2015-2016 ECISD Student Handbook
2015-2016 ECISD Student Handbook
Odessa High School Student Handbook 2013 - 2014 pg. 1 ODESSA HIGH SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT It is our Mission at Odessa High School to provide the opportunity for all students to learn at high levels so they are prepared for success in life. We commit to this and agree to do all we can so our students are consistently provided quality instruction, ongoing monitoring and quality, targeted intervention when they require additional support to be successful. ALMA MATER Hail, Odessa High School! Hats off to you! Ever you’ll find us… Loyal and true. Firm and undaunted Always we’ll be Hail to the School we love. Here’s a toast to Thee. pg. 2 Odessa High School * Odessa, Texas Gregory C. Nelson, Principal From the Office of the Principal August 2013 Dear Parents, Guardians and Students: It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Odessa High School for the 2013-2014 school year. The faculty, staff and administration are very excited as we prepare for what we plan to be the best year ever. It is our Mission at Odessa High School to provide the opportunity for all students to learn at high levels so they are prepared for success in life. We commit to this and agree to do all we can so our students are consistently provided quality instruction, ongoing monitoring and quality, targeted intervention when they require additional support to be successful. Understanding this is important and will provide the foundation for our work. We are truly committed to this mission and have a plan to help more students become even more successful. We are enlisting you in this effort to make our mission a reality for all of our students. As I write to you, the OHS team is working to develop our shared commitments to this mission. We are also focusing our attention to provide a narrow focus on the “Essentials”, leaving behind the idea that we have to teach everything, sacrificing the time it takes to evaluate and reteach what’s most important for the students to learn and master. In order for us to reach our goal, each faculty and staff member will provide students with an opportunity to learn every day. It is critical that each student understand their role in accomplishing this task including in their academic performance, responsible behavior, good attendance and positive contribution to the culture of our great school. This handbook was designed to provide specific information that can help ensure success for all at Odessa High School. The administrative team will be providing students with an orientation to clarify the high expectations we have for the students. We appreciate you trusting your student to our care, and we look forward to much success. If we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to call on us. Educationally Yours, Gregory C. Nelson, M. Ed. pg. 3 pg. 4 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW . . . ATTENDANCE: Texas Senate Bill 1 states that the student will lose credit for a class if he attends less than ninety percent (90%) of the days the class meets. The Attendance Review Committee has the authority to grant credit in certain situations. This committee can grant credit by requiring the student to make up missed class time. Make-up time is on an hour for an hour basis. To receive credit, your child must have a passing grade and reduce absences to nine (9) or less in each class where credit restoration is desired. Make-up hours are limited and may not be sufficient to allow for restoration of all credits in some cases. Failure to complete stated requirements will result in the immediate loss of credit for classes where attendance is less than 90% as required by law. Make-up time will be available at Odessa High School on designated after school dates and Saturdays. Simply put, a student who misses more than 9% of the semester will not receive credit even if passing the class. Please communicate all absences to the attendance clerk and work to avoid losing credit. If you have a concern, visit with your administrator as soon as possible. Additional information and timelines are available on the district website by reviewing ECISD Policy FEC (Local). It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to contact the corral attendance clerk to excuse an absence or to provide a doctor’s note within five (5) days of the absence. Contact must be made with the attendance clerk and not a teacher. Reports made after the 5th day WILL NOT be accepted and no changes will be made to the student’s attendance records. Students who are in school for a part of the day and present a doctor’s note for an appointment will receive credit for attendance for the periods affected by the medical appointment if the doctor’s note is received within five (5) days of the appointment/absence. CAFETERIA: Odessa High School operates a non-profit cafeteria for the convenience of students and faculty. Meal applications may be picked up in the corral offices. The Food Court is located adjacent to the cafeteria and serves burgers, fries, pizza, sandwiches and salads. Students on free or reduced lunch may utilize this facility. Drink machines are also located outside of the cafeteria and in various campus locations. These machines are privileges; and if the privilege is abused by acts of vandalism or the purchase of refreshments during class time, the machines may be shut down or removed. Tables are to be left clean, and all cartons, paper, and dishes need to be appropriately placed by the student. Students who owe for library books, cafeteria charges, lost textbooks, ID’s and other fines and fees may be restricted from attending extra-curricular events such as games, the prom, etc… CELL PHONES AND PAGING DEVICES: (Phones/Electronic Devices/games/etc.): *See ECISD Secondary Handbook for complete policy* Ector County ISD high schools are piloting a program that will allow students to use their cell phones or tablet devices in hallways during passing periods and during scheduled meals in the cafeteria. Use is restricted to texting, checking the time, or utilizing apps and general features on the phone/device such as calculator, notes, etc. Students are restricted at all times within the building from using the device to make or receive phone calls, Skyping, or any other two-way or group conversation or video chatting including the use of the phone/device’s internal speaker, external speakers and cameras. Phones should not be in position to make or receive calls (not up to the ear). No Bluetooth Devices. Students are allowed to use their device to play music using ear buds only in the cafeteria or in classrooms with the teacher’s permission. When this privilege is utilized, the student must use pg. 5 the one in/one out practice meaning only one ear bud is in the ear, allowing the student to still be able to hear directions from the teacher or other staff members. The music is too loud if those around the student can hear the music. Students are restricted at all times within the building and on campus from using any recording feature to include the phone/device camera, video camera, or voice recorders. All cell phone policies shall remain in effect however, high school teachers may choose to allow students to use cell phones or other electronic devices in the classroom for educational purposes. High school teachers must note the use of student electronic devices in their lesson plans if they choose to use them for educational purposes. High school teachers will also have a visual sign posted to indicate if cell phone use is allowed or restricted in the classroom for the day’s activities. Administrators may require students to put away cell phones or other electronic devices at any given time while on campus, including the hallways or cafeteria. The use of student cell phones or other electronic devices on campus is a privilege, not a right. Any student who violates this pilot program or the district’s policies for cell phones and electronic devices will face further restrictions and possible disciplinary consequences. The program will be evaluated via a survey for students, parents, and staff by the high school principals at the end of the 1st semester and at the end of the school year to determine if the program shall continue for the 2014-2015 school year. Questions and Answers: Q: Can a student use her phone to text, check the time or access an app while walking down the hallway or in the cafeteria? A: Yes. The student CAN text, check the time or access an app while in the hallway or the cafeteria but CANNOT use the phone to make or receive a call. Q: Can a student use her phone in the classroom to text, check the time or use an app? A: Students are only allowed to use phones in the classroom IF the teacher has indicated it is appropriate for instruction and then only in the way designated by the teacher as appropriate. This can include texting parents, researching or responding to tasks as directed by the teacher. Q: Can a student use his phone in the hallway to take a picture or video of himself, friends or others? A: NO! Students CANNOT use cameras to take pictures, video or audio record in the building nor on anywhere on campus. Q: Can a student use her phone or device to listen to music in the building and on campus? A: Yes, students can listen to music following the one in/one out practice as long as the volume is not audible to others around them. Classroom use is determined by the teacher. Over the ear or on the ear headphones are not allowed. EAR BUDS ONLY. Q: Can a student loan his phone to another student? A: It is not recommended by the school but each student has to use their best judgment in making this decision. If you have any other questions, please visit with a campus administrator. pg. 6 CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS: OHS clubs and organizations provide students with many opportunities to participate in activities that will contribute to the total development of an individual’s interests. Students are encouraged to participate in these extracurricular activities. Students are expected to make choices of clubs and organizations consistent with their time needs, interests and abilities. COLLEGE (Higher-Ed) VISITS: Juniors and seniors are allowed two (2) college visits a year that do not count against attendance. Form FEZ Exhibit BB must be completed before the trip, signed by a college representative and returned to the principal within five (5) days of the students return to school. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the days being counted as unexcused. DISTRICT POLICE: Officers have offices located at Odessa High School. School officials have the authority to search a student’s possessions when it is in the interest and welfare of other students or when it is essential to preserve and maintain the good order and discipline of the school. In an effort to make the learning environment safe from drug and alcohol abuse, specially trained dogs may be employed to sniff out concealed contraband, drugs, drug paraphernalia or alcohol on school property. Such searches will be unannounced. Trained law enforcement dogs may be used to sniff the air in vacant classrooms, common areas, around student lockers and vehicles on school property. If a dog alerts to a particular locker or item, the locker or item may be searched. If the dog alerts to a vehicle, the student shall be asked to unlock the vehicle for a search. Students are responsible for any illegal substance found in their lockers, belongings, or vehicles and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures. Proper precautions will be exercised while conducting searches. Dogs will not be used to search individual students. A building administrator will be present any time the dogs are used. Additional information on random drug and weapon searches is available in the ECISD Code of Conduct. DRESS CODE: The District’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruptions, and minimize safety hazards. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following: (OHS Notes are Bold and in Parentheses) • • The District prohibits pictures, symbols, emblems, or writing on clothing, accessories (i.e. jewelry, rings or belt buckles) and not limited to, but includes shaved or cut eyebrows and shaved imagines in hair that: • present concern for safety (i.e. chains, dog collars); (Including wallet chains and belt chains) • are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene; (This includes pictures and/or text with multiple meanings where one may be deemed inappropriate) • advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other illegal substance; • refer to satanic, cult or gang activities; or • represents death and dismemberment and/or violence. Clothing (dresses, skirts, shorts, skorts) must be no shorter than five inches from the top of kneecap and hemmed; (At all times, including sitting or any other activity expected at school. We may measure while sitting and standing but measuring is not required when violation is observed) pg. 7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Form fitting, too tight clothing will not be allowed (Example; under armor, body glove type clothing); (No Spandex or Lycra) Students will not be permitted to wear see-through clothing or have bare midriffs, bare shoulders, or backless fashions; Tank tops, muscle shirts, or clothing with spaghetti straps or strapless garments may be worn only with a full T-shirt (with sleeves) underneath; Undergarments may not be worn as outerwear; (Undergarments should NOT be visible at any time) Pants, shorts and slacks must be worn at the natural waist (no more than one size larger than natural waist size); (No Sagging) Students must wear shoes at all times. Taps, metal plates, or cleats on shoes will not be permitted. Specifically prohibited footwear are bathroom slippers or footwear not intended for outdoors wear or shoes equipped with roller blades/wheels. Flip flops are acceptable; Extremely torn clothing will not be permitted. All clothing must be hemmed; (No holes/frays more than 5 inches above the knee in pants, shorts or skirts & No Cut-offs) Students will be required to wear their hair well groomed and clean at all times. Extreme modes of hair design and color will not be permitted; (Mohawks & Faux-hawks must not exceed 2 inches. Natural Hair Colors Only) Earrings are permitted. NO jewelry or ornaments may be worn in any pierced area of the body EXCEPT FOR THE EAR; (Unauthorized piercings will be collected and available for return at the end of the semester. All items not collected within 2 weeks after the semester ends will be discarded.) Sponsors of extracurricular activities may set individual dress and appearance standards with the approval of the Principal; The wearing of cheerleading uniforms during the school day is at the Principal’s discretion; Students may not wear hats, caps, sweat bands, visors, head coverings or bandanas in the building (neither males nor females). Bandanas are not allowed on campus; (These items will not be returned until the end of the semester. Items not picked up within 2 weeks after the semester will be discarded.) Sunshades may not be worn in the building or classroom, unless prescribed by a physician for indoor use; (This means sunglasses cannot be worn on the head.) Any disruptive, unsafe, or distractive mode of clothing, eyewear, tattoo or appearance that adversely impacts the education process is not acceptable. Included in this category are slit skirts and clothing with excessive holes; Belts must be worn appropriately in belt loops and at the natural waist. Students who violate the Dress Code will be referred to the Corral Principal’s office. The final decision regarding a dress code violation is at the discretion of the campus Principal. (At OHS, this authority has been delegated to all administrators.) Students who violate the dress code will be referred to the discipline center. The final decision regarding a dress code violation is at the discretion of the campus principal. (or designee such as associate principal, ISD, SSD or corral principal) ELECTRONIC DEVICES: The term electronic device includes, but is not limited to CD players, radios, cassette players, IPods, MP3 players, video game systems, video or still cameras, and headphones. Electronic devices and other audio equipment are not allowed on school property unless specifically authorized by a school administrator in writing. These items will be confiscated and stored in the student’s corral. The confiscated item will not be released to the student until the end of the semester or sooner with permission of the principal. pg. 8 ELIGIBILITY: Students who are either suspended from school or assigned to ISS are not eligible for extracurricular and co-curricular participation nor can they attend any school events until after the completion of their placement. Under No Pass No Play, students must be eligible academically to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities. Additional information is available in the Secondary Student Handbook and from each head coach, program director or sponsor. All eligibility concerns are monitored by the campus principal. FINES and FEES: Students who owe for library books, cafeteria charges, lost textbooks, ID’s and other fines and fees may be restricted from attending extra-curricular events such as games, the prom, etc… HALL PASSES: All students are required to have a hall pass anytime they are in hallways, passage ways, patios, parking lots or any other campus location during class time. Any student observed without a hall pass or a tardy pass will be questioned to determine where they are supposed to be and will be escorted to the assigned location. Students are not allowed in the hallway the first 15 minutes or the last 15 minutes of each period unless it is an emergency and they have a pass. Students who do not have class on campus during any period are required to leave the building/campus before the tardy bell. Teachers are required to provide a hall pass for any student leaving their classroom during instructional periods. Students found without permission to be on campus during instructional time will face disciplinary consequences. IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION (ISS): ISS will be held daily from 8:54 a.m. until 4:10 p.m. All students in ISS are required to remain until dismissal at 4:10 p.m. Students tardy to ISS will be released at 4:20p.m. Excessive tardiness in ISS will result in additional days being added to the placement as appropriate. Reasons for being placed in ISS include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Discipline (Will be in accordance with ECISD Student Code of Conduct). 2. Dress Code (i.e. inappropriate clothing, inability to attain Student ID etc.). 3. Missed Bus to off-campus classes. 4. Placements deemed necessary by principal, associate principal, and corral assistant Principals. What you need to know about ISS……… 1. It is the overall responsibility of the student to collect necessary work from teachers to optimize their time spent in ISS. 2. Students may still attend tutorials either before and/or after school when available. 3. Students must be on-time based on the current bell schedule, tardies still apply to ISS. 4. Being signed-out of school for any reason will require that the day of ISS be rescheduled. 5. ISS days are to be served for the entire day based on the current bell schedule (senior option(s) will be forfeited on ISS days). 6. Students are escorted to and from the cafeteria and must eat their lunch in the ISS room. 7. If a student is removed from ISS due to behavior, they will be suspended and upon return, they must still serve their original number of days in ISS. 8. Students assigned to ISS are not eligible for extracurricular and co-curricular participation nor can they attend any school events until after the completion of their placement. Operating Procedures 1. ISS Notification will be sent out via administrators communicating with teachers the placement dates and duration. pg. 9 2. Student(s) are to report to the ISS room by the tardy bell. Upon entry, students must sign-in to receive credit for their attendance. 3. A roster of students in ISS will be sent out daily, and revised rosters will be sent out when modifications are made. 4. Student(s) will be assigned a place to sit and given directions to complete necessary housekeeping requirements. 5. A character building program is used in ISS. If students bring their own academic work, they will only complete the first three pages which include writing the ISS Rules, Pledge of Allegiance and the Top 25 character quotes. Students can then begin on their own academic work. 6. Students that do not have any academic work or students that have work and are consistently not making progress will be required to complete the character building program each day they are in ISS. 7. Assignments will be collected in ISS and placed in teacher boxes at the conclusion of each school day. LIBRARY: The OHS Library Media Center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A student may come to the library any time before or after school and at lunch. All school rules must be followed while in the library. A student may come to the library any other time with a teacher’s written library pass. A student who comes without a library pass or who comes for any reason other than using the library resources for school assignments will be sent back to class. A student must have a school ID to enter the library and check out books. A fine will be imposed on all lost or overdue books. Students who owe for library books, cafeteria charges, lost textbooks, ID’s and other fines and fees may be restricted from attending extra-curricular events such as games, the prom, etc… Teachers may schedule to bring their classes to the library and/or the library computer lab by contacting the Librarian by phone or email to request dates and times and be placed on the library calendar. Teachers must accompany their classes and remain with them. In the event a teacher is absent, the library dates will need to be rescheduled. Teachers may send no more than two students on their own during class unless approved by the librarian, and they must have a written pass issued by the teacher. LOCKERS: Lockers are available to all students but are assigned only to students who request one. If any student desires a locker after initial locker assignment, he/she should see the appropriate locker administrator. Lockers must be kept locked. Students must provide their own standard lock and be responsible for their key or combination. Lockers, lock keys and lock combinations are not to be shared. The school is not responsible for the loss of any item in the student’s locker, including textbooks. Students should clearly mark all personal items. Students are encouraged not to bring expensive items or large sums of money to school. Any assigned locker left unlocked will be cleaned out and secured. All lockers are subject to school search and inspection as per District Policy. Locker privileges can be removed if policy is broken. The student to whom the locker is assigned is responsible for all contents at all times. SATURDAY SCHOOL: Saturday School is provided at the Alternative Education Center as a consequence for misbehavior in school, tardiness, truancy and for attendance credit recovery. Failure to attend assigned Saturday School will be grounds for further discipline consequences. Odessa High may offer a Saturday School schedule for tutorials, discipline and attendance credit recovery as announced. SCHOOL EVENTS: The Odessa High Administrative Team, Faculty and Staff reserves the right to set criteria for student and non-student attendance at social functions such as dances, parties and the prom. When appropriate, the criteria for students and non-students will be set and pg. 10 communicated prior to the event. We reserve the right to deny attendance at these social functions for whatever reason we determine appropriate for reasons of safety, security and order. See the appendix section for specific information on prom requirements. See the appendix section for specific information on prom requirements. SCHOOL STORE: Operated by the OHS student council, the store is located adjacent to the cafeteria. Please support our school by purchasing your spirit items in our school store. SPORTSMANSHIP: Good sportsmanship is conduct, which imposes a type of self-control involving honest rivalry, courteous relations and graceful acceptance of results. School spirit is a reflection of these attitudes and behaviors. If a school is to succeed in developing good citizenship, it is necessary that student groups radiate proper sportsmanlike conduct. Sportsmanship is good citizenship in action. The promotion of sportsmanship is the primary responsibility of the coaches, staff, players, cheerleaders and the entire student body. When other students visit OHS, treat them with the greatest courtesy and respect. Let them leave with the feeling that Odessa High is the best place they have ever visited. We request that students sit in the sections reserved at games so that our chants and yells can be organized. You will be proud of the Bronchos. Sing and yell to show that you are behind them! STUDENT CONDUCT: Odessa High School students exhibit the good manners and good citizenship expected of them by fellow students, parents, teachers and administrators. Each student is responsible and accountable for his/her actions. Disruptive and irresponsible students will not be tolerated. Teachers have full authority and responsibility to correct improper student behavior whenever such correction is required. Administrators will assist with discipline as necessary. Disciplinary action shall be based upon the seriousness of the offense and the facts and circumstances existing at the time of the offense. The discipline at Odessa High School is based upon state law, board policy, school rules and/or administrative regulation. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct for more detailed information. STUDENT I.D. CARDS: Students will be required to wear their current Odessa High School ID cards at ALL times. The ID must be worn on a school-appropriate lanyard around the neck. Student IDs are considered school property and are not to be defaced and must remain free of writings, drawings, holes, stickers and severe damage. IDs observed to be defaced or damaged will be confiscated, destroyed, and students will be responsible for purchasing a replacement at their expense. Students without a valid ID are subject to disciplinary action. Students must wear their ID cards before they are admitted to ALL school sponsored activities, including athletic events. The first student ID card is free. The second issuance of an ID card will cost the student $5.00. Temporary IDs will cost the student $2 each, payable at the time of issuance. Temporary ID’s from other campuses are not acceptable for use at OHS. Students are not allowed to charge permanent ID cards. Students are not allowed to charge more than $10 for Temporary IDs. Students who owe for library books, cafeteria charges, lost textbooks, ID’s and other fines and fees may be restricted from attending extra-curricular events such as games, the prom, etc… STUDENT SCHEDULE CHANGES: All Schedule changes will be handled according to the ECISD Secondary Schedule Change Guidelines (attached). TARDIES: Students are tardy if they are not in class when the tardy bell ceases to ring. All students who are tardy must report to the nearest Corral Office for a tardy pass. Should a teacher delay a student (not advised), a pass stating the reason for the delay and time the student departed should be given to the student to present to the nearest Corral Office which will issue an excused tardy pass to the next class. Students will not be allowed in class without a computer generated pg. 11 tardy pass. Each tardy pass includes a copy for the receiving teacher and for the parent/student. Consequences will be assigned to tardy students. Consequences reset each 6 week period and are as follows: 1st & 2nd Tardy = Warning 3rd & 4th Tardy = Lunch Detention 5th, 6th & 7th Tardy = After School Detention 8th & 9th Tardy = Saturday School >10th Tardy = ISS An electronic system will be used to document all tardies. Consequences are automatically generated by the system. Failure to complete the assigned consequence will result in advancing to the next level of consequence. TELEPHONES (CLASSROOM): Students are not to use classroom phones. The telephone is off limits during class time! Students should be referred to their Corral in cases of emergency. During the instructional day, calls for teachers and staff members will be forwarded to their voicemail. It is important that you check your voicemail box regularly and return calls within 24 hours. Please initiate/return all telephone calls during your planning period or after school, not between classes. If you receive an emergency call you will be notified immediately. Please maintain student confidentiality when discussing students while talking on the phone. TEXTBOOKS: Odessa High School and State Law require all textbooks to be covered. Textbook covers are provided for each student. Sticky or vinyl covers are not allowed. Textbooks are the property of the State of Texas and are issued to students at no cost. Students are responsible for proper care of these books during the year as required by law. All textbooks must be returned at the close of the school year or upon withdrawing from school. Before a replacement book is issued for a lost book, students must pay for all lost, stolen or damaged textbooks. If a student has not cleared his/her textbook record, arrangements must be made with the grade-level principal before he/she may take final exams or before his/her grades and other records may be released or books issued. Immediately, check and record the condition of each textbook carefully when it is issued by a teacher. Fines will be assessed for excessive damage or abuse to textbooks. Students wishing to pay for lost textbooks may do so at the bookkeeper’s office. A paid receipt will serve as a clearance slip for the student to be issued another textbook by the textbook clerk. KEEP YOUR RECEIPT. Your name will be removed from the fines and fees list. If a student is issued a damaged book, it is the responsibility of the student to return the damaged book to textbook room within the first 3 days of after issuance to get a replacement. Students who owe for library books, cafeteria charges, lost textbooks, ID’s and other fines and fees may be restricted from attending extracurricular events such as games, the prom, etc… Do not tamper with or remove the textbook bar code. If the bar code is tampered with or removed, the replacement cost of the book will be charged. TRUANCY: Students are considered truant when they have missed part or all of a class without proper permission from the parent, guardian, teacher or the office. No student is to leave the building after classes start without a campus pass from the corral office. VEHICLES ON CAMPUS: The student understands that driving to school and parking on the Odessa High Campus is a PRIVILEGE and not a right. Students may register for parking permits online prior to registration by going to the ECISD website and select Odessa High School. From there you will follow the instructions for registration. The student will need to bring a valid driver’s license, copy of insurance, and license plate number for verification to registration. The cost is $35.00, preferably by check or money order. The student will properly register any and all vehicles pg. 12 driven to school. The student will drive safely and responsibly and will not violate any school rules concerning vehicle parking or operation of vehicles on campus. 1. Students may register only their vehicle or their parent's vehicle. Students can register online at their campus web page. 2. There is a thirty-five dollar ($35.00 CASH OR aCHECK in exact amount) charge for each permit. Permits are non-transferable. Misuse of vehicle permit will result in loss of parking privileges and NO refund. Students are required to present a valid driver’s license, OHS Student ID, and valid insurance card before purchase of parking permit. 3. Parking Permits (stickers or hang-tags) must be displayed with the front facing outwards on the rearview mirror or windshield as designed. Students may not transfer permits to any other car. Permits must ONLY be displayed in the vehicle that is registered. 4. Lost permits must be replaced at full cost ($35) and will require a valid driver’s license, OHS Student ID, and valid insurance card. 5. Students are not allowed to loan or sell permits to others or to be possession of more than 1 permit. Violations will result in the loss of parking privileges for up to the remainder of the school year. 6. Students must inform the Bookkeeper’s Office of any changes in cars and bring new insurance information. 7. OHS parking lots will be subject to inspection and searches by school personnel, local authorities and drug canines. The following items are never allowed on campus: Weapons, including guns, knives or any type of ammunition. Illegal drugs or paraphernalia or over the counter drugs in quantities that violate ECISD policy, alcohol and any tobacco product. VIOLATIONS OF TEXAS STATE LAW MAY TERMINATE PARKING PRIVILEGES. 8. CAMPUS SPEED LIMIT IS 5 MPH. 9. Students are not allowed to park in any teacher “T” parking space, visitor parking space, or handicapped parking space. 10. Students should make sure that their vehicle is locked at all times. Students are responsible for all items in their vehicle. 11. Students may not go to their vehicles during school hours without written permission from their administrator. 12. Vehicles found to be in violation will be booted and/or towed at the owner’s expense. The fee for boot removal is $35. 13. Upon payment of the assessed boot fee the student will receive an OHS student parking permit with proof of a valid driver’s license, OHS Student ID and proof of insurance. 14. Upon a second offense the vehicle will be booted and /or towed. Furthermore, the student understands that school officials have the right to suspend or revoke their driving and/or parking privilege on campus for violation of registration, driving, or parking infractions set forth by the State of Texas, City of Odessa, and Ector County ISD policies and procedures, Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook. Violations that will result in wheel locking and or towing 1. Parking on school grounds without a current OHS parking permit 2. Parking on school grounds other than in the designated student parking area 3. Safety concerns Important: If a tow truck is called to remove a vehicle and the owner/driver of the vehicle appears before it is actually hooked and towed, the wrecker will proceed with the towing unless the owner/driver of the vehicle can make satisfactory financial arrangements with him/her for their time and trouble; otherwise, all costs associated with towing/wheel locking (booting) are exclusively the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle. Vehicles parked in the student lot without a current parking permit are also subject to a wheel boot (lock). Wheel boots will be pg. 13 installed on cars that do not properly display a current parking permit and will be removed only after a $35.00 fee has been paid. Any student parking in a handicapped spot (without proper documentation) or in a faculty or visitor spot will be booted or towed! Any student that attempts to drive the vehicle with the wheel lock is responsible for damages to their vehicle and the wheel lock. Students could face criminal charges for the damaged wheel lock. Student Must Acknowledge The Following To Receive a Permit: I have read and fully understand the regulations for parking at Odessa High School. I am aware that the privilege to park on school property may be revoked for failure to observe safety precautions or stated rules, as well as for disciplinary reasons. I am also aware that such permission does not constitute an acceptance of responsibility by Odessa High School for loss of personal property or damage to the vehicle while on school property. VERIFICATION OF ENROLLMENT AND ATTENDANCE: Students wanting to take an outside driver’s education course or applying for renewal of driver’s license must have a verification of enrollment and attendance form (VOE). These forms are available from the appropriate Corral attendance clerk. As per the Texas Transportation Code, to qualify for a VOE, students must meet one of two following requirements: 1. The student must have 90% attendance in each class in the preceding fall or spring semester and may not have any “no grades.” (Summer School attendance does not count.) 2. Preceding the application date, the student must have attended 45 days per semester and attended a GED class for a minimum of 30 days. Students may go to the appropriate Corral office before, after school or during their lunch period to request a verification of attendance. (A 24 hour notice is required when requesting a Verification of Enrollment.) VIDEO SURVEILLANCE: Odessa High School utilizes video surveillance/recording equipment, which may or may not be monitored at any time. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * THIS CAMPUS HANDBOOK ONLY COVERS A PORTION OF THE INFORMATION IN THE ECISD STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT / STUDENT HANDBOOK. ALL STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR READING AND BEING FAMILIAR WITH ALL INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION AND THE E. C. I. S. D. STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT/STUDENT HANDBOOK. YOU MAY ACCESS/VIEW/PRINT THE STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT AND THE SECONDARY STUDENT HANDBOOK AT: http://www.ectorcountyisd.org/Page/774 THE OHS STUDENT HANDBOOK, SECONDARY STUDENT HANDBOOK AND ECISD CODE OF CONDUCT CAN BE ACCESSED/VIEWED/PRINTED FROM THE OHS WEBSITE UNDER QUICK LINKS: http://www.ectorcountyisd.org/ode SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. pg. 14 pg. 15 pg. 16 Odessa High School 1301 N. Dotsy Ave, Odessa, Texas 79763 * Office: 432-456-0029, Fax 432-456-5264 Prom Guidelines and Information The Odessa Junior/Senior Prom has a long tradition of success, allowing students to celebrate and socialize in a safe and orderly environment. Historically, the Junior Class has been responsible for planning and operating the Prom. To ensure that the Junior Class is able to raise the revenue necessary to operate the prom, the following activities are designated as protected fundraisers: During their sophomore year, the class is the sole provider for water sales at graduation. During their junior year, the class will be the beneficiaries of spring picture sale revenues. They are also the beneficiaries of Valentine Gram Sales. These three (3) fundraisers are to be restricted to their use. The Prom is restricted to Odessa High School Juniors and Seniors. OHS Juniors and Seniors can invite other OHS Juniors or Seniors or OHS Sophomores. OHS Juniors and Seniors can also invite non-OHS students as long as they are in grades 10th or above at another public or private school or high school graduates as long as the guest is not over twenty (20) years of age on the day of the prom. OHS Sophomores cannot buy tickets nor attend without being invited by a junior or senior. OHS Juniors or Seniors desiring to invite any non-OHS student must complete the “Permission for Non-OHS students to Attend OHS Prom” form available in the main office. The deadline for approval will be the last Tuesday before the prom each year unless otherwise designated. Attendance at the prom can be restricted or revoked at any time a designated administrator believes the student’s presence at the prom compromises the safety and security of those attending the prom. The Campus Principal or designee will have the final authority over the operation of the prom in all capacities and can/may set a cap on budget by working with the committee. All questions should be directed first to the assistant principal responsible for the current Junior Class, then the Vice Principal and finally, the Campus Principal. *See the next page for the guest approval form. pg. 17 O d e s s a H i g h S c h o o l 1301 N. Dotsy St., Odessa, Texas 79763 * Office: 432-456-0029, Fax 432-456-5264 Permission for Non-OHS students to Attend OHS Prom Requirements and Restrictions: 1. No guest will be allowed to attend who is older than 20 years of age on the day of Prom. NO 21+ Year Olds! 2. No guest will be allowed to attend if they are a no show or if they withdrew from OHS this school year unless they are now enrolled at another public or private school (with ID and verification). GED programs do not qualify. 3. Guests who are in school MUST HAVE THE APPROPRIATE SECTION of this form COMPLETED, SIGNED, and FAXED directly from their school to OHS. 4. Guests who are graduates must be approved in advance, meet the age requirement; provide a copy of their Driver’s License and Proof of their Graduation as requested. 5. Guests must agree to comply with the rules and regulations as adopted by ECISD and OHS. 6. The deadline to request permission to attend is the Tuesday before the prom by 5:00 pm. 7. When arriving at the prom, guests must provide a Driver’s License or School ID. It will be checked against the approved list and restricted lists. Students must have their current OHS ID. To Be Completed By OHS Student Student’s First Name: Student’s Last Name: ID#: Grade: To Be Completed By The Guest Guest’s First Name: Guest’s Last Name: Driver License #: Guest’s Address: Guest’s City of Residence: Guest’s State of Residence: Guest’s Age: Guest’s Telephone: Guest’s Date of Birth: Guest’s School Status: ( One) In School or Graduate Guest’s School Name: Guest’s Signature and Agreement to Comply with All Above: Date: To Be Completed By The Guest’s School Administrator School Administrator: The student listed above is requesting permission to attend the Odessa High School Prom. Please verify by checking the following information to help determine approval to attend: The student is registered in your school YES NO The student is in good standing (behavior)? YES NO The student’s DISCIPLINARY RECORD IS CLEAR with NO DRUG, ALCOHOL, WEAPON or ASSAULT OFFENSES YES NO Administrator’s Name: Administrator’s Signature: To Be Completed By Odessa’s Associate Principal The Guest Is: APPROVED NOT APPROVED Ramon Berzoza, Associate Principal Signature: Date: Anyone attempting to attend the prom without a completed approval will be denied! Odessa High Administration. pg. 18 pg. 19 pg. 20 pg. 21 pg. 22 pg. 23 pg. 24 pg. 25 pg. 26 pg. 27 pg. 28 pg. 29 pg. 30 pg. 31 pg. 32 pg. 33 pg. 34 pg. 35 pg. 36 pg. 37 pg. 38 pg. 39 pg. 40 pg. 41 pg. 42 pg. 43