- Nower Hill High School
- Nower Hill High School
From the Headteacher: It has been a very busy half term and I have to say that the weeks have simply flown by. Good news about the school’s performance continues to come in. Having reported to you last time that the school’s GCSE results in 2014 had put us in the top 8% of all state schools nationally (including selective ones), we have just had notification that our A level results for the past three years place us inside the top 10% of schools included in that analysis (see below). This half term, I have had the pleasure of a fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable lunch with the holocaust survivor, Rudi Oppenheimer. I also enjoyed welcoming into the school Shadow Health Secretary, Andy Burnham, to talk with our Year 11s about their participation in the Heart Start programme; we have by far the largest number of participants out of all the schools involved. We were all enthralled by Robert Winston’s talk to our science students; he can be seen in my office below, receiving our donation to his charity. I also spent an interesting half an hour with the regional organiser of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, who was pleased to tell me that there are no other state schools in this region with anywhere near the number of students that we have involved; 160 of our Year 10s have signed up, which says an awful lot about the sort of students we have here. I was also delighted to be able to present the first seven Year 11 students with their green badges for achieving 100 conduct points and the first four Year 7 students receiving their blue badges for 200 points (see below). Over 1000 students have now earned their bronze badges. Wishing you all a peaceful and restful half term break! Mr Livesey Awarded to students in: Year 7 Maav Divecha- 7LVP Megan Salt- 7LNB Diana El- Lomani- 7CFC Muhammed Virjee- 7CSJ Aaron Patel- 7CPP Year 8 Lauren James- 8STW Akash Backory- 8RKB Saachin Bhatt- 8RSB Steven Yogarajah- 8RLK For their achievements in ICT and Computing Government VIPs visit The Sports Faculty On Wednesday 14th January 2015, Nower Hill was invited to play host to the Shadow Health Minister the Rt Honourable Andy Burnham and the Shadow Public Health Minister the Rt Honourable Luciana Berger to assist our Year 11 students in their First Aid lesson. The Sports Studies faculty deliver the British Heart Foundation ‘Heart Start’ award to all 300 Year 11 students as a part of their core PE curriculum. Not only a valuable life skill but also a real lesson in how to manage a crisis situation with confidence. The two Shadow Ministers were on hand to support our students who conducted themselves impeccably throughout. To top it off, the session was filmed by Sky and BBC news making the 7.05am slot for Sky and the BBC 6 O’Clock news on Thursday 15th January. Andy Burnham was the Minister who led the Hillsborough enquiry and has kindly offered to come back after the General Election to deliver a talk to our PE students on the Hillsborough disaster which will be invaluable. Mr Parker Drama Student Awards The following students were proud to achieve trophies for Drama Student of the Term and Most Improved Drama Student of the Term for their Year groups: (Pictured left to right) Jasmine Yearwood – Drama Student of the Term and Alex Smith - Most Improved Drama Student (Year 9), Marwa Duhal - Most Improved Drama Student of the Term (Year 10), Zia Mirza - Drama Student of the Term (Year 7) Hannah Moriarty – Drama Student of the Term (Year 10) Rachel Chellapah - Drama Student of the Term (Year 13) and Ariana Ladha – Drama Student of the Term (Year 8) Also winning trophies but not pictured were Kirstie Horsley - Most Improved Drama Student of the Term (Year 7), Leah Dimmock – Most improved Drama Student of the Term (Year 8). Natalie James - Drama Student of the Term and Dominic Sawyer – Most Improved Drama Student of the Term (Year 11), and Isabella MacDonald – Drama Student of the Term and Remel Reimers - Most Improved Drama Student of the Term (Year 12) and Zac Miller - Most Improved Drama Student of the Term (Year 13) Miss Gardner CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!! Lord Robert Winston inspiring the next generation of Scientists Students and staff alike listen intently to the captivating Lord Robert Winston during a presentation on Monday 2 nd February. Thank you to Ms Goss for organising and to the students for contributing a significant amount to ‘The Genesis Trust’ a charity which helps prospective parents with genetic abnormalities among other conditions. He was so impressed with the quality of Sixth Form discussion he has agreed to come back to NHHS to offer a seminar including Q and A! Mrs. Serrao “Spectroscopy in a suitcase” at Nower Hill The Yr 12 A level chemistry students were lucky to have a visit from the “Spectroscopy in a Suitcase” team from Imperial College in January. This is the third year Nower Hill has had access to this advanced infra-red spectrometer and associated computing equipment. The topic is on the A-level syllabus, but as this piece of equipment costs around £20,000, schools do not normally have an opportunity to see the equipment working. The team from Imperial College gave a 2 hour lecture/demonstration which included the students having a chance to run their own spectra and then use the information to solve problems. We were also grateful to Imperial College, to be able to borrow the equipment for an additional week which gave the chemistry teachers an opportunity to do more advanced teaching with the Y13 students. Mr. Katz Year 12 students working with the infra-red spectrometer PTFA Logo Competition • Congratulations to Harlene Karda 7LLS for winning the PTFA logo competition Of the many entries submitted by Yr 7 Harlene’s entry was selected by the PTFA committee. The use of colour, hand shapes and the large letters best reflected the nature of our successful PTFA committee. Harlene’s winning design will be used on all PTFA letters and communications in the future. Harlene is pictured here with Mrs. Emily Dodd, her Year Coordinator. Santa Dash 2015 A massive thank you and congratulations to Harvin Seehra 7CSL for being the top Santa Dash fundraiser - £92! The Santa Dash was a tremendous success as Nower Hill students raised £1300 while the total for the day is approaching £12,000. The Santa Dash for next year has been booked for Sunday 13th of December. A date for your diary. Year 10 Students Compete in the Regional Final of The Coca Cola Real Business Challenge On the 29th of January myself, Narika Mistry, Natasha Cheung, Dylan Crook, Yash Ghelani, Harmit Panesar, Karishma Dave and Yeside Rahaman participated in the London finals of the Coca-Cola challenge and it was a privilege to be part of such a day. Over the course of the day we collaborated with Coca-Cola and together we created a presentation on how we could raise money for The Special Olympics Great Britain, by creating an app, a social media campaign, an event and a poster. We had to include all the integral business theories, as well as present to a room of over 100 people from schools around London. Being one of the last 10 schools in the London Region (90 schools submitted entries) was a massive achievement, and we were supplied with refreshments and food. Unfortunately we did not win, although I do think we should have won and many other schools and groups agreed. Overall it was a great day and an experience none of us will forget. By Rahil Pandya Jack Petchey Award Evening Jack Petchey winners celebrated their successes at the Harrow Jack Petchey award evening held at the Harrow Arts centre on Tuesday 20th of January. The Mayor of Harrow presented each winner with a Jack Petchey winners medallion in recognition of their hard work and contribution to the Nower Hill school community. Well done to all our deserving JP winners.(L-R, standing), Shreyen Lakhani , Preyen Lakhani , Ismaele Eledeib, Natasha Trowbridge, Rachel Chellapha, Gobithanan Sivarajan , Mr Hamilton. (L-R seated) Erwin Suthagar , Rebecca Fallon , Councillor Ajay Maru the Mayor of Harrow, Tanish Katoria , Deepali Ram. Mr. Nagle Fearless Futures Over a 10 week period a group of Sixth Form girls took part in the Fearless Futures Programme. Fearless Futures is an innovative in-school programme for young women, which focuses on giving us the confidence to fulfil our own long-term potential and succeed on our own terms. Throughout the programme there was a focus on consciousness-raising and developing practical skills and knowledge to help us in both our personal and career journeys, enabling us to learn better how to speak up for ourselves and make our voices heard, as well as listening to the views of others. From the start we had all agreed on a ‘no-judgement policy’, which allowed us to openly share our ideas and become more comfortable with doing this and so also develop public speaking skills. One of our challenges was to provide a workshop for Year 9 and 10 girls in which we would run activities focusing on what we had learnt in our own sessions, to try to increase their consciousness surrounding their self-worth and their potential to promote change in their own lives as well as others. We also did things like writing blog posts about matters that were important to us, and so ranged from feminism to determination, exploration activities in which we shared our views and debated on topics surrounding, for example the portrayal of women in the media. The sessions were led by Hanna McCloskey, who made each session both really informative and also fun and interesting, as she was so passionate about her programme and all the benefits we could gain from taking part in it. From taking part in the programme we all learnt so much about ourselves and each other, as well as developing our self-belief in our capabilities and confidence in that we all have the capacity to do amazing things. Bethan Khesro Y13 Stretch Curriculum Visit to Shaw Trust Horticultural Centre, Stanmore The daffodils we planted at Clamp hill on the 30th of January 2015 will be planted in the Bernays Community Garden in Stanmore (not maintained by the council) and some will also be sold for charity on Mother’s Day. In the end we managed to pot 60 trays of 4 daffodil bulbs - That’s 240 bulbs in total! The proceeds will go towards the various Shaw Trust social enterprise projects helping young disadvantaged people into work schemes with local businesses. It was a lovely sunny day and our students were a credit to Nower Hill High School. We were also invited back in the summer thanks to their superb efforts and attitude. Our students were given gifts of daffodil bulbs to take home with them. We have kept a few here at school and are growing them on the windowsill outside our classroom – I5/I6. Please do come and have a look. Nikki O’Shea, Carrys Sinclair and Sonia Chudasama “I actually enjoyed it, I liked being with everyone and it was really fun and amazing!” – Lydia “I enjoyed planting the daffodil bulbs and I liked getting on the bus as well.” – Preyen “It was good and we all enjoyed planting bulbs.” – Priyen “I really enjoyed making these, it was good. I liked making so many bulbs because I wanted to be the best at planting!” – Shreyen “I like going to Stanmore, I live in Stanmore. I liked riding the bus. I like planting. It was fun being with my friends.” “I really liked helping out by planting some bulbs. I also enjoyed seeing the different types of plants” - Richard Stretch Curriculum visit to Platinum Hair Studio On Thursday 29th January, we took the students to a local hair salon as part of our ‘Personal Hygiene: Haircare’ module so they could see first-hand how salons work… Mr. Wooding http://www.platinumhairstudio.co.uk/ 0208 427 7751 Holocaust survivor Rudi Oppenheimer visits Year 8 Rudi Oppenheimer, survivor of Westerbork and Bergen Belsen came to Nower Hill High School to help commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Concentration and Death Camps and teach Yr 8 about the lessons of the Holocaust. Thoughts from Yr8 afterwards: ‘The whole room was quiet and everyone was listening intently. Everyone was being respectful and I feel everyone learnt something that afternoon.’ (Kelsey Sahadow 8RHP) ‘When Rudi Oppenheimer came in it was interesting to find out the truth about the Holocaust because its hard to know what really happened…’ (Rebecca Fallon 8SLG) All of Year 8 listening to Rudi Oppenheimer on the 30th January 2015 Comments from Yr8 students about the experience: ‘Rudi told us his story and the lies he was told about his race…it was touching to know what happened to him and others around him.’ (Majd Al-Asadi 8RDP) ‘Learning about Rudi and his family’s journey taught me to enjoy the life I have been given and to be proud of the fact that I am lucky. I now am more interested in the Holocaust.’ (Nancy Donaldson 8RDP) 9AMN raised £107 OXFAM UNWRAPPED…this is what we bought. Health Check Chickens Mosquito net Fix a well Teach a teacher Give girls a head start School supplies Goat couple Plant an allotment Mrs. Nicolaou and Mrs. Mortell Faculty of Linguistic and Cultural Studies NEWS LINGUISTS OF THE ½ TERM Competence • Confidence • Curiosity We would like to congratulate and commend the following students for their excellent work and attitude in Languages this ½ term. Bravo! Mr. Piesse French Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Spanish Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 German Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Achievement Emily Darnell Arsalan Haidar Amy Wahab Alice Agerbak Amy Dann Taher Ebrahim Gnanani Sriskantharajah Achievement Hana Andari Abishek Pandya Amirah Sheikh Madelane Ranaghan Courtney Duncan Nare Amasi Hartoonian Achievement Effort and Homework Markus Emmott Joey Tsang Parneet Kaur Rasha Jaffrey Maryam Jama Fathima Mohammed Nazeem Ajanth Raveendran Effort and Homework Adam Jahangir Zanjabil Merahi David Davidovic Sanjay Balle Jasmeet Bamrah Anjali Thakkar Effort and Homework Vaisnavi Ramanan James Secombe Maathushan Jeyarajah Hubert Lemczak Vennila Anbalakan Ronil Goldenwalla Abishajini Rajakumaran Vitusche Arulselvam A Level Psychology trip to Auschwitz 2015 A Level Psychology trip to Auschwitz 2015 In mid-January, 13 Year 12 Psychology students went to visit the concentration camps, Auschwitz-Birkenau. The reason for the visit was to support the teaching of the Social Psychology unit. Within this unit, students are asked to investigate the key issue of “obedience during conflict”. Key Questions such as “Why did the Nazi soldiers commit these atrocities, when they knew it was morally wrong?” and “Could this have happened in any country?” are discussed and debated within the context of Social Psychology. The visit was a great success and was a very emotional and moving experience for all the students and staff. We also completed a walking tour of the Jewish Ghetto area of Krakow which provided the students with a lot of contextual information on the history of Poland and the conditions that the Polish-Jewish residents endured during Nazi occupation. In addition, we completed a walking tour of the sights of Krakow’s Old Town which allowed the students to take in more of Krakow’s history. The students were a credit to the school and showed great maturity throughout the trip. A big thank you should go to Mr Freed who accompanied me on this trip giving up his free time. Miss Simmonds Gymnastic Stars • On Wednesday 26th November, these five students took part in the Harrow School Gymnastics Competition. We had great success. • Rebecca O’Goan WON the senior individual award. • Riordan O’Goan WON the junior individual boys award. • Grace Berridge-Burley came 2nd in the junior competition and Millie Turvey came 3rd. Well done to you all – you were fantastic! Miss Ward Year 7 Boys’ Basketball Congratulations to the Year 7 boys’ Basketball team for reaching the semi-final of the Harrow Schools Basketball competition at Rooks Heath on Wednesday 4th February. The team beat Rooks Heath 8-2 and Park High 12-2 before losing to Harrow High in overtime in the semi-final. Tyrone Glean 7CFC, Mai-Ron Webb 7LSM, Pha’Raokh Foster 7CSG, Tajean Fraser-Byrne 7LDH, Oli Long 7LMX, Toby Church 7LMX, Ishvind Grewal 7LLS, Luke Hazlewood 7LVP, Adam Manchor 7LDH, Daniel Pigeon 7 LSM, Zachary Akinyede 7CMP Year 8 Boys’ Basketball Congratulations to the Year 8 Boys’ Basketball squad for coming 2nd in the Harrow Borough basketball tournament last week. The team put in a great effort but lost to Harrow High in the final. The boys beat Hatch End, Whitmore, Rooks Heath in the group to come first before defeating Park High in the semi-final. Lattrell Maitland was ‘Most Valuable Player’. Year 9/10/11 Boys’ Basketball Year 9 boys VS Hatch End – Lost 57-6 Year 10 boys VS Salvatorian – Won 15-10 Year 11 boys VS Salvatorian – Won 35-22 Year 11 boys VS Salvatorian – Won 37- 21 Indoor Athletics On Thursday 5th February, a crack unit of Indoor Athletes set off to Park High School to compete in the annual Sports Hall Athletics Championships. The team comprising of (Laurence Edwards, Ben RoseSenior, Jacob Loza, Sam Dadamo, Romaine Foster, Riordan O’Goan, Ashley John-Baptiste, Amber Perry Jordan, Elize Asafu-Adjaye, Kelly Elliot-Tyson, Taqiyya Brou ) had a great time and were put through two and half hours of strenuous competition ending in the relay finale. The team worked so hard and maintained as positive spirit throughout coming 1st in 3 of the 4 relays and 2nd in the other which was an amazing feat. The boys came 2nd overall and the girls 4th. Table Tennis Congratulations to the U14 Table Tennis team who came 2nd in the borough tournament. Tommy Warwick, Sachi Bhatt, Zane Ahemd, Hossam Hannachi The boys put in a tremendous effort beating every team in singles and doubles until losing to Whitmore in the final. Netball Indoor cricket nets Sporting Facilities Enquiries? Phone Jane Wilkinson on 020 8863 0877 ext 2211 Dancing Parties Main Hall Wedding Receptions Indoor 5 aside or skills Basketball court Family / Friends Celebrations Classrooms Tennis courts Productions Tuition Meetings Meetings
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It`s always nice to write for the school newsletter, as it gives me the
We would like to congratulate and commend the following students for their excellent
work and attitude in Languages this ½ term. Bravo!
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10