From Problem to Product - UBC Engineering


From Problem to Product - UBC Engineering
Facult y oF applied Science engineering newS / Fall 2010 / winter 2011
FroM proBLeM To proDucT
Although “peak oil” dominates the news
as the most critical challenge we face in
the 21st century, phosphorus depletion
will have a catastrophic effect on the
world’s food supply.
an epic journey
Discover how a team of UBC Engineering
students went from concept to Nova Scotia
with their e-car.
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Dean’s Message
Photo Credit: Janis Franklin
“A theme of innovation,
entrepreneurship and
leadership emerges. One goal
brings it all together—effecting
positive change in our world.
One word comes to mind—
Dean Tyseer Aboulnasr
As you read through these pages of Ingenuity, you will see many reasons to be proud
of our UBC Engineering community. Threaded throughout, a theme of innovation,
entrepreneurship and leadership emerges. One goal brings it all together—effecting
positive change in our world. One word comes to mind—trailblazers.
From our first female student, who persevered to achieve her degree, to our faculty,
who discover solutions to critical challenges facing society, to our successful alumni
paying it forward—each has worked tirelessly to clear a path so that the going may
be easier and the future may be brighter for those who follow. These trailblazers have
enabled a journey for the next generation to make a greater difference in our world.
Our record of contributions at UBC Engineering is impressive. We cannot
recognize each and every one of our alumni, students and professors who has made
a difference, but we hope to honour all as we recognize a few. Last year featured
our first Engineering Excellence Celebration, where we indeed set the standards
high for a fun evening, a break from our daily routines, to shine the spotlight on a
select few of our alumni who reflect the enormous contributions of UBC engineers
to various aspects of our lives, and to welcome our graduating students to the
UBC alumni community. By all counts, the celebration was a smashing success.
I sincerely hope you can join us this year for a fun evening, to reminisce about
engineering traditions and recognize engineering contributions. Watch for detailed
information early in the new year.
I continue to be overwhelmed by and grateful for the continued engagement and
support of our alumni. I would love to hear your feedback, advice and suggestions.
Please feel free to email me at [email protected].
Tyseer Aboulnasr, P. Eng.
Dean, Faculty of Applied Science
To view past issues of Ingenuity, visit:
on The cover
Struvite—also known as magnesium-ammonium-phosphate—
clogs wastewater pipes. Yet it also provides a sustainable source
for the vital nutrient phosphorus; mined reserves of phosphorus
are rapidly being depleted.
Photo by: Martin Dee
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INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
11-01-07 4:41 PM
I N G E N U I T Y / FA L L 2 0 1 0 / W I N T E R 2 0 1 1
is published by the Faculty of Applied Science,
The University of British Columbia.
ErinRose Handy
Communications Manager
Email: [email protected]
Heather Amos
Wendy Barthel
Lorraine Chan
Lauren Chang
Tracey Charette
Sherry Green
Anne McCulloch
Jeannie Scarfe
Although “peak oil” dominates the news as the most critical challenge we
face in the 21st century, phosphorus depletion will have a catastrophic effect
on the world’s food supply.
Departments and Programs
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering Physics
Environmental Engineering
Geological Engineering
Integrated Engineering
Materials Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mining Engineering
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Office of the Dean
Centre for Instructional Support
Centre for Professional Skills Development
Development and Alumni Relations
Engineering Co-op Office
An Epic Journey
Discover how a team of UBC Engineering students went from concept to
Nova Scotia with their e-car.
From Problem to Product
Building Safer Roads
Learn how UBC road safety experts use video surveillance to design
safer highways and intersections.
Get the scoop on new learning initiatives and new business ventures.
Learn how research will benefit Canadian industry and how our people are
recognized for making a difference in society.
From 1917 Vancouver to 2011 Tanzania, learn how UBC engineers make a
difference in our world.
C E N T R E S A N D L A B O R ATO R I E S , I N C LU D I N G :
Advanced Materials and Process Engineering
Laboratory (AMPEL)
Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC)
Institute for Computing, Information and
Cognitive Systems (ICICS)
Michael Smith Laboratories
Pulp and Paper Centre
UBC Faculty of Applied Science
5000 – 2332 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Friends, food and festivities–UBC Engineers know how to have fun! Enjoy the recap
of recent reunions and events. And please take a few moments to nominate an alum
for one of our newly established achievement awards (see p. 22 for details).
Reunions are but one way to reconnect with classmates and your alma mater.
Discover upcoming events open to alumni and the public.
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INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
70423_p03_fsc.indd 1
Printed in BC, Canada, on a Forest Stewardship Council certified paper that is 100%
recycled. A total of 183 kilograms of greenhouse gases (GHGs) were emittted during the
transportation of the paper. These GHG emissions together with GHGs emitted during the
printing process of Ingenuity will be offset through investments in energy efficiency and
non-fossil fuel technologies.
25 trees preserved for the future.
72 lbs water-borne waste not created.
10,591 gal wastewater flow saved.
1,172 lbs solid waste not generated.
2,307 lbs net greenhouse gases prevented.
17,659,600 BTUs energy not consumed.
1/10/11 12:32:55 PM
F e at U r e
Ten years ago, the Greater
Vancouver Regional District
(now known as Metro Vancouver)
brought UBC Civil Engineering
Professor Don Mavinic a costly
maintenance problem—wastewatertreatment pipes clogged with a crusty
sludge. At the time, he had no idea the
pipe held the basis for a solution to one
of the world’s most critical challenges—
phosphorus depletion.
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INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
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F e at U r e
Photo Credit: Martin dee
Ostara’s Pearl® Nutrient
Recovery Process recovers
otherwise polluting nutrients
such as phosphorus and
ammonia from wastewater
and transforms them into
an environmentally friendly
fertilizer called Crystal Green®.
Although “peak oil” dominates the news as the most
critical challenge we face in the 21st century, phosphorus depletion will have a catastrophic effect on
the world’s food supply. Mined sources of high-quality
phosphorus, an essential nutrient for plants and animals
(the “P” in NPK fertilizer), are predicted to run out in
the next 30 to 40 years.
“I’m not concerned about peak oil,” says Mavinic.
“There are alternative forms of energy. But there is
no alternative to phosphorus. Life—our life—depends
upon it.”
In his quest to solve Metro Vancouver’s costly
problem, Mavinic performed a chemical analysis
and found that the crusty sludge was composed of
MgNH4PO4· 6H2O, or magnesium-ammoniumphosphate, known as the mineral struvite.
At about the same time, Mavinic received funding
from BC Hydro’s Strategic Environmental Initiatives
Program (SEIP) and, along with Research Associate
Fred Koch and BC Fisheries researcher (and former
grad student) Ken Ashley (MASc ‘89, PhD ‘02), began
investigating sustainable sources of phosphorus to
restore degraded productivity in hydro-influenced
rivers, lakes and reservoirs in British Columbia.
Because reservoirs fluctuate widely in elevation, they
lose their near-shore insect production due to freezing and desiccation, trap nutrients and block salmon
migration, which are natural sources of phosphorus.
Consequently, hydro projects that involve reservoir
formation and river damming mean that many reservoirs, rivers and lakes eventually become depleted
in phosphorus and require nutrient replacement to
support the natural diversity and abundance of aquatic
life, and terrestrial food webs via salmon carcassscavenger linkages.
The convergence of these two challenges aligned
a source and a need, which led to the discovery of an
innovative system for recovering and recycling phosphorus from wastewater.
“I didn’t know much about these chemical reactions
at the beginning. It took a team of us to figure it out,”
says Mavinic. “I called on Professors John Grace from
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F e at U r e
Photo Credit: Martin dee
Professor Don Mavinic (left)
and Fred Koch show two forms
of struvite—problematically
clogging a pipe (right) and as a
useful fertilizer (left) recovered
from wastewater using the
process they discovered.
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UBC Chemical and Biological Engineering and Noboru
Yonemitsu from Civil Engineering to draw on their
expertise as we developed a fluidized bed reactor to
extract phosphorus from wastewater.”
In their system, wastewater pumps upward from the
base of the reactor, which looks like a stack of four giant
kitchen funnels (see illustration on facing page). It agitates
by in situ turbulent mixing and “struvite crystals magically
form,” says Mavinic.
A self-admitted tinkerer with a childlike curiosity,
Mavinic constantly questioned the design along the
way: “What if we add another chamber here? How
will that effect the mixing and pH balance?”
In the final design, a bit of magnesium chloride and
sodium hydroxide added to the mix helps optimize
the process. Small pearl-like struvite pellets suitable
for agricultural applications float, while larger pellets,
desired by BC Hydro and BC Fisheries, sink to the
bottom of the reactor.
In 2003, the research team began working with
UBC’s University-Industry Liaison Office and filed a
patent with Mavinic, Koch and Yonemitsu, along with
graduate student Ahren Britton, named as inventors.
In May 2005, a UBC spinoff company was formed.
Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies Inc. commercialized the technology through its Pearl® Nutrient
Recovery Process. Pearl reactors have been piloted at
wastewater treatment plants across North America
and used in trials across the globe. A single reactor can
produce more than 500 kilograms a day of high-quality
Crystal Green®, the fertilizer marketed by Ostara.
“Plants love it,” says Mavinic. “It’s ideal in that it sits on
or in the soil until plants need it. Then they drink it in.”
The slow-release nature of the pellet fertilizer virtually
eliminates runoff of phosphorus into the water system,
providing a fertilizer that is environmentally friendly
both in terms of how it is created and its impact.
Removing phosphorus from wastewater can also
prevent environmental catastrophes. An overabundance of phosphorus causes algae blooms in lakes,
streams and oceans, depleting the oxygen supply and
killing aquatic life.
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
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F e at U r e
“It’s a fundamental shift in how we view waste,” says Mavinic.
“It’s not a problem, it’s a resource. It’s a plethora of possibilities.”
“Balance is the key,” explains Mavinic. “Phosphorus
is essential for life, including aquatic ecosystems, but
too much will choke water life. That’s why it’s called a
‘limiting nutrient.’”
For wastewater-treatment plants, struvite encrustation has traditionally been a costly nuisance. But
thanks to the implementation of the UBC-generated
technology, the Pearl Nutrient Recovery Process saves
wastewater-treatment plants about $100,000 a year
in cleanup costs.
This past fall, Mavinic received two major national
innovation awards: the Ernest C. Manning Awards
Foundation’s Dave Mitchell Award of Distinction;
and, with industry partners Ostara, EPCOR Water
Services Inc., Metro Vancouver, Stantec Inc. and Clean
Water Services, the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC)’s 2010 Synergy
Award, for trailblazing research that led to industry
partnerships and economic development.
The research has formed the basis for more than 15
master’s and three PhD theses over the past decade.
The support of BC Hydro, NSERC, Metro Vancouver,
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
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Stantec and Ostara has been crucial to the development of the technology, along with the support of
numerous municipalities, including Penticton, Metro
Vancouver, the City of Edmonton and Clean Water
Services from Oregon for providing testing environments for the reactors supporting the development
of the technology.
Mavinic feels that this is only the beginning of what’s
possible for phosphorus recovery. Livestock—which
excretes 18 to 20 times as much phosphorus in waste
as humans—presents a greater untapped resource.
Along with UBC Civil Engineering Professor Victor Lo
and colleagues in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems,
the team is testing peroxide microwave technology,
which removes nutrients and sequesters valuable carbon (available for methane production) from pig and
dairy waste. The patent-pending microwave technology
is also licensed to Ostara. ”It’s a fundamental shift in
how we view waste,” says Mavinic. “It’s not a problem,
it’s a resource. It’s a plethora of possibilities.”
Global access to struvite
Under the direction of Civil
Engineering Professors Don
Mavinic and Jim Atwater,
Elizabeth Tilley investigated
urine separation and struvite
recovery for use as a fertilizer
as her master’s thesis. As a
UBC Bridge Program Fellow,
she completed an internship at
the Swiss Federal Institute of
Aquatic Science and Technology
(Eawag), where she stayed
on as a researcher focused on
developing countries.
At Eawag, Tilley was
instrumental in setting up a
struvite pilot plant (based partly
on UBC research discoveries)
in Nepal that allowed villagers
to produce fertilizer locally.
Now undertaking a PhD in
Switzerland, Tilley will work
in Durban, South Africa, on
a project funded by the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation.
There she will investigate the
economic aspects related to
the production of struvite from
urine. Tilley and Mavinic plan on
future collaboration to provide
the developing world with
access to valuable fertilizer.
11-01-07 4:41 PM
F e at U r e
After the grueling Coquihalla
Highway, the Prairies proved
to be a breeze for UBC Electric
Car Club.
an epic journey
UBC Electric Car Club crosses Canada.
Photo Credit: riCkY GU
Facing dismal summer job prospects in 2009, a group
of UBC Engineering students put their talents to work,
hoping to gain the all-important “hands-on” experience.
Their idea—build their own electric vehicle.
“We’re starting to realize what impact fossil-fuel
vehicles have,” says fourth-year ECE student Ricky Gu,
president of and key driver behind the UBC Electric Car
Club (UBCECC). The UBCECC sees pollution reduction
as the key benefit of electrical vehicles (EVs), lauding
the EV system as being “so simple and elegant and
green.” Motivated to make a difference, club members
were put in touch with Mining Engineering Professor
John Meech, an expert in process controls. Meech
enthusiastically took on an advisory role and was able
to join UBCECC under the UBC Thunderbird Robotics
club umbrella.
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With funds from the UBC Engineering Professional
Activities Fund, the UBCECC bought a 1972 Volkswagen
Beetle to convert—“UBC engineers have a quite a
reputation for hanging VW Beetles off bridges, and we
thought it would be kind of neat to drive one across for
a change,” says Meech, smiling. Initially the team was
composed of Electrical Engineering students, but
interest grew and the club soon included Mechanical
Engineering, Integrated Engineering, Engineering
Physics and even Engineering graduate students.
By November 2009, the club had its car—the
“E-Beetle”—purring around Vancouver, connecting
with local EV associations. But the UBCECC’s ultimate
goal was to enter the Zero Emissions Race, to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on its own electricity. To
participate, the car needed over 10,000 kilometres of
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MaP CoUrtesY: GooGle MaPs, Photo Credit: riCkY GU
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
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vehicle, a range of 300 km at 100 km/h and 500 km at
50 km/h. Their 6,472-kilometres feat was so successful
that media in Canada, the United States, the United
Kingdom, Switzerland, China and Germany covered
the story. Their next goal is to “Circuit the Continent
Electrically—90 North American Cities in 90 Days.”
Gu attributes their success to “never giving up” and
to the incredible support the UBCECC continues to
receive from UBC’s President’s Office, Vice President
of Finance Office and Faculty of Applied Science, as
well as from private donors and sponsors. Meech
credits the team as an “amazing group of people, to
work together and coordinate the trip.” He also credits
the team’s success to contributions from alumni–Bill
Chyplyk (BASc ‘70 Electrical Engineering) and Curtis
Lapadat (BASc ‘90 Engineering Physics). Both exemplify
what “giving back” is all about and have been untiring
in their time and direct assistance in solving technical
issues and contributing in-kind support.
When asked what it feels like to drive an EV, Gu
lights up and says, “You get something called an EV
grin”—the joyous expression of EV drivers, knowing
their vehicle isn’t burning fossil fuel.
UBCECC’s 2010 journey across
Canada including a stop in
front of the Parliament Building
in Ottawa.
Photo Credit: Martin dee
testing under its belt. The UBCECC mapped out a trip
from Vancouver to Halifax—the vast country giving
them ample ground to test the E-Beetle’s mettle—and
from Halifax planned to ship the car to Switzerland in
time for the race. However, one month into planning,
the race was called off (later to be reinstated but too
late for UBCECC). Undeterred, they decided to go
ahead with a cross-country trek. Gu had felt confident,
saying, “We built the car pretty much from scratch, so if
anything did go wrong, we could fix it.”
With 96 lithium iron phosphate batteries donated
by Thundersky Batteries, and a three-phase AC induction motor, the E-Beetle was supported remotely by
a core team of six members. Their first hurdle would
be the demanding Coquihalla Highway, with its steep
elevation the most challenging stretch of highway on
the entire cross-country trek; the E-Beetle completed
this leg of its trip with juice to spare.
No epic journey is without trials—an incorrect
charging harness resulted in a 50-percent increase in
charging times, requiring a fix in Toronto; they were
delayed two days in Montreal waiting for Hurricane
Earl to pass; and a loose bolt resulted in the drive shaft
nearly falling off outside Quebec City.
In 14 days, using existing infrastructure, the E-Beetle
completed the first ever cross-Canada trip in an electric
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F e at U r e
Photo Credit: Martin dee
Road safety expert
Professor Tarek Sayed
BuiLDinG SaFer roaDS
Video analysis can help traffic planners
learn lessons from bad drivers.
Close calls on the road can do more than just smarten
up bad drivers. UBC Civil Engineering Professor and
road safety expert Tarek Sayed has devised a way to
automatically track and analyze near misses, using
the findings to improve highway operations and traffic
design and ultimately reduce the number and severity
of crashes.
“This is a new technique which we first developed
at UBC, that is currently being applied in several
projects worldwide,” says Sayed.
Sayed is currently running pilot projects of the
“computer vision and automated safety analysis” in
Vancouver, Edmonton, Penticton, Calgary, Cairo and
Kuwait City.
The upfront investment for the video monitoring is
low—only $300 for an ordinary digital video camera
mounted on a pole. The camera records motorists for
one to three days, depending on traffic volume.
Sayed then analyzes the video data using a software
program and analytical techniques he developed with
research associate Nicolas Saunier (now Assistant
Professor at École Polytechnique de Montréal)
and graduate student Karim Ismail (now Assistant
Professor at Carleton University). The program’s
algorithms isolate types of potential collisions and
their degrees of severity.
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“We also use traffic-conflict techniques to better
understand the split-second responses and behaviour
of drivers during conflicts,” he says.
Partnering cities have embraced this innovation, says
Sayed. “The biggest advantage of video recording and
automated analysis is that it reduces the amount of time
required to collect data from years to mere days.” Roadimprovement programs have traditionally evaluated
collisions over a period of two to three years, using
records from police reports and insurance claims. In
some cases, accident statistics would be supplemented
by human observers hired and trained to record and
evaluate the frequency and type of traffic conflicts.
“Historical collision data and human observation are
not always reliable or available,” says Sayed. “In contrast, video sensors provide rich, detailed, inexpensive
and permanent observations of traffic scenes.”
He adds that with such robust and precise data,
decision makers can then more easily set priorities for
highway improvements or design changes. “It’s possible
to assign an average cost per incident and evaluate the
safety benefits.”
For example, after seeing Sayed’s data, the city of
Edmonton installed a right-turn traffic light at the
Yellowhead/Victoria Trail intersection, one of its top
crash-prone locations, and saw the number of collisions
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F e at U r e
“The biggest advantage of using video recording and
automated analysis is that it reduces the amount of time
required to collect data from years to mere days.”
Photo Credit: JodY JaCobs
A new breed of road engineers
drop by 95 percent. And in Oakland, California, Sayed
evaluated motion patterns for “pedestrian scramble,”
a mode that halts traffic in all four directions to allow
pedestrians to cross an intersection, and found that
there were significantly fewer potential conflicts after
the scramble was created.
In 2003, in anticipation of the 2010 Olympic Games,
the B.C. Ministry of Transportation enlisted Sayed’s
help in choosing the safest designs for the redevelopment of the scenic Sea-to-Sky Highway between
Vancouver and Whistler—a road notorious for its rocky,
steep and mountainous topography. “Compared with
the old Sea-to-Sky highway, the new design has been
able to reduce accidents by 50 percent.”
“Forgiving and caring highways” may sound
fanciful, but Sayed argues that building roads
that anticipate and prevent accidents is a smart
way to go.
Worldwide, car accidents claim 1.3 million
lives each year. Annually, car accidents cost the
Canadian economy five percent of the GDP, or $62
billion. Moreover, 95 percent of car crashes are
attributed to driver error.
“I’m not saying that we should ignore bad driving,” says Sayed, “but road-safety countermeasures are a cost-effective solution that can save
lives and money.”
He explains that current standards guiding
highway design and planning stem from the 1950s,
when mobility and standardization, rather than
safety evaluation, were priorities. But Sayed says
UBC “is doing very well in this area” by helping
to nudge standards into a new direction; having
supervised more than 50 graduate students,
Sayed is producing a new breed of engineers keen
to build “smart” roads.
Civil Engineering Professor Gordon Lovegrove,
one of Sayed’s former students, has set up a
sustainable road-safety lab at UBC’s Okanagan
Source: UBC Reports, November 2010
Source: UBC Reports, November 2010
Figure 1
A sample of an automatically
detected rear-end collision
before improvement to the
intersection of Yellowhead/
Victoria Trail, Edmonton
(Courtesy of Tarek Sayed)
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
Ingenuity_Winter2010_working.indd 11
Figure 2
A sample of automatically
detected pedestrian-vehicle
conflict in a before-and-after
safety study of a pedestrian
scramble phase in California
(Source: Ismail, Sayed and
Saunier , 2010)
Figure 3:
Automatic analysis of
pedestrian-vehicle conflicts in
downtown Vancouver (Source:
Ismail, Sayed and Saunier,
11-01-07 4:41 PM
Media Top Hits
The news items in this section represent a portion
of UBC Engineering’s recent media coverage. For
a complete listing, visit the News & Events section
Photo Credit: JodY JaCob
BETTEr TraffIc sYsTEms rEdUcE accIdENTs, promoTE sUsTaINaBIlITY
Civil Engineering Professor Gordon Lovegrove,
who researches sustainable road safety, says
that a critical mass of cyclists is key to a
significant and sustainable change in road
safety for motorists and cyclists.
Once there is a critical mass of bicycles,
drivers become more aware of cyclists as
road users and change their driving habits
accordingly, explains Lovegrove.
Lovegrove will open a sustainable roadsafety research lab at UBC’s Okanagan campus in September 2011. It will be the first of
its kind in the world, and he hopes research
from the lab will be used by city planners
and engineers to build safer and more sustainable communities.
INNovaTIvE proGrammING sUpporTs ThE
As more students flock to the field of engineering, universities across the country
are advancing the concept of the “global
Ingenuity_Winter2010_working.indd 12
engineer” and broadening the educational
experience, offering courses in areas such as
finance or entrepreneurial studies.
At UBC, a campus-wide initiative called
entrepreneurship@UBC was dreamed up to
inspire and support young entrepreneurs,
and engineers can partake in this innovative
fervour by enrolling in the New Venture Design
course (APSc 486), which gives them the
skills—from writing a business plan to doing
market research—to start their own enterprise.
One former student in the course, Winnie
Lai (BASc’10), co-founded Clinicbook before
she finished her degree in engineering physics last spring. The website helps Canadians
find health care through a universal directory;
Lai is currently developing an online booking
system for dental appointments.
UBC offers other unique engineering programs, such as the Master’s of Engineering
in Clean Energy Engineering.
safETY ExpErT spEaks oN mINE rEscUE
Throughout the fall, Mining Engineering
Professor Rimas Pakalnis spoke with media
about the rescue of trapped workers in the
mine collapse in Chile. A 700-meter-deep
hole was drilled to allow a rescue capsule
to be lowered to the miners and bring the
men back to the surface. The miners were
successfully rescued in October, after being
trapped underground for 69 days.
Pakalnis has been advocating for much
stronger mine-safety standards in South
America and Asia for years. He says a mine
disaster like the one that happened in Chile
is unlikely to happen in Canada. BC has very
high safety standards that would make it
unlikely for anything like the mine disaster
that happened in Chile to happen here.
aNTarcTIc roBoT GoEs whErE oThErs
doN’T darE
A high-tech underwater robot built by UBC
researchers is now surveying ice-covered
ocean regions in Antarctica. The mission
looks at the effect of ice shelves on the mixing
of sea water.
Two PhD candidates from UBC’s
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle and Fluid
Mechanics research group within Civil
Engineering are in Antarctica to operate
the bot. Andrew Hamilton, one of the PhD
students, says the data collected will provide
valuable information from uncharted parts
of the ocean to climate modellers.
“These deployments are expected to
return important data from largely uncharted
ocean environments,” says Hamilton.
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
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Building entrepreneurship networks
Plug and Play, the first major event for the recently
launched entrepreneurship@UBC initiative, proved
beneficial for recent UBC entrepreneurs. Six companies
founded by UBC student and alumni entrepreneurs
presented their businesses to a panel of venture capitalists and distinguished UBC alumni in Silicon Valley
on August 31, 2010.
The companies joined UBC President Stephen
Toope, Deans Tyseer Aboulnasr (Applied Science)
and Daniel Muzyka (Sauder School of Business) and
University-Industry Liaison Office Managing Director
Angus Livingstone at the event, which was held at the
Plug and Play Tech Center in Sunnyvale, California.
Fifty-four UBC student and alumni companies applied
to take part in the event. Approximately half were
founded by students and half by alumni who graduated
since 2007.
“The number and outstanding quality of the applications is a reflection of the creativity and resourcefulness
we have come to expect from UBC students and alumni,”
said Professor Toope. “We are delighted to facilitate
opportunities for UBC entrepreneurs to advance innovations that impact local and global communities.”
Four of the six companies that attended were
founded by engineering students or alumni.
Aeos Biomedical, based on a business idea generated by Colin O’Neill (BASc ’10, IGEN), Wylie Spencer
(BCom ’10) and Nicolas Seto (BCom ’10) as students,
presented the company’s primary product, Target
Tape, which increases accuracy in medical applications
ranging from thoracic to plastic surgeries.
Clinicbook, founded by Winnie Lai (BASc ’10,
ENPH) and Robin McFee (fourth-year ECE student)
and Joel Matsumoto (BSc ’10), offers a pain-free
path to health care, with online booking and “live wait
times” for walk-in clinics.
Dragonfly Instruments, created by engineering
students Lin Watt (CHBE) and Tagg Jefferson (IGEN),
has developed an innovative on-site water-testing
device for environmental field technicians to achieve
lab-quality test results in minutes rather than weeks.
Veridae Systems, founded by Bradley Quinton (PhD
’08, ECE), vastly reduces the time it takes engineers to
get their microchip designs to production.
UBC entrepreneurs received valuable feedback on
their ventures and presentations, networked with
alumni and experienced the entrepreneurial energy
and lifestyle of Silicon Valley.
“We were able to experience the vibe of the entrepreneurial community. Being exposed to that type of
startup culture is invaluable to entrepreneurs,” said
Winnie Lai, Clinicbook co-founder. “UBC is clearly
putting the effort into cultivating a similar community in Vancouver that fuels innovation and bridges
resourceful networks.”
UBC engineering announces its first annual
high school engineering competition
Start the creative juices flowing—UBC Engineering is introducing its first ever High School Engineering Competition.
The competition, slated to take place in spring 2011, will
test high school students’ problem solving and design
skills and will reward creativity and vision.
The purpose of the competition is to give students the
opportunity to demonstrate their math and science skills
while exploring the many interesting facets of the field of
engineering. The competition, much like a triathlon, will
comprise three parts; teams of three to five members will
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
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compete in each part. With junior and senior levels, high
school students of all ages will be eligible to compete.
A multidisciplinary group of UBC Engineering faculty
convened to design the challenge components, which
consist of a problem-solving challenge, a programming
challenge and a poster-design challenge. For students
unable to attend the competition at UBC, there will be
an additional competition element, giving students the
chance to enter a design challenge by submitting a video
of their solution. This will allow students from afar to
compete as well. The competition will be held annually
and funded through support from donors and sponsors.
To sign up to receive more information, please visit
11-01-07 4:41 PM
Clean-energy researcher wins
NSERC Innovation Challenge Award
Dr. Alfred Lam receiving his
award from the Honourable
Gary Goodyear, minister of state
for science and technology, at
the NSERC awards ceremony in
Alfred Lam (PhD ’09, CHBE), a member of UBC’s Clean
Energy Research Centre (CERC), was awarded an NSERC
Innovation Challenge Award this fall. The award honours
graduate students who have demonstrated an entrepreneurial spirit and have identified a commercial application
for their thesis research results.
Lam and his PhD supervisor, Professor David Wilkinson,
CERC director, have developed a membraneless direct
methanol fuel cell (DMFC) power system that is expected
to deliver industry-leading energy density, extended
run-time and instantaneous “off-grid” recharging
capability through a simple fuel-cartridge replacement.
A patent on the system is pending.
“The introduction of next-generation portable
electronic devices is severely limited by the reduced
run time between recharges,” says Lam. “With power
demand outpacing advancements in traditional battery
technology, device manufacturers are aggressively
pursuing advanced power systems capable of providing
greater on-board energy and recharging speed.”
The novel design simplifies the conventional DMFC
architecture though the implementation of a 3-D electrode and replaces the polymer electrolyte membrane
(PEM), a standard in DMFC design for over 25 years,
with a liquid electrolyte and an open spacer made from
simple “off the shelf” materials. This approach, along
with an integrated method of power control, possesses
significant competitive advantages not possible with
conventional PEM-based design and represents a
significant advancement towards a cost-effective fuel
cell for the next generation of portable devices.
Researcher receives funding to develop
green engines
Professor Steven Rogak
explains his fuel injector
research to Andrew Saxton,
Member of Parliament for
North Vancouver
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Thanks to the Automotive Partnership Canada (APC)
program, UBC Mechanical Engineering Professor
Steven Rogak will lead a program to develop ultralow-emission natural-gas engines with industrial
partner Westport Innovations Inc. Cash and in-kind
contributions from APC and Westport will total $1.1
million over five years.
“Our goal is to develop a fuel injector that will make
natural-gas engines competitive with diesel engines by
eliminating dangerous particulate emissions without
sacrificing efficiency or adding cost,” said Rogak, associate director of the UBC Clean Energy Research Centre.
Partnering with UBC on this initiative, Westport—a
Vancouver-based, UBC spinoff company—will match
federal funding and provide essential in-kind contributions. Westport, co-founded by UBC Mechanical
Engineering Professor Philip Hill, develops technologies
that enable vehicles to operate on clean-burning
alternative fuels.
The prototype fuel injector leverages Westport’s
high-pressure direct injection technology, enabling
heavy-duty diesel engines to run primarily on natural
gas while retaining the advantages of diesel engines—
reliability and high thermodynamic efficiency.
“Natural gas has the potential to reduce greenhousegas emissions by more than 20 percent, compared
with conventional engines,” said Rogak. “But until our
society places a higher price on carbon emissions, it is
essential that the cleaner engine technology be able
to compete with the incumbent technology on cost
and performance.”
Prototyping a fuel injector involves a large number of
high-precision parts, such as gas-tight sliding needle
valves and nozzles, which include an array of injection holes less than half a millimetre in diameter. The
timing and duration of injections must be controlled
to within approximately 50 microseconds to provide
accurate results.
To evaluate fuel-injector prototypes, Rogak tests
gaseous emissions with the single-cylinder research
engine (SCRE). The SCRE—with its engine, compressors and controls—represents more than $1 million of
infrastructure and costs more than $80,000 per year
to operate, due to its sophisticated instrumentation
and technician costs.
One benefit of the project thus far has been the
development of the injector visualization chamber,
which can determine injector flow and spray characteristics at realistic fuel and background pressures.
Automotive Partnership Canada is a five-year, $145
million federal initiative to support collaborative
research and development to drive the Canadian
automotive industry to greater levels of innovation.
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
11-01-07 4:42 PM
New award shines spotlight on exceptional
high school teachers
The UBC Faculty of Applied Science is launching a new
way to recognize teachers for going above and beyond
their in-class duties with the first annual McEwen
Family Teacher Recognition Award. Throughout the
fall, UBC Engineering students nominated high school
teachers who supported them in overcoming obstacles
to reach their potential as university students and
aspiring global citizens.
The award was established through a $36,750
donation by Vancouver biomedical engineer Jim
McEwen (BASc ’71, PhD ‘75), who believes strongly
in the importance of celebrating our teachers—the
unsung heroes of our communities.
“The intent of the award is to shine the spotlight
on teachers who resolutely help students from all
backgrounds discover their talents and rise above
challenging life circumstances to succeed,” said McEwen.
“Nominating a teacher is a way for engineering students to reflect back on their life journey so far and
demonstrate their appreciation for their supporters by
paying it forward.”
The winner of the McEwen Family Teacher Recognition
Award will receive $5,000 to spend on school enrichment activities, programs or development. The teacher
will also be asked to nominate a high school student to
receive a $5,000 scholarship to attend UBC. The engineering student who nominated the winning teacher
will receive $250 in recognition of his or her efforts.
UBC Engineering will celebrate the winning teacher
and student nominator at the annual Engineering
Excellence Celebration, March 18, 2011.
Mining alumni create the John “Blue”
Evans Student Enrichment Fund
The John “Blue” Evans Student
Enrichment Fund will support
priority student initiatives, such
as conference participation,
clubs, field trips, and teaching
facility upgrades and supplies, in
the Norman B. Keevil Institute of
Mining Engineering at UBC.
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Mining Engineering alumni from the 1970s came
together to honour former department head John “Blue”
Evans and contributed nearly $120,000 to create
the John “Blue” Evans Student Enrichment Fund. The
fund will support priority student initiatives, such as
conference participation, clubs, field trips, and teaching
facility upgrades and supplies in the Norman B. Keevil
Institute of Mining Engineering at UBC.
Blue’s former students wanted to honour his many
contributions to their professional and personal
lives. Blue imparted practical advice to his students
about the important issues they faced—selecting
a program, courses and internships, getting good
grades and scholarships, balancing studies and life,
and approaching it all with vision and integrity. He
guided his students in their transition from teenagers to professional engineers.
“Blue was a great teacher, mentor, supporter and role
model for young adults aspiring to become engineers.
He put so many on a trajectory for a successful
career,” says Alf Hills (BASc ’77), who led the fundraising efforts together with Bill Weymark (BASc ‘77).
“Blue’s students felt very strongly that we give something meaningful back to the Mining Engineering
department that represents what he stood for, and
serves as an example for future mining classes.”
On behalf of current mining students, the Norman
B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering wishes
to extend its sincere appreciation to Blue’s former
students for establishing the fund and contributing
generously to support valuable student-enrichment
initiatives for years to come.
11-01-07 4:42 PM
Awards & Achievements
Chemical and Biological Engineering Professor
John Grace received the Meritorious
Achievement Award from the Association
of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists
of B.C.
Chemical and Biological Engineering Professor
Ezra kwok received the Technical Chapter
Chair Award from IEEE Vancouver.
Civil Engineering Professor don mavinic
received the Dave Mitchell Award of
Distinction from the Ernest C. Manning
Awards Foundation and an NSERC Synergy
Award for Innovation.
Civil Engineering Professor Tarek sayed
received the Award of Academic Merit from
the Transportation Association of Canada.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor
and Dean Tyseer aboulnasr has been named
one of the 100 Most Influential Women in
B.C. by the Vancouver Sun.
Geological Engineering Professor oldrich
hungr received the Meritorious Achievement
Award from the Association of Professional
Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C.
Mechanical Engineering Professor antony
hodgson received the Award for Teaching
Excellence from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C.
Materials Engineering Associate Professor
akram alfantazi received the UBC Killam
Award for Excellence in Mentoring.
Mechanical Engineering Professor Bud
homsy received an Honorary Degree from
the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse,
Materials Engineering Professor frank ko
received an Honorary Fellowship from The
Textile Institute.
Materials Engineering Professor matthais
militzer received the Henry Marion Howe
Medal from ASM International.
Materials Engineering Professor Tom Troczynski, his research team, Clayburn Refractories and Teck Metals have been highlighted
by NSERC as an example of the benefits of
industry partnering with university researchers.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor
Emeritus Ian cumming has been named a
Fellow of the IEEE.
Mechanical Engineering Professor Yusuf altintas received the R.A. McLachlan Memorial
Award from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. and has been
named Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor
Guy dumont has been chosen as a Distinguished Scholar in Residence by the UBC
Peter Wall Institute.
Mechanical Engineering Professor Elizabeth
croft has been appointed the NSERC Chair
for Women in Science and Engineering, B.C.
and Yukon Region.
Mechanical Engineering Manager of Undergraduate Affairs and Special Projects Jennifer
pelletier received a UBC President’s Staff
Award of Excellence.
Mining Engineering Professor Emeritus
Janusz laskowski received the Antoine M.
Gaudin Award from the Society for Mining,
Metallurgy and Exploration (SME).
Mining Engineering Associate Professor
rimas pakalnis has been selected as a distinguished lecturer for the Society for Mining,
Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Henry
Krumb Lecture Series.
UBC School of Engineering Facilities and
Finance Assistant karen seddon received a
UBC Service Award of Excellence.
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Call 604-822-8386, email: [email protected] to learn more.
Ingenuity_Winter2010_working.indd 16
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
11-01-07 4:42 PM
“Helping people” attracts women
to science and engineering
Across the globe, women make up more than half the
world’s population. And at UBC, women make up just
over half of the undergraduate population.
So why is it that only 18 percent of UBC Engineering
undergraduates are women? And why, after graduation,
do attrition rates for women in engineering and hightechnology careers soar as high as 40 percent?
Mechanical Engineering Professor Elizabeth Croft
has some ideas.
Recently named the NSERC Chair for Women in
Science and Engineering for the British Columbia and
Yukon region, Croft’s focus will be on increasing the
participation of women in science and engineering
and providing role models for women active in and
considering careers in these fields.
In other parts of the world, such as Eastern Europe
and South America, women represent roughly 50 percent of the student body in these fields. To start, says
Croft, North American institutions need to address
and change young women’s perceptions that it’s not
“normal or cool” to study engineering.
Croft also acknowledges differences in how young
men and women approach career choices. For example,
women are typically drawn to what they perceive as
“helping” professions. To many young women,
engineering doesn’t obviously fit into that category,
observes Croft, despite the fact that engineers envision,
design and build the medical, environmental and
consumer technologies that help people live healthier,
greener and more connected lives.
Croft integrates community-service learning in curricula so students immediately recognize via hands-on
experience how their skills and knowledge benefit
others. This fall, 130 students earned credits while
working on community and industry projects. The
experience connects what students learn in the classroom with the impact it makes on their community.
“There is great demand for highly trained scientists
and engineers to sustain economic development, and
we need to attract and foster a diverse talent pool
with a global perspective,” says Croft. “We cannot
truly succeed as a profession—and, ultimately, a society—if we do not have the opportunity to attract and
retain the brightest minds, male or female.”
To support workplace change, Croft is partnering with
industry and existing networks for women in science
and technology. She aims to help the traditional technical workplace find ways to accommodate the nonlinear
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trajectory for employees who may need flexibility
to raise families, care for aging parents or nurture
personal growth.
“This may end up benefiting all workers,” says Croft.
Croft has spearheaded several initiatives to support
women in engineering, including UBC’s Engineering’s
Mentoring (formerly Tri-mentoring) Program, which
connects students with engineering professionals,
provides a sense of community and support and can
help reduce feelings of isolation while increasing
self-confidence. She also co-founded UBC’s Women
in Engineering program, which organizes speakers,
brown-bag socials and a retreat.
“Gender or ethnicity should not inhibit people from
pursuing a career in which they can truly make a
difference in our world,” says Dean Tyseer Aboulnasr.
“With NSERC and industry support, coupled with Dr.
Croft’s leadership, we will continue to build an inclusive
and diverse community and work to inspire a new
generation of professionals. Our future depends upon
engineers and scientists who will develop the technology
necessary to address the challenges facing us all. It
only makes sense that those engineers and scientists
reflect the diversity of our society,” she says.
NSERC contributed $350,000 in support of the chair
for five years, with industry sponsors contributing
matching funds.
Lead sponsors include BC Hydro, Dr. Ken Spencer
(BASc ’67, PhD ’72), WorleyParsons Canada Ltd.,
Teck Resources Limited., Stantec Consulting, and
Henry F. Man (BASc ’83). Contributing sponsors are
Ms. Catherine Roome, Mr. Stanley Cowdell (BASc
’73), the APEGBC Division for Advancement of
Women in Engineering and Geoscience, Nemetz (S/A)
& Associates Ltd., and Glotman Simpson Consulting
Engineers. Karen Savage, P.Eng (BASc ’86), and
Golder Associates Ltd. have also supported the chair.
11-01-07 4:42 PM
our people
The Lone Flower:
rona alexandra hatt Wallis
(BaSc ’22), 1901–1982
In 1922, Rona Hatt graduated from UBC with a degree
in chemical engineering and became the first woman
to graduate from the Faculty of Applied Science.
The youngest of 12 siblings, she was the only one
to attend university. When she began her studies in
1917 at age 15, UBC’s enrollment was just over 350
students; tuition for the year was $18.
Although her original career choice was nursing,
that option was not available at UBC at the time. Hatt
enjoyed chemistry during the common first-year of
study at UBC, and a friend suggested that she enroll
in chemical engineering. Her friend and three other
young women planned to enroll in the same program,
but when she returned to UBC the following fall, Hatt
discovered she was the only woman registered in
chemical engineering.
Despite having been raised with five brothers, Hatt
admitted that she was intimidated by all the men surrounding her. Often treating her as a little sister, her classmates played tricks on her during her first year out of
jealousy because she was frequently ahead of them. But
Hatt summoned the courage to continue going to class.
Classmates weren’t the only ones who attempted
to discourage her. One of her professors would say
to her, “Margaret Healey [another woman who had
previously enrolled in engineering] couldn’t do these
courses! What makes you think you can?”
She walked daily each way from her home in
Kitsilano to the UBC buildings near the Vancouver
General Hospital—about five miles round trip—and
attended classes Mondays through Saturdays from
9 a.m. to noon, as well as classes and labs weekdays
from 1 until 5 p.m. or later. Having entered engineering
without the necessary high school prerequisites, such
as woodworking, she had many courses to make up.
Engineering in those years differed vastly from today.
Among the classes and skills Hatt had to master were
courses on coal engines and forging. She shoveled coal
into the boilers along with the men in her class. A 1919
Vancouver Sun article expressed amazement that a
woman could do this.
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Her later years at UBC were easier than her first. In
1919, veterans returned from World War I, and many
joined her class. She took it upon herself to help them
catch up with their coursework, and the gentlemen
formed a protective circle around her. This experience
helped her immensely later in life, when she worked
with World War II veterans at Victoria College.
Helping people was one of Hatt’s passions. Despite
the fact that she felt it was too late to change her
educational path when the School of Nursing opened
at UBC in 1919, she used her knowledge and skills to
nurse neighbors back to health during the 1918 flu
After graduation, Hatt worked in the chemical engineering stores for two years, until she met her future
husband, H. Douglas Wallis, a 1924 UBC chemical
engineering graduate. She continued to use her education in later years working as a substitute teacher
at Victoria High School, marking chemistry exams
and teaching lab courses at Victoria College for a
year or two after World War II. She also marked and
later rewrote the chemistry Grade 12 correspondence
course for BC. And her son John (BA ’55, MA ’63)
noted that she cooked with “more knowledge” than
many others.
Hatt’s legacy lives on as part of UBC. Her determination inspired her children, grandchildren and greatgrand children, and many attended UBC, including her
great-grandson Christopher Wallis (BASc ‘10), who
also graduated from chemical engineering.
The Faculty of Applied Science proudly offers the
Rona A. and H. Douglas Wallis Memorial Scholarship
in Chemical Engineering. This scholarship, endowed
by their son John, provides $1,400 annually to a female
undergraduate student in chemical engineering.
Although it would be 25 years before another woman
graduated from UBC with a degree in engineering,
Rona Alexandra Hatt Wallis’s bravery, commitment
and perseverance paved the way for women in
engineering at UBC.
In her 1922 yearbook, she is named the “lone flower”
in her class—a woman in a field of men.
Source: UBC Library audio file available at www.
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
11-01-07 4:42 PM
oUr PeoPle
Soaring to the summit
When Ossama Hassanein (MASc ’74, MBA ’76) was
a graduate student in electrical and computer engineering at UBC in the 1970s, people weren’t using
the words mentorship and entrepreneurship, but they
were living them.
At UBC, Hassanein was inspired by the accomplished
people around him and by the supportive and egalitarian
environment, where his professor was also his squash
partner and his thesis supervisor became a personal
friend. State-of-the-art computers were available and
accessible. Grants, research assistantships and teaching assistantships ensured the necessary funding to
allow him to focus on his studies.
“As a consequence, I became a free man. I had the
opportunity to be the man I wanted to be, to spread
my wings, to reach higher heights,” said Hassanein.
Hassanein was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt.
He chose UBC for his graduate studies because of its
reputation as a top electrical and computer engineering
school, and because of the comparatively mild climate
and nearby ocean. He completed the requirements for
his master’s and PhD in electrical engineering at UBC,
earned his MBA at UBC and went on to earn a PhD in
business administration at California Coast University.
Early in his career at Bell-Northern Research,
Hassanein was the junior member of a team tasked
with designing a vision for the “office of the future.”
He was offered the opportunity to relocate to Silicon
Valley, where he quickly became familiar with venture
capital and emerging trends. Doors opened. He accepted a job at Berkeley International (a private equity
boutique) in San Francisco. His first investment —
Oracle—was a lucky one. The same year Oracle
went public (1986), his company listed on the
London Stock Exchange.
“My first experience was exceptionally rewarding,”
said Hassanein. “It’s nice not to bump against the wall
on the first initiative one takes. But let’s not forget,
we’re creatures of opportunities, not their creators.”
In the 1980s, Hassanein led the mezzanine financing
of more than 80 Silicon Valley-based IT companies,
including Oracle, LSI Logic, Linear Technologies and
Cirrus Logic. Their combined market value today
exceeds $140 billion. In the last 20 years, he became
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chairman or co-founder of six leading-edge digital
start-ups in the U.S., U.K. and France whose combined
market value at exits exceeded $2 billion.
Currently, Hassanein spends about half his time
mentoring entrepreneurs. As a charter member of the
C-100, a Silicon Valley-based association dedicated to
mentoring Canadian entrepreneurs and linking them
with angel investors, he helps by improving business
plans and examining challenges businesses face.
Hassanein is also chair of TechWadi, the largest network of Arab American high-technology executives
in Silicon Valley. TechWadi, which means “valley of
technology” in Arabic, brings entrepreneurs from
the Middle East to Silicon Valley for internships on
building successful companies.
“Entrepreneurs need not only an advisor or a consultant, but someone who cares—who engages heart
and mind and money to help them achieve their goals
and their dreams,” said Hassanein.
As UBC launches entrepreneurship@UBC, an initiative to provide capital, mentorship and education to
entrepreneurs, Hassanein calls this the “Golden Age”
when students should take advantage of all the support
on campus. In the university environment, students can
take the time to understand trends and test business
ideas and be inspired by others.
“Build a high-performance team with diversity
embedded,” advises Hassanein. “Focus on crafting
a relevant and sustainable differential advantage or
value proposition.”
Partnerships with industry leaders are essential—
“you can’t do it all alone.”
“Know your customers, and develop a keen understanding of how to best meet their needs,” he continues. “Use or create an effective monetization model.
Change the model if it does not work; persistence
pays when you’re right, not wrong.”
“If you fail, restart. Share the joy, the pain, the spoils.
Spread the wings of passion and compassion. Aim for
the summit,” he says. “You’ll get there eventually.”
11-01-07 4:42 PM
oUr PeoPle
Photo Credit: Martin dee
“With my community network and my electrical
training, I knew I was positioned to bring about
positive change,” he says.
As Mawji cracks the electricity challenge, he finds
obstacles at every stage. For starters, bringing power
to villages scattered off the main grid isn’t costeffective for the national energy provider.
“It’s the classic chicken-and-the-egg conundrum,”
explains Mawji. “Without industry, the demand isn’t
high enough to provide incentive for distribution, but
without power, industry cannot develop.”
With sunshine abundant in eastern Africa, Mawji
proposes conventional low-voltage electricity (230 V)
for rural communities through solar-photovoltaic and
hybrid mini-grid systems. “The technology is quite
simple,” he says.
Community engagement and trust are essential for
implementating the technology. Thanks to his father’s
20 years of experience working in rural areas, Mawji
has an in with villagers. During the summer of 2009, he
proved his rural-electricity concept by supplying key
locations, such as an elementary school, in the village of
Masurura with sample electricity—electricity that could
feasibly be used in homes made of thatch and mud.
But how do you wire a hut made of thatch and mud?
“The structure of most of the homes in the villages
makes it very difficult to wire and connect them to a
mini-grid,” says Mawji. “We intend to use a simple
ready board to solve this problem.”
Naeem Mawji loves to solve problems. A fourth-year
The ready-board technology includes fuses,
chemical engineering student, he’s solving a problem
breakers, sockets and lights in a single unit.
that affects 43 million people in Tanzania.
“Essentially, it’s a light in a box,” explains Mawji.
Roughly 97 percent of rural Tanzania does not have
The self-contained technology bypasses the need
electricity. Without it, people depend on keroseneto wire an incompatible structure.
fueled lamps for lighting. Every day, 75 people die of
Early on, Mawji discovered another challenge: How
respiratory issues, and burns from the lamps cause
do you bring power to the people or know the market
serious problems for people and property.
potential if you don’t know where they are?
“It’s not just a health problem,” says Mawji, a native
Before the summer of 2009, rural Tanzania had not
of Tanzania. “Electricity allows people to store food,
been completely mapped. Because of other pressing
work longer hours and process grains into flour, which
social and political challenges, it simply hadn’t been a
can be sold for more money.”
government priority. Using GPS technology embedded
Mawji—and his company, Carbon X Energy,—aims
in his smartphone, Mawji mapped all of Masurura—
to secure Tanzania’s future by alleviating poverty and
166 homes—in two days. With Google Maps, he geoimproving the quality of life through rural electrification. tagged each home and recorded population data.
Growing up with a father who was a civil engineer,
Along the way, Mawji spoke with villagers about
Mawji became fascinated with engineering early.
the benefits of electricity in terms they could relate
During Grade 11, Mawji joined his uncle’s electrical
to—financial terms. For example, households typically
shop as a technician and became enthralled with solar
have two cell phones—one for each working parent.
technology. In 2006, he received UBC’s International
Most villagers charge their phones every other day,
Leader of Tomorrow Award, a scholarship that recogpaying a small fee of 300 Tanzanian shillings (roughly
nizes international students who demonstrate superior $.21 CAD) per hour. He explained that by using elecacademic achievement and community service.
tricity from solar power to recharge their phones, they
Let there be light
Ingenuity_Winter2010_working.indd 20
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
11-01-07 4:42 PM
oUr PeoPle
would spend a fraction of what they currently pay and
could use the savings to invest in a Coca-Cola refrigerator and sell cold Cokes for profit.
With the distribution challenge solved, how would
people with low and variable incomes pay for electricity?
The solution resides in prepaid energy smartcards.
Like prepaid phone cards, prepaid energy cards
enable villagers to use mobile banking to pay for their
power. Villagers get a prompt on their prepaid meter if
their energy is running low and can use their phone to
buy more power.
But how do you finance the initial investment in
low-income areas and expect it to be sustainable?
For the Masurura project, Mawji secured grants
from the World Bank through the Tanzanian government’s Rural Energy Agency to finance the initial
infrastructure investment.
“The next step is to encourage the local private
sector to invest in the technology,” says Mawji.
“The market will ensure that it works and becomes a
sustainable solution.”
“There’s nothing new about any of the technology we’re using,” says Mawji. “The innovation lies in
bringing together existing technologies and modeling
appropriately to solve a greater challenge.”
Mawji’s next phase focuses on developing a biomass
reactor for energy. Combining solar and biomass
would be ideal for both day and night energy needs,
he explains. He’s currently working on a feasibility
study and economic analysis with six of his classmates;
by April, their design will be complete.
“My goal upon graduation this spring is to take the
biomass power-generator design and build it,” says
Mawji. “For my future, I envision engineering help for
self-help solutions.”
If you would like to connect with Mawji to work on
the biomass power generator, contact him via
with files from: UBC Reports, November 2010
“There’s nothing new about
any of the technology…. The
innovation lies in bringing
together existing technologies
and modeling appropriately to
solve a greater challenge.”
Photo CoUrtesY oF naeeM MaWJi
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
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Alumni Updates
This fall we saw foliage, football and friends of UBC
Engineering on campus. Enjoy the highlights of recent
events and mark your calendars for upcoming events!
A Message from the Director of
Development and Alumni Relations
UBC Engineering Alumni Achievement Awards
Do you know a UBC alum who is making a
world of difference? By nominating, you help
acknowledge the contributions alumni are
making. We will proudly announce award
recipients at the upcoming Engineering
Excellence Celebration 2011, to be held on
March 18. Save the date! To nominate a UBC
Engineering alum for one of the three alumni
awards— Lifetime Achievement, Community
Service, Young Alumnus (under 35 years)—
please go to
Have You Got Mail?
I would like to take this opportunity to tell
you about our Engineering Advisory Council
and something wonderful they did for UBC
Engineering this fall. Not all alumni will be
familiar with the council, a group of distinguished representatives from the engineering
profession, industry and government—most
of whom are UBC alumni—who advise the
dean of applied science on the activities of
UBC Engineering, including its academic programs, teaching, research and service. The
dean recently approached the council with
a problem—the government funding was
in place for the NSERC Chair for Women in
Science and Engineering, but the matching
industry funding was lost because of the
economic downturn. Recognizing the value
of the chair to the future of engineering, the
Engineering Advisory Council immediately
sprang into action, raising $270,000 in less
than three weeks and saving the chair.
In this edition of Ingenuity, you will learn
about Mechanical Engineering Professor
Elizabeth Croft’s goals and plans as she
embarks on her new role as NSERC Chair for
Women in Science and Engineering for the
British Columbia and Yukon region. We also
share with you stories of other alumni who are
giving back to UBC Engineering with a vision
Ingenuity_Winter2010_working.indd 22
for the future. Mining Engineering alumni
from the 1970s created the John “Blue”
Evans Student Enrichment Fund as a tribute to their special department head. Jim
McEwen (BASc ’71, PhD ’75) established
the McEwen Family Teacher Recognition
Award to honour high school teachers who
go the extra mile to ensure their students
realize their dreams, despite difficult life
I personally found this edition of
Ingenuity inspirational, and I hope you
do too. There are so many different
ways for alumni to be involved with UBC
Engineering and, through your involvement,
make a difference for the next generation.
Please call us at 604-822-8335 or visit us
online at for more information and inspiration.
Have we got your email address? If not, you
may be missing out on invitations to exciting
opportunities such as class reunions, the
Engineering Excellence Celebration 2011,
public lectures and more. To reduce our environmental impact and save costs, we use email
for many of our invitations and promotions. It
wouldn’t be the same without you, so please
ensure we have your email so you can join us!
Update your contact information at
or email [email protected].
Going green…
The Faculty of Applied Science and UBC
Engineering are dedicated to going
green and becoming more sustainable
in our practices.
If you would like to receive Ingenuity
electronically rather than in print,
please visit:
Andrea Wink, BA (Hon.), CFRE
Development and Alumni Relations
Faculty of Applied Science
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
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F e at U r e
U P d at e s
Event Highlights
JUNe 25, 2010
NOVeMBeR 27, 2010
UBC Mining Engineering alumni who were
mentored by former Department Head John
“Blue” Evans in the 1970s have created a tribute to Blue to celebrate his legacy. A group
of former students, colleagues, friends and
family gathered with Blue and his wife, Alice,
at their care home in Richmond to celebrate
the establishment of the John “Blue” Evans
Student Enrichment Fund. See article on page
15 for details.
The annual Engineering Open House kicked off
with a pancake breakfast hosted by Engineers
Without Borders (EWB). High school students
enjoyed networking with young alumni, who
advised them on everything from Frosh-Week
tips and midterm survival techniques to career
opportunities beyond graduation.
EUs prEsIdENTs lUNchEoN
JUlY 13, 2010
The UBC Engineering Undergraduate Society
was honoured to host the inaugural EUS
Presidents Luncheon. More than a dozen past
presidents and executives from 1952 to 1987
gathered to reconnect, reminisce, and learn
about current student activities. In particular,
attendees learned of the Engineering Student
Centre, a 10,000 square foot building, for
which students will be contributing $2.5 million
through student fees; Applied Science will raise
the remaining $2.5 million through donations.
For more information on the project or future
society events or to view video, photos and the
presentation from the reunion, please visit
cIvl 1949 rEUNIoN
SePTeMBeR 16, 2010
Fifteen members of the Civil Class of 1949 gathered with guests at the Beefeaters Chop House
and Grill in Nanaimo for their annual reunion.
Classmates celebrated their health, their memories of UBC and their growing bursary, which is
now supporting two students just a few months
after its establishment.
kIck-off EvENT
OCTOBeR 21, 2010
The UBC Engineering Mentoring Program
launched its eighth year with its annual KickOff event, bringing over 60 industry and
alumni mentors and 130 undergraduate and
graduate students together as they embarked
on their year of learning from one another. For
more information, visit
BIomEdIcal ENGINEErING: GraNd roUNds
The Biomedical Engineering Grand Rounds
lecture series got off to a great start this year.
Professor Emeritus Charles Lazlo, Electrical
and Computer Engineering, presented
“Perspectives on Biomedical Engineering: Five
Decades and Counting” and celebrated former
program director Dr. Ezra Kwok. Dr. Robin
Coope, Engineering Technology Development
Group Leader at the BC Cancer Agency
Genome Centre, presented “Giving Form to
Ideas: Technology Development at the BC
Cancer Agency and Beyond.”
IcIcs INdUsTrY aNd alUmNI dINNEr
NOVeMBeR 4, 2010
The Institute for Computing, Information and
Cognitive Systems (ICICS) held its annual
industry dinner at the Royal Vancouver Yacht
Club. Director Professor Panos Nasiopoulos
hosted the evening and announced new
partnerships with Telus, KPMG, Intellectual
Ventures and Motion Metrics.
chBE 1960 rEUNIoN
AUGUST 24, 2010
Chemical Class of 1960 celebrated their 50th
anniversary with a tour of the Chemical and
Biological Engineering Building and its modern
facilities, followed by a luncheon. The event
was spearheaded by Class President Ross
Craigie. Many marveled at the changes that
have taken place on campus and in the laboratories and classrooms over the past 50 years,
but everyone was thrilled to see one familiar
entity from 1960: Professor Emeritus Norman
Epstein, who taught engineering fundamentals
in the basement of the old Chemistry building
back in the late 1950s.
NOVeMBeR 17, 2010
INGENUITY Fall 2010 / Winter 2011
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Did you know that global phosphorus
reserves are rapidly dwindling? Professor Don
Mavinic, winner of the Dave Mitchell Award
of Distinction from the Ernest C. Manning
Awards Foundation, addressed this important
issue in his talk, “A Green and Sustainable
Solution to Global Phosphorus Depletion”
highlighting the work of a team of UBC environmental engineers. Over 120 alumni and
guests attended and celebrated Mavinic’s
most recent accolade, the NSERC Synergy
Award for Innovation.
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U p co
co m i n g A lU m n i E v E n ts
JANUARY 22, 2011
The GEOROX Engineering Club will host its
annual dinner for students, alumni, industry and
guests. To reserve your ticket, contact
[email protected].
JANUARY 29, 2011
The Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining
Engineering invites alumni, industry and friends
to join students and faculty at the annual dinner,
which celebrates student achievement and
features a keynote speech from Jim O’Rourke,
CEO of Copper Mountain Mining Corp. Contact
[email protected].
old rEd NEw rEd
FeBRUARY 3, 2011
Ever wonder what the greatest UBC Engineering
prank of all time was? Some claim it’s the Statue
Stunt of 1963! Stephen Whitelaw (AGIE ’65)
and Art Stevenson (CHEM ’66) will tell the
story of the stunt that duped the entire campus
and university art community. We invite ALL
of you to join the current Engineering student
body to make this the largest ORNR ever! Visit
Here’s a snapshot of some upcoming events but there will be more.
Visit our web calendar or subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter at
cElEBraTIoN 2011
U p co
co m i n g E v E n ts
MARCh 18, 2011
clEaN ENErGY rEsEarch cENTrE
sEmINar sErIEs
Committed to making a world of difference, UBC
Engineering is proud to have many alumni, faculty
and students positively impacting the world.
We are honoured to recognize the success
of our community, and we invite you to join
us in doing so at our annual gala. You won’t
want to miss this stellar event! For more
information, visit
MARCh 28, 2011
Join students, faculty and alumni for the 10th
annual Engineering Physics Social Night. Hosted
this year at UBC’s Cecil Green Park House, the
event offers an opportunity to connect with
Fizz colleagues and alumni. Director Dr. Andre
Marziali will share highlights and the latest news
from your UBC Engineering program. Contact
[email protected] for more information.
MARCh 31, 2010, 5:00 TO 9:00PM
During Industry Night, second, third and fourthyear Integrated Engineering students exhibit
their projects to industry judges who engage
students in conversation.
Monthly CERC seminars highlight different
aspects of energy on the supply and demand
sides. Visit:
BIomEdIcal ENGINEErING: GraNd roUNds
sEmINar sErIEs
Monthly seminars showcase various topics in
biomedical engineering. Visit:
cElEBraTE rEsEarch wEEk
MARCh 4–11, 2011
Join UBC Engineering at Celebrate Research
Week, a weeklong showcase of research
excellence across UBC. For details visit:
High school students start your design
engines—we’re looking for students who love
solving math and science problems. You can
even submit a video entry. Visit:
alUmNI wEEkENd
MAY 27-29, 2011
Alumni Weekend, held during spring convocation, is an opportunity for everyone to attend
UBC. UBC Engineering will host its annual
Engineering Reception—all alumni and guests
are invited. To commemorate important
anniversaries, we will take photos of all 10-year
anniversary classes. Calling grads of 1951, 1961,
1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001—join your classmates
for a reunion and a class photo!
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