2013 - Dubois County Community Foundation
2013 - Dubois County Community Foundation
REPORT TO THE PUBLIC | DECEMBER 2013 Imagine what we can do together. Dear Friends of the Community Foundation, We are here to help you! Our goal is to empower all Dubois County citizens to become philanthropists. 2013 Board of Directors The people we meet understand the role we play – whether convening a group for a cause, awarding a grant to a local nonprofit, or meeting with a donor to talk about the difference they want to make. While we seek to continue to tell our story, I hope you find in this report a snapshot of who we are...and how we are shaped by donors like you. Most importantly, I wish to extend a sincere “thank you” to all of you who continue to support our community foundation. Because your gifts are endowed, they continue to benefit the community...now and forever. Bill Kaiser President Pat Miller Vice President Kurt Fuhs Secretary Ray Schwenk Treasurer Phil Schneider Emeritus Sincerely, Jeryl Luegers Emeritus Mike Uebelhor Emeritus Bill Kaiser President “The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” - Nelson Henderson Brent Sternberg Larry Fuesler Debbie Seger Tom Krodel Mitch Clark Nancy Wilson Matt Eckert Brian Tretter Andrea Tooley To Be Appointed in 2014 Gary Brick Jennifer Verkamp Staff Brad Ward Chief Executive Officer Juanita Meyer Staff Accountant Nicole Hurrle Communications and Engagement Manager Clayton Boyles Donor Relations Associate Susan McGovren Program Associate Nona Baker Mission Programs and Donor Services Coordinator The Community Foundation is dedicated to helping you make a lasting difference in Dubois County. How we fulfill our mission: • Attracting charitable gifts, chiefly in the form of permanent endowments • Making grants in response to community needs • Providing leadership to Dubois County by serving as a convener and catalyst for change Vision The Community Foundation will become the center of philanthropic engagement in which the needs of our county are not only understood, but fulfilled through civic engagement in countywide philanthropy. REPORT TO THE PUBLIC 2 N E W F U N D S E S TA B L I S H E D I N 2 0 1 3 A.L.A.S.I. Fund Purpose: To provide support for the Hispanic Festival in Huntingburg, Indiana and for the expansion of the A.L.A.S.I. mission. Augustana Foundation in Memory of Helen S. & Webster H. Miller Endowment Fund Purpose: To provide support to Augustana United Church of Christ in Holland, Indiana for its General Fund and Scholarships. Leadership Academy - Emergency Assistance Tower Fund Purpose: To provide support to the City of Jasper for the Dubois County Leadership Academy’s project to install Emergency Assistance Lighted Towers along the Jasper Riverwalk located in Jasper, Indiana. Dubois County Girl Scouts Endowment Purpose: To provide support for Girl Scouts in Dubois County to implement projects or proposals that build leadership skills. Elliott Family Endowment Fund Purpose: To provide support to the Redevelop Old Jasper Action Coalition (ROJAC) of Jasper, Indiana. Erin Julian Memorial Endowment Fund Purpose: To provide support to a variety of charitable causes. Forest Park Marching Ranger Endowment Fund Purpose: To provide support to the Forest Park Band Boosters to benefit the Forest Park Marching Rangers. His Hands and Feet Charitable Fund Purpose: To provide support to our most at risk children in our surrounding communities. Huntingburg Water Main Project Fund Purpose: To provide support to the water main improvement project of the City of Huntingburg, Indiana. JETT (Jasper Endows Today and Tomorrow) Endowment Purpose: To support donors that are associates of Jasper Engines and Transmissions and contributors to a giving circle established within the corporation by and for associates known as Jasper Endows Today and Tomorrow (JETT). John and Susan McGovren Family Endowment Purpose: To provide support to a broad range of charitable community projects. Kamp 4 Kids Endowment Purpose: To provide support to the Kamp 4 Kids program of the Park and Recreation Department of the City of Jasper. LeRoy C. McKittrick Boy Scouts Troop 186 Endowment Fund Purpose: To provide support to the activities of Boy Scouts Troop 186 of Ferdinand, Indiana. Marianne C. Fritch Endowment Purpose: To provide support to the Memorial Hospital Volunteer Program. Michael W. and Nancy A. Kluesner Endowment Purpose: To provide support to a variety of charitable causes. Northeast Dubois County School Corporation Scholarship Endowment Purpose: To provide support to Northeast Dubois County School Corporation to award scholarships to graduating seniors from Northeast Dubois High School. Paul Michael Ash Art and Music Endowment Fund Purpose: To provide support to a variety of charitable causes. Providence Home Grotto Endowment Fund Purpose: To provide support to the Providence Home, Jasper, Indiana for the maintenance and preservation of the Grotto. Ray and Clarissa Hochgesang Family Endowment Purpose: To provide support to the Dubois County Community Food Bank. Smith-Krapf Scholarship Fund Purpose: To provide scholarships to students who are from Dubois County, Indiana, who are enrolled in a post-high school journalism program. A rts & C ulture A.L.A.S.I. Fund Anthony P. & Audrey Habig Endowment Forest Park Marching Ranger Endowment Fund Friends of the Arts Endowment Fritch/Jones Family Endowment Jasper Band Endowment, est. by Stanley G. & Mary Jane Krempp Linus & Rosella “Sally” Lechner Family Endowment Lorraine & Rudy Kuebler Endowment Paul Michael Ash Art and Music Endowment Fund B road B ased C ommunit y F unds E stablished b y B usinesses & O rgani z ations Becher-Kluesner Funeral Homes, Inc. Endowment Board of Directors Administrative Endowment Bob Luegers Motors Endowment BR Associates, Inc. Endowment City of Jasper Endowment Community Impact Fund Dubois County General Endowment Ferdinand Community Endowment Fraternal Order of the Police, Wood Capital Lodge # 138 Endowment German American Community Endowment German American Emerging Leaders Endowment Fund Greater Downtown Jasper Business Association Endowment Hoosier Business Machines Endowment Indiana Furniture Industries Endowment Jasper Engines & Transmissions Endowment Jasper Engines Impact Today Endowment Fund Jasper Equipment & Supply Endowment Jasper High School Class of 1943 Endowment Jasper Hometown Competitiveness Program Jasper Jaycees Charitable Endowment Jasper Novelty Furniture Endowment Jasper Seating Company, Inc. Endowment | DECEMBER 2013 B road B ased C ommunit y F unds E stablished b y B usinesses & O rgani z ations cont. Jasper Wood Products Company Endowment JETT (Jasper Endows Today and Tomorrow) Endowment JOFCO Inc. Endowment MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc. Endowment Notre Dame Club of Southwest Indiana Community Service Endowment Old National Bank Endowment Rotary Club of Jasper Endowment Schnitzelbank Restaurant/Indiana License Beverage Assoc & Friends of Community Endowment Seufert Construction & Supply Company, Inc. Endowment Superb Tooling Inc. Endowment The Krempp Lumber Company Endowment Universal Design Associates, Inc. Endowment B road B ased C ommunit y F unds E stablished b y F amil y & I ndividuals Alan & Brenda Kunkel Charitable Endowment Albert (Jack) & Carol Sternberg Endowment Albert H. & LaVern C. Fleck Family Endowment Alois & Stella (Fuhs) Knies Endowment Andrew C. & Valada Klem Endowment Betty Jo Salb Family Endowment Bill & Missy Krempp Endowment Bill & Ruth Hauser Endowment Bob & Pat Hedinger Charitable Endowment Brenda Kilian Endowment Fund Bucket & Anne Mehringer Endowment Bud & Jane Witte Endowment Butch & Kathy Klem Endowment Cecil & Minnie Kaiser Endowment Charlotte & John Donan Family Endowment Chic & Lena Sprauer-Paul & Betty Koch Endowment Clem & Mary Lange Best Chair Endowment Benefit Ferdinand, Holland & St. Henry Community Foundation Fund Damian Eversman, M.D. Memorial Endowment Denny & Esther Schitter Family Endowment Don & Marilyn (Haas) Hopster & Robert Haas & Patricia Hopster Endowment Donna & Joe Buehler Endowment Fund Dow P. & Agnes M. Apple Endowment Dr. Charles & Dolores Flannagan Endowment Erin Julian Memorial Endowment Fund Ernie & Olivia Weyer Family Endowment: A Fund of the Ferdinand Community Endowment Friends of Karen Schwinghammer Endowment Gary and Judy Lautzenhiser Family Endowment Gilbert and Catherine Verkamp Family Endowment Hilbert & Mary Jane Fischer Family Endowment Jan & Bill Rubino Endowment Fund Jerome F. & Dolores Habig Family Endowment Fund Jerry C. & Joyce A. Jackle Endowment Jim & LaVerne Uebelhor Endowment: A fund of the Ferdinand Community Endowment John & Susan McGovren Family Endowment John T. & Marilyn A. Thyen Family Endowment Juanita S. Boehm Endowment Keith G. & Anita W. Hedinger Family Endowment Larry & Carolyn Kuntz Endowment Luke A. Mehringer Endowment Madonna Rose Fleck Memorial Endowment Established by Leon & Elfrieda Fleck & Family Marilyn Rumbach Weisheit Executive Director’s Endowment Matthew D. Marks Endowment Maurice C. Woods Memorial Endowment Fund Michael W. and Nancy A. Kluesner Endowment Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Sermersheim Administrative Endowment Paul & Sandra Nolting Endowment Paul A. & Mary Jo Uebelhor Family Endowment Paul G. Fortwendel Memorial Endowment Phillip E. & Gloria Buecher, Sheila Buecher, & Jayme McComas Family Endowment R. Pete & Linda Sermersheim Family Endowment R.B. & Lucille Knies Family Endowment R.P. & Mary Olinger Endowment Fund Randy Norris Mind, Body, Spirit Endowment Richard & Mary Rita VanHuysse Endowment Robert E. & Marilyn J. Gramelspacher Family Endowment Robert J. Steffe Endowment Robin Norris Charitable Endowment Roger W. Brown Memorial Endowment Schwenk Family Endowment Fund Scott A. & M. Theresa Tretter Endowment Steve Shultz Memorial Fund Steven M. Seger Memorial Endowment Urban & Lillian Merkel Family Endowment Urban J. & Mildred L. Klem Endowment Fund Victor & Irene Dippel Charitable Endowment William J. Pfister Endowment William J. & Catherine A. Krodel Family Endowment William Rudolph, Jr. Endowment F aith B ased Augustana Foundation in Memory of Helen S. & Webster H. Miller Endowment Fund Clete & Dottie Brosmer Endowment Dave & Barb Berger Family Endowment Don & Marilyn Weisheit Family Endowment Earl & Sylvia Metzer Endowment REPORT TO THE PUBLIC | DECEMBER 2013 3 F aith B ased cont. Edward J. & Nancy L. (Burger) Kreilein Endowment Esther Rumbach & Family Endowment Father Patrick F. Foster Endowment Holy Family Catholic Church Endowment Huntingburg United Methodist Church Endowment Fund Huntingburg United Methodist Church Faith Promise Fund Huntingburg United Methodist Church Maple Grove Fund James J. & Flora J. Stenftenagel Endowment for Holy Family Church Jerome & Doris Schneider Family Endowment Fund Joseph F. & Irene C. Eckerle & Family Endowment Kenneth W. & Mary Lee (Nordhoff) Kraft Endowment Larry Loechte Endowment Leo J. & Gladys M. Burger Endowment Fund Linus “Hank” & Helen Vollmer Family Endowment Linus & Bernice Kluemper Endowment Lucille Kreilein St. Joseph Church Sacristy Endowment Mary A. Oser Fleck Memorial Endowment Phyllis & Robert Menke Endowment Precious Blood Catholic Church & School Endowment Providence Home Grotto Endowment Fund Rich Erny Family Endowment Riet & Matt Slaats Endowment Salem Church Ley Permanent Endowment Schroering Family Memorial Endowment Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Endowment Sisters of Saint Benedict Endowment St. Ferdinand Church Endowment St. John’s Lutheran Church Scholarship Endowment In Memory of Kap Weisheit St. Joseph Catholic Church Endowment St. Mary’s Heritage Fund St. Meinrad School of Theology Endowment William and Eunice Tormohlen Endowment H ealth & S ocial S ervices Anderson Woods Endowment Angel Mission Fund Arnold F. Habig Endowment Benno & Laura Blessinger Endowment Brooke’s Journey Endowment Christopher St. Paul Bonk Endowment Crisis Connection Endowment Dan & Mary Brassard Endowment Disaster Relief Endowment Fund Dubois County Health Professionals Endowment Dubois County Leukemia Association Pediatrics Fund Edward H. & Dorothy C. Boehm Memorial Endowment Fr. Michael J. McGivney’s Knights of Dubois County Fund Generations Endowment His Hands and Feet Charitable Fund Hugo & Laura Melchior Memorial Endowment Establish by Lorayne (Melchior) Dudine Huntingburg Assistance Endowment Fund Jasper Lions Club Eye Care Endowment Leroy F. & Dorothy M. Oser Family Charitable Endowment Benefiting Ferdinand American Legion Marianne C. Fritch Endowment Mary Stewart Memorial Breastfeeding Fund Matrix Lifeline of Dubois County Fund Memorial Hospital & Health Care Center Endowment Memorial Hospital Foundation Endowment Established by the Bob & Jacque Disinger Family Patoka Valley Center for Disabilities Fund Ray and Clarissa Hochgesang Family Endowment Riley Jo Truesdale Children’s Endowment Robert K. Ruxer Endowment Sheriff Ambrose Wilz Memorial Fund Snopsie & Ida Mae Schuetter Family Endowment St. Joseph’s Hospital of Huntingburg, Inc. Endowment Fund St. Vincent de Paul Society Endowment The Herald’s Edwin J. Rumbach Charitable Endowment The Hugo Steinkamp Shared Abundance Endowment Fund Tri-Cap Health & Support Services Endowment William and Verena Fritch & Martina Schaaf & Catherine Schaaf Endowment H istoric P reservation Bob and Josie Siebert Endowment Claude & Martina Eckert Sister Cities Endowment Dan & Sharon Hoffman Family Endowment Dubois County Historical Society Endowment Dubois County Museum Endowment Elliott Family Endowment Enterprises Fund Fourth Street Charitable Endowment Fund Huntingburg League Stadium Endowment Fund Huntingburg Old Town Hall Endowment Fund Indiana Baseball Hall of Fame Endowment Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment Mike & Pat Hochgesang Endowment Mount Zion Cemetery Endowment St. Ferdinand Cemetery Endowment Thomas J. & Jan Huslman Family Endowment P arks / R ecreation Brad and Debbie Seger Family Endowment Dave & Lou Eckerle Endowment Fund DC Multisport Endowment DCLA - Emergency Assistance Tower Fund Dubois County Soil & Water Conservation Distric Endowment P arks / R ecreation cont. Friends of Raider Field Endowment Fund Hank and Eloise Henke Stadium and Field Endowment Fund Holland Park Charitable Endowment Fund Huntingburg Arbor Endowment Fund Huntingburg Event and Community Center, Inc. Endowment Fund Huntingburg Little League Endowment Fund Huntingburg Water Main Project Fund Jeffers Nature Preserve Endowment Fund John J. & Ruth C. Bohnert Endowment Larry & Dianne Seger Endowment Lynne Weber-Messmer Memorial Endowment Fund Patoka 2000 Fund Southridge Lettermen’s Club Athletic Endowment Fund Youth & E ducation Al & Rosina Schuler Family Scholarship Fund Arnold A. Schwartz Memorial Scholarship Fund Bill & Rita Kiefer Family Endowment Color My World Preschool Tuition Endowment Community Daycare dba A Kid’s Place Endowment Community Scholarship Program Fund Critser Family Scholarship Endowment Dale Helmerich Boy Scout Troop 181 Scholarship Fund Denise Davis-Thompson Scholarship Fund Doris A. Ackerman & Family Nursing Scholarship Dubois Branch Library Endowment Dubois County Girl Scouts Endowment Dubois County 4-H Endowment Edgar C., Estella M., & Kyle T. Friedman Memorial Scholarship Fund Edward A. Fuesler Education Endowment Fund Ewing Properties Endowment Ferdinand Community Scholarship Endowment Fred Souders & Lee Ray Olinger Aviation Scholarship Endowment Frosty M. and Muriel Jones Scholarship Endowment Gene Morgan Charitable Endowment Fund Gib Verkamp Mentors 4 Youth Fund Harlan and Alba Altman Scholarship Endowment Holland National Bank Community Scholarship Fund Holy Family Scholarship Fund Hoosier Hills Credit Union Endowment Hummingbird Daycare Endowment Fund Huntingburg Elementary PTO Endowment Huntingburg High School Memorial Fund Huntingburg Little League Endowment Fund Huntingburg Optimist Endowment Fund Huntingburg Public Library Endowment Fund Jane Lankford Roberts Memorial Scholarship Fund Jason Feldmeyer Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund Jasper High School Endowment for All JHS Classes Jasper Kiwanis Club Endowment Jasper Public Library Endowment Jeanette Rauscher Scholarship Endowment Jerome F. & Lila L. Seger Endowment John K. Chappell Hoosier Boys State Endowment John Paul The Great Catholic High School Endowment Junior Achievement of Jasper Scholarship Endowment Kamp 4 Kids Endowment Kelly M. Krodel Special Education Endowment Fund Kreilein Technology Fund Larry G. Dugle Memorial Scholarship Fund LeRoy C. McKittrick Boy Scouts Troop 186 Endowment Fund Ley Scholarship Fund Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Grant Fund Mabel L. Kuebler Nursing Endowment Marcia Scanlon Scholarship Fund Margaret Hochgesang & Don & Alice Noblitt Endowment Marian Klausmeier Roettger Scholarship Fund Mary Lee Schurz Healthcare Scholarship Fund Mildred E. Schwinghammer Nursing Scholarship Fund Mitchell Lange Special Needs Endowment My Dreams Scholarship Fund Northeast Dubois County School Corporation Scholarship Endowment Fund Omer & Betty Sturm Catholic Education Endowment Optimist Friend of Youth Endowment Orlan “Mockey” Lett Scholarship Endowment Fund Owen F. Roettger Scholarship Fund Parke-Bell Ltd., Inc. Scholarship Fund Pat Zehr Memorial Scholarship Endowment Ralph E. Heath Memorial Little League Endowment Raphael Blessinger Memorial Scholarship Fund Ray A. & Estella Burger Endowment Ruby and Dick Smith Scholarship Fund Sarah Gobert Scholarship Fund Smith-Krapf Scholarship Fund Spirit of Southridge Scholarship Endowment St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Fund Steinkamp Family Scholarship Fund Teen Outback Youth Center Fund The Herald Endowment for Literacy in Honor of A.T. & Cecilia Rumbach The Herald’s John T. Rumbach Scholarship Endowment Thomas A. Hoffman JHS Athletic Endowment Trent-Singer Scholarship Fund Uebelhor Family Memorial Scholarship Fund Zachary King Scholarship Fund REPORT TO THE PUBLIC 4 | DECEMBER 2013 2 0 1 3 honorar y gifts & memorial gifts R eceived J anuar y 1 , 2 0 1 3 through october 3 1 , 2 0 1 3 I n honor Deb Boyles Jane Colwell John and Jane Chappell Bob and Jacque Disinger Joseph and Irene Eckerle Earl and Betty Englert Mary Eversman Elfrieda Fleck Bill and Joan Giesler Andrew Hoffman Kenny and Madelyn Hulsman Eric and Erin Huther Russell and Loretta “Toby” Jaent Jim and Betty Knust Dave and Marilyn Kress Dick and Joan Lampert Tom and Mary Leinenbach Ed and Joan Pfister Richard and Jan Rudolph Bev Schmutzler Karla Schwartz Fred and Marsha Souders David and Sharon Springston Brenda Stallings John and Marilyn Thyen John Truesdale Jennifer Verkamp Denise Vogt Goodman Ken Ward Linus and Rosie Wigand I n M E M O R Y Arlena Abshire Patricia Ahrens Henrietta Allen Steve Allen Paul Michael Ash Donald Bair Harold Bartelt Larry Bartley Linus Bauer Phyllis “Jane” Becher Diane Beckman Theresa Bellner Rosemary Binkley Norman Bohnert Robert Bohnert Dr. Don Bomalaski Ralph Brescher Andrew Brickman Tom Brown Donald Buechlein Helen Buechler Howard Buickel Mark Bohnert Chappell Margaret “Magy” Clark Bob Cronin Neil Davis Elmer Dilger Hilda Ebert Robert and Elizabeth Eckerle Roman and Sally Eckerle Claude and Martina Eckert Phillip “Phil” Elliott Helen M. Englert Mary Eversman Jason Feldmeyer Cayla Feltman Paul Stanley Fischer Brooke Flamion Leroy Fleck Marianne Fritch Cyrilla Fromme Emil Fuhrman Joan Fuhs Herbert Gehlhausen Phyllis Gerber John “Jack” Giesler Hilbert and Edna Goepfrich Mildred “Millie” Goeppner Denise Goodman Dr. Francis Gootee Patricia “Pat” Gootee Dr. Thomas Gootee Sam Grabeman Dr. Karin Gray Eugene “Gene” Gudorf Kathleen Guillaume Dr. Howard Haas Kyle Habig I n M E M O R Y C O N T. Jerome “Jerry” Habig Anthony “Tony” Habig Paul “Norma” Hagan MarilynHarder Debra “Debby” Harris Duane Heeke Mary Heinz Frederick “Fred” Hemmer Lenas Hemmerlein Edward “Sparky” Hentrup Leroy Hentrup Clarence Hildenbrand Annalou Himsel Donald Hinton Mary M. Hochgesang Barbara J. Hoffman George Hoffman Marie Hoffman Jeanette “Jean” Hoing Jo Ann Horney Donald “Don” Horton Sr. Susan “Sue” Hubster Robert “Bob” Humbert Jack Huna Kent Hupp Gregory “Greg” Hurst Michael Hurst Oscar Hurst Sylvester “Si” Hurst Jerry Isenbarger Othmar Jahn Robert “Bob” Jahn Albert Jeffers Lee Ray Jochem Erin Julian David Junge Ed Kahle Cecil and Minnie Kaiser Geneva “Jenny” Keeney Rachelle Kelley Henrietta Kemper Oledia Kieffner Brenda Kilian Norman Kilian Zachary King Urban and Mildred Klem Marvin Klueh Patricia “Pat” Klueh Herbert and Leona Kluemper Gregory Knies Philip Koch Lee “Butch” Kraft Jr. Mildred Krapf Kelly M. Krodel Rita Mae Krodel Father Raymond Kuper Gerald “Jerry” Larkin Dorothy Lechner Ronald Lechner Helen Lehmkuhler Mary Leistner Gayle Letterman Matilda Loechte Dennis Luchini Albert Lueken Matthew Marks Carol Matheis Othmar “Ottie” Mathias Ross McFaul Jamie McKinley LeRoy McKittrick Beverly Mehling Jayne Mehringer Larry and Jayne Mehringer Luke Mehringer Dorothy Menner Janice Merder Daniel “Dan” Merkel Urban and Lillian Merkel Virginia Merkel Steven Messmer Ardella Meyer Gemma Michel Gordon Russell Miller Helen and Webster Miller Dick Millikin James “Jack” Moeller Eilleen Nelson Betty Neuhoff Helen M. Newton Dr. Steven Nicholson Betty Nigg Dorothy Oser I n M E M O R Y C O N T. Joan Otto Mary F. Parke Barbara Parsons Doris Peters Geraldine “Geri” Pieper Lelia Pfister Leon Pfister Adrian Pund Dayna Shalyn Rainbolt Katherine “Kate” Reckelhoff Oscar “Recker, Jr. Amanda Rees Claude Rees Dorothy Rees Jane Lankford Roberts Margie Rottet Gwen Rudolph John Rumbach Larry Ralph Russel Perline Schaefer Patricia “Patty” Scheeter Leroy Schepers Edgar Schlachter Anna Mae Schmidt Gary Schmidt Lucille “Lucy” Schmitt Robert Schmitt Ruth Schmitt Michael D. Schnarr Agnes Schneiders Rebecca “Becky” Schnur Roman Schroeder Doug Schuetter Marvin Schulz Marjorie “Marge” Schutz Lucille Schwartz Pauline “Polly” Schwartzmiller Catherine “Katie” Schwenk Gervase and Marie Schwenk Arthur “Art” Segal Virginia Deedle Seger Jerome J. Seger Ann Seitz Francis “Benny” Sermersheim Reginald “Reggie” Sermersheim Alma Small Dorothy Souders Oscar and Ardella Souders Martha Stapleton Robert “Bob” Steffe Rosa Lee Steffe Lawrence Stemle Elmer Stewart Thomas “Tom” Streicher Thomas “Tom” Sutton Kevin Paul Sweckard Wanda Tawczynski Thomas Traylor Robert Tremps Riley Jo Truesdale Catherine “Kate” Verkamp Irvin Verkamp Ruth Wagner Rev. Clyde Wake Florence Walls Lynne Weber-Messmer Angela “Angie” Weidenbenner Kenneth Weisheit Wallace Wibbeler Steve Willis Urban Wilmes Betty Wineinger Gilbert “Gib” Wininger Viril L. Wininger Maurice Woods Gerald Wright Tributes These individuals were named in a gift to the Community Foundation. REPORT TO THE PUBLIC | DECEMBER 2013 5 What difference are our grant dollars making? Cheryl Sergesketter and Melanie Barrett of Happy Trails, Helping Hands “Before this grant, we were housing stray dogs in our homes. Now we have a shelter to provide a space that dogs can be held until we find their owner or find a new, loving home for them.” Heidi Reller of Huntingburg Housing Authority “This grant will provide a valuable tool for the people in our community. It is not only our mission to provide adequate and affordable housing, it is also important that we promote self-sufficiency. This grant will help by allowing us to provide computer access to school age children whose families might not be able to afford computers or internet access. Hopefully, these children will not have to rely on public housing when they are adults. Additionally, this grant will help tenants and others in our community “break the cycle of poverty” by providing access to computers where they can complete GED’s and online college courses, and even apply for jobs.” Beth Stein of Crisis Connection “Community Foundation funding supports the Crisis Connection Safe Housing/Homeless Prevention Project which helps families pursue a more stable and independent life after experiencing violence.” Josh Gunselman of the Dubois County Leadership Academy “The Community Foundation helps turn ideas into reality. Without the help and guidance of the Community Foundation, this project might not have been possible. The mission statement of the Dubois County Community Foundation states that they are “dedicated to helping you make a lasting difference in Dubois County.” That statement is exemplified in the Foundation’s grant to support the Leadership Academy and our team’s project as we attempt to bring Emergency Towers to some of the popular walking paths in the county.” How does this impact me? ry, the o t s i h 6 year d over 3 e d i e v v i o t r collec ation has p r u o rants. d g n In u y t o i F n unity ommu c n i Comm n illio ike you l m s 5 r . o 8 $ by don mmunity. n e v i r ur co aking d o m t f n o a r s , g or In 2013 act all sect p will im 2013 Grants by Sector* 2013 Grants by Sector Arts & Culture Broad Based Faith Based Health & Social Services Historic Preservation Parks & Recreation Scholarships Youth & Education $18,805 $82,867 $68,780 $108,085 $21,925 $48,397 $43,350 $91,850 $484,059 *Snapshot includes 2013 projected grantmaking by sector. REPORT TO THE PUBLIC 6 | DECEMBER 2013 2 0 1 3 contributors R eceived J anuar y 1 , 2 0 1 3 through O C T O B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 3 Hugh Douglas and Susan Abbett Jason M. and Susan H. Ahlbrand Ahrens’ Garden of Eatin’, Inc. Carl and Marge Ahrens Tony and Christy Ahrens Edward J. and Doris A. Allen Stacy Allen Jerome and Anna Mae Alles Norbert Alles Thomas and Ellen Alles Francis Altman Harlan J. and Alba E. Altman Dale and Karen Altstadt American Legion Auxiliary #343 American Scaffolding, Inc. John W. and Carol Thornton - Anderson Kurt and Brandy Anderson Anonymous James F. and Alice Ann Arvin Debra Astrike Adam and Nina Auffart Ben and Melissa Austerman Azalea Path Arboretum & Botanical Gardens Inc. Azura Restaurant Systems Inc. Lawrence and Mary Ellen Backer Mark Balsmeyer Brett and Sarah Bardwell Jason Barkley Marcia Barnett Mike and Martha Barnett Timothy and Susan Barry Carolyn Bartelt Daniel and Traci Bartelt Harold D. and Brenda S. Barth Dr. Keith and Christy Bartley Keith and Jennifer Baseden Amy Bauernfiend Jeffrey and Beth Bawel Luke Bawel Zach and Linda Bawel Meagan Bayer William, Steve, and Brenda Beard Becher Funeral Home, Inc. Gervase “Jerp” Becher Ken and Alice Beck Tom Beckman Corine Begle Lee and Virginia Begle Ralph and Diane Begle Aaron and Molly Bell Daniel and Margaret Bell Jane Bell Lynn Belli Gloria Bellner Thomas and Jane Benda Robert and Jody Benjamin Richard Alan and Judith Anne Bennett Nicholas and Danielle Benton Steve and Linda Berg Harvey and Bernita Berger Robert and Kay Bertl Best Home Furnishings Inc. Tom and Jane Betz Mary Jane Bieker Don Biever Big Day, Inc. Big River Rubber & Gasket Co. Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP James A. and Susan J. Birk William Bishop Sandra Blanchard Matt Bland Scott and Darla Blazey Bob and Barb Bleemel Blesch Brothers Equipment Co., Inc. Jerome and Elizabeth Blesch Brian and Ashley Blessinger Chad A. and Jyl N. Blessinger Dave and Rita Blessinger Scot and Jean Blessinger Darrell E. and Janet A. Blocker Blume Cabinet Company, Inc. Gus and Debbie Blume Rodney and Susan Blume Bob Luegers Motors, Inc. Butch and Kathy Bockting Brandon and Melissa Boeglin Dolores Boeglin Tom Boehm Boilermakers Local 374 Derek Bolling Bonita Loechte-Schuler Bookkeeping & More, Inc. Boy Scout Troop 181 - Huntingburg, IN Clayton Boyles and Meredith Freeman Gerald and Shannon Bradley Rebecca Braun Brenda Krempp Allen O. and Aline M. Brescher Sean Brescher Evelyn Brockman and Family Terry J. and Sandra E. Brockman John Broeker Alf Brosmer Kenneth R. and Anne C. Brosmer Gerry and Jennifer Brown Brian Brumfield Mark and Barbara Brumfield Kenneth J. and Laura L. Buck Buechlein & Associates, P.C. Charlie and Marge Buechlein Kevin and Jennifer Buechler Andrew and Crystal Buehler Charles A. and Gloria J. Bueltel Linda Bueltel Janice Buening Joe and Christine Buening Charles L. and Linda L. Burk Michael and Dedri Burton Judith Buse Denzil Ray Byrd Thomas Byrer Enid Callaghan James Callaghan Carol Stemle Carol’s Upholstery & Repair Margaret Casper Janet Chanley John and Jane Chappell Greg and Janet Charlton Stephen and Sandra Chastain Christian Ministries of Huntingburg City of Jasper Utility Service Board and Staff Elizabeth Clark John and Suzanne Clark Mitch and Nila Clark Shirley A. Clay Michael and Renee Clesi Clint and Amy Coleman Don and Lou Ann Collins John A. Colwell Community Day Care Center, Inc. Contractors Choice, Inc. Sandy Cook Ronald and Sheila Hoy Coomes Suzanne Cooper Robert and Amy Corenflos James A. and Rita M. Corn Terry and Brenda Cornwell Darrel L. and Patricia J. Cox Roger and Pamela Cox Brian and Devin Craig Kenneth and Judy Craig Larry and Norma Cranford Shirley Daly Victor and Kathy Danford John and Cheryle Daunhauer Troy J. Daunhauer David and Linda Glajch Barbara Davis Jack and Nancy Davis Neil and Angela Day Damona DeCoursey Morgan K. Decoursey Beverly DeKemper Brian and Nicole DeKemper Jessica DeLorenzo Delta Rigging & Tools, Inc. Marlene Dick Chris and Kristy Dilger Mark and Audra Dilger Disinger Jeweler’s Employees Disinger Jewelers, Inc. Louie and Sharon Disinger Ruth Dittmer Edward Donnelly, Jr. Glenn Dooley Don and Bernice Dorsam Rosemary Dorsey Judy Downey Amy Drake Dubois County Adult 4-H Leaders Dubois County Community Foundation Board of Directors Dubois County Employees Dubois County Estate Planning Council Dubois County Leukemia Association Dubois County Republican Central Committee Dubois County Right to Life Dubois County Suds Club Dubois County Tire and Supply Dubois County Title Co., Inc. David and Annette Duncan Gary and Donna Duncan Janice Durcholz Frank Ebenkamp Fred Ebert Terry Ebert Gary Eck David and Lou Eckerle Gregory and Brenda Eckerle Jon and Miriam Eckerle Joseph F. and Irene C. Eckerle Raymie and Rita Eckerle Andrew V. Eckert Rev Trust Claude A. Eckert Testamentary Trust DeAnna Eckert Jeff and Michelle Eckert Michael and Julie Eckert Josh and Andrea Ecret Gary and Rita Egler M. Neil and Susan L. Elkins Michael J. and Lisa A. Elliott Dr. Michael Ellis Lauren Ellis Margaret Ellsworth Alvin and Laverne Elshoff Robert and Bonnie Emmert Employees of MasterBrand Corporate Office EMTEE LLC Darrell and Rebecca Engelhart Paul and Belinda Englert Connie Ensor Alex and Lori Ernst Peg Erny Esco Tool Connie Evans Jesse and Julie Evans Evansville Bolt & Nut, Inc. Evansville Welding Supply LLC Dr. Thomas Eversman F & M Mafco, Inc. Mark and Valerie Faddis Keith R. and Sarah R. Faller Farbest Foods, Inc. Farm Credit Services of Mid-America, Inc. Jeff and Lynn Fauquher Federated Campaign Stewards Ron and Mary Fehribach Larry and Martha Feldmeyer Michael J. and Lisa C. Feldmeyer Phyllis Feldmeyer Ferdinand Farmers Insurance Agency Ferguson Enterprises Tim and Jodi Fetter James and Linda Fill Abigail Fink James and Mary Jo Fischer Mary Jane Fischer Michael Joe and Stacey Fischer Leslie Fitzgerald Dr. Ryan Flamion Randall and Lana Flamion Albert H. Fleck Jr. Family Charles and Patricia Fleck Mark and Joyce Fleck Randall L. and Sharon R. Fleck Robert Fleck Travis and Angela Fleck Terry and Gina Flick Don and Kathy Foerster Forest Park Band Boosters J. Michael and Jenifer A. Fowler Marilyn Francis Sharon Frank George Fredericks Freedom Bank Ray and Debra Frick Channing Friedman Dennis and Debbie Frieler Friends of Roman Schroeder James and Patricia Fritch John S. and Ruth A. Fritch Allen and Pamela Fritz John Fromme Stacey Y Fromme Larry and Kristine Fuesler John and Nancy Fuhs Katherine Fuhs Kurt and Shannon Fuhs Mary Fuhs Samuel and Jean Fuqua David N. and Carol Gaesser Ruth Gaesser Florence Gardner Brook and Lauren Garland Rhonda Garland Sarajane Garzolini John and Jackie Gasser Gary and Lisa Gehlhausen Michael and Linda Gehlhausen Steven and Lynda Gehlhausen Geneva E. Fark Gerald and Emmalee Gentry Ryan Gentry Pete and Nancy Gerber German American Glaze and Mary Beth Gibson Urban and June Lee Giesler Michael and Alana Goepfrich Thomas E. and Patricia M. Goepfrich Kim Goeppner Ryan and Jamie Gogel Justin and Christine Golden Forrest W. and Helen M. Gooch James T. and Heather M. Goodhue Walter and Valerie Goodpaster Larry Goodwin Jr. Anne Gootee Farrel and Judy Gosman Gerald L. and Abigail Gramelspacher Glenn and Jane Gramelspacher Rosemarie Gramelspacher Graybar Helen Grewe Gribbins Insulation Co., Inc. Lloyd V. and Barbara M. Gudorf Edward and Mary Gunselman Gregory and Annette Gunselman Daniel V. Gutgsell Iris A. Gutgsell Gary and Margaret Guy Will and Carol Haas Audrey Habig Barbara T. Habig Christopher and Genabeth Habig Dolores Habig Douglas A. and Nancy L. Habig Luke and Beth Habig Paul A. and Sue Habig Stephen A. Habig Marv and Jane Hackman Bob and Maureen Hagedorn Florence Hagedorn James E. and Judi Hagedorn Sandra Hagedorn Randall and Janis Hagemeyer Dr. Gary and Kathy Haller John and Diana Hamer Larry and Cecelia Hamilton Hamlin Tractor, Inc. Jason Hamm Rachel Hanebutt Emily M. Hanner Jeffrey A. and Kathy J. Harter Vanessa Hartke Mike Hassfurther Gina Hawkins Debra Hawpetoss Steven Hayes Health Pointe, Inc. Jim and Carol Hedback Andrea Hedinger Keith and Anita Hedinger Stan and Jane Heichelbech Jim and Tonya Heim Ken and Rosemary Heim Norman and Norma Jean Held Jason A. and Sandra K. Hemmerlein Dean and Mary Beth Henke Garrett and Diane Henke Norma Henke Ron and Ann Henke David and Margaret Hevron Mark and Charlene Hicks Karen Hill Tom and Carolyn Hilsmeyer Hispana America, LLC Wayne and Lois Hobbs David E. Hochgesang Kent and Yvonne Hochgesang Michael and Patricia Hochgesang R. Larry and Kristin Hochmeister Brenda K. Hoffman Dan Hoffman William and Donna Hoffman Erica L. Hohl Gary and Donna Holland Fred E. and Pat Hollinden Joan E. Holt Larry and Gae Holtzman Hoosier State Press Assn., Inc. Charles E. and Linda Lou Hopf Dolores Hopf Dr. Steven and Dana Hopf Teresa Hopf Alvin Hoppenjans Gene and Florence Hostetter Nick Hostetter Jay and Carrie Houchin Karen Houchin Jason and Kim Howe William and Macrella Hoy David and Judy Hubster David and Stacy Hubster Erica Hubster James A. and Nancy K. Huebner Ronald and Doris Hulsman Jerry R. and Mary J. Hunefeld Ruth Hunefeld James and Judith Hunsicker Steve Hunter Huntingburg Chamber of Commerce Huntingburg Downtown Merchants Association Huntingburg Elementary PTO Huntingburg Housing Authority Huntingburg Optimist Club Hurm Construction Company, Inc. Steve and Nicole Hurrle IBM Indiana WIC Office Indianapolis Power & Light Company Insurers Inc. International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local #40 Iota Lambda, Psi Iota Xi Chapter J & S Communications, LLC J. E. Shekell, Inc. Jerry C. and Joyce A. Jackle Mark Jahn and Theresa Tretter-Jahn Brandon Jahn Bridgette Jarboe Bruce and Pam Jarboe Joan Jarboe Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) Jasper Duplicate Bridge Club Jasper Engines and Transmissions Jasper Equipment and Supply Jasper Herald Company Jasper High School Class of 1955 JDLevy & Associates, Inc. Dean and Leslie Jerger Jobs Promotion Fund Local 136 David and Rhonda Jochim Janice Jochim Joe W. Morgan, Inc. John and Barbara Hoffman John and Linda Lueken John K. Rudolph Alan and Carol Johnson Jeffrey L. and Debra M. Johnson Harry and Jo Ann Jones Sherry L. Ebert Jones Greg and Sandy Jordan Jostens Matt and Becky Julian Ramona Junge Lynn and Brenda Kahle Martin C. and Tricia J. Kaiser William J. and Allison M. Kaiser KALA Hotels Group, LLC Richard and Laura Kallbrier Rex Kamman Rick and Janet Kamman Irene Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa, Inc. Sarah Kasprzak Bruce and Marcia Katterhenry Tom and Esther Kellams Dennis J. and Betty Keller Tom and Elaine Keller Aaron and Emma Kelly Kenny Kemker David Kemper Jim and Kathy Kemper Phillip and Judith Kempf Scott and Jacqueline Kempf Charles and Carolynn Kendall Andrew Kennedy and Abby Schnarr Shannon Kenner Randall and Sandra Kerstiens Amanda Keusch Eugene and Helen Keusch Kevin and Martha Keusch Jay and Jill Kidwell Chad and Mitzi Kiefer Dave and Donna Kieffner Starr Kieffner Bryce and Jill Kilian Kenny and Janet Kilian Marilyn Kilian Randy and Gwen Kilian Kimball International, Inc. Alan and Kathleen King Diane M. King Hoyt King Jeffrey and Artis Kingston Clyde and Sue Kissling Kiwanis Activity Fund Kiwanis Club of Holland Kizior & Young Orthodontics, P. C. Samuel and Kathleen Klawitter Phillip and Connie Kling John Klueh and Tammy Ford Earl and Judith Klueh Ed and Nancy Kluesner Michael W. and Nancy A. Kluesner Christopher Knies Cindy Knies Craig and Nancy Knies Estate of Gregory C. Knies George and Charlene Knies Gerald and Kathy Knies Marvin and Connie Knies Don and Mary Knust Reynold and Leona Knust Paul and Charlotte Kohlman Roger and Michelle Kordes Estate of Mildred Smith Kraft Edward J. and Nancy L. Kreilein Estella M. Kreilein Andy and Brenda Krempp Bill and Missy Krempp John and Shari Krempp Kenny and Jane Krempp Stan and Mary Jane Krempp Bernard M. and Norma L. Kress David and Marilyn Kress Otto J. and Mary L. Kress Dr. David and Linda Kristoff Greg A. and Sarah L. Krodel Rudy H. and Barbara V. Krodel Thomas J. and Phyllis A. Krodel Teresa Kruse Gerald and Marjorie Kuebler Jimmy Kulbeth Kunkel Insurance Agency, Inc. Lawrence J. and Carolyn S. Kuntz Bernard and Joann Kunz John and Ann C. Kvach Kyana Woodstock Event Darla Laake Laborers’ Int’l Union of North America Local #561 Alicia Lachowecki Aaron and Sarah LaGrange Ronald and Rebecca LaGrange Jimmie and E. Norma Lammers Lance Lammers Dennis Ray and Pamela Lampert Kenneth R. and Joan Lampert Jason and Belinda Lange Lana Lanman Raymond A. and Nancy A. Larkin Eric and Kylie Lauderdale Gary G. and Judy Z. Lautzenhiser R. Mark and Janet Lawrance Frank Lechner Family Thomas L. and Betty Ann Lechner Dr. William and Jill Lehmkuhler Lee G. and Diane L. Lehmkuhler Denise Leinenbach Kurt and Sarah Leinenbach Tom and Mary Leinenbach Ron and Carol Leistner Kathie Lett Shane and Stacy Lindauer George and Marilyn Litherland Bill and Gayle Lohman Jeffrey Lomax and Anne Tangeman David Lorey Jane Lorey Carolyn Loveless Cletus Lubbehusen Mary Lou Luebbehusen Philip and Susan Luebbehusen Jeryl Luegers Shelley Otto and Jeryl Luegers Chad D. and Yvonne M. Lueken Pat and Ruth Lueken John and Kathleen Luker John and Amy Lyons M. O. Hard and Associates, Inc. Mailboxes and Parcel Depot Bernie and Elaine Main Kevin M. and Diane M. Manley Leonard J. and Nancy Marks Amy Marley Kay Marshall MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc. Carl Matacale Phil Matheis Nathan and Nicole Mathies Nick Mathies Hugh Jr. and Donna Mattingly Steve and Ruthie Mattingly Jay and Amy Maxey Max and Mary McCune Jim and Linda McGovren John W. and Susan K. McGovren Roberta C. McGovren Lynn McKinsey LeRoy McKittrick Estate Patrick McNulty Jim Mehling and Sue Ellspermann Kathleen Mehling Dennis L.(Bucket) and Patricia Anne Mehringer Karen Mehringer Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Mehringer Norb Mehringer Rose Mehringer Clyde and Joan Melton Curt and Sherri Mendel Michael and Vicki Mendel Menke Charitable Foundation Cory and Kelsey Menke Phyllis M. Menke Gene and Bev Merkel Jim Merkel James and Crystal Merkley Karen Merkley Michael and Annette Merkley Richard L. and Virginia Ann Merkley Bernie and Sharon Messmer Michael Metzger Sylvia Metzger Brad and Kim Meyer James Meyer Jerel and Sue Meyer Mike and Yvonne Meyer Vernon Meyer Evan and Tracey Michel Mid-America Locomotive & Car Repair, Inc. Midwest Ironworkers Advancement Program Miller Landing Webster H. Miller Trust Keith and Elaine Mills Bill and Angela Minglin Gary P. and Nancy S. Moeller Dr. Matthew and Sherry Monesmith Mark H. and Nancy S. Morelli Brandon Morgan Adrian Morris Tyan Mullen Terry and Lew Mumford Angela Mundy Charles B. Mundy Jeffrey and Jeannine Mundy Joe Mundy John and Lori Mundy Paul and Gretchen Mundy Scott and Jackie Mundy Brian and Lori Murphy Duane and Anita Murphy Kelly and Jennifer Murphy My Jalapeno Mexican Restaurant Lindsay Nalley Alan and Connie Nass Charles and Marilyn Nathan National Electrical Contractors Assn., Inc. Betty Neal Christopher and Leigh Neu Robert Neuhoff Dennis and Sharon Neukam Leonard J. and Louise Newman Tom and Janice Niehaus Dennis and Madonna Niemeier David and Connie Nigg Primitivo Nino Alice Noblitt Robert and Julie Noblitt Jason Nord Karen Nordhoff Stephanie Nowaskie Dan and Doris Oeding Tony and Tina Oeding OFS Brands Holdings, Inc. Old National Bancorp Olinger Diamond Center Deb Olinger Eric and Karen Olinger Greg and Carol Olinger Jim and Shirley Olinger Julie Olinger Martha Olinger OnSite Health & Safety Services Onyett Fabricators, Inc. Optimist Club of Jasper Inc. James A. and Rita Oser Keith and Denise Oser Leroy F. Oser Roman and Barbara Oser Dr. Nancy E. Otte Mike and Connie Overbey Lester and Thelma Jean Oxley P & I Supply Parke-Bell Ltd., Inc. Craig and Margaret Parmerlee Susan J. Partenheimer Robert and Mary Patberg Scott and Suzanne Patberg Anthony and Ruth Paulin Jerlene Peach Ron and Kay Anne Peake Morris and Pamela Pelzel Pennsylvania Tool Sales & Service, Inc. Ray and Sue Persohn Brad and Janna Peter Gregory and Faye Peters Peterson Goedecke Adam and Brandie Petry Chad and Leslie Petry Ramona K. Pfaff Carol Pfister Hilda Pfister William J. Pfister Jason Pieper Leroy Pieper Michael and Penny Piersol George Potter Jane A. Potter Roland and Jan Potts Bill and Cathy Powell Kevin Powell J. Douglas Prange Charlotte Pratte Dave and Nancy Prechtel Project Associates, Inc. David and Larita Qualkenbush Eugene and Mary Jane Rademacher Michael and Mary Ramirez William Rauscher Daniel and Joan Reckelhoff Patricia Reckelhoff Clifford and Karen Renschler John and Lisa Reutepohler Bobbi Reyes Philip, Kent, and Paula Reyling Thomas and Theresa Reyling Richard and Sue Vernier Jodi L. Richardson Francis “Jim” Riffel David and Kathy Ring Jim and Sandy Ring Jerald D. Roberts Keith and Patricia Roberts Steven and Cynthia Roberts Tim and Rhonda Robinette Steven and Deborah Roe Fred and Mary Jane Roeder Wes Roeder Rose Marie Roelle Dave and Ann Rogier Joe and Judy Rohleder Jayme Roos J. L. and Patricia Rosenthal Larry Rosenthal Irvin and Lisa Ross Rotary Club of Jasper Donald E. and Ann M. Routson Bill and Janice Rubino Larry and Carol Ruckriegel Robert L. and Lovella Ruckriegel David J. and Angela K. Rudolph Richard and Janice Rudolph Stan J. and Mary H. Ruhe Justin and Abbie Rumbach Peter Rumbach David and Mildred Rummel Martha Rummel Ruxer Ford-Lincoln, Inc. S & K Acquisition Corp. S. L. Wylucki Construction Fastners Safety Training and Consulting, Inc. Tully and Karen Sakel J.P. Salb, M.D. Gary and Nancy Salb Benjamin and Jeri Sanford John L. and Charlotte A. Sawyer Cletus Schaefer Brandon Schafer Samuel and Pamela Schatz Glen R. and Donna Schepers Josh Scherle Ken and Sue Scherry Nathan and Elizabeth Scherry Viola Scherry Doug and Kathy Schildmier Thomas J. and Darla Kaye Schipp REPORT TO THE PUBLIC | DECEMBER 2013 7 2 0 1 3 contributors cont. Daniel ‘Dickie’ and Sandy Schitter Jerry and Elaine Schitter Ron and Sharlene Schitter Bonnie Schmett Julie Schmid Duane and Sherylyn Schmidt Paula Schmidt Tom and Carol Schmidt Ambrose and Sally Schmitt Michael O. and Mary R. Schmitt William J. and Carolyn Schmitt Schmutzler Agency, Inc. Joe and Bev Schmutzler Bryan Schnaus Kenneth L. and Marilyn A. Schnaus Charles L. Schneider Joe and Judy Schneider John Schneider Mark Schneider Philip and Charlotte Schneider Robert F. Schneider Julia Schnell Stanley A. and Aurea Ann Schnell Kent and Darlene Schreiner Norbert Schreiner Glen ‘Whitey’ Schroeder Mark A. and Marlene M. Schroeder Melvin and Patricia Schroeder James D. Schroering Ralph and Madonna Schroering Tom and Rita Schroering Ken and Mary Jane Schuetter Charles R. and Bonita L. Loechte- Schuler Charles G. and Clara Mae Schulte Vicki J. Schulthise Jerry and Patty Schurz Ambrose and Jane Schwenk John and Bonnie Schwenk Michael A. and Pamela J. Schwenk Ralph J. and Kelly S. Schwenk Raymond Schwenk Scott Schwinghammer Terry and Donna Schwinghammer Debra R. Scott Ronald and Ann Scott Eric and Heather Seber John and Sara Segal Bradley T. and Debra K. Seger Jeanne Seger Nathan Seger Thomas W. and Cynthia J. Seger Paul W. and Beth Seidl Charles and Dorothy Seitz Trust Terry Seitz Ken and Janet Sendelweck Anthony Seng Kenneth J. and Cindy S. Seng Louis and Linda Seng Marilyn Seng Bob and Phyllis Sergesketter Ron J. and Linda Sermersheim Randall and Ruth Sickbert Scott and Pam Sickbert Gary and Marlene Siddons Robert L. and Joann M. Siebert Simms Painting Company, Inc. Babette Sims John and Darlene Sitzman Dwight and Melinda Sketo Rev. Russell and Darla Small Brett and Ambria Smith Brian and April Smith Ron and Mel Snyder Society of Honorable IN Troglodites Elizabeth Souders Fred and Marsha Souders Lisa A. Souders Steve Souders Terri Souders South Central I.P.H.C.C. Southridge High School & Middle School English Teachers Southridge High School Raider Band Boosters Southridge Lettermen’s Club, Inc. Southwest School Corporation Classroom Teacher’s Assoc. Southwestern Indiana Building Trades Council The Spayd Family David and Connie Spinner Helen Spinner Springs Valley Bank and Trust Company Ashley Springston David and Sharon Springston Margaret Springston St. Mary’s Catholic Church St. Paul’s Women of ELCA Noll A. and Ann M. Staff Donald and Jane Stafford Crystal Stanley State Employees’ Community Campaign Marc and Emi Steczyk Steele Communications Inc. Michael and Anna Steffe Robert P. and Janet L. Steiner Charles and Jan Stenftenagel Claudia Stenftenagel Conrad Stenftenagel Jeff and Alice Stenftenagel Margie Stenftenagel Scott and Karen Stenftenagel Vickie Stephens Thomas and Susan Stephenson Sterett Crane & Rigging Sterling Boiler & Mechanical, Inc. Sternberg, Inc. Allen and Marilyn Sternberg Brent and Michelle Sternberg Tom and Pat Sternberg Steve and Jan Stidd Steve and Brenda Stoffel Bill and Nancy Stratman Charles and Barbara Strobel Kevin Strunk Leslie Sturm Superb Tooling Inc. Sur La Table David Sutton Shirley Sutton Edmond Talucci Seida Tamargo Terry Tanner Owen and Melissa Tarantino Victor J. and Nancy S. Teder Joey L. Tempel Donna Temple and Leole Krieg Roger M. and Elaine M. Tewksbury Thomas and Vickie Thacker Jeffery S. and Glenda A. Theising Amanda Thewes Thomas E. Kahle Insurance Agency, Inc. Dennis and Karen Thomas Thompson Enterprises Jeff and Julie Thompson Margaret Thompson Michael and Denise Thompson Thursday Nite Ladies League James C. and Patricia J. Thyen Tienda Latina & Restaurant LLC Tin Lizzie’s Anthony and Beverly Titus Benjamin Titus Richard and Debra Tobin Jeff and Andrea Tooley Town of Ferdinand Town of Holland, Indiana C. Stuart and Janet Townsend Toyota Motor Eng. & Mfg. NA, Inc. Roger Trahin II Robert Trame Norma Trent Kevin Tretter and Family Brian and Jill Tretter Elizabeth Tretter Georgia Tretter Heather Tretter Michael and Dana Tretter Ralph and Joanne Tretter Richard P. and Kathleen J. Tretter Scott & Theresa Tretter John P. Trimble Troutman Family Dentistry, P. C. Abby Troutman John and Abby Truesdale Tony and Sandra Trusty Rita Tucker Terry R. and Kim Lampert- Tucker Uebelhor & Sons, Inc. Uebelhor Oil, Inc. David and Mary Uebelhor Denis and Mary Lee Uebelhor Dolores Uebelhor James R. and LaVerne Uebelhor Michael and Mary Uebelhor Michael H. Uebelhor Rita S. Uebelhor Stephen and Bonnie Uebelhor Stephen W. Uebelhor Tara L. Uebelhor United Cabinet Foundation, Inc. United Minerals Company, LLC United Way of Gibson County United Way of Knox County United Way of Pike County Gary and Rhonda Van Winkle Billy and Sherri Veatch Andrew and Cheryl Verkamp Duane and Maureen Verkamp Gilbert D. Verkamp Larry and Judy Verkamp Max J. and Jennifer L. Verkamp Richard and Barbara Vermillion Vernon Corporation Vincennes University Breck and Ashlee Vinson Allen and Lisa Voges Paul and Suzanne Vogler Robert and Dorothy Vogler Eric and Lacey Vollmer Wabash Valley Produce, Inc. Nick and Amy Wagner Jim and Doretha Wahl Paul and Martha Wahl Ralph and Karen Wallem Edwin and Robin Walston Bernard Walter Brad and Cara Ward Mark and Anne Warnsman April Waters Jim A. and Suzanne E. Webb Lisa Webster Danny W. and Linda M. Wehr Stan and Coletta Wehr Helena Weidenbenner Shirley A. Weidenbenner William E. and Carolyn F. Weikert Betty Weinzapfel Gary and Cindy Weinzapfel Chris and Amy Weisman Welding & Therapy Service, Inc. Eugene and Barbara Welp John and Donna Welp Stan and Janet Welp Brent and Mallory Wendholt Brenda Werne Jack and Marcia Werne Robert and Sharon Wertman Delores Wessel James and Karen Weyer Larry and Mary Weyer Ronald J. and Lou Ann Weyer Thomas A. and Margaret A. Weyer Ron and Karen Wheat Mary Ann Whitsitt Robert and Karen Whitten, Jr. Terry and Carolyn Whitten Dawn Wibbeler Jerry and Kathleen Wibbeler Jon and Betty Wibbeler John and Ruth Wibbels Jane Wigand Chad and Melanie Wilkey Will Read & Sing for Paul’s Benefit Brian Will Francis and Melinda Willard Luther and Lynn Willems Keith and Phyllis Willis Jeff and Laurie Wilmes Joseph and Grace Wilmes Kurt and Marya Wilmes Paul Wilmes Sarah Wilmes Joshua and Amy Wilson Jim and Phyllis Winkler John R. and Carol P. Winkler Stephen and Beth Winkler Ronald and Cheri Winner John Wirthwein Rhonda Wiseman Carl and Jane Witte, Jr. Michael M. and Ruth Ann Witte Richard and Donna Wolf Tom and Carol Woods II Woods Printing Company Emma Lou Woods Wright Steel & Service, Inc. Harold and Eileen Wright Seth Wright Molly Wuchner David and Dee Ann Wylam Jack and Connie Yaggi Douglas Young William and Nancy Young John and Kathy Ziliak, Jr. Edward and Sarah Zoglman F. Thomas and Beverly Zwetschke * We make every effort to print accurate lists when we recognize our donors. Please contact us to alert of any errors or omissions. What is Planned Giving? Gift and Estate Planning With a planned giving strategy, you can put your assets to work for any part of Dubois County you choose— while you and the community share in the benefits. Create Your Own Legacy Color My World Preschool Tuition Endowment By making bequests and other “planned gifts,” you can continue to help organizations that are making an important difference in your community. Fund founder Connie Evans supports Color My World Preschool by giving today. By making a planned gift to her endowment, she ensures her support tomorrow. Gifts large and small are important. Charitable giving is not only for the wealthy! Contact the Community Foundation to learn more about Planned Giving. Help Define the Community Our Children will Inherit. Pictured: Color My World Preschool, Huntingburg. Supported by Color My World Preschool Tuition Endowment LEGACY SOCIETY The Legacy Society of the Dubois County Community Foundation was founded to recognize friends and benefactors who use the Foundation to carry out their estate plans. Too often, these gifts are unrecognized because they come at the end of the donors’ lives. The Legacy Society provides a way to recognize and thank donors during their lifetimes for including the community foundation in their estate plans. Our Members Harlan and Alba Altman Anonymous Georgina Blessinger Mike and Jackie Bockelman Juanita S. Boehm Delmar and Doris Bromm Gary Critser Jerome Allen “Al” Dotterweich Tim Erny Connie Evans Bernard and Marsha Fallon Elfrieda Fleck Larry and Kristine Fuesler Florence Gardner Thomas and Patricia Goepfrich Anthony P. and Audrey Habig Barbara Habig Allen and Dianne Hoppenjans Steve and Nicole Hurrle Nathaniel Jarboe Tim Jarboe Andrew C. Klem Linus Kluemper Alan and Brenda Kunkel Dick and Joan Lampert Diane Fehribach Lehmkuler Reverend Ray Ley Jeryl Luegers Chad Lueken Jim Mehling and Sue Ellspermann Phyllis Menke Robert Rasche Jeanette Rauscher Owen and Marian Klausmeier Roettger Betty Jo Salb Jim Schroeder Gervase Schwenk Richard and Naida Slayton Robert J. Steffe Scott and Theresa Tretter Mike and Mary Uebelhor Samuel C. Voelkel Brad and Cara Ward REPORT TO THE PUBLIC | DECEMBER 2013 Financial Summary DUBOIS COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION TOTAL ASSETS - in millions TOTAL ASSETS - in millions 2008$11.0 2009$13.6 2010$15.6 2011$15.5 2012$21.3 9/30/2013$23.8 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & GRANTS Contributions Period Ending Total 2008 $866,144.00 2009 $724,331.00 2010 $1,084,742.00 2011 $1,464,069.00 2012 $1,041,194.00 * 2013 $1,037,021.00 Grants Period Ending Total 2008 $261,192.00 2009 $457,534.00 2010 $279,437.00 2011 $307,194.00 2012 $454,167.00 ** 2013 $484,059.00 * Includes contributions through 9/30/13. ** Includes anticipated grants through year end. DUBOIS COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SUMMARY INVESTMENT RETURNS Yr End 9/30/13 Last 3 Yrs Endowment Portfolio 11.2% 10.1% Last 10 Yrs 7.0% The Community Foundation is a local organization with deep roots in the community — preserving resources that can generate income for local charities each and every year. Our investment strategy is designed for strong returns that can benefit the charitable interests of our donors forever. As a public charity, the Community Foundation believes very strongly in the principals of openness and transparency not only to our donors, but to the public and community groups we serve. For additional financial information including our IRS form 990, please visit our website: dccommunityfoundation. org or contact us at 812.482.5295. Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations. 600 McCrillus Street • P.O. Box 269 • Jasper, Indiana 47547 • Ph 812.482.5295 • dccommunityfoundation.org
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