the maxaugust 2010 a newsletter from creflo dollar ministerial


the maxaugust 2010 a newsletter from creflo dollar ministerial
The Reason
It May Not
Be Working
by Creflo Dollar
n the outside, we may appear to be doing all the right things for all the right reasons, but God is always interested in
what is going on in our hearts. I like what the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:3: “If I give all my possessions
to feed the poor, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing” (The New
American Standard Bible). Love has to be the motivation behind what we do, or there is no profit. Nothing works in the
Kingdom of God without love. Therefore, when we try to work biblical principles (to get things) without affection, we end up
frustrated. The proof is evident in the results.
Obtaining positive results in our lives, or the lack thereof,
can be compared to fruit on a tree. When bad fruit shows
up in our lives, we must be quick to deal with the root issue
because, if the root issue isn’t dealt with effectively, things
will not work properly in our lives and ministries. However,
walking in love and honoring God are root issues that can
positively affect our fruit.
When we choose to walk in love and honor God, we must
not view it as as burden. For instance, have you ever heard
someone say, the Lord has given me a burden for winning
souls? Any service to God must not be seen as a burden. The
Bible says, “And the burden of the Lord shall ye mention no
more: for every man’s word shall be his burden” (Jeremiah
23:36). We should not regard our service to God as a burden,
and then expect His best to show up in our lives.
As an illustration, suppose you learned, after many years
of marriage, that your spouse did everything for you out of
obligation only. He or she never had any affection for you
whatsoever. Now, how would that make you feel? Who
wants to be involved in an unloving relationship? Who wants
to be a burden to someone? I personally would never want
to feel that I have only been tolerated by my wife, instead of
You may be thinking, “What if I do see serving God as a
burden?” Well, one thing you need to do is resist the urge
to get religious about it. Deal with it, and be truthful about
the situation. Examine your motives. Have you allowed
selfishness and wrong motives to take over? Are you
comparing yourself to someone else? Repent and pray about
it, and ask God to help you change your attitude. When you
change your attitude, your emotions will eventually line up.
Do not take this matter lightly, because nothing will
work in your life and ministry if you lack affection for God.
Affection is delightsome commitment. Study the affection
David and Solomon had for God, and the things of God.
Their love got God’s attention over and over again, to the
point where God revealed Himself to them in miraculous
ways, and caused them to walk in supernatural favor (1 Kings
3:1-5; 1 Chronicles 29:2, 3). Remember, Solomon offered a
thousand burnt offerings, not because he was trying to get
a principle to work, but because He was sincerely devoted to
God, and loved Him with all his heart.
I encourage and challenge you to examine why you do
what you do, and determine if it is because you truly love
God. Only when you serve God with honor and affection will
you see profit in your life and ministry.
ave you ever wondered what it is going to take
to bring people into the Kingdom of God on
a massive scale? This is a question I know
ministry leaders and pastors consider, especially in light
of the ever-changing world that we live in. The answer is
simple—real demonstrations of God’s power, through the
lives of committed Christians, who know what it means
to execute their covenant rights. There is a great revival
taking place, and I plan to be right in the middle of it. When
we come into agreement with the Word of God and allow
it to transform us from the inside out, we become conduits
of the supernatural. This is what the world is waiting to
I remember a time in my life when the Word was not
as real to me as it is now. It took making a quality decision
to throw myself into it so that it would become more real
than anything else in my life. For example, when the doctor
diagnosed me with prostate cancer, I didn’t have time to
wait and decide if I wanted to make the Word my final
authority. I needed results! When I received that negative
report, I began to seek a revelation of God’s healing power
like never before. I locked myself in my room and dove into
the Word of God, meditating on healing scriptures to the
point where they began to saturate my spirit. I will never
forget when the revelation came alive inside of me. I knew
at that moment that I was healed!
There are many people who are going through issues
in their lives, and are in need of the revelation God has
given to you on how to be set free from certain things.
However, in order for them to receive that revelation, they
need to see it working in your life.
Operating in the power of God that is necessary to
spark and continue true revival starts with your personal
walk with God, and the consistency with which you seek
Him. It is easy to become so wrapped up in all the events
and commitments on our calendars that we find ourselves
slipping in certain key areas that got us where we are today.
However, it is critical that we remain in close fellowship with
God by maintaining a consistent prayer life and keeping
our Word levels high at all times. I make it a point to always
keep myself in “the overflow” spiritually, so I can tap into the
power of God at any time. This takes discipline and diligence,
especially when there is so much to be done.
As ministry leaders in these last days, we are to be on the
forefront of the revival that is taking place in the Body of
Christ. Our leadership and direction, fueled by our personal
time spent with God, will help bring many souls into the
Kingdom. Now, more than ever, we must commit ourselves
to the Lord so we can be in position for God to release His
power to us. As we become carriers of His love, and impart it
into the lives of others, the Body of Christ will be a force to be
reckoned with in the earth.
C O P Y R I G H T © A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 C R E F L O D O L L A R M I N I S T E R I A L A S S O C I AT I O N | M A X I M I Z E Y O U R V I S I O N |
So Where’s the Anointing?
by Creflo Dollar
ne day, while driving in my car, I started praying. I asked God to give me a profound Word. I really wanted Him to give
me a spectacular assignment, such as going to Washington D.C. and speaking a prophetic Word to the president.
But instead, He said, “I love you.” I said, “Is that it? I know you love me.” He replied, “What do you want me to do,
keep telling you that there is some big task I want you to do? I have already told you what I want you to do. It will take you
the rest of your life to do what I last told you to do. I’m not going to keep giving you a major Word every time I talk to you.”
My next thought was “Wow! That is so right! It’s been 30 years and I haven’t even finished doing what you last told me to
do, Lord.”
I received a revelation that day. I must continue to tap into His power so I can do what He last told me to do. As a result,
I will continue to be victorious in my personal life and in ministry.
Are you doing what God last told you to do? Are you getting authentic results in your life and ministry? Are you winning in
your daily life? Evaluate your prayer time. Be sure your prayer time is not a perpetual quest to receive this “big event” Word.
Your prayer time should be a time of fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This is a time in which you can practice being in His
presence and receiving the answers you need for everyday life. The level of power you operate in during your private time
with Him determines the level of power you will have in public.
Therefore, in order to receive from Him, you must acknowledge His presence. He is constantly speaking to you, although
you may not hear Him. We must be mindful of the fact that we cannot allow our spirits to become so cluttered with the
cares of this world, or the desire for things, that we become spiritually deaf. If your spirit is weighed down with cares, you
will not be able to hear His voice. Then you may begin to wonder why you lack power. I’ll tell you why—you can’t hear from
the Source of your power.
You must give the Holy Spirit your undivided attention. If you neglect spending quality time with Him, then you will
become insensitive to His voice. When insensitivity occurs
between you and the Holy Spirit, it will seem as though
there is a wall between the things in this natural world and
the things in the spiritual world. He may be trying to get
through to you, but because of a lack of communication
with Him, a wall stands in the way.
The Anointing Connection
The anointing is a divine enablement. It is also the
personality of the Holy Spirit. Personality is what constitutes
a person and makes them distinct and unique. Have you ever
noticed that when you spend a lot of time with a person, his
or her personality traits begin to rub off on you? You may
say things they would say or act like they would. Well, when
you spend time with the Holy Spirit, His winning ways will
rub off on you. If you want the anointing, realize you cannot
get it without Him! And we know we have Him because the
Bible says God gave Him to us (John 14:26).
I have noticed that many people have spent so much
time with a counterfeit of the anointing that they don’t
recognize the genuine anointing. For years, many of us
have thought the anointing was simply an emotional
display that is ignited only when a church organ is playing
and people are shouting, dancing, and falling out. But
many of us have also taken note that after those services,
people were still sick, in lack, hurt, or in strife. In other
words, nothing changed. There were no authentic results.
So where was the anointing?
When we can win in life—that’s powerful! I don’t want
us to confuse the anointing with supernatural displays
in church. Yes, there is an anointing where healing is
concerned, but there is also an anointing to do whatever
God has called us to do, in excellence. How can we tell
when someone is anointed? It is evident when they are
winning and getting results!
When the anointing is in operation, burdens are
removed and yokes are destroyed. It is not a fantasy or
spooky thing. When the anointing operates through us, we
will accomplish, achieve, and win in life. If there ever was
a time to win, it is now! That is why it is important for us
to get rid of the religious myths concerning the anointing.
We must not lose sight of how the anointing works in our
everyday lives.
Jesus emphasized that Believers can be like God,
in character, because we have the fruit of the Spirit.
Therefore, the Believer can be like God, in spirit and in the
demonstration of power. But it is determined by the level
of anointing that is operating in his or her life.
Kingdom is based in love. Therefore, when we operate in
love, mighty things happen!
We cannot have an effective ministry if we are not
walking in love. It just won’t work. The power and results
that we see in our ministries will be determined by our
treatment of others. We have to resolve our relationship
issues—especially those at home with our spouses and
children. Our ministry is a sum total of how we deal with
other people. The proof is in the pudding. Anyone can be
a good performer and put on a good show, but at the end
of the day, if there aren’t any positive results, there is no
I encourage you to become so sensitive to the Holy Spirit
that you wake up in the morning and remind yourself that
you have a guest living on the inside of you. Then you will
truly understand that you will never be alone as long as you
live, because He is right there with you—willing to respond
to the faintest whisper. Understand that you are never void
of love or the divine ability to get results. It all resides inside
of you.
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The Love Connection
Love and the anointing are connected. You cannot
separate one from the other because they both come
from the Holy Spirit. God is love, and the foundation of His
Revitalizing Your Health
by Suzanne Daniels
hen it comes to physical wellness, your colon is
of primary importance. A healthy colon is a major
key to vibrant health. Also known as the large
intestine, it is a continuous hollow tube, measuring about
five feet, and is responsible for the digestive process. When
our colon is healthy and functioning properly, essential
nutrients are absorbed, toxins are expelled, and we feel good.
Unfortunately, many people’s colons have become stagnant
pools of toxic feces and mucus that poison our bloodstream,
cells, and organs. Some of the things that create a toxic and
unhealthy environment in our bodies include:
• Refined sugar, white flour, additives, preservatives, oxidized fats, cholesterol, hormones, and antibiotics (from meat)
• Drugs, tobacco, caffeine, and prescription medication
• Stress
• Free radicals
• Everyday exposure to pollution
Our stool contains dead cells, mucus, toxins, and
harmful bacteria. We expel these things when we have
bowel movements. Optimally, we should have 2-3 bowel
movements per day to remove the waste. If you are not having
at least one bowel movement daily, most likely your colon is
not functioning properly. Consequently, the impacted stool
remains there. Over time this causes us to have high levels
of harmful bacteria that impair nutrient absorption and
cause toxins to accumulate, leading to a multitude of health
problems from constipation, gas, and diarrhea, to chronic
health issues.
One of the most important aids to a healthy colon is fiber
(the components of fruit, vegetables, and grains that cannot
be digested). There are two types of fiber that assist the colon:
insoluble fiber—which has great water retention properties,
and is a natural laxative, and soluble fiber—which forms a
gel-like substance as it is broken down by bacteria in the
colon. This gel aids in the elimination of wastes and keeps
the walls of the colon functioning properly.
Although fiber is considered crucial to a healthy colon,
Americans rarely eat enough. We normally eat 10 grams
per day, but we actually need around 20-45 grams.
Getting more fiber in our diets is essential to good health.
Foods that provide fiber include: avocados, artichokes,
raspberries, blackberries, lentils, black beans, broccoli,
pears, and apples.
Detoxing is another way to cultivate a healthy colon.
There are different types of colon cleansing, one of which
is an herbal pill that is taken orally. Herbal colon cleansers
help flush your lower intestines of impacted fecal matter.
Another way to cleanse the colon is by doing colonic
irrigation, which is basically a flushing of the colon with
water. However, colonics can cause electrolyte imbalances,
so it is important to replenish the colon with nutrients after
having this procedure done.
Finally, it is important to eat large amounts of highfiber foods, drink lots of water, and consume plenty of
green, leafy vegetables. As with any detoxifying regime,
consult your physician beforehand, especially if you are on
Taking care of your colon will dramatically improve your
health. In addition, be sure to exercise, in order to help
reduce stress. As you take the necessary steps to achieve
optimum health, you will notice a difference in how you feel
and position yourself to live a long life!
Religion vs. Relationship
by Creflo Dollar
eligion is something that is as controversial as
it is misunderstood. There are plenty of people
who subscribe to certain religious beliefs, but
when it comes to having a real relationship with God, the
connection is lacking. Many of the beliefs religious people
uphold are far from the heart of God and His desire for
mankind. Actually, I hate religion! That’s a bold statement
for a pastor to make, but it is true. What I mean is I hate the
form of godliness that religion portrays, while denying the
real power of God. Religion and tradition go hand in hand,
and they always cause people to fall short of God’s best.
Religion is responsible for some of the most inaccurate
beliefs about God, such as “God causes sickness and
uses it to teach you something,” “being poor brings glory
to God,” and the belief that doing a lot of good works
somehow qualifies you to be in right standing with God.
Religion causes people to go through the motions without
actually producing change in their lives. It causes people
to be cold and judgmental toward unbelievers, while still
wearing the façade of religious piety. Religious people go
to church every Sunday but still battle the same issues,
addictions, and problems that people who don’t know
God experience. They have the form down pat, but the
transforming power of God has not impacted their souls.
There is no denying that we are living in perilous
times. Now, more than ever, the world needs to see and
understand the true nature of Jesus Christ—love and
power. It’s time out for religious church games and trying
to appear spiritual with no results. The best way to get
people’s attention is not by being religious, but by actually
acting like Jesus did! He walked in love, was completely
submitted to the leadership of the Holy Spirit, and only did
what the Father told Him to do. His obedience was the key
to the manifestations He experienced, and as a result, He
made a mark in the lives of everyone with whom He came
in contact. When we begin to totally submit our lives to the
Word of God, we will think, speak, and act like Him. As a
result, revival will certainly take place.
The key to breaking out of the religious box is the
renewing of the mind. Romans 12:1, 2 says we should renew
our minds, and not be conformed to the world’s way of
thinking. When we truly obtain God’s thoughts and mindset, we will actually do the Word of God rather than try to
appear religious. The Word is powerful, and it has the ability
to change and rearrange our lives when we allow it to take
root in our hearts. By meditating and acting on the truth, we
will be set free from Satan’s oppression.
Contrary to traditional, religious beliefs, the gifts of the
Spirit, healing, deliverance, provision, debt cancellation, a
blessed marriage, and a prosperous, abundant life are all
a part of God’s salvation package. However, these things
do not automatically become a reality in your life without
renewing your mind to the truth about them—God wants
you to experience His goodness. He is not trying to teach
you a lesson by inflicting pain on you. It’s time to abandon
religion and replace it with genuine relationship with God,
through prayer and time spent with Him on a daily basis.
When your relationship with God becomes more real to you
than your religion, you will discover what living the good life
is really all about!
The Mystery
of Revival
by Pastor Michael T. Smith
egardless of your doctrinal
background or persuasion, the baseline
concept of revival seems to be that, at a
certain time, God intervenes in the affairs
of man in a manner that draws attention to
Him. The general theory seems to be that
if enough people pray for, or hunger for,
revival, God will “flip a switch” and “pour
out the power” or “begin to move.” This,
according to popular belief, can manifest
in anything from a great influx of souls
coming to Christ all the way to special
manifestations of the Holy Spirit (laughter,
trances, supernatural seasons of giving,
etc.). When these things occur, it gives us a
feeling similar to that of surfing or catching
a wave at the beach, as some say. There
is a big swell, a rush of momentum and
power, and a tiny hope that the wave we
are riding will be the one that will take us
all the way to shore (the return of the Lord).
To date, however, none of us have yet to
see any move take us that far … or have
To know the answer, we must begin to
enlarge our view of revival. This expansion
of our spiritual scope begins with the notion
that revivals may not actually occur in the
manner that we commonly assume. We
often talk about the Welsh Revival, Azusa
Street Revival, Charismatic Renewal,
Toronto Blessing, etc., as though moves
of God have started and stopped multiple
times throughout the Church age. We have championed the mystique
of these finite “outpourings” so much that we have occasionally tried to
manufacture them. Sadly, we have even made attempts to re-create
some of them, from days gone by. This is where our error has occurred.
We have broken into pieces what God views as a whole. We talk about
revival as something that has been, or is going on “somewhere,” or will be
one day. I believe these perceptions of revival are incorrect.
The biblical truth is that we have been in the end-time move of God
since Acts chapter 2. All of the times and places that we have named
or memorialized as revivals in church history are not separate actions of
God, but are just iterations of steps within the one big outpouring that was
promised in Joel 2, and said to have been fulfilled on the day of Pentecost
(Acts 2:16). Peter did not say, “There will be a day of outpouring.” He
said, “This IS that day of outpouring!” To say that we are waiting on an
end-time, mighty move of God is as inaccurate as saying
that we are waiting on God to send someone to die for
our sins. It has already happened, and we should not be
waiting on it.
Until this religious myth is replaced with some solid,
scriptural Christian truth, we will continue to sit on the
sidelines, waiting for God. Or, even more dangerous, we
will call things revivals that are just fleshly nonsense or reconstituted imitations of forms in which the move of God
has previously manifested. To avoid this, we MUST renew
our understanding in the following areas:
1. We must possess a biblical definition of “the last days.”
If you study your Bible properly, you will see that we have
been in the last days for 2,000 plus years (Acts 2:16-17;
Hebrews 2:1-2).
2. We must know what to let go of. To everything there is a
season (Ecclesiastes 3:1). This is especially true with “special”
manifestations of the Spirit of God (laughter, spiritual
“drunkenness,” trances, shakes, etc.). Yes, throughout the
church age, there have been seasons of unusual occurrences.
Many of these cycle through over and over, and we may see
them again. We must be careful, however, not to “marry”
these manifestations, to the point that when they are not
present, we declare that God is not moving. We must be
careful not to box God in to what has been before, and we
must not feel pressured to “force” something that isn’t there.
3. We must know that some things have no time-limit or
particular season. The gifts of the Spirit and the teaching
of the Word are not elements of revival. They will never
pass away. Any preacher who says, “The Word/Teaching
‘movement’ that began in the 1970s has run its course”
should be immediately stripped of all credentials. Teaching
the Word and confirming it, with signs following, is the
foundation of all ministries, and has been since the days
Jesus descended from the temptation mount. There are
too many scriptures to list in this area.
4. We must never suspend what is constant for that which
is seasonal. Attempting to replace the teaching of the Word
with a special manifestation of the Spirit of God is a common
mistake made by many. Lives and ministries that last are
built on the simple, practical, and applicable teaching of
We talk about revival as something
that has been, or is going on
“somewhere,” or will be one day.
the Scriptures. To try to build with anything else is to build
people’s lives and ministries on sand (Luke 6:46-49).
5. We must abandon the idea of a special “soul-saving”
move of God. I know that this sounds blasphemous
to our religious ears, but the very idea of an increased
move of God upon men to get saved is the most unjust
of doctrines. Can you imagine people in heaven who got
saved in the days just before the rapture having to look
into the faces of those who ended up in hell because they
weren’t alive during the time when God was saving souls
more freely and in greater numbers? Such thinking betrays
the teachings of Jesus Himself, who never amplified one
season above another for repenting and coming to God.
In fact, He taught the opposite idea repeatedly (John 4:35;
Mark 4:12; Matthew 13:15; John 6:44-45). Our doctrine in
this area must remain what it has always been: now is the
acceptable time (2 Corinthians 6:2).
6. We must know that God moves in multiple dimensions
simultaneously. Do not limit your idea of “the move of God”
to full altars and healing lines. New Testament ministry
occurs in salvation, the discipleship of Believers, the
expansion of Kingdom influence, and the expression of
God’s manifested love. These are all happening worldwide
in major ways all the time!
The conclusion to all of this is that it is no longer time
to wait or pray for God to move. He has been moving, is
moving, and will be moving until the return of the Lord. It is
up to us to tap into the flow of what is on His mind for us and
our ministries, and to get in on it. Revival isn’t on the way; it’s
always been here.
It’s Time for a Revival!
by Kenneth Fuller
hat is revival? It is difficult to capture the meaning
of revival in a single statement. Words like “divine
visitation,” “spiritual awakening,” and “outpouring
of the Holy Spirit” all come to mind. However, I do want to
point out that a revival is greater in its impact than that of a
normal evangelistic week of services scheduled once a year
on our church calendars—the all too predictable week of
Revival is the visitation of God’s spirit upon His
people—the exceptional manifestation of His presence in
the church, accompanied by great demonstrations of His
power and life. A revival will meet every aspiration of God’s
people, and move them further toward God’s restoring
bring about a personal revival. Consequently, what happens
within us can have a major effect on the lives of others
(in our homes and in society at large). Revival has to start
somewhere. Why not let it begin with us?
God has only one basis by which He will be implored,
and that is through His own Word. We must release faith
for revival and find the basis for our prayers in the promises
of God. Furthermore, it is our knowledge of His will (which
is found in His Word) that gives us our confidence in
petitioning God for revival. This is more vital than knowing
that Smith Wigglesworth, Jon G. Lake, D.L. Moody, or any
other great man of God has prophesied such a visitation.
Revive Me O Lord
“Behold, I long for your precepts; Revive me in your
righteousness” (Psalm 119:40, NKJV).
“I am afflicted very much; Revive me, O LORD, according
to your Word” (Psalm 119:107).
Numbers 14:21 Act 2:11, 13
Psalm 72:19 Acts 3
Acts 2:1,4 Acts 4
Acts 2:36, 47
Scriptures for the expectation of revival:
What happens when revival comes?
1. Revival brings change.
2. Revival brings judgment.
3. Revival impacts the saved and unsaved.
4. Revival produces radical Believers.
5. Revival produces radical churches.
As much as I believe in God’s power and love to send
a refreshing, and the outpouring of His Spirit on all flesh,
I also believe that we can do more than pray and trust.
We can also bring ourselves to a place of personal revival.
With each of us taking responsibility for bringing revival
into our own lives, it will change the entire atmosphere,
and our land will experience revival. If we make a decision
to follow God with passion, the world will change.
Therefore, as Believers, the bottom line on revival is our
personal walk with God, and we can certainly do something
about that. We can make choices and decisions that will
Let the revival begin!
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August 25, 2010