the amended Local Jobs Grant Agreement between the County and INEOS; and the extension of the State’s QTI Grant through adoption of the proposed Resolution (on page 416 of the Agenda Packet). Helene Caseltine, Economic Development Director, Indian River County Chamber of Commerce, 1216 21st Street, introduced Len Vokaty with INEOS New Planet BioEnergy, LLC. Len Vokaty, Comptroller for INEOS, invited questions or comments; none were forthcoming. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, to approve staff’s recommendation. Commissioner Flescher attested to the progress being made by INEOS. He voiced support for granting the request of INEOS New Plant BioEnergy, to make the amendments to the Jobs Grant Application and to support the extension of the Qualified Target Industry (QTI) Grant. August 16, 2011 31 Mr. Vokaty thanked the Board and advised that the INEOS New Planet BioEnergy facility was scheduled for completion in April 2012. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and the Motion carried unanimously. The Board: (1) approved and authorized the Chairman to execute the amended Local Jobs Grant Agreement of up to $297,000 for INEOS New Plant BioEnergy LLC, after approval of the agreement by appropriate County staff and the County Attorney’s office; and (2) approved and authorized the Chairman to execute the approved Resolution 2011-058, recommending to Enterprise Florida that INEOS New Planet BioEnergy, LLC’s Qualified Target Industry Economic Recovery Extension Application be approved pursuant to s.288.106, Florida Statutes; and providing an appropriation of $33,000 as part of a Local Jobs Grant Program for local participation in the Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund Program for Fiscal Years 2012-13; 2013-14; 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, and 201819 and providing for an effective date, all as recommended in the memorandum of August 5, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD August 16, 2011 32 12.A.3 CONSIDERATION FOR HUMANITY OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN INDIAN RIVER HABITAT AND INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FOR NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM 3 (NSP3) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAMMATIC SERVICES SINGLE-FAMILY PURCHASE, REDEVELOPMENT AND AND NSP3 SALES PROGRAM MANUAL Director Keating provided background and analysis pertaining to the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 (NSP3) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), which will involve partnering with Habitat for Humanity to purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed/abandoned homes to sell to qualified households. He explained that the program will be funded directly by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and presented staff’s recommendation for the Board to proceed with the NSP3 CDBG project by approving the following required documents: The NSP3 Agreement with Habitat for Humanity for services related to the CDBG The proposed NSP3 Single-Family Purchase, Redevelopment and Sales Program Manual Andy Bowler, President/CEO, Habitat for Humanity, thanked the Board and spoke to the advantages of the NSP3 Program. ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, the Board unanimously: (1) approved the proposed agreement with Indian River Habitat for Humanity for programmatic services related to the County’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Community Development Block Grant; (2) approved the August 16, 2011 33 proposed NSP3 Single-Family Purchase, Redevelopment and Sales Program Manual; (3) authorized the Community Development Director to make modifications to the agreement and program manual that may be required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and/or the County Attorney; and (4) authorized the Chairman to execute both the agreement and the program manual, all as recommended in the memorandum of August 9, 2011. DOCUMENTS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD The Chairman called a recess at 10:22 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 10:37 a.m., with all members present. 12.A.4. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT COUNTY CITIZENS ABOUT RESOLUTION URGING TO THE FLORIDA ADDRESS CONCERNS RAISED DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT AREA IR-2 Roland DeBlois, Chief of Environmental Planning and Code Enforcement, reported that pursuant to the Board’s direction at the June 7, 2011 Board meeting, he was bringing forth a draft Resolution pertaining to a Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) Project known as Dredged Material Management Area IR-2 (DMMA IR-2) at 9910 US Highway 1 (formerly Vickers Grove). He recalled that at the June 7th meeting, FIND CEO David Roach had discussed the project, and lengthy discourse had followed as concerned citizens expressed their qualms about the project. Chief DeBlois advised that the draft Resolution was arrived at subsequent to feedback from both FIND and concerned citizens, and through his PowerPoint Presentation (copy on file), described how the Resolution was structured. August 16, 2011 34 BY He thereafter presented staff’s recommendation for the Board to approve the proposed Resolution, and to afterwards provide the document to the Florida Inland Navigation District. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved Resolution 2011-059, urging the Florida Inland Navigation District to address concerns raised by County citizens about Dredged Material Management Area IR-2. Commissioner Davis remarked that he wished to see initiated a plan for citizens to have public access to a three-acre segment of the DMMA IR-2 site known as Duck Point; the Board agreed to explore that option. (Clerk’s Note: The below discussion occurred following Item 12.A.5. and is placed here for continuity). Renee Renzi, Waverly Place, asked if concerned citizens had been involved in the discussions regarding the FIND site. She also asked about FIND’s choice to dredge this particular channel of the Intracoastal Waterway versus other sections that have a greater need to be excavated. Chairman Solari, Commissioner Davis, and staff addressed Ms. Renzi’s queries. 12.A.5. REQUEST TO RANCH, INC. APPROVE FOR A PURCHASE OF 350 ACRES FROM PRESSLEY CONSERVATION PURPOSES, USING GRANT FUNDS AWARDED UNDER THE NORTH AMERICAN WETLANDS CONSERVATION ACT August 16, 2011 35 Chief DeBlois used a PowerPoint Presentation (copy on file) to provide description and conditions regarding staff’s request for the Board to approve the purchase from Pressley Ranch, Inc., of 350 acres located at the northwest corner of Blue Cypress Lake for conservation purposes. He stated that the purchase would be funded 100% with North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) funds, which are administered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Services; however, the County would pay The Conservation Fund (TCF) fees for grant writing and negotiation of the purchase fee out of County environmental land bond funds. Chief DeBlois thereafter proffered staff’s recommendation for the Board to approve the sale and purchase contract with Pressley Ranch, Inc. The Board sought additional information from Chief DeBlois regarding the purchase. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, to approve staff’s recommendation. Chief DeBlois, with input from Attorney Polackwich, addressed a series of questions and comments posed by Bob Johnson, Coral Wind Subdivision. Additional conversation ensued as Chief DeBlois, with input from Matt Sexton, The Conservation Fund, responded to questions and observations from Commissioner Davis. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and the Motion carried. The Board unanimously: (1) approved and authorized the Chairman to execute the contract for sale and purchase of the Pressley Ranch North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Tract; and (2) authorized staff to proceed with due diligence and close the purchase with Pressley Ranch, as recommended in the memorandum of August 8, 2011. CONTRACT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD August 16, 2011 36 12.A.6. CONSIDERATION OF IMPACT FEE ISSUES Director Keating, through review of his memorandum of August 5, 2011, provided a synopsis of several impact fee concerns raised at the July 12, 2011 Board of County Commission meeting by Charlie Wilson, President, Asset Research and Recovery, LLC (ARR). Among other concerns cited, Mr. Wilson contended that the $200 cost of the impact fee refund application was too high, and that the application fee should not have to be paid when the application was initially filed. Director Keating noted that the County Attorney will be addressing the impact fee issues of a legal nature at a future meeting. Director Keating reported on the two types of impact fee refunds in the County’s Impact Fee Ordinance: (1) Non-Commencement, when the fee payer opts not to start construction of his project; and (2) Failure-to-Expend Funds, when the County fails to spend the funds within six years of collection. He stated in light of ARR’s concerns, staff has established an application fee collection process where upfront payment is no longer required; the fee is subtracted from the application fee refund amount. Regarding the impact fee refund application fee, staff has prepared for Board consideration a Resolution reducing the fee from $200 to $75 and recommends the Board apply the fee to both types of refunds. Director Keating thereafter provided details on a tracking mechanism that could be used to generate reports and possibly email notifications about eligibility for an impact fee refund. Chairman Solari requested that the Board keep the Motions separate for the NonCommencement impact fee refunds and Failure-to-Expend Funds impact fee refunds. Director Keating, responding to Commissioner O’Bryan’s inquiries, provided staff’s definition of “non-commencement of construction,” and confirmed that the structure on Marsh Island (discussed under Item 12.A.1.), would not qualify for an impact fee refund. Attorney Polackwich clarified that Chapter 1000 of County Code, the Impact Fee Ordinance, does not use the term “non-commencement of construction” - it talks about the August 16, 2011 37 Building Permit or initial One-Year Concurrency Certificate as having been revoked, withdrawn, or expired. He stated that he would include interpretations of “non-commencement” in an upcoming presentation addressing impact fees of a legal nature. Charlie Wilson, 1057 6th Avenue, although he disagreed with their definition of “noncommencement,” supported staff’s recommendation regarding the cost of the impact fee refund applications and the timing of the payment. He reported on the system that ARR has developed to track and notify potential eligible persons, and offered ARR’s assistance with the tracking and notification process. Commissioner Davis disclosed that he might be purchasing from Mr. Wilson some data pertaining to open permits, and would abstain from voting. ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, in association with impact fee refund applications associated with building permits or concurrency certificates that have been issued for a project and been revoked, expired, or withdrawn (also referred to as Non-Commencement), the Board, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Davis recused himself): (1) approved to deduct the impact fee refund application fee from the gross amount of the refund due to the fee payer; and (2) approved Resolution 2011-060, revising fees for processing impact fee refund applications. Discussion ensued about the importance of the County having a notification system on refund eligibility, so persons eligible for a refund do not have to track down their own refund. August 16, 2011 38 Chairman Solari felt that if someone has discovered that they are owed a refund because the County has not utilized the funds within six years, they should not be charged the impact fee refund application fee. Budget and Management Director Jason Brown, addressing Commissioner Davis’s question, stated that the County Attorney would be returning with further input on how to determine the distribution of refunds for partially expended funds. Chairman Solari suggested the Board wait for input from the County Attorney before deciding whether to impose an impact fee refund application fee for rebates associated with nonexpended impact fees. Attorney Polackwich reported that not much law exists on impact fee refunds; however, his office is compiling the State law that deals with impact fees. He hoped to bring further information back to the Board in September 2011. Commissioner O’Bryan asked whether the proposed Resolution needed to be amended to reflect that the Board is not at this time acting on the six-year Failure-to-Expend Impact Fee Refunds. Attorney Polackwich responded that since the Board has elected at this time not to impose a fee on the six-year Failure-to-Expend fees, staff should amend the text of the Resolution to reflect that the fee at this time pertains only to the Non-Commencement impact fees. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Chairman Solari, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Davis abstained) to suspend any fees for impact fee refund applications associated with the County’s failure to expend impact fees within six years, August 16, 2011 39 with this matter to be brought back for further consideration. FORM 8.B. MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 12.B. EMERGENCY SERVICES - NONE 12.C. GENERAL SERVICES - NONE 12.D. HUMAN RESOURCES - NONE 12.E. HUMAN SERVICES - NONE 12.F. LEISURE SERVICES - NONE 12.G. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - NONE 12.H. RECREATION - NONE 12.I. PUBLIC WORKS – NONE 12.J. UTILITIES SERVICES 12.J.1. APPROVAL OF BID AWARD FOR IRC BID NO. 2011034 SOUTH REVERSE OSMOSIS PLANT CHEMICAL SYSTEM UPGRADE ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, the Board unanimously August 16, 2011 40 approved the Bid Award to Odyssey Manufacturing Company as the lowest and most responsive bidder meeting the specifications as set forth in the Invitation to Bid, as recommended in the memorandum of August 2, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 12.J.2. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 SYSTEM INC. FOR TO IRC BID NO. 2011032 UPGRADE AND AUTOMATION TO DATA FLOW OF THE REUSE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM UCP 4065 ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, the Board unanimously approved and authorized the Chairman to execute Change Order No. 1 with Data Flow System Inc. in the amount of $16,839.65, as recommended in the memorandum of August 1, 2011. 12.J.3. AMENDMENT #1 TO CONSULTANTS, INC. WORK ORDER NO. 26 FOR WITH GROUND WATER ASSESSMENT MONITORING PROPOSAL NORTH COUNTY WATER PLANT MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, to approve staff’s recommendation. August 16, 2011 41 GEOSYNTEC AND Commissioner O’Bryan remarked on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s (FDEP) tendency to impose what seem to be unreasonable restrictions/requirements to ongoing County projects. Director Olson acknowledged that the FDEP has historically mandated additional requirements that seemed unjustified and burdensome on the County’s projects; however, in the past six or so months, the agency seems to have had a paradigm shift. Responding to direction from Chairman Solari, he agreed to compile for the County Administrator a list (to be added to the items for the Legislative Delegation) of examples of unnecessary restrictions imposed by the FDEP and other regulatory agencies. (Clerk’s Note: Vice Chairman Wheeler exited the meeting at 11:46 a.m.) The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and by a 4-0 vote (Vice Chairman Wheeler absent), the Board approved Amendment No. 1 to Work Order No. 26 with Geosyntec for additional sampling and reporting to the National Attenuation Monitoring Plan in the amount of $7,179.00, as recommended in the memorandum of July 18, 2011. WORK ORDER ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD (Clerk’s Note: Vice Chairman Wheeler rejoined the meeting at 11:49 a.m.) 12.J.4. 82ND AVENUE BRIDGE AT 4TH STREET FORCE MAIN AND REUSE FORCE MAIN CONFLICT, RESOLUTION AND INTERCHANGE FOR LIFT STATION NO. 19 FORCE MAIN PRESSURE REDUCTION, APPROVAL OF WORK AUTHORIZATION NO. 2010-002-UCP 4070, WIP NO. 471-23536044699-11503 August 16, 2011 42 MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, to approve staff’s recommendation. A brief discussion ensued between Commissioner Davis and Director Olson about the benefits of the project, including the provision of a sewer connection to the INEOS New Planet BioEnergy facility. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and the Motion carried unanimously. The Board approved the total cost estimated for the project of $365,638.57, and approved and authorized the Chairman to execute Work Authorization No. 2010-002 to Melvin Bush Construction, Inc., for an amount of $194,009.24 for labor, as recommended in the memorandum of July 29, 2011. 13. COUNTY ATTORNEY MATTERS 13.A. PROPOSED ORDINANCE ELIMINATING ALL REFERENCES TO FIREARMS FROM THE CODE OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY Assistant County Attorney Brooke Odom provided background information on State and local legislation regulating the field of firearms. She explained that Florida Statutes, Section 790.33 preempts the entire field of firearms to the State of Florida, thus superseding County Code, and that the State imposes penalties upon Counties for non-compliance. Attorney Odom recalled that on March 22, 2011, the Board adopted Ordinance 2011-003, permitting the carrying or possession of concealed weapons or firearms in parks and recreational areas, in order to bring the County’s Code in compliance with State law. She thereafter presented staff’s recommendation for the Board to additionally eliminate from County Code, all references to guns, firearms, ammunition, and the discharge of any firearms, through adoption of the proposed Ordinance, subsequent to a public hearing on this matter. August 16, 2011 43 A brief discussion ensued during which Attorney Odom addressed Commissioner O’Bryan’s question about the State laws pertaining to firearm discharge. She also confirmed that the County can still impose safety rules at the local gun ranges. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously authorized the County Attorney’s office to advertise for a public hearing to consider final adoption of the proposed Ordinance eliminating all references to firearms from the Code of Indian River County. 13.B. PURCHASE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED AT 5265 66TH AVENUE, PARCEL 105, OWNED BY THE ESTATE OF ERMA LEE LEWIS Deputy County Attorney Bill DeBraal, through review of his memorandum of August 2, 2011, provided background and analysis on a right-of-way purchase of approximately 0.679 acres owned by the Estate of Erma Lee Lewis. He described the parcel (which will be used for the 66th Avenue Improvement Project), provided a breakdown of costs, and presented staff’s recommendation for Board approval of the right-of-way purchase at the all-inclusive price of $124,574.59. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved and authorized the Chairman to execute the Purchase Agreement for purchase of the necessary right-of-way from the Estate of Erma L. Lewis at a price of $118,335 and attorney’s fees of $6,212.59, as recommended in the memorandum of August 2, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD August 16, 2011 44 The Chairman called a recess at 11:58 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 12:12 p.m., with all members present. 13.C. COST SHARING AGREEMENT BETWEEN MARSH ISLAND AND THE COUNTY FOR DEMOLITION OF UNCOMPLETED HOME, LOT 15 MARSH ISLAND SUBDIVISION, 9250 EAST MARSH ISLAND DRIVE Attorney DeBraal recalled that the Marsh Island Homeowner’s Association (MIHOA) had offered to contribute one-half the cost, up to a maximum of $15,000, for demolition of a dilapidated structure located on Lot 15, Marsh Island Subdivision. He advised that pursuant to Board direction on June 21, 2011, staff was returning with a proposed cost-sharing agreement between the County and the MIHOA, and presented staff’s recommendation for approval of same. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved and directed the Chairman to execute the Cost Share Agreement between the Marsh Island Homeowners’ Association (MIHOA) and the County for the demolition of the structures on Lot 15, Marsh Island Subdivision, as recommended in the memorandum of August 3, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 13.D. COST SHARING AGREEMENT BETWEEN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY AND RUSSELL J. KELLY Attorney DeBraal stated that Russell J. Kelly, owner of property located at 905 Bowline Drive, had alerted the County about a section of seawall on his property that appears to have August 16, 2011 45 damage from a broken drainage pipe in the County’s easement. He related that Mr. Kelly had agreed to split the costs of the repairs 50/50 with the County, and asked the Board to approve the cost-sharing agreement, with the County’s cost not to exceed $8,635.00. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved and authorized the Chairman to execute the Cost Sharing Agreement with Russell J. Kelly. Upon completion and approval of the construction work and receipt of all liens, the County will issue a joint check to Mr. Kelly and Wilco Construction in full satisfaction of this matter, all as recommended and stated in the memorandum of August 9, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 13.E. INITIAL BOARD REVIEW OF COMMITTEE TERMS ISSUES Attorney Polackwich, through review of his August 1, 2011 memorandum, presented background and analysis on some issues regarding committee member terms. He explained that some of the tracking data for committee member terms, appointments, and reappointments, had been incomplete, and to remedy that, the County Attorney’s office has constructed a new baseline for committee member terms (as outlined in the proposed Resolution). He said that in order to correct an internal inconsistency involving the committee member terms, wherein half the members are up for reappointment after each County Commissioner election every two years, staff recommends amending Section 103.02 of County Code to change the default terms from two to four years. Attorney Polackwich suggested the Board consider appointing an individual (“the Monitor”) to oversee committee terms going forward, with likely candidates being the County Commissioner’s assistants; the County Administrator’s office, or the County Attorney’s August 16, 2011 46 office. He advised that he was seeking the Board’s guidance in how to proceed, and that a public hearing on this matter would occur in September 2011. Discussion followed regarding the best choice for the committee appointee Monitor. Administrator Baird and Chairman Solari felt that the County Commission office should oversee the monitoring of the committee member assignments. Commissioner Davis and Vice Chairman Wheeler preferred having the County Attorney’s office monitor the committee appointees. Commissioner O’Bryan questioned whether a term of service needs to be stipulated for those committee members serving at the pleasure of an individual Commissioner. Attorney Polackwich explained that the proposed amendments to Section 103.02 contain language specifying that a committee member appointed by an individual Commissioner serves at his/her pleasure. Commissioner Davis asked about the terms for the “at-large” positions, which are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Attorney Polackwich suggested that the Board add a general provision to the amendments stating that all members that are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners serve at the will of the Board. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, to approve staff’s recommendation, with the addition of the language that any County-appointed individual serves at the will of the County Commission. August 16, 2011 47 Commissioner Davis mentioned he was not averse to having someone in the Commission Office monitor the committee member terms, provided the County Attorney was ready to resolve any questions/issues. Attorney Polackwich advised he would leave blank the designation for the Monitor until the Board re-examines this matter in September 2011. He emphasized, however, that it would be best for one designated individual to handle the task. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and the Motion carried. The Board unanimously: (1) authorized staff to provide notice for a public hearing to be held in September 2011, regarding the proposed Ordinance pertaining to Commissions and Boards and directed staff to finalize the proposed Ordinance; and (2) directed staff to finalize the proposed Resolution, including wording stating that all members that are appointed by the County Commission serve at the will of the County Commission, re-establishing the terms of members of certain boards and committees and establishing a process to monitor terms in the future, with no individual/s to be appointed to monitor committee terms going forward until this item is brought back in September 2011. 13.F. QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS Attorney Polackwich, through review of his August 1, 2011 memorandum, provided background and analysis on staff’s request to adopt written guidelines for the quasi-judicial hearings of the Board of County Commissioners. He stated that he was not necessarily seeking August 16, 2011 48 approval today, but wanted the Board’s assessment of whether staff was on the right track with the proposed Resolution establishing those guidelines. Commissioner Davis observed that he liked the flexibility in the proposed guidelines. He also requested that staff provide to the Commissioners a brief synopsis of the legal requirements that they must adhere to. Attorney Polackwich suggested adding to the guidelines, the requirement for the Commissioners to be given notice as soon as staff learns about a forthcoming quasi-judicial hearing. He added that the notice was to contain a brief summary reminder of the rules the Board needs to follow. Commissioner Davis advised Attorney Polackwich that staff was on the right track; however, he was not ready to approve the Resolution today. Attorney Polackwich indicated that he would bring the proposed Resolution back in September 2011, with a change reflecting that staff is to provide to the Commissioners, as soon as possible, the notice and a reminder of the requirements. ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, the Board unanimously directed the County Attorney to return in September 2011 with the proposed Resolution establishing guidelines for Quasi-Judicial proceedings before the Board, to include direction for staff to provide, as soon as possible, notice to the Commissioners about a forthcoming quasi-judicial hearing, with the notice to contain a synopsis of the rules that must be followed. August 16, 2011 49 14. COMMISSIONER ITEMS 14.A. COMMISSIONER BOB SOLARI, CHAIRMAN 14.A.1. PUBLIC RECORDS Chairman Solari brought to the Board’s attention a newspaper editorial alleging that the County needs to have improved public access to public records, including Commissioner emails. He wanted to explore the possibility of setting up a system that is equivalent in costs and labor to the current system, for the purpose of making Commissioner emails more readily accessible to the public. An extensive discussion followed, with input from Computer Services Manager Basil Dancy, and Budget and Management Director Jason Brown, regarding the County’s: (1) current operating procedure and charges for public records searches; (2) manpower and budget for computer support services, and potential cost of setting up a new system; (3) establishing a screening process to protect confidential information that is divulged in emails to the Commissioners and County Administrator; (4) how to organize the emails into a central database for the public to access; (5) the system used in Martin County; and (6) which emails are considered “public record.” No Board Action Required or Taken 14.A.2. FLORIDA TREND ARTICLE Chairman Solari reported that this month (August 2011), the online publication included a favorable write-up about some of the amenities available in Vero Beach. No Board Action Required or Taken August 16, 2011 50 14.A.3. LEMONADE FREEDOM DAY Chairman Solari provided background on a situation occurring in several states, wherein children selling lemonade have been shut down by regulatory authorities for code violations. He wanted to ensure that there are no County regulations that would prohibit children from selling lemonade. He noted that Lemonade Freedom Day is August 20, 2011. No Board Action Required or Taken 14.A.4. SAND MINE BUFFERS - DELETED 14.B. COMMISSIONER GARY C. WHEELER, VICE CHAIRMAN - NONE 14.C. COMMISSIONER WESLEY S. DAVIS 14.C.1. SECONDARY METALS RECYCLERS Commissioner Davis reported that metal theft has been on the rise, referencing a nonprofit organization that recently had an air conditioning unit stolen. He felt the Board should investigate whether something can be done to deter these types of crimes. Chairman Solari suggested that the County Attorney discuss this matter with the Sheriff, to see if some deterrent to the metal thefts can be found that would not place an onerous burden upon honest citizens. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, to direct the County Attorney to discuss with the Sheriff, possible deterrents to metal theft. August 16, 2011 51 Board discussion about this issue ensued, with input by Administrator Baird, who noted several instances where the County had been affected by this type of theft. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried. The Board unanimously directed the County Attorney to discuss with the Sheriff, possible deterrents to metal theft. 14.D. COMMISSIONER JOSEPH E. FLESCHER - NONE 14.E. COMMISSIONER PETER D. O’BRYAN 14.E.1. ARTIFICIAL REEF STUDY WORKSHOP Commissioner O’Bryan relayed the request of Mayor Richard Dunlop, Town of Orchid, to have a Joint Workshop with the County Commissioners, the Beach and Shore Preservation Advisory Committee, and the Mayors of the four neighboring municipalities, for the purpose of discussing artificial reefs as a means to control beach erosion. He asked fellow Board members for their input on the workshop, noting that the next Beach and Shore Preservation Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Monday, September 19, 2011. Administrator Baird mentioned that there would be discussion on artificial reefs at the Florida Shore & Beach Preservation Association (FSBPA) Annual Conference to be held September 14 – 16, 2011, in Miami, and that County Coastal Engineer James Gray would be attending said conference. Chairman Solari preferred to have staff provide an update with a global perspective on erosion control options, before deciding that artificial reefs would be the best option. August 16, 2011 52 Commissioner Flescher declared that the Mayors were not looking for a specific remedy, and that the Joint Workshop would be a good venue to discuss potential beach erosion solutions. After further discussion, the Board agreed that Mr. Gray could brief the Board and the Mayors with an update on the beach erosion options discussed at the FSBPA Conference at the next Beach & Shore Preservation Advisory Committee meeting on September 19, 2011. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, to schedule a Joint Workshop Meeting with Mayors Richard Dunlop, Town of Orchid; Susan Adams, City of Fellsmere; Thomas Cadden, Town of Indian River Shores; Jim Hill, City of Sebastian; and Jay Kramer, City of Vero Beach; to be held in conjunction with the Beach & Shore Preservation Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for September 19, 2011, for the purpose of discussing solutions to beach erosion, pending acceptance of the County’s invitation to the aforementioned 5 mayors. Chairman Solari recapped that the Board wished to invite the Mayors to a Joint Workshop, to be held in conjunction with the next Beach & Shore Preservation Advisory Committee, with Coastal Engineer James Gray to give a presentation on possible beach erosion solutions. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and the Motion carried unanimously. August 16, 2011 53 15. SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS 15.A. EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT The Chairman announced that immediately upon adjournment of the Regular Board of County Commission Meeting, the Board would reconvene as the Board of Commissioners of the Emergency Services District. Those Minutes are being prepared separately. 15.A.1. DESIGN/BUILD CONTRACT RENOVATION AND WITH CONSTRUCTION BARTH CONSTRUCTION OF FOR THE EMERGENCY SERVICES FIRE RESCUE STATIONS (RFQ #2011036) 15.B. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT The Chairman announced that immediately upon adjournment of the Regular Emergency Services District Meeting, the Board would reconvene as the Board of Commissioners of the Solid Waste Disposal District. Those Minutes are being prepared separately. 15.B.1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MEETING OF JUNE 21, 2011 15.B.2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MEETING OF JULY 12, 2011 15.B.3. APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENTS BID AWARD AT FOR IRC BID NO. 2011055, FENCING INDIAN RIVER COUNTY LANDFILL RECYCLING CENTER 15.B.4. REQUEST TO RENEW LEASE BY MWI CORPORATION August 16, 2011 54 15.B.5. AGREEMENT FOR PROCESSING AND RECYCLING OF YARD WASTE WITH CONSOLIDATED RESOURCES RECOVERY 15.B.6. WASTE OIL SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH FCC ENVIRONMENTAL 15.C. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD - NONE ALL BACKUP DOCUMENTATION, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD AND ARE HEREBY MADE A PART OF THESE MINUTES 16. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 1:32 p.m. ATTEST: _________________________________ ________________________________ Jeffrey K. Barton, Clerk Bob Solari, Chairman Minutes Approved: _________________ BCC/MG/2011Minutes August 16, 2011 55 JEFFREY K. BARTON Clerk to the Board INDEX TO MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER..............................................................................................................................1 2. INVOCATION ....................................................................................................................................1 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ............................................................................................................1 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA/EMERGENCY ITEMS - NONE .....................2 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS ..............................................................................2 5.A. P RESENTATION OF P ROCLAMATION D ESIGNATING THE M ONTH OF S EPTEMBER AS 5.B. S ICKLE C ELL A WARENESS M ONTH ...................................................................... 2 P RESENTATION BY V ICKI W ILD , E XECUTIVE D IRECTOR , K EEP I NDIAN R IVER B EAUTIFUL , P ROMOTING THE I NTERNATIONAL C OASTAL C LEANUP E VENT AND THE 6. O CEAN C ONSERVANCY ON S EPTEMBER 17, 2011 ............................................... 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES ..............................................................................................................3 6.A. B UDGET W ORKSHOP OF J ULY 13, 2011 .................................................................... 3 6.B. R EGULAR M EETING OF J ULY 19, 2011 ..................................................................... 3 September 6, 2011 1 7. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS FROM STAFF OR COMMISSIONERS NOT REQUIRING BOARD ACTION ...............................................................................................................................3 J UVENILE J USTICE C OUNCIL .................................................................................... 3 7.A. 8. CONSENT AGENDA ........................................................................................................................4 8.A. A PPROVAL OF W ARRANTS AND W IRES – J ULY 15, 2011 TO J ULY 21, 2011 ................ 4 8.B. A PPROVAL OF W ARRANTS AND W IRES – A UGUST 5, 2011 TO A UGUST 11, 2011 ........ 4 8.C. A PPROVAL OF W ARRANTS AND W IRES – A UGUST 12, 2011 TO A UGUST 18, 2011 ...... 4 8.D. A PPROVAL OF W ARRANTS AND W IRES – A UGUST 19, 2011 TO A UGUST 25, 2011 ...... 5 8.E. C AROLE J EAN J ORDAN , I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY T AX C OLLECTOR , C ERTIFICATION OF T AX R OLL ................................................................................. 5 8.F. INEOS N EW P LANET B IOENERGY C ASH D EPOSIT AND E SCROW A GREEMENT FOR 8.G. C OMPLIANCE I NCIDENTAL M INING ................................................................... 6 D EVELOPER : N ORTH S HORE C LUB , LLC A CCEPTANCE OF T EMPORARY E ASEMENT FOR U TILITIES U NTIL P ROPERTY IS P LATTED D EPICTING A P ERPETUAL E ASEMENT ........................................................................................... 6 8.H. R ESOLUTIONS C ANCELLING T AXES ON P ROPERTIES A CQUIRED BY THE I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY H OUSING A UTHORITY FOR P UBLIC P URPOSES .................................. 7 8.I. A PPROVAL OF A TTORNEY ’ S F EES AND E XPENSES IN CRF P ANTHER B ANKRUPTCY ......................................................................................................... 8 8.J. A PPROVAL OF R ENEWAL OF A C LASS “E” C ERTIFICATE OF P UBLIC C ONVENIENCE AND N ECESSITY FOR ARC OF I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY TO P ROVIDE W HEELCHAIR S ERVICES ............................................................................ 8 8.K. A PPROVAL OF R ENEWAL FOR A C LASS “E” AND C LASS “B” C ERTIFICATE OF P UBLIC C ONVENIENCE AND N ECESSITY FOR A LL C OUNTY A MBULANCE I NC . TO P ROVIDE W HEELCHAIR /S TRETCHER AND I NTERFACILITY A MBULANCE T RANSPORTATION S ERVICES ................................................................................... 9 8.L. A PPROVAL OF R ENEWAL FOR A C LASS “E” C ERTIFICATE OF P UBLIC C ONVENIENCE AND N ECESSITY FOR S ENIOR R ESOURCE A SSOCIATION TO P ROVIDE W HEELCHAIR S ERVICES ............................................................................ 9 8.M. R EQUEST FOR U SE OF H OLMAN S TADIUM – “T HIRD A NNUAL C ELEBRITY VS . G OVERNMENT S OFTBALL G AME F UNDRAISER ” ...................................................... 10 8.N. R EQUEST FOR U SE OF H OLMAN S TADIUM – “S IXTH A NNUAL M ARDY ’ S T ENNIS AND J AKE ’ S September 6, 2011 M USIC F EST ” ..................................................................................... 10 2 8.O. C ONSIDERATION OF I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY ’ S 2011 SHIP P ROGRAM A NNUAL R EPORTS .............................................................................................................. 11 8.P. J OINT P ARTICIPATION A GREEMENT (JPA) WITH THE F LORIDA D EPARTMENT OF T RANSPORTATION (FDOT) FOR : U PGRADES TO T RAFFIC S IGNAL S YSTEM E QUIPMENT FM# 228613-3-54-01 ......................................................................... 11 8.Q. M AINTENANCE OF C OUNTY B EACH P ARKS AND B EACH A CCESS P OINTS ................. 12 8.R. F.D.O.T. L OCAL A GENCY P ROGRAM (LAP) S UPPLEMENTAL A GREEMENT AND R ESOLUTION A UTHORIZING THE C HAIRMAN ’ S S IGNATURE FPN N O . 418136-158-01 I NDIAN R IVER B OULEVARD S IDEWALK I MPROVEMENTS FROM 12 TH S T . TO 17 TH S T . IRC P ROJECT N O . 0745 ............................................................................ 12 8.S. A GREEMENT FOR P ROFESSIONAL C IVIL E NGINEERING S ERVICES WITH B RIDGE D ESIGN A SSOCIATES , I NC . FOR IRC P ROJECT N O . 0517 O SLO R OAD P HASE III FROM 58 TH A VENUE TO 43 RD A VENUE ..................................................................... 13 8.T. M ISCELLANEOUS B UDGET A MENDMENT 022 .......................................................... 13 8.U. A PPROVAL OF B ID A WARD FOR IRC B ID N O . 2012003 A NNUAL B ID TO F URNISH AND D ELIVER P OLYMER .......................................................................... 14 8.V. F.D.O.T. C ONSTRUCTION A GREEMENT AND R ESOLUTION A UTHORIZING THE C HAIRMAN ’ S S IGNATURE 66 TH A VENUE AND SR 60 – IRC P ROJECT N O . 0545 ......... 15 8.W. A PPROVAL OF B ID A WARD FOR IRC B ID N O . 2011051 D EMOLITION OF T WO (2) C ONDEMNED S TRUCTURES .................................................................................... 15 8.X. A PPROVAL OF B ID A WARD FOR IRC B ID N O . 2012004 A NNUAL B ID FOR A LUMINUM S IGN B LANKS AND H ARDWARE ........................................................... 16 8.Y. A CCEPTANCE OF E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT S UBGRANT A GREEMENT 12-BG10-40-01-031 ........................................................................................................ 17 8.Z. A CCEPTANCE OF E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT F EDERALLY -F UNDED S UBGRANT A GREEMENT 12-FG-10-40-01-098 ......................................................................... 17 9. CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS AND GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES - NONE .................18 10. PUBLIC ITEMS ................................................................................................................................18 10.A. PUBLIC HEARING(S) - N ONE ............................................................................. 18 10.B. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS ............................................................................. 18 10.B.1. R EQUEST TO S PEAK FROM P ETE S HARMAN R EGARDING P EP R EEF .......................... 18 10.C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS ..................................................................................... 19 September 6, 2011 3 10.C.1. N OTICE OF S CHEDULED P UBLIC H EARING S EPTEMBER 13, 2011: T O C ONSIDER A DOPTION OF AN O RDINANCE A MENDING C HAPTER 103 OF THE C ODE W ITH R ESPECT TO C OMMITTEE M EMBER T ERMS AND TO A DDRESS AND C ORRECT C ERTAIN I NCONSISTENCIES AND H OUSEKEEPING M ATTERS (L EGISLATIVE ) ........... 19 10.C.2. N OTICE OF S CHEDULED P UBLIC H EARING S EPTEMBER 13, 2011: T O C ONSIDER A DOPTION OF AN O RDINANCE R EMOVING FROM THE C ODE ANY P ROVISIONS R ELATING TO F IREARMS AND A MMUNITION (L EGISLATIVE ) .................................. 19 10.C.3. N OTICE OF S CHEDULED P UBLIC H EARINGS S EPTEMBER 13, 2011, S EPTEMBER 20, 2011, AND O CTOBER 18, 2011: R ELATING TO R EDISTRICTING OF I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY C OMMISSIONER D ISTRICTS (A DMINISTRATIVE ) ............................ 19 11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS - NONE ....................................................................19 12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS ......................................................................................................20 12.A. C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT ................................................................................. 20 12.A.1. R EQUEST FROM W ATERWAY V ILLAGE D EVELOPER TO E XTEND T IMEFRAMES FOR C OMPLETING I NTERNAL S IDEWALKS AND S ECOND (F INAL ) L IFT OF A SPHALT .............................................................................................................. 20 12.B. E MERGENCY S ERVICES - N ONE .............................................................................. 21 12.C. G ENERAL S ERVICES - N ONE .................................................................................. 21 12.D. H UMAN R ESOURCES - N ONE .................................................................................. 21 12.E. H UMAN S ERVICES - N ONE ..................................................................................... 21 12.F. L EISURE S ERVICES - N ONE .................................................................................... 21 12.G. O FFICE OF M ANAGEMENT AND B UDGET - N ONE ..................................................... 21 12.H. R ECREATION - N ONE ............................................................................................. 21 12.I. P UBLIC W ORKS - N ONE ......................................................................................... 22 12.J. U TILITIES S ERVICES .............................................................................................. 22 12.J.1. W EST R EGIONAL O DOR C ONTROL S TUDY – F INAL P AY R EQUEST ........................... 22 12.J.2. U TILITY C ONSTRUCTION S TANDARDS S EPTEMBER 2011 – UCP 3110 ...................... 22 12.J.3. S POONBILL M ARSH W ETLAND F ACILITY – A DDITIONAL O YSTER B EDS .................. 23 13. COUNTY ATTORNEY MATTERS ...............................................................................................23 September 6, 2011 4 13.A. I NITIAL R EVIEW AND D ISCUSSION OF P ROPOSED I NDIAN R IVER C OUNTY S ECONDARY M ETALS R ECYCLERS O RDINANCE ...................................................... 23 13.B. Q UASI -J UDICIAL P ROCEEDINGS ............................................................................. 27 13.C. A MENDED R ESOLUTION OF N ECESSITY FOR THE L AUREL H OMES P ARCEL OF P ROPERTY L OCATED ON 66 TH A VENUE S OUTH OF 15 TH S TREET ................................ 28 14. COMMISSIONER ITEMS ...............................................................................................................29 14.A. C OMMISSIONER B OB S OLARI , C HAIRMAN - N ONE ................................................... 29 14.B. C OMMISSIONER G ARY C. W HEELER , V ICE C HAIRMAN - N ONE ................................ 29 14.C. C OMMISSIONER W ESLEY S. D AVIS - N ONE ............................................................. 29 14.D. C OMMISSIONER J OSEPH E. F LESCHER - N ONE ........................................................ 30 14.E. C OMMISSIONER P ETER D. O’B RYAN - N ONE .......................................................... 30 15. SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS .........................................................................................30 15.A. E MERGENCY S ERVICES D ISTRICT - N ONE ............................................................... 30 15.B. S OLID W ASTE D ISPOSAL D ISTRICT ........................................................................ 30 15.B.1. A PPROVAL OF M INUTES SWDD B UDGET H EARING J ULY 13, 2011 .......................... 30 15.B.2. A PPROVAL OF M INUTES M EETING OF J ULY 19, 2011 .............................................. 30 15.B.3. 2011 P ETITION H EARING – S OLID W ASTE D ISPOSAL D ISTRICT A SSESSMENT F EES ..................................................................................................................... 30 15.C. E NVIRONMENTAL C ONTROL B OARD ...................................................................... 30 15.C.1. A PPROVAL OF M INUTES M EETING OF M AY 24, 2011 .............................................. 30 15.C.2. R EPORT OF A CTIVITIES FOR T HIRD Q UARTER FY10-11 (A PRIL THROUGH J UNE 2011) ................................................................................................................... 31 16. ADJOURNMENT .............................................................................................................................31 September 6, 2011 5 JEFFREY K. BARTON Clerk to the Board September 6, 2011 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, met in Regular Session at the County Commission Chambers, 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, September 6, 2011. Present were Chairman Bob Solari, Vice Chairman Gary C. Wheeler, Commissioners Wesley S. Davis and Peter D. O’Bryan. Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher was absent. Also present were County Administrator Joseph A. Baird, County Attorney Alan S. Polackwich, Sr., and Deputy Clerk Leona Adair Allen. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Solari called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. INVOCATION Deputy Teddy Floyd, Indian River County Sheriff’s Department, delivered the Invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Administrator Baird led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. September 6, 2011 1 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA/EMERGENCY ITEMS - NONE ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved the Agenda as presented. 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.A. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER AS SICKLE CELL AWARENESS MONTH Commissioner Davis read and presented the Proclamation to Yvette Coursey, Chief Executive Officer for the Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast. She thanked the Board for the Proclamation, provided information regarding upcoming activities, and announced that further information could be obtained by calling (561) 833-3113, or e-mailing the West Palm Beach office at [email protected]. 5.B. PRESENTATION BY VICKI WILD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, KEEP INDIAN RIVER BEAUTIFUL, PROMOTING THE INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEANUP EVENT AND THE OCEAN CONSERVANCY ON SEPTEMBER 17, 2011 Vicki Wild was absent. September 6, 2011 2 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6.A. BUDGET WORKSHOP OF JULY 13, 2011 The Chairman asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes of the Budget Workshop Meeting of July 13, 2011. There were none. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved the Minutes of the Budget Workshop of July 13, 2011, as written. 6.B. REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19, 2011 The Chairman asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19, 2011. There were none. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19, 2011, as written. 7. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS FROM STAFF OR COMMISSIONERS NOT REQUIRING BOARD ACTION 7.A. JUVENILE JUSTICE COUNCIL Noted for the record was the request from the Juvenile Justice Council for Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher to serve as a Council member. This appointment/membership is a State requirement. September 6, 2011 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA 8.A. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS AND WIRES – JULY 15, 2011 TO JULY 21, 2011 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved the list of Warrants and Wires as issued by the Clerk to the Board for the time period of July 15, 2011 to July 21, 2011, as requested in the memorandum of July 21, 2011. 8.B. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS AND WIRES – AUGUST 5, 2011 TO AUGUST 11, 2011 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved the list of Warrants and Wires as issued by the Clerk to the Board for the time period of August 5, 2011 to August 11, 2011, as requested in the memorandum of August 11, 2011. 8.C. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS AND WIRES – AUGUST 12, 2011 TO AUGUST 18, 2011 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved the list of Warrants and Wires as issued by the Clerk to the Board for the time period of August 12, 2011 to August 18, 2011, as requested in the memorandum of August 18, 2011. September 6, 2011 4 8.D. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS AND WIRES – AUGUST 19, 2011 TO AUGUST 25, 2011 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved the list of Warrants and Wires as issued by the Clerk to the Board for the time period of August 19, 2011 to August 25, 2011, as requested in the memorandum of August 25, 2011. 8.E. CAROLE JEAN JORDAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR, CERTIFICATION OF TAX ROLL ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board ordered the certification of the 2011 tax roll to be extended prior to the completion of the Value Adjustment Board (VAB) hearings, if completion of the hearings would otherwise be the only cause for a delay in the issuance of tax notices beyond November 1, 2011, as requested in the Tax Collector’s memorandum dated August 25, 2011. September 6, 2011 5 8.F. INEOS NEW PLANET BIOENERGY CASH DEPOSIT AND ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE INCIDENTAL MINING ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board authorized the Chairman to execute the Cash Deposit and Escrow Agreement for Compliance, as recommended in the memorandum of August 19, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.G. DEVELOPER: NORTH SHORE CLUB, LLC ACCEPTANCE OF TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES UNTIL PROPERTY IS PLATTED DEPICTING A PERPETUAL EASEMENT ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved and accepted the Temporary Utility Easement and authorized the Chairman to execute same, for recordation in the Public Records of Indian River County, as recommended in the memorandum of August 26, 2011. EASEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD September 6, 2011 6 8.H. RESOLUTIONS CANCELLING TAXES ON PROPERTIES ACQUIRED BY THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved: (1) Resolution 2011-061, cancelling certain taxes upon publicly owned lands, pursuant to Section 196.28, Florida Statutes. (Federal National Mortgage Association to Indian River County Housing Authority Neighborhood Stabilization Program) (2) Resolution 2011-062, cancelling certain taxes upon publicly owned lands, pursuant to Section 196.28, Florida Statutes. (Bank of America, N.A. to Indian River County Housing Authority Neighborhood Stabilization Program) (3) Resolution 2011-063, cancelling certain taxes upon publicly owned lands, pursuant to Section 196.28, Florida Statutes. (HSBC Bank USA, National Association, as Trustee for the holders of Deutsche Alt-A Securities Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2006-AR1 to Indian River County Housing Authority Neighborhood Stabilization Program) (4) Resolution 2011- 064, cancelling certain taxes upon publicly owned lands, pursuant to Section 196.28, Florida Statutes. September 6, 2011 7 (HSBC Bank USA, National Association, as Trustee for Wells Fargo Asset Securities Corporation Home Equity Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2006-1 to Indian River County Housing Authority Neighborhood Stabilization Program) 8.I. APPROVAL OF ATTORNEY’S FEES AND EXPENSES IN CRF PANTHER BANKRUPTCY ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved payment of the Bush Ross final invoice in the amount of $1,682.82, as recommended in the memorandum of August 23, 2011. 8.J. APPROVAL OF RENEWAL OF A CLASS “E” CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR ARC OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY TO PROVIDE WHEELCHAIR SERVICES ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved renewal of the Class “E” Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Abilities Resource Center (ARC) of Indian River County, to be effective for a period of two (2) years, commencing October 5, 2011, and expiring October 5, 2013, as recommended in the memorandum of August 15, 2011. CERTIFICATE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD September 6, 2011 8 8.K. APPROVAL OF RENEWAL FOR A CLASS “E” AND CLASS “B” CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR ALL COUNTY AMBULANCE INC. TO PROVIDE WHEELCHAIR/STRETCHER AND INTERFACILITY AMBULANCE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved renewal of the Class “E” and Class “B” Certificate of Public convenience and Necessity for All County Ambulance, Inc., to be effective for a period of two (2) years, from October 2, 2011 to October 2, 2013, as recommended in the memorandum of August 9, 2011. CERTIFICATE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.L. APPROVAL OF RENEWAL FOR A CLASS “E” CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR SENIOR RESOURCE ASSOCIATION TO PROVIDE WHEELCHAIR SERVICES ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved renewal of the Class “E” Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Senior Resource Association, to be effective for a period of two (2) years from October 2, 2011 to October 2, 2013, as recommended in the memorandum of August 15, 2011. September 6, 2011 9 CERTIFICATE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.M. REQUEST FOR USE OF HOLMAN STADIUM – “THIRD ANNUAL CELEBRITY VS. GOVERNMENT SOFTBALL GAME FUNDRAISER” ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board: (1) approved the Holman Stadium Use Agreement with Every Dream Has a Price, Inc.; (2) authorized the County Administrator or his designee to execute the Agreement; and (3) granted the User Group’s request for waiver of the standard security deposit and deletion of the alcohol prohibition required under Section E of Exhibit 1 to the standard Stadium Use Agreement, all as recommended in the memorandum of July 20, 2011 AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.N. REQUEST FOR USE OF HOLMAN STADIUM – “SIXTH ANNUAL MARDY’S TENNIS AND JAKE’S MUSIC FEST” ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board: (1) approved the Holman Stadium Use Agreement with the Jake Owen Foundation; (2) authorized the County Administrator or his designee to execute the Agreement; and (3) granted the User Group’s request for reduction of the standard security deposit and deletion of the alcohol prohibition required under Section September 6, 2011 10 E of Exhibit 1 to the standard Stadium Use Agreement, all as recommended in the memorandum of July 28, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.O. CONSIDERATION OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY’S 2011 SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORTS ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board: (1) approved the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) annual reports; and (2) authorized the Chairman to execute the report’s certification pages, as recommended in the memorandum of August 15, 2011. REPORTS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.P. JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (JPA) WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) FOR: UPGRADES TO TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM EQUIPMENT FM# 228613-3-54-01 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved Resolution 2011065, authorizing a Joint Participation Agreement for traffic signal system enhancements. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD September 6, 2011 11 8.Q. MAINTENANCE OF COUNTY BEACH PARKS AND BEACH ACCESS POINTS ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board authorized an invitation to bid the service functions associated with routine beach park maintenance and return to the Board at a future date to determine whether to award a contract to the successful bidder, or to reject all bids and continue the operation inhouse, as recommended in the memorandum of August 26, 2011. 8.R. F.D.O.T. LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM (LAP) SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT AND RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN’S SIGNATURE FPN NO. 418136-1-58-01 INDIAN RIVER BOULEVARD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS FROM 12 TH ST. TO 17TH ST. IRC PROJECT NO. 0745 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved Resolution 2011066, authorizing execution of a Supplemental Local Agency Program Agreement for Indian River Boulevard sidewalk improvements from 12th Street to 17th Street, with the State of Florida, Department of Transportation. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD September 6, 2011 12 8.S. AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH BRIDGE DESIGN ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR IRC PROJECT NO. 0517 OSLO ROAD PHASE III FROM 58TH AVENUE TO 43RD AVENUE ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board: (1) approved the Professional Civil Engineering Services Agreement with Bridge Design Associates, Inc., authorizing design and construction phase services as outlined in the proposal; and (2) authorized the Chairman to execute the Agreement for the not-to-exceed amount of $66,630.00, as recommended in the memorandum of August 9, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.T. MISCELLANEOUS BUDGET AMENDMENT 022 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved Resolution 2011067, amending the fiscal year 2010-2011 Budget. September 6, 2011 13 8.U. APPROVAL OF BID AWARD FOR IRC BID NO. 2012003 ANNUAL BID TO FURNISH AND DELIVER POLYMER ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board: (1) approved the bid award to Polydyne, Inc., as the lowest and most responsive bidder meeting the specifications as set forth in the Invitation to Bid; (2) authorized the Purchasing Division to issue blanket purchase orders for the period of October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012 with the recommended bidder; and (3) authorized the Purchasing Manager to renew this bid for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, subject to satisfactory performance, vendor acceptance, and the determination that renewal of this bid is in the best interest of Indian River County, all as recommended in the memorandum of August 30, 2011. September 6, 2011 14 8.V. F.D.O.T. CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT AND RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN’S SIGNATURE 66 TH AVENUE AND SR 60 – IRC PROJECT NO. 0545 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved Resolution 2011068, authorizing execution of a Construction Agreement for construction, for the widening of 66th Avenue at SR 60 within the State right-of-way with the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and providing an effective date. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.W. APPROVAL OF BID AWARD FOR IRC BID NO. 2011051 DEMOLITION OF TWO (2) CONDEMNED STRUCTURES ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved: (1) bid award to LGT Enterprises, LLC as the lowest and most responsive bidder meeting the specifications as set forth in the Invitation to Bid; and (2) the issuance of a Purchase Order after receipt and approval of the appropriate Certificate of Insurance, as recommended in the memorandum of August 5, 2011. September 6, 2011 15 8.X. APPROVAL OF BID AWARD FOR IRC BID NO. 2012004 ANNUAL BID FOR ALUMINUM SIGN BLANKS AND HARDWARE ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board: (1) approved the bid award to Universal Signs and Accessories as the lowest and most responsive bidder meeting the specifications as set forth in the Invitation to Bid; (2) authorized the Purchasing Division to issue blanket purchase orders or individual job purchase orders, for the period of October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012 with the recommended bidder; and (3) authorized the Purchasing Manager to renew this bid for two (2) additional one (1) year periods subject to satisfactory performance, vendor acceptance, and the determination that renewal of this annual bid is in the best interest of Indian River County, as recommended in the memorandum of August 25, 2011. September 6, 2011 16 8.Y. ACCEPTANCE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SUBGRANT AGREEMENT 12-BG-10-40-01-031 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board: (1) approved the Federally Funded Subgrant Agreement (12-BG-__-10-40-01-031); and (2) authorized the Chairman to execute said Agreement between Indian River County Emergency Management and the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, as recommended in the memorandum of August 25, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD 8.Z. ACCEPTANCE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FEDERALLY-FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT 12-FG-10-40-01-098 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board: (1) approved the Federally Funded Subgrant Agreement (12-FG-__-10-40-01-098); and (2) authorized the Chairman to execute said Agreement between Indian River County Emergency Management and the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, as recommended in the memorandum of August 25, 2011. AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD September 6, 2011 17 9. CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS AND GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES - NONE 10. PUBLIC ITEMS 10.A. PUBLIC HEARING(S) - NONE 10.B. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.B.1. REQUEST TO SPEAK FROM PETE SHARMAN REGARDING PEP REEF Pete Sharman proposed building another reef to help protect the barrier island from beach erosion. He suggested building the permanent reef from concrete rubble of buildings, bridges, and roads being demolished. He also suggested procuring a dredge, tug, and barge that could deliver sand to the reef site during construction, replenish beaches as necessary, and even do private dredging. He said his proposal would provide jobs, save debris from going into the solid waste site, create new fishing and diving areas, and save money on dredging. NO BOARD ACTION REQUIRED OR TAKEN Commissioners Davis and O’Bryan acknowledged that this item would be further discussed at the Coastal Structures Workshop, scheduled for Monday, September 19, 2011, at 3:00 p.m., in Building “B”, Room 1-501. September 6, 2011 18 10.C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS 10.C.1. NOTICE OF SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 13, 2011: TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 103 OF THE CODE WITH RESPECT TO COMMITTEE MEMBER TERMS AND TO ADDRESS AND CORRECT CERTAIN INCONSISTENCIES AND HOUSEKEEPING MATTERS (LEGISLATIVE) 10.C.2. NOTICE OF SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 13, 2011: TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE REMOVING FROM THE CODE ANY PROVISIONS RELATING TO FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION (LEGISLATIVE) 10.C.3. NOTICE OF SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARINGS SEPTEMBER 13, 2011, SEPTEMBER 20, 2011, AND OCTOBER 18, 2011: RELATING TO REDISTRICTING OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICTS (ADMINISTRATIVE) County Attorney Alan S. Polackwich, Sr. read the notices into the record. Chairman Solari announced that proposed redistricting maps are located on the County’s website, and in the Foyer of Administration Building “A.” 11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS - NONE September 6, 2011 19 12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS 12.A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 12.A.1. REQUEST FROM WATERWAY VILLAGE DEVELOPER TO EXTEND TIMEFRAMES FOR COMPLETING INTERNAL SIDEWALKS AND SECOND (FINAL) LIFT OF ASPHALT Community Development Planning Director Stan Boling recapped his memorandum of August 22, 2011, by using a PowerPoint presentation (on file). He provided background; interpreted the subdivision regulations and changes made in 2009; and reviewed the request from the Waterway Village Developer to extend the bond-out timeframes for internal sidewalks and the second lifts of asphalt, from two to four years. He recommended the Board extend the optional bond-out period for internal sidewalks and the second lift of asphalt from the current code provision of two years to four years, invoke the pending ordinance doctrine, and allow the processing of extensions. Chairman Solari sought and received information on the provisions for current and new homeowners regarding the notifications of timeframe requirements. Attorney Bruce Barkett, representing the Waterway Village Developer, said he would add the notification to the residents in a newsletter. Commissioner O’Bryan supported staff’s proposal and believed the extension was a logical compromise. September 6, 2011 20 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board: (1) directed staff to initiate the process of amending the subdivision and site plan regulations to allow a total construction/bond-out timeframe of four (4) years for construction of internal sidewalks and installation of second (final) lifts of asphalt on internal streets; and (2) invoked the pending ordinance doctrine to allow staff to process and execute contracts to extend timeframes for constructing sidewalks and for installing second lifts of asphalt, as recommended in the memorandum of August 22, 2011. Chairman Solari further clarified the changes to the timeframe involved with the installation of sidewalks and the second (final) lifts of asphalt. 12.B. EMERGENCY SERVICES - NONE 12.C. GENERAL SERVICES - NONE 12.D. HUMAN RESOURCES - NONE 12.E. HUMAN SERVICES - NONE 12.F. LEISURE SERVICES - NONE 12.G. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - NONE 12.H. RECREATION – NONE September 6, 2011 21 12.I. PUBLIC WORKS - NONE 12.J. UTILITIES SERVICES 12.J.1. WEST REGIONAL ODOR CONTROL STUDY – FINAL PAY REQUEST ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved final payment to Atkins North America, Inc. (formerly known as PBS&J) in the amount of $6,840.00, as recommended in the memorandum of August 29, 2011. 12.J.2. UTILITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS SEPTEMBER 2011 – UCP 3110 Director of Utility Services Erik Olson noted that this was an annual review of construction standards, and explained how the Florida Department of Transportation’s new rulings have driven a technical modification to water and wastewater construction standards. He conveyed that the intent and technological integrity of the document remains intact, and all revisions are considered to be clarifications. He responded to questions from the Board. ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Chairman Solari, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved adoption of the revised Indian River County Department of Utility Services Water and Wastewater Utility Standards, dated September 2011, as presented and recommended in the memorandum of August 19, 2011. September 6, 2011 22 12.J.3. SPOONBILL MARSH WETLAND FACILITY – ADDITIONAL OYSTER BEDS Director Olson elaborated on the success of the oyster colonization project at the Spoonbill Marsh, and requested approval to increase the total amount of rock oyster clusters without advertising for bid. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Wheeler, to approve staff’s recommendation. Director Olson noted the positive effects of the nutrient removal requirements and addressed questions from the Board. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried. The Board by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), approved the Sembler and Sembler, Inc. proposal as presented, in the amount of $45,000.00, for the installation of rock oyster clusters, as recommended in the memorandum of August 30, 2011. 13. COUNTY ATTORNEY MATTERS 13.A. INITIAL REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SECONDARY METALS RECYCLERS ORDINANCE Assistant County Attorney Brooke Odom recapped her memorandum dated August 31, 2011. She provided background; explained how Chapter 538 of the Florida Statutes regulates secondary metals recyclers and the purchase and sale of regulated metals property; and reviewed the proposed ordinance, which imposes additional and more restrictive regulations upon secondary metals recyclers. She requested the Board determine whether to move forward with September 6, 2011 23 the adoption of the proposed ordinance, and if so, offer suggestions and comments. She also requested the Board authorize advertising for a Public Hearing to consider final adoption. Attorney Polackwich acknowledged that there are five secondary recyclers in the County, and that all had been provided Notice. Attorney Odom addressed questions and concerns from the Board. Sheriff Deryl Loar urged the Board to adopt the proposed ordinance at the Public Hearing. He pointed out that the current crime trends throughout the State for copper, brass, and aluminum being traded with secondary recyclers, has been overwhelming. James Harpring, General Counsel, Sheriff’s Office, said the ordinance would be an important tool for the Sheriff’s Office, and did not think it would impede any lawful businesses. A brief discussion ensued regarding the current laws and restrictions, and regulated metals. Attorney Polackwich clarified that the State Law states that if any secondary metal is sold in a transaction of $1,000 or more, the seller cannot be paid in cash, whereby the proposed ordinance would tighten the loop hole in the State law, and not allow cash transactions. Shannon Cook, Indian River Scrap Metal, explained why he did not support the proposed ordinance; defined his company’s policies and procedures; and said he had no problems issuing a check to his customers for regulated metals, but expressed concerns about mailing their checks. He spoke about the process, the information required from his customers, and the security used (driver’s licenses, video cameras, how everything is saved, thumb printed, identified, and signed for) when purchasing regulated metals. He believed that everything required for restricted/regulated items was already in place and that the requirement would be “one more form of documentation.” He said that at the end of every workday he could/would September 6, 2011 24 e-mail, fax, or hand-carry information to the Sheriff’s Office regarding each regulated metal he purchased. Discussion ensued regarding the records for regulated metals and the inconvenience of mailing checks. Richard Hutton, 1975 SW 1st Place SW, did not think the proposed ordinance would affect the honest man, only the criminal. Chris Lange, Mr. Scrap, Inc., 4455 45th Street, stated that the majority of secondary recyclers do not condone stealing, and that most have been victims at their own facilities. He described his operation and noted that everything is electronic, with cameras, thumb prints, and driver’s license swiping. He applauded the County for their efforts, but believed that if too many restrictions are put on thieves, they simply go to another County. He emphasized that one cannot stop a thief with more regulations, but rather investigations, and catching them in the act. Keith Tagg, Mr. Scrapp, Inc., conveyed that his business does not purchase man-hole covers, electric light poles, guard rails, street signs, funeral markers, or suspicious items. He clarified his business process and procedures, and described recent incidents that occurred at his salvage yard. His main concern, at this time, was the proposed requirement of mailing checks to the customer for regulated metals, which has already been documented, and would create one more piece of documentation, that he believes is over regulating. Vice Chairman Wheeler reiterated that the ordinance would not be adopted today, but rather refined for the Public Hearing. He did not believe that mailing the check for regulated metals would accomplish anything since the information will have already been documented, along with scanned driver’s licenses, videos, and thumb prints. September 6, 2011 25 Questions and discussion ensued regarding stolen merchandise, the three-day timeframe to write a check, fraudulent identification, and the need to disseminate information to all local agencies through the Sheriff’s Office. Teresa Vevez and Alex Vevez, Cash In Recycling Center in Roseland, spoke conjointly as they provided background regarding their recycling business. She stated that their business uses video surveillance, driver’s license scanning, fingerprinting, hand written receipts, and a liaison detective who works directly with them. They also opposed sending checks to their customers because the premise of their business is, as the name implies, “cash in”, which is what her customers prefer, cash in their pockets when they leave. They believed that sending checks to their customers for regulated metals would negatively affect their customers and their business. Ricardo Camp, 4105 32nd Avenue, Vero Beach, Property Manager, provided details regarding an incident whereby an abandoned car was left on his property, and after contacting Mr. Scrap, was informed that he could not receive cash for the car, only a check, and only after providing his fingerprints, driver’s license, and military identification card. He felt the businesses were respectable, and their processes substantial. He asked the Board to take a common sense approach. The Commissioners supported secondary metals recyclers writing checks to their customers for regulated materials, but did not believe it should be a requirement to mail them. Attorney Polackwich said this would be brought back to the Board in October, and that Notice would be sent to all local recyclers in advance. September 6, 2011 26 ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Wheeler, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), the Board approved staff to bring the proposed ordinance back to the Board, and authorized the County Attorney’s Office to advertise for a Public Hearing to consider final adoption. The Chairman called a break at 11:16 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at 11:26 a.m., with all members present. 13.B. QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS Attorney Polackwich provided background regarding the Board’s adoption and repeals of Resolution 2009-004. He said he brought this proposed resolution, along with the Board’s suggested revisions to the language of the Quasi-Judicial Guidelines (pages 394 to 401 of the Agenda Packet), back to the Board for adoption. He believed the adoption of the proposed resolution and guidelines will ensure that everyone involved in quasi-judicial proceedings will have a clear understanding of how the proceedings will be conducted, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings, errors, and legal challenges. He recommended the Board adopt the resolution, which repeals Resolution 2009-004 and incorporates new guidelines. Commissioner O’Bryan requested the word “contested,” to be deleted under PreHearing Matters, Item No. 1. Notice to Commissioners, in the Quasi-Judicial Guidelines (page 396 of Agenda Packet). He wanted notification on all quasi-judicial matters. Discussion ensued regarding controversial/contested issues, ex parte communication, and staff sending e-mail notifications, on all quasi-judicial matters, to each Commissioner. Attorney Polackwich pointed out that the proposed guidelines do not prevent the Board from considering an uncontested quasi-judicial matter on the Consent Agenda. September 6, 2011 27 Vice Chairman Wheeler questioned the impact it would have on staff if the word “contested” was be deleted, whereby staff would notify the Commissioners on all quasi-judicial matters (not just contested). He also voiced concern over trying to keep a running list of the quasi-judicial issues/projects that would probably come before the Board for a decision. ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, by a 3-1 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent and Vice Chairman Wheeler opposed), the Board approved Resolution 2011-069, establishing guidelines for quasi-judicial proceedings before the Board; and approved the Quasi-Judicial Guidelines as amended to delete of the word “contested,” under Pre-Hearing Matters, Item No. 1. Notice to Commissioners. After the Motion, and in response to Vice Chairman Wheeler’s question, Community Development Director Bob Keating said staff would probably send the Commissioners PreApplication Notices and Technical Review Committee Meeting Notices since they list all the projects that are quasi-judicial. 13.C. AMENDED RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FOR THE LAUREL HOMES PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON 66 TH AVENUE SOUTH OF 15TH STREET Deputy County Attorney William DeBraal reported that the Resolution of Necessity, approved on February 1, 2011, for acquisition of right-of-way, the pond parcel, and the temporary construction easements (TCE) needed from Laurel Homes, Inc. for the 66th Avenue South Improvement Project, now requires amending to include a specific length of time for the two temporary construction easements, Parcel 16 and 16A. He said the appraisal report values the TCE based on an 18-month period; therefore, the amended Resolution of Necessity would include a duration of 18 months. He requested the Board approve the amended Resolution and September 6, 2011 28 direct staff to proceed with the necessary right-of-way acquisition through the County’s power of Eminent Domain. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, to approve staff’s recommendation. Commissioner O’Bryan questioned the 18-month time period and when the work would start. THE Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried. The Board by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Flescher absent), approved an amended Resolution 2011070, declaring a reasonable necessity to acquire certain real property for the purposes of improving and constructing 66th intersection, sidewalk Avenue, and including water side retention street, pond improvements; authorizing the County Attorney to acquire the attached properties by the institution of proceedings in Eminent Domain, and providing an effective date. (Properties defined in Exhibit A of Resolution) 14. COMMISSIONER ITEMS 14.A. COMMISSIONER BOB SOLARI, CHAIRMAN - NONE 14.B. COMMISSIONER GARY C. WHEELER, VICE CHAIRMAN - NONE 14.C. COMMISSIONER WESLEY S. DAVIS - NONE September 6, 2011 29 14.D. COMMISSIONER JOSEPH E. FLESCHER - NONE 14.E. COMMISSIONER PETER D. O’BRYAN - NONE 15. SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS 15.A. EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT - NONE 15.B. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT The Chairman announced that immediately upon adjournment of the Regular Board of County Commission Meeting, the Board would reconvene as the Board of Commissioners of the Solid Waste Disposal District. Those Minutes are being prepared separately. 15.B.1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES SWDD BUDGET HEARING JULY 13, 2011 15.B.2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MEETING OF JULY 19, 2011 15.B.3. 2011 PETITION HEARING – SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT ASSESSMENT FEES 15.C. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD The Chairman announced that immediately upon adjournment of the Solid Waste Disposal District Meeting, the Board would reconvene as the Board of Commissioners of the Environmental Control Board. Those Minutes are being prepared separately. 15.C.1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 24, 2011 September 6, 2011 30 15.C.2. REPORT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THIRD QUARTER FY10-11 (APRIL THROUGH JUNE 2011) ALL BACKUP DOCUMENTATION, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD AND ARE HEREBY MADE A PART OF THESE MINUTES 16. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 11:49 p.m. ATTEST: _________________________________ ________________________________ Jeffrey K. Barton, Clerk Bob Solari, Chairman Minutes Approved: _________________ BCC/LA/2011 Minutes September 6, 2011 31