our mission / nuestra misión
our mission / nuestra misión
CENTRO P RESENTE UNION! POWER! JUSTICE! WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO FULLFIL OUR MISSION! Your donation to Centro Presente is easy, tax-exempt and NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2013 deeply appreciated. If you wish to support our mission, please send us a check or visit www.cpresente.org and click This issue on donate to make a safe donation through Paypal. P.1 -Trust Act Public Hearing OUR MISSION / NUESTRA MISIÓN Established in 1981, Centro Presente is a member-driven, state-wide Latin American immigrant organization dedicated to the self-determination and self-sufficiency of the Latin American immigrant community of Massachusetts. Operated and led primarily by Central American immigrants, Centro Presente struggles for immigrant rights and for economic and social justice. Through the integration of community organizing, leadership development and basic services, Centro Presente strives to give our members voice and build P.2 -Globalization Workshop -Workers Rights Victory in Somerville! Fundada en 1981, Centro Presente es una organización impulsada por una membresía cuyo propósito es desarrollar nuestra autodeterminación y autosuficiencia como comunidad inmigrante Latinoamericana en el estado de Massachusetts. Operado y dirigido primordialmente por inmigrantes centroamericanos, Centro Presente lucha por nuestros derechos como inmigrantes y por la justicia económica y social. Como medios para lograr sus objetivos, Centro Presente integra servicios básicos junto a una estrategia de organización comunitaria y desarrollo de líderes, dándole voz a nuestros miembros y construyendo poder comunitario. P.3 -Immigration Reform Forum -Centro Family Cruise P.4 -About Centro community power. MA TRUST ACT PUBLIC HEARING CENTRO PRESENTE Somerville, MA, 02143 NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID Phone: 617-629-4731 PERMIT NO. 228 17 Inner Belt Road, Fax: 617-629-2436 BOSTON MA Current Resident July 9th, 2013 can be separated from my children who are U.S. citizens at any moment," said Irasema Zapata, a member of As the debate over federal immigration reform continues, Centro Presente. an average of 1,100 people get deported everyday. According to the statistics more than 61% of the people The MA TRUST ACT Coalition turned out well over 100 deported under Secure Communities (S-Comm) in MA immigrant advocates to attend the Judiciary Committee were people with no criminal records. "Over the past public hearing on the TRUST ACT, a bill that would direct several years, we've seen hundreds of families being Massachusetts law enforcement not to funnel our loved separated because of programs like S-Comm. Governor ones into an unjust deportation system. The bill was Patrick tried to get Massachusetts out of the program but introduced in the House by Representative Carl Sciortino ICE forced it on the state. Now we're pushing a new and in the Senate by Senator Jamie Eldridge. solution to break ICE's hold on our communities," said Patricia Montes, Executive Director of Centro Presente. In Massachusetts families live in constant fear of deportation at the hands of local and state police. The distrust of law enforcement this engenders in law-abiding families undermines community policing efforts. "My family was stopped by police and now even though I have no criminal record, I have a deportation order from ICE. I The TRUST Act is a state bill that sets a clear, minimum standard for local governments in Massachusetts to not submit to burdensome requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to detain people for deportation who have otherwise been ordered released by the courts. GLOBALIZATION WORKSHOP June 22nd, 2013 FORUM ON IMMIGRATION REFORM June 29th, 2013 Centro Presente members participated in a workshop on On the 29th of June 2013 Centro Presente hosted a community Globalization and Structural Causes of Migration held in partnership forum on immigration reform. Members of the immigrant with United For a Fair Economy (UFE). Jeannette Huezo lead the community explored the current status of the immigration interactive workshop which focused on the relationship between the reform effort in Washington DC, including the political and social global economic system and the flow of migrants around the world. contexts. They explored the bill that was debated in the Senate, Members of the Board of Directors, staff and members learned of the ideas being discussed in the House and the political process the need to put the interests of human beings and not corporations that must occur for these proposals to become law. at the heart of our immigration reform policy. The current economic model with its globalized policies generates structural poverty in our countries of origin and spurs undocumented immigration. Militarization and border walls will not stop immigration. We demand an economic model more JUST and HUMANE! SAVE THE DATE! YOU ARE INVITED TO CENTRO PRESENTES FAMILY CRUISE Workers Rights Victory in Somerville, MA! Come support us and be part of the movement. Enjoy a fun summer evening on Boston Harbor with Centro Presente and SEIU Local 888 joined forces with local workers, community activists and Greater Boston Legal Services to successfully push for the passage of a City Ordinance, the first of its kind in the Commonwealth, which would provide an additional lever to force employers to comply with labor laws. More than a year ago Centro Presente was approached by workers who had been employed at various establishments of the One World Cuisine restaurant group, including Davis Square's Diva Indian Bistro. They had initially complained about not receiving payment for several pay cycles. Upon investigation it was revealed that even when they were paid, they were not paid minimum wage nor paid for overtime worked. Centro Presente began a campaign with the workers that included a legal component supported by Greater Boston Legal Services and a public campaign in Davis Square that caught the eye of local union leader Rand Wilson of SEIU Local 888. "I want to thank Rand Wilson and SEIU Local 888 for the support they have given to this campaign," said Patricia Montes, Executive Director of Centro Presente. "They helped us to maintain a very visible and very vocal presence in Davis Square through rain and snow." The ordinance would allow the City to deny a license or permit needed by a business from the municipality if that business had been found to be engaging in wage theft. "This really sets a standard for local commitment to workers rights," stated Montes. "What Somerville has done is to provide a model for municipalities in Massachusetts that want to do more than resolve to protect labor rights but want to add teeth to that sentiment." family, community and friends. Try a bite of delicious Latino food, dance to the beat of live music and participate in our raffle! Where & When Boston Harbor One Long Wharf Sunday, August 11, 2013 From 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM Tickets: General Admission: $35 Children under 12: $25 BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW! Call (617) 629 4731 or email [email protected] All profits from this event will benefit Centro Presente's work towards immigrant rights, workers rights and civic engagement campaigns.