oo-k thefts- it new peak last session


oo-k thefts- it new peak last session
Anything's fair
RCMP bag of tricks :
trucks, traps, tree s
University RCMP even us e
caught in radar traps on access
roads to the University .
, half-ton trucks as ghost cars .
The traps . Thompson said, They also use station wagons,
pink cars, the usual green and are put at places where there White Chrysler product, an d have previously been accidents.
They are kept in one plac e
sbtftetimes sport cars .
only a couple of hours.
In fact, say the meal at the
* * *
USC detachment, anything i s
fair when you're catching
Among Thompson's favorit e
speeders .
locations for radar traps ar e
They use radar, of course .
the . winding section of South * * *
west Marine Drive, on bush They have non-uniforme d concealed roads beside Univerconstables driving ghost cars . sity golf course, and in th e
One, it is reported, eve n residential area near Blanca
wore a . blue and yellow UB C on Chancellor.
Ghost cars often lurk in
These tactics, and others , sideroads of University Boule netted the RCMP $6,000 i n
traffic fines—mostly from
UBC students and faculty—last
Detachment head-Sgt . D . G .
Thompson, said his men hat e
doing it !
``It's a mistaken view th e
public has that we take a secre t
delight in issuing tickets," Vol . XLV
Thompson said Wednesday .
* * *
"Using radar and ghost car s
isn't a money making philosophy for us. It's solely an effort
to cut down on speed and accidents . "
One of the main things rada r
traps and ghost cars succeede d
in cutting down last year, was
the size of UBC students' billfolds .
Thompson said that abou t
25 per cent of the ticket s
handed out were for speeding . These offenders were al l
yard and in the 20 mile pe r
hour school zone on Chancellor Boulevard.
Thompson says - the University is a place of learning for
not only UBC students .
Ii'e says RCMP trainees from
the Heather Street barracks
come to his detachment t o
practice catching speeders .
Thompson has a detachment
of six regular men .
He says that although th e
size of the student body is increasing, the RCMP is givin g
out fewer speeding tickets .
Continued on Page Thre e
THIS IS WHAT your car looks like to a man behind the rada r
set . Car at arrow was shown on graph to be doing 38 i n
35-mph zone on University Blvd . last month . Officer write s
license number, description, and time beside violations, an d
radios pickup car .
o.o-k thefts it new pea k
last sessio n
Students stole $7,000 worth of books from the library las t
year, the library reported Wednesday .
In addition, articles have bee n
ripped from periodicals - an d
books torn or defaced . Som e
library officials have called i t
the heaviest damage in years .
Inglis Bell, head of the circulation division, says the theft
and damage is increasing proportionately with student enrollment .
UBC girls generally g o
in g roups, a Ubyssey sur"People who steal books a t
vey found Wednesday .
University shouldn't be here, "
During Wednesday noon
says Bell .
more than 60 per
"If they will do this sort o f
cent of girls entering th e
thing here, what will they d o
when they go out into the busiBrock Basement washroom
ness world? "
did so in groups of two or
He said the stolen books cost
more .
the University more than their
New board
to ponde r
fee hik e
Four students and five o f
Vancouver's top businessme n
will decide whether AMS fee s
should be raised $5 .
The nine men have been appointed to a special Studen t
Union Building Campaign investigating the financing of the
building .
In the next few months the
committee hopes to propose a
program to raise $4 million ,
Dean Feltham, planning chair man for SUB said Wednesday .
A $5 increase, which woul d
have to be approved by a student referendum, will bring i n
' an additional revenue of $65,000 a year .
The five businessmen, al l
UBC alumni, are :
Peter Sharp, president of
Expanded Metal Co . of Canada; Bob Whyet, of the Roya l
Trust Co . ; Donald Fields, of
Clarkson-Gordon and Co . ; Ar t
Phillips of Capital Management ;
and - R . J . Webster, James
Richardson and Sons Ltd .
"The task of raising $4 mil lion (cost of the proposed building) is so detailed and specialized we couldn't hope to tackl e
it ourselves," said Feltham . He said the committee will
consider government sources ,
foundations, loans, gifts—an d
student fee increases .
At present $10 of the $24 Alma Mater Society fee goes int o
Continued on Page Three
No . 3 7
—Don Huine phot o
NOVEL CAFETERIA seating more than 500 is going up belo w
East Mall near Freddy Wood Theatre . New caf, which wil l
also be the new bus terminus, costs $600,000 and will b e
built around a giant pine tree . (Story page 3 . )
Hungry Nigerian student s
come up with beef for lunc h
NSUKKA, Nigeria (CUP)—A student protest over poo r
food which turned into a full-scale uproar against both th e
food and "oppressive regulations," has resulted in the expulsion of the entire undergraduate student body of the
University of Nigeria .
The demonstration began during lunch hour, when students refused to eat the food they were served .
It soon mushroomed as students began to scatter utensil s
and smashing university property . Reports from the university
said two cars belonging to university officials were heavily
damaged .
A police riot squad finally restored order.
price .
An average $5 book costs a n
additional $2 to order, catalogu e
and finally . put on the shelves .
"In order to ensure complet e
security it would be necessar y
to search each student individually .
"This involves searching students for books hidden unde r
coats and shirts," he said .
"Such searches would mak e
security offensive to t h e student ."
Bell said there are four reasons behind the thefts .
Some students become so worried about their courses tha t
they sneak out reference books .
Other students steal books
because they don't want to b e
bothered bringing them back o n
the due date .
(Contiued on Page 3 )
The reason ?
Convenience, said most .
"We've been eatin g
lunch together and are going to the same class at
1 :30," was a typical comment .
"We always do everythin g
together!" one pair said .
A large group explaine d
that they had come to
practise a song for Phrateres .
Others found the powde r
room a pleasant place t o
compare clothes, talk, an d
watch hairdos being constructed .
* * *
And two girls wouldn' t
tell why they were together .
They fled into the female sanctuary an d
wouldn't come out .
Page 2
Thursday, January 10, 196 2
University Hill United Church
5375 University Boulevard
Services 1 :00 a .m . Sunday s
livening Service 7 p .m .
All Welcome
Canadians should stop wanderin g
politics seeking a role .
The CBC's Paris correspond - are moving their top men fro
London to Paris and Paris i s
ent, Stanley -Burke, speaking be - becoming an important informafore an overflow noon hou r tion centre "
crowd Tuesday, struck out a t
Burke said the military wars
"Canada's overdose of illusion . " of earlier European times hav e
A few years ago Canada provided a bridge across the Atlantic but that time has passed .
The Americans have by-passe d
us and built new bridges of
their own, he said .
"There is only so much a
country of 18 million people
can :achieve," he said .
Burke suggested that Canad a
should look to the developmen t
of the Atlantic Communit y as
an area where Canadians coul d
been superceded by linguisti c
wars .
Here the French are actively
promoting a campaign to make
French the language of the ne w
Europe .
The British aren't sittin g
back while the French campaign—they are saying tha t
English should be the universa l
language as it is almost an international language now .
On December 3rd in Buchanan 21 6
or between there and faculty clu b
lot a salid .braceletof flat-wound
alte*nat. ng copper and silver y
metal, a keepsake of childhood i n
Anguea . leeward, $5 .
Lillian Casual s
Add A New Look To Your Wardrob e
Hours : 9 :30 a .m . to 5 :30 p .m . Closed Wednesda y
exert influence .
Turning to the United Nations ,
Burke said the world organization should be kept operativ e
for reasons other than worl d
government .:
"The UN is an internation a l
world stock exchange serving as . 1
a central clearing house fo r
diplomats, " he said.
The two most useful room s
in the world can be found i n
the UN—the , North Lounge and
the Delegates ' Bar .
"Even if it costs $68 millio n
to operate . these two room s
alone it is worth the price for
the amount of business trans acted ." he said .
"The French," said Burke ,
"are a ruthless, nasty people wh o
are really moving .
"Our conception of the Frenc h
will have to be changed and w e
must accept them as a trul y
tough and dynamic people ."
Since the war the French hav e
made giant strides and must be
reckoned with, he said .
Burke said Paris will becom e
the New York of Europe .
"Most of the news agencie s
No fee, no class,
students warne d
Students may be excluded
from classes next Monday if
they haven ft paid their fees .
Second term fees are payable this week directly at the
accounting office in the administration building or by
mail .
All scholarships, includin g
government bursaries, may b e
picked up on Monday at th e
cashier's wicket in the administration ,building .
Fee receipts for use in in come tax returns will be
available Feb . 1 .
Student Presiden t
relsigns from fia t
ST JOHN'S (CUP) Memoria l
University student president Bil l
Johnston h a s resigned from
Upsilon Nu fraternity to sho w
he is against the whole concep t
of fraternities .
He said he had joined thre e
years ago, "like the rest of the
sheep" .
Johnston is currently . leadin g
the fight to oust fraternities an d
sororities from the Memoria l
campus .
-rs& clenzists
graduating student s
There are many interesting career opportunities being offered a t
the Company's Prince Rupert and Castlegar pulp mills for student s
graduating with the degree of Bachelor, or higher, in Mechanica l
Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Electrical Engi neering and Civil Engineering . Electricals or Civils applying shoul d
be fairly sure that their interests lie in manufacturing.
further informatio n
A pamphlet describing Columbia Cellulose Company, Limited an d
the opportunities it has for permanent employment may be obtained
from your University Employment Office .
Company representatives will be at the University fro m
Monday, January 14 to Friday, January 1 8
We are able to offer Second and Third Year Engineer s
and Chemists good wages and an. opportunity to obtain
varied . experience related to their academic studies .
Manufacturer of Acetate, Viscose' and specialty sulphite pulps ,
high quality bleached kraft paper pulps and lumber products .
Thursday, January 10, 1962
Today's . schedulie :
intern il-tEnt trap s
at large '
A strange thing happene d
to me the other night .
e It was, I suppose, the cl.il
mination of the insidious effects of advertising ; or, in this
case, the even worse effects o f
what you might call dis-advertising .
You see . there's somethin g
that's been bothering me fo r
quite some time now . With
every liquor advertisemen t
rttn in the. local papers, there
appears a fine-print kicker at
the bottom : "This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Contro l
Board or by the Government o f
British Columbia . "
It bugs me so badly that i t
long ago reached the propor , tion of a mania with me . Every
time I saw an ad for beer, gin ,
whiskey, or any of the Devil' s
nefarious stock of brews, I
immediately looked to the bottom of the ad to see if the government plug (or anti-plug, i f
you will) was there .
Always . Every damned time .
- That neatly phrased, miserable ,
sanctimonious little sentence :
`' "This advertisement is not published or displayed . . ."
* * *
And thus the strange occurence .
A friend of mine came ove r
the other night . We were discussing politics, a dry subjec t
at best, so I offered him a beer .
"Would you like a beer,
Charlie?" asked I .
No sooner was the wor d
"beer" out of my mouth tha n
a little 12 inch tall guy poppe d
out of the woodwork and piped ,
"This advertisement is not published or displayed by . the
Liquor Control Board or b y
the `Government of British
` Columbia ." He disappeare d
' back into the woodwork .
• I felt the blood drain fro m
' my face and the ashes of doub t
settle around my tongue .
Charlie had evidently see n
nothing and was eyeing m e
quizzically .
"But . . . but . . . all I sai d
was, `Would you like
'beer . . .! "
Pop . A mealy, self-righteous
voice : "This advertisement i s
not published or displayed . . - "
Pop . Back into the wall .
Charlie was now looking a t
me, quite justifiably, like I
was some - kind of nut .
"Ah, ah, maybe we better
skip it tonight, Chuckole man, "
I quavered . "Just remembere d
there's no beer
. ."
* * *
Pop . 'This advertisement is
not published . . - "
. . - left in the fridge," I
finished lamely .
Charlie left after I convince d
him that maybe I'd been studying too hard and needed to
catch up on my sleep .
Now alone, I said the wor d
"beer" again .
Pop . "This advertisement . . ."
I've tried him on "gin, rye ,
scotch, vodka . . ."
Pop . "This advertisement . . . "
- Every damned time .
It`s driving me crazy. I think
I'll go get stoned out of what's
left of my mind .
Yeah : `I'll' go downtown righ t
'flow and get a crock of rye . . .
'e - -Pop ."This advertisement . . "
Yaaaarrrrgggghhhh . . .
Page 3
cafe by July.
.Construction has already started on the luxurious 500-sea t
restaurant to be built near the
Frederic Wood Theatre .
L . J . Bayly, assistant superintendent 9f Buildings an d
Grounds, said the cafeteria —
built around a mammoth Ponderosa pine—will cost $600,000 .
It will also 'be the terminus
for campus-bound busses .
The building will feature a
balcony and a rear patio open ing on the permanent residenc e
A ramp encircling the pine.
tree will provide an entrance t o
the cafeteria, to be located on ,
the second storey . T h e ramp
will also link the restaurant t o
a new west mall bus stop .
Exterior design of the building will resemble that of t h e
Thea Koerner House, Bayl y
said .
The new eating centre wil l
not replace any food services
now existing, said Ruth Blair ,
head of Food Services .
"We still need all the facilitie s
we have," she said .
The old bus stop cafe on th e
main mall stopped being the bus
' stop cafe when the bus rout e
moved .
ST . JOHN'S (CUP) Memoria l
student council has passed a
motion stating it will not recognize any more Greek letter societies on campus .
It said it will formulate a recommendation to next year' s
council that no fraternities or
sororities at all be allowed t o
exist .
The move followed a four hour battle to oust the societies .
(Continued from Page one)
Tuesday. It has to be used i n
The $25 fine for speeding —
a number of other municipaliand sensible University traffic
ties when not here .
regulations—are the big rea"It could return anytime, "
sons for the drop, Thompson Thompson said, smiling .
says .
But he wouldn't say on what
schedule the radar machine appears at UBC .
" Intermittently," was his
(Continued from Page One )
only comment .
It last appeared at UB C a student building fund . The
rumored increase would brin g
the fee to $29 .
Feltham said he didn't expect
any recommendations on student tees before April .
(Continued from Page 1 )
American SUB planning conSome students are kleptosultant Porter . Butts was o n
maniacs .
Some just can't be bothere d campus again January 2 and '3.
taking the time to check thei r
His last visit was a year ago
books out .
when he shocked student cottnIn order to meet the heav y cillors with news that th
demand for some books the libuilding would cost up to $ 5
brary follows a policy of buyin g
multiple copies of each book, million instead of the the n
planned $800,000 .
he said .
"Another way students wh o GOLDEN WORD S
SUB planners are now sift need references for long period s
ran get them is to have the page s ing through tape . recordings of
they need photocopied in th e two days of Butts' golden words .
And the committee still want s
Humanities division of the lithe Medical Hut Block opposit e
brary . "
the chemistry building, for the
TUSCALOOSA, Ala ., (CUP - building site .
CPS) The University of
The Board of Governors said
Alabama has apparently ende d last month that the choice sit
for the year , the hopes of three
was ` unavailable . '
Negroes to attend the all-white
"But our discussions with
university .
T h e school announced ad - Butts convinced me the Medical
missions for the coming semeste r Hut Block is still by far the
were closed and- only complete d best spot," says Feltham .
applications would be processed .
The planning committee has
The applications of the thre e
Negroes were included in thos e not yet suggested any alternative sites, Feltham said .
"uncompleted" .
ANNUAL REVIEW of international affairs for past yea r
will be given by F . H . Soward ,
head of UBC's history department, at 8 :15 p .m . Saturday ,
Bu . 1'06 .
AMS sponsors
flight to Europ e
The AMS will sponsor a
charter flight to Europe this '
summer for UBC students, i
staff members, professors and ,
their families .
The round trip costs $368 . .
It leaves Vancouver June , 1
and return flight is from London Aug . 22 . There is roo m
for only 110 persons .
Full details on the flight
and application forms can be
obtained .from the AMS offices . Deadline is Feb. 25 .
Page 4
Machinations on Frat Row . . .
In federal elections, it's the party with th e
. biggest machine which goes to Ottawa .
Machine politics also win in provincial an d
civic politics . .
They win at UBC, too :
When elections for the AMS council posi - times are held next month it will be a tried an d
tested "madhine"—the fraternity machine—
which, if as successful as in past, will • put fra t
men or sorority women into a majority of th e
executive seats on student council .
And a number of prospective good councillors will lose because they lack the support o f
an effective organization .
This is what has happened in the past .
It is no coincidence, for instance, that dur - ing the past dozen or so years, two-thirds to
three-quarters of students elected on a campus wide basis to the council have been from th e
ten percent fraternity minority .
Half of the executive on this year' s counci l
is from Frat Row.
The continued success of the Greeks—on a
predominantly anti-Greek campus—is amazing .
It is also the result of calculated planning an d
politicking by the fraternity family .
The fraternity candidate for a council posi - tion is supported by a powerful campaign committee . It puts the frat man's name in fron t
of the students wih poster campaigns, board
. . .or
Winner of the Southazn Trophy, 1961 and 196 2
Winner of the Bracken Trophy, 1962 Winner of the Montreal Star Trophy, 196 2
chalking bees, personal conversations an d
through support of fraternity men already o n Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department ,
the council .
Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash .
Then, if this support isn 't enough to sway
Member Canadian University Press
the non-Greek vote in favor of the Greek candidate, the frat man can always count on th e Published three times weekly throughout the University year in Vancouver
frat block vote . (There are more than 1,00 0 by the Alma Mater Society . University of B.C . Editorial opinions expresse d
people in fraternities and sororities at UBC . ) are those of the Editor-in-Chief of The Ubyssey and not necessarily thos e
of the Alma Mater Society or the University of B .C . Telephone CA 4-3242 ,
The non-Greek has little chance .
Locals : Editor-25 ; News—23 ; Photography—24 .
Add to this the fact that the frat man can
Editor-in-chief : Keith Bradbury
probably list off a string of committee positions
Denis Stanle y
Managing Editor
he has held previously as a result of havin g
Fred Fletche r
Associate Editor
friends on the council, and he is almost a cerNews Editor
Mike Hunte r
tainty to be elected .
City Editor
M . G . Valpy
Don Hume
Picture Editor But The Ubyssey suggests "(for the reason s
Bob McDonal d
Layout Editor
stated in today's second editorial) that the
Ron Kyd d
Sports Editor
Mike Grenby
Features Editor
campus is not getting the best government it
Maureen Covell
CUP Editor
could .
Editorial Assistant
Joyce Holding
An unsuccessful move toward defraternizaWilliam Littler
Critics Editor
tion of the council died an unfortunate death
Layout : Bob McDonal d
a couple of years ago when the " New Bloo d
on Council" movement was defeated at th e
REPORTERS : Ann Burge, Tim Padmore, Lorraine Shore ,
polls .
Douglas "Swoop" Thompson, Graeme Matheson, Jane t
But it is time for a resurrection of NBC o r
Matheson, Krishna Sahay, Gerard Hivon, Pat Horrobin ,
the start of a similar group . That is, if th e
Lloyd Drake, Catherine Janitch, Jo Britten .
ninety percent of students who are not Greek s
TECHNICAL : Mike Atchison .
feel as strongly as we do, that they are tire d
of being governed by the machine from Fra t
Greek democracy, UBC styf
Why do fraternities try to control studen t
government ?
The best answer we have seen so far is i n
an article written for the NFCUS magazine,
Campus Canada, by a former UBC fratmancouncillor .
His thesis: prestige .
Primarily it's prestige for the individua l
fraternities to which the councillors belong ,
but more generally the frat block swings together for the prestige of fraternities in general .
And the result is that UBC is probably not
getting the best government it could have.
The frat men ' s interest, according to th e
article which will appear next- month, is that
fraternities here are interested in winning th e
Houser Cup, symbolic of public service on th e
campus . And how better to get it than b y
having great numbers in prestige positions.
It may be good for winning the House r
cup, but not for the student body .
Thursday, January 10, 1962
U B Y .S S E Y
No sooner is the fratman in office, than a
large number of his friends and brothers fro m
his fraternity are appointed to the committees
under him . The major committees today ar e
all controlled by frat men : or sorority women .
Many are openly admitted to be a result o f
political patronage .
And once fraternity men are on the committees or council they often fight along fraternity lines . More than once in the past student council decisions have been affected o r
postponed because councillors were divided
according to fraternity or sorority allegiance .
The Ubyssey suggests this is not how student government should be conducted . It suggests that people who run for office purely for
the prestige, either for themselves or for their
fraternity, are probably not the best people t o
run councils or control committees .
Students should consider these points when
elections roll around . The time is only a mont h
away .
Letters to the editor
Mistaken impressio n
Editor ,
The Ubyssey ,
Dear Sir :
I was amazed to read th e
news "Nigeria opens first university" in the Tuesday issue o f
the Ubyssey . I really wondered
if this was excited journalis m
or lack of adequate knowledg e
of the area the news wa s
covering .
Fellow students have started
confronting me with, "say, i s
Ahmadu Bello the only university in your country? "
I would like to correct th e
misconception and make i t
clear to your readers tha t
Ahmadu Bello University i s
the fifth university in Nigeria ,
a country about the size of
British Columbia . There are
two universities in Western
Nigeria, the Federal University, and University of If@ ,
both at Ibadau ; the former wa s
until recently, a branch of
London University and wa s
started in 1947 .
The third is University of
Nigeria at Nssuka ; the fourth_
is the University of Lagos .
Apart from these universities, there had in the past been
degree-granting colleges of
Technology, in each of th e
three regions .
So you can see that th e
"significant milestone" does
not, after all, read Mile number 1, as your paper deemed it .
Yours truly ,
Lesage takeovers shame Bennett
Nationalization the key t o
an expanding Quebe c
This is the first in a series o f
Our Own House," especially economic articles written by Ray Noel, a
ally and industrially speaking .
Throughout the campaign, the Libformer . graduate student of UB C
now living in the province o f
erals fought for a new and more secur e
mandate from the people so that they
Quebec. His purpose in writing
could put into effect further section s
this series is "to develop an even
batter understanding of French of their program of the 1960 election s
speaking Canadians among Engwhich they advocated for the economi c
liberation of French-speaking Quebec .
lish-speaking Canadians .
Nationalization of control of power
* * *
resources, coupled with the previou s
establishment of a General Investmen t
With the . opening of the Quebec
Corporation will provide the Provinc e
Legislature net Jan . 15, what can be
of Quebec with the necessary instruexpected of the Liberal government as
ments to acquire new strength in Cafar as new legislation is concerned? '
nadian and world economics . This wil l
Nationalization, on which the Libermake it easier for them to deal in th e
als capitalized to win a smashing viccampaign of the French-speaking Catory at the polls last November, i s
nadians throughout Canada to impledefinitely the first and foremost ite m
ment, in a concrete way, many section s
on the agenda of the Lesage Cabinet .
of the BNA Act, which entitle them to .
Immediately following the election ,
greater recognition in economic, inthe Cabinet was called into session to
dustrial, cultural and social matters o f
our Confederation .
discuss t h e manner in which step s
could be taken in view of acceleratin g
* * *
the normal takeover of the 11 comThe skill and finesse shown by
panies involved in this particular mov e
Premier Lesage in his handling of th e
of the Quebec Liberals to make the
takeover have literally put to shame
French-speaking Canadians of this Premier Bennett of B .C . in his actions
province, "Malt-es Chez Notts," which
concerning the takeover of the B .C .
can be literally translated, "Masters in
Electric .
While taking quite a big gamble o n
such a touchy subject, Premier Lesag e
still managed to retain the confidenc e
and concrete support of the financin g
world—which certainly cannot be sai d
of Premier Bennett's takeover .
* * *
Will the nationalization of power re sources have any repercussions on the
relationship between Quebec and th e
other nine provinces that form Canada ?
Will there be any serious influenc e
upon the cultural relationship o f
French-speaking and English-speakin g
Canadians ?
It is certainly believed that such a
move will have, first, drastic repercussions in the economic affairs of this
province and in our country and secondly, a serious influence upon the relationship of both groups forming Con federation .
The evolution and revolution o f
French-speaking Quebec, which started
with former Premier Paul Sauve an d
developed further with the coming into
power of the Liberals on June 22, 1960 ,
is bound to bring the Province of Quebec into a better and . much . stronge r
position in the economic . developmen t
of our country .
Without doubt, at t h e rate that
events are presently taking place, it i s
safe to say that within very few years ,
Quebec will be taking the lead among :
the 10 provinces in economic matters .
As Quebec stands today as the pillar of French culture in Canada as wel l
as in the United " States with 87 pe r
cent of its population French-speakin g
(according to the figures of the 196 1
census), this newly found economi c
vigor plus the numerous achievement s
of the last two years in education ar e
going to enable it to stand proudly i n
a world of challenging tomorrows an d
outstanding commitments .
* * *
This evolution in the Province o f
Quebec can only improve the presen t
situation. .of Confederation, which i s
feared by many as being unable t o
reach 1967, as the insight gained by
such economic developments will serv e
well both groups in their mutual understanding.
Also, a vast project of road conestruction will be enacted at the comin g
session of the Legislature ; The projec t
will take into consideration the -serious
road :implications of the =Montreal`
World's Fair of 1967 .
Thursday, January 10, 1962
Page 5
William Golding is a modern
writer in every sense of th e
word . Refreshing and vigorous in style, his novels sho w
that the genre need not alway s
be jaded . His subject is man ,
man .
Through parable or allegory
his novels deal with the inne r
problems facing man today, I s
man really civilized or has h e
merely sublimated his primitive urges? Does man posses s
the qualities to survive in his
changed and changing environment? How much control ca n
man exercise over his being ,
his environment or his destiny ?
' These are the themes which
Golding takes up in his thre e
complementary novels, " Lor d
of the Flies," "The Inheritors "
and "Pincher Martin . "
THE THREE MEN strategically located on today's Critics' Pag e
represent an attempt by the editor to disguise an otherwis e
conspicuous lack of proseworthy content . . .
placebo by george bowering
advise and consent and so on
With all its dreary selfconsciousness, the French cinema ha s
for a long time had one pleasing virtue that the American movi e
makers have either failed to produce or deigned to ignore . Tha t
is to explore and reveal the inner geography of a man . To try a n
examination and presentation of what happens in one person' s
mind or spirit . To seek a way to dramatize the actual humanity
of an individual beset and interested by the world he moves in .
The American cinemakers (one up on you, Time) seem mor e
oriented in fixing man in a category placed in the life of America .
Hence the U .S . camera fixes on signs and symbols that PLACE a
character, that show , him as a representative of a certain type o f
people . Hence the gray flannel suits and the apartments and th e
gazebos .
Hence the ability to predict what actors will play what part s
when an American best seller is made into a film . I offer the cas e
of Henry Fonda .
mora y dilemma,
In Advise and _Consent Fonda plays the part of an honest aspirant for the job of American secretary of state, and must face th e
moral dilemma caused by the fact that his varsity flirtation wit h
Communist cell is going to be publicized by hi s , political opponent s
and other patriotic Americans . It is a part that Fonda has played ,
and played well, many times before, and in many variations
(Twelve Angry Men ; The Wrong Man).
Because of this familiarity the movie makers and movie goer s
are prepared to watch another installment in a continuum, no t
really the dramatization of any one man's particularity . All the
usual reflectors and commenters will be there : the young son, the
old friend from the Comcell, the longtime political enemy . These
all offer depth of characterization that has been probed in so man y
movies that the process is as comfortable as on oldtime singin g
commercial .
"Lord of the Flies" is generally recognized now as a mod ern classic . It is a deeply interesting and frightening story o f
a group of English schoolboys
stranded on a coral island afte r
their plane crashes . At first it
seems like paradise : b 1 u e
water, sunshine, fresh frui t
and no grown-ups . Initially ,
they conduct themselves in a
manner expected of Britis h
school boys . But gradually
group solidarity crumbles . New
elements enter the picture :
fear and blood-lust . They sho w
signs of shedding the legac y
of civilization . Only thre e
struggle against the lure of regression .
What startles us about "Lor d
of the Flies" is its plausibility .
We find ourselves looking in ward and wondering : "Are we
really this close to our primitive past? For these schoolboys are merely a reflection o f
ourselves ; they are the product
of the same civilization an d
have the same values we have . "
And there remains before . u s
the grim memory of Naz i
Germany .
Golding's style is perfectl y
suited to the demands of hi s
story . The simplicity of his diction and the freshness an d
color of his imagery make the
setting very real to us . An d
his use of oblique languag e
rather than explicit statement s
effectively gives us the sens e
of mystery and horror ' whic h
is so important to this novel .
"Lord of the Flies" also ha s
a very neat plot . It demand s
use of the imagination, bu t
never stretches the credulity .
"Pincher Martin" is probably the most mentally stimulating of the three novels . Set i n
wartime, the story concerns a
naval officer, Christophe r
Martin, who is washed up o n
a lonely outcropping of roc k
in the ocean after his ship
sinks . The rock is rugged, harsh
and barren . His only sustenance is mussels, limpets an d
rain-water . He struggles heroically to keep alive, to prepar e
for rescue, and to maintain hi s
will to live against such crushing odds. But the real struggl e
comes from within . Hallucinations, loss of will, and loss of
identity threaten his survival .
"Pincher Martin" is a Promethean allegory of man' s
struggle to survive and prevail in an unfriendly or, a t
least, indifferent universe . '
Martin swallows the distaste ful mussels to keep alive : H e
names features in his environment—"The Dwarf," "Red
Lion," "High Street"— in a n
effort to stamp his identity o n
nature . He Talks out loud to
maintain his sense of identity .
In everything Martin does, he
struggles to remain human, t o
use his mind 'and intelligenc e
to prevail over his environment.
"Pincher Martin" reveal s
Gelding's style at its strongest .
Meaning and mood are • skilfully created by the powerful
simplicity of his diction . Dram a
is added by the brilliant us e
of Martin's mind as a dramatic
vehicle . The dreams and flash backs in Martin's mind ar e
especially effective in addin g
depth and meaning to the
story .
The ability to reason is wha t
separates man- from the beasts .
Reason has enabled man to sur vive while other forms of lif e
die out . Man, Golding seems t o
say in these novels, is not sufficiently conscious or proud o f
his humanity : at times he be haves like an animal, at times
he believes himself a god . Perhaps Golding is trying to dramatize what Bertrand Russel l
said, that : "Man would rathe r
die than think."
—dive cocking
UNTIL NOW they have bee n
better known as The Travellers Three, a folksinging triumvirate that threatens t o
rival Caesar, Crassus an d
Pompey . . .
grab a quick visi o
Two exhibitions ar e
scheduled at the Fine Arts
Gallery from January 9-30 :
Visionary Architecture, an d
The Concrete Shells of Feli x
Candela . Both are architectural
exhibits of a contemporar y
bent .
traditional monument s
See Don Murray . He has a conflict between ideals about th e
American way and submission to the danger of threatened black mail . So he shouts impatiently at the wife . He walks among the
traditional monuments in patriotic Washington . He worries old
political friends . He wears conservative stylish suits and hurrie s
down corridors . He is a set of recognizable outer signs . As recognizable and as sought for as the bunny on the cover of Playboy .
Hence the appeal of the movie (Sparticus in the Capitol, GB
called it) depends .not so much on revelation of corruption etc . ,
but on the fact that it is shown in a new place . The game gets to
be moving over to a new area that needs exposure . Author Drur y
went to the United Nations .
And director Otto Preminger seems satisfied with movin g
around rather than moving in . To reveal the workings of socia l
orgatxizations rather than of people . No enfant terrible, he ; rathe r
a judicious juvenile delinquent .
It is a restful bit of protest, a trifle long perhaps . See it i f
you 'd like to see Charles Laughton waddling in a white suit .
One of the highlights of Vancouver's musical season will
be the Vancouver Symphon y
Society's presentation of th e
distinguished British conductor Sir Malcolm Sargent on hi s
first professional trip to West ern Canada .
Just back from a Common wealth tour with the Londo n
Philharmonic Orchestra Sir
Malcolm will conduct thlh Vancouver Symphony Orchestra a t
two concerts in the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, January 20 ,
2 :30 p .m . and January 21, 8 :3 0
p .m .
THOSE INTERESTED in witnessin g their musical orations wil l
find the forum at The Inquisition until the nineteenth .
Page 6
Thursday, January 10, 196 2
Ubyssey Feature Writer
Rockwoods is a fraternit y
house for the whole University .
Rockwoods is an eight-room
house perched over Batchelo r
Bay near Whytecliffe in Wes t
Vancouver . It was given t o
the University by Maj . Gen .
Victor Odium and his wif e
several years ago .
The mansion, built on fiv e
and a half wooded acres, wa s
donated for student activities
and work in fine arts and public affairs .
"Gifts like Rockwoods have
increased over the years a s
the public has become awar e
of the University's needs,"
says Aubrey Roberts, retirin g
director of the University ' s
development fund.
Many wealthy businessme n
have pet projects at the Uni -
some in odd package s
versity to which they contribute—sometimes lavishly .
Lumber magnate H . R . Mac Millan gave $2 million las t
year for a series of forestr y
and fisheries lectures and fo r
scholarships, bursaries an d
loans .
* * *
Dr . Leon Koerner has given
Millions of dollars in loans ,
direct gifts, bursaries an d
scholarships .
His brother, Walter, gav e
a $425,000 donation for siavonics and fine arts and Fraa c
Joubin, mining executive and
UBC graduate, donated $10,00 0
for "intellectual prospecting . "
These are only a few name s
on the list of those who kee p
UBC going ; says Roberts .
"Oddly enough, none of the
faculties on cm p u s ar e
neglected," he said . "All see m
to- have some supporters to donate money nor research ,
scholarships or buildings .
* * *
"But," he continues, "gifts ,
grants and bequests still ac-,
counted for only 9 .8 per cent
of the University's - t o t a l
revenue last year . "
More and more influential
men are remembering UBC i n
their wills, says Roberts.
Alfred Johnson of Victoria
bequeathed $100,000 to aid stu dents f r o m England wh o
wished to study at UBC, i n
the hope that they would make
Canada their home .
* * *
Mrs . Ogilby Irving, whos e
father was a member of the
Supreme Court - of - B .C ., left in
his. ;m
. emory a residual beques t
of $233,000 to be used for the
aid of Taw students .
lion . Charles A. `Banks, a
former lieutenant-governor o f
B .C ., established in his will a
million dollar foundation to
help "needy and worthy students ."
Faculties or research projects that have not receive d
enough money from specifi c
donations can, at times, be
helped by funds such as the
$125,000 willed to UBC, wit h
no particular instructions for
its use, by F . J . Burd, former
publisher of The Province .
We buy-, and sell stories,_ articles ,
books, T .V., songs, poems . Hav e
New York - Hollywood contacts .
Bring what you have . Free con sultation . 10G5 ri. I7. TR 6-636-' .
NFCUS secretar y
posts resignatio n
OTTAWA (CUP)—The executive-secreta r y of the Nationa l
Federation of Canadian University students has announced hi s
intention to resign .
Theiesignation of Lucien Lapointe Will become effectiv e
Feb . 28 .
Lapoint, , who took offic e
Sept . 154 1962, said h_e wa
his views on how the organiza tion should be run were incompatible with those of the Federation's executive .
Applications for the $6,500 a-year job are now being sought.
Tulane decides o n
integration policy .
NEW ORLEANS (CUP-CPS)- Tulane University has decided t o
admit its first non-white studen t
in the history of the school .
A federal district judge earlier
ruled that Tulane, as a private
institution, couled not be compelled to desegregate--b u t
neither could it be constraine d
from desegregat io n by - stat e
Wonderful selection . , .
Regular $'3̀4 .9 5
to $69 -95 n ."
X 69 .9
to ~'4-y
ea r
In this group are all WSofSaxonies, Tweeds, Hopsack,, Flannels, Lightweight Worsteds, etc. Styled in 2 and 3 buttons .
Regular $59.95
to $95. °
$10 .95 to
F'rne-rnatetials "fnc t)d"ing Clrornbies, Colorful English Tweed s,,,
Gabard jines, Covert Cloths Wool and Cashmeres etc.
models with split shoulder design as well as raglan s
and- 'set-ins . '
Regular $14 .95
fa' $25:95
$q .95 to $1 6 .9 5
pleatless and single Pleat, in ' wool flannels and fancy worsteds . Sizes 28 to 42 .
- Regular 41.1 .9 5
to $24:95
and button cardigan and wide assortment of pullovers .
~~ j
One branxb •new `Remington, port s
able Typewriter model.Spanish
Quiet - ;
featured .• ,
biter. Full
Heyboard .- $711.
. 10 . Pitch ; Piaa type ;". .
machine has
guarantee used.This
never been
~34• gg
These include all wool English Worsteds, Venetians, Twists, Flannels, 1 'erylene and Wool Wash 'N Wears, etc . Regulars ,
Shorts and Tails . Styled in 2 and 3 buttons .
. tnondrrings .
. . :• ;.
Mel• -Eabteltsby , .ldo 4
- PA 7-2589
.Weatl 6
Regular `$59 :95
to $99, 50
law .
The Tulane administratio n
decided two weeks later-te lategrate-the school.
e Q lityl ssDia3
on fin
Also 25% Discount on - .Famous Bran &
a 'year=end . CLEARANCE and ccinsists o f
clothing that we have been °selling regularly . . PROGRESS BRAND, SNIFFER -HILLMAN, AQUASCUTUM–Hence broken size ranges, odds and ends, discontinue d
lines . No charge for minor alterations . Shop early for best selection . Use a budget o r
lay=away account; fiat shop early,
Regular $4 .95
k nit - hirtS dNt SALE FR0
button downs, hi-boys, and regular collar styles in long and short sleeves .
Cotton Pant s
Regular 6 .95 to 9 .9 5
Sedan. Low
Pontiac 1948
mileage . Private owner, since
new . A-1 opndition. Heater . Snow
tires, etc . $200 . 410&W . 10th Ave .
CA 4-3001.
$4 .95
DRESS anc` ~
Regular to $1 .9 5
Single rooms and board $75 .
Lunches packed, laundry.
3120 West 11th . RE 1-2620.
Broken size ranges i n
assorted styles.
as. low'as _ _ ~~
'Many other non'aa'vertised
Specials on Sale
Regular $10 .95 to $29 .9 5
742 GRAN'VILLE ST. MU 1-5625
$ 7 .95 TO -$ " 9 .95
TO als
Thursday, January 10,
Canadian U N ai d Library study
called insignificant gets $3,000
A brief prepared by the UBC United Nations Club say s
that Canada ' s foreign aid contribution is selfish and insignifi cant .
i capita income of $2,000 , is one
The brief says that : "As Cana- of the most selfish nations redian citizens we have the righ t garding foreign aid contribuand responsibility to cry ou t tions, " the report says .
The brief, prepared last Noagainst Canada's shameful contribution towards underdevel- vember, refutes the argumen t
that Canada cannot increase he r
oped countries . "
The Organization for Econom- foreign aid due to austerity b y
ic Co-operation and Develop- suggesting Canada could giv e
ment, of which danada is a Canadian manufactured good s
instead of money .
member, says one per cent of a
I .n light of the recent dollar
nation's gross national produc t crisis
and the tariffs impose d
' is a minimum requirement for by the Canadian government ,
foreign aid .
Canada is quickly becomin g
The brief say s Canada's posi- I recognized as a selfish nation, "
tion in this regard is "disgust- the brief says .
a ",
Figures quoted say . Canada' s
foreign aid contribution as a
percentage of GNP is .18 compared to France's 1 .55 and th e
.U .S .A .'s .67 . As dollars per capita it is $3 .50 compared to
France's $21 and the U .S .A .' s
$19 .
"Canada, the , second . richest .
nation in the world with a pe r
Page 7
1400 – SUMMER POSITIONS – 140 0
The University has received a grant of $3,00 0
from the provincial government's Public Library Commission to conduct a stud y
on the future development of
public libraries in B .C .
Miss Rose Vainstein, associate professor zn the schoo l
of librarianship, will visit al l
of B .C .'s 65 public librarie s
during the 18-month study .
The main purpose of t h e
study is to find more effectiv e
ways of making library services available on a province wide basis .
Miss Vainstein has just
completed a survey of publi c
libraries in the Victoria area .
with th e
$245 to $305 A Month
For Undergraduates
Up to $537 A Month
For Graduate Students
Plus, where applicable, travel allowance s
to and from positions and subsistence i n
the field .
Most positions are for students with a backgroud in Engineering or Science, notably Forestry, Geology and Agri culture, but some will be drawn from other faculties as well .
Details and application forms available a t
WVSc: brings 12
Mexicans fo UB C
Twelve Mexican university
students will visit the University next week .
The visit is sponsored by th e
World University Service committee and the Experiment i n
International Living.
There are eight women an d
lour men ranging in age fro m
17 to 27 . They will also visi t
Vernon, Penticton and Victori a
College .
Loyola close s
men' s lounge
MONTREAL (CUP) Foot prints on tables and walls, soft
drink stains "all over" and appl e
peelings on ' walls have force d
closure of the men's lounge a t
Montreal's Loyola College .
"Students have been doing
things," one staff member said .
"that they would not think of
doing at home . "
The lounge has been close d
for an indefinite period to end
the misuse .
The Ideal Place To
Meet Your Friends
Try Our Delicious T-Bon e
Steak with Coffe e
$1 .35 — It's Really Goo d
Full Course Meal s
.within your income .
4556 West 10th Ave ..
Should the,
Doctor Tell
Should a patient be told he has
an incurable illness? He may
be led to suicide 'if told the
truth — but, if not told, dyin g
patients may be cheated out o f
something precious that's in
each of us. This painful dilemm a
Is debated in January Reader' s
Digest by two distinguished
physicians with opposing' views.
Get your Reader's Digest toda y
. . . 36 articles of lasting interest.
Canadian Pratt & Whitney Aircraft is a
company with a successful record o f
continuous growth for over thirty years .
Outstanding opportunities exist for uni versity graduates in the areas of Genera l
Administration, Manufacturing an d
Engineering .
Requirements for Engineering graduates in Manufacturing include Production Engineering, Plant Engineering an d
Industrial Engineering . Our manufacturin g
capability is being enlarged to cope wit h
expanding product lines . This expansio n
and modernization has created exceptiona l
op portunities for new graduates .
Requirements for Engineering graduates in Product Design and Development exist in the Design, Analytical, Test,
Instrumentation and Metallurgical Depart ments . The Company's research progra m
in gas turbines—which resulted in th e
PT6 gas turbine and in other low powere d
engines—continues, with more advance d
models presently under development .
Additional studies of high speed rotatin g
machinery have been undertaken on behal f
of government agencies .
As a subsidiary of United Aircraft Corporation, this company, in Canada, repre sents Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, Sikorsky
Aircraft, Hamilton Standard, and Norde n
Electronics . Products from these division s
provide Canadian Pratt & Whitney Aircraf t
with complementary lines, ensuring a
diversified operation for our Canadia n
facilities . In addition, the outstanding
technical and administrative resources of
these companies , can be drawn upo n
readily .
A company representative will visi t
the campus shotitly . Applications ar e
invited from graduates . Please contact your Placei ent Office to arrang e
for an interview,,
Page 8
`wean classes
Oarsme n
require s
Recruiting meeting for al l
prospective members of th e
'owing crew, 12 :30 Friday i n
'Boa ,27i
Important general meeting ,
Friday, .12 :80, Green Room . All
members out .
Special meeting, Friday, 12 :3 0
I . H . Important that everybody
attend .
* *
Rev . Robert Birch speaks on
"Looking Forward to a Ne w
Year," Friday, 12 :30, Bu . 106 .
. * .
An illustrated talk by Jerry
Van Tets on "The Sea Birds o f
Farne Islands!." noon today, Bio.
2000 .
* *
General meeting, noon today .
Pu, _204 . Everybody out .
utgg Newto n
acquiesce s
The president of the Colorado
University has announced hi s
resignation, bringing to an en d
a six-year term marked by extreme -political turmoil .
President Quigg Newton's
resignation follows by a fe w
months his battle with an d
acquiesence to ultra-rightis t
Senator Barry Goldwater .
Goldwater demanded, and
finally got, the firing of the
editor of the university newspaper because of articles makin g
what Goldwater considered t o
be "objectionable" remarks
about him.
Newton fired the editor afte r
the appropriate student an d
faculty channels upheld th e
editor's might to publish th e
material .
Ex-editor Gary Aithen, when
commenting on the president' s
resignation, responded with the
same quotation Newton had
given for his firing : "I think i t
is in the best interests of th e
university. "
Newton will become president
of the Commonwealth Fund o f
New York, a foundation devote d
primarily to medical research .
Welcome Students t o
Cafe Dan's
Come to the Club and meet
your friends . Good music an d
entertainment .
Admission $1 .50
With AMS card ____ $1 .2 5
Every Friday and Saturday.
Telephone MU 4-403 4
Home FA 1-192 3
Rental Servic e
Black Suits, Formals,
Costumes, Make-u p
Special Student Rate s
New York
Costume Salo n
4397 W . 10th Ave .
CA 4-0034
Near UBC Gates
S:£:?:'eMS:.moMMefs z&x,'R:::W::::,sAg,.,~xl' ~.":''~:'''giMOM>:..; .l. .v, .. .3:<?a:M: :>'fi'.".'kh :
Thursday, January 10, 196 2
from 47th and Mai n
RIDERS WANTED : from vicinity of RIDE WANTED :30
p.m. Monday_ to
8 :30 a .m . to .9
4th and Macdonald for 8 :30 lee.
. John .
tares Monday through Saturday
Phone RE .6-5704, evenings .
DOWNTOWN publishing firm need s
responsible Russian translator wh o
RIDE NEEDED from 39th and Granknows the meaning of the wor d
ville for 9 :30 classes and return a t
"spaceman" when he sees it .
5 :30 Monday through Saturday .
Phone Jackie at AM 1-1104 .
WANTED : Ride from vicinity 33rd
and Arbutus for 8 :30 lectures MonWANTED : Riders for carpool leavday to Friday . Phone Jane, AM 6 ing from 2nd and Balaclava fo r
9529 .
8 :30 lectures. Phone Doug at R E
1-6812, evenings .
WANTED : Used "College Survey o f
English Literature." Pliohe 921 WANTED : 1 or 2—girls to share base7959.
ment suite, all conveniences . Cal l
Arlene at •CA 4-0976, evenings.
CAR: RADIO : Excellent 12v. Electrahone car radio, deluxe model. for
RIDE WANTED : For 8 ;30 lectures .
sale : $ 4i}. Phone Peter at RE 1-156 6
Vicinity 49th and Fraser. PA 7or leave name and phone number .
3508 .
WANTED : Female student needs a RIDE WANTED from vicinity o f
carpool immediately from vicinit y
49th and Boundary on Sat . fo r
8 :30 classes . Phdne Ron at HE 3 of 33rd and Arbutus, 8 :30 to 5 :3 0
4839 .
Monday to . Friday . Call Joan at
AM 1-8066 .
SKI RACK : Like new, fit on an y
car. $7 . RE 1-3884 .
LOST : Solid circle bracelet wound o f
alternating strands of copper an d
A RIDE.- to San Francisco ?
silvery metal . Hand-made African
Call RE 1-3884 .
keepsake. In vicinity of Bu . 216 .
Finder please phone Rosemary ,
AM 1-5962 .
ROOM TO SHARE : Fireplace, fridge ,
priv. bath . Male only . Phone 224 3627 .
GRADUATE student leaving Canada
must sell 1951 Ford for best offer .
One owner car . Good tires, body ,
Three new additions to the
paint . Reliable engine . Pete r
Jones. Room 100, Physics building . Brock Hall art collection are
RIDERS WANTED or will join ca r on display in Brock Extension .
pool . 8 :30 lectures . From Sout h
Burnaby via 41st or Marine and
The paintings are "The FurKingsway. Stay till 10 Mondays .
nace of Caligostro," a collage
Phone Rick, HE 1-7269 .
STOLEN : Person who took whit e by Harold Town, and two oils —
and brown reversible raincoat "Les Contreforts" by Edmund
from Zoology 105 lab last Monday ,
Jan. 7th by mistake please retur n Alleyn and "La Nature Verte "
from where taken and no question s by Vavarande .
Brock acquire s
new abstract s
n. . .w►
11ft—..—' ..n.w . . .111b
► . a.w ... .~w
~. . .ww
Glasses Fitted
Contact Lense s
24-Hour Service OPTICAL Repair s
All Prescriptions Fille d
to~att1 t
MU 5-0928 — MU 3-2948
r' 9
Main Floo r
Immediate Appointmen t
N& 'c
LA 6-866 5
OfSmoke and Water Damage d
Representatives from Bel l
Telephone will be on Campu s
80 %
to talk abou t
Appointments for interview s
can now be made with you r
Prices Slashed Up To
Placement Office for mal e
students graduating i n
A Gigantic Store-Wide Clearance on Thousands o f
Damaged (many only slightly) Books, Chinese Art
Prints and Paper Backs !
• Electrical Engineerin g
• Commerce & Busines s
Administratio n
• Science (Maths & Physics )
307 W
0-OF.: -BOOK STORE MUtual 5-583 6
STORE HOURS : 9-5 :30 DAILY — FRIDAY 9 A .M.-9 P .M .

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