Dr. ir. Peter Van den Bossche - CEB-BEC
Dr. ir. Peter Van den Bossche - CEB-BEC
Electric Vehicle Standardization Peter Van den Bossche Secretary of IEC TC69 Erasmus University College Brussels Vrije Universiteit Brussel 1 The House of Standardization P. Van den Bossche PERFORMANCE COMPATIBLITY SAFETY STANDARDS 2 Electric vehicle standardization ❖ The electrically propelled vehicle ❖ Is it a Vehicle? ❖ Is it an Electrical Device? ❖ ISO vs. IEC committees ❖ Different standardization culture! P. Van den Bossche 3 IEC/ISO Memorandum ❖ Electric vehicle in road position (driving): automotive standards ❖ Connected to the mains, the vehicle shall comply with standards that apply to electrical equipment used in similar circumstances ❖ Electrotechnical equipment on the vehicle shall comply with the relevant standards (see Annex A). P. Van den Bossche 4 Committees active Fixed installations IEC 60364 Charging interface IEC 61851 (TC69) EV electrical aspects (if not charging) ISO TS22/SC21 Data transfer JWG IEC/ISO V2G Connective Interfaces IEC 62196 (SC23h) Battery cells IEC SC21A Battery assembly ISO TC22/SC21 EDLC IEC TC69 SAE also has activities P. Van den Bossche 5 Current activities: Batteries ❖ System approach (ISO) vs. cell approach (IEC) ❖ Defining the right test cycles to describe battery behaviour for a certain application ❖ Energy batteries for battery-electrics ❖ Power batteries for hybrids '## 012*3 34 5+16 -7/ <*.891:;, &# "# $# %# # 891:; , !%# !$# !"# # "# '%# ' &# %$# (## ("# $ %# $&# )*+, -./ P. Van den Bossche 6 Current activities - Infrastructure ❖ Connector designs ❖ Safety issues ❖ Charging modes P. Van den Bossche 7 Communication - Smart Grid Grid Operator User Interface Mobility Operator Electric ElectricVehicle Vehicle Communication Controller (EVCC) Controller Charge ChargeSpot Spot Communicati Communication onController Controller (CSCC) Electricity Meter Local/Remote Communication Authentication Vehicle Manufacturer Billing Ampacity control Electricity Retailer Charge information Electricity Supplier P. Van den Bossche 8 Where do we go from here ❖ The ideal of infrastructure standards: ❖Any vehicle can safely charge anywhere ❖ No conflicting standards ❖ No overstandardization ❖ Need for collaboration and consensus on all levels! P. Van den Bossche 9