Greece School Board to Fire Chief
Greece School Board to Fire Chief
Margaret KellerSogan hasfiled an appeal with state to get her tob back. District board mavvote onchief IIEAGHAiI M. MCDINMOTI STATF WRITER GREECE- Greeceres! dents could learn tonight whether the Board of Education plans to fire embattled schools Superintendent Margaret Keller-Cogan "We are committed to having a resolution to the employment relationship betweetr Dr. Keller-Cogan and the district," said Board President Ken Walsh. Keller-Coganhasbeen in limbo since late September, when the board placed her, Executive Director of Human ResourcesBrian Ladewig and Assistant Superinteddent of Elementary Schools Kathleen Pagano-Fuller on paid leave while it investigated teacherchargesof discrimination. The board said it was putting them on leave to ensurethat their ptesence in the schools would not influencethe results of the investi8ation. Walsh said the board is working carefully to deal with four lawsuitsfiled last week by the teachers urho claim they were discrimilated against becauseof their age,and with allegations that the district's orevious administration I of which Keller-Cogan was part - used teacher evaluation processes as a cudgelto quiet critics. A fifth teacher discrimination claim has been referred by the U.S. Equal Employment Commisiion for possibleprosecutionby the JusticeDepartment. "I think we owe it to everybodyinvolved to go slowly and makea decisi6n in the best interest of first, the kids, and then gveryone elsewho's involved."'said Walsh. l{ewsuperintendent Keller-Coganjoined the Greeceschoolsin 1999and servedasassistantsuperiatendent for curricdufo and instruction until becomins deputy superintendent foi student learning and accountability in 2004. The board of education tapped her to replace Superintendent Steven L. Walts iust days after his April 2005announcemenf that he'd leave the district in June to take over a Virginia school district. BOARD.PAGE48 THURSDAY,JANUARY19,2006 Board FROMPAGE18 What'sat stake Thefutureleadership of the GreeceCentralSchoolDistrict. lf yougo When Keller-Coganwas appointed to the positionwithout What: GreeceBoardof Educaan outside search,Don Pallozzi, president of the Creece tion me€tsto discussthe employment statusof SuperintendTeachers Assoclation, said teachers worriod that meanr ent MargaretKeller.Cogan. The boardwill likelyretireimmedi. there would be no changes. "She worked hand in hand atelyinto a closedexecutive if anyactionis with Steve for seven years," Pal- session.However, lozzi said. "But Meg didd't really takenon Keller-Cogan's employ. have the opportunity to do mentstatus,it will be done duringpublicportionsof the much." Sheheld her new position for meeting. When: 5:30 only a few weeks before the Where:GroeceAoolloMiddle boardput her on leave. School, 750 MaidenLane. During the summer,the five Details:(585) 956-23 1 1 teachers won determinations from the U.S.EqualEmployment Opportunity Commissionthat held, but district officials failed their complaitrts of discrimina- to accommodateher disabilities tion under the Walts administra- and behaved in a way "tantatiou bad merit. mount to harassment of (LuOn the basisofthose findings, ther) basedon her disability.,, reading specialists Evelyn Luther's attorney, Nelson Krane, Carole Giordano and Thomas of Dolin, Thomas & .Choryl Livoti filed suit last Solomon,said the EEOCueually 1week,claiming administrators upholds chargesin only about 5 isingled out older teaihers for percent of all complaints, and harsher evaluatious,createdin- tle agency'smove to refer Lutolerable working conditions, tbet's complaint to the tustice humiliated and degraded them Department is "an extremely to their peers and colleagues, ra-restep." and coerced them to retire Walsh wouldn't comment on thlough threats ofpublic disci the specificsofthe larrrsuits,but plinary actions. said it's likely the board will try Teacher Mary Donlon filed a to reach settlements. separateagediscrimination suit He also would not say last week alleging that after she whether the board intends to recomplained about younger,less instateKeller-Cogan,but did say qualifiedteachersbeing hired to that acting Superintendent foseteach summer school, she re- phine Kehoe has agreed to stay ceived unfair as interlm superintendent if miliations and criticisms aimed neededwhile the board seeksa at forcing her to resiga or retire. new superintendent. Walsh said it's unlikelv the lusticeDepartment board will discussLadewi! and While the EEOC freed those Pagano-Fuller'sfate today,but teachersto pursue suits against their employmentstatuswill ulthe district on their own, the timately be decidedby the disagency found claims by teacher trict's superintendent,whomTerry Luther so compelling ever that may be, they sent them to the Justice Keller-Cogan has taken steps Department for possible prose- to get her iob back.She'sfiled an cuuon. appealwith the state Education Luther, a calcer survivor who Departmeni, claming the board teachesat GreeceArcadia, said never had authority to place her she was singled out after she on leave,breachedher contract, told a supervisorthat somecur- denied her due process, took riculum was "infaotile" and "arbitrary and unwarranted acdidn't challenge her students. tion" againsther and not only 'After that, I couldn't pat my intends to fire her, but effecI rear end and chew gum at the tively dld when it placed her on * sametime as far as the district leave. Walsh said the district's attorfi was concerned,"she said, !l Her EEOC determination neys will respond to the appeal statedthat her claimsofage dis- m commg days.o crimination could not be uo- llICDERM0T@D€nffitnndChronjcle.con