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BUG SHU DrGtrAl ltARKn0oM 2009 lmage Processing & 0utpul $pecial ffiII$' Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 Corel Painter Essentials 4 Epson Stylus Pro 7880 Microtek ArtixScan Ml Phase One Capture One 4 . Spyder3Elite/Pro i m_. T' effi PTUS Nikon D6O D.SLR! us $4.99 cAN 55.99 Illillxxilillilllillllil il[ril A SOURCE NTEFLINK IMEOIA PUBL CATION ,:, ,'Li' Make Your "Colorblind" Computer See As You Do Datacolor's Spyder3Elite/Pro And Print Profiling Products rf /ou read the headtine right-that l/I new. off-Lhe-shetf com0uter vou I jusr bought is colorbl'ndl Even though your computer sends RGB cotor information to its display so colors will appear on the screen, the computer does not know what cotors its user is seeing. That seems like a contradiction, uniess you realize that personal computing hardware and software grew like topsy through the disparate efforts of many different competing companies who had littte reason to cooperate and agree to merely the barest, essentiaI standards. In fact, it was onty recently that the major players Uke l,licrosoft, Adobe, and Apple sat down together and formed the ICC (InternationaI Cotor Consortium) to agree on a universaI diqitaI color standard. But even with that, every devjce-Uke an LcD disptay, a scanner, a printer, as we[[ as components [ike video cards-reproduce what is referred to as "device independent" co[or. And even though the same RGB data numbers are fed to each device, the color reproduced is different. That is why your computer is "btind" to the very color it reproduces. You may not reahze it but you have the means to teach your computer how to see. In both f4icrosoft Windows and Apple operating systems, buitt-in software witl facilitate what's known genericatly as "cotor management." The color management system is ver, sjrnpte. It accepts files catted "profites," which are the resu[t of measuring the color a devjce like a dispLay or printer reproduces, then comparing those measurements to the iCC cotol standards. The profite defjnes the variations frorn that standard so the computer knows exactty what you are seeing on screen plus what shoutd result 92 July 2008 SHUTTERBUG (Abovel The nsry Datacolor Spyder3 colodmeter is smaller and sleeker, providing more convenient handling. ll ir accompanied by a srnall, unobtrusive pedestal stand so the sensor may be located on a d6ktop close to a display to contiluourly noritor the ambi6nt llghtlalling on the scro6n. Thi6 aids In adiusting output podoflnance to accommodate change! itr tho working light envhonment. {Righ0 Looking at the back or burin636 slde ot the Spydoa3 colotimeier, the actual aroa ot the sensor light intal€ i6 significantly larget than the Drcvious model, whil€ lhe attachment suction cup for CRT attachmentis singular, reduced relative to the Drevious model. The larger ar€a otthe light receptor, combin€d rith the Spyd€r's soven llght Een.ors, nakos measurcment moae accurate. in prints made wit- a o'ofiled printer. In this review we'Ll look at the new Spyder3E[te/Pro and Prjnt products. They are the next-jmproved and refined-generation of the most poputar profi[ing devices and software avaitabte. New F€atures After the ICC was formed and a color ,Landard was agreec -oor, Adobe was the fr'rst software cor.,pany to make avajlabte a product trat ,'/outd actualty "transtate" betweer tclo' devices [ike scanners and Drinte'!. -'e Droduct: The Spyd€r3Elite is designed tor th€ way photographers wor|( and is eapable of calibrating and proflinS CRTS, LCD!, notebook comput€r scrcens as w6ll ai computor-d vel proiecto,s. Th. Spyder3 can measureth6 ambient light talling on a icrean and it can be used to contin0ously monitor the woak llght enrironment and edjust tho display to compensate tor cha[gos, Tho price of the Spydor3Elite ls 5279. There ir also a Spyder3Pro that is deslgned tor iorious photographers prlced at 5169. ':. :,:-' i-.' 'i - Photoshop Versjon 5.5. Photographers had to use their visual perceptjon to adjust a cotor photograph to an ideal ba[ance, so the monitor was the center around whjch the who[e system had to function. thus the monitor's color characteristics had to be known, measured and recorded, and become a part of the transLation to get predictabte cotor results from input through processing to output. ToJay, too littte recognition is gjven to the few smatl companies that came together as ColorVision, now Datacotor, and produced the fjrst Spyder rnonitor measuring device and jts easy-to-use, wjzard-driven software, a[[ at a price indivjduat photographers coutd afford. With the profites the Spyder produced. Adobe's Photoshop coutd be used to manage cotor with precise translation between a[[ profited devices, input and output. This latest set of Spyder products js the thjrd generatjon of the technotogy. improved in accuracy Although there is an Easy mod€ for using the Spyder3Elite software, the software wizard also off€rs an Expert Console that supports dofning th€ €xact ain points the calibtation should achieve. Thus, you can accommodate specific needs as well as exactly match the output performance of multiple displays, even attached lo different cornputer sysiems. and efficiency, applicabte to more dev'ces f'o.n otder CRTs lo ICD displays, Laptops, and computer-driven digitaI projectors. Even easier to use for the novice while also offering many more advanced control functions, and considering inflation in the [ast decade, Spyder3 is even more affordabLe. With Spyde13 ihe range of products jncludes two versions of the Spyder3 screen measuring and profi[ing adjust a disptay for changes in room ilt.rmiration, or to provide a specific measure of ambient light to guide a user to adjust the [ighting environment if that kind of controI is available. To facjtitate room Liqht monitoring hardware/software packages, and Spyde13Print, which is an equalty been made simpler by having just one suctjon cup for CRT profi[ing and a effective hardware and software package for measuring and profiling print output. The Spyder3Studio cornbjnes both display and print profi[ing in one package at a most agreeab[e cost for what is offered. The Spyde13Etite is Dataco[or's top-of-the-tine dispLay profiling device and software jntended for professionaI users. The sensor is smaler in overa[[ size, and rnore easjty adaptable to jts now extended uses. but with a much [arger sensor area with more effjciency ano speed i- reading from its exclusive seven-sensor design. The Spyde13 now has ambient room sensor capabitity, which can be used in two ways, either to continuousty monitor and 94 .July 2008 SHUTTERBUG to measure the output of a digital projector, the Spyder3 comes with a smal[ separate base pedestaI with a bujtt-in trjpod socket. The as wet[ as actual use of the Spyder3 sensor has more effective counterwejght with to use LCDs. The Spyder3 wjzard software js also more efficient, providing a very easy option that requires just foltowing and responding to brief, on-screen instructions to automaticatty ca[ibrate and profile your display. There are also more advanced options providing more specific control-no\a in just a single screen window access-for users with specific requirements and needs. To periodicatly recaljbrate a disptay once the jnitial calibration and profiting is done, a new ReCAL optjon has been added to make perjodic proofing maintenance even easier and faster. 0nce a user has made a display profite To accommodate the advanced user, and those who need to Droduce matched pertormance with more than one display, the Inlormation read.out dialog provides specific results b.fore and after calibration for all dimensions of display psrformance. .::r.ll;:: ' rlra,' : :r.,,a:,: i. r,. there is a new SpyderProof function with very much improved "before and after" image guides to evatuate specific kjnds of screen performance, [ike comptexion tones or btack and white The one serious detraction I found in using the new software is the use of a btack background for the screen design. Atthough I understand the raiionale for thr's-accurate screen I fl2- bia:i [imits tateral light bleeding-1 see fo Teason a btack surround could not be popped up onty for the reading funciion, altowing a more neutral medium gray for the other screens. This ,,rould measurement because the make text reading clearer and to fottow by most users, and easier vvould not provjde the false exaggeration of color briltiance in the finaI before and )/YDllcl't rllt! First introduced as the colorvision Full Golor Balance Lens "W hen l' m ph otograph o FrintFli PRo, the print profiling complementof the Spyder3 line is a highly developed and refined method of producing crstom printer profles. lfound it both €asier to use and more accurate in obtaining a precise calibration of a printer's output petformance This has been accomplished by making th. spectrccolorimeter reading device more sensitive and controllable a6 well ai a provision to mak6 r€ading th6 t6st print chart color Dalches fastor and mor€ accutate. ing million dollar breed, the color in the markings has Th6 Spyder3Print hardrare and to be accurote. using this CBL guorantees thot my colors will be perfect." " Norhing el\e (ont es clote to the - John Woodward cR-photographer, AD{.1(r/1414 July 2008 SHUTTERBUG after evatuation of SpyderProof. CBL black APl. EA-A5P NELsoNPHoro BH (5"-v'.c"-*.t {i{frsis & athe I 96 softrare does notjust advantag€ precise color profile pe ormance but, rdth the optional Ext€nd€d Glays test chart combined wilh the color chart data, produces a profile rrith more precis€ly contrclled neutral tones and better conlrol ot the color tone of black and white prints as well, rel..t.rthotne a a hatootoDhk te.att. t t just reminds The me of so many earty, badly designed, stereotypjcatLy clich6d websites of the earty Internet years. Spyder3Print developed as a complement to display calibration and profiting with the company's PrjntF]x PR0. The Spyder3 iteration of PrjnIFIX PR0 no,r includes an easier handling measLrjng device, inctuding a physical gujde that makes reading test print color pat.hes both faster and more accurate. Fcr many photographers the latesi Ce.:topment in Spyder3Print wrl resLrlt '- : far more refined neutraI gra prof'[: ::':'mance. This more refjned gray neutrality, besides assurir; .teaner cotor, free of mi'lo'co - , makes reproducing a gray scale fjr: converted to RGB more a(curdte. ,, ' printers tike the Epson R2400 and Canon PTXMA Pro9500, addi"lg t,Le :=j Gray catibration to a profite provider more refined print tone contro[. It also makes printing black and white ,vjth a neutraI gray without a color cast possibte wjth photo-quatity jnkjet printers that have no specific support 'or btack and white printing. using ".. colors of ink. The bottom tine is that photographers usjng Datacotor's Spyder3 for both disptay and print profi[ing can now enjoy consistent, retiab[e cotor performance with accurate[y refined profiles at both ends of the process, from disptay to finaI print output. But, you say, I have printer profites supptied by the printer manufacturer! Unfortunatety, canned printer profiles witl onty get you in the battpark, not to home plate. Printers are mass-produced devices and each one has its own character and personatity. It's [ike renting a car. You choose a make and modeI because itl the same as the car you own, and get jn and drive away to find it feets and drives nothing [ike what you are used to with your own car. At the end of the day, color 'r'ranagemenL with a Spyder3 for your display and Spyder3Prjnt can pay for itsetf, especiatty as you make more and more prints. It reduces or even eliminates unexpected prjnt resutts that would otherwise require you to throw a print jn the round fjte, and virtuatty etiminates printing by triat and error. PhotoglaI Cameras and Accessories _ quality Drodu.b ud *Ri@ sitr@ 1992 - Evaluation & Recommendation From the many e-maits I receive from readers, the most frequent probtem I am asked to respond to is why a photographer's print output is not the quatity they hoped for and expected, usuatly in terms of what they see disptayed on screen. Many of the messages are accompanied by [anguage that indjcates the photographer is fairty new to digjtat photography and is somewhat disappointed their computer SHUTTERBUG July 2008 97 '.itr"$"lJ 'il*1rr.-llt{it3Li&r&l1ilirril&: doesn't produce perfect jm ag es automatica[ty. Sadty, they have probabty than worthwhile investments. They are atso much less demanding of time and learning than many things in digitat photography. And if you make very seen too many movies where computers seem to be human-[ike and abie to read the user's mind to produce perfect many prints, especialty larger ones. the system wiLl pay for itseLf jn ink and paper saved by not having to make pnnts over to get them right. resutts, as if by magic. Frankty, a computer is a dumb machine that needs instructions, jn detail, for everything it is asked to do. That's especia[[y true Hor when do you know once you have made a profil€ tor eithorlho Spyder3 dlsplay o o o o o a D o D o o o q o D o o a q o o D o o Phoro-\ld€o 1 h. la2 Boien lma6d hc. 149 BodBn lma6,# lre o O o 0 o o o o D o o o o o a o o q o o a o o c o o o o o a o o 151 Bow€ns lnternalional Brandess,lGlt (3200 AdDC LANCERLTGFm 193 Brandess/Kait (LIGHT BANKSI 194 Brandess4(alt (EXCALIBER) 190 BlandesgKalt (PELICAN SOFT SIOED CASES) 197 241 l a o a q o o o 242 a a o q o o o a o o o GIFTCARD) 156 Calumel LATEST 154 Caluhet 162 Calumet 164 169 1 07 1so Photo Producls{CALUI\,IETPHOTO.COM OFFEBS) Pho|o PrcdUcIs (HUNTEB FREEMANI Phoro Poducls (JEFF DOW-Si€mens tuF Caiumer Pholo Producls wYAtT [,tcspADDEN) Calumer Photo Pbducrs IBF|AN KUHLMANNI Canon limaoeANYWAREJ Canon IEOS 3OD) Canon USA {CHBOMA LIFE 100) Canon USA(DIGITAL LEAFNING CENTEF) Canon {EOS-1DS MARKlll) canon USA(EOS 20D) 64 9 212 28 34 Canon USA{EOS BEBEL SEBIES) 91 Canon (imaoePROGMF- LUCTA tNKt 24O Canon USA {CAMEMS/LENSES) 22 Chim€ra (CATALOG) 14 ContempoBry Fami) 201 Cotlase l,lills 1 67 Denai Diqial Transler SeMc€s (MOV|ES. SLTDES TAPES, E PBINTS) o o o q o a 0 o o o o o o a o o o o a o o o o tr 1 Oyia:Ute3s Eashan Kodak (1400 DlclTAL PRINTER) 101 Eashan KodaK (ULTIIVIATE PICTUFIE PAPER\ 160 Easrman Kodak (PROFESSTONAL POFTRA FtLNtl ([-MAX 400 FtL[,4) 232 Easrman 37 Epson '(odak 111 Epson (STYLUS PBO 3800) 1al Epson (1400 PHOTO PRINTEFI 229 Epson (STYLUS Bl90O PBINTER) 170 Euneica (ACOLENS) 75 Expohaging (WHITE BALANCE) o o tr U J .l ,J i 01der y0u1 uoduGt informaton frum 98 July 2008 SHUTTERBUG a o moi I qt: gooJotografx @ g m oi 108 P€y€qoa Tecnnoboie! 60 Phasa One 25 Pholoo€nic Pdessional Uohtino ? Phoioaraohers Edo€ TCATALOdI 16 Phodrabh€E Forinularv (CATALOGI 260 PMosrapheis Warehouae 78 PhoToPOSTOS (CUSTOM FOSTCABDS) 30 Pierce Co. (CATALOG) tr o o q o o o 7 Hi-Touch lmaoino T€chnolooies 12 HP 85 HP 86 HP 128 HP 32 HP 88 HP 102 HP 96 HP 125 HP Mad€rndtcEpEr ltai@rn6 IGFEAi GEAF *1r [,1arkern6 iGFEAT GE4F s2i t lai<etini iGBEAT GEAB *3i I'/ i(€IiNO {HP MARKETING) Madclini IHELIOPANI MaAerin6 {GIOTTOS) o B l,larierino NOr'OFLOO ['ANCIN6 (NO/OFLEX-TFUE BLUE BELLOIVS) 143lnlerfil 250 Inr€rnarional Suppti€s 90 JTL CoD- (MOBILIGHT OC$O0) I71 JTL (VER$ALIGHT D3) 173 JTL (MOBILIGHT€EBIES) 243 Ki EnreFdses (PBECIS|ON PEFFOBMANCEI 257 137 Leg'on Paps (MOAB PAPEn) 213 Itedia 202 Nik l\rultim€dia (PLUG tN FTLTEBS) 228 Nik Sonwa€ (COLOF EFEX PFO 3.01 130 Nikon (DzX DlclTAL) 144 Nikon (D70 DlclTAL) 136 Nikon (NIKKOB LENSES) Cotlt) 133 Nikon (PBO DIGITAL SYSTEI',4) 139 Nikon (SB-800) 181 Nikon (O80) 214 Nikon (D3 218 Nikon (O3o0) 17 Noman (NOFIMAN ML400 & ML600 [,|ONOLIGHTS) 262 Noiman (44008) 195 OPiIech (CATALOG, 8l Om€aasalter (COK N 126 Paul0. Butf (AL EN tsEEsr 24 224 223 245 PaulC. Buff(WHITE L GiTN NG) PaulC. Bufi {FADIO ajSH Paul C. Bufl aVAGABO,D Paul C. B'Iil (FINGFL{Sf 148 Paul C. Buff (ZEUS o 219 Pode/s Cam€ra Sro€ (CATALOG) Poder Case (CATALOG) Po Pholo Plo Sludio SuDDlv (CATALOGI Ouanrum Indninienls (TUBaO 2x? BATTEB|ES) Ouanrum Instrumenrs (QFLASH rtd's) Quantum lnstruments IQFLASH sd'sl Quantum Instrumenls frunBo scsLtM) Ouantum lnstrunrents (QNEXUS) Quanrum Instruments (OFLASH itd-B) Ouick Pro Came|. Guides (aUlCK PRO) F.T.S.. lnc. B.TS., Inc. (HADLEY BAG) R-Tg, Inc- (EWA-MAFINE HOUSTNG"UNOEFWAIER PHOTOS) Foallv Biohl Sluil FiE eam-eE Sto€ (CATALOG) o o o o 244 Sa!€g€ Un^€lsal ColP. {tNFlNtry CANVAS) o q o a 246 247 24€ 249 o 106 Naneu Pro (CATALOG) 172 227 207 o tr 155 Michel Co. (CATALOG) 5 51 83 29 27 72 87 206 42 208 230 D Strel 253 Miclown Pinl ns (SHOBTFUNPOSTEFS 261 Mol€ Bichardson Liqhho ICATALOG) o o a 0 o a o 186 Lc,wel-Usht (LOl /ELEGO) 21s Lumrqus-$ {SOFT SCFEENI 216 Lumiques {FLASH) 225 Lumhuesl (BlG BOUNCE) 236 Lumiqu€sl (BoUNCE KIT) 255 Lumiquesl (LUMIOUEST FX) 10o l,lasier Mount ICATALOG) O L] David Brooks can be reached via e- o q o a o o o a o p Rd_, Lawrencevitte, NJ 08648; (800) 554-8688; @ o o o o 0 o o I 113 Boaen lmaoino lnc, 124 Boisn lma6ind tnc. 1,r0 Bocon 140 8066r lmaoino lmadind lnc. tr q o o o a 175 a 221 o 2g o o 12 B€aan CarneE of Maine o For more information, contact 0igital Cotor Solutions, 5 Princess management. matched to what I expect from what see on screen, the Spyder3Etite/Pro display and the Spyde13Print are more 226 Aibble Labs 50 BogBn (GrZO) o o D o to cotor I 94 Alb'imx Colp- (RENAISSANCE) 4 118 American Coior lmaqino TMEMOFY BOOKS) 231 Anlhropcs (wwwPoETRAtTPROFESS|ONAL.COM) 211 B & H 57 Backdroo Orlet 97 Backdrcp Backdrcb Outlet OLxlet (CATALOG) ICATALOGI comes In terms of the satisfaction of getting print output tfat is predictabty colodmetor or a printer wlth Spyd6,3Print? SpydorProot ptovidos a acrcen iot ot tost imagos for critical examhatio[ that can .l.o bs uiod to make a print to test the pedormanco ot a pdnter profrle made Yrith Spyd€€Prlnt. o it o o o a o o 110 166 FoNJerls 199 Shamics (IABLFIOP STUDIO) Sioma (FLASH) cataloo SEna (LENS) iEraroqSiqma (5014) cataloo S&ma iDPl l c€taloo163 109 Smith-Viclor 259 Smith-Victor {LlcHTlNG EOUIPI,IENT) 274 Sony (A AIPHA) Sr[€o.de6m - 99 Speedolrcn (MORFISI 117 SPEEdOlmN (4{HANNEL BADIO FLASH TFIG. GER) 161 Speedotron (LIGHTING KIT SPECIALI 179 SPEEdCNON EXPLORER I5OOD POBTABLE) 222 Splash Modia (xTMtN) a o o 273 Sup€riof Sp€cialties ! o L] tl 135 Tamrac (L4icosync) 205 TamEc (CLASSIC CAMEM BAGS) 205 TamEc (CLASSIC CAMERA BAGS) 2s6 Tam,ac (ADVENTUFE 10 BACKPACKSI 4! THK Phoro Prcducls (SLIK) 46 THK Pholo Products (HOYA) 47IHK (-IOKINA) 147 THK (KENKO) o o o o c o o 66 UCB !J Jq o 115 V sb/e Dlsr (CATALOG) 237 whte Holse Cuslom Color (WHCC) HEFE 36 xP fna%lD.s (LITESHAPER) t[ese aduenisers today! see facing [usiness lelly Gard {|rS ALL t0 01de1!