Money Neede d Donors Find Bleeding Eas y
Money Neede d Donors Find Bleeding Eas y
CA N YOU R PIN T OF BLOO D SAV E A LIFE VANCOUVER, B .C ., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 195 7 VOL, XL ,STUDENT FEE INCREASE . FIGH T Money Neede d Up To Government 'Twecn clas s Premier Bennett should give UBC a large enough gran t Election s Heated discussion follows A .M .S . President's proposal . so students will not have to dig into their own pockets, to pay ' The most healed eiscussions , for the needed buildings . "The UBC Development Fun d at the Leadership Conference re Frosh Co around AMS President Committee, which has been set This was the stand Monda y volved e matched by a grant from th e night of Provincial Conservativ e Ben Trevino's proposal for a up to raise the $5,000,000 to tak Government . Held W e referendum which would allow ndvanunge of Premier Beuneit' s Leader, Deane Finlayson, whe n e Premier Bennett made th TUESDAI questioned by a UBC reporter a s students to vote a $5 .00 lee in• offer of a similar matchin g fund-matching proposal at th e CONSERVATIVE I d to his opinion of the propose crease for the next three years, grant, asked me in what way thought UBC student s migh t increase in Alma Mater Societ y conclusion of a province-wide eats Walter Dins d The money would be matche d Parliamentary Asst fund . Sinc e fees, in an attempt to spark th e student trek last term . by the Provincial government Faculty, Alumn i and parents Robert Strachan, leader of Minister of Vet e building campaign . if it came within the campaign arc also being asked to contri 'Primary responsibility far ' Her Majesty's opposition in Vic- at 12 :30 toda y period . A student contribution bole, I thought that student s the raising of money increase d toria, states that, If the stu-!Everybody wel t of $150,000 would therefore be- would want to make their con- , * housing, rests on the Govern- dents are willing to support this come a contribution of $300,000 . tribution felt by contributing en ', JAll-SO C ment of British Columbia, anti ' scheme I can not see how the Over the next ten years, the bloc, continuing and strengthen • it should be the University's ' government could possibly raise' meeting Tue s University expects the follow- ing the Trek tradition we are s o sole duty to impress this upo n any critical objection to the pro- physics 200 . I ing revenue for new buildings : justifiably proud of . posal," ships to be dis t them," he said . •$5,000,000 from the Federal' f s Mr . Strachan added that, "I We who are closest to the ; Although Mr . Finlayson wa government through the problem, who can see th e UCC reques in disagreement, he extended ' once again the students will Canada Council . agree to help themselves by bring this year ' o ference between existing facil his personal commendation t from the Provinthe entire student body for their paying for 50rt of the project, Club Day me m'1 •$10,000,000 ; sties and enrollment, should be ' b very keen interest in the Unithe government most likely will UCC office cial Government on a $1,- the first group to give whateve r , gladly agree, seeing as they only noon . 000,000 per year basis . versity's future development, we can . A fee increase of $5 .00 • balance to put up . * Last weekend's Leadership ; have a 50 •$5,000 .000 from the Provin- per student for three years (this VARSITY C Conference proposed a remedy! After all (to the students point cial Government on a mat- is the period for which pledge's . LOWSHIP wi t for the critical housing shortage, of view) having to pay for 50°7 are being asked from individ- ' thing basis . ." meeting at 12 : which would follow in the same is better than no housing •$5,000,000 from the UDC g als, businesses, corporations , footsteps as the fund-raising cam- I, In opposition to the opinions , its 201 . Committee faculty aqd alumni) woul d Development paigning for the construction of expressed by Mr . Strachan, cam e which was formed to raise amount to $150,000 . When thi s the War Memorial Gymnasium further views of Mr . Finlayson, ~ PRE - DEN T which the is matched by the government , the $5,000,000 and the Brock Extension . in that, "Any positive steps to hold a regist r Provincial Government of- it becomes a very substantia l A 5 .00 increase, to be spread remedy are desirable, but is it i noon in Physi c fered on a matching basis . figure . Our contribution woul d NOT MISSING the blood he is losing is Dave Spears, Maybe the nurse helps . Yo u over a period of three years, was ' the student's problem? * —Photo by Al Grove s University officials estimate be magnified and compounde d too can have fun . BLEED applauded by over 90°I of theIf students bring forward the, PLAYER' S d over the next ten if we could' be the first, an the total need attending leaders . plan at the fall AMS programme, meeting at 12 . years as $60,000,000 . Student show the rest of the provinc e Total pledge by the students meeting October 22, it could be All new mernbc action last year resulted in the that we who see the problem s * would be in the vicinity of $150,-2 debated and voted on later in offer of only an additional best can and will lead the way . EL CIRCU L 000 . This money would be the term . $5,000,000 on a matching basis . A further point is that mone y meeting for the p A student request for a more given 'by the students and ear the year's progr a rapid release of the $10,000,000 marked for Residences is likel y tration for the S ' to draw more donations earwas ignored . end. All members p l By DIANA SMIT H Trevino commented on the marked for residences . " * A At A G I a * pnce Mr . Trevino emphasized tha t proposal he presented to dole"Blood from a stone" — an impossibility? UNITARIAN CI . By WAYNE LAMB gates at the Leadership Confer- all the money need not be alt o Definitely not ! an informal discu candid opinion of Educatio n cited to residences unless that ' ence: Last night at the Alma Mater made to IFC and Pan-hellenic 103 Tuesday noon . Confirmation of this statement students, Ray Frehlic and Bill . l "It is very true that the stu- was the wish of the students * * Society meeting the Student's that a thorough investigation be came as numerous persons, or- Francis . Walter Dinsdale, Member o f dents of UBC have given more The money could be allocated i n made into the alledged conduc t Dick McClure, Mechanical En- Parliament for Brandon, Man i Council : WEDNES D for their University than any any way the students desire . dinarily referred to as the mos t Mused contemIp atively l of members of Greek-lette rgineI1,flthsamenobdprlitayAs so hardened "rocks," discovered FROSH ELECTI O . It is also Trevino feels that this is simpl y other student body i the donation radically simple . was completely unjustified and ant to the Minister of Veteran w hen George Morfitt spoke cieties in the cafeteria durng day . Bring your Li b l obviously true that students are the most pressing need on the atgainst the distribution of free ! the past two weeks . vote , Wandering through the Armthat "the Engineers give blood Affairs will spent : ire Arts 100 , not and should not be reapon- campus which the majority of A MS cards to Theology students, , , That permission be given * * sible for building University students feel the most directly . ouries, gave an opportunity t o on principle alone, and not to Tu es day noon . on the grounds that only those' for the sale of the Canadian UniVARSITY OUT D We are doing no more and n a overhear the varioas opinions o f enhance ti,c, , valuation of tiu' .r buildings However, the Great Ile e ill be the first si eakcr tylt ,c pay to helon to the AMS vrsil} Post in the Brock in parlance, Longhike meetin g the donors, which have subseHa n . g Trek tradition has evolved and less than we have been doin to appear on campus this term . That a committee t,,, "' tn. Ion, Wednesday no o Qmoled ano ov t) o)l ly , an d quently been built into the fol. as Mr . under the auspices of the Con should be allowed to have AMS carried on because the groups for the last 30 years privileges .eged ed to investigate "al l quite explainably, by two first , scrvalive Club . trans- ested in the hike a n responsible for providing funds Jabour pointed out in his lette r lowing expose . . Listened sympathetically gressions" of the Buildings and VOC please attend . . year Engineers was the statehave historically refused to ful-1 to the Ubyssey," Trevino said , One of these solidified charto Bryan Williams as he sided, Grounds . * * fill those obligations . There is 1 ''but this is the first time th e acters was overheard stating hi s ment that, "perhaps the whol e . His . , . Gave forth with resound-' CONSERVATIV ' with ,Theology students E a clear parallel between these University has gone to the pub- l benovolent reason for donating . !'lot of them, ourselves included , argument is that Theology stu-, ing mirth when Bryan Williams era! meeting t o ." :are a trifle green-blooded y Doctors Sa facts . In the last twenty-five ° lie for funds, and this is there "I have too damn much, so 1 dents do not have the time to amended Sheila Crocker's reso- 12 :30 Wednesda y Evidently there is quite a con years of UBC's history, Provin fore an extraordinary situation . suppose the best thing is to giv e full advantage of AMS member-1 lotion (that student's wives re-' in g g year wi t ! glomeration of blood-color o n cial governments have given on- Are we mature enough and res . , some of it ." Cold Not Fl u ship . His argument was bolster-, ceive AMS cards at cost of print- interested pl e . It is felt that th e the campus ly $10 million for capital grants ; ponsible enough citizens of th e Interpretation of his state- l girls (generally speaking) ar e '' ed up by union college member, ing) to include his landlady and * * within these years students have province to rise as students to ; Have a cold ? ment might primarily be critical ; . Daryl Logan, who stated that, girl friend comparatively yellow-blooded . HAMSOC (Am a had to build five buildings on an extradordinary and pressin g for it is not true that it is bette r as the response in the Armourie s Don't panic . "Theological students are ex. . . Threw out Sheilas' resolu- ciety) is holdin g the campus . need? I think we are . " to give than to receive . has been nearly 5 to 1 in favo r You don't have Asiatic fl u pccted to do so much field work' tions . five meeting W e On the other hand . Rosaly n of the boys . that they seldom have a free . . . Stated that the housing in the Conferenc e (probably) . Cocking, Arts I, feels that sh e What's missing . fellow-females? The University Health Servic e night during which they could i committee should be approach- Ha w has to be a recipient of transfu- Spirit or backbone? ed to organize fire-fighting teams * * assures the students that ther e enjoy AMS privileges sion rather than a donor, for, " I . Listened skeptically as within Acadia Camp is no epidemic and no presen t ALLIANCE F haven't enough to keep mysel f . . . Agreed whole-heartedl y hold an organiz a Bryan Williams claimed that the fear of one . going, let alone anyone else ." AMS cards had no particular' that multiple speakers such as , Nevertheless, sniffling stu- monetary value and that special Tim Buck, W . A . C . Bennett an d Wednesday no o Considerable confusion ha s Mussoc is desperate for boys . 'Iall, short, skinny , dents are lining the Wcsbrook cards should be given to Theolo flying saucer experts should no- arrange conve y arisen as to whether the EngiAt. fat—any variety' will do ; so long as he has a voice . Health Service waiting roo m gical students so that they can lily student council of impend neer's adopted color has an y 0 ALPHA Auditions fair the chorus of the society's next prowith fear in their eyes . bearing on this campaign . enjoy downtown AMS privi• ing lechmes . ing Wednesda y I Lester Pearson, Janes Sinduction will he l held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday o f Onlookers (confessed anenic s . . . Heard NFCUS represcnta • "Relax, " say the doctors, leg's . * * and otherwise), questioned as t o Clair and Attorney General Itothis week, 7-10 p .m . in the Auditorium . y ou r common sense, an d . Nodded in assensio n as live Ken Brawner put forth a VARSITY D E this campus reaction had varie d bent Bonner will spearhead "apply Gary McDonald stated that strong recommendation in favo r usetroa t gargle ' a h Anyone interested is asked to attend or sign up in th e meeting Wednesday . UBC political agenda this term remarks to make . Theological students should be of scholarships for exchang e Arts 204 . Mussoe hut now . Although boys are in the greater demand , a suspected Even if you are "They haven't any blood s o Current plans for the fal l students patterned on the VVLIS C integrated on the campus . * * girls will he accepted also . they find compensation in wear- term includes such uoleworthic s flu victim . the doctors canno t . . Murmured a chorus ol'' organization . . positively identify the diseas e P PRE-MED SOC ing their red sweaters," was th e as Sacred leader Solon Low , "ays" to apinion, voiced in se w until an analysis of a sample o f "Quadruplets BY C Oeteher 25, Conservative Assist era' ways by several individ- D lion" -- restrict e ant of Veteran Affairs Dinsdal e your throat washing has bee n mils that 'Theological students 1 ~ adsoc To Serve sent back from Ottan'a . and affiliate d today, and CCF members Ilarol d should be allowed to buy AM S ships still available . Winch and Robert Strachan , privileges on an individual basi s 5,000 Student s 100, Wed . noon , LPP President Jim McFarla n for a fee of $10 .00 . * * A record 5,000 students wil l reported federal leader '1'i m Shook heads iii disagree - tune in daily to UBC radio ,e i I POLITICAL SC Buck is also scheduled for th e meat when George Morfitt sta b ciety installations this year ac - membership meeting fall ter m ed that AMS membership o n cording to Radsoc president Bil l noon, Arts 2(17 . Asst$ Applications are now bein g There are eleven scholarship s and others limited to those uniTentative Liberal speakers inAnyon e in need o f an extra individual basi s teas agains t Ballantine . The student audienc e he handed out . N taken for both Rhodes Scholar - nwo del in Canada, one o f versities in the United Kingdom . clude Lester B . Pearson an d AMS constitution . at any given time is expecte d please. $5? ships, and I .O .D.E . War lllento- nhir.h is allotted to students i n Applicants must he betwee n James Sinclair' . unani - to he between 800 and 1,700 . . Finally came to a * * R, IN, . ' rind Post Graduate Scholarship s British ('oluntbia . Thi s is the ps i 10 award Scheduled programs for th e I!) and 27, and must have don e that 'Theolog y ;oti moils decision Radsoc• installations are ;tort' .. PUBLICATION! An aspirant may compet e or be engaged in post-graduat e year include a series of LPP dis- ed t o the imagin :dive n'r: Deadline for the 1lhodes Schos either in the Province where h e studies at a recognized school . cussions nn Marxism and studie s I . , come u p with a brf~)h , 1l , rye_ students would he accepted a iced this year by three inter . ers twill meet iLO larship applicalfnns is Nevem0 off-campus AMS members, for a fee of $1 national news 5f'rvices and r; il l at 123(1 Wcdnc catchin g slogan for Il'ont COP' pamphlets . her I . 'fire sehelarshi!) is ten - has his ordinary hone, or in th e l have three separate netvi'n .1s nit the same basis as individua . Candidates for both scholar (Continue d -Twentieth Century Social - advertising of Ope n loose , able at Oxford University, Eng- one \vilely he is attending Uni- ships n)ust be British or Canagraduate students . See 'TWEE N daily . ism ." A "Young Li!)eraIs' ConThe main theme of Ope n land, and may he held fur itv u versity . n n . . , Stood solidly twilled Be dian citizens, liming resided i s Al lead two years of study a t }'ears, with the possibility of revention " vcnlion" will be held Iht . yea s 1Gxrse , Friday, Feb . 28 and Sa l Trevino as he incouraged onio n u Comedian l'lniversily must h e Canada for. at least five year s Penticton for any Liberal s urday , IVlarch I, will he "UB C college delegate, Daryl Logan t o newal fora third yea r c"mgletcd by the candidate b y They are xpceted to return t o who wish to attend . - a partner in you r connnunity' s torn) a Theological Society tha t Candidates must be male, nn . October I, 1958 . Canti cl e and work here after th e WRITERS WILL RA VEN Ti! acvclopment ." d s would operate as a fully-fledge married, and het vtwin the inn's completion of their studie Thera will he a• RAVEN meeting at 12 .30 P . Tile \Vim 1'fo merial Scholar The campus ()I' Me Unit'ersil y Slogan to be tucd 1"a' coi n ANN iien)her tinder US(' . of 19 and 25 . Further information ,shou t Double ('umnnittee Boom, Brock Hall . ships are open to bolls emu an d of l ;riti . ;h ('uluml)ia covers 982 pus publicity is 1'OV('11yune a . Pa~secl Ihcs(' rioticros'. MauiuscIIPts Will be accepted an d rliseussiop w i AF Ivt' l ,l}' br~llg gelid I'l n ,l ;ir)I you" . 11, specializing in History . these sehelauships nwy hr foun d bust for ()pin Ilntk r 'o'res . int Mc duneth)n free . 'I l in the University ('alendau' u r o f ()aims to the mysterious diseplu'ar,uu'e of E d I :them l s, ur ether subjects The npl,lic,ails sh~~al,i shot s t * d Aspirants to the I rive ma y AIMS fees for Brock Art Fun ohteined from Dean (I ;igc A p . i~terrsl to the British Empire Nielmisen, De .snumd Fits-GereliI and Arnold C'nhcn h a doftnil' (lmlilies nl ,luline~inn , ;!) , heSill raised fl'ont It) cents pe r uro ili tlreir slog ;ois !u I,ux ; A prut'incial universit Ior I)licatinn t' o rnis ,arc also avai l Ittu typ : of sclrolaty ;II ,Ironed cis-oilitnrt r,n,ilnl, i I'h( re ere ; Parlicil)~~tin~i in ;lc(n elite in Ile,, ( ;age's ()Has . . boo m British Columbia was tied pe n A31S oI 'I ii any lieu . befnrc ;tl')it . - to I ;i cent . ti's ;Old art' 1h-11 A shil,s'. Ihese Ien,,b1( ;el an y IVA'mb'rs expect le Ire Raven the roof . Time i recunuu'ndnliun b, dal .\ , t)el 13 el I . :1O !i nt . pu",i 11 ;77 . lies Inr tt°inners . t, r>ilt in Ilse I ;ritisli [iij)Ir(' . Ill . Arts Illiihlina MEN BLEED MORE THAN WOME N Donors Find Bleeding Eas y Tory M .P . Her e Tuesday Noo n t MEN - EAT, SHORT OR TAL L MUSSOC WANTS THEM AL L Political Club s 'Bring Speaker s Rhodes Scholarship Application s Now Available From Dean Gage Smart Sloga n Will Pay Of f A uthorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa . MEMBERS CANADIAN UNIVERSITY PRES S bs eriptions $1 .20 per year (included in AMS fees) . Mail subscriptions $2 .00 per le copies five cents . Published in Vancouver throughout the University year b y ublications Board of the Alma Mater Society, University of British Columbia . pin% • expressed herein are those of the editorial staff of the Ubyssey, and no t th ., of the Alma Mater Society or the University . Letters,to the Editor should no t 0 words . The Ubyssey reserves the right to cut letters, and cannot guarante e ns o ` 1 letters received. tP EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ken Lamb Managing Editor Dave Robertso n Al Forrest Business Manager Harry Yuill Bob Johannes Make-up Editor Dave Ferry and Helen Zukowski CUP Editor Marilyn Smit h SENIOR EDITOR .- . DAVE WILDE R ers and Desk : John Dressler, Marlene Marleau, Neva Bird . Sandra Sheppard , lender, Wendy Bain, Flail Tennant, Irene Foerster, Mary Wilkins, Pete Doherty , h, Wayne Lamb TELEPHONES : nd News Offices . . AL. 4404, Locals 12, 13, 14 d Advertising Offices AL. 4404, Local 6 ership Conferenc e rows It ' s Nam e anging of food and transrganization of discussio n s, the conference was wel l ested, competent student s vised, suggested and con an dominated, and wit h e exceptions, student lead- suspected it the same way we suspected the exhortation to "leadership" that appeare d on a fraternity rushing poster two weeks back. And, we fear there are a number o f others on the campus just as suspicious . As students, they are skeptical of false enthusiasm, of the keenness that exerts it self in meaningless resolutions and a fascination for names . Pleasantly, we discovered, that ou r suspicions were wrong . Those at the conference were leaders in fact, and except for the banner flying in front of the conference hall, never referred to themselves as leaders in name . The Ubyssey proudly presents Barry Dianamore's sordid story of personal degradation and despair "Lush me o r Leave Me ." It is poignantl y written by Mr . Dianamore wit h assistance from Lillian Roth , Mickey Hartigay who hopes t o snare the film role, and Spide r Fandango, 1924 Golden Glove s light-heavy and financial adviser to Mr . Dianamore during early October, 1929 . This story cries out to thou sands who seek answers to such questions as — is mone y more than just legal tender ? Does living with horses mea n a stable family? Does preyin g help? And who did kill Coc k Robin? But now, on with Mr . Dianamore's wretched tale . "I blinked my eyes open . Somebody w a s staggerin g across the dingy bedroom , dodging empty Vitalis bottle s as he went. Suddenly I realized who it was — it was me. I punched a couple of chart reuse elephants in the bell y as I lurched into the dingy bathroom . I swept the empt y shoe polish cans from the dingy wash 'basin and fell i n hoping to slip unnoticed dow n the dingy drain . Gosh, I fel t mmendations and arguear in other parts of thi s following editions ; suffic e because of these discussion s as a whole will benefit , ears to come. ful of such success, w e . But criticize we must , ound reasoning . the conference with an ce, brought on simply E y ership Conference ." We But we were impressed, and we wish the student body to be impressed . We think they would be more impressed if their suspicions were allayed wit h a less pretentious name . Those who participated in the confercuce can afford to be humble . "Not A Duty ao' 4 , 11ition, four classmates o f d their disapproval for a n dent levy of $5 .00 to g o the U .B.C . Development Fund . such people as Messrs, tabour , ackray and Beck should h e consideration, yet, shoul d to analytical criticism . d, the issue is not whethe r t$ have a responsibility or dut y ate to the Fund, but rather ar e ng to contribute . No one is mor e ealize than myself that the stuis campus have played and ar e rominent and spectacular rol e al development of the univer,hould never lose sight of the fac t g the past 14 years students hav e Id $5 .00 of their fees in order to I Memorial Gym and the Broc k should it be taken for grante d .00 is to be continued indefinitel y think too many people are ap the problem from the wron g hen we hear talk about dut y ity . They say that the stu 0 ,duty or have no re ;pensr rd conhibutIng to the Develop , and I think we have to agre e because we are undue no ub contribute to the constructio n . But it ' s nO l s on this campus of duty, it is a question ff will -are the etnrlenls w ithi to cunahe Fund ? any or:;anir.atiun, such a, the Red Cross or Y .M .C.A . Building Fun d Committee, knocks on your door and ask s for your financial support, you don't as k yourself the question, "Do I owe duty t o give money to them, but rather "Am I willing to give to them ." If you think the nee d is great enough you 'll give, if not, yo u won't . Don 't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that someone is knocking on you r door and asking for you to give, but ar e we willing to give when we are so awar e of the need . So let 's forget the idea of duty and responsibility . There are students on this campus who just can't afford to pay $5 .00 more i n fees, yet will give up certain things t o contribute to the fund which they may fee l is well worth the sacrafice. A student ma y be willing to give up an extra sandwic h once in a while, or a night at the Commodore, or even forget about buying a bottle of whiskey for some week-end . And if he is, then let him contribute in th e form of a $5 .00 fee increase (of course th e argument will be raised that if only '700 0 students are willing to give $5 .00 and 1500 are not, then this group is forced to give . ) So it is up to the people who believe i n it to convince the rest that the need of th e success of the campaign is great, so they will be willing to give . Personally, I 'm willing to give the $5.00, not because I ewe dul y or have a responsibility, but because I fee l as an individual that the need is grea t enough to warrant fi . KEN L . BRAWNE R AMS Vice-President . Most people are not, but with training everyone can increas e their reading skill . Speed reading can develop efficien t reading comprehension and concentration . With speed reading skill you can read and understand business reports an d correspondence with one reading, eliminating time-consuming review . dingy . I faced myself squarel y in the mirror and chante d "mirror . mirror, on the wal l who is the fairest of them . . ." but stopped quickly realizin g that quoting Mummy ' s poetry just wasn't going to help thi s morning. I looked again. "Am I," I said to myself, "Am I a drunken, no-good, brokendown, washed-out has-been a t 14?" Aaah, who would believe me anyway but Magistrat e Beavor-Potts . So I wrung a final glass o f canned heat out of the bat h towel, sat down on the be d and began thinking. This wa s difficult because Mummy al ways said that we Dianamores never did any thinking — w e just emoted . I stared at the empty glass . I couldn't go on boozing (or "drinking" as Mummy always called it) at this rate and stil l have any honor, dignity, decency and money left . It was then I resolved to write M Y STORY so that I could sho w how unkind the gods are and give the ordinary folk a chanc e to look into MY WORLD . And anyway, including book-of-themonth, Reader's Digest, film , television and comic books it would mean enoug h ,.►uney for three weeks liquor . I would tell them abou t Mummy and Daddy and Dadd y and Daddy and Daddy (Mu m my got married quite often ) ,1ts A FREE scientific test will show you how speed readin g can lighten your reading load , WESTERN READING LABORAI'OR Y 939 Hornby TAtlow 372 0 And how the name Dianamore became a househol d word in North America . That was because Grandad's firs t name was John . And how I went to private school whe n I was 9 months old because Mummy couldn't stand m e when 11 was teething . And I' d tell them about the famou s people who passed through our home . Sure it was crowded i n the lobby of Grand Centra l Station but it was close t o Irvings Bar and Grill . I'll tel l them about the Windsors (Jo e and Lavinia), the Vanderbilts (Ivan and Olga), Schaparell i (Herb) and Maxwell (Elsa) . I'll always remember Els a Maxwell, she had the sam e name as that famous old heap . You know . the Maxwell car . And then I'll tell them abou t the boring times we had in Ri o and Acapulco and Madrid an d . . . Gosh, I'd better get Micke y Hartigay fitted up for tha t sailor suit we'll use in th e opening scene . Film Sotiecry Pesent s DESER T VICTOR Y Academy Award Winning Record o f Montgomery's North African Campaig n Today 3 :30, 6 :00, 8 :1 5 12:30 FIRST TUESDAY NOON SHOW Edward R . Murrow interview s 12:30 'ROBERT J . OPPENHEIME R "M" IS COMIN G are Mary Ann Elliot's favorite campus footwear — Letters to the Editor ounger students to carry Had they not been leaders in fact, ha d the conference not been such a success , this editorial would never have been writ ten. What would have filled this space were the usual congratulations that any edito r writes with his eyes closed . re you a('ehiud ? By TONY GAMBRILL PATRICIA MARCHA K Editor or ews Editors : Annual Leadership Con e and gone, one hundre d udents know a little more cated functions of a cornand despite the confusio n iscussion in so little tim e es, all participants agre e ce was highly successful . Star's Sordi d Tale Is Tol d Plea ? Editor, The Ubyssey , It is my solemnly drea d pleasure to be ensconsed in your country which ; it is m y intensely deep feeling, truly a place coloquially whiskers o f the cat! The manifold hospitality ; the many facilities fo r the esteemed populace, th e cleanliness of which it is m y humble joy ; is that my wis h which it would be impossibl e to quell, m ,y remotest instinct s are arisen by your scenery o f mountains which my greate r steem, which ; than sir, i t would be my powers of expression inside the space of thi s brief epistle to dwell ? But sirs, though your manifold kindness and or you r bountiful goodness which i t would be beyond the power t o exceed ; I am horrently saddened by the one thing which th e lack of is so great a severity t o one who is cut off from hearth s and homeland . It is my wis h to be expressed whether or n o my sadness could be mitigate d through your esteemed facilities, and if perchance my longings might be considered a s genuinely, as you must as som e times have these 'things dee p within . It is my constant sickness t o hear the notes of music of paternal hearth, which will onc e more evoke unto me the soun d of the sharaijs, of early mor n yet of the incomparability o f the suttees at even-tide o f which I am so plaintively a t present without . No greater erection of my spiritualis m comes evert, beyond these i n the notes of the 'al-quaittakh , no wilder flailings of the khawjorais, than no mournful funeral music of the suttee can a t present be stirred . My sir, most gratuitous ple a is for some of the strains of m y natal music of which I am s o dear, I, Sirs!, again remain wit h inveritably true obsequiousness, yours contumeliously , Sayyid Ziya'Al-Dan Tabatabai , An Afghanistan ! MARJORIE PAUL , Education 2 . * * * Pleasing ? Editor, The Ubyssey : In reply to A . C . James' let ter proposing that we Engineers change "our" red to th e "traditional" Elizabethan putrid pink orange, it is only proper that we reject the "scintilating" offer for many reasons . Without delving into th e works of Freud or using Darwin's works on the color of th e male animal, we can safely sa y that "our" red is a symbol o f virility or sexual potency . Thi s the "traditional" red lacks . In other words, "our" red is a symbol of life itself . . . it is a red which the Macbeths trie d to wash their hands of but never did. And this brings up the questions, why must critics an d artists be so slow in acceptin g something new, why must w e revert to an older order ? Surely we must use the "col ours" of our times . For in stance, I can see and feel th e beauty in the works of Beethoven or Bach . but I can se e even more beauty in moder n jazz . It is the music of, ou r times and we should try to understand it . Surely, if Engineers studie d only the works of Galileo w e would live in a scientificall y frustrated world . In essence , I am saying that the auditorium should be painted colour s which suit our age and thinking and not be influenced b y people pseudo - intellectuall y imbued in the works of Shakespeare or Elizabethan theatre . To all "hack seat drivers" o f the intellectual school may I point out a line which I foun d in Dante's "Paradis e * "E lascia pur grattar dov' e la rogue! " Ubyssey , --or in modern translation : "Let them go ahead an d scratch where it itches ." * * Please ? Editor, The this year, but surely they ca n speed their services up ! We students only have a limited amount of time to d o our assignments and unless th e library can smarten up, something drastic will have to be done! I think it is absolutely revolting having to wait in th e library for half an hour for on e book . I loony that they leav e changed things around a lot One could even use this for a philosophy of life, at least, I have . EDWARD J . MAllUCA , Engineering 3 . how about you ? By CREATIVE Disillusione d Editor, The Ubyssey : How smug can we be, ho w superior to our American cousins. And how we enjoy de • crying their materialism, thei r lack of interest in the "import ant things of life," their concern for "getting ahead," sue- 1 ceeding financially and socially, particularly their desire fo r conformity ! ! So much of this is such ob . vious projection (see Psycho- I logy 100, second term) that i t needs no comment . But th e publication of the enrolmen t in UBC's political clubs show s a desire for conformity amon g UBC students that is frightening. Look at the figures: Procons, ! up to 125 ; Liberals down from 120 to 80 ; Socreds down fro m 60 to 51 ! Even if we discount the obvious opportunists, even if we omit the "off again, on again , gone again" Tories who ski p from Procon to Socred to Pro con with each shift of the political wind, we are still lef t wall a large percentage ivh o seem to join a political clu b not on the basis of philosophy ! or even program, but on th e basis of current popular opinion shown by recent electio n results . Of course some of us hav e thought that the membershi p rolls of the Socred Club seemed strangely inflated (no pu n intended), incongruously so among the people one expect s to find associated with a centr e of learning . But no matter . This is not unacceptable behaviour from those still in th e adolescent stage (whether the y display their adolescence through devotion to som e empty-headed rock - and - rol l artist or wacky political leaders, or travel our inadequat e B .C . highways at hazardou s speeds . If these adolescents are sincere, if they really believ e they have the answers tha t will solve all the world's problems, let them have their fun . We should expect and welcome ! rebels here, even rebels agains t common sense . Basic course s in economics and in logic wil l come soon enough to prevent ! any long term effect . What we have to worr y about is the number of conformists amongst us . It's disillusioning to find so many s o early in life ! NOEL BENNET-ALDER . Education 5 Mary Ann Elliot, new FROSH QUEEN, shown with he r new Sport-Pal White Bucks, compliments o f Creative Shoes Ltd. New Sensation — IVY LEAGUE SADDLES (with tapered toe and dater buckle ) White and Black wit h crept sole . Sizes AA-B, 4-10 . HAND SEWN — BUCKLE LOAFER Cherrytone Red and Blac k smooth leather . Sizes AA-B, 4-1o , $8.9 5 Sold at all leadin g shoe stores and department stores in B . C . ASK YOUR DEALER FOR SPORT-PALS BY NAME Tuesday, October 8, 1957 THE UHYSSE Y .Fall Leadership Conference Students, Faculty Discuss UBYSSEY LISTEN S debate sion in all groups, and most of/they coul d under the circum-' ported, but it was felt the spectator sports had a concrete conthe arguments were violent . stances . tribution to university spiri t FROS H While the conference was spli t Hazing came under fire a s and unity . down,the middle on the questio n an outmoded, medieval form o f PARKIN G of athletic scholarships, all wer e introducing the student to uni Parking was discussed, and i t in favor of a Western Canadia n versity . It was recognized that was agreed the days of drivin g League, and if it was created, a n students should be welcomed in to lectures were over . It wa s increase in the present athleti c some way, and realized that I admitted that with expansion , fee of $4 .20 . many frosh expect some kind cars may eventually be prohibit ed on campus, which mean s The majority was against par- of excitement . a ,fringe parking, ticipation with American school s Two suggestions were : s Students were unanhno t agreeing that participat i professors in clubs, th e sues, and the academi c posium, held for the fir s last year, was to the of the students . Here are some ' of the major opinions expressed by a majority of the one hundred and thirty students and professors attending the third annual leadership conference . Complete resumes of the co n ference will follow in later cdi- should be raised as much a s They expressed satisf BY KEN LAMB $50, should the Board of Govlions . with the professor's self- d Ubyssey Associate Edito r ernors find it reasonable . Th e FEES J role of participation an d We went into the fray against two professors and 4 0 While they would never re - plan for a five dollar fee in rather than control an d students with the attitude that the Ubyssey had earned con - quest it, students felt an increas e crease to he used for residence s lion , siderable unfavorable criticism, and could profit by listenin g in tuition fees would be reason - was received with general approval . on grounds that UBC coul d gigantic noon-hour competition, ,k'teN$IIrVMu'liiwtiur" I to it , able . ` A small increase would onl y never compete favorably agains t frosh vs the entire university , We weren't disappointed . We" at They felt increasing admin — r got the criticism . This is it , which McFarlan's attack on the istration costs, and improve - be annoying without filling th e "paid athletes" while the ad - to be held in the stadium, and a ministration was opposed t o "big-brother" system of orient printed with ,what we feel i s Greeks appeared . ments in the salary positio n o f need, they said . It was pointed out that UB C athletic scholarships . Wily detailed like a fin e The Ubyssey was criticised professors, leadin g to bette r ing freshmen . justified defence , by two professors, Stan Read, teaching, warrante d such an in - ranks well down on the Canablouse! If 'ash it time-after-tim e All deplored the present failThe high degree of participa The attacks centred on tw o dian ; fee scale . and Malcolm McGregor, for crease . and it retains that preciou s ure of the Thunderbird footbal l tion at UBC was endorsed, an d articles published this year . The careless proof-reacting and too ' Of the majorit y for th e in- ATHLETIC S team, but felt that the coac h lit was agreed that as man y whipped-cream softness ., , its radian t ° first was the "Ruth X" story , Athletics came under discus - and players were doing the bes t sports as possible should be sup telling the tale of a girl aske d much stress on the part of the crease, most felt the the fee s 'colour remains unaltered! In soft, editors to imitate a downtow n to leave a cafeteria table norm soft /'ettal Orlon, fall fashioned, math • newspaper . ' ally taken up by a fraternity . proof, shrink•proof, with gently ribbe d We listened with interest t o We found that some though t Freshmen—G o crossed collar caught with tiny pear l these comments, for both proas we had ; that it was writte n fessors in their student day s buttons arid with shadow chevron detail in a style too sensational fo r were intimate with the producemphasizing the front . Available in a To The Polls a university newspaper, Som e tion of campus papers . galaxy of beautiful new fal l had treated the story first as a The first criticism was acceptFrosh will go to the polls o n joke, others, particularly thos e colours . . . S8 .95 at good ed wholeheartedly, because w e Wednesday to elect their studen t associated with a Greek lette r stores everywhere. hold wakes after every issue . executive . society, as an outright lie . The second was considered mor e The first criticism is ultimate- difficult to determine, but speakCandidates for president are : fashion' s ly only one of opinion . The sec - ing nebulously, we assured them Jim Meekison and Jim Winchell , pond, we have found on inter- 1 efforts had been made to mak e pet ! and for vice-president, Loi s viewing the author, Ubyssey the Ubyssey as close to the idea l Boulding and Nick Searle . News Editor Al Forrest, is un- of campus paper as possible . Wendy Rosene and Jackie Wil fortunate in that the story i s Both professors ended the distrue . son are running for secretar y cussion with praise for the over There was a Ruth, there wer e all production of the Ubyssey , and for treasurer, Bill Arm tears, there was a torn textbook , and felt that it was endeavorin g strong and Dean Feltham . and there were witnesses . to raise its standards . Only 100 students, from a We hope to bring the matte r We were rapped repeatedl y frosh population of over 2,00 0 to a more responsible conclusion 1 for the attitude, in print at least , turned out last Monday to hea r ithin a few weeks . that the Ubyssey was one wil d the campaign speeches . The second particular attac k bachanal, and that its member s Monday, candidates said the y arose from a suspicion that th e were the juvenile delinquent hope that a great many mor e Ubyssey was permitting a corn- answer to Bohemians . will go to the polls Wednesday . munist, Jim McFarlan, to use We had no defence for this , Polls will be set up in front o f the Ubyssey to print slanted except to say our public refs . the library, bus stop, and Broc k news and the "party line . " Lion arc lousy, and promised t o Hall from 10 a .m, to 4 .30 p .m . It was suggested that McFar - de as much as possible to disCANDIDATE FOR Frosh Council are left to right : Louis Bolding, Jackie Wilson , Library cards must be preIan worked for the Ubyssey, a s prove such allegations . Whic h Wendy Rosene ; back row, Nick Scarfe, Jim Winchell, Jim Meekison and Ian Feltham , sented . a reporter, and was given free means, to those of the studen t —Photo By Al Grove s rein to say what he felt . body who have been afraid, disWe agreed that he could sa y gusted, or in any way doubt what he felt, as long as it wa s ful of joining the Pub, that w e Th e Question s legally defendable, but only as are friendly, legitimate, sober . themselves, or should an active any other student or professo r none too creative ourselves an d HIGHER LEVE L And if students cause destruc can say what he likes, in a only too glad to have any of yo u Should the university provid e effort be made 'to orient them? 1 tion off-campus, is it a studen t 9P14 8 signed article, on the editoria l drop around . its own entrance examinations , In consideration of the fact or administration problem ? page . We complained that too muc h on a higher level than presen t that the campus is growing, is To what extent should alumn i This is precisely the form in of the criticism was due to care - high school exams ? Do they do en the student council an efficient participate? I-low much should a campu s form of student government? I ough for their alma mater, o r less reading, and an unwilling ness to think ; and that if the, club be subsidized? On a me n Could it be replaced with orga- should they be expected to d o Ubyssey was a failure, which bership basis? By the amoun t nizations similar to the Univer- anything? Should they be ex we don't admit, that it is uilti- of its direct contribution to th e sity Clubs Committee ? 1 petted to help clubs to whic h ftb5nn'i "ti !ompn n mately the result of the student university as a whole ? they formerly belonged ? SELF-DISCIPLINE D What was the student role i n body teat will not make a perINCORPORATED 20V MAY 167 Q Is a poolroom, as situated i n To what extent should stuuniversity cortslrnclion? Ar e sonar effort to improve it . dents he s(if diseiplined'' Is i t Brock Hall . an integral part of ; The criticism actually con- we to help lag, for housing, it ' we do, will the guvermncnt feel , fah' le ask Student Court or Ste - a university ? Open Duily 9 to 5 :30 Fridays 9 'til 9 sumed most of an hour, bu t Phone P A dent Ct)IIIl(il to penalize fello unjustly, that it can depend o w n And where was Charlie Coni By BARBARA BOURN E much of it was repeated at students ? ' naghan at 3 a .m . Sunday ? tacks on the same weaknesses . students to contribute, and hav e Ubyssey Space Edito r done too nitich already ? Mother Russia gave birth to a At any rate, we admit much of ' w e ` bouncing baby satellite Satur- it was deserved, and if some one FORCED TO RESIGN ? 'TWEEN CLASSE S Double Breaste d is willing to admit we usually Should club executive mei n day . (Continued from Page 1 ) Suit s American scientists have bee n do an adequate job, we're will- bees be forced, in accordanc e CHORAL S 0 CI E T Y firs t ;with the AMS bylaw, to resig n caught with their space suit s ing to try to do a better one . Converted into ne w if they do not pass Christma s meeting Wednesday at 5 :30 i n down . SINGLE BREASTED . Male voices needed . exams? Members admitted th e I1-Ml Ike took to the golf course . MODELS rule was now largely ignored , Everyone out please , He lofted a ball 300 yards bu t * * * UNITED TAILOR S but suggested perhaps the rule ; somehow it didn't seem th e . . should be dropped from the ~ 549 Granville PA 464 9 same . THURSDA Y MEET CRAF 'SMEN FROM 'ROUND THE WOR L AMS constitution . It is incredible that the natio n PEP BAND practice at 12 :31 1 Is it worthwhile for clubs t o which broke the laxative habi t Parliamentary Forum is of- get together to comb ;tt commo n Thursday in the band hut be has been beaten in man's neve r TASTE THE FOODS OF DIFFERENT NATION hind Brock . L A. LE E S problems? Would the result be , TUXED ending quest for baseball in th e ficially extinct . O 025 Howe M . * * * MAr . 245 7 Emerging in place of the deefficiency or added confusion? 1 sky . RENTAL S NISEI VARSITY CLUB holdSEE PRODUCTS DISPLAYED FROM 50 LAND WHITE l'UATS — TAIL S What are the scientific fact s funct political-debating society ; ORGANIZ E S ing general meeting in II-L1 a t MOHNIN(i COAT S is the Debating Union, unde r IrIItK("r(rRM l'l1ATM about the world's biggest bilCould clubs of the same type , 12 :30 . All interested pleas e MHra 'r's A~'I) MTEMM(IHIC M president Graham Mosely, an d Complete Stork of Latest Model . liard ball ? such as political, organize a ge t s. , attend . It weighs 185 pounds, goe s the Parliamentary C o u n c i I, * * * $1 discount to all UB C group which would act ; around the world in 96 minutes , headed by Jack Giles . student s as a co-ordinator of tweets and ' INTERNATIONAL H O U S E Responsible for political fun gi travels 13,000 miles an hour an d guest speakers, lhns preventing' , CLUB general meeting in Physwonders of wonders has a 2 4 lions and debates, Parliamentar y splitting students interest wit h ics 200 Thursday at 12 :30 . Al l degree orbital slip on every cir- Council will be headed by Gile s two similar events or speakers ; 40 YEARS OF SERVIC E members please ' and presidents of the campus' s You'll see craftsmen and woe cuit . on the same day ? * * * TO THE UNIVERSITY O F . six recognized political parties But will some public minde d from Europe and the Orient car UNDERGRAD WRITER S ' Should Hungarian students b e BRITISH COLUMBIA , Highlight of the year, which ; scientist please tell us Arts stujug out their craft . You'll be a WORKSHOP meeting Thursda y ITS FRATERNITIE S includes a proposed exchange ' allowed to gradually assimilat e dents how you get it clown ? noon, Arts 108 . to sample exotic Oriental delica c AND SORORITIES . Don't play silly with the slid e with students of Washingto n and unusual European foods —'Co he satisifie d rules fellows . This is serious . ' State College, is the Mock ParTHERE ' S A REASO N —For a better haircu t cheeses in the Internationna l We don't want to go through lif e liament elections, to be hel d Custom Tailored Suit s UPPER TENTH BARBER October 24 . . Store on the Basement Floo r e like apple dodging Newtons for Ladies and Gentleme n The new moon will affect ' dinners from many lands i European Barbers Gowns and Hood s many groups in our society . l Dr . JOHN B . ROSEBOROUG H Seymour Ho( to on the Sixt h 4574 West 10th Avenu e Uniform s They must acct the challeng e or perish . Double breasted soil s 2130 Western Parkwa y Advertising men will be quick ! See a knit ht on his war h e TOTEM SHOE S medernizcd in the ne w to realize that we want ou r Behind the Canadian Ban k simile breasted styles . JUST ARRIVED . . . both in full amoun', a 1935 Lon cereal shot from satellites W e or Commerc e More White Bucks, Men' s taxicab, wander through the 1 demand satellite-to-shore radio , Matz and Wozn y Desert Boots and Casuals . University Boulevar d Oriental Baz :tan', have a cu p 1035 Seymour Stree t and little Johnny wants a spy Opposite Safeway Parkin g SPECIAL STUDENT RATE S Phone ALma 3980 548 Howe St . MArine 4715 Vancouver 2, B ~.'.in-the-sky suit . Al, 2',igl) .C . smooth Expresso Coffee i n I'.0 W . 147th Mother's mist he made awar e "sidewalk" se!e (6th floor) o r of the new approach in chil d motion pictures from different l a psychology . showing conliiluously in Auditor i Next time Jamie puts the gold- ; FAMOUS ENGLISH SHOE S "B" , fish in the toilet bowl tell hint ' Campus Barber Sho p the Red moon will get him . DESERT BOOTS, RUBBER S Conflicting reports have bee n received from people w v hn thin k they have seen the Russia n New Brock Extension Visit th e "goldmine in the sky ." If yo u NOR'TII ENTRANC E sighted it ()VC!' the r ;nnpus ye s UN ICRAF T International Trade Fair tents' it nun' have been a se a gull . 4607 West 10th Avenu e at the Bay, this week ! PAWL Van. Oyhg. To the "hem " oper ;tlur its jus t ~{ a Wei) ur the blue, Editor 's Note :—This is the first article in a series coverin g the various topics discussed at the Leadership Conference . Othe r articles, to be written by those who either conducted the grou p or felt most strongly about its problem, will follow . Here Are Reds Rais e Satellite Yankees Bea t Forum Gone Union Arises DENTIST . THE UBYSSEY Tuesday, October 8, 195 7 B y NEVA BIRD pits inn, and many pocket s orld Series Editor emptied as the Yankee fans pai d sense!" was the reply of for their overconfidence at th e itY officials when they game's end, muttering darkl y uestioned Monday morn- about Milwaukee annihilation i n cerniing the rumor that Wednesday ' s game . y Classes would be susBut Milwaukee fans are no t for the duration of the worried by threats . Supremel y epidemic . confident, they are clogging th e ugh the disease is highly entrances to Brock Hall, mone y Us," officials state d, in hand, looking for misguide d g ems to be no cause for New York fans . niversity officials ex the opinion that th e le has now reached its "Within a week," the y e disease will be unde r SPORTS EDITOR • • - • • • • • KEN WIEB E . . ELAINE UISSET T Women ' s Sport Representative . . Staff :- I .,ynu Clarke, Bert Davao, John Dressler, Peter Irvi n THIRD STRAIGHT ! 'Birds Phrateres T o But Improvin g Lose Gam e In the Evergreen Conference football opener at Tacoma , Ihlle more and more orld Series mani a n reported . Student s Brock in unprecedent on Monday morning, ere, for the first tim e story of Brock Hall , ignored . Several sa t side their male escorts , look interested . Fe w omplain . me carried into th e nds groped blindl y s, and sandwiches lently into gap the silence wa s muted snarls of o tad someho w h into wax pape r The p hrateres All-Phi pledg e party will be held on Octobe r 15 . During this week partie s will be held by the various sub chapters . Pledges will write tests o n October 16 and 17 for admittance to the organization . O n October 23 they will attend a formal pledging ceremony i n Brock Hall . At this ceremon y pledges will receive their pledg e pins . The final initiation ceremony will take place in January . Phrateres will hold All-Ph i meetings on the first Friday of every month throughout th e session . Saturday, Pacific Lutheran College Gladiators hold the UB C Thunderbirds scoreless in recording a 26-0 victory . It was not an easy win for th e Aiken dropped quarterback Bil l Lutes . The Birds played a hard dc - Melville's 26•yard pass in the fensive game, breaking up nu- I end zone . mercies PLC scoring threats, bu t were unable to get rolling on b1AJOR MISTAKE S the offence . Although the Birds playe d Jayvees fought hard but lost 39-0 . -COUNTRY try w114 hold thei r f the season thi s UBC this Saturda y lum at 10 :30 . • in the senior div and one-half mil e UBC and the Van- Michaet Sone Phot o WOMEN'S SPORT S SPLASH PART Y All women on campus are invited to attend the I .A .B . Splas h Party being held at Empire Poo l this Thursday from 12 .45 t o 1 .45 . The first intramural activit y of this year, the party will b e non-competitive and will featur e novelty races, water polo an d free swimming . NTIO N gers are urgent yone (male or ould like a job m into all th e es a hell of a teams, is urge d ad Coach Albert in the Memoria l couver Olympic Club . In th e Both members of organigatwo and one-half mile junio r lions competing in intramural s division the contestants will b e and women who have not ye t UBC, Vancouver Olympic Club , signed up for intramurals ar e and Western Sports Centre . welcome . A meeting of all intereste d in cross-country will be held in l ▪ * Room 211, War Memorial Gym- l nasium, at 12 :45 on T"ursday , GRASSHOCKE Y In the first women's grasshocOctober 10 . key game of the season on Satur * * * day Varsity beat UBC 3-0 . MANAGER S Libby Stokes scored two o f FOR 'BASKETBAL L the goals and Hilary Hale one . All student s interested in a I Miss Hale, team manager, sai d manager 's positio n in basketball, the standard of play of thes e —, . please be at Memorial Gym on Thursday, October' 10 at 12 :3 0 p .m . The meeting will be held on the gym floor . two UBC teams was better tha n had been expected . There wil l be no game this Saturday be cause of the Thanksgiving week end . MEN'S RULE S Practice for all prospectiv e team members on Wednesda y from 4 .30 to 6 .30 and on Frida y from 5 to 6 . * * * WANTED — Experience d Sr .- Key tab containing sh00, lost on Tuesday Istenographer requires part tim e ne Jacqueline, AL, work . Geed typing and short — hand speeds . Available ever y atfernoon except Tuesdays fro m - mot--cardiga n . AL . 3346-L . — Beige 1 .30, Call Shirley fl .Please return to Lost >r ELOISE STREET — Typin g — AL . 0655-R . From 12 noo n R BORROWED — on . No consultation charges . raincoat from Arts ZOOLOGY 105 — Hickman' s Cgnsnon Room . Find _feturn to Colleg e "Integrated Principles " . Als o dissecting set . Phone Gerry . CH . d Found . 5719 . One girl t o TYPING — Theses, essays , 'shed ' apartment onl y s from UBC . $35 pe r term papers, etc . Call Mrs . share expenses .! Grant . BA . 2671 . nd semary, KE . 9156 afte r ROOM AND BOARD --- A fe w . vacancies exist for students a t __ __.- . ._ . Ride from vicinthe Lambda Chi Alpha House , ED — . All meals an d 950 W . 18th Ave 29th and Earles Road 'i . $70 per month . lunches supplied way and Earles . Phone I . 8815 . Contact Wallace, CH , 2641 . FIRST BASKETBALL PRACTICE MEMORIAL GYM THURSDA Y First practice for the 1957-58 basketball season wil l be held at Memorial Cym on Thursday, October 10 a t 12 :30 p .m . All students who are interested in trying ou t for the Thunderbirds, Jayvees or Braves, please turn out . Jack Pomfret wil coach the Birds, and Peter Mullin s the Jayvees . BIG BLOCK CLU B Meeting of all Big and Smal l Block award winners Wednesday at 12 .30 in the Women' s Gym . * * * VOLLEYBALL MANAGE R W . A . D . is accepting applications for this position unti l Thursday at 4 p .m . Address letter to the AMS office, c/ o Secy . of W .A .D . In the scrambled words of a famou s CLASSIFIE D their hearts out, major mistake s contributed to their defeat . UB C George Hoar, just recovere d fumbled seven times and los t from the flu, played a tremend- the ball once . Two of their six ous defensive game as corne r teen pass attempts were interlinebacker . cepted, with three being com a So eager were the Birds fo r pleted for 16 yards . PLC meat that assistant coac h Several offside calls nullified Bobby Hindmarch, spotting fro m some of UBC's biggest gains . the stands, claimed 11 UBC me n Thunderbirds came out of Satwere in on one tackle . urday's game with four more in The Lutes, favored to wi n . Fullback Sandy Harvey , juries handily, managed only on e quarterback Jim Oliver, en d touchdown in the first half, an d Leagh Farrell and halfbac k it came as a result of a UB C Frank Tarling suffered pulle d fumble on their own five . tendons . PLC actually earned only on e Harvey, Farrell and Tarlin g of their touchdowns, marchin g have their knees in casts an d 57 yards in 11 plays late in th e will not see action for the res t third quarter with John Jacob of the season . son passing six yards to fullbac k Tommy Gilmer for the score . FLU AND INJURIES DEFENSIVE GAM E AROUND LEFT END for a touchdown in second quarter of Van College - UBC game goes Roy Cameron, (far right) . PUNT BLOCKED Right on the campus for your convenienc e UBC SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE Home Quality Petroleum Product s Friendly Servic e LUBRICATION — TOWING — REPAIR S 2180 Allison ALma 052 4 See the PLC's second touchdown cam e when linebacker Ron McAllisteh crashed through to block Bruc e McCallum's punt from the en d zone . Orson Christensen pounced on the ball just before i t reached the end line . UBC lost their chance to re cord their first score of the yea r and tie up the ball game in th e second quarter when Wayn e Six Birds who did not make the trip to Tacoma because of flu and injuries are Jackie Henwood, Oscar Kreutziger, Dune McInnes, Ian McDonald, Denn y Argue and Gordy Olafson . Thunderbirds meet CPS at UBC Stadium next Saturday . Although CPS is boasting th e biggest team in the Conference , Frank Gnup says will giv e them a battle . _ so. ne w provincial politicia n "Sam* let the, O.ela*" • UBC RAD I COLLEGE in the Brock SHO P Extensio n ANNOUNCES that due to a complete renovation and expansion of it s studios and services, broadcasting will not begin unti l October 15 . Starting next TUESDAY though, UBC RADIO wil l be on the air from 10 a .m . to 4 p .n' . daily with eigh t newscasts, three sportscasts and two market report s direct from the wires of Canadian Press, Associate d D — Riders from vi 12th and Alder, fo r 'ay through Saturday ' after 4 :30 p .m . Cal l ALE' — Botany 10 5 nd lab book . Phone , KE . 9156-R after 7 TON or Calgary b y lug Wednesday noo n rning Monday . Phon e tshy, LA . 1-8809 . TEAM — Boys inter turning out for th e if Team, meet in Roo m e Gym — Tuesday a t SEIOWING AT TH E Varsity Theatre Wear the ne w Varsity Esso Servic e Seymour at Pende r 10th and Blanc a 10th at Trimbl e ALma 0345 "Exclusive men's clothiers " "At the Esso Sign o f Confidence " Mon ., Tues ., Wed ., Oct . 7, 8, 9 Campus Shoe s The funniest movi e of the yea r Just three blocks from the gates . "Private's Progress " "Vancouver ' s larges t The film that is respectfull y dedicated to ail those %sh o got away with it . suburban shoe store " PLUS — Henry Fonda and Vera Mile s in Alfred Hitchcock' s ILur~ Belaloelt' an d Donaln , Dm .di irlg, , in " Island in the Sun " UBC Varsity Gril l R 2 monthly payments of $10 .5 0 Next to the Varsity Theatr e "Fast becoming the students ' favorite eating place" The First Official UBC Ti e BUY YOURS TODAY Arnold and Quigley, Clarke and Stuar t 540 Granvill e "Bet values i n Men's Clothing " BLAZE $15 .75 down , 550 Seymou r "For ccveything a studen t needs . "The Wrong Ma n October 10, 11 and 1 2 Be proud of your universit y the world's finest recorded music . Gibbard-Wadrow so R SALE — Goo d least' phone 'Mrs, D . 4262-\E . Press and Reuters News Agency . A wide variety o f The COLLEGE SHO P NEW BROCK EXTENSIO N ubc radi o OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDA Y WITH 5000 LISTENERS DAIL Y 11 :30 to 2 :30
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