1918 - UBC Library
1918 - UBC Library
Machine washable since 1918 the 7 Langara says No to Coke by Irfan Dhalla Langara’sStudentUnion vowed to keep corporate influence off its campus last week, passing a motion that blocks the possiblity of a Langara “Coke deal” similar to UBC’s. The motion prohibits the Langara Student Union from entering corporate exclusivity agreements, and even goes a step further by requiring the Student Union to actively campaign against corporate deals. The motion passed by a wide sixteen to fourmargn. A vocal opponent of corporate sponsorship, LSU executive member Isaac Anderton was jubilant after the meeting. Anderton believes agreements like UBC’s Coke deal lead down a slipperyslopeto corporate involvement in curricula. “I think [Corporatedeals] open the door to more corporate influence and power in public education,” said Anderton. “I believe in public education paid for by t a x dollars.” Proponents of corporate sponsorship, likeM U executive member Matt Macrae,view this reasoning as impossibly idealistic. “My personal view is that some sort of deal had to go through.” said Macrae. who voted against the motion. Cola had already approached Macrae says colleges and Langara,butUBC’sAMS President David Borins said he universitiescan’taffordto overlook alternative sources of was sure Coke had. revenue as governments cut Borins also said he’d received education funding. “Down the informationthatCokewas road, we are not going to be fully wooing several eastern Canadian funded by the government, and universities. So far, McGill is the basically we are going to have to only other Canadian university to go to some corporate funding,” have signed an agreement similar he argued. to the AMs-UBC-Coke deal. LSUexecutivemembers McGill’s agreement is withPepsi. Calling the Lanpara motion “a would not confirm that Coca- GUERRILLAGRAFFITIARTISTS stormed the wall in their own anti-commercial way by subverting the wall‘s corporate ads with spray paint sometime before Monday dawn morning. The alte.rations later were whited out by Intramurals. RICHARD LAM PHOTO see the AMS pass a similar initiative. “The best thing the AMs can do is to make a commitment not to let this happen again,” he said. Other community college leaders may not be so quick to reject deals with corporations, however. DouglasCollegeStudent Union Treasurer Diane King says she’s still open to the idea of corporate sponsorship- possibly to help fund construction of a new student building. She’s also open to having businesses influence the curriculum. “I think it’s good to have business involved in education,” she said. “We should be tailoring education to business needs.We do have to be careful, but I do think that [some] influence is good.” UBC propaganda earns low marks from students by Alison Cole and Matt Thompson to get the university’s message out than the twelve to sixteen A recent university public page supplement it had originally relationseffortfailedto acbudgeted for, Crombie said. curately reflect the reality for “We’re trying to impress upon students at UBC, student leaders people why...cutting funding to say. anorganizationlikethisis UBC purchased full two-page harmful, because it limits our advertisements in the Mar 17 ability to do what we’ve been weekend editions of The doinginterms of creating Vancouver Sun and I. The ads employment, turning people out outlined UBC’s contributions to who add to the tax base when the local and provincial economy they get employment,” said and urged public support for theCrombje. university in the face of potential But some students say the funding cuts. university’s public relations tool Media Relations Manager doesn’tpresentthewhole Stephen Crombie says the ads picture. were timed to coincidewith the Alex Usher, director of the provincial government’s anCanadian Alliance of Student nouncement on post-secondary Associations,saysthead’s funding scheduled for Mar 19. comparison of tuition fees in The two ads-which cost UBC Canada to those in the United a total of $ri&OO0- were “a more States isn’t a fair one. cost-efficient and effective way” The ad states that UBC fees are just 5 4 per cent of fees at Tuition fees have gone up Theuniversity’svaunted comparable US schools. three times the rate of inflation “reduction in library costs,” for AccordingtoUsher,the since1980, he notes, and the example, has been achieved average amount of d e b t percentage of university’s largely through reducing the accumulated by students at US operating cost paid by students number of hours libraries are public 4-yearcolleges is $10,400 hasbeenontherisesince available for use to students, Cdn, while Canadian students’ bottoming out in the 1970’s. MacLean says. combined federal and provincial “At the rate tuition fees have H e says UBC could have debt is actually considerably been increasing, we could be found a betteruseforthe higher-between $14,000 and back up to the 1955 level, and I $53,000, especially since the ad $15,000. don’t thinkthere’s much mention was intended to help sway a “So, in fact, students ... are of that [in the advertisements].” decisionthathadprobably indebting themselves a lotmore He also faulted the general already been made. to go to school in Canada than lack of attention paid to If the university is seelung to accessibility. they are in the States,” Usher betteritsimage,MacLean explained. “There’s many, many students argues, it should look atways to The Canadian Federation of who want to attend UBC who are improve university the Students’.Joey Hansen took issue talented and bright enough to experience for students who withthead’sstatementthat attend the university who simply routinely describeUBC as “cold, tuition fees pay for just 16 per financially aren’table to afford to.” bureaucratic and unfriendly” in cent of UBC’s operating Science 1 instructorand student surveys. expenses. He says the statistic graduate student Mark MacLean “If the you want to improve must beviewed in the contextof criticized the ad’s list of the public image,”he said, “start huge increases in costs of living “efficiency measures” as empty with the 35,000 students already and tuition. ‘‘propaganda.’’ here.” -sports ’ Bird Droppings-sports shorts TAX RETURNS $ 1 5.00 DAVIDSON HERITAGE Special offer t o students. your I995 ta return for$ I5.OO.That’s right,just $15.01 GST inclusive.And postagetoo!The cos of getting an education keeps going UF You couldbeoneofourclient tomorrow, so we feel you’ll be bette off with a few extra bucks in yourpocke today. Call 924-0946 o r on Friday March 29tl between 9am and Noon we’ll be in thl Bookstorelobby.Bringallta: information, a check for $15.00 and leavl the rest t o us. Accomodation Available inthe UBC Single Student Residences Rooms are available in the UBC singlt student residences for qualified womer and men applicants. Single and sharec rooms in both roomonly and room anc boardresidence areas are available Vacancies can be rented for immediatc occupancyintheWalterH. Gage Fairview Crescent, Totem Park, Placc Vanier, and Ritsumeikan-UBC Housc Residences. Please contact the UBC Housing Officc lor information onrates and availability The Housing Office is open from 8:30arr . 4:OOpm weekdays, o r call 822-281 i luring office hours. *Availability may be limited for some room twes. 4 creative solution t o child hunger. Canadian Feed the Children needs fundraisers. P/T eve. $7-522 an hr. Call )ohn 488- 1428. Summer Camp Jobs in the U.S.A.. Visas Arranged Lakeside Residential Girls Camp in Maine Service workers. Office, maintenance, kitchen (including assistant chef), laundry, driving. Visas for service jobs restricted to students enrolled in university for fall of ’96. Counselors. Combinedchild care/teaching positions. Some remaining openingsfor skilled gymnasts, tennis players, sailors, artists, crafters.Visas for counselor jobs availabletc all qualified applicants. Non-smokers. June 16 to Aug 2 2 . S e nrde s u m(eC . V . ) : Kippewa, Box 307, Westwood, M a s s a c h u s e t t s 02090-0307 U.S.A.; fax (617) 255-7167. inVancouver a I wk. (June 19-23: eve/weekend intensive course t o certifi you inTESOL (Teacher of English). I ,OOO’! of overseas jobs N O W ! Free info pack (403) 438-5704. KOREA,TAIWAN, JAPAN, HONG Teact K O N GS , INGAPORE. Conversational English year round, shor term or forsummer. U p t o$4500/mo No experience o r qualifications needed For free details on living and workin) conditions and how we can help see http:llasiafacts.kingston.net o r send sel addressed, stamped envelope t:o: Asi; Facts (UBC), PO Box 93, Kingston, O h K7L 4V6. Wordprocessingltyping. 30 year! experience.APA specialist, laser printer student rates.Tel: 228-8346. Save Time and Money! Word processing, typing, resumes, etc 9 Fastturnaround,reasonable Call ICR 682-8905. 2 Athletics Awards performances in the women’s 4xl00m and 4x2OOm freestyle Theathleticsdepartment relays which both shaved more honoured UBC’s top student than five seconds off Canada athletes at their annual awards banquet last Thursday. West records. Swimmer Sarah Evanetz At the CIAU finals, Evanetz received the Marilyn Pomfret had five gold medals and the took the national trophy for the most outstanding T-Birds female athletefor the second year championship. She triumphedin in a row. Lastyear she shared the the l00m and 200m butterfly prize with basketball player Adair events and was a member of Duncan. winning performances in three Evanetzled a powerhouse team relay events. Football women’s team to a Canada West Five T-Bird football players Cross country runner Jeff were selected in the annual CFL title with three gold medals and Schiebler won the Bobby Gaul onesilverinfourindividual draft earlier this month. award for the most outstanding The BC Lions were eager to events. She broke Canada West graduating male athlete. scoop up some local talent, records in the 100m butterfly and Schieblertraveledabroad picking up All-Canadian wide 20Om freestyle events. She also extensivelythisspring as a receiver and place kicker Andrew tookpartintwogoldmedal member of the Canadiannational English. He led the CIAU in t-ack and field team, competing from Japan to South Africa to points scoredlast season and was prepare for the Olympic games second in receiving in the Canada this summer. He is currently the West conference. only Canadian who has met the They also added runningback Brad Yamaoka and offensive Olympic standard in the men’s lineman Bryan Bourne. 10,000m. The Ottawa Rough Riders H e shaved two seconds off his chose Thunderbird speedster and own Canada West record in the All-Canadian receiver Grayson 3000m with a time of 8:09 in Shillingford. He was third in Edmonton last February, winning Canada West in receptions and a gold medal inthe process. total yards receiving. He then broke the CIAU The newly reformed Montreal record at the national chamAlouettes selected quarterback pionships with a time of 7 5 9 in Adrian Rainbow. He led the Windsor. He also won goldin the C a n a d a West conference in 10,000m event in a time which passing with 2310 yards and a SPRINT SWIMMER Sarah Evanetz. was 68 seconds ahead of second place. completion percentage of 64.8. ATHLETICS DEPT. FILE PHOTO CROSS COUNTRY specialist Jeff Schiebler. ATHLETICS DEPT. FILE PHOTO Other awards included the Thunderbird Athlete’s Council leadership awards. Those went to men’s basketball guard Brady Ibbetson and women’s soccer goalkeeper Lisa Archer. STAFF MEETING The Ubyssey IN SUB 241K Wed. March 27 Agenda: chair and minute taker -approval o f t h e agenda -election summer paper board meeting Write, draw or take photos b r the Spoof Issue, it’s so0 easv.Justcome to 241k on Wednesday, March 27 at 1:30 or call Joe at 822-2301. party spoof issue other business t h a t really can’t w a i t t i l n e x t week i s coming. *Professional Resumes* Consultation Layout Design Reasonable Rates 925-2526 theatre Ithe From shows the in WORD PROCESSING Laser printed. Essays, t e r m papers resumes,. Central Kits location. Overnigh1 service available. 739-3729. TYPING Microsoft Word 6.0 or Wordperfect6. I Document & Image Scanning,Fax/Moderr Tel: 92 1-8839. 400 class. All Dorothy Somerset College at 1 :OOprn. I Friday, March 29 Wednesday, April 3 Presented by the Jewish Meet Students Association. Hillel the author at the Vancouver Public Library, House at 7:OOpm. 7:30prn. studio at 12:30prn. March 26-30 I Sin und Zuruck, Rider io the Sea and Mr. Chouflreuri. Old Auditorium at 8 : 0 0 ~ m Monday, April 1 Vancouver Public Library, Gypsy Co. A car pooling assoc. I I 4 I Davie S t We match drivers & passengers for rides across B.C.more secure than hitchhiking cheaper than bus & environmentally wise As driver you make more $ as passenger y o u save t i m e & $$. 683-2409. The :suprn. Constitutional advlsor forthe Bloc Quebkois speaking on “ Q u e b k Politics after the Referendum.” lAW 101 at 12:30~m. social. Lunch SUB 125N. 12:3bm. Discussion group. Grad cerke 7:30prn. penthouse library, 5:30-8:00prn. Tuesday, April 2 Wednesdays Meet the author at the General Vancouver Public Library, 1: 3 0 ~ m . Meetingin SUB 21 1 , 12:30pm. Ubyssey Tuesday, March 26,1996 I news Regina student fasting for Cuba Memorial gets Supercard by Matthew Gourlie The group came up against hundreds of Customs officials, FBI agentsand state police at the US-Mexico border. They immediately boarded the two main trucks and seized all of the computers inside. “They pushed people to the ground andpulled people’s hair,” said Rohatyn,describingthe scene in an interview with the CBC. “They [police officials] choked a guy into unconsciousness. It was quite frightening.” T h e US governmenthas stated that they have detained the ”We willcontinue computersbecausethereis evidence that they have been to fast until “tampered with” since they Washington releases entered the States. US Customs has stated that our medical comthe seals on the boxes had been puters and allows broken and therefore lost their them to reach Cuba.“ “in-transit”status.Becausethe -Brian Rohatyn. computers wereseized in theUS Pastors for Peace they are subject to American laws. “We are now on the fourth Rohatyn has written a letter to week of the Fast for Life and we Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd willcontinuetofastuntil Axworthy aslung for support and Washington releases our medical a meeting to discuss the issue. computers and allows them to Axworthy’s office reiterated the reach Cuba,” said Rohatyn. US position and suggested that the O n January 31, Rohatyn and group should have obtained an three other membersof Pastors for export permit for the slupment. Peace who tried to get the comThe group tried on February puters to Cuba through Mexico. 17 to transport more computers The computers were to be across the same US-Mexican used in Project Informed - a UN border. At the same time, they establishedsystemlinking tried to get more computers in Cuban hospitals with urban America at a Canadian border at clinics and medical schools. The Highgate, Vermont. system ishaving difficultygetting Customs again seized the thetechnologyneededfor computers, about35 at eachsite, startup becauseof a US embargo but allowed 110 boxes of medical on Cuba. supplies into Mexico. They also REGINA (CUP) - A University of Regma student is one of five protestors who has been fasting since February in protest of a United States government decisiontodetainmedical equipment destinedfor Cuba. O n F e b r u a r y 22, U of R student Brian Rohatyn and four o t h e r m e m b e r s of theecumenical group Pastorsfor Peace began aliquid-only fast until over 300 donated medical aid computers destinedfor Cuba are released by theUS government. by Nick Gardner ST. JOHN’S, Nfld. (CUP) Memorial University will soon b e c o m eo n e of fiveNorth American universities to implement the “Supercard,” a combination student ID, library and debit card equipped with a smart chip tostore information. Memorial has already spent about $250,000 on the project and plans to purchase 15,000 of the cards, each imprinted with the university crest. The university will also set up “cash value machines” where students can purchase Supercard credit with cash. Plans are also underway to make campus vending machines, “The Treasury Department seized 3.5 modems, which IJS cafeteriasandfoodoutlets has refusedto meet with us,” said Supercard accessible, and a authorities declared “war Rev. Walker describing negomaterial”. portabledebitunit is also tiations.“Weknowthatthe “It is absurd that they don’t available to allow off-campus properproceduresinvolve recognize computers as vendors andbusinesses to accept humanitarian aid,”said protestor having a meeting, we have the card as well. written to Treasury to request Lisa Valenti. “We have established the such a meeting, and they have platform, and if any groupwants ”It is absurd that refused. We have tried to be to go out, the servicesare there,” they don‘t recognize reasonableandengagein said Carson Leonard of dialogue with them, but they Memorial Student Services. computers as have refused to meet.” “Every student will have one, and humanitarian aid. Theissuebecamemore every faculty and staff will be -Lisa Valenti sensitive after the downing of encouraged toget one. There will protester two American planes overCuba be benefits to them.” passing of the It was on February 22, after and the subsequent The university also is Bill which this second seizure that Rohatyn, Helms-Burton impressedwiththecard’s threatenslawsuitsagainst Valenti,JimClifford,Seya potential “security advantages;” Sangari and the leader of the countries that trade with Cuba. the Supercard could be used as Brian Rohatyn is currently a key-pass to group Rev. Lucius Walker Jr. all university doors, living in atemporary plastic and including residences. began their “Fast for Life”. canvas“chapel”calledthe The technology also allows an Wayside Chapel of Peace and instantaneous cancellationof an Friendship, only 300 meters from I D card to any student barred the Mexican border. from a residence or building. Eventhoughthefastis The university will implement approaching its fourth week, the cards on trial a basis over the Rohatyn says he’s “feeling good, summer and hopes to have the probably too good for someone system fully operational next who hasn’t eaten in weeks.” September. A reminder of continuing struggle by Douglas Quan In 1966, theUnited Nations proclaimedMarch 21 Inter-national Dayfor the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Thirty years later, the day is still being observed as a reminder that the struggle to build a more accepting and inclusive society is far from over. Last week, UBC’s committee fora culturallyinclusive campus organized several events in the SUB to mark the occasion. “Racism is a learned behaviour,”saidHayne Wai, Manager of Policy Development forMulticulturalism BC in a lunch hour discussion. Wai also said that while more people recognize the meaning of racism and its impact, not enough action has been taken to end it. Rather than offering his ownsolutions,however, Wai asked the discussion members how they would respondiftheyfound someone’s remarks to be racially offensive. Tuesday, 26, 1996 TELEREG goes online - by Irfan Dhalla The long busy signals and computerized female voice of TELEREG may soon bea thing of the past, as Internet technology replaces UBC’s much maligned course registration system. w p g y p q ,g Students will be able to regster PANELISTS speak on the Internationk Day for the I niiation of for classes on-line by as early as RICHARD LAM PHOTC Racism next December, according to the “Make the person own it,” student Scott Reeve answeredstudent Susana pointed out that sometimes university’s Student Services office. Cheng. Cheng went on to say a person “doesn’t even Students can already apply shewouldalsoaskthe know” they made an . . for UBC admission over the World Students will also be able to person repeat to the offensive remark. Wide Web, a graphics-based, view courseschedules,grades and Committee member “user-friendly” portion of the awards on-line. Shauna Butterwick says Internet. The university has A U l l B sCt u d e n tcsa n sometimes “we’re afraid to ‘I Racism is a learned already received receive a free Internet account 569 applications make a mistake,”when behaviour.“ on-line-about 100/io of the total. from University Computing confronting someone. Student Services Director -Hayne Wai Services (UCS) by dialing 822Wai commented that the Richard Spencer would llke to see 4477 with their modem, or by Manager of Policy Develop- person who has made the that number increase to 70% over visiting UCS in the basement ment for Multiculturalism BC remark haspower. And the next three to fouryears. of the old Computer Science when that person happens Plans are also underway for a building. commenttoclarifytheir tobeyourbossor a World Wide Web course The UBC Student Services position on it. parent,itisthat much registration system, which may Web Site can be found at http:/ While most students more difficult to confront eventually replace T.ELEREG unixg.ubc.ca:880/lpalmer/ seemed to agree withSusana, them. entirely. ssdoc.htm. ^I , “ Ubyssey The 3 - culture Meet John Alleyne, choreographer and artistic director of Ballet BC by Rachana Raizada Three years ago,John Alleyne, choreographer and artistic director of BalletBC, workedout of a tiny, windowless Gastown office. But, that was then and this is now. Today, Ballet BC’s studios and offices are all housed under one roof at Broadway and Spruce. Ballet BC is in the midst of preparing its tenth anniversary celebration, including a spring program from March28-30, and a gala concluding the Dance Alive season on April 24. Since its first performance in 1986, Ballet BC has managed to build an international reputation foritselfas a small classical company capableof creating and developing its own works and g l e . Its success in recent -years Won’t Stop Ringing when homeowners know what you offer! H icgohm m i s s i o n , Medical(Denta1) plans avail. $100,000 annual. Pager 6459091 or Leave message4390925, J is due to the creativity and vision Since Alleyne held the reins this ages. Surprising as it may be, of Alleyne who has been with the time, he was the one who had to choreographers don’t often get to company for four years. “be more open, to release more see their works. “Mostof the time, Under him, Ballet BC has power to takeit.” you seethem in the premiere and clearly defined its mission to The other new work, Moving I’ve not had the opportunity with “present [the] balletof our time” Day, is by Ballet BC dancer a lot of the works I’ve done here by “commissioning and perCrystal Pite. Asked how much to go back and edit them andget forming a balanced contempsay he had, Alleyne laughs and them tuned up.” oraryrepertoirerootedin exclaims,“None whatsoever!” Alleyne likes the upcoming classicaltechnique,encomThey “each took half of the program because it is all “work passing the best new ballets and company for the two new pieces, of the future” by young Canadian late 20th century classics.” that way we wouldn’t conflict.” choreographers, and Alleyne is To this end, the upcoming Alleyne created another item, currently grapplingwith the task program featurestwo new works. SplitHouseGeometric, in 1990 of facing the future himself. Like One is a collaboration between when he was with the National his new ballet, set in an upsideAlleyne and Peter Bingham, whoBallet. A personal favourite, he downforestwhere“weare is the Artistic Director of EDAM chose it partly because “it was a allowed to dream and anything a n d a pioneer in contact work that I loved so much, I is possible,”Alleyne is hoping improvisation, a style which thought it was important to bring forthebest(“maybe i t has Alleyne believes is “on thecutting the piece into this company.” The something tod o with the coming edge [and] very experimental, work, danced toFratres for piano of the millennium”), buthis feet permeat[ing] itselfright into ballet and violin, “is a splitting of are firmly planted in reality. choreography.” geometric figures within the Looking backon his time with Alleyne concedes that “putting house of the proscenium stage” the company, Alleyne says, “I am together these two completely (the portion of the stage located very proud that people speak different worlds, two completely in front of the curtains). more of the art than they do of different groups of dancers” was “[It was] the first time I really t h e financial problems. This a problematic process, and notes experimented with two things company has somehow been able “it is quite an amazing thing to going on at the same time,” said to create, to allow choreographers ask an artist to gwe up power.” Alleyne.Inthesecondmoveto come in and do somc‘ very ment, two duets are performed unusualworks,andtoallow simultaneously to the same piece dancers to discover their creative of music, providing two different oasis as artists ...I think this is a good time to be a part of this One week entry level intensive interpretations. It will be aninteresting chance company, it’s a really exciting course leading toa certificate to see how well Alleyne’s work time.” in TESL in an integrative I approach. Student centered UBC Film Society course deals specifically with soc/m Check for our flyers how students learn language Mar.27-28 Wed. to Thurs., “Norm” Theatre in SUB in SUB 247. and how instructors can facilitate this learning. 18:OO Bombay ERICKSON COLLEGE 879-5600 4 The Ubyssey Tuesday, March 26,1996 This is to win ur la 996 t t P The hard way. Carefully cut around image of car, then fold tab 'A' into slot 'A' and tab 'B' into slot 'B'. Insert tab 'C' into slot 'C' and tab 'D' into slot 'D'. Fold tab 'E' and Then repeat the same with tabs 'G' through 'J' and finally fold tab 'K' and tab 'Cinto slot 'K' and slot 'C? 'F'. 'Englne, battery. elastic band, and all other forms of propulsion not included. use on dates, i d other essential BS. The easy way. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that everyone could use a set of wheels at school but we'll go you one better. Just fill out, and mail in the ballot below, or call 1 800 228-0559 and you could be the proud owner any of one of six brand new 132 horsepower Neon Ex's. But you have to enter to win. rWin a brand new " " " " " neon@ CITY CODE POSTAL CITY CODE I I I 1 , CHRYSLER k d i CANADA <a to SummerAddress: FIRST Ex. 1 LAST STREET Phone: PROVINCE Fall '96 School: STREET Phone: PROVINCE Graduation 1 1 Current School Attending: GRADUATES! Get on odllitionolS750 [orh Rebole - over ond obove 011 other dirrount offerr - when you purthore the 1996 [hryrler vehicle of your rhoire. I. Contest oppn to 211 residents of Canada o w the age of mapnty who are currentlyattending a poxt-rerondaryeduotlonalinrtltutlon except employees PR domidkd) of Chryslor Canada bmlted. it! dealerr, t h w rripmve adwrtlrlng and promarion agenoer andtheIndependentpdglngorgan~zation 2. TO ENTER Complete anof6aaI entry lorm (orhanddrawnfacrmile)andmall by m ~ d n ~ g hApril t 8. 1996. the ionisit clorlng date. OR call I Boo 118-DI59by mldnight Aprll 8. I996 to enter by phone. k m l t One entv per QNWn. Name: POSTAL date: Official Sponsor of the Canadian Olympic Team 1996 Neon OMR aMRS. O M S I Anticipated date of next car purchase 0 0-3months b 4-6rnonths 0 7-12rnonths a Over 12rnonths Ballots should be mailed to: Chrysler Student Contest, PO. Box 452, Stn A, Windsor, ON N9A 6L7. Ballots must be received no laterthan midnight, April 8, 1996. L Q I I I I I I " " " " , I (and those wlthwhom they ChryrlerItudent Contest P.O. Box 452. Itn A,Windior. ON N9A 617. Entrler must be IeceIved The tontest sponsors will not be ruponrlble for late, lost, iileglble or wrongly addressed mrries. 3 PRIHI: There wlll be IIX NEON EX vehlrler awarded. one In each 01 the lollowing n g m : Bntirh Columbia: Albert6 IarkatrhPwanIManltobr Ontarlo: Quebec Atlantic CanadA Each NEON EX w~llbe equlpped w t h a 101 I N I31 hp IOHC engine. 5 speed manual transmlrnon. Dual air bags. !de door imparl beams, A M f t 4 l itereo UrIene wllb 6 rpeakerr. Rear Tuesday, March 26,1996, The Ubyssey 5 - culture ~ -culture- Buddha on the Road: Vancouver cartoonist‘s next BigThing The heart pounding rhythm of life Stomp! at the Vogue until April 7 by Richelle Rae , with-Upton’s thick inks k d block lettering. T h r o u g h The Home Front, Upton’s compelling diary from December 1990 to _ I - Thoughhedoesn’tagreewithChris,dream?”’ Upton says that Chris is a reflection of a lot of unexpressed frustrations. Wondering what all the noise is about? Itseems as if everyone is rushing to the theatre to find out. Lately, Vancouver has been hit with a barrageof commercials, posters and newspaper ads all singing the praises of this theatrical adventure. So what is Stomp all about? It’s actually hard tosay. It’snot thatStomp defies explanation,it’s just thatit is hard tofind any one verb or adjective that will do justiceto the experience.But I can tell you one thing: Stomp is infectious. Everyone from Letterman to Kathy Lee seems to have fallen in love with this percussion group that has finally pounded its way to Vancouver audiences. In the early 1980s Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicolas began a partnership in a busker band called Pookiesnakenburger. Orignally they had been dragging their instruments and equipment on the tube everyday to their venue in Brighton, England, when they hit on an idea: Wouldn’t it be easier to-make music out of the sounds of everyday life? Cresswell became obsessed with finding and capturing the rhythm of life. With Cresswell’s vision and McNicolas’ choreography they found a way of taking all the ugliness of an urban throwaway society and turning it into music. The partnership grew, and what was once a busking group expanded into a go-minute, eight-person show with no plot or dialogue, just rhythm and sound. They have found a way to make beautiful syncopated music out of the strangest things: brooms, dust pans, match boxes, zippo lighters, oil drums and,yes, the kitchen sink. Stomp’s production at the Vogue totally blew me away with its raw sass and beauty. Stomp is the unexpected.At times it isa remotetribal community reminiscentof Africa or SouthAmerica, and at other timesits angry energy feels thoroughly modern and urban. Each person on stage brings their own unique and individualized character to the performance. I recommend going to see the show whileit’s stillin town. w h o knows? Maybeyou’ll walk away listening for the beautiful rhythm and beat inherent in Granville Street. ”’ Ra&o Free Vestibule Sketches Songsand Shoes Borpo Records T hough students have been assured a tuition f1-eeze for the ‘96-’97school year by their provincial government, the proposed Federal budget cuts to Education. Health and Welfare assure future tuition increases and the inaccessibility o f public education. It’s time Ottawa came back to earth and stopped punishing students for a deficit they didn’t create. Keep the public in education and the pressure on the federal gol’ernment. Join the ‘Earth to Ottawa’ campaign. Pick up your postcards at: - The SUB Concourse (come find our table) - In the A M S Business Office (SUB Km. 266) For more information on campaign the contact: Allison Dunnet Coordinator of External Affairs, A M s SUB Koom 250, Tel:822-2050 [email protected] The AMS employs over 400 students nd pays over $2 million in student wages each year ! ~ 6 by Charlie Cho ow accepting submissions for the 1996/97 gallery space in the A M s Art Gallery in the SUB. Applications are available in SUB Koom 238. Application deadline is Tuesday: April 30th: 1996 .- ” T he A M s Art Gallery is a standing committee of the Student Administrative Commission. It meets for an hour at least once a week. Meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chair. Summer meetings are usually once a month. The A M s is no\\‘ currently accepting applications folthe f o h v i n g executive positions on the M I S Art Gallery Committee: Treasurer CUrdtOICommunications Coordinator ProgramsCoordinator Special Projects Coordinator Members At-Large Full description of each position are available in SUB Room 238. Application deadline is Tuesday, April 30th, 1996. The Ubyssey soundtrack does a considerably better job of fusing the personal stylesof Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez than the movie did. Still, it’s a mixed bag of blues, country, and rock‘n’roll. Personally, I could do without the Vaughan brothers, but ZZ Top’s ‘She’sJust Killing Me’ keeps things lively and Tito &Tarantula arefast becomihg oneof my favorite acts: ‘Angry Cockroaches’ is as good a party tune as you’ll ever hear, and ‘After Dark’ is almost dangerously seductive. The dialoguefeels alittle stale, though. They are neither as intrusive hereas they wereon Desperado, but they are also poor examples of the film’s script (and since when does “Everybody be cool” warrant writing a credit? DidQuentin thmk of that oneon his own’?).The only remotely memorable clip, if only becauseit’s so deliberately offensive, is Cheech Marin’s “pussy” speech-and they hack it in two so they can use it twice on the disc! So ,much for unity. i ’ ’ Resume COPIES 1 o # e a s l A Classic i d L Sale e zndr march 29/96 IE Linen Sandpiper Laser Passport Laser Great selection of colours ( 8 . 5 ~11, single-sided) We are big on Value, QMalii & Service Discover the Friendly Competition! OPEN 7 DAYS A MEEK Mon to Fri 8am - 9pm Sat to Sun loam 6pm - ,. > Tuesday, Various artists - From QuskTill Dawn [Epic] by Peter T. Chattaway In mixing the hip eclecticism and smart-alecky dialogue clips of Pull, Fiction with the Mexican blues of Desperado, this Sketch comedians usually have difficulty writing good, f u ~ y songs, but CBC‘s Radio Free Vestibule has managed to do just that. ‘The GrungeSong’ (appendmg “Weird Al”Yankovic’s ‘Smells Like Nirvana’) demonstrates the predictable structure of unimaginative pop rockers. The cowpokes are getting restless about mass media in ‘The ballad of Marshall McLuhan.’So, the late media guru strolls into town offering insighthke “A theory of cultural changeis impossible without knowledgeof the c h a n p g sense ratioaffected by various externalizations of our senses.” Yee-ha! .The sketches range from the really short gags to the longer narratives. In ‘A.A. on a field trip,’ the hundred bottle beers‘on the wall just stay there. A handful of sketches on this 24-track album stand outas remarkably ingenious. ‘Fro0 Fro0 the talking cat’ introduces a feline who’s sick of being cute and wants to recite dark, brooding poetry. ‘Kevin and God’ has TheAlmighty becoming friends with a moronic geek, eventually going on to do voice-overs for a monster truck ad. ‘Bulbous bouffant,’the best of the bunch, stirs in all the silly sounding words (like galoshes, beluga, and macadamia) in a lnfectious symphony of vowels and consongants. ‘Looking for a job in Quebec’ which features an Anglophone trying to fake his way through a bilingual job interview, will have all Canadians chuckling. For more information, please contact: Ryan Davies Director of Finance SUB 258, Tel: 822-3973 [email protected] N @@ Paul Ramsey, Minister of Education, will be speaking on the future of post-secondary education. Wednesday, March 27, 1996. 12:30 pm. SUB Conversation Pit. Amazing AMS Fact #182: C lub. Budgets for the 1996/97 fiscal year are due by March 31st, 1996. Please see Ryan Dairies. Director of Finance or Cliff Rich, Vice Chair, Finance Commission if your club has any questions 01- need assistance in preparing the budgets. JENN KUO PHOTO March 26,1996 Tuesday, March 26,1996 Ubyssey The 7 U You can’t get a good job without education; butyou can’t afford education without a good job. Until now. The Government of B.C. wants young people to know they have a bright future in British Columbia. That’s why, despite federal cutbacks, we’re making this guarantee to every qualified young student in the province. Education alone isn’t enough. As part of our guarantee, we’re creating jobs for youth, so you can acquire work experience and help earn money for your education. We’ve launched the most comprehensive job creation and skills training program British Columbia has ever seen. Tuition fees are frozen. Unlike some other provinces, where tuition fees are jumping 15% or more, our post-secondary institutions will freeze tuition fees for the coming year. We’re creating a Learning Access Fund of $10 million, to provide access to thousands of spaces at half the regular cost. And we’re increasing Student Financial Assistance for students in need. The Governmentof British Columbia is guaranteeing spaces for B.C. students despitefederal cutbacks. We’ll join with universities, colleges, and other post-secondary institutions to ensure that they operate near or at full capacity to accommodate the optimum number of students. For more information about our Guarantee for Youth, call 1-800-637-5455. Investing In Our Future. BRITISH COLUMBIA 8 Tuesday, A Guarantee For Youth. The Ubyssey March 26,1996 I , U with Kichie Lazarowich (drums)andGrahamEvans (bass) and put out a six-song cassette on their own called we weren’t sure what kind of Huevosaurus. Relentless working motto to adhere to, but crowd it was going to be,” Brent the band tries its best. of the club circuit resultedin their was really debut albumEndrville,which was “Burritos must be the ultimatesaid after the show, “It great because they got intoit.” food,” muses Brent Cooper, released on Seattle’s C/Z They often find themselves quickly adding, “I guess I should Records, and their first singleand say that huevos rancherosis my filed automatically under the video for the song “Cindy With favorite food, butI love burritos. category of surf, because they do An ‘S”’.Their second full-length It’s the only thing that can go not have any vocals, but Brent release, the high-octane romp& insists that his band has a much In!, was putoutin down well at any time of the 1995 on broader range than that. day.” Vancouver’s Mint Records. In a “We like to think of ourselves world full of wailing singersand The three-piece musical as a punk rock band,” he said. distortion-ladenguitarists, DigIn! equivalent to a greasy, gritty, “Just because we’re instrumental mouth-watering Taco Bell is a road-burning, rip-curling everyone calls us surf. If flash of punk rock spitfire; its first special, Huevos Rancheros (a Mexican dishmade of fried eggs) anything, I’d make us a category video was for ‘Gump Worsley’s as a ‘turf‘ band, or something, Lament’ (Worsley being the last was geared up for a brief jaunt because we’re a mix of all kinds goalie to play withouta mask in down the west coast. Sun, surf of stuff, you know, like and, of course, lots of roadside the NHL). rockabilly, blues, rock, garage diners were on the horizon for Lastyear,the trio’s exploits this vocal-less drum-bass-guitar and punk. We take ourinfluences included an invitation to England combo wholucked off their tour from Link Wray and swamprock for a BBC recording session on bands.” in Vancouver last Thursday, luminarv DT Tohn Peel’s radio Los tres huevos banded together show. They never gotto lay eyes opening for The Muffs. six years ago, “out of boredom, on their host, but they enjoyed The large and appreciative really” inCalgary,wherea crowd at the Starfish Room was their stay nonetheless. Well, for “hang-ten!’’ and authentic a pleasant surprisefor the roadthe most part, that is. weary group, who had left their Mexican food are as common as, “The food’s crappy there. base in Calgary that morning and well, surf and sand. Fortunately, driven straightto the venue to do the lack of tangble inspiration did not deter them. Brent, who sound-check. I d d “ I Brent. “But we weren’t loolung for a Graham Jr., or something like that. He fits in really wellso we’ll see what happens.” For now, all they want is for everybody to enjoy life and eat out more often. In other words: buy their CD, sit down with a good burrito, and dig in. Viva Rancheros! ‘ r))i- GY i NI6H”A ’TIL MIDNIGHT! ‘e‘-* Cecil & Ida Green Visiting Professor PAUL FALKOWSKI Senior Scientist. Ocenaographic and Atmosphere Sciences R r o o l < h a w n Yational Laboratory. Lipton. 3 e w York Coral Symbiosis:Why Junk Food Can Be Healthy 12:30 PM Thursday. hlarch 28 i n Biological Scicmces 2000 Vancouver Institute I m - t u r c . Phyloplankton, Oil Futures and Global Climate Change 8:SS PM Saturday. March 30 in Woodward IRC. Hall 2 The Molecular Basis of Photoacclimation in Unicellular Algae 12:30 PSI Mondav. April 1 i n Biological Sciences 2449 The Molecular Basisof Iron Limitationof Phytoplankton Photosynthesis in the Ocean 3:30 pl’r ‘Tuestiav. April 2 i n Biological Sciences 1465 Tuesday, March 26,1996 Ubyssey The 9 -opinion I I ‘ I I Superduper Supercard: Convenience or techno-facism? T he bookyou borrowed is overdue. No problemthe university will directly debit your account. You come home and there’s a message waiting on your message screen-BUY MORE TACO CHIPS. The smart-chip in your Supercard knows it’s been eleven days since you made your last taco chip purchase, and you’ll be requiring some more. After a pre-selected microwaved meal, you’re ready to settle down for a night in front of the television. You swipe your Supercard through the tv’s slot and settle in for a night of programming perfectly pre-selected for you based on your previous info-tainment consumptionhabits. Ahh... life is so much easier with theSupercardo, so much more...convenient. Now if only youcould saveup enough money to have that Superchip0 implanted in your head... “Convenience” is a commodity like any other these twbvssev J J March 26,1996 volume 77 issue 47 days-in fact it’s the commodity. It’s as much an ingredi- money you make, how many photocopies you make, how ent in the products at stores like 7-11 as phosphorous many grunge cd’s/taco-chips/condoms you’re consuming, dextorate and yellow twinkie dye. etc. And oncethey’re used as pass-keys, the cardswill also Conveninent means whatever is handy orwithin easy make it possible for handlers to track your whereabouts. reach. It’s anything that increases comfort or saves work. So what? It’s all pretty mundane information anyTechnology is the great well-spring of convenience, way, right? of course-it’s always allowing usto do things faster, easier, As trivial as it seems, it is in fact precisely the kindof and bigger than we did them before. information our existing economic system is dependent In the interests of assuming a place on the exhilarat- on. Marketing is about predicting consumption patterns, ing “cutting edge” of technology,Memorial University will and the more datathese propagandists have at their dissoon become the latest of five North American universi- posal, the more sophisticated their efforts will become-ties to implement a‘‘Supercard” program, distributing sev- companies crunching numbers and data through endlessly eral thousands of them to students this summer and fall. growing computers in search of the perfect formulas of And while Memorial’s cards won’t be as omniscient as those advertising and manipulationto get you to consume more described in our fictional scenario, (at least not yet, any- and think less. way) they will further a process that is leading tounpardPart of convenience means not having to make leled state and corporate access to individuals’ personal choices-the choices still get made, however,it’s just that information. What you eat, what you read, how much they getmade for you. letters remaining campusforest below 16th Avenue,from Pacific Spirit Park to S.W. Marine Drive.The town plan conceptualizes a The Bank of Canada’s govern- real estate and commercial ing board promises that “today’s development that will dominate most o f the Point Grey joblossesaretomorrow’s growth.” (The Vancouver Sun, peninsula fromUlanca to Wreck Beach. Such a development wdl March 21) The University of British increase air and noise pollution; uproot residential communities; Columbia’s governing body promises that today’s campus send highway corridors across the city; increase tax burdens to landlossesaretomorrow’s “independence.” ( T h e Vancouver Vancouver citizens. This UBC greed for money Canada Post Publications Sales Agreement Number 0732741 Sun, March 21) andpower will cffectivelv As the term neared i t s end, Matt Thompson and Jenn Kuo breathed deep Thesetwonewsstories, exhausted si+ of relief.Wah Kee Ting fmishedhis overdue term papers wliiile appearing simultaneouslyin the flnish a major academic Alaina Bumett copied notes she had missed dunng the term. Scott Hayward institution, for corporate money business press, strain credibility met withhis committee andSarah ODonnell went to a gruelling interview for a summer job.Joe Clark went down to Travel Cuts, wallet bulging with his for even the most gullible o f and free enquiry do not go hard earned editorialmoneand yed for his ticket to Brazil. Idan Dhalla together. The UUC plan is readers, who knows that once and Doug @ a nresearchecr;heir stones, and Ben Koh used up the last devoid o f principle, and fired,workerswillnotbe drops of black ink to draw his last raphic. Alison Cole pondered what she would do on her break, and Richelfe Rae packed up her things to finally go returned to the banks; knows bankrupt of thought. For again, home to Spuzzum. Siobhan Roantree celebrated her final esca e from UBC that once sold, university lands even the most gullible of us and prepred for the trip eastwards. Rachana Raizada skipperfto the beach knows that the elect cannot will never be-returned to the canying two rather pregnant watermelonsand smashed into Andrea Gin who successfully create a market in then started to CIY about her now stained Nettwerk shirt. Peter Chattaway people. researched and plotted his movie schedulefor the summer months while Janet That banks choose money which, eventually, no one will Winters tumed to focus more on family matters. Charlie Cho looked to the have anything to spend. overpeoplewehavefor physics of his future. RichardLam and Federico Barahona planned their sumToday’s losses arc passed on mer internshipsas all star spys for the KGB. centuries stoically accepted as intotomorrow:bankand the misery of mortgages; that Editors: universities choose money over university alike have taught us Coordinating Editor: Siobhan Roantree that lesson. people, we have not come to Copy Editor: Sarah O’Donnell Nancy Horsman News Editor: Matt Thompson accept and we never should. Culture Edftor: PeterT. Chattaway The Point Grey “new town” Sports Editor: Scott Hayward plan orchestrated by the National/Features Editor: Federico Barahona Strangway administration at Production Coordinator: Joe Clark With the ‘God is dead’ theory UBC (see map, f i e Vancouver Photo Coordinatoi: Jenn Kuo Sun,March 21) will destroy the now er...dead I feel it is time to The Ubyssey is a founding member of Canadan University Press. The Ubyssey is published Tuesdays and Fridays by TheUbyssey PuMications Society at the Uniwrsity of British Columbii Editorial opinim expressed are those of the nempaper and not nffxswily those of the university administrationor the Alma Mater Society. Editorial Office: Room241K.Student Union Building, 6138 SUB Blvd.. UBC V6T 121 tel: (604) 822-2301 fax: (604) 822-9279 Business Office: Room 245,Student Union Building business office: (604)822-6681 advertising: (604) 822-1654 Business Manager: Fernie Pereira Advertising Manager:James Rowan Account Executive: Deserie Harrison UBC’s new town a burden Et ! - God is smart advance the ‘God is smart’ theory. Where therewas corn in Egypt God sent the childrenof Israel there but wheplater they were enslaved he sent them out of Egypt. God can figure these things out. In biblical times God told us to be fruitful and multiply. Thus it has been okay to tell people that contraceptive devices are evil, that sex is only permitted under conditions that permit pregnancy, that large families are God’s will, etc. Since these words were recorded In the bible theworld’s population has multipliedby about 100 fold. Environmentaldestruction indicates o u r population is unsustainable. So God is smart enough to change his instructions to now have as few children as we can get along with. This will allow allow the birthrate to be low as the diminisheddeath rate so the population explosion will stop and mankind will have a chance tohave‘corninEgypt’and every where else. This will require conservative religions to change someof their dogma. It will require political leaders like Lucien Bouchard to refrain telling Quebec couples tohavelargefamilies.Such changes may be resisted because they are felt necessary for the survival of the religon or nation. But God is not only smart but forgiving too. He knowswhatmust be done t o save o u r beautiful planet. Ken McLean LElTERS POLICY: Letters to the editor must be under 300 words. ”Perspectives” are opinion pieces over 300 words but under 750 words and are run according to space. ”Freestyles“ are opinion pieceswritten by Ubyssey staff members. Priority will be given to letters and perspectives over freestyles unless the latter is time sensitive. Opinion pieces will not be run unlessthe identity of the writer has been verified. Please include your phone number, student number and signature (not for publication)as well as your year and faculty with all submissions. ID will be checkedwhen submissions are droppedoff at the office ofThe Ubyssey, otherwise verification will be done by phone. Tuesday, 10 Ubyssey The March 26,1996 Tuesday, March The Ubyssey I1 ACADEMIC ADVISING March held Friday 15,1996 Moderator: Maria Klawe, Vice President, Student andkadernic Services Pan& G~aemeWynn,AuoeiPrc~,k-UwofAm, David Holm,. k o c i a P c ~ k d t y O f s c i . ? ~ , Cnrprmw Maggie Hartley, Assistunr ~egisnar. Michael Pitt, h - t e Blair Grabinsky, -, m.~ ~ ~ u r t y ofAgriculmmlSciences,Fran Harrison,~ n c e . M u & i n g ~ c eDan , Worsley, ~rcisfnntDirector, SnuientAuKmlc m e , Lica Chui, v&epRsident.AM$ David Culhane,ArtFStudentseMmr Q A number of students inour ficulty have a concern about the accountabiity foradvising. Students have been givenadvice one year but get different advice the next year. Some have been told that they could graduatebut then find out later theycan’t. Why can’t we have a writtensigned record of whatwe have been told? A The Registrar’s Office staffhave been meeting with the faculties with respectto PACE which is a computerized degree audit system. The faculty providesthe degree requirements and the program tells which requirements have been met. That should make it easier for the advisors and the students to review progress towards a degree. , Science has used the PACE system for three years. It enables us to keep a paper record as well as on-line informationso we can see where a studentis deficient at the endof the term. When students are mising corn, they receive a letter which indicates the deficiencies. We alsousea formsigned by the advisor. Departments also have their own advising systems. Some departments such as Biology hand out written outlines of therequirements. Comment: I’m a 4thyear student in Honours German andhave found their advisors helpful, but I have just realized that thereare two sets of requirementthat I need to graduate. I think students need to make a point of seeing an advisor so they make sure that they have the credits they need to graduate. Q The Arts Advising Office is closed from 12 to 1 but this is the time most students are .available. Two years ago I phoned to ask about alanguage requirement andI was given the wrong information. A Q Many of the students in Arts are confused about the location of the Advising Office. Some of the forms still have the old mom numbers. It’s not always clear where you should go for help. I’ve gone to an advisors office and been rrferredto counselling or to another seMce. By the time you get there it’s dosed. A I hear what you are sayingand I hope that we will be able to improve the hours butwe have a limited number of staff. Phone calls are difficult. When studentscome into theoffice they fill out a form and theadvisors take notes but that doesn’t always happen with phone Calls. The advisors in the Faculties ofArts and Science oftenworktogetherand we havebeen discussingtheideaofputting a FAQ (FrequentlyAsked Questions) document on the internet. In Agricdturd Sciences d first yearstudents are requiredto take an orientation course. We provide information to small groups of students on How to deal with problemsand we let them know about the variousplaces they can get help. We tell them how to drop and add courses and what to do abouttheir course workifthey getsick during the term. It is easierin , Agriculture because we’re a small faculty.We take the position that a student should succeed. It’s important tomakc the students feel that we bel@e themand that we are on theirside. It sounds like the University could do a better job of making it dear what optionsare available and where a student can go for help. The advisors maynot always know the bestroute. I know how frustratingit can be to stand in, a line onlyto be told thatyou arein thewrong place. We do take your commentsseriously. We began this forum with theidea ofmaking positive suggestions for improvement. In A r t s we see three or four thousand students each year. Unfortunately while we are in thebusiness At t k S c h o o l of Human,Kinetics we have of advising, we are also in the $&ness of starie&ork OB a Pr&a& Assistance Guide. enforcing regulations. Students may fed thq;;? ,,, W6Wi+the Cakndar is not always easy have extenuating circumstances but in $@t ’’ . @&aThe d. Guide will go beyondthe Calendar larger scheme of things ye ne,d to tx$ue@ak’~ and will indude frequently asked questions. we are t r e a t i n. .,g , ’ ~ l . ; . b ~ ~ ~ . : e :jq ~ b l yIt. will . be sentto all students before regisuation *, .. . ,* ”_, and we hope itwill decreaseour advising load. . . &&ijspdents’g&nto&e Advising Office whe&Kcy are really upset. A lot ofstudents: BothArts &I Scienceoffermentoring in P;;ts are afraid to ask for advice. I have programs to entering students. Science also directed studentsto the Advisine Office and has a Tdereg % h e that nins over the summer to answzfr student questions. ij < 9 ,,” In Agricultural SciencesI remember onecase where a student w a given an exemption by the advisor but it was an error.We stood behind the advim but pshould.akwys. que&& the. advice you recei- Q ’f,’,man ’ I Q Ifitisafacultymembcrwhamakestheerror - why should &e sardent pay& price? How can we trust anything we are told if the advisors give us the wrong information? A A This appears to be an issue that Senate should consider. There are peoplewith power to grant exemptions but itis hard for a student to know who shouldbear the responsibility ifthe advice has been given by a University employee. A Science hasa peer advisor during thesummer. For the rest of theyear weuse university staff. Q When studentsgo to the Advising Officewith a concern about how they are proceeding in a dass they want to’have their needs addressed. I have found the staff in Arts to be helpful but I think that manyof the concerns that we have, heardtoday are d i d . This is not just about enforcing regulations. ‘InA r t s we do keep a writtenrecord and acopy is available to the student on request. If a written record is in error (e.g. an advisor miscalculates the number of credits) and if a studentappeals,thefacultywould be accountable. We would allow the student to graduate. This practice has been in place for several years. A Q It seems to me that students have to take somk responsibility. The Calendar lays out to the requirements. Perhaps you need encourage more Mty to participate in drop in advising sessions. I think it’s helpful to havefacultyadvisorsfromdifferent departments. AWehave heardconcernsaboutbeing accountable. Bringingin morepeople to offer advice could be a problem. Not all faculty are able to make difficult advising decisions.When we get into gray areaswe need to rely on people with wider knowledge of the issues and precedents. Q Could you explain what the Advising Office does? Where would I get advice on job prospects, or programs I could take after I have finished a degree?. A Most of the advising offices focuson academic advice. There are otheroffices that can help with career information. Career Services in Brock Hall has just hired acareer advisor to help out with these kinds ofquestions. Career Services offersa 50 minute orientation program that provides students with an overview ofthe services which are available. The Student Resources Centre and some of the other Student Services offices in Brock Hall provide counselling and advice on arange of personal issues. Q I’m in Science. I was wondering if the PACE form w libe available on line so students w l i be able to access it. A The Registrar’s Office is working on having PACE availableon the web. It’s hard to talkingeneraltermsabout problems that are specific to an individual. I have empathy both with themembers of the panel and with the speakers. Students are often afraid to come to someone whohas the power to make a decision. They want to help but they also needto apply the rules and defend their decisions to other students. Q I think one of thebest ways for peopleto get career advising isto talk to people in indusq. Q When there is a conflict, is there someone In Computer Science we organized a career who can serve as an intermediary?Perhaps fair but we didn’t get any financial help from someone like an Ombudsman? UBC. I think the University should support these kind ofevents. A We have discussed this issue at the Campus Advisory Board on Student Development (CABSD). UBC has a decentralized advising A The students really deserve credit for organizing model. If advising was more centralized, in the Computer Science fair. The A M s is some respectsit might be easier forstudents, thinking of putting on career a fairand some particularly students infirst year. We would of the clubs organizetheir own events as well. One of thebiggest fairs at UBC is organized be happy to hear your views on this issue. by AISEC. The A M s provides an Ombuds office in SUB. It is now known as the StudentkJniversity It’s good to have the undergraduate societies involved. In some respects faculty specific fairs Affairs Office.We would like more peopleto may be better. You should approach your know about and make use of the service. faculty and ask for support. Thisworked well in Chemistry and the event was a great success. Commrntl I knowhow difficult it is to The A r t s students organized “Beyond the BA.” provide students with the information they It was a big success eventhough Arts is such need. In Student Housing we accommodate a large faculty. approximately25% of the student body and we would be pleased to work withthe fidties The Alumni Association may provide another to putprograms togetherfor ours. This mtght in our way for studentsto get information oncareer enable us to provide gteater consistency choices. They are also workingon a mentoring approach to students. If faculties are interested program thatw theyshouldcontactJaniceRobinson. liinitially involve forty students and ten alumni mentors.We hope that this program wil carry on in theM. +I student Forestry and I want to go into yuman Kinetics but I can’t seem to get anyadvising. Forestry can’t advise me and I dodt think I can talk to an advisor in Human Kinetics because I’m not in the School. I t h i i a centralizedoffice would be a greatidea. I’m an advisor in Human Kinetics and I’m surprised to hear you say that. I meet on a daily basiswith studentswho want to transfer in to the School. We try not to get bogged down with College transfers, but our own students are a priority. Comment: I’m an advisor in A r t s . I think communication is a two way street. I need students to communicate with me so that I can help them.