W5 apologizes for racist report
W5 apologizes for racist report
W5 apologizes for racist report OTTAWA(CUP) - The CTV television network apologized pub.licly Sunday for airing a WS program report on international students that has been called racist and inaccurate. The apology, which said the program’s figures were incorrect and lumped together all students entering Canada, comes five months after the CTV broadcast the WS report The Campus Giveaway - the program alleged that foreign students were taking the places of Canadian students in university programs. The report showed a film of students of Chinese descent on campus while a voice over said Canadian students were being denied access to certainprofessional faculties. But of all students shown, onlytwo were actually foreign students and the rest were Chinese-Canadians, members of the ad hoc committee against WS foundafter viewing the film footage. The apology, read at the start of WS’s Sunday program, said another program, tobe aired at a later date, will “let all sides have their say” onthe international student situation. John Helliwell, director of the Canadian Bureau for International Education, said Mondaythat if CTV continues to move in the conciliatory tone of the apology, those fighting the program will be satisfied. “I consider it a major victory,” he said. “I’m delighted with it.” WS’s apology admittedthat its figures, which said there were 100,000 foreign students in Canadian schools, were inaccurate. It said the program used a process that lumped togetherinternational student numbers with those of landed immigrants and students in Canada on special permits. ‘There are 58,000 international students at all levels, including high schools,community colleges and universities, says Canada’s immigration department. WS also apologized for what members of Canada’s Chinese community have called its racist overtones. “It was never our intention in doing the program to give offence to Lr Vancouver, B.C. Tuesdav, March 18,1980 Twothousand people protested the programoutside CTV headquarters in Toronto last month and others launched demonstrations in various Canadian cities. Several libel suits have been filed against the network, but it is not yet known if they will continue. PROTESTORS . . . win apology Hack promises UBC an exclusive protest ” Vol. LXII. No. 85 any Canadian community: WS sincerely regrets any offence that may have been unintentionally given to the Chinese-Canadian community.” Liz Patterson, director of University of Toronto’s international students’ centre, said she thinks WS seriously underestimated the reaction the report would get from campuses and the Chinese-Canadian community. ea’ 228-2301 UBC student politicians say they will attemptto duplicateasuccessful student demonstration against increased tuition fees held Friday at the B.C. legislature. UBC will sendadelegation to Victoria by as early as next week, said Al Soltis, Alma Mater Society external affairs officer. “We’ll be contacting theNDP caucus and providing them with our point of view on student fees and really concentrating on student aid,” said Soltis. He said the UBC delegation will be asking for an improved student aid packageto offset tuition fees increases. No official UBC delegation attended the Friday rally, organized by the B.C. Students’Federation and attended by students from the other two universities andsome community colleges, because Soltis said “there was no way I wanted to send someone over there that was ill-prepared.’’ Federation chair Malcolm Elliot will meet with Soltis Thursday and will distribute information on financial issues to students on campus. The UBC “information lobby” will occur before the end of classes on April 3, Soltis promised. But Soltis came under attack from federation staff person John Doherty, who said it would have been more effective a show of student solidarity if UBC had coordinated its demonstration .with other universities on Friday. “All we can do is support what they do,” said Doherty. ‘‘I guess it’s important to try and coordinate our activities more closely in the future.” He said he felt that theFriday rally at least got the student point of view across to education minister Brian Smith and universities minister Pat McGeer . “It went fairly well. There were between 40 to SO students who presented ;about 5,000 cards (protesting tuition fee increases) to Brian Smith and Pat McGeer.” Doherty added that McGeer said he appreciated the students’con%e page 3: UBC VOC referendum passes; AMs to cough up $30,000 The Varsity Outdoor Club will start work this summer on cabin renovations after UBC students approved areferendum last week to fund the project.’ The Alma Mater Society will give the VOC $30,000 for renovation of threemountaineeringcabins and construction aof fourth after students voted 83 per cent in favor of the grant. A little more than 12 per cent of students voted in the three-day referendum. - k w h f l n n w n photo OUTRAGED ATHLETE storms Ubyssey photog, seeking revenge for thousands of innocent students, campus cowboys and iguanas libelled and ridiculed in sick attempts at humor in cutlines. Urged on by guilty bystanders, badminton player Ken Renneberg threatened photog with horrible death but decided instead to condemn entire staff to five more issues. Supreme court is expected to rule punishment inhumane. “The renovations will be the first thing done because the huts need it,” VOC president PaulHooper said Monday.Work will begin in May on the Burton hut at Sphinx glacier, he added. The mon.eywill support renovations of a hut at Tenquille Lake and one at McGillivary Pass, as well as the construction of a new hut, also at McGillivary Pass. The successful referendum will end the five-year dispute between the club andthe A M s over the Whistler ski cabin, Hooper said. The VOC constructed the Whistler cabin in 1965 but received no compensation when the society took it over in 1975. In 1977 student court ordered the AMS to pay the VOC $30,000 compensationbut the society refused. In April 1979 the VOC started outside legal a.ction against the A M s , but dropped the suit when the referendum was proposed. eovernmenh ‘did nothing’ to stop housing shortage By JULIE WHEELWRIGHT Summer and inter-session students might find themselves out in the cold because of the desperate offcampus housing situation,.a rental aid society spokeswomansaid Monday. “If there’s any possibility you can stay where you are, stay. It’s as grim as it’s ever been.” Linda Mead, Red Door Rental Aid Society administrator advises students. She said the situation will notimprove by next fall when the largest influx of students use the Red Door Society. The housing shortage could continue for the next two years, she added. “We have absolutely nothing in thePoint Grey area. We never used to have alot onthe firmher (Mead’s) suspicions. She’s right,” West Side but now we nothing.” have If said Johnson. once students arelucky enough to get a listing they He added the situation is worse than in will likely have to compete with 400 others previous years for the 8,000 students living for the accommodation, she said. off campus and looking for new homes. The dropping vacancy rate, lack of hous“I would say it is definitely worse. I think ing construction and rising rents have com- it’s going to get bad again by the fall. There bined to produce a critical housing situation have been quite a lot of people around lately for students, she said. (looking for accommodation) for this time of But the provincial, federal and municipal year.” governments knew thesituationcouldJohnson said students who faceproblems develop last year and “the:,’ did nothing finding housing should not resort to using about it,” Mead charged. commercial rental agencies. UBC off-campus housing head Dave “They’re an ongoing problem. People get Johnson said he agrees the housing shortage taken in by the ads in the paper. I’ve had is critical. “The only-thing I can do is con-nothingbutcomplaints about Rentex. I’d urge people to stay away from those places again.” Members of the Gage low-rise committee charged the UBC housing department is doing nothing to combat the situation. “I called housing imd asked if it was possible for me to stay in the low-rise (for thesummer) and they told me the conventions are booked five years in advance and aroom costs $33 night,” a said resident Nan Ferguson. , “As far as students in the low-rise goes, (housing director Mike Davis) seems to feel married and grad students can go to (Place) Vanier in the summer,” said resident Brenda Mular. Page 2 UBYSSEY THE Tuesday, March 18,1980 U of A students char99 Educators ‘illiterate’ EDMONTON (CUP) - Officials and student representatives in University of Alberta’s education faculty have dismissed chargesthat education students are illiterate. In early February, two education students wrote a letter to the student newspaper The Gateway, citing widespread illiteracy and low standards among their colleagues. “We are embarrassedto be members of this faculty,”saidValerie Loov and Joan Schell. But education dean Walter Worth says the charges do not apply to most students in the faculty. “I’mnotsurprised that these things (illiteracy) occur when we have 4,000 students in the faculty,” said Worth. “On balance, though, they are not typical.” Worthsaysadmissionrequirements in education are the same as in all other ‘faculties - a 60 per cent average in five high school subjects. Education program requirements mean that most students take more courses in faculties other than education, he added. An English course is not mandatory for all education students. No data is available to compare current education graduatesto their predecessors, but school boards say teachers are better now than they were five years ago, Worth said. Worth said that chargesof illiteracy levelled against his faculty, cause unease and concern in education students. “I’mthe first to acknowledge thatthereareproblems in education. But as far as I’m concerned, I think allegation of widespread illiteracy is hogwash.” Educationstudents’association president Darlene Melnyk said she agrees the situation has been blown out of proportion. “I don’t think the problem of illiteracy is just confined to our faculty,”she said. “However, it appears that the education faculty becomes a focal point when theilliteracy issue is brought out.’’ She said the association has contacted the writers of the letter, but the group has no specific plans to push for changes in the faculty. Melnyk said she supports mandatory English courses for all educationstudents,buttheassociation hasnottaken an official stand in this matter. “As for theminimal writing competenceexams in the faculty, we could have a competency exam, but I’m not sure it would solve the problem of literacy,” she says. “Being literate is notthe sole quality for becoming good a teacher. However, it definitely is an asset.” Letterwriters LQOVand Schell still stand by their accusations. They advocate a language competency exam, quotas in the faculty of education and a mandatory year in another facultyfor all would-be teachers. They said they havereceived a lot of verbal support from other education students. And they claimed the faculty’sproblems are more widespread than education officials acknowledge. “I still thinkthere area large number of people in the faculty who will not be competent as teachers,’’ said Schell. Loov adds: “I still believe there is a definite problem.” PANGO-PANG0 (UNS) - A deathlyquiethungover this tiny island kingdom today following incidents of violence, rioting and random necrophilia at last weekend’s ceremonial wall-bashing. The wall-bashing, an annual ritual where hairy puce blorgs as well asnormalhairyblorgsslam their headsagainsttheWhalingWall, was marred after outbreaks of sanity during the distribution of soma in squat brown bottles. Factionsrepresenting the Easily UnderestimatedSickoids andthe Amalgamated Fuckhead Society disruptedproceedings by flinging handfuls of zebravomit at blorgs who, following tradition, were approaching the shrine on their noses and toes. Theorthodox Bedlam Devolutionary Party is reported to be worried about the conduct of its candidate for Reichsbureaucrat, Burn Themall, who was arrested for flying withouta license after he strafed the dissident factions with ju-jubes and nembutals. He was also charg- ed with flying without an airplane. Themall,despitecontinued allegationshe is mentallyunfitfor sweeping floors, has until now been the most popular candidate for the tyrant’s position due the morethan-usual stupidity of thealways thick-headed blorgs. Foreignobservers,trippingover the repeatedlyviolatedbodies of dead blorgs in the muck-filled capital, said a swing to the right could be feared in the coming elections. “This is good news for Ambrosia Dumbcluck.” said one high source. Another, who was completely overdosed, spoke of the possibility of an anarchic-collectivist takeover of the government. “Of course, no one would be able to tell if such a thing were to happen,” he said. Itwas hoped nextweek’selections would give some indicationof the fate of the hostages who have beenheldin theSlobbovianembassy for over 300 days. Diplomatic sources have indicated the hostages will bedeader thanballoons in a furnace should Themall get in. * * *GAS* * * + WORKS 4 4 4 + + an hillarious evening of explorations in comedy with guest artists ANTONY HOLLAND Et JERRY WASSERMAN and an all-star student cast 4 by:Directed DONALD SOULE 4 MARCH 17-22 8:OO p.m. 4 Matinees: Thurs. March 20 1230 p.m. 4 Saturdav d 4 March 2:OO p.m. 4 Box Office: Room 207, Frederic Wood Theatre + + + + + + + + F* * * * * * Wed., Mar. 19-8:oO p.m. Thurs., Mar. 20-12:30 noon $1.00 SUBAud -. ~ .< .. . . . * , . . DOROTHY SOMERSET STUDIO 4 1 . ~ 1 . . , ,...*..* I t . . , . \ HILLEL HIGHLIGHTS TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1290 FREE LUNCH-Given by B‘nai B’rith Women Film: ”The Long Search” (BBC-TV) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19,1230 Rates Shefa Vegetarian Lunch Bar Vancouver 73415535 732-9898 Eve. and Holidays Also Garages. Basements. Yards CLEAN-UPS across Canada. If you are ambitious, aggressive andsales oriented we have a position for you in oneof our national sales areas. We invite students from all faculties to apply. Guaranteed salary plus commission. Resumes will be received until March 25/80. Write us now Victoria & Co. Publishing, 425 University Ave. Suite 401, Toronto, Ont.. M5G 1T6 THURSDAY, MARCH 20,12:30 I Undergraduate Summer I Special Guest: ORA NAMlR Member of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) ALL EVENTS AT HILLEL HOUSE (Behind Brock and across from SUB) b SHAUGHNESSY HOSPITAL invites applications from B.C. Registered Nurses. Full-time, Part-time or Vacation Relief. Vacancies exist in: Spinal Cord- Injury Unit, Psychiatry and the Nursing Pool. I Page’3 THE’ UBYSSEY Tuesday, March 18,1980 UBC stays aloof from downtown education scheme B.C.’s post-secondary institutions are talking about creating an education centrein downtown Vancouver but UBC apparently has little to contribute to the plan. UBC,SimonFraserUniversity, the BiC.Institute of Technology. the Open Learning Institute, VancouverCommunityCollege,Vancouver school board and the Universities Council of B.C. are involvedin thetalks. But theemphasis for the centre will primarily or technological be academic courses at night for people already in jobs - courses that UBC does not offer in downtown Vancouver. The institutions have been discussing the project with the provincial education ministry for two months and have alreadyleased one floor in a downtown building, said BCIT spokesman Dick Melville. Melville said the centre will serve asafocalpointforthoseinstitu- tionsofferingdowntowncourses. He added the institutions will also gain an information centre. “A central downtown education centrewouldprovidethepublic with an information area on Lower Mainland education institutions and their programs,’’ he said. Enrolment in BCIT night courses 17 hasincreaseddrasticallyfrom courses offered in the original program to a current 50, leading to the interest in a downtown facility. SFU also offers night courses in rented facilities close to thecity centre to 439 students while UBC offers off-campusnightcoursesat Britanniacommunitycentreand other locations. UBC administration representatives said theyare surprised by the announcement and offered no comment on thedowntowneducation centre proposal. UBC feedemonstration scheduled for Victoria From page 1 some questions student onfinances and student aid through NDP MPs cerns,buttold thedemonstrators in the House of Commons, Doherty they would have to wait for a A . federal-provincial task force on studentfinancesreportbeforeany“Thenextstep is that we’re going changes will beimplemented.totryandarrangea meeting with McGeer was one of the architects of McGeer and Smith. We’ll also be the task force’s formation. approaching college and university Doherty said he told McGeer that boards for support.’’ he expected only cosmetic Soltis said the externalaffairs “housekeeping changes” will be committee was hindered in preparrecommended in the report. Student demands include a $450 ing for the demonstration because the previous officer, Valgeet Johl, increase of maximumawardsfor student loans, an annual costof liv- failed to produce a promised report ing increase and a re-adjustment of on studentaidforUBCstudent politicians. parentalcontributiontablesand “Valgeet Johl did an education forcedsummersavings as indications of a students’ financial stan- study and it hasn’t been made availableyet,” Soltis said. “It’s ding, Doherty said. The NDP caucus agreed to raise been kind of holding us back.” a disruptive force Canadian University Press ASimonFraserUniversity student politician deliberately disrupted and undermined the B.C. Students’Federation’sprotest at the B.C. legislature Thursday, officials charged yesterday. Doug Fleming, SFU student societyexternalrelations afficer, tried to persuade students to demonstrateatthe legislature inBCSF’s stead of participatingin lobby of MLAs for changes in the studentaidprogram,saidfederation staffer John Doherty. A nfde d e r a t i ocnh a i r m a n Malcolm Elliott saidFleming and of Victoria several University students heckled universities minister Pat McGeer and prevented himfromspeaking to BCSF and other students. “They (Fleming and other students) allowed McGeer to look better than he was.” Elliott said. “After Fleming’s displayon Thursday I feel he’s totally out of touch with the concerns of the students.” Elliott said Flemingand University of Victoria students asked questions unrelated federation to demands, which enabled McGeerto avoid answering BCSF. Elliot charged that Fleming was not serving the interests of SFU students. “It’s importantforstudents to realize that their external relations officer represents them for all offcampus liasion activities,” he said. “Theofficershouldhave a clear the understanding of where - k w h Rnwg.n photo SEARCH FOR ROOTS left Irving Fetish stumped and out on limb after branching out Monday. F& wm barking up wrong tree but, touch wood, will be turning over new leaf and sprucing up act by solving knotty problems. Fetish pines for alder brother, but last time they met they beat each other to pulp. U of 0 tuition rise sparks boycott OTTAWA(CUP) - University of Ottawa students will stage their third mass boycottof classes tomorrow to protest tuition fee increases. They also plan a fee boycott in the fall. At a general assembly last week 500 students pledged morethan supportforastudentfederation plan to boycott the 7.5 per cent fee increase set for next fall. Students at the general assembly saidthey will notacceptanyincrease, although the university has decidednot to increase fees more than the mandatory 7.5 per cent ordered by the government. (The Conservativegovernmentgranted universities permission to increase tuition by up to an additional10 per cent if they wished.) University of Ottawastudents plan to organize a bus trip to the Ontario kgislature in Toronto March 27 to join in a province-wide protest against cutbacks and fee increases. Feminists demonstrate to protest violence students on his campus are coming from. After the general assembly a “I think the student bodyof SFU group of students tried to occupy WINNIPEG (CUP) - Two hun- year when ,about 300 people marchshouldwakeuptothefactthat ed in -30”,weather to save Osborne people chanted “We want the university registrar’s office, but dred Doug Fleming no is longer House, a jeopardized home forbatstreets withoutcreeps,”and“Yes the administration quashed the atrepresenting them, but leading women. Osborne House’s tempt with a threat to call in police means yes and no means no how- tered them.” to remove students from the build- ever we dress and wherever we go” funding WiIs subsequently retained But Fleming said the federationis last week to protest violence against after these and other outcries. ing. Student protestors occupied nottaking a strongenoughstand Public reaction to the march was women here. the office in a protest last month. againsttuitionfeeincreases and Womenwearing armbands with mixed - from good-naturedand faults in the student loan plan, adStudents will be urgedto pay only the insignia of wen-do, a women’s malicious questions about the dingthatnothing is gained from half their tuition at fall registration self-defencemethod,patrolled the march’s purpose to cheers and discussions “behind closed doors.” and withhold the $75 increase when march.Policewatchedthemarch taunts from passing cars. of BCSFhas “Theleadership they pay thefinal instalment in Jan- from the other side of the street. The march was sponsored by the become bureaucratic,” he said. uary, said student federation presiWinnipeg Committee Against VioThechantsechoedthoseheard “When so many attacks on students dent Anne McGrath. on International Women’s Day last lenceTowardsWomen. are occurring in tuition fees and fnancial aid, the federation should take a forceful stand.” Fleming said he went to McGeer’s office withabout 25 UVic The committee, chairedby SFU geographydepartSimon Fraser University, flushed with excitement and SFU students after the lobby to ment head Michael Roberts, said he is worried the Over recent newspaper reports acclaiming its coming ask him about the federation’s BurnabY university lacks malY of the Social amenof age, is considering a posh drinking hole for its demands,butsaidtheminister’s ities that typifyolderCanadian universities. He ellite. door was locked. Criticizes the lack Of faci1itie:s for the comfort and The proposed “university club” will Cost about $1 “The mass lobby wem ahead in contentment of important visitors. million and be open to all members of the university the morning as planned,” Flemm“Mostfaculty live a considerabledistancefrom community, according to a report compiled by a ing said. “Many of those that went thecampus which makes even personalentertainnine-person SFU committee. with us to McGeer’s office were ment of visitors awkward,” states the report. also involved in the mass lobby.” But membership dues be a’ high a~ $270 for Thereport,forwarded last week to SFU president Morethan 40 studentsfrom 10 the privilege of using the club for one year. The reGeorge Pedersen, says entertaining visitors on camport admits: “We fully recognize that most members colleges and universities across B.C. pus is “crucial” for effective communityrelations. It attended the protest against the cur- of the club will be from the faculty and staff.” a sense of tradition statesthatbettermoraleand rentstructure of thestudentloan Unless students CanCome UP with the $150 initiaamong faculty and staff will then be easier to build. plan. the new club as beneficial tion fee and $10 a month, itis unlikely many will be Roberts’ committee sees The students lobbied MLAs and educationministersMcGeer and Smith for changes in the eligibility requirements forstudentaid,as well as for a halt to further tuition fee increases in the province. It’s sherry and caviar timeat SFU Page 4 UBYSSEY Tuesday, March 18,1980 THE Poor reporting backs bigotry I "Oops, sorry. Really, we're quite sorry. Never meant anything like this to happen. I mean, there we were looking for some good story ideas for the start of the school year and we happened onto this bit about how all the . . . er . . . foreigners were taking over Canadian universities and. . . well, the boys just got a littlebit out of hand." The CTV network finally got around to apologizing on the air Sunday for the blatant racism contained in the W5 show's report The Campus Giveaway, which clearly stated that foreign students were depriving Canadians of a university education. That they did apologize is of little surprise, their errors being so blatant, so incredible and so lacking in factual basis. But to use an already ovenworked cliche, the damage has been done. The report's statementsgo well beyond simple error, the kind of thing one might expect in The Ubyssey, or,say, the Christian Science Monitor. The show's producers and reporter Helen Hutchinson, fully aware of the ramifications of what they were broadcasting,presentedhorriblyinaccurateandpoorlyresearched"facts" about foreign students in Canada. That individuals in our society adopt similar bigoted views is one reflection of our society.That a major network, and suppasedlythe country's most experienced journalists, could be duped into believing the racist drivel they presented is disgusting. And frightening. The showpannedshotsofcommerceandotherprofessional classes filled with supposedly foreign students, a fact which they inferred. When a group decided to check the national origins of the students, they discoveredthat all but two in attendance during the filming where Chinese-Canadians. Simple enough. Too bad W5s producers lack this simple investigative urge. It would have prevented the promotion of a whole lot of stupid ignorance. "I had to shoot him, he was singing out of tune." UBC selfishly disregarding. estate's land value The cloakofindifference and secrecy surroundingtheapparent sale of the beautiful Rockwoods Estate near Whytecliff Park inWest Vancouver has raised a furore among concerned citizens in the area of the estate. This is once more an example of breach of trust and responsibility by authority. As has been reported in the VancouverSun and other papers, this estate of approximately four acres was a gift of the late GeneralOdlum to UBC; this was well reported in the papers at the time. General Odlum stated that it was "for the promotion of. intimate and intensive studies in the fields of fine arts, letters and world affairs, and specially approved student activities." Since then, with the exception of a period when it was used by the extension department 20 years ago, it has been minimally cared for and largely unused by UBC. Theestateholds rare trees and has a long waterfront to it;its beauty has been a source of pleasure to Arts week was profitable, non- redundant success I'd like to thank everyone who made arts week such a success: Suk Sihota, Mike McKinley, Paul Yaskowich, Dave Jefferys, Brian Roach, AndreaDemchuk, Lisa Peters, Suzanne James,Mark Crawford, and Jack Hittrich for their efforts in organizing the week; Dean Will for condoning us by attending our barbeque; Brian Short and Craig Brooks for being such good sports. I'd also like tothank theoffice staff of the Alma Mater Society businessnot office for screaming at us while we bothered them for purchase orders and printing all week. Their patience is appreciated. Finally, I'd like to thank all the arts students who participated in the week, especially those who donated money to the CFOX Children's Hospital fund. Through your efforts, we raised close to $200 for the hospital fund. Thanks to everyone for making arts week such a non-redundant success. Bob Staley arts vice-president II THE UBYSSEY March ia,i98o PublishedTuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays throughoutthe university year bythe Alma Mater Societyof the University of B.C. Editorial opinions are those of the staff and not of the A M S or the universityadministration.Member,Canadian University Press. The Ubyssey publishes Page Friday, a weakly commentary and review. The Ubyssey's editorial office is in room 241K of the Student Union Building. Editorial departments, 228-2301: Advertising, 228-3977. Co-Editors: Heather Conn and Tom Hawthorn Heather OConn was green with envy. Here she was, hesd oi her cbn and having to watch her biner cross-officeenemy Tommy O'Hawthorn gloat after winning th.c m u d Unicorn, for being the B a t Dressed-Leprechaun-Of-The-Year. Wee Tornmy danwd a poor mbn d a jig. That j w t made poor Heather puke, sending great globsof green all over C ~ * M P m r Q M r y l d and Gwy O B r o d r f i d s copy of Leon Uris' Trinity, which they were reading to kill upicbm d munrlvr k i n g llbgitirnete sons of a Hungarian freedomfighter, and not really Iriah at all. C N dd~JuU. OWhootwrIght .quatted in the corner, puffing on her shillelagh.She too had on- b n n cbn I&, but m a t r p ip e dof her title along with he^ dignity after losing a pot of gold to a "anger in a w p gam.V a n OMcDwuld had warned her. "Never play near a rambow. That's what I uid. But did you IbtmY' he u k c d in hm thick brogue, which covered his Scottish accent. "Kisl my green an," dw uvpped back. That awoke the mad shaman Keith OBaldrey from a trance. He claimed to v leatop an actual Bbmsy Stone, and said he used it to practice ancient ritualsof eerie witchcraft. Hi8 eyr g l u m d . "I too w u anno, until the Irish Rovers started playing downstairs." Kevin Finnegan(no " 0needed hen) belched. and opened another can of green beer. "1 remember when these get-togethen had more Thank God I've nly got a f e w more to go to." he sighed, and belched again. people. d hundreds of people who walk around it each day, and many residents have specifically come to live there because of their belief that the estate would remain forever some kind of institution for learning. It would appear instead that the Cressey Development Corporation intends to build 19 houses on this beautifulacreage, andthat UBC has, like PontiusPilate, callously washed its hands of all responsibility towards the gift. No "For Sale" sign was ever put up on the property, no hint or indication given to the residents of sucha sale until they received a registered letter from Cressey informing them ofthe option and intent, instructing residents to get in touch with the West Vancouver council if they had any comments to make. The residents have flooded the council with letters and phone calls protesting the plan; the council was obviously astonished and shocked. Letters to the president of the university and the board of governors have received responses that could charitably be described as stoneyfaced andindifferent, i.e. that it was "out of their hands and a matter for the council to deal with." One wonders if thestudentsat UBC are aware that a piece of property at present available to them for Ligh't up your bike A note toall the lightless wonders travelling the UBC cycle path: WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE? Now that you've spent upto $250 for your trusty bicvcle. how about uutiing another $io to $20 to equip it with decent lights. This will help to preserve both it and yourself. Will it take a collision to persuade you that front and rear lights are a necessity for night riding? There are several brands of reliable battery and generator bike lights onthemarket. Your cycle shop can help you choose. David Conn a variety of uses will have been irretrievably lost to them and their successors; does taking "a responsible business attitudetowards it (the property)," to quote Brant Ducey, director of information services to the Vancouver Sun justifythis? Not in ouropinion, nevertheless it is now in the hands of the developers. The suggestion is that the profit made from the sale of the property would go to the completion of the Norman MacKenzie Centre of Fine Arts. Were the trustees of the original gift informed of this? Did they acquiesce in it? One may ask what possible benefit will that create for the residents of West Vancouver and the North Shore. How many of us could utilize such a centre, however delightful for UBC to have it, when increased population not to mention the notoriously irksometrafficproblems crossing Lions Gate bridge inhibit communication with UBC and enhance the need of the North Shore for its own centres of culture and pedagogy. UBC clearly does listen to organizations which call for their cliffs to be repaired, they do listen to groups who work ceaselessly to ensure that the endowmentlands are retained as forest and parkland for the people of greater Vancouver. We insist that it is time that they also listen to the people of the North Shore and keep the trust that General Odlum put in them. Heloved his house and his estate, and he thought he was giving, as indeed he was, something beautiful to UBC to be maintained this way in perpetuity. That was the intent of his gift. His trust has been betrayed. We urge you, the students atUniversity of British Columbia, to add yourprotest andtodemandthat UBC live up tothis sacred trust. We ask that we be told publicly that the estate has been offered to either the provincial government, or Capilano College, or SimonFraser University, or a theological college, or some othereducation institution for educational purposes; atthe very least UBC should promise that, if it is sold, they would make sure that it was not soldwithout theattachment of careful riders about its use. In view of our lack of success in eliciting from the board of governors of UBC even the slightest acknowledgment of their moral duty, we would ask you, the students, to bring all possible pressure on theresponsibleauthorities of your university to ensure that this lovely little estate is not lost forever to the people of British Columbia. J. Buitehuis .)- i Tuesday, March 18,1980 THE UBYSSEY Page 5 I I No Nazis in South Africa I wholeheartedlyagree with your perhaps if we ignore it, it will go editorial statementso f March 7 that away.”’ of this opinion I am Inview “stereotyping of ethnic groupsis ignorant,dangerousand epitomizes amazed that you published the stereotyped racist remarks attributed to moral ineptitude” and that “when suchsickening stuff is printed we Paul Wee by your reporter Nancie cannot shrug our shoulders and say Suzuki on March 6. Canadian voters delude themselves In a system that pretends that the (While it is true that the search is state doesn’t control the economy, also for future oil supplies, it is ripoliticians can at best be leeches. In diculous that these companies our system politicians are not only should earn profit on money they leeches but also socially counterpro-didn’t risk in the first place.) ductive, not because of the illusion With this in mind the outcome of the federalelection was never in central to our systembutbecause theyusetheirinfluence to help doubt. The voters of Canada said those sectors of the society that are yes to our economic and political supposedly outside of government shell game where deception is king. control. Canadafinds itself in a moral The oil exploration tax credit in- vacuum and is trying to isolate itself centive is just one example of pol- from the rest of the world. Theultimate result is economic iticians using their influence (in the form of actual tax dollars) to the collapse. The house of cards comes materialgain of privatecorporatumblingdown andafar greater tions. This paradox could be easily disruption of lives and property occleared up if only the state took it curs than would be had if only we throw out the psuedoupon itself to risk its own capital in would search of whatevergains it would capitalist system we now have and accrue.Atpresent the oil com- started building a system for a onepanies involved in frontier explora- world future. Mark V. DeFazio tion are risking the taxpayers’ graduate studies money in search of future profits. My personal experience in South Africa was that the gas station attendants without exception were black and I have never heard one shout “Heil Hitler.” I consider this remark to be racist and demeaning tothe well-mannered.gentlemen gas station attendants of South Africa, who happento be black by accident of birth. Theremarkthat“manySouth Africans come from German backgrounds”stereotypes theGerman people who I have always found to bepleasant and friendly on many visits to Germany. It would also appearthatthe speaker confused South Africa and Namibia,since it is Namibia that hasmanyGermandescent settlers since it was a German colony until the First World War. Additionallyit is South Africa which is known for its gold reserves, whilst Namibia is bet.ter known for diamond and copper mining. 1. find it disturbing that you would wish these remarks and inaccuracies to be communicated to a wider audience than the 23 who attendedthemeeting. Allan E. Letters should be signed and typed. .4lthoughaneffort is made to publish all letters received, The Ubysseyreserves the right to edit letters for reasons of brevity, legality, grammar or taste. God frowns on ‘sinful gays’ By CHARLES VENHUIZEN It’s beensaid that if God had wanted us to be homosexual he would have made Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve. There are a great number of students on campus who take odds with Mr. George Hermanson’s notions, as explicated in his article on human sexuality, concerning homosexual behavior, both on religious and philosophicalgrounds. As a Christian, I will attempt to refuteon biblical grounds his thesis that homosexuality is normal and not immoral, especially sincehe bases his thinking on a certain interpretation of God and the Judeo-Christian scriptures. rituals of his Arab neighbors. Needless to say, we live so these rules in a different cultural context today, are irrelevant, but the criteria on which the laws forbidding homosexuality and numerous other acts were based have not changed because they are not drawn fromcertainculturalbackdropsbutfromhuman nature itself. And who can prove to me that basic human nature haschanged over the past twoor three thousand years? Having established a case for calling homosexuality sin, let me balance it by saying that people participating in homosexual acts arenot“weird” or mentally ill, but are quite normal. (By “normal” I mean that theyare spiritually nodifferentthan anyone else whose life is not committed to God.) To give suchpeoplethelabel of “homosexual”or “gay” may be unfortunate.To beconsistent we should.labe1 those committing other sexual crimes as “adulterers” or “fornicators”. The point is that deHermansondiscardsthefundamentalinterpretawell as other sins result from a life tion of the Bible for a more relative one in view of viant sexual acts as that is not in tune with its Maker.Homosexuality our society’s supposedly more “enlightened” itself is not the problem. It’s merely one of the many understanding of humannature.Theimportant question is, “Is a literal interpretation of the Bible manifestations (albeit one of the most abominable) tenable for us who are so far removed both culturally of rebellion in a life that is not submitted to God. and temporally from the Semitic and Graeco-Roman Obviously there are good reasons for God to speak ancient worlds?” It is! We can confidently state that definitively againsthomosexualpractice. It conGod chose to reveal to us himself, his designs for us, travenes his perfect designs f x a man and a woman: and a pictureof our humaness (includingour sexuali- that being the total union of their sexual, emotional, ty) through myriad a of human experiences, intellectual, and spiritual desires, and so provide the thoughts, and struggleswhich are preserved for us in means for the perpetuation of the human race. Even literary form. the physical shapes of thesexualorgans and their This same God affirms the validity of these notions corresponding functions-of the two sexes scream out to those whobelieve. Simply put, whenyou ex- against homosexual practice. Listen, what if the maperience God’s incredible love and forgiveness, then jority of peoplesuddenly“discovered”that their you will be convinced of the truth of the biblical sexual orientation was now gay. It would certainly assertions. And if certain scriptural notions like the pose a serious threat to the family, already an encreation account fly in the face of scientific “truth”, dangered species in North America. How false it is to then why are there so many scientists who believe? say that gays are given their sexual orientation. There The fact that an honest differentiation of empirically is absolutely no empirical evidence for this. This is verifiable fact (such as Newton’s second law) from just one of the diverse scapegoats people create to rid mere hypothesis such as any evolutionary theory of themselves of the responsibility and accountabilityto man) will reveal no contradiction to biblical asser- Godforthethings [:hey do,say,andthink. You tions. might just as well say “the devil made me do it.” If What then of seemingly strange rules in the Mosaic Hermanson’stheory is correctthenapersonfor law code, such as a warning against eating pork and whom the desireto steal or to have poly-heterosexual anotheragainsttrimmingone’sbeard in acertain affairs is overpowering or psychologically motivated. way? To committhesedeeds was just asmorally Many people, though, have ceased trying to justify wrongashavingahomosexualaffair was forthe their conduct and have begun to regard it as belongHebrew of the 11th century B.C. The problem arises ing within the domain oftheir rights, especially when when we fail to grasp an adequate idea of the difthey receive the active support of secular and even ferences between two cultural contexts. The Mosaic religious sectors of our society. This is certainly true law of abstention from eating porkwas given against of many“out-of-the-closet” gay people. Nevera backdropof poor hygienic habits and poor cooking theless, it is God’s perspective, not man’s, which is methods on the part of the Jews. God was concerned thegoverningfactor on questions on moral issues with their health. The rule against beard cutting was thatconfront us. And what is all this talk about given because for a Jew to cut a space between his rights? Ultimately, the only rights we have are those beard and his hair probably meant thathe was identi- given to us by God, and a homosexual lifestyle is fyingwith asimilarpracticeenacted in thepagan clearly not one of them. MUSIC/UBC TUESDAY, MARCH 18 1230 p.m. Old Audkorium PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE KennethMoore,director.MusicofGauger,Firth,Kraft and,Colgrass WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 1230 p.m. R.cltal Hall WEDNESDAY NOON-HOUR CONCERT, Pro A m String Quarmt, Norman Paulu, violin; Martha Frances, violin; Richard Blum, viola; Pnrw Karp, cello. THURSDAY, MARCH 20 1230 p.m. R.cit.1 Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 21 800 Recital Hall UNIVERSITY SINGERS,James Schell, director. Musicof Brahma, Ravel 8 Chatman. MONDAY, MARCH 24 800 p.m. SUB Ballroom, UBC 4th ANNUAL ”EVENING AT THE P O P S , UBC Wind Symphony and Wind Ensemble,MartinBerinbaum,director.UBCChamberSingers,CortlandHultberg,director. ”Marches from around the world“. Tickets available at the door, or in advance at the AMS office. The A.U.S. cordially invites all students, advisees, colleagues, friends and acquaintances of TO A on the occasion of her retirement as Senior Faculty Adviser in Arts. Friday, 21st March, 4-6 p.m. in Buchanan Lounge CAREERORIENTATION FOR WOMEN PANEL DISCUSSION ON Women Working In The Media PANEL PARTICIPANTS MOIRA FARROW Reporter, Vancouver Sun WENDY STRAZDIFJE CBC TV‘s “Pacific Report“ KAREN’WILSON CBC Radio Music Producer JOY METCALFE Publicist Friday, March 21, 1980, 12:30 Buchanan Rm. 2238 SPONSORED BY THE WOMEN STUDENTS OFFICE Page 6 Tuesday, March 18,1980 , V". WOMENS COMMll7EE G m n l rnwtn l g,man, SUE 1J). EL CIRCULO Fymoncdombu ' ,n o o n , Euch. 218. SF SOCE I TY and deaion of 'm'81 -h. Intramurals THURSDAY noon. SUE 113. ORAD FINE ARTS COMMlTTrE Rhodri Lacomk apemkm on T u r n and architMun, m.Larm 102. CSCE C a r l a Jobot Swan Woootw lpeslu on harbor enginewing, CEME 1202. noon. PROGRESSIVECONSERVATIVE YOUTH P r w k c t i o n IMplry, 4 p.m.. th.Pit. . LSM Mary R i b y WMlU on Jwtice and penorvl l i i ,*,-, centrs, BAY PEOPLE OF UBC Film - In E k k urd Whiu, Iys THE DINER noon. SUB 212. Akber Ladha apeaka on The human mind, SUE 215. AMS ART OAUERV noon. PROORESSIVE CONSERVATIVE YOUTH Club SUE 215. UBC POlTERY CLUB Nomination8 for '8)"81 executive, noon. SUE election.. noon. FISH & CHIPS W o r k h p on interviswtechnique% noon, Brock English Style Home Cooked Meals, at Reasonable Prices. WE ACCEPT CHARGEX 0 nMon. to Sat. . 251. NEWMAN CATHOLIC CENTRE Election of '80'81 executive, noon, SUE 211 or St. Mark's CdIoge. UBC SAlLlNO CLUB WOMEN'S COMMIHEE Lesbian drop-in, 1:30 p.m., SUE 130 TOASTMASTERS Final moefino. -. BANQUET €P DANCE - Semi-Formal - We put our Sole in your noon. " WEDNESDAY FRIDAY, MARCH 21st Sewing U.B.C. end West Point Grey for the last 20 years. General meeting. SUE m. WOMEN STUDENTS' OFFICE ..--.., -.. .- .. . 0 7:Xa.m. to 8:30 p.m. Closed Sun. 6 Public Holidays 4556 W. 10th Ave.-224-1912 7:30 .D.m.. MacMillan 278 EAST INDIAN STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION Movie time and mesting, noon. SUE 125. VOC Slide ~rerenlatwnon hiking in South America, noon. Chem. 250. Place: FACULTY CLUB WOMEN STUDENTS' OFFICE Pawl diacunion on Women working in the media, m n . Euch. 2238. TICKETS: 59.00 - AVAILABLE IN ROOM 210 WAR MEMORIAL Wvne and cheaut retirement paw for K. T. Erwrley. 4 p.m.. Buch. lounge. QAV PEOPLE OF UBC Coffee houut, 8 p.m..,Fat Cau et 1375 Robson All Students, participants 8 escorts welcome st. KAOS KLUE Organuat#onalplanning for ascraurination of 86 and midnight, Old Admin. 101. 99. Hot flashes Wme to voice u Vote, m v8to Ah, spring, when a UBC student's thoughts ever do turn and return tothe elections because there's so many around. Today the Science Fiction club will elect new leaders to meet those troublesome aliens who are always asking for executive types. Votes will be cast in the fourth dimension at noon in SUB 113. But tomorrow will be the biggest day for democracy. The Progressive Conservative Youth will carefully and judiciously choose a free enterprise executive at noon in SUB 215. Also on Wednesday, members of the Newman Catholic Centre will seek divine inspiration in choosing temporal leaders. Ballots will be available at both St. Mark's College and at the meeting noon in SUB 211. COMPLETE BIKE TUNE UP! Focus '80 rather than say Alpha-?-Pi is raising money for the Arthritis Foundation for Research. Students pay $2.50 and others $3.50 at 7 p.m. tonight to see what the smartly dressed flapper will be wearing in the new decade. People in the greatest and latest in sartorial adornment will be showing their stuff at the Old Auditorium. It's about time you got a new T-shirt and toga. 38 point check 0 All adjustments 0 Lubrication 0 h m n the dum8 Forget the Colorado River. The realGrandCanyon,seen by very few so far, is on theStikine River in northern B.C. Maybe very few will ever see the 50-mile-long gorge because B.C. Hydro wants to puttwo dams on the Stikine. A recent Sierra Club workshop with representatives from more than six communities affected by the dams unanimously opposed construction and called for preservation of the Stikine as a free-flowing river. Irving Fox of UBC will be giving a slide presentation on the severe environmental impact of thedams and L discusses B.C. Hydro's resource development policies at 8 p.m., March 24 at Robson Square theatre. Admission is $1. SPECIAL! $19.95 Tour on over to . .. 3771 W. 10th 224-3536 1980: our 50th year Are you unhappy because you keep on going to dances at UBC and spend half the nightwondering why no one's dancing? Well, International House is putting on a barn dance that will be right up your 5 Coming Events One often wonders about the alley. men behind the concrete monuSquare dance caller Ken Oakley ments at UBC such as Sedgewick will be giving the orders, making 10 - For Sale Commercial library or Gage towers. Hereisa sure everyone loses enough weight Sports Student Specials. chance to fill in one of those gaps to make up forwhat they're putting COMMUNITY Black Tusk Sleeping Bags, $18.50; Bauer of knowledge. Supremes, $99.50; Down Dacron or on down at the full facilities table. Jackets, $49.50; Nike LDV Joggers, 839.95; Garnett Sedgewick, on the 60th The romping and stomping will World Class Tennis Racquets 824.95; anniversary of his appointment as being at 8:30 p.m. this Friday. AdKangaroo tops, 8 pairs tube sox,Back head of the UBCEnglish depart- mission is 7% for members and packer stoves, $14.95; hockey jerseys, tennis shorts, $9.95; Shewood Hl2ROK ment, will be the subject of annual $1.50 for non-members. Break out hockey sticks, 84.95; and much m.ore at Garnett Sedgewick memorial lec- yer heavy boots, cowboy hat and 3615 West Broadway, 733-1612.Open Sunture. days. coveralls. The lecture will be given by Philip Akrigg, professor emeritus of Eng11 - For Sale Private lish and former student and colVisit sunny Afghanistan this league of Sedgewick until the Summer this Summer and experi- lQl0 VALIANT DUSTER, 6 cyl. automatic, latter's death in 1949. It's tonight at city tested, excellent mechanical condition, dealer serviced, second owner, 70,ooo 8:15 p.m. in Frederic Wood The- ence this quaint province ofthe atre. Now, who's Frederic Wood? It's u revivul - - nit yer purtmer 25 - Instruction TYPING, essays, term papers, thesis, business letters, resumes. Any typing at all call Lillian 327-5381, 30 - Jobs JOBS I N ALASKA! Summer/Year-round. 5800-$2.000 monthly! All fields-parks, fisheries, teaching and morel How, where to get jobs. 1980 employer listings. $3. Alasco, Box 2480,Goleta, CA. 93018. 35 - Lost 40 - Messages TYPING BCk per page. Fast and accurate. Experienced typist. Phone Gordon, 073-8032. ~~ TYPING. Essays, theses, manuscripts, including technical, equational, reports, letters, resumes. Fast accurate. Bilingual. Clemy 266-6641, YEAR ROUND expert essay and theses typing from legible work. Phone 7386829 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. FAST EFFICIENT rates. 2 6 6 - 5 0 5 3 , - B8 fushiomuble Fashion shows make us wish we had Greek letters on our typewriters or at least had taken Homer from Malcolm MacGregor, crusty classital curmudgeon, so wecould translate the names of sororities and fraternities into Roman type. Then wecouldtell you exactly what sorority is putting% on Fashion ..... . . . Liquid Refreshments 5:30 p.m. 0 Buffet 7:OO p.m. 0 Awards 8:OO p.m. 0 Dance 9:OO p.m. FRIDAY AUS General meeting and film, noon. SUE 207. c * AWARDS NITE * Milston.p.a(;. on What ia ful-timeministryto you. noon, SUE 207. 65 Reasonable TYPING SERVICE FOR THESES, correspondence, etc. Any field. French also available. IBM Selectric. Call B4042. - Scandals 70 - Services ~~ TYPEWRITER REPAIRS. Low Rates, 25 yrs. exp., free est., pick-up Et del. on campus. Len, 684-5536. 80 TYPING. 90 - Wanted - Tutoring 85 - Typing known by most as being in a state of siege. "And here we see the unusual SUBLETWANTED. May 1 to Aug. 31. Single female, non-smoker needs accom. near Kits or c i Hall. will take care of EXPERT TYPIST. Essays, term papers, 5.75 perpage.Theses $1.00 per page.Phone Rcse 2S7710. EXPERIENCED Public Stenographer. Judiih Fihess, 5610 Yew Street, 9 to 5. TyP! an,*in9., r , I , ,, , , , , .,,.- . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c Tuesday, March 18,1980 THE Page 7 UBYSSEY Mullins - tom coach - -m- - - - Thunderbird basketball coach Peter Mullins has been named coach of the year by the Canada West UniversityAthleticAssociation. Under Mullins this year's men's basketballteamfinished third in Canada West, narrowly missing the playoffs.At the beginning of the Season UBC had been picked to go nowhere dueto inexperience and lack of height. UBC haswon two national championships under Mullins. who was the Canadian national team coach for three years. Meanwhile, the University of Victoria Vikings won the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union championship on the weekend, dropping theUniversity of Brandon Bobcats 73-65. In four league games this season, Victoria'slargestwinningmargin aminst UFK was seven wints. PANGO-PANG0 (UNS) Thousands of hairypuceblorgs yawnedin excitement atthe local snerfball team, the Yahoos, battled arch-rival Washington Houyhnhnmsforsixteenthplace andthe honor of being walloped in the first round by the Bull Street Broadies. Meanwhile further excitement was stifled over the arrival of the local heroes, theHubcaps,whocamp have come to rival even the Yahoos in front-office backstabbing. Under the spirited guidance of head blorg John Worst the Hubcaps get their first chance tonight to demonstrate how far the mighty have fallen. Martial law is expected to control theenthusiasm which will remain unbridled when the hardheaded Pussycats assemble for training in a few months. MULLINS . . . gets honor * N m you're I UNISEX HAIRSTYLING I \ "FOR THOSE WHO APPRECIATE THE BEST IN THE ART OF HAIRSNUNG" ken hippert hair company Itd. A 5736 UNIVERSITY BLVD. W N e x t to Lucky Dollar Store) I \ - talkin'taste, 228-1471- WOMEN getting ready to look for a job? Come and get some hints on INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES Speaker: Dr. Lorette Woolsey Director, Women Students' Off ice THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1980 12:30 - 2 P.M. Women Students' Lounge Brock Hall, Room 223 Sponsored by the Women Students' Office - c ‘TA union guarantees a fair workplace’ On Thursday andFriday of this week, TAs, markers andtutors will have the opportunity to decide if they will gain the legal rights that come from being represented by acertifiedunion. Both the employees concerned and the general student body at UBC will benefit if the Teaching AssistantsUnion wins the vote later this week. At this time, these employees have no voice in determining their working conditions. If theTAs and markers win the right to be represented by the union, all the various cumbersome and possibly apathetic levels of the administration will be required by law to recognize their voice, and will have to talk to them on an equal and responsible basis about their wages and working conditions. As academic employees, we want the samekindsofprotections and benefits enjoyed by other unionized workers: a grievance procedure for unresolved problems, clearly defined and equitable hiring and dismissal procedures, advance notice of employment, protection in case of illness, safety guidelines where applicable. We want equal pay for equal work. There is no good reason why pay rates should be different from one department tothe next. Our working conditions are students’learningconditions. If we have to teacha labor class with more students than last year 1 Union will bring TAs into modern society It hascome time for teaching assistants to consider the consequences of their choice in the upcoming vote on unionization. It is almost inconceivable that at least the required majority will not vote “yes”. Rational people, isit assumed,act in theirown interests. After all, all but the most blatantly anti-union opinion is agreed that unions’ benefit the members they represent, if no one else. And besides, although some of us have it pretty cosy, is it not time to unselfishly set aside particular arrangements and advance the cause of equality for all TAs? Without indulging in horror stories about strikes, itis worthwhile to imagine the likely outcome of a“yes”verdict.One complaint has been that TAs are paid more in some departments than in others. Another is that pay isless than what was promised. We may therefore expect that the administration will somehow be pressured to make the present ad hoc determination of pay more “rational”. In the simple minded notions which prevail so tiresomely often on campuses, in government, and in union halls,equity will be confused with equality of pay, which willbe haggled over according to conlplicated formulae. Will this result in closer approximation to the ideal of pay commensurate with work done? Not on your life. It will result in a new arrangement of inequalities, just as it has elsewhere. It will result in a highly bureaucratized and antagonistic process more cumbersome and rigid thanthe present one. A less narrow conception of equity would consider that other guest so commonly absent at the equalizer’s dinner table: those who lack not only the “benefits” of unionization, but those of TAships at all. Let’s face reality: the amount of money available is limited. Pay will not be equalized downwards.Nor is it likely that our would-be local will voluntarily accept arollback,which, with a static or shrinking budget, would be necessary in order to accomodate more or even the same number of TAs as atpresent. This would be an unnatural and monstrous perversion for any right-minded toiler. If there areunhappy consequences to apparently benevolent actions, it would be unfair to let the benefits go unmentioned. Leaders and organizers can revel in that most heady of euphoria, the power of altruism. As members of a union, TAs will get to practice a kind of modern rite of passage before moving into the corporate society. Training in whinning “gimmie”, after all, may prove the most valuable we have acquired in our university careers. James Lettermen now jobs TA graduate studies in the same number of hours as being inan adversarialrelationlast year, someone is going to suf- ship with the administration. We fer. Either the students are going justwant t o gaina voice as an to receive less individual atten- equalpartner in establishing our tion, or the TA is going to have working conditions. We arean less time for his or her own work. important and responsible part of of the university community, and we Better safety conditionsare concern to both TAs and students are a reasonable group of people. in lab classes. Advance notice of There can be no strike unless the amointment will enable a TA to union membership votes to do so. Noone can order us to go on better prepared. strike. Ninety-five per cent of the Some people have expressed be mcernthat if there is a TA contracts in Canada with bargainnion, there will be a strike. The ing units the size of UBC’s are setossibilities should not be exager- tled without any kind of job acrated. W:: don’t see ourselves astion. If you are a TA,tutoror marker, cast avote in favor of having a voice with which to speak about our working conditions. Vote yes for union representation this Thursday and Friday. Judith Mossof L m Brian Lawson r UNION PAMPHLET. . . TAa burdened by workload Union could spell s-t-r-i-k-e I’m a teaching assistant and I wanted to say something about the proposed TA union. All TAs shouldcarefullyconsidertheeffect of the union and thepromises that they are making. For example, the union wants to even out salaries between faculties. However, each faculty has a limited supply of money and that demand could result in lower salaries in all faculties or fewer ‘ people being hired in some or all of the faculties. How do we get the university to meet our demands? strike A would result in the TAs not working andnot gettingpaid. If the strike lasts any length of time, and it might have to in order to get results, theTAs could standto lose a lot more than they would ever gain.Afterall, the term of employment is only seven or eight Foreign TAs will benefit - Foreign teaching assistants can benefit froma TA union. Since teaching assistantships and financial assistance are not guaranteed by the university, foreign students are in an even more tenuous situation than other students. If their employment is notguaranteed, the threat of automatic deportation looms. Dismissal by an employer givesyou no recourse with the immigration department. The TAU wants to protect the of numbers available, and to insist that decisions about who gets these jobs are madeearly enough so that foreign students can plan reasonably, and with some security. A union is the only legally binding collective force that can ensure promises. I encourage all foreign TAs to vote yes on Thursday and Friday in the certificationvote forthe TAU! Malcolm Kennard foreign TA months for most TAs so a loss of just one month’s payrepresents better thanten per cent of the total earnings. Those TAs that depend on the income to pay rent or second term fees could find themselves a little short. That’s not what I call job security, yet the union says it will work for better job security. Let’s face it, being a TA is not a lifetime career nor a full-time job and it shouldn’t be considered as one. I agree that there can be a lot of work for some students, but how much more work is it than most other part-time jobs thatpay the same? Notonlyshould we examine that goals of the union, we should also consider what it means to be part of a union. I strongly urge all TAs to think carefully about the consequences of unionization. Are the possible gains worth the price we must pay? We don’t have toform a union just because other universities have unionized. Christine Third THE WESTERN MBA THE UNIVERSITY of WESTERN ONTARIO LONDON, CANADA Professor Blair Little, Chairman MBA Program VOLKSWAGEN MOTORS REBUILT will be on campus, THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1980 1:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. To Discuss The Western MBA Program at PONDEROSA ANNEX F STUDENT COUNSELLING & RESOURCE CENTRE U.B.C Warranty “95 - ” ” ALSO REPAIR IMPORTS 12 Month 12,000 miles (Bugs Only) and up - 1505 West 3rd 731-8171 (UNDER GRANVILLE ST. BRIDGE)
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