michaels - The Michaels Organization
michaels - The Michaels Organization
spring 2013 { } Developments Together We Build Communities @michaels Fish Tales & Other Stories for Employees of The Michaels Organization Forty years ago, Michael J. Levitt founded MDC and IRM with one simple idea: “Build Trust.” { From John’s Desk With Thanks to our Winning Team ebrated more than just our professional achievements together, but also our personal ones. Over the years, we’ve shared each other’s happiness—marriages, births, graduations, grandkids— and comforted each other through hard times, just like all families do. In fact, it’s the support during the most difficult times that makes you realize just how important our team is to one another on a personal level. “Do you play softball?” It wasn’t exactly a question I was expecting during my job interview but that is the question Jim Bleiler asked. Luckily, I could answer yes. I got the position of shortstop on Michael’s softball team and the job that went along with it —Regional Accounting Manager (RAM) for Interstate Realty Management. That was 25 years ago. I look back now and I can hardly believe that so much time has passed. There are many of us, not just me, who have literally “grown” up with The Michaels Organization. We have cel- Mike Levitt says all the time that this organization is about the team and that we’re “family.” That is the atmosphere he set out to create when he started his companies, and that is the atmosphere that we still encourage here today. It’s who we are and it’s what makes us unique in today’s environment. Now that Mike has entrusted me with leading The Michaels Organization, I feel that it is my core responsibility to provide opportunity for personal and professional growth to all the teammates in our Michaels family. Opportunity just like I had—to take on new challenges, to discover new aspects of the business, to innovate, and perhaps, most importantly, to learn lessons from those times when things don’t necessarily work out. The amazing growth that we’ve achieved can be attributed to our team—to the talent we’ve been able to recruit and nurture—and to the support we’ve given each other through good times and bad. This growth is a great source of pride for all of us, and it also means that our team today has more opportunity than ever for promotions and increased responsibilities. I am grateful for all the opportunities that Mike Levitt has given me through the years and I am grateful to each and every one of you for your hard work, dedication, and commitment to The Michaels Organization. I think back to those softball games and I remember what Babe Ruth used to say about teams. “The way a team plays together as a team determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play well together the club won’t be worth a dime.” Thanks for being a great bunch of individuals and the best team in the business. Here’s to the next 25 years! John O’Donnell President The Michaels Organization 2 { F r o m Ava ’ s D e s k What’s Development Got in Common with Hollywood Movies? Some Lessons Learned Let’s set the scene—it was the Annual Holiday Party of 2012. John O’Donnell, The Michaels Organization’s President and Chief Operating Officer, had graciously just introduced me as the next President of The Michaels Development Company. I used the occasion to describe the role of an affordable housing developer. “It’s just like being a Hollywood movie producer— pulling together the financing, hiring the creative talent—without the glamour!” How true that is. A couple of decades ago, while employed by a housing finance agency in Atlantic City, NJ, I spent an afternoon with a California developer at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia (hmm, I suspect playing hooky from work!). Up on the top floor of this renowned science museum was an interactive display on 18th Century commerce. Sitting at a desktop computer, we were invited to pretend to be transatlantic merchants, sending raw materials to England for processing into consumer products to be resold to the colonies. The question: would we buy ships, sailors, and goods (A) solely using our own funds; (B) using only the funds of colonial investors; or (C) using a combination of our own funds and those of the investors. My developer friend guessed (B), I guessed (C). What was the right answer? Why, (B), of course, those 18th century entrepreneurs who solely used the pounds sterling of their banker friends were the most successful. The same lesson seems to apply to movie producers and affordable housing developers. Did the producer of “Iron Man 3” use Wall Street money or his own to finance those special effects? Wall Street funds, I suspect. Do the most financially successful affordable housing developers invest their own equity or rely on banks and insurance companies? As we know from our own experience, financial risk is best absorbed by “other people’s money”. By the way, top grossing doesn’t equal most financially successful. The films with the highest gross revenues in 2012 were “Marvel Avengers” ($623 million), “The Dark Knight Rises”, and the “Hunger Games”. Yet, the only 2012 movie to make the all-time Top 20 list of most profitable movies was “The Devil Inside”. The return on investment on its $1 million price tag was $99.6 million. The plot of this box office smash by the way is described as, “In Italy, a woman becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother who allegedly murdered three people during her own exorcism.” Can’t say that I’m sorry that I missed seeing that one! Which leads to my last point. Of course, financial success doesn’t equal quality. Many a movie producer has poured his or her life savings into a deeply satisfying, hidden gem of a film that hardly anyone saw and didn’t earn a dime. On the other hand, movies such as “Lincoln”, “Argo” and “Silver Linings Playbook” (12, 22, and 23, respectively on Box Office Mojo’s list of 2012 top grossers), were both critically acclaimed and, I assume, earned profits for their producers. Lessons learned? As an affordable housing developer, it’s good to make money, especially with other people’s money, smaller communities can be more financially successful than larger ones, and quality counts. Quality, of course, relies on the creative team, which will be the topic of my next column. Ava Goldman President Michaels Development Company 3 { Human Resources Live Well Work Well company’s medical plan, you are eligible to participate in the Thank you for your attention and cooperation during this “Passport to Health”. year’s open enrollment. As you know, we have new insurance carriers for our medical plan (Aetna) and prescription This year’s “Passport to Health” program will operate very drug plan (Express Scripts) effective June 1. If you particisimilar to last year. If you reach 100 points, you save towards pate in these plans, you should have by now received your your medical plan contribution and if you reach 150 points, new insurance identification cards at your home address. you will also earn 4 hours personal time off. If by chance you did not receive your cards, or if you have continues on next page any benefits related PROGRAM ACTIVITIES questions, now or in the future, please contact our COMPLETE ANY COMBINATION OF ACTIVITIES BELOW TO EARN YOUR REWARDS. Benefit Services Team at ACTIVITY POINTS COST MILESTONE DATE(S) COMPLETED 800-563-9929. Now that open enrollment is behind us, it is now time to turn our attention to our Building Better Lives Wellness Program for the new plan year. Our leadership team at Michaels is very committed to this program. We are happy to report that the Building Better Lives program has been quite successful and is having a positive impact on the health and lives of many employees, as well as the company as a whole…literally: lives have been saved through preventative screenings and coaching sessions! As we did last benefits plan year, we will have a “Passport to Health” program that is managed for us by Attentive Health. During the month of June, you will receive your “Passport to Health” materials from your manager so you may become familiar with this program. Even if you do not participate in the Goal-Setting Meeting 50 $0 a 20-minute call with health coach Non-Tobacco Affidavit OR Complete “Quit for Life” Program 25 $0 complete affidavit or program for credit Biometric Screening 25 $0 (blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol, etc.) get a screening done at work or a lab in SEPTEMBER DUE BY: DEC 31, 2013 (receipt required) DUE BY: SEPT 30, 2013 COMPLETE *BOTH* OF THESE ITEMS & ALSO EARN A $50 GIFT CARD FROM AETNA! Aetna Personal Health Survey 25 $0 confidential survey on Aetna website Aetna Online Wellness Program 25 $0 complete a program on (**topics**) Attentive Health Coaching 10 each $0 20-minute meetings scheduled by phone Attentive Health Fitness Log 1 pt each $0 1 Passport point per Fitness Log point (receipt required) Gym Visits & Fitness Classes 1 pt each varies 1 point per gym visit or fitness class (receipt required) Michaels Wellness Challenge 25 $0 participate for all 6 weeks - FALL 2013 Other Approved Program 25 varies pre-approval required (Weight Watchers, ABC Diabetes, etc.) (up to 30) (up to 30) (up to 50) (receipt required) PREVENTIVE CARE * GET CREDIT FOR ALL SCREENINGS SINCE 4/15/2013 * ACTIVITY Annual Physical / Well-Visit POINTS COST 25 $0 (or copay if treated for illness) Dental Hygiene Exam* 10 each (varies by dentist & insurance) (since 1/1/2013) (up to 20) DATE(S) COMPLETED (receipt required) (receipt required) (receipt required) Eye Exam* 15 (varies by doctor & insurance) (receipt required) Flu Shot* 15 $0 (receipt required) Pap Smear (females)* 15 $0 (receipt required) Mammogram (females, age 40+)* 15 $0 (receipt required) Prostate Screening (males, age 50+)* 15 $0 (receipt required) Colorectal Cancer Screening (age 50+)* 15 $0 (receipt required) Other Preventive Care Screening* 15 $0 (receipt required) 4 21 WW { Human Resources However, this year’s program will have a few very positive changes. If you complete the Aetna Health Survey online and complete one Aetna on-line wellness program, you will receive a $50 gift card from Aetna. Your covered spouse may also participate and another $50 gift card may be earned. Also, for those of you who smoke or have covered spouses who are smokers, you can still earn passport points to qualify for the medical contribution discount for the next plan year, as well at the personal time off hours and the gift cards. This provides the opportunity for our smokers to participate in our healthy rewards activities. Again, be on the lookout for your “Passport to Health” materials from your manager during the month of June. My best wishes for a happy and healthy year ahead! Be sure to see the print and save employee resources information at the end of this newsletter! Ea r ly O u t f o r S u m m e r 2 0 1 3 Once again, employees may work flexible hours to allow departure as early as 3:00 pm on Fridays over the summer. This will give everyone the chance to start some of the weekends in the summer a littler earlier. The flexible hours began May 31 and end August 30. Those leaving early on Friday must work a full schedule. The method for accomplishing this is at the discretion of immediate supervisor/management and may include starting early, taking no lunch, etc. All departments or properties must maintain 50% staff coverage through 5:00 p.m. every Friday, so employees should work with their direct supervisors if they’d like to take advantage of this benefit this summer. The Michaels Organization wishes all of our employees a happy and safe summer! 401K Open Enrollment It is currently open enrollment time for The Michaels Organization’s 401K retirement plan. The deadline to enroll for the quarter ending July 1 is June 27. The next open enrollment will be in September for the October 1 deadline. The Michaels Organization encourages all of our eligible employees to take advantage of this plan, which is designed as an added incentive for our valued employees to save toward their retirement. As well as your own savings, The Michaels Organization provides a contribution. To be eligible to participate, you must have one year of service, be at least 21 years old, and work a minimum of 1,000 hours a year. Employees may join the plan on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year upon meeting these age and service requirements. You can apply online through the Great West Retirement Services website (www.gwrs.com) after receiving a letter of eligibility from Great West at your home address that includes your pin. For more information, contact Kristine Dunn at 856-355-2538 or [email protected] or call Great West Financial Services Customer Service at 1-800-3384015. Bob Witkoski is new Director of Human Resources Bob Witkoski has joined The Michaels Organization as Director of Human Resources. Bob is working closely with Donna Jack in the delivery of human resources programs in a variety of areas with emphasis on employee relations, management training, compliance, performance, recruitment and compensation management. Bob will also act as an information source for managers and employees, handling workplace concerns and employee relations matters. Bob comes to Michaels with a very strong background in Human Resources. He previously held senior level HR positions at large and diverse companies such as M*Model and Inrange Technologies Corporation. He holds a BS in Business Management from Widener University and is a Senior Certified Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). 5 { Kudos Hawaii’s Kuhio Park Wins National Award for Excellence in Multifamily Housing Development The National Affordable Housing Management Association, a leading trade group for the affordable housing industry, has bestowed its national “Vanguard Award,” to Michaels Development Company and partners, The Hawaii Public Housing Authority and The Vitus Group, for the substantial rehabilitation of The Towers at Kuhio Park, Hawaii’s largest public housing community. Kuhio Park, Baxter Park Honored with Tax Credit of Excellence Awards Baxter Park, a new mixed-income development in Newark, NJ, received an Honorable Mention Tax Credit of Excellence Award in the Metropolitan/Urban category. Morris Warner, development director for the Newark Housing Authority, was presented the award at the luncheon. Newark Housing Authority selected Michaels Development Company as its private sector partner for Baxter Park, which is considered a milestone in the continuing revitalization of Newark. The Vanguard Awards recognize excellence in newly developed or significantly rehabbed affordable multifamily housing communities that showcase quality design and financing and that demonstrate exceptional creative and innovative solutions to affordable housing challenges. The Towers at Kuhio Park took top honors in the category for Major Rehabilitation of an Existing Rental Housing Community. The $135 million revitalization of Hawaii’s largest public housing community was particularly praised for the comprehensiveness and efficiency of the rehabilitation, and for its creative handling of in-place relocation for its residents. The Vanguard Awards will be presented at an awards luncheon June 19 in San Francisco. The Vanguard is just the latest in a series of Awards already won for the Towers of Kuhio Park. Earlier this year, NAIOP-Hawaii named it a “Project of the Year.” The awards program recognizes excellence in Hawaii’s commercial real estate industry. And, Build Hawaii, an awards program that showcases the best of the best construction projects in the state, recognized the revitalization of The Towers with an Award of Merit. Bob Greer Honored for Lifetime Achievement (again!) MDC President Ava Goldman (far right), along with MDC President Emeritus Bob Greer. Jack Casey from Meridian Investments, Inc. and Joe Purcell, The Michaels Organization’s CFO, accepts a Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Award of Excellence (Honorable Mention) on behalf of Hawaii’s Kuhio Park, which was recognized for its superior achievement in Public Housing revitalization at an awards ceremony on Capitol Hill on May 22. A Legislative assistant to Hawaii Congresswoman Hanabusa presented the award to our group. The national awards program, sponsored by the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition, celebrates the best in affordable rental housing development. Bob Greer, now President Emeritus of Michaels Development Company after retiring in December 2012, continues to receive recognition for his contributions to the affordable housing industry. His latest honor is a Lifetime Achievement Award bestowed by the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition, one of the affordable housing industry’s leading advocacy groups. Bob was recognized on May 22 at a Luncheon Awards Ceremony on Capitol Hill. 6 { Special Notice From Kudos Employee Resources The IRM’s Tamaqua District (affectionately known as the “Lean on Me” or LOM District) in PA started a grass roots safety program. Throughout the last six months site staff have been instructed on various safety techniques and procedures. The LOM District’s following sites have been awarded for their safe practices. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Payroll Goes Green Beginning August 9, all employees of The Michaels Organization who currently receive their paychecks through direct deposit will be able to access their paycheck stubs on line through a new system called Ipay. The 24/7 access to your pay statements as well as your W-2 form, will eliminate the need for hard copy pay information to be distributed every two weeks. Right now, almost 90 percent of our employees participate in direct deposit. If you are one of the 10 percent still receiving an actual paycheck, now is a good time to consider switching to direct deposit so that you can participate in the new Ipay system and have immediate access to your money every payday by 9 a.m. Employees who choose not to participate in direct deposit will have their paychecks mailed to their home address— they will no longer be distributed at the work site—so please be sure your current home address is on file with Human Resources and the payroll department. Over the next few weeks the Payroll department will be providing more information and detailed instructions on how to enroll for this new iPay benefit. The forms for direct deposit enrollment can be accessed now from The Michaels Institute forms section or from your payroll administrator. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ outstanding newS Coal Township Elderly Lansford Townhouses Lehighton Elderly Mahanoy Elderly Wood’s Edge Earns Community of Quality Award Woods Edge Apartments has been named a 2013 Community of Quality by the National Affordable Housing Management Association. Congratulations to all our Woods Edge teammates for this great accomplishment and national recognition of their excellence. Mallard Run Apartments Meadowood Apartments Milton Village Orchard Apartments Shirley Futch Apartments Village Park Apartments Wyndcliffe House Apartments Savoy Square in the Spotlight—Again! Savoy Square at Legends South had the honor of being the host site of a Mayor’s Roundtable on April 20, when a new “Plan Forward” was announced by The Chicago Housing Authority. The new strategy is a followup to the city’s historic “Plan for Transformation,” which was the impetus for revitalizing public housing throughout Chicago. Michaels Development Company and Interstate Realty Management have been proud partners with the CHA in that effort over the past 10 years. This is the second time that a Mayor has selected Savoy Square as a venue for a major event. Last year, former Mayor Daley stopped at Savoy Square as part of his Farewell Tour to the city. 7 { C o v e r S t o ry Celebrating 40 years of Housing Excellence introducing a resident scholarship program. The organization has also continued to look for ways to grow and prosper and to offer even more services; for example, syndicating our own tax credits or starting our own construction company, or buying the portfolios of other owners. Now we are expanding our expertise in new sectors of the housing industry such as on campus and off-campus student housing communities. We are also looking at mixed-income and mixed-use development and management deals that would allow all of our companies to work together on complicated, sweeping developments. In 1973, Michael J. Levitt created two companies, Michaels Development Company and Interstate Realty Management, with one simple idea: “Build Trust.” Forty years later, the organization that bears his name remains committed to “doing what we say we’re going to do.” We are proud of the culture that Michael gave us, one that embraces innovation, financial stewardship, and the entrepreneurial spirit. We are proud of the relationships we’ve built with our partners, our investors, our residents, and the communities where we own and manage residential communities. We are proud of our current generation of leaders who are committed to Michael’s core values, and most especially we are proud of all of our team mates—who work every day on our sites across the country and within our corporate office, to create great housing communities that are managed to stand the test of time and to enrich the lives of our residents. All of the growth and success that has marked the history of The Michaels Organization can be credited to the trust placed in us by our partners, our investors, and our residents. We’ve earned that trust because of our integrity, our commitment, and our passion for “doing well by doing good.” Most all of, we’ve earned it because of the excellent work our team—our Michaels family—has accomplished over the past 40 years. Over the past four decades, the companies of The Michaels Organization has led innovation— whether it was in resident supportive services or It’s an exciting time for The Michaels Organization, and we look forward to the next 40 years! TMO52413B_TMO52413B 5/24/13 11:56 AM Page 1 Together We Build Communities The reason we're so successful is the people, the relationships, and because we do what we say we're going to do. --John J. O’Donnell, President, The Michaels Organization THE 1973 Michaels Development Company and Interstate Realty Management are founded MICHAELS ORGAN I Z AT I O N : 4 0 Y E A R S 1974 O F H O U S I N G 1996 Continental Mortgage is launched, an FHA-approved mortgage finance company 1999 Michaels is first affordable housing company to offer scholarships to residents 1989 Interstate Realty Management establishes resident social services 2010 2004 Michaels wins its first HOPE VI 1991 E X C E L L E N C E Michaels is named NAHB Multifamily Development Firm of the Year Michaels Military Housing is launched with first assignment: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Michaels begins developing Student Housing Michaels begins syndicating its own tax credits 2012 University Student Living is launched IRM is named NAHB Property Management Co. of the Year Michael J. Levitt is named to the Affordable Housing Hall of Fame 2013 2006 Michaels starts fullservice construction company Michaels forms strategic partnership with Better Tomorrows, a non-profit first incubated as IRM's social services department Michaels: 8 companies, 100,000 residents 8 { The Mike in Michaels “Our Whole Business is Our Team” —Michael J. Levitt, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Michaels Organization After college graduation, Michael J. Levitt planned to go to law school, but a part-time job with his Dad’s real estate company sent him in a different direction. By 1961, the young entrepreneur was in business, owning a construction company with a dear family friend that was so successful, 10 years later it was purchased by one of the largest public home building companies in the country. In 1973, Michael founded the first two of the eight companies that would become “The Michaels Organization,” now a family of integrated but independent operating companies. Over those 40 years since Michaels Development Company and Interstate Realty Management were established, the companies of The Michaels Organization have created thousands of quality homes and offered meaningful services to more than 100,000 people, and have enriched communities across the country. What does Michael consider the secret to his success? “Our whole business is our team,” says Michael, whose talent for assembling the best team in the industry has led to sustained growth for all of our companies, through the ups and downs of the economy and the housing market over the past 40 years. What else is in Michael’s “secret sauce?” Hard work. “You have got to work hard, and you’ve got to love what you do.” Levitts: The Next Generation Michael and Pat Levitt welcomed their newest beautiful granddaughter, Irie Parker Bocchino, to the world on April 24. She’s the first child of proud parents, AJ and Phoebe Bocchino. The family is doing well and enjoying time with their new baby girl. Like Father, Like Son Michael Levitt’s son, Denny, a history buff and long-time trustee for The Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial, has recently been appointed as the Board’s chairman. As Chairman, one of Denny’s first initiatives was to establish an annual scholarship awards program available to high school students residing in Camden, NJ. The scholarship program will distribute ten $1,000 college scholarships annually over the next ten years, totaling $100,000. The Michaels Organization’s independent educational consultant, Dr. Bruce Johnson, assisted the Museum in setting up its scholarship program. Denny said he was interested in creating the scholarship program as a way to give back to the City of Camden, home to the Battleship, which first launched from the Philadelphia Naval yard in December 1942. Now fully restored, the Battleship New Jersey has been operated as a Museum since 2001. 9 { m i l i ta ry m at t e r s First Delivery of the Last Phase of Ft. Leavenworth Homes Gets Under Way Fort Leavenworth Frontier Heritage Communities is taking delivery of the first group of new homes in the last new neighborhood being developed by Michaels Development Company as part of its initial privatization plan with the Army. These beautiful new single family homes are being constructed by one of the leading builders in Kansas, Hearthside Homes, under the supervision of Prestige Building Company. Using a local homebuilder to construct the homes for our military residents was a strategy first em- • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • 3-bedroom home designed for senior NCOs, company and field grade officers. ployed at Ft. Huachuca’s Mountain Vista Communities. Michaels Military Housing President Ron Hansen saw this strategy as a way to create local jobs. Just like at Mountain Vista Communities, Ft. Leavenworth families just love these new homes. Hearthside Homes has been thrilled with the work and have delivered beautiful homes that are customized for military families, including extra storage space. Meanwhile, our own Prestige Building Company has been managing the construction process and helping the local builder navigate compliance with all Army and federal regulations. Prestige is also serving as the general contractor for home renovations on Ft. Leavenworth. It’s been a winwin for all involved and Ft. Leavenworth is keeping its reputation as the “Best Hometown in the Army.” Construction Site Prestige Building Company is busy at Ft. Leavenworth supervising the construction of the last new homes to be built on the post as part of the From Left to Right: Brett Smith; Project Manager, Jody Jans; Administrative Assistant / BOM Coordinator, Shawn Rose; Superintendent, Richard Garner; Superintendent, Dave Ketchum; Carpenter, Paul Meese; Carpenter, Terry Lyle; Carpenter, Brian Hinson; Carpenter, Kevin Williams; Carpenter, Johnnie Burford; Painter Initial Development Plan for Privatization. Our crew took a breather recently to pose for this photo. 10 { Developing Stories New Haven Celebrates Rockview Groundbreaking On April 9 in New Haven, Connecticut, The Housing Authority of the City of Haven (HANH) and The Michaels Development Company, held a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the long-awaited start of the second phase of the West Rock Redevelopment, Rockview Terrace. The new $33 million, 77-unit mixed income development, with all new roads and infrastructure will replace the old Rockview which consisted of 195 units of low income public housing. In 2003, the units were demolished and families were relocated. Its a Great Day in Charm City with the start of O’Donnell Heights Redevelopment Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was the guest of honor at the ceremonial groundbreaking for the first phase of redevelopment at O’Donnell Heights in Baltimore, Maryland on April 9. Once complete, the 62-acre site will be a dynamic community with over 900 new affordable and market rate townhomes and apartment flats and over six acres of new parks and green space. Phase I includes 76 residential units as well as new roads and public infrastructure. Shirley Banks, a long-time resident of Rockview addressed the crowd saying, “I am so very happy to know that this has finally happened. I have been waiting since 2002 to move back to Rockview and didn’t believe it ever would.” Ms. Banks and her family moved to Rockview in 1990 and were among the families that relocated in 2003. Ten years later she is looking forward to being able to call it home once again. MDC Vice President Peter Wood hosted the New Haven groundbreaking. The Transformation of Cypress Landing Marked by Ground Breaking Celebration On February 26, Parish and federal officials gathered to mark the transformation of deteriorating multifamily housing formerly known as University Oaks into a modern, sustainable affordable housing community reborn for the 21st Century. Located near the Southern University of Shreveport, the buildings were first constructed in the 1970s. Developed by MDC in partnership with the Housing Authority of Shreveport, Prestige Building Company is serving as the general contractor. Prestige Affordable Housing Equity Partners, LLC, syndicated the tax credits for the $11.5 million rehabilitation effort. With the renovations almost complete, IRM are already busy taking applications, and a grand opening celebration will take place sometime this summer. 11 { Grand Opening Mayor Cory Booker Headlines Grand Opening Celebration for Newark’s Baxter Park “We are so proud to stand here today and debut this beautiful housing community and the wonderful amenities that will make such a significant difference in the lives of our Newark residents,” said Mayor Cory Booker, who was among the dignitaries participating in the official ribbon-cutting ceremony for Baxter Park this past February. “We are confident that this new modern housing, which will appeal to families with a broad range Children from a neighborhood preschool helped celebrate the grand opening by doing a song about James Baxter, a famed Newark Educator for whom the community is named. of housing needs and incomes, as well as significant new retail opportunities, will be a continuing catalyst for the rebirth of this entire neighborhood,” Booker said. Developed by the Newark Housing Authority, in partnership with Michaels Development Company, the Baxter Park development offers 90 rental apartments in two, four-story elevator buildings along Wellington Way in the historic University Heights neighborhood, connecting the University communities to the Downtown University Cultural District and the Broad Street Station District. Amenities include a community room and a computer lab, as well as 3,000-square feet of street-level retail space. Mayor Cory Booker 12 { Ma n ag e m e n t R e p o rt S Community Building Major Focus for Legends South Team The Management team at Chicago’s Legends South along with Resident Services hosts quarterly Resident Community meetings. We regularly collaborate with community leaders, educational institutions and local organizations to bring an expansive array of resources to our residents. These meetings are facilitated to address the issues and concerns of our residents. These regular gatherings have proven to be an excellent opportunity to bridge the different program types (i.e. Tax-Credit, Market-Rate and Public Housing). Each meeting averages 30-50 residents, and It serves as an excellent opportunity for residents to exchanges ideas and to learn from each other. Recently, Legends hosted its first Resident Community meeting for the 2013 year. There were 40 residents who participated. The residents received a wealth of information and resources about Summer Youth Employment, Renters’ Insurance, Basics of Forming a Block Club, Employment Related Opportunities, Community Gardening, Zumba Exercise Class and Self-Defense Class for older adults. Presenters included Alderman Pat Dowell, the Community Liaison form the 2nd District Police Department, representatives from the Chicago Botanic Garden and representatives from Centers for New Horizons. Centers for New Horizon is our designated community provider contracted through the Chicago Housing Authority. These community meetings with our residents are an excellent opportunity to showcase the various resources and amenities of the property. Our focus is to provide invaluable information that is applicable to any program type and reinforces our goal to build and sustain viable mixed-income communities. IRM’s Marketing and Management Teams are Keeping Busy! Interstate Realty Management is taking delivery of more than 700 new units between now and the end of summer, so our management and marketing teams are busy from one end of the country to the other leasing up beautiful new affordable homes to eligible residents. Lincoln Towers • Wilmington, DE McIntosh Homes • Leakesville, MS Plaza at Centennial Hill • Montgomery, AL Our own Darrell Williams, IRM Property Manager, is serving as the new President of IREM’s Southern New Jersey Chapter. He and the Presidents of the Delaware Valley and New Jersey chapters have joined forces to launch a new regional magazine serving all three IREM Chapters, called “TriState Times.” All three presidents, including Darrell (far right) are featured on the cover of the magazine’s premier issue. The magazine features news and upcoming events within IREM and the real estate management industry. Cypress Landing • Shreveport, LA City Gardens • Chicago, IL Germantown Village • Dayton, OH Palmdale Transit Village • Palmdale, CA Sr. Residence at Reddick • Franklin, TN The Plaza at Centennial Hill in Montgomery Alabama recently welcomed its first residents. Sharswood II Helps Resident Apply for Scholarship Opportunity Sharswood II resident Najiyyah Murphy received a $1200 scholarship from the Bartko Foundation to assist in her pursuit of a Nursing Career. The Bartko scholarship is available for women across the country. Applicants must be a single, minority mother (head of household) with a least one dependent child living with her. Sharswood II is a sponsoring agency of this scholarship (verifying agency of candidate information) applications are available online at: www.bartkofoundation.com. 13 { campus corner USL to Deliver First Two Student Housing Communities This August Interior of a living room in one of the units at The Vue in Fayetteville, AK. This August, University Student Living will have its first two student living communities completed, operational, and leased for the 2013/2014 academic year. The Vue in Fayetteville, Arkansas and The Edge in Mobile, Alabama are state-of-the art off-campus housing designed for upper class students. The Edge is strategically located across the street from The University of South Alabama; it is a five-story mid-rise apartment community featuring a 156 units/556 beds. The Vue in Fayetteville is located less than 1/10th of a mile from the University of Southern Alabama campus and provides a choice of flats, villas and townhomes with a hilltop location that offers a spectacular view of the stadium. All apartments come fully furnished, feature full kitchens, washer and dryers, and every bedroom has a private in suite bathroom. When students need a break from studying, they can take advantage of the resort-style clubhouse and recreational areas that include a swimming pool, hot tub, barbecue areas and fire pits, fitness center, tanning rooms, flat screen TV lounges and gaming areas. USL Welcomes University Student Living is also underway with two more projects that will open in 2014; one will be a market rate apartment community called 159 FIRST in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Although not “purpose-built” for student housing, University Student Living is pleased to have acquired this high demand, prime location near the water that will attract students and faculty from nearby MIT and Harvard, as well as professionals from the Boston and Cambridge area. This community will also have an affordable component and is an example of how The Michaels Organizations’ family of companies can work together to create viable housing options. In Waco Texas, USL has started making way for a The View on 10th Street, on off-campus community which will serve the undergraduate students of Baylor University. This will be “purpose-built” student housing with our signature apartments and clubhouse amenities. Anthony Simeone joined University Student Living as proposal writer/ manager. He has 15 years of experience as a marketing and business development manager, writer and editor. The last 10 have been focused on proposals. He most recently worked at Hill International, and before that at Wallace Roberts & Todd (architectural/design firm) in Philadelphia. 14 { s taff d e v e l o p m e n t s News Faces at the Water Cooler Tela Royston Arlene Yeagle Alex “Bud” Kravchuck Chanese Dupont Arlene Yeagle joined Michaels this past March and works with Joe Purcell’s team on Cost Certifications, Construction Draws, and Tax Returns. Prior to joining Michaels she spent 10 years at Community Realty Management (CRM) in the position of Controller/CFO. Additionally she has worked in public accounting as a CPA for 10 years. Congratulations to IRM’s Brandi Schank who has been promoted from Accounts Receivable Specialist to Administrative Assistant in the Accounting department. She reports directly to Melanie Gilbert and assists Bill Geddes and Mike Pilla. Alex “Bud” Kravchuck has joined Prestige Building Co. as a Project Manager for the newly awarded Walnut Street Apartments in Wilmington, Delaware. Congratulations to Chanese Dupont, who is celebrating her first year anniversary at Michaels this June by earning her CPO designation. Ms. Dupont is the Assistant Site Manager at Atlantic Marina. Kristina Vagen has joined University Student Living and is working with Nick Zaferes on the development and implementation of student and market-rate housing. Kristina Vagen She is currently working on two deals in Minneapolis. Kristina was formerly a development officer with Michaels Development Company working on major affordable housing deals in New Jersey. Maggie Sullivan Osman joined Interstate Realty Management as AP Specialist. Prior to joining IRM, Maggie was working in the Finance Department at a small property management company in Northfield, NJ. Originally from northern Minnesota, Maggie has lived in New Jersey for the past 12 years and has an 11-year-old son. Tela Royston joined the team at Liberty Park at Andrews as a Resident Services Specialist. With an extensive background in marketing and event coordinator and previous employment as a leasing representative at Bolling AFB, Tela will be a great addition to the staff at Liberty Park. Timothy Ryan joined Michaels Management Services as Staff Accountant. His primary duties involve working on the Liberty Park at Andrews project and overseeing the day to day transactions of invoice approvals, tenant refunds, etc. Tim is finishing up his senior Maggie S. Osman Timothy Ryan year at Rutgers-Camden and will be graduating this May with a B.S. in Accounting. He and his wife are expecting their first child in early July. Alexa DeLisi joined University Student Living as Development Administrator. She is working with Nick Zaferes in the preparation of construction contracts for the projects. She also monitors the Accounts Payable and incoming documents. Silvia Caldera was promoted from Assistant Site Manager to Site Manager of Lorena Heights Apartments. She has been with the property for just over a year and has showed her commitment to the company and to the community of Lorena Heights. Congratulations Silvia! Kristine Dunn has been promoted to Jr. Corporate Accountant of IRM after completing her Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting at Rutgers University. Alexa DeLisi Silvia Caldera Kristine Dunn Jessica D’Alessandro works at our corporate office as Accounts Receivable Specialist. She works directly with the folks on site by assisting with the tenant payments. Jessica D’Alessandro 15 { s taff d e v e l o p m e n t s Congrats on Your Promotion! Cindy Carpenter – Promoted from Assistant to Manager at Belleville I, II, III Patricia Minter was promoted from Assistant manager at Cricket Court to Manager at Cypress Landing. Angie Hernandez was promoted from Assistant Manager to Manager at Chaparral Apartments. Welcome New Teammates! Madera Apartments in California welcomes Coral and Mark Small to the IRM team. Coral joined as the Site Rental Manager and Mark as the Site Maintenance Manager. Naomi Friedrichsen – Manager at Hidden Ponds and Hunters Run Lucas Lafontaine, Site Manager, Evergreen Tahoe and Tahoe Pines Taneisha Pruitt – New Assistant Manager at Belleville I, II, III Michelle Middleton, Site Manager at Barbara Place, Lafayette and Glennview Barry Edwards – New Maintenance Technician at Hidden Ponds Tracey Raysor, Site Manager for Ocean Pointe Elderly, Ocean Towers and 450 Ocean Ave Trishawna Momon – Assistant Manager at Kings Row Apartments Rafael Bernal, Superintendent at Pacific Court and Woodward Terrace Shalena Reed - Assitant Manager - Cricket Court Vee Ortiz, Site Manager at Roosevelt IX and X Melvin Banks - Maintenance at Cricket Court Steve White - Leasing Consultant at Time Square on the Hill Jon Koeninger - Lead Maintenance - Country Park Linda Mosca, Site Manager, Mt. Senior Center 2013 Achievers Summit Nominations Being Accepted Through June 21. Wanda Lopez, Site Manager at MiCasa Village Rose Holland, Site Manager at Roosevelt V/ Morgan Village Tracy Tucker-Askew, Site Manager at Wister Townhouse The third annual Achievers Summit will be held October 16 and 17 at The Westin Hotel in Mt. Laurel, NJ. The Achiever’s Summit is a gathering of 30 select employees from all of our 8 companies who have been nominated as among “the best of the best.” The Summit is designed as both recognition for your hard work as well as a unique training opportunity. This year’s theme is “You Are The Story” and it is designed to include the latest topical information available. The twoday Summit is packed with sequences and training exercises designed to offer participants a Newburgh Seniors and Liberty Square welcome new Site Manager Andrea Babcock. Please send news of new staff and promotions to [email protected] deeper understanding of how to best reach their goals, both personally and professionally. Maximum participant involvement ensures a lively, high-energy event. You may nominate a peer or a direct report. Bruce Johnson, our independent educational consultant, will then work with a selection committee to review all nominations received. Nominations will be accepted between June 3 to June 21 and chosen candidates will be notified on August 10 so don’t delay submitting your nominations. 16 { Site-ings A special celebration for Mother’s Day Staff and residents at Cypress Shadows in Lafayette, Louisiana had a special celebration for Mother’s Day! There were flowers and cupcakes for all the moms. Filbern Manor hosted a 90+ birthday party for residents Filbern Manor hosted a 90+ birthday party for residents. There are 13 residents over 90! Mayor Popovich wrote a proclamation honoring the 13 seniors on their special day. State Senator Tim Murphy also attended and gave congressional citations to the residents. “Whereas, these individuals have contributed to the betterment of our world with their age, wisdom and longevity, and uplift and transform our community; through their experiences and perspectives.” Lauderhill Point Hosts Resource Fair Lauderhill Point in Florida hosted a health and resource fair to educate children and families on resources available in their community to promote a more healthy environment. The Lauderhill Police were on-site to answer any questions from residents. Cooking Up Healthy Meals Janie’s Garden’s program, “Cooking Matters” teaches residents to prepare fresh, healthy meals. Recently they held a graduation ceremony for all of the chefs who graduated from the cooking class. It has been a very successful program and the kids have learned so much! 17 { Site-ings All Smiles at Brookside Estates in New Haven The staff at Brookside Estates in New Haven, CT posed for a photo after the Groundbreaking ceremony at the neighboring future site of Rockview Terrace. Easter Bunny Visits Belmont Estates Belmont Heights Estates partnered with Tampa National Panhellenic Council, an organization of fraternities and sororities in the Tampa Bay area, to host a fun filled Easter egg hunt event for the children in the BHE community. The activity included not only an exciting egg hunt, but a variety of games, face painting and storytelling for the little ones. The child that was able to find the largest amount of eggs received a large Easter basket filled with all sorts of goodies. L to R: Omar Ursini; Maint Super, Mario A. Molano; Site Manager, Maribeth Scheidig; Property Manager; Latoya Arnold, Leasing Agent, Nathalie Werst; Assistant Property Manager, Jenishah Johnson; Leasing Agent, Brenda Ward; Receptionist, Maurice Peters; Maintenance Tech. Getting Healthy in Chicago’s West Side At Westhaven Park, “Journey to Healthy Living” is a program designed to give women living in the community access to free fitness classes, nutrition classes and other wellness information. It was developed by The Junior League of Chicago and the Near West Side Community Development Corporation. (NWSCDC) “Journey to Healthy Living” sprang from the need identified by the Westhaven community for consistent programming focused on health and wellness. The program has a comprehensive approach. Each of the events enhances and builds on the others in the series. As a result, the knowledge and experiences gained by the residents have a had a cumulative effect. Women in the Westhaven community participated in the pilates class offered as part of the Journey To Healthy Living program. 18 { Site-ings Local Girl Scout Organizes Library for Mallard Run Apartments The new library shelves have been in place since November, but plenty of work has been going on behind the scenes! Local Girl Scout, Sarah Markel, has a passion for literacy and community. She selected Mallard Run Apartments library for her Gold Award Project. Sarah’s focus was organization, updating and expansion of the existing library. Her project included planning with residents, Hopping Good time at Orchard Apartments On March 16th, Orchard Apartments held an Easter egg hunt with the children in the community. After a two-part egg hunt, the kids got photos with the Easter bunny and enjoyed snacks and face painting! construction of uniform library shelves, developing a shelving system, cataloging library materials, addition of library materials, and starting a newsletter reading service for residents. The Library’s Grand Opening occurred earlier this Spring. Health Partnership with Sinai Health System Great for Park Douglas Residents On March 9th,Sinai Community Institute held an open house that was designed specifically for Park Douglas residents. Michaels Development Company and Sinai Health System formed a collaborative partnership in which Sinai and MDC developed a hospital and ambulatory care center among the 137-unit mixed-income housing development. The overwhelming hit of the day was the “Ask a Doctor” forum. Physicians spoke on several health topics that affect the community— asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol were the main areas of discussion. Residents were able to ask as many questions as they wanted to, and a lively discussion ensued. Residents learned about each other, a little about disease management, and a lot about Sinai as a caring health care institution: their partner and neighbor in the community. Sinai staff also manned tables at the open house representing the Gads Hill Child Development Center, WIC, Family Services, Senior Services, and Employment Services. There were healthy snacks, games for children, and beautiful children’s books given to each family. Sinai sponsored a raffle for Park Douglas residents. The grand prize was $ 100 gift card. Four other Park Douglas families won $25 gift cards to Target which they immediately put to good use. 19 { Site-ings WOW!!! The first harvest from Mallard Run Apartments’ accessible community garden was gleaned on Wednesday, May 29, 2013. Crisp leaf lettuce, radishes, and spring onions were available for residents to purchase at the community’s micro-farmers market! Kelly Woods of Better Tomorrows, who serves as the Social Services Coordinator at Mallard Run says the sugar snap peas are climbing the trellises and strawberries, tomatoes and peppers have blossomed and tiny fruits and vegetables are forming. Residents are welcome to visit the accessible organic garden tables anytime. She sent these photos of the first harvest, which looks absolutely delicious! Meet Michelle Holmes: A Michaels Scholarship Success Story! Michelle Holmes, a resident of Jackie’s Garden in Philadelphia, and a multi-year recipient of a Michaels Organization Education Scholarship, celebrated her graduation from LaSalle University with a B.S. Degree in Nursing. Michelle was a speaker at the Jackie’s Garden re-naming ceremony in October where she spoke about the excellent supportive services programs that Jackie worked so hard to bring to residents. Honoring Friends Lost at Reading Elderly Reading Elderly held a memorial service to honor residents who have recently passed away. With over 50 people in attendance, the memorial gave residents a chance to reflect on the lives of their friends. Local Clergy led the ceremony which opened with a prayer and scripture reading, followed by music. Residents were invited to share memories of the 6 residents who were being memorialized. 20 { m i l i ta ry S i t e - i n g s •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Michaels Management Services Keep Our Military Residents Happy and Busy Spring Cleaning at Benning! On Saturday March 2, Wilson Elementary’s 5th grade girls and boys came out to the Indianhead community center at Ft. Benning to help beautify the neighborhood. Alamae Beltran, student at Wilson, put together a clean-up of the neighborhood as her community service project. Wilson’s 5th grade students must do a total of 5 community service hours. Congrats Congratulations to Aurora H. for winning the Frontier Heritage Communities St. Patrick Day Coloring Contest with this winning masterpiece! A Daddy Daughter “Date” at Ft. Belvoir Andrews AFB Liberty Park at Andrews’ playground was captured in full bloom this past April thanks to Resident Services Specialist, Tela Royston who snapped this shot. Our residents at Andrews participated in the 5th annual Liberty Park Spring Clean Up on April 20th. Dads and daughters from the Belvoir community turned out for a special evening at Ft. Belvoir’s Father Daughter Ball. Little girls in fancy dresses and their fathers in uniform enjoyed dining and dancing the night away. 21 { Resident Scholars Recipient of Multiple Resident Scholarships Enjoys Success as Published Author John Anyang, a former resident of Village Park Apartments in Scranton, PA has much to be proud of as he continues to promote his books “Growing Up in Africa” and “Our Dying Churches and The Missing Link”, two of his books that have been published in the past two years. On April 11, he and his family participated in a book signing hosted by Barnes and Noble in Wilkes-Barre, PA where Village Park’s Support Services Coordinator, Nicole Barasse, had a chance to meet with Mr. Anyang and his family. Mr. Anyang wrote his first book in 2011 and is currently in the process of outlining his third piece. John writes about his childhood and education in Ghana, where he lived before he and his family moved to America in 1999. Mr. and Mrs. Anyang first lived in New York City for a short time before moving to Village Park in February 2000. Though he was well-educated in Ghana, he quickly realized that he must further his education in America in order to get a career that would support him and his family. Mr. Anyang took advantage of The Michaels Organization Educational Foundation’s scholarship program, which is available for residents of all properties managed by Interstate Realty Management who are currently enrolled or are seeking enrollment in some form of higher education. Mr. Anyang received an academic scholarship through the program every year. In January 2005 he graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. Still struggling to find sufficient work, he went back for a Master’s Degree from Marywood University in an ac- celerated one year program. In December 2006 he completed his Master’s program with a GPA of 3.76. In the midst of maintaining a full-time job, writing and promoting his books, and raising a family, Mr. Anyang was invited to be the keynote speaker at the University of Scranton’s annual Martin Luther King Day celebration this past February. He addressed the guests about the themes that are found throughout both his work and Dr. King’s legacy: opportunity & education. Currently Mr. Anyang and his wife live in a home in Scranton which they bought in April 2010. He still stays in touch with Robin Goman, Senior Social Services Coordinator, at Village Park and part of the Better Tomorrows Leadership Team. 22 { good works Lois Lawrence Spearheads Easter Basket Drive for Local Food Pantry Special thanks to Lois Lawrence, Michaels’ paymaster who collected the donations and delivered them to the Wiley Church Food Pantry. PM Rob Butler Raising Funds for Autism Property Manager Robert Butler will be participating in a martial arts event this summer in West Chester, Pennsylvania to raise money for Autism Speaks. The July 27 regional tournament, which is part of the American Taekwondo Association’s national circuit, is expected to draw between 600-1,000 competitors and the organization is hoping to raise at least $3000 for Autism research. If you would like to support Rob in this very worthy effort—and have a chance to win some really nice prizes—you can purchase a raffle ticket for just $5. Contact Rob at [email protected] for more information and to get your raffle ticket. Are you on Linked-In? The Michaels Organization has a A Special Thank you Hi Lois, Please thank everyone in your office so much for the amazing Easter baskets that they put together and donated for the children at the pantry. I wish they all could have seen how happy the children were when they saw them tonight and the one little girl saying “ OH, a chocolate bunny!”. She was so cute holding up the basket and just staring into it! The mom’s were so excited about the baskets, too. It really meant a lot to the families that someone made Easter baskets for them. It was so nice to be able to give them something special for the children. You work with a great bunch of people!! Thanks, again. Lynne Director of The Wiley Church Food Pantry Gail Young Organizes Donation Drive Michaels Corporate office partnered with The Red Cross again for our third blood drive. The May 6 drive resulted in the donation of 24 units, which will help over 70 hospital patients. To date, the corporate office has collected over 76 units of blood between the three drives we have hosted, which has benefited close to 225 individuals. Special thanks to Gail Young, Development Assistant, who has organized all of the drives with The Red Cross. Linked-in Group. You can access all Michaels’ social media accounts, Twitter, Facebook, and Linked-In, from www.TheMichaelsOrg.com 23 { good works Indian Hills Apartments Mobilize to Help their Neighbors The massive tornado that hit Moore Oklahoma in May 2013 affected the whole state. The wonderful staff and residents of Indian Hills Apartments, which is located in Catoosa, OK, have set out to help. Indian Hills Apartments residents have found amazing ways to contribute to their neighbors. Instead of buying items to send, the first idea was to start a coin drive. This was accomplished by setting a decorated jar in the community room asking for pocket change. The children also wanted to help so they decorated “sandwich boards” and went door to door on 5/29/13 asking for change. Our wonderful Indian Hills Resident Association will have a bake sale, scheduled for June 22. The relief efforts continue, due to the generosity of Indian Hills community. All of the money will be donated to the tornado relief fund of Red Cross. 24 { live, work, play, michaels Support Team Jackie Jones and the American Cancer Society Team Jackie Jones is participating in the annual American Cancer Society Bike-a-thon on Sunday, July 14, 2013. If you plan on doing this year’s ride (there are various starting points in Philadelphia and New Jersey and distances from 11 miles to 100 miles) or want to volunteer to help out to make the event safe and enjoyable for the riders, please register as a Team Jackie Jones member online. The annual Bike-a-thon is the single largest biking fundraising event for the American Cancer Society and an anticipated 4,500 riders will participate in this year’s ride. Bob, Back for a Visit Our Michaels Development Company President Emeritus, Bob Greer, poses with his many industry awards in his office before taking them home to display as he enjoys his retirement. He’s So Cute! Love Jackson, Developer’s Assistant in New Haven, is now the proud mother of this adorable little boy Hunter Jason Jackson! No EZ Pass Needed Milt Pratt, Mark Morgan, Joe Purcell, and John O’Donnell look like celebrities as they arrive on land after a quick trip to Harrisburg for a meeting. Follow Us on FACEBOOK For more news from our sites around the country 25 { live, work, play, michaels Fish Tales World famous fisherman Mike Levitt (also known as The Michaels Organization’s CEO) hosted a Fishing Tournament for friends, family and some of our Michaels Teammates, this past February in Guatemala. As far as we know, no world records were broken, but Mike told us the bill fishing was “spectacular.” All Mike’s fishing is “catch and release,” so they may be able to catch the same fish—only even bigger—if they go back next year. Top Male Angler for the Week: Tony Adams Top Female Angler for the Week: Tie between Ava Goldman & Whitney Weller Catch of the Week: Mike Levitt 2nd Best Catch of the Week: Tie among Dan Tillotson, Joe Coyle and Andy Davenport Winning Team of the Week: Joe Coyle, Nick Zaferes, Jim Miller and Jed Henderson Second Place: John O’Donnell, Joe Purcell, Ava Goldman, Whitney Weller and Russ Maynard Third Place: Joe Lynch, Pancho, Greg Carroll and Brandon Healy Team with most points for single day: Joe Lynch, Pancho, Greg Carroll and Brandon Healy 26 { live, work, play, michaels Young entrepreneurs take over Michaels Headquarters for “Take Your Child to Work Day.” Josie, daughter of Joel Silver (MDC) may or not be ready to fill out a tax credit application now, but she had a blast in the office with dad. The kids were all smiles at the end of a very successful lemonade sale Sue Langley, Michael Levitt’s Executive Assistant, led the kids on a tour throughout the office. The kids took turns giving lemonade to the Michaels employees Prea McNeil (MMS) and her three little girls posed for a photo that they later put in frames that the kids made. Tara Mancuso’s daughter, Meadow, was happy to be a customer at the Michaels Lemonade Stand! It takes a lot of people to control 40 kids in a big office! Thanks to our volunteers who played a major role in making it a successful day The Michaels Organization was happy to welcome the children of our staff on April 25 for Take Your Child to Work Day. The day was filled with fun activities, a tour of the office, a special lunch, and time to be with their parents. They were even able to help Mom or Dad out with their work! The best part of the day was teaching the The kids collected $300.05 and donated it to our strategic partner, Better Tomorrows children about raising money and helping others. All 40 kids took turns working our Michaels lemonade stand—selling lemonade to employees at the home office. All of the money raised was donated to our supportive services strategic partner, Better Tomorrows. The kids managed to raise $300.05! 27 { better tomorrows Meet The New President of Better Tomorrows The non-profit organization, Better Tomorrows, is up and running and is now The Michaels Organization’s strategic partner for Supportive Services delivery to our residents and sites. The Board of Directors welcomed experienced non-profit executive, Rebecca Tone, as Better Tomorrows President and CEO. Working closely with her new Vice President of Development, Andy Kucer, as well as Senior Vice President Olivette Beaton and the rest of the leadership team—all former IRM employees—Rebecca is busy setting priorities, establishing an infrastructure, and pursuing private funding to expand their supportive services offerings to affordable housing owners and developers. The Better Tomorrows team is already working on a logo and a website for the organization. Rebecca and Andy have also been visiting IRM properties across the country to meet social services staff and get firsthand look at the wide variety of services and local partnerships already in place at 100 sites across IRM’s portfolio. The Better Tomorrows national office is located at 3 East Stow Road, Suite 200. Up Close with Rebecca Tone Q: What’s been the most exciting part of launching a new nonprofit organization? Hands down, it’s been the process of getting to know my team. In addition to bringing in a few wonderful new recruits, I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting and learning from a whole new group of people—the social service coordinators in the field, who clearly have so much to give. Whether you’re talking about a start-up or a well-rooted organization, success depends first and foremost on the people you’ve got on board. Q: What is your favorite thing about the work that you do? My role as I see it is to be a steward, not only to the people we serve, but to the staff as well. I’m here to support those in the field, helping them carry out what I consider the really important work. What I love about this role is that it makes me a part of the day-to-day, hands-on effort. It gives me a front row seat to the ways in which this organization changes lives for the better. Q: What are some of the partnerships you’re looking to create with other non-profits? What I’ve come to learn is that many of our sites already have working partnerships. In the coming months, we’ll be assessing these partnerships, expanding some and replicating the best of them at other sites. As for national alliances, we are looking for partners that can enhance our work, those that can bring the kind of help we need in increased services. For now, we’re still in the process of determining exactly what that help looks like. Q: What is your hometown? I am a true South Jersey native. I was born in Riverside, grew up in Tabernacle, and now live with my family in Moorestown. Q: What is your favorite movie? At the risk of sounding hokey, my all-time favorite since first seeing it at the age of seven is The Sound of Music. I think I’ve watched it every year since then as well. It may be the hopeless romantic in me, but really, besides having the best music, who can resist that fairytale ending? Q: What is the last book you read? Lust for Life, a biographical novel by Irving Stone, which recounts the life of the Dutch artist, Vincent Van Gogh. Based on the volumes of letters that he wrote during his lifetime, the book is a window into the fascinating mind of the artist. As someone who’s always been intrigued by the creative process, I’m a big fan of all artists. Q: What is your favorite inspirational quote? Fall seven times; stand up eight.—Japanese Proverb 28 { better tomorrows Andrew Kucer joins Better Tomorrows as Vice President of External Affairs Up Close with Andrew Q: What’s been the most exciting part of launching a new nonprofit organization? The most exciting part of launching Better Tomorrows has been thinking through the unlimited potential we can have. The organization already is doing great work, from years of IRM management of social services, and the opportunity to build upon these successes towards collective and measurable impact is truly motivating. On day one, Better Tomorrows had access to the individuals who are facing some of the greatest adversity across our country. Most non-profit organizations struggle with their access to reach these highest risk individuals with their programs. To start off with a broad reach and community driven access to these individuals and communities is an amazing asset that often takes most nonprofits years to build. The opportunity to affect positive change and improve the lives of these residents is something I am very proud to be a part of and excited to work towards. Q: What is your favorite thing about the work that you do? I enjoy planning, building, and executing Better Tomorrows strategy to become an organization where it is “selling” itself. Using data and evidence-based programs to demonstrate the impact an organization can create is something that is core to my philosophy of how to impart social change and raise the resources to do so. Raising money, at its simplest, is the solicitation for social investment. Asking for an investment becomes much more effective when you can say “X dollars will create Y change.” Bringing Better Tomorrows to a place where we can articulate the impact we are having on every dollar spent will not only make fundraising easier but it will enable us as an organization to bring substantial projects to scale and ultimately affect large scale change. It is this work that is very rewarding and something I truly enjoy. Q: What are some of the partnerships that you’re looking to create with other non-profits? Right now partnerships are focused on the local level. Without the local relationships a great deal of the programming that is being implemented would be impossible. We want to help sites and social services coordinators continue to cultivate these local partnerships. Concurrently, we will begin working on National Partnerships that will allow us to roll out uniform programming across all of the sites. I am looking forward to finding other organizations committed to using evidence-based programming to impact the resident participants. While we are looking at a wide array of potential part- Andy Kucer and Olivette Beaton with new colleagues, Marie Piquion and Sarina Charnock, in the new National Office of Better Tomorrows located in Marlton, NJ. ners focused on everything from health to education to employment, there are two areas that I am particularly excited to pursue. The first is opening the number of opportunities that exist. When you talk to some youth residents in Philadelphia, its very eye opening to learn that many of the kids who live 20 blocks from the high rises of center city have never left the neighborhood to see these buildings. This is indicative of how a lack of exposure limits the potential of people- if you do not know something exists outside of your immediate community, you might not find opportunities that you would like to pursue. I hope to find partnerships that will expose individuals the world outside of their immediate communities—through trips, mentorships, and programming this is one obstacle to opportunity that can easily be achieved. The second is that I am also very passionate about giving individuals an opportunity for a second chance. So many of our residents make a mistake at one point in their life and then spend the rest of their lives paying for that mistake. Finding programs that will allow individuals to pursue education, training, or support to overcome the obstacles they face, is critical to helping communities thrive and break the cycle of generational poverty. I am excited to explore partnerships in this area as well. Q: What is your favorite inspirational quote? “The ones that are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”—Steve Jobs 29 { better tomorrows Making Better Tomorrows Possible ... Ms. Idella Mitchell is 95 years old is the eldest resident of Oakhaven Apartment in Yazoo City, MS. With her age, she’s been experiencing health issues that interfere with her ability to maintain her household and other personal matters. After notifying social services of her illness, she stated she was interested in seeking help because she lacks family support. Better Tomorrows was able to make a positive change in her life so that she could continue to live independently. They referred her to Senior Life Solution Outpatient Program, which she attends Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am - 2pm. This program offers resources to restore health and happiness. On Tuesday and Thursday, she has a homemaker to assist her around the apartment with chores and errands. Better Tomorrows also assisted her with transportation through Yazoo County Human Resource for all her medical, vision, and dental services. Now Ms. Mitchell can remain at home with all the care she deserves. Children of Better Tomorrows Employees Eligible for New Scholarship Program The Levitt Family Charitable Foundation, chaired by Patricia Levitt, has announced that it will receive and fund applications for its new 2013 Better Tomorrows Employee Scholarship Program. The scholarships may be used to fund higher education at any college, university, or accredited vocational program in the country. To be eligible, the applicant’s parent must be a full-time employee of Better Tomorrows, and he or she must be a high school graduate. The application is being sent via e-mail to all Better Tomorrows staff and must be completed and returned by June 17. The applications should be mailed to independent educational consultant, Dr. Bruce Johnson, at P.O. Box 740, Washington Crossing, PA 18977. For more information, Dr. Johnson can be reached at [email protected] or 215-262-4230. 30 { better tomorrows A White House Visit for Young Residents of Regency Park On March 26, 25 Soccer for Success participants between the ages of 8 -12 who live at Regency Park Apartments in Coatesville, Pennsylvania participated in a special day of Let’s Move activities at the White House with President Obama. Soccer for Success is the U.S. Soccer Foundation’s free soccer-based afterschool program that uses soccer as a tool to combat childhood obesity and promote healthy lifestyles for children in under-resourced communities. The program in Coatesville is run by the JT Dorsey Foundation, whose founder is a retired pro soccer player and a former resident of Regency Park. JT Dorsey worked with Crystal Lowery and Ed Rodriquez of Better Tomorrows to bring this exciting program to our apartment community Coatesville. The kids – and their chaperones—had a great visit to D.C. You can watch a video of “Regency Park Kids Visit the White House” on The Michaels Organization’s You Tube channel. All smiles on the bus ride to DC Our Regency Park kids looked on as President Obama accepted a jersey from the National Soccer Champs, the LA Galaxy. Ultimate “Soccer Mom” Crystal Lowery, Better Tomorrow’s Social Services Coordinator for Regency Park,” looks serious as she watches over her young charges on their way to the White House. The team awaiting entrance into The White House where they participated in a Let’s Move! special event. 31 { better tomorrows Better Tomorrows Team Meets in Philadelphia for Training, Networking, and Employee Recognition Rebecca Tone welcomes her Team Tia Wilkinson, Yale Village Apartments Janet Williams, Terry Apartments Rebecca Tone accepted on behalf of Kelly Woods, Mallard Run Apartments Better Tomorrows hosted a training conference and meeting for its team on April 25, 2013 in Philadelphia. The coordinators, who are now employed by our strategic partner Better Tomorrows, came from all across the country to attend. During the meeting, employees were acknowledge for their dedication to powerful social services programs at their sites. George Riley, Tia Wilkinson, Kelly Woods, and Janet Williams all received recognition and plaques in appreciation of their devotion to their residents and community. George Riley, West Poplar Apartments 32 { Employee Resources Employee Resources – Effective June 1, 2013 The resources to access in the event additional information is required on a variety of topics are listed below. Please keep this list in an easily accessible place for your reference. Topic Contact Employees based in Hawaii: HSMA (Hawaii Medical Service Association): 808-‐948-‐6376 HMSA Group #18236-‐1-‐6 HSMA Vision Plan included with medical plan www.hmsa.com For FSA, contact Aetna Payment of a MEDICAL or VISION claim or plan coverage inquires and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) inquiries Aetna Member Services: 1-‐800-‐962-‐6842 -‐-‐OR-‐-‐ log into Aetna.com Payment of a DENTAL claim or plan coverage inquires MetLife Member Services: 800-‐244-‐6224 www.metlife.com MetLife Group # 151439 Employees based in Hawaii: HSMA (Hawaii Medical Service Association): 808-‐948-‐6376 Express Scripts Member Services: 800-‐351-‐0628 –OR-‐-‐ log in to Express-‐Scripts.com Employees based in Hawaii: HSMA (Hawaii Medical Service Association): 808-‐948-‐6376 Aetna Group # 837204 Payment of a PRESCRIPTION claim or plan coverage inquires Express Scripts Group # UMB36447 For medical, dental, vision, life or long term disability: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. benefit enrollment questions, information on pay deductions for benefits, life event changes, issues that employee cannot resolve regarding the payment of a claim or plan coverage with Aetna or HSMA and to file a Life Insurance Claim For medical, dental, vision, life or long term disability: 1. 2. 3. 4. to view your benefit coverage selections to view or change your beneficiary, view your and dependent life insurance benefit amounts, find links to carrier websites If you have a question about your benefits or a claim payment, your first point of contact should always be the insurance company. However, if you cannot resolve your concerns or require special assistance, please contact a specially trained and licensed Client Service Associate to intercede on your behalf: Connor Strong and Buckelew: Member Advocacy Phone: 800-563-9929 Fax: 856-685-2253 Email: [email protected] Conner Strong: Enrollments and QLE (Qualifying Live Event) documentation Email: [email protected] Fax: 856-685-2254 Go to https://www.benefitsconnect.net/themichaelsorg Enter your username: (your user name is up the first 6 letters of your last name, followed by the first letter of your first name, followed by the month and date of your birth in mm/dd format. Enter the password: Your initial password is your Social Security Number For example, Jane Dovebar (Social Security Number 123-45-6789 and date of birth 12/10/1969) would enter the following: Username: Password: dovebaj1210 123456789 33 { Employee Resources Employee Resources – Effective June 1, 2013 The resources to access in the event additional information is required on a variety of topics are listed below. Please keep this list in an easily accessible place for your reference. Topic Contact To apply or ask questions regarding a leave of absence: Please note: Employees should apply for leave at least 15 days prior to the commencement of leave to see if they qualify for a leave under the Family Medical Leave Act. If it is impossible to contact the company within the specified time period, the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable. 1. Employee should contact their manager if a leave of absence is required. 2. The employee’s manager will then contact Bob Witkoski in Human Resources at 856-3554512 or [email protected]. Bob should be provided, in writing, the employee’s name, reason for leave, and the date the leave will commence. 3. Bob will generate the Family Medical Leave forms and send to employee’s home for completion by the employee and the employee’s Health Care Provider. If hurt on the job: 1. Employee must immediately contact their manager. 2. Your manager is aware of the instructions to be followed for reporting the claim. 3. If the employee receives any invoices for medical services received in relation to the work related injury/illness, those invoices should be forwarded to [email protected] or faxed to 856-797-8959. If it is a payroll question your manager cannot answer, contact the respective Payroll Administrator who supports your assigned cost center: Lois Lawrence [email protected] (856) 810-5358 – Direct Tel 1000’s, 9900’s, 9451, Ft. Belvoir, 9500 Michaels Management Services (MMS) Corporate, 9501MMS Ft. Leavenworth, 9520 Ft. Leavenworth FHC, 9542 Ft. Benning Payroll Questions Diana Bernardini [email protected] 856-988-5830 – Direct Tel 7000’s, 8000’s, 9536 Andrews AFB, 9537 MacDill AFB, 9538 Ft. Huachuca, 9539 Yuma Proving Grounds Debbie Braddock [email protected] 856-355-2533 – Direct Tel 2000’s, 3000’s, 4000s, 5000’s, 6000’s Address for all Payroll Administrators: The Michaels Organization 3 E. Stow Road P.O. Box 994 Marlton, NJ 08053 Payroll FAX: 856-797-8959 34 { Employee Resources Employee Resources – Effective June 1, 2013 The resources to access in the event additional information is required on a variety of topics are listed below. Please keep this list in an easily accessible place for your reference. Contact Topic Employment Verification • W-4 Changes Should be referred to the employee’s respective Payroll Administrator. • The W-4 Form may be obtained on The Michaels Institute. If you do not have access to The Michael’s Institute, request the form through your manager. • Completed W-4 forms should be sent to your Payroll Administrator via email, fax, US mail. You may also ask your manager to submit this form to Payroll for you. o • Change of Address, Home Phone Number, Emergency Contact Information Complete the Payroll Change Notice Available on The Michaels Institute, or send an email to your Payroll Administrator with the changed information. If you do not have access to The Michaels Institute or email, please contact your manager for assistance. o The Direct Deposit Form may be obtained on The Michaels Institute. If you do not have access to The Michael’s Institute, request the form through your manager or Payroll. • Completed Direct Deposit forms should be sent to your Payroll Administrator via email, fax, US mail. You may also ask your manager to submit this form to Payroll for you. o Military Sites: Request Change Form from your manager • Direct Deposit Changes Vacation, Sick, Personal Day questions Military Sites: Request W-4 Form from your manager • Military Sites: Request Change Form from your manager Questions regarding the Vacation, Sick or Personal Day policy may be directed to your manager or your respective Payroll Administrator. 401(k) Enrollment, Loans & Distributions Melanie Gilbert [email protected] 856-988-5980 – Direct Tel 856-355-1543 – Direct Fax 401(k) Changes to Contributions, Investments Log into your Great West Account: www.Gwrs.com 1-800-338-4015 – Participant Services Toll Free Number John Cipollone Wells Fargo Advisors. LLC 856-590-0888 – Tel 856-988-8709 – Fax 1-800-866-8808 – Toll Free Number [email protected] 401(k) Investment Advice Kristine Dunn [email protected] 856-355-2538 – Direct Tel 856-355-1543 – Direct Fax • For issues pertaining to IT (Information Technology) a ticketing system is in place to support our personnel within the Michaels Organization. It is an extremely helpful tool that adds structure and expediency to our entire help desk process. Technical or Systems Problems • Send the issue or request via email [email protected]. This will autogenerate a ticket which all support staff have access to. From there, one of our support personnel will be assigned that ticket/task and act upon it. It will remain open till that particular problem or request has been resolved. If internet access is down, and email is not functioning, contact the help desk by phone (856.797.8961). • Military Sites – Report issues to your manager who will submit help desk tickets to Nancy Thomas [email protected] 35 June 4, 2012 Page 3 of 3 { La s t W o r d SHARE YOUR MICHAELS STORIES Thank You! Whether you’ve been with The Michaels Organization since the beginning or joined just recently, we’d love to hear your favorite Michaels memory. Send us yours and we’ll send you a 40th anniversary keychain Together We Build Communities and will publish them in upcoming issues of Developments@Michaels. Send your memory to [email protected] Before he had the corner office, John O’Donnell enjoyed the “cubicle” life… but his desk looks much the same! Here he is chatting with Linda Flink, now in charge of Investor Relations. N CE 2010 Michaels is named 2012 University Student 36
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