Annual Report - Fathers and Families Center


Annual Report - Fathers and Families Center
Affiliated with Eskenazi Health
Message from the CEO
and Chair of the Board
2014 was a whirlwind for the agency. We embarked on a strategic planning process that engaged participants, community leaders and key stakeholders to help craft the path for the next three years. We held
the 10th Annual Faces of Fatherhood luncheon to a full crowd; hosted a community conversation about
how to best support fathers of children with special needs and, perhaps most importantly, we assisted
over 1,500 fathers and fragile families to move towards economic stability and a better, brighter future.
Yet, we are reminded daily that our work is just as critical today as it was over twenty years ago. Unemployment, lack of education, the lure of the streets are still chronic reminders that agencies like Fathers and
Families Center are important havens of support and service particularly for African American men in
Marion County. In fact, we take great pride that we were recognized in the Mayor’s Task Force Report,
YOUR LIFE MATTERS, in which Fathers and Families Center was featured has a model that needs to be
supported and replicated and is truly part of THE solution for strong fathers, families and communities.
Wallace O. McLaughlin, Ph.D.
President / CEO
We are fortunate to see the fruit of our work everyday, as fathers emotionally, intellectually and physically
transform as they accomplish key milestones in their lives. They learn to be more engaged fathers; earn
their high school equivalency diploma and secure a job. With each success, their confidence builds and
they stand a little straighter and hold their head a little higher; becoming the man, the father and the
role model to their children that they can and should be.
Of course, these transformations cannot occur without our competent caring staff, Board of Directors,
partners, donors and friends. Your support of our efforts allows us to continue our efforts as change
agents for fathers and fragile families; and most importantly create a safe and affirming communities
for our children.
Kipper V. Tew, Esq.
Board Chair
Board of Directors 2014
Robert B. Baker, M.D.
Managed Health Services
John Kunzer, M.D.
Eskenazi Health
John A. Smith, Vice Chair
Not-for-profit consultant
Kathy Barnett, Secretary
IU Health Physicians
Wallace O. McLaughlin, Ph.D.,
Fathers& Families Center
Dwight Stinson
Stinson Metal Works
Brian Carter, Esq., Treasurer
Simon Property Group, Inc.
Kevin Griffen
Indianapolis Fire Department
Jonathan Payne, Esq
Ice Miller
Marshall D Shackelford
Mays Chemical Company
Kipper V. Tew, Esq., Chair
Krieg DeVault LLP
What We Do...
Our Mission
To build a noble legacy of fatherhood - assisting fathers in
achieving self-sufficiency and in strengthening families to
improve the life chances of children.
Our Vision
Each father we serve loves, supports, encourages and actively
participates in his family. Furthermore, each individual and
family we serve has a stable and healthy home environment
and a productive and fulfilling livelihood.
Our Services
Through its two locations, Fathers and Families
Center offers a comprehensive array of programs
and services for fathers and fragile families in
Marion County.
Fatherhood Development Workshop
This four week workshop, assists fathers and expectant
fathers develop the necessary skills to be positively engaged
in their lives of their children. This includes parenting, anger
management, communication, legal issues, job readiness
and more.
It Starts With You
FFC believes that the best family is a two parent family. The
It Starts With You program offers singles and couples classes
that focus on improving relationship skills that includes
parenting, conflict resoultion, financial management and
job readiness.
Dads Voice
This 16 week program assists fathers in navigating the
child welfare system through education, counseling and
court advocacy.
High School Equivalency Classes
With many participants coming to the agency needing
their high school diploma, FFC offers both day and evening
classes to help men and women obtain this critical key to
employability and economic self-sufficiency. Intensive
small group work and self directed instruction is provided
in the afternoon.
Employment Services
With close to 100% of participants un- or underemployed,
job readiness training and placement assistance is critically
needed. This includes effective job search and matching;
application and resume building; mock interviews and
retention support. Weekly job clubs and bi-annual job fairs,
directly connect participants with potential employers.
College and Career Preparation
As part of the education continuum, the College and Career
program helps participants with individualized counseling
in career and college exploration; financial aid services; as
well as accessing technical training certifications.
Counseling Services
In partnership with Fairbanks Hospital and Christian
Theological Seminary Counseling Center, participants can
access professional substance abuse, individual and marriage/
family counseling services at no cost.
Barrier Assistance
In-house supportive services provide participants with
intensive case management and assistance connected to
housing, mental and physical health, child care, transportation
and criminal histories.
For more information on our programs and services go to
Our Donors
Anthem Foundation
Wayne DeVeydt
Health Foundation of Indpls
Managed Health Services
of Marion County
Ivy Tech Community College
Drs. Michael & Donna Venturini
Anna Garrett
Golden Heart Caregivers
Goodwill Industries of Central IN
Ice Miller, LLP
Indpls Public Library-Infozone
IU National Center of Excellence
in Women’s Health
Ivy Tech Foundation
Matt Jonker
Katz, Sapper and Miller
Marion County Health and
12Hospital Corp.
Monique McWilliams
James Melton
Miles Minton
National Construction Workforce
Hudnall & Diane Pfeiffer
PNC Community Development
Marshall Shackelford
Short Strategy Group
James & Linda Trippi
UW of Bartholomew Cty
Carlton Waterhouse
Dept. of Health and Human
for Children and Families
Healthy Marriage Relationship
Lilly Endowment
United Way of Central Indiana
Citizens Energy Group
Ruth Lilly Philanthropic
Crime Prevention - Indianapolis
Drug Free Community Fund
Belkan Staffing Solutions
Eskenazi Health
Health and Hospital Corp of
12Marion County
William & Anita Hill
Jewell Human Services
Drs. John & Amanda Kunzer
Sarah Meadows
Bob & Kathy Ripperger
RND Foundation - a fund of
12the Indianapolis Foundation
Simon Property Group
Stephen & Betty Sterrett
Michael & Valerie Strohl
Binh Nguyen
American Venezualen
12Association Indiana
Dr. Robert Baker
Brian Carter
Leon Cook
Duke Realty
Michael Edwards
Jim Barkley
Kathy Barnett
Jeffery & Michelle Bellamy
Tina Brennan
Charles Corbin
Robert Demchak
Employee Combined Federal
Terrence Harper
Hedges & Associates
Rhonda Jones-Jointer
Dale Marmaduke
Peter & Cecilia Mattingly
Mays Chemical
Robert Mays, Jr.
John McEwen
Dr. & Mrs. McLaughlin
Patricia McVea-Flockhart
John & Dawn Moore
Joyce Okanty
Yvonne Perkins
James Perry
Walter & Patsy Pitts
Rodric Reid
Dawn Rhodes
N. Clay Robbins
John Stutsman
Donzell Moore
Sherry Moore
Marcus Murray
LaNita Nixon
Up to $250
Jackie Nytes
ARC of Indiana
Katrina Owens
Troy & Debra Arthur
Jonathan Payne
Aspen Impact
Paula Pettis-Garrett
Ucheno Akujuo
Plainfield Correctional Facility
Nicci Barksdale
Sally Brewer
Gregory Porter
Gary Beaulieu
Malene Prince
Mark Becher
Yolanda Pruitt Stonewall
Diane Burhannon
Raphael Health Center
Dr. Darrell Cain
Stephen Reynolds
Joanna Carlin
Belinda Richardson
Jessica Castellanos
David Riggs
Christ Church Cathedral
Clifford & Emily Robinson
Clarence Crain
Rushing Mighty Winds
Thelesia Crenshaw
Drewleigha Sarver
Misty Douglas
Jackie Shearer
Ashley Edwards
Christine Shepard
Ivan & Marcy Ekhaus
Della Skeen
First Internet Bank
Cherie Smith
Zenophia Fitzgerald
Jay Smith
Gordon Flick
Joanna Smith
Trent Garrett
Megan Spoonamoore
Trini Garrision
State Employees Community
Melanie Gatewood
Michael Gegner
Denny Stephens
Joe Giacoletti
Shaun Gubbins
Kipper Tew
Joseph Hanson
Tara Thornburg
Rhonda Harper
Gerald Trammell
Haven Focused LLC
Gwendolyn Hawkins
United Health Care
Richard Hayes
UW of Central Ohio
Carey Huber
UW of Metro Chicago
Uplift Church
Jonathon Hull
Charles & Catherine Husman Use What You Got Ministry
Thomas & Nancy Inui
Brent Vanderpool
Stephen Jefferson
Dr. & Mrs.Wagner
Dr. Robert Kirk
Robin Werner
Dr. E.H. Lamkin, Jr.
Wilmer West
Rita Lewis
Dyonda Williams
Scott Linneweber
Charles & Robbie Williams
Hon. Sheryl Lynch
Janelle Williams
Brandyce Malone
Todd Williams
Carlton Martin
Anthony Williamson
Dr. Barbara Wolf
Russell Mathes
John & Donna Yates
Melton Law Group
Norvell Young
Brian Millen
Teresa Zeigler
Nathanial Mitchell
CChanging Lives
for our fathers,
children and families in our Marion County communities
Basic Needs
2073 received food, clothing, personal care
items, rent and utility assistance
$307,000 of financial assistance was provided
to fathers and fragile families for housing,
transportation and other basic needs.
142 enrolled in education programs as a result
of case management services
130 received legal advice or counsel
246 enrolled in Fatherhood Development Workshop
668 men and women enrolled in Healthy Relationship
education class, “It Starts With You”
24 obtained their high school equivalency diploma
Employment Services
100 earned job skill credentials or certifications
as a result of job skills training
461 secured employment as a result of the
agency’s training and/or job search assistance
$11.24 was the average starting hourly wage
Health and Wellness
Addictions and Mental Health
400 health screens were provided
160 recieved therapeutic out-patient counseling
for substance abuse/addictions or mental health/
relationship issues
133 enrolled in Health Advantage insurance
Financial Snapshot
3% 1%
Special Events
Program Costs
Direct Client Costs
Total Revenue: $2,920,291
Total Expenses: $2,721,803
Help Us Make a Difference
There are three important ways that you can help:
1) Tell a friend about Fathers and Families Center – especially fathers who would benefit from our
programs and services;
2) Donate new or very gently used professional attire for men and women; and/or
3) Make a financial donation
Here’s some examples of your donation can make a difference:
• $50 – Provides for work clothes including work boots, PPE (personal protection equipment) or
professional attire so they can start that new job ready and able
• $100 – Covers the cost of the High School Equivalency Exam and a chance to improve their
• $150 – Provides barrier removal assistance for a family in
• $300 – Pays for tuition to our College Readiness Program,
so they can get a debt-free headstart towards college
• $500 – Helps a familiy with emergency housing assistance
for one month
What is the Legacy Society?
Membership in the Legacy Society is an opportunity for you to honor an outstanding father who has made a difference in your
life. Membership starts at $1,000. Contact Rodric Reid at (317) 921-5936 to learn more about ways to honor or memorialize
that special individual.
Engaging the Community
Luncheon, sponsored by Citizens Energy, was held
at the Conrad Hotel to a sold-out audience of 300. The
event raised over $50,000 - the largest amount raised
since its inception. The Heart of the Father awards,
sponsored by MHS, were presented to six outstanding
men from a range of Marion County communities.
From left to right: Dr. McLaughlin (President/CEO),
Derrin Slack, Anthony Price Williams, Mark Nicholson,
Craig Peterson, Wayne DeVeydt, Mike Lydick. and Dr.
Robert Baker (Vice President for Medical Affairs, MHS).
The second Fatherhood Conversation Series:
Fathers of Children with Special Needs was held
on November 15, 2014 at the Ivy Tech Corporate and Culinary
Center. National expert on siblings with disabiliites, Don Meyer,
the Founder of SibShops, started the morning with a moving
presentation on the importance of the sibling relationship
regardless of (dis) ability. He wrapped up the day by facilitating
a panel of siblings that shared the joys and challenges of their
relationship over the years.
Hosted by Zink Distributing, it was “Standing Room Only” at the
annual Employer Appreciation Reception held on
April 29, 2014. The reception recognizes employer partners who
provide participants, and particularly those with a criminal record,
an opportunity to prove themselves as they work towards economic
self-sufficiency for their families. Troy Riggs, Director of Public Safety,
served as the keynote speaker challenging all of us to become more
engaged in our communities.
Annual Arthur Johnson Basketball Tourney
brought friends and families together at the Wheeler
Community Center on November 1, 2014. Great competition
and sportsmanship was complimented by family friendly
activities of face-painting, balloons and lots and lots of pizza.
Affiliated with Eskenazi Health
2835 North Illinois Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46208
Phone: (317) 921-5935 Ex: 0
Fax: (317) 921-5954

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