A 3-‐D view of the galaxy-‐wide shock in Stephan`s Quintet
A 3-‐D view of the galaxy-‐wide shock in Stephan`s Quintet
A 3-‐D view of the galaxy-‐wide shock in Stephan’s Quintet Jorge Iglesias-‐Páramo InsCtuto de AstroDsica de Andalucía (CSIC) Luis López (IAC) José M. Vílchez (IAA) Vasiliki Petropoulou (IAA) Jack SulenCc (IAA) Properties of Stephan’s Quintet Stephan (1877) Properties of Stephan’s Quintet 3 galaxies with accordant radial velocities Stephan (1877) Properties of Stephan’s Quintet 3 galaxies with accordant radial velocities 1 foreground galaxy Stephan (1877) Properties of Stephan’s Quintet 3 galaxies with accordant radial velocities 1 new intruder galaxy Stephan (1877) 1 foreground galaxy Properties of Stephan’s Quintet 3 galaxies with accordant radial velocities 1 old intruder galaxy 1 new intruder galaxy Stephan (1877) 1 foreground galaxy Properties of Stephan’s Quintet 3 galaxies with accordant radial velocities 1 old intruder galaxy 1 new intruder galaxy Stephan (1877) 2 stellar tails (relics of interactions) 1 foreground galaxy Properties of Stephan’s Quintet 3 galaxies with accordant radial velocities 1 old intruder galaxy 1 new intruder galaxy Stephan (1877) 2 perturbed arms 2 stellar tails (relics of interactions) 1 foreground galaxy Properties of Stephan’s Quintet 3 galaxies with accordant radial velocities 2 perturbed arms 1 old intruder galaxy 2 stellar tails (relics of interactions) 1 new intruder galaxy 2 starbursts Stephan (1877) 1 foreground galaxy Properties of Stephan’s Quintet Extended X-ray and radio-continuum emissions indicate the existence of a shock (Pietsch et al. 1997, Sulentic et al. 2001, Xu et al. 2003, Trinchieri et al. 2005). Radio 20cm ROSAT HRI ROSAT HRI l Properties of Stephan’s Quintet Also observed at UV (GALEX), and IR (Spitzer) wavelengths Guillard et al. (2010) Properties of Stephan’s Quintet Also observed at IR (Spitzer) wavelengths: molecular emission without signatures of star formation (Appleton et al. 2006, Guillard et al. 2010, 2012). Guillard et al. (2010) Properties of Stephan’s Quintet Previous optical emission line studies of the ionized gas in the shock region [OII] Hβ [OIII] [OI] Hα +[NII] [SII] Xu et al. (2003) Properties of Stephan’s Quintet Previous optical emission line studies of the ionized gas in the shock region Oyhama et al. (1998) Properties of Stephan’s Quintet Mid-IR H2 emission shows no spectroscopic signatures of star formation (Guillard et al. 2009) The pre-shock gas shows a multiphase structure. Observations Observations with PMAS @ T3.5m CAHA 16 x 16 square elements (binned to 8 x 8 for the analysis) 1.0” sampling, 16” x 16” FOV R600 grating with R.A. 143.3º: [3810,5394]Å R.A. 146.1º: [5305,6809]Å Spectral resolution: ~3.6Å Observations Three pointings along the shock. 6.88kpc Results A 2x2 binning is performed for the analysis (results in 64 spectra per pointing and better signal-to-noise) Results A 2x2 binning is performed for the analysis (results in 64 spectra per pointing and better signal-to-noise) Results A 2x2 binning is performed for the analysis (results in 64 spectra per pointing and better signal-to-noise) Results A 2x2 binning is performed for the analysis (results in 64 spectra per pointing and better signal-to-noise) Results Emission dominated by 2 bright HII regions 6650Å < λ < 6750Å Results Emission dominated by: 1 HII region & diffuse complex emission 6650Å < λ < 6750Å Results Emission dominated by complex emission. 6650Å < λ < 6750Å Results Line fitting: with MPEXPFIT. Complex kinematical structure: several blended components. But, how many? Results Line fitting: with MPEXPFIT. Complex kinematical structure: several blended components. How many? Results Line fitting: with MPEXPFIT. Complex kinematical structure: several blended components. How many? Results Results Results Results Emission dominated by 2 bright HII regions 6650Å < λ < 6750Å Results 1 component HII-like spectrum v = 5670.9 km/s σ = 38.7 km/s [OIII]λ5007Å/Hβ = 1.94 [NII]λ6583Å/Hα = 0.3 Results Emission dominated by: 1 HII region & diffuse complex emission 6650Å < λ < 6750Å Results 2 components Low-velocity comp. v = 5918.1 km/s σ = 109.5 km/s [OIII]λ5007Å/Hβ = --[NII]λ6583Å/Hα = 0.94 High-velocity comp. v = 6349.8 km/s σ = 196.0 km/s [OIII]λ5007Å/Hβ = --[NII]λ6583Å/Hα = 0.24 Results Emission dominated by complex emission. 6650Å < λ < 6750Å Results 2 components Low-velocity comp. v = 6126.9 km/s σ = 196.0 km/s [OIII]λ5007Å/Hβ = --[NII]λ6583Å/Hα = 0.62 High-velocity comp. v = 6770.4 km/s σ = 196.0 km/s [OIII]λ5007Å/Hβ = --[NII]λ6583Å/Hα = 0.05 Results Low-velocity comp., f(Hα) 0.1 6.7 13.4 10-16 erg s-1 cm-2 Low-velocity comp., vrad 20 5500 5875 6250 km s-1 6625 7000 Results High-velocity comp., f(Hα) 0.1 6.7 13.4 10-16 erg s-1 cm-2 High-velocity comp., vrad 20 5500 5875 6250 km s-1 6625 7000 Results Pointing S Results Pointing S Most spectra consistent with a single component with recession velocity similar to that of NGC7318b (new intruder). Results Pointing S Most spectra consistent with a single component with recession velocity similar to that of NGC7318b (new intruder). Bright spaxels show velocity dispersion consistent with star forming regions. Results Pointing S Most spectra consistent with a single component with recession velocity similar to that of NGC7318b (new intruder). Bright spaxels show velocity dispersion consistent with star forming regions. [NII]6583/Hα ≤ 0.4 for the bright spaxels. SF models (Dopita et al.) Shock models (Allen et al.) Low velocity High velocity Results Pointing S Most spectra consistent with a single component with recession velocity similar to that of NGC7318b (new intruder). Bright spaxels show velocity dispersion consistent with star forming regions. [NII]6583/Hα ≤ 0.4 for the bright spaxels. SF models (Dopita et al.) Shock models (Allen et al.) Low velocity High velocity Results Pointing M Results Pointing M Most spectra consistent with two components with velocities 5800<v<6300km/s (increasing towards the North-West) and ~6700km/s. Results Pointing M Most spectra consistent with two components with velocities 5800<v<6300km/s (increasing towards the North-West) and ~6700km/s. Low velocity dispersion of the bright spaxel (~25km/ s) and >50km/s for the rest. Results Pointing M Most spectra consistent with two components with velocities 5800<v<6300km/s (increasing towards the North-West) and ~6700km/s. Low velocity dispersion of the bright spaxel (~25km/ s) and >50km/s for the rest. [NII]6583/Hα low (high) for the high- (low-) velocity component. Results Pointing M Most spectra consistent with two components with velocities 5800<v<6300km/s (increasing towards the North-West) and ~6700km/s. Low velocity dispersion of the bright spaxel (~25km/ s) and >50km/s for the rest. [NII]6583/Hα low (high) for the high- (low-) velocity component. SF models (Dopita et al.) Shock models (Allen et al.) Low velocity High velocity Results Pointing M Most spectra consistent with two components with velocities 5800<v<6300km/s (increasing towards the North-West) and ~6700km/s. Low velocity dispersion of the bright spaxel (~25km/ s) and >50km/s for the rest. [NII]6583/Hα low (high) for the high- (low-) velocity component. SF models (Dopita et al.) Shock models (Allen et al.) Low velocity High velocity Results Pointing N Results Pointing N Most spectra consistent with two components with velocities at ~6100km/s and ~6700km/s. Low signalto-noise towards the West. Results Pointing N Most spectra consistent with two components with velocities at ~6100km/s and ~6700km/s. Low signalto-noise towards the West. High velocity dispersion (>100km/s) for most spaxels in both components. Results Pointing N Most spectra consistent with two components with velocities at ~6100km/s and ~6700km/s. Low signalto-noise towards the West. High velocity dispersion (>100km/s) for most spaxels in both components. [NII]6583/Hα low (high) for the high- (low-) velocity component. Results Pointing N Most spectra consistent with two components with velocities at ~6100km/s and ~6700km/s. Low signalto-noise towards the West. High velocity dispersion (>100km/s) for most spaxels in both components. [NII]6583/Hα low (high) for the high- (low-) velocity component. SF models (Dopita et al.) Shock models (Allen et al.) Low velocity High velocity Results Pointing N Most spectra consistent with two components with velocities at ~6100km/s and ~6700km/s. Low signalto-noise towards the West. High velocity dispersion (>100km/s) for most spaxels in both components. [NII]6583/Hα low (high) for the high- (low-) velocity component. SF models (Dopita et al.) Shock models (Allen et al.) Low velocity High velocity Results The ionized components could be the links between the disconnected HI filaments reported in Williams et al. (2002). Results Hwang et al. (2012) Is this result consistent with the expected metallicities of the HI filaments? Results The oxygen abundances derived for individual HII regions (in this work and in the literature) suggest that this could be the case. Hwang et al. (2012) 8.45 8.61 8.50 Concluding remarks A spectroscopic study of the shock in Stephan’s Quintet has revealead the existence of two kinematical components associated to this region. The low-velocity component shows a velocity gradient from 5700 to 6200km/s and could be the link between the HI filaments NW-LV and SW. (Originally part of NGC7318b?) The high-velocity component shows a velocity consistent with NW-HV. (Originally part of NGC7319?, primordial filament?). We need higher spectral resolution bi-dimensional spectra with higher signal-to-noise ratio: MEGARA @ GTC, HEXA (CAHA) are promissing facilities that will provide best-quality data to study these structures in more detail.
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