she said. - UBC Library - University of British Columbia
she said. - UBC Library - University of British Columbia
...•;y . :-.:.. • . , .:. • 2 cuLrruRE FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER, 2005 THE UBYSSEY "1 can't be patient when I write" ANOSH IRANI UBC Creative Writing Masters Series November 29 by Gemini Cheng CULTURE WRITER It's hard to believe that Anosh Irani wasn't planning on becoming a writer all along. Since immigrating to Vancouver from India in 1998, the UBC Creative Writing grad has carved a comfortable little niche for himself in the realm of Canadian literature and theatre. But the possibility of writing didn't even enter the picture until Irani was in his early twenties and holding a "useless" degree in his hands. "I was working as a copywriter at an advertising agency in Bombay," he says, "but I also wanted to write short stories and poetry. I decided I needed to get away from Bombay in order to write and that's why I came here." Irani graduated with a business degree, but his decision to come to UBC was based on his desire to write. He followed his aunt to Vancouver, and his journey as a writer began. Living in Canada allowed Irani to see his native country differently. "Being in Canada gives you a different perspective on a country when you look at it from a distance both in terms of time as well as physical distance: he explains. "What helped me was just being in Bombay and the life experience that you get, the characters that you meet, the stories that you hear, the images that you see— those have helped shape my writing.' Referring to his childhood, he admits, "I didn't write at all. I was not one of those kids who knew that I wanted to write, but I was always a storyteller. That's why I chose to write, because I wanted to tell stories.' His study of literature as a child was limited, but this isn't something he regrets. Studying literature is somewhat disadvantageous because it can be too confining. 'You feel you need to do something familiar," he says. "For me, I had no idea what had been done so when I decided to write A WRITER'S LIFE FOR ME Anosh Irani strikes a pose at Lonsdale Quay. my first novel I felt completely free." Irani's debut, The Cripple and His Talismans, was published last spring. Set in Bombay, the novel traces the journey of a man who has lost his arm and wants to find it. The idea came to him completely by chance. "I was writing the end to one of my short stories and I suddenly had an image of amputated limbs hanging from the ceiling," he says. When the idea refused to go away, he knew the story had to be told. The setting of the novel is steeped in magical-realism. "I think stories arise from a physical landscape in a sense that cities, especially cities like Bombay, they have their own character," he says. His nameless narrator comes across a multitude of eccentric characters, including dueling lepers and a man who sells limbs Some of the story's particularly grotesque scenes have caused some reviewers concern, but Irani isn't bothered. "I think part of the charm of writing is the strangeness," he says. "I mean, why tell stories, why reveal images everyone can see?" He believes that these sorts of scenes in any form of writing must emerge naturally. "You have to use your imagination and try and push boundaries," he says, "but I think doing something for shock value is a weak thing to do." Irani tries not to become too influenced by other works of art, but now that writing is his profession, he reads more poetry and plays for inspiration. The form in which this inspiration takes shape is meaningless, so long as it is truly moving. "Today, the whole purpose of art is that someone else inspires you, and then you create something that's going to inspire somebody else," he says. He tries not to think too much about what other people are saying about his own writing though. "Sometimes people have an insight into your work that you don't," he says, "but also you have to discern and know when people are just talking absolute garbage." Diverse creativity and interest has inspired Irani to pursue other forms of writing. His first play, The Matka King, premiered at the Arts Club YINAN MAX WANG PHOTO Theatre Company in 2003. Playwriting is a completely different process for the writer. "In a novel at least, you're in control of what's happening because the novel ends with the page. Once you finish writing the novel, it's done, but the play just begins on the page," he explains "With the novel it's the same novel every time But with a play, the live element brings both risk and excitement." People have been telling Irani that good skills in writing dialogue are essential for playwriting, but the author knows that this is not the only vital aspect. He tries to take advantage of the physical state itself. "I like using the stage as a visual medium as well," he says. 'I try and tell stories that have that sense of theatricality." Even though Irani is familiar with techniques to spin all sorts of captivating tales, he reveals, "I think things just come roaring out of you and I can't write slow. I can't be methodical and patient when I'm writing." He doesn't think writ- ers should be analysing their own work while they are in the process of creating it, although he does try to be more analytical during the later stages of editing. "The main function of a writer is to tell a good story, and also to challenge someone intellectually, to challenge the way people think Those are the things that naturally happen if the writing is good," he says. So was Irani destined to write all this time? Probably not. "I don't think there is any such thing as destiny," he says. "To me, destiny suggests that you are not in control of your life.' Karma, on the other hand, is something Irani believes in wholeheartedly. "With karma, it's different," he says. "Things are happening because of your own actions. It does make you realize that you are in control of your life. You can shape your own life." The consequences of action are a major theme. in Irani's writings. He may not have been destined to write, but there is no doubt that it was something he needed to do, whether he ever meant to or not. "I think part of the mystery in that is that even for human beings, life is a journey. We have to ask questions," he says. "That's what makes us human, that we cannot completely fathom the higher power that exists." Irani is trying to work on another play called Manja's Circus, but it's being kept aside for now. "I think it's just too weird for people," he admits. But there is no lack of new projects with his name attached. His next play, Bombay Black, will premiere in Toronto in January, and his second novel, The Song of Kahunsha, is set for release next spring. Anosh Irani will be at the UBC Bookstore at Robson Square at 7:00 pm on November 29 to deliver a lecture and read aloud from his body of work. The event is part of the UBC Creative Writing Masters' Series, and is free to the general public. Everybody's humpin' around LA RONDE Chan Centre Studio Theatre until November 26 by Hannah Hardy CULTURE WRITER Sex, scandal, and comedy; La Ronde has it all. From the acting to the costumes, the Theatre UBC production provides a realistic and entertaining portrayal of desire, churning out a socio-sexual taxonomy in its torrid wake. With the help of director John Cooper—three-time winner of the Jessie Richardson award for Outstanding Direction—these BFA drama students have expertly fashioned an evening of side-splitting comedy and emotional resonance. This darkly comic tale of forbidden sex and betrayal has inspired several theatrical adaptations and over sixteen films La Ronde is made up of ten scenes, each focused on pre and post coital conversations; each revealing ten forbidden sexual liaisons in devastating cycles. Written in 1898; this play incited rioting and became one of the greatest scandals in the history of theatre when first produced in 1921. La Ronde is the story of several characters' twisted sexual activities. The first to hook up are the soldier and the prostitute. The soldier then goes to the maid, who then goes to the young master, who then goes to the young wife, who then goes to her husband, who then goes to the sweet girl, who then goes to the poet, who then goes to the actress, who then goes to the count, who then goes to the prostitute—you get the picture. The short, bite-size scenes are digestible and fun to watch. Despite the fact that most of the women appear as fickle sluts and the men as lusty self-absorbed lugs, the writing provides a unique perspective; one you could watch over and over again and not get bored. A word of advice: don't leave after the first two scenes. While the first two scenes falter, coming across underplayed and stilted, you are bound to forget the play's slow start by the end of the third scene when the performance really gets rolling. I must comment on the fantastic characterizations performed by Keegan Macintosh and Joann Liu, and the delivery and timing by Tim Cadeny and David Newham was especially entertaining. However, it was clear that certain characters were unsure about the basic formation of the script and their parts therein, as they were sometimes too eager to cut short their colleagues' lines! The costuming perfectly augmented the performances, with each garment unique and well-suited to the personalities of the characters and the period. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the set design. Although most of the props and the set were perfect for the period and suited the different environments, the black block boxes used to portray cupboards stood out like sore thumbs. They didn't suit the period, they didn't follow the suit of the rest of the set, and the colour made them stand out for the wrong reasons. But the use of the back screen was fantastic. It fit well with the small scenes and made the set changes interesting, setting the tone for the coming scenes. They were suggestive and comical, and the chosen images helped the scenes to flow together seamlessly. Accompanied by the musical sound effects, the impressions were highly successful. The sound effects themselves were well chosen and contributed to the narrafive of the play, making up comical effects for the action missing onstage. But the most successful technical device was the lighting. The use of candles as the first source of illumination and the employ of a dim light across the stage was highly effective in setting the mood. It also made the audience feel like they were in the action rather than in a theatre. The use of the whole theatre space itself also created a sense of involvement for the audience. The text is funny, the effects are fantastic, and the acting is phenomenal—La Ronde is well worth going to see. Ng THE UBYSSEY FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER. 2005 ("'IT Ti Ti ITYP 2 The Doodlebops tot-rock to the top "A three year old these days is incredibly hip" THE DOODLEBOPS CBC Television by Jackie Wong CULTURE STAFF We promise to share We promise to care All together as a team Just stick to it, we can do it We can do anything Stand tall Say it loud Were together and were proud DeeDee, Rooney, Moe Yeah—we're The Doodlebops! Holy shit. I feel like I've just eaten an entire box of Fruity Pebbles. To up the ante for sensory overload, the dry goods have been chased with alternating splashes of chocolate and strawberry milk All this while wearing 3-D glasses, and listening to psychedelic anthems about working as a team, anger management, and improving motor control. My rods and cones can't keep up. My risk of having a seizure has increased by seventy-five percent. Such was my mental state after downing two Doodlebops sample CDs (Music & Fun, The Doodlebops), two "in concert" music videos ("Abracadabra," "Get on the Busy), an episode of their TV show ("Look in a Book") and a buffet of online fan discussion ("Jonathan Wexler is Hot as Heck. If you don't trust me, watch the Doodlebops for a couple minutes and you will be fixated at [sic] them and their big hands!! If you ever find yourself in need of an audio/visual pick-me-up at 7:10am, look no further than CBC. Canada's newest rock band for two-to-fiveyear-olds will be heating up the airwaves with choreographed dance sequences, hilarious mishaps, and light moral rectitude for the second season of their absurdly-popular TV show, which premieres in December. The Doodlebops is a trio of "siblings" who play in a band together. With pink-haired DeeDee (keytar, vocals) at the helm, she and cauliflower-loving Rooney (guitar) team up with rambunctious wildcard Moe (drums) on a journey of music, adventure, and repetitive comic gimmickry that keeps toddlers coming back for more. Each episode begins with a recitation of the Doodlebops Pledge (above) and a hilarious search for Moe, whose mischievous ways always get him into trouble. The shows are fast-paced, wellproduced, and awash with more !"). rainbow than could ever be procured from a million Skittles. Sure, it's a show 'for the kids,' and the producers have hit the target market on the nose: during its debut season last year, The Doodlebops secured the number one spot on Disney Channel's ratings for the two-to-five age group. Months before its official October 2005 release by Universal Music Canada, Doodlebops DVDs and a CD had already emerged as some of the top sellers on But the unquestionable market success of The Doodlebops nonetheless leaves me wondering about the degree to which parental/adult tastes inform the success of children's entertainment. Clad in a hypercolour pastiche "nika mow," itêtw, "n ika mow of what appear to be mutant derivations of Dr. Seuss, Sonny Bono, and rave culture, the Doodles are caked in prosthetic ears, hair, and face-distorting makeup. For those still standing after the clownphobes have fled the scene, the Doodles appear to be the physical embodiment of a triple-dose of postmodern camp laced with marshmallow Alpha-Bits. In the words of director James Waese, "I've tried to sum up the rock and roll experience for pre-schoolers by taking everything that's fun and playful and exciting about flower power, disco and glam rock and focusing on all that's good and wholesome in it." The parents of young Doodleboppers are of Waese's gen- eration; does their nostalgia for 1970's rock aesthetics underpin their approval of their children's Doodlebop fandom? "Kids are getting their families to spend their vacations to come to Doodlebops shows," Waese continues. "They come from all over in homemade costumes dressed as DeeDee, Rooney and Moe, and they break dance and know all the lyrics to all of the songs." The number of fan sites that have erupted within a mere year of the Doodlebops' arrival-launched, maintained, and designed by and for a primarily adult audience raises the band to a Spongebob-esque fetish status. "The Doodlebops will be bigger than Barney, bigger than Sharon, Lois & Bram. or Raffi. They will be the biggest thing to hit this [preschool] age group in music ever," claims Michael Hirsch, 57-year-old executive producer and co-creator of The Doodlebops. "A three year old these days is incredibly hip." Are three-year-olds in 2005 more hip than three-year-olds in 1985? I doubt it. The difference here is the degree to which adult consumers, producers, and participants of children's entertainment understand "hipness" as a measure of quality. The Doodlebops achieve this with the accomplished performance backgrounds of the "band" members: Lisa Lenox (DeeDee) is only 23; her undeniable vocal talents point to a strong background in musical theatre; Chad McNamara (Rooney) toured across Canada with the 2003 production of Mamma Mia! and has appeared on Queer as Folk; Jonathan Wexler (Moe) costarred in a recent production of Its a Wonderful Life. A popular Doodlebop fan site,, features photographs of "The Doodlebops, unmasked." I showed the link to my friend, whose first reaction was, "Lisa Lenox is fucking hot." Sure, photos of "the faces behind the music" endow The Doodlebops with "real-life" credibility that other children's entertainers may lack, but investigating their previous performance credits leads me to wonder why Lisa, Chad, and Jonathan chose to work as Doocllebops at all. Jonathan Wexler seems to have become an internet heartthrob among Doodlebop fans ("STAY AWAY FROM JONATHAN WEXLER MY FUTURE HUBBY" screams one message board); the success of the band's live shows and merchandise sales suggest that the Doodlebops are on the road to spearheading another kid-pop fetish movement similar to the Teletubby frenzy of the 1990s. If the futuristic, androgynous shape of the Teletubbies and their landscape reflected millennial trepidations, The Doodlebops' pop-art kitsch is an expression of a posteverything culture laden with the aesthetic baggage of its more seemingly glamorous yesteryear. The result: a hallucinogenic visual spectacle that leaves you gasping for a mental antacid, or another stick of blotting paper. The magic comes in two breakfast-time sittings, 7:10 and 10:00am on CBC; season two premieres December 12. le H "Sing," he said, "sing:' It was an intimate setting at the First Nations Long house lastThursday as M6tis poet Gregory Scofield entertained listeners with poetry and and song from his latest book Singing Home the Bones. Put on by the UBC Creative Writing department, Scofield wooed the audience with a series of diverse works about love, family history and ethnicity in both English and Cree. YINAN MAX WANG PHOTOS 4 FEATURE FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER , 2005 Seeds of change unsown Is copyright legality or the repression of academic freedom preventing the release of a documentary on GMOs? D espite its name, a video called Seeds of Change will not have the impact on the biotechnology world its creators intended—at least, not anytime soon. The documentary, by University of Manitoba PhD candidate Ian Mauro and Professor Stephane McLachlan, has sown controversy in what was one of biotechnology's most contentious fields, in an attempt to get at the truth about genetically modified canola. Now, three.years after its completion, the video still cannot be shown. And while the film is controversial on a number of levels, the project's viability may ultimately depend upon the prickly position in which it places the University of Manitoba (U of M). The medium of change To film Seeds of Change, Mauro and McLachlan traveled rural Manitoba and asked farmers for their thoughts on genetically modified canola. Eventually, they synthesised these accounts into documentary form. The research, originally intended to constitute part of Mauro's PhD, is controversial mostly because of its approach: Mauro uses the medium of video to document the experiences of farmers, an approach that has never been done in this way before. The documentary is based on the experiences of farmers, rather than going about the research from a purely academic basis. "Ironically, going to farmers and asking them 'what's up?' is incredibly controversial—because some of the stories farmers have, and some of the experiences farmers have had, are irrefutable in their truth; it's straight from the land. Hearing the stories and hearing those experiences—either good or bad—resonates in a way that science can't match; numbers on a sheet pale in comparison to the power and emotional response people have to a farmer telling a story about what's happened to them," said Mauro. McLachlan, however, thinks the images might be "too powerful" for some. Upon seeing the film for the first time, the University balked and decided that it could not be responsible for insuring the video. The University has an enormous interest in the content of the film; not only was canola originally developed at the University of Manitoba, but a substantial amount of research into genetically modified canola is ongoing at the institution. Both researchers said that the documentary is unbiased and reinforced by peer-reviewed literature, and no one denies that the film is objective. The video, according to the filmmakers, does not fall victim to either the radical, anti-genetically modified organism (GMO) activism or corporate concerns that so plague the issue of genetic modification; instead, it leaves the viewer to draw conclusions. Nevertheless, the video has the potential to make an enormous—albeit diminished with time—contribution to the discourse on biotechnology, and agriculture in general. Mauro said that it is one of the first, if not the first, publicly funded risk analyses of genetically modified crops in Canada, and as such, it is "inherently controversial: the vast majority of risk research conducted of genetically modified crops has some element of private funding associated with it." What the University says Joanne Keselman, vice-president (research), said that the University was not concerned with limiting the distribution of the video, but rather with issues of intellectual property. Specifically, the University, which has a 50 per cent stake in the raw footage used in the documentary, has every right and, in fact, is mandated to protect the rights of farmers who express their opinions in the video. Keselman emphasised that the documentary was created independently of the University, but the footage was originally collected as part of Mauro's graduate research, so the University maintains a legal interest in it, and technically has copyright ownership of half of the footage used in the documentary. This right is unalienable without consent from one partowner or the other—in this case, the University or McLachlan. Without owning the rights to the raw footage of farmers used in the video, it can't be distributed commercially; without clearance from the University, it can't be shown for educational purposes. This copyright bylaw is intended to protect educational videos and other such new media resources from being used for commercial resale. The bylaw cannot be changed without a new collective bargaining agreement with the University of Manitoba Faculty Association—and the current one won't expire until 2007. If [McLachlan] and I wrote a book, or painted a ture about GMOs and farmers, the University w have no say in how we distribute that informa said Mauro. "The whole situation is preposterou Keselman maintains that the only remaining constraints on the documentary are legal. eo, we "We have no issue with the content of th making have no interest in the video itself—our iss sure that we are conducting our researc tivities in accordance with the highest ethical principles and standards," she said. Keselman emph sed that there st be fulfilled are two, and only two, conditions th on-commercialbefore the documentary can be us ly. The first: a disclaimer, stating e opinions presented in the video are not representative of the researchers have no University in any way. While b y said that the way it contention with this conditio ngs more difficult to is presented might have gal discourse. agree to than hinted at in The second of the provisions requires expressly written permission to u the raw footage from all of mers interviewed in the roject. Mauro said that it has already been done—but Keselman said that the University has no documented evidence that this permission was obtained, which tinues to o ect. Academic freedom in the balance text by Tessa Vanderhart THE MANITOBAN / UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA photos by Yinan Max Wang & Laura Tabert The content of the video is, however, in high demand. Mauro said that people across the world are clamouring to see the video, including farmers from Canada, the United States and Argentina where genetically modified products have been commercialised. At a conference in Alberta, Mauro was impugned by a plant biologist, but McLachlan said that farmers 'booed' the scientist, ask- M*.„) ing Mauro to come to their counties and sb, ,the video. Rene Von Acker is a professor in thétfatulty of agriculture who has conducted some heady research into genetically modified crops, spec' ally trans-gene escape, when genetically modifie • ola inadvertently grows in a farmer's field. But, a oted, his research has mostly stayed under the r, despite having enormous ramifications on the biotech world, even outraging the Canadian Whe oard. nues to be funded by Von Acker said that he elp[s] big business,' and, industry, since his researc w for the most part, pri finvestors recognise the importance of supporting diverse and real research. He worries his cone es at Agriculture Canada are e negative results of biotechless free to dissemi ademics—which is why univernology than tenure o publish research that has the sities are suppos potential to be unpopular with big businesses. 'Do you w a university? That's what universities do," said Vo cker. 'Academic freedoms serve a purpose.' He's co ed that, by preventing the distribution of the video, the University is, inadvertently, doing the community a great disservice by limiting agricul , and not answering the questions that farmdiscus ers n answered. Clark, a professor of genetics at the University of Guelph, is concerned about the future of academia, a generation of students "who are only interested in side' come into the foreground of research on Sr contentious subjects such as this. The source of the funding predetermines the outcome of the research; it limits the number of questions you can ask. Monsanto is not interested in looking at all of the bad effects. "Farmers are getting smart on this, and they're realising that there's more to the story. They have resisted the release of genetically modified wheat because it will have adverse effects for them, just as genetically modified canola has," she said. One of the primary concerns in the agricultural community is the potential for genetically modified canola to contaminate fields. This devalues Canadian canola, and presupposes that the canola oil that comes from genetically modified crops is safe for human consumption, which has not been supported by testing. Clark said that genetically modified crops should be considered "unsafe until proven otherwise.' Since the video was prepared, Canadian farmers have successfully blocked the sale of Roundup Ready wheat, which—as demonstrated by Von Acker's research—would likely grow voluntarily, just like Monsanto's herbicide-resistant canola, if widely used. ;4 Monsanto University The recent announcement that Monsanto is g University's locate its national headquarters ed in the conSmartpark may also be d ply e area on campus where troversy. Smartpar industry e U sity collaborate on research. en to know the details of the agreement betwe n the University and Monsanto. "It certainly doesn't help the University's image to be as closely associated with Monsanto, given their actions against us—and that's certainly why this is so controversial,' said Mauro. "We don't know to what extent that private-public partnership has affected our ability to disseminate our publicly-funded research. It's certainly a troublesome connection, and it's a troublesome series of events, that certainly calls into question these types of relationships, the presence of corporations on campus, and the long-term effects that has on public knowledge production, and the public good as a whole," said Mauro. Despite these types of allegations, there is no established link between the legal confusion precluding the release of Seeds of Change and the decision to relocate Monsanto's corporate headquarters to the University's Smartpark. Moreover, there is little threat that Monsanto will sue; not only has the company not seen the film, said Trish Jordan, communications representative for Monsanto, but the biotech giant was barely aware that it existed until the situation became publicised in the Winnipeg Free Press. "I have absolutely no understanding of what is included in the video—we don't have a history of pursuing these sorts of things," said Jordan. She added that Monsanto does not currently sponsor any research 5 FEATURE FRIDAY 25 NOVEMBER, 2005 THE UBYSSEY , nnouncemen s HUMANITARIAN DISASTERS- ON CAMERA AND OFF'. Oxfam Canada is holding a public meeting Saturday, November 26, at 7.30 pm at Capilano College, 2055 Purcell Way, Cedar Building, Room 148. Featuring guest speaker Robert Fox, Executive Director of Oxfam Canada, speaking on media coverage of humanitarian disasters and how it affects NGO activity worldwide. o un ear ppor um les ADD SOME LAUGHTER TO YOUR LIFE. Men and women volunteer for one hour a week with boys and girls in local elementary schools. Call 604.876.2447 ext. 246 or MAKE A. WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! Volunteer overseas with Youth Challenge. International on a hands-on development project for 5 — 12 weeks. Ready to go next month? Next summer? Visit to find out more! . THE VANCOUVER SOCIETY FOR SEXUALITY, GENDER AND CULTURE, A NON-PROFIT SOCIETY, SEEKS MEMBERS FOR WORKING COMMITTEE AND BOARD MEMBER ROLES. This is an extraordinary volunteer experience . for Grad students in the area of Health, Counseling. Education, or Business. Contact: Michael [email protected] or (778)837-1575. ppor um les ADVENTURE! Teach English Worldwide.• Earn money. Get TESOL Certified in 5 days. Study In-Class, Online or by Correspondence. No degree or experience needed. Job guaranteed. To learn more, come to a FREE Info Seminar Tuesday 6pm, #203 1451 . West Broadway. 1-888-270-2941 globaltesolcom , • ENGLISH SPEAKER SEEKING MANDARIN SPEAKER FOR LANGUAGE EXCHANGE. Write to Lance at bluedragon900gmailcom at the University of Manitoba, although the company may consider collaboration when it takes up residence on campus in November. Mauro said that Monsanto was asked to participate in the documentary, but declined—a fact mentioned along with the anti-Monsanto opinions in the film. However, libel laws stipulate that simply including a defamatory statement in public media—even if it is not endorsed—can be the basis for a lawsuit. The Canadian University Reciprocal Insurance Exchange (CURIE), a collaborative insuring body for universities, found that the video could be insured, a single lawsuit would result in the utter collaps not o y the University's insurance. Furthermo farmers—who in part hay- • ed for themselves the future tally modified canola in e in the content of the video. Canada—w have • A t m academic censorship? By limiting the rights of researchers to distribute a scientific document, however innocuously, the debate over this video is headed in a dangerous direction. "I don't think this is a debate of academic freedom at all, or the ability to disseminate findings,' said Keselman. The administration of the University holds that the notion of academic freedoms is "disingenuous' with this incident, reaffirming that the debate is about the treatment of the intellectual property and not the content of the video. According to James Turk, executive director of the Canadian Association of University Teachers, the stakes are even higher than canola prices. He likened this case to the Oliveri scandal at the University of Toronto in 1999, saying that the academic freedoms of all researchers are being contested herein. The Oliveri case involved Apotex, the drug conglomerate, which is also sponsoring the construction of a new Pharmacy building at the Bannatyne campus of the U of M. Nancy Oliveri, a haematologist, was not supported by the University of Toronto or by the Hospital for Sick Children, where she conducted her research. She was threatened that she would be sued if she revealed research showing that one of its drugs was detrimental to the livers of children • taking it. Eventually, she sued Apotex for libeling her, and they returned the favour, accusing her of slander; neither case has yet been resolved, although Oliveri is now supported by both institutions in her legal battles. Arthur Schafer, who heads the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics at the University of Manitoba, said that he is not surprised by what has happened. He found parallels between this controversy and numerous other infringements of academic free- doms. He also raised concerns over the University's decision to collaborate with Apotex, who he said is 'internationally notorious' for suing Nancy Olivieri. "Research on climate change is funded by the petrochemical industry; research on new drugs is funded the pharmaceutical industry. And it's not • research: it's the very fabric of n this respect, the U of M is conformi a pattern which has called into que • integrity of research, and universitie , said Schafer. to Schafer, the success of research dep s on partnerships with corporations; much governmental sponsorship is available only to researchers who can attract corporate sponsors. He likened the situation to riding two horses at once—and noted that the University is vulnerable to being pulled in two very different directions. 'That this video should not be viewed, that it should not be able to be shared...seems to contradict the University's commitment to truth, and to debate. You would think the University would be fighting on behalf of its researchers, to make their work public,' he said. "It is legitimate for the University to protect itself against potentially ruinous defamation suits; but, since the University has not given up the rights to the video, larger questions arise about its true intentions." Good ethics require good facts, and Schafer admits that he doesn't know all of the answers. working in good faith," said Kes ss optimistic that good faith Meanwhile, Ma will presid tracts presented, according to Mauro, en require both himself and McLachlan to pay wo the University if the video was sued. "They wanted us to indemnify the University, so basically if there was a lawsuit, we would take responsibility for any kind of court costs, and we said no way. So, we spent a lot of time coming up with this insurance policy, and then they changed their tune again,' said McLachlan. 'If you look at it chronologically over the three years, it's exactly the opposite: it's us, always, desperately trying to come up with solutions...that will allow us to put out the video.' "[The conditions outlined in the document] really restrict our ability to talk about the video, to associate with the University when we talk about the video; it restricts our ability to deliver and distribute the video through the University website. It certainly means that if any revenue comes out, we have to pay back the University,' said McLachlan. Of course, it must be noted that none of this is mentioned in the University's bylaws regarding the copyright of recordings, but rather in the contracts provided to McLachlan delineating the conditions that must be met to distribute the film for educational purposes. Negotiating change In the end ^ Since June, when negotiations between the researchers and the University broke down, there has been no communication between the administration and Mauro and McLachlan. Instead, both sides have come to rely on growing media attention. And both sides have voiced concerns about the veracity of media reports. McLachlan and Mauro point out utter contradictions in what the University administration has said to them and to the media, adding that the resolution of the conflict will require more than just the dean of the Faculty of Environment's signature. Keselman and John Danakas, the University's director of Public Affairs, are more concerned about biases in the media. Keselman said that the video could be shown publicly at any time, with the Dean's permission—and with the fulfillment of the University's two conditions. Keselman, however, is not worried about the prospects for reconciliation of the dispute. "Honestly, I genuinely can say that I think the University has been amicable throughout, and has been ultimately responsive and diligent in dealing with this matter. And it's interesting, I think that even the faculty member and graduate students themselves have indicated that we've been At the end of Seeds of Change, farmers are shown the partially completed video, and asked what they think of it. The results of this survey are unambiguously positive. Mauro doesn't have any more questions for the University—having asked them all—but said that he wants the University to make public the details of its agreement with Monsanto. Yet many questions remain. What is to be done with the raw footage? Should the University transfer ownership, or can the dispute be reconciled for academic distribution? From a research perspective, questions abound regarding the affects the video would have: the testimonial of farmers on genetically modified crops is undoubtedly a powerful tool for sorting through this highly contentious subject. And, of course, the most pressing question: when, and under what circumstances will the documentary finally be released? Finding answers to these questions will take time— time the researchers say continues to diminish the relevance of the video. NI ■••■••■••■•■ CARING UBC STUDENT WOKING FOR HOUSING FOR DECEMBER OR SOONER. Seeking safe, warm, stable environment with other females. Must be in university area, in Kits, West Point Grey, or Dunbar (north of 45th, west of Balsam roughly): Aesthetic environment, in the $5501 rent range maximum. Much prefer main floor suite, or non-basement. Please contact Naomi Hart at (604)2211856 or email [email protected] with subject. Thank you. ADVENTURE! Teach English Worldwide. Earn Money. Get TESOL Certified in 5 days. Study In-Class, Online or by Correspondance. No degree or experience needed. Job guaranteed. To learn more, come to a FREE Info Seminar Tuesday O. 6pm. #203 1451 West Broadway. 1-888-270-2941 globaltesol. CLASSIFIEDS FOR STUDENTS is Looking for a roommate? Got something to sell? •votarkkOidentiVOifták00; .,:clas$Ified$ .0001E11: . forino.rOloo int aions, 004 002 the Suktbaseinentr 0(caluon 16 . , •C'tv1C IRITERS, YOU CAN DO C;'1%.1E)N ,A/f-NTEI-S; THEI3E'S NOTHIN TO IT! 6 OPINION/EDITORIAL FRIDAY. , 25 NOVEMBER, 2005 THE UBYSSEY Stop wasting our money! Representing the views and interests of the student population has been a problem facing student government since the late Cretaceous period. And it was this longstanding problem that prompted Alma Mater Society (AMS) Councilors to approve up to $10,000 for an online survey that will find out just exactly what their constituents think. The questions to be asked have yet to be finalised, but concerns over lobbying priorities, AMS services, and the role of the student society are issues being considered (Na wide gamut of strategic priorities," according to President Spencer Keys). VP Academic and University Affairs Gavin Dew expressed his hope that this voluntaryresponse survey will give the AMS more legitimacy in its Claim to represent students when dealing with the UBC administration. But will it really? The proposed AMS survey falls victim to the same flaw that undermines every voluntaryresponse survey—only people with strong opinions will actually take the time to respond. Ask any statistician and they will tell you the inevitable consequence of this method is that the results will be skewed toward this particular demographic and is unlikely to be representative of the student population at large. The AMS conducted a similar voluntaryresponse survey this past February, asking students via email if they would like to fill out a survey on tuition issues. Only 6.6 per cent of students responded. Of these respondents, a whopping 63.7 per cent indicated that tuition levels were unaffordable. According to stats on the tuition survey results, the largest demographic of those who filled out the survey were people from a low-income family demographic. This group is likely to have a harder time making tuition payments, and will be more inclined to offer their strong opinions on the matter—providing execs with valuable but not necessarily ' representative information. Conducting a survey like this is useless to everyone, including students who are having tuition problems, as it is not taken seriously and does not help the AMS identify how many students are actually having problems. This year's survey is on a different topic— if previous years are any indication, it will undoubtedly be plagued with a similar problem. We can be sure that the main group of students filling out the survey will be those who have strong opinions—this time about ARE YOU GOING TO CELEBRATE BUY NOTHING DAY? "I'm not going to buy anything bUt food." — TJ Chung Engineering 1 "I probably won't buy anything anyways. I don't have any money.' the AMS. Students who don't see a problem with what the AMS is doing, or who don't care, won't have their voice included. The survey cannot have any value unless there is a diverse array of responses from every faculty and demographic. Granted, voluntary-response surveys are somewhat useful, but the problem comes when AMS officials assume that this constitutes consultation and that the results are representative of the student population. With such skewed results, the AMS won't actually be representing the will of all students but rather those students who have strong opinions, or those who wants free iPods. Oh sweet, well-intentioned (porcine?) AMSers, we propose that opinion polls be conducted with a random sample populations, a method that actually ensures some degree of accuracy. The AMS should strongly reconsider their methodology. They should ask themselves if they are really going to be able to represent students any better as a result of this survey, or if they are just throwing $10,000 down the drain because they are too lazy to go and find out what their constituents actually think. Sitting behind a desk and hiring someone to determine the opinions of your constituents in order to develop policy is a cop-out. One thing is for certain: the current approach is as frivolous as it is inaccurate. ii —Anna Wootton Arts 3 "Yes. I feel like doing my small part.' —Steven Einarson Education 5 FREESTYLE/OPINION The more I think of the movie, the more I am dissatisfied by Liz Green I felt compelled to reply to the review appearing in the Ubyssey by Meredith Hambrock, which described the latest film adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice as a "fantastically satisfying film" and raved about the costumes, the setting and even the script. My review of the same movie reads a little differently: in short, it sucked. As a die-hard Austen fan, I've read the books, I've seen the films and I ventured hopefully into the newest movie believing that all things Austen must ultimately be good. So let's say, for the sake of making this reply legitimate, that I had no prejudice against the film going in. Which means that it was my pride that was so desperately offended by the extreme deficit of anything resembling Austen in this movie. I've talked to a lot of people who loved it, and I will concede that it had its funny moments. I even found myself giggling more than once. So, make the movie and call it something else, something more appropriate; reference the over-romantic, misty Brontean scenery; call it The Fog of Love; but don't name it after one of my favourite novels and insult Jane Austen. Austen was a brilliant satirist commenting on women in society at the end of the 18th and early 19th century. She wrote about her experiences of country society in a contemporary setting. Which means that dressing up Elizabeth Bennet in a 1980s Laura Ashley dress, and complimenting it with an overcoat straight out of Oliver Twist (all she needed was the newsboy cap) doesn't quite achieve the "splendor' that Hambrock describes. I'm also pretty sure that the sleeveless dress worn by Caroline Bingley was equally anachronistic—I wore something similar to my high-school prom. It was as if the producers raided the Salvation Army for period clothing and settled on anything remotely vintage The true beauty of Austen's satire is the wit embedded within the strict codes of conversation and comportment observed by the upper classes at the time. So suffering through a script that completely ignores the conventional manner of speaking and butchers the dialogue that makes the novel so hilarious was nothing less than emotional agony. Not only was any potential for hilarity stunted, the director chose to ignore so many rules of etiquette that would have been strictly observed. When Bingley walks into janes bedroom, while she lies half-dressed in her nightgown, I almost threw my popcorn at the screen in purist disgust. There's no way in hell that would ever happen. I would really love it if the director, or anyone really, could point out the part of Austen's writing that focused so much on farm animals. Given that it is a novel about the upper classes that spent very little time hanging around the barnyard at all, I'm fairly certain there's no mention of them in the book. So why the cows? Why all the geese? And what the hell was up with the pigs? I've forgotten the part where Austen describes the humour of porcine genitalia swinging as the pig traipses through the kitchen —oh that's right, that was in the same version that ended with Darcy and Elizabeth walking in their pyjamas through the misty fields towards each other to symbolically almost kiss as the sun rises between their faces, bent passionately towards each other. Gag. There's a reason that the British release has a different ending than the American release—the British wouldn't put up with that cheap crap, while our society seems to love that kind of smut. If Hambrock had actually read the novel a little more carefully, she might not have been so quick to praise director Joe Wright's faithfulness to the plot. Aside from the atrocious ending, half of the book was cut, and I would argue, completely unnecessarily. And if the camera had spent a little less time capturing the fog rolling romantically over the dusky hills, or panning the cows again, and again, and again, we might have got to know a little bit more about Wickham. He's only in two scenes in the entire movie, and Mr and Mrs Hurst were cut completely. The same goes for Maria and Colonel Fitzwilliam. Instead, we were saturated with saccharine efforts intended to encapsulate complex characters into Hallmark moments. Austen would snort in disgust. That is, if she hadn't already walked out of the movie after the entrance of the dirty pigs. —Liz Green is the volunteers coordinator at the Ubyssey "It's unfeasible." — Vikash Nand Science 1 "I didn't know about it until now.' —Jordan Soet Computer Engineering 4 —Streeters coordinated by Carolynne Burkholder SPORTS THE UBYSSEY FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER, 2005 7 he Z16y*At# 4 25 NOVEMBER, 2005 VoL.LXXXVII N°22 FRIDAY, EDITORIAL BOARD COORDINATING EDITOR Jesse [email protected] NEWS EDITORS Paul Evans [email protected] CULTURE EDITOR Simon Marchand se Eric Szeto Underwood [email protected] SPORTS EDITOR Megan Smyth [email protected] FEATURES/NATIONAL EDITOR Bryan Zandberg [email protected] PHOTO EDITOR Yinan [email protected] Max Wang PRODUCTION MANAGER Michelle [email protected] Mayne COORDINATORS VOLUNTEERS A MAN APART: Bored with your bicycle?Trade it in for a mountain unicycle! Liz Green by Megan Smyth [email protected] RESEARCH/LETTERS Claudia [email protected] SPORTS EDITOR Li BUY NOTHING DAY SUPPLEMENT Carolynne Burkholder The Ubyssey is the official student newspaper of the University of British Columbia. It is published every Tuesday and Friday by The Ubyssey Publications Society. We are an autonomous, democratically run student organisation, and all students are encouraged to partidpate. Editorials are chosen and written by the Ubyssey staff. They are the expressed opinion of the staff, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Ubyssey Publications Society or the University of British Columbia. All editorial content appearing in The Ubyssey is the property of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Stories, opinions, photographs and artwork contained herein cannot be reproduced without the expressed, written permission of The Ubyssey Publications Society. The Ubyssey is a founding member of Canadian University Press (CUP) and adheres to CUP's guiding principles. Letters to the editor must be under 300 words. Please indude your phone number, student number and signature (not for publication) as well as your year and faculty with all submissions. ID will be checked when submissions are dropped off at the editorial office of The Ubyssey; otherwise verification will be done by phone. "Perspectives" are opinion pieces over 300 words but under 750 words and are run according to space.aFreestylesif are opinion pieces written by Ubyssey staff members. Priority will be given to letters and perspectives over freestyles unless the latter is time sensitive. Opinion pieces will not be run until the identity of the writer has been verified. The Ubyssey reserves the right to edit submissions for length and clarity. Think that unicycling is only done during circus performances? Well, think again Kris Holm, a recent UBC grad and sessional instructor within the geography department, not only participates in unicycling, but has his own unicycle company. He has combined his love of unicylcing with his passion for travel and has unicycled in approximately 15 different counties around the world. Holm doesn't stick to flat pavement for his riding he conquers the same steep and rugged terrain that many mountain bikers enjoy. However, unlike most unicyclists, Holms did not begin on a mountain bike. Holm explains how he got his first unicycle: 'When I was 11, I saw a street performer named Yuri Toufar. He was playing a violin on a unicycle, which I thought was quite cool since I play, so I asked my parents for one for my 12th birthday.' "My athletic background comes from climbing and skiing, and in these sports, the challenge is to negotiate some kind of hard terrain. So for me, it seemed natural to try to do the same thing on a unicycle," he explained. Even though he didn't mountain bike himself, Holm's first entry into the industry as a professional was through mountain bike promotion. aI became professionally involved in the sport when I started filming for mountain bike video segments in 1998. This led to sponsorship from Norco Bikes and Horny Toad brand clothing, and eventually to owning my own brand of unicycle.' Holm now sells four different types of unicycles on his website, along with various accessories and unicycling attire. 'Until the late 1990s there was no such thing as a purpose-built mountain unicycle, and I had to have one custom made. Then I had a few made for some friends, then some more, and now the sport has grown to the point PHOTOS COURTESY OF KRIS HOLM where my unicycles are distributed all over the world," said Holm.. Since the 1990s the sport has rapidly expanded. "When I first started riding there were perhaps a few dozen mountain unicylists worldwide, and now there are more than 30,000," reflects Holm "It's really exciting to see the sport growing as fast as it is right now.' Brock Davis, an employee of Cambie Cycles, said that 'last summer was sort of a mini boom" in the interest of unicycling in Vancouver. "I think it's picking up a little bit, we are selling more high-end models," explains Davis. "I saw a family unicycling together around Granville Island this summer, that was pretty cool," Davis commented. Currently Cambie Cycles provides the greatest range of unicycles in Vancouver. "I think a lot of stores carry a few, but we've got the most models," said Davis. Cambie Cydes carries Torker unicycles in three styles ranging in price all the way up to $400. "It's really exciting to see the It is agreed by all persons placing display or classified advertising that if the Ubyssey Publications Society fails to publish an advertisement or if an error in the ad occurs the liability of the UPS will not be greater than the price paid for the ad. The UPS shall not be responsible for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value or the impact of the ad. EDITORIAL OFFICE Room 24, Student Union Building 6138 Student Union Boulevard Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 tel: 604-822-2301 fax: 604-822-9279 web: e-mail: [email protected] BUSINESS OFFICE Room 23, Student Union Building advertising: 604-822-1654 business office: 604-822-6681 fax: 604-822-1658 e-mail: [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER Fernie Pereira ADVERTISING SALES Bernadette Delaquis AD DESIGN Shalene Takara Liz Green bought Claudia Li, Bryan Zandberg sold Eric Szeto, Paul Evans traded Greg Ursic's mom, Andrew MacRae bartered Shagufta Pasta and Tia Town-Schon for a goat,Jesse Marchand and Michelle Mayne fair traded Yinan Max Wang and Carolynne Burkholder. Back at the ranch Simon Underwood, Champagne Choquer and Megan Smyth negotiated a new lease for Robert P.Willis, Gemini Cheng, and Jackie Wong's cow. Hannah Hardy was compensated by the Government for Laura Tabert, and Tessa Vanderhart went wee wee wee wee all the way home. '-‘"VMSY-POSN'A'7 COVER DESIGN Michelle COVER PHOTO Mayne Yinan Max Wang EDITORIAL GRAPHIC L V Vander von Axander From November 28th to December 5, 2005, for every non-perishable food item you donate, $2 of your fine will be waived to a maximum of $20 per borrower. All donations go to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank and the AMS Student Foodbank. •••••■••.**■■■•■•■W• Ca? Conadicm University Canada Post Sales Agreement Number 0040878022 Press An event brought to you by your student society and the UBC Library www.ams.ubc.adfoodforfines sport growing as fast as it is right now," comments Holm on the increase in unicycle sales in the last few years. Mountain unicycling is also gaining new fans as a type of cross training It requires extreme balance and awareness of your body, as well as "focus, quick thinking, and the ability to visualise actions before you perform them," stated Holm. Unicycling is currently being used by freestyle ski teams to enhance their overall performance. Holm currently participates in mountain unicycling competitions. International unicylcing competitions were established in the 1980s, but mountain unicycling got its start about a decade later. Holm has done quite well on the competitive circuit: "My competitive specialty is ,trials and I was World Champion in 2002 and European Champion in 2005." When Holm tells people about his involvement with unicycling, he explains that 'many people are skeptical if they haven't heard about it, but most people think that it's a great concept for a sport. The difficult part is convincing people that it's a sport accessible to anyone, not just elite athletes. I met a rider once whose neighbour was a 92 year-old unicyclist. The most amazing thing however, was that he had only ridden for two years!' When in Vancouver Holm likes to ride the trails on Mt Fromme near Grouse Mountain on the North Shore, but for log riding he prefers Wreck Beach. Holm enjoys the beautiful landscape of Vancouver and does his part to keep it that way. Holm notes that, "the importance of minimising the negative environmental impact of business is obvious, but disturbingly few cycling brands are directly involved with environmental conservation, although many, of course, are indirectly involved through promotion of human-powered transportation. Kris Holm Unicycles is the cycling industry's only member of One Percent for the Planet, an organisation founded by Patagonia Clothing that requires members to donate one per cent of sales to environmental conservation. always admired Patagonia for doing this, and it's nice to have the chance to do the same " Holm has been spotted on campus practicing his skills, and can sometimes be seen riding on top of the railing on the ramp in front of the UBC Aquatic Centre. "I always liked unicycling, but I never expected that it would have this much of an impact on my life. It's funny how things turn out," commented Holm. et 8 NEWS Missing women slipping through the cracks FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER, 2005 THE UBYSSEY by Jesse Marchand NEWS STAFF There are over 500 aboriginal women missing in Canada today, said Aboriginal children and families advocate Ernie Crey at the No More Stolen Sisters presentation last Tuesday. "There needs to be action in Canada to change the attitudes towards Aboriginal women, even in the minds of Aboriginal men," he added. Put on by students from political science 373 and Amnesty International, the No More Stolen Sisters presentation invited several advocates from the Downtown Eastside (DTES) to the First Nations Longhouse, to speak about the status of First Nations women in Canada with a particular emphasis on Vancouver's DTES. Despite being an activist for missing women in the 90s, Crey gained major recognition as an Aboriginal activist when his sister went missing from the DTES in November 2000. With his own family involved, things became personal for Crey and he began to put even more pressure on the RCMP to help the VPD find the missing women. "For Ernie Crey, now it is personal," said Crey. "Damn right, it is personal. It was very personal, but for a lot of people it was very personal too." During the excavation of the Pickton farm, DNA from Crey's sister was found, but not enough evidence was collected to press charges on her accofint. For Crey, the Pickton farm is only a start in solving the problems surrounding Canada's missing women. He suggested that we look at the root causes of why these women are on the streets. "Women in our reservations flee the community because there are no jobs," said Crey. "They are frequently abused. Why would they stay there?" He added that many women end up leaving their home reserves and end up living on the streets in major Canadian cities. Residential schooling was also mentioned as one of the major factors leading to alcoholism, drug use and physical abuse in First Nations communities. "We had to leave our culture behind," said Squamish woman Harriet Nanahee of her experience at residential school. "We were put in residential schools and were told our culture was evil and we had to leave it behind." "It was supposed to be the best years of my life," said Reta Blind, a Cree woman sent to residential school at the age of eight "But it was the most dangerous, most scariest part of my life." Blind recounted tearfully, that after being separated from her family and spending nine years in residential schools she ended up living in the city as a hairdresser with an abusive husband. Blind then recalled how she too began to abuse her own children. "I hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive me," said Blind of her children. "Because that's what needs to be done in this land of ours that we call Canada. We need kindness, we need care, we need love." Despite the tearful renditions from all the First Nations people that told of their horrific experiences, the overarching feeling was one of activism and hope. "We are strong. We can continue to make changes down there," said Carol Martin, an activist committed to creating a memorial for Vancouver's missing women by Mother's Day in 2007. While Amnesty International reaffirmed their main objective to raise international awareness around the missing First Nations women of the Stolen Sisters Report, local activisists focused on creating more resources and encouraging volunteering in the DIES. "If we don't have places for these women to go to, we're going to keep losing them," said Skundaal Bernie Williams, a member of the Haida Gwaii and Lil-watt nations and counsellor at the Elders of the Downtown Eastside Women's centre. "How many more women have got to fall through the cracks before they wake up and listen to us?" asked Williams. "Because we are not going to go away." II MOMENTOUS OCCASION: Alan Baker, Stephen Owen and Nabil Barto discuss Middle Eastern peace prospects. YINAN MAX WANG PHOTO "Partners in peace" come together at UBC by Robert P. Willis NEWS WRITER Dubbed "Partners In Peace," both the Israeli and Jordanian ambassadors to Canada convened for the first time to engage in a spirited discussion on the relations between the two politically charged Middle Eastern countries Monday. The two diplomats were joined by Canadian Cabinet Minister Stephen Owen, as well as members from the UBC Israel Awareness Club and International Relations Students Association (IRSA). Aaron Dewitt, co-president of the UBC Israel Awareness Club, said that the talk had been in development since spring 2005 and was set-up with the assistance of the greater Jewish Community in Vancouver. An IRSA press release explained the reason for having the two ambassadors speak at UBC: "to advance peace in the Middle East thronei dialogue and cooperation, with Canada acting as the catalyst." Security personal were out in full force around the Student Union Building. Instead of the usual entrance to the Norm Theatre, the audience entered the theatre via the outside exit doors after going throne)) a mandatory bag check. A small group of protestors outside the theatre handed out signs and chanted slogans condemning the political stances of both Israel and Jordan towards Palestine, a theme repeatedly brought up during the talk. Inside, the Norm Theatre was less than half-full with an audience composed mainly of students. Calling the ambassadors "two men of peace," Liberal MP and moderator Stephen Owen began the discussion. Israeli Ambassador Alan Baker was the first to speak. Baker spoke for some 20 minutes on the concept of Middle Eastern peace, stressing, "Mutual trust is the single most important component to peace." According to Baker, this pursuit of peace is something Israeli and Jordan have been working on for some time and will continue working on into the future. "We're working with the interests of each other," said Baker. Jordanian Ambassador to Canada Nabil Barto echoed similar themes. "Failure to meet Arab-Israeli peace is not an option," he said. "Jordan will always be an oasis of stability in the Middle East." Once the opening addresses by the ambassadors were finished and the question period with the audience began, the congenial and easy tone of the dialogue was replaced by challenging questions and high emotions. The first question, directed to Ambassador Barto, was why Jordan didn't elect its head of state. Ambassador Barto replied, "Democracy exists in Jordan, but it's a different form of democracy." Much to the chuckles and groans of the audience, Barto continued saying, "If King Abdullah [II] ran in Israel, he would win the election." Questions regarding the motives and effects of the barrier separating areas of Palestine and Israeli were repeatedly asked of Ambassador Baker. According to Baker, the barrier is necessary: "It's intended to keep infiltrators from blowing people up in Israel." When pushed on the question further, Baker replied that the barier is not intended to separate or impoverish Palestinians, and if acts of terrorism weren't killing Israelis, then there wouldn't be a barrier. One audience member emotionally condemned Owen for calling himself a moderator since Owen has openly supported Israel. Owen took the accusation in stride saying, "There is nothing contradictory in my mind in being a friend of Israel and being a friend in peace in the whole region." II "Lapse in communication" causes event kerfuffle Organisers disgruntled after crowd denied entry to ambassador discussions by Eric Szeto NEWS EDITOR A polemic decision by an Alma. Mater Society (AMS) executive during the "Partners in Peace" dialogue resulted in the student society issuing an apology to all affected parties yesterday. The event, which featured the Israeli Ambassador to Canada. Alan Baker and Jordanian Ambassador to Canada Nabil Barto, made headlines in The Vancouver Sun after both ambassadors lambasted the way the event was managed during their talk at SFU and at a private meeting with The Vancouver Sun editorial board. The incident, reported in an opinion piece by columnist Barbara Yaffe, sanctioned the actions of AMS VP Admin Manj Sidhu after she issued an order to turn away a slew of students, professors and members of the community eager to gain entry into the event because they didn't have student cards. The November 21 opinion piece stated, "Sadly...when a similar event featuring the two diplomats was held at the University of BC's Student Union Building, a member of UBC's Alma Mater Society took it upon herself to order security officers to block the entry of some 200 people who had tried to get inside." As a result of this decision, the ambassadors were greeted by a crowd of empty seats at the Norm Theatre. Sidhu reversed her decision a half-hour later, but by then the majority of the people outside had already left. "I don't know why she made the decisions that she did," said Michelle Aucoin, executive coordinator for the VP students. The initial agreement between the organising bodies stated that only students with SORRY: VP Manj Sidhu issues an apology during AMS council. IDs would be allowed into the event. Confusion arose when changes were made to the agreement, however. Aucoin noted, "there were a number meetings in advance of the event" that would have informed Sidhu that it wasn't limited to students any longer. Sidhu later referred to this as a "lapse in communication." She said that the AMS was acting on the original agreement and that they weren't informed of any changes that were made. "That's the sole reason the AMS, myself, the security took [that course of action] on that day, and that's it," she said. "I'm sorry it came to this," she said. "It's just beyond words." Claims that over 200 people were rejected from the talk, she said however, were a gross exaggeration. The Israel Awareness Club, an organiser of the event, and the Vancouver Hillel Foundation were visibly upset with the consequences of the decision. "There's no reason for that mistake to be made," said Eyal Lichtmann, executive direc- MICHELLE MAYNE PHOTO for of the Vancouver Hillel Foundation. Lichtmann said that the Canadian Jewish Congress will be investigating the matter to see if the rules that restricted the success of the event have existed for any other event in the SUB and whether the nature of the events at the Norm were anti-Semitic. He added that these actions were setting a precedent that didn't exist for any other cluborganised events. AMS President Spencer Keys said he would be hesitant to place this event into a particular pattern of behaviour. "Certainly one should ask, is this related to any previous concerns? And we would certainly say no," Keys said. "It should be viewed in isolation." Aucoin acknowledged that it was ultimately up to the AMS what course of action to take because it was a student run event. She said it was regrettable, though, that UBC has been put in the spotlight over an incident of this nature. "It's a pretty historic event to have such high profile people here," she said, "and it's unfortunate that UBC and the AMS are being recognised over this." PAGE ONE a ;>5.3>0.•■••••:.$::k, ••■• ,p . ...•• • UBYSSEY cmpplernent I FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER, 2005 „ : •••• • . .. YINAN MAX WANG Watch what you buy: Problems with over-consumption BY JENNIFER CHRUMKA Over-consumption is often considered to be a hallmark of today's affluent western society. Advertisers and marketers have become increasingly sophisticated at telling us what to buy, what we need, even what we want. What we choose to buy has enormous social and environmental consequences. The costs of over-consumption include the depletion of resources, the spread of dangerous pollutants, undermining of ecosystems and fast progression of climate change. And with consumption increasing on a global scale, environmentalists are left scrambling to find ways to get these messages across to populations. Lisa Mastny, a senior editor of the Worldwatch Institute, an independent research firm in the United States, says, "every product you buy and the services required to make that product has a history behind it, a lifecyde, most consumers don't think about that.' Instead, if consumers were to pause before buying something, to think about the product's history and implications and ask: 'Do I really need this? Or where does this come from?' Mastny hopes people would reconsider their purchases. Consider the production of a plastic bag. The ingredients that go into making one include crude oil, natural gas, and other petrochemical derivatives. Each year around 100 billion plastic grocery bags are tossed out in the US. Though they take up less space in landfills than paper bags, many plastic bags don't make it to the landfills; instead they end up in gutters, sewers, fences, and trees. Research indicates that North America is the greatest consumer of private expenditures— goods and services at the household level. According to the World Bank's World Development Indicators Database, North America, with 5.2 per cent of the world's population, contributes to 31.5 per cent of consumer spending in the world. Rather than have people feel guilty about the purchases they make, Mastny says what she tries to do is portray a positive side, "an exciting side' to needed change. To explain, she postures: 'Wouldn't it be cool if we could get all of our energy from the sun or the wind.' Another tactic Mastny uses is pointing to larger equity issues by portraying people as world citizens. Given the state of rapacious consumption "how is there going to be enough to go around? That kind of comparison might result in some change," she says. A recent State of the World report, by the Worldwatch Institute indicates that 'providing adequate food, clean water and basic education for the world's poorest could all be achieved for less than people spend annually on makeup, ice cream, and pet food.' While consumerism continues to increase, developing countries remain mired in pove J.W. Smith, author of Economic Demo-cracy, explains, 'Wealth comes from resources and most of those resources aren't within imperialistic nations.' It is developing countries that provide cheap labor to produce the goods that North Americans consume. By adopting a more cradle-to-cradle approach, wherein the design, production, and the lifetime of products is taken into consideration, consumers and producers can make substantial adjustments. Mastny is hopeful. The tools are there, now it's just about ramping up support and taking action." Compared to ten years ago where solutions were unclear, today there are tangible actions. "Now it's not a question about what are the issues, it's just a question of doing it Mastny says, "that's what makes me optimistic." Food for thought: Lifestyle changes in a supersized society 76 there, fiapei Yedv, ye& tfier& BY GWEN PRESTON North Americans over-consume just about everything, from gasoline to grain, paper to plastic. In most arenas over-consumption is simply wasteful but, in one area, it can be downright dangerous: food. Daily calorie intake has risen from 2,234 calories per person in 1970 to 2,757 calories in 2003, an increase of 23 per cent. Waistlines have grown as a result, leading to a host of health problems According to Dr. Andrew Wister, chairman of Simon Fraser University's gerontology department, chronic illnesses connected to weight gain are on the rise and diabetes leads the pack. Over 2 million Canadians live with the disease today and the number is expected to rise to 3 million by 2010. Diabetes is a leading cause of death by disease in Canada and is estimated to cost the health care system $13.2 billion a year. The cost is high because diabetes is associated with numerous other health complismall Coke (890 calories) separately than to cations, including blindness, heart disease, kidbuy the Quarter Pounder with Cheese large neyproblems, amputations, nerve damage, and Extra Value Meal, which comes with a large erectile dysfunction. fries and large Coke (1,380 calories). And But why are we are eating so much? According McDonalds charges customers more to buy a to Dr. Darren Dahl, an assistant professor of smaller, lower-calorie meal. marketing at UBC, 'everyone's to blame." Another root cause of over-consumption is 'It's a tough question that everyone wants to that people are so busy making money, that simplify,' Dahl said. 'People want to point fintime has become precious. "That's a big part gers: 'Oh, it's that rotten food industry,' or 'it's of the rise of poor eating habits, truthfully. personal choices, but it's not that simple.' Lack of time," said Dahl. After a long day at Dahl said one factor is the 'value for money work or school people don't want to spend an mindset that drives many decisions. "People hour making a meal, so they pick something want more for their money,' he said. "If you've up on the way home, he continued. 'People got five hamburger stands on a corner, what are cognitive misers, they're physical misers— happens? Each one offers more fries! And more they want the easiest thing!' fries!' The competitive nature of the food indusThe easiest thing, unfortunately, is not usutry is the root cause of the move to larger porally the healthiest thing. According to Wister, tions and increased caloric intake. about 25 per cent of the food Canadians eat For a perfect example of 'caloric value for comes from the "other" section of the Canada money,' look no further than the fast food food guide. "Those are simply the things many giant McDonalds, where it costs eight cents people love to eat potato chips, pies, snack more to purchase a McDonald's Quarter food," said Wister. "Pop consumption has douPounder with Cheese, small French fries, and bled [since 1970], quadrupled since the '50s." William Leith, a British journalist, recently published his first book, The Hungry Years: Confessions of a Food Addict. "Overeating makes you fat and in our society people hate fat because it reminds us of the problem of overconstunption," he said. "Our society's big problem is out of control consumption. And to us, it is clear that fat people are over-consuming.' The situation may be bleak, but it is not hopeless. Dahl said there are ways to slowly change people's lives and lifestyles. 'We know that if we develop programs that are easy for people to buy into, easy for people to do, they do them,' said Dahl. 'For example, the blue box. Everyone says, 'Oh yeah, the blue box but 20 or 30 years ago, that would be like, 'Are you crazy? You want me to separate my trash? No way!" The hard part is coming up with those programs. That seems to be the big stumbling block,' said Dahl "If you can figure out ways to change people's behavior that makes sense to them and is easy for them, they embrace them. People want to do the good thing, you just have to make it easy!" $ !lathing day/ PAGE TWO FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER, 2005 1 2 UBYSSEY A whole lot of nothing a dds up to sorneth 73 Me/thing '10 zoos: leo,ta it all started and cafiero it i& n¢(19 BY HELEN POLYCHRONAKOS The brown house on Vancouver's West 7th Avenue, headquarters of Adbusters Media Foundation, doesn't have nothing. In fact, it is bursting at the seams The latest issue of the bi-monthly Adbusters magazine has just come in, and stacks of packages are waiting to be shipped out to subscribers. Sweden, Japan, New Zealand, and South Africa— that is just a small sample of the countries Adbusters reaches. It is also a small sample of the countries that will be holding Buy Nothing Day celebrations today. Adbusters has been promoting the event across the globe for 13 years. Celebrated on the day after American Thanksgiving traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping frenzy, Buy Nothing Day encourages people to take a break from over-consumption by simply not buying anything for 24 hours. A break was just what Ted Dave needed in September 1992, when he was working in a downtown Vancouver office. He was fed up with a culture that forces people to work more than 40 hours a week and to eat junk food on the go. NA couple of muffins and a couple of lattes," Dave says, "and it's 12 bucks before you even think about it.' He decided it was time to take a break from the expenses of the rat race. He was also inspired by the environmental movement of the late 80's and early 90's. That, Dave says, was a time when "people were looking to the new millennium with ideas of what you could do." One of Dave's ideas was Buy Nothing Day. "It was such a quaint beginning," says Dave of the movement that would spread all around the world. He made some posters with graphic .. art and three paragraphs of a manifesto. He drafted a press release and sent it off to the media. A dbusters Media Foundation loved Dave's idea. In addition to the magazine, the foundation publishes posters, calendars, post-cards, and a whole mass of paraphernalia meant to attack what they view as a consumerist culture that A010 149 2.t controls people through advertisements wr OS" !si** and logos. !et Adbusters, then, seemed to share 111". WOO 1.;$7114 1. t ";4"11.11M 7: 006,11Lik:* . ttex!!!1 0 Dave's concerns about society's psychoYINAN MAX WANG logical and physical well-being. They Adbusters encourages you to spend the day combating consumerism with a vengeance. BUSTING ADS: loved Dave's press kit, and ran an ad promoting Buy Nothing Day. Every year from then on, activists around the globe have mothers" who don't even have enough for people to take part in a Zenta Clause to make their own gifts rather than meditation session in front of a depart- buy them," he said, "that's a successful been staging demonstrations and pranks money for food. Her brochure promotes the global ment store. And members of the Toronto campaign." against consumerist culture. Dave agrees that the aims of Buy Brian Highley, Adbusters Buy Nothing "Whirl-Mart Day of Action", started by the forum are talking about organizing a Nothing Day are not huge. It's not a move"zombie walk" through the Eaton Center. Day Coordinator, says that Buy Nothing Breathing Planet Troupe and coming up The idea behind Buy Nothing Day is ment meant to overhaul capitalism. Day has grown bigger, even, than the this Buy Nothing Day. Groups wearing international magazine. People have Walmart smocks will push empty carts that it has a different meaning for all its Rather, Dave explains it's "a way of looking into your own wallet and saying, through stores to "mimic the absurd shop- participants. taken matters into their own hands. According to Highley, some join for 'Okay, now how much am I going spend Washington State based Kirsten ping process," Anderberg explains. One of Adbusters' roles is to link all the environmental reasons. Others want to today, and what exactly am I going to Anderberg, for example, sent Highley a spend it on and why?"' brochure called 'Santa is Satan to Welfare networks of people organising protests on return to a more spiritual Christmas. Their hope is that all these small People like the Zenta Claus and Zombie Mothers." Over the phone, Anderberg Buy Nothing Day. The magazine's website explained that parents who send children hosts city-based forums through its protesters make shoppers turn their actions will add up to Dave's original idea heads, and that's what matters, says of "people living as if their dreams had to school with expensive gifts are "creat- JammerGroups link. This year, the Kyoto forum is calling Highley. "If five people are inspired been marketed back to them." * ing a horrific situation for children and • •,;44,.., ;* xr" • • Genetically modified food and Canada's soft labeling policy BY KATHERINE SCARROW YINAN MAX WANG CAVEAT EMPTOR: This apple mght be genetically modified. In Vancouver-speak, it's a 24-hour opportunity to yogify the spendthrift shopper within us. Buy Nothing Day, the self-proclaimed holiday happening today, emphasises discipline on the part of us prodigal purchasers, and challenges us to channel our thoughts on the products we mindlessly consume on a daily basis. And what better way to partake than by focusing on something we literally consume: food. More specifically, it's a chance to consider genetically modified (GM) food, which accounts for a whopping 60 per cent of all processed foods on Canadian grocers' shelves. The World Health Organization defines genetically modified organisms as "organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally." Genetic manipulation can also be thought of as cutting a selection of genes from one organism and pasting them into another in order to create new gene documents. But as straightforward as this may sound, issues surrounding GM food —such as labeling laws—are anything but. In fact, labeling laws on GM food in Canada, unlike European Union nations, Japan, China, and Australia, are virtually nonexistent. On October 17, 2001, Parliament defeated bill C-2 8 7 that would have imposed mandatory labeling of foods that contain genetically engineered ingredients. Health Canada contends that because GM foods have shown to be equivalent to, and as safe and nutritious as their traditional counterparts, they should be treated the same with regard to labeling requirements. Proponents of mandatory GM food labeling, on the other hand, argue for "informed choice." Because DNA is introduced into foods using recombinant DNA technologies, they believe that the public has the right to know what they're eating. According to an Environics poll conducted in 1999, 80 per cent of Canadians said that they wanted GM foods to be labeled. But the Canadian Federation of Agriculture felt that industry would face devastating blows if mandatory labeling were implemented. Their fear was that consumers would see labels as hazardous and deterring warnings, and food processors would reformulate their products to avoid GM foods rather than place labels. Dr. Brian Ellis, a Professor in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems at UBC, believes that if labels were implemented in Canada, they would "generate a negative response." But "the effect would be more pronounced on fresh foods, such as fruit, rather than on processed foods or flowers," he said. Where safety concerns are identified, such as allergenicity and compositional or nutritional changes, special labeling is required. In this situation, all foods (including GM foods) must be labeled in order to alert consumers or susceptible groups in the population. Dr. Alan McHughen, a professor and senior research scientist at the University of Saskatchewan, thinks that even if mandatory GM labels were imposed, they would be misleading at best. A label reading "may contain some genetically modified organisms" is too indiscriminate to be of any use, according to a research paper he posted on an Alternative Agriculture Google Group. In order for the labels to serve any purpose, officials would need to find a way of enforcing regulations in a consistent manner. Clif Bars, a company that purports to use 70 per cent "organically-grown ingredients to preserve the nutritional value of food," also claims to be completely GMO-free. But when contacted over the phone, a spokesperson said that the products were actually only 99 per cent GMO-free. Due to "occasional mixing errors, intentional or otherwise," no product can legitimately claim to be devoid of GM material, according to McHughen. The one per cent may not seem like a big deal. But for the European Union, which has an approved tolerance of one per cent for GM ingredients, this can mean the difference between wearing and not wearing a GM label. While there are benefits to GM foods, such as enhanced taste and quality, reduced maturation time, increased nutrients, yields and stress tolerance, there is also the potential to negatively affect the environment. Though no major long-term studies have been conducted on the effects of GM food on humans and the environment, risks could potentially include the production of new allergens, transfer of antibiotic resistance markers, unintended transfer of trans-genes through cross-pollination, and loss of biodiversity, according to Health Canada. Because of the soft labeling policy in Canada, weighing the pros and cons is as futile as chasing a carrot dangling from a stick. Even if we wanted to scratch off the bioengineered foods from our grocery list in honour of Buy Nothing Day, producers and manufacturers are not obligated to provide us with information that would enable us to do so. $ PAGE THREE a UBYSSEY 6,uppleme,nt I FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER, 2005 Point/Counterpoint fleNge/far tfi& fididayz/ with/ Buy/ 7Vatrukg 70 KATHRYN FLYNN, THE CORD WEEKLY WATERLOO, ON (CUP)—In between the holidays of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas is November—and no one likes it all that much. It's pretty bleak and could use a good holiday. Fortunately, there is hope. Today, I will celebrate Buy Nothing Day and extricate myself from the vicious cycle of consumerism. Politically active warriors unite! Even if you've never heard of Buy Nothing Day, have you ever given a lot of thought to your purchases? I chose not to work this year. I don't have the lenience in my wallet and I've had to make sacrifices, but I am a happier woman for it. I've been freed from the burden of spending time each week shopping. I support local designers in the area and actually get to see the person who made my clothes. I'm no longer swipe card happy, and I'm reducing my ecological footprint as well as saving a heck of a lot of money. I tend to go through consumer awareness phases. The more I realise I need to sell myself at university and in the working world, the more I seem to sell out. For most of high school I said no to consumerism and purchased second hand clothing I've been labeled a hippy before, but I'm far from it because I realised that hippy is just urban slang for "someone that cares more than me." I do visit the dark side and I have outfits made by the fingers of child labourers. Dissonance is a potent communicator with advertising companies and clothing manufacturers, but many voices are louder than one. Do you think that all Gap 713 100# cd(Willata, 6-elficVA ( BY MARK CIESLUIC THE CORD WEEKLY employees are as happy as your local cashier? According to, a Cambodian Gap worker was shot to death in 2003 while protesting working conditions. Justify it to yourself however you like, but that's blood on your crew neck sweater and on my hands, and we're not doing anything about it. As a consumer, you drive the economy. As students we're a target market; we have large expendable incomes and we're unaware of how cozy we are in the advertising industry's grip. I am guilty of not caring enough and I question my inaction. Idealism comes easily to those of a middle class upbringing, but action is key. I encourage you to think your consumption patterns through. Even if Buy Nothing Day isn't your cup of tea, please consider a few things in your daily life. Ask yourself if you only buy what you need. Ask yourself where those products came from, who made them and if you would want to work in those conditions. Most of all, ask yourself what you're doing about it and if that's good enough. Hopefully by the end of the day, you'll have an answer and. some hope. * WATERLOO, ON (CUP)—The dock strikes mid-November and the past begins to slide away, allowing us to become (until next year anyway) blissfully ignorant of the heartbreak of midterms and the excesses of Oktoberfest, Thanksgiving and Halloween. Christmas looms on the horizon as a plastic-fantastic Madison Avenue caricature of the true spirit of the holiday. And, as surely as any of these other annual traditions, the halls of Wilfrid Laurier University ring with the left-wing alarmism that seems to fester on university campuses the world over. It rises to a pitch every bit as shrill and annoying as the cold winds that howl outside. It seems ironic that those who call the loudest for thought and introspection often fall into a hypocritical trap of not having considered the ramifications of their own pronouncements. The world is a place full of ugly truths and unfortunate realities that are too easily swept under a cloud of pot smoke and good intentions. Please, before you all rev up the anticonsumerist campaigns this pre-holiday season, consider, if you will, what you are actually saying. Issues as complex as Third World underdevelopment and child labour are only the tip of the iceberg that the ultra-lefties claim to have easy answers for because they do not grasp the complexity of the problems. Even the seemingly simplistic issue of environmentalism requires layers of interconnection and a systematic shift in values rather than knee-jerk alarmism. Even David Suzuki admitted that his crusade failed when he placed emphasis on trees over loggers, instead of solving the problems of both. Similarly, the simple statement "no child should have to work to survive," is understood quite viscerally to be correct, but since many find themselves unable to eat otherwise, how does taking their job (and lifeline) away help? We surely must at least build them an alternative before we take what little they have. Simply choosing to fall for feelgood, do-nothing publicity stunts like Buy Nothing Day does nothing to solve these problems. It is a wellintentioned gesture, but also shallow and ultimately selfish It accomplishes nothing but an-ego-stroke for those involved while belying what seems to be a fundamental lack of comprehension as to the nature of the problems themselves. Starting from a position of 'you're wrong and what you're doing is evil' is not a fantastic way to convince anyone of anything The fight for global equality and an end to mindless consumerism must be framed in terms of positives, not negatives. The time has come to play up the many tangible benefits , of environmentalism, human equality and ethical and sustainable consumption. It's far better than raging blindly against a global machine that is utterly unconcerned with the defiance of a small segment of the privileged middle class. But on Buy Nothing Day I implore you to think positively, independenk, ly and logically, not just because Adbristers told you so. Stop trading consumerist for anticonsumerist culture and acting as thong blind adherence to one is somehow better than to the other. At the very least, stop assuming that everyone who stands in opposition to your bandwagon is ignorant or a bad person youjust might find that more of us would be willing to listen. * : Religious leaders practice Buy Nothing Day all year round BY SARAH BUCK It's Buy Nothing Day all year round if you're a Catholic nun in Toronto, a Hindu swami in Vancouver, or a Buddhist meditation teacher in Halifax. No need to give up your worldly goods to gain some wisdom on money matters, though: Sister Susan Kidd, Swami Lalitananda and Brian Callahan are happy to share their insights. They're generous like that. For Sister Susan Kidd, taking a vow of poverty was a conscious decision that "money isn't going to be the be all and end all of my life." She says that entering the sisterhood after finishing university made taking her vows easier. "I didn't have any money anyway." But she says 'vow of poverty' isn't quite accurate. "I own nothing but have the use of everything," she says, speaking about the house where she lives with five other nuns who are part of Toronto's Catholic Congregation Notre-Dame For her, the vow of poverty is a very real reminder that "God provides me with what I need° and that "I cannot meet those inner longings by going and buying something All the same, Sister Susan does see value in giving gifts as an "opportunity to show people they're important in our lives." Plus, "people of religion are pretty intense, so it's nice to have some fun." For Christmas, the five women she lives with at Notre-Dame will draw names and buy each other a gift. And in the forty days leading up to Christmas, she will try to do kind things forpeople, which she says is "sometimes harder to do than buying a gift." Her advice for people who want to be more careful consumers: "Find out what's really important. What are the values you want to share with people? Let the gift reflect that." Swami Lalitananda, a Vancouver yoga instructor and renunciate in the Hindu tradition, knows something about "affluenza," the kind of spiritual sickness that comes from excessive consumption. She says she's seen "the emptiness of trying to get souled up with things. It doesn't work." In becoming a renunciate nine years ago, Lalitananda says she didn't take a vow of poverty as much as she took on a "determination to be free,' or giving up the desire for the "WHAT ARE YOU HERE FOR? WHEN DOES PURCHASING THINGS BECOME AN ATTEMPT TO FULFILL A DESIRE THAT CANNOT BE FULFILLED?" -Swami/ icilitarunact world to fulfill her desires. "It requires discrimination—non-attachment to poverty and to wealth, trying to discern appropriate action in the particular circumstances I'm given." Her advice for becoming a more mindful consumer is to think about the big questions on Buy Nothing Day. "What are you here for? When does purchasing things become an attempt to fulfill a desire that cannot be fulfilled?" Brian Callahan teaches Buddhist meditation in Halifax. He says his three years at Gampo Abbey, a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Cape Breton "pointed out very directly where really happiness lies. I lived in a three meter by three meter room, like everyone. I had a few books, the food was simple, everything was essential." Now he says he finds he needs "less and less." Still, self-denial is not the answer. Callahan says the essential Buddhist desire is to generate a good heart, and that spending money should be seen in that context. "The secret to a happy life is to be generous to other people." He says he also tries to keep track of how much garbage he generates. "A minimal amount of waste means, 'I'm not purchasing more than I'm using." Callahan has some suggestions for consumers who want to take control of the impulse to spend. "If you were really bold, you could start giving things away. Good things, not just the junk " He thinks fewer things lead to fewer complications. And for those who might not be so bold? "Pay attention to how you feel when you don't buy." He's betting you'll be hooked on the feeling S PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER, 2005 I CU UBYSSEY 6,u/9p Organic makes a difference 'With/ the realizatialit tfiat canventialfanniwl/ Tnetfuick are nit dudtainablo and and negative4 esect yaw fiealiA oxganical4 groanT foe& aro ot aftigifrckm.e alternzttive. BY KRISTINE THIESSEN The UBC Farm sits at the south end of campus, past the B-lots and the ice rink. Here students can purchase organically grown produce picked fresh that day. Marya Skrypiczajko, the author of BC: The Organic Way, recommends the UBC Farm for students. "Even the chickens are fed organic food," says Skrypiczajko. "And it's locally produced, plus you're supporting the students." The question of whether it is worth your money, your health and your time, purchasing organic food is something people are starting to think about given recent revelations regarding conventional farming methods. The trend toward organic farming is a result of growing concern over the sustainability of conventional farming methods, which destroys the soil needed to continue producing in the years to come. As well, the use of pesticides and chemicals to generate mass quantities of food is a health concern for many consumers. The detriment to one's health can be difficult to pinpoint. As fourth-year political science student Steven Meurrens remarks, 'As far as I can see, people seem to be living just fine with non-organic." _David Klein disagrees. The certified milittionist's own health was restored once he changed his diet. 'People may think that they are enjoying life, eating all kinds of modern foods—pizzas, subs, cooked meat, beer, junk food and stuff like that—but it's going to catch up with them," says the editor of the raw food magazine Living Nutrition. "It's not something that's glaring," says Gavin Wright, the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the UBC Farm. "If you go out and eat a pepper that's sprayed with pesticides you're not going to keel over and die." Wright believes that it is worth students' money, health, and time to consume organically grown products. 'There's some really, really nasty stuff in the conventional food industry, practices that really are rapidly destroying the planet and definitely destroying the soil system," he says. Wright is currently completing his master's degree in Land and Food Systems. Students can purchase freshly harvested produce from the UBC Farm every Saturday between the months of June and September. But now that we have entered the winter months Wright says that students should 'definitely get hooked up with Sprouts," a health food store in the SUB basement. The UBC Farm also sells produce to the Sage Bistro on campus, and to restaurants in Vancouver such as the Provence Mediterranean Grill and West Restaurant. Wright sees a trend in middle to high-class restaurants where chefs are purchasing YINAN MAX WANG organically grown foods. "The chefs, the people who really have an attachment to food and know what food is about, are all going organic now," he says. Still, price is an issue for many students. A quick trip to a local Save-on-Foods for a little comparison-shopping revealed the price differences between organic and non-organic produce. The price of tomatoes, yams, celery and romaine lettuce would cost about a dollar more a pound if they were labeled 'certified organic." However, Skrypiczajko says that purchasing organically grown products does not have to be expensive, and that cost was a concern of hers when she first starting changing her eating habits. Skrypiczajko recommends buying fruit and vegetables in season when they are cheaper, and then freezing them for consumption in the winter. She also suggests contacting local farmers, saying that 'getting close to the farmer is the trick to getting lower costs." She advises UBC residents to organise themselves by floor so that they can purchase from a farmer in bulk. In the end whether you sacrifice the time and money to purchase organically grown products depends on your priorities says Skrypiczajko. "It's a vote for what you believe in. If you believe in being good to your body and to the environment it's worth it.' $ neAvia c Rvary, Willman: A enpfradictnry campaign 9 BY HEATHER TRAVIS Maybe she's born with it, or maybe it is just the products that we convince her to use to be beautiful. Year after year women flock to the store to buy products to 'enhance' their natural beauty. This is not counting the numerous women looking to professionals for permanent options, like plastic surgery and tattooed make-up. On November 22, Dove is hosting a casting call in Vancouver to find 'real women', unlike the professional models or actors that are usually in the ads, between the ages of 20-50+ to star in their Campaign for Real Beauty ads. The Dove Self-Esteem Fund is helping girls overcome life-damaging hang-ups by putting the beauty world into perspective," states the Dove campaign website. But is there a problem with a corporation that produces beauty products starting a campaign to re-define what a 'real' woman is? Visitors to the Dove website have already started talking about what they think real women look like. In the 'what do you think" forum, women (and a few men) are debating just what the campaign is trying to combat: what is real beauty? The website provides pictures of the 'Dove girls' for viewers to vote whether they think of the women—'fat or fab?" "grey or gorgeous?"—in a attempt to promote positive female body images. But is this really what is going on here? What is this dialogue really saying? Dawn Currie, professor of sociology at UBC, believes that media and advertising give value to women, based on their appearance. 'The media is so pervasive and contributes to the naturalisation [of images of femininity] and becomes like the air we breathe," said Currie. "Women themselves are some of the most severe sensors of each others dress and appearance." Although Dove's intention may be as pure as their soaps, they have to be lessthan-efficient at structuring the dialogue to encourage only positive commentary. A better option would have been to remove the voting polls so that they do not fall into an anti-campaign trap of stereotyping beauty. 'This particular girl is attractive because of her fat," said forum participant SD, from Ontario, in the discussion about the 'fat or fab' woman. "I take issue with the two check-boxes next to her that imply that fat" and 'fab,' so to speak, are mutually exclusive events." At the time this article was written, the votes for the 'fat or fab' woman were - "THE MEDIA IS SO PERVASIVE AND CONTRIBUTES TO THE NATURALISATION [OF IMAGES OF FEMININITY] AND BECOMES LIKE THE AIR WE BREATHE." —Dcuen, Cutri& 7.173C Trel'esdar e Sociology, 73,2528 votes for fat and 78,0161 votes for fab. So what does this say about women's perspective on body image? Women and men alike are still equally split about what they want women to look like. Dove's contradictory campaign is donating 25 cents for every email that is sent about the fund to the National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) and the Quebec association for assistance to persons suffering from anorexia nervosa and bulimia (ANEB). But how much are they really helping the cause? Dove is not telling consumers to stop buying products; they are promising that their more natural products can still be used without covering up any natural beauty. This is not a new campaign idea. Currie says that historically women have been targets of commercialism because they have been stereotyped as 'consumers" and men as the 'breadwinners." Women are not the only target; men are starting to feel the pressures of commercialism with many companies developing male product lines. Consumer ideology itself can be highly exclusionary, with many companies offering a variety of products that reinforce concerns about aging and body image, but only if you are willing to pay for it. The idea of 'looking natural,' without using an excess of product or surgery may be the appeal of the Dove product line. 'It is a good marketing campaign," said Avital Kline, AMS/GSS health and dental plan office assistant and part-time student, 'because they [Dove] are not showing the stereotype of what Western society thinks is perfect." Although there may be profitable motives behind Dove's real women campaign, they must be recognised for promoting alternative looks for women. "You aren't any less of a real woman if you have an imperfect or different body shape," said Kline. "I think that being a real woman is something on the inside." *
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