Study in Europe!


Study in Europe!
Study in Europe!
Are you a third-year Chemical
or Chemical & Biological
engineering student interested
in studying in Denmark, the
Netherlands or Switzerland in
January 2017?
Coordinated International Experience Program - CHBE STUDENTS
UBC’s Coordinated International Experience (CIE) is a new initiative in the Faculty of Applied
Science offering third-year Chemical or Chemical & Biological Engineering UBC students a
chance to study abroad, full time for a semester at a leading European institution in January
2017. Students must be in third-year, second term in January 2017, have good academic standing
and an average of 70% or above in their previous winter session to apply. Students accepted by
a CIE partner institution are eligible to receive a $1000 award for travel support from the Faculty
of Applied Science.
Benefits for Participating CIE Students:
Courses taken at CIE partner institutions are pre-approved for UBC Engineering degree credit requirements.
Students pay UBC tuition when studying at a CIE partner university.
Transcripts are provided to document the student’s stay at an international partner institution.
Resume and future career opportunities are enhanced by international experience.
Approved courses a student can take on a CIE academic term abroad in January 2017:
UBC Course
DTU Course
CHBE 346Thermodynamics
28221 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
CHBE 366 Process & Environmental Engineering Laboratory
28121 Chemical Unit Operations Laboratory
CHBE 459 Chemical & Biological Engineering Economics
62618 Economics
CHBE Technical Elective
CHBE Technical Elective
CHBE Technical Elective
CHBE Technical Elective
CHBE Technical Elective
CHBE Technical Elective
28212 Polymer Chemistry
UBC Course
28270 Industrial Ecology
Oil & Gas Production
28852 Risk Assessment in Chemical & Biochemical Industry
Production of Biofuels
28885 Technology & Economy in Oil & Gas Production
EPFL Course
CHBE Technical Elective
ChE 404 Environmental Chemical & Biological Technology
CHBE Technical Elective
ChE 406 Chemical Processes of Sustainable & Renewable Energy
CHBE Technical Elective
ChE 408 Ecofriendly Production & Process Intensification
CHBE Technical Elective
BIO 441 Nutrition from Molecules to Health
CHBE Technical Elective
BIOENG 442 Biomaterials
CHBE Technical Elective
BIOENG 449 Tissue Engineering
UBC Course
CHBE 356 Process Dynamics and Control
CHBE 357 Interfacial Engineering
CHBE 455 Kinetics and Reactor Design
CHBE 459 CHBE Economics
TUDelft Course
CH 3043a Process Dynamics and Control
CH 3011 Interfacial Engineering
CH 3681a Reactors and Kinetics
MOT 1421 Economic Foundations How to Apply
Apply online:
Deadline for CIE January 2017 applications: Monday, May 16th, 2016
Coordinated International Experience Program
Phone: 604.822.6271 Email: [email protected]
The University of British Columbia
2385 East Mall, Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z4 Canada