Powerpoint - Brazil (UPDATED LESSON


Powerpoint - Brazil (UPDATED LESSON
Here is an overview of some of Brazil’s major cities:
We’ll look both at physical and human geography.
Photos courtesy of Deni Williams, Rafael Acorsi and rvcroffi @flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence - attribution Photos courtesy of BBM Explorer, Digo_Souza and razvan.orendovici @flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence - attribution Photos courtesy of filipecastilhos, atramos maltman23 and fundocter - granted under creative commons licence - attribution Photos courtesy of Adam Jones, Ph.D. - Global Photo Archive, Fotos GOVBA , Rodrigo_Soldon, mercadoviagens.com, akasped and Marco Mugnatto - granted under creative commons licence - attribution Activity 2: research Brazil’s physical and
human geography.
We will be comparing some aspects of Brazil’s
geography with our own.
You can find this PowerPoint on the Year 5 Rudston
Now let’s look at some of Brazil’s famous people:
Photo courtesy of Apenas Imagens 2 / Marília Almeida - granted under creative commons licence - attribution "Football against poverty 2014 -­‐ Ronaldo" by Ludovic Péron -­‐ Own work. Licensed under CreaCve Commons AFribuCon-­‐Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons Photos courtesy of familymwr and globalite @flickr.com) -­‐ granted under creaCve commons licence -­‐ aFribuCon Photos courtesy of InsCtuto Ayrton Senna, ph-­‐stop, OliverN5 andakasped @flickr.com) -­‐ granted under creaCve commons licence -­‐ aFribuCon