August 21, 2015 - High Country Journal
August 21, 2015 - High Country Journal
High Country Journal “Independently First Amendmently” K LOCAL NEWS K lways Free A LOCAL SOURCE Anza, California, USA August 21, 2015 Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Anza, CA Permit #4 Serving the High Country Corridor News & Notes “Anza Fire” Scorches 530 Acres Flame retardant is dropped on the “Anza Fire” by a Grumman S-2T, one of Cal Fire’s 23 such planes that are deployed “for fast initial attack delivery of fire retardant on wildland fires.” The blaze started just before noon on August 10. A vehicle fire started what quickly became a large wildfire in the wilderness east of Paradise Valley and north of the Santa Rosa Indian Reservation on August 10. The owner of the recreational vehicle, a Pinion man, who recently restored it, suffered burns as he tried to extinguish the fire, and was taken to Desert Regional for treatment. Cal Fire responded quickly, hoping to get the upper hand on the fast-moving blaze. In all, 532 firefighters were assigned to the fire in various capacities, and the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department dedicated 16 officers to secure the area, under the command of Captain Ray Wood. Evacuations were ordered for a small neighborhood at the (Continued on page 4...) Right, above and below: Paradise Corner was a staging ground for Cal Fire and the Sheriff ’s Department for the “Anza Fire.” Route 74 between the 371 and Santa Rosa was closed until 11 am on the 11th. The fire grew to 300 acres in only four hours, and then to 500 acres in five hours. A sustained and heavy “air attack” is credited with stopping this fire. Resources are spread thin in California, and the Western US in general. Below: The vehicle that started the “Anza Fire,” fully engulfed on Route 74, just east of the Pacific Crest Trail access area. (Picture source is unknown.) INSIDE... • ADA Compliance Angst - page 5 • Co-op, Part 2 - page 6 • VFW Menu - page 10 • Amraah’s Last Post? - page 14 • Classified Ads - page 20 • Local Business Directory - page 21 Page 2 August 21, 2015 High Country Journal ANZA’S GETTIN’ TOGETHER SPOT SINCE 1956 RESERVE THE COMMUNITY HALL FOR YOUR EVENT! Affordable Rates • Member Discounts Amenities include: • AC / Heat • Full Commercial Kitchen • 4200 square feet of floor space for dining, dancing, and other activities • Large, clean restrooms • Large, easy access parking lot • Right here in the Anza Valley! Contact Kathy Medaris @ 951-428-0901 HOME OF THE ANZA VALLEY SWAP MEET! First and Third Saturdays, 6 am - 2 pm Upcoming Swap Meets: September 5 & 19 Space rental is a bargain: $10 for members, $12 for non-members. For Vendor opportunities, call Kathy: 951-428-0901 The Anza Community Hall Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(3). Board Meetings are open to the public. Next meeting is: August 24, 7:00 pm. Get Active! Get Involved! Join Today! High Country Journal The Bump! “Anza’s Only Truly Local Newspaper” Once again, we have to bump a couple of stories until next time. (You’d think we know to request more paper by now.) Published on the first and third Friday of every month Managing Editor: Ed Kohout [email protected] Advertising & Classifieds: [email protected] Girl Friday: Becka Kohout Mascot: Baron von Bearskins (He never bites!) Phone: 951-970-0074 Snailmail: P.O. Box 390650, Anza, CA 92539 Office: 56480 Hwy 371, Suite 8, Anza Office Hours: 11 - 2, Monday - Thursday please phone ahead! or by appointment. Annual Subscription: $20 in Anza and Aguanga, $30 out of area. Mail your name, address and payment to: P.O. Box 390650, Anza, CA 92539 We are a community newspaper and welcome submissions by our readers. We reserve the right to edit for content and/or refuse unsuitable material. Be nice! The opinions expressed by contriubutors are not necessarily the views of the owners or publisher. New 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington met with Anzans in July, and we were there. But we still have some open questions, and hope to have that settled for next time. Washington is a very likeable and affable man, and it’s quite obvious that this Supervisor will be more approachable than the last one. Of course, the Journal doesn’t rank too high on their “to do” list, so we await some answers on Code Enforcement, the “pot thing,” and whether the Anza Valley really gets back what it pays in taxes to the County. As for the Community Hall story, well, it’s like wrestling an octopus while working on your car. We hope to have something more definitive to report, such as where this and that refrigerator went, and what happened to the sound system(s), perhaps as a Facebook entry in the coming days. We also will be posting a brief on the plight of local Vail Lake artisan Ricardo Breceda, who has been asked to move his shop, and his RV, out of the complex. A big shout-out to all the folks who wished Becka and myself well on our marriage. It’s been hard to get back to work, with so many pies to choose from. - Ed. August 21, 2015 Page 3 High Country Journal Page Three - Commentary and Opinion Democratic Socialism: A Proven Winner for Anza by Ed Kohout There simply is no room for an anticommerce hyena in the Chamber of Commerce. There is some good news to all of this, though. When the votes were finally counted for the Co-op’s Director election, on July 19, it was quite obvious that voter turnout had greatly increased from recent years. In 2014, 222 ballots were cast for the election between Ryall Stewart and Steve Packard: Who said this: “We are proud of and shall continue our far-reaching and sound advances in matters of basic human needs - expansion of social security - broadened coverage in unemployment insurance - improved housing - and better health protection for all our people. We are determined that our government remain warmly responsive to the urgent social and economic problems of our people.” A) B) C) D) In 2015, 354 ballots were cast, yielding these results: Bernie Sanders Lyndon Johnson Jacques Chirac The Republican Party in 1956 How about this one: “Nearly four years ago... we were locked in a costly and stalemated war. Now we have an honorable peace, which has stopped the bitter toll in casualties and resources, ended depressing wartime restraints, curbed the runaway inflation and unleashed the boundless energy of our people to forge forward on the road to progress.” A) B) C) D) Stewart: 131 Packard: 91 Abraham Lincoln Thomas Jefferson Barack Obama The Republican Party in 1956 If you answered “D” to both of these, you are correct! It’s taken verbatim from the Republican Party’s platform from the 1956 convention - you know, that golden era of America that everyone who waxes nostailgic thinks was so great. Yes, those crazy Conservatives actually embraced Social Security, universal health care, unemployment insurance, and homes for everyone. And, unions, too! What a bunch of losers, eh? I bring this up only because I’ve been getting the usual woolly feedback from the last edition’s editorial where I lamented on and on about the connection between literacy and the dumbed-down political climate we have inherited. In that, shall I say “brilliant” piece, I also fretted over the very lackluster support of our own Carly Fiorina, who was getting about as much support as Roseanne Barr after singing the National Anthem. I sent that to the printer on Wednesday night, and then, lo and behold, the next day she showed up at a debate, and the world was agog “Carly won that debate!” I honestly don’t know why, because I didn’t watch it, but from what I gather, it was due to her ability to communicate, in clear and concise language, her ideas! And, now, instead of getting 1% of the polls, she bumped up to about 4%. Woo hoo! The great Conservative intelligentsia was listening! But, later that night, the Donald J. Trump clown car pulled in, and that’s what everyone wanted. The Trumpster brought some pies, and lobbed one after another at the other contestants on “The Koch Brothers Price is Right.” First, it was Jeb!. Then, it was Paul. Ben Carson didn’t get one, but I don’t think Trump knew who he was. After all was said and done, not one question was asked pertaining to any of the four items in the first quiz quote above. What does this have to do with Anza? Well, we have our own Trump. It’s a she, and goes by the name of “Annette Gilliam, ESQ.” Endless whining and complaining about things, throw-the-baby-outwith-the-bathwater ideas, and a campaign based on bluster and arrogance, centered on a personality that has just arrived on the scene in town, but knows nothing about it. I watched that person throw pie after pie, all aimed at AEC General Manager Kevin Short, and then the AEC in general, and that was the whole campaign. How did Gilliam know she was right about the issues? Because she’s her, and we’re not, and shut up, I’ve got better things to attend to anyhow. It was ugly, ugly stuff, and no matter where I dug into the accusations, there was nothing of substance to glean. To make matters worse, it began looking like our own Anza Valley Chamber of Commerce was a centrifugal point of the morass. The major, and most serious accusation, was that the Co-op, and specifically Kevin Short, had rigged the ballot referendum in May to get the “ConnectAnza” project off the ground. The proof? It just looked bad, with over 900 members voting 9-1 for the deal. Also, Gilliam’s own petitions to run as a candidate for a Directorship on the AEC Board had barely scraped by. Apparently, the Co-op had discounted a bunch of signatures, and that, dear friends, was all the proof Gilliam needed. When I requested to view those petitions, I discovered that four people had signed twice. One of those was the President of the Chamber. (Just so everyone knows - never ever sign a petition twice. Everyone should know this, but some don’t.) When I tried to contact this person, I got no response. But, it was time for some kind of statement by the Journal, and given the time constraints, I decided to -pre-publish it online on Facebook. (That post got over 800 views within two days.) Well, all of a sudden, I was getting replies, and they were angry! How dare I make such accusations! How dare I besmirch the good name of the Chamber! This is unfair! This is SLANDER! “It was a mistake,” was the response about signing the petition twice. I can live with that. So, I did meet up the next day with a Chamber Director, and asked for an official reply - something I could print in the paper that would explain things to the community. I was told that the Chamber would discuss the matter, and send me something. But, I got nothing. It’s been a month, and nothing. So, I assume they have nothing to say. However, in a brief conversation with Robyn Garrison, a long-time Chamber booster and official, some things were gleaned. One is that the Chamber really had no official position on ConnectAnza. The other was that the Chamber had received no complaints from members about the Co-op, and since the Chamber only replies to complaints, it was a moot point. I asked if the Chamber had ever received a complaint about anything, and the answer was “No.” “The Chamber supports our Chamber membership,” was the statement. (The Co-op is a member of the Chamber, by the way.) And, yes, that’s what I was looking for - a statement of how the Chamber does support local business, and helps... commerce! This, then, poses the question - does the Co-op do more for businesses in the area than the Chamber? Is not ConnectAnza the best thing to happen for local businesses since anyone can remember? According to Gilliam, Anza doesn’t need it. The local shopkeepers who have to use their cell phones to take credit card transactions don’t need it? Some relief from the the exhorbitant business phone rates that Verizon charges isn’t needed? The potential IT cottage businesses that ConnectAnza could bring to our area isn’t needed? The ability to work-from-home for some residents isn’t needed? Was there any thought to this by the Chamber? I guess we’ll never know. But, one thing is clear: Gilliam has to go. I don’t see how she can serve on the Board of the Chamber of Commerce after doing all she could to hurt local businesses. If the Chamber really wants to save face, they should vote her off the Board immediately. District I: Harold Burdick: 212 Elena Mafla: 35 Annette Gilliam: 86 District III: Alan Thomas: 87 Joel Carlisle: 241 That’s a ~60% increase in voter turnuout! And, the margins show that the Co-op’s members stand firmly behind the current Board, General Manager, and employees, all of whom are providing outstanding service to this community. What does this have to do with the Republican Party of 1956? Well, that’s about the time that the Co-op first began actually distributing electricity to residents. It’s also about the time that the Community Hall opened and became the spiritual center of this community. Back in those days, the government actually put mechanisms in place to help Main Street. They looked out for the working class, and actually embraced the New Deal. Nowadays, the modern GOP would do everything to discourage an electric coopertaive and a Community Hall. “That’s Socialism,” they would say. “Those customers are freeloaders!” “Deregulation and Wall Street are the best way to give consumers the best prices!” It’s all bunk, of course, as the Coop outperforms all Investor Owned Utilities (IOU’s) by a wide margin. And, all of that extra money Anzans would be shelling out for electricity would never find its way back into the community, as a company like Southern California Edison would never hire from our community, or give back like the AEC does. The IOU’s would never take excess operating revenues and give them back to the community. And they certainly would never give us low-cost, high-speed broadband. Those things only strengthen our community, and the name of the game in the modern oligarchical order is to never empower the people. We need look no further than the Gilliam campaign for proof, as she was a lawyer for an IOU - the very one that charges families $150 to $200 more per month than the AEC. So, I say, support the old GOP, support the AEC, and you’ll be supporting the right kind of social order for strong communities: DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM! We tend to forget how well it worked back then, but it still is working - right here in Anza! •• Page 4 News & Notes Continued from page 1 east end of Garner Valley called “Indian Hills.” Residents could be seen preparing for evacuation in the early afternoon. The order was lifted by the next morning, and no property damage was recorded. Three firefighters were injured in this effort. The excitement also caused a patron at Paradise Cafe to have a heart attack. Forward progress of the fire was halted by 10 pm on the 10th, though full containment was not reached until August 15. “A Wheelchair for Justin Fundraiser” Explainer Submitted by Michele Brown I’ve had a few people ask me, who’s Justin? To be honest when I started this venture pulling this event together I didn’t know that answer. What I knew was someone needed a wheelchair and we needed to make that happen for him. See I met his Aunt, CC Hotchkiss, (some of you know her as Anderson from back when she worked locally with the fire department) and we started talking. I saw a GoFundMe account was set up High Country Journal for her nephew Justin and they were raising money. Then I saw the post, someone was buying his wheelchair and donating the balance needed. Great news right? Wrong! The wheelchair company spoke with the donor, they brought a wheelchair out and fitted him. He was so excited. Finally! But then they backed out and the company came and got the wheelchair. When I found out I as and still am dumbfounded! Who does that to someone?!?! I told CC after the car show is over we’ll hit the ground running to pull together a fundraiser and we WILL get Justin his wheelchair! CC helped us the day of the car show and we discussed ideas in between the hectic day. We got started right away talking with musicians and booking the day’s events. We weren’t sure of location at the time but planned accordingly. Once we received confirmation things really came together. I finally met Justin a couple weeks ago and he was hard at work at the ranch he lives and works on. I found out he was the one who went and dragged the baseball field in the rain for the kids. He likes being on the tractor. He works part time at Home Depot too. This isn’t someone who begs for help, nor even asks, he’s the one who goes out of his way to help others. He was shocked when he found out we’re doing this for him. Justin’s been in a wheelchair since he was 16 years old when he severed his spine in an accident. He had to OVER 7 ACRES, high atop Reed Valley, with new well. $89,900 and Seller Will Carry AGUANGA HEIGHTS - 39 Acres - huge new well producing 50 GPM, 72,000 per day. 3 year pump warranty, AG permits - DONE! $289,000 20 ACRES - Oak studded, Red Mountain area. View and usability too! Easy access to Hemet and Temecula. $99,900. OWC! TOP OF REED VALLEY - Eight parcles to choose from - six are 5 acres, one is 7.5 acres, and one is 20 acres. See the CAVES! Views that will rock your world! Seller will carry all! TEN ACRES in Aguanga on Jojoba Raod. Water well 25% + Power. 18 min to Temecula. $80,000 REED VALLEY - 5 acres, just off paved road. Oaks and power. $55,000. Seller will carry! LAKE RIVERSIDE ESTATES: Fantastic lot with 20 GPM well. Beautiful pad and view that will knock your socks off. $65,000. Seller will carry! learn how to do all the things we take for granted all over again. Can you imagine never being able to just look someone eye to eye again? Something so simple that he can no longer do, he has to look up at the world from his chair now. Living up here he’s gone through a lot of wheelchairs and they’re not cheap. They break easily and worst of all they get stuck. Think of when your car breaks down on the side of the road, that feeling of having to wait for help. Now imagine you’re confined to a wheelchair, you’re at home or work and your chair gets stuck and now you have to wait for someone to find you and help you get unstuck. Not a good feeling is it? These are just a couple of the many reasons we need to help one of our own make his dream come true. It’s a simple request, he just wants to be able to live and work without needing to rely on others for help. We’re hoping to make this an annual fundraiser with a new recipient(s) each year to help others in our community who are in need. We’ll have applications available and more information on that after the event so stay tuned. The day’s events will kick off at 10am and are packed with a family fun filled day! There is something for everyone! We have music lined up all day. All genres of music, Country, Rock, Latin, Blues, Acoustic, Southern Rock, Old School R&B from the 60’s and 70’s, Soul, and Originals performed! AGUANGA HEIGHTS - on five acres and next to 40 acres of BLM. 2,400 square-foot home plus 2,400 square-foot steel shop for him, with all amenities. The setting is spectacular, and a view of almost every major mountain in SoCal. All this priced at $420,000. CHARMING 3 bed, 2 bath, on a large landscaped lot in Anza Pines Mobile Home Park. $55,900 cash sale. ** 25% reduction - now $41,925! Call Chilli! ** JUST OFF CARY RD IN ANZA, Three bedroom two bath home on 2.5 ac. All fenced and crossed fenced along with a view of Cahuilla mountain all for $ 210,000 LAKE RIVERSIDE ESTATES Custom home, over 1800 s/f. 3 bedroom, 2 bath with den and huge 3-car garage. We are ready for your horses on this one! See it for yourself! $285,000 TWO HOMES on 2 1/2 acres near Highway 371. Cottage 1 bed, 1 bath. Manufactured home: 1 bed, 1 bath. All currently rented. Seller terms. $120,000 IN THE HEART OF ANZA - Very rare 4 bedroom, 2 bath home, over 2,000 sq. ft., on five park-like acres and walking distance to school. Huge garage and above-ground pool, all for $285,000 The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence... when you’re not mowing it! August 21, 2015 Appearing on stage: Michael Thomas, Moe Blues Company, Mark Lawrence, Elai, Fred Zadick, Nameless, The Barnyard Boyz, Moon Men Group, Beef Blues Band, Little Train, Sheri Silkotch, and Tension Between Us. We’re also hoping a couple surprise guests we have planned come through! Want to come on out? Solo act, amateurs, professionals, bands, etc., call (760) 637-9173. You want to enter the BBQ Cook Off?? Do you think you got what it takes to beat the BBQ King of the hill? Well, come on out and enter! Entry forms and the rules for the cook off are available. Give us a call at (760) 637-9173, contact us on Facebook: events/1157256097623353/ or shoot us an email at: [email protected]. Forms can also be picked up at Lorraine’s Pet Supply, Tuesdays through Saturdays between 9am5pm. (Thank you Lorraine!!) Vendors! We’ll have vendors also, vendor spots are available for $25 (non food vendors) sign up before we fill up! Call (951) 767-1741, email, or contact us through Facebook. What about horseshoes? Didn’t get your fill at Anza Days? We got it! Horseshoe tournament, $5 entries, come on out and show what ya got! Call Roland to sign up (951) 662-9166. Wait, what about kids?? Well this is the BEST part! We have a “FUN ZONE!” We have a TON of games planned for BOTH the kids and those who are just the child at heart kids. Prizes too of course. There will be TONS to do for ALL ages! No one will be bored that’s for sure. Those who asked for more things to do? Well we listened and made it happen. We will have all the typical picnic style games, races and contests. Watermelon carving contest, watermelon eating contest, sack races, relay races, scavenger hunt, treasure hunt, bobbing for apples, chicken “splat” bingo, water balloon games, hula hoop contest, dance off, a pinata, egg toss, tug of war, and MUCH, MUCH, MORE! If you’d like to help volunteer for the “FUN ZONE” please give us a call or email. Do you want to volunteer, sponsor, donate a raffle prize or donate towards the wheelchair? Let us know, we will gladly accept all the help we can get. You can email us at bootscootinshindigz@ or call the numbers on our flyer. What better way to end the summer?? Family friendly fundraiser for a great cause filled with music, food, games, contests, vendors, prizes, raffles, 50/50, horseshoe tournaments, and so much more. Why go off the hill? Stay local and help make dreams come true! Stay tuned for more info and we look forward to seeing ya’ll there! (Note from the author, I just found out that Justin’s birthday is on Sept. 7th, what better birthday gift than a wheelchair?!?) HUSD Public Hearing at Cottonwood School The Hemet Unified School District invites the public to comment on Resolution Number 2366. The Hemet Unified School District plans to make a determination, through a resolution, as to August 21, 2015 whether each pupil in the district, in kindergarten through grade twelve, including English Language Learners, has been provided with a standards aligned textbook or basic instructional materials, or both, to be used in class and to take home to complete required homework assignments consistent with content and cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the State Board. This determination will be made during the regular Hemet Unified School District Board of Education meeting: DATE: September 1, 2015 TIME: 6:30 p.m. LOCATION: Cottonwood K-8 44260 Sage Road, Aguanga, CA 92536 ROOM: Multipurpose room. As a parent and/or community member, your input on this subject of textbooks and instructional materials is important. Please contact Educational Services 951-765-5100 extension 3001 for further information. Local Veterans Ranch Seeks Urgent Help Submitted by Jill Roberts The Manzanita Ranch is losing their lease. The owner must sell the property by end of 2015 for $250,000. Our lease payments are current. The land owners would like to sell the property to the Manzanita Ranch, which is a 501c3 nonprofit human services agency treating Veterans with PTSD through horses and the “One Good Day” Project. We have ongoing monthly expenses for feed, farrier, veterinarian, equine dentist for 8 therapy horses and upgrades to the ranch equipment and property. Please support your local veterans and the horses who provide therapy. Deacon required surgery for an injury which cost $540. He is part of the healing mission of the Manzanita Ranch, where the horses are the therapy for veterans with PTSD. Challenges like this occur and costs cut into our feed bill. He also needs his own pipe rail stall. You can donate money for his shelter and if you know anyone who has pipe rail free or low cost, please let us know. HOW YOU CAN HELP: 1. Visit our “GoFundMe” account: http://www.gofundme. com/4v3ub4v4v4v4 Donate online and ask others. Or donate directly on the ranch website: http://www.manzanitaranch. org/ 2. Organize a fundraiser with your group of friends or organizations (we will help you promote your event). 3. Call Johnny Roberts at 909816-9450 or write to: info@ 4. Call Dan’s Feed in Temecula and purchase a gift card for the ranch to buy feed and supplies. Please let us know if you do this. They will hold it for us there. (951) 676-4040 Please forward this to your friends and coworkers. (Your donations are tax deductible.) ADA Compliance Activists Are Not Always What They Seem High Country Journal Soon after a segment in a Journal story on Lake Riverside Estates was published in April one that was critical of a certain LRE resident, Robert Frank Harris, a slew of hostile and threatening emails were received at the Journal, threatening legal action for various items. One such threat was that the Journal’s office would targeted by Harris, a self-professed “Disabled Persons Activist,” for various ADA violations, including inadequate parking lot spaces, inadequate restrooms, and other things. So, Ed Kohout invited Harris to come down to the office, at a time of his choosing, to see what he might come up with. Harris never made the appointment, but the barrage of angry emails, replete with foul language and wild accusations about my criminal background, continued unabated. This harassment then continued on the Journal’s Facebook page, to the point that Facebook had to ban Harris from contacting me. Things died down by June, but the Journal then found out that Harris had sent bulk emails out to various businesses in Anza and Aguanga, threatening them with legal action over unspecified ADA compliance issues. Earlier, Harris had told the Journal in a few of the 50+ unsolicited emails he sent to us that he was going to “go after” every business in Anza, and had singled out the Lions Club because he thought that Kohout was a member. (The Lions Club, thus far, has not received a missive from Harris.) Harris claimed in his emails that he has done this kind of thing for years, and that he knows all the agencies to contact, etc. A background check on Harris did not turn up any kind of criminal history, though it did turn up addresses, in addition to his home on Riverdale Drive in LRE, in Cathedral City, La Jolla, Susanville, Palo Alto, and Annapolis, MD, where he was at one time part-owner of a “consulting” business that was connected to ADA issues. And while the Journal has no reason to believe that Harris is doing anything illegal, it does come on the heels of an indicted scam artist, now in jail, who was going around and doing similar “ADA compliance” checks on small businesses - and taking payoffs under the table to go away. This man’s name is Rodolfo de Hoyos, and he was so prolific at scamming small businesses that the Press Enterprise ran this headline: “Police say a 55-year-old Wildomar man posed as a disabled persons advocate to extort $140,000 from Riverside County businesses.” (The Journal is aware of one local business that did pay de Hoyos to simply “go away.”) In California, the issue with selfappointed compliance advocates became a serious issue for small businesses - enough to cause multiple attempts at legal reforms, specifiying how far an activist can go in collecting money for himor herself, and how much these “drive by” compliance complaints Page 5 can actually cost a business. California State Senator Richard D. Roth (D-31), has taken on the issue, and has posted on his website: “In Riverside County, businesses have been forced to shell out thousands of dollars, or even close entirely, due to ADA lawsuits. Kuma Tire & Wheel in the city of Riverside paid $8,000 to settle a lawsuit for not having a marked handicapped parking spot. Pablo and Maria Mercado in Woodcrest were forced to shut down their fruit stand because they could not afford to bring their restroom into compliance after being hit with a lawsuit. In the past year, dozens of business and property owners in the county reported receiving letters and visits from Rodolfo de Hoyos, including the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce.” The Journal has no evidence that Harris is connected to de Hoyos, or that he has done anything improper, but we don’t quite know what he is up to. Right now, it looks like a fishing (Continued on page 8...) Page 6 The Barn Stop Antiques Collectibles Good Ol’ Rusty Stuff behind the yellow house look for the flags and pull through the gate 57131 Hwy 371, Anza, CA 951-204-3979 Visit our office in Anza 56480 Hwy 371 (west of Bedrock Hair Salon) ANZA VALLEY AUTO 951-763-4395 58581 Hwy. 371, Anza • Auto & Truck Repair • 24 Hr. Towing • Auto, Truck, and Tractor Tires • Gas • Mini mart • Propane • Car Wash • Laundromat High Country Journal August 21, 2015 The Anza Electric Cooperative is Still on a Roll Annual Meeting Highlights Successes and Ongoing Challenges by Ed Kohout In the last edition, I highlighted the moving speech made by Anza native and hospice activist Michelle Wulfestieg, and asked folks to listen to her remarks, which can be downloaded at our website: Even though Wulfestieg was merely the keynote speaker, I thought her remarks were poignant to the situations much of our community finds itself in currently. A somewhat bitter election, and problems with the Community Hall, come to mind as situations that call for stepping back a bit, and remembering what we’re all here for on this planet: to help each other. And, a small community like Anza offers a special milieu for just that. Wulfestieg hit upon those themes with relative ease, and though many of us will never face the kinds of challenges that young lady has, all challenges are the same on some level. Friends, family, and neighbors are our main support groups. We should never feel ashamed to call upon them when we need them, and in our little corner of rural America, those folks tend to come together when the need arises. Take the Anza Fire, which broke out last week. So many people stepped up to help evacuees that the Red Cross’ temporary shelter didn’t even need to stay open. We were taking care of our own, as they say. All petty squabbles and silly arguments were put aside, and the sense of security in this community was a great asset for those who were adversely affected. The Cooperative also embodies this same spirit. Every year, the Co-op donates about $15,000 to various organizations and causes, and helps this community not only keep the lights on (free street lighting is part of what the Co-op donates), it also helps keep our many charitable groups going. For instance, the Co-op helped sponsor the “Rust or Shine Car Show” in May, and some of those proceeds went to the Community Hall. The Co-op has donated generously to the Hall over the years as well. And, now that Anza is on the verge of having its own community radio station, the Co-op has stepped in with free power, communications, and helped purchase equipment so that one more vital community asset can get up and running. This is highly important, given that the next big fire, or earthquake, that hits our community will require better communications, and folks will be able to tune in to find out timely information. On the business side of things, the Co-op has performed again and again for our community, and 2014 was no different. Approximately $500,000 in Capital Credits will be returned to members this year, thanks to the wise and frugal operating team at the offices on Route 371. But, it doesn’t stop there. The Co-op is also part of a continuum of other cooperatives that work together to help Anza get quality service at wholesale market prices. August 21, 2015 This is all possible thanks to the cooperative business model, where people who live and work in our community also run the organization. Compare to a bunch of high-priced corporate bureaucrats who live maybe hundreds of miles away, and never have to see the communities they supply. The Cooperative faces many challenges on a daily basis in terms of supplying our grid with stable power. But, the larger challenges have come from both Sacramento and Washington DC. SB38, the State’s clean energy initiative, has mandated that all power distributors get ever increasing power from alternative supplies, such as solar and wind. To that end, the Co-op’s supplier in Arizona, known as the Arizona Electric Power Company, or AEPCO, has helped us build a one-Megawatt solar array, that when function, will supply about 5% of our total consumption. But, what the government mandates, the other governments make difficult to implement. For over two years now, AEPCO and the AEC have taken the necessary steps to implement this solar array. First, they purchased land adjacent to the plant on Route 371 on which to build the array. That land, which totals about 20 acres, was only part of a much larger parcel, and the County of Riverside spent much time approving the “lot line adjustment,” according to General Manager Kevin Short. And, then, the permitting for the array, something called a “Conditional Use Permit,” had to pass muster with the County. Delays in that process included the County having to decide what kind of “utility” that AEPCO is. Is it a true public utility, or something else? Ahh, such are the issues that flummox the bureaucratic mind. In the end, the County decided that AEPCO fits into a category called, “Undetermined.” This goes to the complexity of the solar deal. AEPCO will get the environmental credits, as they are the actual power generator for the AEC, and will essentially be buying that power from the AEC. So, the AEC and AEPCO are still about a year away from seeing the benefits of this array. At best, the build will begin in three to four months. The budget for the project is $2.8 million, and those costs will be shared. But, then we will be in compliance with what Sacramento wants. The other major hurdle AEPCO faced recently was new anti-coal standards from the EPA. The EPA is trying to phase out coal, and boost alternative energy sources, or at least cleaner burning fuels. The proscribed solution for AEPCO, which runs the “Apache Generating Station” in eastern Arizona, was to install more scrubbing technology in the coal-fired parts of the plant. The costs were exhorbitant, but AEPCO, working with other cooperatives, decided to put forth a plan to simply replace some coal-burning substations with gas-fired units. While this still costs money to retool the facility, the cost savings were immense. The AEC, to help this along, reached out to a very sympathetic US Representative Raul Ruiz (D-Indio), who helped mediate the deal. This move helped save the Anza community many hundreds of thousands of dollars that AEPCO would have had to pass along to members. But, that doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods just yet. New EPA regulations are coming down the pike, and even bigger challenges for AEPCO await. Such extreme regulatory challenges are not that big of a deal for the larger power companies, like SoCal Edison, who have about five million customers with which to absorb those costs. Speaking of costs, the Cooperative business model, which mandates members instead of customers, and does not try to make a profit off of operations to be distributed to stockholders, is mostly what helps Anza’s power rates stay low. In this graphic, shown by Kevin Short in his presentation on July 19, it is easy to see how a for-profit, Investor Owned Utility (IOU), ends up costing users far more money than a cooperative: As is evident, the rates we pay are more closely in line with LADWP, which is also a non-profit municipal concern, than with the IOU’s. This business model, in turn, will allow the AEC to give low-cost, high-speed internet service to our community, which will in turn help create opportunities in our area, in addition to the fulltime employment positions it will create within the company. Short has told the Journal that ConnectAnza is moving along at about the pace they thought it would, with the first system test starting as soon as this week. The Co-op intends to update members on progress via newsletter. The Co-op is also about 30-60 days away from switching their own office telephone system, currently with Verizon (and very expensive), to the new fiber network, which will save upwards of $20,000 a year in costs. One major part of the funding for ConnectAnza rests with the approval of a nearly $2 million dollar grant from the State. The grant must be approved by the California Public Utilities Commission, but we are told that that process is moving along as planned. (Continued on page 11...) Gillilan’s PUMP SERVICE LIC. #296112 35 YEARS IN BUSINESS! GOT GOPHERS? We’ll get them! “There’s no place like home– Protect it!” 951-763-0068 Page 7 High Country Journal LICENSED Pr#4789 BONDED INSURED • WELL PUMPS • BOOSTER SYSTEMS • STORAGE TANKS • SALES • INSTALLATION • REPAIR ANY TIME! ANY WHERE! SENIOR DISCOUNTS 951-760-6430 BRE #00580498 Sandi Wilks • 951-533-7585 • [email protected] Anza Valley Hardware and Feed 56350 Hwy. 371 • Anza, CA 92539 951-763-4668 Variety Store Next Door merrie’s massage licensed massage therapist, rm “you will soon be right side up again.” call 951-763-0232 or 951-760-8046 for an appt. 56460 highway 371 • anza located in doc horton’s chiropractic office, across from the little red schoolhouse Gift Certificates available! Page 8 August 21, 2015 High Country Journal News & Notes Continued from page 5 expedition, as the Journal’s numerous invitations to have Harris inspect our office, along with anyone he chose to bring along, were not answered. On no more than four occasions did the Journal invite Harris to inspect our offices, and each time, the reply was more vitriol. Here are some examples: Subject: And the first ADA defendant shall be... From: Bob Harris <[email protected]> Date: Wed, April 29, 2015 9:42 am To: HCJ - Ed Kohout <[email protected]> And the first ADA defendant is: High Country Journal 56480 Highway 371 Suite 8 Anza, CA 92539 We will do your civil summons delivery process by email and will choose the venue of the Riverside, CA federal district court, they have one of the fastest dockets in the country, called the “Rocket docket.” So please be patient, it takes a few days to draft the complaint and process serve you. I will include photos of your parking lot and public restrooms and office as the first examples of local Anza ADA violations. So like I said, equal access is soon coming to Anza- the HARD way! Get used to change, it can hurt at first, especially when you are force-fed rather than proactive. -Bob Harris ------------------------------------------------------On Apr 29, 2015, at 9:26 AM, Bob Harris <[email protected]> wrote: Yes you are right, I should not wait 30 days and will act this afternoon to retain an ADA attorney from Loyola Law school clinic, they LOVE to take these cases as a good learning lesson- for Anza! After all, Anza has had 25 years to comply with the ADA and has not so another 30 days is meaningless to them. So the Anza equal access civil rights campaign has begun! ------------------------------------------------------Subject: Anza is being dragged out of the Stone Age From: Bob Harris <[email protected]> Date: Wed, April 29, 2015 7:15 am To: HCJ - Ed Kohout <[email protected]> And given your continued mental instability harassment, I am about to let loose an ADA rights lawyer into Anza. I told you to stop harassing me yet you continue to violate Ca anti spam statutes and now you have been reported to regulatory authorities in Sacramento. Anza is a very bigoted town as there are only about ten business handicapped spaces in the entire town of Anza and most are in front of the national chains: Kwik Stop, DQ, Chevron, Hemet Bank and the Anza Market. Hardware stores, realtors, garden nursery, almost ALL Anza mom & pop businesses are ADA non compliant. home automation concepts “Builders of the Garner Valley HOA Entry Gates and Electronics” Licensed California Electrical Contractor with 30 years experience Home automation that allows remote control of your home’s lighting and electrical Dealers for X10 - Smart Home Insteon® Smart Switches Home Theater • Universal Remote Controls • Sound Systems Logitech® Harmony Ultimate Home - Proficient Audio Products Door Entry Electronics • Steel Gate Fabrication • Gate Operators Door King • Trigon • Elite, Ramset, Eagle Gate Operators Surveillance Cameras with Remote Internet Access Lorex® Cameras and DVR’s Residential and Commercial Phone Systems LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED MOUNTAIN CENTER, CA Office: (760) 699-8888 Cell: (760) 413-5524 [email protected] LIC# 940111 August 21, 2015 Page 9 High Country Journal Not a SINGLE privately Anza owned small business that I have visited has complied with the ADA and has not placed handicapped parking in their lots. So Anza has been warned: They have 30 days to install handicapped parking signs on their private small business lots or an ADA rights lawyer will come in and ask a judge to force the towns businesses to comply with a 25 year old civil rights law, the ADA. This ambulance chasing lawyer will probably be able to send a kid to college thanks to the deliberate negligence of the Anza Business community. It should be noted that several non profits exist to assist businesses to install handicap signage, so an excuse like “I am too small and cannot afford it” is a lie. These small businesses just don’t want to take the time and expense to comply with law. It also should be noted that ADA has been in effect since 1991, over 25 years. And an ADA plaintiff receives no money, only the lawyer gets his fee and the $5k goes to a special ADA improvement fund. So if you care about Anza you would warn your community of this looming “crisis,” they are about to be dragged out if the Stone Age and into modern times by a hungry civil rights lawyer who sees a prime target of enforcementAnza small businesses. Like I said, nutty as a loon! ---------------------------------------------------As you can see, this kind of behavior is quite unprofessional, and only has a tone of intimidation and degradation. Then again, it was all so over-the-top, that we almost felt like we were being “Punk’d.” After all, who behaves like this? The Journal did inform our landlord of the issue, and we also told the Lions Club, who, again, said they never heard of him. So, at this point, in August, the Journal is concerned that Harris may not be acting for the legitimate concern of disabled people. Either he realized, somehow, that the Journal’s office is indeed ADA compliant, and has no issues, or he got tired of trying to, perhaps, extract something from the Journal to make him “go away.” Of course, we didn’t bite, and we have never been contacted by any ADA compliance agency. Harris bought a home in LRE in 2014, and has recently put it on the market a few weeks ago. We don’t think he liked Anza too much. Here is the “DiNicola” thread of emails, which go backwards in time: Subject: Re: Bob Harris is a halfwit! was: RE: neglected the polygamy Re: work? From:Bob Harris <[email protected]> Date: Tue, Apr 28, 2015 10:50 pm To: HCJ - Ed Kohout <[email protected]> I will also file an ethics complaint against you for continue to harass me with official emails after I asked you to CEASE AND DESIST. You have violated the CA spam email statute. Surely I can find some non profit group that would embarrass you by exposing your unethical and illegal behavior while posing as news reporter. But then again when I tell them you are in ANZA they will most likely tell me you are not worth their time? A= Ain’t N= Nothing (but) Z= Zilch (and) A= Assholes! Some reporter you turned out to be, always needs to get the last word by name calling? You are nothing but a foment or, someone who creates gossip whilst I rely on facts. My guess is you are a thin, chain smoking and unkempt white male in his late sixties? On Apr 28, 2015, at 9:23 PM, HCJ - Ed Kohout <editor@highcountryjournal. com> wrote: I demand that you cease and desist your “CEASE AND DESIST” demands! Your libelous accusations made toward upstanding members of this community will be printed, and called out as such, in order for the community at large to be aware of your duplicitous and dangerous behavior. A clown car graphic will accompany the text, along with a fake diploma. (Continued on page 16...) DO ILiDOI: c.0E11653 Insurance #OE11653 Broker AuReal to ,HoEstate m e,Life, Bu sin ess, W o r k Co m p, Hea lth Property Manager CallmService e foran Full insurance quote parison! Insurance com Agent S haron E FOR SALE 5 6 4 6 0 Hw y.3 71 •(9 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile with foundation, on 1.16 acres in Terwilliger. A well maintained home with a split floor plan. Kitchen and baths recently upgraded. Wonderful view of the valley from the front porrch. A good size shed is included. Property is on the Ramona Water District. Call for more details! $159,000 FOR RENT Cute and well-maintained single wide mobile home, second unit with plenty of privacy. 2 beds, 1 bath, covered front porch, fenced backyard. Storage shed, washer, dryer, separate utilities and entrance. Peaceful and tranquil setting A must-see! One year lease, all applicants must have credit check. No Prop 215. $750/mo plus security On Apr 28, 2015, at 10:39 PM, Bob Harris <[email protected]> wrote: I knew your true character and lack of emotional maturity would surface! Seems like I hit the nail right on the head with my observations of this failed community called ANZA? ANZA VALLEY PHARMACY 56555 HWY 371 Anza, CA 92539 SERVING THE ANZA AND AGUANGA AREA! PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY AVAILABLE Call for details (951) 763-7670 fax (951) 763-7674 toll free (888) 815-2692 OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Sat 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. WHY GO MAIL ORDER? MATCH ANY GENERIC DRUG MAIL ORDER 90 DAYS PRESCRIPTION CO-PAY (Call for brand name drugs 90 price retail) STOP worrying if your prescription orders will arrive in time. SAVE YOURSELF TROUBLE dealing with automated phone systems. TALK LIVE to your local pharmacist to answer all your prescription questions. FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS through your local Pharmacy. MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED. ALL MEDICARE PART D PRESCRIPTION PLANS ACCEPTED MEDI-CAL (TARS NOT A PROBLEM FOR DRUGS NOT COVERED) WE ACCEPT HUMANA WALMART PREFERRED RX • Medicare • IEHP • Tricare • Workers Comp • Veterinary Drugs • Vitamins & Herbs • DME & Medical Supplies • Drug Compounding MATCH ANY CHAIN STORE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS CASH PRICE Our friendly pharmacist can transfer your prescriptions by simply making a phone call. (951) 331-8898 LOCAL DELIVERY SERVICE Providing the Anza / Aguanga area with Top Quality Alternative Meds Must have current physician’s recommendation and proper California I.D. or D.L. Hours: 11 am - 9 pm Monday - Sunday In total compliance with CA Prop 215 & Senate Bill 420 Page 10 August 21, 2015 High Country Journal Here’s What’s Cookin’ at the VFW! Submitted by Tonie Ford Notice: Flag Disposal Event, Nov 14 CAPT. JOHN FRANCIS DRIVICK III VFW POST #1873 AND ITS AUXILIARIES I want to thank everyone who came to the annual “Thanksgiving in August” turkey dinner. We had a full house. Remember folks, our meals help keep the Post going. And, a reminder that everyone is invited to join us. You don’t have to be a member. If you have old flags that need to be retired, please bring them to the Post or give them to a member to turn in. We will be having a ceremony to retire these old, tattered flags on Nov. 14 in the Park at the Renaissance Faire. Flags cannot and should not be thrown in the trash or burned in your BBQ. This ceremony will dispose of them with the respect they deserve. Full dinners are served on Wednesday & Friday 5:00 – 7:00 and breakfasts on Sunday 8:30 a.m. till 10:00. We’re always ready to bring new members into the Post and Ladies’ & Men’s Auxiliaries. We can always use volunteers, members or not, to help with the upkeep, etc. If you’re interested in joining and/or helping out, call the Post at 763-4439. Remember, we’re here for the Veterans. Keep saving those aluminum pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House, cancelled stamps for a Wounded Warrior project, and Campbell Labels for Education. Activities for the last half of August which is (Get Ready for Kindergarten) are: Aug. 21 Men’s Aux. Beef Tri Tip, white beans, veggies, salad, French bread, dessert Aug. 23 Tonie’s Biscuits & Gravy, eggs to order, sausage, fruit, homemade banana bread Aug. 26 Tonie’s Pulled Chicken Sliders, coleslaw, mac & cheese, dessert Aug. 28 Debbi’s Roast Pork & potatoes, veggies, salad bar, roll, dessert Aug. 30 Barbara Ann’s French toast or pancakes, eggs to order, sausage or bacon, fruit All meals include coffee, tea, & hot chocolate. Thursdays: $1 dogs – 4-7 pm Saturdays: Pizza – 3 pm UPSKILL YOUR LINGO: “Sandwich Generation”: People who are “sandwiched” between the parents they’re taking care of and the kids they’re raising. If you were born in August, your flower is a gladiolus and your birthstone is a peridot. •• SUMMER HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 8 AM to 5 PM Closed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July and August ONLY ATTENTION SOUTH AGUANGA! INCLUDING RESIDENTS OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA AND JOJOBA HILLS RESORTS! High Speed Wireless Internet THAT REALLY WORKS! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! HIGH SPEED WIRELESS INTERNET Basic service speed is 1Mb down by 256kb up. Max speed up to 6Mb down by 1.5Mb up. $34.95 to $69.95 per month. Low installation fee. This Network Really Works! With 99.9% up time. All of our sites are AC powered with battery backup. BREAKING NEWS! NEW TOWER PLACED E SUMMIT! IN SUNSHIN can join our fast, Now you too reliable network. Call today for details! UNLIMITED ACCESS! NO DATA LIMITS! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If you are not satisfied with our wireless internet service within the first 60 days of service, we will give you a complete and total refund, and remove all of our equipment. (877)833-2144 PRESTIGE PAINTING COMPANY C33# 657631 INTERIOR • EXTERIOR RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL • RANCHES PROFESSIONAL, SAFE & REASONABLE FREE ESTIMATES! CALL: (951) 492-1949 August 21, 2015 Page 11 High Country Journal Co-op, continued from page 7 “We are part of their ‘targeted area’ for this grant money,” Short said. Short had said throughout the campaign in April and May that the grant money was “all but approved,” as the Co-op had been in contact with principals from the PUC well in advance. “I think we’re going to see some tremendous improvements very shortly,” he continued. Concerning ConnectAnza, one surprise that Short popped on us was the revelation that he had been working closely with Jeff Willis, who is the grandson of AEC pioneer Barbara Bradford, on the broadband project for almost three years, entirely behind-the-scenes. Willis was working on a Graduate project at Colorado State, and approached Short for some technical advice. Short, in turn, prodded Willis to help the Co-op design the system for ConnectAnza. So, what started out as a side project became, in many ways, the system we will be using in the near future. This truly is “Where the Past and Future Meet!” Once again, the spirit of community, along with a community-based utility, wins the day. Be it cost savings for members, community involvement, excellent employment opportunities for local folks, a progressive forethought for an otherwise underseved rural community, the Co-op once again delivers. •• Jeff Willis and daughter at the AEC Annual meeting, with Director Ryall Stewart looking on from the back. Come see Jess! JB N U R SE R Y 40% OFF EVERYTHING SALE! FRUIT TREES! Many Varieties: Peach, Pear, Nectarine, Cherry & more! 00 15 GAL. Only each $35 We also carry shade trees, ground cover, native trees and shrubs and so much more! OPEN 7 AM-7 PM every day except Tuesdays 57850 Running Springs Rd. • Anza (off Chapman Rd. in Terwilliger area) Call for info: cell (951) 312-9439 Wholesale/Discount prices for contractors. Pam’s Gift Primer Page 12 High Country Journal A Message about Pam’s Gift from Raymond Hogue Pam’s Gift is named after my sister, Pam, who was brutally murdered by her live-in boyfriend in 2000. It will be 15 years, this September 21, since this atrocity occurred. I have seen, first hand, the effects of domestic violence and the horror it leaves behind for the family. My sister, Pam, left behind two preteen daughters to grow up without their mother. Our mother was left mourning the loss of her daugher until the day she passed away (God, rest her soul). I decided five years ago (wiht the pushing and blessing from our mohter) to start raising money and awareness for battered women. The main goal of the Pam’s Gift Organization is to get abused women and children into a safe-house where they will be in a safe and positive environment. There, they will be able to get away from physical, mental, and sexual abuse. The safe-house provides proper counseling, and re-training to enable victims to rebuild their lives in a non-threatening environment. Pam’s Gift Organization fundraisers support the well-being of women and children of domestic violence to enable them to move forward to live the life they deserve. Clockwise, from above: Vini Contreas did some Dylan; hot babes and some guy - woohoo!; SERJ gets ‘em on the floor; “Nameless” let their hair down; Tension Between Us delivered some serious thrash to close the evening. Both Contreas and “Nameless” will be returning for this year’s event, along with Cowboy Bang Bang and Immature Hour. August 21, 2015 Whenever the folks who organize Pam’s Gift come to us for some publicity, we jump at the chance to help. Not only are they really sweet people, but the cause is something highly important. After the story of what happened to Pam was told to us, I then told them about a story of a young lady who was close to my family, and met a similar fate. It then dawned on us that basically everyone we know knows somebody who has been a victim of intense domestic violence. Even Rush. That’s a lot of people. That’s a lot of Pams. And while there are no easy answers, there are some things we can do for these people, and one of them is to give to Pam’s Gift. They make it easy, with a yearly event that features food, raffles, and local talent. This year’s event is on September 12, at the Community Hall. We hope to see you there. In the meantime, here are some pics from last year’s fundraiser. I didn’t know the girl, but I knew her family All their lives were shattered in a nightmare of brutality They tried to carry on, tried to bear the agony Tried to find some faith in the goodness of humanity... As the years went by, we drifted apart When I heard that she was gone I felt a shadow cross my heart But she’s nobody’s hero... Is the voice of reason, against the howling mob the pride of purpose, in the unrewarding job Hero...not the champion player, who plays the perfect game Hero...not the glamour boy, who loves to sell his name Everybody’s buying Nobody’s hero - “Nobody’s Hero” by Rush, lyrics by Neal Peart, ©1993 August 21, 2015 High Country Journal Page 13 Left: Raymond Hogue serves up some BBQ from the maestro, Danny Stone, bottom right. Same goes for these young ladies at the top. You won’t find better BBQ this side of Texas. Below: A precision drop of flame retardant on the “Anza Fire,” August 10. Page 14 August 21, 2015 High Country Journal Amraah’s Amazing Journey “Raising My Sights” & “The Last Post” [Editor’s note: Well, we had an inkling it might come to this. We’ve been following Amraah on her journey since last year, when she decided to embark on an arduous trek south, to points basically unknown, in search of a new paradigm for the rest of her life. She had only herself, an old van, some basic supplies, and the faith that someday, somehow, she would reach Ecuador and start up a self-sustaining agricultural concern, and then watch the sunset. What’s the saying ... there’s a fine line between genius and insanity ... and, yes, we thought this might not have been the wisest thing to do, with so many unknonws, and so little money, but it just might work. The great thing about being a free human is that we get to “do” own our lives. Better to go out with a bang than a whimper. Better to live like a lion than just be lyin’ around. Amraah turned 77 this year, and has taken the true spiritual path of placing oneself at the mercy of circumstance. It’s the hardest kind of spiritual journey - learning to live at the mercy and benevolence of others. So, of course, when the idea was pitched that the Journal would follow, and print, the log of this particular journey, I said to Becka, “What if this doesn’t end well? Are we in the Greek Tragedy business?” but, what the heck, when someone offers him- or herself up on the experimental docket, I guess the answer had to be, “Yes, we are.” And, here we are, finding out that our best statistical guess was correct. Of course, knowing Amraah as we do, we know that something will come in to save the day. That’s how it goes for certain people - they continually defy the odds. Keith Richards comes to mind. So does Jerry Brown. It’s always that time when it seems like all hope is lost that something comes around and injects a new energy. This is the point this story is at. When Shakleton set out for Antarctica, he made sure he had a wealthy backer to send him on his way, with a contingent of swabs and all kinds of supplies and tools. But, we know how that ended. Ecuador, which is named after the equator, is about as different from Antarctica as can be, but both are the extremes of the globe. So, if anyone out there is interested in helping Amraah out, you can, by sending a donation to: ] July 20: Raising my sights, raising myself to manifest the Ecuador project. These have been times of crisis and I acknowledge that I have, for a while at least, made myself their victim. Sure, it is possible for me to talk myself into it because that day in the sheeting rain in Costa Rica when I was feeling physically plain lousy and could not see clearly the road ahead of me, it was needed at the moment to respond to overwhelming circumstances. And I did: when the cop showed up, I talked myself and, a stranger, my landowner benefactor to allow an old lady to sleep it off in the driveway. It allowed me to go on later with the rest of the tank of gas to the next destination. It showed me where and how to get on my computer to communicate my plight to the world where there was assistance to be found. All the while I was safe and never in any kind of danger. That’s always always how it works. There is always a way. I can thank myself for all the work I have been doing and continue to do that made that conviction solid within me even though at this particular unfolding time, I was pretty much devastated. So I gave myself a break and so should you when this sort of stuff happens. Congratulate yourself about how far you have already come, and begin again: right now. Even before these times or without the computer, I could quite well have found assistance in someone who would have supported me to eat, to clean myself and to go on. In different kinds of times, different tactics are called for. It is the warriors’ way. We are all in our own way Pilgrims on the Path. But the major tactic is what lives within me: what I have educated into myself, what I have chanted and meditated into myself, and given myself the gift of: the understanding of the metaphysical basis of life. It’s not just the world that I can see, it is the world that I cannot see but that I can FEEL that has become at least as real for me as the trees, grasses, the dinner on my plate, the people around me includ- R E D H AW K AUTO SERVICE 44260 Apis Road, Temecula On Hwy 79 - Across from Walmart Smog Test & Repair ANZA Turn Key- High quality custom stick built home with amazing views of entire valley and surrounding mountain. 2300 SF 3 bed / 3 bath home on 2.27 Acres. Lots of upgrades including custom counter tops and cabinetry including built in buffet in dining area., Jen Air Stove, Milgard windows, 2 X 6 construction. Downstairs features a walk out basement with bar. Mature trees and usable land. Owner may finance. $330,000 AGUANGA Improved horse property in Lake Riverside Estates. 2016 Sf, 3 bed 2 bath home built in 2003. Large living room & kitchen, formal dining room. 3 car garage, 2 covered cement patios, fenced/cross fenced, 2 horse corrals with shelter’s, large turnout and arena. 2.65 acres of flat usable land with great view. $267,500 $10 OFF REGULAR PRICE!! Diesel Service & Repair AGUANGA Upper Aguanga - Diamond in the rough! One of a kind property! 19.97 Acres. Structures sit on a hilltop with 360 degree amazing views of all mountains, valley’s, city lights & Vail lake! Lots of giant boulders, mature trees and plenty of usable land in the lower part of the lot. Structures include 2 single wide mobile homes, 40X40 metal building w/ electric, dutch barn with bathroom which is partially converted into living quarters, multiple storage containers and sheds. All cash offers only. $225,000 Aguanga- $52,000 - 2.68 Acres of improved vacant land in Lake Riverside Estates. Wonderful lot with productive well, electricity in place, Mature fruit and pine trees. Great views of Mt. Palomar, great combination of usable land and a few rock outcroppings with some native landscape. Must see lot!! Owner may finance. Auto • Truck Super Lube- $24.99 Most vehicles, to 5 qtrs, incl. filter Diesel Lube- $59.99 up to 10 quarts reg oil, inc. filter Oil Change ! D L SO • Express oil and filter change service • Courtesy inspection of all fluids and filters Propane Sales Mon - Sat 7:30 am to 6 pm Sunday 8 am - 4 pm (951) 303-9888 A FULL SERVICE AUTO REPAIR SHOP: • email: [email protected] August 21, 2015 ing a Spanish speaking, soft eyed cop and a compassionate land owner in a foreign country neither of whom understood my English and who decided anyway to help this woman. I have made my mind up into the knowledge that there is reliable help and assistance to be found anywhere. All that is needed and wanted is to know and – to ask. None of this utter independence for me: I know I am NOT an island and I am not alone. Get connected is my motto, tap into the universal data base. Remember, I am always connected and I shall be called upon to give again what I have asked for that the circle may be unbroken. What goes around comes around. All the homilies are based in a metaphysical reality that is bigger than we are and that is all around, in and through us. What a Plan! Not so many people understand that what they do most every day involves metaphysical principle. Maybe I have been fortunate to have been asking big questions my whole life. Maybe I have also been fortunate to keep on asking even when I did not know I was getting answers and even when it seemed that what I was getting was not what I could see was in my best interests. Well, what about that anyway? I learned to trust and if there is a message in this small piece it is: trust. I have re-discovered dandelions. Those precious golden flowers we think are weeds are cosmic messengers indicating that the rhyme and rhythm of the cosmos is still working. Just take a good look staring into the face of one of those flowers. Do it at least to prove something to yourself, okay! Well, here I am in Panama. It is a way out of what my life for the past 70 something years has been about first in Canada and lately in the United States. So, in order to understand myself, make some head and tails of what I must now accomplish to move forward, I have been looking again deeply into the metaphysics of my life and noticing again those yellow dandelions that have found a home in tropical dirt: yup, still working! I am being aided and abetted – well, wouldn’t you know it? – by some serendipitous events that have been happening. I found, for instance, a particular URL where I could download one of my favorite teachers interesting works. Stuart Wilde wrote in his Taos Quintet a little book titled: The Trick to Money is Having Some. It shows his youth when I read it again in that he is known to be a little of a smart ass and the telling of the book reflects his quirky outlook. It is just the thing right now to cause me to raise my sights, raise my consciousness and get ready for an abundance. The piece that I downloaded was all jumbled up as one huge file without editing or page breaks. It was necessary for me to tackle it as an editor to completely re-format it and clean it up. Now what do you suppose that means: yup, I get to read it in a rather critical manner and take it all in again? How timely is that? How sweet? How just right on time for what I must now do for myself if I am going to go forward. Motivation does have an effect, especially if one rises to the occasion, puts on a new hat, a new coat, and steps out into the fray. The trick to money is having some. Indeed! I have been here in El Valle de Anton for a few weeks. I have found a place to stay in my wee home on wheels to work on my project, to give a little to the woman who supports me, to sew a little for Page 15 High Country Journal some good people here in exchange for some cash to work with. I am certain this is just a way station on the journey and that opportunities for raising consciousness will come again. This one, like all of them, is timely. And I get to laugh again quite heartily about how truly fabulous the Great Universe is for us. All I need to do is do it. So I am writing this little piece first for me (I get to read it first!) and for you so that you can share in my elation that once again I come upon the larger truths. This is remind both of us that the universe has supported us in eternity, that we are never alone, that a way out of all the corners we may have painted ourselves into always exists (it is an evolving plan) and that there is always a way and when a way is found, there is always a better way. Count on it. I have and I do. Bon appétit! August 17: The Last Post Dear Friends, Compadres, Cohorts, Companions, all Pilgrims on the Path, Warrior Sisters; One and All This is the Last Post. I do not now know today what the outcome is to be but what must be is that I pull back and allow what will be. My life is fast approaching its final days. The money that I have is dwindling very quickly. I cannot create any income here. Although my writing is original and my ideas and plans for books are very worthy, my writing career will take many months to realize a return. Every day I wake in the morning to pray and to offer the Great Ones who are near my gratitude and thankfulness for having been able to accumulate both knowledge and wisdom, to have endured and been raised by the ostracisms, ridicule and hardships of my time here to understand eternal truth. I am blessed and spiritually fulfilled. I can heartfully return to the celestial worlds. I am only about a month from the end of days. Should there be anything of me that is worth something to you, this is the time to reach out while there are still options open. I can return to the United States with my green card and to Canada my original home. Ecuador is also before me: any of these might be Amazing Grace. And it also might be that this is the way in which the Great Universe is preparing me for the next phase of my own and humanity’s transformation. I do not know how long it will take for me to grow up enough to be able to make a difference. Thank you all for reading my story. My plan was to inform, entertain you and to cause you to pause, contemplate and renew your spirit. Love and Blessings, I pray for us all. Your sister in eternity, Amraah Carole White. •• General Contractor • Owner/Operator •New Construction •Additions •Remodels •Windows and Doors •Design and Project Management •Flood/Fire Restoration •Drywall, siding, stucco, painting •Roofing •Patio Covers Serving the High Country for 10 years Expert team of local, licensed subcontractors The Computer Doctor Summer Cleaning Special - $99 A sk ab ou t ou r ad dition al servic es: eb w h osting , b ac k up s an d m ore! � C lea n inside com puter-Prevent overheating � Sca n a nd defra g ha rd drive-Speed up hard drive � Sca n a nd rem ove viruses-Protect softw are � Run softw a re upda tes-Installpatches and fixes � Rem ove Spyw a re progra m s-Free up com puter � Free Anti-VirusSoftw a re-Protect your com puter Call the Computer Doctor today to arrange a pickup of your computer Office: 951.763.1533 or Cell: 951.534.9390 Terryips Phill Anza Valley Backhoe Service G.E.C. & C42 #616535 Celebrating 26 years of serving Anza! • Septic tanks and leach lines • Rough or finish grading • Driveway Grading & Repairs ALL PLEASE C • Trenching, Brush Clearing 4 29 951-763-4 • Demolition and Hauling or cell # • RockSandGravel- Boulders- Road Base 248 951-760-6 Contract and/or Hourly-Operated WATER PUMPS, PRESSURE SYSTEMS & STORAGE TANKS TEL: 951 763-2839 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE FAX: 951 INSURED 763-2814 ANZA CA LIC. 867229 ARNOLD VENTI BUILDERS, INC. Serving Satisfied Custom ers Since 1975 •C US TO M HO M ES •M AJO R REM O DELS •TEN AN T IM PRO VEM EN TS “From Con ceptto Com pletion ” Office: 951.763.4272 Cell: 760.535.6211 Lic.#974029 B,C-6 w w w Page 16 High Country Journal August 21, 2015 I can see FIVE such houses here in LRE and so has Riverside County Code enforcement, they are indeed chasing them out and fining them for placing our community at great risk of fire or explosion. Continued from page 9 Anza reminds me of the Indian poverty that is rampant in Arizona and New Mexico, the Anza community has no base or foundation for the successful ----------------------------------------------------------future of your children- your community has doomed them to a life of poverty Subject: neglected the polygamy Re: work? and despair. From: Bob Harris <[email protected]> So stick to your Anza community, they need somebody to improve their Date: Tue, April 28, 2015 8:21 pm economy and it is not you! To: HCJ - Ed Kohout <[email protected]> I and the few honest people here in LRE will clean up our communtuy and you can simply keep your greasy nose out of our business. oops, I also forgot to mention the polygamous Mormons that also reside up So you are to hereby CEASE AND DESIST ALL FURTHER EMAILS TO in Anza- how could I be so rude to all those wives? ME, I find them disturbing because of your unstable mind! I am NOT naive and I know how to spot polygamy, do you? (Cease and desist means STOP.) Or are you also one? How can such miserable humans as yourself and all the other scammers At least our local Catholic Priest is not a child pedophile, he has a clean up here in Anza ruin such a beautiful area, but you sure did! criminal record and I did do a NCIS background check on him. My old boss once told me “Trust but Verify.” -Bob Harris For some real work, go get a college scholarship for an Anza kid so they can get the heck out of this hellhole! ---------------------------------------------------------I grew up in poverty but had a genius IQ so I was able to scholarship over On Apr 28, 2015, at 6:09 PM, HCJ - Ed Kohout <editor@highcountryjournal. $800k in college and postgraduate tuition so I do not want to hear how these com> wrote: kids have it so bad up here, they can sit and study just like any other kid. So these are now my last words for sure so once again, CEASE AND This one is the most hilarious of all!! DESIST ANY further EMAILS TO ME! ANZA= Ain’t Nothin (but) ZILCH (and) Assholes! Thanks for the comedy, but I do have to get back to work. Goodbye! Ed Kohout -------------------------------------------------------------Editor - High Country Journal On Apr 28, 2015, at 7:57 PM, Bob Harris <[email protected]> wrote: P.O. Box 390650, Anza, CA 92539 (951) 970-0074 I am sorry but I will have the final words in this dialogue and I WILL NOT hear from you again- ever. ----------------------------------------------------------What you do is about as far from “work” as I could possibly imagine. -------- Original Message -------Spreading gossip is not work, it is in fact quite the opposite and is counter- Subject: Fwd: you have violated the Sterling Davis Code of Ethics by productive. failing to disclose your Anza Electric Business relationship Work involves effort and research and the five “Ws” of news reporting. From: Bob Harris <[email protected]> Date: Tue, April 28, 2015 4:51 pm So what has compelled you to reside in this miserable community full of To: HCJ - Ed Kohout <[email protected]> bigots and crystal meth tweekers? Do you too have an unpermitted and thus potentially explosive grow house for marijuana? DiNicola has retained a so-called HOA LAW attorney, Mike Kim of Carlsbad and he STILL ignores the most basic of HOA disclosure laws? This IS INTENTIONAL MALFEASANCE! We have a saying that applies: “Don’t piss on my back and tell N me it is raining out!” News & Notes O T H I N G Like I said, it only takes one honest person to achieve justice and that is ME. Begin forwarded message: From: Bob Harris <[email protected]> Date: April 28, 2015 at 3:12:55 PM PDT To: Ron DiNicola <[email protected]> Cc: “[email protected]” <[email protected]> Subject: you have violated the Sterling Davis Code of Ethics by failing to disclose your Anza Electric Business relationship T O S E E H E R E New Veggies, Flowers, Fruit Trees and other ornamentals weekly. If we don’t have it we will do out best to find it! Gardening Craft Classes coming soon! Dear HOA President DiNicola, I allege over the last eight months that you have committed intentional malfeasance by placing your personal interests above that of all LRE homeowners. You have been an Anza Electric contractor for months and have not publicly disclosed this relationship as required by law, and you failed to recuse yourself from voting on LRE HOA Contracts that involved your employer/ customer, Anza electric. I refer you to your Allied electric business ad on page A-4 of the April 28 edition of the Anza Valley Outlook in which you advertise your formal business subcontractor relationship with Anza Electric. You failed to both disclose this relationship and recuse yourself from voting on affected contracts months ago and you have flagrantly violated California Disclosure Statutes AND you failed to recuse yourself from voting Call HAROLD’S CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Pet Odor Removal Tile & Grout Cleaning 951-763-4871 Hi Mom! August 21, 2015 Page 17 High Country Journal on contracts in which you had a personal interest. You illegally voted TWICE to do business with Irontree Consulting when you were required to ABSTAIN from voting due to your outside business relationship with the Anza Electric Coop. A principal of Irontree sits on the Anza electric Board and has supervisory authority over you as an Anza electric subcontractor. You have placed your personal business interests above those of all homeowners by failing to publicly disclose this formal business relationship as well as abstain from all related business discussions and voting. You are reminded your primary responsibility to all homeowners comes above your personal business interests as outlined in the Sterling Davis Act: B. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT In general, directors and committee members must conduct all dealings with vendors and employees with honesty and fairness, and safeguard information that belongs to the association. 1. Self-Dealing. Self-dealing occurs when directors or committee members make decisions that materially benefit themselves or their relatives at the expense of the association. “Relatives” include a person’s spouse, parents, siblings, children, mothers and fathers-in-law, sons and daughters-in-law, brothers and sisters-in-law and anyone who shares the person’s residence. Benefits include money, privileges, special benefits, gifts or other item of value. Accordingly, no director or committee member may: solicit or receive any compensation from the association for serving on the board or any committee, make promises to vendors unless with prior approval from the board, solicit or receive, any gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, loan, or any other thing of value for themselves or their relatives from a person or company who is seeking a business or financial relationship with the association, seek preferential treatment for themselves or their relatives, use association property, services, equipment or business for the gain or benefit of themselves or their relatives, except as is provided for all members of the association. So, as you can see, this all started because the Journal dared to tell Harris that he was dead wrong about Ron DiNicola breaking any rules, and that his relationship with the Anza Electric Cooperative was only that he was part of the “Co-op Connections” discount program that any local business can sign up for. None money actually exchanges hands between the Co-op and a business in the “Coop Connections” campaign, and it certainly doesn’t mean DiNicola is violating any law that Harris cited. I tried to explain this to Harris, but he was having none of it, and instead chose to go on a rampaging email campaign that would probably make Donald Trump blush. So, in closing, if a business gets any kind of email or letter from Harris, we recommend that Senator Roth be contacted: Capitol Office State Capitol, Room 4034 Sacramento, CA 95814 P: (916) 651-4031 F: (916) 651-4931 POT! Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church A church of the Lutheran Hour Sunday Worship: 9:00 am Bible Study & Sunday School: 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study: 10:00 am 56095 Pena Rd. • Anza 951-763-4226 [email protected] PENA RD. Sharing God’s lasting love for all! Come and see! BAHRMAN RD. 951-392-5985 Sunday Services: 10:00 am Men’s Fellowship & Ladies’ Bible Study: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Enter on Bautista Road - 55180 Hwy 371 (951) 763-4307 For information on Bible Studies or Anza Valley Christian School K-12, please call: 951-763-4937 • 39200 Rolling Hills Road, Anza Pastor Doug Francik HIGHWAY 371 BAILIFF RD. CALL FOR MORE INFO! 56032 Hiway 371 Anza CALL: 763-5636 Sunday School for all ages - 9 am Sunday Service - 10:30 am Sunday Evening Service - 6 pm AWANA Children’s Club Meets Wednesday evenings, 5:30 ABC Food Pantry Open 1st and 3rd Friday of the month MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR COMMUNITY! C. J. DRAKE PRESIDENT SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Robert C. Reese, Pastor Sincerely, Robert Harris ---------------------------------------------------- WORK WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT! Tues: 6:30- 8:30 PM E PROGRESSIV I expect you to now promptly and formally disclose your business relationship by notifying all LRE homeowners in writing of your past disclosure errors and going forward you agree will comply with all disclosure and recusal laws. Or I can force your hand - I will give you five business days to send out such a disclosure letter to all LRE homeowners, after that I will COMPEL you to disclose. Your choice - you either follow the ethics and disclosure law or I force your hand to perform the most basic of your fiduciary duties. You are one of the most incompetent leaders I have EVER witnessed with total disregard for your Fiduciary duties. LEARN NEW SKILLS! EVERYONE INVITED! SPECIAL Riverside District Office 3737 Main Street, Suite 104 Riverside, CA 92501 P: (951) 680-6750 F: (951) 680-6757 If any “ADA compliance” activist ever asks for money, call the police immediately. Again, from Roth’s website: “While it is fortunate that such activity has stopped, the gap between what de Hoyos was doing versus what many others have been doing throughout the state isn’t too far off. Any solution to lawsuit abuses must include a combination of improved education efforts to inform business owners of their rights and responsibilities, while giving them a chance to resolve ADA violations without stiff penalties. Senate Bill 251, by state Sen. Richard Roth, D-Riverside, exempts small business owners from liability if their businesses have been inspected by a certified access specialist and any violations have been corrected within 90 days. It recently passed the Senate and is being considered in the Assembly.” more: Ethics Policy http://www.davis-stirling. 19-sal-rodriguez-americans-disabilities-acthas-been-abused com/tabid/1650/Default.aspx#ixzz3Ydvnu9S1 from by Adams Kessler PLC. Below is a picture of Harris, taken off of his “LinkedIn” page: •• You also violated public official disclosure laws. h t t p : / / w w w. f p p c . c a . g o v / l e g a l / r e g s / current/18702.5.pdf ANZA VALLEY CITIZEN’S PATROL VOLUNTEER TODAY! BINGO! “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” - 2 Peter 3:18 Calvary Chapel High Country Pastor Paul Christman Sunday Services: - 7:45 & 9:30 am Men's and Women's Studies: Wednesdays, 7:00 pm Midweek Bible Study: Tuesdays, 7:00 pm 951-553-1979 55125 Hwy 371, Anza 92539 [email protected] Page 18 August 21, 2015 High Country Journal Coming Events TAKE OFF POUNDS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS SENSIBLY AUGUST 21, 28 Fridays, 8:00 pm. Open Discussion, Shep- AUGUST 26, SEPTEMBER 2 herd Of The Valley Lutheran Church, 8:30 am at the First Southern Baptist Church, 39200 Foothill Road, Anza. 560095 Pena Rd. Real people lose weight with TOPS! Check out your local chapter - it’s free ANZA COMMUNITY to try! Meetings held every Wednesday HALL ASSOCIATION morning. For more information, call BOARD MEETING Marilyn Smith at 767-9324. AUGUST 24 NEW DATE AND TIME! All Anza Community Building, Inc. meetings ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS start at 7:00 pm at the Anza Community AUGUST 26, SEPTEMBER 2 Hall on Hwy 371. The public is invited. Wednesdays, 8:00 pm. Open ParticipaMost board meetings take place on the tion. Shepherd Of The Valley Luthern fourth Monday of every month. Please Church, 560095 Pena Rd. attend and give us your input! For more information, contact Kathy Medaris: 951- ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS AUGUST 27, SEPTEMBER 3 428-0901. Thursdays, 7:00 pm. Mens Stag, Community Hall, Back Room, 56630 Hwy 371 FIT AFTER 50 AUGUST 25, 28, SEPT 1, 4 (across from Circle K). Fit After 50 is at the Communty Hall! Exercises focus on balance and core ANZA QUILT CLUB strength for everyday activities. Keep SEPTEMBER 1, 15 yourself strong! Meet at 10:30 - 11:30 every Meets at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Tuesday and Friday. For information call Church, 9:30 am. First and Third Tuesday Joe Volkmann at 951-763-0827 or Reba of every month. Please contact Ellen Schulz at 951-763-2254. Elmore to become a member at 951-7635181. ALANON AUGUST 25, SEPTEMBER 1 ANZA VALLEY CHAMBER OF Tuesdays, 6:30 pm, at Shepherd of the COMMERCE BOARD MEETING Valley Lutheran Church, 56095 Pena SEPTEMBER 3 Road, Anza. The AVCC meets 6 pm on the first Thursday of each month, except in August. BIBLE STUDY Come and meet your community’s AUGUST 25, SEPTEMBER 1 business leaders. 951-290-2822. The bible study being held on Tuesdays mornings at 37400 hill st in Anza at 8 am GRIEFSHARE is being moved to 58680 Red Shank Rd, SEPTEMBER 4 still at 8 am on Tuesdays, still an amazing Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church breakfast buffet, still with Pastor Kevin we be starting a new session of Griefshare, Watson, everyone invited! starting on Friday, September 4th, from 1pm to 3pm. Griefshare is a grief recovery BIBLE STUDY support group. Through videos and AUGUST 26, SEPTEMBER 2 discussion we learn to walk the journey Most Wednesdays, 10 am at Shepherd of of grief and support each other on the the Valley Lutheran Church. 56095 Pena way. It is a place where hurting people Road, Anza, 951-763-4226. find healing and hope. Anyone interested in attending a griefshare session, call the church office at 763-4226. Anza Renaissance Fair November 14 Noon - 6 pm Kirby Rd & Hwy 371 All kinds of fun activities Vendors and performers WANTED .. call 763-2535 SWAP MEET SEPTEMBER 5, 19 The Anza Swap Meet is at the Community Hall on Hwy 371 on the first and third Saturdays of every month (except January and August), starting early in the morning. Vendors wanted: indoor & outdoor booths available. See ad, page 2. GYMKHANA AT MINOR FIELD SEPTEMBER 5 From April through November on the first Saturday of the month. Horse people of all skill levels and ages come together to socialize their horses and hone their riding skills. All proceeds go towards supporing local community programs including vision and hearing programs. Classes are: Lead Line, Pee Wee, Intermediate Juniors, Juniors, Seniors, and Old Timers. This is a place for the entire family to spend the day with great riding, great food and lots of friends to see. $3 per event. Contact Roland: 951662-9166. AVMAC SEPTEMBER 9 Meetings of the Anza Valley Municipal Advisory Council are held on the 2nd Wednesday of odd-numbered months. 6:00 pm, Anza Community Hall - Hwy 371. Contact Info: 951-805-6800. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS SPEAKER MEETING SEPTEMBER 11 Speaker Meeting, 7:00 pm, Second Saturday of the month, Little Red School House (Center of town at Minor Park) pm. WORDPRESS FOR BEGINNERS SEPTEMBER 12 9 am. Learn the basics of creating a Wordpress blog or website. RSVP to folioflare marketing for location details: 951-269-3441 or [email protected]. ANZA COMMUNITY BROADCASTING 96.3 SEPTEMBER 16 Help organize and set up Anza’s new radion station - 96.3 FM! 6pm at the Overland Realty office, corner Bahrman and 371. Call Bud for details - 951-5814409. ANZA CHRISTIAN MEN’S GROUP FOOD DISTRIBUTION SEPTEMBER 16 10 - 11:30 am at the Communty Hall. Third Wednesday of every month. ANZA VALLEY ARTISTS MONTHLY GET TOGETHERS SEPTEMBER 19 Meets the 3rd Saturday of every month, 2:00 pm. Location: TBA ~ contact Jill Roberts at [email protected] for details. Potential members welcome to attend. Please RSVP. HAMILTON MUSEUM The Hamilton Museum is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. Admission is free. 59991 Contreras Rd, Anza. 951-763-4246. BINGO AT THE HALL SEPTEMBER 11, 25 The High Country Boys & Girls Club will be hosting a bingo fundraiser on the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month at the Community Hall, along with the FUN Group and our Chef Louie. The group effort is to give our community members something fun and safe to do and also continue to help move the HCB&GC Recreation Park forward. Starts at 6:30 The Pam’s Gift Organizaiton Presents: 5th ANNUAL BENEFIT AT THE COMMUNITY HALL DINNER • DANCE • RAFFLE September 12, 5 - 11 pm A Barbeque Dinner starts at 6 pm, and includes your choice of Tri-tip, Beef Brisket, or Smoked Ribs, with sides and a dessert. Cash bar with beer and limited mixed drinks. RAFFLE PRIZES: 32” flat screen TV, and numerous prizes from local and major retail businesses Cost per tickets: $1 each or 6 for $5 LIVE MUSIC: Nameless, Vini Contreas, Immature Hour, Cowboy Bang Bang $10 gets you into the Dinner, Dance, and an Entry. $5 for Entry Only Ages 10 & under are FREE! Pam’s Gift is devoted to raising awareness and benefits for women and children of domestic violence. Contact Info: Raymond @ 951-392-4390, or Sue @ 951-216-9150 Visit Pam’s Gift on Facebook: August 21, 2015 High Country Journal Page 19 Coming Events The FUN Group presents: Free Barbeque Bash Sunday, August 30 at the Anza Community Hall Bring your friends! If you would like to contribute your time, food, or donations, please give Terry a call: 760-695-7452 Come celebrate with us! Clothing Give-Away Too! Dinner from 1 to 3 PM CROP SWAP - 5:30 p.m Every Friday through September Meet at the Country Corner’s gazebo next to the vacant cafe/restaurant on Bahrman Rd in Anza. To participate you must bring fresh, homegrown, pesticidefree produce, preserved foods, eggs, honey or fresh home-baked goods from you kitchen or garden. Organic and non-GMO crops encouraged. Garden or kitchen related items welcome (egg cartons, mason jars, compost and more). It’s not a one for one trade; all things are given freely and taken freely. Participants are very generous and very fair. Items will be weighed in or counted for record keeping purposes. Bring your own grocery bag or basket. No cash, as no items may be sold or reserved. To get started, each person at the swap is handed a playing card, and beginning with the aces, swappers choose whichever item they like. Once each person gets a turn, the rest is up for grabs, though people don’t grab. They peruse and chat, gardening advice and recipes are enthusiastically exchanged. Please be timely, we will start promptly at 5:30 with sign ins, swapping starts at 5:45 and this moves quickly. See us on: events/222639081 or the website For more information please contact Annika Knoppel 951-708-0411 or email [email protected] Community Hall Fundraiser Dinner and Dance, featuring: “The Blasting Idiots” October 3 ••• 7 pm - ?? Proceeds go to upgrading the Hall’s kitchen to meet County requirements. Plus: Silent Auction. (Shhh!) Dinner tickets are $15 per person and $25 per couple. Reserve a table for eight and receive two bottles of champagne on your table. Page 20 August 21, 2015 High Country Journal h Classified Ads h corner lot, landscaped, pine trees, shrubs, etc. $41,925. Cash terms. Call Chilli @ 951-763-4000 ANZA VALLEY PHARMACY is BRE #00578876 looking for a pharmacy clerk or HomeQuest Advantage Properties pharmacy tech (CA licensed required). Pharmacy or retail experience FOR SALE: Ride your heart out! preferred. Bi-lingual English/Spanish 22 level acres at base of Thomas Mt., a plus. Fax resume to (951) 763-7674, Anza. $125,000 OMC. email: Sandi Wilks (BRE #00580498). [email protected] Eagle Eye Realty. Call 951-533-7585 or call (951)763-7670. HELP WANTED PART TIME office help needed, starting ASAP. Computer experience a must. Drug and Smoke-free environment. Drug testing required. Pick up applications at our office: ANZA GAS SERVICE, INC, 56380 Hwy 371, Anza. Help Wanted: BORREGO HEALTH, Anza Community Clinic, Seeking Registered Nurse – Charge Nurse. Email your resume: [email protected] or fax to 858-634-6903 or apply in person at the clinic. WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS All years, makes & models Local dealer liscensed & bonded VALLEY AUTO SALES AGUANGA 951-763-5502 - JOE Alpaca Pets Variety of colors Good for fiber projects Easy keepers, friendly Come meet them at Alpacas of Anza Valley Inquire about the special prices Call Julie: 951-763-4222 FOR SALE: Sage 9.5 acres view of Vail Lake. Bring your motocross gear and hit the wide open spaces. $48,000 OWC. Sandi Wilks (BRE #00580498). Eagle Eye Realty. Call 951-533-7585 FOR SALE: Garner Valley 5+ level acres. White vinyl fencing, towering pines, Private and government trails. $210,000. Sandi Wilks (BRE #00580498). Eagle Eye Realty. Call 951-533-7585 SUPERB VALUE! Built to last. 2835 WANTED: Water Tank wanted. 2,500 sq. ft. Silvercrest. Superfloor and a gallons or better. 50 year roof. One of a kind. Clean, Call 951-763-4000 spacious generous floor plan. Plus well manicured fenced front and rear yard. FOR SALE Ample fenced vegetable garden area. Over-sized 2 car garage, garden sheds, cross fencing. Super-clean. $384,900. Call Mike at 951-536-8652. HOME FOR SALE DCH Real Estate BRE# 01885202 2.5 Acres, 3 minutes east of Anza, 1440 sq. ft. mobile home. Views, Two Parcels For One Great Price: well, quiet area. Banks/owner Total of 9.91ac for $50,000. Located less than a mile drive off of paved Sage will not finance or carry. Road, and 30 minutes from Temecula and Hemet, yet tucked away out of Cash sale. $134,900. sight these two beautiful lots offer the Serious inquiries only. ultimate combination of privacy and convenience for a reasonable price. (951) 970-5969 Call 951-259-5008 DCH Real Estate BRE# 01885202 9 am - 5 pm. MUST SELL: 3 Bed w/ Den, 2Bath FOR SALE: Camper shell - white, Lake Riverside. Spacious living areas. great shape, standard 8’, $50. Enjoy lake and valley views from the 951-551-6848 front deck. Over-sized garage. HOA amenities include 55 acre lake, airport, GREAT DEALS! Delta truck box, $75 patrol, equestrian center and pool. firm. Sears top car carrier, $80. Call/ $245,000. Present all offers. Call Mike text 951-972-6323. 9-5 daily. Leave at 951-536-8652. callback number. DCH Real Estate BRE# 01885202 Fender Squier Affinity bass with case, $120/ obo. Call/text 951-970-9989. FOR SALE: Mother Mary statue 4,5 feet tall - $150.00. 12 inch band saw FOR SALE: Solar Pole Mounting sander - $110.00. Lumber rack, Ford Frame: holds six 250 watt solar panels, 150 - $30.00. Ornamental railing, 8 off-grid applications and when roof pieces - $50.00. Truck, Ford 87 4wheel mounting is difficult or not possible, dr rebuilt eng - $ 3000.00. Table saw, adjustable to maximize sunray Ridgid, good condition - $180.00. efficiency, $1800. 760-746-7209 Camper, 8 feet-wide - $700.00. Ph 951763-0457 FOR SALE - Yamaha Waverunners. 2005 models. A matching pair, with FOR RENT dual Zeiman trailer. 160 hp 151/159 hrs, garaged, in great condition. Fast ROOM FOR RENT: For info, call and fun! Three-seaters, multi function 951-551-6848. No drugs. display speedomoter, security key fob, cup holders. Trailer has chrome FOR RENT: Large 2BR 2BA wheels, diamond plate steps and doublewide MFG home with covered accessory box. Cash only, no trades. deck, fenced yard, close to bank and $11,000. 951-551-7676 Circle K in Anza. Freshly painted inside and out, with all new floor HOME FOR SALE - Anza Pines, covering, new furnace, new well pump. charming 3 bdrm, 2 bath on large Includes storage sheds and large metal bldg. $1,100 per month and $1,100 security deposit. We check credit and verify employment. 951-763-5040 or 951-288-9870 HOMES FOR RENT 2 bedroom, 2 bath From $650 to $900 per month 3 bedroom, 2 bath From $800 to $1100 per month Anza Pines Mobile Home Park 53651 Highway 371, Anza, CA 951-763-4160 FOR LEASE: Terwilliger area, cute and well maintained single wide mobile home, second unit with plenty of privacy. 2 bdrm, 1 ba, covered front porch, fenced backyard. Storage shed with washer, dryer, separate utilities and entrance. Peaceful and tranquil setting. Must see. Pets ok with additional security deposit. One year lease, all applicants must have credit check. $750.00 mo plus security. (951) 551-7676 Sharon Evans - Realty Executives Real Estate Broker Assoc., Property Manager, DRE #01407873 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, La Colina: 1500+ sq ft home. Nice deck, large fenced yard with room for children and pets. 2 Car garage on 1.8 acres. Large fenced yard. Room for horses too. $1,000 month plus security. ERA Excel Realty Call Marea at 951541-4503 or 951-763-2535 COMMERCIAL/OFFICE FOR RENT Restaurant Bldg For Rent - Possibly divisible; total square footage 2700+ s/f. Rent is negotiable with long-term lease. Ask for Bob: Overland Realty BRE#00891360 951-763-2500 Retail/Office space. 1050 sq. ft. Only $800 per month. Second adjoining office space available for larger space if needed. Rent both for a discount. Overland Realty BRE#00891360 951-763-2500 ! TED REN 1000+ square foot commercial suite with Hwy 371 frontage, with bathroom, in Anza, only $800 per month, possible fenced yard available as well for additional $, let’s talk. Overland Realty BRE#00891360 951-763-2500 Retail Space Available: Storefront in the Anza Valley Business Center, 56480 Hwy 371. High traffic. Great for a cafe, with space for a small kitchen or storage; could be office. $600/mo + deposit. Kathy Agostino - 951-659-5555 RENTAL PROPERTIES WANTED. Our property management team provides full services, affordable prices and qualified tenant screening. ERA Excel Realty Marea Stinnett 951-541-4503 or 951-763-2535 WANTED: Residential Rental Properties for qualified tenants. Reliable, full service property management. Sharon Evans, Broker 951-551-7676 DRE #01407873 SERVICES OFFERED Large and Small ANIMAL CARE ************ Weekends, Holidays, Anytime. Reasonable Rates!! 38 years handling horses. Please call Viv: 951-763-0642 or 714-619-1643 ANZA ATTORNEY RANDY R. MAHER by Appointment Only (951) 294-8121 Civil, Criminal and Transactional Law Living Trusts Sorry, No Family Law Matters Tired of housekeeping being another job? For quick, thorough, reliable help with experience, call Sheri today! Experienced “detail” for new homes or old. Also: 25 Years Experience with racehorses (can clean stalls, feed, etc.) Thx! 951-763-2512 Experienced Caretaker & Maintenance Person w/ 30 years of construction knowledge and experience. Prefer living accomodation on-site. Can start immediately. Tom Kleve - (808) 634-4871 Handyman - Norm the Arm Wrestler & Sons - Plumbing, electrical, scrap, site cleanup. 50 years experience. 310RENTALS NEEDED. Put your empty 663-9474 home to work for you. We have waiting tenants who can pay you rent. GOT DIRT? Housekeeping/PersonOverland Realty BRE#00891360 al Care. 30 years experience. Meals, 951-763-2500 laundry, whatever is necessary. 951551-6848 RENTERS WANTED August 21, 2015 Page 21 High Country Journal BUSINESS DIRECTORY K ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Outsource your mounds of paperwork! One project at a time. Totally confidential. [email protected] (951) 234-1314 K ADVERTISING / WEB DESIGN Ads, Logos, Flyers, Brochures, Websites See ad for current specials and website info. (951) 763-0471 [email protected] K AIR CONDITIONING T. G. HARPOLE Air Conditioning, Heating, Electrical Serving the mountain communities for 24 years Bonded & Insured Lic #447748 (951) 763-4002 K ANTIQUES THE BARN STOP K CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANZA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Join and expand your community businesses! (951) 290-AVCC (2822) K CHIROPRACTOR DR. JUDI MILIN The Gentle Approach to Chiropractic Custom,Thorough Physical & Exercise Therapy 30 Years Experience. (951) 659-4522 K CHIROPRACTOR Auto, Truck, Tires & Repair At the former Texaco Station, Hwy 371, Anza AAA Approved (951) 763-4395 K COMPUTER REPAIR THE COMPUTER DOCTOR CORNERSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC. “For all your constuction needs.” Jeff Crawley - GC Matt Bergman - PM (951) 763-1257 or (951) 551-3060 Lic. #797474 K CONTRACTOR / ENGINEER HYDRASCOPE ENGINEERING Site design and prep; permits, grading, utilities, underground, steel buildings, 37 years exp. Mike Machado (951) 763-4875 GEC# 606937 K CONTRACTOR K AUTO REPAIR REDHAWK AUTO SERVICE Full Service Auto Repair & Service Auto, Truck, Diesel, Smog Check & Repair 44260 Apis Road, Temecula (951) 763-4395 K BEE REMOVAL BRIAN’S LIVE BEE REMOVAL Check us out at (888) 659-8733 or (951) 659-9696 K CARPET CLEANING HAROLD’S CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Pet odor removal, tile & grout cleaning (951) 763-4871 K SPACE AVAILABLE Your Ad Here (951) 970-0074 Get noticed in the HCJ Business Directory Commercial/Residential/Solar Service & Install Free Consultation and Estimate (951) 763-5002 Lic. C-10 #864186 K ENGINEERING / SURVEYING Serving the Anza/Aguanga area for 41 years. Surveys, site plans, grading plans, perc test. (951) 763-5040 CA Lic. #RCE19937 56460 Highway 371, Anza (951) 763-2100 (951) 694-8031 K CONSTRUCTION / CONTRACTOR VALLEY AUTO BLACKMORE ELECTRICAL, INC. Sports Injury - Physical Rehabilitation. K APPLIANCE SALES / SERVICE K AUTO REPAIR K ELECTRICIAN / SOLAR AL KRANZ ENGINEERING Remove Viruses, Clean, Update, Upgrade Web Design & Hosting Don Roy (951) 763-1533 cell: (951) 534-9390 Sales and service. Insured. BEAR #A42153 Friendly “Hill” Service, 20 years experience. Call Chris: (951) 659-9845 FREEDOM ELECTRIC Residential, Commercial, Service Emergency Generator Installations Ethan Steward (951) 763-0744 CA Lic. #807365 DR. PETER HORTON Antiques, Collectibles, and Good Ol’ Rusty Stuff Behind the yellow house 57131 Hwy 371, Anza (951) 204-3979 IDYLLWILD APPLIANCE K ELECTRICIAN K FENCING DALE’S FENCING, INC. Family Owned and Operated. All Types of Fencing. Electric and Solar Gates. 38 yrs experience. Lic #392804 Free Estimates at: (951) 767-1300 K FIREWOOD ROMBERG TREE SERVICE Dry Seasoned Firewood. Old-Fashioned Full Cords. Call (888) 659-8733 or (909) 225-0668 K FIREWOOD & TREE SERVICE ESPINOZA’S FIREWOOD Eucalyptus, Cirtus, Avocado, Olive Tree Removal - Tree Trimming - Free Estimates (951) 487-8508 or (951) 445-3011 K GRADING PACKARD CONSTRUCTION JEFF’S BOBCAT General Contractor, Owner Operator. Quality services are 90% based on referral. Steve Packard (951) 805-2340 Lic. #832247 Trenching, grading, demo, brush clearing, concrete work. Jeff Clark, Lic #687223 (760) 212-3158 K CONTRACTOR ARNOLD VENTI BUILDERS, INC. “From Concept to Completion.” Custom Homes, Major Remodels, Tenant Improvements, Serving Satisfied Customers since 1975. Lic #974029B, C-6 Office: (951) 763-4272 Cell: (760) 535-6211 K DENTIST ANZA FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY Peter I. Paik, D.D.S. 56565 Hwy 371, Ste A (951) 763-4648 Hours: Tues thru Fri, 9 am to 5 pm K ELECTRICAL SERVICE ANZA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. A Touchstone Energy® Cooperative 58470 Hwy 371 PO Box 391909, Anza, CA 92539 (951) 763-4333 K GRADING / DOZER WORK CLEARING, GRADING, ROADS, PADS All General Engineering - No Move-in - $90/hr (760) 749-1782 or (760) 390-0428 Larry Herman Lic. #938001A K GRADING ANZA VALLEY BACKHOE Trenching, clearing, demolition, rough and finish grading, more Terry Phillips, G.E.C. & C42 #616535 (951) 763-4294 or (951) 760-6248 K SPACE AVAILABLE Your Ad Here (951) 970-0074 Get noticed in the HCJ Business Directory Love Thy Neighbor -- Shop Local! Page 22 August 21, 2015 High Country Journal BUSINESS DIRECTORY K INSURANCE K HAIR CARE JANAE’S HAIR COTTAGE Hair Care for Men, Women, and Children Corner Bahrman & Hwy 371, Ste 4, Anza Mon, Wed, Fri - 10 to 4 (951) 763-0098 K HAIR CARE Char Diaz, Stylist SHARON EVANS K MUSIC LESSONS VOICE AND PIANO LESSONS Auto, Home, Life, Business, Workers Comp, Health (951) 551-7676 DOI #OE11653 350 Railroad Cyn. Rd. #D Lake Elsinore, CA. Highly trained & experienced music educator. All levels welcome - children, teens, adults. Connie Venti, MA (951) 763-4270 K INSURANCE K NURSERY GIFFIN INSURANCE All your insurance needs - homeowners, manufactured homes, life, health, annuities. Lic #OB17390 (951) 763-2066 J B NURSERY At Janae’s Hair Cottage Corner Bahrman & Hwy 371, Ste 4, Anza Thursday and Saturday, 10 - 4 (619) 277-7002 56030 Hwy 371, corner of Bahrman Rd, Anza Landscape & Irrigation Installation. 35 years exp. Block concrete, expert tree trimming & maintenance. (951) 312-9439 Lic. #246566 K HAIR CARE K INTERNET SERVICE K NURSERY LAURA’S HAIR CORRAL Beauty & Barber Services for Men and Women 59130 Ramsey Rd, Terwiliger Call for Appointment: (951) 265-2898 K HARDWARE & FEED ANZA VALLEY HARDWARE 56350 Hwy 371, Anza (951) 763-4668 Variety Store Next Door MTPALOMAR.NET High Speed Wireless Internet. (951) 541-0443 or 1-(888) 706-7387 [email protected] K INTERNET SERVICE WIRELESS INTERNET PRO Basic Speed 1 Mb down by 256 Kb up Money Back Guarantee! 1-(877) 833-2144 K LEGAL DOCUMENT SERVICE K HEATING T.G. HARPOLE Heating, Air Conditioning, Electrical Serving the Mountain Communities for 25 Years Bonded & Insured Lic #447748 (951) 763-4002 K HOME REMODELING PACKARD CONSTRUCTION General Contractor. Remodels & Repairs, Molding and Trim, Patio Covers & Fascia Repair, Painting & More Steve Packard (951) 805-2340 Lic. #832247 K HOME REPAIR ADVANCED HOME SERVICES Free Estimates! All general repairs, renovations & remodeling. Over 30 years experience. Carpentry, plumbing, roofing, rain gutters, weatherproofing, flooring, electreical, drywall, painting, tile, doors, windows & more! Call David Swanson: (951) 870-7439 KESSMAN LEGAL DOCUMENT SERVICE Trusts, Wills, Income Tax, Divorce, Child Custody, Restraining Orders MR. X HAULING Trailer and 5th Wheel Hauling, Horse Trailers, Home Depot Delivery, Animal Feed, Etc Call Dan: (951) 763-4914 ANZA LOCK & SAFE Auto • Commercial • Residential 24 Hour Emergency Service • Lic. #LC03813 (951) 763-5929 56460 Highway 371 K MASSAGE THERAPY MERRIE KRAATZ, L.C.M.T. “The Healing Power of Touch” (951) 763-0232 OLD FARTS SOLUTIONS Providing the Anza Area with Top Quality Alternative Meds! Must have current physician’s recommendation, ID/DL. In compliance with CA Prop 215 / SB 420. 7 Days, 11-9 (951) 331-8898 ANZA PINES MOBILE HOME PARK (951) 970-0074 Get noticed in the HCJ Business Directory Interior, Exterior, Commercial, Residential, Ranhces Professional, Safe and Reasonable. Lic C33 #657631 Free Estimates (951) 492-1949 K PERSONAL COUNSELING DEPRESSION - STRESS RELATIONSHIPS K PEST CONTROL LORNE LARSEN HORSESHOEING Your Ad Here PRESTIGE PAINTING K LOCKSMITH K MOBILE HOME PARK K SPACE AVAILABLE K PAINTING Two offices: Idyllwild & Garner Valley, or by Phone. 1st 15 min free. Antoinette Berthelotte, D.D. (858) 472-4337 [email protected] K HORSESHOEING Professional farrier service that is dependable, caring & ethical. Correct shoeing for balance & performance. (951) 733-9700 (951) 763-1968 38460 Bailiff Road, Anza Open Tues - Sat, 9 am - 5 pm! Scott Briles (951) 837-1905 Over 20 years experience Jack Kessman (951) 763-4028 Joan Kessman K MEDICAL DELIVERY K HAULING HIGH COUNTRY NURSERY For Sale: Mobile Homes Owner Financed - Easy Terms - No Banks Call Jim - (760) 902-8614 K SPACE AVAILABLE Your Ad Here (951) 970-0074 Get noticed in the HCJ Business Directory PROTECT A HOME TERMITE & PEST CONTROL Let us take care of those ants, spiders, bees, mice, and rats! Lic. Pr#4789 (951) 763-0068 K PHARMACY ANZA VALLEY PHARMACY Open Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-3:30pm 56555 Hwy 371 (Anza Village Market Center) (951) 763-7670 K PLUMBING DENNIS DOES IT Plumbing Repair Services Dennis McQueary Lic #750506 (951) 763-5441 K PLUMBING SPC PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Plumbing Services. Office: (951) 544-3818 Fax: (951) 763-0883 K SPACE AVAILABLE Your Ad Here (951) 970-0074 Get noticed in the HCJ Business Directory Love Thy Neighbor -- Shop Local! August 21, 2015 Page 23 High Country Journal BUSINESS DIRECTORY K PLUMBING K REAL ESTATE WESTERN HILLS PLUMBING OVERLAND REALTY Service - Remodels - New Construction - Drains (951) 763-9590 (951) 692-0991 J.C. Dinneys Lic. #787136 56030 Hwy 371 #1, Anza Corner of 371 & Bahrman Road - “Country Corner” (951) 763-4318 (951) 763-2500 K PORTABLE TOILETS K REAL ESTATE LANIK PORT-A-POTTY RENTALS Parties, Events, Construction Sites. (951) 763-5650 EAGLE EYE REALTY Sandi Wilks BRE #00580498 (951)533-7585 [email protected] K REAL ESTATE K PROPANE ANZA GAS SERVICE, INC. Propane Gas & Equipment Trucking & Pipe Supplies 56380 Hwy 371 (951) 763-4422 K PUMP SERVICE ROD BOURGEOIS PUMP SERVICE Water Pumps, Pressure Systems & Storage Tanks (951) 763-2839 fax: (951) 763-2814 Lic. #867229 K PUMP SERVICE WICKER WATER WELL PUMP SERVICE CRIST REAL ESTATE Heather R. Crist, Cal BRE#00661636 Area specialist, since 1979 (951) 767-0622 email: [email protected] K REAL ESTATE DCH REAL ESTATE The Foundation for your Future 45554 Hwy 79 South (951) 767-2400 / K ROOFING IMPERIAL ROOFING K THRIFT STORE ONCE UPON A THREAD Mon - Sat, 10-4, Sun 12-4 Across from Anza Gas K TOWING VALLEY AUTO 24-Hour Towing AAA Contract Station At the former Texaco in Anza (951) 763-4395 K TRACTOR WORK BOB TATE Trenching, Driveways, Backhoe, Brush Clearing, Mower, Gannon Free Estimates - (951) 206-9701 [email protected] K TRENCHING & IRRIGATION AUTOMATIC & MANUAL SPRINKLING SYSTEMS Maintenance, Irrigation, Trenching. 35 Years Experience. Call Randy (951) 763-4955 K WELDING ROZZO WELDING Well Pumps, Storage Tanks, Sales, Installation & Repair Most 5 - 25 gpm well pumps in stock. (951) 763-2747 Lic. #816551 Wind-proof expert, all repairs and re-roofs, custom homes, roof certifications, shower pans (951) 763-0359 Lic. #579387 Repair, Fabrication, Demolition, Pipe Affordable Pricing. [email protected] Lic #PO18520 (951) 282-1852 K PLUMBING & PUMPS K SEPTIC SERVICE K WELDING & SAW SERVICE GILLILAN’S PUMP SERVICE Well Pumps, Pressure Systems, Storage Tanks, Sales, Installation & Repairs. Anywhere, Anytime! Senior Discounts! (951) 760-6430 Lic. #296112 K REAL ESTATE ERA EXCEL REALTY 56070 Hwy 371, Anza (951) 763-2325 Hrs: M-F 8:30am - 4:30 pm, Sat 9 am - 1 pm Sun by Appt. K REAL ESTATE HOME SMART REAL ESTATE Justin Caudillo (951) 203-1603 [email protected] K REAL ESTATE HOMEQUEST ADVANTAGE PROPERTIES W.A. “Chilli” Ainsworth DRE #00578876 Office: (951) 763-4000 • Fax: (951) 346-5906 K SPACE AVAILABLE Your Ad Here (951) 970-0074 Get noticed in the HCJ Business Directory ANZA VALLEY BACKHOE Septic Tanks, Leach Lines installed Total Site Prep (951) 763-4294 or (951) 760-6248 Terry Phillips, G.E.D. & C42 #616535 K SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LANIK PUMPING SERVICE Don’t ruin your leach lines - pump every 3 years. (877) LANIK-56 (951) 763-5650 K SKIN CARE SKIN CARE BY AMANDA Facials, waxing head to toe, microdermabrasion, spray tanning, body scrubs, back facials. (951) 553-3999. K STORAGE ANZA VALLEY STORAGE 5’x10’, 10’x10’, 10’x20’ units available. Also RV, boat & trailer space. 54371 Wellman Road (951) 265-1988 K SPACE AVAILABLE Your Ad Here (951) 970-0074 Get noticed in the HCJ Business Directory ELMORE’S WELDING & SAW SERVICE Certified Welding - Shop, Portable, Fabrication Chain Saw - Sales & Service (951) 763-4037 K WELLS & PUMPS DEAN ALEXANDER WATERWELL DRILLING Complete Water Systems Installed. Pumps, Sales, Service. (951) 767-0295 Lic. #294289 K SPACE AVAILABLE Your Ad Here (951) 970-0074 Get noticed in the HCJ Business Directory K SPACE AVAILABLE Your Ad Here (951) 970-0074 Get noticed in the HCJ Business Directory K SPACE AVAILABLE Your Ad Here (951) 970-0074 Get noticed in the HCJ Business Directory Love Thy Neighbor -- Shop Local! The source for all your real estate needs - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, RENTALS, SALES HUD Broker Bob Giffin - Broker Lois Henson & Robin Campbell - Sales Associates “Service with integrity” (951) 763-2500 Nearly 2.5 fenced acres close to paved road, outrageous views of Cahuilla Mountain, main living area is handy-person’s delight, guest quarters in garage on shared well, priced for quick sale - $69,900 - cash only. Lots of stuff included. “OVERLAND” CLOSES ANOTHER “HUD” OWNED HOME - THIS ONE IN LRE. LET US HELP YOU FIND YOUR OWN DEAL, THEY’RE OUT THERE. LAND FOR SALE: Lake Riverside lot with gentle southwest slope. Private on cul-de-sac. RIDICULOUS PRICE: $6,490 $5,990 NOW $2,490! Submit any offer for consideration! OWC Phenominal western views of Anza Valley from the top of Table Mountain on this 4.6 Acre parcel in Table Mountain Ranch. Check it out from the turn-a-round pad. Only $55,000 What a great property for your horses and a new home. This 10.5 acres is fenced with field fencing and a gate. It is flat with a hill for your home. $69,900 What a view from this 2.25 acres. Has well, pressure tank, and power. Permitted, graded pad. Take your horses and ride! $55,000 Nice view comes with this 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath stick built home with cozy fireplace and wood-burning stove. Has hardwood floors throughout. Home sits on 2.39 completely fenced acres with gated entry. This all usable property is just a short walk for kids to school. One bedroom has separate entrance. Also comes with a large storage building and attached container. For only $232,000 ! D OL What a great 10 acres on a paved road with n 1800 square-foot manufactured home that features a windowed porch to watch the birds. Has a large metal garage with a large roll-up door - the ultimate workshop! All fenced. $151,000. S ! D E T N WA YOUR LISTING FOR ANXIOUS BUYERS! to be featured in the next edition of the High Country Journal CALL FOR DETAILS: 951-763-2500 FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL RENTALS, LOOK IN CLASSIFIEDS! (951) 763-2500 (951) 763-4318 Located in Country Corner Highway 371 at Bahrman Road 56030 Hwy. 371 #1, Anza Insurance Lic. #0B17390 BRE Lic. #00891360
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