Board Agenda - Passaic - Passaic Valley High School
Board Agenda - Passaic - Passaic Valley High School
Passaic V alley Regional H igh School District #1 Regular M eeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014_ __________________ ___ ______ _______ O rder of Business R O L L C A L L O F M E M B E RS PL EDG E O F A L L E GIANC E RE ADING O F ANNOUNC E M ENT Public Notice Public notice of this meeting in compliance with the O pen Public Meetings A ct was given by the Board Secretary/School Business A dministrator on T uesday, June 3, 2014 by mailing notices to the North Jersey H erald and News, the Record, the Township C ler k of L ittle F alls, the Borough C ler k of Totowa and the Business A dministrator of Woodland Par k, and by posting the notice on the bulletin board of Passaic V alley Regional H igh School. 35(6,'(17¶65(3257 A C K N O W L E D G M E N T O F C O R R ESP O N D E N C E T O T H E B O A R D O F EDUC A TI ON A PPR O V A L O F M I N U T ES O F PR E V I O US M E E T I N G T he M inutes of the Regular Meeting of T uesday, M ay 27, 2014 will be presented for review and approval. R E P O R T O F T H E SUP E R I N T E N D E N T ST U D E N T R E PR ESE N T A T I V ES T O T H E B O A R D O F E D U C A T I O N C A L L F O R M E M B E RS O F T H E PU B L I C T O B E H E A RD Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ 6XSHULQWHQGHQW¶V5HSRUW 1. C I T V C Presentation/Ms. K athleen Menake and her students 2. W est Paterson A merican L egion L adies A uxiliary W inner ± G rade 10, K ayleigh H er rmann 3. A rt Show & Spring Concert ____ ___________ Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ ____ ___________ 6XSHULQWHQGHQW¶V5HSRUW 1. Report of Suspensions ± May/June 2014 T he Superintendent wishes to report the following suspensions for M ay and June 2014: G rade 9 Student S-183-13 ± M ay 27, 2014 ± Reason: Second class cut (1 day) Student S-184-13 ± F rom M ay 23 to May 28, 2014 ± Reason: F ight (3 days) Student S-185-13 ± M ay 30, 2014 ± Reason: C ut in Study (1 day) G rade 10 Student S-186-13 ± M ay 29, 2014 ± Reason: T hird cut (1 day) Student S-187-13 ± M ay 28, 2014 ± Reason: C ut in 20 minute lunch (1 day) G rade 11 Student S-188-13 ± F rom June 2 to June 3, 2014 ± Reason: Reckless Behavior (2 days) Student S-189-13 ± M ay 28, 2014 ± Reason: C ut in 20 minute lunch (1 day) Student S-190-13 ± F rom M ay 23 to May 28, 2014 ± Reason: F ight (3 days) G rade 12 Student S-191-13 ± F rom M ay 30 to June 2, 2014 ± Reason: T hird cut (2 days) Student S-192-13 ± F rom June 3 to June 4, 2014 ± Reason: Inappropriate behavior (2 days) Student S-193-13 ± F rom June 3 to June 4, 2014 ± Reason: Inappropriate language to staff (2 days) Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ ____ ___________ E ducation Committee 1. A pproval/T uition Reimbursement T he Superintendent recommends approval of the following tuition reimbursement for teaching staff members taken during the 2013-2014 school year: Ms. K athleen Berthold ± 12 credits M rs. H illary B resson ± 3 credits M r. Joseph Benvenuti ± 9 credits Ms. K ristin C asale ± 8 credits M r. M ichael De L uccia ± 12 credits M r. Jared Fowler ± 12 credits Ms. M ary G arofalo ± 12 credits M r. K evin H aimowitz ± 9 credits Ms. K athleen Menake ± 9 credits M r. B rad O ttino ± 12 credits Ms. Jamie Peters ± 6 credits Ms. Natalia Sisti ± 12 credits M r. Joel T hornton ± 12 credits 2. $1,609.77 $ 990.48 $1,403.34 $1,334.20 $1,609.77 $1,609.77 $1,609.77 $1,403.34 $1,403.34 $1,609.77 $1,196.91 $1,609.77 $1,609.77 A ppointment/T eacher of M athematics T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends the appointment of M r. Jason O rtwine as a Teacher of M athematics for the 2014-2015 school year effective September 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. M r. O rtwine will be compensated at C lass 1, Step 1, $51,359. Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ ____ ___________ E ducation Committee 3. A pproval/Maternity L eave of A bsence T he Superintendent recommends approval of a Maternity L eave of A bsence for M rs. Amy Niosi, T eacher of E nglish, effective September 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 4. A ppointment/Maternity L eave Replacement T eacher of E nglish T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends the appointment of M r. Cornelius V an Ess as a M aternity L eave Replacement T eacher of E nglish effective September 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. M r. V an Ess will be compensated at C lass 1, Step 1, 51,359. 5. A pproval/Summer School for Non-Public Placement Student T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval of summer school for a non-public placement student as follows: SS-1-2023 ± Barnstable Academy, O akland, NJ ± June 30 to A ugust 1, 2014 ± Monday through F riday ± 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - $1,250 6. Compensation/Non-Unit Personnel T he Superintendent recommends an E xecutive Session to discuss compensation for non-unit personnel for the 2014-2015 school year. Possible action may be taken. Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ ____ ___________ E ducation Committee 7. Acceptance/L etter of Resignation/Retirement T he Superintendent is in receipt of a letter of resignation from M rs. Rose A nn Cortese, A dministrative Secretary, effective January 1, 2015. T he Superintendent recommends, with regret, acceptance of this lette r of resignation/retirement and would like to thank M rs. Cortese for her years of dedicated service to the district and wish her well in her retirement years. 8. A pproval/Professional Day Requests T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval of the following Professional Day Requests: 9. Staff Members: Ms. E nnely C id, M rs. L inda K urtishi & M r. Jason O rtwine Destination: Rutgers University ± Summer Institute ³&RPPRQ&RUH6WDQGDUGV$VVHVVPHQWV In A lgebra - A ugust 5 through A ugust 7, 2014 Cost: $495.00 per person ± Paid from N C L B Professional Development F unds A pproval/Home Instruction T he Superintendent, in consultation with the recommends approval of the following Home Instruction: H .I.-62-13 H .I.-63-13 G rade 12 G rade 9 A dministration, Woodland Par k L ittle F alls Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ ____ ___________ E ducation Committee 10. A pproval/E xtended School Year T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval of the following E xtended School Year: Student E X-13-13 ± 7KH&KLOGUHQ¶V,QVWLWXWH/LYLQJVWRQ± July 1 through A ugust 1, 2014 ± Portal-to-portal transportation will be required - $6,248.66 Student E X-14-13 ± W ashington Ridgewood, Paramus ± July 1 to July 25 Portal-to-portal transportation and an aide will be required - $4,700 Student E X-15-13 ± Banyan H igh School, L ittle F alls ± July 1 to July 31 T ransportation will not be required - $4,500 Student E X-16-13 ± Y ES Sawtelle L earning Center, Montclair ± July 1 to July 29 ± Portal-to-portal transportation will be required - $5,697.15 Student E X-17-13 ± T he G lenview Academy, F airfield ± July 7 to A ugust 15 ± Portal-to-portal transportation will be required - $9,028.50 Student E X-18-13 ± F elician School, Lodi ± July 1 to July 31 ± Portal-toportal transportation will be required - $6,003.14 Student E X-19-13 ± T he C alais School, W hippany ± July 1 to A ugust 12 Portal-to-portal transportation will be required - $6,097 Student E X-20-13 ± 7KH &KLOGUHQ¶V ,QVWLWXWH L ivingston ± July 1 to A ugust 1 ± Portal-to-portal transportation will be required - $7,101.02 Student E X-21-13 ± Cornerstone Day School, Mountainside ± July 1 to A ugust 28 ± T he tuition is part of the school year 12 month contract. Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ ____ ___________ E ducation Committee 11. A pproval/Summer Pay T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval of summer pay for Ms. K elly Mor ris, SA C. M iss Mor ris will be wor king on the H I B A nnual Report. Ms. Mor ris will be compensated at $35.62 per hour for two days. 12. Acceptance/Board Self-E valuation T he Superintendent recommends Board acceptance of the Board SelfE valuation. 13. Acceptance/L etter of Resignation T he Superintendent is in receipt of a letter of resignation from M r. Joseph Ziccardi, T eacher of Spanish, effective immediately. T he Superintendent recommends acceptance of this letter of resignation. 14. A ppointment/T eacher of Spanish T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends the appointment of M r. Sebastian C ano as a Teacher of Spanish for the 2014-2015 school year effective September 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. M r. C ano will be compensated at C lass 1, Step 1, $51,359. 15. A ppointment/T eacher of Spanish T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends the appointment of Ms. F ulya A rici, as a T eacher of Spanish for the 2014-2015 school year effective September 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Ms. A rici will be compensated at C lass 2, Step 1, $54,881. Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ ____ ___________ O perations Committee 1. A pproval/Use of F acilities T he Superintendent, in consultation with the Supervisor of Buildings & G rounds, recommends approval of the following use of facilities: T he Passaic V alley H ead T rack Coaches, M r. Johnson and M r. T hornton would like to host the first A nnual Middle School T rack & F ield Day at Passaic V alley Regional H igh School on June 12, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. T he purpose of this event is to promote the track programs for boys and girls and at the same time allow the elementary students the opportunity to compete for medals in various events. T his is the first time this has been proposed and M rs. Patricia L ynch endorses this effort by the track coaches. T he Passaic Valley Sting is requesting use of the V arsity Baseball Field from June 1 and ending July 31, 2014 to host games and practices. T he Sting organization has used our facilities before for previous summer seasons. T he Sting team is comprised of students from L ittle F alls, Totowa and Woodland Par k. A copy of the insurance policy will be submitted to M r. G erber prior to the first practice. Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ ____ ___________ F inance Committee 1. Receipt of Reports T he Superintendent, in consultation with the Board Secretary/School Business A dministrator, recommends acceptance of the following reports: 2. Report of the Board Secretary ± A pril 2014 (A ttachment A) Report of the T reasurer of School Monies ± A pril 2014 (A ttachment B) A pproval of T ax Requisitions T he Superintendent, in consultation with the Board Secretary/School Business A dministrator, recommends Board A pproval of the attached tax requests based on the tax levy amount reflected in the approved 2014-2015 budget. (A ttachment C) Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ ____ ___________ Policy Committee 1. Second Reading/A pproval New & Revised Policies T he Superintendent recommends a second reading and approval of the following mandated new and revised policies: By-L aw 0141 (revised) By-L aw 0143 (revised) Policy 1581 (new) Policy 3125 (revised) Policy 3230 (revised) Policy 3240 (revised) Policy 4125 (revised) Policy 4230 (revised) Board Member Number & T erm Board Member E lection & A ppointment V ictim of Domestic or Sexual V iolence L eave E mployment of T eaching Staff Members O utside Activities (T eaching Staff Members) Professional Development for T eachers A nd School L eaders E mployment of Support Staff Members O utside Activities (Support Staff) Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, June 10, 2014 ___________________ __ ____ ___________ E ducation Committee O perations Committee F inance Committee A thletic Committee Negotiations committee Community A lliance Committee/Student W elfare Committee Public Relations Committee Policy Committee $WWRUQH\¶V5HSRUW 3DVVDLF&RXQW\6FKRRO%RDUG¶V$VVRFLDWLRQ± Report of Delegate 1HZ-HUVH\6FKRRO%RDUG¶V$VVRFLDWLRQ± Report of Delegate O ld Business New Business C all for members of the Public to be heard E xecutive Session A djournment