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South Charlotte Sports Report
Volume 3, Issue 6
Early September Issue - FREE
You may remember
a story we published last
summer about The Machicote Family and the fight
that Rona Machicote had
on her hands. She had
been diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome in
February 2007. Her children Austin and Foster
Machicote are talented
young athletes here in the
South Charlotte area. Both
boys play for the Charlotte
Megastars and Austin is
a pitcher for Ardrey Kell
High School. The following
is a story of determination
and never giving up in the
pursuit of goals.
Guillain-Barré syndrome is
a disorder in which the body’s
immune system attacks part of
the peripheral nervous system.
The first symptoms of this disorder include varying degrees of
weakness or tingling sensations
in the legs. In many instances,
the weakness and abnormal
sensations spread to the arms
and upper body. These symptoms can increase in intensity
until the muscles cannot be
used at all and the patient is
almost totally paralyzed. In
these cases, the disorder is lifethreatening and is considered a
medical emergency. The patient
is often put on a respirator to
assist with breathing. Most pa-
Alex, Foster, Rona and Joe Machicote at the “Miracle Mile” Walk.
tients, however, recover from
even the most severe cases of
Guillain-Barré syndrome, although some continue to have
some degree of weakness. Guillain-Barré syndrome is rare.
Usually Guillain-Barré occurs
a few days or weeks after the
patient has had symptoms of
a respiratory or gastrointestinal viral infection. Occasionally, surgery or vaccinations
will trigger the syndrome. The
disorder can develop over the
course of hours or days, or it
may take up to 3 to 4 weeks. No
one yet knows why GuillainBarré strikes some people and
not others or what sets the disease in motion. What scientists
do know is that the body’s im-
mune system begins to attack
the body itself, causing what is
known as an autoimmune disease. Guillain-Barré is called a
syndrome rather than a disease
because it is not clear that a specific disease-causing agent is
involved. Reflexes such as knee
jerks are usually lost. Because
the signals traveling along the
nerve are slower, a nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test can
give a doctor clues to aid the diagnosis. The cerebrospinal fluid
that bathes the spinal cord and
brain contains more protein
than usual, so a physician may
decide to perform a spinal tap.
See Machicote, page 5
On a 6 issue introductory advertising package with The South Charlotte Sports Report.
Starting a new business? Looking for new ways to market your business?
Want to show your support for youth sports?
Market your business to over 70,000 South Charlotte area residents.
Take advantage of this introductory offer no later than September 15, 2008.
50 ISSUES! Wow! It’s hard to believe this is the 50th issue of The
South Charlotte Sports Report. I only have to think back to the night
of June 4, 2006 to realize how far the paper has come. After weeks of
hard work, it was almost time to print our first edition; we barely met
the deadline for our printer. Around midnight I went to bed with a
feeling of nervousness knowing that in just 6 hours, The South Charlotte Sports Report would be born. In many ways, I felt like a Dad
waiting on a child to be born.
Needless to say we have come a long way since that first newspaper.
With each issue, I believe the paper has improved. I am proud to say
we have maintained our commitment to providing positive news on
the young athletes of the South Charlotte community. Over 25,000
names, stories and photos have appeared in our pages to date.
It’s very important to note that without the amazing companies
and organizations that support The South Charlotte Sports Report,
we would have never made it this far. I ask all of our readers to please
continue to give these supporters an opportunity to earn your business. They are all first class businesses owned by people that believe
in the role youth sports play in a child’s life.
Your support has allowed The South Charlotte Sports Report to
grow beyond the actual newspaper. Under our umbrella, we now
operate South Charlotte Sports Action Photography which provides
affordable action photography, team and organization photographic
services. In addition to the tens of thousands of photos we take of
athletes, we also offer a great fundraising program for athletic associations, schools and teams. Call us at 704-906-5466 for more information and please visit to view our photos.
I am also very proud of the Sports Camps that are operated by
The South Charlotte Sports Report. We have hosted 8 camps in the
last year for area youth. Our camps are committed to providing first
class instruction with a commitment to Good Sportsmanship and
Fun. Continue to look through our newspaper for more information
on upcoming camps this Fall and Winter. We promise to deliver the
best camp possible to every parent and child in the area.
One of the most exciting projects for The South Charlotte Sports
Report has been the creation of The Greater Charlotte Hot Stove
League and the first ever Hot Stove League Dinner held last January. This pre-season Baseball and Softball Awards Dinner will return
January 24, 2009 in an even larger format than the first dinner!
So sit back and enjoy our 50th issue. With the continued and
amazing support of the community, we hope to publish another 50
issues and continue to offer positive news and programming for the
South Charlotte Community.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank You to everyone that has
offered a kind word, sent in stories and photos, spent time in our
camps or participated in any of our programming. Without you, The
South Charlotte Sports Report would have never made it past that
first issue.
Tripp Roakes
South Charlotte Sports Report
[email protected]
Call Tripp Roakes at 704-906-5466 or email [email protected]
for more information
South Charlotte Sports Action Photography
Call now to schedule our team of professional
photographers to visit your games this fall.
Team Photos, Posed shots and Action Photography
Teams, Leagues & Organizations
Advertise your function or event on
our new Bulletin Board! See page 2
Read my blog at
The South Charlotte Sports Report is
looking for a few good student writers.
Earn great experience and have your
work published in our newspaper.
Email [email protected]
Page South Charlotte Sports Report
SCHOOLS, CHURCHES: The South Charlotte Sports Report is searching for gym space
for upcoming camps and programs this fall and
winter. We will pay top-dollar and or trade
advertising space for usage of your church or
school gym. Great opportunity to raise additional funds and/or gain advertising exposure in
The South Charlotte Sports Report. Call Tripp
@ 704-906-5466 or email [email protected]
CBC Baseball is offering September baseball
classes for hitting, pitching, catching and infield.
Softball classes are also being offered. Sign up
asap to ensure your space. Carolinas Baseball
Center 704-499-9040
Marvin Ridge Cheerleading is pleased to
announce the First Marvin Ridge Classic
Cheerleading Competition to be hosted at
Marvin Ridge High School on October 25th and
26th.If you would like more information or to
register a Middle School or High School team,
please follow this link: questions should be directed to the MRHS Varsity
Cheerleading Coach: [email protected]
otte Sports Report
Volume 3, Issue 6
Mark your calanders! The 2nd Annual
Greater Charlotte Hot Stove League
Banquet will be held on Saturday January 24th. For more information, call 704906-5466 or visit
Announcements will be made in September
on how to nominate players for awards as well
as information on buying your tickets for this
year’s banquet.
Page 23
Now scheduling all fall
sports photography.
Call to set a time for
to visitGalleries
for team
and individual
Christian Football
as Soccer
well as
South Meck vs Catholic Football
Action Photos.
Play It Again Sports
Velocity Sports Performance
Community House Middle School
Quimby and Collins - Fountains
Charlotte All-Stars
Dick’s Sporting Goods – Pineville
Dilworth Coffee House (Hwy 521)
Dick’s Sporting Goods – Matthews
Omega Sports
YMCA – Morrison Branch
Four Seasons Barber and Salon
YMCA – Siskey Branch
Dunkin Donuts (Highway 521)
Lax Zone
Southeastern Gymnastics
Fitness For Women
Steps N’ Motion – The Fountains
Palone’s Pizza
On Deck Baseball
Sports Connection Ballantyne
Tokyo One Express
Peak Fitness Ballantyne
Extreme Ice Center
Eddie’s Place Restaurant
Dr. Sellers Orthodontics
Epicenter at OrthoCarolina
La Strada Pizza
Presbyterian Urgent Care – Blakeney
Weddington Activity Center
Presbyterian Urgent Care – Pineville
Baskin Robbins (Highway 521)
BP Station near Siskey Y
Nothing But Noodles
Citgo Station near Col. Beaty Park
Athletic Republic
The Ice House
Mecklenburg Aquatic Club
Port City Java (Downtown)
Carolinas Baseball Center
In the Game Athletics
International Sports Center
Premier Soccer
Manhattan Coffee and Ice Cream
Super Bi-Lo (Matthews)
Try Sports
Charlotte Running Company
Pet Essentials
Run for Your Life
Jesse Brown’s Adventure
Chiropractic Fitness
Ballantyne Bean n’ Bakery
Sports Clips (Promenede)
Guitar Center
Good Ol Days
Jersey Mike’s (Stonecrest)
Juice Place (Promenede)
CrossFit Charlotte
Marvin Ridge High School
Laxer, Long and Savage
Marvin Ridge Middle School
Grand Slam USA
Charlotte Catholic High School
Papa Johns – Camfield Corners
Marble Slab Creamery (Waxhaw)
Tebby Sports Medicine
Movie Gallery (Waxhaw)
Meridian Medical Group
Harris Teeter (Cureton)
Call 704-906-5466 or email [email protected]
and we will add your location to this list.
South Charlotte Sports Report
Covering the Active Children and Families of Our Community
The South Charlotte Sports Report is published twice a month by The South Charlotte Sports
Report, 9901 Zackery Ave, Charlotte, NC 28277. Phone: 704-341-0086. The South Charlotte
Sports Report is distributed free throughout our coverage area in neighborhoods and local
businesses. If you would like copies delivered to your business for distribution to customers,
call 704-341-0086. Paid subscriptions delivered by USPS are available for $59.00 a year.
Payment may be made to South Charlotte Sports Report, 9901 Zackery Ave, Charlotte, NC
ule our team
Story ideas and photo submissions are welcome for use on our website and in our newspaper,
email to [email protected]. Advertising rates are available upon request.
Tripp Roakes
Frances Adams
Catherine McKay
The SCSR Team!
Scott Page
Richard Bolen
Jennifer Patterson
Chip Auger
Greg Arthur
Jill Shea
Louise Giusto
Lisa Cude
Volume 3, Issue 6
South Charlotte Sports Report
Page Lacrosse Recruiting Rundown
The College Coach Call
Imagine traveling five hundred miles on a bus, playing on a team
with athletes from all your rival schools and competing in a tournament of over seventy teams sprawled across an entire county during
the blistering heat of summer. Now imagine doing all of this while trying to impress college lacrosse coaches from all divisions, conferences
and regions of the country. How you play at any particular point could
set in motion an important chain of events that could determine which
coaches choose to recruit you, and thus which college you choose to
attend…a decision which will ultimately lay the outline for the rest of
your life. This is the pressure-cooker atmosphere of summer recruiting
for lacrosse athletes. Recruiting for lacrosse is most similar to soccer
and volleyball, where the majority of recruiting is done
while playing with select teams or all star teams in designated recruiting tournaments (generally in the summer and fall). For those of us in the Southeast, traveling to tournaments up north are virtually our only
opportunity to be seen by coaches. Unlike in football,
lacrosse players are rarely scouted by coaches who attend regular season games, or by sport-specific combines, or even by word of mouth. Lacrosse recruiting
is done almost completely through a handful of major
recruiting tournaments held in the Summer and Fall.
In fact it is completely possible that a lacrosse player
could refrain completely from playing during the regular season in the Spring, and still be recruited by competing in recruiting showcases during the off season.
Along those same lines, lacrosse players are not offered
scholarships to top play for top teams purely because
of 40 yard dash time, or a freakish amount of muscle
In lacrosse, coaches prefer to assess the entire
athlete…style of play, leadership abilities and “coachability” all weigh as much, if not more than athleticism when it comes to evaluating a player. Similarly,
academics and citizenship are extremely important in
lacrosse recruiting. Lacrosse players are not given the
same amount of leeway in the admissions process as
athletes in other sports, and therefore it is important
that a recruit has the scholastic ability to fit into a University, as well as
the athletic ability to fit into the lacrosse program.
The recruiting process for lacrosse players in general is difficult, but
for those of us in North Carolina and the rest of the south, it is even
more daunting. Lacrosse is traditionally a Northeastern sport, played at
the highest levels in New York, Maryland and New Jersey. In the past,
college coaches have almost exclusively concentrated their recruiting on
these northern states and regarded southern lacrosse as sub-par. While
top recruits such as Charlotte Latin’s Andrew Tanneberger (University
of Delaware) and Charlotte Catholic’s Michael Sawyer (Loyola University) are helping to reverse this trend, the Northeast is still the central
focus of high school lacrosse recruiting. To compound our regional disadvantage, the vast majority of colleges that compete in NCAA lacrosse
are located in the North, making it simply illogical for 90% of coaches
to travel to see us play in the south. North Carolina has eleven colleges
in Division I, II and III that play lacrosse, while South Carolina only
has two. Georgia, Florida and Tennessee all have one each. In contrast,
Massachusetts has thirty college lacrosse teams, Pennsylvania has thirty five and New York leads the nation with a staggering seventy two.
While it seems that the odds are undeniably against us who play lacrosse in South Charlotte, there is still plenty of opportunity to be seen.
Local programs such as Team Charlotte and Team Carolina lacrosse
provide a medium for the top players in the city and state to travel to
the best recruiting tournaments each Summer and Fall. For all sports
in general, when it comes down to it, if you are academically and athletically qualified to play in college, and you are active in the recruiting
process and in “selling” yourself, you will get your chance.
So join a travel team and contact the coaches of your preferred colleges. When you walk out onto that humid field in suburban Baltimore,
or West Chester, or Gettysburg, all you can do is play your heart out.
Leave it all on the field and maybe, just maybe, you’ll impress those few
critical looking men sitting in their fold out chairs with their clipboards
and logo hats.
As much as I strive not to begin articles with clichés, I can’t help but feel that one would be fitting here…
so here goes: I’ll never forget when I received my first phone call from a college coach. I was out on my front
lawn at about nine o’clock at night, dragging the recycling bin down to the curb when my cell phone rang
with a number I did not recognize. I answered the phone and, to my disbelief, was greeted by an assistant
coach of a Division I lacrosse team. He was very temperate and calmly kind as he asked how my off season
was going, inquired how my grades were holding up and commented on how he had been impressed with
my play at a tournament earlier that summer. While our brief conversation, early in the recruiting process,
did not include any talk of official visits or commitments, needless to say I was left grinning like a child on
Christmas morning.
A student-athlete’s first contact with a college coach is without a doubt one of the most exciting moments
they will experience in high school, but beyond the initial thrill of knowing that a college coach is interested
in you, a phone call is an important measuring stick in the complicated world of recruiting. It is common for an athlete’s family to be
confused on where they stand in a coach’s priority list of prospects,
so the varying levels of contact that occur between the family and the
coach are vital to understanding the situation. To further illustrate
this point, I’ll run through a simulation of how a college program will
typically communicate with their average prospective recruit.
Junior Summer/Fall : September 1st of Junior Year is the first day
for NCAA Division I and II sports, excluding Men’s Basketball and
Men’s Ice Hockey (June 15th), that coaches may begin to send out
recruiting materials. As many as a thousand athletes will receive a
generic letter from the coach, often addressed “Dear Athlete” or “Dear
Prospect.” This letter will include only general information about the
college and the particular team. In most cases, the letter will also contain a brief academic/athletic questionnaire for the athlete to fill out
and return. The coaching staff may have seen these athletes play at
some point and been impressed, or simply pulled their name off of a
roster at a combine, camp or tournament and put them on their mailing list. The purpose of this early, general letter is simply to introduce
the athlete to the college and establish a line of communication with
the athlete’s family. This may be the only letter the athlete ever receives from the coaching staff.
Junior Winter/Spring : Many colleges will have set up a periodic
contact mailing or e-mail system. Most of the original prospects may
receive occasional updates about the college or the team meant to
keep the college on the athlete’s mind and in their considerations for
Greg Basch
the future. If an athlete has begun to stand out in a coach’s recruiting
picture, he or she may receive a more personal letter or e-mail. A good indicator of a coach’s sincerity is if
they mention specifically where or when they saw the athlete compete, or what about the athlete impressed
them. Men’s and Women’s Basketball and Football players may begin receiving phone calls at this point.
The major military academies (Army, Navy, Air Force) are permitted to call athletes of all sports during this
Senior Summer : Many athletes will be able to participate in recruiting combines, tournaments or camps
during the summer following their Junior year. By this point, most colleges will have drastically narrowed
their recruiting scope to a couple hundred, or even less than a hundred prospects. Division I coaches can
begin calling athletes on July 1st following Junior Year and Division II coaches can begin calling on June
15th. At this point coaches may begin talking about scholarships and commitments. Almost all will invite
their prospects to take an unofficial visit to their college.
Senior Fall/Winter : For all sports and divisions of the NCAA, coaches can extend Official Visit invitations beginning the first day of classes. By this point, most coaches will have made “final cuts” on their list of
prospective athletes. In many cases, being invited to take an Official Visit coincides with official recruitment
of the student-athlete.
I hope this outline will offer a bit of insight into the timeline of communication and recruiting. Keep
in mind, this is only a rough timetable and is centered around the typical recruited athlete. Top Blue Chip
athletes sometimes verbally commit to a college with the promise of a scholarship as early as their Junior
summer. Now that you’ve taken a look through the typical college recruiting schedule, you can better understand what that thrilling phone call really means. Ignoring the fact that it is completely irrational for a coach
to call all twelve hundred initial prospects in his database, you can be comfortable knowing that a personal
phone call is a very positive sign when figuring out where you stand in a coach’s mind. Nine times out of
ten, those who make it onto the phone call list are in the top tier of prospects for the program. This is not to
say, however, that the athlete has “made it” and has a spot on the team. There is still much to be done in the
recruiting process at this point. The athlete must be able to produce the grades and test scores appropriate
to be accepted to the college. The athlete will take an unofficial or official visit to the college, where his or her
first impression could improve or damage their standing with the coaching staff. The coaches may develop
new opinions on the athlete if they see a particularly bad game, or a particularly good game. As they say…it’s
not over ‘til it’s over.
While the recruiting process can certainly be long, stressful and full of anticipation, it is an exciting and
memorable part of a student-athlete’s high school experience and I urge you to enjoy every minute of it. I’ll
end with another cliché that simply fits here…work hard on the field and in the classroom and you will be
Written by Greg Basch, Providence High School
Rich Bolen, SCSR Action Photos
Written by Greg Basch, Providence High School
Page South Charlotte Sports Report
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Matthews NC 28105
Phone: 704-815-4263
Hours Of Operation:
M-F: 9-6
Sat: 9-4
Closed Sunday
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Volume 3, Issue 6
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Phone: 803-366-3316
Hours of Operation:
M-F: 10-6
Sat: 9-5
Closed Sunday
Hours of Operation:
M-F: 10-6
Sat: 9-5
Closed Sunday
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(Photo Credit: Greg Arthur, SCSR Action Photos)
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Contact South
Charlotte Sports Report to
schedule our team of
professional photographers
to visit your team this fall.
Volume 3, Issue 6
South Charlotte Sports Report
Page Your ER Alternative for Urgent Medical Needs
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Continued from front page
Joe Machicote and his two boys are proud to announce that Rona
returned home for Christmas of 2007 after 10 months of hospitalization on life support systems and intense rehab. She works hard and
struggles every day to get life back to “normal.” Taking rehab three
times per week, Rona can now walk again for short distances and is
happy to return home. Her goal was to watch Austin pitch for Ardrey
Kell as a sophomore since she missed his entire freshman year. She was
given an even more special treat when Austin closed his sophomore
year going 9 and 1 on the mound for the Ardrey Kell Junior Varsity
team. Rona attended every game, as well as Foster’s games played with
the Charlotte Megastars as he achieved success on the mound and at
the plate as he led the team with a season high .446 batting average.
Not to be outdone by her athletic sons, Rona recorded her own athletic achievement by walking the “Miracle Mile” in the local Guillain
Barre Walk on the Saturday before Mother’s Day. The boys believe
they get their competitive nature and will to succeed from their Mom.
This summer has seen continued improvement for Rona and her
family. While life may never be the same as it was before February
2007, the family is very appreciative and proud of how far Rona has
The Machicote family would like to sincerely thank the community
response after the first article published. “Our friends became our family and helped us through a very difficult time,” said Joe Machicote,
Austin and Foster’s Dad. “I’ve never seen a community come together
so powerfully for one family, and we owe our ability to keep it together
during this time to them...especially my mom, Mae, our baseball families and The South Charlotte Sports Report for raising awareness.”
The South Charlotte Sports Report salutes Rona Machicote and her
brave family for never giving up!
Page South Charlotte Sports Report
BEYOND THE GAMEVolume 3, Issue 6
Favorite thing about playing at MARA:
“I like it because all my friend’s play there”
Be treated by the same physicians who care for the:
Carolina Panthers
Johnson C. Smith
Charlotte Knights
UNC Charlotte
Charlotte Eagles
Wingate University
Davidson College
Page Winthrop University
South Charlotte Sports Report
Favorite jersey number:
“# 8 because it’s lucky to me.”
Jared is a fourth grader at
Matthews Elementary. The
son of Todd and Donna
Birnberg enjoys playing
baseball and soccer. This
summer Jared’s All-Star
Baseball team at MARA won
the State Championship.
Most famous person I’ ve ever met:
“I met Steve Smith at in Matthews. He signed
a picture for me and I had my picture taken
with him.”
Favorite class at school:
“Math, I am good at it and I like numbers.”
When I grow up:
“I want to be a pro baseball player for the
(Greg Arthur, SCSR Action Photos)
Aug. 23 – Nov. 15, 2008
10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Favorite baseball player:
“Chipper Jones. I like Chipper because he
is a good player. I was born in Atlanta. The
Braves are my favorite baseball team.”
All Charlotte
Public &
Little Sluggers Camps
Private High Schools
June 23- 27
July 14-18
August 4-8
eir first anniversary, May 1st,
aseball center co-founded by
arrin Benincase has become
he area. With a commitment
nefited from regular training
ation league players to major
ry level of the game.
ll clubs have chosen CBC for
ers, Stealth, The South Charcanes to name a few.
nd top minor league players
John Ennis, Joe Borchard,
e batting cages and pitching
don Williams also trained at
Indoor Camp
Ages 14-18
1915 Randolph Road | Charlotte, NC
June 16-20
Outside Baseball Camps
Ages 8-13
July 14-18 Tega Cay Recreation Association
July 21-25 Indian Trail Athletic Association
July 28-August 1 Park Sharon Athletic Association
OC Sports Medicine
The Carolina’s Premier
Indoor Baseball Training Facility
Spencer Shuey (#33) leads South Meck to season opening win over Charlotte
Catholic. To view more photos of the South Meck vs Catholic game, please visit
year, including the First Anarly January CBC held a high
ver 30 college coaches and 10
y Billy Ripken, The Charlotte
e true. A former major league
ad a strong desire to open a
n to area ball players.
ould be and more,” Jeff said.
focus on providing the high-
we have a good product and
want to invite all the baseball
at CBC and meet our staff.”
use Blvd. Please visit www.
re information on upcoming
“Where you can learn to play like a pro.”
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Get Velocity Trained and
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The South Park Youth Association Girls’ 15-U Girls’ Fast Pitch Softball
team marched through both the regular and post-seasons undefeated—
winning the Char-Meck Championship along the way! Head Coach Vikki
Van Dam exclaimed, “The girls never let up, and every win seemed to
produce a new hero. Truly a testament to team play and their will to have
fun and win.”
Back Row: Head Coach Vikki Van Dam, Anna Kate Ramsey, Keyonna
Benjamin, Hannah Barnett, Brittany Kalmbach, Melanie Runkle, Hannah Barnett, Kent McKinney
Front Row: Lawren Rideaux, Amanda Myers, Adele Clifford, Carson
Hedberg, Sarah McKinney
Volume 3, Issue 6
South Charlotte Sports Report
CELTIC competitive 99 3v3 team of the Carlisle 3v3 Academy and club members
of CUFC took matters into their own hands at the recent Southeastern Regional
3v3 tournament in Evans, GA. The Celtic team completed the two-day tournament
with 27 goals and only allowing 3 against. The Celtic team defeated the Palmetto
Heat team of Columbia, SC 1-0 in the final to revenge a 4-3 defeat in the final of
the Statesville, NC tournament in July by the same Palmetto Heat.
The final game came down to a goal scored by Nicholas Guido in the last minute of
play to give the Celtic team the regional championship. The redemption was even
sweeter as this same Celtic team was knocked out of the championship bracket last
year without losing a game. Goal differential was the culprit. This year the young
lads ensured this would not happen again. The Celtic team provided a showcase
of the how the kids are being developed at Carlisle Soccer and CUFC. Ball control,
defense first, and have fun while playing the game was evident as you watch every
child perform.
The Celtic team will be heading to the World 3v3 Championships at the Wide
World of Sports located in Orlando, FL, January, 2009. The team is coached by
Sean Carlisle and Vinny Guido.
The Celtic Team is made up of (from left to right of the Picture):
Melvin Covert, Nicholas Guido, Jensen Graham, Gabriel Martinez, Karl-Heinz
Reichert, Coach Vinny Guido, Not shown (Sean Carlisle)
Page Matthews Rugby Club Summer Coed
Touch League Season Summary
Matthews Rugby Club Vipers (MRC Vipers)
wrapped up their fifth summer of youth touch
rugby on Saturday, August 16. Since 2004,
MRC has been offering touch rugby in the
south Charlotte region for children ages 6 –
14. This summer, MRC expanded its summer
touch program to include ages 15 – 18. “Touch
rugby is a fun and safe way for boys and girls
to learn this great sport,” says Adam Angulo,
commissioner of Matthews Rugby Club.
Every summer, MRC begins their summer rugby program from mid-June though
mid-August. In 5 years, they’ve grown from a
couple dozen children to almost 100 boys and
girls. It’s a volunteer youth sports program so
they’ve been able to keep the total registration
and participation cost to under $100 per player. Coaches vary from experienced National
Division 1 rugby players to parents of players
U-15 fly-half veteran Alex Maughan setting new to rugby that have fallen in love with this
up a pass for his center.
team focused sport.
The Under-11 matches were amazing to
watch. All the children had a chance to play multiple positions and made their
coaches and parents proud. To see these youngsters progress from their first
practice of how to run, pass and kick a rugby ball to the final match of scoring
quality tries (similar to the America Football version of a touch down) was impressive. These children are the future of this growing sport in North Carolina
and the USA.
The Under-15 matches were competitive and thrilling to watch. At this level,
the quality of rugby is superb. Even those children new to rugby, pick up the
sport quickly and enjoy the spirit of competition. Many of these players also go
on to play for the MRC Vipers tackle squad that competes in the Carolina Youth
Rugby Association spring season.
The Under-19 matches were as good as it gets in youth rugby. These players
worked hard this summer and demonstrated leadership and teamwork. They
also competed in a U-19 tackle scrimmage in August and played a great match
against an experienced and talented opponent, the Weddington Lions. Several
of these players will go on to play for MRC’s inaugural Under-19 tackle squad in
the upcoming Carolina Youth Rugby Association spring season.
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Page South Charlotte Sports
Volume 3, Issue 6
Written by Joe Machicote
them achieving or coming close to national titles. ALL of the
Megastars teams are nationally ranked. Here are some of
the highlights:
8U Megastars
The Executive Director of the Charlotte Megastars, Jeff
McNeely, leans back in his chair as he speaks in admiration of
the “Megastar Nation”, made up of boys baseball teams ages 8
through 18. “This was a great weekend for the Megastars!” he
proclaims proudly as his eyes smile in the opposite arc to his
big toothy smile. McNeely is a big fellow, very muscular, and
his presence can’t be missed when he enters a room. He puts
his hands behind his head, fingers clasped and interlocked,
and I can’t help but notice that his biceps look like two huge
distinct mountains on either side of his head. A retired professional baseball player for the Boston Red Sox,
McNeely has made quite the name for himself in the
Charlotte area with his Megastars. “Our colors are black and
red because those are my high school colors”, he says with a
glimpse of nostalgia.
A native Charlottean, McNeely is a graduate of Monroe
High School where he played baseball and began his baseball
career. He was a 3+ All conference, All county player. Jeff attended Spartanburg Methodist College and became a JUCO
All American, All Region X, All Conference Player. He also
was the Stolen Base Record Leader. After college, Jeff played
for the Boston Red Sox organization as a 2nd round pick.
He became a Carolina League Batting Champion, Carolina
League All star, International League All Star AAA and Minor
League Stolen Base Leader, AAA. After going to ”the Show”
for the Boston Red Sox, he achieved a .296 Major League Batting Average before retiring. Jeff also served as an Associate
Scout for the LA Dodgers.
Soon after retirement, McNeely returned to Charlotte and
opened a batting center called “The Batting Zone” in 2004 for
his Charlotte Megastars. He recently closed the facility after
four years in business in order to focus more on the lower
level development of ages 8-14 and Elite 16 U and 18 U programs. “We are in the process of exploring an outside baseball
complex in the area. It will allow teams in the area a chance to
play locally and showcase their talent closer to home”.
In the meantime, their current new home is Grand Slam
USA located in Matthews, NC. Closing the Batting Zone also
helps McNeely focus on the real business at hand; Creating
Mega-star baseball players…and he has, to the tune of over
85 of them who have been signed to college and universities for their talents on the field. The outlook for 2009 and
beyond sees nothing but growth of the Megastar Nation as
McNeely continues to live out his dream.
The objective of the Megastar Program is to maximize
the potential of every player within the organization. For
those players that possess the skill level and the desire, the
Megastar organization actively assists in the selection process for middle school and high school, and the college recruiting process. McNeely has developed a tremendous network of college coaches and recruiting directors throughout
the Southeast to aid in this effort. Team brochures, letters,
website, tournament exposure, and active calling are utilized
by the Megastar program to ensure maximum opportunity
at the next level for each player. The Megastar program has
worked and assisted over 85 players in achieving their goal of
playing Division I, II, or III college baseball.
This past season the Megastars boasted better than a .600
winning percentage across all of their teams with several of
cio, Anthony Palma, John Dancy, Bryce Estes, Patrick Bradshaw and Jarius Hamilton.
Coach Beamon is excited about watching his core group of
players continue to develop as well as adding a few more key
players for the upcoming season. As the team begins preparation for the 2009 10u season, Coach Beamon states that
his players are committed to the hard work it takes to have
an even more successful season next year. In 2009 this team
has already been invited to participate in the prestigious Cooperstown Dreams Park 10u tournament. They also have set a
goal to return to the Elite 24 World Series at Disney.
10u Megastars
The Charlotte Megastars Baseball Club continues to produce Elite Travel Teams, even at the 8-year old level. On July
14, 2008, the 8u Charlotte Megastars entered the 8u Machine
Pitch World Series with the expectation of representing the
Megastars Club, community, and family at the highest level.
Those expectations turned into a 5 (wins) and 0 (losses) record, and the 2008 8u Machine Pitch World Series Championship.
The team currently has a record of 41 (wins) and 11 (losses). They have entered 12 tournaments; they won 6, finished
2nd four times, and finished 3rd two times. The 8u Megastars
are currently ranked nationally, #1 (USSSA Points) and #3
(USSSA Power Rating), in addition, they are ranked in the
State of North Carolina, #1 (USSSA Points) and #1 (USSSA
Power Rating).
The strength of the team is its players. The players started practicing last December to prepare for the Spring/Summer Season. All of their hard work had paid off on the field.
They have proven that hard work can and will produce Elite
The 8u Team is Coached by Anthony Greene (Head
Coach), Tom Donathan (Assistant Coach), and Gary Poplin
(Assistant Coach). The players are: Cameron Greene, Jason
Odem, Mathew Lucus, Mickey Stewart, Dante McCree, Trey
Donathan, Matthew Moser, Woodson Alexander, Logan Mullis, Brandon Poplin, Noah Ritcher, and Josh Swarts.
Each player has contributed to the success of the team
in multiple ways. There are several stats that sum-up this
team’s success for 2008; one of the most important is: runs
allowed per game (5.26) verses runs scored per game (5.41)
with a positive run difference of (0.15). During the 2008 8u
Machine Pitch World Series, the team allowed only (2.8) runs
per game. In addition, there were some terrific individual
performances this season; one in particular was Cameron
Greene’s performance in the 2008 8u Machine Pitch World
Series, where he received the Most Valuable Player award.
9u Megastars
The Charlotte Megastars 9u recently completed a successful season that included 31wins, a second place finish
in the Super NIT, a second place finish in the USSSA North
Carolina State Championship and a berth to the USSSA Elite
24 World Series in Orlando Florida. The team finished 2008
ranked #3 in North Carolina (USSSA points) and #14 nationally (USSSA points).
The 9u team is coached by Nicholas Beamon (Head
Coach), Tony Womack (Assistant Coach) and Tony Palma
(Assistant Coach). The players are: Anthony Comer, Jacob
Delli Colli, Garrett Henry, Matthew Stevens, Brooks King,
Jared Mathewson, Jonah Beamon, Al Womack, Callen Nuc-
The 10U Charlotte MegaStars have had two very impressive years in travel baseball since forming, compiling a record
of 73-31 for the past two years. The Stars went 38-14 as 9 year
old’s in 2007 with 4 titles and 5 runner ups, and as 10 year
olds in 2008, had a record of 35-17 with 5 titles and 3 runner
The 10U MegaStars also recently played in the USSSA
Elite 24 World Series at Walt Disney World’s Wide World of
Sports in Orlando, Fl. competing against the top 10 year old
teams in the country.
The 11U team for 2009 is looking forward to building on
this success and will be playing in the premiere tournaments
throughout the Southeast in hopes of returning to Orlando to
play among the best in 2009. This group will also be playing
in Cooperstown NY at The Field of Dreams as 12 year olds in
The 10U MegaStars wish to thank all of their sponsors
below and appreciate their support which allow the players
to reach for the STARS!!
11u Megastars
The 11u Charlotte Megastars team was the first 9u team
in the Megastars program, joining the club in the spring of
2005. The team formed as the Charlotte Niners in the fall
of 2004, comprised mostly from players from a local South
Charlotte recreational organization. Harold Hampton has
coached the team since its inception. The team has changed
shape over the years as new talent was added to the roster.
Those who have been with the team since its early days are
Reece Hampton, Clay Hunt, Tanner Mann-Fix and Austin
Leonard. The remaining current roster includes Max Wotell,
Jackson Kowar, Alden McKeller, Trevor Rhyne, Jarrett Norman, Jordan Huntley and Austin Lingle. Frank Kowar and
Chip Lingle assist Coach Hampton.
The 11u Megastars first gained national prominence in
their 9u season in 2005 by placing third in the USSSA 9u
Open World Series. They placed in the top half of the USSSA
10u Elite-24 last season, qualifying for that prominent event
by winning the Tennessee Super NIT tournament. They have
played many elite invitational tournaments over the past two
years throughout the Southeast.
Continued to next page
Volume 3, Issue 6
South Charlotte Sports Report
Page The 11u Megastar coaches focus intensely on fundamentals and mechanics – hitting, throwing, fielding and pitching.
Coach Hampton constantly reminds his players how important the little things are in the game of baseball. “When you
compete at this level, you have to win the little battles in the
game”, says Hampton. He appreciates a well-executed bunt
as much as a home run. Practices are well planned and intense, with no standing around. They expect their players to
practice as hard as they play. This past year they really began to focus on situational play on both offense and defense.
Their hope is this will prepare them well to play at the next
This season the 11u team successfully defended their
USSSA North Carolina State title, having won it as 10-yearolds last season. They finished the season with a record of
61- 25. They capped the season in grand fashion by finishing
second in the Triple Crown Summer National tournament,
in Myrtle Beach; losing 6-5 in the championship game to a
Texas team.
Coach Hampton is looking forward to moving up to 12u
in the fall. He has a great group of kids and parents, which
make coaching a real treat. They plan to play at Cooperstown
Dreams Park, and several other national tournaments this
upcoming season, including a goal of making another visit to
the USSSA Elite-24.
semifinals before losing to a team from Texas. This resulted
in their current ranking of #3 in the nation behind teams
from California and Texas.
The 12U Megastars completed this season playing in 20
tournaments that resulted in 75 wins and 27 losses. Most
note-worthy is the fact that they finished in the top 3-spots
in 17 tournaments.
Continuing with the core group of players: Arnold,
Greene, Loepprich, and Machicote, this team will continue
to reach for National prominence. They will play in several
national tournaments in the 2009 season. Additionally, the
team was ranked 9th in the nation in the Official National
Ranking by
Speiss led team in home runs with 4. Myers Park Joe Hager
led all hitter with a .369 average followed by Dykota Speiss
.304. This year’s players were: Byron Haag (Marvin Ridge
HS), Alex Baker (Ardrey Kell HS), Truett Langdon (Charlotte
Country Day HS), Tyler Alberts (West Forsyth HS), Matt Barrier (Mt Pleasant HS), Brent George (Myers Park HS), Dakota Spiess (Patten HS), Tyler Smith (Marvin Ridge HS), Chase
Carbone (Providence Day HS), Jonathan Shelton (Glenn
HS), Olen Little (East Mecklenburg HS), Joseph Hager (Myers Park HS), Chad Walton (Charlotte Country Day HS), Austin Machicote (Ardrey Kell HS), Ben Currie (West Forsythe
HS), Matt Walser (Marvin Ridge HS), Justin Ide (Charlotte
Country Day School)
13 U Megastars
Coached by Derek Mercedes and Nick Adams finished the
regular season 21-10 and finished 4th in the USSSA Nationals in Myrtle Beach going 5-2. The Megastars roster includes
Kirk Morgan, Andrew Hendel, Logan Koch, Cameron Underwood, Earl Oliver, Drake Zupcic, Andrew Maclatchie, Michael Dimaggio, Trent King, Carter Hill, Dillon Rusgo, Jared
Hamilton, Nick Salisbury. Andrew Maclatchie led all hitters
in home runs, and RBI’s Andrew Hendel, Trent King, Carter
Hill, Nick Salisbury, Dillon Rusgo, and Earl Oliver anchored
the pitching staff.
12U Megastars
14 U Megastars
Coached by Dione Clark and Ritchie Mitchell finished
the regular season 24-12 and 8th in the AAU National in
Sarasota going 5-3. The Megastars roster includes Brandon
Rawe, Tyler Holloway, Kyle Duke,Chris Pearlman, Jalen
Fuller, Coble Wright, Brian Duncan, Wood Myers, Justin
Myers, Jared Kehigas, Justin Pleasants, Keaton Haack,
Justin Reece, Taylor Lane. Wood Myers and Brandon Rawe
paced the hitters at the plate. Chris Pearlman, Kyle Duke,
and Coble Wright anchored the pitching staff.
17u Megastars
The Charlotte Megastars 09 finished the summer 17-11.
They participated in several Impact, Diamond Devils, Dynamic Canes showcase events: ASU, Virginia Tech, Wake
Forest, USC-Upstate, USC, UNCC, Pfeiffer, Belmont Abbey,
and Perfect Game USA in Marietta GA. The roster included
Scott Glover (Charlotte Christian), Cory Smith (Providence),
William Head (Asheville), Matt Youtsey (South Meck), Tyler
White (Chase), Seth Boyce (Marvin Ridge), Jonathan Hamlet
(Chase), Zico Pasut (Ardrey Kell), Jonathan Cauthen (South
Pointe), Scott Shipman (Marvin Ridge), Ross Whitley (Lake
Norman), Jordan Fuller (Providence), Nick Lomascolo (Lake
Norman), Michael Herman (Piedmont), John Richter (South
Pointe), Keith Prowse (Hopewell), Andy Clifford (Charlotte
Christian), Tyler Woods (South Meck). Scott Glover recently made a verbal commitment to High Point and Jonathan
Hamlet to Spartanburg Methodist College. Many of the players have received lots of attention with their play over the
summer and will sign early in November.
The 12u Charlotte Megastars team was created in 2004
from a local South Charlotte recreational organization. The
team was formed by Anthony Greene and Bobby Arnold.
Coach Greene had a vision to develop a nationally competitive team with local players. Chase Arnold (2007 Greater
Charlotte Area Hot Stove Youth Baseball Player of the Year),
Jordan Greene, Andrew Loepprich, and Foster Machicote
have been members of the team since its formation.
Coach Greene knew it would be difficult competing nationally with only local players but was committed to developing and coaching these kids into a National power. Their
developmental process focused on teaching the fundamentals on a daily basis. Having a core group of kids proficient
in the fundamentals also allowed each player to develop and
strengthen their individual skills. Through the years the
core group along with other numerous talented players has
brought this team into national prominence.
This past season was the team’s most successful to date.
Starting in August of 2007 they established their goals for the
2008 season. These goals included winning in the Cooperstown Dreams Park tournament and to qualify and win the
USSSA Elite 24 World Series in Orlando, FL. This tournament is a qualifying tournament for the top 24 teams in the
nation. While the team did not reach their ultimate goals,
they came very close.
In Cooperstown, they went undefeated in pool play and
advanced all the way to the semifinals before losing by one
run. Collectively, the team had an amazing 27 home runs for
the week, resulting in a ranking of #3 out of 95 teams. Their
performance in the USSSA Elite 24 World Series was even
more impressive. Again, they advanced all the way to the
18u Megastars
15 U Megastars
Coached by John Tuscan and Matt Butler finished the regular season 15-12. Coach Tuscan was in charge of getting the
players prepared for showcase baseball. This allowed players to play against older competition with selected players
from various areas. The players selected competed at USCUpstate, Virginia Tech, Winthrop, Lenior Rhyne College. The
roster includes Austin Hicks, Hunter Hattrich, Tyler Chadwick, Nick Marcinkiewicz, Alex Perullo, Nick Forst, William
Frazier, Palmer Coleman, Matt Pearson, Ryan Hodge, Lee
Harrison,Nolan O’Mery. Hunter Hattrich and Nolan O’Mery
led all hitters. William Frazier and Alex Perullo anchored the
pitching staff.
16u Megastars
The Charlotte Megastars 2010 finished the summer playing .700 baseball. The team, made up of high school juniors
and rising juniors faired extremely well with a team stacked
in talent. The 16 U team finished 17-10 . Ardrey Kell players
Alex Baker and Austin Machicote led the pitching staff with
2.90 and 3.10 ERA in over 30 innings. Patton HS star Dykota
The Charlotte Megastars Graduating ‘08 team played a
limited schedule due to numerous players wanting to stay
sharp but not get burned out over the summer. Former Montreat College teammates (Mark Hudson) and (Willie Jones)
coached a talented group of seniors. In our 08 class 15
players received an athletic scholarship to various schools:
Greg Lawson (Catawba), Ryan Jenkins (Florence Darlington Tech), DJ Phillips (Wingate), Ian Sidebottom (Wilkes),
Brantley Hattrich (Bryan), Brent Watkins (Surry), James
Cerbie (Davidson), Chris Rawlings (Barton), Caleb Shelton
(NC A&T), Will Helms (ASU), Tony Hearrell (Mars Hill),
Nate Cudney (Belmont Abbey), Michael Bernikow (Indian
River), Joe Church (Marshall), Nathan Lee (Surry).
If you are interested in learning
more about the Charlotte Megastars
Baseball Programs and Teams, you
can email us at megastarbaseball@, or visit our website at
Page 10
South Charlotte Sports Report
(Photo Credit: Greg Arthur, SCSR Action Photos)
Zack Gabriel is a multitalented athlete known
for his hard work. He is
an eighth grader at Holy
Trinity Catholic Middle
School and enjoys playing baseball, basketball
and soccer. He is quick
to pick Soccer as his favorite among the three.
Zack is the son of Karen
Gabriel and Michael
Tell us about your
soccer team?
“ I play for The South Charlotte Soccer Association U14
Gold Team. I play left defender. My team is playing
in the Premier division this
fall and we hope to be promoted to Region III Premier
in the spring.”
What is your greatest accomplishment in soccer?
“Winning the US Club Soccer
national championship last
At what age did you start
playing soccer and did it
come natural to you?
“I started playing soccer
when I was 4. I think it did
come natural to me, but I’ve
had to work hard to continue
to improve.”
How many soccer, baseball, basketball games
would you guess that you
played in the last year?
“I think I played around
80-90 games total for the 3
Do you enjoy staying so
busy in sports and does it
help or hurt your school
“I really enjoy playing
sports. I believe it helps
me with my school work
because I had to learn good
time management skills to
get all my homework done
and go to practices.”
You are also a good baseball player, what do you
like most about baseball?
“I like catching fly balls in
the outfield and getting hits.”
Goals for 5 years from
now, where do you want
to be?
“I would like to continue to
play sports in high school,
and then hopefully be good
enough to play one sport in
Volume 3, Issue 6
By Jen Rosene, Ardrey Kell High School
The 8U, 10U Black, 12U Red, 12U Black and 14U Red teams gather at The Mighty Casey
tournament this June in Rock Hill.
Since the founding of The Charlotte Blaze softball in 2003, the organization has
strived to reach the top of their game. Over the years the organization has grown tremendously, competing in almost every age group and making a name for themselves as one
of the premier fastpitch softball organizations in the area. Playing the toughest teams
and entering into the most challenging tournaments is what has made this program a
great success story in the past, and this year has been no exception.
Within the past season, The Charlotte Blaze organization as a whole has accomplished remarkable success. The 8U Charlotte Blaze team placed second in the WFC
Myrtle Beach World Series. In the World Series hosted here in Charlotte the 10U Charlotte Blaze Black took 6th place, The 10U Charlotte Blaze Red took 3rd place and the 12U
Charlotte Blaze Black took 2nd place in their respective age groups and brackets. The
12U Charlotte Blaze Red traveled to Columbus , Ohio for their World Series and took
7th place out of 74 teams.
Even with all of this success under their belt, the Charlotte Blaze organization expects to be even stronger next year. With recent tryouts, and teams moving up within
their age brackets, the Blaze teams are expected to be very competitive in the upcoming
season. “We expect our teams to compete with the best and stand out in their respective
age brackets” said Coach Bob Bove, founder of the Charlotte Blaze organization. Plans
for the 2009 season include building the program by adding more teams to the organization in the 14U and 16U age brackets.
The Charlotte Blaze organization has truly been a step forward for fastpitch softball
in the Charlotte area. By attracting some of the best talent from an eight county region ,
the Blaze teams will continue to make a name for themselves in the years to come. The
South Charlotte Sports Report congratulates T he Charlotte Blaze on their tremendous
success this past year and wishes them luck in their upcoming fall season.
10229 Rodney Boulevard
Pineville, NC 28134
[email protected]
The South Park Youth Association Coach Pitch 7’s won the North Carolina Dixie Youth Baseball
District 4 Championship this past summer. Coach Rob Davis gushed, “This newly minted group of
All-Stars came together more and more with each game they played. Most importantly, new friendships were formed that will last for years to come.”
Back Row, Coaches: Mike Robbe, head coach Rob Davis, Steve Newmark, not pictured: Peter
Harrison Middle Row: (L-R) Adam Robbe, Will Blank, John Miralia, Michael Downing, and
Scott Newmark Front Row: (L-R) Jesse Hinshaw, Aydin Davis, Julian Strause, Jackson Sicard,
Peter Deering, and Jordan Kustas......not pictured: Zyad Lohavichan
Volume 3, Issue 6
South Charlotte Sports Report
Page 11
Jen Patterson, SCSR Action Photos
Parents: Bob and Julie Loren
Fifteen year old Brandon Loren is a tenth grade
baseball player at Marvin Ridge High School.
After a strong season on the junior varsity squad
as a ninth grader, Brandon is working hard to
contribute to the future success of the Mavericks
baseball program.
How did your summer of baseball go?
“I played baseball for the On Deck O’s this summer. We played
in a lot of tournaments in places all around the southeast like
in East Cobb, GA and in Charleston, SC. I had a pretty good
summer. I was one of our top pitchers on the team and made a
big stride in hitting. I also played outfield.”
How was your first year at Marvin Ridge?
“My first year at Marvin Ridge was great. Not only did I have
fun at school with all my friends but I also made good grades; I
was also pretty successful on my Junior Varsity baseball team.”
What are your fall sports plans?
“I will continue playing in tournaments over the fall with On
Deck and preparing for the upcoming school season.”
If you could play baseball for any college, which one
would you choose and why?
“I would play for Clemson for many reasons. I used to go to a
baseball camp there and loved it. The campus is great and it’s
close so it would be great going there.”
Do you have a favorite jersey # to wear?
“My favorite jersey # is 13. I’ve always loved the number but
I can’t really explain why. I guess it’s because its different. It’s
supposed to be unlucky but it’s always been lucky to me.”
What is your greatest accomplishment in sports?
“I would have to say that my greatest accomplishment was
winning the football championship at Weddington Middle
School three years in a row. It was awesome because we were
the first to do it and we were a great team. I played cornerback.”
How do you do in school?
“I do very well in school. I’m on the A honor roll and take a lot
of honors classes.”
CALL 704-906-5466
Rich Bolen, SCSR Action Photos
Age: 16
Providence High School
School: Grade: 10th
Paul and Lisa Juris
Words people use to describe me: Funny, Smart, Laid back, Friendly, Deep
Reading, Laxing, Hanging out with friends
Making the Varsity Lacrosse Team as a Freshman
I am most proud of: If I could donate $100,000 : $25,000 each to A Child’s Place, Make a Wish,
Save Darfur and AIDS Foundation
If I could travel anywhere: Italy (again)
Best Advice I was ever given: Don’t ever think you’re good enough
Barnes and Noble
Favorite Store:
Favorite Restaurant:
Il Ristoranti Fagioli in Florence, Italy
Favorite Music: Classic Rock
Favorite Subject: American History
Favorite Jersey #:
Age: School: Grade:
Parents: Words people use to describe me: Hobbies:
I am most proud of:
If I could donate $100,000 : If I could travel anywhere: Best Advice I was ever given: Favorite Store: Favorite Restaurant: Favorite Music: Favorite Subject: Favorite Jersey #: Athletic Accomplishments: Sam is one of the top 10th grade lacrosse players in the area. With
hard work, he earned a starting position as a 9th grader on the ultra-competitive Lacrosse Team at
Providence. He was awarded with the Unsung Hero Award. Over the next three years, Sam will be
counted on to provide strength to the Panthers Lacrosse team,
Athletic Accomplishments: With hard work, Stephanie earned a position on the Ardrey Kell varsity softball team as a freshman and started at 1st base and outfield. During the school season she hit
her first grand slam. During the summer and fall seasons Stephanie plays travel ball for the Carolina
Cardinals . The Cardinals qualified and competed in the ASA Nationals in Midland, Texas.
When Sam was in the 5th grade in California, he earned a position on the local high school lacrosse
With a new head softball coach at Ardrey Kell High School, Bob Bove, the Knights will look to compete
for the conference title next spring. The play of Stephanie Wood will be vital to the Knights chances of
Academic Accomplishments: Sam is a solid student and earned a 3.8 grade point average his
freshman year at Providence.
Ardrey Kell High School
Richard and Carol Wood
Fun, friendly, tall and athletic
Hanging out with friends, softball, listening to my iPod,
going to the beach.
Qualifying and competing in the 2008 ASA ‘A’ Nationals
St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital
Trust your gut instinct
American Eagle
Kenny Chesney
Academic Accomplishments: Stephanie earned a 4.25 grade point average throughout her freshman year and participated in the DECA Club.
To nominate a Student-Athlete, please visit our website,
Each Athlete of the Week will
receive a complimentary one month
scholarship to Velocity Sports
Performance for their achievement.
Page 12
South Charlotte Sports Report
Volume 3, Issue 6
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The newly formed South Charlotte Soccer Association (SCSA) 95
White (U-13) girls soccer team just won their first tournament. They
had only two team practices and had never played with their coach
until the first game of the tournament.
The girls focused on the task at hand, winning soccer games and
marched their way through the tournament. Needless to say, the
team and coach know each other a little better now!
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Emma Cooley, Bailey Cort, Olivia Huff, Susannah Huth, Katherine Kornegay, Kathleen Maher, Meghan Nash, Ansley Nemirow, Giovanna Prieto,
Madeline Rodgers, Ellen Sampson, Alex Stubblefield, Cailin Tracey, Rachael
Tarravechia, Brenna Welsh, Chauncey Williams, Amy Newton
Congratulations to The South Charlotte Soccer Association
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South Charlotte Sports Report
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Volume 2, Issue 22
12 13
South Charlotte Sports Report to the Carolina Riptide Grey Page
th R
Volume 3, Issue 6
Page 12
The South Charlotte
Rea Rd
Sports Report is
interested in working
with organizations and
individuals on area
youth sporting events
and camps. Interested
in co-branding your
event? Have an idea or a
program you would like
to work hand in hand
with the South Charlotte
Sports Report? If so,
contact us at Tripp@
term. It was created by Frank Diesa and Spencer Stecher. The idea behind the program was
to take average players
and make them better. Frank Diesa said “It’s about helping kids play to their full potential!”We are always open to
new ideas and programs
to market
USSSA teams, one 13 AA USSSA team, one 13 AAA USSSA team, and one 14 AA USSSA team.
“I’m not
velop 13-year-old superstars, I’m trying to build these kids for high school,” said
Stecher, who
is an
an idea,
but not
Ardrey Kell High School. He has been in the business of making better players
for 17 years. “If
a kid
loves the
and is committed to getting better, then I will break my back getting him there!” Stecher commented.
knowledge to make it
cause it’s an affordable program, sponsors inner city kids, and is lots of fun. “It’s not uncommon to see new faces at
us orwith
call them.
our practices!” said Otto Fricker. The Riptide lets kids from recreational baseball and elsewhere
Diesa said “That’s just Stech; any kid who wants to learn is always welcome at our practices, that’s
is!” The
Tripp @ 704-906-5466
program even had a couple of kids who never played baseball before play for their first time this season. The Riptide
also focuses on fathers becoming better coaches. “If you are a parent at one of our practices don’t be surprised if Stech
pulls you on the field and puts you to work!” said Diesa. All Riptide teams are coached by parents with assistance from
Stecher and Coach AJ Wright, also an assistant coach at Ardrey Kell High School. “Our parents are the finest part of
this program; they’re just down right amazing people!” said Stecher.
The Riptide would like to thank its sponsors, Mr. Bill Sullivan
success without your contributions. Thank you.
Riptide offers indoor winter hitting and pitching instruction f
2008 try-outs and evaluations
start in March PERFORMANCE
2008. If you are interested in the
Riptide program contact Coach
Stecher at We
[email protected]
by phoneyour
at 704-281-8336.
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to kick a game-winning field goal for your high school team someday.
Page 14
South Charlotte Sports Report
Total Champion
By Rhonda Winstead Brown
Gold Medal Athletes
Since the Olympic ethos has all of us soaring and focused on the greatest athletes the world has
to offer, I can’t help but ponder the qualities that make a world class athlete.
The world has watched Michael Phelps in awe as he has shattered world records, winning eight
gold medals, and qualifying him as the world’s fastest swimmer and greatest Olympian ever.
The incomparable Phelps was asked in an interview his thoughts on the makings of a gifted
athlete? In answering, he mentioned others such as Federer, Nadal , Jordan , and Tiger, and what
they all had in common. It comes down to a bit of perfectionism, unwavering goal-driven behavior,
genuine love of your sport, and the ability to perform under the most pressure-packed situations .
These are but a few traits of world class athletes.
Athletes deal with stress, pressure to win, and rigorous training schedules in ways as varied as
the sports in which they compete. Some listen to music for inspiration, others meditate. Some rely
on self-talk. Some embrace guided imagery and visualization techniques prior to competition.
Undoubtedly, different approaches work for different personalities. Regardless, one common
thread is that they all train hard and relentlessly -- and it is because of this that it is not always the
most gifted athlete who prevails. It is not talent that makes the ultimate difference in world class
competition -- every athlete seethes with talent at this level.
Talent is just the price of admission. Other factors provide the winning edge, just as they do at
other levels.
Work ethic.
Sure, you’ll find some prodigy kid in a local league who can whip everyone in his class on talent
alone, and this is the curse of the too-blessed. The confident walk becomes a swaggering strut. Winning too easily can create a sense of entitlement that is not fulfilled as one climbs the ladder into the
more rarefied atmosphere of elite competition. The strut becomes an invitation to others to knock
you off your pedestal and a crowd-pleaser when it happens.
A talent-driven flash in the pan may burn brightly ever so briefly, but will that athlete still have
goals and desires to realize his potential for years to come?
Although Phelps surely has nothing more to prove, he affirms that his life’s work is not yet complete. He wants to compete in London four years from now, because he wants even more of a challenge for himself by trying new events.
Take another elite athlete, in a sport dear to us all -- Andre Agassi.
Agassi was ranked #1 in the world in 1995, but sank to #122 just two years later. He rededicated
himself to the game in 1998.
He improved his fitness, and he strung together an amazing run of title wins. He soared to #6
in the world, the highest jump in rankings in a single calendar year by any player. Then, in 1999 he
made history, matching the achievement of only four other men: He won the singles Grand Slam.
Agassi did not drop from the top ten again until he retired in 2006 at age 36. Most professional
players are long retired at that age. He may have begun his career as a rebel in=2 0this gentleman’s
sport, but Agassi became one of the most respected players on the circuit in the final years of his
career, and that was largely due to his incredible work ethic and courage. And his class. And humility.
Jimmy Connors was one of the most passionate tennis players of all time, ranked #1 in the world
in 1978. He came back famously in 1991 at age 39. Jimmy Connors loved tennis as much as any
professional and his desire to dare to step back into the arena facing off young stars such as Michael
Chang, Aaron Krickstein, Patrick McEnroe and Jim Courier was utterly stunning to most tennis
Yet Connors’s passion for the game compelled him to do just that, and it was his talent and his
ethic that carried him that year in the U.S. Open. His physical tools had declined but his talent, experience, and his passion energized him to reach the semifinals at the U.S. Open in front of a raucously
supportive New York crowd, before falling to Courier. Not unrelated is that the one-time bad-sport
bad-boy had become a20crowd favorite. He did this by earning the respect rather than demanding
it as his birthright.
The name Michael Jordan is synonymous with greatness. And yet, like all of us, he suffered his
share of early setbacks.
The coach of his Wilmington high school basketball team cut him his sophomore year. He reacted with motivation, not discouragement. He eventually made the team and led them to a high
school championship. Afterwards Jordan earned a scholarship to play for Dean Smith at UNC. Now,
who after getting cut from the high school team would ever dream they’d be recruited to play for one
of the finest programs in the country just a few years later?
Or make the Olympic team?
Or be drafted in the Top-3 in the NBA?
Or now hailed as the greatest basketball player to have played the game?
Talent, yes, but humility as well. And class. And the courage to pursue his dream of playing
professional baseball in the midst of a successful basketball career, and with the humility to play in
the minors.
Without elaboration, this man was disciplined and goal-driven and it was a major part of his success. All of the athletes mentioned share those characteristics. They are learned, they are attainable,
and they are ready for you to embrace.
You can start today.
Volume 3, Issue 6
Total Champion
Dominate Your Opponent!
• Mental Toughness
• Superior Strategy
• Focused Fitness
Total Champion offers mental toughness
consultations and tennis lessons to help you
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Rhonda Brown also provides group seminars to
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on all of Total Champion’s services!
Call (704)712- 2817
or email Rhonda
for info on mental toughness/strategy services.
Volume 3, Issue 6
South Charlotte Sports Report
Page 15
August 27, 2008
Rank Last Week
Charlotte Latin 1A
South Meck 4.
Charlotte Christian
Charlotte Catholic
Marvin Ridge 7.
Ardrey Kell
0-0 Can the Hawks stay on top? There are a couple of teams below that have their sights set on first.
0-0 If Butler can take care of business early on, this can be a
special season for the Bulldogs.
1-0 The only reason South Meck didn’t take first is that
Butler and Latin haven’t played a game yet. These
Sabres are a heck of a football team
1-0 All cylinders are firing for the Knights. Ty Linton leads the way in game one.
0-1 The Cougars will rebound from opening loss. This is a very good football team that opened up with another very good team.
0-0 The Mavericks move into the Super Seven based on the losses of last week’s # 6 and # 7 teams.
0-1 The Knights were blown out by Mallard Creek. They have too much talent to not win 6-7 games this season.
The Super Seven Poll is updated every Sunday
The South Park Coach Pitch 8’s won both the District 4 Championship AND the North Carolina State Championship of Dixie Youth
Baseball this past summer in Wrightsville Beach, NC. Their defense
earned them national acclaim, as they went undefeated in their 7
games of the State tournament—winning by a combined score of 7612. Head Coach Ron Caldwell said, “These kids practiced long and
hard as far back as last winter, and it paid off with great times on
and off of the field.” Over two years, this allstar team went a combined 16-0 in district and state play.
Back Row: Bill Borda (Coach), Darrell Murray (Coach), Vic Esclamado
(Coach), Ron Caldwell (Manager)
Middle Row: Justin Murray, Spencer Kraizel, Josh Esclamado, J.P. Corser,
Grayson Hickert, Baylor Molnar, Hank Borda
Front Row: Kyle Wood, Colin Wholey, Michael Graci, Evan Nalibotsky,
Sean Caldwell, Jake Comisar
Volume 3, Issue 6
South Charlot
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Page 16
South Charlotte Sports Report
Volume 3, Issue 6
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